Friday, April 16, 2010

El Clon, Fri, April 16- Said gets fed up and Jade gets knocked up

Dora is devastated as her mother drags Daniel into the airport. She says that she was only doing it for his best interests.

Mohamed, Latifa, the baby and Nariza head back to Miami. Latifa is concerned that Allah will punish her for playing the trick (bromeando) on Nazira by taking away her happiness. Zoraida replies that nothing will take away her happiness and Jade apologizes for playing the trick on Nariza.

Marisa is upset that Natalia claims to have seen Daniel again. Marisa reports that the psychologist says that she invented an imaginary friend because she is lonely. However, it is clear to Rosa that the spirit of Diego is trying to communicate with them. "Don't start with that foolishness (babosada, from babosear, to drool)," says Marisa.

Albieri can't understand why Dora would take Daniel away from him. He treated the child like his own son. Luisa suggests that might have been the problem. Cristina is comforting Dora when Luisa calls to see if she knows how to contact Dora's mother. Cristina lies and says that she doesn't have a phone number or address. When Luisa tells Albi this and says not to worry, they have each other, Albieri looks like he's about to hurl and walks out saying that he needs to be alone. He goes to the playground and says to himself that Daniel let him feel that he was defeating death. All his lost affection was concentrated in Daniel.

On the plane, Daniel repeats that he doesn't want to be with Estela. He wants to be with his dad.

Nazira is overjoyed to return to the US. She says that it is a blessed country and she is blessed. Mohamed reminds her about what she said earlier about hating the US and never returning. "It's all different, now," she burbles, "I want to stay forever!" Latifa is able to restrain her joy at hearing this. Mohamed has decided to rent the store in the same building in which they live so he can be closer to his family. Nariza rereads the false Osvaldo letter. It doesn't have a return address but she knows that she can find him at the dance club.

Jade and Latifa decide to enjoy their break from Nariza. They expect her back when she finds out the letter was a lie.

Nariza throws cold water on Mohamed and Latifa's evening plan for a video and cookies. She feigns extreme sleepiness (tengo mucho sueño) and suggests that unless Mohamed and Latifa go to bed, too, Latifa's milk will dry up. She warns them not to disturb her. She sleeps like a piece of marble (una piedra de mármol) [Does Latifa's baby sleep through the night? That is more likely to wake her.] Obediently, Mohamed and Latifa go to bed, too.

Nariza changes her clothes and heads out to the club. Seeing the scantily dressed women going in, she calls the club hell itself but she doesn't hesitate to go in. She finds Osvaldo inside dancing. She cuts in and he is very surprised to see her. He is willing to dance with her. She won't let him touch her while they dance saying that is a sin but her demonstration of how dancing is done in Morocco entrances Osvaldo and the patrons at the club.

Estela invites Daniel to help her scrape the kernels off (desgranar) some corn. She is going to make some tamales to die for (como pa' cuparse los dedos, literally, 'make you suck your fingers). The kid isn't interested and says that he wants to call his dad. Estela claims that she doesn't have a phone.

Albieri sits in Daniel's room in his house playing with the kid's toys. He swears that he will find Daniel if he has to go to the ends of the earth (aunque tenga que junta los cielos y la tierra,' literally, 'even if I have to make heaven and earth come together'.)

Now this is definitely a beanie tightening moment. Leo has the unmitigated gall to lecture Lucas and Marisa about being good parents, about not thinking about how Natalia must feel about their separation and about being selfish. I guess you'd know about that, Leo. Do what I say, not what I do. Then Leo looks to Rosa for support and she says that Lucas and Marisa should take Natalia to a spiritualist. "Qué sesión espiritista ní que ocho cuartos?" meaning something like, 'spiritualist session, my fat foot!' Then Lucas and Marisa announce that they will try to get along again for Natalia's sake. Leo is pleased.

Dora tells Vicki that she is going to move back to NY and live with Daniel and her mother.

Cristina is out front hawking the club to passersby. Leo drives up and remarks on what a trashy place it is and how much he would like to have Cristina in his arms. When she sees him, he drives off. Norma asks why Leo took off like a bat out of hell. Because he is afraid is how the English subtitles translated her reply. In Spanish she said, "Porque mata al tigre y se asusta con el cuero," literally, 'because he killed the tiger and is afraid of the skin.' She is sure that now that he knows where the bar is, he will come and watch in secret every day.

Dora leaves for NYC. Albeiri won't eat and wonders where his boy is.

Dora arrives in at her mother's place but Daniel is rude and says that he doesn't care about her. He only wants his 'father.' Dora regrets that she let things get so far out of hand. She will get her son back here. Estela says, "Cuando nuestros hijos salen de nuestros vientres, ya no nos pertinecen." (When our children leave our bellies, they are no longer our children)

In the same vein, Ali reads a passage from Khalil Gibran's, The Prophet about children during a photomontage indicating that some time, maybe two years, passes. [I counted 6 candles on Natalia's birthday cake. Thanks for the transcription and translation, Novelamaven!]

Your children are not your children; they are life's children.
They come through you but they are not of you.
You can give them your love, but not your thoughts
You can protect their bodies but not their souls
Because their souls live in the mansion of tomorrow that you can't visit, not even in dreams.
You can try to be like them, but you can't try to make them like you.
Because in life there's no turning back
and there's no stopping with the passing of days.
We are the bows from which our children are launched into life like living arrows.

Vuestros hijos no son vuestros hijos; son los hijos de la vida.
Ellos vienen a través de vosotros pero no son de vosotros.
Podeís darles vuestro amor, pero no vuestros pensamientos.
Podeís abrigar sus cuerpos pero no sus almas.
Porque sus almas viven en la mansión del mañana que vosotros no podeís visitar ni en el mismo sueño.
Podeís procurar ser como ellos, pero no procureis hacerlos como vosotros
Porque la vida no camina hacia atrás
y no se detiene con los días pasados.
Nosotros somos los arcos de los cuales nuestros hijos son arrojados a la vida como flechas vivas

From poetry to our story: Said has bought some expensive fabric for his business. Jade comes and says that she was visiting the university. Abdul and Said have a low opinion of education for women. Said says that the only thing a woman needs to learn is the Koran so she can teach it to her children. He dumps the fabric on Jade and tells her to organize it. "If I'm such a pest, why don't you just divorce me?" Jade yells. Then she has an idea.

She throws the fabric out the window as a gift from Allah for the passers by. Said is furious. Jade runs to Ali's house. Said follows. He says that he repudiates Jade three times in front of Ali and Zoraida. "I'm divorced?" asks Jade hopefully.

Ali asks what is going on. Said says that Jade is the devil incarnate. She is ruining his life. She doesn't take care of the house, puts salt in his food, she doesn't take of his stuff, she hasn't given him any children. Jade is looking way too happy about this and Zoraida hustles her away. Said tells Ali that Jade doesn't care about him. He says formally that he is returning Ali's niece to him.

Jade can't believe that she is finally divorced. Zoraida hopes that she won't regret what she did. She accuses Jade of wanting to after Lucas. Jade denies it. When Zoraida tells Jade that her romance with Lucas is all in the past, Jade reminds her of the two coffee ground readings that indicated that they would meet again, 'when the future meets the past.' Jade decides that it means that she and Lucas will be together in the future the way they were in the past. Zoraida regrets reading the coffee grounds for Jade. Jade says that she is ecstatic that she won't have to spend another night in Said's house. Zoraida informs her that Said can recant his repudiation. Jade is impactada.

Ali tries to convince Said to take back his repudiation but Said is firm. He says that he repeats the repudiation. Ali calls Jade and tells her that Said doesn't repent and she is divorced. When Jade asks if she can go get her stuff from Said's house, Ali says no. She will follow the requirements of the Koran and live with her husband for three of her menstrual cycles to make sure that she isn't pregnant.

[And at this moment, we know exactly what is going to happen.] Ali says that if there is a pregnancy, the couple can cancel the divorce if they want to. Adbul states that in Islam, men and women are created equal except that men have a higher level of rights (un grado mas de derechos) than women. Jade demands to know why that is so. Abdul replies that rights come with obligations. Since men have the obligation to provide for their families, they have more rights [I guess the obligation to risk your life to produce a baby and spend years caring for it doesn't count for anything. Let's see a man do that.] Ali tells Said and Jade to go home and live in harmony until the divorce is final.

The news of the divorce reaches Miami. Latifa is upset. Nariza is happy to be proved right. She doubts that Latifa, who is pregnant again, will produce the male heir to carry on the family name and reminds Mohamed that Latifa is from the same bad family as Jade. Mohamed says that he is happy with Latfia and she has done nothing wrong. "Not yet (todavia, no)," warns Nariza. She says that she raised cowards, not men.

Mohamed goes to Latifa who is crying. He swears three times that he will never divorce her.

When Said and Jade get home, Said says that he will sleep in Nazira's room until the house is cleansed of her presence. Jade tells herself that if she has made it this far, what are 3 months before she can be happy together with Lucas forever.

Cristina tells Vicki that Leo drives by the bar every night but won't get out of his car. She is sure that he wants to. Vicki is doubtful. She says that she can't imagine Leo dancing to reggaeton. Albieri shows up asking for news of Daniel and Cristina says that they don't have any news. He asks them to let him know if they hear anything. He leaves. Cristina says that it is tearing her up (se me rompen los medias, literally tearing her stockings) to see him like that. Vicki reminds her that Dora asked them not to give Albieri any information and they have to respect that.

Lucas and Marisa are going to a benefit concert (concierto altruista). Leo tells them that he is concerned that Natalia is too introverted, always quiet and hiding away in the corners of the house. Marisa says that is Natalia's personality. Lucas points out that he was like that as a child. Leo isn't convinced and thinks that Marisa and Lucas are crummy parents.

Jade tells Zoraida that Said won't look her in the face. Zoraida replies that Said put up with a lot and he has had enough but that they have three month to decide to repent the divorce. Jade says that she will never repent when she is so close to getting her freedom.

Abdul tells Said that many parents of marriageable daughters are asking if he is interested in marrying again. Said says that he wants to marry again in grand form to show Jade what she has lost. He says this time he won't fall for a pretty face the way he did with Jade. Abdul says that one family with daughters will be at Mustafá's restaurant this evening. Said says that he will go.

Ali tells Jade that he isn't obliged to take her back into his family. He could curse her and throw her out because she acted badly. He says that he is partly to blame because he didn't make sure that she learned the ways of their religion. He has decided to send her to the States and pay for her to go to school and then she can do whatever she wants. Jade is ecstatic.

When she gets home, Said says that during the waiting period for their divorce, she is forbidden to go out or even show her face in the living room.

Zoraida passes on the gossip from the Medina to Ali. Everyone knows about the divorce petition and families with daughters are going to the restaurant Mustafá tonight to show them off to Said. Ali says that he will dine at the restaurant, too. Zoraida is disappointed. She is cooking camel for him the way he likes it. "I have to prop up the roof of my house (afianzar el techo de mi casa)," says Ali, "I can eat camel meat tomorrow but if the roof of the house falls tonight, there won't be anyone to raise it."

Abdul tells Said that he can't make the restaurant scene but all Said has to do is pick a girl and he'll take care of the rest. Jade overhears.

