Saturday, September 24, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of September 26, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

¡Hola a todos! I can't believe it's already the end of September. Below are recapettes of Friday's episodes of Mi Corazón Insiste and Flor Salvaje. Now over to you.


The big news is that Lola and Ándres got together. The bad news, of course, is that they pledged never to let themselves be separated again, which, unless it is happening in the gran final means trouble is coming for the couple. Still no últimas semanas.

The happy night of passion was orchestrated more or less by Adelita, Etelvina and the staff in Lola's house along with Camilo. But, as Lola and Ándres were passionately kissing silhouettes in the window, Débora was outside in disguise watching them. She curses them and Ándres actually hears her but fortunately, it didn't quell their desires.

Otherwise, Ándres gets Ramon to make what we call in the law business, 'statements against interest,' that is, Ramon more or less admits that he knew that Débora killed Marcelo and kidnapped Soledad.

Later, Ramon arranges to send a message to someone by an inmate.

Camilo tells Andres that he will be divorced from Débora in 15 days.

Vicky is a very sympathetic jailer to Soledad. Soldead urges Vicky to set her free but Vicky explains that she'd like to but she is afraid of Ángel.

Ángel sees Felix's mug shot at the police station and warns him that the police are looking for him.

Débora tries to cry on Ángel's shoulder after seeing Andres and Lola but he is not sympathetic and tells her that she is completely crazy.

Adelita invites Lola's and Andres' friends to a morning after breakfast party where Andres proposes to Lola.

I think that was about it.

FLOR SALVAJE - viérnes

José Maria goes to see Rafael to get his support to move against Mariano because of what he did to Rocío.

Mariano is threatening Malicia about what happened with the painting when Piruetas interrupts. Piruetas tells Malicia that he loves her and doesn't want her to end up like Silvia, dead in the river. Malicia tells him to stay away from her basically for his own protections.

Frigida finds Rocío and Antonio in José Maria's room. She draws the worst possible conclusions but Raimundo says that if José Maria brought Rocío there, he must have had a good reason.

Pablo and Sacto are by the river. Pablo tells Sacto how his wife tried to tell Rafa the truth about him and Amanda but Rafa misunderstood. Sacto urges Pablo to take his family and get out of town before the truth comes out. Pablo replies that he is nothing without Amanda.

Amanda is afraid of what Lucía might have told Rafa but Ana reports that all is quiet in the town.

Rafa brings José Maria to see the Governor. The Governor doesn't want to believe that Mariano would abuse his own sister.

Mariano searches the houses of the cuatro P's, brutalizes Piruetas and tells Zahra that he will punish her for every man that Rocío slept with. After they leave, Piruetas tells the girls that the knows where Rocío is.

Piruetas is explaining what happened with Rocio to the 4-P crowd when Amanda comes in. They freeze her out cold. Zahra says that she doesn't want Amanda in her house. Amanda leaves and the girls cheer. Later, Amanda breaks up the chicas having a celebratory drink and tells them to get to work. Amanda tells Mina that she wanted to work with Zahra but she is just giving back what she got.

While admiring herself with the dress Amanda wore to the party, Ana sees a veiled figure and runs away in terror. She tells the chicas that the ghost of Clara is after her.

The Governor orders Enrique released and apologizes to him for the mistake. Mariano's face when the Governor mentions that Enrique is the nephew of the owner of the paper, The Truth (La Verdad), was priceless. Enrique is gracious. "Dicen que la justicia cojea pero llega," They say that justice is slow but it comes, he tells the Governor. When Enrique is gone, the Governor tells Mariano that nothing like this had better happen again. He says that Mariano has been accused of abusing his sister. If he so much as touches her again, the Governor will dismiss him from his post.

Amanda doesn't want to talk to Pablo. Pablo says that he will tell Rafa everything. Amanda tells him not to do it. If he talks, Rafa will kill them both. Amanda says that she wouldn't mind dying for love but not for 'un-love.' She says that she hates him and tells him to take his family and go far away.

Frigida tells Lourdes that Antonio and Rocio are at her house.

José Maria comes home. He tells Rocío that thanks to Rafa, the Governor told Mariano to leave her alone.

When Amanda tells Rafa that she is getting some resistance from the girls to her new role as boss, he supports her but witchy little Ana tells Rafa that Zahra won't accept Amanda at all. [I'm rooting for the ghost of Clara to get Ana.] Rafa goes to see Zahra and tells her that he is throwing her out not only from the Cuatro P but also from her house, reminding her that it is his house. Zahra almost tells Rafa about Amanda and Pablo but Olga stops her.

Pablo tells Lucía that she has won. He will quit his job and go back home with her.

Catalina provokes Rafa so much that he tries to strangle her.

Flor wants to make the Cabaret Cuatro P into a class joint that the snooty upper class folks want to visit. Piruetas and most of the girls are in agreement.

Dudi gives Sacto the picture of Jesus that Amanda had entrusted to him before Sacto left town.

Amanda tries to make peace with Zahra but Zahra just drips venom and won't listen. Rafa and his men are throwing Zahra out of her house when Amanda shows up. Zahra curses her.

I didn't do the last part justice but I've run out of time.

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Teresa Fri 9/23/11 #145 Fito Bien Frito

REPRISE: Arturo taunts Fernando about the possibility that Teresa would enjoy another romp under the bed sheets with him, and he would gladly oblige.

MARIANO’S APARTMENT BUILDING: “Handyman” Fito is back again trying to get doofus Pancho the attendant to let him in, saying he really needs this chamba (job). Mariano walks up and gets a good look at Fito. He grabs him by the collar asking him what the devil is he doing here? He tells Pancho to call the police as he chases down Fito the Maldito. POW! A punch to the kisser, then SLAM! A kick to the groin. He gets Fito down on the floor and WHAM! POW! WHACK! The blows are raining down on Fito who finally manages to say through his bloodied mouth that he was only coming here looking for a job. (yeah, a WHACK job!) Super Mariano lifts him by the collar and tells him he must pay for all the evil he’s done. Fito again tries to say he’s done nothing wrong. MENTIRA! Fito tells him to calm down or the one that will pay will be the Doctorcita! Oh no, he didn’t just threaten Super Mariano’s Lady Fair!!! SM doesn’t take this lightly and delivers another well placed kick to the groin. Oooooh, he’s so manly! *sigh* He warns Fito that if he touches Aurora, he’ll kill him! Fito finally manages to break free and punches our hero and flees.

NOTARIO’S OFFICE: Ferneanderthal tells Teresa that Arturo warned him she’d be unfaithful to him with Arturo just as she was to Arturo with Mariano. She tells him not to listen to him, he only says this out of spite (despecho). Arturo was always jealous of Mariano and in the end that’s what caused so many problems between them so he best control himself, or else! Fernando grabs her by the shoulders and angrily says through clenched teeth that he would never put up with her betrayal, jamás! Teresa breaks free and says she will not be treated this way! Either he trusts her or they’re finished no matter how much she loves him. He apologizes but says he’s crazy jealous, what can he do?! She half mockingly asks him, Dude, where’s your security? Where’s his faith in what she feels for him? She calms down then kisses him and asks him if he realizes how much she desires him and what she feels for him. They continue to smooch, or rather, he continues to smooch. She suggests they go see about her divorce papers. He can’t get enough of her and continues to kiss her. She just takes it all in while visions of pesos dance in her head.

CASA LEDESMA: Esperanza is busy looking at her cell phone and heads out the front door. As usual, she doesn’t bother to check first and as usual, Rubigote is standing there. He asks if she’s thought about his proposal. Does she or doesn’t she want to see their son? He’s expecting some news about him today. He asks if it’s true Rodriguito was wearing a medalla of the Virgen de Guadalupe at the time of the abduction. She confirms this and he says the ‘nappers are going to provide this medalla as proof that they have their son. Esperanza is frantic about recovering her baby and starts to ask a ton of questions. Where is he? How is he? Who has him? The “people” who are helping him can’t tell him much but they assure him the baby’s fine and they should be able to get him back. Esperanza urges him to go to the police and if necessary, they can ask Hernan for the money. Ruben reminds her he warned her not to tell anyone. She swears she hasn’t said a word. Ruben hopes so, because if she does, she’ll never see her son again once Ruben recovers him. He leans in and kisses her as he says, “you and me, together.” Eeeeeeww!

LUCIA’S HOUSE: Luisa tells Oriana once again she wants to know nothing of Fernando. Oriana says that’s the wrong attitude. She knows Luisa can get him back if she sets her mind to it. Luisa wonders how she can say that after everything she’s just told her! Arturo arrives in time to hear Odiosa say that Fernando was under the influence of Teresa and she manipulated him. It will soon be over and Luisa will be there to help him straighten out his life. Arturo interjects, saying Luisa will not do what Oriana is suggesting. Teresa is not the only one at fault here. Fernando knew only too well what he was doing. Oriana starts to disagree but Luisa stops them both. She’s the only one who can decide what’s best for her and she’s already decided what she needs to do. She tells Oriana she will not follow her advice. Instead, she’s decided she needs to get away from all of this. Arturo doesn’t want her to leave. Luisa tells him she must confront this alone and she will succeed. She asks them both to understand. Oriana agrees to support her decision but Arturo still doesn’t want her to leave. Oriana tells her she can count on her. She chokes up as she kisses Luisa and says she’s always thought of them as her children.

CASA LEDESMA: Teresa comes by to ask about Rodrigo and wonders if Ruben is still bothering her. Esperanza reacts angrily, saying she doesn’t know why that desgraciado, maldito Ruben continues to come after her when she’s sure he’s still fooling around with Mayra’s amiga. Q-Q-QUE?!? Teresa’s smoky eyes grow ever wider at this revelation! Yeah, Espe says, Genoveva. That guera. You remember I told you how I found them together way back when at the love nest? It all comes back to Teresa! She asks if Espe’s sure it’s Genovenom. Esperanza confirms it and furthermore, he was with her the day of Teresa’s wedding. Teresa’s all shocked and trying to take this in! Wowsers!

FERNANDO is arguing with some security guard about not being let in to a building. He’s the owner of this business, who could have possibly given that order. Bruiser security guard tells him Oriana has given the orders! Fernando makes a feeble attempt to get past Bruiser to no avail.

MARIANO’S APARTMENT: Mariano’s at the elevators on the phone with Aurora. He tells her they’ll need to postpone their dinner. He prefers to wait until things calm down. He wants her to be very careful when she goes out and makes sure she’s leaving with her father. Aurora gets scared and he finally tells her that Maldito Fito showed up. They scuffled and he escaped. He tells her to make sure she leaves with her father and to call him when she gets home. Aurora suggests that although they’ve parted ways, he should warn Teresa since she also lives in that building.

CASA DE GENOVENOM: Night has fallen and Maldito Fito has come calling. Ruben walks in with a briefcase and like a bad spy movie the dialogue goes pretty much like this: Ruben -- Cadena? Fito -- Relojes? Ruben – first the Cadena. Fito tells him to calm down. He’s got the chain but first he’s gotta share some bad news. He couldn’t go through with the job on Mariano. Ruben is angry. They had agreed Mariano would be eliminated. Fito explains he wasn’t able to get the jump on Mariano. Ruben’s worried Mariano may have recognized him. Of course he recognized him, can’t he see how battered Fito is? Ruben insists that he go back and finish the job. That infeliz can’t continue living! Fito says this is much harder than he thought and therefore will require more money. Ruben reminds him they had a deal. Fito tells him no lana, no trabajo! Ruben pounces on him, grabbing him by the collar telling him he’s not gonna make a chump out of him. Fito calmly pulls out a gun and Ruben pulls back. Geno walks in on this scene and hears Ruben telling Fito to put down the gun. She grabs a bronze knick knack (Eiffel Tower) and sneaks up on Fito and KABOOM! whacks him upside the head! Fito falls (dead?) to the floor. Ruben checks for a pulse. Yup! Dead as a doornail. Geno freaks and lets the knick knack fall from her hand. Ruben states the obvious: you’ve killed him, Geno! Good Riddance!

CASA DE LUCIA: Lucia agrees that Luisa would be better off leaving. (I know she’s supposed to be the nice one, but maybe she just wants Luisa out of the way – jeje) Arturo is reluctant to agree. Luisa convinces him this is what’s best for her to get over this tragedy. She wants him to think of how he can get over this. Lucia tells her not to worry, she’ll take care of him. (I’m sure she will – wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

CASA GENOVENOM: How will they get rid of the body before her servants come in? Geno leaves to tell the maid to stay in the room with “Paulito”, leaving Ruben there to think. He spies the bronze Eiffel Tower on the floor and springs into action. Grabbing a scarf from Geno’s purse, he carefully wraps the murder weapon and then hides it behind one of Geno’s many sofas. Speaking to himself he says “Now I have you in my hands, Genoveva!”

