Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Eva Luna #46 Mon 1/10/11 The Runaway Bride

As we begin Eva is near catatonic after hearing from Leonardo that it was Daniel who ran over her father and left him for dead; Claudia is telling the doctor that it doesn't matter if she has other babies because this one was the one that counted; and Don Julio has just seen Bruno and Marcela putting the moves on each other.

Julio returns to his office and has another attack. He remembers his doctor friend telling him that his situation is serious and that Julio needs to report the doctor who gave him the strichnine-laced medicine to the police. Back in the present, Julio waves the envelope with the medicine's test results around and laughs at how he'll be the one to finish off Marcy instead of the other way around. Just then he has another attack. He looks like he just might be dying this time. The envelope falls under the desk.

Francisco is about to deliver Eva's wedding dress while Alicia and Marisol are discussing Eva's curious condition. Mari thinks it's just wedding day jitters. Ali is sure it's much more serious than that. She thinks she might be in shock – that maybe she was raped even! The doorbell rings and Mari goes to see who it is.

Back at Murderous Marcy’s, Renata comes in with Julio's meal tray and races over to help him. Slowly he comes to. She keeps calling for Marcy but he mumbles to her he doesn't want her with him, that all she wants is to hurt him. Ren tells him that's not true. He keeps mumbling then about how he should never have married her and should have hung onto Justa. Ren gives him a classic sour-lemons squinty-face.

Franc must have given Don Ricardo the dress box because Ricardo walks in carrying it and tells Mari it's for Eva from “her fiancé’s driver”. She doesn't know if Eva will take it; they both are concerned for Eva and wonder what in the world could have happened to her.

Ren asks D. Julio why he's got to bring Justa up again. He says if he knew she were alive he'd go running to her to beg her forgiveness for making her suffer. Ah, how sorry he is that he did!

Meanwhile, Dan is packing for his honeymoon. He's included a pretty plum strapless number for Eva and imagines her "modeling" it for him. He decides he won't call her before the wedding for fear of bad luck. (Well, it’s going to be worse luck now that he didn’t!) Eva is remembering her daddy's funeral and her swearing to avenge his death. She cries to herself that of all the men she might have met in that city, it turns out to be Daniel! (Ok, clue #1 there’s got to be another explanation.)

At the same time, Justa knocks at the front door of the Arismendi's. Ren opens the door and is shocked to see her sister standing there. ""--How dare you return to this house!!" Justa says she's there to find out if Ren still worked there and obviously she does. Justa asks hopefully if Don Julio is still alive. Ren frowns and says if she came to speak with him to forget it because Marcela won't let her. Justa tells her she came to talk to her about her daughter. Ren's afraid of the others seeing Justa so she promises to speak with her somewhere else the next day. Justa gives her the phone number and address. Justa tells her she has plenty of questions that better be answered or she'll keep coming back until Ren does tell her. Ren promises she'll come and shuts the door. Marcy asks who it was and Ren lies that it was somebody with the wrong address.

Back at Dano's, Laurita tells Franc and Jackie that her dad's getting married but that it's a secret. A bit later Dan walks in and tells them the same thing, but at least Laurita got a huge chocolate sunday out of the deal.

Ali takes out the wedding dress and tries to get Eva to react, but she doesn't. Eva refuses to say or do anything. She won't even look in Ali's direction. (Nobody gets the idea to call Dan to come over. Ho hum….)

The next morning Dano's getting dressed for the wedding. Franc helps and gives him some sort of silly advice I don’t make heads or tails of and then, after last minute instructions, Dan races off to the church to wait for Eva.

The church is beautifully decorated for such a private ceremony. Dan has even hired Mariachis. The priest I think is the one from Justa’s parish.

Ali wakes up and finds Eva sitting up in bed and staring at the dress and rocking, but still refusing to say anything. She has a hate-filled, scary look in her eyes. Ali leaves for a bit and when she gets back she sees Eva dressed in her jeans and ready to leave. Ali tries to find out where she's going but Eva won't tell her and hisses a warning to her to let her go and not to dare follow her. Ali is frightened by the angry look on Eva's face. She chases her through the inner patio area where Adrian is playing.

Eva never shows up at the church. Dan is heartbroken. The priest suggests maybe she got caught in traffic. He says no, she isn't coming. She didn't even answer his phone calls. The priest suggests a problem with her cell phone. Dan shakes his head, sends the band away, then leaves for home. (Anyone else feel a big “Awwww” coming on?)

Meanwhile, Julio asks Renata if she's heard anything from Eva. Renata says no. She never knows anything when it comes to his spoiled assistant. Eva told Leo anyway and she's sure it's nothing more than a big lie. She also tells him when he asks, that Marcela left very early that morning for work.

Eva's at the cemetery crying and telling her dead father’s gravestone that "Dan turned out to be the one who took you from me." She should have been getting married and living out the happiest day of her life, she cries. Leo is lurking around watching in the background and comes to tell her he's there because he “feels so bad about being the one who gave her the bad news about Daniel.” (I can’t help but imagine horns on this guy’s head.) He says he knows she was going to marry Daniel today. Eva says nothing can be done about that now. She's glad he opened her eyes. She doesn't blame Leo for anything. It would have been worse if she’d had to really spend the rest of her life with him. He consoles her and tells her she needs some time to herself before confronting Dan and that she shouldn't go home right away because Dan will be sure to look for her there. He has a place in mind that she can use to rest and get her thoughts organized. As she cries on his shoulder Leo smiles ever so smugly to himself. (This guy is Slimy--with a capital S. Life in prison for what he's done to Eva wouldn't be long enough to suit me! I can only hope the telenovela gods have something super horrific planned for him in the end! Grrrr!) On the ride there she still refuses to answer Daniel's calls. Leo continues to play the bad angel on her shoulder and advise her to steer clear of Dan till she is ready to face him again.

Victoria is back at the gym again. (If I were her I’d get my money back. It’s done nothing for that oversized derriere of hers.) Another of her friends chats her up about the wedding. Icky says she's been busy with all the preparations, but yes she's very happy as the last couple of days have been really wonderful for her.

At the manse again, Giorgio is leaving as Renata comes in to tell Marcy that Eva still hasn't returned to work. Marcy snickers and says don't be surprised if she never comes back. Ren isn’t quite sure what she means by that.

Giorgio drive’s by Dan's and stops to talk to Franc who's taking party trays of food out of the trunk of the car. G asks if there's a party tonight. Franc says no, just a meeting. G says well he's going to complain to Vicki about not being invited to the party tonight. As he drives off Franc mumbles that he'd be the last he'd invite, the gossip hound! Just then he takes a call from Marisol.

Dan goes straight from the church to Eva's and after some questioning, finds out from Adrian that Eva was angry when she left and looked all messy. Dan realizes that since she didn't leave in her wedding dress something was wrong. He tries to talk to Alicia but she's not around. He leaves. Ali comes out of the shower and finds out from Adrian that Dan was there looking for her sister and left really upset when he couldn't find her.

Don Ricardo finds out from Mari that Just didn't come down to make breakfast this morning and is still up in her room. He takes her up some yougurt and strawberries and tells her he loves her and worries about her. They chat and she tells him she wishes she could respond to his affections, but she doesn't have it in her. He's glad to hear her at least mention

Later, Ali swallows her pride and sweet-talks Tony into driving her around the area to look for Eva. They don't find her anywhere because she's already gone off with Leo to his "hideaway" in the hills. It turns out to be (I think) the house they own in the country.

Dan arrives home where Jackie, Laurita and Franc have flowers and food all laid out. He looks miserable as he tells them that there wasn't any wedding. Eva ran off and didn't tell anybody anything. She didn't even answer his calls. "--I was jilted." [dejar plantado] (Heck, I'm even ready to shed a few tears!) Everyone there is speechless. Jackie is sure something bad must have happened because she knows Eva is very much in love with him. Franc mentions something his father always said: "Think the worst and you'll be right." (Way to go, Franc!) Dan tells them how he found out that she wasn't even dressed when she ran out this morning. It was as if she was running away! "--What kind of explanation could you have for that?" Just then the doorbell rings and it's Marcy. She looks around and gloats about the wedding party that wasn't. "--Who's getting married on us, Daniel? Who should I be congratulating? Are the servants getting married?" (Marcela obviously knows what’s happened here.) Dan says he doesn't have time for her right now. She tells him he'd better make time because what she's come to tell him is more important than he could ever imagine.

At the hideaway, Eva starts to think better about being there alone with Leo and says she thinks she needs to really go back home. He tries to talk her out of it and goes off to make her something to drink. (One rufie or two?)

Meanwhile, Marisol visits Giorgio in the design studio. He’s flattered. She tells him she's there because she wants him to meet her boyfriend. (OMG! I can't wait for that little dog and cat spat!)

Dan loses his temper with Marcy and tells her she can do whatever she wants about the matter. He doesn't see why it's so important to speak with him. He repeats he doesn't have the time or the head for anything dealing with the agency right now. She smirks and snidely says, "--Wow, what an attitude for a party! You're in a bad humor! I guess the wedding is kaput." (Dan’s a bit too polite for my way of thinking.) "--Doña Marcela, I told you I was busy, so please stop wasting your time." She becomes all business. "--Well, whether you like it or not, you will have to come with me. This won't make you tired; it has to do with Eva." Dan whips around. "What happened with Eva? What do you know about her?" She stares back at Dan and smiles wide like the Cheshire Cat and purrs.


Llena de Amor #104 (Mex. 109) Mon 1/10/11 Special on identity crises, aisle 5!

Friday: At the office, Fedra says she’s sure Mari is the Lirio’s accomplice. At Muñeca’s the police are searching for him, and Manzanita says she peeked under his mask and knows who it is. Outside, the police surround him.

Will she tell? Don’t touch that dial!

The Lirio throws down a smoke bomb and somehow escapes through the tight ring of armed police. Score: Lirio 1, police somewhere far south of 0.

Muñeca and Ilitia try to charm Manzanita into telling, but she says she made it up, she didn’t actually see him.

