Wednesday, February 24, 2010

ENDA Tuesday February 23. The villains don’t care what’s right, they want everything that’s left.

Overlap: Eugenio has responded to Carlota’s drunken weepy booty call. He gets to watch her waddle around (is it the shoes, or what? Carlota has the walk of a much heavier, older woman) and cry about her abandonment. He can’t convince her that kids are supposed to leave the nest. She says no one understands her. Lady, give them a break. They don’t all have doctorates in abnormal psychology. Eugenius says he’d like to understand her, then goes above and beyond the call of duty and bravely endures her leechy face-suck. Seems to really get into it, in fact. Should he get a Purple Heart for that?

On with the new: On an autumn day in Houston, Not-So-Angelic and OrlandNo are snoozing in bed all deshabille. They wake up. “What have we done?!!!”

Over at the rectory, Padre Benito asks Cristóbal whether he will remain a civilian or return to the priesthood. Cris says it depends on what Paloma decides to do. He feels Crueloca is still a danger and he needs to protect his daughter. Padres Benito and Mateo make evil-deflecting hand gestures and nod in agreement.

Romina is at the hospital, asking the doctor with great irritation what the emergency is. The doctor tries to be civil about the fact that this brat can never be bothered with her son, and says that Bernie is doing much better and will be discharged as soon as the day after tomorrow. Romi is not thrilled. She doesn’t want to take the baby home and doesn’t know how to take care of him anyway. Doc says they will teach her what she needs to know, and she can hire a nurse for the first few days to help while she gets the hang of it. “Do you know of anyone who might want to adopt him?” is Romeana’s response. The poor doctora is flabbergasted.

La Loca wanders into the sala in her robe and sees the wine bottle and glasses. “It wasn’t a dream! Eugenio was here! We kissed and then…” long thoughtful pause while we try not to imagine “…he left! I must not lose control like that again! I can’t cheat on Cristóbal, even though he was unfaithful to me with my own sister.”

The disloyal cad himself is breakfasting with last night’s partner in Tongue Twister. Cris asks for advice on how to protect Paloma from La Loca. Eugenio says, looking perhaps a tad embarrassed, that he may be a little too involved with Carloca, and not, um, ahem, in the usual way he is involved in his cases. He flashes back to the liplock. “Don’t tell me you are interested in Carlota,” says Cris, disbelieving. Eugenio gets all shifty and doesn’t answer. I think Cris’s mind has been blown.

Carloca is still in her robe, washing her own dishes. She tells herself out loud that she’s got to focus. Her only objective is to separate Paloma from Cris, so they can’t leave her all alone.

Cris, no longer hungry, is all, “Qué the heck is WRONG with you?! You know what kind of person Crueloca is!” Eugenio (not earning that genius rating at the moment) says yes, that’s what he finds attractive. She’s perverse, selfish, mitómana (no idea what that means but it must be bad), but also very intelligent, and he likes it like that. Cris can’t believe it. He warns Eugenio to be very careful. Eugenio admits that sometimes he gets sucked into her spell, and believes that she’s a poor sweet suffering thing, even though the evidence shows otherwise. Well, this is a major weakness for Team Good Guys. Can the dimwitted B-team rally?

Paloma runs into Emiliano in the lobby of the swanky hotel, where it seems everyone is living these days. He’s surprised to see her there, and she catches him up: Daddy is ex-Padre Cris, and there’s a bonus granny thrown in! Emo is delighted. Know what’s even better than her escape from the abbatoir, though? He’s getting divorced! Now they can get together again! Paloma isn’t jumping ships quite so fast, and turns away. Forget that painter punk! Ditch him and let’s get it on!, enthuses Emo. Paloma says nothing and looks at him with Great Conflict, because she is a Tragic Soul.

Paloma finally says she is Gabriel’s novia now. Emo asks if she feels the same way about Gabe that she does about him. No, she says, it’s different, but this is what she has decided. How can she do this if she still loves Emo, he asks. She reminds him that he loved her when he married Romina. Arguing about how this is different gets Emo nowhere, so he tries sliding up closer and fondling Paloma while talking about their smoochfest days of yore in his best Harlequin Romance voice.

Romina returns home to find Néstor, Emiliano’s lawyer, waiting for her with divorce papers. She tells him not to waste his time. She’ll never divorce Emo. He tells her she doesn’t have a choice.

Emo leans in to kiss Paloma, but once again she steps back and away from him. So what if he says he’s leaving Romina? She’s only interested in facts, not words and dreams. So, she’s going to stick with Gabriel, even though she totally really loves Emo, for sure. Emiliano wants to fight for their love, of course. Forget it, she says.

Romina refuses to accept the divorce papers. Néstor tells her the papers are just a formality. The divorce is a fact regardless. The only thing her attitude will affect is how much of the community property she gets to keep.

Camila tells Mónica that she’s selling her share of the ceramics business to Rafael and Joel, which of course Mónica already heard from Joel. Cami said when she was talking with Rafa she realized she still has feelings for him, but she hopes it’s just because she’s mad at Orlando, and not that she made a mistake in marrying him. Mónica knows that trying to find logic in Cami’s romantic decisions is futile, so she just nods patiently.

Luz and Rafa meet with the adoption lady. She tells Rafa he doesn’t need to be there. Since Luz is adopting alone, the psychologist and social worker will only need to talk to her. Way to care about the entire home environment, social worker. Luz wants Rafa to stay anyway, but he leaves. The lady asks Luz if she’s sure she doesn’t want to include him. No, she’s in a hurry to adopt Xochitl.

La Loca stalks her prey Cris in the rectory. He asks her what she wants. She wants Paloma. No one else can watch over (velar) Paloma, only her.

Paloma breakfasts with her abuelas and tells them she’s worried about her future. They tell her Cris hasn’t decided whether to be a priest again because he wants to stay with her and protect her. Paloma says she doesn’t need protection. Madeleine says they will never lack for money, anyway. She’s got oodles, and if Cris goes back to the church, Paloma and Rufi will be her only heirs. Rufi is surprised. Why her? Because I want to, and I like you, says Madeleine.

Another intense Carlota-Cris faceoff:
Carlota: Gimme my abused little birdie Paloma back.
Cris: Over my dead body.
Carlota: If that’s how it has to be.
Cris: I know exactly what you are capable of. Your masks have fallen off one by one, and now you’re naked. God and I see the truth. Your hate and envy of Macarena have finished you.
Carlota: Me?! Jealous of Mac?! Never!
Cris: Of course you are jealous! She was more beautiful and more of a woman than you! Do you realize you could have found another man, had children, been happy? But no! You had to cling to the impossible! (Afferarse = to cling, to insist, to hook together). Now you’ve lost.
Carlota: You think so? He who laughs last, laughs best.
Cris: You won’t be laughing. Good always wins, and people like you are punished.
Carlota: Make Paloma come back to me, or you will regret it.
Cris: Enough threats. I am not afraid of you. You are ruined. The end has come.
Carlota: We’ll see about that.

Whew! Yes, we will see about that, o crazy one. It’s why we tune in.

Gabriel gleefully tells Eugenio that he proposed to Paloma. They laugh and embrace. Didn’t they have this conversation yesterday, before Eugenio went to see Carlota?

Cris fervently prays for protection for the whole gang. A slightly threatening tone starts to drown out the holy monk chants.

Emiliano moons over a photo of Paloma and wonders aloud why she doesn’t want to be with him if she still loves him. He ignores his buzzing phone.

Romina leaves a ranty message for Emiliano demanding some face time. Liliana overhears and of course can’t help taunting her. That Karma is such a mean girl, isn’t she? Romina continues to insist that Emiliano is HER husband. “Oh, whatever. He’s trying to get back together with Paloma,” says Lili. “WHAT?!,” says Romi. “Yeah, but I don’t know if she’ll accept. Gabriel also proposed to her!” Romi looks furious. “Tough to choose between two such great guys, don’t you think? Careful with that karma! Ta-ta!” Lili flounces away, leaving Romina stewing in her own bile.

Paloma is at Gabriel’s place for a “painting lesson.” This involves him wrapping himself around her like an overcoat and helping her hold the brush. Well, okay, it can’t make her paintings any worse. She turns around to tell him about her encounter with Emo. He’s surprised and happy to hear that she didn’t go running back to Emiliano and wants to stay with him instead. Paloma admits that she still loves Emiliano; she can’t stop all of a sudden, but she also loves Gabriel and she’s chosen him. “So will you marry me?” asks Gabe. Paloma isn’t ready to commit to that. One day at a time. He appreciates her sincerity. They go back to the tandem painting.

Romina throws the papers at Emiliano and says she’ll never divorce him. He says what she wants doesn’t matter. What she did was so egregious that the divorce will be granted anyway. Romina snits that he thinks she is a golfa, but Paloma is the real slut! She’s already been with Iñaki, and now Gabriel! And Gabe has asked her to marry him, so forget about her loving you forever, chump!

Natalia calls Eugenio and tells him that Paloma told her that the day Alonso died, Carlota was out of town. Coincidence? She thinks not. They know Cruel tried to kill Doc B, so it’s not hard to believe she also tried to kill Alonso, and succeeded. Eugenio agrees, and will look into it. Doc B lies in the background, still comatose.

Romina calls Germán and demands his help. “Are you crazy? After the way you treated me?” he says, but his bizarre addiction to her prevents him from hanging up. “You have to make Emiliano not divorce me,” says Romi. “How? He hates me as much as he hates you.” Romina doesn’t care. He must find a way to do it, because if Emiliano doesn’t want her, no one else can have him, including that slut Paloma. “I don’t care if Emiliano divorces you. Deal with it yourself,” says Germs. Romina is incensed.

Emiliano paces around Gabriel’s house until Gabriel walks in from the other room. Did he let himself in? Telenovela people are always stunningly bold that way. He doesn’t waste time with pleasantries, he goes straight to menacing (well, he’s trying to be menacing, but doesn’t quite have the gravitas) warnings against marrying Paloma.

Paloma encourages Cris to return to the priesthood. “But how would you handle having a priest for a father?” he asks. “Very proudly,” she says. He worries that narrow-minded people might not approve, but she says that’s their problem. Cris also worries that they wouldn’t have much of a family life. His time would not be his own, and he wouldn’t even get to decide where he lives. She says she will visit him wherever he goes. She just wants him to be happy, and serving as a priest is what makes him happy. She’s never been like the other girls so she doesn’t care that she’ll be different, she is just ecstatic to finally have a father. Happy hugs. They argue about who loves the other more.

“I am not your enemy,” Gabe tells Emo. “Yes, you are! You can’t take Paloma away from me! She loves me!” “That is her decision to make.” Gabe goes on and on describing the life he intends to have with Paloma, to Emo’s great irritation. No, no, no, Emo stubbornly argues. He will NOT permit Gabriel to mock him! Or to end up with Paloma! Gabe gives Emo a sideways look as Emo vamooses, probably wondering what Paloma sees in him.

