Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Llena de Amor #67 Mon 11/15/10 Furicide

Friday: Eman rustles up a breakfast soup for Marianela, and while he’s not looking, Fedra pours a whole vial of her potion into it. Gretel calls the police from the nuthouse, and actually reaches Oliver. Eman brings Mari the soup.

Before we start, I just can’t help griping about Mari’s hair which yeah, is the same as always, but tonight I hit critical mass with it, I don’t know why. What’s with the Betty la Gorda bangs? Are they real? She always has a headband or little braid across the top of them, so maybe they’re just glued on or something. And those ringlets. Barf barf barf.

Okay, I got that out of my system.

Mari thanks Eman for making the soup, but says she feels a little urpy and can’t try any.

Gretel is hiding behind a reception desk and the doctor finds her but just in time crumples from the sedative she stabbed him with. A moment to pause and reflect on that most gratifying scene on Friday… Okay, onward! The nurse finds Gretel too and tells her to hide better. Gretel is amazed to hear Oliver on the other end of the phone she’s clutching. Just then other staff find her and she screams for Oliver to save her, of course omitting to give the name of her location.

But Oliver is at the police station – he could just get the records of received calls, no? No. The police’s intermittent skills are slaves to our plot line.

Eman sets the uneaten soup on the bedroom dresser.

Oliver is very upset about Gretel’s call – he says he just knows she’s not in Switzerland. The Comisario tells him if he’s going to be bouncing off the walls like that, he’s going to take him off the case (or off work, I’m not sure which). Brandon tells Oliver to go with the guy who’s going to examine the bullets, and don’t let them out of his sight. Oliver’s worried Gretel will call again.

The Comisario tells Oliver that the first step is to get the goods on Fedra and Bernardo, then they can find Gretel. Meantime, Caiman is in the office hearing all these police insider goodies. Of course it’s natural that the police would keep a mascot in their office who’s had ties to organized crime because we’re in telenovelaland. See “intermittent skills” above.

Orderlies are strapping Gretel down while she begs them not to and insists her boyfriend is going to come get her. The Good Nurse looks on, troubled.

Seems there’s a prison gang the police have to deal with. Caiman says he’ll work as a mole.

Emil has showed up at Netty’s sunny, cheerful place, and Netty says she’s worried about Eman and Marianela, and about Oliver, who’s like a son to her and not what Emil thinks he is. Emil says he didn’t come about all that, he came about Us. He wants to forget about the outside world – it doesn’t exist. Netty says it does, and he’s married. He says but he feels so alone.

Man, the writers take the cheesiest, sleaziest, most worn-out seduction lines and put them in the good guys’ mouths. Where they actually work! Here’s more: This morning (sez Emil) I was driving to work but I ended up here, without having planned to. Tell me that I’m not alone!

Of course, if Cesar Evora told me the sun rotates around the earth, I’d say Yes, it does, and mean it.

Netty tells him he’s not alone, and as long as she lives, she’ll be by his side. They hug.

Lorenzo and Mauricio are being escorted out of the local jail, to head to prison. Brandon exults and Lorenzo and Mauricio throw threats. Mauricio tells Brandon that he’s going to pay. Just then Fedra appears and tells Mauricio that the one who’s going to pay is him. She hopes he molders in jail for the rest of his life. Lorenzo and Brandon arch their eyebrows in surprise and stare at Mauricio.

Emil blames himself for his family’s troubles – he is the man of the house, so it’s his fault. Netty reckons it’s Fedra’s fault. He tells Netty their marriage is over, and she suggests counseling or something. Nope. He takes her hands and tells her how tender and understanding she is and how he wished he’d formed a family with her. She would have loved that, she says, and adds he would have always felt loved and respected. He says that’s what he feels when he’s with her – loved. Oooh, nice kisses!

Fedra tells Mauricio that Kristel’s at death’s door, and all because he used her. She loved it, retorts Mauricio. Brandon has to hold Fedra back while Mauricio is taken off.

Okay, he’s gone and now Fedra tells Lorenzo about Kristel’s hysterectomy. He’s sorry to hear about it, and the next thing we know, Fedra is hanging on him, right in front of the cops, distressed that he got mixed up in a bad business. Of course just then Muñeca comes in, along with the comisario.

Fedra says it’s nothing, just hugging an old friend, and Muñeca wryly observes that Lorenzo is full of surprises lately. He swears he had nothing to do with the illegal liquor – it was Mauricio. An official comes up and says Lorenzo gets to be freed. Lucky, says the comisario, glaring at him. Muñeca looks doubtful. Lorenzo is thrilled – maybe his Farmville crops haven’t withered yet!

Netty’s worried Consuelo and Gladiola will come back from the market. Emil suggests a day together – lunch, theater, something fun. Netty’s ecstatic. They leave, laughing like kids.

Ilitia’s at the hospital with Kristel and she gets a call from Muñeca, telling her that Lorenzo has been sprung. Muñeca says maybe the police didn’t look hard enough for evidence or he hid it. Ilitia tells her mother to knock it off, then tells her she’s been with Kristel.

Kristel begs her not to hang up – did Mauricio get off too? Ilitia’s very happy to hear he’s off to the big house. Kristel thinks he’s been let go, but Ilitia tells her he’s going where he can’t hurt anybody any more, and she hopes he gets molested there.

The orange kitty laps up the chicken soup.

Mauricio gets checked into prison.

Mari and Em are jogging. Of course she falls, which makes him fall right on top of her, so they can kiss some more.

Mauricio, now in prison khakis, enters a big cell full of inmates who check him out. Caiman is there among them.

The kitty has more soup.

Netty and Emil are having a lovely lunch. They chink glasses, talk, laugh.

The police scientist in a lab, which looks very sophisticated and has four, count ‘em! four guys in lab coats working there, scans the bullets using fancy software.

Oliver looks worried. Gretel is strapped to a bed and despairs.

Netty and Emil neck in the back of a theater, and we see Mari and Eman up front, eating popcorn. They kiss too.

Mauricio tries to make macho chit-chat with a couple of prison guys and offers them money to be his protectors. They come close and tell him somebody’s already hired them to give him a welcome – Fedra Curiel.

Fedra and Bernardo have a debriefing session, now they’re home. He reports that Caiman had no trouble switching the bullets at the station, and that he’s there at the prison. Fedra says the guys she’s hired are going to make Mauricio’s life hell, but nice and slowwww-like.

The two guys slug Mauricio and tell him that’s what he gets for raping girls. Caiman comes in and pulls them off.

Bernardo is smooching Nereida who complains that he’s been neglecting her. Why doesn’t he ever take her out? He flops on her bed, saying they’ll be fine here. The pillow has something hard in it, he complains, picking it up. She tries to get it away from him and suddenly cash is flying everywhere.

Nereida says she won the lottery! Bernardo realizes it’s Fedra’s money. Nereida tells him that Kristel stole it and gave it to her to buy her silence. Bernardo thinks she ought to give it back. In fact, she’s to hide it in Marianela’s room so everyone thinks Mari took it.

Emil and Netty come home to her place, happy. They kiss, but she says they should stop at that. He kisses her some more and begs to stay the night. Next thing we know, they’re in the bedroom. Netty pulls away and says she’d always dreamed of coming into her room in his arms – but the dream had her in a wedding dress, not as the other woman. He tells her she isn’t the other woman. He feels lost until her looks into her eyes, then he knows that life is smiling on him after all. More kisses. Yum! Brandon should take kissing lessons from Emil.

