Monday, July 16, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #72 Mon 7/16/12 Stepford Wife Rosa Will Not Be Moved From Her Happy Place, but Paz Takes Away the Last of Rod’s Peace of Mind

Luci has hightailed it over to Empresas Torreslanda to try to stop her mama before she rips Rod a new one, or he reveals details about what went down between them. She arrives just as Emperor Max has pulled up in his black town car. He calls to her and they greet each other. Luci tells him she is looking for her mama, and he is surprised that her mother has come to D.F. He invites Luci up to his office.

Meanwhile, Paz is letting loose a whole lot of righteous indignation on Rod.
P: Rodrigo, I didn’t want to say this, but you deceived/disappointed me. You promised you would take care of my daughter-- that you would make my Luciana happy. And now I find her alone, unhappy, and unable to tell me that you no longer love her. She kept it a secret!
R: I love her a lot Doña Paz.
P: You love her?! Well, I don’t believe it. No, I don’t believe it, and it hurts me a lot Rodrigo. Because I believed in you-- your promises. In spite of knowing that your mother didn’t like her!
R: Doña Paz, you can’t image how much this situation hurts me.
P: Well just imagine how much it hurts me. You can’t imagine the sadness I feel seeing my Luciana like this.  Because you married my little girl Rodrigo. And all of this *love* that you promised, just ended, just like that?! That is called deception, sir! Deception!
R: The only thing I can say to you Doña Paz is that I’m going to love Luci all my life.
P: Well, hopefully SHE won’t (love you forever). Hopefully she’ll forget about you quickly. Hopefully she’ll forget the happiness that you promised her, and that you didn’t deliver! What sadness you bring me Rodrigo! Because you have never had, nor will you ever have, a woman as worthy/valuable as my Luciana. You! You didn’t know how to appreciate her.
Rod looks shamefaced through the entire conversation and at the point of tears.

Over in Max’s office, Luci is nervous and explains to Max that she didn’t tell her mom about the divorce. Her mom surprised them by coming to D.F., and has found nothing but bad news with her kids- Lorenzo in jail and her getting a divorce. Luci wanted to avoid causing her all this pain. Max tells Luci not to worry about her brother and gives a secretive smile. (I think we can now be sure that Lor will go free.) He then tells Luci how badly he feels about what’s going on with her and Rod, and knows that things have been unjust for her.  Luci wants Max to go find her mama; she herself does not want to encounter Rod. Max takes Luci’s hands and says that we all have to face our problems head on. He suggests they go look for her mama in Rod’s office together. Considering that means facing the last two people she wants to face right now, Luci looks more than a little reluctant.

Paz continues the tongue lashing of Rod, telling him that she’s leaving very disappointed in him. She never imagined that she would have to rip him a new one like she’s just done.
R: Doña Paz, I offer you an apology. The last thing I wanted to do was harm Luci, and you. (He reaches for her arm and she looks at his hand like he’s a leper.) You don’t know how much I regret this situation. And believe one thing—this morning I separated from her, loving her profoundly.
Paz stares at him and shakes her head in disbelief.

Aldo, who never seems to learn, calls Nicole’s salon asking for Vicky. She hasn’t answered her phone or texts, and he’s surprised to hear she hasn’t been to work… We next see Vicky waking up in the chalet in the woods. Yay!! She’s alive. Oh, but wait. She naked and handcuffed to the bed, with not a key or cell phone in sight. She freaks out and cries for her Osito.

Rod is sitting on the couch in his office, in deep thought, when Max brings Luci in. Rod explains that Paz just left and Luci immediately makes to leave. Rod delays her a bit by apologizing and saying he never meant to cause her mother this pain. Luci says nothing. (It’s a case of too little, too late.) Max gives Rod a stern look and tells Luci the chauffer is waiting downstairs to take her and her mom wherever they want. Luci refuses it, but Max insists. She leaves and Rod watches her leave longingly. Max’s phone rings at that moment. Rosa wants him to advise Rod and Aldo that they are having a special family dinner that afternoon. Rod refuses to go. Max understands his anger. He disagrees with many of Rosa’s actions, but she’s always done things thinking of her children’s well-being. Well, at least from her *particular* (meaning crazy) point of view. Rod still refuses and doesn’t want to talk about Rosa.

Aldo catches Max just as he returns to his office. He’s been dying to talk to him about the Lorenzo situation. Max informs Aldo that as of today, he’s his personal assistant. Aldo is shocked but then super happy about it. Max wants him to be available to him 24 hours a day. He is to obey ALL orders. He won’t be allowed to make one single error! Aldo promises. Max then tells him about the dinner. Aldo brings up Lorenzo again and begs him to intercede. Max doesn’t give him an answer, but just dismisses him by saying he’ll see him at the house later. Max then immediately picks up the phone and calls Lastra with a p*ssed off look on his face.

Outside the building, Luci is searching frantically for Paz. Cuco, the driver, has not seen her. Marcos arrives, calls to Luci and asks if she needs help. She is just telling him about trying to find her mom, when one of the security guys brings Paz back. She got lost. Cuco takes them home in the town car.

In Het Het, Procopio seems to have adjusted to his new job as funeral home director pretty quickly. He’s wearing Don Serapio’s bowler hat and black suit, and making a flower arrangement. Don Aquiles comes busting in and makes fun of Copio. Copio says he prefers the dead who are quiet, to Aquiles who’s always yelling or kicking him. Aquiles tells him he can stick with his peace and says he’s ashamed of him. He leaves without much of a fight. Copio gets reassurance from Theo that this job is just as honorable and good as any other. Copio thinks that Aquiles just misses him, and misses bossing him around. It’s not easy to find another Procopio! Theo agrees.

Rosa is being played by her Stepford Wife clone this evening. She sets the table and asks Frigida to inform Pato and Hannah to come down for the meal. She asks Mati to bring the wine because she wants to make a special celebratory toast. Mati does her best to ignore her. Connie walks in and wants to know what they’re celebrating. Why, Luci and Rod’s divorce, of course! La, la, la! Rosa smiles happily. Frigida listens in. Frigida then goes to the kitchen and tells Mati that she will take care of chilling the wine. (All she has to do is put her hands on the bottle.) What she really wants is to be alone to report in to Gala and Julie.

At Vio’s apartment, the two girls are holding their moms. Magda is saying that everything happens for a reason. If Luci has made this decision, then Paz has to help Luci overcome this life test. Everything will turn out well in the end, as God wishes. Vio tries to cheer Luci up by saying she will have other beaus lining up at her door soon. Luci says she will never fall in love again. This will never happen to her again. Paz says she’s very disappointed, but not by her kids. She’s disappointed that her kids did not have enough faith in her to tell her what was going on with them. They thought that she wouldn’t help them resolve their problems. They didn’t trust her. Luci asks her pardon and says she does trust her. Paz has always taught her and her brother to stay on the right path. She didn’t go wrong with them. If they didn’t tell her, it was only to avoid causing her this pain. Paz shouldn’t have to cry because of their errors. Paz kisses her and hugs Luci to her bosom.

At Casa Torreslanda, the family has started to gather around the table. Hannah and Pato bring up needing to have the elevator checked. Pato finds it very suspicious that it locked Mati in like that and wants to talk to the architect. Frigida does a lousy job of hiding her guilt. But she looks like that all the time, so I guess it would be hard to tell. Aldo is the last to arrive (aside from Rod), and seems to be the only one to notice that Rosa has been replaced by a Stepford Wife or a Pod Person when she calls him mi amor and politely asks him to sit. Rosa prays and blesses the meal. Aldo continues to look at her like she’s an alien. Maybe he can see the lizard skin peeking out from underneath her fake human skin. Max notes that it’s strange that they are all together, but informs everyone that Rod is not coming. Aldo, Melissa and Hannah want to know what they’re celebrating. Rosa happily tells them. They are celebrating the return of tranquility to their home. Rod walks in just then behind Rosa. She doesn’t see him. “Today, as of a few hours ago, Rodridgo finally got his divorce! Cheers, to the happiness of my son Rodrigo!” No one else raises a glass and Rod approaches the table slowly and looks at Rosa with scorn. He picks up a glass of wine and swigs it. “Cheers. Because I will be unhappy the rest of my life. Thank you mama.” He puts the glass back on the table and walks out the way he came. Everyone gives Rosa the stink eye, but she continues on as if nothing happened.

Over in their posh apartment, Gala and Julie are also toasting to the divorce over a meal, but with champagne, of course. Gala is happy that Rod is now a free man. Julie is happy that they now have the matriarch of the Torreslanda family in the palm of their hand. Bwahahaha!! Gala is pleased about this too. Rosa will have to help her get Rod back—it doesn’t matter to Gala how she does it. Julie has no doubt. Rosa is terrible and will do all kinds of horrid things (including stealing babies and faking their deaths) to get what she wants. Gala wants to see Rod, but doesn’t want to risk the cling-wrap act yet. Carola calls and Julie invites her out with Gala and her girls to celebrate.

Rosa is trying to persuade the other members of the family to get on her happy train about the Rod-Luci divorce. No one is buying a ticket for that train to Crazytown. Rosa says this pain Rod is feeling is fleeting. Luci deceived him. S/He who deceives once, will deceive a second time and many more times. Rosa just wants love and trust to return to this house. (Ha! What house is she talking about?) She knows she’s been anxious lately, and a TINY bit intolerant, but it was just her nerves. She’s sick. But now she’s feeling mighty fine and content. Max now seems to have realized that Rosa has been replaced by a Pod Person. He looks like he’s running all the names of the local manicomios through his head. Rosa says she just wants to recuperate her family and the warmth of her home. She apologizes for being such a bitch to them all lately.  Pato finally cuts into this crazy speech by saying she will always have their love and affection because she’s their mom, but if she wants to recuperate this harmony she’s talking about, she will have to apologize to Luci. He then leaves the dining room. He’s soon followed by everyone else. Max says he has an important “appointment.” Connie is the only one remaining. Rosa, still with a smile on her face, asks if she will join her for wine. Connie takes her glass of wine, gets up, and leaves.