Brandon gives chase and shoots the Lirio, who falls in the distance. Hiding behind cars and trees, Brandon makes his way over, gun drawn, reinforcements right behind him. Just as he’s almost upon the Lirio, there is a bright explosion where the Lirio was lying and poof! He’s disappeared again.

The ladies have arrived home tsking about Mano staying with Oliver at the hospital overnight. Doris suggests that love is the best healer. Consuelo hopes after that big kiss, that Oliver doesn’t wake up doing the flamenco with Mano. Netty wonders if he was so badly burned by Gretel that he’s decided to give up on women. Gladiola for her part wonders if that’s why Brandon and Oliver were fighting. Doris tells them to let them sort it out between themselves, and not to throw Mano out. Gladiola narrows her eyes and wonders if maybe Doris knows something they don’t.

Next they worry about Brandon who is off chasing the Lirio. Gladiola’s afraid her boy will be shot like Oliver, but Netty swears the Lirio isn’t violent, in fact, he’s an angel sent from heaven to help those in need. She’s going to go knock back a few prayers to San Antonio for him.

MariVicky comes in and says You’ll never guess what happened! The Lirio just robbed the ad agency!

Kristel has taken to her bed, where she holds a photo of her and Mau, housed in a monster frame about the dimensions of a coffee table book, and weeps and tells him off. Pleeease marry me, she wails at the photo. Nereida brings her a tea and sits on the bed and tells her she must be a masochist, crying over that loser. What he needs is a good lesson [escarmiento] - Kristel ought to chase after some other guy and bring out the “macho lobo” in Mau, which we know has been hiding timidly within, yes? Well, no. Anyway, Kristel thinks the idea is “super cool.” She’s going to give him a taste of his own medicine [Te voy a dar mucha gota de tu propria medicina, which is a handy phrase indeed that I know you’ll get a lot of mileage out of].

Back at the pension, Gladiola wonders if maybe the Lirio has a thing for MariVicky and that’s why he’s always robbing around her. Consuelo thoughtbubbles that she hopes so. Mari says there’s something familiar about him that she can’t put her finger on, and why does he use the name of Capt Sevilla’s boat? Netty has the sense to wonder how Vicky knows about that.

At home, Fedra is griping to Bernardo that MariVicky is a real rock in the road for her. Bernardo thinks she’s hot, which ticks Fedra off. She thinks MariVicky is the Lirio’s accomplice, but Bernardo points out that the Lirio’s been robbing for quite a while, and MV just arrived from Spain recently. Fedra doesn’t think it’s a coincidence that MV has been there twice when the Lirio robbed, and besides, she came to town just to wage war on the Ruiz y de Teresa.

Bernardo wonders if Mari sent her, and Fedra says there’s something about her that when she looks at her she feels like she’s looking at Mari.

Netty shows MV the drawing that Luis Felipe did of the yacht, and MV says that Mari had one like that among the papers of the investigation that he did on Fedra. Netty is surprised Mari saw those papers. MV tells her that the captain, who was connected to Fedra, was a Robin Hood type like the Lirio. Netty wonders why Mari never told her. MV tells her that Mari didn’t want to upset her, and that one day Mari wanted to uncover the whole story. That day is now. She’s come to wreak revenge for Mari.

Lorenzo has come home and found out the Lirio was there. He hopes everybody is okay. Ilitia and Muñeca say everyone is fine. Little Manzanita comments about the shots and he rudely cuts her off. He wants to hug Ilitia, who tells him to back off, and little Christian stares at him coldly when he holds out his arms.

Ilitia figures she better get on home, and Manzanita wants to go to Emanuel’s house like promised. Ilitia tells her the danger is passed, but Muñeca tells her to let Manzanita go with her, then asks Lorenzo to come help put Christian to bed. Lor jumps at the opportunity, calling Christian “champ.” Ilitia winces.

On the way out of the house, Ilitia is telling Manzanita she better behave when suddenly she’s face-to-face with swaggering Mauricio, who says Hey baby! I was about to come talk to your father but look who I see!

Delicia and little Javier return to the pension, all excited by the 3-D movie they saw, which they tell the couch ladies about. MV and Netty come down the stairs, Netty telling her that she’s an angel Mari sent on a mission. Consuelo wants to know what her brother’s mission is, to get a Mexican boyfriend? Doris quick injects that Vicky and Brandon (hint, hint) know all about Mano, and Delicia says oh, that guy they say is kinda that way? Not just kinda, the others say. They tell about the kiss in the hospital but MV is shocked by the hospital part, not the kiss part.

Brandon comes in and says yup, Oliver’s going to be saying any minute that Mano is the love of his life. MV wants to quick talk to Brandon privately, though Doris says everything is cool, but Brandon says he does indeed want to have a word with her, but they’ll have to do it at the police station, because she’s under arrest as an accomplice to the Lirio de Plata.

Ilitia tries to chase Mau off, but he offers them both to go for ice cream, and takes Manzanita’s hand. Manzanita wants to go, she remembers him as a good guy who visited the orphanage, and a Biblical pulling match ensues. Ilitia is more afraid of pulling too hard, so she lets go. Mau walks off with willing Manzanita, telling Ilitia to come on, they’ll have a good time. Ilitia reluctantly follows.

At the station, MV protests that it was just a coincidence that she was there for three Lirio escapades. Three? say the comisario and Brandon. She explains about dropping papers off at Mau’s and running into him there. They are very doubtful, and Brandon adds, not unkindly, that it’s hard to believe her when he knows she’s lied in the past. Aren’t there maybe some other things that she’s lied about?

She looks away, and he notices that she can’t meet his gaze. Next they ask for her papers, passport and so forth, and she panics. I don’t have them, she makes up.

Netty and Gladiola are alone in the pension, discussing MV. Netty thinks she’s strictly on the up-and-up, and is going to get revenge on Fedra, but Gladiola thinks there’s something that just doesn’t quite add up. Gladiola leaves to make herself a tea, the salve for all worrisome problems, when the doorbell rings. It’s the injured Lirio, falling into Netty’s arm, saying he’s the Lirio and he needs help. He staggers to the couch and passes out. Netty wonders if she should take off his mask – he must’ve come because he knows who she is. She decides to have a look.

Her eyes get huge. You? You’re the Lirio de Plata?

Time for some ads, which gives me time to consider… How far away is the Ruiz y de Teresa house? Was the Lirio on foot, or did he take his motorcycle? Did he walk or drive through the streets of Mexico City (or its suburbs) masked and in black and nobody noticed? Well, it is nighttime in the big city, but still…

We see his face! Yup, it’s Emanuel, our thievin’ hero. He apologizes, and says her pension the last place the police would look for him, I guess the rest of Mexico City all being likely spots. Netty points out that Brandon is the police officer who is looking for him, and he lives there! Eman says he’s putting himself in her hands, that he’d rather die than be caught. Help me! he says, swooning away.

We are zipped back to the police station where MV is explaining that when she got to Mexico, somebody stole her papers. She swears she’s not an imposter. She was born in Mexico and then her parents went to Spain for work reasons. Simple! Okay, says the comisario, but until we verify all that, you’re under arrest.

Netty wants Brandon to go to a hospital, but he assures her that the bullet is no longer in him, and he won’t go, apparently not considering that he might be leaking somewhere that needs sewing up. He begs her not to throw him out. Netty says she can’t believe that he’s taken to a life of crime. He tells her that after Mari left, he needed something to give his life meaning, so he thought he could help the people who need it most.

Actually, Mauricio’s fundraiser is sounding a lot more legit right now.

It’s all criminal money, he swears, and swoons again. Gladiola calls from the kitchen and Netty tells Eman, who seems to be hovering in semisyncope, that she’s going to find out.

We see Mano sneaking in the hospital room door. He goes over to Oliver, and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Oliver’s eyes open and he asks what’s going on, and where is everybody. Mano tells him they were all there earlier. Mano tells him he’s there to watch over him, then tells him off for putting himself in danger and doing stupid stuff. Oliver says Mano’s been great to him. He sits up and suddenly says owww and passes out, his monitors flatlining. Mano freaks out but does nothing effective.

Gladiola is cleaning out the fridge, exclaiming to Netty about what gross stuff she’s finding in there and Netty calls that she’ll be right there. Eman tells her he can’t go to the hospital with a bullet wound, he’ll be found out. Netty is beside herself. Do you hate me that much? asks Eman.

The comisario puts MV in a cell that he says, I think, is just a holding one, and therefore much nicer than the jail ones. He tells her she’s going to have to stay until they finish their investigation. Boy, I bet she wishes she’d worn something other than that off-the-shoulder number. It’s going to get cold.

Brandon is alone in his office turning things over in his mind. First there’s MV, who says she’s Mari’s friend come to get revenge. Then there’s her brother, who actually is Gretel. And what about Doris – she helped Mano with his disguise. How did she so quickly become a friend? And MV with no papers – it’s like she never existed. Maybe – naw, can’t be…..

Woozy Eman tells Netty he knows she hates him because of Mari, but she shouldn’t. He’s never stopped loving her. Netty wants to know why he married someone else. Fortunately Gladiola calls from the kitchen, so we don’t have to rehash all that again.

He says he’ll go, but Netty says no. Yes, she hates him, but oooh, not the Lirio de Plata, he’s her hero. That’s why it’s so hard for her to believe he’s Eman. She’ll help him for all the orphans and other needy folks. He leans heavily on her as they towards the stairs.

Oh cripes. Mau has brought Manzanita to his house, Ilitia trailing behind, pulling Manzanita’s suitcase. Ilitia begs him to let them go, but Manzanita says she knows he’s a nice guy, and it bothers her more when Ilitia’s all nervous. Mau calls to his cousin, who shows up, and asks her to show Manzanita the room with all the toys (I don’t even want to think about what kind of toys he has). Ilitia begs the cousin not to leave them alone, but the cousin just laughs, and says she saw them at the country club, so she doesn’t believe Ilitia. She leads Manzanita off by the hand. Run, Ilitia, run!! The front door! Let those international super model legs carry you out and away!

