Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tontas Thursday Dec. 11, '08 Where Did All The Kisses Go?
First the obligatory rehash: Patricio, while saying he's married, nevertheless is willing to give his "name" to Beto if DNA tests show he's actually his son. And when he meets Beto, he lights up like a Christmas tree. Clearly here's a man who wants to have a family of his own and hopes to do a better job than his alcoholic dad. A more likable side of last. And Candi is giving macho lessons to her uncle (why didn't he ask a guy for Pete's sake?) and says "Cuidadito con ese dedito" (Careful with that little finger) Tio Meño has a habit of sticking it out ever so delicately and stroking his eyebrow. Won't do....won't do at all. And finally, my favorite scene, Santiago snuggled up in bed (be still my heart) remembering tender times with Candi, especially those kisses,and thinking that he might be falling in love. Absolutely!
All onto the new stuff, which unfortunately is a lot like the old stuff, minus the sweet kisses. Santiago has made an early morning visit to Candi's place and waylaid Chava outside the house. He's delighted to see him practicing soccer. Atta boy. Gotta train day and night to get good. Sacrifice. Sacrifice. (My cat is now walking around the keyboard. It will be a miracle if this thing gets written and posted.) Santiago explains that he needed to go to the office but stopped by to see Chava first. Yes, Chava. Candi is hiding nearby trying to listen as big guy and little guy talk. Chava's okay about them being potential novios because he'd like a papa like Santiago. He listens to the doc's heart again, and yep, our Santi proves to be a good person. And hey, Santi would like to have a son like Chava. Sure he has two lovely daughters, but a guy needs someone to play soccer with. And who wants to worry about makeup and stuff like that? But this is our little secret. Don't tell mom, don't tell anybody. Chava promises. And Santiago leaves looking very satisfied and whoops....gets doused by some mysterious fountains that suddenly spring up. This is telenovela foreshadowing. Just when our galan thinks he's got it made, something happens to douse his dreams. Yeah, you know where this is going don't you?...down the tubes.
And another romance going down the tubes? Well , yes......Patricio and Alicia. He's asking her if she wants to have children...'cause he'd like a whole bunch. She hedges until he leaves and then mutters Children! What a horror!
Brief scenes of our respective households dealing with adolescents. Charley is plugged into his headphones, singing along so loudly that Candi is having trouble grilling Chava about his conversation with Santiago. She learns nothing. Little guy knows how to keep a secret. The mirror scene is at Santiago's mansion where the niece is trying to talk Granny and Uncle into a big monetary present for her 15th birthday to pay for those breast enhancements. (I'm sure there's some PSA associated with this storyline but it makes me totally queasy). Uncle's thinking cake and party and princess dress; niece is thinking money for silicone. She disguises it as a request for money to travel to Europe. Also quashed. Granny and Uncle decide to open an account and add to it very slowly so in a few years, when she's OLDER and more MATURE, she can go to Europe. Curses, foiled again!
And one more mirror scene, an older uncle, Tio Meño,is trying to talk some sense into his foolish niece as well. Candi is fretting about yesterday's kisses and whether or not it was wrong. And how many kisses have you had in the last seven years? asks Tio. Wouldn't you like to have a boyfriend who likes you, who loves you? Candi chews her lip, a typical gesture when she's thinking.
The monetary negotiations at Santiago's are interrupted by the majordomo telling him Marissa has called and wants him to come over for a surprise. Santiago pleads work but Mom steps in and says After what happened the other night, the least you could do is go! Doc checks in with secretary Hortensia, learns there's only one patient waiting, tells her to delay and he'll get there later.
Another queasy making scene. Eduardo and his devoted wife Chayo who wants to know what's up with the pink cigarette lighter she found in his pocket. Is he cheating on her? Eduardo panics, stammers, makes up wild stories about it being Rosita's, no, Santiago's, no, don't say anything, he's a secret smoker, doesn't want anyone to know, but how could you suspect me!!!??? aren't you sorry you doubted me!!!?? no good-bye kiss for you! and off he runs, leaving his poor bewildered wife feeling guilty and sad. As Ferro would say, what a tool!!!!
Marissa meanwhile is seducing Santiago. Never mind that he just decided he's in love with Candi. "La carne es debil" (the flesh is weak) especially when sexy black underwear is being tossed around.
I guess the writers love irony because the very next scene is a beautiful church with bells pealing melodiously and Patricio coming to talk to his old friend the priest (and yikes! it's Omar, the unfaithful husband from both Querida Enemiga and Guapos. He looks quite distinguished as a priest, I must say.) Patricio is clearly troubled and in a bad place but gets a talking to about moving on from the past and Candi. However, the priest adds that Love doesn't die. Only bodies. And yet, Patricio can't explain it...but he feels that somehow Candi is nearby. He can "feel" her. (If he only knew! And from the previews, it seems he's about to.)
Meanwhile, back at the office, Alicia is sucking up to her in-laws. She has invited them without Patricio's knowledge (which infuriates papa) and the mood darkens as dad, an "alcoholico regenerado" (recovered alcoholic) says he can now drink moderately with no problem (that ain't what the 12-step programs say, good buddy.)
We jump now to the offices that Candi and her uncle are painting and discussions over whether or not she'll start an "institute for the soul". Women's souls, of course. Not sure if Candi would even admit men have them! The phone rings and it's Raul, wanting to know when in the H...he's going to meet Meño niece, as promised. "Se me fue el avion" (I forgot) apologizes Tio and passes Candi the phone. Raul is being very peremptory and directive, telling her she HAS to come in tomorrow and meet him. After she hangs up, she mutters that he doesn't know who he's dealing with.
I'm going to compress some scenes now. Drives me crazy sometimes the way these episodes jump around. So first, the Candi/Santiago meeting. They run into each other in the office building, he offers "to take her to Paradise" but it just turns out to be his office. Then he tells her he's done nothing but think of her all day but whoops....there's that big hickey on his neck. He dismisses it as a "moretón (bruise) caused by tsi-tsi flies no less. There's the usual back and forth, he protests he never meant to hurt her, he would never "delatar" (betray) her but of course that hickey keeps telling a different story. She wants him to stay away from her, from her son and assures him that the Candi who'd believe men and fall in love died 7 years ago. He reminds her that her heart is still alive, but she isn't listening. Santiago's mom walks in at this point, wonders what Candi's doing there if she isn't a patient or a friend (Candi denies both those titles) and the scene ends. (Some of the editing in this baby seems a little choppy, don't you think?)
The family scene at Patricio's office is going from bad to worse. Patricio arrives all huffy, protesting that he's very busy. Too busy to give your father a hug??!!yells Dad. You never had time for me, retorts Patricio. A major paternal tantrum ensues with Dad sweeping everything off the desk, claiming everything is his, Patricio's "success" would never have come about without his financial backing (probably true, come to think of it) but then pow! he drops to the floor with a heart attack.
We have a complete 180. Patricio is desperate, yells at Alicia to call an ambulance, follows dad on stretcher pleading with him to be strong. Don't die on me Dad. I NEED you!
Meanwhile, Beto's mom is explaining to him that he needs to go to a lab tomorrow and have a blood test. Does it hurt? Only a little. Why do I have to have it? Because I say so. Tickle tickle tickle, end of discussion.
More brief interspersed scenes. Marissa's explaining to Santiago's mom how important he is to her. Chava's explaining to his mom about coming to school the next day for games and such. Rocio's crying to her granny because HER mom can't come to school. She's the only one without a mom, and Granny is no substitute for this one. Painful looks all around. I suppose the sexy but loathsome Marissa will try to insert herself into this scenario. Yuck.
We break for an ad and when we come back, lo and behold! it's Sven and Ole (thanks Paula, now I will NEVER get their real names straight) sitting at the restaurant table like they're clients instead of paid (off-key) Mariachi singers cum waiters. Tio Meño pops his cork and yells at them big-time. Also tells Charley brusquely to start working. (Is this part of Tio's macho pose?). Charley notes to Sven and Ole that Dad seems rather strange. They roll their eyes at each other and say nothing.
Santiago is gamely trying to console Rocio for her lack of a mother. He pulls out the letter he wrote and says it's from mom....and here's how it goes. I know I haven't called but that's because I'm so busy with work. But I love you very much. Mom. Nice dad/daughter hug.
More family matters back at the restaurant kitchen. Candi is counseling Tio to be honest with Charley about his gayness. Tio can't face it. After the tragic rejection when he told his wife, his family!! No, he just can't do it. Your son needs to know that you love him, insists Candi, but also that you're "different". No no, protests Meño, it's crazy!
More father/son troubles. Patricio's mom coldly tells him that things went downhill after he married Candi. All right but now I'm married to Alicia. Just as bad. The medical news is good however. Papa had a stent inserted and will recover. Patricio is clearly moved...and relieved that his father is going to live.
Santiago shows up at the restaurant, undeterred by the brushoff at his office and sits down at a table, requesting a song from Candi, rather than the badly off-key waiters. Nope. She only sings in the shower. Great! Let's head for the bathroom. She tips a floral vase of water over his head...There's your shower! And we have another ad. Oh, these crazy kids.
Santiago's protesting the inflexibility of the school, insisting that only moms can show up for the fun and games day. Rocio's closed up in her room crying and Granny's meditating on how she'd like to kill Paulina for letting Rocio down like that. (I must say, I'd feel exactly the same way if my daughter-in-law had abandoned my son and granddaughter. Grrrrr!) Later, Santiago comforts Rocio again, saying how helpless he feels when she cries for her mother. I want her here with me, weeps Rocio. Yes, but she's working, explains Santi, adding that he has a couple of quick surgeries to do (don't think I'd want to be his patient today) but then he'll meet her at school.
Another scene with Meño and Charley is thrown in here. Evidently it hasn't taken long for adolescent behavior to get on dad's nerves. Meño protests the ear-splitting volume of the rock music Charley's playing. But I thought you liked music! They disagree on whether "el rock" is music and Meño gives serious thought to getting ear plugs. (For several years we had two adult children living at home and it was like a dorm. Music playing, lights on and toilets flushing 24 hours a day. I feel for poor Meño.)
Beto's at the clinic, waiting for his blood test and sees Patricio come out. Patricio assures him it doesn't hurt, but Beto's suspicious about why Mom's "friend" is showing up in his life again. And in another part of the city, Candi is getting ready for her appointment with Raul. Don't forget your column, cautions Tio. What's it about? Extremists. Politics, you?! No, no, it's about women who are extremists about falling in love...who reject the idea....and end up alone and very sad. So are you falling in love, asks Meño hopefully. "Dios me libre!" (God forbid!)
