Wednesday, December 29, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #147-148 12/29/10 Barter balance por boda.

Capitulo 147.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando begs Lety to go with him so they can be alone together. He wants to show her how much he loves her. I think he demonstrated that pretty well inside the restaurant. He says he’s dying to spend the night with her, and he desires her more than ever.

2. She waivers for a moment, then she remembers the letter, “Make love to Lety so I don’t lose Conceptos.” She says, “Well I don’t desire you,” pushes him away, and escapes in the taxi. Left in her dust, Fernando says, “Can’t you see that my love is true? Why are you doing this to me?”

3. Fernando remembers PG’s words. He has to choose between love and the company. He remembers his father entrusting him with the presidency, and Lety rejecting him. He concludes that Conceptos must be the most important. And forges yet another anvil.

4. Tom eats a tableful of food. He and Ali probe each other’s situation. Ali wants to know if he’d loan her his car like he does for Lety, and buy her expensive gifts. She laments the loss of her car and starts working him for a solution.

5. Julieta says she shares Lety’s burden, even if Lety won’t talk about it. Lety tells her diary that even though Fernando destroyed her, she loves him and she loses all her resolve when he touches her. She can’t let love overrule her dignity since he finds her revolting. He’s suffering for his company as much as she’s suffering for his deception. She needs to keep him at a distance because she doesn’t have the strength to resist him.

6. Ali invites Tom up to her apartment but quickly rescinds the offer.

7. Pop harangues about the fancy car and he thinks Lety is getting too big for her britches (I think Lety’s britches are too small). He dictates, “Neither you nor this house will ever change.” She answers, “Don’t worry, nothing will ever change in this house.”

8. Julieta tells Pop that Lety isn’t a little girl and she wants a husband and her own family. He needs to give her space to take risks, make mistakes, and learn. Their job is to be there when she needs them.

Capitulo 148.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando sleeps in his thinking chair, and in the morning he writes today’s card. He says he doesn’t know why she hates him, but he was glad to awaken today with the scent of her kiss on his mouth.

2. Monica reports to Marcia that Lety was very affectionate with Fernando at Meson. Marcia tells Ali that Fern wasn’t out with his amante last night; he was with Lety at Meson. Ali says that Tom was pure naco last night. They agree that he must be a weirdo; nobody they know would even consider dating Lety. Marcia doesn’t want Ali to go out with Tom.

3. Fernando and Omar debrief. Fern says that Lety called Tom from his cell, she wanted to kiss him in front of everyone, and she refused to spend the night with him.

4. Lety reads the card and Fern asks if last night’s kiss means they’ll be together like before. He wants an answer before she answers her ringing phone. She says yes, and picks up Humberto’s call. Fernando kisses her twice before taking the call.

5. Fernando begs Lety for the balance. His life depends on it, but that doesn’t move her. Instead she asks if he is going to cancel the wedding like he promised, so he promises that he will cancel it. So will she doctor the balance? Alone at his desk, Fernando says, “I would very much like to keep my promise, Lety. You don’t know how much I would like to.”


Eva Luna #36-37 Tue 12/28/10 Laurita and dog flee while Icky is even more obnoxious

Eva Luna, Ep #36, 12/28/10—Laurita and dog flee while Icky is even more obnoxious.

Since this is a two-hour episode I did another summary-type recap. A few screencaps and one long video clip from the end of the episode(s) are added. As always, video clip is on my own bare-bones site, and it is a streaming clip (like what you see on YouTube). Right click on links to open to a new window. Please correct any mistakes I make and point out any important details I missed! Thanks!

We start with a small rewind of yesterday's episode. Don Julio wants to divorce Marcella and tells her off. Marcella spews crazy talk.

Alicia tries to reason with Eva who is still stuck on stupid regarding Daniel.

Don Julio wonders how come he let Justa slip through his fingers and how he married that evil witch Marcela. He says this to Renata who then tattles to Marcela. Meanwhile, Justa is looking through old photos of herself, Marcela and Don Julio, while a curious Adrian looks on. He tries to ask questions but Justa denies that the photos signify anything.

Leo tells Claw that he's tired of her because he's in love with someone else.

In the morning, at the mansion, Eva shows up at work and Renata talks trash to her. Eva asks her how come she hates her, and Renata says it's because she was hired without her (Renata's) approval.

Icky guilts Danny into giving her a goodbye kiss before he goes off to work. Laurita barges in just at this time and sees this. Danny ties to reassure her later but she's not listening.

Laurita is upset after seeing Icky in Danny's bedroom. Click on picture to see larger version.

Danny tries to reason with Laurita but of course doesn't actually explain specifically what's going on.

Danny tries to explain to Laurita, but does a pitiful job of it. Click on picture to see larger version.

At breakfast, Eva has to listen while Marcela, Leo, and then Icky go on about how Icky and Danny are doing great and Icky smugly says she had a great night with him.

Eva is now pretty pissed and doesn't believe things are innocent.

Eva has to listen in while Leo, Icky, and Marcela talk about how great things are going with Danny and Icky. Click on picture to see larger version.

Laurita is bummed and thinks that Danny is going to marry the bruja and then Laurita will be shipped off. She is taking a nap in bed and Danny comes in and says to her that things are not as they seem and he'll let her know that when she wakes up. Laurita is not asleep and after he leaves, she says to herself that she doesn't believe him.

Jacky goes on a date and Francisco is jealous, even though he won't admit it.

Claw finds out she's pregnant.

Icky sees Gallo and wants Danny trailed in order to find out if there's another woman. If there is, she'll deal with her. Uh oh.

Danny sees Eva walking down the street and confronts her. They have this animated conversation where she tells him to be happy with Icky and he tells her it's not so.

Laurita's teacher calls Danny in for a meeting and tells him that she's concerned for Laurita.

Alicia is going to see Carlos in jail which makes Tony jealous, even though he's off to have a date with Jacky (unbeknownst to Alicia, of course). He convinces Alicia to see Carlos the next day and he (Tony) will accompany her.

Laurita has run away from home. Francisco frantically looks for her, and then tells an impactado Danny that she's gone. Laurita hs left a note on her bed saying that she's leaving because she thinks he's marrying the bruja. Laurita ends up visiting Adrian.

Danny is impactado to learn that Laurita is missing. Click on picture to see HD version.

Adrian's bright idea is to sneak Laurita (and dog) into the pension.

Claw is trying to reach an elusive Leo to tell him the Big News.

Daniel goes to the pension looking for Laurita. Eva is concerned too and they ask Adrian about her, but Adrian lies.

Eva and Danny are leaving the pension in order to search for Laurita. Gallo's man photographs them comforting each other with a hug. However, the investigator has car trouble so he can't follow them when they drive off.

Meanwhile, a paranoid Icky comes over to Danny's house asking for him, while a Jacky and Francisco awkwardly say he's not there. There's also a scene later where (I think) Francisco says that they (or is it Laurita?) don't want her to marry Danny, but Icky nastily says that she will be married to Danny and when she is, "things will change around here." She couldn't be more bitchy.

Claw finally catches up with Leo and tells him the news. He is pissed. Claw stupidly even admits that she trapped him by not taking her birth control. Leo threatens her.

Eva and Daniel report Laurita missing to the LAPD.

Adrian brings food up to Laurita, who is hiding in his room.

Gallo tells Icky that Danny is seeing another woman and soon they'll have more proof. Icky is all freaked out by this, as expected. She finds out he's at the LAPD and gets a ride from Leo there. She finds him alone in an office room and hugs him as Eva walks into the room bringing coffee. Eva and Danny look impactado at each other while an oblivious Icky clings to Danny.

Video clip of the final scenes plus avances. Right click to have link open in new window.


La Verdad Oculta EP72 12/28/2010 – Technologically illiterate guys play James Bond and Q

* In Yolanda’s flat Yolanda and Adolfo try to get out of Carlos why the police is so interested in him. He. Doesn’t. Know! Did he do or say anything suspicious? Carlos’s fed up with the conversation and he’s about to leave when Adolfo notices his trefoil ring. He tries to take it away from Carlos but the boy prefers keeping both the ring and his finger. After he leaves Adolfo gives another stupid task to Yolanda: ask Carlos to give her the ring but he refuses to give her an explanation.

* David asks for Dora and when she enters the room acting like a kind and obedient servant, he says only one word: MOM. Dora and Viewerville burst into tears. She begs for his forgiveness, she didn’t know what to do but she loves him completely, that’s why she returned. This time David isn’t mad at the world, on the contrary, he reaches his hand to his mother. Dora gratefully thanks to him and swears nothing will separate them again.

* In Juan José’s villa Asunción worriedly watches as his angry and determined friend leave the house with a camera, a backpack and the intention of cathing the hijo de puta (son of a b****) who blackmails him. At the neighbouring house Roberto shows up looking for Susana but Abelardo and the security guys kick him out of Edoras. Rob has no choice but leave swearing and rubbing his aching arse. Back to JJ’s home: Caramelo, Chicles and Asunción spend the day with painting and talking about Limón’s extraordinary beach stories.

* In the hospital David learns from Gabriela that the two goons died and although Leo got shot, he’ll get better.

