Saturday, December 18, 2010

La Verdad Oculta #68: Garnica Hustles a Hustler and Paulita Sniffs Out a Liar

We start with yesterday’s jaw dropping dramatic end. Leo the Lion has taken out Felix the Cat. JJ has taken out Long Haired Goon. And David has taken a couple of bullets for Gabi and is lying unconscious on the pavement. JJ tries to hold back a hysterically crying Gabi who is screaming David’s name and trying to go to him.

Inside JJ’s house, Elsa and Limon note with concern that they both think they heard gun shots (disparos). The kiddies think this is exciting and want to go out to see. Elsa uses her Mommy voice and orders the kidlets to stay put while Limon goes outside to see what’s happening.

I guess the Mexico City Police Department works double time when a prominent businessman and police lieutenant are shot up in a rich neighborhood. They are already on the scene photographing and collecting evidence, along with a few ambulances. They have strapped David to a gurney and are loading him into a waiting ambulance. JJ is begging Gabi to calm down and hands her over to Limon’s care when he joins the scene. Leo is also being loaded into an ambulance, but is still in total control. He tells JJ to inform Gabi’s father before he is taken away. Limon holds a weeping Gabi who is begging heedlessly to go with David.

As Casa Genoves, FaustiMario is also noting to Abelardo all the gunshots he heard. Abelardo also heard all the ambulances and patrol cars (patrullas). They wonder what could have happened, but aren’t surprised considering all that’s happening in Mexico these days. FaustiMario is particularly worried about David and Gabi who should have been there by now. Abelardo tries to calm his fears, saying he’s sure they’re fine. But Faustiago’s face shows that he is not so sure.

In his bedroom, Adolfo is unwinding, after a long day of nefarious deeds, in front of the television. He hears the breaking news of a gun battle (tiroteo) in the neighborhood of San Angel that left two dead and two wounded (heridos). The reporter on the scene reports that David Genoves has been taken away in an ambulance. More news to come as they learn more. “Now, back to your favorite telenovela in progress.”

A worried looking Adolfo calls up and orders one of his henchmen to let him know when he hears from Felix, as he sent Felix out on a job for him and just heard about a gun battle in San Angel.

In the hospital waiting room, Gabi is trying, unsuccessfully, to get a hold of herself. Limon sits with her trying to calm her. Juli brings back news that the doctors can’t yet give any news about David’s status. The two sisters hug and cry at the uncertainty of David’s well being.

At Genoves Manor, JJ rushes in to speak with FaustiMario and Abelardo. As he goes to enter the study, impatient Ale rushes down the stairs. She’s been waiting for him over an hour! “You don’t know what just happened. A tragedy!” (una desgracia/una trajedia) FaustiMario and Abelardo have just exited the study, and JJ corrals them all back in to the study to explain what happened. He breaks down and starts to cry as he tells them of the assassination attempt. He’s not sure if it was meant for him or Leo. He explains that Leo’s been wounded, but the person in really grave condition is David. They are all horrified. David is in a hospital nearby. But the person who really needs Fausto’s support is Gabi. She’s really shaken up and affected by it all. (nerviosa/afectada) Faustiago immediately worries that Gabi was hurt too. JJ assures them she wasn’t, but she did witness it all and is very affected. Faustiago begins to strip off his disguise and rushes off to support his daughter. Ale holds JJ’s face and asks if he’s ok, before they envelope each other in a weepy hug.

Back at the hospital, Gabi is being supported on both sides by Juli and Limon. Her sobbing has turned into the barely catching a breath/hiccupping that happens when you have cried too hard for too long. (In addition to being worried about David, she’s also likely in shock from being shot at.) The doctor finally comes out and asks if there are any relations (familiares) of David Genoves present. Gabi comes forward and firmly states that she is his wife (no more talk of divorce folks). He gives her the prognosis. He was shot by three high caliber bullets. One shot in the right arm (brazo derecho), and two in the chest/thorax (tórax). He has some damage to the lungs (pulmones), lost a lot of blood, and has a lesion on his spinal column (columna vertebral). Gabi is now beside herself wondering if he’s going to die. The doctor informs her that David is in shock (I think Gabi is too), and in very delicate condition. He can’t yet give a definitive diagnosis. They have to wait and see.

After giving all this horrid news to Gabi in the most matter of fact way possible, the good doctor notices that this is really affecting her and asks her to calm down. He lets her know they’ll tell her when they have more info, and leaves. Although devastated by this news, Gabi has the presence of mind to ask how Leo is doing. He’s out of danger, Juli says, and will be released tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning has arrived, and Garnica is dodging balls in the prison yard and waiting for the appearance of Marcos. He informs Marcos that his woman has sold him the letter, for more money than Marcos can imagine. What he wants now from Marcos is an introduction to JJ. He wants to see how much money JJ would pay him for the letter. Marcos isn’t sure JJ would do that, but Garnica is positive JJ would want evidence against the bastards that put him in jail for all those years. Now what’s his address?

Yolanda is watching tv in her bedroom, and Carlos is driving listening to the radio when they both learn about the gun battle and that David is gravely hurt. Carlos’s phone rings, and it’s Roberto wanting to know if Carlos heard the news. Carlos is shocked to hear David is in such bad shape. Roberto coolly implies that Carlos’ dad is involved for sure and wonders who the two dead could be. Carlos is going to call Felix to find out. (Do they accept long distance calls in Hell?)

Adolfo is still in bed, surrounded by the news papers, but obviously hasn’t learned what he wants to know. He calls up Henchman Pablo once again to see what he’s heard. David Genoves is in a private hospital in grave condition. He couldn’t find out if the wounded person was JJ or Leo. He knows there are two dead, and Felix hasn’t returned or called…If they’re lucky Felix and the other goon have been arrested (detenidos), otherwise they’re dead (difuntos). Adolfo thinks that either of these options is bad. He wants Pablo to keep him informed.

Garnica is back at home and also reading his newspaper. He sees the lead story with a picture of an unconscious David in a brace and on a gurney: “David Genoves hijo del famoso empresario hotelero herido de muerto” (David Genoves son of famous hotel empresario mortally wounded)

Garnica is impactado at reading this news. Perhaps because of the mention of David in the letter; the involvement of the Genoves household in his latest scheme; JJ’s involvement in the shooting, if he was mentioned in the article; or because he knows Adolfo is mixed up in this somehow; he decides to call Medina to cancel the beach trip. There’s business he’s got to take care of that will prevent him from traveling. He couldn't close the deal (convenio) with the investor (inversionista) he spoke about. This is not good news for Medina as the work/construction has already started and they can’t halt it. Garnica asks him for a few days, then they’ll reschedule the beach trip for the investors. Medina gives him one week, but he’s clearly frustrated and worried.

At the hospital, Gabi doesn’t look like she’s stopped crying all night. JJ is now taking a turn sitting with her and reassuring her. “David is going to be alright.” Gabi wonders if they intended to kill David. JJ tells her he doesn’t think so. JJ thinks they were after him or Leo. David just got caught in the crossfire protecting her. Gabi tells him she knows she’s seen one of the gunmen before but she can’t place where. “Where? In the place you used to work?” Gabi’s too upset to remember right now. Fausto, who must have arrived the previous night, wants her to go home to eat and rest for a while. JJ supports this idea, but Gabi refuses.

Ale arrives, looking very worried after seeing all their grave faces. She asks Gabi how David is. Abelardo informs them that the doctors are preparing David for another surgery. Ale asks if he’s conscience, but they have not been told. Ale demands that they must have more info. Seeing that this is sending Gabi over the edge again, JJ gently pulls Ale aside and tells her that David really is in very grave condition. Ale is impactada and begins to weep. She wants to know what really happened. “Was it an attempted robbery/assault (asaltar)?” The police have not yet figured it out, but JJ tells her he is sure it was an attempted hit (atentado). “Who would want to kill David?” JJ lets her know Leo is certain it was intended for him or JJ. Ale is shocked. Someone trying to kill JJ? Does he have any idea who it could be. “Quien mas?” (Who else?) Ale’s face registers immediate recognition of who the mustachioed devils could be. “Los Ávila?!” Yep.

In Michoacán, we are teased with the possibility that Dora will see the news of David’s injuries. Don Jorge’s paper is delivered, with front page news of the assault. Don Jorge doesn’t feel like reading the paper right now, so Dora bids the delivery boy to leave it near the door, where the soda delivery boy promptly places a palette of drinks directly on top of the paper.

Taking advantage of the family being at the hospital, Adolfo arrives at the guarded Genoves Casa to sniff around. He questions head body guard Edgar as to how long they’ve had guards. Adolfo assures him that he’s a family friend and business partner. When Edgar announces Adolfo to Susana, she lets him pass and checks to see if Mario is in his office. Knowing full well, he wouldn’t find Mario home, Adolfo offers his card to Susana to call him, telling her he can offer her much more than Roberto. He’d like to speak with her, but not here. Bertha comes click clacking in. Adolfo starts his act. “Is it true about David? How? Who could have done this? How awful!” Etc. He quickly learns from Bertha that David is in grave condition in a coma, and Leo was wounded. He offers to accompany her to the hospital, and she accepts (dummy!).

At the hospital JJ has learned from the doctors that David will be in intensive care all of the day and into the night. JJ and Fausto once again urge Gabi to go home and rest. She avoids agreeing to this by changing the subject. She wants to know if Don Mario has been informed. Since everyone there (Fausto, Abelardo, JJ and Ale) are in the know, and she is not, they all exchange guilty looks and begin to lie. They tell Gabi that since Mario is not well, they have decided not to tell him until David’s condition has improved a bit. Abelardo pulls Fausto aside and tells him he has to get in costume and return. Not only does it seem strange to Gabi that Mario is not there, but the press (la prensa) will wonder too. Fausto’s not keen on this but agrees. He tells Gabi that he has to leave on a work matter. She gets worried and gets his assurance that he’s not leaving the city. He kisses her goodbye and leaves her in JJ’s and Ale’s arms.

