Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cuidado #45, Tuesday 25 November 2008 – JM’s down; he’s got the 411, and Marichuy is *not* goin’ out and gettin’ jiggy with Amador

One million bonus points to anyone who can identify the title reference.

Starting with a replay of last night’s ending:

Rocio and Vicente smooch in the hospital. Go, now. No, no, I’ll wait until you fall asleep. Muchas smooches, mi amor. Back at ya. Etc. They both act like they’re falling asleep. I hope Vicente at least isn’t having to drag a catheter bag with him every time he goes to visit Rocio. The first time he got up and hauled himself into the wheelchair I could see the tube when he fell on the floor. Ouch.

Leticia continues her well-justified meltdown. Gustavo grovels and begs her to forgive him. She is the only woman for him! He didn’t mean to deceive her; he is just weak! (indeed. I mean, Slimy Viv should have been the easiest dish ever to pass up.) Nothing really happened! Viv means nothing to him! He gets on his knees to beg more effectively, and Leti says she forgives him. He is way grateful. They hug, and Leti’s expression says that while she may choose to forgive, she isn’t likely to forget.

At the fancy flamenco restaurant, Juan Miguel would like to dance with Marichuy. Stef thinks he should dance with the one what he brung, but Amador tells her to let them; of course JM wants to dance with the successful actress. JM sneers at him and leads Marichuy away to dance. She resists at first but shortly starts to act normal and just dance. Stef thought bubbles that they will pay! Holy cannoli, I just noticed Stef’s current hair accessory. This might be her worst yet. It is a sparkly red multiple-lips-shaped thing that looks like it’s made of plastic. Someone should tell her that “looking young” is not the same as “looking like Karen from Will and Grace in her ‘Me Loves Me Kitty’ sweatshirt”, i.e. mentally challenged.

Meanwhile, a far more pleasing scene is JM and Marichuy, swaying slowly to the lovely music, looking less and less angry and eventually looking at each other directly and pulling in closer and closer. The camera swirls around them to make it look swoopier. Awww, they’re so pretty.

Dr. Eduardo says to his new gynecology patient, Beatriz, “so that’s the man you’re in love with? You made a bad choice.” She counters with, “Same to you. I know all about your history with Elsa.” Ed smiles at her and acts charming and says he thinks they’ll be good friends, as well as doctor and patient. I think as a gynecologist he should really just accept that he shouldn’t look for girlfriends at work. That is step one in the twelve-step program I am developing for him. Step two is never speaking to Estafa, ever. Step three involves easing up on the hair gel. Beatriz thinks her life is pretty much over, but Ed assures her it isn’t. She can be happy; she can find someone else. Beatriz looks sad and unconvinced.

JM and Marichuy are now arguing while they dance. Marichuy asks if what Amador says is true, that he just wants to dance with her to get his picture in the newspaper with the famous actress. He’s all, don’t be an idiot. Anyway, she poses for some pictures with him. The photographers have apparently caught on that there may be scandal happening here, not just dinner, so they’re still hanging around. William Levy shows off his modeling skills by smiling pretty, while Marichuy continues to rant at him through clenched teeth and then stomps on his foot with her heel. As they go back to dancing, JM says, “me estás sacando de quicio” which means “you’re making me crazy (unhinged).” Quicio means the pivot hole of a hinge.

Stef gripes to Amador as they dance (she’s doing the thing with her arms wrapped tight around his neck, which you don’t usually see ladies do when dancing with casual acquaintances) about JM’s nerve, wanting to dance with his wife. JM tells Marichuy she’s going to dance with him as long as he wants. “Oh, yeah?” “Yeah.” “Hmm.”

In TwinkleLand, Mayita tells Abuela Mariana about Marichuy’s television appearance under her stage name. They agree she’s going to be a big star.

Stef continues pawing and flirting with Amador (yes! You two crazy kids deserve each other!) as they dance some more. I hope no one arrives at this restaurant already hungry. She asks him what his intentions are with Marichuy. He says he is just her director and manager…for now. She tells him she knows about Beatriz and the baby. He says, what makes you think it’s mine? Well, Beatriz says so. Beatriz is watching them this whole time and not looking happy. Amador wants to know what’s going on between Beatriz and Eduardo (he doesn’t want her, but leaving her happy with some other guy would be against the rules of the wolf pack, I guess). Stef says she thinks nothing; she doesn’t even know why Beatriz came. Apparently Stef is unaware that she was only tacked on to the dinner outing to make an even group so Ed could take Beatriz out. Surely JM knows at least one other woman he could have asked, even at the last minute. Why nasty Stef? Stef and Amador dance ridiculously closely.

Beatriz tells Ed that it will be hard to move on; she’ll always be reminded of Amador. Ed says they’re in the same boat.

Estafa asks Amador to accompany her back to the table. He does, and smarmily asks Beatriz how she is. She just rolls her eyes, and Ed glares at Amador. Stef decides she wants to leave. Ed and Beatriz are likewise ready to make like stoners and split that joint, but JM refuses to leave while Marichuy is still there with that tipo. The three of them decide to take a taxi, and JM remains standing in the middle of the floor, arms crossed, staring at Marichuy. All the other dancers have sat down, by the way. It’s just him.

Amador tries to get Mari to drink champagne. She says she doesn’t like the bubbles in her nose, and besides, she remembers what too much champagne does to her. Does she also remember that the last time she was drunk, Amador tried to force himself on her in the middle of a crowded room of “classy” people, and they did nothing to stop him? Except Juan Miguel? Remember THAT, Marichuy. Amador says she must get used to drinking what the starlets drink. They clink glasses, which is the last straw for JM. He marches over and grabs her arm, and says she’s leaving with him, not Amador. Amador just looks around, wondering who’s getting this show on camera.

Nelson wakes up to find that Elsa is still sitting at the table in their little studio, trying to sort out their finances by counting on her fingers. They lament their lack of money; they’re not really even getting by. Elsa says she’s thinking of asking her parents for help. We get a long moment on Nelson’s face, but as far as I can tell it has no expression. Is he insulted? Hopeful? Who knows?

Marichuy is resisting JM, but Amador tells her not to make a scene. Too late, everyone in the restaurant is staring. Eventually JM grabs Mari’s purse and leads her briskly out, causing her to trip and stumble the whole way. Amador looks embarrassed and waves to his audience.

Out in the vestibule, Marichuy and Juan Miguel continue their bickering:

JM: How can you behave this way with that jerk? After what he did to you?!
Mari: What about what YOU did to me?
JM: Not the same!

Etcetera, etcetera.

Estafa flounces into her room, sobbing and with her chest totally falling out of her dress. Her shrill screeching brings Isa running in. Estafa will never forgive JM, never!

JM and Marichuy continue their fight as they flounce through the parking garage (this place has no valet?) She says she won’t go with him; she’ll scream that he’s kidnapping her. He says go ahead; if anyone comes he’ll tell them she’s his wife, and a wife must stay with her husband in good times and bad. They start shouting over the top of each other really fast, and even though I replayed it multiple times it was hard to capture it all. The gist:

If I had known what you were like, I never would have married you, well, soon we’ll be divorced and you’ll be very happy, I didn’t know you’d be here with THAT guy, well, you’re here with someone else, too, I’m just here for business, you’re dating, no, it’s different, no, it isn’t, none of your beeswax, none of yours, either.

You can guess who said what.

Isab!tch and Estafa talk themselves into believing that Juan Miguel chose to take Stef to that restaurant specifically because he knew Marichuy would be there. He must still be in love with that guacha! Gee, ya think? Curses!

JM and Marichuy argue some more and eventually she concedes and allows that he might drive her home. They get into his vehicle. He is now driving an SUV of some sort, not the Mercedes convertible he has been seen in before. They continue to bicker and he makes her put on her seat belt, buckling it for her.

Isa and Stef continue to rant about Marichuy’s success. Stef is bitterly jealous. They are angry that JM has deceived them again! Well, yes, I believe Stef WAS supposed to get dinner. I don’t think she ever did. Sue him!

Marichuy changes her mind and climbs out of the car and runs away. JM chases her. She doesn’t stand a chance in those heels; she can barely even walk in them.

Isa continues to lament their lack of success in destroying Marichuy. They keep trying to sink her, but she just bobs to the top like a cork! Guacha maldita.

Marichuy gets all the way outside before Juan Miguel catches her. She’s getting much better in those shoes. It is now raining. JM says he just wants to take her home; he won’t leave her with Amador. Marichuy says she doesn’t trust Juan Miguel, and she struggles to get away and bites his hand. JM decides the fighting would be better done with their tongues, so he plants a kiss rather forcefully on her. A brave move, considering she’s just demonstrated that she bites. They lip-wrestle for a moment, but her indignation is no match for Dr. Hotlips and eventually she gives in and relaxes. Smoochy-smoochy.

After the commercial, she breaks away and asks what he wants. Does he want to kill her, like he did his other wife? Well, that makes him mad. She runs away again and hides behind a wall, and Juan Miguel is ditzy enough to not notice where she went. He gets in his car and blasphemes. Marichuy sits on some stairs and cries. A pensive romantic song plays while they both look tragic.

Turns out Nelson does NOT want Elsa to ask her parents for money. Well, then what will they do? They are two months behind on the rent. She suggests he get a real job, like in a bank or a government office. He sneers. He is a writer/poet/bohemian, he would turn into a fossil or mummy if he had to slave away for some boss between four walls all day! Does Elsa work? Other than at the theater, which probably doesn’t pay much? Nelson goes back to bed, angry.

Candelaria is asleep sitting at the table when Marichuy finally comes home. Mari takes a moment to emote to a post and remember the angry kissing. She hits the post, which wakes up Cande. She asks how the dinner was, and Marichuy says “me fue regaliz.” Regaliz means licorice. But what does this dicho mean? Anyone?

Anyway, Marichuy tells her that Juan Miguel was there, and she said mean things to him because she wanted to hurt him. He kissed her by force (Cande does a hilarious demonstration, “like this?”) in a dark place, and it reminded her of the other time, in the woods, and she had thought she was over that, but apparently not.

The next morning, Juan Miguel reads the newspaper, which contains a large story with multiple full-color pictures of the whole floor show they put on the night before. The reporter thinks they are very modern, this divorcing couple, showing up with different partners but dancing together.

Elsa visits Rocio in the hospital and Roc talks about how long they’ve been in the hospital (at least six weeks, by my count) and how much longer they’ll have to stay. She’s worried about Vicente, who doesn’t think he can recover, and she hates when she has to say goodbye to him. I think it’s time her curalocos brother realized that she’s going to go completely nuts if she stays in that curtain cubicle any longer with nothing to do. Now that Rocio and Vicente are out of immediate life-threatening danger, why don’t they get moved into a double room like the one Cande was in, with a window and a television and daily newspapers?