Ali comes to the restaurant and sits down with Said.

A servant from Said's comes to Ali's house and tells Zoraida that Jade is very ill and she should come immediately. She sends the servant for a doctor and goes to Jade. Jade says that she fainted. She is afraid because the same thing happened to her mother before she died. The doctor arrives.

In a cute scene, Ali asks Allah's pardon and then carefully criticizes the woman Said is interested in. She is too skinny to fill up a bed and won't have healthy children and she is an exhibitionist because she smiles too much. Said says that he doesn't want to make the same mistake twice ('No pienso tropezar dos veces con la misma piedra,' literally, 'I don't want to trip over the same stone twice') and rejects that candidate.

As we knew it was going to happen, the doctor tells Jade that she is pregnant. Jade is impactada.

The credits roll.


Mujeres Asesinas 2, Thursday, April 15: The case of an offing at the opera.

Tonight, Karyme Lozano and Elsa Pataky are "Ana y Paula, Ultrajadas" (Ana and Paula, outraged).

People are arriving to some kind of event. Gerardo and Det. Capellan are attending. Poor Gerardo in his tie. So uncomfortable compared to scrubs. He comments to Capellan that he can tell you exactly when, how, and where someone died, just by looking, "but don't ask me to wear a suit!" It's a damn ugly tie, too, orange striped. Dude needs to spend more time around live people. In the background, Ana and Paula are greeting people. Capellan says everyone's there. Aranda and Moran show up, arm in arm. Aranda's looking hot in a green satin-y number, with her curls all bouncy. Can I hate her now? Moran blames their lateness on a problem with "manifestos" (the tickets?). Aranda and Moran are upstairs, Capellan and Gerardo, downstairs. Everyone goes to their seats.

A tenor delivers an aria. An older guy smoking a cigar climbs a ladder to the catwalk. He's followed by Paula's shoes, if I recognize them correctly. The aria continues. The cigar guy is enjoying it. Capellan looks like she's falling asleep. Gerardo just looks like he can't see the appeal. Cigar guy drops from the catwalk onto the stage at the end of a rope. No, not like Tarzan. The rope is around his neck. Most of the audience goes running, but Capellan and Gerardo don't. The tenor just stands there gaping at the body. Sounds like DIEM's kind of night at the opera.

Nope, Gloria, no open wounds this time around, but let the crazy drama flow, fo' sho'!

Flashback: Paula packs books into a box while drinking some red, red wine. Ana comes in. She has some news, but Paula asks her to wait so she can go get another glass for the wine. Paula clinks the glasses and toasts to Madrid. Ana announces that she got offered the job--national director of theaters. She hasn't answered yet, but it's a great opportunity for her. Paula makes a fuss about it being a bureaucratic job and about Ana not liking Juan Enrique. Ana agrees neither one likes the other, but she doesn't have another option. Ana tries to convince Paula it's a good move. "You can work here too, you can keep designing. Half a day of work, half a day for our projects!" Paula says "their" project was supposed to be going to Madrid. Ana goes back to it being a good opportunity. There seems to be some discontentment because Paula has some good stuff waiting for her in Madrid, but all of Ana's clout is in Mexico. Paula wonders if they're breaking up. Ana gulps down some wine.

Present: The body's still hanging around. Capellan is offering her help to the other cops who have shown up. Gerardo's reputation precedes him and Capitan Guerrero is impressed. Aranda and Moran join everyone on stage. Ana comes over and introduces herself as the set designer and the person in charge. Capitan Guerrero asks her to help them get the body down. He directs them where to lower it.

Capellan goes over and introduces herself to the tenor, James Kendall, and Paula. Kendall and Paula are talking in English, but he assures Capellan that he speaks Spanish perfectly. Paula, sporting a cut lip, introduces herself as the costume designer and asks if Mr. Kendall can be excused. Capellan is practically giddy as she says he can't leave, it's going to be a long night, but he's free to rest in his dressing room. He leaves and Paula asks what's next. "The medical examiner will have to determine the cause of death." My guess--a broken neck from hanging. Too obvious? Paula asks if people can go rest. Capellan asks Paula if she thinks it was an accidental death. Ana comes over and says she thought DIEM only worked on cases to do with women. "Well, sometimes we have to help out our peeps." She walks off and Ana and Paula look nervously at each other. Ana shushes Paula when she starts to say something. She hugs her. Capellan's radar goes off and she turns around to look at them.

Flashback: Ana is discussing the set design as some techs work on building it. Paula is sitting down in the audience sketching. The future deceased, Juan Enrique, comes up to Paula and gooses her from behind. She seems happy to see him and shows him what she's working on--a costume in the Baroque style, but with a modern touch. He loves it, but he reminds her that James Kendall is really short, like all tenors. "Countertenor," she corrects him. Juan Enrique jokes, "are you sure he doesn't have his hm hm cut off?" Paula says that's a castrato, silly. Juan Enrique says you never know. Ana comes up to say hi. She and Juan Enrique can't stand each other. Know how I know? Because their smiles get about 10 times bigger. Ana comments they're behind. Juan Enrique says it's no big, it'll be a few days before they need it to be ready. He goes to check out the stage and calls back that they'll talk later. Ana gripes that she can't stand the guy. Paula reminds her she's the one who wants to take the job. Ana is pissed off that Paula even likes him, but Paula says she more than likes him, she respects and admires him. Ana indirectly insults Paula's work by saying Juan Enrique is just a wasted old guy with a beer belly. Paula goes over to kiss him and tells him he gets more handsome every day. Looks like he took that seriously.

Paula and Juan Enrique talk colors and fabrics. Paula has worked with Kendall before, in London and Barcelona. JE asks how it's going with Ana. "I heard you're not too happy with her new job." "Well, it's what's best for her." She tries to show him some other drawings, but he brushes that off and says that sometimes life surprises you and you have to seize opportunities. Paula says "we had other plans." This cracks JE up. "You can't spend your life making plans. If you make plans you don't see what's in front of you. You ignore feelings." He's getting a bit handsy. Ana comes knocking and tells Paula she needs her. The gals leave and JE frowns.

Present: Gerardo says he needs to get the body back to the lab, but he's going to say the guy died from two stab wounds to the liver, and he definitely didn't die from asphyxia. Oh, I was mistaken about no blood this time around.

Flashback: JE reviews a list with a tech. Guys are moving in set decorations. Paula is on her way to take the fabrics to someone, but JE convinces her he needs to show her something. He takes her up onto the catwalk and tells her the best place to see a show is up there. He apologizes for the other day. Paula says she doesn't know what's happening with her lately. She starts crying and JE hugs her. He starts to kiss her, but she backs off. JE tells her that from up there, he feels like God, like he's bringing the actors to life, but then after the show it's all over. JE tells her he's really into her, he can't help himself. Paula hugs him.

Ana and the tech guy work on the lights. They're looking up and they see Paula and JE on the catwalk. It looks ambiguous, like they could be kissing, but she doesn't seem upset, even though the tech ribs her about it. Ana calls Paula to come down because James Kendall has arrived.

Ana and Paula greet James. JE comes up and does some bad Shakespeare, in English. Ana gripes at Paula. JE insinuates that after the hugs from Ana and Paula, James will be singing with hm, hm. James agrees he will be doing so, and offers his arm to Paula. I think the joke here is that JE didn't realize that James is bilingual and understood his crappy innuendo. Ana goes back to keep working on the set. JE announces it's "whisky time!"

Present: Guerrero, Gerardo, and Moran are up on the catwalk. Guerrero assures Gerardo that it's the safest place in the theater. Um, sure, if you're not a dirty old man who hits on lesbians. Guerrero thinks whoever did this was good with knots. And also good with the stage mechanics. They knew where to attach the rope so the whole set wouldn't come crashing down. Gerardo points out the cigar to Moran, who picks it up. They notice the lipstick and Moran surmises that even if it is JE's cigar, he wasn’t the only one who smoked it.

Flashback: Paula does a fitting with James. She tells James that JE smokes his cigars up on the catwalk on opening night. James finds this "curious." He asks how it's going with Ana. Paula says it's fine. James likes the costume. It's only missing a collar, which Paula adds.

Ana sees JE at an outdoor café, having a whisky. He asks her to sit down. He talked to the Secretary of Culture yesterday and he's in agreement with Ana's nomination. Ana says she respects him as an artist and all that, and she hates to say it, but "don't mess with Paula." JE says Paula's old enough to take care of herself, and besides, "What she really needs, according to nature, is a man." He tells her to get that look off her face, they have to work together. "What for," she asks, " so I can do all the work while you get drunk and take all the credit?" She tells him to shove it.

James asks Paula when they're going to Madrid. "The production starts in two months, doesn't it?" Paula says Ana's had another offer, so they'll see. Paula's pretty close to him, since she was standing behind him tying his cape on. She tells him he can wear the costume for the rehearsal if he wants to. JE comes in. James puts on his helmet and asks JE what he thinks. He goes off to rehearse. JE tells Paula he thinks he made a mistake. He wonders if Ana deserves the sacrifice Paula is making. Paula tells him it's not important. "Your artistic future isn't important?" JE tells her he's been in this situation before. "You know what, let's toast!" Paula tries to beg off, but he talks her into it. Before she walks out, she fusses with her hair.

They drink to friends. He insists she drink it all and refills her glass. They toast to Madrid. She chugs the whisky. He pours her a third. They toast to him, to making her laugh. He toasts to her eyes. He toasts to people who come to the opera. They keep getting blurrier. She giggles and says she's drunk. He spouts some poetic crap about ships or something. They end up on a couch. She finally says she needs to go back to work. He convinces her to stay and rest. He kisses her and she pushes him off. He ends up hitting her. She knocks over a costume trying to get away from him, but I think we are to assume that he rapes her.

Back at her place, she runs a shower. Her face is pretty well bloodied up. She gets into the shower and cries. She ends up huddled in the tub. Ana finds her there. She asks who hit her, what happened. Paula lies and says she didn't see who did it. It was in the parking lot. They took her wallet. Paula doesn't want to go to the cops. Ana tries to insist, but Paula is too upset. Ana relents. She helps Paula out of the tub.

James can't believe it when Ana tells him. Ana says she's here to protect Paula, but James points out that she's been very angry with Paula lately. Ana insists she's just worried, that's all. James says she should take care of Paula, then, because Paula's scared.

Paula lies on the couch and lets her phone ring. Ana comes in and asks why Paula hasn't been there in two days. Ana asks how Paula is doing, if she wants someone to help her finish the costumes. Paula says she wants to go to Madrid, I think. Ana says she's been thinking and she doesn't think taking the job is an option. Paula wants to leave now, but Ana says it's only another week to the opening. Paula's phone starts ringing again. Ana asks her if she's eaten, if she should fix her something. "I understand you're scared because of the assault, but you can't stay locked up in here your whole life. Why won't you tell me who it was." Ana tells her to answer her phone. She goes to fish the phone out of Paula's purse, but she finds Paula's wallet. "Didn't you tell me they took your wallet in the parking lot? It wasn't a robbery, right? Talk. What's going on?" Paula tells her it was JE. "He hit you?" Paula says he came into the studio and tried to…. Paula finally says he raped her. Ana is shocked. Paula repeats it. Ana hugs her.

