Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dinero #225 10/28/10: The Great Fake Out

Episodes 229 and 230 in Mexico

Yes folks, we have been punked by the writers of Dinero. But few times have I been so happy to have been made a fool of. Let’s go back to where we left off to see where we erred, and the writers had a chuckle at our expense.

Ale and Rafa are on the road to Cuernavaca and have stopped at a rest stop for coffee and refreshments. We see them exit the rest stop, refreshments in hand and happily ready to conquer the world. They strike a happy Rafita Gol! pose. Then we see Pantera traveling the dark, winding road, as a truck coming from the other direction decides to use both lanes to get where it’s going. Too late both vehicles see each other. As impressive as Pantera is, it is no match for a monster truck (as anyone who has driven on a highway knows), and it happens to be on the wrong side of the road (meaning the side with the steep drop). The truck wins and the Pantera goes flying over the side of the hill and bounces and flips the rest of the way down the ravine. The Pantera is no more, but we hope that the same is not true for our (finally) happy couple.

We switch gears for some more lighthearted scenes. Rubi has brought Jorge back to the apartment after an afternoon out and about. Rubi is so happy to be back with the best man she’s ever known, after all those men who only wanted her for her body. Jorge wants to go right to sleep after she leaves, so that the time will fly between now and the next time he gets to see her. Aww!

At Trancazo, Doña Dolores and Martin have classed the place up and laid out a fine banquet to celebrate her favorite customers, the Siglo crew. They’re all touched, lower themselves into their seats to begin feasting, and… all land right on their backsides. The Trancazo will always be the Trancazo.

Our next scene made me wonder if my dvr had somehow skipped itself back a few scenes. Isn’t that Ale and Rafa, at the rest stop, with refreshments in hand? Wait, this isn’t a rewind. Ale and Rafa never left! They are searching frantically for the Pantera. “This is the spot where I left it! (Aquí lo deje!) We was robbed!”

Want to know who WAS in the Pantera? Really? Are you sure? Well, you’ll just have to wait. In the meantime, we’ll get the resolution to another mystery. Jorge is speaking to the portrait of his lovely wife, Maria Consuelo. He tells her she is the love of his life. But he has been alone so long and he doesn’t do well with loneliness (la soledad). He tells her about this marvelous young woman he’s met (Rubi) and asks his wife if she will give him her blessing to spend the rest of his short days with Rubi. A heavenly glow emits from the face of Maria Consuelo and Jorge knows he has her approval. He happily traces his fingers across her image and then across the canvas to the signature and date. The date, 20-11-75 (November 20, 1975) lights up, and suddenly Jorge remembers that this is the password for the Swiss account! Jorge weeps tears of joy and thanks his beloved wife. Yay!

Back at the rest stop restaurant, Rafa has returned from making a call to Urdiales, who is very understanding about the whole thing. In fact, he’s decided to sign all the paperwork for sale of the trucks without further negotiation, and will messenger them over to Siglo. They wonder who could have taken the Pantera. Ale thinks that someone must have been watching them, waiting for just the right moment since they were in the rest stop for just a few minutes.

We finally get a close up of the Pantera, smoking and groaning at the bottom of the ravine. Wait, that groaning is coming from people. We see a lovely arm hanging from the passenger side window, with a few streaks of blood. Then we see that the arm is attached to…Vicky! The driver quickly comes into view, and it’s…Marco!

Things have come full circle, but in a way none of us envisioned. They are both groaning in pain and Marco asks if she’s ok. She says her leg hurts. Marco insults Rafa and his car, and Vicky is glad that at least Rafa’s lost the thing he loved most in this world (Pantera). Vicky starts being Vicky and shrieks in pain at ever increasing decibels. Marco tells her to shut up as he attempts to exit the car.

The next morning, Rosario tells Ale how Jorge miraculously found the Swiss account password (clave). A bit later he informs them both that he intends to travel to Switzerland with Rubi to settle the account. Rosario tries to talk him out of it, since it might not be the password after all. But Jorge is convinced it is. He goes to the portrait and points to where his dear wife illuminated the numbers for him. Ale, a true romantic, marvels at the power of LOVE.

At the breakfast table at Casa Medina, Julieta tries to get Rafa started talking by saying, “Bueno, estoy esperando.” (Well, I’m waiting. Which can also mean, I’m expecting.) Rafa takes the latter meaning, slams his hand on the table and demands to know what she’s expecting. (Qué estas esperando?!) Julieta looks at him like he’s a mad man. After all, he’s the one who told them he had something important to tell them.

Remember when the writers tried to fake us out about Julieta being pregnant? Those jokesters! I just *love* their jokes. (Said with much sarcasm.)

Rafa spills the beans about the reappearance of Rafa Medina Sr. and Marian’s role in it. He is sure he sent the pictures to them. Leonor wonders if Sr. intends to approach her and Julieta. Julieta immediately declares that she does not want to see that lout, but protests a bit too much. It becomes obvious to Leonor and Rafa that Julieta yearns to see her father. She sadly admits that she doesn’t even remember him, and wonders (hopefully) if he’s repentant.

They leave the Rafa Sr. topic for a moment and Julieta brings up her marriage proposals. Rafa flies off the handle again and forbids her to marry anybody until she’s finished school and started her career (good advice). “You’re not my papa!” “Well I have been for many years!” Leonor tries to intervene and calm her two kids down, but it’s a stubborn, cross-armed standoff. A knock at the door breaks the tension and Rafa orders Julieta to answer it. “Are you listening to me?!” (He sure sounds like a dad.) Julieta opens the door and finds a man there who seems familiar to her. It’s Rafa Sr. “Hola hija.”

He’s not greeted with open arms. And I am disappointed that we do not get a “Qué haces aquí?” Instead we get an even ruder, “Qué quieres?” That would be enough to send me walking back out the way I came, but Sr. asks for some coffee, with sugar, and some coffee talk. Rafa and Leonor glare at him, and Julieta happily runs off for the coffee. He compliments them on their homey and welcoming house, saying it’s something he could not have given them. They don’t know how much he’s wanted to be at their side.

“So why did you leave?” Rafa wants to know. “So that you could be happy. Would you sit and listen to me a moment?” The Medinas all sit for a tearful talk that has been a long time coming. Rafa senior explains the hell of fighting alcoholism, Julieta listens with rapt attention, Rafa fumes, and Leonor listens in pained silence.

Rafa Sr. explains about the daily fight against the sickness of alcoholism. Leonor thinks he should have sought help from professionals and not abandoned them. He says he saw many doctors, tried and failed over and again, was committed to an asylum (manicomio), and even ended up on the streets. He did not want his baby girl to grow up seeing him like that. All he wanted to do was get well so that one day he could see them again and ask for forgiveness. And here they are- healthy, handsome, successful, and above all, happy. They couldn’t have been that way with him around. (I have to say, this is making total sense to me and I’m ready to forgive Sr., just like that. Am I a sucker?)

Julieta makes a show of still being mad and says they thought he had left them for another woman or had another family. They didn’t think he was wandering the streets, drunk. They wouldn’t have been able to stand it. He talks about his struggles to get clean and sober, and the withdrawal pains. He has to fight each day to not fall off the wagon. But each morning he wakes up and thinks of them and thinking of them is what helps him. They want to know why he didn’t let them help him for real. He explains that Julieta was just a little baby and he saw how Doña Leonor, yes Doña because she earned that esteemed title, took care of Rafa, the baby, AND supported her no good husband. “She supported me because I was her husband. She cried and suffered. I couldn’t keep hurting you. I had to fight this battle on my own. Each day I woke up and it was a miracle of life that I didn’t know how long would last.”

He explains how Marian found him, showed him the photos of them, and convinced him he had to seek them out and ask their forgiveness. He wants them to know that he loves them more than anything else in this world and asks permission to see them once in a while. He tells Leonor that she is la madre perfecta, mujer ideal, y esposa paciente (perfect mother, ideal woman, and patient spouse). “I could never have another woman because I could never erase you from my heart.” She cries tears of sorrow, love and regret, but she accepts his words. He bids them farewell and turns to leave.

Julieta, who has not put on a very believable show of toughness, is the first to crack. She runs to him and straight into his arms. “Papito! No te vayas.” She clings to him, while Rafa and Leonor cling to each other with feelings far more complicated and mixed than Julieta could feel for a father she doesn’t remember. She tells him that she has so much to talk to him about. He asks Leonor respectfully if he can talk to Julieta. Rafa tries to convince them all that it’s more important that Julieta not miss school, but Leonor realizes that Rafa Senior is just what her little girl needs right now and gives her blessing.

