Saturday, August 30, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #154, Friday 8-29: The kidnapping count goes up by one

Not that I remember where it was before--2? Someone remind me.

Anyway, in our last scene it's Bobby and Lina's wedding day and Bobby has accepted a big fat check from Nestor "Ed McMahon" Miranda, who just wants to be in his son's life even if Alejandro doesn't know it. Well, Nestor, in some states we call that stalking.

Lina's looking fabulous for her wedding day in a pageant queen kind of way--big hair, lots of sparkle. She, Mili, and Gloria giggle about Sor Cachete's twin. Lina confesses she was nervous about Padre Manuel--he looked like he could have a heart attack and die, and then who would marry her and Bobby? No, but seriously, she's worried about his health too. We get a full-length of the gown and it's pretty, but not overly poufy. Just plain white with a little sparkle at the waist--empire, of course--in a matte white fabric. Lina promises to send postcards from her honeymoon…"Dear Gloria and Mili, no idea what the scenery's like, been doing it like bunnies, miss you lots, love Lina xxxooo." Mili tells them that she's going to move in with Alejandro. And his mom. And his kid. Gee, when you put it that way it just doesn't sound as romantic. Gloria gets teary that Lina and Mili are both leaving the house and Karla won't even be around to fight with because she got booted. Mili reminds her she's got Socorro and Horacio…and Valeria and Rocky at least until they get married. They all promise to visit each other often. Lina says they're invited to coffee some day when her "husband" is at the office. She's suddenly struck by how nice it sounds to say "my husband." Yeah, she'll get over that. What? Love you, Mr. 5ft :) Mili says that even though the three of them don't live together, they'll always be together because they're more than friends, they're sisters. Awwww. They didn't even ruin the moment by doing the en masse hip circles.

Padre Manuel is going slowly crazy, confronting Sor Cachete and Macarena. Macarena thinks that getting bit by every mosquito in the jungle is punishment enough for having her sister kidnapped ("secuestrada"). Padre Manuel brings up profaning the niches and says there aren't enough mosquitoes in Africa to make up for that. He wants a good reason not to call the cops on her. She asks "Cata" to speak up for her and reminds her about the times she defended her in Tijuana, which Sor definitely didn't want brought up. Macarena says it's enough punishment knowing that Sor and Mono gave all the money away to the poor. Sor Cachete asks for some time alone with her sister. Padre Manuel says he wants the matter settled before he has to go officiate at Bobby and Lina's wedding, so hurry it up. Would it be too obvious to say that Macarena's sweating like a whore in church? Ok, I won't.

In the foyer confessional, Alejandro and Luci tell Valeria and Rocky that they're moving out together. Constancio stands on the balcony and listens to Luci say that he's bad for her health and Andrea's just too much to put up with. Valeria sadly agrees that mommy needs to do what's best for herself. Then they add that Mili's going too. Valeria pouts about being all alone. Constancio just stands up there looking like he doesn't know what to say while Rocky proposes that they all move into Mili's house together. Um, hey there, gang, I've got a swell idea, what about if you all join forces to kick Constancio, Andrea, Damian, and Hugo out of the house instead? It's 5 to 4. More if you count the servants, who I'm sure would be only too happy to see those four leave. Luci says the house is too small for Vale and Rocky to move in with them. Alejandro reminds her they do have their own construction company. Everybody laughs together about the extreme home makeover they can give Mili's mom's old house.

Macarena cries about how Sor Cachete busted up their way cool cabaret act. Sor Cachete says she just couldn't take it, thinking about how disappointed their parents would have been to see them end up as "congaleras" (conga dancers, I take it). Macarena cries that their parents shouldn't have died and left them. Sor Cachete says once she realized she was on the wrong path, she just had to get out. Macarena says Sor Cachete's conversion was a little extreme. SC says she has a full life, serving God, serving tamales, etc. SC says she gets the same rush from that as Macarena does from performing. Macarena says singing is her passion, it makes her feel complete. SC asks about her other nefarious activities (theft, etc.), but Macarena says it's not that she enjoys it, it's just that life is hard. They both weep and ask each other for forgiveness, remembering that they don't have any other family, so they've gotta stick together. SC tells Macarena that Mono's a good man and she needs to treat him right. Padre Manuel comes in and says he won't ask that Macarena be charged with anything. He asks Macarena if she wants to go to the Amazon jungle on a mission. She freaks and leaves before PM can bust out laughing. Poor Macarena, she's probably going to have an allergic reaction every time she hears the word "jungle" from now on!

Braulio calls Rosario and tells her everyone will be at the church for a wedding, but he'll get Mili to go to the park with him after. Rosario says she'd rather see her at the café and maybe even talk to her. They set a time.

Socorro brings Karla to the convent so she'll have a decent place to stay. Karla whines. Socorro gets sick of it and tells her to shut it and be grateful for the little she's got. Socorro's not buying Karla's fantasy that Hugo will come around and end up helping her raise the kid. Socorro says they'll leave her suitcase now and talk to Padre Manuel after the wedding.

Andrea and Hugo plot. She tells him he's a scorpion and there's nothing in it for her, especially since Mili and Luci were leaving anyway. She remembers that Hugo betrayed her before. She says she no longer cares about Mili and Alejandro being together. Hugo works on her, saying that Constancio won't let Mili leave. So Andrea finally agrees to help him, on the condition that Mili never comes back. And it's a done deal. What can I say, I think we all knew this day would come. Just brace yourselves for ickiness.

Sor Cachete sings Ave Maria as Horacio walks Lina down the aisle. The words are changed and it's Spanish, not Latin. It's really pretty. Horacio does the handoff as the song continues. Lina's bouquet looks more like a big bunch of sparkly things than flowers. I think she can get away with it because of the understated dress, otherwise, we'd be verging on naco-ness there. The song goes on as Padre Manuel starts the wedding. I'm really entranced by these lyrics--they fit the tune, but aren't a translation of the Latin. Unfortunately I can't hear all of them over the other dialogue, but the gist of it is:

Ave Maria
Mother of love and kindness
Protect my soul, be my guide
O my mother, have mercy on me
Only you can calm my sorrows, calm my sorrows
To love you, oh mother, would be my delirium
To love you, with faith, and more each time
Oh mother mine, who lives in heaven,
One day I may see you
Ave Maria
Ave Maria

Ok back to the wedding, and we're doing it Mexi-Catholic style. Mili and Alejandro are the padrinos of the lazo. "Padrinos" as in sponsors, not godparents. You can have padrinos for quite a lot of things besides just pieces of the wedding itself--in some cases there might be padrinos of the hall, padrinos of the catering, padrinos of the music, etc. meaning that these people paid for whatever they're padrinos of, or did it themselves, or for the ceremony stuff, are the people who are coming forward with the item in question. Anyway, Padre Manuel blesses the lazo, which symbolizes their union. Then he calls over the padrinos of the rings, Gloria and Chamuco, and blesses the rings as a symbol of commitment and divinity of the married couple. Lina accepts Bobby as her husband, lack of haircut and all, and puts the ring on him. Bobby accepts Lina, baby and all, and puts the ring on her. Karla makes pissed off faces in the background as Bobby has a little trouble getting the ring on Lina's finger. Padre Manuel gives them permission to kiss…a little late for that, I think. Aw, they didn't do the coins…if they had, the coins would have been poured into their joined hands to symbolize their future prosperity as a couple. And that would have been a very good thing for these two, considering how the business is going so far…but wait, I guess Nestor's already taken care of that to some extent. Everyone but Karla and Andrea applauds. The happy couple head out of the church as everyone showers them with rose petals. They make out some more on the steps of the church.

Socorro brings Karla in to talk to Padre Manuel. She's trying to be gracious, but Karla's being bitchy. PM is ok with Karla hanging out for a few days. He'll keep her busy helping Sor Cachete out in the kitchen. She just keeps complaining. Socorro thanks Padre Manuel.

Everyone heads back to the house (What? No reception? Bobby and Lina just wanted to get the hell away from these people ASAP?). Andrea whines about what a tacky wedding it was. Damian tells her at least it was a wedding. Alejandro is jealous of Bobby. Andrea brings up Lina's baby belly. Mili gets in the dig that at least Lina can have a baby, not like Andrea who can't accomplish that even with "chochos" (old guys-but it's got other meanings in other countries, so I'd look it up before use, just in case). Luci says they make a lovely couple and she loved the wedding. Valeria's all excited about her wedding. Luci wants her and Alejandro to go to Padre Manuel to talk about the baby's baptism. Alejandro says he hasn't really given her name much thought. Dude, she's how old now? Poor little Nameless Baby Girl. Andrea asks if he wasn't thinking of naming her "Milagros." Al likes the idea, so does Valeria, but Mili wants her to be named "Regina." Luci suggests "Rosario" and Constancio chokes on his drink. He gets his face all wet and Luci just grins mischievously. Braulio seems to like the idea. I'm really digging the new sober Luciana. Her sense of humor is much better than Drunk!Luci.

Paolo has finished Rosario's disguising again and she giddily heads off to get a look at her daughter.

Socorro's reminding Karla to behave herself. See above re: too late for that. She says she'd rather go to a hotel and that Hugo will pay for it, but Socorro tells her to shut it again. Hugo doesn't care about her, he doesn't think the baby's his, etc. Sor Cachete comes up to take Karla to her "cell." She reacts pretty badly to the word. Socorro asks if Macarena is still there…she sure is and yells out a hi to "Amparo Rodriguez." Socorro tries to say that's not her, but Macarena has fond memories of Amparo Rodriguez. Karla is shocked to find out that her mother was a "taibolera" (table dancer) and Macarena graciously supplies that she was a damn good one! Poor Socorro. But it's about time Karla knew the truth about a lot of things, not that I would expect it to shock her out of her self-centered state.

