Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Teresa Mon 9/12/11 #136 More Cracks Form In Sharkita Teresita’s Dike

While Esperanza, in shock, desperately runs in circles, crying and shouting for help on an empty street because Rodrigo has been jacked along with her van, purse and cell phone, Fito the Maldito Kiddie Bandito pulls up in a dark alley with the other kidnapper and laughs.  Poor little baby’s going to pay for what Uncle Johhny and Mommie did to him!  Johnny shouldn’t have turned him into the police and Espe should have hooked up with him back in the day.  Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!!

In Zacatecas at the street party reception Cutberto and Juana profess their everlasting love for each other and he screeches through an otherwise romantic love song.  (Teresa was right: this dude is a 5th rate mariachi singer!)  Teresa, overcome with melancholy at seeing Aurora and Mariano kiss and exchange goo-goo eyes at each other during this, decides to leave the festivities.
In Mexico City up in the penthouse that night, Arturo offers Fernando a cognac and asks what’s been upsetting him.  Nando says the fact is he thinks Tere’s got a point and wonders, man-to-man and BFF to BFF, what’s really going on between him and Lucia.  Art says matter of factly that she’s a good, hard worker and has helped him with the Germans’ account.  “--Really?”  “--Yes!  We’re a good team.”  Art insists  that’s all and Nando says he saw the two of them hugging at the restaurant.  Art says it was simply that things with the Germans went better than they’d expected and they were celebrating.   “—You know I only love Teresa.”  The mujeriego in Nando refuses to believe it and the sincere romantic in him who wants Teresa for himself is pained to hear his BFF tell him that again. 

On night shift at the hospital, Hernan and Hector discuss the wonders of fatherhood.  Hernan remarks on Aurora’s terrific thesis and says much of her success is due to Mariano’s helping her.  One of these days Hector is going to have to consider that Aurora may give the green light to Mariano and end up in a serious relationship with him.  Doesn’t stop the fact, says Hec, that he doesn’t trust Mariano as far as he can throw him.  Just then a panicked call comes in from Espe (on the home phone) to Hernan about the baby’s being jacked with the van and her purse and cell phone and that’s why she’s not had a chance to call the police first.  (Sorry, Espe.  My first call inside would have been to the police and the second to Hernan who’s too far away and helpless to do anything either.) 

Art tells Fer he actually called to ask him while he was down in Zacatecas to get in touch with Tere so that he could be her “date” to the wedding.  The reason being that he knew Mariano was down there and he suspects Mariano would try something.  Nando scoffs and says Mariano cooled on Tere some time ago.  Art says he doesn’t believe it cuz something strange is going on with her again.  Fer says he warned Art that if he didn’t stop trying to control her every move he’d lose her and he did.  No, he hasn’t lost her, just that he knows she’s rankled at him for the way he’s been acting and he’s trying to make it up to her by finding a different solution for the two of them.  Art changes the subject to Nando and his Zacatecas business concerns.  Fe says it’s only so-so and he feels bad, pressured even, and unfortunately no one can help him with it.

Back in the dark alleys of the nastier parts of Mexico City, Fito tells his connection to make sure the van is stripped and torn down so there isn’t a trace of it to be found.  He lets Genoveva know he’s waiting with the package for her.  Fito tells the baby how lucky he is since poor Fito never even knew his daddy and here Roddy is with two sets of parents ready to love him!   Suddenly Fito catches a glimpse of the gold religious medallion Buttberto gave Espe for Rodriguito and snatches it up for himself. 

In the meantime,  Luisa calls Art and they discuss Fer’s strange and quiet behavior.  It’s something to do with his uncle having left the businesses in lousy shape just to irritate him when he finally had to hand them over to him.  We learn that Tere’s coming home the next day and left the reception early because she felt odd without him there to join her.  Art takes another call on the line then from Espe telling him that the baby’s been kidnapped.

Aida and Ruben are having dinner out (no doubt her treat).  She’s telling him that Mariano is definitely not meant for her.  Has he found a legal position yet?  No. Papagote asks Aeeeeeda if, since he hasn’t found work yet, could the two of them start their own legal office?  She says not a good idea, especially since she’s got to spend sooooo much time helping out with Mariano’s clinics.  Well, forget about Mariano and all that, couldn’t (shouldn’t) she now?  She stalls and says it’s too dificult to forget the one you love.  Oh, he certainly agrees!  “--Not because of that ghetto trash, right, Daddy?”  Noooooo!  Errr….uhhh….he’s talking about her Mom, of course!   As for Espe, she’s in cahoots with Arturo and Teresa to prevent him from excercising his legal rights to see his son!  She even scratched his hand trying to keep him from Roddi!  Well, says Aeeeeda, what else could he expect from her?  Next time he needs to choose his women more wisely!

Genovenom comes racing over to Fito’s dark alley to grab “her” baby.  She throws Fito his blood money and jumps right in with “Paulito“.   Gen tells Fito her truk with him is over and she prefers never to lay eyes on him again.  Sorry, says Fito, he’s going to continue showing up like a bad peso, just in case she decides she needs him for another little “job” of sorts and also if she’s in need of a real man sometime or other.  He gives her a maliciously delicious and suggestive grin.  She returns the favor.  (Guess this broad really does like walking on the wild side.  She may be ready to kick pesoless old El Bigote to the curb for his youthful opposite number.)  He calls her his “pretty girl” and she gives him a suggestive bat or two of her lashes.  (Ughh!  As if Juana and Buttberto weren’t bad enough!)

Art and the police comandante are at Espe’s and promise to find the baby if they can.  She tells them she’s sure it was Rubigote.  Hernan races out with some current pictures of Rodriguito.  They give the comandante the 411 on Rubigote, Bio-daddy and Ex Con.

At the same time, Fer tries drowning his sorrows and sexual frustrations at some bar somewhere.  Luisa’s key chain is in his hand as he remembers the last encounter with the two women he’s torn between.

Art calls Aeeeda--while she’s still at dinner with Papagote--trying to get a current address for him.   She tells Art to blow it out his ditty bag. 

Hernan says the hotel Ruben gave as his residence before doesn’t have him listed as a guest any longer.  Espe goes a little bit nuts and says she’s certain he’s involved somehow! 

Back at the restaurant Aeeeda tells him what Art wanted and says even if she wanted to tell Art she couldn’t because he hasn’t bothered to give her his new address.  Rube looks at the crumbs on the table and shakes his head.  (Rough stuff telling your daughter you’re a kept man, isn’t it?  How low we’ve fallen oh fur-lipped one!)

Geno introduces her newly “adopted” baby to Herni the maid and says this baby isn’t going to get mixed up in drugs!  Herni hears the baby’s name is Paulo also and looks at Geno as if she’s got two heads. 

Fer arrives back at the Casota to a smiling Luisa who’s made his favorite dish for supper for him—as if the dude wasn’t feeling guilty enough!  He tells her he stopped for a couple of drinks and that’s why he’s late.  No problem, she understands he’s stressed out these days.  She gives him a shoulder massage.

Meanwhile, Rubigote stops off at the penthouse to see what Art wanted and finds out about the kidnapping.  He’s suspect numero uno, says Art, and he knows what the penalty for kidnapping is even for the bio-daddy so he’d better ‘fess up if he wants to avoid thirty years in the slammer!!

Luisa asks Fer what she can do to help him through this difficult time.  He asks her to postpone the wedding a while.  Luisa wasn’t expecting this!  She looks like a poor, wide-eyed, adorable but lost little kid who has just lost her favorite pet to boot as she fights back the tears.  There!  Nando’s said it, the heel!

Ruben admits he went to Espe’s to see his son, despite not having legal authority to do so, but says he was with Aeeeeda having supper while the kidnapping took place so it couldn’t have been him.  Besides, he could never separate a child from the care of its mother.  Art tells him then to go straight to the poice and give his statement.  Ruben says fine, and he can come with. 

Luisa is too understanding by half. She know’s they love each other and it’s okay.  They’ll still get married in a civil ceremony.  Fer tells her how incredible she is; but he feels like the dawg he is.   He’s exausted and she walks him up to bed without a single complaint.  She hides her single tear from him and sweetly smiles as she tells him Teresa’s coming home the next day and how much she’s missed her!  (Ok.  We get the picture already.  My insulin levels are off the charts!) 

At lunch the next day in Zacatecas, we find Johnny, Pati, Juana, Buttberto, and Tere discussing the need to get back home and back to their jobs.  Tere asks where Buttberto and Juana are going on their honeymoon.  “To Paris, of course!”   NOT!!  Yuk, yuk, yuk!  Why, they’ll see all the famous sites around there.  Juana’s never seen the beautiful cities and historical places his home state has to offer.  (We get a list of them ad nauseum.)  Juana says it’s not important where they go, but that they go together and then smooches with him.  Tere grimaces and fights the gagging reflex (along with most of Viewerville!)

Meanwhile, in Zacatecas, Aurora confesses to Mariano that she’s been living her dream there with him, and she’s afraid that when she returns to Mexico everything will come to a screeching halt.  He assures her that it’s all very real and that he wants to share his life with her--provided Daddy can get over his snitfits about him. They kiss tenderly.  

At the same time, a very angry Rubigote arrives at Genoveva’s.  She admits she was the one who had the baby kidnapped and is angry because she called and he didn’t bother to show up so she could give him the surprise good news!  He reads her the riot act about not waiting like he asked her to do and she can’t seem to understand what the big deal is.  He tries to explain how her impatience to get her hands on that child has totally screwed with things.  Esperanza didn’t waste any time calling the police and blaming him for it!  He’s turned into the prime suspect and it’s all her fault!  So, now she better sell or rent one of the apartments she’s got available so he can leave and stay out of the picture until things calm down, he tells her.  Just then Aeeeeda shows up and he refuses to have his daughter find him there.  He hides behind the couch till Gen takes her into see the baby.

Across town, at the vecindad, Tere stops in for a visit with her parents and to tell them about Juana’s wedding.  Things were better than she expected and Juana was marvelously happy.  Refugio scoldsTere for not having gone with her hubby.  Tere says it couldn’t be helped, and it was better that she went on her own anyway.  No, instead of missing him she used the time to re-evaluate and to rebuild her self-image.  She realized that she doesn’t need to depend on Arturo to get along in life.  Ref starts to give her opinion and Tere shuts her down to ask Armando if he found work in another law office.  No, in a mechanic shop--and only as an assistant.  Tere gives him that from-bad-to-worse-again frown of hers.

Aeeeda tells Gen she can’t believe how big her baby has gotten. (She can’t tell the difference in between a newborn and a 3 month old???)  Gen agrees they grow rapidly and makes sure to cover its face every time Aeeeda gets anywhere close.