Nereida stuffs the money under Mari’s mattress, then hears her coming and hides in the closet. Mari comes in and pets the surprisingly still alive kitty, noticing that it licked the soup bowl clean. The kitty jumps down off the bed and stares at the door Nereida is behind.

Fedra and Bernardo are having wine, and she says she’s upset about this Eman and Mari thing. While they’re talking, Eman approaches the door to talk to her, then stops, listening through the crack. Fedra laughs that Eman’s going to get high cholesterol from kissing that fatty, but fortunately they have meds for that. She says she’s going to take care of the problem, and she’s going to look great in the black dress for the occasion.

Outside the door, Eman is shocked.

Mari picks up the orange kitty and takes it to the bathroom for some water because unlike the rest of the planet, she didn’t leave down a water bowl. Nereida slips out.

Eman asks Benigno if maybe Maximo would be a good person to consult about his mother being so upset about him and Mari. Benigno doesn’t know. Eman asks him what military strategy is good for an enemy that’s closer that your own shadow. Pretend to be one of them, advises Benigno.

Fedra and Bernardo toast one another. Mauricio’s in prison, Gretel’s in the nut house, Axel’s on Fedra’s side, and Mari is soon to be dead. Most excellent. Fedra tells him about the potion she put in Mari’s soup. He tells her it takes 12 hours to act, and what’s more Mari’s going to exit the world in humiliation. He tells her about the money Nereida had and what she did with it. Everyone will think she’s a thief chortles Bernardo. Bwaahahaha.

Bernardo and Fedra burst into Mari’s room. Fedra accuses her of being a thief and sets Bernardo to searching the room.

The scales have fallen from Muñeca’s eyes. She’s on to Lorenzo and Fedra and nothing he cooks up as an excuse convinces her otherwise. She tells him he’s low-down scum and the only reason she doesn’t throw him out of her house and her business is because she doesn’t want to hurt Ilitia.

Eman and Benigno, Axel and the two maids show up in Mari’s room too. Eman tells them all to get out, Mari’s no thief. Fedra says no, they’re going to search. Mari tell them to go ahead and look. Bernardo lifts the mattress, and voila! Delicia looks the most amazed.

Oliver hands Bernardo the report – negative. Now they have nothing to hang on Fedra, Oliver wails. He’s frantic about Gretel – where is she? Bernardo promises they’ll find her.

We see Gretel despairing some more.

Back to Mari’s room: Axel wants to tell his father, but Fedra says he’s probably cavorting at Netty’s. She wants to call the police, Eman says he won’t let them accuse Mari, and Mari says nobody’s going to throw her out of her house. Fedra yells that she’s wrecked the family and all she wants is money. Mari calmly replies that she’s incapable of stealing, unlike Fedra who destroys everything she touches. Fedra lunges at her, but Eman catches her and tosses her so hard onto the bed that she rolls off the other side.

Eeeww! she says. What’s this? She’s fallen on the poor orange kitty, dead now. Fedra accuses Mari of killing it. They are all grossed out. Benigno looks closer and says that the color of its ears means that it was poisoned.

We don’t have long to contemplate what Beningo’s past was that provided him with this sort of esoteric Holmesian knowledge because now we see Lorenzo outside Muñeca’s closed door, proclaiming that he loves only her and he wants to go back to being the picture-perfect family they were. Since she can’t see him, he can punctuate his speech with some eye-rolling. From the other side of the door, Muñeca retorts that they’re not picture-perfect, her daughter is rejecting her.

He says that if he talked to Ilitia, she could see Muñeca for what she really is, her real mother. This last bit makes him roll his eyes so much they look like they’re going to fall out and bounce along the floor.

Muñeca has opened the door. You really think so? she says, but she looks very wary. Of course, he oozes, kissing her.

Fedra thinks fast and accuses Mari of poisoning the cat. Mari protests she just kept it in her room because it was lonely. Nereida says that when she came in with the laundry, the cat was eating from the bowl. All eyes turn to the soup bowl.

Eman says he made the soup. Fedra says that doesn’t matter, the point is that Mari wrecks everything. Everybody leaves, including Benigno who is going to go bury the cat, and Eman rushes to Mari’s side to comfort her. She pushes him away, saying the soup was poisoned and he was trying to spoon-feed it to her!

Fedra is stuffing her money back into her safe and mumbling at Bernardo. Looks like her poison idea didn’t work and Bernardo’s chocolate-lacing didn’t either. Bright side: Others may start to suspect Mari. But still, it’s been a flop. Bernardo suggests that accidents happen every day, tee hee. Fedra lights up.

Brandon and Oliver show up at their home away from home, the Ruiz y Teresa digs. Delicia is alarmed to see them. I didn’t do it! she says, putting her hands up. They’re puzzled and she tells them that somebody did the kitty in, and they’re next if they see them here. She draws her finger across her throat for emphasis. They say they want to speak to Emil. She tells them he’s out.

Ceiling shot of Netty and Emil in bed, content and love-talking. Still, it troubles her that he’s married. Oops – we hear voices – one of the ladies is yelling “you can’t come in!” and the next thing we know, Axel (who mysteriously knows which room is Netty’s) has burst in on them.

Avances: Eman, trying Benigno’s strategy, tells Fedra that Mari’s a fatty and means nothing to him. Apparently Mari gets downwind of that, for she’s heartbroken. She packs and phones Brandon to get her out of there.


La Fea Más Bella #91-92 11/16/10 Happy and sour.

Capitulo 91.
Read Amanda’s original recap which covers Cap’s 91 to 92. Then come back here to discuss it.

Paula asked me to post this link to dialog translations for these episodes.

Huge thanks to Pata for today's screen shots and observations:
Fernandos mission was to convince both Lety and Marcia not to break up with him. When he is in the car with Lety he has a very happy face after she agrees not to break up with him. He is more than happy to kiss her.

The first two pictures demonstrate that:

While talking to Marcia, he has a very sour face when agrees to not break up and a less content face when they kiss.

Capitulo 92.
Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 91 to 92. Then come back here to discuss it.


La Verdad Oculta #44: Juan José wishes Alejandra no harm -- quite the opposite

Gabriela and Alejandra joyfully greet living, breathing "Mario;" and as Alejandra runs to phone David, "Mario" and Abelardo explain to the stammering Adolfo that "Mario" took a plane to Veracruz -- that the chauffeur and relief-driver friend died on the highway.

When clearly incredulous Adolfo draws near for inspection, "Mario" escapes, claiming fatigue. Returning Alejandra failed to find David's phone in-area; but when she and Gabriela marvel in relief that sometimes incredible things happen, both Adolfo and Bertha clearly agree -- struggling not with joy but with cognitive dissonance.

Meanwhile in Mario's chambers, Santiago can hardly escape fast enough, before Abelardo reminds him emphatically that David still has to see him. Santiago's started this and can't go back now! Across town, nervously giggling Roberto returns Marcos's truck and so much cash that Marcos shrugs off the fender damage.

At the condo, Carlos bitterly questions to Yolanda why Adolfo's suddenly interested in keeping up appearances regarding the Genovéses; Carlos himself is just glad the honeymoon was ruined -- and he hopes they're never happy. At the bedbug hotel, Marcos considers the risky business of selling another diamond to get an apartment.

Frantic Roberto leaves a curt phone message with Yolanda for Adolfo, saying thanks very much for everything: but he hopes he never sees Adolfo again -- and Roberto's leaving the D.F. At Mario's, Alejandra warns Bertha about her attitude toward Gabriela; but with the uncle alive, Bertha doesn't have anything to fear now, she says.

