Wednesday, March 09, 2011
La Fea Más Bella #245-246 3/9/11 The Diary.
Read Amanda's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Fern follows the cuartel into the bathroom. They chatter away and tell him Lety and Aldo will soon get married, and Aldo wrote a romantic inscription to her in his book. Fernando storms out. Irma suggests that Fern is jealous over Lety.
2. Fernando searches Lety’s office for the cookbook but instead finds her diary and starts reading. Lety and Aldo enter. Lety asks, “What are you doing in my office?” Aldo corrects her, “Our office.” (Since when??) Fern ducks out to his office.
3. This is not a transcript. I’ve extracted the key points from the exchange between Lety and Aldo.
Lety: It’s my fault. I should’ve supervised the project better.
Aldo: Stop thinking about it. Tomorrow we’ll find an answer. It’s everyone else’s fault.
L: No, it was my responsibility.
A: Thinking like that will destroy you. Your only obligation is to be happy. Come live with me in Acapulco.
L: I have obligations to Conceptos.
A: That’s only because of Fernando. You trembled when he was near. You should move in with me to prove that Fernando doesn’t interest you.
L: I have a commitment to Humberto. It’s about my promises and my honor.
A: You work too hard. Do you want to keep working hard?
L: If that’s necessary.
A: I’m offering you a paradise in Acapulco. Be free! Make yourself the most important thing in your life.
She asks for time to think about it.
4. Fernando reads Lety’s diary: She will devote her life to serving him, he needs her, he overlooks her ugliness, she’s the right woman for him, he’s given up on finding the right woman and she can’t show him it’s her. Fernando goes to the cave and continues reading. He wishes he could turn back time so none of this would’ve happened. Her entries tell of the first kiss, their first night together and Omar’s apartment, her fear of another tragedy, and her belief in him. Every sentence tortures him more as he cries, “My God, my God, what have I done?” He reads her pain in finding the letter.
5. Lety tells Mama what Aldo wants her to do. She loves Fernando. Aldo is wonderful but she can’t love him. But working next to Fern will make her suffer.
6. Tom takes Ali to breakfast and says he can take her to restaurants every day. She likes that. At work, Tom encourages Lety to take Aldo’s offer. He says he’ll take care of Conceptos.
Fernando spends the night crying in the cave. The first picture is from Episode 35, when Lety spent the night crying in the cave, trapped when Fernando was "entertaining" Fatima Bosch.
7. Fern says he should not have been born and he belongs in Hell. He starts throwing things. Omar asks what’s up. Irma asserts again that Fern is jealous of Aldo.
8. Aldo calls his manager, Gerardo, about the restaurant. He says he coming back to Aca with someone special.
Capitulo 246.
Read k-Fuego's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Fern tells Omar, “I never knew how much that woman loved me. I knew I hurt her, but I never imagined how much. I fell in love with an angel who lived only for me. She deserves that I love her for the rest of my life.”
2. Lety accepts Aldo’s work offer, but not the shacking up part. She needs to tell the board about the shortfall. He says that until Tom finishes the numbers, it would be an incomplete report.
3. The cuartel tells Fern that Lety left with Aldo, and that she’s soon moving to Acapulco with him. He’s too late to catch them, so he tells Paula to call her for him.
4. Fern finds Omar laughing derisively at Lety’s diary. He says, “Hey! The battle’s not lost yet,” just before Fernando pummels him because he has desecrated the sacred. Omar thinks it’s fair game because they’be both been in on the romance from the beginning. Omar says the guilt is Fernando’s because he’s the one who acted on it. Omar says that Fern himself was disgusted at the thought of sleeping with Lety. That one pushes Fern too far. He shifts into total rage and the fight spills into the vortex. Omar screams, “You’re a worse pig than me because you carried out the plan. You punch me to [purge?] from yourself what you always knew was a crime.”
5. Fern answers, “Yes, but I regret it and I’m paying for it. Not like you, who can still laugh at what we did to destroy a woman.” Omar explains to Marcia that Fernando is trying to wash his hands of it (a reference to Pontius Pilate). He tells Fern, “I hope it works, so that you purify your soul and you redeem yourself.”
6. Marcia assures Fern that Lety is a lost cause and when he comes running back to her she’ll be waiting. She plans to make Fernando president to show she’s the only one who will love and support him.
7. Fern continues reading and discovers that Lety is still rejecting Aldo, and she’s suffering because he might have a new girlfriend. He asks himself, with hope, “Does she still feel something for me?” He reads, “Fernando is not yours. He never was and never will be.” He says, “Yes, she does still love me. I won’t lose her, God I swear it. I’m going to get her back.”
8. Paula calls Lety, who orders her to tell Fernando she couldn’t reach her. Fern knows Paula is lying, and he’s disappointed that his cuartel has turned against him and wants Lety with Aldo. MamaJ hopes Aldo will crowd Fern out of Lety’s heart. Lety wants her parents to move to Aca with her and she won’t go without them.
9. Fern says to himself, “Lety, I’m going to show you that I wrote the truth because I love you.” He removes Omar’s trash from the black bag, and he takes the rest. Irma tells Fern that Lety’s at home. She says, “I know you love Lety; go get her,” and she blesses him.
10. Pop tells MamaJ that Lety can’t leave until she has fulfilled her commitment to Humberto.
Labels: fea-2010
Eva Luna #86 Tue 3/8/11 Boys misbehaving
Recap is UP! Be sure to scroll all the way down the page to see many screencaps from this episode.
We have some quick reviewing of what has happened before, ending with the scene Daniel kicks Icky out of the house and says they're getting a divorce and that's it.
I'm going to do the same thing where I try to consolidate some of these scenes so we don't all go crazy with the quick cuts!
Don Julio is putting on the smooth moves on Justa as Don Ricardo looks on, not really comprehending. They're having a nice visit at the pension with Marisol and Don Ricardo and then Don Julio is left alone to chat with Justa.
Bruno's come to the bank to steal Marcela's money. Two-toned-hair bank guy looks at the paperwork that Bruno provides which apparently gives Bruno permission to get into the accounts. It all looks in order. Then suddenly Leo appears out of nowhere, alarming an already jumpy Bruno. Leo chats a little, asks Bruno if he is there for personal reasons or business. Bruno says personal. Leo takes off, seemingly unalarmed.
