Friday, June 25, 2010

Corazon Salvaje June 24, 2010 Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Awwww :(

Regina tells Juan she is feeling what must be the closest to happiness. Just wait till you make him yours honey, can we say whoot whoot I’m jealous? Juan smiles sweetly and I swoon in front of my laptop, oh God, I need Aimee’s fan.

Aimee and Renato are arguing, how strange. Renato didn’t finish reading the diary or skipped over the part in which Aimee is a skanky ho. In any case, she is now blaming everything on him and trying to make him feeling sorry for her. Tying it all in a pretty little bow. What Renato doesn’t understand is why did Juan accept this marriage? He says he cannot believe she threw her sister over and is angry as hell. Imagine when he finds out how far her treason goes. She continues laying all blame on him. “You are the one to blame for Regina’s disgrace.” Well, I don’t see her feeling that disgraced, but they don't know that, do they? They expect to see poor Regina all starved or miserable or something. Aimee is quite the little actress, feeling so bad about her sister.

Renato storms off, declaring he must save Regina if all this is his fault. He seems to be taking the fact she loved him a bit too seriously.

Juan is shocked at Regina mentioned happiness. Happiness? Yes, happiness. Juan gets a bit too close to her. Come on we want to see a kiss already! He calls her a good, honest, nice woman. The tension is a bit dissipated as Juan tells her to pay attention to the wheel again.

Clemencia is attacked by Renato. “Did you know Regina loved me?” She explains the obvious reasons why she didn’t tell him. “There is no worst blindness than the one who blinds himself.” She also blames it all on him. Poor boy.

Aimee awaits a yelling from her dear mother in law. She claims she told Renato “the truth”, and even I’m confused about what that is at this point. Leo is none too pleased with Aimee and it’s about time. “I am sick and tired of being blamed! I confessed my only sin. Letting Regina get married.” “You speak as if I didn’t know the truth.” Aimee acts like she didn’t do anything. “I am a Montes de Oca and I don’t need this crap.” Haha.

Leo claims she is sure she lied again and calls her a monster of hypocrisy and a big ho. “I got to know you so late!” Whoa this is getting intense, some cat fight here about to explode. Just on cue, Aimee gets bitch slapped. “Renato forgave me for what I did and now that’s it.” Leo lets her know that he ran off to try and get Juan locked up again. “See how far how you have confused him with your lies?” No she doesn’t see.

El alguacil looked fed up with all this. “Are you sure you want to get involved in this?” -sighs- I agree. Renato tells him he must find something to accuse him of. He talks of the stolen ship. The man he hurt. Everything has been taken care of. It was Noel. Renato tries to void all his father did to help Juan and smiles evilly. “I will pay for ALL costs.” The alguacil’s eyes brighten and dance.”You

“You look so beautiful under the moonlight,” Juan says as Regina is “helping him steer”, and she pretty much giggles. She does look so pretty. They took off that god awful curly wig that kept getting longer every day, no joke, and her hair finally looks so pretty. She does look much better than Aimee now that is giving off a matronly vibe to me. I think she is taking fashion advice from Leo. Juan is totally complimenting Regina and he’s tripped over her several times in hopes of coping a feel. Regina doesn’t seem to mind.

“You look like a star that seems like it’s so close by but it’s really too far.” “No, I’m not that far away.” Awww. He thinks it’s just pity when she said she understands him but she denies it. She says its her opinion the ones that have suffered the most should be loved. -wink wink, nudge nudge-, here’s someone who’s suffered a lot.

Renato calls Noel into his office, he needs to speak to him and Noel requests he stops drinking. “I’m fine, almost happy. The alguacil finally promised he would get Luzbel and lock Juan up. You’ve always known Regina loved ME. I know all the truth.” Oh dear. They argue back and forth and obviously Noel disagrees with Renato 100%. Renato doesn’t want to change his mind. Noel chooses that moment to let him know that half the finca is now Juan’s.

Juan and Regina, he asks to escort her to the room. “I had a very pleasant time.” It has the feeling of a first date and it couldn’t be more adorable. He leans in and slowly, slowly his lips get closer and closer to hers. She closes her eyes, expecting the smooch at any second. Commercials! Damn it! Ahem… Sorry about that. Will they, won’t they? I bet no, too soon. And… I won the bet. She pulls away and refuses his invitation to take her to her room. He starts cursing himself. “Stupid, stupid, stupid, why didn’t I kiss her?”

Regina enters the room and closes the door behind her, a dreamy look in her face. Juan irrupts in the room, asking if there is nothing she needs. Are you sure, what if you need something? She closes the door on his face and he sticks it in again. Hahahahahahahahaha, omg this is so sweet. He clutches his heart and asks, why didn’t I kiss her? She asks the same thing on her side of the door. “Why didn’t he kiss me?” He knocks on her door by mistake and she giggles, asking him what he wants and he blusters, pretending he had just been "passing by". "Juan", she says and sounded a bit like Aimee, just sweeter.

Renato is angry, mad, upset, pissed off. He can’t believe Juan is going to have half the finca. He bit the hand that fed it. Noel is sad and worried. Why are you so different, it’s like you are someone else. We all agree. “What did Juan do to you?” “Juan left with the woman I loved the most.” Oh my, he is jealous. But he is now married, so jeez. “The worst part is he didn’t loved her and married her for revenge. Now I feel so awful.” Darn, if you see it that way, yeah, it sucks. “I will chase Juan until I catch him.” “Dios mio, Dios mio, Dios mio.”

Aimee is crying and begging Leo. She claims to be a white little lamb and that forgiveness should cover them all. She calls him a sinner and Aimee threatens to tell him absolutely everything. Aimee clutches her belly. “My innocent and poor child.” Oh jeez -big eye roll-. Leo commands she stop him to chase Renato. They argue and scream at each other. Aimee cries. “Renato will not listen to me! I begged him so many times to not bring Juan here!” Leo says Regina got married willingly and no one cares of her future. Wow.

Juan is on the deck reminiscing of the almost kiss with his wife. He sits with Remigio to chat. Remigio says he is worried about him and Regina. “Regina has always been so nice and you are going to make her unhappy.” They speak about the stealing of the boat and their situation. He’s cute when he tries to deny things haha. Juan confesses to Remigio that they might be happy, that he’s noticed Regina is different and they might be a match. Remigio keeps puffing on his cigar, looking confused.

Aimee runs in to beg and cry to Renato so he won’t chase Juan down. He grabs her face hard. Leo also pleads. Renato goes to Aimee again to grab her a bit more for having blackened her name. “What interest did you have to do that to your sister. What is the real truth! I don’t kill you because of the child you carry.” Oh yes, the “child”, pft.

Leo is getting an eyeful of how Renato has been treating Aimee lately and how he doesn’t listen to a word she is saying. “No one will stop me! I will make him confess face to face why he got married to Regina.” He runs off and Leo looks at Aimee with a bit of pity in her eyes. Yikes.

Now we see Jimena’s plight in that awful pub. I do like the way she is dressing now though, much cuter. When is she going to realize her “aunt” isn’t coming back for her? Poor girl. Her “boss” gives her a blanket so she could go and sleep on the corner. Great accommodations. Dejectedly she kneels down and wait for it… Gabriel flashbacks. Gabriel screaming at her and telling her he never wanted to see her again. Ouch.

Back in Luzbel, its daytime. They look all happy and are drawing straws. Catalote has the smallest one. I guess they were drawing straws to tell Juan something. Santos stutters.

Noel hands over the papers for half the finca to Gabriel. He also tells him to never return, to be careful because sadly, his soon now wants Juan to be captured.

Juan and Regina face off, he is in a bad mood form last night’s non-kiss, haha. He tells Remigio to take care of her as they go shopping and to not let her escape. She calls him majadero and pelado. She goes off in a huff and Juan winks at Remigio. The rest of the crew and Juan hang up decorations, really corny ones, all over the ship. Apparently they are planning a party for Regina. They throw Juan over and I wish he would strip again like yesterday. He claims he is not in love and would never love a monja, lol.

They are so cute all getting the ship ready, with a fruit bufeet and everything. Juan is wearing a leather apron. That makes it more manly, right? Haha.

Regina complains to Remigio that Juan is a majadero and that she can’t understand why they all pay such attention to them. Remigio reveals he is like a father for him because he was the one who rescued him when he wast left in the jungle. Regina looks impactada.

The “future” scenes have all happened and that pisses me off, ugh. Get some new ones, please.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

El Clon Thursday June 24: Summary for Discussion

It was a dark and stormy night … um… metaphorically speaking…

At Albi’s house:
Luisa tells Albieri -- with genuine delight -- that Dora came to see her and told her Daniel was back.

At Dora’s place:
Estela asks Dora what’s troubling Daniel. Dora thinks it’s Albieri’s weird behavior toward him.

Daniel is shown wandering the Miami streets at night …

And at the Casa Ferrer
… we hear Lucas telling Rosa how he would have liked to do just that.
Me hubiera encantado recorrer las calles en la noche.
I would have loved to go through the streets at night.
When he was young, he says, he asked Albieri to make a clone of him. If he’d done so, there would have been someone to do the things his father asked of him and he would have been free to follow his dreams.

Leo overhears this and comes in to apologize to Lucas for being so hard on him all these years. He admits he preferred Diego because he was like himself. And instead of Diego’s death bringing Lucas and him closer, it drove them farther apart. Leo’s own father taught him to see idealists as losers. Forgive me, he pleads. I understand that you loved me unconditionally and because of that you gave up your own love and dreams.

At Saids house:
Zoraida and Jade embrace sadly. Said has told me I’ll never see Jadiya again, Jade tells Zoraida while Mohamed and Said wait, glaring impatiently.
Said takes Jade away.

At Empresa Ferrer:
Clara tells Carolina about Escobar’s visit and his talk about taking ‘precautions’. Caro confesses her worry about Enrique.

At their viper's... I mean love nest:
Malicia and Escobar are looking at properties for sale.

