Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Mi Corazon Es Tuyo #72, 28 Oct 2014... Sibling Wars VIII Return of Don Hielo!! ... Ximena flips again... Isa doesn't need to feed guilt trip/thorn on Ana.. Ana is feeding it all by herself.


Fanny tells Marga and Reina need proof to go against Reeky.

Fernando and Tomas… regret the decision of marrying Isa.

Repeat of confrontation Isa and Ana in hallway. (I want that laundry basket!) ow ow ow!!!

(is it me or is there way more than average yelling in this house considering there are 3 kids under 10? Then again there is a whole crowd there, isn’t there?)

Kids eavesdrop:

Isa : what if I lose the baby?

YoM: Ay cancela! Cancela! Like Ana says

Isa: shut up! What is going on?

YoM: you see and don’t see!

Isa: What are you talking about?

YoM: what the Doctor said!

Isa: what, mom!!

YoM: that issue that vello cariaco could harm your son!

Isa: Vello Carionico, mom.

YoM: and all because of your curiosity! Remember curiosity killed the cat, and in this case, the baby too.

Isa: shut up, Mom. And for whatever you care about the most (por lo que mas quieras), don’t tell anyone about this.

Manu, Bruno and Ana in kitchen. Ana tells them the story of the confrontation with Isa.

Lo Nuevo:

Johnny and another one of his not-so-funny comic relief 30 second skid recording… (he has the Cantinflas style little tiny mustache lines)

Doctor warns Isa that the paternity test… (Ana is approaching in the halway and is about to eavesdrop on the punchline but the twins come and scare a yell out of them. YoMama notices and Ana has to go away. Ana and the twins talk about her lecturing them about eavesdropping on other’s chats.

Isa tries to convince Doctor to lie to Fernando… Isa and YoMama say it’s a little white lie (mentirita piadosa) … Doctor not so easy to convince. Isa did get anxious… YoMama tells Doc that is normal for Isa. Isa tries to convince Doc to tell Fernando that her delicate condition and the baby’s life threat is due to her confrontation with Ana.

Fernando arrives home. Ana tells him the story of what happened. Ana even gets excited with her story. Fernando has to lift his hands up to stop her swing… ok, ok..i get it. Fernando asks Ana why look for trouble with Isa. Ana says she only defended herself. She is human after all, and ‘that woman who stole my guitar and my love…’ (Fernando catches her mid sentence but she won’t repeat what Isa ‘stole’ from her…) Fernando and Ana go upstairs. Just then YoMama tries to give Fernando the other side of the story from HER view. YoMama sends Ana to get Bruno to go on a drug store errand for Isa’s meds. Fernando asks YoMama how is Isa… ‘bad (or actually it would translate to delicate)… very delicate’.

Bruno hears from Manuela that she is afraid he is ‘desahuciado’ (has a terminal illness and little time to live)

Diego arrives at the store where the guitar was bought. Diego tells the owner the story. We’re in luck, the guy has had the store himself for the last 50 yrs.

Ana tells Bruno about the errand… Isa is delicate.

At Televisa, Johnny finally got paid and is jumping for joy. He even kisses Silvia Pinal’s picture on the wall. Meanwhile Edna arrives to see Ino-Doroteo to ask for a job… Ino-Doro examines the merchandise.

Fanny goes to Reeky’s office to rant at him for destroying Margarita’s stand at the school. Reeky plays innocent… then repeats to her Leon is insignificant, just another employee. Then he offers to write her a check for Leon and his mom… how much is that stand worth? ‘what do you care? … Leon won’t accept your money!’ Reeky rants that he already lost her job ‘for your sake!’ Fanny warns him that if he messes with Leon again he will have to deal with her. She leaves. We hear ‘I like you more when you get angry’ from Reeky, with a wicked smile.