Oriana arrives at the Casota and asks why it was so important for her to meet with Nando and Luisa.  She gets the first shock of the day when they explain they’re putting off the religious ceremony for a while since the businesses he’s inherited are demanding too much of his time.  (It’s the first time Viewerville has ever seen this woman stutter—and it’s rather refreshing!)  Ok, the civil ceremony is what’s recognized world over, she says with a weak smile, so fine.  They’ll send out notices to the guests and he can concentrate on his daddy’s big financial empire while they take care of the details for him.  It’s obvious, though, that Odiosa suspects something else is afoot. 

Hernan gets word from the police that Rubigote’s aliby is tight and so they’ve discarded him as a suspect.  Espe is beside herself with grief. 

Meanwhile, Luci and Art continue to flirt without knowing it and he sends her off as his “messenger” for the day since Tere’s daddy quit.  Tere arrives home and Lucia avoids the sudden drop in temperatures on her way out the door.  Tere races over and lays a major lip-lock on hubby to insure he’s still got “it” for her.  They make small talk about the wedding and he tells her how Lucia helped him close a major deal with the Germans and got him set up with one of the big shots he needed to close the deal.  She cuts him off at that point.   The subject changes to the kidnapping and the wheels in Teresa’s head start whirring and flashing: “Ruben!  Ruben!”

Hernan has to leave for work.  He instructs Espe to stick by the phone in case of a ransom call.  She hasn’t slept for thinking about all the horror stories she’s heard about kidnapped children. 

Teresa tells Art that if there hasn’t been a ransom call then it’s likely Ruben has the baby somewhere.  Art says no, it couldn’t have been him because he was eating dinner out with Aeeeda at the time it took place.  Oh, she loves that little boy the same way Juana loved her!  How could they do that to the poor little thing??!!  Art says they won’t tell Teresa’s parents because her mother can’t take news like that. 

Mariano and Aurora return to Mexico City to Hector’s.  He walks in on the two of them and has a fit.  He tells Mariano to get the H out of his house and to leave his daughter alone.   They refuse and demand he accept their relationship.  Even if he refuses to accept Mariano, warns Aurora, she’s not going to stop seeing him.  They are officially “novios” now.       

Tere is ready to head over to Espe’s but Art stops her to ask if it’s true that Mariano and Aurora are an item now since the last time she called her Aurora wanted nothing to do with him.  (Art must not believe in the old saw that a woman has the right to change her mind.)   Teresa goes on the warpath again and tells Arturo he’s a lost cause!  She thought they’d be able to start over and get past his obsession with Mariano, but his jealous attitude persists.  She’s had it with his constant suspicion and vigilance.  He’s making her life Hell!  He says no, it’s that he knows Mariano is still in love with her and wants her back.  (Art needs to put a call into Dr. Laura.  He refuses to believe what a third party like Fernando’s told him which shows this guy’s definitely obsessed.  Mariano is going to have to deal with this sooner than later I suspect.)  The phone rings with a client  just then and she scoots off to visit Esperanza to lend her some legal and emotional support while grumpy attends to his client. 

On her way out, though, Luisa stops Ter to tell her the wedding dress fits like a glove and looks great on her.  She also mentions that Fer surprised her by asking to put off the religious ceremony for a while.  Teresa hides her glee and recommends that Luisa not get too nosy about where Fer goes and what he does with his private time, for the good of the relationship, of course…..

Aeeeeda stops in to visit Aurora and says she knows she went to Zacatecas and Mariano was there and thinks Aurora was being a hypocrite.  Aurora explains how she went there to help out Dario and Magda.  She ends up telling Aeeeda that she and Mar are now officially "novios".  Aeeeda is temporarily speechless impactado.  

Papagote stops over at Espe's with a document he filed claiming because of the kidnapping she's an unfit mother.  He screams that if she'd only married him instead then Roddi would be safe and sound right now with his rightful parents!  He's so angry he starts shaking Espe.  Fortunately, Tere has eventually made it over to Espe’s and Ruben pulls away.  He screams at the two of them that he didn't steal the baby and throws the whole blame onto Espe (a good diversion I suppose).  He was with Aeeeda!!  It wasn't him! Tere tells him even though he was at dinner with Aeeeeda that doesn’t necessarily mean he didn’t send somebody else to do it for him.  Rubigote leaves the copy of the document for Tere and storms out.  Obviously Tere’s mind fathoms the devious much more clearly than her poor shmuck of a husband’s does.  (Viewerville’s been screaming that to the screen for the last half hour!)  

Mariano shows up at Espe’s just about that time and walks in.  (Gawd, the locksmiths there must be starving for business!)  The first thing out of his mouth almost is her relationship with Fernando.  He tells her to her face how rotten she is for going after him now that Arturo isn’t rich any longer.  Mar is serious and angrily tells her again not to do the same thing with hubby Art that she did with him.  He’s so upset that he’s actually squeezing her arms just as Art walks through the door.  He’s heard that last little bit and now demands Mariano tell him what exactly he is asking his wife “not to do.”  Ruh-Roh!! 


Cuando Me Enamoro #102 Monday 9/12/11 Fiestas Full of Cranky Faced Lovers & Even More Truths Come To Darkness

Lets party!

Fiesta 1: The welcome back to freedom fiesta for Honorio is tarnished by the sour lurking face of Fina, but nobody seems to notice her or the peckish attitude of Constanza and sober grimaces of Honorio while they un-celebrate her lack of infidelity while overtly toasting to the liberation of Honorio and the restoration of the honor and integrity of Empresas Monterubio. Adriana is the only one unreservedly glad but she has to juggle the sourpuss moves of Matias who is paranoid that she enjoyed the hot lips of Chema too much. Fina comes back in her back door and swears that Regina will be so sorry so soon She can’t take her family, Malafina is never so happy as when she has a dastardly plan. Inez is surprised that things don’t seem to be resolved between Honorio and Consta. Constanza admits that Chema went to tell him the truth.

Fiesta 2: Roberta looks winsomely through the office windows at Augie who is planning something dastardly himself regarding the grape vine starts (sarmientos) with someone on the phone. It must be more damage he plans against La Bonita. Roberta says she didn’t want to interrupt considering what he was talking about. She assumes that the vine shoots are important. Augie picks her up and kisses her in a most unbrotherinlawtobe way telling her it is better if she doesn’t know more.

Fiesta 3: Then Chema calls Adri to tell her that he didn’t have bunny hop with Consta, He tries to explain that this was not for Hon or for her but now he can’t stop thinking about her. Matias looks on seeming to hear the air and see through the phone;. Good thing Adriana hasn’t signed up for facetime on her cell phone.

Fiesta 4: Lazaro and Carlos run into a wonderful village woman who thinks Lazaro looks like her old friend Heriberto who turns out to be Lazaro’s father then she recognizes he must be Lazaro who left the village as a child. She reminds him that she knew Heriberto and Matilde his parents then Carlos tells her that they are looking for his sister Matilde and Carlos describes the beauty with long dark smooth (lisa) hair. What do you know! She has just such a hermosa chica in her own house.

Fiesta 5: The big fiesta for Padre’s birthday meant to cheer the peons has begun. Renata in her Chiapas finery and Augie in his omnipresent windbreaker, at least formal black, try to make like things are good. Roberta slinks up to Ezek and flirts with him. He ask if he could offer her something (boy and howdy) then he helps her aim the toy rifle. He imagines she doesn’t like such country bumpkin events but promises her there will be real dancing later. She is so adept at sneering, we might mistake it for a smile. Dr. MarinaTatarrific approaches Jero. She receives a kiss for looking pretty and for her good news that she is going to ask her secretary to send her a copy of Roberta’s medical records, more kisses. Renata notices while she stands at Augie’s side also with a toy popgun. It’s just a miracle that neither sister goes postal.

Dr. Marina is going to tell Jero some truthiness about Roberta. She tells him that Roberta had a miscarriage days before the fall from the stairs, the stair fall had nothing to do with losing the baby. Dr. Tata can’t understand why Roberta didn’t tell the truth. And for this miscarriage being hidden and ignored, she is now sterile.

Fiesta 4: Lazaro and Carlos grip the sleeping Matilde with relief. The kind curandera says she thinks Matilde spent the night outside cold and wet and someone hit her but she doesn’t seem terribly injured, just profoundly unconscious. She goes off to make a strong tea to bring her around. Carlos declares his love and plans to spend his life with her. Sabina says with my herbs and your sentiments we are sure to bring her back to health.

Fiesta 5: Jero and Tat talk about how bad Fina is but Jero is still calling her Dona Fina with too much respect, and Roberta is just like her. Marina asks if Renata isn’t different. Jero defends that Renata is a good woman and nothing like the two harpies.

Fiesta 4: Matilde comes to drowsily, asking where she is. They are in Sabina’s house, who by coincidence knew her parents long again and saved her. Kind Lazaro doesn’t scold but is so glad she has been found okay. Matilde asks where did his parents go. Back to Merida, he answers. She is sad that they found her insufficient because she was a servant. Carlos assures her that for him she is a queen and he would do anything for her.

Fiesta 5: Roberta makes a point of telling Renata how great Tata and Jero are getting along and Renata mocks, NOOO, I didn’t notice. Then Augie points out a fortune game where sweet birdies pick a fortune. He orders two fortunes. In voice over we hear that Roberta is on a dangerous path and must be careful. She sneers saying she is wasting her time. She declares it stupid. Renata’s fortune says that things are not what they seem and the person at her side is?? She mumbles. What does this mean? Augie grabs the fortune and crushes it saying Roberta was right these are stupid. He goes off to talk with someone winking over at a booth. Note that only Renata is nice to the bird and even to the fortune vendor.

Renata and Roberta bump into Tata and Jero joking over cotton candy, Tata says how are you Roberta, to the amazement of Renata. You know her? Yes, Jero adds, she is none other than the gynecologist of Roberta. Roberta gets cranky and when Renata asks why Dr. Tata is Roberta’s ex-doc, she says ask your sister. Jero says yes it seems so delicate after all it was practically a miracle that her, I mean OUR baby was made without me ever touching the mother. Roberta doesn’t like either his tone or his attitude, stomps off to avoid further truths spewing out of the two mouths. Renata looks stunned while chases after Roberta.

Augie has a brief conversation about something nasty he is planning at La Bonita with a man running one of the carnival games.

Padre greets more guests carrying gifts. Is this supposed to relieve the tension and remind us that we are at a gala event and we are supposed to be enjoying ourselves?

Fiesta 6: Fina has taken on an art project to make a clever ransom note made of letters chopped out of the paper. It invites Regina to pay up if she wants to meet her daughter. For the value of the trust fund, she can regain her daughter, is she interested? Fina laughs at her cleverness and says Regina you have no idea the surprise I have for you. Her cackles fairly echo in the empty office of the empty house. No amount of luxury can muffle the lonely bitterness erupting out of Fina.

