Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Tues., Dec. 2 - Santos makes up with Marisela and Cecilia; Antonio falls into DB's trap

DB runs into Gonzalo and Marisela at the pozo (well). She accuses Marisela of trespassing. Gonazalo asks who this bad-tempered woman is and DB says that she is Marisela's mother. Marisela says that she will go on ahead. DB asks who Gonzalo is and what he is doing with her daughter. Gonzalo says that his question is what Marisela is doing with a mother like DB.

In the bar in Progresso, Don Encarnación (DE) tells Santos and DE that someone is stealing his young, unbranded cattle. He has come to file a complaint. Santos asks if he knows who is doing it and DE says that he does but he doesn't expect to get any justice from the authorities.

Leon grabs Gervasia and asks if she thinks she could escape from him that easily. She replies that he doesn't love her. He says that she is his. He had her first and she liked it. At this point, Carmelito appears and he and Leon fight. Carmelito is the victor but Leon says this isn't the end it. Leon says that when the baby comes, he will take it.

Pernalete tells Antonio that he has to sign a lot of papers to get his land and cattle in exchange for marrying Federica. Antonio says that he will sign whatever is necessary.

DB observes that Gonzalo is not from around here. She says that a tie would suit him more than his hat. She asks his name. Gonzalo says that he answers questions from people he likes but that is not the case here. Gonzalo excuses himself and DB calls him an arrogant person from the capital ("capitalino arrogante").

DE, Santos and Antonio are all in Pernalete's office but he can't handle any of their business because Mujiquita has called in sick and he doesn't know where anything is.

Gonzalo catches up with Marisela but she is in a bad mood. She tells him to shut up and follow her or he'll be eaten by jaguars (tigres).

The two terneras, Melesia and Josefina bring the two rebels, Cósme and Andrés to meet Melesio. Genoveva is very rude and the rebels leave right away. Pajarote is there and he basically calls Genoveva a dog in the manger. If she doesn't have a guy, she doesn't want anyone else to have one either.

Let's do a quick check on where we are with the five terneras:
Gervasia is engaged to Carmelito;
Altagrácia is being courted by Maria Nieves;
Josefina and Melesia look like they are going to get together with Cósme and Andrés.
That leaves Genoveva and I'm predicting that she and Pajarote will eventually get together.

Santos takes Gonzalo to meet DB and Gonzalo is surprised to see that Santos' woman is Marisela's mother whose treatment of Marisela he disliked. When DB goes to check on dinner, Gonzalo asks Santos not to tell DB who he is.

Lorenzo is all excited about working on a new version of the constitution. Cecilia says he is like the old Lorenzo she knew. Lorenzo says that he won't stand between her and Antonio. Cecilia swears to Lorenzo that it is all over between her and Antonio

In a very sweet scene, JP tells Marisela that he is upset that Leon ruined his only nice shirt that he planned to wear to Gervasia's wedding. Marisela says that she will buy him a new shirt because they are best friends. JP says that he has never been given anything new before and that she is more than a friend to him, she is the "niña de mis ojos" (literally, 'the girl of my eyes." I'm not sure exactly how you would translate that.) Marisela asks what color shirt he wants and JP says "caramelo," (caramel colored) the color of Marisela's eyes.

At dinner, DB says that Santos has never mentioned Gonzalo or said where he is from or what he does. Santos tells DB that Gonzalo is a journalist who lives in Europe.

Antonio asks Pernalete why he has to sign all these papers. Pernalete says that is how things are done legally. People often try and take other people's land and these papers prevent that. Antonio asks when he will see his land and Pernalete says very soon.

Santos is furious with Gonzalo for making him lie to DB. Gonzalo tells Santos how he met DB and says that he doesn't have confidence in a woman who treats her daughter that way.

Dr. Atrias tells Antonio that Lorenzo doesn't have long to live,

Santos tells Gonzalo that DB had a very hard life. "And that's why she mistreats her daughter and doesn't live with her?" asks Gonzalo. Gonzalo says that doesn't make sense. Santos asks who Gonzalo is to judge people. Gonzalo agrees. In love, there are no explanations. "But I have to say," says Gonzalo, "I don't like your woman."

Pernalete tells DB, Danger & BP that he has made Antonio the scapegoat if their cattle robbery scheme is discovered.

Santos comes to see Marisela who is reading. He asks what she is reading and is pleased to see that it is Don Quixote. He asks if she likes it and she say that she does but she has to read it slowly. She asks why he is looking at her. Santos says that he likes the woman that she has turned into. He says that he is very proud of her. He asks if she is still mad at him. Is he still a wretch? Marisela shakes her head no. "Then we are friends again?" says Santos. "I will always tell you the truth and we will always fight but I will always be your friend, Santos." says Marisela.
He kisses her hand and holds it.

After a minute, she draws it away. They discuss romantic literature until Marisela tells Santos that it is time for him to ask Cecilia's forgiveness. She says that Cecilia didn't deserve what Santos said to her went they were fighting. Santos admits that she is right. She pushes him out of the room.

Pernalete and BP don't think that Antonio will figure out what is going on. DB tells them that her plan is to be the mistress of all the land that surrounds El Miedo and she will succeed. For that reason, no one must fail. Danger says that she has the law (indicating Pernalete) and the power. DB says that is not enough. They have to have to act with intelligence.

Santos tells Cecilia that they have to talk. "About what, Santos?" says Cecilia, "About the caprices of an decrepit old woman or about my immodesty is going to bed in your house with your friend. What other insults are you going to give me? Are you going to complain that I didn't ask permission to live my own life? Are you ashamed that a woman of my age went to bed with a man as young as you? Then you do remember, Santos, that DB who you live with and I are the same age. Where is the justice that you proclaimed so loudly?
"You prepared this speech in advance, right?"
"Of course, and this is only the beginning."
"Very well, Cecilia Vergel. I deserve it. Go ahead. Shoot to kill."

Marisela tells Genoveva about her conversation with Santos and gets little response. When Marisela asks her what the matter is, Genoveva says that she is angry that everybody is in love but her.

Antonio tells Marisela that he is going to marry Federica.

Santos tells Cecilia that he was blind. He put her on an altar like a saint. Cecilia says that she is not saint. She is just a woman. Santos says that since he was a boy she was in love with Lorenzo and then she was so tranquil and pious that he finds the whole thing very strange. Cecilia agrees that it is strange but there are men who find her attractive. She says that one of them was Antonio Sandoval and she fell head over heels in love with him. They were together many glorious times. Santos doesn't want the details. He says that he can't forgive Antonio for not telling him. Cecilia tells him how many times Antonio tried to tell Santos about their relationship but he never had time for them. Santos how she could love a man who was involved with another woman. Cecilia enumerates Antonio virtues and says that they all, including her, fell into a trap that had been laid for them. She tells Santos that the day he threw Antonio out of the house, he committed one of the greatest errors of his life. Cecilia tells Santos that at that moment, he was his father.

Santos asks Cecila to forgive his brutality and despotism. He says that he doesn't know what came over him but she is right, the 'Luzardo' came out in him. Cecilia forgives him. She tells him to find Antonio. Santos asks why she doesn't go after Antonio and Cecilia says that it is over between them. He will never forgive her and rightly so.

Marisela tells Antonio that he is crazy to marry Federica. Antonio says that he will have his own land now. "What land is that?" asks Marisela.

Pernalete seems to be transferring land from DE to Antonio but DB will be the real owner.

Santos has flashbacks to bad things about DB but says that he can't doubt DB.

The vaqueros come to the conclusion that Leon and Tigre will try and get back at Carmelito at his wedding.

Marisela comes into the kitchen where Cecilia is making a cake. She tells her that Antonio is going to marry Federica.

Santos sees that DB has cleaned out the black magic room. "Barbara truly can change," says Santos to Eustaquia.

Mujiquita comes to tell Santos about Gonzalo being sought by the authorities but Santos is at El Miedo. Mujiquita then runs into Gonzalo himself.

DB tells Pernalete that she wants to see the paper transferring the Altamira property to Melesio. Pernalete can't find it. DB starts looking and she finds the wanted poster for Gonzalo.


Tontas Tuesday Dec. 2, '08 "I'm Gonna Make It If I Try" (MTM)

Have to write this quickly. My son's paper is taking longer than usual, so while he's taking a 5 am nap and break, I'll try to get this written and posted. All night long the theme song from Mary Tyler Moore was going through my head. The overhead shot of Cande, with a new hairdo and clothes, twirling in the middle of a courtyard was reminiscent of Mary Tyler Moore tossing her winter cap in the air, vowing to leave the old heartbreak behind and make a new life for herself. She didn't have the addition of an unintended pregnancy however!

Back to the wedding now, and how it all came apart:

There's a brief rehash where we see a love-besotted Cande and Pato gazing at the Acapulco beach and vowing to come back every year on their anniversary to celebrate. Then the fateful moment when Cande opens the door and finds her groom and her older sister locked in a passionate kiss. Alas, it doesn't look one-sided! Cande tears out of there while a frantic Pato follows, begging her forgiveness. In front of the stunned guests, she strips off the dress, veil and shoes (because Pato bought them all) and sets off down the beach, leaving us relieved that at least her lingerie was a gift of her girlfriends. Mother scurries after her shrieking You've shamed us all. Don't mess up your wedding because of that kiss. Nuthin' doin'. Cande continues her stomp down the beach,looking oddly dignified, hails a taxi (even though it's obvious she doesn't have any money on her) and the die is cast.

There's a dismal wrapup back at the hotel, giving us a further glimpse into the dynamics of her family. Alicia is clearly the black sheep...I KNOW what you're doing in Tiajuana, sneers her mother, but big sis' is unrepentant. Today I believe in divine justice she replies. So we're getting hints that she considers Cande responsible for the death of HER dreams. And we see a memory moment of her finding Cande putting on her ballet slippers, Alicia grabbing them, falling down the stairs, breaking her leg in such a way that her dreams of being a professional ballerina are dashed forever.

