Thursday, September 10, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #82 Wed 9/9/15

Lo Nuevo
When we left AP and Pablo last night she was about to confess that she was pregnant but changes her mind. She begs him to leave and he does. Blanquita comes in and AP tells her that her heart is breaking because she will never see Pablo again. Outside, Pablo says he does not know what AP meant when she said that there was something that would link them together, yet pull them apart. He will investigate and find out the truth.

In Vero's bedroom Emi chooses the day of his wedding to Ginny to tell Vero that he never stopped loving her. That he wants to love and protect her. Seriously dude? Anyway, he asks for an opportunity, but Vero refuses, saying she has been left empty, she can never love again. He keeps insisting.

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Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #81 Tue 9/8/15 Virginia gets revenge

For the record, Princess Juju and Eli are one and the same!

Here we go:

We pick up where we left off last night, crazy Marty corners Ginny and goes off on her, like it's her fault that he came up with a crazy plot to marry a woman to make her suffer- he seems to forget that that was ALL him. Anyhoo, Marty just gave Ginny the best wedding gift ever! Because if she's going down in flames, she's not going alone.

Marty stays behind in the garden and Ginny slithers back into the house, and she drops the bombshell, she tells Veronica that in the interest of honesty there's something she should know: Martin married her because he wanted revenge for Demetrio's death. He had decided to marry her before he even met her. Veronica throws the glass she was holding against the wall with such force that we know the depth of her anger. Marty is going to have a very bad night. Ginny pulls a Judas and kisses Vero on the cheek, then she strolls away, she's probably on her way to kill kittens and burn orphans.
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Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #80 Mon 9/7/15 Virginia channels Lenny Bruce (Deny! Deny! Deny!)

Where we left off on Friday –
- Ana Perla has just shocked her family, though not the Patio, by falling in a dead faint. 
- Botel has called Virginia's bluff, offering an ambulance and a medical work-up for her latest attack of the vapors.
- All the extras have left the church.
- Unbeknownst to Salma, the priest has arranged for the food from the cancelled reception to be distributed to local soup kitchens. 

Now the new stuff – 
Salma worries that they may have made the wrong decision.  Is Botel sure that Virginia is going to be okay?  Botel is wearing his usual aggressively plaid shirt, so we know he's not a guy to mince words:  

Señora, si de verdad se sintiera muy mal, hubiera aceptado ir al hospital.
(Madam, if she really felt very ill, she would have agreed to go to the hospital.)

Virginia herself seems bored with that particular tragedy queen routine.  She already told them an ambulance wasn't necessary.  Sheesh!
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Saturday, September 05, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #79 Fri 9/4/15 The Unveiling Of The Bride

Happy Labor Day Weekend Everyone! 

Wow, what an episode!

We begin with Vero on the phone with Mati. Vero enlists Mati in "Plan Unmask (or in this case Unveil) Ginny" and wants her to gather up all the letters and photos. Vero wants to use them against Virginia and clear her own name. Mati is more than willing to help out. Vero warns her to be careful with Virginia because she's capable of the worse.

Over at the San Telmo offices, Marty is pouring out his heart to Botel. Marty was blinded by his desire for revenge and refused to listen to his heart. Now he doesn't know if Vero will forgive him. We now hear some wise advice from Botel "In order to find forgiveness, one has to forgive themselves." he tells Marty. "Will you be able to forgive yourself for causing Vero so much pain?" Botel asks Marty. "I don't know, you can't even imagine the pain that I feel for all that I have made her suffer, and now I don't know if I will lose her forever." Marty replies. 

"I see dead people."

At the PC mansion, Mati turns the corner of the hallway leading to Virginia's room and stops dead in her tracks when she sees the Viper herself standing at her door with Mariana. Mariana had been telling Virginia her plans about moving to Paris to get over Pablo dumping her. When Virginia notices Mati's presence, she rudely dismisses Mati telling her to get lost. Mariana leaves as she makes a rude face at Mati. 