And that's where this episode ends, but there are some interesting previews. One has Santi showing up at Mom's Day at school. Candi calls Rocio a princess. Well, that makes me a king then, smirks our doc.
And Patricio comes home late, explaining to the ever suspicious Alicia that he had to get a DNA study done. And what would you say if I told you I had a son? Impactado look from Alicia.
And lastly, Patricio shows up at the soccer game and ohmigosh...does he see Candi? Tune in tomorrow to find out if our gal's past is about to catch up with her.
Vocabulary, such as it is, is embedded.
Labels: Tontas
Las Tontas Wed. Dec 10 - Paula Pinch Hits!
Then Paula sent us this, thanks Paula!
"The Wind Blows Them Off; The Wind Blows Them Away."
At Meño’s house, Candy admits that she feels very alone.
Pat arrives home late. Alicia implies that he’s cheating on her. He blows her off and goes to his room to be alone, like always. He can’t stop thinking about Candy.
Santiago tells Donato not to worry; he won’t get fired. But one question. (Puts the squeeze on him.) “When MY GIRLFRIEND undressed, did you look at her?” Donato asks, “Do you want me to lie?”
Santiago find’s Marissa’s note on his mirror, “Why are you with me?” That’s exactly what he’s wondering, himself.
In Santiago’s office, Ed repeats Marissa’s question while he plays with the pink lighter last night’s hottie gave him. Santi’s trying to decide whether to stay with Mar. She was fine until Candy came into my life. Marissa’s pretty, she’s good in bed, and I like watching movies with her. She’s part-owner of my business, she‘s his good friend‘s sister, and Rocío likes her. Ed asks how Santi can turn his back on all that. Because his heart is complaining.
And why, Santi asks, does Ed stay with Chayo? Because he loves her, he loves everything about her. He cheats on her because it‘s exciting and he’s weak. Pobrecito! Santi remembers when his life was happy, with Paulina. She was perfect, our marriage was happy, my life was happy, and now I’m abandoned.
Isabela charges in and chews out Santiago for putting his girlfriend into the butler’s bed - Pervert! Santiago tries to look contrite instead of laughing. Meanwhile Marissa is telling her brother how angry she is about Donato in Santiago’s bed.
In his office, Pat admits to his buddy that he never loved Alicia. Candy is the only one he ever loved, so he married a substitute.
Sven and Ole beg Candy to forgive them for making her undress. Remember, that was what revealed to Santiago that she was the bride who died. A food fight ensues.
Marissa comes home and finds Santiago’s note on her mirror. “I’m with you because ‘me hace bien’.” Does that mean, “it makes me good”?
Santiago goes to Candy’s house, ready to collect his blackmail. She tells him he can shove his picture, and she’s not going to bed with him. He laughs at her because she’s the one with the dirty mind, interpreting every word as sexual. All he wanted for blackmail was a chance to spend a special day with her, to go someplace and forget all their friction, and get to know each other without all the fighting. To give their interaction - knowing each other - a fresh start.
Sven is trying to pick up a waitress, so she bites him. (I guess Candy isn’t the only abusive woman in this show.) Charlie comes in looking for his dad. Meño is stunned and drops a pan of spaghetti on his jacket (who would put a pan of spaghetti on a high shelf in the dining room?). Yo soy tu padre.
Santiago’s car breaks down. Candy accuses him again of trying to take advantage of her. He accuses her again of having a sick mind.
Pat goes back to talk to Soledad. He has decided to order a paternity test. Beto joins them, and Patricio is touched, seeing him. You can see Pat’s change in attitude about Soledad’s claim.
Charly and Meño talk. Papa is moved to actually be talking to his son, but their conversation is bumpy. Charly’s first question: “Why did you abandon me? Did you want to erase me from your life?” Meño insists Charly is important to him, but he dodges Charly’s questions.
Soledad found the pink lighter in Ed’s pocket, and she has her suspicions. She tries to ask him about his salary, but he only listens to the soccer game.
THEME: Nobody loves anybody! Santiago stays with Mar because she’s convenient but he doesn‘t love her; Ed says he loves Chayo but he won’t give up his hotties, Patricio married Alicia but never loved her. Wait a minute! More specifically, the MEN don’t love their women, because all men are pigs and all women love sincerely, so they suffer because of the pig-men. Isn’t that the man-haters’ creed?
At Chapala, a lake outside Guadalajara, Santiago tells Candy to close her eyes and listen to what the wind says. “Santiago likes you a lot.” Santiago confirms - that wind is very wise. He’s quite pleased with himself, and for once Candy is charmed. So charmed that she’s asking for more. As Santiago teaches Candy about the sunset, she asks what the sun says.
Never one to disappoint a woman asking for more, Santiago says that when the sun speaks, we have to obey or it will stop moving and be the end of all mankind. With a responsibility like that on her shoulders, Candy agrees to cooperate. The wind says “beso.” She gives him a peck. He says, you call that a kiss?! Then he shows her what a kiss is supposed to be like, and don’t we all agree? As Judy described it, “he lays some world-class as only Jaime Camil can do it kisses on her, ending with the classic hands tenderly wrapped around her face. His hands are awesome...and he uses them well.”
He asks, “Did you like the kiss,” but she changes the subject. He says he’s not leaving until she answers, so she says, “El que calla otorga” - silence indicates consent. Don’t you just love the full-body smile? She admits that it has been a very special day, and he reminds her that she is addressing him as “tu” (tutear). He thanks her for enabling the sun to set and night to return, because every night he thinks about her.
Beto is angry at Soledad for having a male friend. Women can only have amigas.
Pat is angry at Ali because he found her birth control pills. They had agreed to try to have children as God sends them. She claims the doctor prescribed them because she has “female problems,” but he says she’s lying.
Meño asks Chava his opinion of Charly. Chava listens to Charly’s heart and proclaims him good, because Chava can tell who is good and bad from listening to their heartbeat. Santiago brings Candy home, and Chava listens to his heart too. Chava proclaims, “Tu novio tambien es bueno.” Candy doesn’t know what to say, and Santi wants to slip the kid a fiver.
In contrast, at Santiago’s house, Marissa is manipulating Rocío to be in favor of papa marrying her. Santiago hears it and pulls Roc out of her clutches. He and Marissa exchange discreet insults, and Mar suggests he put Rocío to bed so they can go out and have fun. Santi would rather spend the time with Roc, but if Marissa wants to wait until later.. Mar bluffs - if you’re not eager to be with me, I’ll just leave now. Santiago is as delighted as Rocío at that. Bye, bye, Magpie!
Meño asks Candy to give him macho lessons. First lesson - no mariposas - butterflies, or fluttery gestures.
Santiago is lying in bed, remembering the day, remembering his tender moments with Candy in recent weeks (and her countless rejections), and singing Nadie se va a marchar. He concludes, “I think I’m in love.” (Would anybody catch the reference if I said, “I’m sleeping. I’m right in the middle of a good dream. When all at once I wake up…”?) By the way, although I like Camil’s singing just fine, I really dislike most of his songs. This one I really like, and two others.
Santiago calls Paulina to urge her to send even a short note to her daughter. She blows him off once again, so he forges a mommy-note, assuring Rocío that mama loves her.
In Santiago’s office, Marissa calls and he blows her off, but he doesn’t hang up the phone properly, so she hears him telling Ed that he wants to break up with her but doesn’t want to hurt her. She ponders, “I want to keep you forever. I could get pregnant. But what will I hold back, for your lie? Well, there’s the millions I’ve invested in your clinic..”
Thursday. Candy discovers that Santiago got bitten by a leech, and she’s done with him.
Pat’s dad throws a tantrum and catches a heart attack.
Permalink posted by Blogger Paula H : Thu Dec 11, 08:31:00 PM EST
Labels: Tontas
El Cuerpo del Deseo, Wed. Dec. 10 - Ángela and Antonio get married
Ok, the big event is Antonio and Ángela's wedding. While the movers load up the Dominguez's stuff to leave the Donoso house and Walter is chomping at the bit for them to leave, Antonio disappears. PJ/S convinces Ángela to go out in the car with him. Miracle of miracles, she doesn't wear one of her tarty cowboy outfits but puts a on a nice dress! PJ/S takes her to a church where Antonio is waiting. Initially, she says that she doesn't want to have her situation force her into marriage.
However, PJ/S convinces her that he is an emissary of her father by giving her the "little shiny tear" (pequeña lagrima brillante), the diamond necklace that belonged to her mother and that PJ promised to give her on her wedding day. PJ/S tells her that he believes she loves Antonio and should marry him.
Thanks to the circumstances, PJ/S gets to give Ángela away.
PJ/S is overcome with emotion during the wedding.
Ángela and Antonio return to the house and Walter, who thought he had not only gotten rid of the former proteges of PJ but was going to be made the new administrator of the house and get to move into Abigail's room in the house, is crushed. Now the family he hated so much is staying around and has new privileges as relations of the co-owner of the house.
Enjoying the benefits of marriage, Antonio and Ángela get to have sex in a real bed instead of an old couch in the attic.
Labels: cuerpo
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Cuidado con el Angel, December 10, 2008
We start off with PA pulling up and being greeted by Marichuy (who is holding that damn bird), Cande and Micaela. He brings tamales and candy from the neighbors back home. Marichuy questions PA if he has told anyone of there whereabouts.
Patricio gets onto Ceci about Marichuy. He tells Ceci that Marichuy will never accept her and Ceci tells him to desist. She accuses him of wanting Marichuy not to forgive her so that he does not have to accept her as his daughter.
PA again tries to talk to Marichuy about her mother and the real reason she gave her up. Marichuy does not want to hear about it.
Elsa is attempting to cook and gets burned. She lashes out on Nelson about how they have no money and he critizies her on her cooking (I guess the little bubble that she was living in has burst)
Ceci is sitting on the stairwell asking and waiting for Marichuy.
Marichuy yells to PA that she does not want to know the name of her parents. She does not care. PA finally relents but tells her that when she finally finds out who her parents are she will be very surprised.
Again Elsa is complaining and starts in about her hands and her hair to Nelson. They yell hurtful things to each other but sort of make-up afterwards.
PA, Cande, Marichuy and Micaela are having lunch when Nacho? comes in telling PA that El Leopard wants to speak with him. PA thanks El Leopard for letting the girls stay and wonders if the girls are behaving. He tells PA about the incident with Marichuy and Panera? at the river. He tells PA that she is in danger since Panera is still out loose.
Elsa mom visits and brings gifts. She informs Elsa that Beatrice is living with them since Eduardo brought her.
Eduardo asks JM if he is going out with Viv. JM tells him that he will meeting up with Ivette. Eduardo warns him that is how affairs start, but JM says that he has one great love and that is with Marichuy. He says that he would go crazy if she was with another.
