Thursday, September 21, 2006

Barrera de Amor recap: September 20

Andres, lying limply in his hospital bed, is informed by Maria Theresa and Unibrow:
  1. No, Valeria is not a nun;
  2. She has born him a child, Pedro.
He is very confused. He wants to get up and go to her. Owing to being near death, he can't.

He hears Valeria came to the hospital to see him but left after seeing Queen Bonbon.

So Andres tells the Bonbon her reign has come to a close; he intends to win back Valeria's love. "No, no, Andres, I will not give you up - you can only be happy with me." She has taken the news poorly.

Veronica, who is entirely Vera the Perra lately (you can tell because she's always baring her fangs), tells Victor: "Maite is no longer my mother. She only loved me till Valeria showed up. YOU don't have any surprises, do you? No kids? You're mine mine mine. I will live with you here in this apartment, just us." He says she's, uh, not completely cured and must go back to the clinic. She takes the news poorly.

Juanita visits Andres and tells him about her son (his nephew) Daniel. Then he tells her he wants to win Valeria back. "I told Valeria that she was a woman just like her mother - ironically, now I think the world of Maria Theresa!" (He didn't actually say ironically, I am interpolating.)

Remember Guillermo's dad, the brutal obnoxious guy with a drunkard's nose? I guess we'll have to call him Daddy. He goes to the insane asylum (isn't there any security?) and tells Veronica: "Guillermo and Victor live together and are homosexuals, in fact they are plotting to get rid of you because Victor loves Guillermo more than you." Yes, Veronica takes the new poorly.

I can only explain Valeria's wussiness by pointing out that she was raised by a crazed serial killer. She confesses to the Padre right there in the hacienda, with Cleo eavesdropping as Jacinta ordered. When Cleo reports, after a bit of hand-wringing, that the "recogida" (that nobody little snot-nose) is actually son of Valeria and Andres, Jacinta takes the news poorly.

In fact, she is simply magnificent in her rage. She grabs Valeria, shakes her, hits her again and again - and threatens Pedrito. "He's an innocent baby!" "NO, the sins of his parents have marked him forever. You're a child of Satan. Don't stain my house with your obscenities." She throws Valeria on the floor, rips the shirt off her back, and shouts: "If you don't obey me, your son will pay." She gets out her whip and lashes Valeria all bloody, right in front of her crucifix, Jesus bleeding on the cross, wow!

Then Jacinta, her passion slaked, says "This was the only way," kisses Valeria, and leaves her there on the ground.

Valeria becomes virtually comatose and helpless which can be the only explanation for her next move - when she tries to pick up Pedrito and leave, and Jacinta says, "No way either of you are leaving - you are both Valladolids. Only I know what's best for you." - well, she stays.

Juanita storms in, demanding to see Valeria, but Federico runs her off after hitting her HARD and telling her she's nothing but a lousy Indian. He and Jacinta agree that Baldo, Theo and Juanita are dogs who bite the hand that feeds them, and that Juanita must be kept away or Valeria will find out (somehow) that Jacinta engineered the scene which parted her from her beloved torero. Jacinta, somewhat shaken: "It's risky to wait a moment longer! Let's start our plan!"

Speaking of plans, Unibrow is telling everybody in sight that his plan for vengeance is being put into motion. When he invites Remedios and Octavio to Las Barricas and offers them employment, and gives them the shpiel, Remedios mildly says: "Vengeance poisons the soul."

Rafael has snuck into Victor's apartment but can't find the letter Magdalena wrote to Adolfo (that long-ago letter explaining that Adolfo is Veronica's pop). Luckily, Guillermo and Victor come home discussing the very letter he seeks and show where it is as he peeks out of the closet, knife in hand! They helpfully leave and he takes the letter.

Next Guillermo innocently brings pretty art books to Valeria at the asylum, trying to make friends, but she snarls at him. "You can't steal my dad. Disappear from our lives and never come back. If you stay, he loses me forever. You can just watch him suffer. If you love him, leave immediately and give no explanation." I can't imagine Guillermo is any match for Vera the Perra.

Rafael hightails it to the hacienda. Remember, he was charged with replenishing Jacinta's drug supply (this is how she plans to keep Valeria and Pedrito very, very quiet). He's come to get paid and hand over the goods. He also hands Jacinta the letter. Her reaction upon finding out that the "loca" Veronica is her grand-daughter: well, she takes it poorly.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

"Without tits there's no paradise."

Extracts from
Bust and boom: TV tale of breasts, drugs a hit

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) -- In a nation obsessed with soap operas, it's the hottest telenovela in years.

Airing nightly in prime time, "Sin Tetas no hay Paraiso" -- "Without (Breasts) There's No Paradise" -- revolves around a 17-year old call girl who agonizes that her flat chest is a barrier to deliverance from poverty and a life of ease as a drug trafficker's pampered plaything.

In real life, 25-year old newcomer Maria Adelaida Puerta, the actress who plays the series' protagonist, Catalina, is nothing like her airhead character. Most importantly, she vows to never follow the example of her buxom co-stars and go under the knife.

Colombia's passion for implants is almost unmatched. According to the Colombian Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than half of the 450,000 operations performed last year were breast augmentations costing an average $2,000-$3,000 per procedure -- more than half a year's salary for the 58 percent of the country living below the poverty line.

That would seem to support not Puerta's view but rather what Catalina's catty antagonist in the series, Jessica, tells her: "What matters today is having a good pair of tits -- no matter if they're made of rubber, wood or stone."

Recently, the mayor of Ibague, a city 80 miles west of Bogota, agreed to finance tummy tucks, butt lifts and other aesthetic operations for the city's secretaries and public employees. To date, more than 400 women have taken advantage of the offer.

"It's overwhelming in Colombia the pressure on women to have a voluptuous, artificially perfect body," said Puerta.

Not everyone is convinced of the show's merits. Said Florence Thomas, a researcher of gender issues at Bogota's National University: "The only thing producers were after in showing so much cleavage was a higher rating."

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Heridas de Amor, Tuesday Sept. 19

Miranda tells Alejandro that she's going to ask her father to return home. She reminds him not to tell either of her sisters what has happened (that she found out Fernanda is her mother).

Francisco, Amparo and Fernanda are enjoying a meal. They're all happy because Fernanda is reunited with Miranda but they wonder about the other two daughters who do not yet know that Fernanda is their mom. Francisco and Amparo want Fern to stay around a while. Fern says she's not going anytime soon, they have been her only family and they are like the brother and sister she's always wanted.

Joel arrives. He talked to someone at the metro who saw a woman matching Naty's description purchase a ticket to Tabasco. "She returned there?" asks Fernanda, "but where?" Joel says she went to Villahermosa. He's going tomorrow to get more info from the drivers.

It's a dark and stormy night. Squeaky paces her chamber watching the lightning. Slowly the door creaks open and a dark figure's the studly doctor Juan. He's happy to find her alone. They make small talk about fear of the night, fear of the living and fear of each other. They gaze into each other's eyes then finally get around to a long kiss. He's hot.

Carola tells Daniel that what he's suggesting is crazy. He wants them to live together. She says there is too much difference between them as well he knows. Even though he says that's not important over time it would become important. She never has been one of those women who sees their clients as Prince Charming (Principe Azul). She doesn't believe she will be rescued and taken to a castle. He says that with time she could turn into a princess. He'll go but he wants her to promise to think about his offer. As the music reaches a crescendo she kisses him on the lips. (Remember she wouldn't do that last Tuesday night!) He's surprised and she tells him she did it because she's no longer a woman of the street and he is very special to her. He kisses her hands and gets that hunky Marcos look he used to have on Alborada.

After Daniel leaves Raul, who has been hiding in another room, asks Carola why didn't she accept his offer. She says she's holding out for Juan, for when he returns. Raul says Juan is super ga-ga over another chick, seriously. Carola is bummed.

Juan is kissing Squeaky as the thunder crashes. He hesitates, says he must respect her and her house. She tries the old "You don't like me?" trick and it works, not that it took much effort. He says ever since he first met her she's driven him crazy, he can't stop thinking about her. She grabs him and tells him she's never been with anybody. "Then it's something very special. I hope it's as special for you as it is for me," he says. "It will be important to you?" she asks. (Warning: get barf bag now.) "More than my life," he whispers, "It will be my most precious gift." (Blech! See, I warned you.) That last statement aside, did I mention he is H.O.T?

Miranda tells Al she doesn't know how she can look at her father, how could he have done such a thing? She says her mother and Berta were in love with the same man, Berta told her that they killed him, she told her that they both knew Al's father. Egad, now she gets it! "Alejandro, my father killed Alfredo Luque..." (Sobs) "your father!" (Violins shriek.) Commercial break.

Miranda is still sobbing, "My dad found your dad with my mom and out of jealousy killed him. You know what this means? Our love is impossible. Leave now. Leave and never look for me again." Alejandro thought bubbles "I can't allow Miranda to suffer so. My vengeance must stop here!" More crying. "Listen," says Al, "my pop only died a few months ago." Happy piano music accompanies Miranda's smile. They embrace.

Squeaky and Juan are basking in love's glow. She says she never thought it could be so nice and she'll never forget this beautiful night. He can't say with words what his heart feels. They take turns feeling their beating hearts. "And now what," asks Squeaky, "are we friends, lovers, what?" Juan says from his point of view they are boyfriend and girlfriend. "But wait," he adds, "that can't be because I have nothing to offer you." "Let's see how things go," encourages Squeaky. He leans back to kiss her, displaying his 6-pack.

Miranda is relieved to hear that Alfredo Luque died only a few months ago, but she's going to ask her mother who the murdered man was. Also, she doesn't want to speak to her father. Alejandro tells her not to harbor rancour, Gonzo is still her dad. Miranda says he killed and never paid for his crime. Gonzalo San Llorente is dead to her, as dead as the man he murdered. Alejandro tells her he would give anything to see and speak with his dead father, so heed his advice, don't condemn Gonzo when she doesn't know exactly what happened. She tells him she doesn't see it that way, she hurts not only for the soul of the man but also for his family's suffering. Al gazes at her with adoration and thought bubbles "I pardon him Miranda," (he embraces her),"the love I feel for you allows me to forget the hate that has tormented me all these years. Today I start a new life at your side." He tells her to go talk to her father.

Gonzo arrives at the hacienda and tells Miranda he only came to get some things from the library, like the money she put away. She tells him there's very little left. She also tells him she doesn't want him to return to the condo in Polanco, she wants him to stay at the house. She plans to talk to Vicente tomorrow and return Gonzo's company to him.