Presently David returns, Gabriela rushing to embrace him with the fabulous news; and David speeds to "Mario's" chamber -- while Abelardo stands aside unnoticed, tears streaming down his face. In the darkened chamber, David embraces "Mario," getting the story and explaining he escorted the bodies to the funeral home.

"Mario" makes headache excuses; and as soon as David exits, Santiago heaves a relieved sigh and dives into the tunnel. At the hotel suite, Elsa surmises what tardy Juan José is up to when Asunción won't plainly say; and when Juan José does return, Elsa nags him with a crack about possible dinner plans with some "lady friend."

Before exasperated Bertha sneers at having to send a dinner tray up to the honeymoon suite, David instructs Abelardo about "Mario's" wishes to arrange the two funerals. At Roberto's, Adolfo lays on the bell and pounds on the door to no avail. At Santiago's, he apologizes to a worried Julieta, just as Leonardo appears at the door.

Breathless Adolfo hits the bar at home before even noticing Yolanda; and he amazes her with the "Mario" news, without letting on he arranged the hit and his confusion at what went wrong. When Adolfo mulls absently that "Mario" had actually too much luck, Yolanda's preoccupied with happiness for David.

After learning the content of Roberto's phone message, Adolfo flies into a rage at being cheated out of $5 million pesos and storms upstairs, warning Yolanda not to breathe a word of this to David. Not a word! he shouts. At Mario's, when Gabriela snuggles up and wonders if they can't have their own place, David says with hugs and kisses that he must stay with his dad now.

While Julieta and Leonardo run out a moment, suddenly Santiago notices with a start the trefoil cuff link box is missing from the shelf. Upon their return, he's frantically searching for it; and from Santiago's explanation, Leonardo instantly connects that indeed something was stolen during the robbery -- which robbery is news to Santiago.

At a nice jewelers, Roberto brings the cuff link to be made into a ring. Back at Santiago's, Leonardo insists that the robbery is significant and achieved by experienced thieves who took nothing else; and he's very curious. Santiago claims he lost the mate maybe five years ago; and Julieta -- who can't remember either one -- confides to Leonardo that Santiago has always been mysterious. Leonardo ponders pointedly.

Abelardo brings flowers to the funeral home and weeps bitterly over the casket of his employer and friend, dismayed at the unfairness of Mario being all alone there. At least Mario can rest assured that everything will work out as he planned, Abelardo murmurs.

At the hotel suite, Juan José orders Asunción to take flowers to the Genovéses and ask about Alejandra for him -- whether Elsa likes it or not. When Asunción brightens that at least he'll see Dora, Juan José ruins that by leveling about Dora's non-interest in him and suggesting he back off; but Asunción isn't convinced of that.

With Abelardo returned from the funeral home, in the kitchen Dora notices his depression even though "Mario" is not dead. They talk privately, and he astounds her with the true story of the accident -- that Mario is truly dead. And not only that, she learns Adolfo was blackmailing Mario and that Gabriela is Mario's daughter!

In a flashback, we see Mario's beloved showgirl Márta; but that when Mario intended to divorce and marry the pregnant Márta, Santiago beat him to it! The most awful part: when Mario found her murdered body with the cuff link in her hand -- and Adolfo and Yolanda encountered him there, leading to the blackmail.

In turn Abelardo is surprised to learn from Dora of her witnessing Adolfo frame Juan José, and Juan José's true identity. Upstairs, Gabriela invites Julieta on the phone to visit and explains their plans to continue the honeymoon at the weekend. Hanging up, Gabriela pulls David down on the sofa for a quick ravish; and though he has to work, promises he's never stopped thinking about her since the day they met.

Santiago is back at the tunnel house, applying his disguise; while at the kitchen table Dora explains she was happy David had a better life with Mario -- and they decide that even though Santiago is a genius at his art, they must apprise David of the deception. Abelardo reveals the explanatory letter in reserve from Mario.

Santiago negotiates the tunnel and jumps into Mario's bed with a spring. Meanwhile, at the front door Dora greets Asunción and the flowers; and she surprises him with the supposed news. Despite that, astute Asunción notes Dora still looks sad. He leaves the flowers for Alejandra in Juan Ocampo's name, and Dora actually smiles indulgently at Asunción making a little time with her.

Elsa and Mauricio look forward to dinner together and with Caramelo and his niece, Angela; when he asks if Juan José will mind, Elsa denies Juan José has any say in her life. Mauricio is glad to hear she claims no interest in him.

Juan José visits a decidedly reserved Alejandra at the studio; and when he asks what's wrong, she demurs at first. But when he presses, Juan José is surprised she reveals her suspicions about his name, his choice of her firm, his murder conviction -- in fact, doubts about his innocence. How did he get his money? she demands.

Juan José quietly explains everything; and when Alejandra laughs derisively at the treasure story, he invites her to check with Medina! Two thousand kilos of gold ingots. When Alejandra jumps to her feet, still indignant at being used, Juan José gently protests that he only wanted to draw near the family to learn the truth.

But then, he says -- then he met her, and liked her so much. Alejandra is so fine -- so intelligent, he whispers. When Juan José swears he never meant to hurt her, Alejandra rounds the desk to make for the doorway, objecting. But Juan José gently backs Alejandra to the wall, whispering earnestly he only meant to draw close to her, because he likes her -- so much, he insists, lowering his head to kiss her.


Monday, November 15, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #89-90 11/15/10 A lot of talking

I copied Julie's recap title because if there is as much talking as there was Friday then, well, it's the perfect title.

Capitulo 89.Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 87 to 89. Then come back here to discuss it.

Capitulo 90.Read Julie’s original recap. Then come back here to discuss it.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Eva Luna #9 Fri 11/12/10

Daniel informs Eva that he wants her to accompany him to the awards ceremony since she is the one that submitted the winning line. Eva begs off and Victoria backs her up. Daniel won't take "no" for an answer and Eva finally agrees. Victoria is none to happy.

Claudia is lying in bed with Leonardo and saying to herself how much it will cost him to play with her. She gets a phone call from a very pissed off Victoria wanting to meet with her tomorrow.

Victoria tells her mother about Daniel inviting Eva to the awards ceremony. Marcela can't believe that he would invite her to such a prestious award ceremony. Victoria whines that she wanted it to be a special night just the two of them and now it's ruined. Marcela says we need to think of a way to avoid this.

Eva gets home and Dona Justa tells her that alot has happened today and wants to fill her in.

Marcela thinks about the flowers she received today.

Marisol warns Alicia that Tony is bad news. Stay away from him. Alicia says Eva tells me the same thing and I finally am starting to agree with her. Eva comes up as Alicia is telling Marisol what happened with Tony and the failed five finger discount fiasco at the convience store. Eva walks in and shouts "Alicia!". BUSTED!!!

Eva can't believe Alicia didn't tell her. This is ridiculous. Alicia yells back that I don't tell you anything because of the way you act. She walks away with Eva calling after her to come back. They go to their room where Eva lays the guilt trip on Alicia saying what would our father think knowing you almost went to jail and you hanging out with a delinquent? Alicia tells her not to bring up her father. I miss him so much. Why did he have to die? Eva says I miss him too. They cry and hug. Eva tells her to take care of herself and stay away from Tony. Alicia promises.

The next morning Eva comes across Tony and warns him to stay away from her sister. He starts being a smarty pants and gets bitch slapped by Eva.

Victoria and Claudia are at the gym. Victoria tells Claudia about Daniel's "invitation" to Eva. Claudia thinks perhaps he made up the whole thing just to take her out. Victoria tells her to quit making up things and making her more nervous. I need you to help me come up with something to avoid her coming to the awards ceremony with us.