Doctor tells Fernando Isa is very delicate, but stable. Gives Fernando the prescription of the meds to take. Fernando asks what caused the crisis… Stress and anger. She mentions she had a strong argument a while back. It is very important she is calm, with no alterating circumstances and with no anger episodes.
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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #51 10/27/14 Damage Control

It's almost Halloween! I wanted to share this website with some incredibly carved pumpkins and other vegetables. This is an acorn squash:

You can see the rest here: http://tinyurl.com/mvkvpn2
On to the Recap!
Alexa and Armie leave Alexa's movie star paraphernalia in a pile. She watches sadly as others pick it up.
At the factory Chava stops Araceli from talking to Sofia. He'd prefer to talk to Sofia first to see if she's still upset. Araceli claims that Sofia is jealous of her. Chava doesn't believe that Sofia has any reason to be jealous. Araceli says, "Just wait, I'll prove it."
Greta talks to Fausto about Dani, who is her only daughter that wasn't corrupted by Octavio's influence. Nice way to talk about your dead husband, lady. Fausto thinks that Greta encouraged Dani's free spirit by encouraging her to follow her heart. Fausto, are you sure you're talking about the Greta we know? Greta the prison warden?
Lucas visits Dani's office and says that if she has to fire someone, it should be him and not Marisol. Dani says she isn't going to fire anyone. Mainly because that's not her area. Well nevertheless, Lucas tells Dani that they can't be together. I predict he'll be back again in about an hour to tell her the same thing.
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La Malquerida, capitulo 46. 10/27/14

Skipping the old.........

Acacia, who has never been taught to knock on a door before barging in, barges in on a bare chested Esteban. Flustered she apologizes for her intrusion. She assumed he was in the study. Esteban nonchalantly puts on a shirt while Cris freshens up her face and forgets to get onto her daughter for barging in. Esteban leaves and Acacia apologizes to her mother for coming in without knocking. Cris just laughs it off and says at least he wasn't naked. Acacia tells Cris she feels bad about spilling all of Ale's business and not hers. She confesses that she did the horizontal mambo with Ulises.

Ale thanks Rosa for feeding her while being fawned over. Arturo enters and everyone gets excited as Rubio gives him a WTH look. Rosa calls Arturo “joven” but is quickly reminded to call him by his christian name. He asks the group how German is fairing. With puzzled looks all around, he tells them that German aka big sexy was mugged and almost killed.

Acacia begs her mom not to get mad. (then you shouldn't have opened your mouth) She had the urge to tell her and ask her opinion. Cris calmly asks her how she feels and if she's okay. (What!? Who acts this calmly?) Acacia says it was wonderful and sweet. Cris understands but thinks she's too young. (duh) She appreciates her honesty but it's difficult to digest. Acacia thinks perhaps she shouldn't have told her (you think!?) but Cris says this is what a a mother/daughter relationship is about. Sharing and talking about everything. She now realizes that Acacia is a woman and asks if they were responsible. Acacia assures her that she and Ulises took precautions. Cris wants to make an appointment with the gyno to check her out when suddenly there’s a knock on the door and it's Ale. She at least knows how to knock on the door if not to wait for a “Come in!” response. She drops the bomb that German aka big sexy was mugged last night and hit on the knocker. Acacia wants to call Manuel right away but Cris tells the girls to calm down and she will make the call.
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La Gata #41 Mon 10/27/14, Esmeralda and Pablo are over,again

Recap is up!

Ok from memory here it goes!

