Friday, January 29, 2010

En Nombre del Amor, January 28, 2010--Orlando Is a Weasel

Repeat of Carlota lying to Eugenio that Cris put the moves on her and telling him not to trust Cris, and Eugenio not believing her. Rafael tells Camila that Orlando blackmailed him into staying away from her in exchange for not revealing Diana’s sordid past to Emiliano.

Dr. B. and Rufi discuss Carlota inviting him over for dinner. He thought she’d freak out about him taking Paloma away. Rufi thought so too but apparently Carlota wants to set the date so she can thank him for taking Pal to the capital. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to alarm them in the least. Dr. B. asks Rufi if she talked to Pal about Inaki’s ring--Rufi asked her to get it appraised again and thinks Pal will take it to Mexico City with her and do it there. What a surprise she’ll get, but at least she’ll be far away, so the Purple One won’t find out about it. Which means that now that Rufi has said that, Carlota will surely find out she has the fake ring and Pal has the real one.

Romina asks Emiliano to help her look for her mom.

Rafa tells Cami that he did what he did for Emil, who was going through a rough time, and he didn’t want to run the risk that Orly would carry out his threat. Cami doesn’t believe that Orly is like that. Rafa says, ask Orly for yourself.

Angelica and Pal commiserate over the loves of their lives being out of their reach. Ange feels terrible being at this wedding--it must be like what Pal felt when Emil married Romi. Pal wants to keep being friends with Ange once she gets out of Real del Dodge. Ange is going to take off too, as soon as Orly gets back from his honeymoon. Pal says when she gets to the city, she’ll give Ange her new contact info, but she doesn’t want her to give it to anyone else, especially not Emil. Pal looks at Emil talking with Anamar and notes that he found consolation for his ruined love affairs real fast.

Camila returns to her room saying “no puede ser” and wondering what kind of man she’s marrying if this is true. Emil and Romi come in, and after demanding to know where Cami was, Romi actually looks genuinely concerned when she sees that her mother was crying. Cami asks to be left alone.

Montage of Cami and Rafa saying goodbye to each other and during happier times.

Emil and Gabriel run into each other. Gabe politely inquires about the baby and then is about to leave but Emil stops him--he wants to tell him that soon his situation will be settled and he’s going to fight for Paloma. Gabe informs Emil that in the future maybe she won’t be with either one of them, since she’s leaving for Mexico City.

Romi and Anamar run into each other--catfight part 2. Anamar tells her that Emil is her husband only on paper, and she’s here to renew the relationship she and Emil had in Monterrey, or to end it forever.

Cami asks Orlando if it’s true that he demanded that Rafa leave her in exchange for his silence re: Diana. He answers that Diana and Rafa didn’t want Emil to know about Orly being his father, but he couldn’t give up his son. Then he plays the “I was a victim too” card and claims that he wasn’t going to speak badly of Di to Emil. The only thing he wanted was for Emil to know he was his father. Anyway, if Rafa left, it’s because that was his decision, not mine. He then says if she wants to cancel the wedding over this issue, just say so.

Rafa is sitting in the park by himself when he’s joined by Luz and Xochitl. She knows he’s upset about Cami’s wedding. She thinks he was correct in telling Cami the truth about Orly. He asks her to forgive him--he doesn’t want to hurt her. She admits that it hurts a lot, but that’s life and it’s just a question of waiting. She realizes that Rafa is there waiting for Cami’s answer.

Cami thinks she judged Orly too quickly; she sees that he loves Emil so much that he didn’t want to hurt him by telling him about how awful his mom is. Orly repeats what he said earlier about it being Rafa’s choice to leave. But he leaves it up to her to decide if they’re going to marry or not.

Luz tells Rafa that she wants him to be happy--if Cami makes you happy, face the whole world for her.

Ines and her new hubby have just gotten married. Outside the church, Carlota congratulates her--who would have thought that at your age you were going to get married? Ines suggests that it could happen to Carlota too, but the Purple One claims that she doesn’t need a man to be happy, presumably because making everyone miserable and killing whoever gets in her way keeps her plenty happy. After she leaves, the witch parade continues with the appearance of Diana, who says that the weddings of older women are a bit ridiculous. Ines comments about Samuel not being there, so Diana blabs on about how busy and important he is.

Scenes of Orlando and Camila getting married (and Angelica looking distraught), signing the certificate, etc. He’s going to make her the happiest woman in the world, blah blah blah. Not sure how he’s going to accomplish that once she finds out about Houston, but whatever.

Padre Benito is on the phone with the high-ranking church guy, informing him that they will know Cris’s future on Monday. The church guy had to expel Cris because the parishioners’ faith is put at risk when a priest doesn’t conduct himself properly, but he believes Cris is innocent.

Miriam gets a call from Dario, who says he’s going to find her, and she’s going to pay. Maybe she has forgotten what happened the last time she wanted to accuse him of plagiarism. She tries to tell herself that she’s not afraid of him.

German arrives at Cami’s and starts macking on Romi. A couple of people walk by, including Emil, but G and R sneak off to the bathroom without being seen. Dr. B. comes looking for the bathroom, but it’s locked so he and Emil have a chat instead. Emil asks if DNA results can be wrong; he wants to take another test without anyone knowing. Dr. B. remembers his conversation with Camila about how she thought Germy might be the father. Dr. B. agrees to help him and do a test the next day. After they go off to get a drink, Romi and Germy exit the bathroom adjusting their clothes.

Emil asks Pal why she didn’t tell him her plans to leave town and why does Gabe know. She replies that Gabe is a part of her life, and he (Emil) isn’t, so how do you like them apples. And if she were in love with Gabe, she has a right to be, no? Romi sees them talking and can’t stand that they’re together. Anyway, it’s time to toss the bouquet. Paloma catches it, whoop-de-doo. Emil and Gabe smile at her.

Rafa is still at the park. He thinks he’s an idiot but Luz congratulates him on taking risks and tries to cheer him up. She says he has brought so much to her life that she loves being with him. She suggests that now they can begin their own story.

Carlota is sitting in her study doing nothing when Rufi comes in and tells her that Pal is outside talking to Gabe. La Loca is annoyed and wants to know what Gabe’s intentions are. Rufi doesn’t think he plans to pursue Pal. She then informs Carlota that Dr. B. accepted her invitation--how about tomorrow at noon? At first this catches Carlota off guard, but then she says, the sooner the better--she’ll even go buy the fish herself.

Paloma gives Gabe a list of people to invite to her birthday party. He wants her to be happy that day and she promises to try. She’s dreamed so much about turning 18 that sometimes she can’t believe it’s going to happen (neither can I). She feels nostalgic about leaving both the happy and sad memories behind, the ones that made her who she is. Gabe notes that it hurts to let go of everything, it’s the hardest thing to do.

Emiliano visits the baby and promises he won’t abandon him even if it turns out he’s not his biological son and he divorces Romi.

Cami is packing for her honeymoon when Romi comes in to say goodbye. They hug and say they love each other. Romi comments that now she knows how hard marriage is, how awful it feels when your partner doesn’t love you as much as you love him. Cami inquires about Anamar but Romi doesn’t want to discuss it. Anyway, have a nice time, but come back soon to help me with the baby.

Orly visits Cris, who’s down in the dumps about his chances for being found innocent. As we’ve come to expect, Orly would rather think that everything’s going to be fine. He says he’ll keep tabs on Cris’s case while he’s gone, but Cris tells him not to worry--besides, you have to dedicate yourself to Cami.

Angelica cries to Miriam over losing Orlando for what she thinks is forever, but really, it’s probably only for 30 episodes or so.

Scenes of Cami and Orly enjoying themselves at the Mayan Riviera.

Emil is at the hospital to take his DNA test. He’s surprised when Dr. B. tells him about his upcoming lunch date at the House of Horrors. The doc says he’ll be taking Pal to Mexico City after her birthday, so Emil asks if he’ll give him the address there. Dr. B. just smiles.

Carlota buys more belladonna--she tells the lady to give her the same amount that she bought last time. She thinks to herself that the doctor can’t complain, as his death isn’t going to be so painful.

Tomorrow: Carlota cooks up another batch of her witches’ brew and adds it to Dr. B.’s coffee.


Sortilegio January 28, 2010 Some Promises are Meant to be Broken.

From Tuesday:
SMJ waits at the arboretum for NicholAlex who never shows. She gets tired of waiting and leaves.

Alex and Pedro and Paula are in the hospital. The death cert will be in Sandra’s real name. Pedro thinks they should tell Elena but Paula doesn’t think she needs to know anything about it. Alex wants to know whether he wants a burial or a cremation. He just doesn’t know. He just doesn’t understand. As always, he is leaving it to Alex.

SMJ is back at home moping at the table. Elena walks up and wants to know what the problem is because she returned so early. She says he never arrived. She waited an hour and then left. Elena says the dreaded words “I told you so.” She says that that kind of man is only looking for an adventure while they are on vacation. SMJ gets up and walks away. Elena looks pleased with herself. Heifer!

Porfirio is talking to Tio. He says he doesn’t feel good. He tells Tio that SMJ has a young man that she is excited about. His name is Nicholas. Tio thinks it’s good that she is excited about somebody. Porfirio says who knows. He’s worried that she won’t find a husband. Tio asks what about the other guy. Porfirio says he has not met him either. Oh, by the way Jorge told me that your nephew is going out with someone older. Tio wants to know how he knows. Porfirio says he has no idea. Tio says something and Porfirio is trying to remember the name of Bruno’s company. Tio knows what he is talking about and says that company doesn’t even exist. Porfirio perks up at that. Tio says that Fernando talked to him about it the other day and they discovered that there is no such company. Hmm… Tio tells him to forget about marrying off his granddaughter. Just relax. Por says he feels worse and worse. He knows he’s going to die. He wants to protect his granddaughter and be sure that she will be all right. Tio says it would be better if he left his money to the dogs. They toast.

Elena is talking to Jorge. She wants to know what happened with Sandra. He doesn’t give a rat’s a$$ about what happened to her. Is she dead? Probably. She doesn’t seem too upset. She wants to know what they are going to do with Useless but the birds are too loud for me to hear. Elena says something and Dr. E-vil says I’ve told you a thousand times I’m a doctor not a murderer. R i g h t—you just keep on telling yourself that. Elena thinks something could be a danger to them. It is the same danger that can implicate Bruno Lombardo. Elena is worried about what will happen when Useless wakes up. Dr. E-vil thinks he will be giving thanks that he is still alive.