Ricardo takes care of Mariol's wound and asks if she's going back to work. How am I suppose to live replies Marisol. Dona Justa will be asking for rent soon and I have other bills. I don't have someone to take care of me like you take care of Adrian. Ricardo says if he could he would, but doesn't have the money to do it. You are so nice to me says Marisol. I wish my father was just like you. They hug and Dona Justa sees this and gets sad.

Leonardo comes to see Daniel and says he found out about the "invite" he issued to Eva. Daniel reminds him that he wanted to find the person who came up with the slogan and share in the award with him. That person just happened to be Eva. What a concidence replies Leonardo. I don't believe in concidence replies Daniel. This all happened for a reason. So you believe that this is destiny asks Leonardo? Yes replies Daniel. Eva entered my life to stay.

Victoria gets home and tells Eva she wants to talk to her about her novio and the awards ceremony.

Marcela and Bruno flirting on the phone. Gross.

So Victoria has offered to dress Eva up for the grand awards ceremony. Eva thinks it's not such a great idea, but Victoria persists. Think about mi novio.

Tony sees Alicia and tells her he's been missing her. She says get use to it, because she's avoiding him. The other night was horrible and she almost went to jail.

Victoria tells Eva that at the awards ceremony the magizine and newspaper crews will be there. If you are not looking your best then you will not be doing him any favors. Your right replies Eva.

Tony turns the tables on Alicia and says I came back for you. I turned myself in to spare you and this is how you repay me? None of this would have happened if you didn't get the bright idea to steal in the first place shouts Alicia. The least you could have done was come back for me. Yes, I felt better that you returned, but I am going to change my life and find good friends. Friends that are not as bad as you.

Victoria pays a visit to Daniel in his office. She came to invite him to lunch, but his secretary told her he is meeting with clients. How about tomorrow asks Daniel. I can't replies Victoria. I promised Eva that I would go shopping with her for a dress to the awards ceremony. His secretary comes in the the invite for Eva and Victoria takes it to give to Eva. When Daniel leaves she rips it up.

The next day Eva brings Don Julio his breakfast and finds Victoria with him. Victoria tells Eva that her dad is pleased that Daniel has invited her to the awards ceremony. He has also agreed to give her the rest of the day off so they can go shopping.

Victoria, Claudia and Eva are coming out of a shop, but Eva emptyhanded. Turns out she did not find a dress. Victoria vows to keep looking until they find one. They drop her off at her house after Victoria buys her shoes and a necklace to go with her outfit. Victoria reminds Eva that professional make-up artists will be arriving the evening of the awards ceremony. Eva thanks them and leaves. Now they know where she lives. Victoria reminds Claudia not to forget about the plan. Claudia assures her that she won't let Eva go.

Laurita helps Daniel with his tie. Daniel is really nervous. Cute scene.

Victoria talks to Claudia who reassures her that she will take care of Eva.

Laurita asks Daniel if has seen the lady from the drawing again. Why do you ask replies Daniel. Laurita replies because I have never seen you smile like that before. I would like you to invite her over again. Well when I see her tonight, I will tell her promises Daniel. So your going out with her and not the witch...I mean Victoria asks Laurita.

Fernando sees Marisol at an outside cafe and flirts with her.

Daniel tells Laurita that he asked her not to call Victoria a witch again. I know, but I forgot replies Laurita. Well don't let it happen again says Daniel. Let me tell you that Victoria has been really good with Eva.

Victoria shows up at Daniel's on time. She asks if Daniel sent the chauffer for Eva and says they have to leave. They don't want Eva to get their before them and have to wait alone.

Eva is walking outside excited with Dona Justa and Alicia in a pretty white dress. Claudia in a fake red wig and big sunglasses walks by and "accidently" spills her iced coffee all over the front of Eva's dress.

Eva is open mouthed impactada at what justed happened and Claudia says she's so sorry and walks away. Dona Justa says perhaps we can clean it up.

Bruno and Marcela flirting FF-->

In the car Victoria asks Daniel for his cellphone to call Claudia. She left her cellphone at home and wants to know if Claudia is on her way. She calls and Claudia said everything went according to plan. Victoria hangs up and slides the cellphone in her purse. She tells Daniel that she can't wait to see Eva in her pretty gown.

Dona Justa is scrubbing away at the dress but it's a lost cause. Eva is visibly upset. She tells Dona Justa that this is the first time since her father's death that she has felt excited. Dona Justa wonders what will she do? Nothing replies Eva. Alicia comes in and wonders what to tell the chauffeur. Tell him to leave replies Eva.

Monday: Victoria and Claudia are happy with their little scheme; Eva shows up and Daniel kisses Eva?


Llena de Amor #66 Fri 11/12/10

Once again I am completely out of time to do a recap, in fact I'm starting to think I won't be able to honor my weekly commitment to Friday nights. Sylvia and Sweeney did a fantastic job filling in last week, thank you! I would be much obliged if someone can put some comments to fill in what happened this week (I'm not even caught up on the story, I have been trying to read the recaps to keep up but I can't even find time for that). I think it isn't fair to keep everyone waiting every week only to have me bail out, so if there is anyone who wants to take over for me please let me know. If not, I will keep attempting to get a recap done. Thanks for your understanding.


Sun 11/14/10 Club Gancho opens again

Hello Ganchodores. It's been too long since we've gotten together here in Club Gancho, so I thought I'd open the doors and see if anyone drops in to have a drink, chat, and share experiences. It was so good to hear from Kris the other day and though Emilia has been commenting regularly, it has been too long since we've heard from Mikey as well as many other old friends. I haven't heard from Hombre since the Gran Final of Dinero.Soooo... I hope you Ganchodores (and anyone else who wishes) will drop back by and catch us up on what you're up to.

Bonnie Belle and Jack are thriving and the Lovely Linda and I recently celebrated 40 yrs. of wedded bliss. Doesn't time fly? We just returned from Waco where we witnessed the disastrous Baylor defeat at the hands of a bunch of farmers from Texas A&M. The first half was great, but unfortunately, the game lasted for 60 minutes and the Bears entered hibernation for the last 30.

I've been trying to cut back on TN watching but I'm finding it very difficult to do. Though I resisted Eva Luna when Dinero ended, I did add India over on Telefutura at 9:00 pm (CST). It is beautifully crafted and I recommend you take a look if you receive Telefutura. It was produced in Brazil so the original language was Portuguese and it is dubbed in Spanish for the US audience. The actors doing the dubbing speak with extraordinary clarity, for those of us learning by listening it is truly wonderful. The Spanish CCs are virtually perfectly timed and accurate and there is an added plus of English CCs available with CC3. It's gorgeously filmed in both India and Brazil with overlapping plots in both venues with the occasional excursion to Dubai. The plots are familiar with all the typical TN cliches (though no coma or amnesia... yet). The characters are very attractive with lots of walkons by cattle in the Indian segments,

very colorful,

and of course a bit of steamy romance.

Some new vocabulary... anybody know what the heck thik hai, are baba, acha, or namaste mean? Those are said a lot in India and the young women in India seem to pray to Lord Ganesha in much the same way and for the same reasons that our Mexican ladies go to the Virgen de Guadalupe. (the Virgen is prettier but Ganesha is kinda cute).

In any event, if you have the opportunity, give it a look, though be forewarned, I was only going to take a peek, and now...

