Monday, December 27, 2010
Eva Luna #35 Mon 12/27/10 Ick-toria Still Won’t Let Go and Dan’s Still A Sucker For a Bawling Bimbutt
Gorgio makes his way to El Club Cabaret to get in touch with his “Y” chromosome. Marisol picks him up and they go to her love nest to do a little business. He is down in the dumps because he has realized that it’s no good. He can only get in touch with his “X”. Marisol gets him to confess his “problem”; they make fast friends and share a toast. FF>>
Meanwhile, Daniel stands up Victoria for dinner at the manse. He tells himself that he refuses to run to Icktoria’s side to hold her hand every time she has a breakdown. He decides to get comfy and read a book in bed instead.
V-icky gets pissed as well as pissy after being stood up for dinner by Dano. Bimbutt decides if the mountain won’t come to the Bimbutt then the Bimbutt will go to the mountain.
Marcela and Bruno share a little nookie time at his bachelor pad again. He apologizes for the klutzy gift he tried to give her the day before. She accepts his apology and tells him not to be such a klutz next time. After she leaves he discusses this with his cousin who tells him he almost blew it with that stupid gift thing. He still thinks he’s got Marcy eating out of his hand, but his cuz warns him essentially that Mean Marcy is the type who might bite it off anytime. Bruno isn’t listening because he’s too busy counting all the pesos he’s going to cheat Marcy out of.
At the boarding house, Doña Justa has noticed that Eva is down in the dumps again. She goes in for a chat and brings a large ice cream Sunday she’s made to make her feel better. Eva admits that Dano’s the reason she’s down and explains the situation. Justa tells her the same thing Alicia told her before: you don’t sacrifice what you have because some loony dame doesn’t want to accept she’s been dumped into the trash along with yesterday’s news. Justa tells her to forget the guilt and fight for what is hers by right.
At the same time, Ick-toria rushes over to Dano’s and barges in to his bedroom despite Jackie’s trying to stop her. Dan is polite enough to tell Jackie to leave it alone and that he’ll talk to her. Icky starts the teary-eyed woe-is-me act. He falls for it. She pulls a gun out and threatens herself with it. He is OMG-impactado and fights her for the gun. He again tells her that it’s not him she needs to talk to, but rather a doctor. She agrees, but begs him to let her spend the night with him. No, she doesn’t want him to make love to her, just being near him is enough and she’ll be able to calm down a bit. The dope offers to sleep on the easy chair, but she says she’ll take the easy chair.
Alicia comes in later and tells Eva the same thing that Justa said, and that if Justa and she are telling her the same thing, then Eva should consider maybe she should listen for once. Eva agrees that it makes sense. Ali says then Eva should call him and tell him she’s changed her mind. Eva dials and Icky answers the phone. Eva panics and hands the phone over to Ali and tells her there’s a woman on the line so fake a call asking for “Tony”. Alicia obliges and Icky figures it’s a wrong number. Eva knows it was Icky on the other end and tells Alicia that she’s there with him now. Her trust in Daniel is wavering again.
Later on, Tricky-Icky pretends to be asleep. She tells herself that Dano’s nuts if he thinks she’s going to spend all night in that chair, and that before the night’s over she’ll be sleeping next to him in his own bed.
Back at the manse, Don Julio is waiting in Marcy’s room for her to get back. He confronts Marcy with the story she made up about Icky’s supposed suicide. Julio tells her that he overheard her and Icky discussing what really happened and he knows that Dan broke it off with Ick-toria and that she put the drugs into her drink. Machiavellian Marcy finally admits then that she did put the drugs in Icky’s tea and set the whole thing up. “So what if I did? Daniel and she are now back together and she’s with him at his house. Whatever works! I would do anything when it comes to a member of my family!” Julio insists that it’s a waste since Dan doesn’t really want to go back with Tricky. He says he’s not surprised at the lengths she would go to. Mad Marcy angrily thinks to herself she’d love to see the old fart dead.
Labels: eva
La Fea Más Bella #143-144 12/27/10 When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but vindictive Lety and cuartel oh so dear.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Every time Fernando tries to talk about the need for the balance, Lety evades him. Omar tells him their life depends on it. Fern should give her anything she wants and more.
2. Lety takes the cuartel to lunch. Omar tries to distract Fernando who is very disturbed by the car. The man from Klaus wonders why Lety isn’t in the lunch meeting. She should be, since it’s about renegotiating terms. Omar says she feels out of place in this kind of setting.
3. Lety and the cuartel arrive at Le Noir. Fernando takes it as an attack. Marta says, “Don’t worry, Lety’s rich novio is paying for it.” Fernando asks what her game is and she acts innocent, but she enjoys the power. She greets the client but she forcefully ignores Omar. He suggests that Lety is changing her lifestyle.
4. Lety and friends run up the bill to torment Fernando, while Lety and Fern trade glances.
5. Ariel asks Marcia about the source of Tom’s money. He’s worried about dirty business because Lety virtually manages their company. He tells her he intends to unload his Conceptos shares. He needs the capital for his latest venture.
6. Lety imagines Fern’s card is rejected for overcharges, so she pays his bill. Clearly a power fantasy.
7. Fernando tells Omar this is not the sweet Lety he knows; she’s changed. It must be Tom’s fault. Fern thinks of Juana’s prediction, and that’s further evidence that Tom has changed Lety. Marta says that based on the predictions, the novio changed Lety’s life, but has she changed his? Lety says that if she hasn’t yet, she suspects she will.
8. Fernando and Omar wonder whether Lety found the letter. Omar laughs at the possibility. He says, “If she did, we’d be without the company and toasting her as president.” Fernando says she’d be furious and she’d ream him out. Ergo she didn’t find the letter. The answer must be Tomás.
Capitulo 144.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Fernando and Omar look for a solution. Omar says his kisses weren’t enough. Fernando should give her a raise and a monthly allowance (like a kept woman?).
2. Fernando says he hasn’t touched Marcia nor anyone else since the first time he made love with Lety. Omar suggests this could be a problem in their marriage, and he asks the cause. Fern doesn’t know, maybe guilt.
3. Marcia is boggled and offended that Lety took the witches to Le Noir.
4. Fernando yells at Lety, “Are you finished playing games with me yet, or are you going to continue?” He slips today’s card under her door. It says, “I don’t know what I did to deserve your indifference, but I can’t sleep, worrying about it.” He tries to sort out his feelings.
5. Omar makes Sara swear that nobody found the red bag. Sara is sure she’s heading straight to Hell. Omar tells Fern that Lety didn’t see the letter, so the problem is Tom. Fern needs to win her back at all costs. The board meeting is almost upon them and they need that balance. Fern tells himself that he needs to win her back, not for the balance, but for himself.
6. Fernando tells Lety, “We need to talk. Maybe you want to remain silent, but I need to know what’s happening between us.” He orders her to let him take her home tonight, despite her refusal.
7. Alicia tells Marcia that she’s going out with Tomás tonight.
8. Lola tells the witches that her lawyer might be able to garnish half of Efren’s salary for nonpayment of child support.
9. Ricky wants a small change to the jewelry commercial and Luigi refuses because his work is perfect. Fernando overrules because Ricky’s the one paying for it.
Labels: fea-2010
Tuesday and Thursday bloggers needed for Triunfo del Amor
If we have any veteran recappers who'd like to sign on, please let me know. If you are new, please send info about yourself and/or a writing sample (ie try your hand at recapping half an hour or so of one of our current shows) to me at
Hope we can fill the team!
Labels: recappers-needed, triunfo
Saturday, December 25, 2010
El Mundo de Telemundo: Week of December 27 - Discuss amongst yourselves
Labels: alguien, aurora, fantasma, telemundo
Friday, December 24, 2010
Llena de Amor #94 (Mex. 99) Thu 12/23/10 A little kid abuses the rapey snake, so yes Vicky, there is a Santa Claus.