Alex arrives with Pedro and Paula at the house carrying the box of Sandra’s ashes. Ez tells them how sad he is. They thank him for his words. Vicky and Felipa greet Pedro and tell him how sad they are for him. FF>>

Alex, who just can’t take it any more, says he’s going to go up and see his son. Pedro will be taken back to his house. Thank God. There’s Tiny Tony in his little blue jammies sleeping, well, like a baby. Alex reaches over and scares the crap out of the poor little guy. What a cutie. Baby talk. Your Mami will be back soon. Tony drops his binky.

Back at the Rancho, SMJ is painting. Surprise, she paints a picture of a little boy. “Why did I paint a boy? she thinks to herself. She doesn’t know why. Just then Elena walks up. She’s just like a bad habit that you can’t get rid of. SMJ asks her if she had a baby while she was in Spain. Of course not, why? I just painted this boy. Elena looks troubled.

Elena tells Jorge she thinks SMJ is starting to get her memory back. He doesn’t seem too concerned about it. He says something about the clinic. (I have the hardest time understanding him.)

Paula and Pedro are walking down the stairs. How is MJ doing? She’s good but doesn’t remember anything. They give Pedro a ride back to his house. Paula tells him to be calm. FF>>

Bruno spies SMJ sitting on the wall. I’m back says Captain Obvious. What’s going on? Nothing she says. Abuelo wants to meet you. Well, let’s get a move on then. He helps her down. He is impressed with Porfirio’s house. He has a lot of money. Wait for me in the living room. Of course. She goes off to find Abuelo. He looks around counting money in his head.

Back and Lombardo Alex is pleased that Roberto was hired. Robertoo assures Alex that he will not fail him. Roberto has some business stuff to do and invites Alex to go with him. But of course he can’t, he has to get back Toluca. They start to have a conversation but Moora barges in and gives him a big hug. Oh, the place was just not the same without you. Whatever! She asks how MJ is doing. He says they are waiting for her to wake up. The heifer has the nerve to tell him that she’s in a coma, there’s no reason to suffer. He gives her the major stink-eye and says he’s got stuff to do and walks past her. As soon as he’s out the door Roberto lays into her. He doesn’t believe that she has any feelings for MJ and she needs to just knock it off. He’s got her number that’s for sure.

Back at Porfirio’s. SMJ and Abuelo enter the living room. Bruno introduces himself and offers his hand. Porfirio pointedly does not shake it. Uh oh, this doesn’t look good—for Bruno anyway. Porfirio tells him that his business is a sham and doesn’t exist. SMJ looks startled. Bruno says in effect it doesn’t exist. He was invited to participate but it turned out to be a fraud. You know, we all hate him but he is good at thinking on his feet. Gramps still doesn’t look satisfied. He says something about Bruno being stupid. He wants to know where Bruno comes from and what other business does he have. Bruno says he’s from Merida and that he has investments. What kind of investments? You go Porfirio! SMJ wants him to lighten up but of course he’s not going to. He just wants to know what this guy is up to. I sure don’t blame him there. She says we aren’t even novios. Bruno says of course we are (and where have we heard those words before?) Not until I remember. He says we’ve been together a long time. She says of course I’m going to wait. You go girl. Porfirio wants to meet the other guy before he makes any decisions. Bruno wants to know what other guy? Uh oh. Good job gramps. Porfirio stomps off and SMJ and Bruno get up to leave. He grabs her arm and roughly turns her around. The way he grabbed her arm should have been a warning right there. If he grabbed her like that once, he’ll do it again. He wants to know what the hell is going on. She says she met this guy and his sister and they went to take pictures and to eat some pizza. He says you made promises to me. Uh, no she didn’t. You’re trying to con her out of her pants, you filthy pig.

They head back to the house where Elena is working in the garden. SMJ doesn’t stop but heads inside the house. Elena corners Bruno and wants to know what happened. He told her that Porfirio said he wanted to meet this “other guy” that SMJ was seeing and he was asking a lot of questions. He’s just some guy that is here on vacation. He was supposed to meet her but he never showed up. He grabs her arm too. She walks past him and says something that I don’t understand.

The three stooges are in Dr. E-vil’s office. Jorge gives Bruno a med report on Porfirio. He’s got 2 months. Now they want Bruno to marry SMJ and tell her that she can get divorced later. You have to be very convincing. She has to think we want to help her.

Arturo is keeping his eye on SMJ.

Victoria, Alex and Fernando are having a pow wow. Vicky doesn’t understand how they are going to help MJ if she doesn’t’ remember. Alex thinks she will remember once she sees her son. Just then Arturo calls to tell Alex that Bruno has left the building. Alex is pleased and says he has to go. Fernando wants to go with him. Alex wants him to stay in Merida and keep an eye on things there.
Victoria wants to know what is going on. Felipa believes that MJ loves Alex and and that love won’t let her forget.

Bruno is on the phone talking to Maura. I thought you were going to help. He worries about Katia. Maura calls Mateo. She wants him to come to a party at her house. She needs help with something. That doesn’t sound good. She pours herself a drink. The doorbell rings and it is Katia with her lollipop. Oh, what a surprise, I was just thinking about you. Katia is pouting because she hasn’t heard from Bruno. She tells Katia to forget about Bruno. Maura’s having a party does she want to come. Well, let me think? Sit around Fernando’s house doing nothing or come to a party. Ok. I’ll be there. There is nothing better than a lollipop and alcohol. Yum yum. FF>>

Alex and Paula are heading back to Toluca in the helicopter.

Elena wants to know what is going on with Damian. She says nothing. We don’t have a relationship. I don’t feel anything for him. I get the feeling that we never had a relationship. Elena thinks it could be the medicine. Oh, you think? Elena thinks she needs to change so she can go to dinner with Bruno. (Hey, you like him so much why don’t you go out with him?)

Porfirio is taking his meds and talking to Tio. He fills him in on how the meeting with Bruno went. He doesn’t want her to marry someone that is stupid. Tio homes in on the info that Bruno is from Merida. I’m going to see Fernando for his birthday. I’ll do a little investigation while I am there. Porfirio is down with that.

Fernando comes in to see how Vicky is doing. She’s worried about what is going on. He has good news. Tomorrow is his birthday. Vicky asks him what he wants for a gift? Now really, does a woman really have to ask that question? Come on ladies, you know what I’m saying. He’ll get a place where they can be alone. They sneak upstairs. There is some smoochie, smoochie action in the hallway. EZ looks on a little surprised but he is tickled pink. He is happy that finally his dona is getting some. Felipa comes out with a tray. Ez stops her and wants to know what is going on with those two. Like you can’t figure it out. He does a little happy dance kind of like my dogs do when I ask them if they want to E-A-T.

Bruno and SMJ are having dinner. He keeps going on about Nicholas. He’s not my boyfriend. He’s the brother of my new friend. He says she is free to do what she wants. He gives her the medical report of Porfirio. He says that he wants her Abuelo to die in peace knowing that she is taken care of. I’d better get my waders out because the BS is getting pretty deep in here.

Alex and Paula meet up with Arturo. He says Bruno and MJ went to Toluca to have dinner. NicholAlex runs off to find her. Paula tries to stop him but Arturo says he is in love and to let him be.

Bruno is still trying to convince SMJ to marry him and then get divorced later. She is upset. I love you. She is crying. He wants to protect her money—uh, I mean her. He asks her to think about it.

Alex shows up at the Ranch trying to figure out what to do. He gets back in the car. If Bruno sees him you know the sh!! Is going to hit the fan. She doesn’t want dessert. She is sad for Abuelo. It is a good plan but she says no. Thank God! She doesn’t want to think about it. He looks pissed.

Alex is wandering around in the dark waiting for Bruno and SMJ. They kiss and he is not happy. She pulls away. He starts to charge but thinks better of it. I feel a serious beat-down for Bruno coming on in the near future. Alex leaves and goes back to the cabin. Paula wants to know if he found them. He is not happy. He calls Mari. He wants her to have the helicopter waiting in Toluca in the morning and she is not to tell anybody. Paula is stoked thinking they are going home. Alex says yes. It sounds like THE PLAN has changed.

Elena and Jorge want to know what happened with Bruno. He tells them she’s not falling for it. Jorge thinks he needs to convince her. It sounds like he insults his manhood. Bruno looks offended.

Outside Alex is sneaking around in the bushes. He’s looking for SMJ’s room. He finds her and stands and looks at her for a minute and reaches to take the pills but knocks them off and the table and SMJ stirs. She wakes up with a jolt and looks around but no one is there. Oh, wait, he’s hiding on the floor. Dude you were almost so busted. He says very soon, my love, very soon.

Fernando is at home and there is someone at the door. Surprise! It’s Tio. He’s come as a surprise for his birthday. He even brought him a gift. Katia comes down all dressed for the party. She is glad to see Tio. Tio says that if Fernando has other plans with his friends, he totally understands. Fernando wants to know where Katia is off to and she says she’s going to a party. He doesn’t look very happy about it. Tio asks him if the mother of his friend is his novia. He says yes. Tio doesn’t want to impose. Fernando says don’t worry about it, it will be ok. Tio is happy for him.

Katia is at the party. She’s drunk and Mateo is already sliming on her. It’s official—there is NO REDEMPTION for Maura. Mateo sneaks Katia outside with more drinks. I think we all know where this is headed. I know we don’t like Katia but nobody deserves what they are planning for her.

And now a word from our sponsors:

Good evening Viewerville! Loco Larry here. I know you’ve been asking yourself, “Where can I get it.” “How can I get it.” How can I get the most innovative video game on the market today? Well, you asked for it and you got it! Beth-Con Industries is proud to present the new interactive game--“Whack-an-A-hole.” It’s chock full of your favorite Sortilegio bad guys (and some not so bad but very annoying). You’ve got Maura, Elena, Raquel, Dr. Demented and who could forget that loveable bad boy Bruno. You’ve got your sad sack Pedro and annoying Katia. Last and probably least our best bi-guy Useless. The more you whack the more points you score. This fabulous game is triple bagged and shrink wrapped for your protection. How much does an offer like this cost you ask? Well, for only the low, low price of $9.99 you too can have this remarkable game. BUT WAIT—THERE’S MORE-- if you are one of the first 50 callers in the next 10 minutes you not only get the video game—you get the live version to play in your own living room for only $1 more. That’s right folks. Only $1. This set comes complete with rubber masks bearing the likeness of your favorite character and paint ball guns. Each character comes complete with it’s own costume. Bruno comes with silk scarves in several brilliant colors. Maura comes with a perfectly pink party dress and matching sandals. Dr. Demented comes with a large syringe and a white lab coat. I think you get the idea! So what are you waiting for? You know you can’t pass up this offer. Just call 1-800-466-1465 or 1-800-IMN-AHOL. You can smack ‘em, whack ‘em, and stack’em. We’ll even throw in a couple of body bags to protect your carpets and furniture. So whadda ya say? Start having fun today!

