Friday, March 13, 2009

Doña Bárbara: Gonzalo and Doña Bárbara Join Forces, Thursday, March 12

Marisela is practically hysterical. “Why don’t you answer?” Santos says he doesn’t know what to say to her. Marisela says that he lied to her. Santos says he doesn’t know if the child is his or not, and she gives him a hard slap.

DB and Gonzalo are talking together like old buddies. Gonzalo says that, if she’s having Santos’ child, what is he doing with Marisela? DB says he won’t be with her for long. Gonzalo asks her if she thinks having the child will make Santos leave Marisela. She replies that she doesn’t know that; what she does know is that “la palomita” will leave him. She says she knows Marisela. She says that “este relación se va a terminar más rápido que un dulce in la puerta de un colegio”. Their relationship will be finished quicker than a sweet left in the doorway of a school.

Marisela tells Santos that he lied, that when he was with her he was also with DB. While she was falling in love with him, he was sleeping with her mother. Santos tells her that’s not true. But Marisela says that no man could resist. Santos tells her that he was with DB before she returned from the city. He was depressed and was drinking a lot and that he missed her. She gives him a scornful look and says: you missed me and this is the reason you went to bed with her. You are lying. She says what bothers her the most is that he pretends to be innocent. She says he’s a monster. He and DB son tal para cual (one's as bad as the other). Santos tells her he loves her. She replies that he only loves himself, and that she was a stupid fool.

Genoveva tells Antonio that a woman in love is capable of forgiving anything. Antonio doesn’t think Marisela will do that. Genoveva thinks Santos will tell her that the child isn’t his, and that Marisela will fall into his arms.

Santos tells Marisela that he knows he should have stayed away from DB, but he thought that she had left with Gonzalo and that he’d lost her. He felt desperate. Marisela tells him she doesn’t believe a word; he can go to hell! She tries to leave the room and Santos takes her by the arm. She tells him never to touch her again. Marisela tells Antonio to get her out of Altamira. She can’t take any more. She says she’s had too many blows. All she wants is to go far, far away.

DB tells Gonzalo that he amazes her. He was a fugitive from the Government and now he’s the official over the entire Arauca. He tells her that the work he did in the past paid off. DB tells G that she would do anything to have Santos by her side. G says he wants to renew their previous plan. He says this time he’ll succeed with Marisela and take her far away. DB says that’s exactly what she wants. Gonzalo tells her that she, in turn, needs to get Santos back; although it shouldn’t be too difficult with the baby as an asset. DB tells G that the last time she saw him he seemed defeated, but now he’s triumphant. She loves it! They agree to work together.

Cecilia tells Marisela she’s so sorry to have been the one to tell her about the child, but it had to be done. Marisela says she feels as if her heart had been ripped out, her soul and life as well. She feels empty, humiliated. Cecilia says she, more than most, understands how she feels. Marisela says that La Doña always wins, doesn’t she? What she can’t stand is the betrayal by Santos, that he deceived her. She says she learned from this that love doesn’t exist. Promises are only made to fool you. Virtue is the worst defect. Cecilia tells her that Marisela once said she wished she had a mother like Cecilia. She wants her to know that she’d be honored to be her mother. Besides loving Marisela with all her heart, she admires her.

Cecilia and Antonio talk about what happened. Cecilia says Marisela is destroyed. Antonio says she’s strong. Cecilia tells him even the strong can ruin their lives, as I did when I lost you. Antonio tells her she’ll never lose him, that neither time nor distance will cause him to stop loving her. They almost embrace, but Cecilia catches herself and gently tells him to go home to his wife.

Juan Primito tells DB and Gonzalo that “la nina de mis ojos” cried and cried and then she left Altamira. DB says (ironically) Ay, Marisela is very sad. Now is when she needs a friend. Gonzalo asks if she knows where Marisela went. DB tells her she went to Cecilia’s house in the pueblo. She then advises him not to push himself on her, to just be a friend, approach her slowly, little by little. Gonzalo says “Voy a seguir sus instrucciones al pie de la letra, suegra.” (I'm going to follow your instructions exactly, mother-in-law.)

Lucia is waiting up for Antonio. He worries that she should be in bed. She admits that she sometimes is jealous because she knows he loved Cecilia more than he’ll ever love her. He tells her not to say that and that he does love her.

DB, in her nightgown, says she doesn’t remember being this dizzy, this sleepy. But she’s so happy expecting the child of Santos Luzardo. Eustaquia tells her yes, and she’s happy ruining her daughter’s life. DB tells her not to be aguafiestas (rain on her parade) Marisela ruined her life without a care. Eustaquia tells her that her daughter did not ruin her life; all she was trying to do is to be happy. DB says to let her cry and suffer. She warned her. She told her Santos was her man, and that he will always love her. Eustaquia tells her that Santos no longer loves her, and when will she understand that.

Carmelito, Pajarote and Maria Nieves come to tell Santos the horses are ready. His attitude makes them think he’s angry with them. “Y ahora que bicho le picó?” (What’s eating him now?)

Eustaquia tells DB it would have been better if she had not gotten pregnant again, that she doesn’t know how to be a mother. E is very afraid. She thinks DB may treat the child the same as she did Marisela when she realizes Santos does not love her. DB defiantly says that he does love her, and that she will be the best possible mother to the child that’s coming. What happened to Marisela she deserved.

E tells her that a good mother loves her children equally. She would give her own life to save them sadness. A good mother shows her children the way, guides them, advises them, and consoles them in bad times. A mother gives everything and expects nothing. But you denied even the simplest things to Marisela when she was little. You threw her out of your house and your heart. You manipulated her and deceived her. And now, with this pregnancy, you stabbed her in the heart; and it gives you pleasure. No, for a real mother it would be impossible to enjoy seeing her child in pain.

DB says what about my pain? He was mine and she took him. Eustaquia reminds her that Marisela went far away and left her with Santos. But he looked for her and fell in love with her, but you won’t see it. You thought if you got her away, he’d forget her. You’re trying to tie him to you with this child, but love isn’t that way.

DB asks why E is turning her back on her when, after so many years, she might actually be happy. Why do you continue to defend that thief? Eustaquia says she didn’t take him from you; you lost him.

Gonzalo shows up at Cecilia’s. (By the way, I’m not liking him one bit at this point; he’s as ruthless as DB.) He asks Marisela what she’s doing at Cecilia’s house instead of being at Altamira with Santos. She rushes to him and puts her arms around him. He tells her to calm down. He’s sure Santos didn’t want to hurt you. He’s good and honest. Marisela says he lied to her. Gonzalo says to give him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he wanted to tell you, but didn’t dare. Men can be awful. (This guy is slick. He knows that if he really trashed Santos, there’s a chance she’d defend him.)

Marisela tells G that Santos told her he loved her and would love her forever. Gonzalo tells her “Yes he loves you, but DB is DB and she was always his weakness.” Gonzalo brings up the fact that when Luisana was at Altamira he got up every morning and met DB at the whispering pool. Maybe she trapped him. Marisela says that no one traps Santos. She says he betrayed her, he betrayed Luisana and he betrays all women. She was only one of many.

Pajarote approaches Geno and asks why she seems nervous. He asks for a coffee, but she tells him to serve himself. He asks her what happened at Altamira and did Marisela tell her. Geno tells him she’s so sad.

Gonzalo, still playing Marisela like a violin, tells her not to cry. He’s sure Santos also feels badly. Marisela doesn’t think so, that he’s probably happy to be expecting a child. And she’s happy for him. Gonzalo gives her an odd look and asks her if she really means it. Maybe he got a hint that loving means wanting what’s good for the other person instead of for yourself.

Gonzalo reminds her of how much she’s changed. She educated herself, had a teaching job and a real future. Marisela says she should not have come back. He tells her she can go back whenever she likes; perhaps if she left she’d forget all this. Marisela says “Run again?” G says, if it worked before, why not now.

Pajarote is rubbing Geno’s arm and consoling her. She says he shouldn’t do it. He tells her they’re only good friends, consoling each other at a bad time. She says they aren’t friends, but he says it’s high time they were. He’s very close to her and calls her his sweet pineapple, rough and prickly on the outside, and sweet and perfumed on the inside. She tells him about DB’s pregnancy and how they all found out yesterday.

Gonzalo tells Marisela that he has an idea, no pressure though. He says he’ll soon have to return to San Fernando. As she knows, he’s in charge of the regional government and will need a secretary. It’s only an idea. He tells her he doesn’t have any romantic interest in her any more and won’t take advantage of their working together.

Marisela says what’s on MY mind. What about yesterday (when he told her he still loved her)? He says he got carried away with old sentiments, but a year of reflection caused him to realize that his place in her life was as her friend. Meanwhile, Cecilia is standing in the doorway looking just as skeptical as I feel.

Santos is on the veranda at El Miedo telling DB that she lied to Marisela again. You did it to confuse things and hurt her. You made her think we had relations long after we were through. DB defiantly says, yes I did. So what? Because you and I never finished. We still love each other despite everything. Santos is disgusted. How can I make you understand? I don’t love you. I won’t ever love you again. It’s over!

DB tells him it’s not over and that the child is proof he’ll always have something with her. She tells him she doesn’t want pity. Santos tells her that’s the only feeling he does have for her. He tells her she’s pathetic in her insistence in holding onto him. He says he feels badly for the child because she’ll make him miserable. DB tells him that it’s Santos’ child and that she will love him. Santos tells her he’ll be at the child’s side at all times to save him from her, because a mother who can’t love all her children is not normal. He says the child is unlucky to be born with such a lack of love and so many lies.

Santos says he will accept that the child in her stomach is his, and that he will love and care for him. But she should be very clear about one thing. He will never return to her. Does she understand?

Marisela says she can’t think. Gonzalo tells her he wants her to get distance in order to get perspective. Cecilia comes in being overly nice to Gonzalo. She tells him (with an edge in her voice) what a loyal friend he is. And loyalty is something a politician should remember. Gonzalo looks uncomfortable and asks why she would say that.

Geno tells Pajarote that the situation with Marisela is why she’s sad. He kisses her on the forehead and tells her he’d like to console her with kisses. In fact he’s dying to kiss her. First she elbows him in the ribs, then changes her mind and kisses him passionately.