Fiesta 1 for justice and liberty: Matias welcomes Regina to the family. The Honorio fiesta is winding up with expression of the sentiments that the company can recover their reputation and no fraud was committed. They bid good night. The remaining couple do not reunite into a good night. The pouting and posturing continue as Hornorio decides he would rather be alone in Adri’s apartment where there is neither food nor comfort. He is resolved to suffer. Back in the bedroom Matias is expressing his suffering and jealousy of Adri and this Chema thing. So a house that should be so joyous is having no fun at all.

Fiesta 5: Roberta is fuming that Jero is an imbecile and ruined her evening. An unsympathetic Augie says he must be a Renata’s side and the auction (subasta) is coming up, He simply says go home to the hacienda then. He isn’t too happy about her complaints but liked how she keeps digging in about Jero and TataMarina. They part with Roberta expressing how much she hopes Augie comes home soon since she feels like bring WITH him. (Tengo ganas de ti).

Ezek sits with Manuela and Kari and is hailed by Augie. The women wonder who Roberta is, Kari thinks she seems familiar, Manuela thinks she seems to be high society. Augie orders Ezek to take Roberta back to the hacienda. She watches Ezek’s backside, saying this is nothing bad, and takes his arm not wanting marriage but vowing to try everything. Alfonsina shows up just in time to see the slick Roberta slime/ I mean slide/ down the walk with Ezek and knows trouble when she sees it. Roberta grabs his arms so she can balance on her high heels.

Matilde is recovering. Carlos calls Jero to tell him that they found her and will return tomorrow.

Renata says to Augie that something she can’t understand happened between Tata and Roberta. Augie tries to laugh it off but Renata wants to understand.

Jero walks by to distract Renata who walks by to distract him then Augie walks by to distract both I guess, strange dance step. Padre announces the beginning of the auction of dresses and also tells the crowd that Matilde has been found and will be home tomorrow. Everyone claps and he says it is the best news to Marina who left Jero to his own devices while she went to tell Padre the great news about Matilde.

Alfonsina is confused about who Roberta is, Manuela suggest she must be a special guest (I just mistyped quest, and that works too) of Augie. She tells Kari that she didn’t see anything specific but call it woman’s intuition that something was up with Roberta and Ezek. Yep, the levels of sex hormones is what’s up in my opinion.

Back to Fiesta 1: Adriana counsels Consta now that she will go talk to her Papa to fix this silly fight. And says lying is always a bad idea. But Consta says only she and Honorio can fix this. Sweet helpful Adri says if Hon and Con don’t work it out he will have to listen to her.

Back to Fiesta 5: The incidental passing goes on until Jero and Augie meet to pass quips about the sister-in-law (cuñada) needing to have respect and Jero says she isn’t your cuñada. He lets it be known that he knows what Roberta and Augie are rats are. Renata will realize it soon enough. Augie responds with a swift punch to Jero’s head. A punching match ensues with first Augie then Jero getting in equal and satisfying punches but Augie always is the dirtier fighter finishes with several kicks to the ribs. Padre comes to break it up saying he expects they will act like gentlemen, then he reassures the crowd that they should go on with the fiesta there is nothing to see here.

Back to Fiesta 4: A worried Carlos asks Sabina if the fever is going down. Yes, it is beginning to respond. He asks to sit by Matilde’s side. How do you feel .I can’t live without you. Lazarp, the ever wise one, leads Sabina out of the room while Matilde notes that his parents would now not give permission for him to marry her. They have their own way of thinking and I have my own. None of this is her fault. The church won’t fault her for not having her parent there to declare her an adult woman since they are dead so his parents don’t have to be there either. He has chosen his own path and wants to be by her side. She finally relents.

Back to Fiesta 5: La Subasta de Trajes Tipicos, A fund raising auction of ethnic regional dresses. The bidding starts with Marinatata;s lovely dress and the bids are generous. Jero bids $10,000 (if this is pesos, it is about $777), everyone smiles. . Tatla thanks Jero. Next up is our Renata. Bidding opens with $3000, then Augie bids $10,000 smirking as if he is not to be outdone by Jero. Surprise, surprise, Jero says $15,000 and Augie bids $25,000 ($1942 in dollars). Jero stands and thanks him for paying this generous (read ridiculous) price for the dress. Augie looks had. Padre looks glad and wants to make more from the remaining dresses. His big gifts are already assured.

Fiesta 7 the best for last: At the hacienda, Roberta comes in and begins to seduce poor Ezek. She lays back on the couch with arms open then starts to undo his shirt while she asks him to pour a glass of wine for each of them. While she mentions that perhaps then she will ask for other things. He weakly protests that he has to return to the fiesta, She responds: have to or want to? He doesn’t seem to scared, a bit surprised, but definitely not scared.

Sabina says with the tea she gave Matilde she will sleep and will wake much better. Carlos whips out money to present to a shocked Sabina. Lazaro steps in helpfully saying his offer to give Sabina money might be taken as an insult. So Carlos thinks fast and says at least you must come to our wedding as a special guest. She wouldn’t miss it. Then he asks for two things, as he puts the money away he says that is taken care of and the second is that he wants Lazaro to call him brother-in-law and treat him like family that he is to be. Lazaro sits back and says with gravity, we will see. Carlos is impactada.

Augie carps that he bought her not the dress and Renata is confused. Augie feels cheated into being generous again. Oh my.

Jero gets his contusions attended to by the sexy doctor, who says all men act like children as she kisses his booboos so sweetly. Tata practices the fine art of good doctor, good sex partner, good spare girl while she is overlooking his obvious obsession with Renata . He doesn’t reject he kisses and plays with where she should kiss him that doesn’t hurt.

Post Fiesta: Regina and Gonzo come into her living room see the envelope (how does she get the into apartments past locks and guards?) She makes him read it. So the offer is that for the equivalent value of the trust fund, she can see daughter, Is she interested? Regina says Cantu was right, this Pepa is only interested in money. It is clear the person wants Roberto’s fortune that was left to Regina II. Gonzo says she shouldn’t give everything, but Regina says she would give her very life if it would get her daughter back.

Fina who really is interested only in money, well maybe equally in revenge drums her fingers and wonders how long it will take to get her money and her revenge. She threatens the wedding plans, which may be part of the payment I think. She gambles a lot on Roberta sharing with her, doesn’t she?

Next Time: Roberta heat up her fiesta with Ezek. Augie comes to start his after fiesta fiesta and realizes Roberta isn’t breathlessly hot waiting for him but seems breathless from being hot. Jero gets more clues about the truth, going to Augie’s and asking to see Renata, which earns him another rifle aimed at him.


Monday, September 12, 2011

La Pola - September 12, 2011 - Discussion Page

Pola reaches Juliano in time to help him hide from the soldiers. She gets him back to Santa Fé, removes the bullet from his back and helps him recover. Cata has not only found her son at the mine, but, she has also found Nicolasa’s son. She bargains with the boss and buys both of them and heads back to Guaduas.

The plan to free the Almeida brothers widens. The guards can be bought, and Pola succeeds this time in getting money from Gaspar and Eusebia. Rodriguez is to lead the team that will help them escape.

On the other hand, Alejo and Pola are to take the information they obtained from Arcos and go to Los Llanos and meet Santander whom they are counting on to raise an army to free Santa Fé from the Spaniards.

María Ignacia not only has paid a spy to follow Alejo, but she also follows him herself. She overhears a conversation between Alejo and Pola in which the Los Llanos plan is revealed. After the patriot co-conspirators leave, María Ignacia confronts Pola. It turns out to be so what do you want now, he is going to marry you. It really isn’t that simple because the Los Llanos trip may have a one-way ticket.

María Ignacia is consumed with jealousy. She takes matters into her own hands and delivers the information to Sámano. She gives up Pola. Sámano remembers Pola from Guaduas, and he orders his colonels to bring her back alive. Since he now has this intel, he is able to prepare a plan to attack the forces at Los Llanos by surprise.

At the last minute, the patriots learn that Rodriguez has been injured in an ambush and cannot lead the escape effort. Alejo is put in charge of the Los Llanos operation since he has the most military experience (es un militar formado en España). Pola will take the place of Rodriguez.


La Fuerza del Destino #27 Mon 09/12/11 Blackmail, Fraud, and Matchmaking Plots

Like a lamb to the slaughter, Camilo has just been ushered into the lioness’s den (Casa Curiel) by the She-Wolf Maripaz. He explains to Lucrezia that he’s there to talk to Carlota, on behalf of Toni, about the approved loan, and finding an administrator for their ranch. Lucrezia gives him one of her typical scorn filled glances, while Maripaz checks out his décolletage and other assets. Cleto gives Carlota the 411 about Camilo’s presence as she enters the front gates.

At the hospital, the doctor gives Lucia a clean bill of health and allows her to take off the sling (cabestrillo). She’ll have to be careful and do some exercises to strengthen the muscles, but she’s psyched to get rid of the darn sling.

At Casa Curiel, Lucrezia’s giving Camilo the third degree about how they can trust that he’s a decent person and qualified for the job. Carlota puts an end to Camilo’s torture by interrupting and politely introducing herself. She thought he worked for the McGuires and wonders how he’ll have time to help them. Camilo explains that this is a special Toni request, and although they’ll hire a good foreman (capataz) for the ranch, Camilo will take on the administration. He’ll make sure everything is on the up and up. Lucrezia wants to know how they can trust that he won’t rob them like the rest. Camilo declares his honesty and honorability, despite his humble roots. Even Maripaz stands up for him! (She must find that flannel hoodie, unbuttoned down to there, endearing.) Carlota thanks him. Lucscreechia screeches her protest, but Carly puts her foot down. Camilo thanks her, and Maripaz expresses her approval of his new position by feeling up his arm. Carly sends her to do something useful, like get them something to drink, and sits down to get the scoop on Toni.

At the hospital, Ivan runs into Lucia and the two make moony eyes at each other. She tries to make her escape, but Ivan stops her to ask if she still loves him. “It’s no longer any use./There’s no longer a point.” (Ya no tiene caso.) Ivan admits he can’t live without her and she’s all he thinks of. She doesn’t waste time getting to the main issue. She loves her mother and grandmother, despite everything they’ve done. Ivan is left speechless. She politely says she’s happy to see him and to know that all is well with Toni, and leaves a conflicted Ivan standing in the hospital hallway. She wipes a few sad tears away once she gets outside, but looks pretty decided.

In his hospital room, Toni and Ivan discuss how to distribute the checks to the Curiels and the other ranchers. Toni can tell, from his clenched jaw and worried expression, that something is up with Ivan. He tells Toni about the run-in with Lucia and how the only thing she told him is how much she loves her family. Toni thinks this is totally normal. Would Ivan want to be with a woman, for example, who hated him (Toni)? “This is totally different! You’re incapable of doing anyone harm.” Toni points out that we all commit errors and injustices. If Ivan really wants to be with Lucia, he’ll forgive. He needs to figure out if his resentment (rencor) is bigger than his love (amor). Ivan goes back to the still unknown whereabouts of his son. The baby could not have just disappeared without at least one of those women having something to do with it. Toni wonders if he thinks they murdered the baby. No, but one of them must have given the baby to someone and knows where he is. Toni says he’ll ask Carlota and he’s sure she’ll tell him the truth. Ivan highly doubts she’ll tell him the truth if it means protecting her daughter. That family’s as thick as thieves (closer than bees in a hive/mas pegadas que abejas en un panal).