  • Esmeralda and Pablo are still arguing about Fernando's revenge, Pablo wants her to make Fernando stop, but Esmeralda tells him she has tried  but she's had zero luck, she also tells him that his family hurt Fernando- a lot, and that she understands why he is so hell bent on revenge, Pablo takes this to mean that she is okay with Fernando attacking his poor family.
  • Esmeralda reminds him of the promise they made to love each other and not to allow anyone to tear them apart, Pablo says sometimes keeping promises is hard, and Esmeralda replies by telling him that only cowards don't keep their word.
  • This quickly goes from bad to worse when Monica enters the picture and tells Esme that if Pablo gives her another chance she'll make a play for his affections. Seriously?! HE LEFT YOU AT THE
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Monday, October 27, 2014

Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 10/27/14 #71

Capitulo 71: The Road to Hades Is Not Paved With Good Intentions

Lascuráin Mansion: Isabitch just finished telling Fernando that she only needed two days max to pack up when Ana approached the library demanding to know what happened to her guitar.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE — week of October 27, 2014: Señora Acero, Los Miserables, etc.

While Deb is doing an amazing job on Señora Acero, I’m sure she’d welcome a little help, guys!

J desde NYC has continued excellent Friday recaps of Los Miserables.  

Thanks to everyone who has been commenting or writing occasional recaps on either show.  The community appreciates you! (This may be another tricky week for me, but I’ll try to pitch in as much as I can.)

P.S.  Just a reminder — we don’t discuss previews here.  We only talk about what has actually happened in the episodes aired on American television.  You may, of course, spin Crackpot Theories™ to your heart’s content.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- PAGE ONE: La Reina de Corazones - Week of October 27, 2014

So many questions for Reinamaniacs this week --

Reina and Navier are in Madrid — have they finally escaped from the Victorian Era for good?  Will they have a chance to live their love?

Will Navier realize that Clara is a dragona?

Will he find out who is trying to kill Reina?

Did FELS-PELS-GELS get to Asunción in time to save her?

Will FELS-PELS-GELS realize that Estefanía is BSC*?  And if so, what will he do about it?
[BSC = Bat Sh*t Crazy] 

Will Esmeeth be able to forgive FELS-PELS-GELS when she finds out all his dirty tricks?

Will Grandma Paz remember where Greta has hidden the damning evidence against Victor?  

Will Greta  ever wake up?  

Will Connie ever shut up?  

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Quiero Amarte Highlights & Discussion (Weeks 5 & 6 - Oct. 20 & 27)

Things have gotten complicated, no?
Horacio is a total slimebag, Amaya admits she's between a rock and a brick wall, Valeria needs to have her hair tamed, Lucrecia needs to shut up, Jorge is the only sane one in the bunch right now, Flavia needs to tame down her lipstick and quit trying to come on to Salvador (Yummy) Romero, Mauro and Juliana are better off staying in Italy, Cipriano is the ugliest kind of macho man on earth, Mariana hasn't lost her spunk, Ivan is smitten, Cesar is despicable, Max is so handsome, but he really needs to shave.
Amaya has an honest friend in Carolina.
Constanza is holding the reins tightly on Max right now.

Anita is back and having to play catch-up. No lengthy recaps, promise, just the highlights. Will start working on last week right away and add to this blog as I go along.


Sunday, October 26, 2014

La Malqueria, capitulo 45. 10/24/14.

Cris tells Esteban how happy she is that he would be there for Acacia if anything were to happen to her. He tells her that Acacia doesn't see him as a father figure.

Acacia and Ulises cuddle by the river. He says wants to be together forever. She's worried what will happen to them once she goes to university. His project is nearing completion and once that happens he will look for work in San Jaciento to be near her. He promises to never leave her alone.

Esteban repeats that Acacia told him she will never see him as a father. If she sees anyone it's Juan Carlos. But hard headed Cris isn't listening. She thinks Juan Carlos is much to old for Acacia to see as a father figure whereas he is closer in age to her. You both get along so well. Esteban doesn't want to talk about it anymore. Nothing is going to happen to her. She's just upset because of the death of Ale's mother. Cris agrees and hopes that they will continue to love each other this way until the end. Esteban changes the subject and says it's time to work.

Perla brings Julietta her lunch. Julietta begs to be released and then notices Perla looking nervous. Danilo walks in and Perla falls to her knees begging him to forgive her. She only did what she thought right. He doesn't listen and throws her on the ground. Julietta cries as Danilo beats Perla with his walking stick.