Cecilia asks Marisela what Gonzalo said to her. M tells her about the job offer. C asks if he didn’t just say he was in love with her. Cecilia tells her to be careful. She says there’s something in Gonzalo’s attitude she doesn’t like, an ulterior motive. She doesn’t think he’s the same as he was before.

Santos shows up at Cecilia’s house and says he has to talk to Marisela. C tries to talk him out of it but he insists. When he goes in he asks her if she’s calmer. She looks daggers at him. He tells her he couldn’t sleep without talking with her. He never betrayed her. He never was with DB after she returned. Marisela said DB said something different. Santos says she should realize that DB would say anything to separate them. He says if the child is his, it was from an act prior to Marisela’s return. It might be his child, but his woman is Marisela. He will do what is required for the child, but everything between he and DB is dead and buried.

Marisela tells him the child is a barrier between them.

DB remembers some of the awful scenes with Marisela earlier in the novela, when she told her she conceived her with disgust and bore her with hatred. She remembers the time she pulled a gun on her. She says to herself that it’s true; she has been hard and cruel with her daugher.

Don Encarnación is not happy because Antonio came in late and Lucia was up waiting for him. He doesn’t think Antonio is taking proper care of her. Gonzalo shows up and offers Antonio a job as his right hand man for San Fernando and the entire Arauca.

Pajarote and Genoveva run into Santos office tearing at each other’s clothes. Pajarote tells her she’s about to find out what a real man is like. Geno tells him he’ll find out what a real woman is like!

Pernalete is trying to convince Mujiquita to use his prior friendship with Gonzalo to get him off his back. DB shows up asking for a document of purchase of El Miedo from Marisela. She hands Mujiquita a paper with an apparently awe-inspiring amount of money on it.

Santos asks why the child has to be a barrier. She tells him he sees, but he doesn’t want to see. She is very tough and decisive. She says the child, when born, will be her brother. And when they have a child, her brother is going to be their child's brother and his uncle at the same time. Doesn’t this seem disgusting to you? My brother would be the son of my husband and also my step-son. You and I don’t make sense. Between you and I there can’t be anything. This is over.


Las Tontas - Thurs 3/12 - Nobody escapes the anvil...

Patricio finds the boys trying to work for their money. "Dad, would you like your windshield cleaned?"
Raul grows weary of Mariloca's foul plot.
Santi tells Zamoro that his friend's diagnosis is very serious and he needs counseling because it appears his friend has HIV.

Pato brings the boys to their moms at the institute; the kids were working in the street, why? (Does Pato infer that the moms were busy at work when they should have been looking after the kiddies?) They were trying to earn money to help Tio Meño! Ahhhh... the moms are proud but they gently scold the boys. Tio cries, hugs the boys and asks, how much did you make?

Suddenly Meño is at Santi's office. Santi called him there to discuss Zamoro who has worriesome test results. He doesn't know if they were Zamora's or not but they confirmed the subject is HIV-Positive. Meño is muy impactado.

Candy's having a pow-wow with the Instituto ladies. She and Mariloca are no longer friends but they have agreed to work together. Alicia shows up to apologize to Candy...she says. The ladies look doubtful.

Gregoria is on phone harassing somebody. She's calling calling calling to enter some sort of contest.

Candy tells Alicia she doesn't believe anything she says. Al sneers that Candy enjoys hurting her. Candy retorts "You destroyed my life. I should forgive you?" Al insults Candy; she always had to be the best Little Miss Perfect. If Al could go back in time she'd do the same thing all over, she'd steal Pat because he's the love of her live. Well that was some apology Alicia.

Meño's freaking out and Santi tries to calm him down. He's not sure the test results were Zamoro's but HIV can be fought with information and condoms. He says this over and over, OK we get it.

Over at the restaurant Zamora gives the results to Candy. They are Charly's and he's HIV positive. What are they going to do? Zamora needs to give the results to Charly but Candy grabs the papers and says she'll tell him. Meño walks up and they try to maintain but their faces give it away. Meño, thinking the test results are for Zamora, presses Candy for an explanation but she doesn't give it up.

Sven and Ole stand behind a customer and discuss the use of condoms. Have a nice lunch. Pretty soon the whole town except Charly will know.

Pato slides into the Instituto and forces Barb to shrink his head during her one free hour.

Shortly afterward Santi strolls in and Chayo scolds him for leaving Mari at the altar, he's no Julia Roberts. However she likes his haircut, it makes him look at least a year younger. She gives him a hard time, Candy's not there but Pato, Candy's husband, father of her first and only child, the first love of her life, is. He tells her he's been nothing but a friend to her and here she is making him pay for the poor behavior of all mankind.

Santi advises Chayo that if she doesn't take the job of being the carpet then nobody will trample her. (Tu no tiene vocacion de alfombra y nadie va a pisotearte.) He's interested to hear that Pato is still there.

Babs accuses Patricio of trying to gain her sympathy so that she'll put in a good word to Candy.

Santi interrupts and they mock his haircut, it makes him look 10 seconds younger. Santi thinks Pato needs therapy because Candy loves Santi. Pato asks how recently did she tell him that? Yesterday? Today?

Rocio instructs a bored Chava in the proper way to play with dolls. Jaime and Isabel are nostagically amused. They seem to be getting along quite well.

Santi and Pato argue while Babs observes and takes notes. Santi gets a call on his cellular and puffs his chest, he's important because he has a patient. Pato gets a call and puffs his chest, he's an important businessman! Babs becomes very annoyed and tells them the only way to find out who is the most macho is to have a duel. She's interrupted by their dueling cell phones.

Meño's family tries to give him all the money they have earned. Candy asks Greg, don't you have something to give? No matter, she has a surprise, Santi's banker friend will give him a loan. Candy looks at an oblivious Charly and hopes that money can cure all their problems.

Barb's idea of a duel is to have a dance-off. Whoever can salsa better wins. No? How about rock? No? Then how about an egg battle? (Huevos = eggs and also testicles as we know) Now she's talking! The guys feel very prepared for this. But no, she means throwing eggs, whoever has the best aim wins. They were more excited to display their eggs than to throw them. They finally agree on a round of chin chan pu (ro sham po). Suddenly both their phones ring. Santi answers his first with an "I win!!" Babs, unnoticed, leaves in a huff.

Babs goes to her office and utilizes anger management therapy on herself by punching a pillow.

Greg gets a call, it's that game show she called earlier. They want to ask her some questions. Every family member knows an answer, Candy knows that Garcia Marquez wrote 100 Years of Solitude, Charly knows the Chicago Bulls won the most basketball championships (oops! that would be the Celtics, not the Bulls, but nevermind), Meño knows Marlon Brando was the lead actor in The Godfather, Gregoria knows how to make a custard, and Chava knows that T-Rex is the most famous carnivorous dinosaur. "We all win!!!" Greg gushes happily.

She reveals she entered the contest to win money for the family. "Fuera dolor" they happily chime in unison. (Ugh, my stomach hurts.)

Mariloca is increasingly bitter and Raul advises her to leave Candy alone. "She opened her mouth and now I'm alone with my belly!" She threatens she's too far along to abort but she'll not be responsible for the child. Raul frowns, he's not really hangin' with the crazy sister.

Lalo the couch potato comments that Chayo looks very elegant tonight, she must be going out with her little friends. The doorbell rings and it's Alejandro her "special friend". She presents her EX marido Lalo who is rude and sticks out his tongue.

Meño pulls Tono aside and says Zamoro has AIDS, he wants to help him. (This is weird, are they trying to introduce comic relief or something? I'm confused.)

Chayo returns to the living room, finds Alejandro has been infected by Lalo's indolence and is watching the game with his new best bud. Can Chayo order pizza and grab some beers?

Meño, who really seems to be getting around tonight, grabs Candy for a serious talk. A person close to him has HIV. Candy is impactada, he knows? Did he talk to Charly? Meño keeps blabbing about Zam being in a state of denial; Candy's confused. Nevertheless she calms him down and in typical Candy fashion leaves.

Over at Sole's Pato is playing with the kids. He's very thankful and Sole asks him to stay a minute so they can make up and be friends. I'm happy to report her next statement is, " think you can introduce me to one of your friends?" Too bad his only friend is Santiago.

Candy calls Chava and they pray together which makes Candy sad. Probably because he mentioned Charly. Speaking of whom, Charly the Torta comes home chattering on the phone to Lucia, "I love you baby." (Again, stomach ache.)

Candy decides it's time to have the talk with Charly. Before arriving in Guadalajara he had relationships, right? He denies it at first, but oh my, he did and it was with a married woman from the states. (Damn those American sluts.) Candy breaks the horrible news to him. His test came back positive, HIV positive that is. Caras impactadas and the anvil falls.

Sleeping Santi is interrupted by Mariloca and his son. "Come to papa" he urges. Mariloca laughs, her son doesn't want to! Poor Santi wakes up from his nightmare and calls Mariloca. Serves her right after all her midnight calls to him. For the love of God he wants to be close to his son, it's his right. She cackles "bye", hangs up on him and sticks her finger in her bellybutton. "Ombligo ombligo ombligo" she chants. Creep me out why dontcha.

Beto and Chava stay up late and talk. Chava is worried about his ma, she sounded sad. Beto responds that mamis are always sad. Maybe a gift would help? They mutter "what to give, what to give" in unison. Man, these kids are amazingly astute and cute.

Santi calls his sleepy lawyer Arsenio and explains his serious problem, the mother of his child is talking crazy. Sleepy lawyer agrees to see him first thing in the morning.

Isa hears and has the solution! It's in the cellar. (I'm thinking wine here.)

Candy comforts a weeping Charly. Uh oh, Meño-who-is-everywhere interrupts, what's up? "I'm going to die, dad." Charly cries.

Mañana - Muchas caras impactadas.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Univision links to Caray Caray!

Hi everybody,

Is that cool or what? Maria Milligan at Univision wrote me and said she had added us to this page of links, and asked if I'd link back to Univision, so I did (see bottom of left sidebar).