CASA BARRERA/FERNANDO/TERESA: Teresa is back and talking to the giant Arturo bear. She flashes back to when Luisa and Arturo welcomed her. She speaks to Arturo bear: “Por Fin, I have my house – our house, mi amor. Little by little I’ll recover everything: the money, social status, and above all else, you.” CARAAAAAAAZY!!!

CASA GENOVENOM: Ruben is now wearing gloves and rolls Fito’s body. He finds Rodriguito’s medal and pockets it before Geno can see it. She’s back with garbage bags. Very fitting that Fito should be disposed of like the garbage he is…..was.

CASA BARRERA/FERNANDO/TERESA: Fernando argues with Momzilla. He can’t believe she’d dare remove him from his position at the construction company. If she’s declared war, he doesn’t understand why she’s here! She explains she still has hopes he’ll come to his senses and brush off that spell this woman has him under! He tells her she’s wasting her time. She tells him he has time to avoid the worst of it. She pleads with him not to marry Teresa. He knows she doesn’t want to hear this, but that is exactly what he plans to do as soon as Teresa’s divorced.

CASA GENOVENOM: Teresa is parked outside spying on our murderous duo as they drive away. She follows close behind.

CASA BARRERA/FERNANDO/TERESA: Oriana warns Fernando to at least not get married with community property. He angrily tells her they haven’t even talked about that and he’s fed up (harte) with hearing her criticize Teresa. Why does she mistrust her when Teresa loves him and he knows it to be so. Oriana claims that Teresa has him idiotazado (couldn’t come up with a translation to do this justice---maybe stupidfied?) and she tells him all this so that Teresa won’t take off with half of everything. She pleads with him that even though they’re on the outs he should at least consider separating the assets before marrying.

CAR CHASE: Geno and Ruben drive up to an isolated location. Tere drives up just behind them with her headlights off. She walks up and sees them carrying what appears to be a body and asks herself, QTH? What are they doing? Just then, Geno drops her end of Fito. Sorry, I laughed out loud – so comical. They swing the body and on the count of 3, they throw his body into some water as Teresa looks on, shocked!

CASA LUCIA: They drink a toast to Luisa. Arturo wishes her the best on her travels and Luisa’s wish for him is to find a good woman. LOOK NO FURTHER! HERE I AM!!!! Pay no attention to that woman with her assets hanging out!

CASA GENOVENOM: Ruben arrives the following morning and Geno is exhausted, not having slept the whole night, thinking of the body. Now she complains that he didn’t stay with her last night. He tells her they must remain calm and be very careful about what they do and say. No matter what happens they have to be in agreement about everything. She thinks that’s obvious. No, no, no – not so, says the mustachioed one. She’s not understanding him. They’re in this together but at the end of the day, she’s the one who did everything. She killed Fito in her house, his body was taken to the canal in her car where they’ll find her tire tracks. She insists she did so to defend him. They both cleaned the rug and they both disposed of the body. She starts freaking out and he tells her to calm down. He doesn’t plan on saying anything to the police but they must come to an understanding where they’ll both remain protected. Geno gets a “ruh-roh” look on her face, or “oh sh!t”

CASA LUCIA: Luisa is still saying goodby. She and Arturo say their tender goodbyes. He asks her to stay in touch via e-mail or a call. Before she leaves, she wants to know why Artie hadn’t mentioned he had kissed Lucia. “whacha talkin’ ‘bout Luisa?”

CASA GENOVENOM: Geno’s crying and Ruben embraces her, saying he knows he doesn’t have to blackmail her because she loves him and wants to share not only her life, but everything, right? She’s not so sure. He says he just wants to have the security he needs in order to give her and his son everything they need. He feels terrible having to depend on her, it’s downright humiliating. He knows she wants a man that will protect her and care for her and their son but he needs that financial security to feel good by her side. She asks him to let her think on how she can arrange that. He tells her to leave this mess in his hands and concentrate on how she can help him while he watches out for her. She seems afraid of him and he looks as though he’s just grabbed the brass ring.

PENTHOUSE: Juana and Refugio have come to visit Teresa who is glad to see Refugio in much better spirits. She recalls how she felt when Fernando came to pay his respects at the wake. She remembers he was beat up and wonders what happened to him, did it have anything to do with Luisa? Teresa hesitates and finally lets it out in one breath: Fernando didn’t get married because he fell in love with me. Refugio goes all Fred Sanford, gasping for air as Juana and Teresa do their best to calm her down.

CASA LUCIA: Luisa’s finally left. Lucia tells him she promised to take care of him. He’s very embarrassed and asks about the kiss Luisa mentioned. She explains it was when he was drunk. He promises to control his drinking. She doesn’t regret he kissed her. On the contrary, she reaches over and plants a big one on him. Luisa’s been gone, what, 10 minutes?

PENTHOUSE: Juana and Teresa are in a flurry around Refugio as Teresa calls Mariano and frantically asks him to hurry on up!

CASA LUCIA: Arturo pulls away. Lucia understands he needs time. She wants him to know she’s not expecting anything. He laments he has nothing to give. After what they did to him, he can’t offer her any type of security. She tells him again she’s not asking him for anything and tells him he’s wrong. He has a lot to offer. His person, his manner, his strength and so many things (like great abs, pecs, sigh).

PENTHOUSE: Have no fears, SuperMariano is here! Refugio’s fine, it was just her blood pressure. She’ll be fine – no need for the hospital. Teresa’s afraid she’ll die of heart failure as her father did. Mariano feels it’s best for Refugio to relax and be worry-free. Juana promises to take care of Refugio but scolds Teresa for giving her such shocking news. Mariano looks on disapprovingly.

VECINDAD: Johnny/Pati talk about how wonderful it is that Pati can now make money as a seamstress. He forbids her from leaving because of the threat of Fito. Goofberto shows up and wonders why they’re arguing. Pati explains it all started when Fito showed up at Mariano’s apartment.

PENTHOUSE: Teresa wonders what she owes him for the visit. After all, they’re no longer friends. Mariano reminds her he will always take care of Refugio without any need for compensation. If he and Aurora no longer consider her a friend, it’s because they don’t approve of her behavior. He advises her to do the right thing for her mother’s sake. He tells her to come to her senses and leave Fernando and guess who pops up! Yup, the Ferman himself. He quickly jumps on Mariano and pushes him against the wall.

CASA GENOVENOM: Ruben is scouring the newspaper for any news on Fito. Geno tells him she just heard they found a body in a canal. She wonders how the police found out. Ruben doesn’t know but they must continue to monitor the news. Geno says the news reported that the police are investigating but the body hasn’t been ID’d. Ruben says there’s nothing to do but stay calm. Geno can’t sit around as though nothing happened. She wants to leave the city and start a new life. Ruben agrees but they can’t just suddenly leave. He has to keep up the act that he’s worried about his son. He plans to go to the police to ask about his son’s case.

PENTHOUSE: Mariano explains he was there due to Refugio’s attack. Fer doesn’t believe him, of course. Mariano doesn’t judge him but he knows what Fernando is feeling, been there, done that and all because of Teresa. Teresa tells him that’s enough, he checked on her mother and he can now leave. Mariano turns again to Fernando and tells him to look in the mirror or, better yet, in Arturo’s. Whoa! Good one Mariano! The good doctor leaves and Fernando immediately confronts Teresa, asking if her mother is really sick. She confirms this and explains it was because she confessed that he loves her. Juana comes out to see what all the fuss is about and she also confirms that Refugio has been taken ill. Everyone goes inside. Refugio tells Teresa she can’t believe what’s going on. Fernando walks in and she asks him what he’s up to. He was engaged to Luisa and now he supposedly loves her daughter? What gives? Her daughter is married! Fernando explains she’s getting a divorce. “Because of you?” asks Refugio. Teresa thinks it best that Fernando leave now. Refugio can only repeat to herself, “no puede ser!”

CASA LUCIA: Bumberto has arrived. In his bumbling way, he asks Arturo if there is a possibility Juana and he can adopt a child through Paloma’s foundation.

PENTHOUSE: Teresa tells moms she’s headed home. “To the vecindad?” asks Refugio. Nope, to the house she once shared with Arturo. She explains Luisa no longer lives there. Refugio demands an explanation. Teresa explains she left Arturo for all the things he did to her and now he’s living with his assistant, Lucia. Everyone thinks Arturo is a saint but that’s not so. How can they expect her to mend her marriage when he no longer cares about her. Refugio doesn’t understand how Fernando came into the picture. Weren’t they best buds? How is it that he’s in love with Teresa?

CASA LUCIA: Jughead continues to explain he’d like to have a chorro (loads) of kids. Enough for a futbol team, or maybe a basketball team. But Juana can’t have children. He explains they were turned down at the adoption agency. Arturo gives a PSA about the agency having to ensure children are placed in the right home, etc. Jughead understands but asks if Arturo can help them.

PENTHOUSE: Teresa doesn’t understand how it came to be that Fernando fell in love with her. She swears she did nothing to provoke it. She thinks he never truly loved Luisa and felt pressured by Oriana and Arturo. They know she’d be incapable of becoming involved with someone who already has a novia. What Fernando did to Luisa bothers her but it’s still best they didn’t marry without love. She thinks Fernando is confused, yeah – that’s it. She thinks of him as a friend but he says that over time, he, uh, fell in love with her. Refugio agrees Teresa is a very beautiful woman but men don’t fall in love just like that. Teresa doesn’t understand why Refugio insists on saying she had anything to do with it. She didn’t do anything other than confide in him about her problems with Arturo. She tells her Fernando was the only one who came to her aid when Arturo was flat out drunk and she had to go running from the house because she was afraid he would hurt her. Refugio and Juana aren’t convinced that he fell in love with her but Teresa says that’s what Fernando says happened. Refugio thinks that his problem. She thinks Teresa should be by Luisa’s side. She must be suffering so badly right now. She shouldn’t have anything further to do with Fernando!

CASA LEDESMA: Ruben arrives and Espe immediately wants to know if he has proof, did they give him the medalla, what happened? He shows her the medal and she confirms it’s Rodrigo’s. She’s frantic to know where he is. All in good time, he tells her. For now, she should go pack a bag for she’s leaving with him right now!

WOMEN WHO LUNCH: Aiida and Aurora blab on about nothing in particular: Why won’t Fernando talk to Mariano; Mariano and Aurora are now aware of what that rrrrrrrata is really like; No one believed her when she trash talked Teresa; Aiiiida needs to get over Mariano, Aurora advises her to date someone else but Aiiiida feels she needs some alone time first, blah, blah, blah. Nothing to move the plot along.

CASA LEDESMA: Ruben says the kidnappers aren’t ready yet to release the baby. They’re not easy to deal with. Esperanza is frenzied, who are they? Where are they? Why won’t he tell her? He’s already told her it’s dangerous for him to tell her and dangerous for Rodrigo. She doesn’t understand what she’s supposed to pack. He reminds her of their agreement that once he recovered their son, they would go off together and form the family they should have from the beginning. She doesn’t believe he’ll bring back her baby. He takes back the medalla and says this the proof that they have the baby. He starts to leave and she chases him, asking him to return the medalla. She needs to have it to feel close to her son. He refuses to return it to her until she trusts him. He’s lied to her so many times it’s difficult for her to believe him now! With everything that’s happened she’s no longer the same person either. He wants to know what she means by that. It means that she’s not going anywhere with him until she sees that he has her baby.

CASA TERESA: Teresa lets herself in and heaves a great sigh. Now no one can take away what is hers. She calls for Reina who tells her Fernando is not in. Oh, she knows. She just wanted to let Reina know that from this night on, she will be staying here, because this is now her house. There’s a delivery truck arriving soon with all the new furniture she’s ordered, so Reina needs to keep a lookout for it. Oh, and prepare Fernando’s suitcases, because he’s moving out! I wonder if Fernando knows this?


Photo Montage of Teresa Telenovela

Hello TERESA fans,

The TERESA telenovela is entering it's final full week, with the Grand Finale on Monday, October 3.

In honor of the últimos capítulos, I invite you to view a photo montage that tracks the progression of the Teresa character (plus other characters and events) from chapter 1 to the current chapter.

