Friday, June 24, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #47 Friday 6/24/11 Mat claims to be a Dad, Doc finds a way to be even more bad, and Renata wants to get scantily clad.

Happy Friday, all! This was a pretty standard episode - lots of discussions and set-ups for things to come. A few good moments but also a few nauseating ones. Let's get down to business.

Back in the hospital, Roberta is on the cusp of revealing who the father of her baby is until Matias interrupts to claim the little critter is his spawn. Fina grins like the cat that ate the canary; she couldn't have planned it better. Fina and Gonzo give Berta and Mat some privacy.

Lazaro explains Karina's dire situation to Carlos. He agrees to allow Kari to stay at La Bonita for the night and will talk to Jero about it later. Laz appreciates it and swears on his life that Kari is a respectable woman. If Jero has a problem with it, Laz will take full responsibility.

Berta asks Mat why he did it. Mat says that the baby deserves a father. Even though it won't share his blood, he will still be a good father for it. Berta lays on the tears. She's sure Matias would be as good a father for her baby as Gonzo was with her. (Poor Mat. Those are some misguided footprints he has to follow in.) Mat says that Jero should never know that the baby is actually his. Berta guesses that Mat just wants to spare Renata the shame of knowing what a skunk Jero is. Mat promises that being a father for her baby will be no sacrifice for him. Berta loves Mat so0o0o0 much for taking the plunge for her, even though he'll only ever love Nata. Boo-hoo.

Daniel asks Adriana why she can't seem to concentrate. She admits to trying to start up a relationship with Matias but he hasn't called her back to update her on Berta's condition. Danny hangs his head like the loser he kinda is.

Gonzo and Matias have a father-son talk in the car. A baby changes your life forever, blah, blah, blah. Mat has no idea if he and Berta are going to live together or how they are going to handle the kid. Mat would rather live in his own apartment and let Berta stay in the casa. Berta knows that Mat doesn't love her, she doesn't need him on that front.

Berta congratulates Fina on her idea to tell Mat that the baby was Jero's. (Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! Someone commented the other day that this idea had to have been Fina's. Virtual high-five!) Fina gloats about how famously their plan is going: Berta played the victim and now Mat has stepped up to be a fake daddy. Mat has the same protective streak as his father. Now comes the next phase: Fina is going to convince Gonzo to obligate Matias into marrying Berta. They share an evil cackle together.

Over at La Bonita, Jero has a hissy fit because Renata had the nerve to enjoy herself at Augie's party. How dare she. Carlos tells Jero about Augie kicking Kari out. Jero has no problem with Kari staying as long as she likes, he just wishes Nata could see what a nasty side Augie has. Carlos tells Jero to cut the crap out of his relationship with Nata. "Rafa is dead and you are alive. If you love her, you have to forget the past!" Jero snaps that all he needs to do is stop falling for Nata's charms.

Alfonsina, Matilde, and Lazaro pay Karina a visit. Alfi tells Kari that Augie has forced her to kick her (Kari) out of the house. Not to worry, though, since Jero has agreed to let her live at La Bonita for as long as she wants. Kari doesn't want to accept the offer but Lazaro convinces her. "We don't want to see you suffer. We love you and want to see you happy." Aww. He is by far a better galan than Jero. Alfi flashes back to her roll in the dirt with the doctor and feels guilty when Karina calls her the bestest amiga she could ever have.

Gonzo drops in on Honoro and Constanza. Yep, Mat's the baby-daddy. Gonzo's enthusiasm is LOL-worthy as he bops around excitedly. Before he leaves, Gonzo mentions something business related that Hon and Blanca need to take care of before they leave for the trip. This little development riles Coni; she had no idea that Hon was spending the business trip with Blanca. Hon teases her for being jealous.

Regina cries to the Virgin to help her find her daughter. You know, in case we forgot. FFWD

Augie and Nata wrap up their mariachi party without noticing Arely shooting daggers at them. She pounces on Nata for staying behind when Jero left but backtracks when Nata questions her. Arely agrees to be amgias with Nata but the look on her face says otherwise.

Lazaro tells Kari that he has finally gotten a room cleaned up for her. She feels bad for having to take his room but Laz considers it an honor. Kari thanks Laz and Mati for being such wonderful friends.

Selene congratulates Berta on her villainy. After all, it is at least a little true that Jero is related to the baby since it's his nephew. Selene gripes that Constanza is going on a trip with Chema but it does provide Sele with a chance to enact an evil plan of her own. This is the perfect opportunity for Sele to squash Coni and have Chema all for herself. Berta giggles and agrees to help out. She'd love for her Tio to find out that Coni is a slut. FFWD

Matias visits Adriana to give her the bad news: he is the father of Berta's baby. He understands that she's hurt and does not want to give up on a relationship with Adri. He leaves the decision up to her.

Fina hears from her lawyer on the phone. He offers to help her with whatever she needs pertaining to her illness.

Regina meets Gonzo at a lovely restaurant. She only agreed to come because he had something important to tell her. Gonzo had to put off the divorce because of Fina's health. Regi thinks destiny has drawn them apart. Gonzo still feels so strongly for Regi. He stands and kisses Regi as their theme song crescendos.

After the commercial break, Gonzo and Regi pull away. Regi wanted to kiss Gonzo just as badly as he did her but it has to be the first and the last kiss between them. Regi has been so closed off for so many years and now that she's opened her heart, it's too late. Gonzo takes heart in the fact that Regi feels the same way he does and says it will give him strength to continue on. Regi loves how honorable and honest Gonzo is, which is exactly why she wants to stay out of his life. Gonzo wishes Regi the best in her marriage to Antonio. Regi cries.

Meanwhile, Antonio tells Doña Cata that he is going to be in a bullfight in honor of Regina. Cata is over the moon, especially since Tony hasn't been a bullfighter for so many years. Tony says that Regi's love has given him a new appreciation for life.

Gonzo asks Regi not to tell anyone that Fina has one foot in the grave. If it were not for that, Gonzo would be with Regi in a heartbeat. Regi avoids answering her cell phone because no one knows she left to see Gonzo. They each enjoy a glass of wine as Regi silently wonders what she is doing with her life.

Augie walks Nata home and invites her back to Cruz de Amor. He would love it if Nata would help him design the logo for the new wine he is producing. Of course Nata wants to help. Nata arrives home to the image of Jero tapping his foot in the hallway. Nata barely acknowledges him as she goes off to bed. "Did you know that Augie kicked out one of your amigas who works for him?" Jero asks. Nata assumes Augie must have had a reason but Jero says Augie is an ass.

Nata is tired of the pithing contest between Jero and Augie. Jero did nothing at the party except demonstrate his power and control over her and Nata is not having it. "I am not the property of anyone, Jero. Get that clear." She leaves to sleep in the guest room.

Dr. Rapeysnake (thanks to Emilia for that one :) cries into his tequila over Karina. Meanwhile, Kari sits near a fountain as Lazaro strolls over to join her. Juan Luis Guerra plays as Laz asks Kari if she was ever in love with him. Kari says yes, she was very much in love. Laz asks why she left him and Kari flashes back to her father's deathbed in which he asked her to marry the doctor because of what he could offer her. Kari never answers Laz's question but Laz agrees to respect Kari as a married woman. But Laz does appreciate how beautiful Kari looks in the moonlight. They look into each others eyes and almost kiss. Laz watches Kari walk back into the casa and knows she will be in his dreams. D'aww.

Alfonsina cries during dinner about how awful the doctor is. Speak of the diablo, the doctor stumbles into the house to find Karina. He's upset that Alfi and Zeke believed Kari's lies. Zeke says it was obvious that Kari did not lie and tells Doc to hit the road.

Gonzo sits in his study, unable to get Regi's kiss off his mind. Regi gets home and placates Cata by promising to call Tony the next morning. Regi, too, can't stop thinking about that kiss.

Alone in his bedroom, Jero fiddles with his wedding ring as another song by Manuel Carrasco plays. "How I want to forget reason and thought and be able to feel. To be able to feel without thinking. And to love you."

The next morning, Nata warmly greets Karina and the two of them get on well. Nata asks Mati to prepare a spare room for Kari so Laz won't have to give up his bed. Kari and Laz thank Jero.

Alfonsina tears Doctor Drunkard up and down for mistreating Karina. She hates herself for allowing anything to happen between them. "You'll never be able to erase it from your mind. If you don't continue to please me, the entire town will find out about us." Doc says. *puke*
Doc claims the town will forgive him since he's a man and everyone will hate Alfi. Plus, it would be a shame for Panchito to know that his mother is a whore. Alfi tries to give Doc a good slap but he catches her arm and grabs her face. He threatens her some more but Alfi manages to throw him off and run away. Yuck, yuck, YUCK.

Nata tells Jero that she's going down to the beach for awhile. Jero tells Nata she can't go. Psh, yeah right, says Nata. If Jero wants, she will go ask Augie to borrow his car. Carlos offers to take her but Nata does not need a chauffeur. Jero relents and agrees to go with Nata.

In the car, Nata gazes out the window while Jero gazes at her gams. She catches his eye and slips over onto his lap as Jero drives. He pulls the car over at lightning speed. Ooh-la-la.

Avances: Nata and Jero frolic on the beach. Jero rejects Nata and she swears that Jero will never humiliate her again. Later, it seems as though Nata is missing.

ansiedad - anxiety
exigir - to require, to need, to ask for (Mat about Berta)
encubrir - to conceal (Doc to Alfi/Zeke)
aborrecer - to abhor, to hate (Alfi to Doc)
borrar - to delete/erase (Doc to Alfi)
complacer - to indulge/please (Doc to Alfi)
Entre la espada y la pared - Between a rock and a hard place (Alfi to Doc)


Alborada, 6/24/2011. Cap. 19.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #5 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 18 start at this link.

Thank you for today's picture, Carlos. As far as I'm concerned, any picture with TBLMOE is a good one!


Teresa Thu 6/23/11 #84 Lots of tears.

As usual, I am sorry for being so late with the recap! I just can't seem to get my butt in gear and I've been running behind on all my telenovelas.  Blame it on the Summer! Discuss amongst yourselves while I try to energize myself. Lo siento!

UPDATE, it's FINALLY UP!!! Forgive any errors, I zipped through this pretty efficiently.

FANGIRL ALERT: Big news in the video geek world (I am a video geek). Am playing around with some new software that just came out (all of us geeks are talking about it) and made this simple fan video with some clips from favorite shows, including telenovela stars. Thought some of you might get a kick out of it. Spot the novela stars in this YouTube fan video! LOL!

