Thursday, March 04, 2010

Dinero March 3, 2010: Mariachis and Assassins

This was a wild ride tonight. I laughed so hard I nearly fell out of my chair (several times. So let's fasten your seat belts and let's get to it.

We begin with Rafa dancing with Carlota, daughter of one of Rafa's potential clients. She is urging Rafa to give her a little spin in the truck. Rafa goes to ask permission from Ale. She questions his sales techniques. He tells her this is how he sells. She tells him to get a little closer; as he does, she answers "You do and I will break your face."

She tells him she is tired of him leaving her alone. She clarifies that the object is to sell. And the potential buyers are over there, as she points to all the businessmen. Rafa agrees and gets up to leave. Ale asks him where he is going and he looks over to the table of businessmen. Ale scolds him, telling him not to leave her alone again.

We change scenes and see Karen answering her phone. Chavez tells her he is glad he was able to reach her, and hopes that it is not too late. (Marco, listening in, is sitting on the sofa. They have come up with a new plan and it is a doosie.)

He wants to know if she has talked with Marco yet. She says he isn't answering his phone. He asks her if she was pressuring him. She tells Chavez she was trying to help and even offered a good psychiatrist. Chavez warns her not to pressure Marco. She is in dangerous territory. The best thing to do is forget about Marco.

She tells Chavez to forget that, she has made a decision to help Marco. He is worth it and they are in love. She is not scared and she wont lose him. She tells him he sounds like he is talking about a psychopathic assassin.

Chavez tells her he is going to tell her the truth because he has no other choice even though he risks losing Marco's friendship. And our little tale begins.

He asks her if she knows about Ale's accident. The one where she almost died. Karen tells Chavez that Marco told her all about it. Chavez tells her it was not an accident. That Marco and Ale were not getting along very well. (We now have a tale complete with a storyboard of pictures.) We begin with Ale pressuring Marco, clinging to Marco. They fought. They loved, they fought, Marco couldn’t find a way out. Ale kept pressuring him.

Then one day Marco invited Ale to the caverns of Cacahuamilpa. They talked they walked then he proposed that they commit suicide together. As they were ready to end it together, Marco pushed her off the cliff many feet below.

Karen asks Chavez if he is telling her that Marco tried to kill Ale? Chavez says yes, but he heard her cries at the bottom of the cave and rescued her and took her to the hospital. And told everyone she was in a car accident.

Karen wants to know why she didn't turn him in. Chavez tells her that when Ale confronted him in the hospital Marco told her he didn't know what happened - he was hearing voices and he went crazy and just pushed her. He told her he was sorry and it would never happen again. But he wanted to disconnect her oxygen and smother her with a pillow. We see Marco now, his face telling us, maybe Chavez is putting it on a little thick.

Chavez continues that Ale loves Marco and kept silent, not even telling the police or her family the truth.

Chavez continues with his lies. He says Marco went to a psychiatrist, but stopped taking his pills and now he is worse then ever. She tells Chavez that Marcos’ psychiatrist is worthless. Chavez warns her to be careful. Karen says she has to think about it. Chavez says, whatever, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Chavez hangs up and turns to Marco and says, she still doubts that you could be an assassin. He believes she is not going to leave him alone and looks at Marco and says, Ve and matala 'Watch and murder her.' (That’s one plan).

Back at the wedding, we have Rafa telling jokes to all the businessmen. This is about the only one I understood. (I think) There was this man driving a very old car, and the turn signals didn’t work. When the man put his hand out the window to signal, they thought he was asking for money. He continues with his jokes with Ale standing behind him smiling and having a great old time.

Cheese man asks her to sit down. She downs her drink. She scolds Rafa for leaving her alone with the ladies, then she wants to know how the sales are going. Rafa says its almost done. Ale is 5 sheets to the wind. Rafa helps her sit down, and she asks for another tequila. Rafa doesn’t think this is such a good idea. Ale’s laughing, and says, another! And another for Rafita. (she called him Rafita, and it was so cute).

Cheese man seems a little offended (I think) by all the car jokes. Something is said about mechanics, then Rafa starts telling jokes about mechanics. I have no idea what this joke was, but the priest was laughing hysterically. Ale is laughing and says she didn’t like that joke about keys or something and tells Rafa to tell an intelligent joke. So Rafa tells a joke about Socrates and Plato.

Everyone is laughing and then we hear Cheese man announce the Mariachis. Ale is hooting away. And in march the Mariachis. We have a brief little scene that looks like Ale is even flirting with Rafa. And the fiesta begins. Ale is singing along and eating chips and salsa. Rafa tells her he has never seen her smile, and that she looks so pretty. Ale brushes this off, and asks Rafa how the sales are coming along. (spoil-sport) Rafa tells her he just has to firm up the appointment and then they can go. In just another little bit

Ale is now shouting for the waiter to bring another drink and introduces the waiter to Senor Medina alias uyuyuyuy. This was so funny. Ale is so bombed and probably having more fun than she has ever had in her life.

Rafa tells her he didn't think she drank, as Ale downs her umpteenth drink of the night. They are so cute flirting with each other, then Ale yells for Juaco the waiter to come back. She asks what they should drink to, perhaps her broken leg or her bad neck. Rafa laughs and says let's drink to your health and seeing you smile. They are enchanting.

A little warning here. This was only the first 15 minutes, and I think this is going to be a long recap, because I am having too much fun watching this again.

Don Aurelio (cheese man) is shouting for Ale and Rafa to come. Rafa tries to help Ale get up. She teases Rafa and heads off towards Don Aurelio shouting Rafita Rafita. She either calls Rafa her drunk friend or Mrs. Auerelio her drunk friend and is shouting Mariachi.

She stumbles and falls against Rafa. She turns to him and says there is nothing uglier then a drunk women then shouts for Juaco again. She accidentally pushes Mrs. Aurelio down and Mrs. Auerelio pushes Ale back. Rafa is trying to keep her from falling.

Now we have a couple of sloppy apologizing drunks. Ale is looking around and is asking where’s Rafa, Rafa says here I am, and both Ale and Rafa almost fall again.

Auerelio approaches Rafa and asks him to sing. Ale is laughing and hanging on to Rafa. (These two have the best chemistry) Ale says I feel bad and Rafa tells her not to feel bad, feel good.

Now they are all shouting for Rafa to sing and Ale stands and shouts Sing Rafa. She tells him it is an order. She says you tell jokes, dance, can't you sing?

A little break from our fiesta and we see Karen nervously pacing in her apartment and the doorbell rings. She is panicked. Marco is shouting “Open the Door Karen. It's Marco.” She approaches the door and peeks through the peep hole and sees Marco's very psycho looking eyes staring back at her.

She has a look of sheer terror on her face as she answers the door. She asks Marco how he’s doing. Marco thanks her for her help and kisses her. He truly looks crazed. He tells her they are made for each other and wants to be together. She says yes my love and Marco says until the death.

Marco walks over to the window and asks her what floor is she on. Karen continues to look terrorized and stutters out the 8th floor, and inquires why he wants to know. He compares love to flying and wants to fly with Karen, as he gazes out the window..

She asks him to clarify this, like imagining you're flying. Marco walks over to her and says yes, that too. He says he never wants to leave her. Never. He says let's leave here, I have a surprise. Let's go to a place where we can become one. Let's demonstrate how much we love each other. Let's be together for ever.

Karen has a look of sheer terror on her face. She walks away from him and says no I don’t think so. Marco becomes angered and tells her she said she loved him unconditionally. He says let's go to the caves of Cacahuamila.

Okay Karen’s done with all of this. She quickly walks away from him and tells him she isn’t going anywhere with him. Marco tries to convince her that this is the perfect place for them. He plays crazed to perfection chasing Karen around the table. She escapes him and runs to the phone calling for help, “there’s a crazy man in my apartment help” screaming at Marco to leave.

Now Marco grabs her away from the phone, acting very paranoid. He’s talking crazy, telling invisible threats to leave him alone. Karen says, well then leave. She is begging him to leave calling him her love, and telling him to not return. If he does she will call the police. Marco is screaming runs out the door and Karen quickly closes it behind him. Karen is terror stricken on one side of the door and Marco on the other relieved.

Karen calls the doormen. Tells him to let Marco out, but never let him back in... And if he returns call the police.

Rafa now takes the stage. Asking the band if they know a couple of songs he mentions. They tell him no. Then he asks for suggestions and they say El aventurero. They get to business; someone throws him a cowboy hat, and he exchanges it for a Mariachi sombrero. Aurelia tells him to take off his jacket and tie.

Ale is cheering on in the audience and waving her cane. And Rafa begins to sing. I was able to find a copy of the song in Spanish and here it is:

Yo soy el aventurero,
el mundo me importa poco
cuando una mujer me gusta,
me gusta a pesar de todo.

Me gustan...:
las altas y las chaparritas,
las flacas, las gordas y las chiquititas,
solteras y viudas y divorciaditas,
me encantan las chatas de caras bonitas.

Y por eso digo asi cantando con mi cancion,
yo soy el aventurero.. puritito corazon
verda' de Dios que si compadrito...
echele que suene, que suene una 'do'

Ay lara la, ay lara la, ay lara la lara la
ay lara la, ay lara la, ay lara la lara la

El mundo me importa poco,
y hago de mi lo que quiero
soy honrado buen amigo,
vacilador ms sincero.

Yo juego baraja y se parrandear,
lo mismo les tomo tequila o mezcal,
yo le entro al pulquito, tambien al champagne
lo mismo les bailo que tango que un vals
lo mismo un jarabe que algn cha cha cha...
tambien bailo brake...
y hasta lo que no han inventado compadre.
Yo soy el aventurero y a mis suegras les respondo:
que si traen a sus hijitas, me las cuiden o no respondo...
Verda' de Dios que no.. yo agarro parejo, parejo, parejo

Ay lara la, ay lara la, ay lara la lara la
ay lara la, ay lara la, ay lara la lara la

Yo soy el aventurero,
el mundo me importa poco
cuando una mujer me gusta,
me gusta a pesar de todo

Me gustan...:
las altas y las chaparritas,
las flacas, las gordas y las chiquititas,
solteras y viudas y divorciaditas,
me encantan las chatas de caras bonitas
me gustan las suegras que no son celosas,
me encantan las chatas poco

He changes the words a couple of times inserting a reference to ale and at the end instead of saying adventure shouts “Yo soy Rafita”. Ale is laughing and waving her cane and at one point the look on her face is priceless. It almost looks like love.

He ends breathlessly stating I am Rafita. The crowd is wild, Shouting Rafita and Ale is beaming and smiling like we all know she could.

Marco returns to his apartment, where Chavez has made himself at home. Chavez asks Marco how it went. Marco says he thinks it went well. He says he almost went crazy for real. Chavez tells Marco that Karen called. She called him a jerk for introducing her to such a crazy person as Marco.