Braulio cleans up the glass and muses that "Rosario" is a perfect name for NBG. Mili and Alejandro agree that her name will be Rosario Belmonte. Damian suggests that Constancio be the godfather. Constancio calls Luciana over and tells her she's gone too far. He asks her into the study. The baby lets a big smelly one go, so Al and Val go change her diaper. Braulio invites Mili to go "somewhere" with him, but he won't say where. Mili says she's going to go put on something comfy and then meet him in the kitchen. Andrea says they'll go up together and Mili reminds her to be careful since she's historically bad with stairs.

Hugo readies the chloroform. Mili does this weird thing of coming into the room without really looking around. Safety first, people! He gets the chloroformed hankie over her face and wrestles her down. Andrea comes in and tells him to hurry up. Hugo really doesn't have any idea how long she'll be knocked out, so Andrea just tells him to move it, Braulio's waiting for Mili. Hugo tells Andrea to check the hallway so he can get Mili to his room and carry her out the window. He keeps shushing Mili, like her being knocked out isn't enough. In the hallway they hear Al and Val wondering where the extra diapers are. Valeria almost opens the door to the room where Hugo and Andrea are hiding, but Al found the extra diapers. Hugo makes a clean getaway.

Luciana quite reasonably says she can't understand why Constancio would object to naming the baby after the woman he loves. Constancio says she's playing with fire, trying to get his hijos (children, multiple, including one or more males) close to the truth. Luciana reminds him that he doesn't have hijos, he has two hijas (children, multiple, all females). Constancio gets fussy about her bringing that up again. Luci tells him neither of the girls knows the truth…unless he suspects that Mili knows? He doesn't think so. Luci picks at him that Braulio knows…and Damian…and Padre Manuel. He says Andrea also knows, but he doesn't think anyone else knows. She reminds him that Sor Catalina knows. Then she breaks it to him that Nestor also knows. She asks if it doesn't seem strange that so many people know, but somehow it hasn't gotten to Milagros yet. She says the whole family are such experts at keeping secrets. Luci says, "See, for Milagros and the kids, the name Rosario doesn't mean anything, so don't worry." He says fine, but she needs to remember to keep her mouth shut. Luci says she doesn't drink anymore, so he doesn't have to worry about her tongue getting away from her. Luci says that Mili's going to be a great mom for Rosario, aka, the artist previously known as Nameless Baby Girl. Constancio wants to know why she likes Mili so much now. Luci says she finally realized how fabulous Mili is, duh. Constancio blusters that he knows it too, and that's why he doesn't want her to leave. Luci says when he finally gets the cojones to tell Mili the truth, she'll be grateful for his honesty. She leaves. Constancio starts counting on his fingers all the people who know the truth and remembers that he forgot Peralta. He's all proud of himself for remembering. Loser!

Sor Catalina chastises Macarena for outing Socorro. Macarena says she didn't know that "Amparo" was hiding her past, or that the girl standing there was her daughter. Catalina and Macarena put things together and realize that Karla is the baby Amparo was pregnant with when she left her lucrative table dancing career behind. Macarena can't remember if Amparo had gotten involved with a client or if the client raped her. She refuses to call her "Socorro." Macarena and Catalina remind each other to come visit. Sor Catalina wonders what happened to their parents' ashes when Macarena used the urns to hide the money in. From the look on Macarena's face, this better be a good story. She says she sprinkled the ashes in the park where their parents met. Sor Catalina approves of this and Macarena says "heh, and you thought I was so bad!" Somehow, I don't think the dorm where Mr. 5ft and I met would care to have our ashes sprinkled all over the carpet in the lobby. But I digress.

Karla gripes out Socorro for not telling her the truth and she disowns her. Karla says that Socorro is worse than she ever was. Socorro says she danced, but it was honest work, she didn't go with the clients. Karla's not buying it. She thinks it's why her dad left. Socorro wants to explain, but Karla doesn't want to ever see her again. Socorro reminds Karla that she needs her because she's got a baby on the way. Karla says she doesn't need anybody, and she's not staying at the convent. She doesn't want to be anywhere near Socorro. Ungrateful little creep.

Disguised!Rosario tells a waitress she's waiting for her daughter. She orders a coffee.

Horacio waxes rhapsodic about the wedding. He says she looked like a queen, "la condenadota" (I think this is something to do with "condemned" and adding that "-ota" ending which is something like "really, really"). He says he's upset that Socorro's having such a bad time with Karla. Rocky disses Karla. Braulio gets impatient waiting for Mili. He says they should have gone already, but Mili hasn't come downstairs.

Macarena and Karla are both outside the convent. Macarena hails a cab. She sees a sobbing Karla and sends the taxi away. She goes over to talk to Karla. Karla says she's upset that her mother was a table dancer and she lied to her her whole life. Macarena tells her to get over it, there are worse things to find out. Macarena says she's a congalera herself, but Karla doesn't believe it. Karla says she's got a baby on the way and she has nowhere to go since she won't stay at the convent. Macarena agrees that the convent's way too dull with all that work and prayer going on. Macarena offers to help her. Karla wonders how. Macarena says she can get her a job and a place to sleep, but it's a dancing job like her mom had. Karla agrees and the ladies hail a cab.

Socorro cries and Sor Catalina comforts her. She says Karla had to find out sometime. Socorro's upset that she found out like this when she was pregnant, just got fired, etc. and it was too much all at once. Sor Cachete says Karla's young and she'll have time to take it all in ("asimilarlo") and get over it. Socorro wonders if Karla will ever forgive her. SC says forgiveness will come with time. Socorro says she's upset that Karla didn't even take time to listen to her. She wonders where Karla will go and what will happen to her and the baby.

Braulio asks Andrea, who is sitting in the all purpose room flipping through a magazine, if she's seen Mili. Andrea lies that Mili left about 10 minutes ago. "How would I know where she's gone…can't you see I'm busy! You people don't think, that's why you'll never stop being what you are--filthy servants! Out of my sight!" If it were anyone but Andrea that would have given away her guilt. For once her arrogance and bitchyness are working in her favor.

Hugo drives a knocked-out Mili somewhere. He stops the car and takes the opportunity to rub up against her and remember the conversation when she begged him to marry her. He cries. He remembers their wedding…including Mili's slight hesitation. Hugo crazies that they'll never be separated, never, because she's his wife and he loves her, a lot, and he can't let her go. Mili snoozes on.

Alejandro goes into Mili's room and finds Luci packing up Mili's stuff. They agree to go over to the new house tomorrow, even though Alejandro would rather go today. Alejandro says they can't leave too early because baby Rosario (Hm, is this why the writers decided Rosario the elder changed her name to "Rosela?" Perhaps I will do a homage to ER and call them "Little Rosario" and "Big Rosario") wakes him up every five minutes and won't let him sleep all night. Luciana says she really likes the name. Alejandro loves that she proposed it, especially in front of Constancio. Luciana talks about the packing of everyone else's stuff, but says she doesn't have any stuff of her own to pack. Alejandro thanks her for being there and being a mom he can be proud of. As Luci keeps packing, a picture of Regina and Mili falls off a shelf and the glass cracks. Luci gets a baaaaad feeling about this.

Hugo has Mili up in some loft-type bedroom with a glass wall separating it from a big drop. Mili wakes up all groggy and then remembers about him doing something to her in her room. Crazy!Hugo says he can't let her go off with Alejandro. She threatens to scream. He says they're in a hotel and they're going to spend the night together there, then tomorrow they'll go away together like they should have done in the first place. He reminds her he'd never let her go no matter what. He says they're going to start a new life far away from everybody else and they're never coming back, never. Mili looks around nervously.

Monday: Mili fights to get away from Hugo and Hugo fights right back. We also get a lot of "Ultimos Capitulos" flashes including, if I'm not mistaken, Mili crashing through the glass wall in the loft.


Friday, August 29, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Wed., Aug. 28: We see why Doña Bárbara doesn't like parties

I thought this was a great episode.

DB and Santos are about to surrender to their passion when the traveling 'prayer for Santos' parade arrives at El Miedo. In her new role as a civilized person, DB asks them to stay and party.

In a really cute (and hot) scene, Cecilia cuts her finger and Toño 'kisses it better' with a little rhyme that Cecilia would say when he was a child: "Sana, sana, culito de rana, un besito por la mañana." He didn't just kiss her finger, he was sucking on it.

DB sees this and congratulates Cecilia on being able to inspire passion in a man.

Juan Primito is upset because the 'rebullones' have flown away and doesn't know if they will come back. DB comforts him.

These were also great scenes where the people from the village get to see inside El Miedo for the first time. Josefa is not impressed with the furnishings while the priest unobtrusively sprinkles holy water on everything.

DB is angry that Pernalete and his buddies have upset Santos. She drops the bomb about his affair with Josefa, Mujiquita's wife.

DB demands that the priest (who was obviously having a good time) sprinkle holy water on the guests, his parishioners, because the demons they see in her are really in them. When the padre runs out of holy water, the party is over.