Capítulo 94 (I think)
Last night's lovin' was a bit rough around the edges. Tonight is more about setting things up for a more hopeful future. For some. Will Axel realize he's a schmuck? Will Oliver accept Manolo/Gretelman as a special friend? Will MariVicki do us a favor and watch What Not to Wear? Let's join our cast of crazies and see who's doing what to whom...
Paula is making a delicious vegetable soup low in fat and salt for our Don Max. Bernardo comes in, tells her Fedra wants her, and seasons the soup with his own particular brand of seasoning. Like I said yesterday, it ain’t Beano folks. Sheesh, why don’t they just put the poison right there next to the salt and pepper?
Axel attacks Delicia as we already know from yesterday. Break his skinny arms Delicia!
MariVicki tells Doris her family sucks, what’s one to do? She even feels a little sorry for dumb Kristel being in love with her nefarious good-for-nothing boyfriend. Doris has no sympathy and says they totally deserve each other, “total son tal para cual”. MV adds the same holds true for Eman marrying Ilitia, they are both revolting.
Benigno arrives and after some gallant hand-kissing tells MV his general would like to talk to her. How convenient, Emiliano arrives to invite her to dine with his family that very night. She consents and I’m thinking it’s probably a good thing she doesn’t eat much food any more.
Over at the polis station GretelMan tries to maintain her charade but keeps staring wistfully, nay lustily, at our black and blue-eyed polis. El comisario comes in and asks if he’s made any headway. I guess they are investigating Maurico because Oli and GMan say he supposedly has a canned foods business but there are no legal documents associated with such a business. It doesn’t exist. El Comi gets all excited and plans to bust Fonskanka that very night. Gman wants to join in on the bust.
Blech, back to Axel’s antics. As predicted, Delicia easily throws the wimp off of her and grabs the guitar as her weapon. Axel keeps harping on Bernardo and she says what we’ve all been saying, Axel was much nicer before he got his memory back, he was noble and good. Now he’s worse than a monster and she will never forgive him, never! She tosses the guitar at him instead of cracking it over his head.
Gman and Oli are having a little spat in front of El Comis. Oli doesn’t want Gman at the bust because last time the little chicken was a scaredy cat. Gman says it’s only because Oli acted suicidal by putting himself in front of a gun and hasn’t Oli heard, the pen is mightier than the sword? More bickering and El Comi tells Oli to shut it, Gman will be there because he’s earned it. Gman smirks at Oli over his/her big round glasses.
Benigno finds don Max practicing his rifle maneuvers. Beni seems a little unnerved that El General is taking his practice so seriously. He’s further concerned that his General doesn’t recognize him and accuses him of being a spy. “Speak or you’re a dead man!” Max accuses, pointing his rifle at Beni. I guess he ate the special vegetable soup.
Fedra and Lowrenzo are at a club getting his and her massages. He says ever since Victoria showed up it’s been pure problems at work. Then he says something about Christian. “Christian? Who is Christian?” the queen jealously asks.
MariVicki visits the orphanage. Muñeca takes her on a tour and wants to show off her favorite kids, Manzanita and the obstinate Christian who hates taking direction. Muñeca manages to get his attention momentarily with some liquid food product which he chugs with a recalcitrant scowl. Daddy would be proud.
As Eman arrives at the orphanage he tells Fidel that he will see him later that night. I think this is a telenovela clue so I’ll take note. Manzanita runs up and gives him a hug and Muñeca tells MV that Eman visits all the time and is one of their strongest supporters. She tells the Manzanita story and how he saved her from an orphaned life on the streets. MV smiles and watches the kiddies dote on Eman while Muñeca sings his praises. Is our little marshmallow going all gooey?
Lowrenzo lies to Fedra and tells her that Christian is one of his most important clients, that’s all. Fedra jealously tells him that when they are together she wants him to forget the entire world.
Eman’s secretary reluctantly meets Ilitia for lunch. She tells Ilitia to prepare herself, her husband is going after that new girl Victoria.
MariVicki tells Eman she wouldn’t have guessed she would see him at the orphanage. He tells her there is a lot about him she wouldn’t have guessed. When the love of his life Marianela left him he spent a lot of time at this place. Manzanita helped save him. He tells how he called and wrote Mari but she never answered him. She says he could have hopped a plane. He gets a pained look and in accordance with TN rules refuses to defend himself with those three little words, “I was paralyzed”.
Muñeca interrupts them to show MV some cute pics of Eman and Manzanita. Oh look he’s in a wheelchair. Muñeca tells MV that he was in a horrible accident and nobody thought he would ever recover. With his hard work and determination he beat the odds and won an international competition.
Paula and Benigno wrestle Don Max back into bed while he blathers about winning the war for peace. I think Beni gives him a happy shot and Don M falls off to sleep muttering that the enemy is near. Beni is worried that the viper Fedra will send him to the nuthouse.
Back at the club Fedra is giving Lowrenzo a hard time about seeming preoccupied and worried. Is he hiding something? Is it this Christian guy? Is Christian a woman? Low insists not but it’s too late, Fedra’s already got Christian’s name branded into her brain. Low is so preoccupied that when he orders his “usual” he doesn’t even notice the two hotties ogling him from the next table.
MariVicki wants to know exactly when Eman had his accident. He doesn’t know why she cares but it was the same day Mari left on a jet plane. He lost the woman he loved most in his life. When he woke from his accident the only thing he wanted to do was get up from his bed, run to her and put his arms around her. Mari turns away and shares her tears with us.
Over at the Polis Station the S.W.A.T. team is getting ready for the big bust. Are Brandon and Oli still mad at each other? They don their bullet-proof vests and glare at each other while Gretelman enters and tells them to make up.
Oli starts to help GMan put on a bullet-proof vest and after a bit of inept fumbling (how hard is it to put on a vest?) he realizes he’s being a little too touchy and recoils. “Put it on yourself!”
MV mutters that this changes nothing and doesn’t undo the damage Eman did to Marianela and anyway, he ended up marrying someone else. He doesn’t know what she’s talking about. He loved Mari with all of his soul. But when he had his accident who was with him day and night? Ilitia. Who never left his side? Ilitia. And MV’s great friend Mari, where was she when he needed her? That’s why he married Ilitia. Because the woman he loved abandoned him without an explanation. I pause here to raise a glass to Valentino Lanus for a scene well done. Kudos for great emotion and for not being an ugly crier.
Mari escapes outside, leans against the wall, sucks up her inhaler and insists this doesn’t change anything! He wanted to kill her for her inheritance. GAH!!!! Malicio Fonskanka appears behind her, “Here I am my precious, I’ve arrived.”
Paula tells Beni she’s never seen Don Max so bad. Nereida needles them as Fedra and Spidey join them. Nereida snaps her fingers and tells Paula and Beni to get back to work. Fedra mocks her, snapping her fingers like a flamenco dancer, and telling them ALL to leave the kitchen. (I love it when people mock Nereida which they do all the time.) Fedra congratulates Spidey that the old decrepit is finally losing his marbles once and for all. She pours a glass of water for Spidey and tells him to stay hydrated. He wisely ignores it and grabs an apple instead.
Malicio asks her why the tears? He had an unhappy childhood too, just like the poor orphans. She tells him to butt out and he’ll never have the good fortune to be with her. If he doesn’t leave her alone she’ll tell the whole world he tried to rape her. Eman sees them and starts yelling at Agent O for bothering her while MV escapes in the nearest taxi.
Someone ominously observes from a parked vehicle while Agent O joins Muñeca and enters the orphanage for some special event. Notably, Eman has a prior engagement and cannot join them.
Back at the club Lowman drinks alone and recalls dandling baby Christian at the park. He is interrupted by a club employee who introduces the two hotties to Lowman. It is their dream to become models. He reverts to form, forgets his memories, and starts drooling as he checks out their figures.
