Thursday, February 25, 2010

Gancho Thursday Feb 24 #176 - Thirty minutes of horror

We left off with Mau telling Moni the truth for once, her mom has been deluding her. Coni gloats in the background. Mau sincerely tells Moni that, sadly, everything Hissy told Moni is a lie. He hugs her and Coni's diversion has been a success, so successful in fact that Mau and Moni don't even notice she has snagged the BIG RED ENVELOPE and scampered out the door.

As Coni sashays through the patio Beto stops her to ask what she was thinking cuddling up to Christian. Since Beto won't let her escape she admits she had nothing to do with him (looks down her nose at Christian). Encouraged, Christian drags Paula out to hear the truth and Paula immediately lunges at Coni. Coni admits to Pau she'd have nothing to do with that (sneers at Christian).

Tere and Alicia unpack the groceries and Tere recalls happier times when she and Ivan worked for Mau. But Tere can see that something is bothering Alicia, what is it? Al says she's got something important to do and out she dashes.

Coni insists she had nothing to do with this patrullero (she makes Patrolman sound like a swear word) and Paula lunges again. Come on boys, let her at the Momia, I want to see fur fly! For some reason nobody seems to notice the BIG RED ENVELOPE that Coni keeps waving around. The crowd, led by Gabi, verbally attacks Coni, she's a bland little worm with a weakness for jackals (alluding to Jacqui's description of Beto I think), "and escuincles too!" chimes in Estrella. Coni finally tears herself away from Beto vowing she wants nothing to do with any of them!

Moni gripes to Mau about Coni messing up her house and all because she was looking for a damn BIG RED ENVELOPE. How odd, says our hunkalicious dimbulb, there was also a BIG RED ENVELOPE at my house. They quickly dismiss the clue. Moni doesn't want to accept what the Momia says about her mom, is it true she was raped? Mau tells her yes, but Moni's not the product of rape, she has a father who is looking for her.

Inside Estrella's house, she and Gabi dis La Momia to cheer themselves up. Enter Xime and Lalu who agree that gossip about Coni is always fun. Do they talk about the BIG RED ENVELOPE?? Nooooo, they talk about the Bruja. (No, not Coni, the real Bruja they're going to consult about their love probems.) Then they fill Xime in on the gossip about Coni, Christian and Pau. Lalu sighs that a man in polis uniform is his one unrealized fantasy. Then Estre tells them that Coni also made a play for her cachorro. Xime says her ex-amiga is the worst. Si si, oui oui.

Chris and Paula walk and talk. (How ever will he prove to her that he really loves her?) He tells her he loves her but she says it doesn't change things. the best thing for them is to stop being novios and it's not because of La Momia. Their relationship is not advancing, she wants a family and he is afraid of commitment. She mentions marriage and he starts choking. See, she says, see what happens when I mention marriage? Goodbye for ever. She leaves him standing alone in the dark.

Mau and Moni do go on. In short, Mau tells her that her Pa never knew she existed. When Isa was sick she needed Moni to save her life with a bone marrow transplant, it was her only option. Moni leaps up, enraged. she refuses to believe. Mau insists that Isa needed Moni for her marrow and that's it. There's more crying and angst but I think we all get the picture. The scene ends with Moni refusing to believe.

Oski and Jero, relaxing at the wine bar, toast each other and wait for Coni's entrance. She throws the "final" envelope in their faces. They congratulate her on her success but news flash, they actually have the final envelope safely hidden where she'll never find it. She asks them why they are doing this to her? Jero says to wreck her and for their own amusement. Oski whips out an estimate of her worth, the total sum, and here is 33 percent for Oski and 33 percent for Jero. Coni scoffs. Jero sets the terms, she has one week to get them their money or the last envelope goes to the police. She insists she needs three months. Some whispering between the boys, they decide to give her a month and a half and that's it. Salud, clink.

Back to the torment that is Mau and Moni. This is three scenes condensed into one by the way. Mau explains the entire story of Isabel's perfidy, how she carefully planned each step, getting close to Nieves, luring Mau in and convincing him to pay for her operation and in return she would disappear and not break Monita's heart. Moni refuses to believe. This is basically the same conversation, but wait, Mau starts crying now. Yes he made a mistake but he wanted Moni's memory of her mom to be one of love, didn't want to see her suffer yada yada yada. Tears and denials, Mau I'll never forgive you.

Alicia gets out of a taxi and approaches the bat cave. Isa answers the door and tries to hug Alicia and put on her sweet face. Al says she knows perfectly well she's standing in front of a monster.

Gah!! More "I don't believe you" from Moni, over and over. Mau tells her she knows she's the most important thing in his life and from now on he tells her only the truth. Moni says OK then, if I'm not the product of rape who is my dad? Marcos Lerdo de Tejada is your father, father of Coni, you and Constanza are half sisters.

Alicia starts to lay into Isabel but will she maintain her spine in front of the Hissy Viper? Isa works it, we've been friends for sssssso long. Ali says yeah, inseperable friends, you liar!

Moni is, to grossly understate it, impactada and looks like she's going to hurl. Mau says he doesn't think Marcos is a bad person. Moni gets rather hysterical, Coni did all sorts of bad things to her, lied about her mom, etc. Mau insists that Isa is just as bad, Isa and Coni are allies! Moni reverts to "my mama loves me, she loves me!"

Ali asks why Isa did that porqueria to her, made her and Moni think she was dead? Isa tries the poor pathetic me look. Ali lights into her some more, she was a stupid idiot to take care of Isa all those years, what a waste! OK, so Alicia is standing firm for much longer than I thought. Hang in there Al.

Moni is still trying to wrap her mind around being the kid of Marcos and sis of La Momia. More back and forth, "I'm telling you the truth, Marcos didn't know you existed," and "No you're not, he's as bad as La Momia and my mom loves me." The scene ends with Moni saying after all of Mau's lies she certainly doesn't believe him now and she doesn't want to see him. I guess Isa's predicition was correct, no way will Moni be convinced to think bad thoughts about Mommy Dearest.

Alicia must be weakening because Isa pours them cups of coffee. Turning on the waterworks and begging on the love of all their years, Isa says she was a victim and everything Mau says about her is a lie. "What, do you think I'm crazy?" she demands. (A collective YES!!! from the audience.) She had the chance to live her life with Ali and her daughter, but Mau put her in a hospital in Monterrey, far from Ali and her family. Yeah, that's it. Mau and Marcos sent her far away to be completely alone. (Mentira!!!) Al says what does Marcos have to do with all this? Marcos is the father of Valentina! Alicia short circuits.

Ivan shows up at Luisa's and wants to know why she called him there. She says she wants to tell him everything. Britney whatever escorts Andres in. Ivan looks sour and impactado, what's Luisa up to? The boys immediately start fighting and Luisa screams at them to stop and listen to her. Lots of chest thumping and sneering going on between the testosterone tots. Luisa says she called them both there to apologize to them.

Paula returns to her friends at the barrio and tells them she broke up with Christian. Xime has three things to say, one, a hunky policeman like Christian isn't easy to find, two,
Coni just wants everyone to be as bitter and unhappy as she, and three, don't worry because they made an appointment with the love witch, wheee!

The group is interrupted by Mau and Moni rushing in. Moni is crying and Mau is clearly upset. He tells Moni to think about what he said. Mau sends Aldo home so he won't get in trouble and Beto yells "Adios Cachorro", heh heh. Estrella pulls out her Cachorro's cell phone that he left in her purse and Moni says she'll run after him. The anvil runs after her.

Beto brings Mau into Nieves' house for some comfort. He tells them he told Moni the truth about her mother and Nieves crosses herself. He also told Alicia and Nieves thinks it's weird that Ali didn't tell her, not even to gossip about it. Mau tells them that Moni is mad at him because Isa has made herself out to be the victim. Moni is very confused and he's lost her forever. Nieves stands up and announces she's going to talk to Isabel right now. Paper covers rock. Snow covers Ice.

By the way, I set a stopwatch on the scenes with Mau and Moni's endlessly angsty "conversation"... just over thirty minutes. Can you believe it?

Mañana: The wacky witch points to Moni and says her aura is very dark. Mau tells Beto and Nieves that Marcos is Moni's dad.


El Clon #8, 2/24. He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me.

The clinic staff is waiting when Leo arrives home, and delivers the bad news. Albieri says, “Our son.. is dead.” Leo recalls their final conversation, at the same spot in front of the house. Diego said, “If you want me to return, tell that woman to leave.” Leo told Diego that she stays. Diego answered, “Tú elejiste (you chose),” his final words, and left.

We see a variety of reactions.
• Leo is stunned and stoic.
• Rosa is just the opposite, hysterical, and the deputy has to pull her away from the crash site moaning, “My son needs me.”
• Luisa determines how Leo is supposed to be mourning – he’s doing it wrong.
• Enrique takes charge of the tramites – the arrangements.
• Albieri, who wouldn’t listen when Ali tried to instruct him, now does begin to listen when Life teaches him (he who will not be ruled by the bridle will be ruled by the bit). He says, “When you feel big and important, and that now you control your own destiny, this is thrown in your face and you realize we are nothing. Death is nature telling us that even with all our science, we are but dust.”
Leo tells Enrique that Lucas needs to be here at Leo’s side where he belongs. Enrique tries to console Leo, telling him to accept God’s will, but Leo doesn’t want to hear any “religion” (his throne only seats one). Leo grasps at straws and convinces himself that it’s all a mistake, that it wasn’t Diego’s body in the crash.

Ali brings the girls the good news – everything is settled, and the wedding is on. But he feels sorry for Said – Jade could make a man very happy, or miserable. Latifa starts talking up their sister, Nariza (I like Jean’s Freudian typo; I think I’ll keep it), but Ali says she’s an unrelenting conspiradora. Alone, Jade wonders what Latifa is trying to do, since Latifa can’t stand Nariza. Considering that Latifa will be living in the US, she wants Nariza to be a distant relative, the more distant the better.

Ali takes a call from Albieri and dismisses the girls. He finds out about Diego, and that no one can reach Lucas. Ali promises to do everything he can to contact him. Jade hears the name of Lucas, and hope returns. When he didn’t show up at the ruins, maybe it was because of family matters! She begs Zoraida to read her fortune. Zoraida reluctantly agrees.

Latifa desperately looks for the steamy DVD. Jade comes in and says she has to figure out how to escape the marriage. Latifa goes into whiney mode: “Don’t you dare! You’re destroying my life. You made me lose Said, and next I’ll lose Mohammed, and then .. What a world! What a world! Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my..” Oops. Wrong movie.

Back in Miami, Dora gets the low-down on that low-down Osvaldo. He’s sterile and the whole pueblo knows it. The neighbor says he’s like a agacate macho (avocado ??) – no da hijos. She chases him outside and rails at him. You’re dead to me, it’s a relationship of lies. She punctuates her screams with thrown shoes and the engagement ring.

In the marketplace, Nariza thinks her brothers are fools to want to marry the girls, especially that out-of-control Jade. Said is sure he’ll be able “acomodarla a mi manera” – that wording could have at least two meanings, perhaps three. Nariza thinks he acted like a fool, falling all over himself for her, and that soon she’ll lead him around by the nose. Said says he won’t let that happen, and closes the subject. Until Nariza suggests she might not be a virgin, or she might cheat on him after they are married. She suggests Jade be cortada (female circumcision) because women have too much passion and must be cooled off. (Paula to self: Hold me back! Hold me back!)