A nun calls Cecilia to remind her about the tómbola (charity raffle) to raise money for the hospicio. Ceci is excited that she will finally meet Padre Anselmo. AS ARE WE ALL. Please, no more diversions. She tells Patricio about it, and also that she thinks it’s weird that every time she’s about to meet the priest, something happens and she doesn’t meet him. Patricio says, well, you’ll meet him now, and you can have a long chat. He gives her a check for lots of money for the hospicio. She says she has a strange premonition about something, but doesn’t tell us what.

Juan Miguel is an idiot and never learns, so he goes to the mansion to apologize to Stef for his behavior the night before. She looks like an ugly Minnie Mouse with her stupid hair bow. At least this time she sits across the room from him, not practically in his lap with her hands all over him. Chofer Israel enters. Apparently he didn’t tell JM he was going to work there.

Purita tells her mother she still hasn’t found work, but she’s in love with Adrian. They both look sad.

Adrian goes in the lollipop store and buys a bagful. What’s his deal with lollipops? He’s going to rot his teeth.

Purita and Olga discuss her chances with Adrian. She thinks she’s got some, mom thinks not so much, but Mami wants her to be happy so she’ll try to help.

Juan Miguel thinks chofering is not a good job for Israel. Israel hems and haws about it, but says the money is good. He leaves. JM speculates aloud to Stef that they seem veeeerrrry familiar. Stef acts a bit cagey and smiles. Mark this moment, folks, I think our brilliant shrink has actually caught on to something for once! He looks knowing and smiles. Ha, Estafa! Busted!

Cande asks Marichuy why she’s not drinking her juice. Marichuy says her stomach’s churning. She takes a sip and then is overcome with dizziness and nausea.

Ceci is at the hospicio, where the carnival is underway, and she finally meets Padre Anselmo!!!!! They both have a startled moment of recognition.

Cande asks Marichuy if she wants to see a doctor. Marichuy says no need; she already knows what she has—she’s pregnant. Cande is super double-take impactada. Then she is totally excited and happy. They hug. Marichuy looks happy too.

Avances: Padre Anselmo tells Ceci that Marichuy is her daughter, not Stef. The jig is up.


QE Tuesday 11/25/08 - Friendship, friendship, it's the perfect blendship; when other friendships have been forgot, ours will still be...NOT

Hola amigos! I'm recapping for JudyB tonight who is recapping the final episode on Friday. I know I promised to get some Bimbo Colchones and report back but I couldn't find them on the Bimbo rack. Lots of Polverones, Bimbunuelos (Margarita's favorite) and Pan Seco but no Colchones. Considering their first few ingredients contain the tryptich of culinary evil, bleached flour, high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated vegetable oil, perhaps it's not such a loss after all. (But will that stop my from trying them if I get a chance? Hell no!)

Last night:
Sara is being transported to the prison, she pulls the gun out of her stupid guard's waistband and shoots him and the driver. The car crashes and flips. She shoots out the window, unlocks her cuffs and squeezes out of the overturned car which is unlucky number 13 I notice. She's quite the bad girl, right up there with Lena Olin in Romeo is Bleeding.

Omar arrives at the lesser house and is greeted warmly by Zuly and the nuns. He calls Zuly "gordita" and the sister suggests he come up with another nickname (apodo).

Omar invites the sisters and the family on an outing to the historic city center. Snorty chooses not to go. "Why not?" demands Lorena. Snorty informs them she's going to look for an apartment.

Over at their place Julian checks out Rossy's belly and listens for sounds of Julian Junior. Rossy tells him the bebe won't answer because it's going to be a Lucia. Julian disagrees, the baby itself says it's Julian.

Omar, Zuly and Lorena tell Snorty they want her to stay. Yes, Omar's moving back in but Diana will probably marry Vasco and leave. "And will you marry?" Snorty asks Lorena. Lor won't tell, "we're talking about you abuela."

A limping and injured Sara hails a car and tells the driver she had an accident. Por favor help me she pathetically begs. The nice young woman agrees to take Sara to the next town; as thanks Sara handcuffs the woman, shoves her in the back seat, points her gun at her and tells her it's not her lucky day. If she behaves herself she won't get shot. For good measure Sara whacks her on the head with the gun and hisses with her claymation mouth "I told you not to lift your head!"

Incredibly stupid Icky meets some shady guy who pirates movies. Icky tells him as a sign of good faith he wants to be partners and is prepared to invest 2 million pesos (150,710 USD) in the business. Shady guys says he likes a man with guts. (Agallas = guts, which is an interesting word to use because agalla can also mean greed.) Self-deluded Icky tells the guy when it comes to business he's a dead shot (donde pongo el ojo, pongo la bala = where I put my eye I put the bullet). Icky's got big plans to double the business but he'll probably end up wanting to put the bullet in his own eye.

Sara stops at a store and buys some hankies and supplies. The poor victim is still knocked out in the back seat but it was pretty stupid of Sara to just stop the car and leave the victim laying by herself.

Later Sara pulls off to the side of the road where she ties up the victim's feet with twine and shrieks and terrorizes her some more. Victim suggests Sara let her go but Sara's got plans, she's going to take the victim with her to visit her little sister. Victim tells Sara she's crazy which really makes Sara go BSC. Sara makes the victim apologize to her then she ties up victim's mouth with the handkerchief.

Sara mocks the poor girl's ID and says it will come in handy. "Your last name is Fortuna, how ironic!" Then she uses her lipstick and puts on her sunglasses and says it's time to visit her sister. Man, it's one thing to hit a woman on the head with a gun but to use her lipstick? That's just wrong.

In contrast we share a happy family scene at the park with Barb and Diana watching Vasco play with Saulito. Barb's got the blues thinking about Chalo. At least she knows he didn't kill himself and he died knowing Barb loved him. Life was very unjust to him. Barb says she put his ashes under a beautiful oak tree near Cuernevaca. They agree that Sara is a monster for killing him.

Sara tells her victim to call Lorena, say she's her friend Le-ti-cia from the institute and find out where Lorena is. Luckily Lorena isn't there and Sara won't leave a message. Then she calls Al and becomes crazy and silent when he answers. Victim asks who Sara called and Sara says it's the only man she's ever loved but now the imbecile is in love with her sister. She glares insanely at the victim who I'm guessing will stop asking questions.

Icky tells his Mami they're lucky, he found a buyer for the house. She's reluctant, it's too soon. Icky the great businessman tells her he reduced the price for a quick sale, it's a selling strategy. Ha, I laughed out loud at that, what a sombrero de culo. She fears he's undersold and will squander their money. He asks, "Don't you trust me? Forget this little house and think of the mansion I'm going to buy you". Again Mami's not happy to hear this. "Who loves you mami, who loves you?" kissy kissy. Icky is absolutely the perfect name for him. Creepy would be good too, also Smarmy.

Lorena, her family and the sisters are enjoying lunch at an upstairs restaurant with a great view of the city. Unfortunately the nuns have to leave tomorrow. "No no please stay," begs Lor. "OK we'll stay," they laugh, besides they want to see who Lorena chooses, Ernesto or Alonso. One nun prefers Ernesto, the other thinks it's good to have a doctor in the family. Snorty pipes up "they say it's good to choose a doctor, a lawyer or an accountant". (Yawn...but then again look who's talking, I've been living with a SW engineer for 20 years. Take it from me, still waters run deep with the studious types.) The funny nun jokes one doesn't get married for a consultation. Snorty gets snooty and the nun has to apologize. Ha, way to stick it to the old bat, sister.

Over at Ern's house the kids are helping him make a mess with flour. They say they want to grow up to be a chef just like Ernesto. Ivan strolls into the kitchen and says he's grabbing some sodas for himself and Jorge. Gina doesn't like Jorge and wonders why Ivan hangs out with him. Ern asks about Betina and Ivan says he's tired of putting up with her girlishness. Gina says she could tell by their eyes that Ivan and Betina still like each other. She singsongs that she knows Ivan still likes Betina just like their uncle likes Lorena. She's a regular Greek chorus without teeth, this one.

Jorge emails Betina to ask her to go dancing but she refuses. She writes that even though Ivan doesn't like her she still likes him and it will take her a long time to forget him. Jorge tells himself he's sure he'll convince her. He jumps up and takes off without deleting his message from Ivan's laptop. Of course Ivan sees her message and what Jorge wrote, "I'm not like that idiot Ivan who hears your name and speaks badly of you." Jorge's full perfidy is revealed and Ivan is on the warpath.

Over at the clinic Val tells Al about her opportunity to study in Central America but she doesn't want to leave the kids. Al offers to help watch them which is sweet but also stupid considering she's afraid Icky will steal them. She asks Al how last night went and he tells her the time wasn't right, not to mention Ernesto showed up. She tells Al not to be insecure, if she were Lor she would say yes to him; Chef Ernesto Mendiola doesn't hold a candle to him. (no te llega ni a los talones) Al says she's just saying that because she likes him. "You have no idea how much," she thought bubbles.

Tori bitches to Paula that Al lost his great opportunity with Lorena. He thinks they need to think of another strategy and Al should keep pushing every ten minutes. Pau doesn't think that's a good idea, take the case of Jorge who keeps pestering Betina. We hear the doorbell ring in the background. Paula says she's sure Lorena really likes Al, but does she love him?

It's Bad Hair Jorge come to torment Betina some more. She wants nothing to do with him and tells him to get out, he's crazy! "Yes Loco for you," he says, grabbing her and trying to force a kiss on her. Bettina struggles, just then Ivan runs in and pulls Jorge off of her. Jorge lands a punch and Ivan knees him in the nuts and throws him to the ground. Betina screams and when Tori and Paula come in Jorge the chicken shit runs off. Ivan tells Betina he's been an idiot, can they talk?

Betina tells Ivan that Jorge stalked her in the chat room but she doesn't like him. She knows Ivan doesn't love her but she still loves him. "I love you too!" he swears. The young lovebirds hug and all is well. Another story line neatly wrapped up.

Tori and Paula hide out in the bedroom to watch their program but it's interrupted by the news.

Over at Ern's house he and the kids are also watching. Sara de la Cruz has escaped! She killed one guy and gravely wounded another. He tries to call Lorena but gets a generic recording.

Tori calls Al to warn him because Al is Sara's primary obsession after Lorena. Al says he's sure Sara tried to call him. Al also tries to call Lorena and he gets the same recording.