PA is ready to leave and asks Marichuy if she still does not want to tell JM about the baby. Marichuy insists that is what she wants. He warns her about leaving the hacienda alone. Marichuy goes into the living room and runs into El Leopard. He asks her who put the flowers in the room and she confesses that she did for PA. He tells her that his mother use to put roses in the room. He thanks her and hands her a red rose.
Elsa's mom asks her if it bothers her that Beatrice is living with them. Elsa says that it doesn't and thought bubbles to Eduardo proposing to her. Her mom begs her to let her help financially. (that will so go well if Nelson finds out)
Marichuy asks why he (El Leopard) is the way he is. He tells her that it is regret. Something that keeps him up all night and makes him cry when no one is looking. "What is it?" asks Marichuy. He admits because of him 2 innocent people died. Marichuy is muy impactada.
Marichuy is sewing a doll in the stables and talking to herself about how El Leopard is really not so bad. In walks Cosme and she asks him about the woman that made El Leopard the way he is. He tells her that she was a sweet like sugar, crazy like a storm and cruel like the fires of hell. So he went crazy because he lost her asks Marichuy. No responds Cosme, because of the 2 innocents that died.
Isa walks into the living room with Estephania and are talking about the plans they have for Marichuy. Estephania says that Marichuy will not be able to use the baby to get JM back. (what the hell is the plan? have I missed it?) Isa says that it would help if they had an accompliance there in the house. Estephania tells Isa that Viv is faking her amnesia and that soon JM will figure it out. If not she will help him along. (what a witch)
JM is in the bar and Ivette walks up and says something which I cannot hear with all that crappy music playing in the background. He says that her beauty brought him there and something else which I cannot understand because again of that damn music.
Marichuy asks who's fault it was that the 2 innocents died. Hers or his? Cosme admits that he does not know although El Leopard has been punishing himself since. He asks if Marichuy is interested in saving him because the love of a good woman will get him away from the hell that he has put himself in.
Back at the bar Ivette smiles and says that JM sure wants to know alot about her. JM says he likes to know the terrain that he is stepping into. She side steps his questions about her and instead asks him to tell her about his life. Why is he so sad? He responds by saying that he is unlucky in love. Probably because you did not know me first says Ivette. JM says that she is very generous and knows how to occupy any man's time. She responds "And what if I also want his heart". JM tells her that his is too hard to fill. She says that she will make him love her. (help me out with this conversation. some of it i did not quite understand which is really sad since i am fluent. but this puerto rican is having problems tonight)
Rocio is on the phone with Vicente and asks why he is not painting. Vicente is depressed and says that he will not be getting better but she will. Rocio insists that both of them must do all that they can so that they can get better. Her surgeon interrupts and she lets Vicente go. The surgeon tells her that tomorrow the bandages will be coming off.
JM and Blanca are discussing Mayita and her process on her writing. Mayita goes to visit Abuela in fantasyland. Mayita complains to Abuela about Viv denying seeing her at school. JM asks Blanca to sit down and she asks him if he is unhappy. He says you are getting to know me well that I cannot deny it. It is my fault for wanting a wife and family and not putting enough emphasis on love. He hints about his past with Marichuy and that he can not forget her.
Marichuy is walking down the road by herself talking to the dam bird again about JM. She admits that she loves him with all of her heart. At the exact moment JM is thinking about her and wants to know why he cannot forget her. He swears that he would move heaven and earth to find her.
Rocio and the surgeon are talking and he cannot wait to take off the bandages. She asks why? He recovers and says because I am your doctor. (he totally has a crush on her)
Amador pulls up and Cande spots him. She is muy impactada.
Viv is walking down the stairs and asks Blanca if JM has left yet. Why are you asking me responds Blanca. Viv says since you are so involved with everything in this house who better to inform me. Blanca tells her that JM is in the library. Viv goes and asks him about Marichuy.
Amador tells Cande to get Marichuy so that he can talk to her. She tells him to go.
JM asks Viv how she heard about Marichuy. She ignores him and says that I know that she came to be your wife but most importantly what role did she have in your past?
Ceci goes to Patricio and asks him to forgive her rudeness the day before regarding Marichuy. She tells him that if Marichuy will not forgive her then she will respect that and leave her alone, but she first has to explain what happened.
Amador and Cande are arguing. He insists that he will not leave until he speaks with Marichuy. El Leopard comes up on them and asks him who he is. The father of her baby?
JM is upset thinking that Onelia told her about Marichuy and how this will slow the process for Viv's recovery. Viv says that her mother did not know that she was revealing this information. Why did you marry her? Did you love her? JM does not want to talk about it. Viv insists that he answer her since she is his wife and has a right to know. JM says well if you insist, yes I loved her. Viv asks him if he still loves her.
El Leopard again asks why he is looking for Marichuy. Are you the father?
Viv is waiting for JM's response. Yes he admits that he still loves her. Does she still love you asks Viv. No, I don't think she does anymore says JM. So she abandoned you and right after the wedding. Wow, responds JM, you know everything. No says Viv I still do not know why she left you. Tell me she insists.
Marichuy is in her room remembering what Cosme asked her about her feelings for El Leopard.
El Leopard again asks if Amador is the father. Amador says no, I just want to talk to her. El Leopard tells him to leave. He informs Cande that he will be back.
Back in the library Viv is still pressing JM about the past that he has with Marichuy. Eduardo walks in and greets Viv. She pretends that she does not know him. JM introduces her to him and when Viv leaves JM tells Eduardo that someone has been telling her about Marichuy.
Marichuy walks up to El Leopard and says that she has many things to thank him for and also asks him to forgive her. He asks her what she has to thank him for. Well first she says for letting me stay here. Second for having the patience to put up with me and third for saving me from Panana. You are a good man that suffers, that feels, and that cries. I owe so for saving my baby's life.
Amador is at the bar looking for an accompliance. Someone to spy for him.
Marichuy tells Cande about her conversation with El Leopard and his response to forget about thanking him. She tells Cande about El Leopard's attitude towards her when he found out she was pregnant. How kind he has been. Cande asks her if she is falling in love with El Leopard. Marichuy denies it and says that she only loves JM.
Tomorrow: Viv and Estephania are planning to get rid of Marichuy.
Labels: Cuidado
Fuego, Wed., Dec. 10: You're only as retarded as we think you are.
Ah, I just knew FELS would go Danielle Steele on us. Remember: when the ratings drop, so do the panties. Oh! Just a wet dream. Well, if Root can dream it, she can do it—all of it. Isn’t it a pity that all of Juan’s day wet-dreaming stars Sofia? Gee, rough night. No one can sleep, and everyone is having sexual dreams. Must mean no one’s getting much. Then again, sometimes I don’t know what’s real and what’s not.
God, doesn’t anyone sleep around here? So far everyone is awake, and everyone wants to go to Puebla at 3:00 in the morning. At least that’s where Fernie took Santa. Well, what better time to do inventory in the Bakery. Uh oh. Someone’s on the roof, and I bet it isn’t Santa’s little reindeer. The boys round up the guns, but Juan’s baker’s apron prevents him from running and his aim gets all messed up when he has to shoot through bars. I think the guy got away considering Juan shot at the dirt.
Root is tossing and turning, and with a bra like that, I would too (I mean, if I had... nvm.) She exposes her sistas to the cool night sky. The perspiration on her chest indicates that she’s charged when she sees her dad. She tells herself several times that it’s her dad, just in case she tries to make a move on him, too. She's not exactly what you'd call a blushing flower...
Seems like Raquel finally entered herself in that celebrity rehab program. I mean, why else does she walk around with Judy Garland hair, sunglasses, and scarf? Apparently Root destroyed Eva’s youth, and beat Root, or something. The moment of truth; Raquel removes the glasses to display her Ricky wounds. “He’s a bad man, Eva, you must leave.” Nonsense, Eva’s taken beatings with the best of ‘em. She even sort of likes it in a sadistic/religious way.
Root goes to see Daddy, and like everyone else, he couldn’t sleep either (anyone see a trend?). Maybe the producers think that the viewers won't notice as much shit at night, or it might be cheeper. She insists to know if he was getting any action while she was fast asleep. He went to see the Reyes’s mansion where he has something very important hidden. He won’t tell her what it is and she feels bewildered and betrayed; how much rejection can a girl take?
Apparently Gramps has sent Santa on a secret mission to sabotage Fernie. The true test is if Fernie can get it up with a 80+ died-haired woman. She’s good, but she’s not that good. She’s going for the “I pour you twenty shots, I drink one shot slowly” routine. You go girl, get him drunk then make a video and hold it against him so he can’t run for public office or date anyone in the state.
When Gabi can’t sleep she creates art—mainly by coloring Fernie’s picture with black paint. Now more than ever she’s sure that Ricky Uribe was the only man who really loved her, and keeps loving her. Let’s see… first it was Bernie, then Fernie, then it was Juan’s daddy, now it’s Ricky. Let’s not forget that the scenes change, but the dialogue doesn’t…
Oh my God, why is so much going on in the middle of the night? Eva, bless her three little brain cells, thinks it’d be a good time to shuffle on over to Juan’s house to tell him that she fought with Raquel; even though it was more like Raquel talked and Eva took the blows. She’s very confused and thinks that Ricky doesn’t know that Root is his daughter. Since Eva is no longer safe for Raquel, I mean at Raquel’s, she’s going to shack up over at Sofia’s Orphanage and Boarding House for Losers: We take anyone who might seem like a good investment. “You should have seen Sofia mouth-off to Gabi, so brave, so strong.” Yes, compared to being bitch-slapped by Gabi on a regular basis, that was a heroic moment for both Sofia and Eva.
Just to illustrate how freekin’ ridiculous this is, Santa put in a hard night’s work and ended up getting Fernie hammered at that same bar in Puebla. First of all, bars close; second of all, Fernie would not be conscious enough to lift the glass to his lips; third of all, Santa would have been knocked-out cold from the coffee hours ago. Fernie’s now one of those emotional drunks who relates childhood memories when he’s plastered. Of course, the alcohol is not talking at this point, so he’s very reliable. He tells Santa that Ricky Uribe ruined his family, making them poor. He’s now officially the poor little rich boy. This brings another meaning to that song about salty bar nuts.
