Friday, April 15, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #299-300 4/15/11 The Finale.

Capitulo 299. Read the team’s original recap.

In the board meeting, Fern gives Aldo the receipt for the final loan payment. The company is back in his family’s hands. MamaT gushes that today Fernando recovers the presidency. Fern refuses the throne and laterals it to Marcia, but not before teasing Ariel. Fern can’t stay because Conceptos will always remind him of what he lost forever. Lety squirms.

Luigi runs the shoot in Monterrey. A little boy asks Sara to adopt him.

Lety presents Marcia the new badge Lety made for her. Marcia thanks Lety for teaching her to value something other than looks and social class. She asks forgiveness for how badly she treated Lety.

Fern tells Marta that he can’t stay, without Lety. He’d die of sadness. He asks her to book a flight to Rio. He leaves the building with his toy car and poseable model, and Lety follows. He couldn’t bear to say goodbye to her because he couldn’t stop himself from shouting...
Lety squirms again. All that matters to him is that she will be happy. He tells her goodbye forever. She panics and hugs him.

Tom regrets that he let Ali go. Paco knows where to find her.

Fern leaves. Aldo steps up and tells her to read Fern’s diary. He knows Fern tells on every page how much he loves her, because he and Aldo love with equal intensity. She reads Fernando’s pain and wants to stop because it hurts her. Aldo says the way she hugged Fernando means more than she realizes. They both know Fern loves her, but how does she feel?

Lety doesn’t want to answer, because she’s engaged to Aldo, but he pushes her to face the truth. Finally she says the words we’ve been waiting for, for 50 episodes.
"Estoy profundamente enamorada de Don Fernando." She asks to cancel the engagement and he agrees under one condition, that she is immensely happy with Fernando. Lety turns toward where she last saw Fern. When she turns back, Aldo is gone. She shouts like Fern did, that she wants everyone to know that she loves Fernando.

Tom finds Ali at the cemetery, crying to her father’s grave. She says she’s been talking to him by phone for 10 years. She could never accept that she was alone with no one to take care of her. But now Tom loves her, and she loves Tom so much. Tom steps up and says, “I was right. You’re a little girl with no one to take care of you.” He asks for the chance to take care of her. She says, “I love you.” Ali tells him they’re expecting.

Lety finds Marcia at Fern’s apartment. Lety says she loves Fern. Aldo got her to decide, because on her own, she wouldn’t have dared to cancel the wedding. Marcia says Lety waited too long (don’t we know it!). Fern left a note. He can’t break free of the pain. He’s leaving Mexico. He won’t return until he can smile again, and that won’t happen unless he can forget Leticia. He tells Marcia to enjoy life, for the both of them.

Marta tells Lety that Fern is catching a flight to Rio. Lety gets to the airport too late. He already took off. Marta calls a friend with the airline. The pilot announces to the cabin, “I have a message for Fernando Mendiola. Leticia is not going to marry Aldo. Leticia loves you, Don Fernando.” Fern jumps out of his seat and wants to jump out of the plane.

Lety is crying in the hotel room. “You’re a fool, Lety. You let him go. Why did he leave? He was here with me.” Lety remembers their first night together. She puts her hand on the bed, and Fernando’s hand covers it.
F: Do you think I’m only a memory, Lety?
L: Yes, just a memory.
F: (He kisses her hand.) That kiss too?
L: Then, Don Fernando, love isn’t a dream? You’re really here with me?
F: I don’t know why I felt that you’d be here. Where you and I made love the first time.
L: Yes. I remember. It was my birthday. And today is your birthday!
F: Really? Lety, I want to be with you the rest of my days, the rest of my life. That is, if you accept me.
L: Yes, Don Fernando. I accept.
Kisses. Serious kisses. This is not GSNAK. They continue the conversation with their eyes.

Capitulo 300.

In the morning at Casa Padilla, Fern pops out from behind Lety, gives his MamaJ a huge hug, and says, “If you permit, and even if you don’t permit, I’m going to marry your daughter!” Lety tells Pop it’s what she wants with all her soul. Pop gives his permission and Fern swings him around the room. Fern tells what happened. The pilot announced that Lety still loves him. Fern wanted to jump out, but the other passengers convinced the pilot to take Fern back to DF.

Ali begs Tom to bring churros for her cravings. She calls him the most wonderful man on earth, and she means it. He leaves and she says, “I can’t live without him.”

Fern’s parents tell the Padillas their plans for a huge wedding. Erasmo nixes that since he’s the one paying for it. Fern suggests to Lety that they use the cathedral in Monterrey since everyone’s already there.

Fern arrives at the church and jokes that Aldo got sick and asked Fern to fill in for him. Fern thanks Marta for making it possible. Marcia says she’s very happy to see the couple together. Fern is in a hurry to start the wedding (so Lety doesn’t have time to change her mind again?).

Aldo saves a boy from drowning and revives him with mouth-to-mouth. A choir sings Bach. In church, Fernando (ADOS: Attention Deficit.. Oooh! Shiney!) notices that a painting of an angel has Aldo’s face. Then the words every TN finale needs, “You may kiss the bride.” Ricardo Montañer sings Besame, but in my head I hear From This Moment, Shania Twain. [snip]
From this moment as long as I live I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give from this moment on
You're the reason I believe in love
And you're the answer to my prayers from up above
All we need is just the two of us My dreams came true because of you

Outside, Fernando promises to love Lety for his whole life. Lety promises Fern to make him happy for her whole life.
L: Lo amo, Don Fernando.
F: Don Fernando?
L: Te amo, Fernando.
F: Yo te amo, Lety.
The song in my head switches to Gladys Knight, You're the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me.

They go from the church, to a car parade through Monterrey, to a concert, to the wedding night, interspersed with scenes from the concert.



• I’m pretty sure Camila is Jaime’s favorite band.
• Kalimba has had recent legal troubles regarding underage girls. ‘nuff said.
• Jerry Rivera sings Tropical.
• José José and José Feliciano sing Por Ella, a song about two men who love the same woman. Wasn’t José José’s voice spectacular, back in the day?
• Reik – If you want to study Spanish via music, Reik is a good choice because his lyrics make sense – they’re not shrouded in poetry like many songs.
• Then the whole ensamble.




Triunfo del Amor #91 4/14/11 A triumph of nurture over nature.

Fight, Baby Max, Fight! Fight to live!

Ximena says she did the dirty with Gui, but she also did it with Max.