In the meanwhile, here's a screencap:

Teresa plays the victim card and Luisa, unfortunately, is fooled.

Teresa Ep 83, June 23, 2011

Skipping past the stuff that was from yesterday (well, Tuesday). I can't even remember all the stuff from Tuesday! I am in a bad way!

Aurora and Mariano have a heart to heart and Mariano tells her that Martin's a lucky guy. When she leaves he looks crestfallen a bit.

Professor Hottie is having dinner with Luisa and Fernando, and they're lamenting about his bad luck with Teresa. She's the love of his life, blah blah blah. He's sorry that Luisa and Fer are postponing their trip to Cancun. Or something.

Hector the Director is appealing to Juana. She's chowing down on his chocolates as he begs her to wait for him as he tries to get the divorce.

Cutberto is wandering down the street and Griselda attacks him with her umbrella, kvetching that at first she was going to be the mother of his hijos, and now she's out of a job! She tells him that he's being blamed for helping kidnap Jailbait. Uh oh.

Mom and Pop are at Professor Hottie and Refugio is crying her eyes out about Teresa getting a divorce. Luisa asks if Teresa has made up her mind yet? Then Luisa drops the bombshell—the person who made the mistake in this marriage was not Teresa, but Professor Hottie! Refugio looks impactada.

Cutberto wants to help out Griselda. He can't offer love, but he gives her the contents of his wallet. She doesn't seem persuaded by this.

Johnny and Jailbait. He's going to look for work. He gives her a kiss. I think she's got something a little more intimate on her mind. FF>>

Luisa talks with Mom and Pop some more and leaves saying she hopes things work out because Professor Hottie really does love Teresa. Refugio says she wants to talk with Teresa some more but Armando isn't too eager to do this.

Aurora is unburdening with dad Hector the Director about her love life troubles. To get back together with Martin or hold out for Mariano? What if Mariano continues to be a dope who keeps chasing after Teresa? Does Aurora want to be the dope who foolishly hopes he'll come around? And does she feel the loss of Martin or Mariano? Dad looks sympathetic.

I'm going to combine some scenes here:

Refugio catches Teresa and is very contrite and trying to be understanding. Of course Teresa has to make a dig about how she's not the gold digger that Refugio thought she was (COUGH COUGH!). Then she drops the bombshell. Professor Hottie was unfaithful and she's going to dump him and go back to Mariano.

Refugio is all motherly, clasping Teresa to her loving, motherly breast as Teresa cries and soaks up the attention and sympathy. She tells so many bald-faced lies. Professor Hottie wasn't the man she thought he was. He never stopped loving Paloma. Oh boo hoo, poor victimized, tragic Teresa! LOL! Mom embraces our poor shattered Teresa some more.

Johnny and Jailbait are walking down the street and see Grumps. Johnny bravely approaches Grumps with Jailbait close behind. He tells Grumps that he has respected Jailbait and things aren't as Grumps thinks. He wants to marry Jailbait. Grumps pops a cork and says that Johnny just wants to get Grumps' money. "Get outta here!" he yells as they both scuttle off. Grumps looks pretty upset and heartbroken as he watches them go.

Teresa thinks she's got it all made. Mom is totally buying into her story and is all mom-like and loving and supportive for a change. Teresa wants to do things the "proper" way in dumping Professor Hottie, but she's gonna get back with Mariano and mom thinks that she should have stuck with Mariano anyway, so they give each other a loving mom-daughter embrace as Teresa looks sharky and triumphant.

I'm too lazy to go back and double-check this, but I think what happens is that Rubigote goes to see Mariano and wants his help in some way. Rubigote wants to help out Esperanza and her hijo, but he doesn't have the big boy pants to be open with his wife about this—she thinks that Esperanza is pregnant by Hernan the Galán. But Mariano wants no part of this and won't be Rubigote's front. Or something. I think that Rubigote wants Mariano to treat Esperanza and that somehow this will allow Rubigote access to Espe and the hijo. Mariano is totally disgusted and tells Rubigote off.

A scene between Aeeeeeda and Mayra, where I think Mayra has decided she's going to take care of her own finances/business. Aeeeeda is suspicious and thinks that papa Rubigote is behind this, but Mayra insists it was her own idea. You can tell that Aeeeda thinks this is total B.S.

Professor Hottie, hat figuratively in hand, gives Teresa the itinerary and tickets to their honeymoon. Her sharky eyes widen in glee and greed as she looks at what he has to offer. Then she plays it cool and asks him how come he's showing her this? He wants to still take her on the honeymoon to Europe and hopefully win her back, little by little. Our little shark isn't going for that, but says she'll take the trip alone and try to "recover" from all that's happened. Oh please!

Johnny and Jailbait. They can wait to get married if she wants. He's not after her money. She knows this. He wants the family to accept him. Kiss kiss. FF >>>

At dinner, Refugio tells Armando that Professor Hottie was unfaithful. "QUE?!?!" Armando says, completely impactado. After some conversation, he exclaims that he's gotta go talk to Professor Hottie. Armando's really upset.

Teresa's sniffing some flowers sent by Professor Hottie and reading a note which again pleads her to go with him and give him a chance. The maid announces that Mariano has come to visit. He comes straight to the point—is it true that she told him she was leaving Professor Hottie to return to him, when in fact she is leaving because Professor Hottie cheated?

I apologize because I'm probably not going to get all of this right (please anyone, give more details!). Mariano is so outraged because she's gonna dump Professor Hottie for cheating and here she cheated with him (Mariano) the day before the wedding? She says well, that was BEFORE the wedding. Mariano doesn't think there's much difference, since it was just one day before and she'd already proclaimed her devotion for Prof. Hottie. Teresa tries to manipulate and persuade. She says she made a mistake and the infidelity thing with Prof. Hottie is just a pretext and she wants to return to Mariano. Mariano looks disgusted.

He basically tells her he's done with this and thankfully his eyes were opened and he sees that there are other nice girls out there, girls with good qualities. Yeah, she knows he means Aurora. He leaves her telling her that his doubts about her are real and then warns her: Martin saw you leave my house last night. Impactada look from Teresa. They talk about this for a while. Mariano doesn't know what Martin thinks. Teresa says she can say she was looking for Johnny and Jailbait (I think). Whatever. She keeps on harping about how they'll get back together. But Mariano firmly says that she should get a divorce if she wants, but not on his behalf. Teresa looks shocked by this.

Professor Hottie is at Fernando's place and Fernando is encouraging him not to drink. They talk about Professor Hottie's problems more. Prof. Hottie says that even though he's had years of experience and is supposedly mature, he still feels like an adolescent.

Professor Hottie is reclining on some sort of recliner thing and looking like Fernando's psychiatry patient as Fer advises him. Prof. Hottie is jealous, jealous, jealous of Mariano and he can't think of Teresa being with another guy. Fernando advises patience and to fight for what he wants with a clear head.

Refugio has come to see Juana and is crying about Teresa's broken marriage. She also is talking about how angry Armando is and how she's never seen him like that. She doesn't know why Prof. Hottie cheated. Juana doesn't know anything, but says that Paloma was trying to split Teresa and Prof. Hottie up.

Luisa comes home and is told that Mariano is talking with Teresa. She barges into the other room where they are and demands to know what's going on. Teresa quickly makes up some story about him being there for the hospital charity whatever thing. Blah blah blah. He's going now. Luisa says she doesn't ever want to see him in that house again. Don't worry, he doesn't intend to ever come back, he says. Teresa looks less than pleased about this.

Some cute little scene with Johnny and Jailbait. She's fixed dinner. Whatever. FF>>

Luisa is outraged that Mariano show up there. Teresa plays up her distress/outrage at his daring to be there too. Luisa, as expected, is all sympathy. Luisa tries again to persuade Teresa to get back with Professor Hottie. Teresa does more crying and fake distress over all that she's suffered, but in the end she declares that she will be divorcing Prof. Hottie. Luisa looks upset.

Papa Armando has come over to Professor Hottie's and is reading Prof. Hottie the riot act for cheating. Professor Hottie tries to calm him down, but to no avail. Teresa and Luisa hear the argument in the other room and come to investigate. Armando is in high dudgeon and says take your money and job and shove it, and by the way, Teresa come back home! He starts to take her by the arm as Professor Hottie looks very distressed. Teresa looks triumphant.

Rubigote has visited Esperanza in the hospital. I swear, all these medical professionals have so much free time at work! Anyway, it was a long conversation but I think Rubigote is saying he can't leave his wife, can't tell her what's going on, can't live with Espe and hijo, but wants to be part of their lives. Espe wants to know, will it to be as a daddy or a provider? She loves him but she would prefer he forget her if he's not going to be there for real. (Or something? I think she basically doesn't want him jerking her around anymore.)

Professor Hottie explains to Armando that he's not living in the house anymore. Luisa gets Prof. Hottie to leave the room so Teresa can talk to dad alone. Teresa spins some story about how she can't go back to the vecinidad because Prof Hottie could accuse her then of leaving the home. Or something. She says it's a legal thing. Dad buys this but he's still upset about the infidelity and stuff.

Meanwhile, Luisa is talking with Professor Hottie in the other room and tells him that Teresa is going to file the demand for divorce tomorrow. This is not what Prof. Hottie wants to hear.

Rubigote visiting Geno. Creepy scene where he tells her the "good news" that Espe's kid is his. Oh, she thinks this is great, because finally she (Geno) can "give" him a kid and it'll be THEIR kid. Creepy and weird.

Teresa sees Professor Hottie in his office. He says he's tried and tried to make it up to her. He even renounced Paloma's inheritance (QUE? You can see the disappointment in Teresa's face at that news). But if she really wants to get a divorce, okay. He'll start proceedings tomorrow himself. She gives this resolved, stern look and that is the end of our episode!


Cuando Me Enamoro #46 Thursday 6/23/11 Vicious Kisses, Maldita Bonita the Headbanger, and Saved by Mariachis

Last night we left Carlos telling Renata that there aren’t any pictures of Rafael around. How odd, it was his hacienda wasn’t it? Carlos hedges around some lame excuses and Renata mutters “I don’t understand anything.” You and me both honey.

She’s like ten times smarter than our alleged galan as she tells Carlos she somehow feels like Jero thinks SHE is La Bonita and what’s up with that? Carlos gets all fidgety and she pulls him back, assuring him she knows nothing about this business and begs his help.