Tontas no Van - 3-11- Wed - Memories, light the corners of my mind, misty orange colored flashbacks....

Memories of marriage?

We open with Santi talking to Candi on the phone expressing his fears about Marissa harming the baby, right down to making it wear a Chivas jersey. Candi laughs at that another in the Chivas camp. Snati hangs up and calls in Horty. She beams her way in like Scottie and Santi basically repeats the same conversation and gets the same laugh about the Chivas. She does let him get serious about his fears not to see his baby. He says his kids are his life. Hmm we’ve heard this somewhere else.

Memories of Cashflow?

Candy and Meno are talking about the bills complaining how much gas keeps going up. Meno wants to hide his credit card bills, but she forces them out of him and reads the exorbitant balances and yells at him for running up almost 95000 pesos, about 9500.00 US give or take.

Donato gives Santi un tequila, and he thinks it’s a shame that Don only brought one cup. Actually like every good Tapatio he actually pulls one out of his pocket and drinks with Santi. Santi says of course because in Guadalajara no ones drinks tequila alone. Donato wants to join the abandoned club.

Meno has a sleepless night. The next am he is freaking about his bills. At lunch everyone whispers about this problem with money that he has. They all beg to help him, despite him wanting to be in charge. I say go for it, she points out that none of them pay rent. That’s a lot of mouths for sure!!

Zamora and Tono run off to get something for a friend leaving Lulu by herself at the restaurant. Candi yells at Ma for making phone calls.

Memories of Curls?

Meno goes to see Santi and wonders what happened to his hair. Yeah why did he cut it I wonder, maybe for some other appearance or something? I love his curly locks, bummer. Meno thinks he looks 10 years younger. Meno asks Santi ti help him out. Meno confesses he’s great with other peoples money, including the restaurant, but not hs own money.

Memories of Humiliation?

Mari in a moment of compassion explains she though about shutting down the institute, but no, she can’t, but they are associates and nothing more. Candi ruined her life. Her moment of compassion ends quickly as she mentions to Candi, but she wants a bigger share in everything or else she’ll take her money and walk. I knew it wouldn’t last long.

The two musketeers return with the results and Zam thinks he has the right to open them.

Candy cries to the girls about not being able to help Meno. The girls all cry poor house because of divorces and what have you and can’t help. Candy says she wouldn’t even expect them to help with such a thing. Here’s a tip. Stop wearing all those brand new designer clothes that change everyday and maybe you’d have some dough? Except for Sole, she needs something other than shorts. Que the hell? I can’t say I’ve ever seen them in a workplace, she’s not the dance teacher even. You know come to think of it, what the hell does she do there anyway?

Ceci comes in to advise them that Pato is there. Sole gets her waaah face on but Candi says you are my bff, but sorry there’s nothing I can do. Bff Sole says oh that’s ok I know and smiles as she walks out. Hmmmm. Pato comes in and Cnadi shows him the brown photo book and asks if he remembers it. He can’t believe she didn’t burn it. She admits she did burn many but at least not that.

Meno and Santi continue the credit counseling. Santi says he’ll write a check, but that’s not why Meno is there, he only wanted advice. He leaves. Santi is perplexed because he wants to help.

Memories of teen innocence?

Back to the nostalgia trip, the former novios argue about whether it was this day or that, or raining or not, etc. This is so weird considering these two dated in real life for years, but have been broken up now for a couple of years. Anyway, she recalls they were really happy and then the last photo would be of them with their son, before closing the book, but Pato says nope not closed, don’t you want more photos, like of us when we are gray and wrinkly and incontinent? There can be and they kiss a good solid kiss.

They talk about being married or not being married, and being scared to be in love with exhubby and he has two kids and never held a baby, and she never lost her smile, and blah blah blah. He wants her back, she’s not fighting this time at least.

The bobsy twins are reviewing the results of Charly. Zam is “analyzing” them and determines that Charly is sick with something, maybe Elisa, the Blot or the Western. He says he saw a Western last week but didn’t hink he could get sick from it. Ha, our med folks out there know these are the analyzing techniques and not the actual affliction.

Candi and Pato continue this castle in the sky conversation. She says for them to keep talking on the phone and see how things go. Whatever, he’ll call her. And he does right away and asks her what she’s doing ofr the next 40 years. Man this guy is hard to reject. Now he asks the hard question. What about Santi, you busted up his boda. She says only to save him, but she feels nothing, right? She hesitates, but yes. They keep playing the little phone game he kisses her and leaves.

Memories of Padres lost?

Santi is looking through baby photos. Lu comes in she doesn’t want to go to the anniversary mass for her parents death. She thinks God didn’t care if he left her alone without them. Snati says thanks what am I? He reminds her of what she has amd she admits she doesn’t want him to die. He says he’s not going anywhere. They discuss whether her parents are in another life, and so on and she ends up deciding to go to the mass afterall. She thinks his hair makes him look maybe 2 months and 2 days younger. Everyone is weighing in on this. He wants her to call him Pa and she says today I’ll stick with my own Dad, but maybe tomorrow you can be Dad 2 or something.

Meno comes home to Greg. She thinks he looks bad and he asks her to stop making so many phone calls. She agrees instead she’ll send smoke signals.

Everyone is reflective at the mass and they flashback to Issy lamenting that a parent should never have to bury a child. I can’t imagine. I had a hard enough time with my cat. Sigh.

Meno comes upon our comedians musing what poor infirmity Charly could have. Our guys manage to keep it from him claiming it was a speeding ticket while on bike. he thinks they were smokingfrom the happy pipe or something.

OK Candi and Sanit are in this great IM session and he's complaining about being aboandoned by her and her telling him he needs to chil because she's got a lot on her mind. He ends up running up there while she awaits an answer and they continue their discussion. They too chat about the missing curls. her estimate is 3 months younger. Mari happens upon them and wonders why they aren't kissing. There's just more bitterness in this conversation, Mari accusing her of lying and betraying her.

This nasty scene is interrupted welcomingly by our cute kids chatting about being sad and trying to figure out why Meno is sad and how they can maybe help him.

Santi decides to be voice of reason and tells them not to fight like ninos and he and Mari have a lot to chat about. I can see the smoke fuming out of her ears for sure.

We come back to our favorite kiddies making their first attempts at entrepreneurialism by "dusting" passing car windows. Of course because this is telenovela land their first car is a sweet sympathetic lady who just loves that they are doing this and she gives them 50 centavos. They are thrilled abut this until they realize how many centavos make up a bunch of pesos and that this will take forever to help Meno. In reality the cars would probably not even stop, would spew black smoke in their bright shiny faces and yell at them to get out of the way. Well maybe not...anyhow...

Memories of a Free Lunch?

Lu and Charly are chatting, she's bummed he didn't make it to the mass, but he said he saw his Pa so upset that he wanted to help and he appears to get ready for his stint as Super Whopper. Lu plays with an "appendage". I guess this is his contribution to helping out Meno with the bills. I think that's cool. Toruns out he comes down the stairs and has instead transformed into Super Torta Ahogada. Lu laughs but supports him by kissing him.

Memories of our first Centavo?

The kids, still hanging out on the median, are suddenly approached by Doanto who wonders what they are doing in the street by themselves. He manages to wrench Roci free from her galans and proceeds to take her home leaving the other two out there. Just when they decide they'll keep wiping windshields, the next car turns out to be Pa. he too wonders what they are doing.

Memories of a pregnancy?

Raul and Mari are at the apartment and he wonders how things went with Candi. She repeats that she is my colleague but no more my friend. Raul repeats that he wants nothing to happen to his nephew. Again with this!! Mari says look nothing will happen to him and you'll get to see him, but Santi definitely not.

Memories of health?

Zamora is with SAnti at the office and they discuss that he has this friend who has these results and he needs help interpreting them. Santi confirms that this is the friend of the cousin of a friend? If so, you shouldn't have these results as they should only be given to the person whose results they are, and he gives us a PSA that is never followed in T-land about confidentiality breaches etc. He does end up telling Zamora that if these tests are apositive, that means his "friend" has HIV. Ugh, this can't be happening.


MEPS March 11, Wed. - Got Milk? Got Power? Got Power Milk?

Repeats: As the wedding looms in sleepless nights as we see Fernanda musing that Lili (se aferra) clings to (los bellos recuerdos) pleasant memories like she does.
Fernanda dwells on Liliana's words about seeing Eduardo and she splits her personality to talk to herself about what happened to Eduardo, what could have happened, she at least realizes that she and Eduardo were separated so they wouldn't continue their childhood romance. Now she tells herself that she tired of waiting for Eduardo and now she is about to marry a man who adores her. but does she love him? [Wow, does she have a pack of nasty little surprises coming]

Eduardo/ almost Franco wears chic two toned blue pajamas and says Fernanda's name as he looks at her card. relives his muddy face and her wide eyed grin. Fernanda is the only woman I have loved.

But the dry milk is being unloaded near a big, big hole while an even bigger semi approaches

Anibal and Pris, also in jammies, discuss that he is not going to have children with a traitor, that she has betrayed him by telling her family that his family is betraying them. She argues that her family was offered this milk too but they were decent and rejected the suspect milk. Her brother knew that Barbara was behind it all. What did Rolando say? She will (susurra en oido) whisper in his ear if he comes into the bed. Come.

in telenovela parallel, still in pj's, Eduardo remembers seeing the shopping Nanda and the big rock ring. He puts down the business card from Nanda and studies charts to bring himself back to the task at hand.

Speaking of the task at hand, Priscila gets some perfunctory sex out of Anibal but looks disgusted so we can assume it isn't a real dance of love. As the heartless Anibal rolls off to stare glumly at his side of the mattress, she says your (petulancia) petulance/irritability is like the (fracaso) failure/disappointment that you are, my love.