Now the camera pans to a bereft Pato, clutching the wedding dress to his chest, with his mom fluttering at his side, begging him to talk to his father. She turns, sees Santiago (Jaime Camil) and re-flutters in his direction, apologizing for the shambles of a wedding and wondering what should she do. Santiago gently tells her to be with her son, that's all. Her son needs her at this moment.

Alas, what Patricio gets instead, is his bitter dad who grabs the dress, tosses it in the water and tells Pato he should never have even considered marrying the daughter of a lowly employee. Why did you marry mom? asks Pato. Were you in love? Are you happy? Is that why you drown yourself in alcohol?

She's a good woman from a wealthy family. But like I told you before, no woman is worth a man's life!

Okay, the lines are clearly drawn. If Pops is scheduled for a spiritual transformation, it's going to take a looooooong time.

A similar cynical conversation is taking place between Cande and her mom. (script writers seem to love these mirror scenes). We learn that Dad had a pretty light leg, up till age 50 when he finally settled down, but Mom ignored his pecadillos in order to keep the family together. That's the main thing, Keep . Family. Together. Cande's not buying it. All men may be alike, but not all women, mom! I'm not cut out to be a rug and trampled on, thank you very much!

And now it gets even worse. Alicia, under the pretext of apologizing, drops the bomb on Cande that actually she and Patricio spent the night together. That tears it. Cande busts her a good one in the face, throws the car keys at her (Patricio bought the car as well) and storms off. The camera pans the broken bride and groom figurines and the smashed wedding cake and it's the setup for another pair of mirroring scenes, Patricio hugging the now-very-wet wedding dress and brooding while Cande gazes out to sea elsewhere, reading Tio's letter and for the first time we hear the phrase "fuera dolor" (away with pain!) which will become a refrain in this novela.

Fortunately, Tio included some cash along with this advice so Cande can get out of town. While her parents commiserate back at the hotel (Dad's convinced she'll forgive and return) Cande checks in at a chapel and I must say I liked this scene. She raises her eyes to the cross and asks Jesus to NOT give her a sign if she should leave the past behind and head to Guadalajara. Sure enough, Jesus zips his lip, so she's says Your call. That's it. I'm going.

The Acapulco section of the story is wrapped up with a brief scene between Alicia and her parents where Pop reams her out for ruining Cande's life. I love you too Dad, she sneers, and off she goes. Lovely family. Still unrepentant, she takes her leave of Pato, justifying her actions by saying she fell in love with him first (Alicia was 17, Cande only 15) but he never paid attention to her. She'd do it again if she had the chance. And since he'll be working in San Diego and she's in Tiajuana, well hey, call me. Here's my number. Alicia does not get discouraged by rejection, evidently. She just lies in wait for the next opportunity.

I keep getting whiffs of Querida Enemiga in this one. Alicia's obsession reminds me of Sara, and now we have the introduction of rain as a big theme...but this time it symbolizes tears and griefs. Patricio does some howling in the rain and Cande pulls a major scene on the bus ride, demanding the driver stop the bus so she can throw away her cellphone (Patricio keeps trying to call her), then sinks to her knees in the pouring rain screeching and crying. Reluctantly comes back to the bus when the driver starts honking (and don't you hope he checked her for weapons when she got back on!) and off they go again, this time with Cande typing in her laptop her plans to leave the past behind and forge a new life tomorrow. And tomorrow she won't be stupid!

At this point, there are only two people remotely happy. Alicia, who had her one night with Pato and is "feliz, feliz, feliz" and the groom's alcoholic dad who's delighted that the marriage with the less-than-suitable bride has been destroyed.

Alright, we have the hotel, the haircut (symbolic of leaving the past behind), the Mary Tyler Moore courtyard twirl, arrival in the restaurant where Uncle works, a nod to the title (I thought you'd be on your honeymoon, "in el cielo"...."No, las tontas no van al cielo", yup yup yup...we're heavy into the theme now.) However the most painful part of this scene is when the restaurant mariachi musicians show up and the lead sings off-key. I do NOT understand why this keeps happening in these shows. We have another unfortunate off-key rendition later.

The surreal plot to pretend Cande is dead starts off here. I can't believe anyone remotely sane would do this to her parents, who have already lost one daughter. Even when I remind myself that Cande is only 18, it's unbelievable. But here's how it plays out. First Uncle tells the distraught mother when she calls that he hasn't seen Cande, she's probably in the States. But she realizes Patricio will never stop looking for her if she's in the States (so duh, clearly he loves her. Get a clue girl!) so Cande must convince everyone that she's dead.

Uncle thinks this idea is descabellado (crazy) and so do we, but she has it all thought out and he carries it through, including the macabre touch of bringing her "ashes" to her family and Patricio, which happen to be the remains of someone's little pet. Aaaarrrrggh. When the assembled have trouble believing someone so young could die of a heart attack, Tio drives the knife a little deeper, saying she died of a broken heart....and you killed her Patricio. She killed herself, he retorts, by not forgiving me, by abandoning me, by destroying everything. So there!

Patricio insists on scattering the ashes himself. We see lots of Ferro-rated ugly crying, (in the rain of course) while he scatters the ashes on the Acapulco coastline and manages to smear some of them on his face.

We have some more set-up scenes where Patricio tells his parents (at one of their gruesome family dinners together) that he's leaving the business, setting up his "negocio" exporting Mexican artisanry throughout the world. The other one involving Patricio has us expecting suicide. After he scatters her ashes, he goes sky-diving, twirling in the air like Cande twirled in the courtyard, swirling, swirling, swirling (When is he going to open up the chute!!???) and then whew, he does, landing back on earth with a thud, remembering the previous skydiving venture when he asked Cande to marry him and she enthusiastically agreed, wrapping her arms and legs around him like a pretzel. Sad sad sad.

They try and insert a little humor in all this drama. We have the two restaurant waiters asking Cande about Tio's whereabouts (is he off visiting a GIRLfriend?) and she kicks one of them in the shins and stomps on his foot (old soccer skills evidently).

Now we come to the Santiago part of the story. He's going through his own painful journey (which will eventually lead him to our sadder-but-wiser?-girl) Cute scenes of him caring for the baby, trolling through stores buying stuffed animals, changing a dirty diaper with a gas mask (a scene taken from an American comedy movie about the first Detroit recession). But Mom's too busy with her career to mind the baby. Can't hubby's secretary do it? She's not a nanny, he protests. Well, neither is mine, and off she goes. Santiago's got two surgeries scheduled, not a good idea for the baby to see him doing silicone implants, so he calls his mom, claiming that the infant's first words were I want to see my Abuelita now! (I'm sure she came right over, who wouldn't?)

Now we switch to Cande's trip to the hospital. Yes, she managed to get pregnant during her first tryst with Patricio before the wedding. But he'll never know about the baby (channeling Cuidado here) even though Uncle reminds her that he's been cut off from his own child and how much that hurts. If he's wise about relationships, he's discombulated when it comes to labor. He starts to leave for the hospital without Cande, remembers, drags her along, hovers nervously while she shrieks and pushes (again, no Lamaze in telenovelas) and ta dah! an unusually beautiful baby boy arrives, whom she'll name Salvador because he has saved her and given her life meaning

We spent a long time on the nasty aftemath of the botched wedding, a brief time on Cande's pregnancy and now we race through the next three or four years. Both Santiago and Cande's children appear to be about 5 years old. He's with his daughter waiting for mom to come home (evidently she's always working late) when he finds a note saying she's left for New York. I'm sorry. Don't hate me., she adds thoughtfully, you know you're better with her than I am. And that's that. (He DOES try and reach her by phone but only gets the answering machine.)

So....two attractive people, Cande and Santiago. Terribly disillusioned with the opposite sex, determined never to give their hearts up again. Will they find true love together? You betcha....but it's sure to take a looooong time and have lots and ups and downs to come. Are you ready for the ride?

Now we see Patricio zipping along in his sports car, at long last giving Alicia a call and asking her what she's doing for the weekend. They end up in Vegas, in bed, somewhat sloshed and she asks him if he ever thought about Cande while they were making love. He did. So did she. Because Cande achieved something she, Alicia,always wanted...becoming Señora de Molina. No sooner said than done. The next day , Alicia wearing sunglasses and a sleazy leapord-print dress (just in case we don't get that she's a skank) and Patricio are married by a corpulent Elvis impersonator.

So we start with a wedding and we end with one. Same groom, same family, different girl. That pretty well clears the path for our Cande and Santiago and in the previews the narrator intones that that each is about to meet his soul-mate (lit. sole of his shoe "horma de su zapato").

But don't hold your breath. You know it will take months and months to work this out!


Cuidado #49, Tues December 2. Time yet for a hundred indecisions, and for a hundred visions and revisions.

Marichuy, packed and ready to skip town, answers the door and finds Amador there, accompanied by the sound of angry bees. He wants to know her decision about doing the show. Marichuy and Cande exchange heavy looks.

Stef stands in the foyer and talks on the phone to Isabela, who is staying in some very white place with peeling walls which may or may not be the apartment she had before. Stef reports that they have won round one of Operation Desperation. Patricio bought the story, but she’s still waiting to see what Cecilia thinks. Isa tells her to grovel as much as necessary, but to stay in that house at any cost. Stef hears Ceci coming and has to hang up.

Hot docs Juan Miguel and Eduardo sit in JM’s office drinking coffee. I love that they use cups with saucers. I don’t know anyone who is that civilized while in an office. Ed tells JM he looks like hell (ummm…no. He looks as smokin’ as ever) and JM says he hardly slept. Ed tries to be helpful by pointing out that it’s a good thing he and Marichuy weren’t getting along; if they had been happy when Viv made her demon reappearance, it would have been much harder to say goodbye to her. Ed appears cheered up by this, but JM isn’t quite seeing things the same way. He says if he and Marichuy had been happy, he would have fought to keep things that way. Ornerylia bursts into the office and asks if it’s true. She can’t believe her daughter is alive! JM confirms it while jumping up and edging behind the furniture to get away from her.