Carola and Raul are planning to set up Sanson for a sting but Raul is worried that if things don't go as the police plan he could be putting his whole family at risk. "Don't think that or you'll 'throw the salt' (put a jinx) on us," says Carola. As soon as they have all the information they are to inform the cops, that's the plan. Raul says it's all his fault they are involved in this. He wants to take care of everything himself. As they leave he crosses himself.

Fern tells Amparo not to be silly, she should give herself the opportunity to to see if Roman likes her. Amparo is afraid because she's not like him, he's educated and elegant while she is common and rough. What if she falls in love and it doesn't work out? Fern tells her not to shut the door on love. It's better to live with the Wounds Of Love than never to have loved at all.

Miranda tells Gonzo that tomorrow Squeaky returns and what will she say to her if he's not there? "Tell her to run to her mother's arms as you have done," he whines, but in a very deep voice. She says she won't tell them about Fernanda, especially Florencia because it would surely kill her. Gonzo is surprised, he hasn't heard that Flor is so sick. Miranda brings him up to speed, expressing her concern that they're afraid her pregnancy won't come to term. She tells him Flor and Fabricio are shopping in Miami because Cesar loaned them the money. Gonzo whips his head around and glares.

Cesar and Luis Alberto are playing pool in Cesar's hideously ugly and claustrophic rumpus room. They're waiting for Luciano and gossiping about him. Cesar says sooner or later SLI will be his. Three skanky chicks enter then Luciano arrives. One of the skanks asks Luciano about the very handsome friend he was with at the bar the other night. This tacky but innocuous question is accompanied by sinister music. Then Luciano glances around the room furtively.

Gonzo and Miranda are STILL talking about him moving back into the house. Long story short...
Gonzo: "It's her house but wah wah wah it was my money that maintained it and now she wants back in."
Miranda: "I love you but she's my mother and she's suffered too."
G: "OK I'll come back but your sisters must never know."
M: "Agreed, I won't tell them."
G: "Agreed, but the new rule of the house is no more Alejandro Luque. You decide."
M: "Agreed, starting today things in this house will be as you say."

Raul tells Sanson he needs to know more robbery details, at the very least which bank? Sanson says he'll find out tomorrow. Rauls says he's leaving the gang after the robbery. "Sure, if that's what you want," says Sanson, "but not until tomorrow." Raul leaves and Carola arrives. Sanson kicks his minions out, telling them to go find some fun. Now it's Carola's turn to try to get info out of him. His response is "tomorrow you'll be driving the getaway car." (Nice bit of detective work Raul and Carola...NOT!) After she leaves he mutters "Those two just signed their death sentence."

I guess Squeaky and Juan aren't spending the night in bed with each other because he's kissing her goodnight. She wants to stay in Flor's room because it makes her feel secure. He thought bubbles "It's not good what I've done, let down my godmother by boinking her daughter. She'll never forgive me." In bed Sqeaky is thinking that Juan is wonderful. "When Veronica and Erika find out they'll die of anger. And stupid Veronica, I'm going to win her car. After I win my prize from her I'll tell Juan goodbye once and for all."

Cesar tries to get the bimbo to tell him more about Luciano's friend, like his name. She doesn't know but she tells him about another woman who does.

Miranda calls Alejandro to tell him that by order of her father he can no longer come to their house. He tells her not to worry, he'll talk to Gonzo. Just then he stops at a light and is attacked by Sanson's gang, the ones who are out looking for a little fun. Miranda hears them on her cell phone and panics.

Ick, Berta has just arrived home. Gonzo isn't happy to see her and orders her to tell him right now who was the man with Fernanda that night. He shakes her. She wants to know why these questions after all these years. Tomasa is eavesdropping. Gonzo says she better not pretend she doesn't know because he'll kick her out right now. "So do it," she retorts, "but I don't know, nobody knows." He wants to know what happened with the body. "I told you, Tomasa's kids threw it in the river and the current took it away, that's why it was never found." As Tomasa listens Gonzo tells Berta that Miranda knows about Fern but that Berta better not tell the other two sisters. "Count on me, you know how I adore your daughters," she says. Gonzo tells her he doesn't believe her sweet tone nor her stupid smile. He's different now and won't fall for her bull. "Fine," she answers," at last we can remove our masks." She suggests they maintain a united front against Fernanda but Gonzo says he's not interested in any alliance with her.

Miranda is still listening in horror as poor Alejandro is the victim of the longest car-jacking/robbery in history. Lots of yelling and threats, "Get out of the car!" "Help, they're attacking me!" "Alejandro, what's happening?" "Give us your keys and wallet! You're a dead man!" More yelling, then shots. Miranda shrieks, "Alejandro, Alejandro!"


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Barrera de Amor recap: September 19

  • According to ESMAS, there are seventeen episodes following tonight. But according to a starting date of October 3 for Mundo de Fieras, there are only nine slots left for the 17 episodes. What do you think?

  • We left Veronica last night with her mouth open in horror that "her" mother Maite is actually Valeria's "real" mother. "Valeria gets everything and now she has my mother too." She becomes Vera, bares her fangs, blames everybody, and stomps around. Juanita ruefully tells Valeria she can't stay and chat - she'll have to chase after Veronica, since she promised Victor and Maite to watch over her.

    So Valeria goes back to the hacienda where the maid was hyperventilating about her absence, luckily beating Jacinta home.

  • Jacinta was occupied elsewhere, trying to kill Andres. The promising young toreador Marcos was supposed to be showing off his skills against a cow, but Jacinta sidled around back and with the help of an accomplice opened the gate of an evil bull with very pointy horns instead. When Andres realizes the youth is in the ring with an evil bull, he jumps in and tries to control the situation but gets gored. They rush him to the hospital. Jacinta smiles.

  • Jacaranda and Rafael get the keys to Victor's apartment. Their plan is to get Magdalena's letter and sell it to Jacinta, who will be mortified to discover the "loco" Veronica is her grand-daughter.

    Rafael overhears Guillermo and Mommy being subjected to a tirade from the brutal husband/father. "When are you coming home? The other children and our friends have been asking!" The shouting gets very heated and Mommy says "You are pathetic and ridiculous, you are a caricature of a macho man. I'll be filing for divorce."

    As the dad stomps off, Mommy says to Guillermo: "I felt safe and protected at your side. You are a real man!" Rafael then sidles up to the dad and says "I'm on your side. If you pay me well, I'll see to it that Victor and your son Guillermo are separated forever."

  • Jacinta: "I felt the presence of God at my side when I opened the bull's door. He guided my hand, I was a divine instrument, just as when I sicced the bull on my husband and killed him." She's not so complacent when she gets home and finds Valeria has run to the hospital to see her wounded husband Andres. She sends Federico to fetch her back.

  • All over town phones ring with the news that Andres has been hurt and may (of course) be dying. Valeria rushes in, Juanita comes, and Unibrow - who, dressed in an extra-large labcoat which is not at all flattering, had been at the lab analyzing Jacinta's drug stash - all join Dionisius and Maite and Victor in the hospital waiting room.

    The doctor says Andres will be ok. Unibrow goes in and reconciles with him (with Andres, not with the doctor). In the hallway, Valeria overhears the sobbing Bon-bon saying Andres is the love of her life and that when he recovers the two of them will go back to Spain. Valeria, despondent, is then willing to go back to the hacienda with Federico. Maite tries to talk to her but Valeria screams and rejects her.

  • Jacinta: "Lord, I never ask for anything unjust. Don't let that wretch leave the hospital alive." She is so disappointed to hear, later, that he is out of danger. She yells at Valeria: "You're a mujerzuela just like your mother, the seed of sin is in your soul, you owe me everything and if I wanted to, I could take your life away." She also mutters: "He is alive - but not for long."

  • The Maldonados get a minute or two of airtime, talking about a bracelet in an old picture (I think it's the one Jacinta had taken of herself and Adolfo). Sergio says "every time that bracelet was mentioned, my sister Jacinta got very nervous. And Remedios ended up with the bracelet."

  • Since Andres is ok, Victor says he's got to go to Veronica - it turns out she fled back to Mexico City. She burst into his apartment, surprised Guillermo and Mommy, and locked herself in her room where she had a screaming match among her personalities. Vera triumphed and says, "I'm the strongest, it's only I who decide what happens, I'm not going to let that lousy Veronica come back." When Victor arrives she lets him in and sobs hysterically: "You're all that's left to me, I don't have to share you, nobody is going to come between us, I swear." No doubt thinking of Guillermo, Victor consternates.


La Fea Más Bella #106 9/19/06 Something happens to Fernando's car...again

The Cuartel

Saimon is in the boardroom with the cuartel trying to offer his help. Saimon says they need a man to help them. Martha says that’s why they have Don Fernando. PM stands up for Saimon and gives all the reasons that Saimon might be helpful. The girls decide that they have a lot of work, and Saimon would be a big help. Irmita says that Don Fernando would be very proud of all the work they’re doing. PM and the rest of cuartel come out to the secretaries’ area and make some calls in front of Alicia. They’re trying to prepare for the video. Martha, of course, is ordering the food. Saimon runs around and takes notes. Alicia looks on, very confused. Irmita calls an agency and asks for all their models, because it’s an underwear commercial. Saimon squeals with glee. Alicia comes over, but the entire cuartel tells her to leave. (I actually feel bad for her here.) Alicia and Saimon go to the side, and Alicia asks him what is happening. Saimon starts to tell her, but the cuartel interferes. He tells her that they’re doing something important. Alicia says that something important for the cuartel would not be interesting for her. She goes back to her desk and her red bag.
Saimon and the cuartel joke about their new important positions. Lola calls somewhere and asks for a pure blood horse. She says this was authorized by Fernando. The person on the other end of the phone doesn’t believe her at first. Eventually, they believe her and ask what color she needs. She asks for a black one, but they only have a brown horse.
Saimon wants to do the casting, PM says he can’t. Lopez enters. Saimon asks Lopez if he thinks a man or a woman should cast an underwear commercial. He says that since Don Luigi… PM interrupts and says that you can’t exactly call Luigi a man.
Lopez and the cuartel continue to talk about who should cast the models. PM says they’ll look at the models first and then leave the decision up to Fernando.
Down in the atrium Celso tells Lopez and Saimon that PM told him to send the models directly to her. Saimon says that he’s now the coordinator of production; Lopez says no, he is. Three models enter. Lopez tells them that he’s the coordinator. Saimon says they need to leave to do the casting. Lopez enters the elevator with the models while Celso blocks Saimon. At the last minute Saimon jumps onto the elevator and tries to throw out Lopez. They arrive at the floor where the cuartel is stationed. PM is not happy and holds a pencil in a threatening position (Saimon has two models on his arm). Saimon just turns around and takes off in the other direction. PM says she is mad because Saimon takes off with the first skinny model that shows up at Conceptos.
In the casting area the first model enters in a bikini while Lopez and Saimon talk about casting the commercial. The rest of the models enter. Saimon asks Becky (the model) to do a walk for him. PM watches on and then runs up to Saimon and yells his name in his ear. Saimon asks what he can offer her. This makes her flip out. He takes her aside and assures her that he’s just working. She should go back to work with the cuartel. Sara comes in with good news for PM and they run out of the room, but not before PM gives Saimon a pinch and tells him to be careful. Saimon asks Becky to do another turn, but more sensual. Now it’s Saimon flipping out. Lopez tries to call him and tells him to be more professional.