Luci and Paz speak about the money Rod sent Paz. Paz actually brought it all with her to give back to Rod. Luci is in agreement with this. Vio, once again, doesn’t see the harm in keeping the money since it was given to them. There’s a knock on the door. It’s Estella, Ariche and Marianita. Estella brought cookies. The kiddies want to show off the gifts Marianita’s mom sent—a puzzle and a magic princess wand.  Ariche asks Luci if it’s true that if you make a wish with all your heart that it will come true. She says it is, but you have to ask with all your forces. Marianita makes Luci take the wand and make a wish. Luci closes her eyes and does so. There is immediately a knock at the door. The kids answer and it’s Fabian looking a little sheepish and a lot happy. He addresses Paz and shows her what he’s brought. It’s Lorenzo! He steps up to his mama and she acts like she’s going to smack him good. Instead, she pulls him into an embrace. Everyone rejoices. Luci and Lorenzo hug and everyone else then hugs him.

Pato reports to Rod via video the rest of the happenings at the strange meal with their mama. Rod says he doesn’t know when he’ll next return to the house. He doesn’t want to see Rosa and he can’t stand her right now (no la aguanto). He knows he shouldn’t speak that way about his mother, but she ruined his life. Pato gets it. She ruined his life, but Rod could have avoided it. Rod admits this is true. Marcos comes into his office and asks if Luci came to speak to him earlier, since he saw her out front. Rod says she did not come to see him, but to get her mother. Marcos can’t believe they are still mad at each other. Not mad, but now divorced Rod points out. Marcos is impactdado. Marcos says he can’t divorce Luci. Rod clarifies. It’s already done.  Marcos feels sorry for them all, who will now no longer have Luci in their lives, thanks to Rod. Pato says he will. He will go looking for Luci to see her. Luci is still part of his family, and no piece of paper will tell him different! Rod once again looks surprised to see the intensity of Pato’s feelings for Luci.

Max returns to the scene of the crime. Vicky is still cuffed to the bed, looking terrified. She cries and begs him not to do anything else to her. He gives her a death glare from the doorway.

Back to a celebration that’s actually happy. Lorenzo remembers that they left Claudio waiting outside. Luci rushes to hug him when he enters, and thanks him.  She then introduces him to Magda and then to her mama. Paz stares at him in shocked silence. He takes her hand and formally introduces himself. Her eyes go even wider and her mouth drops open when he says his name. She nearly faints once again. They all make her sit and Paz apologizes to Claudio. Claudio thinks she’s just tired from the long journey, and the surprises. He says he won’t stay long, but he wants to invite them all out soon. Luci says it has to be really soon, because they are leaving as soon as she takes her exam. She gives Claudio some of the special tea she made before he leaves. Paz tells him she will always be grateful to him. He has NO idea the happiness he has brought into her life. (He thinks she is speaking about freeing Lorenzo, but Magda, Estella and the audience all know she is also speaking about him giving her a daughter.) Claudio takes her hand again and says she has absolutely nothing to thank him for. Paz gives Magda a meaningful look.

At the chalet of fear, Max approaches the bed with keys. He undoes the handcuffs. In a soft threatening voice, he asks his little doll Vicky why she’s scared. She asks why he did this to her. She thought he was going to leave her there. He kisses and caresses the hand that was just cuffed to the bed and says he would never leave her. She asks him what’s going on—he’s never done this to her. He points out that she’s never betrayed him before. Then he angrily flings her arm down. She swears she never betrayed him. He says he believes her, because if she had betrayed him, they wouldn’t be having this conversation now. (Meaning, she wouldn’t be alive.) She begs him to never do this to her again. He kisses her shoulder and whispers sweet menaces in her ear.  “It’s just a game muñequita, just a game.”

Rosa has followed Connie to the sitting room with her wine. She wants to know why Connie is so upset by her change in attitude, when Connie has been hounding her for months about changing. She says Connie is right. She has all that she needs to be happy, and the good Padre Honesto also told her this. She credits him with this change in her. He told her to repair the path she was walking, and she’s done so. Rosa tells Connie to stop looking at her like she’s crazy, ‘cause she’s not. Ha! Life has given her a new opportunity to change her bad ways. Connie wants to know if it’s all fixed, just like that? Yep. The threat has gone, says Rosa. All will return to normal and Rosa intends to enjoy every minute of it. Connie looks extremely frustrated about what to do with the pod person who is posing as her sister.

The B/Witch Posse have gone out to a hopping club to celebrate the divorce.  Gala toasts to Rod living through this pain to eventually live by her side. Julie goes over to hit on some young thing at the bar.

Rod’s body is seated in his office chair, but his mind is definitely miles away. Marcos and Gabriel decide they need to take him out for drinking and distraction. This gets his attention. “Let’s go.”

In Het Het, Aquiles can’t get used to life without Procopio—he has to bend over and pick up his darts, for example. He can’t believe he hasn’t found another Copio in this whole two bit town. He has even resorted to speaking to and abusing his stuffed coati mundi, in place of Copio.

Linares tells his assistant Norma about meeting Paz. Now he knows why Luci is so sweet. Norman scolds him for being out all day. Claudio admits to neglecting his other duties in order to help Luci and her brother. He hasn’t even looked through the documents he brought back from Europe. Now that Luci is divorced and Lorenzo is out of jail, he’s going to dedicate himself full time to his fraud case. But he’s going to proceed very carefully (andar con pies de plomo). He doesn’t want to make one wrong move because this is his only chance to clear his name and unmask Max.

Vicky returns home crying. Don Jero was worried about her and asks where she’s been all day. Vicky tries to pretend that nothing is wrong and says she was working at a client’s house out of the city and had no cell reception. She starts to bawl and embraces her papa. Jero gets even more worried. He can feel her trembling.  He wonders if Aldo did something to her; he just wants her to tell him what’s wrong. She lies and says it’s the stress of everything—him losing his job. Jero gives her the happy news that Max gave him his job back and it was all a misunderstanding (malintendido). Vicky hugs him again, but she still can’t stop crying. Jero tries to assure her that all will be well.

Max, the bastard, walks into Pato’s room and kisses him. Tomorrow, Pato starts his new therapy. He thanks Max for his faith in him and support. Max tells him to save his thanks till he can walk again. He’s not going to rest until Pato achieves this. Pato asks if he saw Rod at the office and how was he. Max lies without hesitation that he had a work appointment, and so did not see Rod after the disastrous meal. Pato thinks Rod must be down in the dumps. Max tells Pato about Paz showing up at the offices. Pato would like to meet her; he’s sure she’s as sweet as Luci. “You care for Luci a lot, right?” “A whole lot.”  Max likes her too, but points out that now that Luci is out of Rod’s life, she’s out of theirs too. Pato disagrees. She’s not out of his life. Max says she’ll most likely return to her town and not come back. Pato is still determined. He’ll go looking for her when he’s recovered. Max agrees with him.

Magda tries to get Vio to eat something before she goes to her “nursing” job. Vio continues with her lie about her uniform being at Serena’s place. Magda gives her the blessing, and Vio says how much she missed having her do that. The boys take Ariche up to their little place to go to bed. Before he goes, Ariche reminds Marianita to make her wish and to hold her wand all night. Estella and Marianita also then leave. Luci begins to clear up, but looks sad again. Paz asks her why she and Rod separated so quickly. What happened between them that Luci doesn’t want to tell her? Luci sits her down. She has learned by now that this is the best position for Paz to be in when she gets bad news. Paz sits next to Magda. They both stare wide eyed at Luci, anticipating the worst.
L: I’m going to tell you both the truth, although I’m dying of shame.
P: Luciana, don’t scare me daughter.
M: My goodness! What happened Luciana?
Luci goes to the drawer and pulls out the envelope with the infamous magazine.
L: Ama, Magda- When I came here to the capital, things weren’t like I thought. God and the Virgin know how many streets I walked, looking for so many jobs. But each time I arrived, something happened and they didn’t give me the job. In desperation, I went to work in a place as a waitress—a night club.
P: But daughter! How did you end up in a place like that?
M: Who took you there Luciana? (If only she knew…)
L: That’s not important Magda. I didn’t even go there to work as a waitress. I went to be a bathroom attendant, but…
P: But? But what daughter?
Luci pulls out the magazine and shows it to them. Paz and Magda immediately recognize her under the makeup, wig and costume.
P: Luciana. No, no Luciana, no.

Avances: Paz is ticked. She says her silence is over and she’s going to put Rosa in her place. She and Magda go to Casa Torreslanda!


Amorcito Corazón Discussion #54-63 July 16-20

I've lost track of what chapter we're on. Was today 54 and 55??

'Nando, Isa and Manuela
Manuela and Ceci  crash a celebratory dinner thrown by Zoe (who's living with Felipe now.) Manuela proposes a toast to her new job at 'Nando's company. 'Nando drops the "I'm not hiring you" bomb. Manuela runs off to the bathroom to freak out. Ceci and Felipe think 'Nando was harsh. Zoe was fine with it.  Manuela spends the rest of the episode playing emotional blackmail. In a flashback we find out that she does have a history of deep depression and trastornos emocionales (emotional disorders) and that she feels like Sofia "took what was hers"; however, IMHO she is faking it for most of this episode. Because of Manuela's history, Horty is able to guilt 'Nando into hiring her (Isa helps to guilt him into it when she hears about Manuela's past and how much Manuela's disorder intruded on his marriage.) Manuela also plays Ceci like a Stradivarius.

Willy, Lucía and Beba
Beba continues to dream of her wedding with Willy. Horty tells Jorge about this "wedding" and her concerns that Beba is being taken advantage of. Willy calls it off with Beba and tells him he's madly in love with another woman. This breaks Beba's heart and she hits him with a vase and knocks him out. He recovers quickly. Willy really did seem repentant...thoughts? Opinions?

Later, Beba goes to visit Lucia. Willy also visits Lucia and tells her he wants to introduce her to his mom as his pre-novia. Beba overhears Lucia and Willy talking marriage (Lucia talks him into waiting and he respects that.) Beba gets very upset and in heart attack moment #1 Viewerville thinks Beba is going to tell all. She doesn't. Lucia, still misreading the situation tells Beba that true love will come knocking on her door one day.