We’ll take a breather from the emotional happenings at Casa Medina to happily wrap up the stories of three of our side characters. Ovi runs into the salon and excitedly tells her two boys that she’s finally scored a protagonist role in a movie! Yay! Unfortunately, this means she won’t be working at the salon anymore. Booo! The boys are not happy about this, until they realize they can be with their beloved Ovi as her personal assistants. All for one and one for all! Yay! (I’m sure they’ll also serve the purpose of keeping those agent/director/producer/actor wolves at bay.) What about Pepeto, you ask? We’ll just have to wait till tomorrow to discover his fate.

At Siglo, another of our sales ladies is getting lucky in love and business. A well known socialist politician has pompously marched in to buy a truck. The Generala is all a flutter (in her way) and goes to serve him, exchanging socialist platitudes in the middle of a capitalist transaction. A truck is sold, and a romance is born. She gives the details of love, Socialist style, to the other ladies. He thinks she’s a “gran mujer” with a profound analytical capacity. Claudia and Rosaura don’t understand this kind of sweet talk, but they do understand what a dinner date, even if it’s attached to a political event, means. They are all pleased.

Ale and Susana are in her office when Daniel, Todo Yo, calls. He wants to see her and Ale agrees to meet him. At the restaurant, he hands her a large envelope. It’s the deed to the hacienda and it’s in Ale’s name. That’s right, Daniel is giving the hacienda back to Ale out of the goodness of his own heart. Ale actually looks touched, but she can’t accept it. She’s in love with Rafa. “No quiero salir con Todo Tu.” She shakes his hand pleasantly and leaves. Daniel begins to doubt his awesome seduction skills and turns to find a woman to confirm he still has his mojo. His glance happens upon a young voluptuous lass, who immediately rewards him with a wink and a come hither look. He’s still got it.

Quintana is also having a rough time of it. He comes bearing a large bouquet of red roses, which Rosario immediately flings on the table. He then also produces an envelope (this one smaller) and hands it to Rosario. It’s a stack of cash- - all the money he got from the Marco hacienda scam. He’s returning it to Rosario and her family. “Your rejection is killing me.” Rosario says that returning the money does not make up for all his lies. Quintana says he knows she’s also sad. Seems Rubi told him. She loves them all and wants to see them happy. Rosario cracks a bit and admits she loves him. Quintana gets down on bended knee and swears his love, may lightning strike him at this very moment if he’s lying! We hear a loud crash and clatter and Quintana looks like he’s ready to meet his maker. Fortunately for him, it’s just Asucena who has dropped a bunch of dishes in the kitchen. It does give Rosario a good chuckle, however, and she soothes his nerves while he breathes a sigh of relief. She’ll take him back, but if he gets out of line again, she’ll become that lightening rod.

Ale is back at the office and Rafa is recounting the morning visit from his dad and his tales of the misfortune (rayo) of alcoholism. Ale corrects him that it’s not a simple misfortune, but a disease. Rafa doesn’t seem completely convinced yet, but he’s softening. He tells Ale that his mom fell in love with his dad because of his sense of humor and his incredible business skills (sounds like someone we know). Senior stopped drinking a few years back, and is actually now doing pretty well for himself. Right at this moment he’s having coffee and cookies with the Medina women. “And you’re bothered by this?” Rafa admits that he doesn’t know, and has to think about it. Ale tries to comfort him. She tells him that pain is a part of life- - it makes us who we are. And forgiveness is the noblest act there is. Rafa doesn’t seem convinced.

He wonders if she could forgive Marco. Yes, she could. In fact she’s agreed that they will meet him tonight. She’s optimistically hoping for a final signing of the divorce papers and a resolution of the Frank/Leonor affair. Rafa admits that it’s hard for him to forgive. Ale sweetly asks him to think about it and gives him a hug and kiss.

Yet another man has brought a peace offering. This time it’s Jamie arriving at Casa Medina with a big bouquet of red roses, but no envelope, for Julieta. He’s all dressed up in a suit and Julieta wants to know what it all means. He’s been thinking. Julieta is right. He’s not the right man for her. He has come to say goodbye. Julieta looks impactada.

At a fancy restaurant, Claudia and Urdiales are on the same page, unlike Julieta and Jaime. Urdiales has a palm full of rose petals and asks Claudia to blow on them (that’s probably the most decent request to blow something she’s ever received).

A beautiful diamond engagement ring is revealed and our buxom beauty has finally caught her Mr. Big. Her only request is not to have the private, spectacular wedding Urdiales had in mind. Instead, she wants a double wedding with her friends Susana and Dandy (seems they’re tying the knot the more conventional way as well). It will be an opportunity to share this moment and party with her friends, and say farewell to Siglo (no more working girl for our Claudia). Urdiales doesn’t care, as long as she will be all his from now on. She makes that promise seductively.

Another Siglo sales team member is also having a power lunch with a titan of business. Marino is sucking up to Rebeca, La Leona (the lioness). He seems to want a new baby mama and a new job. Rebeca seems amused, but she’s not biting. She thinks he’s a cynic and wonders about his loyalty. Hmm… We’ll have to wait to see where this goes.

We end the evening with our two main couples. Rafa and Ale have arrived at the restaurant to meet Marco. He’s dressed sharply in one of his typical suits, but he’s having some obvious trouble moving about and clutches his side in pain from time to time. Ale demands that he hands over the divorce papers. He does! And they’re signed! Rafa demands the paperwork that will clear his mama of fraud and the deed to their house. He hands that over willingly too! Ale wants to know why he did all this to them/to her. “Do I have to explain? You know I love you.” Rafa scoffs and calls him on his bs. He saw Marco with all those other women. “Can I finish?”, an annoyed Marco asks. “I thought that if you thought Rafa and his mother were trying to swindle you, you’d return to me.”

Rafa calls Marco on his bs again. He points out that Marco started swindling Ale and her family with the hacienda long before Rafa came into the picture. “Eres una rata!” (You’re a crook!) Marco admits that he fell victim to his own fears and insecurities. He tells his life story (and we see animated Young Marco).

He explains that his parents don’t live in the States. Actually, he doesn’t know where they are. They abandoned him when he was a baby and he was raised by his uncle in a poor neighborhood outside of Mexico City. Rafa interjects that his dad abandoned him too, and he didn’t turn out like Marco. “Maybe that’s why Ale loves you, and not me.”

Marco continues with his tale. It was always hard for him to accept the reality of his poverty. He started to invent fantasies. He worked his way through college. He never worked at a fancy law firm. In fact, he was just a messenger at a second rate law firm, where he met Chavez. They started doing scams together, and created this alter ego of a successful lawyer for Marco. When they came across Ale’s family, Marco claims it was Chavez who convinced him to marry Ale, and told him it would put them on Easy Street forever. Marco admits that he did pay for his apartment with their hacienda money, but all the rest of the money went to help her and her family. He didn’t even buy himself a car! (That’s because he always had access to Ale’s car if I remember correctly.)

Ale points out that Chavez says the whole thing was Marco’s idea, not his. Marco then claims that wily old Chavez has MANY more years of experience being a liar than he does. Marco never intended to leave them destitute in the streets. In fact, he wanted them all to move to Brazil together! Rafa’s not buying it (he’s a pretty tough nut to crack today). Marco begs for understanding. They are interrupted when our fourth main player makes her grand entrance.

It’s not really a grand entrance, so much as a hobble, limp, hobble up to the table. A battered, bruised, and be-crutched Vicki has not lost the use of her voice in the Pantera accident. She demands to know why Rafa is trying to make a fool out of her!

Over to you Señor Hombre and Doctor Carlos to wrap up this romp in a neat little bow.


La Fea Más Bella #65-66 10/28/10 The unnamed recap.

Capitulo 65.
Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 65 to 69. Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando says it was hard to convince Lety he’s crazy about her, and she only said she admires him. Omar says Fern needs to give Lety cards and little gifts. Fern has never written lovenotes and he’s not about to start with Lety. Omar says he’s also never given a woman $40M.

2. We see the divergence between Fernando and Omar. Omar knows dark out-of-the-way places (dives) where they can go. Who cares if Lety doesn’t like it? Suffering is a fea’s vocation. Fernando doesn’t want to hurt Lety. He can feel her love in her kisses. He worries what will happen to her when he gets his company back. Omar says it’s simple – you dump her, then you fire her, then you get her out of Mexico. Fernando is disgusted with Omar, so Omar brutally mocks Lety.

3. Ali begs for her paycheck, and Fern and Lety make a perfect team, like Fred and Ginger.

4. Lety loans the cuartel lunch money. Alicia implies that Lety got the money by embezzling. To defend her, the cuartel cites her rich novio. Alicia, Marcia, and Luigi mock and speculate what kind of loser would have Lety for a novia, and how frightening it must be to kiss her.

5. When Fern joins them, he’s very upset, first because he’s the one they’re ridiculing, and second because he assumes Lety bragged. Luigi jokes that they Conceptos should get a loan from Lety’s rich novio so they can make payroll. That’s exactly what they’re doing.