Alicia goes to the pawn shop. She hopes no one recognizes her. She’ll lose all her prestige if someone does. She calls her father complaining about her situation. The guy at the window tells her they’re ready for her. She takes her jewels to the man at the window and tells him how much she wants for each piece of jewelry. She’s asking for hundreds of thousands, he tells her hundreds. Oh, you mean dollars? Okay! No, you’re in Mexico, we use pesos! Alicia says he’s trying to play her for a fool. He says that he’s a professional and her jewels are just not very good quality. Alicia stalks out of the shop.
Alicia goes back to Conceptos, still incredulous about her experience at the pawnshop. She stops by the boardroom, trying to overhear what they’re talking about. She snoops around their desks and finds the drawing of a woman on a horse. “What is this?!” she asks herself with her mouth wide open.

Lety and Fernando

Fernando asks Lety to get back in the car, everyone is yelling at Fernando and Lety. Lety runs off. Fernando asks some guy in a red car next to his, what he should do. Fernando kisses his car good-bye. Fernando is grabbed by a kid and a man who implore him not to run after Lety. Fernando says he needs to know what’s going on with Lety and runs off after her. Lety runs around the corner and is upset because she had to lie to Fernando. She hears him yelling and flags down a bus. Fernando comes around the same corner and attempts to chase down the bus. There is a lot of people on the bus, and none of them are very friendly. Fernando slowly jogs behind. (This must be the slowest bus ever!)
The bus runs into another traffic jam; Fernando is still trailing behind. He gets onto the stopped bus and yells for Lety. The driver tells Fernando that he has to pay. Fernando says he’ll pay for himself and Lety. They banter about the price and Fernando says it’s very economical to ride the bus. Fernando heads back to Lety and stops to dance with the guitar man.
Fernando has a rough time getting to the back of the bus. He gets run over by a man half his size and twice his age. Then he runs into some woman who doesn’t want him to touch her. (She must be nuts! Hello, does she not have eyes??!!!!) The bus lurches to a stop and Fernando has to grab her purse to steady himself. Fernando and Lety jump off the bus. Crazy Lady grabs a police officer and says that Fernando took her bag (Did he not see her holding it?) They give chase.
Fernando and Lety stop running. Fernando yells at Lety for making him chase after her and leave his car alone in the street. Lety says it’s his fault too. Crazy Lady and the police officer show up. Fernando wants to run, but Lety says that Fernando needs to confront her. The lady hits Fernando with her bag. They run behind a van to hide from the lady. Uh-oh, inside the van is a very obviously dead body, complete with a machine gun to boot. Fernando hushes Lety and they sit there, unaware of the surprise right behind them.
Soon we see another guy with a machine gun. Oh! It’s a movie. The director tells one actor to pretend to shoot the other. He tells the other that an ugly woman will come running into the scene. The director shouts, looking for the ugly woman.
Fernando sees the dead body. He screams. The dead body tells Fernando not to disturb him because he’s working. Fernando and Lety push through the crowd in front of them claiming that they’re part of the production team. “The ugly woman has arrived!” shouts the director of the movie. Applause and kazoos!!!!
The director yells at Lety for being late. Fernando pretends to be her hairstylist. He gets mad at the director for yelling at Lety and pushes him. The director pushes him back. Crazy Lady and the Policeman come onto the scene for a moment, but movie security throws them out. The Director yells at Lety again and she turns to leave. The crowd protests. The Director punches Fernando. Fernando tells Lety he needs to talk to the director. Fernando butters him up by asking him if he did some famous pictures. The director says no. Fernando says he can’t believe that he didn’t do those movies. The director walks over to Lety and asks his make-up guy to make Lety even uglier. The make-up guy says he can’t. She already looks like a monster. The director agrees. Lety is not amused.
Fernando hides in the van. Crazy Lady and the police officer pass by looking for him. Meanwhile, Lety is talking to one of the actors while playing with some button. The director tells her not to touch that button, because it would ruin the scene. The director goes over the scene with her and the actor.
Marcia calls Fernando from Germany. She wants to know everything he’s been up to. He tells her that would be expensive to tell her everything since she’s calling from Germany. Fernando relents and actually tells her the truth about the day (he had to leave his car; some lady accused him of taking her bag and now he has to save Lety!) Marcia tells him not to lie to her because she knows he is with her lover. Crazy Lady finds Fernando and he grabs Lety to tell her to run. She accidentally hits the button and that causes a whole bunch of marks to go off on the actors chest. Crazy Lady thinks it’s really blood and faints. The director is upset because the whole scene is ruined but calls an ambulance.
Lety and Fernando see a tow truck taking his car. Fernando goes after the tow truck employee and asks why they’re towing his car. The guy says the car has been there for more than three hours. Fernando says, but it was parked! The tow truck drives off anyway. Lety says they should run after it. Mind you, Lety is running with a fake machine gun behind her back this whole time.
Fernando has his car back. Lety asks him where they are. Fernando says he knows exactly where they are. Lety says they’re late and she just wants to go back to the office, besides, this doesn’t look like that good of a neighborhood. The local neighborhood gang comes by and walks up to the car. Fernando says oops and Lety just whines. The men make fun of how ugly Lety is (Apparently, they don’t have any mirrors in their homes). Fernando starts to defend Lety, but Lety protests. The guys start taking the car apart piece by piece. Fernando says he’s going to use his cell phone. Lety reminds him (wink, wink) that he doesn’t have a cellular. Oh yeah! I don’t have credit cars either. The guys order them out of the car and grab Fernando. Lety whips out her gun, tells Fernando to get behind her. She tells the gang to get on the ground and then shoots off the fake gun. The group runs off. Fernando is impressed, but Lety is scared. She laughs after she thinks about it and Fernando gives her some kisses on the cheek. He takes her back to the car where she limply lays in her seat. Fernando exclaims about his lost taillights. Uh-oh, the Beamer won’t start!

Will Lety and Fernando ever get back to Conceptos?
Whose going to be cast in the commercial?
Will the filler episodes ever end?

Tune in tomorrow! :-) Until next time!


Monday, September 18, 2006

HERIDAS DE AMOR - Monday, 9/18/06

Cesar arrives at the San Llorente plantation and runs into Fabricio who tells him that Miranda and Alejandro are coming to sort the problems out there at the plantation. Lizania greets them and flirts with Cesar who is eager to oblige and says he’ll catch up to her in a bit. Cesar then says to call Miranda and Alejandro to tell them not to come. He and Fabricio will solve the problem there together. Fabricio asks how and Cesar says they’ll think of something. Fabricio isn’t quite comfortable with that reckoning. It’s her place afterall.

Daniel and his brother are at Rebeca’s asking Julio what he plans to do with the money that is theirs from their mother’s inheritance. Julio tells them of his decision to start a new investment house with Cesar by selling off his shares of the business that his father left for him, and that he will invest their money and let it work for them. Daniel gets angry and demands his rights to the stock and to his membership on the board. When his dad says no, Daniel demands his share now rather than to lose it all in a risky start-up venture like this. He orders his brother to leave with him then but Angel says no, he’s come to talk with his dad and is staying. Daniel stomps off and Angel immediately apologizes for his ungrateful actions and attitude and the two hug.

Francisco and Amparo are telling Father Buenaventura that the factory owner came through with a severance check for Francisco when Daira shows up. Francisco and Daira go out to the grounds and he apologizes for his former behavior with her, especially now that he knows she’s related to Alejandro. They begin to get on well together.

Fernanda opens the door to find it’s Gonzalo standing there. He immediately tells her that he knows that Alejandro Luque is her “guardian” and he wants to know what their true relationship is. Miranda is there and he tells her things between the two of them have changed and are irreparably torn, though she feels they shouldn’t have. Afterall, this is her mother. He says now he’s been converted into the monster and it’s all Fernanda’s fault. Fernanda says that is the last thing she’s wanted but he asks again what is the relationship between her and Alejandro Luque.

At the San Llorente hacienda Lizania and Cesar have a “heart to heart” about his desire to change into somebody respectable and well-liked. Cesar gets all weepy and whines to Lizania about what a rotten person he’s been to everybody and how he wishes he could turn into another man. They enter a room off the side and sit and chat. He tells her what a rotten womanizer he has been. She naively offers to help him, telling him just recognizing the problem and dealing with it is the first step. He says how embarrassed he is. They agree to keep this relationship and his personal tribulations quiet from everybody. She leans into kiss him but he feigns uncertainty and fear. However, he “gives in” after only a second’s pause and with a “Bueno, sí ” he demurely “plants one” solidly on Lizania’s lips...... At this point he insidiously thinks to himself how he plans to make Alejandro pay for his actions through his sister, Lizania’s, suffering.

Luis Alberto is overheard by Luciano Sartori telling a client to pull her money out of San Llorente Investments; its days are numbered. He immediately catches Luis Alberto in a lie and tells him he seems to be a disloyal employee if that’s what he’s been telling investors. Luis pretends to take offense and says Luciano is mistaken if he is thinking to accuse him. Luciano calls his bluff and tells Luis “Good try, but I know exactly what your relationship is to Cesar and one ought to be careful with what he says.”

