Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #142 Monday 11/7/11 Two Red Dresses, Three White Gowns & One More Wedding With Firearms

Here is the beautiful Jarocha under the statue of Benito Juarez and his Angels.

Mil gracias to Julia for her terrific guest recap last Monday. Mexico was divine. I will post this then add a picture or two. Oh I am so back! First I get to see Alvaro in his hoodie which makes him look strangely normal now toting the unconscious neighbor with Leoncio’s help to strip his clothes, tie him up and take his car.

Manuela shows off the freshly pressed white wedding gown to celebrate with Kari the only marriage she made for love. Alvaro dons his bad beard and wiggy wig, he is so proud of how unrecognizable he is, but he is clearly such a loco that it shouldn’t matter what disguise he puts on. Fina pouts in the jardin de locas bemoaning Roberta’s rejections while Augie bemoans Renata’s rejection while imagining Renata coming innocently through the woods in the red dress and him knocking her out then climbing on her to spray perfume then sniff/lick it off. He even shoots some of the scent on his own face, I’m hoping the spray hit his eyes, but I can’t say more, I’m gagging here.

The real Renata is talking to herself about being positive and getting the best out of this uncomfortable situation with Jero’s twins and double life. She gets a call from Augustin, He assures he doesn’t want to cause her problems with Jeronimo but wants to know about her other family problems like how is dad and good old mom? She says he is getting better, but the Mad Bad Mom had her day in court and is now in the funny farm. He wants to come comfort her but she says it is best to leave things as they are. He begs to see her and she says yes they can meet but only to return his engagement ring and the necklace. Not to give up ever, ever, he says he won’t accept them back.

Alvaro urges Leoncio to write some story about what happened didn’t quite make sense but on we go; poor Leo thinks if he is caught as an accomplice he will be lynched. Alvaro waves more peso notes that he will give him when his job is finished and adds the glasses to his costume that is nearly perfect now.

Senor Hernan X who was so moved by Matias’ talk at the conference is talking to Honario. Hernan declares he is impressed with their recuperation and wants to invest in the company to offer needed liquidity and to help them develop horizontally: they should take him on as a partner (socio.) Hernan’s theme music is vaguely ominous, I’m just warning you to listen up.

Roberta has a great new plan she shares with Gonzolo and Regina, she wants to do something and she wants to work at Empresas Monterrubio and she faces the shocked faces of her parents with saying she knows she isn’t as capable and experienced as Renata but she is smart and learns fast. Regina wants her to work at the center with her so they can spend more time together getting close. Roberta can’t do that but makes Regina feel guilty by telling her that she can’t enter the center because all those pregnant women around will only make her sad that she can’t be one of them. She wants her way and that is to work at EM, so dad writes on his electronic tablet that she should talk to Honorio and tell him that she will be working at the Empresa. Roberta is so pretty when she has just gotten her own way. They all bask in her brief sunshiny smile while the menacing, warning music swirls around her lovely coifed curls.

Manuela straightens his tie while she tries to calm Lorenzo who is shaking in his boots. Why this more than handsome man let them dress him so badly, who knows. Jero explains his dilemma of juggling the twins, trying to take part in every moment of their life. He insists that his interest in Marina is only as the mother of his offspring and he is dedicated to keeping Renata the happiest woman on the planet. Carlos acknowledges the difficulty Jero is facing. He wouldn’t want to be in either his or Renata’s shoes today.

And surprise, surprise even to Jero, Marina shows up first in THE RED DRESS. Carlos beats a hasty retreat with things to do. Jero asks how the pregnancy is going and she says she showed up because it might not be to anyone’s liking but if she is going to share but still lead her own life, she can do things like crash this wedding. Hmmm.

The beautifully white dressed bride is being accompanied by her group of girl friends. Renata comes to congratulate Kari in her happy day and for the love she has fought for so long. Kari is grateful that she is there in spite of her family’s problems in Mexico City. Renata wouldn’t have missed being with her friend. They all laugh that they are so glad to be there for Kari.

The suspicious looking JUDGE shows up but Lorenzo is too nervous to notice who it really is under all that nylon hair. Kari asks for a moment alone in the bedroom to thank the Virgin for making this her perfect wedding day.

The RED DRESSES finally meet and we can see that they are mirror images. Marina blames Renata for her situation and being there and if Renata had not insisted she would have gone away but no, Renata had to be honest and tell on her so she can’t escape so there! You get red dresses copied for making me do this. Marina still resembles a junior high school bratty girl with this little speech. Even after a refreshing week in Mexico, I am still annoyed at her adolescent blaming behavior but it is almost funny. Maybe she had a talk with Roberta while I was gone? No, just standing her ground, which she would probably like to crawl under. At least Marina and Renata both get to tell each other how uncomfortable this is for both of them without an audience to see the shame of matching dresses and hairdos and only one galan between them.

Renata approaches Jero outside to ask why didn’t you inform me that Marina was coming to the wedding? Because he didn’t know until she showed up. Renata admits that this is much more difficult than she imagined it would be. She is frustrated but he assures her he will keep her and Marina as far away from each other as possible. She reminds him that a relationship with his children will necessitate a relationship with Marina too, the mother of his children. They swear love to each other and another crisis is averted. I bet Renata would like to slip into her closet to get a different dress.

Adriana and Matias talk about how much they think the addition of Hernan would add to the liveliness and vibrance of the empresa and make it more than just a family business even though having more children will assure the family heritage of the the company’s future. Hernan’s only son is an artist and won’t want to join the nepotism game ever. They decide they will work on each of the Papas to convince them to accept Hernan. They kiss and wink at the idea of MORE children.

Constanza acknowledges Regina’s discomforty at being in Fina’s house of so many years. Regina says she knows how much the house means to them and she is happy to be with Gonzo where ever. She plans to add her own touches. I’d start with that evil black wallpaper on the bedroom wall. Gonzo sits in a bit of a stupor.

Honorio teases Adriana babout ut calling Gonzo suegro and she thinks Don Gonzo is too formal. Hon says Gonzo will be ver y happy to hear her call him suegro . He will talk to Gonzo about this Hernan proposition.

Chema breaks in through the receptionist while Adri and Matias manage another lovely kiss. Chema wants to announce the opeingi nof his new restaurinat. So fast? Chema tells how much his Papa has accomplished and now it is ready to open and he wants Adriana there with him and mentions to Matias that Julieta will be there too and he knows how much that means to Matias. Everyone swallows hard and agrees. Matias leaves. Chema talks of his dreams and hugs the patient Adriana.

The wedding starts the witnesses come forth to sign the register while Leoncito takes keys out of the cars (didn’t anyone’s father warn of the danger of leaving keys in the ignition?)

Augie drives along dreaming of licking Renata’s face and sees the tied up, underwear clad neighbor. He stops to untie him and learns that it was done by Dr. Alvaro Nesme, who is not so dead at all. He attacked me and took my car. Augie forgets the sniffing dream for a full minute while he calculates how this happened and who besides Jero is to blame for keeping him from his fun dominator/sniffer fantasy.

Leoncito grabs more keys from more ignitions while the wedding witnesses finish signing and then the judge asks Kari to come around to sign on his side of the table and she cheerfully does so while Lazaro looks on with an idiot’s smile. The nylon hirsute Alvaro/Judge pulls a gun, thrusts it in her ribs and grabs her around the neck as she shouts ALVARO. He totally has the upper hand and another frozen crowd watches him do what he wants.

THE TWO WHITE GOWNS enter the doctor’s office. To his question, now what do you want? Blanca tells him that if he wants to grant certain special favors, Fina is a very rich woman who would gladly share her fortune for some freedom. Fina smiles like the croc that swallowed the clock and says yes, it would be desirable (conviene) for her too.

Meanwhile back at the wedding turned nightmare in the vineyard. Everyone is screaming for Alvaro to let go of Kari and Jero points out that the police will get him he has fled from justice. He swears he will never go back to jail. He shoves Kari into the back of the red car as he fires off a shot and everyone hits the deck. Marina looks traumatized but I don’t think she or anyone else was hit.

Jero has the presence of mind to get to a phone and call Penal the officer who should have taken care of keeping Nesme out of circulation. He complains that they talked him into helping and now his people are in danger. Penal apologizes then assures him that he will bring out all the officers necessary to catch Nesme. He can’t believe this tragedy occurred at the happy wedding. Renata soothes him. It wasn’t his fault. She is always so positive that things will work out.

The ladies all come into the La Bonita livingroom buzzing around Marina who is having pains. She is having cramps and a bit of blood. They all curse Alvaro for ruining the perfect moment.

Alvaro is in the back seat of the little red car, man-handling Kari as if this would make her melt with desire, but she sobbingly tells him that she wants out and she loves Lorenzo. She pleads with Leoncio to not be an accomplice in this crime, to save him self and to save her. The wig and beard are ripped off, our suddenly agile doctor has time to shake and bruise Kari while taking off his disguise and thumping Leoncio in the head while he drives. It’s the hardest he has worked in the entire telenovela. The horses and SUV’s are in hot pursuit of this nasty little red car but all the horsepower in the world can’t seem to outrun this rent-a-wreck.

Jero is taking leave of Renata to go see what is happening in the pursuit and rescue mission when Matilde comes in to say Marina has taken ill. He rushes off to the living room where Marina is making small of the situation. Jero asks her to not put herself or the babies at risk (expongar) while Manuela begs her to tell Jero the truth. A small bit of placenta as broken loose and there is danger of a miscarriage if she doesn’t begin total bed rest immediately. (gee only that? Renata kind of rolls her eyes as we all do) Jero begs her to think of the babies’ well being and not the nasty political situation she has created by dressing like his wife and coming to this disaster of a wedding unannounced. Renata keeps her cool and is the voice of nobility as always suggesting they all keep cool until they find out what the doctor says.

The reign of the ignoble continues, Alvaro threatens his red car mates while leaning out of the car and shooting at Lazaro who is gaining ground with the magnificent black stallion. Lorenzo takes a hit and falls from the horse.