She doesn’t run. Mau takes her purse and tosses it on the bed. Just you and me, all alone, he says, taking her chin.

Back to the hospital! A doctor is there with the paddles, taking his own sweet time. He jumps Brandon, while Mano prays.

Back to MV in the cell. Brandon is interviewing her gently. He wonders why she never reported her papers lost, and she says nobody had asked her for any, so she just put it on the back burner. He says she should have at least reported it. She asks him if she believes that she is who she says she is.

Oliver’s monitors are beeping again, and they’ve left him alone with Mano who kisses him on the cheek (let the guy breathe, for heaven’s sake!) and swears she’s going to make up for everything she did to hurt him.

My old telenovela whiplash injury is acting up because zip! we are back with MV and Brandon. After a few questions, they both relax and she says he’s treating her like they’ve been friends a long time. She apologizes about the Mano thing, but he tells her no problem, he talked to Doris and it’s all cool. For now, though, he needs her date and place of birth, and the names of her parents. He tells her he has a friend who can get her her papers quick. She’s very grateful, and he promises to get her out of there.

Fishy, no? Sure enough, Brandon kisses his snow-white record goodbye in a thoughtbubble. He’s going to commit his first crime.

Lorenzo is in the bedroom of his sleeping son, quietly begging him not to reject him. Muñeca comes in and tells him not to wake the kid up. He bets that she likes seeing him suffer. She says actually yes. He accuses her of turning his children against him, but she says that it’s just that the scales have fallen from Ilitia’s eyes, and the little boy just needs some time. Lorenzo says he knows how to win them over – he’ll find that rapist and kill him with his own hands.

That rapist has hold of his daughter again, who is struggling and begging him to stop, saying Not again! She tries to escape, but he grabs her, telling her not to yell or she’ll scare the little girl. You know you want it, baby, you loved it. You’re mine and I can do whatever I want with you.

I’ve never been so happy to see an ad break.

Netty calls the doctor, and Gladiola, who has brought in a platter of rotted food to show her, asks her why she called the doctor. Netty says she’s feeling woozy, and please to send him upstairs – alone! – when he comes. She runs upstairs and Gladiola smiles and rolls her eyes at this delicious request. Maybe she’s trying to get over Emil that way?

Back to the rape scene, unfortunately, which is horrible to watch. Mau has shoved Ilitia down onto the bed and is smooching on her while she tries to fight him off. Fortunately he’s still in his suit. Ilitia grabs a statuette of an eagle and cold-cocks him. (Did I say that?) She’s afraid she’s killed him and I’m afraid she didn’t.

Eman is in the bed, with a wet washcloth on his head, saying he just wants to fall asleep. Netty tells him he better not die on her, because he has a lot to answer for, like the fact that MariVicky is in jail on his account. He’s distressed to hear it.

Thank goodness, now we’re with Fedra and Bernardo, who is pouring her a lovely snifter of something so they can toast as soon as he gives her the good news. Fedra takes some preparatory sips. He’s talked to his connections at the airport, and he found out that Marianela has been in Mexico for some days now.

Eman says they have to get MV out and tells Netty to get his cell from his pants, he wants to call Brandon. When he reaches him, he covers his mouth and does his Lirio voice, telling him to let the girl go, she’s innocent. Brandon doesn’t believe it’s him, then asks why she was present at three robberies. Eman/Lirio says that the Ruiz y de Teresa are at the top of his hit list, and she’s connected to them, that’s all.

The phone goes dead and Brandon believes MV isn’t an accomplice, but now suspects that the Lirio is somebody connected to the R y de T family. Why doesn’t the Lirio come down and do a prisoner exchange to save her?

Mari in the cell is contemplating everything that happened with the Lirio. Is he actually targeting her? But he’s such a gentleman! She hopes that Brandon helps with her papers, and wonders if maybe he suspects she’s Marianela.

Avances: Ilitia wonders where Eman is, Netty begs the doctor to save Emanuel, Mari tells Doris she’s afraid people will find out who she really is, and Fedra comes to her cell and says she knows she’s Marianela.


Triunfo del Amor #6 1/10/11 The Second Week: So you want to be a model?

By now it’s clear. A tin-foil beanie isn’t enough. For this show, I need my Full-Body Schmaltz Shield.*

*[Fortunately NM Accessories will be offering a limited number of Full-Body Schmaltz Shields at the incredibly low price of $19.99 in the lobby after tonight’s performance. These Shields are guaranteed Hyperbole-Resistant and Impervious to Lagrimas de Sangre. And tonight only, the first 50 customers will receive, absolutely free, one Carmen Salinas Garden Gnome, China Poblana Edition, with each Schmaltz Shield purchased!!!!]
At the Televisa lot, Osvaldo greets María D warmly. Guillermo slithers over to be introduced. When María smiles politely and tells him how much she hated him as the villain in his last novela, he gamely reminds her not to confuse his screen image with real life. (Maybe he means in real life he’s much worse.) Pretty girl, remarks Guillermo when María hurries to her ‘casting’. Not like the one from the other night. I hope the photographers didn’t catch you with that one.

Back in the barrio, JuanJo escapes from Milagros before she can do a card reading and sort out his love life. (He’s more of a do-it-yourself kind of guy.) Just as he steps outside, along comes grumpy Linda shlepping a heavy basket of groceries. When JuanJo offers to help her she snips:
¡Hasta la pregunta es necia!(Stupid question! Literally, Even the question is foolish!)

He carries the basket back to the girls’ apartment, largely ignores the waiting Nathy and then invites Linda to the movies. She can’t, she tells him, she’s expecting a very important phone call. And she arranges herself prettily on the couch, and plays with her hair, looking one lap dance away from a casa de citas. Maybe another time, she says. As soon as he leaves, she giggles at the idea of going out with him. (Maybe if you have a Y chromosome, you appreciate the giggle. If not, not so much.)

At the Casa de Moda, Vicki’s tame Italian designer, Pipino reads aloud a news story about an upcoming show of rival designer, Lucciano Ferretti.
Vicki is going to make sure that show never happens. Toward that end, she has sent Max to do whatever it takes to make sure that the venue for his show (el Alcázar de Chapultepec) is unavailable for the planned date. Even if he has to get his hands a little dirty. She says:
En el mundo de los negocios, hay que ser muy duro, frío e implacable.(In the business world, you have to be very hard, cold and ruthless.)

When Antonieta hears this she remarks that no one would guess that beneath this woman of iron is a girl who suffered so terribly. Circumstances forced me to change, says Vicki.

Flashback: Vicki in braids in a clothing factory. She’s pleading with her sleazeball boss not to fire her for bringing her baby to work. She had no one to leave her with. He takes her into his office and says with a leer:Tú puedes quedarte siempre y cuando tú seas un poco generosa.(You can stay as long as you’re a little generous.)
He grabs her roughly, pushes her onto the couch.

Now she is walking in the rain, pulling her sweater around her. Lightning flashes in the night sky. The humilliation is over, she vows. I’ll be the one who humilliates others, who steps on them, says Scarlet, um, I mean Victoria:
No voy a permitir que nadie se aproveche de mí nunca más.
Lo juro. Lo juro.(I’m not going to let anyone take advantage of me ever again. I swear it, I swear it!)
Back in the present day fashion house, Pipino notices his boss lady is upset. In one of the worst Mexican Pretending to be Italian accents I’ve ever heard (I am reminded of Esteve’s Mexican Pretending to be a Gringo in MEPS) – okay, maybe the only one I’ve ever heard – he asks her what is wrong. Before she can reply, Lucy comes in to tell her Osvaldo is calling. Hubby invites her to lunch and a movie -- they’ll talk in half an hour to set it up.

At Televisa, Osvaldo spots María D coming out of the casting. She tells him it didn’t go well.

Linda, back at the apartment, keeps trying to get Osvaldo on the phone. She turns a deaf ear to Nathy’s reminder that he’s a married man. The doorbell rings and Nathy answers it. It’s Max, posing as Fabían. She tells him María left early to look for work. (I guess it’s a good thing Linda was too lazy to answer the door or the story might have taken a different turn.) But not even the serious-minded Nathy is blind to the charms of the guapísimo Max.

Vicki’s irritated that Osvaldo hasn’t called her back as promised and isn’t answering his cell. He is at that moment sitting in the Televisa cafeteria with María. Televisa was looking for actresses and she wants to be a runway model, she explains. If that’s the case, he can’t understand why she didn’t take his recommendation to Victoria. She confesses she was embarrassed and afraid. He gives her a pep talk, telling her that she’ll have to set her fears and insecurities aside if she wants to succeed in life.

Since she can’t reach Osvaldo, Vicki decides to call Guillermo. Maybe he has seen him. Why yes, he has, hisses that serpent. Osvaldo was chatting with a very pretty girl – María Desamparada – maybe you know her?

Osvaldo, still with María D, notices his cell phone battery is dead. He excuses himself – he has an important call to make – but tells María not to forget his advice.

Juan Pablo is playing soccer with the street kids in his parish.

Osvaldo drives up to his house where the Bitch on Training Wheels, Fernanda, is waiting outside. She wants to be able to see Federico, the scuzzy tattoo-boy, openly. She doesn’t want to have to sneak around. Ok, her father agrees, as long as tattoo-boy respects her and the rules of the house, they can see each other. Osvaldo will talk to Vicki. He sighs: Between Vicki and Fer, one of these days they’re gonna kill me!

Eres un as del volante! squeals Fer to Fede when their car comes to a stop after their suicidal spin down a winding road. (You’re an ace – not an ass, which is what I would have told him – at the wheel.) This scene probably took a few years off the life expectancy of every viewer with teenage children.

Back at the Casa de Moda, Max reports that he did what Vicki asked. Lucciano’s show at Chapultepec has been torpedoed. But he didn’t feel right about it and he doesn’t want her to involve him in her dirty games in the future. Vicki says she’s trying to make him a winner (triunfador). It’s Lucciano who doesn’t play fair. He learned the ropes at Vicki’s place, then left taking two of her best people and stealing many of her ideas. Now he’s out there competing for her clients. When it comes to Lucciano, Vicki’s willing to play a little dirty. She’s out to destroy him!

