Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #150 Tue 6/11/13 Finally, a glimpse of a shirtless Salsa-Dude

Amores Verdaderos Cap 150—6-11-13—Finally, a glimpse of a shirtless Salsa-Dude

You can tell that my priorities are all screwed up. Or not. I admit that Salsa is my guilty pleasure.

And he doesn't look that bad! I had always assumed he had a Jorge Salinas body (my fave actor, but best seen with a shirt on) but I guess I was wrong!


Not listed in order; scenes are consolidated for my sanity. 

* We do a refrito of The Little Ape and Nikki all happy happy happy in his bed, talking about B.S. Pillow fight.

* Now that Carlos has been kindly given the heave-ho by Vikki, he apparently is deciding to explore the obvious chemistry he has with Adri. He tries to plant another smooch on her, but she's not going for it. She says that she just wants their relationship to be professional. She would feel wrong doing this to Vicki. (Why doesn't Carlos clear the air there? Maybe because it makes him look like he has the attention span of a hummingbird or something?) Anyway, Carlos plays the "you're a woman, I'm a man" card, but it doesn't work. Adri leaves. It doesn't look like Carlos is quite ready to give up, though.

Adri worries about her sister's feelings regarding Carlos. She needn't have bothered.

Carlos accepts this. For now . . .

* Beatriz and Salsa-Dude are alone at her place, happy happy happy once again. They talk about various things, including how Salsa-Dude has a genuine affection for Guillo now. (He admits that at first he was trying to make good with the kid to get in good with the mom. Which is pretty much standard procedure.) And, they talk about how now that Leo the Low is moldering in the ground, the boda is ON! He tells her he never took off the engagement ring. She shows him that she wore his ring around her neck on a necklace. She unstrings the ring and asks him to put it on her finger. He does so. Besos and hugs.

Happy happy happy, joy joy joy. Is that an anvil I see poised over Salsa-Dude's head?
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CI #22: Maricruz’s Life in the Big City Begins and the Fickle Finger of Fate After a Few False Starts Finally Gets It Right

Cap 22

Lo del Pasado:

Maricruz and Solita have left for Mexico City in order to escape the hopeless poverty and prejudice of her pueblo and possibly to find her daddy.  With both Octavio and Mari permanently out of the picture, Lucia has easily talked Miguel into pocketing the cash from Octavio’s money order rather than returning it.  Tav’ll never know because Luciafer (thanks, Cathyx!) has made Miguel agree to never mention a word of this to his brother.

Lo Del Nuevo:

Maricruz, still clinging to her Abuelo Ramiro’s box of ashes, and Solita arrive in the D.F.   Just outside the entrance to the bus terminal she gets a hint of the heat those cement city sidewalks can give off  and she finally succumbs to purchasing a couple pair of one-size fit all sandals for her and Solita.  (Whew!  That’s a load off Viewerville’s mind!)  They jump in the first cab available and head for police comandante’s comadre’s boarding house that he told her about.  Just so happens that this is the same boarding house that Eduardo found for Tav to stay in. (Duhn-duhn-duhnn!)  Tav has been checking on his mail and ducked out for a breath of fresh air.  He walks back inside just before Mari and Solita’s cabbie pulls up to the curb.  

Mari doesn’t know how to count change, she tells the cabbie, but that’s okay cuz the cabbie is as honest as the day is long.  He takes a choice bill out of the handful she’s given him and returns the rest.

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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 6/11/13 (#67): One Flew East, One Flew West...

...and one crash-landed in the cuckoo's nest and the cuckoo took a picture!
(Real mental illness is no laughing matter, but TV mental illness is another thing entirely.)

In Acapulco, an eager young photographer spots the famous Rogelio Rivadeneira with someone who isn't the equally famous Alma Montemayor. He discreetly snaps plenty of photos.