Bernarda explains her cryptic "like a daughter" comment by saying that if Maria D is having Max's baby then she should be like a daughter to Vic. JP pulls her aside for a convo.

Xi is "sure" the baby is Max's. She babbles that she feels "mareada" (dizzy) and confused and Gui took advantage, and now she's not sure whose baby it is. She sticks it to Os, "You're really gonna go take everything away from Max and tell him that baby he's been fighting for, that he's suffered for, isn't his?" Bitch.

Max continues to emote over the baby.

Maria is pissed that Alonso kissed her. He says he couldn't help himself. She wants to leave NOW, but he says he had no bad intentions, it was just a kiss. She seems to have finally figured out that he's in love with her, the dumbass. Er, the both of them, really. He admits that he is.

Max needs the baby to live so he can watch him grow up. The baby, I believe, is screaming at the top of his lungs, "Goddammit! Get me out of this box! I was promised screen time with the hot brunette! Somebody call me agent! And get me a robe, it's freezing in here!"

Maria is confused…she never gave Alonso any encouragement. Duh, he didn't need any encouragement. He digs strong chicks who choose to keep their babies. He knows he doesn't have the chances of a cold cerveza on a hot day, but he just can't help himself. He begs her to let him have a relationship with the baby, as if it were the baby he'd always wanted to have.

JP is tired of Bernarda torturing Vic, but she doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon. Vic overhears Bernarda accuse JP of leaving the priesthood for "that woman" and jumps to the wrong conclusions. Bernarda goes on to say that "she" will hate him when she finds out what links him to Vic, but JP says she won't because she's a pure soul. Burnie tells him to keep dreaming.

Gui and Os have a stare down in the hallway. Os drags Gui into a supply closet and demands the truth about who the father of the baby is. Gui says it could be his. Os threatens to run a DNA test. Gui says that would be torture for the little one and besides, how is he going to explain it to Max. Gui offers to go with him to tell Max right now. Yeah, that ain't gonna happen.

Freaky rich people dinner. Whatever.

Gui and Os are arguing outside the NICU. Os won't tell Max and Gui twists the knife. Gui will keep quiet if Os drops the lawsuit. Gui leaves and Os thought bubbles that whoever's child that is, from now on, it's his grandson.

Ximena realizes she's screwed if Os tells Max the truth. She tries to get up to go stop him, but Gui comes in.

Stupid dinner party subplot. Juanjo rearranges the seating…after the guests are seated and have their soup.

Fabian tells Max to get it together. He tells him not to feel guilty. Max wants to go find Maria and marry her.

Maria is torn between Max and Alonso. Alonso would be the ideal baby daddy, but she doesn't think she can forget Max.

Dinner party from hell. Broken glasses.

Xi is pissed at Gui for telling Os about the baby. She says it's all over and he's gonna have to claim his kid. "You freed me! You can't threaten me anymore." Gui says she'll never be free as long as they live. Xi says he's not capable of love, so why is he keeping her tied to him. Gui says he thinks they're both so shameless, they're made for each other. Xi says all he feels is hate for the family, jealousy for Os, etc. Gui says once Os tells Max the truth, he's going to leave her.

Stupid dinner party. Shotgun. Juanjo and Napo get fired. And fired at.

Xi shoves Gui in his wound, but he laughs. Gross! He starts kissing her. Rox walks in and throws him out. He won't accept her insults, since Xi is just as bad as he is. Rox says Xi was crazy for getting with Gui in the first place. She says Max is going to leave her and take up with Maria.

Maria visits Alonso outside. She agrees to be friends with him. He wants to be a substitute dad, but Maria isn't planning on lying for the kid. Oh, Alonso just loves that! Creepy pregnant lady stalker.

Max comes to Xi's room. Rox says she's still sedated. Xi asks about the baby. Max says the baby will get better. "Hey, did you talk to your dad about something?" Oh, that's smooth, Xi. Well he didn't. He says he'll go be with the baby and walks out. Xi is confused that Os didn't say anything to Max.

JP, showing quite a bit of chest, runs into Max in the lobby. "Padre, I know the whole truth. And I want you to know that when this nightmare is over, I'm gonna go marry that girl." JP says it's impossible because Alonso took her and they disappeared.

It's an outdoor pajama party. With hot tea. Alonso goes back to reciting poetry. About babies. Creepy. All children are our children. The world won't be a fair world until there aren't any abandoned children. Well, ok, I can get behind that, but still. Creepy pregnant lady stalker.

Damn, dude, the baby is really pissed off now. "Whaddaya mean Maria Desamparada left? She's in my contract! Get the producer down here right now!"

"Some time later…." Some time later? SOME TIME LATER? Oh, this better be good.

Maria and Alonso are still playing house. And she is STILL. WEARING. THOSE. DAMN. SHOES. Alonso won't let her clean. She looks through a telescope. Stupid cutesy moments with fishing and a hat.

An ambulance comes to Casa Sandoval to drop off the baby. Os hired two nurses. With uniforms. Mhm. The baby is still in an incubator. (Scotty, more power to the beanies! I'm givin' her all she's got cap'n!) Os and Vic talk about how the support Max.

They got a new baby. This one's more docile. Max lives in the kid's room. He sings to it. And feeds it. And it gets bigger. And busts out of the incubator. And flies around. And Max says his little "campeon" (champion) is a fighter, just like him.

The nurses and Micaela are totally hot for Max. Because responsible dads who actually parent are totally hot like that. This is the PSA for fatherhood. Two uniformed nurses and a maid talking about what a hot…uh, I mean…good dad Max Sandoval is.

Bernarda doesn't want to cut Max any slack for having a sick kid. If the kid is more important than the business, then she'll fire him. Too late. He quits.

Max goes to clean out his desk. Well, Fabian's not sticking around either. He borrows a box. Other box fillers include…Oscar, Toni, Vic's old secretary whose name I can't remember, and Pip. Pip doesn't give a rat's ass if Max is just gonna open a taco stand--they're coming with! And what shall we name this fictional taco stand, hm?

Doña Milagros y sus dos pretendientes. (Doña Milagros and her two suitors). The Prof invites her to the ballet. Napo thinks she should go to Chapultepec. Milagros is goin' to the ballet. Fine, then Napo's gonna go hang with the Jarochas. Mili calls them "guacamayas" (macaws).