Ohhhhhhmygawd, he's in a towel and all wet. what a chest. Yes, finally we get a cleanup scene. Eduardo answers the phone and drips provocatively as he discusses with Esteve that he the paperwork set up and will now have a meeting with Anibal. Do you know him? asks Esteve. Perfectly says Adonis in white towel, uhuhuh, I mean Eduardo, in white towel. He's the older brother of Nanda. [Ed. Note: replay this scene 3 times and blog me in the morning]

Barbara is assuring Nanda, You have won the lottery with this man (Damian) who is all about hard work and responsible, and .... You are a prize too, intelligent, beautiful. [this part is harder for BOW to say, me thinks]. Nanda returns the favor but with unexpected, I've been thinking of Liliana when she was alone with me I realized she is in a (pozo sin fondo) bottomless well and it would be good for her if she was at my wedding. BOW is not smiling. Nanda urges, She should feel our love here in the family and I need my father's authorization to have her here my best wedding present for her to be here. Would you convince my papa? Barbara tries to argue but ends up promising, Oh I'll try.

The accounting report is presented to Flor at the Lacteos reception desk and she looks down at the cow hide rug on up and up to see TBLMOE with his 200 million peso smile as he arrives seeking an interview with Anibal and he is Franco Santoro, the Director of Operations of the Latin American Branch of (say it with me) "Power.....Milk...." butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. I need this break just to catch my breath, what a suit, what a shave what a hair cut. This boy dresses up or down with equal charisma, but of course the towel that might fall is the best costume. [Sorry guys, you got your turn last night at the mud fest, I will calm down shortly.]

Receptionist Flor breathlessly says there is a problem, there is no Santoro in the (agenda) schedule book, He smiles, perhaps there has been an error? She is sure she can get it fixed.

BOW tells her shill Damian that the real tragedy of this meaningless marriage is that the object is the total ruin of the family. Damian looks like this is the first time he has heard this little detail.

Anibal barks at Flor, at the desk and tells her he doesn't have time for this whoever. He is very busy so pretty boy will have to wait. Desk tells Franco he urges you to wait, actually she urges him to wait. He flashes the famous smile and says there is no hurry.

Barbara barks orders at Obregon about following her orders exactly as she is the one in charge.

Lili and Ciro talk about Eduardo being back as they play (ajedrez) chess. Ciro asks, was Eduardo important? She says he was accused of doing something he didn't do just like I was. Do you mean, that he could get you out of here. Could get you revenge? When the nurse appears to take Lili back to her room, they speak in code, Lilli says, the peón (pawn) is a threat to the black queen, but Ciro says the pawn needs to reinforce itself to come back at black queen.

Doctor is being threatened by BOW Barbara, he couldn't listen at teh door and says I don't care what method you use but I want to know what Lili said to her sister. As of today, I order you to double her medicine.

Ciro looks in "the box", hides it again in his room behind some books, then takes a white pawn from the board, takes it down the hall and hides it in Lili's hand. You have to move like the pawn, one step at a time. The drugged Lili, shrugs with eyes closed but clutches the pawn .

Franco looks with hatred at Gonzalo's portrait. He thinks back to overhearing Soledad ask Gonzo why Eduardo has to be sent away. Gonzolo tells the unbelieving Soledad because the the children are growing, there will be trouble. He is grateful that Soledad has been a veritable mother for them, Yeah sneers, Franco, really grateful. Flor interrupts his thoughts with coffee and says not much has changed in 10 years. He jumps but she says Gonzo hasn't changed much since that was painted then. He rejects the coffee while she says your face, your face is so familiar.

Nanda, plans where the banquet and the dance floor will be placed near the pond with the wedding planner. I have a few details in the sanctuary, Have you talked to the Bishop, will he attend? Sure. [Nice to have enough money to get a bishop for the ceremony]

Flor says your face reminds me of someone, have you been practicing (equitacion) riding/horsemanship with Camilo. , you must be a friend of his. Franco smirks, amigo of Camilo Elizarde, yeah that must have been me.

Cleopatra is the beautiful (yegua) mare that Jacinto shows to Erika, which Camilo ordered special for the wedding as a gentle ride for his date, he adds, it must be for her. She leaves happy, oh so happy at this little surprise Camilo must have planned for her. Jacinto's wifey Margarita appears and is not at all happy, sneers that at least he is working and not at the mud bar. He tries to placate her, did you dress up so pretty to come see me? No! she's on her way to say goodbye to her students.

Anibal yells at Flor to get through to Damian Gallardo immediately as he sees the financial charts, and to Obregon he says he needs solutions. Flor calls Gallardo to have him show up when he gets this message. Franco asks if there are problems.... She says the whole place is all a twitter about wedding plans for Nanda and goes for water. Ed/Franco says she has forgotten about me. Somewhere here we see Damian relaxing on a massage table as the hardworking executive.

Jacinto tries to stop stupid wife again, saying the children will be so disappointed, she insists that Nanda must be told about Damian and Barbara's roll in the hay before things go further and she wants to get away from here as far as she can, she marches off resolute in her stupidity to make the wrong right. Jacinto gasps in exasperation.

Erika in the beauty shop and they try to put a tint on her hair that will make it more luminous. Tinte Fermodil, brandname dropping. Okay the very cute hair stylists convince her to take the tint. She yaps happily and a bit wistfully about the stress of so much detail in planning a wedding.

Flor is chatting Ed up about how the youngest daughter, Nanda runs Human Resources and has time to take on the artesan cheese guys, when BOW suddenly appears saying who is this. The icy stare down is a foot as we go to break.

Barbara stares with her evil eyes at Ed, she snaps her fingers almost in his face and says to Flor, bring me my (agenda) appointment book

Erika and Nanda discuss how thoughtful Damian is to cut the honeymoon short so she can attend the artisans' cheese fair. She babbles and all I can remember is that she says, don't take sweets from strangers. More interesting she tells Erika she has never told Damian the sad story of Eduardo

Barbara is questioning Flor about who is this guy. Anibal has kept him waiting since he is so busy. Out of the elevator from his breakfast meeting comes Gonzo. Power Milk Franco greets him and reaffirms who he is. I was trying to see your son Anibal. Damian shows up muttering that Anibal is an (energúmeno) madman. He raises his cell phone half way in the air as if to tease us because we know what he would like to do with his cell phone (can't tell but surely he has moved up to either a blackberry or an iphone.)

Erika and Nanda continue girlie bonding, she doesn't think he will ever see Ed again.

Anibal is aghast at the zero financial balances when Damian says, you haven't talked to Barbara? Anibal screams what does my MIL have to do with this .

Damian tries to calm Aniba l while in her office, BOW thinks the end is near.

Ed/Franco is wowing Gonzo with his intimate knowledge of the wonder history of Gonzo and his impressive empressa. Gonzo falls for it and wants to get Power Milk is in Brazil and Argentina ... but not in Mexico. Ed/Franco says not until now. Anibal is yelling that the accounts are all zeroed out. they are ruined! Ed smiles outside the door. This family must amuse the other staff.

Anibal asks why Damian decided to play (inversionista) investor you have ruined us. Damian your stupidity has ruined us. Ed listens with amusement. Gonzo is telling BOW how impressed he is with Ed's astounding knowledge of the company and is excited that PowerMilk is at his door, he knows as much as we do. Barbara sulkily asks, but what does he want? Gonzo doesn't have much to be excited about these days and now someone is making him feel important. I want you in the meeting with Anibal. Flor interrupts to tell BOW that Anibal urgently needs her. They are broke, How did this happen? Why wasn't I consulted ahead of time? Anibal shrugs, but Barbara steps in, our broker in Chicago offered an irresistible portfolio of investment opportunities that we had to hurry to buy.

Papa then tells of the executive from PowerMilk just outside and they all hustle to meet with him, BOW resists but Gonzo has his mind made up Anibal says executive? of PowerMilk? I thought he was just a simple salesman.

Nanda get yet another message about wedding details. But says it just like what the mysterious (galan) handsome gentleman told me on the shopping mall. She thinks back at the Hombre de Misterio (sorry H de M, your name has been borrowed for the moment) She continues with the chatter, chatter about seeing him, trying to find out his name, trying to introduce him to Damian and then he mysteriously disappeared again. Erika teases her that she better get married quick. Why is she so interested in this galan?

The happy family meet Franco, BOW pretends she was busy with Fernanda's wedding detail so didn't notice him standing at the reception desk when he reminds her with a big smile that they just met. This woman has the best poker face to deny having noticed TBLMOE. I mean really....

Next: Liliana is about to receive an injection but this time not to sleep but to make her talk while Doc Matasanos says, What did you say to your sister?

And BOW is very busy, she has time to intimidate the Jacinto family and knows they (apodan) nickname her the hyena. She knows they plan to tell Nanda that Soledad is dead, does she also know what else they want to tell.


se aferra = clings to
los bellos recuerdos = pleasant memories.
susurra en oido = whisper in his ear
petulancia = petulance/irritability
fracaso = failure/disappointment
peón = pawn
equitacion = riding/horsemanship
yegua = mare
agenda = appointment book
energúmeno = madman.
inversionista = investor
galan = handsome gentleman/gallant
apodan = to nickname


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Doña Bárbara: Wed. March 11 recap will be delayed

I live in California and have DirecTV with a DVR. This means that I get both West Coast and East coast feeds of certain programs from the satellite. Doña Bárbara usually records for me at 5:00 and is already there when I get home from work, giving me plenty of time to work on the recap. But tonight the schedule at 5:00 says Fútbol! When I look at the channel listing for 8:00, it says Doña Bárbara will be on. In any case, tonight is my Spanish class from 7:30 to 9:30, and even if I do get tonight's DB recorded, by the time I get home at 9:45, it will be pretty late to watch it, then recap and post it.


MEPS, March 10th - A Shopping Spree and Mud Wrestling - Eddie's Had a Long Day

From last night: Damian gives her the earrings, the violins play . . . He wants her to wear them on their wedding day.

At the Herreria Tinoco, Silvestre the ironworker guy that made Nanda’s charm for Eddie way back in the day, is in his workshop and his daughter, Martina, who is a nurse, comes in and is worried about him hurting himself. She says she goes to work so he can rest. She calls him “Viejito Chulo” – Handsome Little Old Man. She makes him promise to rest so she won’t worry.