Zoraida reads Jade’s coffee grounds. “A love that will last your entire life. Joy that turns to sadness that turns to joy.”
Jade inserts, with excitement, “Then we’ll be together! He’s el amor de mi vida! I knew it the moment I saw him!”
Zoraida continues, “You’ll meet the same man two times (i.e. Jade will meet him for the first time, twice. Time will pass for you but not for him. The past and the future will cross in front of you, and you will decide whether to take the path that leads backwards, or to continue forward. Love will last a lifetime, but it doesn’t say you will be together. Perhaps you will lose him and re-find him later.”
Jade doesn’t like the direction this is taking, and she makes Zoraida stop.

Cris is talking to Vicky, grateful that it was her destiny to be with Leo. Vicky asks, “What about Diego?” Vicky couldn’t care less about Diego, all that matters is that Leo is at her side. As far as she’s concerned, Diego is dead. And in true novela timing, Cris’s friend calls; she heard on the radio that Diego is dead. Cris protesteth too much, that she never wished him any harm. She goes to her room and talks to a strange picture – it’s a collage where she cut out pictures of Leo and Diego, and she put herself between them. Perhaps she doesn’t have any actual pictures of herself and Leo? She tells the picture, “I love him.” Just then her purse, her gold purse, breaks its strap and falls to the floor. There’s a lesson here: In books and movies, rain is never just rain. In novelas, things never just fall. Especially not when they play the profound music.

In Diego’s old room at Leo’s house, Albieri remembers times with Diego. When he took pictures of a cloned cow. When Albieri told Diego about a cow/sheep chimera. (Per Ask a Geneticist (click here), a chimera is an animal with two types of DNA. It can happen when developing fraternal twin embryos fuse together to become one embryo. Think of this is as the reverse of identical twins where a single embryo splits into two. See also Wikipedia. Albieri collapses in grief.

Back in Morocco, the brothers want to know if the girls have been circumcised. (Ali’s temperature rises.) The brothers say the religion requires it. (Ali boils over.) Ali sets them straight (con fuerte!) – it’s a custom, it’s not in the Koran, it’s not from Allah! I challenge you – where is it? Said tries to hold his ground, “It has to be in there somewhere!” (If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard a heresy defended with those words..) Ali lays down the law – you can back out of the marriage if you wish, but my nieces will not be cut, they will continue as God made them. Said defers to Ali – “if you say it is not in the religion, we accept it because you are wiser than we are (boy howdy!).” They will be satisfied if he gives testimony that the girls are virgins.

A servant (who looks more like Said and Mohammed than either of them look like each other) comes in and tells Ali that Lucas has been found, and he is with Bedouins. Ali tells Zoraida to prepare the guest room; Lucas will be staying with them. Zoraida is impactada.

Ozzie tries to appease Dora with flowers, but she throws them back at him. She tells the clinic doctor that she quiera a Osvaldo, but quiera hijos más. Yeah, Honey, you put up with anything, up until you found out he couldn’t be your bed-warmer sperm donor. The doctor suggests in vitro fertilization.

Zoraida tries to warn Jade that with Lucas as their house guest, the situation is even more dangerous. Hospitality is sacred in their culture, and if Lucas offends his host he could be killed for it. Jade, as usual, blows her off. All she can think of is living under the same roof as Lucas, and besides, soon they’ll be faaaar away. That’s one honking-big anvil.

Leo is tormented with memories. Notice how much he looks like an invalid ever since the news? He goes to the mortuary and looks at Diego’s casket. Cris comes in and, ever respectful, is wearing a black floozy dress. Leo tells her to get lost. “I never preferred you over my son! NEVER!” Sounds like he’s trying to purge some ghosts that will not leave easily.

Ali arrives at the Bedouin camp to bring Lucas home. Ali says Lucas needs to go back to the US soon because his father wants to see him (but dodges questions of why). But he reminds Lucas that God is the one who gives life and death. Lucas asks what he’s getting at, and Ali dodges. They get back to the house, and Lucas and Jade lock eyes once again, but a cloud hovers over Jade.

Did the rest of the country get previews? I think ours (Pacific Time) got cut off for the soccer game.


Dinero #28 2/24/2010: Lions crying in the jungle tonight

We begin where we left off, with Rafa and the family of crazy butchers. He reluctantly agrees that there will be a wedding in four months. Oh the power of persuasion of wielding knifes. Vicky’s happy. Rafa not so much.

Marco enters Karens’ cousins house. She announces to Karen that her boyfriend has arrived. Karen gathers the multitude of friends and family and introduces them all to her “novio”.

Marco wanders if there could possibly be anyone else for him to meet. Karen assures him that everyone that she wants to know that he is her boyfriend knows. And they are happy to see her with someone like Marco. Then she adds she is not certain about this.

She questions Marco if he has clarified his relationship with Ale. He assures her that yes, although it wasn’t easy things are clear with Ale. Karen is all smiles, Marco not so much.

Now we see poor Rafa back at the blue house walking over to his bed, repeatedly stating “I’m getting Married”, but in a very frustrated tone.

He tells himself he has to get his mind off of that and think about other things. He pulls out his cassette player he purchased from bow-tie guy and begins listening to the motivational tapes. “Welcome to the road of success” The first thing one must due to become successful is to get rid of all your fears. Suddenly we hear Vickys’ voice telling him he has to get rid of his fear of getting married. And blah, blah, blah. Enough of this as Rafa pulls off his ear phones. And tries to concentrate on less painful things. He is now laying in bed all twittery and nervous.

Back at the big house, Karen is surprised but pleased that Marco has finally ended it with Ale . Tio Hector appears and greets Marco. He is preoccupied with what is going on with his friend Jorge. He informs Marco that he tried all day yesterday to get a hold of him but wasn’t able too, even his answering machine wasn’t answering.

So what is Marco good at? Lying. He begins telling Tio Hector that Jorge was hospitalized and had a relapse. Hector is concerned but Marco adds he is stable but needs to be left alone. You know the heart is really delicate. Hector wants to know what clinic he is in, and Marco continues with what he is best at; he lies and says he doesn’t know.

Hector asks him to let him know when he finds out. He is only going to be here for three more days and would really like to see him before he leaves.

Karen to the rescue, with her promise to Marco that she would help dissuade her uncle from seeing or talking to Jorge. She says it would not be very comfortable for her, because after all he is the papa of Marcos’ ex-girlfriend. Hector reluctantly agrees. Marco tells him next time he sees Jorge he will be sure to give him a hug for Hector.

Hector is called away and Karen scolds Marco for lying about Jorge being hospitalized. Marco justifies his lies. Karen still questioning if Ale and her family are clear that Marco and Ale are finished. Karen says it would not look good to her family if she was going out with someone that was committed to someone else.

Marco tells her not to worry, he has done what he said he would do, now it is her turn to make good her promise. He gets very amorous with her , and they are off to visit with his new friends and family.

Ale is at her house wondering to herself why she isn’t more excited about her upcoming wedding like she was before the accident.

At Rafas’ house, it is early, he is dressed and listening to his tapes. They are encouraging him to be successful. There are cute little cartoon scenes of Rafa and family enjoying the luxuries of a successful life. Rafa is pumped for success. “Yes Sir. I can do this” He repeats this out loud several times. The Tape says he is ready to go into the jungle and attack like a lion. Or something like that. More animated scenes with Rafa conquering the jungle.

Rafa is still pumped and jumping around, when the phone rings. He very enthusiastically answers already knowing it is Ale. Ale is thrown, sitting on the edge of her bed not the least bit ready for work. She asks Rafa if he is okay. He , still full of enthusiasm, tells her yes he is. She looks perplexed and tells him she will see him at work

Leonor rushes in and wants to know what all the shouting is about. She questions if something is wrong. Rafa assures her all is well. He tells her he is going to start a fresh, and he is going hunting in the jungle. Leonor looks very puzzled. He tells her not to worry, he is calm in the face of danger and spurts off more mutterings from his motivational tape. He is happily off to conquer the lions in the jungle. Go Rafa Go!!!

We have an anthem session at Siglo. Rafa is more enthused then ever. Ale is giving out work assignments for the day. When she includes Rafa in the list of people that will stay at Siglo he asks her if he can go out side of Siglo and try to
sell. Ale doesn’t think this is such a good idea, remembering the last time he ventured out to visit clients. She reminds him of the dog incident.

He convinces her to give him another chance . He wants to go out and explore the untapped jungle. She wants to know where there is any untapped areas. He tells her out in the country side. That is where he can hunt his lions, out in the jungle. She reluctantly agrees but this time she wants results. Rafa answers I can do this. I won’t let you down.

Rafa is off to the jungle. Sweet Bebe walks him to the door giving him some final advise. Marino is congratulating bow-tie guy for selling Rafa his useless tapes. Bow-tie guy is offended. He tells Marino that these tapes really work. Medina laughs at him , but bow-tie guy gets the last laugh, telling Marino he has a tape for him, one that will help him sell cars without loosing his hair.

Babes’ advise is simple. If you are going out of the city to sell cars, make sure you sell the kind they need.
At this he points to the type of truck that would be most useful to his clients out side of the metro area. He tells Rafa he should specialize in this type of sales. There is not much completion in selling trucks. Rafa gives one of his golden smiles and thanks bebe for the advise.

Ale is informing Susana that she will be away from the office. Susana wants to know if she will be seeing clients. Ale informs her she is going to see the doctor regarding her surgery, Susana tells her she isn’t ready for this. Her body needs to heal naturally. Ale tells her if she waits for that to happen, Marco will be already married with children.

Susana is concerned that she is doing all this now just for Marco. Ale says Marco wants to get married as soon as possible and she is not going to go limping down the isle. They argue. Ale states this is the only way to save her relationship with Marco. Susana scolds her saying if you are capable of doing this for him, you are capable of amputating your legs for him if he were to ask you to.

She tells Ale the worst part of all of this is Ale does not seem very convincing about wanting to marry Marco. She sarcastically adds, but good luck at the Doctors. Have a good day.

Rafa is now on the bus, about to conquer the jungle. He pulls out his cassette player and begins motivating himself once again.

At the Drs office Ale is being examined and we see a very realistic long scar on her leg. Rosario asks the Dr. how Ale is doing. I think he called her an extremely stubborn or dense women. He told her she needed to rest for two months and she hasn’t done this. She hasn’t allowed her bones to heal but has only impeded their healing by walking and working. He tells her because of her stubbornness she has to prolong her therapies for another two months. This is not want Ale wanted to hear. She pleads for him to do surgery as soon as possible. She wants to be done with all of this. She promised Marco she would marry him as soon as possible.
The Doctor tells her to forget about surgery. Before they can talk about an operation he has to tell her about the risks involved. She counters, stating she will deal with the risks. He warns her she could end up in a wheel chair and he wont be responsible for that.

