Wednesday, January 12, 2011
La Fea Más Bella #165-166 1/12/11 The end of the world as we know it.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Lety cries as she reads the letter, but by the end her emotion is cold wrath. Just then Marcia, stoked with fury, charges into her office. Lety says the folders will be ready in ten minutes. Marcia gets snotty so Lety gets defiant. Marcia tries to verbally smack her down and calls her an idiot, so Lety yells, “I’m in no mood to tolerate your arrogance either.”
2. Lety says that after the meeting Marcia won’t see her anymore. Marcia thinks it’s a plot to make her look like the villain, and she says, “Today I’m prepared for anything!” (Don’t count on it, Tutz.) If Lety doesn’t resign, Marcia is ready to kick her out, and if Lety doesn’t go, Marcia will.
3. Marcia listens as Alicia tries to push the witches around and tells them Marcia is just a foolish producer. Marcia pulls her up short and orders her to serve the coffee.
4. Fern asks how he can write a card today. What can he say? “I love you and I’m getting married”? (This indicates that Omar has convinced him that he has to go through with the wedding.) He says that when Marcia is next to him, he feels repugnance.
5. Fern and Omar enter the meeting. Fern tells Marcia, “Don’t worry, I’ll marry you just like I promised.”
6. Screenshot 42:19 – 42:45. Lety pulls papers out of the folders and tells the cuartel that there is an error she needs to fix. Lety distributes the folders to the board. Fernando opens his folder and reads, “Mi estimado presidente..” And his world turns upside-down.
Capitulo 166.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it. It would be impossible to briefly summarize this episode. Every sentence carries too much weight and I could not bear to leave out anything. Read the complete recap. But I leave you a few of Pata's wonderful screenshots.
Omar's initial reaction.
Even now, Lety is still focused on Fernando's pain.
Fernando is a broken man.
Torn between two lovers, and he made the wrong choice.
Labels: fea-2010
Eva Luna #47 Tue 1/11/11 Hiding behind pastry carts seems like a good idea.
I apologize again, I am not feeling up to snuff (nothing bad, just one of those things) and hope to finish this recap in the morning, but this time I did make video clips, so I'm posting a bulleted list of what happened, plus the clips. Discuss amongst yourselves and I'll finish the recap in the morning (I hope!). Edit: I think the summary gets most of the points so maybe I'll just elaborate on that in the morning.
Bulleted list of what happened on Eva Luna (based on memory, I hope I get this right):
- Idiot Eva goes with Leo up to his mountain hideaway (or wherever it is) where he plies her with a drugged beverage. When she is passed out he places her in his bed, undresses her, takes off his own shirt, and photographs her and him in a "compromising position" on the bed. (Shades of Llena de Amor, where Ilitia and Kristel did that with a zonked-out Emanuel.) When she starts to wake up, he quickly dresses her so she's not aware of what happened.
- While up at the mountain hideaway (but before passing out) Eva talks about pressing charges against Daniel for the hit-and-run of her dad, but Leo doesn't think that's a good idea (wonder why?) and tells her he'll be "with her" in helping her get revenge on Daniel. Eva also wants to confront Daniel herself, but of course we know Leo won't allow that either!
- Evil Marcela takes Daniel to the bank in order to convince him that Eva stole money from the company by forging Daniel's signature. The bank guy helpfully shows closed circuit camera photos of Eva cashing the check. Daniel almost buys this but even so, does not want formal charges pressed against Eva until he can talk to her and get clarification. Then later he starts thinking about it and starts suspecting that something is not right, as it is all too perfect. In particular, he wonders how could Eva forge his signature when she's never seen Daniel's signature?
- Icky spews delusional garbage to her dad about how she is going to marry Daniel. He tries to reason with her. Then Icky tells her dad that his "angel" Eva is actually the woman that Daniel was two-timing her with. Don Julio doesn't want to believe this until Icky shows the photos. Then Don Julio remembers how both Eva and Daniel hinted around that something was going on, and (I think) Don Julio connects the dots and does not think ill of them for it. He also reminds her that her relationship with Daniel was never quite genuine either, but rather was pushed on them by Marcela. Icky is infuriated by this, as expected. When Icky demands that Don Julio fire Eva, Don Julio refuses.
- Renata visits Doña Justa at the pension and tells her that yes, her baby died. That Don Julio is "muy feliz" (very happy) with Marcela, and that he's forgotten all about Justa. (This is of course the exact opposite of the truth, because 1) Justa's baby is alive in the form of Icky, and 2) Don Julio JUST TOLD RENATA himself how much he wished he'd stuck with Justa.) Justa is devastated by the news that she's old history to Don Julio.
