Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tontas no Van Friday 2/27 Mystery Date Revealed, but Dark Clouds are Gathering

Many of us never get to live the fantasy lives of telenovela characters. Well, after tonight’s show, we might want to give thanks that we don’t have their problems. Things are really starting to fall apart for some of our good characters, and the “bad” ones are really starting to wake up and be their bad selves. Also, I’ve often thought that in this show, no one is completely good or completely bad. But tonight we meet a truly bad character.

First, we revisit Pat thanking Candy, who is “confused” over whether she loves Santiago, for the best day of his life (the camping trip). Later, at the Institute, Candy is staring into space as Marissa brags about the honeymoon. Candy doesn’t want to lie, she can’t get Santi out of her head. As she leaves, Mari threatens Candy under her breath.

And now, to start our fun, we have Santi, half asleep on the couch at work (having missed a lot of sleep for Mari’s midnight munchy madness), being roused by Ed, who reminds Santi it’s not sleepytime, they have to do some operations. When Santi explains about Mari’s sudden cravings (antojos), Ed says it’s a myth, just don’t fall for it. But Santi points out that Ed has never had kids, and when he does, he’ll be pulling out all the stops for them (he says he’ll be doing circo, maroma y teatro, which literally means circus, tightrope and theater, maybe someone can help me with the cultural meaning of this phrase?). Talk turns to Hortensia, and Ed lets it slip that Horti’s got a galan!

We now see Jaime playing the white piano (with John Lennon’s picture on it) for Isabel, playing a little Solamente Una Vez, as she sings along. Enter Donato, with a longing expression on his face (we now know he’s got it bad for Isa). Isa beckons Don over with a playful finger, and Don pictures himself in an elegant suit, extends his arms, and they dance a few bars, with Jaime’s approval, until reality comes back, and Don shyly backs out of the room.

Santi wishes his office door would open and Candy would walk in. This being a novela, she does. It’s not exactly romantic, though. She can’t get him out of her head. Neither can he, he couldn’t sleep the other night because of this. They have to figure out a way to stop thinking of each other. They sit down to contemplate. After a few false starts, Candy has it! When Santi thinks of Candy, just call Marissa and tell her. When Candy thinks of Santi, she’ll just call Marissa and tell her. Great idea, says Santi, and dials Marissa’s number. What are you DOING?! shrieks Candy, as Santi tells Mari on the phone he was thinking of Candy (maybe this wasn’t such a good idea).

Patricio is standing around when energizer bunny Alicia pops in with her usual “Hola, mi amor!”. Pat queries, isn’t she going to scold him? Nope. But he didn’t sleep home last night, doesn’t that bother her? No, should it? Well, Pat says, I spent the night with Chava and Candy. So?, responds Alicia, not taking the bait.

It turns out Marissa isn’t so happy about Santi’s call, and she’s coming to the office right now. Santi tells Candy it was her idea, but Candy protests it was just a metaphor, a figure of speech, she didn’t mean they would REALLY call Marissa, and now Mari will suffer. Santi is defending himself when Marissa bursts in to find out what’s the big idea of telling her this on the phone. Candy thinks the situation is ridiculous and walks out (but doesn’t really leave – she’s lost in thought outside the door). After Marissa reminds Santi instead of thinking of Candy, he should be thinking of the baby, she walks out, and talks to herself in front of the elevator, unaware that Candy can hear. Here’s what she says: “Let’s see who ends up losing, Santiago.” She then looks down at her tummy, which she calls “Gordo”, and tells he baby to be, “Here’s a phrase for tomorrow. He who laughs last laughs best”. As Mari gets in the elevator, Candy can’t believe what she just heard.

It’s time for some comic relief. Zamora and Toño notice a fly buzzing around the restaurant. They start trying to kill it with their cloth napkins, but Zamora seems to be having more fun hitting Toño, pretending the fly was on Toño’s shirt, his head, etc. Meño calls them over to stop the ruckus. He suggests bug spray, and Zamora says when he tries this, he misses (he says no le atino, atinar is to be accurate, or on target). Meño wants them to be quiet about the matter, but when he goes to help a customer, he leans over, and Sven and Ole notice the fly has landed on Meño’s butt. Toño wants to strike with the napkin, but Zamora says let the fly live, at least he’s happy where he is now. Meño tells them to get back to work as they continue to hit each other with the napkins.

Time for another Pat-Alicia confrontation. As usual, Pat is sitting around doing nothing (he’s actually hitting himself in the forehead over and over with a pen, I guess he’s supposed to be thinking) and Alicia bursts into the office, with her “hola”. She tells him she understands why he keeps contemplating things, but she keeps trying to save the relationship, and he isn’t doing his part. Well, Pat doesn’t want to do his part. He wants to be alone, and in this house, he can’t be alone, so he’s leaving. You’re leaving me? asks Ali as her happy face collapses into concern. “I’m going to a hotel”, responds Pat, and after kissing her on the forehead, walks out of the apartment, leaving Alicia standing there, as her gaze drifts over to the safe, which she knows contains some secrets.

Marissa is talking with Candy in Candy’s office for the millionth time, repeating how she can’t understand that they’re friends, partners, but how can Candy be in love with her novio, etc., etc. Candy reassures her yet again, saying Santi’s just a womanizer, Candy’s just another of his attempted conquests, but Mari doesn’t believe this for a second. However, when Candy confesses that she's starting to fall in love with Patricio again, (!) Mari lights up, hugs Candy, and tells her that changes everything!

More one on one (It’s amazing to me how many serious heart to heart conversations these characters have, and most of them take place at work. How do they ever get anything done?) This time it’s Santi and Ed, with Santi pondering the strangeness of Marissa, adding that she was strange to begin with, so maybe it’s nothing new. Besides, Santi has so many problems, maybe he’s just projecting his own concerns onto Marissa. But enough about him, he wants the scoop about Hortensia! Ed says he didn’t recognize the guy, didn’t even see him, but he heard him, and heard Horti call him dear (cariño). Santi doesn’t think this means a thing, anyone can say that, why there have been times when Santi was sitting around thinking, and Horti came into the office, wearing a nice dress, and…. he quickly stops himself from saying more.

Cut to Hortensia’s modest house, as she tells her “mystery date” she has the day off, and can spend it with him. She wants to spend more time with him (his name is Iñaqui, and to answer yesterday’s speculation, he’s not a blow up doll). She tells him he makes her very happy, and we see his smiling face.

Ed’s making fun of Santi, Santi must have thought he had Horti’s affections all to himself, and now there’s competition! Ed says let’s go to the house, and check out the guy. Santi demurs, he can’t invade the private life of his secretary, but then starts wondering what if this guy is taking advantage of her, Hortensia’s no rug to be stepped on! Ed likes this turn of phrase, where did Santi come up with that one? Well, Candy’s column, and (forgetting his previous privacy concerns) now thinks they have to protect poor Horti. Ed advises a phone call first. Santi calls, holding the phone so Ed can hear. Ed helps Santi by writing words on index cards, as Santi stumbles with why he is calling on Horti’s day off. No, it’s not an emergency, he was just curious, umm, she’s not hiding some galan, is she, haha? Of course not, says Horti, are you jealous? She’s just taking care of herself today. Santi doesn’t believe her. Horti says she doesn’t want to be an old maid, and if she got a man, she’d yell it to the four winds! Okay, Santi just wants to make sure she’s not abandoning him, and is coming in to work tomorrow. After hanging up, she tells Iñaqui it was her boss on the phone, but forget that, today she wants to devote herself to Iñaqui. She then gets a wheelchair out of the closet, which may explain why she was massaging the feet of her “mystery date”.

We then have a short scene in the ladies’ room in which Candy is talking to the mirror about Marissa, Lulu overheard, and Candy shares her feelings about the weird things Mari has been saying to her baby.

It’s a bet. Santi bets that Hortensia does not have a lover, Ed bets she does. The stakes? If Santi loses, Ed gets his parking spot. If Ed loses, Santi gets Ed’s collection of pictures and coins of Heidi and Kong Kong (maybe that’s how they say King Kong, who knows what this is, maybe something like film posters, hopefully we’ll find out. Well, then they use the word encuerado, which means naked, so maybe these are some girly pictures).

Close-up of Candy’s magic talisman, in Pat’s fingers, as he flashes back to when he picked it up after Candy had thrown it away. While Pat dreams away, we see Alicia sneaking around, 20 feet behind him. She quietly lifts his suit jacket off a chair, extracts his wallet. What is she looking for? She finds a small white piece of paper in the wallet, removes it, replaces wallet and jacket, and exits, while Pat continues to think about Candy, oblivious.

It’s time to settle that bet. Santi and Ed have driven to Hortensia’s house. It’s nightime, and the first view we have of our sleuths is of their heads peeking out from behind a wall, looking like a pair of kids about to sneak a cigarette in the schoolyard. They dash across the street and hide behind a tree, feeling (and looking) a bit ridiculous. Santi feels a bit “chinche”, which Ed doesn’t totally understand (and neither do I, since it can mean irritating, a pain in the neck, but it can also mean a thumbtack) spying on Horti like this. They both are anticipating winning the bet.

Inside the house, Hortensia encourages Iñaqui to try to stand up from his wheelchair, but he can’t. She tries to get him to try again, telling him he shouldn’t let an accident leave him paralyzed, the therapist said his legs do have strength, he should give it his best shot (echale ganas). The doorbell rings. Hortensia is astonished to see Santiago and Eduardo at her house. They say they were just in the neighborhood (yeah, right), but the guy in the wheelchair recognizes Santi, and then solves our mystery. He’s Hortensia’s brother! Santi has won the bet (but we’ll talk about that later). Santi wonders why Horti never said she had a brother, but Iñaqui told Horti to keep quiet, didn’t want to hurt Horti’s job, knew it was hard to care for a sick person like himself. Santi slaps Ed as if to say you should be ashamed of yourself for what you thought.

Meño asks Candy about the camping trip, admits that Pat asked Meño to help him, and he agreed. Candy can’t understand this, when she thought Meño favored Santi. Well, Meño likes both, and suggests a solution – Candy should let Santi get married, be Santi’s lover, and marry Pat!