The featured drink this week has no Mexican or Spanish origins, is not particularly suited to winter climate, but was mentioned sometime back by either Sylvia or Jardinera and I remembered that when I was very young, I really enjoyed them. Not even a manly drink, but very refreshing. I'm talking about a Tom Collins:


juice of small lemon or 1/2 large lemon

1 1/2 oz Beefeater Gin


ice in tall narrow glass

top off with 7up

stir and garnish with cherry and lemon slice

A sissy drink to be sure, but memory evoking, tart and tasty, and kinda fun. So drink up and see if you remember this couple:



Saturday, November 13, 2010

La Verdad Oculta #043: Fire on the Road/Fire in the Bedroom

Alternate Title: Rest in Peace Don Mario

“WARNING! This episode contains scenes not suitable for those under 18.” I knew this episode would be eventful when this was the first thing I saw on my recording. Of course, despite this warning, and despite the fact it’s on after midnight, American censors decided our over 18 year old eyes could not handle the heat generated by Gabi and David on their wedding night. My advice…watch the complete YouTube version. I’m jumping ahead of myself, so let’s start from the beginning.

We get a replay of Mario saying farewell to Alejandra and Bertha. Ale runs upstairs trying to hide her tears. Outside, in front of the waiting car, Dora nervously hands Mario a letter she’s written. She asks him to read it later when he has time, but Mario prefers to read it now in front of her. He reads part of it and looks up at her in surprise. “But this is very important Dora! You’re David’s mother! Why didn’t you tell me all these years?” Dora tells him she was afraid. He touches her face gently. He wants to give the letter to Abelardo who will know what to do about it all until Mario returns. He sends the chauffer to get Abelardo and gets more details from Dora about how this all came about. She explains that at the time she had been abandoned by David’s father. She was young, alone and hungry. She had befriended a maid named Maria in Mario’s household, who told her that Don Mario and his wife were not able to have children. “I thought my son would be cared for, and I wasn’t wrong.” They look at each other tenderly.

When Abelardo arrives, Mario hands him the letter, asks him to read it, keep it in a safe place, and tells him he’ll know what to do. He tells Abelardo he’ll be in contact tomorrow and gives them both a fond pat farewell before entering the SUV. Abelardo holds Dora close as they watch the car pull off.

We next see Mario and the chauffer at a gas station, being stalked by Roberto in the trailer truck, Pink Panther disguise and cherry lollipop firmly in place. On the lonely road to Veracruz, outside of the city, Mario and the chauffer notice that a trailer truck is riding their tail. Mario tells the chauffer to slow down and let the truck pass, but they soon realize the driver has no desire to pass them. The truck starts to ram them repeatedly from behind, then pulls along side of them. We and Mario see Roberto with a gleeful, crazed look in his eyes. He is enjoying every minute of this. He starts to ram them from the side, pushing them closer and closer to the edge of the steep cliff. Finally he succeeds, and the SUV careens over the side of the highway, bouncing and rolling down the mountainside, until it lands in the ravine, crushed nearly beyond recognition. If we had any hope that Mario and the chauffer survived, all of our hopes are dashed when the SUV explodes into a fiery ball. We watch the fire in horror, and Roberto admires his handiwork from the side of the road.

Far away from all this ugliness, David and Gabi arrive at their oceanfront honeymoon suite. He carries her right through and past the living room, and straight to the bedroom. They are both looking lovely and ready for the tropics in their white linen pants and tops, but David seems eager to get those clothes off. Gabi admires the swan shaped towels, rose petals, and “feliz luna de miel” on the bed. David quickly deposits her right on top of all that foolishness and starts to get down to business.

We draw a veil on the two lovebirds for a while, and head back to Mexico City. Yolanda is still in her wedding duds, enjoying her favorite green drink and in deep thought on Adolfo’s couch. He comes down the stairs, having already changed into his “casual bad guy wear”, complete with black leather jacket. He’s none to happy to see her. “Todavia estas aquí?” (You still here?) He’s looking as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof, and wants her to go. “Largate!” (Beat it!) She gets up to go, but complains that she doesn’t know why she puts up with him (te aguanto- from the verb aguantar). He knows it’s because it’s beneficial to her (te conviene). “True. But one of these days I’ll get tired of it.” She puts him on notice and smashes her glass to the floor on her way out. (Are we looking at Elsa and JJ in 30 years?)

Things are moving right along with Gabi and David in the honeymoon suite. Gabi has unpacked her special wedding night lingerie and wants to head to the bathroom to put it on. David seems perfectly content to continue, without the lingerie, but gives in when Gabi shows it to him. As soon as she enters the bathroom, he starts ripping off his clothes. Shoes, shirt, buttons flying off, and pants…In five seconds flat he’s down to his striped boxer briefs and “casually” reclining in bed under the covers. But wait! He forgot the champaign. He dashes to the minibar and grabs the champaign bucket and flutes, dashes back, and resumes his “relaxed” pose. Ooops! He forgot the music. He dashes to the living room, turns on the sensual sex music, oops, I meant sax music, and runs back into the bedroom, dives into the bed, and re-assumes the position. He grows impatient and calls out to Gabi. “Mi amor!”

His call is answered when we see Gabi’s head peek out from behind the corner. Then we see a tanned, shapely, high heel-shod leg, coyly teasing David. Finally, sweet innocent Gabi, wearing a not so innocent honeymoon outfit, emerges. She has transformed into Playmate of the Year, in a sexy white lacy teddy and white panty bottoms. Only the robe covering her teddy, and her shyness, hint at the demure Gabi we and David have known up till this point. David is blown away. He mutters “wow!” and quickly hops out of bed to greet her. He takes her all in and tells her how beautiful she looks. His obvious admiration chases all of Gabi’s anxieties away and she falls into his arms. They kiss, and then start to do what comes naturally…in the bed and in the jacuzzi tub. I won’t go into details, but I will say this: we get more than an eyeful of David’s and Gabi’s assets; Gabi may have gone into the honeymoon suite a virgin, but she’s a fast learner; and David came prepared with massage oils! Fill the rest in with your imaginations, and/or with your memories of the episode.

That’s the only happy part of this episode folks, so I hope you enjoyed it in all its NC-17 glory. Now on to the grim matters at hand. Roberto calls Adolfo in a post murder frenzy to let him know the job was done. Adolfo orders him to meet him in Roberto’s apartment.

At the Genovés house, Dora and Bertha are being awakened in the middle of the night by the ringing doorbell. It’s the police, and they inform the ladies that Mario’s car was in an accident on the highway to Veracruz, near Jalapa. Both passengers appeared to have died (falleceron). Ale comes downstairs in time to also hear the news. Bertha is shocked, and Ale and Dora hug each other in devastation.

At Roberto’s, Adolfo is grilling him about whether he is sure Mario is dead. Rob tells him he saw it with his own eyes, but looks like he’s sleepwalking. He has come down from his homicidal high, but Adolfo is just getting started. He laughs happily and tells his protégé to cheer up. There’s always a first time for everyone. [Well, actually this is Roberto’s second murder (that we know about), and just how many people HAS Adolfo killed? Yikes!] He tells Roberto that tomorrow he’ll be rich and he’ll feel better.

It’s the morning after, and David and Gabi are strolling along the beach smooching and flirting. David’s cell phone rings and he gets concerned immediately when he sees it’s home. Bertha immediately breaks the news that Mario “se murió”. She actually appears to be grieving, well at least she’s crying and wearing black. David is beyond belief impactado.

In JJ’s hotel suite, Elsa has gotten Caramelo ready for school and is coaxing her to drink her milk so that they can head off to school. Caramelo is stalling so that she can see JJ and Limon. Just then, JJ and Limon wander out of their rooms, drinking their hangover water. It’s obvious that Elsa had to spend the night, and she reproaches JJ for coming back so late. The lies about some business thing keeping them late begins, but Elsa isn’t interested in hearing it. Since he’s here and up, he can take Caramelo to school, as usual. Elsa will pick her up from school, as usual. Before he walks out the door with Caramelo, he tells Elsa that he wants her to stay, so that they can talk when he gets back. She reminds him that she has a job that she needs to get to. JJ seems surprised for some reason that she actually took that job with Medina. (Hasn’t he noticed her new look?) He looks put out at this news.