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Friday, September 04, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #78 (Tel #79) Thu 9/3/15 The big reveal in 3...2...1.... but why does it all have to be so random?

A little bit of what happened yesterday
Jorge is dividing his fortune, giving Emi the biggest portion, because he will be in charge of the company, too. Veronica refuses to take any money, but Jorge won’t hear of it. After the men leave, Virginia attacks Veronica, accusing her of being after the money – why else would she accept, if she already has a gold mine? Vero gives back as good as she receives, but poor Virginia doesn’t have a rich husband, so she’s only looking after herself. Salma defends Virginia, obviously, and Vero warns her that she will one day be sorry to have protected this alacran (scorpion).
They continue to exchange insults until Jorge comes back to invite everyone (and Martin) to lunch. Vero has to pass, though, she and hubby are leaving for Cancun, for their belated honeymoon.

At the hospital Pablo and his mom talk about his therapy. She wants to know as much as possible about the treatments, so she can help. Pablo is still holding onto AP’s ring, he misses her every day and dreams about her every night. And no, he can’t resign himself – that would be worse than death. Mom thinks that AP’s family will never forgive him, and neither will AP, because he lied to her and who can blame AP under the circumstances?
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Thursday, September 03, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #77 Wed 9/2/15

In Case You Missed Last Night...
Marty, Vero, Maggie and Botel say their goodbyes at the door of the hotel. Vero tells Marty she loves that he is taking her on a trip for their honeymoon and thanks him for making her so happy. They kiss and Marty goes to get the car while Vero waits at the entrance. At the hospital AP tells Eleazar that if she had known who he was she wouldn't have told him all her troubles. He tells her that his intension was just to help her. Pablo sees them talking and watches them walk down the hallway with Gramps. He tells his mother that he needs to find out who that guy is. She tells him to concentrate on his recovery and how his life will change if he regains movement in his hand. Pablo says yes, but his life will change even more if he looses AP and it wouldn't matter if he could paint again or not.
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Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #76 Tue 9/1/15 Lies, sex and videotape

Bullets cause it's been a long week!

  • Ana Perla continues to cry over Pablo, Pablo's mom tells her that her son had broken up with Mariana but that Mariana won't listen and continues to stalk Pablo.
  • Ana Perla and Pablo talk, he says they can still marry, hell, the hospital has a chapel and they can marry there but AP has a flash back to Manuel saying he would kill Pablo and tells him that she wants nothing more to do with him. Ummm, there's a simple solution to this: Send Manuel to prison!
  • Salma finds out that Maggie is Veronica's mother, later she learns from Jorge everything that Maggie went through and she feels like a jerk for saying awful things to Maggie, she vows to apologize.
  • Jorge asks Veronica to take the money he is offering, Vero says she's a partner in the goldmine, she still has the money he gave her when she married and she has an education, she can make a decent living and have a good life, but Jorge insists- she's his daughter and will get the portion she deserves, which leads to:
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Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #75 Mon 8/31/15 The Hero, the Reunion, and the Mouse That Roared

The optimists in Mina Escondida are betting that Manuel is a goner.  Uspín, however, is sure the mutt is going to live.  Mala hierba nunca muere, he says.  (Weeds never die.)

And it looks like he's right.   At the Hospital Ce_ter, Manny has regained consciousness.  He's weak, he's pale and he's full of hate.  He tells Ana Perla he'll only spare Pablo's life if she stays away from him forever.

Meanwhile Marty guides his motorcycle to the curb in front of the Disgusting Boys' hotel and pulls out his walkie-talkie.  Inside the building, Aarón leads Verónica to the room where Clemente has been keeping watch over Magdalena.  Vero rushes to her.  And now mother and daughter are both prisoners of the Disgusting Brothers!  Fortunately, Verónica's hair looks fabulous.
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Sunday, August 30, 2015

To: Desperately Seeking a Recapper. Keep The Faith, Wednesday, 8pm, Lo Imperdonable, Univision, From: Your New Recapper....