Back to Mariloco. Raúl asks if she’s serious about leaving Santi after the wedding. Finger twitching, she affirms it, since he laughed at her, laughed at her love. Then why not just leave now, asks her brother. Nope, they deserve to keep trying (Raúl can’t believe this). Mari asks if Raúl is jealous or envious of Santi. She reminds him that when they were kids, Santi always copied Raúl’s papers, Raúl always got 7’s and Santi always got 10’s. Also, Santi always got the girls. Raúl is a little touchy about this, and when Mari kids him some more, he wants her to leave him alone.

Back at Horti’s, everyone is enjoying Santi’s joke about the bell in his office, how once Santi had a hot chick in the office, wanted to ring the bell, and Horti said, no, no don’t ring it! Why not? Why can’t I ring the bell? Horti frantically pointed out that the girl was the Health Inspector, not a patient! Everyone laughs as Horti notes that that was before Marissa, of course. Santi goodheartedly acknowledges this, and then announces that the real reason he and Ed came to visit Hortensia was to give her some important news. They’re giving her a raise in salary! Hort is truly moved, as Santi goes on to say how much they like Iñaqui, and with two people living in this house, Santi and Ed know there are lots of expenses, and don’t want Hortensia and Iñaqui to have any money problems. Iñaqui wants to give Santi a hug. Santi wants to give HIM a hug, and they all lift Iñaqui out of the wheelchair for the hug, encouraging him to try to stand on his own. Santi says the therapist was right, you can stand, and keep trying, as this happy scene ends.

It’s morning, we’re in the restaurant, and Zamora and Toño have their heads under the table. They explain to Meño they were untangling (desenchuecando) the chair legs. He sends them off to the market as they inform him that a mysterious, mean-looking (malencarado) young man is waiting to see him. Meño introduces himself, but the young man won’t shake his hand. He’s Pedro, the son of Juan Alberto (Meño’s former boyfriend and partner). So how is Juan Alberto? My father died, replies Pedro, looking away. Meño is shocked and saddened.

At the Institute, Lulu informs Candy she has a visitor, Patricio. Candy doesn’t want to see him, she feels pressured. Lulu would love this kind of pressure, or maybe pressing against her, from handsome Pat. In fact, if Candy gets Pat to really press against her, she’ll name Candy her sole heir. Candy thinks Lulu is incorrigible, she’ll never change. No, she’ll change, says Lulu, the day she gets Pat in her bed, please make him press against her. So Candy goes to meet with Pat, who requests just 5 minutes to talk. Candy grudgingly grants him 5 minutes, but points out that only 4 minutes are left.

In the restaurant, Meño wants to know if Juan Alberto suffered, telling Pedro they were friends. With a menacing tone, Pedro says he knows exactly who Meño is. He doesn’t want to talk about his father’s death. He came to inform Meño that now Pedro is in charge of all the family properties, including this restaurant, and as of tomorrow, the place is for sale. Does Meño want to buy it? Meño wants to, but doesn’t have the money. Too bad, then, you’ll just have to find another job. Goodbye. Wait, says Meño, I also administer some offices (the Institute!). Fine, do you want to buy them? asks Pedro. Well, the money….. In that case, we’ll sell them too, and all the tenants will have to leave. Mean Pedro leaves, and Meño is devastated. He calls out his dead friend’s name, Alberto, Alberto!

So what can Pat do in 4 minutes? He gives Candy the talisman (which had been given to her and Santi, which she had thrown on the ground). She wants to know where he got it. Well, he found it, not really by accident, but he wants her to have it. He knows what it means, and he wants to be the man of her life. He invites Candy and Chava to a magical day. Candy chuckles, she remembers he had a magical day for her all those years ago. Romantic dinner, moonlight, and it was all ruined! He had set up a table in the woods, candles, red wine, everything was beautiful when she felt a raindrop. He didn’t feel anything. Oh yes, there was another. Two minutes later, it was pouring! And he hadn’t brought an umbrella. With all the magic in the world, Pat couldn’t stop the rain. So forget the magic day, it’s bad luck. Pat won’t give up, says he’ll pick up Candy and Chava for the magic day, and bye! He runs out, Candy chasing after, yelling are you deaf, I said no! Pat kisses a smitten Lulu on the way out, leaving a fuming (but maybe not really) Candy.

Back in Pat and Alicia’s apartment, we find out why Alicia wanted the piece of paper she took from Pat’s wallet. She opens the modern art outer door of the safe, crouches down, and takes the paper from her large handbag. It’s the combination! There are five groups of letters and five groups of numbers on it, I wouldn’t have a clue what to do, but Ali presses a few buttons on the keypad of the safe and it opens right up. After leafing through a few items, while holding the combination in her teeth, she extracts the large manila envelope (which Arturo had given Pat), looks at the papers, and after 2 seconds, thinks to herself “these papers show that Arturo committed fraud, I can use them”. (I must say, if Alicia doesn’t make it with Pat, she definitely could have a second career as a secret agent – move over, James Bond!). She stuffs the envelope in her bag, shuts the safe, and high tails it out of there, as the music pounds with excitement.

Meño is drinking some shots to deaden the pain, and after he tells Zamora he’s in a bad way, Pedro returns. He forgot to leave his card. He tells Meño to let him know when they’ve vacated the premises. Zamora hears this and worriedly asks about it, but Meño says leave us alone. Pedro then gets really brutal. Meño asks if Pedro’s father left Meño a note. Yes, says Pedro, and I burned it. You don’t know how much I hate you, he adds. My father defrauded me, and types like you should…..”Be killed? We should be killed?” interjects Meño. Even killing me won’t make me forget your father. “You disgust me” sneers Pedro. “Let's hope you die!” As he leaves, Meño overthrows a chair and smashes some china.

Our budding secret agent is at the copy store, her copies are ready.

Santi is replaying his own words about Marissa’s strange behavior in his mind, while absentmindedly turning his phone over and over. Is he strange, or is Mari? Little Miss Strange enters, and Santi suggests a talk on the couch. They both sit down, and he asks if she recognizes that she’s been acting a little strangely. She thinks maybe so, but isn’t it normal when he keeps thinking about Candy, etc., etc. He says things happen in life, then they pass. She then coolly tells him things happen which mark you for life, like for example, my child, I’m marked for life. He just wants her to be happy about the pregnancy. Well, don’t worry, she answers. Better yet, occupy yourself (there's a little wordplay on no te preocupes - don't worry and si te ocupas - if you occupy yourself). Stop being a Don Juan, and do worry about me, you, the baby. Deal? Deal, and they shake on it, but he doesn’t look any happier.

Alicia enters the apartment, closes the door quietly, opens the safe (she has the combination memorized now), replaces the envelope, closes the safe and the arty cover to the safe, just as Patricio calls her name, she sits down on the sofa, crosses her legs, tries to look natural, he enters and asks what she’s doing (which is a good question, since never before have we seen her just sitting there). She says she was thinking. He doesn’t buy this, what’s wrong? Well, she answers, you said our relationship was no longer the same, you were leaving the house, but you know what? I’ve thought about it, and I will not give you a divorce. Pat isn’t surprised, he wouldn’t expect differently from her, just one more reason for him to move to a hotel, he only came for his things. As he leaves, she can breathe again, at least she wasn’t discovered.

Speaking of divorce, Mari is again in Candy’s office (does Mari actually do anything in life besides go from office to office bothering people?), asking if Candy is going to divorce Patricio. Candy says no. (I think when Candy was gone, Pat had her declared dead, so they don’t have to divorce). But Candy wants to talk about something else. She can’t be the matron of honor at the wedding (madrina de la boda). Candy says Isabel should be the one. Mari protests, Candy promised at the commitment party, she doesn’t want all of Isabel’s peace and love crap. Then all of a sudden Mari changes her mind, actually it WOULD be a good idea for Isabel to be up there at the altar, Mari doesn’t even want Candy up there, wouldn’t want Candy to be confused. Confused? Sure, just imagine, the padre asks if I accept Santiago as my husband, and you jump out and say “yes”, no you’d better not be anywhere near that altar, you’re right, thanks for the idea, bye! She gets up, laughing weirdly, and Candy, a bit offended by all this says don’t provoke me! Maybe I’ll change my mind and decide to be the madrina and ruin your little joke. You wouldn’t dare! shoots back Marissa. You wouldn’t be capable of that! They glare at each other, and the episode ends.

Next time: The two meanings of esposas


antojos - cravings
circo, maroma y teatro - circus, tightrope (or somersault) and theater (jumping through hoops)
atinar - to be accurate, or on target
chinche - irritating, pain in the neck, also a bedbug
echale ganas - do your best, give it your best shot
desenchuecando - untangling
malencarado - mean looking
madrina de la boda - matron of honor


Friday, February 27, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Thurs., Feb. 26- Santos tells Marisela to grow up; DB gets transferred to the prison in San Fernando; Los Mondragón leave El Miedo

DB thinks about what Santos is asking her and chooses to continue to lie. First she says that she doesn't know this 'El Sapo.' When Santos won't buy that, she pretends to remember that he is a cattleman who bought some cattle from her. They got sick and he blames her for that. Not unreasonably, Santos asks what El Sapo's real name is and where he lives. DB says that she doesn't know or can't remember.

Marisela hesitates outside the door of the police station but finally decides that she can't go in when DB is in there. "It's his problem! (¡Allá él!)" she says, "It's his problem."

Santos asks what kind of woman DB is who can't tell the truth even when she has ended up in prison. Santos begs her to let him help her but DB maintains that she doesn't know anything. "You're lying," says Santos, "You lie and therefore, as your lawyer, I can't defend you. Our love died for this same reason." DB replies that her love hasn't died. Santos says that she never trusted in him. She always thought that he was an idiot that she could deceive until the end. "You killed what we had," Santos tells her. DB repeats that she loves him. Santos says that at base, DB despises him just like she despises all other men. He says she is so sick with hate that she can't even see that he is trying to help her. DB asks him not to say that to her. She says that he is being very cruel to her when the only thing she has done is love him. "And I you," replies Santos, "and for what we had, I wanted to extend my hand to you. I don't believe a single word of what you just told me about this Sapo. So I'm sorry... but I can't help you." He turns and leaves.

El Sapo tells Los Mondragón that he wants them to steal cattle and poison water and generally perpetrate a reign of terror among the cattle owners and especially those that are near Altamira and El Miedo. El Sapo says that he will pay them a lot more than DB did. Here he is offering them large wads of money as an advance.