Jero is calling the Marina’s gynecologist who is in surgery so he will call Jero back soon. The Nurse says it is dangerous for Marina to move even though she keeps trying to say she wants to leave. Finally Renata tells her they should wait and please don’t feel uncomfortable. The babies welfare and her health are more important. They should wait for the doctor to call back with advice.

Alvaro has Leoncio pull over by the horse under a tree (look, I don’t know how he saw it either.) Alvaro orders him out of the car, takes a swig from the flask then gives Leoncio a drink from the bottomless flask. while Alvaro pulls his gun out of his belt with its unending supply of bullets. While telling Leoncio in a eerie voice how much he likes him (me caes bien) while he cocks the pistol. We stop the episode expecting the worst.

Next: Marina claims to be humiliated, Alvaro claims to be justified while Kari begs for mercy and Fina claims to really love Roberta and wants her out of the evil clutches of Regina (really she just wants all that money.) What can I say? She’s the one in a white gown with dreams of domination. Sorry for leaving you another mess to sweep up, Jules.


Monday, November 07, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #66 Mon 11/07/11 The Galvan Brothers Could Teach a Course on Un-Romantic Marriage Proposals

All the ads are telling us that this is a “nueva etapa”, but it’s looking more like a crappy etapa since it starts off with our galan bumping little cars with Satan’s Spawn…AGAIN! But how much damage can the writers do to our psyche in 35 episodes? Right??? Let’s see…

Ivan throws a tantrum in the game room about his own stupidity, having sex with MP, again. Tony looks like he’s about to slap him silly, but seeing that Ivan must have already lost all his senses, since he slept with the evil ho, he decides to just talk sense to him. From this moment on, Lucia is dead to him (a lost cause). The next morning, said evil ho is shocked to wake up by herself. Ivan makes an early and hasty retreat with Alex. In the car Ivan and Alex are discussing all the sports he wants to play. Ivan asks how long it’s been since he called his Papa Gerry, Caro and Lucia. It’s been a while so Ivan encourages him to call so that they don’t get sad.

Tony calls Camilo to get the phone number for Ranch Socorro. At the ranch, they’re all moved in and Lucia’s started school. Carly gets Tony’s call and she apologizes for being out of touch. They chit chat about how their peeps are, then Tony gets right to the point and tells Carly to get Lucia to move on with her life (‘cause Ivan isn’t worth being sad about). He lets her know Ivan and MP are living as true man and wife. Carly can’t believe it. (Neither can we Carly!) Is he stupid or what, to fall again for that whore of a granddaughter of hers? She wonders if the only thing controlling Ivan are his…(she makes a cupping gesture) “desires”? Tony tries to smooth it over by saying Ivan’s just trying to make a normal family life for his son. Carly’s not having it. He’s shameless! Lucia can make her life with someone else. Carly doesn’t even want to speak to Tony again, and if he wants to take back their loan, do it! She hangs up on him. She tells Teodoro’s painting that all men are the same, even him (he did have an illegitimate daughter after all). Tony defends his actions to Bruno. Then he asks Bruno if he has a girlfriend. If not, he’ll find one for him.

At the office, Ivan has a bit of a psycho moment and yells at himself to NOT let it happen again.

Camilo arrives at the ranch to show Carly the books. She gets right to pressing him about asking Lucia to marry him. “Ivan is like my brother. He’s helped me a lot.” Carly tells him that Ivan has forgotten Lucia and she got it from a close source, Tony. Camilo can’t believe that Ivan slept with MP. Carly thinks kids these days just go where their hormones take them (says the lady who got pregnant out of wedlock by some guy who was just passing through town). She tells him that Lucia cares about him (querer).

Lucrezia interrupts their conversation. Without her even prying, they come right out and tell her Lucia’s business. She’s preggers and Camilo wants to do right by her. Camilo claims to be the father when Lucrezia asks! (Wait a minute! First they blab Lucia’s business. Then they create a lie for her! WTF?!) Lucrezia starts to lament how the story is being repeated (2 daughters impregnated by servants, out of wedlock) and wonders what SHE did wrong. She has enough sense to ask when this happened since Lucia was with Ivan and then so hung up on him. Camilo claims it was after Ivan left when Lucia was feeling alone, sad and vulnerable, and one thing led to another. Since it’s all about Lucrezia, she turns it into a personal tragedy. Everyone is going to think her daughters are whores!

Lucia arrives home completely oblivious to the fact that her grandmother and Camilo have just invented a new past, present and future for her, without her consent. Camilo greets her as she exits her car and says they need to talk. They stand next to the noisy fountain to make comprehension just that much more difficult for us. Cam admits he knows she’s preggers and that he wants to marry her. To him it’s not a sacrifice. “I love you Lucia. I’ve loved you from the first moment I met you.” He hugs her and Lucia looks completely shell shocked.

Judith tells JJ that she is not “getting back together” with Cam. It’s her life. JJ does not like being disobeyed. Judith says she’ll leave the house like her brothers. JJ scoffs at this. She doesn’t know how to do anything. Not even how find a man who will support her. Judith asks how he can treat his daughter like this. We all know how effective it is to talk to JJ about feelings and decency, and trivial stuff like that.

Carly catches Lucia as she comes into the house and tells her about the lie that she and Cam invented for her. Lucia is shockingly not pissed about this. Lucrezia isn’t as dumb as they think. She tells them she knows Lucia, and she knows how in love she is with Ivan, so she KNOWS this baby is Ivan’s, not Camilo’s. Lucia admits it.

Anto brings Caro flowers and out of the blue proposes…that they live together. She’s not offended by this, but does ask if he wants them to live together, without being married. To him it’s all the same, married or not married. Whatever she wants. He has a fixed job and a salary now, and isn’t in danger of being killed and dumped in the gutter. Now that Alex is gone, Caro doesn’t want to abandon Gerry. He’ll be all alone. “Your brother-in-law is a grown man.” (hombre hecho y derecho) “Princess, I want to be alone with you. I want to make love to you. Have babies with you. Wouldn’t you like that?” Caro is scared that her blindness will prevent her from taking care of their babies, and she doesn’t want to take advantage of his mother, although she has no issue with living with her. Anto suggests surgery as an option, but Caro doesn’t want him to waste so much money again. She’s scared, and Anto tries to kiss her worries away.

Although Lucrezia now knows who the real daddy is, she is still on board with the marry Camilo plan. She wants the wedding right away, before Lucia is showing. Lucia wants a small civil wedding at the ranch since she doesn’t think it right to get married in the Church already pregnant. The only other thing she requests is that no one tells MP or Ivan that she’s getting married. Lucrezia can’t believe they aren’t going to tell/invite the Mondragons.

In front of the noisy fountain, Lucia gives Cam the rundown on the wedding plans. Whatever she wants, he’s on board with it. He plans on building a house on his part of the land. In the meantime, they can rent an apartment since he’s sure she wouldn’t want to live with his mother. Lucia suggests they live in the big ranch house with her mom and grandmother (don’t do it!). Cam will do what she wants. He asks if she thinks one day she could love him. She tells him she hopes to and asks for time. He agrees and kisses her.

Lucia tells Carly again that she doesn’t want Ivan to know about the wedding, mostly for Camilo’s sake. Carly doesn’t think it matters since Ivan is living HAPPILY with his MUJER and son. Lucia is surprised to hear the happily part and Carly tries to brush it off. Lucia admits that although she wasn’t scared to be a single mother, she does think it’s good that her child will have a father.

In L.A., Ivan arrives home, greets Benito, and goes up to see Alex. Alex asks for help with his math homework.

Celia wonders if Lucia will be able to come to love Camilo as much as she loves Ivan. Camilo is not feeling as guilty as he was about it all a few days ago, and tells Celia about Ivan doing the horizontal mambo with MP. Celia is as shocked as we were. “But he hates her.” Celia thinks it must be a lie, then thinks Ivan just gave into his manly urges. She’s more worried about Cam getting hurt in this whole deal. Since he’s made up his mind, she gives him her blessing. Camilo promises he’ll win Lucia over (conquistarla).

MP has made herself comfortable on Ivan’s bed in her negligee. She is not deterred when Ivan says last night was a mistake and meant nothing. She thinks it meant that he still desires her. He tells her she has no pride/shame. This also doesn’t deter her so he pulls out the big guns and tells her he only saw and felt Lucia; he made love to Lucia last night. MP pauses for a half second, then goes in for the major mouth meld after saying it was HER he made love to. He pries her loose and they proceed to have a staring contest.

Carmen tells Camilo that she wants to study English and computation. If she really wants to study, then he’ll pay for it AND give her an allowance (mensualidad)! (He is obviously in a good mood.) Carmen can’t believe how easy that was. Celia tells her to stay on the straight and narrow or she’ll take away that allowance.

Anto and Gordo run into each other on the street. Gordo wonders if Anto caused Saul’s accident. Anto sticks to his divine justice story, while making it clear that’s the kind of justice that befalls anyone who messes with his family. He then tells the permanently scarred Gordo that he’ll see him around…in the mirror (espejo). Gordo makes a call to Casa Mondragon and pretends to be a friend of Saul’s to get info about his whereabouts. Esther tells him and he hangs up before she can get the name of this “good friend.”

MP is going out with her friends… again. Ivan tries to find out who these friends are and why they can’t meet them, and to convince her to rein in her spending since she’s once again exceeded her limit. She flounces off while he’s still yelling. Tony advises him to just raise her limit, let her do what she wants, and have peace in the house. Ivan can’t control himself since he HATES her!

Outside, Alex asks Maria and Benito why his parents fight so much. If they can’t get along, then they shouldn’t have gotten married. (Right on Alex!) Benito tries to cheer him up and tells him to be patient. Alex is too depressed by it all to even play with Bruno.

Despite the plea to keep the wedding intimate, Lucrezia is trying to invite people like the gossipy school mistress Olga who fired Lucia, and the Meandragons. Carly accepts the Meandragons, as long as JJ doesn’t tell Tony about the wedding.