- Also, Renata tells Justa that everyone thought she (Justa) was dead because there was a woman's dead body at her house when the earthquake hit. It turns out it was Justa's roommate, but everyone thought it was Justa. (What I want to know is, which earthquake, and where? The Northridge one in '94? The one up in S. Francisco in '89? There really weren't any other earthquakes of sufficient strength to cause that much havoc in that time frame. I'm very confused about this. And while I'm here, I'm very confused about Justa going up to "Santa Rosa" to see about her baby's grave. The only "Santa Rosa" in California is an hour north of San Francisco. That's quite a drive from L.A.)
- Don Ricardo comes in and is introduced. Renata asks Justa if he's her husband, Justa says no, Don Julio was the love of her life and Don Ricardo is a resident of the pension.
- Marisol for some reason wants her new buddy Giorgio to meet her galán, Francisco. (She wants Giorgio to "approve" of him, using his "male intuition.") Giorgio goes along with this after she keeps begging him. They are supposed to meet Francisco at a restaurant. Francisco comes to meet them, sees Giorgio, knows that his goose is cooked if Giorgio sees him (since Giorgio knows him as Daniel's chofer) and so HIDES BEHIND A PASTRY CART in order to evade them. I'm not really sure why. My eyes were glazing over at this point. (By the way, is it just me, or is Giorgio starting to look rather attractive?)
- Tony and Alicia go on a search for Eva, go to the cemetery and see that fresh flowers have been put at their dad's grave. But they don't find Eva.
- Evil Marcy reports Eva's "theft" to the police.
Video clip of avances.
Oh, and I couldn't leave you without at least one photo of Daniel! LOL.
Poor rejected Daniel doesn't know the evil that Marcela has in store for him. (Click on image to see much larger version.) |
Labels: eva
Llena de Amor #105 (Mex. 110) Tue 1/11/11 It’s the SOUP!
Labels: llena
Triunfo del Amor #7 1/11/11 Fernanda Needs to Die
Anyways, she looks lovely in her pony tail and long gown. She does a twirl and has such a cute smile as she sees Max. You can tell she wants him to notice how pretty she looks, but he goes into wth-is-maria-desamparada-doing-here mode and squints his eyes uncomfortably while Victoria is takin ages to sign his freakin document. My boss does that too. Just sign it already.
When Vicki says, "Anything else, Maximiliano?" Maria stops right on the ramp and lets the tears fall. She can't believe he lied to her. She runs backstage.
Victoria and Pepino are like uhh why on earth is she crying? Antonienta continues to introduce the next models and outfits. Max looks like he knows he messed up. Guilt kicks in. Or maybe he's just upset at his luck--mamma did bust him out. Idk. I'd prefer the former.
Some woman is at some event giving some speech about something her organization couldn't have done without the help of Bernarda Iturbe and her generosity. Bernarda pretends to have modesty and shame, and I have to pause just so I can roll my eyes long enough. Give me a break, Bernie. Everyone's clapping for her. Make it stop; it's just annoying now. She's touched by the acknowledgment and says she doesn't deserve their applause. You're damn right you don't. She goes on bragging about how her son is a priest, and he inspired her to help the sick.
Juan Pablo's emptying a truck of food and talking to Domingo. Somehow, I missed the scope of the discussion. Something about an office being built by volunteers?
Pepino tells Maria how lovely and majestic she was. Antonieta asks why she froze on stage. Pepino leaves, and Antoniete takes Mari to the side and tells her she knows what happened. She tells Maria to confide in her. Max is a good boy, but he's not boy friend material. Remember the advice. I get that advice all the time, Maria. I usually follow it, but if Max is the guy, I say screw that! Forgivness is the answer.
Milagro is singing about kisses. She's onto Juanjo's crush on Linda. He denies it. She's just very pretty. Blah blah. He leaves.
Fernanda is in the office. Pepino hilariously skips in and hugs her. He has a dress for her party, but Fernanda says she wants something very sexy. She's old enough to pick her own outfit. Victoria is not in agreement, and she's MAD. Fernanda says the partay will be canceled if she can't pick her dress. Brat.
Pepino runs out, and Maria cluelessly walks into the office to talk to Victoria. Fernanda bashes her for interrupting a mother-daughter convo.
Victoria asks Fernanda to behave. Instead, Fernie mocks María Desamparada's name and says Vicki is only supporting her because she's an orphan like Vicki. Slap. Her. For. God's. Sake.
Victoria asks Maria why she froze on stage. Antonieta answers for her. She was nervous. First time modeling.
After Antonieta and Maria leave, Fer asks if Vicki has time for her now since the orphan's out of the picture. She gets this beyotch quality from Mama, but even Mama is annoyed and embarrassed. The phone rings, and Fer gets PO'd that there are things more important that her. Grow up.
Linda and Milagro talk. Blah. Blah.
Maria is leaving the office when Fer comes outta nowhere and starts insulting her. Mari says she didn't do anything to deserve this treatment from her, and Fer should be grateful for having a mother. She guilt trips her that she'll never understand what it's like to be an orphan.
Max is flirting with girls in the lobby, but he rushes to Maria when she comes down. She doesn't want to hear anything from him. In fact, she never wants to see him again. She walks off. See you soon, Max shouts after her.