Hello everyone! Starting this Wednesday, September 2, there will be a new recapper to the blog. I, also known as AuntyAnn, will be joining the Lo Imperdonable team. Please be patient with me. This will be my first time recapping, but I promise to do my best. I do get off of work late, so I will most likely be posting the recap very late Wednesday, or overnight into Thursday.
Thanks everyone y Hasta Pronto!

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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #74 Fri 8/28/15 A Family Reunion

No Mauricio for you tonight.

 He’s taking a well-deserved day off and I appreciate the opportunity he has given me to try my hand at recapping after a rather long layoff,  so for tonight I’ll be your guide through this morass. Settle in, have a complimentary gin and tonic, and let’s spend an hour together as we enjoy watching other people suffer. I promise, no baby seals will be harmed.

What better way to begin than with Nanciyaga counseling and consoling Julio? Something for everyone. He’s fretting and regretting his strong feelings for Ana Perla. Nanci understands, she’s experiencing a similar situation with her patrón, Martín. He wants to forget her, but Nanci assures Julio that hope is like a weed growing by the river, it never dies, it thrives. Well whatever, Julio is pretty gloomy (agüítado) about the whole thing (how the heck does this bumpkin know a word like that?). Nevertheless, Nanciyaga ain’t giving up on her patrón. She’s gonna defy the stars (and presumably those pesky snails as well). “Patron belongs to me… only me.”

"Bippity Boppity Boo"

Ummm, OK, Nanci, as long as you have that machete, I’m not going to argue.

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Friday, August 28, 2015

Desperately Seeking a Recapper

Patio peeps, sadly we lost a recapper on the Imperdonable team so we have an open spot for Wednesday nights, I would continue to write the recaps myself but I'm committed to MIVC on the same night and can't do two recaps in one night, plus I also have my regular spot on Tuesday night's, that's three recaps in two days!

This is where you come in! If you would like to recap you can have the Wednesday night spot! We can't offer much in the way of compensation, but we might be able to throw in some gold, because Novela Maven knows a guy that knows a guy, some good company on the patio and the opportunity to have first dibs when the new Salinas/Colunga novela rolls in later this fall.

Oh yes, you heard that right. Salinas, and Colunga sharing the same space! You dear potential recapper have a shot of getting on that recapping team if you join us on the LI team.

Please let us know as we really, really,really need the help!

*Discalimer, we really can't offer gold but we do have Salinas and Colunga, which some would argue are better than gold, especially Colunga when he takes his shirt off!*

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Lo Imperdonable #73 (Tel #74) Thu 8/27/15 How many times do the bad guys have to win??

I glossed over some of the useless chit chat and some of the scenes will be out of order. 

Emiliano is upset because Salma and Virginia don’t want Veronica getting any of Jorge’s money. Virginia thinks that Vero doesn’t need it, she already has a rich husband. Emi is upset to be reminded of Martin, yet again and Virginia is bothered by his reaction – is he still in luuv with Veronica, even if he proposed to her?
Emi insists that they should all accept Jorge’s decision and he feels completely disappointed with Virginia’s reaction.
They go back and forth on this several times, with Salma adding her piece of venom, too, until Emi decides to storm off, tired by the women's negative yapping. Virginia runs after him, leaving Salma  crying - boohooo - and here comes Nico to comfort her. He’s sure everything will be OK, they are such a great family and both Emi and Jorge adore her. Salma is worried because her fights with Jorge over Veronica have become even more heated then before. Nico gives her an awfully big and warm hug (Cougar alert), managing to relax her. She wants to go talk to Jorge but Nico tells her that he is already in a plane back to Mexico.

At the hospital in the city, Daniel tells Crescencio that Manuel will survive, but he still needs a long treatment and there is no saying how long it will be before he can move. Crescencio is determined to help his grandson no matter what.
Mariana overhears the prognosis on Manuel and later tells Daniel that she needs his help to move Pablo to another hospital.
Because of course that Pablo is in the same place and he needs an expensive operation to fix his hand. Mariana is more than willing to pay for it, even after Pablo reminds him that they’re not as close as they used to be. They see Crescencio and he sees them, too. They don’t speak, but nobody is happy with the reunion.