Justa gives Don Julio the fisheye with those big eyes of hers. She told him she tried to see him at his house but he wasn't there. Now (in the pension) is not the time to talk, she says. Don Julio is like a Senior Don Juan here, soooo smooth, and says that he wants to see her "When? When?" Just a little eager there. He gives her his private card with his real name (I foresee some problems coming from this) and his private phone number. The info on that card is very confidential, he says. She's still giving him the fisheye.
Alicia approaches Eva and shows her the envelope with all the receipts proving that Deborah hired a lot of detectives over the years to search for the girls. Both Eva and Alicia are starting to wonder if maybe Deborah was telling the truth after all. Then Tia comes in the room. She looks at the documents and says that they are falsified. Liar, liar, pants on fire, Tia. Later in private, Tia asks forgiveness from her brother for the lies, but then self-righteously says that Deborah does not deserve her daughters back, after cheating with another man!
Nice little scene between Laurita and Daniel. It's nighttime, there's a fire in the fireplace, and they're comfy on the couch. He's trying to explain to her that he doesn't love Icky and that's why he's getting a divorce. Laurita is worried that maybe she was the cause of it (this due to Icky playing mindgames with Laurita earlier and trying to make her think that she was the cause of any marital unhappiness). Daniel assures Laurita that she had nothing to do with this, that it he never should have married Icky in the first place.
Icky comes in, looking contrite, says she is "destroyed" and wants to talk to Daniel. He gives her the stinkeye. Laurita leaves the room and Icky starts in again, asking for forgiveness. Daniel says no way. The old brain cells are still working because he reminds her of the B.S. that she pulled (fake suicide and he doesn't even know half of what else!) before they got married. She then says she won't divorce him.
Then she goes on about what will people say, what will people think? Daniel is quite sarcastic about this—of course that's all she thinks about, he says. She begs him not to tell anyone about the infidelity. He says he won't, he just wants the divorce.
Carlos is finally getting out of jail.
Lileach calls Daniel. He warns her that Icky suspects that she's the one that outed Icky and Bruno. Daniel didn't admit that Lileach was the source of the info, but Icky believes that. "Watch out for her" he says. Lately he's noticed that Icky is capable of anything. (Lately? Just lately you started to notice this, Daniel?)
The next scene is of Icky getting a gun from its hiding place and whispering threats against Lileach.
Renata has come to talk to Don Julio. She reports that the plan to gaslight Marcela is working well. They both laugh about that. Then she says that the doll and note he sent really freaked Marcela out. But he didn't send any doll and note! Strangely, Don Julio doesn't seem all that curious about who did.
More nauseating cr@p with Tony and Alicia. He still loves her, blah blah blah. She is not receptive, still is hung up on Leo. He works on her more, reminds her how she used to be so happy, but now not so much. She replies that he's a "nobody" but he says he's a nobody who loves her and respects her.
Later Alicia is thinking about what Tony said to her and wondering if maybe he's got a point. What is she now? As she is contemplating this, Carlos jumps from the bushes and snatches her. He says he told her he'd be looking for her when he got out of jail!
Lileach is taking a shower and remembering the warning Daniel gave her about looking out for Icky. She is thinking she'll change hotels soon. Meanwhile, Icky is bribing a maid to let her into Lileach's room. When Lileach comes out of the shower, there is Icky, all a-froth with wild anger, pointing a gun at her and threatening her. When someone knocks on the door, Icky is distracted and Lileach is able to wrestle with her. A catfight ensues, with both brujas pulling at each others' long hair. The maid comes in and breaks it up.
Lileach gets the gun, but is able to convince Icky that it was all Eva's doing. That Eva's had private detectives watching Icky and that's how Eva knew where Bruno and Icky were. That Eva tipped off Daniel. Icky's little pea brain digests this and decides that it must be so. Off she goes, threatening Eva instead. Lileach leaves the gun for Icky, hoping that she'll take it and use it on Eva.
Daniel comes by Eva's place to visit little Pablito. Quality time with the kid at breakfast. The new theme song for Daniel and Eva swells in the background. Daniel picks up Pablito and talks to him as Eva looks on, smiling.
She asks him what he's doing there so early. He wants to talk to her about something, and also to tell her that he loves her. She starts in with the schtick that she's going to marry Leo. Lather, rinse, repeat, as they go over old ground again. She doesn't love Leonardo, he says. She balks at admitting anything.
He then persists and says that she's marrying Leo for the same reason he married Icky—for revenge or spite, but not out of love. Eva still refuses to admit anything. Then Leo rushes in to tell them that Tia Tilde is ill.
Carlos is grabbing ahold of Alicia. He says he spent all that time in jail because of her. How nice of her to visit so often, he says sarcastically. She squirms and cries as he lists his grievances. He asks her how is it that she lives in this grand house? Who is paying for it? And what is Tony to her now? We hear Tony calling her name. Carlos finally lets her go, telling her that they have "unfinished business." Don't like the sound of that. And I hate how they've made Carlos a thug and Tony the "hero." Nauseating!
Leo called the paramedics for Tia Tilde, who is stretched out on the couch looking wan. They come and give their diagnosis. She had an anxiety attack, she's okay now, but get her in to see a doctor soon. They leave.
Eva and Alicia want to know why Tia had the anxiety attack. Tia flashbacks to the big whopping stinking lie she told about Deborah. But she lies again and tells the girls she has no idea what brought on the attack.
Icky goes "home" (Daniel's place—not her home anymore!) and Jacky tells her that a lawyer is waiting for her. The lawyer wants to talk about divorce proceedings. She gets all huffy and self-righteous with him. Lawyer says that Daniel has claimed that infidelity is the cause for the divorce. He then goes on to say that Daniel is claiming to have caught her in the hotel room with the other man. Icky looks shifty-eyed at this and kicks the lawyer out. In the background we see that Jacky has walked in and has heard all of this. LOL!
Outside of the house, Alicia is telling a concerned Tony that she's still freaked about Carlos. Leo comes up and wants to know what's going on. Later we cut back and see that Alicia has told Leo about the Carlos threat. Leo says that it'll be fine, but commands Tony to look after Alicia all the time. Oh yeah, Tony is quite eager to do that! He winks at her and she rolls her eyes.