Fer apologizes to Victoria for her behavior. Huggy. That's all it took to get it through Fer's head that she's a beyotch? That's it? Who knew.
Later, Vicki asks Antonieta why she didn't get married (random). She had many people who liked her. Antonieta says the man she loves doesn't love her.
Maria tells the roomies about Max betraying her. Linda rants about men always betraying girls. That's why women need to outsmart them.
Maria then talks about work and Victoria. She respects her more after learning that she's an orphan.
Doorbell rings at Maria's house. It's Max with a bouquet otra vez. She rolls her eyes at him, and he asks her to please forgive him. She attempts to slam the door, but he blocks it. He wants her to listen. She's heard enough, "Maximiliano." Maria slams the door. They both lean on opposite sides of it. Max leaves the flowers.
Vicki meets Osvaldo at a party. Pedro comments on how beautiful Victoria is. Guilleremo arrives. Jealous man. Same old. Kisses.
New day. Maria is leaving home. She sees the flowers outside and tries to ignore them, but she picks them up and smiles, walking away with them.
Max visits Osvaldo in his office. Osi is surprised. Max just wanted to know why Os was missing at breakfast. He was just busy.
Anyways, Max needs advice. He has all these regrets because of what happened with this girl. She's poor, pretty, and nice. He thinks she's innocent, but he's not sure. Osvaldo tells him to give her a chance. Get to know her.
Maria is walking the ramp. Vicki advises her on how to walk. She tells her she needs to fight for what she wants. Victoria says discipline is really important. Why don't you pass those words onto Fernanda? She needs them.
Max comes to works. He needs to talk to Pepino. Pepino asks what's up. Maxs wants the keys to Pep's apartment. Pep teases and asks who's joining him. Max takes the keys and says he can't tell. Oh, Max...
Fernanda asks Fabian where Max is. He doesn't know, but he can find out for her. No, it doesn't matter--she just wanted to bother him anyways. Fer asks Fabian why he's smiling like a fool. Jerk. I knew you couldn't change in 2 minutes. She mentions her birthday and asks how old he is. Fab is 25. She says she thought he was much older. He acts so boring. I'm asking from the bottom of my heart, just kill her already. Please.
Max sees Maria get into a bus and rushes into his car and follows her. He honks at her, moves his car when she changes her seat, and the whole bus is Oooing and aahiing her. Don't punish him, they say. She smiles and so does Max.
When the bus stops, Maria walks out, and Max parks his car [at the bus stop apparently] and chases after her.
Please listen, Max pleads. He didn't want to lie. She asks what he intended. He knows he was wrong with her. She's different from the rest. He touches her face and tries to kiss her. She evades it. He gets on his knees and tells the passerbyers to ask Maria to forgive him. They help him only cause he looks freakin adorable.
She tells him to get up. He's forgiven. The attention-grabber thanks the crowd for helping him, and he asks to take Maria somewhere where they can be alone. She says she's not sure. He winks at her and puts out his hand. [I'm melting.] Maria reluctantly puts her hand out too, and he snatches it.
Anonieta comes into Oscar's office and tells him his stuff was perfect. He wants to thank Victoria personally, but Antonieta tells him that she left with Osvaldo. He says Osvaldo's lucky to have Vicki. Antonieta tells him that he's chasing a dream that can't come true. He knows that, but he's decided to be single for life. Poor Antonienta.
Naty tells Milagro that the boy she likes is in love with another. Story of life, dear. That always happens to her. Sad.
Milagro is going to do something to help her. Love is inescapable. She has letters from people who are looking for partners. She a matchmaker? She has a guy who's lookin for a decent girl. Should they write back to him?
Max invites Maria inside the apartment. Don't be scared, he says. He asks if she likes it. She does. Did he decorate it? No, no. It's his friend's.
Why are we here, Maria asks.
Max: To talk and get to know one another. Ya know...we're alone right now.
Maria smiles nervously, and Max asks what perfume she has on. Idk what she said because I'm too distracted by Max leaning into her hair and smelling her. Maria gets even more nervous and thinks they should leave.
Max: Why? Is someone waiting for you?
Maria: No
Max: No one's waitig for me either, so let's stay here.
Maria: And what do we do?
Max: Spend time together.
Maria: What do we have between us?
Max: Something marvelous.
He wants them to get it on. She thinks he's going too fast. He tries to kiss her, but she says no. She believes in love and wants to form a family. He thinks she's thinking too far. They're still young. Marriage requires a lot of thought. Maria thinks it's better they leave, and she gets up.
Maximiliano stops her. Please don't go, he says. After much work, Max finally kisses her, and little Maria ain't standing there passively either. She's kissing him back. Who could blame her?
Max in kayak = HOT
Como siempre, feel free to correct/add anything. Especially in the Osvaldo/Max talk. My niece was face-timing me so I missed some stuff. Gracias. :)
Labels: triunfo
La Verdad Oculta EP81 01/12/2011 – Filthy little hobbits! They stole our life!