At Fernanda’s home in Mexico City she explains that Alejandro has only lent her a hand owing to the fact that his mother was once her best friend. It has been only that. Gonzalo says he’s moving out and will take the condo at Polanco. She can move into the mansion that his father gave her as a wedding present when he used to think she loved Gonzalo and would be a good wife to him. She says no, not for pride’s sake, but she will not be moving back in there. That life is over and done. This is her house now and her sentiments and her more recent memories are a part of it now. Gonzalo answers that he is not moved by this in the least. If she thinks to point a finger at him she is mistaken; and if she thinks she’s going to continue to throw the blame to him for something that isn’t his doing, then she’s equally mistaken. “I am an honest, upstanding man. I was cheated on and I acted as a result of that. I am not sorry for it. You two go around taking delight in speaking of your victimization and your pain. Who, though will put herself in my place? Measure yourselves by the same standard!” He slams the door as he leaves. Miranda makes excuses saying he’s not really like this and has always given them a good, loving home—and adds, “If it hadn’t been for Bertha....” Fernanda agrees and says what though can they do? Miranda says they’ll force her to confess and fight her using the very same weapons she uses.

Alejandro is driving Daira back and tells her that he has lost control of himself; with regard to taking vengeance on Gonzalo, he felt no pleasure in seeing him so defeated the other day when disassociating himself with the business or in destroying the man’s life and livelihood. The look in Gonzalo's eyes was just like that of his own father’s. He's changed now and it's because he never figured to find Fernanda or Florencia and Miranda. Daira tells him then that he must do as his heart tells him.

Florencia tells Fabricio she’d love to go to Miami to buy baby clothes so Fabricio suggests they go together and get her mind off things there. He sneaks out to call his mother to use her credit card to pay for the trip but she says after paying for Julio’s hospital expenses, she doesn’t have anything left. Cesar overhears this conversation and offers to pay for everything. He takes Fabricio into the office of their hacienda and asks for bygones to be bygones as he’s done with Julio. Fabricio falls into the trap Cesar has set. They make their peace and Cesar buys the tickets, pays for the hotel, and even sets up a cash account for any expenses while up there. As Fabricio leaves Cesar thinks to himself that now he’ll be able to sell off the ranch the next day without Fabricio sticking his nose into it all and scotching the deal.

Leonardo invites Gonzalo to lunch. At the restaurant he asks Gonzalo if he had ever stopped to think that one day the bill would come due for all his past acts. Gonzalo never figured the price would be so high nor that he’d be fine one day and the next be left with absolutely nothing, including his daughters. Leonardo asks if Gonzalo might still love Fernanda and does he think there might be the remotest possibility that in fact she didn’t really cheat on him. He replies that even if she didn’t, too much harm has been done and a dead man whose name he never knew is still involved somehow. Leonardo suggests then that he consider taking the first step and investigate the circumstances. Gonzalo promises he will do just that.

Veronica and Erika’s mothers have said they must return home to Mexico City. Renata says she must stay behind to help care for her sister. Erika remind’s Renata they agreed not to let Veronica take advantage of them and that Renata should still cancel the bet over getting Juan to fall in love with her and to propose marriage. Renata ignores this advice and smiles a bit conceitedly as she continues joking with Veronica over her plans with Juan.

Alejandro picks up Miranda and she later manages to get a call from Renata telling her what’s happened at the hacienda and that everybody has gone. She and Juan will come back to Mexico the next day and then Miranda and Alejandro will fly out to the hacienda to take charge of things. Miranda and Alejandro hug as she explains how things have turned out there and she reminds him that neither of her sisters are yet to be told the truth about their mother when they return to the mansion.


Barrera de Amor recap: September 18

Maite and Victor seek Andres at his hotel, but the Bon-bon tells them he's gone off to a private party at a bull-raiser's place. Because they are determined to tell him TODAY that Valeria has born him a son, they will figure out a way to crash the party. "I won't rest till I've gotten my daughter out of Jacinta's claws."

It's also dawning on them that Jacinta and Federico were probably behind the long-ago surprise raid on Elvira's House of Ill Repute, which resulted in pictures of Maite cheek-to-cheek with whores, said picture being the primary reason the judge denied her parental rights with Valeria. "They must have had help from one of the women in the house, how can that be?" "Many people have a price."

Theodoro, Baldo and Juanita waste much airtime trying to convince Unibrow to reconcile with Andres. He says, in his huffy monotone, "Andres was bad to me" and defends his position against bullfighting: "I couldn't stand to wonder each time if he would be hurt." "All the more reason," Theo reasons, "you should make up with Andres. How will you feel if you read he's been killed, and you not speaking to him?" "Be quiet," responds Unibrow.

One of my commentors said I am too hard on Unibrow and that I should call him Luis Antonio and be more respectful. Since there appear (according to the poll) to be only 15 people reading my recaps, her reproach has statistical weight. What do you think?

Gustavo navigates his wheelchair over to the door - he thinks it's Elvira come to visit, but it's really Jacaranda. They are very surprised to see each other. She is surprised to hear that Nicolas's story - "I can't leave my wife for you because she is dying of cancer" - is just bull. Since Jacaranda is hiding from Rafael, and Gustavo is hiding from everybody, they agree to keep their meeting a secret.

Andres and his cronies visit the bull-fighting school - Federico is watching from the shadows. They notice a guy named Marcos who "has what it takes" and Andres invites him to the private party referenced above. Gordo says, "Ah, you want to mentor him as you were mentored." Federico gets hold of Marcos later and says, "I know how you can get in good with those guys" and we don't hear his plot but I'm sure it's evil.

Rafael, as Jacinta's go-between, visits the bent doctor and asks for more poison. The doctor says he got in trouble last time and is under scrutiny, so he can't help, but will make a referral (to another doctor willing to poison people on command). Rafael killed Jacaranda's husband, and the doctor killed Magdalena (Veronica's mother).

The gossipy ladies show Federico the car driven by the new owner of Las Barricas - the driver can't be seen, but Federico recognizes it's the car that tried to run him down. They give him a newspaper with a big color picture of Andres kissing the Bon-bon. Federico runs it right back to Jacinta and Jacinta runs up the stairs and thrusts it in Valeria's face. "Look at your Prince Charming." Valeria says, nevertheless, she still loves him as much as ever. Jacinta says: "Let's go to church and pray to rid ourselves of indecent passion." She smiles as Valeria cries and says: "Rodrigo is your future."

Jacaranda shows up at the restaurant to bum money off Maite and is upset to hear she's gone. Elvira says never fear, I'll lend you some money. Rafael shows up. Jacaranda's been hiding from him because he threatened to kill her last time they were together. He thought she had the letter Magdalena wrote in which she swore Veronica is Adolfo's daughter.

Guillermo returns some keys to Elvira. In front of Jacaranda and Rafael, Elvira loudly tells him: "I have important papers of Maite's which she wanted me to keep safe for her." She shows him where they are. Jacaranda and Rafael are watching. They assume the letter they seek is among those important papers, and clearly plan to steal the lot.

Juanita comes to visit Veronica. While Victor and Maite go off to crash the bull-raiser's party, Juanita and Veronica rendezvous with Valeria at the convent. Valeria tells Juanita that Maite, Veronica's mother, is also her mother! Veronica overhears this and her mouth freezes in a moue.


La Fea Más Bella #105 9/18/06 A little romance; a lot of business

Luigi and Alicia

Luigi lets Alicia know about the collection the cuartel is doing in her name. Luigi tells her it’s like the Red Cross is in the reception area. Alicia is very upset wants help from Luigi, but he tells her that he has his own problems. He needs to go talk to Fernando immediately. Alicia protests, but Luigi leaves anyway. Sara and Martha enter with cans in hand. Sara purposely turns her can so that Alicia can see what they wrote on the label. Alicia is upset and whispers some insults to herself.
Luigi goes to his office and packs while talking on the phone about his trip. Irmita lets him know that the storyboard has arrived; Luigi says to take it to Fernando. Irmita reminds Luigi about the upcoming underwear commercial; he tells her he’ll only be gone for a few days. Luigi tells his dog that he’s going to leave her with Irmita. Irmita says okay but… Luigi interrupts and says he’ll leave a video for the dog. Irmita asks Luigi to look at the storyboard but he tells her that’s the President’s problem.
Meanwhile, in the secretaries’ area, Sara tells Alicia that there is an emergency and she needs her help urgently. Alicia insults her; tells her it’s not her problem and says she did not realize that the presidency of the company was now in the hands of the cuartel. Sara tells her that she needs Alicia to confirm the details of Luigi’s trip to Munich. Alicia is mad because Luigi gets to go to France! Sara tells her that Munich is in Germany. Celso enters with two gentleman. They say that they want to donate to her fund. Alicia is really insulted. More people enter with some coins. Celso tells everyone that Alicia doesn’t want their money. Alicia has to call Germany and she can’t remember the country code, oh, and she doesn’t speak German!
Alicia gets on the phone and demands an interpreter. She tells them its not her fault that they never learned Spanish. She says she needs two interpreters; one to interpret German to Spanish and one to translate Spanish to German.
Alicia runs to Lopez and tells him that she is completely alone. Lopez wants to know what she’s talking about. She says that the cuartel left her all the work while they joke around with Fernando. Lopez says he’ll go straighten them out. Alicia tells him that they were even making fun of him. He gets ready to go (head squeak and all) when she tells him she needs some help finding translators. Lopez, painfully, says he needs Lety’s permission to get the translators for her. Alicia doesn’t like that idea at all. Alicia and Lopez walk back to her desk while she goes on about needing a translator. She can’t find the cuartel so she goes to look for them in the bathroom.
Alicia did not find the cuartel in the bathroom and she comes back out. She looks under their desk and then she hears their laughter. It’s impossible that they’re in the boardroom!
Saimon comes to the common area; Alicia tells him that they’re in the boardroom. Saimon wants to know why they’re in there. Alicia asks him to tell her when he finds out.