Stef asks Ceci if they can talk; she wants to know what Ceci has decided to do about her. Ceci says she can’t waste any time on her (ha!); she is going to find Marichuy. Stef says, “please?” We know she is serious about acting inoffensive because she has opted for a simple small silver barrette instead of ridiculous hair bows.

Amador wants to talk to Marichuy, but she says she and Cande were just going out. Amador offers to drive them somewhere. They don’t want to say where they’re going, so they invite him in. Marichuy is acting nervous, and Amadork asks whether they’re expecting someone. She says no. She confirms that she is NOT going to be in any more television shows. Amador thinks she’s just wanting to get back together with Juan Miguel. Amador notices the packed bags and asks if they’re going somewhere.

Estafa tries to convince Ceci that she has changed her mind about Marichuy. Now that she knows Marichuy’s place in the family, they will be best friends. Ceci tells her that she intends to do everything she can to help Marichuy and Juan Miguel reconcile. Stef is impactada.

Marichuy tells Amador that, yes, they are going far away! “Where?! Tell me where!” he yells, grabbing her by the shoulders and shaking her. Cande yells at him to let her go; he’ll hurt the baby; she’s pregnant! Amador is muy, pero MUY impactado and Marichuy is angry at Cande.

Isa rummages through the meager supplies in her kitchen and moans that she has nothing. It will be just like before; she will be miserable; she only has enough money for a few days. She curses that orphan (not an orphan) Marichuy.

Amador says aha!, she doesn’t want to work because she is pregnant! Marichuy yells at Cande, but Cande says she couldn’t help it; he made her with his insistence and his jiggling her (zangolotearse = to jiggle). Amador shrewdly deduces that the hijo must be San Roman’s. Candelaria does an emphatic nonverbal DUH! He asks if that’s who they’re running away from, and Marichuy says he knows nothing about the baby and she doesn’t want him to, so keep your trap shut, got it? Cande tries to get him to promise to keep the secret and tells Mari that he won’t say anything, even though he did not actually agree to that, not that a promise from him would be worth anything anyway. Marichuy just rolls her eyes.

Ceci tells Stef that she has to leave the house. Ceci can’t forget that she helped to drive Marichuy out. Stef tries to sob a little and says it was Isab!tch, not her, but Ceci says it’s too painful for her, so buh-bye. She reasserts that she’s sure Juan Miguel and Marichuy will be able to make a go of it.

At the funny farm, Viv is still sitting on a bench when Onelia runs up and hugs her, crying. JM follows and stands there, looking pained. Viv just stares off into space.

Amador asks Marichuy if she’s worried that Juan Miguel will take her child away from her. Cande interjects something about the monkey returning to the dough, which must be idiomatic but I’m not really sure what she meant. Amadork goes on and on about how easy it would be for Juan Miguel, with all his money and connections, but if she had a good lawyer she could win and keep the baby. Marichuy insists that this will not be an issue, because Amador is NOT going to say anything. I love her optimism. It’s like she doesn’t even know him. I can’t see him passing up a chance to cause trouble.

Onelia wails and carries on and tries to get Viv to remember her mama. JM tells her to stop; Viviana has total amnesia. Onelia wants to take her home, but JM says they can’t yet. Onelia returns to the wailing while Juan Miguel does his hand-on-hip, other-hand-rubbing-forehead Pose of Pain. Viv just stares and turns away from Onelia.

Marichuy promises Amador that when she’s got it together, she’ll come back and they’ll work together again.

Padre Anselmo arrives and asks whether Marichuy and Cande are ready to go. He sees Amador there and says he thought they were leaving without anyone knowing. Cande says she only told Olga, and she won’t tell anyone, for sure. Mari glares at her some more. PA asks what Amador is doing there, and Mari says he knows that she is pregnant, but he is going to say NOTHING (naranjas, Marichuy’s favorite slang for nothing). Well, let’s go, says PA. Amador starts to pick up the baggage, but Marichuy says she can get them herself, so everyone walks out and leaves Marichuy to struggle with a suitcase and two boxes alone. She takes a long look at the little apartment before she leaves.

Stefi goes to Patricio’s office. She says she’s ready to leave, and tries to give him the keys to her car as she thanks him for it. Patricio offers to talk to Ceci again, but Stef says she was pretty definite about throwing Stef out, and besides, she has gone to find Marichuy.

Ceci walks through the apartment courtyard and asks a small child for directions to Marichuy’s place. She has to step over and around numerous peasants to get there. She knocks at the door.

Patricio tells Stef to come to his office tomorrow; he is going to try to help her. Then he leaves because he doesn’t want to be home when Marichuy arrives. What a great father. After he leaves, Stef takes back the car keys from his desk.

Ceci continues to knock on the door and call for Marichuy while the 20 or so people sitting around or hanging laundry say nothing.

Olga tells Purita she’s going out, and asks if she wants anything. Purita tells her to leave her alone, she just wants to get far away from her. Olga leaves, and Purita continues stirring her pot of tea or love potion or whatever while she remembers telling her mother that she’s ashamed of her.

Olga comes outside and tells Ceci that Mari and Cande have left the city and probably won’t be returning. She doesn’t know where they went; Cande asked her not to say anything about the trip until they were gone. Ceci looks dizzy and sits down heavily on the step. Olga asks her if she’s okay, and she says she’s fine. Olga looks skeptical.

JM calls Balbina (the captions continue to say “Malvina”, even though Marichuy clarified this) into his home office and says that Onelia may be around, but she is to have NOTHING to do with Mayita, and he is hiring a governess to help protect his daughter. If Balbina sees Onelia with Mayita, she is to tell him immediately. That is all.

In the sala, Juan Miguel talks to someone on the phone who confirms that the governess ad will be published today. Just as he’s about to try to relax a little, Stefi walks in and reports to him that the Velardes have thrown her out and she has no place to go. He is surprised that her parents would do such a thing, but she tells him they are not her parents. He is impactado. She tells him that Isabela deceived them all, and that Marichuy is the Velardes’ real child. He is shocked and confused. She says it’s a long story, but now that she’s been deprived of her home and family, sob, she only has him! She clutches his hand. Stef says she wants to stay with him until they are married. Were they actually engaged again? I forget, but I thought that train had definitely derailed when he realized she was into Israel, and only wanted him for the money. Anyway, he tells her they will not be marrying. You can almost hear the record scratch as she realizes Plan B is a no go. She thinks he’s getting back together with Marichuy, but he says not her, either. Vile Viv is back.

Marichuy rides in the back of an old truck with her bicycle and the baggage as they travel through the country. They stop somewhere and she sits by a tree and talks to the Virgencita, saying she knows she’ll never abandon them.

Cande, Marichuy, PA, and the guy with the truck stop for lunch. They have an inordinate number of beverages on the table. They continue on their way and pull into a gas station. Probably because they all drank three sodas or juices at lunch. No, they’re just getting gas and looking under the hood. Marichuy tries to pay for the gas, but PA won’t let her. They continue on, Marichuy looking glum.

Ceci tells Olga that someone must know where Marichuy has gone, and she is desperate to find her. Olga thinks they very definitely did not want anyone to know where they were going. Ceci introduces herself to Olga and Olga says, oh, yes, you’re the people Marichuy lived with who treated her so badly. Ceci cries and tells her how much she regrets that, and that she must find her and make it up to her, because Marichuy is her daughter.

Stef is amazed that Viviana has returned after all this time. JM says that she’s lost her memory. From the accident?, wonders Stef. JM thinks she must have had another accident, but it’s all very confusing and doesn’t make sense. Stef realizes that his marriage to Marichuy is null, and does not hide her delight at that fact. JM looks Very Annoyed. Stef tries to convince him that it was just a nervous laugh; she was thinking of someone else. Who? Cecilia, what a deception! Qué? Well, Marichuy is her daughter, and she had such high hopes that Marichuy and Juan Miguel would reconcile, ha ha! Now JM looks annoyed and thoughtful.

Some slow lady reads the governess ad out loud to herself. We don’t see her face, but she sounds too stupid to be a good governess.

In the back of the truck, driving slowly through the countryside, Marichuy clutches her belly and miraculously does not ever fall out of the truck.

Stef and Onelia chat at the castle. Stef says she’s so glad about Viv’s return (I’m sure it’s not a lie; she’s always happy when life sticks it to Marichuy) and then cries about her mean not-parents booting her out. Stef tells Onelia the whole story which I will not repeat again.

The truck arrives in some sheep-filled courtyard and stops. They have arrived. Somewhere. Two country-looking guys (hats, checked shirts, but no rooster shirts or silly lipstraps like on Fuego; these are normal, modern-looking country guys because this show does not take place in Mexidoom) come out to greet the new arrivals. PA asks for Micaela, who is his sister. The guys (the younger one is named Nacho) says she’s gone to the river, but she’ll be back soon. Then PA asks about los señores, but, whoever they are, the guys inform him that they died a year ago. Way to keep in touch, Padre.

Adrian looks for Marichuy, but a neighbor tells him she’s not around.

Los señores were apparently the owners of the colorful hacienda, may they rest in peace. They were good people. The son is now in charge of the hacienda.

Stef tells Onelia she doesn’t want to ruin her happiness, and Onelia is all simpery sweet to her. Who knew she could even fake it? The phone rings, and Onelia answers. It is someone calling about the governess position, but Onelia says they’ve already found someone and hangs up. Then the grinch gets a wonderful, awful idea. Stef will stay in the house. She can take care of Mayita, as long as she respects Viv’s position as Juan Miguel’s wife. Stef loves the idea. I’m sure JM will be thrilled as well.