He congratulates Marco. He says Karen hates them both. He continues to congratulate Marco and gives him a hug. Marco tells him to quit hugging him.

Marco can't believe he is finally free. Chavez warns him to be more careful next time and not to fall for just any crazy. Marco looks pensive and says he has learned his lesson. He swears off girlfriends for good and now his one mission in life is to be faithful to Ale at least until after he is married. He doesn’t want to risk losing the hacienda. He is going to dedicate himself to Ale.

Ale, now in a large sombrero of her own, is shouting for Juaco. Rafa's phone is ringing. It is Vicky. He can barely hear her and his battery goes dead. He asks to use Ale's phone to call Vicky. Ale makes fun of Rafa, and mimics Vicky Vicky. She says no, isn't that a little abusive. Rafa says you don’t want her jumping out the window. Ale says oh yea she might try and kill herself. Then she starts yelling for Juaco again.

Ale gives him her phone but tells him she isn’t going to pay for the call because she doesn’t have anything to pay it with. Then she says, if she kills herself, then she kills herself. He tells her he won’t take long. Ale continues with if she dies, she dies.

Rafa takes off to call Vicky with Ale screaming after him, don’t leave me alone. Rafa is talking to Vicky in front of a huge mural. Ale is close behind. Vicky is distraught, wanting to know why he hung up on her before. He tells her his phone went dead. And he borrowed Ales phone. Vicky is screaming at him and Ale is standing next to him imitating his little whistle he does when he talks to Vicky.

Vicky continues screaming at him, and Ale continues whistling. Rafa is trying to explain the whole situation. Now Ale is imitating Rafa talking on the phone. (This was about the fourth time I fell off my chair laughing) Vicky is screaming she doesn’t believe him. She doesn’t believe he is selling anything. Now Ale is whistling again.

Rafa turns to Ale and asks her to explain to Vicky that he is not at a party, but he is working. (well that’s a good idea Rafa give the phone to some one who is drunker than you). Ale's speech is slurred and she says. Rafa is with me and he is working.

Rafa talks again and says now do you believe me? Vicky wants to know if she has been drinking. Rafa says how could you think my boss would be drinking. Ale asks why he is still talking to that magpie. (Or something like that.)

Rafa continues to try and convince Vicky that everything is fine. Vicki wants to know why that women would talk to her like that. Rafa says its because she is really tense and talks with her jaw really tight. Ale looks offended.

Rafa is trying to end his call telling her to close the window and he is on his way home. I think Ale tells him to close his eyes and whistle to her. He starts whistling to Vicky and Ale is imitating him, whistling right in his ear. (off the chair again)

After he hangs up Ale wants to know if Vicky was upset because he was with Ale. Rafa says well you know how women are. She starts chewing him out. Calls him stupid. Then tells him he is irresponsible. She reminds him that she saw him with Dandy getting ready to go out that night at Siglo.

The phone rings again and this time it is Marco. Ale gets all nervous, she doesn’t want Marco to get upset. She takes her hat off and asks Rafa how she looks. Do I look Drunk? Rafa assures her she doesn’t look drunk.

She starts talking to Marco, now its Rafa's turn to stand in the background and whistle. Marco asks her if she is drinking. Ale asks him how could he think such a thing. She doesn’t drink. Marco feigns concern. He wants to know if she is still with that Criminal. She says yes I am still with that criminal. Don’t you believe me and hands the phone to Rafa.

Rafa trying his hardest to sound sober states yes I am with Ale and I am in charge of getting her home.

Marco accuse him of being drunk. Rafa said he is responsible and will make sure she gets home. Not like others who just leave her on her own to take a taxi (Nice little dig Rafa). Now Ale grabs the phone. And tells Marco she is fine. And she will call him later and hangs up. Marco looks ticked.

Rafa says let's make our appointment with our clients and then head back to the city. Ale starts yodeling.

We have a brief little scene with poor Ramirez and his father in-law. They are being henpecked to death. I am not going to spend any more time on this except - those poor guys.

We are at Siglo now. Beltran is asking Susana where Ale and Rafa are. He is very concerned about his truck. He grabs at his chest. Susana asks if he is okay. He says this is his usual end of the month heart attack. All the bills. Tomorrow could be his last day. He tells her to get a hold of Ale and walks away.

Back to more important things. Ale turns to Rafa and asks him if she seems really drunk. Rafa smiles and says no, you are very entertaining. She tells him not to lie to her. He tells her in the meantime, to be secure in the fact that she is with him, and he will take care of her. She beams an Ale smile at him and there we end. And with the previews we are promised more fun tomorrow.


Corazon Salvaje Wed. March 3 - Shipboard Romance Sprouts Everywhere

Heaving bodices, twisted corsets, Shirtless savages, oh my!

Are you playing with fire? Regina asks Aimee. This hombre is Juan del Diablo . She is looking for this man and just this kind of trouble.

The red lips are on Juan’s mind. She is identical me . She will be mine whatever price , Aimee.

Next Morning Juan bursts in to the twins’ room and says Santa Regina! Said saint hides behind her clothes. He calls her modest (recatada). What do you want. Absolutely nothings. She is so mad at this so he in this cabin (camarote) there you are with a man alone. He climbs on her bed and taunts her and laughs at her that she told her sister and father that he is a gentleman.

Federico the fop shows up on the deck with the troop of “Ladies” and introduces himself as Federico Martin del Campo in his best contrived Castillian accent. The leader introduces herself as Madam Marlene.

Juan and Regina argue over whether she is a Santa or not. she orders him out of her cabin. He says he will go if she will stop yelling . He taunts and teases and laughs all the way out the door after grabbing a quick kiss of the hand. He laughs all around the hall.

Madeline flirts with Federico but applies the big fan when Rodrigo’s voice booms out that he is here with his daughters to walk the deck but one is always late. Federico walks off with Aimee.

Jimena is in the bedroom with Regina and Jimena tries to tell her fortune by reading her hand again. Jimena picks up the book Madame Bovery and asks Regina to read it to her, enchanted with the lyrical words.

Madeline eyes from behind her fan, Rodrigo trying not to really meet his eyes but he is certainly aware of her bevy of beauties.

Back at the beach hut, Rosenda is torturing her dying father, insisting that he needs to tell her the secret of Leonarda. He gasps out the few details of the humble fisherman with whom her sister had a child. . .

Leonarda looks at the locket with Rodrigo’s picture in it that hangs around her neck.

Rosenda tries to pry the name of the fisherman out of the dead blue lips of Celestino. After her Papa stops breathing, she decides no one knows this fisherman story and she can use it as an uncomfortable fact for Leonarda. She rudely bumps the swinging hammock of her dead father as she rises to make her plans.

Renato and Papa Noel meet in a restaurant. Noel says you know your mother and I cannot live together. . Dad thinks he would be better off in California but Renato wants his councils and advice and presence to learn from. Long suffering Noel receives this only show of love in his life with grace and . They talk about the girls retuning and Noel suggests he is glad Renato is coming and maybe is interested in her but he says no no but she is my best best friend ever. Oh, oh, poor old Santa Regina.

The gypsy deck has Jimena’s step-auntie, Griselda and the bald knife carrying wild eyed one, I think this is Servando, although I can’t think who is is likely to serve using his large knife like a toothpick.

Aimee returns to the suite with Fed the fop looking for Regina who is not there so they decide not to stay alone .

Leonarda says she is sorry for the loss of Rosenda’s father but did he confess something to Rosenda before dying . No no nothing but years ago I knew of your sister’s tale. . .

Juan has flash backs with his father and after of the swearing to avenge the dreadful treatment of his parents by the evil Rodrigo.

He sees FobFed and Aimee on the deck she pretends she do ‘t know him but Juan reminds her that he has known her father for years . She blushes, Federico looks out trumped and off balance. as we go to commercials.

Aimee says the exchanged some words. and Juan says we exchanged more than words. They leave Jimena drops down on Juan and who tries to stop her. Regina comes to the rescue. JUan grabs her

Leonarda dance the who knows what circle dance . Leonarda demands her fidelity for certain privileges but Renato interrupts with the news that his father will return.

Juan continues to taunt Regina who resists . Juan notes that the two girls could not be more different.

The daughter of Celestino the cochero Renato and Papa Noel give condolences . Leonarda announces her protection of Rosenda. Arcadio is at the door says a . They yell about Arcadio.

Back on the boat, Aimee tells her father, this unknown man approached her when she was feeling so bad but she went right to her room. Regina helps her sister and says we have been tied up for so many years with out social opportunities we are so in-experience. Fed tells that Juan approached her with so much Inappropriate confidentiality. Regina tries to intervene. but Federico assures Rodrigo that he is the appropriate gentleman to protect these innocent vulnerable girls on board. So he secures the contract from the to be their escort.

Leonarda rubs jewelry on Arcadio’s cheek, what do you want to buy from me now he snarls apparently the feel of jewels turns him on. She tells him that Rodrigo is coming home. Arcadio is not pleased, he has liked his power base up to now with the absent Rodrigo and Noel. Leonarda is worried that Renato’s humanistic management style will lead to trouble for bad boy Arcadio.

Rodrigo tells Aimee she can go with Federico while he looks across the room with more interest . He approaches Madeline and says he is sure he knows her. She assures him he is wrong.

Back at the Finca Leonarda offers the jewels to Arcadio who says the only thing he desires is her.

Renato asks Rosenda to go find his mother so he and Papa Noel can continue their talk with Mommie dearest . Rosenda goes looking with a candle for scandal and sees Leonarda and Arcadio in grimy embrace. She looks as offended as I feel but satisfied to have more ammunition for later.

Regina decides to use Federico the fop to carry, position and reposition the camera half a dozen times. She decides to take pictures of the bevy of senoritas. Madeline is afraid and would rather leave the girlies alone with Federico to take a lovely picture. He thought words about making her his wife in spite of driving him crazy. the money will be worth it.

Rosenda is lucky to have found the money pit of knowledge with Leonarda and can’t wait to improve her position.

Federico take a swig from his silver hip flask in exasperation, as he momentarily hides from Regina. Aimee shows up in the half-mast lavender dress in contrast with the virgin white lace that Regina wears up to and including her neck Regina is surprised that she has has gotten away form her punishment with Papa. Aimee insists she used her best enchantments on big Papa. Aimee defends her passionate nature and her need to live in danger. In contrast, to you who are a Saint, Aimee sings a hallelujah chorus as saunters off giggling provocatively all the way.

juan things about the sisters and the rejections He finds Aimee and gives her a big wet kiss again . She protests only after the hot kiss and he says who will come to help her. She admits to thinking of him and . Juan would like to talk to her father to make sure she can be his. He wants to tell her father that they are going to marry as soon as possible. Not the kind of danger she had in mind obviously.