Bruno is having a near-orgasmic moment with all the money he swiped from Marcela. He is sniffing it and caressing it and counting it as he puts it in a briefcase. With this money he can hide his identity and keep out of sight for a long time, he says to himself. He laughs to himself that how will Marcela feel when she finds out that he slept with her for money and slept with her daughter for pleasure.
At work, Daniel is wearing a fetching blue shirt and is talking to some guy about that ad that Lileach was in. It turned out well and the customer approved it. Icky busts in and yells about the divorce again. Daniel just looks weary. He tells her that she doesn't have to approve the divorce, he will claim that the reason for the breakup is her (her infidelity). Icky repeats her vow to refuse to divorce him and then walks out. Leo walks in and asks about this.
Leo wants to know why Daniel's getting a divorce. I don't know why Daniel just doesn't blurt it out, but I guess that the earlier scene (where Icky asked him not to talk about the infidelity) is the reason why.
Speaking of Bruno, he's heading out the door with his briefcase full of cash and who is there but Marcela, offering him a drink and all friendly. He has a deer in the headlights look when he sees her. She asks him where he's going. He didn't answer her calls so she thought she'd come over and visit. He says he was going to call her from the airport; that he has to go on a trip. He explains that a friend's wife died overseas, and he has to help out with the Visa and bringing home the body, blah blah, he'll be back in two days, blah blah, she seems to buy this and gives him a hug.
Leo accuses Daniel of leaving Icky for Eva. Leo is obviously feeling insecure about keeping Eva. You can tell that Daniel knows this. He reminds Leo that she doesn't love him. Daniel's going to fight to get Eva back. Blah blah blah. A fight ensues. (Scroll down the page to see the screenshots I took of the fight.) The guys jump on each other, fists flying. They carefully navigate over to the couch, however, so no one falls on the floor and hurts themselves during the fight. They continue their tussle comfortably on the couch. Then Eva comes in and has the whole thing broken up and castigates the two bad boys for behaving badly.
Eva wants to know why they were fighting. Daniel is eager for her to know. Leo . . . not so much. He gives one of his trademark Leo fishy-eyes.
It comes out that Daniel is getting the divorce. Eva looks impactada at this. Leo calls Daniel a "coward" for divorcing Icky. Daniel says defiantly and with great triumph, oh, go ask your sister what the reasons are for the divorce, maybe she'll dare to tell you! And then you come back to me and tell me that I have no reason to ask for a divorce!
Eva has had enough and leaves. Our bad boys face off again and Leo says that Daniel will never have Eva.
Icky is in her car, ranting to herself that she's gonna get Eva. FF>>>
Eva is chewing out Leo. She doesn't like work to turn into a boxing ring, she says. After he's left her office, she marvels to herself that Daniel really going to get divorced. She sighs heavily.
Daniel goes to Giorgio and asks where Bruno is. "He no longer works here," Daniel announces to Giorgio.
Icky is still in her car, mid-rant, when Leo calls. She yells at him to leave her alone, but tells him make sure that he marries Eva as soon as possible.
Lileach is wearing a revealing dress and visiting Daniel in his office. They're talking about the modeling job she did. She asks him about Icky. You can see on his face that he is weary with her. She says she wishes she could have told him about Icky's faithlessness earlier, because it would have saved him heartache. Then she says that neither Eva nor Icky are women in his life. She leans and kisses him on the cheek. You can almost see him flinch as she does it. She leaves and he wipes the lipstick off his cheek.
Outside the office Lileach gets a text message to see Leo. She goes to his office and he grills her for info on Daniel's and Icky's divorce. She spills all—Icky was found in bed with Bruno. Leo thinks Icky is an idiot. Well, no shit Sherlock!
End of episode!
Here is a bulleted list of the highlights of the episode.
- Daniel is determined to get a divorce. Of course Icky is vowing to refuse to divorce him. There's a touching scene where Daniel goes over to visit little Pablito as Eva looks on, smiling.
- Daniel and Leo get into a big fight at the office. Daniel is going to divorce Icky and fight for Eva. Leo is not liking the sound of that. Eva has to get Giorgio and another guy from work to break it up.
- Icky decides to take out her frustration and anger on Lileach. (Like that name!) Icky bribes the maid to let her into Lileach's hotel room, and threatens Lileach. Lileach convinces Icky that it was EVA who outed Icky's and Bruno's love nest, and it was EVA who was to blame for all this. Icky vows to go after Eva.
- Tia is still lying about Deborah. She has a fainting spell and the paramedics have to be called, but they don't take her to the hospital.
- Bruno wants to get outta Dodge quickly with his money, but as he is out the door with a briefcase full of cash, Marcela stops him and seems to want to chat. Bruno is sweating bullets.
- Don Julio wants to persist with Justa, even though he knows she's married. He won't let up unless she convinces him that she doesn't love him anymore. Don Julio's friend the good doctor doesn't approve. (Neither do I.)
- We have our long-awaited return of Carlos. He's let out of jail and the next thing we see, he's wearing a very unflattering knit cap and has jumped on Alicia in the bushes. He has to let her go when Tony comes by.
- Tony is now being painted as the hero, I guess. He keeps on telling Alicia how he loves her (blah blah blah) and he comforts her after her scare with Carlos. I really do not like this development. They threw Carlos under the bus here.
A nice scene near the beginning of the episode where Daniel is explaining how he's going to divorce the bruja.
Labels: eva
Triunfo del Amor #49-50 3/8/11 Max is the Most Miserable Man in el Mundo; I'm Done with Victoria
• Max tells Maria that Ximena is pregnant with his child. She wants him to tell her that's not true. It is [NOT!]. She asks how it could be. Max doesn't know what to say; it is pretty ridiculous in truth. Maria can't believe he betrayed her love; she never wants to see him again.
•Bernie and JP talk at church. Bernie's there to confess to the other padre. JP assures her that she'll find peace that way. She assures him that she always has peace of mind. She invites him and the other priest for dinner.