* Yesterday: Roberto told Adolfo he knew something very important about Mario Genovés. Today: Adolfo gives him 24 hours to prove he’s not fooling him again then he leaves saying his usual “if you fail you’ll face horrifying consequences” speech. In Juan José’s house the orphaned boyz have another pity party. While Asunción is hopelessly depressed because of losing his little girl, JJ tries to encourage him by saying the adoption isn’t done yet and they have to keep fighting for Caramelo.
*At AFI Ramón gives some photos to Leonardo who gets very angry when he sees Juan José on one of them. He does everything to protect that guy but he risks everything! He’s going to talk with him. In the architect studio Medina asks Zaida if she knows anything about Garnica. No, unfortunately she has no idea about his whereabouts. Anyway, she came to talk with him because she has a large amount of money that she’d like to invest. *Viewerville: open a brothel*
* FaustiMario and Abelardo arrive at the Genovés villa and have a lovely bromance scene in which Fausto promises to Bud Spencer that they’ll celebrate when the farce ends. Outside Abe orders Édgar not to disturb Mario who is going to disappear again, I mean, who retired to his bedroom. That’s what Eddie boy was waiting for: in the dining room he hits on Ramona, the homely but nice maid and asks her for a date. She likes the idea but before leaving she has to make an apple juice for Mario. Édgar gets rid of the woman for five minutes and makes the juice by himself. It seems to be delicious, except that few drops of poison he dripped into the jug. Bastrad. The maid brings the jug and a glass into the study and Fausto is about to drink it, when … Commercial break!
* We’re back. Fortunately Fausto, who’d like to leave the house as soon as possible, changed his mind and asks Ramona to put it on his bedside table. Half an hour later a bearless Fausto leaves the tunnel house, and Roberto, who has been spying on the door for a while, sneaks into the headquarters with a flashlight and a digital camera. Poor boy’s throat must be very soar because he keeps coughing while he takes photos of every single detail of the make-up room. In Mario’s bedroom he feels so terrible that he decides to drink the savory juice and says it saved his life. *Viewervile: LOL* However, while he’s leaving through the tunnel he gets dizzier and dizzier, he twitches and burps… but somehow makes it to his car. Outside a police car shows up and the policemen witness his last painful minutes. Roberto gets into the car and runs through the camera he accidentally dropped a few seconds ago, but he doesn’t get far – in front of JJ’s house he pulls a Linda Blair and dies a disgusting death.
*Before leaving with Ramona, content Édgar calls Adolfo to tell him the mission is accomplished. Pretty soon the whole neighbourhood is filled with cops, including Ramón (who sleeps in almost nothing) and Leonardo (who unfortunately sleeps in pyjamas). Yep, Roberto is dead. Totally. At the tunnel house they discover the signs of invading and the policemen tell them what they saw. Leo calls Abelardo.
*In his sick-room David, Gaby and Dora are very happy that he may leave the hospital soon. Abelardo shows up in the room and after getting rid of the ladies he tells Blondie the breaking news. And no, they have no freaking idea about how he died. David asks him to call Juan José. In the meantime Édgar tries to get into the study but it’s closed, and when he knocks on the door of Mario’s bedroom nobody answers. Strange. Back to the hospital: another member of the Stupendous Six, aka Fausto enters the sick-room and learns what happened to Roberto. Geez, hopefully it wasn’t Juan José who killed him! While the men are discussing the case upset Gabriela comes back and performs a small tantrum: Something’s wrong here! She knows they are all lying to her like they lied about Marta and the false wedding, too! She’s fed up with this situation and it’s very good that David returns home because they have much to talk about! She, David, Abelardo, Mario and Fausto – they’re going to have a long conversation in the same room!
*Asunción visits his Caramelo in Elsa’s cute flat where the little girl proudly shows him her new exercise books, tells him that her new name is María del Carmen Rivera and she’s completely content with her new life. Limón can’t hide his sorrow which makes both Elsa and Caramelo uncomfortable.
*Early in the morning a furious Bertha shows up at Carlos’s flat complaining about being forced to get up at 7 o’clock *que horror!* and she had to testify (falsely) for Adolfo. She’s very afraid and upset at her own stupidity, but Carlos tells her a good lawyer could prove her testimony was forced by Adolfo. At AFI Leo and Ramón learn that Rob was venenated by a glass of poisonous juice that he drank either in the tunnel house or in the Genovés villa. Leo changes the topic and orders Ramón to interrogate Marcos about the relationship between JJ and Garnica.
*David is at home. Again. While the ladies are putting him into bed Ramona pours the old juice out and washes the jug. Abelardo notices Édgar’s anxiety and scorns him for not doing his job properly, ie. letting Adolfo into the house.