Acacia gives herself to Ulises.
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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #50 10/24/14

Hola everyone! We had lots of wind and rain last night and my TV reception was terrible. I only got to see a few minutes of the show before we lost it completely. This will be a bare bones recap of what I was able to see. I will try to fill in later after I get a chance to go online and watch what I missed.

Manjarres offers Lucas a chance to work with him again to make lots of money. He claims it's legit, but Lucas ain't biting.

Dani cries over Lucas yet again.

Paco and Araceli fight over the lawsuit. He doesn't understand why she would sue the Ripolls without his say-so. She doesn't understand why he is defending Sofia Ripoll and attacking his own daughter. Araceli says she just talked to Sofia. No lawsuit hasn't been filed. But... he might want to give it some thought.
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Mi Corazón Es Tuyo: Let The Walls Come Tumblin' Down!!


Isabela runs into Ana coming back from her chat with Johnny in el naco de “Taco Town”.   She threatens Ana that she won’t be leaving the way free with Don Fernando.  She’ll discover her weak spot and crush her.  (Warning bells.  “Danger Will Robinson!  Danger!)

On the other side of Naco de Taco Town, Reina prevents Fanny from entering Leon’s apartment complex.  She and Fanny are gonna have a little convo first.  The talk consists of complaining to Fanny she’s just slumming with Leon and then pulling a guilt trip because Daddy doesn’t pay his employees more than minimum wage, which Reina gripes, essentially gives them less than what it costs for one of her lattes—the bite …plight of the barrio.  (Take it up with your union bosses, babe.)

Bela sulks over to Enrique’s to whine about Ferd’s asking her for a divorce.  She’s soooooo filled with rage.   El Quicky de Ricky advises her to cool her jets and divorce amiably.  Bela tries getting the real reason for Reeky’s need for vengeance against Los Lascurain.  However, he manages to avoid it and changes the subject back to strategy.   Isabraya claims that before she moves out she will get Ana where it hurts her the most!

Fanny’s #2 Friend apparently is riding home via public transportation.  She talks to herself about having the hots for Nandito.  Move over Ximena.  Apparently,  she’s from a middle class barrio and tires of its poverty as well.  (Cry me a river…..)

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La Gata #40- Friday 10/24 In which the Martinez Negretes crash their own “party”

(Hi, all.  Lila here subbing.  Please feel free to fill in any blanks or correct/add dialogue I missed or messed up.  My respect for all recappers goes up each time I attempt this.  What troopers you all are.  I don’t have the snark and snap of some but I hope you can figure out what happened!)

We are back at the joyless gala to announce the engagement of Pablo and Esmerlda and Pablo’s refusal to rescue Esme from the cruel barbs hurled down from the ornate wrought-iron catwalk.  The invited guests murmur in shock as Augustine addresses the press, waves in Esme’s direction and lifts his glass in a mock toast to her.   Esme stands and tells Fer it’s no use, they will never accept her.  Fer hisses to Esme that the MN’s have signed their death sentence.  Pablo finally appears with his Mom taking up the rear.

“Why?”  Pablo asks, “because my parents have shown at the last minute that they are not afraid of you?”  “No, “Fer fires back, because they’re dirty rats.”  Pablo demands that Fer respects his Parents.  Esme tries to head off an argument and in the first show of “courage” during this whole fiasco he puts his hands on his hips and challenges Esme:  “What?  You know about this humiliation he has planned for my family?”  “As aware as you were of what they did to me, kidnapping me and sending compromising photos so you would think the worst of me!”  “But I didn’t believe them.  I believe in you.”  Esme and Fer attempt to leave, Pablo asks her to stay.  The hate and rancor is stronger than the both of them she says.  Above everything else, Pablo declares, I love you.  And I love you Esme answers, but it’s clear love isn’t enough.  The reporters want to know if the engagement is still on.  Esme hesitates and Pablo asks her to answer the question before she goes.  She stares at him.  Fer throws the ball back into Pablo’s court:  do you really want to marry Esmerelda, the Mother of your children?  We await your response.  Fernando actually thanks the Lorenza for the party as he, Esme and Blanca take their leave.