Ale turns to Rosario and tells her they need to find a different surgeon. The Doctor tells her this isn’t a medical problem, but a problem with patience. No surgery is going to work if she is not compliant with what is needed to recover.

He suggests if she is willing to comply with what is needed to recover there might be a place in the states, but she would have to be willing to commit to at a least a month of post therapies. Ale agrees to this and questions where this would be done. He reminds her if she does this she will have to be at complete rest without any interruptions.

He gives them the information. Ale inquires into the cost of all of this. It doesn’t sound like it is cheap. Ale nervously twirls her hair and looks concerned.

We have a scene now with Marco answering his phone. It is Ale just leaving the Drs’ office. He feigns concern. He wants to know if she will have the surgery. She tells him yes but they need to talk about this, perhaps over supper. Marco gets another call and we all know who it is. Karen in a black slinky outfit is asking him if he likes seafood. She tells him tonight she is going to demonstrate her culinary skills to him as well as other skills she possess. Or something like that.

Marco tells her he would love to discover her abilities, but he is otherwise engaged tonight. Karen gets upset and tells him last night he told her he broke up with Ale and wants to know what’s going on. We are in for some fun lies now.

Ale still on hold and near tears, hangs up and redials Marcos phone. Marco seeing it is Ale lies to Karen and says he needs to take this call. Marco continues to lie now to Ale. He agrees to meet her at 8pm. Now he is back with his lies to Karen, but he trips himself up a bit.

Karen is a smart cookie she is not letting Marco off that easy. If he can't see her tonight she will be at Uncle Hectors house. Maybe she will even convince him to check up on his old buddy Jorge. Marco reluctantly agrees to meet Karen at 7:30. Okay Marco think fast. He calls his buddy Chavez and tells him to get over to his place fast. They have a big problem.

Rosario is asking Ale if she plans on having Marco go with her to the States. Ale wiping tears from her eyes, states she doesn’t know yet if they can even afford this, she doesn’t know where they could get that kind of money. Rosario suggest they talk with Chavez to see if they can somehow get the money from him. Ale doesn’t believe this is a good idea.

Marco and Chavez are trying to come up with a solution to Marcos problem. Chavez scolds Marco for getting all tangled up with Karen. After all it was just suppose to be one night of sex. How was Marco to know she was looking for a husband. Someone to show off to her friends as her boyfriend. Who would have known that her uncle was a friend of Jorges. And how was he to know she would end up being obsessive, jealous and crazy. Chavez wants to know if there is any women out there not like that.

We have a funny little scene back at Siglo, where Beltran encounters Marino and is not impressed with his new look. He wants to know what enemy did that to him. He tells him he cant go around looking like that. He wants him to go back to the way he looked before. Besides he doesn’t want him scaring the clients.

Rafa has made it to his destination. He is once again giving himself a pep talk. Telling himself to change his fears into challenges. Like parachuting or mountain climbing. He tells him self he is great

Ale enters Siglo and wants to talk to Beltran about her loan. The one they talked about before. He takes her into his office and immediately puts on his oxygen mask. After all they are talking about money. He tells her that if sales doesn’t rise, then his blood pressure will drop to the floor.

She reminds him that he promised her an advance if Rafa sold a car. Guess what he sold two. Beltran tells her that selling two cars is like not selling anything. They argue for a while and he finally agrees to half of the advance he promised her. But Rafa has to start selling.

Beltran asks her where Rafa is today. She says he is out hunting lions, and instantly regrets saying this , and says he is off selling cars. Beltran tells her he has one week to start being productive otherwise he is fired. Ale is gripped with panic

Back to Rafa. We hear his motivational tape in the background and Rafa is ready to go. He walks boldly into the first door he sees and immediately comes back out. He is rejected again, still with his illusions of being the best. We see him imaging himself as one of the greats such as Bill Gates or Howard Hughes. After all it wasn’t easy for them but they were successful. He can do it to.

We have a little imaginary scene wear Rafa walks victoriously into Siglo with all cheering him on, applauding his great salesmanship. Beltran is proudly congratulating him on his great success. Even Marino is smiling and applauding. Back to reality. Rafa asks himself why others can do this and he cant. Yes He can!!!

He sees a broken down truck across the street and with his new found confidence goes over to investigate. The lions are on the hunt in the jungle.

Back at Siglo Ale asks Susana if Rafa has returned yet or reported in. Susana says no to both questions. Ale doesn’t look happy. Susana informs her about a cocktail party she needs to go to. Ale tells her to forget about that, she has a date with Marco.

Susana wants to know if the wedding is back on. Ale tells her that is what she has to talk to Marco about. Susana asks her if she really thinks he will show up. Ale snaps back he better or else. And she snaps snarkly at Susana too, and hobbling off leaving Susana with her jaw on the floor.

Now we see Chavez’s little plan in action. He calls Karen and asks for Marco. We see Marco standing in the same room as Chavez. Chavez tells her Marcos' psychiatrist is looking for Marco. Karen seems puzzled and asks what psychiatrist? Chavez says well Marcos psychiatrist. I think the plan is to make Karen think Marco is nuts. Not far from the truth. He continues to tell Karen that Marco doesn’t do well with pressure.
He advises her to treat him calmly and not to pressure him if she sees him.

Chavez hangs up pleased with his little deception. He tells Marco he owes him extra for that. Now all Marco has to do is Marry Ale. Chavez did his part. The rest is up to Marco

Rafa now runs over to help out the man with truck problems. I was a little surprised that Rafa was actually able to help the guy out. They got the truck running. Rafa remarks that the truck has seen better days. And the guy owes it to himself to get a new truck. The guy says this is new. Rafa wants to know what part.

They exchanged pleasantries and Rafa asked him what he sells. The guy sells cheese and other dairy products. Rafa wants to know if he is the owner. He tells him he owns this store and two others. Rafa is finally getting a little plan put together. Rafa asks for a sample of cheese. The guy asks him if he wants to buy some. Rafa says if I like it maybe I will buy some.

Rafa takes a bite and asks how much per kilogram. The guy tells him he could give him a good deal. I am not really certain what was said next, I think Rafa said if it sits good with him he will buy it. The guy says,
same old story. If it sits good they will buy it, and walks off disgustedly.

Rafa takes out his calculator and pencil and sits down and starts calculating how much this guy would actually be selling in a month. Rafa figures this guy is making to much money to be driving around in such an old truck.

Ale is just about to leave. She is complaining to Susana that imbecile Rafa hasn’t shown up yet. Susana seems much happier to see him than Ale. Ale asks him how it went. Rafa is excited and says it went well.
She wants to know how many cars he sold. Rafa seems puzzled with this question. He tells her none.

She starts going off on him and he tries to calm her down. He starts telling her he has found the lions. He is about to get them. Ale scolds him, asking if he thinks he is in a circus or on a safari. She tells him that she talked with Beltran and he has exactly one week to meet his sales commitment.

He tells her not worry. Every thing is under control. She Says may God and your lions be listening!! She yells at him some more. She tells him to be back tomorrow on time. As he walks off she sarcastically says something about getting him and his lions out of her liver. It’s a dicho I never did understand, but I think it means she has had it with Rafa.

Susana and Ale have some harsh words with each other and Ale leaves for her house. We see her limping off sadly, crying “money money money, I need it for everything, for my surgery, how am I ever going to get it. And she worries if Rafa doesn’t start selling he is going to be fired. She cries out she is so tired of everything.

The lights turn out at Siglo with Ale standing alone crying and we see a cascade of her problems starting with Marco telling her "we get married or its over", then we see the scene of Marco rejecting her the night she went to his house to seduce him. All her problems flash before her eyes. Ale is left alone in the dark, crying. And I am left looking for a Kleenex .


Un Gancho Wed Feb 24 - Wednesday Night's Alright for Fightin' ....Wednesday..Wednesday....

Man, did anyone not get in the mix tonight? Ok, maybe Dani and Tere with cookies...

We open with the bro/ sis reconciliation scene and Nieves fanning herself with the coveted red sobre. Coni feigns ill and begs for air to get the envelope...when Nieves sends her outside for air she finally recovers and gets mad that she can't have the envelope. of course she manages to get it somehow eventually.

Estre and Aldo are together and she says she has to go pipi all the time now with the pregnancy. While she's gone, Aldo takes the opportunity to call Oscar about the wedding. He mentions to Oscar he went to the tudor to look for him. Oscar freaks. Aldo tells him nothing happened there.

Marc and Jacqui show up at Nieves' and Marc begs for forgiveness from the two kids for trying to separate them. Soon this degrades and Beto accuses his Ma of not keeping herself chaste. They get back around to the task at hand that the kids are in love and they need to get over all this crap. Pa begs his Coni to not give up on love like he did. She, with other tasks on her mind, says yeah, fine, Dad, another time now I have to run. She takes the sobre rojo with her and opens it in her car and we confirm they are photos of dead Sal with her bloody clothing. Her next clue is that the primate has something, so she thinks it's Mona and goes over there.

Aldo wonders to Oscar why Loriloca was there. Oscar tells him nevermind - just do what I say.
Oscar tells Aldo to zip it re the Loriloca sighting or he forgets about his wedding. Anvil.

Gabi admires Mona's strength and wishes she had the same to confront Oscar. Tere shows up with cookies and sweetens the mood.

Uh oh, Momia is tearing apart Mona's apartment. Ouch, that hurts to watch, but alas Mona discovers her and confronts her.

Outside, Ivan shows up muy triste after his fight over Luisa. Nothing better to fix that than Grandma and homemade cookies, that's for sure.

Mona challenges Momia to a fight over the sobre rojo. Rojo is the choice color for sobres, remember the red one in La Fea too? Think back, I'm sure there are others. OK- let's summarize this, they throw some venom at each other about their boxing skills and Mona knocks her out. Flat out.

Beto is cursing Coni. He was never important to her. The Pas say no way, she loved you and it's not too late. Jac swears that Coni loves Beto and that's what's important.

Ivan runs off upset.

Dani sighting. Luisa is crying over how she hurt two people who care about her alot. Dani begs her not to cry and that she should just ask them to forgive her. So sweet.

Marc swears he'll do what's needed to help because Beto is the love of his daughter's life - choke. Ma reminds that Beto decides.

Moni wonders what could be in this crazy envelope that she wants so bad. OH Open it for gosh sakes!!!!


Estre comes into the room before Mona can open the red envelope, doh...she sets it on the table. Estre sees the Momia and wonders what happened. She yells at Mona for disappearing.

Outside Pau and Cris continue their fight over the Momia makeout, Mona and Estre go out to see the chaos they hear. Everyone is shocked to hear Cris was with Momia.

Back to Jacqui telling Beto not to throw in the towel. Marcos throws in his cheer for the same. Beto thinks she doesn't love him.

Now Cris is surrounded by cackling women who wonder what the heck he was doing. Clear gender lines here. Aldo helps out his team by telling the story of the time that Momia did the same thing to him, showed up in a bathrobe.

Now Ma cheers for Beto that Coni loves him. She reminisces about the time in the hospital when Coni thought Beto dead. Jac begs him to try, that he is the only one who can save her daughter. Marcos lets out a "porfis" Ha!!

Paula breaks up with Cris despite him begging her not to. She'll find a man who will want to marry her. Cris doth protest.