Osvaldo finally calls his wife but she refuses to take his call.

María, now back home with her roomies, announces that she’s going to take Osvaldo’s advice and use the recommendation he wrote her. Linda is impactada: Osvaldo Sandovaaaaaaaal gave you a recommendation? Nathy tells her that “Fabián” stopped by while she was gone.

In the office, Vicki and Toni take us down memory lane again:
The vicious boss, Padilla, didn’t just paw Vicki: he raped her. After that obscenity, both women left his factory and never looked back. They had a small amount of money saved and used it to open a tiny dress shop. Vicki designed and they both sewed. Their business began to prosper.

Toni recalls:
Realmente fue tu entrega y tu esfuerzo la que nos hizo crecer de la misma manera en que la pequeña María crecía a nuestro lado.(Really, it was your dedication and effort that made us grow just like little María was growing beside us.)

Later, they were able to get a larger place, and hire seamstresses. Things were going well until that terrible night when their lives were changed forever.

Victoria and María, just a toddler then, are standing outside together when a car comes out of the darkness. It sends Vicki flying over the hood and she lands prone and bleeding in the street. The child is crying but seems unharmed. The girl’s ragdoll is lying in the street several feet away.

Victoria wakes up in a hospital bed. When Toni tells her that María is lost, Vicki becomes hysterical. Next we see her in the street, a coat thrown over her hospital gown, frantically calling out to her daughter. The only trace she finds is the ragdoll.
The friends never saw the little girl again. And they never found out the name of the damned person (maldita persona) who was driving the car.

But we know who the damned person was: St. Bernarda. She kneels at her own little altar, and offers a custom-made Ends Justify the Means prayer. She’s not sorry about anything she has done in her effort to make her son a priest.

Here we get a ghastly replay of the car plowing into people scene from a different angle and we get to see St. Bernarda looking back at her handiwork.

Says that Evil Broad: I was an instrument of Your will, Lord.

Unbeknownst to her, her two victims, the mother and daughter that she took such pains to separate, are sitting on opposite sides of a door at this moment. Pipino tells Vicki that there’s an aspiring model with a hand-written recommendation from Osvaldo outside. Send her in, says Vicki.

And so begins the Interview from Hell:

Vicki: Tell me right now – what’s going on between you and my husband?
María: Nothing. He was just being kind.

Vicki peers at a little business card (tarjeta). It’s Osvaldo’s handwritten recommendation (de su puño y letra). (This thing is tiny! How much could he have written?)

Vicki: So you want to be a model… What do you know about modeling?
María: What I’ve read in magazines and the shows for the orphanage…
Vicki: So you’re one of those girls who wake up and decide they want to be models. Puhleeeeeez!!!

Let’s get some air, shall we? Father Juan Pablo is still out there playing soccer with the guys. Oh no. The air is suddenly sucked out of the scene when the Evil Broad drives up and is shocked that he’s wasting time on those ragamuffins (zarrapastrosos) when his mission is praying for her. And other good souls. JP is puzzled by his mother’s attitude. She was always so charitable, compassionate. (Is he kidding? Did she truly have him fooled all those years?) You’re right, says the Evil One. And she picks up the soccer ball, hands it to one of the guys and gives him a hug. Surprisingly, the guy’s flesh does not blister and flake off his body.

Back in Victoria’s Secret Torture Chamber, the interview proceeds apace. Vicki commands: Walk!
The verdict: You know nothing about modeling. You can’t walk. You have no elegance. You’re an average little girl (muchachita del montón). You had your nerve coming here.

María works to hold back her tears. She thanks Victoria for her sincerity and gets up to leave. But Victoria clicks a switch and locks the door. You’ll leave when I decide you will, she tells the girl.

Linda has gotten tired of trying to reach Osvaldo by phone. She storms the Televisa Studios insisting she has an appointment with him. They throw her out. Are those cheers I hear in livingrooms across the land?

Back to The Interview. María tells Vicki that she has destroyed her dreams and it’s pretty clear she hasn’t had to suffer in her life. Osvaldo gave her his card because he is a good person, she says, very different from you.

Finally, the ordeal is over. María, now totally humilliated and in tears, is stuck in the hallway waiting for an elevator, when Max/Fabián comes by. She tells him what has happened and weeps on his chest. (Fair compensation? You decide.)

Behind closed doors, Vicki tells Toni she’s going to give María a chance. She wants to have the girl where she can watch her:
Siempre he pensado que la mejor manera de defenderte es tener al enemigo cerca.(I’ve always thought the best way to defend yourself is to have the enemy close-by.)

Max/Fabián and María sit in the cafeteria and discuss Victoria. Yes, admits, Max, she is demanding (exigente). Well that doesn’t give her the right to humilliate people, says María. She has no intention of trying her luck again with that woman – let her take out her bad temper on her employees and her kids! Ouch, thinks Max/Fabián.

The Evil Broad is back home peeling off her clothes and telling Tomasa to get rid of them. They have been contaminated by her contact with Juan Pablo’s flock. It’s disgusting just thinking of hugging that riffraff (gentuza). She’ll have to bathe to get rid of the stench. (She hasn’t figured out that the stench is coming from her putrescent soul.)

JuanJo is telling the ladies – Milagros, Linda and Nathy – about responding to an old lady’s cry for help only to find that the victim needing rescuing was a kitten! Milagros explains that firemen (bomberos) don’t just save people; they also rescue animals. Nathy is impressed. Linda is dismissive.

Max is in his office with his assistant, the real Fabián. He just wanted to give María a hug and console her. What if she comes to work here? asks Fabián. She’ll find out you gave her a false name. Relax, says Max, she doesn’t want to work here.

After a long hard day of crushing souls (Vicki) and soothing them (Osvaldo), our favorite power couple relax at home in their Jacuzzi. Vicki tells Osvaldo she’s going to hire María. You’re so noble, he says. That’s why I adore you.

Linda rushes to answer the telephone’s ring in the girls’ apartment. She passes the receiver to María. It’s la señora Victoria Sandovaaaaaal.

Fer and dirty Fede are in his car outside her family home. She’s getting a car for her birthday and he can teach her to drive, she says. Oh and his band (So this jerk has a band. That figures.) will play at her party.

María hangs up the phone. She tells her friends: The job is mine!

Fabián and Max are seated at the dinner table. They are joined by Osvaldo and Vicki, fresh from the Jacuzzi. A little piggy squeal is heard and then Fer and Fede join the family at the table. Fer announces that she wants her birthday party to be at a club (antro). When Max points out that she is underage, she says that’s not a problem. She and her friends all have fake ID’s. Osvaldo appreciates her honesty but it’s still a bad plan. Vicki suggests having the party at home and bringing in a decorator to make the garden look like a club. Max raises an eyebrow slightly. Fede nods his approval. It’s a deal. But one more thing, says Fer. It has to be Fede’s band that plays.

María lies in her bed beside the Betty Boop Virgen and recalls Victoria’s soul-crushing words at the interview. Then she sits up and vows:
¡Voy a demostrarle a esa señora quien soy yo! ¡Sí se lo voy a demostrar!(I’m going to show that lady who I am! Yes, I’ll show her!)

The following morning, Vicki is surprised to see María arrive. She thought she wouldn’t show up. But it is another model, Ximena, who has failed to show. And Pipino is beside himself. What is he going to do?

Victoria says that María Desamparada is a very original name. She is to keep it professionally. And from now on, she, Victoria, will be making all the decisions in María’s life. She belongs to Vicki. And now, she tells her, you’re going to show whether you can do it or not.

We see the models out on the runway. Then it’s María turn. She looks gorgeous, and walks with confidence. Toni smiles. Pipino and Vicki watch but say nothing. Max joins them while María is on the runway and within earshot. Vicki says: ¿Otra cosa Max? (Was there something else, Max?). Max????

Shirtless William Levy paddles his kayak across the screen.


La Verdad Oculta #080: Juan José presents Roberto a convincing argument

Roberto swears to Leonardo he never asked any favors of Adolfo and lies he didn't even like the trefoil ring, supposedly a gift to a New York friend he's traveling to see. Leonardo releases him with a prohibition of leaving the country, and Ramón assures Leonardo his apartment will be watched and photographed.

Leonardo notes Roberto failed to hide his nerves and will try to flee; he didn't discuss Roberto's blackmail of David, not wanting Santiago's double identity to come out yet. Leonardo charges Ramón with questioning both of David's security teams and surprises him with news of the tunnel Adolfo might have used to enter.

In his condo office, Adolfo confides to Zaida the smuggling advantages to a Puerto Vallarta investment and charges her to feign business as usual with Medina and actually increase their stake to also deflect suspicion of Garnica's murder. Adolfo orders Zaida to cozy up to Juan José, which prospect enthuses her.

Bertha barges in, and the two blondes size each other up -- Zaida patronizing and Bertha aggressive. Zaida exits and Bertha anxiously presents Adolfo an official letter demanding her deposition regarding Adolfo's alibi during the time period David has charged him with assault.

At the hospital, David has filled Juan José in on all the details he needs to convince Roberto to keep his mouth shut about Mario's impostor and save the family fortune; which Juan José is happy to do, especially for Alejandra. David is grateful and glad Juan José's her boyfriend.

When Leonardo wonders to Ramón at the AFI how Garnica learned Juan José was wealthy, he phones Mauricio just to confirm it wasn't through him and that Garnica would have discovered it elsewhere. Thereto, Leonardo plans a little visit to the prison tomorrow in regard to Garnica's client, Pedro Cordero.

Roberto returns home, hawked and photographed by the police stake out. Inside he tries and fails to reach Adolfo by phone. Moments later after also being photographed in the parking lot, Juan José bursts into Roberto's apartment and roughs up the puss bucket who framed him for murder.

Juan José assures him there will be payback for that, but explains his present visit. They know Roberto is connected to Susana and Adolfo's smuggling. They won't inform the authorities about it if he keeps quiet about Mario's impostor and returns the infamous cuff link.