Lorena arrives home with her family as Sara watches from the car. BSC Sara tells her victim that after all she's told her surely she'll agree that both she and Sara cannot live in the same world and luckily it's she (Sara) who has the gun. She pulls out the gun and aims it at Lorena as her backseat victim watches, horrified.

Whew! Suddenly we hear a siren and the police arrive just in time to warn Lorena about Sara's escape. Sara drives off unnoticed.

The policeman warns the family to be careful. They are patrolling the area and will also warn Santiago. They should assume Sara is armed and dangerous. Ya think?

Icky completes the deal over the phone and shouts to his Mami to pack her bags, he's sold the house for 2 million pesos, then he'll invest it all. "All of it?" mami asks, looking like she swallowed a lemon. Icky insists he'll turn a quick sure-fire deal and then buy her everything she deserves. Mami tries to look hopeful but she's having serious doubts.

Lorena tells the sisters, Snorty, Zuly and Omar that Al and Ernesto already know about Sara and Julian and Diana are together. Omar is angry that they have to hide out because of Sara. Snorty says Sara is obsessed. Zuly's scared.

It's dark and Sara is pissed off and crazier than ever. She asks her victim what should they do? Does she have any good ideas? The victim whimpers when Sara says they're going to spend the night together. Then she points the gun at her head, tells her SHUT UP DON'T BOTHER ME and goes all Play Misty for Me.

Maruja calls Val and says with the current situation she can't come over. Val says Al is worried about Lorena but she (Val) is worried about him. She loves him and has to listen to him talk all day about Lorena. Maru says she knows what it's like to love and not be able to say anything, maybe it would be best if Valeria tries to forget Al.

Over at the lesser house Zuly is muy nerviosa and Lor tells her family to have faith in the authorities, surely they'll catch Sara. She must be talking about different authorities from the ones who let themselves get shot. They think Lorena should get herself back to the nunnery and the sisters agree, she'll be well-guarded there. (?) Omar says they'll leave first thing in the a.m. They decide he'll spend the night there to help guard Lorena. The doorbell rings and to their relief it's Alonso. They discuss that he got a call that he's sure was from Sara. Snorty suggests he give the number to the police. What? He hasn't done that yet? Good lord he's a dope.

Paula and Raimundo visit Valeria and bring her a bottle of her favorite tequila. Val says Jaime and Maru won't join them due to the Sara situation. This is news to Rai and Paula tells him instead of playing cards they're going to tell him a tale of terror.

Back at the lesser house the doorbell rings again. Who could it be? Ernesto this time. He's not sure it's a good idea for Lorena to go to the orphanage, surely Sara will look for her there. Omar gives some lame excuse that the police will be watching the roads. Ern's not convinced and wants to take her himself. She says he needs to stay with his kids to protect them. Both he and Alonso are in danger from Sara. Al looks at Ernesto belligerantly. Or maybe he's just constipated again. Which reminds me, my friend Synthia's mom who is from Costa Rica told me that in her country "impactado" also means constipated. So let's just say that Al is "impactado" and leave it at that.

In the dark car of terror Sara thought bubbles "Lorena, if I'm not happy you won't be either, if I fall you fall with me; we're united forever and nothing can separate us". Victim's phone rings and and when Sara shoves the phone in her face, "do you recognize this number?", victim shakes her head no. Sara mutters she was an idiot to call Al, that traitor must have ratted her out to the police and now they're hunting her. She vows from this moment they won't know a thing, not until she takes control.

Paula chatters away that her family is involved in this terrible story because Al is in love with Lorena. She's afraid that Lorena is the only woman who can make Al happy, right Valeria? Valeria's got definite opinions that Al deserves someone who will love him wholeheartedly, he shouldn't be chasing after Lorena. Raimundo pointedly observes Val's reactions. When Val leaves the room he tells Paula that Val is in love with Alonso. Que??? Paula is impactada.

Our two galanes want to stay the night with Lorena to protect her but she, and the nuns, tell them both to leave. Neither wants to leave before the other and there's some obligatory chest puffing until she tells them she loves them both (which I thought was kind of weird). Al tells her it's not possible that she loves them equally. She gives some lame reasoning until Ernesto tells her to take all the time she needs because it's a decision she'll live with forever, and that's what she is to him...forever. He leaves after scoring big with this one. Now it's Al's turn to state his case. He says "Yeah what he said plus blah blah blah give me a chance." He kisses her but she doesn't kiss back, just looks at him sadly. Bummer for him.

Outside Ernesto waits for Al. He tells Al that if Lorena chooses him (Al) that he'd better make her happy, love her more than anyone. "You don't know how much I love her," challenges Al. "No more than I do," counters Ern. He tells Al that he's the one who, step by step, helped mend the heart that Alonso broke and taught her to trust again. Al is speechless. Score another one for the chef.

Zuly finds Lorena crying. Lor says both guys were very sweet but she needs a sign. Accompanied by the goofy music she recalls meeting Al in the rain, Al was her first love, it was love at first sight, she imagined she'd marry him and have a family, then thanks to him she found her real family. She gave him a second chance but it wasn't she who separated them again. With Al she was like a girl with dreams and illusions. When she met Ernesto, (the more mature, romantic music begins) she never imagined she'd get a guy like him but little by little she fell in love again and her wounds were healed. In spite of her doubts she learned to trust. When his sister died she saw what kind a man he really is, a loving father day and night. He was always there for her, patient, loving, offering her the same love he offered her the first day and it never stopped. Zuly asks, "What's the signal you're hoping for?" We hear thunder crack..."Alonso," answers Lorena. Gah! Estupida! We go to commercial.

Zuly asks, "Is this the sign? the rain?" Then Lorena hears Ernesto's last words, "You taugh me that it's possible to love another forever and, and that's what you are to me, forever" and she shakes her head. She tells Zuly that the sign is what Ernesto said to her before he left.

Ivan finds his tío in a darkened room. Ern is crying; he tells Ivan he thinks he's lost Lorena and he doesn't know if he'll be able to learn to live without her. Ernesto cries on Ivan's shoulder. I proclaim it to be a negative 5 on the ugly crying scale.

Lorena tells Zuly that Al's kiss proved that she cares for Alonso but she doesn't love him. What she feels for Ernesto is very different, she wants to be with him. She no longer has any doubts. Zuly hugs her and says Ern's a great guy. Hooray!!

Next morning Ern is helping the cute kids get dressed for school. Gina's worried, he's kissing them so much is he going somewhere? He reminds them they're going to visit Aunt Gladys but not to worry, he's not sad. It looks like one of Gina's front teeth is finally growing in. Ivan comforts his tío and tells him he has a bad feeling. Shoot, must be those anvils. Ern tells Ivan to be careful and to take care of the kids. The phone rings, it's Lorena. She wants to talk to Ernesto but not on the phone, can he come right away? He does a little hop up and down and hopes to God she's got good news. I can't see any guy in real life behaving like this but it's kind of fun to watch. If only.

Over at the lesser house Lorena serves her world-famous muffins while they all wait for Ernesto to arrive. Snorty puts in her two pesos worth, she preferred Alonso but she like Ernesto well enough. That's fine grandma, now shut it.

Icky and Mami make the house sale. The realtor warns Catalina that once she signs she can't change her mind without a 25% penalty. Mami is reluctant to sign but of course she does what sonny wants. The realtor gives Icky his check and tells them they need to leave in a week; he's ready to move out tomorrow. Gosh how exciting, another hairbrained scheme, and this time mom will be ruined too!

Lorena hears a honk, it's Ernesto!! She runs outside and sees Chef Hawt getting out of his car with a bouquet of roses. He puts his hand over his heart and looks hopefully looks at her. She puts her hands on her heart and nods. They run to each other and stand in the middle of the street like a couple of sitting ducks. Sara careens around the corner, mouth open in anticipation of the carnage she's about to cause. "NO-O-O-O-O-O!" yells Ernesto as he pushes Lorena out of the way. Sara hits Ernesto and the bouquet of red roses flies across the windshield as Sara screeches away, a look of gleeful and orgasmic insanity on her face. She sees two bodies in her mirror and the camera pans to Lorena and Ernesto lying together, unconscious on the pavement.

That's it, my last recap of Querida Enemiga. I know we all thought this one was a bit slow at the beginning but a kind commenter promised it would improve and told us to hang in there. I'm glad we did because we were rewarded with some of the best writing and acting ever. A huge thanks to all our commenters and I hope to see you all on Tontas!

Bonus: No preview of tomorrow but I think you'll all be glad to know that after Sara murdered him Bruno was reincarnated as some sort of Jaguar man. Enjoy and laugh as I did: Marco Mendez.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fuego En La Sangre, Tues. 11/25/08 - So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999 or was it 1899

Before: Baby girl food fight, Big girl tequila toss, pretty girls wanting to rescue the forsaken Reyez boyz, the Elizondo Sistahs show up to cast an evil eye on the proceedings, horrors.

With regards to Prince who put it so well:

Coulda sworn it was judgment day

The sky was all purple
There were people runnin' everywhere

Tryin' 2 run from the destruction
U know I didn't even care

At the party we have the gracious banker host introducing the landowners (hacendados) to the marriageable girls (casaderas). The lovely daughter Juliana and her friends Paulina and Elena come down the stairs to meet the Reyz boyz. The Reyez suddenly find their party charm under the guise of accepting a few Tequilas to toss back, why not? Each lovely selects a brother and they party like it's .... Ooops, the Elizondo trio show up. Sofia says we already know those handsome Reyes brothers. Paulina is getting on well really well with Franco and. The spitting mad younger sisters decide to enjoy a glass of wine and seem to be blending in, the unsuspecting host should watch his glassware. Jimena points out that the brothers are besotted (acarameladitos, think dripping in caramel) with these respectable girls. The sisters begin to act in aggressive ways to find some hacenditos boys and the mix gets very confusing . the host inquires innocently, Why isn't Gabriela here? She doesn't feel well, Sofia assures him before she slips away from prying questions.

At the lawyer, a feeling fine Gabi demands that the lawyer find a way to overturn this will He opines that Bernardo was angry when he changed the will not too long before he died.

Feo lays back with Rachel in the hotel room as he tells her of the turn of events that will have Sofia inheriting all of San Augustin with the will change in her favor. The irony says Raquel is that Sofia has no right to the Elizondo fortune whatsoever. She has Feo's attention. But she isn't giving it up just putting out.

Back at the party Juliana walks Juan to the door and is called in to the kitchen for something. Juan goes to find Sofia and begins double talk about how this was just all a business deal. She tells him they need to talk about the San Augustin Hacienda asap.