Max and the team meet in the office/library at Casa Sandoval. They're gonna start by selling off the 49% of shares that remain and then start over. Pip says his talent trumps Roxana. Oscar says they'll follow him blindly. Fab says they don't have to get paid right away. Nah, Max insists on paying them. He's sure Vic will join them. Os comes in and says if they'll let him, he wants to be part of the new company. Hugs and handshakes.

Alonso reads poetry to Maria D. Normally I'd be all over that, but he creeps me out too much. The baby kicks a lot. Alonso predicts a career in fútbol. He wants to feel the belly. He gets all excited about the kicking. Dude, go make your own if you want a baby so bad! He keeps talking to it. It's just freaky.

Max gives Os the news that he's naming the baby Osvaldo. He jokes that he doesn't have any other options. Os is moved to tears. Probably because he knows the truth.

Maria sleeps. Alonso comes home with the shopping, all proud of himself. And he insists he'll keep doing all the cooking and the cleaning. Sorry, still creepy. Maria reminds him it's friends only. Alonso says he'll never ask for more.

Baby Os now has a crib. Max chats with him. That is one cute happy baby.

Maria would finally like for Alonso to call JP and let him know where they're at. Alonso laughs at her saying they're "living together." He says everyone treats them like they're married, so…. Maria is not down with that. Maria says she talks to JP about how angry she is at her mother. Alonso is confused that JP is saying Maria should forgive her and even love her…how can she do that if she doesn't even know who or where her mother is? He thinks JP is too far removed to be able to give advice on life. He shows off his purchases: diapers, bottles… Maria goes into labor. He tries talking to the baby and telling it not to be born just yet, but I don't think that's gonna work. Dumbass doesn't even have a plan for where to take her…he's all "We'll find a hospital or a clinic or something." Dumb. Ass. She asks him to call JP, and he does. They're back to calling him Padre, but I don't know if he went back to the priesthood or not. They're gonna wait for JP to come to them. Why? Alonso carries her into the house.

JP goes to see Max, to tell him he knows where Maria is. She's in San Benito. JP will take him, but he hopes they'll make it in time. She's gonna give birth. JP's shirt is unbuttoned pretty damn for. I don't think the "P" has made a reappearance. "She's going to have your second child"…second child…second child….

Sweet William Levy in a kayak!

Tomorrow: the guys fight over who's the father in the waiting room; Max goes into the birthing room; JP gets to hear his grandchild's first cry; damn frickin' Dudes Alonso and Max keep fighting over who's gonna play baby daddy.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Teresa Thu 4/14/11 #13-14 Teresa plays the Hot Professor even more.

Teresa Apr 14, 2011 Cap 13 & 14. (aka Pablito loses a kidney and Teresa loses her virginity—thank you to Vivi for this alt title! LOL.)

Hello folks, this is a sort of barebones recap, as I typed it out as I was watching Teresa live. The first few scenes are missed (will try to add them later tonight or tomorrow) and I know I missed stuff. This was the best way I could think of dealing with recapping two hours! LOL.
I am going to add screencaps later. Right now I'm encoding my recording of the episode, and it's a two hour episode so it's going to take a while!
Lo siento for any errors or omissions or misunderstandings. PLEASE elaborate or correct any mistakes I make, because I'm sure I made some!

CLICK ON SCREENCAPS—They all go to a larger (HD quality) version of the photo.

The nice doctor comes to visit the barrio and tells Teresa and Mariano that they can treat Pablito.

They then go inside to tell the family about how Pablito is going to start the protocols for treatment. He's going to operate and the parents have to sign off on giving him the treatments.

Juana is being visited by her suitor, the mariachi player singer guy. There is some sort of chit-chat. FF>>>

Teresa praises Mariano for his help in getting treatment for Pablito.

Aurora and her dad are preparing to go on a trip to Paris.

Esperanza calls Hot Professor (Arturo) and says she needs to see him about money for Pablito. She wants to return the money Ruben gave her, because Pablito's medical expenses are being funded elsewhere. (Thanks to Vivi for correcting this pretty big detail!)

Esperanza calls Professor Hottie about returning Ruben's money. 

Pablito's parents give him a bath in preparation for the big day in surgery.

Luisa gives Teresa the clothes and jewelry she had lended her before as a gift. Teresa tries to refuse, but Luisa insists, saying that for all the good she's done for big brother, she wants her to have the stuff.

Aurora talks with Teresa about her upcoming vacation.

Esperaza meets with Arturo to talk about returning money for her little brother.

Esperanza meets Hot Professor to talk about returning the money—they found another way to pay for Pablito's medical care.

Teresa visits Arturo's ex and says that she broke her promise and tried to see him. Ex says tearfully that she won't try again. Teresa says fine, she doesn't want ex around Arturo or their (nonexistent) hijo.

Esperanza is talking about her rich boyfriend with Teresa.

Mariano visits Teresa. They start talking about a date. She has him close his eyes and takes him to a secret place. It's a lovely garden. He wants to know where it is. It's Aurora's place. She's looking after it while Aurora is in Paris. They start to kiss but the gardener interrupts them.

Aida and Paulo at the beach. Aida is putting sunscreen on Paulo. Mum interrupts, wants to know what they're planning for the day. They're not sure. She takes off again and the couple start smooching.

Teresa is going to stay in Aurora's house. She's going to enjoy living like the other half lives. Mariano seems to be mainly interested in having some alone time, getting closer to her.

Teresa explains that she's got the keys to Aurora's house because she's sitting when Aurora is on vacation.

A scene with Pablito's parents talking with Teresa's mom, in relation to Pablito's surgery, I guess.

Back to Teresa and Mariano, now in bathing suits.

After the break, Teresa's dad is having a talk with a woman (looks like a store owner) about keeping up with his payments of some kind. He should not get behind. He looks concerned.

Dad's gotta pay.

Pablito is in the hospital and is playing with Esperanza's cell phone. There is some talk about Teresa's boyfriend and how he's helped out. Pablito hopes that Esperanza gets a boyfriend as helpful and Mariano.

Speaking of said boyfriend who is DEFINITELY not as helpful as Mariano, he's calling her cell and leaving a message. He then calls Arturo to ask what's going on, why does she want to return the money for Pablito's surgery? He is angry about this.

Ruben's vexed because he can't control Esperanza as much as he'd hoped.

Esperanza is still at the hospital with Pablito and makes some comment to the nurse there, asking if it's hard to get a job there.

Teresa and Mariano at the swimming pool. He's warning her that becoming a doctor is gonna take time. Is she willing to wait it out? She looks thoughtful.