This last gives Roberto a fit of laughter, setting Juan José off on a violent search himself. Throwing Roberto over the sofa to the floor and ripping his clothes roughly, he encounters nothing until riffling through the luggage uncovers Susana's phone number. Injured Roberto can only roll on the floor and moan after a swift kick goodbye.

Bertha visits Carlos at home, worried about the coming deposition; and he advises her against perjuring herself. He's confident his dad assaulted David and that he masterminded the shooting, too; Carlos is sure missing Félix was one of the dead. He finally confirms he is not a smuggler and urges her to heed his warning.

Juan José visits Alejandra at Mario's to report on David's mission for him. As he's listing all Roberto's reprehensible acts, he wonders if Alejandra never noticed all that; and mortified, she must admit Roberto was her boyfriend. Incredulous and disgusted, Juan José exits immediately, leaving Alejandra distraught.

Outside Ramón pulls up and informs Édgar he wants depositions from both security teams on how someone could have assaulted David when they were supposedly on guard. Across the way, already in a black mood, Juan José arrives home to find Elsa with guardianship papers and a new name for Caramelo, neither pleasing him.

"María del Carmen Rivera" -- Elsa's surname! Asunción burst into tears and fled the house, she explains. Juan José drops into a chair bemoaning he's only brought bad luck to his friend and stubbornly yells at Elsa for taking Caramelo away, which moves Elsa to note he blames her for everything since she's been with Mauricio!

She's just informing him they're going to be married, when Caramelo enters very excited that Elsa is her mother. In bidding a tearful goodbye to her, Juan José makes Caramelo promise to call Asunción every day; she's not worried, planning to see him every day and Juan José often, too.

After Elsa exits with Caramelo, distraught Juan José sobs over yet another loss in his life and slides off the chair -- down, down onto the floor, where he weeps piteously. At the hospital, Doris explains to David his physical therapy starts tomorrow; and he with a twinkle in his eye that Gabriela is busy at work at the hotel.

At Dora's exit, "Mario" and Abelardo enter to learn with surprise of Gabriela's employment and David's confidence in her and her excellent tutor, whom Abelardo well knows. David also relates his mission for Juan José to threaten Roberto about Susana, Adolfo's smuggling and the maid's death in exchange for his silence.

They are concerned about sending a probationer on such a mission, but David contends Juan José is determined to expose his framers -- and David trusts him, he says; he's a good man. And David's sure Juan José put a scare in Roberto yesterday.

At Elsa's, Caramelo is enthusing about her new name and status when Mauricio enters with a big hug to take her to school. After Caramelo exits to brush her teeth, Elsa happily kisses and embraces Mauricio as she enjoys her new role as mother, noting that for the moment Caramelo is not missing Asunción.

Elsa regrets how hard it was on him; but Mauricio points out little by little Caramelo will adopt her new life, seeing Asunción less and less. And he urges Elsa not to particularly encourage their visits, as Asunción will always be attached to Juan José; and it's better if Elsa moves on from her connection to him.

This is a depressing subject for Elsa, though; and when Mauricio wants to set next month as a wedding date, Elsa demurs contending it's still too soon. Patient Mauricio makes her smile, allowing her to take what time she needs.

He will help her find a larger apartment temporarily until they are married, making Elsa feel warm and declare how good he is; but Mauricio just claims he's a man in love. When Caramelo reappears, Mauricio smiles but then takes pause at her assumption he will be her new dad -- since Elsa and Juan José are mad at each other.

At the studio, Mina calls absent Alejandra over missing an appointment and learns she's in bed, distressed and frantic about yet another break with Juan José. Meanwhile on the street near Mario's, traitor Édgar meets Adolfo and reports his plan to poison "Mario's" nightcap with cyanide.

Adolfo approves and notes it could appear a dying man committed suicide, warning to leave no trace. Back in Alejandra's room, she sobs out her wretched situation with Juan José and is afraid even if she begs forgiveness for her ridiculous mistake, he will say awful things to her -- that she agrees she deserves!

At the hotel, Rubina tutors Gabriela about the 20 hotels in Campo Real's chain, getting a tour of all the facilities of a major world-class property. He gives her an armload of workbooks for every aspect of the business, and she looks to be enthused and ready.

When Adolfo visits Roberto, Roberto explains he tried to warn him the apartment was being watched; and they agree to claim Adolfo was seeking Carlos's whereabouts. Roberto's sure the police suspect him of something; and when Adolfo demands the shoes, he has to explain he doesn't have them; that it were Susana who contacted him, not vice versa.

He presents a run-down of events, including that Susana could spill everything if she's picked up and that David & Co. know about her and Marcos and Roberto, except for the reason he rented the truck. Juan José threatened to connect Roberto to Susana -- unless he remained silent on something he knows about David's father.

Roberto promises momentously that tomorrow he will reveal a surprising secret about Mario Genovés!


Monday, January 10, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #161-162 1/10/11 Lety says good-bye but nobody hears it.

Capitulo 161.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. When Marcia checks Fernando’s cell, she sees that he called Lety, and for just a moment she puts two and two together in horror, but then she discards the conclusion as ludicrous and convinces herself that the call was about the balance.

2. Ariel tells his colleague Santiago that he can spend the night with Alicia for 50K pesos, and Ali tries to slap Ariel. Note Ricky Armstrong’s look of revulsion. Santiago is eager to take Alicia somewhere to can “talk,” but Ali recruits the TV host, Bore, as her novio for the event.

3. Irmita tells Luigi that she doesn’t want to go home, but she doesn’t tell why.

4. Ha*Ash (named for Hannah and Ashley) sings Qué hago yo which essentially asks, “How do I go on without you?” Both Marcia and Fernando are stabbled by the words, thinking about the love of their lives who has rejected them. Fernando mostly recalls Lety’s love while Marcia mostly recalls Fernando’s rejection. Their second song says, “Half a love isn’t a love at all.”

5. Lopez orders Saimon to take papers to the event to get rid of him and orders Paula to stay, or he’ll fire them. Saimon calls his bluff. Lopez proclaims he’s not afraid of anything, until his wife calls.

6. In front of the family, a very drunk Marcia invites Fernando to her apartment and he refuses, saying he has to go back to the office because Lety hasn’t finished the balance.

7. Ariel tells Santiago that he intends to cash out from Conceptos at the meeting. Santi is surprised, since everyone knows Conceptos is deep in debt, and various banks have started legal action.

Capitulo 162.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety gives Fernando the false balance and he can’t contain his excitement. See the transcript. She admits that she never stopped loving him and he wants to spend the night with her but she says no. He says that tomorrow Marcia will finally be out of his life and things will finally get better. After she leaves he tells himself that he’s never been in love like this before.

2. Lety stands at the elevator saying good-bye to Conceptos, and she remembers all the cruelties: Alicia, Marcia whom she wishes well, Omar whom she forgives, and Luigi who she thinks is amusing. Then she remembers all the loving times with Fernando. Lety steps into the elevator, into the light, and Conceptos goes dark.

3. Luigi and Ana Leticia go to Marcia’s to celebrate and cheer her up. Luigi says he’s never seen such a bitter bride. AnaL says that if Fern has an amante, she shouldn’t marry him. You know you’re a lost cause when you’re dumber than Ana Leticia.

4. Tom arrives at Alicia’s and ponders the checkbook. “If we enter together, I’ll leave with 0.5M pesos less. And if I enter without you, no kisses for me.” But then he remembers his promise to Lety. He decides he’d rather lose Alicia’s kisses than Lety’s friendship.

5. Irma tells Rafael that when he abandoned them, Rebecca refused to alter anything in her bedroom as if nothing had changed. In contrast, Jorge removed everything as if his father never existed. Rafael cries and shuffles toward the door.

6. Alicia asks Tom, point blank, “Did you bring the checkbook?”

Spanish Lesson: One Last Hug

F: What’s the matter. I desire you. Don’t you desire me?
L: Yes, Fernando, you can’t imagine how much.
F: Then what are we waiting for? .. What’s wrong, Lety?
L: Please hold me.
F: Of course. Lety, this hug is so tight, it feels like.. This isn’t good-bye.
L: No, huh? It seemed like that.
Celso calls to say Lety’s taxi is there.
F: No. *I* will take you home. No taxis. Cancel it. I need to be with you. I want to take you somewhere that we can be alone, okay? I need to spend the whole night with you.
L: That would be very complicated.
She says he needs to go home and study the balance. He says she’s the only one who can understand the balance. She tries to leave.
F: No, you can’t leave without giving me one last kiss.
L: You know I don’t like that in the office.
F: But I do! Today my happiness will return, I swear it. I haven’t been for a long time, but today I’ll return to being happy. I finally see a little light at the end of the tunnel. With this balance, we salimos adelante (move forward, get out in front of, come out on top of) this damned committee meeting, and contracts will come that will allow us to pay our debts, and Conceptos’ finances will get resolved. Everything will get better, I swear it. (Lety thinks it’s because he’s going to dump her.) What’s more, Marcia will be out of my life. Finally the road will open for you and for me. We just have to wait a tiny bit more to achieve that.
L: Yes, we will achieve that. (She’s sure he means he will finally be rid of her, Lety.) I’ll see you tomorrow.
F: Wait, Lety. Tell me if you love me. I need to know if you love me. For me it’s very important to know that. Do you love me, Lety?
L: Yes, Don Fernando. I never stopped loving you.
F: I love you more than ever, Lety.
Lety leaves. Fern sits at her desk and talks to himself.
F: Fernando Mendiola. Now you’re really serious, Brother. You' know that for a long time you’ve been hopelessly in love. But today you have to recognize that never in your life have you loved like you love Leticia Padilla Solis. I don’t know how I fell so deeply in love, I swear I don’t. More than ever. .. more than forever.


Sunday, January 09, 2011

Eva Luna #45 Fri 1/7/11

Eva goes to the bank to cash in a check for Victoria.