Padre Inappropriate is over at Casa Alfonsina trying to coerce Cari to go home. Ezekiel asks, even when her husband is an animal? (AniMAHL sounds so much worse in Spanish.) Alfonsina sticks up for Cari, if she says Doc raped her then she (Alf) believes her. Cari cries she can’t even begin to describe the shame of what happened to her. Padre I. suggests maybe she’s exaggerating a little and doc has some meds to help her nerves. Alfonsina and I both shout “Nerves!?” OK, I shouted, Alfonsina was calmer. She suggests Cari show Padre the proof of “her nerves”. Cari reveals her arm bruises and Padre Impactado covers his mouth in shock.

It’s a warm night in the wine country and Nata sits on a rock by a river, tosses stones in and recalls her romantic times with Jero. He wanders up and spies on her, throw some rocks at him!! Darn, she doesn’t see him.

Next morning Carlos tells Jerko that Nata seems sincere and wants to see a picture of Rafa. He correctly points out that nobody can be that good of a liar. “Cínica, cínica, a thousand times over!” is Jero’s dopey response. He says he’d like to...and then pretends that he’s strangling someone. Carlos asks will Jero’s obsession turn into abuse? He must mean physical because it is already psychological.

Augi summons Ezekiel to tell him that Cari cannot stay in his house anymore. Ezekiel takes great umbrage at this order and calls doc a drunk. Augi says he doesn’t care if it’s true or not, Cari’s got to go. Oh and by the way, Jero and wife are going to visit so make sure the hacienda looks (luzca) perfect. Arely eavesdrops and hears Augi say he doesn’t care about Jero, what matters to him is what Nata finds there.

Kari tells the La Bonita maid Hermina that she’ll try to fix the embroidered sheets. She needs the money since she left the doc. She’d rather go to a nuthouse than return to him. Uh oh, ironic foreshadowing? Good gossip anyway.

Alfonsina, happily busting out of her tight pink tank top, gushes over the beauty of the vines. “Nothing is as beautiful as you,” croaks the doc, sneaking up on her. She tells him to beat it, wife raper, she can’t stand him. He forces a kiss and swears he didn’t do it. Cari made it up to play the victim. She knows him, he couldn’t hurt a rose petal. He knows how to love a woman with passion, not violence. She tells him to go but he keeps kissing her, then she kisses back, barf.

Fina tells Berta over the phone that Nata’s friend Adri is uncle Honorio’s bastarda. Now more than ever they must be vigilant.

Back at the hacienda Manuela pulls some yummy pan dulce or some such thingies out of the oven. Nata rushes in and exclaims over the wonderful aroma. Sullen Mati hangs back and comments on Nata’s outfit for El Guapo’s party. I guess Nata is going to take the treats there.

Nata asks Mati to get Lazaro because she needs a ride to the party. Mati mouths off about waiting for Jero and Nata tells her that Jero is her husband but not her boss. More Mati mouth-off and Nata looks her in the eye, tells the little snippet she’s the wife of the boss, gives the orders and if Mati doesn’t like it the door is wide open. After Nata leaves Mati asks “who does she think she is?” Manuela tells her she’s the boss lady, or the wife of the boss if Mati prefers to look at it that way.

Nata shows up at Augi and Arely’s with her batch of cookies in hand. He’s thrilled to death that she’s there sans husband. Arely not so much. Augi gleefully ushers Nata to the wine and appetizers while Arely trails behind holding the tray of cookies and muttering under her breath.

Mati trots out to the vineyard pretending to look for Alfonsina but really to rat out Nata to Jero. She happily tells him Nata got all sexed up in a super low-cut dress and left for El Guapo’s house without him.

Matias visits Berta so that she can she can irritate him by telling him she’s plans to tell Nata she’s expecting her husband’s baby. They get in an argument about Nata’s happiness and Berta stalks around inches from the pool in her super high heels. Twist your ankle and fall in! She shrieks that Jero has to know because she wants her baby to be born into a family with a papa! Yell yell, shaking fists, stalking stalking and then suddenly my wish comes true sort of. She trips, falls and bangs her head on a rock. Hooray! I hope she goes into a coma and the baby is born without her ever waking up.

EEWWWW!! Alfonsina and doc are rolling around in the dirt making out, how gross. Luckily Mati really was looking for Alfonsina because her yelling interrupts them. Doc hides in the vines while Alfonsina distracts Mati. Heh, Alf’s got red dirt all over her backside.

Matias calls for an ambulance and then calls Gonzo to tell him about Berta and that they are in Cuernavaca.

Jero rides up on his steed but this guy is no prince charming. He immediately starts ragging on Nata for coming without him. She gives it right back to him and when he sings the “your place is by my side” song she stops him. “My place? As what?” she demands. He tells her she is his woman, his wife. She laughs and says deeds speak louder than words and he sure doesn’t act like she’s his wife. He’ll show her deeds, he grabs her and forces another of his vicious kisses on her. It saddens me to announce that she responds positively, just in time for Augi and Arely to find them in a mad clinch.

Carlos finds Mati cooking dinner and she asks him if the doc will be joining them. Carlos doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She says she saw his car and assumed he was with Carlos. Noooo. Maybe he’s with Alfonsina. Noooooo, didn’t see him with her. How odd, she says. They both look suspicious and wonder who the doc came to see.

Jero makes some lame excuses for being late, gets a dig in at Nata for coming without him, but then says he needs to go back home to change his dirty shirt. Arely suggests he borrow one from Augi which Jero really does not want to do, but she holds out her hand and Jero is obliged to follow. He looks back to see Nata and Augi make eye contact. Nata kind of shrugs her shoulders as if to say, “What can I do? He’s an incredible ass but he’s my husband.”

Gonzo and Fino rush toward Cuernavaca where Gonzo gets to listen to Fina’s whining and nastiness and “ay ay ay nuestro nieto” ad nauseum. Honorio calls him and Gonzo tells him he has to go somewhere solo because Gonzo is preoccupied. Heh, I’ll bet Honorio won’t be solo for long.

The doc tells Berta and Matias that the baby seems fine but they need to admit her for further tests. He asks if Matias is the husband and Matias says No but he’ll take responsibility for everything. Gah, more foreshadowing!

Arely helps Jero out of his shirt and blatantly ogles while smiling to herself.

Augi hits Nata up for the 411 on her relationship with Jero. He could be wrong but he gets the feeling all is not well and he’s heard the first few months of marriage can be difficult. She asks him what he knows of the brother Rafael. How about the infamous and mysterious La Bonita? No luck there, nobody in town ever saw her. She tells him the specters of Rafael and La Bonita seem to be preventing their happiness.

Hermina reports back to Lazaro what Kari told her. That the doc is trying to tell everyone that Kari is crazy but she’ll never go back to him.

Augi gives another of his wine tutorials about what makes a great bottle of wine, weather at harvest time, types of barrels, age of vines, and most important the quality of grape. “Like those of La Bonita” Jero suggests. Augi says something about Rafa planting a very special type of grape for the region. Arely asks didn’t Jero know this? Jero says right now he is like a kid when it comes to knowledge about wine but hopefully in time he will become an expert too. Augi’s sceptical, just how does Jero plan to accomplish that? Oh, by working hard in the vineyard, experimenting, studying, and doing what it takes to honor Rafael’s name. Meanwhile Nata’s head ping-pongs back and forth as the two men exchange barbs.

Alfonsina hunts down Ezekiel and he tells her that Augi ordered him to kick Kari out of their house. Alf is pithed off, it's her house. Ez says he’ll get fired if they don’t.

Augie is still spouting off his wine knowledge as he seats his guests for dinner. He says passion and love are essential in wine making. The grape is like the woman and must be cared for carefully. If that happens then you will have an exceptional wine, blah blah blah. Arely asks Jero’s opinion of this comparison. He agrees that woman can be the muse that awakens a man’s sensitivity. He says it’s this exact thing that caused a woman to inspire his brother to move to this area, and himself as well.

Just as this is getting way too weird they are interrupted by some musicians. Renata is thrilled, they all toast, and Augi glares over the rim of his glass when nobody is looking.

Fina and Gonzo rush into Berta’s room in time to hear that the baby is fine and it’s going to be a boy. Matias suspiciously asks isn’t it a bit early to be able to tell the sex of the baby? Fina jumps into action and gushes about the new Monterrubio heir.

Daniel tells Adri he couldn’t believe the news about her being Honorio’s kid. He says now she’s the daughter of the boss she won’t want to talk to him anymore. She reassures him that nothing will change. (He, however, should change his tie.)

A few doors down Blaaanca Ocaaaampo is bending over Honorio asking him why doesn’t he take her to see some boat. She says it’s very important for her to soak up everything that has to do with the company and the ships used by their exporters. She suggests it’s also a good time to put Adriana front and center. When Honorio doesn’t immediately jump on her...idea she asks is there some particular reason he won’t take her with him? Uh, no, he says unemotionally, go ahead and call Gonzo and change the room reservation. “Thank you for the opportunity,” she gushes.

Meanwhile, Cons and Chema are playing around with fruit and she mentions she’ll be alone this weekend because Honorio and Gonzo have to go to some port for export business. Chema tells her he was invited by the port owner where he gets his fruit to do something that Saturday and he’d love for her to go with. Sele the stalker listens outside the door and shows us her menacing scowl.

Adri is now in Honorio’s office and she asks if he’s heard anything about Matias and Berta. She was hoping Matias would call. He’s the love of her life but he’s still in love with Nata. She’s hoping that someday he’ll fall in love with her. Dad says there is a difference between loving and being in love. He heard a quote once that he always remembered: To be in love is to love the similarities; to love is to be in love with the differences. What he recommends is that Adri take a hard look at what she feels for Matias and also ask him what he really feels for Renata.

Back at Augi’s awkward assemblage he and Nata are whooping it up with the musicians while Jero and Arely gloomily swirl their swill. When their song is completed Arely flounces out of the room and Jero announces they’ve had enough to drink and are going home. Nata insists she’s not drunk, just happy. Jero glowers and pulls away. “What, you don’t like to see your woman happy?” asks Augi. A fair question even though it was meant to irritate. Nata tells Jero he can go but she’s going to stay. Augi happily volunteers to bring her home. “I want you to go home with me,” Jero demands. Nata gets all up in his face and takes a big sip of her wine.

Over at La Bonita Alfonsina reports to her pals Mati, Lazaro and Hermina that she was ordered by Augi to kick Cari out. Can they put her up? Lazaro is up in arms and storms out saying he’s going to ask Carlos if they can help out. Hermina says Laz is totally in love with Cari and she is worried that el doctoricito will do something harmful to Lazaro if he finds out.