At her condo, Yolanda can’t find her glasses and needs Juanita’s help reading her book of phone numbers to find Felix’s number. Carlos comes in looking very worried. He asks if Yolanda has heard the news and she wonders if what she heard about David’s condition is true. Carlos is certain of it. He is also certain that his father is behind it. Yolanda tries to deny it, but she can’t even convince herself. Carlos has been trying to find Felix and hasn’t been able to locate him anywhere. And the news said there were two dead. Perhaps that’s why I can’t find him? Yolanda looks very worried now.

Back at the hospital, Leo is being released into the caring arms of Juli. His left arm is bandaged and in a sling, and Juli carries his bag. Ramon meets them in the hallway and learns Leo is fine but has been told to rest a few days (secretly Ramon does a happy dance). He reminds Leo that his daughter is set to arrive at 8AM today. Oh no! With the shooting it slipped Leo’s mind. His sister is about to give birth to her baby, and so his daughter is coming to spend some time with him for a while. Ramon will go pick her up, but Leo wonders how he will be able to manage in his state. Juli graciously offers to have his daughter stay with her and Gabi for a few days while he heals. When Leo tells her that’s too much to ask, she looks at him with love in her eyes. She tells him that they are friends and reminds him of all the things he has done for them. It will be her pleasure to take care of his daughter, with much affection (cariño). Leo smiles, strokes her cheek, and perhaps has begun to look at her with new eyes. (The way to a man’s heart is through his daughter.) Ramon notices, and seems to approve.

In the waiting area, Ale brings a disheveled JJ a coffee and urges him to go home, bathe, and get some rest. But JJ doesn’t want to leave Gabi alone. Ale assures him Gabi won’t be alone since she’s there, but JJ’s not convinced. His phone rings. It’s Garnica, who doesn’t introduce himself, but wants to know how much JJ would pay for a letter that tells who really killed the hotel maid Isabel over eleven years ago, for which JJ was blamed. JJ wants to know what else the letter says, but Garnica hangs up and leaves JJ hanging. JJ notes out loud that it was a private number and they hung up (colgó) on him. Ale asks who it was. “It was a man who told me he had a letter that says who killed the chambermaid (recamarera) Isabel.” “Dora’s letter?” JJ is shocked that Ale knew about Dora’s letter, and is mad to know she’s known for a while but didn’t tell him. Because she was being stupid (por tonta), and because she was mad at him and he had offended her. JJ is willing to pay as much as he needs to for that letter. Ale thinks this is crazy. Once this guy finds out how much money JJ has, he’ll take him for all he’s got. JJ doesn’t care. He just wants to clear his name.

At Mauricio’s office, Elsa is giving him the inside scoop on the shooting. He’s shocked and wonders if they know who was behind it and what the motive was. Elsa explains that they don’t yet know for sure, but JJ thinks it was an attempt on him or the police officer. David just happened to come along at that moment (por casualidad), and when he saw his wife in danger he ran to protect her and that’s how he got shot. “How horrible!” Mauricio is concerned for Alejandra and how she must be taking her cousin being hurt- he wants to call her. He asks Elsa how JJ is, but she hasn’t yet seen him since it happened. Mauricio is sure she must be very worried about JJ because of how she feels for him. She tells him she has the same kind of concern for JJ as Mauricio has for Ale. Mauricio says it’s because Ale is his friend. Well, Elsa is worried because JJ is her FRIEND. Mauricio and Elsa smile at each other.

Back in the hospital waiting room, Lucifer has strolled in with his handmaiden. They wonder how David is, and Ale gives her sister the stink eye as she tells them David is still unconscious. Adolfo starts up with his false concern. “Who could have done such a thing?” JJ appears and gets up in his face. “You sure you don’t know who it was?” Bertha asks JJ what he’s implying, but JJ tells Adolfo directly that he knows what he’s talking about. Adolfo insists he has no idea what JJ’s talking about and he doesn’t like his tone. Well JJ doesn’t like HIM, his face, or any of the crap (porqueria) he’s done. Adolfo acts offended. He’s not going to take this lack of respect! Gabi finally gets tired of this pissing match and tells them to lower their voices. “This is a hospital for God’s sake!” JJ apologizes to Gabi, then turns to Adolfo and requests that they take it outside. Adolfo tells him he’s being ridiculous (but most likely he’s shaking in his boots at the thought of being alone with JJ). Plus, he didn’t come here to talk to JJ. Things get loud and heated between them again and Ale jumps in to calm JJ down.

Adolfo thinks it’s better if he leaves, but runs into “Mario” and Abelardo on his way out. FaustiMario wants to know what he’s doing there. He says he’s come to see how David is. FaustiMario wants to know since when the health of his son was important to Adolfo. Adolfo has no real answer for that so he chooses to act offended by how everyone is reacting to his kindhearted gesture. He points his finger at Mario and demands to speak to him. FaustiMario points a finger right back and says he wants to speak to Adolfo too. Adolfo says he’ll meet him later at his house, but FaustiMario says he’ll tell him when.

When Gabi sees Don Mario, she starts to cry all over again. She says David is in bad shape and they haven’t allowed her to see him. FaustiMario has Abelardo speak to the doctors to demand that at least David’s wife get to see him. JJ takes his leave of Gabi, saying he has an important matter (asunto) to deal with, but will be back later. Gabi thanks him for everything and he gives her a hug and a kiss that seems to concern Ale. Ale wants to go with JJ, but JJ still seems a bit perturbed about her keeping the knowledge of the letter from him. He asks her to stay with Gabi and David, and leaves without kissing Ale goodbye. He says they’ll talk later.

Abelardo returns with news that the doctor will allow Gabi to see David. Gabi enters the room wearing scrubs. She’s devastated to see unconscious David, hooked up to machines and a breathing tube. She doesn’t know where to touch him that won’t hurt him, so she gingerly touches his hand and then breaks into fresh tears.

At Leo’s apartment, he is being doted on by his daughter Paulita, and Juli. Paulita wants to know if it hurts a lot and if he will ever be able to move his arm again. He tells her he will. Juli has made them all sandwiches for lunch and they sit down in the living room to eat. Paulita looks at Juli appreciatively and asks if she is her father’s girlfriend. This stops both Juli and Leo in their tracks, but Juli answers first saying she is Leo’s friend. Paulita continues her interrogation, this time of her father. She asks if he has a girlfriend. When he says no (giving her a “watch it young lady” look), she then asks why he and Juli don’t become boyfriend and girlfriend then. (I like this kid.) He tells her to eat her sandwich and not ask so many questions. Before she takes a bite, she decides to ask one more question. She asks Juli if she doesn’t like her dad. Juli dodges the question and tells her to obey her father and eat her sandwich. The doorbell rings. It’s Ramon and he obviously has some work issues to speak with Leo about that can not be discussed in front of a child. Juli gets the hint and takes Paulita to her apartment.

Leo gets right down to business with Ramon (isn’t he supposed to be resting?). They’ve identified the two dead assassins since they both had a criminal record (antecedantes penales). One of them is known as El Tuerto (One Eye) but his real name was Felix Mendez. The other was named Aurelio Cabrera, known as El Chango (The Monkey). The one eye remark immediately sparks Leo’s interest. Ramon continues to explain that they were both a part of the same gang of smugglers as the guy they caught a while back. Leo wants Ramon to interrogate the smuggler they caught to get more info. (Looks like Ramon’s To Do list will be even longer with Leo “resting”.)

At his house, JJ looks freshly bathed and changed, but equally preoccupied and worried as before. Limon is worried that he’s just going to give money to some stranger who says he has a letter. JJ is sure he must really have it as he gave some specific and accurate details like the name of the maid, that JJ was the one found guilty, and the name of the real killers, the Avilas. JJ is positive that this letter exists. Don Fausto told him so, then Leo, and even Ale confirmed it. So who wrote this letter? Dora. Limon is shocked. HIS Dorita?! “Yes. The one who used to work for the Genoves.” Limon wants to know what he means by “used to” (trabajaba). JJ explains that she took off and no one knows where she is.

In Michoacán inside the store, Don Jorge is tired, but Dora explains she’s used to working. She talks about the years she worked for Mario and the Genoves in their palatial home, and the years before that she worked as a chambermaid in one of their huge hotels. It’s three o’clock, so they decide to close up shop to eat. They take a few drinks from the palette left on the unread newspaper and lock up. She tells him the name of the wonderful generous man she worked for- Mario Genoves.

Looks like Garnica not only got JJ’s phone number from Marcos in order to blackmail him, but also his home address. Limon and JJ come to the door, and this time Garnica puts on his “I’m a lawyer for many important people and you should talk to me” hat. As they see him in, Limon whips off his apron to make himself more presentable, and accidentally whips off his hairpiece as well. (Lol!)

Garnica explains that he’s represented important businessmen in Mexico for years and helps them invest their money in real estate (bienes raices) or tourism projects. He knows that JJ has recently come into an inheritance (patrimonio). Hold on a minute. JJ wants to know how he knows that. “Mr. Victoria, that’s my job.” Right now he’s doing a tourist project in Puerto Vallarta with an architect who has a really unique vision. His name is Mauricio Medina, and he’s the one designing this project. JJ’s ears perk up at Mauricio’s name. “You know him?” JJ confirms he knows him, but he doesn’t want to do any business with Mauricio for personal reasons. (Ok. I’m going to interrupt here for a second. Although I am glad that JJ is suspicious of Garnica’s scheme, I just don’t understand what JJ’s issue is with Mauricio, when Mauricio has only ever been helpful, gracious, and straight forward with JJ!)

Outside the hospital, Ale and Abelardo are trying to convince FaustiMario that he needs to stay in Mario mode for now, although he wants to be in Fausto mode to support his daughter. People will figure out what’s going on if he doesn’t stay in character. More importantly, her sister Bertha will figure it out. Faustiago’s scared that he’s next on Adolfo’s hit list and wants to take his daughters and flee. Abelardo asks if he really thinks Gabi would leave David in this condition. Ale suggests a solution. They’ll convince Gabi to go home and rest for a while and FaustiMario can assume Fausto mode and go home to be with her. When she returns to be with David at the hospital, he can go back into Mario mode and do what he needs to do as Mario, like meet with Adolfo. It’s the only way they will succeed and unmask the Avilas. While he’s in Fausto mode Ale and Abelardo will cover for him. And Leo can help as well.