*At JJ’s pumpkinhead is trying to get familiar with the strange and shiny world of computers and internet (“Please download the information from the internet… WTF?), when the depressed Asunción arrives at home and complaints about Caramelo’s new life. She’s so young, they’re going to lose him!
*In his bedroom David assures Gaby, who’s still confused and angry, that she’s the most important for him. Really? Then why isn’t he honest with her? Does he think she’s so stupid she wouldn’t understand the truth? It’s about their fathers and Adolfo, isn’t it. Sometimes she thinks Mario killed Marta… Talk, please! But poor David can’t say anything without Fausto’s approval, which makes Gaby more mad at him.
* Leonardo visits JJ to reproach him for beating up Roberto. JJ should remember that he has criminal record! Yeah, yeah, he knows it! He visited Roberto because he wanted to help David and he’d be glad to see him in jail. Or dead, says Leonardo. Good idea! Look, commandante, he isn’t a murderer type but he would happily kill that jerk. Oh, really? That’s interesting because Roberto was found dead… next to JJ’s house.
Labels: verdad
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
La Fea Más Bella #163-164 1/11/11 The day everyone’s life changes.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Irma asks Rafael if there was another woman, and he doesn’t answer. She refuses to forgive him.
2. When Ali tells Tom to bring in the checkbook, he freezes. She realizes, “He won’t just give it to me (for free). He wants something in exchange. Of course, he’s the same as all the rest. If that’s what it takes, very well.” Alicia starts to undress Tomy.
3. Lety tells her parents that she will resign tomorrow. MamaJ probes, “What will Fernando say about all this?” L: It’ll be the best (thing) for him. J: I don’t believe that. I think he adores you. L: He’ll find a better assistant and forget about me. In business, affection doesn’t count.
4. Ali and Tomy afterwards. She invites him to spend the night, but first he has to get her check. She knows she’ll kick him out the moment she has it. Tom struggles between his women but chooses Lety. Ali finds out Tom left.
5. Lety tells her parents that she’s going to work out of town for Carolina. She’ll return FI to Fernando tomorrow. Lety tells her diary, “It’s all finished.” She gave in to his kiss because it was the last one. She’s going where she won’t be reminded of Fernando and won’t hear about his wedding.
6. Marcia calls Fern. She’s tired of his sarcasm and he’s tired of her surveillance. Their words are things you’d say if you were breaking up, but neither has the guts to make the break. Marcia begs Fern to tell her whether he’s going through with the wedding, and he says they’ll talk after the meeting. She knows what that implies. After he hangs up he says, “I’ll never marry you. Never!”
7. In Lety’s nightmare, she’s a dependent child whose security is home and parents. But her parents are gone and her refuge is washed away. Past Lety says Fern needs her and she’ll never leave him, but Future Lety is trying to leave the house. Lety tells herself to wake up and not to go back to dreams of love. Real Lety awakens and remembers that PG told her she would lose everything that has sustained her until now, and then she would start her true struggle to survive.
Capitulo 164.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Tom tells Lety how wonderful Alicia is. Lety says she warned him not to fall in love. Now he has to forget about her, like she has to forget about Fernando. She says, “We don’t deserve them.” Tom corrects her, “They don’t deserve us.”
2. Fernando arrives in a great mood. He says, “Today is an important day for everyone, especially for you and me. This will be our day. After the meeting, we’ll talk about some very important things.”
3. Olarte reports that Conceptos is embargoed by FI for $40M. Ariel’s world turns upside-down.
4. Marcia arrives with fury and a hangover. She plans to tell her brother everything. She tells MamaT (Teresita) that Fern isn’t sure he wants to marry her. MamaT’s world turns upside-down. She tells Humberto, “I won’t let my son do that to Marcia.”
5. Fern tells Omar there won’t be any wedding. See the complete transcript at this link. Omar says he can’t possibly do that. Fern asks, “Should I sacrifice myself for the company?” Omar asks why he’s determined to cancel, and Fernando answers,
because I LOVE LETY.Omar’s world turns upside-down.
6. Omar tells Fern he just needs to marry Marcia for a little while, pacify his parents and Ariel, and when the company is stabilized, he can divorce her. Omar thinks Lety will accept that without a fight. Fern says no, and Omar says he has to get Lety out of the country
7. Lopez is about to write up Paula and Saimon, but Marcia asks why Paula had to stay late and threatens to fire him.
8. Lety takes Fern the doctored balance folders and she hears, “Get Lety out of the country so she doesn’t ruin the wedding.” Fern says, “Stop saying such stupid things. She wouldn’t accept that. Lety is waiting for me to cancel my wedding. What do I tell her? That I’m getting married and she has to wait for me to divorce?” Omar says, “What matters is that she delivers the balance.” Lety’s world turns even farther down.
9. When she’s gone, Fernando yells at Omar to not talk about her that way, and that he loves her. Lety walks away, crushed again. She says, “I can’t take it any more. I don’t have to stand for this.”