Damian and Nanda are coming down the escalator at the mall, while Eddie goes over his checklist of things he needs to buy – he’s got everything but a car. Damian gets a call from Babs. She tells him to make sure Nanda doesn’t go to see Soledad. While window shopping, Nanda sees Eddie. He sees her too. They stare at each other – she smiles – he does not. He asks how the wedding plans are going. She babbles her ridiculously perky babble. He asks if she’s definitely getting married. She says yes, and she still doesn’t know his name. He looks flustered, and just then Damian calls for her. Damian comes over and she wants to introduce him to Eddie, but he’s vanished again. Eddie watches them leave – he looks pissed.

Silvestre has a guest. He’s come by to see when his doors will be ready and Silvestre says they won’t be ready for at least a month. The guy says he needs the doors in 2 weeks. Silvestre tells him his daughter doesn’t want him working, she takes good care of him. He goes on to say how she works late every night at the hospital. [I have a feeling her “night job” is not nursing!] He hopes one day she fines a nice man to make her happy.

Eddie’s bought himself a new ride.

Babs comes into Gonzo’s office to tell him she had to cancel her appointment at the beauty salon because of wedding preparations. Gonzo the Wuss is crying and says he misses Babs, and can’t live without her. They hug and she thought bubbles how she despises him. Gonzo tells her about what happened with Liliana at the mental hospital. He says Nanda was destroyed by the experience. Babs tries to convince Gonzo it’s best for Liliana to live in “her world”, although it’s not the ideal situation, at least Liliana is calm and safe in the hospital. BOW has a PhD in lying.

Eddie shows up at the local cantina “Las Copetonas” to meet Jacinto. We get a quick glimpse of the rubber pool apparently used for mud wrestling. Eddie didn’t even blink – even though they have a ringside table! Jacinto tells Eddie that he told Margarita about the expired milk, and about the ultimatum she gave Jacinto that they either turn La Hiena in, or they go far away from there. Jacinto tells Eddie that the milk isn’t in the barn anymore. Eddie says if the milk’s gone then they must be “processing” it.

Margarita isn’t buying a word Jacinto has told her about where he was going, and she’s going out to look for him.

Revolting Camilo is getting’ down and dirty with Natasha. Oy vey. More pouring wine over their bodies a la Feo and Root!

Gardenia asks Margarita if she wants her to go with her to find Jacinto. Gardenia says yes, Margs says at least she’ll have a witness to whatever she finds. Margarita is sure Jacinto is cheating on her.

Back at the cantina that has a “cow” motif – even the plates and tablecloths are black and white like cows! Jacinto shows Eddie the business card that he found in Margarita’s papers. Eddie tells Jacinto he ran into Fernanda at the mall this afternoon. Jacinto wants to know what Eddie’s planning on doing, and Eddie says he’ll tell him, but first he wants to find out what’s going on in the Elizalde’s hacienda and exactly who is the guy Nanda’s marrying. Jacinto says he can tell Eddie in a few words: Damian Gallardo is a “miserable canaya” – a “miserable SOB”.

Nanda is showing off her earrings in front of the family. Anibal tells Erik he doesn’t think Camilo is going to show up. Erika looks uncomfortable. Nanda says she’s not there for Camilo, she’s there because she’s her maid of honor and has to help her with the wedding. Anibal says it’s all stupid stuff. What a sweetheart – he lives up to his name, huh? The phone rings and extra bubbly Fernanda runs to answer – its younger brother Santiago calling. Anibal says it’s too bad Erika fell in love with Camilo, her life would be very different with Santiago. Gonzo tells him to shut up. Anibal says the wedding is a good chance for Erika to fix her “mistake”. Too bad Pris doesn’t tell the whole family about Anibal’s inability to “levantarlo”!!!

Camilo and Natasha are talking in bed about nothing important – that is, Camilo is telling Natasha how he’s not like other men. Barf.

Eddie asks how Gardenia found the business card. Jacinto also tells Eddie that Gardenia caught Damian and La Hiena in the car together “revolcandose” – revolcando is “knocking down”. Jacinto feels bad for Fernanda, but Eddie say she gets what she deserves. The MC of the Cantina announces that the show is about to start. The girls come out in bikinis. One girl’s name is “Caramelo”, one is Estrellita, the other is “La Venenosa Venus” (the poison Venus) – who is Andrea from “Al Diablo Con Los Guapos”, and her teammate Martina La Rompehuesos” or “Bone Breaker” – who the crowd doesn’t seem to like much. Jacinto explains to Eddie that it’s Martina, Silvestre’s daughter. Eddie can’t believe it, and wants to know what she’s doing there. Apparently, Martina is in debt to La Hiena. I guess Babs dumped Silvestre to give the work to an iron company in Toluca, and left Silvestre without a job, and now he’s practically blind. Martina had to leave school, but Silvestre still believes she’s a nurse, and she pays for everything.

Babs is telling someone over the phone that first thing in the morning they need to transfer a big sum of money from Grupo Lactos’ account to an account in the Cayman Islands in the name of Rebecca Sanchez (Bab’s real name).

The lady mud wrestling continues, but Eddie looks kinda disgusted. Don’t most men like this sorta stuff? Martina and La Venenosa won.

Margarita and Gardenia are on the street asking a guy eating an elote if he’s seen Jacinto. They guy says yeah, he’s over at the Cantina. Gardenia the drama queen is shocked to hear Jacinto’s at the Cantina of Ill Repute with those women! She does a really ridiculous impression. Both women say: “Es el culmo!” or “That’s the last straw!”

Some guy grabs Martina’s legs and the other girl kicks him. A fight breaks out in the Evil Cantina – the women are actually throwing closed fist punches and breaking bottles over the guys’ heads! The crowd seems happy. These chicks are tough! Eddie Ever-the-Gentlemen tries to intervene and help the girl but she says she can take care of herself and continues to beat up some guy who lands in the mud pool. Eddie can’t resist and throws a few punches. Gardenia and Margarita arrive at the door of the Cantina just as a couple of guys are falling out the door. Margarita elbows her way in – brilliant. Eddie and Jacinto hide inside from Margarita. She didn’t see them. In the midst of the fighting, with Jacinto hiding his face behind a chair, the boys finalize their plan, Eddie tells Jacinto that without his help he won’t be able to do anything, and that his new name is Franco Santoro. Jacinto leaves the Evil Cantina, the girls are waiting outside. Margarita wants to know what the hell he was doing at the Cantina. This time Jacinto has no quick answer and says nothing.

Fernanda (who must be taking at least 500mg of Prozac) comes bouncing down the stairs in her 50’s style skirt that’s only missing the poodle, with the box with her wedding dress in it. Babs wants to know where she’s going and Nanda says to her Nana Soledad’s house. Babs ain’t happy. Babs says she has something really important to show Nanda. Babs says she understands, but what she has to show her is more important “primordial” (fundamental) and it’s about her sister Liliana.

At the mental hospital Liliana is crying while remembering her visit with Nanda and how she tried to convince her that Eduardo was back. She says she knows Fernanda didn’t believe her, but she’s sure it was him.

Eddie, under the name of Franco Sartoro is checking into a nice hotel.

Babs is showing Nanda Liliana’s official diagnosis – psychosis ____. Nanda has seen enough and tries to leave to go see Soledad, but Babs tells her it’s late. Nanda agrees and says she doesn’t want Soledad to see her “depremida” or depressed. Nanda takes her dress and goes back upstairs.

Eddie’s in his luxurious hotel room, and we see all the bags of stuff he’s bought on the couch. I get weak in the knees thinking about being in a gorgeous hotel room with FC, with money to spend and bags of new goodies! But hey, who needs money and new stuff when you have FC in a hotel room anyway? LOL They just need to leave some food and water outside the door every 6 hours or so! Maybe some vitamins too.

Anyway, sorry for my momentary lapse! Eddie’s on the phone with his Not-Red Haired-Not Really A Gringo-Friend Steve. They’re discussing Grupo Lactos. It’s hard to just stop at “Lactos” – I always want to add “Intolerant”. Steve says he’s sent him some information about Grupo Lactos’ competitors also, Industria Prolasa” – which I assume is Priscila’s families’ business. OMG, I love when FC speaks English. Well, in this case all he says is “Un favor mas, Esteve.” Eh-Steve! I love that! All Mexicans do that, I know, but it sounds better when FC says it. Esprite, estress, esleeping, etc. Eddie wants Steve to get an appointment in his company’s name for him. Steve says he’s already ahead of him, he’s asked for an appointment in the name of Franco Santoro, who is the Director of Operations for Powermilk Latino America. Esteve says when they confirm the appointment he’ll let Eddie know.

Eddie then calls a girl in the hotel to come and pick up the memory card for his computer so she can print out the documents. Eddie’s obviously not taking any chances on something happening with his hard drive.

Margarita, Gardenia and Jacinto are still fighting back at the house. This is really none of Gardenia’s business, but she’s hangin’ in there. He explains that Camilo wasn’t home and that he and one of the other workers had to go to the cantina to look for some guy Camilo wanted them to find named Franco Santoro, a friend of the Elizalde family. Margarita says nothing he’s telling her sounds logical. Just then Gardenia thinks the name Franco Santoro is familiar to her. She thinks something really strange is going on, and wonders what if this Franco Santoro is the same guy that La Hiena was talking to on the phone, and explains to Margarita and Jacinto how she hit redial and got the number, but didn’t call it.

At the Cantina, the boss, Jairo, is telling Martina that she’s going to have to pay for all the damages because of the fight that she caused. She’s mad and says she’ll never let his clients touch her.

Jacinto wants to know why Gardenia is so sure that the person La Hiena was talking to was Franco Santoro. She really doesn’t have a good reason to believe it was him, it could have been anyone, but she’s sure of it. Margarita wants still wants to know what all the mystery with Jacinto is about and he says Camilo’s friend wants him to find him a house to rent without anybody knowing about it and that he’s going to be the Administrador. He says if they still don’t believe him it’s their problem and walks out. Margarita asks what Gardenia thinks and she answers “como un gato encerrado” – that someone is up to no good.

Anibal’s in bed and Priscila is telling him he’s not going to sleep, he better perform his obligations as a husband. He tells her not to treat him like a sperm donor, and she says it’s impossible to treat him like something he hardly resembles. She says it’s a business deal and that he hasn’t done his part. He says she hasn’t done hers either, that Babs told him that her family knows about the powdered milk.