Willy goes to Beba's house again and begs forgiveness again. Beba says she'll forgive him IF he confesses his past to Lucia. Willy says he will, but by the end of the episode he still hadn't.

Barbell (Thanks, Julia!), Marisogullible and Knuckles
Barbell is hanging out with Knuckles and talking to Mari-so-dumb on the phone.  She is still feeding Mari-so-pitiful the ol' "Juancho is still pithed" line of bull. Barbell swears she'll keep working on behalf of Mari-so-stupid. Barbell hangs up and tells Kuckles she's doing her part to keep them apart, what is Knuckles contributing? I can't remember what he said and I forgot to make a note.

Jorge the Tool
Makes his mother think he'll be staying a little longer 'cause he loves her, but really it's just to keep his nose in her business. Jorge gets his thugs to kidnap Willy. They bring him to a secret location. Jorge threatens Willy's family and then the thugs beat Willy up and leave him in the dirt. After this little chore, Jorge heads to Isa's for a late night visit. He tells her how worried he is about people taking advantage of his mother. The next day he sends flowers to Isa's office. Can we say d*****bag on this blog?

Leo and G-mina
G-mina has decided to give Leo his tranquilizante* every 6 hours instead of every 8. Leo spends the rest of the episode loopy and sounding drunk. G-mina's plan is to get him to sign documents which I assume will give her all the money. He manages to call Isa and slur to her, but G-mina catches him and hangs up. Isa rushes over, convinced that something is up. G-mina had Leo hidden in, you guessed it....the closet. This was definitely not funny.
*would mean tranquilizer or anti-anxiety med? Pharmacist hub and I discussed this and he thinks with high blood pressure an anti-anxiety would be prescribed. Are we expecting too much of the TN medical community?

Heart attack moments #2 and #3
There was a scene with Lucia and Reina (and Reina's MC Hammer pants) and they were looking at a house with a Realtor. I missed exactly what Lucia said, but the Realtor seemed to indicate that Lucia's word was good as gold. Feel free to fill in my blanks, but I got a "something is going to go wrong" vibe. Heart attack moment #2 was when Lucia called Beba while she was eating lunch with Jorge. I thought for sure Beba was going to go back on her word (Heart attack #2 and how silly of me! Beba would never do that.) Then I thought for sure Jorge was going to be a putz about the money (Heart attack #3.) So far he's not.

The That's So Creepy Award goes to...
Whoever obliterated the "de Lobo" from Sofía's tombstone. Who could have possibly done that???

The Hubba Hubba Award goes to...
For the scene when Willy takes off his shirt for some medical care from Lucia. It ends in a kiss that is interrupted by Lala. I laughed out lout when Willy tried to cover himself.

Pitiful Vocabs
encajosa: bothersome by being demanding
te volaste la barda: you crossed the line (in the context it was said to Beba); but can also be You went over the top!
Ni fú ni fá: so-so; neither good or bad; The last time I had this I had it spelled without the accents. Who first brought this to my attention? I know it's on the UFCS list, but did you mention it, too Blue Lass? Anyway... I was thrilled that I recognized it. I'm learning!
agalles: guts
barbaján: boor
picarona: naughty
tunda: thrashing


  • Doris is back!
  • Girl Fight!
  • Escaleracide?


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #70-71 Fri 7/13/12 Part I- The Hidden Truth Is There For Certain People to See; Part II- Scenes From A Couple Of Marriages or Confession Is Not Always Good For the Padre

Part I- Recap by Madelaine

Mexico City:

Rod is served the divorce demand by Lic Barrerra. He tells Rod that Luci wants to divorce him. Max comes in and wants to know what Lic Claudio Linares' associate is doing there. Lic Barrerra tells Max it is nothing to do with him, but with Rod, he gave Rod a document. Max wants to know what type of document? Rod tells Max that Claudio is Luci's lawyer. Rod tells Max that Luci sent a demand for divorce. Max is surprised. Oscar has come by and Max tells him to take charge of Rod's problem. Rod is starting to introduce Oscar to Lic Barrerra but Oscar says he already knows him. He met him in Claudio Linares' office. Oscar is handed the document and Oscar is shocked to see it is a demand for divorce. Rod says he knows what it is. Rod tells Oscar that Luci wants the divorce, with no drama, and right away. Oscar is completely shocked!

Magda, Paz, Ariche and Vio are all with Luci at Vio's and Ariche is asking after Rod. Luci is saying well he isn't here. Paz is sitting drinking water cause she is trying to get over the shock that Lorenzo is in the hoosegow. Vio takes Ariche off to get a treat with Marianita. Paz now turns to Luci and wants the why and how of how Lorenzo ended up in the hoosegow. Luci tells Paz about how Lorenzo took money that didn't belong to him and gave it to a client that needed it. It was 30,000 pesos . Paz is crying along with Magda by this time and now Paz is very pithed. Paz just can't beleive that Lorenzo is a thief, especially 30,000 pesos worth, this family is not a family of thieves, Magda is trying to calm Paz down, and Paz says thank goodness Galindo is dead, cause if he wasn't he would die of the shame. Luci cries. Paz is grabbing Luci and wants to know where Lorenzo is being held. Paz wants some face to face time with Lorenzo. Luci tells her she won't be able to see him till tomorrow and Magda echoes this. Paz says they've only been in the D.F. a short time, and look what they found. She can't beleive it and she wants to know why Luci never said anything.

Aldo is in the hallway and catches up with Rod. Aldo wants to know if Rod talked to Max about Don Jer returning to work. Rod admits he did but the decision is up to Max, if he rehires Don Jer. Aldo says Vicky will feel much better if her Papa comes back to work there. Rod tells him to stay away from Vicky and that Aldo caused this mess. Rod doesn't have time right now, but wants to talk to Aldo later about something serious. Aldo goes and Oscar is now chasing Rod down the hall. He informs Rod that Lastra is supposedly taking care of the Lorenzo matter, manana. Oscar also begs Rod to forgive him for being nosy but why the divorce? There was something said about family and little by little something I didn't get. Someone please fill in.

Het Het:

Theo sees Copio all sad and in the dumps and wants to know what's wrong. He finds out Don A has fired poor Copio. Theo can't beleive it. Neither can Copio cause Don A was like his Papa. Copio thinks it is the end.

Don A is going through a ton of paperwork on his desk and doesn't like what Copio did. He is blaming all his problems on Copio and Dona Luchita.

Don A is putting up help wanted posters around the wall in town. Copio sees them and is way upset.

Mexico City:

Mati is in Rosa's bedroom and wants to know if Rosa wants something to eat. Rosa has a sleep mask on her face and tells Mati she wants nothing. She is telling Mati her head hurts (I bet after all that lying and desecrating, jus' sayin'). Mati wants to know if this has to do with Claudio, Rosa says no that isn't it. Mati then says whatever you say. Rosa tells Mati she doesn't want anyone to disturb her rest. Mati says ok and goes. Rosa takes a pill, lays back down with that sleep mask and curls up in the fetal position under a blanket and it appears she is trying to make herself as small as possible.

Vio is visiting Estella. She informs Dona Estella that Paz knows all about Lorenzo now, but not that Luci is divorcing Rod. Estella thinks that Luci should just tell her Mama all. Vio says she is worried about herself too, cause her Moms thinks she is a nurse, when in fact Vio works at the antro. Estella wants to know what Vio is going to do. Vio says she doesn't know.

Now we have Rosa the Pious (gag) on her knees in front of Jesus, begging for forgiveness for the 1,000 time. (Note to Rosa, Jesus is not listening to you, he's done, the lord of hellfire is waiting for you, jus' sayin'). She is repenting and has her rosary clutched in her cold hands. She is begging for forgiveness for what she has done to Claudio. She is pleading with Dios to forgive her, over and over again. Max comes in and asks her why is she talking to Dios? Max wants to know why she isn't talking to Max cause she's got some 'splaining to do. He'll wait for her in the library. He goes and she is still on her knees begging Dios to forgive her.

Oscar has gone to Claudio's office. He wants to know why the demand of divorce from Luci. He says he knows Claudio is in charge of the case. Oscar tells Claudio, his client, DEAD TO ME ROD, wants this divorce as soon as possible. Claudio says Luci wants that too. Oscar has a suggestion for Claudio. He says what if Rod and Luci meet, have some alone time, to maybe kiss and makeup? Oscar says he has never seen a guy so in love before as Rod is with Luci. So Claudio says so you beleive in Rod cause he is Max's son, that's right, right? Oscar says he just wants the two to have some alone time, to have the opportunity to talk and then if they still want the divorce to proceed. Claudio tells Oscar he doesn't know about that cause Luci has a broken heart and is grief stricken. She will want the divorce.

Rosa has made it to the library. Max has his back to her, but you can tell he is pretty pithed off. He tells him she's here, she's listening. Max finally turns around and wants to know why she was with Claudio? Rosa says she wanted to tell Claudio about his daughter, now you know.

Magda is making dinner and Paz and Luci are talking. Luci says she didn't want to tell her Mama about Lorenzo cause she didn't want to worry her. Paz wants to know when she was going to tell her. And now Paz wants to know what Rod thinks of his BIL being a thief? Luci tries to explain again, Lorenzo did this for a friend. Paz is so not having that. Nothing justifies what Lorenzo did. Magda tells Paz tommorrow is another day, please be calm. Magda is making carnitas. Paz says excuse me Magda but nothing is good, she is very upset. Vio and Serena pick this time to come into the house dressed as nurses! Vio informs her Mama she is off to work! Luci is so shocked she has to sit down. Vio is giving Luci the look like, don't say a word, not one word. Magda is very proud.

Rosa and Max continue their discussion in the library. So Max says oh, so your suffering is based on Claudio, when in fact it is based on Luci. Rosa tells him Claudio hates him for sending him to the hoosegow, lo these twenty years. Max then says, oh you think you're a saint, but you are a liar cause you know very well Luci is Claudio's daughter. She says, I think , she feels bad for her crime against Claudio but she just can't tell him. Max says he didn't know his Rosa had turned into the enemy, her crazed love for her son has caused this divorce of Luci and Rod. He says he or Rod will never forgive her. She can't beleive it and wants to know if it's true, really true. Max tells her Rod and Luci are going before the judge tomorrow to get a divorce. Max goes. Rosa is shocked for half a second and then is all happy, happy, joy, joy, and says por fin (finally). Rod and Luci will be seperated. That's not wrong. Now that woman is finally going to be seperated from our lives. Rosa is smiling again, saying por fin.