Labels: fea-2010
Eva Luna #46 Mon 1/10/11 The Runaway Bride
Labels: eva
Llena de Amor #104 (Mex. 109) Mon 1/10/11 Special on identity crises, aisle 5!
Will she tell? Don’t touch that dial!
The Lirio throws down a smoke bomb and somehow escapes through the tight ring of armed police. Score: Lirio 1, police somewhere far south of 0.
Muñeca and Ilitia try to charm Manzanita into telling, but she says she made it up, she didn’t actually see him.
Brandon gives chase and shoots the Lirio, who falls in the distance. Hiding behind cars and trees, Brandon makes his way over, gun drawn, reinforcements right behind him. Just as he’s almost upon the Lirio, there is a bright explosion where the Lirio was lying and poof! He’s disappeared again.
The ladies have arrived home tsking about Mano staying with Oliver at the hospital overnight. Doris suggests that love is the best healer. Consuelo hopes after that big kiss, that Oliver doesn’t wake up doing the flamenco with Mano. Netty wonders if he was so badly burned by Gretel that he’s decided to give up on women. Gladiola for her part wonders if that’s why Brandon and Oliver were fighting. Doris tells them to let them sort it out between themselves, and not to throw Mano out. Gladiola narrows her eyes and wonders if maybe Doris knows something they don’t.
Next they worry about Brandon who is off chasing the Lirio. Gladiola’s afraid her boy will be shot like Oliver, but Netty swears the Lirio isn’t violent, in fact, he’s an angel sent from heaven to help those in need. She’s going to go knock back a few prayers to San Antonio for him.
MariVicky comes in and says You’ll never guess what happened! The Lirio just robbed the ad agency!
Kristel has taken to her bed, where she holds a photo of her and Mau, housed in a monster frame about the dimensions of a coffee table book, and weeps and tells him off. Pleeease marry me, she wails at the photo. Nereida brings her a tea and sits on the bed and tells her she must be a masochist, crying over that loser. What he needs is a good lesson [escarmiento] - Kristel ought to chase after some other guy and bring out the “macho lobo” in Mau, which we know has been hiding timidly within, yes? Well, no. Anyway, Kristel thinks the idea is “super cool.” She’s going to give him a taste of his own medicine [Te voy a dar mucha gota de tu propria medicina, which is a handy phrase indeed that I know you’ll get a lot of mileage out of].
Back at the pension, Gladiola wonders if maybe the Lirio has a thing for MariVicky and that’s why he’s always robbing around her. Consuelo thoughtbubbles that she hopes so. Mari says there’s something familiar about him that she can’t put her finger on, and why does he use the name of Capt Sevilla’s boat? Netty has the sense to wonder how Vicky knows about that.
At home, Fedra is griping to Bernardo that MariVicky is a real rock in the road for her. Bernardo thinks she’s hot, which ticks Fedra off. She thinks MariVicky is the Lirio’s accomplice, but Bernardo points out that the Lirio’s been robbing for quite a while, and MV just arrived from Spain recently. Fedra doesn’t think it’s a coincidence that MV has been there twice when the Lirio robbed, and besides, she came to town just to wage war on the Ruiz y de Teresa.
Bernardo wonders if Mari sent her, and Fedra says there’s something about her that when she looks at her she feels like she’s looking at Mari.
Netty shows MV the drawing that Luis Felipe did of the yacht, and MV says that Mari had one like that among the papers of the investigation that he did on Fedra. Netty is surprised Mari saw those papers. MV tells her that the captain, who was connected to Fedra, was a Robin Hood type like the Lirio. Netty wonders why Mari never told her. MV tells her that Mari didn’t want to upset her, and that one day Mari wanted to uncover the whole story. That day is now. She’s come to wreak revenge for Mari.
Lorenzo has come home and found out the Lirio was there. He hopes everybody is okay. Ilitia and Muñeca say everyone is fine. Little Manzanita comments about the shots and he rudely cuts her off. He wants to hug Ilitia, who tells him to back off, and little Christian stares at him coldly when he holds out his arms.
Ilitia figures she better get on home, and Manzanita wants to go to Emanuel’s house like promised. Ilitia tells her the danger is passed, but Muñeca tells her to let Manzanita go with her, then asks Lorenzo to come help put Christian to bed. Lor jumps at the opportunity, calling Christian “champ.” Ilitia winces.
On the way out of the house, Ilitia is telling Manzanita she better behave when suddenly she’s face-to-face with swaggering Mauricio, who says Hey baby! I was about to come talk to your father but look who I see!
Delicia and little Javier return to the pension, all excited by the 3-D movie they saw, which they tell the couch ladies about. MV and Netty come down the stairs, Netty telling her that she’s an angel Mari sent on a mission. Consuelo wants to know what her brother’s mission is, to get a Mexican boyfriend? Doris quick injects that Vicky and Brandon (hint, hint) know all about Mano, and Delicia says oh, that guy they say is kinda that way? Not just kinda, the others say. They tell about the kiss in the hospital but MV is shocked by the hospital part, not the kiss part.