Cut to a bulldozer digging a great big hole, the truck arrives with the bags of powdered milk. Looks like they’re going to bury it.

Fernanda can’t sleep, she’s thinking about what Liliana told her about Eduardo being back. Nanda gets out of bed and walks to the window. She thinks to herself why is Liliana talking about Eduardo, but never says anything about their mother or their brothers? Fernanda’s non-perky alter ego says it’s because Liliana is relieving the happy times of their youth, just like Nanda does. Perky Nanda thinks about how many times in the past she’s thought about what would have happened if Eduardo hadn’t gone away. Alter Ego Nanda says: “Hypothesis A: When Daddy Gonzo found out that she and Eddie kissed, he had Eduardo sent far away. Or, Hypothesis B: They had hid their romance but at some point they would have gone far away together to enjoy their intense love. PerkyNanda says in reality it’s something else. Alter Ego says, yeah, you got tired of waiting for him and decided to marry some other guy who adores you, but do you really love him?

Previews: Looks like Anibal hasn’t “performed”. The old man at the mental hospital talks with Liliana about Eduardo and revenge. Babs catches Flor, the receptionist, talking with Franco Sartoro in the lobby.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Both Marisela and Santos confront Doña Bárbara, Tuesday, March 10

Marisela and Genoveva stare at Cecilia and Antonio, and Marisela asks why they are so quiet. Who is in that state? Cecilia simply says: “It appears that it’s Bárbara Guaimaran." Marisela is stunned.

Arias tells Santos he needs to know the truth. Doña Bárbara is expecting a child.

DB is on her bed in a dreamy state, saying she will have a child with Santos’ eyes and intelligence and her character and will. The child is growing, and it’s something of Santos that no one can take away.

Santos tells Arias it’s a lie, that someone was paid to say this. Arias says this offends him, since he did the tests in his own office. Santos won’t accept it; he says she must have somehow fooled Arias.

Cecilia tells Marisela that she saw DB crying with joy in the church. Marisela mirrors Santos’ reaction, saying it must be a lie, a trick. She bursts into tears.

Santos tells Arias that, if DB is pregnant, it’s not his. Arias asks how long since they had relations; Santos replies 3 months. Arias tells him it’s exactly the duration of her pregnancy.

Pernalete changes his tune and his tone with Gonzalo. He tells him he has nothing to hide. Gonzalo tells him this was just to introduce himself; he’ll come officially tomorrow. Gonzalo invites Muijquita to have a drink; Pernalete wants to tag along, but Gonzalo tells him that it’s to be a drink with friends and turns his back.

Cecilia tells Marisela she has to face it. Marisela is now sobbing. She says he told her he broke up with DB before she returned from the capital. She insists Santos has never lied to her.

Santos tells Arias about the visit to the capital when they told her she would never conceive. Arias reminds him she did do fertility treatments, and sometimes they work slowly.

Cecilia still maintains it’s true since she saw her thanking the Virgin. Geno says maybe it’s not Santos’ baby.

Santos runs off, leaving the Altamira guys at one table and Arias at another. Antonio approaches Arias, who asks if he’s come to pick a fight with him. Antonio just says he wants to know if it’s true about DB. Arias says it is, that he told Santos, and that he ran away as if the devil were after him.

DB sends Juan Primito to see how Marisela is behaving. E gives her a dirty look, but she says she’s dying of curiosity.

Marisela is beside herself. She says she’ll die if Santos has lied to her. He swore to her that he never touched Barbara after they became lovers. She says she believed him, and if he lied, she doesn’t know what she’ll do.

Santos goes to see DB. She smirks: “How quickly the news gets around! You found out? Well then be happy, because you’re going to be a papa!”

Santos tells her it’s a lie and that it’s months since he had sex with her. She tells him the last time they were together she became pregnant. He tells her he’s fed up with lies and tricks. She tells him he feels guilty because he got up from her bed and went to her daughter’s. But here is our child to prove that our love was real, and that it was good. DB tells him he broke up with her as soon as he learned that Marisela had not gone with Gonzalo. He replies that he broke up with her when he found out who she really was.

Marisela is trying to cook, saying her tears are from onions, but she’s inconsolable. Both Genoveva and then Antonio try to comfort her.

DB is laughing that he would think she’s as stupid as Federica, getting pregnant by some other guy to trap him. She says: Let’s see, who could it be? One of the Mondragones? Balbino Paiba or Melquiades? She says it’s ridiculous and that he knows that she loved him and was only with him and that she still only loves him. She tries to move closer, but he pulls away. She says he hates her because she’s ruining his cochinada (filthy behavior) with her daughter. Santos replies that no one can ruin what he and Marisela have.

DB says we’ll see when she learns I’m expecting her little brother. She accuses him of wanting her to get rid of the child. He says he’s not in favor of abortion. She says, but you don’t want to have a child with me. Santos replies, of course not, you’re a frightful mother! DB says she’ll raise the child with or without him. He says if it’s true, he’ll assume responsibility. DB laughs and says, if it’s true? When the child is born we’ll have those tests they do in the city. Now leave, doctorcito. After he goes she says: Until forever, my love.

The married and engaged guys leave the drinking party and are accused of being varones domados (henpecked) by Gonzalo. Andrés tells him that he’s envious because he hasn’t gotten any of what dominated them!

Pernalete is trying to make nice with DB, asking for her help with Gonzalo. He says he knows he didn’t behave well with her before, but it was a difficult time. Now this commissioner is cortando rabos y orejas, pavoneandose y amenazandome (cutting off tails and ears, peacocking around and threatening me) in my office. He says the guy said he’s a friend of yours. He tells her its Gonzalo Zuloaga, and she bursts out laughing.

Gonzalo, of course, gets it out of Arias with a couple of shots about the pregnancy. G returns to his room, ruminating. He thinks that this time Santos really stepped in it and that he’s lost him as an ally.

Marisela is in the truck, still crying, asking her father to make it not true.

The Mondragones are lounging in the sala at El Miedo. Celeste asks Tigre to take her to town to the movies; she’s dying of boredom. Leon pipes up that she’s not going anywhere; he knows she’s flirting with Pajarote. Their mother makes a comment about what Eustaquia said about her cooking, and the boys are trying to hide their laughter. This is apparently the truth.

Marisela shows up at El Miedo. DB smiles at her and says, "Hijita, you found out!" Marisela asks if it’s true. DB replies: "Yes, and, of course you know who the papa is." (What ever happened to the vow to the Virgin to treat her daughter well in gratitude for the pregnancy?)

Marisela asks when she became pregnant. DB lies and says she doesn’t know. She isn’t regular and they made love a lot. (At this point I could strangle her with Melquiades’ beads!!!) DB says what does she want to hear? That he saw you and never came back to me. She says that’s not true. When will Marisela stop being so ingenuous? Men are naturally unfaithful. He was playing with us both. Marisela is devastated, tears rolling down her face. She tells DB she’s cruel and false and that everything she says is a lie. DB replies that one thing is true; the child in her stomach is the proof of the love she had with Santos. The baby is coming. You will see him every day – your little brother – and I’m going to call him Santos.

She goes on what seems like forever, poisoning her mind. She said she didn’t know for sure Santos was betraying her until she found out about the serenade. She said that’s when she lost her illusions. But they kept on making love. And when Santos told Marisela he had nothing to do with DB, it was a lie.

Marisela runs out. DB says to herself: “There you go, brokenhearted. An eye for an eye, daughter. I’m sorry it had to be me to do it, but that’s the way it is, better you than me.”

Marisela goes to the grave of Lorenzo. Juan Primito doesn’t run back to DB to tell her how Marisela is doing; instead he goes to tell Santos where she is. Santos is frantic with worry about her.

Eustaquia gives DB a sad look. DB looks a bit guilty, but says “Why this face, viejita?” Eustaquia replies that, if DB treats her first child this way, she doesn’t think she’ll be any better with the one that’s coming. DB looks a bit shocked.

Gonzalo arrives to speak with DB and congratulates her on her pregnancy. She tells him he got here just in time to triumph where he failed before.

Santos finds Marisela. She kisses him, tears still running down her cheeks, and looks him right in the eye, asking him to tell her that the child is not his.


Tontas Tuesday March 10, '09 Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned

Well, we have lots of scorned women to deal with tonight. Marissa of course gets star billing. But there's also Alicia, Soledad, Margarita...and maybe we should even include Tina. She's definitely a bit miffed about Donato's love for Doña Isabela. But perhaps that's stretching the definition a bit. Let's stick with our first four, and especially our psycho mother-to-be.

Tonight's episode begins with the review of the surprise announcement that Patricio has purchased the restaurant in the names of his sons Beto and Chava, and is naming Meño the manager, thus keeping him in business. And of course we see again Candy's embrace, his pain...and then his joy when she tells him that she's not "with" Santiago, and in fact is tired of running away from Patricio and tired of being alone. He gets not one but two kisses....but waves off the possibility of a kiss from Soledad, which hurts and humiliates our runnerup mom.

Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for sure now, Patricio tells his two sons he adores them and wants them to study hard so they can grow up to be good businessmen.

Candy continues her conversation with Patricio, thanking him, belatedly, for taking her to the church to rescue Santiago. He admits that it was a very strange feeling indeed....helping her to free up his rival. But he realized that the most important thing for him was to see her happy....whether it was with him....or someone else.

This scores big with Candy. She gives him a radiant smile while Soledad wilts in the background. But the happy scene comes to an end when Candy gets a call from Lulu telling her that Marissa is tearing Candy's office apart and she'd better get over there pronto.

The rest of the Institute crew are trying to calm Marissa no avail. Don't psychoanalyze me. Shut up! "Calladita te ves más bonita" (You look better silent) are some of the phrases she's throwing around, along with the office equipment. When Cece worries that all that rage is hurting the baby, Marissa shrieks "Are you a pediatrician?" Did you study in medical school? Pretty awful scene. And there's more to come.