And now we return to your regularly scheduled program.


Dinero #9- 1/28/10: The B!tch Is Back!

Marco is hangin’ in da club, the strip club that is, with his sleazy buddy Vicente who is advising him to marry Ale pronto, before her old man kicks the bucket, so that he can take possession of their house.

Ale calls him on his cell phone, and apparently Marco has some pull in the club or Vicente is the owner because everyone shushes and the music is turned off to support his alibi of being asleep in bed. This excuse seems to be enough to convince Ale that this was why he didn’t answer his house phone when she called. I thought Ale was smart enough not to believe such a transparent lie. Perhaps her money woes have stalled her brain.

She informs Marco that the loan shark, that currently holds the deed to dear old dad’s house, is coming down hard on her to either pay up what she owes, or turn over the house. Since Marco is the only one of the two of them working, and apparently she believes he has money of his own, it falls on his strong shoulders to go to his bank tomorrow and get the needed cash to pay the guy off. Marco assures her he will and they end the call with lots of te amos, and a yawn thrown in for effect by Marco. That unpleasant deed done, Marco’s friends at the club are free to start the music, pole dancing and lap dancing up again. The b!itch is gone! Party time!

Apparently it’s now a little too loud for Marco’s taste so he and Vicente decide to throw a private party at Casandra’s house, and they’ll bring along Scarlet too. Vicente assures Marco that his “viejas” are discreet. Are they prostitutes and he’s their pimp, strippers and he’s their boss? What’s your guess? As they leave we learn that Marco is on a first name basis with the door man William (El Negrito) and that the lovely Casandra and Scarlet are wearing school girl uniforms that would put Britney Spears to shame. They hop in Marco’s car and there’s some talk of Marco needing to have a sweeter ride than his current one, considering Ale’s position at the dealership.

It’s the next morning and apparently Ale has gotten up at the crack of dawn because it must have taken her two hours to get dressed and made-up in her current condition. She manages to shoo the hovering maid away and convince her that she will be a good girl and stay in bed all day. Once she’s gone, Ale hops out of bed, not only fully dressed, but also attached to two large bags- a purse and a briefcase. She has some major trouble getting up and out, and particularly putting on her second shoe on the foot encased in the brace. But she manages somehow to look fabulously put together in a black pencil skirt, purple top and sensible black wedges. The look is completed by some fab gray crutches. She has a cab waiting for her outside the house, but refuses all offers of help to get into it by driver. “No me toque! Shut up and drive!”

Meanwhile, Rafa is talking to Jaime, lamenting the prospect of marrying Vicky to get out of his financial troubles. He compares marriage to suicide. Jaime doesn’t understand why Rafa is acting like a condemned man, when Vicky loves him AND has a rich family. “Don’t you love her?”/ “Yes, but not enough to MARRY her!” He also doesn’t want to end up served up as a butchered piece of meat by her crazy brothers if he ever does anything they don’t like.

Jaime asks Rafa how’s he going to get out of this situation if he doesn’t marry Vicky and get her father’s help. He’ll go to jail and Ale will be financially ruined. BINGO! Jaime has said the magic words. Rafa figures that Ale HAS to help him find a way to earn the money, otherwise she’s in deep doo doo too. He’s going to turn the tables on her (voltear la tortilla), and enlists Jaime’s help to spy on her at her place of employment- Autos Siglos.

Speaking of which…while the cat’s away, the mice will play. The salesmen decide that the one month anniversary of Ale being out of commission, meaning one month of not being terrorized on a daily basis, deserves a celebration. It’s only 9 AM, but it’s never too early for wine, song, and women…well, one scantily clad blonde (Claudia) dancing on top of a table. The b!tch is gone! Party time!

Suddenly Ramiro chokes on his wine, utters “Dios mio!”, and we know who’s just stepped through the door. The b!tch is back! Pobre diablos.

Ale quickly puts an end to the party, stares down each member her team, sizes up blondie (and finds that her skirt is lacking in the size and length department), interrogates each team member about their sales record over the last month, threatens to fire them all if they don’t do their jobs properly, and catches Rosaura just arriving to work and trying to sneak by. No one escapes her withering comments or gaze, except Jaime who has come in unnoticed and witnessed this masterful decimation of the human spirit. Morino is the final one to get dressed down when Ale finds him chewing on a toothpick and chatting on the phone in HER office with his legs propped up on HER desk.

Once she is comfortably seated at her throne, uhh..desk, Susana walks in and utters those classic telenovela words, “Que haces aqui?” Well, we all know the reasons. Ale is bored at home, she needs to work to pay the debts, she can’t depend on that jerk (Rafa) to pay her what he owes, etc. Susana can’t sway her, even when she warns her that she is risking the most precious thing of all, her health. Ale scoffs at this and pictures herself in perfect health, but sleeping on the streets with her father and aunt. Just then her aunt calls to: 1) find out why the heck she snuck out of the house when she has another month of bed rest; and 2) to tell her about the arrival of Rigoberto Salazar whom Ale has supposedly spoken to about selling the house. Ale’s aunt and father do not know that this is actually the loan shark that already holds the deed to their house and will take it if Ale doesn’t pay him back. Ale asks her aunt to put Salazar on the phone. She begs him to be discreet with her aunt and father and assures him he will have his payment soon. She better, because he really likes the house and can picture himself living there.

Ale starts to hyperventilate, but Susana calms her down and has her think logically about what she can actually accomplish to help the situation. Marco! That’s the solution! Her big, strong, faithful, financially secure man is headed to the bank today to get the needed money to pay off the loan shark. Ale calls him, interrupting a very in depth study of two nubile young women crossing the street in front of his car. He assures Ale he will get the money and go see Salazar today. Surprisingly (to me at least), he actually does this. We see him next handing a check to Salazar at Ale’s house, and Salazar hands him the deed. Marco looks like Smeagol as he takes the deed into his hands. Mine, mine, mine! The Precious!

After a day of zero luck, including being unsuccessful getting his car out of the police impound lot (What? You’re supposed to pay the taxes on your car EVERY year?), Rafa returns home for a conversation with Jaime. “Did you see her? How is she?”/ “She’s a panther, a demon. Everyone is terrified of her.”

This new info about Ale does not make Rafa go running for the hills. In fact, his goofy smile spreads wider and his eyes sparkle the more he hears. What a woman! He insists he needs to talk to her in person. “What about?”/”Business!” Apparently Rafa is going to make her an offer she can’t refuse. She gives him a good paying job selling cars (“It can’t be much different than selling booze or lingerie, right?”), and he pays her back what he owes. Good luck with that Rafa…

End of episode.

Next episode: Rafa uses Ale’s designer shoe that got left in his car as an excuse to go see her, but gets tongue tied when he actually has to speak with her for the first time.


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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sortilegio recappers, phone home

Hi team -
Our show is coming to an end. How many of you are going on to recap for Corazon Salvaje? Leave a comment here or email me. Thanks!

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Gancho Thurs 1/28/10 #156 - If you say you're sorry and nobody hears you do you make a sound? WHAT???

Fasten your seat belts folks, it's a wild ride tonight.

We start right in with the worst, Beto is giving it to Coni, "You've lost me forever." Coni cries. No comment. As we noted earlier today, Beto has a support group and Moni takes him home for some TLC. Coni has Coni.

Gabi is in Caracas, Venezuela; she calls Mau to say Sal is dead. Nooooooooo!

Oh wow, it's Loriloca, remember her? Salvador's crazy wife? A sweet nurse is giving her meds in the manicomio and Lor takes them like a good girl, even opening her mouth in a wide grimace to prove it. NOT! Nursie leaves and Loriloca strolls over to some guy in a cage, holy crap it's Salvador! He looks drugged too and Lori tells him it's just the two of them forever and she's the happiest girl in the whole D of F. Did anyone see that coming? I sure as heck did not.

And another surprise. El Pepillo is telling his producer (real life Gancho Producer Angelli Nesma Medina) that he knows this chick who's a fab actress and can they give her a chance? Producer says Pepi never recommends anyone but he's got a good eye for talent so what the heck. Some little helper dude announces Estrella Falcon, actríz. "Speak of the devil," Pepi says.

Enter our shining star, she rushes over to Pepi and does were the master of my heart, I never lied to you...Ta da!! They all look at each other and nod, not bad!

Time for some silliness. Lalu and Arnie, who has turned his wrap into a fulll pink pompom beard, enter a restaurant. Arni is incredulous that Lalu expects Arnie to pull his chair out for him. I guess since Arni has the beard he's the man. Arni tries to bring up the subject of Ximena and they discover they have something in common, neither think Xime and Rolu are a good couple. Things almost take a bad turn when Arni says Xime's stupid but Lalu changes the subject, tonight they just talk about themselves. A toast to the cute couple, coming out of the closet and burgeoning love.

Xime and Rolu are discussing the boys over their dinner. Xime thinks Lalu and Arni are adorable together with that look of happiness one gets with the first blush of love. She shudders with joy as she mentions the excitement of that first kiss. Rolu agrees but feels the important thing is to sustain love, like he and Xime do. She's all uh huh, whatever. Wow what a look she gives him, priceless! "I love you" he says like a sap. "You've said that 10 times" she points out, smiling, sort of. Enough of this dreck, she's gotta go to Sermeño Group for some biz, now eat your salad and get strong arms. Rolu is left slightly bewildered.

Back at the restaurant Lalu is trying to engage Arni in the when-did-you-know-you-were-gay game. He ends up calling brother Rolu a lout. Lalu tells Arni that Rolu was the love of Xime's life but he killed that love little by little and now Xime is trying to get rid of him.

Over at the studios the nice producer Angelii agrees to let Estrella do a screen test for her upcoming novela, if the cameras like her then she can have an itty bit part in something. They are all impressed by her enthusiasm and helper dude who I think is the cameraman seems particularly enchanted. He looks like Tano.