* Juan José arrives at Garnica’s most favourite place on Earth, he hides the camera in a nearby tree and then digs the backpack.

* Garnica’s goon (aka one of Juan del Diablo’s best friends from CS) called Valentín delivers JJ’s rucksack to Mr. Slimebag… but they discover JJ gave them a pile of simple paper instead of millions of delicious pesos. Que the hell?! Garnica rages with anger.

* At home Juan José and Asunción try to figure out how to connect Ale’s camera with the TV. They finally manage to watch the tape and they see two men and a helicopter (of course offscreen). JJ uses his rusty brain cells for the fifth time in this show and figures that every plane have registration number, therefore they may find out who sat in the helicopter. But no, he doesn’t want to call the police. He must find that damned letter.

* Asunción and Caramelo watch the TV and talk about the beach trip. Caramelo’d like to invite Chicles, too.

* After being shot, half dead, shocked by a defibrillator and the revelation about his mother, poor David learns another shocking news from the doctor: there may be problems with his spine and he can’t tell David when he’ll be able to walk again. But don’t panic, first he’d like to do some medical tests.

* A literally and figuratively fuming Carlos storms into Yolanda’s flat and says he’s just learned that he has no access to their bank accounts anymore! And he can’t find a job because the Genovéses are too influential in the sector and everyone knows about his problems with his dad. Maybe he should look for his friends in the US. Yolanda objects, no, don’t leave the country! She tries to calm down her impulsive muñeco who is desperate and has no idea what to do. She thinks he should reconcile with his father, please let her talk with him.

* Now that his “useless” son doesn’t manage Sagitario anymore Adolfo has to work for real. He’s about to be suffocated by papers and files when Garnica shows up and restarts his “you owe me much” speech. If he accepts Garnica as his business partner then he’ll give him a very important document. (See, Adolfo? This is how Mario felt 20 years ago.) He tells Adolfo about his cool seaside project which piques Dolphie’s interest – though he’s less than enthusiastic about JJ’s participation. But come on, Garnica thinks they could get rid of that man.

* In the hospital Gaby and Julieta talk about Paulita. Julieta doesn’t mind babysitting her since she’s such an adorable child! She’s like Leonardo. Gaby has a feeling her little sister is falling in love and Juli agrees. Inside the infirmary David tells Dora about his fears and worries. He’s afraid that he won’t be able to do his job but Dora has a good idea: David has an intelligent and wonderful wife who loves him much. But the video… No, they must hope she’ll forgive him. Outside Gabriela continues wondering about Marta Sardíval. Since she was murdered the press must’ve written about her death.

* In the Ávila condo Yolanda tells lazy, spoiled Bertha who the boss is and gives her some advice about dignity and intellect. Btw, she should leave Adolfo’s home before she gets into trouble. Bertha explodes: Yolanda did the same, she was living with Adolfo’s money, how dare she lecture her now?! When Adolfo shows up Bertha complains about “this woman”, but que sorpresa, Adolfo acts like a gentleman for the first time and defends Yolanda. (Which means he won’t get sex soon.) Yolanda tells him Carlos regrets his behaviour and… he can’t find a new job. Okay. Tell Carlos to give him the ring and then he may return to Sagitario.

* Alejandra and Juan José watch TV in bed. JJ’s worried about the letter and Ale thinks maybe they should cancel the seaside trip. No, no, no, no. He wants to be with her, far away from their problems.

* In the tunnel house Fausto is anxious like hell, he has a feeling that something bad will happen. And… and he misses his daughters! What about Abelardo, does he have children? No, and his ex-wife has died. Did he love her? Yes, he did. Fausto also loved Marta, and he swears if they can’t send Adolfo to prison he’ll kill that bastard!

* Gabriela visits a library and looks for informations about Marta. She finds an article about an “actor who fled with his two daughters after strangling his wife”. Boom.



Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Llena de Amor #96 (Mex. 101) Tue 12/28/10 Delicia hauls Brandon off to jail, Oli wants to find a boyfriend for Gretel, Fidel is the man of the house

Julia is out of town and I am doing tonight's recap for her. There were no closed captions at all tonight so if you think I've left something important out or need to fix something please let me know and I'll add to/fix the recap. Thanks!

Is it me or did things seem a bit skewed in tonight's episode? Besides what I mentioned in the title we can add that Ilitia was being totally honest for the first time, nobody cared what Fedra said, and Bernardo is still bleeding all over the house. So let's see what's happening in the big DF with the familia Ruiz y de Teresa...

Gretel/Manolo (Gman) gets all up in Oliver’s face and accuses him of being El Lirio de Plata. She vows he’s hiding something and she’ll find out what it is.

Next we see Ilitia stomping down the stairs with her red luggage and Eman trotting behind her trying to apologize. The rest of the family and Brandon join them with Brandon commenting that it looks like there’s trouble in paradise. She tells them she’s outta there and from now on he can do whatever he wants.

Fedra yells at Emiliano “It was you!” and she points at MariVicky “And you too! You caused this!”

Eman follows Ilitia out of the house and begs her to stay. I can’t believe I’m agreeing with her, but she rightly points out that she was with Eman during his worst time, at his side always, and now he has forgotten everything they had together. She knew there was something going on and she’s sick of it. He pleads temporary insanity, doesn’t know what came over him. She concludes the conversation by saying they are going to get divorced, ciao!

Back in the house MariVicky tells Fedra not to blame her, Eman and Ilitia had a troubled marriage long before she showed up. Brandon pipes up and as he gestures he waves the plastic bag containing the bloody knife which reminds me, is Bernardo bleeding out somewhere in the kitchen? As they all argue Delicia, in Brandon’s grip, whimpers and is clearly in shock. What is wrong with these people? Axel makes an anemic attempt to protect Delicia and MariVicky jumps in to say Delicia is incapable of murdering anyone. This announcement elicits a suspicious glare from Fedra.

Oliver’s boozing it up at his favorite watering hole and telling the bartender that el pollito’s got a crush on him but of course he doesn’t return the feeling and by the way, stop looking at him like that because he prefers women. To prove it he starts making out with the nearest hot chickie. His own chickie with a moustache enters and is incensed at Oliver and his lying ways.

MariVicky gives them some lame excuse about Mari telling her all about Delicia but it doesn’t matter because Brandon escorts Delicia out the door. They are detained temporarily by Eman but when MariVicky and Axel join them Delicia shouts that the one good thing about going to jail is she’ll never have to see his face again, never! With that she grabs Brandon and drags him off to the police car. The girl knows how to take control.

MariVicky also leaves in a huff; the brothers roll their eyes, shrug their shoulders and recite in stereo “women!”

Lorenzo and his “models” are playing spin the bottle but all he can think about is his little Christian. Well only for a moment I guess because they shake their booties and he becomes all horn-dog again. We’ll blame it on a short attention span.

Fedra is irate when Eman tells her Ilitia wants a divorce and it’s his fault. Fedra insists that he do whatever it takes to save his marriage. Find her, beg her forgiveness, give her flowers, whatever but she does not want a divorce in this family. He tells her he’s sick of her butting into his life and he’ll move out if that’s what it takes to get a little privacy.

OMG Nereida is giving Bernardo first aid with Hydrogen Peroxide and gauze pads? Considering the subject I’m not complaining, but it is a knife wound after all. What about internal injuries and infection? Axel comes in demanding to know the truth (from these two?). Unfortunately the CCs are not working tonight and I can’t understand them through their clenched teeth but Axel punches Bernardo a couple of times in the nuts and then the face so all’s well that ends well.

Over at Nety’s the ladies tell Consuelo that she’s been acting weird lately, must be a man. She deflects the conversation by bringing up Oliver and Manolo. Isn’t Manolo a little, er, well he’s in love with Oliver. Doris tries hard to keep a poker face.

Oli’s at the bar getting drunk with the hot chickie while Gman pounds shots at the bar and thought bubbles aloud. Tonight this bartender gets to hear it all. Gman joins the gyrating couple and starts calling Oliver names. The chickie’s all whoaaa I didn’t know he had a boyfriend don’t worry I’m running away now. Oliver falls off his chair and tells the crowd he likes women! A drunk Gman throws his/her arms around Oli and swears undying love. She is like an octopus and Oli can hardly extricate himself from her grip but when he does he drags her out of the bar. Well the patrons sure got a show tonight.

Malicia demands his one phone call and he uses it to call Lowrenzo who is demonstrating his dance moves to the models. Lowrenzo tells Fonskanka that he’s super busy right now and can’t talk. Fonskanka tells him if he wants to find his son he’ll listen. He’s to convince the judge to release him this very night otherwise Lowman will be negotiating with Garduno to get his son back.

Axel punches Spiderus again and tells him that if he touched (or presses charges against?) Delicia he’ll tell the whole world that he and Fedra kept his sister trapped in the basement.

Bernardo manages to spit an evil laugh out of his drippy, bloody mouth, it’s super gross. Axel tells him they found all the paraphernalia down in the basement proving they kept his sister like an animal and he swears he’ll find her. Hey Axel, way to tell your enemy everything you know about him. He punches Spidey again right in his wound and Spidey threatens Axel that maybe he could disappear just like his sister.