Lots of rage at Santiago's house also, when Raúl bursts in and attacks Santi both physically and verbally. Santiago is offended, both that Raúl knew of Marissa's plan, and that he would come and cause a scene at Santiago's own home, in front of his family, his children. Finally, Jaime is the one who manages to get Raúl to calm down enough to leave the house.

Ugh. Now we have Candy and Marissa going head to head.

C-What are you doing?
M-Kicking you out. You took Santiago from me. I can take the Institute from you.

Marissa continues to deny that she had any plans to abandon Santiago and keep him from the baby. You heard a conversation and you meddled in something that was none of your business she tells Candy...but you'll live to regret it. We break for an ad here. Thank goodness!

A little breather now. Santiago's on the phone to Eduardo, telling him about the fight with Raúl. And Margarita's having a little chat with Alicia, telling her she's going to separate from Arturo over his "affair" with Gregoria.

Alright, back to the yucky stuff. Marissa's landing some punches in her verbal boxing match with Candy. When the latter tries to reprimand Marissa for planning to keep Santiago from his son, our woman scorned reminds Candy that she kept Patricio away from his own son for 8 years! Score for Marissa. And then, Marisa pretends, you lied in order to get Santiago away from me. How ugly! No, I didn't lie, replies Candy calmly. And Santiago left the church because he wanted to. Ouch! Score one for Candy.

Meanwhile, Santiago has located Lalo at the beauty parlor having his nails done. Girl stuff! How could you Lalo? Santi pushes the manicurist aside and starts to do the clipping himself, while complaining about the scene Raúl pulled at his house. I guess this is supposed to be a lighthearted break from all the drama, and this continues back at Santiago's house with a little rumble between Donato and Jaime. Jaime lets Donato know he's onto him and the only way he can make up for that nasty trick is to drop dead himself. Our little Tina is right there, reminding Donato that she knows his secret....that he's in love with Doña Isabela. So there!

Back to our boys. Santiago is still lamenting that his good friend Raúl betrayed him by knowing of Marissa's abandonment plan. He's so engrossed that he lets himself be talked into a haircut by the peluquero (hairdresser) and ends up getting scalped.

A quick scene switch to the restaurant where Alicia arrives, determined to find out if HER mother is having an affair with HER father-in-law. The answer is no, and Meño backs up Gregoria's story, even though the latter manages to insult him by saying...I don't want anything to do with men. The only man I want around me is Meño and the only thing manly about him is the pair of pants he's wearing. Meño takes it all in stride and laughingly suggests maybe he should be in a mini-falda (miniskirt).

Okay, more yuck. Marissa and Candy are still at it.

M-I imagine you'll end up with Santiago.
C-This is not a competition.......Why do you want revenge?
M-Oh, dear sweet Candy. The soul of charity. You never feel angry,right? Never want vengeance!? Yeah, right.
C- No, I've never wanted revenge. I was so hurt by what Patricio and Alicia did that I just disappeared.
M- And making people think you're dead....that isn't vengeance!?

I think Marissa has a point here, frankly.

C-What reasons do you have for separating Santiago from his child? Either we straighten this out or the Institute is finished.

Whew. And again we break for an ad. Fine by me.

When we come back, we see a freshly shorn Santiago (while Lalo looks on in horror) stating that he will have to talk this out face to face with Marissa. Then when he gets a look at himself, he yelps," Even my own children won't recognize me. I thought you said 'the usual cut'". And bemoans the loss of his "chinos" (curls) and sex appeal and uses the word "jicaros" which translates as bald pate or bald head.

Another light-hearted break...well, there is some poignancy here. Rocio is missing her mom and wondering if she could share Chava's mom for a while. And they find out that Donato never knew his mother, so perhaps he would like to share Candy also.

More poignancy when Soledad shows up at Patricio's office to protest her humiliation at being ignored and rebuffed at the restaurant. But she gets ignored again, as Patricio answers a call from Candy and gives her all his attention. As Soledad slinks out the door, Candy is heard reminding Pato that Soledad is her friend and she wants him to be nice to her. She goes on to thank him for the restaurant gesture but also to chide him for lying to her about why he wanted Chava's papers.
C-You know I don't like lies.
P- But these were well-intentioned ones. Doesn't that count? How about inviting me to dinner to thank me (second request).
And she hangs up.
And Pato is bemused and enchanted. She hung up! he marvels. I love her. I love her.

I know. Go figure. Love is blind. What can I say? This poor guy has it bad.

And someone else loves Candy. Little Rocio. She's trying to give her "noisy kisses" but needs a little coaching. Finally she gets it, and there a big beso-fest with Candy, Chava and Rocio all participating.

We now see Patricio with his mom. He's going through his box of sentimental ("cursi") memories of Candy, but cautions her not to tell Alicia. Don't worry, she assures him, I know how to keep secrets. But what's with you all of a sudden? You're so happy. I haven't seen you like this in ages. I love you, she adds.

And love is in the air with our two youngsters Charly and Lucia. They're talking marriage and kids and arguing over names and whether they'll be Chivas or Americas supporters. And just when they're about to kiss, they get busted by Granny. I suppose you were just trying to remove a "pelusita de ojo", right Charly? she asks. Right, he hastily agrees.

The Candy lovefest continues. She's made a sock puppet for Rocio named Merenguito but is interrupted by Gregoria telling her a package has been delivered. There's a half-baked conversation about the affair accusation with Arturo while Candy opens the package and we have a little walk down Memory Lane as Candy sees what's in the box. The key to Patricio's heart and the recall of his description of her kisses. What color are they? All the colors of the rainbow. Ah well, our boy is definitely scoring points in this episode. Pato's gaining ground while Santiago's losing hair. Maybe that should be our alternate title.

Marissa might go along with that. She's confronting Santiago in his office saying, Wow, you're changing everything....your fiancée, your life, your haircut. And still denying she has plans to keep him from his baby (all an "invention" of Candy) but then adding slyly.....But accidents happen to babies all the time you know. Babies die every day.

S- You wouldn't go that far would you!?
M-Are you worried? Scared? Well get used to it. Because it's going to get worse.

Again, we break for an ad. And again I'm relieved. I hate these baby threats.

When we come back, Santiago is making a few threats himself. About bringing legal action if she's contemplating something this heinous. Marissa thinks she's entitled to hurt him after he's subjected her to the worst humiliation a person could ever suffer. Santiago defends himself, saying that their love affair has been "over" for a long time. They stayed together out of habit, routine, not love. Marissa keeps claiming that she's innocent and that Candy made up the whole story about her plans to keep Santiago from his son. But if you want to break up with me, Santiago, than say it, yell it! But remember, you complained endlessly about Paulina abandoning you. But you're abandoning me and your son. You dumped me, you betrayed me, you fell in love with my colleague Candy. If you want to be a father to our son you have to take us both. We're a package deal. All or nothing.

We now see Candy getting out an old album of her and Patricio. Gregoria is surprised that she kept anything. I burned the rest, admits Candy. But not this. Gogo starts to pore over the photos exclaiming how cute Pato is (What about me!? asks Candy) and then is dismissed while Candy settles in to enjoy her old memories.

Another mother/daughter scene...this time between Margarita and her daughter-in-law Alicia. Margarita scoffs at first that Gregoria is "just a friend". Arturo never has women friends, she insists. (Well actually,Arturo said the same thing.) How are things with you and Patricio? Margarita continues. Bad. So we get some 'old hand" advice. She tells Alicia that she can't dominate Patricio by force but needs to use her intelligence. Everybody thought I was the victim, continues Margarita, but actually I kept my eyes closed so I could continue traveling, spend all the money I wanted to, and buy anything I wanted to. I decided to stay. And now I'm deciding to leave. You should be docile, Alicia....or at least ACT docile. And try and make up with Candy. Patricio has a weakness for her.

I'm not good at the "papel de sumisa" (role of the submissive one, "little woman") retorts Alicia. Look, I want to help you, insists Margarita. I'm trying to get on your good side because I want to live here. Alicia is amused at her frankness and decides she likes her crafty mother-in-law.

Another ad before we wind up tonight's episode. And then a light moment in questionable taste. Charly is asking Zamora to stand in as his dad in order to pick up Charly's blood test. Zamora thinks that means he has to act gay and he and Toño practice swishing around and critiquing each other's performance.

Arturo now arrives at Alicia's apartment and informs his errant wife that she can't abandon him. She can and she will....for all those affairs, all that yelling and all his arrogance. Well then he'll leave her penniless and in the street. No woman is going to humiliate him! and he slams out the door. Margarita calmly informs Alicia...Well that's the kind of family we are, dear. You just have to learn how to treat men.

Patricio arrives at this moment and Margarita dismisses Arturo's threat by saying Well, you know your papa. And now I'm going to my room because you two (Alicia and Patricio) need to talk. Patricio's not interested in that but Alicia begs him to stay. She realizes she needs to change and she's willing to do anything to please him. He tries to dissuade her but she persists. And I'm even going to ask Candy's forgiveness she adds...I'm doing it for you.

And the episode ends with a final, painful scene between Santiago and Marissa. Now she's assuring him that she won't do anything to hurt her little baby but she'll do anything at all to hurt him, Santiago. Mixed message there for sure. And since this child has "no father" I'll make all the decisions, she adds ominously.

The previews show us a radiant Candy talking to Patricio, saying Ah, my "husband" wants to be my "novio". And then further threats from Marissa. Not a whole lot to look forward to, is there?


el rocio matutino = the morning dew....Santiago talking about his daughter and her lovely name
calladita te ves más bonita = you look better silent. shut up.
mini-falda = miniskirt
chinos = curls
jicaros = bald pate, bald head
pelusita de ojo = eyelash
cursi = sentimental, corny
papel de sumisa = submissive role, role of the "little woman"


Las tontas no van #66, Mon 3/9, I JUST noticed Marissa acting strangely

We all know the most-repeated phrases of telenovelas: no puede ser, sueltame, desgraciado, etc. Tonight we add a new one to the list: “I’m worried about the baby.” Wanna' guess how many times we hear it?

