Sunday, January 11, 2015

Quiero Amarte (Week 17-Jan 12) Highlights & Discussion

How much evil have we seen so far in this ""Wanting to love you" telenovela? Let us count the ways. (Reminder: We are only at the halfway mark.)
Fraud & Embezzlement
Burglary & Robbery
Conspiracy to commit the above crimes
Attempted Murder
Attempted Drowning
Cruelty to Children and mentally challenged young adult
Domestic Violence and Assault
Threats of Bodily Harm

Not enough for you? Tune in, as we will probably have to make the list longer before El Fin.


Monday, January 05, 2015

Quiero Amarte Highlights & Discussion (Week 16-Jan 5)

Lineage and Courtiers of the Montesinos Dynasty
Queen Lucrecia - The Queen of Evil, possesses all the knowledge and power in the royal family.
Mauro, Prince Consort - Weak, but Kindly and Benevolent titular head of the dynasty.
Princess Juliana - Exiled by her evil stepmother and alienated from her family, has recently returned to the fold and has her father's blessing and protection
Prince Alan - Heir apparent to Princess Juliana's land holdings
Cesar - Not Yet Emperor Cesar, but, Emperor in Waiting, cut from the same cloth as his mother, although his level of evilness has not risen to her level--yet. He intends to inherit everything.
Prince Maximiliano - Annointed by the Telenovela Gods to triumph over Evil in all its manifestations, save the family honor and unite with his only love--but it will take awhile.
Princess Flavia and Prince Lucio - Unimportant in the hereditary dynasty, but could make or break their mother's hold over the family.
Sir Jorge - Max's right-hand man, loyal to the death.
Duchess Amaya - Max's love interest, has royal blood, but not the lineage or pedigree the Queen wants for her son--or any son.
Lady Eloisa = Landless and lacking a fortune, lives off the fortunes of her sister, the Queen, treated as a servant rather than an equal.
Lady Constanza - Socially disgraced by her untimely bodus interruptus with Prince Max, but preferred by the Queen as a mate.
Sir Salvador - Up from nothing, learned, but none too wise, former friend and counselor to Max, until his attraction to Lady Constanza was uncovered.


Sunday, December 28, 2014

Quiero Amarte Highlights & Discussion (Week 15-Dec 29)

A new week and a new year begins for this wonderful story of love, friendship, hate, envy, betrayal, obsession, mystery, and evil, but mostly love. There's lost love, new love, old love, rejected love, filial love, maternal love, well, all kinds of LOVE. There is also hope and expectation.

Hopefully, Emma deposits the whole check to Amaya's account.
Hopefully, Lucrecia's plan to sprinkle depression drops in Juliana's car backfires.
Hopefully, Eloisa and German straighten out their story before he dies.
Hopefully, Juliana and Eloisa unmask the fake hypnotist.
Hopefully, Amaya will not use the same fake, or maybe she should. The joke would be on him.
Hopefully, Cesar will not acquire Manuel's shares in Nescafe.

Constanza almost gets a headache. Salvador doesn't notice.
Ivan is almost a saint. Uli is not pleased.
Manuel and Geno almost get caught in the garage. Ooops, they do, by Cesar and his camera.
Flavia almost got TMI about Mauro and Florencia. How much will they tell her.
Dolores was almost right in not telling Amaya about her mother. Amaya understands.


Sunday, December 21, 2014

Quiero Amarte Highlights & Discussion (Week 14-Dec 22)

Last week we learned several things:
How to take one bit of unsubstantiated misinformation and turn it into a BIG truth.
How to ruin a wedding.
How to make your Daddy angry at you and still get your way.
How to give your long-time lover an ultimatum and not spill the coffee.
How to make an Evil Bearded Bean Pole jealous and not know it.
How to lie and believe you are manipulating your father and his best friend.
How to make love on a dark and stormy night.