Oliver drags an extremely drunk Gman into the pension and Netty gets all over his case for getting Victoria’s brother drunk. Gman keeps muttering he loves Oli and Netty has to avert her eyes. “Is it true? He’s in love with you?” she whispers. Netty says something about Manolo sleeping downstairs and Gman totally freaks out.

El Comisario gets the word from the judge that he is to free Fonskanka and boy is El Comis pissed off to the nines.

Lowman visits Orangey in jail and wants proof that he knows of his son’s whereabouts and Orangey displays little Chris’s medallion to Lowman’s cara impactada.

Christian and Manzanita get favored treatment since I’ll bet they are the only orphans who get to play at Muneca’s house which they are doing now. Oh goodie they get to spend the night and it sounds like the rest of the week too. This is where the kiddies are supposed to jump for joy; Manzanita acts her part but our little terror ignores them for his toy cars. Fidel comments that the house is filled with happiness with the kids are there. Muneca comments that she wants the kids to feel more at home for when she adopts them. Fidel wonders if Lowman will feel as excited at the prospect but Muneca says if not he can pack his things and leave. Wow, I didn’t know Fidel could have such a big smile.

Orangey promises that little Chris is fine but Lowman doesn’t get to see him until Orangey smells the air of the city. Apparently he is the distrustful type and doesn’t like air he can’t see.

Oli hauls Gman upstairs and is rewarded with an “I love you Oliver”. Gman loses his glasses and Oli still doesn’t recognize him. Oli helps Gman take his shoes off and very nicely tells Gman that he doesn’t love him. Dude, can you not recognize this is Gretel? What kind of polis are you? “Why don’t you like me” for Gman whimpers.

Manzanita can’t sleep and sneaks downstairs for a treat. Uh oh, Ilitia has come home crying over her failed marriage. Manzanita starts to run back upstairs and offers a little advice, “you know why Emanuel doesn’t like you? Because you’re bad, nyaaaaa” she says as she sticks out her tongue.

Muneca tells her nobody said marriage was easy and the crisis will pass. Ilitia sobs no it won’t because a horrible thing happened.

Brandon is taking Delicia’s statement and she cries that nobody ever believes her. MariVicky tells her that she will move earth and sea to get her out of there. She won’t leave her alone and Delicia wonders why she cares.

Eman torments himself with thoughts of Marianela. He stares at her picture and says he almost made the mistake of his life, he almost slept with a woman in Marianela’s bed, gasp! (Really? You almost boinked Vicky while everyone else including your mother and your wife were in the house preparing for dinner? Eman, you little hamster you!) He begs Mari to forgive him for having feeling for another what he felt for her. He torments himself some more for our benefit and wonders what is going on with that woman (Vicky).

Delicia doesn’t buy MariVicky’s bull and says no thank you but she doesn’t like to accept help from people she doesn’t know.

More Te amos from a bawling Gman who keeps trying to make out with Oliver. Come on Gman, isn’t it about time your wig falls off? They play ring around the bed until Gman finally passes out. Then Oli has a brilliant idea, all he has to do is find a boyfriend for Manolo.

Ilitia tells her mother that what happened was the worst thing in her life, a nightmare and since then she hasn’t been able to let her husband touch her. An idiot, she will never forget his face, raped her on her wedding day. Muneca says Ilitia should get professional help right away. Ilitia cries it won’t matter because she will never, never forget what happened that day! “What are you talking about Princess?” asks Lowman who has just entered the room.

Axel admits to Emanuel that he blabbed to Bernardo about what they found in the cellar. Eman’s not mad, in fact he’s proud of Axel for defending Delicia in this house where all the help are treated badly. They both agree that they have to find Gretel.

MariVicky tells Delicia to take a good look and imagine her without the wig, with glasses, and about 50 kilos heavier. “Marianela??” gasps Delicia. And the evening ends on a big hug between these lovelies.

I hope everyone is stays safe in spite of all the rotten weather we are having. Be careful out there folks!!

Vocab courtesy of Anon:

cuate = pal, twin
orale = hell yeah, right on
chillar = yell, howl, bawl
'mano = buddy, brother (short for hermano)
te exijo = I demand
muerde/morder = bites, to bite (Perro que ladra no muerde = his bark is worse than his bite.)
imbecil = idiot, imbecile, (same in English)
escuincle = kid (another word for the famous Colima Dog)
una pilluelita con patas = a little two-footed rascal (what Ilitia called Manzanita)
tú fumaste una silla de mimbre = which literally means "you smoked a wicker basket chair"(what Oliver, trying to deal with a super-soused Gretel said)


La Fea Más Bella #145-146 12/28/10 Fernando's love is all heart and no legs.

Capitulo 145.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Paula wants to go barhopping with Lety. She imagines the guys she can pick up with a car like that, despite the fact that they both have novios.

2. Alicia tries to justify her date with Tomás to Marcia, and Marcia says she’s just doing it to solve her money problems. Ali claims it’s to put Lety in her place, but Marcia still disapproves. Tom begs Lety to use the car tonight.

3. Fernando tells Lety that they’re going out and they’re going to talk, and if she’s not willing to talk, they’re already finished. See the transcript. He orders her to ride with him, not take separate cars.

4. Fern tells Marcia that Ariel needn’t worry; Filmo Imagen is a legal company. He avoids her kiss, and she says, “You don’t have much time to deshacerte (disconnect yourself) from her, or from me.”

5. Lety listens while Omar spouts his usual trash, telling Fern to take Lety to bed so she’ll cooperate, but go somewhere obscure for the sake of his image.

6. So Lety asks Fern to take her to Meson where all his friends like to go. He tries to dissuade her, but she doesn’t like those dives where he always takes her. He’s probably ashamed to be seen with her at Meson. “Oh, well,” she says, “we can go out next week.” Fernando yields.

7. They arrive at Meson, and Fernando is terribly rude to her.

8. Fernando tells PG he’s trying to bring back the Lety he remembers, and as for the one right now, he doesn’t like her a bit. PG asks if he wants the old Lety back for his company or himself, and Fern says for both.

9. Tom arrives at Alicia’s apartment and destinks himself. Lety calls Tom and begs him to come get her. She insisted on Meson to make Fernando suffer, but he’s treating her horribly.

Capitulo 146.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. PG tells Fernando that he’ll learn a great lesson in life, and he’ll put things into their right places. He says, “You have everything backwards. Your business and love. Separate them and choose.” He says that if Fern puts the company first, he is lost.

2. Tom reminds Lety why she went out tonight, to make Fernando suffer. Tom picks up Alicia. He drools and she is at her most seductive. He acts stunningly naco with her at Le Noir.

3. Fernando asks Lety why she’s changed so much, and what sin he committed. Floozie 1 jumps Fernando, then Floozie 2. Fern tries to buy off Lety with a raise, a car, and an expense account, but she shoots him down and he starts to feel desperate.

4. Fern accuses Lety of rejecting him, but he pulls his hands away and puts them out of her reach. He says she once said she loved him; does she not like him anymore? She starts crying and says she loves him, but he refuses to believe her. She tries to kiss him and he pushes her away. She says it would damage his image to be seen kissing Lety la fea. He disputes that so she challenges him to prove it by kissing her.

5. Fernando says he’s shown her clearly how much he loves her. He says the problem is Tomás Mora. She says, “Do you really believe I feel more for Tomás than for you? Help me show you that’s not true. Kiss me.” He almost does, but Marcia calls.

6. Lety says to herself, “He always lies. Always.” Fern sees his call log and realizes Lety called Tom. See the rest on Kris’s recap. You don’t want to miss a single word.

Spanish Lesson
Note that Kris included nearly verbatim transcriptions of many parts of the episode in her recap; you can use those for a Spanish lesson as well.

Fernando orders Lety to go out with him.
F: Cancel the date with your friends Leticia, please.
L: Excuse me?
F: Cancel it. We’re going out
L: I already told you I’m going out with my friends. Besides, I brought my car. I don’t need you to take me home.
F: (Thru clenched teeth.) I know you don’t need me for anything. But it turns out, Lety, that we need to talk. And we’re not taking the road to your house. Let’s go somewhere, please.
L: Don Fernando, I already told you that..
F NADA, Leticia. Respect me! Stop this game. Look. If you don’t want anything to do with me, fine. But tell me to my face. Your priority has to be us. Not Tomás Mora and not your friends.
L: It’ll make a mess with Marcia.
F: That’s my problem, not yours. It’s all arranged. We have a night for us. I won’t accept any excuses. (He tries his usual Marcia bluff.) Of course, if you refuse to talk, I’ll think that we’re already finished. One washes one’s hands of it and goes his separate way. And if someone wants something sometime, they’ll just have to do without. (He starts to leave. She calls him back. He thinks he’s won, so he puts on a bored face, to make her beg him back.)
L: Don Fernando? What has you worried? That I’ll keep your company or spend your money?
F: I won’t answer anything here, Leticia. Let’s go somewhere else to talk.
L: No, no, it’s better I return your company and tell TOMÁS to prepare the accounts to turn it over to you.
F: And you’ll also need to discuss with TOMÁS what happens between us? (Lety shrugs.) Fine. Call him. I get it. I imagine that you have already told him about your relationship with me. Since you’ve already broken ALL your promises!
L: (Cynical laugh.) *I* broke my promises?? Yes, of course. Surely it’s that I’m deceiving you, Don Fernando.
F: Then, what am I supposed to think? With all that you’re doing to me? What? Let’s go.