At the lab:
Albieri tells Luisa that something came up and he had to cancel the planned dinner with Dora and Daniel. On his way out, he is stopped by PI Ramos who shows him photos of Albi with Dora and Daniel. He wants $5,000 for his silence. Trato hecho, says Albieri. It’s a deal.

At Latifa’s place:
The Naz is badmouthing Jade, gloating over her misfortune. Latifa loses her patience, but has to hold her tongue when Jadiya comes in and asks: Why did my mother go to Morocco without me?

In Fez:
A forlorn Jade, in black head scarf, enters Ali’s house. Where’s Jadiyah? she is asked by the young women. She stayed in the United States, explains Jade.

In Said’s house:
Rania tries to assert herself with the servants as first wife, but Zoraida puts her in her place, reminding her that until the Iddah is complete, that position still belongs to Jade.

In Miami:
Daniel asks Albieri outright why he’s hiding him from Luisa. Albieri says he’ll tell her the truth after their trip to Morocco; first he wants Daniel to meet his great friend there, Ali.

At Cristina’s bar:
Miguel gives Osvalda a letter – a notice that he must appear in court in one month.

At the gym:
Alej is a bit uneasy about leaving Nati alone. He thinks she might be tempted to use pot again but she promises she won’t. He is really happy with his new job and thinks the future is promising.

At Casa Ferrer:
Nati is packing up more of her things to take to her new place, with the help of Rosa.

At Lucia’s house:
Marisa takes a call from Said and arranges to meet him.
Lucia asks Roberto to reassure her that he is not cheating on her. I’d kill myself if you were, she says.

At a restaurant in Miami:
Marisa asks Said to get Alej’s employer, Zain, to fire him because as long as Alej is working, Nati won’t come home. Said is happy to oblige. [And why not? He is becoming something of a specialist in destroying the happiness of daughters.]

At Enrique's place:
He and Caro discuss his addiction. He is frank about his history and despairing about ever getting better. She wants to help him.

At Lucia’s house:
Fernando is rolling a joint as Andrea looks on disapprovingly. Fernando is demonstrating the path to addiction that Enrique is describing to Carolina. It looks grim for both.
Lucia comes home and wants to know what that funny smell is. It’s the incense your Arab friend gave you, they tell her.
¡Pero qué peste!
But what a stink! says Lucia. Get rid of it!

At the clinic:
Luisa tells Anita that the PI confirmed that Albieri was telling her the truth. They both feel bad for doubting him. Albi comes in, looks at Luisa sternly and asks if she has the report he needed. He thinks:
El círculo se esta cerrando.
The circle is closing.

At Dora’s house:
Daniel tells Dora about Albieri’s proposal to take him to Morocco and meet Ali. Why? asks Dora. Sus razones tendrá.
He must have his reasons. (tendrá is the future of tener, to have. This is a future of possibility or speculation).
You know, says Daniel:
Nada está saliendo como yo lo pensaba.
Nothing is turning out the way I thought.

At Ali’s house:
Abdul summons Jade, tells her she can’t leave the house and threatens her with 80 lashes if she disobeys him.

At Latifa’s house:
Latifa is telling Zoraida that she must go back to Morocco as soon as possible and not leave Jade alone with Abdul. He is like a caveman, they agree, and he has always hated Jade. Mohamed comes in and while he and Latifa are talking, Zoraida takes advantage of the moment to call Lucas and arrange a meeting.

At Said's house:
Zoraida stops off and tells Rania and Jadiya she still has some errands left at the mall (centro comercial), things to buy to send to Jade. She leaves and Jadiya asks Rania if they can get dressed up and surprise Zoraida by meeting her at the mall.

At the mall (I think)
Zoraida meets up with Lucas and tells him Jade is counting on him to take Jadiya to Morocco. She says you promised. He looks troubled…


Dinero #140 6-24-10: Maybe That’s How Vicky Got Pregnant- Osmosis!

OK folks, it’s going to be quick and dirty tonight as I have an early meeting out in VA tomorrow morning. Plus, the end of Mi Pecado left me in a bad mood. Last week it was difficult to jump into Dinero because I was still on a high from MP ending with the hero and heroine finally having congress for the first time. Tonight, it ended with a violent scene of the heroine being raped. Ack! Not even a fun Dinero episode can wipe it from my mind. Enough of my rant. On with the recap!

Vicky has Rafa just where she wants him. Both she and her brothers are in agreement that if Rafa doesn’t accept their conditions, he doesn’t get the money. Vicky’s condition is that he marry her. Over at Rafa’s, Jaime is singing the same tune. Rafa’s risking his mom being thrown in jail if he tells the whole truth to Ale as he plans. Rafa is more determined than ever after the kiss he shared with Ale that evening. Jaime keeps pushing and Rafa is sick of it. So much so that he yells some choice words at Jaime that include a bleeped out curse! This shuts Jaime up for now and he agrees to get the paperwork ready. Rafa leaves the room in a huff, and Jaime has a chat with his buddy Jesus. He admits what he’s doing is wrong, but would Jesus rather have him killed by the Brothers Grimm or by Rafa?

This chat is interrupted when Julieta bursts in. She shocks Jaime when she tells him she’s late (“tengo un retraso”/my period is late). He’s speechless and on the verge of a heart attack. Julieta wonders why he’s freaking out so much since you can’t get pregnant through osmosis or from kisses! (So, now we all know. There was no congress in the cabin.) She is happy to know that if that were to ever happen, she has such a wonderful boyfriend who would NEVER be capable of impregnating a woman and not taking responsibility. Jaime gulps.

Rafa and Ale dream of drunken kisses. Ale wakes suddenly, with a killer headache, asking “what did I do?” (Que hice?) Since she can’t sleep, she decides to make Rafa share her misery. She calls him demanding that he keep his word to pay her in full that day. (And buenas noches to you too Ale!)

The next morning at the breakfast table, Julieta has no appetite again (and now I am getting worried about her health). She and Leonor can’t believe Ale had the nerve to call Rafa in the middle of the night to harass him. Thank goodness, as of today he won’t have to deal with that harpy ever again!

At the de la Parra residence, Vicky is looking like her old self, and has fixed the men of her household the kind of meal they had been accustomed. When Rafa arrives, she greets him at the door with high pitched intensity. Yep, the old Vicky is back. Don Gaston and the Brothers Grimm show Rafa the sack of money. He’s shocked as he expected a check. Guess he didn’t realize how close of a resemblance his future in-laws bear to the Mafia (spoiled daughter, violent sons, love of weapons…). The haggling over the conditions begins. Rafa’s word of honor isn’t enough. Don Gaston and the BGs want Rafa’s house as a guarantee, as well as a monthly payment agreement. Vicky puts her foot down. She doesn’t want her pajarito to have to work as hard as he has been to pay off the debt. He needs time to dedicate to her, after all. Don G. proposes Rafa pays 20 thousand pesos per month. At that rate it will take Rafa 6 years to pay him. The contract is agreed to, and I’m not sure how Rafa managed to get an arm free to sign it, as Vicky is draped over one side of him holding his hand on the table; Big BG is hovering on the other side of him with a knife to his throat; Don G. is sitting next to him with yet another hand on top of Rafa’s; and Little BG is giving him the death stare standing across from him. He signs, but the family has one more condition…Just because Rafa has six years to pay them off does not mean that he has six years till he marries Vicky. In fact, they’re not talking years, they’re talking months. Vicky has an even better idea, they can get married in 20 days. That’s all the time she needs to arrange it. Don G. thinks 20 days is pushing it. He gives them a month! Rafa gulps. (Poor Rafa.)

Ale isn’t having a much better start to her day, although she looks pretty good for being so hung over (fun purple movie star sun glasses). Tia Rosario scolds her as expected. She thinks Ale is lying about being with a client, and believes she was with Rafa the whole time. She wonders how Ale could have so little dignity to go back to a man who has treated her so badly, but concedes that Ale is an adult and can ruin her life if she wants. Jorge has no nice words to say to her either and won’t let her kiss him. She’s fine with that, as she’s not talking to him till he ends this whole silly idea of a duel with Quintana.

When she arrives at Siglo, the sales team is pretty quick to pick up on the fact that Ale has a major hangover. They’re all pretty chipper this morning, actually. Jimenez has the huge burden of the client whose money he used, off his shoulders; although her hair is obviously suffering from the lack of hot water, Rosuara’s in pretty good spirits; the General is actually looking more lovely than ever in a hot red top (Rosaura’s influence?); Marino is his usual slimy self (offering Rosaura his hot water, and other things); and Ramirez is speaking French to everyone, so obviously his French book deal is going well.

Susana thinks Ale must be pretty happy since she drank Marian under the table. Ale admits that she would be happy, if it weren’t for the fact that she kissed Rafa. “Wait a minute young lady. I want details!” Ale fills her in on the kiss, near kiss, and the lovely things Rafa said to her. She remembers EVERY detail, but there is no way that she’s going to admit that to Rafa. Rafa calls her and tells her he has the money, is on his way, and asks her to get the sales meeting started for him. Ale then calls Marco and asks him to be at Siglo within an hour and a half to wrap up the business with Rafa. Marco can not believe Rafa found the money. He dispatches Chavez to find out tout de suite from a (real) lawyer if Rafa paying them off will get Leonor off the hook for the house “sale.”

Best random scene of the night- Susana takes Dandy to a yoga class. (The yoga instructor looks just like my good friend Luzette, who is also totally in to new agey stuff and is from Colombia.) Susana confesses that she never imagined she would fall for someone like Dandy- a womanizer, party animal, meat eater! Dandy comes out in a mock turtleneck, long sleeved muscle shirt (the kind with the muscles drawn on), dark socks, and tiny white gym shorts with animal print boxers peeking out. Lol! He then proceeds to screw up every single pose and knock over some of the other class participants. Susana doesn’t seem to mind. Ah, love!