Their discussion is interrupted by a downcast Gabi. She says how bad David looked, but FaustiMario reminds her that David is a strong young man, and he will recuperate. He finally convinces her to go home to rest.

At JJ’s, smooth talking Garnica seems to have convinced JJ to join his pyramid scheme (ah, investment opportunity). The only thing JJ asks is that he has minimal contact with Mauricio (WTF??). Once the construction is done, they won’t have any need for contact with the architect. This pleases JJ, and he asks if Mauricio knew Garnica was coming to see him. Garnica is interrupted by JJ’s ringing phone before he can think of an answer. It’s the Mirador Hotel manager telling JJ they’ve found an old address for Dora and the phone number of a relative in her old personnel file. JJ gets a piece of paper to write it down. He doesn’t say Dora’s name out loud (thank goodness), but does tell the manager to share the info with Leo. Leo’s name catches Garnica’s attention very quickly. When JJ hangs up, he asks Garnica to send him the business plan. He and his “partners” will look it over and have an answer for him in a week. Garnica knows he will not regret it and has a feeling they are going to be doing a lot of business together and making lots of money. They shake on it. Limon looks a bit wary.

At the Guillen’s, Juli has Paulita occupied helping her sort beans. She wants to be with her father and doesn’t understand why they had to leave. Juli explains that he needed to speak with the other gentleman. The doorbell rings and it’s a very weary Gabi who slowly makes her way to the couch under Paulita’s watchful gaze. Juli introduces Paula, and Gabi tries to muster up a smile. Paula asks why she’s crying and Gabi answers it’s because her husband is very sick. Her dad is sick too. He was shot. Knowing this is not doing Gabi any good, Juli takes Paulita back home to see if Leo is free. Gabi wants to know if their father has arrived home, and is disappointed to find he has not.

Leo and Ramon are still hard at work when Juli and Paulita return. Leo gives his girl a one armed hug and kiss before she scampers off to watch tv in the bedroom. Juli explains that they came back so quickly because Gabi returned and is very sad/depressed. Leo says he will stop by to see Gabi later and asks how David is doing. “Muy mal.” Leo is very sorry to hear this. Juli reminds him that he’s supposed to be resting. Getting shot is not a little thing (cualquier cosa). Ramon agrees with her and jumps at the chance to leave. Juli compliments his daughter on being so lovely (linda). Leo tells her she’s lovely as well, and gives her hand a gallant kiss. (Progress people! Yay!) They smile shyly at each other.

A bit later that evening, Gabi is still in the same spot on the couch, staring out into space. She has obviously not eaten, bathed, or rested. Juli is at a loss for what to say or do. She answers the door when the bell rings. It’s Paulita. Her father’s asleep (finally) and she’s bored. She wonders if Juli needs any more help sorting beans (the kid must be REALLY bored). Juli doesn’t need any more help, but she wants Paulita to let her father rest. Juli will bring her something to draw (dibujar). Just then Fausto arrives home and goes straight to Gabi. He asks how she is. She says she’s very sad, and David’s very grave. She wants to go back to the hospital. Fausto thinks she should stay home that night. There’s nothing she can do there. Tomorrow morning they’ll go super early.

Juli asks where he’s been. He says he had some business to attend to, and then he went over to Leo’s to see how he’s doing (como sigue). Juli gives a confused glance over to Paulita, who Fausto can’t see behind his back. Juli asks again. “You were with Leonardo?” This time Paulita approaches. She stands in front of Fausto and says it’s not true (no es cierto). “Who is this little girl?” Juli explains she’s Leo’s child. Fausto is at a loss how to explain getting caught in this lie. Paulita levels him with the same intense questioning glare as her father. (Like father, like daughter.)

At Club Sagitario, Adolfo’s day is about to go from bad to worse. Garnica comes to see him and has piqued his interest by mentioning the letter before their meeting. Adolfo wants to know what letter Garnica is talking about. Garnica happily goes on about the opportunities life can suddenly throw our way, without us even asking for them. Adolfo wants him to speak plainly and get to the point. Well it turns out that a letter has recently fallen into Garnica’s hands, that tells the tale of a murder that happened in the Mirador Hotel eleven years ago. “And what’s that got to do with me?” Garnica chuckles. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.” Adolfo doesn’t like his tone (looks like lots of commoners are getting uppity with King Adolfo today). He pays Garnica to deal with his legal matters, and that’s it! “You PAID me!” (past tense) “As of today we’re PARTNERS.” Garnica demands 30% of all of Adolfo’s earnings. Adolfo slams the desk in frustration and disgust. The two men rise from their seats and stare each other down.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Cast of characters in "Triunfo del Amor"

Maximiliano (William Levy) is the son of Victoria y Osvaldo. A sexy, attractive, virile young man, intellitent and audacious in his mother's business. He has exquisite taste in dress, inherited from his father and learned from Victoria. Further, he can enchang women, who fall at his feet due to his captivating smile.

He works as an administrator in his mother's fashion house. He is responsible and creative, and knows how to solve problems rapidly and efficiently. He is a friend to Sergio Duarte, with whom he works.

Maximiliano meets María "The Unprotected" and is captivated by her beauty. He tries to seduce her, pretending his name is Ssergio Duarte. He just wants to pass some agreeable moments without attachment, but the girl rejects him and awakens his curiosity. He begins to get to know her and discovers she's different from all the girls he's known.

María Desamparada ("The Unprotected" or "The Defenseless") (Maite Perroni)is extraordinarily beautiful, noble and genteel. She's lived in an orphanage since the age of three, always thinking she was abandoned in the streets by her parents, when in reality her mother, Victoria, had an accident and this led to Maria being lost. She was raised with a strong resentment towards her birth parents, above all toward her mother for abandoning her.

When Maria leaves the orphanage she rooms with Nati and Linda, two girls very different physically and morally, but who have also suffered greatly in life. The three are like sisters even though their personalities are completely different.

Bernarda (Daniela Romo) is an elegant, mature woman with an extraordinary personality which inspires respect, even fear, because she is very strict. Apparently she has a generous and charitable heart, dedicated to God, but in reality she is pitiless, full of rancor. She is full of contradiction, speaking of doing good while in reality she is the incarnation of evil.

She feigns a nonexistant vulnerability - on the contrary, she is extraordinarily strong and uses her intelligence against those she believes are against her. She is seductive, skilled at blackmail, knows how to manipulate situations in her own favor. The fragility she pretends to allaws her to attack her enemies without awakening suspicions. She dedicates herself to persecuting those she deems to be sinners and punishes them believing this is her divine right, since her son Juan de Dios is a priest.

Victoria (Victoria Ruffo) is one of the most successful Mexican designers. Her fashion house is one of the most respected even on an international level. She is supremely talented, possessing an outstanding sensibility that makes it easy to intuit changes in popular taste and to be at the forefront, knowing and even directing the course of Mexican fashion.

She's traveled a long road to become the famous woman she is now. From a past as a humble domestic employee to being the owner of an empire in the world of fashion. When young she suffered live's injustices, but that's what motivated her to leave her humble world and begin her meteoric career. Despite suffering great penalties, including losing her daughter, she began to work as a costumer in a clothing factory. It was there that she discovered her innate talent for design, combined with her experience from youth helping her godmother to sew and embroider her own clothes.

Álvaro Guillermo (García Cantú} is a mature man, bitter and resentful of life, because despite being sex and attractive, he hasn't had the same opportunities as Osvaldo, whom he's hated all his life, thinking he stole: the love of Amalia, the leading roles he thought he deserved, but above all the love of Victoria. Since then, pretending to be his friend, he has planned to destroy him.

Solitary, sinister and malicious, he broods over his lack of success. He has a perverse relationship with Jimena, the girlfriend and later wife of Maximiliano, whom he subjugates to his desires and caprices. Alvaro knows well that the baby Jimena expects is his, but he doesn't care about her marriage. Ruining her life is part of his vengeance against the family Sandoval.

Jimena (Dominika Paleta) is very beautiful, the most important model in Victoria's fashion house. She has an unstable relationship with Maximiliano, whom she has attached herself to for monetary gain as she knowns he will inherit the great Sandoval fortune.

However, the relationship between Jimena and Max is less viable every day since he desides to break with her because she is a jealous, possessive blackmailer. In reality she suffers from a mental disorder. She asks Victoria to intervene and prevent the separation, but Maximilian has made up his mind to leave Jimena.

Sor Clementina (Alicia Rodríguez) is Mother Superior in the orphanage where María Desamparada spent her childhood. She is full of love for all orphaned children and has a special love for Maria who from a young age gained the trust and the heart of this nun, who is Maria's protector and spiritual guide.

Juan Pablo (Diego Olivera) is a priest who loves his vocation (to protect those most in need and help them find a better life). His energies are directed toward the most helpless: the elderly, children and adolescents in danger of being snatched, molested, or falling into drug addiction. He directs them towards sports and other recreational activites. He is modern but respectful. Like all human beings, being young he doubts his calling, and this causes him to slip up and bonk Victoria one night...

Osvaldo (Osvaldo Ríos) is a mature, conservative, sexy and virile actor, married to Victoria whom he loves profoundly and who is the mother to his daughter Fernanda. He was a widow when he married Victoria; Maximiliano is his son from his first marriage, a son whom Victoria has raised as her own.

Osvaldo is one of the most sought-after galans (leading men) in Mexican television. He is amiable and affectionate with his family. Victoria is convinced he is faithful, upright, incapable of deceiving her or lying to her. The reality is different - he hides a huge secret that torments him: tired of being abandoned by his workaholic wife, he begins an affair with Maria's friend Linda.

Antonieta (Erika Buenfil) is a mature, elegant and guarded woman, chief of command to Victoria, whom she has known since that long-ago pregnancy. They worked together in the couture workshop of Humberto Padilla. Atonieta helped Victoria with her daughter until the terrible accident caused by Bernarda, in which Victoria's daughter got lost.