Juan says lets go talk to your father. No we cannot make him accept this immediately. . Aimee says her father expects formal comportment and manners . She accuses Juan of being jealous of seeing her on the arm of Federico the fop. He presses for going to the father again and she continues to insist this in not the right moment. He picks her up and with delight she protests, let’s not be precipitous. and He teases that he really wants to see her father to tell her of his intentions. I can be the devil but it is all the fire that I need to live. they kiss and promise to meet later in the dark. Juan is apparently that naive that his Aimee will be his.

Rosenda insinuates to Leonarda that she couldn't find Leo when she must have been off talking with Arcadio. Renato offers his hand and says to his mom that Rosenda is so sad for the death of her father she should sit with us tonight. And Leo acts like that is a capital idea and Rosenda quickly joins the table.

Jimena is trying to read the Madame Bovary book on the stairs sounding out the difficult words, when Juan grabs her asking what she is trying to do on this . She tries to read his hand and runs off after grabbing the book.

Renato reminds his parents that he remembers the night a youngster named Juan came home with Papa almost drowned but what ever happened to him. Leo swears she doesn’t know what happened to this useless beggar . But Noel says he had money and some food and then suddenly disappeared completely.


Last scenes: Juan and Gabriel work on papers He tells Gabriel he is really young and needs to enjoy himself. Gabriel says you are also worried about business. He has his reasons for returning to Mexico which Gabriel will learn in good time. He does tell him that his main mission is to ruin Rodriogo Montes de la Oca.

Said Rodrigo is admonishing Regina that she better get ready to marry someone like Fop man. Aimee teases that she should like Federico, he has the air of such good family. Rodrigo warms to this theme that Federico has a good family name, he is educated. and socially acceptable. Regina presses that she has always dreamed of marrying for love. but doesn’t say who, silly girl.

Juan continues to press for vengeance in his cabin while Rodrigo with the girls says name and prestige are all that count while love has already died. Regina says who are you talking about, who was this love? Looks like most of the subplots are set to roll and now

Next time: I know passion , swoons Aimee. Juan comes into the bedroom and looks like a first class hot night is at hand (it’s about time)... Looks like you got the hot scene straw, Connie.


Gancho Wed March 3 - Gabi get your gun!


The two macho M's continue their discussion re Isabel and protecting Valentina and her Ma not hurting her etc. Marcos promises his apoyo.

Back with Oski swearing to Mona (now finally in black) that he didn't tell her anything because there is nothing to tell. He had nothing to do with Sal's death, he asks her if she has any proof.

Jero is at the house with Jacqui he looks for Coni, she's training. Jero isn't there for either chica though, he's looking for that esquincle Aldo. But first he wants to remind her that she made the worst mistake of her life sending him to the devil (letting him go) blah blah, she's not convinced. They turn to talking about Coni and Jac is in agreement that Jero should screw her. What? He is surprised that she wants the worst for her daughter. She says nope I want the best but to get that she has to lose everything first, including the money she won in the divorce. So do what you plan to take it from her. OK...

They continue pot shots at each other basically until Aldo shows up. Jero gets a hell of an eye tick when he tells Aldo that his Dad wants to see him. Outside we learn really it's Oski. Jero says because all is ready for his wedding. He wants his papers and thinks he should change first, no? Jero says, uh yeah ok.

Nieves, Estrella, Paula and Gabi talk about the Isabitch (thanks Julia)/Mona situation and how horrible it is that she believes her Ma to be good.

Mona and Ma are still chatting with Oski over the Sal situation. Mama defends her hija. While she is alive no one touches her daughter...anvil? Pau is listening in and hears the part about him having nothing to do with Sal's death. she gets impactada and leaves.

We are back with Gabi, Nieves and Estre waiting for Pau to return. She does and tells the gals that Oscar is there. Gabi says he'll listen to her but first begs Pau to get her Dad's pistol. Estre and Nieves beg them not to do something crazy and note that no men are around. Ha as if men are required. Hrmph.

Now to said men, looking quite competent sucking back their cervezas, yep, these guys would do me proud, eh, no. They are slurring about viejas when the doorbell rings. Beto and Cesar make Cris answer. It's everyone favorite usurper Tano!! He wonders where Mau is, he doesn't live here anymore? Well sort of... they want him to drink with them, isn't he a broken heart too? Oh yeah, he is ok, he'll throw some tequilas then.

Mau and Marc again toturing themselves over the Mona Ma situation. The gist of this one is that Marc had no idea he had a daughter, he certainly wouldn't have turned his back on her.

Mona and Ma are walking out Oski yelling at him to leave when uh oh, what's this? A shiny silver barrel of a pistol attached to Gabriela's hand. She tells the animal Oski not to move. Everyone begs her to put down the gun. Gabi begs him to confess his crime.

Mau and Marc again about issy, she's sick in the head, etc... Marc then begs Mau to take him to Val, it's time he speaks with her.

Back to the gun scene and Gabi still giving Oski the third degree. Mona begs Gabi to give her the pistol telling her she needs to calm down and this guy is not worth it. Finally Gabi releases and Mona takes it. She turns around and holds it to Oski instead now! She tells him now he really won't escape.

We go to the ring where Coni seems to enjoy punching the bag. Her trainer however is not so certain of her talents and tells her it might be best she continue the fight to later on. Yeah, that doesn't go over well and boom, he turns into the bag and suffers a punch. Ouch. He'll submit, Coni will train night and day if that's what it takes. OK, his enthusiasm is renewed. That or he remembers how much she is paying him.

Ok back at the vecinidad, Mona calls for them to call the police and for some reason Estrella runs at Oski but he too has a gun and pulls it on Estre. Oh jeez here we go. He tells her to drop the gun, she tells him Estre has nothing to do with it and she's preggers and oh now Gabi understands and then the next thing you know...Issy runs in front of Mona to protect her and boom!!! Oscar shoots and hits Issy!!!! Yowza!! He runs off with Estre and Issy lies on the ground with a bewildered look. Mona calls for an ambulance. Univision calls for a commercial.

We're back with Jero driving a very well dressed Aldo who is all excited because he's getting married today. Jero thinks maybe he should reconsider this idea of being with one woman for the rest of his life. They are going to meet Oscar who went to get Estre.

Back to there where Mona is still crying that there is no ambulance. Issy seems to be holding her own. Would we expect anything less from an alien with ice blood? Nah, actually, I don't even see her bleeding or wounded or anything. Hmmm.

OK now we go to Oski doing an excellent job of driving while aiming. He's pretty good at managing the wheel and the gun. Heh, and folks are worried about cell phones!! Next down the pike is surely no firearms while driving.

OK the ambulance finally arrives and Mona and Ali go in with Issy. Nieves is perplexed. Gabi thinks too maybe she's not as bad as Nieves said. Nieves doesn't get it and thinks there's something else here. Gabi thinks the blood is stronger than they think. Gabi thinks with no men around they need to take up martial arts or something.

OK, so of course we go to the men who are now much further along with the cervezas and tequilitas. They are playing dominoes and whining about women.

The gals are trying to describe to a new police officer what happened when Mau walks up, they tell him what happened. Marcos is there too and Nieves tell him to beat it. They then beg Mau to help them because Estrella is now in the hands of that killer and she's pregnant and all and WHAT????? Mau stops them....she's what? Uh oh...ah, yeah pregnant. By Aldo? reluctantly they say yes. Mau rolls his head back as if to pass out cold.

Commercial :)!!

Now we go to the hospital where Mona is crying over her Ma and Ali is not really much better, but she tells Mona to calm down. Mona is amazed at how her Ma protected her. Of course she decides now is the time to trash her new found father. Of course her Ma is right and Marc is responsible for everything. Ali adds that's why Nieves and Issy hate each other.

Go to Marc chatting with Nieves. He saying he can't leave Mona alone, and Nieves saying she doesn't need him. Nieves is mad he impregnated Issy. He still swears his love for her, that Issy was a mistake and a stupid way to get back at her for lies. Nieves wants to know why with her exactly. He wants to give Mona his name. Nieves thinks she won't accept. Marc mentions that Mona is in danger. Nieves is like, what what danger?

Now we go to Mau's house where he finds out Aldo was taken by Jero. Mau is now worried because of course he didn't send for Aldo. He's also pissed off to find out that Jacqui knew about Estre's pregancy. She said Estre even asked her to help her get rid of the baby. Luisa stands off in the wings eaves dropping most impactadaly.

Mona goes in to see Issy who apparently is fine, just an arm in a sling. She tells Val she had to protect her, she's her daughter, don't doubt her love anymore. But wait, what's this, a black and white flash back. Oh for Pete sake, they are in cahoots!!! Ma is meeting Oski and wonders if he was the killer of Sal, and if he is well, she offers that they can be of mutal assistance to each other. Looks like the whole thing was staged. We go back to the present and Mami dearest and unsuspecting child hug. Blech and that's it. Wow folks, didn't see that coming, though I should have, I guess!


Wednesday, March 03, 2010

ENDA, March 3, 2010. A time for 2nd chances

Old: Romina writes Camila a letter and leaves Bernandito with her. Romina heads for the open road. Camila says you can't do to your son what your father did to you.

Romina and a guy are flirting back and forth on the road. She is on the wrong side of the road and swerves to avoid an oncoming car and flips over.

New: Natalia and Ivonne tell Dr. Bermudez what happened while he was out.

Romina tries to get out of the car, but is stuck. She sees fire and starts freaking out.

PJC is giving communion to the prisoners, talks to his old cellmate and watches the inmates play a game of soccer.

Camila calls Monica and tells her what happened. Monica tells her to calm down that Romina will probably call her. You know how impulsive she is. Camila hopes everything is okay with her.

Police and firemen show up to get out Romina with the Jaws of Life. Romina is hysterical. The paramedics tell her to calm down. The guy in the other car is far worse.

German asks Nestor his old boss to help him get out. Nestor says he can't because he doesn't want to get his name dragged in with his.

Emiliano comes to visit Camila after receiving a call from her. She shows him the letter that Romina wrote. She has tried to call her many times, but just gets voicemail. He is furious that Romina would abandon her child after complaining about her dad doing the same. The pattern has repeated itself says Camila. Emiliano tells her that German has been detained for fraud and will probably go to jail. Camila gets upset. Emiliano assures her that he will take care of the baby and will fight for custody. Camila sighs and says that her grandson could not have a better father then him. Emiliano assures her that they both will care for him. The phone rings and she finds out about Romina. Emiliano says he's coming.