Muñeca wants to introduce Agent O to all the cute kiddies. He pretends to care. Oh this next part is the bomb. Muñeca summons Christian. Agent O picks up the fractious child who promptly sticks something up Agent O’s nose and them whacks him upside the head with both grimy little fists. Christian you are my new hero. Muñeca tells Agent O that Chris was abandoned in the street and she shows him the child’s medallion. Agent O tells the squirming bundle that they are going to be good friends, then he points his finger, gun-style, at the child’s head.
Eman has arrived home to Hell House. Fedra tells Emiliano that Don Max has finally lost his marbles and Benigno’s to blame. Poor Beni says he’s sure the crisis will pass then he skedaddles out of sight. Bernardo appears with Tio’s will, all is in order according to law. “According to law!” Fedra repeats, nodding righteously at Emiliano. Eman knows what it says, Tio leaves everything to Marianela. Nope sez Emiliano, he leaves it all to you Eman. Bernardo and Fedra gleefuly nod like a couple of bobble-head dolls.
Back at the orphanage little Christian enthusiastically pokes his finger in Orangey’s eye while Orangey pretends to teach him to shoot and explains that he must be the lost brat of Lowrenzo and here is under the nose of Low’s wife all this time. Who will pay more, Garduno or Lowrenzo? He tries to remove the medallion but Chris has a death grip on it so Orangey finally just rips it off the kid’s neck.
Muñeca shows up and Orangey gives her a line of complete bull, he’s so moved spending time with these wonderful kids. Chris is acting up somewhere down around Orangey’s legs; come on Chris, hit him in the nuts, he can’t do anything with Muñeca there. Muñeca tells Orangey she’ll see him tomorrow at some publicity event and calls Christian to follow her to eat with the other kids. Of course Chris is long gone from this scene so Muñeca exits stage right all by her lonesome.
Eman tells Emiliano something must be wrong. Tio Max told him himself that his wish was to leave everything to Marianela. “I’m so sorrrrry” Fedra snips in English, but this was Max’s ONLY legal will. Max is totally insane and so is Gretel, it runs in the family. She reads aloud, “In case of death or incapacity my nephew Eman gets everything”. Beni strides up and tells her not to sing Victoria yet, this was not the last will of Don Max!
We’re back from the commercial break but the closed captioners are still on theirs. I’ve noticed that every day this week there is a 5-15 minute period where no CCs appear. My theory is that the Llena captioner takes a break or sneaks out for a smoke. I’ll do my best here.
The S.W.A.T. team is kitting up. Brandon instructs them to stay cool, they need to surprise Fonskanka. El Comis tells them to keep it clean and he instructs Oliver to protect Manolo. The other guys tease Oli about protecting his little chick then something about watching out for the rear guard which is obviously a bad joke regarding Gman’s sexuality.
Oli pulls Gman aside and tells him not to feel bad, the guys were just joking around. Gman gives Oli a quick hug for defending him and Oli pulls back and tells him not to confuse things. He’ll respect Gman’s preferences as long as Gman respects his, OK? Gman keeps creeping closer to Oli and Oli keeps pushing him away although not quite as vehemently as before.
The CCs are back! Over at Netty’s it looks like Pacheco plans to stay for dinner. Luckily since the boys are at work there might be enough food for the bottomless pit. He reads a magazine and comments that El Lirio de Plata is now a journalist, what’s up with that? Letty defends El Lirio and Gladi says Brandon would surely be annoyed at that. Pacheco agrees, Lirio is a thief. Nety says he’s not a thief; he steals from the rich and gives to the poor. Consuelo says he must be extremely ugly, that’s why he covers his face. MariVicky enters and says she’s never met anyone as valiant and strong as El Lirio. The ladies swoon.
Back at Manicomio Manor Fedra has a hissy fit and tells Beni she is the boss lady of the house and how dare he speak to her in this manner? He says excuse me but you aren’t my boss, I only report to Max and the lady of the house Marianela. Fedra explodes but Emiliano holds her back. Bernardo yells at Beni so Emiliano kicks him out of the room. To retaliate Fedra fires Beni but Emiliano says no. “It’s not fair you get to tell my slave to leave but I can’t tell yours to leave.” She leaves sobbing and shrieking and Emiliano stupidly follows her.
Eman tells Beni that they both know very well that Max wanted to leave everything to Mari so how could this will appear from nowhere? Could Max have decided to change his will when Mari left for Spain? Beni asks does Eman really think that?
Mañana: Ilitia is pissed off that MariVicky is coming for dinner. Eman kisses MariVicky.
Andar detrás = to go after
No cantar victoria = Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched, it ain’t over ‘til it’s over (Lit. Don’t sing victory)
Nunca has escuchado que la pluma es mas fuerta que la espada? = Haven’t you heard the pen is mightier than the sword?
Es de los apoyos más fuertes = he is one of the biggest supporters
Patán nefasto= terrible good-for-nothing
Reguardar = Rear guard (I think this was a play on words with the verb resguardar which means to protect. I’m not sure.)
Tan conmovido = so moved
Ultimo voluntad = last will
Labels: llena
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Eva Luna #34 Wed 12/22/10 “I married a monster”
The more of the same starts with Eva and Daniel. Eva tells Daniel that they are finished and tells him to return to Victoria. She needs him. He tells her she is wrong. She can’t ask him to go back to Victoria. She tells him she can and to go back before something worse happens and to forget about her. He tells her he is leaving but he doesn’t accept her decision. He leaves as Eva sets at her desk hands to face leaving us all wanting to throw something at her.
I am going to condense all the seedy stripper joint goings on all together. Marisol is taking her merry time in the dressing room while all the clients are in a tizzy as to where she is. Her friend wants to know what’s going on. She tells her she is not going to leave until she talks to Damian. He bust in and want’s to know what in the devil she is doing and why hasn’t she gone on stage. She gets up in his face and tells him “because I don’t want too.”
She continues “And I am not leaving until you and I clear things up.” Damian wants to know what she is talking about. He tells everyone to leave and Marisol insists they all stay and hear what she has to say. She tells him she knows him very well and knows that he set her up the other night . He stands there with a malice smile as Marisol thumping him on the chest as she leaves, tells him his plan failed. It just brought her and Fran closer together. Damian tells her he is happy for her but her good fortune could change. She defiantly tells him her good fortune will bring her fine jewelry and nice clothes. He tells her she still owes him money and until she pays she has clients waiting for her. He turns to her friend and says, “Your stupid friend will need to learn that he who laughs last laughs the best“ and leaves the dressing room.
Marisol is finally out front and center and sees the penthouse owner from the other night. (I don’t know if is name is Horace or not but it seems to fit and that’s what I will call him.) Horace tries to stop her in mid pole swing telling her they have something pending to talk about.
The disruption of the show doesn’t sit well with the other clients and a fist fight breaks out. Horace has gotten a couple of swings in before Damian steps forward and tells the bouncers to throw him out. Horace protests telling Damian “We are friends, or did you forget you gave my keys to that women” turning to Marisol. Damian tells him if he would have answered his telephone he would have been aware of the plan he had set up for Marisol but because he didn’t he messed everything up. He tells him he hopes he finds his phone the next time he needs him and has him kicked out. Then he Tells Marisol to get to her dressing room. He turns to the crowd and tells them to party on.
Renata has summoned Daniel to the big house. She is apologizing as she tells him Victoria is inconsolable. Daniel enters the room to find Victoria “distraught” crying “You finally got here.” Daniel with hands on his hips asks her what she wants and what’s wrong. Like a spider spinning her web she pleads for him to come closer.
Hysterically and speaking a thousand words a minute Victoria is spewing craziness as Daniel sits down on her bed. She tells him he is the only one that can take her out of this horror. Daniel very softly tells her things can’t continue the way they are. Victoria still rants on. Daniel tells her the most important thing now is that she go see a specialist. Victoria protests and tells him she is not crazy. The only thing she needs to be well is to have him present. He tells her he cares for her deeply but he can’t offer her anything else.