6. Lety begs the cuartel to stop talking about her relationship. She doesn’t have one because Fernando takes all her time. Juana says the shells say it’s at the point of starting, Paula wants Lety to sleep with him, and Marta wants to use the story to torment Alicia. Paula speculates that Lety wants to hush the gossip because she has her sights on someone at Conceptos.

7. Fernando fumes because he thinks Lety bragged about her rich novio, and he doesn’t even know if she meant him or Tomás. Omar says (loosely), “Might she be seeing both of you at the same time? Are you suffering because she might be playing games with you?” Omar sees he cut too close to the bone, and he pumps Fernando’s ego back up.

8. The cuartel is annoyed with Paula because she lets Saimon buy her lunch, etc., then she spends the night with some rico.

9. Fernando doesn’t notice the nut bar Lety put on his desk because he’s clueless about so much about Lety. He accuses her of telling everyone she has a rich novio.

Capitulo 66.
Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 65 to 69. Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando accuses Lety of telling everyone she has a rich novio. See transcript. She says Alicia implied she was robbing Conceptos, so the cuartel defended her. She begs him to believe her.

2. Ariel ridicules Alicia. She’s broke and she’s got a hot body, so she should start selling it. He could get her customers, or he could pay to visit her apartment. As long as she didn’t talk at all. He looks at her bills and mocks her level of debt.

3. Fernando catches Marta binging under her desk and he swipes her sandwich. He tells her, next time bring proscuitto.

4. Omar shows off the “detalles” for their project: cards, chocolates, little gifts. He says the cards will just kill her! Even José José ballads. Fernando says he looks just like Lety’s father! They sing a few bars of Amar y querer. Omar also says that will just kill her. As in, she’ll be overwhelmed by it.

5. Ariel asks Lety if she looks scared because he might find Conceptos’ true balance. She says it’s because, when he’s at Conceptos, the cuartel always says, “Bad news! Ariel is coming!” Ariel demands his monthly deposit. Lety tells him that won’t be possible until tomorrow.

6. Ariel tries to manipulate Marcia by asking if she’s powerful enough to make Lety pay his monthly deposit. Marcia says, “Are you implying Lety is above me?” [The next part, I can’t make it out. MARTA? Can you help?] I think Marcia says, “If Lety does XYZ, I throw her out on her sorry butt.” Ariel says, “If you do that, the next butt thrown out will be yours. He’ll remove you from the company and from his life.”

7. Lety finds the card and chocolates the boys left on her desk, and she’s ecstatic. She goes out to thank Fern, but the models are flirting with him.

8. Per Omar’s instructions, Fern tells Marcia he’s going to an IdeaStock launch where Marcia can’t stand the president, nor can she tolerate Omar’s date. She says she’d rather spend the evening at the police station (delegacion) (can anyone imagine Marcia spending an evening at the police station?).

9. Marcia fumes to Ali that Fernando is escaping her tonight. Ali says she should follow him, but Marcia says she has dignity and would NEVER sink that low. Note, Marcia says, “Right now Lety’s not the problem; Fern is escaping to meet a woman.” Fernando knows Marcia is suspicious, so he’ll make an appearance at IdeaStock so her spies will report he was there.

Spanish Lesson. You told the whole world.
L: Are you mad at me?
F: Why should I be mad? Because you told the whole world you have a rich boyfriend?
L: Don Fernando, I swear I didn’t say..
F: (sarcastically) No, it was me. I’m the one who told the four winds
L: I never said that.
F: You said it. You told Ali and she told the company. How could you not know she’d do that. It’s proof of your indiscretion. Don’t say you didn’t. That’s a betrayal. We promised we’d keep it private, and you deceived me. You betrayed me.
L: That’s not true. I invited the cuartel to lunch because they were broke. I got the money from FI. But Ali implied that I stole it from the company. You know the cuartel. They’ll do anything to defend me. They told her I have a rich novio, Tomas Mora. (This sentence and the next one could be slightly off.)
F: That’s because you told them Tomas was your novi. Or what’s going on? How should I react?
L: But it’s true. I’m not going out with Tomas. Marta just said it to disturb Ali. I swear, there’s nothing between us.
F: Whatever. But still a danger, talk of novio rico, they’ll associate w/ me.
L: I’ll tell them to stop and I’m sure they’ll abide by it. Because it’s true. I don’t have a novio. Whatever the case, I ask that you believe me. Trust me. I gave you my word. I’d die before I broke it. I’m not capable of betraying you DF. Incapable of destroying something so sacred to me. Do you believe me?
F: Yes. I believe you.


Llena de Amor #56 Wed 10/27/10 ?

...I don't want to step on toes here, but I'm not sure whether there's going to be a recap and thought people might want to discuss the episode.

Cathy, I hope you're doing well!

So, the major action:

Oliver rescued Gretel from the house of horrors. In the process Fedra got his gun at one point and threatened him. Axel is maybe starting to wonder about his mother a little, especially since Marianela told him that the only reason he doesn't hate her is that he doesn't remember the horrible things she did to him.

Brandon got the evidence that showed the helicopter explosion was no accident.

Carlota headed back to Spain.

Emanuel told Emiliano that he believes he is not his biological son.

Ilitia's back. Emanuel told her he is not going to marry her (AGAIN).


Dinero #224 10/27/10: Under the crescent moon/ Who knew panthers could fly

Yes, you guessed it. Our mystery man confirms it saying “I am your father” in an eerily Star Wars Darth Vader fashion. Rafa Junior is none to pleased to see him. Rafa Sr. is there to ask for forgiveness. He tells Rafa he had an alcohol problem and didn’t know how to resolve it and had to leave or things would have gotten worse if he stayed. Rafa tells him he doesn’t want any thing to do with him. And he doesn’t need him. He tells him to leave and never return. He is dead to them.

Rafa Sr. tells Rafa he will go but hopes one day they will forgive him and leaves. Rafa quite disturbed is left behind stating, “after so many years, that was my father.” Ale is attempting to comfort him.

We go to the fiesta where Ramirez is talking with Milagros. She tells him it is shame that he was only interested in the superficial because she did feel something for him. He starts to tell her that their relationship started out bad and was afraid it would end bad. Milagros won’t let him finish his sentence and takes this to mean that he thought they could never have a relationship. Ramirez scratching his head is stammering “no that’s not what I mean” and Milagros leaves in tears. Ramirez is left behind berating himself saying “now my words fail me.”

We see all our Siglo employees dressed sharply in white discussing what a lovely fiesta it is. What would a Siglo group gathering be without the General talking about the proletariat and Rosaura talking about Miami She laments that there are no celebrities around. Marino tells her she is exaggerating but points out the cast (coladas) that just arrived. We see Marco, Vicky, Marian and Daniel parade by dressed to party

Dandy is a little concerned by their arrival but Susana reminds him how lucky they are to have each other. Susana looks extraordinarily glorious in white with dainty pearls in her braided hair, while dapper Dandy gives her a quick kiss.

Bebe wants to know when will their Crescent Moon wedding (Boda de luna menguante/literally means waning or decreasing moon or the crescent moon) finally happen. Marino isn’t impressed and thinks this is just a stupid thing to do. Ramirez steps in and says a stupid thing to do would be to have lots of children with so many women and not attend to them. For once Jimenez has said something quite intelligent! Marino tells him not to meddle in his business and when he has his baby girl they all will know a different Marino and snarling walks away from them.

Daniel is kissing up to Doña Arcadia with Marian at his side. Marco Vicky and Chavez are at her other side. It turns out (I think) that Doña Arcadia had invited them to share in the celebration. They all congratulate her for having the number one auto dealership in the country. Vicky tells them it is mostly because of her Pajarito. Doña Arcadia asks “Who” and Vicky beaming repeats “ Rafael Medina.” Doña Arcadia pointing now to Chavez wants to know who he is. He looks around then sheepishly introduces himself as Marco’s friend.

She thinks about this for a moment and tells him he reminds her of some actor. Chavez pipes in “Jorge Rivero” ( a popular matinee idol in the fifties or sixties.) Doña Arcadia says “No, no more like el Vaselinas” and tried as I might, could not find out who this was or what it meant. From the looks of Chavez, however, it had to be some sort of an insult. He did not seem impressed.

Doña Arcadia now approaching Vicky and poking at her tells her she doesn’t want any yelling from her or Marco. She knows how they get when they are mad. Marco assures her they will behave. She tells them if that is the case they can stay and tells them to go have fun.

Rebecca the lioness is carried in by her body boys. Doña Arcadia invites her to share in the festivities, and to make her self at home. Marino approaches the lion queen and wants to talk with her. She calls him the “modest” salesman of Siglo and he corrects her. He takes her by the arm and starts walking with her telling her he has something important to talk about. She calls him muchacho and Marino smiles and takes it as a compliment.

He starts pouring on the charm, and it certainly seems to be working. She is quite taken and before we leave them we get quite the kiss. (No sterile peck there huh Judy?!)