Cecilia advises Lucía to take better care of herself but she says that it's no big deal. Antonio comes for her and suggests that she go home and rest. She wants to stay with Toñito but Cecilia tells her to go and says that she will bring the baby along later. "If you weren't so young, I would think that you are my mother," Lucía says to Cecilia.

Melquíades tells Eustaquia that he can't hang around doing nothing while his Doña is in prison. Melquíades asks about Los Mondragón. Eustaquia says that they are running around somewhere. "When the cat's away," she reminds him, "the mice will play (..'las ratas andan sueltas haciendo fiesta," literally, "the rats are running loose having a party."). Melquíades says that he doesn't like it. It smells of a betrayal.

They say there is no honor among thieves and certainly there isn't any among lowlives like Los Mondragón. El Sapo tells them that he wants them to kidnap and terrorize people but always leave evidence indicating that DB is responsible. El Sapo says that he doesn't want anyone to know that they are working for him, least of all DB.

Marisela can't understand why Santos would want to help the woman who hurt him so much. Cecilia says that Marisela obviously doesn't know Santos very well - he can't tolerate injustice. Cecilia says that Marisela is consumed with jealousy. Marisela admits it and says that she can't understand Cecilia's idiot nephew. He's driving her crazy. "Welcome to the adult world," replies Cecilia, "Relationships are complicated. Human beings aren't simple and sometime we make decisions that others do not comprehend." Marisela asks what she should do. Cecilia replies that she should let Santos make his own decisions. Marisela says that she has no problem letting Santos make decisions about the hacienda but when it comes to DB, she's going to interfere. Cecilia says that she's acting like a jealous girlfriend. Does that mean that she is or is not one? Marisela says that she doesn't know what her relationship with Santos is. There's a knock at the door and it's Santos. He wants her to come back to Altamira. He says that he doesn't like it when she acts like a spoiled, little girl. Marisela says that she is 19, not 40 and if Santos doesn't like it, he will lose her. "Lose you, lose what?" asks Santos, "A jealous, silly baby that still hasn't grown up?" He says that he doesn't need her to take care of him.

Pajarote says that he enjoys the freedom of the single life. He decides to go see Federica and María Nieves says that he will come along.

In her cell, DB has a dream about being chased by dogs as an adult that morphs into the familiar memory of the rape when she was a girl. She decides that it means that El Sapo is close by.

Los Mondragón weigh the advantages of the money they will get from El Sapo against the chance that he will kill them like he did BP. Melquíades is listening.

After sex, Josefa tells MN that he can't complain, she gave him a nice little discount (rebajita) and she doesn't do that for anyone. Federica and Pajarote emerge from her room and she tells him that she is happy to take care of him any time. She says that she adores his "large attributes." MN and Pajarote tell each other how great being single and going to see prostitutes is but we can see that it's all bluster.

Santos tells Genoveva that he doesn't care if Marisela doesn't want to stay and nurse him. Santos suddenly decides to get up. He says that with all the problems he has, he can't stay in bed.

Pernalete and Mujica nervously approach DB's cell with the guards. Pernalete tells them to take her out and handcuff her. She demands to know where she is going and who has paid him and once again, she says that he will pay with blood.

Santos comes to see Eustaquia. He tells her that he is sure that El Sapo is the person behind all that happened recently including DB's imprisonment, her loss of the hacienda case, the attempt on his life and the death of BP. He begs Eustaquia to tell him who El Sapo is and what is his relationship to DB.

Pernalete, Mujica and Acosta cower behind a fence while a handcuffed DB is being hustled down the street.

DB sees Cecilia and asks her to tell Santos that she is being sent against her will to San Fernando. Antonio advises Cecilia not to tell Santos, he'll just go after DB. Cecilia says that she feels sorry for DB.

Eustaquia tells Santos that if DB wouldn't tell him about El Sapo, she can't. She says that she had hoped that DB's luck had turned when she got involved with Santos. DB was so happy but now it has all been ruined. Santos tries again to get her to tell him about El Sapo so he can help DB but Eustaquia says that she has never betrayed DB and she isn't starting now. Santos gives up and tells Eustaquia not to cry.

Antonio tells Cecilia again that she shouldn't tell Santos about DB's transfer to San Fernando. Cecilia replies that Santos has a right to know. Antonio is concerned that Santos and DB might get together again but Cecilia says that Santos has to make his own decisions. She reminds him that once they hid the truth from Santos about their love. She says that she has never stopped regretting the cowardice that resulted in the loss of their happiness. She says that since then she has stopped being a coward and she thinks that such things shouldn't be kept secret. Reluctantly, Antonio agrees.

MN tells Pajarote that he doesn't want to go from woman to woman without feeling anything in his heart. He says that he wants one woman to love.

Marisela and Genoveva-
G: Marisela, Don Santos really loves you.
M: That's what my Aunt Cecilia says but I don't know if such good fortune is true. He was in love with Luisana and then DB. How can I be sure that what he feels for me is true and will last?
G: Don't think about the past because then you will be paralyzed. If he has declared his love for you, what doubts do you have? Marisela, take advantage of the love you have because there isn't a lot of it around. Don't be silly.
M: Yes, that's true. I am being silly.
She asks Genoveva where she can find Santos.

Cecilia tells Santos about seeing DB being taken to SF. Santos tells Cecilia that this transfer is wrong and he isn't going to permit it. He says that he will go to San Fernando to find out what is going on.

Los Mondragón raid the liquor cabinet on their way out of El Miedo. They push Eustaquia around and tell her that they don't care what DB thinks anymore. She is behind bars and that where's she staying.

Antonio is taking Lucía to San Fernando for some more high-powered medical attention. Lucía tells Don Encarnación that everything will be all right.

Genoveva tells Marisela to go to Santos' room and tell him that she believes him and loves him and then she should give him a kiss on the lips. Marisela tells her that love isn't that way, it comes little by little, it has to be revealed. Genoveva isn't sure about this but Marisela claims more experience since Geno has never had a boyfriend. Marisela then says that she needs an excuse to go looking for Santos.

Santos, meanwhile is packing his stuff up. Cecilia thinks it is crazy that he is going to San Fernando but Santos says that he has to go. The fact that DB has been taken to San Fernando gives him a bad feeling. Santos says that there has been an injustice and he is sure that someone very powerful is behind all this. Cecilia says that he is putting himself in danger since someone already tried to kill him. At this point Nurse Marisela comes in and says that she has come back to take care of Santos. When Santos tells her that he is going to San Fernando to get DB out of jail. Marisela throws her tray of medicines on the floor and leaves.

DB gets locked up in San Fernando. She prays to God for the second time. She says that the first time she prayed for a child and God didn't listen. She asks God to listen this time and do something for her.

Marisela tells Santos that she isn't interested in his reasons. He snares her with pretty words and in the end he always gets what he wants. This time he isn't going to convince her. Santos replies that he doesn't want to convince her of anything.
S: What I want is that for once in your life you try and understand me. Listen to me, please.
M: So talk already.
S: Marisela, I love you! I love you for your intelligence, for your feelings, because you are my sunshine, because we were born for one another. But the woman I need by my side has to be my friend, my companion, my lover and above all, she has to be a full-grown woman and not a silly, scared and jealous little girl. Life isn't easy nor is it black and white. People aren't completely good or bad in everything. There are shades of gray. I am not a perfect man and it has cost me a lot to recognize that because I always thought I was, I don't know, better than everyone else. I was a snob, an idot and weak, very weak. I recognize that I have comitted many mistakes. The woman who is in jail is your mother, Marisela. I know that she has done horrible and unforgiveable things but this time she is the victim. I need you to understand and feel compassion for her.

M: You always defend her and you always attack me. I'm not silly, fearful or jealous

S: Then it's worse. You behave like a silly, scared and spoiled girl. Look Marisela, I am the most mistaken person who has ever lived. I believed that I knew what was good and bad but life has taught me that nothing is absolute. DB, that terrible woman who is in jail, was my woman for a time. But now I love you."
M: It's sick. It's abnormal. It's not right.
S: Perhaps that is true. Many decent people will say that it is wrong for us to love one another because unfortunately that woman is your mother. We can't change that and if that makes me a despicable person in the eyes of others, I don't care. I know who I am and who you are. Marisela, understand, that woman deserves my solidarity. I want to help her. Don't disappoint me now. Continue being my sunshine. You know me better than anyone. You know that I love you and in your heart you know it. You continue to be the good, smart and courageous woman that I fell in love with. Don't have doubt about me. Be my friend, be my love. Believe in me. Please don't disappoint me. Do you understand?
He leaves her standing there thinking about what he has said.
like you say.

Eustaquia tells Melquíades about the departure of Los Mongragón and DB being sent to San Fernando. She says that she has a bad feeling about this and begs him to do something. Melquíades says that he will get DB out of prison even if it costs him his life. Eustaquia tells Melquíades that she has seen DB in some bad times in her life before but yesterday she seemed defeated like someone who is just waiting for the end and that makes Eustaquia very afraid. Melquíades tells her not to worry. While there is a drop of blood in his veins, DB will always be safe.

MN says that he is going to declare his feelings to Altagracia and if she says no, he will take her with him by force. Melesio says that the time has come for them to have a talk.

Marisela is inconsolable and Cecilia, Gervasia and Genoveva try and find out what Santos said to her. Marisela says that the worst thing is that he was completely right in everything he told her. She says that she is stupid. Gervasia says that if it were her, she would run after Santos and go with him wherever he is going. Genoveva and Cecilia agree. Cecilia tells her not to hide her head in the sand like an ostrich (avestruz). They tell her to be with Santos now when he needs her the most.

Melesio tells MN to open his heart to Altagracia and tell her his true feelings. He is sure she will accept him.

Marisela stops Santos' truck and asks to come with him.

The guards tell DB that she has a visitor. She hopes it is Santos but it is El Sapo.


Las Tontas - Thurs 2/26 - Mystery date, are you ready for your mystery date? **

**Are any of you old enough to remember the Mystery Date game from the 60's? It was just one of the many tortures we girls were forced to endure from that era.

Ah well, enough reminiscing from the good old days of Mystery Date and Suzie Homemaker, our characters have their own problems to deal with...

Alicia asks Pato "Why are you with me?" He tells her the truth, he doesn't know. They made a big mistake but she was there for him when he was alone, so basically he owes her. She tells him he's afraid to be alone, he'd crumble. "And you would crumble (desmoronar) if I left you," he retorts. "No, I would die because I love you," she concludes, leaving him speechless.