The fotos can be viewed at this link




Una Familia Con Suerte-index

Read more »


Friday, September 23, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #111 Friday 9/23/11 A Depressing Diagnosis and Details On Doc's Defying Death

Buen fin de semana a todos! A good capitulo combined with a cup of hot cider made my weekend trip home absolutely worth it.

In the leftovers from yesterday, Jero swears that he will prosecute Agustin if he stole any cuttings from La Bonita. Carlos and Matilde plan on having a double wedding with Lazaro and Karina. Jero tells Padre that Doc Invincible is still alive. Augie reluctantly agrees to put off asking Gonzo for Nata's hand in marriage.

On to the main course! Berta fills Fina in on Constanza's condition; she is still alive but can't form any coherent words. Berta is a little put off by Fina's excitement over the news. Now they can move forward with their master plan to hoodwink Regina without interference.

Jero explains the Doc predicament to Padre. The night that oily skunk supposedly died, Jero got a call from the jail. On his not-quite-death-bed, Doc croaks to Jero for help because Augie put the hit out on him. Doc has lots of information about Augie that he could pass along to Jero. "Augie is pulling a dirty trick. He not only wants Nata, he wants everything you own. I have proof." Doc sputters and hopefully chokes on his own blood before their phone call is cut off.

Back in the present, Jero tells Padre that he and the jailhouse doctor faked Doc LousyBum's death to throw Augie's hit-man off the trail. Right now, Doc is the only proof they have of Augie's villainy. Padre promises to keep a lid on it. Given Padre's track record, the whole pueblo will know within hours.

Lazaro asks Ezequiel why he showed him the cuttings that Augie stole. Jero is going to blow his top; there's no way Lazaro can keep it a secret. Zeke's life will be on the line if Laz breathes a word of it to Jero.

Augie accompanies Nata back to Connie's place. Presumably it's no longer a crime scene. At any rate, Augie's possessive side comes out again and Nata almost cringes when he kisses her goodbye. Augie senses that Nata doubts him. He can't put his plans in danger. Augie thinks a fire on Jero's land would be the next best move for him to make but he can't afford to lose his cool yet.

Honorio and Adriana are doing a little better at trying to understand Connie. They make out the words "señora" and "mamá" but are perplexed as to what it might mean. Connie's inner monologue agonizes that no one understands her; their lives could be in danger too. Mercifully, Connie succumbs to sedatives and falls asleep before anyone else can stress her out. Adri convinces Anxious Honorio to leave Connie's side for a while.

Matias goes on the defensive when Chema shows up at the hospital. "Who are you here to see? Connie or Adriana?" Por Dios, Matias, stop making everything about you. Adri and Honorio join them in the waiting room and everyone shuffles their feet awkwardly.

Jero goes into depth about Operation: Doc Ain't Dead. When Karina was told Doc kicked the bucket, Jero went to the jail and found out that Doc was only in a coma. The Jailhouse Doc ends up backing Jero into a corner when he presents Jero with a cooked up death certificate. Jero is uncomfortable being an accomplice to fraud. The plan? If Doc wakes up, they'll give him a new name and transport him to another jail. If not, he dies. Either way, they spared Doc a long, painful death-by-hitman. (Where's the problem in that?)

Jero felt like his hands were tied and had to go along with the plan. He even agreed to help organize the funeral to make it seem legit. They buried a different deceased convict in Doc's place. Padre and Jero are at a loss for what to do next.

Karina asks Lazaro why he seems down in the dumps. He would rather talk about their impending wedding than his problems at the hacienda. Laz suggests they go shopping for wedding rings.

Matias and Honorio gripe about Chema's presence and his relationship with Adri. Hon tells Matias to go after Adriana if he loves her. Matias sulks. He definitely needs some decorations to spice up his pity party.

Adriana fills Chema in on Connie's condition. He cares for Connie as a good friend and realizes that he felt that way for quite a while. It isn't the same as what he feels for Adriana. She asks Chema to leave so they can have this conversation at better time. Chema never meant to intrude and leaves without causing a scene. Matias mean mugs them the whole time from across the room.

Nata steps into the shower and has a good long thought bubble about Jero. She can't forget the wonderful moments they shared but she also can't forget the terrible ones either. Nata remembers how helpful and supportive Augie was after her car accident. Her heart is torn between wanting to run to Jero's side and run away from him forever. Augie has been better to her than Jero ever was; he has been nothing but kind to her.

Chema has a dizzy spell right underneath the Emergency sign at the hospital. If that's not prophetic, I don't know what is. A nurse notices his wooziness and tries to have him admitted but Chema says it's just a migraine.

Berta pays Augie a visit. They must be soul-mates since they are color-coordinated in purple. He wants a little nookie before he heads back to Cruz de Amor. She teases him for not being able to get any from Nata. He criticizes her for not caring about Connie. Berta says that Connie means nothing to her even if she was a mother figure for Nata. Berta gets under Augie's skin by claiming that Nata is using Connie's accident as a pretext to avoid him. Then they fall into bed together anyway.

Padre hates to say it but Karina is still officially married to Doc in the eyes of the church. Jero says they either have to keep the secret or spoil Kari and Lazaro's happiness. Meanwhile, ignorance is bliss as Lazaro and Karina shop for rings. Kari picks one out while Laz tries to buy another one in secret as a surprise for Kari.

That darned Doc moans to the Jailhouse Doc about talking to Jero. Doc swears he is going to use his second chance to make Karina happy. By dying? 'Cause that's the only way to do it.

The oblivious couple run into Padre and Jero outside the church. Lazaro asks Jero to be the best man at the wedding. Jero waffles about having important things to do and Padre acts like an ass when Kari tries to get Jero to explain.

Fina pawns Connie's jewelery for some quick cash.

At the hospital, Connie's doctor finally has a diagnosis. Part of Connie's brain was seriously injured which has caused her to have no control over arms. She cannot hold things or write. Her ability to speak is also severely impaired. Connie cannot communicate using speech because the signal from her brain is not responding. The doctor is uncertain whether Connie's condition will be temporary or permanent. Everyone exchanges concerned and sad looks.

Nata joins the group as Honorio questions the doctor further. He has few encouraging things to say. Recovery time all depends on the patient. Connie will have to undergo both speech and physical therapies and will have to learn to talk again. It can take anywhere from weeks to months or years to reach functionality and there are some who never recover. Despite all this, Connie will get to leave the hospital the next day (that soon after brain surgery?). Nata comforts Honorio as a bumper of a healthier, happier Constanza leads us into the commercial break.

Over at the centro, Regina assures Ines that Connie will recover. Regi will help with Connie's physical therapy in any way she can. Fina calls to torture Regi. "You have less than 24 hours to deliver my money." Regi gives her word that she will meet Fina the next day. Fina teases that she might or might not show up. Ines wheedles it out of Regina that it was Fina who called. Regi admits that Jero loaned her the money to pay Fina. Regi is sure that she will be reunited with her daughter soon.

Hon, Nata, Matias, and Adri visit Connie and actually behave appropriately this time. Nata and Adri are going to stay in the casa to help Connie recover. Hon promises that everyone is going to be very patient in trying to understand when she speaks. Connie smiles and starts to cry from such a show of love.

Berta and Augie freshen up. She hints at knowing something about Nata that will benefit Augie when he finds out what it is. Later, Augie calls Nata and gushes about how much he loves her. Nata admits that she does not feel the same way. Augie has hope she will one day.

Jero checks in with Maritata. He apologizes for getting tied up. Mariana warns Jero that if she is not a priority in his life, they should break things off immediately. Jero missed his plane because of an emergency, not out of disinterest. He wants to begin a new life with her. Mari asks him to promise that if he cannot get over Nata, he has to tell her (Mari). Jero agrees and we end with a kiss.

Avances: Lots of clips of what's to come throughout next week. Honorio emphatically tells Gonzo that Pepa and Fina are the same person (!!!), Jero tells Nata that Fina killed Rafa, Marina asks Jero if he wants to get married, and Augie gets in Jero's face.

reo - convict
sepelio - burial
féretro - coffin
aferrarse - to hang on
sostener - to hold


Alborada, 9/23/2011. Cap. 82

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #32, Friday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 82 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's pictures.

Julie's caption. Mirtha: "What do you mean, I'm too tall to be your flower girl? What if I scrunch down like this?"


La Pola - September 22, 2011 - The End Discussion Page

Pola does not follow Sámano's script. She exhorts the people of Santa Fé to fight for their liberty. Sámano becomes furious and orders the guards to bring Alejo out. Alejo sees María Ignacia as he leaves the prison and tells her that she is responsible for his death. He looks at Pola and shakes his head slightly to signal to her not to recant. She doesn't. Sámano orders the firing squad to kill him. Pola is next. Up to the end she sends the same message to the people of Santa Fé. Alejo and Pola lay dying. He tells her they will soon be together forever.

When Sámano orders them to be hanged as well, the people shout "No" and overcome him. He still doesn't believe he has made a great mistake. As viceroy, he rules as a tyrant.

Ambrosio Almeida remembers Pola's words and helps form an army to fight the Spaniards. They eventually join Simón Bolivar who leads them to victory.

Later, we see a play within the play in homage to the memory of Pola and Alejo. Antonio Nariño and his children attend. He is now an old man and vice-president of the republic. In this play, the audience won't permit Pola and Alejo to be executed. They finally shout out "No". Alejo and Pola survive as legends and heroes.


La Fuerza del Destino #35 Thu 09/22/11 La Fuerza de Carlota's threats (don't mess with viejas!)

JJ has been waiting anxiously for Saul, who finally gets home. The plan is in motion, but JJ stupidly thinks that just because Saul didn't mention him that his flunkies won't know JJ is behind it all. Saul says it's just 2 guys, his friend and his friend's "achichincle" (hanger-on). Saul says he trusts the guy because he's "listo" (clever), but he doesn't think JJ would like him because he's poor.

Some poor bastard's crop burns.

He goes to report to the cops, and sure enough, his lackey points the finger at those damn gringos who are pissed that they didn't take a generous and reasonable loan. Somehow the cop hasn't heard there are gringos in town. Gee, everyone else is acting like it's been the headline of every news story for a week…Gringowatch 2011.

Estela makes the mistake of shouting for JJ when one of the Association guys calls him on the phone. JJ pretends to be surprised at the news of the fire. He tells the guy that it's a pretty serious accusation, blaming the McGuire's. JJ tells Estela about the crops burning. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the same guys who would refuse to even look at the checks just because JJ said not to would jump to exactly the conclusion he intended.

Cutberto (the rancher previously known as the poor bastard whose crops burned) asks the cops what's going to be done now. They'll start with investigating whether the fire was set intentionally. Cutberto is insured by the Association, and he's sure JJ will come through for him.

Camilo gets the paperwork back from Lucia and takes the opportunity to gawk at her some more. She apologizes for not telling him what the whole thing was about, so that he had to find out from Ivan. He'd like for her to consider him a friend, and Lucia is all too eager to do that. Except when Camilo says "friends" I don't think he means that. Lucia tells him that grandma overrode Lucrezia Borgia and accepted his deal to exchange running the ranch for using their water to irrigate his crops.

Carlota and Toni plan a visit at Carlota's place, including Bruno.

At the Association, everyone's all riled up. Camilo, driving by, hears the fuss and hears that everyone's ready to take pitchforks and torches to those damn gringos. He gets out of the truck and goes over to ask Saul what's going on. "Don't play innocent!" says Saul, " I'm sure it was you guys who burned down Cutberto's crops!" He tells Camilo he's not afraid of Ivan. Camilo gets back in the truck before they can lynch him.

Toni tells Benito to pretty Bruno up for a trip to Carlota's. He's going to talk to Carlota about the trip to the beach and he tells Ivan that if they can't get Gerry to agree to take Alex on vacation, they'll just arrange for him to get hired for a construction job really far away. Ivan laughs at the idea.

Toni admires the patio and Carlota tells him he's never invited her over to his place. Toni changes the subject to their vacation plan and proposes they spend a week by the sea. Carlota knows he's got ulterior motives, but she doesn't think he's trying to get her in the sack. She knows it has to do with Alex.

Camilo goes back to the office and tells Ivan and David about the fire, and that Ivan is being accused of setting it.