You know, it’s really hard to see the difference between Emiliano and all the obsessed, selfish, stubborn villains. I guess it’s that Paloma has said she loves him, but still. That doesn’t mean she’s given up her freedom and belongs to him.

Rufi shows Madeleine Paloma’s engagement ring from Iñaki, which Iñaki said was very valuable and Carlota claimed is worth nothing, and the copy she found in Carlota’s desk (she has both now). Hmmm, very curious, says Mad.

Germán finally takes the papers about the changed will to Eugenio. Eugenio asks whether he’s had further contact with Carlota, and Germs says no. She asked him to find out what happened to Doc Bermúdez, but he hasn’t learned anything. “Hmm. You may go,” says Eugenio. However, Germy has the gall to ask for a recommendation, so he can get another job. “Are you freaking kidding me?! You are corrupt,” says Eugenio. Germs says he’ll be a good boy from now on. “Some people don’t change, and I don’t think you regret what you’ve done. You’re just sorry about the results. You only came to me to get revenge on Carlota,” retorts Eugenio. “Please, please, please,” whines Germy. “No. I’ll pay you for your services and that’s it; we’re done. It’s a shame someone as smart as you took the easy route. You ruined your life.”

Carlota goes home and finds an envelope slid under the door. It’s another pasted-letters note:

I am so close to you that I can see that you are dressed very nicely today. Bermúdez.

“No! You’re dead! You’re dead!”

Cris is telling Paloma he knows she loves Emiliano, but there have always been obstacles in their way. “Yes, but now there’s also Gabriel, and something tells me I want to be with him,” says Paloma. “That something, is there revancha?” asks Cris. (Help, someone?) Anyway, Cris seems to want to be sure that Paloma really loves Gabriel and doesn’t just feel sorry for him because he is supposedly dying. No, she says, she loves him, and the thought of leaving him for Emiliano is really upsetting to her. “Well, there you go then; you have the answer in your hands,” says Cris. Paloma actually looks at her hands to find her answer, and Cris smacks her teasingly.

Luz is filling out the paperwork and telling the adoption lady she’s worried about being a good mother. The lady says love and desire to be a good mother are the most important, but you have to learn on the job. Xochi is brought in for a visit. Luz is all squeals of happiness.

Carlota leaves her house and looks around suspiciously. Música de suspensa.

Orlando and Angélica are in a restaurant for a super awkward dinner. Orly asks whether she wants wine. Ange says no. Last night she had enough for the rest of her life, thanks. Orlando kind of suggests they just forget about what happened. Ange says even if they try to erase it, it did happen, and she feels terrible. Orly says he feels terrible, too, but he doesn’t sound at all upset, while Ange is trembling and on the verge of tears. Camila is her friend! How could she betray her like this?! Orlando doesn’t think Camila needs to find out; it would just be unnecessarily rude to mention it. Ange wails that she’ll never be able to look Cami in the eye. She cannot live such a lie! Orlando looks confused.

Emiliano is at the hospital, and the doctor tells him that Romina wants to put Bernie up for adoption. QUÉ??? The doc is worried that the baby’s health will suffer if Romina does that.

Avances: Romina asks Gabriel to paint her nekkid, and doesn’t wait for him to agree before starting to drop her dress. Paloma walks in and is impactada.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, February 23: Ep. 2--Televeracruz has some crappy weather.

Gracias a Capitana Jody for last night's rundown of who all these people are…at least in Generation 1. Let's see how far we get tonight….

Despite Leonarda's pretensions at evil, she doesn't think she can bring herself to kill her unborn niece or nephew. She does, however, intend to keep making Maria del Rosario suffer until she goes nuts.

Maria del Rosario, meanwhile is spending quality time with Juan de Dios. When he gets out, she wants them to start a new life together with their baby. Yes, Juan, your sperm are that efficient. He's thrilled that such a fine wench would cast eyes on a lowly fisherman. But she sees his noble soul, etc. Juan remembers when they met…

Flashback to Maria del Rosario walking down by the shore and smiling at him as he plays with his fishing nets (not a euphemism). She's enjoying herself running down the dock and she gets her shoe stuck between the boards, then falls in the water. Juan watches until Clemencia calls for help, then he obligingly dives in a saves her. The 1850's version of "meet cute." The music is all dramatic, but being that this is a flashback, it's hard to work up any concern for Maria del Rosario's health. Juan gets her to cough up all the water and they gaze meaningfully into each other's eyes. Then he kisses her. My, my, he's got quite a pair on him!

Another flashback, to the two of them on a mat on the beach surrounded by flowers. He swears, with the moon as witness, that he'll always love her, no matter what, and he won't rest until she's his wife. She also swears she'll love him for eternity.

In his cell, the say they will love forever and live together always and no one will be able to separate them. Again, given that we already know what's going to happen, it's hard to get too worked up about this. The guy she bribed for the visit comes in and cuts it short. Before she leaves, Maria del Rosario tells Juan that she'll be waiting for him at the beach house. The guy has to come back in and tell her to get out already. More protestations of undying love, etc. She finally wrenches herself away from him and leaves. Juan de Dios is thrilled about the baby.

Leonarda reads Celestino the riot act for letting Maria del Rosario out of the house. Isn't a celestino someone who facilitates romances? Leonarda warns him that if Rodrigo finds out, he'll be furious and Celestino will be stuck in a "camisa de once varas" (a shirt of 11 sticks; a right mess). Maria del Rosario comes home and gets yelled at by Leonarda. She doesn't say where she went. Leo dismisses the servants and yells at her some more. She threatens Rosi with locking her up if she doesn't obey Rodrigo's orders. Rosi asks point-blank, "do you hate me?" Leo doesn't deny it. She scoffs at the question and asks why. Rosi says, basically, you treat me like dirt and you don't love me. Also, you ratted me out to Rodrigo. Leo acts hurt and says that's all she needed…"I don't hate you, I'm just trying to protect you. You don't know how much your accusations hurt!" Rosi wonders how Leo got so bitter and goes upstairs.

In her room, Rosi wonders what's going to become of her, Juan de Dios, their child, and their love. He, from his cell, answers that their love will be forever and they'll see each other again and run away together and be happy forever. Too much forevering, people. It only leads to bad things.

Juan de Dios, unchained, starts to stack debris to make his escape, but a guard arrives with his breakfast--a bowl of gruel which he dumps on the floor. Juan uses a rock to turn his spoon into a carving implement…over several weeks or months, if the beard is any indication.

Meanwhile, at the beach house, Rosi tells Clemencia it's been ages since she saw Juan. The only thing that keeps her going is their big ol' baby bump. She wonders if Rodrigo will forgive them and let them be happy.

Rodrigo, in his office, tells Noel that he won't forgive them. Noel counsels him to forgive them and set himself free. Rodrigo tells him to butt out.

It was a dark and stormy night…

When Juan de Dios finally dug his prison window out of the wall and escaped. He makes his way to the beach house and scales the wall, coming in through the window into one of the rooms. He wakes up Clemencia and covers her mouth so she won't scream. She gets up and lights a candle. She wants to know how he got out, but he says there's no time, he's got to get Rosi and get out of there. Clemencia says there's no way--her situation is too delicate and she'd be in danger. Clemencia shows him into Rosi's room, where she's having some trouble sleeping. She is thrilled to see him, excessive facial hair notwithstanding. Rosi stands up to show him her belly. He gives the bump a fond hello. Rosi thinks she's strong enough to run off with him, but she's worried that he's not up to it. He says he's up to anything for her and his baby. They shamble out to the window, but when Juan sees the lightning, he pulls her back inside. Rosi still wants to go, but Juan says he can't take her out in that. She'd get sick or something might happen to her and the baby. He says they have to wait, but Rosi is desperate. Clemencia backs him up. Juan says they'll just wait until the storm is over. She agrees. After all, they've waited so long, a few more moments won't matter. Clemencia puts her back in bed to rest up for the journey. Rosi tells Juan to come get in bed and hold her until the storm is over. He comments that the room smells like gardenias. That's because she always keeps gardenias in her room to remind her of the first gardenias he gave her, in front of the church one day. Juan takes heart from his memory of her saying that no one and nothing will keep them apart. Rosi swears they'll be happy tomorrow.

The next morning, it's no longer raining. They are awakened by a rooster. Juan gets nervous and says they've got to hurry up and leave. Rosi is still thinking about the great dream she had. Clemencia comes running in, upset that they all overslept and now they've got to hurry.

The guard finds Juan's empty cell.

Clemencia encourages Rosi to take more of her jewels with her, just in case, and Rosi gives the pendant to Juan for safekeeping. Stupid, since he was locked up for allegedly stealing jewelry in the first place. Clemencia hears the guards coming and tells them to hurry. On their way out the door, Rodrigo confronts them with a gun in Juan's face. Leo was right on his heels. She fakes shock as Rod threatens Juan. Rosi gets in front of Juan, but Juan pulls her back out of the way and argues with Rod some more. Rosi gets in front of him again, insisting that if he wants to kill Juan, he'll have to kill them both. Rosi tells him that if he really loves her, he should want her to be happy. Rod says he'd rather they were dead. Juan and Rod fight over the gun, which never leads to anything good, and we see Juan's shocked face.

The shot gets the attention of one of the guards.

Neither Juan nor Rod was apparently shot, just that Juan hurt his other shoulder fighting for the gun. Rosi pushes him out the window and tells him to go, shutting it behind her and confronting Rod. Rod insists she let him kill Juan, basically, and of course, she won't. He pushes past her and goes out onto the balcony, but Juan has jumped onto a horse and is riding away. Rodrigo yells at the guards to kill that man and, I think, quotes them a price for doing it.

Juan keeps riding. The guards are lousy shots. Juan finally ditches the horse near a cliff. The guards do the same and follow him . Juan dives off the cliff and into the water. The guards all fire their guns into the water. And probably miss, since they don't have anything to aim at.

Rosi worries about Juan. Leo comes in and says nothing as Rosi supposes worse and worse fates. Leo finally says Rosi must be lucky because the guards told Rodrigo that Juan fell into the sea and they never saw him surface. Leo figures he must have drowned. Rosi thinks she's lying because Juan couldn't leave her. Leo stops her from leaving, saying that there isn't anything to see because there's no body. Rosi fights to leave the room and ends up falling and screaming for Juan as Leo smiles triumphantly and Rodrigo stews. Rodrigo shatters a mirror in a fit of pique.