Rehearsal. Chaos. James looks like a girl with those curls, even with his package on prominent display in tights. JE shows up at rehearsal. James comments to the accompanist that things like this don't happen in England. I suppose he means the chaos. JE starts giving orders. James tells JE that he doesn't know where he's going in his scene. "We haven't even talked about my character." "Your character's a fool who repeats the same phrases. Just trust me, I'm the director." JE announces that he's been named Director of the National Theater Company and he's been asked to choose an assistant director. He's chosen a woman with the talent to do it--Paula Moncada. Paula and Ana are both shocked. Ana whispers to Paula, "He raped you. Say something. Let him know you know what kind of monster he is. Oh, but that wouldn't be convenient, would it?" Ana walks off and people start coming up to congratulate Paula.

Present: In one of the boxes, Aranda interviews James. "You do understand that I was either on stage singing or I killed someone?" Aranda says that's clear. What she wants to know is if he saw anything odd in the last few days. James looks down. He finally says he did hear something that maybe he ought to tell her.

Aranda uses her cell phone walkie to tell Capellan that James just gave some important information.

Gerardo and Guerrero come down from the catwalk. Capellan announces to them that Juan Enrique raped Paula, according to James' testimony. Gerardo remembers her as the costumer. He reminds them that there were two stabs directly to the liver. "Do you think it could be…?" "Dressmakers' shears?" finishes Capellan.

Moran takes pictures in Paula's studio. He finds a pair of scissors.

Aranda runs some fingerprints.

Moran swabs the scissors.

Capellan asks Paula what happened between her and Juan Enrique. Before she can answer, Moran walks in and announces that they've gotten results from the lab. That was quick! "The blood on the scissors is the victim's." He leaves. Guerrero is sitting in on the interview. Capellan asks who hit her in the mouth. Was it Juan Enrique? What happened? Paula says they were drinking and he misunderstood. "I told him I didn't want to, to stop, but he kept going. I didn't want to, but I had to." Capellan says she couldn't have done it alone. "Why?" Gerardo says that JE weighs twice what she does. "Or could you have thrown him?" "But he fell." Guerrero asks her if she knows how to knot a rope. She admits she doesn't. "Then you couldn't have done it alone," says Capellan, "Who helped you?" Paula just repeats the she killed him.

The tech guy tells Aranda that yeah, he didn't like JE, and he did like Paula. He says he could have carried him, he's carried heavier stuff, but sorry, he didn't kill him. Aranda asks if he can prove it. He says during the production he directs everything from his radio, but he has to be on ground level. We see a brief flashback to JE's untimely exit, er, entrance, whichever, and the tech guy was in the wings talking to somebody. "Then could it have been a scene shifter?" The guy says they don't have any changes of set. "The catwalk was empty, except for Elizondo, who went up there to smoke." He's pretty sure of it.

Guerrero and Capellan go over a list of names. Guerrero says he's sure someone was up there. "Someone Paula is trying to cover for," says Capellan as she underlines Ana's name. Flashback to Ana saying DIEM only does cases to do with women and then hugging Paula.

Flashback: JE is writing a check. Ana wants to talk to him, but he says the decision has been made. "What did you do to Paula?" They get into a fight. He decides to answer the question by giving her a demonstration. She manages to knee him in the groin and get away.

Ana comes home and finds Paula in bed. She holds her and asks her to forgive her. The both cry. Paula sees Ana's face and starts getting upset, but Ana tells her nothing happened. Ana apologizes again. Paula asks what they're going to do. Ana says she knows.

Present: Capellan confronts Paula and Ana. "If Paula didn't want to make a report, despite your insistence, why didn't you do it? Why did you do this?" Ana says her only responsibility is to the person she loves. The rest doesn't exist. Paula says they were tired of being victims.

James stands on stage and takes a deep breath before beginning his aria. JE climbs the ladder with his cigar. James starts singing. JE lights up. Paula climbs the ladder. Ana prepares the noose. James sings on. Paula sneaks up on JE with scissors in hand. Ana comes from the other side of the catwalk. JE doesn't even notice. Paula approaches. She takes the cigar and takes a puff. She grabs JE and whispers to him that she can't get him out of her mind. He takes this the wrong way. She stabs him in the back with the scissors and Ana puts the noose around his neck. They manage to shove him off the catwalk. The butterfly flies away and Ana walks Paula off to the end of the catwalk.

"Ana Beltran and Paula Moncada were tried for murder in conspiracy with premeditation and gain. The rape suffered by Paula and the attempted rape of Ana were not elements that could be taken into account as extenuating circumstances because as there was no report, the events could not be proved. Both were condemned to 20 years in prison."


Corazon Salvaje April 15, 2010 Flashbacks and More Flashbacks

Juan is in jail telling himself he is Juan del Diablo. I’m not sure who he is trying to convince.

Aimee and Renato are heading off to bed. She is overcome with wonder at the effort he made to make it romantic. They drink champagne. He lays her down on the bed with red roses shaped like a heart. He undresses her slowly. Looks like they are about to get their freak on. She sure doesn’t act like the blushing bride.

Back at the jail. Gabe shows up the next day to see Juan. Apparently Juan has been a naughty boy and got into a fight so now he is in a time out. Well if you don’t let me see him our boss is going to be pretty PO’d about it and will intervene. Well, just who is your boss? He is a very important business man around here. He is none other than Juan Aldama De la Cruz. He also does business with Rodrigo Montes De Oca. Well that shuts his pie hole. He will move heaven and earth to get Juan out. Well, ok, in that case you can see him for a few minutes. Just a few minutes.

Griselda is abusing Jimena like always. Mina wants to know why she hates her so. Gris says something I’m not sure what and Mina says I’ll leave so you won’t have to bother about me again. Gris wants to know what is going on with the young man. He doesn’t love me. What would he want with a gypsy like me.

Meanwhile, Juan, looking a little worse for wear, is hunched up in the corner with his new rat friends. Gabe shows up and Juan rushes over to greet him. What happened? Are you ok? Look what I made in arts and crafts. It’s a knife. It’s a fine looking knife but Gabe is worried it will get him into trouble. He convinces Juan to give it to him and he sticks it in his coat. Gabe tells him he’s working on getting him out. Juan says that nobody can defend him. Nobody does crazy like Big Ed.

Gris is still quizzing Jimena who the young man is. She tries to convince her she loves her. You are blood of my blood. What do you want? I love you really. No, really, I do. Whatever. She gives her puppy dog eyes. Please forgive me. I implore you. Jimena says ok. I forgive you. It makes me so happy. Gag! FF>>

The Judge (?) comes to see Juan and says can we talk in peace? As he points a gun at Juan. Juan is scampering around and pokes him in the head babbling on about a judge or justice. Or is it because of Rodrigo Montes de Oca? I don’t know what you mean. He says something about the damn fishermen. Juan takes exception to that and says they are his friends. I am suspicious of your friendship with the fisher people. You are a fine gentleman. I came from a very humble background. Well just accuse me then. Judge looks uncomfortable. (I say let Juan’s new rat friends chew the judge’s face off.)

Ful is talking to some guy. It sounds like he wants him to spy on his wife. FF>>

Juan is visited by Regina. What is that horrible thing she is wearing? It looks like she has wings.--Break--Damn! You know this is going to be good.

Juan is surprised as are we are to see her. He wants to know what she is doing there by herself. She says Clemencia came with her. Do you need something from me. You have robbed the soul of my sister. Aimee wants everything.

Aimee is waking up to a beautiful day. Renato looks very proud of himself. He brought her fruit and café. I should rephrase that, the cook put the fruit and café on the tray and Renato took it upstairs and got all the credit for it. He looks outside and says it is the light of your eyes.( I keep expecting little birdies to sit on his shoulder whistling a happy tune.) I only have one desire. She kisses him with a rose petal in her mouth and they go at it again. Oh you little minx! Well at least she will have a good reason to be pregnant. Poor sap!

Regina is talking about Renato and Juan has had enough. It’s always Renato, Have you heard nothing I’ve said? Aimee has Renato. You had to hide and keep it a secret. I beg you in the name of your mother--Juan loses it and says nobody has the right to mention his mother. Do you understand me?

MdR is talking to her rag baby as the white dove flies in. Here you are. You have come to see me. She remembers her time with Juan. I don’t want to die. My son lives. I feel that he is alive. I need to see him again. Then I can die in peace.

Regina is trying to convince Juan about their story. Why do you hate Montes de Oca? Renato is innocent. Renato, Renato, why do you speak of him. Is it because he is rich? Ah, you love him. She slaps him. You’re not here because you care for your sister. You are here because you want Renato. He smiles his quirky little smile. Sigh….

The fisher folk are in town plying their wares. They have to sell everything so they can help Juan.

Gabe has gone to see Noel to see about getting some help. Now let’s see, you want me to help the man who caused a scene at my son’s wedding? Well, uh, that was the plan. Just come and talk to him. Is he innocent? Completely. He’s not a killer.

MdR is talking to her rag baby. We flash back to the time she told Juan dD that she was expecting his child. She cries.

Juan is curled up in the corner again. Clemencia is calling his name through the bars. He scuttles over to the door. She brought him food. She tells him this is the same cell his dad was kept in. she begs him to let there be peace with Renato. He is all Hell-bent on revenge. She doesn’t want the story repeating itself. I will never forget it. He pouts.

Rod is in his office doing some work thinking about his wood shipment. In walks Rosenda with some refreshments. She gives him an eyefull of her refreshments and he has a flashback to Magda flashing her wares at him. Rosie wants to know if everything was ok. He said he was remembering a woman that used to work here. He looks thoughtful.

Speaking of Magda, she enters with new dresses for the girls. They are overjoyed. You are like a mother to us. She cries. Why are you so sad. It is a long, sad story.

Rod is still looking at her boobs. He asks her about her mom. She doesn’t want to hear her name. She gives him a glass and touches his hand.

The girls feel the need to share about their lives FF>> I will be a mother for you always. I will take care of you always. They all cry. FF>

Fed and Eloisa are at it again. Ack! He wants to know why passion is so important to women. Pasion is the engine that moves the world. FF>>

Aimee and Renato are still in bed--still. He loves her eyes. Yes, I believe you already said that. You are my Aimee forever--or at least until Juan gets out of jail. There they go again.

Orca rides up to the house. He tells Leo that he needs the doctor and some medicine for the people. She doesn’t give a rat’s a$$. Put them in a different place and give them some food and water. That’s all. He says as you wish. He wants a little something tonight for his troubles, grin, grin, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more! She says she’ll give him some money. He doesn’t want money he wants her. Leo thinks that Arcadio wants too much.

The guard is talking to Rod. He explains that Juan Aldama will not be happy. He also tells him that Noel Vidal will be representing him. Rod is muy impactada.

Juan is working on a rope that is tied to a chest. I don’t know why he didn’t just have his little rat buddies chew it off. He finally gets it off and when he hears the guards he crouches in the corner waiting. It is Noel paying him a visit. Juan frisks him. What are you looking for. Why are you here? Gabriel asked me to come. He believes in your innocence. I’m not innocent. First what is your real name? Second my son wants me to help you. Why did you do this? Who were you looking for? Do you really want to know? I was looking for a woman. Noel holds his stare.