Back at the star crossed Cross of Love hacienda Nata shoves her glass under Augi’s bottle for a refill. Guess she’s staying. Nata and Jero have a fairly civil parting but Augi knows she’s in pain and asks if she’s OK. “We don’t exactly act like newlyweds,” she observes. Augi turns on the gracious charm and Nata sighs she’s glad to have a friend like him nearby, salud!

Did we think Jero would take Nata’s decision to stay lightly? Not a chance. Our grumpy galan stalks out of the house but is intercepted by Arely before he hits the door. He informs her he’s leaving solo because it seems his wife is too entertained by Augi to leave. Arely noticed. “It looks like you and I are superfluous,” he gripes. “Wait, your shirt,” she says hopefully, but alas, he has departed.

Fina announces to Gonzo and Matias that she won’t leave her daughter’s side no matter how it affects her own health. Before he leaves Gonzo demands to know what Berta and Matias were discussing by the pool. “The father of my child,” says Berta. Gonzo then demands to know once and for all who is the father. “Tell him,” prompts Fina unknowingly. “OK then,” snips Berta, “the father of my child is....” Matias interrupts, “Soy yo, I am the father of that child.” Oh noes! We were afraid he would do that.

Avances: Carlos advises Jero to forget the past. Jero waits up for Nata and she tells him she’s nobody’s property.

bajar la guardia = be vigilant, don’t let ones guard down (Fina to Berta)
botanas = appetizers, snacks
cínico/a = liar (Jero’s rant)
empaparse = to soak up (what Blanca Ocampo wants to do)
entretenido/a = entertained (what Renata is at Augi’s house)
la puerta es muy ancha = the door is wide open (Nata to Mati)
me da igual = I don’t care (Augi regarding whether Jero comes to his place)
Me das asco! = I can’t stand you! (Common telenovela phrase)
revisar = look over, inspect, take a hard look at (what Adri should do regarding her feelings for Matias)
sobrando/a = superfluous (what Jero and Arely are)
varón = male (as in Berta’s bebe)
vestido super escotado = super low-cut dress (Mati’s description of Nata’s dress)

Dicho of the Day:
Enamorarse es amar las coincidencias y amar es enamorarse las diferencias = To be in love is to love the similarities; to love is to be in love with the differences.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #153 6/23/11 There must have been collective writer's block

Wow. A triumph of filler....and what a llorathon. AY!

Here goes!

Baddie Burnie and crew have arrived to take Maria somewhere. Vic and the echo machine want to know where they are taking her hija. She cries. She begs them to let her hija go. She will do anything they ask. Hiiiiiiiiiijjaaaaaaa! Mariiiiiaaaa, I just lost a girl named Marriiiiiaaaaa! The sound of gunshot! Noooooo! Burnie looks on and smirks. (Maria is ok. The bad guy makes a show of pointing to a bullet hole in a box.) Vic continues to cry buckets. Burnie b!tch slaps her (was that a cheer from Viewerville? Heaven knows *I* wanted to slap her.) Vic's cries drown out the lines of the kidnapper.

Let's throw mama under the bus
Gui has Xi and her mother at gunpoint. He asks why Xi is robbing him. Xi blames mom and the meds. She didn't know what she was doing. She reminds Gui that they are both on the same (anti-Sandoval) side. Gui doesn't trust them. It would be easier to just get rid of them. Xi and mom beg. Gui will give them another chance, but they better be careful not to double-cross him.

Leo and Os
Os can't believe Leo took such liberties. He reminds her that he doesn't love her, that he loves Victoria (He's is so hopeful...that's why I like him.) She apologizes. Os says he just wants to try and help, but she can't keep being a flake. She asks him not to distance himself from her. She begs. He gives her another chance, but reminds her to cool it. If his family had seen it would have been a huge mess. er..too late

Fer rolls into the kitchen and thinks about the Os vs Voice face-off. Then she thinks about the Os vs Leo lip-lock. She cries. Her parents don't love each other. Her family is being destroyed.

Back to the Kidnapping
Vic has calmed down but only minimally. The kidnappers have her calling the Sandoval Manse. O-o-o-s-vall-d-d-d-o-o hiccup sob... She sobs about her niña. They toook heeerrr. Who? Asks Os...who did they take? Where did they take her? Vic says she doesn't know and sobs some more (Burnie, hon, could you slap her again?) Vic continues to sob. She heard shots. She doesn't know if her niña is dead or alive. The head baddie gets on the phone and tells Os to hurry it up with the lana (money.) Probably because he's tired of listening to Vic, too.

Commercial break: So what does everyone think of La Fuerza del Destino????

Voice, Max and Lon have found what the presume to be Maria's clothes. They walk in circles. Voice rallies the torpid troops. They have to find out if the blood is human (aaaand we add CSI Officer to the doctor's resume.) Max should head home where the kidnappers will be calling they head back for Casa Sandoval.

Everyone searches for Vic and Maria Desamparada. Dramatic music and facial expressions. FF>>

The head kidnapper, Nicolás by name, is being berated by the Maria stand in. She isn't happy. Things are turning out more complicated than they should be. She knows the Sandovals will do anything (mover el cielo y mar y tierra? move heaven, sea and the earth) to get the ladies back. More browbeating from her. Shut ups! from him.

Os paces. Leo tells him everything will be fine. Fer looks on and stares daggers. Leo tries to comfort Fer...who reacts icily. Millie and the searchers begin to arrive. More dramatic music, facial expressions and flailing (Pip mainly.)  Really, it starts to look like bad a squillion clowns popping out of a tiny car. Do you think the writers couldn't think of any dialogue?

Whew! Finally some talking. Max arrives and asks if there's any news. Os tells everyone they have to be strong. Please note: there are no representatives from law enforcement. Those Sandoval's are fiercely independent I guess. "We don't need no stinking police." He tells the group about Vic's phone call. Max asks about Maria. Os explains how Maria was taken away and how later Vic heard shots. It's not supposed to be funny, but everyone's reaction makes me laugh. NO! NO PUEDE SER! Max squints and puckers. Holy crap that's funny! We get a close up of each character to savor: Pip, Alonso, Toni, Nati, Voice, Fer y su papá. Cruz asks about the stain on the clothes and wants to know if it's blood. There is a mini bull-snort from William! He must be crying.

Millie spies the clothing and proclaims she has seen Maria wearing those clothes before. William Mush mouths and Fer frets. Alonso wants to know exactly what was said. More re-hash from Os. Vic doesn't know if Maria is alive or dead. More crowd reaction. Os mentions the kidnappers want money. Pip is all "give it to them" and Oscar is all voice of reason and is all "the business has no liquid assets." Somehow Pip is to blame. I'm sure he spend too much on fabric or something. (I didn't listen closely.) Pip pitches a fit. Toni soothes him. Everyone offers to pitch in the pesos they've saved and Os mentions selling some of Vic's jewelry. Millie is going to rally the vecindad. She takes her leave.

*annoyed sigh* Cruz offers to take Fer home and she says no, thank you I will stay here at MY house (emphasis added.) Os tells her her house is with her husband. Fer whines that there is no love in her house or in the Sandoval house. whine whine. She made all that progress and now she's just back to spoiled brat. Cruz won't stand in her way.

Heri is going to head to the lab and find out if the stain is blood or not. Leonela is leaving, too. She tells Max she's sorry....there's really nothing for her to do there. Max objects and Fer says to let her leave. Leo and Heri go.

Max wants to know what's up with Fer's attitude. She says she saw Leo kissing Dad.

Vic and the llorathon FF>>

Heri wants the lab results, pronto.

Os and crew pull the jewelry from the safe. They are all quite pleased and feel that they will be able to sell them and get the money they need. Surely we all see what's coming next?

Toni arrives to tell Os that the jewelry is all fake. Vic sold the real stuff and got copies to try and save the business.

The kidnappers move the still sobbing Vic.

Back at the Sandoval's everyone discusses the rise of violence in Mexico. These people have no values or morals. Max says "Poor Mexico" (and this recapper agrees. I've attended three workshops this Summer about the subject. It's very sad.) Voice arrives with test results: IT'S PAINT! HOORAY!

Maria is tied back up to the pillar. She wants to know where mom is. Woman kidnapper says her lines and leaves. Maria screams and cries. "Don't leave me here!"

Cruz has a sad. He sings an entire song and flashbacks. Writer's don't have to come up with dialogue. FF>>

Vic is tied to a chair. The crying continues FF>>

Maria flashbacks the almost the entire dialogue between she and Vic since they were tied up together. She tilts her head. Then she remembers all the nasty stuff Vic has said to her. Maria will never forgive her.

Millie is asking the vecindad for donations for the rescate (ransom.) The Jarochas don't mind helping Maria, but they don't give a rip about Vic. FF>>

Gui still wants to know why Xi and her mom would rob him. Mom kind of wonders why Burnie gave him all that money. He did her a favor. Xi comments it must be something pretty nasty (?). Gui lets them go. He reminds Xi that she owes him big now. He let her live.

At the vecindad we get a granny donating dentures and Napo saying they need "en efectivo. CASH MONEY."

Burnie is in bed. Jail is hell, but God will reward her for her having gone through this Calvario (Calvary.) Eva brown noses. Burnie wants to get some sleep. As Eva leaves she tells her that she doesn't want to be bothered at all. No visitors EXCEPT Gui. She's sure he'll have good news for her. She plans a good rest. She expects thing aren't so calm at Casa Sandoval.

At Casa Sandoval, Heri offers Os money for the rescue.

Alonso is back on the chopping block: we get the montage of doom.


Alborada, 6/23/2011. Cap. 18.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #4 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 18 start at this link.

Thank you for today's picture, Carlos. Of the three, I definitely prefer the horse's patooty.


Cuando Me Enamoro #45 Wednesday 6/22/11 Renata is Riddled with Riddles: If You Were She, What She Would You Be?

Gonzo tells Matias that Fina is terminal and that her dying wish is to have her daughter and grandchild near her. He begs Matias to convince Berta to come back home (since he’s the only person she’ll speak to) and to not do anything crazy and irreversible (abortion, suicide?). Matias looks worried. Fina looks gleeful as she listens through the door.

Blanca, in a red hot dress (wow, still hard to believe this is the same actress who was salt of the earth Delfina in Mi Pecado!), convinces Honorio to come hang out with her for some coffee talk while Adriana and Constanza chat in his office. She takes him by the hand and leads him into her lair. What’s his name (you know, the nosey kid who has a thing for Adri) looks on with interest.