• Maria says Max always lied to her. She doesn't know how to trust him and never wants to see him. He pulls her and tells her he won't lose her. He doesn't love Ximena. She asks what he'll do with his child. Max will give the child his name, but he loves Maria and will not marry Ximena. It's SO easy for you men, Maria says. Can he even think of how much pain she feels? All Max knows is that he loves her and won't lose her.
•Linda says Maria having Max's kid is the best thing that coulda happened to Maria. She's got Max fo sho now. Nati tells her it's not about money; a child is a blessing. Blah blah blah. Linda wonders if Max will stick by her side. Nati is convinced he will marry her.
• Maria doesn't want to lose Max, but she won't let the child suffer because of her. What about us and our happiness, Max asks. Why should we suffer because of a mistake? It was YOUR mistake, Maria says. YOUR choice. Max says he won't justify his actions. He asks if she can forgive him. She can't. She cries. She leaves.
• Maria passes a kid on the street. She sits on a bench crying.
• Osvaldo walks into the house, and Vicki sternly tells him they need to talk. He doesn't like her tone and is not in the mood. It's about Max. Another one of her obsessions, Os remarks. She tells him Max is in love with Maria but can't be with her. Os demands to know why not. She tells him to ask Max for an explanation.
• Max tells Fabian that he feels like the most miserable person in the world. Fab tells him to tell Maria what happened. Max doesn't know how to.
• JP asks the other Padre why he doesn't want to have dinner at Bernie's place. Cause she's freakin psycho is apparently inappropriate for a priest to say. Padre agrees.
• Victoria sits Max down and tells him that he's confused. Maria's pretty and all--Max doesn't want to hear this. He loves Maria; what part of that does Vicki not understand? It's his life. Vicki thinks he's giving up too much for Maria. Max says nothing is his; the business is Victoria's. She's the boss. She says everything is for Max and Fer. Max tells her he's just an employee. This is different from work; Max ain't gonna let her intervene in his happiness.
• Maria tells JP that she's pregnant.
• Vicki tells Max he's disillusioned just like his daddy. Max is proud to be like his father, and if Victoria was his real mother, she'd care for his feelings.
• Maria gives the maternal talk to JP. She knows for him it's a child of sin, but she's happy. He hopes that God blesses her. They hug.
• Victoria changes the topic to Ximena. Max already looks disgusted. He's beyond annoyed when he finds out Ximena told Victoria about the child. Vicki thinks he's being a typical guy. Max doesn't want the news to spread. He doesn't want to know about Ximena, he says as he leaves the room.
• JP asks God to forgive Maria and all the gals like her. He feels like he's Maria's real dad.
• Victoria claims MD is an ingrate and owes all she is to Victoria. Remember when she sold me her soul, Antonienta? Oh yeh, how could I forget. No, Antonieta tells her it was obvious that Max and MD were together. Vicki doesn't care. She's going to destroy Maria. She just wants Max for his money. Antonieta gives Max a bit more credit--just a bit. She says he's HOT, and many girls would love him not for his wealth. Victoria is convinced otherwise.
• Domingo talks to JP at the speed of lightening. FWD. They play games. JP thinks how happy Max will be when he finds out Maria's pregnant.
• Max goes back to his office and Ximena is in his desk. Fab leaves to give them a second alone. He tells Ximena that he ain't marrying her. She responds how you thought she would. Denial. She screams. He screams. She faints. Max shouts for Fabian to help.
• Doctor says Ximena's fine. Just fainted. Totally normal. Ximena's mom gets annoyed cause Max says he's got stuff to do since Ximena's fine. He leaves anyways.
• Maria's crying in her bed. Linda asks why she didn't tell Max that she's pregnant? Cause he broke her heart. She thinks she was just a fun ride for Max. Nati believes that he loves her. Maria doesn't think so. Ximena is from his world, and Maria is just an orphan desamparada. The baby's gonna be Maria's world now.
• Doorbell rings and Linda jumps for it. It's Max. She tries to get rid of him, but Max ain't takin that crappp. He demands to talk to Maria.
• Maria tells Nati she's going to find work to support her kid. Linda tells Maria Max is waiting for her. Maria steps in the living room to speak to him. Max tells her that he came to tell her that he loves her again. He can't be without her. She cries. He begs her not to cry; he'd do anything to prevent her from having this pain. Well, you didn't, Maria says, and now we've lost each other. Max doesn't think they have. He loves her and will fight for her. He kisses her, and she pulls away, crying about how she doesn't know why she believes him. It's clear that he just wanted an affair. The son of the boss has an affair with the model. [Yep, we've all heard that one.] Max denies it. Maria thinks it's obvious. Now that it's time for Max to marry his formal fiance, he's trying to keep Maria at the side. No, no, no, she's not going to have it. Max looks bewildered by her words.
• Antonieta looks for Max but finds Fabian. They talk Max and MD. Fab tries to convince her that Max loves Maria. It all started as fun and games, but he loves her. Antonieta asks what'll become of Ximena and her child. Fab says he has no idea, and from his smile, i don't think he cares.
• Max says he NEVER asked Maria to be his lover. He loves her. He doesn't love Ximena. He explains Ximena's plan and what happened. Drunk + jealous = Fail. He explains Ximena's dress; he knows it's ridiculous. He loves her and wants her to believe him. He cries. She says she wants to believe him, but she doesn't want him to give her false hope. He tells her to trust him. She agrees, and they embrace. [Cielo cried.] He promises that they'll be talkin marriage next time they meet.
• Max is at Ximena's place. Xi's mom gives Max hell for abandoning Ximena. Max laughs when he realizes Ximena told Roxanne about the pregnancy too. Roxy demands that Max marry Ximena not just support the kid.
• Bernie creepily asks the maid (damn forgot her name again) what to do when one is poisoned or something. Apparently, she's a nurse. Idk. Sorry, missed it.
• Max is in his room, in a really Hamlet-style pose. Very thoughtful. Osvaldo comes in to talk. He tells him that he defended Max to Victoria. Max thanks him. Os then defends Victoria's 'protection' of Max...blah blah. Os will support Max, but he wants to know everything.
• Bernie n the maid. Someone plz fill in.
• Os compliments Maria's great character and purity, but he wants to know why Vicki is so against this union. She kept saying ask Max. Max tells daddy Ximena is pregnant with Max's child. Dat changes e'rythang for Os.