Lucia finds a shirtless, sweaty, chiseled, uhm… where was I? Oh, yeah. Lucia finds Camilo working hard in the fields. She wants them to talk to her father, and she asks Cam once again if he has any regrets. Nope! And to show her, he sweeps her up into his manly, toned, strong, uhm…where was I? He picks her up into his arms, twirls her around, and gives her a gentle kiss. (Lucia is just as boring of a kisser with Camilo as she was with Ivan, but at least his kisses aren’t like a Hoover.)

They walk hand in hand through the part of the ranch house that isn’t finished yet, but will be theirs. They find Gerry and tell him they want to marry. He looks like he just swallowed his own tongue at this news, but finds it when he talks to Carly and Lucrezia later. He can’t believe it, since Lucia was just moping about Ivan five seconds ago! He thinks it’s too sudden and knows something is up (hay gato cerrado/there’s a cat in a bag/locked up). Carly talks about how depressed Lucia has been and now just wants to turn over a new leaf. Gerry thinks there’s a big difference between querer (to care for/love) and amar (romantic love/passionate love), and Lucia does not “ama” Camilo. Lucrezia brings up the fact that he didn’t “amar” his second wife, and they married mainly for Alex. “That was different. There was a child to think of. Hey, Lucia’s not pregnant is she?!” The Curiel women do what they do best, lie and deny. But they beg him not to let the McGuires know about the wedding.

Tomorrow: La boda de Lucia y Camilo!


Una Familia Con Suerte #24 Mon 11/7/11 "I have lava in my veins, little butterfly!"

Enters Candy with the barrio pot brigade yelling "We love you Pancho!" Rebe calls time out and yells at Pancho (Francisco) in private - "You're brilliant except when it comes to your family. With this circus, your credibility is shot. If you can't control your family, how can you control Irabien?" When he says they came to watch his back, she says "At Avon, I'll always have your back. You were managing perfectly well on your own."

Back at the circus Candy tells Arnold she has a mountain of ideas for the company. Vince asks her for a private massage - but not here! "Want me to put on my Catgirl uniform?"

Pancho to Rebe: "Chacho is my consultant, philoshoper. Chela is my boat and my anchor." Turns out, he wants work for all his kids (except Temo). He even wants his dog working at Avon (he has a good nose).

The accountaint tells Vince and Enzo "We made the decision - this meeting is informative, not a debate." "We will keep spending as before." "No. From now on, all expenses must be okayed by me, Rebe or Pancho." Vince, Arnold and Enzo leave; they complain about the "horde of nacos" invasion.

Arnold is stroking Vince when Pancho enters; he and Vince commence yelling at each other. Vince: "You want me to take you seriously, ha ha ha. You did this as revenge because I threw your sister-in-law out the other day." Pancho hears Chela was in Rebe's office. Vince insinuates that Chela might have been stealing things. Pancho punches him.

As usual, (1) Chela tells dead sister I love him in my bones and veins. Forgive me!" (2) Monica is chased down by Pepe at the elevator. She says "Keep dreaming, mechanico." "I dream of you every night."

Pina spending the day in bed, fretting that the magic drops were just a placebo and they didn't work! Adoracion drinks the rest of the not-very-magical flask.

Rebe pours out her woes to Barbara, who finds it all funny, especially the part where Rebe is so jealous of Chela!

Pancho's family talks about the Arab visit. Candy will prepare a "special number" for them. Chela will need money to make a "feast fit for kings" for them.

Vince walks and complains to his dog. Candy appears from behind a tree and whispers alluringly: "I have lava in my veins, little butterfly. You know what you and I could do?" When she tires of taunting him she leaves and he hits his sore nose on a tree.

Pancho has a credit card now - Chela offers us a public service announcement: "Be careful with that, credit cards can be a menace." He tells her HE sent the nanny -- so she wouldn't work so hard. He tells her to dress up sexy tonight, "like you did the other night when you looked like a giant kiwi," she asks why, he says it's a secret. Uh-oh.

Pepe gets Monica's friend Kari to help him out: "Naco, you're driving her crazy. But she will never give in - because she has a boyfriend, and because of her father - they are indivisible because her mom died so young. They adore each other." He catches Monica - asks if she'd like to go out with him - she says she's busy - he reminds her "you owe me a favor. Sit for a minute. I didn't know about your mom... I lost my mom too, I was older, she died when Temo was born. I had 12 years with her. I know how sad it is when your jefa (affectionate joke, means boss-lady) leaves and the world... I don't know what I would have done without my dad. So I understand." She runs away crying.

Candy and Pina sit over a snack. "You look sad, what's the matter? Problems with your husband?" "Yes, my husband doesn't want me." "Reconquer him! I know what you have to buy."

Vince is very nervous, his friends can't decide what he should do about Candy. He decides Avon should hire her! Arnold calls Candy and makes an appointment for tomorrow. Chela thinks it's a trick.

Rebeca asks Pancho to try out his English. It's not so good. He says no worries, he knows how to make himself understood. Ana shows up sad, nothing happens.

Tomorrow: Pina tries her pole dancing dressed in leather!


Saturday, November 05, 2011

11/5/11 - ¡Manos Quietas!: Fernando Colunga Tied Up and Woman-handled in Public!

We have a special treat provided to us by commenter Audrey. She was fortunate (and smart) enough to see Fernando Colunga LIVE in the play ¡Manos Quietas! She has generously provided a recap of the play for our enjoyment. Take it away Audrey...

Recap by Audrey

¡Manos Quietas! is a play written by Catalán author Piti Español which premiered in Madrid in 2010. Fernando Colunga liked the script and the Mexican production team adapted it to Mexican slang and recent pop TN culture. Currently on tour in the US, I saw it in McAllen on 11/4.

This one act play is set in a classroom at the end of the school year, where Manuel and his (almost ex-)wife have an interview with the (female) principal about their son’s progress.

* Fernando Colunga plays Manuel, an almost divorced husband and father, down on his luck. He thinks he is just in a trial separation with his wife.
* Giselle Blondet plays Esme, the principal, into politically correct inclusive language regarding gender and totally against corporal punishment.
* Lorena Rojas plays Aurora, Manuel’s about-to-be-ex wife, a real bully of a man-eater who is dumping Manuel because she is involved with another parent.
* Aylin Mujica plays Sra. Sonia Cortejo - the hysterical mother of a kid hit by a parent at the recent school picnic.
* Johnny Lozada plays Cristóbal - the school’s “pre-tech” teacher.

The main themes of the play are: political correctness; gossip; hypocrisy; and, um, maybe taking some things to extreme? I’d say another theme unique to this Mexican version is watching FC in a most unusual situation!

The play was really a hoot. Even if you are dependent on captions for watching Spanish TNs, you will still get a lot of it, especially if you read the recap ahead of time. The play is very physical with lots of exaggerated acting at times, so you’ll get tons of cues. And plenty of eye candy for both sexes and a few TN-related inside jokes.

The scenes are somewhat combined for brevity to cover the main plot and highlights. Some things are likely out of order anyway - after all, this is from memory, and I didn’t think of recapping it until afterwards.


Cristóbal, a teacher, sweeps through the classroom straightening tables, and setting the room right. Esme, the school principal, comes in. They gossip about the shocking happenings at the recent school spring picnic where they had a big game between the Amarillos and Azules - those parents just love the colored shirts! But it seems one of the parents was seen making out with another (not her husband) - shocking! And even more shocking, one of the parents hit another parent’s kid! Unfortunately the kid’s hysterical mother is on the warpath and wants to sue/report the school! They both leave the room.

In marches Manuel (FC) [to massive applause, of course] dressed in a suit with briefcase and here for the interview with the principal about his son. He practices his speech to convince the principal to buy these new computers specialized for kids education. He’s under the gun financially - he recently lost his job at the car dealership.

[At this point you know who the main characters are and a bit of their background and prejudices, the premise, the gossip from the spring (picnic) party with yellow and blue teams and that Manuel and Aurora are recently separated at Aurora’s instigation. So this would be a place to stop if you are pretty fluent in Spanish and you wanted to see the play before reading the rest of the recap. If your Spanish is not so solid, reading ahead will help you follow the main plot, and there is still plenty of peripheral action that I did not cover.]

The principal, Esme, returns. Manuel is early! His wife knew the appointment was for half an hour later. Manuel pulls a blue t-shirt out of his briefcase and asks if he is supposed to return the shirt from the school picnic. They talk about his children. The principal has this pet peeve about gender prejudice in the Spanish language, and insists that all plural nouns be inclusive of both genders. For example, Manuel doesn’t have “dos niños”, he has “un niño y una niña”. Manuel, in salesman mode, gets with the equality-in-noun-gender program and works hard to convince Esme that her school should buy these great (iPad like) computers! But unfortunately, the batteries are dead so his demo bombs.

The subject changes to hitting children. Esme has heard rumors that Manuel was the parent who hit Sra. Cortejo’s kid at the spring picnic. Oh no! He might have rubbed the kid’s head a bit rough in play, but no hitting! Unfortunately for Manuel, Esme gets him to reveal that he doesn’t believe in no corporal punishment under any circumstances and might have spanked his kids once or twice. Manuel is subjected to a huge lecture.

Aurora, his (almost ex-)wife sails in. She lambasts Manuel for all sorts of injustices. Esme adds her disapproval that Manuel still believes in corporal punishment. And she has reason to believe that he hit another parent’s kid at the spring picnic! Horrors! Manuel denies anything more than maybe roughhousing with the kid a bit. Aurora takes advantage as she plans to fight for custody of the kids.

In sails the hysterical mother, Sonia (Aylin Mujica in new-age gypsy hippie garb), going on and on about her poor traumatized kid. Her kid told her Manuel was the culprit. Manuel emphatically denies it. Esme gangs up since Manuel had admitted he might have administered a spanking or two. Aurora piles on as well, claiming this shows what an unfit father he is! They go on as Manuel (yes, macho FC), cringes with the harangues, protesting and denying.

Crazy mother Sonia and principal Esme leave the room to talk to the poor traumatized kid who has been left alone in Sonia’s car (shock!!!). Manuel leaves to use the restroom. Aurora phones her new lover, Paco Menendez to tell him: “You know that kid you hit at the school picnic? Well, the hysterical mother is at the school ready to denounce everybody!” She’ll see what she can do, otherwise his PTA position might be in jeopardy!