Fernie stumbles home drunk and almost succeeds in taking his clothes off. All he needs is Eva to come in and “help him” so that she can get laid for the second time in her life and have an illegitimate kid—again! Maybe she’d be able to keep that one…
Santa comes back to a very buff, very self-conscious Gramps. He’s jealous that she spent the evening with such an attractive man. Well, it doesn’t count because he was drunk. Anyway, it was in the name of justice and self-preservation. Now, the plan is to find out more about Ricky and ruin Fernie…
The dreams keep coming, and the former Go-Go Girl Rosie appears to Fernie in a dream. She tells him that she has returned to ruin him. In case you didn’t hear her the first five times, she repeated it another five. What is it with repeating lines? I think the writers know that they have so little information that they want to reiterate it whenever they can so it seems like more. Just like every “Primer Impacto/ Noticiero Univision/ Ultima Hora” segment.
Now I’m just a youngin’, but I don’t know anyone who drinks two bottles of Tequila by himself, articulates the problems of his youth, drives home from Puebla, gets in bed, wakes-up minutes later, and recounts his dreams. It just doesn’t happen. But it did tonight, and Gabi has it in for Fernie when he wakes up tomorrow. Nobody chooses an 80+ red-head over her—no way, no how!
Creepy stalker scene. Now Sofia’s nuts, but I still think that deep-down in what remains of her brain, she is not attracted to a man who climbs into her room in the black of night and stares at her for hours talking to himself. Well, whether she likes it or not, Juan vows to visit her like this for the rest of his life. Sofia wakes up just after Juan leaves and has the premonition that he was there; puhleeze, there's no way she's that smart. Something about the air pressure. More like the scent of someone who hasn’t showered in days and hangs out in a barn/bakery with two other equally-hygienic men.
I’m proud of Sofia for taking the initiative to wear brown WITH an orange hair clip. We might have her in Land’s End before this show ends… Sofia storms into Fernie’s room to wake him up for work. If he doesn’t get his ass in gear, she’s gonna have him sent to prison. Now that’s a wake up call. She wouldn’t…
Poor Pad Tad clutches his chest and ponders; “when will all the evil end?” He is driven to tears as he realizes that Fernie is a danger to the Elizondo girls. Better late than never. Though I must say, you’re a freekin’ moron for knowing that Fernie is a rapist, murderer, and thief and not telling anyone about it. And don’t give me this shit about “secret of confession.”
Gabi ponders on her balcony, stroking her chin, she tells herself that she knows something that will take away all of Sofia’s privileges. You’ve been saying that for every episode, and still, nothing has changed.
Oh My God. I’d never thought I’d see the day when Sarita would dress within the fashion limits of the past decade. Sure, no human looks good in orange, but those are things she will learn with time. Some dudes bring the girls flowers, and Jimena would like to flirt with them, only she really doesn’t know how. Really, the guy’s only there so she can play him against Oscar and pretend to have moved on. It was sort of working till Oscar basically ripped the guy’s arm off and told him that he was married to Jimena with four kids. Would mentioning that they are adopted kids make a difference? Depends where you live really…
Tio Vicente tells Juan that his father and mother were in love with each other, and Gabi was obsessed with Juan’s daddy, much like she is with everyone else who has any remnants of testosterone. Suddenly she and Root have so much in common.
Uh Oh. Juan is dressed up in his Mariachi uniform. It can only mean one thing; he is about to kill Ricky! Juan is convinced, like so many times before, that Ricky killed his parents; it just happens that the names have changed, but still, he’s been wronged! Juan pins him into the corner, goes for the punch, and smashes Ricky’s face with the force of a Mack truck. But then, Ricky pulls out his gun and fires directly at Juan’s body, with no chance whatsoever of missing Juan’s heart or brain. Will Juan survive? Would we have a story without him? Will I get my hopes up? The answer lies in one, if not three of these questions…
Tomorrow: Fernie’s tired of taking orders from Sofia, and really wants to shake things up with Root. But what about Juan? Does anybody care? Does anybody notice…?
Labels: Fuego
Doña Bárbara - Tues., Dec. 9 & Wed. Dec. 10 - Santos tells Marisela that he doesn't love her and the rebels' flight across the border is a fiasco
Santos and Gonzalo (with DB listening outside the door)-
G: Are you in love with Marisela Barquero?
S: What kind of stupid question is that, Gonzalo? How could I be in love with that child. My God! If I am... If I am sleeping with her mother. (Outside, DB is relieved.) I told you. I am in love with Barbara. She is the woman that I want to share my life and even if she weren't, I would never have anything with Marisela. I took that girl in to protect her, to help educate her. That girl is sacred to me.
G: But this morning it bothered you when I brought up the subject.
S: True and I am still annoyed because it doesn't seem appropriate that you, who are my age, are fixated in a girl who could be..
G: Who could be my daughter? Santos, there isn't that much of a difference. And why are you protecting your relative this way? It's me, Santos. I'm not a stranger. Why does it bother you so much?
S: How could it not bother me if what you just suggested is a depravity?
G: I don't recognize what I am seeing in you. You have all the characteristics of a jealous man.
S: I am only being careful as if I were any parent.
G: No, Lorenzo Barquera knows that I like Marisela and the only thing he did was laugh himself silly at the rejections that she has given me. And I'm sure that he wouldn't oppose our romance.
S: You're wasting your time. Marisela is not going to accept you.
G: You see that is what I'm referring to. You are betting that Marisela will reject me, as if you had some interest in her. No Santos, you aren't convincing me. This jealousy is not normal. You feel something for your cousin.
Lorenzo, Cecilia and Marisela-
C: Be serious. Would it be so hard to fall in love with Gonzalo?
M: No, if he had shown up before Santos, it would have been very easy. It's too bad because it would have been nice to be the girlfriend of a man so.. what do you call it when someone is the way Gonzalo is, what is he, then?
L: Agreeable?
C: Handsome (buenmozo)? Intelligent? Manly (varonil)?
L: You really like this boy, don't you Cecilia?
C: For goodness sake! I am giving alternatives here to Marisela.
M: But I can't love him. Santos took my heart first and didn't leave a place for anyone else, not for second or third place. Santos... has taken up the whole thing.
Santos and Gonzalo (with DB listening outside the door)-
S: Affection. Affection is what I feel. I want to protect the girl who has been mistreated her entire life. Look, this girl has been so abandoned that it broke my heart the first time I saw her, Gonzalo. I care about her, yes, I care about her a lot, I will always love her like my little sister.
G: Fine. You've cleared that up. Now to the next thing: will you help me with your cousin, yes or no?
S: Again with the same subject! Do I look like a pimp (alcahuete) or what? No, I won't help you. Anyway, you don't have time for such things, Gonzalo or have you forgotten that you are being hunted. It's time to plan your escape.
DB comes in with the coffee and aspirin for Gonzalo. She tells Santos that he doesn't have to worry about Pernalete coming back to Altamira. Santos says that he doesn't trust Pernalete and there is still Melendez and the political police. He tells Gonzalo to return to Altamira and they will prepare for the rebels to cross the frontier tonight. When they are gone, DB says that she doesn't trust the 'capitalino' Gonzales but she will make the effort to smile at him. She calls for Juan Primito.
Cósme and the Poet wish that they didn't have to leave. They want to settle down with their terneras. At the Sandoval house, Carmelito tells the terneras that the rebels must leave Altamira that night. Melesia and Josefina are upset and run out. Genoveva tells Melesio that Josefina and Melesia just met these guys. He should tell them to stop being so foolish. Melesio tells Genoveva that he won't do anything. His granddaughters have been bitten by love (están picadas por el amor) and one never knows how severe the bite (mordedura) is.
In the bar of the hotel, Pernalete, BP and Danger are talking about the cattle they are stealing from Don Encarnación (DE). Mujiquita is also there. BP mentions a fine Angus bull (semental) of DE's but says that it is well guarded. Danger asks if BP is stupid. The bull bears the brand (marca del fierro) of DE and if they take it, he will know right away. Pernalete asks how they could be accused of robbery if the bull appears in someone else's corral. "Speak of angels," (hablando del rey de roma, literally, speaking of the king of Rome), says Pernalete as Antonio comes into the bar. An officer comes into the tavern who has been sent by Melendez to guard the river to prevent the rebels from crossing.
Santos and Marisela-
M: What have I done that you don't want to talk to me, Santos? Have I done something wrong? Have I behaved badly with you? Why won't you talk to me? Don't you want to call me 'my sunshine' (mi sol) anymore?
S: I don't know. You are right. Look, Marisela, I can't remain silent. We have to talk and the time has come for us to have a serious conversation. First, I want to beg your pardon."
M: Why do you have to ask my forgiveness?
S: Because... well, I hadn't realized that you aren't that same dirty, unkempt girl that I found up a tree. Now you are very different, Marisela. A girl in bloom about to turn into a woman, my sunshine. You are so beautiful. I would have liked to always see you as a girl but I can't do that anymore. Look, Marisela, I didn't realize it but men already look at you and fall in love with you and ... you are lovely, Marisela. You have grown up in body and in soul and because of this I know that soon you will leave my side.
M: No, if you don't want me to, I will never leave your side.
S: No, Marisela, listen to me. Look, this has to happen even if if breaks my heart and yours.
M: Why Santos? I want to be at your side. I don't want to ever be separated from you.
S: Listen, Marisela. Don't make this more difficult for me. You don't know how this hurts me. I care about you (Yo te quiero). I care about you very much but I don't love you (no te amo).
M: Why, Santos?
S: Because I love someone else and you know that very well.
M: No! It's a lie, Santos. You don't love her. You don't love her. What happened is that you are bewitched, Santos.
(We can see that Juan Primito is listening)
S: No my sunshine. Witchcraft doesn't exist. It's a fairy story, it's backwardness (atraso). What I feel for DB is real.
M: No. That witch doesn't deserve you.
S: Don't speak that way about your mother. Your mother deserves my love and compassion. Your mother is...
M: That isn't my mother!
S: Ok. If you want to deny it, you have your reasons. She has changed, my sunshine.
M: She will never change. She has no heart. You know it. You know it!
S: Marisela, listen to me. DB will be a better person only if she is by my side. Didn't you see how
she agreed to give you La Barquereña?
M: She hasn't given me anything and she will never be a better person. Don't you understand? You are deaf and blind. She will always be the same criminal, murderer and thief. She will always be the same woman with no heart and no feelings. After all we have gone through because of her, how can you defend her, love her?
S: Because love can also pardon and understand, my sunshine. Look, Marisela, I want you to forget these things in your head. You aren't in love with me. All right? You don't love me. It's all a child's illusion, nothing more. You have your life ahead of you and very far from me, my sunshine.
M: You are unjust and cruel but if you want me to forget you, all right. I'll forget you.
S: No my sunshine, don't go, my sunshine!
Marisela goes running into the house. Cecilia tells Lorenzo that she will go to her. This is a woman thing.