She pulls out a piece of paper from her night stand and hands it to him. It is the wedding invitation. She tells him she just received them and that’s why she is all nuts. Daniel still not caught in the web of guilt tells her she has to do her part to recuperate from this. He tells her the most important thing is her health. Through tears she tells him the only important thing to her is him and their wedding. “Because all my happiness in life is you” as you goes in for a very clingy hug.
Alicia is trying to comfort Eva. She wants to know what Daniel was doing there. Eva tells her she told Daniel to forget about her. Alicia who seems to be a lot smarter than big sister right now, asks her how she could do something like that. Eva tells her it isn’t as easy a thing as she thinks. She tells Alicia she feels if she doesn’t break up with Daniel for good that Victoria could die.
Bless Alicia’s pea sized brain as she continues to tell Eva she is making a mistake in giving up the “man of her life” to avoid someone else’s suffering. She goes on to say Victoria doesn’t deserve Daniel. And what about her sacrifice. Eva tells her it is already a done deal. She has ended her relationship with Daniel for good.
Daniel has returned home and Fran catches him and warns him that Leo is waiting for him in the living room. Leo is poised on the sofa saying “At last you finally returned. Where have you been?” Daniel tells him he was at his house visiting Victoria and asks him what he wants. He tells Daniel now he has no excuses and they need to clarify things.
Dan goes to pour himself a drink as he tells Leo he is tired. He tells him to say what he needs to say. He tells Daniel that if Victoria tried to commit suicide it was his fault and he has a right to be upset. Daniel tells Leo he understands but it was her decision. Leo tells him it was Daniels fault she took the pills. He is the one who broke off the engagement. Daniel stops him and tells him no, he thought that way at first but doesn’t now. He tells him he accepts the consequences of his decisions but also the right to make them. “The right to decide who I want and who I don’t want to spend the rest of my life with.” Leo looks long and hard at Daniel and says “It is for Eva, right? You dumped Victoria for Eva Right?” Daniel stares back even harder and longer.
Daniels tells Leo that he broke up with Victoria because what he felt with her was an obligation and not love. That was why he broke off the engagement. Leo throws back that he broke up with Victoria because he is in love with Eva and has been going out with Eva. Daniel admits this and says “Thanks to Eva I realized that I didn’t love Victoria and would never love her and what we had was more like a habit.”
Leo again is outraged with Daniels response telling him “And above all this you have the nerve to tell me this.” Daniel protests and says “one thing is nerve the other is very distinct, it is the truth.. You wanted the truth and now you have it.” He tells Daniel what he suspected was true. Daniel looking at him asks if he has any more questions.
Leo asks Daniel if he seriously fell in love with Eva. Daniel responds “Very seriously.” Leo asks him if he knows the damage he has caused to his sister. Daniel is now outraged as he walks away from Leo now speaking very angrily and tells him of course he knows he hurt Victoria, but he is in love with another woman. Leo shouts back “You are not in love with Eva! You fantasize about her because you know I want her.” Daniel shouts back “This isn’t just a fantasy much less some compitition with you, but I love her.” Leo asks “And her?” (or as the English subtitles say “Does she do?”) Daniel tells him "yes" despite all he has done to try and get her to hate him and despite all his plans to separate them. Then he tells him “In the end it was you who got us together.”
Leo up in Daniel’s face tells him he is not going to permit this. Daniel right back at him asks him what he is going to do. He asks Leo if he has told Victoria. He tells Leo sooner or later she will find out. Leo says this has nothing to do with Victoria. Daniel wants to know who then. Leo says “It has to do with me and Eva. I am not going to make it that easy for you. I brought Eva to the house and it isn’t going to be you who ends up with Eva. She is going to be mine. And if it comes to it I will fight you to the death” and leaves.
In between some other scenes we have a panorama of flashbacks between Eva and Daniel. Each having their own little dreams of what was. We even have a scene with Eva packing the lovely gown and hat that Daniel wore in the hospital and taking it to the corner dumpster. Not for any other reason than I thought this was an adorable picture of Daniel I decided to include it.
Daniel’s flashbacks not only include the romantic interlude he had with Eva but also the night he found out about Victoria from Renata. He also flashes about the evil Marcela, the crazy Victoria and the sad Eva. He remembers Leo’s words of who will end of with Eva and says to himself “You better not touch her Leo. If you try anything with her it will be me who fights you to the death.”
One of the cutest scenes of the night was between Ricardo and Adrian. They have a grandpa grandson discussion about women. Adrian isn’t certain how he feels about Laurita. Ricardo tells him since he saved her from almost drowning they are practically “novios” because there is nothing a woman likes more than a hero. At the same time this discussion is going on we see a sad little Laurita touching the wilting flowers that Adrian gave her and wondering if it means he has forgotten all about her. She hopes this isn’t the case because she really likes him.
Eva has walked out into the garden and is crying. Leo approaches her from out of nowhere. To the best of my knowledge I think this is what went down. Eva asks Leo what he is doing there. He tells her needs to talk to her about something very important. She puts her hand to her face in worry and wants to know if something has happened to Julio or Victoria. Leo tells her what he came to talk about has to do with her and Daniel. She tells Leo she doesn’t understand what he means. He tells her “Of course you do, and the most important thing is you aren’t at fault for anything. And possibly you are a victim as well and probably the only true victim.”
Eva tells Leo she doesn’t know what to say. Leo says “My sister is really bad off. We are watching her very closely so she won’t do anything crazy again and Daniel is to blame for all of this because of his relationship with you” Eva tells him she has ended it. Leo tells her that Daniel has told him the opposite.
He tells Eva he wants to believe her because if not the outcome for Victoria would be terrible. He guilts her more and tells her how awful it would be for Victoria to find out it was her who was involved with Daniel.
Eva walks away from Leo and tells him to stop. She promises that everything will return to normal. Daniel will return to Victoria. Leo wants to know if she is serious. Eva tells him yes and Leo tells her that is great news since Victoria is quite impetuous and one never knows. She may try and kill herself again and this time there might not be anyone there to save her. Eva now filled to the top with guilt turns back to Leo and says “Oh I hope not” and Leo says the same.
Eva then begins to ask if Daniel had said something and Leo implies that Daniel said it wasn’t over. That is why he came to her because he knows how valiant (?)she is. Eva promises him that his sister will be happy. Leo tells her that if something were to happen to Victoria now, no one could blame her. Eva tells him if he has finished telling her everything he needs to she would be grateful if he would leave. He tells her not to worry he won’t tell his sister what happened and he hopes that nothing will happen again between her and Daniel. He also tells her that it is important that she forgets about Daniel. He thanks her for himself and for his sister. And with “heartfelt” gratitude leaves a sniffling Eva behind.
There was a bunch of fragmented Marisol/ Fran sub plotlines going on as well. Marisol is talking with her friend about her hopes that Fran will propose. She wonders what it would be like to have a millionaire propose to her. Our Millionaire is practicing his said proposal to a pillow.
The back and forth continues. Now Marisol is thinking about the kind of ring she might get from a rich man. Fran is also worried about the type of ring and has impressed himself with a great story he came up with to avoid getting her an expensive ring. He will tell her that a man in his family had given a brilliant diamond to someone, and something bad happened to that women. So in their family they don’t give “bling” to their women.
Marcella is in Victoria’s room wanting to know how things went with Daniel. She tells her not very well and she is beginning to loose hope. Marcella chides her and tells her she gives up to easily and ends up making the same mistake. She climbs out of her pity bed and tells Marcella she did everything Marcella told her to do including telling him the next time she would use a pistol. “Nothing worked. He doesn’t want to marry me.”
Marcella tells her they just have to find something that will work. Victoria wants to know what will work. Marcella tells her she doesn’t know but they have to find something that will coral him in. Victoria reminds her that she isn’t totally inept alluding to the suicide attempt. Marcella laughs at her as she sits down. She tells her that her idea did work, after she interceded. Victoria mockingly says “You? You didn’t do anything. She just chewed me out and called me stupid for letting Daniel get away. You told me you would think of something but never told me what.” Marcella tells her she did do something but she isn’t aware of it yet. At this moment we see Julio walking in the hallway.