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #72 Wed 8/26/15 He's still not that into you

Hi peeps, you get me AGAIN! As always I encourage ready participation, I apologize for the quick recap but I have to work on another recap and can't spend too much time on either! I'm glad to report that i did not need beer to get through this episode, my liver is a happy liver!

We are going to the big city:

AP wants to go to Mexico to look after her brother and the OG, but Raymunda does not want her to go, the city is full of bad people, just look at what the outsiders have done in town. Blanca volunteers to go with AP but Raymunda is dead set against it. Ugh, she annoys me. Any way poor Pablo gets thrown under the bus, Raymunda says that poor Manuel was probably just defending himself from Pablo and that Pablo shot him and then ran away like a coward. Blanca tells her that Pablo was not the one who was always armed and looking for fights, but Manuel has always been a violent snot (I added that part in). Veronica and Marty are going to Mexico so that Veronica can get more information about her past from Jorge and offer to take AP with them.
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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #71 Tue 8/25/15 Ha,ha you got shot

Morning patio peeps, this will be a quick recap but I think I'll be able to cover everything! I ask once again that peeps post with a name rather than Anonymous (cause I like knowing who I'm talking to) and as always reader participation is highly encouraged!

Note: Recap might be out of order just to allow me to get through the process faster.

Charming info out of the assistant:

So Aaron continues his plan to get information on Veronica from Jorge's assistant, and it works! From her he learns that Veronica was adopted by the Prado-Castellos, that everyone knows she's adopted and that her parents were not hot stuff, her father was an awful drunk and her mother abandoned her to run off with her lover.

Again, how do people know so much about Veronica's past when no one ever talked to Magadalena or Aaron? And even if Jorge was aware of Veronica's parents past I doubt he would have shared this information with people outside of the family. Whatever, I'll roll with it. Aaron also learns that Vero is a good egg.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #70 Mon 8/24/15 Honor

In which: 
Ana Perla Cries, 
And Marty Lies;
Manuel Triumphs 
And Pablo is Trounced.
Manny can hardly contain his glee as he tells the Old Goat all about Pablo and Mariana.  "They were together for years," he says softly.  "He was just having a good time with my poor sister."  And (as Mauricio astutely noted on Friday) the Old Goat doesn't take the news well.  He sinks down in his chair and gasps.  Manny smirks.

A loud, drunken Mariana ambushes Pablo outside his hotel room.  She tells him that since he wouldn't listen to her, she found someone who would... Marcial or Macario... she can't remember.  Fending off her advances, Pablo leads her to her room.
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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #69 (Mex #70) Fri 8/21/15 Ana Perla Tries To Pull A Demetrio

The Old:

A fight ensues between Pablo and Julio. The two tussle and roll around on the ground. Julio threatens Pablo with a "Don't get near AP ever again or else." 

The New: 

Pablo tries to explain to AP that he broke up with Mariana. But AP doesn't want to listen to his explanations. Instead she slaps him hard right across the face. Poor Pablo.

Cancun, Mexico
On the yacht, Emi comments on how beautiful the scenery is. It reminds him of all the things he loves. **He daydreams of a seductive Vero inside the water at the beach**. Back in reality, Virginia tells him that she'll never forget this moment -- it's the happiest moment of her life. Emi asks Virginia to teach him to love her. Wait a minute ... now that's not something you want to hear from your future husband .. oh Emi... Anyway, Virginia tells Emi that she will teach him and she'll always love him because he needs to be with someone who loves him and not be out begging love from someone who doesn't love him. The two kiss .. and the kiss then turns passionate as they lay down on the yacht ... and well I think we all know what happens next ... but thankfully neither Uni nor the Mexican broadcast shows it ... 