Abuelo tells Gabi they are lucky Feo seems to be out of their lives, he offers that no matter what is going on with Feo, they need to get along better. She lets him know she will challenge (impugnar) Bernardo's will. She wants nothing less than ALL. After he leaves the room, Gabi thinks that Sofia will give up the hacienda rights to protect her daughter even though she doesn't know which one of the babies is hers. Gabi spitefully grins that she and she alone knows which is the real daughter. YAWN

Sofia gets around to asking Juan to sell them water for the hacienda to be able to produce a harvest and he takes it as an order because he loves her but has to discuss everything with his brothers he'll get back to her but expects to help.

Back at the Reyez hacienda we have Quintina and Pablito as clowns, the nuns as, well as nuns, the babies as babies. How predictable those nuns and babies are.

Back at the Juliana trap the party heats up and Franco decides to sing a song to thrill the crowd. Oscar dances with the saucy blond, Juan gets the farmer's daughter, I mean the hacienda owner (same jokes I expect) Sarita and Jimena find guapos to dance with and every one gets some pretty eye candy action.

Feo and Raquel continue sharing old stories, she sighs at Feo's feats of love and says it's been years since Ricardo has looked at her as a woman. In her inebriation, she whines that she is as unloved as Gabi has been. Feo repeats that Juan Jose Robles loved Gabi, HA!, Raquel snorts, it is a lie, he only loved his wife Maria Libia. Feo asks, You knew them? No but Ricardo know all of them well. He envied their intense love and he hated JJ Robles, he hated him bitterly, but I don't know why.

Gabi sighs over pictures of Robles, Hubby and Feo and says none of them loved me no man has ever loved me. Maldita sean, all of them.

Junior High antics at the party with burro sighs on the sound track, the sisters begin to kick, punch and throw drinks on the young women's party frocks. Sofia regains control and says she will go to pick up the daughters at Juan's house and they all stomp out. The boyz make silly excuses for leaving women so beautiful making promises to see them again soon. Franco says they were so friendly with a wistful sigh.

Sofia and Eva and the sisters and the nuns and Quintina the women talk with babies and nuns the sisters talk of their jealousy. Quintina worries that one of the girls seems sick. Pablito looks worried, he's right there will be hell to pay.

The leave taking of the party extends into silliness, the girls are all coming to the see the harvest tomorrow. I told you this was just like the farmers jokes. Juan advises the brothers to forget the Elizondo girls. Oscar pounces with just like you are forgetting about Sofia, right? Proud of themselves the brothers swagger off on horseback. At least the horses are so beautiful they have a right to swagger all they like.

Abuelo and Sofia discuss Gabi's intention to get and control everything. Sofia intends to share all equally with Gabi and her sisters. Abuelo says Gabi will challenge her motherhood and the baby's identity and Sofia says in that case she will renounce the entire inheritance, the love of her daughter is the only thing important to her. Don't you wish Gabi could hear this proclamation.
Jimena and Sarita talk up their revenge plans, green with jealousy. They feel fire in the blood but a lot of good it does them. They comment that only Sofia kept her calm. Over in the Sofia sob-room, she weeps over the snake belt while we double screen with Juan having flashbacks while he bakes bread. He can't, he can't get over the anguish of his parents death when he touches Sofia and thinks of her father's deed. Guess he can't do the deed so he beats the bread till it begs for mercy. Eva comes to hear his trouble thinking through his oath to avenge his parents. He tells Eva of his performance problems with his memories of the killing which he can't control with his conscious mind or his will power. He can't forget. Now that he can remember he can't forget. Has he had a total recall now? I'm confused.
Eva wants to see Juan and Sofia happy together as she hugs him. Sofia remembers Juan looking flirty at the party, not very, but in this sad sister's eyes. Then they both remember the hay barn scenes. Juan says remembers so many happy moments with Sofia. I don't remember seeing these episodes, perhaps they are dream tapes? Ahhh now he reveals that he is trying to recover all his memories but some pieces are still missing. He leans into the big bread oven with an alarming casualness, how does he still have eyebrows? Well the camera man is in there so it can't be too hot...

Abuelo and Gabi discuss that Sofia will not sacrifice the babies to contest the hacienda. Abuelo tries to reason with Gabi that she is injuring all the girls. She realizes that they suffer but if they would find men worthy (digna) enough for them, they wouldn't suffer so. Abuelo gets the last lick in as he leaves the office telling Gabi that Feo has altered all the accounts in the hacienda and he has told her she should have been paying attention to his actions. The rare look of doubt on her sour puss takes us to break.
The boys decide what to do about the water from the natural spring (ojo del agua). They will do it for the baby girls and that won't be against their pledge of revenge. Juan is practicing his speech to Sofia to a large succulent when Gabi approaches and takes on Juan. He points out that Sofia is the soul inheritor (herdadero universal). She assures him she will not lose the hacienda or control. She knows that Sofia will never provide the proof of which girl is her true daughter. Juan is proud of Sofia for not selling her daughter for Gabi's filthy (cochino) money. She marches off not aware of the big mistake she is making.

Abuelo says Sofia will have to prove which of the babies is hers. And who should come in the door but a frowzy redhead named Santa. This happy looking woman greets Abuelo enthusiastically, Abuelo gets kissed and bussed while a horrified Gabi looks on.

Juan approaches Sofia to tell her, we had decided to give you the water but your mother informed me she stays in control of the hacienda and so they had to decide she cannot have the water. They will not help her mother. So the deal is off.

Next: Gabi has a new person to torture with her jealousy. One of the babies is sick and Juan comes to see and perhaps save her with a trip for medical care. Gabi would find it easier if the niña dies. She hopes that the true child of Sofia is the one that is sick and dies. What a warm wonderful grandmotherly wish. Juan better snatch that baby and run for his life.


Doña Bárbara - Mon & Tues., Nov. 24 & 25- A whole lot of people find out how Federica got pregnant; Santos returns to Altamira

DB escapes from Melendez by jumping off her balcony onto the one below. Pretty good for someone just out of the hospital and wearing boots with gigantic heels.

Santos is wandering around a children's store in a shopping mall. He flashes back to DB telling him that she would like to have a child with him and vowing to be a better mother than she was with Marisela. "I can love you very much," says Santos, "but not enough to be so blind that I would let you do to my child what you did to Marisela."

Antonio and Cecilia speak after she has married Lorenzo. Antonio says that she looked at him like a piece of garbage. "Is this the love that you felt for me?" he asks her. Cecilia tells Antonio to listen because she won't repeat this:
C: Never doubt my love. Don't doubt that I love you, Antonio Sandoval, because you are the only man that I have loved and will love in this life. But it wasn't me who wanted things the way they are now. You deceived me like an idiot. You betrayed me, Antonio. You not only betrayed me, you made me believe that what you did with Federica was a lie and I defended you in front of everyone. You betrayed me two times. How can I believe you now?
A: I didn't come to convince you of my innocence. If you don't believe me, my love isn't worth anything. I came to try and understand.. to see how you could marry a man you don't love. I came to make myself so disappointed that it would help me forget you.
C: Be disappointed? You talk to me of disappointment? Me, who sacrificed her whole life for an impossible youthful love? Me, who only a little while ago never thought I would never experience the passion that I read about in novels. Me, who put all my hopes as a woman in you, who handed myself over to you in body and soul thinking that God had given me a miracle to love again for the last time. You talk to me of disappointment. If anyone is disappointed, it's me.
A: You are afraid and that's why you find excuses in all these words.

Melendez and his men leave the hotel just as Santos arrives. He finds their room all messed up and searches desperately for DB. When he finds her, he asks if Chepo was with the police. DB says that she didn't see him. Santos tells her to pack her bags, he's sending back the Arauca.

Antonio tells Cecilia that she taught him the real meaning of the word love. He says that he will never again believe in love. Cecilia say that he is very young and has his whole life in front of him. Antonio says that he admired Cecilia's strength, intelligence and beauty but she has let fear get the better of these qualities. He says goodbye to her and tells her that he hopes that she doesn't regret what she did and he is sorry that he interrupted the wedding.

Santos is still annoyed with DB when he puts her on the plane. He gives her the prescriptions for the anemia and fertility that the doctor gave him. DB says that she wants to have his baby and Santos says that he doesn't want to talk about that here. He gives a perfunctory kiss and sends her off.

Santos goes to see Melendez. Melendez asks him who the mysterious woman is that he is with. Santos first says that he is not interested in politics. Then he convinces Melendez that his female companion was basically a prostitute. He has more difficulty when Melendez asks him why he called Chepo a rapist. Santos first says that he was using an expression from the Arauca but Melendez isn't buying. "Did you see him rape a woman?" asks Melendez. "I don't know if he did or not," says Santos, "Did you see him do that?" Then Melendez is reminded that he has an appointment. He tells Santos to go back where he came from and not tell anyone what he saw. He also tells Santos to tell him if he sees Gonzalo. If Santos doesn't do that, Melendez will arrest him and no one will be able to get him released.

DB runs into Cecilia and Lorenzo on the riverbank. DB says that they make a nice couple - the spinster and the corpse. It would be a good title for a novel. Cecilia asks what she is doing alone. Couldn't Santos take any more? After exchanging a few more insults, Cecilia and Lorenzo get on a boat to go back to Progresso. (That's what I thought there were doing but in Tuesday's episode, it is clear that Cecilia and Lorenzo stay longer in San Fernando.)

Antonio gets drunk and finds a prostitute to help him forget Cecilia.

Federica comes to the Sandoval house looking for Antonio and Melesio throws her out.

DB returns to El Miedo.

Federica comes to Altamira looking for Carmelito but he says that he is engaged and won't fall for her tricks. Marisela is listening and confronts them.

Lorenzo and Cecilia get a hotel room with two beds.

Melquiades comes back to El Miedo with Chepo.

When Federica hears Marisela say that Cecilia and Lorenzo married, she is ecstatic. Marisela chases her out of Altamira.

Although being locked in a box with no food and litttle water and no sanitary facilities was pretty bad, it was probably better than what DB planned for Chepo - impaling him. Chepo disappoints DB by having a stroke or something and dying before she can torture him to death. She orders that his body be thrown to the alligators.

Mauricio finds Santos and asks when he can get into the house that he purchased. He mentions the incident in the restaurant with Luisana, DB and Santos. Santos tells him that DB has gone back to the Llanos, where she belongs.

Carmelito admits to Marisela that he and Federica had a fling. She is furious.

Mauricio tells Santos to find a woman with a good heart like his. "Sexual desire dies over time," says Maurico, "but love never dies, never."