PA, Cande, and Marichuy sit down in the freakish and cluttered hacienda sitting room. It contains taxidermified leopards and tigers, which Marichuy peers at warily. Cande worries that they won’t be able to stay there if the old owners aren’t there, but PA says they’ll wait for his sister and see what happens. Micaela arrives and is delighted to see PA and meet the others. PA says they need asylum for a few months; Micaela says she’ll have to ask; it’s not like when the old owners were alive. The new owner is El Leopardo. Marichuy looks at one of the leopards while we hear a foreboding growl.

Micaela tells them that El Leopardo was away for a long time, but returned a few months before his parents died and has never left since. They’ll wait for him and ask about Cande and Marichuy staying. She offers them something to eat, and Cande goes to help her fix it.

Stef tells Juan Miguel about the phone call, but in her version, Onelia told the woman to call back later. Stef suggests that she could fill the position, but JM doesn’t think that’s a good idea. Mayita needs someone experienced and capable. Stef pleads, and JM asks her not to insist, so she whines some more. He doesn’t give in, so she departs unhappily. Someone else calls about the position, and JM asks her to come for an interview. For some reason we only see the back of her head. She has blond hair, a large ring, and a vase of flowers on her table. What do those clues tell us?

PA tells Marichuy that the oldies totally would have let her stay, but she says, “ya chuparon faros.” Anyone want to interpret? They sucked floodlights? Does that mean “they died”? Okay, I looked it up and “chupar faros” does mean to die. Apparently Faros was an old brand of cheap unfiltered cigarettes, and a smoker’s last wish would be to smoke one last one. Okay, sure. He tells her to have faith; God will provide.

Ceci sits in the house and looks glum. Stef enters and says she still has things to do there. She asks Ceci what’s wrong, did Marichuy reject her and refuse to come back? Ceci says she disappeared.

The hacienda group sits in the dining room, which is not as scary as the sitting room, and exclaim over how much better the air is in the country. Marichuy isn’t hungry and excuses herself to go for a walk outside. She strolls down a dirt road and finds something on the ground. My recording cuts off there.


Fuego, #148, Tues, Dec. 2, - Fire in the Campsite, Fire on the Kitchen Floor, Fire in the Blood

Dear Friends, I am making my appeal to recruit a January recapper for Tuesday nights. In January I will return to Mexico for the month. Can someone help out? It is actually very easy dialog, lots of crying, repeats and singing take up most of the hour so this is a good telenovela to jump into. If you are interested you can let me know in the comments or send e-mail to Thanks.

More jealousy and snarling from the sisters, but, Santa tells the sisters to fight the good fight to win their men, all is fair in love and war.

Let's get those little muffins baptized since Juan has created muffins to honor each miffin girl. Que cute.

Sofia is bipolar, she loves him, she rejects him, she loves him. Juan can't live without her either but can't except her, but can't live without her, oh bother and fuss.

Santa and Abuelo recreate their fun party scene to scandalize everyone especially Gabriela with their suggestive jokes. As Gabi stalks away from the bawdy talk in Abuelo's room, we in turn see that the straightening of the sword was all about his little soldier, ahem, that would be of the plastic boyhood kind....

Juan is bipolar, why are these boys still in dormitory style sleeping quarters when they have a whole hacienda? No wonder Franco is confused and thinks the kitchen is where one would naturally pick to have sex. Why does everyone have to get it on at a campsite or under the kitchen table?? Why oh Why!!

Oscar and Jimena confess that they are so happy at each other's side. He repeats the I shouldn't but it is so hard to accept the daughter of his parents assassin. Jimena assures him that her pa isn't the killer they have been told. Oscar agrees that he doesn't think it makes sense that her father had anything to do with the assassination. But he can't betray the honor and memory of ma, pa and baby Livia. He can't get it out of his head but Jimena thinks she knows how to do this. Kisses ensue.

Franco and Sarita play out exactly the same scene save adding that Paddy Tad has proclaimed that the children don't bear the blame of the sins of the fathers.

Oscar and JImena begin to show skin (is this baring the blame?) by the rose and the campfire. very sexy. After enjoying the passion of forgiveness Oscar asks her forgiveness since he can't betray his family. Oops the rose has burned in the campfire, not a good omen.

Back at home the boys creep in to the dormitory bedroom in the dark but Juan turns on the light like crabby drill sergeant style and questions where have they been. Silly boy, they are 40 something, it's really none of his business but they reveal they were with the women they love.

Said women walk into the hacienda discussing the flames and passion and Sofia gets to play inquisitor and they get to tell they were with the men they love. Real economy with the pages in the script, they just take turns reading the same pages. Juan meanwhile sneers that he loves Sofia with the same passion that they love their Elizondo's. He ain't getting any and boy is he mad that they did. He raises the specter of the betrayed parents one more sorryass time. Give it a rest or at least a commercial break.
Sofia assures the sisters that they were not betraying her to boogie with Oscar and Franco. The three discuss that Oscar and Franco at least have doubts that Bernardo as the assassin. Semi-weepy Sofia is lost in reveries that Juan forgets his vengeance pledge and kisses with real passion and said he can't help loving her. then he breaks away before delivering the nookie. It breaks her heart.

Franco and Oscar defend their illicit loving of the assassin's daughters and demand that Juan tell them if he doesn't still have love and feeling for Snotfia. They tussle each other around the dorm room and stifle laughs as they try to keep serious about the memory and swearing on the tomb and all the betrayal and revenge lines that we have heard too many times. They swear that no matter how mad Juan is, they are all still brothers and he doesn't get to decide they aren't because they went out to get nookie and he stayed home to pout. Well, isnt' that why he is really mad?
Gabi is doing tears in her brandy for tomorrow is the famoso baptismo. She swears revenge once again, they won't humiliate her this way.

Juan tells the brothers they haven't suffered properly and Oscar reminds him it isn't their fault that they can't remember the death of their parents just as he can't forget having seen it. The soul will reveal itself he says in defense of the love and nookie seeking. Franco says they don't want to lose their brotherhood status but they want to love the assassin's spawn. Oscar is waxing poetic tonight and says if he can't accept them as brothers, they can always regard him as their father since he raised them. Juan cries and repents his unkind words, asks their pardon for condemning their nookie seeking with the evil spawn of the assassin. The scene fades with the dormitory still containing the pitiful little beds brought from the old house, it's too pitiful to say more.

Quintina grabs chickens and mutters about the baptism and the surprise she is preparing which she then assures a very beautiful Eva who has let her hair down. Quintina is wearing mostly feathers but not like old Rosario's getups, rather in her hair, she disappears with the bag of feathers. While others gather to dress and prepare for the baptism.

At the school house the brothers give lots of lip for Pablito's illicit kiss on the cheek. They suggest that he can have all kinds of futures as a singer or whatever. The principal decides not to punish Pablito but rather the brothers for setting a bad example. He demands that they offer social service to atone for their bad behavior. they push Pablito back and forth while he defends himself for being so in love.

Quintina shows up in such a fine feather boa, however did she get that??

At the evil mansion, the girls and nuns are all dressed up. Sofia is in cheerful beige while her sisters appear in festive shades of red. Santa has red hair and even Abuelo is all dressed up. Ahhhh, Gabriela appears at the last minute insisting that she is going with them. Another bad omen? Well the witchy points on the leather collar suggest that she really does need to pursue something with Coyote. Perhaps they could start a leather shop

Gabriela makes it down the stair wondering why everyone is staring at her, a girl can change her mind right, what's your problem.

The social worker prepares to enjoy the baptism ceremony. Abuelo makes fun of the feathers and Padre Tadeo comes in in formal ceremonial robes asks for everyone to be at peace while they realign the brothers and sisters as couples who try to imitate peaceful people. In the beautiful ceremony with all the lovely colored suits, Gabi suddenly regains her rancor and rises up in her slick black leather, kicks the flowers over and marches off. Everyone tries not to notice her rude little tantrum. Just as we suspected, Coyote is on the scene, no surprise, he is obviously turned on by the slick leather flowing towards him. She doesn't want to play, she has an important meeting in Puebla. He offers to drive Gabriela personally to Puebla since her wayward husband hasn't returned.

Back at the altar, now we see that they haven't settled on which girl gets which name before so there is a need for Paddy Tad to do the selecting. Number One baby carried by Eva is dubbed Maria Libia. JImena brings up Number Two and she is named Maria Jose; and last but not least Sarita follows with Number Three who becomes Maria Guadalupe. There is nothing more important than a child he finishes and asks Abuelo to confer. Franco thrills us all the way to commercial with his lovely rendition of Ave Maria sung before the invisible orchestra.

Gabi takes time with the lawyer to insist she will contest the will with all her force. The lawyer shows peso signs in his eyes mentioning that it can be done but won't be easy....

Next: Spite and venom pour out of Gabriela who insists on a DNA test, wedding bells are tolling soon for Abuelo and Santa? and Juan and Sofia still can't work out their revenge -vs- love problems and Sofia is fed up. And my hands are on fire from working with jalapeños without protection so I am outta here!!


Tuesday, December 02, 2008

El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Mon. & Tues., Dec. 1 & 2 - PJ/S demands that Isabel kill Andrés; Cantalicia takes a bath

PJ/S goes to see Isabel in her former apartment.

She tells him that she loves him; she has asked Andres for a divorce and he has refused. She says that she is capable of anything to get her freedom back. PJ/S asks if Isabel would repeat what she did with PJ. Isabel asks what he means and PJ/S asks if PJ died a natural death or did Isabel and Andres cause his death? Then PJ/S asks if Isabel would kill Andres and Isabel wants to know if he is ordering her to do that. In answer, he kisses her and says, "Yes, why not. I order you to do it."

While PJ/S is having sex for the second time that day with Isabel, he hears Cantalicia calling his name in her dream.

Angela visits PJ's grave with PJ/S. She is upset about her relationship with Antonio and PJ/S counsels patience but Angela says that time isn't her ally. PJ/S looks puzzled
but we can guess that Angela is probably pregnant.

Tío Felipe tells Padre Jacobo that he has lost Cantalicia.

Ángela tries to get Antonio to talk to her but he refuses.