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Friday, October 24, 2014

Blogger/Recapper Update: A Message from Madelaine!

All, Madelaine sent this lovely message today.

Hello, Y'aLL

Yes, it is I the returning reader of Caray. Remarkably they did have UNI in the hospital so I could keep up at least.

It's funny in a way. When I first got sick they thought I had pneumonia. Then they got an x-ray at my doctor's office and sent me to the ER. That's where they found the tumor. It has not spread except for my brain, go figure, but the very front. I am not getting chemo, it is Radio Therapy. It's radiation, but chemo is a last resort. In order for me to get lung function back, they inserted a chest pipe. I called it the crack pipe, cause I swear they cracked a rib going in. But this cancer has not spread anywhere else, not my other lung, and it is shrinking from the radio therapy. No nausea, I can eat. Little unsteady on my feet of course, I've been in the hospital for almost two weeks and got out last night.  I will now be treated as an outpatient. I am just very happy to be home. They are treating the brain and lung at the same time.

As I do to you, I drove those nurses crazy with earworms and Texisms. The therapy people especially and my nurses couldn't get over the 'tude, how funny I am when I'm sick. The hostpial has a Padre, not Spanish speaking, that would come see me. We prayed together every day and he couldn't believe my faith either. Laughter is the best medicine eva! But I want to say I am remarkably blessed by Mr. Mads and my daughter Mia. And doubly blessed by this wonderful Caray Family. Thanks so very much for all the cards that were sent and the wonderful emails. Please continue to pray, as I think this was part of me getting so well so quickly. I'll be commenting again, and recapping too, I have not given up. I want to be a little steadier first. I send you very, very many wonderful hugs and thanks for all you have done.



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La Gata #39- Thu 10/23 - La Farsa

Chácharas makes Rita an offer of dinner and she accepts.

Omar busts up some Virginia-Carlos smoochies so Virginia can get back to the house before she gets in trouble.  He reminds her of her mother's threat to send her to an institution.  Carlos has had enough of her mom and says if Lorenza's threatening her, then he'll have to kidnap her so Lorenza can't send her away.  You go, Carlos!

Fela seems to be doing better.  She's had a bath and is sporting identical wavy locks to Esme.  She happily announces to Esme that she's finally found her family, because not only is Fernando her husband, but…tan, tan, taaaaaaaaan…Esme is her daughter.   Esme gives her the patented "Ay, Fela!" look and says that's not possible because her mother is dead, but she's sure Fernando and Fela will find their daughter again.  Esme leaves.  Fernando comes in to wish his Blanca a good night and marvel over having found her.  His kiss wakes her up and she freaks out a little and thinks he's a dream.  She seems to recognize him this time as "her" Fernando and tells him she thought she'd never see him again and she loves him.  Blanca cries that she never wants to leave him again, but she feels like she's slowly disappearing.  Fernando tells her they need to present themselves to Esme as her parents and then they'll be able to be a family.

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #49 20141023 I was Wrong, the Galan is not Gay!

Ripoll-Patrick tells Silvana that he got in a fight because he was defending Renzi’s girlfriend from some lecherous dude.  He removes the recipe book from his safe and forwards pictures of the pages to Renzi.  Renzi will send them out to a newspaper, along with the story of chocolate espionage. 