When Manuel returns Aurora starts getting on his case again. This time, she tries to browbeat him into “confessing” even though he denies it emphatically. Finally, she cajoles him with offers to “maybe” reconsider their separation and her attempts to take away the children. Just go ahead and take the blame, and then the school won’t get sued, and everything will be hunky-dory.

Sonia and Esme return. After another round of escalating haranguing and denials from Manuel with Aurora claiming otherwise, Manuel decides to just go ahead and say he did it and apologize.

But poor Manuel - now he is from the frying pan into the fire! Rather than calming down, the ladies go ballistic. He apologizes and apologizes and begs forgiveness. With the apologies, Sonia is somewhat mollified and decides maybe she won’t sue anybody after all, and almost leaves. But wait! What a great idea she has (as her ideas are always brilliant!). She’s taking acting classes and Tai Chi which she mimes elaborately. She’ll publish an interview with an “admitted kid-hitter” - where Manuel admits how very wrong he was. As a lesson to everybody!

Manuel doesn’t like this - hey no fair! Manuel mimics Sonia’s taking “acting classes” and “tai chi” which has FC doing an elaborate tai chi parody that has the audience screaming with laughter. This totally sets Sonia off, she’s going to sue Manuel and the school!!! Oops!

Manuel backs down. The ladies decide that if just, for once, he agrees to see what it is like to be a woman, they might let him off the hooks. OK, he’ll try to understand and cooperate!

Sonia finds some cord and ties Manuel’s hands behind his back. Oh, no, Manuel doesn’t like that! The ladies complain about men who are always checking out their bust and behind. One of them unbuttons part of Manuel’s shirt and two ladies rummage about inside complaining about how men always just want to grab their breasts. Another complains about having to wear heels all her life and grabs his necktie pulling up to make him tip-toe around as if he were wearing heels. Finally, one of them unbuckles his pants and pulls them down around his ankles!!! [The audience is just screaming at this point]. He’s wearing fairly modest knit black undies and almost knee-length black socks. Nice legs FC!

Poor FC is hopping around the stage for quite a while with his pants around his ankles, pinched and poked and thoroughly woman-handled with threats of more. They very much tease the audience with what these out-of-control ladies might do next!

And imagine what it would be like, they admonish him, to be caught, terrified, on a dark street with three nasty guys, stronger than you are, harassing you. They call him !puta! and ¡zorra! and act like men demeaning a helpless woman they have cornered.

Aurora claims that now that he is an admitted kid-hitter, no way is she going to let him have custody of the children.

Finally Cristóbal comes in, shocked at this outrageous scene. He quickly unties Manuel and scolds the ladies. Manuel is able to put himself back together. “¡Pinches Viejas!” yells Manuel, and the crowd roars.

The ladies explain to Cristóbal that they were just giving Manuel a bit of “education” about how women are subjugated to all sorts of harassment. Manuel tries to get Cristobal to sympathize with him, but unfortunately gets too macho about it. This sets Cristobal off who, now revealed as a gay person, feels that he of everyone is by far the most harassed and handicapped. He scolds everyone using every possible gay cliché and physical parody, of course.

A distant car alarm goes off. Oh, no! Sonia freaks! It must be her kid who still locked in the car!!!! Off she runs again.

Manuel has had enough, and talks about his poor beleaguered life. How he has had to work hard and provide for everyone, and he thought he had accomplished his dream in marrying Aurora and having children, and now Aurora doesn’t want him anymore. And he’s been fired from his job, and kicked out of the house, and his wife is trying to take the kids away from him! He goes on and on about the trials of a man in today’s society. He even calls himself a poor a**hole! He gets a huge applause for his elaborate woe-is-me speech. Aurora taunts him. “Yeah, bravo! Great theatrical performance! What do you think - that there is a big audience out there listening to you?” [nudge-nudge, wink-wink, LOL!]

Sonia returns. Oh - her kid is so traumatized, he can’t even stand the color yellow anymore! Yellow? asks Manuel. Wait a minute - he was on the blue team! But Sonia says her kid knows that man who hit him was Aurora’s husband, because he was kissing Aurora under the stairs right beforehand! OOoooops! Manuel pulls out his blue team t-shirt and declares that furthermore, he was never under the stairs! Aurora is outed! Now Sonia is livid all over again. She’s going to sue Paco Menendez and it’s all going to come out and he won’t be re-elected to the PTA! Manuel suggests that Sonia, with all her theatrical and tai-chi training maybe should do that brilliant idea interview with Paco Menendez now, since he is the established kid-hitter. Sonia runs off all energized, and Aurora after her, trying to do damage control.

Manuel asks “What about the interview about my kid?” “Well,” Esme points out, “it’s gotten pretty late now, we had better do that another time.” With all they have put him through, asks Manuel, couldn’t Esme consider buying several of these great specialized computers for children? Manuel thinks the school should buy one for every student! Esme is not so sure. Manuel suggests they go out for dinner, and discuss this in an environment more conducive to um, discussion. Oh, now Esme is interested! She sidles over to Manuel, fishing for compliments. They embrace as Manuel assures her that, with her, no man could keep his manos quietas (hands still). CURTAIN!

Bows. And the audience rushes the stage with their camera phones going crazy - LOL!

Throughout the play they had fun with different phone ringtones for different characters, always some well known theme. A fun example near the end, (after she was established as the guilty party), Aurora’s phone plays the “Esa Hembra es Mala” theme from Teresa before she finally picks it up.

Plenty of just slightly off-color Mexican slang also - things that never seem that bad to me (like references to big goats and eggs (LOL!)) but always seem to get a Mexican audience roaring.

Of course the biggest joke of all enjoyed by the audience is seeing Fernando Colunga in a role completely opposite of his normal ultra-galán role. Tied up and touched all over by three rabid women? - surely some of the ladies in the audience wished they could join in the fun. Obviously FC chose this role for the irony and maybe a refreshing break from the usual? We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!

US Tour Dates (posted by Variopinta a week ago - this is the most complete list I could find on the internet)
Brownsville TX 11/3, McAllen Tx 11/4
Chicago 11/6,
Miami (Coral Gables) 11/11,12,13,19,20,21
Laredo Tx 11/22, Eagle Pass Tx 11/23
L.A. 12/2,3,4,9,10,11

I get the impression from various interviews and articles that this US tour is actually the initial run for the play, trying it out before committing to a more extensive tour. I hope you get to go see it!

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La Fuerza del Destino #65 Fri 11/04/11 A Bite of the Apple for Ivan

[Please excuse the delay.  We've had the internet out all this weekend.--ed.]

As Viewerville heads back across the Rio Grande to peek in on small town life in Alamos, Carlota has suggested to Lucia that she take a page out of her old book by marrying a man to give her kid a name and a respectable father figure, somebody that loves her and wouldn’t consider it a sacrifice, somebody like Camilo Galvan who later admits to Carly he’s in love with said expectant mother of his BFF’s 2nd child; in the California city of Lost (as in fallen) Angels, Ivan is reminding Maripaz that she’s there as Mrs. Ivan on a pass as it was the only means he could get partial custody of Alex, so fade into the wallpaper and/or find some other way of making herself scarce as hen’s teeth; and shocker of all shockers, anti-authoritarian Antolin has told the family that he’s turning a new leaf and taking a respectable job at the Ag Association offices to work as Juan Jaime Mondragon’s right hand man—or henchman, as his younger brother says he thinks is more likely. 

Anto doesn’t take to Cam’s …er… harshly critical assessment of his big brother’s chosen career path and the two nearly come to blows over the kitchen table over it.  Carmen tries to “brighten” the conversation with a question about how Saul Meandragon is doing.  Big mistake!  Anto jumps on her with both feet and tells her to forget the sorry son of a sawbuck if she knows what’s good for her.  Cam heads for bed, still in a crab-assed mood, and Mama Arcelia tells Anto she can’t make heads or tails of it.

The next day, Cam visits with Lucia and wants to ask her to marry him but can’t get the words out of his mouth.  He gets only as far as stating he’d do anything in the world for her admitting why: because for a long time now he’s been in love with her. But that’s where it ends cuz Cam loses his nerve after seeing Lucia’s jaw drop.  He walks away, leaving Lucia to wonder if he got word from Carly that she’s preggers and was maybe broadly hinting at wanting to help her out of a bad fix.  Why?  Cuz he just finished telling her he’d been in love with her for a quite a while.  Carly smoothly denies that she’d ever tell him something like that!  Lucia believes her and says she’s certain that if he knew she was expecting another man’s child he’d want nothing more to do with her for sure!  Uhm-uh-hmmmm.

Cam goes back home to discuss the situation with mama.  He tells Celia that Lucia’s expecting Ivan’s child.  Hoh-boy, says Celia.  Cam explains Carly’s proposition and says obviously it’s to keep the town from gossiping, tho’ everyone will anyway because they all knew she was seriously dating Ivan.  He doesn’t care, tho, that they might because he has loved her from the day he met her.  It’s more that he’s torn because even if Lucia might accept marrying him, he couldn’t do this to Ivan to whom he owes so much and because he’s like his own brother!  How could he face Ivan once he finds out that he’s sleeping in the same bed with his mujer [lady-love/lover]?  Celia wisely points out Lucia was his bedtime gal pal, but she isn’t now because Ivan hooked up with another gal.  So, the question is, does he feel he could marry a woman who not only is preggers with somebody else’s kid, but is not in love with him either?  He would love the child as his own, he tells Mama.  It’s not the child’s fault he’s somebody else’s.  Yes, but what about being married to somebody who doesn’t love him?

At the same time, the Meandragon clan—with the exception of Juan Jeil-me—are visiting Saul in the hospital they managed to transfer him to.  The sight is shocking for the family, and they apologize for not getting there sooner, but it was all they could do to convince Juan Jeil-me to let them come.  Well, thanks, he says in all sincerity, but it’s been hard going through that all alone.  He tells them he’s facing numerous operations and doesn’t even know if Papa is going to pay for them or not.  David’s willing to give him all his savings but Saul says it’s going to cost a fortune and he’s not likely to ever save enough to cover it. 