Let's move on to Sermeño Group where bad things are gonna happen. Hey I'm not throwing the soup, we all know this company is a hotbed of strife. Xime and Jero are in a conference room bickering, well Jero bickers, Xime is practicing meditation, ohmmmm. The notary guy from yesterday has called them in to tell them that due to the divorce Mau is no longer the owner. The company now belongs to Constanza. When Mau enters the room Jero cries crocodile tears and attempts a bit of brown-nosing but Mau shuts him down, cut the hypocrisy please. Xime sincerely comforts him but Mau says the bottom line is he's gotta get his stuff and scram. The notary tells the sibs that Mau is very down, what with losing his company and Salvador dying and all. WHAT??? Xime is bummed, what about Gabilu and her new ring? Jero can barely contain his joy but nobody pays attention to him anyway.

Odiously Oily Oski is somewhere enjoying a drink and congratulating his minion in Venezuela for doing a stupendous job of faking Sal's death, an airplane accident I think. He wants the perp to keep an eye on Gabi.

Back at SG Jero is about to bust with glee, with Mau and Sal out of the way he can run Sermeño Group into the ground, er I mean he can run Sermeño Group like he always wanted to as the prime shareholder. Ahem...interrups the notary, but all your shares were sold this morning by Oscar Cardenas with the power of attorney that you gave him. WHAT??? Jero has some sort of seizure or panic attack and Xime decides that with everyone dying and falling apart around her the best thing she can do is sit on the table and "channel positive energy" . She centers herself and finds her inner peace. Gotta love this girl.

Over at the vecindad Nieves and Alicia are washing clothes in the public basin and discussing poor Beto and how Mau will save the day for them. Nieves is still suspicious that the worm of the lawyer has something up his sleeve; she has a feeling in the pit of her stomach that something bad is about to happen. About a half second later Marcos slithers in and removes his sunglasses, Hola Nieves. "Marcos!" hisses Nieves and she's not looking too thrilled.

Could this day get any worse? Let's just say that somebody delivered a full pallet of anvils and we're not done unloading yet.

Mau is packing up his office and his memories, "I'll miss you Salvador" he tells a photo of his pal. The door opens and in comes the viper known as Isabel.

Back at the barrio Nieves has a hell of a time getting the nosy Alicia out of her house to run interference in case Don Cesar shows up. Marcos notes that Al is as much a kibitzer as always and that Nieves is as quirky a dresser. He loves it and says she looks more lovely than ever. He tells her he's been thinking about her a lot and wanted to look her up. "Ah, I didn't know you thought," she cheerfully jabs. He spies her menagerie of purses, thus finding her soft spot and almost derailing her. But Nieves gets back on track, "what do you really want Marcos?" After he left her at the altar in her white dress she never wanted to see him again and it's been over thirty years. What does he want now after breaking her heart? "Nieves, in spite of all that's happened I never stopped loving you." Hmmmm...

Looks like the appearance of Isabel has turned our placid Golden Retriever into a snarling Doberman, i.e. Mau is not happy to see her. He made the worst deal of his life with her and now, to top it all off, she reappears. He suggests she keep her word and get her toxic tuckus outta town pronto before Valentina catches sight of her. He won't allow her to break Moni's heart again. He appeals to her sense of decency in regards to Moni, "she saved your life!" "And I gave her life, so that makes us even." (Thanks to Vivi for pointing out this last bit. WOW is right.)

Isabel is on a mission. No she doesn't want to see Moni or money, she wants to warn Mau to get Moni out of town, out of Mexico, because a powerful and dangerous man is interested and she doesn't want him in Moni's life. (OK, I'll bite, what in the heck does Marcos have to do with Valentina?)

Jero is still in his apoplectic state with Xime trying to get some water down his throat to revive him. She has three things to tell him. Una, he's starting to scare her. Dos, it's not good for the human body to stop breathing. Tres, if he doesn't breathe she'll have to give him mouth to mouth and that would be like incest, gross!! Pau takes a shortcut and throws the water in his face. Nice job! Jero jumps up and threatens (still with a nervous tic) the notary who, in response, reveals that Oski sold Jero's stocks to Marcos. WHAT?????

Arni scampers back home to his brother and angrily relates the indignities of the worst date of his life. The entire world turned around to stare at him. The waiters gave him a rose, a rose! He puts his own glasses back on, sighs in relief and adds he'll change for nobody! But he does have results of the recon and Rolu won't like it. "Your wife has already stopped loving you."

All this back and forth is making me dizzy, and it's back to Sermeño Group where Jero is still in a daze. Jero supposes that Marcos has found out about him an Jacqueline and is exacting some sort of revenge to destroy him. Xime figures out that she is part owner and Jero is not, he'll have to make appointments to see her, neener neener neener. Xime's taunts are too much for Jero so he calls her taradùpida and proceeds to strangle her. When the lawyer tries to break them up they both push him away. Xime asks for a pillow, why? Family, go figure. Oh, I forgot to say earlier that Xime tells the lawyer she's a Señora but very soon when she divorces her husband she'll be a Señorita again. Oh, and I just remembered why Xime wants the pillow. It's so Jero can smother her, remember he's always trying to do that?

Now we have another weird and practically unintelligible (to me) conversation between Isa and Mau. She wants Mau to get Moni out of the DF but she won't give him any details about this supposedly powerful and dangerous man. She says Mau isn't in any position to ask questions (why??) and didn't Salvador Ulloa give Mau the message she was looking for him? Oops, he's dead? How unfortunate, now hurry up and get Valentina away from this undefined danger.

Mientras tanto, Nieves is agonizing over the sudden reappearance of Marcos who is only too happy to remind her that she gave him pain too. She lied to him about the child she was carrying. He was ready to give everything up for her and the child. Fine you're right now get the hell out, she tells him. She doesn't need anything, least of all him. He asks one final thing, did she ever stop loving him?

They are interrupted (naturally) by Monita (naturally) and Marcos smiles at her like a spider to a fly, if spiders smiled.

Back at Sermeno Group...
Mau: I need an explanation.
Isa: I don't have to give one. If you love Moni you'll do it. Oh and beware of the Mummy, she knows all about our deal. She said she'd keep quiet but, eh, who knows? So long and I hope this is the last time we see each other.

And back to the barrio where Nieves introduces Marcos, her lawyer, to Monita. Moni's all out of breath about Beto so Marcos splits but not before leaving his card with Nieves, "call me any time, heh heh". Moni can't wait to tell Nieves that Coni's not pregnant after all, it was all a lie. Nieves is as destroyed as Beto...

...who is finding solace in a tequila bottle. Many, in fact, and they are all over his head as part of the decor. "No vale nada, she's not worth it," he grunts with each downed shot. Grunt, urp, slosh, sufro sufro sufro.

Nieves can't believe she heard that worm (her fave word of the day) sobbing in the hospital telling Beto he was going to be a father. However she's sure that Coni WAS pregant, she knows it! Moni convinces Nieves to go with her to the cantina to retrieve drunk Beto...

...who, drunk, sees a couple of guys looking at him and decides to pick a fight with them. He kicks their feet, insults their mother and they remain cool until Beto cold cocks one of them. The other jumps up and punches Beto. Beto punches back then begs them to beat him up so they do. One hits and the other holds and still Beto begs for more. It's as if he thinks they can beat the despair and sadness out of him.

Speaking of which, Coni, friendless and alone as we all discussed today, begs Beto to forgive her...but she's talking to air.

Mañana: It looks like Dani is sick, Xime tells Pau that Salvador is dead, Isabel figures out that Coni is La Momia and she tells Marcos his daughter is The Mummy who wants to destroy Valentina.


Cerrar con broche de oro = and to top it all off (Lit. to close with a golden broche)
Guácala de perro = gross! (Lit. dog doo)
Lameculos = suck-up, toady, boot-licker (what Jero does to Mau)
Lombriz = worm (Coni and the Lawyer)
Metiche = kibitzer, meddler (Alicia)

Patán = lout (Rolando)
Peculiar = quirky, peculiar (Nieves)
Taradùpida = combo of tarada (defective) and estùpida (said of Xime but true of Jero)

Dicho of the day, an oldie but a goodie:
Hablando del rey de Roma, por la puerta asoma= speak of the devil (Lit. speak of the kind of Rome and he comes through the door)


Bloggers Pata and Connie have joined the sidebar!

Who else haven't I nabbed for the sidebar?? C'mon don't be shy!


Dinero, Jan 27: The Solution

After last night's episode I had some concern for our poor Rafi. The path he was about to embark on was going to lead him to big trouble. But tonight's episode was full of surprises and some fun scenes. So let's get started

We start with Ale and Marco lamenting their woes. Ale wants to know how it's going with the bank loan. Marco says it will take a couple of days. Ale can't permit her father to sell the house. Marco replies don't say that don't even joke about that.

Ale won't just sit around with her arms crossed just waiting for the money to fall from the sky. Our lives can't be dependent on Chavaz (I believe he was the fellow from yesterday involved with the Hacienda and an embargo they have against it). To Ale it is even worse they have to be depended on that wretched miserable man (Our sweet Rafi).

Marco is telling her not to worry, he doesn't know if they can depend on Chavez but hopefully Rafie will have their first payment to them soon.

As he is embracing her lovingly and reassuringly, we hear his inner demonic voice "Oh Ale, my love, if you only knew what I have to put up with, with your father, your aunt and you; until the hacienda and everything you have is mine."

We change locations to Rafi and his shady friend Pepito. Rafie is inquiring on the whereabouts of the car. We are directed to the black car on the street. He is instructed to go over and knock on the window and that there is some one waiting for him. Rafi is twitting and twitching nervously. Pepito tells him the guy's name and I was as confused as poor Rafie as to what his name was. I think he said the Gas Rooster, and I think Rafie thought he said the happy rooster.

Anyway Rafi continues twitching and twitting and wants Pepito to go with him. We get Pepito's little song and dance that he can't go with him. He says all you have to do is deliver the car and return back here. He hands him an envelope with money in it, (I think its for his expenses along the way). Pepito continues with his instructions, telling him when you get there just park the car and leave. Remember you don't know anything and you don't know me.

Rafie is walking over to the car looking around, Pepito is urging him to knock on the window. I am as nervous as Rafie. He gets to the car knocks on the window. Gets the name all confused again. This guy in black shades, opens the door and gets out, looks around, thanks god that Rafi is there and splits. Then Pepito splits as well. Rafi gets in the car and we see it bouncing down the street. Rafi is breathing as hard as I am.