Gaetana gives Cantalicia a bath and washes her hair.

PJ/S tries to talk some sense into Antonio but he refuses to listen.

Cantalicia (with really frizzy hair) and dressed in Gaetana's clothes drops in on the bar with Moncho.

In a totally unnecessary scene, PJ/S demonstrates his martial arts abilities in his pj's (with his shoes and socks on.)

PJ/S tells Cantalicia that the soul of Salvador is gone. All that's left is his body. Cantalicia says that she'll settle for the body and refuses to go back to Las Cruces.


Doña Bárbara, Mon., Dec. 1 - Santos defies DB and does right by Melesio; only Federica is happy about her engagement

Marisela tells Santos that Melesio and the terneras are leaving Altamira. "You threw them out!" she cries. Santos says that he only threw Antonio out, not the others. Marisela replies that if Antonio leaves, all the others do too. They depend on Antonio to support them. DB says that Anonio should have thought of that before getting involved with Cecilia. Marisela tells her to butt out. She is talking to Santos.

"What happened?" she asks, "When did you lose your heart and your goodwill? You, who were always talking about protecting and caring for your own. They are yours, Santos, we are yours. You don't want to see Antonio and Cecilia in love but they are human and they make mistakes. Like you! Because you make mistakes, too. Santos, you are the least perfect of all of us. Santos, please, don't let them leave. Don't break my heart again. Don't fall off the pedestal I put you on, Santos. Don't behave as if you were a wretch ('miserable'), Santos." Marisela walks out without another word and Santos stands there stunned.

Federica is all excited that Antonio wants to marry her even though he tells her not to get near him and that he would like to see her dead. She says that she doesn't care. She will be the wife of Antonio Sandoval.

Cecilia, Genvoveva and the vaqueros:
C: Guys, is what Genoveva said true? You all slept with Federica?
Pajorote: Yes... No... that is to say, more like she slept with us.
C: Ah.. but... all three?
Maria Nieves: But not at the same time! (all three say, no) First one, then the other...
C: That is ... unbelievable ('inaudito').
Carmelito: But we didn't know about it, Señorita Cecilia.
C: She didn't .... force you, or did she?
Maria Nieves: Almost. She trapped us.
C: But I don't understand why she would do that, if suposedly she was in love with Antonio and was carrying his baby. Because the baby is Antonio's, right? Antonio is the father?
Genoveva: We don't know who the father is now because Federica slept with everyone but least of all with Antonio. I'm sure of that.
C: My God! My God! What have I done?
Pajarote: Can we ... help you with anything?
Genoveva: Yes you can help. (yells) Get out of here! Bunch of losers!
Lorenzo comes in and Cecilia tells him that she was an idiot. She now believes that Antonio is innocent.

Antonio makes his demands to Pernalete for marrying Federica: a ranch ('hacienda') for him and Federica, a house for Antonio's father and nieces and some cattle. Pernalete has no choice but to agree but he is furious with Federica when she comes to ask him about a wedding dress, etc. He says that he is paying to marry her to Antonio so that her behavior doesn't affect his chances of getting re-elected.

DB criticizes Marisela's lack of respect for Santos in coming to El Miedo and yelling at Santos that way. Santos says Marisela is convinced that he has acted badly. DB tells him to pay no attention to what Marisela said. As an example of Marisela's ingratitude, DB tell Santos how Marisela rejected her birthday gift of a trip to Europe. Santos says he doesn't understand. He thought DB was going to give Marisela the hacienda for her birthday. DB makes a quick recovery. She says that she thought the trip would broaden Marisela's horizons. She says that Marisela is very uncivilized ('silvestre,' literally 'forest-like, wild'). Santos disagrees. Then he says that Marisela was right. He is a wretch. He gets up leaves to go to Altamira. DB is furious.

The vaqueros return to where they sleep and find Gonzalo and his friends there (henceforward, I will call the three of them 'the rebels'). When the rebels says that they are working at Altamira, the vaqueros jump to the conclusion that Santos has fired them like he did Antonio.

Santos goes to his office at Altamire. He tells himself that Marisela is right. It is an injustice for Melesio to have to leave his home because of Santos' problems with Antonio. He writes out a paper deeding the Sandoval house and adjacent property to Melesio.

Lorenzo and Marisela go to the Sandoval house to try and persuade Melesio and the terneras not to leave.

DB is angry that Santos listened to Marisela. Eustaquia tells her that Santos is a good person. She can't force him to do what she wants.

At the Sandoval house, Marisela and Lorenzo try and get Melesio to change his mind about leaving. Marisela says that she can't live without having the terneras nearby. Santos comes to the house and tells Melesio not to leave. Santos says that his problems with Antonio don't have anything to do with the rest of them. He tells them that he is giving them the house. Antonio tells Melesio to stay there with the terneras. Tearfully, Melesio says goodbye to Antonio. Santos tells Marisela that maybe he isn't such a wretch after this. Marisela is underwhelmed. She says he had to do this not to commit any more 'Luzardadas'.

Lorenzo says that he wants to talk to Santos.
Lorenzo: Let us talk about you becuase you can't avoid being who you are. You fall easily into violence and passion... like me, like our fathers. The difference is that you raise yourself up from your errors, you fight against your nature and you always go for your ideals. That is what gives me hope.
S: Hope for what?
L: To find out whether you really are the 'different Luzardo' that you promised. There is still time to achieve that, Santos.

Marisela tells Cecilia about what Santos did and says that a little of the real Santos still remains. DB hasn't taken over everything.

Santos is surprised at Lorenzo's words and serious attidude. Lorenzo says that he has given up his cinicism. He couldn't live like a dignified man. He will die like one. He asks when Santos will talk to Cecilia.

The vaqueros and the rebels come to see Santos. Santos explains the situation of the rebels to the vaqueros and asks them not to tell anyone about there being at Altamira. They agree.

Santos names Carmelita the new head vaquero at Altamira. He doesn't want to anything against Antonio but he accepts when Santos says that he will get more money to enable him to marry Gervasia.

Carmelito goes to see Gervasia. She says that if he accepts her with Leon's baby, she will accept him in spite of his having slept with Federica. He says that with the extra pay as head vaquero and extra money that Santos has given him, they can get married. Juan Primito is there and he overhears. Gervasia invites him to the wedding.

Lorenzo has political discussions with rebels and they applaud his rhetoric. Cecilia and Marisela are amazed at the way Lorenzo has changed.

When Santos returns to El Miedo and tells DB that he gave some of this property to Melesio, DB is horrified. She calls Melesio a bankrupt peasant ('campesino alzado'). Santos doesn't want to discuss the decisions he made about his property with her. DB asks if Santos was serious shen he said that she would be the Señora de Altamira. If that is true, then he has given away land that belong to her. Santos says that she will be señora of Altamira when she returns El Barquereña to Marisela and until then he will do what he wants with his land.

Gonzalo pitches woo to Marisela.

When DB tells Santos that she is the only one who cares about him, he gets mad at her for talking to him like he was something that she can appropriate. He says that he isn't hers and he isn't anyone's. He goes on to says how proud he is of Marisela for speaking up for what she thinks is right. DB backs off and tells Santos that she wants to sleep in his arms.

The next morning DB pretends to support Santos' decision to give house to Melesio but once he leaves El Miedo, she tells Eustaquia that she blames Marisela for everything.

Juan Primito tells Leon that Carmelito and Gervasia are getting married. Leon goes to see Gervasia and threatens her.

Cecilia goes to see Antonio now that she knows he was telling her the truth. He won't listen and when a prostitute appears in Antonio's room, Cecilia leaves.

The two rebels, Cósme and Andrés, are in the schoolhouse when three terneras, Genoveva, Josefina and Melesia come in. Genoveva is disgusted but the other four have a mutual attraction.

It appears that DB's plan is to take over Don Encarnación's (DE's) hacienda. To do this, Danger and BP are stealing his cattle. DE has gone into Progresso to file a complaint and he runs into Santos. According to BP, Pernalete's part of the plan is to get DE tied up in endless litigation.


Monday, December 01, 2008

Tontas Cap 1 - Debut

Patricio and Candy get on a plane, it looks like they are going to go skydiving. Patricio is Valentino Lanus, Candy is of course Jackie Bracamontes. They jump out of the plane, on the way down Patricio holds up a sign asking her to marry him! How sweet. Then he pulls out a ring and puts it on her while they fall, which is ridiculous. In real life he would have dropped it. They land on a heart shaped landing pad and get busy with the making out. Candy points out their differences while laughing, they don’t support the same soccer team, etc, he keeps nagging her for an answer, she finally says yes. More making out. She says she wants to get married right away this Saturday. Too soon? Ok Sunday! She says she’s in a hurry, they have been dating for three years and she’s desperate to be Mrs. Patricio Molina de (something – sorry I’m watching this part on youtube and I couldn’t make out that last part). Anyway, she wants to get married in a hurry. They agree on six months, and the text at the bottom of the screen says “Six months before the wedding.”

The actress who was the middle sister on Heridas de Amor is Paulina, who is on the phone in her home. There is a diploma and a bunch of photos in frames on a table. Santiago (Jaime Camil, your ‘tan divino’) is her husband (I think they are married) Santiago, he sneaks up on her and she shushes him because she’s on the phone. He’s dressed in hospital scrubs, I guess so we can know right away that he’s a doctor. The house looks nice and expensive, so that makes sense. She scolds him when she gets off the phone for interrupting her. He starts playing around with a pair of baby shoes, then tells her that she’s pregnant!

3 months before the wedding – Patricio and Candy leave a soccer game, dressed in opposing soccer jerseys. They argue about something, but playfully. Patricio kisses her to shut her up.

Santiago picks out baby clothes for a boy, she says what if it’s a girl? Surprise, he has a skirt too! He is very very excited to be a daddy. Kiss kiss.