Donato sneaks into the bridal chamber and replaces some photo with another. Who are these guys? OK, turns out he's removed a pic of Jaime's favorite futballer Omar Bravo and replaced it with Bruno Marioni. He proudly tells Santiago, snicker snicker.

Jaime complains to Isa about this. Seems stupid to me but it's a big deal to him. She thinks it's stupid too; is Bruno Marioni one of his sons, or an Italian scientist? Santi joins in and gets blamed. Donato finally fesses up. I can't believe I wasted time recapping this scene. Isa sighs that men are boys in long pants.

Candy and Chava roast marshmallows and tell scary stories under the perpetual half moon that always hangs high in the sky. She tells him not to be afraid because their tent is magically anti-fear. He tells her not to be afraid because he'll protect her. I'm surprised Pato's not lurking in the shrubbery. What am I saying? Of course he is, or will be soon.

Donato has a heart to heart with Santi. He's in love but it's an impossible love, she's married. Santi thought he liked Tina? But no, once he's alone Donato takes a small pic of Isa out of his pocket, sighs, and looks toward heaven. Aha! We knew it, right Carlos?

Raul visits Marissa and she bitches why is he always at her place? He's afraid, he doesn't understand how she's going to pay back Santi for all his infidelities. She snarls Santi is about to become one of the most miserable men in the world. No, she's not going to commit suicide, it'll be something much worse than blood. Raul looks creeped out, even more than usual.

Santi goes to the grounded tree house and talks to himself about guess what? If you guess Candy you would be right. Marissa ominously voices over that Santi is living his last days of tranquility and peace, because after the wedding he'll return to see neither her nor his child.

Candy and Chava (wearing some cool Light Vision Goggles) hear a scary noise, is it a beast? Well yes actually, it's Pato come to join the fun. I notice that nobody has instructed Chava you're not supposed to stare at people in the face with a head lamp. Pato brought Chava a gift, a compass (brujula) which excites the hell out of the kid. He also brought a radio set and other outdoorsy stuff. Good job dad. Kid wants dad to sleep with them but dad says he'll sleep outside to protect them. Candy is looking a bit more enamored of her ex.

Lalo is preparing a surprise dinner for his wife but the mood is ruined when the utility man shows up to turn the lights off. Unfortunately Lalo doesn't have his receipt to show the guy. He calls "Hortensita" but she's rather busy, she waves sweetly to a gentleman friend who's in her room. Does Horty have a mystery date? Will he be a dream, or a dud? She tells Lalo she can't bring the receipt over, another day perhaps.

After Chava falls asleep Candy joins Pato by the fire. He says when she left him life ended for him, he was sad and drank a lot blah blah blah and Alicia helped and was... "Sex!" pipes up Candy. Pato can't deny it, but he cried a lot, he missed her a lot. Candy admits she missed him and cried for him too. I think maybe this was their very first mature and honest conversation.

Santi can't sleep and hypes out in his bedroom, listens to music, golfs, looks at his phone, and finally calls Candy. Unfortunately Meño answers, Candy's not there. He advises Santi to just marry Candy once and for all! Greg is giving herself a manicure and makes a sour face. Meño reveals that Pato asked for his help with Candy. That's it, Santi plays hardball by promising to do Meno's eyelids for free. Eyelids and chin, negotiates Meno.

Back to Pato and Candy and back to the same old, when she saw him with Alicia she thought she was going to die but then she discovered she was pregnant with Chava which gave her the will to live. She says she didn't ever try to find Pato because she could live without love but never without dignity. Pato hopes that one day she can learn to trust him again.

Chava wakes up and Candy gives him permission to invite dad to sleep in the tent. Allrighty then.

Santi's phone rings. He answers it without looking, "Hello Marissa, what do you want? Eye tacos? Yes my love, whatever you say my love."

Horti is fawning over her mystery date, taking his shoes off, helping him onto the bed. We see his tennis shoes on the floor but can't make out his face. Ding dong, it's Lalo at the door and he wants his receipt for the utility bill. He peeks into her bedrooom and is very excited to see she's not alone.

Sleepy Santi shows up with the eye tacos but Mari says she already ate cold pizza, he can have the eye tacos. He looks like he's going to hurl and she squeals in evil delight that he is having sympathy nausea. She'd invite him to stay but she knows he likes to have brekkies with his peeps. He can take the eye tacos home for breakfast but he shouldn't eat them cold because they stick to the palate. Santi stumbles out about to puke and sinister music plays as Marissa makes her meanest bulldog face.

Back at camp, Candy spends a restless night moaning "Why Patricio? It could have been so great with you," while Pato mumbles in his sleep. She notes how alike father and son are.

Next morning the half moon is still high in the sky as Chava takes a precarious stroll on the rickety dock while mom and pop doze in blissful ignorance of the danger at hand. We see the dinghy line come loose and the dinghy float away.

It's breakfast time at the big house. Santi is sleepy and Isa scolds him for being Marissa's bitch, she's tired of seeing Marissa abuse him. He falls asleep while she's talking to him.

Candy wakes up and calls for Chava. She sees the rickety dock then the overturned dinghy in the middle of the lake! Pato swims for it, no sign of the boy!

Alicia calls Gregoria to complain that she slept alone thanks to her zorra of a sister. The cell phone pays for Pato's absence by finding itself hurled onto the floor.

Pato's back on shore, he and Candy are going through Chava's bag. Pato thinks to call him on his radio that he conveniently gave to him the night before. Chava answers, whew!! But he's lost. But he has his compass! They help him figure out the direction of the camp. Suddenly, from a dead standstill, Chava trips over the ledge, drops both radio and compass, and ends up hanging onto a tree.

Patricio MacGyver fashions a compass out of a plate of water and a magnetized needle to find the direction. I probably would have figured out the general direction by where the sun rose but what do I know, especially when the half moon always hangs high in the sky.

At last they find Chava squealing and barely able to hold onto the tree. Pato "rappels" 10 feet down a 45 degree slope to rescue his son. With a mighty grunt Pato and Chava climb the rope the difficult 10 feet back up to mama and the reunited family hugs.

Hortencia makes breakfast for her "Precious". We still don't see his face but the back of his head looks a bit young. Is he a boy toy or is he a secret kid? The way these telenovela moms treat their sons it's hard to tell sometimes. To further confuse us she gives him kisses all over his face.

Back at Candy's house Pato kisses Chava goodbye. Candy tells Pato he should know how she feels about Santiago. He asks is she in love? "I'm confused," she answers. He grunts knowingly and thanks her for the great time, the best day of his life. (Uh, Candy, when you want to make a big announcement about how you feel, "I'm confused" is a bit anti-climactic.)

Over at the institute Marissa annoys Candy by blathering about her honeymoon to the Greek Islands and then teasing Candy about being jealous. Candy annoys Marissa by admitting she can't keep her promise, she can't get Santi out of her head. She's not betraying Marissa or trying to take the father away from her kid, but she can't stop thinking about him. (Good topper there Candy.) Marissa is now super annoyed and gets a satanic look on her face as Candy rushes out. "Don't turn me into a witch, Candy, or you'll see the devil," she threatens.

Mañana: Meño's boyfriend's son shows up and says he's not there to discuss the death of his father, he's there to tell Meño his family is going to sell all their Guadalajara property. Yes, all of it!


Thursday, February 26, 2009

MEPS, 7/26 - Barbara Continues Her Black Magic

Ladies and gentlemen, here is chapter 4 of this so far somewhat bland novela. We all know it will get very complicated and that the body count will keep increasing and that our star-crossed would-be lovers will be tortured, etc. Anyway – please, if you have some factual or historical information, please show up and bring it. Photos are even better – I don’t have any.

If anyone knows how to post this to the sidebar, please do so.

We begin with yesterday’s scene in which Lili talks to the cook and tells her she overheard Barbara talking to Artemio Bravo. Barbara calls Lili a drug addict and warns her that she is capable of anything, and if she let’s the cat out of the bag, her son is in danger and that she will be watched night and day. And the rest of the Elisaldes will have the same fate as Montserrat – death. Nobody is find out about Artemio Bravo.

Quarter moon rising and we’re at Monty’s funeral. Soledad comforts the kids, Daddy cries – Barb watches and gives out bad vibes. Meanwhile, Lili is in a straight jacket tied up in a bed somewhere.

We now have a complete change of scene – we’re transported to a gym class and non other than Padre Bosco calls out Ed’s name. They embrace, but the good Padre tells him that his mom won’t be able to visit him as frequently as promised. Boy looks shocked.

Toluca – 1992 – Soledad gives the goodby blessing to Fer – the other kids are all crying. Barb looks so smug as Fernanda is escorted to the plane and dumb daddy looks happy. Now in Madrid – we know that because we hear flamenco music. Looks like a girl’s school – little Ferdanda is on the lawn dreaming of Ed – she dreams him into a real person – he’s supposed to be dreaming of her. They’re co-dreamers.

At her house, Soledad receives letters addressed to Ed from Fer. But she says these letters can’t reach their destination.

Looks like Barb and Daddy got married – I hear wedding music. He looks so happy, and she looks cold and smug. Part 2 of the big plan has succeeded.

At Pueblo – Soledad prays about the situation between the patron and the murderess and her problem with Ed – she has to keep her mouth shut. Sole feels like Barb’s accomplice because she’s kept her mouth shut. And, she accepts whatever punishment the Virgin Mary imposes upon her. She’s at Mary’s mercy.

Soledad looks at the letters again – she has two boxes. One box is marked with “Fernanda” and the other marked “Eduardo”. All these years she has hidden the letters in these boxes.

Harvard - The big boys are practicing football. We know the good looking one is Ed because he has the magic medal. Of course, it’s TMBMOE. Later he’s in church praying. We know that because he’s in church and is moving his lips.

It’s now 2007 and Fernanda is receiving her diploma. Barbara looks disgusted. Fer dedicates her success to her mother and nana Soledad. Soledad is very happy – who is the guy with the scraggly hair. Daddy’s real proud of her – he’s got a job for her in the company as a director in her specialty. It was Barbara’s idea – can you believe it. We know Barb’s older ‘cause her hair is messy. Fernanda can’t wait to get started.