Beto agrees to fight for the Momia. May God and all the saints help him! The p'rents are all pleased and pledge their support. Jac leaves but Marcos wants to stay and talk to Nieves. Jac insults him that Coni clearly came from him and that the "commoner" is still in him. He begs Beto to leave them alone. After a protracted argument, Beto finally agrees when his Ma tells him it will be ok.

Marcos reminds Nieves he never forgot her and it's never too late to fight for her love. Oh yes it is, says Cesar, who busts in and claims his woman!! Rah Cesar!!!

Beto comes out and tells the entire tenement about the love triangle between his Ma and Coni's Papas. They are all shocked.

Cesar wants to resolve things with Marcos the only way he knows how. A golpes. He spits some fighting words.

Pau and Cris continue arguing. This captures Beto's attention and he learns Cris was with Momia. Oh. WAIT, what???? Now he is going to get in on the bashing. Yikes, this doesn't go well and they start to come to blows. Moni wants to help but Pau tells her to butt out.

Cesar and Marcos fight over Nieves rolling her back and forth between the two of them like pretzel dough. I'm her past and future. I'm her present..... blah blah. Me thinks Nieves likes all the manly contact.

Momia finally wakes up, luckily Mona came back in time to get the envelope. Of course they fight over this again. Momi throws the Mami card out again. Mona says nope didn't ruin my life, made it better, thank you. She explained everything. Momi eats this up and starts laughing, swearing her Ma hates her..oh and she knows why, because you, Mona, are the product of her rape. Ouch.

Mona says that's not true, Momia drives home how it is, and how Mona is muy poca cosa.

Beto now has Cris in backhand lock. Pau still crying over him and Cris still swearing his love. Pau exits, but Cris tells Beto it was all Momia's fault. Cris wants to fight for Pau's love. Beto for Coni. Beto finally lets him up.

Mona puts her fighting hands up again, she doesn't want to hear the Momia anymore. This goes on again for a while. Oh crap, now she brings up Mau and how he hasn't been honest with her either. Mona swears she already talked to him and all is fine.

Back at the duel of old amors, both Cesar and Marcos swear their undying love to Nieves. She eventually kicks them both out, but then smiles at the prospect of two men fighting over her.

Back to the envelope fighting. Mona yells at her that what's in there must be something that she will hurt someone else with because that is all she knows how to do and she is now more alone than ever. She's destroyed Mau and now she goes home to noone. Ah, dear Momia starts to cry.

Aldo, Beto, Cris, and Cesar are sitting on the ground. Mau walks up and wonders what happened. All the guys start talking at once about their various ills. Ali and Tere walk up to distract him. Mau stops Ali to tell her that Issy has shown up.

OK now it's Momi's turn - she tells Moni that Mau would have told her the truth. Shortly thereafter said Mau shows up. Momia tells him he should really tell Mona the truth about how her Ma really does hate her. Mona begs him to tell if this stuff is true. Momia eggs him on. He says he'll talk to her, but alone. Ha - then he doesn't, he tells her right there in front of the Momia that it's true, her Ma isn't the person she thinks. What???? Smack to us and that's the end of the episode. Sheesh.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

ENDA, February 24, 2010

Luz is getting advice from the social worker on child raising. Xiochi is brought to Luz to take home immediately.

Carloca leaves her house and is paranoid someone is watching her.

In Houston, Orlando and Angelica are having breakfast and he brings up last night. Angelica feels guilty about what happened. Camila is her friend and would never forgive her for what she did. Of course all-I-can-think-about-is-myself Orlando thinks perhaps they shouldn't tell her. Angelica says how can I look her in the face? Maybe you can, but I can't.

Emiliano gets the new goods that Bernandito will be leaving the hospital the day after tomorrow. Then gets the bad news that Romina wants to give him up for adoption.

Carloca goes to visit Eugenio and asks him to forgive her. What for asks Eugenio. For what happened last night. I drank too much. Eugenio says if we made progress last night then I do not accept your apology. Anyway Carloca says she doesn't want him to think ill of her. (To late sister!) Eugenio tells her that in reality I really don't know you well or what you’re capable of. But I don't regret what happened. I enjoyed myself immensely.

Emiliano goes to see Camila looking for Romina. He drops the bomb that she wants to give Bernandito up for adoption and he will not allow it. Neither will I replies Camila. What is going on with that girl? I'll tell you.
1) she's spoiled rotten
2) she's a lying scheming witch
3) she’s obsessed with Emiliano
4) she's manipulative
5) she thinks only of herself.
I can go on, but I'm sure you guys will want to add your opinions on this.
Anyway Emiliano says he's going to look for her and if she sees her first to have Romina call him. Camila asks herself where is Romina's maternal instincts that all mothers have?

Carloca says she was lonely and looking for a friend and a confidant. And having him so close... Eugenio says again that he was happy that it happened. He offers her his friendship and confidence. They toast. Carloca says I really need that. So do I replies Eugenio. He asks her when was the last time she left RDM. The last time I was in Mexico was before my sister died replies Carloca. That was a long time ago says Eugenio. Carloca says that in the past month or so she did go to Pachuca. She wanted to go to the beach with Paloma, but one thing happened after another and the opportunity never presented itself. Eugenio offers to take her to Mexico to show her the sites. Carloca would love to go, but doesn't think the time is right. Eugenio tells her not to worry. He will find the right time for them to go together.

Luz comes home with Xiochi and the place is decorated. Rafa tells Luz he made a reservation at the restaurant so they can all go out and celebrate. Luz says they are going to Pachuca to go shopping all day. Rafa then suggests going with them, but she declines. (I see break-up coming soon with this attitude of hers)

Camila gets a call from Orlando. He tells her he misses her and that they have to talk. Camila says when he gets back they will talk and she wants the whole truth from him. No hiding any secrets. Is that clear?

Romina goes to visit Gabe the babe and wants him to paint her naked and takes off her dress. Being the man that he is of course he looks, but is shocked. Paloma walks up and asks Romina what the hell is she doing? Romina says I didn't know you would be here. I came for Gabe to paint me. I hope you’re not jealous. No, replies Paloma and tells Gabe she'll see him later. He asks her to wait. Romina tells him to let her go. Perhaps his artistic flow will be better. Gabe says you are a pretty woman and can be an inspiration to many artists. But a naked body does not stir my creative juices. Romina gets mad. He tells her to get dressed and turns his back to her. He offers to recommend someone if she wants to be painted naked. Romina lies and says that he offered to paint her. When asks Gabe. Never mind replies Romina. She tells Paloma to be careful. He is not what he appears to be. Paloma says you are the one that doesn't appear to be what you seem. What are you doing? Is it because you know how much I care about him? Romina laughs off Paloma's accusation. Gabe thinks that this conversation should be between them both and leaves. Paloma goes up to Romina and asks her why she hates her so much.

Orlando confesses to Emiliano that he slept with Angelica. Emiliano asks how she is doing. Our relationship right now is very tense replies Orlando. Emiliano thinks that Angelica is in love with him. I know says Orlando. I care for her, but not like I do Camila. I don't know what I'm going to do.

Camila tells Monica that Orlando called her and he seemed strange. Like it was an obligatory phone call. She feels something has changed between them and doesn't know what to do.

Back at Gabe's place:
P: That's enough Romina. I no longer believe in this game your playing that nothing is wrong. That everything is peachy and there are no bad intentions.
R: You think I have bad intentions with Gabe?
P: No with me.
R: Well yes. And I am no longer going to deny it. How do you do it? How do you get these guys to go after you? First Inaki, then Emiliano. And now the painter? What do you do? It's not normal that this happens to someone like you.
P: What do you mean someone like me?
R: Someone so insignificant like you. I don't understand how you get the love of so many men and I don't even get a hello. I am so much better then you. It's just not fair.
P: I don't understand! I don't understand how you can envy my life after all that has happened to me. If life has been unfair to anyone it was with me! Life gave you a mother. Beauty and intelligence.
R: What does that do for me if I don't have a man at my side.
P: Not everything is about having a man at your side.
R: That's what you would say. You have always had them at your side. I don't know how. I don't understand. But they have always been circling around you. Tell me what it is! You must be really good in bed, right?
P: How sad that our friendship from when we were little girls is being broken this way.
R: You broke it when you messed with my man.
P: You always went out with other girls boyfriends at school and said nothing was wrong with that. You also pressured Emiliano to be your boyfriend and don't deny it because I was there. And in the end he did not fall for you, but for me.
R: Just to let you know that makes for a bad friend.
P: A bad friend was you. If you cared for me then you would have accepted that Emiliano and I wanted to be together. But no you just couldn't lose. And now you lost everything. Everything!
R: I curse the day I became your friend. I never should have become friends with the orphan and good for nothing little girl in front of my house. Everything you touch dies.

Rafa tells Joel that he believes Luz will not let him father Xiochi. She only has eyes for her and I believe wants Xiochi to have eyes only for her. Joel thinks he's just jealous. Rafa says I feel like I don't exist anymore. She made me laugh again and pick up my life. But honestly, I don't think we are destined to be a couple.

Back at Gabe's:
P: I prefer to have died then to see so many people I love die. But this is about you and me. If Emiliano had truly loved you, I would gladly have stepped aside.
R: Please! You can't think I believe you. I know that you like to play the victim so that everyone says "Poor Paloma!" How good she is.
P: I have never played that card and if you truly knew me then you would know.
R: You’re right. I don't really know you. I have witnessed so many unhappy surprises with you.
P: And so have I with you. You know what I miss the most? The little girl that I laughed and played with.
R: That was me before you ruined my life. But let me tell you one thing. If I'm not happy then neither will you.
P: You really are like my Tia Carloca.
R: Don't compare me to that woman. I am far from being like her. I am a beautiful woman unlike you. With me they have fun and with you they disappear.
P: Honestly you have no idea how that hurts me you saying that. I hope I'm wrong, but the envy you feel will have you being alone. Alone and unhappy.
R: You’re the one that will be alone.
P: I thought we would be friends forever, but I see that it will not happen. I cared for you very much and will care for you all my life. But I never want to be near you again. Good-bye Romina!

Luz comes across Camila and Monica. She introduces her daughter to them and says she's in the process of adopting her. Congrats replies Camila. Rafa must be happy. Yes, replies Luz. Who would have thought following Rafa would bring me many beautiful things? They part and mean drunken guy that had Xiochi is following behind.

Cristobal gets a visit from the bishop. What is your decision? Cristobal says he wants to be a priest again. But no promotion. He wants to spend more time with his daughter and not have any additional responsibilities.

Eugenio comes home and finds Paloma waiting alone in the apartment. Gabe went out for a minute says Paloma. No worries replies Eugenio. He asks her if she remembers where Carloca was when Alonso disappeared. I think she was here replies Paloma. Eugenio says he talked to Natalia and she mentioned that you told her Carloca was in Mexico getting a check-up. Paloma remembers back to that day talking to Natalia. Yes, I do remember that day. I was worried and she called to say she was in Mexico and wouldn't be back until the next day. Do you remember what hospital asks Eugenio. No. Why asks Paloma. Just remembering your aunt telling me that she hasn't been to Mexico in a while. I recall she did say she went prior to her sister dying. Paloma says this was after. Oh she must have forgotten then replies Eugenio. Does she ever go to Pachuca? Yes, once a month to buy her herbs. She can't find them here replies Paloma. What kind asks Eugenio. I don't know and rattles off a couple of herbs including belladonna. Belladonna asks Eugenio. Yes, so that she can relax and sleep says Paloma. Gabe comes home and asks her how it all went. I'll tell you later she replies. Off they go to paint. Eugenio says to himself how smart Carloca is. Using belladonna.