Back to a morose Rafa and Ale, discussing the return of his father. He has tears streaming down his face and Ale is kneeling beside him giving comforting words.

Lets go to a happier place where we have Claudia on her phone with Urdiales, and I don’t think she is selling him any trucks. He wants to know when she is returning and would like to see her. Claudia in a very “Marilyn Monroe” like pose tells him “Wherever and whenever you want”

Rafa has left his funk behind for a while as he strolls arm and arm with Ale telling her he will celebrate the firms triumph now and deal with his worries tomorrow. Good thing because they are approached by Dandy and Susana who are ready to start their ceremony under the crescent moon. Every one is circled around them hand in hand held high to the sky and the ceremony commences.

Marco smart mouths to Vicky on the side line telling her this won’t count for anything if she can‘t invoke the great spirit of her pajarito. In unison Dandy and Susana give a touching little chant to the moon asking for it‘s light to shine in their hearts. This next part was a little strange, instead of exchanging rings they rub a little oil on their hands and behind their ears and place their hands together. ( I guess it was touching but I got the giggles remembering when Dandy was using the motor oil to seduce Susana earlier in the show and that‘s all I could think about.) Marino was not very impressed either as he looks on with bewilderment and asks “Is that it?” He leaves and a teary eyed Susana thanks everyone for being their and we get chants by every one else of “Beso! Beso!” After wards Dandy says “In the words of Ale, lets party!!”

As everyone is off to groove to the music Marian approaches Rafa and Marco approaches Ale. Neither Ale nor Rafa seem to excited to talk with them. Ale tells Marco all she is interested in is a divorce and she wants it urgently. He tells her he has a surprise for her when they return. Ale tells him she doesn’t want any thing to do with his surprises.

It is Marian’s turn as she asks Rafa how he liked his little surprise. Rafa tells her he met with him and was not pleased. Marian is taken back a bit that Rafa was not pleased to see his father. Rafa wants to know where she got the idea that he would be happy to see the man that caused so much unhappiness to his family and abandoned them. He tells her she doesn’t know how much they suffered because of him.

Marian tries to defend her actions by telling him “A father is a father no matter what.” A frustrated Rafa tells her she may have had the best intentions but she was wrong. And he doesn’t want to have any thing to do with him. As he leaves we see Marian realizing she made a big goof and her plan backfired.

Our fiesta continues as we hear “Vamos A la Playa” being played in the background. Daniel is taking his turn at attempting to woo Ale. His best approach? Cut down his competition “the car salesman.” While he is talking it looks as if he is accidentally spitting at Ale as she keeps wiping her face.

He continues to drone on promising her something she will never in her life forget. Ale does not seem impressed as we pan to the rest of the crew happily dancing to the music.

So it looks like a couple of ladies might have had a bit to much to drink as we go to Rebecca and Doña Arcadia. I am not certain but I think Rebecca tells her that she has thought about having her lion eat Arcadias precious pups. But she is happy that it was her that won and not some other agency. Poor Chato is a bit concerned for his Queen as he tells her she might have had a few too many. She tells him not to meddle. Rebecca offers another toast and tells Chato to take advantage of the party atmosphere and we see him downing a drink as well.

Now it is Vicky’s turn to try and break up our happy couple as she talks with Rafa. Her pleading is on deaf ears as Rafa tells her that the two of them are over. It is just a whim of hers. They will never get back together because, now listen closely Vicky, RAFA LOVES ALE!!! And when they are able they will get married. We get a classic “Que?” from Vicky.

She warns him, that if they don’t get married she won’t be responsible for what happens to his mother and we get a very dramatic wedding march sounding more like a funeral march as she walks away humming to herself leaving Rafa shaking his head.

Doña Arcadia, being held up by Chato on one side and Rebecca on the other offers a toast to her loyal crew. And using my favorite word “titipuchal” thanks them all for selling a “truckload” of cars, trucks and bikes with a jubilant Rebecca cheering her on. She tells them to keep on dancing and we see the crescent moon once more as we hear the music fading in the background.

It must be the next day, but I didn’t see any rooster, as Doña Arcadia is leading her crew to the hotel check out desk. Claudia points out that Rafa and Ale haven’t shown up yet and just then we see our happy couple kissing. Marino questions Doña Arcadia asking if fraternizing with co-workers isn’t prohibited. Dandy chimes in “It was. That was before and not now” as he nuzzles Susana’s neck. Marino tells Doña Arcadia that when he is the new general manager he will implement it once again.

Ale asks Rafa if he has talked with Urdiales and Rafa tells her the meeting will be tonight. Ale rushes him as they barely have time to get back to the city and get to Cuernavaca. She tells him it is very important to close this deal, after all it will be their first sales together and Rafa adds it will be their first commission for their future together. Ale adds “Together?” and continues “until death separates us.” We get a kiss and our familiar theme song.

That was a quick trip back as we see Rafa being greeted by Lenora and asking how things went. He tells her they won the title of best car sales force of the year. Lenora is not quite as excited as Rafa asks her what’s wrong. She tells him that someone has been watching them and was taking pictures of them. Rafa perplexed at first tells her he thinks he knows who was doing that but he doesn’t want to worry her. He tells her he has to leave for Cuernavaca to close an important deal. They will talk tomorrow. He tells her to let Julieta know they have something very important to talk about. Lenora wants to know what it is about and Rafa assures her it isn’t that serious but he wants to talk with them all together. A reluctant Lenora agrees. Rafa tells her he has to get going and pick up “Mi licenciada.” He tells her from now on nothing will separate him from his licenciada.

Marian is face to face with Rafa Sr. He is telling her that his family hates him. Marian is encouraging him not to give up so easily. She tells him it is only logical that after so many years that they would not welcome him with open arms. He tells her he doesn’t know how to explain to them what he was going through. He continues that he is afraid that they will reject him and never forgive him. Marian continues encouraging him, saying she knows she did a good thing and that they can all be a great family. He thanks her again but tells her he doesn’t have a chance and asks the waitress for a cognac much to Marians horror. She pleads with him not to do this.

Ale has returned to her modest apartment to a curious Rosario asking her how things went. Ale beaming from ear to ear tells her it was great. She inquires after Jorge and Rosario tells her he is out with Ruby. Ale tells her they will have to get use to having this woman around.

Rosario wants to know if she will be eating with them and Ale tells her about the Cuernavaca trip. She tells her it will be the first sales for her and Rafa. It will be their money for their wedding and does a little Beltran money dance. Rosario with more excitement than expected wants to know if they are going to get married. She excitedly tells her to get ready for the big party. Once she gets back from Cuernavaca and Marco signs the divorce papers, she and Rafa will get married. We get a genuine enthusiastic hug between Rosario and Ale.

We have a little ford placement ad with Muskrat and Marian. Who would have thought you could get a car that could park itself. “no que no corazon de melon?” (I just added that because I thought it sounded cute when Marian said it)

Back at Siglo central Marino is telling Ramirez that it is only a matter of time before he will be general manager. Marino wants Ramirez to smell the calmness and no sooner than that is said it is disrupted as we see poor Trapito trying to keep the fruit of Marino’s past adventures at bay.

This does not go undetected by a disgusted Doña Arcadia as she watches the chaos unfold in her office. She takes this opportunity to teach her beloved animals Chester and Camila not to behave like that and whistles at them to come over and watch the monitor. Chester nudges her bright red hat just a tad to close as he tries to get a look.

The Siglo crew are watching as well as Dandy wants to know where Sandra is. Claudia points her out and they each add their two cents to the circus before them. We see Ramirez yank a cowering Marino from his hiding place like a marionette telling him his ultimate victim is there as well. Marino continues to cower behind Ramirez as Sandra gets front and center of the crowd of women with poor Trapito falling to the floor. She wants to know what is their problem with Marino. She gets an earful as they tell her what he has been up to. They are all in poor financial straits and he has abandon them. Sandra tells them that she is going to marry him and that she is expecting his child. This is met with a unison “What?”

We see Marino continuing to futilely hide behind a petrified Ramirez.

Ale and Marian are making their peace and Marian has finally accepted that Rafa will never be hers. They agree to be friends and Marian promises that if she ever needs any further sales help she will only go to Ale.

Back to our out of control mob. All I can say about this is things have gotten out of hand and a circus performance fitting our final week ensues as they all chase after Marino. So if you were wondering what the mop bucket was doing in the middle of the floor, it was there to enhance this crazy scene as it assuredly gets tipped over by Trapito and Marino is left slip sliding away. Can this get any crazier? You bet as Elvira and Mother-in law are added to the mix wondering what all the women are doing hanging around Jimenez and starts yelling at him.

He manages to crawl through the crowd of angry women to face the ugly pair. Elvira grabs another conveniently placed bucket of water to throw at him but unfortunately her aim is poor and drenches the already enraged Marino harem. Another crazy chase ensues and ends up in a pile up as all are slipping to the floor. Finally the voice of reason, our Queen has arrived to put an end to the nonsense.