She is faithful to Victoria and will do anything for her happiness; she is the only one allowed to confront her and point out her errors. Antonieta is in love with Claudio, adminstrator at the fashion house and suffers in silence since she knows he's been in love with Victoria forever.

Pipino (Miguel Pizarro) is the star designer at Victoria's fashion house. He's campy but not a homosexual, and lives in an extravagant manner. He hates Luchiano Ferreti, his Italian rival.

Milagros (Carmen Salinas), originally from Guadalajara and a 'Chiva' was widowed very young and had to care for her son Juanjo, so she moved to Mexico City. She has a lonely-hearts business, reads cards and horoscopes. She's a great cook.

Linda (Dorismar) was born in Monterrey, but moved early to Mexico City when her parents divorced and her mother wanted a new life. Linda had a bad relationship with her stepfather so was happy to get a chance to live alone. She is aware of her beauty, which she uses for her convenience. She is seductive and has sugar daddies. She hopes to marry a rich man.

Juanjo (Cuauhtémoc Blanco) is a handsome youth of humble origin and a generous soul. He favors the other soccer team and fights with his mother Milagros over the games. He is a fireman. He adores his mom and hopes some day she will conquer the heart of Don Napo, as he calls Napoleón. He falls head over heels in love with Linda and decides to tell her. She marries him while continuing to bonk Osvaldo.

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Plot summary of "Triunfo del Amor" (Triumph of Love)

A humble girl named Victoria is attracted to Juan Pablo, a future priest, son of the Iturbe family who own the house in which she works. The attraction is mutual and in a night of absolute passion they give themselves over to love, but this has grave consequences: Victoria becomes pregnant and Bernarda, Juan Pablo's mother, discovers the truth and throws Victoria out of the house. Juan Pablo does not know there is a little girl on the way.

Victoria, defenseless and without work, is helped by Atonieta; they work together in a clothing workshop owned by Humberto (who tries to rape her). Victoria's daughter Maria disappears after an accident caused by the evil Bernarda who, blinded by religious fervor, cannot permit a daughter of sin to survive. Victoria and her friend seek the baby but never find her; full of rage, Victoria swears before God that she will never be humiliated again.

Many years pass and Victoria has kept her vow: now she and Antonieta own a grand fashion house. Victoria is happily married to a popular actor, Osvaldo Sandoval, who has two children, Maximiliano y Fernanda.

"Abandoned Maria" is now a young woman ready to leave the orphanage where she grew up and to sally forth into the world, to triumph. Linda and Nathy appear in her path, two great friends. They become roommates and decide to help each other.

Life causes Maria to cross paths with Osvaldo, who learns that her dream is to become a famous model and that she greatly admires Victoria. He invites her to meet his wife, but the interview is far from friendly; Victoria treats her with arrogance and disrespect, even more so when she realizes Maria looks exactly as she herself did when she was young. On her side, Maria meets Maximiliano and a great love arises between them, a love which is rejected by Victoria and is threatened by the capricious Jimena, Max's girlfriend.

Maximiliano is Victoria's adopted son, but he has been raised believing she is is true mother; he is accustomed to having whatever woman he wants but has only been able to maintain a relationship - albeit unstable - with Jimena. He tries his usual tricks on Maria, and seduces her - however, he finds it is true love, frustrated when Jimena tells Maximiliano she is pregnant and that he should leave Maria.

Full of rage and sadness caused by Victoria's constant disdain and by discovering that she herself is also pregnant, "Abandoned Maria" seeks help from Father Juan Pablo, now a respected priest, not imaging that his lost daughter is so near - until Bernarda, in confession, reveals that the girl is the child he had with Victoria...

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La Fea Más Bella #133-134 12/17/10 Morning dawns mostly cloudy with a chance of showers.

Capitulo 133.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Erasmo blames the neighbors for the dog noises, but then he finds Moty. Julieta refuses to get rid of the dog. He admits he’s afraid of dogs because a Chihuahua bit him when he was young.

2. Lety reads Tomás the letter and cries, “How could he not trust me, when I was unconditional with him from the beginning? How could he doubt my loyalty?” She realizes he did it so she’d doctor the balances and return his company.

3. Tom asks, “What are you going to do now?” She doesn’t know; she only wants to go far away and never return to Conceptos. Like the devil on her shoulder, Tom reminds her of Fernando’s errors. He gave her his company and then he distrusted her and treated her disgracefully. Now she owns Conceptos and she can bring Fernando to his knees. Lety considers the temptation but she recognizes that she’s in no condition to make big decisions today. He promises his complete support.

4. In his thinking chair, Fernando ponders how happy Lety makes him.

5. MamaJ urges Lety to tell her what’s wrong. She fears it’s another like the Miguel tragedy. Mama hears Lety crying through the door. She gives Lety Moty which helps, and she prays for ways to stand by Lety even if Lety won’t tell her problems.

6. Lety tells her diary, “I’m the pieces that were once a woman. Today I understand that my life is a cycle and the tragedy repeats, every time more cruel. It’s not worth the pain to go on living, because it will be the same story that has repeated since my birth.” She remembers the cruel treatment from her childhood.

7. Rather than taking revenge as Tom urged her, all she wants is to run away. But she knows she must face it because she’s at fault too, for getting involved with an engaged man. She goes to work in the morning, still not knowing what she’ll do. Alicia mocks her for being an old maid, and Lety says, “I’d rather be single for life than a failure at marriage, a failure at work, and a failure at life.

Capitulo 134.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety purges her office of Fernando’s gifts and cards while Carolina watches. Caro is disturbed that Lety has not talked to the man involved about all this. Lety says that to him, she’s nothing. Caro still thinks Lety should give him a chance to explain his side. Lety won’t hear of it, but she doesn’t surrender the trash bag to Juana.

2. She imagines that Fernando says the letter was a joke; it was a test to see if she goes through his papers. He says that he’s incapable of hurting her. She is distant when she snaps out of the fantasy, and Fernando hopes that the cause is nothing more than her worry that he won’t break the engagement.

3. Fernando doesn’t like Omar’s card so he tries to write his own. Again he gets frustrated that it’s so hard for him to be open with his feelings and say what he wants to say to Lety. He gives up and uses Omar’s card. When Fernando checks in on her, she gives him a backhand slap that sends him across the room.

4. Lety ponders Marcia’s wedding dress. She says, “I worried so much for you, but it turns out you’re going to marry him, and I’m the one to suffer.”

5. The repo lawyers come to tow away Alicia’s car while she tries to impress the Robalde exec’s with her class and status. Cute scene, Fernando lets Alicia continue her status game until she tries to order Lety around, when he tells Ali she’s gone too far. He stands to give Lety his chair at the head of the table, and he dismisses Alicia like a child, telling her to be a good girl and bring them refreshments.

6. Celso tries to discreetly tell Alicia the urgent news, but she refuses to lower herself to talk to a doorman privately, so he announces to everyone that her car is being repossessed. The lawyers had tried to work out an arrangement with her, but she was abusive with one and avoided the calls of the other. Saimon tries his best to defend her. As they haul away her car, Alicia falls to her lowest point. So far.


The DREAM Act is coming up for a vote tomorrow in the Senate. Here's how to find your senator's phone number

Go to representatives by zip code. Enter your zip code and instantly get the phone numbers for your senators. PLEASE call them to support the DREAM Act, which will help young Latinos who have lived their lives in this country become a more secure part of its fabric.

I am a mentor and know many young Latinos, some here since they were one year old, who want nothing more than to go to college and become teachers, nurses, firefighters... I know a smart, strong 21 year old Latino who wants to join the military and get a leg up in our society that way (if he's not killed first serving our country). Why wouldn't we want them?

You, my Caray Caray readers, are an important part of the struggle to help young Latinos avoid being marginalized. PLEASE call your Senator today.

Here's one online source of information about the DREAM Act.

Call now! Thanks.


Eva Luna #31 Thu 12/16/10 Swoon City... Love is in the air, in the water... but not in ONE mother's heart...

Recapped by Martaivett!
Repeat scenes of last night:

VEEkEE: Now it turns out you don’t love me Daniel. You suddenly realized you don’t love me. (GULP!) You just made a huge mistake. You will not leave me as a stood up towns bride.(vestida y alborotada como novia del pueblo)! I will marry you!! … (GULP GULP) or rather… You will marry me!
Fran: The only woman you deserve… with all due respect… is Srta Eva. (Dano smiles ear to ear)
VEEkEE: For now everything must stay as it was… until I leave you… and then I will kill you.
Dano: I spoke to VEEkEE! I told her! There will be no wedding!
Eva: I think you are crazy.
Dano: Totally. I am in love…
Dano: Since the first time we kissed… we realized we were in love… just that we were afraid to say it… it was like that, right? (SMOOCH!!... wet and looooong!)

(and tonight)…

(I am going to keep Fran/Marisol/Ali scenes together, Leo/JollyO scenes together, and Dano/Eva scenes together for sake of not making you all dizzy because the swapping back and forth was very annoying tonight)

Back to the lovebirds by the edge of the water… I don't have to say that during all these scenes tonight they were forehead against forehead, kissing dancing in a lovely embrace, or at the very least... holding hands. It was soooo hard not to keep pushing the rewind button to see the scenes again... but I had to finish the recap for you all... sigh... where can I mail-order a man like Dano Villanueva for myself?
Dano: This is love, Eva.
Eva: Are you sure?
Dano: Completely. But know what?
Eva: What?
Dano: There’s something missing. We have to baptize this love and there is nothing like sea water to do it. Come! (she is more than willing to comply, they laugh as they race into the water holding hands… once in the water, Dano turns it up a notch to include her neck… she keeps going back and forth between giggling like a kid and getting breathlessly transported to la-la land) … now laying in the sand totally wet, he is looking down at her, caressing her.
Eva: I am afraid this is a dream and soon will pass.
Dano: I am sorry to dissapoint you… it is really happening…
Eva: I am afraid, Daniel…
Dano: Shhh shhh… no need to feel fear.
Eva: What will happen now?
Dano: The logical thing… a kiss… another kiss… (more smooching/hugging laying on sand)
Eva: The day I met the sea you came to me…
Dano: I remember perfectly…. I have an idea.
Eva: What?
Dano: we are going to keep this going… just follow me. (she again is happy to oblige holding his hand)
At a boutique, the employee wants to send them away since they are wet (I had a little 'Pretty woman' movie deja-vu with this scene, kept waiting for the PW song to begin playing... 'MERCY!!!'... ) but Dano uses a credit card to ‘skip the rules’ and promises he will make their exception worthwhile. The employee is more than happy as if the credit card said ‘no charges under $10,000 allowed’. Dano asks the employee to fetch a makeup artist and hair stylist for Eva.