The Cuartel, Lety and Fernando
Fernando writes a letter to Lety. He wants to know why she’s hurting him this way. Luigi enters and says something about going to Germany today. Fernando tells him to stop joking. Luigi says he’s not joking and he needs to go to Germany right now because FIFA is restricting the time they have to film. Then he starts pressuring Fernando to authorize the start of the new underwear commercial. He says if it is not done in the next few days, Conceptos will lose the contract. Fernando reminds Luigi that he is very busy. Luigi agrees and says the underwear commercial is very important for him, but it will have to be done without him as director. Ricardo has already sent over the storyboard for the commercial. Luigi, not so subtly, tells Fernando that he needs money for his trip to Germany. Fernando desperately calls for Lety, and (surprise!) she’s there. Luigi says that now Lety is here, she’ll fix all of Fernando’s problems and he can leave. Luigi attempts to say goodbye in German, but decides that “Ciao” works just fine. J
Irmita talks with the cuartel and tells them that Conceptos has a big problem. She needs to organize Luigi’s trip. Luigi walks into the conversation, sets the instructions on Lola’s desk and tells Irmita to let the cuartel take care of that stuff. Luigi, of course, has to insult the cuartel before he walks off with Irmita giving her some last minute orders.
Lety calls Tomas from Fernando’s phone to check on financing for Luigi’s trip to Germany. Fernando intently watches Lety during the whole conversation. Lety tries to urge Tomas to hurry up. Lety lets Fernando know that Filmo Imagen will finance the trip. Fernando apologizes to Lety and says that he had a complicated morning and that is why he wasn’t able to get her a real card. Fernando gives Lety a drawing of a teddy bear (so much cuter then the real things that Omar buys! Remember the giraffe monster thing??). He is obviously nervous about it and says if she doesn’t like it he can get her something else. She says thanks and walks into her office. Fernando can not believe that such a simple thing makes her that happy.
Lety puts the picture on the wall while Fernando walks into her office. She asks him to sign her picture. Fernando is embarrassed and says she shouldn’t make such a big deal about it, after all, it’s just a drawing. Her phone rings and Fernando gives her a hug. He says he wants to answer it. Lety tells him no. Fernando says that it’s his company and he can do what he wants and picks up the phone. Lety tries to tell him how to answer the phone properly, but he just says hello. Ooops! It’s his mom and she wants to talk to Lety. She wants to know why he’s in Lety’s office answering the phone. Fernando asks his mom what it is that she needs. She asks for Lety so he gives Lety the phone. She tells him that his mom wants to talk with her about a favor. Fernando is surprised that Teresita would want a favor from Lety. Teresita overhears this and tells Humberto that she think Fernando is going to find out about their secret gift. Lety lies and says that his parents miss eating hot peppers. Teresita and Humberto get a good laugh out of this. They want her to send some to their house. “My mom doesn’t eat spicy food Lety.” “But you’re dad does.” Fernando just laughs. Fernando won’t leave, and he’s listening over Lety’s ear while she’s talking to Teresita. The Mendiola’s are happy that Lety is working so hard to keep their secret. Humberto plays along with her story about the peppers; he wants to know how her task is going, if she’s found anything good. “Delicious,” she says. Fernando waves and leaves. Lety tells Teresita she’ll send the video.
Fernando goes to the restroom, frustrated. Lety arrived late, the red bag is still missing, Lety is talking about suspicious stuff with his parents, he can’t get a hold of Omar and she spent the whole morning with Tomas! Then he’s worried that Lety found Omar’s letter and called his parents to tell them about it. Irmita calls for Fernando and he tells them that he’s peeing and will be out in a second. (He seriously told one of his employees that he was peeing.)
Irmita presents Fernando with the storyboard and Lety comes out of her office to announce the money is ready for Luigi’s trip and for the commercial. Irmita tells Lety that they need to film the underwear commercial tomorrow. Fernando’s day is not getting any better, and it shows. Lety tries to calm Fernando. Lety says if Fernando needs a beautiful model with perfect measurements, she would be happy to do it for him. Everyone laughs. Fernando asks Lety for more money. Lety leaves with some orders about Luigi’s trip. Fernando asks Irmita to bring Bernardo and Faviola to his office. She’s very excited to comply. Fernando calls post production to request the best producers possible.
Irmita goes out to the cuartel and they’re trying to get the best prices possible for Luigi’s trip. Juana calls someone for cameras and other production equipment. Some boxes arrive from the airport. ( I don’t know what’s in them). Fernando calls post production and asks them for
Irmita goes back to Fernando and tells him that the director he wanted can not do the video because he’s filming a movie with Gael Garcia Bernal (ah, Gael…). The other director can’t come either because he’s on a twenty day vacation. Irmita tells Fernando that they’re won’t even be a director of production. .Fernando’s upset and everyone can hear the conversation. He yells, a lot. The cuartel is proud of their boss (I didn’t realize yelling was so impressive.) Paula Maria runs in and tells him that the cuartel is with him. The whole cuartel enters and they all let him know that they support him. Fernando says this is nice, but it doesn’t fix his problem. Sara says they will find a production team for him. He says it’s a complicated commercial. They say that’s okay, do a little cheer and Fernando starts his little dance. Lety and Fernando talk some business alone when Irmita enters and tells him that they found the production team. Lety and Fernando follow her, surprised how quickly the cuartel works. Irmita takes them into the board room and presents the cuartel as the production team. They march. There’s a parody of army talk. Paula Maria and the rest of the cuartel ask for orders. Fernando talks to himself about how happy the cuartel’s enthusiasm would have made his father. Lety tells Fernando that she thinks that the cuartel’s idea will work fine. Fernando nervously laughs. He offers them something to drink. More dog pound noises. Fernando pretends that he’s not going to agree, but then says okay.
Meanwhile, Saimon is answering the phones. He says bye to Luigi. The phone rings again. Celso enters and Saimon begs him to find Paula Maria, because he doesn’t want to cover the receptionist job anymore.
Juana wants to film in Veracruz. Fernando says that would be nice, but there’s not time to set it up or money. Sara says she’ll be in charge of finding the location. Martha says she’ll be in charge of the food. Irmita says they need a model. Fernando says they need a gorgeous woman who is sensual like an Italian woman. Lety almost chokes on her water. Lola says there should be a horse in the commercial. Juana says she knows someone who has a very beautiful horse.
Fernando nervously paces and runs into the storyboard. Lety calms him again. Fernando says something about a horse. Lola says it’s the greatest idea he’s had! They all imitate a riding a horse. Fernando leaves. Martha talks about Luigi. Alicia enters. She orders them to return to their work. Paula Maria says that they are doing their jobs. Lety tries to shush her. Alicia keeps talking while the cuartel tries to explain. Fernando comes in and walks behind Alicia. He starts doing an impression of her. Alicia pretends to play along. He tells her that the cuartel is there with him doing something important for him. Alicia starts to say something about Lety, and Fernando tells her that Lety is now her immediate supervisor from this moment on. The phones are ringing and the cuartel tells her to answer the phone. Oh! And order some pizza for Martha. Sara says she doesn’t need anything. Lety tells Fernando it’s time to go leave.
Back in his office, Fernando tells Lety the truth and says that he thinks the commercial is going to be a disaster. Lety says it may be a total success. She goes into her office to get her things.
The cuartel remain in the board room, laughing about Alicia’s situation. They want vengeance. Irmita reminds them that they’re there to do work.
Fernando and Lety leave Conceptos. Neither seems to sure about the other. Lety remembers her conversation with Teresita and another with her mom. Fernando just watches her.
Lety and Fernando get stuck in traffic. Fernando asks Lety what happened with Tomas. Lety says that it was personal. “You’re really not going to tell me?” Lety tells Fernando that she was helping Tomas with a small personal problem. Fernando wants more details, but Lety won’t give them up. Fernando tells Lety that he tells her everything, truthfully and frankly (ha!) and she hides things from him. He accuses her of lying to him. She says “You don’t believe me?” and gets up and leaves the car.

I would love to give you guys some teasers for tomorrow's episode, but I still can't get past the preview of Lety with a machine gun... I'll talk to you all tomorrow!


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Heridas, Friday Sep 15

Squeaky admits to Erika that she thinks Juan is sooooo dreamy but they are too different. I have a hard time listening because Erika has the worst hair I’ve ever seen, it’s like layered bowl cuts. Just awful. Erika actually gives her good advice, tell Veronica to stuff it and just be with the guy if you like him.

Back to Miranda crying. Alejandro shows up and Tomasa lets him in. He goes to her and it’s like a Harlequin book cover the way they lie on the bed. She whines and he says something comforting and they start making out. Then out of nowhere a hand grabs Alejandro and pulls him off, it’s Cesar, who growls “get out of here you infeliz!” There is some really funny editing here. When Cesar grabs him they all stare at each other dramatically, then it skips right into the ensuing conversation. I believe the staredown was intended as an episode ending but all the editing put it five minutes into this show. The boys yell at each other. Cesar tells Miranda to come with him, he’ll keep her safe. Alejandro says me too! Cesar gives a long speech about why he’s so great and says “yeah and after what happened last night…….” Miranda stops him and says nothing happened last night! She looks at Alejandro and explains exactly how Cesar came to answer her phone, she left it in the living room, etc. She tells him she’s sorry about that. This officially is the first time someone just took the time to explain something to avoid a week of misunderstanding and running around. And of all people it was stupid Miranda. Alejandro is pleased and laughs, Cesar says what are you laughing at? Alejandro says “You, Cesar. YOU!” He laughs right in his face, it’s great.

Raul and Carola arrive at her place She paid bail and tells him not to worry about it, he’s like a brother. Raul tells her that everything will be ok and she says she hopes so.

Superslut is on the phone with Bertha filling her in, she can’t get to the medicine to change it because Dr. Juan never leaves it alone. Erika sneaks into the room and starts to listen to what slutty is saying. Superslut says Bertha’s name so Erika SHOULD know who she is talking to. Erika is walking up to her like she’s about to slip a wire around her neck and I hope she does. Rats. Superslut claims to have been talking to her mom, then leaves, leaving her phone sitting there. Dummy. Erika looks at the phone to see who was on the other end, helloooooo dumbass, she said “Bertha” while you were standing RIGHT THERE behind her. She finally finds Bertha’s name and is sooo surprised. Slutty had walked back in and demands her phone back. Erika and her godawful hair look worried. Slutty is a twig and Erika has some meat on her, she has nothing to be worried about, she could take her in a fight.

Fab and Juan, now BFF I guess, are talking to Gabino. Gabino says those guys will likely come back again. The new best pals decide to check up on the chocolate factory and Juan tells Gabino that nobody comes in or out, nobody. Fab gives him a pep talk about how well he defended the hacienda. Gabino says his grandparents, parents, and him were all born there, he would defend it with blood if necessary.