This week we may learn:
Who takes out the garbage at Sal & Consta's love shack.
If Whoracio will like his new office.
How Lucrecia will deal with the German Marquez problem.
What Cesar plans to do with that "stuff" Aaron is obtaining for him.
If there will be dancing, music and coffee at the pre-harvest coffee fiesta.
How much work Amaya and Carol get done on the video for Nescafe.
How soon other people find out about Max and Amaya's relationship, which is supposed to be a secret between the two of them. It'll be hard for them to keep this happy feeling from their best friends....and then?


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Quiero Amarte Highlights & Discussion (Week 13-Dec 15)

Looking Back:
Vivi Wraps it Up
Wedding called off. Amaya denounced as a home-wrecker/whore. Max denounced as a cheater and liar. Connie hooked up/shacked up/loved up with Sal. Manuel and Geno have a secret love child, who doesn't even know who his father is. Manuel determined to fire Amaya. Whor confronting Amaya about her "cheating" in her hotel room. Wow!

Lila Gives us Some Good Ones
Lips Not Hips
Mauro’s Ire Re-Fires
Emma Arrives and Dives

Consensus Reached on the Patio
Constanza is Insecure—She needs a man for validation of her worth.
Sal’s accusations that Max and Amaya are lovers are LAME. His proofs would not hold up in court.
Horacio’s treatment of Valeria is inexcusable in any culture north or south of the US-Mexico border.

Looking Ahead:
Speculations Abound
Will Consta “Pull a Lu” if she finds out she’s pregnant?
Is César genuinely interested in Amaya?
Can Sal become more dangerous to Max where Consta is concerned?
What will Horacio do when he finds no one with Amaya in her hotel room? (Oh, Max, if you are downstairs, please be careful.)


Monday, December 08, 2014

Quiero Amarte Highlights & Discussion (Week 12 - Dec 8)

Question: Who has a broken heart that needs mending?
Answers: Lucio, who told Alan his heart is broken;
Amaya, who has been told to stay away from Max by Constanza, next week's bride-to-be;
Max, who wants Amaya desperately but has been given no signals his ardor is returned except for some well placed hugs and intense kisses;
Eloisa, who overheard Mauro tell Max the love of his life was Florencia and they were going to get married when Lucrecia stepped in;
Salvador, who has been rejected by Constanza, and has gone to Tuxtla to lick his wounds and plan Max's downfall to show Consta Max is not worthy of her;
Emma, who finally realizes what a sleaze-ball Horacio is, but may decide he's better than nothing; and
Nora, who has a secret longing for Salvador, but with him in Tuxtla, it's hard to stay near him.

Question: Who is about to break some hearts?
Answers: Ulises, who plans to play with Flavia and conquer Mariana (by force if necessary??);
Mariana, who will undoubtedly see Flavia sliming all over Ivan and take it the wrong way;
Juliana, who after her mourning period is over, will still see Jorge as a bro-friend;
Jorge, who is very interested in Carolina, but will be nearer Juliana at the finca; and
Manuel, who just won't quite be able to step out into the light with his cuddly, shadow-gal, Genoveva.


Monday, December 01, 2014

Quiero Amarte Highlights and Discussion (Week 11 - Dec 1)

Looking Ahead
Who will benefit the most from Max NOT knowing Amaya is divorced?
a) Cesar, who wants to be in control of all things Amaya for his own nefarious purposes;
b) Constanza, who is already freaked-out by Amaya's intrusion on her perfect little world;
c) Horacio, who is a sleaze-ball master manipulator and wants to be the one who decides how and when to use this information;
d) All of the Above;
e) Lucrecia, who doesn't really care, because she's going to make sure Amaya is not long for this world.

Who will be the one most likely to spill the beans to Max, accidentally or on purpose?
a) Manuel, who is a decent father and wants to protect his daughter from future heartache and betrayal;
b) Valeria and/or Lucio, who don't know it's something Amaya hasn't told Max yet;
c) Mariana and/or Dolores, who in all innocence don't know it's a secret (but neither has had direct contact with Max, yet);
d) Hector or Ivan, for the same reason as above, presuming Mariana has told Ivan;
e) One of the above;
f) Lucrecia, who would then tell Mauro just to hurt him before she attempts to do away with Amaya.