Back in the Galvan kitchen, meanwhile, Cam tells his mama he’s certain with time and attention Lucia is certain to fall in love with him.  Besides what’s Ivan got that he hasn’t—aside from the big bucks, which don’t mean squat to Lucia?  He can give her a decent life free from unpleasantness and hardship.  Yes, says Celia, but Love is something else again. He’s got all the right stuff, but Love is not something you can control or direct.  It either happens or it doesn’t—and it’s not a sure bet.  That may be, answers Cam, but he can’t abandon her in her time of need.  He loves her too much to allow her to become the butt of everyone’s jokes in Alamos.  No, he’s ready to marry her whether she ever comes to love him as much as he loves her.  The problem is that he feels like a traitor to Ivan!  “--Hah!  I’d say the traitor is really Ivan, don’t you think?  He’s the one who chose another woman.  He left her to marry her sister instead.”  “—Yeah, but he did it for his child.”  “—And aren’t you doing it for Lucia’s child?” He turns away in frustration, overwhelmed with the onslaught of conflicting emotions.  “—What’s important is that you’re marrying a gal who isn’t in love with you, so think about it son.  Think about it.” (Viewerville starts thinking that Arcelia is the kind of mother we all should aspire to be, perhaps.) They hug.

Across town at the Meandragon lair, the family returns to plead Saul’s case to have Juan Jeil-me agree to pay for his numerous operations.  JJ at first tells them he could give a flip and that since it was Saul’s fault for driving drunk he can pay for his own operations.  Esther has had enough and lights into her husband, telling him she loves Saul like he’s her own, having raised him from a baby and she refuses to let him abandon his son like this.  If he won’t spend the money, he might remember that she came with a bit of her own into this marriage.  Not to be outsmarted by a woe-man, he gives in and agrees to cover all the “damned expenses” himself, then grumps off.  “—Satisfied?”  I guess so!

Days pass.  Antolin seems to be taking his job at the Association pretty seriously; The Curiel Clan move in at Suckers’ Ranch; Carmen flirts with the ranch foreman; Alex starts school in Lost Angels.

While they’re unpacking some of their things, we get a PSA on pregnancy not supposedly a debilitating illness (say what?) and learn that Cam hasn’t contacted Lucia again since telling her he was in love with her.  Carly hints that Lucia might actually miss him being around, and of course, she denies it.  Carly suggests that she call him instead.  Lucia says no way.  Once Carly leaves to check on the curtains, Lucia finds out from Gloria that Cam’s been coming daily to check on the harvest and does know that this is the day they’re moving in.

Back up in L.A., Merry Piece is on her way out the door when Alex stops her to ask for help with his homework.  She tells him to ask his daddy; she was never good with schoolwork, anyway.  Alex states point blank that she really doesn’t love him does she.  Nope, she says.  “—You were only useful to get your daddy to marry me.”  She goes on her merry way out the door.  Just so happens that Anthony overheard the conversation and the look on his face shows his compassion for Alex at that moment.  He artfully takes the conversation in a different direction.  Benito arrives at that point—and this time is all legal thanks to Mr. Tony’s mouthpiece.  He mentions that he passed Merry Piece on the way and she ignored (?) him.  Tony says she pulled the same stuff on him too.  Big whoop.

At Suckers’ Ranch, the foreman tells the others that Arcelia and Carmen won’t be coming back anymore.  He offers his single, childless, boyfriend-less sister to help Gloria.  Gerardo shows up then.  He notes that Lucia is looking a bit pale these days.  Carly’s eyes go wide with cover-up fright.

That evening north of the border, MP is gambling the night away with her old school chum and the school chum’s hubby.  School Chum’s hubby may be bi-lingual, but his hands are tri-lingual as he has Russian hands, as Merry Piece happily notes.

Gerry tells the women that he’s got weeks more repair work and that it will be noisy there for a while.  Lucia asks after Alex and learns he’s talked to Carolina daily and is doing okay at school.  Lucrecia asks about Merry Piece.  Gerry’s tone turns abrupt.  “—Alex doesn’t even mention her.”  Lucia and Carly worry about Alex growing up without a mother figure—and you can count Merry Piece out in that case!  Ho hum, laments Lucia, a child needs a mama and a papa.  Poor Alex has no mama and my child has no papa. 

In town, meanwhile, Judith and Cam are sipping sodas on some restaurant’s side patio.  Jud confides in him and explains that her father is pushing her on him even though she’s already explained they are only friends.  He is surprised.  Well, she says, now that he’s heard Cam’s general manager of McGuire and Son, Papa JJ sees him in a whole different light—dollar green.  He offers to explain to JJ but she says no, it’s her problem and her place to deal with him, not his.  He bucks her up telling her all the wonderful qualities she possesses and not to take his rejection personally, it’s just he’s been in love with somebody else (who shall remain nameless) and it’s something that can’t be helped, blah, blah, blah.

At Gerry’s, Caro is crying over missing Alex being there.  He tries to console her but she is certain that the longer he’s away the distance will drive him further away from them till he doesn’t remember them at all.

Anto tells Celia he wants to propose to Carolina.  She’s thrilled and asks him to bring her there to live with the family.  He thinks she’ll want some place nicer. (Excuse me, but the gal’s blind.  How’s she going to know from fancy, anyway?  What stupid writer got that line past his supervisor?)  Celia sagely says it’s the quality of the home life, not the house, that counts.  Anto agrees and smiles at her.

In L.A., Ivan wanders the house and chats with Tony for a while afterwards.  He knows he’s got to bury Lucia’s memory somehow in order to get on with his life and to do the right thing for Alex.  Tony suggests going out with friends and doing things to get his mind off her.  “—Blow off steam somehow.” [Desahogate].  He tries calling Lucia but can’t reach her.  He checks on Alex for the night Ivan then heads to bed to hit the hay for the day.  Ruh-roh.  Merry Piece is standing next to his bed, buck nekkid under her silk robe.  “--I know you miss her.  Let me help you forget her.”  The robe drops.  They kiss as a cacophonous hiss goes up all over Viewerville. “—You need it as much as I do, Ivan.”  They kiss some more and he goes with the flow, imagining he’s making love to Lucia instead of her bruja of a sister.  (Ivan, you scumbag!)  Afterwards, he wanders the house, wanting to kick himself for the jackass S.O.B. he and the whole of Viewerville now consider him to be.  “—Dios mio.  What did I do?” The raven of wrath appears and Bruno is on the scent.
Van wanders into the moonlit game room and kneels by the table behind one of the cueballs which rightly should have been an 8 ball, cuz damn if he isn’t behind one by now for sure!  Tony walks in and sees what a mental state he’s in.  “--What’s going on?”  “—I’ve made a serious mistake, Pops.  When I got married I promised myself I’d never sleep with Maripaz, but I’ve just did exactly that!”  Cara de choca de Anthony.  “—You should understand that from this moment on, Lucia is dead to you.”   


El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of November 7, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

¡Hola a todos! Welcome to the wacky world of Telemundo novelas.

Empezamos con Mi Corazón Insiste, capítulo de viernes:

Another episode where not much happened and what did happen was silly.

There was silliness in the hospital between Sofía, Camilo and some of his ex-girlfriends.

Rodrigo's boss tells him to stop investigating people like Diana and Andres' former lawyer. The lawyer filed a complaint saying that Rodrigo harassed him. Rodrigo says ok but the next thing we know he is at Diana's mother's house disguised as a guy from the electric company trying to get information about Diana from the mother and the kid. He finds a picture of Diana graduating from Harvard. But this is all totally unnecessary: Diana applied for a job at Exportex. Andres was impressed by her qualifications so presumably he has a resume that details all her education and previous employment.

Andres strong arms his ex-lawyer and gets him to confess to Lola that he disobeyed Andres' instructions by telling her that he was filing a custody suit. Lola and Andres establish a truce. Lola agrees to let Andres see Chabelita if he keeps Diana out of Chabelita's life and Andres asks that she do the same with Ángel.

More bonding between Andres and Diana's kid. Andres tells Marcosito about his daughter and invites him over to meet her. Lola is annoyed that Andres has brought Diana's kid to her house but she seems moved by the heart to heart conversation Andres is having with the kid about life and love. The grandmother notwithstanding. I see this kid ending up with Lola and Andres at the end of the novela.

Ángel is angry when he comes to check on Felix and the prisoners. Felix asks what is going on and Ángel reveals to Felix that he has another person working for him who has p*ssed him off. Felix is surprised and wants to know who it is.

Then for some reason, Ángel brings Diana to where he is holding Vicky and Soledad and introduces her to everyone and specifically tells Vicky that Diana is the person who killed her daughter, Débora.

I think that was about it. I didn't get to watch Flor Salvaje last night so I'll leave that to Novelera is she is so inclined.

Over to you.

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Una Familia Con Suerte #23 Fri 11/4/11 Occupy... Avon?

Administrative announcement: I'm starting a new job a week from Monday. After that, I probably won't be able to continue doing two recaps a week even if they're puny.

Of course I'll be able to post a discussion header for the Tuesday episode, but Friday recaps may be on weekends rather than Friday nights.

Yeah, so, the unexpected nanny shows up and Chela is civilized about it until the nanny reveals that she was sent by Rebeca. THEN Chela loses it. "GOYA! MY BAG!!!"

Vince is selling hot dogs from a cart. Candy buys one with mustard for ten pesos. Oh, ha-ha, he's actually asleep at his desk. This is Vince's idea of a dirty dream? Pathetic. Vince notices Arnold watching Sandra, the bimbo secretary, walking out of the room. That's twice this week that Vince has caught Arnold doing something not-very-gay. Arnold asks what Vince needs with Candy when he has such a fine wife. V says Pina's too skinny; he can't do it. Arnold suggests the "blue pill"; Vince says it's not an equipment problem - he just isn't attracted to her. Arnold recommends that they try adding some novelty.