Marisela gets the three Altamira vaqueros together.
M: That's how I want to see you three, all together. I don't have a boyfriend but I'm not blind. I can see and so I have seen. What I don't understand is how you three could screw around with that pig face Federica. Because there were three. One, two three! You three ate off the same plate! Pigs.

A drunk Antonio is making noise at the hotel and Cecilia comes down and sees him with the prostitute.

Luisana comes to see Santos.

DB is afraid that Santos won't come back to her. She wants him to look at her with the same love that she saw Lorenzo looking at Cecilia. Eustaquia urges DB to leave her past and her desire for vengeance behind. Chepo's death is a sign that God will take care of that. DB says that there is no Christian God and no gods of the jungle. Everyone is alone. She goes off and destroys her witchcraft altar. Juan Primito is upset. He says that rebullones are falling out of tree dead.

Luisana makes a play for Santos but he isn't interested.

The Altamira vaqueros finally realize that each of them had sex with Federica. Marisela tells them that they are responsible for what happened to Antonio and that they will help make it right.

DB tells Eustaquia to clean out the withcraft room. She will only keep the picture of the rapists. Henceforward, the room will be used to store old furniture.

Antonio is on a bender in San Fernando. He sells his horse and claims that he will never return to Progresso. Lorenzo tries to talk some sense into him without any success.

Gonzalo and his buddies leave the capital. Meanwhile, Melendez sends out their pictures to areas near the frontier and tells local authorities to be on the look out for them.

In the absence of Santos and Antonio, things are going badly at Altamira. Marisela goes into town to get supplies. She meets DB on the way. DB gives Marisela the present she brought her from the capital. An all-expense-paid trip to Europe. Marisela tells her that Santos has told her about Europe and she would like to see the sights herself but she wants to go with Santos and she isn't going to leave the field to DB. She hands back the ticket.

In town, Marisela confronts Federica with the other Daughters of Mary and tells her that she knows about how she got pregnant.

Federica first goes to Josefa but she doesn't have any good suggestions for her problem but Mujiquita overhears. Then Federica goes to see Dr. Arias. While there, she finds out that Cecilia is pregnant.

DB meanwhile has an evil plan to take over other haciendas or something. It involves Danger and Pernalete. When Pernalete is called to his office, Federica comes in and pours out the whole pregnancy tale. DB is particulary interested to know that Cecilia is pregnant.

Pernalete is called to his office to get information from the capital about the fugitive Gonzalo and his buddies. Mujiquita sees the picture and recognizes Gonzalo (presumably, like Santos, he was at school with him also). He doesn't tell Pernalete this.

Santos returns to San Fernando from the capital. He just misses seeing Antonio, Cecilia and Lorenzo there. On the boat trip back to Progresso, he recalls the boatman telling him when he first came back how dangerous DB is and that she has her own cemetery.

Santos arrives back at Altamira. He embraces Marisela and almost kisses her on the lips but at the last minute, he kisses her forehead. Marisela tells him that things are not going well at the hacienda and they need him back. Santos asks where Antonio, Cecilia and Lorenzo are. Marisela tells him to sit down and then tell him that Cecilia and Lorenzo went to San Fernando to get married.


El Cuerpo del Deseo, Fri, Mon. & Tues., Nov. 21, 24 & 25 - PJ/S cheats death again

Ángela gets a call from the hospital and says, "Oh my God, when did this happen?" and runs out without telling anyone what happened. Everyone concludes that PJ/S has died.

But he hasn't died, he's just disappeared from his hospital bed and no one can figure out how.

Not only hasn't PJ/S died, he done from on the point of death in the hospital to perfectly fine. Another miracle has let PJ/S stay with us. You'd think that someone who has essentially been brought back to life twice would have a more important destiny than just getting revenge on his wife and straightening up his affairs that he left in disorder when he died the first time but whatever.

He doesn't even had a big ugly bruise where the IV went in.

PJ/S goes from the hosptial to the Donoso house where he sneaks in and starts playing the piano in the study.

Based on Isabel's threats to get rid of him during their last conversation, PJ/S has convinced himself that she was responsible for shooting him. He sheds a tear thinking about this when he is playing the piano.

Everyone gathers outside the locked study. The music has brought Antonio back from whatever mental problem he had. Eventually, Ángela shows up, opens the door of the study but by then PJ/S has left and no one is there.

Ángela tells everyone that PJ/S isn't dead but simply missing from the hospital and Isabel goes to her room and is happy that PJ/S is alive.

PJ/S goes to his house where Gaetana has been terribly upset about his supposed immanent death. She is so happy to see that he is ok.

PJ/S insists on going to work the next day and everyone except Andrés and Walter are glad to see him. Here PJ/S gives Walter the look.

PJ/S tells Walter that he knows that Isabel was responsible for shooting him. He says that he won't be caught off guard again.

PJ/S gives another performance as PJ on the piano in the study. Isabel leaves the house and meets PJ/S in the woods. She says that she doesn't want him around but she loves him and they have sex.

When PJ/S is taking a shower afterwards, he berates himself for succumbing once again to Isabel. He hates her but he can't resist her.

Another shower shot. We can see that he still has a bandage from when he was shot.


Fuego Sangre - Mon. Nov 24 - A warning, whining, a departure, and a party

Juan rides back to the Hacienda.

The next day Crabi goes to tell Sof that she accepts the decision of her Pa and will leave. Dohfie doesn’t take this opportunity to get rid of her evil evil Ma, instead she tells ma she’s not going anywhere and this is her house.

The adopted lady was convinced to allow Jime and Oscar to keep the spawn despite their estranged residences thanks to Paddy Tad. They fake smooch. The orphanage lady puts down conditions though, she can visit whenever she thinks it’s necessary, and while they live separately, the kids should see both parents. Oscar takes every chance he can to slime all over Jime. She smacks him when the woman turns her back. But then smooches behind the sombrero.

Feo warns Coyote to stay away from his old lady. Pretty literally. Coyote can prove that Feo tried to do her in and threatens to tell of Feo’s plans to Gab if Feo tries anything, say, like offing Gabi. Feo wants to know WTF is your interest in her. He doesn’t answer this question. Instead he tells him that the Jefe is upset with him for going to jail to tell lies about Juan Reyes and if he were Feo he’d disappear for a while until Jefe cools off. Coyote tells him to be careful.

Crabi doesn’t want the little girls to get to see the lowlife Reyes. This is an odd orphanage, it looks like if you adopt three little girls, the orphanage will throw in three nuns as part of the deal – kind of a two –fer or three-fer as it may be.

Anyway, Sofi swears the boys only love and want to take care of them. Crabbi says no way. Abue tells her she has no vote. She then feels sorry for herself and says she’s worth nothing more than a piece of furniture here so she won’t involve herself in anything. Sofi says that’s not true but she wanders off. Abue tells her that this is only the beginning, soon Feo will drop her like a rotten egg when he finds out she’s got nothing.

Oscar tells his bros of the conditions to getting to keep the kids. Quinti confirms they will always be welcome. Pablo says he’s the big brother so he has to protect them. Juan confirms, but wishes they could have given them the place to live that he and Sof had originally planned. You know, that horrible purple room. Oh well. if they are anything like their papis they will all want to sleep in one small cramped room anyway.

Sarita goes in to see Crabbi who is at it faking injuries again. More self pity for having nothing anymore and Sofi has everything. Now she’s trying to incite hatred of Sof in the other sisters by challenging why they didn’t get anything. Sara isn’t biting though, she thinks Sof will be generous and will always take care of them. Crab is not so sure...she thinks she’ll turn her back the first chance she gets.

Pad Tad is chatting with Abue who tells him that Feo and Crabbi are in on this whole child abduction thing. Tad doesn’t believe Crabbi has anything to do with this even though he believes Feo did. Aug thinks he knows more than he’s telling, but Tad chocks it up to divine rights and the secrets of confession. Aug thinks he’s nuts for not taking care of this, kind of what we’ve been saying.

Don Aug warns him to watch out for himself because Feo is dangerous and Tad knows too much. Tad tells him it’s God’s will if he dies for this. Not exactly hon, all it takes is a serpent belt buckle wearing psycho and the world is one padre less.

Anyway, Tad says au contraire you watch out for your self too Don Augi, that he could befall a lethal "accident" for going around speaking badly to the four winds (everywhere-in all directions) about Feo. He blesses Don Aug and tells him they needn’t another accident and may God always be with him. Darn, the telenovela Gods are at it again. Man, I hope they are too busy playing hopscotch in the clouds to have heard this little warning.

Feo tells Crabi goodbye, he’s going on a long trip and he’s not sure if or when he’ll be back, he thinks it depends on whether she will miss him or not. He will carry her kisses next to him. He kisses her in a creepy way and she sighs for him after he’s gone.

Next we see Feo gets a telegram.

Sofi hands over the girls to Juan and he promises to take good care of them. The boys parade the babies around and talk about heating bottles and everything in a bain marie. Quinti comes in and proclaims who ever said the kitchen is only for old women with these masculine specimens.

Sofi worries that the babes are ok. Eva reminds them that Juan raised his bros. They think boys are different. Eva says yeah but don’t forget he also raised Libia. Sofi thinks yeah all those Reyes lost because of our Papa. Eva refuses to accept that Hector could have been responsible for that. Sara says Abue thinks Mami lied. Jime wishes it was made up by Crabbi so their loves wouldn’t be in jeopardy. All I have to say is, duh.

The boys then feed the girls who are in various stages of caring about eating. Eventually they are covered in candied yam mush or something else puke yellow. Those poor babies are wailing!!! And that encourages the boys to sing. More wailing as you can imagine. Another duh.

After a long bout of this and every Reyes is sticky, the girls finally begin to fall asleep.

Until......Pablo arrives screaming after they get to sleep. That earns him a dousing in milk. Sofi comes to pick up them. They sing again this time sounding better. They are clearly practicing for their live tour, which unfortunaetely has now been cancelled in the US. What a shame. It would have been great to see these three singing!!

Dias despues. All of a sudden Sofi has friends. Liliana comes to visit her. She invites the gals to a party at her house. Sofi isn’t sure but gives in to the peer pressure.

Juan is getting congrats from the bank for how prosperous he has made the hacienda. The banker invites him to a party. I’m seeing a link here. This guy knew their parents, and reminds them that humanity was important to them.

The girls get ready with nuns and kids in tow.

The guys get jingling of spurs. They say they have to join society to earn respect. Oscar worries about the money that someone has to be responsible for costs. Oscar fancies himself to one day hope to be the greatest ranch holder in the region.

OK, my transmission screwed up here and they ran commercials over this part so I’m not sure exactly where the girls were, but they were saying their only choice is to ask Juan, but later because now they have to get to the party. If anyone can help here, please do.