2007 – Eduardo is giving his dissertation? And, he is congratulated – must have been a good one. Ed graduated summa cum laude – redhead Steve, his friend, is ready to party. (Just an aside – Steve was Dr. Brown in Como Agua para chocolate.) But Ed is serious, and he wants to get going. Ed reminisces that the day his mother sent him off he tried to do good. He got a scholarship to Harvard – something his mother deserves – now he can marry Fernanda. The two of them are just a pair of workaholics.

Current time: Fernanda carries on with Margarita about all the things they've seen in the country. Fernanda is wearing a straw hat, boots and jeans and seems to be in charge. She’s just a country girl educated in Spain. She is greeted with respect as she goes in the building. Barbara is talking to mystery man and reports that everything is going as planned – she’s still responsible for destroying the Elisalde family. Damian is part of the plan – he stole Fer’s heart. She says that Fernanda’s spouse is going to be the catalyst the starts the downward spiral of the family.

Fer walks in greeting everyone – and asks for daddy who is in his office. Barbara and Anibal are talking company policy. Anibal is apparently interested in a new plant – Daddy has aged. Fer hugs and kisses everyone. Fer apparently actually likes Barbara. What a fool. Daddy wants a report – Fer tells her how well received they were in the country. The Elisaldes are going to contribute to the growth of a product of their state. Apparently not a money maker, but good press. Daddy – at Barbara’s direction – tells Anibal that Fer is in charge of developing artisan products, etc. Fer claps and hugs daddy.

An aged Sole who is now sick and couphing is walking and comes upon a grown up Jacinto who is on a bike – she keeps on about minding her own business. Sole doesn’t want help from anyone. J tells her that he’s heard from Ed – she reminds him not to talk to her about it. J is exasperated – so am I.

New York – Sinatra introduces us to Ed who keeps saying manana – that finally after 15 years he’s going to return to his country. He remembers his mother’s words and kisses Fer’s medal again. Times have changed mama – he now has a future to offer Fer. Enter Steve who speaks in Spanish and English – Ed tells Steve that he’s going to Mexico tomorrow – Steve gives him his card with his numbers – and says he’d like to meet his mother and girlfriend and not to marry without letting him know and that this gringo wants to be best man at his wedding. Ed says – there’s no other woman for him. Is he in for a surprise.

Fer has lots to do, her secretary is taking many notes. In walks guy with glasses and moustache – I wonder if he breaks phones. He and Fer kiss – they’re planning a wedding – he says that with Barbara’s help everything will turn out great – Fer has some reservations – she seems to be pulling away from Damian – Fer insists she has to solve work-related problems, and he says he’ll go wherever she goes.

Back at the E’s hacienda – Sole is coughing and it is obvio that she is very sick. Sole wants to talk to the patron – but Barbara enters – and puts the kebosh on that. She grabs Soledad and asks why she’s in the hacienda where she’s been forbidden to enter. They talk – Barbara continues the threats – Sole says her son knows nothing Bar threatens him with death. Mom says Ed will never return – is that why she hid the letters. She says she’s all he’s got and if she dies – Bar says everything has to go as is – and she should never come near the Elizalde house. Get lost Sole.

Anibal wants to know what dad thinks of the plan. Enter Bar – son is sad cause Dad doesn’t approve – son is wary of Bar. Daddy has an appointment with the doctor. Bar reminds him about the chemical plant and wedding preps. He’s going to the cardiologist. Looks like dad’s days are numbered. Son wants who know what just happened – she double crossed him. The powerded milk plan is a go???

Fer and Damian caress and look at floral arrangements. The maid tells Jacinto and Margarita that Bar wouldn’t let Sol speak to the patron. They discuss what to do. Margarita is warned not to go help Sole. I think that Sole went to see Padre B to make her final confession and get it off her chest. At the clinic/church Sole and a doctor/nurse – apparently Sole wanted the job of arranging the flowers in the church – but someone else got it – the woman tells her it is out of her hands. She doesn’t want any problems with Dr. Obregon. Sole want to see Lili – the lady is Adolfina – please begs Sole let me say goodbye to her.

Damian and Fer show up at the clinic even though it’s not visiting hours – Meanwhile Sole succeeds in seeing Liliana who is unresponsive and looks like she’s had a lobotomy. Will Sole and Fer run into each other? Break time.

Damian wants to be with Fer – but duty calls and somehow they'll get back the seven days they’ll lose when they’re not together.

Sole comforts Lili and talks to her and calls her Palomita – the day will come when everyone will find out but, who knows what’s going to happen. She coughs – Saying goodbye to life is easy –The painful part is saying goodbye to you. I don’t think I’m going to be able to see you again. A mother always wants to be at her children’s side – this is the way she has suffered – she’s going to leave Ed all alone. The good is that he’s far away – it would be terrible to leave him at the mercy of Barbara, the hyena – the worst is yet to come.

Sole reaches into her bag, pulls out a box – this box contains the secret that she’s known about all their lives. She’s going to hide it because if she dies –if Ed were here he would find it – he would be in danger – she doesn’t want to sentence him to death – so she’s going to leave it here in Lili’s room for her to find. Sole says that God knows that she's tried to save your family. So she hides the secret in the room of someone who is catatonic? She knows of a secret board that lifts up, and puts the box and some chocolates for Lili in the hiding place. Sole tells Lili that If Lili never leaves here it will be because the Elisalde family deserves some other destiny.

Then Sole says, forgive me for not having fought harder against these bad people –for fifteen years they’ve killed my soul – May god have mercy on you (the Elisaldes).

Advances –

Ed at the airport – looking all dapper in sunglasses, neck scarf and jacket while Jacinto looks for him. Anibal and Barbara lock horns – the stage is set and Fer and Ed meet up with each other.


Las Tontas no van 2-25 Wed - An old hubby gets sacked, an ex hubby ain't so bad, a new hubby gets comfy, an unknown hubby leaves, and a cheatn hubby..

.....gets someone else to pay his light bill?????

Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I hoped by including them, I wouldn't have to type as much. Didn't work as well as I hoped to prevent typing, and I wasn't able to get them in the beginning, but hopefully you'll enjoy!

We open with Pato begging Candy for them to be a family. She pauses then holds up three fingers. He thinks maybe 3 more kisses but she gives him three reasons why they can't be a family he already knows them, and so do we. Her sister, his betrayal, yeah yeah, same old stuff. Except, since we're counting, our galan busts out the figure that he's missed 2920 times to make love to her and wants to get time back. Eventually she realizes that's a lot of days since she's done it. Ouch.

So now we are at the appointment with Zam and Sole. Turns out her hubby is willing to give her a voluntary divorce and doesn't want to take away any support. Apparently it's not necessary that Zam goes through this charade of protecting her. I think this bums him out though. of course he loves being needed.

We have another episode with Horty being very fond of her boss, who is telling her he's not there to talk to Candy. She in a red neglige type dress promises to as he wishes. When she finally backs down, he thinks he might actually fall one day for that.
Turns out Donato is calling for some assistance regarding this Jaime situation. Jaime is using his Dad's robe, and his slippers and stuff. Santi says well Mom married him so we have ot get used to it, it's not a big deal. He hangs up and then it dawns on him he better go over there in case his Ma kicks him out because Donato is his main spy!!!

Sole and Zam go to Meno's to slog back some tequilas and have lunch. Sole says they are now friends, in fact she wants to take him out to a nice restaurant now that the divorce will be over to thank him for the favor. Of course he likes this idea.

Mari goes to see Barb who was looking for her. She's heard she's not seeing her therapist anymore. Mari yells at her for pushing her, and this pisses her off, but all Barb was trying to do was motion her to sit down. Seems Mari shows us more and more that she is losing it. Barb thinks something is weird with her, Mari blames it all on hormones and the pregnancy, and they can be buds, but therapy doesn't work for her, so no therapy. Yeah it's hard for it to work when you think you are the greatest thing since sliced bread. Sigh. Barb says fine, but notes this bizarre behavior along with us.

Santi gets shown at home by Donato the horrors that Issy new hubby is inflicting and that maybe they should get him drunk so they can get him out of hte house. Santi manages to calm him down, admiting he's jealous, but this isn't that bad and Donato needs to get over it despite being a good friend of the Dad. Donato agrees maybe he's being immature. Santi says you are only obliged to grow up, not to mature. Donato resigns himself that he's not getting any help here. I suspect this isn't the end of this though.
Zamora is cleaning the windows as punishment for going off with Sole, but he feels it was worth it. Tono razzes him about paying the bill and he agrees there may be a class problem.

Turns out the Abandonados are building a treehouse for Santi's baby. Santi thinks maybe it's 6 or 7 years too early for this, but they remind him how fast time flies. Santi agrees that he will one day tell his kid about the "tios" who made the house for him.

Lulu and Greg fight about Cazuela in the kitchen again. They duel with whisk and wooden spatula. Papa Meno has to come in and break them up. he says if they don't stop acting like kids he'll fire them both. Why are they so competitive anyway?

Candy brings Chava home from soccer and sends him up to a bath.

Donato didn't hear anything Santi said and he goes to the mouth of the wolf and tells Jaime to take off his dead master's robe. Jaime is offended and tells him to quit being rude. Issy eventually has to run interference on them.

A sullen but pretty hot woman shows up seeking help from the institute. Chayo converses with her and describes the problems she has had with her husband.

The little angel is praying for everyone - this was the cutest scene, I tell you she is the best little actress- but she wants to ask her Dad something and doesn't want him to get mad. She wants to be like her Mom and wants him to help her to do it. Hmmm, Santi is impactado but manages to hug her anyway.

Hot woman apparently left, but now runs back screaming she's going to sue them all because now her husband left her and she accuses Chayo for telling her to stand up to him. Barb tells her to calm down and that they need to chat. She nods.

Pato is instructing the "family" how to put up the tent and that it is important to have air in it and then we'll have a bonfire, and...she says he doesn't fit, he's not going. Chava thinks he will fit and he wants him and isn't going without him.

The "parents" argue about this like a couple of kids and it turns out that Pato agrees not to go, so Chava will get to go.

Santi and Mom have a discussion about her living in their house and him essentially suggesting that Jaime lives in another house, because Santi loves her more than anyone. Mom wonders how that will work exactly. She reminds Santi that he loves her like a son would love his Ma and that makes her happy and well Jaime loves her like a man loves his wife, and that makes her happy too. Santi tells her his Dad loved her more than that guy ever could. She’s begins to tell him about how she loved his Dad and still cares for Jaime in a different way when the wicked witch of maternity arrives and interrupts the chat, complaining about gaining another kilo. Wah wah.