Eva is getting the red carpet makeover treatment at the boutique…

Eva is showing some of the store’s exclusive gowns to dano, he does not seem to feel great about the ones we get to see, but then there is one more we don’t get to see that he seems to like very much, she is elated that he is so excited about that one.

Dano is at the men's dept picking out a suit to go along with Eva for the dinner date…

Later on, At a very pretty outdoor restaurant setting, Dano and Eva order drinks, of course Dano orders the best champagne of the house…

Dano: You look gorgeous.
Eva: You too… (preciosa) … (she laughs and corrects herself) you look handsome. … this restaurant is beautiful… like a fairy tale…
Dano: A fairy tale that has just begun. IT is our love story.
Eva: I am afraid I will wake up and realize it was just a dream… and I am afraid you will wake up and realize that I am not the woman you deserve…
Dano: Noooo… the issue is to figure out if I am the man YOU deserve. (they just stare at each other lovingly)
Dano: I want to know more about you.
Eva: My life is so simple, I would doubt it is interesting.
Dano: Don’t say that. I am interested in anything about you. And I want to get to know you better… and that you get to know me.
Eva: Lets do this… you ask and I will answer.
Dano: Why don’t you tell me about your parents?
Eva: That is not a happy story. My dad got run over by a car a few days after we got to L.A. and the jerk ran away.
Dano: I am so sorry… My parents too died in a car accident, and up to now, they have not been able to find out who is responsible.
Eva: But I will find the man who ran him over. And I will demand justice.
Dano: I hope so… And your mother?
Eva: She abandoned us a few months after my sister was born. I was very little.
Dano: And you have not seen her since?
Eva: No. My dad told us that she had left for the U.S. with another man. So for me it is like she were dead.
Dano: I am so sorry.
Eva: Why don’t we change the subject?... how is Laurita?
Dano: Laurita is great. She wants you to come by the house again.
Eva: She is a very lovely girl… And the puppy?
Dano: Aaay, that puppy has me going around very jealous… Since you gave it to her.. .she pays no attention to me!...
Eva: Daniel.. I really don’t want to think the worst, but… I am very fearful.
Dano: (holds her hand) You insist in that fear… why?
Eva: Because of what is to come… and the consequences… what will happen with VEEkEE? (Dano looks down sighing since he does not have a good answer for that)
Dano: You have no idea how difficult it was to talk to VEEkEE last night.
Eva: Did you tell her that you and I…
Dano: No, no.. I told her what I had to tell her. That I don’t love her and that we can’t go on like this, even less get married. Did you see her today?
Eva: Yes. She asked me for a couple aspirin and then I heard her talk to her friend. But as much as I think about it… I feel very guilty, I feel very bad!...
Dano: You don’t have a reason why you should feel bad. My breaking up with VEEkEE was going to happen sooner or later! Before or after the wedding, with or without you around!
Eva: Yes, but you and her were engaged for a long time.
Dano: Well, yes. IT was an engagement we got used to. With time, it became an agreement. With time, everyone got the expectation we would get married. And that is why she asked me for a few days to tell her family. And then I will talk to her.
Eva: And I with Don Julio. You don’t know the fear I get about that. What will he think about me?
Dano: No, no. I will be there to support you. I will assume all responsibility.
Eva: Are we doing the right thing?
Dano: Yes, Eva… YES!... From my side, I am glad I armed myself with valour to confront myself,… and look at me! I am without mask.. in front of the woman I really love (she smiles lovingly)… Eva, you should not go back to work at that house.
Eva: No, I cannot quit my job. I want to keep working for myself and for my sister.
Dano: I was not referring to that. (holds her chin) I knew you would never accept that. But meanwhile, you could care for Laurita. (she smiles) That would give you two a chance to get to know each other better. And while she is at school, you could register in college and complete your studies. I would like to support you in all your dreams.
Eva: Well right about now I am living one of them.
Dano: Ay, Eva… I love you… God brought us this moment to be together and that is all that matters. Don’t get yourself all worked out anymore… this is our night.

(at a very pretty low light gazebo)

Dano: I want you to only think in our love. All you have to do is let yourself go. (they dance slowly and hug and caress a lot…)

Fran is desperate to hear Mari say she feels something for him, he is even massagging her shoulders and caressing her face… Mari says she too is in love with him. Another kiss.

Back to gazebo lovebirds… he hugs her from behind… swooning her…

Dano: Let yourself be guided by my arms forever…
Mari tells Fran when her parents left she was left all alone in the world.
(Now lovebirds are walking by edge of small lake)
Dano: Know what? There was once a man…
Eva: And who was him?
Dano: A man who was desperate to tell everyone that at this moment he was very happy.
Eva: Why?
Dano: Because he had beside him the woman he had always dreamed of.
Eva: Who was she?
Dano: She was a woman with an undescribable beauty… He would tell everyone who walked by: ‘see this beautiful woman? One day she will love me as I love her already. I will not let her leave my side ever. I want her by my side forever.

Fran/Marisol..Fran: You look so beautiful today, Marisol. (Alicia a.k.a. Lupita is bringing them two martinis, she is keeping the tray balanced with visible difficulty LOL, Marisol reprimends her slightly to serve the guest first)
Ali: Its just that I am a bit nervous. (walks around the couch to be in front of them) Its just that you look so much like your cousin the actor.(it is fran’s turn to be a bit nervous)… I don’t want to be indiscreet but I have been told I could be an actress… look at me… I am not ugly, am I? (LOL! Marisol sends her to the kitchen to check on dinner) Ali summons Mari to kitchen. Fran asks to use the bathroom…

Ali had summoned Mari to kitchen to confront her about the yelling at her, Mari says that is how rich people behave with their house help. Mari gets Ali happy again promising her she will introduce her to Fran’s cousin (the actor) when she has the chance. They both suddenly fear that Fran might find something in the bathroom that might break the setup since neither of them checked the bathroom before he got there. Fran is obviously in bathroom and finds a copy of ‘Hot girls’ magazine (LOL!) and is confused… he opens the drawers of the vanity and finds men’s toiletries… the robe by the shower is also a mens robe. Fran wonders if Marisol has a lover.

Mari brings him another martini… he is serious now, somewhat irritated. She asks what is going on, he denies anything is wrong. But he questions her about how long she has lived there. A few months. Ali interrupts briefly but Mari brushes her away.. He tells her about the things ‘not precisely for women’ he found in the bathroom. He asks her point blank if she lives there with a man. Marisol denies living with a man. Fran questions then who’se are those things? She claims they belong to her cousin Horace. She comes up with a sad story about him having health issues and stays with her because of that. Fran appologizes to her (totally bought the story). Alicia is proudly serving the ‘house specialty’, none other than ‘pig feet with potatoes’ (patitas de puerco en escabeche EWWWW) to Fran and Marisol. This is a repeat of their date at Dano’s house when she lied about the dish being her favorite… now its time to Fran to say the same thing.

Fran/Mari are eating the pig feet… He says they look like the ones his mother used to make. Mari follows the lead… she wanted to offer him something simple from her childhood memories… Fran buys the whole thing and compliments her on being a great human being… this is too funny, he is complimenting her on money and luxuries not being that important to her, while she is eating the pig feet with her fingers (EWWWW!) Fran keeps complimenting Marisol and kissing her hand… this had its funny moments since both of them keep ‘playing the role of the rich and famous’. Fran tells Mari he is looking for someone with great feelings/values, Mari is thinking herself that she has him in her reach…

Fran and Mari are still at the pent-house in their date…Fran: Don’t you feel lonely? (Mari sends ‘Lupita’ away) .. Don’t you feel lonely in this place so big?
Mari: Very.
Fran: Then… would you let me accompany you… take away your loneliness… and sit by your side?... I know it is too soon… but I can’t take it anymore… (SMOOCH… Ali sees them from dining room which she was cleaning up… ‘dead dog.. we are millionaires, my friend!’…) Fran appologizes for the kiss… he says perhaps he should not have… they both keep playing the games of ‘portray rich and conquer’… I am in love with you…

Marce and Bruno have a ‘date’… at her office. I won’t describe the scene because it is the ‘unwatchable version of what was going on earlier’… he wants her ‘escence, her power’… he gave her a white glove, she takes it as an offense… LOL! Marce tells Bruno he is going way too fast. She reprimends him on not showing up at the office, she says we will talk tomorrow and just takes off…

Bruno is mad, calls his ‘cousin’ and tells her things did not go well. She gives him the ‘I told you so’ about the present he had picked… She got offended… Bruno assures his cousin that everything is under control. She says ‘I hope so’.