That night Cecilia has a dream about Toño tempting her to sin like Adam and Eve. (What sin? I guess because he is engaged to Federica. It isn't a sin to have a younger guy fall for you, it's a miracle!)

I have purposely not mentioned the already tiresome Luisana who apparently can only come to Altamire in somebody's private plane.


Querida Enemiga - Thursday 8/28 - Chalo waits for Sara, Rossy waits for Julian, Ernesto waits for Lorena, and we wait for the kiss

Que suerte! I thought QE was pre-empted by the Democratic convention but it was pushed back an hour so I was able to watch it on TV instead of on Youtube.

Don Toribio visits his new neighbor and remembers he forgot to tell Alonslow that her gas doesn't work. He goes off to try to light her fire and attempts to sneak a peak at her pictures. Does she have a husband?

Sara and Snorty have that conversation I mentioned last night.

In the lesser house Diana is helping Maruja help Zully. She actually had to take time off work to do this because Julian is a waste product and can't help, but she has to return soon.

Julian sulks in his room. His crooked collar symbolizes his tormented soul. Maruja comes in and tells him to snap out of it and help his ma. It's bad enough that he's depressed but even worse, he is a Bad Son. OK, he'll help but no talking, especially about Rossy. I'm guessing we're not getting any PSAs about depression in this episode.

Alonslow is driving Sara somewhere. He thinks she should go back to her parents' house. Even though Lorena said bad things to them Sara should live with them to prove Lorena wrong. In fact he'll take her right now to get her things.

Cut to Chaaalo hanging out in Sara's bed. Guess he didn't leave first thing like she demanded. Suddenly he hears voices, grabs his clothes (because of course he's in his tighty trunks) and hides in the closet. Luckily the maid doesn't see him.

The new neighbor with amazing big hair that doesn't move is up in Don T's apartment making Enchiladas Verdes. Turns out they are both widowed. The gas guy knocks on the door to turn on the gas in her apartment, but Don T gets rid of him. He hasn't eaten this well since Lorena was around. He goes back and tells her she can cook in his kitchen any time she wants.

Alonslow waits in his car while Sara goes inside Evil Acres to get her stuff.

Julian delivers Zulema's orders and a couple of creepy kids taunt him about losing a million pesos. Julian has to hold Maruja back from smacking them. I tell ya, the public is very fickle.

Chaaalo is still lolling around in bed when Sara comes in and she's pissed when she sees him. She informs him that the municipal judge is going to investigate the orphanage for documents and they have to cover their butts, get it?

Red Barbara tells Ickturo that she saw his wife and kid. She felt bad but her love for him is too strong. She gets pathetic and clingy and he recoils. She asks, does he love his wife (uh, like that's so bad), or maybe another?? He wants her to back off and not jeapordize his position in the company. Babs tells him not to get his hopes up because the company will be Sara's. Nice job cockblocking your (ex) lover Babs.

Chaaalo is STILL lounging on Sara's bed, what a load. He whines that he's hungry. They argue, she sticks a candy bar in his mouth and tells him they need to forge some documents.

At The Restaurant (do we know the name?) Lorena tells Rossy that there is something more going on with Sara than just mere treachery and lies. There is something else and she's going to find out what it is.

Sara throws her suitcase in Al's car and they drive off. There is no joy in this relationship.

Greta and Paula play cards. Greta wants to go back to The Restaurant to hunt Raymundo and Paula worries that Bettina always wants to go out with her friends.

Speaking of, Bettina's sad because Ivan is nowhere to be found. She cries on her friend's shoulder.

Jaqui is trying to work with Ickturo but he's moping about what Babs said, that Sara will be in charge, not him. Jaqui tries to "relax" him but he says he wants to discuss vegetables.

Monica grabs the Sous Chef and tells him to get with mission Destroy Ernesto. There will be important people at Table Two tonight. (Maybe he could learn Sara's secret recipe for mayonnaise.)

Sara does NOT want to go into the lesser house but Alonslow insists.

Inside the house Zully cries to Maruja. How could her kids all turn out so badly, what kind of mother is she? Julian is depressed, Diana went back to Bruno, and her daughter Sara...

Meanwhile Sara has snuck into the house, overhears, and quietly snarls "I'm not your daughter, stupid!" Then she makes a face like she ate one of her own turd sandwiches.

Sara keeps looking at her cell phone. I wonder why. Then she pokes herself in the eyes and goes outside. She fake-cries to Alonslow that her mom refused to forgive her for siding with Snorty. He's about to go right in and talk to Zulema himself but Sara manages to talk him out of it. "Whew!" says her face as she gets in the car.

Over at The Restaurant Chef Hawt and his double-crossing sous chef (DCSC) prepare the plates for Table Two. Moni distracts Ernesto by threatening to put plasma screens in the restaurant. DCSC sprinkles something nasty on the plate.

And hey!! It's a guest appearance by our own Mariana Karr, and her date is Roberto Mitzuko from Bailando! I guess he is the Ambassador to New Zealand and she is the wife. Que Asco! She lifts her fork and finds a big black hair in her sauce. Their appetites are ruined!

Lorena examines the hair and pronounces it's not hers, she's blonde. Well that makes it OK then...NOT. Mariana wants to leave! Chef Hawt arrives to apologize, he says he knows exactly how she feels. One time he was in the best restaurant in Paris and he found a hair in his soup. What that restaurant did for him he will do for them now. He invites them into his kitchen to watch their food being prepared; they will see how clean the kitchen is and their appetites will return.

Meanwhile Moni is shrieking and badmouthing Chef Hawt to his staff. He comes in with his guests and insists that Monica leave. He also has to kick Lorena out to be fair, but whispers if it were his choice she would be next to him always. Oh my.

Chef Hawt himself serves their meals, rabbit wrapped in some kind of leaf garnished with roasted arbol chile strips. "Another hair" yells Mariana. Ha ha just kidding. All is forgiven and they'll tell all their friends how great the restaurant is. Again with the weird jokes.

Lorena tells Rosy that Ernesto is not only talented in the kitchen but talented with people. When Rossy starts to tease her Lorena rushes off to school.

Both Sara and Lorena are late to class so they are stuck as partners for their cooking assignment.

Chalo admires the documents that his friend Toño forged. Toño asks why such an interest in orphanage documents and Chalo reminds him rule #1 is no questions.

Sara and Lorena argue about how to prepare their dish. Sara's wrong of course, one rarely sauces a dish before cooking it. I don't think she paid attention at the orphanage kitchen. Sara says Lorena always has to be the queen of the kitchen and she's just jealous because Sara has money, a family, and a boyfriend who would die for her.

Sara has to go get something for the teacher and her phone conveniently rings the second she walks away. Teacher is irked because cell phones aren't allowed and she orders Lorena to answer it. Lorena is impactada. She knows that number, it's Chalo's!

When Alonslow gets home the new neighbor with amazing hair is dusting his apartment. And here comes dad, he's all dressed up in his cleaing outfit. He introduces Al to their new neighbor Maria. She tells Al and "Tobi" to sit down for dinner, she made Estofado for them. Maria tells Al that "Tobi" is a great building administrator. Well hey, that's just what Al has been trying to get dad to do, stop eating ice cream and get to work. (There are recipes for all sorts of Estofadados, beef, chicken, pork etc. but since the first one I ever had was beef that's the recipe I linked.)

Lorena checks out Sara's call history and sees that she and Chalo call each other often. She thought Sara hated Chalo! Clearly this is just the tip of the skein of yarn. (La punta del hilo de la madeja)

Jaqui leaves home again for another late-night appointment at work. Two seconds after she leaves Dario smiles and puts his jacket on.

Alonslow comforts his orphan patient and tells her he'll be with her in the operating room.

Well well, Dario turns up at Paula's place. She's all dressed up and tells him she has a date with someone who's rich, handsome, and without commitments, Dario arrived up just in time to take care of Bettina. Dario rolls his eyes. His plan to see Paula is a flop.

Nevertheless, Dario and Bettina are thrilled to see each other and give big hugs. OK, he loves his daughter, he's not SO bad.

When Jaqui gets to the office she and Ickturo discuss work for five seconds then get down to their own business. Blech.

Paula arrives at The Restaurant and Raymundo happily escorts her to a table. She quotes a line from an Italian film, aha they both LOVE Italian cinema. Twin souls, says Ray, and one so beautiful. Greta arrives and takes over the spotlight.

Lorena is working but is deep in thought about Sara and Chalo. Chef Hawt says he would give a penny for her thoughts.

The two cactuas are served their meals. Ray asks what would they think about Bruce Willis in the Maltese Falcon? Paula retorts they might as well have Colunga in Casablanca. (Yes!!!) Ray mimics Brando, "I'll make you an offer you can't refuse" and Greta thinks he's asking her out. Ray seems to have an affinity for Paula and Greta's not happy about it.

Alonslow admits to Valeria that Florencia reminds him of Lorena. His cell phone rings. Shoot, it's Sara and he has to answer. She royally chews him out for not answering her calls. "Duh, I'm sorry Florencia, oops I mean Sara." She's about to go ballistic when Chaaalo strolls into the foyer of Evil Acres wearing his tighty trunks and munching an apple. Sara quickly hangs up. What the hell is he doing there?

OK, I've got to say Chalo is hilarious in this scene. He spanks himself and scampers after Sara as she rushes upstairs. Nice job, actor playing Chalo! I changed my mind, I hope you don't die too soon.

Sara turns her wrath on Chalo until he whips out the forged documents. She's impressed, they're marvelous. Let the boinking begin. No wait, he wants to borrow her car. OK, boink first, then car.