Candy meets with a lawyer famous for putting away fraudulent plastic surgeons. Candi wants to know what she knows about the hack doc who killed her sis and learns that he’s had 43 complaints against him. Well she has one more for the ambulance chaser. Lica Beltran learns that Candy writes the Tontas column. She never misses it.

At the institute, the very hot supermodel type named Francis is complaining to Barb how she will die without her husband and loves him so much she prefers mistreatment than to be alone. Barb teaches that is dependence, not love, and it’s a sickness.

Sorry, I just seriously doubt this uberhot woman would be afraid she'd be alone without a husband, but, whatever… a light bulb goes off for Chayo who listens to all this. Yeah Chayo, light that up a little, eh??

Turns out Candy decides to play Erin Brockovich and goes to confront the lawyer representing the evil doc plastico and tries to shame him for representing such a guilty killer. Our defense lawyer is not troubled in the least. He will represent that all these women are defaming his client.

It turns out Barb is able to encourage our angry hottie that she can do without hubby and she gets sucked into all the treatments. We get a montage of everyone working their magic including Meno teaching her to move her hips. Yeah right, like she doesn't know that...

Candy and Santi have a sort of mature conversation and he congratulates her on her article about the plastic surgeon. She notices that he hasn't tried to grope her or anything, so maybe they could actually be friends afterall. He says the day is young, and almost fakes her out, but then confirms that's a joke. He asks her to dinner, but she has a date with little galan.

Horty is flirting with someone on the phone when Lalo comes up and sweet talks her with the help of a little green (or red or blue or other prominent peso color) to pay his electric bill for him, because he's stuck with house chores since Chayo's been working. I'm wondering if his amante works at the power company.....
Candy and Chava show up at Lake Chapala and decide that a very public landing is the perfect place for them to set up their tent, and like those parking spaces in front of buildings, miraculously no one else in the second most populous municipality of Mexico is camping or even lunching around this beach...

Meno and Pato have a heart to heart, Pato saying how much he loves her the same since the first day, but Meno saying yeah she’s not like other girls who are rugs to be stepped on. Pato shows the talisman he found and learns of it's significance from Meno, and why both sides are together.

Meanwhile the two Cs are frolicking on the very wobbly dock, Chava proclaiming he’ll be a sailor someday! Yeah Chava!! My kind of guy…but Candy reminds him he wanted to be a soccer player too.

Ali comes in the office and Pato tells her how well the Ocotlan furniture is selling in Cali. She tells him they have a dinner tonight with his parents. He says… say it with me…not sexy, because he can’t go, y punto. This prompts her to ask why he’s with her. Definitely the next logical question… we are left for tonight with him asking her if she really wants the truth.


Mañana es para Siempre (#3) Wed. 2/26/09 - Call Ibarramedia for a New Death List, Can You Believe We Need It Already?

Review scenes: Eduardo presents the FE heart to Fernandita in the hay loft (sorry no hay but flower petals), Barbara interrupts the world's sweetest kiss, Monserrat (MRat) has another tantrum, Barbara (Baba) gets phone orders from Artemio (Cigarman) to undo or obliterate (deshacer) MRat. Barbara plants more fear in Gonzolo's (Gonzo) head that the escuincle Eduardo is going to corrupt the whole household.

Baba assures the whining MRat they should cut off (cortar de tajo) the bad influence of Soledad on the children. MRat gives Baba the order to fire Soledad as soon as she returns from delivering Eduardo to boarding school.

Jacinto tells a crying Fernanda that Eduardo left her a message. She tells him she is forbidden to go to Soledad's house.

In the school Ed takes out his picture of his late father and young mother in wedding garb. Then reads Gardenia's letter that she will wait for him to grow up and return so they can be novios. He says sorry Gardenia but when I grow up I am going to marry Fernanda. We get the filmy memory of the young lovers swinging in the light. Fernanda, on her bed, writes don't forget our promise (juramento).

Soledad returns alone, enters the kitchen, none of the help will speak to her. Who are you, Soledad asks the new stranger, but Baba, everywhere you want to be, answers she is the new cook. She orders Soledad to her little cottage, they will call her if they need something and then tells the other kitchen help that Soledad is prohibited from entering the kitchen again. Soledad tries again to get to argue her case, but Baba threatens her that if she causes trouble, Eduardo will lose his school position since she is in charge of paying the expenses of the school. When Gonzo appears seeing them unhappy Soledad tells him she was just worried about Eduardo's expenses. Gonzo assures Soledad that Baba will take care of everything. He has complete confidence in Baba as he does in her. When he leaves, Baba says do you have any doubts that your powers have been extinguished here, cook?

Liliana smokes in her room pensively. she goes outside to the balcony and sees Baba in yet another stunning girlie suit coming into the house. She puts out her cigarette and rushes to follow Baba . Lili says I have to know who this viper is talking to. Baba says, I have good news, I have nullified Soledad the cook. what next, Cigarman gruffs, next you have to do away with (deshacer) MRat, we need to make Gonzo a widow (viudo). Lili's windows suddenly open and her papers are making waffling noises, Baba slides upstairs and sees Lili on the floor without alarming her, she goes back down to the phone and says something has complicated things, I will call you later. Lili says to herself, Baba is going to kill my mama. Lili runs to find help, Baba goes to Lili's room to plant some evidence conveniently in her pocket. This little gift is reserved for you. Lili comes to the kitchen looking for her Nana Soledad. Who are you? I am Porfiria, the new cook. The sous-chef says, by orders of the boss (patron) Soledad doesn't work here anymore.

Said MRat, I mean Monserrat, comes looking for Liliana for some unknown reason, she doesn't seem interested in parenting most of the time, bursts into Liliana's room, sees the suspicious white pills, lines of cocaine and cigarettes. Lili comes in what is this, this isn't mine, only the cigarettes but not the other things. Don't touch me says the motherly MRat. This is finished you need to admit you are a drug addict you need to leave this house. Mama you are in danger, you are the only danger yells MRat. [Lili is bien framed!.] The black horse runs with eyes all wild.

Look for my husband, demands hysterical MRat, tell him to come immediately to the house something very serious has occurred. She takes pills, gasps, grabs for her oxygen, finally gets the mask on, cries and lies down while gasping (oh the irony of it all). Sweet Fernanda says she wants to talk to her Mama so she can look for glowworms (luciérnegas), when Baba demands to know what she is doing. She says your mom and Lili are having another argument-discussion don't bother them now, go play. Baba approaches the bedroom.

Soledad approaches the priest, Padre Bosco, who says she should be preparing the supper (merienda) of the Elizades. She is fleeing the Baba and tells him that BG has made a lie out of a child's prank (travesura de la niña) resulting in Eduardo being sent to a boarding school in the capital, and now she has lost her job in the kitchen. Soledad can accept that her child studies far away. But she hates being separated from him. I did it for loyalty to my patron and to be close to these children in my care. Now I cannot even see my darlings. I will take care of my son's school We will be poor together. I will tell the patron.

We see Eduardo smelling the cafeteria food and keeping his face straight, what a lovely boy, no whiner here. Fernanda sees Jacinto and gives him a letter meant for Eduardo.

Baba enters the MRat's chamber and sees the sleeping rat, takes off her mask, MRat jerks awake, then says when my husband comes tell him I must speak with him immediately. Unsuspecting, closes her eyes. Baba applies a satin brocade pillow over MRat's face and holds while the weak woman struggles just for a few seconds then arms fall uselessly on the bed. Baba efficiently removes the brocade pillow, closes MRat's eyes, puts her gold virgin medal back in place, fixes everything neatly, replaces phone in cradle. Smiles at her tidy work.

Liliana crying, knocks on Mom's door. Baba, hides, goes out the other door and Lili enters, sees mom with oxymask on . She knows her mom wants to nap and not hear or see her but she must tell deadmomrat that she heard Baba discuss with some man on the phone that she is going to kill her. She must have put the drugs in her room, I didn't do it. You must believe me, The cigs were mine but not the rest of it, I don't do drugs, Mama. I don't want this woman to do you harm. Baba, who of course has been listening to this tender warning from just outside, runs back in asking what Liliana has done, tries to rouse the Momrat, feels her pulse What did YOU do Liliana, what did you do? Gonzo appears as Baba shrills, your mom is dead. she's dead. Gonzo and Lili look horrified.

Liliana screams, Fernanda hears down in the garden. Lili yells killer, killer (asesino). Gonzo grabs her, Baba says she is very disturbed (alterado), Baba calls emergency or appears to, the children are ordered out. Liliana does get one good hair pulling in yelling killer, killer again. Baba smiles and says it was easier than I imagined. She calls Dr. Obregon, we need your services. Pay strict attention to what I am going to say. Gonzo shakes the bejees out of Liliana , do you know what you are going to do if you don't control yourself. Imagine the trauma for your little brothers and sisters. Gonzo goes gonzo when he sees the cocaine and cigarette evidence, and pills, Yea we will talk later, how I need to worry about your mother, all this will be resolved. But Gonzo locks Lilli in her room and Baba says the ambulance is coming. What happened? says permanently confused looking Gonzo. They had a strong confrontation (enfrentamiento) when Mamarat discovered Lili drugging her self. She got the oxymask on and she went to see her later maybe her heart couldn't stand such a strain. The autopsy that he cause of neath wasn't natural. Gonzo is wretched, starts to collapse on the stairs of death. but Baba strong arms him. Just then Soledad picks the worst moment to come in and tell Gonzo she will take her son out of the fancy school, she will go to the city to find work to be near him and wants a job recommendation. Gonzo repeats what I just said, she chose (escoger) the worst time to come, Momrat just up and died! The children are watchilng tv and wondering what is going on. Fernanda wants then to be concerned about Mama but Camilo plays games and says MRat is always sick. Soledad is praying at the MRat's side. Where is this ambulance, Gonzo what happended he asks Baba.

Liliana and her mother were having an awful row about her drug taking and now MRat is dead. Here comes Dr. Obregon who arrives with proper little black bag and requisite horn-rimmed glasses to emphasize his qualifications.
While he takes MRat's pulse and shakes his head, Gonzo clutches Sole's shoulders for strength, not Baba's, but Baba just rolls her eyes, her moment will come. Let's see: Eduardo has been sent away, Soledad fired and now Monserrat unplugged for good. Good work Baba, Cigarman will be proud.