Alejandro tells Cesar he knows his game, Cesar plays dumb, “what do you mean?” After some more chest-bumping Cesar makes ready to take a swing at Alejandro and Miranda stops him. “Don’t make me lose the affection that I have for you.” “affection? That’s what you feel for me?” Miranda says nothing and Cesar does a pitiful lovesick look. He asks “what does that mean?” Alejandro says it means he should get his ass out of this house right now before he kicks it out. Tomasa begs Cesar to comply and leave. Cesar tells Miranda that they need to speak alone, there are STILL things he needs to tell her. He needs a new line, that one isn’t going to keep working. It works this time I guess, she promises to find him to talk. On his way out, he tells Alejandro “we’re not finished, you and me.” Alejandro says “just tell me where and when, I’ll be there.” I suspect 3:00, boys bathroom.

Rebeca visits Gonz in his office. He gives her a dirty look. He says she could have saved him but she chose to protect those other assholes. She makes excuses. They go back and forth about who could do what and la la la. She finally says she loves him. I don’t know in what way. He tells her that Miranda knows the truth about her mother. Rebeca says he can’t do anything against Fernanda now, he says how can you be so sure? She says she thinks that her protector is Alejandro Luque. Dramatic music, then Gonzalo throws his drink across the room in anger.

Alejandro tells Miranda the whole story of how he met Fernanda again at the clinic and everything that happened after that and why he couldn’t say anything. This episode is full of people finally just TELLING each other what’s going on instead of Three’s Company style misunderstandings. He finally tells her that she has to give Fernanda a chance to explain things to her. She is then upset about everything she found out about Gonzalo. She says “Who provoked all this? Who?” I think we all know who. I think they know too but for some reason let her continue to roam around as she pleases.

Fernanda has a green flashback of an argument with Bertha. Alejandro walks in with Miranda. Miranda sits down and calls her ‘mama.’ They cry and hug.

Gonz and Rebeca fight some more. He’s upset about Alejandro’s duplicity, obviously. He vows to fight. He vows vengeance while Rebeca whines and wiggles her moptop around. He finally tells her to leave so he can think. She tells him that Julio is at her house when he wants to come see him. He asks what Cesar and Julio are up to, she says please don’t ask me that. He starts to give her the faintest hint of a dirty look and she’s already blabbing that Cesar wants to open their own company and Julio accepted.

Fernanda and Miranda are all giggly and happy, they thank Alejandro for bringing them together. He leaves them alone. For some reason on his way out she explains again about last night and the cell phone. This second explanation would make me suspicious, but Alejandro doesn’t worry.

Back at the hacienda Superslut is threatening Erika to not say anything about her talking to Bertha. Renata comes in and slutty pretends to be consoling Erika, who is crying for real due to slutty having pulled her hair. Renata babbles and leaves to get food.

Miranda says “mama?” Fernanda says what? “Nothing – I just want to make sure I can pronounce that word – mama.” Fernanda starts talking and weeping, some story about when Miranda was a little girl. More crying from both of them. And some more crying. Sheesh.

Cesar whines and whines to his flunky about Miranda going with Alejandro and not him. They are out in the country, I think in the property neighboring the hacienda. Some farmhand comes up and tells him about how some guys are going to storm the hacienda, he hatches a plan to do something that will make him look better than Alejandro. I didn’t understand all the details. Something about distracting Luciano too, Cesar has three women coming out to work on Luciano – “Tres muy beunas.”

Lasagna is telling her mom on the phone what is happening at the hacienda, that she’s trying to call Alejandro but can’t reach him. Surprise, here he comes, into the restaurant where Daira is to meet her, she passes him the phone and Lasagna cries to him, he tells her to calm down and not worry. She tells him that it’s hard to get a cell signal, she thinks there must be ‘electrical storms’ nearby or something. That sounds about as logical as Doc Brown’s Flux Capacitor. He says he’ll be out there in the morning and hangs up. He tells Daira that he knows Raul’s whole family, it turns out. She just wants to know about Miranda, he tells her that she’s talking with her mother right now.

Aaaand she is. They talk about all the stuff we already know. Miranda says “do you still love him?” She says yes, through all these years. Yeah. Right. Whatever. Who would still love somebody after all that. Give me a break. Miranda says maybe they can be together again, he was never with another woman. Welll….. except Bertha. Fernanda knows this. Miranda says Bertha only took advantage of Gonz when he was drunk, he feels nothing for her. Why to people keep saying that, like it makes a difference? If you did the deed, you did it. Why does it matter if it ‘meant something’ or not? If I were cheated on I wouldn’t care about any of those details. If it happened, it happened. The end. Whatever. The women down some more tequila. Fernanda and Miranda agree that Bertha is responsible for everything bad that happened, between the two of them they will prove it.

Gabino is talking with Juan and Fab about what is going on. He feels guilty for helping Bertha way back when, when he hurt Miranda’s horse. That feels like a million years ago. And a million endless conversations ago. Gabino leaves with another guy, getting his gun out to check on stuff. Cesar rolls up to make trouble for sure. He plays nice, like he came to help. Fab stares him down. He says everythings fine, Cesar doesn’t need to be there. Juan is walking away and Cesar tries to toss the car keys to him, “you kid park my car.” Juan looks at the keys on the floor and says “park it yourself.” Cesar tries to go after him but Fab stops him. What a tool Cesar is.

Rebeca is begging Julio to not be mad, Gonz is like a brother to her so she had to go see him. They talk about a bunch of nothing. She’s happy that he is confident in Cesar. He hopes that his new company will show his sons that he is a good guy after all.

Cesar actually apologizes to Juan, who goes to check on Flor. Fab fills Cesar in on what is going on at the hacienda. Lasagna brings her fine self down the stairs to greet Cesar, she is happy to see him. I’m trying to remember what their history is but can’t remember. She tells Fab that she got Alejandro on the phone to tell him what’s going on, Cesar fumes. She excuses herself, she and Cesar are having sex with their eyes. I don’t remember what the deal is here, can somebody fill me in? She looks like she’s going to jump him right here. Cesar tells Fab he wants to work things out between them.

Fransisco and Amparito are in the church, they talk to Santiago about the money Francisco got and Santiago says something about not getting permission to take a leave of absence. Daira comes in and Francisco asks to speak to her privately and they head outside.

Luciano overhears Cesar’s flunky on the phone telling Daniel that SLI’s days are numbered. Flunky tries to talk his way out of what he said, Luciano says “tell me why the company’s days are numbered.”

Fernanda’s tequila bottle is still mostly full so they haven’t had too much to drink. A knock at the door, Fernanda goes to answer it. It’s Gonzalo. He wants to talk. She says go ahead but doesn’t let him in. He says that he knows that Alejandro is the person protecting her. Lots of dramatic music, then the bleah theme song. My wife loves it, along with all those similar love songs, but to me it is nothing special.

They show Cesar kissing Lasagna in the preview for the next show, nooo!!!


More "Fea" corrections, Because I Care

...actually more like "because I was in a hurry and therefore wasn't as careful as I should have been."

After re-watching the past week's episodes I had to go back and make some corrections/adjustments to the recaps (corrected stuff is in red). Most of them are trivial, but there are two things that require special notice:
  • I thought the Monte de Piedad (Mount of Mercy) was the same thing asthe Public Ministry because I misinterpreted something Sara and Juana said. They are not the same thing. (Margaret tried to explain that to me, but I still misunderstood.) The Public Ministry is some sort of legal bureau. This doesn't really affect the story much, but I don't like to create and propagate misinformation. Just in case someone was planning to pawn something at the Mexican Public Ministry, or sue someone through the Monte de Piedad... :-)
  • On Wednesday, when the lights go out in the exec lobby and then go back on, Celso or Fern (I forget which) says it was probably a power outage. This probably isn't important, but I'm mentioning it in case it was meant to establish that the building has faulty wiring or something.


Saturday, September 16, 2006

La Fea Más Bella #104 9/15/06 Mostly Filler

I don't know if this happens to the other recappers or not, but there are some nights when I'm able to understand almost everything, and other nights when it all goes over my head. Last night was the latter. The good news (from a recapping standpoint, not an entertainment one) is that very little of importance seems to have happened.

I'll post what I have now and watch it again tomorrow - if I missed anything important, I'll post it then. But I'm skeptical. This episode was 90% filler.

The house-hunters

Lety is looking around in a nice house. Dad is inspecting things. The new vendedora (I think her name is Mathilde) corners Tomas and... and... kinda assaults him. She hauls him in for a painful-looking kiss. He pulls away (with difficulty) and tells her he can't cooperate because... because... [lightbulb over head] he and Lety are engaged!

Lety pulls Tomas aside and is furious. She would never ever marry him! He's angry and offended. He has to be her boyfriend for Conceptos, after all. She reluctantly agrees to go along with it.

Mathilde crushes RoboPop's hand again and congratulates him on the kids' engagement. Lety and Tomas privately explain the situation to him. He disapproves, but on seeing what Mathilde is like, he doesn't have a strong argument against the deception.

After this I think there is some discussion as to who will ride in Mathilde's car to the next house. Not sure about that. Anyway, the next house is so friggin' huge, the foyer looks more like a big bank lobby than a residence. There are stained glass windows with peoples' faces on them. It's 17 million pesos which is over 1.6 million dollars I think. Mathilde takes the camcorder and wants pictures of Lety and Tomas kissing on the stairs. They give each other hand-kisses (kiss their own fingertips, put their fingertips to each others' faces) and Mathilde announces into the camera, "Mr. and Mrs. Mora in their future house."

As they prepare to leave, Mathilde manages to plant a wet one on RoboPop. Tomas's phone rings. It's Fernando. Lety and Tomas look worried.

Back at Conceptos

Alicia, Juana, and the rest of the feas squabble about the missing red bag. Alicia says, among other things, that the bag's contents are "things she needs for parties." Juana asks what kinds of parties Alicia goes to. :)

Fern can hear the ruckus outside. Based on things Sara is saying, Fern wonders if perhaps Sara knows all about the letter. Fern is still holding the bag and hasn't looked in it yet.

Alicia stomps off to tell Lopez that Juana has stolen her bag. She tells him that bag is her existence. Lopez licks his chops (actually his fingers) in anticipation of slaughtering a fea. He hates the cuartel.

Fern is about to open the bag when Saimon shows up with a delivery. He hurriedly hides the bag, tossing it into the air and it hits a lamp on the way down. Saimon notices Fern's lampshade is off-kilter. Fernando explains that he adjusted the lampshade to direct the light onto his papers. Saimon leaves and Fern picks up the bag again. Lola busts in and he hides it again. She appeals to Fern to help Juana. He doesn't seem to want to be involved. All he can think about is getting everyone out of his office so he can look in the bag.