Paloma, PJC and Madeleine are having dessert and coffee at a restaurant. Madeleine tells Paloma that it is her time now to be happy. Paloma hopes so. On the outside she appears happy, but inside she is sad with all that Carloca has done. Madeleine understands and says that your family will help you overcome your sadness. Madeleine takes her leave. Paloma tells PJC that she is going to visit her mother at the cemetery. PJC asks if she wants him to go, but she prefers to go alone. He tells her that German called Emiliano asking for help. German wanted Emiliano to lie for him, but he refused. Paloma says Emiliano has always been a good friend to German. Yes, but that friendship has limits replies PJC. Emiliano made a comment to me about not understanding your relationship with Gabe. I couldn't tell him about Gabe's secret. Are you sure about your decision? Do you really want to marry Gabe? Yes replies Paloma. Emiliano will have to make a life with someone else.

Nurse Betty comes to give Carloca her medication, but Carloca refuses. The nurse shoves the pill in her mouth and tries to force her to swallow water, but instead spills in on Carloca. Carloca calls the nurse an idiot and tells her to get out. After the nurse leaves, Carloca says to herself that she doesn't want to take any more meds to make her sleep. She has to find a way to leave and go back to her house, to her money, to Paloma and PJC.

German has called the old attorney Rojas and asks for help. Rojas doesn't want to get involved even when German threatens to spill the beans on him helping Carloca change the will.

Romina is in the hospital and remembers being stuck in the car. She starts freaking out. The nurse tries to calm down her down and says your mother is on her way. Romina says I never want to drive again or get in another car.

An investigator comes up and tells German that they found out he helped falsify a will to help out Carloca Espinosa de los Monteros. German denies the charges and says it was all Rojas. The investigator tells him to stop lying. German says look at the dates. I wasn’t even working at the law office at the time the will was falsified. The investigator says we will open an investigation and if it is true then Rojas will join you in jail. You knew about this and should have denounced him. And because you didn’t you are now his acompliance. No matter what happens you cannot wash your hands with this. German is now in more crap because of his greed.

The doctor comes to Carloca and says that the nurse told him what happened. Carloca asks if he has fired her. The doctor tells her that she is in no way allowed to treat anyone in that manner. Are you threatening me asks Carloca. I am telling you that if you keep treating my nurses this way then I will ask that you be transferred to another hospital replies the doctor. Carloca says you can’t do this! Not until you investigate why I can’t move my legs. My I can’t walk! Of course I can replies the doctor. They can keep attending to you at the jail. The only reason I am not doing it, is because your condition is a mystery to me. I don’t understand the cause of your immobility. But I want to figure it out. Although that all depends on your attitude.

Gabe tells Eugenio that PJC called him while he was in the shower. Is it about Carloca asks Eugenio. I don’t know replies Gabe. Eugenio tells him that it’s time to confront Carloca although it is not easy. I thought she had a good heart, but I was wrong.

A doctor comes to tell Camila and Emiliano that Romina will be alright. Emiliano wants to know when Romina can come home. The doctor tells them that Romina was stuck in the car and they had to pull her out. She is so shaken up that they had to give her sedatives. She will need professional help to overcome this trauma. Physically nothing is serious with her, but emotionally there is.

Romina is lying in bed and yells out “NO!”

German tries to call for Romina, but finds out she’s not home.

Romina says that she was really scared and doesn’t want to die. Camila says she will take care of everything. Let’s go home. Romina starts freaking out. She doesn’t want to get in a car. Camila says that is the only way to go home. Romina says and if I get stuck in a car again? Camila tries to reassure her that it won’t happen.

PJC visits German and says that Emiliano came to see him. He asked if Eugenio could help him out. German is shocked that Emiliano would try to help him out. PJC says he spoke with Eugenio who has agreed to help him out. He tells German to repent and start anew.

Orlando comes rushing in the hospital. When he received Emiliano’s text about what was going on he had to come. I think that Camila needs you now replies Emiliano. Of course. I realized that my place was with you and Camila replies Orlando. Where is she? Emiliano says in the room with Romina. How is she asks Orlando. Emiliano tells him about Romina being stuck in the car and the trauma she suffered.

Camila tells Romina that she needs professional help to deal with the trauma. Romina wants to know why all these bad things happen to her. Camila suggests if perhaps she wasn’t so impulsive these things wouldn’t happen to her. Leaving like you did wasn’t right. The police report says that you were playing with another car and going to fast. You wanted to leave me and the baby and look what happened to you. But you’re alive. Romina asks for a hug. A psychiatrist comes in wanting to visit with Romina.

Eugenio visits German and says that he doesn’t want to preach, but it was obvious what he was doing. German says he has repented. Eugenio says really?

Orlando takes Camila and Emiliano to the cafeteria. She tells Emiliano that he doesn’t have to stay. Romina will not be leaving until tomorrow. Emiliano wants to at least talk to her before he leaves. Orlando says thank god she is willing to get help and that she is alive. The car was totaled. Camila agrees and says that the psychiatrist is talking to her. She will be by her daughter’s side to help her. Camila thanks Emiliano for coming with her and his support. Emiliano says no problem and leaves to see Romina. Camila tells Orlando that he doesn’t have to stay. He doesn’t have to worry about her. Orlando says he won’t leave her and that they can talk. But I see that this is not the right time. I agree replies Camila. This is not the right time, but we do need to talk.

German tells Eugenio that he is ready to testify against Carloca and Rojas. You realize that will not set you free replies Eugenio. Yes replies German. Do you realize of the consequences asks Eugenio. Yes replies German. You are going to have to pay your debts says Eugenio. Yes, I know replies German. I never thought that I would be in this situation. But PJC and Emiliano believe in me. And I can no longer go on like this. Do you believe in yourself asks Eugenio. You have spent your life seeking approval from others. After money and a better social status. Do you believe in yourself? Yes answers German. Do you yells Eugenio? Yes! replies German. I was wrong. I now have nothing. I am no longer an attorney. The woman I love does not want me. My son does not deserve a father like me. Eugenio says that a man does not measure himself by how many times he falls, but the times that he gets up. But if depends on you. You have to convince yourself. I am replies German. Okay let’s look at your case says Eugenio.

Orlando asks for another chance. Camila tells him that it ain’t going to happen. So you want a divorce asks Orlando. Yes replies Camila. Okay then says Orlando. It hurts me to my soul, but I will give you your freedom.

Emiliano goes to see Romina and brings her a single rose. He asks how she is feeling. Romina says better. I talked to the physiatrist and she gave me medication to help me calm down. Even when I am asleep I am scared. Emiliano tells her it’s all okay. She is alive and well. He kisses her on the cheek and says good-bye.

Rafa asks Joel if there is any news. Rafa says nothing yet. Luz is so worried. Joel asks if he has heard about Romina. That she was involved in a horrific car accident. Rafa says so that is why Emiliano went to Mexico. He calls Camila and asks if Romina is okay. Camila says she is doing better. They are giving her medicine so that she can get into a car. Rafa asks how she is doing? Fine replies Camila. Rafa tells her that if she needs anything all she has to do is call him. I’m fine replies Camila. Take care of your girlfriend. Luz comes rushing in and says there was a sighting.

Eugenio goes home and asks Gabe if he realizes that his wedding is in a couple of days. Do you need any help? No everything is under control replies Gabe. PJC will marry us and we will have a little party. Eugenio says who would have thought that coming here we would both have fallen in love with 2 women from the same family. To bad that your story did not have a happy ending says Gabe. Well I’m glad that yours will be replies Eugenio.

Romina tells Camila she doesn’t know if she can get into the car for the ride home. Camila tells her that the medicine the doctor gave her will make her sleep all the way home. I’m sleepy, but I’m also so scared replies Romina. Camila says the best way to defeat fear is to confront it. Romina tells Camila that she has been really bad. Do you think what happened to me was a punishment? You have made bad decisions, but your not bad replies Camila. I have seen you suffer so much. I don’t know why this happen to you, but what I know is that you are getting another chance. And only you know what you’re going to do with it. Romina asks Camila to show her how to be good.

German says a second chance. If life gives me the opportunity, I will fight for both of them. Romina, I hope that there is a future between the two of us.

Madeliene, PJC and Rufi talk about Carloca. Madeliene says Carloca deserves jail. Rufi agrees, but it hurts her. Carloca must be sick in the head to have done so many bad things. PJC says she not sick in the head, but in her soul. And has been for many years. Madeleine agrees with PJC and says she does not want her granddaughter anywhere near Carloca. So that is why she is going to ask Gabe and Paloma to go to Paris and live at her house. Are you going with them asks Rufi. I would love to replies Madeleine. But no. I don’t want to live with newlyweds. PJC says Gabe wants to travel the world with Paloma and having a house in Paris will benefit them.

Anamar asks Emiliano what he is going to do with the baby? He tells her that he’s still getting divorced, but will not fight for the baby. If Romina doesn’t take care of the baby then he will see what he can do. Anamar asks if he thinks that Romina will now have maternal instincts now that she had the accident? I don’t know replies Emiliano. She has enough stress now after the accident. I am not going to give her anymore. Anamar says that people don’t change. Emiliano disagrees. Romina did bad things because she was not happy with herself. She made bad choices, but is not a bad person. I think deep down is a pretty decent person.

The doctor is giving Carloca more stimulation tests on her legs. I don’t feel anything says Carloca. The doctor says your case is very strange. Tests/scans taken show nothing is wrong internally. It could be that you have a lot of swelling and when that goes down you will have movement. Carloca wants to know how much longer she will be at the hospital before she has to go to jail. The max another week replies the doctor. Carloca asks the doctor to do everything he can to get her better. I don’t want to leave until it’s done. I have money. I can pay you very well. The doctor says it’s not about money. I will do what I can. Eugenio walks in and says you think you have money? Carloca reminds Eugenio that she has been the administrator of Paloma’s money and has made a lot of money. Eugenio says let me tell you some bad news. Paloma will get her inheritance and any investments you made have been confiscated. (I think that is what he said. I have never heard that word and have no idea how to spell it to look it up. Help me with this please) What asks Carloca.

Orlando tells Emiliano that he is divorcing Camila. That is what she wants. Orlando says forced love never works out. I realize I should never have tried to pull her away from Rafa. So this is my punishment. I want her to be happy even if it’ not at my side. Emiliano says to bad all divorces are not this civilized. He asks Orlando what he is going to do about Houston. I’m going replies Orlando. I leave tomorrow.

Carloca says I have my own money. Eugenio says that money you made was Paloma’s inheritance money that you used. I am going to fight for my money says Carloca. It is mine! Eugenio reminds her that she doesn’t need money in prison. Money is always needed. Even in prison say Carloca. Eugenio shakes his head. You could have had everything. Not just money. I offered you my love. My help even if you were found guilty. But you didn’t care about that. What you wanted in exchange for all that was to much for me replies Carloca. It was too much because I was significant to you like you were to me replies Eugenio. You are going to end up alone. I think that you paid too much for the love of PJC that was not yours. He has never loved you.

Manana: Don’t know. Not many more episodes left. 3 more!!