The three boys are illustrating to Pablo and the ladies how to take care of the babies. Eva says she took care of three Elizondos so she already knows -now get out.

Abue teases Crabbi that she has lost nothing with Feo being gone. She wonders why he hates her. He doesn’t, just doesn’t like the way she lives. He tells Crabbi to stop whining about Feo, he just wanted her money and now that she doesn’t have it, he left. He knows Crabi still longs for Feo but surely wherever Feo is, he’s not thinking about Crabbi. Nope, he’s doing Raquel instead. Apparently she sent the telegram.

Crabbi is whining again this time to a lawyer about the babies not really being Sofi’s and that maybe it’s a trick and the lawyer confirms if that is true then the will is void and she will be the only heir.

All of a sudden the three Reyes show up at the party. The owner’s daughter and two of her extremely gorgeous friends are introduced to them. The boys cave to the pressure of the chests and go to enjoy tequilas, etc. with these women. Predictably, the sisters Elizondo show up just then and make funny faces.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Cuidado con el Angel - Monday, Nov. 24 - daggers, anvils and wolves, oh, my!

* Ceci leaves the limo and walks along the street.

* Steffie talks with Padre as they leave the church.

* Ceci in the rectory hall, talks with the cleaning lady who tells her that Padre and a lady just left.

* Isa finds Padre, Steffie and Martirio outside and puts on a dramatic act to get Padre to leave for help. He leaves. Isa then tells Steffie and Martirio about Ceci going inside the church.

* Gabe sits with Lety and tells her that her suspicions are true - that Gus is indeed having an affair, and the lady he is having it with is none other than Viviana. Lety is impactado.

* Padre brings a doctor over to Isa on the sidewalk. Steffie runs off for some medication.

* Amador and Chuy talk at a elegant glass table about the restaurant party tonight. Amador says that she will be the envy of everyone there.

* Video sequence: Chuy riding her bike in the city, Chuy kayaking, Chuy and Cuate painting her room at Pat and Ceci's house, etc.

* Lety is hyperventilating as Gabe tells her about Viv's plan to get her out of the picture and to steal Gus away from Lety. Lety faints. Viv appears in the room, acts really concerned. Gabe doesn't buy the act and tells her to get out now, that Viv's now enemy of the whole family. Viv refuses to leave. Gabe actually has to grab her and throw her out of the room.

* Viv thought bubbles to self in the hallway.

* Gabe returns to check on Lety who has regained consciousness.

* Chuy visits Cande at the laundromat/apartment. Cande is excited; she dances and sings around the apartment when Chuy explains her acting job and the paycheck she will be receiving. Chuy presents Cande with a large bag - surprise gifts! Cande is impactado and smiling as she takes out her new blanket and then her new sparkling skirt with matching skirt. Chuy then explains her own new dress, and the press photo op and the dinner she will be attending tonight.

* Beatris meets with JM and Ed in JM's office. JM explains to Ed that Beatris is pregnant. Beatris says that she will be keeping her baby. JM agrees to treat Beatris; after the session tonight, they will go out to dinner (and JM includes Steffie in this plan).

* In the entry, Viv meets with Gus. Gus tells her to leave the house immediately and not to return. Viv tries to seduce him into a deal. He grimaces.

* As Isa and Steffie sit on the sofa, Ceci tells Pat about her day - all the visits she made today, except for Padre who wasn't at the church. Isa chokes. Steffie receives a phone call - it's JM inviting her to dinner. She excitedly accepts and then happily announces it to Pat, Ceci and Isa.

* Amador and Purita enter the apartment. Cande gives him the lecture about how to treat Chuy. Chuy then comes out - all dressed up with curls in her hair, earrings, the dress and heels. Amador admires her beauty (like a wolf about to drool over dinner).

* Gus yells at Viv and blames her for Lety's health condition. Viv tries to threaten him. He isn't scared - he's more concerned about his wife and won't hesitate to report to the police how Viv tried to kill Lety with the medicine. Viv skulks away.

* Chuy talks about her perfume and lets Amador sniff behind her ear. Cande is disgusted and sits down as Chuy and Amador leave. Alone, Cande and Purita talk, laugh, dance and sing.

* Ed, Beatris and JM wait in the entry for Steffie. Steffie comes out - they leave for the restaurant.

* Viv thought bubbles to herself about Gus' threat and how on earth can she save herself and avoid jail time. (She obviously wore out her welcome.)

* Mayita is lonely and goes to visit Granny in fantasyland. Granny talks about Mayita needs to go to bed. Mayita convinces Granny to sing to her. As Granny sings, Mayita starts to yawn. Granny takes Mayita back to bed. Mayita falls asleep; Granny disappears; Mayita has sweet dreams.

* Amador and Chuy arrive at the restaurant. Chuy clomps her way to the table, and they sit down. Ladies at another table start to gossip about Alejandra Robles - Amador's new discovery. As the press move towards the table, Amador and Chuy have to stand up. Just then, Steffie, JM, Ed and Beatris arrive inside the restaurant. Steffie can't help herself and blurts out to JM about Amador and Chuy being there. Steffie stares daggers in Amador and Chuy's direction. JM is impactado and speechless. JM, Steffie, Ed and Beatris are seated at their table. JM continues to stare at Chuy and Amador posing for photos. Chuy looks over at JM.

* In the local park, Purita and Adrian talk. He's really sad and frustrated by Chuy. Purita tries to cheer him up. Adrian is excited and asks if she talked with Chuy yet about what he asked her to do. She's impactado.

* Steffie, annoyed by JM's staring at Chuy, asks JM if they should go somewhere else. JM says no; he now knows that Chuy is with Amador and is Amador's problem to deal with.

* At the table, opposite side of the room, Amador and Chuy talk about JM being their with his old fiance Steffie. Chuy gets annoyed with Amador over the topic of JM and wants to stand and leave. Amador reminds her of all the press at the restaurant. Chuy sits down and scoffs. JM has been staring at them the entire time.

* Adrian urges Purita to tell him what Chuy said. Purita finally blurts out that Chuy doesn't love him. He's impactado.

* At the hospital, Vicente wheeled himself to Rocio's bedside. She's still bandaged and upset over their accident. They promise to visit each other as often as possible. He's upset and thinks he will never walk again. She tries to cheer him up about his operation and that he will walk again.

* Chuy is uncomfortable at the table. Amador gives her encouragement on her NEW life as an actress.

* Steffie and Beatris talk about Chuy and Amador together. Steffie makes a toast with Ed and Beatris. JM is in his own little thought bubble, as he stares at Chuy and Amador.

* Gus talks with Lety in the bedroom. She's really upset and disgusted. He has to explain to her that the affair with Viv meant nothing to him. He loves her. She doesn't believe him. He gets on his hands and knees to beg, grovel and apologize.

* Flamenco dancers on the stage at the restaurant. Amador and Chuy toast to their successful evening.

* At his table, JM continues to stare at Chuy. Steffie, quite annoyed, asks if he's going to stare at Chuy all night long. JM says no, and asks her to dance. Steffie accepts. JM and Steffie go to the dance floor. Ed talk with Beatris about Amador.

* Chuy stares at JM and Steffie dancing. Amador notices and takes Chuy to the dance floor. The two couples are slow dancing in close proximity to each other; with Chuy and JM staring at each other, Steffie glaring, and Amador grinning like the wolf he is.

* Purita and Adrian continue their talk about Chuy. Purita reveals that Chuy only thinks about Adrian as her brother; that she only loves one man and that isn't Adrian. Adrian is impactado. Purita apologizes for being blunt and leaves.

* JM and Chuy continue to flirt with their eyes as they dance with their respective partners. As Chuy and Amador get too close, JM becomes jealous, stops dancing with Steffie and grabs Chuy to break her away from Amador the wolf king. JM tries to pull her away; she tries to get away from him. JM wants her to leave with him now. Amador comes over to defend his date -- and keep a scandal from ruining the evening.

* Rocio reminds Vicente about their past promises. She feels so depressed over her scars and the accident. Vicente has to console her and leans over to kiss her. She asks him to leave. He says he wants to stay, to comfort her and wait until she falls asleep. She lays down and closes her eyes.

* Lety cries about her hurt and disgust over Gus and Viv's affair. He apologizes to her, says it was his moment of weakness. She's disgusted that he would use his being a man as his excuse. He continues to apologize and wants to make it up to her. Lety listens. He gets on his knees. She believes his sincerity and will give him another chance.

* Amador and JM have a brief staredown; then Amador tactfully allows JM to have some time with Chuy. Chuy asks Amador what to do. Amador says your Alejandra the actress now, so act the part. Amador takes Steffie back to the dance floor, as JM starts to slow dance with Chuy.

ADVANCE: JM had enough and drags Chuy from the restaurant. Outside, She fights and bites his knuckles. JM plants a long, passionate kiss on her lips and she seems to melt.


QE #107 - Once again, deep wounds and resentments are healed in 5 seconds

*sniff* my final QE recap – I’ll be taking over Fridays starting next week with Tontas. QE has turned into a very fun show in the second half of its run, so I’m sorry to see it go. I hope Tontas is a worthy follow-up.

Sara screams at Lorena that she’ll get even, even as she’s being led away in handcuffs. Lorena says whatever. Sara screeches at the cops to let her go, she starts kicking them and everything. I expected them to ‘accidently’ bump her head on the door when they put her in, but no. She screams at Lorena as the car drives away. She is completely off her rocker.

Hort apologizes to Santiago for running him off that day he ran into her before, perhaps she could have warned him about Sara. Santiago says no matter, Fafy died as he lived, perhaps it was destiny. Oh what’s this – is Santiago hitting on Hort? And is she liking it? He asks to see her and she says that so long as Fafy isn’t the subject of the entire conversation, she’d be glad to. Whoa didn’t see THAT coming.

Felipe finds Paty crying over an onion, she tells him that Vasco dumped her. Felipe wastes no time in complimenting how smart, noble, and pretty she is. Well, that wraps it up for those two.

Sara is brought into the police station with news cameras crowding around her. She acts nuts, that won’t help her out later. Omar watches on TV in his lonely room and says “finally!”

Ernesto shows up at the police station with about 20 people with him, all of the regular cast members, he wants to put the video he took as evidence against Sara. Somehow they all arrived before Sara, even though she was in a car with lights and siren blaring. How did that happen? Did they use the flue network? (Sorry Harry Potter nerd digression there) Hort says she wants that video to also be evidence in a different case, the charge of attempted murder because she tried to kill Hort herself. Sara is now brought through the main room (which would never ever happen in real life) and issues threats and general ranting. Elfin lawyer Joel tells the investigator “See? See how she is?” The investigator nods solemnly. Lorena tells Sara to keep talking, it will make convicting her that much easier. Sara swears to get out of jail. The guards leave her alone in the cell area with the meanest female guard ever, for the first time ever Sara is actually scared. I like this guard.