Out in the executive lobby, Lopez asks Juana where the bag is. She didn't take it, so she doesn't know. Alicia doesn't want to admit she's fixing to pawn her jewelry, so she will only say that its contents are very valuable. She and Lopez go into Fern's office (no one's been knocking, by the way) and Fern, flustered, calls Alicia "airhead" by accident. He tries to put a simple end to Juana's peril by asking Alicia if she saw the theft with her own eyes. She says she did!

Out in the lobby, Irma struggles to understand why Omar's specimens are such a hot property.

Everyone leaves Fern's office except Alicia. She is still talking about the bag's contents as being worth money, which upsets him, thinking she's hatching a blackmail scheme. He ushers her out and takes a moment to collect his thoughts. (Only a moment.) He starts to reach for the bag but on looking up, sees that the entire cuartel is now in front of his desk. PM asks why would Juana steal Omar's specimens? (Sara demonstrates with the invisible jar and sound effect.)

Fern agrees to help. (Anything to get them out of his office.) Alone at last, he opens the bag, looks inside, and sees...

Jars filled with Omar's lab samples!!!

Not really. (Psych!) He finds a jewelry box full of Alicia's jewelry. He puts it back in the bag and hides the bag behind his back. Meanwhile, Lopez presents Juana with her dismissal. Al is happy about this but still wants her stuff back. Fern (hiding the bag) says that he's the president, and Juana won't be fired. Lopez says the policy is clear. Fern sends Lopez to his office.

Alicia is angry. FINALLY she tells everyone that her jewelry is in that bag.

Fern sneakily tries to return the bag to Alicia's desk. She catches him and wants to know how he has her bag. So does Lopez. She still thinks Juana was involved somehow, but Fern defends her. I miss exactly how he manages to explain things to everyone's satisfaction, but the crisis ends.

Except Sara wants to know what happened to Omar's lab specimens. This confuses Alicia, who never heard about that. Sara also asks about Alicia's interest in the Public Ministry. Did she steal those jewels?

Alicia unhappily explains that "MP" was Monte de Piedad, not Public Ministry. The jewels are hers and she's going to pawn them.

Fern calls Omar to tell him that Alicia's bag contained nothing but her own jewelry. Fern yells at Omar for his stupid, trouble-making bag and letter. Omar reminds Fern to pick up some sort of gift for Lety. There's more rehashing - apparently more rehashing than even Omar can take, because he hangs up on Fern. (Actually Omar is in a hurry, there's going to be a FIFA meeting.)

Marcia is also in a hurry on her way to the same meeting, so when Alicia calls her to tell her tale of woe, Marcia again puts her off.

Lola, Sara, and Paula Maria start a "fund" for Alicia. They accost people (coworkers and clients) in the main lobby and ask them for their spare change. They have a conversation with Luigi that I don't get.

Fern is getting tired of waiting for Lety. He goes into her office (which is now liberally festooned with Moty cartoon-doggie stuff) and calls her house. Mom remembers that Lety's errand is a secret, so she just tells Fern that she's out with Tomas and tells Fern to call them on Tomas's mobile phone.

Fern freaks out. Last night she rejected him, and this morning she's out with Tomas??


Friday, September 15, 2006

Barrera de Amor summary: September 15

I was sure Jacinta was going to wake up and find Maite in her bedroom, but no! Maite took the drugs out of the drawer (they'd been hidden under a prayerbook) and slipped away successfully. However, as all the windows and doors were locked, she couldn't escape the hacienda.

Jacinta woke up, discovered the empty drawer, got her shotgun, and circled the house hoping to kill Maite. The chauffeur, Artemio, came to our heroine's rescue; he let her out, saying: "I've seen a lot around here over the years - I'm on your side - we should talk."

Maite hurried back to the convent, gave the drugs to Unibrow to be analyzed, and told him they have a grandson together. He emotes in a muffled monotone. Tears and kisses in closeup, I will say no more.

Nicolas is babbling fearfully after receiving a call from the Other World (Gustavo, promising payback). His wife Cayetano thinks the call was from one of his many girlfriends.

He hears sounds in the house, gets his gun, and bursts into Manola's room, where he finds her in bed with Federico. Cayetano follows and there is a shouting party. Rodrigo shows up and bangs on the door asking what's going on. They all say, Oh nothing, and get rid of him so they can continue their less-than-amicable discussion.

"How long has this been going on?" Cayetano asks indignantly. Federico: "A long time, in fact I'm Rodrigo's father." After more shouting the conclusion is: Nicolas and Cayetano raised their daughter to be frivolous, cold, calculating, and unscrupulous. Then they "sold" her to Gustavo who had enough money to keep all of them in luxury. Everybody is to blame.

Nicolas points out to Cayetano that their own marriage, too, was one of convenience and no love. They shuffle off to fight more in their own room.

Then Federico and Manola have sex and Manola thought-bubbles: "Federico may be a Vallodolid, but he has no class and I'd never marry him. Oh, where oh where is Unibrow?" Yes, that's what she said.

Victor and Maite de-brief together. When she hears Andres is in Aguascalientes she wants to go immediately to his hotel and tell him he has a son, but Victor points out Andres is with Bon-bon and tomorrow would be better.

Juanita is amazed to hear, from Unibrow on his return to Las Barricas, that her school chums Veronica and Valeria are both in town. She will find a way to talk to Valeria. She and her dad think Unibrow should go find Andres, tell him about Pedrito, and reconcile. Unibrow says shut up.

Federico is sure a drug refill can be procured in a couple days. Jacinta: "Without the drugs I can't control Valeria, she's so stubborn. When she's drugged, she's weak and can't fight me... Maybe your mother Remedios took my stash!" Federico tells her he got Octavio fired and mired in scandal. Jacinta smiles approvingly: "The paths of God are infinite in number. You, too, have become an instrument of Our Lord and will sit with him in heaven."


Heridas de Amor, Thursday, September 14

Well, finally something happened on this novela. Santiago is asking Andrea about her supposedly late husband. She says at first everything was good but then he did bad things… Santiago asks why she thought he was dead. Andrea is confused but the mysterious men who wanted the mysterious papers said that they would kill him. Pamela arrives. Santiago is glad she is there. He has someone to present to them – in walks Leonardo.

Miranda tells Gonzo that maybe he should reintroduce himself to her because the Gonzalo San Llorente that she knew doesn’t exist anymore. Gonzo says he knows she is hurting but she’ll get over it. Miranda asks how she can get over knowing that her father isn’t what he appears and knowing how he persecuted her mother. ‘She deserves it’ says Gonzo. ‘She destroyed all of us.’ ‘You destroyed us too with your lies,’ responds Miranda. Listening outside the door, Tomasa thinks that Miranda still doesn’t know everything.

A happy reunion for Andrea, Pamela and Leonardo. Andrea keeps saying, ‘Is it really you, Leonardo?’ Pamela asks where he has been and why did he disappear. Leo says that he will explain everything eventually. Santiago thanks God for this happy event.

Al is having a drink with Luciano in a bar. He wants Luciano to cozy up to Cesar and find out what he’s up to. Luciano doesn’t like Cesar but he’ll do it. Al explains to Luciano how Cesar has taken advantage of his and Miranda’s falling out to cozy up to her and his next step is to get control of the reserved stock. Al believes that Cesar really hates Gonzo and all his scheming is part of a plan to bring down SLI.

A bunch of workers in spotless white shirts and cowboy hats are listlessly brandishing machetes and shouting by the gates of the hacienda. Holding the fort are Gabino and a few others, armed with a pistol. Juan, Squeaky and Erika are chatting on the lawn about their house cleaning experiencesw when Veronica and Lasagna come up to say that men with machetes are going to attack the hacienda. Juan takes charge and sends the women to the house with instructions not to alarm Flor. Squeaky is impressed with his take-charge attitude.

Miranda wants to know who was the man that Gonzo killed. What did he and Bertha do with the body? Gonzo replies that he doesn’t have to answer to anyone including her. The topic is closed. ‘If you think my actions are so despicable, call the police and denounce me,’ he says and leaves. Miranda dissolves into tears yet again.

Fab breaks out the weaponry (two pistols) to defend the hacienda. Juan isn’t sure he can fire a gun at someone. They await the attack with grim resolve. [Can’t they call the police or something?]

Amparo and Ramon return from Sanson’s place. Amparo explains how as children Sanson and Gordo came to their house for food because their father was a drunk and the mother disappeared for weeks at a time. Raul sneaks into the house and listens to their conversation. Amparo can’t believe that Sanson would treat her like he did. Ramon says that since Raul hasn’t gone back with the gang, there isn’t any problem. Raul leaves. Amparo says that if anything happens to the boys, she will die.

Miranda is lying on her bed fingering her rosary bead and cell phone and crying. She realizes that she needs Al, his support, his words, his voice, the strength of his arms… his love. At the bar, Al is fondling his phone too and thinking about Miranda. He has a green memory of when Pamela got Miranda to admit that she loved him. He calls. Miranda answers and can’t speak because she is crying so much. Alarmed, Al tells Luciano that they have to go find her.

At the hacienda, all the womenfolk are barricaded in Flor’s bedroom. They don’t seem to have followed Juan’s instructions not to alarm Flor. Veronica wonders if they’ll be raped. Someone finally suggests calling the police but too late – the phone line is dead. There isn’t any cell signal either [have the workers knocked down the cell tower with their machetes?] Fab comes in and tells him that the workers have taken the machinery from the chocolate factory and the harvesting tools. He tells them nothing will happen to them.

Raul goes to police to denounce Sanson’s gang to protect his family. He has to confess that he participated in the robbery at the bar. That is all the policeman needs to hear. He isn’t interested in the gang, only in the robber he has right now.

Cesar gets a call from Bertha. She is still abroad. He tells her that he is on the point of succeeding in his plan except that Al is interfering.

Back at the hacienda, the tension is unendurable. The workers are burning down the chocolate factory or something. Shots are heard. Flor faints.

Gonzo goes to his office and Ramon comes in. It becomes clear that Cesar was not acting for Gonzo and knows nothing about Cesar’s instructions to Ramon to use Amparo to get close to Amparo. Gonzo orders Ramon to use all his efforts to find out who Fernanda’s protector is.

The rioting workers seem to lose interest in sacking the hacienda and drift off. I’m not sure why.

Francisco comes home to Amparo. He is happy. He ran into the boss of his old factory and told him off about broken promises. The guy gave him a check for his many years of service. What are they going to do with the money? Amparo suggests that Ramon could handle it.