Less than a month before the wedding – Patricio and Candy are still lovey dovey. She asks him for a favor. She wants for her and her parents to stay in a hotel during the wedding, etc, not in Patricio’s parents’ house. He says sure, but on one condition – the wedding night, she and Patricio go to a DIFFERENT hotel, so her family doesn’t listen at the door while they make crazy noise knocking boots all night. I think that’s a good plan.

Santiago reproaches Paulina for working so hard while being so pregnant. He wants her to rest. She says she was thinking about it and she doesn’t want to go to Acapulco with him. He wants to go have fun, not go by himself. She’s busy with some work, he’s tired of it. Wow, and he’s a doctor! She says she’s tired. He says yeah from working so hard. She promises him to take good care of the baby, to placate him.

Patricio and Candy talk about having kids. Kissy kissy.

Acapulco, 2 days before the wedding. Patricio and Candy make out on the beach, shop for wedding cake decorations, etc. She wants to return to Acapulco every year on their anniversary, Patricio says that sounds like a good idea, let’s make it official!

One day before the wedding – bachelor party. Patricio is enjoying strippers dancing to Oops I did it again by Britney Spears. He’s getting mighty drunk. These strippers are more like dancers, there isn’t any stripping going on. They are somewhat scantily clad though, which is ok.

Bachelorette party in the hotel pool – Candy opens presents. A friend reminds her of the deal they all made to tell each other the details of the wedding night. Lots of group ‘whoooaaa!’ sounds, I guess that’s the Mexican version of the American ‘Wooo!!’ girl chant.

Patricio continues to get drunk, one guy ducks out to meet some hoochie in the lobby. He stops talking to her when he sees Alicia (Thelma from Duelo), who is Candy’s sister. Ah – the guy who ducked out of the party here was Saimon from La Fea. So he’s trying to pick up Alicia, she says no to the one night stand. After the wedding she’s headed back to Tijuana. It sounds like these two had some kind of history in the past and she just gives him a nice goodbye rather than relive it with him.

The girls have moved on to proper American “woooo!!!” noises as the gifts get more and more sexy. Garter belt this time.

Alicia gets herself all gussied up in her hotel room. Nice. She takes the elevator down.

Patricio’s buddies give him a keycard to a room, telling him that it’s all his for a good time! Jeez who thinks giving their buddy a hooker the night before his wedding is a good idea. I guess Saimon (whatever his name is here) was trying to get that other girl up to that room, but it looks like Alicia copied the girl’s style and will be there instead. I think. Sorry this is so disjointed, first episodes are so hard sometimes.

Some girl at the girl party teases Candy about Patricio being with some hoochie, she says no way, he loves me! So of course right now Patricio is being led up to the hooker’s room.

Yes, there he is. Blindfolded, being fed many more drinks by his buddies. He’s trashed. He wants his buddies to hang out with him, they say no way, you’re on your own here, and they throw him into a hotel room. He starts talking to whoever might be there. Turns out to be Alicia, in a cat mask and black gloves. She is ready to give him a good time. She looks good, but he’s blindfolded so he doesn’t see this. I guess if he had the blindfold off he’d recognize her. He starts making excuses about getting married, etc, but she throws him on the bed. He finally pulls off the blindfold, so he can check out how sexy she looks. She still has the mask on, so I guess he doesn’t recognize her. She starts kissing him, he goes for it. Tool. She gives him some more booze, champagne this time, it spills and she licks it off his body.

The girls party some more, Candy thanks all her friends for such a great time and talks up how great Patricio is. I really wish I was watching this on TV instead of youtube with all these bathing suit beauties walking around. Damn. Candy misses someone named Veronica, but at least her beloved sister Alicia is here with her. Candy is so excited to see her, she has been gone for three years. A friend asks why she left, Candy doesn’t know why, Alicia never said.

Patricio wakes up with Alicia’s bunny ears on his head. He hears Alicia make a noise and panics. She asks if all his fantasies were realized or are there more? He says no, I’m good! She takes off her mask and says ok, just promise her that he’ll be happy with Candy. He looks at her and finally recognizes her, “Alicia!” She says what, you’re a man, I’m a woman, we were enjoying your last night as a single man! Patricio seems to realize his big mistake and puts his face in his hands. Um, too late dude. He makes her promise to never tell Candy what they just did. His phone rings, it’s Candy. He tries to talk normally, but of course hottie Alicia is right there wearing his shirt, being all sexy. He sweet talks Candy but it pains him to lie to her by acting normal. Alicia leaves to go get dressed.

Wedding day – Candy greets an older couple, her parents. The guy is named Clemente, I didn’t catch the mom’s name. They make small talk, then mom tells her to remember what she told her about the wedding night, something about Clemente. Clemente says please woman, Patricio doesn’t want to spend his wedding night thinking about his father-in-law. Mom calls for some Pina Coladas, Clemente says what about breakfast? I guess mom wants to get drinking early. She yells back “without alcohol!” Mom is excited about the huge wedding, Candy says she just likes Patricio because he’s a millionaire. Clemente says yeah. Mom says if she was after money, she wouldn’t have married him! Candy swears to never give up her loyalty to Chivas futbol club, not even for Patricio.

Saimon shows up to greet Patricio, Patricio’s father is there too. Patricio thanks him for coming. I guess dad doesn’t like him marrying Candy. The waves of the ocean drown out the conversation, but basically dad is an asshole and really lays the heavy “don’t do it” on Patricio. I think it’s the fact that Candy is not from a rich family or something. Patricio thanks him for coming anyway.

The wedding begins, in a beautiful outdoor location. Patricio walks in with his mom, walking to the front of the crowd. On the way by, he nods at Santiago – I guess they know each other. I don’t see Paulina, but now we know why Santiago had to go to Acapulco, he was invited to the wedding. I wonder what the connection is. As Candy walks down the aisle, she shares a looong look with Santiago – who looks like he got hit with the thunderbolt, like in the Godfather when Michael Corleone first sees his Sicilian future bride.

Candy’s gay uncle is there too, he waves at Candy’s mom (I think that’s who it was), who seems to be ashamed of him and turns away quickly.

Candy reaches Patricio, there is a lot smiling, etc. They finish the walk to the altar together, walking by Alicia who is wearing an awesomely low cut red dress. Yowza. The music changes from the wedding march to “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” Is that wedding music? The ceremony goes on, Alicia bends over a railing to give us major cleavage, other faces in the crowd much less interesting than that. The couple say their vows.

At the reception, the bride is very happy, sharing her joy with her sister Alicia. She thanks Alicia for coming, she was worried she wouldn’t. She is going to re-introduce her to Patricio, wait right here! As soon as Candy walks away Alicia runs away. When Candy tells Patricio that Alicia is here, he tries to play it cool and is relieved when she isn’t there.

Gay uncle catches Candy’s eye, she says “Tio Meño!” Ah so that’s his name. Gregoria appears to be Candy’s mother’s name, she comes over to ask Meño what he’s doing here. She tries to run him off, nobody likes him! He says Candy invited him. He plays up his gayness, she is scandalized. I guess he has been shunned by the family. He says whatever, though, he doesn’t care. She insists that he leave, he finally says gives in, leaving an envelope for Candy with Clemente, who came to assist Gregoria in running him away.

Santiago’s buddies hang around with him, all wearing pure douchebag style sunglasses, huge bugeyed things.

Candy talks to Alicia, I guess in the past Alicia wanted to be a dancer and somehow Candy interfered with that, but Alicia says whatever, now she lives in Tijuana and everything is cool. Another mention of Veronica, sad music, Candy wishes she was here. Who is Veronica? Some conversation about one day Alicia thought she’d be with Patricio, but now here he is married to Candy.

Patricio’s mother comes to talk to him – First, to dog Candy a bit, then something else I didn’t understand. Candy shows up, Patricio’s mom can’t get away fast enough. Patricio tries to hint at getting away for some sex right away, she laughs but shuts him down for the moment. Again, some background noise drowns out half the conversation. Some of Candy’s friends arrive and steal Candy away ‘just for a minute!’ Patrico runs over to see his father, who is still frowning at him. He insults Candy’s family. Candy’s father comes up to chat with Patricio’s dad, calling him amigo, Patricio’s father rudely says he will never call Clemente amigo, only employee. Does Clemente work for him?

Candy’s mother chews out Candy for inviting Meño, Candy tells her to stuff it, but nicely. Gregoria goes on and on and on. Finally Candy tells her to just drop it already. Gregoria says he left this envelope, it has money in it. Candy can’t believe she opened it! I can believe it, metiche. She makes to give her the envelope, then says “no I’ll hold on it for you.” I have a feeling that this will be significant later. Candy heads off to change clothes.

Some other guy is trying to pick up on Alicia, with no luck. For some reason Patricio goes after Alicia. He catches up to her in the bathroom. He wants her to swear again that she won’t say anything. She says she isn’t going to say anything. He wants to know why she did it. I didn’t quite understand her whole speech, but basically she wanted some action so she took it. She tells him how handsome and sexy he is in his tux.

Santiago is charming some ladies at the reception, an excuse to pass out his business cards. He’s talking with Patricio’s mother (I think), who introduces him to Candy. Patricio’s mother says Santiago is responsible for her youthful good looks! Santiago says pleased to meet you Candy, and holds out his hand. Candy refuses, saying “you’re a plastic surgeon? Sorry, but I hate everything about plastic surgery” and stomps off. Santiago looks mighty confused. Patricio’s mother explains that one of Candy’s sisters (ah HAH that’s who Veronica is/was) died from a liposuction mishap. Ah that explains it. She changes the subject to whether or not she should get a boob job, Santiago says absolutely, lift and augment!