Later, Rosi is lying in bed, telling the bump that Juan will be back, because he promised. Leo looks annoyed. She accuses Rosi of pretending to be crazy to get them to feel sorry for them. But she won't feel sorry for her since she brought it on herself. Rosi keeps talking to the bump about how daddy will come back for them. Her contractions start and Leo leaves the room as Rosi screams to Juan de Dios to come for her.

It was another dark and stormy night…

When Leo comes to tell Rod that the doctor is on his way. She sees the mirror and freaks out about it being seven years of bad luck.

Down at Noel's office, he's apologizing to Santiago (the guy with the money, who's in love with Mabel) for Rodrigo not being there to sign their business agreement. Something important must have happened. But since Noel is Rod's representative, he can sign for him. Santiago tells Noel ok, as long as he understands that makes it legal. Noel offers a meeting tomorrow with Rod, but Santiago has to get back to Europe. Noel wishes him a good journey. "Grathias," replies Santiago.

Leo comes up with a flimsy excuse to keep Clemencia out of the birthing room. The baby's coming fast and Rosi can't be convinced to slow down her breathing or calm down. Clemencia hears the baby crying and thanks God. The doctor pulls the covers over a weak Rosi while Leo holds the baby, who has a birthmark similar to mama's on the back of the left side of his neck. She starts to take him out of the room as the doctor says that Rosi is very week. Leo tells him where she's taking the baby is none of his business. Leo gives the baby to Clemencia and tells her to give the baby to Celestino, he'll know what to do. "And what's that?" "Give him away." Clemencia is shocked, but Leo says it's that or Rodrigo will kill the baby, which is entirely true, but she makes it sound like she's lying or joking. She tells Clemencia to get a move on.

Rosi wakes up and asks about the baby. He tells her it was a boy. Leo comes in as Rosi is asking to see her son. Leo tells Rosi that the baby was stillborn. Rosi freaks out.

Clemencia doesn't want to give the baby to Celestino until he tells her what he's going to do with the baby. They fight over the baby until Clemencia agrees to hand him over. She tells the drunk Celestino to keep him covered up and begs him to tell her where he's taking the baby. He refuses to tell her, but eventually says he'll drop the baby off at a nearby nunnery and leave before they can see him. Clemencia begs him to leave a letter with the baby and he agrees, probably because the baby is screaming and he'd like to be rid of it sooner rather than later.

The doctor yells at Leo for lying to her sister. He asks where the baby is. Leo tells him "they" need to talk to him.

It was a dark and stormy night…

When Celestino rode along, holding the baby. He hears the guards talking about chasing somebody and panics. He jumps off the cart and hides, thought bubbling that if they see him with this baby he's totally busted. The baby keeps on crying.

Rod and Leo discuss the doctor. Rod says everyone has their price. And if the doctor won't be bought, they'll just find another way to take care of him. The doctor comes downstairs demanding to know where the baby is and Rod tells him to name his price to keep his mouth shut. "Listen, keeping professional silence is one thing, but being an accomplice to a crime like you two are committing…." The doc and his twisted knickers pick up his little black bag and head on out. Leo gets all fluttery and asks if Rod's really going to let him leave. She accepts his scraps--taking her hands and rubbing them--as he says it's dangerous to be out on the road alone at night. A lot of things can happen.

It was a dark and stormy night…

When Celestino left the baby by the side of the road to cover his drunk ass. He left the letter under the baby.

Leo comes into Rosi's room and thought bubbles that she finally got her revenge. "You've always been an obstacle in my life, but no more, I will destroy you!" She puts something, maybe ether, on a cloth and holds it over Rosi's nose while Rosi struggles.

The doc makes his way down the road, looking nervously at the wheels on his cart. His horses keep running faster and he can't get them to stop. The cart crashes, leaving the doc at the least bloody, possibly worse.

Leo screams to Rod, who comes upstairs to hear the news that Rosi is dead.

And tomorrow: the baby cries some more.


Dinero 2-23: A ratty wig, blisters, and "The Road to Excellence."

  • Yesterday: Rafael is aghast that he appears to have said something Vicky could construe as a proposal.

    Marco is aghast that Karen's uncle is Jorge's friend and could help Jorge get his hacienda unembargoed (I don't understand about this embargo). "This all could have been handled in a couple of months. I'll fix it," the nice man says kindly and firmly...

    ... Marco, who is going to get busted if somebody inquires into this matter, looks sick as the uncle calls Jorge and leaves a message on his answering machine saying they should get together...

  • ... and it's becoming clear to Karen that Marco is far from a free man...

    Marco tells Karen: it would be better if her uncle did not get together with Jorge. She agrees to help with that, on the condition that he firmly break off with Ale, "and I'll know if you do!"

    AND he must be present at a dinner with her family the following night to be introduced formally as her boyfriend. [Looks to me like her family has more money than Ale's, why doesn't he just jump ship?] Karen calls him periodically during the day to remind him of her ultimatum.

  • Ale, dressed in a camel-colored suit and matching collar, is just leaving for work when Marco arrives, ostensibly to kiss and make up, and maybe even drive her to work, but actually he's eyeing the answering machine the whole time. She is brusque and takes a taxi.

    Marco manages to sabotage the machine - Jorge and sis never hear the message. For safety's sake he takes them on an all-day excursion out of town to be sure they don't meet up with the helpful friend. He sadly tells them Ale seems so distant; they are charmed and promise to help him.

  • On the way into morning meeting, the sales force titters watching Rafa hobble along behind Ale. They all think Rafael is making some joke behind her back, but it's really that his feet are killing him after his long, long walk back from her house to town the previous night. He covers, saying he just walked home from work.

    She admits to Susanna, later, that she's touched - especially by the fact that he didn't trumpet the news that he'd done her this favor; while she hasn't forgiven him, she can imagine a future in which she could. She sends the janitor over to him with some foot salve or something. He's touched.

  • Marino comes to work with a fright wig over his shaven head. Everybody makes fun of it and says it will scare customers and it looks like a rat's pelt. He snarls at Medina: "You just sold one car! You'll be out of here by the end of the month."

  • Uh oh, Vicky (cradling her teddy bear) is calling the priest to talk about setting a date. Her brothers and dad believe this is a real engagement.

  • Two guys in a bar discuss Jorge: "He was loaded but now he's so in debt." "You're lucky he's lost his memory or he'd remember it's you who convinced him to buy all that expensive equipment he couldn't afford."

    Evidently something fishy happened while Jorge and his wife were out of the country on vacation...

    I think Enrique Quintana (the fatter one) is planning to make a play for the sister, Rosario. He doesn't think much of her, but he's sure there's money around there someplace, and "where there's money, that's where you find the dog."

    Some poor guy who basically lives in this bar because he used to be a weightlifter but hurt his hand, and then his wife cuckolded him, and maybe his dog got run over too, comes over to say hi.

  • Ale calls another sales meeting that evening and is pleased to hear Rafa sold another car. He, however, is depressed, because he has to sell scores of cars to make up the debt he owes her. She tries to buck him up. He insists he's sure there's a great car salesman inside him; she says he better hook up with that crack salesman inside him, because the month's nearly over.

    Rafa discovers Moustache (Ramirez) has a huge stock of motivational books and A/V materials, and trades some of his expensive wedding booze for a "Road to Excellence" tape and a tape player.

  • When Ale gets home Marco is watching TV with Rosario and Jorge, all cozy; they sing his praises. Rosario goes so far as to insinuate that Jorge has been sicker lately and only Marco is a refreshing cure for his ailments...

    Marco tries feebly to cheer Ale out of her blue funk, but she can't get over his forgetting their anniversary. He gets a call from Karen and hisses, "I'm working on it!" [Breaking up with Ale.]

    He tells Ale he has to leave, business you know, but she is evidently as frustrated as I am trying to figure out just what it is he does. She says "We don't share enough," he says, "We must get married immediately!"

    She says she's in no condition, he points out she hasn't made time to see the doctor. She has to schedule her operation. She says she'll see the doctor and then they can set the date. She is very unenthusiastic. He cries tears of joy (and greed) as he rushes out the door to Karen's party.

  • When Rafa gets home, he finds his mother worried and annoyed to hear (from Vicky) that there is now an official engagement. He denies it, sort of. "Well she's getting it all togther - the dress, a party, mariachis... ARE you marrying her?" "Someday. I suppose." "She's obsessed. Did you make her a promise?" "They pushed me last night" "Well, I know you're less and less in love with her, and you have to tell her."

  • Rafa goes to Vicky's house, and manages to say "I'll marry you, but not now - how about in three or four years?" As usual he caves in to the inexorable pressure of (1) her screeching and tears; (2) her brothers' threats and knives; he sadly and with trepidation agrees to - four months! Vicki is very happy!


El Clon, Tues., Feb. 23 - One twin down and one to clone

Paula and I exchanged nights this week so I am doing Tuesday's episode and she is doing Wedneday's.

We start where we left off yesterday - Lucas in the desert and Diego a crispy critter in the wreckage of the helicopter. A vase leaps off the shelf in front of Rosa, which seems to be sum of the psychic announcements of Diego's demise.

Albieri returns to his lab. He is told that Luisa is at his house taking care of Diego.

The fire trucks arrive at the crash site.

A caravan finds Lucas.

Semi-conscious, Lucas sees Diego's face in one the caravansieri.

This blue Bedouin head dress seemed familiar to me so I went back to the first episode and sure enough, there is Lucas on the camel ride that he, Albieri and Diego took when they first got to Morocco. At the time, I wondered why Lucas was wearing native dress. Even more interesting, this scene is labeled as taking place in the 'Sahara Desert, Morocco.' Albieri says that they need to get on a plane and the next scene is labeled as taking place in 'Fez, Morroco.' So, as is common in novelas, this distant place suddenly moved to a mere horseback ride from Fez. Tighten up your beanies, folks.

Albieri returns to his house. While he babbles to Luisa that they have enough knowledge to clone a human but no one will dare to do it, at least publically, because of the taboo, he finds Luisa's clothes in his closet.

Poor Albieri is embarrassed and doesn't know what to do. Luisa tells him that she felt that someone needed to take care of Diego and lies about having work done in her house. He tells Luisa that he will sleep on the couch in the living room. He says that he wants her to be comfortable. He leaves the house as soon as he can.

Zoraida, in a red outfit

that makes me think of the apple in the fruit of the loom guys,

helps Jade escape from the house. She goes to their meeting place but of course, Lucas isn't there. She waits. Lucas, meanwhile, is being carried on camelback.

When the caravan camps for the night, Lucas seems to be in convulsions [or he has the hiccups], calling for Diego.

Meanwhile, Jade waits for Lucas into the night.

Leo and Cristina are happy happy. Leo says that Diego is old enough to have his own life and he won't let Diego ruin the life that Leo is going to have with Cristina.