Toni keeps working on Carlota about Alex needing a seaside vacation. She knows it's because Ivan thinks Alex is his kid and insists that Alex isn't Ivan's son. Toni asks what's the big deal, then…unless perhaps Carlota has something to hide? They keep laughing and flirting with each other. Toni argues that it's no big deal for Alex and Ivan to hang out, since they like each other whether Alex is Ivan's son or not. Carlota worries that it might be disappointing for Ivan to find out that Alex isn't his son after getting to spend time with him. Toni points out that if things go on too long and Ivan finds out that Lucia was keeping things from him, he won't love her anymore.

Ivan, David, and Camilo pull up to the police station and walk past an angry mob. The cops have found traces of gasoline. JJ is pretending to be reasonable, arguing that they have no proof it was the gringos. But when he hears that Ivan is there, he accuses him of being cynical. And when David repeats that they have no proof it was Ivan, JJ tells him to shut up. The cop agrees with David, but Cutberto insists it couldn't have been anyone else. Dumbass.

At Maripaz's place, there's booze and clothes strewn around. Herself grumpily goes to answer the door to Lucrezia Borgia. She wants to know what's going on with the blackmail. Maripaz says her friend took care of it. In exchange for what? And Lucrezia won't take "nothing" for an answer. Lucrezia wants Maripaz to come home while there's still time for Maripaz to find a decent husband. Maripaz only wants Ivan and can't figure out why he would pick Lucia over her. Lucrezia breaks it to her that it's because Lucia is a decent girl. Maripaz still won't go home and excuses herself to go get ready for the gym.

Back at the popo…Cutberto unknowingly goes with JJ's logic that because he wouldn't do business with the gringos, they burned down his crops. David says the fact that he wasn't interested in taking their loan doesn't affect them in the least. JJ is pissed that David is arguing against him and Ivan tells him that David works for him now. "Yeah, cause he's a fag. And I'm sure the rest of you are too. Look at you all, showing up together. All you're missing is to be holding hands." Yeah, really, he said it. I could not make up shit like that. Ivan tells the cop to please take note that JJ is making false accusations and besmirching the good names of himself, Camilo, and David. "Oh yeah, what good name? You're just the bastard son of a servant." "Oh, I'm proud of being the son of an honorable woman. Too bad I can't say the same about my biodad. Now, unless you want to air all the dirty laundry out right here and now, I'd suggest you check yo'self before you wreck yo'self!" Despite Cutberto's absolute faith that it was the damn gringos who burned down his crops, the cop says they have no evidence. It could have been anyone. In that case, Ivan says they're leaving, but will make themselves available for any further questioning or statements needed. And out they walk. Cutberto whines in frustration. JJ threatens the cop that if this isn't investigated fully, the governor's gonna hear about it.

Outside, JJ addresses his constituents. He tells them sooner or later the cops will find that the McGuires were behind it, they just don't have proof today. Once they're out of earshot, JJ tells his dumbass kid that they need to trump up some "proof"…maybe a witness who saw Ivan's car? Saul agrees.

And goes to talk to Antolín about it. Gordo says he can get his cousin to do it. Antolín won't agree to let Camilo be implicated. Saul is pissed that Antolín is declaring his family off limits and tries to insist that he was paid to do a job…"Yeah, you paid me to burn down the field, not to let my brother hang for it. How about if we say the car that was seen around there was your brother David's?" Saul, that worthless sack of shit, agrees and presumably describes David's car for Gordo. Dumbasses. There are at least a million ways this can go wrong.

The guys to fill in Toni. Camilo is sure that JJ did it to implicate them. Toni's not happy. David says it's possible that Cutberto has some other enemy, or maybe a disgruntled former employee, and it has nothing to do with the McGuire-Mondragon feud. Camilo and David take off to start asking around at the gas stations. Toni tells Ivan it's obvious that Mondragon has declared war.

Lucia is looking for Carlota and finds out she asked for a taxi.

Carlota goes over to Gerry's house, bearing baked goods.

Carolina is all upset, Gerry is willing to ask Lucia to never tell Ivan and he's sure she'll agree, to avoid causing Alex any harm. In her state, Carolina trips over a chair. Carlota brought some cakes over for Alex, but he's out with Rosa. She asks them for a favor…since Alex is all excited about going to the beach and Gerry can't take him, Alex can go to the beach with her and Lucia to the house Alex has rented. She says it's no trouble, but Gerry tries to make excuses. Carlota lays the cards out on the table and says she knows the truth and if they don't let Alex spend a few days with his "real" dad, she'll talk.

Toni says that Carlota denied that Alex is his son, but he doesn't believe her. He thinks she's doing it to protect her family. Ivan is pissed that Lucia would keep it from him, knowing how he's suffering. Toni points out that she's thinking about Alex. "But I told her I'd never tell him!" Toni asks if Ivan really thinks he can keep from doing it. Ivan says that he wants to marry Lucia, but he wants Alex to live with them and he knows Alex likes Lucia and he's sure he can win him over…or maybe he can apply for "patria potestad" (custody). Toni tells him to think about what he's doing. He leaves the room. Ivan picks up the phone and tells the secretary to find him a lawyer who's an expert in custody issues.

Carolina says Carlota has no right to destroy a family. "Alex has lived with us since he was born." "Because Gerardo kidnapped him." "Would you have preferred that he go to an orphanage?" Carlota thanks them, but says Alex has a father and a mother. "You see, Gerardo! They want to take him!" Carlota says Ivan has a right to spend time with Alex and know that his son didn't die, what's so terrible about that. Carolina won't hear it. "If you accept this, I swear I'll kill myself!" Carlota says she never intended things to get this far. Gerardo says that's because she doesn't understand what Alex means to him or to Carolina. Alex comes home and hugs his "grandma" and asks where his aunt is. Gerry says she had a headache and tells him about the cakes Carlota brought. Carlota says she came over to let him know that he's coming with her and Lucia to the beach. Alex is thrilled.

Carolina, not so much. She's sitting on her bed sobbing when Gerry comes in and she won't let him comfort her. Basically, Carolina is convinced that (a) Ivan is going to take Alex away from them and he doesn't care if Alex is hurt in the process and (b) this is all Gerry's fault for telling Lucia the truth. She tries to convince him to pick up stakes and move, but practical Gerry says they wouldn't be able to do it as quickly as she wants. She accuses him of being a coward and caring more about money than Alex. She's sure Carlota is telling Ivan the truth right this minute and they're going to get slapped with a court order to give up the kid. Gerry can't convince her this won't happen.

Ivan goes to talk to the one honorable lawyer in town. He says he knows the guy's not an expert in family law, but since he already knows him, he wanted to check with him first. The lawyer says it might be possible to get proof and sue for custody, however…Maripaz is going to be a problem. Moms get dibs on custody, so if Ivan wants the kid, Maripaz is going to have to agree to let him have custody. Duuuuude. That sucks.

Carlota goes over to Toni's and has to tangle with Carmen. She won't take any attitude from her and demands to see Toni ASAP.

Carmen leaves her cooling her heels and goes to file her nails. One of the maids asks if they aren't going to offer Carlota a drink. "Why? She didn't ask me for one." The maid says it's the polite thing to do and Carmen takes exception to being taught how to be polite. She pulls rank and the maid goes off.

In Toni's office, Bruno barks and goes to the door, leading Toni out of the office.

Lucia tells Lucrezia to leave Maripaz alone, she's chosen her life and Lucia has no desire to go try to talk "sense" into her. She knows no one can talk Maripaz into doing anything! Lucia wonders where Carlota is and Lucrezia gripes that she's probably out seeing one of her decrepit old friends.

Toni finds Carlota in the living room and shows her into his office, asking her to keep an eye on Bruno. Then he goes to deal with Carmen.

Carmen tells him she didn't tell him that Carlota was there because he was busy. She gives Toni a ton of attitude, both about Carlota and Bruno, so he fires her. Carmen is in shock and wonders what she did to deserve it.

So far, Camilo and David are having no luck finding anyone who purchased gas in tanks. Of course, if they were smart, they put the gas in cars and then siphoned it out. Or at least that's what I would guess. Not being an arsonist, I don't know for sure.

Carlota tells Toni she had to resort to threats, but the vacation plans are on. She's pissed at Carolina. She understands that Carolina loves Alex, but she doesn't like that Carolina won't be convinced that Ivan won't try to take Alex away. Toni and Carlota agree that no one's telling Maripaz nothin'! Toni is going to have Benito take Carlota home, since she left without telling anyone where she was going. They agree that Toni will find them somewhere quiet to vacation.

Toni walks Carlota to the door and hands her off to Benito, before taking Bruno back inside. He goes into the office area to visit Ivan.

Ivan is on the phone, getting an update from Camilo and David. They were already thinking about trying places outside of town, but that's going to take some time. Ivan tells them to get on it. And off they go.

Toni tells Ivan about the seaside vacation. Toni is also excited about having a grandson. He passes on Carlota's request for a nice, quiet vacation spot. Toni thinks that Carolina might try to get Gerry to smuggle the kid out of town, given how upset she was, and suggests surveillance. So now Benito, in addition to being a driver and dog walker, now gets to spy for McGuire y Hijo.

Lucia is happy to hear about the vacation, but less happy to hear that Carlota accomplished it by threats. Carlota warns Lucia that they have an enemy in Carolina. She complains about her shoes and goes to take them off.

Benito hears about his new spying gig. Toni tells him to rent an inconspicuous car and let them know if it looks like there's some serious moving going on.

Carolina fumbles around with some gold coins in a jewelry box. She calls Antolín and asks to see him tomorrow. She says if he doesn't help her, she doesn't know what she'll do. Antolín looks worried.

Camilo tells Ivan there's been no progress. Ivan fills Camilo in about Carmen's firing. Camilo is pissed at Carmen. He accuses her of thinking she can get by on her pretty face and thinking the rich guy who knocked her up would marry her. He says if he ever finds out who that guy is, he's toast! Ivan tells him to back off. Here he came back looking for revenge, thinking he knew what was up, only to find out that it was Gerry who knocked up his mom and not JJ. Camilo, oddly, after all his talk of Ivan needing to let go of his revenge scheme, tells Ivan that he's too "blando" (soft, weak). Toni hears the tail end and says Ivan isn't weak, he's fair. "Maybe he's right. Maybe I should have bashed everyone's heads in." Toni reminds Ivan that they came there to chase his ghosts away. "That's not a lot of consolation." "You found love. Checkmate."

Ivan tells Lucia that he was looking for revenge and he found her instead. Blah, blah, blah. Just kiss already. When do we get to the kissing part? Words, words, words. Cleto sneaks up to get a peek at the impending smoochies. Lucia proposes they have The Sex and Ivan tells her not to be saying stuff like that or he'll take her right there on the patio! Smoochies. Smoochies. Smoooooooochies!

Tomorrow: quien sabe. My DVR cut off. And this after the show starting early.


Teresa Thu 9/22/11 #144 Teresa’s Eye Shadow Reflects the Blackness of Her Soul

EL CLUB: La Odiosa plans to fight Fernando for his father’s inheritance. As a widow, she could have claimed that money for herself but decided to claim it for her son instead. She now plans to correct that error so that Teresa won’t be able to enjoy that money. Teresa is appalled. She can’t believe Oriana would deprive Fernando of his inheritance (despojar=strip one of his property). Oriana says she and Fernando had a great relationship until Teresa came around. She never thought they would fight over anything. She blames Teresa for having come to the decision to disinherit her son and deprive him of his father’s inheritance. It’s going to get really hard for Fernando because she is now fighting against him and many doors will be closed to him. Teresa says this means she doesn’t really love her son and this action will only ensure she’s lost her son completely. Oriana is impactada.

DASTARDLY DUO: Ruben explains to Fito that Geno will pay for Mariano’s beating. Fito reminds him that whacking Mariano is triple the cost of a beating. Ruben understands but explains he can only pay the difference with designer watches. Fito doesn’t like dealing in jewelry but Ruben insists that high-end watches always carry a good price. Fito has to explain to Ruben that the price always comes down when you’re selling them, duh! The financial wrangling continues. Ruben promises he’ll come up with the cash for the hit job but offers the watches in return for Rodriguito’s medalla.