At the beach, Gabi is speaking on the phone with Juli. She tells her what happened with Mario and that she and David are returning immediately to the city. She tells Juli that David is destroyed by the news, and we see a devastated David in the background, rooted to the spot where he heard about his father's death. Gabi hangs up and hugs the weeping David.

At the Genovés house, Ale and Bertha talk about poor David. Bertha then decides it’s a good idea to call Adolfo and tell him the news, since he’s Mario’s business partner and all. He’s still in his jammies, and does a fair job at acting shocked at the news, all the while grinning. He uses every single expression of surprise in one sentence to show Bertha his devastation. “No! No me digas. Que barbaridad. Que horror. No lo puedo creer. Que desgracia. Lo siento mucho.” He tells Bertha that he’s there for her if she needs anything, anything at all. He’s on his way over to offer his support.

Dora brings in a tray to Ale and Bertha, crying the entire time. Ale thinks this is a nightmare. But Bertha is back to thinking about #1, herself. She tells Ale that if David tries to throw them out, she’ll throw the circumstances of his common birth into his face and use it as leverage. Ale stands up. She can’t believe what she’s hearing. She reminds Bertha that they promised their uncle that they would not reveal the secret of David’s origins, and they are going to follow through on his wishes. “Well, I think differently, as always.” (Yo pienso diferente, como siempre.) Bertha’s snotty reply is interrupted by Abelardo’s arrival. He has yet to hear the news, and backs away in disbelief when the girls tell him what happened. “No, no, no…”

At Medina’s office, Elsa is answering and transferring calls, and seems to have gotten the hang of the complicated phone and computer system. She has the perfect, pleasant secretarial voice. Medina walks in, observes her working and smiles. He asks how she’s doing and she smiles back and responds, using the formal address. He gives her another reminder to call him Mauricio, since he’s not just her boss, but also her friend. He then invites her to a meal after work. She declines, since she has to pick up Caramelo after work, but Mauricio has the perfect solution. His niece is staying with him while her parents travel through Europe for a few months. He invites Elsa to bring Caramelo over to his house. The two girls can play, while he and Elsa chat and hang out. After some hesitation, Elsa accepts the invitation for the following day. (Good girl.)

At the Guillen’s apartment, Abelardo has brought Faustiago the news. He can’t believe it. He admits that despite everything (their love and competition for the same woman), Mario was a good man. (A pesar de todo, era un buen hombre.) Abelardo talks about Mario’s frame of mind before he died. He was sad because he had to leave his children, but he was at peace. Faustiago asks if David and Gabi have been informed. “Yes. Poor kids. They’ve had to cut their honeymoon short. And the worst is that now they are going to lose everything (to Adolfo).” He wonders out loud to Faustiago whether it’s too late for them to do anything about it now. Faustiago gives him a sad, anxious look, but it’s obvious the wheels are turning in his head.

JJ and Mina are at his house, as construction and renovations goes on all around them. JJ asks where Ale is, and Mina breaks the news to him about Mario. He asks Mina for Ale’s home number and immediately calls her. Ale answers from Mario’s office. She starts to unburden her feelings to JJ, but then remembering that he is her uncle’s possible enemy, refuses his offer to accompany her.

At that moment, Mario’s worst enemy, Adolfo arrives. He is greeted with a hug by Bertha, while a disapproving Dora looks on. He spews a few more b.s. declarations of disbelief and condolence, but then starts asking about the whereabouts of the bodies. David will be taking care of all the arrangements (tramites) and he hasn’t arrived yet. He is now the head of the family. More b.s. from Adolfo. “Poor boy. Had I known Mario planned to travel on that dangerous road, I would have done something. So many years of friendship. Blah, blah, blah.” He asks Bertha how she’ll be taken care of. She tells him it’s up to David as the new head of the family. Adolfo assures her that David will take care of her, since she’s family. It’s his new wife that probably won’t like it. But she can count on him (Adolfo). She asks him flirtatiously if maybe he can offer her a job. Oh, no, no, no. She’s a woman with “class”, and working is not for her. (We need a wheel barrow and a shovel for all this bullshit Adolfo is dropping.) Bertha eats it up. She lowers her eyes in a faux display of demureness.

David and Gabi enter the room, still looking honeymoon glamorous, but with obviously heavy hearts. Bertha immediately clings to David. David asks for an update and takes on the task of going to claim the bodies. Adolfo offers his plane to take David to Jalapa, and David graciously agrees. Gabi wants to go with David, but he doesn’t want her to witness something so horrific. Bertha takes the opportunity to add her two cents by reprimanding Gabi for making things more difficult for David.

David kisses Gabi goodbye, and Bertha receives a kiss on the cheek from Adolfo. The two men leave and Bertha puts out her claws. She gives Gabi the death stare. When Gabi asks how the accident happened, Bertha starts yelling at her to not pretend like she felt anything for Mario. She knows she was just interested in Mario’s money, like she only married David for his money. “And what about Carlos Avila?” This question is so far out of left field that Gabi has no clue what she’s talking about. Bertha tells her that everyone knows what happened between her and Carlos in that solitary beach house. Gabi has had enough by this point. She tells Bertha that she doesn’t have a right to speak to her that way and she won’t permit it! And if Bertha continues, she will be telling David. Bertha then threatens back. If Gabi tells David, she’ll regret it (repentir). Gabi does not know what she’s capable of! They stare each other down and Gabi walks away just as Ale emerges from Mario’s office. She wants to know what Bertha did to upset Gabi so much. They promised their uncle they would treat her well. She wants to know why Bertha would go out of her way to upset her. “Because I hate her! Because I can’t stand her!” Her hissy fit shocks Ale.

JJ is telling Limon about Mario’s death and how sad Ale is. Limon notes that JJ’s feelings for Ale are deepening, but JJ doesn’t want to talk about those feeling or what they mean for his revenge plan. He shushes Limon. “Calladito, te ves más bonito.” (The quieter you are, the prettier you are.) He decides to head out to Ale’s house. If Elsa asks for him, make something up. He leaves, and Limon starts muttering to himself, not at all happy with being tasked to lie to Elsa and noticing JJ’s self centeredness. “Todo yo. Todo yo.” (It’s all about me.)

Mina is visiting Ale and they are sitting in Mario’s office (her favorite spot). Mina hopes it didn’t bug Ale that she gave JJ her number. Ale doesn’t know what to think. JJ is so mysterious. She tells Mina who JJ really is. Mina is surprised and wonders at the reason for this ruse. Ale thinks perhaps revenge. There’s also the mystery of his relationship with Elsa. She explains about going to his hotel suite and finding Elsa and the little girl. Mina wonders if they are married and the little girl is their child. Ale is just plain old confused. She doesn’t know what to think, how to react, what to do. Mina doesn’t want her to stress about it. It will all become clear sooner or later. Just then, the doorbell rings. Dora informs her it’s JJ at the door. Ale refuses to see him. Mina thinks she should straighten things out with him, but Ale cannot deal with it at the moment. Dora delivers the message that Ale is not feeling well to a waiting JJ. She can barely look him in the eyes as she does so. JJ begins to leave just as Abelardo is driving up, hesitates as if to say something, and then leaves.