Paula and Greta insult each other in front of Ray. When he steps away for a moment Greta tells Paula that all's fair in love and war. Paula looks kind of sad, maybe because she's competing with her friend or maybe because she thinks she'll lose.

Al comes home and he has a book about leukemia. He's studying up when Don Tobi and Maria arrive home from eating ice cream. Al is grumpy and Maria asks Don Tobi if he's sure Al is really his son.

Lorena gets off work and Chef Hawt is waiting for her outside. He says she was acting oddly tonight, is anything wrong? He tells her he can't lie to himself, she has become very important to him. Lorena's eyes get big as he moves in for an embrace. (Gah! When will they kiss???)

Tomorrow: Sara and Al go to The Restaurant, looks like a bad night.

P.S. Here is a recipe for Pescado Zarandeado, Chef Hawt's special dish that was mentioned in last night's show, but without his special chili de arbol garnish.


Guapos Thursday, August 28, 2008: Sharpen your pencils, it’s a do-it-yourself recap night

Well, rats. In the paper, the TV schedule for tonight said all our shows at the usual times and the Democratic convention at 10:00. So I set my tape and went out to dinner with friends. I got home and turned on the TV at 10:00 and saw the closing credits for Guapos. Uh oh.

Since I always set the tape for an hour and 10 minutes, I did get the beginning part and here it is. For the rest, I hope you all can fill in with whatever you can remember. I am super bummed to have missed the show and to not have a full recap for you.

Here’s the first 10 minutes:

Luci is telling Mili that she should come live with her, but she remembers the stipulation in the will that Mili remain in the house. Mili breaks the news to her about the paper she signed giving Hugo everything upon their divorce. Luci says her brother takes the cake. Mili says she doesn’t care about her inheritance, that what Regina left her is in her heart, and that’s what counts. Mili says she would love to live with her.

Luci says it won’t be just the two of us. Cut to a scene of Alex smiling smugly, walking down the hallway of Casa Belmonte. He runs into Hugo who says wipe that stupid smile off your face. Alex says he’s a happy guy because he and Mili are going to go live together in Mili’s mother’s house. Hugo reminds him that he and Mili aren’t divorced and says don’t think he’s going to give his permission.

Alex says I’m not asking, I’m just letting you know. Don’t you think Mili and I have the right to build our new lives? Alex tells Hugo after impregnating Karla he needs to straighten out his own life and not waste time messing in the lives of others. Hugo says he and Mili are still married and Alex says not for long because the minute you are divorced, Mili and I are going to get married whether you like it or not. Hugo says we’ll see about that.

Luci tells Mili that Alex and the baby will be coming too. Blushing almost-virgin Mili says but there are only two bedrooms there and we’re not married. Luci says you will be very soon, and it’s not healthy for you and Hugo to live together in the same house. Mili remembers how mad she was at Hugo, he’s a liar and a coward.

Luci asks if the Karla situation was painful for her and Mili says yes, but on Karla’s account, not her own. The terrible things Hugo said to Karla right in front of her mother and everyone, and there she is pregnant and all! Luci says she understands about Hugo, that pain brings out the worst in people, and that she thinks he is desperate, that’s why he acted that way. That’s why you need to get out, says Luci. Alex loves you and won’t do anything to harm you. You need this, and you know what, so do I.

Hugo is brooding and thinking out loud. You are not going to go away with him, he snarls, I’m not going to allow it.

It’s nighttime out front of Casa Belmonte. Alex, Bobby, Horacio, Rocky and Chamuco are hootin’ and hollerin’ getting pumped to go out for Bobby’s stag party. Here comes Braulio in his street clothes following by the preening Ramses. Rocky says who invited him (Ramses)? Braulio says I did, he’s my…. friend. Alex says aw let him come, Rocky.

Vale and Mili in her sparkly red cowboy hat appear on the porch. Ramses tells Vale she looks amazing. Rocky pushes him aside. Vale reminds Rocky that he’s not to flirt at the party. Ramses tells Vale don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on him. Mili tells Vale, come on, Lina and Gloria are waiting. Horacio says isn’t Socorro going and she appears and says yes, the whole Karla thing has bummed her out, and she’s going out with the girls to have some fun. The girls tell the guys to behave and they say you all behave.

Alex asks Mili if he can talk to her for a second. And…click! End of tape.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fuego 8/28: how likely is it that Furd's plan to poison all the good guys at once will succeed?

I had to take an hour off to watch Barak Obama's speech, so to save a little time I've eliminated the most insipid, pointless bits.
  • Cute business with Oscar tiptoeing through the hacienda behind Don Aug's wheel chair, eyes rolling, reminding me of Bugs Bunny. They manage to find a Very Important Box, jimmy the lock, steal the Very Important Papers, and avoid Gab's eagle eye on the way out.

    Oscar takes home the Very Important Note that fell out from behind a huge portrait when he was trying to hide in the curtains, and reads it by the bedside lamp with his pants down around his knees, as Jimena sleeps with a cute little frown on her face. The note was Bernardo's and says, merely: "If you are my evil son-in-law, you will sleep with the fishes some day. If you are not my evil son-in-law, know that my son-in-law is evil, and that I have hidden Very Important Papers that will prove it, so go find them."

    So then Oscar pulls his pants all the way back up, and hides the note in his boot, and then there is an odd cut and the pants are halfway down again, and then he falls out of bed and wakes Jimena up and says, "I was just taking off my pants." Editors asleep at the wheel?

  • Franco has taken Sarita to the Tumbao bar to hear cousin Pedro's last appearance as featured singer. She keeps insisting she never drinks, but Franco gets her to "bottoms up" a few times and she gets cheery. They flirt and flirt, "just as friends."

    Rosario watches, pouting, from across the room. When Pedro's set is over, he comes and gives her a kiss and says he noticed she's still in love with his cuz Franco.

  • Furd discovers his important papers are missing, then he looks behind the big portrait and discovers there is no Very Important Paper there any more. Wait! He KNEW there was a letter back there condemning him for evil behavior, and he just left it there?

    He searches junk shelves in some closet and finds two darling little cans with big skulls on them and the word "POISON."

  • Oscar shows the important letter to Juan, who reluctantly agrees it would be best if Oscar snuck around some more and found the substantiating documents.

  • Juan goes to town, to a booth where a lady is selling Native Garb. He searches through the dresses but none are dowdy enough to please Sofia. Finally he spots an ugly white one and practices kissing it. He buys it happily and takes it home and gives it to her: "Here! Here's your wedding dress." Instead of being irritated, she is all happy and holds it up against herself and there is all smoochy smoochy...

    ... but Furd glides, ssssnakellike, across the threshold to announce that he will not, after all, give Sofia a divorce: "It's no longer in my best interests." He glides out and Sofia immediately cramps up. "In one instant our dreams are destroyed." "But we have each other, and our baby..."

    Later Sofia shows the dress to her sisters and says she won't be bitter, she'll save it till she can use it. They hug.

  • Gab tells a photo of her dead husband Bernardo: "You're dead but you still torment me. Sofia, the one most like you, the rebel, well, she will NOT inherit the hacienda. Furd promised a solution and he never fails me." She strolls to Bernardo's tomb, just in case he'll hear better from there, and rehashes rancorously. "I can't deny the will was quite a joke. How I hate you!"

  • At the Bad Love Bar, Armando gloats a bit: "Furd, looks like Bernardo got the last laugh." "We'll see. I've got a great surprise for tonight, a blow. Of course," he continues with a non sequitur, "I hadn't expected that Ricardo Uribe would be coming back so soon." "I can't understand why you mess around with his wife, he's so violent!" "I did it to siphon money out of that ridiculous Raquel, and also for vengeance, I already told you it was he who ruined my family." Armando says Ricardo is as cold as Gabriela, Furd better watch out.

  • Since I haven't watched this show for a month, I don't know why Quintana and Don Augustin are sitting in Pablito's classroom, dressed in school uniforms like the other children. They are inciting paper-airplane throwing. They get in trouble for cheating on the quiz. Quintana has to go to the front of the class and dance with donkey ears while the charming sound of a donkey is heard. The teacher accuses them of being latoso (annoying, tiresome, a pain in the neck). Pedro rats them out at home and Jimena is amazed her grand-dad got in trouble. Quint got in trouble too, for not paying attention "and for fainting in the director's arms." ???

  • Juan goes to the big city and meets with officials and looks at deeds and maps. He comes home and, under the famous tree, reports that the lands were always Robles Reyes lands and no contrary ownership exists. Also, there was an "ojo de agua" (eye of water, a spring?) on their property which went through Augustin's land.

    Juan flashes back to his dad teaching him to ride a horse. He and Franco agree one must be soft, but show who is in charge - learn to recognize danger, and be cautious and intelligent. Good luck with that.

    Furd is watching through binoculars and tells Rosendo, who's grumpy about it, that he doesn't want Juan and Franco (grueso y filoso, he calls them - Thick and Sharp) around.

  • Raquel gets a note: her hubby isn't coming back just now, she'll have to deal with things herself, but he'll send a friend to help.

  • Gab asks Eva where she thinks she's going. Off to visit Rosario. I told you, she isn't your daughter. Yes, but I love her like a daughter and she loves me, and all your daughters love me and I love them, it's as if I had four daughters and you don't have any. HEH. Gab thinks they all need to suffer because they made her suffer, and Sofia needs to be purified for her sins, and "they all think I'm alone, but I have Furd, he'll do anything for me."