She continues to tell her that she never leaves anything half done. As she is saying this Julio is ever so close to the door. She tells Victoria the part she played in assisting her “suicide.” At that very moment we see Julio at the door listening in as Marcella continues “Who do you think gave you all those pills?” Victoria incredulously says “It was you?” and Marcella proudly claims responsibility for this trickery saying “it was me who overdosed you to buy more time with Daniel.” We see Julio listening in in utter shock.
Victoria is shocked and tells her she put her life at risk. She wants to know why she didn’t tell her any of this when she woke up. Marcella tells her she had to play her part right so that everyone would believe she really tried to kill herself. Victoria thinks about this for a second than thanks Marcella for helping her. We see a broken hearted Julio listening to this as well as Marcella tells her daughter “never forget the extreme measures because they always get extreme results. You have to continue to fight for Daniel.”
She tells Victoria she can count on her for what ever she needs and gives her a “Godfather” like kiss on the cheek and leaves. After she has gone Victoria sits on the bed and I am not certain if she is grateful or scared silly. Holy spit!!!
Julio is sitting on the sofa with Max trying to wrap his head around what he just witnessed. He tells Max that bad times (Mala hora) have crossed his pathway. He continues to say “I married a Monster. The worse part is she created Victoria. In her likeness and in her image.” He chides himself for being such an imbecile as he continue to talk with Max telling him what a great friend he is even though he can‘t do any thing to help.
Eva has decided to call in sick. Her nerves won’t allow her to face Julio. She thanks Alicia for being so good to her. She worries what Julio will think when he finds out she is the reason for what his daughter did.
Julio is in bed with Max as Renata enters with breakfast. He wants to know where Eva is. Renata tells him she called in sick. He tells her he to take everything away. She tells him he at least as to take his medicine as she prepares it and brings it to him. He points to the night stand and tells her to leave it there and to leave. Before she leaves she tells him if he was worried about his daughter he doesn’t have to worry any more because she woke up in a really good mood. He snarls “Thank God. Now leave me alone.”
This was the weirdest scene. Marcela has entered her office and we see Giorgio sniffling away. Marcella wants to know what’s up. It turns out that Victoria’s suicide attempt has affected him more than Marcella. Marcella wants to know how he found out. He tells her it was a friend who is a medic. She warns him not to tell anyone. If her daughter finds anyone gossiping about it they will be fired as well as him. Giorgio sniffling back his tears tells her he understands. He wants to know how Victoria is. She tells him she is fine, perfect, it was nothing more than a stupid stunt. Giorgio tells her that it isn’t a stupid stunt. Marcella turns to look at him slightly intrigued as he continues to tell her “ I know what it is like to try and end one’s life.” Marcella asks “You Too?” Giorgio tells her yes “It was the worse day of his life.” Marcella gives an uncomfortable giggle and hides her face. Giorgio calls her on this and says “ That makes you laugh? You can’t believe that I could feel bad? That I am all smiles and ‘Good day?’ Well that’s not the case.” He tells her he is not as proud of himself as he appears to be. I think he tells her he tried to kill himself but either for good or bad luck he wasn’t successful.
Giorgio is now in tear overflow as he continues his story. And tells her he needs some one to show a little care and as my mouth dropped to the floor old Marcella walked over to him and gave him an honest to goodness hug with what even looked like a semi-tender pat on the back.
This bit is barely noteworthy. Tony shows up at Jacky’s house, gets out of his car and starts bouncing around. I think he asks her if he can use the bathroom. Next think we know he has come out of the house and starts charming Jacky. He asks her to go to the movies or go eat. She tells him she has to think about it and walks away. She quickly turns around and tells him she has thought about it and the answer is yes. (I just heard you all groan “Euew” in unison.)
Another barely noteworthy scene is with Marisol and Alicia. Alicia is helping her with her makeup. Marisol tells her she would make a great make-up artist. Hey what a great idea Alicia tells her. Maybe her millionaire boyfriend can help her get started as a make-up artist to his famous cousins friends. (Or something like that)
All right finally a noteworthy scene. Julio is calling for Max He says “I have to think really hard about what I am going to do. Marcella is a very dangerous woman. A very dangerous woman. But I won’t let her continue causing so much harm. I will confront her.” (OH!! I don’t think that is a very good idea)
We have a little Laurita and Jacky time. Jacky tells her she has no idea about the gossip she is about to tell her. Laurita all excited blurts out “Fran told you he likes you?“ She tells her “No such luck” and continues to tell her about Tony.
Daniel is at his office. He has called Victoria to see how she is doing. She tells him she still feels weak and is still in bed with the lights off, as we see her sitting poolside with drink in hand.
Then she asks him how he is. He tells her he is hard at work trying to catch up. Victoria says it is her fault because he lost all day yesterday spending it with her and apologizes. He tells her not to worry about it. He tells her the most important thing is for her to continue to try and get better. She tells him she hopes he hasn’t told anyone that they broke up. He tells her no because she asked him not too. But he has been thinking about doing it. He tells her it doesn’t make sense to continue hiding it. Sooner or later people are going to find out.
Victoria does not want to hear this and starts strutting around the pool telling him he promised to give her time and that he would let her tell everyone. He tells her that it doesn’t make sense to keep it form people any longer. Even Leo and her mother already knows. She tells him her father doesn’t know yet. Her friends and the press doesn’t know either. Then she lays on the guilt and tells him she hopes she has the strength to confront the scandal this will create. Daniel gives in and tells her that’s fine.
She then tells him she has another favor to ask. Daniel, tapping his pen on the desk with apprehension asks “What?” She says “Have diner with me tonight.” Daniel tells her he can’t. Victoria asks “You can’t or you don’t want too?” Daniel starts to answer her and Victoria stops him telling him he doesn’t owe her any explanations. She understands. “I know that the I am no longer your future wife. That time is over. Now I am a hindrances (estorbo). And you see me as a great sacrifice. I should just kill myself Daniel. Daniel tells her not to be like that. She replies “ And how should I be if I have to beg you for a little gift of time.”
Daniel with hands to face asks her why she would invite him to come over? She tells him he doesn’t understand the only thing she wants is to see him. To help her end their relationship little by little. “That’s the only way I can let you and to go and continue living.”
Daniel reluctantly tells her he will try his hardest to make it. Victoria thanks him and tells him she will be waiting for him as she closes her phone and suddenly looks very evil.
Well that's it for tongiht. I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday. I did want to leave you with one final gift however, that I had left over from the LFMB board.
Labels: eva
La Fea Más Bella #141-142 12/23/10 Dr. Frankenstein forgot certain safety features.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Lety scolds Tom for flirting with Jaz. A flirting novio will hurt her image at work. Pop is mad that Lety bought the car with Fernando’s money. Pop won’t listen to Lety’s explanation, so she stops listening to his complaints and goes to her room.
2. Fernando follows Lety home and calls her, but MamaJ says Lety’s not home. Now he’s really mad, and he can’t understand why she’s treating him like this. Jorge Flores (PG – Psychic Guy) tells Fernando that the company consumes him and makes him renounce what is truly important to him. See the transcript. Fernando freaks because Lety’s in the house alone with Tom, and they’re in the bedroom.
3. Lety tells Tom to buy stylish clothes that are appropriate for their car. Lety says she won’t change her style. Fernando did what he did because she’s fea, so he’s going to suffer her ugliness to save his company. She wants him to suffer, and Tom notes that she is becoming bitter. Tom takes the car home.
4. Lety tells her diary that she almost can’t resist falling at Fernando’s feet when he simply looks at her. She suffers for him but he only suffers for his company. She’s incapable of taking it from him, but she’ll convince him she’s going to take it because it’s the only thing that matters in his life. He deserves to feel threatened. She says, “He’ll cry more than I do.”