Llena de Amor #95 (Mex. 100) Mon 12/27/10 Guess who’s coming to dinner

Friday: Fedra tries to fire Benigno, and turns on the waterworks when Emil won’t let her.

Alone now, Eman and Benigno wonder if somebody forced Maximo to change his will, namely Fedra. Eman has a plan to make sure that the money goes to Mari when she comes back.

Mauricio and Underworld Guy Dandy are plotting illegal business in some warehouse. Dandy has brought some guns just in case.

Maximo is still in LaLa Land, but Eman tries to talk to him, telling him to try real hard – they need him. Then he thanks Max for making him his sole heir. Max, wide-eyed, stares into the mid-distance and addresses (imaginary) Emil, saying he doesn’t trust that woman and if he marries her, she’ll make his life hell. He should marry Muñeca!

Max seems to suddenly notice Eman but doesn’t know who he is. Still, he tells Eman to be careful and to keep his eyes peeled.

It’s nighttime and the SWAT team, led by the comisario, is outside a building, forming up. Mano takes some flash photos which you would think would blow their cover of darkness, but heck, the light bar on the police car is going full blast, so what the hey.

Paula is trying to hand-feed soup to Maximo who is spouting militaristic bromides. When he finally takes a spoonful, he complains that it tastes weird, and if she makes stuff like that for the troops, they’re lost. Paula tearfully begs him to get his marbles back. He tells her not to cry, that she looks so lovely pregnant.

He goes on about the girl he knows they are expecting, and how he will stand up to everybody and marry her. Paula cries that they never married, Carlota has died, and so has the baby. He declares their daughter isn’t dead, and tells Paula to go fetch her. Our Gretel is alive!

Mauricio looks over some invoices and declares them in order, so now all they have to do is to wait for their buyers. What they don’t see, but we do, is someone all in black, the Lirio, sneak in and snatch their briefcase and run away. Mauricio and Dandy hear a sound and run to the briefcase, but find it’s gone. Their guns were in it! They look around, spooked.

The SWAT team are on them in a second. Mano is taking photos, but sees the Lirio running behind some shelves. He cries out and points and the team give chase, but they lose him.

At the pension, MariVicky is regaling the ladies, who are all aflutter, with the story of her encounter with the Lirio, and how she felt he wouldn’t hurt her. The ladies want to know if the Lirio had a sexy voice and MariVicky tells them it was deep and whispery and she was sure he was disguising it. She had some feeling he was connected to the Ruiz y de Teresa. They all wonder at that, MariVicky included.

Paula tells Benigno about Max saying that Gretel is their child. They both sadly agree that he’s gone completely bats and that they’ve lost him.

Mauricio tells the police they have no right to come barging in, that they have a legitimate business. The comisario says he’s sure all their stock is stolen, and if not, let’s see the papers. Mauricio counters by saying he wants to see the orders for this search. No problem, says the Comisario, it’s down at the station so let’s all go together and have a look-see.

Mauricio wants to know who that guy is snapping photos and Mano defiantly says he’s the press. We see the shadow of a hooded figure and all heads swivel around. The comisario notices that Oliver and Brandon are missing.

The ladies laugh and lust some more after the dashing bandit. MariVicky says that the lirios that the Lirio hands out are just like the one Marianela has and that’s why she thinks there’s some connection with the R y de T.

MariVicky tells them she’s been invited to the R y de T’s for dinner.

At his bachelor pad, Lorenzo is pouring liquor into the two models who are still dressed, but one is on his lap. After they’ve smooched his cheeks a little, it dawns on him to actually ask their names. One is Alondra and the other… Christian. Lo jumps up and away from them, and, fighting tears, says “Christian!”

Fedra is asking Emil about a client at the agency whose name is Christian and who is causing some kind of money trouble. Emil has no idea what she’s talking about and the next thing we know, they’re in a squabble over his having kept her from putting Netty out of her home. Then he tells her MariVicky is coming to dinner. Ilitia, coming down the stairs hears this and is shocked that they’d invite that Spanish lady who is flirting with Eman.

Mano comes around a corner in the warehouse and sees the Lirio, peering around another corner at him. Mano flashes some photos which the Lirio holds still for. Then the Lirio slides a lirio across the floor to Mano.

Next Mano finds Oliver all tied up. He releases him just as the comisario shows up demanding to know what’s going on. Oliver says he was following Brandon, who disappeared and just then the Lirio surprised him and tied him up. Mauricio and Dandy yuck it up at the police’s expense.

Emil tells Ilitia and Fedra that MariVicky is the best artistic director the agency has ever had, making us wonder how they’ve stayed in business all these years, and he tells them they better behave at dinner, or else.

The phone rings – it’s MariVicky on her cell in a taxi, saying to Fedra that she’s the voice of Fedra’s past come to haunt her – she’s Marianela. You killed Tia Carlota, murderer! About now, the taxi driver must be thinking it’s a more interesting night than usual. Or maybe he hears this kind of stuff all the time. Anyway, Fedra snarls back at her, which makes Emil and Ilitia pop up out of their comfy chairs and come closer to find out what’s happening. Mari goes on: You and your son couldn’t kill me, and I’ve come back to make you pay for all you’ve done to me and my family. Listen, you tub, says Fedra, you’re not going to do anything… Hello? Hello? You can’t threaten me, Gorda, she snarls at the phone. Ilitia guesses who it was.

What’s this? We see Fidel and Eman in a bar, toasting their successful business partnership. Eman wants to make sure their customers are satisfied and Fidel swears he’d chop his hands off before he let them be unhappy. (Let’s pause to think about that. If you chop, say, the right one off, what are you going to chop the left one off with? Just asking...) Eman wants to be sure they have enough stock, and that it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands like before. No problem, smiles Fidel. We can use the factory ovens and it’ll all be melted down by the end of the night.

Eman tells Fidel he’s the perfect guy for this job. Fidel says he can just work in his off hours, and he wants to be sure Muñeca and Lo never find out that he works for him. Eman clasps his hand, and tell him he’s his partner, his friend, not his employee.

Outside the warehouse, handcuffed Mauricio complains that it’s all illegal. He and the comisario snipe at one another while Mano shoots photos, then tells Mauricio he’s going to be the star of the Internet tomorrow. Brandon shows up and the comisario grumbles about his not having been around.

Fedra whines that Marianela is calling her and threatening her, trying to drive her crazy. Eman walks in just then and lights up that it’s maybe Mari, and Kristel comes in too and blathers, then Axel appears on the stairs to listen. Ilitia, who is none to pleased, asks Fedra’s if she’s sure that was Mari. Fedra’s sure, and she said she wants to destroy Fedra, boo hoo.

Just then MariVicky walzes in and asks if she can go down to see the general for a second first, because she has a message for him from Marianela. From whom? says Fedra, fluttering her eyelids.

While they load Mauricio and Dandy into the police jeep, the comisario again demands that Brandon tell him where he was. Brandon manages to waffle, and Mano says he got photos and look! He hands over the lirio he got. Unique guy, this Lirio, says the comisario. Brandon says he saw him running off and Oliver wonders why he didn’t call for backup.

MariVicky’s down with the general who looks at her wild-eyed and says she’s the angel of his dreams, come to save them from the plague. MariVicky is creeped out and turns to ask Benigno how long he’s been this way – he was fine the last time she saw him. She drops her purse and Benigno picks it up, fortunately too much of a gentleman to look up her micro micro mini of a skirt. Benigno explains that he just suddenly got that way – lost his mind and his money too. MariVicky asks about that and Benigno explains the will, and how it leaves everything to Eman.

Paula comes in and thanks MariVicky for helping Gretel and wants to see her. MariVicky says Paula, I just can’t right now, but I’ll send her a kiss. Paula wonders how MariVicky knew her name and MV says Gretel told her. Whew! Close one! Paula tells her to tell Gretel that she loves her like she was her own – in fact, Max in his craziness even thinks she is.

MariVicky tells Paula that Mari wanted her to look for something in her room, but she doesn’t want the others to see her going upstairs. Paula says she can use the service elevator.

Ilitia and Fedra are vocal about wondering why MariVicky had to be invited. Emil says it’s because she’s Marianela’s friend and because as head of the household, he says so. Eman asks Ilitia why she’s so jealous. Axel comments that MariVicky is good-looking, but Kristel assures him it’s all makeup.

The doorbell rings and this time it’s the police, namely the comisario and Brandon, wanting to talk to Kristel since her boyfriend just got picked up for trafficking in illegal goods. Kristel’s lower lip trembles.

MariVicky sits on the bed in her old bedroom? Eman’s room? and rants about what they did to Maximo. She picks up a photo of La Gorda and says she’s not her anymore, she’s here to wreak justice on Fedra and Eman. Eman shows up at the door and asks her what’s she’s doing there.