Lorenzo goes out to ask Santos what he said to Marisela. "I think I broke her heart with what I said," replies Santos, "but my heart, Lorenzo, hurts like I was a condemned prisoner (condenado)." Santos tells Lorenzo that he destroyed Marisela's illusions. Lorenzo says that he did the right thing. Santos replies that he isn't sure. He hopes Lorenzo will forgive him for what he just did because he will never forgive himself for the tears of Lorenzo's daughter.
Cecilia and Marisela-
C: My child, try and be calm.
M: He told me, aunt, that he didn't love me as a man. That he can never love me.
C: It was that. Then, so much the better.
M: How can it be better, aunt?
C: Because it's better. I promise you. You now know what to believe in from the beginning and you don't have false illusions. Now you are free, my child.
M: Free for what? To suffer like a condemned person? I don't want to be free. I don't want it.
Lorenzo, the vaqueros, Santos and the rebels discuss their plan for crossing the river that night. Carmelito comes and tells them that the police are patrolling the whole river and there is a full moon that illuminates everything.
Juan Primito returns to El Miedo and DB anxiously asks him what he heard. JP says that Santos told Marisela that he dosn't love her. He loves another. "Who?" asks DB. "He loves you, mi Doña," replies JP. DB is as excited as a girl. She says to Eustaquia over and over that Santos said that he loves her, not Marisela. Then JP tells DB that Marisela was crying and Santos said, "Don't go my sunshine!" "my sunshine!" says DB, "He called her my sunshine?" DB is annoyed that Santos never called her anything like that.
Santos and the others decide to disguise the rebels as cattle herders and move some cattle across the river to higher ground during the day. They will do it tomorrow.
Cecilia tells Lorenzo that Marisela won't stop crying. She asks Lorenzo to talk to her.
Marisela says to herself that she is jinxed becuase the man she loves more than anyone in the world doesn't have eyes for her. She says that Santos doesn't love her. Why did think that he felt something for her? She flashes back to when Santos said he would call her, 'his sunshine'. Lorenzo comes in.
DB watches while Santos sleeps and dreams about kissing Marisela. The next morning DB tries to get Santos not to go with the rebels to the border. She is afraid something will happen to him. He promises that nothing will happen.
The rebels take sad goodbyes from everyone at Altamira. Marisela comes to see Gonzalo. First, she hits him and calls him stupid, a big mouth (bocón) and a gossip (chismoso). Then she hugs him and begs him not to leave. "Marisela," says Gonzalo, "but you detest me."
M: Yes, I hate you, I don't like you.. but I don't want you to leave. Please don't leave.
G: Are you crying for me? You don't want me to leave?
M: What is with you? Are you a fool (bobo) or and idiot (tonto)? I want you to stay. I need you to stay.
G: These tears of yours are the most beautiful thing that has happened to me in my life, Marisela.
M: Forgive me for saying such ugly things. The fact that I love Santos doesn't mean that I hate you. You are a very good man and I am a dunce (burra) who doesn't know how to say things.
G: Santos is your first love and your first love makes you act like an idiot. I understand. I just want you to know one thing, Marisela. I am only looking for one hope, just one. Please, don't forget me.
M: I will never forget you, Gonzalo. How can you think that I could forget that from the first day I met you, we have had so many collisions (tropiezos)?
G: Yes, you stepped on me, you fell because of me, I ripped your dress, you almost hit me with a bicycle... but I fell in love with you like an adolescent. As if it were the first time.
M: Oh Gonzalo! You are a disaster, just like me. We are a lot alike, aren't we?
DB decides Marisela is a danger to her. "He doesn't love her," she says, "but he cares about her and from concern to love is a small step."
Don Encarnación comes to see Antonio and asks if he is sure that the land and cattle that he has are his. He asks to see the deeds.
Andrés writes a poem to Melesia and the other terneras, including Altagracia, say that is so romantic. Maria Nieves overhears.
DB sends Melquiades to prevent Gonzalo from leaving.
Marisela tells Gonzalo to be careful. Gonzalo says that he is a natural risk taker and can't change. Marisela says that is ok. Everyone should be themselves.
"I am a fighter by nature," says Gonzalo, "and even though I know you are only thinking about Santos, I am going to fight for your love. You are the woman of my life. I will love you until I die."
Marisla hugs him and Santos tells him to let her go.
Wednesday, December 1o
Santos, the rebels, Maria Nieves and Pajarote take a final leave of everyone at Altamira and start the cattle drive. Melquiades is shadowing them. Their first encounter with the political police goes well. Santos shows them his identification, says that he is moving cattle to higher ground and he is allowed to pass.
Cecilia has to dismiss school because the passage in a book that she is using for verb-tense dication is about absent lovers and she and terneras dissolve into tears.
Don Encarnación (DE) comes to see Santos. He tells Cecilia and Antonio that he believes that Antonio Sandoval has stolen land and cattle from him.
Josefa tries to get back with Mujuquita. While she is in the hotel bar, Cecilia comes looking for Antonio.
Cecilia has come to tell Antonio about DE's accusation. They come close to reconciling but don't.
Federica gets the combination to her father's safe. Josefa comes over and tells her that Cecilia is with Antonio. Federica goes to Antonio's hotel room just as Cecilia is leaving. She gives Antonio the combination. He refuses to give her the promised advance on their honeymoon until he actually gets into the safe.
Mujiquita tells Pernalete that he has a toothache and runs to Altamira to warn Santos not to try and cross the border but Lorenzo tells him that Santos has already left.
DE tells Antonio and later Pernalete that the land that Pernalete gave to Antonio belongs to him and he will take the matter to court.
Santos, Pajarote and the rebels have to sneak past some border guards. Melquiades sees his opportunity and fires his rifle alterting the guards. The guards open fire. Gonzalo is hit in the arm but Andres is hit in the chest. Melquiades kills a guard who comes up to where the rebels are. The plan to cross the border is abandoned. Melquiades shows himself to the Altamira contingent and offers to cover their retreat.
(DB told Melquiades in no uncertain terms to make sure that nothing happened to Santos. Granted, Melquiades had a difficult task but by drawing the fire of the border guards, he put Santos in considerable danger and it was only by luck that he wasn't hit by the flying bullets.)
The cattle drive returns, not to Altamira but to El Miedo. DB checks out their approach with her binoculars. She sends Juan Primito to bring the news to Altamira and sends Leon for Dr. Arias.
(Badly wounded as he appears to be, Andres apparently was able to ride a horse.)
Marisela drives the praying terneras to El Miedo. Marisela embraces Gonzalo while Santos looks on annoyed and DB smirks.
Antonio opens Pernalete's safe and is looking at the deeds to his property when Pernalete comes in and demands to know what he is doing.
Labels: barbara
Cuidado #54, Tues Dec 9. Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme.
Marichuy strolls down the wooded lane toward the river, while Omar/El Leopardo meanders alongside on his horse. He asks if she doesn’t think it’s dangerous; isn’t she afraid? Isn’t she afraid of him? She says she goes out alone all the time; she’s fine; probably everyone is a little afraid of him, but she isn’t. She takes off and he says come back whenever you want, he won’t be waiting.
At the river, Piraña lurks and watches Marichuy swim. He strokes something in his hand but I can’t tell what it is.
New stuff:
Juan Miguel enters the bedroom and greets Viviana. He says he got home very late the night before. Viviana says she can’t stay inside all the time with nothing to do, so he suggests that she go out with her mother or with Mayita. She suggests going out with him, to a party to dance. He says she seems to be regaining her former character, and asks if she really doesn’t remember anything. She says not. REALLY, NOTHING?, he asks, skeptically (good boy). She puts on her most innocent blank face and says really, nothing.
Marichuy climbs out of the river in her wet jeans, because apparently she has not yet found her way to the nearest village for a swimsuit or at least some shorts, and finds a selection of produce displayed on a rock. She realices Piraña must have brought it like he said he would, and sure enough, he steps out of his Lugar de Lurk to say hello. Then he gives her a sob story about how no one loves him, not Leopardo, not any friends, not the parents he never knew (wow…he’s good. Got her soft spot fast.), not a woman. But she is kind and loving to all things, so could she love a guy like him? Marichuy looks a little blindsided.
Mayita and her dowdy nanny Blanca are sitting on the patio working on writing letters (like the alphabet, not like chatty missives to friends) when JM walks out and says good morning. Mayita jumps up for a hug and kiss and Blanca stands up and hovers like she’d like some too. Take a number, sister. JM dismisses Mayita by telling her to go say good morning to her Mami and tell her something happy, then tells Blanca that he met someone the night before who reminded him of her. He flashes back with alternating images of Blanca and Ivette so that we can’t possibly miss that they look exactly alike. He tells her all about how this woman was flirting with him, then says no, they can’t be the same, Blanca is much more serious. Good diplomatic move, there, saying serious instead of frumpy. Blanca looks all innocent while JM continues to scrutinize her, like even he can’t believe that much of a coincidence. He also looks kind of embarrassed and bashful throughout the scene for some reason. Did something actually happen with the bar tramp?
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Marichuy is backing away from Piraña as he says he didn’t mean to scare or offend her, he just thinks she’s such a pretty girl. She says she’s already in love with someone else. El Leopardo?, he asks. No, no, no, she overprotests. That ugly character? No way, ugh, pitooey. With someone else, far away. Then she asks for some fruit and he cuts up a papaya for her with a much larger knife than you’d think anyone would need to carry around with him. I guess that’s what he was fondling earlier, and surely it’s symbolic in some way. Take your pick. While she eats the papaya, he gazes at her menacingly. Actually he looks totally normal, but the music lets us know that he is menacing.
Mayita runs squealing in to see Viv, carrying Cuate with her. Mums is not an animal lover, and tells her to get that filthy animal out of here; it’s gross. Mayita tells her that Marichuy gave her the dog, and is also going to bring her a little sibling. Viv is impactada.
Marichuy is talking to Piraña about how he is also an orphan, when suddenly she feels so drowsy that she just slouches over onto the rock to sleep. Piraña smirks. See, that is why no one loves you, jerk! No one likes rape drugs in her lunch!
Viv interrogates her daughter about the hermanito. Yes, yes, Mayita says, Marichuy said she is going to come back, and she’s going to bring me a little sibling. She runs off with Cuate while Viv looks perplexed and peeved.
Piraña pokes Marichuy to see if she is really asleep. He strokes her arm and she wakes up. She gets alarmed and tries to get away from him while he follows, creeping over the rock like a feral cat. She is having trouble standing or keeping her eyes open, and we see him perching on the rock like a vulture and grinning maliciously through Marichuy’s Blur-o-Vision.
In the hacienda courtyard, O/L does something horsemanlike to his horse while he asks Micaela how long those women are staying. She says a few months, why, does it bother him? He says yes, that young one is always around. Mic asks why he resents women so much and pries into his past, asking what happened to make him so bitter. It must have been a woman; did she die? O/L says no, but he wishes she had.