Later during lunch, Silvana wants to toast to the destruction of Ripoll.  Patrick says that the newspaper article is just the beginning.  He still intends to marry Sophia.  He asks Silvana what Sophia sees in Chava.  Sophia tells Patrick that looks aren’t everything.  You don’t have to be built like Adonis to win a woman’s heart, but it doesn’t hurt.  She suggests that Patrick get over his jealousy start acting like Chava.  He’s smart, funny and edgy.  Opposites attract. She begs him not to tell Sophie that she told him that Sophie went to the Village Idiots dance. 
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Mi corazon es tuyo, #69, Thursday, 10/23/14 Love the one you’re with…

At the mansion
Fernando is telling Alicia about his impending divorce. She is furious, she thinks that everyone has turned against poor Isa because of Sebastian and Ana’s (!!!) lies. Yes, she thinks that Isa is the only one who’s telling the truth and everyone else is not; Seb is just an annoying brother and Ana is upset because Isa got to marry Fernando instead of her.
There is no reasoning with our once blushing quinceanera. She runs into Fanny while storming up the stairs and Fanny points out what a good thing the divorce is. So Alicia sends her big sister to Hell, which wins her a big reprimand from Fernando, but one that she cares very little about.

In Chicago (the real one, not the Doroteo infested one)
Jenny and Nico are still enjoying their honeymoon, but they take a break to video call Ana. The nanny is scared of this type of new technology (she does have a smartphone, though, so maybe the show should cut it out with this type of humor when there is clearly no need for it). Diego helps Ana with the video call and the two couples chats vividly. Ana reminds Nico to take all his “vitamins” (heh) and the call ends with kisses and hugs all around.  

Diego and Ana are at the photo shoot, that I think is supposed to be a surprise for her. She starts taking pictures and I have to say it: in my opinion Silvia Navarro has never looked better, even if she’s lost a lot of weight because of all the dancing.
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Thursday, October 23, 2014

La Malquerida #44, 10/23/14: Luisa Nearly Gets Kissed; Acacia Goes All the Way; Perla Gets Whupped

Mexico Episode #49

-Danilo says the woman who came to the wedding with him isn’t his wife, just a girlfriend. After Ale ran away and he couldn’t find her, he tried to get on with his life and started to date this woman. But she always knew he couldn’t love her like Ale. And when he found Ale again, he ended things with that woman. In any case, Este and Cris say Ale is coming home with them.
-Luisa chooses to speak with Manuel and sends Arturo to wait for her in the kitchen. She gets all flirty with Manuel, and is flattered that he seems to be jealous of Art. Her smile soon turns into a frown, when Manuel states what he wants—info on Acacia and Uli. Luisa realizes what a dope she was and tells him off. She goes to the kitchen and finds that Art has taken off. She calls and asks him to come back, but Art is no fool. He’ll see her later at their appointed time to cook for their event. He knows how not to mix business and personal life. Luisa is clearly disappointed. Rosa wonders if she got gussied up for Art. Rosa thinks he’s a nice boy, but she wants Luisa to be careful in any case. Later, at Uli’s house, Luisa arrives with a peace offering of a gelatin cake, but Art remains all business. He gives her a cool apron with their company logo, but he says it’s just their uniform. However, once they start bumping into each other as they cook in Uli’s small living/dining room, he drops the attitude and the anger, and gets back to his old self. He puts on music, takes Luisa into his arms, brushes a stray hair away, looks deep into Luisa’s eyes, and…her phone rings! It’s Rosa checking up on her. That woman has some sort of spidey sense!
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Knife Fight, I'm One Sick Son of a Bitch!

Lupe is baking and Sofi is afraid. Lupe asks what is Sofi there for if Chava isn't around? She says Araceli is against her and claiming ALL the Ripoll recipes are Paco's!

Paco and Araceli are arguing about their current situation; Los Ripoll y las recetas!

Pato and Chava have at it; they pound and smack and beat and whack and much more. Pato says Sofi deserves a man, not a clown and that pushes Chava's berserk button! They tussle over Pato's phone which he is supposed to use to call Renzi but never does since it falls in a bucket of water. Meanwhile Renzi is pacing up and down wondering why Pato hasn't called him yet.