EL CLUB: Ferneanderthal is deep in thought when Teresa catches up to him, chattering about her need to distract herself and she just had to see him. He wonders if she’s really here to see him, or Arturo, because he’s heard how lovey-dovey they were at the wake. Teresa can’t believe Fernando accuses her of being affectionate with Arturo while she was so distraught over her father. He apologizes and blurts out his mother told him about the PDA between Arturo and her. Teresa can’t imagine who would have told Oriana. It’s obvious she couldn’t tell Arturo to leave the wake. Her mother was so distraught over her father; it just wasn’t the right time to say she wanted a divorce because she is so crazy in love with Fernando. To further demonstrate her love for him, she spoke with her mother today telling her she’s filing for divorce. Ferneanderthal is sooo happy. For realsies? He apologizes for being jealous. She tells him he has no reason to be and besides, she told Arturo today to take all his things so there would be no further pretexts for him to return. Nando tells her he doesn’t want her anywhere near Arturo, or Mariano, or any other man because she’s his and his alone. Then Ferneanderthal drags her by her hair to the nearest cave. Ok, so I added that last part, but honestly!

VECINDAD: Juana and Cutberto continue to visit with Refugio. They talk about Aurora’s upcoming graduation and whether or not Refugio will attend. Zzzzzzz Juana’s not sure she’ll attend Aurora’s graduation. She feels uncomfortable around Hector. She doesn’t think he’s forgiven her for marrying Nutberto. More zzzzzzzz’s

EL CLUB--LA SHRIEKSTER vs EL CAVEMAN: Nando and Teresa are smooching when Aiiiiida comes by saying Teresa doesn’t respect anything, not even her father’s death. She’s just buried him and here she is canoodling with her latest conquest, that is financial conquest! Speaking directly to Fernando, she can’t believe he’d leave someone as buena onda as Luisa for this rrrrrata de vecindad (is it me, or is she rolling that “r” more and more each time she says “rata”?) NeanderNando stands up, forbidding her to bother Teresa or butting into his life. Teresa tells him not to bother, Aiiida will never forgive her because neither her boyfriend or Mariano would love Aiiiida like they loved her. Aiiida warns Nando to be careful around this predadora (predator) because he has no idea what she’s capable of. He needn’t take her word for it. He can talk to Mariano who can tell him a thing or two. Nando’s not interested. After Aiiiiida leaves, Teresa thanks Nando for defending her. Aiiiida’s always hated her and will always say she’s only with him por interés. He mentions his mother feels the same way. Teresa knows this and tells him Oriana is even threatening to fight for his father’s inheritance. ¿QUE DICES? Teresa tries an innocent look which is hard to do with those evil girl eyes. Oh my, she had no idea he wasn’t aware of that. Riiiiiight.

HOSPITAL: Hector and Aurora talk about her final exams. She’s nervous and he’s proud she’s followed in his footsteps. She warns him Mariano will be with her at the exam as well as the dinner celebration.

SHOWDOWN AT EL CLUB: Nando angrily charges up to his mother. QTH? Is it true what Teresa says about dad’s inheritance? Oriana’s not surprised Teresa went tattling about their conversation. It’s very clear she’s worried he’ll end up with nothing. He can’t believe she’d go to such extremes. Oriana is willing to do anything to protect him. If he insists on being with that woman, momma’s gonna make sure there’s not much left for that arribista to get her hands on. Teresa won’t do that, he says. Only momma would think that. Oriana wishes she were wrong but he’ll realize in time that Teresa will play him like she played Arturo. She’ll use him and then betray him. Nando angrily tells her she’s the one who is betraying him! He never thought she’d be capable of taking what is his. Well, if she wants a fight, bring it on! She understands he is as stubborn (terco) and obstinate (obstinado) as she is but he’ll realize she’s right. It hurts her to think what he’ll do when that happens and how he’ll deal with the guilt over everything he’s done because of Teresa. Nando walks away and Oriana again shows some emotion.

CASA LEDESMA: Esperanza and Teresa have a chica to chica chat about Artie and Nando. They’ve been friends for a very long time so Teresa says she’ll tell her the whole story but asks her not to judge her. She reminds her she was supportive when Espe was with Ruben. Espe just doesn’t understand. Arturo and she seemed so happy. Teresa of course blames it all on Art, saying he pushed her away little by little. Teresa tells her she has the right to be happy just like Espe after that mess with Ruben. Espe tells her this is different. She knows Teresa loves Arturo. She saw them at the funeral and that’s true love. Teresa admits she loves Arturo but he doesn’t give her what she needs. She can’t turn back now because of her pride and dignity, and because Arturo is now with someone else.

EL CLUB: Aiiiiida is lending a sympathetic ear to Oriana who is crying that if a man as loyal and upstanding as Fernando can betray his novia and his best friend, there is no remedy. Besides, he’s just as proud as she is. If he says he’s going to challenge her, he will. Aiiiiida says it’s because of that rrrrrrrata de vecindad! Oriana says her life has no meaning without her son. The money does nothing for her without him. She doesn’t know what to do to get him back. Awww, I can feel my heart melting a teeny, tiny bit for this mother in anguish. Even crocodiles cry over their babies, I guess.

CASA LEDESMA: Espe can’t believe there is another woman. Teresa doesn’t want to talk about this anymore and refuses to cry. She must dominate her feelings. Espe understands because of what she’s going through with Rodriguito. Teresa is sure Rodriguito will be returned to her very soon. Espe tells her of Ruben’s efforts to “find” Roddy and how he wants to marry her after he finds him. Teresa’s not surprised. He was stupid to lose her. What’s important now is what she wants to do. Espe has no intention of returning to him but she’s not sure if she should tell Hernan. Teresa quickly shoots that idea down. Espe knows Ruben won’t stop insisting. He’s capable of anything in order to get his way and she’s capable of anything to get her son back. Teresa tells her she needs to be smarter than him and learn to manipulate him. She shouldn’t be afraid of him. She needs to think of how much she loves Hernan and then Ruben won’t be able to deal with her. Teresa offers her help. Quick Espe, RUN AWAY FROM THE SHARKSTER!

EVENING AT THE PENTHOUSE: Teresa tells Fernando he did the right thing by confronting his momma. She tells him she told Espe it was over between Arturo and her and that the man in her life now is Fernando. Now they only need to move in to manse together to prove to everyone that they’re together. Not so fast, Sharkster, Fernando tells her that won’t be possible. They’ll need to live here in the Penthouse and perhaps later they can buy another house because the BARRERA house is for Luisa. WHA – WHAT!?

LUCIA’S HOUSE OF HEARTBREAK: Lucia tells Luisa that Art’s all moved in and the two of them can now help him avoid alcohol. She asks if Luisa’s reconsidered accepting the house from Nando. After all, the house has been in the family for generations. Luisa has decided to accept the house, not so much for herself but also for Arturo’s sake. Tomorrow she’ll sign the necessary papers to have the house put in her name.

PENTHOUSE: Our little Sharkster is pitching a fit! After everything she’s given up for him, all he can think of is protecting Luisa! She wonders if it’s his way of compensating her for breaking off the marriage. He tries to explain it’s his way to end thing amicably. And besides, he had bought it for her to begin with. Teresa claims that house was hers. Arturo promised it to her but never put it in her name. He’s no different than Art. He says he loves her but he continues to think of Luisa. Fernando just can’t think of anything to say.

VECINDAD: Juana and Cutberto arrive at Refugio’s with long faces. Turns out their adoption plans fizzled out for several reasons: they haven’t been married long enough and neither of them have steady jobs. Juana breaks into sobs and Refugio comforts her, telling her not to get depressed (achicopalado). Juana returns to her old cantaleta that she married Cutberto thinking they’d be able to adopt and now he won’t be able to have children! Cutberto does his best to cheer her, saying he’s happy with just being the two of them. Juana is inconsolable and continues to cry.

PENTHOUSE: Teresa tells Nando to put himself in her place for one moment. He wouldn’t like it if she were constantly worried about Arturo, or his future, or his firm, because that’s what Arturo would like her to do. But she told him she’d only be there to close any pending issues. Fernando tries to reason with her that he does this because he feels guilty about what happened with Luisa. Teresa wonders if he’s moved by his guilt? Or is it the love he may still feel for Luisa? Of course he doesn’t love her anymore. He only loves Teresa. She hopes he’s sure of that because if he isn’t he should tell her so right now. He declares his love for her in a way he thought he’d never be able to love a woman. What more proof does she want after everything he’s done for her? “It’s not enough,” she says. “How can you give Luisa the house that was supposedly mine? You protect Luisa but what security are you giving me? You should just leave! Go! Reconcile with your mother and tell her you don’t love me. While you’re at it go to Luisa and protect her.” Nando is exasperated and finally gives in, he won’t give Luisa the house. And so she’ll know she’s the only one that matters to him, tomorrow they’ll go and have the house put in her name! ruh-roh! Confrontation?

LUCIA’S HOUSE OF HEARTBREAK: Luisa tells Oriana she’s decided to keep the family home. But reconciling with Fernando is a no-go. Oriana tells her she and Fernando will be separating their businesses. It will be a difficult battle but Luisa can avoid it. She explains she will always see Luisa as her daughter-in-law. Now that she’s lost Fernando, it’s as though she’s a widow. From here-on out, everything Oriana has will be hers and they’ll be together. (ok, I think this is wayyy out there)

PENTHOUSE: Teresa thanks him with a passionate kiss. He has no idea how appreciative she is. She knows all those other women meant nothing to him and realizes Luisa was special so she couldn’t allow him to put Luisa above her. Fernando tells her he loves her and wants her to be his. He leans over for a kiss and then Teresa reminds him she’s still not divorced. Furthermore, they shouldn’t be alone here. **please, NOW she worries about propriety?** Fernando reasons everyone already knows she’s about to be divorced and that they love each other. Still, she wouldn’t feel right about it. She has the nerve to repeat her father’s dying words asking her to do the right thing. She adds that if she truly loved Fernando, she should get divorced but before doing “anything” she should be married. Fernando can only beg, “please, my love.” She’s sorry, but he knows how she is and how she was raised. Otherwise, it just won’t work out. Fernando is beyond frustrated, telling her he can’t possibly wait so long! She asks him to please help her grant her father’s dying wish. Man, using her father’s dying wish and twisting his words! That’s gotta be a new low!

HOUSE OF HEARTBREAK: Oriana explains Luisa should be the mediator during the tough negotiations that are sure to come up between her and Fernando. She’ll find herself near Fernando and together they’ll exasperate Teresa. Oriana, by taking away the money, and Luisa, by consoling him. Luisa doesn’t think that’s a good idea. Besides, she doubts Fernando will ever love her again. Oriana’s convinced Nando’s blinded by passion which quickly fizzles out while love can continue to strengthen. She asks Luisa to think about it. She knows they can succeed.

PENTHOUSE: Fernando is leaving and wants to make plans for tomorrow, suggesting he accompany her to sign her divorce papers. Our Sharkster has other plans. First, she’d like to visit her mother and confess her affair, then on to the Notario to sign over the house to her name. THEN they can go start the divorce proceedings. A well placed kiss, and he agrees to it all. What a sucker! He deserves everything coming to him, which can’t be good.

CASA ALCAZAR: Hector and Aurora talk about her final exam. She tells him she feels a strong responsibility being the daughter of such an imminent doctor. He asks her to just give the best of herself.

HOUSE OF HEARTBREAK: Lucia asks if Luisa plans to tell Art about the house. Before she can answer Arturo comes in all chipper offering to make breakfast. After he leaves the room, Luisa explains she will be at the Notario later today and will tell Arturo after she’s signed the papers.

VECINDAD: Mariano is visiting with Refugio when Teresa comes in. He explains he and Aurora have come by to take her to Aurora’s exams. Aurora walks in and Teresa tells her she can’t believe she’s graduating and didn’t even invite her. Aurora coolly reminds her she told her in Zacatecas they can no longer be friends, especially after what she’s done to Luisa. She doesn’t deserve anyone’s friendship.

HOSPITAL: Hernan comes by to visit with Hector. Esperanza and he went to their first therapy session and afterward the psychiatrist told him it appears as though Espy is hiding something from him. Aside from the worry over Rodrigo, there’s something else bothering her. Hernan is dying to know what that is. How can he help her if he doesn’t know?

VECINDAD: Teresa doesn’t see how she’s done any harm to Aurora. Aurora reminds of her of the many times Teresa encouraged her to go after Mariano while she herself continued to pursue him. In the end, Teresa knows only too well how things happened. Mariano tells Teresa that Aurora has realized the kind of person she really is. Eventually everyone else will too. Aurora warns her she’ll end up alone. Aurora tells her not to do any more harm and leave Fernando. If she loves Arturo, she should return to him. Teresa accuses them of judging her without knowing the full story. Aurora says they all know she left her husband for someone else. Teresa says they all act as though she’s the villain in this story. Are they aware that Arturo is now living with Lucia? Mariano asks if she expected him to continue living in Fernando’s apartment. He tells her not to bother with her lies because Luisa’s already told them how it came about that Arturo is living at Lucia’s. Aurora explains Luisa went to her house. When Teresa objects to not having been told this, Aurora asks if she would have come to console Luisa after Fernando broke off the engagement because of her. Refugio interrupts the Teresa bashing and hugs her daughter. Refugio’s glad she came so they can all go together to Aurora’s graduation. Teresa explains she can’t go because she has to see about her divorce.