Tomorrow: Marco continues to fume about Rafa’s payment in full. Vicky is happy. And Rafa lays stacks of cash on a shocked Ale’s desk.


Corazón Salvaje WED 2010-06-23: Diary of a Mad near-Housewife

Episode 88

Lightheaded from the revelation that Regina loved him, Renato turns rapidly to the front of her diary and earnestly reads from the start. Today she begins this diary to confess her biggest secret, she says. With book in hand, Renato rises from the bedside, eyes glued to the text.

She loves Renato with all of her heart! I've loved him since I was a girl, she admits. Our games, his patience and sweet disposition filled her with happiness, she says. Renato smiles, remembering. But that's why her father's decision that they study in Europe was so painful, she continues. Renato flips the page anxiously.

Regina knew she would miss Renato every moment; but one bright spot in all the sadness came when Renato gave the girls their medallions, to keep them safe while away -- and keep them thinking of each other. Renato looks up from the distant shared memory, melancholy, possibly noting that Aimee gave her medallion away.

Since that moment, Regina continues, she always carried the medal; we see a vision of her holding it now like the precious keepsake it is. She wanted to be wearing it when they returned one day, to show him that she never forgot him. Renato looks up again in wonder and pleasure, realizing that Regina truly loved him; how could he never have known?

Just then Clemencia knocks at the bedroom door, and she enters, concerned and offering to bring him something since he's been locked up there all day. Renato is kind to her but gently backs her out into the hall, insisting he doesn't want anything except to be left alone. He turns and locks the door, with Clemencia begging to be let in.

Back in town on the street, where Noel (looking very dashing) and Lulu have settled on a bench to talk, Noel asks her how her relationship is working out. She says it's going pretty well; that before Remigio left town, he stopped by to discuss their getting married upon his return!

Noel, surprised, asks guardedly if she doesn't intend to be frank with Remigio beforehand? But Lulu isn't sure; she's anxious that if she does, he'll never forgive her. Noel points out that she really shouldn't marry him without saying anything, though.

He counsels her pointedly: Truth above all, Lulu. He gestures with a book he's carrying and says he was just going to read something by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, a very beautiful poem (Hombres necios) about men who judge and accuse women. Noel begins in his gruff whisper:

Silly, you men -- so very adept
at wrongly faulting womankind,
not seeing you're alone to blame
for faults you plant in woman's mind.

After you've won by urgent plea
the right to tarnish her good name,
you still expect her to behave -—
you, that coaxed her into shame.

Lulu pays rapt attention, and Noel continues reciting from memory, gazing into her eyes; but behind a pillar some distance away, Rodrigo peaks at the two of them in surprise and makes a nasty remark about Noel being with that slut. Back on the park bench, Lulu has been moved by the poem and thinks she should tell Remigio the truth. Noel tells Lulu that in his experience, feelings -- especially love -- need to be born in honesty in order to grow strong.

In the girls' bedroom, Renato continues reading Regina's diary. She tells him there that in all the years in school in Europe, she never stopped thinking about him and dreamed about returning. And she was sure he would be thinking about her, too, in the same way.

When Renato reads Regina say she couldn't marry anyone but him, he looks up and concludes sorrowfully in tears that he was her "secret love," for whom she endured scorn and sacrifice. Regina never worried about Rodrigo's shipboard plan to marry her off to Federico, she says; because she was sure when Renato and she were reunited, he would love her, too.

But instead he greeted her cooly, and for the first time she was afraid. Renato holds the diary at his side and paces the rug, rubbing his face, and whispers: She was afraid, because from the moment he saw Aimee, he only had eyes for her! Reading again, Renato is astonished to learn that despite their friendship, Regina could only bring herself to confess her secret to Clemencia. Clemencia? he asks himself. Clemencia knew!

Across the hall, Clemencia bursts into Leonarda's bedroom in alarm. Leonarda's very testy with a headache, until she hears Renato's locked himself in and won't budge. In the girls' room, Renato now is understanding what Clemencia said: he never really knew Regina! Outside in the hall, when Leonarda rattles the doorknob and pleads to no avail, the two women set off to find Aimee to see what she can do.

Back at the diary, Renato reads that awful passage where he breaks Regina's heart by confessing his ardor and love for Aimee -- and enlists her to help him! How she must have suffered, he says sorrowfully. But since she only wanted him to be happy, she agreed and kept silent, Regina says. Of all the women, it had to be her sister! Aimee...he repeats.

Meanwhile, Leonarda and Clemencia try to drag some answers out of Aimee in her room, but she's at a loss. Leonarda's sure she's at fault and insists she find out what's wrong with Renato. He's up to the part where Regina explains her resistance to marrying anyone who is not him and preference to become a nun rather than marry without love.

Renato ponders the awful truth that he was the reason Regina went to the convent and sits weeping for her suffering. The diary tells him that her solitude there only made her focus on her misery. Rising, Renato stumbles around, cursing himself for an idiot, remembering she tried to tell him she loved him -- and he said nothing! His love for Aimee made him blind -- blind and crazy! he laments wearily.

Outside the door, all three women are knocking; and when he hears Aimee, he orders angrily that she go to their chamber and not move a muscle! They have some serious talking to do. Leonarda turns to her and grimly accuses that whatever she's done, it'd better not be serious.

Before Renato leaves the room, he reads where no matter how she tried, Regina could not forget him -- and how Aimee knew and taunted her cruelly. Renato muses regretfully how Aimee was always capricious and tyrannical. He learns his own father knew Regina's secret, having been her confidant when in disgrace, and is distraught to learn she only planned to marry Federico due to Rodrigo's insistence.

At Fulgencio's, Servando tries desperately to convince him no one knows what happened to Jimena or where she is; but Fulgencio doesn't believe him and won't take no for an answer. If Servando doesn't want to wind up dead, he'd better produce the girl. Branko meets Gabriel on the beach, both having no luck. Gabriel insists Griselda is at the bottom of Jimena's disappearance and says Branko better believe him and deal with her.

On the Luzbel, Regina and Juan are on deck, with Juan at the wheel. When she asks for Remigio, she learns Remigio is off duty and that they all take their turns around there. Everybody's equal; but Regina teases Juan a little, saying it looks more like everybody jumps at Juan's whims and desires. Juan gets her back, pointing out very infrequently does his will change the whims of other people.

It sails over Regina's head, though; and she thinks he's trying to confuse her, who knows little about boats and sailing. Juan takes the opportunity to show her, in that case, and makes her take the wheel. Regina seems to be enjoying Juan's tender tutelage, as he takes her chin and draws her eyes to the sails, where she must pay attention, he says. They depend on the sails.

Soon they will come to a pretty island with a peninsula and lagoon, Juan says temptingly. When Regina observes that Juan knows the Caribbean very well, he smiles broadly and agrees, like the palm of my hand! At that, Regina reaches down and takes his hand, noting how strong they are. Juan looks slightly dazed and speechless as Regina observes his hands look like working hands. His is big and tanned against her tiny white one. Juan is taken aback when Regina admits that she's beginning to understand him.

Back at the finca, Aimee waits fearfully in their rooms for Renato, who presently enters, carrying something. Aimee is no doubt horrified to hear it's Regina's diary and quickly offers to keep it in case Regina comes back. But Renato's having none of that; the book is practically his -- his name is written on every page, he tells her. And he wants her to confirm something: Regina was in love with him? Aimee does not even fake surprise.

Below decks in the Luzbel, the boyz play a raucous game of cards, except for Remigio who lies front and center, brooding and missing "Malu." She's the prettiest, sweetest and most decent girl in port, he says. When the boyz learn what ails him, they lampoon him all over again for being in love and take the deck of cards and shower them over his head as if they were scented rose petals, having a big time. No rest for the lonely.

Meanwhile, at the casino, Lulu has borrowed Noel's volume of poetry and is reading to the girls and Philip more of the poem heard earlier:

Or which is more to be blamed—
though both will have cause for chagrin:
the woman who sins for money
or the man who pays money to sin?

So why are you men all so stunned
at the thought you're all guilty alike?
Either like them for what you've made them
or make of them what you can like.

Fifi moves to stand by Lulu and notes that Sor Juana understands their suffering very well; Lulu says it seems like every day just confirms more and more how kind Don Noel is. And she thinks he's completely right to insist she should tell Remigio the truth. Philip groans behind her; but she continues, saying the next time she will tell Remigio who she really is. Brigitte hopes doubtfully that he will understand and forgive her.

Federico meets Servando at the camp to discuss business. Servando is going to have to bring Griselda to Fulgencio's house to vouch for Jimena's whereabouts or lack thereof. Servando insists they're going to have to get rid of the weapons and that Federico has more connections along those lines than he. If Fulgencio starts investigating and finds out they betrayed him, it will go very badly for them, he says.

In Renato and Aimee's apartments, Renato presses Aimee for an answer. She admits Regina was obsessed with Renato -- thinking, talking, about only him. She always thought she'd marry him; but when Renato wanted Aimee, Regina went into the convent. So, it's true, Renato says. She went into the convent for love of him. Aimee wonders if he doesn't remember Regina's change of demeanor and attitude toward him?

Well, truth is, Regina was always pretty starchy; shipboard she monitored me constantly, Aimee says. In fact, so much, that one day I got so tired of all that...that... What!? Renato demands. You did WHAT?! Aimee backs off, claiming nothing but silly girl stuff. They two were not even a couple then. But...anyway, Juan...sort of began following her around and looking her up. But of course, she was never interested in him.

So he got interested in Regina. And Aimee sort of...encouraged it. Like when she wrote the note in Regina's name. Aimee insists that was her only transgression -- she toyed with the affections of both. Later when Juan found out the truth, he wanted revenge. Renato is wiping his brow in thorough confusion and waves off the details. You mean that Regina was never in love with him -- nor was his lover?! Aimee swears, Never! That's why she was so worried and upset (!), Aimee declares, when Renato forced them to get married!