5. At Marcia’s, Fernando doesn’t want to talk about the wedding and doesn’t want to kiss her. She says she hopes he will forget about “ella” soon because she’s not willing to marry a man who has another woman in his heart (wanna’ bet?). Fern falls asleep on top of the covers, fully dressed, with his arms folded for defense.
6. In Fernando’s nightmare, he finds Lety and Tom kissing in the car. He yells, “Are you in love with him and not me, Lety?” She sneers at him, turns away, and starts kissing Tom. LETY!!!
7. Lety decides to learn to drive today. She takes Tom to the clothing store and he’s distressed that she’s using the car because of his date with Alicia tonight. Alicia arrives at Conceptos in a taxi she can’t pay for, and Lety arrives in her MB.
Capitulo 142.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Fernando decides to confront Lety about the car, but instead he plays Whack-a-Mole and he’s the mole! Every time he tries to take the upper hand, she clobbers him again, and he’s left swinging in the breeze.
* F: Why didn’t you call? L: You were with Marcia, and I shouldn’t interrupt.
* F: Whose car is it? L: Mine.
* F: You can’t use Conceptos money for that! L: It’s FI money. I bought it for Tom to use.
* Long ago you promised me a car. I got it myself so I didn’t have to bother you.
* F: Not a $90k car! L: Many think I don’t deserve it because I’m ugly and poor.
* F: Why do you treat me as if I’m nothing to you? L: If you distrust me I can return the car. And your company.
2. Celso Chismoso informs Ariel that Alicia’s car was repo’d and Lety is driving her rich novio’s MB.
3. Marcia asks Fernando about Lety’s rich novio, and Fern assures her that he knows the novio and knows his company, and it’s a legitimate business.
4. Fern goes to Omar’s office to throw his tantrum about Lety buying a car with FI money. Worse than the car, he’s worried about her new attitude. He admits he doesn’t know how to manage her. (Boy howdy!)
5. Ariel ridicules Alicia for losing her car. He says she’s even lower than the cuartel. Of Lety he says, “La fea que tiene Fernando como asistente.” (That could be read two ways.)
6. Omar tells Fernando he’s treated Lety badly. He didn’t give her the car he promised, and he pays her a miserable salary. She manages Conceptos’ capital and isn’t paid a dime for it. A $90K car’s extravagant, but it’s only 0.2% of the capital (Omar gets his math wrong and Fern stares). Besides, Fern shouldn’t risk a $40M company over a little $90K. Fernando should give her anything she wants and more.
7. Lety creams Ariel! See the transcript. I am incapable of summarizing it.
8. Fern says that Lety rejected him, was rude to him, went out with Tom, and bought him that car. Omar wonders if she’s involved with Tom. He asks, at some point did Fernando descuidar (to stop paying attention, to let one’s guard down) Lety? Fern insists that he took her out all the time. Omar asks how could a galán like him lose a fea like her to a baboso like Tom.
9. Fernando remembers PG telling him to let go of the company to take hold of real love. Fern says to himself, “No, I won’t give you the pleasure, Ariel!”
Spanish Lesson
I know that today's Spanish lesson is particularly long. The PG scene is important because someone is trying to tell Fernando what he needs to hear. The Ariel scene is spectacular; I couldn't resist posting it.
With Jorge Flores
J: I came to see you. (Fern thinks it’s because of where he’s parked, blocking road.) You carry (traer) something very strong, you (at it) called to me.
F: Amigo, don’t drink. And if you drink, don’t drive.
J: Something happened to you as a child, that defined your path. It was something that confused you, so you decided to wrestle and compete, so you would never fail to win.
F: No, you’re wrong, and I’ll tell you why.
J: I’m not wrong when I see the soul, and yours is trapped.
F: Trapped? No! I’m free in the fresh air.
J: You hocked yourself to maintain control over something, a big building? a business? (Now Fern starts listening; he wants to hear what this guy says.) Your need for control has made you make wrong decisions and you’re confused.
F: (weakly.) No, I’m not confused.
J: Aren’t you here hoping to understand something that worries you a lot? Your worry has to do with a woman near here. But at the same time she’s far because she hides from you. You believe in this woman, but at the same time distrust her. Love that doesn’t trust doesn’t even [?] to those who are close. There is either love or distrust.
F: No, no, I don’t distrust her (in denial).
J: Then why are you here spying on her?
F: You don’t realize it, but Lety has a friend, and I’m afraid he is taking my company from me.
J: That’s because the company consumes you. For the company you renounce what is truly important to you.
F: (To himself.) En realidad me (revasa?). Forgive me, Lety, but I can’t cancel the wedding. I can’t disappoint my parents, neither about the wedding nor about the business.(Aloud.) No. that’s not true. You’re the one who’s confused because it’s the other way around. (Something I can’t understand.) She’s very tender, very sweet, very pretty. (Defensive.) But it’s in conflict with my usual life. My family, my circumstances, my entire future.
J: Are you sure of that. Are you sure the life you’ve built is really, the correct path? I’m here to tell you that this is your main mistake. And this is what has you trapped.
F: (Reject.) You’re rude and I don’t like you a bit. How can a total stranger question how I live my life? To say that you supposedly feel me. That you know my childhood and birth.
J: This “stranger” lives close to here. And I came to this pretty street without intending to. In the place I met the other stranger. There are no coincidences. Today I came to find you, to ask you to look at your soul. To let go of this company so you can love for real. And I’m telling you, we’ll keep seeing each other because you’re going to need me.
Lety creams Ariel.
A: You know what, Licenciada? Today I notice you’re different.
L: Really? That’s odd. This morning my mirror told me I’m the same assistant who is poorly pulled together, ugly, who causes so many problems to the image of Conceptos (Ariel’s words when she tried her new look).
A: That’s indisputable. The mirror doesn’t waiver. But that’s not what I’m talking about. Rather, your attitude. (Probing.) I find it defiant. (Condescending.) Maybe the car parked outside makes you feel more secure about yourself.
L: Puede ser. It’s the same security you feel standing in a $45M company. Maybe that’s why you’ve been so defiant, Licenciado.
A: (More forceful because she’s not backing down to him). Effectively, yes. But that car isn’t yours. And the company IS mine.
L: (Lety smirks.) Claro. Conceptos pertains to the Vilareals & Mendiolas.
A: I’m given to believe that the car is your novio’s?
L: With total respect, what juicy gossip, huh?
A: (Getting angry but controls it.) I suppose you like parking it there because it gets attention. (Tries again to dominate.) Maybe you’re using it to get attention because your appearance doesn’t get you any. But I don’t blame you. Many women do that. But you have a novio who is so established. Who is he? What’s his name?
L: Tomás Mora.
A: I don’t recognize the name. What does he do? Where does he work?
L: He’s an executive in an investment co.
A: And he makes enough to let his novia use such an expensive car?
L: He makes good money.
A: Where’s he work?
L: Why do you ask?
A: I’ll be Frank (and you be Ernest). I worry that your personal relationships could affect MY company. (Boy howdy!!!)
L: Let me see if I understand. You’re worried whether his money is clean or illegal.
A: You understand me very well. That is my worry.
L: To you it’s incredible that a woman like me would have a novio executivo with a good salary with clean capital?
A: Yes.
L: (Chuckle.) I’m too ugly to deserve someone like that? Is that it? IOW if someone ugly or of humble origins drives a car like that, it’s suspicious?
A: Without proof to the contrary? Yes.
L: Licenciado, do you think that only people like you, your social level, family name, earned their money respectably? Do you think you know all the rich of this country? Claro, if you don’t know them, they must be suspicious? You really think that only the social elite can have honorable money? I feel sorry for you, Licenciado, but there are many people producing a lot of clean money. And those people are far from your social level. That car outside is not only for people like you. No. It’s also for people who buy it by hard work. (Burn!)
Labels: fea-2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Llena de Amor #93 (Mex. 98) Wed 12/22/10 Whatever Happened To Holding Hands And Walking In The Rain?