Jacinto hears that Monserrat is dead (se petateo = kicked the bucket) from Gardenia. Gonzo tells Soledad he is incapable of giving this awful news to his poor children without collapsing (derrumbarse). I beg you, I beg you, he whines, please, they are in the television room. Soledad with sad braids bowed, goes off. Baba watches all, goes too Señor Elizalde, the results of the autopsy show her death was a homicide. [How did this get resolved so quickly in a matter of minutes or at most hours,] She goes on, I know you are really upset it turns out Dr. Obregon is a psychiatrist. He looks like his coat doesn't fit and he looks uncertain of his role, one wonders if he is a doctor at all, but asks where the young woman is. Gonzo takes him to her room. Soledad consoles Fernanda and young boy . She tells them that Lord needed their Mommy but she would never abandon them but she will always belong to you, a mother never abandons her children. Camilo is invited over but screams it is a lie, and he leaves. Lili yells at the Doctor and her father, she doesn't need a docter. Why don't you leave me alone with your daughter. My father doesn't believe me. Your father is very effected by your mothers' death and you need to relax. I have this nice medication for you so you can relax. I didn't kill my mama , it was Baba the assistant . yes i believe you Now get into bed relax rest , relax, rest. Wild eyed black horse runs again.

Gonzo wrings his hands and depends already on Baba for everything, I wish this was a bad dream or a nightmare.(really he said: mal sueño o pesadilla which are pretty much the same thing) She asks the entering doctor to speak with the Gonzo. Your daughter had a psychological breakdown (brote psicologico) from taking too many drugs.

Soledad is calming Lili who says I didn't kill my Mom. Soledad says I'm sure you didn't. Lili continues, I heard someone order Baba to kill Mama. What was his name, Artemio Bravo, which Soledad repeats knowingly. Baba breaks in again, every where you want to be. Soledad yells the story to Baba, but Baba threatens her that she will stay in her house so Baba can watch her night and day, and if she doesn't want to see her son hurt and he better stay in his precious boarding school and if Baba hears that Soledad has revealed anything , Soledad better worry about the same fate as Monserrat suffered happening to her, her snotnosed freak (engendro mucoso) and the Elizade children.

Next Chapter: Oh lucky, lucky Pasofino, you get to describe the appearance of the real Fernando as the grown up Eduardo. Baba keeps busy over the years getting everyone out of her way, threatening the lovely Soledad who doesn't age well while Baba's hairspray keeps everything in place.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Wed. Feb. 25 - Pernalete gets his old job back; DB is arrested and Santos gets a new client

Marisela says that BP was killed by a blowpipe dart just like Orestes Prieto and everyone knows that Melquíades is the only one who knows how to use a blowgun. DB says that anyone can use a blowgun. Once agains she asks if Santos believes her. Carmelito mentions that BP had been beat up before he was killed. In comes Mujica to ask after Santos. DB gets that 'deer in the headlights' look.

El Sapo tells Fausto that he wants the news spread all over town that DB ordered Melquíades to kill BP. Fausto tells his boss what a brilliant strategy that is. He is killing two birds with one stone.

Antonio & Cecilia fall into each other's arms and onto the bed until Cecilia gets control of herself and tells Antonio that he has a wife with a child on the way and she isn't going to get between them. She tells Antonio that he has to leave.

DB tells all those assembled at Altamira that she wouldn't be stupid enough to leave a body lying around where anyone could find it. She says that someone else must be behind all this. She says that that there is no proof against her. She and Melquíades leave Altamira. Marisela says that she is sure that DB is the murderer. Santos replies that they need proof. Santos goes upstairs to rest and Mujica follows him. He tells Santos that he saw DB and Melquíades beating BP up a little while ago. He says that he sure DB is the murderer because she called BP a traitor because he wouldn't tell her about a certain 'Sapo'. DB said that she would kill BP.

DB tells Melquíades that she is sure that El Sapo is behind the attack on Santos and the murder of BP. Melquíades says that BP was working for El Sapo and he deserves what he got. DB agrees but points out that before he died, BP undoubtedly told El Sapo all he knew about DB and her activities. DB says that they have to think carefully about what they are going to do and above all they have to be alert. The bastard won't just sit around.

Santos tells Mujica that in spite of the fact Mujica saw BP with DB and heard her threaten him, he isn't sure that DB killed BP. Mujica asks how much more proof does he need? Santos replies that DB isn't stupid and it would be very stupid to leave the body where anyone could find it. Santos says that he is sure that there is someone else behind all this. "You continue to deny that she killed Balbino?" asks Marisela. "Until I am convinced otherwise," says Santos. "Do what you want, then," says Marisela and leaves.

Antonio tells Lucía that she is pale and has bags under her eyes (ojeras, a new word for me. It's not something they talk about a lot on novelas and certainly a more useful word than, say, 'blowpipe.') Lucía changes the subject and says how worried she was that Santos was standing right next to Santos when he was shot. He urges her to go to bed and he will bring her a sweet roll and some warm milk. She says that he is good to her.

Santos comes to see Marisela because she didn't come and say goodnight to him. He asks why she is so jealous of DB. Marisela denies being jealous but Santos says that every time he mentions her name, Marisela's face changes. "Why can't you understand once and for all that I only love you?" Santos asks her. "Because you don't understand that this can't be," replies Marisela. "You don't want me to love you?" asks Santos. ('¿No quieres que te quiera?' using the verb querer in both of its meanings, to want and to love.) "No," replies Marisela. "You don't want it?" repeats Santos. Marisela, "Yes," says Marisela. "Yes or no?" asks Santos. "Maybe," says Mariela.

Mujica tells Bartolo that DB might have killed BP and arranged for Santos to be shot. He says that she has a long list of killings but she has been smart enough that no one can prove she was involved. "But this time it's different," says Bartolo. Fausto comes in and accuses Mujica of doing nothing about DB's crimes.

Santos says to Marisela that if she thinks about it, she will realize that DB didn't kill BP or try to kill him. "Then who was it?" asks Marisela. Santos says that he doesn't know but he thinks someone is working in the shadows to do a lot of harm to DB. Santos asks Marisela if she understands why he has doubts about whether DB is guilty. Marisela reluctantly says that she understands. Santos says that DB should get the benefit of the doubt until there is an investigation and Mujica gathers the evidence to determine who is behind all this. He asks her again not to be jealous and says that he only loves her. She tells him not to kiss her and he leaves.

Seeing rocky times ahead, Mujica flatters Pernalete into becoming the police chief again. Pernalete tells Federica and Josefa that they can't continue running their whorehouse in his house. When Josefa shows him that in a month, the prostitution business brings in more than Pernalete earned in a year as police chief, he has a change of heart.

Eustaquia brings coffee to DB and finds her fully dressed in bed with her hand on her gun. DB says that she is lost and alone. She says that while she is at El Miedo, her enemies are getting together and that cursed Sapo will win the game. She tells Eustaquia that she doesn't know what to do. She asks Eustaquia to help her. Eustaquia's only advice is to take her money and leave but DB says that she won't escape her destiny without a fight.

Mujica drops the bombshell on the new police chief, Pernalete, that BP has been murdered by a poisoned dart and everyone believes DB is responsible. Mujica suggests that Melquíades be detained.

Marisela yells at Santos for coming down for breakfast. He agrees to go back to his room if Marisela will come and keep him company.

Juan Primito runs in to tell DB that a car from the police station is heading towards El Miedo and it is full of soldiers. DB realizes that the police are coming for Melquíades and she tells him to make himself scarce. He doesn't want to abandon her but she orders him and JP to leave. She says that she can face these imbeciles alone.

Lucía comes to play with Toñito. Cecilia asks where Antonio is and Lucía says that he had to go to San Fernando. Cecilia also notices that Lucía is pale and insists that she go and see Dr. Arias right away.

Marisela tells Genoveva that she is confused. She doesn't know what Santos feels for her or what he feels for DB. Genoveva asks if Marisela continues to be in love with Santos and she replies that she is but she isn't sure whether he has stopped caring about DB. She says that she doesn't know what to believe about whether DB was behind Santos' shooting. She says that she is afraid that someone will try and kill Santos again and this time they won't fail.

Pernalete and his men find DB waiting for them. She notes that he has become police chief again and says that his pack of dogs (jauría) is commanded by a mangy dog (perro sarnoso). She says that Melquíades isn't at El Miedo and Pernalete orders his men to search. DB accuses Pernalete of betraying her. Pernalete says that there has been a crime and he is just following the evidence. BP was killed by a poisoned dart used by Indians and Melquíades is an Indian. DB says that it was some other Indian because Melquíades is innocent. His men tell Pernalete that Melquíades isn't at El Miedo. Pernalete says that DB is hiding him and that is contrary to the law. "In my house and in all of the Arauca," replies DB, "I am the law ('la ley soy yo'). What? Have you forgotten that?" Pernalete says that she will have to come with them to the police station for questioning. "Over my dead body," says DB. Pernalete orders his men to handcuff her and she slaps him and calls him a traitor. "You will pay for this." she says as she is handcuffed. JP runs after the truck as she is driven away.

Genoveva tells Marisela that DB is a plague and should be put away before she causes more damage. Marisela says that the worst thing is that Santos always defends her. Genoveva says that is why she won't fall in love with anyone. Love is too complicated. Marisela says that she can tell from Genoveva's face that she is crazy about Pajarote. Geno denies it and leaves in a huff. Marisela admits that she is crazy for Santos.

JP comes to Santos' window to tell him that DB has been arrested. Santos tells him to go home. He will take care of it. He tells Marisela that he intends to go see DB.

Dr. Arias tells Cecilia that Lucía has very high blood pressure and it may be eclampsia, a serious condition that could result in the rupture of an artery that could be fatal for her and the baby.

Santos tells Marisela that DB needs him and he is going to help her as a lawyer because he is sure that she didn't have anything to do with the murder of BP. When he leaves, Marisela says to herself that he is defending DB because he loves her. She says that if he is going after her, she will leave Altamira because he doesn't need her anymore.

Mujica tells Bartolo that he will return to his job as Pernalete's secretary and Bartolo can be his secretary. Bartolo doesn't think that a job as secretary to the secretary sounds very good. Mujica says that he can return to being an unemployed professional if he wants to.