Inside Hon’s office, Connie and Adri speak about Adri moving in with Hon and Con. They both know it won’t be easy. Adri doesn’t want to intrude or take advantage of Hon, who has already done so much. Connie points out that it’s not taking advantage (abusar) since Hon is her father. Adri points out she was sort of forced on/imposed on Hon, and admits she’s not quite there yet in seeing him as her father. Connie’s glad Adri isn’t jumping on the father-daughter bandwagon just like that, as it would make her suspicious. Adri explains how her mom Aggie made sure Adri loved her absentee father. She accepts that her dad wasn’t with her because of her mom’s decision not to tell him. She’s not going to judge her decision and she knows she did her best. Connie acknowledges what a special young woman Adri is and says they have something in common- Honorio. Because Adri is special to him, she wants Adri in his life. Adri points out that this is what her mother wanted too, and accepts moving in with Hon and Con.

Hon, meanwhile is sharing yucks over coffee with Blanca.

Antonio surprises Regina with a brand new house for the two of them to move into. No problem if Cata wants to live with them or if she wants to stay in her current home, which is near the new one. Also no problem for him if the long lost daughter wants to live with them when she is found. Gina looks overwhelmed.

Dr. Do-Nothing-But Drink (and rape his wife) comes home with a bunch of roses. (I wonder if there’s a “Sorry I raped you” apology card available at the florist’s?) He is surprised to find Carina has flown the coop. She meanwhile is playing a game with Panchito, the mystery child of Alfonsina and Ezekiel. Alfie returns home and tells Cari that their home is her home. Panchito is super happy to be hanging out with Cari, who also helped him with his homework. Cari says what a blessing it is to have a child rather wistfully, and asks if she and Zeke have plans for another. Alfie, equally wistfully, says that’s not in the plans. Panchito heads outside to play and Alfie asks Cari for the scoop on what happened with Dr. Jekyll. Did he beat her (te pego)? “Something worse.” (algo peor)

In the square, Ezekiel runs into Lazaro and tells him Cari’s at his place because something bad went down with the Doc. Laz flies off to see her, with the Doc, who is looking for Cari, hot on his tail.

In front of the Church, Jero, who appears to be in a good mood for a change, is bidding Renata farewell with kisses. He’ll run his errands, while she does her church business, and they’ll meet up later in front of the church.

Back at Alfie’s and Zeke’s, Lazaro is demanding to see Cari and to find out what happened. The Doc enters and tells Laz it’s none of his biz. When the Doc then says it’s all because Cari is crazy, Laz proceeds to break his face and ribs. The women break it up and order them both to get the heck out. Alfie makes a point of kicking the Doc out of HER house, and he looks hurt at her treating him this way. Zeke gets there too late and seems to miss the meaningful look between his wife and the Doc.

In the church, Padre is welcoming Nata. He says he doesn’t know Jero that well yet, but everyone loved Rafa. They don’t look that much alike, except the eyes. And Jero has a strong personality (code for being a jerk…we already knew that). Then the Padre lets spill the important frijoles. Rafa killed himself at the hacienda over the rejection (desamor) of a woman—La Bonita. Nata is impactada. The Padre is surprised that she knows nothing of this. He sits her down to tell her more. He explains about how Jero arrived after Rafa was dead and buried. Rafa was a young man of 26-27 years old. Nata now thinks she understands why Jero doesn’t want to talk about him. Not only that, the Padre explains, he also wanted to sell the hacienda and move back to Spain pronto. The hacienda was Rafa’s dream and being there only reminded Jero of the pain of losing his brother. But at the last minute (ultima hora) he decided not to sell, because he has a good heart and didn’t want to abandon the hacienda workers, particularly Lazaro and Matilde. Nata really thinks she’s getting it now about why Jero is behaving the way he is. He doesn’t know how to handle his feelings (manejar sus sentimientos). She can imagine the pain that keeping, and living in, the hacienda is causing. The Padre can’t judge Rafa for the choice he made over the desamor of a woman. Only God can do that. Nata thanks the Padre.

Outside the church, Jero is waiting for Nata when Arely and Agustin stroll up. They invite him and Nata to Auggie’s hacienda, Cruz de Amor, for dinner the following night. Jero says it’s up to Nata. When Nata arrives, she tries to be the model wife for her emotionally battered (so she thinks) husband, and defers to him. She knows going to Auggie’s won’t be pleasant for him. Auggie challenges Jero’s manhood by claiming that he can keep business and personal matters separate, and he’s sure Jero can too. Jero agrees, gets kisses from a happy Nata, and Auggies grits his teeth and bears it.

Hon and Con bring Adri home to pack her up to come with them. Adri balks at moving so fast. She can’t leave the place that was her home for so many years just like that. Connie understands and encourages Adri to drop the Senora and just call her Constanza. Hon gives in, but asks that it not be too long till she moves in with them. He gives her a parting hug, telling her he loves her. She thanks him and calls him papa for the first time. Connie looks a bit devastated.

At the office, Red Hot Blanca is sharing the gossip about Adri being Hon’s hija with annoying/nosey guy. Oh, his name is Daniel. Now that Adri’s one of the owners’ children, she’ll be put on the executive fast track. Daniel thinks that if his chances with Adri were slim before when she was a simple employee, they’re virtually impossible now! But Blanca has a master plan. If the two of them make themselves indispensible to Adri , then neither she nor Hon will be able to make a move without them. The two of them can watch each other’s back. Is he in or out?

The (finally and likely briefly) happy couple have arrived back at La Bonita. Jero is going to ask Manuela to make them a delicious dinner and he’ll even break out the red wine. Well, if there’s going to be wine, Nata’s going to get herself dolled up. They kiss on that and she skips off merrily to get ready as Carlos arrives. Carlos is happy to see that Jero is finally making his wife happy. Mati, not so much. Carlos throws in her face that he won their bet—Jero and Nata came back just as happy as they left. Now she has to take him out dancing on Saturday and teach him. He demonstrates his not so stellar, but funny, dance moves. Mati resists, and says that the man is supposed to do the inviting, but she can’t resist cracking a smile and calling him crazy.

In the (guest) bedroom, Nata has found the perfect dress and is reminiscing about her sensitive, emotionally bruised man. She thanks the Virgin and God for allowing her to find out everything and gain an understanding of what’s going on with her husband. In the office, Carlos wants to know what’s up/what changed. Jero thinks it’s because Nata changed her ‘tude- she’s more loving (where the hell has he been, because this is pretty standard for her). Carlos thinks it’s more because Jero has changed his attitude. Jero tells him about the Cruz del Amor dinner. Carlos thinks he agreed to go to alleviate his jealousy. Nope, it’s because Nata gave him his proper husbandly respect in front of Auggie (hard to translate dar su lugar in English). He also felt tenderness and affection for her (imagine that!) since she had just been rejected via phone by her mom. Oh, and Roberta is pregnant by who knows who. Nata gave up so much to be with him. He just can’t wrap his head around the enigma that is Renata. Seems like there is both good AND bad in her. (Carlos correctly points out that’s true for everyone. ) It’s like she’s two different people! The one who played with his brother’s feelings, and another that suffers because of the rejection/desamor of her family (los suyos). And suffers because of Jero’s rejection/desamor too, Carlos wisely notes. Why doesn’t Jero just love the “good” Renata, and leave the one who broke Rafa’s heart locked up for good?

At Auggie’s, Arely is trying to convince Auggie that Nata and Jero are crazy in LOVE, as newlyweds should be. Auggie’s not buying it. He noted a sadness in Renata. He orders Arely to make sure everything is perfect for the dinner, then orders her out as he angrily drinks his wine.

In the kitchen of La Bonita, Mati is curing Laz’s wounds from his rumble with the Doc. He wants her to find out exactly what went down with the Doc and Cari. She refuses, and says they should leave married folk alone to fix their own problems. Manuela and I snort, and point out that this is NOT what she’s been doing in the case of Jero and Nata. She thinks the difference is that Cari and the Doc have been happily married for a long time, while Jero and Nata have been unhappily married for a short time. Mati tells Laz to butt out again and blames his rash behavior on his continued love for Cari. He admits to his madrina that he still loves Cari the same as when he first fell in love with her. The spare maid agrees to speak to Cari, as she has to see her about fixing the embroidery on the marital sheets.

In the church, the Doc is continuing to spew his bs to the Padre about Cari being crazy. He wants the Padre to force her to come back home where he will administer the needed medications (being the only doc in town). If Cari doesn’t return to him and keeps badmouthing him, then people in the town won’t want him to treat them and he will be forced to leave, leaving the town with no doctor. The Padre falls for this convoluted logic and agrees to talk to Cari. Idiot.

Gonzo serves Fina in bed (idiot) and tells her Matias is seeing Berta tomorrow. He then drops the bomb that Adri is Hon’s daughter.

Cata is telling her daughter Gina that she won’t move in with her and Tony. She wants to give them their space, and when the time is right, move into a retirement home. Gina still looks unsure and thinks of Gonzo. Tony finalizes the house sale and puts it in Gina’s name.

Connie gets a call from Chema of the soulful eyes. He asks how she’s feeling about the Adri situation and she points out that hubby Hon didn’t ask her that question. (He does have a lot on his mind at the moment, and Chema only has ONE thing on his mind. I’m just saying.) He tells her to take it day by day. She thanks him and they sign off as Hon enters the bedroom. He notes that she and Chema are becoming good friends. She deflects by mentioning his youth. Hon then takes her hand, caresses her cheek and thanks her for accepting Adri. (See, he IS sensitive!) She deflects again and goes into the bathroom to remove her makeup. She remembers Chema’s question about how she’s feeling about it all. Hon then gets a text message from Blanca, who is channeling Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction in her white bedroom. She lies that she’s still at the office and invites him out for a late dinner. He tells her to go home, declines the invitation, points out that he’s at home with his WIFE, and tells her goodnight. Blanca looks near tears at the rejection and ready to boil some bunnies.

Renata struggles to zip up her bubble dress and enlists Jero’s help. (Now would be a good time to help her OUT of the dress and fulfill his husbandly duties.) She asks him how she looks, and like a good husband he tells her she looks wonderful (preciosa). But then bad Jero rears his ugly head. He’s sure many men find her attractive, like all the suitors (pretendientes) she must have had. She playfully agrees there were many suitors, but only he won her heart. He’s the only one she loves. She had been thrown off by his recent attitude, but now that she knows what’s behind it, she wants him to know that he can count on her. She reveals that she knows the death of his brother was caused by the desamor of a woman. Now we get Anti-Hero in full swing. Yep. Some woman without scruples KILLED his brother. He gives Nata a penetrating glare. Hint, hint, hint. Nata points out that it was Rafa’s decision to take his own life, not La Bonita’s.
R: Who is she? Because it really has me intrigued.
J: Why don’t YOU tell me Renata! I want YOU to tell me what happened to my brother. Tell me!
R: *WTF look on her face.*

Matias helps Adri pack up some of her things. He has no time to stay for dinner. Before he goes, she mentions Nata’s call and how much she loves the hacienda. She admits to a worried Matias that she told Nata about Berta being knocked up, but told her to call her mom and sis to get the scoop straight from them. It’s not like after Fina’s performance at the office that it will be a secret for long. She wants to know what’s up with Matias and why he’s so upset. Is it because Nata is happy? Nope. Then is it because Matias is worried that Nata will be disappointed in him since he slept with Berta and is a baby-daddy suspect? Or is it because he still hasn’t stopped loving Nata, despite starting something up with Adri? Matias admits that he still loves Nata with his whole soul.