Nereida is dragging Delicia by the arm, Delicia protesting that she doesn’t feel good. Nereida tells her she’s a servant and doesn’t have the luxury of being sick, it’s an important dinner and to get to work. Delicia starts polishing the flatware when in comes Bernardo who comes into the kitchen and grabs her from behind and starts slobbering on her.

Brandon tries to politely say why they want to question Kristel, but Emil protests that they’re talking about Mauricio as if he was already found guilty. Kristel babbles foolishly, and Ilitia pulls her aside and tells her to cooperate with Brandon – he can help. Kristel wonders why she’s on his side when she hated him so much before.

Kristel goes back into the living room and tells the police they have no right to ruin her baby’s reputation. Brandon tells her she can help clear him then.

MariVicky says she just walking by and saw Mari’s photo. Eman snatches it from her and tells her not to touch Mari’s holy stuff, that she has no idea how sacred Mari is to him, and how he never did anything but love her. MariVicky says that’s not what she heard, that he was after her money. Eman protests that she knew what the plan was, that he was just trying to find out who was trying to hurt her.

MariVicky says she hopes his wife finds out what kind of creep he is. He grabs her by the shoulders and asks her what her problem is, what is it she wants, anyway? They are within kissing distance, but glaring at one another.

Bernardo is still struggling with Delicia. She grabs a chef’s knife, but he pushes her hand away and struggles with her some more, saying she’s always tantalizing him. Some more struggle and suddenly he looks stunned, then she does too. Excellent.

Suelteme! MariVicky says, shoving Eman away. More protests of his great love for Mari, then MariVicky asking him why he married Ilitia. He’s amazed she’s asking – he explained at the orphanage. MariVicky accuses him of deceiving Ilitia, and he furiously tells her he was honest with Ilitia who knows very well that he can’t ever love her like he did Mari. MariVicky spits at him that he’s using Ilitia like he did Mari.

Eman insists she respect others’ feelings. MariVicky counters that he didn’t respect Mari’s, that she had to flee because of him. Eman says one day he’s going to see Mari face to face and he’ll be able to tell her everything he feels. If she listens, says MariVicky, who is now inches from his lips. She will, he says, when I’m impassioned, I always succeed. (Well, not really. He flopped pretty spectacularly before.)

Suddenly he kisses her forcefully and she struggles a bit, then they both get into some big sloppy open-mouthed kissing, which reminds us that kissing is more fun to do than to watch sometimes.

Bernardo is clutching his bleeding side and there’s Delicia with the knife in her bloody hand, blood all over her apron. We know this is not going to look good. Delicia says she didn’t mean to, but he attacked her. She calls for help and Nereida comes running. Bernardo points at Delicia saying that he just came to the kitchen for a few things and she jumped him with a knife.

More kissing, and Eman notices that MariVicky is trembling. She shoves him away. He says she’s been wanting him since they met, he’s seen it in her eyes. and he’s going to show her that he can make a woman happy, even a cold one like her, hardly the sort of thing we want to hear from the lead galan. It almost sounds like a page of Mauricio script got mixed in the Emanuel pages for the day. Anyway, there’s more kissing.

Kristel, chin jutting defiantly and tears running down her cheeks, tells Brandon and the comisario in a shaky voice that they are picking on her baby. They are very gentle with her, saying nobody’s been convicted of anything yet. The comisario offers to leave the room so she doesn’t feel ganged up on.

Kristel tells Brandon he’s just jealous because her baby is a businessman and he’s just a poor naco. He tells her not to be insulting. One day they’ll go have some nice barbeque but today, he says, suddenly stern and angry, she needs to tell him about Mauricio’s illegal doings. She asserts everything he does is legal, then she gets confused and hysterical, and he pursues her around the table, telling her she better drop Mauricio because he’s involved in all kinds of illegal stuff. She squeals and runs from the room.

Kristel runs into her mother’s arms where she gains a little courage. Emil asks Brandon if he found out what he wanted, and Brandon tells him it looks like she’s covering up if she knows. They all square off a little, but then there are cries from the kitchen, and everyone runs to see.

Like it, huh? says newly creepy Eman. MariVicky says he’s the last man on the planet she’d end up in the sack with. You say no, he says, but your body, your eyes, your skin all say yes. Actually, her body is saying suelteme as she tries to shove him away, but he says he feels how she is trembling for him. It’s stronger than he is, he says, he just can’t help himself.

Great. It seems like all the guys in the show turn all rapey on us. Is noble Fidel next? Oliver? Emil? No, no, please not sweet little Benigno! I think lawyer Pacheco would only attack a pastry, thank goodness. Anyway, they kiss when suddenly we hear Ilitia calling him. They jump away from each other.

Delicia tells Fedra and Emil that Bernardo came in and was molesting her. Nereida, holding Bernardo, says she came in and saw Delicia attacking him. Delicia swears it’s not true. Brandon kindly tells her he has to take her down to the station. Axel asks her why she did it and she glares at him and says she wasn’t ever again going to let a man make her do something she didn’t want to do. Upside: all this discussion gives more time for Bernardo to leak blood because of course nobody has called the paramedics.

Back at the station, Mano is furious that the Lirio tied Oliver up. And why didn’t Oliver defend himself? Oliver says he was awfully deft and quick. Mano reminds him that the comisario said that the Lirio might be a policeman. Oliver disappeared just when the Lirio appeared. Could he be the Lirio?

Ilitia hollers that Eman better open the door, or she’ll kick it down. (Did Eman lock when he came in?) MariVicky smiles and tells Eman to let his wife see what kind of guy he is. He goes to open the door and Ilitia and MariVicky give each other the High Noon stare. The sound and picture get all goofy, so I can’t understand exactly what Ilitia’s saying, but suffice it to say she’s plenty pissed off.

MariVicky says ask your husband what he was doing. Okay, says Eman. I was kissing Vicky (and rats, I couldn’t catch the rest of the line!).

Avances: Ilitia denounces Eman in front of his family and then later, out on the lawn, tells him it’s time for a divorce.


La Verdad Oculta #071: A mother's magic

At the rendezvous cafe, Adolfo receives the cash briefcase and waits impatiently for Susana, sprawled in the street with the blackmail booty, unbeknownst to him who doesn't care enough to learn what the sirens and noise are about.

Leonardo visits a retirement home and hears from a former Ávila theater troupe member the name of Inés Hernandez, a wardrobe mistress who might know about the death of Márta. Meanwhile from his apartment, Roberto phones Mario's house and is startled with news Susana left their employ.

At a television studio warehouse, Leonardo finds Inés wedged among vast row upon row of floor-to-ceiling costume racks, where she confides she never thought Santiago killed Márta. He wouldn't hurt a flea, she claims; but reluctant to hurt the daughters, demurs until Leonardo prompts that Márta was pregnant at her marriage.

Then the wardrobe mistress admits Márta ran around; and the troupe owner supposedly fathered one child, whereupon Leonardo deduces in surprise the child must be Carlos! Inés continues, implicating a rich man in Márta's succeeding pregnancy, who abandoned her -- leading Santiago to step in and marry Márta.

She plans to meet Leonardo for coffee after delivering costumes to the set. Wasting around at the rendezvous cafe, Adolfo phones here and there fruitlessly to locate Susana, as the ambulance arrives behind him to take her away. Back at the studio cafetaria, Inés relates a tale of a dust up over a costume belonging to Márta.

Márta became miffed one day to have to retrieve her costume from Yolanda Rey's dressing room; and then later both Yolanda and Adolfo showed up at wardrobe, incensed the dress was missing. Leonardo is fascinated to learn the dress was covered with stones, used in the South American tour and disappeared after Márta's murder.

At Mauricio's studio, he explains to Elsa his quick one-day trip to the beach to sign the contracts, before they all go at the weekend. When she hedges to back out, Mauricio insists he's going to need her; Caramelo will have fun, and everything will be fine if she meant what she said about Juan José, reassuring Elsa.

Later at Leonardo's apartment, Julieta learns he's a widower and that Paula is ten; and when she avers she'd enjoy taking care of his daughter, Leonardo hesitates until Julieta assures him she likes Paula -- and cares very much about he himself. Comprehension dawning, Leonardo smiles and returns the sentiment, thanking her.

They laugh at his insistence that Julieta's going to get good and tired of Paula over the next month; but when she asks what if he's wrong about that, he gives her a thoughtful look and declares easily that then he'll marry her, making Julieta giggle happily.

That evening at Juan José's, he sits morosely in the dark, smoking and listening to the neighborhood dogs howl. Enter Asunción, snapping on the lights and discovering Juan José's bleak problem: Dora returned but refuses to testify. Asunción encourages him to seek Leonardo's help to open Dora up.

Presently Elsa phones about taking Caramelo to the beach; but Juan José's preoccupied and will talk to her later, hanging up to rush out to see the policeman. Across town at Adolfo's, Bertha descends attired in a fetching little black dress, and he admires how she fills it out.

Bertha reports a Susana phoned earlier; and he easily denies it was the Genovés maid, claiming the caller's just a business partner. Pouring them identical whiskies while Adolfo appreciates the view, Bertha reminds him that he has only to ask whatever he wants of her.