Padres Mateo and Benito are happy that Cristobal has rejoined the priesthood. He is to give the next mass. Cristobal is scared about the congregation’s reaction. Padre Mateo tells him to have faith. Everything will be okay. Inez comes in and asks Cristobal if he's a priest again. He smiles, she sighs and says how handsome he looks.

Emiliano runs into Romina. He gets onto her for wanting to place Bernandito up for adoption. Romina says you have proven you are not his father and now it's none of your business. Emiliano says in the eyes of the law and in my heart I am his father. If you don't want him then give him to me. Romina says are you crazy? I would never give him to you. Why not asks Emiliano. Because that baby and me are a packaged item replies Romina. Emiliano say if you want to destroy your life then do it. But not his. I will never forgive you for this. Then help me asks Romina. Show me how to be a good mother. Stay at my side. Emiliano pushes her away and says not to touch him. You and I will never be together. The best place for a child is to be with his mother, but if you don't want him then I will fight you for custody. As well as my freedom.

Gabe understands why Paloma is upset. Romina was like a sister to her. Paloma doesn't understand how someone like Romina could be envious of someone like her. They don't see what they have, but want what others do have that they don't replies Gabe. It's just like Carloca. They can't expect that the men they desired wanted someone else. Instead of moving on they became obsessed. Gabe then tells her that Emiliano came to see him to say that he still loves her. Do you want to continue this or do you want to get back with him?

Carloca is walking in the park and thinks she just saw Dr. Bermudez walking by her. She wonders to herself about him when she is called by Inez who frightens her. She asks Inez and the ladies with her if they have heard anything new about Dr. Bermudez. Nothing replies one of the ladies. But you won't believe what happened today. Especially after all that came out about your sister. Inez defends Macarena which annoys Carloca. Carloca asks her what's the big news. Inez informs Carloca that Cristobal is now a priest again. Carloca is outraged. How can the community and the priests quickly forget what Cristobal was accused of? I think the church would be empty when he does mass. Gossip guy and wife walk by and hear this. Carloca goes on her rampage about morals and blah, blah, blah. Things she doesn't have.

Romina is pacing in her apartment and says out loud how much she hates Paloma.

Emiliano is mooning over Paloma. Surprise, surprise.

Paloma tells Gabe she accepts his proposal. He wants to get married in 15 days. She wants to get married in RDM so that her dad can marry them. Gabe is so happy and excited. They hug. Where's the kiss?

Luz is all about Xiochi and not really giving Rafa any attention. She wonders what's up? He wants to know if she still wants to marry him? No, replies Luz. And I think it's time for me to leave RDM.

Camila is getting onto Romina. She has to decide what to do. The baby is coming home tomorrow. Romina says she's just not ready. Camila suggests she stay with her for awhile. Romina says when will you have time to be with my baby? Camila says we both will do it together. Romina says moving in with you would be like admitting failure. Camila says wake up! We are talking about your child. Where is your maternal instincts? I don't know replies Romina. I don't think I have one. I never wanted to be a mother. You need to step up says Camila. Or you can lose the baby. Perhaps its best replies Romina. I'm scared. I don't know what to do. Camila says I'll help you. Okay. You will come with me to the hospital asks Romina. Yes replies Camila.

Rafa thanks Luz for giving him back his life. For bringing in the light. Luz thanks him for changing her life. Because of him she found Xiochi. She is going to miss him. So will I replies Rafa. They agree to be friends.

German is making a shady deal with a man. They talk about paying off a judge.

Rufi and Paloma go to a fancy restaurant to have dinner. They are waiting for Cristobal and Madeleine so that she can tell them all some news. Rufi gives her the fake ring that Carloca had made to exactly like the one Inaki gave her to trick her. Paloma asks Rufi if Carloca is really that evil. Yes, unfortunately replies Rufi. The more lies I uncover, the more I think that she had bad intentions towards Macarena. Paloma says that Eugenio is having doubts about Carloca also. He was asking for Carloca's whereabouts when Alonso died. I told him that she was in Mexico having tests done. Well that is what she said replies Rufi. Who knows. Do you think that she had something to do with Alonso's death asks Paloma. Yes says Rufi.

Manana: Paloma tells everyone that she's marrying Gabe; Cristobal heads mass and Carloca gives him the stink eye.


Corazon Salvaje #3 Wed. 2/24 - Don't Throw the Baby Out With the Rainwater

Here is a quick posting spot, maties. I have an unexpected guest arriving at the Villa de Willa any minute so will record and recap late tonight.

Part I -

Maria Rosario and Juan de Dios are forced apart in her bedroom by the vengeful Rodrigo and the more than vengeful Leonarda. Juan who leapt out of the jail window, next leaps off MR’s balcony on to a waiting horse (who put that horse there?) flees the inept troop of horsemen with long rifles who are ordered by the screams of Rodrigo to kill him but who don’t seem able to hit the side of a barn. Juan takes his third leap into the sea to avoid the incompetents. HIs fisherman skills include staying under water for Olympics medal worthy long periods leading to the rumor that he must have drowned in the sea.

Back at Rodrigo’s hacienda the baby is born, Leonarda hands off the swaddled baby to Clemencia who makes a second pass to Celestino who holds his bottle of fire water with more tenderness than the beautiful ill-fated infant. So Celestino drives the doomed baby away in the wagon with more rain and more lightening while Leonarda administers a sisterly ether and pillow smothering as an unusual postpartum treatment for the new mother.

The hapless doctor has had his wagon wheels doctored and is fatally spilled out on the mountainside to assure that he cannot deliver his threat to report the shameless treatment of mother and infant.

Tonight: Crocodile teared Leonarda tells Rodrigo that Maria de Rosario has died. Leonarda is anxious to show off her handiwork leading Rodrigo toward the body but he cannot bear to go see saying she has been dead to him since he found her at the altar with Juan, we sweep back in black and white to his hateful memory of seeing her happy at the altar. He strides down the impressive stairway to take care of a few things just ahead of the whining Leonarda who worries how Dr. Miranda will keep his promise to report to the authorities. Rodrigo assures her not to worry since Dr. Miranda won’t return to tell anything, dead men don’t tell tales (admiten = confess, tell, allow).

Clemencia thanks Celestino for saving the baby, saying God will repay you, this makes him look really worried but a celestial over voice tells us that the storm was an omen (presagio = omen) and the baby did not perish but would survive and be strong like his father, marked by providence. And sure enough the lightening and storm are all around but the baby in the grass is dry in his still clean white blanket.

Back with the loving sister Leonarda who re-administers the ether like liquid while Fulgencio, the man servant looks on. She is already dressed in a thousand yards of black lace and veiled as she pulls a sheet over Maria de Rosario while practicing her mournful sniffles.

Next morning, Rodrigo prepares to leave in his elegant carriage while Clemencia begs to go along, but Rodrigo orders her to help Leonarda prepare things. What things, she asks in innocence. Why, the wake (velatorio = wake for dead person), Maria de Rosario died last night.

Back by the sea, the baby cries in the glen while a small boy carrying a rabbit grabs the note place by the baby but now down the slope a bit, hides it in his waistband and picks up the softly crying infant. . Rodrigo asks Celestino what he did with the infant, but Celestino says he followed Leonarda’s orders...

Back at the tiny village, the boy shows up with the baby and hands him off to a friendly woman who is already surrounded by children so seems to know just what to do. The boy reads the note which merely says this child is named Juan de Dios. She notices the telltale mark on the babies neck (cuello - neck and also collar). We switch to a quick sight of Celestino cryng in remorse and shame. Then to Noel giving sincere regrets to Rodrigo for the tragic loss of M de R. Rodrigo does not miss a chance to vent more hatred and blame the whole thing on Juan de Dios. He tells Noel the “truth” of her dying in chlidbirth but asks for absolute discretion and secrecy. The condolences and promises are interrupted by a servant woman announcing the death of Dr. Miranda.

We see the villagers commenting on the funeral coach in front of the hacienda then up in the bedroom, Leonarda looks woefully at the empty casket and the Fulgencio loads a burlap bag of something, books and clothes into the casket to approximate the weight of a dead woman. Back to the beach, the woman begs her husband to let her keep the foundling and without telling him everything says they will baptize him Juan de Dios as if she had thought up the name herself.

After the break, we return to the drawing room where Rodrigo discusses the fatal accident of Dr. Miranda. The police chief (I presume) mentions that something about it seemed premeditated, but bites his tongue when Rodrigo gives him that look. Noel opines that Dr. Miranda had no enemies, how could this be. When asked about the services for Maria de Roasrio, Rodrigo says her sister just cant’ let go of the body yet, YEAH, we flash to Leonarda and Fulgencio carrying the sheet covered body into the a miserly room (at the Finca del Mar?) As the sheet is taken off, M de Rosario stirs, then Leonarda throws a black veil over her sister's face and cannot bear to look at her again. At the wake, the closed elegant casket causes much confusion and weeping, Later alone, Leonarda assures Rodrigo that she has already donated all of Maria’s clothes to charity as she cannot bear to have sad remembrances lying around. She strokes Rodrigo’s grief torn face but he shirks her caress. Clemencia and Celestino argue more about the disappearance of the baby. Celestino is too drunk to come up with a good story but sober enough to keep from telling the truth.

In the night Rodrigo is awakened with Leonarda in his bed with kisses and caresses. As soon as he figures out what is happening her orders her out of his bed. Leonarda curses him and says the best punishment for his spurning is the loss of Rosario. She swears he will never be happy with anyone else.

The camera pans a grave stone for Maria de Rosario engraved with 1820 - 1851. (and didn’t look a day over 47...) Clemencia says the only thing she has of Rosario's is her rosary which she vows to wear forever. The young woman and man who were at the ill-fated wedding are with her and find out that Juan de Dios is presumed dead and wasn’t there a baby? Yes, but Leonarda demanded that he be hauled off in a wagon and he probably died out on the road. The young woman swears that the baby and Juan can’t be dead,

Maria de Rosario (I’ll just call her Rosario from here) now wearing her black veil is screaming out for Juan de Dios while the Nabor servant looks disturbed and concerned.

Part II -

So sorry this is ever so late and a bit disjointed in the posting. But where were we - Oh yes,

Life proceeds happily for the baby. The bloodied dirty hand of Juan watches as the villagers discuss the disappearance of Juan and his supposed death. Fulgencio tries to strangle Rosario but is stopped by Leonarda and paid off. The soldiers show up at the shore and make grabs at the women and questions the fishermen. A land deal was discussed during the first episode that will drive the fisherman from the valuable beach front property that Rodrigo has designs on. The soldiers taunt the fishermen that Juan de Dios, their savior is dead and what are they going to do. Behind the hut, Juan hears the story of Rosario’s death as they cross themselves.