Over dinner, Zulema and extended family hope Sara will be found guilty of everything so she never gets out of jail. Vasco and Diana announce that they are together again, and for forever this time. The phone rings, it’s Omar, she hands the phone off to Lorena. Omar thought for a minute Zulema would talk to him, but no. He saw everything on TV and wanted to talk about it.

In the other room, Hort tells Zulema that she must still love Omar. Here we go – another “Love solves everything” speech. If only that were true. Oh well on TV I guess it’s true. Zulema says yes but that doesn’t mean she should forgive him. Hort wants Zulema to take him back, Zulema isn’t convinced. Hort says to start over from the beginning. Zulema now looks like she might think about it. Hort begs. Somehow she seems to convince her.

Hort and Zulema sing a song to Lorena, but it isn’t her birthday. I don’t quite catch what they tell her, is it the anniversary of her finding out that she is really Zulema’s daughter, or what? Somebody help me out please, thanks. Anyway, Lorena makes a wish and blows out the candles, and the sound of her doing that makes me think she spit all over the cake. Gross.

Sara rots in jail. She still has fresh makeup and hair, but at the lesser house it is the next morning already. She daydreams about Alonso. She swears vengeance against Lorena. Yes, again.

Oh I guess today is Lorena’s REAL birthday, not the birthday she got at the orphanage, which was the day she was dropped off. They discuss a party.

Rosy and Maruja set the table and are arguing about something, but I’m not sure what. Lorena calls and invites them over for the party later. Rosy wants to know who is invited, meaning Ern and Alonso of course. Lorena says just family. Rosy says she knows what she’s bringing, and calls Ern. Julian overhears, then he runs to Jaime to explain the whole thing. He wants to tell Alonso about Ern, so Ern doesn’t have an unfair advantage.

Ern tells the kids he’s going to Lorena’s pueblo to get something. They celebrate at the mere mention of her name.

Alonso thanks Julian for the news and invitation. Jeez these meddling relatives. Toribio is excited about the party and starts rambling on and on about stuff.

Zulema, Lorena, Diana, and Hort enjoy some champurrado. Lorena smells it and correctly guesses the secret ingredient. Turns out she has figured out all of Zulema’s secrets. The conversation of course turns to which guy she will pick, they analyze each guy’s zodiac sign.

Sara thinks the jail food is horrible. The public defender shows up to talk to her, she acts like a total bitch to him (yeah I know, what’s new, right?). He wants to know the truth about everything so he knows how to defend her. She needs to also be ready to plead guilty or not guilty. She wants him to leave, but he says they need to talk.

Zulema instructs her helper on what to buy and set up for the party later. Helper leaves. The doorbell rings, Zulema thinks it’s helper of course, but also of course, it’s Omar. She doesn’t welcome him. She says Lorena isn’t home, she’s at work. Omar wants to talk to Zulema. Zulema doesn’t want to listen. He isn’t here to ask for forgiveness, he wants to offer something. He wants to register Lorena with her true name and with the true names of her parents. Then Omar says he won’t fool himself any longer, it’s obvious Zulema won’t ever forgive him, so maybe the best thing to do is get divorced. I see what he’s doing here – he’s going to put the pressure on Zulema now. She either asks him to come back, or they get divorced. She invites him in to wait. Omar asks if he can see Saulito, Zulema says sure, she’ll go get him.

At the company’s kitchen, they all celebrate Lorena’s birthday and drink out of orange and yellow plastic cups. Classy.

The guard takes off Sara’s cuffs and puts her back into her cell. The lawyer says that he can’t get her out of the charges, all he can do is try and minimize the damage. Sara cusses at him and tells him to leave. She says to herself that she has to get out of jail somehow.

Omar enjoys a little visit with Saulito. Zulema is emotional watching them together. The helper returns, in record time. She’s been gone for five minutes.

Toribio discusses the plan for later with Paula, Bettina, and Raimundo. Will Alonso propose later? Toribio says Alonso should just ask her and if it spoils the party, whatever. It’s easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Raimundo says in that case – he plants a big kiss on Paula – he is going to marry Paula and won’t take no for an answer.

Arturo plays solitaire on his computer. His mami gives him some nasty brain drink, he doesn’t want it. Now he has a new idea, movies! He’s going to sell movies. Bootleg movies. On the street corner. And the money to start? He’s going to sell the house.

Toribio tries to backtrack from what he said, but doesn’t succeed very well. Paula doesn’t get a chance to answer, finally Rai gets down on a knee and proposes properly. Paula says yes and the whole family looks really happy. Must be Ultimos Capitulos, with nobody looking regretful, worried, or conniving.

Mami is not happy about Arturo selling the house, to which he says “what you have no confidence in me?” WHY SHOULD SHE? She won’t back down on the house, so he threatens to leave. Of course she caves and agrees to sell the house. Wow these are the two stupidest people on earth. As he thanks her, they share an inappropriate and very creepy hug. How did this guy ever land Valeria. It’s a crime against humanity. Speaking of, where is Valeria? It’s a conspiracy to keep her out of my episodes, I’m sure of it. Maybe it’s for the best, otherwise I might spend a few paragraphs writing love notes to her and that’s probably not a good idea. Let’s move on.

The ladies set up the party at the lesser house. Lorena shows up and accepts whistles and cheers for her dress. It is a nice dress, but looks like something a middle aged woman should wear, it has zero sex appeal. Zulema gives her a present of a necklace with a picture of the virgin on it. Some others show up, Felipe, Barbara, the sous chef from work. They give her presents. Vasco says wait wait, I have something! He brings in a plant, some ecological message I’m sure. Paty shows up too with a gift. Everyone is here except for the dueling galans. Omar walks in and silences the room. Lorena gives him a hug, Zulema actually invites him in this time. Together they give Lorena her new birth certificate, with her real name, Lorena Armendariz Ruiz. Hortensia is overcome and starts crying. It actually is quite emotional.

Alonso and family drive towards the house. Toribio is preparing his speech to ask for Lorena’s hand, at this Alonso pulls over and tells him no way. They proceed.

Omar says he’s going to leave now, Lorena begs Zulema to let him stay. Zulema says he doesn’t need her permission, this is his house. She can’t stay mad any more, she loves him, she wants to start over. Diana and Julian each welcome him back in turn, there are lots of tears. I’m sure a lot of you discovered your TV rooms getting a bit dusty as well.

Now we see ANOTHER car, this is Team Ern on their way to Lorena’s house.

Julian/Jaime and then Rosy/Maruja each worry that their chosen galan won’t show. Alonso arrives first, with family in tow. Julian is excited, Rosy rolls her eyes. Alonso gives her a cookbook. Jaime asks Julian to put on some music, then criticizes his choice of mariachi music. Julian says it isn’t him, the music is outside! Of course this is Team Ern, arriving just in time to c*ckblock Alonso. Now Rosy lords over Julian. What a way to ruin a birthday. They are all so concerned that their chosen galan wins that they are willing to set up a duel in the middle of the party.

Valeria! She is sitting in Alonso’s office, she picks up his coat and sniffs it. Oh Valeria, don’t break my heart. She remembers Alonso telling her how great she is when he was at her house. Boss lady comes into the office and Valeria hurriedly puts the coat back on the coatrack. Boss lady tells her about some special course at some other hospital in town, but Valeria thinks handling the kids will prevent her from going. Boss lady says she needs to figure something out, to think about her future.

Lorena looks very 1970s now. I see what Ern went to get, he brought at least one of the nuns. Zulema and Omar talk happily in the kitchen. She asks him one thing – to love her. Bettina runs into Ivan and they get snippy at each other. Felipe and Paty dance together, turns out they both love dancing, he tries to suggest going out dancing. Lorena and Ern start to dance. Lorena’s 70s hair is really bugging me. Toribio tells Alonso to get over and get Lorena’s attention himself! The little nun says don’t worry, I’ll take care of this – she goes to dance with Alonso herself. I guess the nun prefers Ern. Toribio turns down the music and wants to say something – Alonso manages to stop him. Lorena instead thanks everyone for coming and says how happy she is. For the first time ever, she has everything. Ivan with Ern, and Bettina with Alonso, keep trying to prompt the galans into proposing. Toribio chickens out of his speech and the music starts up again. Lorena is an idiot for thinking these two guys will just happily co-exist like this.

Sara in jail talks to the empty room and swears vengeance on Lorena again.

Lorena says goodbye to Team Ern and they all leave. She then thanks Team Alonso for coming. Alonso stops on the way out, but then just smiles and leaves. Lorena follows him outside. Alonso asks if she knew Alonso got invited, she says no. He says he thought maybe Julian calling him was a sign that she was ready to move forward with him. Ern walks up and says he thought the same thing about him. The pissing match ensues. The guys puff their chests out and mildly insult each other, Alonso accuses Ern of using the kids as a ‘good guy’ front. Lorena says “hellooo I’m right here!” She says if they are going to act like this, she won’t get together with either one of them. So basically she is just admitting that there is an open competition. Is she keeping it up to inflate her ego, or what?

Mean prison guard cuffs Sara again, the lawyer says she’s getting moved to another location or something. I didn’t catch why. Then the most ridiculous thing in the world happens – she is in the back of a cop car, next to a detective who has his gun tucked into his pants, right there next to Sara. Of course he’s staring out the window. She grabs the gun and shoots the guy, then shoots the driver. Wow she really is crazy. The car careens off the road and ends up upside down on the hill off the side of the road.

At the lesser house, Lorena discusses with the nuns how Sara is now locked up and can’t do any more harm. Yeah right.

The back window of the upside down cop car breaks out (another bit of ridiculousness, those windows are bulletproof) and Sara’s hands reach out – she’s alive!

Preview – Sara somehow finds a car, some clothes, some makeup, and keeps the cop’s gun and waits outside Lorena’s house to start shooting people.


Cuidado: Friday 11/21/08 - "All Hail Marichuy!! (or should I say Alejandra Robles)"

Here's my quick recap of this episode. Since most of it consisted of "watching" Marichuy’s performance in Pygmalion and everyone's reactions, there wasn't a whole lot of new plot development..... (If I missed anything important, please add it to the comments. Thanks.)