Arturo and Luisa talking. I think about a prospective boyfriend for her? She has a guy in mind but is taking her time.

Teresa's parents talking about Rosa and Johnny and their love, and then Mariano and Teresa, about how they're going to get along? (Not sure how this went.)

Teresa and Mariano at the swimming pool still. Teresa gives a satisfactory answer to Mariano and they kiss as their love theme swells in the background.

Esperanza keeping Pablito company in his hospital room. His parents come visit and he's delighted to see them.

Armando (Teresa's dad) is trying to tell Johnny that he's young, he needs to get out there and see other girls. But Johnny still pines for Rosa and isn't interested. All he can think of is Rosa.

Some conversation between Esperanza and the nice doctor guy.

Ruben is in bad spirits and his wife wants to know why. He gets a call from Aida who is thrilled with the great time she's having. She then talks with her mom. Both parents thought she was going to go to Italy, but instead she's staying with Paulo in Acapulco. Don't make it so easy for him, mom says. They don't like the sound of it at all. Ruben says he's going to try to find a way to get back to Mexico.

A young woman named Maria is chatting up Johnny but he walks off, saying he's tired and busy.

Johnny hasn't moved on yet after Rosa's death.

Aida talking with Paulo's mom. Mom starts talking about some guy she lost because he went with another woman. Then she talks about her failed marriage, blah blah blah. She ends up advising Aida to fight for Paulo, don't let Teresa take him!

Arturo and Luisa chatting. Something about what he wants from life. I think Luisa is thinking of him and Teresa.

A rare smile from Professor Hottie.

Cut to Teresa and Mariano kissing in water. (Swimming pool.) Filler scenes of them embracing in various locations near the swimming pool. They get horizontal on a beach towel. Mariano starts to remove her bikini top and she finishes removing it. He says he loves her and she says she wants to be his. Commence lovemaking in serious. And we cut to break.

Teresa is losing her virginity on a towel on the lawn of Aurora's house. I wonder what Aurora would say about that.

In Paris France, Ruben is talking to Paulo's mom, chewing her out for letting Aida stay with them in Acapulco. Paulo's mom then tells Aida and Paulo that they have to cut the fun short, the parents insist.

Mariano and Teresa basking in the afterglow. Mariano saying he wants them to be together forever. Many kisses and claims of everlasting love.

Juana's suitor wants her to move on with love, but she doesn't seem to want to forget her late husband. She kicks him out of her apartment, saying that it's too late in the day for a decent woman to be entertaining men in their rooms.

Juana is not giving her suitor proper encouragement.

Mariano and Teresa return to her home, all over each other. Teresa's dad greets them and looks seriously not happy. Teresa spins some excuse for being away for so long, but the dad cuts the crap and warns her about being foolish. She hugs him and he looks worried.

At Mariano's home, his dad warns him about treating Teresa with respect. He's known Teresa's parents forever. Mariano says he loves Teresa.

Teresa's dad is warning her about being prudent. He then asks her about her conversation with her mom about preferring her to be dead instead of Rosa (?). Teresa blows this off.

Teresa goes upstairs to where he mom is ironing. The mom is upset, and they start talking about Teresa's comment regarding preferring her dead over Rosa. They converse about Teresa's wants in this world. I kind of lost it here.

Teresa chats with mom.
Mariano and dad talk about love and being a couple and I think the dad is talking about his love for his (late) wife and advising Mariano. He then says in the morning they're going to operate on little Pablito.

Teresa alone in her room. What a marvelous day! She exclaims to herself. She then coos about how much she loves Mariano. If you had money, you'd be the perfect man, she says to herself.

In the morning, Mariano calls Teresa on her cell. She's still in bed. He wants to see her. She's on her way. She goes to get dressed. She greets him and he's saying he hopes he didn't upset her dad too much. They kiss until her dad calls her away. Mariano is going to the hospital to be with Pablito. When Teresa has left, the dad goes up to Mariano and asks that he respect Teresa. He wants them to be cautious. "Do you understand?" he says to Mariano.

Dad warns Mariano about being careful with Teresa.

Everyone in the neighborhood is saying a prayer for little Pablito. As they separate they hear violin music. It's Juana's suitor playing! Juana acts a bit fluttering and embarrassed about this. She and Teresa go down to talk to him and they see that he is playing the violin for a hot blonde chick. He turns around, looking totally busted, and explains to Juana that he is playing for this "gringeta." (I assume a tourist.) Juana looks absolutely shocked and stricken. She rushes off. Suitor has a fleeting look of complete satisfaction at this. The gringette then asks him (in English) if Juana is okay. Suitor gestures that yeah, he guesses so. Interesting scene. Gringette has a perfect accent—I assume that she's a native English speaker.

The pretty gringette wants to know if Juana's okay.

Pablito's parents, Mariano, and Esperanza at the hospital. Mariano is explaining to mom that it's a complicated procedure. But don't worry, be patient and pray.

Mariano goes to talk to Pablito. He can't be there in the surgery but he's helping him prepare.

Juana is crying and telling Teresa that she thought suitor was a gentleman, but here he is, the first chance he gets, with another (oh wait, a—that's singular! she corrects herself) novia.

Paulo talking with curly-headed buddy about Teresa. His mom won't allow him to have her as a novia. She's too poor, he says. I missed the rest of the conversation.

Teresa at the Hot Professor's office. There is some conversation about how Teresa got rid of pesky ex. Teresa makes this speech about how (I think) when you love someone, you fight for them. She says this so passionately and Hot Professor (I know his name is Arturo, but I like Hot Prof) looks so intently at this. Wow, he is totally falling for this!

Professor Hottie is being played like a violin by Teresa.

After the break, Hot Professor says he's going to put Paloma behind him. She's buried and he's going on with his life! Teresa exclaims happily about this and hugs him. We see an overhead shot of him almost embracing her back. He is so tempted, you can tell. Then she jumps back and apologizes for her impulsiveness. She goes off to make coffee to celebrate and Hot Professor looks very moved by this latest display.

Professor Hottie is so tempted. He moves his hands to embrace her, but doesn't quite get there before she jumps back.

Mariano is explaining the treatment of Pablito to the family.

More with curly-headed buddy and Paulo talking about how Paulo is treating Aida.

Teresa brings coffee to Hot Professor. They are going to celebrate his freedom from Paloma. He says something about being free to love another woman, and Teresa withdraws and looks upset. When he asks what's wrong, she haltingly says that whatever woman he has chosen will be very happy. She looks as if she thinks he's already in love with another. She turns from him and you see on her face that she is TOTALLY FAKING and is doing this all for effect. And it's completely working. Our Hot Professor is looking discombobulated and confused and also very moved by her display.