Tomás is sorry for breaking up with Lupita. "Do you know how many times you've asked my forgiveness lately?" Lupita asks.

A frightened accountant named Lamberto meets with Pancho. Pancho finds the man's name unbearably funny because it sounds like "lamento," so he decides to call him "Beto" (and later, "Lambi"). The poor man really is aptly named; he is sweating profusely, refuses an offer of coffee because it might make him nervous, and reveals that he suffers from chronic anxiety. He clutches a book of financial records in his sweaty hands and warns Pancho that the company is about to go down like the Titanic if things continue in their present trajectory. Pancho says he's noticed that Vince and Enzo have been using the company as their personal money-tree.

Pancho and Lambi/Beto compare notes and numbers for a while. Lambi relaxes and even enjoys their chat. Pancho invites him to tomorrow's meeting to discuss the executive expenses. Lambi (now "Mamerto") is delighted.

Chela ambushes Rebeca in her office and they have their usual argument. In short, Chela feels that Rebeca is messing with her family, and Rebeca (who visits Pancho's house and makes claims on Pancho's personal time whenever she pleases) doesn't like Chela coming to her office and her apartment. Rebecky also teases Chela yet again about her love for Pancho; nothing Chela does is ever wrong because it's in the name of love. Rebe also thinks that Chela must have a spy in the office to know about her conversation with Vince the other night. She wants to know who that spy is, and that person will be fired because of Chela! Chela says fine, then why don't you fire yourself for spying too, because you're the one who recorded Vicente bad-mouthing Fernanda!

Anyway, she didn't come here to talk about spying. She's here because of the nanny. (Man, I wish some horrible woman would send someone to my house to wash the dishes and vacuum. I promise not to complain.) Rebeca's gotta lotta nerve making decisions for Chela's family, etc. etc. Beca tries to tell her that it was actually Pancho's idea, but Chela doesn't let her finish. Rebeca gives a particularly withering speech about how she's heard so much about Chela being such a great second mother that she could recite it from memory; "so congratulations, Chela, for winning first place in the housewife contest!"

ARGH BITCH!!! Well excuuuuuuse Chela for taking care of the family and the house instead of spending the family's carrot money getting a PhD and buying designer shoes! Seriously, under any other circumstances I'd find Chela's grumpy self-righteousness the most annoying thing on the show, but then Rebeca will say something so ugly that I end up feeling sorry for Chela. I hope someday soon they have a catfight and both fall fully clothed into a swimming pool, except I'm a little worried that Chela's aprons and heavy sweaters might cause her to sink to the bottom and drown, like the Titanic. Or Avon.

Rebeca would like to get back to work. She tells Chela to leave and turns to walk away. Chela grabs her arm. Offended, Rebeca says "don't touch me - this is the second time you've done that." Rebeca goes away and Chela sits down to wait till Rebeca comes back for more abuse.

Barbara and Rebeca have coffee together and Rebeca tells Barbara all her woes about Pancho's family. Barbara thinks Chela feels threatened by Rebeca, and Barbara would too if she felt that she was competing against her. (I think that's what she says.)

Chela calls home to give Candy an update. Candy says Chela is jealous. Vince comes in, Chela gets lippy with him, and he calls Security to have her removed. She warns Vince about the wrath of her family and hits the security guys with her handbag and finally leaves.

At the office, Pancho calls off tonight's etiquette lesson so he can finish crunching some numbers for tomorrow's meeting. At home, Chela wants a family meeting.

Karina calls Pepe and makes Mónica talk to him. She tells him he doesn't suit her at all, and ever since he came into her life it's been filled with trouble and confusion and doubts. Pepe takes this as an encouraging sign.

At home, Vince puzzles over Arnold's advice to try making love with Pina on the floor and in other exotic locations. (I notice behind him that there's a framed photo of Vince kissing not his wife, but his dog. It's a very sweet and touching photo.) Pina comes in; Vince imagines Catgirl and kisses her, but then she's Pina again and he doesn't want any. She keeps switching between Pina and Catgirl. She stays Catgirl long enough for Vince to take one of his trademark flying leaps; sadly, he kind of lands on her neck, and besides, she is not as sturdy as Sandra. She protests that he is slitting her throat (degollando)! Catgirl doesn't care - she wants more. He lifts her up and spins her around and throws her on the bed. Pina doesn't like that, either. She wants a divorce! (Oh no! Would we survive the custody battle over Abejita and the granddogs?) She sorts through her Flores de Bach tinctures and takes a good swig from the Ego bottle.

Pancho brings some reports to the dinner table and tells his family about tomorrow's meeting. Chela is worried that it won't go well, but Pancho says things will be different at Avon after tomorrow.

Lupita asks Pancho for advice about Tomás. He's really, really sorry! (Here's my advice: tell him to stuff his sorries in a sack.) She thinks he's changed a lot lately. Pancho thinks it's Lupita who has changed - she's become more sensitive. Someone her age shouldn't suffer so much. You're only sixteen once! And Alex doesn't seem like such a bad guy. Pancho tells her to deal with one problem at a time: first Tomás, then Alex.

There's a breakfast scene which is interrupted by an awkwardly placed commercial from Comcast. Thanks, Comcast. Did everyone get this or was it just a local problem? Who else thinks it's cute when the cable company cuts in to run an ad over actual programming? I'm only missing about a minute, but now we're at Avon and the meeting is about to begin. Pancho's on the phone and Fernanda is reassuring him that he's making the right decision and he should follow his instincts.

(OK, now the proper, scheduled commercial break.)

Chela is meeting with the rest of the family, plus Big Boy and Kojak, to organize some kind of intervention to rescue Pancho from the evil Avonistas. She thinks he's going to get eaten alive. Ana disagrees. Candy doesn't think Vince is so bad, being such a guapo and all. Nope, Chela says he's a snake and Rebeca's right there with him. Nico has to go to the bathroom. They all agree to march on the company, except Chela herself because the guards kicked her out and she won't be able to get back in! (Chacho/Kojak is very concerned!)

Pancho, Lamberto, and Rebeca are finally meeting with Vince and Enzo about the "gastos de representación" (expense accounts). Oh, Arnold is there too but wisely says nothing. Vince tries to change the subject to the Arabs. Enzo tries to change it to Catgirl's smear on the company's reputation. Vince really doesn't want to talk about Paraíso! There are more stalling tactics, but Rebeca reminds them that Pancho's the boss. Pancho yells that the meeting is about MONEY. That gets their attention! But they don't need to look at no stinkin' balance sheets and statements. Vince throws his copy of the report onto the floor and stomps on it and has a tantrum about Pancho getting his name wrong again. (Is "Iracheta" really that much worse than "greengrocer"? I don't think so.)

Pancho rips the guys a new one for their extravagant expense accounts. He even shows a cheese chart (it's like a pie chart, except it's a wheel of Oaxaca cheese!) showing that their precious gastos are about a third of the company's money. Enzo and Vince try to diss Pancho's business chops, but they don't have much to say when Pancho questions why the company should pay for Mónica's college tuition, or the servant or the house phone or Wasp's dog food. Vince blames this last one on Popeye and the pregnancy. Pancho asks if Popeye and the pregnancy are also the reason Avon is paying for Pina's psychiatrist. Oh yes, the cuts are already underway and Fernanda knows all about them. Bwahahaha!!! Rebeca adds that if they don't make these cuts, the company will go bankrupt.

Sandra, Enriqueta, and Celeste with her little stuffed animal listen outside with shocked faces. Evidently no meeting like this has ever taken place at Avon before.

Now the Occupy Avon movement marches into the main lobby, banging pots and pans. Without the fearsome Celeste and her army of beanie dolls to hold them off, they continue unchallenged to the elevator, chanting and clanging.

Next time:
POW! Right in the kisser!


Friday, November 04, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #141 Friday 11/4/11 Fina Fools the Shrink, Leaves the Clink with a Wink.

Estimidos amigos! I was drastically behind this week and forcibly incomunicado. Even if my comments are absent, I'm still reading and appreciating everyone's hard work. Now, let's get started...

Jero admits to Nata that he slept with Marina because he felt rejected and hurt; he took refuge in Marina the same way that Nata did with Augie. Nata tells him she never slept with Augie. Jero apologizes and understands why Nata's feelings He was honest with Marina from the start about what their relationship was. None of that matters now, says Nata. Maritata is expecting his babies regardless. Jero assures Nata that they can face the future together. Nata wants to believe him but she is terrified that they won't be able to withstand it all. Jero holds her close and comforts her.

Augie asks Zeke if anyone has heard from Arely. He lectures Zeke on loyalty and I start fearing for his life.

Things have lightened up tenfold over at Jero and Nata's. They enjoy breakfast in bed and several flirty kisses. Nata hurries off to shower and Jero waxes poetic about becoming a father.

Chema's Padre and Adriana show Chema around his new restaurant. Needless to say, he is in love with the place.

He-Who-Should-Be-Pushing-Up-Daisies sneaks into a legitimate Doctor's office to steal money out of the safe.

All the ladies of the hacienda help Karina prepare for her wedding. She looks radiant.

Jero checks in with Marina. She is excited but nervous about having twins. They will need double the care and love. Jero agrees to help her every step of the way. He wants to cover all the expenses concerning their children. Marina softens to the idea.

Nata meets with Roberta in the hospital waiting room. Berta can't waste a good opportunity to pour salt in Nata's wounds about the twins. She calls Marina a home-wrecker but Nata doesn't feel that way. Nata and Jero were separated when Marina got pregnant. "But how can you accept it?" Berta asks. "Marina has already done your job by giving Jero children. And any babies you have with him will probably be born crazy like your mother." Oh, as if we needed more proof that Fina's viciousness is genetic. She's sitting right there on the couch talking out of her...uh...big mouth.

The psychiatrist looks over Fina's file and worries about her state of mind. Fina stares off unresponsively.

Nata begs Berta to keep a lid on it about the twins. Berta agrees but not before asking why Nata thinks Augie is a murderer. Nata tells her to keep her lip zipped about that too. Berta calls Augie to debrief him on the fact that Nata thinks he is a murderer like Fina. She warns him that if he doesn't clear his name soon, his plan is going to fall through.