Rosa is crazy with worry about Diego after she finds out that he didn't make it to the party in Daytona.

Albieri is at a bar with Julio from the lab complaining that he feels like an alien in his own house with the feminine knick knacks Luisa has brought there. He finds out that Luisa lied to him about having work done in her house.

When Lucas never shows up, Jade has nowhere to go but back to Ali's.

Zoraida lets her in. Jade is devastated. She thinks that Lucas stood her up. Zoraida tells her that it is destiny and she is better off that it has happened now. Jade is sure that Lucas loved her. She tells Zoraida that if she can't marry Lucas, she won't marry anyone.

Luisa fusses over Albieri when he comes back from the bar. Finally he gets her to leave him alone.

Shacked up with Cristina, Leo still isn't answering the phone.

The police come to the house and tell Rosa that Diego died in the helicopter crash. She has to go and identify the body.

Ali returns home and asks to see Latifa and Jade. Latifa, who is watching the video of the telenovela again, is sure that her wedding has been called off and her whole life ruined.

We find out that Ali's bark is worse than his bite. He tells Jade that what happened was his fault because he didn't insist that Jade return to Morocco when her father died. He has decided that Jade and Latifa will marry on the same day. He tells Jade that her mistake was due to ignorance and he won't ruin Latifa's life and stain the good name of the family. He says that her punishment is over. He warns her that once she is married, she will belong to her husband's family and they may not be as benevolent as he is. Jade walks away without a word.

Once back in Latifa's room, Jade swears to Zoraida that she won't get married and no one can make her. Zoraida tells her that events have clearly shown that it is her destiny to marry and she can't stop it. Jade grabs the phone, calls Said [how does she know the number?] and tells him that he has been lied to. Once he knows the truth, she is sure that he won't want to marry her. She tells him that she has defects - hideous scarring from an accident with boiling water when she was a child. She also says that she has no teeth and can't laugh or her dentures will fall out.

Said, Mohammed and Nazira believe Jade and conclude that they were deceived by Ali. Of course, Said and Mohammed blame Nazira but she says that she was deceived as well. Once again, Mohammed refers to himself in the third person and laments that he has lost the gold he paid for Latifa. Said tells him that they are going to get the gold back from Ali right away.

When Ali asks who could say such lies about the women in his house, Said says that it was Jade. Jade and Latifa are summoned. Ali asks them who made the prank call to Said. Jade admits that it was her. Once Said sees Jade, he is not eager to call off the wedding. He has an idea - Nazira will inspect the girls for defects. Ali agrees. Nariza inspects Jade and Latifa including looking into their mouths like horses.

Zoraida smugly tells Nazira that she has to admit that the girls have no defects.

Osvaldo runs into his Mom's neighbor at the club and Dora finds out that in fact Osvaldo doesn't have any children and has been lying to her.

Albieri turns on the TV and finds out that Diego has been killed.

Rosa is taken by the police to the scene of the crash. She is sure that there has been a mistake until she is shown Diego's watch.

Leo comes home from his night of love and the staff of the lab are waiting for him. They tell him that Diego is dead.

The credits roll.


Gancho Tuesday Feb. 23, 2010 Just Another Day in the Monastery: Self-Flagellation With A Root Vegetable

Well, we seem to be treading water here of late. Or circling the drain. Mauricio and Isabel went round and round and didn't get anywhere. But clearly Isabel is way, waaaay smarter than Mauricio. (But then who isn't?) Monita is still in the dark about her mother's true feelings but that's a good thing. Lalu is getting weary of chasing Arny with no payoff; and Arny is weary of being chased. Luisa seems to have lost both Andrés (good!) and Ivan (too bad). Beto has finally left the monastery (good thing) and found out Marcos is not his dad (very good thing). Connie's been chasing frantically all over town for those dangerous red envelopes (VERY good thing, serves her right) but has compromised Christian by laying some heel-rockin' kisses on him. (oooooh so bad)
Don Cesar and Nieves are finally talking again (good thing) and our coiffure-challenged boxing coach is vowing to "Luchar por su amor" (excellent thing!) Still...with all that, not sure the plot advanced very much.... but so what?...there were still some funny moments. (and that's a good thing.)

We start the episode with Mauricio, as always, confused by Gabriela's suspicions of Oscar. She thinks he's behind Lorenza's convenient disappearance from the asylum. He accuses her of wanting to make this into a terror film. Dang right! And Oscar is the psychopathic assassin. Trying to penetrate Mauricio's mind is like Sisyphus rolling that rock up the hill. Big ol' rock comes right back down again. Start over. Get nowhere.

But wait. Light breaks on the horizon. Monita appears. All is well. I know everything Mauricio, she exults. Whoops. Mauricio's suddenly worried. Mama Isabel appears ,beaming like a fashion-conscious Mother of the Year ,all tenderness and warm fuzzies. Mauricio squints his lovely but vacuous little eyes. But mama keeps on beaming and thanking him for helping protect her little Monita.

Mientras tanto, Connie has come up with a plan to get the red envelope from Christian. She's under arrest, mind you, and he's assiduously patting her down. She's cooing and groaning and loving it when he puts his hands on her. Qué?! Ah, our nights of passion, she continues, but you promised you'd tell Paula about us. You know how exciting men in uniform are. (Supposedly this is true. When I was a reporter, the guys would tell me even a uniform on a hangar could get laid with no problem. I wasn't about to test the theory.) Anyway, Connie proceeds to lay a great big seismic kiss, or two or three, on Christian, who offers very little resistance.

Now, back to the Bat Cave and the discussion. Gabriela is moved to tears by the tender reconciliation of Isabel and Monita. If only Salvador could come back to life in the same way, and they could live the rest of their lives together. Isabel keeps pouring it on (while Mauricio squints furiously in the background). Yes, I'd love to get to know you better, Gaby. I know how much you all love my daughter. And she is wonderful, my daughter is "un ser lleno de luz" (a being full of light). Really, the actress is doing a great job carrying off this charade.

But Connie, not so much. While Christian frantically tries to convince Paula that there's nothing between Constanza and him, Connie is sitting on his car frantically wiping off her mouth. And wipes some more. And even more. But Paula wants his taser. And gets his taser. And zaps him in the nether regions. And clever Connie reaches in the patrol car, grabs the red envelope and scoots off. Once again, our shapely snake in the grass outwits her slower companions.

And Isabel is also outwitting her audience. Monita is musing about how Connie kept telling her her mom didn't love her. But now that she's talked with mom, it's all cleared up! Yes, coos Isabel. Instead of great harm, great good has been done. (Mauricio scowls). Yet Gaby, our smart one, has one more question. Why do you need to hide Isabel? Our treacherous mom graces Gabriela with her Mona Lisa smile and we break for ads.

If you think the confusion gets cleared up, you're wrong. But Isabel cleverly skates around the problem, saying simply that she's more worried about protecting Monita than protecting herself. Hmmm. What? Is Oscar involved in this somehow? persists Gaby. Nope. Mystery remains. For Gaby and Monita anyway.

And for Lalu and Arny? Well, the confusion continues there as well. Lalu's been rejected so often and so determinedly, he's on the point of tears. Is it because he doesn't have "los labios carnoso y sensuales cono los de Anglina Jolie (no translation needed, right?). Nopis. It's because kisses are not an interchange of love but of germs. (Do you think Ximena noticed the resemblance to the love letter here?) And besides Arny has never kissed anyone. No one. Not a man, not a woman. "Nadie nació para mi; yo no naci para amar" (There's no one for me; I wasn't born to love.) Wow. If that isn't a gay statement, what is? exults Lalu. And Ximena is ready to help Arny break down those barriers. Still, Lalu may have had enough already." Harta, bastanta y suficienta" is how he's feeling at the moment. But Ximena holds out one last hope. Lalu can come along with her and the other gals to visit the witch. Love potion, spell, ritual...whatever. They'll find something to make Arny fall in love with him. Can hardly wait for this episode, can you?

Connie meanwhile is bracing Oscar and Jeronimo. Oscar is loving her fighting spirit. A worthy opponent indeed. She's ready to fold though. Enough of these stupid games. I'll give you your share. Sorry! The rest of the red envelopes are out there. Get cracking lady or the jig is up. So off she goes again. This time in search of Beto.

And Beto? He's in the kitchen of Club Benedict (thanks Carlos) stocking up on bread (three huge loaves), assorted vegetables and wine. His own version of fasting. Brother Thomás catches him. Stop it now or you're outta here. Beto defends himself (so much for the Vow of Silence) and also accuses Thomás of breaking the "Eleventh Commandment" spying! They bicker back and forth while Beto penitently whips himself with a carrot. This alone was worth the episode. Self-flagellation with a root vegetable. Doesn't get better than this.

Oh yes it does. Don Cesar in a lavender polyester suit and lilac shirt. Now there's a fashion statement I can get behind. Of course now that they've broken up, Nieves clashes horribly (thanks Vivi). She's in Monita red and yellow, with red and yellow yarn AND streaks in her hair. My eyeballs are bleeding just looking at her. Cesar's got his hopes up. You realized you needed me! You came for me! Hell no, I came because Beto and Monita are missing and I'm worried.

Dang! Back at the Bat Cave, Vampire Bat Isabel is still holding sway, assuring Mauricio that it would take her a lifetime to thank him for loving her adorable daughter as no other man could. Mau squints, squirms and glowers while Isabel enjoys every minute of it. In fact, she's worked it so effectively that now Mauricio has to offer to let her stay in the Bat Cave for as long as she wants. Monita is thrilled. Isabel amused. Mauricio, as usual, dazed and confused.

Good. We're returned to Nieves and Cesar. They're squabbling now about who broke whose heart. Yes, he left without saying goodbye....because she was yearning for the love of her youth. Alright, yes, she kissed Marcos. And want to know what she did after that? God, no, bleats Cesar. Well, nuthin' continues Nieves. I told him I had a good man at my side. And I wouldn't betray him. Cesar's ready to leap over the desk and make up pronto but Nieves isn't having any. Not after he doubted her. No way. Thank you very much.

Meanwhile, trouble is brewing at the schoolyard. We're all agreed that Andrés is a slimy, oily little creep, right? Anyway, he's making some moves on Luisa and she's timidly backing up. Aldo's not around, when he should be, so Andrés is offering a ride home. But first, a little besito, no? No. Ivan arrives at just that moment. Don't touch her. Pow. Knocks him to the ground. Bloody nose. Fight continues. Looks pretty real. Upshot. Andrés learns Ivan is really her "novio" instead of just a friend. Ivan learns that Luis has dissed him as "just a friend". Final tally. Luisa and Dany have to walk home. Alone. No novio no nuthin'. Another lesson learned.