El Clon, Wed., March 3 - Many bad decisions are made

Marisa is very startled to see Lucas.

She thinks it is Diego who never told her he had a brother much less an identical twin. Lucas, with the help of Rosa, clears that up. We find out that Diego met Marisa at a party and they went out a few times before he went to Morocco. Lucas shows her the photo Diego had of her, Marisa breaks down and Lucas comforts her.

Meanwhile Jade is waiting and flashing back to Lucas asking her to marry him and live in his father's house.

Marisa seems to be kind of creeped out that Lucas is identical to Diego. Lucas excuses himself.

Latifa calls Zoraida and tells her that Jade has run away.

Latifa wails that Mohamed will send her back and she'll never have a family and her life will be ruined and all because of that selfish Jade. Zoraida tries to speak but Latifa won't let her get a word in. Mohammed arrives home for lunch and Latifa hangs up.

Postponing the bad news, Latifa tells Mohamed that she was crying because she missed Ali's house. Mohamed tells Latifa that his store is in a good place with lots of traffic. Then there is the following amusing exchange:
Moh: "Where's lunch?"
Latifa (confused): "Lunch?"
Moh: "Yes."
Latifa: "Where's the maid?"
Moh. (confused) "The maid?"
Latifa: "Yes."
Latifa then reminds Mohamed that in the wedding contract he promised to provide a maid. Mohamed (who continues to refer to himself in the 3rd person) says that he hoped they could wait to get the maid until his store was open and his business was more stable. He asks if she can cook. "I think so," replies Latifa - which doesn't bode well.

Lucas meets Jade. She asks what is the matter and Lucas doesn't beat around the bush. He says that his father doesn't want her to stay at the house. Jade is impactada. She tells Lucas that she left everything for him. Lucas replies that his father believes that what they did was not correct and could get them in a lot of trouble. He doesn't want to help them. When Jade says that they don't need his father, they can handle it themselves, Lucas says that he can't.
He tells her that his brother just died, his father can't accept the fact and he can't leave him. When Jade concludes that he doesn't love her anymore, he assures her that he does. He just needs some time. He says that he feels empty without Diego. Jade reminds him that she doesn't have anywhere to go. Lucas has an idea.

Albieri is mooning over a picture of him and the twins when Luisa announces that some students have come to see the lab. Luisa suggests that they get married the next week. Albieri agrees and in response to Luisa's declarations of happiness, says that he after what has happened, he has a void in his heart.
When Albieri is gone, Luisa asks Silvia what kind of dress she should wear at her wedding. [I'm suprised she didn't have one ready.] Silvia knows that Luisa wants a gown with a train but she thinks a nice suit would be better. Luisa swears to Silvia that Albieri will fall in love with her.

Of course, Lucas takes Jade to Albieri's office. He tells her that Albieri is friends with his father and with Ali and he will help them. He asks her to stay in the car and wait for him.

Lucas goes to the clinic office but Albieri is giving a talk to the students. Silvia asks if he came about having the mole checked but Lucas says no. He tells Silvia that he will wait.

Silvia gets a call from Dora and tells her that she has found a donor. Dora is ecstactic.
She tells Vicki and Cristina, who is there for a manicure, about the news. Cristina has overdue bills. She plans to put on her red dress and make another play for Leo.

Lucas waits impatiently. For our benefit, Albieri explains to the students how an individual would be cloned. Lucas interrupts him. He blurts out the situation, drags Albieri away from the students and down to the car but Jade is gone.

Back in Morocco, Nazira is scolding Said for buying things for Jade when he is drowning in debt.

Lucas tells Albieri that the woman he has fallen in love with is none other than Albieri's niece, Jade. Albieri is horrified and not at all sympathetic. He tells Lucas that the penalty for what he did is 80 lashes for him and the same or worse for Jade. Lucas says that he is ready to convert to Islam. Albieri reminds Lucas that he was warned not to mess with the natives in Morocco. "If you were Dieg..," starts Ali. Lucas acknowledges that his brother was smarter than he but he says that if Diego were here, he would be helping Lucas fix things because he could convince his father to do anything. Albieri sends Lucas home and says that he will try and find a solution if there is one.

Once again, with nowhere else to go, Jade returns to Mohamed's house while Latifa is pouring out her fears to Zoraida about what will happen to her when Jade's disappearance is known. Latifa is overjoyed to see her. Jade tells her that it was all lies. Latifa says that Jade should forget Lucas, marry Said and be happy like her. But Jade is devastated. She can't believe that the person she just left is the same one she was with in Morocco. While they are talking, Mohamed returns and sees Jade's suitcase. Latifa tells him that Jade was going to bring some things from Morocco to a friend of her mother's. Mohamed is scandalized that Jade was planning to go out alone. He tells Latifa that he can't keep an eye on Jade for his brother if she won't obey him. He says that Ali must be told of this. Latifa protests but Jade replies that she has already sent Ali a letter. Jade goes and lies on her bed.

Lucas asks Rosa what Diego would have done in this circumstance. Rosa says that Diego would have gone charging after Jade. Lucas says that is what he will do. He will solve the problem with Jade's family.

Leo leaves work and goes to a Smith & Wollensky steakhouse for a drink. Cristina is in pursuit and pours out her troubles and asks advice of the cab driver.

Cristina plops herself down at Leo's table. He tells her to leave him alone. She says that she knows they had problems but they are nothing that their love can't work out. Leo says that his son and his guilt are problems that they can't work out. They continue to have their usual exchange until Cristina produces her overdue bills and demands that Leo pay them. Leo excuses himself to go to the bathroom and sneaks out of the restaurant. It's surprising that someone with Cristina's experience would fall for that one. She insists on checking the men's room. [I guess as an upscale place, this men's room doesn't have urinals or maybe they filmed it in the ladies room for that reason.]

Lucas goes to Latifa's house but she won't let him in.

Ali tells Zoraida that he is going to the desert with Said's harem to see if the Bedouin will take them. Zoraida takes the opportunity to ask him whether a foreigner can convert to Islam and marry a Muslim woman. Ali says that this is possible, God doesn't turn his back on anyone. Ali wonders why Zoraida is asking.

We see Ali negotiating with the Bedouin about the harem while Said tells Abul that his life depends on Ali. If Ali can't get rid of the harem, his business, his future, everything is over. Abdul gives a fatalistic answer - Allah has written the future. When Nazira says that she is worried about what is going on with Mohamed in the land of licentiousness (Florida), Abdul suggests that she go there and keep an eye on things. Nazira accepts this charge as another of her sacrifices for her brothers but you get the idea that she has ulterior motives. Said wonders how it's going with Ali.

Ali's discussion with the Bedouin don't seem to be going that well but it's hard to say since we don't get a translation.

Back at his house, Leo is seeking advice from Enrique. Enrique seems to be one of those people who only talk about their own problems when asked for advice. Leo pays no attention. He decides that to get rid of Cristina, he needs to be seen with a new girlfriend.

Actually, Leo doesn't need to get a new girlfriend, Cristina has already concluded that he has one. She sees Lucas who is standing in the street. Lucas sees her and freezes. Betrayaing a guilty conscience, Cristina immediately blurts out that what happened to his brother wasn't her fault.

Lucas doesn't move when a car is bearing down on him. Cristina pushes him out of the way and lands on top of him.

The credits roll.


El Clon #12, 3/2, Lucas is driving Leo nuts, but that’s not a drive. It’s a short putt.

Albieri tells Lucas that Diego died while he was lost in the desert. Lucas remembers his hallucinations of Diego when the Bedouins rescued him.

In the den, Leo demands that Albi test Lucas’ mole right now. Leo can’t face, and can’t solve, his big problem, so instead he redirects all his intensity into what he can fix. Albi suggests that this just might not be the best time for this. Leo blows a gasket and implies that Albi doesn’t care about Luke’s life. That’s too much for Albi. He shouts, “I neverstopped taking care of them. (You’re getting close to the edge, Albi!) I’m not the one responsible for what happened to Diego!” (Oops! Over the edge!)
This pushes Leo farther into his delusions. He shouts back, “Of course you’re the one! You and your science don’t accomplish anything! I give you rivers of money, and you can’t solve anything!”
Alb answers, louder yet, “What do you want me to solve, death?”
Enrique breaks them up and tries to restore calm.
Leo insists that he give Lucas a thorough examination, so death doesn’t come back. (Note, Leo wants to believe that death comes on its own.)

Enrique reminds Albi about his conference at the end of the month. Alb responds that he can’t; he’s getting married. Enrique is all excited for him, and starts talking about the joy of children, but Albi sets him straight. No kids. He doesn’t want his emotions smashed again. Enrique tries again, but Albi shuts him down, saying, “I already had a son, and he just died.” Leo doesn’t object, and Enrique decides it’s time to shut up.

Lucas mourns his brother. “Why him? Why not me? Everyone liked him better. I even liked him better.”

Said enters Ali’s house followed by 15 women (they say 15, but I only see 13). He tells Ali, “This is my inheritance.” Ali suggests that only a king can afford such a harem. Said explains that Abdul’s mansion went to a cousin, a successful business went to another cousin, while a failed business and the harem went to Said. And he already has more debts than he can handle. He wanted to leave them behind but was forced to take them. Ali sets him straight; he is responsible for those women, and they are unable to provide for themselves. Said thinks all is hopeless, but Ali suggests a solution. Get the youngest ones married off. Get the older ones jobs as domestics. Said’s still responsible for the elderly or sick, but Ali only saw one of those.

Zoraida allows herself a bit of schadenfreude; she says, “When Nariza finds out, she’ll die of a heart attack!” She hurries to Nariza’s house because that’s too much fun to miss. Nariza has surrounded herself with all the samples merchants have left her, so she can choose which she wants to buy - jewelry, clothing, scarves, etc. She tells (not asks) Zoraida to fix her up with Ali, and she’ll reward her with as much gold as she wants. Zoraida keeps trying to explain, but Nariza is lost in gold fever. When she finally hears the news, Nariza crumbles to the floor with a melodramatic wail.

Mohammed is excited to show Latifa the house; Latifa is just as excited to see it. He’s eager to give her lots of beautiful things, and she’s eager to give him lots of children. But in the bedroom she tells him, “I don’t want you to have other wives. That, I will never permit. Just us two.” He answers, in good telenovela form, “If I have you, why would I want anything else?”

Dora tells Vicky about the artificial insemination process. She tells Vicki that Osvaldo has disappeared, but she asked for a sperm donor that resembles him so she can feel closer to him.

Next Cristina (to me she seems more like a Tina than a Cris) interrogates Vicky about the jewelry. The chauffer brought it back, not Leo. Tina makes sure Vicky said she was traveling with an amigO. The truth is, she stayed with an aunt so Vicky would believe the lie and pass it to Diego. She’s sure that since he returned the jewelry, it means he’s still interested in her.