I guess Alicia wants some more, she grabs Patricio and kisses him, just in time for Candy to walk in. Of course the first thing he says is “I can explain” – yeah, the explanation is that you’re a dog. Candy slaps Patricio and runs off. Candy runs into her father, who stupidly defends Patricio, “he’s your husband now!” Patricio tries to talk to her too, she wants none of it. Now that they are in front of a crowd, Candy calms down for show, while Patricio tries to talk her out of dumping his ass right here and now. He begs and begs. She doesn’t agree. She completely melts down and freaks out, screaming at him in front of everyone. Patricio blubbers at her, going on about the guests, her dress, the location, the cake…..finally she says she doesn’t want any of it, she takes off her ring and throws it on the ground, then her shoes, then her veil, then her dress. Niiiice. In her bra and panties, which is way too short of a scene by the way (and damn that horrible youtube video quality), she throws over the wedding cake, then runs off down the beach.

So that’s the first episode – the stage is set, I expect tomorrow night’s show to be a Candy ugly crying tour de force – remember that Jackie Bracamontes is responsible for the ugly crying scale being created in the first place. Alina in Duelo kept it going, but it was Miranda “No Estoy SoooLLLAAA” from Heridas that got it going first. I hope you all enjoyed it, Jaime Camil didn’t get much screen time but he is so obviously head and shoulders above everyone else in sheer acting talent it isn’t even funny. He just morphs into his roles. I’m a fan.


Cuidado con el Angel - Monday, Dec. 1 - a whole lot of howling, scowling and crying going on

* Cande cries as MC swears that she will never tell JM about her baby and goes upstairs to the loft.

* Ceci and Pat continue to discuss what Padre told her about her baby girl and that Steffie and Isa are liars. Pat is really curious and asks who is their child?

* MC daydreams about holding her baby in her arms.

* In Fantasyland, Granny and Mayita discuss MC and her baby. Granny tells Mayita if MC says it's so, then it will be so. Mayita is impatient and wonders when? Granny tells her to be patient and wait. They hug.

* Cande and MC at the table in the apartment. A knock at the door. MC knows it's visitors and doesn't want to see anyone. Cande goes and answers it. Adrian enters. He asks to speak with MC. MC isn't really interested. He asks about her acting career. MC mumbles about no acting career anymore. He's surprised.

* JM and Ed are in JM's home office discussing Viv now residing at the sanitarium. JM says he talked with MC, about the divorce and whatever. He's pretty sure it's over for them.

* Ceci is desperate and feels super guilty over abandoning her daughter at the church orphanage. Pat demands that Ceci tell him who is their real daughter. Ceci finally blurts out MARICHUY! He's impactado.

* MC and Adrian continue talking. He is her friend and will support her. She thanks him for his friendship and patience. He leaves to meet Purita for dinner. Alone again, MC tells Cande that she needs to leave the city.

* Pat's impactado. Ceci cries about all the negative things he's said about Marichuy. She reminds him that she is their daughter, and then tells him that they have to make Steffie and Isa leave the house now.

* JM finishes with a phone call in the office. Mayita, holding Cuate in her arms, wanders up to the desk.

* MC is determined to carry out her decision. Cande rolls her eyes.

* JM and Mayita talk about MC's departure from the house. He says soon her mom will return. Mayita jumps and claps, then tells him about MC and the baby. JM is impactado.

* MC visits Padre at the church. She asks him for a huge favor.

* Pat and Ceci discuss MC, and Ceci's quilt over abandoning her as a baby. Ceci wonders if Pat will continue to reject MC as their daughter.

* MC talks with Padre about how she can't be with JM because Viv is still alive and in town.

* At the sanitarium courtyard, Ed sits with Viv on a bench. He asks her several questions - she just sits and stares into space.

* MC gets some chairs as she and Padre talk. They sit and then she tells him that she's pregnant with JM's baby.

* JM sits at the window thinking about Mayita's statement of MC and the baby. He shrugs it off as one of Mayita's fantasies.

* MC cries and explains her reasons to Padre about why she needs to leave town ASAP. She has to get away from JM. However, she cares for Cande and is worried about her. Padre mentions that there are others who care for her also - her parents.

* Isa and Steffie commiserate together in Steffie's room. Isa asks Steffie to wish her luck - Isa leaves. Steffie stays on the floor and cries.

* Isa walks upstairs. She and Martirio talk about what happened with Pat and Ceci. Isa walks away, as Martirio mumbles to herself.

* Pat and Ceci are still talking. Isa enters to interrupt. She says, pouting and acting guilty, that she will leave immediately.

* Padre talks with MC about finding her parents. MC wonders if they are still alive. Padre says, yes, they are very much so.

* Ceci doesn't believe that Isa is sincere. Pat gives the benefit of the judicial doubt and listens. Isa says Steffie is innocent, that she and the parents are to blame.

* Padre talks to MC about how her parents' have searched for her. MC doesn't believe it. Padre tells her about her mom's grave illness and why she left MC at the orphanage. MC has a lot of residual hurt, anger and resentment built up over the years and doesn't want to know anything about her parents. To her, her parents are dead.

* Isa explains how she got Steffie away from her parents and took her to New York to live. Then as the parents were so grave, she brought Steffie back. Afterwards, Isa came up with the idea to use Steffie in the scheme with Pat and Ceci.

* MC argues with Padre why she doesn't want anything to do with her parents; she doesn't want to even now their names. She asks Padre again to help her leave town; leave JM. She asks Padre to take care of Cande for her. MC says that she has to leave for the sake of her son.

* JM sits and hopes Viv does recover; he needs her to recover. He then daydreams about MC and hopes that she can find happiness with another man. JM says that he's lost MC; that it's over for them. The only woman for him now is Viviana.

* Adrian and Purita are laughing as they leave a restaurant and walk down the street. The gossiping neighbors come out in their curlers and spout off about Purita and that her mom's a slut. Purita and Adrian are impactado.

* Ceci doesn't believe any of the story Isa is spewing out. Pat, the judge, listens. Isa finishes her explanation, says believe it or not. Isa leaves the room. Ceci tells Pat that those two are con-artists and not to believe a word from either of them. Pat wants to talk with Steffie - he leaves the room.

* Pat enters Steffie's room. Steffie is still on the floor crying. He tells her he needs to talk. She gets up and cries about her shock over Isa's actions and schemes, and that she has no defense. She cries and he asks her to tell him everything. She tells him how Isa convinced her to leave her parents and go with her to live in New York; how Isa plotted and schemed. Steffie brings on the tears and begs forgiveness from Pat.

* Gossips finish spouting about Olga as a prostitute. Purita doesn't believe them. They tell her to ask Olga and leave. Purita is mortified and storms away. Adrian runs after her.

* Steffie cries about leaving the house. Pat wonders where she will go. She's not sure and asks for time to pack her things. Pat feels sorry for her, and asks for a moment to speak with Ceci first. He leaves the room.

* Purita storms into the apartment and confronts her mom - WHO ARE YOU??

* Pat comes to Ceci in the living room - he explains about Steffie guilt and her story. Ceci doesn't believe it and is still firm and unyielding. Steffie enters and cries and begs Ceci for forgiveness and compassion.

* Olga is shocked by the question. Purita starts in on all the gossip the neighbors had just told her about her activities in town (how she made a living). Olga cries. Purita demands the truth.

* Pat is silent. Steffie cries and tells her sad tale of woe to Ceci; that she had no idea of Isa's plan and says she will leave ASAP. Ceci stops her and says she can stay the night then leave in the morning. Steffie thanks her and leaves.

* In the hallway, Steffie tells Isa that they've won round one, and Ceci has let her stay in the house for the night.

* Isa enters the breakfast room and tells Pat and Ceci that she will leave now. Pat talks with her.

* Olga tells her daughter that the gossip is lies. Purita demands the truth. Olga finally breaks down and blurts out that yes, she is a prostitute. Purita is impactado.

* Cande sits at the table as MC brings down her suitcase and then puts the box with it. She's all packed and ready to leave.

* Pat and Ceci talk in private about MC. Pat still thinks MC is a street urchin and delinquent. Ceci says that she's our daughter! Pat still has high ideals about Steffie and blames MC for JM canceling his engagement with Steffie. Ceci reminds him again that MC is still their daughter, and has every right to their last name, love and support from both her and Pat.

* Cande and MC talk. A knock at the door. MC says more visitors. Cande doesn't move, so MC has to walk over to answer the door.

ADVANCE: Ceci visit MC at the apartment.

PROGRAM NOTE: Univision's holiday gift to the viewers - they are re-running "NAVIDAD SIN FIN", airing at 1 p.m./Noon. (See sidebar for all the recaps I wrote for this program the last time it aired on Univision.)


Fuego, Monday 12/1 (#147): The Day the Plot Stood Still

Don Clemente comes over to pay Juan for his crop, and invites Juan to his daughter Juliana's birthday dance. He adds that Juliana really likes Juan. Juan says he'll think about it.

Sofi and her sisters are excited about the three nameless girls' upcoming baptism. Sofi has a sad flashback to when Juan bought a baptismal gown for the tiny pillow under her dress. Gabi shows up, thinking she'll be among the godmothers. Sofi breaks the awkward news that she picked her sisters and Eva over Gabi. Gabi is insulted and says she won't even go to the baptism, then, and by the way since Sofi doesn't yet have possession of the hacienda, Gabi's not going to let her have a baptism party there.

Juan and his brothers are excited about the money Don C. gave them for their crop, which they're going to use to buy a tractor. Or spend on a party for the baptism. Or save. (They discuss which should be first priority.)

Sofi confides to her sisters that the hacienda is in financial trouble - in addition to the crop troubles, evidently they have some big debts thanks to Feo. So they can't afford a party for the baptism. It'll have to be just a religious ceremony.

One of the adopted nuns comes over to tell the sisters that the social worker showed up to check on the happily married couple. Jimena is annoyed to have to pretend to be living with Oscar, whom she's angry with at the moment, but it's an emergency, so away she goes... with Sarita, not sure why - I thought they were divorced? Oh well...

Juliana pays Juan a visit to persuade him to go to her birthday dance. She adds that she's not into deceitful games. She says her dad really likes Juan, and would be very happy to have a son-in-law like him. Plus, she thinks he's attractive. He says his heart belongs to someone else, para siempre. Juliana's flirting gets on his nerves, and he pushes her away. She asks if they can be friends.