In Casa Curiel, Carlota is basically giving Lucia the same advice Camilo gave Ivan. When a woman marries she leaves her family to start her own. Sure, but Lucia can’t live with someone who hates her family. Carlota thinks time will heal Ivan’s wounds. Anyway, Ivan will eventually go back to the States (I’m assuming she believes Lucia would go with him), and the distance will help. Lucia is not convinced. Carly tells her about Camilo’s visit to the house.

Camilo is at that moment giving the same download to Ivan. He’ll head out to Ranch Socorro tomorrow. Ivan asks Camilo to request that Carly meet with Toni personally to receive the check. Camilo calls Carly right away and Lucia stands close to listen in. Toni won’t be able to meet with her for a couple of days, when he’s out of the hospital. Carly is very happy to hear he’s doing well. She passes the phone to Lucia. (She has spoken way more to him in the last few days than she has to Ivan. Hmmm…) Lucia thanks him for all the help he’s giving them with the ranch. She then moves on to the inheritance business and asks Camilo if Ivan has dual citizenship (doble nacionalidad). “What are you up to?” (En que estas metida?) She assures him once again it’s nothing bad.

Her loveliness and goodness must have won him over again, because in the next scene she’s calling the notary/lawyer to let him know Ivan has dual citizenship. This is good news and the documents can proceed in the name of Ivan Villagomez. BUT, he still needs Ivan’s current address. They decide to use the hotel address, or that of the house they just rented.

At Casa Galvan, the bros are knocking back beers while Celia cooks. Antolin is shocked that the McGuires are still going to give a loan to the Curiels. That’s how they roll! They’re good and generous people, Camilo assures skeptical Antolin. Antolin wants to know exactly how much they’re going to give the Curiels. Both Celia and Camilo tell him to mind his own business, but Antolin cleverly baits the info out of Camilo by saying he’s sure it’s a ton of money considering Lucia is Ivan’s novia. Camilo sets him straight, and tells him exactly what he wanted to know, by saying it was just 10,000,000 pesos. Celia laments how two women alone running a ranch must have been repeatedly fleeced by bad men. Antolin sips his beer and contemplates how he’s going to fleece those two women out of 10,000,000 pesos.

The next morning, Maripaz breaks away from admiring herself in the mirror (are we sure she’s not JJ’s child?) to answer her cell phone. It’s Tubby Thug, at a pay phone, being coached by Antolin. He knows she had a baby out of wedlock 10 years ago and wants 4,000,000 pesos, or else all of Alamos will know! Click! Maripaz runs in a panic to her mother. She tells mom she got a call to blackmail (chantajear) her about the baby secret. Lucrezia can’t believe it, since only the family knew. She seems to be forgetting about all of Ivan’s family and friends AND Marripaz’s big running mouth when she’s had a few too many appletinis. She thinks it must have been that darn servant in Guaymas! MP automatically thinks of using part of the McGuire money, which makes Lucrezia suspicious. Did MP cook this scheme up with someone to get some quick cash? MP freaks out. She’ll be a pariah of society! Grandma has to speak to Toni about giving them the cash. Lucrezia has a better idea—MP has to speak to Ivan about it. It’s his kid and responsibility too, after all.

In the pool hall, Antolin tells Tubby Thug to cool his jets and wait for the Curiels to get the cash. In the meantime, he’s going to put his gray cells to work figuring out where the kid could be. He smells more money in this.

In the morning at Casa Curiel, Lucia is rushing off to teach and will drive for the first time since her run in with that chair, wielded by Saul. Lucrezia drags herself to the dining table and asks Carly when the McGuires are going to start doling out the cash. Carly lets her know about the upcoming personal handover from Toni to her.

Toni’s is moved to a real hospital room, and is growing more grouchy and impatient to leave by the minute. He forces Ivan to give him his cell phone and wants the check for Carlota today, despite Ivan’s protests. Ivan asks Benito to make sure Toni doesn’t work too much and takes it easy. When Ivan heads off to work, Toni immediately sends his babysitter Benito away so that he can call Carly. They do some geriatric flirting and he asks her to come to the hospital to see him and get the check. She’s worried about his health and would be happy to wait a few days. He wants to send a driver for her, but she assures him she can take a taxi or wait for Lucia to return and take her. They agree to that.

Lucrezia skulks behind a column listening to the call. She then tells MP to get a move on talking to Ivan, because she does not want to waste their loan on this blackmail business. MP thinks that if Carly weren’t so set on giving Ivan his part of the ranch, they could just sell that part and have the needed money. Lucrezia repeats her order. Talk to Ivan! “Si mama.”

Ivan’s cell phone rings just as he gets to the Agricultural Association. Maripaz actually has enough manners to start with standard pleasantries. Ivan’s not buying it. She tells him something horrible has happened. “To Lucia?!” (LOL!) “Why do you always have to think about Lucia?!” Lucrezia coaches her to tone it down. You read that right. Lucrazya is actually coaching someone else to take it down a notch and act civilized. Maripaz says it does affect Lucia because it affects their whole family. Ivan doesn’t give a rat’s patoot about their family. MP whines about how important it is. He’s busy but gives in to meeting her that night at 8. Lucrezia reminds MP of the importance of this meeting and orders her to stay sober.

At the Association, Ivan sends David off to get the Curiel check to Toni. Buttinsky JJ wants to know why. Why do those women get so much consideration? He wants to know how much he gets before the other ranchers and is surprised by the small quantity. Ivan explains that his ranch, despite being big, is in pretty good shape. But he has needs! He’s so insulted by the small quantity that he rips up his agreement and check and heads to the waiting room to badmouth the McGuires to the rest of the ranchers. He tries to convince them to walk away too, which confuses them all since he was the head cheerleader for the McGuires. Ivan comes out and explains that although JJ is richer than the rest of them, and his ranch is in really good shape, he wants more than the rest of them. Ivan asks the other the ranchers to see for themselves what they’ll get, and THEN make a decision. JJ continues to spew hot air and threatens to go to the Ministry of Agricultural Affairs (Recursos Agrarios) to make a complaint. He leaves in a huff. The ranchers argue about whether to follow JJ or see what the McGuires are offering. The ones who think they should follow JJ are idiots.

Lucia drops Carly off at the hospital. Inside, Carly meets Benito and sits down to chat with Toni. First business, and then other stuff. Benito hands her the check and makes a hasty retreat. Carly is shocked by the large quantity. She doesn’t think they need so much. Toni says it was Ivan’s decision, which shocks Carly. He hasn’t forgiven them, but he’s a fair man. Carly has no doubt. He inherited his goodness from his mother. Toni reveals that he knows who Ivan’s bio dad is. There are no secrets between them. He even knows that Alicia died from a botched abortion. He asks Carly if she thinks JJ was the baby-daddy. Carly doesn’t think so, and tells Toni how she threatened JJ to keep away from Alicia years ago when Ivan was a young teen, when JJ tried to pressure Alicia to be his lover.

Ivan and David chat about JJ’s latest antics. David is sympathetic towards his father, but Ivan is not hearing it. David is either with them or with his father- his decision. David is firmly in the McGuire camp, and feels that his dad deserves to be in this situation. All these years he’s been the association president, JJ’s authored many scams/fraud ( tranzas). Ivan wants to hear the details. David starts with the high interest rates his dad has charged the members. We don’t hear the rest.

Outside the hospital, Lucia is waiting for Carly in her car and is surprised by Ivan at her window. She turns down an invitation for coffee, since Carly may be coming out soon. Ivan calls Benito to see if Toni and Carly are wrapping up. Since they are not, Ivan extends the invitation to Lucia once again. She can’t refuse his pleas.

Toni and Carly continue the discussion of Alicia’s mystery boinker. It must have been another man, but they can’t figure out whom. Carly calls Toni Ivan’s guardian angel. Toni takes no credit for the man Ivan is. He was always this way. Carly wishes she had done things differently, but at the time she was incapable of yelling to the four winds that Alicia was her late husband’s child. It would have done damage to Lucrezia and her daughters. Had they lived in the capital, where no one cares about other people’s business (obviously she doesn’t watch those tns that take place in D.F., where everyone is worried about appearances or being left in the “calle”), then she would have done things differently. She would have told the whole truth. Toni doesn’t need justifications. He understands. The real injustice of it all was done to Alicia. Toni thinks the only thing that can help Ivan move on is the love of Lucia. They agree that those two crazy kids still love each other, so they need to carry on with their plan to get them married.

In a nearby café, Ivan and Lucia chat over coffee. He talks about his bad day. They handed out the checks, but only some of the ranchers accepted them because of JJ. Lucia says JJ’s greedy and ambitious and she’s never liked him. Ivan’s in agreement. What’s more, there are times when he hates JJ. Lucia wants to know why. Ivan explains about the young girl who once worked on JJ’s ranch, whom he seduced, impregnated and abandoned. He admits this girl was his mother and he is JJ’s son. And he’s not proud of it in the least.

Toni questions Carly about what happened to the baby. She swears she doesn’t know and asks him to believe her. He does. He’s sure she’s a good person and he’s honored to have her as a friend. She feels the same. He proposes that after he’s feeling better, the two of them go on vacation together. Carly blushes. What will people think? He wasn’t thinking just the two of them alone. Ivan and Lucia would accompany them. Carly doubts Lucia would accept since she’s studying at uni. Toni is sure they will find the right time and opportunity soon. The two giggle like school kids at their super cool plan.

Lucia wants to know why Ivan is telling her this. He just wants her to understand the full extent of his suffering. Lucia gets it, but we all suffer for different reasons. “What are yours?” Lucia knows they aren’t as grave as his sufferings, but growing up, the divorce of her parents really affected her, as did the anxiety of her mother and grandmother when they saw their assets dwindle, the constant arguments between her mother and grandmother, and her disappointments in love. Ivan wonders if she’s speaking about him. He puts his hand on hers and tells her he can be hers again, whenever she wants. She wants to know for what? So that he can fight with her family all the time? Ivan tries a new tactic. They can go back to being friends, like when they were kids. Lucia points out that she was in love with him back then too. “And now I’m in love with YOU.” He reminds her of their old times hanging out together, eating ice cream, and playing with Pipo. He thinks they should buy a dog to relive old times. They both smile. He promises not to try anything. Boy Scout’s honor. (Uh huh.) Looks like she’s falling for it when his cell phone rings. It’s Benito telling them Carly is ready to leave the hospital.