Do we see a common thread between Dora, Cristina, and Luisa?

Lucas wants to know one thing from his father: where was he when Diego died? Leo says he can’t remember; he had so many things going on that day. Lucas pushes, and Leo shows his one moment of giving consolation to his son, telling him, “There are some things we can never understand; things we must just accept.” Too bad his one moment of apparent compassion was really just an attempt to avoid Lucas’ question. Then Lucas wants to know where his brother is buried. Leo doesn’t answer that one either. He says, “He’s traveling. And when he gets home, it’s late and I’m sleeping, so I don’t see him. It’s better if you think about it that way. Then nothing changes.” Lucas tries to tell his father that Diego is dead, but Leo refuses to listen.

Latifa, in a rose dancing outfit, dances for her husband. He’s interested but perplexed. He kisses her but then recoils; “Where did you learn that?”
Latifa answers that she learned it from the novela; she learned it for him. He’s so distressed, she’s afraid he’s going to hit her. To the contrary, he tells her to keep at it. Then they get at it.

Lucas calls Jade and arranges to meet in the morning. He begs her not to leave him alone. She promises from here on, they will be together forever. If you‘re gonna’ forge an anvil, you might as well make it a big one, eh?
Rosa tells Lucas about Marissa, and how much Diego loved her. She also says that Leo wouldn’t listen to anything Enrique had to say about the afterlife, but he takes everything Albieri says as gospel. She’s afraid that Albi has influenced Lucas as well.

At the table, Lucas tells Leo that he needs to bring his girlfriend to live there. The ever supportive papa says, “Are you trying to drive me nuts?” Lucas explains to Rosa that she left everything for him, and if they don’t take her in, she could be killed. Leo orders Lucas not to talk about the subject ever again. Lucas insists. Leo suggests she might be underage. Lucas doesn’t know how old she is; I guess the subject never came up in all their profound, sincere, illuminating conversations that became the foundation of their deep, abiding love. Oops. Maybe not. But she sure can dance, so who needs talk?

Leo says he could end up in jail for bringing in a minor, and “your brother never would have done anything as stupid as that. How can you be so different from him (read: inferior)?”

Dora goes shopping for baby things.

Latifa wants to go to the beach with Jade, but Mohammed says, “No, my wife stays in my house for me alone.” He’ll take her to the beach later. Latifa thinks that’s marvelous. Mohammed leaves, and Jade tells Latifa about the letter she wrote. It’s to Ali, telling him she’ll never go back to Morocco, and by the time he reads it, “I’ll already be married to the man I chose for myself.” She says that it’s Lucas. Jade leaves, and Latifa is sure that her own life is ruined thanks to Jade.

Jade goes to the beach. (Is it to wait for Lucas? Is it already the next morning? How can it be morning if we didn’t see last night’s moon? No puede ser.)

Marissa arrives at Leo’s house to get a memento of Diego. She’s surprised that he kept her picture on his nightstand. Lucas is in Diego’s room when Marissa enters. She’s impacteda; perhaps she didn’t know Diego had a twin.

A program note says that tomorrow’s show will be at 10:00. I don’t know whether that’s west coast or everyone. You should probably look and make sure at 8, 9, and 10. Last week it was announced that it would broadcast at 10, but ran at 8 instead.


ENDA Tuesday March 2. Romina just can’t take it anymore, and she flips out.

Repeats: Romina tells Camila the baby didn’t live up to the advertising. Turns out, he just cried all the time and needed medicine, when what she ordered was the man-trapping silent cute accessory model. So, she sent him back for a refund. Cami goes ape. She is NOT going to let her nieto be abandoned in an orphanage! Where is he? Romina gripes at her mother for yelling at her. She’s the one who needs some attention here; it nearly broke her heart to leave him, she says. Nice try, Romeany, we all know you don’t have a heart. Cami says she will do whatever it takes to get him back and she’ll adopt him herself if she has to. Now WHERE IS HE?

New: Emiliano visits Germán at the jail. Germy begs him to back up his story and get him out of jail. No can do, says Emo. Emiliano won’t perjure himself and Germs is guilty, so suck it up and do the time, buddy. Emiliano also blames Germy for Alonso’s death, since it may have been prevented if Germs had told people about the will changes. Germán still asks for help. Aren’t they friends? “I thought we were friends. But you proved you are no friend. You and Romina were well suited; you both only think of yourselves.” With tears streaming down his face, Germy asks Emiliano to look out for Bernardito. Emo says of course he will.

Camila returns home, where Romina is still crying on the sofa, and reports that the orphanage office was closed, but she’s going back first thing in the morning to see about getting Bernie back. Romina sobs that she just couldn’t handle it when the nurse told her she had to take care of him, so she thought it was best to give him away. Cami is livid. “Most mothers have times when they think they can’t handle it. But they try, and they learn. You’d better pray that Bernie is safe and sound, because if he isn’t…”

Rafa and Luz are at the police station, getting the report that there’s been no luck in finding Xochitl. Rafa tries to get Luz to go home and rest, since there’s nothing they can do. People in telenovelas never seem to try very hard to find missing people. Have they never heard of the old recruit-everyone-you-can-find-to-help-search technique? Emiliano comes out from the jail and asks what they’re doing there.

Gabriel and Paloma arrive at the hospital and Rufi and Eugenio give them the report: Carlota is out of surgery, but they won’t know for 24 hours what the prognosis is. Eugenio has reported everything to the police. Paloma decides to go to the chapel to pray for Auntie Maim, even though she doesn’t deserve it, and Rufi goes with her.

Finally Rafa and Luz have a flier about the missing kidlet, and Emo offers to make copies of it and distribute it and get his soccer team to help.

Romina tosses and turns in bed, dreaming about her son crying that his mother abandoned him and doesn’t love him. She startles awake, panting, “No!”

Repeating montage of scenes: PJC looking pensive. Carlota unconscious with monitors beeping. Eugenio at home, looking worried and thinking hard.

The next morning, Camila wears an ugly shirt that doesn’t fit and says she’s going to get Bernie. Romina, sitting sadly in front of her untouched breakfast, asks if she may come, too. Those nightmares must have really affected her, because she says she wants to bring the baby home, but she is afraid. Can she be redeemed so easily? They head out.

Rufi is in church, praying. She says she’s lived for so long with an angel and a devil, with love and hate, but she knows light always overcomes the darkness in the end. She prays for Carlota.

Paloma, Madeleine, and Cris eat breakfast. Cris feels sorry for Rufi, because she loved Carlota despite her awfulness, and it’s so hard on her to discover just how bad La Loca is. Madeleine, echoing the audience, says death would have been too good for Crueloca. She needs to suffer a lot more first. Cris doesn’t approve of that judgmental attitude. “Well, it’s true,” says Mad. “Do you think Auntie Maim will leave us alone, now that the truth has been discovered?” asks Paloma. “Yes, I do. She will never hurt anyone again,” says Cris. “For sure,” says Madeleine. The music disagrees.

Gabriel gives the wedding invitations to a messenger to deliver. As soon as the messenger leaves, Gabriel has severe pains and staggers over to the cabinet for his medicine. (Dude! Pocket!) He collapses to the floor. He had better not die tonight. I don’t have my jumbo box of tissues on hand.

Carlota is still asleep, and her room is guarded. However, the guards do not accompany the nurse inside to check on her. Carlota grabs the nurse’s wrist.

Paloma takes flowers to Macarena’s grave and sobs about how much Cruelota robbed them of.

The nurse brings the doctor in to look at Carlota. The doctor somehow thinks she merits her own personal nurse at all times.

Romina and Camila ask the orphanage director to give the baby back. The lady is not pleased with the situation. Romina blames her little baby-abandonment oopsie on post-partum depression. Also, her husband abandoned her, and the baby is sick. So, you know, who wouldn’t hand the kid over to a policeman for a break? Orphanage lady is not inclined to give the kid back to a mother with obvious mental issues, but Camila says she’ll take charge. She begs, please please please.

Eugenio gives his evidence of Carlota’s evil deeds to the police guy. Policeman says as soon as Carlota can be released from the hospital, they’ll put her in prison and begin the trial. She’ll probably never get out. By the way, her lawyer Germy is also in jail, for fraud. “I’m not surprised,” says Don E.

Luz trudges around town, handing out fliers and asking about Xochitl and the boozy abuser. The boozy abuser, wearing a clever disguise of cowboy hat and neckerchief, has Xochi hidden in a flower cart.

Crueloca opens her eyes and asks what happened. “You fell over the stair railing and you’re badly hurt,” says the doc. “I have to get out of here,” says Cruel. “Nope,” says the doc. Cruel remembers her awesome flip over the railing in front of the awestruck crowd. 9.3 from the Russian judge; big deduction on the landing. Would have liked to see more disfigurement. The doctor stabs Carlota all over to check her nerves. She can’t feel anything in her legs, and she can’t move her feet. La Loca panics.

PJC finds Rufi in the hospital lobby, waiting for news. Cris feels that maybe he could have somehow prevented some of the deaths, at least Mac’s. Rufi laments that Carlota was so smart, she could have done amazing things if she had chosen good instead of evil. Eugenio shows up, and the doctor tells them all that Cruel is out of danger but is paralyzed.

Carlota frantically tries to move her legs. Out in the lobby, everyone seemed shocked and wonders how Carlota will overcome this setback. People! We do not want her to overcome it! Rufi for some reason wants to see the crazy old witch, but the doc says she wants to talk with Cris.

Gabriel apparently recovered. He and Paloma are helping search for Xochi. Some young girls offer to help.

Camila and Romina have Bernie at home. Romina cries and says she doesn’t think she’ll be a good mother. Cami assures her she can learn. Romina actually holds the baby and seems inclined to change. She agrees the kiddo will live there with Camila. Cami tells her not to mention a word of the abandonment to anyone, because if Emiliano finds out he could take Bernie away.

Paloma and Gabriel offer to go to Pachuca and continue asking about Xochi there. Emo and Chava try to reassure Luz that she’s not a terrible mother.

The police are stopping cars leaving town and searching them. The boozy abuser rearranges the foliage on his bicycle flower cart and evades the checkpoint.

Cris asks Cruel why she killed Mac and tried to kill Paloma. “Because that is how I could hurt you the most,” says Crueloca. She opens her eyes and says, “You’re a priest again?” which makes no sense because she already knew that. Well, I guess they haven’t chatted since he led the mass and she had a hissy fit in the choir loft. They didn’t exactly have time for socializing as she plunged to the floor. Cris tells her she will never be able to hurt anyone again, because she’s going to prison and she’ll never get out. “I’ve lived in a prison since I met you. Bars won’t stop me,” says La Loca. “We’re all leaving and getting far away from you,” says Cris. “Wherever you are, I will find you,” says Cruel. Maggie’s bassos let us know how they feel.