    (In the closet, Furd gazes at his poison.)

  • Setting up for the big climax... Sofia is all excited about her knitting, Juan is all excited about baking Sofia bread. They leave the kitchen for a moment and that's when Furd sneaks in and sprinkles poison on the flour. Juan comes back, takes off his shirt, kneads the dough, and makes the bread, which looks like giant gingerbread cookies with icing.

    Most of the characters we are supposed to like sit at the table, anxiously waiting for the chocolate so they can start eating the poison bread.

    "They'll all die" is Furd's thought bubble as he gets home and pours himself a drink.

    At the bakery, Sofia takes a bite.

Tomorrow ... there is no preview, just a review of what we just saw two minutes previously: Sofia takes a bite of poisoned bread! Oh no, I wonder if all the nice people are about to die. Then all we'll have left for the rest of the run is villains. Hmm, that might be fun. They'll have to start gnawing each others legs off.


Doña Bárbara - Wed., Aug. 27: Santos wakes up; DB works on finding her inner flower; Cecilia gets a surprise

Some pics from yesterday's episode:

Cecilia tells Bárbara that love is more than sex. She says that Santos respects women and treats them like flowers and Bárbara is a no flower. Bárbara tells Cecilia that she is a dried up old spinster who has never bloomed. They both decide to act on what the other has said.

Bárbara tells Santos that she will bloom for him.

So it's flowers, flowers, flowers everywhere much to the astonishment of the people at Fear Ranch.

Which of these 'Daughters of Mary' doesn't belong?

Cecilia goes to look for Antonio and she finds him - all of him!

It appears that Luisana and her brother are coming to Altamira. The same guy who played a priest in Pasión de Gavilanes plays one here.


Guapos Wednesday 8/27/08 We're on the home stretch . . .

Well, looks like our follow-up novela is official. Last night I saw promos for "Cuidado con el Angel," coming "muy pronto." So no Tontas for us. If you did not fast forward through these commercials, you saw a couple of really strange conversations between a priest and a woman and someone floating with giant angel wings. Reminded me of that awful movie (that I never saw) with John Travolta wearing giant angel wings. This is supposed to be better than Tontas? We shall see. Pasion fans will be pleased to know it stars William Levy, Vasco from Pasion.

Back to Guapos, which is proceeding apace to the finish line. We start with the scene of Al and Hugo following Mili and Gloria to Mother Superior's funeral. Everyone is wearing black, but our boys are not exactly paying the proper respects. No, they are letting their testosterone get the best of them and exchanging insults and starting to butt heads physically. Tiny Padre Manuel once again has to intervene, which is always funny.

Cut to Starbucks, where Braulio (sans gloves!) is catching up with his long-lost sister. We know she was a widow of a rich Italian guy, and she was not happy. She did not have any kids--she couldn't, not after her terrible loss. She came home to confront her past. She never thought she'd find that Connie was enslaving their daughter as a servant. Braulio tries to fill her in on the facts, as that is not totally accurate. He says that Regina never stopped looking for both of them. Rosario says Regina was always so good to her. Brau says she always loved Rosario and was tormented.

Mili and Gloria have left the boys fighting and have made it into the kitchen, where fake Sor Cachete is ruining a batch of tamales. I love these scenes with Macarena's attempts to fake being a nun, and no one quite catches on but they think she's acting funny.

Mili says that her mother and grandmother now have company in heaven, now that Mother Superior has joined them. They're "comadres." (This seems to be the feminine of compadres--never heard it before.) Fake Sor says that if they were such good friends they'd help make these goldarned tamales, but she is reminded that all of them are dead! Mili now asks what's wrong with SC--she never asked for help before. Gloria points out that SC is rushing and making a mess. Fake Sor suggests saying a rosary to pray for a tamalista to take over. The girls wonder why SC isn't crying over the loss of Mother S. She had enough at that blasted wake. I'm not sure if I've got the next part right, but I think "Sor" says that she's going away--she asked MS right before she died. Where? She can't tell, it was under seal of confession. The Vatican won't let her tell. The girls point out that she's not a priest, but she says she's a nun. They laugh that she doesn't know how to keep secrets anyway.

"Sor" now hands over the tamale making to the girls and walks away. Lina comes in wants to try some. I love Lina's exaggerated singsong delivery--MMMMM---Tamaaahhles! Uh-oh. "Guacala, they taste like a baby's diaper." They have no filling, just masa.

Cut to the "lair," where Mono, real Sor, and that friend are saying a rosary for Mother S. Isn't it interesting that Sor Cachete has long blong hair and french braids under her wimple?

Luci calls Socorro in to discuss Karla's pregnancy. After many fits and starts, Karla spits out the truth. Luci rubs Socorro's shoulder soothingly. Luci is just so nice now, golly gee!

Braulio is still filling in the details about Mili. Fortunately, Mili managed to tell Regina just before she died about being her granddaughter, so Regina died happy. It must have been a blow to Connie that his mother adopted his daughter and gave her everything. Rosario is still outraged that Connie is putting his career before recognizing his daughter. She then decides purely as a gratuitous plot device that she is worried about what Mili will think when she learns she is still alive. She will not reveal herself right away to Mili, and much less Connie. She is Rosella Di LLano. There is a stupid joke about Braulio being unable to prounounce her last name, and it's repeated later. Dumb.

Another scene of Hugo and Al fighting.

Cut to the rosary. Macarena barges into the lair, and Sor C yells at her for unterrupting the sacred rosary. God will punish you. Nah, he already has, with that trip to the jungle. Mono covers her lips so they can continue the prayer.

So we can have more mistaken identity fun, Rosela decides she nonetheless has to get a glimpse of her daughter. Brau promises to bring Mili to a nearby park, where Rosela will stalk. He says it's uncanny how alike they look, like two drops of water.

Luci now confronts Damian in the house. He wants a hug, but she says nothing doing--you threw me under the bus and took all my money. He then offers her a drink! I'm sorry, but he's worse than Connie. Luci demands that Hugo give Mili a divorce, and that's not all. You're going to be a grandpa--by Karla.

Back at the church, PM is still trying to get the boys to stop fighting, and the girls come out. He says behave like gentlmen, and develop a thick skin (cuero duro) for these insults. Speaking of thick skins, says Lina--here come Socorro and Karla. Socorro is all broken up and addresses Mili first--she say she is so sorry to have to report that Mili's husband . . . Hugo tries to get her to stop, but she forges on. He's been with Karla, and Karla is pregnant. Mili is impactada.

Lina intones--that it must be catching, like a cold. Everyone gets it sometime. Karla says no, you got pregnant so you can play with dolls.
Mili asks Hugo if it's true, and Karla pipes in with the fastest speech I have ever heard: I had to pause several times to read the captions:
Whaddya think, stupid? (tarada). That he could stand being with a girl like you who won't stop being a prude? (mojigata). Socorro tells her to stop, she has no shame.

Al tells Hugo that he's a piece of work--he was with Karla but he won't give Mili a divorce? Hugo says it doesn't mean it's his kid--Karla's a ho. Padre Manuel tries to intervene, but Hugo says that the real problem is "this imbecile," pointing to Al. They're back to full on wrestling, and Padre Manuel jumps on top while the girls scream.

Luci is still going over the pregnancy situation with her beloved brother. Damian tries to excuse his behavior as being Connie's fault. Luci insists that Hugo divorce Mili. Damian wants to know what her interest in that "mugrosa" is. Luci says that when Regina was alive, she wanted Luci to get to know Mili. Regina gave her a second chance. Damian thinks she's up to something (tramando). He tries to give her a drink, but she puts it on the table and bravely resists drinking it.

Back to the church, where PM has the boys doing penalty pushups. Karla has her foot on Al's back to add resistance, and Mili has her foot on Hugo. Socorro laments: why is my daughter like this? Lina, like Don Rickles, says: Karla is like a red light: after 12 midnight, no one respects it! Hissss. While standing over the boys, Karla taunts Mili for being jealous, but Mili says it's the lack of honesty she can't stand. They learn that three months have gone by since they've been doing it. (this time span may be important, students.) The girls start fighting, and Padre M makes them do pushups too. Karla wants to be excused because she's pregnant, but he says it will be good for the baby. (He throws a shmatte over Karla's behind for modesty.) Lina throws in another insult: Karla is like a tabla de uno--muy facilisimo. I can't figure out what this means but it sounds like part of it is Karla is very easy.

Val, Luci and the nameless baby have a snugglefest, then Val goes off to prepare for a night out. Andrea comes in and sneers at "old granny." Andrea agrees that they can't live under the same roof. Luci wants to stay because of her kids. Andrea says it's her home now. The baby cries, and Luci begins a bedtime story: "Once upon a time, there was a witch named Andrea . . ."

Macarena has now had it--she has no religious vocation. She was in the jungle for three months and was covered in mosquito bites. She takes off her wimple and complains to Mono. She is jealous of how close he has become to her sister, but he says it's only because it's so amazing how her sister looks just like her and her presence gives him peace. Macarena says he should stay with Cachete, then. No, my skinny one, I need you. Well, she still wants the money. She's tired of dressing as a nun--she's losing her "sex appeal." (said in English)

Padre Manuel now has the four miscreants in his office. Hugo doesn't want Padre Manuel telling him what to do. He suggests abortion, and Padre M is horrified. Mili tries to soothe Karla, but Karla pushes her away.