Dinero # 64 - 4/15/10: Ale forgets her room key and we get a Rafa song

We have a quick little recap of Vickys’ surprise welcome home party for Rafa. At our business diner Ale is wanting to talk business but Grabby tells them he feels bad for the manner in which they were treated. Ale reminds them their plane leaves in an hour and really wants to get down to business.

The stooges insist they stay. There is no way they can finalize the deal yet tonight. Why not stay until Sunday. Ale and Rafa come up with all kinds of family excuses. You know which ones, baptisms, communions, birthdays and such. Grabby says then stay at least until Saturday. Why not go yachting with them. They can talk business there.

Ale turns to Rafa for help in getting out of this. Rafa turns the tables on her and calls her his gorditta (chubby or fatty, but is used as a term of endearment but Ale does not find this very endearing) and says you decide. We hear Ales’ inner voice of disappointment at having to spend another night with Rafa. We hear Rafas’ inner voice of spending another night with Ale and it sounds more wistful.

Grabby says his boss will be very displeased if they do not accept their invitation. They finally relent and agree to stay until Saturday afternoon. He wants to know where they are staying. Rafa begins to tell them but Ale tries to stop him. Good thing Rafa spoke up . He tells them they had to leave in such a hurry that their secretary wasn’t able to get them a hotel up to their standards. Say no more. Grabby makes a call, and Bobs’ your uncle and they are staying in a 5 star hotel compliments of Refri. Ale gives Rafa the ole thumbs up.

Flores, one of the stooges, escorts them back to the Fleabag motel to collect their things. As Ale and Rafa ascend the “stairwell of lust” Flores looks on in disgust wondering how anyone could stay at such a disgusting place.

Once in the room Ale starts ragging on poor Rafa and blames him for the mess they are in. She has to suffer at being Mrs. Medina. Rafa tells her to calm down. The nightmare will be over tomorrow. Ale reminds him it is his nightmare too, which Rafa responds "no mine is still in Mexico" and starts to call Vicky. Ale full of self importance insists on calling Marco first. After all she too has a Parajarito. She tells Rafa to be quiet and behave while she makes her call.

Marco answers his phone very nervously. He is worried that she has already arrived at the airport and he is late. Once he finds out that Ale is still in Puerto Vallarta and won’t be coming back until tomorrow, he gets really ticked. Especially when he had to give up his hot night with Claudia. He hangs up screaming that he hates Ale with all his soul.

Now it is Rafas’ turn. Of course we have Ale pestering him the entire time. (She is obviously one of those “do as I say not as I do” people) Rafa makes the sign of the cross ( sorry that sure isn’t going to help) and dials. Vicky is all sweet and accommodating until she realizes Rafa is not returning tonight. We have a little balloon abuse and she calls Rafa a bad boyfriend and off she storms to her room. Her unfortunate guests are left shivering in terror. Poor Don Gaston is mortified at his daughters’ poor manners.

Rafa is asking Ale about playa Bonita. He seems a little anxious about having to go out on the yacht. He starts packing his suitcase taking random objects from the shelf including a large seashell. Ale takes the shell, but lets him keep the soap. Then she wants to know why he’s packing. Did he think she was going to let him stay at that 5 star hotel with her? Oh honey that’s not in her plan. He will go back with her check in then come back to the fleabag motel. She has it all planned including her explanation as to why they will have only one suitcase. The wife knows how to pack efficiently. (That’s the Ale we all know and love.)

Remember that massage Susana promised Dandy? Well it didn’t turn out like Dandy planned. We see them entering the Taj ma -hal (Susanas’ apartment). Susana tells a very eager Dandy to pick out an oil. So far so good. Then the door bell rings and in walks a brick of a man. Dandy looks very confused and a little frightened. Susana doesn’t understand his confusion. She thought she was very clear that they were both going to get separate massages from a professional. Susana excuses herself and goes to her room to read and meditate to allow him to disrobe in privacy, leaving poor Dandy to get parts of his body cracked he probably never knew could be cracked. We see Susana giggling to herself as Dandy yells out in pain.

Ale and Rafa have been safely escorted back to the Grand Hotel by Flores. Once he leaves Ale explains how it is going to be. She gives him money for a taxi and breakfast and expects change. She warns him not to go out and party. Rafa is offended that she would think he would go out and party. She tells him to be back at 0800. She reminds him they have to appear like a loving couple. Rafa proceeds to call her mamita. Ale is offended by this. She doesn’t approve of gordita either, so Rafa settles for just calling her the wife. They wander up to the receptionist posing as the perfect couple.

They sign in and Ale takes the key card from Rafa who seems a little confused that it isn’t actually a key. They continue their little charade as a loving couple and Ale excuses herself for more important thinks like the boutique. Rafa charmingly calls her is gordita and instantly corrects himself as Ale shoots him daggers. Rafa is left to finish registering . Rafa signs and the receptionist wants to know if the Mrs. will be signing as well. Rafa thinks it is best if Ale doesn’t sign . She gives Rafa a key as well to the room. He goes to leave and the receptionist tells him he is going the wrong way. Rafa tells her he just needs to go get some air . Unfortunately for Ale after Rafa leaves a new receptionist takes over.

Ale enters the room quite impressed. She calls Susana to give her updates. She tells her they will be staying another night but at least she will be in a hotel equal to her standing and by herself. She tells her she had to register as the wife of Medina. Susana seems confused and Ale tells her she will explain it all tomorrow. We hear poor Dandy screaming in pain in the background. When Ale wants to know what the racket is, Susana lies and tells her it is the tele.

Susana fills Ale in on Beltrans’ offer of a new car for the salesman of the month. She tells Ale he is a nervous wreck. Ale tells Susana to make sure everyone works while she is gone. After she fills Susan in on the plans for tomorrow including having to fraternize with the Refri guys on some yacht. But Ale will do anything just to make sure they sign the contract. She hangs up and leaves the room. Guess what she forgot? Her keycard.

We have out ritual salon scene. They are discussing the poor quality of television programming. There is not enough comedies or romantic stories. It is all blood guts and gore. Or something like that. Poor V. wasn’t even able to sleep last night. He saw some horror show about a woman butcher cutting up her poor husband into pieces (does that sound like our Vicky?) B. prefers the comic strips. Ovi complains that there are no decent people left. V. assures her there is and refers to Rafa (the sandwitchita from when they were all in Jail together). B & V both agree that Rafa is a great man and not some clown.

Said clown is now back at the fleabag motel getting all jazzed up from the street music. He is really getting into it when he remembers Ales’ warning about not partying. He wrestles with himself about responsibility. Oh the heck with responsibility and off he goes to join the fun. Of course instantly some young thing joins him.

Ale has finished all her transactions with the copier/fax machine. She realizes she forgot her keycard and ID in the room. Oh oh, now we have a little problem. The new receptionist does not remember her and Ale has not signed the register. How could she possibly just let anyone into the room. The receptionist suggests she find her husband. After all he has a keycard as well.

Ale is ticked and goes to call Rafa. Well that isn’t going to do her much good. Our responsible young Rafa has better things to concern himself with. He is oblivious to the ringing phone in his pants pocket as he dances like a wild man with our sweet young thing in a very short skirt.

This does not go over very well with a very enraged Ale. She knew he would be out partying. The receptionist tells her not to worry. She will have someone escort her to the room and get her key. Ale is too ticked at Rafa and redials his number. She says he is off in another dimension. Now it has become a mission for Ale to get Rafa to answer his phone. The poor receptionist continues to inform Ale that it isn’t a problem. Ale tells the receptionist not to worry it isn’t the hotels’ problem. It is going to be Rafas’ problem. She storms off saying he is going to hear me!!!!

Rocky has finished with Dandy. Dandy looks wrecked. Susana returns to the room and now it is her turn. She tells Dandy he can wait in her bedroom. After all she isn’t going to disrobe in front of him. Well this confuses our Dandy. Why would she disrobe in front of Rocky and not him. Silly, he is her massage therapist, Dandy is just her work mate. Our poor drained Dandy, barely able to walk, reluctantly retreats to Susanas’ bedroom; but not before attempting to sneak a peak. He can barely get to her bed. Once there we see him slumped over the bed in agony as he listens to Susana thoroughly enjoying her massage. His facial expressions are priceless.

Ale has made it back to Fleabag motel and asks the clerk if he has seen Rafa. No luck. She is now out on the street looking for him. She calls again but still no answer. She finally spies our little charmer with his new found friend dancing his little heart out. Ale does not look pleased.

Rocky is packing up his things and we see a very invigorated Susana thanking him for the great massage. She tells Dandy he can come back in. Dandy (I think) is under the impression that he still might get lucky to night. First Rocky has to get paid. It was only 1000 pesos. Dandy volunteers to pay. He goes to give Rocky the money but is short 1000 pesos. Oh yea 1000 pesos a piece. And don’t forget the tip.

Dandy goes to shake Rockys’ hand goodnight to the sound of cracking bones. (You can bet they are not Rockys’ bones that are cracking.) As Rocky goes to leave Susana has a great idea. Why not share a taxi. After all they live in the same neighborhood. Dandy can’t believe that Susana wants him to leave. Well what was he thinking?

Rafa is doing his little chicken dance and gets busted by a very angry Ale. She screams at him that she knew he would be out partying. He tells her it’s not what she thinks. He had to come down, the music was so loud what else was he to do. Then he has an idea. Why doesn’t she stay there and he will go up to the room that way she can be sure he will stay put.

Ale isn’t buying this. She’s not going to be his guard. She tells him to go get his things, he is going to go back with her so she can keep an eye on him. She left her key in the room and needs his. Rafa asks her why she didn’t just call him. (Wrong thing to say). Ale blasts at him because he was out doing the wild thing and couldn’t hear his phone ringing. She continues to rag on him and tells him to get going. Rafa rushes off to collect his things like the obedient little puppy he is.

That does not set well with our young thing. She wants to know if Ale is the wife or owner or girlfriend of our sweet Rafa. Ale sets her straight and tells her she is none of the three. Sweet young thing than wants to know what right she has to take him away. Ale tells her they are here on business and if he stays here and parties all night he will never show up for his meeting in the morning. Young thing pleads with Ale to let him stay just a little longer. She will return him good as new. Ale is outraged at this idea. Then the whole crowd starts chanting to let him stay.

Rafa has returned with luggage in hand and Ale informs him that his friends insist he stay a little longer. Rafa goes on the defense and says they are not his fiends he just met them.

Now young thing has the best idea of the night. Why doesn’t he sing? Now we hear chants of Sing!! Sing!!. Ale informs everyone that the king, after a couple of drinks will sing what ever and even vomit.

Okay well then just have a couple of drinks, sing for a while than leave. Two drinks are instantly brought over. Rafa is contemplating his and Ale downs hers like a pro and grabs Rafas’ as well and shouts at him to sing. Now we have a young stud offering to keep Ale company while Rafa sings. Rafa is not too keen on this idea. But Ale leads young stud away and chants with the crowd for Rafa to sing.