But will Mauricio learn his lessons? Isabel is quite the teacher, let me tell you. Now that Monita's been sent back to the neighborhood (to calm her friends' fears) Isabel is giving Mau the 411 on who holds the card in the relationship. A mother's love is sacred. If he goes against her, who will Monita believe? Isabel, of course. She holds her in the palm of her hand and can manipulate her anyway she wants because Monita is so hungry, so desperate for a mother's love. Punto. Of course Mau plods on, vowing he's going to play by his rules not Isabel's but frankly he's outmatched here.

In the midst of all this, we have a brief scene where Connie's stuck in traffic, frantically trying to get to Beto's house. She's on the phone with Jacqui and Marcos and pitching her usual fit. Jacqui and Marcos are looking quite cosy though. Could marital reconciliation be on the way? Well, back to bitter Isabel.

Little by little, we're learning Isabel's strategy. She's determined not to let Marcos get near his daughter, as punishment for Marcos' rejection of HER, Isabel. But you're harming your daughter, blusters Mau. But if you tell her I hate her, you'll be harming her even more, counters Isabel. I've cried tears of blood, she continues, switching into "devoted mother mode" and you're going to stand in the way of our being together and loving each other? Isabel wins this round, as we knew she would. Mauricio surprises her by letting her know he's met Marcos and talked with him but she's unperturbed. And warns Mauricio not to trust Marcos. There's more squabbling. Mau is still blustering that he won't play Isabel's game, Isabel's dismissing him as naive. As far as she's concerned, Marcos will never get close to Monita and will never heal the rift between her and Connie. And will that make you happy? queries Mau. No, but it will satisfy me, retorts Isabel. But if you tell her "the truth", your truth, you'll condemn Valentina to the life I've always lived....a life without love, a life of absolute bitterness. Round 2 to Isabel as well.

Now, what about Brother Beto? What will make him happy? Well, wine...sacramental wine... for starters. What happened to the bread and water fast? Wine is like water for me, reasons Beto. Brother Thomás disagrees and this time Beto' s out for good. I've been kicked out of better places, mutters our naco, as he trudges back to the vecindad. And Mom. Who matches him color-wise. Both are in red and gold (as is Monita). She's anxiously patting his backside, making sure he's still got everything he left with. Well not so much. His stomach is absolutely empty and needs filling with a lot more than that banana he's inhaling. What's more, he has some serious bawling out to do. How could she have neglected to tell him he was Marcos' offspring? How could she let him commit that heinous sin!? Nieves, hot and bothered and fanning herself with zounds! a red envelope...reassures Beto that Marcos was lying. Just a big fib to keep Beto and Connie from getting together. Because Beto, like Mom, is just a "poca cosa" for Marcos and not good enough for his daughter. Now Beto grabs the envelope and starts fanning himself. Whew! he sighs, spotting Connie. We're not siblings! No, she cries, launching herself into his arms, locking lips and quickly filching the red envelope while they kiss.

Gotta love this Connie. Great legs, great clothes, great hair, great kisser, great strategy. Who needs morals?

Previews: Aldo tells Oscar he went to the country house and saw Lorenza. Oscar looks worried. Constanza ferrets through Monita's things, looking for the next red envelope. Moni catches her, challenges her to a fight and knocks her out

dar alta por cuerda = to release (from hospital or asylum) because she's sane (Gabriela doubting why Lorenza would be released)
un ser lleno de luz = a light-filled being, a wonderful being
pero esto no se va a quedar = but things aren't going to stay this way (thanks Sandy)
de golpe = suddenly
un genio de mil demonios = in a dickens of a mood (Marcos talking about how angry Connie is)
cusca, cusca! = Beto insulting his mother for her supposedly loose morals
voltear la tortilla = turn things around

nadie nació para mi y yo no naci para amar = no one was born for me and I was not born to love
harta, bastanta y suficienta = enough already!

Dicho of the Day:

Hay muchos modos de matar las pulgas. There are more ways than one to skin a cat.
Not sure what this has to do with the episode, but I like the dicho.


Amor Monday, February 22, 2010: Tonight’s Olympic event: the Table Throw!

I hope Carlota gets the gold, because I’ve never heard the Hades national anthem.

Friday’s last juicy bits:

Three pigeons wing off to fulfill their destiny of finding some statue to poop on. Diana tells Em she knew about his night with Romina. Rufi, Chris and Paloma tell Carlota off for some of her lies about Macarena and Chris and for the fake daddy. Rufi says Carlota diluted Mac’s medicine. She says Carlota did it all because she wanted to keep Paloma with her – she was afraid of being alone. Paloma defiantly tells Carlota You can have it all – the house, the money, but I’m never going to set foot in this house again.

Delicious! And here is tonight’s feast:

Camila comes to see jailbird Samuel. He tries to take her hands, but she draws them away. He tries to compliment her on her noble heart and her beauty but she says Cut the crap. He says he’s had time to think and he repents, plus he realizes she’s the woman he truly loves. She can help him get out and they’ll live the life they should have had all along.

Do you think I’m nuts? she says. I can’t imagine how I fell in love with you in the first place, and all I feel for you now is sorry. And when you get out in 15 years, don’t even thing of coming to look for me. She leaves and Samuel clutches his hair in despair.

Diana tells Emiliano she went off to play poker the night Romina wanted to be alone with him – they’d worked it out. Em is furious. Diana said I thought she was a good choice for you.

Em says So she was there when German brought me home drunk! I wonder if he was in on the plan? Diana doesn’t know, but she does know that Romina put him to bed and seduced him.

Em goes to the door and says Leave. Diana says But I came to tell you that I’ve lost the house and the alimony isn’t enough and I don’t have any place to stay. Leave, says Em.

The three musketeers are standing shoulder to shoulder, chins jutted out, taking on Carlota. They don’t have swords, but Chris is swift with his accusing finger. Carlota says You can’t leave me. Paloma says You’ve earned your solitude. Chris says No need to bother talking to her. Carlota says If you walk out now, you’ll never see me again. Paloma says I’m willing to pay that price.

Carlota says Rufi, after all these years, first you broke your promise to Macarena and now you’re turning on me. Chris jabs a finger at her and says Don’t you insult Rufi! She’s the most faithful person on the face of the earth.

Rufi says I’m going to have a hard time leaving you because despite everything, I’ve always loved you. And I’m going to pray for you. Carlota’s façade cracks a little and her chin trembles. But it twists into a scowl and she says I don’t need the prayers of a traitor like you.

Shut up, warns Chris. Carlota says You all are going to pay big time for what you’re doing to me.

Chris says Whaddaya gonna do? Pull out a gun and shoot us all? That’s all that missing. Little does he know…

Chris herds the two ladies out. Carlota runs after them yelling Paloma! You can’t leave me! I’m talking to you! Paloma! They leave and Carlota turns into the empty house, grimacing with anger and hurt. Ungrateful brat! She stalks over to a heavy wood table, grabs the edge and gives it a good heft, knocking it over.

Paloma, my love, she anguishes, Come to me! Little Paloma, come! Cristobal, all this is your fault! Everything in my life is your fault! Damn you! I hate you! I hate you!

She smiles and for a moment is the old Carlota, confident and scheming. No, you’re not going to leave. You have to come back. She dissolves into sobs. Rufina! Bring me a tea! Rufi! Rufi! Paloma! Paloma! She falls to her knees on the exact spot where her sister lay in a pool of blood. I don’t want to be alone! I don’t waannnaaa! Nooooo!

She’s down on the floor now, writhing and curling into the fetal position and hugging herself. Hug me! Don’t leave me alone! Hug me Papi, I don’t want them to leave me all alone! Ahhhhhhhhh she wails.

I’m ready to reach right through the screen and hand her a premio. Wow.

Luz has brought a heart-shaped box of chocolates to Rafa at his office, to make peace, she says. He says he’s not mad, he just doesn’t get it. She says she doesn’t either, how to be a couple. He points out that she’s has other relationships, but she says none like this, so Deep. Really? he says. Yes, she says, a sense of connection that sometimes leaves me between feeling like running away and like staying forever.

Rafa says it seems like when you are being independent, you know what to do, but when it comes to something like telling me how you really feel, you’re at loose ends. Luz says teach me how to love that way, how not to be scared when I feel like I’m losing control. You’re just the person to teach me.

Rafa says just let me be near you and love you, and don’t put up so much resistance. It hurts me and it hurts you too.

Camila, who does know how to love, is having flashbacks of her wedding day when Rafa told her to come away with him, he’s played straight with her and Orlando hasn’t. She remembers him whupping Samuel when he attacked her.

We see a jet over the skyline of Houston. Here come Orlando and Angelica dragging their carry-ons through the airport, or the hotel, I’m not sure which. She says she’s never been there before and he exclaims over the size of the city and how he’ll take her to see some sights tomorrow.

Orlando says lunch with the business guys, and then they’ll go pick out a house. Angelica says maybe you better check with Camila. Orlando says you think so? I’d like to get it done now. Angelica says don’t be so sure. Orlando, seemingly genuinely surprised, says Garsh, do you think she won’t change her mind? Duh-huh, says Angelica’s look.

Orlando says time and distance will probably change her mind. Maybe not in your favor, says Angelica. Orlando says he’s already bummed, and now that it turns out Bernardo isn’t their mutual grandchild, it’s one less thing to bind him and Camila together. He says So let’s not discuss it for now, okay? It’s been one of my biggest dreams to export overseas. Orlando likes to think pleasant thoughts, as we know.

They decide to have a shower and meet up before the business lunch.

German is chatting with his father, who is visiting from Pachuca, out on the sidewalk. Don E walks up and German introduces them. The dad leaves for home, getting into a very modest lime-green car.

Don E admires German’s red sports car. He wants to know when he bought it. German says he didn’t, his father gave it to him. Don E says Didn’t I tell you I don’t like lies? Your father can’t afford a car like that. Alonso visited before he died and paid you to tell him about the will, didn’t he? You’re the one who told him there’d been changes, right? And you bought the car with that money, didn’t you?

German says How can you think that? Don E says Quit farting around and tell me exactly what happened.

Paloma, Chris and Rufi are at Madeleine’s (or somebody’s – Chris’s?) hotel room, telling her what happened. Rufi says You should have seen her! It was like sparks were shooting out of her eyes. Chris tells Paloma he was very proud of her, she was direct and fearless. Paloma is pleased he thinks so, but she says she’s still going to miss her, just like Rufi.

Madeleine says How can you miss someone like her? Paloma says she was part of my growing up, and it’s hard to leave her, same has it’s hard to hear all that she’s done. And there’s more, says Rufi.

Chris says it was a big step forward, and a lot of secrets got told.

Paloma gets a call on her cell. It’s Em who wants to know if Carlota told her he’d come by. She says no, and she’s not staying there anymore. He’s surprised.