At mysery manor, VEEkEE is drinking away. Renata thinks it was enough, VEEkEE reprimends her loudly about Renata being nothing but the lead house help. However, Marce comes over to say she DOES have the power to confront her. Marce says now she knows that at last night’s dinner, Dano left her. VEEkEE has teary eyes… comes forward and tells her mom the truth. She is hurt, she did not want to confront the reality. Marce says the scandal will be huge, the press will have a field day with the scandal. VEEkEE says that is why she was drinking, she wanted to forget it all. Marce says VEEkEE should not have accepted the break-up. VEEkEE says how could I stop it?? Marce says there are MANY WAYS… (I bet most of those she is thinking of would make people end up in jail if caught)…

Marce : Evidently, you did not do enough, girl!
VEEkEE: You are making me feel worse, mother!
Marce: Good!! I am glad!! You are a stupid!! You let go a man who signifies a fortune!!
VEEkEE: I don’t care about that!! Everything happened so fast! His decision took me totally by surprise!
Marce: That was your mistake. How could you not preview it if I myself even realized it!? That is why I had you buy the wedding bands!
VEEkEE: Neither that nor your intuition served to avoid it.
Marce: Because you are useless! You don’t know how to show your claws!!
VEEkEE: Enough, mother!!
Marce: Not Enough!! Now everyone will be laughing in your face!!
VEEkEE: Enough!!!
Marce: You will be mocked by everyone!!
VEEkEE: Shut up already!!! Shut up already!!! I want to die!! (this woman needs some acting 101 time)
Marce: Believe me that by this point in the game, that would be a more dignified headline than what we will see!! (this woman can only think about society and money)
VEEkEE: Mother…
Marce: Mother nothing!! You failed!! Now you will face the consequences!! And now go to your room, and not a word to anyone!!
VEEkEE: What for? Everything is over now..
Marce: Nooo!... Nooo! … not yet.
VEEkEE: how?... what are you thinking of doing?
Marce: Nothing yet … but I will think of something… I will ask Renata to take your dinner to your room… we will talk later… I will bring you a coffee… (we get creepy music as if this evil woman is really thinking of something monstrous)

Later that night, Marce is with Leo, Leo asks about his sister, Marce says VEEkEE is not feeling well, she seems down/depressed…

Renata tells Leo Jolly-O wants to talk to him.

(we get Marce bringing VEEkEE coffee or tea…)VEEkEE: You have a plan?
Marce: Yes.
VEEkEE: Tell me!
Marce: I will tell you tomorrow. Now I want you to stop thinking of dying. To be honest, I got really worried when you said it. You sounded so determined to do it. That is why I spoke to you in that tone. I wanted you to realize the monstrocity of what you were saying.
VEEkEE: I feel so bad. Do you think I still can do something to make him not leave me?
Marce: Yes… We will do something to avoid that scandal. I guarantee it. Take your coffee… Relax. (let’s remember this is not her first victim via coffee… lol) That happened to you for useless! For not being able to retain Daniel… You wanted to die, no?... That sounded to me like a good idea… that is why I took care of it personally… Now the one in control of everything is me.

Marce questions Renata as to what JollyO wanted to talk to Leo about.. Renata is clueless. Marce will ask Leo about it tomorrow… Renata is ready to call it a night, but Marcela sends Renata to check on VEEkEE. Marce tells Renata VEEkEE was very nervous and she is worried about her health… (setting up Renata to find VEEkEE)
Jolly-O is in his office… Leo comes in…
Leo: How are you dad? How are you feeling?
Jolly0: well… on the way. Recovering a bit more each day.
Leo: What can I do for you? Renata told me you wanted to see me.
JollyO: What I want to know is very simple, Leo… what is the deal with you and Eva?
(we see another Tmobile commercial where she is telling her aunt on phone what is going on, except she says ‘the episode ended where marcela told her ‘last night Dano left you’)
JollyO: I am not up to games…
Leo: Why the question, dad? Did she come to you and tell you that she was interested in me? What do you know?
JollyO: For starters, I know you are not the type of man that should be around a girl like her. (Leo looks deflated)(I know) that you could harm her more than you can imagine! And know what, Leo? I will not allow you to do it.
JollyO: Leo, I am too old for you to try to make fun of me. What you told me is not true, son!. You are not in love with EVA!
Leo: It is the truth, dad!! I swear it! Yes, I confess it all started as a game! But that woman is unique! You better than anyone should understand me! Or not? Are you going to tell me you don’t agree with me?
JollyO: In that you are absolutely right, Eva is a very special woman!
Leo: She is special and too pretty to let her pass by!
JollyO: That is precisely what I am talking about, Leo! What you are fearing is that she will escape you!
Leo: No, Dad!
JollyO: How do you know that what you feel for Eva is not obsession or a fling?
Leo: Because I want to spend the rest of my life with her! Understand me! All the time I want to see her, hear her voice, take care of her, protect her. I am not interested in any other woman! Believe me! That had never happened to me! I swear it!
JollyO: Leonardo!...
Leo: Dad… what would you think if I told you I am falling in love with that woman?
JollyO: No… No, I don’t believe you.
Leo: Dad, it is true! For the first time in my life the game went all wrong. And the one who fell was me.. Please believe me… (we see JollyO undecided, staring deeply at Leo as if trying to read him)
Leo: You don’t believe me, do you?
JollyO: I don’t know, son… I would like to believe you but…
Leo: Alright. Alright, perfect! I deserve your lack of trust. We both know how I am.
JollyO: That is why I wanted to talk to you. To warn you not to harm that girl. Eva is too naïve… too pure for you. You get bored, that is what happens with you.
Leo: And what is it that is happening with me?
JollyO: You confuse love with novelty, with surprise… And if what I am saying is true, Leonardo, be careful. I will be watching you closely. Hmm?
Leo: I can’t believe you think that about me.
JollyO: Now leave me alone, I already took a tranquilizer and need to rest… Go on.
Cliffhanger: Renata finds VEEkEE and sees the stage of the suicide by overdose… Renata freaks out…

end of ep…

Previews: (btw, the previews are for Monday, so I assume no EvaLuna tomorrow)

Dano is yelling out loud that he loves this woman beside him… Eva is praying that nothing will stop this happiness…
Renata shakes VEEkEE to no avail…
Voice over: The evil of a soul-less mother… attacks mercilessly…
Apparently Renata ran to Dano’s house to summon him…


This is where to tag your posts

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IMPORTANT! Change of indexing - please read, everybody

Hello friends, 5foot alerted me this morning to the imminent dissolution of, which we have been using to tag our posts. (The links in the left sidebar take you to the site.) Yahoo, who bought delicious, has now decided to shut it down.

I'm trying to find a replacement and have got "experimental" tags now under your show's usual recap link. PLEASE try them out and leave me a comment here. Does the new system work for you?

Recappers, what this means for you is: YOU MUST REMEMBER TO LABEL YOUR POST. In the gray area just under the text box where you type or paste your recaps, there is a white box that says labels. You must use our regulation label for each show or your post won't show up in the feed.

Thanks, Kat, for letting me know about this. Everybody, please try it out and give me feedback.


La Verdad Oculta EP67 12/16/2010 – Kiss, kiss, bang, bang

* While Édgar, the security guard is spying behind a tree, in the car Garnica threatens Susana both physically and verbally. However, when the he notices she isn’t afraid of him and she can find another customer if he doesn’t want to pay, finally he agrees to give her 1,5 million pesos for the letter.

* Early in the morning Leo visits the Guillén girls only to greet his favourite ladies. Gaby asks him about his investigation after The Shoes and the smuggling, and she tells him about her interesting conversation with Yolanda. After he leaves David shows up to explain the strange behaviour of Mario. He tells the girl Adolfo Ávila finally agreed to end the contract, but they’re afraid he wants to get rid of hurt Mario. Gaby asks him about Marta. Does Adolfo threaten Mario with information about her death? David admits that’s true. Gosh, did Mario kill her?! No, no, he didn’t. And did Fausto know that woman, too? David says she should ask her father about that and assures the girls Fausto is an extraordinary man who loves them much. Then he changes the subject: that policeman is in love with Gabriela, isn’t he? He swears he can’t live without her, he knows he was an idiot, and begs for a second chance. But it’s too late, Gaby can’t forgive him. Heartbroken David has no other choice but to accept her answer, but before leaving he says Mario would like to talk with her.

* At the Ávila condo Adolfo orders Félix to kill that dangerous Juan José… Immediately.

* Leonardo, the Duracell Bunny doesn’t let Ramón live, Act II.: he wakes him up and scolds him for being still in bed, and his sleepy assistant informs him that Carlos doesn’t work in Sagitario anymore.

* David tells the surprised and grateful Fausto that since he must miss his daughter much he arranged a meeting with her. Outside Bertha thanks to David for letting her return to the house and she swears she’ll never meet Adolfo again. However, when she learns that Gaby may never reconcile with David, she can’t hide her contentment.

* Édgar tells David what he saw in the morning and David orders him to keep following Susana.

* At his architect studio Mauricio tells Elsa he is going to the sea and asks her to accompany him. And what about bringing along Caramelo, too? Elsa likes the idea, and says she’ll ask Juan José about it. A brief shadow of worry flits across Medina’s face.

* Leonardo visits JJ who’s glad to see his newest pal and tells him the story of Gregorio’s marvelous treasure. Yes, he was lucky but he can’t forget either those years in the prison or his mother’s death and urges Leonardo to do something. He’s the policeman, find proofs against the Ávilas! Leo assures him he knows what his obligations are and the police is already looking for Dora. In his office is thinking about Dora, too. He can’t believe his men couldn’t find her. In Juan José’s house the boys have a bright idea: since Dora used to work in JJ’s hotel called Mirador there may be important information about her in the personnel registers. Great! However, Leonardo warns JJ not to do anything stupid like what he did in Sagitario.

* A simple woman is walking on the sunny streets of Michoacán. She enters a shop, and the shopkeeper, Jorge happily greets her: Dorita! It turns out they are old friends and he offers her a job and a room to sleep in.

* At Guilléns’ flat the girl receive a letter from Fausto who sent them 10.000 pesos. At least they won’t have financial problems for a while, but Gabriela intends to accept Juan José’s jo offer anyway. Julieta asks her if she’s she sure that this (i.e. divorce and starting a new life) is what she really wants to do. Yes, completely.

* Roberto calls Susana to invite her to his flat for a chat. Sorry, pal, she can’t leave the house now, she’ll call him later.

* Rubina, the hotel manager shows Juan José the registers. Dora used to work there 11 years ago which unfortunately makes the search harder. JJ asks him to look for employees who might have known Dora. Gaby arrives at the office. JJ introduces her to Rubina asks him to teach her everything about the hotel because she’s going to work with them. After the manager leaves she asks him what he was talking about. She’s going to be “an executive who executes”, says JJ. Oh, no. She begs him to give her a simple job because she has no education and she can’t learn how a hotel works. However, JJ truly believes she’s a very smart woman who’ll do her job well.