She is so totally playing him.

Quick cut to Paloma at a bookstore. She sees a poster announcing some conference or speech that's going to be given by Hot Professor, regarding his book. She's gonna go!

Teresa sees Luisa and puts on a big display of crying and saying she's so happy that Hot Professor has found someone to love or something. This is totally calculated. She wants to leave them with the impression that Teresa is devastated because Hot Professor loves another woman and not her, Teresa. Though Teresa does claim that she's crying over the loss of her sister.

Juana chews out suitor for his violin playing with gringette. Throws him out.

Luisa visits brother Hot Professor and talks about what went on with Teresa.  Hot Professor is asking Luisa about what went on with Teresa and her reaction. She says Teresa was crying over the loss of her sister. What other reason would she have for crying, Luisa asks? None that Professor Hottie can think of, though you know he is thinking of another reason.

Pablito's had his operation and he's had to have a kidney removed. (Thank you Vivi for clearing this up!) Esperanza and Mariano are talking with him. Mariano says that the medicine he's taking is strong. Pablito says he knows, he feels terrible. The medicine is going to help, Mariano says.

Teresa gives Hot Professor some paper she's been working on for his conference. It's more than he asked for. He seems pleased with this and impressed. Then she says she's got to go see Pablito in the hospital.

Aida and Paulo chatting and kissing and Aida speaks in baby talk. So annoying. FF>>>

Teresa and Mariano waking hand in hand on the street, talking about how well Pablito made it through the surgery. They sit at a cafe. Mariano says that he's been given a book to read by the nice doctor.

Nice doctor is telling Esperanza the let Pablito rest. Esperanza asks the doctor about a letter of recommendation he's going to give her to help her get a job in the hospital (?).

I think we're all asking ourselves, why doesn't Esperanza hook up with the nice doctor instead? 

Juana talking with Teresa's mom about the faithfulness of her suitor. Juana is protesting too much about how she doesn't want him or any other man.

At Hot Professor's speech, Paloma shows up to watch him. Teresa is in the audience too.

Esperanza thanking nice doctor for the letter of recommendation. Ruben calls her. She's trying to explain that a neighbor was the one who helped arrange to cover for Pablito's medical expenses. He wants a full explanation later.

At Hot Professor's speech, Paloma sees that Teresa is there too. Her face falls.

Teresa's dad gives mom some money and tells her not to worry. She is worried about him working too hard to get money for Teresa (?). But he looks worried.

Aida is at home, lounging on the couch, as her parents come in. Dad says he heard what she was talking about. I guess she's busted.

Teresa confronts Paloma, as Paloma is trying to rush out. Behind them rush Hot Professor and the sister. Everyone looks impactado at seeing each other.

Paloma wants to clear things up with Professor Hottie, but not if Teresa can help it.



Llena de Amor #169 (Mex. 200-201) Thu 4/14/11 Thanks For The Memories

This is my swan song, folks (imagine Bob Hope singing it, o.k.?). It's been fun. But I'm done. Hope your telenovelas to come will be passionate, exciting, full of broad-shouldered hunks and bodacious babes, fresa-speak and funny moments, and lots and lots of opportunities to learn more about Latino language and culture. I've learned a lot working alongside you all-- teammates and commenters alike. It's been great . But now it's time for someone fresh and enthusiastic to step up and take my place. Enjoy!

Capitulo 200

Lo's Apartment
We start with Mau, who seems to be in a state of chronic erection, trying to force himself on Ilitia. If she responds to his slimey kiss with passion, he might spare Brandon's life. She tries. But can't. Okay then. Brandon's fate is sealed, sez he.

The Boarding House
We continue with Vicky, who seems to be in a state of chronic bitchiness, showing no compassion for Eman's dilemma concerning Fedra. He knows his mom has done all kinds of evil, but now she lies in a hospital bed, alone, friendless (except for faithful Bernardo) and paralyzed. And for a good Latino boy, the Mother is sacred. No empathy from Vick though. She's an avenging beayatch through and through. Too bad she's destined to be the Amor de su Vida, but they say you always fall in love with someone who resembles your parent. And here we have the proof!
Lo's Apartment
Lorenzo sends Mau off to dispatch Brandon. The latter happily thought bubbles that he's going to destroy Low soon and get his clutches on Ilitia. A strategic thinker is our Mau. Just with the wrong organ.

Now for that tender father-daughter chat.

Pops is explaining that while's she's pretty, she's not the sharpest cuchillo in the drawer. There are bad people out there who manipulate the rich though unplanned pregnancy. Begoña did it to him and tried to destroy his marriage to Muñeca. She had to die. And Brandon did it to Ilitia and tried to destroy her marriage to Eman. So he's next on the Elimination Short List. Dang it, nobody messes with the Porta-Lopez family! Nobody! Lots of twisting, tears and pleading looks from Ilitia. To no avail. Papa has spoken.

Hospital-Fedra's room

A grumpy Fedra gets visited by an equally cranky José Maria. They bicker about their past. Fedra opines that it wasn't that great on his friggin' boat and it's not so great now. Do her a favor. Kill her now, since her suicide attempt didn't work. Life isn't worth living . Chema quietly assures her he could never harm the mother of his child. Emiliano arrives and wants to know who they're talking about.

How long are you going to hide the truth about our son? demands José. The child you denied? asks Fedra. I lost him the day the ship went down.

Boarding House

Netty and Oliver are tut-tutting over Gretel's relapse and how horrible it must have been to think the woman she believed to be her mother was a killer.

Lo's Apartment
Ilitia, gag off, is speaking her piece. I'm the only one responsible for my divorce (that sounds like Redemption talking!) I couldn't win Eman from Marianela and Vicky. But I promise I'll forget Brandon and never see him again. Pero por favor! Please don't kill him!

I'll let you out of here for his funeral, that's all, snarls Lo.

Time to play the big card.

Mauricio is the one who raped me.

Lo doesn't believe her. She's just buying time. No, I'm not! Dad, I can't believe you're in business with that scum! And that you've sent him to kill a Good Man. Brandon was the one who saved me...helped me heal from that nightmare....who beat Mauricio so badly and kept him away from me. THEN YOU...YOU PUT ME IN A ROOM WITH HIM AGAIN, LET HIM PUT HIS HANDS ALL OVER ME!