Carlos is at the Club, just getting the news of Mario’s passing. Like father, like son. He is smiling ear to ear at the news that the old man (viejo) died. He is sure David must be destroyed and that this ruined his honeymoon (jerk!).

Dora informs Abelardo that David returned and is in Jalapa collecting the bodies. She’s worried about him, and slips, calling David HER little boy. Abelardo, who has by now read the letter, tells her she has nothing to be ashamed of. She laments that the house will not be the same without Mario. They both cry.

Roberto is at home on the couch, replaying the crime in his head. Happy Adolfo arrives. He’s brought Roberto a case full of money, 5 million pesos to be exact, for a job well done. Adolfo is sure this will perk Roberto right up.

Back at the house, Gabi is keeping Dora company in the kitchen. Dora wonders why she isn’t with Ale and Bertha in the living room (sala). Gabi confides in her that she feels more comfortable in the kitchen with Dora, and that she doesn’t think she’ll ever feel comfortable with that class of people. Dora assures her that David fell in love with her for a reason. Dora will be here for her to guide her and help her with anything she needs. Gabi thinks she will need Dora badly, and expresses her gratitude.

Ale comes into the kitchen wanting to know why Gabi won’t join her, her sister and Adolfo in the living room. Gabi tries to beg off, but when Ale insists she admits her dislike of Adolfo and that they don’t get along. She tells Ale that she doesn’t think Adolfo is such a nice person, despite how he’s helping since Mario’s death. She doesn’t think he’s being sincere. Gabi expresses her condolences to Ale and her sincere sadness at Mario’s passing, although Ale might not believe it. Ale does believe it. And she knows what a great affection Mario had for Gabi. Ale knows it won’t be easy for Gabi to live in this house, but assures her it is now HER house and David loves her tremendously. She wants them to be friends. Gabi agrees, and reluctantly leaves with her for the living room. Dora has been listening to this whole conversation in the background with a look of concern.

In the living room, Bertha is assuring Adolfo that David will get tired of Gabi soon. She’s a common, vulgar woman, who doesn’t know how to carry herself or speak properly. Adolfo is sure that Gabi is good at something—“servicing” David (ahem), since waitresses are so good at that. They chuckle at their vulgar little joke as Gabi and Ale enter the room. Adolfo immediately starts with the insults. He asks Gabi if she’s sad because her passport to Europe died. Gabi defiantly tells him she’s sad because DON MARIO passed away, because he was a good and generous man. But, she points out, it looks like his death hasn’t affected the two of them. She tells Adolfo that he’s only there because he’s a no good hypocrite, just like his son! As Bertha starts her rebuttal, we see a pair of feet of someone walking in, and the shoes look a lot like Mario’s.

“How dare you speak to him that way?!” Bertha is winding up to hurl some more insults Gabi’s way, when suddenly they all hear a familiar raspy voice say, “Buenas noches.” They are all beyond impactados to see Mario standing before them, no one more so than Adolfo. “No! No. No puede ser!”


Life after El Clon or El Mundo Telemumdo - week of Nov. 8

¡Saludos á todos! Jean here. The other half of the clone team is here to get the conversation going on all things Telemundo. I watch Los Exitosos Gome$ and La Fantasma de Elena so that is what I will talk about and NovelaMaven has done a summary of Aurora below. You can comment on any Telemundo novela. Follow us on the Telemundo tab on the sidebar. We're planning to try and post about once a week.

Recently, I have started to see promos for a new novela with Marlene Favela, most recently of Zorro, called Los Herederos del Monte. According to Wikipedia it is a remake of the 2008 novela, Hijos del Monte. It doesn't even have a Muy Pronto yet so who knows when it will air. What happened to Ojo por Ojo?

Los Exitosos Gome$

Gonzalo and Sol nearly escaped from Franco's clutches but since a novela with the main characters living happily in La Paz wouldn't be very interesting, they were caught before they could get on the plane. The threats that are making them cooperate were strenghtened - Amanda told Franco that Gonzalo and Martín are twin brothers and Gonzalo was taken to see the comatose Martín. When Franco started to disconnect the medical apparatus that is keeping Martín alive, Gonzalo agreed to continue to pretend to be Martín and to stay away from Sol. Some goons helped with that as well.

Franco first gave the incriminating documents about Sol's brother to a TV reporter from another station and somehow knew that Sol would be watching the program. When Sol hears that her brother's name mentioned in connection with a fraud, she runs to Franco's office and agrees to continue to work for him. Franco picks up the phone and apparently manages to stop the revelation in mid-broadcast.

Franco then gave the incriminating documents about Sol's brother to Diego. Diego's brief fling with goodness has passed and now he is blackmailing Sol to be with him.

It was great that Charly returned with a better haircut and clothes. It was not explained why he came back except that he said that he wants to try and win Tommy again. It's interesting that Franco has not tried to blackmail Gonzalo into marrying Tomas.

As so often happens in this novela, we go from seriousness to farce. In a perfect example of what the saying, 'don't count your chickens before they're hatched' means, Alvaro believes he has become a millionaire by winning the NY lottery. He burns his bridges by telling his colleagues exactly what he thinks of them only to find out that the ticket he has was for the NJ lottery and he hasn't won a dime. Alvaro's daughter, Jessica, asks Gonzalo to intercede for him with Franco. Gonzalo tells Franco that he can appear magnanimous while having the upper hand (tiene la sartén por el mango, literally, have the frying pan for the mango) and poor Alvaro gets his job back at lower salary and without his seniority.

We end up with Gonzalo interviewing the President and having to pretend that he hurt his hand so that he doesn't have to play golf with him and Sol, who wakes up with a pimple in the middle of her forehead, has to interview the president's bitchy wife.

La Fantasma de Elena (not including Friday's episode)

Elena is still in lala land.

Dario and Dulce think that they have Ruth in the palm of her hand by giving her the good life but she starts to show that she can't be manipulated.

Nena and Anacleto tell Corina about Latoña and Elena's baby. She refuses to believe them but later she tells Eduardo that Elena's baby was taken. La Gemela finds out where Nena lives. She burst in with a gun but a combination of a Daniela appearance and Latoña managing to hide under the bed keep her from discovering the truth. Daniela begins to haunt Elena Calcaño seriously.

Andrea has a bachelorette party but the her symptoms of her disease continue to increase.

We start the process of bringing Milady's father into the story. Clara asks the priest to contact him.

The three baddies, La Gemela, Montecristo and Dulce get together and find that they have common interests. The Gemela admits that her baby ploy failed. They decide to kill Elena and Eduardo. The Gemela wants a share of the inheritance.

Aurora: Week 2 by NovelaMaven

I’m really getting into this story of a modern-day Sleeping Beauty trying to re-enter her world after a twenty year absence. Sara Maldonado’s lovely Aurora has just the right mixture of strength and fragility and pain. Eugenio Siller as Martín/Lorenzo and Jorge Luis Pila as the older Lorenzo are doing such a good job that it’s easy to forget the leap of faith required to believe that twenty years could turn the first actor into the second. Well almost. And hey, this week we got to see them dance together!

So here’s what has happened in the past week:

At the Cryonics Facility:

When Dr. Gustavo Ponce de León defrosted Aurora, he acted against the wishes of the Board (junta). Now, suspicious of his increasing secrecy and furtive behavior, they insist that he open Aurora’s (empty!) capsule for their inspection. Dra Elizabeth thinks fast: She moves another congelada, same age, coloring and body-type as Aurora, into Aurora’s capsule. The switcheroo fools the committee. After only a brief look at the ice maiden, they authorize the capsule to be resealed and they apologize to Gustavo for doubting him.