Marichuy tells Pirañucky not to touch her and to be respectful. He says she is so pretty she makes him do it. They struggle.
Micaela gets O/L to sit down and tell her, the woman who raised him, what that woman did to him. “She destroyed me,” he says. He goes on a bit about it being heaven, then hell, and the doors of happiness are closed behind him forever, while she hugs him and they actually look sort of cozy and sweet so we see that he isn’t really as prickly and scary as his reputation would suggest. He says it would take a miracle for him to be happy again. Doña Mic likes that idea, but he says he doesn’t believe in miracles anymore. Good thing Marichuy is around! She knows how to make them happen, and in ways that are only somewhat illegal! Okay, totally illegal, but for a good cause! Omar departs on the horsie.
Marichuy and Piraña continue to struggle, and she yells at him to let her go, she doesn’t want to be with him, etc. Eventually she collapses on the ground and realizes he has drugged her. He throws a net over her. He tells her, “Te pesqué mojarrito del rio” which I think means he fished her soaking wet out of the river. And now he’s going to eat her. He teases her by tangling her up in the net.
Stefi visits with Viv and tells her the hot gossip (well, hottish and freshish to Viv) that JM left her (Stef) for Marichuy, but their marriage only lasted a day. Viv wants to hear all about it.
Piraña tells Marichuy that she’s the best fish he’s ever caught. She yells for help, and he yells at her to shut up. Suddenly, Leopardo rides up on his pretty brown horsie. He yells at Piraña, but P just pulls his knife out and challenges Leo to a fight. They have a ridiculous-looking scuffle, sliding all over the river bank, but Leo manages to disarm Piraña and deliver a solid gut kick and a few punches.
Estafa tells Viv that Marichuy left JM because of something that happened in the past, but she doesn’t know what. Viv says it must have been something shameful. She tells Estafa she always suspected it was another woman who had come between them, but she can’t believe it was that street rat! Actually she calls her “zarrapastrosa”, meaning dirty, slob, poorly dressed. Aha!, Stef says. You haven’t lost your memory; you are FAKING!!! Viv looks embarrassed to have been caught by such an idiot.
Leo knocks Piraña into the river, then jumps in after him to continue the fight, which was a poor move because P gains the upper hand and tries to drown him. Marichuy wakes up and gets out of the net and yells at them to stop.
Estafa tells Viv not to waste time trying to lie to her. Viv tells her she’s very sharp, and points out the irony that Juan Miguel, the shrink, suspects nothing. Stef says he’s very perceptive; who knows what he’s really thinking? Well, I don’t think he’s that bright, but maybe the writers finally realized they were making him unbelievably stupid so now we are going to get a little revisionist history whereby he really knew or suspected more about everyone and everything all along. I’m all for it; I hate idiot galáns. Don’t be an idiot, Juan Miguel, because I love you and don’t want to have to hate you.
Marichuy yells at Piraña not to kill Leo, then throws a rock at Piraña’s head, enabling Leo to win the fight. She passes out again.
Viv tells Stef that she is faking amnesia to be near JM and Mayita and to get to spend some time with her husband, so he will fall in love with her again. Nothing says seduction like brain damage and/or vicious lies. When Stef asks where she’s been all this time, she says just wandering around. Viv asks whether Stef is going to betray her. Before she can answer, JM walks in and Viv is overly affectionate. JM addresses his questions about Viv’s health and nervous state to Stef.
Leo wakes up Marichuy and asks her if she is pregnant.
JM asks what the ladies (ha! They are not ladies!) have been talking about, and Stef tells him that he needs to pay lots more attention to Viv. He looks as though he senses conspiracy and makes a hilarious grimace at Stef as she leaves to give them some privacy. JM asks Viv if she wants to go out that night, and she flips out like she’s a teenage girl getting asked to a dance for the very first time. She wants music and dancing and getting dressed up! JM stares at her like she’s an alien, and she asks why he’s looking at her like that. Oh, nothing, he says, flashing a smile more for our benefit than for hers.
Marichuy confirms that she is going to have a baby. Leo is disproportionately affected by this news, and she says, “What? Is this the first time you’ve seen a pregnant woman?” He says no, unfortunately it is not the first time, and looks intense. What did Ivette do???
Leo carries Marichuy to her bed as Micaela yells for Nacho and Cosme. He tells Cande to let her sleep, then tells Mica and Cande what happened down at the river, which was just what he feared would happen. “Why didn’t you tell me she was pregnant?,” he asks Mica. The ladies stare at each other.
Viv snoops through Blanca’s room.
Mica tells Leo they didn’t tell him because he doesn’t seem interested in such things. He says they must take good care of Marichuy and not let her go anywhere alone. “Who can stop her?,” asks Cande. Are there no police in this area? If this guy is stealing cattle, assaulting people, and attempting rape right and left, why is he not in jail?
Viv goes straight to Blanca, who is sitting in the garden and appears to be doing one of Mayita’s little-kid basic workbooks for her, and demands to know why she has such expensive perfume in her dressing table. Blanca says it was a gift from an admirer. Viv doesn’t believe her, and asks if JM is paying her that much for taking care of Mayita, or for “extra work.” Blanca won’t dignify that with an answer. Viv tells her to find work in some other house; Viv’s a lot better so they don’t need her anymore.
Viv and JM sway slowly to some stupefying music at a really dull-looking party or restaurant, JM looking bored silly. He thinks back to talking with Rocío about the calls to the house soon after the plane crash which they thought were from Viv. JM asks Viv about them, and about her showing up at Mayita’s school. She feigns cluelessness, like she can’t figure out why he would be interested in such a thing. She continues to insist that she understands nothing of what he’s talking about. Why does he keep asking? He tells her that he’s concluded that she hasn’t lost her memory. He recites the evidence.
Padre Anselmo is building a fort out of chairs in the church hallway, which comes in handy when Purita comes in and wants to sit and talk. I guess his own office was unavailable today. She says she’s ashamed of her mother and now everyone teases her in the street and assumes she’s the same way. PA tells her to show some respect for her mother. Everything she did, she did to help her daughter, and she’s been very penitent. Purita leaves in a huff.
Viv continues to deny, deny, deny. JM says she’d better tell him the truth. Why did she want to escape? Where has she been, doing what, with whom? She insists she remembers nothing and storms out of the restaurant.
Marichuy cuts out a tiny pair of pants and talks to her baby about how excited she is for him (her?) to be born.
Juan Miguel sits in front of his elaborate breakfast and remembers Mayita telling him that Marichuy was going to bring her a little brother or sister. Then he thinks to himself how much he would have loved to have a child with Marichuy and have them both with him forever.
Marichuy daydreams about being able to take her child to JM and telling him it is his, and they could all be together, but no puede ser.
Blanca enters the dining room and is all awkward and formal about wanting to talk to Juan Miguel. She tells him weird things are happening, like she found in her room two bottles of perfume which she did not buy. So is this a split personality thing where only the wild one is aware of the other personality? Or is she just trying to create a trail of evidence for her innocence?
The church hall now has a bench. PA comes in and puts some things in a bag which was already there on the floor. I have no idea what that scene was for, but I like the music with the church bells in it.
Amador, Estafa, and Isab!tch sit in the car and watch PA leave the church and get into the old truck. They note the bag he is carrying, so it must be important, and decide he must be going to visit Marichuy. They follow. They really need a better hobby.
JM asks Blanca who she thinks put the perfume there. She says maybe Viviana. JM says sure, she probably did it as payment for things you do in the house. I couldn’t tell if he meant like as a reward, for being helpful, or like to get even, because she’s suspicious of what Blanca is doing there.
Cande tells Marichuy she shouldn’t go down to the river again, and Mari says not to worry; she’s learned her lesson. Cande asks why she’s been so quiet lately, and she says she’s just been thinking how happy JM would be if he knew about the baby, and he’d do everything to find her. Then she has to reassure Cande that it’s just a dream; she knows it won’t happen with his wife back.
Viv dismisses Blanca, and JM tells her she should be more nice about it. He tells her about the mystery of the perfume and asks if she knows anything about it. She says they don’t need that woman, because she can take care of her home, daughter, and husband all by herself, with the help of the rest of the servants. She just says by herself.
Doña Mica tells the ladies the padre is on his way. Marichuy arranges flowers to make things nice in preparation. Cande hopes he’ll bring lots of good gossip and leans casually on the taxidermified leopard as she chats, then is freaked out when she realizes what she’s been leaning on. Our three least favorite creepy stalkers continue to follow the padre through the countryside. They arrive at the hacienda; Marichuy and the other ladies are delighted to see PA. Amador spies from behind the wall.
Avances: Skankybarwench Ivette ramps up her pursuit of Juan Miguel. The three dark lords ramp up their pursuit of Marichuy’s misery.
Labels: Cuidado
Tontas (#7) Tuesday 12/9 - I'm not Candida, my name is Candi, Candida left us long ago...
Scenes from last night, Santi behind a smiley face paper. Soledad approaches Patricio. Santi stares at Candi's breast mole, "you're alive!!"
Beto is sad. He tells Chava his dad isn't dead, he left because he doesn't love him any more. Poor little guy. Candi comes outside and tells the boys she's going shopping and Doña Cuca will watch them. (This Doña Cuca thing really cracks me up because years ago I used to work with some guys from Mexico and they were always singing "Cuanto por las nachas Doña Cuca?" I think Dona Cuca was supposed to be a whore or something but I was never quite sure.) Candi asks the boys for a big noisy kiss.
Santi chases Candi with a bouquet of flowers. She rejects him and yet again accuses him of only wanting to get her in bed. She stomps away and Santi gives himself a pep talk, in just six, seven or eight short years he'll succeed. His granny always told him to persevere.
Patricio calls his dad's business and asks the secretary to please send him the records of every employee who worked there for the past eight years. Apparently dad kept perfect records including pictures. Pato asks her please don't say a word to dad about this. Pato for some reason pulls a big photo of Candi out of his briefcase. He smiles and flirts with the picture. Frankly, I'm not sure what to say about this display. Maybe it's the anniversary of her death or something.
Santi follows Candi around the clothing store, helping her pick out clothes and asking her why she refuses to admit she was the woman at the wedding. He and all the other guests distinctly saw the beauty mark (lunar) on her...her...and he saw it again last night!
She escapes into the dressing room and he asks does she need help changing her cloooooothes? She puts on an act in front of the entire store pretending to be his pregnant girlfriend he's about to abandon. He says she's half crazy. "Great you call the mother of your child crazy! You're bad!" She goes into the dressing room and bawls loudly while he stands outside trying to save face in front of the other patrons. I'm not sure what this scene was supposed to accomplish but it was rather amusing.