The landline rings and Chris picks it up. It’s Gabriel. Chris whispers to Paloma that Gabriel is waiting for her in the restaurant. Em tells Paloma he has lots to tell her. Paloma says she has to go right now, so later.

Paloma wonders how Gabriel knew where to come. Maddy says he called for Chris, who wasn’t here, so I brought him up to speed.

In the restaurant, Gabriel asks Paloma what she intends to do. She says she’s not sure, it depends on what her father is going to do, and her aunt. Gabriels says why don’t you pick what you want to do and not depend on what others are going to do?

Paloma says she doesn’t know if she is going to have to work, or if Chris is going to go back to being a priest or what. Gabriel takes her hand and says he has a different idea. Remember how he doesn’t have much time left and they want to live day-to-day? Well, he’d ask her to live with him, but he knows she wouldn’t do that, so How’s this? Marry me!

Let’s be married for the time that’s left to me. What do you say? Paloma’s eyes get even huger than usual.

Meantime, upstairs the others are chewing over Carlota. Chris figures she’s defanged now that a lot of her truths have been brought to light. Maddy isn’t so sure.

She says we can’t just stay in a hotel forever. She wants to get them a house to live together, but she doesn’t know where. Mexico City? Get-Real del Monte? Paris? Rufi is agape.

Chris says not here. Mexico City would be best. Rufi says So are you thinking about not going back to being a priest? Chris says it depends, but he has to talk to Paloma. However, he thinks Maddy is right, they need to figure out their future.

This is so sudden, says Paloma like so many other screen lovelies before her. I know, says Gabriel, but for me, every day is an eternity.

Get married? says Paloma. Gabriel says we can see other cultures, learn new ways to express our art! Get married? parrots Paloma. Gabriel says I don’t have a lot of time to woo you and get you to love me the way I love you.

I can’t accept says Paloma. Gabriel says I know you’re starting a new life, and that you can do it alone. But we could do it together! I have to think about it she says. He says do, and please don’t feel pressured. He clutches his chest and coughs pathetically. Okay, he doesn’t, but please! No pressure? She says she’ll think about it and as soon as she decides, she’ll let him know.

Carlota, in her robe and slippers, is alone in the dark house, and uh-oh, it looks like she’s drinking. The heavy table has been righted (you have to admire her strength, if nothing else), but the big crystal vase on top of it must be a goner, because it’s not there any more. She straightens the lace tablecloth with a finger. Musica de suspenso!

She sits on the stairs and calls Don E. What are you doing? she says. Working, he says, on a very interesting case. She asks if he can’t take a break. He says he’ll come by.

She hangs up and looks around and cries. I don’t want to be alone, she weeps. The house feels so big. Eugenio, hurry over, I don’t want to be alone.

Suddenly the captions seem to have been typed by the famous thousand monkeys with typewriters. Bear with me.

Rafa has come by to see Camila with some papers. He says he knows she’s been busy with the baby and he offers his sympathy about the baby. He tells Camila that he and Joel are partners and they put together an offer. She flips the folder open, glances at the first page and says that’s fine. He says don’t you want to read the fine print? She doesn’t care.

He asks if she’s okay. She says no, actually not. He understands. He says he’ll go before Orlando shows up. She says he’s in Houston. Rafa is surprised that he left her alone at such a hard time. She says he had to go. Rafa says please know that you can count on me if you need anything. Camila gives him one of her googly-eyed searching looks.

Angelica and Orlando are in a nice club with the Houston guy who asks Angelica to dance. She says Goody, I love salsa. The guy says I don’t know how to dance salsa, why don’t you two show me? Orlando says okay and leads Angelica off.

They start dancing, and some party-hardy lady grabs the other guy and starts teaching him. Angelica and Orlando smile happily and dance. They don’t have any moves, so she puts her hands on his shoulders. They get closer and closer, laughing. Uh oh, they’re awfully close.

The group at Madeleine’s are breaking up for the evening. Chris leaves and Rufi asks Paloma what happened with Gabriel, because she can tell something did. She tells them he proposed. ¿¿¿Qué??? they say.

Gabriel is on the phone with Luz, laughing and telling her he’s proposed to Paloma. While he’s talking, he working on a line drawing of a nude with a generous behind. What are we supposed to make of that? Maybe he’s not Mr Pure as we had thought. Don E is just leaving and overhears. Gabriel gushes on about how in love he is, though he knows what the future brings. He signs off and Don E shows himself.

He asks after Luz. Gabriel says she can adopt the little girl without having to get married. Gabriel notices he’s about to step out, and Don E says he’s going to see Carlota, and she’s always full of surprises. He comments to Gabriel that he knows he came back to town to be with Paloma. So now he wants to marry her?

Meantime, Rufi is telling Paloma that marriage is nothing to be taken lightly and she shouldn’t accept. Maddy points out the fellow doesn’t have much time, and maybe it’s a sign. Not many girls get three proposals in such a short time. The other two didn’t work out, but this time it maybe be a sign that it’s her time to fly.

Anyway, she says, speaking in the majestic tones of a prophetess, marriage is in your future. Paloma says now I’m more confused than before. Rufi says you have to decide, you can’t sit on the fence. Maddy says do what you want, but don’t close yourself off. Rufi says And don’t forget that Emiliano is about to become available.

Maddy says decide what’s right for you. Think of what you want and nothing else. Rufi says and if Emiliano gets tired of waiting and looks for another person and marries?

What with Maddy prophesizing and Rufi pitching Emiliano, Paloma must be wondering if having two grandmothers is quite the picnic it’s made out to be.

People are in your life for a reason, or a for season, or for life, quotes Maddy, who must diligently read all her e-mail forwards. Paloma says how do I know if it’s Gabriel or Emiliano for a reason, a season or for life? (Hint: one of ‘em is about to keel over any minute.)

Rafa is visiting Em now, who is sulking on his bed. Rafa is astounded that Diana was in cahoots with Romina. Em says they wrecked his life and separated him from Paloma and he doesn’t know if he can get her back, plus now she has that painter guy hovering over her. Rafa urges him to talk to her and Em says she won’t let me, I’ve tried. She doesn’t want anything to do with me.

Rafa says go after her. Tell her what’s happened. If that doesn’t work, you have your life ahead of you. Give it a try. Fight for your love! Em, not budging from his bed, rolls his eyes up at his father.

Angelica and Orlando are coming back from the dinner, laughing it up. Orlando says she’s the best dance partner ever. She has a little trouble opening her hotel lock. Maybe they’re a little sloshed. He tells her he feels great with her. Me too, she says.

You do? he says, and before you know it they’re necking in the hotel hall. And I do mean necking, he’s slurping on her neck and she’s pulling off his jacket. Clutching at each other, they disappear into her hotel room and close the door behind them.

Tsk. Angelica! We know Orlando’s personal code can best be described as Ethics Lite, but you?

Don E is at Carlota’s. She offers him another drink and he says no, he’s had enough, and so has she. She pours herself another one, saying she hasn’t had a drink in years. She turns serious and says I feel so alone without Paloma and that servant. She turns her back and weeps. Don E says children are a gift, they don’t belong to us. There is nothing worse for a parent than to think they didn’t give their child what they needed to fly.

Oh, please, says Carlota. Don E says you should be proud of Paloma, she has tremendous wings. Carlota says and if those wings are used to betray me? I’m supposed to be proud of that?

Don E says Paloma didn’t betray you. Yes, she did, weeps Carlota, or she wouldn’t have left me so alone. Know why you’re alone? Says Don E, walking up to her. It’s because you made it happen.

No, she says, laying her head on his shoulder.


It’s because nobody understands meeee. She looks at him up close. You understand me, don’t you? I want to, he says sincerely. I would love to be able to. She kisses him forcefully and he kisses back! Freeze frame.

Avances: Romina is served with divorce papers. Em is free, but Gabriel has proposed. Paloma is confused about her future. Em tells Paloma that he loves her.


un Gancho al Corazón Mon. 2/22/10 A Mother's Love

Wouldn't you have thought that by now Moni and Mom (not to be confused with M&M) would have hashed out their differences? Didn't this scene begin last Wednesday? Whatever happened to the wham bam, problem solved in two episodes aspect of our delightful little show? Heck, Mauricio's coma lasted a shorter time than this. OK, Carlos, get a grip, get a shot of Tequila, and get on with it.

Ximena is going to help Lalo out in his quest to win Arnie's heart, "We'll call on all the super powerful muses and write the best love letter ever!" No doubt with the aid of strawberry daquis. Cheered up, Lalo beams.

Borrowing shamelessly from the wonderful recap of our Hombre from Friday:

"Coni’s in shock from the pictures of Sal. She rushes into her closet, where are my shoes, they’re gone! The phone rings, and it’s Oscar, calling from his Castle of Doom, Sal sitting motionless in the wheelchair in front of him, Lorenza fawning over him. What’s the meaning of these pictures? Coni shrieks. Oscar calmly tells her it’s because she didn’t pay the money she owed. Then is this extortion? Not only that, replies Oscar, it’s also meant to teach you a lesson, Jerry will explain. We see a stuffed ram, a stuffed mountain lion, and Jerry’s head is framed between two giant tusks.

What is this, a cruel game? demands Coni. Apparently it is, as Jerry tells Coni there are 6 more envelopes with the pictures, and each one has a clue (pista) leading to the next one, until it’s just too late, dear Coni. Oscar grabs the phone back. You have very little time, Coni. The envelopes have already been sent out, and if they fall into the wrong hands, such as Mauricio’s, you’re going to jail for murder!

Hissabel has apparently had a good night’s sleep, probably molted or shed her skin or something, as she looks all refreshed in a brown outfit, showing no effects from that bottle of vino the night before. She opens the door to the apartment, and look who’s sleeping on the floor – poor little Monita..."

The impassive Lizard Lady can't decide whether to step over our devastated little monkey curled up outside her door or wait for building security to haul her away. Fearing complaints from the neighbors for cluttering the hallway with trash, she awakens her with a nudge of the foot."You're still here?" "I told you that I wouldn't move from this doorway until you opened it for me." She invites her distraught daughter in, "Sit down. I imagine you have a lot of questions. Soon you will know every thing." She offers her a glass of water, "After crying all night, you must be dehydrated." It's not exactly mother's milk, but it's a start. She begins their little chat by congratulating Moni on recapturing her boxing title, she has followed her career. "Felicidades." "Does it really matter?" Moni cooly replies.