HOUSE OF HEARTBREAK: Oriana speaks with Arturo and explains her plan. If Fernando comes to his senses, she’ll revert all monies back to him and Luisa who she plans to put in her will. She deserves it. Fernando and Teresa deserve what’s coming to them too. Arturo points out that what she wants is revenge against Teresa. Oriana again asks him not to accept the divorce and delay it as much as possible. Arturo refuses because he’s not looking for revenge. She accuses him of continuing to love Teresa and he admits it. He’s given her several opportunities to back out but she’s refused. He has no choice but to give in. He plans to cut all ties with her and Fernando. He’ll see what happens with Luna Turqueza and forget about Teresa but he won’t seek revenge. As for Fernando, he doesn’t want to owe him anything and wants to forget he was ever his friend. His punishment will be having a woman who doesn’t love him.

HOSPITAL: Everyone’s gathered for Aurora’s exam which I guess is a public event. (I’m confused, can anyone out there shed some light on this process?) She takes the lectern in front of a panel after Hernan introduces her.

HOUSE OF HEARTBREAK: Oriana disagrees with Arturo’s plan and hopes he’ll change his mind for his sake, for Luisa and so that Teresa will get what she deserves. Oriana leaves. He and Lucia chat about it all and she lets out that Luisa is at the notario’s about the house. This infuriates him. Luisa shouldn’t accept anything from that imbécil! He doesn’t care how much she loves that house, she shouldn’t have done it! He rushes out.

NOTARIO’S OFFICE: Fernando is ready to sign the necessary papers giving title to Teresa but he hesitates. Luisa walks in and they’re both surprised to see each other. (Not sure if this means anything, but we never see him actually sign the document!)

HOSPITAL: Aurora’s done with her exam and Mariano congratulates her as does her father. Juana and Refugio don’t understand why Teresa wasn’t able to make it. She could have taken care of the divorce papers another day. Juana, as always, understands her rush if it’s because Arturo is with another woman. Hernan announces that Aurora has passed her exam with honors.

NOTARIO’S OFFICE: Luisa struggles to explain she’s come to sign the papers for her house, the house he gave her, does he remember? Ferneanderthal starts to mumble something when Teresa walks in, surprising Luisa. Teresa informs her there’s been a change in plans. The house is now hers. Fernando confirms this.

RESTAURANT: Hector joins Aurora and Mariano and is surprised no one else is there to celebrate her success. She explains she wanted to be alone with the two men she loves most and who have supported her passion for medicine. He’s the best dad and Mariano is the love of her life. She just wants them to all get along as before.

NOTARIO’S OFFICE: Nando explains he thought she wasn’t going to want the house. Luisa turns and slaps him, hard! PACATELA! She cries out, “You two are el colmo. What joy does it give you to ridicule me this way? What harm have I done to you?” She addresses Teresa, “All I’ve ever done is be supportive of you, be a loyal friend. And you Fernando, I gave myself entirely to you and blindly trusted you. You’ve repaid me with the worst kind of betrayal. You were a coward not to face me. What you two have done has no name. What you’ve done, Teresa, for it was all planned; calculated step by step.” Teresa tries to say it wasn’t like that but Luisa doesn’t let her. She asks why Teresa insists on putting on this act when she knows how she really is. Fernando has the nerve to say Teresa is not at fault for what happened. Teresa asks him to allow her to speak alone with Luisa. Doofus does as he’s told. Once alone, Teresa tells Luisa this is one of the most difficult decisions she’s ever had to make in her life. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt her especially after she was so nice to her. Teresa reminds her of the “hell” Arturo was putting her through but no one believed he was so far gone. Fernando was the only one who was supportive. Yes, Luisa says, that’s very clear to her how he “supported” her. Teresa explains this happened little by little and she began to feel secure with him. Luisa asks if Fernando found in Teresa what he couldn’t find in her. Now Teresa blames Oriana, saying she pressured him into getting married. Furthermore she warned her not to live with him, it was never going to work. WAKALA!!! Luisa slaps her, calling her a hypocrite.

BACK AT AURORA’S CELBRATORY DINNER, Mariano swears to Hector Teresa is in the past. He also swears his love for Aurora and the only reason they’re not married now is that Aurora wants to wait. There’s only one woman for him and that’s Aurora. Hector finally shakes Mariano’s hand.

NOTARIO’S OFFICE: Luisa tells Teresa that if she had the least bit of regret, she would have let Luisa keep the house that has been in her family for years. But no! She wanted it in order to feel triumphant and that she got her way after all. Teresa has destroyed something sacred and valuable - Arturo’s love and the friendship he had with Fernando. She threw Luisa’s affection in the trash in exchange for money. She has no idea that no matter how much she has, she’ll never be happy because she’ll always carry in her conscience all the harm she’s done. It doesn’t matter how much money she has, she’ll never, ever have love. Teresa tells her she shouldn’t be so sensitive, that’s why she suffers so much. Luisa laughs at her and says she’ll suffer too. Even if she manages to marry Fernando she’ll always have a hole in her heart that she’ll never be able to fill with anything. Teresa thanks her for her words but tells her to remember this: this world is run by those who dominate their feelings and get what they want. Luisa only has to look at her to see that it’s true. Luisa tells her only time will tell. She only hopes that when she’s with Fernando, the memory of Arturo doesn’t come between them. Oh, thar she blows! Teresa tells her the one who won’t be able to forget is Arturo. He’ll never be able to stop loving her. No matter how he tries he’ll never stop loving her and not Lucia nor any other woman will be able to help him. Luisa disagrees. She reminds her that Mariano was once hers and now he’s very happy with Aurora. That’s proof that there’s life after Teresa. Following that example, Luisa knows she’ll get past this despite Fernando….and Teresa! She leaves and Teresa has the decency to at least shed a tear. Descarada!

Luisa passes Fernando on her way out and he again tells her he thought she no longer wanted the house. He’s sure if he talks to Teresa, he can change her mind. Luisa tells him that after today, she’s sure he deserves a woman like Teresa and it’s too bad because she won’t make him happy. It’s a shame because thanks to her he’s become a man who cheats, lies, and is capable of such bajezas (lowness, baseness) as he committed against Arturo and her. She pities him.

La notaria comes by and hands him the documents. As he stands there, Arturo pops up behind him (kinda scared me!), saying he will not allow his sister to accept that house. Fernando tells him not to worry, he’s already signed it over to Teresa. Arturo’s quick to point out that Fernando is already pleasing Teresa. Arturo knows her M.O. only too well. He warns him that doesn’t guarantee she’ll be faithful. He reminds him that Teresa slept with Mariano one day before their wedding and she can do the same thing to him. How does he know Teresa won’t want to spend another night of passion with Arturo before they’re married? Fernando is angry now and grabs Arturo by the lapel, warning him against coming near Teresa. Arturo reminds him they are no longer friends and it wouldn’t be a bad idea to repay him in kind. Arturo tells him he and Teresa had such a good time together that he has no doubts she would want to be in his arms again….and he would enjoy it with no regrets whatsoever.

Previews: Geno attacks Fito; Lucia macks Arturo; Refugio suffers an attack.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #110 Thursday 9/22/11 Renata just wants to thank Jeronimo. All night long.

Redux: Jero spills the beans to all and sundry that Renata is engaged TO MARRY Augustin. Caras impactadas de la familia MR and a big “Oh S**t” eye roll from Renata.

Poor Doc Maritata calls Jero and leaves a voice mail, why didn’t he arrive on the plane? She is very worried.

Gonzo asks Nata is it true that she is engaged? Augi butts in to say yes, they have agreed to share their destinies, then Matias and Jero also try to peanut-gallery their opinions but all three are ignored. Gonzo pulls his daughter aside and starts to advise her this is too precipitous when they are interrupted by Hons and Adri. They rush in to say Cons suffered some sort of respiratory arrest and is fighting for her life. Honorio breaks down.

At La Bonita the Novias fret about who will walk them down the aisle. If Laz is getting married he won’t be able to give Mati away. It’s decided that Jero will escort Mati and Ezekiel will escort Kari. They practice their wedding march as the two Novios spy from behind the door. Mati scolds them that peeking at their dresses before the wedding is back luck. Too late Mati, the curse has already been set in motion.

Jero calls Marina to apologize and explain. She says don’t worry about explanations but very sweetly and stalker-like adds he should have called her about his change in plans. (Why? Unless he knew she would be at the airport which I think he did not.) He says for sure he’ll return tomorrow and he’ll call her when he gets to the hacienda.

Gonzo and Nata stroll the hospital halls worrying about Coni’s condition. Then Gonzo asks when was Nata going to tell him about Augustin? Sure he wanted her away from the city of dangers, but he didn’t think she would go and do *that*. She explains Augi is very nice and they have a lot in common, yawn. He says that’s not enough for marriage and why did she have to get engaged so quickly as if to escape? She asks him for time and to let her make her own decisions. He just wants her to learn from past experiences, hers and others. He got married to her mother for many reasons, the least of which was love. She points out she was crazy in love with Jero and look what happened. She wants to move on with her life. Maybe dad is right but she wants to try out different things, there are many types of love. (Right, 1. in love, and 2. not in love.) He insists that true love is the primary reason to get married and she knows it. He begs her to think about this.

Regina and Jero talk about Renata’s engagement. She explains about Gonzo sending Nata down to Ensenada incommunicado to protect her from BSCBlanca. He doesn’t understand why Nata couldn’t tell him all this. She suggests he discuss it with Renata, maybe it would help clarify things between them. He says no, this telenovela is not nearly far enough along to start communicating intelligently or for him to admit he is a bullish ass. There is no turning back (no tiene vuelta de hoja) because if she agreed to marry Augi it’s proof she no longer loves Jero.

Matias gives a brotherly warning to Augustin and Augi gives his word Nata will not shed a single tear because of him.

Hons and Adri pray in the chapel. Adri tells him she sees Cons as a second mother and she doesn’t think she can lose another mama. Nor he the woman he loves, he adds. She admits that she put her relationship with Matias at risk to try to lure Chema away from Coni so that there would be a clear path for Cons and Hons. Dad reassures her that they will win, the three of them together. Very sweet. Adri also mentioned that although she doesn't love Chema, she is not entirely indifferent about him either.

It looks like JudyB and I were worried for nothing as Doc Tata made it safely home. Padre is super miffed to find out that Jero didn’t even call, thus making Marina spend hours on the dangerous highway. But of course his time is more important than anyone else's. What an outrage! (Qué barbaridád!) She explains Jero didn’t know she was going to the airport, it was supposed to be a surprise. He advises her not to be in anyone’s life if she is the last thing on their list.

Jero tells Hons goodbye and wishes him the best for Coni. Hons thanks Jero for all he did for the company. He mentions the personal business between Jero and Coni and Gonzo jumps up and demands to know WHAT business did Jero have with his sister? Hons covers by saying he was just thanking Jero for his help with the bank. Gonzo sternly and sincerely thanks Jero for his financial help and says they will be eternally grateful. Jero reassures him that even though things with Renata didn’t go as they’d hoped he still cares a lot about the family. They share a man-hug and Jero leaves just as Augi and Renata return. Augi juts his lower jaw in irritation as Nata excuses herself to follow Jero.

In the operating room the doctors have finally finished. Nurse asks something about Coni’s breathing and the doc says as soon as Coni wakes up they’ll have a better idea.

Adri brinks Matias a cup of coffee and he sulkily refuses the kind gesture. She tells him not to be like that, she needs him and loves him a lot. “You might need me but love me, no.” he retorts childishly. That’s our Matias, never too grieved to play the martyr. He tells her he doesn’t believe her before stomping off in his too-shiny suit.

Nata finds Jero and stops him for a final, private goodbye. She clumsily apologizes to him (why exactly?) as his wife, er ex-wife, er whatever, and thanks him for all he did for her company. She explains she was frustrated and angry and his forgiveness is important to her. They pant and stare at each others’ lips.

Regina sits and silently thanks God for this opportunity to get her daughter back and for putting the Bank of Jeronimo at her disposal.