Claudia goes to visit Marcella who plays fake nice and apologizes for asking her to get rid of the baby. Claudia falls for it and takes it that means Marcella is all for the baby coming. Of course I am, replies Marcella. And I will try to get my son to accept the baby also and apologize to you. Claudia the idiot hugs Marcella overjoyed. Marcella congratulates her on her cleverness in getting what she wants. I respect that adds Marcella. Let's have a toast. Marcella pours her a coffee and toasts for Claudia future and the grandchild's. Marcella watches her drink the coffee. Something tells me there is a little extra in that cup.

Justa goes to cemetery to find out from the lady their that there is no record of the baby that she had being buried. Justa wonders if the baby did not die then.

Leonardo overhears Maria (Daniel's secretary) that someone is getting married. Who is getting married he asks. Maria says some friends of hers. Leonardo is not buying it. Daniel comes in.

Justa tries to get more answers and believes her child is alive.

Leonardo apologizes to Daniel for his previous conduct. Daniel waves it off and says if doesn't matter anymore. Leonardo wonders if he's available for a meeting later today at 4, but Daniel says the part came in for his vehicle and he will not be able to make it.

Victoria tells Renata to send Eva up to her room immediately when she arrives. When Renata makes noises about Eva, Victoria tells her to shut it up.

Claudia and Marcella finish there little chit chat.

Justa firmly believes something is up. Her friend (don't know her name) wonders why someone would have lied to her about the baby.

Renata is worried about her encounter with Justa.

Marcella calls in her secretary to make a donation to the children's hospital in her name. Now with my conscience cleared, I can get to work says Marcella. Only thing left is you, Eva.

Eva brings the money to Victoria. She tells Eva not to tell anyone that she is leaving.

Justa tells her friend that she is going to confront her sister, Renata, and get some answers.

Leonardo tells Eva that she needs to come with him right away. He has something important to tell her. When she protests he says it's about your dad's death.

Carlos recalls his conversation with Alicia. Just then a jailer informs him he has a visitor.

Leonardo takes Eva to a location and tells her that she has to wait for it to appear.

Daniel is driving the car that struck Eva's dad that Leonardo was driving that fateful day.

Marcella asks Victoria where she put the money. In your dresser drawer replies Victoria. Perfect says Marcella. So what happens now asks Victoria. Send Eva to jail replies Marcella.

Claudia is at home when she feels gut wrenching pain.

Tony is the surprise visitor for Carlos. Tony threatens Carlos that it's best for him to stay in jail or otherwise he will make him regret being born. Carlos is like "I'm so scared." Yeah laugh, but you better take me seriously says Tony. Because of you, Alicia wants nothing to do with me. Well I'm glad replies Carlos. Shut up shouts Tony as he grabs Carlos by the front of the shirt. I will not forgive you for this.

Eva is getting inpatient and Leonardo just a couple more minutes. The time is arriving for you to find out the truth.

Claudia is looking for something in her bedroom when the gut wrenching pain returns. She looks for the phone.

Tony tells Carlos that if Alicia came to see him again not to receive her. If he finds out that he saw her again, he will pay. He has friends in jail that will do what he asks. And that includes killing him. Carlos agrees. When Tony thinks he's won and turns his back to Carlos, Carlos grabs Tony and puts a knife to his neck. Carlos tells Tony that the only one going to die in prison is him.

Marcella is on the phone asking to speak with the president of the bank.

Leonardo tells Eva to look over her shoulder at the car. Eva notices that it's the car that killed her father and sees Daniel getting out of it.

Marcella tells the president that there is $25,000.00 missing from her account. That someone robbed her and it needs to be reported to the police.

Eva can't believe it's Daniel. Leonardo says sorry, but it's true. He is the one that killed your father. Eva doesn't want to believe it. Leonardo says it's true.

Carlos tells Tony to yell for his friends. Tony acts like a sissy and begs him not to kill him. He'll get more jail time. Carlos thinks that getting rid of trash like him from this world would be worth it. Tony coughs and gasps for breath. He swears to Carlos that he will never bother him again. Carlos taunts him some more then sissy Tony yells for the jailers.

The president of the bank will start an investigation into the missing money. He sees a check was cashed only a few hours ago and he will look at the surveillance tape to see who did it. Victoria applauds Marcella when she gets off the phone for her acting.

Leonardo swears to Eva that he would have done anything to avoid seeing her hurt, but she had to see for herself. Eva tries to leave the car to talk to Daniel, but Leonardo stops her. He thinks it's not a good idea for Daniel to know that she knows.

Sissy Tony tells the jailer that Carlos was threatening him. The other jailer finds the knife on Carlos and takes him away.

Leonardo tells Eva that I know this must hurt a lot because you guys care for each other so much. But Daniel killed your dad. And no one can change that. What are you going to do? Eva gets out of the car and runs off. Leonardo goes after her.

Claudia is let out of her apartment building on a stretcher to a waiting ambulance.

Fernando asks Daniel how did it go? Daniel says the guy never showed up and he doesn't have his number to call. He asks if Eva has called. No replies Fernando. How strange says Daniel. She hasn't answered any of my calls either. But anyway I need you to go to a boutique and pick up a package and take it to her for me. Sure thing replies Fernando.

Doctor checks out Claudia.

Eva is crying on the beach. Leonardo finally finds her. He tells her he feels really bad for her. Eva says it could have been anyone else. Why him? Leonardo hugs her and tells her to cry it out.

Daniel is in his room, happy and packing. Laurita comes in and wonders what's up. Daniel tells her that he's marrying Eva.

Eva is still crying on the beach. Leonardo tells Eva that Daniel was drinking that day and when Daniel came to his house he acted all nervous. When I asked him what was up, he told me he ran over a guy. He confessed that he left him lying on the street. He left so that he wouldn't get in trouble with the law. I know this must be hard, but I know I had to tell you before you saw the car at Daniel's.

Claudia awakens in the hospital and asks about her baby. The nurse goes to get the doctor. She prays to God that the baby is okay.

Marisol tells the household minus Justa that she is getting married. Eva comes home and runs to her room.

Daniel and Laurita are hugging. Laurita wants to go and hold the rings. Daniel tells her that it's a secret and she can't tell anyone just yet. But when it's time, she can organize the party. Laurita tries to convince her dad to take her, but he says not this time.

Marcella and Victoria talk about Eva and their plan.

Claudia finds out from the doctor that she lost the baby.

Alicia tries to get into the bedroom to find out what's wrong with Eva. Alicia asks Tony to break down the door or something. He picks the lock and they rush in and are shocked at what they see.

Marcella tells Victoria the best thing is for Eva to leave this house and their lives. Leonardo interrupts and tells them that he has completed his promise. Daniel and Eva will not be together anymore. Just don't ask questions. They all toast.

Eva is on the floor in a fetal position. Alicia wonders what is going on. They lift her into the bed.

Victoria is happy that Eva will end up in jail. And that Daniel will be hers again.

Alicia brings Eva soup, but she doesn't respond. She asks questions, but still no response.

Renata asks Leonardo why did he give Eva the day off. She had a family matter. Renata is not happy.

Eva is still in shock and Alicia is trying to get answers.

Claudia is upset about losing the baby.

Marcella is happy about getting rid of Claudia, the baby and Eva. Renata comes in and informs her that Mr. Lombardi is here to see you. The day gets better and better replies Marcella.

Ricardo and Marisol are really worried about Eva.

He tells Marcella he feels neglected. He starts kissing on her and Don Julio sees it all.

Monday: Daniel gets ready for the wedding. Will Eva show up?


Saturday, January 08, 2011

Mujeres Asesinas 3 on Sal y Pimienta

The new season of Mujeres Asesinas is starting on Thursday. These are some bullet points about what was discussed on Sal y Pimienta about the new season and the Mujeres Asesinas series:

• If you haven't seen the show before, the premise is that it gives a lot of actresses a chance to play grittier roles, usually involving a lot of violence and at least one murder per episode. This season, we're supposed to get: obsessive sisters, religious fanatics, overprotective mothers, Machiavellian women, and all sorts of twisted minds.
• The list of ladies for this season (and some of their character names) includes:
○ Rocio Banquells--most recently on Cuidado Con el Angel as Isabela
○ Jacqueline Bracamontes--most recently on Sortilegio as Maria Jose and Sandra
○ Yolanda Andrade--Rubi in the 2004 version of Rubi
○ Aleyda Nuñez--on Mañana es Para Siempre as Gardenia
○ Ana Bertha Espín--on Soy tu Dueña as Enriqueta
○ Aislinn Derbez (As Marta, Manipuladora)--not on anything I recognize according to IMDB
○ Dulce María--from Rebelde; on Verano de Amor as Miranda
○ Zuria Vega--on Mar de Amor as Estrella
○ Kika Edgar--on Season 1 of Mujeres Asesinas as Margarita, Ponzoñosa
○ Diana Bracho--on Fuego en la Sangre as Gabi
○ Maite Perroni--on Triunfo del Amor as Maria
○ Luz María Aguilar--on La Fea Más Bella as Irma
○ Dominika Paleta (as María, Fanática)--on Mañana es Para Siempre as Lili
○ Belinda--the singer
○ Issabela Camil--on La Fea Más Bella as Isabela del Conde (and Jaime Camil's stepsister)
○ Cynthia Klitbo--on Atrévete a Soñar as Bianca
○ Giselle Blondet--the host of Nuestra Belleza Latina
○ Leticia Perdigón (as Maggie, Pensionada)--from Hasta Que el Dinero Nos Separe as Leonor
○ María Rojo--on Corazon Salvaje as Clemencia
○ Patricia Reyes Spíndola--on Season 2 of Mujeres Asesinas as Tita Garza, Estafadora
○ Pilar Pellicer (all as Las Cotuchas, Empresarias)--on La Madrastra as Sonia
• Veronica Castro and Lucia Mendez were in the first season, which was quite a big deal since they were said to be enemies since the '80s.
• Giselle Blondet hasn't been acting in a while. She's going to be in an episode as Luz, Arrolladora, a betrayed wife who gets revenge. She joked that she thanks God and the Virgen that she's nothing like her character, but that's what acting is all about. She prepared for the role by reflecting on the fact that it's all too common for women to experience infidelity and many of them deal with it through violence (okay, not really an answer, there). She's excited to get going on the 5th season of Nuestra Belleza Latina. She hopes the public enjoys her performance in MA3.
• Kika Edgar gets to smack a guy around.
• Jacki Bracamontes will be "Irma, de los Peces." She's playing a woman who's terrorized by her husband. She was shocked to see how "ugly" they made her look without makeup and such. It also looked like they had her hair dyed darker. She talked about women who are in domestic violence situations being trapped. She said although she is an "asesina" she's not a villain, but a victim. She talked about how her character is different from Maria Jose on Sortilegio because she loses both parents early and is left with this older man who she ends up marrying. She showed off her engagement ring and talked about her fiancee Martin and how he proposed at a Fire and Ice event with a sign that said "Will you marry me?" She was kind of shocked and couldn't answer right away, leaving the poor guy down on one knee in the snow with fireworks going off.
• Stop the presses! William Levy is the episode with Belinda and he won't be a nice guy! This oughtta be good!
• Maite Perroni, Diana Bracho, and Luz María Aguilar will all be in an episode together as a daughter, mother, and grandmother.
• Aleyda Nuñez will be in "Elvira and Mercedes, Justicieras" with Yolanda Andrade. She talked about doing the filming in the center of the DF. Mercedes is blinded by her love for a man and doesn't see that he's been abusing her daughter. They all joke some more about how ugly everyone looked on screen and Adela adds that on top of everything else she got a huge mosquito bite. She talked about doing about 3 weeks of table reads, studying the characters and their psychology. She thought about how she wanted to show the character, not just externally, but what shows in her eyes, how she speaks. She enjoyed working with Yolanda, but said there were times she was so funny it took her out of character. She talked about playing Gardenia and how it was fun to work with Fernando Colunga. She hopes she can show different characters every time she's on screen and said she's finishing up a new telenovela, Cuando me Enamoro, where her character Alfonsina will be nothing like Gardenia or Mercedces.
• www.novelasyseries.com has more info about the series.
• The episode Dulce Maria is in seems to have something to do with her sister-in-law coming on to her rather forcefully. We're told there will be an intense shower scene.
• William Levy and Belinda will be in an episode that looks like it's all in flashback--either that or it's about 60's reconstructionists. William Levy gets to have a threesome and beat on Belinda.
• The first episode will be Giselle Blondet's.
• Ana Barbara is singing the theme song this season, which she also wrote, "Alma Perdida." Ana said that it's not completely out of line to think that when people write songs, those songs must have something to do with their personal lives. For this particular song, she did write it before a painful incident in her personal life that she ended up going through a little after she wrote the song. She says the series itself has enough elements to pull from to write the song. She doesn't like to be "aggressive" in her lyrics, but the series made up for that. The song is a song about pain, but pain that any woman could feel at being abandoned by a parent or a lover or from fighting with her kids. Jacqueline talked about having to lip synch to the song for promos, but she liked it so much she couldn't help actually singing the song. She makes cracks about her voice, but Ana Barbara tells her she's so pretty no one would care.
• Ana Barbara sang the theme song live. I was prepared not to like it because I LOVED the one for Season 2, but it's ok. I think it will grow on me. However, her backup dancers had me thinking "Madonna called from the 80's and she wants her wardrobe back!"
• Here are the lyrics and translation for "Alma Perdida"
Soy la que siempre se entrego al amor (I'm the one who always gave herself to love)
La que ha sufrido sin una razon (The one who's suffered for no reason)
Quien predico sin una bendicion (Who preached with no blessing)
Soy la que humillada suplico perdon (I'm the one who begged for forgiveness, humiliated)
Mi fe perdida me dejo una herida (My faith lost, leaving me a wound)
No habia otra salida, no habia redencion (There was no way out, there was no redemption)

Tan injusto es mi pasado (My past is so unfair)
La condena esta a mi lado (The sentence is by my side)
Tengo culpa (I'm guilty)
Siento que ahora yo (I feel that now I)
Solo soy… (Am only)

Un alma perdida (A lost soul)
En mis manos se te fue la vida (In my hands your life left)
Tu recuerdo la enterro perdida (Your memory is buried and lost)
Me gritaban voces asesinas (Murderous voices screamed at me)
Proclamando que ahora soy (Proclaiming that now I am)
Un alma perdida (A lost soul)

Soy la que ocultó su miedo por verdad (I'm the one who hid her fear for truth)
Quien de rodillas imploro piedad (Who on her knees begged for mercy)
La que jugo a perder su libertad (Who risked losing her freedom)
Hoy crucificada de mi voluntad (I've crucified my will)
Le pido a dios que no me de su ausencia (I ask god not to leave me [not to give me his absence])
Pido por clemencia ya no puedo más (I ask for clemency and I can't do it anymore)

Tan injusto es mi pasado...

Un alma perdida...

Un alma perdida...



Llena de Amor #103 (Mex. 108) Fri 1/7/11 Does This Dress Make Me Look Fat?

Capitulo 108 in which el Lirio de Plato reveals his true identity

Having learned that Oliver is knocking at Heaven's Door, and not in a good way, Manolo, our effeminate little newshound has passed plumb out in the hospital waiting area. During a brief examination, Brandon notices a couple of things that prompt him to conclude that a bit of privacy is in order and sweeps the little guy up in his policeman's arms and carries him to an examining room.

As Vicky allows a green-eyed monster to nibble at her psyche, Manny is coaxing a passable performance out of a pouty prima dona, the increasingly irritable Ilitia... Hey! Is it the camera, or has she added a few pounds? Isn't this a shampoo commercial? What's with those split ends? Oh well, it's done, "That's a wrap, good job, isn't she the best, Victoria?" "Uh... yeah... best model ever... but maybe you should be careful..." "Be careful?" Well, maybe a bit of dieting... looks as though you've picked up a couple of kilos." Meow!

"What the heck happened?" Manolito has come to and is confronted by a suspicious Brandon. "Impostor? ¡Para nada!" But even as he tries to slide to a safer spot, our clever policeman removes Manolo's wig, strips off his mustache (memo to Doris: get better glue), and holds them aloft... "Long time, no see, Gretel Ruiz y de Teresa!" Remember how much trouble the old Gretel used to have getting out the simplest sentence? Well, the two years in the wine cellar has done wonders for her communicative skills. She clearly and quickly explains the reason for the ruse, why it must not be exposed, and doesn't even reveal Vicky's true identity. Well done, Lass. She is in danger, others would be in danger... works for me.... works for Brandon... just fill Oliver in right away... Next!

"If they do see you, they will murder thee." "Alack there lies more peril in thine eye than twenty of their swords... my life were better ended by their hate than death prolongued, waiting of thy love.."

Porcupine boy has moved in on Javi's gig and taken over Romeo's lines. Didn't you just hate it when the older boys would move in and take over and... oh... that's right, I'm the only guy here... nevermind. Well, Javi was doing just fine, but actually doesn't seem to mind Axel's intrusion on his little seduction scene... just wait a couple of years, kid. Dee, however, does seem to mind... OK... no she doesn't , but she's gonna play hard to get, "¿Que hace Ud. aqui, joven Axel?" "The same as Romeo, fighting for you." Ya gotta admit it, Axel's got game.

He explains that he played Romeo in school. Javi is impressed. He even pleads Axel's case. "Now run along kid, don't you have some Borges to read or some flowers to arrange? Let the grownups talk." Axel doesn't actually say this, but you know that he's thinking it. Javi telepathically gets the message and scurries off to finish the sonnet he's writing. Improvising on the Bard's script, Juliet picks up her broom and threatens to sweep the young Montague out of her life.

Now our vain princess is critically evaluating herself in the mirror of her dressing room and is not pleased with what she sees. (Vicky, you should be ashamed of yourself.) "Ay sí, I'm fatter. No puede ser." It's OK, sweetie, Daddy's here... he'll make it all better. "Of course not, Princess, you look, look for youself, divine and gorgeous... like always." Oops... not workin'.
That splat you just heard was Lorenzo's charm falling flat. Seems as though the introduction of a little brother into her life and all that it implied has crippled the fatherly magic that Lo once so deftly wielded. Nopis, not only does his soothing words fail to heal, she inflicts a few wounds on him. "I don't want your hugs or anything you have to offer... go be with your new son... I no longer love you..." Ouch! ... "Ah... and liar... yes, I do look fat"

Back in Verona, Juliet is threatening Romeo with a broom. Hey, I'm rather enjoying this version. He admits to being a jerk. She agrees. He pleads with her to come back. She thinks it over.

Meintras tanto, Vicky stews. She sulks. She pouts. "He doesn't matter to me... Oh heck, yes he does. He matters to me... Get a grip, Marianela, you have to hate him and his mother." I think I speak for all of us in saying that we are wearying of this behavior. She decides to place a phone call.

"Sí, the family Ruiz y de Teresa residence," Bernie answers the phone. Fedra asks who it is. "Marianela... Marianela." She snatches the phone and asks Maianela, "Who do you think you are?" I'm your conscience Fedra." This triggers a flashback to a phone call from a pretty dark-haired woman, "I'm your conscience, Fedra." Help! I don't remember this. But Fedra does. She momentarily loses her composure, damaging a pillow while shouting, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Bernardo encourages her to relax as Nereida escorts her to her room. Yikes!

Delicia declines Axel's request to return to his house and with endearing skill, sweeps him toward the door as she gently urges, "¡Sacale! ¡Sacale! ¡Sacale!" This is simply too funny and too cute for words. He understands if she doesn't want to return, but invites her to a publicity event for his daddy's agency. She's doubtful, "I'll be like a bean in a plate of white rice." She'll be his guest if she goes, but she rejects the offer and shoves him out the door... She sighs... She smiles... Oh no! She's charmed. Well at least get a haircut, Axel.

Doris is worried about Oliver. Andres is worried that Doris is more than a friend to Oliver. His cell phone rings. It's Jacki. She's worried about Andres. "Oops, gotta go. Hope your friend is OK. Doris looks thoughtful as Brandon approaches. "How's Manolo?" Oops. Jigs up. "Manolo? I know everything. I know what you did. You disguised Gretel as a man." Gulp!