I can catch my breath again as we change to Vickie talking to papa about her poor Pajarito. She wants to know why he doesn't like him.

Dad says he sets him on edge. and furthermore she is his treasure, the most precious thing he has. This young man isn't exactly what he would want for her. Vickie is singing Rafie's fine qualities. He is hard working, he cares for his mother and his sister.

Dad says just because he is good to his family doesn't mean he will be good to you. You have been going out for two years and he has not committed to you, and look at the trouble he's in now.

Vickie continues defending him. She states Rafi is the love of her life and papa has to respect that.

As she finishes saying this, in walk the Brothers Grimm. Felipe advises her to listen to dad, cuz the old devil knows more than the devil. Or something like that. Anyway I am done with this scene.

We are back to Rafi, bouncing around in the car cursing himself, wondering if he has forgotten how to drive. He's regretting he ever encountered Ale and took her from the ditch. He is twitting and twitching more then ever, the car has stalled, he is trying to get it started when a hand reaches in through the open window and touches him on the shoulder. Nervously Rafie is talking a mile a minute I am just going to Acapulco, I am not the rooster. The guy tells him to calm down. He just wants to know if he needs help.

Finally the car starts again and once more bounces forward. (Take your foot off the clutch Rafi.)

He spies Pepito, and starts calling out to him. Pepito is walking quickly away, stating don't talk to me, I don't know you.

Rafi stops the car in the middle of the street, jumps out and runs after Pepito. Yelling wait wait. He tells pepito I 'm not going anywhere. Here take the car, take the keys, puts everything on the ground. Tells him he's not doing it and splits.

Pepeto is rabid and screams back at him. Picks up the keys and envelope. Tells him: He's going to be hurtin, he will never get the money he needs, gets in the car and takes off. And I was so proud of Rafi!!!!

We have a little phone conversation now with Susana and Ale. Susana is at the car dealership and Ale is at home. Ale wants to know how things are going there. It sounds like they haven't met their quota. She states while the cat is away the rats are taking advantage of her absence. She wants Susana to send her the information so she can correct things, from home. Susana reminds her she needs to rest and recuperate. She's worried someone will find out she has been talking to Ale and giving her information and she will get in trouble.

The conversation continues between Ale and Susana, Susana says her recuperation also includes mental rest and relaxation of the brain. and internal peace. Ale cant relax with all that is going on, and she is bored at home.

Commercial time, and the cast for Mujeres Asesinas 2 looks outstanding.

We are back at Vicki's house with the brothers Grimm and Papa's friend. I haven't figured out his connection yet. He wonders why they are so guarded about their sister, don't they want her to get married?

Big brother feels he is obligated to watch after her, other brother says me too. The friend wonders if they know something about Vickie's boyfriend that would immpede them from wanting her to see him. They go on about the whole mess that Rafi is in. The friend wonders then why Vicki thinks he is so great. Well Duh says Filepe, its because she's in love with him

In walks Vickie as the brothers are cutting down Rafie stating, he's just a poor devil, no good for nothing. She walks over and says something I didn't get and puts an end to the whole conversation. And so do I. On to the next.

We are back at Ale's house. She is in the kitchen harassing the poor maid Azusana. I think she wants to know if she has polished the silver. Ale is hobbling around on crutches. Giving orders left and right. She hobbles over to the fridge, inquiring where's the meat. They are going back and forth when in walks Dad.

Dad is not alone. He has a gentlemen with him. Guess what. This guy is interested in buying the house. There is a cute scene with Jorge introducing everyone to each other and getting all the names wrong. The look on Ales face is hysterical, as dad babbles on about this guy wanting to buy the house for him and his daughter and his two grandchildren, Alberto corrects him and says No No, for my two dogs. Jorge not skipping a beat, continues on describing the attributes of the kitchen. Stating when it was build. Rosario corrects him, and he turns to her and says, I'm not talking about your age Rosario. This is all pretty funny.

Jorge and Alberto continue on their tour. Ale is dumbstruck, asking Rosario, Why is he selling the house? This isn't necessary. Ale goes off after Jorge, and poor Alcanza catches Rosario asking her when is Ale going back to work. Rosario asks her why she wants to know this. Alcanza hands her a list of duties Ale has given her including disinfecting the lettuce. In other words, Ale is driving her nuts.

Now we are in the living room, we see a lovely portrait of Ale's mother on the wall. Jorge is explaining she played the cello. Ale is correcting him, it was the violin. This goes on for a little while.

Finally she asks to speak to Dad alone. He excuses himself from Alberto saying, I will show you the garage in a minute. Alberto doesn't need to see anymore. How Much is it? Ale quickly interrupts and says, we will be in touch. Goodbyes are said, and Jorge gets the name wrong, and sends greetings to Alberto's grandchildren. Alberto corrects this, "My dogs" - and he is out the door.

Ale is pleading with Jorge. How could he think about selling the house. She tells him when she can work again she will take care of all the debts. He tells her he can't stand this situation anymore. They never lacked for anything. If they need to sell the house they need to sell the house. Ale continue to try and change is my mind. He walks away, yelling for Rosario looking for the Deed to the house. (Oh oh)

Ale standing alone in the living room, is in a panic Oh my god she says, I have to recover the deed to the house, if I don't, papas going to just die.

Rafie and Jamie are walking down the sidewalk. Jamie asks if he ever found out what was in the car he was to deliver. Rafie says no, and he never wants to know. They discuss his unsuccessful job hunt.

Rafie says the only thing he needs is his panther. I am thinking this is what he calls his car. Jamie says he will take care of it. Rafi is excited about being able to sell all his things to make some money. Jaimie comments: as fine as the beverages and other things are, this isn't going to be the solution to his problem. Raifie asks what should he do? He doesn't have any other solution.

Jaimie corrects Rafie and says he does have a solution, and here she comes just a walking down the street. They both look in the direction of Vickie. Jaimie prompts him to take advantage of the Father-in-law.

Rafie is not exactly excited about this idea. First of all Don Gaston would never loan it to him. And if he did and Rafie didn't pay it back, well we get a great picture of Rafie pointing to a large pigs head hanging outside of Don Gaston's butcher shop... Prison would be better than that.

Vickie has now joined Jaimie and Rafie. Kiss kiss Hello. Jaimie is off. Rafie and Vickie are headed to the butcher shop. Vickie wants to know what's wrong. Rafie says his problems continue, and he can't find work. Vickie says don't worry, things will work out, or something like that. Rafie says it is not that easy. All the jobs he has been looking at are requiring skills that he doesn't have.

We enter the butcher shop. Scary place!! Hello papa, Hello daughter. Bam!! That is one big knife. Rafie quickly hides behind Vickie. Don G asks Rafie hows it going, Rafie timidly answers, "its going". This doesn't sit well with Don Gaston, He scolds Rafie for imitating him or something. Rafie hides again behind Vickie.

Don Gaston hurls a chunk of meat to his daughter for supper, I believe it is tongue. He tells her how to cook it. Rafie looks a little repulsed by all this and still a little intimidated by Don Gaston.

Gaston asks Rafie if he wants to buy anything, Rafie says no I'm fine, I'm leaving I'm Leaving. And Gaston graciously offers Filepe to accompany vickie home.

These next few scenes were very interesting. They all centered around our three major families and supper.

First we have Rafie and Lenor. She wanders why he is home? How did the job go? Rafie tells her they didn't need him after all. She asks if he is hungry. He wants to know what's for supper. There really isn't much, but we do have some of the stuff from the wedding. I am not certain what was in the little tin Lenor was holding but I think she said smoked mussels. What goes good with that? Champagne of course.

We are now having supper at Ale's house. They aren't fairing much better then Rafie's house. Jorge is once again asking Ale where the deed is. The doorbell chimes and in walks Marco. He tells Jorge he looks ten years younger. I didn't quite catch what Jorge's reply to this was. Jorge is chatting with Rosario. Marco asks ale whats going on. She tells him that Jorge keeps asking for the Deed to the house. He wants to sell the house no matter what.

Marco tells Jorge not to worry so much, the Hacienda is doing well, they don't have to sell the house. Jorge tells him he doesn't know how bad it is. Marco says he does know the situation and he has brought them money to help out.

Jorge is reluctant but our false charmer continues on. Jorge suddenly remembers a friend that could help them out with all their problems. Rosario reminds him that this friend is no longer living, Poor Manuel has been dead for a year. That's why he hasn't answered his calls.

Our final supper is at the Gaston Residence. There is so much food there. and the knifes. These are some pretty serious butchers. Papa is ragging on vickie for being late with the supper. He proceeds to tell her he doesn't like this guy (Rafie) that's looking for work, to be hanging around her petticoats. Felipe, butcher knife in hand, seconds this. (This is a scary bunch!) She is going on about poor Rafie if he can't pay his debt he will have to go back to jail. At least they have conjugal visits on Sundays.

This doesn't go over well All three are yelling at her and repeating everything dad says. Don't you dare think about that! In really loud voices. It is pretty funny.

She asks them to stop making of fun of her and and treating her so inhumanely. One of the brothers offers her a solution. He says Rafie could commit suicide. That is the only thing left to do. Vickie says he could never do that. Filepe offers to help if he can't do it himself.

Vickie calls them all a bunch of wretched miserable men who don't care about her. Don Gaston asks her what she expects him to do about it. This guy can't find a way to get this money and there's no one out there that would give it to him. Vickie sweetly says "you" - you're the only one that can help him. Don Gaston is taken back by this. No! No! No!

Vickie has moved quickly to Don Gaston's side, gently sweetly, telling him, you could do this, lend him the money. He will pay it back with interest. I think we have a papa here who can't say no to his daughter.

He gets a grip on himself, tells Vickie he doesn't know what's going on but she's crazy if she thinks he will loan money to a total stranger. Vickie says he is not a stranger. He's my boyfriend. Papa says a boyfriend isn't much better than a stranger. Now if it was someone more important, let's say your husband, I would consider it. Discussion over.

Vickie gets a big smile on her face, gets up and walks away from the table, leaving the three men yelling at each other. As she rounds the corner, she says out loud "My husband" smiling so grandly.

We have Ale and Marco again discussing the financial woes. Ale wants to go back to work. Marco is against this. She says has to do this. For her dignity if nothing else.

Rafie is asking leonor if anyone has called. Vicki, Vickie, Vickie. oh and vickie. Rafie means someone calling offering him a job. She tells him no. She says, I think we have hit bottom.