Marichuy’s watching the show with the people from the barrio, as bowls of popcorn are being passed around, the Televisa opening appears and the opening credits run.....starring Alejandra Robles. Juan Miguel shows up during the beginning of the show; Marichuy demands to know why he’s there and he says to see her. She says she’s busy, but he says he’ll wait. Much to Adrian’s frustration, MC agrees to step outside to talk to him. Juanmi says he's there to find out from Marichuy what exactly was the nature of her relationship with Amador. He can only conclude that it was rehearsal and not something developing romantically between them. Marichuy, still hurt, does not answer the question. Juanmi says perhaps he was mistaken and this sets MC off. Yeah, he’s mistaken…her words make it sound like what Juanmi suspsected orginally was true, but her tone says the opposite---there's nothing going on with Amador. She spouts out words in her rapid-fire way about how she denounced him to the judge to help Onelia take away Mayita and about her being a lowlife, shameless crook, etc. She leaves him with this and he’s very frustrated. He sits down on the filthy steps, at a loss for words, not knowing now how to proceed and not being too quick to pick up on the loaded sarcasm and bitterness in Marichuy's tone.

The show continues on and the reactions from everyone are as expected……Ceci was impressed with Marichuy’s talent, as was Patricio. Stefi and Isa acted as if they weren’t impressed, but they were. Stefi’s jealousy was palatable. Isa says that really MC's just being herself, not acting at all, it is just the fancy outfit she’s wearing. Beatriz watches as she wanders the streets, lamenting over the demon seed she carries inside---how MC took Amador and now her child will be fatherless (not MC’s fault, I might add, but so often women don’t place blame where it is due-the men who stray). Mayita and Balbina watch together, and both enjoy the performance. Cuate, too enjoys, as he barks his excitement at 'watching' MC on TV. The barrio crowd is pleased to see one of their own doing so well and Adrian is left speechless. Purita could tell by his reaction that her chances with him are nil as long has he continues to be hung up on Marichuy. Padre Anselmo tells MC that he did not know she had such hidden talents. They light off fireworks and a party begins—food, music, and dancing. Cande even gets PA to dance.

Juanmi arrives home to find Stefi waiting for him. She asks where he was and he just answers out. She wants to know if he caught the performance and he says he saw from the middle to the end. He admits he was impressed; MC is a born actress he adds. This obviously bugs Stefi.

Marichuy takes off on her own and spends some quiet time alone. It doesn’t last long, because Amador shows up to puff up his ego some more about how he “made” Marichuy. He hugs her roughly and goes on about how she’s his. He pleads with MC to not abandon him and she questions this. He says that other directors and producers will want to work with her, but they are a team. There is no stopping them, her the great actress and him the great director. He tells Mari that tomorrow the ratings will come out and they’ll find out how well they did. MC rolls her eyes and finally gets him to leave.

The next day, Stefi pours over the newspaper reviews of MC’s acting debut. Israel shows up at the table and gives her a flower and a little gift. Stefi questions the gift and he says it is something for her to look at and remember him. Before she can open up the gift, Ceci shows up at the outdoor breakfast table. Stefi hides the flower and gift and acts as if nothing’s going on with her and the chauffer. Ceci tells Israel to get the car ready and she tells Stefi she’s going to run some errands, including a stop at the orphanage to meet Padre Anselmo. Stefi is concerned and watches as they drive awa. Isa meets Stefi out on the front patio and Stefi tells her aunt that their jig may very well indeed be up.

Amador (petting his wolf dog—who’s at his office) finds out that the ratings were high and he’s ecstatic. Juanmi shows up at Amador’s office and wants to know what’s going on with MC (if he didn't get a straight enough answer from MC, what makes him think that Amador is going to set him straight?). Is Amador interested in MC as an actress or as a woman? Amador answers that he’s interested in her as both. JM pushes for more info--- that encounter he witnessed between them was just rehearsal, right? Amador blathers on about how the line between acting is blurred, great actresses become one with their character, blah, blah. He then points to the papers and what a raging success Marichuy is and he emphasizes that he was one one who created that. Juanmi says that he’s not going to allow Amador to hurt MC. Amador mentions that Juanmi’s already done that. JM gets even more ticked off and shoves the newspapers off of Amador’s desk. JM says he won’t allow Amador to follow his whims and then end up abandoning MC like he did with Beatriz. Amador says that MC is a free woman and successful because of him. JM reminds him that MC is still his wife and then he leaves.

Stefi gets to the orphanage before Ceci and she arranges to get PA to leave under the pretext that her aunt is outside and not feeling well and needs some assistance. Ceci arrives and is disappointed to hear PA left. Without any idea of how long he’ll be gone, Ceci decides to leave.

PA gets a doctor to take a look at Isa and Stef stalls him some more by taking the prescription to get filled and leaving PA with Isa. They return back to the church and Stefi sees that Ceci left. She smiles in her success.

Amador and Marichuy wander around the Televisa corridors. He tells her that for publicity purposes, they will be hitting the town that evening. He gives her a wad of money and tells her that she’ll need some new clothes for their evening out. MC is astonished at the amount and has flashbacks to when she gave money to the kids at the orphanage. Amador insists she spend the money on clothes and he reminds her that it is only an advance; she’ll have more money coming. They go shopping.

Over in Spain, Leticia is taken to her bed and she lashes out at her children and her husband. Gustavo decides that she needs to learn the truth and Gabriel says it is best if she hear it from him. He goes and tells his sister-in-law that Viviana’s been pursuing Gustavo, but nothing’s happened between them. Leticia’s upset to realize the betrayal of her friend and she faints. END OF EPISODE

agasajar- to smother with attention
disfraz-costume, fancy outfit
nato/a- born

palomitas- popcorn
papel- role, part (in cinema or theatre)
pertenecer-to belong to someone or something

quincena- two weeks, a fortnight, a pay period
tómbola-charity raffle, game like bingo


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Fri., Nov. 21- You can take a country girl to the big city but that doesn't make her civilized

DB tells the bound and gagged Chepo that she is going to kill him by impaling him and he will die slowly begging her for mercy, etc. etc.

Santos and Gonzalo have a beer in a bar. Gonzalo is sorry for the mess he's gotten Santos into. He asks how Santos got released so quickly. Santos mentions Luisana and Gonzalo understands. Gonzalo says that sooner or later they will find out that he and Santos are old friends. Santos says he hasn't done anything that they can accuse him of. Gonzalo says that Santos is naive.

Antonio goes after Cecilia and Lorenzo. After he has gone, Marisela tells the three Altamira vaqueros that this is all the fault of "that pig face" (la cara de marrana esa). The three vaqueros hastily make excuses to leave the table and Marisela watches them go curiously.

As they wait to board the boat to San Fernando, Lorenzo has doubts about marrying Cecilia. He is concerned that Marisela is so opposed to the marriage and that Cecilia really loves Antonio. Cecilia says that Marisela will come around and although she does love Antonio, she loves the baby inside her even more and she needs to give the baby a stable home with a good father. Lorenzo points out that he hasn't been a good father and is not likely to live until the baby is born. Cecilia says that they will see what happens. She says that she does love Lorenzo in lots of ways other than sexually. Lorenzo says that it is up to her if she wants to go ahead with this. Cecilia says that she does want to do it but she looks wistful as the boat heads away from the riverbank.

Santos tells Gonzalo that if he continues to fight against the government here, all that will happen is that he and his comrades will be killed. He advises Gonzalo to flee while he still can. He can come to Altamira and Santos will help him get over the border. Gonzalo refuses. Santos says that violence isn't the right way to effect change. "What is the right way?" asks Gonzalo.

With the terneras and Melesio, Marisela considers the possibility that her aunt will now be her stepmother. She doesn't think this will end well.

Melendez has found out that Santos and Gonzalo were at school together. He wants Chepo to go to the hotel and get information but his lieutenant says that Chepo hasn't shown up. Melendez tells him to find Chepo.

Melquiades and DB transport Chepo out of the rooming house in a large box. Melquiades loads the box into a truck. As he is about to leave to go back to El Miedo, the secret police arrive looking for Chepo. DB and Melquiades leave without being observed. However, DB and Melquiades have made themselves conspicuous in the place and the other residents describe them to the police.

DB goes shopping.

Santos is meeting with an engineer in a restaurant about having a study done to see what would be involved with building a highway to Progresso. In comes DB and from the very beginning, she embarrasses Santos. She uses inappropriate language. She speaks too loudly, is too affectionate. Then bad goes to worse when Luisana and two friends come into the same restaurant. It turns out this restaurant was a favorite of Santos and Luisana when they were together. DB is annoyed that Luisana is looking at their table and wants to confront her. Santos tells her not to.

The secret police raid the 'safe' bar when Gonzalo met Santos and arrest the members of the group there including the bartender who knows all about where the group meets.

Melendez keeps hearing about a beautiful woman who was at Chepo's rooming house and was with Santos. He can't believe it could be DB since Chepo told him she was dead. "It can't be," he says, "I'm sure it's not her."

In the restaurant, Luisana sends a bottle of champagne to Santos' table. When Santos won't let her send it back. DB takes the bottle, opens it and pours it on Luisana. Santos comes over and says to DB, "Aren't you tired of making me look ridiculous?" Luisana asks Santos to control his savage peasant woman (campesina salvaje). Santos has to physically restrain DB. Santos and DB are asked to leave the restaurant. "He's mine, he's mine!" yells DB as Santos apologizes for her and hustles her out.

Santos takes DB back to the hotel and leaves her there. He is furious and wants to be alone to think. She sees Melendez' men stake out the hotel.

Antonio almost kills his horse trying to get to San Fernando.

DB sees Melendez and his men arrive at the hotel. She says that she has to flee. She is too late to go down the stairs and runs back to her room.

Cecilia and Lorenzo are in a judge's office and he starts the ceremony. Cecilia fantisizes that Antonio is with her.

Gonzalo and his two remaining rebels decide that it's time to leave the country. They will reunite in a city close to the border and start the fight again.

The judge declares Lorenzo and Cecilia to be husband and wife. As Cecilia signs the register, Antonio appears. "How could you?" he says.

Santos is at the hospital. The doctor tells him that DB ran out of there without signing any papers. He says she was very agitated. Santos agrees that she has a strong personality. The doctor gives Santos a prescription for medicines for DB's anemia and information that she had asked him for on how to get pregnant. [the doctor uses the verb 'quedar' which means, among other things, to remain or stay. But I don't think DB is pregnant so I assume that it means 'to become' in this case.] Santos is impactado. "Barbara pregnant?" he says. (He didn't believe her when she said that she wanted to have Santos' baby when they made love in the hotel?)

DB is hiding on the balcony of her hotel room as the secret police search the room. Melendez is opening the door of the balcony as the credits roll.


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