Ivan’s still pressing his case for “friendship” as they approach the hospital. Lucia promises to think about it. Ivan politely greets Carly. He takes his leave and asks for an answer soon. Carly’s all for this “friends” plan.

Inside Toni’s room, Ivan gives him the update on JJ’s tantrum, the rancher walk out, and what he learned about JJ’s fraud schemes and possibly even theft. He explains about the sky high interest rates. This is a huge crime and Ivan will happily throw JJ’s ass in jail, despite the fact that he’s his father.

Previews: Camilo presses Ivan to think about the possibility of Alex being his child. Ivan wants to talk to Gerry about his mother and his child. Ivan refuses Maripaz’s plea to pay the blackmailers.


Alborada, 9/12/2011. Cap. 73.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #28, Monday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 72 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's picture. I'm reminded of the old dig, "No, Diego, everybody doesn't hate you! How can you think such a thing? Everybody doesn't know you!"

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

La Pola - September 9, 2011 - Discussion Page

The patriots find themselves at a standstill. Gen. Santander won’t come to Santa Fé to help liberate the Almeida brothers without arms, ammunition and information. Arcos is now Sámano’s escribano and is completely shocked when he hears Sámano say that the Almeida brothers will be shot within a week after a military court-martial. Pola had tried to recruit Arcos, but he was still angry at her for rebuffing and insulting him. With a little friendly persuasion, he decides to meet with her.

Eusebia and Gaspar find out that Pola is the Policarpa of patriot fame. She admits to them that she was the woman to whom Alejo Sabaraín was engaged. They want no part of her. They demand that their donation be returned to them. They will remain sympathetic to the patriot cause, but they blame Pola for all the misery brought upon María Ignacia and their family because of her relationship with Alejo.

Speaking of whom, he admits to María Ignacia that his emotions are in conflict. She doubts everything he says and even follows him to the chicharía where she sees him talking to Pola. She becomes furious and verbally attacks him. This is just déjà vu – use your imagination and memory. The wedding is on, the wedding is off. How will anybody ever marry me after this?

Pola and Juliano meet Arcos and Lopezito in the woods. They were followed and discovered. Arcos tells Pola that the Almeida brothers are to be tried within the week. He also agrees to provide her with any information she wants. Then, the troops who followed them open fire. Juliano is shot. Pola orders Arcos and Lopezito to go since she is more likely to be able to find a hiding place, and, she wants to help Juliano. Pola believes in the standard operating procedure of that day – that women are not executed


La Fuerza del Destino #26 Fri 09/09/11 Righting a Wrong (Who Knew It Could Be Such a Pain!)

As Viewerville makes its way back to the easy chair to catch up on Sr. Anthony’s recovery from his recent heart attack, we find an overly impatient Juan Jaime Mondragon in the waiting area using the opportunity to inveigle Ivan to allow him to invest in hydroponic farming.  Ivan is not about to give ol’ Meandragon any special favors.  He basically rubs his nose in it and lays the decision off onto the recuperating McGuire to decide just in case the bully might think that Van’s going to be an “easy touch”.  Juan Jeil-me asks him point blank what he’s got against him.  Van says you’ll find out when I’m good and ready to tell ya and not before, and then dismisses him by saying he’s not in the mood to discuss business right now.     
At Casa de las Curiel, Lucia asks Camilo how Tony is doing and how Ivan is handling it.  She tells Cam that Van told her they are old friends and she wonders if he knows if part of the reason for the attack is that the two of them argued about her and her family.  Cam is too much of a gentleman to say anything and suggests she ask Ivan himself.  Lucia says she can tell by the look on his face what’s what and Van won’t want to speak to her, but perhaps she can check in on Tony after he’s a bit better.  Cam says it’s as good an idea as any and then hands her his card.  They nervously kid about the formality of business cards and he leaves, but not before he thanks her again and makes goo-goo eyes at her like the local yocal he is.  (Sorry, Cam, but you’re still a small town boy and you always will be.)

At the hospital, Ivan tearfully asks Tony to forgive him for what he said.  Tony jokes around, saying that he pretended to have the heart attack in order to make Ivan feel sorry and laughs.  He then tells Van to calm down [sosegar] a bit, to leave all the hurtful things in the past and to move on with his life.  Van admits that Camilo advised the same thing.  Tony tells him “it’s a good friend who offers good advice” and then asks if Ivan still loves Lucia.  Ivan nods a tearful yes.  So, Tony advises him to go after her because the only reason she broke things off was because Maripaz  threatened her.  Ivan knows that’s probably right, but he doesn’t want to right now cuz he’s had his fill of Las Curiel--enough for a lifetime, and there’s no way Lucia will ever break with her family.  Naw, he’d rather eat glass than go back with Lucia.  (He’ll probably have to walk over broken glass to get her back if he waits too long, but that’s what we in Viewerville are all here to see, right?)

Speaking of whom, back at Casa de las Curiel, Lucia tells Lucrecia and Carlota that Tony suffered a heart attack after he and Ivan argued about what Carlota told them. Lucre-azia bellows out “I told you so!” and bellyaches about her mother’s big mouth.  If he dies, she carps, they can all just forget about their loan! Carlota gets after her for being such a materialistic wench.  She wants to visit Tony, too, but Lucrecia is totally against it.  He’s a friend, very generous, and overall a good man, says Carly.    Lucrazy says she hasn’t seen any evidence of it so far!  Lucia enters the discussion and advises against going to the hospital and making things worse.  She has Cam’s card and phone number, so they’ll find out as soon as something changes.  Since both of them have had enough of Lucrazy, rather than argue with a bellowing moose, the two leave her to talk to herself while they walk off some other part of the house where they can at least hear themselves think!

Later that morning, Lucia and Carlota speak with an attorney and explain their situation.  He needs Ivan’s birth certificate and Alicia’s death certificate to insure that Ivan is who they claim he is.

Cam takes breakfast to Ivan at the hospital.  Van wonders if he spoke to Carlota.  Cam says no, but he did speak with Lucia.  He just didn’t mention it before because he didn’t want to upset him.  Ivan is curious to know if Lucia mentioned him.  Sure, says Cam.  “--Hey, she’s good people—not a snob--and 180˚ out from her sister, that’s for sure!  She’s a babe and you’d be a dope to let somebody like her get away!”  Yeah, says Van, but she’s so close to the other harpies in her family.—Ugh!  Cam reminds him he’d be marrying Lucia, not the others!  (Well, lets just say, you sleep with her and not the others, but perhaps I grow a bit too cynical in my old age for the younger tn crowd.)  Just then the cardiologist walks out and Ivan races over to get the news.              

Carly and Lucia are wondering, meanwhile, where they’re going to get the documents they need.  Lucia gets out Cam’s card and calls him to see if he can meet with her about something on the Q.T.  He says fine and lets her know Tony’s got to stay a while longer in the hospital before hanging up.  Cam lies to Ivan about it being one of the farmers or something and Van mentions Cam needs to go buy some computer equipment.   FF>> 

Lucia explains to Carly about the conversation and says she thinks Cam will know where to look, and, no, Ivan won’t have to know anything until after they hand over his inheritance to him.

Tony is getting better.  We know this because he’s already kvetching to get out of the hospital and about the depressing room they’ve got him in.  He reminds Ivan to authorize the loans, especially since they’re promised and the farmers really need the cash.  Ivan tells him not to wear himself out worrying about business just yet.  He’ll handle things.  Tony mentions he’d like to see Carly and chat.  He asks if Ivan’s seen Lucia yet and Van answers he hasn’t, but Camilo did tell Lucia about the heart attack, so her family does know he’s in the hospital.  Next topic. Tony wants him to find a nice, furnished apartment for Maripaz in a decent part of town—nothing too large, tho’.  Ivan is WTF impactado and asks him why in gawd’s name for?

Meanwhile, back at Corral de las Curiel, Merry Piece flnds out from Lucrazia that Carly and Lucia are going to hand over Ivan’s inheritance and she reads the riot act to Grams.  Carly tells her to talk to the hand [literally, don’t waste your spit on a hissy fit]. Her mind’s made up!  MP complains that Lucia only talked her into it so she could get Ivan back.  Carlota jumps on her with both feet and warns her that if she dares try to make good on that threat of hers she’ll throw her out of the house so fast it’ll make that airhead of hers swim!  Lucrazy immediately wants to know what threat Mama’s talking about.  Carly gives her the juicy details in full and Lucrazy has her own hissy fit.  (Now this is reality t.v.!)  Not so merry now, Maripaz tries to save her skinny backside by lying her way out of it and saying she never really intended to do it, of course! 

Doesn’t matter a whit now anyway whether she does or not, says Mama, because now the whole town’s going to find out about how they screwed Ivan and his mother out of their inheritance (courtesy of Ivan himself) and they’ll be shunned by all of Alamos’ upper crust society.  Maripaz will never find another respectable rich guy to marry her now, either, BTF-ingW!   Ruh-roh!  Definite panic time for MP!  Lucre-azia stops herself from enjoying the satisfying sensation of having thwacked Maripaz across her usually sneering and otherwise self-assured snout.  

Instead, Lucrazia takes away Merry Paz’s house-keys and tells her not only is she grounded, but her credit cards (OMG! the life blood of all spoiled elite issue) are cancelled!  She won’t be going out and she’ll be traveling daily to the ranch with Mama who refuses to let her out of her sight (until that loan comes through, at any rate)!   A death worse than Fate!  She’s utterly exiled from the civilized world!  EEK!  MP stomps and threatens going to live with Daddy.  Lucrazy is like “If only!”

Lucia meets Camilo on the overlook and asks him to look for the needed documents.  She assures him that it isn’t for anything untoward and will even hand them back to him when she’s done with them. He remembers Cleto bringing over his mother a box of Alicia’s personal things after she died.  He thinks he might be able to dig around and find what they need in that box, especially since Alicia needed the birth certificate to get Ivan enrolled in school when they moved to Alamos.    

Ivan and David get things ready for the passing out their pesos to the area’s farmers.  It’s to be done at JJ’s Association office and each farmer is to be brought in separately to avoid any embarrassment or humiliation.  Even the Curiel bunch will get a check.  Davy decides to ask Van if he’s got something goin’ on with Merry Piece.  Van says absolutely not!  All rumors.  Davy says for him having a beauty like her was really a fairytale romance that ended way to quickly.  Poof!  (Ooh!  Bad choice of words.)  They talk about how Davy’s complex is sure to disappear once he gets into the management groove with the McGuires and out from under Daddy Dearest’s domineering grasp.

At lunch Lucia explains to Carly how she and Cam have arranged things.  Lucrazia galumphs in and tells them MP is not eating now that she’s been punished for starting this whole mess in motion with her threats against Lucia.  ¡Aye! Her daughters are such losers!  She brought them up right, so where did she go wrong? Blah, blah, blah.  She ends her gripe session by blaming Lucia for breaking up with Saul in the first place, and then storms out.  Carly tells Lucia to just ignore her.  She knows what her mother’s like.  (I guess it goes without saying that Lucrazia didn’t get her charming personality from her mama.  Anybody doubt that Carly’s got to have been counting her lucky stars every day since Lucrazia hit the terrible two’s   that Teodoro took pity on her when the creep who knocked her up and left her with this pain in the panza actually skedaddled when he did??!!)