Noel, swears to be at Leonarda’s side come what may. (pase lo que pase - note the use of subjuncitve). Leonarda announces that they should marry immediately. After the break she is dressed in her lovely bridal gown when Clemencia chastises her for marrying Noel out of spite (por despecho) while she has always loved Rodrigo. The lovely wedding and clouds lead to the bedroom while she thinks about other things and other love while Noel undresses her for their wedding night frolic. We see Rosario crying in the finca prison thinking of her lost love for Juan de Dios.

A young couple are arguing about the need but lack of money, that he says she knew about when she married him. A universal theme but sorry I don’t know who they are yet.

A young couple are arguing about the need but lack of money, that he says she knew about when she married him. A universal theme but sorry I don’t know who they are yet.
Oh this must be the jug swigging Celestino and his pregnant wife who wants him to extract more money from Leonarda to continue the keeping of her secrets.

The precious young boy and his adorable baby “brother” sell food to delighted people in the market place. No one can keep their hands off the magical baby.

Leonarda is as disgustingly self-righteous as a pregnant rich lady as she was a pining old maid. She and Clemencia argue over the memory of the sainted Rosario. Meanwhile Rosario spends her miserable days with a mentally challenged woman who can’t really talk to her, hoping for better days.

Noel hears the first cries of his new baby and hears from Clemencia that it is a son. Leonarda rocks the baby like it were a jug of orange juice to shake up with little tenderness. She is sullen as Noel thanks her for giving him this greatest of gifts. She demands that the baby be named Renato in honor of her father. Already she has established a pattern of talking down to Noel.

The baby Juan is walking and playing on the beach with his beloved big brother, Remedio, while the privileged Renatto is dressed in baby tuxes learning to play piano and write. Juan is learning to trap rabbits. Renatto looks board while Juan learns the joy of spearing fish and tell stories by the fireside but Remedio’s father warns them they better teach Juan to know he is an orphaned outsider, not one of them. Mom protests while the wise young Remedio swears that Juan will be his true brother forever. Renatto looks out the window with boredom and Clemencia expresses her sorrow to Noel that the little boy is so sequestered and isolated.

Back at the bad Finca del Mar, Leonarda is disgusted by the filthy smells and terrified at the black cat the Fulgencio brings to her. She threatens to never come again but Fulgencio threatens even stronger that he will be forced to divulge her secrets and the truth about Rosario and all that is hidden there. Leonarda flees as Fulgencio grins.

Meanwhile Celestino’s wife is teaching their daughter to take things from Leonarda’s drawingroom. Leonarda orders them to get back to the kitchen and the brat (mucosa = snotnose) to her vivienda. Rene asks how things went at Finca del Mar. Oh fine, fine she dismisses him. Then a letter comes from Rodrigo which Leonarda acts so selfish. Rodrigo’s letter promises to return forever with the biggest surprise. Leonarda thinks he is returning to her and prepares her loveliest clothes and the ship bringing Rodrigo and his surprise plys the waters. And here is Rodrigo telling Leonarda how young and lovely she looks but he has something to tell her. Leonarda begins to tell Rodrigo about her unfortunate but not necessarily permanent mistake (marrying Noel) meantime her eyes go wide as the lovely Constanza (same name, same pretty actress as Gancho but looking ever so sweet) is introduced as the love of his life whom he kisses fervently while she reveals her silk and satin clad pregnant belly. Oh there will be more surprises and we can be sure, Leonarda isn’t pleased.


ENDA Tuesday February 23. The villains don’t care what’s right, they want everything that’s left.

Overlap: Eugenio has responded to Carlota’s drunken weepy booty call. He gets to watch her waddle around (is it the shoes, or what? Carlota has the walk of a much heavier, older woman) and cry about her abandonment. He can’t convince her that kids are supposed to leave the nest. She says no one understands her. Lady, give them a break. They don’t all have doctorates in abnormal psychology. Eugenius says he’d like to understand her, then goes above and beyond the call of duty and bravely endures her leechy face-suck. Seems to really get into it, in fact. Should he get a Purple Heart for that?

On with the new: On an autumn day in Houston, Not-So-Angelic and OrlandNo are snoozing in bed all deshabille. They wake up. “What have we done?!!!”

Over at the rectory, Padre Benito asks Cristóbal whether he will remain a civilian or return to the priesthood. Cris says it depends on what Paloma decides to do. He feels Crueloca is still a danger and he needs to protect his daughter. Padres Benito and Mateo make evil-deflecting hand gestures and nod in agreement.

Romina is at the hospital, asking the doctor with great irritation what the emergency is. The doctor tries to be civil about the fact that this brat can never be bothered with her son, and says that Bernie is doing much better and will be discharged as soon as the day after tomorrow. Romi is not thrilled. She doesn’t want to take the baby home and doesn’t know how to take care of him anyway. Doc says they will teach her what she needs to know, and she can hire a nurse for the first few days to help while she gets the hang of it. “Do you know of anyone who might want to adopt him?” is Romeana’s response. The poor doctora is flabbergasted.

La Loca wanders into the sala in her robe and sees the wine bottle and glasses. “It wasn’t a dream! Eugenio was here! We kissed and then…” long thoughtful pause while we try not to imagine “…he left! I must not lose control like that again! I can’t cheat on Cristóbal, even though he was unfaithful to me with my own sister.”

The disloyal cad himself is breakfasting with last night’s partner in Tongue Twister. Cris asks for advice on how to protect Paloma from La Loca. Eugenio says, looking perhaps a tad embarrassed, that he may be a little too involved with Carloca, and not, um, ahem, in the usual way he is involved in his cases. He flashes back to the liplock. “Don’t tell me you are interested in Carlota,” says Cris, disbelieving. Eugenio gets all shifty and doesn’t answer. I think Cris’s mind has been blown.

Carloca is still in her robe, washing her own dishes. She tells herself out loud that she’s got to focus. Her only objective is to separate Paloma from Cris, so they can’t leave her all alone.

Cris, no longer hungry, is all, “Qué the heck is WRONG with you?! You know what kind of person Crueloca is!” Eugenio (not earning that genius rating at the moment) says yes, that’s what he finds attractive. She’s perverse, selfish, mitómana (no idea what that means but it must be bad), but also very intelligent, and he likes it like that. Cris can’t believe it. He warns Eugenio to be very careful. Eugenio admits that sometimes he gets sucked into her spell, and believes that she’s a poor sweet suffering thing, even though the evidence shows otherwise. Well, this is a major weakness for Team Good Guys. Can the dimwitted B-team rally?

Paloma runs into Emiliano in the lobby of the swanky hotel, where it seems everyone is living these days. He’s surprised to see her there, and she catches him up: Daddy is ex-Padre Cris, and there’s a bonus granny thrown in! Emo is delighted. Know what’s even better than her escape from the abbatoir, though? He’s getting divorced! Now they can get together again! Paloma isn’t jumping ships quite so fast, and turns away. Forget that painter punk! Ditch him and let’s get it on!, enthuses Emo. Paloma says nothing and looks at him with Great Conflict, because she is a Tragic Soul.

Paloma finally says she is Gabriel’s novia now. Emo asks if she feels the same way about Gabe that she does about him. No, she says, it’s different, but this is what she has decided. How can she do this if she still loves Emo, he asks. She reminds him that he loved her when he married Romina. Arguing about how this is different gets Emo nowhere, so he tries sliding up closer and fondling Paloma while talking about their smoochfest days of yore in his best Harlequin Romance voice.

Romina returns home to find Néstor, Emiliano’s lawyer, waiting for her with divorce papers. She tells him not to waste his time. She’ll never divorce Emo. He tells her she doesn’t have a choice.

Emo leans in to kiss Paloma, but once again she steps back and away from him. So what if he says he’s leaving Romina? She’s only interested in facts, not words and dreams. So, she’s going to stick with Gabriel, even though she totally really loves Emo, for sure. Emiliano wants to fight for their love, of course. Forget it, she says.

Romina refuses to accept the divorce papers. Néstor tells her the papers are just a formality. The divorce is a fact regardless. The only thing her attitude will affect is how much of the community property she gets to keep.

Camila tells Mónica that she’s selling her share of the ceramics business to Rafael and Joel, which of course Mónica already heard from Joel. Cami said when she was talking with Rafa she realized she still has feelings for him, but she hopes it’s just because she’s mad at Orlando, and not that she made a mistake in marrying him. Mónica knows that trying to find logic in Cami’s romantic decisions is futile, so she just nods patiently.

Luz and Rafa meet with the adoption lady. She tells Rafa he doesn’t need to be there. Since Luz is adopting alone, the psychologist and social worker will only need to talk to her. Way to care about the entire home environment, social worker. Luz wants Rafa to stay anyway, but he leaves. The lady asks Luz if she’s sure she doesn’t want to include him. No, she’s in a hurry to adopt Xochitl.

La Loca stalks her prey Cris in the rectory. He asks her what she wants. She wants Paloma. No one else can watch over (velar) Paloma, only her.

Paloma breakfasts with her abuelas and tells them she’s worried about her future. They tell her Cris hasn’t decided whether to be a priest again because he wants to stay with her and protect her. Paloma says she doesn’t need protection. Madeleine says they will never lack for money, anyway. She’s got oodles, and if Cris goes back to the church, Paloma and Rufi will be her only heirs. Rufi is surprised. Why her? Because I want to, and I like you, says Madeleine.

Another intense Carlota-Cris faceoff:
Carlota: Gimme my abused little birdie Paloma back.
Cris: Over my dead body.
Carlota: If that’s how it has to be.
Cris: I know exactly what you are capable of. Your masks have fallen off one by one, and now you’re naked. God and I see the truth. Your hate and envy of Macarena have finished you.
Carlota: Me?! Jealous of Mac?! Never!
Cris: Of course you are jealous! She was more beautiful and more of a woman than you! Do you realize you could have found another man, had children, been happy? But no! You had to cling to the impossible! (Afferarse = to cling, to insist, to hook together). Now you’ve lost.
Carlota: You think so? He who laughs last, laughs best.
Cris: You won’t be laughing. Good always wins, and people like you are punished.
Carlota: Make Paloma come back to me, or you will regret it.
Cris: Enough threats. I am not afraid of you. You are ruined. The end has come.
Carlota: We’ll see about that.

Whew! Yes, we will see about that, o crazy one. It’s why we tune in.

Gabriel gleefully tells Eugenio that he proposed to Paloma. They laugh and embrace. Didn’t they have this conversation yesterday, before Eugenio went to see Carlota?

Cris fervently prays for protection for the whole gang. A slightly threatening tone starts to drown out the holy monk chants.

Emiliano moons over a photo of Paloma and wonders aloud why she doesn’t want to be with him if she still loves him. He ignores his buzzing phone.

Romina leaves a ranty message for Emiliano demanding some face time. Liliana overhears and of course can’t help taunting her. That Karma is such a mean girl, isn’t she? Romina continues to insist that Emiliano is HER husband. “Oh, whatever. He’s trying to get back together with Paloma,” says Lili. “WHAT?!,” says Romi. “Yeah, but I don’t know if she’ll accept. Gabriel also proposed to her!” Romi looks furious. “Tough to choose between two such great guys, don’t you think? Careful with that karma! Ta-ta!” Lili flounces away, leaving Romina stewing in her own bile.