Back to the most perplexing conversation ever:
R: I can’t tell you anything about La Bonita. I didn’t know your brother, much less this woman.
J: La Bonita is from the capital, from a good family and high society, like you. She told my brother that she would leave it all for him, but it was all a game (engaño). Rafa was never enough for her.
R: Well, I suppose it was very difficult for your brother. But women like that can be found everywhere, not just in the capital.
J: (Getting really worked up.) Women without souls. Women without feelings. Women who just want to be admired. It’s their only way of feeling superior.
R: Do you know something more about her? What’s her name? Where did your brother meet her?
J: What is wrong with you?! Do you want to drive me crazy, or what?!
R: Pardon me, pardon me. I just asked because I thought talking about it would help rid you of some of your pain or rage. Wait. If you don’t want to talk about it, or aren’t ready, we don’t have to touch the topic.
J: Yes! I want to speak about it!!! I want to speak about it!!!
R: Then speak.
J: No! YOU speak!!!!
R: You speak! Get it out already!
J: (Gets in her face looking like he’s going to explode, slap her, or both.)
R: Jeronimo. What is happening? Why are you looking at me like that?
He turns and walks out the door. Renata has yet another WTF look on her face.

The Doc is trying the full court press to make Cari come back. He meets Auggie in his hacienda office and asks him to pressure Zeke to kick Cari out of his home (and back to her own home). Auggie asks why she left him and isn’t surprised at the reason. For the first time the Doc admits it’s true. Seems he feels that Auggie is a kindred spirit and points out his ungentlemanly behavior with Arely. This ticks Auggie off. He has never raped Arely or any other woman! One can seduce, conquer, or even dominate a woman. (Which does he plan for Nata?) But NEVER take her by force. He’ll help him this one time, but if he does it again, he’s SOL. Auggie looks disgusted.

At La Bonita, Mati is happy to report that Jero has cancelled the special dinner and locked himself up in his study. Nata is about to lay into the insolent brat, when Carlos intervenes. Nata turns her questions about Jero’s mood swings to Carlos. It’s complicated and Jero’s his best friend. He can’t really talk about it. Nata knows. It’s because Carlos knows him better than her that she’s asking him. “What’s wrong with him? Is he sick, bipolar, or what?” “Of course not!” Nata wants to know why he just spurned her (despreciar). “Why do YOU think he did that?” (Shit Carlos, if she knew she wouldn’t be asking you!) Nata doesn’t know, but tells Carlos she found out about the Rafa suicide from the Padre. She thinks it all has something to do with that. Carlos confirms that could be. She has been trying to be caring and attentive so that he can feel comfortable enough to unburden himself with her. She gets up in frustration. She doesn’t understand! There are so many things about La Bonita that she doesn’t know! Carlos is perplexed. “You don’t know La Bonita?” (How many times does she have to say this people?!!!) Nata points out that if she doesn’t even know Rafa, how the heck is she going to know La Bonita? She’s never even seen a photo of Rafa.

In his office Anti-Hero is cursing (maldita) Nata again. I. Hate. Him.

Renata asks Carlos to get her a photo of Rafa and is shocked to hear that none remain in the hacienda. Jero locked them all up. Renata is utterly confused. Carlos advises it will become clearer with time. Nata’s not sure time will solve this and explains to Carlos what she’s feeling—like Jero doesn’t trust her; like he’s blaming her for something; as if she were La Bonita and he was trying to get even with her. Carlos tries to make an uncomfortable escape, but Nata pulls him back. She swears that she’s not lying. She doesn’t know La Bonita. But if Carlos tells her her name, then she can find out who she is. She begs for his help. Carlos looks conflicted and confused.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Alborada, 6/22/2011. Cap. 17.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #4 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 17 start at this link.

Excellent picture tody, Carlos. Thank you!


Cuando Me Enamoro #44 Tuesday 6/21/11 And the most inappropriate award goes too??

So I am going to skip the leftovers and jump into the new stuff!!!

Auggie is chatting with his girlfriend and asks her where the earrings are that he gave her and she gets them out of her drawer he takes them back and tells her they are for someone else and when she asks who he leaves.

Karina is in the church crying, and padre comes over to ask what is wrong and all I could catch through her tears is that tonight her husband is something to her father??

Alfonsina and Jerko are talking about his wedding, and she is glad that are here. Jerko says he doesn’t want anybody mentioning his brother name to his wife. She agrees and then mentions that Don Augustin was with her this morning and he looks a little bothered.

Dr.Creepy is talking with the Padre and he asks him about what Karina told him and he tells him basically that Karina is nuts, she can’t have kids and that her problems are pschyological and that she is making stuff up. His poor wife is not living in reality, but in fantasy.

Jerko is looking for Renata, he confronts her about being with Don Augustin,

Fina is on the phone with Roberta, telling her that the plan is working Matias and Gonzo are upset.

Jerko demanding an answer and Renata tells him to stop accusing her and she walks away, he catches her and she explains that they have always been friends and that there failed business deal has nothing to do with that. He insists she stay away. She explains that this morning she woke up alone, because her husband is in a different room (nice one Rene) She ran into Augustin and he showed her around his vineyard and introduced her to his girlfriend. He tells her that’s not how it seems, she accuses him of being jealous and he denies it but she says it is jealousy and storms into her room, and calls Adriana. She doesn’t stop Adri when she assumes that her life is wonderful and sweet, she then asks how she and everyone back home are doing and she finds out Roberta ran away. She tells her she is pregnant, and that she doesn’t know who the father is.

Carlos enters the office to talk to Jerko, he is holding the necklace and Carlos begs him to admit that he is jealous and that he does care about Renata.

Renata call Mom to see what is going on back home, She asks about Roberta and her mom says she is fine and then Renata says she knows about Roberta and Fina tells her that she no longer needs to worry about them, she choose to get married and leave. Renata says she still loves them all. Fina the loving mother tells her that she is no longer a part of their family or their house. She does not matter to her or Roberta any longer.

Carlos is yelling at Jerko about marrying Renata and asks if he is going to confess and tell her who his brother is? Jerko swears its a secret. He admits he is jealous and and that he loves her so much, but his anger about his brother is greater.

Mati is getting a talking to in the kitchen by Manuela telling her to behave and watch herself!!

Sick kid and family and friends are all waiting for his mom to come back from surgery and she says she’s fine and they can do the transplant soon.

Constanza is in the kitchen with ?? okay not sure who, but he is hot and he seems to really like her. The cute music play when he takes her hand!!

Honorio is talking to Blanca about Adriana and he confesses she is his daughter and she says he can depend on her for anything!! They shake on it.

Roberta is talking to Diego she pays him, he insults her and then leaves.

Matias admits to Adriana that the father of Roberta’s baby is dun dun dun him!!!

Fina is admiring Renata’s horse and Gonzo comes by to talk and she tells him she misses her daughter and that she wants her back. He tells her she is not coming back and that she needs to be calm. Gonzo tells her that there is nothing they can do and that she is going to die, Fina very convincingly acts shocked and scared (she’s good) She cries and cries about her girls! Gonzo does not look loving or moved (i think he trying to keep from throwing up, but that’s just me)

Back in the hospital they are taking about the transplant that it will be great and everything will be fine.

Dinner is over at the Hacienda and Renata takes Jerko into the office to talk and tells him that Roberta is pregnant. He is muy impactada and she says again is the baby Roberta is having his?

Gonzo tries to convince Roberta to come home, and tells her that Matais will be there for her and the baby. She agrees to talk to Matias and see what she can do.

Jerko swears it is not his and then she asks him, why is being Jerko, does he not love her, he says he does. She does not understand his attitude and it hurts her very much!!
Matis talking to Carlos she tells him she has no boyfriends, and that there is only one man for her, Carlos puffs his chest out and asks who, she says that he will know very soon.

Renata asks if Jerko is like this over her family, Roberta. She is begging him to tell her why he is like this. She tells him she loves him more than anything, but if he does not feel the same way that she will go back to Mexico ( duh leave now run) she tells him that he is the man of her life, but if he want to end the relationship now she is ready.

Karina find Alfonsina in the vineyard and says she is the only one she can talk to about her husband (yeah wrong one to talk to, just saying) Alfonsina tells her she will talk to her later at her house.

Jerko and Renata have a meaningful hug and Jerko tells her that her wants to go to the church and he will tell her the truth.

Gonzo calls Matais and tells him to call Roberta, he calls her and she tells him she will return tomorrow and they will talk.

Carlos is trying to get the name out of Mati when Jerko and Renata come out and announce that they are going to the church.

Mr. Hottie that was cooking with Constanza is swimming and he admits that he has a crush on Constanza, but she is married.

Constanza asks for a moment alone with Adriana.

Auggie is working with his girlfriend, and she is asking about Renata and asks about having her and her husband over.

Jerko is dodging questions about his brother, she is trying to get him to the church and he swears that will never forgive her.

Gonzo is telling Matias that he has to marry Roberta, Matias and he is not happy and does not want to. Gonzo asks Matias do help him help Fina by agreeing to this so that Fina will be happy in the last months or her life.


CME Discussion #44 Tuesday 6/21/11

Please be patient, dropping my daughter off for VBS and then I will finish my masterpiece and post it up for everyone!!


Triunfo del Amor #152 6/21/11 Dona Victoria and her Three Studs or The Good, The Bad , The Ugly and the Morally Ambiguous

[HIghlights recapped by Dani and NovelaMaven--posted by jardinera654]

The scene with Os, The Voice and PJP was a masterpiece of understated acting. As PJP watched stunned the other two spent time showing their tail feathers like peacocks while Os accused The Voice of being Vic's lover and the Doc ripped into him for destroying Vic with his infidelity. PJP"s double take was priceless and he then had to chide the pair of them to tone it down and act like adults. Meanwhile Leo lolled around in a semi doped up stupor.