• Ximena cries to Vicki for help and support. Max doesn't want to be with her. Boo hoo.
• Os is yellin and talkin HELLA fast. Max isn't going to be irresponsible. He's going to accept the consequences of his actions. Max says he will not marry Ximena. Os leaves him with guilty words: for a child, sacrifice everything.
• Maria Mag is telling Antonieta that she has no memories of her mom. She remembers a doll. Antonieta gets excited. Tries to hug her amd baby her. MM doesn't care; her mother abandoned her and wasn't decent according to Bernie and Padilla. Antonieta tells her about the search for little Maria all these years.
• awkward dinner at Bernie's house. Bernie thinks God is there to punish; JP believes He's there to love. Padre talks about forgivness. JP catches onto the code talk and asks if Bernie confessed something strange to padre. Bernie denies havin any sins.
• Os tells Vicki about his convo with Max. Give Max time, he says. Time is what Ximena lacks, answers Vicki. She thinks Max needs to marry Ximena asap. Max loves Maria Desamparada, Os says. MD don't know me, Vicki answers back.
• Fer plans on sneaking out, but Cruz warns her against it. He doesn't want to see her hurt again. Flirting. Blah blah. Cruz dances.
• Luci tells Vicki Maria's there to see her. Vicki doesn't want to be disturbed while MD is in her office. Maria enters, and Victoria goes on about how Maria could have the guts to go after Vicki's son. She calls her a gold digger, bashes her, and fires her.
Cue the kayak.
Labels: triunfo
Llena de Amor #144 (Mex. 150-151) Tue 3/8/11 No one dies today, not even from laughing at Oliver.
Labels: llena
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
La Fea Más Bella #243-244 3/8/11 Throw off everything that hinders, and run with perseverance.
Read Julie's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Fernando takes his suitcase, says “Adios,” and walks out of the door for good, for great, for fantastic.
2. Luigi talks to Aldo. Aldo says Lui’s utter failure was punishment enough. Lui is horribly ashamed for how he behaved, and Aldo forgives him.
3. Irma suggests that the cuartel turns over a new leaf and abandons gossip. Irma, Sara and Juana join the no-gossip branch, leaving Marta, Paula and Lola in the gossip branch.
4. Aldo leaves Lety’s door open so the gossips observe, and he gives Lety a heart necklace. The card reads, “Keeping hope alive is part of success in life and love.” Lety says some battles are lost. Aldo says battles, yes, but he’s sure he’ll win the war. She says that’s what she wants most. He turns up the heat as he puts the necklace on her.
5. Fernando tells Aldo that the expo is finished so he can go back to Aca; he’s not needed here. Aldo says Gui wants him in charge, so “I’m your boss.”
6. Marcia arrives in widow’s weeds. Marta hears Marcia say that Fern broke up with her and doesn’t love her. She’s sure it’s final. Out of Marta’s hearing, Marcia says it’s because he still loves Lety.
7. Paula tells Lety that Fern dumped Marcia. Paula asks rhetorically, “What could move him (llevar) to make such a drastic decision? It’s never happened before.” Lety rationalizes that he did it for Carla, but Paula answers sarcastically, “Yeah, and Carla moved him like nobody else.”
8. Paula leaves and Lety weeps, “Carla achieved what I never could. She changed his heart.” Marcia tells Ali, “The only one who could change Fernando is Leticia.” Ali hollers and Marcia tells her to shut up. She doesn’t want anyone to find out that Fern loves Lety. She admits that she bore some of the blame because she was possessive, jealous, and suffocating.
9. Ali tells Marcia to face the facts; it’s a lost cause. Delusional Marcia answers with the dicho, “Donde hubo fuego, cenizas quedan,” where there was a fire, there are still hot coals (and a chance to reignite a fire). Ali counters that, “Este es el presente de un futuro muy pasado.” I think it means, “The far past’s future already passed, long ago,” but I’m not sure. Marcia says Fern knows he can’t get Lety back, and her last delusion is, “I know Fernando can only be happy with me.”
10. Carla arrives and tries to kiss Fern. He tells her he broke up with Marcia last night, and he’s relieved.
Capitulo 244.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Marcia torments Lety because Fern was with Carla. She suggests that Lety and Carla duke it out for the prize. Fern halts this torture saying “If you really want to talk about this in front of everyone, I’ll be happy to. Lety, I’ve told you many times, but now I’ll say it with witnesses. Yo la a…” Fernando stops because Aldo walks in.
2. Tom asks Ali for his cell phone, but she declines. Then she mourns her lack of a car, and Tom offers to drive her. She asks him for a ride home tonight. Both leave happy: Tom has his girl and Ali has her car.
3. Carla says she’ returning to NY. Fern escorts her to keep Omar at bay. Carla again asks him to live with her. He says, “In another time, I would’ve given anything to be with a woman like you. Thank you. For the first time in my life I was completely honest with a woman.” He tries to give her a besito but she grabs a kiss, a very long kiss.
4. Omar pumps Fern for the locker room details of last night with Carla while Marta listens. Fern says nothing happened; he dropped off Carla then broke up with Marcia. Omar thinks Carla must’ve turned him down since Omar can’t comprehend that Fern turned her down.
5. Marcia says that Lety believes Fernando loves Carla, and that helps Marcia’s cause. Ali says Lety will find out he doesn’t. Marcia swears that Lety will leave Conceptos empty handed, and we know Marcia’s never wrong (cough, cough).
6. Lety tells Tom that Fern started to say something that seemed important, and she’s trying to sort it out. Aldo arrives. Tom says they didn’t make enough profit because Luigi spent too much. Lety feels like a failure.
7. Fern tells Omar that he turned down Carla because he’s in love with another. Marta gets pulled away before Omar says Fern hasn’t slept with anyone since Lety. Omar says Fern should tell Lety he loves her.
8. Irma worries that if Lety finds out Fern didn’t fall for Carla, Lety will get her hopes up. Marta adds, if Lety finds out he’s in love, she’ll think it’s with her. They join forces to get Lety to fall for Aldo.