Tigre tells Leon that DB was the one who protected them. If she is in jail, how are they going to live? Everyone in Progress hates them. Leon replies that it might be time for them to leave because their business with DB is ruined. Fausto tells them that their business in Progress could continue when they are ready to change bosses.

Pernalete tells DB that based on accusations received, she is being charged with first degree murder. At this moment, Santos comes in saying to Pernalete that DB isn't responsible for the murder of BP and that he, more than anyone, knows that. Pernalete says that he has an creditable accusation and he has no choice under the law than to act on it. Santos asks who made the accusation and Pernalete says that it was an influential person named Fidel Castell. Santos asks to speak alone with DB. Pernalete agrees reluctantly.

Marisela comes looking for Cecila at the house but Casilda says that she is at Dr. Arias' office.

Pernalete tells Mujica that because of him and this Fidel Castell, he has big problems with DB. She is in jail and Melquíades is at large with his blowpipe. "Hazards of the job ('gajes del oficio')," says Mjuica with no sympathy, "Hazards of the job!" Pernalete orders Mujica to send a telegram to San Fernando telling the authorities in the Capital to take charge of his case. He says that if this Fidel Castell wants to ruin DB, he can do it himself. Pernalete says that he is washing his hands of the matter.

DB thanks Santos and says, "You realized that you still love me?" Santos says that he is only here because he wants justice. Santos says that he believes that she didn't kill BP but he needs to know why she and Melquíades beat him up so badly.

Mujica is telling himself that he doubts that Pernalete's telegram will save him from DB's vengeance when he runs into Marisela. He tells her that Santos is in the police station as DB's lawyer in the the BP case.

Fausto brings Los Mondragon to see El Sapo. El Sapo says that they are here because they don't want to run the same risk as BP.

DB tells Santos that BP was involved with the people who tried to kill Santos and are trying to harm her. She says that BP wouldn't give her a name. Santos tells her that she already had a name, El Sapo. Santos tells her that in all the time he has known her, she has told him lies or half truths. This time her liberty is at stake. He asks her to tell him the truth this time - "Who is this El Sapo and why does he want to harm you?"


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Manana es Para Siempre, Feb. 24th – Capitulo #2 “Brought to You by Our Sponsors, Singulair Inhalers, and Aqua Net Hairspray”

From last night: Liliana is eavesdropping on Babs who is on the phone we presume with Cigarman. Outside, the mass for Fernanda’s first communion is finishing up. Crabby Mom is overwhelmed with pride for her “good” daughter.

Liliana hears Babs tell Cigarman that she hasn’t been able to call him until now, but she’s taking advantage of the fact that the family is at the mass. She tells him nobody suspects anything. Liliana thinks to herself she has to find out who Babs is speaking with and runs off to another room to pick up the phone and listen, but stops when she hears someone asking her what she’s doing. Babs tells Cigarman that the plan to seduce Gonzalo Elizalde isn’t working, he’s just a boring old man who only has eyes for his wife the hypochondriac. Cigarman asks what’s up with Soledad Cruz, the cook. She tells him she’s started to take authority away from her, and Cigarman reminds her that Soledad’s “Aquilles Heel” is her son, Eduardo. He tells her to “finish him”.

Turns out Soledad is the one who saw Liliana trying to listen in on Bab’s call and she reproaches Liliana, but Lili tries to explain. Soledad and Liliana talk about how awful it is that Soledad and her son weren’t invited to the first communion because of Babs. Lili asks Soledad if she’s the only one who realizes that Babs is a snake, but Soledad says no, she sees it too.

Back at the elegant party, Fernanda sees Eduardo’s yellow flag and runs off to the secret hideaway to be with him. Gonzalo looks for Babs, but Crabby Mom wants him to bring Liliana to the party.

Eduardo waits in the secret hideaway that’s glowing with sunshine.

Crabby Mom is yelling at Lili for not showing up at the party, but Soledad tells a lie about Lili being sick and covers for her, Lili is grateful.

Eduardo carves his and Fernanda’s initials in the wood at the secret hideaway. Fernanda arrives and sees the trail of flowers he’s left for her. These two kids are so damn cute and in love. Lots of warm fuzzies in this scene.

At the party Gonzalo asks Babs to find Fernanda. Babs sees Eduardo’s yellow flag in the tree and tells little Erica she has to tell here where Fernanda is or Fernanda’s parents will be mad. Erica spills her guts.

In the hideaway Fernanda and Eduardo are talking. He says when he saw her in front of the altar he thanked G-d for bringing her into his life, and she says when she grows up she wants to marry someone just like him. He gives her the silver necklace with their initials, and she loves it. He goes to put it on her but switches out the leather string for her chain. She puts her medallion of La Virgen de la Luz on the leather string and gives it to him to wear. She asks him to promise to have it with him forever. She tells him to close his eyes and she gives him a sweet kiss on the lips. BadAss Babs comes in and scares the hell out of the kids (and the birds) and fakes shock at seeing them kissing.

At the party the celebration continues. Babs drags Fernanda back to the party to tell her mother where she’s been. Fernanda clutches the charm Eduardo gave her and confesses to her mother, who flips out and tells her she’s not allowed to be friends with the servants, especially that “indio” Eduardo. His mother, Soledad, is in the background listening to this. [Calling someone an “indio” in Mexico is as bas as calling someone the “n” word here in the US. It really has nothing to do with whether the person is of indigenous blood, mestizo, etc., or not. It’s more about how dark the person’s skin is, in a case like this. Other times it’s used to say how dumb someone is.] Babs tells Montserrat that this shouldn’t be discussed in front of the guests. Fernanda runs off to her room. Babs tells Montse she found the kids kissing, and says she thinks Eduardo tricked Fernanda into going there with him. Mom’s ready to keel over from her asthma. Babs walks off. Gonzalo walks up and Montse fills him in on what’s been going on with his daughter and Soledad’s son.

In Fernanda’s room Babs tries to explain why she told on her. Babs fakes tears and concern, and says Fernanda’s mother is thinking about sending her to Fernanda to live in a convent, and that her father is tired of all the fighting in the house. Fernanda hides the necklace Eddie gave her under her dress. Babs tricks Fernanda into telling her mother it was all Eduardo’s fault, but Fernanda doesn’t want to lie and get Eduardo punished.

Soledad is getting her son’s side of the story. He tells her the truth about what happened.

Montse is screaming at Fernanda. She tells Babs to Gonzalo she wants to talk to him. Babs walks out looking pleased.

Soledad tries to tell Eduardo there can never be anything between him and Fernanda, and forbids him to go near her or the “big house” again. He cries.

In Gonzalo’s office, and in front of Montse, Babs tells Gonzalo that Eduardo tried to take advantage of Fernanda, and who knows what would have happened if she hadn’t gotten there in time. Montse says Eduardo has to leave the hacienda, or what happens when the kids grow up will be on his conscience. Montse wants him to throw Soledad and her son out of the house. He says he’ll fix the problem but Soledad stays. Montse, wheezing desperately, leaves Babs and Gonzo in the office alone. Babs plants the idea in Gonzo’s head that it would be a good gesture to send Eduardo far away to study, and at the same time it would keep Fernanda safe.

Liliana finds Fernanda crying on her bed and learns what’s happened. The mother comes in and yells at Liliana again. She smacks Lili across the face and sends her to her room. Fernanda cries on her bed.

Half-moon in the sky. Now we have a split screen with the two kids looking out the window pining over each other.

The next day Fernanda sees Jacinto, Eddie’s friend. Jacinto tells Fernanda that Eduardo is never allowed to come near her again.

Soledad and Gonzo are going to have some coffee and talk about what’s happened between the kids.

Stupid Anibal kisses Erica to make his little brother Santiago jealous. Anibal, who has the hairline of the Wolfman, is a complete SOB who looks way too old to be kissing a little girl like Erica. (BTW, who names their kid Anibal? Was there ever a Anibal or Hannibal in history that was a good guy?) Poor Erica doesn’t realize she’s been used twice in the last two days for other people’s dirty work.

Gonzo has explained to Soledad about her son going off to school to study in Mexico City, he tells her he’ll pay for everything, and it’s a wonderful school and at least her sib will have a chance for a good education and won’t be stuck there in the pueblo to become nothing more than a worker. Eddie listens outside the door. He tells her to think about his proposal, and not to deny her son a better future.

Babs is visiting Evil Cigarman and updates him about Eddie going off to school. He tells her he wants the Elizalde’s destroyed, and that their agony be long and painful.

Soledad is getting ready to take her son to Mexico City. They’re both crying, and she tells him one day he’ll understand why it’s for his own good he’s being sent away to school.

On our new Staircase of Doom, Fernanda cries that she wants to say goodbye to Eddie but her mother says no and sends her back to her room. Mom takes a big hit off her inhaler. After Montse walks away, Liliana comes out of her room with a sneaky look on her face.

Back at the office, Gonzo is sadly telling Babs that at this very moment Soledad is saying goodbye to her son. Gonzo wonders out loud if he’s doing the right thing, and Babs says the separation will be hard for the kids, but it’s the best thing for Fernanda.

The kids have come to say goodbye to Eduardo. Liliana comes to sneak Fernanda off to say goodbye also. Eduardo is sad that Fernanda can’t come to say goodbye. All the kids are crying, as the bus pulls up to take Eddie away. The bus pulls away just as Fernanda arrives screaming his name, she runs after the bus and he runs to the back window to see her. They scream each other’s names, and she’s left standing on the dirt road crying. Liliana tries to console her.

Soledad says goodbye to her son in front of his new school, and tells him she hopes that this sacrifice will be worth it. She’s sure that his father, who is in heaven, is very happy that their son will have a good future.

Montse is thanking Babs for taking care of the problem of Fernanda and Eduardo, but that the only thing that still bothers her is having to see Soledad’s face every day. Babs offers to take care of that problem as well, she can hire another cook. But, Montse says, her husband doesn’t want Soledad to leave the hacienda. Babs says Soledad can still live in her house out in the middle of the fields, but far away from Montse and Gonzo’s kids, and she’ll no longer be a bad influence over them. Montse gives Babs the green light to go ahead with the plan, and says when Soledad gets back this afternoon to give her the bad news that she’s no longer the cook.

Previews: Cigarman gives Babs instructions to get rid of Montse, so Babs can marry Gonzo. He says this is the order of Artemio Bravo. Liliana is listening in on another phone. Gonzo confronts Babs with Liliana’s accusation.


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