Pato's overpowered Chava and is climbing up to finish him off.

Sofi gets a feeling in her chest and Lupe notices. Sofi moves on and says Paco's a good guy; Lupe stops her right there. Sofia le cae bien pero Paco is her friend and he's a very trusted person.

Pato is about to drop the load of heavy crap on Chava BUT Chava catches his second wind and chases Pato down. Renzi is now frustrated and eventually dismissed everyone.

At some point, Pato fractures his hand and he asks Chava for help. He helps Pato and that sends them tumbling down into a pile of cardboard. That's a wrap I guess.

Sofi and Alexa have a warm sisters moment where they get along and hug and tell themselves they love each other finally!

Chava is home and he lies to Lupe that he just fell and din't get in a fight.

Another somewhat warm moment with Renzi patching up Pato while trash talking Chava (you know, it's nice that he's doing that but it sucks that they're who they are.)

IrkMe is crawling all over Armie and he denies her of SnuSnu since he has to get Alexa to the airport early in the morning.

The next day Chava apologizes to Armie about not being able to tell him who he traded punched with. He says he doesn't want anyone to know he got in a fight; in comes Sofi who I love in this scene being genuinely concerned saying she was informed he has injuries and wants to know the truth ONLY!

Alexa is primping her hair when Fausto says to her that LOVE is followed through with and she knows.

Chava pretty much lies to Sofi who asks if he needs to go to the hospital. His mom patched him up and he just has sniffles. Some gab later and Sofi says she has dreamed of Chava -cue the theme music-

Renzi is in the house and IrkMe lays it down; Armie doesn't want her working with Renzi.

Armie loads Alexa's luggage into the trunk and they thank each other; Alexa thanks him for taking care of her and Armie thanks her for letting her be around him for many hours a day. They're so warm and in love THEN COMES DooDooHead Alan to kill the moment.
Fausto is asking Sofi about Chava and she is pretty much giving us all the qualities Pato doesn't have.
More Renzi and IrkMe FF>>FF>>FF (I swear if these two end up in a love scene together-gagmewithaspoon-)
Greta asks about Daniela and she says she will miss breaking bread with Alexa. Her absence will hurt Fausto and Fausto won't miss Alan; Sofia seconds that! She claims Alan was all over her at some point LOL.
Dani futilely calls Lucas and surprise surprise he doesn't answer.
Greta and Sofi talk about Chava; Chava is having Lupe's home remedy and it is foolproof! Araceli clad in a chartreuse dress comes out and claims Paco has kicked her out of the house! I assume she is staying at Lupe/Chava/Marisol's (Sometimes I forget Matias is there. Who will bunk with the Chava Clan next?) Lupe plans on literally sweetening Paco with her cinnamon rolls.


La Gata #38- Wed 10/22 - La Reunión

Pablo's enjoying baby time and vowing to re-marry their mom ASAP so they can all be together again and Pablo can watch the babies grow up.  Cue Aerosmith's "Don't Want To Miss A Thing."

Gata, inexplicably, is hanging out with Principe at her former Pablo-rendezvous point.  Obligatory shot of the "Pablo + Gata" carving.  Principe whines.  Gata remembers some pre/teen flirting.  Gata calls this their little "loma" (hill).  Pablo shows up to join her in the tree.  Smoochies ensue.

Lorenza tells Augie they have to accept Gata.  Augie is still resistant.  And he doesn't think Fernando will drop the charges.  Um…didn't Fernando say that wasn't part of the deal?  Lorenza tells him it's this or jail, so Augie says they'll do it.  Frankly, if I were Gata, I'd be ok with the groveling, but I would NOT want to live with them.

Gata thinks this is all a dream and Pablo suggests she not wake up.  He says he'll never let anyone interfere with their lives again.  You mean like last time, when you promised you'd always love her?  Just saying. Gata feels like she's gotten the old Pablo back.