The phone rings. Leonor answers and believes it is someone important. Rafie takes the phone and it turns out to be someone not so important. Marco.

Marco is pressuring Rafie, wanting to know if he found a job. More importantly if he is going to be able to make the first month's payment. Rafie says he is working at it. Marco says you better be working on it. He calls him a swindler. Rafie tells him he is not a swindler and will come through with the money

After he hangs up Leonor is concerned as to how he is going to pay them. Rafie tells her there is one possibility, Vicki's dad. Leonor pulls a face.

We are back with Marco and Ale. She doesn't think he will be able to pay. Marco says if he doesn't we still have Leonor's house we could sell. Ale wonders what Rafie could be up to to get this money

Now we have Rafie outside Vickie's house asking if she asked her dad about the money and what was his answer. Vickie tells him he said yes. Rafie is dancing with excitement. Vickie is also dancing with excitement. He asks when will he get the money? She says - when you marry me. Daddy won't give the money to a stranger but he will lend it to his son-in-law. Problem solved.

Vickie suddenly realizes Rafie is no longer as excited as she is. She Asks if he doesn't want to marry her.

Rafie says that's not it. He just doesn't want to confuse things with the loan. He doesn't want people saying he just married her for the money. We have a long conversation that ends with Vicky asking him if he is rejecting the idea of the money, or the idea of the marriage.

Rafie is back-pedaling and it is not going well. Papa's yelling out the window and Rafie tells her not to worry they will work it out and rushes her inside the gate. Rafie standing alone outside the gate ponders. Marriage or Prison? then he declares they are about the same. To be or not to be, where did he hear this.

Our final scene takes place in a stripper club with Marco meeting an associate. The associate offers Marco an expensive drink, compliments of Marco's future father- in-law. Marco wants to know if he brought his money. Okay I was really doing pretty good until now. I think this guy has something to do with the embargo against Jorge's Hacienda. He advises Marco: if the embargo is lifted before he marries Ale, He wont get anything. And that's where we end.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Gancho # 155 - Jan. 27 - All's not fair in war, especially if you are a dumb Big BUG!!!

We revisit the hearing from hell where Coni gets it all because Mau got close to Valentina. Oh for Pete's sake. She would only get at most half in reality. What is this everything goes to her crap. Sheesh.

Mau tries to convince the judge. Well he's divorced now, but ain't got a pot to you know what in.

Coni spews some more venom on the way out. you know I hate to say it, but in a sad pathetic way our big bug got what he deserved. He never should have married in the first place no matter what crap she threw at him.

Beto continues to whine about his situation with the lack of Betito. It is nice seeing these folks behaving more or less maturely between themselves.

We briefly flash for some reason to kids looking concerned.

After that we see Senor Juez is in the hands of our Mystery Hombre Papa Marcos. Asi es la vida. Que pena.

Yeah Rolu and Xime!!!

She's doing an experiment. She calls for Arni, he quips back Arnoldo. She begs him to come, cunis. he's getting ready for his "date" with Lalo. She wants to make sure he makes himself beautiful, he doesn't know why he agreed to go. He arranges all of the table things. he goes back up and she unarranges them then calls him back down. Of course when he comes back he rearranges all of the things AGAIN. She thinks it will be super easy for him to be "conquered" by Lalo. Hmm...ok, don't arrange things because you might be gay then....

Mau and Con argue about the crap.

Rolu now wants to experiment with Xime. He asks her to close her eyes.

More crap with could you do this...blah blah blah... he leaves telling her she doesn't deserve Beto or anyone else's love. Ouch. She tears.

Xime corrects Arni that his wardrobe is "out" of fashion in English. Arn thinks ok, great then he won't go out. Xime wants to help him and Rolu agrees he should. She pulls his sweater off, tie off, and unbuttons his shirt somewhat. She gives him her white leather jacket. But, there is one final touch (feminine that is)....the pink boa. She wants to lower his pants even. She comments he needs to show off his pompis, and if he has none, then do pilates!

Mau now breaks it to the kids who were consoling Beto that they have to stay with Momia. Uh oh.

Back to the drag dress up, Xime thinks he needs dark designer glasses, when she goes off to find them, Arni tells Rolu this time he's gone too far, everything is pinky flowery (in English). He begs Arni to do him this favor to win over Lalo's confidence. Of course he's still not gay. He looks damn good in the pink boa and white heart sunglasses though.

Lalu shows up and he agrees that Arne looooks maahhhvelous!! he's there to rip him out of the closet.

Coni is chatting with Papi dearest telling how she got it all. He smiles for her, but reveals nothing. She tells Papi that they still have to get the shares of Xime the wife of Rolando Klunder, in order to own it all, they can get Jero's easily apparently.

The kids are now crying, no, not the Momia!! Mau promises to do all in his power to make this not happen. Hmmm, and he didn't do this before why????? Oh Mau, it will take a while for you to convince us you have a pair....

This was great. Beto still whining to Mona, and a light bulb goes off for her. Momia is not preggers. Me thinks me knows where this one will go...

She leaves Beto to cry, and Mau sees him and extends an arm...he nudges over Dani and wedges his way into the group hug. Tooo cute.

Yep I was right...we see Momia in an office and Mona rushing in and slamming the door behind her. We are left to wonder as we move to another office.

We learn Oscar and Marcos are also in cahoots. Oscar is there to sell Jero's shares, he's been given the power of attorney to do so. I so want to tell this scene ala Hombre with Oscar's viewpoint....ok I will only a little. He's smirking to himself, ha that tarado Jero I have him wrapped around my little finger. Oh and not to worry about his sister the stupida who also owns 10percent, she won't stand in our way. What? You are raising an eyebrow at me that you don't quite believe it? Hmmm.

OK.. so now we see that Mona is there to beat the living shite out of our vaca eyed (thanks Elna June) Coni.

Mau whines about how he failed his kids. Don't console him kids, he did fail. Wimp. Uh oh, Jacqui is there, she takes the kids home. They love him.

The boys Mau and Beto bond over their misfortune of having sucked up the venom of such a slithery snake as Coni.

Mona yells at Coni and they decide to fight for the vecinidad. Ooohh now this will be interesting. She says she wants a month to get ready, Mona says you can have three, and Coni says eh, two will be fine. So we'll have to wait until March maybe. Sorry guys.

More tough girl talk.

M&M talk about what happened. Again with the failure talk. That's enough already...and whoops there goes my recording, I think my clock was afew minutes ahead, so that's where my show stops. Anyone else want to add? Please do, and thanks until next time.


ENDA, January 27, 2010

Angelica tells Miriam that the truth is finally out in the open. Miriam is still worried about what Dario will do to retaliate.

Luz tells Eugenio that she's adopting Xiochi. He tells her it's not easy being a mother. He knows that she's very liberated and impulsive. Carloca calls Eugenio. She wants to see him.

Anamar is walking at the hotel in her little skirt when Romina comes behind her, turns her around and b!tch slaps her. Then calls her a golfa who robs husbands. Anamar asks her what she wants. Romina says to leave town and not come back. Emiliano is her's. Anamar smiling smugly says she's not leaving, that Emiliano invited her to the wedding and she will be going.

Angelica is talking to Orlando about the everything happening with the Dario situation. Emiliano comes in all mopey and Orlando asks Angelica to leave. Orlando asks to speak to Emiliano regarding his relationship with Romina.

Ivonne and Dr. Bermudez talk on the phone. She asks him about the picture that she left their. He tells her he still has it. Is a relationship forming?

Orlando tells Emiliano that Romina told him everything. He thinks that he's rushing all this divorce stuff. They have only been married a short time. Emiliano says time does not matter. I no longer want to be at her side. Orlando thinks they should go to marriage counseling, but Emiliano refuses. Orlando says he's worry about the baby. So am I replies Emiliano. You know I didn't want to marry her and now the baby is getting out of the hospital. I see what you are saying replies Orlando. Sometimes the other person in the relationship does not want what you want. Emiliano asks if he's having problems with Camila. No, but I can and that worries me. The contract I signed with the guy in Houston wants me to live their for 2 years and Camila doesn't want to go.

Eugenio tells Luz about Carloca and how he feels that behind that tough exterior is a woman that just wants to be loved. That's why he's intrigued by her.

Emiliano tells Orlando he needs to tell Camila. Orlando agrees and will talk to her about it on after their honeymoon. Why wait asks Emiliano. Orlando says it's because they are all stressed about the wedding and he doesn't think that Camila will react well. Is it really stress or because you think she'll say no replies Emiliano. You need to tell her before.

Eugenio and Luz still talking about Carloca. Luz warns him not to fall under her spell. Eugenio laughs and says that won't happen. Only you can make me fall. Luz laughs. He tells her that she's positive, beautiful and honest. Luz says your making me blush. No replies Eugenio. It would have been nice back then (regarding them together) but now, no. Luz agrees. She says they say that a man and woman can't be friends, but we have proved them wrong. He tells her that if Xiochi stays in her life then she will have a great one. I have no doubt that you will give her love and your protection. You will an excellent mother. Luz says you say such beautiful things. Is a relationship forming?

Cristobal is in the prison yard thinking when his cellmate comes up. You’re thinking about the outcome tomorrow? Yes replies Cristobal. Cellmate gives Cristobal a necklace that his mother gave him. He says once you get out, you can give it back to me. Cristobal sees ugly guy and his gang dragging a little guy across the yard. Cristobal asks what's going on. Cellmate says what they wanted to do to you, but didn't get the chance.

Paloma goes to visit Natalia. Natalia tells Paloma she's in hell. Paloma says everything will work out. Natalia is not as positive. Paloma promises to watch over Sagario if she doesn't get out. Natalia thanks her and asks if Cristobal knows that she is Macarena's daughter. Yes, I told him and who my father is replies Paloma. But he's scum and I don't want to talk about it.

Cristobal charges into the cell where ugly guy and his goons are messing with the little man and punches the first guy he sees. Ugly guy tells Cristobal to leave and tries to punch him. Cristobal evades his fist and starts hitting ugly guy in the kidneys, stomach and jaw. Cellmate buddy kneads ugly guy in the groin. Cristobal tells the goons to release the little man. Guards come in and break up the fight and take the goons away.

Carloca tells herself that she has to find a way for Eugenio to join her game.

Eugenio wonders why Carloca wants to see him. What game are you playing?

Cellmate tells Cristobal that he's in charge now. He tells the other prisoners that it's time to unite BLAH, BLAH.