Rafa begins to sing and through the whole song we see Ale with her young stud. He is putting the moves on her. She is pretending to not be bothered by this when ever Rafa looks her way. When Rafa isn’t looking you can tell Ale is not liking his attentions one bit. The song ends as Rafa looks out to see Ale seemingly enjoying her young mans company. Rafa doesn’t look happy.


El Clon #43, Thurs, April 15: In which Joy comes to some, headaches to others, and Lucas calls Marisa’s bluff.

Danielito runs from Scary Homeless Guy – right into the path of a truck. Brakes squeal, driver and SHG peer underneath

At Caliente, they are wondering why Dora’s not dancing. Cris asks Miguel, Caliente’s former owner, to work for her and he accepts gratefully. Albieri shows up and spots Dora. Where’s Daniel? he asks. Desaparecido (disappeared) she cries. ¿¿¿Qué???

Cut to Danielito running through the streets of Miami, having escaped unharmed from truck and SHG.

Dora’s going to call the police but Albi says no, they’ll accuse you of neglect. True, says Vicki, in this country they blame the parents for everything.

Rosa and Luisa are just two gals letting their hair down together. Rosa confides to Luisa that Leo has been cutting Albieri because he thinks he and Cris are an item. Can he be in love with Cris? wonders the eternally clueless Luisa? No lo dude – con esa cara y ese cuerpo! (Don’t doubt it – with that face and that body) says the always ready to comfort a gal Mama Rosa. Not only that, he was passionately in love with his old flame, he idolized her.

At Club Caliente, Enrique shows up, tells Cris Leo’s not coming. Cris recovers quickly from the news: A otra cosa, mariposa. (That’s done, on to the next thing.). Meanwhile the dancers dance and Caliente is living up to its name.

No puedo más (I can’t do it any more) wails Latifa, but Zoraida sees the cabecita (little head) of her baby. Ya viene (Here it comes) she smiles. We hear the wail of the newborn. Es una niña beams Zoraida. (It’s a girl).

Now here’s a quiz. See if you can match the character with her/his reaction:

a. ¿No es mi Mohamedcito? (It’s not my little Mohamed?)
b. ¡Es una niña preciosa y muy saludable (It’s a beautiful girl and very healthy.)
c. ¡Pero es una mujer! (But it’s a woman!)
d. Debes aceptar su (de Allah) voluntad. (You have to accept his will)
e. Allah dicen que no se hacen distinciones entre los hijos y las hijas. (Allah says one does not make distinctions (show preference for) between sons and daughters.)

1. Uncle Abdul.
2. Nazira
3. Zoraida
4. Uncle Ali
5. Mohamed
Answers: a 5, b3, c2, d1, e4.

Mohamed holds his daughter and recites la llamamiento (literally ‘the call’) so that it will be the first thing she hears and it will protect her from all evil. I’ll call you Zamira, he says. It means ‘joy’ explains Ali.

Club Caliente festivities are over and Cris and her friend (name?) are rehashing events. Todo salió perfecto says the friend. (Everything turned out perfect). Cris is wiped out. Me siento con pies de elefante. (I feel like I have elephant’s feet, ie my feet are swollen). {It’s probably the shoes}
and then: Leo me dejó vestida y alborotado (literally, he left me dressed up and worked up/excited. It means something like ‘he stood me up.)

At the Ferrer home, Natalia asks her grampa Leo if she can see the picture of Daniel. You mean Diego? No, Daniel, she insists. Leo tells Marisa the kid need a shrink. And soon, before Enrique and Rosa are having visions of Diego everywhere.

Back at their home (which as we know is entirely at Nazira’s disposition) Said asks Jade why she doesn’t want a kid. Cuz I’m afraid we’d get divorced and you’d take the child from me. I’d never divorce you Jade. [n.b. These are Famous Last Words, I fear…] They kiss, Jade imagines Lucas, realizes it’s just Nazira-pecked Said, and gets a sudden splitting headache (dolor de cabeza) and pulls away.

Marisa tells Lucas that his father is worried about Natalia’s amiguito imaginario (imaginary little friend) and needs a shrink. And then, gentle reader, Lucas calls her bluff! You were right about the divorce, he says, we need to get on with our lives. We’re only together for Natalia, but really, she’d be happier if we separated. All we do is fight.
Marisa can’t believe her ears. They’ve been talking almost rationally, but now she switches on the Shrew button – You had it all planned!
Don’t play with me, says our boy. I’m not gonna let you manipulate me any more!

Dora wants to give the police a picture of Daniel. But they’ll publish it says Albi. Well, duh, says Dora. With Cris’s encouragement, she’s going ahead and Albi’s running scared.

Little Daniel is trying to use a public phone when he is approached by a not scary woman. He tells her he can’t find his Papa.

While the shrew is packing her bags and getting ready to take Natalia with her, the little girl sees Daniel on TV. He is in the background while a reporter is talking about an accident. I think it must be in the police station where the not scary woman has taken him. Nat’s family assume it’s another manifestation of her emotional disturbance. Shrew agrees not to leave with her until the shrink weighs in.

Daniel calls his Papi from the police station. When Albi, Dora and Vicki come for him, he once again breaks Dora’s heart, running past her and into Albi’s arms.

Back in Fez, Ali explains that it’s the custom to shave the baby’s head at seven days, weigh the hair, convert the weight to money and then give the money to the poor.

Luisa shows Albieri the foto Rosa has given her. Clueless Luisa: Why’s Daniel in the Ferrer house? I’ve never seen those clothes. The foto looks old.

Marisa and Lucas and the lawyers. I’m not arguing about money; all I care about is custody, says Lucas. Well then well see each other in court, say the lawyers. A judge will decide custody.

Marisa is taking Natalia to the therapist. The child needs a medium, not a psychologist offers Mama Rosa in a loud aside. Tell the doctor all the details, says Leo. Yeah, yeah snarls Marisa.

Cris asks Dora if she’s sure about her decision. Yes, it’s painful, but what else can I do. I have to send Daniel to live with my ma. She leaves to pick up her ma at the airport. When the two are alone, Cris says to Daniel, You love your mama, don’t you? and he answers: I don’t love my mama; I love my papa. Cris looks ill.

Marisa tells Lucas that the therapist wants to speak to them together. And by the way, when you’re having your way with that woman of yours, just remember it’s all your fault that your child está perdiendo la razón. (is losing her mind)

Marisa takes advantage of Lucas and Leo’s absence to move out of the house with an unwilling Natalia, telling Rosa it’s Lucas’s fault. Rosa calls Lucas to let him know what happened and he rushes home.

Marisa took Natalia, says Lucas when Leo arrives home. The ever-supportive Leo says, I told you so. Rosa says, beg her to come back. No, says the new, improved Lucas. No more manipulation. Voy en busca de mi felicidad (I’m going to look for my happiness, aka Jade)

Now in a Really Disturbing Scene, Nazira is rubbing Said’s feet when Jade comes downstairs and says she’s off to see Latifa. Your headache is very good to you, says the cuñada del infierno – it never bothers you when you want to take a walk, only when you’re gonna sleep with my brother. [Qué??? He told her about that?? Oh Jade, you gotta get out of there!]

Jade is with the girls, Latifa and Zoraida and she gets an idea, a Lucy and Desi kind of idea, to get rid of Nazira. “Osvaldo” will write to her, begging her to come back to him in Miami. “Mi única flor del desierto…” (My only desert flower) begins the letter...

Estela, Dora’s ma, arrives in Miami. I told you so (maybe she’d like to meet Leo) she says unhelpfully to the already sufficiently miserable Dora. I feel so sad, so alone, I don’t even have Osvaldo, she confides later to Cris. Go after him. No, he was so rude the last time we spoke…

At Club Caliente, Vicki tells Osvaldo that Cris wants to offer him a job and that Dora’s going to NY. We see Dora dancing and Osvaldo smoldering as he watches. He cuts in ‘so you never forget how it was to dance with Osvaldo.’ ‘You were the best’ he tells her.

Nazira gets the letter from her suitor (pretendiente), shows it off, and announces that she will once again be living with Mohamed and Latifa in Miami. Latifa is horrified. Jade is … what? She can’t be surprised. And Zoraida knows there’s trouble ahead.

Dora tells Albi she’s taking Daniel to spend the weekend in NY with her ma, she and Daniel are here to say goodbye. Albi tells Luisa after they leave that he feels something is going to happen, something terrible. (Presiento que algo va a pasar, algo terrible.)

Marisa is driving Natalia to the therapist when they pass the taxi taking Daniel, ma and Dora to the airport. The kids wave to each other. Albi arrives at Dora’s house after they have left. Cris confirms his fears. Daniel is not coming back. At the airport, it is clear to all that Daniel is leaving with Dora’s ma and she is staying behind. And Daniel doesn’t want to go.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Gancho Thurs 4/15 #108 - A wolf in stud's clothing, a stud in a suit, a suit in a naco-mobile

Quickie from the end of yesterday's episode that I missed when I fell asleep...the last thing I remember is Beto's totally cool, tangerine-colored, new set of wheels. Nieves is on cloud 9 at the success of her Betito. Up drives Chris with his police pals and he proposes very sweetly and earnestly! Pau couldn't be happier and all is well with their relationship at last. Good for Chris. Monita gives a rather adorable boxing lesson to Dani while at the same time glaring at Mau for daring to use Dani to get to her. Oscar calls Hissy and wants a Momia update. Hissy says Momia deserves to go to jail and she's going to pay for her liberty not only for the life of Salvador but also for Valentina. Tonight their little murderer is going to kill Valentina. Momia is visited by Jairo who tells her that Moni will take a fall in the third round. El Lobo and Jairo discuss this, Lobo is unhappy and Jairo is threatening. Mientras tanto Beto is lurking and overhears the plan.

On to tonight's show:
Beto overhears Jairo threatening El Lobo to pay his debt by having Monita throw the fight in the third round. Beto manages to remain quiet but after Jairo leaves he lets the flatulence fly and wonder of wonders, it's not censored! El Lobo recognizes the scent of another male in his territory, mainly because his eyes are watering from the stink, and pulls Beto out into the open by his tie. Lobo is cute but the lights might not be on upstairs, he doesn't seem to suspect Beto of eavesdropping. Beto says he's just there to show his woman something.

Beto is super impressed by Coni's flexibility and excitedly drags her to admire his naco-mobile complete with orange shag luchador arena in the back. How does she like his ship, his fantasy mobile? She is...speechless. After she displays sufficient "admiration" he asks what she is doing with the likes of Lobo and Jairo? Is she planning to play dirty with Monita? She's going to fight clean right? Coni tells him that she's going to do what it takes to win because Monita took everything away from her. "But not with traps (by cheating)" he reasons.

While Coni plans her skulduggery Monita further endears herself to the viewers by spending her day giving little Dani the full boxeadora workout complete with situps, punching bag and hugs.