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Mi corazon es tuyo #68 22 Oct 2014. Fernando does use THE D word with Isa... Isa is desperate. Diego keeps trying to conquer Ana's heart.


Diego explains to Ana about the Dragon fruit being from Laos and Vietnam. Ana thinks Diego is so knowledgeable…

Isa and Fernando arguing and Isa yells at Luz…

Diego tells Ana he loves her and tries to start a waca waca session but Ana maneuvers her way out from under him… says ‘no, Diego… I can’t… Forgive me, its just I can’t.’ She just can’t.

Lo Nuevo:

Fernando leaves the room with Luz after giving Isa several devil stares.

At the truth or dare game, Gustavo passes at ‘the worst ridicule of his life’ and he tells the story of one time he was locked out of his house with just a towel on, had to go to his dad’s office and lost the towel

Laura decides she can’t do truth so she gets a paper out of the bowl for dare… She reads (???) you have to kiss in the mouth the person to your right… (wanna bet that this was NOT what was written on the paper?) Laura kisses Nando, Ximena not happy at all and has a tantrum. Fanny has to hold her back. Ximena is certain (and I am too) that Laura was not kidding with the ‘game kiss’. How come no one thought of reading the piece of paper to see if Laura was lying? Laura mocks Ximena about not liking her boyfriend and that Ximena forgot to take her meds… Ximena warns Laura not to seize her… Laura tells them that Ximena is insecure and a bit nutty… Gustavo is so immature… he just has fun with the whole scene. Fanny asks Laura if she likes Nando.

Isa is left alone in her room yelling ‘darn inopportune escuincla!!’

Nando takes Ximena outside, she warns him that Laura is after his petacas. Ximena says I better go home. Nando will go with her.

Diego tells Ana don’t want to pressure you. When my dad got married and I asked you to marry me you had a crisis. We are grown ups… I desire you. Ana says making love is rete-important to her. He will wait for her as long as it takes.

Fernando returns to the bedroom and the argument continues, but Isa keeps playing victim.

Fernando’s arguments:

We are going from bad to worse…

How dare you yell at a little girl? Let me remind you, she didn’t even talk before. Are you crazy?

You are harming my kids too much and I won’t tolerate that!

What happened just now was the drop that overflowed the glass.

I think its best for us to divorce.

Sebastian’s incident was part of a series of events that concluded with this ‘exabrupto!’ (mocking her)

Besides Sebastian’s incident, which is unforgiveable, there are insulting a kid, the notebooks of the twins, the pearl necklace…

Beyond that, knowing it is not easy to interact with my kids, which in fact are 7, something you knew from the beginning, we are not a couple! We are not a true marriage! And no matter how much effort I put into it, I will never be able to make you happy as I promised you.

I am such an idiot i could not foresee that you are no mother material, let alone mother of 7+ material, or that my kids Ana would pay the consequences for it as well.

I did not know you were writing a book about how to be a 'B _ _ TCH to your step children' and were practicing the hints on my kids.

Noone told me that I needed to make all the wrong decisions before i chose the right one for my happiness... because... its all about ME, you know?  and I got soooooo ZONKED!!

Isa’s claims:

I got it (editor: yeah, like you just drank an instant remedy on how to be a parent and a wife). Please forgive me.

You were telling me horrible things, I was very nervous and my hormones got startled.

Anyone can have an ‘exabrupto!’ (tantrum)..

Its not easy for me to deal with ‘7 creatures’.

I already told you a thousand times that I had nothing to do with Ana’s mom’s issue!

I had nothing to do with the (pearl necklace incident). My mom saw it in a telenovela!

Amazon sent me the wrong book I ordered 'how to become a nice mother of many overnight' and i got 'how to get out of a marriage with kids in 10 days' instead!

Manuela screwed up my cake and i got sick all over the twins homework notebooks!

The car rolled over the kids laptop and the kids blamed me for it.
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