Meanwhile our Coni has abandoned her usual icy-calm composure for a more fitting near panic as she shouts at Oscar, who for the moment seems to hold all the trumps. As you recall, he and his imbecilic pupil Jerónimo have sent incriminating photos of a very dead appearing, bloodied Sal as well as items of her clothing, bloodied as well. Our fiel pastor alemán, Jero, has once again switched loyalties and is straining to hear Coni's desperate and futile protestations to his current master and trainer, our odious but ever so dapper, Oscar. Oscar is savoring the moment. He reminds her that this is a race against time. This is not just retribution and revenge, it is a lesson, much needed, in response to her arrogant sense of superiority (prepotencia primor). He clearly is reveling in his dominance of the moment. He emphasizes that she is now in a race against time, "Tic toc, tic toc." She snatches the photos from her purse, places them in a shallow, silver dish, spritzes them with cologne, probably White Witch from Jamaica, and ignites them with a lighter. Hey, she doesn't smoke, does she? Might be a time to start.

More Moni and Mom, I've a feeling that we're just getting started. Isabel asks her if she remembers the fight in which she was knocked down, almost beaten, hanging on to the ropes unable to get up. Moni finishes the story, smiling, "And you approached the ring shouting for me to get up. Remember. You supported me." "We are both women who are not easily beaten. Look, when I left you, you overcame it an thrived, and I lived without you." Moni says that she never quit needing Isabel. Smiling Moni asks, "Did you miss me?" Isabel refills Moni's water glass, I was right, we're going to be here awhile.

Coni is looking even more desperate, she reads the instructions, "Tres cosas. Una. Seems human, but is not. Dos. Has a head but doesn't use it. Y la tercera, I already forgot" Inspiration, "¡Ximena! Ximena has the next envelope!" She picks up her purse and hurriedly prepares to leave. We rejoice. Ximena! Yes! Just what the doctor ordered (and was wishing for). She run out leaving the pictures smoldering in the silver platter.

We join Mao and Gabi in Moni's apartment. She is telling him about her visit to the the looney lodge and her less than fruitful effort to apprise Lorenza os Sal's tragic demise. Although Loriloca is clearly just that, the things she said about Sal being alive and Oscar's involvement with poisoning Sal., well, it feeds her suspicions that the facts surrounding Sal's departure may not be quite what they appear to be. She asks Mao to accompany her to the warehouse for the woefully witless to visit Lorenza and hear what she has to say. "Sal was your best friend. He was like a father to you." Mao, who has still not quite mastered the art of walking while chewing gum, complains that his head is fully occupied with the mystery of Moni's sudden strange disappearance. She pleads, appealing to his sense of loyalty She reminds him of the investigator Araujo's disappearance. She reported it to the police. "Don't leave me alone in this." Who could resist those beautiful, soulful, imploring brown eyes? Not Mauricio; he yields. We would rejoice, but our pigeons have already flown the coop.

Por casualidad (remember?) we join said pair, settled in as guests in Oscar's branch of the Bate's Motel. She is tastefully dressed in black pants and an adherent beigeish knit turtleneck, topped with matching cardigan, which serves to show off her tangible assets to good effect. Sal, who is still impeccably groomed, wig in position, nary a misplaced hair, freshly shaved, starched white shirt, coffee-colored suede jacket but with an expression (or lack thereof) on his face that evoke memories of my patients in the Jeannie Sealy Hospital for the Wacky Wealthy after a brisk and bracing morning round of electroshock treatment. (I was just a student at the time.) Apparently it strikes Lorenza the same way, for she moves in very close to his face and asks him, "Do you see something?" Bre'r Sal, he don' say nuthin'. She tells him, "Isn't it funny that Gabriella and gata both begin with G and end with A?" Uh... yeah. Since he is clearly catatonic, she decides to feed him. She proffers a beautiful magenta slice of fruit (papaya?), coaxing him with baby-talk and pressing it to his lips until it drops from the fork onto his heretofore immaculate white shirt. Ooops! Will All be able to expunge that pesky stain? She dabs at it dutifully though futilely. A knock at the door. She excuses herself to go answer it. He keeps his gaze steadily fixed on the musarañas.

Time for that Tequila. Monita demands to know what's going on. "Don't shout," an emotionless Isabel offers to to answer all of Moni's questions. She understands how difficult all this has been for Moni , who deserves none of it. Right now Monita wants to know one thing, "¿Me quieres? (Do you love me?)

The cavalry has arrived! Actually, it's Aldo who has arrived at Castle Creep to see Oscar, but perhaps the lad can be of some use in springing Sal from this nightmare. Gazing up at the imposing evil edifice he shouts for "¡Oscar!" He is instead greeted by Lori, "Oscar no está aquí." He recognizes her. Now, invite him inside, you lovely but crazy old bat.

Kneeling in front of her stony, hembral parental unit, once again Moni hopefully questions, "¿Me quieres?" Sourpuss, who looks like she'd rather be anywhere but here, answers, "You're my daughter. You existed inside me." Moni rests her head in Isabel's lap. She mechanically strokes her daughter's hair. "Te quiero, te adoro." She rolls her eyes. Did you see that! I quietly tell myself it can only damage a valuable appliance if I hurl my snifter at the big screen. Serenity now.

Valentina darlin', she said it. Now, let's get the heck outta here. You, I, the rest these caring folks from Club Gancho, let's head over to Beto's cantina and crack open a bottle or two of that Tequila Sinaloense with the red horsey on the label to celebrate. This place is really chilly and I'm guessing that it can only head downhill from here. ¿Porfis?

Lorenza and Aldo are catching up on old times. She seems almost menacing the way she toys with the fork spearing another slice of fruit (this time watermelon?). "I'm Aldo, Mauricio's son." Lori squints, the little hamster is running at full throttle. "¿Mauricio ya tuvó un hijo?" Aldo senses that he needs to help her out. "Mauricio adopted my sisters and me." From the look on her face, we can tell she is milking her synapses for all all they're worth, yet... She thinks it might have helped their marriage had she and Salvador adopted a child. She invites him in. Once more he asks about Oscar and she gently reminds him that, "Oscar no está aquí." She's here with Sal. He politely reminds her of Sal's death. She is understandably a bit put out and impatient with this, "SALVADOR IS ALIVE AND LIVES WITH ME!" Then once again, quietly,she invites him in. This lady is giving Cynthia Klitbo a run for her money as my favorite Latina loca.

Oh Crap. Sal's nurse helps him out of his chair and escorts him to another room to change his shirt. Drat! Where's the inattentive help when they could actually do some good? Meintras tanto, Lori is directing Aldo inside. "I'll wait for you out here." He looks around his forbidding, grotesque, yet almost ludicrous surroundings. Heck! Missed him by this much!

Seated on the sofa, Isabel is stiffly embracing a clingy Monita, in much the fashion of the funeral home attendants in the black suits consoling loved ones of the deceased. Moni eye's have welled with tears and Moni has started sniveling and snuffling, Calling this reptile mommy and asking discomforting questions and I've started casting about for Sylvia's sharp stick. Calmate, Carlos, how long could this possibly go on? All the while, said iguana is rolling her eyes and wishing that she were under a warm, comfy rock. Moni wants to know why she deceived her. She came back into her life , dying, but wouldn't tell her that she was sick. It was so wonderful being held in her arms. Isabel reminds her that she didn't ask for a thing. "If you think I just came back so you could donate bone marrow for me... you're wrong. I was prepared to die." Moni complains that Issy wouldn't open the door for her. She wanted to embrace her like this. Be with her. "You should never have come. You shouldn't have seen me."

Aldo wanders back out of Oscar's museum of murdered mammals looking befuddled. Lorenza understands his concern, Sal's still in serious shape but at times he's better. "Now, you know what I want? ¡QUE TE VAYAS! ¡LARGATE (GET OUT)! !SALVADOR ESTÁ VIVA!" Aldo hurriedly climbs into his waiting cab and flees." Oh well... seeds of doubt?

It's about time. Coni bursts into Ximy's and the girl is in a hurry. "WHERE IS IT?!" as she starts ransacking the place. But first let's take a little sip of this fine Tequila while we have a fashion update.

Coni is clad in a becoming black dress, very short, empire waist, muted geometric pattern of blue and gray across the bodice with matching gray trim. She has on dangerously, given her mission, high-heeled red shoes. Silver circles dangle from her ears and she's wearing a long interesting silver necklace of hearts and stars and such around that stately, arched alabaster neck (good, the Tequila is starting to envelope me in it's loving arms).

Ximena is casually clothed in skin-tight blue jeans and a sleeveless navy pullover blouse with a buttonless purple vest. Of course, obligatory stilted heels with sandaled toes. Her radiant straight dark hair obscures her earrings. She elevates a pedestrian couture to an understated elegance.

Lalo actually could use a little fashion guidance from some of his foppish friends. His perky plaid jacket is sabotaged by a rather busy T shirt. A nice bold solid-color T shirt would make all the difference. His jeans arefineandwhocareswhatkindofshoeshehason? Let's move along.

Connie is a woman possessed. She looks here. She searches there. Ximena is bemused. "Could I ask you not to rearrange everything, Coni? It drives Arnie nuts." Lalo is speechless. She spies Ximy's spiral notebook. She stops. She reads. Aloud. "What kind of clue is this?" Ximena explains, "It's a love letter I'm writing to mi cuñi." Coni says,"You call me promiscuous and you're flirting with your brother-in-law," but she doesn't really care, and she and we have no time for this. She interrogates Ximy. Turns out, "¿Por casualidad (remember?), tú estás buscando una sobre roja (by coincidence, are you hunting a red envelope)?" Coni is almost beside herself. Ximena is coy. Yes, her brother brought it by this morning and asked her to hide it. She has hidden it where Coni will never find it.

Be brave Carlos, steady boy, the entire populous of Club Gancho is depending on you. Aguantate. Moni and Mom. Once more. Hey, what time is it getting to be? Why don't we all go out for brunch? Valentina? Isabel? This time they are seated in chairs across the room from each other. A now dry-eyed Moni asks, "Why did you let me think that you had died? ¿Por qué mamá?" Just great. Isabel has decided to answer. "To protect you." Say what? When she woke up from surgery and the Dr. told her that she had a chance to live, she had to get away. This old biddy is not making a lot of sense now. We know for a fact that she had this planned and she talked Mauricio into abetting her. Moni pleads, "But why?" "Because you never should have come looking for me. You shouldn't know that I'm alive. Your the greatest thing that ever happened to me and if anything ever happened to you I could never forgive myself." This lady is almost as crazy as our Loriloca, but Lori is a lot more fun. She tells Moni that she should leave and not look for her. Moni looks sad and confused. We quietly fume.

Coni is annoyed with Ximena who seems to be enjoying Coni's desperate search. Once again she tells her that it is well hidden and that she will never find it. As she says this, however, her eyes focus on an spot across the room. Astutely Coni heads directly for Ximy's purse. "¡Ay! ¿How did you find out?" Oh well, we knew Ximy is not a good poker player. She and Lalo look on curiously as Coni removes the contents of the red envelope and reads the clue, "The masked heroes hide in their lair (guarida) so they don't reveal their true identities...obviously the envelope is in Mauricio's warehouse (bodega)." sigh, "No puede ser." She's off once again, "Adios, Ximensa."