Brandon comes in and says yup, Oliver’s going to be saying any minute that Mano is the love of his life. MV wants to quick talk to Brandon privately, though Doris says everything is cool, but Brandon says he does indeed want to have a word with her, but they’ll have to do it at the police station, because she’s under arrest as an accomplice to the Lirio de Plata.
Ilitia tries to chase Mau off, but he offers them both to go for ice cream, and takes Manzanita’s hand. Manzanita wants to go, she remembers him as a good guy who visited the orphanage, and a Biblical pulling match ensues. Ilitia is more afraid of pulling too hard, so she lets go. Mau walks off with willing Manzanita, telling Ilitia to come on, they’ll have a good time. Ilitia reluctantly follows.
At the station, MV protests that it was just a coincidence that she was there for three Lirio escapades. Three? say the comisario and Brandon. She explains about dropping papers off at Mau’s and running into him there. They are very doubtful, and Brandon adds, not unkindly, that it’s hard to believe her when he knows she’s lied in the past. Aren’t there maybe some other things that she’s lied about?
She looks away, and he notices that she can’t meet his gaze. Next they ask for her papers, passport and so forth, and she panics. I don’t have them, she makes up.
Netty and Gladiola are alone in the pension, discussing MV. Netty thinks she’s strictly on the up-and-up, and is going to get revenge on Fedra, but Gladiola thinks there’s something that just doesn’t quite add up. Gladiola leaves to make herself a tea, the salve for all worrisome problems, when the doorbell rings. It’s the injured Lirio, falling into Netty’s arm, saying he’s the Lirio and he needs help. He staggers to the couch and passes out. Netty wonders if she should take off his mask – he must’ve come because he knows who she is. She decides to have a look.
Her eyes get huge. You? You’re the Lirio de Plata?
Time for some ads, which gives me time to consider… How far away is the Ruiz y de Teresa house? Was the Lirio on foot, or did he take his motorcycle? Did he walk or drive through the streets of Mexico City (or its suburbs) masked and in black and nobody noticed? Well, it is nighttime in the big city, but still…
We see his face! Yup, it’s Emanuel, our thievin’ hero. He apologizes, and says her pension the last place the police would look for him, I guess the rest of Mexico City all being likely spots. Netty points out that Brandon is the police officer who is looking for him, and he lives there! Eman says he’s putting himself in her hands, that he’d rather die than be caught. Help me! he says, swooning away.
We are zipped back to the police station where MV is explaining that when she got to Mexico, somebody stole her papers. She swears she’s not an imposter. She was born in Mexico and then her parents went to Spain for work reasons. Simple! Okay, says the comisario, but until we verify all that, you’re under arrest.
Netty wants Brandon to go to a hospital, but he assures her that the bullet is no longer in him, and he won’t go, apparently not considering that he might be leaking somewhere that needs sewing up. He begs her not to throw him out. Netty says she can’t believe that he’s taken to a life of crime. He tells her that after Mari left, he needed something to give his life meaning, so he thought he could help the people who need it most.
Actually, Mauricio’s fundraiser is sounding a lot more legit right now.
It’s all criminal money, he swears, and swoons again. Gladiola calls from the kitchen and Netty tells Eman, who seems to be hovering in semisyncope, that she’s going to find out.
We see Mano sneaking in the hospital room door. He goes over to Oliver, and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Oliver’s eyes open and he asks what’s going on, and where is everybody. Mano tells him they were all there earlier. Mano tells him he’s there to watch over him, then tells him off for putting himself in danger and doing stupid stuff. Oliver says Mano’s been great to him. He sits up and suddenly says owww and passes out, his monitors flatlining. Mano freaks out but does nothing effective.
Gladiola is cleaning out the fridge, exclaiming to Netty about what gross stuff she’s finding in there and Netty calls that she’ll be right there. Eman tells her he can’t go to the hospital with a bullet wound, he’ll be found out. Netty is beside herself. Do you hate me that much? asks Eman.
The comisario puts MV in a cell that he says, I think, is just a holding one, and therefore much nicer than the jail ones. He tells her she’s going to have to stay until they finish their investigation. Boy, I bet she wishes she’d worn something other than that off-the-shoulder number. It’s going to get cold.
Brandon is alone in his office turning things over in his mind. First there’s MV, who says she’s Mari’s friend come to get revenge. Then there’s her brother, who actually is Gretel. And what about Doris – she helped Mano with his disguise. How did she so quickly become a friend? And MV with no papers – it’s like she never existed. Maybe – naw, can’t be…..
Woozy Eman tells Netty he knows she hates him because of Mari, but she shouldn’t. He’s never stopped loving her. Netty wants to know why he married someone else. Fortunately Gladiola calls from the kitchen, so we don’t have to rehash all that again.