Cam finds Van’s birth certificate.  Arcelia discovers what he’s doing in the old work shed.  Cam makes up something about Van having asked him to find his birth certificate for him.  Celia suspects something else is up and nags at him until Cam comes clean.  Of course he has no idea what Lucia wants the documents for, but since she loves Ivan, if she says she’s not going to do anything bad with it then he believes her!

After lunch, Cam walks over the documents to Lucia.  She kisses him on the cheek to thank him and gives him one of her giggle-icious smiles. He’s all hearts and flowers and can’t deny the attraction he feels towards her.

Back at the hospital, Cam lies that he’s late because of his ex-wife bugging him about money.  Ivan moves on to the next topic and asks Cam to get an apartment for Maripaz.  Camilo doesn’t get it.  Ivan explains how Tony is going to use it and a car as a payoff to keep her quiet about Carlota’s marrying Teodoro Curiel when she was preggers with MP’s mama who was really somebody else’s kid.  He doesn’t want that getting out.  Cam is just as WTF impactado as Ivan was and asks if Tony has possibly fallen in love with Carly.   Ivan looks at him like “What do you think?”

At the Agriculture Association office, JJ gripes to Saul that the checks are being handed out day after tomorrow.  He’s ticked because they’re not going to allow him to put in a hydroponics farm.  Saul blows it off and tells him not to complain since the amount of money he’s getting from the McGuires will be enough to get all sorts of renovations done around the ranch and will even be enough to renovate the packing plant as well!  That doesn’t matter to JJ, though, cuz he’s still interested in getting his hands on El Socorro, (or as I believe it more aptly called, Suckers' Ranch) somehow. He still wants Saul to tell the Curiels he needs the deed to their ranch.  For some reason they don’t have it and he throws out an off-hand remark that they seem to be hiding it or something. Saul brings up possibly trying to win Lucia back.  JJ asks him how he plans on doing it.  Saul answers that he figures he’ll stick close by now that Ivan and she are upset with each other.  JJ tells him to do whatever he wants as long as he doesn’t get into a fight with Ivan. 

At the hospital again, Ivan tells Tony how he’s arranged to have the money doled out privately by appointment only, and how much money they’re giving the Curiel’s.  It’s not a lot, but it is fair, says Ivan.  Tony says not to have them pick up their check.  He wants to hand it over personally to Carlota.  He also asks him to have Cam hire a trustworthy ranch foreman and to have Cam see about the daily administrative needs of the ranch himself so that the foreman doesn’t swindle the Curiels like all the others before have done.   Ivan doesn’t want to get too nosy about his love life, he says, but he wants to know if Tony’s in love with Carlota Curiel or what.  Tony scoffs at that notion and says maybe if he were twenty years younger he might consider it, but not now.  He simply likes her as a friend, a very good friend who is the same age and who is familiar with a lot of the same things for their age group.  Tony doesn’t have his buddies to carouse with now cuz they're all back in L.A., so being able to talk to her about some of the same things that wouldn’t interest Ivan or his generation makes him feel at home and comfortable.  That’s all.  Okiedok, says Ivan, and he heads back home. 

Later that night in bed, Ivan dreams that his son is lost in the scrub in the desert or some such.  He’s suddenly holding hands with a woman and that woman is Lucia.  They kiss passionately.

The next morning Cam tells Ivan he’s going to speak with Sra. Carlota to make sure she doesn’t refuse him as ranch administrator, despite Tony’s request.

At Casa de las Curiel, Carly gets a call from Meandragon’s secretary telling her the McGuires are giving her the loan.  Lucia is relieved and they head off to hand over the documentation to the lawyer. 

The lawyer finds out that Ivan was adopted as an adult, and so now he needs proof that Ivan Villagomez and Ivan McGuire are one in the same.  That may prove to be a bit more dicey, especially since they wanted this to be a surprise.  Neither thought that this was going to be such an involved process. Lucia refuses to talk to Ivan about it, either.  Hmmmms.

Back again at Casa de la Corralled Curiel, Merry Piece is bored.to.death already!  Camilo shows up looking for Sra. Carlota.  MP senses the opposite sex of a certain age near and races out to talk to him. “What’s up?  Can’t we tutear considering?  Lucia’s not here, but Mama is.  If it’s to do with the ranch you can speak to her about it.”  She grabs him by the arm and walks him in.  “Do you have a girlfriend? No?  Well, funny thing, I don't have a boyfriend, either!” (Just goes to show that ya can’t keep a good flirt down.)  MP introduces him then to Mama and Mama says anything he has to say to Carlota he can say to her.  Okiedok.  Tony McGuire has authorized him to tell them they’re getting their loan.  However, he’s also told him he wants them to hire a new ranch manager.  Lucre-azia raises a wary eyebrow.


El Mundo de Telemundo - week of September 12 - discuss among yourselves

¡Hola á todos!

Thanks for all the great comments. In particular, thanks to Hombre, Novela Maven and Novelera for helping me out with the phrase, 'Si pedir por fuera.' It seems like a handy phrase to know.

MÍ CORAZON: It seems like we ought to be getting near to últimas semanas with this one. We're up to 80 episodes so I suppose there are another 50 to go if it runs 130 episodes so maybe we're not that close.

After Tiberio obligingly tells Lola about all his property holdings and that Soledad is enjoying 'fresh air' in the country, she deduces that Tiberio is holding Soledad on his ranch in Tijuana.

It was very amusing to see Débora scared witless and deciding to make a run for it when she believed that  Ángel would rat her murderous plans out to Tiberio. Débora ultimately decides that she can't leave Andres. Her parents think that she is nuts.

Ángel claims that he doesn't believe Soledad's story about his mother Tamara. Later, Felix confirms the story for Ángel and now Ángel turns against Tiberio.

Rodrigo gets his cornea transplant and regains his sight. Everybody is happy.

Daniel turns his life around and is released from the clinic.

Tiberio is having bouts of excruciating pain. He won't tell anyone what is going on. He does unchain Soledad, though.

Ángel goes to see Débora. She tries to back off of her previous proposal but finally Ángel tells her that now he wants to kill Tiberio and become God or something. They hatch up a plan, which involves pretending to discover an illegal shipment of acetone in the name of Carlos Gonzales, aka, Tiberio Guzman.


Pablo succeeds in ending the workers' strike. Management's concessions are not good enough for Sacramento but the workers accept them. The sick worker, Fernando, is taken to the clinic in Timotes and promised his job back when he recovers. I gather that Peter, as company representative,  has basically overruled Rafael on the management of the workers.

Catalina's lawyers are played by the actors who played the priest and the doctor in Doña Bárbara.  They are non-commital about helping her divorce Rafael.

Zahra is still mooning over Rafael but she counsels Rafael to court Flor and she suggests to Flor that Rafael might be the one to make her happy. Flor is curious about what happened with Zahra and Rafael but Olga won't tell her.

Rafael offers to pay Catalina's lawyers to drop her case and then threatens them when that doesn't work.

Enrique and the girls of the 4Ps celebrate their victory. Zahra reminds them that they still have to get Rócio out of the asylum.

Lourdes, Mariano's witchy wife, decides to lead a decency campaign against the prostitutes in Nueva Esperanza.

Raimundo's son, the doctor, is on his way to NE.

Catalina seeks Peter's support saying that business would be a lot easier with her than with Rafael. She goes on a tour of the oil works and makes nice with the workers. Pablo picks right up on her making goo goo eyes at Sacto.

Rafael is given one of Ana's auction notices.

Piruetas is jealous of Enrique and Malicia. Enrique tells Malicia that he is worried about what Mariano will do. Malicia is nervous herself but won't tell Enrique why.

Mariano comes to see Rócio. He offers to take her home if she will express regret for what she did and love him (like a brother?) She spits in his face and he starts to strangle her, only being stopped by the asylum staff.

Rafael gives Flor a horse. She names him, Ángel.

Raimundo's son (I forgot his name), the doctor, comes home and it is the actor Pedro Rendón who played Efraín in Herederos and Carmelito in Doña Bárbara. [DB fans: I just noticed that it was Jencarlos Canela, Andres in Mí Corazon, who played Asdrúbal in the first episode of DB. I remember he was very good looking.]

Pablo takes Sacto to a secluded place to discuss who is taking the biggest risk in romance. Pablo claims that Cat is just using Sacto and he risks being dismembered like her previous lover, Alirio. Pablo says that Flor is different. She loves him and he has enough money to take her away from NE. Just then, both men see Flor and Urrieta riding together.

No novelas on Monday for the Miss Universe pageant they've been promoting, I assume.

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Teresa Fri 9/9/11 #135 Juana says “I Wanna” and Teresa leaves Fernando panting for more.

The teasing continues in Zacatecas: Teresa tells Fer she’ll divorce Arturo but first, Fer must break his engagement with Luisa. She kisses him then slinks away. Fernando is left panting – oh what to do? What to do?

CASA FERNANDO: Poor, innocent Luisa still has on her wedding gown while Oriana continues to talk smack about Teresa, saying she wouldn’t put it past her to search for a new husband since Arturo hasn’t recovered his fortune. Luisa defends Teresa as usual. Lucia comes back into the room but tries to leave when she hears the topic of conversation. Luisa explains Oriana is imagining the worst for Arturo while she (Luisa) is convinced he’ll reclaim his old lifestyle. Luisa believes Teresa loves her brother and wouldn’t leave him for someone else. Oriana says Luisa’s youth and naiveté are to blame for her views and her parents weren’t around to guide her(orientar).
VECINDAD: Refugio & Armando talk about the possibility of her babysitting Rodriguito. She wants to take him to visit Grumpy Gramps to see if that will de-grumpify him. FF>>

CASA FERNANDO: Oriana is convinced Teresa has no scruples and thinks she took the easy way up by finding the perfect match. Luisa refuses to believe Teresa acted with premeditation. Oriana is convinced Teresa’s ambition is satisfied with power, wealth, and fame. Luisa bristles and reminds Oriana that Teresa, her friend and sister-in-law, studied and worked hard because she aspired a better life. Oriana thinks this proves her point. Living in Fernando’s apartment is much better than Teresa was accustomed to. She urges Luisa to realize Teresa knows no limits, she always wants more. She whispers devilishly into Luisa’s ear: “Ambition with no limits is an impediment to happiness. It destroys the heart and feelings.” Uy, cucuy! Odiana scares me but I have to agree with this last sentiment.