Lo processes this last bit, finally believes her story, and vows to make Mauricio pay. But wait! More Redemption...Ilitia doesn't want VENGEANCE. Only to save Brandon's life. Take that Direct Card to Heaven, Fresa, you have turned the Sanctification Corner.

Hospital Corridor
Emiliano, fresh from J.M. and Fedra's cryptic conversation, begins to suspect that Emanuel is not his son. Uncle Max already tried to tell him. And He remembers Eman admitting that he has doubts of being his biological offspring. Emiliano, clutching his left arm and chest, staggers and falls to the ground. Another cardiac crisis. Hang tight.

The docs have carted Emiliano off to Intensive Care and Eman and J.M. are left glaring at each other. But José Maria doesn't want to leave Eman all alone, and the latter knows that all the ugly stuff Fedra told him about el Capitán was a lie. So yeah, stay if you want. And you can have your job back at the cantina. We haven't hired anybody else. And now the Happy Family story of how Emanuel came to be. Chema and Juana Felipa were madly in love. And he was created from that Love. (Well, it's all a matter of perception isn't it? And heck, I like the story presented this way. Why not?)

Emanuel's still standoffish and wants J.M. to know as far as he's concerned Emiliano is his Real Father. Fine. But please don't push me away. Get to know me. Trato hecho. Eman's on board. And the docs arrive with the good news that Emiliano is out of danger and “resting comfortably” as they say, in intensive care.

Fedra's Hospital Room
Bernardo's still pleading his amante case. He's the only one who's stuck by Fedra. That menso de Lorenzo has abandoned her now that she's paralyzed. Fedra's as bored by his passion as ever. So when Emanuel arrives, it's a relief. Even though he KNOWS. He knows who she is, what she's done and her real name. And he still loves her. She's his Mother. (I know some of you are probably gagging here. But the premise is that real love...whether for parent, child or lover...persists through all trials and disillusionments. One may prevent a wicked person from doing harm, and bring him to justice. But withdraw love? Never. You either buy that argument or you don't. But it's Basic Telenovela 101.)

Fedra's trying to negotiate her way out of trouble though. She reminds Eman that she gave him life. Therefore he has to defend her from Marianela and Netty who are both out to get her. I love you Mom. I just want you to get better. But what is to happen will happen. I KNOW WHO YOU ARE. Fedra, in perhaps her first moment of shame ever, pulls her hair halfway across her face.
Netty's Boarding house
Netty, on the other hand is fine with vengeance and just wants to cut the head off that Juana Felipa serpent. And San Antonio bendito! Maybe Fedra was even behind the helicopter explosion that killed her sister. We still lack the proof on that, muses Mari, while offering the lame excuse that “she promised Gretel” to keep Luis Felipe's murder quiet all this time. (I find the contemplation of out and out Evil less disturbing the the out and out Stupidity and Cowardice of these characters constantly withholding vital information. But that's just me. And idiotically keeping secrets that lead to more death and destruction is also Basic Telenovela 101.)

pasarme la factura = hold me to account for, make me pay (emotionally) for whatever
la mordaza = gag
le tengo pavor = I'm terrified of him: “pavor” is a much stronger word than “miedo” (Ilitia about Mauricio)
cuchillo = knife
trato hecho = it's a deal
menso = stoopid
más fácil que la tabla de uno =easier than the multiplication table of "one" (Fedra, dismissing Lorenzo's affair with Kristel as not important, since the latter is so "easy")

Dicho of the Day

a la hora de la hora = when the going gets tough
No vayas a echarte para atrás a la hora de la hora. =Don't back down when the going gets tough.

And we know it's going to be tough from now on. Things are coming to a head. Will we have a happy ending? You betcha. It may be butchered by the editing, but rest assured that Evil will be punished, Good will be rewarded and everyone will cozy up with their Amor de la Vida forever after.

But first we have Capitulo 201 to slog through. (And a few more besides. But not on my night, thank God.)

Capitulo 201

Fedra's Hospital Room
(Valentino Lanus is doing a fabulous job here. Just enough tenderness and emotion to wring your heart out. If Fedra had a heart. ) You mamá...mi madre, he whispers. I'll always love you. Fedra's blue about Lorenzo's absence which puzzles Eman. You're telling me that even after what happened with Kristel, you still want to be with him.!? Are you REALLY in love with him? Wha' you think I'd sleep with just anybody? snaps Fedra. Whoopsie. They both spend an awkward mili-second thinking about Mom's early career path, and then Eman gently asks if she wants him to go to Low's apartment and make him come visit. She does. Here's the key. Go my faithful son! (Must say this scene was beautifully acted by both Azela and Valentino. By contrast, whenever the actress playing Marianela is on the screen, I can't help but notice her flat empty eyes. She has a lot to learn from these two veterans.)

Boarding House
Vicky-It's-All-About-Me Gartha is moping and yearning for el Lirio. Doris bursts in, enraged that Brandon has beaten up André and chapped that her family doesn't accept her noble mission to love and marry her SIDA infected beau. It's not fair! It's her life!

And we see a changed André (well, okay...there's the black eye...but also a new attitude) reassuring Emanuel that his dad will pull through and that, despite Doris' family objections, Mr. André is a changed man. Remember how I didn't believe in Love? Now I do! (Okay...Two Redemptions down. Ilitia and André. Anyone holding out hope for Kristel? Yeah, you're right. Too much to expect.)

Boarding House
Miss Vicky is as crusty as ever. Grinching on about vengeance plans while Doris attempts to get her to forget about revenge and hate. Nothin' doin. Fedra killed my dad. I want to put her away now, but Emanuel keeps pleading for Time. Such a putz.

Dandy's as it turns out. Lo learned that Dandy was the chauffeur who heartlessly delivered his princess to Mauricio to be defiled on her wedding day. Reward? To dig his own grave and then tumble in after a shot through the chest from Lorenzo. His last minute pleas for mercy (I'll kill Mauricio for ya, boss) were met with indifference. I have something much worse planned for Fonseca, mutters Lorenzo, before pulling the trigger.

Doctora Chelatina returns to lift our spirits from that somber episode. It's Oliver in our favorite disguise. On stakeout following Mauricio. She's shaking and baking, hair-flipping and flirting, and Mau, with his ever-ready genitals aroused, is fascinated. Manolo, peeking in the door, is perturbed to find her psychologist here, but whatever. Her job remains the same. Follow Mau and see what he's up to.