He agrees, but only in case of the utmost importance -- and only if she wants to, with no strings attached. He adores having her there at his house and giving her whatever she needs; she knows that, he contends. Looking into her eyes, Adolfo makes Bertha smile, declaring he likes her so very much!

At his apartment Leonardo is just startling Ramón with the news that Márta is also the mother of Carlos Ávila when the bell rings and it's Juan José, who in turn startles Leonardo to report that Dora is at the hospital. He explains his problem of her reticence, and Leonardo immediately agrees to convince her it's better to talk.

Back at Adolfo's, phoning Roberto for news of Susana, Adolfo surprises him with the end run they made, cutting him out -- except Susana never showed. Adolfo orders him to round her up and get back with her location. Adolfo hangs up, gulping pills before bed.

Alejandra waits for Juan José at home while keeping company with Caramelo congenially this time. They sweetly compliment each other, Alejandra shyly admits to being Juan José's girlfriend, and then she helps Caramelo with her homework.

In the ICU waiting room, Leonardo finds Dora but has no more luck with Dora than Juan José; she's firm that no one else will be hurt, and furthermore if the letter turns up, she'll deny it. Not even the threat of calligraphic proof will persuade her to say anything that might possibly hurt David more or the family.

Leonardo must yield to Dora's tearful terror and is just comforting her when Gabriela appears announcing she thinks David's breathing is improved, and Dora rushes off to see him. Alone together, Gabriela also has no luck making Leonardo talk on what information he's gathered about the woman, Márta.

Apologizing, he prepares to leave, but not before remarking how great Julieta's been with Paula and he wonders how to repay her. At Juan José's, Asunción regales Alejandra and Caramelo with tales of his one hapless beach foray when Juan José returns, and Caramelo bribes him with $15 pesos to let her uncle travel to the beach.

Alejandra and Juan José think uncle and tyke have retired, so they nuzzle and snog, enticed by the itsy bitsy bikinis in Alejandra's shopping bag. Watching them gallop off up the stairs, though, Caramelo was eavesdropping; and when asked why her aunt Elsa never did so, Asunción can only shrug it was just stupidity.

Upstairs, Alejandra thrills Juan José with the festive scraps of fabric and is just going to try them on when the phone rings, and it's Garnica in the extortionist guise. Juan José seems resigned at first to learn from the uncultured voice that it turns out he now needs double the amount -- or no letter.

Garnica just laughs on his end at Juan José's growing fury, demanding the names of the perpetrators; but Garnica only makes the same deal and arrangements as last time and hangs up. Alejandra's incensed Juan Jose's thinking of paying the money and begs him not to be bled until dry. Juan José agrees that would happen.

But he won't go to the police; so when Alejandra learns Juan José thinks he saw a black SUV during the first drop, a light bulb goes on, and she offers -- why don't they record it! She owns a video camera with a five-hour capacity. He makes her laugh fantasizing it would be fabulous to video her in the bikinis.

In the ICU, Dora watches over her son, when suddenly there's a slight movement in his right hand -- and then his head. David's eyes are struggling to open, as she gasps his name and runs for the nurse's station to shout the miraculous news. Dozed off in the waiting room, Gabriela awakens and rushes to the ICU.

She clasps his hand, his eyes open, and he can see her face. Dora is ecstatic! Back on the street outside Mario's, Adolfo drives up and takes Édgar aside, flashing cash and directing him to a street corner meeting in 20 minutes. Furtive Édgar appears at the appointed time and place for an offer he apparently can't refuse.

The closer he gets to that thick pad of cash, the more loyal to Adolfo he becomes, until he's thoroughly co-opted to work for him, stashing the cash in his suit pocket. He's to remain on the job and spy on everyone, especially Mario. At your service! And he'll be well paid, Adolfo assures him, the cash eliciting a smile.

When Elsa picks Caramelo up at Juan José's for shopping, she's suspicious of Asunción begging off the beach trip to take care of unspecified "things" for Juan José. At the ICU, "Mario" has to make excuses to Gabriela for Santiago's failure to appear, despite David's recovery, and then he exits to visit his "son."

In the waiting room, Julieta introduces the idea to Gabriela that there could possibly be something between her and Leonardo, and Gabriela's tickled to hear it. While in David's room, Santiago feels it's time to introduce David's mother to him. He surprises David first with the news that she's alive; and a good woman.

It's better she talks to you herself, Santiago says, turning toward the door. And oh yes, she's Dora!


Monday, December 27, 2010

Eva Luna #35 Mon 12/27/10 Ick-toria Still Won’t Let Go and Dan’s Still A Sucker For a Bawling Bimbutt

Unfortunately, my dvr got erased. So again this will be from memory. If I leave anything out please let me know! The good part is that this was not a very happenin’ episodio and so this should be short and sweet.

Gorgio makes his way to El Club Cabaret to get in touch with his “Y” chromosome. Marisol picks him up and they go to her love nest to do a little business. He is down in the dumps because he has realized that it’s no good. He can only get in touch with his “X”. Marisol gets him to confess his “problem”; they make fast friends and share a toast. FF>>

Meanwhile, Daniel stands up Victoria for dinner at the manse. He tells himself that he refuses to run to Icktoria’s side to hold her hand every time she has a breakdown. He decides to get comfy and read a book in bed instead.

V-icky gets pissed as well as pissy after being stood up for dinner by Dano. Bimbutt decides if the mountain won’t come to the Bimbutt then the Bimbutt will go to the mountain.

Marcela and Bruno share a little nookie time at his bachelor pad again. He apologizes for the klutzy gift he tried to give her the day before. She accepts his apology and tells him not to be such a klutz next time. After she leaves he discusses this with his cousin who tells him he almost blew it with that stupid gift thing. He still thinks he’s got Marcy eating out of his hand, but his cuz warns him essentially that Mean Marcy is the type who might bite it off anytime. Bruno isn’t listening because he’s too busy counting all the pesos he’s going to cheat Marcy out of.

At the boarding house, Doña Justa has noticed that Eva is down in the dumps again. She goes in for a chat and brings a large ice cream Sunday she’s made to make her feel better. Eva admits that Dano’s the reason she’s down and explains the situation. Justa tells her the same thing Alicia told her before: you don’t sacrifice what you have because some loony dame doesn’t want to accept she’s been dumped into the trash along with yesterday’s news. Justa tells her to forget the guilt and fight for what is hers by right.

At the same time, Ick-toria rushes over to Dano’s and barges in to his bedroom despite Jackie’s trying to stop her. Dan is polite enough to tell Jackie to leave it alone and that he’ll talk to her. Icky starts the teary-eyed woe-is-me act. He falls for it. She pulls a gun out and threatens herself with it. He is OMG-impactado and fights her for the gun. He again tells her that it’s not him she needs to talk to, but rather a doctor. She agrees, but begs him to let her spend the night with him. No, she doesn’t want him to make love to her, just being near him is enough and she’ll be able to calm down a bit. The dope offers to sleep on the easy chair, but she says she’ll take the easy chair.

Alicia comes in later and tells Eva the same thing that Justa said, and that if Justa and she are telling her the same thing, then Eva should consider maybe she should listen for once. Eva agrees that it makes sense. Ali says then Eva should call him and tell him she’s changed her mind. Eva dials and Icky answers the phone. Eva panics and hands the phone over to Ali and tells her there’s a woman on the line so fake a call asking for “Tony”. Alicia obliges and Icky figures it’s a wrong number. Eva knows it was Icky on the other end and tells Alicia that she’s there with him now. Her trust in Daniel is wavering again.

Later on, Tricky-Icky pretends to be asleep. She tells herself that Dano’s nuts if he thinks she’s going to spend all night in that chair, and that before the night’s over she’ll be sleeping next to him in his own bed.

Back at the manse, Don Julio is waiting in Marcy’s room for her to get back. He confronts Marcy with the story she made up about Icky’s supposed suicide. Julio tells her that he overheard her and Icky discussing what really happened and he knows that Dan broke it off with Ick-toria and that she put the drugs into her drink. Machiavellian Marcy finally admits then that she did put the drugs in Icky’s tea and set the whole thing up. “So what if I did? Daniel and she are now back together and she’s with him at his house. Whatever works! I would do anything when it comes to a member of my family!” Julio insists that it’s a waste since Dan doesn’t really want to go back with Tricky. He says he’s not surprised at the lengths she would go to. Mad Marcy angrily thinks to herself she’d love to see the old fart dead.


La Fea Más Bella #143-144 12/27/10 When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but vindictive Lety and cuartel oh so dear.

Capitulo 143.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Every time Fernando tries to talk about the need for the balance, Lety evades him. Omar tells him their life depends on it. Fern should give her anything she wants and more.

2. Lety takes the cuartel to lunch. Omar tries to distract Fernando who is very disturbed by the car. The man from Klaus wonders why Lety isn’t in the lunch meeting. She should be, since it’s about renegotiating terms. Omar says she feels out of place in this kind of setting.

3. Lety and the cuartel arrive at Le Noir. Fernando takes it as an attack. Marta says, “Don’t worry, Lety’s rich novio is paying for it.” Fernando asks what her game is and she acts innocent, but she enjoys the power. She greets the client but she forcefully ignores Omar. He suggests that Lety is changing her lifestyle.