Monday, November 24, 2014

Quiero Amarte Highlights and Discussion (Week 10 - Nov 24)

Looking Ahead
    Let's discuss--
Whether the coffee stain will come out of Max's kelly green sweater.
Whether the stars in Amaya's and Max's eyes ever align so their lips meet again.
Whether Lucio will see through the phony doctor Lucrecia hired.
Whether there will really be a Consta-Max wedding in 15 days.
Whether Ivan will admit to himself he moved a bit too fast with Mariana.
Whether Dolores will pass her kidney stone or need surgery.
Whether Cesar comes up with a successful plan to ruin Max's Tres-en-Uno coffee project.

Note: Tres-en-Uno is a real Nescafe brand. In the U.S. it's called 3-in-1, a flavored instant coffee in single-serve packets. Nestle is getting a lot of "free" advertising in this telenovela.


Monday, November 17, 2014

Quiero Amarte Highlights and Discussion (Week 9 - Nov 17)

Looking Ahead--Questions that need to be answered.

What does Max mean when he says the meeting is "just for the two of us?"
How soon do Max and Amaya finally declare their love for each other?
Does Flavia come between Ivan and Mariana?
Does Jorge go for Juliana or Carolina?
Will Ulises get any pleasure out of Mariana?
How will Lucrecia be foiled in her attempt to kill Amaya?
When does Horacio get caught for fraud and embezzlement?
Who will get the red folder with page 2 of Cesar's DNA results?

More surprises await us on Quiero Amarte.


Sunday, November 02, 2014

Quiero Amarte Highlights and Discussion (Weeks 7 & 8 - Nov 3 & 10)

Looking ahead (predictions? no; guesswork? si):

Mauro will get better
Juliana will stay in Mexico
Cesar and Lucrecia will get worse
Constanza will become annoying
Horacio will forget to zip up his pants
Salvador (Yummy) Romero will stay near Constanza
Ulises will get the cold shoulder from Mariana
Mariana will get discovered by Cipriano, working for the "enemy"
Amaya will need lots of support to get through her divorce
Max will try to convince himself he can love two women


Monday, October 27, 2014

Quiero Amarte Highlights & Discussion (Weeks 5 & 6 - Oct. 20 & 27)

Things have gotten complicated, no?
Horacio is a total slimebag, Amaya admits she's between a rock and a brick wall, Valeria needs to have her hair tamed, Lucrecia needs to shut up, Jorge is the only sane one in the bunch right now, Flavia needs to tame down her lipstick and quit trying to come on to Salvador (Yummy) Romero, Mauro and Juliana are better off staying in Italy, Cipriano is the ugliest kind of macho man on earth, Mariana hasn't lost her spunk, Ivan is smitten, Cesar is despicable, Max is so handsome, but he really needs to shave.
Amaya has an honest friend in Carolina.
Constanza is holding the reins tightly on Max right now.

Anita is back and having to play catch-up. No lengthy recaps, promise, just the highlights. Will start working on last week right away and add to this blog as I go along.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Quiero Amarte Discussion Space (Week 4 - October 13-17)

Discuss away~~~~!


Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Quiero Amarte Discussion Space (Week 3 - October 6-10, 2014)

For folks who would like to discuss the goings on in the country at the coffee plantation El Paraiso and the Nescafe empresa in Mexico City, the Montesino family and Max's problems with the family, girlfriend and pining for a fantasy named Amaya, here is your space.


Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Quiero Amarte Discussion Space (Week 2- September 29th-October 3rd, 2014)

I apologize that this is so late in the week. This show is getting good.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Quiero Amarte Week 1 Discussion Space Sept. 22-26, 2014

For those who catch this show and would like to discuss amongst Caray, Caray,  here you go!


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