Aimee says she confessed the truth to Regina and was terrified that Renato would murder her. So Regina accepted! She accepted the sacrifice. Aimee knows she's a bad sister, but it's her one and only sin, she swears. Aimee's positive Regina will never forgive her, she says weeping crocodile tears. And on bended knee, Aimee "begs" Renato to forgive her. Renato looks almost stone-faced, except for a modicum of perplexity mixed in.

Finally, on the Luzbel, with Regina and Juan still at the wheel together, when Regina remarks what a tranquil night it is, Juan tells her it's she who has brought a measure of tranquility and that he feels more relaxed with her around. And if she wants to know, he thinks his life has taken a turn for the better now.

Regina is very pleased, and when she starts to ask him about it, Juan says he doesn't really want to answer questions at the moment -- much less about the past. He'd just like to concentrate on how she's feeling right now. And how is she feeling? he asks. I don't know what to call it, she ventures; it seems most like happiness. Grab the rudder, he reminds her, as he hangs back, pondering her seriously. Then he can't help a grin breaking out on his face.


Dinero #139 6/23/2010 Last woman standing pays the bill

Marco is driving the truck, Vicky is riding shotgun and Chavez is in the back giving directions, as our ruthless villains continue spewing debris to block the way for our hapless heroes. (Judy that was for you).

Last night we were left with our tequila ladies agreeing that they can‘t stand one another. They decide to drink to that. Marian is off to the bathroom (if she can find it) and Ale is on the phone with Susana. Susana asks her where she is and Ale tells her she is in the ring. “Neither one of them has fallen and she is not going to throw in the towel (toalla)”. Susana asks her if she has been drinking and Ale assures her that she has. Tequila. Rafa who is listening in becomes quite concerned. Susana reminds Ale that she doesn’t handle her liquor very well none the less tequila. Rafa shakes his head in agreement. Ale tells Susana to quit bugging her and let her do her job and tells Susana to do hers. Oops there’s the bell it is time for the second round and she hangs up on a very perplexed Susana.

Second round and the ladies are discussing their tequila drinking abilities. Ale is not certain about Marian’s ability and Marian assures her it is because she enjoys tequila while Ale suffers. And another shot is downed. Bottoms up (fondo blanco) .

While the ladies continue to spar we have Jorge on the phone trying to round up a pair of boxing gloves (guantes de box) for his own match with Quintana. Rosario is eavesdropping on Jorge’s conversation.

We are back to the center ring. There bottle is empty and they want another. The waiter is wondering who will pay. Ale tells them the one left standing will pay. Marian says just give her the check. Ale’s phone rings again and it is Rosario. Ale is having a tough time attempting to sound sober. Rosario wants to know where she is. Ale tells her she is with a distinguished client. Rosario asks her if she has been drinking. Ale assures Rosario that she has only had a little. Rosario is not buying that. (She can smell the booze through the phone.) She wants to know if she is with someone. Ale tells her not to worry she is in bad company (mal accompanied) looking at Marian and then says no don’t worry Tia I am in good company.

Ale wants to know why she called. Rosario is upset because Jorge insists on carrying out his ridiculous duel with Quintana. Ale tells her not to worry. They will talk about it when she gets home. Rosario tells her she can’t drive. Ale says when she remembers where the house is she will come home and they can talk and hangs up.

She tells Marian she will have to turn off her phone or they will never finish what they started. Marian tells her it seems to her like she is turning off her phone because she isn’t expecting an important call. Ale even drunk still does sarcasm better than most sober people and says and “I haven’t heard your phone ring? Or maybe you are under the illusion that Rafa might call or might even show up for his appointment. “ Marian tells her she will definitely have to call him when Ale falls drunk and he will have to come and get her. Ale says who will have to get who? (I have trouble understanding English when people are sloshed so I know I am not getting all of this right).

Rafa is telling Susana some one has to go get Ale. Susana says she would go but can’t leave Siglo unattended. Rafa tells her not to worry he will go get her. Rosario calls and screams at poor Susana wanting to know where Ale is. Rosario knows she is quite drunk and is worried. She wouldn’t tell her who she was with or where she was. She could even be with that ruffian Rafa. Susana assures her she is with a client. She tells her she sent someone to go get Ale. Rosario insists on knowing where she is and Susana reluctantly gives her the name of the place. Rosario is outraged and Susana tells her not to worry she will take care of everything.

Chavez is telling Marco that they really owe it to themselves (deberiamos) to celebrate like the good old days. He has a prime female subject all ready. Marco tells him he can’t tonight he has a dinner date with Ale. He puts his drink down and says he doesn’t want to drink any more. He doesn’t want to show up smelling bad (llegar con tufo). He tells him Ale doesn’t drink and it is really rude ( desagradable) for someone to be smelling of alcohol when they are with someone who doesn’t drink. He then asks Chavez to go get him some gum to freshen up his breath. Marco now pulling out his cell phone thinks it is about time to call Ale and find out when they will meet. Oh oh. “the number you are calling has been turned off or is out of the area of service. Que!! Marco seems surprised and gives Susana a call wanting to talk with Ale. She tells him she isn’t there. What do you mean? where is she? Susana tells him she is attending to a client. Marco wants to know why she has her phone turned off? He then asks if Ale didn’t tell her he was going to come get her tonight? We were going to go out to eat. Susana has a little moment of panic. Marco gets suspicious and wants to know if something happened. Susana tells him no and will let her know he called. She hangs up and Marco seems worried. Chavez has returned with his gum and want‘s to know what gives. Ale has her phone off, and Susana was acting really strange. Chavez helpful as ever says don‘t tell me she is putting the horns to you again? ( reinado de los cuernos/ being unfaithful) Well not exactly unfaithful continues Chavez, because you two aren’t really an item now. She can do what ever she wants with who ever she wants wherever she wants. Marco yells at him.

Rosario has called Marco to inform him that Ale is out and about with a client at a place she doesn’t even know and she has been drinking. And furthermore she left in her car. Marco tells her he just talked to the vegetarian but she didn’t tell him any of this. He knew she sounded strange. Marco tells her he doesn’t like this one bit. Rosario pleads with him to go get Ale. Rosario tells him she is at the “Meat palace”. She wants to know if he knows of it. He tells her no but also doubts it would be a place Ale would go to.

He hangs up and asks Chavez if he has ever heard of the “meat palace”. Well of course Chavez knows of it. As he salivates. It has awoken his appetite. It has the best “chamorro” (don’t have a clue what that is) in the city. The beer and the tequila are marvelous. Marco is puzzled why Ale would be at a place like that. Chavez questions “Ale is there?” Marco wonders who Ale would know that likes “Chamorro” and Tequila? Chavez knows who that might be and his name “would make you green” then Chavez lip sinks Rafa Medina. This indeed has set Marco off. He wants the directions now!! Chavez volunteers to go with him and they could get a chomorrito. Marco tells him to stop with the stupidity. He is going to go get Ale and get her away from that Medina. Besides Ale can‘t see Marco and Chavez together.

Ale and Marian are still at it. Marian tells Ale she is always doing these humiliating (degrandante / humiliating or degrading) spectacles for Rafa. Either you love him or you are doing it to get at me (vengar/ retaliate or take out on someone) . Ale feeling and sounding every ounce of the tequila says “look it is for both things. Yes I love this dirt bag (porqueria/ filth ,dirt or rubbish) I love him. I love him. “ Marian not holding her tequila quite well herself questions “Rafa, rubbish?“ Ale says yes I wouldn’t recommend him for anyone, but I love him.“ Then she says “look I will give him to you (regala/ give). It is the worse damage I could do to give you this garbage.” Marian tells her she is capable of anything and if Ale wants to throw him out like garbage then she would gladly go retrieve him. Just tell her what garbage can he will be in

Marian continues, there is just one thing she doesn’t get. If he is such garbage than why does she love him. She tells her because the heart is a traitor. It never agrees with the brain. The heart is stupid but she still loves him truly and that‘s that. “Are you happy Marian?’ Poor Marian has fallen off her chair. Ale shakes her a bit and asks an unconscious Marian “what’s up?’ (These were petty funny and very telling scenes).

Marian is being carried off by a couple of big dudes in suits as Ale is trying to pour another tequila down her throat. The waiters chide Ale and tell her she has lost her dignity. Ale doesn’t care. Marian lost. Ale is the last women standing. Ale drinks to that. Rafa shows up in the knick of time as they are carrying out Marian. He wants to know where they are taking her. Then Rafa spies a very drunk Ale sprawled across a chair and asks her what she is doing there. Ale says” who are you?” He tells her it is Rafa. She says I don’t know you” . Rafa wants to know what’s going on? She says “remember when Marian thought she could drink more than me in Cuernavaca? Well guess who won?” Ale stands and totters about and Rafa tries to keep her from falling only to have Ale tell him to behave.

Ale grabs the tequila bottle telling Rafa Marian lost and she needs to celebrate. Rafa reminds her that she doesn’t do very well when she drinks. She downs another drink and Rafa warns her that she might throw up. She yells at the waiter to come over and tell Rafa who won.. Now they have a little tussle over trying to get Ale to eat something. Rafa realizes it is no use arguing with a drunk and backs off. Now Ale wants to know who he came for. She goes back to telling him about how she won the bet with Marian. She stumbles and as Rafa tries to catch her she leans as if she is going to kiss him ( a very drunk looking puckered lips Ale) then brushes him off and says go after your friend. Rafa tells her he did not come for Marian he came for her. Ale gives this a little thought then yells for the waiter to bring the check.

Rafa is accompanying Ale out the door as Marian’s car is leaving with a passed out Marian in the back seat. Ale tries to get in her car and starts yelling about penguins?. (I didn’t get it either) Rafa is really struggling to keep Ale from falling. She tells him to let go of her (suelteme). He tells her he doesn’t want her to fall. He wants to know where her car is. (Ale doesn’t even know where her head is at this moment). She says she is sure it is in the city.