4. Lety and friends run up the bill to torment Fernando, while Lety and Fern trade glances.

5. Ariel asks Marcia about the source of Tom’s money. He’s worried about dirty business because Lety virtually manages their company. He tells her he intends to unload his Conceptos shares. He needs the capital for his latest venture.

6. Lety imagines Fern’s card is rejected for overcharges, so she pays his bill. Clearly a power fantasy.

7. Fernando tells Omar this is not the sweet Lety he knows; she’s changed. It must be Tom’s fault. Fern thinks of Juana’s prediction, and that’s further evidence that Tom has changed Lety. Marta says that based on the predictions, the novio changed Lety’s life, but has she changed his? Lety says that if she hasn’t yet, she suspects she will.

8. Fernando and Omar wonder whether Lety found the letter. Omar laughs at the possibility. He says, “If she did, we’d be without the company and toasting her as president.” Fernando says she’d be furious and she’d ream him out. Ergo she didn’t find the letter. The answer must be Tomás.

Capitulo 144.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando and Omar look for a solution. Omar says his kisses weren’t enough. Fernando should give her a raise and a monthly allowance (like a kept woman?).

2. Fernando says he hasn’t touched Marcia nor anyone else since the first time he made love with Lety. Omar suggests this could be a problem in their marriage, and he asks the cause. Fern doesn’t know, maybe guilt.

3. Marcia is boggled and offended that Lety took the witches to Le Noir.

4. Fernando yells at Lety, “Are you finished playing games with me yet, or are you going to continue?” He slips today’s card under her door. It says, “I don’t know what I did to deserve your indifference, but I can’t sleep, worrying about it.” He tries to sort out his feelings.

5. Omar makes Sara swear that nobody found the red bag. Sara is sure she’s heading straight to Hell. Omar tells Fern that Lety didn’t see the letter, so the problem is Tom. Fern needs to win her back at all costs. The board meeting is almost upon them and they need that balance. Fern tells himself that he needs to win her back, not for the balance, but for himself.

6. Fernando tells Lety, “We need to talk. Maybe you want to remain silent, but I need to know what’s happening between us.” He orders her to let him take her home tonight, despite her refusal.

7. Alicia tells Marcia that she’s going out with Tomás tonight.

8. Lola tells the witches that her lawyer might be able to garnish half of Efren’s salary for nonpayment of child support.

9. Ricky wants a small change to the jewelry commercial and Luigi refuses because his work is perfect. Fernando overrules because Ricky’s the one paying for it.


Tuesday and Thursday bloggers needed for Triunfo del Amor

Hello folks! Starting a week from today is our new William Levy telenovela, Triunfo del Amor. I've had several people say they're willing to be alternates but no commitments for Tuesday or Thursday.

If we have any veteran recappers who'd like to sign on, please let me know. If you are new, please send info about yourself and/or a writing sample (ie try your hand at recapping half an hour or so of one of our current shows) to me at

Hope we can fill the team!

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

El Mundo de Telemundo: Week of December 27 - Discuss amongst yourselves

Hi all and Merry Christmas. I'm back from three fabulous weeks birdwatching in Argentina. I had fun trying to speak Spanish the Argentinian way with the 'zsh' sound replacing the 'll' or 'y'. Usually, I remembered right after I said it the regular way. I didn't even attempt the voseo.

We birded around Buenos Aires, Patagonia (Trelew), Tierra del Fuego (El Calafate and Ushuaia) and the falls at Iguazú. Here is a picture of a condor flying in front of the Perito Moreno glacier. Condors and glaciers - perfect together!!

Here is a picture of a Burrowing Parrot, another really cool bird.

Everybody's favorite: a Toucan!

And finally, the Devil's Throat (Garganta del Diablo) section of the falls at Iguazú. These falls have Niagara beat by a mile!

THANKS SO MUCH to NovelaMaven and all the other commenters for keeping up the great posts when I was gone.

Elena is bent on vengeance against Montecristo. La Gemela is handcuffed in what appears to be Chaparro's hotel room on the Mexican border. Montecristo has found his jail protectors. Dulce may or may not be in coma. Eduardo is wandering around with auditory hallucinations and a terrible headache. M&M are on their honeymoon and Andrea seems to be one kiss away from surrendering to Walter.

LOS EXITOSOS GOME$- I have only watched the episodes for the last few days so I don't really know what has gone on. From what I have read over on TW, Telemundo has really chopped up the original Peruvian novela. As far as I can make out, Martín is in a hospital and everyone thinks he is Gonzalo. Franco dropped a dime on Amanda's brother as being responsible for using experimental drugs on Martín and he was arrested. Sol is pregnant and Franco and Amanda are keeping her and Gonzalo apart. Gonzalo's aunt showed up and he told her everything. Daniela and Sergio are up to something.

Gata Salvaje, the last novela where Marlene Favela and Mario Cimarro were the leads, was the first telenovela I ever watched and I have always had as soft spot for it and its starts in my heart even though it was terrible. I love Mario Cimarro but I am surprised that Telemundo hired him again after all the gossip about how difficult he is on the set. I will be watching this one.

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Llena de Amor #94 (Mex. 99) Thu 12/23/10 A little kid abuses the rapey snake, so yes Vicky, there is a Santa Claus.

Dear Friends, I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend. I hope you cherish your families, eat some great food, read an interesting book, watch a sappy movie, and know that even if you spend time with yourself you are in very, very good company.

Capítulo 94 (I think)

Last night's lovin' was a bit rough around the edges. Tonight is more about setting things up for a more hopeful future. For some. Will Axel realize he's a schmuck? Will Oliver accept Manolo/Gretelman as a special friend? Will MariVicki do us a favor and watch What Not to Wear? Let's join our cast of crazies and see who's doing what to whom...

Paula is making a delicious vegetable soup low in fat and salt for our Don Max. Bernardo comes in, tells her Fedra wants her, and seasons the soup with his own particular brand of seasoning. Like I said yesterday, it ain’t Beano folks. Sheesh, why don’t they just put the poison right there next to the salt and pepper?

Axel attacks Delicia as we already know from yesterday. Break his skinny arms Delicia!

MariVicki tells Doris her family sucks, what’s one to do? She even feels a little sorry for dumb Kristel being in love with her nefarious good-for-nothing boyfriend. Doris has no sympathy and says they totally deserve each other, “total son tal para cual”. MV adds the same holds true for Eman marrying Ilitia, they are both revolting.

Benigno arrives and after some gallant hand-kissing tells MV his general would like to talk to her. How convenient, Emiliano arrives to invite her to dine with his family that very night. She consents and I’m thinking it’s probably a good thing she doesn’t eat much food any more.

Over at the polis station GretelMan tries to maintain her charade but keeps staring wistfully, nay lustily, at our black and blue-eyed polis. El comisario comes in and asks if he’s made any headway. I guess they are investigating Maurico because Oli and GMan say he supposedly has a canned foods business but there are no legal documents associated with such a business. It doesn’t exist. El Comi gets all excited and plans to bust Fonskanka that very night. Gman wants to join in on the bust.

Blech, back to Axel’s antics. As predicted, Delicia easily throws the wimp off of her and grabs the guitar as her weapon. Axel keeps harping on Bernardo and she says what we’ve all been saying, Axel was much nicer before he got his memory back, he was noble and good. Now he’s worse than a monster and she will never forgive him, never! She tosses the guitar at him instead of cracking it over his head.

Gman and Oli are having a little spat in front of El Comis. Oli doesn’t want Gman at the bust because last time the little chicken was a scaredy cat. Gman says it’s only because Oli acted suicidal by putting himself in front of a gun and hasn’t Oli heard, the pen is mightier than the sword? More bickering and El Comi tells Oli to shut it, Gman will be there because he’s earned it. Gman smirks at Oli over his/her big round glasses.

Benigno finds don Max practicing his rifle maneuvers. Beni seems a little unnerved that El General is taking his practice so seriously. He’s further concerned that his General doesn’t recognize him and accuses him of being a spy. “Speak or you’re a dead man!” Max accuses, pointing his rifle at Beni. I guess he ate the special vegetable soup.

Fedra and Lowrenzo are at a club getting his and her massages. He says ever since Victoria showed up it’s been pure problems at work. Then he says something about Christian. “Christian? Who is Christian?” the queen jealously asks.

MariVicki visits the orphanage. Muñeca takes her on a tour and wants to show off her favorite kids, Manzanita and the obstinate Christian who hates taking direction. Muñeca manages to get his attention momentarily with some liquid food product which he chugs with a recalcitrant scowl. Daddy would be proud.

As Eman arrives at the orphanage he tells Fidel that he will see him later that night. I think this is a telenovela clue so I’ll take note. Manzanita runs up and gives him a hug and Muñeca tells MV that Eman visits all the time and is one of their strongest supporters. She tells the Manzanita story and how he saved her from an orphaned life on the streets. MV smiles and watches the kiddies dote on Eman while Muñeca sings his praises. Is our little marshmallow going all gooey?