Gabriel has apparently talked to Don E. He tells Paloma her auntie is paralyzed.

The nurse tells Cruel that she’s being guarded. Also, Rufi wants to see her. Well, Cruel refuses to see Rufi. She wants to see Eugenio. Make it happen! The nurse is unruffled by her threats.

Natalia and Ivonne catch Rodolfo up on the latest drama. He’s looking pretty perky.

Eugenio visits Carlota:
C: I need my lawyer here.
E: I am no longer your lawyer. Don’t count on me.
C: Weren’t you in love with me?
E: Yes, but I can’t defend someone who could murder, someone who mocks my feelings and abuses my trust.
C: Give me another chance. I assure you I am repentant.
E: Do you really think I would believe you?
C: If you have any feeling left for me, think what we could do together. I would live dedicated to you.
E (flabbergasted): Your “love” for Cristóbal led you to lie, deceive, and kill. You destroy everything you touch. I actually did see something in you. Behind your hard, controlling shell, I saw a woman who was lonely and needed love. A vulnerable woman with a hard mask to hide her weakness.
C: I am not weak.
E: Yes, you are weak. Your intelligence is undeniable, but in your heart there is nothing but hate.
C: Help me. I’ll give you whatever you want if you get me out of here.
E: I don’t want anything. In the trial, I’ll be in charge of prosecuting you.
Carlota is not happy.

Romina sits on a bed, thinking that even though she wants to, she can’t feel anything for her baby. Why is it that others can, and she can’t? No one has ever loved her, except her mother. She cries and writes a note asking her mother to forgive her, but she can’t go on like this.

PJC has finished his communion rounds at the hospital and finds Rufi still sitting in the lobby, upset because Carlota won’t see her. She’s distraught because she was taught to be loyal to the patrones, and she promised the parents that she would take care of Macarena and Carlota, and she has failed. Cris assures her that she did everything possible, and the choices Carlota made are not her fault. Plus, she did a great job with Paloma. Rufi is sad because Paloma won’t need her anymore, but Cris says Paloma wants her, and that’s even better. He says Rufi is part of his family, like the adored auntie he never had. They hug. Awwww.

Camila goes home, and the nurse gives her the letter from Romina:

Mom, I can’t take anymore. I can’t stay here. I know you won’t approve, but there’s nothing else I can do. I can’t love Bernardo even though he is my son, probably because he is not a child of love, but of a moment of passion. My life in Real del Monte has no meaning without Emiliano’s love, so I am leaving. Please, take care of my son, and love him as if you were his mother. I’m sure you will do it much better than I would. Finally, although you don’t believe it, I love you, and having you is the best thing that has happened in my life. Don’t forget me. I love you. Romina.

Romina drives down the highway crying, and Camila sobs. “You can’t do the same thing your father did, Romina! Not you!”

Romina recovers fast, and makes eyes at a young man who is passing her. He flirts back. They continue their dangerous game, smiling at each other and passing each other at high speed in no-passing zones with blind curves, hardly watching the road. So, obviously, Romina eventually swerves to avoid an oncoming truck and her car rolls over and stops upside down.


Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, March 2: Ep. 8--Juan and Aimee make out…oh, you thought there might be something else?

Leonarda gives Renato the news that Regina and Aimee are coming back. He is thrilled to hear it; Rosenda, less so. Renato asks Mami if she and Papi are going to live together again. Mami is fine with him living in town, but Renato wants him to come back to the finca so that all the family can be together.

Juan is still channeling Tarzan when he's interrupted by Gabriel, wanting to know where he plans to eat his dinner. Juan grumbles at him that "nobody understands but me." How very adolescent of him.

Aimee, still tarted up in what looks on my screen like hot pink and lime green, swishes her way down the corridor, throwing her hips out far enough to the side to fill the entire corridor herself. And this, my friends, is not a narrow corridor. Regina now emerges from her room, also wearing the same dress as earlier (what gives? I thought ladies were supposed to change for dinner?) and hauling her massive camera (not a euphemism). She carries it over one shoulder like a baby and heads off in the opposite direction from Aimee.

Juan is still going on about how no one understands. If Gabe plays his cards right, one day Juan will tell him the whole story. Juan asks if he understands the meaning of the word "venganza" (revenge, vengeance) and then fires a rifle at a vase. This wakes up Rodrigo in the next room. Juan laughs. I roll my eyes.

Rodrigo starts looking for the girls and finds their room empty.

The captain comes running in after hearing the shot, but Juan says it was just an accident. Juan asks the captain to sit down and asks Gabe to stay and hear the conversation. Juan says he'd never planned for La Promesa to go back to Mexico. He reminds the captain, again, that no one is to know who he is.

Rodrigo opens his stateroom door and finds Federico waiting for him. Where have I seen this actor before? Federico is as much of a snob as Rodrigo. They both say they heard the shot. Federico fops that maybe it was some nautical thing. He asks if he can meet Rod's daughters. Rod is upset about them leaving the room without permission and says as much to Fed. They go off, apparently in search of the girls.

Regina is having a little trouble wrangling the camera. Gypsy girl comes over to help her. Her name is Jimena and she freaks out when she sees the captain. Regina hides her under the cloth covering her camera. She tries to look casual, just hanging out with her camera, but she fails miserably.

Gabriel tells Juan that Juan can count on him. Juan knows that. And he knows that when Gabe finds out his story, he'll understand. Juan sends Gabe off to eat and says he'll take a walk.

Regina tells the captain she's just checking things out to see if maybe she can take some pictures on deck. The captain would like for her to take his picture sometime and she says she'll give him some warning. Once the captain is gone, she extricates Jimena and asks what she's doing there.

Rodrigo yells at Aimee for leaving the room without permission. For once, she doesn't blame it on Regina. She just says she only stepped out for a little while, to get some air and that Regina is probably out taking pictures. Rodrigo is upset that he's arranged for them to dine with Federico and if Regina doesn't get back in time, he'll look bad. Aimee tells him to go on ahead to dinner and she'll catch up to him. Rodrigo grabs his gloves and cane and leaves. Aimee flashes back to her fond memories of bumping into Juan and arguing with him. In the faded out flashback, that dress looks much better with that hair. Aimee is getting hot and bothered just thinking about how savage Juan might be. Bow, chicka bow bow.

Regina is thrilled to hear that Jimena is with a circus. Jimena says they're really just a band of gypsies, not a whole circus, but they're traveling 3rd class back to Mexico to see what's what. Jimena does a little of everything, but her specialty is reading palms. She pulls of Regina's glove to get a look…"Here I see love, a happy and painful love…you're going to awake the passions of two men…two lovers from different worlds…and a woman will try to block your path." Regina wonders who, but Jimena takes off now. In slow-mo, she turns around and is confronted by a shirtless Juan. He might as well be a stand-in for her daddy, asking her what she's doing out there alone, at this time of night. Regina's hasty escape is hampered by the giant camera and, we assume, an incipient fit of the vapors at being around a shirtless man. Pobre de Juan…should be carrying around smelling salts if you're going to go exposing your naked torso to innocent young ladies. She knocks her handbag off the railing and Juan dives in after it.

Of course, being the hero, he retrieves the lady's reticule and climbs back aboard, dripping wet. Juan asks her to please be more careful in the future. She's astounded that he dived in like that…"The sea could have swallowed you!" Juan reassures her that it wouldn't have happened, as the sea is his best friend.

At dinner, the ho's have a table to themselves and they're having a great time. Federico and Rodrigo are waiting for the ladies. Rodrigo makes some feeble excuse about how they must be taking their time getting ready. To paraphrase the immortal Lorelei Gilmore, "They're 18, they have skin like a baby's ass, what's there to primp?!"

Juan asks Regina if she had intended to accompany her sister to dinner and she remembers that she needs to go. She starts to leave without her camera, but Juan reminds her of that too, then stands on deck wet and shivering. Once she leaves, he sits down and looks at the moon on the ocean.

The captain welcomes everyone to the boat and says he hopes they have a safe journey to Veracruz. Everyone raises their glasses in a toast and then applauds. The musicians start playing.

Aimee makes her way up on deck and finds hot, wet, shirtless Juan. She comes up behind him and says something suggestive that I don't catch. It sounds like they're surrounded by helicopters. I'm sure what they're saying isn't very important anyway. The smooching commences…actually it looks like they're trying to eat each other's faces off.

Of course, she pulls away and tries to slap him, but Juan's not having any of that. Aimee calls him a savage again. Juan says something about being a "pobre diablo" (poor devil). She wonders what he's doing in first class, then. He claims he travels first class because the company demands it, but he really doesn't have any money. Aimee says something about something…damn helicopters…and it's a long trip, so they'll leave it to chance. Juan observes that she and her sister are very different. Aimee says her sister takes life too seriously and says she calls her Santa Regina. She admits that they're alike in some things, like being stubborn. Juan tells her the story of diving into the sea for Regina's bag and Aimee looks CELOSA (jealous!) and asks why he would do that for someone he doesn't know. His reply is "That's just the way I am."

Regina has pulled off a quick change and walks into the dining room looking like 1880's Barbie. You know, I'm pretty sure a pageant queen of today could get away with that dress. Rodrigo is upset about her being late for dinner (Aimee still isn't there). He says he won't be able to relax until they're married. He asks where Aimee is….

On deck with Juan, supposing that she'd better get going before Big Daddy gets upset. Juan grabs her fan and fans himself with it, saying he didn't think she cared about rules. Juan suggests they go somewhere more private. She thinks he's being forward and says a kiss is one thing, but that doesn't mean she's up for more…she doesn't even know his name, after all. She seems to really get off on hearing that he's "Juan del Diablo," but he can't convince her to leave with him. Aimee says they can't waste the moonlight. She's sure that even for a savage, he knows how to please a lady. Ah, but that's a gentleman's job, and he's not a gentleman. She pouts about men never appreciating things, but he's appreciative of her being a fine-lookin' woman, and of her being kind of bad. He's into bad girls. Well, she's into bad boys, so that's cool. She tells him her name is Aimee, but that's all she'll tell him. He doesn't need any more. They eat each other's faces some more.

Dinner continues. Magda realizes that Rodrigo is sitting two tables away. She remembers their one afternoon of lust and covers her face with her fan. She tells the girls to get up from the table and leaves the dining room, still holding her fan awkwardly between her face and Rodrigo's. Federico is happy to sit around waiting for Aimee. Rodrigo is glad that Fed at least got to meet Reggie.