Vicky enters Manny's office and seeing that he's absent, takes the opportunity to look for clues proving that he is squandering Marianela's fortune. Oh my! every time she bends over, her top falls open. Avert your eyes, Carlos, she's really not your type. Yikes! The safe is open and stacked full of cash. Double Yikes! We're not alone. Lirio de Plata has been here all along. Darth Lily speaks, "Here should be all the proof you need."

Vicky, look what you've done. Poor Ilitia is talking to the mirror. Oh, Nereida is there. "Do I look fat?" "Well sure, you put on weight, but it happens to all women when they get married." Thanks for that, Nereida, you've been a big help. "Well not me. I'm going on a diet first thing tomorrow."

Wellll, you can stop worrying. Here's Super Mau and he still thinks that you look spectacular. How sweet... he wants a kiss. OK, I know this isn't funny, but I saw the previews... and here she is, your BFF, now she'll see what a rapey-snake ole Rapey-Snake is. "¡Mauricio!"

But first, let's check on the Vickster and the Maninblack. Hey haven't we seen all this before. He seems to find it familiar as well. She always seems to be hanging around a safe. As she looks on, he sets about cleaning it out. After all, isn't she the one who suggested that he target Emanuel? She argues with herself as he busies himself loading his case with cash. There's a knock on the door. It's Lorenzo. The masked man gently covers her mouth and whispers, "Don't make me hurt this guy. If I have to, I'll lock you up."

"Kristal, tell your boyfriend to leave me alone because I can't stand him." Now, in her heart, Kristal knows what's going on here, but she asks Mauricio for an explanation anyway. "Hey, she threw herself at me." Well you little rat bastard. Kristal is desperate and turns on her friend. She slaps Ilitia, warns he ex-friend to stay away from her Bebe and warns that she will tell her brother just what kind of woman he married if she doesn't. Stunned, Ilitia rubs her jaw, but it's her heart that's in the most pain.

After having cautioned her to behave, eLdP drops his gloved-hand from her mouth and Vicky answers the door. At first surprised to see her, Lo softens a bit and asks why she's locked in his son-in-law's office. Initially uncomfortable, Vicky answers him with a sweetly seductive smile. Believing his luck may have finally taken a turn for the better, he flashes his best dirtyoldman grin, "Why wouldn't you open the door for me, eh?"

When we return from commercial break, Ilitia vainly wraps up her attempt to open Kris' eyes to her precious Bebe's flaws as a human being, "I tried to warn you, but the love you feel for this sleazeball has made you deaf. Mauricio is an imbecile, the worst scum on the face of this earth. And you can relax because if he were the last man on the face of the earth, I wouldn't go near him... never!" With that, she sweeps out.

Kristal turns on Orangy, "I don't like one bit this game that you have with Ilitia." His short rodential attention span expired quite some time ago, so seeking to end this unpleasantness quickly, Mau concedes a bit of guilt, and tells her that Ilitia offered herself, he's a man (I don't recall stipulating that) and was simply doing what men do. Shocked at his frankness, she wants clarification, "So you're willing to cheat on me with her then?" He reminds her what a choice hunk of lady-flesh her sister-in-law is. Harsh reality begins to set in as Mau goes on to confirm that he has no plans to marry her. "Why don't you respect me, Mauricio?" Fortunately, she is rescued from more self-inflicted humiliation by the appearance of Momma Grizzly, "Drop it Kristal, a woman of your class doesn't beg for the love of a man, much less of a man that's below you." She flees into the protective comfort of Fedra's arms.

Vicky tells Lo that she's just finishing up a project to be approved first thing tomorrow. He regrets that they haven't gotten better acquainted since she arrived and suggests that they go out for a drink. "Sure, but let me call Muñeca first so she won't be worried, because I'm not accustomed to going out with married men." Suddenly Lorenzo thinks another day might be better.

Relieved, she closes the door and is startled as she is once more face to mask with el Lirio de P. He flirts as best he can through the mask

but, for the moment anyway, she's not buying in. She doesn't want him to rob Eman so why doesn't he just run along now? He agrees to do just that, he'll give her the bag of money and leave... if she'll admit that she loves Eman.

Clinging to Fedra, Kristal whines that Mauricio won't marry her. He says that he loves Kristal but doesn't want to be tied down. "I'm going to die, Mama!" Fedra vows that Mauricio will be the one who dies if he doesn't marry her. At last, a voice of reason.

More tiresome, pointless, verbose foreplay between Vicky and the Lirio. She feebly tries to lift his mask. "Don't do that again." Blah, blah, and more blah. You guys settle this, we're going back to check on Fedra and Mau.

Basically Mau likes Kristal as a playmate but doesn't want a matrimonial noose around his neck and Fedra threatens to collect her loan right now if he refuses to marry her. He reminds her that he is the one holding the trump card. "Queen of the Night, remember?" As he leaves she shouts that she will have him at the altar on his knees, but realizes that he has already won this round.

An army of black ants toting guns swarms over the yard at Muñeca's mansion. The head ant, Comisario Tejeda, tells Muñeca that they are expecting el Lirio de Plata to show up and they want to surprise him. Yeah, a full SWAT team in combat gear? I'm sure he'll be surprised.

Over lunch in a barrio diner, Brandon (why isn't he with the SWAT team?) are discussing Gretel/Manolo. She tells him that it was necessary for everyone's safety and though peeved, he can't stay angry with his sister. He even admits that she did an excellent job on the disguise.

Finally outside, el Lirio de Plata has the suitcase of money in one hand and escorts Vicky with the other. They walk up to an appallingly inattentive plainclothes security agent who puts up no resistance as eLdP renders him unconscious with his magical zapper. He tells Vicky to ease up on Manny because he knows that she doesn't hate him. He handcuffs her to a lampost and places the key just out of reach. As he leaves he gallantly tells her that her eyes are the most beautiful he has ever seen. Vicky wonders how she'll ever explain all this.

Muñeca has called Ilitia to tell her that she needs her to look after Manzana and Cristian for bit since the cops have taken over her place. Ilitia can't believe that her mom thinks she even cares about those two. Undaunted Muñeca points out that it'll be an opportunity for her to get to know her little brother. Ilitia balks. Her mom says, "Like it or not, he's your brother." "Well, OK, but at the first tantrum, I'm shipping them back." Muñeca smiles along with us.

Andres rescues Vicky. She tells him that it was el Lirio de Plata and that he robbed Emanuel, "I tried to stop him but couldn't."

Licenciado Pacheco informs the ladies waiting that the surgery was successful and that he can only have one visitor at a time. Just then as they are squabbling over who it will be, Brandon struts in, and in a gesture sure to endear him to every woman watching, announces that it should be Manolo. I want to hug his neck. Manolo is grateful and hurries in. He approaches Oliver quietly, leans in, "I'm here, it's your Little Poison," and gently kisses his lips. Awww. I guess forgetting the one at a time rule, the others crowd in in time to witness the kiss. They gape. The silence is viscous.

At home with Muñeca, Manzana and Cristian are awaiting Ilitia who strolls in complaining. Manzana asks her, "Why are you in a bad mood?" "Why don't you shut up, Ciruela (plum)?" "My name is Manzana (apple) not Ciruela." They hear someone enter. "Flora, is that you?" a worried looking Muñeca calls out. Well, why not? I's el Lirio de Plata. What comes next stokes our worst fears. Iglitia swoons. Just like that... she faints. NOOO!

Gladiola tells Manolo,"Manolo, back up, you'll smother him. What lack of respect. Manolo, how dare you kiss Oliver?" As they all castigate him, Doris rushes in with the news that Brandon had to leave because there is a police operation in progress in which el Lirio de Plata is about to be captured. Before leaving, Netty chews on Manolo some more and then tells him that he is expelled from her guest house.

"Ilitia just passed out." It takes a moment for those low pitched words to reach Muñeca's brain, "Who?" He points to the crumpled heap at her feet. She finally reacts. eLdP kneels and gently lifts Ilitia in his arms, "Is her bedroom upstairs?" "Are you a hero?" the little Apple asks. "Yes, but it's a secret." As he carries Ilitia's limp body to the stairs he orders Muñeca, "Get my bag."She and the children follow.

Vicky paces, Andres calls the police. "Yep, it was el Lirio de Plata." As proof, Vicky holds up a silver lily.

eLrP settles a still unconscious Ilitia into her bed and instructs Muñeca to open the bag. He tells her it's to help with all those that she helps. He affectionately stokes her face with the gloved hand. This tender moment is jarred by shouts of Comisario Tejeda from downstairs, "We know that you're here, Lirio de Plato!" We see that Brandon ha put on his cop clothes and joined in the manhunt. The police begin their search as Fidel attempts to slow them up. Brandon sternly insists.

Señor Plata has Muñeca promise that she will use the money to build a hospital for the children. He contemplates an escape route. Manzana suggests that he open the window and fly away. He tells her that, unfortunately, he hasn't learned to fly... yet. He kneels before Manzana. She offers to hide him under the bed. He liked the idea of flying out the window better. As he is gazing at her, she lifts the mask gingerly and beholds his countenance,

"I know who you are," she whispers.

As the police are taking a report at the company headquarters, Fedra swoops in like a tornado. This is the second time that her family has been victimized. Andres apologizes for inviting her. Lo thinks it strange that he robbed Emanuel's office while Vicky was there and notes that Vicky seemed awfully nervous before he left to go to the restaurant. Andres jumps to her defense, "Of course she was nervous. She was confronted by the thief." Fedra also thinks it more than coincidental that that Vicky was a witness to both burglaries.

Ilitia suddenly comes and begins shrieking. "I saw him!" Brandon heads off in hot pursuit. Muñeca tries unsuccessfully to quiet and soothe her. "He's a good man and I won't let you do harm to him." "That man is a criminal." Manzana speaks up, "That's wrong, I lifted his mask. I know who he is." Uh oh.

Outside they've spotted el Lirio de Plata on the roof. He jumps off.

They surround him.



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