Back to Vio's and Magda is asking Vio if she doesn't need something? Vio says she doesnt' need it and Serena is a nurse too. Serena introduces herself to Magda. Magda gives Vio the blessing and insists on giving Serena one too. Luci is staring at this the whole time and says not one word. Serena thanks Magda and says now they will be protected. Serena is looking uncomfortable.

Pato is in his bed having a little convo with Hanna and Melissa. They tell Pato that Rod would not listen to them about Luci. He wouldn't beleive the truth. Pato, bless his very intelligent brain, says Gala engineered this whole mess, to seperate Luci and Rod. Hanna says not only her, but Julie, Rosa, and Lastra. Pato tells them Rosa has always hated Luci and there was noone there to defend Luci! Pato is pithed. Rod picks this time to come into the room. Hanna and Missy turn their backs on him. Rod welcomes Pato back home and kisses his forehead, as Pato is giving Rod the stink eye. Pato asks Rod what in the sam hell is going on!

Oscar and Conny are in a cellar type bar, having a great time. They are having a drink and talking about Rod and Luci. Conny can't beleive that Rod and Luci are divorcing. Oscar tells Conny it wasn't Rod and Luci's fault, but that others caused this to seperate them. Oscar tells Conny his suggestion about Rod and Luci having some alone time to talk, and maybe reconcile. Conny thinks Rod is confused. Oscar is complimenting Conny and wishes that Luci and Rod could be calm, like them. Oscar asks Conny when they can, I think BE together, Conny giggles. They are smooching now, when they are interrupted by, wait for it, Gala and her posse. Gala is grinning from ear to ear and Oscar and Conny are, sigh, not pleased.

Vio and Serena have arrived at Inferno still in their nurses' uniforms. Ivan is having one big yuk about that. Ivan wants to know if it is fantasy of one of the clients that they are dressed this way. Vio explains that her Moms thinks she is a nurse and so she had to dress like this so her Moms could see. Lastra comes out too and has a big yuk and says oh, Lorenzo is a thief, Luci is a rat, and Vio is a liar. Vio tells Lastra that Rod should have put him in the hospital. Serena reminds Lastra she is *actually* a nurse. Lastra just laughs. Ivan I think, has a thing for Serena.

Hanna and Melissa make themselves scarce while Rod and Pato have their confrontation. Pato starts right in on Rod about the divorce. Rod tells him Luci is the one that wants the divorce. Pato says that Luci adores Rod, why would she file for divorce? Pato wants to know why Rod didn't defend Luci. Luci wants nothing to do with Rod, she wants the divorce.

Rosa is on the phone with Julie. Julie tells Rosa she's been thinking about her all day. Rosa wants to know if Gala is with her. Julie says no, she is out with her friends, but I'm here so tell me, what's goin' on? Rosa is telling Julie, finally, (Rod has come into Rosa's room, but she hasn't seen him) that servant and Rod are divorcing, finally seperated and that it's great! Rod grabs that phone, hangs it up and hurls it like Sergio Sendel against the wall. Rosa tells Rod she is sorry, but its good Luci is going. Rosa, in her pious mode, says one day Rod will forgive her. Rod tells Rosa since she seperated him from Luci, he is seperating himself from Rosa. He goes and Rosa is so shocked she has to sit down. She has a mad look, as in insane, in her eyes.

Meanwhile Max has returned to the library to make a call on his cell. He is calling Vicky, who seems to be somewhat releived he is calling. She tells him Don Jer is sad, but ok. Max tells her to shut up and listen carefully. He wants a meet with her tomorrow, be on time and don't stand him up. He wants to have a serious convo with her. He hangs up on her. Vicky is upset.

Back to that cellar bar and Gala is asking something about why Julie isn't with them. Oscar says he and Conny are now in a formal relationship. Gala asks if it bothers them, she and her posse joined them. They say no. Gala's cell phone rings and its, wait for it, Julie of course, who informs Gala about the Luci/Rod divorce. Julie has the usual champagne in her hand, and tells Gala their plan worked. And the divorce is happening manana! Gala (gag, we should call her Gagme) says it is the best news of her life, eva. She hangs up. Oscar and Conny want to know what good news. Gala says that Rod and that domestica (drink) are divorcing. Conny says oh, so finally you managed to seperate Rod and Luci, congrats, you must be very happy, while Conny looks like she wants to hurl all over Gagme. Valentina (bless her sweet heart, this girl should NOT be on team Gagme) says oh, but Luci is so nice, Gabe told me so. Well, Fernanda and Gala are so not having that so they feed Valentina a cookie, lol. Gala says now this ridiculous marriage is at an end! Oscar says life is funny and mysterious. Conny tells Gagme she must be so very happy. Gagme says the happiest of all is Rosa, who is very tranquil now and that Gagme and her posse are going now. Gagme congrats Oscar and Conny for being novios and she takes her leave. Oscar remarks he can't stand Gagme.

Luci is at Estella's taking a call from Claudio. She asks about Lorenzo when will he be free? Claudio is hoping soon. Claudio is working on that. He also says he called about the divorce proceeding. He says she and Rod will meet tomorrow and it will be over. She says that soon? He says it will be final. He wants her to be sure. She says she is sure, and wants it done now. Luci no longer wants to be married to Rodrigo Torreslanda!

It is the next day and Claudio and Luci have arrived at court. They go into a little meeting room and true to his word, Claudio tells Luci he will leave her with Rod for a few minutes alone, they may reconcile, who knows. Luci says she has nothing to talk to Rod about and she doesn't want to talk to him. Claudio says she could regain her happiness. Oscar and Rod arrive. Oscar greets Claudio and he asks Luci how she is. Luci says she's ok. Rod is staring daggers at Luci. Oscar and Claudio leave. After the lawyers have left, Rod and Luci do a staredown of each other, and Rod says Luci and Luci says Rod. They continue that stare. Rod says so now we are alone. Claudio didn't want this meet, it was Oscar that suggested it. Rod wants to know why it is that Claudio is representing Luci in this divorce. Why do you want to be free, Luci and what is Claudio to you. (Note to Rod, you should know that your *sainted mother* caused this and you are still asking Luci WHY, For shame, boy, for shame). Luci tells Rod that Claudio is very important in her life, and you know what Rod, he's my lawyer. So don't insult Claudio, cause if you do, you are insulting me. She tells Rod her relationship with Rod is broken, very broken and he never defended it. He tells Luci the secrets did it in, as you well know. (Oh, Grow up Rod, what about your *sainted mama*'s secrets and lies along with her satan's minions, jus' sayin).

Estella, Paz, Magda and Ariche are enjoying breakfast together, and Paz is waiting for Luci to get back. She says Luci is meeting with the lawyer about Lorenzo, (she thinks), and is worried. Magda tells her to have faith. Magda wants her to be calm. Paz gets up and thanks Estella for the meal, Ariche is staying to help walk Marianita to school with Estella, she likes Ariche. Magda says Paz is a worry wart always worrying. Paz and Magda are not the only ones worrying, so is Estella. She thinks to herself, what will Paz do when she finds out Luci and Rod are divorcing right now.

Paz and Magda are back at Vio's and Paz is praying to that iconic picture of the Virgin of Guadalupe that Luci brought to the D.F. with her from Het Het. She is praying for herself and her children. Magda comes in and Paz is crying. Magda gives her a big ole hug and tells her to have faith. Paz is worried about this meeting with the lawyer and Lorenzo. Paz says she thinks Luci is suffering, she can tell it by looking in her eyes, and she has lost that wonderous light that was in her eyes when she got married in Het Het. Paz says the Virgincita will see them through, and Vio has heard everything, and is sad. Magda and Paz don't see her.

Now your recapper has to tell you here that I caught about half this conversation between Rod and Luci, so for whatever I missed or got wrong please elaborate in the comments. Luci is telling Rod about what happened to being together in good times and bad? He asks about her secrets, what about them? Well she says the divorce will be final. She says she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Rod, but he really doesn't want to. For some reason Rod thinks that Claudio is behind this fast divorce, but Luci says you are offending Claudio again. She says she trusts Claudio. She tells Rod it is better we go our seperate ways and then I can go back to Het Het. She gives Rod the folder, he glances at it and throws it on the sofa in the room. Rod wants to know if she is sorry she ever married him. He wants her to answer. She just looks at him,and she has big tears in her eyes and just looks at him, as one big tear rolls down her cheek, sad, very sad.

Gagme is in her office and calls her money hungry mama and tells her to be ready to go somewhere with her.

Padre Honesto is in his office and Rosa walks in and wants Padre to hear her confession.

Oscar and Claudio are in the waiting area outside the room where Luci and Rod are meeting. Oscar has called the office looking for Max, who isn't there. Oscar leaves a message and hangs up. Claudio asks Oscar if he is nervous. Oscar says no, he wishes that Rod and Luci would reconcile. Claudio tells Oscar that the divorce was caused by the Torreslandas. Oscar asks Claudio what his interest in Luci is. Claudio tells him it is to defend her, like the night he defended her against Lastra. He likes Luci. Oscar is puzzled by this, and Claudio tells him, it isn't like he's thinking. Claudio tells Oscar he is fortunate to have met Luci. She's generous, and a friend. He tells Oscar it's funny that Luci has the same birthday as his daughter did. (Note to Oscar, listen carefully and don't forget a word of this conversation), he continues and tells Oscar that Luci is nineteen the same age his daughter would have been (Oscar keep listening). Oscar has a little dawning look on his face, but he isn't there yet. Claudio tells Oscar that, wait for it, Luci is like a daughter to him! Now Oscar is really thinking!

Now Rod has the nerve to ask Luci to think of giving them another chance. She wants to know why? What about trust? She tells Rod no. He doesn't trust her, doesn't beleive her,not even once, and he broke her heart. She gives him those papers again and she says she wants a total end. She is shoving those papers at him now, looks him in the eyes, and cries. 