Rogue wants to talk about Paty's sticky fingers habit. She denies having a problem and teases him for seeming concerned, as if he really loves her. He insists that he is only trying to avoid getting involved in a scandal. Paty gets annoyed and silences him with kisses and groping. The unnoticed photographer gets lots of incriminating footage, while our dastardly duo is too busy smacking lips to hear the loud camera noises coming from behind a nearby shrub.

Back in Monterrey, Alma frets and stresses over a financial report she's supposed to send to Pancho, Pancho Lopez in Toluca. The numbers aren't balancing. She steps out of her office just in time to see Vero laying a heavy kiss on Chucho in front of all the secretarias.

In accordance with telenovela custom, Alma fails to notice that Chucho is barely tolerating the kiss. She demands to see him in her office right away. Too bad if Marta's waiting for him! She can wait longer!

Marta is actually not waiting for Chucho. She's having a heated debate with herself, or more likely her alter-ego, like sort of a Gollum/Smeagol thing, in the restroom mirror. She's telling herself she can't let that lil' chippie Maricela take away the man she loves. She can't make a fool of herself like she did with Isaac. She MADE Isaac use, abuse, or rape her (captions couldn't agree whether it was usar or abusar). But she LOVED him! No, she PROVOKED him! She MADE him do it! At any rate, she's got Elias now and she'd better not lose him to that little idiot.

Jessica enters the restroom and hears enough of this to be concerned. She asks Marta if she's feeling okay. "Couldn't be better," Marta replies. (Cuckoo!) She recognizes Jess as the singer from the New Year's Eve party, explains about the company's "program," and asks if Jess has time for her interview now. Jess agrees. As they exit the restroom, Marta seems to flick a nervous glance towards Jess. Jess looks very worried as she follows Marta out.
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Qué Bonito Amor #42 (Mex 62.2-63) Tuesday 6/11/13

Capitulo 64 & 65.1:  War is Declared

Emergency fill-in with bullet points (not necessarily in this order):

  • Jorge Alfredo wins the singing competition
  • Oscar grouses about having to have the DNA test
  • Jairo tells Oscar it's time he gave up on Maria
  • Derecho, Curtis, and their Mexican colleagues go to another restaurant to pig out [zzzzz]
  • Ana barges into Maria's dressing room with the pasted newspaper photo of Santos.  He tells Maria he wants to talk to her alone.  Ana doesn't leave until Maria asks her to.  Santos tells Maria he saw an old friend that evening.  He had been betrayed by friends in El Lay and because of that lost who he was, his very identity.   He doesn't go into the exact details and she doesn't ask him to.  He does tell her that this made him realize that his life in El Lay was empty and banal.  Now he may be a poor mariachi, but he is rich in her love and that is what matters.
  • Rodrigo worries about Gloria.  Jorge Alfredo tries to reassure him.
  • Jorge Alfredo confronts Ruben in his office, telling him that if it's war he wants, he'll get it.  [Even Jorge Alfredo isn't immune from foolish macho posturing]; Ruben is still determined to get the better of him
  • Mancia reads the cards for Amalia, saying that death is near Maria
  • Bruno drives back to El Lay, making the stupid mistake of calling Arnold
  • Giuliano tells himself that Bruno will sleep with the fishes
  • Rodrigo gives Paloma a bracelet and asks her to be his novia
  • Irasema and Susanito run into one of her old clients in the street; Susanito tells him to bug off
  • Jorge Alfredo buys an engagement ring, heart-shaped balloon, and a rose
  • Oscar gets the test results; Felicidades, es un varon!
  • Bruno and Wendy meet in El Lay; Bruno is shot
  • Jorge Alfredo is kidnapped and taken into the same black van that belongs to Roxana's husband.


Monday, June 10, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #41 (Mex 61-62.1) Monday 6/10/13

Capitulo 62.2-63: The Gauntlet Is Cast

JNTR: Maria demands to know what is in the envelope. Rubén tells his PI to wait. The Mexican police hang out, waiting.

JNTR Office: Don Concho is pleased at the idea of Oscar and Jorge Alfredo competing for the position of top dog. Fernando tells him he has to keep his word.