He says he’ll go, but Netty says no. Yes, she hates him, but oooh, not the Lirio de Plata, he’s her hero. That’s why it’s so hard for her to believe he’s Eman. She’ll help him for all the orphans and other needy folks. He leans heavily on her as they towards the stairs.
Oh cripes. Mau has brought Manzanita to his house, Ilitia trailing behind, pulling Manzanita’s suitcase. Ilitia begs him to let them go, but Manzanita says she knows he’s a nice guy, and it bothers her more when Ilitia’s all nervous. Mau calls to his cousin, who shows up, and asks her to show Manzanita the room with all the toys (I don’t even want to think about what kind of toys he has). Ilitia begs the cousin not to leave them alone, but the cousin just laughs, and says she saw them at the country club, so she doesn’t believe Ilitia. She leads Manzanita off by the hand. Run, Ilitia, run!! The front door! Let those international super model legs carry you out and away!
She doesn’t run. Mau takes her purse and tosses it on the bed. Just you and me, all alone, he says, taking her chin.
Back to the hospital! A doctor is there with the paddles, taking his own sweet time. He jumps Brandon, while Mano prays.
Back to MV in the cell. Brandon is interviewing her gently. He wonders why she never reported her papers lost, and she says nobody had asked her for any, so she just put it on the back burner. He says she should have at least reported it. She asks him if she believes that she is who she says she is.
Oliver’s monitors are beeping again, and they’ve left him alone with Mano who kisses him on the cheek (let the guy breathe, for heaven’s sake!) and swears she’s going to make up for everything she did to hurt him.
My old telenovela whiplash injury is acting up because zip! we are back with MV and Brandon. After a few questions, they both relax and she says he’s treating her like they’ve been friends a long time. She apologizes about the Mano thing, but he tells her no problem, he talked to Doris and it’s all cool. For now, though, he needs her date and place of birth, and the names of her parents. He tells her he has a friend who can get her her papers quick. She’s very grateful, and he promises to get her out of there.
Fishy, no? Sure enough, Brandon kisses his snow-white record goodbye in a thoughtbubble. He’s going to commit his first crime.
Lorenzo is in the bedroom of his sleeping son, quietly begging him not to reject him. Muñeca comes in and tells him not to wake the kid up. He bets that she likes seeing him suffer. She says actually yes. He accuses her of turning his children against him, but she says that it’s just that the scales have fallen from Ilitia’s eyes, and the little boy just needs some time. Lorenzo says he knows how to win them over – he’ll find that rapist and kill him with his own hands.
That rapist has hold of his daughter again, who is struggling and begging him to stop, saying Not again! She tries to escape, but he grabs her, telling her not to yell or she’ll scare the little girl. You know you want it, baby, you loved it. You’re mine and I can do whatever I want with you.
I’ve never been so happy to see an ad break.
Netty calls the doctor, and Gladiola, who has brought in a platter of rotted food to show her, asks her why she called the doctor. Netty says she’s feeling woozy, and please to send him upstairs – alone! – when he comes. She runs upstairs and Gladiola smiles and rolls her eyes at this delicious request. Maybe she’s trying to get over Emil that way?
Back to the rape scene, unfortunately, which is horrible to watch. Mau has shoved Ilitia down onto the bed and is smooching on her while she tries to fight him off. Fortunately he’s still in his suit. Ilitia grabs a statuette of an eagle and cold-cocks him. (Did I say that?) She’s afraid she’s killed him and I’m afraid she didn’t.
Eman is in the bed, with a wet washcloth on his head, saying he just wants to fall asleep. Netty tells him he better not die on her, because he has a lot to answer for, like the fact that MariVicky is in jail on his account. He’s distressed to hear it.
Thank goodness, now we’re with Fedra and Bernardo, who is pouring her a lovely snifter of something so they can toast as soon as he gives her the good news. Fedra takes some preparatory sips. He’s talked to his connections at the airport, and he found out that Marianela has been in Mexico for some days now.
Eman says they have to get MV out and tells Netty to get his cell from his pants, he wants to call Brandon. When he reaches him, he covers his mouth and does his Lirio voice, telling him to let the girl go, she’s innocent. Brandon doesn’t believe it’s him, then asks why she was present at three robberies. Eman/Lirio says that the Ruiz y de Teresa are at the top of his hit list, and she’s connected to them, that’s all.
The phone goes dead and Brandon believes MV isn’t an accomplice, but now suspects that the Lirio is somebody connected to the R y de T family. Why doesn’t the Lirio come down and do a prisoner exchange to save her?
Mari in the cell is contemplating everything that happened with the Lirio. Is he actually targeting her? But he’s such a gentleman! She hopes that Brandon helps with her papers, and wonders if maybe he suspects she’s Marianela.
Avances: Ilitia wonders where Eman is, Netty begs the doctor to save Emanuel, Mari tells Doris she’s afraid people will find out who she really is, and Fedra comes to her cell and says she knows she’s Marianela.
Labels: llena
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