Vic finally seemed to be getting her story through to Maria but did snipe at her for not loving Max by getting together with limp Lon. Maria did finally confess that it will be a pity marriage since he is dying., Vic looked suitably shocked (and I suspect sympathetic).

The whole gang gathered in the barrio to fret and do nothing over the double kidnapping although someone did mention bringing in the cops.

Later the same group of do nothings gathered in Sandovalville and apparently had come up with a plan and several sets of people set out on their assigned tasks. Os was left to field phone calls while Leo took him down a short trip to their shared happiness. She was not pleased when Os told her he loved Vic tons more than he had ever loved her. She then planted one on him just in time, wait for it, for pouty Fer to arrive and see Daddy kissing (he wasn't participating) another woman. Guess she is going to have to reject him now which leaves her - alone.


Evil Woman was sprung from the pen and returned to her business and ripped into Xi. Gui arrived mid rant and the two gloated over his having completed his assignment. Burnie gave him a suitcase full of money which Xi's mother caught while peeking through the window. The two twits then went to Gui's house that night to steal the money but got caught by our gun toting actor.

Max, The Voice and Lon were directed to a dump where in the dark of night they somehow found a couple of items of Maria's clothing which Burnie had sprayed with blood. Suitable hysteria ensued.


Burnie crossed the line from murder to sadism when she and her henchmen arrived at Ratsville and took Maria away while the men made sure Vic knew it. Later two shots rang out and Vic had a predictable screaming, sobbing response.


Fausto will be serving a long sentence for Tomasa’s murder. Eva tells him it serves him right for punking out on avenging his mother’s death.


Bernarda gets her kicks:

Bernie’s back in full Doña regalia. On her way out of jail, she kicks a prisoner who says she saved her life; and then she kicks Eva, who was expecting to be thanked for orchestrating her release.

At Casa Bernarda, she lets Xi know she’s on to her attempted double-cross and kicks her out of the throne room.


Napo tells Juanjo he wants to marry Millie.

Won’t Get a Life Alonso is offered a great career opportunity in Buenos Aires. When he runs to tell his ternura about it, he finds out about the kidnapping and grumpily muscles his way in.


Leonela tells Os he was the love of her life. He says he did love her once but he loves Victoria infinitely more.


Teresa Tue 6/21/11 #83 Teresa the Man Eating Tiburoncita.

Rooftop Romance: Teresa kisses Mariano and he resists at first but poor guy just can’t help himself. He begins to kiss her back as their theme song plays. They break long enough for her to tell him she still loves him then hands him a glass of champagne. He hasn’t said anything yet, just takes a drink. I hold my breath.

Juana/Espe’s apt: Espe continues the interrogation. She’s letting them both have it for their lack of judgment. Then Johnny inevitably throws Espe’s transgression in her face: Didn’t she go off with a married man in the name of “love”? (ouch) He immediately apologizes. She agrees she’s not in a position to judge him. She just didn’t want him to have problems. She doesn’t have the right to tell him anything and now she apologizes to him.

Rooftop Romance: Mariano says he’s not sure that what he feels now is love but he yearns for her as much as ever and that will never die. She asks if he now prefers Aida or maybe Aurora. The only thing he can tell her is that he’s confused. After what she did to him she can’t possibly expect everything to be as it was. She reminds him he once told Arturo that if she were his, he wouldn’t live in the past but would live for the future. That’s what she wants – a future with him. She clinks her glass against his saying they can plan for their future, make their dreams come true. She never imagined she’d need him so much. She can’t live without him and asks for another chance to begin again. He tearfully says he doesn’t know if he can ever believe her again. She pleads with him to try. She knows she failed him but she hadn’t realized the intensity of this love. She’ll never be happy without him. “Te amo, Mariano. Te amo, te amo, te amo!” He should never doubt that. He takes this all in for a second then gives in and reaches for her. They embrace in a smoldering kiss, kiss, kiss. (I scream).

Casa Caceres (combined scenes): Ruben tells Aida about taking over the foundation. He’s happy about it, saying this could get him noticed by the right people. She’s amazed at Teresa’s influence over Arturo, convinced she’s responsible for Arturo passing on the responsibility to Ruben. Ruben’s grateful to Teresa and he’s looking forward to working with Martin. She laughs as she tells him he’ll now be working closely with Mariano as the head of the pediatrics division. He refuses to have anything to do with that imbécil! If working with him is one of the conditions of heading the foundation, he’ll refuse Arturo’s offer. Aida reminds him he was going to work on their relationship and now that’s one of her conditions – he needs to get along with Mariano. As soon as Mariano agrees to end his friendship with Espe, she plans to renew her relationship with him. Ruben can’t believe Mariano is still friends with Espe while he’s dating Aida. Mayra walks in, ready for dinner. She wants everyone to see that her husband’s lover wasn’t able to take him away from her. Aida gives her a thumbs up.

Back at the Rooftop: Mariano and Teresa are still sucking face. He asks her to spend the night with him. She agrees – the whole night, and very soon their entire life.

Juana/Espe’s apt: Johnny and Pati continue to apologize to Espe. Pati offers to return to Gramps to avoid further problems for him. He’s willing to risk anything, fearing her Granpa will hide her away from him forever. Juana and Refugio arrive at that moment and both are relieved to find them okay. Espe assures them “nothing” has happened between them. Refugio offers Pati the spare room in their apt after Juana says no way is she spending the night with him. Johnny reminds everyone Pati’s now an adult and they want to get married right away. Refugio joins in the discussion, telling him this isn’t how it’s done. They should have a courtship before marriage. They all leave and Juana is alone but not for long. Cutberto comes by and Juana gives him a WHACK! across the face! She starts yelling at him about being involved in the whole Johnny/Pati escándalo. He tells her he deserves the slap. WHACK! She slaps him again for the fright (susto) he caused her.

Grumpy Gramps: Now he’s Sad Sack Gramps. He pitifully tells Gris he’s looking for something, anything that will lead him to Pati. He’s crying and now she’s crying as they rummage through her room.

Mariano’s room (combo scenes): Teresa and Mariano now on his bed getting to it but they’re still fully dressed….when Ramon walks in!!! Ay Caray! Ramon tells him this is just too much (el colmo). Doesn’t he see that this, this “señora” te esta viendo la cara de idiota?(making you out to be an idiot; literally=seeing your idiot face). He doubts very much she’ll get a divorce. Teresa tries to say something and he interjects asking if she’s even considered what her husband will do to his son. They need to think about what could happen if this gets out. Mariano and Teresa have hurriedly been dressing as he’s trying to talk some sense into them. He says they haven’t considered all the consequences of their actions. Arturo’s likely to kill Mariano if he finds out. He speaks to Mariano directly, saying he can make his own decisions no matter what anyone says, not even his father! He storms out of the room and Mariano follows him telling him Teresa and he love each other. (I scream again)

Genoveva’s home: Aida has come by to give her all the details on the scandal about the Barrera separation. Geno imagines the field day the tabloids will have with the story. She just hopes they don’t reconcile. No way, says Aida. Teresa needs to learn her lesson. Even though she may keep part of Arturo’s money, she’ll never be accepted in their social circle. And she’ll make sure Mariano doesn’t take her back.

Vecindad, AKA Grand Central Station:

Ramon knows Mariano loves her but what Teresa feels for him isn’t love or she wouldn’t continue to hurt him time and again. Teresa pathetically says she loves Mariano and that’s why she’s decided to get a divorce. Ramon is exasperated and says he doesn’t believe her. Mariano tells him this is between Teresa and him. Ramon tells him it’s a pity he doesn’t realize that this woman will ruin his life. Now Teresa speaks up, saying she understands his reluctance to believe her but she loves Mariano. All she asks is for a little time to prove to him that she will make Mariano happy. Mariano does deserve to be happy, Ramon replies, too bad that won’t happen as long as he can’t get her out of his life. He walks out.

EEK! Outside, Arturo and Martin arrive at the vecindad! Arturo assures Martin he’s ok now. He’s no longer drinking and he’s just there to speak with his wife (mi mujer). Martin’s not budging, saying he’s also got a score to settle here.

Rooftop: Oh, spare me! Now Johnny and Pati are looking for a little romance on the rooftop. Too bad all signs of Tere’s and Mariano’s romantic setting have totally disappeared. Anyway Pati says she doesn’t care that she’s so young. He’s concerned he doesn’t have much money. She doesn’t care. All she’s dreamed about these past months is waking up in his arms and making him breakfast, etc. etc. He wants her to be sure she doesn’t want to wait a little longer. She loves him. They kiss. I cringe.

Refugio returns to her apt and tells Armando about all the Johnny/Pati scandal and that she offered to have Pati stay with them. No way, says Armando. They’re going to return her to her granpa ASAP! A knock on the door – it’s Arturo wondering where, oh where, can his little tiburoncita be?

Martin’s walking around the vecindad and looks up to see said Tiburoncita talking in Mariano’s doorway.

Juana is scolding Cutberto for getting Johnny in so much trouble. She goes on talking about how she was so worried thinking of all the trouble he was in and angry that he would use Gris in order for Johnny to get close to Pati. They continue like this, ending with Cutberto pulling her on to the couch with him and kissing her. She comes up for air and tells him to let her go or he’ll never win her back! He thought he’d already won her back! She criticizes him again for using Gris and for being immature. She wonders how he plans to have children when he behaves in this manner. He tells her he wants to have children but only with her. Tere walks in and wonders how he plans to support those children when he can’t even support himself. In contrast, Juana’s in a position where she’ll be given everything, not supporting a ne’er-do-well . She’s dating someone who deserves her, someone who is refined, educated, and can give her everything. He needs to stop wasting her time and leave…now! Cutberto says he won’t leave until Juana kicks him out. Juana thought she had already kicked him out or does he want her to threaten him (she picks up a measuring thing-a-ma-jig) He leaves as Teresa continues to snap her fingers at him, saying he deserves to be put in jail for all the stupid things (tonterías) he’s done. Juana looks like she’s regretting her move.

Refugio’s trying to get Arturo to calm down and tell them what’s going on. (she’s still calling him licenciado) She knows something’s wrong. How can it be he doesn’t know where Teresa is unless something is wrong? Armando tells her to butt out and then tells Arturo Tere’s not there. He also reminds him of his promise to make Teresa happy and she’s not. Arturo assures them he loves Teresa and is sure he can mend things but first he needs to find her. Armando hopes that’s true cuz he doesn’t care if he’s his boss, his daughter’s happiness comes first. Refugio asks him again to tell them what’s going on. If Teresa’s done something wrong, it’s her duty to correct her. (wait….what?! How old is Teresa?) Arturo tells them politely that this is between Teresa and him and that this problem will most assuredly be resolved.