JNTR Club Room: Bruno arrives and is shown to a seat as Derecho and Curtis show up. The waiter takes their order before Bruno approaches their table [idiota].
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CI: Episode #21, Monday, June 10, 2013 – MC, Solita and their Monkey Leave “Ranch Hell” and Head for the Big City, But Not Before MC Promises Sweet Vengeance!!!!!

Corazon Indomable, Episode #21, Monday, June 10, 2013 –
MC, Solita and their Monkey Leave “Ranch Hell” and Head for the Big City, But Not Before MC Promises Sweet Vengeance!!!!!

(Note:  some scenes are combined)

Santa breaks the news to MC that grandpa has died.  MC sobs and asks if he died from sadness.  Maria and Santa explain that the shack caught fire and grandpa couldn’t get out.  MC asks where Solita is, if she died too.  Her friends tell her they didn’t find Solita among the burned ruins, but don’t know where she is, and she probably got scared and ran away.  MC says Solita would never have left grandpa alone to burn.  She begs to be let out so she can go look for her.    

Miguel tells Lucia that Ofelia mentioned the P.I. and he asks what he wanted; Lucia says the P.I. was hired by a rich client to search for a man named Ramiro and a young girl named Maria Alejandra Mendoza, that she thought of mentioning Don Ramiro and his death but felt it would be “in bad taste” – as if bad taste ever stopped Luciafer from doing anything.  Miguel asks if it could have anything to do with MC, but Lucia says no, nothing.

A trooper makes Maria, Santa and JA go away.  MC begs them not to leave, then yells that it’s all Lucia’s fault, that she is an evil woman.  She screams that she hates the whole world, all those who were evil towards her, and especially “Octavio, that one before anyone else.  He’s guilty too, and I would kill him before anyone else because I hate him.  I hate him with all my heart.”

Miguel tells Lucia that he already gave inspector Suarez the document they both signed dropping any charges against MC and also some money for MC, just as Lucia suggested……Later, Lucia says to herself that they will have to go over her dead body before she will accept any culpability.  (Any takers to do the honors???)  Then she remembers that she “always” heard that MC was the daughter of a rich man who abandoned the mother.  (Really, is that why she always called her basura?)  She wonders why the different name, but is glad that she misled the detective.

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Amores Verdaderos #149 Mon 6/10/13 seems there was a ' lovey dovey' serum special on CVS... three couples? must be a record!!

Here is a rough draft, will edit tomorrow when re-watch. sorry, my mom's AC is having trouble so will start the day at her place waiting for tech to come fix it.

Refrito: Carlos with his emotional and tearful ‘if you love something set it free…’ speech.
Roy and Lilli… Roy tells it to Lilli like it is, not my fault Guzmi don’t love you. But I will get you to love me.

Guzmi and Nikki : she wants them to go away together to be alone, he says wish I could but there are too many things going on. He wants to give her a more comfortable lifestyle. They also have to consider her family’s reaction. What will they say about you trading Roy P for a nobody like me. Nikki only cares about her love for him, can’t live without u. SMOOOOO ching…

Back to the ones ‘left stranded’ Roy and Lilli. He is so regretful of not having been brave enough to walk out of marrying Nikki. Lilli reminds him her dad has Roy on his ‘most wanted’ list for hurting her. Roy still wants a chance to prove his true feelings for her. She still pushes away. He wants her to admit she has no chance in heck with Frankie. She will try to forget Frankie but will focus all her energy in work. No time for a loser like u. He begs on his knees, to no avail. (a Romeo and Juliet scene gone all wrong, I would say)

JA is surveying the surroundings, reporting on radio ‘Its 10 pm and all is weeeell!!!! … well, spoke a bit soon, Roy Toy is coming out and JA spots him, takes him as his physical defense practice bag…

At hospital, little Briss princess II is born… there were no complications in birth. Dances congratulates Nil-Brains-Guts. Nil-Brains is worried KenDrat will use this baby to pressure him some more.