Part II: Recap by Anita

Roselena and The Padre
Roselena has rushed into Padre Honesto’s inner sanctum without even knocking.  She must consider herself a perpetually welcome trespasser.  (And by the way, have we ever seen the poor Padre helping anyone else outside the TorresLanda household and family…his time is constantly consumed by Roselena’s anguish.)

This deranged woman is demanding to be confessed.  The purple stole goes on, he’s listening.  The penitent is on her knees, accusing herself as having profaned the tomb of a newborn.  She had those baby remains placed inside the coffin of Aurora Linares.

The Padre is horrified:  “What did you *do*?  You defiled the tomb of one of God’s little angels to hide your sins? Your crimes of the past?”  Roselena:  “Yes, and I would have done even more, much more to protect my children.”  Padre:  “This has nothing to do with protecting your children.”

What does it matter to Rose:  “Claudio is at peace after seeing the remains of his little daughter resting next to his wife.  He even had the two bodies cremated.”  Padre looks like his cookies are going to get tossed.  Rosa continues piously:  “Claudio accepted the lie and at this very moment Luciana and Rodrigo are getting a divorce and that ‘revision’ will be far away and out of our lives and no one will ever learn the truth.”  What more could she want.  Now, the daughter of Claudio Linares *is* dead.

Padre can’t quite take it all in.  He can’t believe there is such wickedness in her heart.  One lie begat another.  And now she’s drowning in her own poison.  She tells Padre he can’t judge her, only God can.  He tells her that unless she is truly repentant, she’s essentially never even gonna get close to the pearly gates.  After all this, God has turned His back on her.  She begs to differ.  She has confessed, now he *must*  absolve her.  He’s obligated, as a priest.  She opens her arms wide to receive absolution.  Uh uh, ain’t gonna happen.  He removes the stole.  What she’s done goes beyond the limits of his priestly duties.  May God forgive him, but he’s not going to give her absolution.  She’s thunderstruck (we wish it were for real).

Oh, goody, Rose is home.  Oh, no, she looks awful.  Mati wants to know how she is, where was she.  Rose is demoralized, saying that God turned His back on her and she’s at the gates of hell.  Mati wants to comfort her, but Rose recoils as if Rose herself is tainted and undeserving.

Patricio and Matilde
Pato and Mati are talking up in his room about Luciana.  Pato is saying that if only his condition were different, he’d find a way to be by her side to protect her, to console her, to… (we think he was going to say querer her), but Mati interrupts.  He continues, saying that he is trapped in this body and he accepts it, but Luci & Rod don’t deserve this kind of suffering.  Frigidaire is listening at the door.  She’s overjoyed (we know this because she has a one-sided smile on her face) when she hears Rod & Luci are probably signing their divorce papers as they speak.

Vicky and Max
Vicky is waiting for her Osito in their den.  She calls Nicole to let her know she’s waiting for Maximino so she can talk to him, but he hasn’t shown up.  Nicole doesn’t want to hear from her again until her personal problems have been solved.  She gives her two days.  She hangs up on Vicky just as Max walks in.  She complains, with a smile, that she had to give up work to meet him.  He demands to know what is more important to her, her job or him.  He is, of course.  In fact, Nicole told her not to come to work today or tomorrow.  Good, says Max, he wants her to come with him, right now.

Meanwhile, Aldo is looking for Tío Max.  The receptionist tells him he’s not available and he won’t take calls, either.  Aldo is sure he is the exception, but he’s not.  Max won’t be available until dinnertime.

Max is taking Vicky for a ride in the country.  Something tells her this is not a Sunday pleasure drive.  She’s begging him to give her daddy his job back.  Her dad is not to blame for “their thing.”  Max corrects her—“her  thing.”  (Remember, Rod already asked him to give Don Jer his job back, but Max didn’t actually say what he was going to do.)  She’s the one who betrayed him, tried to be slick.  He had asked her if she was going out with Aldo and she denied it.  Vicky protests, it was only a couple of times and nothing happened.  With a fiendish chuckle he points out that that constitutes a betrayal.  He speeds up.  Max is frightening Vicky.  He says since she’s always complaining that they never have enough time together, this time they’ll have many hours together.  He grabs her—together—and alone.

Later, in some post-coital pillow talk, El Oso Malo with the great big teeth tells Little Red Vickyhood (ok, so it’s not the story of the wolf, but he could easily be one):  “Don’t ever betray me with anyone, ever.”  He’s going to make sure she doesn’t.  Max starts to choke her to death.  The look on his face is pure malice.

El Oso Malo has gotten up and is sitting by the crackling fire pouring out some chilled champagne.  Viewerville watches in disbelief as the first tired old telenovela beanie twist is used in Refugio.  El Oso just happens to have a vial tucked inside his pants pocket.  He pulls it out.  He puts a few drops in one of the glasses.

Vicky comes down the stairs.  She isn’t looking too happy after what was supposed to be a memorable Roll in the Swiss Mountain Hideaway Hay Chalet.  She says he frightened her.  She thought he was going to leave marks on her throat.  (Just marks, dearie?  Weren’t you scared you were going to die?)  Yep, in true telenovillain style, he hands the doctored glass to Vicky.  He chugalugs.  Vickyhood chugalugs reluctantly.  He addresses her:  “Did you know that a person’s word is better than a contract?  It demonstrates integrity.”  He tells her what he liked about her, her innocence, her simplicity, her candor, her ingenuousness, her generosity.  He grabs her by the hair as he tells her to keep on being like that.  He kisses her forcefully as she begins to go limp in his arms.  She passes out and he continues to manhandle her.  He talks to what seems like a lifeless body:  “Why did you betray me with my nephew, Aldo.”

Magda and Lorenzo
Magda and Paz are ready to go visit Lorenzo in jail.  Violeta and Fab are going with them so they won’t get lost in the big city.  Paz wonders if they’re going to let Lor out today.  Maybe that’s what’s keeping Luciana.  Vio looks guilty.

Paz arrives at Lorenzo’s cell.  He’s muy impactado.  She’s muy furiosa with him.  Aldo’s arrival interrupts the scolding Lorenzo is getting from his a-ma that her hijos were not brought up to rob or steal or do anything dishonest.  He knows that.  He tries to tell her it wasn’t his fault.  Aldo explains how it went down and that it was his fault and he promises to get him out of there.

Paz needs to talk to Luciana, but was told she’d be with her lawyer.  Lor has the number.  Aldo offers to call.  Lic. Bar answers.  Lic. Lin isn’t there.  He tells her that Luciana is most likely in the judge’s chambers signing her divorce papers.  Paz has another swooning episode.   

Magda and Fab, who were in the waiting room, rush into the holding area to help with a wilted Paz.  Lorenzo, meanwhile, tells Aldo that he only has a few more hours to fix this (bail, recognizance or withdrawal of the charges, we assume) or he’ll be transferred to the Big House in the morning, from where it will be nigh impossible to help him.  Aldo is still waiting to hear from his Uncle Max.  He’s sure Uncle Max will get him out.  It doesn’t look good right now for Lorenzo, though.  Back in the waiting room, everything is in a flutter.  They are telling Paz to calm down, but she says how can she with one child in jail and the other getting a divorce.  She calls on Galdino beyond the grave to help her.  Aldo offers to drive them anywhere they want.  Paz accepts, but would like to go say goodbye to Lor first.  She’s calmer now and does so.

Aldo has brought the vecindario folks back home.  Paz didn’t know Aldo and Rod were cousins.  Apparently that gives her an idea. 

Rodrigo and Luciana
Rod & Luci are in the little waiting room alone, together, continuing their confrontation from the previous hour.  The lawyers were hoping this might  lead to a reconciliation.  So, Rod says, these are the reasons for the divorce?  She’s accusing him of not being understanding, sympathetic, of being inscrutable, mistrustful and incompatible?  Luci doesn’t know about any of those terms.  It’s something Lic. Bar came up with—standard language.  Rod throws the folder down and turns her towards him.  Here they are, face to face, like enemies, after having loved each other so much.  They both have tears in their eyes.  Hot Head Rod still thinks he’s the aggrieved party.  There is no reconciliation and they are next in the judge’s chambers.

The lady judge asks if they are sure about going ahead with the divorce.  She’d like them to take the time to think about it, talk to each other beforehand.  Rod says they already did that, so, yes,  move forward.  The judge asks them to sign the document.  Luci does without hesitation.  Rod hesitates, he looks at Luci, who stares straight down.  He doesn’t really want to, but then he signs.  The judge pronounces them unhusband and unwife.  Rod and Luci independently seem aghast at what they’ve done.  Rod holds back his tears and bolts out the door.  Linares comforts Luci.  Oscar leaves to get copies from the secretary.

Now, Oscar is outside the judicial building on the phone with someone named Toni saying that they’re done and to prepare the papers.  He stops Luci as she goes by, while Rod is leaning against a column further away.  Oscar wants to know if Luci has a ride.  She answers yes.  He says he’s so sorry.  Rod and Luci barely and briefly look at each other.  Claudio steps forward to show he’s the one taking care of her.  Rod watches as she gets in the car with Claudio.  His eyes are red.  Rod is a broken man.  He turns and walks the other way.

Claudio Linares
Linares and Luci are back in his office talking about what she just went through.  Linares says that a divorce is always tough and worse when the parties still love each other.   Luciana says that evidently there wasn’t enough of it.  He knows she divorced him still loving Rodrigo.  She says she won’t deny it.  But she also recognized that love means suffering.  She and Rodrigo could never be together.  

Norma interrupts to tell Lic. Lin that Barrera will be seeing Lastra on that matter they had pending.  He tells Luci to stop worrying about Lorenzo.  Barrera is the man of the hour.  Luci admits she went to see Lastra on her own, but Polo wouldn’t let her see him.  She was willing to beg.  That gets Linares’ dander up.  He doesn’t ever want her in a position where she has to beg anyone for anything, ever, especially from that desgraciado.