Labels: fea-2010
Eva Luna #85 Mon 3/7/11 Topsy Turvy and a Little Inside Out
Things are suddenly upside down and inside out this time in Eva Looney-land. First the redux deluxe: Tony is overjoyed at having just gotten paid what Leonardo owes him. He leaves to head for home--on foot. Leo tells El Gallo to take care of Tony; Marcela arrives at Bruno’s for a little lovin’. Bruno wonders why Marci is back to her cheery self. Marci says she’s feeling in control of things once more. She takes a moment to warn him never to forget that nobody plays loose and fast with her without having Hell to pay; over coffee, Victoria tells LIliana that she’s not really going to a photo shoot the next afternoon; she’s actually going to some hotel for a little afternoon delight with Bruno, not just because she needs him to be her eyes and ears at the agency with Eva, but he’s not exactly bad in bed, either and her ego’s been bruised. Lileach manages to suck the time and place from V-icki for later use.
As luck would have it, Matilde drops Pablito’s poison-filled bottle of formula while handing it to Eva and the glass bottle shatters.....Viewerville cheers!
Tony the Tiger turns into a virtual pussy cat when three tough guys with knives hold him up and steal the whole wad of bills (20 grand) out of his pocket. (Nobody walks home in the dark with twenty large on them. Ever heard of a frickin’ cab?) Again, Viewerville cheers.
Marci tells Bruno she wants an unforgettable whoopi-makin’ session with him. She promises to sign his contract afterwards, but it’s got to be doubles or nothin’. She wants double the fun if she signs and she wants to feel sensational. Bruno promises she won’t be disappointed.
The next day, Tony apologizes to Adrian for not being there when his father died. He will be going to the funeral, though, and the two of them promise to care for each other like brothers from now on.
At Eva’s, Leo begs off from attending Tomas’ funeral. Marci shows up and see’s Pablito happy and very much alive little face. She’s obviously pissed her plan to kill him fell through somehow. She gets snitty and tells Renata to serve her breakfast in her room.
Next door, during breakfast, Ick-toria sits down with Laurita and mentions she heard Laurita’s little “destitute” friend’s father died. Laurita doesn’t like her calling Adrian that. Icky says she’ll says whatever she feels like. Laurita tells her she’s unbearable and it’s no wonder her father would want any other woman but her; even Liliana when they first met on the yacht that afternoon was nicer than Icky! Laurita races off to brush her teeth. Suddenly Icky wonders why she never knew about Dan and Liliana meeting on their yacht.
Everybody from the boarding house as well as Eva, Laurita and Daniel are at Tomas’ funeral. Eva offers to take Laurita home from Justa’s after the funeral before going in to work. FF>>
Meanwhile, Lileach thinks to herself that Eva’s son being Dan’s complicates thing a bit, but not much because as soon as Dan leaves Ick-toria, she’ll be there right behind him to pick up the pieces (literally). Suddenly, Icky walks over and asks what Lil and Dan have goin’ on together and why she never mentioned already knowing Dan from the yacht earlier. Lil says Dan didn’t want her to mention it. Icky was so jealous she would never accept a mere friendship between a man and a woman. Icky swears she’d better steer clear of Dano because she’s capable of doing anything when it comes to her husband and another woman. LIl says she’s got no problems when it comes to herself, but Eva’s another story. Either way, Bimbutt want’s Lil to keep away from Dan, period! After Icky storms off, Lil tells herself she’ll knock Ick-toria out of the way and has the means to do it.
At the agency, Leo questions his mother about why she seemed so disappointed at breakfast. He felt she looked like something had gone wrong. Marci says something had: she’d expected them to find Pablito dead this morning. Leo is incredulous-impactado at his Mama’s callous and shockingly murderous ways.... (I guess he must draw the line at little babies?) She felt that since Eva loves the baby most in this world, and since it’s the only tie to Dan, they needed to get rid of it, especially now that Dan knows it’s his. Leo agrees but says that doing anything to the baby would destroy Eva emotionally and she’d cancel the wedding. They’ll have to find another way. Marci agrees and says she got ahead of herself. She advises that the next best thing is to get rid of Dan and his daughter now that he’s told her his marriage to Icky is kaput. The sooner the better because that also puts Leo’s marriage plans at risk. Leo nods in agreement.
Back at Eva’s, Deb has come to plead her case to Tilde and has an envelope documenting all the bills she paid over the years to various private detectives trying to find her daughters after her husband took them from her. Tilde gets a large charge of telling her this is what she gets for cheating on her brother with another man. Deb says she thinks it’s Tilde who’s using her brother as a personal excuse to keep her away from her daughters and grandson. Eva comes out at that point and chases her away. She lost her right to be recognized as their mother when she abandoned them. Deb says one day they’ll realize that what she’s told them was all true, then walks off. Tilde asks Eva to help her keep her father’s reputation pure and unsullied.
Leo calls Tony with another job for him to do that day. He ‘s got to come by the house asap. Tony says that’s great because he lost his wad on the way home. Leo hangs up and smiles to himself about what a good job El Gallo did --so, it seems Leo was behind the robbery and is welching on what he owed Tony!
Back at the agency, Bruno gives his kissin’ cuz the contract to make formal corrections--after the fact. Then he plans on picking it up from her and scooting with the money. He tells her he plans one more afternoon tryst with the Bimbutt. His cuz warns him he shouldn’t chance it, but Bruno isn’t listening.
At Dano’s, Icky is swearing never to let Dan go free.
Next door, Leo shows up at Alicia’s room for a quickie. She’s ticked that she’s nothing more than a sex object. After a bit of give and take, Leo starts pushing all the right gimmee buttons and Ali let’s him take what he wants. Meanwhile, Tony shows up at the driveway and asks Renata to let him know he’s there. Ren walks into that wing of the house and hears some commotion coming from Ali’s room. They’re in the middle of gettin’ busy by then and don’t see Ren peek through the doorway at them. (One more magic bullet for Ren to use if and when necessary.) She walks back to the front door and tells Tony that Leo’s busy and he’ll have to wait. Tony gets a little too pushy so Ren finally tells him he’s busy with Alicia. Tony realizes that translates to “getting busy” with Alicia and curses Leo.
Back at Dan’s, Icky tells herself to think fast. Once she’s recharged after a roll in the sack with Bruno, she tells herself, she’ll be clear-thinking enough to figure out a great plan to neutralize Eva.