Pato gets the email from Dad's secretary and finds ex-employee Soledad in the employee records. Alicia busts in and scares the hell out of him. She acts like she's on crank. He slams his laptop shut. Oh my but she's excited and bouncing off the walls. She starts snooping around his things and almost opens his laptop but he finally manages to shuffle her out of his office.
Candi pumps Santi for info on his personal life. What happened to Rocio's mother? Santi refuses to speak about this subject and Candy once again accuses him of chasing her to try to seduce her, he's a hunter who just wants meat in his bed. She says her body isn't his and she doesn't like men with girlfriends who go looking outside their house for what they have inside. She stomps off and he yells at her that they're not speaking albures*. He gives himself another pep talk, just 6, 7, 8 little years and she'll see!
*(Albures - this is a kind of punning game manifested in quick repartee where people try to out-pun each other; oftentimes using innocent words that have a sexual connotation. Candi and Santi may have been doing this but if they did I didn't get the puns.)
The short waiter Ole apologizes to Meño for asking Candi to undress. Meño tells him if he wants to see a woman undress he needs to get himself a girlfriend. Ole wants Candi to be his girlfriend. Meño tells him to give it up, Candi's not interested, he needs to find someone like himsef, a chaparrita (short and squat). The other waiter tries to be sympathetic and tells Ole he has a face like Pepe el Toro. Short, squat Ole says he was born a loser but tall Sven isn't paying attention any more.
Lucia hugs Eva and thanks her for arranging an appointment with a surgeon. Eva points out it's no guarantee Lucia will get new bubis, she's still under age. Lucia's not discouraged, she'll lie, she really wants big bubis. They celebrate in the arcade.
At home Candi admires her clothes. Her phone rings, "You again? I hate surprises." (I noticed tonight that Santi uses "tu" with her and she uses "usted" with him.) It's Santi and he's outside. He threatens to call his ex-client, what was her mother-in-law, the mother of what was her husband, and show her a picture of the dead woman that isn't Candi. If Candi wants him to keep quiet she must accept his proposal. He wants to go to the baseball field and throw a few balls. He tries to follow her inside the house and she shuts the door on his leg. However it looks like she's going to play ball.
In an oddly random scene Pato and Alicia have a mass for Candi. Pato weeps over Candi's picture and cries over his memories of their togetherness. Alicia just kind of bears it and Pato shakes her off. He's such a burro!
Santi's at the batting field (he looks hot, as in babalicious) and tells his friend Lalo that he knows Candi's the same woman, he'll never forget the look they shared at the wedding, when their gazes locked as she walked down the aisle. The ball is released and nails Santi in the nuts. That poor guy must have testicles of steel.
Ayyyy! he yells in anguish. OK, so maybe not steel. Candy strolls up to see him clutching his family jewels. She laughs and tells him he's finally on his knees (he had said at the mall that he wouldn't get on his knees for a woman). "I'm in pain!" he gasps, temporarily contralto.
Alicia runs after Pato and he has a tantrum. She says she's only trying to console him and he responds that she's annoying him, that's all she does is annoy him, she has no limits. She accuses him of being in love with her dead sister and he responds "You don't understand anything." She tells him it's not their fault Candi is dead and he ugly cries and says it's both their faults! She slaps him and says don't ever say that again! He tells her not to raise her hand to him again or he'll cut it off. Nice.
Santi's still on the ground suffering while Candi observes. He says he can't drive because of the pain and Lalo can't drive him because he Has Too Much To Do, right? Oh yeah yeah, Lalo agrees he's got to run. Santi tells Lalo to tell the girls that he loves them. He says Candi has to drive him home. "Candi, Candi, I see a white light..." pale wan hands upon the coverlet and all. She throws the bat on his balls.
Beto comes home and finds his mom crying. He asks is she crying for dad? He tells her he cries for dad too.
Isabel wanders around the big house trying to find a place to put her picture of The Beatles dressed like bullfighters. Donato asks for the day off tomorrow and Isabel grants it as long as he repeats 100 times "I like The Beatles." "Me gustan Los Biddles, me gustan Los Biddles," he chants.
Candi drives the injured Santiago home in his car. He wants her to dine with him at 10:00 and she refuses. OK then, he will just have to contact one of his clients who has a son whose wife left him at the altar... Candi starts to scold him and poke him in the head just as Marissa storms up to the car. "What are you doing with my boyfriend?! Why are you driving his car, or should I say OUR car?" she demands. "Would you believe I'm selling him insurance?" answers Candi. "Full coverage!" pipes up Santi.
Chava and Beto are doing their homework. Well, Chava is, apparently Beto gets into trouble for not doing his. Beto asks what's it like to not have a dad. Chava doesn't know the difference, he's never had one. Beto explains that dads are fun to play with. Chava recommends that Beto ask for a dog, they run more than dads and they don't get tired.
Candi and Santi are out of the car now and Marissa wants to know what in the heck Candi is doing with her boyfriend. Candi tries to bow out but Marissa grabs her, kind of like Candi grabbed Marissa the other day. Candi pushes Marissa and they get into it until Santi tries to break them up. He tells Marissa their kids are friends. For someone who is supposed to be pro-woman Candi's pretty mean to Marissa.
Marissa and Santi go inside his house and continue to argue. He stops to kiss Rocio in her little ballet costume. He says she looks marvelous as a dragonfly (libélula). "Dad, I'm a fairy (hada), not a dragonfly" she scolds. Santi and Mari have a long conversation where she tries to pin him down and he has excuses why he can't spend more time with her, he needs to spend time with Rocio, he has a ton of patients who need him, etc. She wants to see him later and he promises to call her.
Santi goes upstairs and sees Lucia. He wants to know what's up with her, her bra is stuffed! She pulls out some wonderbra inserts...oops and pulls out another layer. (That reminds me of one time when I was a bridesmaid we all had to wear purple wonderbras to match our hideous purple taffeta dresses; one of the other bridesmaids really pissed me off so when she was in the bathroom I pilfered her wonderbra inserts and stuck them into my wonderbra on top of my own inserts. I was worried because during the ceremony she kept staring at her chest, then mine, then hers; thank goodness she never figured out what I did. But I digress...)
Marissa watches while Rocio plays with her doll. Rocio tells her doll she knows she (the doll) misses her real mother but she (Rocio) would like to be her mother. Her doll's name is Rocio. Marissa looks sad for the child and volunteers to be a mama to Rocio and her dollies, they can all play together. Rocio doesn't want to play and she walks away. I felt kind of bad for Marissa except that she's a pest and can't take a hint.
Candi irons with a vengeance and tells Meño she's afraid that the plastic doctor will tell Pato's mother that she's alive. Meno says Santi's a good guy and wouldn't do that. Candi says good guys don't blackmail women. Meño knows something else is bugging her.
Santi asks Isabel to cover for him because Marissa is upstairs with Rocio and he has a ton of things to do. He has to see a dead woman who's passing for a live one. Isabel is baffled.
Meño is worried about Candi, she goes from one extreme to the other. She can't go through life wanting to be buried (or submissive? "sumisa") one minute and an independent woman the next. Candi says she wants to be Candi, not Candida. Meño and I both roll our eyes. Candi doesn't want to be the boss of anyone and she doesn't want anyone to be the boss of her. She wants to share her life with a man who understand she's a woman, not his mom. Well maybe she'd have more luck if she acted like a grownup instead of a schoolyard bully.
Soledad calls Pato to tell him he's the father of her child. She doesn't ask much, only ten minutes. He's muy impactado.
Lucia visits a shady-looking plastic doctor and tells him she wants big bubis. She admits she's only 15 but he doesn't care, he'll do it for 50 thousand pesos (3700 USD). Her face falls.
Santi is at the library researching the wedding he went to years ago. Luck! The headline reads "The bride said yes, but NO". "I found you!" Santi exclaims. For someone who's overloaded with patients he sure has a lot of free time.
Alicia calls her mother-in-law Margarita and begs her not to hang up on her. She knows Marg doesn't approve of their marriage but Pato is her only son and Alicia thinks it's bad that they're fighting. Alicia would like them to be close again. She's up to something.
Santi, Raul and some other guys sing loudly and celebrate Raul's birthday. They all chant "mordida" until he takes a bite right out of the cake and gets it all over his face.
The guys cover Raul's eyes and play sultry music. A sexy blonde comes in and, with Raul's prodding, they all chant "kiss her". Suddenly a cell phone rings, all the guys stop what they're doing to check their phones. Santi demands silence, "hello Marissa my love, how are you?"
Isabel visits Rocio in her room and wonders what's wrong? Does she have a fever, should she call the doctor? No, Rocio just wants her mama. She and her abuela share a tender hug.
Santi tells his mujer that he's with his friends including her brother. They're playing parcheesi, chess and Chinese checkers (damas chinas). Raul talks to her with cake all over his face and afterwards tells Santi that was the last time he lies to his sis for him. He gives Santi a cakey kiss on the cheek and runs back to his gift, the blonde. Raul seems much more upbeat in this episode.
Later that night Santi gets home and asks Donato for a very very important favor. Donato says it will cost. Santi holds up a menu and Donato reads "fooling a girlfriend, 200 pesos". Santi hands the money over and heads off for his date.
Tío Meño tells Chava he's going to make him something finger licking good for dinner. Chava asks how old does one have to be to have a girlfriend? Meño hems and haws and wonders why Chava asks, does Chava have a girlfriend? "Yes, my mama!" Candi hears and smothers cute little Chava with kisses. He asks why she's so dressed up, does she have a boyfriend? "She wishes," cracks uncle. Mom says Chava's her only boyfriend and kisses him goodbye.
Over at the big house Marissa knocks on the bedroom door and Donato jumps into bed and hides under the covers. "Are you sleeping? How about I stay a while and we sleep together?" Marissa coos.
Soledad insists to Pato that her child is his. She gives him the brief version of her situation, thought her husband was the kid's dad, turns out he's sterile, etc. Pato says his life isn't a telenovela where she can just show up and demand money from him. She tells him she was only with two men, her husband and him. She doesn't want his money she just wants him to believe her. He's mean to her, tells her to go into the church to beg forgiveness for lying. She tells him again she's not lying! Nevertheless he rejects her and walks away.
Candi meets Santi for a nice romantic dinner at a lovely outdoor cafe. Looks like it doesn't rain as much in Guadalajara as it does in the DF. She apologizes for being a little late and he quips that it's his hobby waiting 40 minutes for people to arrive, that's how it's done in Guadalajara. Uh oh, he shows her the newspaper article of her wedding. There she is in her undies, no denying it. She supposes he'll rat her out. He tells her his silence has a price.