Linares is telling Luci that the official divorce papers will come in a few days.  She must keep them safe, as safe as her birth certificate.  (Inquiring minds want to know what hers says.)  Barrera calls back, he couldn’t get in to see Lastra and wouldn’t answer phones.  Luci panics because time is running out.  Lic. Lin says to trust him.  There’s a knock at the door.  It’s Melissa.  She wants to know where things stand with Luci.  Luci answers that she and Rod are divorced, so there’s no longer anything binding her to the Torreslanda family.  Melissa tells her how much Patricio wanted them to stay together.  Luci is worried about him.   

Het Het
Theofilo, the big hunky lug tells Procopio he’s sorry he lost his job, but he talked to Don Serapio and he now has a job in the funeral parlor.  Procopio agrees to the terms that it’s only until Don Serapio returns.  Don Aquiles is trying to get rid of the Siamese Chisme Twins who are trying to tell him that Procopio found a job and is working with Theofilo at Don Serapio’s Funeral Home and Telephone Central Station.  Don A vows that Copio is going to be the first client—‘cause he’s going to die.  It seems as though Don A is losing his grip on the folks and businesses in Het Het.

(Please forgive your recapper.  As much as she loves Don Aquiles colorful language, it’s hard to translate freehand.  She prefers to pay more attention and tries to be accurate with the main storylines.)

Estela's Place
A box is delivered to Estela’s apartment.  It’s wrapped in pretty paper with a bow on top (one of those tv gift boxes that don’t actually have to be unwrapped).  It’s for Marianita from her mother en el otro lado (EEUU).  My how trusting she must be, unless she used Transporte Zuleta—De Puerta a Puerta, Inc.  It has a magic wand and a compound word: rompecabezas (jigsaw puzzle), something for Estela and a card from Ofelia.  Ariche likes the puzzle, Marianita likes the magic wand.  He tells her to wish with it real hard.  She wants her ma back.  That’s what she wishes for.

The Girls On Team Luci
Conny, Melissa and Hannah are in a restaurant-café, talking about Claudio Linares, Rod and Luci.  H&M are sorry they failed at their attempt to get the angry lovebirds back together.  Conny says that as long as the ink isn’t dry, there’s still hope (you hope in vain, Con).  Melissa is on her way to see Linares for the next revision in her thesis.  To her mother’s question, she admits that she likes Linares a lot.  Melissa wonders how old Linares is.  Conny does a little quick math and offers that he’s older than she is (which doesn’t tell us a thing).  (Did anyone in Viewerville note the dates on Aurora’s grave?  It said 1967-1995.  She was only 28 when she died.  If Luci is 19, then this must be 2014 already.  I would guess Claudio to be about 50 or a little more—which is just about right when Aurora was alive.)

A Pair of Mean Girls
Julie and Gala are in Cemetery Man’s office.  (Remember, he’s not the one complicit with Roselena on the desecration of the two tombs, just for delaying the exhumation.)  Gala wants to know what he means by the tomb of Aurora Linares is no longer here.  He explains that the exhumation of the bodies has just taken place.  Julie catches the plural—bodies?  Yes, he continues, the remains of his wife and daughter.  Gala picks up on—daughter?  Yes, he continues, exhumed and then cremated, at the request of Lic. Linares.  Julie, ever concerned for the feelings of others, remarks that it must have been a very difficult moment for him to face alone.  Cemetery Man surprises them both when he tells them Sra. Roselena Torreslanda was with Lic. Linares at the exhumation.  Quick-thinking Julie comes back that it was obvious that she held the deceased in high regard.  Sra. TL remembers her with much affection (while Gala smugly smiles at Julie’s chutzpah).

Rodrigo and Oscar
Rod gets back to the office accompanied by Oscar.  He tells Oscar he was at the point of embracing Luci, kissing her.  He wanted to ask her to forget everything and then run away with her.  Oscar wants to know why he didn’t.  Rod says he was trying to figure out when that moment was when everything fell apart, broke, but he couldn’t.  Oscar doesn’t know what to tell him, except that maybe that moment hasn’t come yet and their love isn’t completely broken.  Maybe it just needs time.  Rod isn’t convinced.  Maybe love can be put back together, but not the pieces of a broken heart.  How is it that it’s so difficult to end a great love with just a simple signature.  But it’s all over.  Rod changes the subject.  They have to get Lorenzo out of jail.  Oscar tells Rod it’s not going to be easy.  He gets a call from Lastra.

Old Don Jeronimo (as opposed to young Jeronimo in CME) gets his job back, on Max’s orders.  Rod tells him it was only another compound word: malentendido (misunderstanding).  Don Jer praises Max’s and the whole family’s saintly virtues.  (If he only knew what this virtuous man is doing to his daughter at that very moment.)

Patricio, Mati and a Call from Rodrigo
Mati is with Pato, trying to get him to take his meds.  He doesn’t want them, but she sweet talks him into taking them saying that they are essential to his recuperation.

He wants to know if his mother returned from church.  Yes, she’s back but went straight to bed with a headache, that’s why she didn’t come to see him.  Pato is scheduled to go for his first hydrotherapy that afternoon.  Rodrigo calls him on a teleconference channel.  Pato says:  “Rodrigo, please, tell me no” (Dime que no).  Rod matter-of-factly tells Pato as much as he’d like to tell him that, he and Luciana are divorced.  In Pato’s face, it’s clear he needs to process that information—whether to be sad for the two of them or glad that maybe now he has a chance with Luciana himself.  

Rosa and God
Rosa talks to God:  “Why are You turning your back on me.  Why are You shutting the doors of Heaven to me.  I need Your pardon.”  She doesn’t care if Padre didn’t absolve her.  She needs the Lord’s forgiveness.  Pato arrives on silent wheels in the middle of her supplication.  He tells her that Rod and Luci are divorced, just the way she wanted.  He leaves.  Her body language tells the whole story.  She’s free of this burden.  She dries her eyes.  She relaxes immediately, her face slackens, she’s calm, she can smile.  She thanks the Heavenly Father, thanks Him for listening to Her [sic].

Luci returns to Vio’s apartment.  She says out loud to herself that she lost him, forever.  Vio comes in to console her.  She’s divorced.  It hurts so much.  Vio tells her that her a-ma already knows about the divorce.

Downstairs, Estela and Magda are talking about Paz and all her problems in Het Het and now her hijo problems.  Luci comes in and wants to know where Aldo took her mother.  Viewerville finds out right away.  Paz has shown up in Rodrigo’s office.  He and she have a lot to talk about.  Well, anyway, she does.  He gets to listen.  Luciana, meanwhile, hightails it out of the vecindad to catch up with her a-ma and arrives at the TorresLanda compound word: rascacielo (skyscraper) at precisely the same time as Max steps out of his car, without Vicky.

Paz lectures her (bad boy) ex-SIL.
Roselena celebrates (her secret triumph) with her family.
Claudio Linares meets Paz (she swoons again).
Where in the World is Vicky (that's my question). 


Abismo de pasión #88 7/13/12: If Whuppin' A$$ Was an Olympic Sport, Agosto Brought Home the Gold-Which Will Be Awarded Posthumously, Of Course.

Casa de Castanon Home Office:  Agosto recalls the conversation between Gabby and himself in the cemetery.  Gabby told him not to feel so sad about the baby.  Agosto replies that Gabby doesn’t know what it’s like to lose a child.  Gabby informs Agosto that that the baby wasn’t his.

Casa de Tovar Living Room:  A hearty welcome to the newest member of the Dumb Chick List, Sabrina Tovar.  Sabrina is encouraging her “amor” (Paolo) to ask for her parents for her hand.  She wants to get hitched before she becomes noticeably pregnant.   Paolo gently caresses her face and encourages her to relax.  He doesn’t want to rush things; they have a couple of weeks left before her belly gets big.  Cautiously, Paolo looks around, making sure that no one hears their conversation.  He wants her to travel to Merida with him in the morning.  He has a surprise for her.  Mrs. Kravitz (Begona) bounces down the stairs and into the living room.  She seems overjoyed that the only eligible child molester/rapist and part-time extortionist in La Ermita has taken an interest in her nubile daughter.  Gleefully, she takes the seat across from canoodlers and tells Paolo that he has her support.  Sabrina and Paolo cuddle on the pink paisley love seat while Mrs. Kravitz asks Paolo about his intentions, his hopes and his goals for the future.  Does he plan on expanding into serial killing anything time soon?  Paolo, still holding Sabrina’s hands, charms Mrs. Kravitz by answering her eager questions.  She asks Paolo to call her by her first name since they are practically the same age.  Sabrina protests, but Paolo diffuses the situation by telling Mrs. Kravitz that he appreciates her confidence.  Mrs. Kravitz says that he hopes that he won’t abuse it.  Paolo asks permission to take Sabby out for breakfast.  Mrs. Kravitz hints that she would like to go with them.  Sabrina shuts her mother down and tells her to call one of her own friends for breakfast.  Paolo salutes Mrs. Kravitz with a kiss on the cheek.  She insists that he call her, Begona.  Paolo is so dessssspicable.  Mrs. Kravitz rushes to the phone and dials. 

Casa de Castanon Foyer:  Destituted, Carmina, dressed only in a dirty grey robe with her pants around her ankles, is walking towards the front door.  I don’t need you and I don’t need anything!  Except this!  I need this ashtray, and this paddle game and this remote control and these matches and this magazine and this chair and this lamp and that’s all I need too!  I don’t need one other thing!  I need my dog (the dog growls).  Well I don’t need my dog. What are you looking at?  What do you think I am some kind of jerk or something? *

Carmina heads toward the door, pulling two pink suitcases behind her, when the phone rings.  She opens the door, but decides to turn around and answer the phone instead.  She walks past the discarded shot gun standing in the corner.  Mrs. Kravitz invites her out to breakfast.    At first, Carmina turns her down, but agrees to go for coffee at the Casa de Tovar. 