Moni and Isabel are now standing. Moni implores her not to leave her again as she clutches her closely and tightly. "Standing before you is like a dream from which I don't want to awaken." Issy rolls her eyes some more looking uncomfortably bored, even as she apologizes for all the damage that she has done to Moni. When Moni is looking at her face she appears genuinely repentant, earnest and sincere. Moni pleads, "Don't make me leave." Isabel replies, "Por favor, don't pressure me, Hija." Does this woman have any true maternal instincts at all?

Let's get a little fresh air in the park with Arnie and Rolu. Rolu has returned from his little jog with the two babes and wants to introduce them to Arnie. Arnie, scandalized, scolds him for flirting with them. I see several heads nodding in agreement... One of the jogging chicks realizes that this must be a gay couple and the two excuse themselves and sprint away. Arnie shouts after them, "¡No, yo no soy gay!" Rolu cracks up. Arnie fusses. Rolu tells him that he was just getting some exercise tips. Then he gets serious... he asks Arnie to come with him for a cup of coffee and to pen another letter for him, the he pushes Arnie into the wheelchair and gaily (no, just happy gaily) pushes him down the jogging trail.

Now mother and daughter are seated directly across the table from each other. I'm sure there is strong symbolism in the positioning of the principals in the sequence of these scenes. I'll leave the in depth discussion of this to the more analytical of you, but in this scene, it does seem as though they've arrived at the negotiating table (or not). Isabel, looking very sincere tells her that though leaving her as just a little girl was the most difficult thing she ever did (what a load of horse hockey), leaving her with Nieves was the best thing she could have done for her (this I agree with). Look how good she turned out."I'm so proud of you., but you will never understand the danger of us being together." Moni stands up. If there's anything she's good at it's dealing with danger. Isabel implores, "No one must know that I'm living here. Absolutely no one!"

In the Barrio, Iván is talking with Edith Bunker. No, of course it's Granny Teri, but there is a resemblance, especially when she has that anxious pained expression, which is most of the time. She suggests that he hunt up Luisa and chat with her. A brilliant suggestion. Why didn't he think of it himself? He's off to the school.

At school however, Luisa has found someone else to chat with... Andres. Flashing white teeth. Greasy black hair. Sparkling eyes. Winning smile. All directed toward the conquest of the nubile but innocent Luisa. She is upset that Katia has left, leaving her in the house with la momia. He offers to fill in. He'll come by every day (you would, you little bastard). The mummy likes him. They'll study together, go for a walk, go for coffee, ice cream. "It's not the same," Luisa seems confused... He is not. He moves in for a kiss but she shakes him off,"No Andres." She runs away as he watches, but only for a moment. He sighs, shrugging his shoulders. Nice try, cowboy.

Perhaps Mao is supplementing his currently meager income by offering guided tours of the secret bat cave. The latest tourist is Gabi. Mao drives up with her in his nifty car which apparently Coni didn't get and so far, it hasn't been repossessed yet. They get out of the car. Oh, she's not here for the tour after all. Moni has a key and he's stopping by to leave a note for her. He asks her to wait here while he dashes in. As he opens the door he sees that someone has slipped something under the door. Well, jeez, I guess even Jerónimo knows Furia's address. It's another red envelope.

Is this waterboarding almost over? Moni is standing. Isabel tells her that she's beautiful; she has a bright future; she doesn't want to jepardize it; yada yada. Moni tells her that Coni knows she's alive, she brought Moni here. "She just wanted to hurt you."wants to know what Isabel is doing in this apartment. "I needed a place to hide. As soon as you go through that door, I'm going to leave."

As Gabi waits on the sidewalk, who should show up but Coni? What took you so long sweetie? We've been expecting you. Mao found the red envelope already. Better hurry. Wait! Gabi wants a word. "Hey, hey," she grabs Coni's arm, "Why don't you leave Mauricio in peace? Haven't you done enough?" Coni insults her by telling her that Sal was her last train and now that he's dead, well... "Coni, I'm alive. You're dead in life and don't even know it... A zombie." Coni finds this amusing. She makes a mock startled face. Gabi continues her insult telling her that she is rotting and smells like human waste. Coni offers advice,"Stop reading cheap novels. The zombie will give you a scare and make you shrivel up (adelgazar, actually get slimmer)." Now Gabi is amused. "So evil is dietetic?"

"Mauricio is leaving a Postit note for Moni. He has the red envelope in his hand, as yet unopened. He sits on the sofa and starts to open it. Coni comes racing around the corner and down the entrance hall, "¡No lo hagas (don't do it)!" He looks up surprised to see her. She stands there panting. I thought that she's been training. She seems pretty breathless for a trained boxer.

Now Moni is begging her mom not to go far away. "¿Por qué? Why are you abandoning me?" She wants her to stay close to her and Mauricio. Issy reminds her that she promised to be silent, tell no one. "Mauricio already suspects that you're still alive." "No Valentina, Mauricio doesn't suspect that I'm still alive. Mauricio knows. He helped me fake my death."

Mao wonders why this envelope was slipped under his door. Coni says that it was by mistake. It was meant for her. He wants to know how she knows so much about it. "Because I'm psychic (adivina)" and snatches it from his hand and starts running away. Not so fast My Pretty, Mao catches up with her, grabbing her arm. "¡Suelteme!" "What are you plotting? Moni didn't sleep in the neighborhood last night." "Have you checked the zoo?" "Stop with the jokes.
Beto is missing, too." "¿Roberto disappeared?" Now she's interested but time's awastin', He asks, Do you know where they are?" "I haven't the slightest idea." She bolts away and is gone.

Moni's ruminating. "Now I understand..."She's got most of the pieces and now she's quietly putting them together. She murmurs aloud but to no one in particular. Isabel looks on. Isabel feels obligated to explain,"He must feel terrible guilt. Don't blame him and don't get angry with him. He loves you very much and you are very fortunate to have him." OK, I'm confused. Maybe we have her all wrong. Or not.

Ximena helps Rolu get situated in bed. He's heavy. He wonders what he'd do without her. She asks about his trip to the Dr. Very depressing. He's stuck in the wheelchair for the rest of his life, but it doesn't matter as long as she's with him. She stays upbeat. Her care and pampering(apapachos) he will soon be recovering. She offers to massage his legs "todos los dias o sea every day, beginning now." she squeezes his legs and is impressed. His legs are very firm. He offers that it lots (chorros) and all those races. She looks at him smugly and accusatively, "Let's see how much feeling you have left."

Moni tells her that Mauricio and she will help her. She can hide in Mao's warehouse which is secret and well hidden. Not with those daily tours he's giving, Sweetheart. Even Jero knows about it. Whatever the problem, whatever she's running from, together they can overcome it. Isabel says she dreams of being able to hold her in her arms but it's too dangerous. Smiling, Moni insists,"Come wit me Mamá." Isabel looks exasperated.

Ximena tickles Rolu's feet saying, "Quiti, quiti, quiti." He remembers. He has another letter. "¡Oh Rolu!" He tells her to read it out loud. She takes it and begins to read,

"Bonita, as the days pass, all the marvels that are locked inside the beautiful human being that is you, never cease to surprise me. (she interrupts her reading and says,"I'm that human being, yopi?") I want to be infected with with all that you are, see life as you see it, live life as you do, and enjoy every moment of your companionship. I'm frightened by everything you make me feel because it's new to me. Help me shed this fear and allow me to be part of you because I'm beginning to see things with the tint of Ximena, with the aroma of Ximena, even my dreams become images of Ximena and nothing would please me more than for your life also to be filled with me."

Whoa! Nice work Arnie! She is extremely affected, turns and looks sadly at Rolu, then briskly walks out.

Since we're doing love letters, we join Arnie and Lalo downstairs where Arnie is reading Lalo's (authored by Ximy) latest letter. This is a bit steamy (strawberry daquis?) and Arnie is having trouble getting through it. Lalo listens expectantly and as Arnie concludes, he positions himself and puckers up for the appropriate reward.

Oscar and Jero are loitering in a parking lot awaiting the arrival of Coni. Oscar is certain that the clues will lead her here. Jero is not so sure. What if Mao ends up with the pictures? She is a woman after all. Coni approaches them from behind. She is fed up with their little game. "Where is the next envelope? Hand it over." "Impossible. They're already part of destiny." Oscar directs her attention across the parking lot." Look in patrol car number 012." Coni is livid. "Are you crazy? If the police find it, I'm done for."

Lalo is now chasing Arnie, bent on collecting a kiss. "Come into my arms, cherub." "I'm afraid." "Kiss me. Don't be afraid. Dare to discover love through my lips." "You probably haven't even brushed your teeth." " I rinsed my mouth (hicé buches) three times with orange-flavored mouthwash (enjuage bucal)." Hey so does Arnie. Lalo says, "That makes our lips medias naranjas." Arnie, "Help me!" Lalo, "Take me. I'm completely yours. I'm not asking for the moon, just a kiss." Arnie tumbles over the couch. Lalo stalks his prey. We crack up.

Back in the parking lot, Oscar is pointing out Cristian, who is about to cross the street with Paula. She's doing all the talking. She is worried about Moni. They enter the parking lot, walk to his patrol car, he gallantly opens her door, closing it behind her, once see is seated. As he enters the driver's side, He spots... you guessed it... a red envelope. "Qué es esto?" I just told you Sherlock, it's a red envelope.

Ximena intrudes on Lalo's and Arnie's game of chase. Both have paused to catch their breaths. Ximena thinks they're breathless from passionate kissing. Both deny and complain. Lalo is trying vainly to proclaim his feelings, "Mi corazón es tuyo, take it." Arnie on the other hand accuses him of stalking. Briefly, Arnie takes refuge behind Ximy, but after a short breather, the pursuit resumes.

Now Mao has invited Gabi into his inner sanctum. Lorenza had already left the hospital. We could have told them that. They both think it's strange. She is certain that this is Oscar's doing. "Do you think she was dismissed because of her sanity (cuerda)?" He tells her this is not a horror movie. She is certain that she is now in the clutches of a psychopathic killer... Oscar. Mao is worried about Moni. He calls Estrella on his cellular phone. Still no word of Moni. Gabriela thinks that if they are to find Moni, they must first find Oscar.

Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in. (My mom, que en paz descanse, used to say that in situations like this.) It's Moni. She grabs him and hugs him. He tells her that he's been worried. She smiles,"I know everything my love. Thanks for helping my mamá." And heeere's mamá! "Hola Mauricio."



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