Rosella is waiting in the park. Brau comes and explains that Mili was detained at the church. They will try meeting tomorrow at the mansion.

Now it's Connie's turn to taunt Luci with a drink, but she wisely refuses. He says she looks different, prettier. He likes the change. She says that he has to change. And for her to succeed in remainining sober, she won't let him take her down ever again. Connie drinks her drink and his.

Cut to the news: Obama has been nominated by acclamation. Back to the show.

Morgan models his new outfit for Val, but he's worried about his credit card bills. He should worry! Hasn't he been reading the papers? I hope the Stooges' business picks up before we have a PSA on bankruptcy. They trade jibes about the bachelor and bachelorette parties they're going to (for Bobby and Lina). Each promises not to do anything naughty. Ramses looks on pointlessly.

Braulio brings brunch for Ramses and tries to flirt with him. Ramses says Braulio seems happy. Brau says it's because he had a re-encounter with someone from the past. Clueless Ramses asks if it's a girlfriend? Brau says no, it's family. He bats his eyelashes shamelessly some more and says he's single and available. Slap! Ramses asks Brau to help him get Val back, and poor Brau makes a face.

Back in the bat-painting studio, Hugo is again slopping paint on canvas. Damian allows as it's funny they both had the same girl. They both claim to have used protection with Karla. Damien says he was with Karla about a month ago. Hugo says it could be Damian's baby--or a third party. (My theory: It's possible that Karla is more than one month pregnant, so then we will know it's Hugo's.) They decide to take care of Karla in some ominous way. We know this because the piano music of doom plays.

Mili and Al rehash the events for Luci. She then makes him promise to behave at the bachelor party. Luci is glad to watch nameless for the evening. She asks why Mili doesn't call her "suegrita" yet. Mili says soon. Aw . . .

Socorro and Karla are arguing in the kitchen, and Damian comes in and orders Karla out forever. He really doesn't have the power to do this, and I don't know why Socorro doesn't consult Mili and Luci. Plot device! Socorro says she can't help Karla anymore. Soco will beg Padre M to let Karla stay at the convent till she finds work. Socorro cries bitterly.

Mili is putting on makeup while Luci watches indulgently. Mili tells her all about how she and Gloria used to get away with pranks at the convent. When Madre S gave them punishments, they wouldn't finish them.
Luci now tells Mili that for her own peace, she can't live in the mansion with Connie, Damian and Andrea--they are enemies of her sobriety. She wants to go back to the little house, and she wants Mili to come too.

Padre M sees fake Sor Cachete. She begins complaining to him again, and he says he is beginning to worry about her. Just then, the gang arrives to take both of them to the respective bachelor and bachelorette parties. Padre M is scandalized.

Real Sor begs Mono to let her out of her imprisonment. She can't believe no one has caught on to her sister yet. She says she'll show him the money urn if he gives the money to the poor.

Luci tells Mili that Mili must get out of the house too--for her own good. Mili says she signed all her money away. Luci says it's okay--they have Abuelita--they won't go alone.

Tomorrow, Mili and Al tell Hugo they're going to live together. The gals get into some hijinks at the bachelor party.


Querida Enemiga - Wed Aug 27 - Querida Loser or Sharkbait saves the day!!!

Oh Boy. I'm so sorry folks, but I just got home to find out somehow my programmed autorecord function didn't work and the show didn't record, so I have nothing to reference for a recap. Maybe I can find something on you tube, but if not, any HELP from the peanut gallery would be much appreciated....

Thanks, and so sorry,

your loser recapper tonight.....

Oh and Judy, way to go on the 63 comments for last night, yeah tonight will come nowhere close for sure!!!!!

OK looks like I'm in luck. You tube has it!! I'll see what I can piece together from the clips.

Lorena and Chef E are still chatting about the betrayal when he tells her she's a strong woman and will overcome all that, he thanks her for confiding in him and she says nevermind the thanks now you are going to tell me something personal like why you are such a womanizer She asks him whether or not he's been in love. He stumbles.

Back at the restaurant from hell moni and the sous chef are complaining that their foiling attempt didn't foil and he was surprised that Lore knew how to cook. I think they plan for the next time not to be messed up. She tells him to leave just as her Pa comes out. He is proud of the night's success. She makes a comment about the women that he sat with that they are only after him for his money and moni walks out when he exclaims that she doesn't think anyone would like him for who he is.

Chef E is about to answer Lore's question. He explains it thusly....that he's never really been properly in love, but yes certain girls he has cared greatly for. Marriage was never in his plans. Lore thinks something like that must have been on the minds of those women, and he said he never made it look that way and Lore thinks they probably thought he can change, and I didn't catch what he said.

A young girl is brought into emergency and Al and Val attend to her.

Rossy shows up at Julian's and wants to be pardoned. She smacks himHe sticks to his plan and tells her to leave and not come back. After she leaves he says he loves her but he doesn't deserve her.

Vasco and Omar are having lunch talking over Diana choosing Bruno and Omar wants it clear that he doesn't really approve. Vasco just wanted to give the baby a name. Omar thinks that's very noble.

More to come....

And looks like I don't have to do it!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH SHARKBAIT!!!!!!! WOW AND ON HER WAY TO WORK NO LESS!!!!! BLESS YOUR HEART!!!!!!!!
Here's the rest ladies and gentlemen copied over from the comments by Sylvia...Chica you rock!!!

Lorena teases Ern by telling him his food critic ex skewered him in her review. He's about to call her when Lor laughs, ha ha it was just a joke. (Weird jokes in this show.) It was a great review and Ern almost kisses Lor.

Sara acts in charge with Icky in tow to taste the food of the day. She snootily comments the tarragon in the sauce is perfecto. Chef says no tarragon. Wah wah wah music plays.

Gaitan and Ern celebrate their great reviews and Monica's a beeeatch.The 3 cacatuas (moni's word) Maruja, Pau and Greta have hangovers. Meanwhile Bettina and pal plot to meet the boys at the cine.

Sara gives her statement to the judges. The mother Superior told her on her deathbed that it was Jaime only who stole Sara, Snorty had nada to do with it. Afterward she fights with Zully and Omar, saying she said what she said and there's nothing they can do about it. We'll see...

Lor and Rossy are being punished by Moni and are at the big store Chedraui (wonder how much Chedraui paid for that?) buying wine for the restaurant. They run into Diana and "her novio" Bruno. The waitresses think he is a slimeball.

LOVE the kitchen scenes. Chef Hawt is making a chiffonade of something to garnish his special Pescado Tikichiki Zarandeado, I think he says it's chile d'arbol. All I can say is he's got good chopping technique, Gabriel Soto take a lesson in good role prep. Lor says it looks great -Chef Hawt gives us a beaut of a grin. Sigh.

Jaime's behind bars and tells Harpie Barbie he wants a divorce. She sez she's gonna live in the manner in which she's accustomed and will call her lawyer.

Maruja tells Zully and Omar that Lor has info about a document naming Snorty as the baby snatcher. They pull Lor out of school and she tells them Sara is capable of treachery and told her she saw a document at the orphanage that proves Snorty did it.

Bettina meets Ivan at the cine, he tries to kiss her and she shoves popcorn in his mouth and runs away. Later she pines that he's not emailing her. Ah, young love is so painful.

An attractive woman of a certain age has moved into Don Toribio's apartment complex. She complains that her gas doesn't work. I guess Alonslow is the building Admin. Don T dribbles ice cream on his chin while nice lady makes coffee for them.

Dario is back at Paula's house hanging out and stalling his return home. She slyly remarks to herself that the honeymoon is over.

Back at Evil Acres Sara threatens Babs and Vasco overhears. He and Sara fight some more about her lies. Babs tells Vasco not to fight with her or they'll end up in the street. Vasco says Sara is a porqueria.

Ha ha Chalo has snuck into the manor and waits for Sara in her bed. He insists she's gonna give him some tonight. OK but he has to leave very early in the morning. She stares in the space as he pounces on her.

I hate this next sub-plot - the young emergency patient turns out to have leukemia. She looks like Lorena and is an orphan so Alonslow makes her his cause. Actually he's very sweet and vows to help her, they'll fight this together. OK, this is how he's gonna redeem himself.

Abo Joel asks the judges for an investigation, he wants to subpoena the documents from the orphanage. Snorty's abo's not so happy.

Last scene - Sara visits Snorty in in jail and Snorty wants to know who else knows about the document that incriminates her? Sara swears nobody else (heh, except Chalo and Lorena you liar!). She tells Snorty not to worry she has it in her posession and is in charge of it. (OK Snorty, who's got the upper hand now?)

Sorry no time to proof read, I'm late for work and gotta dash!



Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fuego, Wed., Aug. 27: There's nothin' more fickle than a Fernie.

Buenas noches a todos.

First, I want to thank everyone for the support you have shown me as a recapper and a student. You are all such good friends. That’s why I have decided not to completely abandon the Wednesday-night time-slot until I find a long-term substitute (Not that I would ever leave you without a recap, or that someone could ever replace me!).

The show must go on…!

So we start tonight with some scary sisters (twins?/Barrera de Amor?) talking to Padre Tadeo. Juan and Sofia stop by with some flower arrangements, if you can call a bunch of weeds an arrangement. Tadeo tells the two lovers to enjoy the fruits of their prohibited love, and, by-the-bye, Gabi has started a charitable foundation. Sofia doesn’t seem to like the sound of that.