Rafa and Ale continue their little tango. Rafa leading a drunk Ale, trying to keep her from falling. Rafa asks Ale why she came here. She tells him Marian was disrespecting (menosprecio) auto Siglo. She said because he wasn’t around she had to come and defend the honor of the Siglo trucks. Rafa wants to know if she came just to talk about the trucks? Ale says “what else? Do you think it was about you?” She tells him not to worry she would not talk badly about him. She is much more considerate than that.” She wouldn’t break his heart. Then she shifts to talking about Vicky (I couldn’t keep up) and tries to do a whistle. (Have you ever tried to whistle when you are three sheets to the wind?) Rafa helps her out and does a perfect little whistle (chifle/ bird whisltle). Rafa reminds her he has nothing going with Marian. Ale wants to know about the Pajarito? Rafa tells her one day he will be able to tell her everything and she will understand everything. Hopefully one day soon. He tells her tomorrow he will be able to pay off his debt to her. Then we will talk!! She tells him the money isn’t important to her. Then she says what will we talk about. He tells her you, me, us life. Ale tells him not to play with her.

Ale is stumbling about and Rafa turns her around and asks if she believes the stuff about what happened with Lenora’s house. He tells her it isn’t as it looks. She says then tell me. She puts an arm around him struggling not to fall and we have an almost sweet moment when Ale suddenly pulls herself away. Rafa tells her he is not playing . She walks away as he grabs out for her and tells her he still loves her. This has stopped Ale in her tracks and she has a sobering moment. Then she asks him why he would say this. She tells him to not talk because it is hurting her. Rafa tells her he does not want to hurt her. The only thing he wants to do is love her, take care of her. She tells him it is not true and to stop lying to her. Why are you saying this. Then we have our moment. A very brief but sweet little kiss and a tender embrace.

This is abruptly interrupted with a spitting tacks mad Marco. “Ale what is this? What are you doing?’ As he quickly grabs her away from Rafa. He wants to know what she is doing with this jerk. Rafa tells him to be careful nobody is hurting Ale. Marco wants to know what Rafa is doing there. Then we have a little game of pass the almost passed out Ale between them as Rafa and Marco have words. Ale is surprised Marco is there. No one asked him to come. He tells her Rosario was really worried about her. Then Marco Warns Rafa not to try and get close to Ale. Ale has had enough of being tossed around and tells them both not to touch her and sits on the ground. Rafa warns Marco that his game is about to end. Marco chides him and says “ go find the bank you are about to rob, then we will talk.” Rafa says he will get the 4.5million pesos he owes her and pay her tomorrow. Marco is in one big hurry to leave. He starts dragging Ale away. He asks her where the car is. Good luck with that Marco. Ale does not have a clue. As he continues dragging Ale away he asks if it is for sure that Rafa is going to pay her tomorrow. Stuporous Ale says so what (que importa) every day he tells me that. Rafa is left standing alone touching his lips with the memory of the ever so brief kiss.

Jaimie is questioning Lenora about the loan from Vicky’s family. Is that what Rafa really wants to do? Lenora assures him it is. Juliette chimes in yea, now we just need to get ready for the wedding. Jaimie claps enthusiastically. “The sooner the better”. Rafa arrives home and Jaimie cheerfully greets him and tells him Lenora has just told them the good news. “What good news?“ asks Rafa. Jaimie says the news about you taking the money from Vicky’s family. Jaimie seems to be the only one happy about this. He tells Rafa finally he will be rid of Ale. Juliette reminds him he will finally be able to marry Vicky. Jaimie is a little to overjoyed and congratulates Rafa. Rafa irritated says “what’s going on with you?“ Jaimie tells him he is happy for him. Rafa asks him “would you be happy if you were about to marry Vicky? “ Jaimie reminds him that Vicky is his woman. Rafa asks Jaimie to review the papers that Marco had given him regarding the final payment. Lenora excuses herself but not before she tells Rafa she is worried. She wants to make sure this is what he wants to do. Rafa assures her that he has made a decision. He knows what he is doing. Jaimie and Rafa are left alone to go over the papers to make sure everything is right.

Don Gaston and the brother’s Grimm are guarding the 4.5 million pesos all tucked away in a blue back pack. Little Grimm isn’t to certain about this. They need to have something in writing. Don G. assures them there will be conditions set when Rafa shows up for the money. He will pay them back and marry Vicky. Little Grimm wants to know what will happen if he doesn’t. They will be out the 4.5 million and their sister will be in the mental hospital (manicomio). (That is where she should be now!)

Rafa has returned to the table where Jaimie has been reviewing the papers. He wants to know if everything is okay. Jaimie assures him everything is set. Rafa sadly says he will give them the money and leave Auto Siglo. Jaimie tells him it is for the best. Leave and end all that stuff. Rafa doesn’t understand why that would be for the best. He reminds Jaimie that with this loan he will be able to get his mother out of the whole house mess, and finally get Marco off his back so he can finally talk to her. Jaimie wants to know “who her?” Ale silly. He needs to tell her what really happened with the house and to get rid of the blackmailing (chantaje) lawyer so he can “recover what we had“. Jaimie is outraged. “what we?” Rafa tells him “Ale and me”. Jaimie says no you mean Vicky for God’s sake. “Look Rafa if you borrow the money from Vicky’s family marriage is automatic. You can’t commit yourself to Ale again. Vicky’s brothers will kill you. They will kill you Rafa.!” (Tells us something we don’t already know!)

Jorge has enlisted the aid of a few “old” friends to get ready for his big boxing match with Quintana. It is all rather silly and appropriately choreographed to the Rocky theme. Jorge can’t remember which hand to use. It appears that Jorge was a golden gloves champion some fifty years ago.

Marco is trying to escort Ale safely into her house. This is no easy task, as Ale tripping off her platform heals and whistling Dixie, is no easy challenge. Ale is yelling where did her room go. Rosario is aghast at the sight of Ale. Ale pleads with her to not scold her. If she wants to she can yell at her tomorrow. She heads off in search of her room when Jorge and his buddies show up. A hiccoughing Ale says “yes”. Jorge wants to know if she has been drinking? No , no more than just a few bottles. Then she sees three of his buddies and wants to know if they are the three wise men. ( los reyes magos) and we are treated to a little Christmas story board. Rosario scolds Jorge for chewing out Ale. After all he has no right to scold her when he is not setting a very good example. All is mayhem and Marco attempts to escort Ale up to her room. She turns around and tells him to let go of her and huffs off. Marco is left now to deal with Jorge and his “trainers” who are about to go out into the night to train. Marco has no luck in talking them out of it. (Marco was so funny to watch during all this chaos. )

Don G. and the Brothers Grimm enter Vicky’s room. They need to talk to her. Vicky continues to feign weakness. They want to talk to her about Rafa. Vicky miraculously is becoming more animated at the mention of Rafa’s name. Don G. Assures her that they have good news even though little bro has doubts. They have decided to loan Rafa the money to get him out of the problems he has gotten into. Vicky has come back to life, asking Don G. if this is true. Little brother says they are going to do this. They are not doing it for Rafa though they are doing it for her. Vicky says what ever as long as we save Rafa. This money isn’t so Rafa can go party and just give Vicky the boot. Vicky says this will not happen. With this loan things will get better between them. “And look I am beginning to feel better already“ And she encourages the happy family to help her get up so she can call her Rafa. Don Gaston tells them this was the best medicine for her.

Rafa is assuring Jaimie that he will sign papers saying he agrees to pay them back monthly. Jaimie tells him he is fooling himself if he thinks they will settle for a monthly payment and nothing else for 4 years. Rafa tells him he will pay Vicky‘s family off with a loan from the bank. Jaimie’ s bubble has just burst. Rafa wants to know why he is getting so upset by all this. The phone rings. It is Vicky. He asks how she is doing and she tells him she is better. They told her they were going to loan him the money so he can pay off that witch. Jaimie is in the background giving Rafa the okay signs. Vicky tells him their lives are about to change. Things will be a lot more tranquil and they will have more time together. She assures him that they won‘t pressure him like that women did to be paid back. No threats just like family. She wants to know if he can come over. He tells her he will be over first thing in the morning.

Papa and the boys have a little chat with Vicky. If Rafa wants the money he has to accept their conditions. Vicky assures them he knows the conditions. Don G. would never loan the money to a stranger. He knows that there has to be a wedding soon. Otherwise he can forget about the loan.

. .


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

El Clon, Wed., June 23- Summary for discussion

Jade tells Rania everything - her love for the Westerner and that she wants to be divorced from Said. Rania is shocked. Jade begs Rania to help her and dangles the prospect of being first wife in front of her. Rania reluctantly agrees to let Jade use her phone. While Jade calls Lucas, Rania keeps watch.

Jade tells Lucas that she is being sent back to Morocco without Jadiya. She asks him to kidnap Jadiya from Latifa and bring her to Miami. Lucas is about to tell her that he can't possibly do that when Said shows up and Jade has to hide in Rania's bedroom. [What can we say - the brilliant Jade has asked Lucas to commit a serious felony. I guess while Lucas is in prison for 30 years, Jade could meet and fall in love with Daniel.]

Said tells Rania not to do what she has already done - help Jade. He says that if he finds out she has helped Jade, he will send her back to her family.

The mysterious Arab who is opening the club where half the cast is going to work is named Sain - only one letter different from Said. The similar names continue on this novela. Marisa asks if Lucas knows this Sain and mentions that Alej is his chauffeur. Lucas says that he doesn't know Sain and begs Marisa not to ruin the kid's life. He might as well talk to a stone.

The Skank (with a k) and her mother are lying in wait for Roberto at a club. He arrives and Karla moves in on him.

Luisa hires a dectective to follow Albi.

Nati and Alej are preparing a romantic dinner. While looking for a lighter for a candle, Alej finds Nati's stash. [This was right before the credits. When the program resumed, something was obviously missing because we had a shot of about a second of Alej holding Nati. Did anyone else see more?]