She demands to know what is going on as Marino tries to explain. She angrily tells him he doesn’t need to explain anything. She knows exactly what he has been up to and she is on their side. She continues chewing him out and tells him to straighten things out with all his women!! “Do you hear me!!!“ and a defeated Marino remarks “She’s like my mother.” and takes the women off to settle things. She calls him back and tells him that every thing that has happened here has been a stain on his career and he will never be the general manager.

Now it is Jimenez’ turn to take well advised words of wisdom from the queen She tells him it is time to put an end to the chatting cockatoos. After she leaves Elvira starts in and Jimenez grows a spine as he throws his pepto bottle to the floor and tells them he has had it with the two of them calling them witches and orders them out as we see mother-in-law sipping from the discarded pepto bottle. This is met with adoration and praise from all his co-workers.

We are into the night now as Rafa is rushing to his car with Ale urging him to hurry up as we see them leave Siglo. They take a little pit stop as Rafa explains they have a long ride ahead of them. Ale tells him he is never going to change as Rafa tells her he is thirsty, pointing to his tongue. She can’t stay mad for long as she gives him a peck and tells him smiling the whole time that after this sales they will be together for ever. Rafa wants to know if she has talked with Marco about signing the divorce papers. Ale tells him not to worry, she knows they are going to be very happy. Rafa tells her that since he met her his life has changed and he knows he will be very happy at her side. We get cute little ira ira iras from the both of them as well as smooches. But sadly nothing like the Marino kiss. Rafa then urges her to go inside, after all he is thirsty.

Rafa and Ale, with coffees in hand are leaving the little way side coffee shop. Ale stops him to tell him he is the love of her life. She tells him she knows they will be very happy repeating their mantra in unison “Until death do us part.” They do the “Rafita Goal” together and walk off.

Our final scene is none other than a little déjà vu as we see the “pantera” heading down a dark highway with an approaching campers blaring lights and honking horn. We see the black panther flying through the air.

Oh my!!! Who knew that Panthers could fly!! We finally see it tumble and crash as it lies fatefully in the gully below.


La Verdad Oculta #032: Passing like two ships in the night

Roberto tortures hapless David's emotions, caught off guard by news Gabriela flew away to the beach house with Carlos. Claiming he didn't go because he's David's friend, Roberto explains there was a plan to get both sisters away -- and who knows what Carlos did to convince Gabriela, he adds for a twist of the dagger.

At the beach house, Gabriela anxiously insists Carlos return home with her, and he makes a show of it; while on their way out, lecherous Félix licks his lips at Gabriela's departing backside. Meanwhile at Mario's, Roberto demonstrates the truth of his story by putting David on the extension phone while Yolanda confirms it.

Furious David commits phonicide, vowing to make Gabriela pay; and at the beach house she and Carlos have returned in failure, with her frantic at his story that the plane has engine problems and can't be fixed until daylight tomorrow.

Back at Mario's Roberto busily slanders the waitresses, claiming Julieta expected him to marry her, which David grasps onto as the same supposed ploy Gabriela used. Roberto claims both are gold diggers and feigns sympathy that David really fell in love with her; whereas Carlos just wants to play around and is having better luck -- no telling how, he adds for nasty effect.

Juan José visits Elsa at home, and she's impatient with him. He apologizes and continues with his clueless effort to share his good fortune with her, to get back that family feeling of brother and sister -- which enrages Elsa. She wants nothing of his and screams at him she's not his sister. Not his sister! Not!

At the condo, Adolfo phones Deborah in L.A. to insist she come to the D.F. to examine the stones they recovered. Yolanda enters and explains the jeweler, Dominguez, said the young man never returned; and she learns to her dismay that Adolfo had the girls' apartment ransacked. They have friends in the police! she objects.

In a much nicer tone, Mauricio Medina visits Elsa next; and she's excited to see him. They sit together on the love seat, where he surprises her with news that Juan José used the Ocampo name to hide his identity from Alejandra -- and Mauricio didn't like it.

He's not going to spill the beans, though; Mauricio realizes being framed for murder is a terrible injustice; and though he's concerned about Alejandra, he's not involved with her family at all. Somebody had to pay that pair of scum bags to try to frame Juan José again, and Mauricio wonders who.

At that moment, Juan José paces the hotel room until he determines to pick up the phone -- and call Mario Genovés! Mario is glad to talk to him and wants to help him, which almost completely disarms Juan José. He admits he doesn't know what he wants and just thought to forget it all and start over.

He doesn't know what Mario could possibly do for him, he says; and notes cynically he sees how time has given Mario pause to regret. Mario wants to see him in person, but Juan José wonders if he wants to. Don't call Juan José; he'll call Mario.

On hanging up, Mario tells Abelardo how sad Juan José sounds and becomes mired in regret, weeping pitifully over the mistakes of his life. He relates his talk with Dora and her version implicating Carlos, illuminating Abelardo of Juan José's innocence; regrets the injustice against Santiago and abandoning Gabriela; regrets putting David in Adolfo's clutches.

Abelardo tries to soothe an inconsolable Mario, who reiterates Santiago must complete his part of the bargain. And at that moment Santiago weeps alone away from home, dwelling on the sadness of the nightmare of Márta's death and the separation from his adored daughters and wonders what will happen.

At the beach house, Félix privately demands Carlos return with Gabriela; Adolfo's going to hate this! He practically kidnapped her. Irritated Carlos tries to placate a distressed Gabriela. He stresses it's not their fault they're stuck; but she's fearful what, er -- people -- will think.

At Juan José's hotel suite, Asunción counsels him through teeth full of sunflower seeds that if he wants to make Elsa happy, he should deep six the architect. But Juan José explains he's keeping Alejandra close because of her family; and he confides he talked to Mario -- who seemed ready to admit his guilt. He's going to meet with him, Juan José decided.

Carlos gets a tearful Gabriela to admit he was only trying to help her find Julieta; but when he tries to move in, she's having nothing of it and runs off. At that point Carlos follows and apologizes and grabs Félix to come with him, exiting the beach house.

Meanwhile, David's drowning his sorrows in alcohol and torturing himself by phoning Julieta only to learn Gabriela's absent. After a hasty hangup, Bertha enters and -- seeing David's moment of weakness -- decides to rattle the doorknob to see if he'll let her in. He doesn't look away.

Julieta can't raise Leonardo at his place, and Roberto gives bad news on the phone about Gabriela whereabouts at the beach house with Carlos. Just then, Carlos arrives back at the beach house and hauls Gabriela off with the news that the plane is miraculously fixed. At Adolfo's, he's agitated to learn from Yolanda where his son is and with whom.

When Gabriela returns, a greatly relieved Julieta informs her Santiago's plans changed back again. But Gabriela's angry at her and despairs over David possibly learning of her plight. Julieta's repentant, admitting she was a fool about Roberto.

At the hotel, David consults with an employee, Mr. Gama, about a stolen jewels claim; they recall an earlier case of "imaginary" stolen jewels cooked up by some celebrity and want to make sure that's not happening again. They make their rounds to check on a couple things.

Adolfo braces a clueless Carlos at the breakfast table and orders he leave that particular woman the hell alone. He claims it's because she's an employee, and Carlos completely fails to understand Adolfo's meddling in his private life.

Adolfo reminds him again what an idiot he is, that her family is friends with the police; and Carlos assures him sadly there's nothing between him and Gabriela -- and is perplexed to be questioned whether she was curious about Félix.

In the sack at the cheap hotel, Susana counsels Marcos to find another jeweler and that the diamonds won't last forever -- to which he replies for that reason he's buying a cargo truck. Then they return to business to make up for lost time.

David makes a disconcerting visit to Gabriela's, strangely calm. She doesn't understand why he frankly asks her to go with him on a business trip, when she thought he already knew she doesn't do things like that.

He questions her about what she was doing while he was gone and whether she thought about him the whole time. After he exits, Gabriela admits to Julieta she suspects David learned she was with Carlos.

Roberto meets Alejandra at her office to try to force their relationship again, but she's had it with him. He's just not taking no for an answer, even though she plainly says no.

On exiting her building at street level, Roberto's just having trouble with his cell phone reception -- as Juan José pulls up in a taxi and drops cash on the side walk. Because of their mutual preoccupations, the accused murderer and the true murderer pass within a few feet of each other, without meeting.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

El Clon, Wed., October 27 - Summary for Discussion

At the end of tonight's episode, we will be halfway through the final week of the novela. Will half the plot lines be resolved? I think not.

Malicia tells Rogelio that she gave up what little she had to be with the Chump and I guess nobody could be expected do that just for the joy of being with him so he gave her the apartment. When it didn't work out, he wanted it back. She asks if he thinks she is doing wrong by not giving it back to him. Rogelio replies that he doesn't know what to think. 'Yo no soy Cristo para andar poniendo la otra mejilla,'I am not a Christ who goes around turning the other cheek, say Malicia is the understatement of the year.