Renata assures Jero yet again that she is very grateful for everything he did for the business. She thanks him profusely at least eight times in a row. Enough already. Augi arrives and stands aggressively in the background as Jero caresses Nata’s face and explains they went through bad stuff but he is there for her if she ever, EVER needs him for anything. She kisses him very close to but not exactly on his lips and they say a lingering goodbye.

Nata is visibly upset. Augi steps away to make a call. He calls Ez and instructs him to call in exactly 15 minutes and do exactly what Augi tells him.

Gonzo finds Regina sitting sadly. She says she was thinking about what a great guy Jero is. Gonzo rebuts that although Jero did the business a huge favor he caused his daughter many tears and so Gonzo does not share her opinion. She says Jero also suffered thanks to Renata’s sister. It’s a pity that they could not overcome their obstacles and differences. They wax philosophical on the pros and cons of love and life. Regina says now more than ever they should be thankful for hope, hope that Coni will recuperate and that everything will return to normal. Gonzo agrees, Faith and Hope that Coni will get well and Regina will get her daughter.

Sinister music warn us but not Renata that Augi lies in wait. He demands to know why she went chasing after Jeronimo. She pauses longer than normal, signifying her displeasure at this query. However she does explain she only wanted to thank him for helping the company. He gets on her case saying Jero has a huge ego and gets off on the money thing. He grabs her arm and she immediately pushes him off of her as if he were a disease. He gripes that Jero always uses money to get at her and this wasn’t the first time. He loves to use money to demonstrate his superiority and he did the same to Augi when he paid a very high fine to get out of selling him La Bonita. Augi says he used money to break his word and his contract. Now he’s using money to try to make up for all the suffering he caused her. She insists Jero helped her family for the family's sake and she just wanted to thank him.

Augi announces he needs some air (so that he can “forget” his phone). It rings as scheduled and Nata answers. Ez nervously tells her it’s nothing urgent but of course she wants to take a message. He says he wants to tell the boss he’ll be a little late because he’s going to help Lazaro with something special that Jero is preparing for Doctora Marina. Oh but never mind, he’ll call the boss later. Renata thought bubbles “Are you in love with her Jeronimo?”

Jero and Carlos have a huggy yet manly reunion and Jero updates Carlos on Coni adding that the imbecile Dunant was there but hey, he does not want to think about those people. Carlos asks, then no possibility of a reconciliation? Nope, none at all, that chapter is closed, says Jero.

Ez drives through the Cruz de Amor vineyards with Lazaro hiding in the truck. Ez gives the magic mixture to Melesio and they treat the top secret vine. Mele comments it’s the only vine of its type and it can’t die. Ez lures Mele away so that Lazaro can inspect the top secret vine. Even though it is sickly and looks like the surrounding vines Super Laz is able to use his super powers to confirm that Yes, it IS a sarmiento of La Bonita!!

The prison doctor tells Jero that Doc ShouldBeDead is anxious to talk to him.

Hons begs Cons to wake up, which she does, but she cannot talk and becomes understandably upset. Hons keeps asking her what she’s trying to say and pressures the doctor which is not helping calm Coni down at all. She thinks My God why am I unable to say a word? She must tell them about the murderess Fina who tried to kill her and made her this way.

The Comandante tells Gonzo they checked the MR security cameras and they couldn’t see anyone entering or leaving the residential zone. Also, there was no forced entry. He concludes they checked the nut house and are sure BSCBlanca could not have escaped to attack Coni. Gonzo says they must get to the bottom of this business. He won’t allow whoever did this to his sister to go unpunished.

Renata and Adriana bond until Hons comes out and tells them about Coni’s condition. He doesn’t know yet if it will be temporary or what. Gonzo and Matias arrive and ask what happened.

Meanwhile Fina is hiding out and calling Berta for Coni updates. Berta has no news but she does know that they are starting a very intensive investigation. Fina’s glad she’s not at the house although Berta thinks her absence will look suspicious. Fina says Gonzo will have to testify that he was at the house arguing with Fina when the attack supposedly took place. Fina hopes Coni kicks the bucket so she won’t be able to tell what happened. Berta is shocked at mami’s cold blood. Fina whines she doesn’t have an option and she wants Berta to apprise her of Coni’s condition so that she can make decisions!

Chema visits Inez and tells her about his constant migraines. She asks him for a ride to the city center, it’s an emergency. When Chema hears it’s Coni he sprints out of the office. Wait, don’t forget Inez!! On second thought, does she really want a guy with migraines driving her around Mexico City?

Jero gives the incriminating letter and post-its to Carlos so they can do a handwriting analysis. Carlos tells Jero he’s got good news and bad news. Which does he want to hear first?

The bank manager of the OBDF (Only Bank in the DF) meets with Regina and tells her the money will be ready tomorrow. But is she sure she wants it in cash? They can do a check or bank transfer. Gina needs it in cash. Bank Manager says no problem just fill out this questionnaire including the reason for withdrawal. Ruh Roh.

Jero explodes that if Dunant has stolen any of his cuttings he will send him to jail. Carlos says it’s impossible to prove (huh? won’t the evidence of the cutting prove it?) but Jero says Dunant is going to pay.

Now for the good news, not only are Carlos and Mati getting married but so are Laz and Kari. It will be a double wedding! Ruh Roh. Carlos asks, isn’t Jero pleased? But Jero is shaking his head.

Gonzo and Matias urge Hons to be positive for himself and for Coni. Renata and Adri join them followed by Augi (NOT in a windbreaker!!). Nata grudgingly allows her fiance( to kiss her cheek and take her home for a change of clothes (finally!). Adri and Hons also leave the waiting room so Gonzo and Matias can gripe. They don’t like Renata with Augi but Matias says he’s better than Jero. At least he acts like a gentleman. (Hah!) Gonzo insists and fumes Nata is not in love with Augi and he does not agree with the engagement.

Jero finds the Padre who immediately scolds Jero for making Marina drive all the way to Tijuana and back, tsk tsk. Jero apologizes and needs the Padre’s advice on the delicate subject of Laz and Kari. Oh how the padre gushes his happiness over their engagement. Jero, playing the role of the anvil, tells padre they cannot get married because...Kari is not a widow and Frankendoctor is alive. Ruh Roh.

Renata pushes for Augi to go back to Ensenada. He rebels, saying he wants to ask Gonzo formally for her hand in marriage. She keeps pushing that she wants him to go back to Cruz de Amor and as soon is as her aunt gets better then she’ll arrange for them to talk to her father, OK? He reluctantly agrees, having lost yet another battle.

Avances: Jero tells Marina he wants to start a new life at her side.

Dicho of the Day:
Mejor solo que mal acompañado = Better alone than poorly accompanied. It's better to be alone than to be with the wrong person.


La Fuerza del Destino #34 Wed 09/21/11 In which some secrets come out, others retreat, nobody's happy, and everybody's scheming

Recap by Urban Anthropologist

Please provide any missing details. Sometimes the music just completely messes up the dialogue and I can't get it even after a half dozen replays. Gracias.


Lucia explains on the phone to her dad she was in the hospital and that it's getting increasingly harder to keep quiet about Alex. She urges him to tell Ivan. Gerry tells Carolina. She freaks and Alex overhears this.


Casa McGuire: Tony and Ivan talk about the JJ encounter and The Secret.

Tony: I've been told I can have a perfectly normal life, but with certain restrictions. They also said I should take little vacations by the sea. (Ivan goes to the bar) You don't look so good; it didn't go well with Mondragon?
Ivan: Papa, I'm just making one drink because didn't the doctor say...
Tony: Surprise, surprise, the doctor said one whiskey will do me very well, thankyouverymuch.
Ivan: I confronted him about my mother and told him I was his bastard.
Tony: Did he deny it?
Ivan: Yes, yes. He went nuts. Claimed not to remember her.
Tony (dismissively): He had to defend himself.
Ivan: Father, about what you advised... I asked Lucia if Alex is my son. [didn't get the rest]
Tony: So where is this going?
Ivan: There are two things: I want to know if Alex is my son and I want her.
Tony: Ay, young people are so impetuous. Wanting everything at once. For the moment concentrate on Lucia, then the boy. You have a strong ally.
Ivan: Yes, yes, but Doña Carlota will never betray her granddaughter.
Tony: Doña Carlota is a very intelligent woman and together we will find out if you are the father of this boy.

Casa Galvan: Carmen and her mother are about to argue about her encounter with Saul when Antolin comes in with food. Aracelia cuts off that conversation before Antolin can hear anything important. He reveals he knows about Camilo's lands. “In this town everyone knows.” Aracelia looks confused.

Casa Curiel: Lucrazia and Carlota talk briefly about the extortion and Lucrazia says Ivan has to pay.

Casa Lomieli: Alex calls Lucia's home and tells her to come over right away. He hangs up quickly and hides when someone calls his name. Lucia is concerned and asks Carlota what she should do.

Casa Galvan: Camilo gets home exhausted to the tamales Antolin brought when A asks him why he has to work like a donkey when he's rich.

Casa Mondragon: Esther tells David over the phone that something's wrong with JJ, who then arrives home muy boracho. Saul is holding him up; Esther is muy impactada.

Casa Galvan: Antolin demands to know how Camilo got the land since he doesn't have the money to buy it; Camilo tells him it was a birthday gift from Ivan. He also wants to know why Camilo still works for Ivan if he's now land-rich; Camilo explains that Ivan pays him well and he needs money to invest in the land. Antolin wants to become a partner but Camilo doesn't want his ill-gotten gains. This does not bode well and mamacita knows that.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for Una Familia Con Suerte.

Casa Mondragon: Saul starts to talk, but won't in front of the servant so he tells her to leave. He reveals that JJ has a bastard son: Ivan McGuire. He seems more upset about this than JJ was, as if it were wrong for the son of a servant to become a millionaire. Esther and Judith take this very calmly, looking at him askance. This would be a joke if Saul weren't so violent in other ways.

Casa Galvan: Aracelia is trying to figure out who told Antolin about Camilo's land. She suspects Carmen, who swears she said nothing. After multiple denials she leaves for work. Her daughter asks why grownups argue all the time.

Cafe, desayuno: Esther talks to David about Ivan and the Big Scandal.

Esther: Doesn't it surprise you? Horrify you?
David: Surprise me? Yes. Horrify me? Why?
Esther: That you have a half brother who is the son of a servant. He surely must hate your father.
David: If that's true, you're right. A man impregnates a servant and doesn't take responsibility for the baby; that's a crime. In all, Ivan received me well, doesn't care about the rumors about me, cares only about my abilities. He gave me a good job.
Esther: But he is a bastard.
David: Mama, it's not his fault and it's of no importance to him.
Esther: But it matters to your father. Don't doubt that he will say something.
David: So what? I'm of age, independent, and if Papa is angry that I work for his illegitimate son, that's his problem.
Esther: Son...
David: I'm in therapy, Mother. I'm discovering things about my relationship with dad and with you.
Esther: Son, it wasn't my fault....
David: No, I know you took care of me and you tried to protect me from the hurt.
Esther: Never did I want such bad things for you.
David: It's not your fault. The problem is that my father has too much [didn't get this]
Esther: But I love your father.
David: It's just that it's a love that hurts. You need to realize your life as a woman.
Esther: But I don't know how to do this.
David: You're an intelligent woman. I'm sure you will find the way. I love you very much, Mother.
Esther: I also love you very much, son. You don't know how it pleases me that you're solving these problems. If you're getting on with Ivan, can you ask him not to say...
David: ...that he is an illegitimate son? Above all, Ivan loves his adoptive father. Loves and respects him. He's not interested in breaking that.
Esther: He might... for revenge.
David: Be calm, mother. I'll talk to him. He's not the kind of person you think.

Casa Curiel: Carlota tries to keep Lucia home, per doctor's orders, but Lucia persuades her to accompany her to her father's house. She's never met Carolina and Lucia thinks she can keep her occupied while she talks to Alex.

Ivan's Office: Ivan and David sit in the conference room and discuss Esther's imaginary scandal.

David: It was a real surprise for me.
Ivan: I imagine so.
David: And the truth is it pleases me to have a half-brother like you.
Ivan: It pleases me, too.
David: My mother, well, you know she's old-fashioned and she's worried.
Ivan: About me presuming to tell that Juan Jaime is my father?
David: Yes.
Ivan: No, no, no. It's not a source of pride that he is my father. I'm sorry, but if that bothers you...
David: No, no. One can't choose his parents.
Ivan: I'm glad you're not bothered or hurt.
David: No, no; absolutely.
Ivan: Good. Therefore, this matter is concluded.