Paloma is at Gabriel’s place for a “painting lesson.” This involves him wrapping himself around her like an overcoat and helping her hold the brush. Well, okay, it can’t make her paintings any worse. She turns around to tell him about her encounter with Emo. He’s surprised and happy to hear that she didn’t go running back to Emiliano and wants to stay with him instead. Paloma admits that she still loves Emiliano; she can’t stop all of a sudden, but she also loves Gabriel and she’s chosen him. “So will you marry me?” asks Gabe. Paloma isn’t ready to commit to that. One day at a time. He appreciates her sincerity. They go back to the tandem painting.

Romina throws the papers at Emiliano and says she’ll never divorce him. He says what she wants doesn’t matter. What she did was so egregious that the divorce will be granted anyway. Romina snits that he thinks she is a golfa, but Paloma is the real slut! She’s already been with Iñaki, and now Gabriel! And Gabe has asked her to marry him, so forget about her loving you forever, chump!

Natalia calls Eugenio and tells him that Paloma told her that the day Alonso died, Carlota was out of town. Coincidence? She thinks not. They know Cruel tried to kill Doc B, so it’s not hard to believe she also tried to kill Alonso, and succeeded. Eugenio agrees, and will look into it. Doc B lies in the background, still comatose.

Romina calls Germán and demands his help. “Are you crazy? After the way you treated me?” he says, but his bizarre addiction to her prevents him from hanging up. “You have to make Emiliano not divorce me,” says Romi. “How? He hates me as much as he hates you.” Romina doesn’t care. He must find a way to do it, because if Emiliano doesn’t want her, no one else can have him, including that slut Paloma. “I don’t care if Emiliano divorces you. Deal with it yourself,” says Germs. Romina is incensed.

Emiliano paces around Gabriel’s house until Gabriel walks in from the other room. Did he let himself in? Telenovela people are always stunningly bold that way. He doesn’t waste time with pleasantries, he goes straight to menacing (well, he’s trying to be menacing, but doesn’t quite have the gravitas) warnings against marrying Paloma.

Paloma encourages Cris to return to the priesthood. “But how would you handle having a priest for a father?” he asks. “Very proudly,” she says. He worries that narrow-minded people might not approve, but she says that’s their problem. Cris also worries that they wouldn’t have much of a family life. His time would not be his own, and he wouldn’t even get to decide where he lives. She says she will visit him wherever he goes. She just wants him to be happy, and serving as a priest is what makes him happy. She’s never been like the other girls so she doesn’t care that she’ll be different, she is just ecstatic to finally have a father. Happy hugs. They argue about who loves the other more.

“I am not your enemy,” Gabe tells Emo. “Yes, you are! You can’t take Paloma away from me! She loves me!” “That is her decision to make.” Gabe goes on and on describing the life he intends to have with Paloma, to Emo’s great irritation. No, no, no, Emo stubbornly argues. He will NOT permit Gabriel to mock him! Or to end up with Paloma! Gabe gives Emo a sideways look as Emo vamooses, probably wondering what Paloma sees in him.

You know, it’s really hard to see the difference between Emiliano and all the obsessed, selfish, stubborn villains. I guess it’s that Paloma has said she loves him, but still. That doesn’t mean she’s given up her freedom and belongs to him.

Rufi shows Madeleine Paloma’s engagement ring from Iñaki, which Iñaki said was very valuable and Carlota claimed is worth nothing, and the copy she found in Carlota’s desk (she has both now). Hmmm, very curious, says Mad.

Germán finally takes the papers about the changed will to Eugenio. Eugenio asks whether he’s had further contact with Carlota, and Germs says no. She asked him to find out what happened to Doc Bermúdez, but he hasn’t learned anything. “Hmm. You may go,” says Eugenio. However, Germy has the gall to ask for a recommendation, so he can get another job. “Are you freaking kidding me?! You are corrupt,” says Eugenio. Germs says he’ll be a good boy from now on. “Some people don’t change, and I don’t think you regret what you’ve done. You’re just sorry about the results. You only came to me to get revenge on Carlota,” retorts Eugenio. “Please, please, please,” whines Germy. “No. I’ll pay you for your services and that’s it; we’re done. It’s a shame someone as smart as you took the easy route. You ruined your life.”

Carlota goes home and finds an envelope slid under the door. It’s another pasted-letters note:

I am so close to you that I can see that you are dressed very nicely today. Bermúdez.

“No! You’re dead! You’re dead!”

Cris is telling Paloma he knows she loves Emiliano, but there have always been obstacles in their way. “Yes, but now there’s also Gabriel, and something tells me I want to be with him,” says Paloma. “That something, is there revancha?” asks Cris. (Help, someone?) Anyway, Cris seems to want to be sure that Paloma really loves Gabriel and doesn’t just feel sorry for him because he is supposedly dying. No, she says, she loves him, and the thought of leaving him for Emiliano is really upsetting to her. “Well, there you go then; you have the answer in your hands,” says Cris. Paloma actually looks at her hands to find her answer, and Cris smacks her teasingly.

Luz is filling out the paperwork and telling the adoption lady she’s worried about being a good mother. The lady says love and desire to be a good mother are the most important, but you have to learn on the job. Xochi is brought in for a visit. Luz is all squeals of happiness.

Carlota leaves her house and looks around suspiciously. Música de suspensa.

Orlando and Angélica are in a restaurant for a super awkward dinner. Orly asks whether she wants wine. Ange says no. Last night she had enough for the rest of her life, thanks. Orlando kind of suggests they just forget about what happened. Ange says even if they try to erase it, it did happen, and she feels terrible. Orly says he feels terrible, too, but he doesn’t sound at all upset, while Ange is trembling and on the verge of tears. Camila is her friend! How could she betray her like this?! Orlando doesn’t think Camila needs to find out; it would just be unnecessarily rude to mention it. Ange wails that she’ll never be able to look Cami in the eye. She cannot live such a lie! Orlando looks confused.

Emiliano is at the hospital, and the doctor tells him that Romina wants to put Bernie up for adoption. QUÉ??? The doc is worried that the baby’s health will suffer if Romina does that.

Avances: Romina asks Gabriel to paint her nekkid, and doesn’t wait for him to agree before starting to drop her dress. Paloma walks in and is impactada.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, February 23: Ep. 2--Televeracruz has some crappy weather.

Gracias a Capitana Jody for last night's rundown of who all these people are…at least in Generation 1. Let's see how far we get tonight….

Despite Leonarda's pretensions at evil, she doesn't think she can bring herself to kill her unborn niece or nephew. She does, however, intend to keep making Maria del Rosario suffer until she goes nuts.

Maria del Rosario, meanwhile is spending quality time with Juan de Dios. When he gets out, she wants them to start a new life together with their baby. Yes, Juan, your sperm are that efficient. He's thrilled that such a fine wench would cast eyes on a lowly fisherman. But she sees his noble soul, etc. Juan remembers when they met…

Flashback to Maria del Rosario walking down by the shore and smiling at him as he plays with his fishing nets (not a euphemism). She's enjoying herself running down the dock and she gets her shoe stuck between the boards, then falls in the water. Juan watches until Clemencia calls for help, then he obligingly dives in a saves her. The 1850's version of "meet cute." The music is all dramatic, but being that this is a flashback, it's hard to work up any concern for Maria del Rosario's health. Juan gets her to cough up all the water and they gaze meaningfully into each other's eyes. Then he kisses her. My, my, he's got quite a pair on him!

Another flashback, to the two of them on a mat on the beach surrounded by flowers. He swears, with the moon as witness, that he'll always love her, no matter what, and he won't rest until she's his wife. She also swears she'll love him for eternity.

In his cell, the say they will love forever and live together always and no one will be able to separate them. Again, given that we already know what's going to happen, it's hard to get too worked up about this. The guy she bribed for the visit comes in and cuts it short. Before she leaves, Maria del Rosario tells Juan that she'll be waiting for him at the beach house. The guy has to come back in and tell her to get out already. More protestations of undying love, etc. She finally wrenches herself away from him and leaves. Juan de Dios is thrilled about the baby.

Leonarda reads Celestino the riot act for letting Maria del Rosario out of the house. Isn't a celestino someone who facilitates romances? Leonarda warns him that if Rodrigo finds out, he'll be furious and Celestino will be stuck in a "camisa de once varas" (a shirt of 11 sticks; a right mess). Maria del Rosario comes home and gets yelled at by Leonarda. She doesn't say where she went. Leo dismisses the servants and yells at her some more. She threatens Rosi with locking her up if she doesn't obey Rodrigo's orders. Rosi asks point-blank, "do you hate me?" Leo doesn't deny it. She scoffs at the question and asks why. Rosi says, basically, you treat me like dirt and you don't love me. Also, you ratted me out to Rodrigo. Leo acts hurt and says that's all she needed…"I don't hate you, I'm just trying to protect you. You don't know how much your accusations hurt!" Rosi wonders how Leo got so bitter and goes upstairs.

In her room, Rosi wonders what's going to become of her, Juan de Dios, their child, and their love. He, from his cell, answers that their love will be forever and they'll see each other again and run away together and be happy forever. Too much forevering, people. It only leads to bad things.

Juan de Dios, unchained, starts to stack debris to make his escape, but a guard arrives with his breakfast--a bowl of gruel which he dumps on the floor. Juan uses a rock to turn his spoon into a carving implement…over several weeks or months, if the beard is any indication.

Meanwhile, at the beach house, Rosi tells Clemencia it's been ages since she saw Juan. The only thing that keeps her going is their big ol' baby bump. She wonders if Rodrigo will forgive them and let them be happy.

Rodrigo, in his office, tells Noel that he won't forgive them. Noel counsels him to forgive them and set himself free. Rodrigo tells him to butt out.

It was a dark and stormy night…

When Juan de Dios finally dug his prison window out of the wall and escaped. He makes his way to the beach house and scales the wall, coming in through the window into one of the rooms. He wakes up Clemencia and covers her mouth so she won't scream. She gets up and lights a candle. She wants to know how he got out, but he says there's no time, he's got to get Rosi and get out of there. Clemencia says there's no way--her situation is too delicate and she'd be in danger. Clemencia shows him into Rosi's room, where she's having some trouble sleeping. She is thrilled to see him, excessive facial hair notwithstanding. Rosi stands up to show him her belly. He gives the bump a fond hello. Rosi thinks she's strong enough to run off with him, but she's worried that he's not up to it. He says he's up to anything for her and his baby. They shamble out to the window, but when Juan sees the lightning, he pulls her back inside. Rosi still wants to go, but Juan says he can't take her out in that. She'd get sick or something might happen to her and the baby. He says they have to wait, but Rosi is desperate. Clemencia backs him up. Juan says they'll just wait until the storm is over. She agrees. After all, they've waited so long, a few more moments won't matter. Clemencia puts her back in bed to rest up for the journey. Rosi tells Juan to come get in bed and hold her until the storm is over. He comments that the room smells like gardenias. That's because she always keeps gardenias in her room to remind her of the first gardenias he gave her, in front of the church one day. Juan takes heart from his memory of her saying that no one and nothing will keep them apart. Rosi swears they'll be happy tomorrow.