ZACATECAS: Mar, Doofus, Butts, and Tio-Butts continue their night out and Tio-Butts proposes a toast to the end of bachelorhood and to all the couples: Doofus/Juana, Mariano/Aurora, and Johnny/Pati. The only one without a partner is el Tio – hey, Oriana’s available! Jaja. They’re into some serious drinking here and tio makes a joke, saying they’ve always called Cutberto “el genio” (genie) cuz whenever a bottle is opened, he appears. Yuk, yuk.

CASA FERNANDO: Arturo is hard at work as Oriana gets ready to leave. She tells him Luisa looks stunning in her bridal gown. Arturo mentions he was originally opposed to the pairing between her and Fernando. Oriana agreed she never thought she’d see the end of Fernando’s mujeriego (womanizer) days. (don’t look now momma el mujeriego is baaaaack) Luisa’s sweet and innocent ways won him over. They both agree the couple will be very happy. Arturo’s grateful she has been able to step in as Luisa’s mother figure during this pre-wedding time. Oriana promises to always be there for them. However, someone needs to help Luisa wake up. She’s lived such a protected life that she has no malicia (maliciousness, alertness, awareness). She explains that although Fernando loves Luisa, there will be many women who will come after him, especially now that he’s come into his father’s vast fortune. Luisa needs to be very aware of this. Arturo starts to object, thinking Oriana is about to jump on the Teresa bashing bandwagon. No, she was going to talk to him about Lucia, whom she finds to be extraordinary. She knows his mother would agree that Lucia would be the ideal woman for him. Artruo reminds her he’s already chosen Teresa as the woman he’ll spend the rest of his life with. Oriana disagrees, Teresa chose him and in him she found all the qualities she was looking for in one package: social standing, wealth, and if that weren’t enough, an extraordinary boost (impulso extraordinario) to her insipiente (ignorant) legal career. (Boy, Oriana, tell us how you REALLY feel.) She tells him to think carefully about what she’s said and he’ll realize he was the perfect solution to Teresa’s carencias (deficiencies).

Upstairs, Lucia tells Luisa she was on the brink of quitting because of Teresa. On top of that, Oriana started asking her about her feelings toward Arturo. Luisa tells her not to pay attention to all that, she loves her job and shouldn’t quit. Besides, Arturo needs her. Lucia admits something was telling her not to quit. Luisa suggests she ignore Oriana’s rants about Teresa. She’ll soon see Teresa as a friend. HA!

CASA CACERES: Aiiiiiida’s invited Oriana for a visit. Oriana hopes it isn’t to discuss her efforts to recapture Mariano. He wasn’t right for her just as Teresa isn’t right for Arturo. The perfect couple in her view would be Lucia and Arturo because she’s of the right social standing. They played a round of golf today and he seemed so happy afterward. She doesn’t understand why Arturo stubbornly insists on keeping Teresa as his wife. Aida hopes he’ll someday rid himself of that rrrrrrrrrrata. She lets on that Teresa is in Zacatecas, something Oriana didn’t know! Oriana does a double take: wha-what?!

CASA FERNANDO: Lucia, Luisa, and Arturo talk wedding stuff over coffee. Lucia shares her views on love and marriage, neither of which she’s interested in now due to a recent disaster of a relationship.

CASA CACERES: Oriana tells Aida that Fernando is also in Zacatecas on business --- yeah monkey business ---. She’s sure Teresa found out and that’s why she’s there. Aida mentions Juana’s wedding and assumed she went with Arturo. Oriana clarifies that Arturo didn’t go. Aida can’t believe that rrrrrrrata fixed it so she could go alone. Oriana worries that Fernando is over there while Luisa the Vulnerable is here. Aida is sure Teresa’s in the big Z to go after Mariano again. Oriana’s surprised to hear he’s there also. Aiida’s convinced Teresa’s after him again. Oriana only hopes Teresa isn’t able to get anywhere with either man.

THE BIG Z: Fernando runs after the Strolling Strumpet that is Teresa. He must speak to her. “There’s nothing left to say,” she says. “When you end it with Luisa, then I’ll divorce Arturo. You’re now the one who has our future in your hands.” Who should walk by then, but our head scratching Johnny-on-the-spot! Of course! He’s the one who saw them outside Fernando’s door way back when. Fernando agrees to break his engagement, but first they must be together. She resists and tells him to please go and keep his promise. He responds by kissing her as Johnny looks on. Teresa breaks away saying they’ll talk later. Again, Fernando is left panting.

CASA LEDESMA: Poor little Rodriguito is finally home with momma. Doorbell rings – it’s not the landshark but a Barracuda by the name of Ruben! Dun-dun-DUN!

CASA GENOVENOM: Fito el Maldito tells Geno he was right outside the Ledesma’s home when she called. She’s glad he knows where her baby is living. She wants her baby and wants him now. Fito explains that Ruben had told him to hold off. She reminds him it’s her money and she wants the baby now, understood? He responds, “el que paga, manda, Chula.” Ooooh, so sleazy.

CASA LEDESMA: Espe tells Ruben to scram. The judge’s orders only allowed him to visit while the baby was hospitalized. She starts to close the door on him and he forces it open asking her if she’s afraid to be so near him. She tells him he disgusts (asco) her. LARGATE! He shoves her into the room and wonders if she’s worried about having problems with her husband. He bets that within a very short time he’ll recover her and their son. Their son is what will unite them forever. He jokes about this being the other side of the coin. She’s now married and can have him as her lover and she’ll realize the one she truly loves is her lover. He rushes in and gets her in a bear hug and she struggles against him. Eeeeeew, he’s so disgusting! He tells her not to be so proud and admit that she loves him. She scratches his hand as she breaks free and shouts for him to leave or she’s calling the police. As he leaves he tells her she’ll change her mind, “mi amor.” He blows her a kiss as she slams the door.

CASA CHAVEZ: Refugio is praying to Virgen de Guadalupe that Armando gets that job. He walks in just then to announce he’s got the job as a mechanic’s assistant.

CASA FERNANDO: Arturo’s on the phone with Teresa, telling her he won’t be able to make it to the Big Z. He reminds her he’s home earning the bacon so they can get ahead. Oriana comes in and they chat about last night. He tells her they decided to stay in for dinner and Lucia made a delicious pasta (oh, she can cook, too!) She tells him Fernando is also in Zacatecas, which is news to him. She wonders if Teresa and Fernando have seen each other there. He tells her he just spoke with Teresa and she didn’t mention it but he’ll ask her later. Oriana’s been trying to contact Fernando but apparently, his cell is turned off. Arturo hopes they run into each other (ha!) and that Fernando is able to accompany her to Juana’s wedding so she won’t have to go alone. Oriana figures he says that so there won’t be an issue with Mariano, who is also in the Big Z. This is news to him.

BIG Z CANTINA: Mariano’s sitting at the bar as Johnny comes running in telling him he got lost. Mariano assumes that’s why he’s so nervous. After he slams back a drink, Johnny spills it about seeing Teresa with Fernando. He’s sure there is something going on between those two. Oh, oh, oh, this is getting good!

CASA FERNANDO: Luisa has joined Oriana and Arturo in the den. She hasn’t been able to get in touch with Fernando either. If she’s able to contact him, Arturo would like to ask him to find Teresa. Oriana thinks Fernando will be too busy with business to see Teresa. Luisa tells him not to worry about Mariano. It makes sense for him to be there since he’s such good friends with Cutberto. Now Lucia arrives. Oriana and Luisa leave and Lucia asks what’s wrong. Arturo explains his dilemma. Teresa is in Zacatecas, as is his archrival but he has too much work to leave and go after her. She offers to work all night so he can make it to the wedding in the morning. That won’t work but he thanks her for the offer. He can’t stand the thought of his wife being near that infeliz. Lucia suggests he calm down and think of how much his wife loves him. Surely if she loves him she’ll reject any man that comes near her. He must trust his wife. That’s imperative in any relationship.

CASA GENOVENOM: Ruben is pacing as Geno walks in. She immediately notices the scratches on his hand and knows they were made by a woman! He admits it was Espe. He merely went to visit his son at her house and this is how she reacted. Geno ain’t buying that story. She accuses him of trying to relive old times and Esperanza scratched him in self-defense.

CASA FERNANDO: Arturo is clearly downtrodden and Lucia notices the difference in his mood from last night when he was so happy as in her sketch. She tells him she prefers the “Arturo” in the sketch. Aw, that draws a smile from my handsome hunkasaurus. *sigh*

CASA GENOVENOM: Ruben can’t believe Geno would think he’d want to go near Espe. He only went there to see his son, “their” son. Espe scratched when Ruben tried to pick up his son. That’s the truth! Geno doesn’t believe him – she knows him. He pleads with her not to be jealous. If he didn’t want to be here with her he’d leave. She knows too well how much he desires her. Geno admits this but she also knows how much he desires money and las jovencitas. “Listen very carefully because I’m only going to say this once,” she says. “If you betray me, I’ll kill you.”

THE BIG Z: Mariano catches up to Teresa in a lobby, telling her he needs to talk to her. She wrongly assumes that the fling with Aurora was temporary. She knew he couldn’t live without her. Wrong, Sharkface! Aurora is very important to him because that is true love. She scoffs at this. He tells her he’s only there to ask her to behave and not do anything to ruin the Cutberto/Juana wedding. She assumes he’s referring to her disapproval of the Mariachi/Seamstress match. Wrong again Sharkface! He spills it that he’s aware of her fling with Luisa’s BF. Sharkita is stunned!

CASA FERNANDO: Arturo is tells Lucia he’d very much like a portrait of Teresa. Esperanza arrives carrying the baby. After Lucia leaves, she tells him of Ruben’s craziness. Arturo confirms the judge’s order doesn’t give Ruben the right to see Rodriguito outside the hospital. Esperanza fills him in on Ruben’s aim to continue to come after the baby and also after her. He wants her back and she’s very confused. She doesn’t know what to do to keep him away from her. She doesn’t want Hernan to know about the visit because he’s so jealous. Oh, it was horrible, she tells him. She tells him about scratching Ruben as he tried to kiss her.

THE BIG Z: Oh, silly Mariano. Tere assures him he’s been misinformed. It’s true Fernando is here, but it’s only because of business. He did call on her to advise him (guess that’s what they call it in Zacatecas) but that’s all. Mariano assures her he could care less about her goings on. He’s only concerned Juana may find out and it will ruin her big day. He doesn’t believe her when she tells him she only spoke with Fernando about business. He repeats what he’s told her before. Don’t treat Arturo as she treated him. Arturo loves her, she shouldn’t deceive him. He thought she’d fallen in love with Arturo but sadly, he sees she’s incapable of love. He walks away from her as she sheds a tear. Waah, waah, poor sharkita.

CASA FERNANDO: Arturo and Lucia are working late into the night. We learn that Arturo went to the police station with Esperanza. He gets a call from Teresa but we only hear his side of the conversation. He tells her he’s learned Mariano is there. He tells her that even though Aurora is there he’s still worried. He wonders if she knew Fernando is also there and maybe he can come with her to the wedding. Before he hangs up, he asks her to be careful. Lucia has fixed him a cup of coffee and they talk about jealousy and love. Her ex was very jealous and it was pure hell. She tells him no woman can bear that kind of life.