Alej comes to see Nati. He tells her that he has seen the baby but he is in a very delicate condition. She says that it is all her fault. She knew she was hurting the baby and wanted to quit drugs but she couldn't.

Then we get Enrique going on and on about his family that he hasn't seen. He imagines that they are all happy and successful. Then he hears fears that his children have inherited his chemical dependency. Who cares.

Nati asks Alej to forgive her. She promises that if the baby survives, she won't do anymore drugs. '¿Y esta vez sí en serio, Natalia?' And this time you really mean it? asks Alej.

Jade tells Daniel that she was at the travel agency but she didn't have enough money to buy two tickets to Morocco. When are we leaving? asks Daniel.

Zoraida comes to see Jade. She tells Jade that Mohamed's house is falling apart. He wants to send Zamira to Fez and Zamira says that she will run away. Zoraida says that she doesn't want to leave Jade. Jade tells Zoraida that she has made a decision. She calls Zein and arranges to meet him. 'Estoy a salvo,' I'm safe, says Jade.

The Chump thinks that he and Clara will get back together. 'Qué poco conoces a las mujeres,' How little you know about women,' says Anita.

Clara can't understand why Rogelio doesn't call her since he must have read the documents she gave him. She and Carolina overhear Leo making an appointment to meet with Malicia. She asks Leo's new receptionist to do something and then calls Cristina and tells her. [In spite of her protestations before the wedding, Rosa seems to be serving Cristina without any problems.] Cristina replies that she will be right over.

Jade finds Jadiya and asks if she wants to run away with her to Fez. [Why on earth would she want to go to a country where she has no friends and she could be stoned to death for kidnapping Jadiya?]

It looks like Said has been laying down the law about domestic felicity. When Jadiya comes home from school, Rania sweetly tells her that they are going to have a party for her today and she can invite all her friends. When Rania goes upstairs to ask Jadiya to have tea with her, she finds her putting her clothes in a suitcase. She tells Rania that she is organizing her clothes and deciding what to wear to the party.

Roberto and this family and the sKanks each discuss the progress of the lawsuit.

Cristina gets to Leo's office just before Malicia. When she asks Malicia what she is doing at her husband's company, Malicia claims that she is organizing a surprise party for him. She just needs half an hour with Leo to set things up. Cristina agrees.

Dr. Villegas tells Albieri that Luisa reported him and confirmed Dr. Silvia's accusations. Albieri is impactado.

With Cristina listening outside the door, Malicia tells Leo how much she has admired him and how happy she can make him if he lets her organize this party. Cristina has heard enough. She barges in and accuses Malicia of putting the moves on her husband the way she stole the Chump & Rogelio from Clara and Pablo & her job from her. Leo protests and Cristina orders him out of his own office. He goes meekly. Cristina slaps Malicia and Clara closes the door on the fight and that's all we get to see. We wuz robbed!! Clara and Leo listen to Malicia's cries for help from inside. 'La justicia se demora pero llega,' Justice may be late but it finally came, says Clara.

Dr. Villegas tells Albieri that obviously there are problems between him and Luisa and gives him the opportunity to deny the accusation but Albieri thinks that Villegas doesn't believe that he was capable of making a clone. He confirms that he has made a clone and gives Dr. Villegas a DNA test he did on Daniel and Lucas many years ago. Dr. Villegas chides Albieri for his lack of ethics but he says that nothing can be done because cloning wasn't illegal when Albieri did it.

[He doesn't mention experimenting on persons without their consent, which certainly was illegal and unethical in 1990, which is when Daniel was cloned if he is 20 now.]

Albieri replies with pride that when he made Daniel, no one even believed that cloning a human was possible. Then Villegas tells Albieri that his cloning experiment might have been successful by luck and that one clone does not make the process safe or feasible. He advises Albieri not to do any more cloning or he could lose his medical license or go to jail. Albieri replies that he doesn't want to keep what he did a secret anymore. He wants everyone to know what he is capable of.

Albieri calls Amalia and says that he wants to tell her all his secrets. She asks if he is going to tell her about the clone. Albieri says that he will.

Albieri goes to the lab. He tells Julio about what Luisa did and Julio isn't surprised. He says that you have to be careful of those devout women. Then Albieri tells Julio that he is going to go public with the clone story. Julio advises him to think twice about that - Albieri has been chosen to be president of the Medical Board to replace Villegas.

Lucas and Marisa join Alej in Nati's room. Good news. The baby is out of ICU. The nurse brings the mega-baby in. Nati wants to nurse little Alejandrito but Marisa ixnays that idea. Her milk is contaminated and might addict the baby to drugs. [According to Wikipedia, exposure of developing fetuses to cocaine has not been shown to do that much damage. The crack baby is a myth. But Nati probably had very poor nutrition during her pregnancy that could have affected the child.]

Alí tries to talk Mohamed out of sending Zamira to Fez. Alí says that Mohamed is letting his anger speak and the last time that happened, he almost ended up with a second wife. Now Mohamed thinks that maybe he should have married Zuleica. He says that he is afraid Zamira will end up like Jade. Alí confesses to Mohamed that he made many mistakes with Jade. He didn't listen to her. He didn't find out what she wanted. He just told her what to do and she didn't understand. Alí says that he learned from his mistakes with Jade but Mohamed is not learning from his mistakes. Mohamed doesn't try to argue with Alí but he repeats that Zamira is going to Fez.

Zamira tells Latifa that she doesn't want to leave her friends and her school and especially Carlos. Latifa is not sympathetic. Zamira swears that she will run away rather than go to Fez. Mohamed tells Latifa to pack Zamira's bag.

Zamira borrows Amin's cell phone. She calls Carlos.

Lucas tells Rosa the good news about Nati's baby. He also says that the day the trial is over, he is leaving. He has realized that he can't sacrifice his life for Nati's.

Diana says goodbye to Alej.

Luisa tells Albieri that he won't get away with his betrayal. He will see what a Luisa Albieri is worth.

The sKanks are going to hear the results of the DNA test today. Hilda wishes she could see Lucía's face when she opens the envelope.

Gloria finds out that she is a grandmother. Alej swears to her that Nati has given up drugs. Gloria says that she hopes so but if her grandchild suffers because of Nati, she will get custody of the child.

Albieri, Luisa and Rosa all testify at the trial without providing any new or interesting information.

Jadiya hides her suitcase and goes down to her party. Said is happy to see Jadiya happy. Rania says that she is glad that there is harmony in their house. But she can resist saying, 'Claro que si antes no estaba en armonía no era por mi culpa,' Of course, if there wasn't harmony before that wasn't my fault.' Said walks away from her annoyed and Amina scolds her for continually bringing up Jade. The Naz tells Said that it is strange that Jadiya mentions her mother less and less. Said replies that time erases everything. Time will eventually erase Jade.

Jade has gotten the money from Zein to buy airplane tickets for her and Jadiya to go to Morocco [Does Jade have Jadiya's passport?] Zoraida tells Jade that Said will follow her. Jade thinks that he won't find her in the Medina. Zoraida warns her that Alí won't take her in and asks what she and Jadiya are going to do alone in Fez. 'Algo voy a hacer,' I'll do something, says Jade airily. She refuses to marry Zein again.

If anyone is interested, the Chump has sent Clara flowers and invited her to dinner but he won't take her calls. Then he stops by and brings her more flowers and says that they have to talk. She tells him that she is in love with Rogelio. He asks her to forgive him and says that she is the love of his life. She tells him that she tried to talk to him for 20 years and he wasn't interested. She tells him to leave, she is expecting Rogelio.

Roberto is sure that that the DNA test will prove that he isn't the father of Karla's baby. He has some champagne ready to celebrate when Andrea comes in to says that the test was positive.

The scary drug guy gives Fer and Paula a gun so that they can make more money. Didn't Fer already have a gun? Honestly, the continuity on this novela is horrible.

I think Enrique has decided to see his family but I really don't care.

Abdul is ready to take Zamira to Fez. Zoraida tries to exercise Alí's sympathy for Jade and suggests that he might take her back in his house. 'Never,' replies Alí.

Surprise, surprise, Zamira has run away.

The credits roll.


La Fea Más Bella #63-64 10/27/10 There will never be another like Don Fernando.

Capitulo 63.
Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 61 to 64. Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Marcia tells Lola dignity is good, except if it costs your job. She refers Lola to an attorney to force Efren to pay support. She can’t tolerate homewreckers and novio robbers. She champions feminine solidarity but won’t let Lola touch her.

2. Fernando begs Omar not to leave him alone with Lety. She hasn’t said a word about last night and he doesn’t know how she feels. He’s not willing to continue this canallada; he’s not willing to hurt her.