Regina, Constanza, and Nata visit Gonzo. He's allowed to return home that very day! The ladies tell Nata that the Monterrubio Mansion is now Nata's. Nata how considerate Gonzo is but she doesn't need the house. As they continue talking, Nata succeeds in making Gonzo smile in his slumber.

In a montage of the next day, we see the doctor freaking out about his empty safe, Lazaro and Carlos fiddle around in the lab and Carlos injures himself, Gonzo is brought home and is comforted by his family, and Fina is evaluated by the prison psychiatrist. Fina whispers "I am Regina Soberon!" Hmm. This bit seems so rushed and out-of-place it makes me wonder if they cut scenes and edited this together to speed things up.

Nata and Jero arrive at the hacienda and are greeted warmly by Carlos and Matilde. Jero teases Carlos for how accident-prone he's been recently. Mati questions Nata about her family.

Meanwhile in the D.F, the day of Fina's sentencing has finally arrived. Regi & Antonio, Ines & Isidro, and Hon & Con wait with baited breath to hear the verdict. The judge declares Fina mentally unstable and decides to have her sent to the female manicomo. The Monterrubios and Friends are outraged and Regina bursts into tears. Fina sneaks a wink at Regina, which goes unnoticed by the cops and the press.

Alone in her room, Berta revels that Fina is going to spend the rest of her days behind bars. Though a momentary shadow of sadness crosses her face.

Regina cries to Connie and Ines about Fina's wink. She wonders what Fina would have to gain by playing crazy if she was going to be in jail regardless. Connie is sure it's because Fina will be treated much more gently in the madhouse than in prison. "How can the experts be so fooled by her?" Connie (and the audience) wonders. Regina takes small comfort in the fact that Fina will be in jail for life. Fina giggles in her mind. "You think this is a goodbye, but it's only a 'see you later', Regina. And to the rest of the Monterrubios!"

Matias gives Gonzo an iPad-like computer so he can type out his thoughts and listen to music. Of course, the song that's played is the Gonzo/Regina love theme. I have to wonder why no one thought to get one of these back when Connie was the mute in the family but I digress.

Matias promises Gonzo that Fina is going to jail and will never hurt any of them again. The entire family is going to support Gonzo's recovery. Mat reminisces about when he was a kid. He and Gonzo went fishing together and everyone called Gonzo "El Priata" (The Pirate) because he was always looking for treasure. Mat says the greatest treasure is the love and care that Gonzo has given him throughout the years. D'aww.

Regina speaks to the press about the crummy verdict. Monterrubio and Co. regroup outside. Antonio tells everyone that he is going to continue on the path to becoming a priest. He's going to study in a parish in Ensenada, mostly because Nata and Jero live there. As everyone strolls away, Regina can't get Fina's wink out of her mind.

La Bonita is all aflutter about the wedding. They're preparing a gorgeous outdoor ceremony and everyone is hard at work arranging chairs and setting tables.

Matilde and Alfonsina chat with Karina and tease her about pre-wedding jitters. Karina decides once and for all that Doc Nesme is dead to her. I can't imagine a better wedding gift than his head on a silver platter.

Leoncio greets the Disaster of Disguise at a bus stop. Leo will get paid for his efforts so long as he doesn't get cold feet.

Nurse Elsa convinces Marina to go to the wedding. Marina worries about seeing Nata and Jero there together but decides to go after all.

Zeke assures Augie that Nata and Jero will be at the wedding. Augie sniffs his magic bottle of perfume and lusts after Nata.

Nata calls Connie to ask about Fina's sentencing. Yep, Fina is going to be shacked up in the wacko-basket for life. Connie is hopeful that the nightmare is finally over. They can all move forward. Nata is still depressed by the news that her mother has completely lost touch with reality.

Regina returns home and happily hugs Gonzo. She tells Matias about the verdict and doesn't tell the Monterrubio men about the wink to avoid worrying them.

The cops take the handcuffs off Fina and leave her in the manicomo lawn. She and Blanca congratulate each other on their villainy. Blanca has the director under her thumb and will put in a good word for Fina. They agree to start their revenge immediately. Their first targets? Constanza and Regina.

Leoncio flags down an unsuspecting driver and Doc Nesme (who looks like a reject from a boxing ring) clocks the guy with a stick. Doc steals his clothes and glues a dollar-store costume beard to his face. He just won't give up on Kari. Blech.

Manuela delivers Karina's freshly pressed wedding gown. She's positive the wedding is going to be marvelous because Laz and Kari's love has withstood so many obstacles. Setting anvils up to watch 'em fall!

Fina is unsettled that Berta has not come to visit her. She has to get Berta back on her side.

Oh, what a lovely image to end on. Augie huffs his happy juice and looks back longingly on the time he chloroformed Nata. He gets crazier by the capitulo.

Avances: Renata is surprised to run into Marina at the wedding. Doc Please-Stop-Breathing-Our-Air interrupts the ceremony, grabs Karina, and shoots into the crowd. Ay, por favor! Another shooting at a wedding?!

cojeando - limping
guinarse - to wink
¡Me guiñó el ojo! - She winked at me!
tesoro - treasure


La Fuerza del Destino #64 Thu 11/03/11 La Fuerza de Ivan's super swimmers

Gerry comes over to visit Carlota.

Carlota is still in shock over the possibility of Lucia being pregnant and Lucia is still in denial. Cleto shows Gerardo in. Gerry asks Lucia what's up with her grumpy face…um, what kind of dumbass are you? Gerry came over to say he's quitting--he can't handle Lucrezia always being up in his business. She's doing the same thing to Gerry that she's been doing to Camilo--undermining their authority. Carlota vows to put Lucrezia in her place, once and for all. She begs Gerry not to quit, as does Lucia, and then attempts to browbeat him into charging for his services. Gerry wonders if Alex has gotten to LA yet.

Lucia zips up her suitcase. She takes a call from Camilo, who notes her sad voice. He tells her she's strong and she'll get over it soon. She just has to distract herself and think of other things. Lucia registered for classes at the university. Camilo tries to talk her into going out and she thanks him, but it's unclear if she's actually going to go out with him.

Lucrezia defends her right to emasculate any man within a five mile radius. Carlota reminds her it was her fault they lost so much of their crops. Carlota says from now on no one is going to take orders from Lucrezia. She'll have to find some other way to earn their "respect" besides ordering everyone around. Lucrezia whines that she'll have nothing left to do. "Do something useful. Cook. Keep Lucia company." Yeah, right.

Ivan helps Alex unpack. He's hungry and he hopes Maripaz won't come down to dinner. Ivan tells him to get cleaned up and change clothes before dinner, because you never know what gross germy people you traveled on the airplane with. Alex wants to call Gerardo and Ivan gives him all the international codes, etc. Alex makes Ivan's day by calling him "dad," but he's still worried about Maripaz being her usual Maripazzy self. Alex tells him to just ignore her, as one must never be rude to a woman. I'm gonna let that one slide. "If she gets grouchy, just come tell me about it." Ivan tells him the house, et al, is his, so he needs to start acting like he owns it, but without lording it over the peasants.

Ivan goes into Hef's…digo, Toni's room. Bruno is already comfortable there. Toni doesn't think it will be easy to manage Maripaz. Ivan agrees. They'll see how the next few days go and he hopes Maripaz and Alex will come to have some affection for each other. "Are you sorry you left Lucia for Maripaz?" "Don't ask me that ever again, because you know the answer!" Ivan storms out and Toni tells Bruno humans are complicated. He hopes sooner or later Ivan will find, if not happiness, at least some spiritual peace.

Carolina gets to talk to Alex, since Gerry isn't home. She encourages him that he'll get used to things. He may not do all the same things he used to do at home, but he'll do new things. Apparently Alex used to put the shaving cream on Gerry's face for him. Carolina says maybe he can do that for Ivan now. Since Ivan actually shaves. Alex plans to ask Toni if he can walk Bruno. He sends kisses.

Antolín is on hand to comfort Carolina. He says Alex won't forget them, but he will get used to his new life. He knows it's not the best time to discuss things, but he'd like her to try the transplant again. He wants her to have her own life. He doesn't care about the money and he'd do anything to get it. Besides, he's got a job. "An honest one?" "Well, who knows. JJ Mondragon offered me a job." Well, then, that's a big fat whopping NO!

Carlota and Lucia claim they're just going out. They tell Lucrezia she can't go with them and Carlota tells her to go help Gloria pack. They take off and Lucrezia picks up the phone to call JJ. She gets Esther and tries to chat, but Esther is in a bad mood after that fight she had with JJ that prompted her to threaten him with divorce.

Carlota and Lucia walk into the hospital. They both hope she's not preggers. *snicker* Haven't they ever seen a telenovela?

Ivan's going to work. Maripaz whines about what she'll do. "Go shopping." She whines that she doesn't have a car or money. Ivan gives her a couple of bills from his wallet and she whines that it's not much. "As soon as I get to the office, I'll have someone get you a car and a credit card. But don't get too excited, I'm putting a limit on it!" "Waaaaah! You wouldn't have been so stingy with Lucia!" Toni and Alex come in. They're headed to the office as well, along with Bruno. The menfolk leave and she bitches. The maid asks if she wants something to eat and Maripaz is predictably rude to her.

The doctor says it's possible she just has anemia (again?) but they'll take a look at the bloodwork. Sure enough, she's 5 weeks pregnant. Dun, dun, dun!

Back at home, Carlota says they need to come up with a solution. "Well, not an abortion or giving the kid up at an orphanage." Carlota reminds her that she was left pregnant by that jerkface all those years ago, but since Teodoro loved her, he married her--baby and all. Carlota doesn't like the idea that people will talk smack about Lucia for having a kid out of wedlock. And the kid will hear it and his friends will make fun of him. Carlota says she has to be realistic. "Do what I did. Find a husband." "Where? I'm not going to get married just because. And it's shameful to do it just so some poor guy can take responsibility for my kid." Carlota says he'll do it if he loves her, and she's got just the guy in mind. "Camilo." Yes, Lucia, you blockhead, Camilo's got a thing for you and he'll jump at the chance!