They get up, clear up something about a check, and David leaves.

Casa Lomieli: Carolina greets Lucia, who introduces her to Carlota. She greets her graciously and Alex runs into the room and happily greets and hugs Lucia, who turns him around to face Carlota.

Lucia: I want to present you to my grandma.
Carlota: What a handsome boy! Why don't you come over and give me a kiss? (he does)
Alex: Hola, Senora.
Carlota: Don't call me “Señora”; call me “Grandma”
Alex: But, you're not my grandmother.
Carlota: Oh, but I am in a way. Lucia is your sister, no? I'm Lucia's grandmother.
Alex: Lucia is my half-sister.
Carlota: Well, then I'm your half-grandmother. But that's a little strange, so I'm your whole grandmother.
Alex: I never had grandparents so it's cool to get a grandmother.
Carlota: Of course!

She hugs Alex. Carolina is so hating every second of this. Too bad, so sad.

Ivan's Office: Ivan and Camilo discuss the lands. Camilo is getting the paperwork in order and has named the place “Rancho Galvan.” Ivan informs him that his company will extend him credit. Camilo doesn't want to borrow money; he wants to take care of things himself. He explains that Antolin wants in, but he doesn't trust him because he's friendly with Saul. He doesn't want dirty money in his business. They talk briefly about the agricultural exhibition, Camilo's wish to raise tomatoes, and how things went with Ivan's confrontation with JJ. Finally, Camilo asks if Ivan has a job for the cemetery caretaker's son, who has four children to feed. He gives Ivan the guy's address and leaves.

Agricultural Office: JJ and Saul begin discussing their evil plans. They're going to start with the Medina property, but no details yet.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for tomorrow's Mujeres Asesinas about the sex slave who freed herself. And we thought that the citizens of Alamos had problems.

Casa Lomieli: Lucia leads Alex out as Carlota tries to talk to Carolina.

Carlota: You love the boy very much, don't you?
Carolina: Yes. My sister died when he was almost a baby. I love him very much.
Carlota: Yes, of course. You were like a mother to him. Excuse this question, but I'm an old busybody. Are you blind since birth?
Carolina: No; it was an accident. I was twelve years old. It was along with a skull fracture.
Carlota: Did you ever study?
Carolina: Yes, but my parents were of modest means and didn't have much money, but well, I'm used to it.

Outside: Lucia and Alex talk.

Lucia: The truth is your call worried me.
Alex: My father was saying some strange things. About you and...

Her cell phone rings. She checks the phone. It's Ivan, but she doesn't take his call. He calls Casa Curiel only to have the maid tell him that Lucia went out with Carlota.

Alex: They were saying that Ivan might kidnap me.
Lucia: Who said this?
Alex: My Aunt Carolina.
Lucia: Ivan is a good person. He would never hurt you.
Alex: My aunt said you were in love with him and would sooner or later tell him the truth. She was very angry. What truth were they talking about?
Lucia: I don't know. I will talk to them.
Alex: Everything's been good. We have a house by the sea. I want to see the sea. Dad promised me we'd go but he has a lot of work he needs to finish. But if Ivan wants to kidnap me...
Lucia: No, no, don't worry about that...

Gerry arrives.

Gerry: Holà, what's going on? They said you just got here. Are you feeling better?
Lucia: Yes, Dad. Much better,
Gerry (with a concerned expression): What is it, Alex?
Alex: No, nothing.
Lucia: Why don't you go back to the house and we'll come in a minute? (Alex obeys; Gerry sits on the bench) Papa, Ivan suspects. He is almost convinced that Alex is his son.
Gerry: But you knew what to say, didn't you?
Lucia: Papa, I know Carolina will be hurt and so will Alex [need help with this part] and knowing this is like a knife in my heart.
Gerry: Don't you think it will hurt Alex to know that I'm not his father?
Lucia: Of course I think about that. I've thought about it all. It's not good that he doesn't know. Last night he called me very upset because you and Carolina argued when she said Ivan would kidnap him. And neither do I want [need help here]
Gerry: No, no, of course not.
Lucia: Yesterday Ivan told me he wouldn't take him away. He doesn't want to hurt him. He only wants him to know. He has the right as the biological father. He didn't abandon him.
Gerry: But he believes I'm his father.
Lucia: You raised him. But Ivan wants to know that he's alright, happy, healthy,
Gerry: Alex is my life.. and Carolina's.
Lucia: I know, but I'm afraid she will try to turn Alex against Ivan.
Gerry: Carolina can't see. She only has Alex and me. She's been like a mother to him.
Lucia: And therefore you're still going to hide the truth from Ivan? [not sure about this one]

Casa McGuire: Carmen complains to Ivan about having to change routines and about having to care for the dog. Ivan lets her know that “In this house, the two most important people are my father and Bruno.” She complains that the dog comes in with muddy paws, messes up the furniture, and that Benito gives her hell about her issues. He tells Tony about this and Tony tells him that he doesn't trust people who don't like animals. She has to get over herself or leave.

[Sounds like a solution to me.]

Outside of Casa Lomieli: Lucia and Gerry continue talking.

Lucia: Papa, I love Ivan. I love him more than my life. Since I was a girl.
Gerry: Your sister loves him, too. And Alex is their child. Aren't you afraid that...
Lucia: No, I'm not afraid. Ivan loves me completely.
Gerry: You are a marvelous girl, but I'm worried that Ivan will leave you.
Lucia: He won't. I'm sure; I swear. That's why I don't want to go on deceiving him.
Gerry: Very well. Only you know that I have to convince Carolina.
Lucia: It's past the point we should have.
Gerry: Yes, but it isn't easy, Lucia. It's not easy.

Casa McGuire: Carmen spills dog food because she doesn't handle the bag properly. She continues to complain about Bruno. “It's me or the dog” and Benito told her where to go and she will find herself without a job. Neither he nor the cook will be sorry to see her go [and by now neither will we].

Lawyer's Office: Lucia and Carlota finish signing some docs and the lawyer tells them Ivan gave the land away, but won't say more.

Rancho Galvan: Shirtless Camilo does some digging. He puts his shirt back on at the sight of an approaching car. Lucrazia shows up to give him grief about the lack of water and how much work it will be to irrigate.. She also insults him when he makes an offer to help her in exchange for water. “I don't do business with pelados. If I wanted help I'd go to Juan Jaime Mondragon, who knows a lot more than you.” He doesn't rise to any of this, showing a lot more class than Lucrazia. He asks her to consider his offer to build canals that would serve both properties and obliges us by removing his shirt once again when Lucrazia drives off.

Commercial Break

Casa Curiel: Carlota and Lucia return and Carlota admonishes Lucia to rest. Carlota tells Gloria to bring both their dinners upstairs.

Casa McGuire: David tells Ivan that he saw Lucia at her father's house when he was passing by. Ivan's cell rings and it's Lucia, who tells him that she had accompanied Carlota to church. He asks if he can come to see her; she says yes. Carlota is getting uncomfortable with yet another lie.

Casa Lomieli: Carolina seriously needs to be locked up. Gerry looks like he's getting really tired of this.

Carolina (crying hysterically): You promised that Lucia would say nothing.
Gerry: Yes, but Ivan is suspicious. I have to make a decision. It's better to be upfront with him.
Carolina (clutching his lapels): No! Por favor, don't say anything, I beg you, don't say anything! [more of the same ad nauseum]
Gerry: Por favor, Carolina. Try to understand. Lucia feels very bad. She loves Ivan. She doesn't want to keep secrets from him knowing how desperate he is to find his son.
Carolina: I can't believe that you're more interested in Ivan and Lucia than Alex. I dedicated my life to taking care of him. I was like a mother to him. Did you never consider that?
Gerry: Of course I did. I'm grateful for everything you've done, I'm in debt to you.
Carolina: You would take away what I love most in life? It doesn't matter that it would break my heart?
Gerry: Por Dios, Carolina! Ivan doesn't want to take him away. He just wants to know that he's well, happy (etc) Lucia swore to it.
Carolina (now getting vicious): And you believe her? Of course he will take him away. We will never see him again. He'll take him to the United States away from us leaving us with our sadness. Is this what you want?
Gerry: Basta!

He stomps out of the room, leaving Carolina crying.

Casa Curiel: Ivan comes to see Lucia, who doesn't admit to having seen Alex in person.
They talk about inviting her and Carlota and Gerry having too much work to take Alex to the seashore. It wouldn't be good for him to be the only kid not to get a vacation. He suggests that they go there with friends and announce their engagement since it's been a while since he gave her the ring. Muchos besos. Sounds like he invited himself there. It also sounds like he wants to use the place for their first round of Hide the Chorizo and that he intends to take precautions. Muchos besos and Lucia is no shrinking violet.

Casa McGuire Tony and Ivan discuss Lucia's latest lie.

Ivan: She lied again. She keeps on lying.
Tony: It's her father, Ivan. At best I don't think she wants to lie to you. [?]
Ivan: It's about Alex.
Tony: [?]
Ivan: I don't like that she keeps telling me lies.
Tony: I don't think she wants to. Then what? You go to the shore with Lucia, Carlota, and the boy? What are you looking to do?
Ivan: To have a good time; I'm going to talk to Dona Carlota and Ingeniero Gerardo

Casa Curiel: Lucia worries about the vacation.

Carlota: Ay, hija; I don't know.
Lucia: What's wrong, Grandma?
Carlota: Nothing, but I doubt your father agreed. I'm afraid Ivan will tell Alex that he is his father.
Lucia: He's going to ask Carolina's permission.
Carlota: That's worse. She's been so stubborn about your father telling Ivan the truth.

Lucia's cell rings. It's Camilo asking after her health. There are two crows directly in his path facing him as he talks. Sadly he's wearing the plaid shirt. He asks to see her tomorrow; she seems to have no clue as to the real reason. She congratulates him on his windfall, saying that the property is in good hands. He initially didn't want to accept it, but now intends to make it productive.

Lucrazia returns with disparaging words about Camilo. She and Carlota disagree on his competence and on the deal Camilo proposed about the irrigation canals. Lucrazia would rather deal with JJ. Carlota reminds her that she is the owner of the property. Lucrazia is put out that Carlota is taking her authority away from her after all these years. Carlota tells her that a young capable man will be a good thing, but Lucrazia is determined to believe that Camilo will be just as dishonest as her past administrators have been.

Carlota: And you think Juan Jaime has never stolen from anyone? He has the most of everyone in this town and everybody is afraid to denounce him.
Lucrazia: He may have stolen from everyone else, but not from me. (She picks up her purse and exits. Carlota motions for Lucia to come closer. It's Family Secret Time).

Carlota: Because your mother and Juan Jaime were novios when they were young she still thinks he is frozen in ice [still the same]. Only the wolf can change his hair and turn vicious.
Lucia (looking a little amused): If they were so much in love why didn't they get married?

Carlota starts to say something but then says she doesn't know. Lucia isn't buying it, but isn't that eager to interrogate her. Lucrazia is obviously oblivious to JJ's real intentions.

Commercial Break starting with a promo for Telefutura's Infiltrados

Pool Hall: Camilo sees Antolin go in with El Gordo and Saul. They talk about starting their evil deeds that evening. Just the three of them, nobody else. Saul slides the envelope with the money across the table, checking to see that nobody's looking. Antolin grabs it before El Gordo can touch it. Apparently the Mondragon property will be affected so as to avert suspicion from them. Merry Piece calls Antolin to express fear about the extortionist; he tells her he took care of it. She invites him over and he begs off until the next day. [My gut is telling me he's not too eager to involve himself with her.] Saul wants to involve Camilo, but Antolin lets him know that his family is off limits.

Casa Lomieli: Carolina calls Alex in and sits on the couch.

Carolina: Sit down. Alex, a man, a bad man wants to hurt you.
Alex: Who, tia?
Carolina: Don't forget that your papa is your papa and I'm your aunt. And I love you more than my life. Si.

The poor boy looks confused and a little scared as Carolina hugs him.

Esa hembre es mala. As in sick. In absence of the truth she is – intentionally or otherwise – going to make this child believe that Ivan is a pedophile.

Closing credits with great shirtless shots of Camilo. He wasn't Mr Mexico for nothing.

Avances: It's war. Not just on the land front but between Ivan and Camilo over Lucia.


chueca crooked, dishonest
mando command
mañoso difficult
pelado foul-mouthed or low-class person


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