At his hotel room, Pat again asks Alicia to leave him alone. He just did the hardest thing of his life; he delivered Candy to his rival. Ali, who claims to love him so much, can only think of her pain, not his. It must run in the family. She admits that she always dreamed of the day Candy would reject him, but she didn’t want it to be like this. She’ll keep striving until he realizes how much she loves him. Alicia, give it up already! Alicia leaves, but we can be sure, like MacArthur and Schwarzenegger, she’ll be back.

In one of the clinic’s examining rooms, Santiago explains to Candy that they closed the office for the wedding, and no one will bother them. After his usual flirting, she suggests that he needs to confront his emotions. Candy would be the perfect candidate to help him face his emotions, were it not for the enormous log in her eye (more on that in the next paragraph). He says, apart from Marissa’s plot, he’s glad he halted the wedding, because of what he feels for Candy. He has uncovered his feelings and emotions, but now what is he supposed to do with them?

Santiago muses, “I was at the altar, at the point of saying yes, when your call came like a miracle. Know why? Because I was about to marry and spend the rest of my life with a woman I don’t love. I lived with someone and didn’t even realize that I didn’t know her - the mother of my son. Can you believe it?” But Santi is bothered by a suspicion. Did Candy really, truly hear that? After all, maybe she lied just a little (Candy? Lie? Cómo puede ser?) to win a grand prize like him. The man who Candy says needs to confront his emotions tells his ‘counselor,’ “You know I love you. And you love me too. But since you don’t let yourself admit that (Candy looks away, rather than facing her emotions), maybe you invented the story about Marissa’s plot.” Or, giving her space to evade him, he suggests that maybe she did it to get a scoop on a best-seller story for her column! Santi is boggled – what kind of woman would separate a father from his son? (Maybe Candy has some answers for that one.) Candy says she needs to perform surgery on Santiago’s heart. What will she find?

At her apartment, Marissa and Raúl are trying to figure out what happened, and what should be their next move. He counsels that the only way she can win this match is to be cold. She proposes a wager on who will suffer more, Candy or Santiago.

At the clubhouse, Ed says he expected Santi to cancel the wedding at any moment, but not at that moment! Carlos says Santi is his idol. Hector is worried about Raúl – he went kinda’ nutso. What will happen when Raúl and Santiago are together in the club? Carlos says maybe they should let Marissa be an abandonada. Hector says she’s hot, but she’s poison.

Candy is examining Santiago on the operating table. What is in his heart? His daughters, his mama, a couple of friends, and Candy. Candy examines his heart and sees a lot of pain because of the woman that abandoned him. She sees fears, and he admits that he worries for his daughters, he fears losing his mama, he fears what Mar might do to his son (1), and he fears because he has found love and it’s so very close (he takes her hand) but it might slip away (she pulls her hand away). She sees doubts of the heart. Let’s review. Candy sees pain, fears, and doubts? I think the heart Candy is seeing is not Santiago’s.

Candy asks why he planned to go through with the wedding. It was because he thought it would help him to recover. He finally realized, with Candy reconciling with Pat, that his love for her was hopeless, and he thought that marriage might enable him to forget the pain of losing her. Candy is stunned that her capricious waffling, cowardice, and indecision caused so much pain and almost caused a disaster. Now maybe she’ll realize that you can’t just play with somebody’s heart like that, without somebody getting hurt. And maybe pigs will fly.

The institute staff discusses the ramifications of the day. Chayo says Santiago is a great dad but he’ll never marry. He’s been chasing women ever since Pau abandoned him. Soledad wishes Candy and Pat were together, but the others recognize it’s because Sol wants the leftovers. Ceci points out that if Santi doesn’t marry Marissa because he’s with Candy, Mar won’t come back to the institute. Goodbye institute, goodbye radio program, goodbye employment.

Speaking of the queen of Rome, she tells Raúl, “He’ll beg me to see his son, but he’ll never even get to know his name.” Raúl won’t see him either. Raúl starts to worry for his nephew (2). He realizes that his sister may be turning dangerous (nice time to lock the barn door, Toots!), and he tells her they should abandon the plot since Santi ran out on the wedding. The two start arguing about her plans, when in walks Santiago. Suerte, Matador! He says that, had they gotten married, it would have hurt both of them, so he knows he did the right thing. In fact, he’s finally doing what he should have done long ago but didn’t have the guts. (Bulls-eye! Or maybe steers-eye.) Marissa says it was Candy’s fault he halted (frenar: put the brakes on) the wedding. Santi hands her the bombshell; he knows that she planned to disappear with the baby after the wedding. Mar calls Raúl into the ring and wants him to back her up. She insists that what Candy said is a ridiculous lie. Raúl dodges, “You know I wouldn't let anything happen to my nephew.” Raúl and Mar agree that Candy did it because she wanted Santiago for herself. Santiago knows who to believe, because he knows that all along, Candy had countless chances to derail the wedding for her own interests.

Marissa reminds Santi that Candy is known as Doña Mentiras, and he has to admit that Marissa doesn’t lie to him. Raúl plays offended because Santi won’t believe his old friend. Santiago suggests that they need to cool off and sleep on it, and they can deal with it tomorrow. He expresses his concern for the baby (3), and she essentially tells him to shove it. Santi leaves, and the moment the door shuts, our fib-sibbs panic because the gig is up. Mar asks what they will do, and Raúl corrects: “Us? No. What will you do?”

Candy sits in her room remembering. Chapala kisses, moonlight dancing, and an interrupted wedding. Her mom brings her tea and tucks her in, just like when she was little. They remember those times, and Gregoria says she used to listen to the girls’ lights-out talk through the door. (Chismosa metiche!)

Writing in her diary, Candy ponders some more. She saved Santiago, but she’s worried about Marissa because she hates Candy, hates Santi, and might hurt the baby (4). Candy realizes she needs to be careful about Mar. You gotta’ hand it to Candy, she never misses a trick, though she usually waits until three weeks after the horses have left the barn. Chava comes in and climbs into bed with Mama. He asks if he can marry Rocío. Nope. Then trying for Plan B, can they be novios? Wellll, okay.

Sven and Ole prop each other up as they stagger into the restaurant. Sven steps on a business envelope on the floor. He doesn’t notice it, but we do. Ole starts a joke: How is an interrupted wedding like a Chivas vs. America match? Sven doesn’t know. Neither does Ole; he hoped Sven knew.

Meño arrives, sees the drunks, and reads the letter. Pat walks in, and Meño tells him that tomorrow the new owners take possession of the restaurant. All his memories, all his work, gone just like that. Pat offers to put together one last blow-out, so the restaurant can go out in style. Meño needed that support.

Isabel listens while Santiago rehashes his feelings. He hates what he had to do, but he’s also relieved. The wedding never should’ve happened, and he feels like he can breath again. He notes Marissa has “dark crevices in her mind,” and he’s just worried what she might do with the baby (5). It sounds like Santi, Candy, and Raúl are recognizing simultaneously that Marissa is dangerously unstable. Mama recommends that Santiago take a nice hot bath so he can sleep. If this were a Colunga novela, the next scene would be... Alas, it’s not. The next scene is a sunrise.

Raúl calls on Candy to try to rearrange the truth. He says she lied about escaping with Santiago. She redirects the conversation to Marissa’s plot to disappear with the baby. Raúl claims he doesn’t know what she’s talking about, but she knocks that idea down in one blow. As she kicks him out, she tells him, “One of us is lying, and it’s not me.”

Meanwhile, Paulina will take Fantasy Worlds for 800, Alex. When Santiago fled his wedding, she assumed he wanted to get back with her. He tells her ‘no’ clearly, but Paulina has trouble with concepts like “no.” Santi reminds her that she has a daughter. An e-mail, a card, a little phone call, is it too much to ask? “Sure, Santi, sure. And for starters, can you give her this goodbye note because I’m too much of a slime mold to face her myself.” Loosely translated.

At home, Papa reads Rocío the note. “I’m sending you this letter through your papa because I don’t like goodbyes. I promise to call you de vez en cuando (every so often). I’ll miss you very, very much.” Roc asks, “Not even a kiss?” Thinking fast, papa explains that she didn’t put the kisses in the letter, instead she put him in charge of giving her 1,535 kisses. Papa remembers a song he used to sing to her when she was little, as little as a mouse, and Rocío wants to hear it again. Papa sings and gets misty as he remembers when Roc was a baby.

Ha nacido un sol, que aparte de hoy ilumine mi alma.
Eres tu, mi gran amor, que abra la esperanza en mi.

A sun was born, that starting today lights my soul.
It’s you, my great love, that awakens hope in me.

Roc wonders if she’ll ever see her mother again. Papa explains that in life there are happy things and sad things, but all of them make you a better person. No matter what happens, her mama and her papa will always be in her heart (that's not very reassuring). To cheer her up, he does a magic trick with a piece of paper because to Rocío, her papa is magical.

At the restaurant, they are packing up everything. Ole is long-faced, Gregoria is blubbering, and Sven is singing the blues. Meño, the one losing everything, is left to cheer up everyone else. Pat arrives and explains that he’s there to present the new owners. But they are not ready to take charge so they need a manager. Candy asks, “I suppose that’s you, Pat?” No. He explains that starting today, Meño is the manager of the property. And the new owners? His sons, Chava and Beto.

Candy is ecstatic. She runs up and gives Pato a big appreciative hug. He confesses that it hurts because he loves her and she is with Santiago. Candy corrects him. She saved Santi from Marissa, but she’s not with him. In fact, at the moment she would like to be with Pat because she’s tired of being alone, tired of running from the past, and tired of running from Pat (but apparently not tired of running from Santiago).

de vez en cuando – every so often
frenar – to put the brakes on
’toy contigo – short for ‘Estoy contigo.’ I’m here for you; I’ll support you. It’s what Isabel tells Santiago.

Where have all the chinos gone?
Marissa threatens that the baby might have an “accident”
Raúl fights with Santiago
Marissa trashes the institute

A couple of marginally related points.
1. Jaime Camil started a new 6-week show for Televisa Saturday, Aventura por Mexico.
2. For those of you who use music to improve your Spanish, last week on a MEPS recap, someone recommended, a free service with no ads, that plays music through the internet, customized to your preferences. I’ve been listening to Latin Pop all week, and I couldn’t be happier with the service.


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