Back to Big Gorila and little RoyToy. RoyToy tries to get big Gorilla to understand his marriage was a fluke and he truly loves Little flower girl. It will be different now. Want to prove to all of you I truly love Lilli. Will do it with or without your permission. JA lets him go. JA thinks…( maybe was a bit hard on the young punchbag ?... have to replay this minute to make sure).

JA goes to little greenhouse to confront Lilli. Lilli could care less if Roy divorces. Don’t want any part of him. Love was not made for me. She slips about the greenhouse Anyballs bought for her. JA thinks it is way too much, was a stretch the classes she took paid by Anyballs, the greenhouse is too much. Neither any gifts from Ms Vicky.

Back to the lovebirds on living room floor… a bit of lovey dovey talk… exchange promises, he wants to give her luxury, she says had luxury all my life but was not happy. All I need to be happy is your love. And have that already. Lovely embrace.
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PEAM #66, 06/10/13 - The Office Goes Into Counseling Mode

Chatita and Xochi(calco) discuss why Chatita is in the offices of Avon, finally she remembers that she came to see Alma.  Maricela and Marta spar through the entire professional interview, neither with the corner on professionalism or maturity.  Maricela stops out into the office and tells Susana how annoyingly that Elias grabbing psychologist is getting under her skin.  Susana is a bit worried that she was so brash in an employee interview (Marta is the one making notes on behavior by the way).

Elias is furious when he reads the demands in the divorce papers.

Alma wants to know why Chatita is there, does she need money, a loan. Noooooo, says Chatita but how lovely of you to ask.

Next interview is victim Xochi.  Marta wants to know what else Xochi wants from her job, to progress? Yes but Xochi admits that her block is probably her own personality.  In a parallel universe Julio is carrying on about how wonderful Xochi's personality is, her best quality.  The sillies tease him thoroughly, but good naturedly.

Chatita now interviews Alma it would seem.  Alma confesses that everything is spinning out of control.  Chatita tells Alma she may not be in love it might must be habit (costumbre).  Alma maintains that when one feel confusion it is necessary to act decisively so the confusion will disappear. Alma begins to talk about what if she cancelled her marriage to Rogelio and decided to marry Jesus, (no one but Chatita can bring the truth out of people with such clarity) everything would be more of a mess.  Chatita says it's like one dog with two tortas  (?? Pablo help, I didn't catch this phrase but it was a Chatita special).(!!Thanks to Audrey, see her comment to get the story of a dog with two tortas)
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Sunday, June 09, 2013

Amores Verdaderos EXTRA – El Clamor Publico No. 2 – 6/9/13

El Clamor Publico

This 2d issue of El Clamor Publico© features a new column, Patio Chatter: (An occasional piece discussing recent activities in and around the Balvanera family).  In lieu of People on the Patio, we are re-running NovelaMaven’s Feb. 20, 2013, Advice Column for Characters Experiencing Cognitive Dissonance in their Roles. The Collected Wisdom of Diana does not appear in this issue.  Ed. Note: Most portions of the contents have appeared in other publications.
Bodyguards of Wealthy Balvanera Family Decisively Avert Fatal Crime of Passion in Secluded Family Compound in Cuernavaca, Claim it Was All in a Day’s Work
MetaImagen—In Search of Svelt Nubile Young Thing to Replace Ultrabelle Model, Who Got Herself Dead (Must Look Good in Green)
Former Model Kendra Ferretti Is Set To Give Birth To World’s First Beach Ball; She Claims It Hurts
Nelson Brizz, Husband of Heir to The Balvanera Fortune, Is Expected to Become a Father for Second Time With Former Model, Not His Wife (see above headline); Becomes Nostalgic About First Family
Nikki Brizz Will Not Accept Ma’s Affair With Bodyguard Because of His Daughter
Liliana Arriaga Will Probably Not Accept Da’s Affair With Wealthy Matron Because He Should Be Faithful Forever to Her Deceased Saintly Mother (Who Isn’t Her Mother, It Has Been Alleged)
JM Returns To Patio; Balzac (Hehe) Is Up In Arms (And Likes It There)
Gift of Nursery Rejected—Not the Kind of Nursery Lili Wanted, She States