Alex is impressed with the office. Ivan insists on being called "dad." He asks the receptionist to give Alex a tour while he and Toni take a meeting.

Esther tells Lucrezia she was always against "that" relationship. The maid comes in with coffee and they stop talking. Lucrezia says Camilo isn't worthy of Judith, but JJ insists on their getting back together. Esther says JJ wants to manipulate them all, like puppets. Lucrezia reminds her JJ's always been "mandón" (bossy) so "no te hagas" (don't be…; the unspoken word could be stupid, dense; don't act like you didn't know). Well, Esther says this has just gone too far. JJ is driving the family apart, he's kicked the boys out, and Saul's off in that hospital in Hermosillo since his accident. It's just too much, and she's got her limits. She's not 100% sure about divorcing, since she's got her principles. But she also thinks it's wrong for him to demand that their daughter seduce some guy so JJ can get his hooks in him.

Lucia doesn't like the idea of marrying Camilo. Carlota says Camilo likes her and she's not indifferent to him. Ivan made his choices and he can't reproach her for hers. It's not right to make the kid suffer. They could have done more to discredit Maripaz, but they chose not to. She knows Maripaz threatened, but if thinking about others is going to be Lucia's excuse, then right now she needs to think about the child she's carrying and what that child needs. Lucrezia comes home and Lucia tells Carlota she doesn't want her to know. "And when your stomach grows? What? We're going to tell her you've got colitis?" Lucia doesn't want Ivan to know. Carlota says no one noticed she was pregnant when she married Teodoro and when Lucrezia was born, they just assumed she was premature. Lucrezia comes up, all excited with the gossip that Esther wants to divorce JJ.

Camilo goes into the office. David tells him he's got an appointment the next day with the guys from Herdez. Ivan must have forgotten, what with all the crap going on. David wants to go visit his brother in the hospital in Hermosillo, but Camilo asks him not to do it tomorrow. If he's going to be out of the office, he needs David to keep an eye on things there.

Ivan takes a call in his office from Jenny, the receptionist. She puts Camilo through to him. Ivan says he misses the quiet of Alamos. Alex is entertained by all the new things. Camilo tells him he's supposed to be at the plant the next day to meet the guys from Herdez, "but you didn't tell me anything." Camilo asks what the purpose of the meeting is and gets an answer we don't hear. "And how is…everyone." Camilo says Lucia is registered for classes. "Life goes on, man." Ivan tells him to let him know how the Herdez meeting goes.

At Rancho El Socorro, work continues without Lucrezia's interference. Gerry tells Carlota they're making serious headway and the house is almost ready.

Carlota passes the news on to Lucrezia. "About time." "Well, sure, since you weren't making trouble." Carlota muses that they'll be leaving the house soon. She apologizes to Teodoro, but reminds him they had good times at El Socorro. She reminds Lucrezia that she was born there. Lucrezia says she did like running around there as a child and she thinks it's so unfair that Carlota has taken away her authority. Carlota says she's sorry, but things aren't like they used to be. You need knowledge and technology--you don’t just plant and pray for rain like before. Carlota suggests that Lucrezia plant a "huerto" (vegetable garden). Lucrezia feels like it's quite a come down, but Carlota thinks it's quite idyllic to grow and eat their own produce. "When you're father, Teodoro was alive…." "He wasn't my father!" Ouch. "He treated you like a real father. He spoiled you…maybe too much. I always told you, Teodoro! Remember when you planted a garden for me?" Carlota waxes rhapsodic about the veggies and Lucrezia takes advantage of her back being turned to leave.

Maripaz runs into an old school friend who also happens to be married to an LA businessman. The schmuck in question arrives. Oh, hey, it's that guy! Julie doesn't know whether she should speak English or Spanish. Mr. 5ft is right on the ball…"Is he married to her? Guess who Maripaz is going to be sleeping with!" Hey, just because he usually plays that kind of guy!

Maripaz comes home and tells the maid to take her shopping upstairs. She meets up with the guys in the pool room and is promptly barked at by Bruno. She bitches about having to be afraid in her own house because "this animal" hates her. Toni says if he hates her, it must be for some reason…he doesn't bark at anyone else. Alex calls her "mom" and says Bruno's a good dog. "Maybe with the rest of you, but not with me! You'll have to decide--me or the dog!" Again, Mr. 5ft's comprehension is improving because he immediately looks up from his computing and says, "goodbye!" to Maripaz! Alex looks like he's going to cry. Ivan hustles her out of the room.

"What do you want, a war?" She says it's not fair that she can't feel safe in her own house. She's afraid "that animal" could come out of anywhere and attack her. What if she gets disfigured? Ivan says animals are perceptive. If she speaks kindly to him, he might be willing to get close to her. Well, she doesn't want that! Animals are filthy and they have fleas. *sigh* Ivan says Bruno is neither dirty, nor does he have fleas. "Besides, this is my father's house, and he adores him." Ivan won't leave the house either. The best way to convince Alex to be ok with the move was because of Bruno. "Fine, then let's you and me live somewhere else!" "I married you for my son. He's the one I want to live with!" "Well then you should have married Lucia." "Hey, I would have loved to, but you had to stick your nose in and get custody with lies and deception. And if I kept from making you look like the liar you are, it was out of pity for your family." Maripaz pouts and walks off. Ivan calls Lucia.

She ignores his call.

Camilo comes over to visit. Cleto tells him everyone's been so sad. Camilo waits in the garden while Cleto goes into announce him.

Carlota shines up Teodoro's pipes. That's not a euphemism. Cleto announces Camilo and Carlota says she'll talk to him. She looks up at Teodoro's portrait and says, "Give me a hand, will you!"

Carlota goes out to the garden and greets Camilo. She tells him she's full of nostalgia about leaving the house. Camilo came over to apologize to Lucia for not being able to go out with her tomorrow. Carlota starts to feel him out about the whole marrying a pregnant lady thing. "Ummm…you like Lucia, right? I mean, like really like her? Like, love her?"

Alex and Lucia Skype. Ivan spies. Alex brags about the awesomeness of the house. Ivan's going to enroll him in a bilingual school. "Do you want to talk to my dad? He's right here?" Lucia begs off and hangs up before she can have a total meltdown.

"Don't ask me that. Lucia was Ivan's fiancee and he's practically my brother." "Well, the case is that Lucia is now alone. I don't blame Ivan. Shit happens." Carlota tells him the story of her and her sperm donor, and Teodoro. She emotionally bribes him by telling him she didn't love Teodoro at first, but her love grew with time. "So…are you in love with Lucia or not?" Camilo admits to being attracted to her. He's really confused and asks what this is all about. "Lucia's pregnant." Yes, you dope, it's Ivan's…who the hell else would have knocked her up? Carlota says he's the only one who can help…by marrying her. "Think about it!" Camilo has the grace to look conflicted.

Tomorrow: Lucia's pregnant; Ivan can't forget Lucia; Maripaz gets naked for Ivan.


Thursday, November 03, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #22 Thu 11/3/11 Don't set up your sister-in-law without asking her first.

After meeting cute in the elevator, Tomas and Pina both get out at the penthouse. He goes to apologize to Pancho (who tells him to shape up and stop drinking) and Pina goes to ask Vince why he doesn't want Candy on her radio show.

Pancho's press conference goes well. He says all families have skeletons in the closet; that until recently he was a regular common guy with money troubles and his sweet sister was working to help him with the bills; that he loves his family! He charms the reporters. Rebe grudgingly admits it wasn't bad.

Big Boy tells Pancho: Chela is a panther because of jealousy. Pancho hits him.

The bald guy (Chacho) reveals that it was he who sent the flowers, and that he's loved Chela for a long time. Pancho is charmed and enthusiastic about this swain for his sister-in-law. It makes him go give Chela advice: "You're still young and good looking, you need somebody to kiss and caress you, you need to marry ..." and then, making the mistake of raising and lowering his eyebrows coquettishly he coos: "Love is closer than you think."

He asks one of the maids to take over making dinner, and calls Rebe and begs off tonight's etiquette/dinner lessons. He takes Chela (dressed like a gigantic kiwi) to a restaurant - but first, leaving the house, he sees Alex lurking and tells him to leave. Alex says he loves Lupita.

Ana starts to write a song about loving somebody out of one's social class! "Who is it?!" Candy asks, offering to give Ana a sexy makeover. Ana says she won't change her personality for any boy. (Lupe, still sulking over Tomas, also notices Ana has a crush on somebody.)

Monica yells at her dad for inviting the Irabien family to come talk about her supposedly impending wedding without asking her!! She's crying and yelling: "I'm not sure I want to marry him." Daddy won't hear that and orders her not to show your doubts in front of the guests. Enzo and Vince toast to the wedding; Pina says the kids are awfully young to marry. Vince: "But, remember, WE were that young..." Pina: "Uh, yeah, that's why I recommend they wait!" Monica runs to her room. Pepe calls! and at the same time Freddy knocks at her door. She doesn't pick up the phone. She tells Freddy she feels pressured.

Chela and Pancho chat at the restaurant. "Since you signed the contract everything has changed," she complains. "You don't know how things are with your kids. We used to tell each other everything. Now we're distant." At her urging, he tells her about the biz with the Arabs. She offers to cook for the visitors, that will soften them up.

Pancho tells Rebeka to leave the Arabs in his hands - trust him! He also tells her he wants Chela to have a rest. Rebeka thinks that's a nice idea. She hires him a babysitter - and sends the babysitter to Chela without even asking first!

His buddies come to the office; Pancho tells Chacho, "Chela is ready to fall in love!" Pancho coaches his friend in words of love.

Candy in her pink stretchy suit bewitches Vince comes over - she taunts and teases him. He says he'd like to see her naturalita (nude). He tells Enzo Candy is in love with him! Enzo thinks she can be used as a weapon against Pancho! (In fact, Candy does think Vince awfully cute, especially those blue eyes...)


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