Mauricia just happens to be talking to The Governor on the phone when Beto tears in and insists Mau hang up, what he has to say is so important it cannot wait. Mau over emotes, SEOR GOBERNADOR, i.e. get a clue Beto, but Beto grabs the phone and hangs it up. Monita is in danger because El Lobo has sold the fight, he's going to make her lose, she's going to get the black hand! (be double-crossed)

Beto is talking in double speed so Mau tells him "don't get distracted". Words to live by, Beto. He composes himself and explains to Mau that Jairo is a mafioso who will allow Lobo to repay his debt by making sure that Momia wins the fight. Mau KNEW that wolf was bad news. Beto confirms that Lobo is not an honest and hard working type like he and Mau are. What are they going to do about Monita? Mau, in his typical airhead way of act-not-plan rushes out the door telling Beto to leave it to him. I wonder how he's going to screw things up this time?

Estrella is ironing her clothes and complaining about her big (practically invisible to me) belly when Xime drops in for a visit. I guess Xime's been out of the preggers loop because she tells Estre she's putting on weight, watch out or she'll look pregnant. "Hello, earth to Xime, I'm three months along!"

Beto helps alleviate his angst by playing with his luchador dollies and drinking a can of beer in his office. The hawt receptionist (name?) rushes in to warn him that his suegro is here!

Marcos comments how happy he is to see Beto working (Ha!!) so hard as the General Director. But he, Marcos, has problems and could not sleep last night. He tossed and turned all night long. "Alone I hope," sez Beto, is Marcos preoccupied with the Porcupine? No, Marcos is worried about tonight's fight. So is Beto and he sneaks a slurp from his beer under the desk. Marcos says he's got to do something so that both his daughters get out of the ring. Beto pushes his pencil off the desk and sneaks another slurp. Beto must be getting a buzz on because he starts pulling Marcos's chain about Coni. Marcos tells Beto to have respect! Beto says, with all due respect, it is his flaca who likes to disrepect everyone else.

Xime remembers why she visitied Estrella, she has something important to tell her. A few days ago Rolu and Arni played a joke on her and now she has a super joke to play in return but she needs an actress like Estrella, someone who can manipulate men. Estrella's not in the mood, she misses Aldo, Moni is mad at her and feels alone. But we know Xime likes to get her way and she has three things to say. Una, Estre can count on xime for anything and shouldn't feel alone. Two, if Estre helps Xime with this joke it will distract her and she'll have fun. Three, why can't I ever understand the third thing she says? Something about Estre's cheeks?

Over at the Villa of the Vile Aldo frets because Oscar seems to be getting more erratic and on the verge of exploding.

Oscar el Odio walks through the woods with a shovel. He mutters that if Coni doesn't pay then very soon the police will find the body of his colleague Licenciado Araujo along with all the proof. Is he planning to set Coni up? Bury the others?

Speaking of which, Coni visits Jairo's Headquarters with a case of money. She sold her house, her boutique, everything, and she plans to bet all of it. Jairo says if she beats Monita then she will triple her money. Coni comments that Moni might be the champion but tonight she, Constanza, will be the victor.

Mau confronts Lobo face to face, he knows about Jairo wanting Moni to throw the fight. This is his great plan? But wait, Moni walks up behind and hears. "Et tu Jairo?" she asks. Mau gloats in triumph.

OK, we're about halfway through and I want to know where in the heck the wedding is? Tick tock tick tock writers.

We are back from the commercial and the chest thumping continues. With Moni at his side to protect him Mau accuses with renewed vigor. But Moni's not on board and she wants him to beat it. Nothin' doin', blondie stays. Lobo weaves his pathetic web of deceit, he owed Jairo money because he refused to throw a fight, now after all this time he's come back to confront his past. Of course he won't let Monita pay his debt blah blah blah. Moni believes him. Mau insists that Beto heard what he heard. Then it comes out that Momia is Moni's sister and now Lobo is another one who knows.

Back at Estre's she and Xime are role playing. Xime is practicing ways to say "No" to Rolu. She kind of looks like a frenetically angry mere-cat, but still very cute. Estre is a taskmistress and wants Xime to say more, be mad, cry. Xime tries to cry, but the hysterical laughter's not quite what Estre had in mind. Xime has a great idea, Estre will play act Xime and then Xime will play act Estre acting like Xime!

At the Cabaña of Crime Oscar is giving final checks to his bodyguards and the nice nurse. Uh oh, wonder what she'll do? I sure wouldn't want to be with those two gorillas if I were her. Oski says he has a special tip for her. It's a picture of her two little kids, it would be terrible if something happened to them. She agrees to gather her things and disappear forever. Whew, she's saved, but will she help Sal?

Over at the vecindad the friends, neighbors and employees of Grupo Sermeño are gathered for some mysterious reason. They discuss the impending fight and fate of the hood. Xime suggests yoga to help calm Monita.

Two serious-looking guys arrive and announce they are there to conduct a wedding. (Hooray!!) Nieves assumes that Marcos has arranged it. (Good for her!) Mau says Pau called and invited them. De repente a beauteously beaming Pau in white and Christian in a navy uniform arrive and everyone smiles except for the cranky snake lady.

Secreto de Amor serenades us while the couple marries. Mau sighs and looks at Moni. She looks back and juts her chin. Don Cesar glares at Marcos. Beto separates them. Hawt receptionist undresses Ivan with her eyes. The ladies cry. Gabi cries harder. The novios sign the contract and kiss while the crowd applauds and throws flowers. Wow, that was fast. At least Pau and Christian are happy.

Nice nurse runs up to the prisoners and tells them she's sorry but she has to leave for the sake of her children. She says Oski is on the verge of doing something terrible to them. Sal tells Aldo to keep his cool, they have to wait.

Shortly Oski and Loriloca come up, she wants to know what is the surprise he has in store for her. He assures her she'll absolutely die when she finds out. Oski pats his gun and commands them to obey. "Let's go."

The wedding having quickly concluded we are now at the gym. It's all glitzed out for the impending Mummy-Monkey fight. Don Cesar coaches Moni to relax. After DC leaves the room Jairo enters for a friendly visit. He asks her if she likes pictures. He shows her something on his cell phone and tells her she'll throw the fight in the third round otherwise the Wolfman will be a Deadman.

Moni laughs nervously and says she believes nothing. Jairo makes a call and hands the phone over. Lobo has been worked over pretty badly, has a purple eye, and he tells her not to throw the fight. Moni squares off but maintains her cool. Jairo laughs and counts to three, the third round. Adios, and we are left gazing at the Monkey/Momia poster.

The gloomy three tramp through the woods while the crazy one babbles happily about her upcoming wedding. "We're here" Oscar says, pushing the shovel into the ground. Oscar tells her to blindfold Sal and herself. Loca things it's muy romantico and Oscar tells Aldo to dig. This is beginning to creep me out.

Moni runs out to Mau and tells him about Jairo. If she throws the fight they'll lose the neighborhood, but it's worse to lose a life. She is, as my granny used to say, between the devil and the deep blue sea. Mau grabs Beto and tells him he needs his help.

Back at the theatre of the absurd Aldo digs and I must say he's very fast with that shovel because he's already quite deep. He asks Oski to let them go, he promises they'll never say anything. (Does this ever work?) Oski points his gun and asks if Aldo hears violins. Loca is getting excited, violins at their wedding? Aldo keeps digging.

Jimmy gives Coni a massage and pep talk. Beto comes in to give her a good luck kiss and irritate her enough so she flounces out of the room. He fills Jimmy in on the Jairo biz.

The crowd gathers in the arena. Nieves has her signature monkey on one shoulder and Marcos at the other. Don Cesar glares through the crowd at Isabel.

Jairo gleefully threatens Lobo, for his own good he'd better hope Moni does as instructed. There is a knock on the door and the bodyguard who kind of looks like Mau (could he be his double?) opens it to the maelstrom that is Mauricio. In flies the Fantasma Vengador executive-style punching his way through the bad guys. He stops in front of the beaten bug-eye Lobo (he only has one good eye, the other is swollen shut) and glares with that one expression of his.

Mañana: Will Sal and Aldo finally escape? Will Hissy really put all that poison in one sports bottle? Will Marcos tell the Mummy she has another sister? Will Coni have a conscience?

Vocab (not all are new):
jugar chueco = play crooked, play dirty
meter la mano negra = make illegal, lacking moral values, a hidden agenda (historically a Spanish anarchist organization, La Mano Negra; also a band that Manu Chao formed in 1987)
mi nave = my ship, my ride
mi fantasmovil = my fantasy mobile
no te distraigas = don't get distracted
no te tires! = don't throw it (the fight)
trampas = traps, skulduggery, monkey-business

Dicho of the day (an old friend):
entre la espada y la pared = between the devil and the deep blue, between a rock and a hard place (Lit. between the sword and the wall)


Corazon Salvaje, April 14, 2010 Where oh Where Has Our Dear Cheryl Gone?

Jeri has graciously prepared a recap for us today:

Starting with the new scenes, at the reception Rodrigo, Leonarda and Noel have their heads together, and Leonarda wonders what in the world makes that fellow hate them so much; Rodrigo declares Juan is just insane and he's going to show him who's who. But Noel thinks there must be something behind it and wants to talk to the man. Leonarda is furious with Noel and his fascination with justice, which always just gets in the way.

In his jail cell, Juan rues that he didn't kill Rodrigo at the church when he had the chance; but this train leads him to envision again Regina running to defend her father, and Juan has an epiphany: Regina is a very brave woman. He straightens up and realizes that she would defend her loved ones to the death. Clearly he admires her. Juan repeats her name wonderingly, "Regina...Regina..."

Continuing their conversation, Leonarda wants Juan put away forever; Noel objects, but Rodrigo reminds Noel they put away another man like
that a long time ago. And Noel declares he's always regretted it.
He's not going to let that happen again. Leonarda informs Noel sharply that the man is a danger to them, and Noel's the only one denying it. Rodrigo places his hand on Leonarda's tenderly and agrees with her; this doesn't pass Noel unnoticed.

At the club, Jimena helps Lulu as they rush in with a flurry from shopping. Lulu notices Jimena appears so sad, and Jimena declares sometimes she's sorry she ever met Gabriel shipboard, if he's only
ever going to see her as a friend -- a simple gypsy not fit for him.
Lulu envies her that she at least found love once in her life -- which Lulu has not. Jimena reads Lulu's palm and finds there that she will indeed find love; it will not be easy, but he will come to know that she is the love of his life. Lulu is delighted and wants to know who it might be.

Segue to Noel's face at the reception, where he is feeling like three's a crowd. He says Leonarda and Rodrigo seem to get along very well, and he's only bothering them; then he rises to leave. The happy couple remains and gossips conspiratorially behind Noel's back, how he is a weak man, always was and that he's still a Juarista and criticizes the current President, Díaz. They roll their eyes and toast each other happily.

At the beach shack, all the boyz agitatedly discuss getting Juan out of jail. Remigio says he went to find Gabriel, but had to leave a message. Remigio is distraught that Juan can't seem to escape his destiny of love and vengeance and will pay dearly.

At the reception, Noel runs into Regina and when asked admits that loneliness seems to be his constant companion; Regina denies it for her own part, but clearly it's her constant companion, too. She doesn't want Noel worrying about her. She hopes her love for Renato and her sister will change her feelings over time. (More like the love of a good hunk.)