Well, folks, Romance in this one tends more towards criminal assault. We begin with an attempted rape of Vicky/Mari by Mauricio and end with what looks like another attack--Axel assaulting Delicia. Don't know about you, but I'm ready to go back to a slower pace. In between, there's the usual amount of sexual tension between Brandon and Ilitia, Emanuel and Vicky/Mari and , gulp...Manolo and Oliver. Even Muñeca seems to be fantasizing....about el Lirio de Plata. Other than Paula and Maximo who are like a cozy old married couple, the rest of the episode is pretty steamy.
We start at Mauricio's pad where Vicky's virtue seems to be in danger. Luckily she came prepared with a shiv which she holds to Mauricio's neck. Even though he could easily disarm her, he goes all soft on her (no pun intended) and hastily promises that he really just wants to discuss the proposal. She prefers doing it back at the office....proposal discussion, that is. And hustles back there to forage in her purse for an inhaler and get Emanuel all hot , bothered and worried about her again.
In the meantime, Fedra's engineering her own assault. On Netty and her boardinghouse. Fedra, who can barely manage everyday Spanish, is now babbling in English. "I'm so sorry Netty. Estoy muy sorry" but I'm taking over this property, throwing you out and turning it into a bordello. That way, you has-been two-bit actresses will be able to find another kind of employment. That ladies are all a-flutter. Oliver and Manolo are outraged . But just when Fedra boasts that nothing is going to stop her, Super-Hero Emiliano arrives. And announces that he has saved the day by paying off the mortgage to the very last penny. Now it's Fedra that's outraged. And Netty who's fluttering her eyelashes for all she's worth in a swoon of gratitude. But it's little Manolo who rushes in for a hug. An extended one. Emiliano's confused (well, when isn't he?) And Oliver is jaundiced. That little twerp wants to hug any man he sees, sniffs our troubled policia.
Netty promises to pay back every dime and Oliver steps forward to thank Emiliano and all hell breaks loose. Our Superhero suddenly changes into a Homicidal Papa and is busy throttling the bejesus out of Oliver while Manola clings to the latter and everyone else shrieks hysterically. The scene goes on far too long. Let's just say Oliver survives...albeit with a sore neck and another black eye from the punch Emiliano later landed. And further more, Emiliano threatens to come back to do more damage. After all, this is the monster who stole away his daughter, abused her and is responsible for her internment in an insane asylum.
That may be, sniffs Netty, but that doesn't give you the right to turn my house into a boxing ring.(Sounds a little bland, but I'm sure Netty finds it impossible to believe that Oliver's guilty of any of those things. And she's certainly not going to let Emiliano throw his weight around even if he DID pay off the mortgage. So there!.)
Let's leave this tender scene and see what's going on at Muñeca's place. Brandon has come back....with a proposal. He wants her to help him trap el Lirio de Plata. How? By putting him in charge of security at the charity bash she's planning. At first she protests, but then she sees she has no choice. Otherwise Brandon will think that she's an accomplice. Up front she agrees, but in the back of her mind she's thinking she'll warn el Lirio of the trap. But better yet, she'll finally find out who he is...see him...touch him...What! Seems that dream wasn't just a one-time thing. Our sadder but wiser married gal is dreaming of greener pastures.
Anyway, this cozy talk with Brandon is interrupted by a clearly jealous Ilitia. She doesn't like it that he's hanging around her mama. Is he attracted to her? Is she to him? Sure I like your Mom, teases Brandon. She's one in a million. He then accuses her of being jealous, and in a gentler fashion, later on, so does Muñeca. And also reminds her that she's a married woman; her husband deserves fidelity and respect; and there's nothing more dangerous that a married woman who's attracted to another man. Hey Muñeca, maybe this lesson is for you as well as Ilitia! Ya think? Of course, we'll cut Muñeca a lot of slack, given that her marido is the scrofulous unfaithful murderous Lorenzo.
Okay. Heavy breathing. Panting. Heaving. Wheezing. Nope, no sex. Just Vicky clutching her inhaler while Emanuel mumbles "just like're just like her..." Lots of people have asthma attacks, she retorts. And heads into the office, slamming the door in Emanuel's face. Literally. He should be just about as black and blue as Oliver by now.
Vicky and Doris are now in Vick's office musing about what an idiot that Kristel must be to cling to skanarón Malicio. Still, Vicky/Mari admits it took her a long time to realize Emanuel was a slimebucket. And she still struggles with him. Whereas dealing with the odious Mauricio is child's play in comparison. Could be but Doris misses the sweet, cheerful Marianela. The one with the dreams and the illusions. Vicky goes all dead-eyed again and says that girl is "muerta".
In the agency hallway, we have another boxing match coming up. Looks that way anyhow.
Emanuel and Mauricio are antler-bashing while Kristel huffs and puffs between the two, furious over their mutual interest in the "Espanola guanabi" and wildly swinging her purse at both of them for emphasis.
Mauricio's take on things: You're not man enough for your own wife, Emanuel, much less for that Spanish babe."
Emanuel's take on things: " You stay away from her, you hear me. If you ever go near her again, I'll punch you out."
Okay. For now, the boys are using their words. Kristel is much more impressive with her windmill purse assault. You go girl!
Let's check on the aftermath at the boardinghouse. Gladiola is all shivery and goose-bumpy thinking how Emiliano roared in to save Netty's home and virtue. Netty's playing it much cooler. She'll pay back every cent. And she's not going back to Emiliano no matter what he does. Gladiola looks sceptical but shifts her romantic fantasy to Vicky and Brandon. Wouldn't it be great if they got together? NO sez Consuelo. She knows Brandon better than Glad and it's clear that Spanish señorita is not for him. Mothers are officially right in all these stories (well, with the exception of bad moms like Fedra) so Consuelo's opinions are dismissed as the trifling fantasies they are. ( Sorry Consuelo.)
Did I say no romance in this one? Well, unless you count the cozy arm around the shoulders that Manolo lays on Oliver once they're at the police station. Yep, our guy looks so macho with two black eyes, he/she can't resist. The Comissario walks in and more confusion ensues. He's a modern man, without prejudice, but Jeez guys! have a little discretion! He doesn't want that kind of gossip in the office. He leaves the dossier on Mauricio Fonseca with them, and advises that they get cracking on that little item rather than each other. What an understanding boss!
After he leaves, Oliver begs Manolo to PLEASE act a little more manly. Manolo scoots to the other side of the desk, leans forward....and crosses his legs like the Gretel he really is.
Paula and Maximo are also looking somewhat romantic on his comfy bed. But she's fretting about Gretel and he's reassuring her that she's safe and sound and that Victoria de la Garza is quite trustworthy to look after her. That settled, good lady Paula bustles off to prepare a low-fat, low-salt vegetable soup for her longtime love. Cooking definitely trumps romance at this age. Leaving the field free for Fedra to bust in, ready to upend beds and tear apart bathrooms in her quest to find Gretel. Instead she finds more trouble. Maximo coolly informs her that Gretel told him everything about her sordid past and the baby switch she pulled with his sister Carlota. (don't you love it when these characters set themselves up for an early death?) SOON I will destroy you. (So much trouble could be saved if these characters could just keep their mouths shut and SURPRISE the villans. But no...let's telegraph our plans so they can be short-circuited.) Having pretty much signed his death sentence, Maximo triumphantly bids adieu to Fedra who storms back upstairs.
And storms are still brewing back at the agency. Emiliano, Vicky, Emanuel, Kristel, Lorenzo and Mauricio are all at the conference table and Eman is still trying to get Vicky to confess what happened at Mau's apartment. She stonewalls him as effectively as Ilitia did earlier and then snaps that Mauricio was a lot more respectful of her than He was. Lies lies lies. But Emanuel looks properly chastened. And Mau looks intrigued. Kristel immediately demands an apology for her much maligned baaaabeeee. And Lorenzo suggests that Emanuel should be more concerned about his own wife, Lorenzo's daughter, rather than this.....woman (insert Lorenzo leer here) Victoria.