Lowrenzo lies to Fedra and tells her that Christian is one of his most important clients, that’s all. Fedra jealously tells him that when they are together she wants him to forget the entire world.

Eman’s secretary reluctantly meets Ilitia for lunch. She tells Ilitia to prepare herself, her husband is going after that new girl Victoria.

MariVicki tells Eman she wouldn’t have guessed she would see him at the orphanage. He tells her there is a lot about him she wouldn’t have guessed. When the love of his life Marianela left him he spent a lot of time at this place. Manzanita helped save him. He tells how he called and wrote Mari but she never answered him. She says he could have hopped a plane. He gets a pained look and in accordance with TN rules refuses to defend himself with those three little words, “I was paralyzed”.

Muñeca interrupts them to show MV some cute pics of Eman and Manzanita. Oh look he’s in a wheelchair. Muñeca tells MV that he was in a horrible accident and nobody thought he would ever recover. With his hard work and determination he beat the odds and won an international competition.

Paula and Benigno wrestle Don Max back into bed while he blathers about winning the war for peace. I think Beni gives him a happy shot and Don M falls off to sleep muttering that the enemy is near. Beni is worried that the viper Fedra will send him to the nuthouse.

Back at the club Fedra is giving Lowrenzo a hard time about seeming preoccupied and worried. Is he hiding something? Is it this Christian guy? Is Christian a woman? Low insists not but it’s too late, Fedra’s already got Christian’s name branded into her brain. Low is so preoccupied that when he orders his “usual” he doesn’t even notice the two hotties ogling him from the next table.

MariVicki wants to know exactly when Eman had his accident. He doesn’t know why she cares but it was the same day Mari left on a jet plane. He lost the woman he loved most in his life. When he woke from his accident the only thing he wanted to do was get up from his bed, run to her and put his arms around her. Mari turns away and shares her tears with us.

Over at the Polis Station the S.W.A.T. team is getting ready for the big bust. Are Brandon and Oli still mad at each other? They don their bullet-proof vests and glare at each other while Gretelman enters and tells them to make up.

Oli starts to help GMan put on a bullet-proof vest and after a bit of inept fumbling (how hard is it to put on a vest?) he realizes he’s being a little too touchy and recoils. “Put it on yourself!”

MV mutters that this changes nothing and doesn’t undo the damage Eman did to Marianela and anyway, he ended up marrying someone else. He doesn’t know what she’s talking about. He loved Mari with all of his soul. But when he had his accident who was with him day and night? Ilitia. Who never left his side? Ilitia. And MV’s great friend Mari, where was she when he needed her? That’s why he married Ilitia. Because the woman he loved abandoned him without an explanation. I pause here to raise a glass to Valentino Lanus for a scene well done. Kudos for great emotion and for not being an ugly crier.

Mari escapes outside, leans against the wall, sucks up her inhaler and insists this doesn’t change anything! He wanted to kill her for her inheritance. GAH!!!! Malicio Fonskanka appears behind her, “Here I am my precious, I’ve arrived.”

Paula tells Beni she’s never seen Don Max so bad. Nereida needles them as Fedra and Spidey join them. Nereida snaps her fingers and tells Paula and Beni to get back to work. Fedra mocks her, snapping her fingers like a flamenco dancer, and telling them ALL to leave the kitchen. (I love it when people mock Nereida which they do all the time.) Fedra congratulates Spidey that the old decrepit is finally losing his marbles once and for all. She pours a glass of water for Spidey and tells him to stay hydrated. He wisely ignores it and grabs an apple instead.

Malicio asks her why the tears? He had an unhappy childhood too, just like the poor orphans. She tells him to butt out and he’ll never have the good fortune to be with her. If he doesn’t leave her alone she’ll tell the whole world he tried to rape her. Eman sees them and starts yelling at Agent O for bothering her while MV escapes in the nearest taxi.

Someone ominously observes from a parked vehicle while Agent O joins Muñeca and enters the orphanage for some special event. Notably, Eman has a prior engagement and cannot join them.

Back at the club Lowman drinks alone and recalls dandling baby Christian at the park. He is interrupted by a club employee who introduces the two hotties to Lowman. It is their dream to become models. He reverts to form, forgets his memories, and starts drooling as he checks out their figures.

Muñeca wants to introduce Agent O to all the cute kiddies. He pretends to care. Oh this next part is the bomb. Muñeca summons Christian. Agent O picks up the fractious child who promptly sticks something up Agent O’s nose and them whacks him upside the head with both grimy little fists. Christian you are my new hero. Muñeca tells Agent O that Chris was abandoned in the street and she shows him the child’s medallion. Agent O tells the squirming bundle that they are going to be good friends, then he points his finger, gun-style, at the child’s head.

Eman has arrived home to Hell House. Fedra tells Emiliano that Don Max has finally lost his marbles and Benigno’s to blame. Poor Beni says he’s sure the crisis will pass then he skedaddles out of sight. Bernardo appears with Tio’s will, all is in order according to law. “According to law!” Fedra repeats, nodding righteously at Emiliano. Eman knows what it says, Tio leaves everything to Marianela. Nope sez Emiliano, he leaves it all to you Eman. Bernardo and Fedra gleefuly nod like a couple of bobble-head dolls.

Back at the orphanage little Christian enthusiastically pokes his finger in Orangey’s eye while Orangey pretends to teach him to shoot and explains that he must be the lost brat of Lowrenzo and here is under the nose of Low’s wife all this time. Who will pay more, Garduno or Lowrenzo? He tries to remove the medallion but Chris has a death grip on it so Orangey finally just rips it off the kid’s neck.

Muñeca shows up and Orangey gives her a line of complete bull, he’s so moved spending time with these wonderful kids. Chris is acting up somewhere down around Orangey’s legs; come on Chris, hit him in the nuts, he can’t do anything with Muñeca there. Muñeca tells Orangey she’ll see him tomorrow at some publicity event and calls Christian to follow her to eat with the other kids. Of course Chris is long gone from this scene so Muñeca exits stage right all by her lonesome.

Eman tells Emiliano something must be wrong. Tio Max told him himself that his wish was to leave everything to Marianela. “I’m so sorrrrry” Fedra snips in English, but this was Max’s ONLY legal will. Max is totally insane and so is Gretel, it runs in the family. She reads aloud, “In case of death or incapacity my nephew Eman gets everything”. Beni strides up and tells her not to sing Victoria yet, this was not the last will of Don Max!

We’re back from the commercial break but the closed captioners are still on theirs. I’ve noticed that every day this week there is a 5-15 minute period where no CCs appear. My theory is that the Llena captioner takes a break or sneaks out for a smoke. I’ll do my best here.

The S.W.A.T. team is kitting up. Brandon instructs them to stay cool, they need to surprise Fonskanka. El Comis tells them to keep it clean and he instructs Oliver to protect Manolo. The other guys tease Oli about protecting his little chick then something about watching out for the rear guard which is obviously a bad joke regarding Gman’s sexuality.

Oli pulls Gman aside and tells him not to feel bad, the guys were just joking around. Gman gives Oli a quick hug for defending him and Oli pulls back and tells him not to confuse things. He’ll respect Gman’s preferences as long as Gman respects his, OK? Gman keeps creeping closer to Oli and Oli keeps pushing him away although not quite as vehemently as before.

The CCs are back! Over at Netty’s it looks like Pacheco plans to stay for dinner. Luckily since the boys are at work there might be enough food for the bottomless pit. He reads a magazine and comments that El Lirio de Plata is now a journalist, what’s up with that? Letty defends El Lirio and Gladi says Brandon would surely be annoyed at that. Pacheco agrees, Lirio is a thief. Nety says he’s not a thief; he steals from the rich and gives to the poor. Consuelo says he must be extremely ugly, that’s why he covers his face. MariVicky enters and says she’s never met anyone as valiant and strong as El Lirio. The ladies swoon.

Back at Manicomio Manor Fedra has a hissy fit and tells Beni she is the boss lady of the house and how dare he speak to her in this manner? He says excuse me but you aren’t my boss, I only report to Max and the lady of the house Marianela. Fedra explodes but Emiliano holds her back. Bernardo yells at Beni so Emiliano kicks him out of the room. To retaliate Fedra fires Beni but Emiliano says no. “It’s not fair you get to tell my slave to leave but I can’t tell yours to leave.” She leaves sobbing and shrieking and Emiliano stupidly follows her.

Eman tells Beni that they both know very well that Max wanted to leave everything to Mari so how could this will appear from nowhere? Could Max have decided to change his will when Mari left for Spain? Beni asks does Eman really think that?

Mañana: Ilitia is pissed off that MariVicky is coming for dinner. Eman kisses MariVicky.

Andar detrás = to go after

No cantar victoria = Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched, it ain’t over ‘til it’s over (Lit. Don’t sing victory)

Nunca has escuchado que la pluma es mas fuerta que la espada? = Haven’t you heard the pen is mightier than the sword?

Es de los apoyos más fuertes = he is one of the biggest supporters

Patán nefasto= terrible good-for-nothing

Reguardar = Rear guard (I think this was a play on words with the verb resguardar which means to protect. I’m not sure.)

Tan conmovido = so moved

Ultimo voluntad = last will



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