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Saturday, June 08, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #148 Fri 6/7/13 Disney Lili is Gone, Meet The New Embittered Version; Vikki and Anyballs Have a Showdown; Nikki and Frankie Have An Intimate Dinner ; )

Hola, Patio Peeps! This recap will not be in order as usual I have combined some scenes to make the recap more fluid.

Guzmancito, Vikki and Angel
They are still at Pau's talking and Angel informs Guzmancito that he and Vikki are engaged and as soon as Vikki gets divorced they are marrying. Ay Carumba! Guzmancito is happy for them. Now Guzmancito wants to know if Lili and Nikki know about this? Nikki knows but Angel has to find the proper moment to break the news to Lili. Adri even volunteered to talk to Lili. Later, outside of Pau's apartemento Ms Vikki asks if he has given any thought to what the Angel will tell Lili? He thinks it will be hard for Lili to accept this relationship and he is afraid what happened with Frankie and Pau will happen to him and Lili, in other words, no speaking or seeing each other for years!

Meanwhile At Meta Imagen:
FF is still telling Anyballs that Vikki is the amante of the Angel, which begs the question why can't Angel be the lover of Vikki, Hmmm..... anyhoo, FF claims he has a witness in Salsa Dude. He saw it all!!! Ms Vikki isn't the saint she pretends to be. Anyballs doesn't beleive him. FF wants Anyballs to ask Ms Vikki himself, see what she says about that bodyguard!

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Porque al Amor Manda #65: How Many Love Triangles Does It Take to Make a Big Fat Mess?

Vivian, the most bumptious divorce lawyer in Mexico, visits Vero at home. After Viv nearly chokes to death on some kind of canary grass juice, semi-enlightened Vero sends Minerva to make real coffee and they get down to business. Vero says she wants a divorce, she wants Eli out of the house, and she wants to legally establish Jesus as Valentina's biological father. Viv tells her that these are three different things, and they need to take them in order: PRIMERO, EL DIVORCIO! I swear if she had castanets she'd be snapping them. That girl really, really enjoys her work.

Back at Avon, Alma needs to ask Jesus a very important question, you know, just as friends: why did he kiss Vero? Oh never mind, it's none of my business. Forget it. You're asking me to forget an awful lot of things these days, Jesus replies, giving her Facial Expression #5: Stern and Significant. Where is that look when random chicks are kissing on him? He has all the software, but there seems to be an upload problem.Read more »


Qué Bonito Amor #40 (Mex 59.2-60) Friday 6/7/13 The Jig Is Up

capítulo 59-60 partial 

Bruno jumps into a cab and somehow manages to lose the police.

Regino tells his gun apes he wants Fernando, aka Mil Amores, dead.

Roxana and Fernando escape in disguises—well, Mil Amores is disguised.  Roxy has put on the telltale scarf and ginormous “Notice Me!!” movie star glasses.  They discuss moving in together and marriage.  Mil says whoa there, Nellie!  Let’s just move in together first and see how well we settle in.  

Amalia delivers her bad news regarding JAntos to the other blue-haired bon-bons del barrio.  They find it hard to believe that JAntos could be such a rapscallion.  It worries Amalia so much that she’s having “mysterious” heart palpitations and pains shooting down her arm.  She asks the old gals to stay mum about it to avoid her daughters worrying about it. 