Why why why then was Victoria so upset it brought on an asthma attack?! Well, she was angry and upset because Mauricio didn't like her proposal and she had to do it over again. But she's sure that if Mauricio does his part, they can get past this. Mauricio oozes that he's ready to do whatever she wants. Let's take an ad break, swallow some Pepto-Bismol, and then get back to this nauseous scene.
Well, it gets better. Everybody leaves but Emiliano. Vicky wants to ask him for a loan so she can help out Netty. He reassures her it isn't necessary since he's paid off the mortgage. Ecstatic, she leaps into his arms and gushes Thank you Uncle. Thank, Fella. (We've been having a regular play on words. In Spain "tio" is used for "guy' or "fella". Gretel/Man also dashed into Emiliano's arms and called him "tio". So Vicky is trying to cover her and his mistake.)
More dastardly plans back at the Big House. Fedra's in a lather and wants Bernardo to kill Maximo right away. Or else render him so crazy he thinks he's Napoleon and Paula is Cleopatra. Her henchman counsels calm and discretion. We won't kill the old codger but let's hasten his dementia with these little drops, hauling out some handy ever-ready potion from his drawer. He goes to the kitchen, dismisses Nereida to go clean up his dusty room, distracts Paula by sending her to fetch some carrot juice for Fedra, and then dumps the potion in both the pot and the bowl of soup Paula's taking to Maximo. Hmmm. I'm no fan of the old coward, but I'd hate to see him go that way. Let's hope Bernardo screws up as usual.
Kristel meanwhile is groveling. Ugh. After causing a little scene with Mauricio about Vicky, she backs down quickly, promises not to fuss anymore, begs for some affection and gets brushed off by Mau. He's too busy for this. Kristel is so pathetic in this number you could almost feel sorry for her. Almost. She decides to go insult Vicky instead. Who isn't having any. Don't think you can come into my office and talk to me like that, sneers our slimmed down Marianela. I'll kick you out so fast your head will spin. Kristel is definitely on the downslope in this one.
And so is our sweet victimized Delicia. She creeps timidly into Axel's room with his laundry, turns her tidy little tush to him so she can put the clothes away in the drawers and oh attacked from behind, thrown on the bed and......CLOSE YOUR EYES!....
No, don't worry. For now it's all talk. And it goes like this:
So you like that old creep Bernardo, sneers our Mophead. We'll see if you still like him after you've been with me.
And on that disturbing note, we end.
Vicky/Marianela sees a picture of Emanuel in a wheelchair and wants to know when he had the accident. On the very day that Marianela left for Madrid, he replies. Cara impactada....big-time...for Vicky/Mari. Is this the beginning of a thaw?
puñalada en la espalda = knife in the back, betrayal (Fedra about Emiliano and the mortgage)
rematar = to auction, to sell off (what Fedra planned to do with Netty's boardinghouse)
burdel = bordello (what she planned to turn the boardinghouse into)
guanabi = Kristel's insulting term for Vicky "guanaco" is an adjective meaning "dumb" but "guanabi" -gua- pronounced as a "w" evidently means "wannabe" (Thanks Carlos!)
propasar = get fresh with, get inappropriate with (Emanuel accusing Mauricio)
sacar a patadas = throw (a person) out (threats from various characters in this one)
no me da risa = I'm not amused, don't think it's funny (Netty)
poner de su parte = do his part (Vicky about Mauricio)
echarle mas leño al fuego = throw more wood on the fire, make things worse
el que calla ortoga = silence implies consent...or guilt..(Comisario about Oliver & Manolo)
cábulas = crooks (what the Comisario wishes they would chase, instead of each other)
expedientes = dossier, file (on Mauricio)
cañon = awful! (Oliver's reaction to Manolo crossing his legs like a girl)
fuera de serie = one in a million, really special (Bernardo about Muñeca)
Dicho of the Day
La verdad no peca pero incomoda = The truth hurts ( lit. the truth doesn't sin but it's uncomfortable) Bernardo speaking to Ilitia about her conflicted feelings and obvious jealousy.
Poor Emanuel. None of the women in his life will ever tell him anything. He's back nibbling around Vicky trying to find out what happened to upset her so.
Labels: llena
La Fea Más Bella #139-140 12/22/10 Does this car make me look different?
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Alicia tells Marcia that Tomás is nothing but a rich naco, but his relationship with Lety is on the rocks, considering that Lety was crying her eyes out in the bathroom.
2. Fernando says to himself, “Carvajal, you’re an idiot. It’s not your fault; it’s my fault for listening to you. I have to tell her that I feel awful. Every day it gets harder to break up with Marcia. I didn’t give her the ring! It was that imbecile, Omar. He’s always wrong about everything.”
3. Marcia gives Fern a present from her trip, an esclava (“ID bracelet,” but also the feminine form of “slave.”) Lety hears her thank him for the engagement ring, and she is crushed into yet finer sand.
4. He brings today’s card, and she points out his bracelet. The card says, roughly, “You feel so distant. You don’t care that we missed our night together. I desire you. My body misses you. I can’t stand waiting another week.” Lety weeps, “If only it were true.” Fern hears her tell the witches and Irmita that her novio is taking her out to lunch, and he has a surprise.
5. Tom wants a $90K Mercedes, but Lety says it’s too much car for their image. He says they worked hard for it, and she gives in because of his love and support. Fernando can’t stand the thought of Tom with Lety, and he leaves, mid sentence. Omar tries to comprehend the idea that Fern is jealous.
6. The witches admire Lety’s car. Ali asks, “Whose chauffer is your novio?” Lety answers, “It’s Tom’s, and his ex- didn’t give it to him. He got it by working hard. What’s more, it won’t be repossessed.”
7. The witches ooh and ahh. Sara says it’s wonderful that she can use it. Others say a rich galan wouldn’t let his novia ride the bus, it’s good he does what her boss won’t do (get her a car), Fern only wants her to work and doesn’t care about her, and he should be ashamed that his right hand who rescues him from messes rides the bus. Lety says, “To Fernando it’s normal that feas ride the bus.”
8. Fernando is quaking with jealousy. She gushed about Tom to her friends. Lety says he seems so content with Marcia back. He denies, “Marcia is just happy because..” Lety finishes, “You gave her the ring.” Suddenly Lety holds the high ground and Fernando backpedals. But Lety says, “At least now she’ll be happy until you break the engagement.”
9. Fern knows that was a direct attack, so he acts based on fear. “Lety, you need to start on the balance. It has to be perfect so no one is suspicious.” Lety answers pointedly, “Yes, so no one knows your company is in ruins, and I have your company embargoed.” Now Fern is really scared.
Capitulo 140.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. The witches mock Alicia about her poverty so she calls Tom to arrange a date for tomorrow night. Marta fights with Alicia over a bonbon and Marta faints.
2. Fernando asks to take Lety home tonight, but she says Tom is picking her up. Besides, Fern shouldn’t take her home now that Marcia’s back.
3. Lety says that they’ll be paid $800K for the Sport Wind commercial, but it had expenses of $700K. Luigi insults Lety, Fernando objects, and Lety says, “Don’t feel like you have to defend me. In the end, Luigi is always very nice.” Everyone’s stunned.
4. As soon as they’re alone, Fernando asks Lety why he wouldn’t let him defend her. She makes an excuse that someone might misinterpret it. He tells her to send Tom away; he’s taking her home. Marcia interrupts. She says he doesn’t need to take Lety home since her novio is here in his new luxury car.
5. Lola confronts Efren on the street because he wants to take her house and leave his own children homeless.
6. Lety makes sure Fernando sees her leave with Tom, and Tom treats her like a date, while Fern fumes. He starts hyperventilate when it dawns on him that maybe Lety used FI (and thus Conceptos) capital to buy the car.
Labels: fea-2010
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