The next morning, it's no longer raining. They are awakened by a rooster. Juan gets nervous and says they've got to hurry up and leave. Rosi is still thinking about the great dream she had. Clemencia comes running in, upset that they all overslept and now they've got to hurry.

The guard finds Juan's empty cell.

Clemencia encourages Rosi to take more of her jewels with her, just in case, and Rosi gives the pendant to Juan for safekeeping. Stupid, since he was locked up for allegedly stealing jewelry in the first place. Clemencia hears the guards coming and tells them to hurry. On their way out the door, Rodrigo confronts them with a gun in Juan's face. Leo was right on his heels. She fakes shock as Rod threatens Juan. Rosi gets in front of Juan, but Juan pulls her back out of the way and argues with Rod some more. Rosi gets in front of him again, insisting that if he wants to kill Juan, he'll have to kill them both. Rosi tells him that if he really loves her, he should want her to be happy. Rod says he'd rather they were dead. Juan and Rod fight over the gun, which never leads to anything good, and we see Juan's shocked face.

The shot gets the attention of one of the guards.

Neither Juan nor Rod was apparently shot, just that Juan hurt his other shoulder fighting for the gun. Rosi pushes him out the window and tells him to go, shutting it behind her and confronting Rod. Rod insists she let him kill Juan, basically, and of course, she won't. He pushes past her and goes out onto the balcony, but Juan has jumped onto a horse and is riding away. Rodrigo yells at the guards to kill that man and, I think, quotes them a price for doing it.

Juan keeps riding. The guards are lousy shots. Juan finally ditches the horse near a cliff. The guards do the same and follow him . Juan dives off the cliff and into the water. The guards all fire their guns into the water. And probably miss, since they don't have anything to aim at.

Rosi worries about Juan. Leo comes in and says nothing as Rosi supposes worse and worse fates. Leo finally says Rosi must be lucky because the guards told Rodrigo that Juan fell into the sea and they never saw him surface. Leo figures he must have drowned. Rosi thinks she's lying because Juan couldn't leave her. Leo stops her from leaving, saying that there isn't anything to see because there's no body. Rosi fights to leave the room and ends up falling and screaming for Juan as Leo smiles triumphantly and Rodrigo stews. Rodrigo shatters a mirror in a fit of pique.

Later, Rosi is lying in bed, telling the bump that Juan will be back, because he promised. Leo looks annoyed. She accuses Rosi of pretending to be crazy to get them to feel sorry for them. But she won't feel sorry for her since she brought it on herself. Rosi keeps talking to the bump about how daddy will come back for them. Her contractions start and Leo leaves the room as Rosi screams to Juan de Dios to come for her.

It was another dark and stormy night…

When Leo comes to tell Rod that the doctor is on his way. She sees the mirror and freaks out about it being seven years of bad luck.

Down at Noel's office, he's apologizing to Santiago (the guy with the money, who's in love with Mabel) for Rodrigo not being there to sign their business agreement. Something important must have happened. But since Noel is Rod's representative, he can sign for him. Santiago tells Noel ok, as long as he understands that makes it legal. Noel offers a meeting tomorrow with Rod, but Santiago has to get back to Europe. Noel wishes him a good journey. "Grathias," replies Santiago.

Leo comes up with a flimsy excuse to keep Clemencia out of the birthing room. The baby's coming fast and Rosi can't be convinced to slow down her breathing or calm down. Clemencia hears the baby crying and thanks God. The doctor pulls the covers over a weak Rosi while Leo holds the baby, who has a birthmark similar to mama's on the back of the left side of his neck. She starts to take him out of the room as the doctor says that Rosi is very week. Leo tells him where she's taking the baby is none of his business. Leo gives the baby to Clemencia and tells her to give the baby to Celestino, he'll know what to do. "And what's that?" "Give him away." Clemencia is shocked, but Leo says it's that or Rodrigo will kill the baby, which is entirely true, but she makes it sound like she's lying or joking. She tells Clemencia to get a move on.

Rosi wakes up and asks about the baby. He tells her it was a boy. Leo comes in as Rosi is asking to see her son. Leo tells Rosi that the baby was stillborn. Rosi freaks out.

Clemencia doesn't want to give the baby to Celestino until he tells her what he's going to do with the baby. They fight over the baby until Clemencia agrees to hand him over. She tells the drunk Celestino to keep him covered up and begs him to tell her where he's taking the baby. He refuses to tell her, but eventually says he'll drop the baby off at a nearby nunnery and leave before they can see him. Clemencia begs him to leave a letter with the baby and he agrees, probably because the baby is screaming and he'd like to be rid of it sooner rather than later.

The doctor yells at Leo for lying to her sister. He asks where the baby is. Leo tells him "they" need to talk to him.

It was a dark and stormy night…

When Celestino rode along, holding the baby. He hears the guards talking about chasing somebody and panics. He jumps off the cart and hides, thought bubbling that if they see him with this baby he's totally busted. The baby keeps on crying.

Rod and Leo discuss the doctor. Rod says everyone has their price. And if the doctor won't be bought, they'll just find another way to take care of him. The doctor comes downstairs demanding to know where the baby is and Rod tells him to name his price to keep his mouth shut. "Listen, keeping professional silence is one thing, but being an accomplice to a crime like you two are committing…." The doc and his twisted knickers pick up his little black bag and head on out. Leo gets all fluttery and asks if Rod's really going to let him leave. She accepts his scraps--taking her hands and rubbing them--as he says it's dangerous to be out on the road alone at night. A lot of things can happen.

It was a dark and stormy night…

When Celestino left the baby by the side of the road to cover his drunk ass. He left the letter under the baby.

Leo comes into Rosi's room and thought bubbles that she finally got her revenge. "You've always been an obstacle in my life, but no more, I will destroy you!" She puts something, maybe ether, on a cloth and holds it over Rosi's nose while Rosi struggles.

The doc makes his way down the road, looking nervously at the wheels on his cart. His horses keep running faster and he can't get them to stop. The cart crashes, leaving the doc at the least bloody, possibly worse.

Leo screams to Rod, who comes upstairs to hear the news that Rosi is dead.

And tomorrow: the baby cries some more.


Dinero 2-23: A ratty wig, blisters, and "The Road to Excellence."

  • Yesterday: Rafael is aghast that he appears to have said something Vicky could construe as a proposal.

    Marco is aghast that Karen's uncle is Jorge's friend and could help Jorge get his hacienda unembargoed (I don't understand about this embargo). "This all could have been handled in a couple of months. I'll fix it," the nice man says kindly and firmly...

    ... Marco, who is going to get busted if somebody inquires into this matter, looks sick as the uncle calls Jorge and leaves a message on his answering machine saying they should get together...

  • ... and it's becoming clear to Karen that Marco is far from a free man...

    Marco tells Karen: it would be better if her uncle did not get together with Jorge. She agrees to help with that, on the condition that he firmly break off with Ale, "and I'll know if you do!"

    AND he must be present at a dinner with her family the following night to be introduced formally as her boyfriend. [Looks to me like her family has more money than Ale's, why doesn't he just jump ship?] Karen calls him periodically during the day to remind him of her ultimatum.

  • Ale, dressed in a camel-colored suit and matching collar, is just leaving for work when Marco arrives, ostensibly to kiss and make up, and maybe even drive her to work, but actually he's eyeing the answering machine the whole time. She is brusque and takes a taxi.

    Marco manages to sabotage the machine - Jorge and sis never hear the message. For safety's sake he takes them on an all-day excursion out of town to be sure they don't meet up with the helpful friend. He sadly tells them Ale seems so distant; they are charmed and promise to help him.

  • On the way into morning meeting, the sales force titters watching Rafa hobble along behind Ale. They all think Rafael is making some joke behind her back, but it's really that his feet are killing him after his long, long walk back from her house to town the previous night. He covers, saying he just walked home from work.

    She admits to Susanna, later, that she's touched - especially by the fact that he didn't trumpet the news that he'd done her this favor; while she hasn't forgiven him, she can imagine a future in which she could. She sends the janitor over to him with some foot salve or something. He's touched.

  • Marino comes to work with a fright wig over his shaven head. Everybody makes fun of it and says it will scare customers and it looks like a rat's pelt. He snarls at Medina: "You just sold one car! You'll be out of here by the end of the month."

  • Uh oh, Vicky (cradling her teddy bear) is calling the priest to talk about setting a date. Her brothers and dad believe this is a real engagement.

  • Two guys in a bar discuss Jorge: "He was loaded but now he's so in debt." "You're lucky he's lost his memory or he'd remember it's you who convinced him to buy all that expensive equipment he couldn't afford."

    Evidently something fishy happened while Jorge and his wife were out of the country on vacation...

    I think Enrique Quintana (the fatter one) is planning to make a play for the sister, Rosario. He doesn't think much of her, but he's sure there's money around there someplace, and "where there's money, that's where you find the dog."

    Some poor guy who basically lives in this bar because he used to be a weightlifter but hurt his hand, and then his wife cuckolded him, and maybe his dog got run over too, comes over to say hi.

  • Ale calls another sales meeting that evening and is pleased to hear Rafa sold another car. He, however, is depressed, because he has to sell scores of cars to make up the debt he owes her. She tries to buck him up. He insists he's sure there's a great car salesman inside him; she says he better hook up with that crack salesman inside him, because the month's nearly over.

    Rafa discovers Moustache (Ramirez) has a huge stock of motivational books and A/V materials, and trades some of his expensive wedding booze for a "Road to Excellence" tape and a tape player.

  • When Ale gets home Marco is watching TV with Rosario and Jorge, all cozy; they sing his praises. Rosario goes so far as to insinuate that Jorge has been sicker lately and only Marco is a refreshing cure for his ailments...

    Marco tries feebly to cheer Ale out of her blue funk, but she can't get over his forgetting their anniversary. He gets a call from Karen and hisses, "I'm working on it!" [Breaking up with Ale.]

    He tells Ale he has to leave, business you know, but she is evidently as frustrated as I am trying to figure out just what it is he does. She says "We don't share enough," he says, "We must get married immediately!"

    She says she's in no condition, he points out she hasn't made time to see the doctor. She has to schedule her operation. She says she'll see the doctor and then they can set the date. She is very unenthusiastic. He cries tears of joy (and greed) as he rushes out the door to Karen's party.

  • When Rafa gets home, he finds his mother worried and annoyed to hear (from Vicky) that there is now an official engagement. He denies it, sort of. "Well she's getting it all togther - the dress, a party, mariachis... ARE you marrying her?" "Someday. I suppose." "She's obsessed. Did you make her a promise?" "They pushed me last night" "Well, I know you're less and less in love with her, and you have to tell her."

  • Rafa goes to Vicky's house, and manages to say "I'll marry you, but not now - how about in three or four years?" As usual he caves in to the inexorable pressure of (1) her screeching and tears; (2) her brothers' threats and knives; he sadly and with trepidation agrees to - four months! Vicki is very happy!


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