Sarita is strolling through the park as she encounters Rosario. Notice how Rosario is always wearing a winter coat in southern Mexico. Anyway, she tells Sarita, who has updated her wardrobe to the twentieth century, that she no longer loves Franco because she realized how much Sarita loves him. If only all novela characters could be so humble (that’s no reference to her physical appearance) and selfless.

Fernie runs into Pedro at the Tumbao and offers him double the money to sing in Fernie’s fine drinking establishment. No way! Pedro doesn’t work for loonies like Fernie. Why is that scary Coyote guy staring at Fernie? Who knows, but in other news, Fernie struts on over to Benito and makes an offer to buy the Tumbao. Fernie mentions that if he doesn’t comply, there will be people who can hurt him.

Raquel is drunk, and confused, and wants to know where those darn land documents are. She asks how her family ever obtained their land in the first place. Then, in a fit of rage and, presumably more confusion, she goes to the cupboard and pulls-out the evidence that supposedly could convict Fernie of rape three times over.

Juan is having his own little fit; coincidentally it concerns those same Uribe/Robles-Reyes lands. After proposing to mindlessly follow his whims, Juan stops to allow Frankie to speak. Frankie, whose quantity of brain matter is questionable, proposes consulting with Ricardo to see what legal matters can be executed in the rightful usurpation of their “original and rightful lands.” Juan capitalizes on this idea and goes as far as to say that in doing so they will find their parents’ killers—even if it means that Gabi is the culprit.

Gramps makes a humble, but noble plea to talk to his only daughter with tranquility and frankness. At first she refuses but then concedes. He solemnly tells her that she is about to make one of the biggest mistakes of her life. Comment: considering she killed her mother, stole Eva’s baby, physically and mentally tortured her daughters, slept with her son-in-law, and plotted to kill her daughter, I doubt this is the biggest mistake of her god-forsaken life. Anyway, he warns that Fernie is only going to bring unhappiness and disgrace. She doesn’t understand why everyone hates her, and she stomps off in her superior way. In walks Fernie, who assures Gramps that he sincerely and whole-heartedly loves Gabi and will do anything (to get his hands on her money and backside) to protect her.

Over at Reyes Central, Juan has a secret to tell his brothers. It’s about their long-forgotten parents; they only fought one time. Isn’t it curious that Juan initially possessed one solitary memory of his parents, but as the show continues he accumulates more memories? Anyway, Daddy Robles-Reyes came home late one night with the smell of the devil on his breath (my words, though they are probably true), and Mommy Robles-Reyes was so upset that she threw all his things into the street. How is this relevant? Then Juan and Daddy R-R went to talk by the tree of memories. There Daddy R-R told little Juan that one day he would meet a beautiful woman whom he would love forever. “Ya’ know son, women are like plantation fields; first you have to break ‘em in to show ‘em who’s boss, then you have to provide for them by feeding and watering them. Remember son, you will be a man of only one woman, just like me and mommy.” Somehow I think Daddy R-R forgot to lecture little Frankie on this subject. Though something tells me that Daddy R-R wasn’t as sharp as the ho he was using on his woman, I mean, field. And then the tear-stained memories fade out… Juan hopes that those memories somehow serve his brothers…they obviously didn’t.

Gabi seems to be entertaining a notary gentleman. She has decided to change her will; she wants to name Fernie as her sole heir. Nope. The notary has something to say: Before Bernie died he made Sofia the sole heiress of his fortune. Wait a minute. Now, in every other novela when someone dies they make sure to commit at least one entire episode to a testament reading (Rubi, Al Diablo con los Guapos, etc.). Why is this subject arising now?

Juan has had a dream in which he remembers his parents’ killer wearing a snake belt. Where have we seen that before? Too many people, too may places.

Frankie is sharing a nice, moonlit walk with Pedro. Frankie admits that he is worried about Juan always taking care of them. Uh oh. They run into Armando and his drunken friends. They are mad that Frankie is going to end up with Rosario. Armando warns him that she likes tall, rich, and powerful men. Somehow I doubt Frankie will measure up (no pun intended). The inevitable happens, Armando offends Rosario and Frankie punches him out, followed by the third parties punching each other, etc. This time Armando pulls a gun, but is stopped when the ubiquitous Coyote magically appears with even bigger guns and threatens to kill anyone who messes with Pedro. Oh, the irony!

Juan puts on his rain gear and goes out to the tree of memories. He tells his father that very soon he will be able to rest in peace. He gives some Destilando-esque speech about brotherly love and re-conquering lands, throws in a few “I swear on mom’s and your lives, and ends with a screaming oath of brotherhood.

Gabi can not believe that Bernie changed the will, and blames the notary for not informing her about the change. Apparently Bernie specified that Sofia can only have access to the fortune when she has a child.

Soaking wet and in a trance, Juan stares down Sofia and promises to obtain those lands so that they can have a beautiful family and life together.

Gabi goes for the whiskey as she tells Fernie that she can not believe that Bernie changed the will and that Sofia will inherit the fortune. Fernie tells her that he will not divorce Sofia until he knows for sure that he will be able to marry Gabi. There is nothing more Fickle than a Fernie… He claims that he doesn’t want Sofia to divorce him then marry Juan, who will then inherit the ranch. Gabi, of course, sees things his way, and decides that they must scheme to resolve this mess.

So we find out that Coyote works for a guy named “El Jefe.” Coyote tells Jeff (I like Jeff better) that he is going to teach Fernie a lesson about following through with instructions, especially when it comes to Pedro Reyes.

Speaking of old Pedro, he runs into Rosario at the market. Seems like he has moved on from Sarita and now has a thing for Rosie. This is perfect for our perfect novela; Rosie is out of Frankie’s way and Pedro is out of Sarita’s way. Marriage, here we come!

Sofia congratulates Eva on her moving into a small house with Rosario. She then asks her why her mommy doesn’t love her, refuses her, and, not to mention, tries to kill her. Sofia thinks that Gabi says she isn’t her mother because Sofia makes her upset. Honey, all I can say is good luck.

Armando is reporting to Fernie that Coyote paid them a visit last night. Fernie is distressed and wants to know what his intentions could be. Whattaya know? The Coyote storms in and repeats what he said last night. Fernie wants to know why Coyote likes Pedro. No answer, just a threat to be very careful—or else.

Benito is asking that maid/waitress to marry him. She refuses him for the umpteenth time, and he leaves, trying to forget about her. The girl thinks to herself that the two of them are like oil and water. Why don’t you try articulating that instead of standing there with that stupid countenance, sweetheart?

Sarita is actually socializing, and exposing her chest. And I thought this day would never come… She is riding with Franco, talking about forgetting Rosario, and wanting to be friends with benefits. She proposes a race. We all know how this is going to end…

Rosario informs Fernie that she is packing her things, and is going to live with Eva, Ofelia, and Luisito in a stable home environment. Those are fightin’ words. Fernie tells her that she isn’t going anywhere, she threatens to call the authorities, and he offers to buy a house for her as long as she stays on the pay roll.

Quinti is in the kitchen on a mission. She brought a special message from Gramps, who wants Oscar to go to his house tonight without anyone finding out. By the way, did anyone see Quinti in “Frida” on Sunday? What a movie…

Juan tells Sofia that he swore to obtain those very important lands for the posterity of their family. He is upset that Gabi is involved in this mess. Sofia offers her support, and tells him to never doubt that she is with him. We all have this speech memorized; I won’t recap it for what seems to be the fiftieth time.

Gramps takes Oscar on a special mission to Gabi’s office. Gramps suspects that there is very important information in the desk drawer that can convict Fernie of something. Notice how everything Fernie touches is proclaimed evidence that will convict him. Oscar opens the drawer with a pencil and pulls out the documents. Uh oh. Gabi is coming. Gramps leaves to create a diversion. On his way out the window, Oscar bumps the painting of Bernie to find a letter. He snatches it and dives out the window. The painting sways, the curtain blows, Gabi yells “Fatima…”

Tomorrow: Gabi is anguished that Sofia has been named the sole heiress. She has to do something about it, so she has Fernie poison her. Oscar found a letter that deals with Fernie being a rapist. It will be crucial! Everything with Univision is crucial, explosive, of surprising…


Pasión de Gavilanes, Tues, & Wed., Aug. 26 and 27 - RIP Raquel and Calixto - Herzog and Rubinsky, not so much

From Tuesday's episode, Juan asleep in the hospital.

Benito and his bunch of harpies.

Eva gets back at them by threatening to reveal what she overheard their activities when she was a servant in Grabi's house.

Dínorah ends the brawl and Feonando's gambling get together.

Pepita comes to the Hacienda with backup but still doesn't find out what happened to Don Martín and Grabi.

Juan, Norma and JD have a picnic after Juan comes home from the hospital.

It's always jarring when characters on a novela who have been basically used for comic relief are brutally offed.

The car crash was less than convincing. I guess they weren't going to risk actually harming those two vintage cars. I didn't really understand why Raquel decided to play 'chicken' with H&R. Think of all the lives that could have been saved if these people had cell phones!

Libia's warning dreams to Ruth seem to work better for her relatives - she has saved Juan twice but her warnings about Grabiela and Raquel and Calixto were not as effective.

Benito and the nasty harpy 'friends' of Raquel hit a new low today. Who would make such remarks at a funeral?

Other than that, nothing much happened: Grabi's still in the basement; Feonando's still losing at cards; Martín is still in the sanatorium; the inhabitants of the Hacienda de los Reyes are still in the dark and Pepita and Rosario know a lot but don't tell anyone useful.