Case de Mickey and Mallory:    Gabino has bought Ingrid her favorite gift (and mine) which is an enormous roll of Benjamins fresh off the press.  This is totally against the pimp code.  Is Gabino slipping?  She wants to know if Gabby is going to give her the rest of her money.   Hell no!  If I do that, you’ll bounce.  She assures him that she will not leave until the Castanon’s are destroyed, but  she doesn’t like being locked up in the little blue house.  He tells her that everything is about to change because he is going to buy Cielo Abierto.  He suggests that she take the money and go buy something for herself.  She agrees.  Even when he pushes her back on the bed, Ingrid keeps a death lock on her greenbacks whilst Gabby attempts to get his freak on.  He kisses her neck, he rubs her legs, but she does not let go of those bills; not one single one.  He’s interrupted when someone bangs on front door.  Gabby begrudgingly gets up to answer.  Agosto bursts through the door and marches into the house.  Ingrid eavesdrops from the bedroom.  Agosto demands to know if Gabby told the truth about Carmina’s son not being his.  Gabby tells him that he was just joshing with him.  Agosto demands to know if the baby belonged to Rosendo.  Gabby pauses, so Agosto grabs his shirt and tries tossing him around a bit.  Ingrid steps out of the bedroom and tells Gabby to answer Agosto.  Gabby doesn’t answer quickly enough for Ingrid, so she confirms the story.  Carmina was indeed the lover of Rosendo.  Agosto turns to Gabby again and asks him to confirm the story.  Gabby confirms it.  Agosto rushes towards the door, then stops when Gabby asks how found out.  Agosto tells him that it doesn’t matter how he found out.  Gabby growls at Ingrid.  She tells him that Agosto might be able to kill Carmina since he couldn’t.  Gabby’s upset because he just destroyed Agosto’s life. 

Casa de Castanon Elisa’s Bedroom:  Elisa is taping the torn picture of her mother and godmother back together.  Dolores attempts to cheer Elisa up as a dead, stuffed and mounted yellow bird looks on at the conversation.  What chick who loves pastels would decorate her room with taxidermy?  Dolores tells her to look at the bright side; the picture can be fixed.  Elisa reminds Dolores that it’s the only picture that she has of her mother and her godmother.  Carmina had no right to rip it up.  Dolores tells Elisa that she doesn’t have to worry about Carmina anymore because her suitcases are packed and at the door. Elisa tells Dolores that the amulet is beyond repair.  Dolores suggests that Elisa ask Ramona to fix it.  Elisa complains that the necklace has only brought her bad luck.  Elisa finally gives in and the two women leave the bedroom.

Casa de Mickey and Mallory:  See what happens when you don’t follow the pimp code/manual?  Your woman gets out of line and talks too much.  Gabby, who has been driven to drink from all of the honesty and forthrightness that occurred today, opens up bottle of Tequila and pours himself a double shot.  Ingrid wants to know how Carmina got knocked up from Rosendo.  Gabby says the baby is dead, so it doesn’t matter.  Ingrid demands that he tells her the truth.  He tells her that it doesn’t matter because they don’t even know if the baby belonged to Rosendo.  Ingrid wants to know why he keeps defending that nut.  She points out that he has kept Carmina’s affair with Rosendo secret for years.  She wants to know what he owes Carmina.  He says that he doesn’t owe Carmina anything.  He’s kept quiet because she scares the bejeebers out of him and he doesn’t want her as his enemy.  Gabby, please turn in your pimp card to the corporate office immediately, if not sooner.  You don’t deserve it.  Gabby’s concerned that Agosto may not be willing to sell him the property anymore.  Ingrid says that she wouldn’t sell it to him either.  The two sit at a little table.  Ingrid twirls her hair.  There’s another knock at the door.  Ingrid, wearing a pair of fabu black Christian Loubotain shoes, opens the door for Gael, who has come to escort her to Kenia’s funeral.  Sidebar:  Gabby was trying to get his freak on with a woman who is about to attend her daughter’s funeral. 

Casa de Arango Damien’s Bedroom:  Alfonsina is trying to play a Jedi Mind Trick on Damien and it looks like she’s succeeding.  She wants to know when he wants the wedding to take place.  He tells her within a couple of weeks.  She tells him that she is going to throw an incredible shindig.  He doesn’t want a big party.  He just wants to get this death sentence over with.  He’ll pull the electric chair lever on himself.  She asks if he’s concerned about Elisa.  He says yes.   She tells him that everyone is responsible for their own happiness.  He says he’s trying to do that by getting married to someone who’s second best and then their moving to Mexico.  She says that he’ll break her heart if he moves to Mexico.  His mother knows that he doesn’t have to live with her, but at least stay in La Ermita.  She tells him that she will give him a great gift and asks if they can talk about it later.   Commercial.

Theme Song:  While I’m waiting for the show to resume.  I wonder what the singers are thinking about Elisa.  Geez, in every other shot she’s making out anywhere and everywhere with either Gael or half- naked Damien.  She’s a little vixen and an exhibitionist.  Virgin my big fat fanny!

Casa de Castanon Foyer:  Dolores spots the shotgun in the foyer.  Agosto returns from speaking with Gabby and Ingrid.  He asks about Carmina's whereabouts.  Dolores tells him that Carmina left with her pink suitcases.  He then asks about Elisa.  She went to visit Paloma.  Agosto looks as if he’s been crying.  He tells Dolores to go find Elisa; he needs to talk to her.   It’s very important.  Dolores rushes out of the house.  Stricken, Agosto walks into his office and opens the liquor cabinet.  Quick!  Someone call his AA sponsor!  He pours himself a big glass of whiskey while waiting for his daughter to arrive.  He almost puts the glass to his lips, but throws it to the floor instead.  The whiskey bottle follows.  Soon, he returns to the liquor cabinet, decides to get rid of his entire stash and tosses all of the bottles to the ground!   He determined to stay on the wagon!  Hurray!  Sponsor not needed after all.  I bet his office looks and smells like Times Square on New Year’s Day.   He walks out. 

Casa de Tovar:  Mrs. Kravitz gives Carmina a napkin for her tea.  Mrs. Kravitz asks about Agosto and Carmina breaks down in tears; her marriage is falling apart.  She blames Elisa for Agosto asking her to leave the house.  Carmina tells Mrs. Kravitz that she has no one and nowhere to go and Agosto doesn’t care.  Mrs. Kravitz tells her that someone is selling their property and suggests that Carmina buy it.  I don’t have any money, Begona.  Carmina asks if she can stay with Mrs. Kravitz, her dear friend (who doesn’t know that Carmina slept with her husband).  It will just be until she solves the problem with Agosto.  Mrs. Kravitz agrees and the two embrace.  Carmina runs home to get her things.  This is not going to be good.  I can tell. 

Witch Mountain:  Sitting at the kitchen table, Ramona is holding her head in her hands when there is a knock at the door.  Elisa steps in without so much as an "andalante" from Ramona.  Ramona tells her that Paloma isn’t there.  Elisa asks her to fix the amulet.  She informs Ramona that Carmina broke it.  Ramona says that she’ll fix it and send it back with Paloma when she arrives.  Elisa notices Ramona depression and asks her what’s up.  She asks Elisa if she has spoken with Agosto yet.  Elisa says no.  Ramona tells Elisa that once she speaks to her father, her life will completely change. 

Cemetery Kenia’s FUNeral:  Padres conducts the burial service.  Only Gael and Ingrid are in attendance.  Gael thanks her for not inviting Gabby.  Ingrid thanks him for not inviting the riff raff from La Ermita.  Padre says that Gael’s friends should be there.  Ingrid blames one of the families for Kenia’s death.  Padre believes that Kenia killed herself and blames Ingrid for her suicide.  He says that Ingrid sucked as a mother.  Ingrid tells Padre not to make her cuss him out at her daughter’s FUNeral.  Padre says that they all know what type of mother she is.  I’m not putting you down for abandoning your son (I’m just rubbing it in); however, I’m talking about how you treated Kenia.  He tells her that Kenia told him everything about how she was raised and Singrid should be ashamed of herself.  Gael tells them that the FUNeral is not the time to argue.  Four men lower the coffin into the ground.  Um, normally I’m on Lupe’s side, but at her daughter’s graveside is not the time to kick Singrid when she’s down.  She looks as if she would like to hit Padre Lupe with the flowers she’s holding, but she tosses them into the gravesite instead.  She’s had it with the conversation.  She tells them that the person responsible for her daughter’s death will pay.  She leaves.  How convenient!  Dr. Tovar is waiting in jeans and a t-shirt with a bouquet of yellow flowers.  She acts surprised that he came.  He’s disappointed that he arrived late to the FUNeral and sighs.  She tells him that they’ve already buried Kenia and acts appalled that no one came (she's evilicious).  He gives her his condolences along with a bouquet of yellow flowers.  He wants her to go with him to lay the flowers on the grave.  She says no because that little angry priest is there and he’ll blab about her abandoning her child and being an unfit mother.  Hell, he told the pallbearers and she don’t even know them.   They embrace and get into his car.  Those Loboutains are not made for walking; they are made for looking fabu.  Commercial.  P.S.  This is not going to be good.  I can already tell. 

Casa de Castanon Elisa’s Bedroom:  Agosto is searching Elisa’s room.  He finds the picture in her night-stand where she usually keeps it.  I really don’t know why he didn’t look there first; he’s found it there before and threatened to destroy it.  He takes the taped up photo of Estefania and Blanca and walks out of the room.  Next, he takes the picture into his room and lays it at the foot of his bed.  He gets down on his knees in front of the photo and tearfully begs his dead wife for forgiveness.

Restaurant:  Our newest inductee is having lunch with her “SSSsssssamor”.  Their having a glass of milk since she can’t legally drink yet.  She asks how long he and Kenia dated.  He’s says a couple of months.  She wants to know why they broke up.  He wants to know why she cares about that.  She tells him that she knows that he knocked up Kenia too.   SsssPaolo denies paternity and says that Kenia was trying to trap him.  She wants him to swear; he’s a good Christian.  He doesn’t swear.  He tells her to stop comparing his relationship to her with his relationship with Kenia.  He gets a little testy and she tells him not to get all worked up.  She won’t bring it up again (this is how she earned her spot on the list).  Kenia has been on her mind since her body was identified floating in the cenote.  He’s totally stunned. 