* At AFI Leo tells Ramón the police has to investigate after Dora Ramírez, an important witness who’s disappeared. In the middle of the conversation JJ calls him to inform him that his employees are looking for information about Dora. Leo asks Ramón to give him a lift to hotel Mirador because he’s car has got a flat tire near to JJ’s house.

* While Félix is putting in eye drops to The Most Ridiculous Fake Eyes Ever, nervous Adolfo learns from the Sagitario staff that a policeman asked after Carlos last night. Adolfo begins panicking, it’s too much, and he doesn’t understand why is Leo so interested in Marta’s death either. Félix drops a bomb: boss, doncha’ think that girl who married to David is very similar to Marta? Adolfo is surprised, yes, Félix may be right… *Viewerville: Loser! A half-eyed gangster has better memory and sight than you, who knocked up her mother!* Bomb no. 2.: And those girls are in the same age as Marta’s daughters. What if their father is Santiago Guzmán? Adolfo’s head starts to fume, fine, fine, he’ll think it over, but right now killing Juan José is their number one goal!

* Leonardo arrives at the hotel and learns about JJ’s job offer from Gaby.

* Susana sneaks out of the Genovés villa, but she can’t fool her loyal shadow who follows her to Garnica’s car. Inside the vehicle she gots a lot of cash in a dust bag in exchange of the valuable letter. Garnica reads the letter and asks who the hell is Dora. A woman who used to work for the Genovéses, says Sue. When she returns to the house, Édgar asks her about her mysterious acquaintance to which she lies Garnica was the lawyer of her husband. And what’s inside that dust bag? She gives Édgar a stink eye: that’s not his job!

* At Mirador Leo and and Rubina are checking the registers when Gaby shows up again saying she has to leave now because she has an appointment with Mario. Juan José offers her a lift and Leo quickly asks him to let him join since his car is near to his house.

* Leo, Gaby and JJ leave the hotel but they don’t notice the black car following them. In the tunnel house David urges Fausto to prepare because Gaby may show up any minute. Since Fausto hasn’t even started to make-up he calls Gaby and tells her Mario hasn’t arrived at home yet… which means Gaby has more time to spend with her friends.

* Elsa, an absolutely cute Caramelo, Asunción and Chickles play “businessmen in the office” game but Chickles doesn’t like it.

* David is so frustrated about the slowness of Fausto that he decides to look for Gabriela and occupy her for a while. In the car Gaby learns that Leo has visited JJ before, moreover, he helps him prove his innocence. Gaby smiles, then JJ’s in the best hands. Alejandra calls JJ to discuss the details about their dinner. The trio arrives at the street where Leo’s car’s parking and while Gabriela’s enjoying the sunshine the guys start to change the flat tire. Two vehicles are approaching: a motorbike with David and a black SUV with two assassins. David notices the danger and he jumps in front of Gaby just when Félix starts to shoot. Leo also gets shot, but he still has energy left back to kill Félix which gives JJ the chance to get rid of the other gangster.

Results: two dead gangsters, a shocked Juan José, a wounded Leo who only cares about Gaby’s wellbeing, a heartbreakingly crying Gabriela and a bleeding, unconscious David. Damn you, Adolfo.



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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Llena de Amor #89 (Mex. 94) Thu 12/16/10 The Hardy Boys Find Some Clues, The Boardinghouse Becomes A Fight Club and Victoria Twists The Knife

Big doins tonight. Deals are made. Clues discovered. Other secrets still kept. We had interrupted romances (Brandon and Consuelo), fake romances (Doris and Manolo) and imagined romances (Muñeca dreaming of Fidel as el Lirio de Plata). And lots of beat downs. Three black eyes in the naco boardinghouse alone. Even better, Mauricio gets thoroughly punched out. Fedra is alternately thwarted and frightened. Kristel and Lorenzo remain clueless about most everything. And Mari/Vicky digs her claws into Ilitia. Not pretty but I guess turnabout's fair play. So all in all, no complaining about the action dragging tonight. Nosireee!

A brief review of last night: Lorenzo and Fedra are about to start their nauseous canoodling when they're interrupted by a threatening phone call. It's clearly Victoria but Fedra's baffled. And frightened. When Lorenzo cautions her to "no te desesperes" she thinks he's saying "Perez" and that really freaks her out. Way to go, Low!
Elsewhere, Ilitia is thinking out loud how she'd like to kill Mauricio and see him rot in hell-- which chaps Kristel quite a bit. And just why is Ilitia obsessing about HER boyfriend instead of focusing on her beloved groom. Good question Kristel. Now make a huge effort, girl and THINK!!!

Wow...well, Emanuel's thinking. About Mari. And how much he misses her. Axel bops in and says he misses her too. Yep, now that he's recovered his memory, he regrets the nasty way he treated her. Great! Let's toast to that....and with the good stuff. Now that Axel has Bernardo's keys, the boys are off to break into the wine cellar that the Momster has made off limits to them for years.

Elsewhere, our two skinny bitches are still squabbling. Ilitia has tried to backtrack by saying her ire with Mauricio had to do with his behavior at the party. And how about how he was coming on to that newbie Victoria!? Kristel denies it. Ilitia calls her "blind". Kristel begs to differ. She's in love. And has no reason to doubt Mauricio. Okay. Not blind. Just flat out Dumb. But that's not our problem.

But speaking of dumb...GretelMan and Doris are hatching up a new scheme. Since Oliver doubt's GM's masculinity, how about she and Doris pretending to be novios? No sooner said than done. Oliver arrives, the girls are in a near smooch and he's in a royal snit. Not helped by GM giving him a nyahnyahnyah look. Or Doris raving that his incredible kisses have left her trembling.

Lottsa trembling upstairs in Brandon's bedroom too. He and Consuelo are about to get to Criterion Behavior when Oliver bangs on the door. Thank God! Praying nightly for this story line to go away. Consuelo scrambles for the closet. Brandon scrambles for his pants. Oliver, finally in, tells big brother that Manolo's getting frisky with his little sister downstairs. Brandon shoots down and discharges a little pent-up energy punching Manolo out. See what I mean? Lots of action in this episode. Stupid. But lively.

And the pace is picking up in the wine cellar too. Emanuel and Axel forget all about vino when they find a wastepaper basket full of syringes, plates of old food and a wine cask carved with "my name is Gretel Ruiz de Teresa".
Wow. Okay. First of all, Bernardo did a lousy job of cleaning up. Too busy getting busy with Nereida, no doubt. And the boys are finally realizing that their mother is even more of a monster than they thought. But where could Gretel be now? And surely she has gone crazy after being shut up like an animal for two years. Have they put her in an insane asylum? Emanuel's plan is not to confront directly. Rather, he'll keep to his plan of being Mom's good buddy and PRY the information out of her. Axel looks dubious.

So does Gladiola when she goes upstairs and now finds Oliver in Brandon's bedroom.....with a scantily clad Consuelo (my eyes my eyes!) creeping out of the closet. Some stammering going on here which isn't convincing Glad a bit.

Well, heck, let's leave this uncomfortable scene for another icky one. Lorenzo is meeting his detective in some kind of girlie booze joint. The bozo keeps leering at some gals' legs instead of paying attention to Lorenzo's predicament of finding his lost child. But he finally tears himself away to advise him that the only way Low can get a handle on the child's whereabouts is to be in contact with one of Garduño's people. Got it? Now back to my full-time leering.

Back to the brouhaha in the barrio. Oliver's sneering at the purported romance, suggesting the only thing Doris and Manolo could do together is get their nails done. But he knows they're hiding something and he's gonna find out! Victoria, who's sauntered down in her peignoir, is defending her little bro' to Brandon as delicate and sensitive. Brandon's not fooled. He's feminine and different...and I'm okay with that as long as he doesn't lead my sister on. But he needs to lay off her. And as for you, my naco policeman's nose still tells me something's fishy. And the name Victoria de la GARZA fits you quite well. (Okay, not sure what the joke is but there are two possibilities: One..."garza" means "heron". But also, someone who "se cree la divina Garza" is someone pretentious who gives herself airs. So...I dunno...take your pick.)

Okay. Merrrrrrrry Christmas. We get to see Mauricio punched out. Garduño's two goons warn him he has two weeks to pay back the stolen money and emphasize their message with some effective blows to the face. Let's just sit back and savor that for a moment.

Okay. Back to business. GretelMan is chafing at the criticism of her "masculinity". And feeling sorry for Axel now that she understands what it feels like to be dissed as a girlie man. Doris makes another plea for honesty on all fronts and is met with the usual disclaimers. Can't tell. Too dangerous. Fedra's a real threat. Must protect the folks at home. Yada yada. Upstairs, the yada yada is taking a violent turn. Oliver wants to know what's up with Consuelo. When he knows Brandon's obsessed with Ilitia. Brandon wants to know what's up with Doris. Is Oliver just trying to use her to "forget" since Gretel dumped him. Them's fightin' words. Oliver lands a good one and now we have three black eyes. Manolo, Brandon and Oliver.

Soooo....ready for a little peace and quiet? We see Muñeca tucked in bed, peacefully dreaming about her chauffeur Fidel, dressed as el Lirio de Plata and confessing his love for her with a plea to use the money for good and....ah yes, punctuate that plea with a tender kiss. Creepy old Low, in his satin pj's slips into bed and imagines that his poor wife is dreaming of him with desire. Ah if you only knew Lorenzo. You've been replaced. And by a much better guy.

Victoria and Manolo are still in deep discussion. She's revealed her threatening phone call to Fedra and GretelMan reveals her tell-all newspaper article which will come out tomorrow. (Does anybody do fact checking in Mexico? Well, no matter...let's get on with this.)