Fuego En La Sangre #85, Tues. 8/26 - Will It Be 4 Weddings and a Funeral Or 4 Funerals and A....

The night begins with the usual repeats: Rosario, resisting the pinching and pushing and threats from Feo to return to work or else! When everyone finds out why she was in jail, they will reject her. She assures him she will come out ahead of Feo if he insists on menacing her and all the truth comes out.

Feo and Gabi discuss their wedding which Feo thinks will be all that Gabi could possibly want. She assures him she wants everything! Most of all she wants him to distance himself from Raquel. Feo tries his sweet talking on Gabi until they definitely crash through the canvas and easel in the lusty scene. Best picture of the week for Gabi?

Juan repeats to Sofia that Oscar saw the nasty Mother and SIL kiss but they didn't want to worry her and the sisters. Oh, those Reyes boys, so thoughtful. Sofia is on a mission to save her mother and continues to think such acts will make Mom love her. I say it's a waste of time. Happily the couple start to plan their wedding with music of Mariachis and a lot of food (or at least I hope he didn't want to eat lots of dogs like Mariachi).

Eva wants to know what has mortified Rosario, she saw her crying in the chapel. She makes her self available to hear Rosario's problems. I'm here if you want to unload. Rosario's silent resolve leads Eva to her next point. So, let's look for a house to live in together.The generous Eva includes her, Rosario, Luisito and even Ofelia in her plans. We could make a real home for Lusito.

Jimena shops and sees shoes that Oscar will want her to have but who can afford these little strappy numbers, Our material girl?

Feo talks to the lawyer and makes a mental to work with Ricardo to save the Hacienda from those pesky Reyes. Save the San Augustin and perhaps the Uribe hacienda, for himself that is.

Oscar says you have a crowd (titipuchal) of shoes already so many pretties and only two feet. Jimena wants an indulgent (consentidor) husband. Oscar worries about the extreme cost of shoes (not card games) but the cultural social differences come out over shoes. She stalks off protesting that she won't buy anything. Juan and Sofia both excuse their respective siblings and who is at fault and so embarrassing. For once they laugh and don't try to control the silly siblings.

Rachel shows Gabi the suit brought by the Reyes. We will save the lands, part of this threat is against your land too. Don't forget the secret, says Raquel. Gabi says if you reveal any secrets, think about your husband and who is dearest to him, Ruth. You need to talk to your husband and take care of your own lands. I will take care of my hacienda.

Sofia counsels Jimena on the need to be happy with her poor husband she chose. Juan counsels Oscar on the need to accept his rich materialistic wife who gave up everything to swab the decks of the bakery. As a result of all this counseling Oscar takes some of the money offered by Juan and goes to the shoe store. He comes out with the material girl's not so secret wish.

Franco seems to think he can rush up to Rosario again and again and she will magically change her mind one of these times. But she has more resolve than he does. Sarita blows off Pedro who asks about the book of poetry by Poblano, but she gets his comeon and says her heart belongs to Franco. Juan watches from behind the fiesta decorations then asks Pedro, what were you doing. He, ever honest, says he was refused again by Sarita. Juan advises him that he can't command someone's heart and rather kindly says Sarita can't love anyone but Franco. Wish we could say the same for Franco.
Nephew Benito (who doesn't have a lot to do these days) tells Raquel, as if she doesn't already know, that Uncle Uribe is going to be angry with all that has been going on on the home front. Raquel assures all of us that she is really worried. The reputation of Ricardo Uribe grows and grows, will the real character be a wild man?

Two and a half Reyes plan the surprise of music and romance for Jimena. Oscar gives the shoe box now all decorated like a Christmas tree to JImena who has had a fit of conscience and says she doesn't need the material shoes. They are only going to get cow pies on them. Actually she apologizes for her tantrum (berrinche). They kiss and later cuddle in the tiny bed. While they are serenaded by Pablito through the paper thin walls of the Reyes house. Do Pablito and Franco now sleep next to the ovens? Where does Pedro sleep?

Sofia simpers that Jimena should understand that their life has changed, even though we are poor now, we are also so much happier. Juan sings to Sofia about being crazy about her, fortunately in a soft whisper.

Pablo is afraid to go to school but Quintina shows him how to throw the necessary punches and points out the lunch and his bookbag. In fact she says she will go to school too.

Sofia wants to talk seriously with Franco. She asks him to be sure of his feelings for Sarita. He assures her there was a period when he was hopelessly confused but now there is nothing between Rosario and him so now he is devoted to Sarita. He neglects to mention the stalking incidents with Rosario.

Rosario comes to the bakery to tell Juan she has forsaken Franco and wants him to stop pursuing her. She realizes she has brought Franco dangerous bad luck. Juan says she can count on the rest of them whenever she needs help. She asks that if anything happens to her, will he promise to care for her child. He pauses but assures him that he will promise.

Quintina is a bit large for the desk at school but wants to answer the teacher's question: who is Napoleon Bonapart? She pipes up that Napoleon, the husband of Josephine, discovered America. The class boos and hoots, the teacher sighs, she dons a burro eared crown and stands in the corner. She surely will help Pablito blend.

Oscar and Jimena talk to the adoption agency assuring them that she has the shoes to be a good mother and they may have 15 siblings for Pablito.

Feo snarls for Armando's benefit, Rosario will never be free of him but neither will she stop him from marrying Gabi to punctuate his feelings he smashes the glass on her picture.

Sofia stops her mother to tell her that Feo only wants her money. He doesn't love you He's only interested in your money, in your money, in your money....(another easy night of capturing dialog)
How can you dare say this. You are such an egoist, Feo loves me. I don't want you to cross my path again. You have a bastard in your pouch and you are not my daughter!! Villagers watch as she gives Sofia a slap. The friends that Gabriela has tried to impress from time to time, witness the whole scene then rush up to offer help to Sofia after Gabi drives away. Isn't it a good thing she isn't running for village council?

The astounded women go to Padre Tadeo to They confess that the wicked widow is going after her SIL. She must be crazy. He tells them not to gossip to anyone. Several scenes later with chickens in the background completing the appropriate sound effects, it looks like the entire village has been filled in on Gabi's little fit.

Sofia runs the BadMom's dissing through her head again but decides not to tell Juan of her problems so he won't worry.

Eladio is making his Mom cry with his threats to go far away. They all argue, Brother Rigo says let him go. What he really needs is a girlfriend to keep him here. Mom wonders where they will find Eladio a girlfriend when in a magic moment, the cutest girl in town shows up asking for vegetables. Rigo and Hortensia grin knowingly.

Gabi, not satisfied with her menacing and slapping activities stops Rosario and Eva. Gabi calls Rosario a prostitute and Eva a husband raper and Eva isn't her mother. Rosario says they don't care. They at least have love and respect for each other. Eva wants her to leave them alone. Rosario rather rightly points out that Gabi has to BUY her men. Touché.

Not everything is bad, chirps Sofia to Juan. At last, Feo is going to give me my liberty. Oh the Fiestas, he chimes, We will be together. Now the fiesta can begin. Sofia wants to see pictures of Juan's parents so she can know more about her husband's family. Juan fumbles for keys then opens the trunk and sees a letter he has never seen before. Oops Juan is showing that he can't read. After all three brothers take a crack at reading we learn that the letter is an apology from the missing Tio Vicente the brother of their father. He warns against the friend his brother has been dealing with and offers to help out when he returns from Guadalajara.

In front of the mirror after we see the twisted cubist painting Gabi is working on, probably a portrait of Feo, the witch twitches out from Feo's gropings to whine, Everyone says you don't love me. People pass signals and whisper about me in the street. You need to leave the house and not come back. Feo looks like he can't believe he is about to lose ground here.

How can we contact this brother of our father? Where is he now? Sofia asks, where was the letter postmarked? Guadelajara, but many years ago. How are we going to find him?

Gabi is entertaining the two women who had returned from the sessions with PaddyTad and the villagers. You are the witnesses that my daughters have made me suffer. And then she tells them that her husband had tricked her and was planning to run off with a young woman who showed up disgracefully at Bernardo's wake. Therefore, she plans to start a foundation named Bernardo Elizondo to help all those less fourntunate. Now the tongues will stopped and Gabi will be seen as a saint. The logic is a bit hard to follow but seems to cover the little SIL problem, I guess.

The doctor proclaims that Sofia is healthy and so is the baby. Sofia and Juan flash their beautiful smiles.

Pablito displays his guitar playing skills that Franco has helped him with. Finally the bare chested Pedro and the undershirted Franco get to the subject hanging between them. Franco asks Pedro was he interested in Sarita? Pedro, ever the truthful one, says unfortunately, yes.

Feo worries over the foundation and how much it will cost (money that Gabi could give him). How about those divorce papers? He's working on it. She declares she will disinherit her daughters and he will become her only heir. He grins for the first time in weeks.

The ladies tell about the foundation and Padre says he would love to help but wonders if Gabi will let him. Juan and Sofia come in with flowers to give thanks for the health of the baby and to have another blessing for the baby. Padre blesses while Gabi's old girlfriends get another eyeful.

Next time: Gabi sees the lawyer who drops a shoe about Bernardo having changed his will at the last minute leaving everything to Sofia.
Armando for some unseen reason, surrounds Franco and Pablo and prepares to kill them both with pleasure, but wait, it's Coyote to the rescue once again!


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