In the jail, Juan tries to convince himself this whole thing was Aimee's fault for forcing herself on him; but it doesn't wash, and he knows it's his own fault he got himself into this. At the reception, Aimee is starting to be a real pill to Regina, rubbing her happiness with Renato in Regina's face by making Regina toast to them with Renato's special drink he named after Aimee.

Gabriel arrives at the beach shack, and the boyz all gang up and run off to the jail en masse. At the jail, the sheriff is arranging a little "accident" for Juan with another prisoner. Ha, ha, I'm thinking. This guy isn't a patch on Juan. He should be wearing the red shirt. But the sheriff is rubbing his hands thinking of Rodrigo's bribe as he sends the hapless prisoner off on his errand.

The boyz burst into the jail office right then and the cowardly
sheriff calls for the guards. The boyz are pretty angry alright.
They've had run ins with this crooked cop before. Gabriel informs the sheriff that he is Juan's attorney, but neither that nor their outrage will bust Juan out that night. The sheriff claims he's waiting till morning to see if anyone brings charges, and they have to come back then (after the other guy kills Juan). It's so funny right before the bunch leaves: Hummingbird looks the sheriff in the eye and threatens, "WE'LL BE BACK." Remigio grabs Hummingbird and totes him roughly out of the office.

At the reception, just when Regina thinks she couldn't feel any worse, that stupid Federico comes up and brutally presses himself on her. He gets her in a hallway and demands that she accept what her father has arranged between them and then smashes her against the wall with a brutal kiss and embrace. Regina spits out that he's even worse than she thought!

Right about then the good doctor Pablo enters and beats back Federico, who is not glad about it at all. But Federico leaves, warning her he's going to tell her father about the doctor; Regina declares he
should -- and she'll reveal to everybody his scandalous intentions.
Federico's not done with her, and the doctor says anytime he thinks not, just look him up! Everybody can tell Regina was not having a good time, including the doctor. Regina just wants to be along and flees the building.

In a short scene at the club, Philippe and Marlene have a very sweet, happy exchange. He's very grateful to her for rescuing him; if not for her he'd be dead, he says. This makes Marlene very happy.

On the finca grounds outside, Regina watches a folk dance, where two men symbolically fight with swords over a woman, and Regina has a dark vision of Juan and Renato doing so in their places. Suddenly, Aimee
comes up and spends a few minutes taunting her sister over Renato.
Aimee likes the dance, too and notices cynically they have a lot of things in common after all. How Regina loves Renato -- and Renato loves Aimee.

Regina chides her for leaving Renato alone inside, and it comes out that one of Regina's notable interests in Renato is his money. She's just telling her that, because Regina won't betray her; but Regina says she would if Aimee doesn't keep her promises. Regina points at the dancers and the story of the tarima: that two men fight to the death, but the woman could also get killed by one of the men, too -- over betrayal.

At the jail, the unfortunate prisoner enters Juan's cell at the sheriff's bidding and gets stabbed for his trouble. Juan waits for the sheriff to enter and detains him with a knife at his throat so that the guards will leave; they drag the dead prisoner off. Juan bites the sheriff's ear or cheek for good measure. Juan demands to know if he's going to commit yet another injustice in the name of Rodrigo Montes de Oca.

In the garden, Renato comes looking for his wife; the reception's winding down, and they need to bid their guests goodbye -- and prepare for the best night of their lives, he says. Aimee knows Regina is watching some distance away and decides the wedding night will start right there. She removes his coat and shirt and draws him down onto the ground. He's almost caught up, but breaks it off after a few hot kisses, saying he didn't envision their wedding night that way.

Someone else is watching with some bitterness, too -- Leonarda has sent Rosenda to find the couple, since they have been missed. She watches a moment and then steps in to explain; Renato redresses himself, and they return. Rosenda notices Regina crying, hidden some distance away and moves to speak to her.

Rosenda levels with her, and Regina seems to appreciate it. Rosenda says she can relax; she saw everything. It's ok; but they should return to the party, and Regina thanks her for her concern. Rosenda reminds her she is always there for Regina to count on her help.

Rosenda and Arcadio get their heads together, and she reveals her discovery that Aimee is not exactly hopelessly in love with Renato -- and the funny thing was that Regina was spying on them. It's odd, but I thought Arcadio and Rosenda concluded that the crazy man must have been coming for the monca -- i.e., Regina. I don't get how they concluded this.

After the party in the front hall of the finca, Rodrigo, Renato and Noel have a scene where Rodrigo becomes furious with Renato that he should concern himself over Juan. Renato explains he knows why Juan attacked him, that he rescued him. When Rodrigo begins to throw his weight around, demanding Renato having nothing to do with Juan, amazingly enough, Noel steps in and prevents Rodrigo from ruining Renato's wedding night. Rodrigo promises they will take this up later.

After Renato departs, Noel informs Rodrigo that from this point on, he
will cease to try to make Renato do things that are against his will.
Their childrens' lives are their own and he is not to interfere.
Meanwhile at the jail, Juan tortures himself with thoughts of Aimee's wedding night. And sure enough, up in their apartments at the finca, Renato has prepared a dreamy wedding chamber, replete with clouds of passion-red rose petals and an archipelago of candle lights.

Renato is a happy man, and Aimee makes a good show of being a happy woman and being pleased by all the personal touches Renato prepared for her. There is food and wine and pretty people clothed only in bed linens across their tropic zones. It really needs a picture.


Gancho Wed April 14 - Work/Blog/Life Balance Counselor Needed

For your Recapper.....

I just now finished a project I have been working on all day and I simply can't manage any more typing or focusing for that matter, so I'll try hard to post this later. I have not been very good at time management lately, so I welcome all tips. 'Course it's hard to manage time if you simply don't have any!! :) Sigh....I want to escape to Gancholandia in the worst way right about now, but I'll simply have to wait...feel free to post your comments here until I can get up to speed. Trust me though, it's good to be working a lot. Really. Hope you all are well!

Oh and Happy Tax guessed it, I still have mine to do!!! :)


Dinero #63- 4/14/10: No one, NO ONE messes with Rafael Medina’s woman!

We come back to the scene of a recently rescued Rafa coughing up half the contents of the ocean which he managed to swallow in the short time he was “swimming” in it. Water, sand and even a fish! All of which hits Ale square in the face as she leans over Rafa with concern. I’ve got to hand it to Ale, she only looks disgusted for half a second, and goes right back to patting Rafa’s chest and hugging him in relief. The adult rubber neckers have disappeared, but a group of little kids are still on the scene. They could probably give Rafa some words of advice about swimming closer to the shore, or at least wearing his water wings.

Rafa’s near drowning does not dampen (hehe) his spirits, and he’s ready to jump right back in. Ale’s not having it. He’s not going to drown on her watch. She keeps a tight grip on his hand and keeps him from going beyond hip deep. She splashes him with the water and soon they’re in a full fledged water fight. But Rafa can barely stay on his feet in the gentle waves and drags Ale down with him. (We never get to see the bathing suit under her cover-up. Maybe tomorrow?) As they emerge, the guy who saved Rafa asks Ale for some monetary compensation for saving her boyfriend. Ale is offended. “He’s not my boyfriend!” She then points to some random woman way up the beach and tells the guy that she is Rafa’s girlfriend. The Baywatch wannabe leaves to get his payment.

We get a cute montage of Rafa and Ale spending the day on the beach. Rafa plays with a giant beach ball in the waves with others; Ale helps a group of kids bury Rafa in the sand and has more fun than the kids doing so.

Back at Autos Siglo, Claudia is talking to Dandy and Ramirez about this perfect man she’s going to snag, once she wins the car for the most sales, sells it, and high tails it to Miami. (Keep dreaming Claudia!) He should be seductive, fun, romantic, preferably single…in walks Marco and Claudia zeros in on him. Well, 3 out of 4… err 2…no, wait, 1 out of 4 isn’t bad!

Marco has come to pick up some certificates signed by Ale that he needs for the wedding preparations. When Susana goes to get them, Claudia seizes the opportunity to sashay over and give Marco an eyeful. There is no need to exchange words. These two have been around the block enough to know the score. Susana’s return puts an abrupt end to Claudia and Marco’s meeting of the Mutual Admiration Society. Not wanting to miss this opportunity, Claudia quickly runs to get her purse and returns to Susana’s desk to make up an excuse about leaving to meet with a client. She and Marco make a point of formally greeting each other, and he makes a point of taking in the full view while pretending to look over the documents.

Once outside Autos Siglo, Claudia refuses every cab and random driver that stop to give her a ride (there are lots), until “por casualidad” Marco happens to drive by. Poor baby. There is not a cab to be had, and she needs to get to her client. Our hero Marco is oh so willing to rescue our damsel in distress and give her a ride. Oh, but she can’t get in his car right here. Those gossips (not including her, of course) at Autos Siglo would turn this innocent situation into something salacious. Well, “por casualidad” Claudia is going to be standing on that corner over there in about 3 minutes (maybe this will give her some practice for her next job); and “por casualidad” Marcos will be driving by that exact corner in about 3 minutes. What a coinkidink!

Marino is determined to sabotage Rafa’s RefriTransportes sale. In fact, he has some contacts in their sales department and is going to call them up to get the 411 and cause some trouble for Rafa. He’s not going to let that good for nothing Rafa take the number 1 sales slot again, and he definitely won’t let him get his hands on Marino’s prized car! Looks like Marino’s going to have to get used to being #2 again, because his contact tells him that this sale is so important, that Refri has sent the head of sales to close the deal with Rafa. Marino is disheartened, but Ramirez tries to cheer him up by assuring him he heard the deal was a goner.

It doesn’t seem like any of the sales team believe that actually SELLING cars is the way to go, in order to win the prized car. Susana has had it with them all, she wants their sales reports by the end of the day, and anyone who doesn’t turn theirs in will have to deal with Ale. She leaves in a huff and the sales team thinks she’s turning into Ale. They implore Dandy to do something. He assures them he has the situation in hand. Tonight will be his vegetarian night! He makes his move while Susana is working diligently at her desk. She makes it clear she has a lot of work to do and is just headed home afterwards. Dandy looks defeated. But, what’s this? Susana decides that what she needs to relieve this stress is a massage. No problem, Dandy is willing. Susana gets excited. She actually has all the gear they need to give massages at her house. She invites Dandy over. Now he’s getting excited. He gets his mojo back, gives Susana one of his seductive smiles, says, “Te espero, baby.” , and kisses her hand. Susana is slightly bemused, but has too much work to do to think about this odd behavior. Dandy is so busy thinking about his upcoming “vegetarian massage” that he trips over and knocks down Trapito.

Claudia has entered Marco’s love mobile and makes herself more comfortable by leaning her seat waaaay back (I guess that’s the position she’s most accustomed to). Marco asks just HOW important her client is. Claudia, an expert at this game, says that ALL her clients are important. Marco thinks it would be a real shame to waste such a beautiful day on work (there must be a lot of beautiful days in D.F., ‘cause Marco never works). It doesn’t take long to convince Claudia to blow off her “client” and head off with Marco to some quiet/discreet place to just hang out. You know, like friends. Of course, Claudia NEVER does this kind of thing. Oh no, Marco neither. And of course, Claudia respects Ale so much and would never do anything to jeopardize their relationship. Marco agrees, yes, everyone respects Ale. And Claudia is sure Ale is having a blast in Puerta Vallarta right now. Uh…Marco does not agree. “Alejandra?! Ha!”