Bruno is hold-yer-nose impactada once he gets a load of the squalid colonia and the conditions his one-time BFF now lives in.  And, he is shocked, shocked, shocked to find out that Santos has been forced to earn his living as a fifth-rate mariachi and to live in a stinking barrio in an efficiency that doesn’t even have its own bathroom.  Thanks to Bruno’s treachery this is what his life has become.  Why does he stay here asks the squinty-eyed,  scrunch-nosed,  ass-cotted Bronzo?  Because of his girlfriend.  She’s his guardian angel.  
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Corazón Indomable Fri. June 7 Don Ramiro Se Murió

A wailing siren announces the arrival to the rural jail of a dangerous criminal shackled in the bed of a police pickup truck closely guarded by three heavily armed officers sporting Tevlar vests. It's... Maricruz?

Yes, she's been arrested on trumped up charges of the theft of a very valuable necklace. The police chief scolds her as she is helped to the ground, "You are a disgrace to your grandfather don Ramiro who has always been an honorable man."  He does not buy for a single moment her ridiculous story that it was a gift from doña Lucía who had compelled Maricruz to retrieve it from a mud puddle. (Well, when you put it that way, it does sound a bit far-fetched.) He orders the strapping young policemen (no pretty police women?) to escort her inside the fragile looking mint green police shed.

Meanwhile, it looks like Octavio has made a few bucks and is sending a money order along with a note for Miguel to get things started on Maricruz's little house he promised. He writes.

Maricruz is peering out through the back bars of her cell. (Hey, at least she got a room with a view.) In black and white (so we'll know this has already happened) Maricruz recalls the events leading up to her incarceration. That "I was screwed" look of realization creeps across her face as she slowly sinks to floor of her cell and cries out to no one in particular, "I didn't steal nothin'!"
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Weekend Discussion: The Cost of Novela Living

We often hear money being talked about and wonder what things really cost in Mexico for the characters we love, hate, and debate about.  Lo and behold, a website called Nubeo provides this information.  Another one called World Salaries gives average salaries in a number of countries, although it doesn't provide as full a list for Mexico as for the US.

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Friday, June 07, 2013

TELEMUNDO Y MAS -- Week of June 10, 2013

Have a great week!

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Amores Verdaderos #147 Thu 6/6/13 The Snails are Silenced, but Collars have Spoken

UltraBelle Photo Shoot:  While Nelson grips her hand, the doctor listens to Nabila’s slowing heart beats.  Finally, the doctor removes the stethoscope.  She's gone, he says.  I’ve done all that I could do except for performing chest compressions, maybe giving her CPR, perhaps giving her an allergy shot or checking her throat for obvious obstructions.  Other than that, I’ve done everything that I possibly could do. OK, maybe I could have called a doctor that cared, but other than that, I did most of what I could have done.  Nelson is stunned.  Well, at least she died looking fabulous in a Valentino gown. 

Greenhouse:  Anibal has brought Candy and Lilly to visit a greenhouse approximately the size of an airplane hangar.  Sour Candy looks very bitter.  She doesn’t mind if Lilly works there, but she doesn’t agree that she should accept such an extravagant gift.  Lilly agrees with her grandmother and tells Anibal that she can’t take it.  Arriaga wouldn’t understand, she says.   
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Qué Bonito Amor #39 (Mex 58-59.1) Thursday 6/6/13 Que Bonita Protectora es La Virgen

The cops recognize the mariachis from their previous trip to the bar.  They're celebrating the birthday of their lady cop, so Colosso dances with her as they sing Las Mañanitas.  JA seems grumpy and doesn't join in.  Fernando shoves him out the door while they're all distracted, then insists on reciting some poetry for the lady cop before they share her birthday cake.  He simultaneously keeps some of the other cops from looking in the direction of JA…who didn't take off as Fernando suggested.  He swipes JA's "Wanted" flyer from a cop's desk and uses his wiles to keep the party going.

They were apparently released, as Fernando and JA are back at Fernando's place.  JA is pouty, saying he's going to get busted eventually.  JA fills Fernando in on what Bruno told him.  Fernando thinks it's crappy of Bruno to have come all that way just to tell JA to his face what they'd done to him.