Martin enters Mariano’s apt and wastes no time in asking what Teresa was doing there. Ruh-Roh!

Teresa is talking to Juana and Espe about Johnny/Pati. Knock, knock, knock – it’s Arturo! She told him she wouldn’t be joining him for dinner and now he’s here. Is he checking up on her? Juana asks him to enter. She and Juana support Teresa’s cover story that she’s there to help with the Johnny/Pati incident. Arturo offers his help and in turn is invited to join them for dinner. Arturo is trying to get the story out of Teresa who asks if he doubts her reason for being here. In come Johnny/Pati, telling Espe they’ve decided to get married right away. While everyone is distracted, Teresa reaches into her purse and hurriedly puts on her wedding rings. Someone mentions jail, and now Arturo’s really confused. Pati assures him Johnny did nothing wrong, he’s her hero. Ugh

Mariano tells Martin that he and Teresa had some pending business to discuss and that’s that. Martin wants to know what’s going on between him and Aurora. Mariano explains Aurora told him she cared for him at one time, that’s all. He doesn’t know why she told him but there’s no need for Martin to get in his face about it. Martin’s always known she was hot for Mariano but still he decided to go all-out for her love. Everything was going along great until today. Mariano assures him neither he nor Aurora have done anything to betray his trust. Martin doesn’t know what to think and that’s why he broke up with Aurora until she is clear as to what she wants. If she’s still in love with Mariano, she doesn’t want her to feel obligated to him because of what they’ve had together. Mariano assures him what Aurora felt for him is in the past, that’s what she told him. Martin is certain she still cares for Mariano and is willing to step aside if being with Mariano will make her happy. However, he warns Mariano that if he wins her back, it will be forever.

Casa de Chavez: Refugio is laying into Armando as usual, complaining that he knew of the problems Teresa was having with Arturo and he didn’t tell her about it. She prays to la Virgincita that Teresa resolves all her problems. Armando says no matter what happens, he won’t allow el licenciado to hurt his daughter.

Juana/Espe’s apt: Teresa is giving her legal advice on the Johnny/Pati incident. Pati left of her own will (voluntad), therefore they shouldn’t have any problems. That’s not privación a la libertdad (deprivation of freedom). Besides, Pati clarifies, she had told the old codger she’d be leaving on her birthday. Arturo agrees that Johnny can’t be charged with kidnapping (secuestro). Teresa also tells us that in México, the police wait 72 hours before the police will take a missing person report. Johnny repeats their decision to marry immediately. Teresa asks if they’re sure, because everything changes once you’re married. Freudian slip perhaps, but her hand is hovering over a disconsolate Arturo as she says this. Johnny & Pati say they’re sure because they’re in lurrrve. Johnny worries the only thing left is to find a place for the four of them to live. Arturo asks, “¿los cuatro?” Johnny says “sure. Me, my betrothed, my sister, and my little nephew.” Arturo didn’t know! “¿estas embarazada?” Everyone looks uncomfortable and Teresa shoots Johnny a menacing look.

Casa Caceres: Ruben and Mayra have returned from dinner as he recounts that Aida has told him she’ll forgive him so long as he doesn’t pressure her to stop seeing Mariano. He repeats that Geno wisely advised that forbidding the relationship would only serve to have Aida cling to Mariano. Ruben gets to the point of suggesting to Mayra that she consider protecting her inheritance. He wouldn’t want Mariano to take advantage of Aida in order to get to Mayra’s fortune and therefore thinks she should relieve Aida of control over her finances. Mayra snidely remarks he just wants that control for himself. No, he says, he likes the thought of Mayra taking control of her money and working side by side with him. He jokingly suggests he should stop working altogether so she can have him all to herself. Kissy, kissy, smooch. Mayra’s as giddy as a schoolgirl. Poor sap.

Juana/Espe’s apt: At the dinner table, Espe fills in Arturo on all things bebé: Mayra and Aida know but think the babydaddy is someone else, Ruben knows he’s the babydaddy and wants to support her and the child. Arturo’s stunned.

Casa Chavez: Refugio sighs heavily saying Pati reminds her of her dead Rosita. Armando and Refugio agree to support the Johnny/Pati cause in the name of Rosita. Pati and Johnny arrive and explain the legal advice they were given by Arturo and Teresa. Arturo’s there? The lights go out, leaving everyone in the dark.

Casa de la Barrera: Teresa says she is safe and sound (sano y salvo) and therefore, Arturo can leave. He wants to talk and tells her he took the first steps in removing himself from Paloma’s foundation. She is not happy to hear he’s handed over the reins to Ruben. She has plenty (plenamente) reason to distrust him. Arturo explains he’s doing everything possible to distance himself from all things Paloma and he’s doing this to show his love for Teresa. She responds by telling him it’s no use. She’s made up her mind. She wants a divorce. He refuses, asking that she give him a chance. Then he asks if it’s because of Mariano, she plans to go back to him, doesn’t she? She replies, “and if that’s the case, so what?” Arturo is taken aback as though he’s been slapped.

Mariano’s apt in candlelight: Mariano’s sad to hear Ramon wants to get a job elsewhere and asks him to reconsider. Ramon feels he could get better pay and besides Mariano is starting his life and doesn’t need him anymore. He only hopes Mariano doesn’t make a mistake. Mariano knows he’s referring to Teresa and all he can say is that he’s very confused. Ramon advises him not to make any decisions until he’s thought it all over very carefully or he could live to regret it. He suggests he talk to Aurora. Mariano is pensativo.

Casa de la Barrera: Teresa says it doesn’t matter if she ends up with Mariano or anyone else. It’s ironic that he exhibits such jealousy when he’s the unfaithful one. He’s trying to understand. He feels that if she truly loves him, he should be able to win her back despite his mistake. He asks if she truly loves him, if that’s why she married him. Of course, she says. She just can’t forgive him. In the name of their love, he asks that she forgive him. Nah, she says. If she were someone else she might have easily forgiven him. She wants him to love her as much as she loves him. She’s not willing to settle for anything less. He pleads with her, begs her to reconsider and give their marriage a chance. She unflinchingly doesn’t think he’ll succeed. She again asks him to leave. Cold as ice, that one.

Casa Chavez: Morning has arrived. Armando, Refugio, and Pati are enjoying breakfast as Johnny arrives with all the paperwork needed for their marriage. Armando and Refugio both give them advice, suggesting a courtship before marriage.

Casa Grumpy Granpa: Gris finds the old codger despondent and curled up on Pati’s bed. She tries to talk him into having breakfast. He has no need for food and only has thoughts for Pati. Then he turns on her, blaming her for her part in Pati’s abduction (rapto). At first he tells her to leave, then changes his mind, saying he’ll turn her into the police. They start to struggle.

Casa Chavez: Refugio continues to advise Johnny/Pati to go through a courtship before marriage. They talk in stereotypical gender roles: Johnny has a job, but can he support a household? Can Pati cook and clean, can she maintain a household budget? They go on like this as the accordion plays on.

Hospital: Mariano has asked Aurora to his office to talk. Sidenote: she’s wearing her lab coat with high heeled boots – not a good look in my opinion. Besides, how can you wear heels while making rounds? Just sayin’. Anyhoo, Mariano brings up the topic of discussion: She told him she loved him. She’s embarrassed and thinks she shouldn’t have said anything. On the contrary, he apologizes for being such an imbécil and not having noticed. He wonders why she decided to tell him now. Does she still love him? She tells him they’ve always been good friends and wonders if what she said made a difference to him. Well, she definitely made him realize how stupid he was for such a long time. She philosophizes that when one is in love, one notices no one else. That’s what she thinks happened to him with Teresa and what’s happening to her now with Martin. When she first started dating Martin, he knew she still loved Mariano but decided to take the risk to win her over. He’s winning her over by being so thoughtful. Mariano asks if she loves Martin. She says Martin has helped her appreciate herself and enjoy life. She wants to make it very clear that she loves Martin and that there can be nothing between her and Mariano.

Casa de la Barrera: Refugio and Armando have come to see if there’s anything they can do during this trying time in the Barrera marriage. Teresa tells them is between Arturo and her. Teresa knows Arturo isn’t perfect but she’s not the type of person who will conform because “el que poco pide, nada merece.” (he that asks for little, deserves nothing) She has the right to decide what she does and who she does it with. Refugio tells her to think very carefully what she’s looking for in a man. She was once so in love with Mariano yet along came Arturo and it was over. Now she’s doing the same with Arturo. She was so in love with him but suddenly wants nothing to do with him. She just wants her to think very seriously about what she wants to do. She needs to fight for her marriage. Does she plan to go on like this? Marriage upon marriage upon marriage and each time suffering through this loss? Teresa tells her she will get a divorce if she wants to. Refugio reminds her she’s married by the church and that’s for-e-ver. She can’t allow Teresa to be ok if she’s hurting others. Teresa leans in close and says, “that’s life! Only the strong survive.”

Back at the hospital, Mariano tells Aurora of his discussion with Martin. She knows Martin is angry by what she’s done but she doesn’t regret it. She had to close that chapter in her life. Mariano tells her Martin does love her and told him he would step aside if she wanted to be with him (Mariano). Mariano thinks that’s a sign of true love, wanting the best for the one you love. She’s got a good man. Now that he hears that she loves him, he advises her not to let him go. He tells her she’s an incredible woman and he’ll always be there for her as a friend. They embrace. I guess the TN gods didn’t hear my plea. Drat!

Casa de la Barrera: Now it’s Armando’s turn, telling Teresa that as a divorced woman, men won’t notice her as they did before. No matter, she says, she’s not planning on leaving empty-handed. That shouldn’t be her chief concern, Refugio says. She should be worried about losing the man she loves. Refugio wonders if Teresa loves Arturo. Teresa tells her not to talk about things if she doesn’t know the details. Refugio asks that she enlighten them. Teresa refuses, preferring to make the decision whether or not to divorce without the opinions of others and when she wants their opinion, she’ll ask for it, although she doesn’t think that day will ever come. She picks up her purse and leaves, whispering, “entre ser y no ser, yo soy.” So there!

Hospital: Aurora pulls back and wishes happiness for Mariano. But in order to get there, he needs to close the chapter with Teresa. He lets on that he knows Teresa and Arturo are having problems. Aurora assumes he knows about Arturo’s infidelity. He didn’t and now Mariano is furious at the thought of that imbécil being unfaithful to Teresa.


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