Well wining and dining Brandon, it would seem. Is this any way to go about killing a guy? Oh yeah, that was just a ploy to get Ilitia to give over. For now, his real target is bringing down Low. Mauricio throws out the first long slow pitch (and by the way, the Cincinnati Reds are going to win the pennant this year!) Okay, where was I? Yes, Mau tells Brandon not to worry about the cost of the exquisite French wine or the fabulous food they can order. Lorenzo wants our naco poli to realize what a good life he would have enjoyed had he married Ilitia. And then Lo is going to execute him.

But he sent you to do the dirty work, did he, sneers Brandon, emptying his goblet of expensive vintage into the wine bucket.. Mau switches gears. I promise to leave Victoria de la Gartha alone if you assure me you'll go after Lorenzo and destroy him. Put him away in prison forever. (Seems like a win-win situation. For now.)

Boarding House
Vicky drones on to Doris about how “only in el Lirio's arms can she be at peace.” Even so, responds Doris. IT'S NOT JUST ABOUT YOU. (Really!?) Doris continues, What about the baby? Your madrina needs to know that you're pregnant. Shazaaam. Just then Netty enters. And overhears. Cara impactada. But also shrieks of excitement. I'm going to be a Tia Abuela. But wait! What!!!!????It's not Emanuel's baby? You mean you're not “una mujer de un solo hombre” like me. Who is it then!? Tell me now!

Lo's Apartment
Emanuel and André walk in and hear Ilitia's frantic calls for help. Eman tries the locked door. Locked. André gives a flying karate kick (very impressive) and busts the thing down. Another star in his Redemption Crown. Ilitia gets another one too as she blurts out “Save Brandon. I don't want him to die. He's the father of my baby!”

Eman calls the boarding house to warn Brandon. He's not there. Leaves instructions that if they locate him they're to call him on his cell immediately. Then he confronts Ilitia.
Emanuel: Why did you hide the truth for so long? You've done irreparable damage to so many with your lies.
I: I did it for Love
E: You betrayed me, cheated me, destroyed my life. How can you call that Love?
I: I wanted to be the perfect wife for you.
E: No! It was never about me. You wanted my name, my social standing, my money.

André, in his newly redeemed saintly status, interrupts here and tries to get Emanuel to lighten up. Doesn't work.

E: You had many chances to correct things, Ilitia, and you didn't!
I: I lied for Love. Your mother said she'd kill me, the baby and Brandon, if I revealed that I was pregnant by him and not you.
E: You expect me to believe my mom threatened you this way1?
I: Yes. Listen, I just found out that my father is the worst guy in the world. There's a reason why he and Fedra are lovers. And I also found out he's going to kill you too. He thinks you're responsible for my unhappiness. He believes if you hadn't taken up with Marianela and Vicky, I would never have gotten involved with Brandon.
E: I'm not responsible for YOUR decisions!
I: I know. You fell for Marianela. I fell for Brandon. If he dies, I die too. I couldn't admit it to myself for a long time. But I'm in love with him. He's the Love of my Life.

Whew. Glad we got that settled. Ilitia is thoroughly redeemed. (Are you happy Carlos?) Now it's up to the fellas and Destiny to clean up all the little noxious details.

Fedra's Hospital Room
The pow-wow with Bernardo continues. Fedra's in a blue funk because she knows the Fattie told Emanuel everything. Her real name, her real profession. You're making “una tormenta en un vaso de agua” (a fuss over nothing) scoffs Bernardo . If Marianela had told Eman that, he would have thrown it in your face. No...I know my son, muses Fedra sadly. What worries me is he's not asking questions. The Fattie's taking advantage while I'm stuck in the hospital.
Bernardo: Yes, they're circling you like vultures now that you're helpless. Let's get out of here. Go back to the sea. Let me save you again!
Fedra: You've always loved me haven't you? I'm sorry I couldn't love you back.
B: My life is yours. Lorenzo could never care for you like I do. It's not just about the flesh. It's about the soul. I worship the ground you walk on.
F: YOU WORK FOR ME. That's it. And what I want you to do now is take vengeance on Marianela. And turn Netty's wedding into a funeral.

Lorenzo's apartment
Emanuel and André have made their exit. Lorenzo returns. Then Brandon shows up to rescue Ilitia. Lo has the perfect setup to justify murdering the cop. No search warrant. Breaking and entering. Okay dude, you're dead. Possibly. For the moment, the two men are staring at each other, guns drawn.

And Mau's pistolito is at the ready also. He's moved in on Señorita Chelatina, circling her shoulders, groping her thigh and suggesting they go back to his place and get it on.
Oliver: I'm not an easy woman sir!
Mauricio: I know exactly what you are. A single woman looking for someone to relieve you of your clothes. (okay, added that part) After trying me on, you'll go straight to heaven baby.
Oliver escapes to the bathroom. Gets chastised by staff for trying to dive into the mens' room. Then Manolo gets chastised by same worker for heading into the ladies' room. And Mauricio, the only one who seems headed for the right cubicle, talks to himself chummily in the mirror. About his plans for Chelatina. Which Manolo overhears. And vows to save his dear Doctora from rape.

Fedra's hospital room
Muñeca arrives.
Fedra: How did you find out? Did Lorenzo tell you? Have you been with him? Do you know where he is?
M: So...he's abandoned you now that you're paralyzed. How typical of that coward! No, I don't know where he is. But I imagine he's out looking for a younger fresher female to replace you.
F: For your information, he's asked me to marry him, flashing the big Garduño diamond once offered to Muñeca.
M: That jewel is unique. And it's mine. Garduño offered it to me when he asked ME to marry him. Though I refused. What did Lorenzo do to Garduño to get that?
F: He took care of killing your man. Arrivederci.
And after Muñeca leaves, Fedra mutters Lorenzo Menso, you abandoned me. But you won't get rid of me so easily. I have the goods on you.
Boarding House:
Gladiola is fretting now that Emanuel (who phoned looking for Brandon) knows that her son is the father of Ilitia's baby. Caras impactadas for both Netty and Vicky. (well, make that just Netty. Vicky looks empty-eyed as usual.)

Lo's Apartment:
Well, we may assume our two machos have been staring at each other for quite some time now.
Brandon: So what Mauricio told me is true—you want to kill me!
Lorenzo:( Cara impactada)
B: Well let's see who can fire first.