Madeleine is in church praying when Padre Mateo comes up and hears her prayer begging god to find Cristobal innocent. Padre Mateo says I heard your prayer and we are all praying the same thing too. Cristobal is a good man.

Orlando comes home to Camila cooking dinner. He says tonight is the last night you will be my girlfriend. Camila says tomorrow a new life begins. Orlando says he was talking to Emiliano and wants to tell her something. But he doesn't have the cojones to do it. He gives her flowers and she asks if he wants to make love to his girlfriend for the last time?

Anamar tells Emiliano that Romina confronted her and slapped her. What kind of witch did you marry?

Angelica tells Miriam that tomorrow is going to be hard. Watching her friend marry the man she loves.

Romina is at home seething and gets a call from German. He wants her to come to his place. She needs someone to caress her and make her feel. She tells him that is what I have my husband for. Seriously replies German. Don't pretend that you are happy and that you have Emiliano eating out of your hand. I understand faking it in front of Paloma because he loved her, but this new girl? Why don't you pay him back? Thanks but no thanks replies Romina.

Emiliano walks Anamar out and thanks her for telling him. She tells him that she's not going to go to the wedding. Emiliano says Romina has to learn to respect his friends and Anamar agrees, but is doing it for him. They hug good-bye and his phone rings. It's Romina wanting to know when he'll be home. Emiliano tells her not to wait for him. After the wedding tomorrow he's going to pack up his stuff and leave. Then hangs up on her.

Paloma is saying her nightly prayers. Carloca can't believe that Paloma is going to the wedding. Anyway she wants to know Paloma's opinion on Eugenio. Paloma thinks he's attractive with a big heart. Carloca asks if she knew that he is Cristobal's lawyer. Rufi told me replies Paloma. Carloca says I would have thought your little teacher told you. Paloma gets defensive and tells her not to call him that. His name is Gabriel. Sorry says Carloca. I just want to know why such a good guy like Eugenio would be defending a murderer. Paloma doesn't believe Cristobal is a murderer. Carloca says she really wants to know about Eugenio. The only thing I know replies Paloma is that he is a widower and that he loves his son. Does he have a girlfriend asks Carloca. Not that I know of says Paloma. That strange a man like him not with another replies Carloca. Why asks Paloma. You haven't fallen in love with another man after falling for Cristobal. Just like my mother.

Emiliano finally comes home the next day and Romina starts in on him. Where were you? With your little friend? No replies Emiliano. Just alone. But you had to go to the hotel to insult her? Don't you dare touch her again. Have a little class.

Luz thinks about Rafa and the pain he's feeling knowing that Camila is marrying another. She walks around the apartment all mopey. Rafa talks to Joel about his anguish that Camila is marrying today. Joel asks if Luz is aware of his feelings. No replies Rafa. Especially now that she has Xiochi. Luz is at the apartment still crying.

Next day: Romina comes in to help her mother get ready, but sees it's already done. Camila says since you didn't come Monica and Metiche offered to help. Romina decides to go downstairs to make sure all is well. Camila stares at herself in the mirror. Not a very happy bride. She gets a call from Rafa. She goes to Romina's room. Rafa begs her not to hang up. He's in front of her house. She walks out onto the balcony. He tells her to come with him. I finally will sign divorce papers this week. I will finally be free for you. Camila says you always say that. But its true replies Rafa. Camila says I loved you more then I thought was possible, but understand. I have made a decision and will be making a new life with Orlando. Did you make that decision from your heart or your head asks Rafa.

Rufi helps Paloma get ready. Paloma tells Rufi that she feels kind of bad leaving Carloca. She has always been a part of my life. But I know I have to do this. Nothing will stand in my way. Of course since no one in that house knows how to close a freaking door, Carloca is outside listening. Carloca says to herself that she doubts it. Poor Dr. Bermudez. But then he may like being reunited with Macarena.

Gabriel and Eugenio argue. Gabriel says after the wedding Paloma will no longer see me. I don't want her to know about my sickness. (Enough already! What is it?)

Emiliano asks Orlando if he told Camila yet. Orlando says after the honeymoon. What if she doesn't want to go asks Emiliano. I don't want to think about it replies Orlando. That would mean giving up the contract in Houston and that would make me feel really bad. (All about you isn't it? As my husband would say to me sometimes; Marsha, Marsha, Marsha) Anyway Orlando says you invited Anamar? Because you are playing with fire. She's my friend replies Emiliano. Perhaps she is to you, but not to her. Anamar comes up and greets them. Romina looks on in jealousy. Paloma and Rufi show up. Romina comes up and greets them then takes Paloma away to talk about Emiliano's new friend. She asks Paloma for advice. Paloma tells her to calm down.

Carloca comes to visit Eugenio at Gabriel's apartment. He tells her he was surprised by her call. I bet you were replies Carloca. It wasn't very easy for me to do it. I don't know where to begin. What do you mean asks Eugenio. Carloca says can we start talking about you? So that I can express myself more. Of course replies Eugenio. Can I have a coffee? Sure replies Eugenio. (I say be careful. She might just spike your drink. Wonder with what? Belladonna or knock out drugs?)

Gabriel shows up at the wedding. Romina starts flirting with him. Gabriel is disgusted and leaves. Gabriel apologizes to Paloma for being late. He had a fight with his dad. What about asks Paloma. It's not important replies Gabriel.

Romina corners Emiliano and gets onto him for inviting his friend. Then accuses him of sleeping with her. He says when you wanted everyone to believe that you weren't sleeping with German we did. Now you do the same for me. I won't be with anyone until we sign the divorce papers. Is that why you want a divorce asks Romina. To be with others? No so that I can breathe in peace replies Emiliano. Now go check on your mother. Romina leaves and Emiliano sees Paloma laughing and gets all angry mopey.

Carloca tells Eugenio she feels bad about her behavior the last time they saw each other. No worries answers Eugenio. Carloca says you have a good heart and that is why I came to talk to you about Cristobal. Because something in me is repulsed thinking that Cristobal will be free. Why do you hate him so much asks Eugenio. I don't replies Carloca. I just don't like hypocrites or people who are two-faced. I don't like people with double morals and a double life. Eugenio wants to know if Cristobal ever hurt her. Yes replies Carloca. How asks Eugenio. I'll tell you because I trust you. It's very intimidate though. I appreciate your confidence says Eugenio.

Romina looks for Camila and can't find her.

Carloca tells Eugenio that awhile ago at confession she told Cristobal that she never did the deed with anyone. That she was waiting for the love of her life. She pretends to be embarrassed and wants to leave. Eugenio stops her and says trust me. What happened after you told him this? He began to come on to me. He thought I would be easy like my sister. That's why he wanted to marry her so that he could get close to me. I can't believe that Cristobal would do that replies Eugenio. He's a bad man says Carloca. That is why I came to you. To tell you not to believe in his words. Think about what you’re doing in helping him. He deserves to be in hell. Thanks for listening. Eugenio tells himself that she is a great actress, but does not believe her.

Camila is talking to Rafa face to face in the streets. He says the only reason Orlando is in this exact position is because he took advantage of the situation. Remember when I told you that I promised Orlando to step away from you so that Emiliano would not know who Diana really was? Well I didn't tell you the whole truth. Orland told me to, to keep the secret. Camila is impactada. Are you sure you want to marry someone who manipulates just to be at your side?

Manana: Romina and Anamar get into it; German and Romina kiss and are about to get caught?


Julia and PB pictures now in sidebar...

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Dinero #7, 1/26/10. Good Help is Hard to Find

Have you noticed that Hasta que el dinero is a role-reversal novela? It takes all the usual novela characters and swaps their genders.
* The rich, spoiled, undisciplined, irresponsible, inconsiderate one is a woman.
* The rich one’s evil, conniving, secretly-low-class gold-digger love interest is a man.
* The Sweet Young Thing (SYT), from low-class origins but with a heart of gold and a strong work ethic, is a man.
* SYT’s love interest is honorable and nice, but a definite second-stringer. Comparable to Santiago in Pasión, Adolfo in Amor Real, or Patricio in Tontas.
* SYT is dazzled by Rich One from their first encounter onward, and doesn’t even notice how sangrón she is. Neither does her wealth matter in his attraction to her.
* Rich One starts with a very low opinion of SYT. With Rich One's shallow values system, she doesn't see SYT's good heart.

On with the show.

Papa Jorge wants to bail out the almost-newlyweds by selling the house, but they say he mustn’t do that. Isn’t that sweet of them? Especially considering that Ale already gave the deed (escritura) to the bank as collateral for her overnight loan, a loan which is now more than a week old. Ale swears that she will not give Rafael any rest until he pays.

In her room, tucked in for the night, Ale asks Marco, essentially, “Do you still love me?” She lists all the things she’s lost in the past week – her looks, her wealth, her health. She’s feeling low, but he consoles her, his love is true and he will be by her side forever. Reassured, now she can rest. Marco slips out and takes a call from the same shyster he’s spoken to before, and I still can’t figure out what their game is. Maybe it hasn’t been revealed yet.

Rafael is home, explaining to Mama Leonor that the reason no one has hired him is because he doesn’t wear elegant clothes. He believes the rejections have nothing to do with his lack of skills, lack of education, lack of class, lack of professionalism, lack of experience.. the list goes on and on.

Ale and Marco are with her family at breakfast. Azucena, the maid, tactfully reminds el patrón that it will soon be payday. Or perhaps, as it has been for the past four months, no-pay day. Later the family worries that if they cannot make payroll this month, they might lose her.

Rafael goes to a series of job interviews. At the art gallery, he shows off his lack of art knowledge, offends the proprietor by grabbing her elbow, and convinces her that he is the quintessential naco. When she asks if he knows very much about art, Rafael borrows a well-known Mexican schtick.

Have you ever seen El Chapulín Colorado, the red-spandexed superhero of Mexican comedy? Someone will say to him, “Chapulín, cantas bien?” Our superhero answers, “Sí, sí, yo canto, pero no que digan, ‘QUE BRUTO! este tipo, que bien canta!’" (Yes, I can sing, but not so well that people say, “Ohmygosh, that guy sure can sing!”)

At the airline, the manager tries to conduct the interview in English. He addresses Rafael in normal conversational English, and Raf gives him a blank stare. So the manager drops it down a notch, hoping Raf can understand simpler English. No-go. Finally the manager asks, Do – you – speak – English? Still no reaction from Rafael, so the man tries, “Habla usted inglés?” Rafael answers, “Sí, sí, hablo inglés, pero no que digan, QUE BRUTO...” You get the idea.