3. Lola tells the cuartel that Marcia will get her a loan to pay for Jazmín’s cell, and that she won’t allow them to resign (except Lety). The cuartel is more excited about saving Lola’s job than their own. Quite a contrast to Marcia’s version of solidarity.

4. Lety buys the cuartel lunch since they missed payday. Tomás has his own fantasy, that Alicia wants to kiss him. He gives the rose and love letter to the kids since they can pass the gate. The kids put them in the pizza since they can’t enter the vortex. Ali ordered the pizza for Fern and Omar.

5. The boys laugh at the goofy love letter. They call the number just for grins, and they hear, “Hello, Tomás Mora, partner of Filmo Imagen.” They hang up and panic. Tom mourns the rejection. Ali mourns that no one is buying her lunch.

6. The boys conclude that the love letter is for Lety. They read it as a description of Lety, and that Tom will make her owner of Conceptos. Omar says, “Are you going to let him win Lety? He’s going to take her from you forever, and Conceptos too. Do you still refuse to romance Lety?” Fernando accepts that he has to take her out tonight.

7. Meanwhile Lety concludes that it was all a mistake; he would never kiss her sober. She wishes she could ask her mother’s advice. Fernando tells Lety he’ll take her home. Omar brings Fern a Paty Manterola picture to assist his imagination.

8. Lety and Fernando get ready for their ride home. Lety thinks that Fern is taking her home either to apologize for the kiss, or to fire her. Fernando fusses over his appearance and wonders why he’s fussing for Lety.

Capitulo 64.
Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 61 to 64. Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Alicia throws himself at Omar in his office and she starts undressing him, but he escapes her clutches.

2. At a taquería, Lety doesn’t want to let Fernando talk because she fears the worst. Her best hope is to consider last night forgotten. But he tells her that what happened was not the whiskey talking, it was what he really feels. He almost kisses her but the kitchen staff is staring at them.

3. At the park, Fernando tries cliché flattery and gets nowhere He has to work hard to convince Lety that he’s attracted to her. See the transcript. He breaks through when he tells her that none of those beautiful women have made him happy, and that he doesn’t love Marcia. He kisses her twice, using the Paty picture to aid his imagination.

4. Fernando takes Lety home. She asks that he not tell Omar. She accepts that he’ll stay with Marcia and Lety will be la otra. Fernando is disturbed by the word. He orders her to not say a word, especially to the cuartel. Erasmo lays into Lety for talking to her boss in the car. What will the neighbors say?

5. Lety tells her diary that she doesn’t know whether she’s at the gates of Heaven or Hell. She says, “I’m not going to turn down this opportunity. I love him and I know he has never truly loved anyone. There will never be another like Don Fernando. Maybe I will be the one to fill the emptiness of his heart.” She could not bear to suffer again for love, but she’s sure Fernando is sincere and is a great man. Since she believes in him, she has put her heart into his hands.

6. Fernando ducks Marcia’s kiss, afraid she’ll sense that he kissed Lety. He never did that after his other women. Marcia is suspicious (and water is wet). He tells her that she’s beautiful, and right now he desperately needs to kiss her beautiful face to forget the horrible errors of the day.

7. Alicia runs out of gas on the way to work. Lety brings Fernando a candy bar as a gift.

Spanish Lesson. In the Park.
Here is another transcription I had in my files.
L: It’s not possible that you’re in love with me, Don Fernando.
F: No? Why not? Tell me! Why not?
L: All the women you like are 90-70-90, tall, beautiful, classy.. I don’t have any of that.
F: I love your fragile-ness. I feel a marvelous energy. I love your security, your gift with people. (As he starts being honest, she starts believing him.) You’re my guardian angel. I value your intelligence. Your devotion to your job. Don’t you think that makes you attractive?
L: No. Definitely not.
F: Then what is happening to me? I’m going crazy for you. And don’t try to tell me I’m confused!
L: No. But there is no reason for you to be in love with me.
F: What provokes our emotions? It’s more than just the physical. You’re right. I used to think that I could only fall for beautiful women. But as you already know.. I haven’t been happy with any of them. (That scores another point because Lety knows it’s true.) I never felt for any of them, what I feel for you. (She almost lets him kiss her, but it’s too much for her.)

On the swings. He says that night’s moon belongs to them. He gives her a long but stiff kiss. No grimace.
L: No, no, no. I don’t know what’s happening to you, but I’m scared, DonFernando.
F: You don’t feel anything for me?
L: Ay, Don Fernando, of course I do. I admire you very much. Es lo me muy interesante. (Why is Fern stunned?) You became special to me when you defended my work (he thinks that’s a strange thing to value), to value me as a professional. That drew me to you. But this is crazy. You’re going to get married. You can’t break up with Marcia to go out with me.
F: Okay, you’re right. But as you know, I don’t love her (with that he wins her over). We should give ourselves the opportunity to discover what we feel for each other.
L: I’m scared, Don Fernando.
F: Might it not be that deep down, you prefer Tomas over me?
L: Don Fernando, forget about him ya!
F: Then what are you afraid of? We’ve been accomplices in everything. And now you’re afraid to go though with this? Or you don’t want to live it out? Would that be better?
L: Sí, Don Fernando. I want to live it. (He braces himself. Not for disgust with her, but disgust with himself, especially because she’s so obviously so in love. Like a soldier on a suicide mission, he gathers his will power and kisses her.)


El Clon Tuesday October 26: Summary for Discussion

Countdown to the Gran Final continues

In the labor suite, the doctors whisk away mega-baby. Nobody seems to be answering Natalia’s questions. And outside, the family waits.

Alí gets back to Mohamed’s house with his and Zoraida’s Aeronovela tickets for tomorrow’s return to Fez. When Zoraida asks permission to take a purse to Jade – she needs it and she has no money to buy one – Alí reminds her angrily that she is not to speak Jade’s name in his presence. Let her beg in the medina, for all I care!

But as soon as Zoraida leaves the room, he slips a wad of cash in the purse.

At the hospital, Nati is wheeled out of the labor suite on a stretcher and Alej follows along. In the waiting room, the doctor tells the family that drug use has damaged Natalia's heart. She will be in the Observation Unit for now. They will have to see how she responds to medication.

Zoraida arrives at Dora’s apartment and gives Jade the purse, admitting it was just a pretext for a visit. Jade asks about her Tío Alí, and Zoraida tells her the sad truth: that he curses her and refuses to hear her name.

Latifa is upset when she catches Samira talking to Carlos on the phone. Your father will never accept a non-Muslim, says Latifa. And I’ll never accept that brat my father found for me in Fez, retorts Samira. She is in love with Carlos; and besides, he’s going to covert to Islam.

Latifa’s response: You’re killing me! (Estás acabando con mi vida!)

Daniel tells Dora about his fight with Lucas. They argued and then they got in each other’s faces. Afterward, they talked about their lives. Daniel remembers this conversation (which should resonate with anyone who’s ever watched a western):

Lucas: En este mundo no hay lugar para los dos.
(In this world, there’s not enough room for both of us.)
Daniel: No, no cabemos.
(No, we don’t fit.)
Lucas: ¿Por qué no te vas? ¿Por qué no te desapareces?
(Why don’t you go away? Why don’t you disappear?)
Daniel: ¿Por qué no te desapareces tú? Tú eres el desperdicio!
(Why don’t you disappear? You’re the left-overs!/the trash that no one wants.)

Daniel vows to Dora that he won't let Lucas take Jade away from him.

Jade and Zoreida continue their visit. Zoreida unfolds a towel to reveal the shards of the magic coffee cup and the remnants of the reading of Jade’s future. It is as cryptic as ever: Zoreida can’t distinguish Lucas from his shadow. She does see a man who disappears, shrouded (envuelto) in the desert. And as for Jade:
Tú pierdes la mitad de tu corazón.
(You lose half of your heart.)

Jade is looking at the purse and is surprised to find money inside. Zoreida smiles, recognizing Alí’s handiwork.

In the hospital nursery, Alej gazes at the giant baby in an incubator. His son.

Albieri surprises his old friend Alí, showing up unannounced at Mohamed’s house. Albieri needs advice; he has a feeling a storm is coming. Alí says:
¡Tú la llamaste, Albieri! Tú convocaste las nubes, tú convocaste los rayos y ahora te sorprende que una tempestad esté por llegar!
(You summoned it, Albieri! You called the clouds, you called the lightning, and now you’re surprised that a storm is coming!)

In another part of the house, the Naz is ready to call in her IOU. If it weren’t for her collaboration, Latifa would be sharing her husband with Zuleica, she reminds her cuñada. What’s her price? She whispers it into Latifa’s ear.

Albieri complains of having no way out of his dilemma. That’s because you want to win everything, says Alí. Not only do you want the whole world to applaud you, you want those who have suffered because of you – Dora, Leo, Daniel and Lucas – to recognize your accomplishment.