Elvira shows up at Colosso's for a booty call.  Oh, no, wait, she wants him to convince Maria to go back to work at the bar.  She doesn't want to have to keep pulling waitress duty.  "I wasn't born to serve!  I was born to be served!"  Hey, no prob, says Colosso, just get down on your knees and beg her forgiveness.  Oh, that's so no going to happen!  Colosso says she looks great in her waitress uniform…and asks her to bring him a tequila.  He gets slapped for it.
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Corazon Indomable #19 6-6-13 “Smiling faces sometimes pretend to be your friend . . . Smiling faces show no traces of the evil that lurks within . . . Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes . . . They don’t tell the truth”

            We have flashbacks of the three last scenes of the previous night:  Areceli and Teobaldo outside his home; Octavio, Eduardo and two flight attendants flirting in the café; Luciafer (thanks, Cathyx) tempting Maricruz on the edge of the cactus field. 
            Anyone hoping for a Don Alejandro scene is doomed to disappointment—he’s a no show this episode. (Remember, he does need to get some rest.) Our action is mostly centered on MariCruz and her idol, Octavio.  She’s the victim of an elaborate scheme by Luciafer to eliminate the “basura” from their lives.  Octavio is the victim of his MC memories, assuming that she is protected by his kin while he’s the only one suffering. (He couldn’t be more wrong and he deserves to suffer.) 
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Thursday, June 06, 2013

PEAM #64, 06/06/13 – A Kiss is Just a Kiss, A Sigh is Just a Sigh? Really? I Don’t Think So!

Good evening, I am filling in for Tablet Jefa who is off on a secret mission (not really, I am just creating a little drama in my life of entertainment for two bored poodles and forest fire vigilance) so I am here to post a recap:

Elias tells Maricela that the rich bitch is indeed one of the richest of the country.  Maricela rightly is not impressed with the woman's rudeness and lack of class.

Pati continues her broken heart drama in front of Alma and Rogue but asks Rogue to walk her down to her car to protect her.  They fight in the hallway and after she slaps him he pulls his fist back to everyone's shock but his usual lack of control slips and he stops just in time. She can't believe he is going through with the wedding to her best friend when she knows he loves her.  We know it too.

Baby Valentina plays right into Vero's fantasy as she tells papa Jesús that the princess in the fable they are constructing together is named Veronica. Vero gives us a rare ear to ear smile behind the door.

Cardenas and Ricardo talk about the end of year party and how he should use the opportunity to negotiate for his positon.

Elias tells Maricela that his latest complication is that Valentina's therapist is fatally attracted, I mean hopelessly in love with him. Maricela understands how he is such a bon-bon and uses the moment to get into a passionate kiss with him but it is interrupted by our omnipresent Chatita.
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Corazon Indomable #18 From Rags to Maxi dresses

You’ll have to excuse me today, I am nursing the biggest hangover from the ‘Basura’ game yesterday. I stopped counting after 20. I’m not sure if I’m sober yet, and I have a pounding headache. Also, no cc’s this time, my recorder didn’t record. Stoopid recorder. So help me out in the comments for what I missed or got wrong. I’ll try to correct it later.

Lucia is showing MC a pile of jewelry. MC is rightfully suspicious, but Lucy promises not to snatch away that football from Charlie Brown. This time she means it. She feels bad that Octavio left her, and she wants to help. Really. She will send the jewelry to the kitchen where MC can get it. Lucia continues to talk to Ester about the plans to get rid of MC once and for all, get her to trust her before she pulls that football away for the final time, and oh no, here we go again. Another basura. Salud! I’m going to need some serious intervention when this TN is over. So Charlie Brown goes into the kitchen once again naívely believing Lucy will hold the ball until Charlie’s foot makes contact. MC gets the bags and starts to look through them. Santa is watching and worries enough for the two of them. Santa doesn’t trust Lucy. She’s seen Lucy snatch that ball away every single time Charlie tries to kick it. But Charlie is certain this time will be different. (I hope everyone gets the Charlie Brown/Lucy analogy, because this makes perfect sense to me in my major hangover head.)

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