Eventually Leo and Ali appear. Tony’s job is to take Eva to the agency to work. Leo asks Tony about how he lost his cash. Tony explains about the three characters who robbed him, how they had noticed him winning at the casino and must have followed him. Leo says well, it’s not so bad since this time they let him live. He turns to Ali and bruskly tells her to get moving. They all three get into the SUV for the trip.
Next door at Dano’s, Lil has dropped by to rat on her “BFF”with Dan and get Icky out of the way. He tells her Icky’s apparently still in a photo shoot someplace. Lil says that’s precisely what she needs to talk to him about.
Leo tells Tony that he’s got to make a stop first before dropping Ali off. She complains that she’ll be late and promised Giorgi that she wouldn’t be. Leo gets miffed and says he can call him then and he’ll tell him to lay off her. Ali thinks that’s like writing it out for everyone that she’s late because she’s been boffing him. He tells her she’s not to mention a word about the two of them being an item. Ali says no problem from her end, but that doesn’t mean somebody else wouldn’t figure it out on their own. This ticks Leo off even more and he tells Tony to stop the car. He’s ready to dump her at the side of the road. He opens the car door and warns Ali that if she want to continue threatening him she can get out there and then. She starts to take him at his word but he shuts the door and prevents her leaving. “--This is to show you how easy it would be for me to put you out of my life. Got it?” Point taken. Tony is disgusted that the arrogant bastard would treat her this way. Tony starts the SUV back up and they drive off.
In the mean time, Lil comments that maybe Dan should consider that since he and Icky are essentially separated, Icky might be finding consolation somewhere else. When Dan tells her to stop beating around the bush, Lil says Icky’s been lying and he should know it. She gives him the address and the room of the hotel he’ll find Bimbutt and Bruno boffing at that very moment.
Eva drops by the boarding house to pick up Laurita and while she’s there she takes the opportunity to hand over a letter to Justa from Don Julio. While they chat, Eva admits to Justa that DJ was the man who protected and provided for her the past 18 months and that he’s become a second father to her during all this time. Justa’s muy impressed and wants the details, but Eva says it’ll have to wait for another time. Right now she needs to know whether Justa will read the letter. Justa doesn’t know whether to accept it and to read it or not because her life is changed and DJ isn’t a part of it now. That’s why, Justa explains, she’s not bothered to tell the truth about him to Don Ricardo; so no matter what’s written inside it, he can’t continue to contact her like this. Eva offers to do what she can to dissuade him.
Tony lets Ali out at the agency after Leo’s been dropped off. He takes the time to tell her she’s better than this and that he still loves her and wouldn’t dream of treating her so callously. She is only worried that he’ll tell Eva. Tony has no reason to, he says. He’d give anything though, to have the girl he knew back when at the boarding house. Ali can’t believe that he’d still be in love with her despite all that’s gone on between her and Leo. Tony says they deserve a second chance; he knows he’s made mistakes but so did she. Ali says well, she just can’t do it. It’s simply impossible. He has got to understand there are no more “opportunities”. It’s Leo for her, tho’ she’d give anything not to feel the way she does about Leo. She races into the building and leaves Tony heartbroken.
Back at the no-tell hotel (gotta say this room looks quite a bit tackier than the rest), there’s a knock at the door. Bruno gets up to answer it, saying it must be room-service with the champagne he ordered. He answers the door with a humongous gloat on his face, but it suddenly turns to shock as ...“SURPRISE!” ….Daniel storms his way past and spies a nekkid bimbutt in the bed. “--Well look who it is! The woman who’s soooo jealous of me, who’s soooo in love with me!!” V-eeeek!-y is begging to explain, but Dan says this scene doesn’t need any explanation! He turns to Bruno, grabs him by the neck and throws him on the floor with fisty cuffs galore. “--Wouldn’t you just know it would be you who she’d be here with!!” Eeeek!-y squeels in fright and begs him to stop or there’ll be problems. Dan stops himself and lets Bruno up for air. (The rug burn on his butt probably hurts like hell, though! Je, je, je!) “--If I don’t kill you here and now it’s because I don’t want to dirty my hands! But you’ve done me a favor, anyway! Now I know the type of woman I married! “ The still eeek!-ing Icky tries telling Dan that it isn’t what he thinks. He screams back that it’s exactly what he thought. What kind of photo session would she call it? Who cares, anyway? He’s leaving them to enjoy the rest of their time together! Dan slams the door on the two of them and heads down to the parking lot. He gets ready to get into his car when who should appear out of nowhere but Lileach! “--What are you doing here?” (That’s what we’d all like to know! Talk about your blood-suckers!)
Back at Justa’s, the kids beg Eva for a bit more time together. She says that’s impossible today, but promises that the three of them will share a day together just the three of them. Maybe the day after tomorrow if not the next.
Lileach tells Dan she followed him supposedly expecting the worst and was feeling rotten about what she’d started. He wonders if she really came to warn her BFF that he was on the way. She denies it and says she only wanted to stop him from committing some crazy thing or other. (But, if she had gotten a chance to sneak in behind him she’d have loved poking her head in the door, she’d have loved seeing Icky’s extreme mortification. I’m certain all of Viewerville sure did!) He tells her the only crazy thing he did was to marry Icky in the first place. She suggests they go for a drink. Dan would rather go home. She convinces him to accept the invitation because even though he may not need to talk about it, she feels so horrible about what just happened that she does.
Marci asks Rosaura (Bruno’s kissin’ cuz) where Leo and he are. She says Leo went out and she has no idea about Bruno, but she’ll call and try to locate him. Marci says no need. She handle that herself.
Bruno, meanwhile, is majorly pissed and wonders how Dano found out and found him and Icky. Icky blames him. If he’d asked who it was before stupidly opening the door then none of this would have ever happened!! (Seriously, what hotel doesn’t put fish eyed peep holes in the door these days?) He says he hopes that he doesn’t tell Marcela. Icky yells back that she could give a rat’s patoot who tells her. She just doesn’t want Dan to leave her. Bruno says she’d better get used to the idea. She races out and tells him never to darken her door again..... (No problem. It wasn’t in the plan.) He tells himself he could care, but the thing he won’t do without is Marci’s milliones de stolen money.