Hilda implements the plan to leave Karla alone with Roberto. It would have worked, too except that the insanely jealous Lucia calls. Roberto tells her that he is in a restaurant getting something to eat. Lucia tells Roberto to get back to the house in 20 minutes or she is coming back to Miami and setting the house on fire. [FYI Roberto - with Google Voice and other services, you could get your home number to ring on your cell phone and answer it anywhere.] Alas, Roberto doesn't know about these things and he has to go home and leave Karla unimpregnated. She is sure that it will work out, Esto ya es pan comido, literally, this is already cooked bread.

Is there some kind of Muslim prohibition on a man going to the woman's side of the bed? Jade hides in full view on the floor on Rania's side of the bed presumably while Said and Rania get undressed, have sex and fall asleep. Finally, Rania wakes up and signals Jade to leave.

Mohamed finds Latifa confessing her love to her photos of him. He forgives her for what happened.

The Chump comes to see Clara to give her an earful about going out with the young stud.

Things are closing in on Albi. Daniel is suspicious of his explanation of the Luisa problem. He asks Dora to go see Luisa and find out what she thinks about Daniel.

Albi goes to see Daniel and conveniently (for the detective) meets her outside the apartment so the detective can get photos.

Latifa and Mohamed disagree about Jade. Latifa thinks that it is unfair that Jade can't see Jadiya while Mohamed is going to scold Jade on behalf of Ali.

Albi confesses to Padre Andres that he created a human clone. The Padre is horrified and begs Albi to destroy the embyro, not knowing that the clone is a 20-year old man.

Dora comes to see Luisa and drops the bombshell that Daniel is back in town and Albieri knows this.

Jade is leaving for the airport but she asks to say goodbye to Rania. While pretending to embrace her, Jade begs Rania not to give away anything she might have overheard.

Dora tells Daniel that Luisa doesn't have anything against him and is happy that he is back. Luisa has invited Dora and Daniel to dinner.

Albieri return home to be scolded by Luisa for not telling her about Daniel's return.

The credits roll.


Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, June 22: Ep 87--It's a full moon honeymoon.

Juan wakes up in bed with Regina and freaks out. He hopes he didn't do anything to her and has a hurried and whispered conversation with God about it. When he realizes Reggie is waking up, he lies down with his back to her. She turns over and puts an arm over him, then freaks out and jumps out of bed. She's glad he didn't move all night. He "wakes up" and asks if she's fine, if he didn't do anything. They have a very predictable argument about Juan crawling into her bed and refusing to get out. And also, he smelled like booze. Juan agrees that he's smelling boozy. He laughs about her taking his boots off--"Good thing, cause I tend to move around a lot when I sleep." She asks if he finds this "jocoso," and says she had a horrible night making sure he didn't fall out of bed or crawl on top of her. Juan asks her if she'll please give him some water. He did have too much to drink after all. But who can blame him, with such friendly women at the bar. She throws the glass of water in his face and he licks it off his shirt. She gripes that she has a right to be upset, as his wife. But he says if it bothered her so much, he'll promise not to do it again…if she forgives him. Well, she'll think about it. Juan grabs his chest in pain and says he's going up to visit with the crew. Dude, did he get a tattoo? And is it Reggie's name? And is it spelled correctly?

Leonarda goes into her armoire and pulls out the cask of jewels. She thought bubbles that the jewels are now all hers. She's free of Arcadio, finally. Leo burns Constanza's letter. She says she only has to get rid of Reggie and Juan and she and Rod can be happy together.

Gabe and the Virgen have a convo. Gabe wants Jimena safe and sound, and found. He loves her and he can't live without her. He offers his life for hers, if it will help, but he just wants her to come back safe.

Jimena gets accosted by a tavern patron while all the others look on. He says everyone's got a price. She gets away from him, but he grabs her again and gets a knee in the groin for his trouble. When that doesn't cool him off, she cracks a bottle over his head. Her boss says if she keeps breaking stuff she's going to have to pay for it. Jimena threatens the remaining patrons that if they don't behave themselves around her, they'll get the same.

Phillipe is happy to hear from Madame that Rosenda is feeling better. She'd almost rather that Rosenda keeps her shiny new amnesia. Not just to forget about her, but so she'll forget about Rod and Leo. Phillipe tells her about Renato's bad behavior at the casino the other night. Madame says that they may act like gentlemen, but the're really all barbarians. She's shocked to hear that Rodrigo dared show his face there again. Madame says if he insists on coming, he'll be treated like any other client, no special treatment. Phillipe passes on the news that Arcadio torched the hacienda and took off. He doesn't think Rosenda is in any danger anymore. Marlene is thrilled to hear it.

Doc starts to teach Rosenda about some of the compounds and such that he uses. They giggle over her trouble with pronunciation. She's not sure she'll be able to remember it all, but he says she'll learn it little by little. A bottle of pills gets knocked over in their awkward flirting and they have a moment while picking up thepills.

Reggie gets herself dressed, including her now customary head scarf and some new bare shoulders. She sees Juan skinny dipping . And yes, he does the backstroke. Reggie is shocked and has to run back to the cabin. She could probably use one of Aimee's fans now, if they're not all chewed up.

She pulls the curtains and fumes about "that man." She takes another look out the window and gets another eyeful. She's scandalized at the sight of her HUSBAND swimming naked where she might actually get a good look at him.

Noel tells Renato "I told you so" about Arcadio. Ren says it will take a while to recover from the damage. Noel is upset that Paraiso got destroyed. He reminds Ren that he'll support him in reconstructing Paraiso. Nah, Ren is over it now. It should have stayed a dream. That's the most fertile land and after the fire, they'll need it. Renato is tired of getting kicked around by life. Renato the idealist has been killed by betrayal. Renato is dead, long live Renato.

Juan comes into the cabin, fully clothed, and Reggie tries to hide behind her bible. He goes back out of the cabin so he can knock on the door. She won't let him in until he promises he's got clothes on. And even then she's afraid to look. Juan is glad to see her and asks her to join him on deck and see the view of Saba. Oh, Reggie's gotten quite enough of a view for today. She leaves the cabin, having a hard time looking at him. The Daisy Duke-style shirt is bothersome to me.

On deck, Reggie admires the view of the island, and also the smell of pimiento, clavo, and nuez moscada. Juan agrees. He starts telling her about the other islands and other places she needs to see. Reggie tells him she sees him as a different person. Juan says he feels like he's known her his whole life.

Reggie imagines that everyone on the island must be happy. Juan reminds her man takes evil wherever he goes. Women included. Reggie is sure Juan isn't one of those evil men. He advises her not to bet on him or he might disappoint her. There's a lot of cruelty in the world. He slips up and calls her "Santa Regina" again, but they agree he'll try not to call her that and he'll try to get used to her calling him Juan de Dios. He says it was his father's name, after all, so no reason to avoid it. He agrees to tell her his whole story one day, but immediately excuses himself to go shout orders at his crew.

Jimena/Angela's grandpa and Raul meet with Noel at the café to ask for his help in locating Angela. Raul is sure with all the people Noel knows, he could advise the private investigator. Noel is happy to help and agrees to work with the investigator to get some quick results. Noel says he hopes they can find Alberto's grandchild and end his family's suffering. Alberto gives her full name as Angela Ramirez Villareal.

Eloisa and Fed discuss Jimena. Fed says she really freaked out Fully. Eloisa says he denied it, but she can tell he was surprised by what Jimena said. Fed says they've got to hurry up and kill Fully. Eloisa's waiting for the right moment to poison him. She wonders what Jimena meant about the weapons, especially since Fully's business is coffee. Fed avoids the question, saying Jimena just makes things up to get money from people. Eloisa decides she's tired of talking.

Renato goes into his new bedroom and looks at Reggie's journal again. He sits down and starts to open it, but decides not to disrespect Reggie by reading it. He finds a hankie with her perfume lingering and muses that it's the fresh perfume of a good woman.

Reggie starts trying to ask Juan about his past once they're headed away form the island. Juan doesn't like to think about his childhood. Reggie figures that he gets on so well with Colibri because they have similar pasts. Juan says that Colibri was physically mistreated, while he, Juan, had his soul destroyed. And yeah, he does think it's that bad. He doesn't want to talk about it. But Reggie wants to understand…Juan asks her not to waste such a nice day. He says who a person is isn't all about what family a person comes from. There's a tree analogy. Reggie likes it and thinks what he said was very pretty.

Back at the finca, Gabe is desperately seeking Jimena and has come to ask for Clem's help. She lets him know that Jimena hasn't been there in a long while. She tells him not to lose faith, but he feels guilty. Clem says the whole mess was both their faults. Gabe regrets not realizing what Juan was trying to tell him all this time. Clem tells him to stay calm and pray to the Virgen del Carmen. Gabe is sure she'll help him.

Marlene has brought Rosenda some lotion as a gift, since pregnancy dries out one's skin. Rosenda kisses her hand in thanks, on impulse. Marlene is thrilled.

Lulu runs into Noel in town. He apologizes for not coming by lately, but he's been busy. He tells her she looks much prettier dressed simply, as she is now. Lulu tells him she's missed talking to him. She's learned so much from him. Noel realizes he's keeping her from her shopping, but asks if he can have a moment of her time to chat.

Gabe rides along, looking for Jimena under every rock and behind every tree. So does Branko, only he does it on foot. Neither one of them has any luck, but at least they look pretty doing it.

Clemencia worries about Regina and hopes Juan is treating her well. Renato wonders what she's sighing about. Ren figures Regina is fine, being in love with Juan and all. He can't understand how she changed so much, into a secretive women. Clem says Reggie is as open as always, she never lied to anyone. Clem realizes that Ren never really knew Reggie at all. Ren thinks about this and heads back to his bedroom. He remembers Clem saying that Reggie did everything she did for love and that he never knew Reggie the way she deserved for him to know her. He starts reading the journal from the end, on the day she married Juan. Now he knows she loved him and married Juan to protect Aimee. Renato can't believe it--Reggie sacrificed herself for him. Yeah, don't let it go to your head.