Back at the police station, Raul has to make bail. Carola arrives and asks what Raul is doing there. While the policeman listens behind her, Raul tells her that he came voluntarily and informed on Sanson because he threatened Amparo and his family. Carola is unimpressed with his plan. She offers to pay his bail but now the policeman wants Carola to tell them what she knows about all this.

Back at the hacienda, Juan and Fab are attending to Flor. She asks Juan to use the familiar ‘tu’ with her. The maid arrives to say that the rioters have dispersed and Gabino is waiting for Fab and Juan at the gate. The men leave ordering the women to stay in the room and stay away from the windows. The TiVo ended at the point when Erika takes Squeaky aside and says it seems like she likes Juan. Squeaky denies it.


La Fea Más Bella #103 9/14/06 Bait-and-Switch

It's night. Fern is at home. The phone rings. "Lety?" he answers, expecting her to apologize or explain about rejecting him earlier.

But it's Marcia. She wants to know why he'd expect to hear from Lety at home at this hour. He replies "you've been talking to Alicia, haven't you." Marcia says she did indeed speak to Alicia and that she said that he had seemed nervous. She tells him to use their time apart to think hard about whether he truly wants to get married. He tells her that he is thinking at home, alone. "You wouldn't believe how pensive I am, Marcia."

Omar starts to snore. His seatmate pushes him away and he flops into the aisle, babbling about the red bag. Marcia is too lost in thought to notice.

While Fernando continues to think hard, Lety writes a diary entry. She is wearing new pajamas bearing the logo of a dog named Moty. Or Mody. I should have written it down. I only mention it because it matches the doggy on her new pocketbook I'll mention later. (I really like the way her kiddie accessories complement her old-lady clothes. It takes a lot of "inner beauty" to pull that off. More than any human can possess, I think...) She writes some more about the mixed feelings she has about helping Fern cheat on his fiancee, etc. On the one hand, she's the happiest woman on earth. On the other hand, how miserable it will be for Marcia to lose him. He is the light in her life, makes her feel like a princess, avenges the bet, etc. She worries about the wedding.

As always, this is superimposed over images of Fern being pensive. He chuckles to himself, "I said 'Lety' to Marcia."

That night, Fern dreams that Ariel has taken over the president's office. He is sitting in Fern's chair. He throws away Fern's nameplate and zaps Fern with lightning bolts from his hands. (It's cool to see this actor having some fun.) He pompously announces, "You gave the company to that ugly chick and now it's getting seized. We have proof." He snaps his fingers. (I notice he's wearing a wedding ring; is Ariel married or did the actor just forget to take his ring off?) Fern's parents appear with the red bag. They say they're going to tell Lety everything.

The next morning, Lety leaves a message with PM to tell Fern that she'll be in late. She has some things to do. After she hangs up, she notices a strange smell...

PM is frustrated that Lety won't tell her what's going on. Saimon dances into the lobby and asks PM if she's told Jr. about their relationship yet. The answer is no, and she doesn't plan to do it soon.

Meanwhile, Omar is in his hotel room, practicing some German phrases. He calls Fern at home (running late due to nightmares) and greets him in German that's so badly pronounced that I have to read the Spanish captions to figure out what he's saying. Fern answers, "What - who is this?" in English. Naturally, Omar wants to know if he's found the bag yet. Fern sarcastically answers Nein, it's not here (at his house). Fern tells Omar that Lety turned him down last night. This worries Omar. He suggests that perhaps Lety has read The Letter. Fern says he doubts it, but the idea clearly bothers him.

Tomas has put on his dad's suit, another short fat necktie (is there a name for this style of neckwear? maybe a fan club?), and way too much cologne in anticipation of seeing Dora the Vendedora again. (BTW, that was a José José song they were listening to on the radio last night - special thanks to "modernfea" for pointing that out.) Lety laughs at him and says she can't tell whether he's going to a wedding or a funeral. RoboPop and Mom come down and complain about the smell too. Tomas looks offended. Lety says the carnation is an especially bad touch. Tomas says she shouldn't be so critical considering that green outfit and screwy hairdo she wore a few weeks ago. Anyway, he says, he's stylish.

As Tomas and RoboPop leave the house, Lety confides to her mother that she doesn't like this errand she's doing for the Mendiolas. I notice that Lety has a new pocketbook - it's red and has the same dog on it that was on her PJs. Wierd. I wonder if we missed out on another blatant advertising scene. Like maybe when the button fell off of her old pink pocketbook she had to get a new one. Never mind; it's not important.

On their way to the house, Tomas wants to stop and buy flowers. Lety is disgusted and RoboPop thinks they won't have time. He drives slowly, with a line of cars honking behind him. Lety suggests slightly more speed.

Tomas is all wound up as they approach a house with a nice garden. He babbles about Alicia for some reason as they walk through the door. Instead of a cute young thing in a cocktail dress, they encounter a severe-looking older woman with a deep voice. She grabs RoboPop's hand and crushes it, greeting him as Tomas Mora. He protests that she's hurting him. When she discovers that he's not Tomas, she crushes it again and apologizes. He struggles to extricate himself (with Lety's help) and says he needs to go to the car.

Tomas asks where Dora is. This new woman says Dora couldn't make it today, but she'll be happy to help him out instead - and she knows of a place he can buy for his company that has ten floors. Tomas looks like he's in over his head. :-) She takes them to look at several pricey homes and keeps getting in front of the camera (and at one point we are treated to the kazoo music again). She gropes both RoboPop and Tomas and suggests Tomas should film her in a Jacuzzi.

Lety takes off to explore the house on her own while Tomas and RoboPop check out the bathrooms. Lety daydreams about Marcia and Fern starting their new life together in one of these homes. She imagines that he carries Marcia into the bedroom in her wedding gown, and they kiss and talk about how Lety was never any threat to their happiness. Marcia says, "that poor girl is so ugly." "Horrible, eh?" Fern agrees. Tomas's yelling snaps Lety out of this daymare. Her shadow says, "Lety, stop thinking about stupid things." Lety repeats it, then tells herself she wants these stupid things. She giggles. (Maybe Lety's losing her marbles. Who could blame her?)

Tomas wants to leave. The new real estate agent is driving him crazy. She keeps telling him to film her.

Alicia gets to Conceptos (with her jewelry in the red bag) and bids her car a warm farewell. (Not sure if this is just for the day, or for life.) She says, "No, my love. We will never separate. We were born apart - you in Germany and I in Mexico - but we are twins at heart. We will be together forever, my love. Nothing and no one will separate us." She blows it a kiss.

At her desk, she calls for the number of Monte de Piedad (Mount of Mercy). The feas overhear only "MP" and think she's called for the Public Ministry instead - they are intrigued. Sara (wearing a really cute blouse) and Juana spar in the bathroom for no clear reason other than that it's a "great way to start the day."

Factoid #1 (and thanks to Margaret for explaining this): You (if you are Mexican) can hock your stuff at the Monte de Piedad. I don't know if you get a better deal with them than at a regular pawnshop.
Factoid #2: A quick web search reveals that Monte de Piedad was founded by a man named Riva Palacios. It doesn't say if he was related to the fictitious celebrity Cristina Rivapalacios or not. :-)

Fern gets to work and PM gives him Lety's message. Lety's unexplained tardiness worries Fern further. PM has her own theory: maybe Lety is changing her "look" again. They agree that the incident with the green clothes was not a success. Fern looks ill as he gets on the elevator, wondering what Lety might be doing.

Up in the executive lobby, Alicia is yelling at Juana for cleaning her desk. Fernando walks in and sees the red bag. She is hugging it possessively while he stares longingly. He chides the feas for gabbing at their desks and not working and retreats into his office. The feas speculate as to why Alicia is calling the Public Ministry and why Fern gave her such a strange look.

Fern rifles through his things, looking for Omar's phone number in Germany. He spies his briefcase on the shelf (I guess he doesn't take it home) and checks in there. He takes out several items, including The Letter, which is in an unmarked envelope. Since it's not what he's looking for, he continues to ignore it, while it quietly radiates malevolence (though I bet if he held it to his ear he could hear it ticking). He finds the number and calls Omar to say that Alicia has the red bag. Omar reminds him how dangerous this is and also tells Fern he wants to talk to Luigi.

Fern uses this excuse to chat with Alicia, who is still clutching the bag to her ample bosom. He kisses her on the head and makes inane small talk with her while poking at the bag. He also mentions that Marcia called him from the plane last night. :-) Then he asks Alicia to tell Luigi that Omar has arrived in Germany. She reaches for the phone, but he says no, you know how sensitive Luigi is, go tell him in person! Alicia says okay, but takes the bag with her. He innocently asks why doesn't she leave the bag at her desk. She tells him it contains her whole future and will help her pay her bills. The feas gape. So does Fern - maybe she's planning to blackmail him!

The feas wonder why Alicia is holding the bag of Omar's lab samples so closely, and if she's really that much in love with Omar. Juana says something cryptic about jewels in the crown.

Fern follows Alicia, trying to get that bag. She goes to the stockroom, and when the men there tell her that Luigi's probably in Editing, Alicia tells them to clean up the place to keep the rats away. She finds Luigi - he's editing a video of his dog and complains about the interruption (and also complains that Alicia has referred to his best friend as a dog, when Alicia is the real dog).

Fern is crawling around on the floor trying to get the bag while Alicia and Luigi argue about the dog's haircut. The dog tries to play with Fern on the floor. Fern can't get to the bag and crawls out of the room, running right into Irma's legs. He tells her he was inspecting the corners for dust and found three bedbugs (or some similar biting insect). He tells her to clean it up.

Alicia says something to Luigi about eating beans and making an ugly smell. (I believe this may have been an adlib because of the silly grin on his face.) She tells him about Omar. He asks Irma to get Omar on the phone, and Alicia leaves. Turning his attention back to the video, Luigi reassures his dog that she's more professional than most of his models. (Doesn't he have a jewelry ad to do?)

Alicia goes to the bathroom, where Juana is cleaning up. Alicia puts the bag on top of the lockers and goes into a stall to change the air in her head. Juana leaves and Fern sneaks in. He takes the bag (which looks practically empty; one wonders why she needs such a big bag for such small treasures) and brings it to his office, hiding it under his jacket. The feas are miffed or concerned that he didn't chide them again for gossiping.

Alicia finishes her sanitary activities and discovers that the bag is missing. She blames Juana.


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