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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #68 (Mex #69) Thu 8/20/15 Mariana Wrecks Havoc And Emi Pops The Question

(Filling in for Adriana Noel)

Clemente looking decent in a cheap suit visits Jorge at the PC offices and tries to get info on Veronica to no avail. He pretends to care about Veronica and tells Jorge that he would like to see his niece. Jorge replies with a "I'll think about it and let you know". Ha!

At the hospital, Virginia turns on the waterworks and plays victim. She tells Danny boy that she's "sacrificing herself" for their future and here he comes threatening her. He tells her it's no threat -- he's just being cautious because he knows her well and realizes that she isn't so indifferent to Emi. She tells him his threats are not necessary. He tells her that he hopes so and orders her to report to him from Cancun. He leaves the room. Virginia calls him an idiot. You got that right, Virginia!

AP, Pablo, and Gramps enjoy a nice family dinner at Gramps' place. AP questions Pablo about his reasons for getting nervous every time he thinks about his exhibition in New York. He tells her that it's because the exhibition is a fundamental step in his career and his future depends on it. Smiles all around. (Mauricio senses a storm coming...)

The next morning, Nanci walks towards Marty telling him that she wants to speak with him. He tells her that if she's going to continue insisting with the same thing then despite not wanting to he'll have to ask her to stay away. Nanci tells him that she has come to tell him something else and he has to listen. 

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Lo Imperdonable #67 Wed 8/19/15 Evil Manny

I'm very busy here so I won't have part two up until tonight or possibly tomorrow morning.

I also need to say something very quickly, I'll write more once I've calmed down and can properly expressed myself: I have been made aware of some comments that have been posted on the recaps comment section that are hurtful and offensive and which have really discouraged me. I can not believe what I have read and am now too upset to say anything more.

JackieV- welcome to the patio! And to any lurkers out there, come play with us! This thing is becoming dreadful and the only thing that might save it are the witty comments from the patio!

And now your recap:

  • We get more of Veronica telling Matilde and Maggie that she will never forgive her mother for leaving her in the hands of her father- she does not remember much from her childhood but she does remember his temper, his shouts and his violence.
  • Maggie and Matilde try to tell Veronica that she does not know what her mother was dealing with, but Vero doesn't care, her mother never even looked for her and she will never, ever forgive her, the topic so upsets her that she had to leave.
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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #66 Tue 8/18/15 They really are too stupid to live

Quick recap because work is busy today!

  • Nancy is really confused, she feels like Martin is the man for her but she also has feelings for Emiliano
  • Montse at the request of Selma helps our favorite gold-digger get a job
  • Pablo's mom goes home but promises to return after the wedding to spend a long vacation in Mina Escondida. Yay, what every newly wed wants!
  • Claudia finally gets to see her frenemy Ginny who straight out lies and tells her that she and Emi are getting married.
  • Selma continues to block Claudia from spending even a second with her man child.
  • Julio, hot, beautiful wonderful Julio tells Pablo that bad seed Manuel has threatened to kill his grandfather and AP!
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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #65 Mon 8/17/15 You oughta be in pictures!

In which:
Disgusting Aaron exchanges fire with a cop.  Both are wounded and Aaron gets away.  More vindictive than ever, he vows to kill Vero.
Poor sick Ginny seems to have Emi where she wants him... or does she?
Marty seems to have Vero where he wants her... or does he?
It's movie night in Mina Escondida – pass the popcorn!
And Nanciyaga STILL doesn't get it.

Jumping right in with the new stuff –

In Mexico City, the police send for reinforcements in the hopes of catching Disgusting Aaron (thanks, Mauricio!) when he comes looking for Magdalena at the hotel.  

In Mina Escondida, Blanquita, Polo and Matilde join the picnickers.  There are smiling introductions and hugs all around.  Vero scratches inside her cast with a knitting needle – the itching is driving her nuts. (The knitting needle is getting so much play that I'm starting to believe it's part of the plot, like maybe Vero uses it to stab Manny in the eye the next time he drags his knuckles onto the screen.)
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