Emanuel's trying to do some fact-checking of his own, wheedling some Gretel info out of Momster but they're interrupted by Axel and Emiliano. Pops is glowing because son has recovered his memory. And his balls. I'm not going to be a doctor, Mother. I'm going to study music. Mom counters that music is for the light lads, not a decent profession for her son. Emiliano disputes. Emanuel sides with Mom. Dad is disappointed. And then there's the firing of Bernardo. Now Fedra's REALLY upset. You can't do that! He's my right arm. I'm crippled without him! A deal is struck. If you lay off Axel and his music, I'll let Bernardo stay. Okay. Signed sealed and delivered. For now. (Can't imagine Fedra ever giving up. But the lady knows how to play for time. Gotta give that to her.) Axel leaves, but not before exchanging a conspiratorial wink with Emanuel.

More uproar in the boardinghouse. Gladiola and Netty are double-teaming the young folks. Doris is being criticized for setting off the violence by going after Oliver and then hooking up with Manolo. Izzat what they teach you in Los Angeles young lady!? Maybe you should get back to work! Like at the funeral parlor. Doris is saved by Victoria who promises her a job at the agency. (Now how could our barely established newbie wield that kind of power? Another question better not asked. Let's go with the flow again.)

We see an outside shot of Mauricio's home (or apartment building?) Anyway, it's clearly the same building they used as the agency in Fea Más Bella. Quite nostalgic to see it now as Malicio's pad. Lorenzo has arrived to pour oil on troubled waters and hook up with Mauricio as a partner. He'll set him up to play Lirio de Plata and rob the rich folks at a charity bash Muñeca is planning. In exchange, he wants to know if Garduño's getting close to finding his lost child.

El Lirio de Plata. The continuing mystery. Muñeca and Flora are still squabbling over whether or not to use the money. The briefcase falls. A letter appears. It's from Lirio! saying please use the money for the less fortunate. If you give it to the police it will just fall back into the hands of the people who are destroying our country. "with my deepest respect" el Lirio de Plata. That man is a hero! Ready to give his life for the poor! declares Flora. Fidel, hovering at the door and listening in, strides in and adds his vote. Don't give the money back. But Muñeca's sure he's hiding something.

Let's wrap up the continuing wrangle at the boardinghouse. Gladiola wants to straighten out this hot mess right now. Like who's Consuela been canoodling with? Oliver starts babbling. Consuelo looks panicked. Brandon likewise. But here's how the story spins out. Olly says he had too much to drink, saw Consuelo emerging from the bathroom scantily dressed, came on to her and.....well, let's forget the whole thing. General relief all 'round. Well, relief until GretelMan starts thanking Oliver for taking the blame and gets a little too cosy, wanting to be his friend and gushing about what a nice guy he is. Olly's had enough. Do you have the hots for me or what!? (Do we think Gretel's about to let Oliver in on her secret? Stay tuned.)

And stay tuned for Fedra's latest schemes. She's plotting her next move on Axel but wonders where he got the guitar. Bernardo explains Delicia's involvement and gloats that he's going to teach both her and Axel a lesson. This happy scene is interrupted by Nereida bringing in the front page news that Fedra has been denounced as the hostess of an elite club of the most corrupt people in the country. Zounds! Definitely stay tuned. Let it hit the fan!

Now for the finale. Doris and Victoria arrive at the agency. Doris' secret crush, André Silva is on her like white on rice, remembering her name and extolling her triumph in L.A. She pretends she doesn't remember him. His face is so common. Lots of guys like him in Los Angeles. (You're overdoing it Doris!) His face falls. But with an ego like his, he rebounds quickly when he learns she'll be working there and offers to show her around. And off they go.

And Emanuel and Ilitia arrive, bickering about her desire to shadow him at work. Time for Victoria to unsheathe her claws. Which she does most effectively. Ah, the "happy newlyweds" she coos. And reminds Manny, when he "usteds" her that last night they were on a "tutear" basis. And she wants to return his clothes to him. Ilitia is surprised. And outraged. didn't explain to wifey why you arrived home last night without your clothes?" smiles Mari. And we have another nyahnyahnyah look. Whew! Fin.

Ilitia protests that Emanuel loves her. Not even you believe that, sneers Victoria.
Vicky/Mari vows vengeance.
Brandon tells Ilitia she's playing with fire and will get burned.
Ilitia tells Vicky she'll defend her marriage "hasta los dientes" and Vicky says she hopes she has a good dentist. Yikes! This party is getting rough.

jeringas = syringes (What Manny and Axel found in the wine cellar)
metiendo mano = messing with, making out with, getting fresh with (Oliver ratting out Gretel and Doris to Brandon)
raspar en madera = scratched in wood (Gretel's name)
calentar la oreja a mi hermana = leading my sister on (Brandon about Manolo)
picarón, mal portado = rascal, bad boy (Mauricio teasing Lorenzo about his illegitimate child he's seeking)
agarró el jarro = got into my cups, got drunk (Oliver, making up an excuse)
echarse los perros = coming on to someone (Oliver's story about Consuelo)
perrita faldera = lap dog (Bernardo's dismissal of Delicia's interest in Axel)

Dicho of the Day

Un clavo saca otro clavo = One nail drives out another. You get over an old love by hooking up with a new one. (A favorite saying and plot device in telenovelas.)


La Fea Más Bella #131-132 12/16/10 I just want to go away.

Capitulo 131.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety reads Omar’s cards, cries, and calls out to God for help. Her next reaction is denial. It must be a mistake, or Omar’s joke. She wants to die to escape the pain, but she plasters on a blank face for the cuartel. She copies the letter and returns everything to the briefcase. The white rose dies for lack of water.

2. Fernando recognizes that news of the engagement ring will really hurt Lety, but she needs to know that he’s doing really badly too. When he calls her to his office, she keeps her nose in her notebook to avoid looking at him.

3. Lety tries to convince herself that it’s all a mistake, but she hears Fernando on the phone with Omar as he discovers the letter. He lectures Omar for leaving it out in the open, and that confirms Lety’s fear. She doesn’t hear him say to himself, “It has been beautiful to make love with her, be with her, with her smiles. Lety is an endless fiesta, she so delights my soul.” (Me, me, me!)

4. Carolina realizes that Lety’s falling apart (though Fernando doesn’t) and takes her to the bathroom, while MamaJ finds another injured stray (Moty) and takes him home.

5. Lety concludes that she deserves this because she betrayed Marcia. She tells Caro, “They killed me.” Alicia pries, and Lety lays into her. “I won’t entertain you with my personal life. You’re a vulture with your claws out, enjoying the deaths on the road. A vulture because you feed on others. I don’t know if you realize that your life is garbage.”

6. Caro insists on taking Lety home and Lety refuses, so Caro gives her an ultimatum. “If you don’t let me take you home, I tell Fernando.”

Capitulo 132.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety compares Fernando’s behavior to the letter. He wants to give her a ride home but she says her father’s taking her. He makes plans to go out tomorrow; she doesn’t say anything. Lety wants to pack up her office and never come back, but Caro hustles her out.

2. Clarita is cleaning out her backpack, and Fernando sees the card with his name. He finds out the kids found the red bag and put the envelope in his briefcase.

3. See the transcript. Caro says Lety can’t quit without notice; she should tell Fernando. Lety just wants to shut herself in her room for days. Caro speculates that it’s personal and it involves Fernando. Lety denies it.

4. Tomás thinks Lety is crying because he teased her. He says, “Don’t cry. Take my job, take the company from me, but don’t cry.” Lety tells Tom what happened. See the transcript.

5. Julieta hides Moty because Erasmo doesn’t like dogs, but Moty keeps making noise.

Spanish Lesson

Caro takes Lety home.
C: I’m not going to interfere or interrogate you. But if you’re thinking of quitting, that affects everyone.
L: I. Don’t. Want to. Return.
C: You can’t. Too much depends on you. It would be easier for Fern, Mar, or Omar to leave, but not you. You’re the last person to shirk you work. Conceptos depends on you.
L: Let them get someone else.
C: What did they do to you? I want to help you. I want to look for a solution for your problem.
L I just want to shut myself in my house for days.
C: Then do that, but Fernando deserves an explanation. What will happen when you don’t arrive tomorrow? What did Fern do to you?
L: Why do you say that?
C: Because if you leave, he would be the most likely suspect. I get the impression he has no idea what’s happening. Why don’t you tell him? Is the situation between you that bad? Did he offend you that much? This isn’t a work problem, is it? It’s something deeper.
L: (Turns away.) No, I was wrong. What’s happening is my fault. It has nothing to do with him.
C: Then should he pay the consequences?
L: (Crying.) I just want to disappear from the world for awhile.
C: Then ask for vacation or something. You can’t do it like this. Especially if he’s not guilty of anything. You say it’s personal. ¿It has nothing to do with work? Then why did you want to stay with me vs your friends?
L: No, it’s personal.
C: Then you can’t leave the company nor Fernando.
Lety to self. My parents. If they knew what happened to me. If they knew I failed them. That I threw away all the principles they taught me. For what? To be betrayed by the man that I love the most in all the world. Caro steps up.

Lety and Tomás. Condensed translation.
T: Don’t cry. Take my job, take the co from me, but don’t cry.
L: They killed me. I repeated the same story.
T: With whom?
L: With Fernando Mendiola. He used me. He made me fall in love with him so he wouldn’t lose the company. They thought you would influence me to take the whole company from them. One day he kissed me. I believed him.How could I imagine that Fernando was lower than Miguel?
T: But you were already in love with him. It was obvious.
L: You’re right. I fell in love, the first time I saw him. But it was with someone impossible. I was happy. Like being in love with a dream. I would’ve died happy like that. Marcia became a torture to me. The guilt never gave me a moment’s peace. I wanted to break up with him sooo many times, but he never accepted it. Of course not. He even swore that he would cancel his wedding for me. I just couldn’t break away from him. It was as if I was glued to him.
T: You were foolish, Lety. A man like him would never marry someone like you. Even if he was in love. Even if he’d lose the company otherwise. How could you not suspect?
L: He was so sincere. He made me feel loved. I was walking in the clouds. Until I woke up and it all turned into a nightmare. But do you know what? It was my own fault. I accepted a relationship with an engaged man. It was logical that I would end up losing.


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