Juan says he doesn't know about going to the dance, but they might as well be friends, sure. She then suggests that perhaps someday he'll see her as something more. And by "someday" she evidently means "now," because she launches a facial attack, battering him with kisses. He pushes her away, but not before Jimena and Sarita see. He shakes his head at them in horror and denial. They ask to see Oscar. Juliana tries to be friendly with them, but they snub her. Juliana surmises that one of them is his girlfriend. Juan says no, neither of them. She looks like she's planning another kiss attack.

Now awaiting Oscar in the kitchen, Sarita and Jimena discuss what they've just seen. Sarita clarifies that Juliana was kissing him, but she doesn't understand why Juan allowed her to. "All Reyes are alike!" Oscar and Franco walk in. J punches Oscar, and S kicks Franco. The social worker shows up, and the two couples put on a fantastic show of affection while hissing at each other through gritted teeth.

Quintina sells conchas in the street. Juliana's two friends try some of the bread and are impressed. Evidently, they made a deal with Q some time ago - something they don't want to talk about explicitly, but whatever they agreed to still stands. Q says she loves her Reyes boys, but other women have already claimed them. Except... well, they're sort of fighting now, she adds. This news makes the girls' day: they want to get these guys for themselves. Q doesn't like the sound of this, but one of them reminds her of their agreement and says she'll pay Q later!

The social worker is happy with what she's seen and says the kids can stay with Oscar and Jimena now that they've reconciled. Their steamy displays of affection convince her not to wear out her welcome, and she leaves. The brawling resumes immediately, and the sisters explain to the brothers that the only reason they showed up was for the kids, NOT to be with the guys. They leave. The guys complain that they get crazier and better-looking every day.

Juliana is still bugging Juan and he's still not interested. She tells him to they can always decide later! He firmly shows her the door. He tells Oscar and Franco about the upcoming dance. They tell him about the social worker visit. Now all three of them understand why Sarita and Jimena were so annoyed. Juan worries that they'll tell Sofi what they saw.

Jimena and Sarita go to Crap From Afar, where Eva overhears them debating whether or not to tell Sofi.

Pablito comes home with a note from school about his non-consensual kissing of Rosita. Juan and Oscar are furious and send him to his room. Franco points out that Pablito's no worse than they were. Juan gets fed up and is ready to walk out on them. Then they all think how harmless it was, and how cute it must have looked, Pablito kissing that girl on the cheek, and they laugh.

Sarita and Jimena tell Eva all about the kiss this Juliana chick was giving Juan. Eva advises them not to tell Sofia. Then they have a surprise for her: Sofi wants her to be a godmother (I didn't realize Eva didn't already know this). "Does your mother know?" Yeah, she knows, she didn't like it, and she's not going to let them have the party at their house. Eva says that's okay, they'll have the party at the "Uribe" hacienda (I can't believe she doesn't call it the Robles hacienda!). She tells them it's worth sacrificing a little bit of their pride to do this for their sister and her kids.

Quintina is bummed out, thinking that thanks to Santa, Grandpa no longer pays any attention to her. Franco says it's time for them to go do a serenade. She tells him how she feels about being sidelined. She's jealous. Besides, she says, Santa is about as much a saint as Quintina is an astronaut!

At this moment, Grandpa is having Rosende take Santa's bags up to Feo's old room, and they agree to meet in the parlor later for a drink. Gabi overhears and privately vows that Santa will pay for all the trouble she caused.

Juan burns himself on the oven again but doesn't get upset because he's so excited about how great his daughters' baptism will be. He's going to make something with his own hands. (I'm guessing it will be some kind of baked goods.)

Franco and Quintina do their scheduled serenade, but no one comes out to hear it. Franco asks Q who hired them. She is very, very vague. Then Paulina - the non-blond friend of Juliana - comes out and says she's the one who hired them. Quintina confesses that Paulina paid them a lot for their services... they're going to have to stay for a long time. Franco has to dance with her while he sings (or lip-syncs along with a boom box) a song about jealousy. Jimena and Sarita just happen to be passing by at the time and see. They even drive up for a better look. Franco waves timidly. Quintina tries to cut in on the dance to make it look more innocent, but the sisters take off.

Grandpa and Santa enjoy martinis in the salon as planned and talk about old times. Their romance was before either of them got married, and they had some memorable times. She can't remember why they didn't marry each other. He reminds her that she married a much richer guy than himself. But now that they're both available, they can make up for lost time. She agrees to this. Then Sarita and Jimena come in with steam coming out of their ears. Santa deduces that this is about a couple of jerks who aren't worth the trouble, they're all the same. It's best if they just have fun with men and don't take them too seriously. Grandpa admits that Santa knows more about men than he does.

Santa also tells them that all's fair in love and war, and they can't give these guys up without a fight.

Juan hops the balcony into Sofia's room to give her three little cupcakes he's made in honor of their daughters. Sofia gets all sad. He reminds her that they had decided to call their daughter Maria Guadalupe, and he was thinking another could be Maria Libia after his mother, and maybe Sofi has a good idea for a third name. She suggests Maria Jose, after his father. (She says "Jóse" but the captions say "José".) He is touched. She is sad as usual. Destiny is so cruel and won't let us be happy. She can't live without him, she loves him so much. He loves her too. (Will someone please get rid of that noisy crinkly bag!!!)

Kiss! Kiss! Kiss para siempre! But he can't stop thinking about how her father killed his parents (according to Gabi). "Try to understand," he says, and exits over the balcony.

Quintina and Franco come home from their gig and Oscar is impressed by the money they've made. Franco is not at all happy that Quintina agreed to this deal with "La Pau" (Paulina). Q says "money is money" but the guys don't like this complication in their love life.

Oscar privately tells Franco that he just can't believe that Bernardo killed their parents. Franco agrees. The met him, and yes he did deceive their sister, but he was also planning to dump Gabriela on the day he died. He just didn't strike them as the killing type.

Also, Padre Tadeo told them that kids mustn't bear their parents' guilt, so they can't blame any of this on the daughters.

Sarita and Jimena consider what Santa told them, but they feel they've already lost the loves of their lives since the guys are convinced that their father killed their parents. Still, they know their father couldn't have done that.

Franco and Oscar also say goodnight without making up their minds - but Sarita and Jimena are there. (For real? Or is it just a dream?)

Grandpa looks down the hallway with his spyglass to see Santa. He invites her to his room. They try to be quiet at first, which lasts about five seconds.

Grumpy Gabriela overhears them laughing and playing, and specifically she hears Santa say "no, that won't work, you have to straighten it/stand it up" (enderezarse) and is mortified.

Sofi wonders how she can live without Juan. Juan is wondering how he can live without Sofia. His heart won't listen to reason.

Mexico airdate: 12 de agosto
Next time: Looks like a party.


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cuidado: Friday 11/28/08- "Two Wives and a Girlfriend"

Sorry but due to the time change of this show airing I didn't tape this episode. Therefore, I can only go from memory of watching it one time through. So this won’t be a recap, it is only going to be a brief summary…..

Marichuy tells Cande that she’s decided to forgive Juan Miguel and to tell him that they are expecting. She heads over to the castle and is told by Balbina that he’s left for work. Marichuy decides to stick around and wait. She has a run-in with Stef and they exchange words. Stef is her typical biznitch- self, as usual, and tries to use her status as JM’s girlfriend to boss MC around. MC reminds her that she’s JM’s wife and that trumps girlfriend any day. Stef leaves and then MC has a reunion with Cuate and a little chat with Mayita. Mayita lets MC know that Cuate’s been to see the vet, been vaccinated and now has a collar with a nametag. MC tells the girl that Cuate is there to stay and in the course of the conversation she mentions that perhaps Mayita would like a little sibling. Mayita is ecstatic over the idea.

Juanmi speaks to his lawyer, he wants to speed up the divorce process. He heads to the mental health center to check on patients. When he arrives, he’s told there is a new patient, a woman without any memory, apparently suffering from some trauma. The police recently brought her into the facility (she's been there three days, I think). JM goes to talk to her and it is Viviana. She plays like she’s catatonic and doesn’t recognize him (because we all know she's faking, although the powers that be made no indication of this, but we all know). He tries to jog her memory, but doesn’t tell her outright that he’s her husband (that would be really bad as a mental health professional). Getting no response from her, he goes and checks out her personal effects and spots her wedding band among the stuff. He tells a nurse that Viv is his wife.

Cecilia comes home and lets Stef and Isa know that she’s wise to them, that there is no way Stef is her daughter and that she knows that they prevented the rightful daughter, Marichuy, from taking her rightful place. Isa tries to tell Ceci she’s not thinking straight, but Ceci didn’t come down in the last shower of rain and she tells the two frauds to vacate the premises. Gestapo servant hears raised voices from the kitchen, but I can't clearly remember her reaction. Patricio shows up and wants to know why he’s heard yelling. Ceci fills him in and tells him that they need to stick together on this.

Elsa goes to see Eduardo and has a pregnancy test run. She’s not preggers. She mentions her and Nelson’s financial problems and Eduardo says that he’s there for her if she ever needs him.

Juanmi heads home and finds MC waiting there. He’s not too receptive to her visit. She attempts to tell him her news, but doesn’t get a chance because he tells her that their marriage was never valid, because Viv isn’t dead. In fact, she’s in a terrible situation and he’s going to do everything in his power to help her. So, MC's got what she wants...she's free.

Mayita goes to visit her abuelita Marianna and she tells her that Cuate's been to the vet and in an unrelated note, that she's soon going to have a little sibling. AM is impactada.

Isa comes up with a plan to save Stefi. She’s going to take the fall for the whole deception, but Stefi’s got to promise she’ll take care of her.

Marichuy leaves and heads home to cry on Cande’s shoulder. She fills Cande in on what she learned…..her baby won’t have a father and won’t have his last name.

That’s about all I remember. Please fill in any details and anything I might have left out. Thanks.


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