Cemetary:  Damien stops by the cemetery to pay his last respects as well.  The four men have finished manually filling in the grave since there are no backhoes available in all of La Ermita.  Damien brings in the headstone, a large cross.  He had it made.  Her full name was Kenia Jasso Navarro.  Gael asks how Damien knew.  He hadn’t even told Elisa.  Padre Lupe Kravitz told him.  He felt it was important that Damien knew.  Padre walks off, and Damien and Gael lay the headstone down flat on the pile of dirt.  Damien looks at the grave and recalls his father’s funeral.  Young Damien is hugging his father’s casket.  Gael walks in and touches him on the shoulder, they fist bump and Gael hugs Damien.  Young Damien had tears in his eyes.  Now in the present, they both have tears in their eyes and this time, Damien hugs Gael. 

Bench:  Dr. Tovar and Ingrid are sitting on a bench talking.  She is holding the pretty yellow flowers and intently listening to him.  Little Dr. Tovar really enjoys this attention because he normally can’t say anything when his wife’s around.  Dr. Tovar has to leave; he has patients waiting for him.  She realizes he’s a very busy man and asks to see his bank statements.  You must make a lot of money, says the Gold or Grave Digger.  Yeah, I do pretty well.  She thanks him for coming and hanging out with her.  Dr. Tovar walks away but returns to the bench.  He asks can he see her later on.  She agrees and kisses him on the lips, grabs her flowers and walks away.  He touches his mouth and smiles.  This man is a diabolically insane chick magnet.  We may have to add Dr. Tovar to the Dumb Chick List as well.  Just in case, someone please draft an orientation letter. 

Casa de Castanon Guest Bedroom:  Agosto is still down on his knees begging Estefania to forgive him when Psy-Car-Tic walks in.  Seeing him down on his knees, she walks over and wants to know what’s going on.  She tells him that she’s leaving now and that she’s come back for her things.  Agosto calmly rises to his feet and slaps her into a nearby wall.  Didn’t she learn anything from the Don’t Never Accept her word incident?  Agosto continues to stare at her as if she were a bug.

Procesadora:  Maru is leaving when Don Lucio calls her name.  He tips his hat to her and tells her that he has been waiting to walk her home.   The two walk off arm and arm together.   Instead of going home, he ask her to go to the “Inn” for dinner.  Hmmmmmm  She’s going to a hotel to eat dinner.  Tramp.  She’s old enough to know where that will lead. 

Casa de Castanon Guest Bedroom:  Carmina is sitting on the floor holding her cheek and wants to know why she’s been slapped.  Where should I start?  There’s so many reasons… Oh, she wasn’t talking to me.  Agosto tells her that she’s busted and the jig is up.  He knows that she was the one boinking Rosendo.  He grabs her by the hair and pushes her into a wall.  She begs for forgiveness and tells him that she loves him.  He kinda sorta shoves her onto the bed (more like she voluntarily jumped.  The stunt coordination team didn’t work that out as well as they could have).  Anyways, he climbs on top of her and chokes her.  Agosto pauses to reflect on the accident.  He tells her that she’s the one who should have died in the accident.  She jumps off of the bed and runs out of the room.  He runs after her, but finds her in the hallway (conveniently, right outside of his bedroom door).  He grabs her by her hair and shoves her against the wall again.  He tells her that he isn’t finished killing her yet.  He knows that the baby belonged to Rosendo.  Sueltame!  Basically, he was just knocking her butt down the hallway.  How dare you falsify the Don’t Never Accept it test.  He takes a break (he must be worn out from all of the physical exertion), and grabs a Gatorade before starting round two.  While his is rehydrating, she admits that during the marriage, she might have done a few things wrong like preparing to run off with Rosendo.  She blames that on Agosto for not loving her.  He adored her sister and she couldn’t stand it.  She did it for love.  Ding Ding!  He does a couple of quick stretches, cracks his neck, grabs her hair again and slams her into a wall.  Sueltame!  She frees herself and runs into the office, but she’s just not quick enough.  “You are going to take this whuppin like a man!”  They struggle into another room.  Ohhhh there it is.  Just what were waiting for…another crotch shot.  Once again, she is on her knees and her face firmly planted in his boy bits section.  She begs his boy bits to release her.  She tells him that she has never lied about loving him.  She wants a chance to explain!  I know what you’re thinking, but I can’t add her on list because she’s technically deranged.  She’s the only one with a legitimate excuse.  The others really are dumb.  He tells her that she is going to leave the house with nothing.  He is going to tell everyone what she did to Estefania and Elisa.  Everyone will know that she was Rosendo’s true lover.   He keeps trying to choke her but he can’t get a good grip on her neck.  Geez, I really wish she would quit squirming and let him get her well-deserved murder over with.  He throws her to the ground, but he didn’t think the logistics through.  She falls in front of the shot gun, grabs it and cocks it.  He looks shocked and tells her to drop the shotgun.  He tells her that she is responsible for Estefania’s death and she will pay for what she did to her.  Well, this just may prove to be the last psychotic chick that Agosto ever beats up.  Commercial. 

Casa de Castanon Kitchen:  Horacio has never looked like the kind of guy that is concerned about his hygiene, but OK I’ll take the leap.  Anyways, Horacio is in the kitchen washing his hands when he FINALLY hears all of the commotion in the foyer.  Anywho, Horacio peeks into the foyer and sees Carmina sitting on the floor pointing the shotgun at Agosto .  He steps towards her and tells her that she will pay for what she did to Estefania and demands that she get up so he can expose and beat her a$$ again.  She pulls the trigger and kills him.  Well, I hate to say it, but he had it coming for whuppin’ her like it was an Olympic sport.    Personally, if it were me, I would have shot him twice. 

Witch Mountain:  Meanwhile, over a Witch Mountain, Ramona drops a water pitcher after feeling a sharp pain in her chest.  She picks up the pieces of the broken pitcher from the floor. 

Casa de Castanon Foyer:  Carmina has dropped the gun.  Horacio steps into the foyer, walks around and surveys the body.  Hmmm Horacio could have saved the day, but I guess he had other things to do (like hide) behind the door.  He asks why she did it.  Sprinkled with her husband’s blood, Carmina picks the gun back up and points it at Horacio.  You murdered Don Agosto!  says Horacio.  Carmina continues to point the gun and shakes her head.  She says that she didn’t want to do it.  Technically, I think she can claim self-defense, but then I’m not a lawyer.  Horacio wants to call the police; he looks towards the office.  She cocks the gun again.  Maybe we won’t call the police.  She tells him that if he calls the police, she will tell them that he was involved in Blanca’s murder and that he killed Agosto.  He points out that she is the one holding the shotgun.  She will tell the cops that she took it from him as soon as she saw him kill Agosto.   He says it will be his word against hers.  She says that they will believe her over him because she’ll say that he killed Agosto to prevent him from going to the police about Blanca’s murder.  He asks her not to do that to him.  She thinks it will be better for her if she kills him too.  It will prove that she acted in self-defense.   She keeps the gun pointed on him.  Blood is still on her face. 

Cemetary:  Damien and Gael are walking towards their horses.  Damien asks Gael to break up with Paloma and hook up with Elisa.  He tells Gael that he is going to marry Florencia to get over Elisa.  He admits that he has been using Florencia’s body to make him forget wanting to boink is faux sister (gross again! Man she's your faux sister, get over her!).  Gael tells him that he’s already dumped Paloma and begins to tell Damien that he has made a big mistake by sleeping with Florencia.  Well, somebody had to say it. 

Casa de Castanon Foyer:  Psy-Car-Tic still has the gun on Horacio, but he slowly inches up to her and wrestles the gun away from her.  He is not going to let her pin this whack on him.  She tells him that she has a way out of this, but they both have to agree not to bust one another out.  Carmina notices a paper lying beside Agosto.  She kicks his arm, reaches down and grabs the bloody document. Horacio gives the gun back.  He says that he doesn’t know how they can get out of this one.  She says she does, but they have to work quickly before anyone arrives. 

*Steve Martin (The Jerk)


Friday, July 13, 2012

El Mundo de Telemundo: Week of July 16 - Discuss among yourselves

¡Hola á todos! We're on a roll with three novelas: the two new ones - Rosa Diamante and Pablo Escobar and Corazón Valiente continues. Thanks to Novelera, Hombre de Misterio and Novela Maven for their recaps. Over to you.

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Weekend Discussion: Telenovela Villains -- More Parental Toxicity

Dirty Dozen #2: Toxic and Controlling Fathers

The other side of toxic parenting is the Controlling Father. While his female counterpart typically controls through guilt or other forms of emotional blackmail, he typically controls through the purse strings, sometimes also with keys and locks; insults and emotional blackmail are often his last resort. Most are wealthy and powerful, some are insecure and merely selfish, and some still are perverse.  Not as common as the Controlling Mother and usually less deadly, but perversion can compensate for that.  Some of these are candidates for redemption, although most usually pay the ultimate price.

It is rather surprising also, that this is the province of specialists and there are fewer actors cast in these series-length roles than for controlling mothers.  Why do you think this is?  I think it must be the deep voices.

Who is the most evil of them all?

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Abismo de pasión #87 7/12/12: I desire you, but you’re my brother. Even if you’re not, you’re marrying another. Your brother loves me, but you don’t know he’s your brother.

Announcement: Great news! Y'all are in for a treat. Novela Maven will be filling in for me the next three Thursdays while I take a hiatus. 

Last night we left Ramona on the verge of telling Augusto The Truth, Augusto not wanting to hear The Truth, and Marta feverishly swinging her skillet in his direction. I quote: “You won’t go anywhere until I tell you everything I know about that  night, and then you make your own conclusions about who was supposed to be in the car with Rosie, if Stefie, or her sister.. Carmina.( THERE!! FINALLY!!! Now lets see if he can handle the TRUTH!! Good, cause I am tired already of swinging that skillet at his head by now!)”

Tonight the question lingers...was it Estefania or Carmina who was boinking Rosendo? Ramona says she has reason to believe Carmina is behind all the the trouble concerning Stef lo these many years. Remember Carmina was about to leave on the exact day that Stef and Ros had their accident. Didn’t Stef lock Carmina in her room that day? Elisa was little but she remembers it well. Maybe Stef was trying to prevent Carmina from running off with Rosendo. Also, Stef told Ramona something just before she died. Ramona didn’t understand it at the time but Stef said, “I had to stop them.” “Detenerlos.” Poor, dense Augusto tries hard to sort through this new information.

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