Note how poorly the manager speaks Spanish. That’s to tell us that he’s a gringo. The problem is, his accent in English is even worse than his accent in Spanish!

Alejandra wants to accompany Marco when he takes Pop to the cardiologist, but Marco insists that she stay home and rest. What a considerate fellow. In a pig’s eye. The doctor warns Marco that they need to take good care of Jorge, follow the doctor’s instructions, keep him from stress, etc., or he will die. Kind, compassionate Marco just wants to make sure the geezer survives the wedding. The doctor worries about Jorge, while Marco worries about the wedding date. When they return home, Marco gets another phone call from the mysterious stranger, and the music plays so loudly that I understand even less of their conversation. One thing that is clear – Marco tells the stranger that since Ale didn’t get the apartment, they have to live with her family, and he has to tolerate these people that he can’t stand.

Marco tells Alejandra that the doctor said her father could die at any moment, and therefore they should get married as soon as possible so Pop will be around to see it. Just another example of Marco the considerate. e.g. he considers how much money she will inherit. Ale can’t bear the thought of getting married looking like this, but Marco reminds her how happy it would make her father, the man Marco said he can’t stand.

At Rafael’s house, they are coping as best they can, given their economic state. With their TV gone, Mama and Sister are forced to call a friend and listen to their novelas over the phone, from the friend’s house. Gee. I’m glad I’ve never gone to extremes just to be able to watch a novela. No, not me. That must’ve been my evil twin. In a pig’s eye!

Rafael’s buddy José has a lead on a well-paying job for him. All he needs to do is drive down to Acapulco. There is of course some problem with the legality of the cargo, but for a high-paying job, let’s not quibble, eh?

The banker calls Alejandra wondering why she hasn’t paid her loan yet, considering that he holds the deed. She promises to call him later, a promise she has no intention of keeping.

Thank you, Hombre d'M, for help with this part. The bookkeeper-type who handles the household accounts comes to Ale’s house with more bad economic news. There's not enough money to pay the bills (utilities, etc.). Marco is aggressive with him, and the guy leaves. Jorge assures his daughter that she shouldn’t go back to work until she is healthy. He can sell their house and they can move someplace less expensive. If only he could find the deed. The one the banker holds as collateral for Ale’s “overnight” loan.

Meanwhile, Ale’s boyfriend Snidely Whiplash reminds himself that he just has to endure these disgusting people “until it’s mine, all mine!”

I welcome any corrections. I probably misinterpreted some things, so please correct me.


ENDA Tuesday January 26. The Genie is unbottled.

Are things finally turning around? Will Don Eugenio grant our three wishes and free the prisoners, save the townspeople from the mindmelt spell they’re under, and deliver La Loca to her grisly fate? Well, things are drifting that way, at long last.

In chambers, Eugenio says he thinks someone with an interest in Cristóbal’s downfall is interfering in the trial. The prosecutor says they don’t know who it is, so whatevs. The judge says regardless, y’all hop to it and finish up by day after tomorrow, because this fifteen minutes of court per day is wearing him out and his golf game won’t play itself.

Carlota is offended that Rufi plans to leave town with Paloma, after she has done her the charity of allowing her to work like a slave and take incessant verbal abuse in exchange for a pittance of a salary. Hire someone else, says Rufi, as she continues toiling over the day’s cabbage (okay, maybe she doesn’t work that hard. It looks like she’s slowly peeling it apart, leaf by leaf). Carloca thinks Rufi should convince Paloma to stay, so they don’t have to go begging (mendigando) in the capital. Suddenly she changes her tune, inspired by the jar of belladonna. Why don’t they invite Doc B to dinner, to thank him for all he’s doing?

All the girls are back in their school uniforms and sitting in the classroom, where they will receive their diplomas. What exactly was the point of that whole graduation celebration?

Gabriel gets jealous of some couple making out in the church courtyard. He leans against a pillar and turns into Emoony 2.0.

In the courtroom, Eugenio gets a crack at the new witness, Leopoldo, who says he is a fruit vendor but used to drive a truck. “Why the change?” asks Don E. He couldn’t drive well due to worsening diabetes. “So, weakness, loss of vision?” Yes. The prosecutor feebly objects, but is rebuffed. Don E. gets Leo the Lyin’ to admit he can’t see well from a distance. Germy gets kerfuffled, and some guy in front of him who looks like a broom barfed on his head isn’t happy either.

Sandra, mostly recovered from hepatitis, tells Liliana she’ll be able to go to Paloma’s birthday party. She asks whether Gabriel might be there. Lili assumes so, since the party is at his house and he’s the latest fly in Paloma’s web. Sandra is a bit disappointed.

Don YouGenio subjects Leo to an impromptu vision and memory test, which he fails miserably. Germy gets squirmy. The Padre Cadre snickers. Don E. accuses Leo of perjury.

Leo the Lyin’ insists that the person he saw push Alonso had dark eyes and limped, but slithers out of the perjury trap by agreeing it must not have been Cris. I hope the judge is watching Germán’s reactions to all this. It is pretty freaking clear which side he’s on. Don E. gloats modestly.

Emiliano is at the hospital, holding the perfectly healthy baby. The doctora spills that Romina rarely visits, and when she does she spends most of the time on the phone. Emo does a forceful yoga exhale so we know he doesn’t approve.

The girls are still hanging around the school in their uniforms, saying long goodbyes. Sandra assumes Emiliano must know Paloma is leaving, and that’s why he has given up on her and was with some other pretty girl at the movies. Qué? Paloma is not happy, but her hair looks really good aside from that stupid bow.

Luz sits in the park, watching Xochi play and debating whether she should marry Rafa in order to adopt the little munchkin. {I thought she was going to marry Rafa anyway. What’s the crisis here?}

Rafa and Joel are in the office, bemoaning their personal lives rather than focusing on work, as usual. Rafa is upset that Camila is getting married.

Camila stares at her wedding dress, trying to psych herself up for the marriage.

In another office where little work ever occurs, Angélica tells Orlando that Mr. Gibson called from Houston, something about a house rental. “Are you moving to Houston?” she asks, while thinking, “Is my blouse unbuttoned quite far enough to convince you to reconsider?” He fakes a phone call to get rid of her.

Paloma goes to church, still in her school uniform, and runs into Gabriel. She invites him to attend Camila and Orly’s wedding with her.

Back at the jail, Eugenio asks Cris whether he thinks Carlota may have given all the info on his past to the prosecution. “Absolutely. She is the most intelligent and perverse woman I’ve ever met,” says Cris.

Romina is doing abdominal crunches. Sure healed from that C-section fast. Emo storms in and yells at her that he doubts the baby is his and their family is a farce because she’s still the same selfish b!tch she’s always been. He wants a divorce.

Romi gets all whiny and defensive and says she lurves him sooooo much, and he’d be happy with her if he just wanted to. Emo says she manipulated him into marrying her, but he has had enough. She accuses him of leaving her for that short-skirted tramp. He says Anamar has nothing to do with it.

Gabriel spies on Paloma from the choir loft as she prays. She’s a bit afraid and nervous about her impending move, and asks for blessings and comfort. As she gets up, Padre Benito approaches and encourages her to lighten up a bit on Cris. He really does care about her, even if he and Mac didn’t share all their news, you know, while Macarena was busy dying. Paloma is too stubborn to move the plot forward.

The press barges into the office and asks Ange about her accusations against Darío. She smiles for the cameras and says of course she is absolutely certain that he stole her work. Orlando beams proudly.

Gabriel catches up with Paloma outside the church. His homeless beggar outfit doesn’t scare her off, because she is still in her weird school uniform. With the SEE-THROUGH shirt. I still can’t get over that, but I hope we won’t have to see them anymore. Or see through them. Paloma tells him she’s tired of all the secrets. Gabe tells her sometimes people feel they need to keep secrets in order to protect the ones they love. She doesn’t care. Does she think that refusing to talk to people will get rid of the secrets? Gabriel thinks to himself that he hopes she never finds out his secret.

Germs goes to Misery Manor, takes a few deep breaths, and reports to the Wicked Witch the disappointing performance of their star witness. The Purple Cow calls him a good-for-nothing and throws him out. She nearly foams at the mouth as she tries to think of a new plot.

Lucila the editor tells Darío she ain’t happy. He claims Ange and Miriam are just trying to frame him because of their unrequited love for his fine self. Lucila isn’t buying it. She says Olivia and Susana have also accused him of plagiarizing their work. Darío throws a fit. Lucila gives him a final check and tells him she won’t risk publishing his book, and their contract is finito.

Romina takes a hint from Anamar and wears a shirt as a dress. She cries to Orlando that Emo wants to leave her. She begs him to make Emoony a happy family man for the sake of their precious baby.

Emo sits in the park and basks in the sun, appreciating the fine weather and scenery. No, he moons, of course. He has some blue-tinted flashbacks so we can see him smile and remember better times.

Emo tells Rafa he’s decided to get a divorce, but he’ll fight to keep the baby. He’s afraid to do another paternity test, though, because he’s gotten attached to the little one. Rafa thinks it would help with the divorce.

Camila writes a letter she doesn’t intend to deliver, telling Rafael how she feels about him. Schmucky, is the gist. Then she burns the letter and cries.

Luz introduces Xochi to Gabriel. They are fast friends. Gabriel says she’s lucky to have found so much happiness in Realweird del Monte, while things are not going so well for him with Paloma. Luz says love is a blessing whether it lasts for only an instant or for a lifetime, so take what you can get.

Rafa is still moping about Camila’s impending wedding. Emo remarks that he seems so happy with Luz, though. Rafa says that with Luz, he’s doing wild things he never dared to do before. Not sure that’s what a guy wants to hear about his father. Still, though, he can’t get over Camila.

Ange tells Miriam the bomb has exploded; now everyone will know what a cockroach Darío is. Miriam agrees that’s good, but doesn’t seem very happy about it.

Eugenio tells Luz that being a mother is very hard work, and he knows how impulsive she is. She asks whether he doesn’t think she’ll be a good mother, and he is saved from answering by a call from Carloca, who wants to see him.

Romina assaults Anamar in the hotel lobby and calls her a golfa.

Avances: Carloca shows way too much skin and lights candles. Is she trying to seduce Eugenio?! More catfighting.

Also: State of the Onion is Wednesday. ENDA is on at 8:00(ish?) on the west coast; check your local listings.


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