As he tortures her a little she gets the hiccups and can't speak. He gives her a drink of water to get rid of the hiccups and chatters "Oh Candi Candi, I could make you very happy..." She spits the big stream of water out in his face (how uncouth!) and says the meal is over. Honestly, I would seriously have lost interest in her by now. She calls him a degenerate and pervert and tells him he knows where to stick his picture.
Marissa undresses seductively while the mountainous Donato quivers in bed. She crawls in and tickles him. He starts shrieking and they both sit up in bed, face each other and yell bloody murder. Isabel's meditation is ruined.
Candi strolls along a fountain while Santi follows in his car. He sits next to her and asks why the tears? She has a cold she says. Right. A short distance away a party of young people yells encouragement at them. He says they think he and Candi are novios and if they don't kiss then the kids won't believe in love. He wants to kiss Candi but unfortunately Candi doesn't feel the same way. Santi's phone rings while Candi escapes in a taxi. "What's wrong Donato??"
Back at the big house Donato's in a heap of trouble. He begs Santi to come home right away. The house is in an uproar, the kids are up, the maid is up, and Isabel tells Donato he has five minutes to pack his bag and leave. Marissa storms out of the room and tells Isabel to ask Santi what happened, he's the one that organized the whole fiasco. The women are impactadas. The maid scolds Donato and tells him he shouldn't be riding another man's bicycle! She slaps both his hands. (Again with the whacking of men.) Donato mutters that he wasn't on any bicycle but the boss's bicycle has a frame that's Mmmmmmm! He sinks to the floor in despair for getting fired.
Mexico City - Charly packs his bags with books and apples and is excited to travel to Guadalajara to find his dad. He asks his mom to tell him about his dad but she says she can't. She accepts that Charly's going to meet him but she doesn't want to remember him. Charly looks pensive while some strange cacaphonous sci-fi music plays. Que?
Tomorrow: One of the goofy waiters tries to kiss a blond but she bites his face and slaps him. Again with the violence. Charly arrives at the restaurant and says he's looking for his father Manuel Morales. Meño drops a pot of spaghetti on himself and Caras Impactadas all around. And will we get a Jaime Camil kiss?
Labels: Tontas
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Fuego en La Sangre, #153, Tues. 12/09 - Nookie Here, Nookie There, Nookie, Nookie Everywhere
Tonight we have so many Juan shirtless or undershirt moments, pardon me if I stop typing to sigh from time to time at the fatalistic shirtlessness.
You are a free man and oh poor Ruth is sick too, is that why she was in your bed? snarks a jealous but severe Sofia. Now is Juan getting out of a bed or what? Stay tuned.
Juan hugs Eva who promises to help Eva pursue her daughter Ruth to get a chance to tell her the truth. Sofia shows up with Padre Tadeo to speak with Eva. PadTad wants to know what gives with Juan's wandering and quarrelsome ways in regard to Sofia. Oh the specter of the killer Bernardo comes out of Juan's lips, how can he forget his tiresome oath? We don't get to forget it for even one episode then suddenly PadTad inserts a THOUGHT, egad what if old Bernie boy was NOT the killer. What are you going to do with all the hurt and resentment you are creating. Well Juan says he would rush to make it all up to Sofia, all would be forgiven instantly. It might not be so easy warns PadTad.
Macho-man Ricardo Darth Uribe is chastising Gabriela for telling everyone that Bernardo did the dirty deed, that he is intimating he is so proud of having really done. He appreciates her caring of him but no one gets over on him nor does he need caring for. Man, can he belt down the brandy snifters even faster than Gabriela, she looks on admiringly at this for sure tough guy trait.
Abuelo salutes Feo for his cunning (astucia) and ability to trick, rob and to keep it up so tirelessly. He tells Feo for some reason that Santita and he are engaged, Feo grins and congratulates him, he flatters Santita on her sense of humor. Abuelo warns her that Feo would be more interested if he knew she was a millionaire. They go off to the bedroom to tell secrets At least Santita knows not to tell stuff in the echo chamber.
Eva is happy that Juan is going to put a good word in for her when Ruth returns to see him. Sofia shows some jealousy but acts saccharine sweet with Eva.
Santa Hari calls Abuelo. They discuss his lack of money.
Gabriela rains on the Eva-Sofia parade but Sofia insists that she has come to help tell Ruth everything. Eva then swears she will tell Ruth everything including that she is her true mother. This woman should wear a kick me sign on her behind.
Feo thinks over wooing Santita, it is not lost on him that she is wealthy (he probably smells the money) and would most likely think he was a real stud. Then he could be rid of these annoying Elizondos once and for all and she wouldn't live so long like Gabriela and Sofia.
Feo tries to take the SUV but Rosendo tells him the rules have been changed by Senora Sofia who says he can't use the cars. He slams poor Rosendo up against said SUV but must feel like a fool.
The sick daughter with gobs of lip gloss or is it drool comes into the bakery for a few kneading lessons. Besides she has the whole afternoon free and who knows what time she has tomorrow. Is she playing with this sexy turn on of being the dying Camila of literature? She sexily breaks the egggggg, they knead the bread together and Juan channels Sofia over the young thing's face. He begins to kiss Sofia and finds it is oops, cut to break. Oh dear has that pesky memory loss come back to interfere with his stalwart resolve?
Finally the lovely young temptress asks, you weren't seeing me, were you? You were seeing Sofia. But, I have confidence that one day you will love me like you love Sofia. Love and hope spring eternal.
Feo and Rosendo go a few more rounds and Rosendo repeats that the only patrona is Sofia, He excuses himself and gets out of the way of another Feo fist.
Gabriela and Sofia meet in the office with Gab ceding the owner side of the desk to Sofia. Sofia tells her that Eva has a right to tell Ruth everything. Sofia then shifts subjects: Feo has to work to work off his stolen assets or face jail. Gabi for once agrees, if he robbed us he has to repay it. He needs to learn his lesson.
Feo goes into the cabana to intimidate Raquel like everyone else does. HE wants to know the story about Sofia that she is hiding. He begins to insist physically and she warns if Darth sees him it will be nasty. Just then Nasty walks into the room to show Feo what she meant. What are you doing with my wife, answer me, answer me he spits out as he grabs Feo. Isn't it fun to see Feo get his considerable ego shaken up in various ways. If you listen hard you can hear the rumble of pie carts in the distance.
Get out of here, snaps Darth Uribe. Feo makes excuses for trying to aid Racquel, and obsequiously excuses himself with knowing looks at both the Uribes. Uribe then looks really mean in the snake bar room She wants to leave, Ricardo goes off to find Ruth.
Off in the forest, Feo pouts and swears he will avenge himself for Darth's treatment.
Ricardo want to know why Raquel wants to leave. She reminds him that there is not one paper proving their ownership of the Reyes/Uribe mansion. He slaps her silly when she wonders out loud what Gabriela knew and what she did all those years ago to give them the hacienda that really isn't theirs. This really makes the Darth eyes glow in the dark.
Finally a staircase showdown, (at least one per show required). Eva wants to help Ruth, snotty as ever Ruth doesn't want a woman to touch her and says Eva isn't fit ot help her or even to clean her boots. She saunters off, so many people use that stairway as if they owned it.
Juan and Oscar discuss having the baby girls come to stay several nights a week but Oscar doesn't think Sofia will permit it. Quintina and Pablito share the joking and breakfast when the young Rigo and wife and Q's sister come in to tell of their impending pregnancy after thinking they couldn't have children. Juan offers Rigo full time work.
Eva and Sofia tell each other myths like love is stronger than hatred. Eva is sure that her punishment for giving up her daughter is to have her turn out as Ruth has. She thinks the years around Ricardo gave Ruth the Darth personality thus furthering her feelings about the nature -vs- nurture debate.
Rosendo gets assaulted by Darth who says he knows him, demands that he be called Don Darth err Ricardo. and Rosendo gives what he is given and calls himself Don Rosendo. Rosendo remembers how well dressed Ricardo was and he especially remembers envying the big serpent buckle. This seems to enrage the Darth who uses it to throw someone else around until Sofia shows up wondering why he is treating HER employees so roughly. No wonder Feo wants revenge, he had this physical intimidation thing all to himself for so many months, except for Gabriela's little slapping habit.
Uribe says Sofia should teach her employees to do what he wants. She speaks up with authority that her employees are trained to do what the guests want when the guests act well mannered.
Ruth shows up to sneer at Sofia's back with her dad, how educated she is now not like the brat she was. Where were you she is surprised to hear Dad has already been to see the Reyes. She tries to suggest that Juan is kind of fine but Pa is jealous until she reminds him that it is he who taught her to "size up" her enemies so to speak. Daddy Darth hugs his evil little spawn with the only kindness and love we have seen from him.
Juan and Oscar discuss Ruth and other mysteries in their lives.
Sofia and Rosendo worry about no rain, no money to pay the workers and the wolf at the door (or they should). Rosendo warns Sofia to be very careful with this man Darth. He is vain (engreido), arrogant (soberburbio) He has memories of his father going around him and her mother when he was really little He knows Uribe to be violent!!
Feo tries to saunter into Gabriela's bedroom acting suave and telling Gab that he has missed her so much all this time. She doesn't believe it . I love you so much, he tries feebly . She suggests that he better sleep early since there are so many things to do tomorrow. She turns out the light and turns her back on the former hunk, who sits now like just a lump of leather in the darkened room.
Rosendo and Sofia say good night down stairs and she climbs the stairs to come in on the nuns and babies and big Daddy Juan. Sofia smiles at his Santa Claus act of handing out presents to the baby girls but with feigned sternness wants to know what he is doing here. She says he wills have to stop dropping in by popping over the balcony like this. He retorts that he has the right to come when he wants and proposes that the girls are ready to be spending nights at his house every week. He jingles out with his spurs jingle jingle. While over at the Feo bedroom he smirks then pretends to go to sleep. The only people having fun are Santita and Abuelo who are playing cards and laughing in their room. Santita goes to the door and sees Feo sneaking out. They decide to see what Santita Hari can do to bait Feo.
Uribe shows up in the dark forest to say he has to recover something he left in the hacienda before it is discovered. Meanwhile Santita goes down to get a drink from Feo and warm him up. He should be afraid of Santa Hari if he had any sense.
Juan comes home to a hot late night snack as Ruth emerges from the dark in a robe which she drops to reveal her scanty bustier and seduces Juan. You are right, you are right he murmurs as he proceeds to hear that Sofia doesn't love him and she does. They drop to the bed in locked passion. What a surprise this ending is, are we dreaming or awake.
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