Ale and Rafa straighten out their game plan before entering the restaurant for their meeting with the Three Stooges of RefriTransports (Grabby, Gropy, and Sleezy). Ale will speak first, laying out the proposal, and then Rafa will move in to close. They are both looking quite lovely- Rafa in a pastel shirt and white linen pants and blazer; Ale in a short, form fitting sea blue/green dress with a draped front. The Three Stooges are licking their lips in anticipation. Head of Sales, Grabby, makes a bet with the other two that if he strikes out with Ale, they get to have a go. Deal! They can barely keep up to wipe the drool off their chins when they see Ale enter. Grabby sits Ale next to him, grabs her hand and starts working his way up her arm. Ale is trying to talk business, but the Stooges are too busy ogling and fondling her, Rafa is too busy exchanging flirty glances with the cute hostess, and I am too disgusted to understand what she’s saying. Ale’s eyes go wide and she sends out a silent plea for help. Rafa doesn’t notice. Grabby starts stroking Ale’s hair and working his hand up her leg, and talking about going to a more romantic spot to further discuss. Ale’s getting desperate and acts as if she needs to check with Rafa first. “I don’t know. MI AMOR?” Rafa does a double take. He and the Stooges are impactados.

When we come back from commercial break, Rafa is still impactado, and Ale is still inquiring, “Mi amor? They want US to go to a bar with them.” She pointedly takes his hand and puts on a high pitched syrupy voice that would make Vicky proud. “You two are esposos?” Ale makes up some excuse about them not advertising it, as it’s not allowed at Autos Siglo for employees to be involved with each other. “No one at work knows.” The Stooges are clearly disappointed they have lost their expected prize for the night. Grabby gets a call just then from the boss, and Rafa and Ale take the opportunity to step outside to reassess their game plan, making the excuse they are going to call home to check in on their kids.

Once outside, Rafa scolds Ale for making up such a lie. She scolds him for not paying attention and for making eyes at the hostess. He reminds her that she told him not to speak. Ale then informs him that Grabby made an indecent proposal to her. “Qué?!” Rafa is outraged and Ale has to hold him back from rushing in and killing the Stooges. She tries to calm him down and tells him that regardless of how slimy those guys are, they have to close the deal. She wants him to stick to the story of them being married. Rafa can’t understand Ale. At the hospital she was upset that they thought she was his wife; at the beach she was upset that they assumed she was his girlfriend; but tonight she wants them to pretend to be husband and wife! “And when we’re back in Mexico (D.F.) and they happen to see us? Will we say we’re separated, divorced?” Ale doesn’t care about later. She only cares about right now and closing the deal, while keeping Grabby off her. “Here and now, you are my faithful husband.” Rafa agrees, but lets Ale know that if Grabby tries anything again, he will “tear him to pieces!”

“No one, NO ONE messes with Rafael Medina’s woman!” Ale looks shocked and impressed.

Turns out the boss has told Grabby during the call that this deal is important and he better not mess it up. Uh oh! The Three Stooges realize that they have probably already screwed things up big time and decide to be on their best behavior once Ale and Rafa return. They start by pulling out Ale’s seat for her like gentlemen and ordering the best tequila for the table. The talk turns to polite socializing. “How long have you two been married?” “Uh…three years.” Yeah, that’s it. “And you have kids?” “Yes, and one on the way.” Ale’s not too happy with this answer Rafa’s just blurted out, and especially not when he indicates that they’re as amorous and productive as bunnies.

Ale tries to get the talk back to business, but it turns out that the Three Stooges need some more time to look the proposal over (since they didn’t even set eyes on it last time). They suggest that they meet early the next morning. Heck, they want Ale and Rafa to spend the whole weekend with them and their families. They can all fly back together on Sunday evening. Ale makes the excuse that they’ve got a baptism, wedding and birthday party to attend that weekend, so they have got to get back to D.F. Fine, then tomorrow morning it is. Looks like Ale and Rafa will be spending another night at the No-Tell Motel. They both look shell-shocked at the idea. “Another night with La Licenciada/Medina???”

Meanwhile back in the D.F., Vicky is making everyone practice their hiding poses and yell, “Sorpresa Pajarito!”, for the surprise welcome home party she is throwing Rafa that night. I think she’s the one in for a surprise when he doesn’t show.

Marco and Claudia spent the day drinking tequila in that discreet location and now he has dropped her off at home. Her roommates are all away and she would just love to show Marco her place…too bad! Marco has to go pick Ale up at the airport. He whacks his car in frustration as he watches Claudia sashay away and blow him a kiss. He’s in for a surprise too when he realizes he lost this golden opportunity for nothing.

Tomorrow: Rafa and Ale have to tell Vicky and Marco that they are spending another night at the beach. They are not pleased.

Happy birthday Pata! I am off to Ecuador this weekend and back the following Sunday. Have a great week everyone! I hope someone can recap next Thursday. I also hope that I get the chance to catch up on all the telenovela episodes I will miss. :)


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

El Clon, Wed., April 14- Bored with the story? Go shopping!

Thanks to Aleida over at TW for posting the link to this story in the NYT. Here is the link to the shopping site.

Dora loses track of Daniel in the only restaurant with a ball room in Miami (TORWBRIM)! Natalia tells Marisa that she was with Daniel but Marisa doesn't see him leading her to conclude that he doesn't exist. Natalia is a cutie! She has a tendency to look at the camera or whoever is behind the camera, though.

Nariza gives her hysterics performance for Said. He makes Jade give him the key to her room and reassures the witch that she can go anywhere she wants in the house. If looks could kill, Said and Nariza would be dead. Said leaves for work saying that he wants harmony in his house. Good luck with that.

Lucas thinks Natalia has a serious problem if she is seeing imaginary friends. Marisa has seen a child psychologist who thinks it is ok. Marisa suggests that Natalia has to have imaginary friends because Daddy won't give her a little brother. Lucas points out that it was Marisa who wanted the kid to stay home with her instead of going to school with other children. When Marisa suggests that they all go on vacation, Lucas says that she can go wherever but he has to work. This sets Marisa off on her usual rant about Jade and she makes her usual threat to leave with Natalia and never let Lucas see her again.

Lucas thinks about Jade and has flashbacks.

Jade is in the ruins thinking about Lucas and having flashbacks.

Said is looking for Jade. She is in the medina buying her contraceptive herb.

Zoraida tells Latifa that she wouldn't have given the herb to Jade if she had asked for it. She says that children are important and Jade will regret her error.

Not yet, she won't. She's drinking the contraceptive Kool-aid. Said comes in and Jade hastily hides the glass. Said gives her a jade necklace to replace the one she lost. She doesn't even say thanks.

Leo is planning a big family vacation to Europe when Lucas comes in from the pool. Natalia says that her friend Daniel has a mole just like Lucas'. Rosa is convinced that Diego's ghost has come to visit Natalia. Leo thinks that Natalia has overheard Leo and him talking about the mole. Marisa suggests that if Natalia has made up an imaginary friend that has the same mole as her father, it's because she wants Lucas to spend more time with her. Lucas says that he spends plenty of time with Natalia and if he didn't have to work, he would spend more.

Since the clone is now a child, Rosa looks at a picture of Diego and Lucas as children and wishes Diego would appear to her.

Jade comes to Ali's house while Zoraida is praying with the other women in the house. She says that she can't join them because she has her period and is impure. Now we have a big long scene where one of Ali's wives comes and accuses him of treating his first wife better than she. This scene seems to have two purposes: 1. Latifa wants to get Mohamed to make a promise in writing not to take another wife; and 2. Said says to Jade that Ali should divorce the complaining wife. Jade asks what would make Said divorce his wife. He says that he would divorce his wife if she made a scandal that brought humiliation to a man. "A scandal," says Jade thoughtfully and we know exactly where this is going to go.

The same dance club. The same music. Dora and Osvaldo. The same argument.

Zoraida admires Jade's pendant. Jade asks Zoraida to read the coffee grounds on the whereabouts of her old pendant.

Lucas is combing jewelry stores in Miami (there is more than one?) looking for the pendant. He runs into Marisa and tells her he was looking for a band (correa) for his watch.

Jade asks where her stone is. Zoraida says that it is very far away. Jade asks if someone found it. Zoraida says, "I see a hand hiding it. It's an encounter in time. When the past meets the present in the figure of a man, you will get the stone back." Jade is frustrated with how cryptic Zoraida's prophecies are.

Nariza shows up and guesses that Zoraida has been reading the coffee grounds. [Once again, Jade has gotten Zoraida in trouble.] Fortunately, Nariza wants Zoraida to read the coffee grounds for her to find out if she will find a man. "I see a man," says Zoraida, "He has eyes like a cat. He doesn't live in this land. He lives.. That love will be the happiness that will cure your sadness and the sadness that will ruin your happiness." Zoraida is sure that this means she will marry Osvaldo.

Lucas is moping around his office having flashbacks of his conversations with Jade. In comes Marisa. She accuses him of trying to find Jade's pendant. Lucas initially denies it but finally admits it. He says that the pendant doesn't belong to him and he wants to return it to its rightful owner. Marisa says that it is obvious that Lucas doesn't care for her anymore, their marriage is over and she wants a divorce. No problem, says Lucas.

Leo has bought the bar for Cristina. She tells Vicki about her plans for promoting it. She hopes Leo will come the grand opening.

It's the day of the grand opening of Cristina's bar. Albieri wants to take Daniel to the zoo. Dora wants Daniel to go with her to the bar. Daniel overhears Dora tell Vicki that she won't let him see Albieri again.

Albieri tells Luisa that he isn't going to the opening of the bar because he has promised to take Daniel to the zoo.

Latifa goes into labor.

Daniel slips away from the opening of the bar presumably to look for Albieri. Dora is frantic.

Albieri is worried that Leo might see Daniel at the opening of the bar. He tells Luisa that he has changed his mind. He will go to the opening alone, fetch Daniel and bring him back. Luisa does not understand what is going on.

Enrique is giving Rosa spiritual advice (that is, advice about visits of the spirits of the dead). He reassures her that if Diego's spirit has returned, it is because he doesn't want his loved ones to worry. Leo comes in. Enrique reminds Leo that this is the day of the opening of the bar and he should go. Leo says that he isn't going to be part of a Cristina's jokes.

Zoraida tells Jade to take Nariza's nasty comments away from Latifa. Jade takes her to the kitchen and asks to be told about the guy in the coffee grounds. Nariza tells Jade that Mohamed ruined her marriage with Osvaldo but he has written to say that he will be back. She says that her destiny is not in Morocco. She will go back to Florida with Latifa and Mohamed and marry Osvaldo.

Said, Abdul and Ali are summoned to the delivery of Latifa's baby. As soon as Mohamed comes into the room where Latifa is, he faints and has to be helped out of the room.

It's a high class bikini show for Cristina's bar. She is sure that it will bring in customers to the bar as will her other promotional ideas.

Dora and Vicki don't find Daniel at her apartment.

A scary homeless person finds Daniel.

The credits roll.


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