Later, Martín brings his father, Lorenzo, to the clinic to catch a glimpse of la congelada before Gustavo blocks access to her capsule. And Lorenzo recognizes instantly that it’s the wrong congelada!

Gustavo and Elizabeth have to fill the capsule left empty by the faux Aurora. Elizabeth enlists the help of a corrupt hospital employee to find a new congelada candidate. And he does: For an unspecified price, a young Jane Doe on the verge of death is stealthily transferred to the Cryonics facility for Gustavo to work his magic.

In la familia Ponce de León:


This week Beta Aurora gets a new look: Blanca helps her update her wardrobe and hair.

She gets up close and personal with Lorenzo. To put an end to his insistence that he is her father, she says, look, I’ll show you it’s not true:

¡Yo te voy a demostrar que no soy tu hija! And she kisses him in a distinctly unfilial fashion.

She is still weak and easily exhausted. And in the Kiss scene, she develops an alarming new symptom. First, we just see a hand with blood dripping onto it. Then, we see that she has a bloody nose. That night, she snuggles into bed next to Blanca. The following morning, Blanca has trouble waking her. When she sees Aurora’s bloody face and the blood stains on the linens, she is very frightened. Aurora wakes up a moment later and reassures her that nothing bad is happening.

She is uneasy about the Big Lie but still tolerates it. (See more about The Big Lie below.)

When Lorenzo tells her he knows that his Aurora isn’t in the capsule at the Cryonics facility, she tries to convince him that she is; it’s just that for the sake of privacy, she’s in a different capsule there.


This is not a man given to self-doubt. Gustavo remains unrepentant about his past and present behavior. He thinks Aurora should be grateful to him for saving her life.


She recognizes she harmed her daughter in the past by going along with Gustavo. She and Aurora reconcile. (Blanca catches Aurora calling Inés ‘mama’; they explain that Aurora needed a mother and Inés was more like a mother than a grandmother to her.)

She is dependent on pills originally prescribed by Gustavo. Now he criticizes her for using them.

Interestingly, Inés boasts to Gustavo that it was she who poisoned Eduardo. She did it to protect Aurora, she says. But first she tried to convince him by sleeping with him. (Okay, this is the second person taking credit for the murder – the first was Dra Elizabeth. Usually only terrorist cells, rival gangs and psychos confess to murders they haven’t committed. Hmmm. Who’s going to be the next one to confess?)


Blanca, with Aurora’s encouragement, is finding new meaning in her life. She worked briefly at the family advertising agency, but that never really interested her. What she loved was her experience at the School of the Arts. She quit because she didn’t want to compete with the ghost of her sister, ie Alpha Aurora. Aurora persuades her to give it another try: she may well be a better dancer than her sister was!

Unfortunately, Blanca is getting a huge crush of Martín. ¡Ay, eso no puede ser! Because of the Big Lie, she has no way of knowing that Lorenzo is her father and therefore Martín is her half brother.


He is the family chauffeur and Aurora’s friend and protector, past and present. He is one of the few people who know the whole truth.

The Big Lie:

Aurora sadly agrees to support the lie about her origins because she feels Blanca is unprepared to hear the truth. She also respects Lorenzo’s marriage to Natalia and doesn’t want to destroy his family.

Gustavo takes the Big Lie to another level when he seeks out Federico Alvarez de Toledo, the rich kid he was pushing on Aurora twenty years ago, to pose as the father of Beta Aurora. The guy is slimy: he has frivoled away his fortune and is now willing to say anything if the price is right. The only thing he brings to the table is creepy-looking facial hair, including a 50’s lothario mustache.

The new twist on the lie: Aurora lived with her father Federico all those years. That’s why los Ponce de León never reported her missing.

In la familia Lobos:


He continues his struggle to be a good husband and father but he can’t deny the feelings that have been stirred up by Beta Aurora’s appearance. When he thought she was his daughter, she was off-limits. If she’s not his daughter…


With Beta Aurora’s appearance, all of Natalia’s insecurities have surfaced. She knows that for Lorenzo, Alpha Aurora was el amor de su vida. For her, he has never felt more than cariño. She mistakenly thinks that by telling him that Beta Aurora is not his daughter, she’s inoculating him against her charms.

Natalia has some old guilt surfacing too. After Aurora’s disappearance in 1990, she allowed Lorenzo to believe the story that she (Aurora) had betrayed him with Federico. At the time, Vanesa pressured her to do so by threatening that Natalia’s parents, who worked for Vanesa’s family, would lose their jobs if she told the truth.

She asks her stepson Martín to help her hold on to her man. He recognizes the request is inappropriate but he agrees for reasons of his own. He needs to get Daddy out of the way so he can pitch his own woo. Did I hear somebody say Oedipal?


Lorenzo befriended Natalia when she was pregnant with Nina. Lorenzo is the only father Nina has ever known. Natalia is still unwilling to tell Nina the name of her biological father.

Nina mopes around Martín, walks into his bedroom without knocking, and sleeps with him when she feels lonely. Get your minds out of the gutter. Sleeps, as in catches some zzzz’s. Well maybe not totally out of the gutter – poor Nina is smitten with her Adonis-like stepbrother even if he sees her as his little sister and has no romantic interest in her. In fact, he confides to her that he’s in love with Beta Aurora.


He’s a renaissance man, our Martín. A scientist, a dancer, a writer of love songs which he sings himself. (Not half bad, actually.) He fell in love with Aurora the first time he saw her in the hospital ward of the Freezer. He recognizes that his father is perilously close to being his rival in love.

He is very curious about everything that happens in the Cryonics facility. In part, his interest is scientific – he wanted to work there before he knew Aurora’s story; in part, it is personal – now he wants to know everything there is to know about La Congelada.

One of the young doctors there seems to be interested in him, although he appears not to notice her. He also seems oblivious to the way Blanca and Nina lose themselves in his eyes when they are with him.


We learn a few more details: He is adopted. He is very tough, very smart and inside prison he bargained for his life by agreeing to help some scary fugitives on the outside. As a condition of his release from jail, he is supposed to enter rehab. But right now he is staying with his family and observing everyone very closely.

Vanesa Miller and Vicki:


The passage of years has done nothing to sweeten her disposition. She is the same lying, spiteful, jealous perra who invited Lorenzo to Aurora’s birthday party in 1990 just so he could see her with Federico and believe that he had been played for a fool.

She still demands Natalia’s silence and threatens to expose her part in the conspiracy to keep Lorenzo and Aurora apart if she speaks up. And her latest lie: she tells Beta Aurora that it was Natalia who invited Lorenzo to that fateful birthday party.

She goes to see Lorenzo and is stung by his scorn for her. He isn’t impressed by her success as a famous telenovela villain, nor the size of her pompis. But she thinks he’s hotter than ever!

With her husband Eduardo safely on ice, she checks out the contents of his caja fuerte: in addition to muchísimo dinero and the usual documents, she finds something unexpected: a DVD labeled “Aurora”. She is impactada by what she sees on the DVD: Aurora being brought back to life. She writes out a statement of what she has just seen and then places it and the DVD back in her safe.

She tells Federico that she knows he isn’t Beta Aurora’s father.


So far, Vanesa’s daughter seems to be free of her mother’s malice. She is on the periphery of the story, a friend for Blanca to confide in.

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Friday, November 12, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #87-88 11/12/10 Did you?

Capitulo 87.Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 87 to 89. Then come back here to discuss it.

Paula asked me to post this link to dialog translations for these episodes.

Capitulo 88.
Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 87 to 89. Then come back here to discuss it.


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