Nuez moscada=nutmeg


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

El Clon Tuesday June 22: Summary for Discussion

It was an evening of betrayal, bad faith and bad omens. Yet tonight when Said pushed Jade, she finally pushed back. And Natalia melted the hearts of all ( I mean those who actually have hearts, which, of course, excludes Marisa.)

Estoy en una encrucijada
I’m at a crossroads, Albieri tells his priest friend, Andres. They agree to meet the following day in the clinic to discuss Albi’s troubles and to help him make a decision which, he tells Andres, will either make him immortal or destroy him.

In the clinic:
Escobar tells Luisa she’s judging Malicia unfairly. (I lost the transmission for a moment or two so I don’t know if I missed anything here.)
Luisa and Anita discuss the rude awakening in store for Escobar when he figures out how rotten Malicia really is.
When Albi enters, Luisa asks him where he’s been. She thinks he’s lying when he tells her he was with Andre.
Anita convinces Luisa to hire a private detective to follow Albi since clearly following people is not in her skill set. They find a guy on the internet, Armando Ramos, PI and arrange to meet him that evening. (I have a feeling it’s not in his skill set either.)

At Said’s house/prison:
Zoraida tells Jade that she thinks Said is sending Jade to Morocco; she’s afraid Said will punish them both. She reproaches Jade for her behavior and tells her she has misread the signs of her destiny. I’ll write my own destiny, says Jade.

Rania phones her sister Amina and begs her to come back to Miami. Said won’t talk to her, she’s afraid, doesn’t understand what’s happening but thinks Jade may have a lover. Amina tells her to watch Jade so she can report everything back to Said.

In Fez:
Amina and Zumaya, a niece of Abdul, are shopping in the Medina when they come upon Abdul who is talking to a certain Yamid about his daughter Jazmin; Abdul thinks she’d be a good wife for Mohamed. Whoa! Unclear if Amina heard, but it looks like she did…Abdul shoos them back to the house.

At Mohamed’s house in Miami:
A reprise of last night’s argument between Latifa and Mohamed. Afterward Samira comforts her mother and promises to stay with her.

In Empresa Ferrer:
Clara tells Carolina how humilliating it will be for Escobar to see her with Felipe since he’s the son of one of his best friends, actually saw his birth. Caro tells her friend her concerns about Enrique’s drinking.

Natalia comes in to see Leo. He wants to increase her allowance. What I want is your acceptance of Alej, she says. Let’s give it some time, he says.
Lucas greets her lovingly and echoes Leo: Let’s give it some time.

In La Casa Ferrer:
Marisa repeats to Rosa that Nati is making the worst mistake of her life by seeing Alej. Oh and by the way, I’m going out to dinner with Said. Misericordia divina! says Rosa.

In the Neighborhood:
Hilda and the SKanK are off Roberto-hunting, heading for his favorite disco, while Prince Amin ogles.

Gloria serves Nati a huge bowl of sopa de hueso carnudo to put a little meat on her bones. Nati smiles bravely and has at while Alej beams.

In Dora’s place:
Daniel is relaxing, listening to music. Dora’s going out. Check out my mole (lunar), he says. It’s growing.
¿Te duele?
Does it hurt?
No, me pica.
No, it kind of itches/bothers me.

While in La Casa Ferrer, Lucas is telling Rosa that his mole seems to have grown. That hasn’t happened since Diego died she says. Better have Albieri check it out. (Oh man, I don’t like where this mole stuff is going. Remember that Diego and Lucas’s mother died of melanoma)

In a restaurant in Miami:
Marisa and Said are dining and an acquaintance, Luis, greets them and asks after Lucas. He’s working, says Marisa.
Marisa tells Said that even thought she doesn’t give a fig about Lucas, she’s afraid he is going to get away sin un rasguño (without a scratch) and she wants him punished. Sin un rasguño? Says who? replies Said, who, it appears, is really into punishment. They kiss very publicly just to be sure Luis will tell Lucas what he saw.

Roberto is on the phone with Lucia, tells her he’s all alone, working. As soon as he hangs up, he’s off to party. (If he knew who was waiting to ambush him, he'd stay home and watch Animal Planet.)

Carolina gets worried because Enrique’s not answering his phone. She goes to his place to check on him, finds him unconscious on the floor, and calls an ambulance. Lucas joins her, tells her these alcoholic black-outs happen de vez en cuando (from time to time).

At TODIM (the only disco in Miami):
Escobar and Malicia see Clara’s entrance with Felipe. Clara looks hot and Escobar looks hot and bothered. Then Malicia craftily uses his jealousy to her benefit. She convinces the fat fool to use his euros to buy an apartment in Malicia’s name so Clara won’t be maintaining her boytoy with his money.

At Said’s house/prison:
Jade is sitting downstairs, waiting when Said enters. He announces that he is sending her to Morocco right away, that she will be under Tío Abdul’s charge, that Jadiya will stay in Miami and that Rania will be Jadiya’s mother. I’ll never accept that, rejoins Jade. I’ve already decided, says Said. Go have children with Lucas because you’re never going to see Jadiya again.

At first Jade begs him for mercy, but he is intransigent. This is all your fault, he says. Now resign yourself.

And then….Jade pushes back!!!! (Yay!!! She heard us!!!)
Over my dead body, she cries. I’m a U.S. citizen and I have legal rights. I can accuse you of bigamy!
You do that, says Said, and while we fight, Jadiya will end up in foster care!
Oh no, says Jade, Lucas and his lawyers will keep that from happening. I won’t leave without Jadiya!

Rania is listening in the background.

When the women are alone, Jade appeals to Rania for help, saying: I’m going to tell you the truth…


Dinero 6/22: Tequila, gossip, jealousy - and an incompetent private eye is born.

I've been away in la-la land marrying off my daughter (see picture).

I thought I'd be recuperated tonight for recapping - then my son drove to the beach and went in the ocean wearing his glasses, which were washed away, so he couldn't drive home. This situation necessitated quite a few phone calls during the Dinero hour.

Luckily, we're in somewhat of a holding pattern. Here are the high points:
  • Don Gaston is willing to lend Rafa the 4.5 million pesos - everybody knows this means Rafa is gonna have to marry Vicki Vicki Vicki no joke!!

    But with this money, Rafa could get out from under his debt, which would free his mom from the threat of jail and therefore make it possible for him to tell Ale what's been going on. (We know full juicy disclosure can't happen because Marco has to remain a credible contender for the indefinite future, let's see what derails it now.)

    Ale drapes herself over Marco purely to make Rafa jealous; Marco thinks he's made great headway with her - she even agrees to have dinner with him! Rafa is indeed jealous. Marco gloats: "No way you'll get the money to pay off your debt unless you rob a bank." Rafa roughs him up a tiny bit.

    After being goaded by Marco, Rafa gets a call from his mother about the loan from Vicki's dad. He tells her to accept the money.

  • Zetina shows up yet again looking for work. This time it occurs to Rafa to hire Zetina to follow Marco around - particularly to the bar where he meets his shady companions, the fat guy and the fat woman - and find out what's going on!

  • Susana and Ale gossip about Ale's jealousy. Chavez and Marco gossip about Ale: "She called me her guardian angel! She despises that imbecile, and he'll never be able to pay her off!"

  • Rafa rushes out of town on business and tells Susana to cancel his dinner meeting with Marian. To make an unnecessarily long story short, Ale takes Marian Celeste's phonecall and the sniping begins. Ale insists she is just as able as Rafa to talk trucks with Marian, and she is not too fastidious to eat at the home-cookin' restaurant ("Meat Palace") Marian has selected.

    Ale puts on her war paint and dresses for battle. The two lovely ladies decide to drink each other under the table while having a conversation which is supposedly about Marian's buyer's remorse (she thinks the new trucks may not be tough enough for the rainy mountainous terrain) but is actually about Rafa's heart and Ale's jealousy.

  • At the eleventh hour Rafa loans Jimenez 3500 pesos to get out from under a financial fiddle - Jimenez had pocketed the extra money a customer had paid for some special work in the shop, and the shop would not release the car to the customer until the bill was paid.

  • Things deteriorate, predictably, at the Meat Palace - more tequilas slide down the hatch and the girls trade accusations: "You keep trumping up these excuses to meet with Rafa!" "You keep showing up with your inappropriate jealousy!" "You say you're doing business, but you really want him to satisfy your - other necessities!" "The ones you didn't satisfy, girl."

    They agree they can't stand each other and toast to honesty. Susana calls Ale and is shocked (along with Rafa) to realize she is three sheets to the wind! Ale: "Gotta hang up, it's time for the second round."

Tomorrow: Rafa shows up at the Meat Palace and it looks like a kiss may be in store. I sure hope so!


Corazon Salvaje - Monday, June 21 - Arca reveals Leona's secrets; Branko and Gabe work together to find Jimena


* Everyone is sitting around the table worried sick about where Jimena is. Branko arrives carrying Jimena’s skirt and blames Gabe for her death.

* Rod tells Leo his ideas to punish Renato, get rid of Juan and put Regina in a convent permanently. Leo wants it to work out and everyone to return to being happy. Rod thinks Ren and Aimee will work out their problems. Rod and Leo are at the point of kissing when Arcadio walks in and interrupts by shouting to Rod that Leo is his lover and has been for several years! Rod is stunned. Leo is mortified by the shameful lies and tries to get Arcadio to shut up and leave. Arca refuses to leave, and instead starts to spout off about every secret he’s been keeping for Leo - especially about her sister Maria de Rosario, who, he tells Rod, isn’t really dead! Rod is about to hyperventilate with the news. Leo tells him “how dare you say these lies!” Rod orders him to leave immediately. Arcadio says all these things which he says is true, and then he spouts one final secret, that Leo was the one who poisoned and killed Constanza! Arcadio mutters about the letter he has that will prove what he says is true. He runs out of the room to get it. Leo is really worried. Rod is still stunned and hyperventilating.