Juan and Aimee keep having a good time. Her lipstick is good and gone. Juan offers that if she doesn't want to call him "Juan del Diablo" she can just call him "Juan de Juan" as he only belongs to himself. They agree they each belong to each other, just a little bit. "A ratos" (sometimes) says Juan, who finds this very funny. But Aimee doesn't like him laughing. She finds his statement that "bad things go well for me" disconcerting. She doesn't know why she likes him, but she's not going to let him near her anymore. They argue again about who bumped into who earlier. She tells him to shut up and kiss her. They each demand that the other say "me gustas" (you are pleasing to me; you're getting me all hot and bothered; in Spanish, you don't "like" things, things are pleasing to you) repeatedly and suck face some more. Geez, people, get a room already! You're going to scandalize the whores!

Magda stands around on deck. She realizes she'll have to confront someone or something to get her daughter back, but she's up for it. She'll do anything for her daughter.

Said daughter is having a private moment with one of Renato's shirts. One of the other maids busts her doing it. The other maid takes his shirt and stomps it into the floor so Rosenda will have to wash and iron it all over again. The two get into fight and start rolling around on the floor.

Arcadio is still beating the peasants, but Juan's older adopted brother (I think) brought a sword with him to work today. Renato comes riding up and reminds Arcadio that he'd already been warned. "How dare you disobey me." "You should ask Señora Leonarda that!" Oh, that sounds like an uncomfortable conversation.

Leonarda busts up the chick fight. Leo lumps Rosenda in with her mother, who left, and her father, who lies around doing nothing all day. The other maid claims that Rosenda messed up Renato's shirt because she doesn't want to do laundry anymore. Rosenda says that's not true and the other girl just hates her. They start shoving each other again. Leo tells the other maid to get back to work and then tells Rosenda to get out of her house and take her father with her. Rosenda says "I heard you, but I don't think you're serious, since my father knows a secret about you and it's worth a lot of money." Dum, dum, dum.

Rodrigo has had it with waiting for Aimee and says they're going out right now to find her. Federico's eyes bug out as a stumbling, disheveled Aimee trips down the stairs. Aimee's got a story ready, but she can't even tell it before Rodrigo is chewing her out and Federico is whining that he hasn't been introduced. She swoons and says she doesn't feel well. Rodrigo gets her into a chair. Finally, she is able to tell them that she felt so dizzy on the way over that she thought she was going to fall! She went back to the stateroom to rest for a while before she could try getting to dinner again. She asks for water. I can't tell if Regina is worried about her or wondering when she's going to get the real story.

Rosenda tells Leonarda that she can be a faithful ally to her, if Leo just gives her a chance. Rosenda thought bubbles that once she gets the secret out of her dad, she'll have Leo in her hands.

Federico reassures Aimee that once she gets used to being on the ship, she'll feel better. She tells Fed that Rodrigo was very fond of his parents and it's a pity they died young. Rodrigo says he's sure by the end of the journey they'll be really close and he can make arrangements for Federico to be like a part of the family. Fed wonders if that's ok with the girls. Regina's just been sitting there since Aimee came in looking slightly alarmed. Aimee says she and Reg are just thrilled to have him along…and maybe Regina is even more thrilled, hem, hem…being such a shy little thing. Aimee opines that they ought to just call each other "tu" and use Fed's first name, already. Rodrigo gives his permission, what with them all being young people, and asks Regina if it's ok with her. "Sure, dad, whatever you say." They toast again…except for Regina, who just looks like she's searching for an exit.

Renato tells Mommy that he doesn't like the way Arcadio runs things. He's cruel to the workers and it can't continue. Leonarda reminds him that they owe a lot to Arcadio and Renato explodes that they owe even more to the workers who are out there sweating every day. Leo laughs and calls him a dreamer, but he says he just wants to be a fair man. Leo realizes she's got a little bleeding-heart liberal on her hands and tries to hurriedly indoctrinate him, "The Montes de Oca blood runs in your veins, granting you the right to live like a king on this land, this land that is honored by you so much as setting foot on it!" Renato says he loves the land, not because he's the master, but because the earth is his mother. Woo hoo! Renato's a hippie! Renato doesn't want to fight with Leonarda, but he says he will if he has to.

Federico, Rodrigo, and the ladies are saying their farewells in the corridor. Aimee tells Fed that Regina was really fond of his conversation. This is hilarious because Regina isn't even looking at him. He agrees to see them all in the morning, kisses Aimee's hand, and then kisses Regina's as she avoids looking him in the eye. Rodrigo tells the girls that now that they've met Fed, they've noticed he's a perfect gentleman. Both girls smile, like they're thinking of a very imperfect gentleman. Yeah, given the apparent man shortage on that boat, I'd pick Juan over the Thpaniard any day. The accent alone drives me nuts.

Juan continues his solo therapy session in the mirror. "This is what they've turned you into!" We get a quick review of Juan's past. He remembers his adopted brother and declares that he'll always be his brother. He thought bubbles something about Leonarda.

Regina is writing at the desk in the girls' room when Aimee saunters in humming in that annoying way that people do when they want you to ask them why they're humming, but you don't want to give them the satisfaction of asking…or maybe it's just me. Aimee throws herself on the bed and Regina limits herself to saying "I forbid you from insinuating that I have any feelings for Federico." Really, is that all? Aimee tells her not to get mad, she's just trying to do something good for Regina. She thinks Regina needs a man, needs to be in love. Regina wonders why she thinks so. "So you're in love with someone, then?" Regina plays with her pendant, hello, Aimee, dead giveaway! She thought bubbles that she's totally in love with Renato, like, totally.

Leonarda finally offers to have a serious talk with Arcadio. Rosenda gets summoned so that Leonarda can prove what a kind, generous woman she is. She reminds Renato that Celestino has been sick for years and Leo has kept him on and seen to it that he's taken care of. And now she's extending that generosity to Rosenda by, uh, giving her a promotion? The ladies kiss on the cheek and Rosenda says she's promised to be Leo's most faithful servant. She extends the offer to Renato, to do whatever he wants. Leo frowns at her.

Both Rodrigo and Federico like the idea of joining the two families. Gag.

Aimee spends about a second and a half looking in a book (I won't even dignify it by calling it reading) before she shuts it and asks Regina why she's being so quiet. Uh, maybe because unlike you, not everyone feels like they have to be running their mouth constantly. Regina just gives her a look without answering. Aimee keeps asking her if she's in love, or what. Regina says it doesn't matter--what does is that she's not interested in Federico. Aimee keeps "reading" Madame Bovary. Regina says that's the prime example of an ambitious woman who would do anything for money and then ends up losing it because of her lack of morals. Aimee tells Regina that the hottie they met earlier doesn’t have a cent to his name. Regina is good at math. Aimee brags that they were together for a good long while. She gives herself a good feeling up, just to illustrate what a good time they had. Aimee says all she wants when she's around him is to be with him, etc. Regina is scandalized. Aimee reminds Regina that fire doesn't scare her off and that man claimed to be the very devil, Juan del Diablo. Aimee says she wants him and she's not going to give up.

Juan is back in his room reminiscing about Aimee. He thinks Aimee is just like him and that he'll make her his whatever the cost.

The next morning, Juan comes busting into the girls' room calling for Aimee, but he only finds Regina, who although she's mostly dressed, feels the need to grab something to cover up with. Juan grins.

Tomorrow: possibly more bodice-ripping on the high seas…er, minus the actual ripping of bodices.


Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Dinero 3/2: Ale, horrified by the caloric content of la comida tipica, opts for a liquid lunch. Salud!

Yesterday: Rafa and Ale arrive at the Cheeseman Wedding and look guilty as they hearken to the priest describing the inadvisability of loveless marriages.

The ceremony ends and Ale says she's taking over the negotiations now. Rafa says she can't just start selling trucks at a wedding reception, she'll have to be patient and do it his way. She hardly has time to insult him because Mr & Mrs Cheeseman approach, compliment Rafa on his very beautiful girlfriend - "No, my BOSS!" - and escort them to the head table as guests of honor!

Rafa takes a turn around the dance floor with the bride. He is a HORRIBLE dancer but all night people will be saying, "look what a wonderful dancer he is." I guess it's a joke. Meanwhile, Cheeseman chuckles as he tells Ale how clever Rafa was, to present himself as a big cheese buyer, ingratiate himself, and then pitch the truck. He vaguely confirms, in response to her abrupt inquiry, that he's planning to buy the truck.

Cheeseman introduces his posse of short but deep-pocketed friends, all Captains of Industry and potential truck buyers, owners of a brick factory, a milk company, glass manufacture, pig and chicken farm, etc. Ale instantly starts up with her boilerplate sales pitch but it's time for food!

Rafa suggests she not come off as so brazenly sales-oriented, and he knows she's barely eaten anything today, so ...

... they're off to the food line, where Rafa enthusiastically describes the Peoples' Food, but Ale scrunches her nose in horror at the calories and grease and dubious ingredients. He assures her Mexicans are genetically protected from 'death by fried pig skins' and she mustn't offend their hosts. She reluctantly accepts a teaspoon of soup. He loads his plate.

They sit back down. Rafa makes excuses for Ale - she's on a diet. Cheeseman says, oh boy weddings are expensive. Rafa says he knows it well (!)

Ale gets a phone call from Marco, he's horrified to hear she went to this low-class wedding with Rafa the Assassin. She says she won't be long. Rafa gets a phone call from Vicki who cries and yells to find out he's at a wedding with his boss. He says it will probably take a long time.

Now it's time for toasts! Cheeseman even toasts Rafa and Ale! Rafa stands and gives a toast of his own - and a nice commercial for Auto Siglo. Bottoms up!

Ale wants to leave, they argue, he wins only because she can't drive the truck.

For a while Ale says she doesn't drink but then she starts sloshing down the tequilas and they work magically on her empty stomach. She's still as crabby as ever but she can't stand up.

Time to dance! Gorgeous girls appear out of the woodwork. Rafa does more ridiculous dancing. The girls jostle for his attention. It turns out they are, each one, daughters to the Captains of Industry.

While Rafa is on the dance floor, a big drunk guy, "Don Manuelito," staggers up to the head table and makes a prolonged pass at Ale. Rafa excuses himself from one of the sexy daughters and comes to protect Ale...

... who's telling her new drunken buddy the whole "drunk assassin tried to kill me" story ...

... and it turns out Don Manuelito's hobby in his spare time is - breaking the knuckles of people who bother his friends. He suggests many ways he could educate the drunk assassin. Ale is fascinated and accepts his business card.

Rafa escorts all the drunken Captains of Industry - including the knuckle-breaking Don Manuelito - out to see the truck. They don't stay long, though - unwilling to listen to his pitch they turn around and go back inside.

Rafa dances with the brick-factory guy's daughter. She makes a pass at him and says she'll work on her dad, but Rafa has to take her for a turn around the town. He asks Ale, but she's incensed at the idea: "I guess when I took biz administration I missed the class where they explained you sell cars by going driving with gorgeous girls." Ale really is clueless in this environment, besides being drunk and jealous. She tells Medina she'll break his face.

Tomorrow: mariachis! Rafa sings! Ale smiles!


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