Justa reads Julio’s letter which essentially tells her he hasn’t stopped loving her all these years. Julio, at the same time, admits to Garcia that he wrote the letter hoping she’d understand he doesn’t care that she’s married. He knows Garcia disapproves of his actions, but he won’t stop hoping they’ll get back together until Justa convinces him that she’s doesn’t still love him also.
Back at Eva’s later that afternoon, Marci finds Renata laying out baby bottles. “--Oh, so now you’re nana to the little bastard?” Ren explains that she simply had to get more of them since one broke the night before. Marci mumbles something about how she understands it all now. Ren asks what she means, but Marci cuts her off and tells her to start a bath for her.
At the boarding house, Marisol and Francisco are discussing a “honey do” list for him at the market. FF>> Franc leaves for work and Mari gets a visit from her friend at the club warning her that Damien will come after her at any time. She did sign a contract, after all, and still owes him money. Mari doen’t seem worried and swears she won’t go back no matter what. She has Franc now and he promised to defender her.
Eva pays Jackie a visit while bringing Laurita home. Jackie looks a mess and Eva tells her she’s got to forget Franc now and look for somebody else to help make her forget him. Jackie tells Eva if she hasn’t really been able to forget Daniel then she can’t exactly expect her to forget about Franc!
During coffee at Lil’s hotel restaurant, Lil tells a whopper about having warned Icky thousands of times to break it off with Bruno and to repair her relationship with Dan. He says sourly that that relationship ceased to exist a long time ago. Lil loves her “BFF” dearly, but she totally disagrees with what Icky has done to him, she empathizes. Dano has finally got his thinking cap back on now. He asks Lil if she’s such a good friend then why did she betray Icky this way? Lil says she could see what Icky was doing and it offended her so much that she would rather betray her friendship than continue standing on the sidelines. He says in the long run it was better it all happened like it did. He never really loved Icktoria and knows he should never have married her. Lil agrees and says that it was obvious; she thinks for that reason and for the benefit of both him and his daughter--as well as Icktoria-- he should get a divorce ASAP!
Marci is trying to reach Bruno, but all she gets is his voice-mail. She tells him to give her a call because she needs to talk to him. He’s pouring himself a stiff one at the apartment and refuses to pick up. The only thing left between them is those millions of dollars of hers waiting for him. He calls the cuz and tells her to have the papers ready for him.
Adrian and Ric share a tender moment talking about Adrian’s thoughts of possibly becoming a doctor so he can help save the world..... There’s a knock at the door and Julio is there hoping to chat with Justa. Ric gives Julio a moment of evil eye but treats Julio like old friends and thanks him for paying his hospital bill.
Justa, though, has gone to Julio’s looking for him. The major domo tells her he’s gone out and doesn’t know where, nor when he’s due back.
Bimbutt gets home and the last thing she expects to see, let alone appreciates seeing, is Jackie chatting it up with the likes of Worsty Enemy Numero Uno! She scolds Jackie and then kicks Eva out.
Next door, Marci’s finished her bath and finds a mysterious box on the bed. Lots of haunting nasty laughing accompanies its accusatory “assesina” note. Marci freaks; she yells he can’t kill her because she killed him first! Ren walks in at the ruckus and picks up the box, then reads the note: “Assesina?”
Dan comes home and enters the bedroom. No more lies. The act is finito! He found her with another man in bed. What else is there to say? She swears it was because she was in so much pain because he’d never really gotten Eva out of his mind. (Yeah, the ol’ blame it on Eva b.s.) Bimbutt tries getting down on her knees and begging to explain, but Dan says talk to the hand cuz his handsome face ain’t listenin’ any longer! She doesn’t love anybody but herself and there’s nothing left between them, so get up and get over it! She swears he can’t leave her or--He asks ”-- or what?” She’ll run back to her mommie to have her help her with another attempted suicide?
Next door, Marci continues to freak. Ren stays cool and calm and suggests that the note makes a very serious accusation. Marci wants the box and the note dumped. She wonders who sent it. Ren says she doesn’t know since she only found it left on the doorstep. Marci swears somebody wants to drive her crazy. Ren offers to bring her some tea and then takes the box out of the room with her.
Icky cries to Dan and says he’s being totally unfair to her. Dan wonders why she’s always the victim here? It’s his fault for getting with Eva, she whines. He corrects her and says no, he was with Eva before marrying Icky. Their marriage was a big lie. He was depressed and furious; so he only married her to get back at Eva. She knew that and also knew he never loved her. V-icky says it’s not true, cuz if he didn’t love her then why did he haul off on Bruno? Dan says it was out of pride not out of love! This is killing her, she pleads. He says that they’ll end up killing each other if they stay together!
Rosaura brings Bruno back the corrected contract and he tells her how Dan found out and nearly busted his chops over the whole thing. Rose says she told him so. That’s not what he wanted to hear. He grabs the document in a race to get to the bank, empty out the account, and then head for the sunny shores of Europe before Marci realizes what’s going on. Rose warns Bruno not to even think of cheating her out of her share of the dinero. Bruno says he’ll contact her once he’s found a place to hide out.
Marci drinks her tea and wonders who found out what she did to Julio. It’s obvious they know and want to drive her crazy.
At the same time Mari comes out and sees Julio there with Ric. She mentions that they already know each other because he came by while Ric was in the hospital. Justa couldn’t talk just then. Ric wonders why Justa never mentioned it to him. Justa arrives home at that point and looks guilty when she notices that Julio is there waiting to see her.
Back at the Villanueva’s, Icky tells Dan that they can get their life together again if they want to. Da points out to her that’s the operative word, but that’s the point: he doesn’t want to and he’s told her that very plainly. “-- Well, then, if not with her, then Eva, or maybe Liliana?” He swears he’s got nothing going on with her friend. She swears he does. “--Go on! Go ahead and take consolation with those women of yours!” He gets ready to leave the bedroom and she immediately begs him not to leave her. He says he’s not the one leaving. Nope, he’s getting the Big D first thing tomorrow, so she can just take her things and get the effin’ out of his house NOW!
(This recap written by jardinera and posted by Elvira)
Labels: eva
Eva Luna #85 Mon 3/7/11
Labels: eva
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