And there we end.


si sabes lo que si te conviene = if you know what's good for you, “si” is just there for emphasis
tormenta en un vaso de agua = big fuss over nothing (Bernardo to Fedra)
el perro de las dos tortas = folk tale about dog who couldn't decide between two sandwiches and ended up with none (Gladiola, talking about Ilitia, who couldn't decide between Eman or Brandon)
una mujer de un solo hombre = a one-man woman (the only acceptable attitude for a telenovela heroine. Menfolk have a little more leeway. As in real life. .)
el tiempo cura todas las heridas = time heals all wounds
union libre = shacking up without benefit of marriage (what Gladiola fears Doris is going to do.)
no muerdo la mano que me da de comer = I don't bite the hand that feeds me. (Mauricio's fake reassurance of Lorenzo.)

Dicho of the Day

El que al cielo escupe, en la cara le cae. Lit. If you spit at the sky it will fall in your face.

Had to use this one, given Fedra's predilection for spitting every time she said Chema's name. She's done a fair amount of spitting at the heavens as well, so we're pretty sure Fate is going to come back and bite her. Stay tuned. Sounds like an event they'll save for the grand finale.


La Fea Más Bella #297-298 4/14/11 Title? You want a title?

Capitulo 297A. Read Amanda’s original recap.

Lety descends the steps in her wedding dress. Pop cries and apologizes because he realized he caused Lety many problems by overprotecting her and not letting her grow up. Next they’re at the wedding. Why are Fernando’s parents there???

Fernando mourns outside, then he interrupts the ceremony. He tells Aldo that Lety has to marry him. He begs Lety to marry him because she loves him. Four men drag him out shouting “I love you!” The ceremony finishes. Fern breaks free and runs inside again. Seeing the kiss, he screams, “NOOO!!!” and goes to pieces. Aldo kisses Lety again, but she pushes away, saying, “No, no, no.” It was all a dream.

Luigi walks his parents out of the hospital and introduces them to his new novio, Esteban.

Lety whines that if she tells her dream, it won’t come true. She tells about the wedding and Fern likes that. She tells that Fern interrupted the wedding and he says she should’ve kept that to herself. But then he works to convince her that dreams reflect deep desires. He later adds that it’s desires that we don’t dare admit to in our conscience minds. It’s not wise to get married with uncertainties.

Aldo asks why Carmina told Lety she was moving in with Aldo. Carmina figured this was her opportunity.

Capitulo 297B. Read k-Fuego’s original recap.

Alicia cuts the line at the passport office and thinks they should give her a new passport right now.

Fern tells Omar his theory about dreams. Omar wants Fern to interpret his dream. Caro walks in and overhears Fern say that Caro should convince Lety to cancel the wedding because she has doubts.

Marcia type-chats with her secret admirer and debates whether to accept the feo with beautiful words, or Octavio who asked her out. She picks Octavio.

Caro asks Lety if maybe she’s having doubts, and maybe she really loves Fern.

Ali cons Celso into impersonating her doctor again, to call Tom. Tom sees it and realizes the treatment was all a lie. Ali tells her belly how wonderful Tom is, but they deserve to be wealthy. It occurs to Tom that Ali stole the $1M. Then he gets the call that Ali put a plane ticket on his credit card. He says, “She WAS the love of my life.”

Lety tries hard to tell Aldo about her dream, but he won’t let her talk. Fern interrupts them with Lety’s tea, and mentions her dream, oopsie!

Tom tells Ali he knows she stoke the money. Ariel walks in with proof that the transfer was from his computer. Tom tells Ariel that he, Tom, stole the money.

Capitulo 298A. Read Alma’s original recap.

The police arrive to arrest Tom. He and Lety sneak out. Ali hears it, cries, and says, “I need to pay.” She weeps, “He’ll never forgive me. The worst thing that could happen is if Tom stops loving me.” She puts the money back in his account, and figures now there won’t be any problems.

Fern asks Aldo if he’s certain that Lety wants to marry him. The boys scrap.

Tom dresses in Lety’s fea clothes. Lety and Tom run out of the building, chased by the cops, then Aldo and Fern, then Alicia. Neither Fern nor Aldo have a car so they borrow two motorcycles. Ali gets Paco to take her. Follow that car! A high speed chase ensues.

Ali tells Paco, “I stole $1M. Tom sacrificed himself to save me. He took the blame. He’s a marvelous man, and I love him so much. The worst part is, I didn’t realize it until now. I realized that Tom is more important than all the money in the world. But maybe it’s too late. Just as I’m expecting his child.”

Lety realizes Ali stole the money. She tells Tom, “I told you so” (bless her heart). She’ll have to denounce Ali (the first step in a prosecution). At Paco’s prompting, Ali calls Ariel and tells him the money is in the account; he should inform the police.

Ali finds them. She tells the police the money is in the account. She tries to explain to Tom and he coldly says, “You and I have nothing to talk about.” She tries to explain. He says, “All I ever wanted was to make you happy. You have no idea how much I regret the day I fell in love with you.”

Tom and Lety see the boys on bikes and follow them. The boys are horsing around and go over a cliff.

Capitulo 298B. Read Julie’s original recap.

Tom tells Aldo, as much as he loves Alicia, it’s better if he stays away from her forever. Aldo suggests that maybe she has changed, after all, she returned the money. Tom briefly mentions that there’s more to it than that. He chokes out the words, “I should separate from my chiquita.”

Octavio is surprised that Marcia has some depth behind that pretty face. She admits that she has another suitor; she doesn’t want to hide anything. Octavio reveals that he’s the e-suitor, and Marcia thinks he’s making a fool of her. No, he wanted to make sure she cared about more than looks. She says she’s not willing to rush into anything; they need to take things slowly.

Fern tells his diary that when Lety marries, his life will end because all hope will be gone.

Alicia says her papi doesn’t love her anymore. She regrets that she didn’t recognize her love for Tom until it was too late. She cries, “I love you so much.”

Tom weeps in the hall. He gave all he had, but it wasn’t enough. Love was just a fantasy.

Fern walks into Marcia’s office as Octavio is just about to kiss her (payback for all her badly timed phone calls!). He plays the protective Mexican big brother, warning Octavio to treat her right, then telling about her wonderful qualities.

Tom comes home. Ali gives him the jewelry and car keys that she bought with his money. She asks for a hug but his only response is a stone face. She thanks him for loving her, even though she didn’t deserve it. The moment she’s out the door, Tom crumbles to the floor. He bawls, “If you had loved me even a little bit, I swear I would’ve forgiven you.”


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