Your only worry, he tells Albieri, is what price you’ll have to pay for telling the world about your clone. But God beat you to it when he created Eve from Adam’s rib!

Then Mr. Science and Mr. Faith go a few rounds – but we’ve heard it before.

Across the street at Gloria’s, Diana is looking for Alej. Ramón tells her about Marisa’s visit. Diana knows what that means: She tells
Pablo that Alej has probably gone back to Nati.

As soon as Diana leaves, the Naz runs up to Pablo and beaming happily, asks him if he’s really going to Morocco. He says:
Bueno, me seleccionaron para darle clases de defensa personal al Sheik, aunque no sé si me escojan porque quieren alguien casado.
(Well, they selected me to give classes in self-defense to the Sheik, although I don’t know if they’ll end up choosing me because they want someone married.)

Just think, says the helpful Naz, if you were married to a Moroccan woman, it would be much easier.

And when she leaves, Pablo is also beaming. [Is this a Just Naz story coming true?]

The sKanks are squaring off against Roberto. While Lucía, angrier every time we see her, waits outside, the judge questions Karla. She has no trouble telling her rehearsed lies about her six-month ‘romance’ with Roberto. But she is stumped when the judge asks her where their trysts took place. She looks to the UbersKank and the lawyer and then asks the judge to repeat the question.

When in doubt, faint or cry. Crying works better here. Karla is so verklempt she can’t answer. But Hilda can and she calls out that they used to meet in her house. Yes, chimes in the miraculously recovered Karla: Nos encontrábamos en la casa!

Caro and Clara are talking over Fernando’s narrow escape and hoping that he learned something from it. Clara was glad to hear him talk about his old band. He said he wanted to go see them.

Fernando does call a guy from the band and arranges to come to a rehearsal, just to hang out.

Enrique to therapist: I betrayed everyone I cared about. I can’t forget it. How can they?
Therapist: They may not have forgotten but they still want to see you. They miss you too.
Enrique: I can’t risk it…

Fernando can’t risk it either. He gets as far as the building where the band is rehearsing, but he doesn’t go inside. Instead, he seeks out his old drug buddies.

He finds Paula sitting on a low ledge. She just barely escaped, she tells him, and the only way she could get out was to sleep with el Perro and his gang. But now she is clean. Fernando will have to look elsewhere for his drugs. No problem. Fer turns to another stoner sitting on the ledge.

Jadiya’s Reign of Terror in the House of Said continues. Rania interrupts Jadiya’s conversation with Jamil and Amie -- she is telling him that when a wife has no gold, it’s because her husband is a nobody (un cero a la izquierda, literally, a zero to the left). How is it that this kid has any friends? -- to say that it’s time for Jadiya to study. Jamil and Amie have to go home. Jadiya refuses. She’d rather dance, she says. And she turns on the music.

Rania hasn’t picked up any parenting skills since the last time we saw her. So it’s not long before she and Jadiya are shouting curses at each other. Rania raises her hand to strike …

… and Said walks in at that precise moment. Rania, he shouts angrily, put your hand down! And he walks away.

Rania turns to Amina and tells her she can’t take it any more. Said will have to decide: it’s Rania or Jadiya, not both. Or let Jade take her!

…and once again, Said walks in just in time to catch her out. And, for old times sake, he glowers.

At Casa Ferrer, Leo is just now hearing about Nati’s baby. Rosa tells him that both mother and baby are in trouble and nobody knows if they’ll survive. Leo immediately blames ‘the two of them’ – they never knew how to control Natalia. And by the time he found out about the problem, it was too late.

Rosa answers the phone. It’s for Leo, but he indicates with a shake of his head that he’s not available. Who is calling? Malicia? repeats Rosa, just as Cris enters the room. She’ll pass the phone to La Sra Cristina, she tells the caller. Oddly enough, when Cris takes the phone, there is no one on the line. Leo raises a hand as if to say “Don’t ask me”. And the expression on Cristina’s face makes it clear that she knows.

Abdul covers his eyes to avoid haram in the streets of Miami, and Mohamed walks beside him as a sort of seeing eye sin catcher. And that is when he catches out Samira in the sinful act of talking to a boy. In the street.

Zein arrives at Dora’s apartment and asks to see Jade.

Albi shows up at the clinic and asks Anita, Julio and Escobar if they’ve seen Luisa. They all say no, although Anita is lying. Julio warns Albieri that, when it comes to an angry woman, he should be ready for anything. What do you mean? asks Albieri.

Well, how about denouncing him before his peers? Because that is precisely what Luisa is doing. She is in the office of Dr. Villegas of the State Medical Board and she has come to file a complaint against Albieri.

At the hospital, the doctor has news for the family. Natalia’s condition is stable and she is out of danger. Sadly, the baby’s condition has worsened. The doctor thinks he’s unlikely to survive.

Alej walks down to the nursery and sees that his son’s incubator is empty. He’s in intensive care, explains the nurse. She tells him to trust in God, that nothing is impossible.

Luisa hands over all of Albieri’s clone documentation to Dr. Villegas. She confirms that Dra Silvia’s denuncia was accurate, that Albieri cloned a human being 20 years ago; that he implanted the embryo in a woman without her consent and she has only now learned of his deception; that he is a clone of the son of Leo Ferrer.

What will happen to Albieri? Will he lose his medical license? she asks hopefully. At the very least, says Villegas.

Luisa is very pleased with herself. She phones Anita from her car and begins: No sabes lo que hice! (You’ll never guess what I did). But since Albieri is standing right in front of Anita, the conversation has to be postponed.

Julio tries to explain to Albieri that when he chose Amalia as his confidante, Luisa felt betrayed. It would be easier for her to forgive a love affair

Julio also tells Anita that she doesn’t realize how serious the situation with Albieri and Luisa really is.

Meanwhile, Albieri receives a call from Villegas asking him to come to his office.

Alej is seeking comfort in the hospital chapel. As he prays for the life of his son, he is joined by Marisa. We have to have faith, he tells her. God is going to hear us. And Alej seems a little surprised when Marisa answers: Yes, I know that's so.

Zein and Jade talk while Dora watches from a distance in the classic crossed-arms pose of the skeptic. Zein declares his love and proposes marriage. Jade has two weeks to think about it.

When he leaves, Dora tells Jade how upset she is about Lucas. She’s not about to let anyone hurt Daniel.

And as for Jade’s relationship with Daniel, the only thing she wants to know is if Jade loves him and will stick by him. I’m very confused... begins Jade. Dora cuts her off: Then you don’t love him!

Jade tries to explain about Daniel and Lucas being the same person and about dreaming of him for 20 years. Does Dora know what that is like? It turns out she does.

You said you didn’t go away with Lucas because of your daughter, says Dora. And now you want him to leave his daughter for you?

It’s not the same, Jade protests, my daughter was a newborn at the time. Dora answers:
Es muy fácil querer que el otro deje su equipaje cuando tú no estás dispuesta a dejar la tuya.
(It’s very easy to want the other person to leave his baggage behind when you’re not disposed to leave your own.)

The only thing that really matters to me is my son’s welfare, says Dora. I can tell you this, answers Jade: I’ve decided to go to Morocco.

Mohamed and Abdul are now back in front of the house. Mohamed says he’s not feeling well and he hurries inside.

Marisa has come to see Natalia in her hospital room. She tells her the baby has respiratory problems and is in intensive care.
Nati says: It’s my fault, isn’t it? It’s because of the drugs, right?
I’m very sorry, says Marisa.

Mohamed storms into the house, eyes popping, steam coming out of his ears. ¡Te vi! he shouts at Samira. ¡Te vi con un occidental! (I saw you with a westerner) She is killing her father, her mother, her whole family. The roof is caving in on them!

The roof fell down a long time ago, observes the Naz tartly.

Samira will be sent to Fez to live with Tío Abdul!

Never, she tells her cousin Zumaya. She’ll run away first, she’ll hide in the desert!

Poor Roberto is still in the hearing with the sKanks. He tries to say that he never went to Karla’s house and there was no relationship between them, but the judge silences him, saying he’ll get his turn later.

Hilda entertains the court with a work of fiction that begins: “He was like a shining armor I must say…” Roberto said he was separated from his wife. He wanted a son with Karla because his wife was unable to give him one…

Lucía waits impatiently outside. She calls Andrea who agrees to come by the courthouse after bringing a change of clothes to Nati in the hospital.

Hilda embroiders the lie by bringing Consuelo into the story. And Roberto sits and listens and reflects that it is a nightmare.

Alej phones Pablo to tell him that Nati has had her baby. Diana guesses that Pablo was talking to Alej and wants to know what’s going on. With some reluctance, he tells her.

The final scene takes place in Rogelio’s office at Salamandra. Malicia sits across from him. He says: I’m reading Raul Escobar’s formal complaint against you and the truth is, it’s a disgrace. You robbed him!

Credits roll


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