* Branko tells Mariela it is true that Jimena is dead. He also assures her of his honesty as a gypsy and his plan to marry and live happily with Jimena as his wife.

* Ren has a flashback -- he thinks of Aimee’s statement to him about her innocence and that Regina is the one who was the rebel and snuck around with Juan. She was jealous and scared that her sister would marry Juan. Renato wanders over to the bedside table, and finds Regina’s diary hidden underneath.

* Rod asks Leo if it is true. She swears on her sister’s grave that all Arcadio’s comments are a lie. He wonders why Arcadio would lie? Leo stammers and comes up with a plausable reason. Rod believes it and thinks about Arcadio and the crazy lady. Arcadio returns with a folded up piece of paper. He claims it is Constanza’s letter which is the proof that Leo poisoned and killed her. Rod takes the paper, opens and looks at it. He crumples it up and shouts, there’s nothing on it! it’s blank! Arcadio goes ballistic and starts to strangle Leo and orders her to tell the truth and say where the letter is! Rod aims his pistol at Arcadio’s back. He shoots. Arcadio is winged in the upper arm and drops to the nearby chair. Leo runs to the side of the room near Rod. Rod orders Arcadio to leave the ranch and never return. Arcadio will leave but vows to return. Leo catches her breath after being mauled by Arcadio.

* In the dungeon cell, Arcadio holds his injured arm and stumbles down to the ground. He takes his knife and opens a board on the bottom of the wall. He looks inside and sees the jewels are gone. He is upset and frustrated -- Where are those jewels? he exclaims as he picks up a pitchfork.

* Branko and Gaby are now face to face in an argument. Raul and Mariela’s father try to diffuse the disagreement. Branko swears on his gypsy honor and invites them to the camp to search for themselves if they don’t believe him. Gabe readily accepts the invitation.

* Arcadio is back in his room and finds all the jewels. He debates on showing them to Rod and Leona. He thinks they may say he stole them so he decides to take the jewels and leave the ranch.

* Ren enters the office. He heard the gunshot and wondered what happened? Rod and Leona explain about Arcadio’s outburst. Ren is angry about Arcadio’s actions against his mother. Rod said he told Arcadio to leave and never return. Ren says good, because if Arcadio doesn’t leave, he will kill Arcadio himself.

* Arcadio is out in the fields and near the Paraiso encampment. He grunts about the “evil Montes de Oca family” and takes his torch and starts to light every shack on fire.

* Rosie has another nightmare about Rod and Leona. She is in a panic as she wakes up and pants heavily. Dr. Pablo is right there by her side and listens as she is frustrated she can’t remember who the people were and what happened to her. Pablo works to calm her down and he tells her to focus on the present, herself, her baby, and the people who are with her right now. Don’t worry about the past or the future - if she remembers, good, if not, don’t worry about it. She thanks him and says his name “Pablo”. He smiles and helps her back into bed.

* Arcadio finishes setting the camp ablaze.

* Branko brings Gabe to the camp. As the gypsies all gather around and listen to Branko and Gabe try to organize everyone to search for Jimena. Selma and Griselda try to stop them from searching. Griselda tries to get them to let her niece ‘rest in peace’. The group doesn’t listen and are focused on searching the river tonight. Servando is lurking in the bushes and spying on the group.

* A servant and Celia are running around yelling for Renato. Renato appears from his bedroom. They tell him that Arcadio is burning the camp and fields. Leona panics. Renato tells her that he is in charge of the ranch and he will go take care of this.

* Leona and Rod talk in private.

* Mariela and her mom and dad are discussing her worries about Jimena. Her parents try to console her and calm her down. They give her hope about the search for her own daughter Angela. Mariela now is also worried about Jimena. She prays to the angels for a miracle to find both Angela and Jimena.

* Gabe and Branko sit by a fire at the gypsy camp. There’s no sign of Jimena yet. Gabe suspects that Griselda and Selma know something. The two make a pact to work together to find Jimena.

* Servando corners Griselda and demands she tell him where she is hiding Jimena. It is a matter of his life and livelihood. Griselda claims she has no idea where Jimena is. Selma appears and defends Griselda’s story. Servando doesn’t believe them.

* Men at the saloon are complaining and harassing Jimena as she tries to work. One starts to paw at her. She fights back and goes back to work. The two men gossip.

* Ren and people work together on a water brigade to fight the fires. Ren takes two buckets into a burning shack. He comes out and has to kneel and cough due to smoke inhalation. A man helps Renato away from the fire. Renato continues to give orders to the people. Someone comes up to Renato to tell him that Arcadio was the one who set the fires. Renato continues to give orders about fighting the fires.

* Rod confronts Leona in the office about all of Arcadio’s commentaries. Leona cries and wonders why should she have to defend herself for all of that. Rod is still stunned and needs to know the truth. Leona reminds Rod that he was there when Arcadio opened Maria’s tomb. She then comes up with a story about Arcadio playing a trick on them with the body.

* Jacinta talks with Maria about her ramblings.

* Rod believes Leona’s explanation. Leona continues her story and says that Arcadio is a complete menace and it’s good he’s gone now. Rod gives her a consoling hug.

* On the Luzbel, in the captain’s cabin, Regina stands behind the curtain near the bed all dressed and ready to go to bed. She hears the door open and Juan enter. He’s tired and maybe a little drunk. He finds the chair, takes off his shirt and flings himself through the curtain and lands face first onto the bed. Regina is startled and jumps through the curtain to the other side of the room. She looks and wonders if he’s asleep. She grumbles and tries to wake him up to get him off her bed. He rolls over and is still asleep. She complains about him being on her bed. She tries to push, pull and roll him off the bed. He continues to sleep. She rolls him over and grumbles as she tries to take his boots off. He sits up and helps with the boots. She almost falls backward as he pulls his boot off. He lays back down and sleeps. She continues to walk around the bed, whining and complaining. She finally gives up and pushes him over so she can get into bed. She lays down and jumps up fast as he rolls over onto her. She thought bubbles about never sleeping with him or any man.

ADVANCE: crucial moments coming along in the story. Don’t miss an episode!


Monday, June 21, 2010

El Clon, Mon., June 21 - Summary for Discussion

I guess Jade danced for Said 'cause the first scene of tonight's exciting episode is Said and Jade in a mall. What mall? TOMIM (the only mall in Miami), of course. Said leaves Jade for a few minutes and who does she see? Lucas, of course.

Clara has a plan to hook up with a young stud to make Escobar jealous after he left her for a 'mosca muerta,' literally, 'a dead fly.'

Malicia brings her reptilian charms to the lab and cons Escobar, aka, Ratoncito (little mouse) [is she referring to his equipment?] out of his credit and debit cards.

Jade and Lucas escape from Said. Roberto runs into Said and lets him know that he was meeting Lucas at the mall.

Luisa wants Albieri to forbid Malicia to visit the lab. He refuses and then Luisa tells him that she is sure that Malicia knows about the embryo substitution. Albieri puts on his agonized look and flashes back to accusing Malicia of messing with his cloning diary.

Lucas takes Jade to his love nest.

Said returns home in a fury. He accuses Zoraida of helping Jade to meet Lucas. He searches Jade's room and finds Latifa's cell phone. Now he's sure that Mohamed was in on the deception, too. He tells Zoraida to pack Jade's bags.

Lucas tells Jade to stay at the love nest and then they can run away to Italy. Jade replies that they have to wait until the divorce finalizes so that she can leave with Jadiya. Lucas says that bad things happen when they wait. Jade utters the fateful phrase, 'Nunca, nadie ni nada va a volver separarnos, nunca,' 'No one and nothing will ever separate us'.

Another close encounter of the clone kind - Daniel is apparently hanging around outside of the love nest. [Why?] He just misses seeing Jade leave.

Said and Mohamed confront Latifa with the phone and accuse her of helping Jade. She barely manages to say that she didn't know what happened to the phone when the Naz comes in and delivers a tirade against Latifa and Jade but also against Said and Mohamed that leaves them speechless for a moment.

Then Mohamed announces his punishment of Latifa - no conjugal visits for a month.

Jade appears and defends Latifa by saying that she took Latifa's phone without her knowledge. She tells Said that she lost him in the mall and had to take a bus to Mohamed's house because she didn't have money for a cab. Said that he has made a decision and she will find out what it is when she gets back to the house.

Alej visits his Mom while Nati is at the apartment cleaning. Leo calls Nati and says that he wants to meet her and that he will send her money through Rosa. Marisa overhears this conversation and tells Leo that he is not helping the situation.

Clara meets her young stud at a club. Enrique gets wasted while Carolina frets.

When Jade gets home, she sees her bags backed. Said says that she wanted to run away and now she will have the opportunity.

Abdul comes to Ali's house and tells his servants that Jade is returning from America and that until Ali returns from South America, Ali will be in charge and run Ali's house like a prison camp. Amina, who came with Abdul, takes pleasure in telling Ali's servant, Carima, that Latifa is in trouble too for conspiring with Jade.

Latifa is in the doghouse and Mohamed won't eat the goodies she made.

Albieri comes to Dora's house to see Daniel. Dora makes him go to the club and clear up her problem with Osvaldo. Albieri swears to Osvaldo that although he treats Daniel as his son, he has never had any relationship with Dora and that Daniel is not really his son. Dora and Osvaldo reconcile but probably not for the last time.

Lucia, Andrea and apparently, Fernando, are going somewhere for 2 days. Roberto is alone and when the cat's away...

Malicia comes to Cristina's club. She makes nice but Vicki is suspicious of her. Outside, Malicia fantasizes about having Cristina's job at the new club and says that she will see how long Cristina's luck lasts.

Albieri goes to see his priest friend. He says that he will die if he doesn't tell someone.

The credits roll.


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