CASA LEDESMA: Espe is waiting up for Hernan and tells him about Ruben’s visit and that she’s reported it to the police. She hopes this shows Hernan how much she loves him.

THE BIG Z: Fernando can’t understand why Teresa wants him to return to D.F. She explains she doesn’t want to do anything they’ll regret. She promises she’ll see him as soon as she returns. They share a hungry kiss, but she still rolls her eyes.

MEANWHILE BACK IN D.F., Arturo and Lucia have worked the whole night through. They have just enough time to shower and change to be ready for their meeting with the Germans. He holds her hands as he thanks her profusely and says he appreciates all her help. She stammers as she steps away to go upstairs. Methinks she’s been struck by the luuuurve bug!

JUANA/CUTBERTO’S BIG DAY: Inside the church, Aurora is fussing with Cutberto’s charro suit as Teresa gives them the evil eye. Goofberto’s tio introduces her to Goofy’s grandparents. Mariano walks Juana down the aisle and Goofy continues to act his doofus self as Teresa shakes her head in disgust. He acts the buffoon through the entire ceremony which is mercifully cut short for us Juana/Hector fans. The bride and groom kiss and Mariano steals a kiss from Aurora (shocking! Kissing in church?). Anyway, this is not lost on Teresa who is furious.

CASA BARRERA: Lucia is nervously getting ready in Luisa’s room for their meeting with the Germans.

RESTAURANT: Oriana and Fernando are lunching. Apparently, Oriana met his plane on the tarmac and he’s pissed that she was there. She explains that since he claimed he had an urgent business matter she wants an explanation. She wants to see if she can help. He’s offended, saying his father left the businesses to him and he’ll decide how to run them. She reminds him that she and her husband jointly built that fortune. Besides, they’ve always made business decisions together. She demands to know why he has such a curt attitude. He apologizes but says she at times makes him feel like a child, incapable of making decisions. She asks if he saw Teresa in Zacatecas. He admits he did but she was too busy with Juana’s wedding preparations to see him. She’s glad he didn’t spend much time with her and advises him to keep his distance from Teresa. Arturo is a very jealous man and she’d hate for them to have problems. She reminds him of that old saying: El hombre es fuego, la mujer estoga (coarse cloth), Llega el Diablo y sopla. (basically: man is fire, woman kindling, the devil arrives and fans the flames). But clearly, Odiana says, that’s not so in his case, especially now that he’s only a few days from his wedding. Fernando looks guilty as sin and then excuses himself. That Oriana is a smart old broad, she knows what’s going on.

Arturo and Lucia arrive at the restaurant. While waiting for a table, we learn the meeting with the Germans was a huge success. They congratulate each other for their work and then hug. Of course, Fernando sees them hug. Ack! Arturo explains their success. Fernando responds coldly that he sees they’re celebrating. They chitchat about Zacatecas and Fernando excuses himself to go see Luisa and grumbles about being detained by his mother. Lucia notices Fernando’s attitude and Arturo hopes the trip to Zacatecas didn’t cause problems.

THE BIG Z: Quick peek – everyone stands outside congratulating the happy couple.

CASA FERNANDO: Fer arrives home and has a flashback of Teresa promising to divorce Arturo once he breaks off with Luisa. Luisa comes to him, happy to see him and he tells her, “we need to talk.” Eeeek!

THE BIG Z: More celebrating. Juana is wearing a beautiful regional dress. Love it! I’d love to go to a wedding like that.

CASA FERNANDO: Fernando starts by telling her everything is almost ready. She talks of her dress and begins to cry because she’s so happy to see him and how they’re finally going to be married. He wonders why she’s crying. She tells him she missed more than she thought she would and she’s happy to see he obviously missed her too because he returned early. They hug and he has a very worried, guilty, look on his face. What a skunk – he needs to man up.

THE BIG Z: As everyone celebrates, Aurora shares messages sent from Hector warning Cutberto to take care of Juana and wishing Juana every happiness. Everyone’s happily dancing, etc. Everyone but Teresa, that is, who stands by and sheds a tear.

CASA GENOVENOM: Geno has asked Fito if he noticed her “husband” there. (her husband? I don’t recall her calling him that before! CARAAAAAAZY CHICA) Anyway, Fito didn’t see him there. Geno asks him to notify her immediately if Ruben ever appears at Esperanza’s home. Of course, she realizes this will cost more money. It just never seems to be enough. He accepts that but also warns her that if they cross him, things will get really ugly.

THE BIG Z: To the sounds of “Corrida de Zacatecas” the celebration continues and Teresa continues her brooding.

CASA LEDESMA: Hernan and Esperanza share some time together, he promising that he won’t let Ruben ruin their relationship.

THE BIG Z: Back at the celebration, Teresa warns Cutberto he better treat her madrina right because there’s always divorce. Aurora interrupts her and says that won’t be necessary because Juana truly loves him and proved it by giving up Hector. Juana agrees Love is the most important thing. Cutberto picks up a very reluctant Teresa in a bear hug. They raise their jarritas-on-a-rope in a toast and the celebration continues.

D.F.: It’s evening now and Espe drives up to her house with Rodriguito but before she can open the garage door, two gunmen (one is Fito) approach and demand she get out. She complies but before she can get the baby, she is thrown from the car and they take off, baby and all! No Puede Ser!


Friday, September 09, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #101 Friday 9/9/11 Truths Come to Light

Buenos dias a todos. I typed this up as soon as I could since Univision has already made us wait long enough this week for our CME fix!

Selene spills her guts to Jero. Rafael was the father of Berta's baby. Jero's head is spinning. Selene says that Rafa and his hacienda weren't enough for Berta. Besides, Fina forced Berta to break it off with Rafa. It was her idea that Berta should sleep with Matias to make it look like the baby was his. Then Berta said the baby was Jero's because she was jealous that he chose Nata over her.

Poor Jero can hardly keep up with this information dump. He's going to have to start taking notes soon. Selene thinks it's pretty simple. Berta killed two birds with one stone. With one lie, she made both Nata and Jero's lives miserable.

Manuela is worried sick over Matilde. Her heart tells her that Mati might be in the town where Lazaro and Mati grew up as children. Laz begins the search party anew.

Meanwhile, Matilde wanders the countryside with a killer headache. Suddenly, she passes out near a dirt road.

Gonzo calls Nata to give her the good news about Blanca going to jail. Honorio will be free that very day. Nata is overjoyed that their ordeal is over; now she and Berta can go home! Gonzo is confused. Berta is at the hacienda? Gonzo never sent her there.

Jero asks Selene why he should trust what she says. Sele can only give her word that it's the truth. She is spilling all of Berta's secrets because Berta is sleeping with her galan Agustin. Jero was sure that Nata was Augie's lover. No way, says Sele. She knows that Berta and Augie are carrying on together behind Nata's back. Sele knows how the pair of them operate.

Nata moves on from her confusion about Berta. She's just happy to have heard good news from home. (Let's face it, the Monterrubios aren't know for their joyous tidings lately). Gonzo asks how she fared at the hacienda. Nata was fine but home is home. They can't wait to see each other again.

Jero grills Selene for more details. There is no way she will repeat what she told him to anyone else. She'll deny having said anything. Sele thought he needed to know what kind of person Berta really is. She tells Jero to ask Marina about Roberta's miscarriage. Before leaving, Selene says that whatever bad blood there is between Nata and Berta...Nata did not deserve to be tormented.

Matias and Adriana help Constanza prepare for Honorio's welcome home party. Adri is pleased to see Connie so excited about Hon. Mat asks Adri how her talk with Chema went; he can tell she is not telling him something.

Nata gives both Berta and Augie the cold shoulder. She asks them why they are lying to her. "Is there something you two have to tell me?"

Jero broods over this new-found information. What sticks in his mind to most is what Selene said about Fina. "It could have been her." Jero thinks. "It could have been Fina who shot Rafael." (Felicidades, Jero, you are barking up the right tree for once!)

Nata presses Augie and Berta for the truth. Gonzo did not send Berta to stay at the hacienda. Augie admits that he lied; he invited Berta because Fina asked him too. Nata still isn't buying it. Berta swears that Fina made Augie take her in. Nata softens slightly. Berta asks Nata what her plans are now that she can return home. Nata doesn't know. She's still giving Berta the cold shoulder.

Manuela tells Marina (who is Tatariffic as always) that Jero returned to Mexico. Marina had no idea.

Adriana comes out with it; she kissed Chema. They were in the house alone. Matias is upset that Adri didn't tell him about it earlier. He flips a chair over like a child and stomps out of the house.

Lazaro and Carlos are en route to where they think Matilde might have gone. Carlos cries that he might die if they don't find Mati. Fortunately, a kindly family has found an unconscious Matilde and brought her to safety in their home. A woman tends to Mati's wounds and tries to make her comfortable.

Chema visits Honorio in jail. He has something important to tell him about Connie. Hmm.

Regina accompanies Adriana at physical therapy. She will have to walk with a cane but her leg will get stronger in time. Adri asks Regi for love advice. "Is is possible to love two men at the same time?" Regi thinks a person always knows who his or her true love really is. Adri is pensive.

Gonzo vents to Matias about how crummy his love life is. The lawyer interrupts to announce that Blanca's trial is about to begin.

Blanca grips the cell bars as her fate is read. She is sentenced to serve time (indefinitely?) in a psychiatric hospital. Blanca foams at the mouth that she isn't crazy and swears revenge on everyone, especially Gonzo. They drag her away screaming and crying. (Soto does say that they diagnosed Blanca with multiple personality disorder. Apparently her ruse worked. Maybe too well? She seemed awfully upset to have been carted off to the manicomo.)

Fina calls Berta and urges her to come home. She has something life-changing to talk to her about. (Now what has Fina got up her sleeve?)

Honorio strolls out into the sunshine as a free man. Constanza is right there to meet him. Chema spies from behind a tree but his headache causes him to leave. Honorio is cold with Connie and, in place of a greeting, asks her why she let him believe that she and Chema had an affair. Oh jeez.

Matias arrives back at the casa with a huge chip on his shoulder. He asks Adri how he is supposed to feel now that he knows Adri has feelings for Chema. Adri had to be honest with him.

Chema told Honorio that he and Connie were only make-out buddies and nothing more. For some reason, this makes Honorio really angry. Connie said what she said because Hon had already accused her without knowing the facts. She thought he knew her better than that.

Meanwhile, everyone gathers at Connie's house for Hon's party. They are all in decidedly better spirits. Regina and Gonzo are going to have a church wedding and they want Ines and Isidro to be their maid of honor / best man. (As best as I can describe it. "Padrinos" is the term they used for the honored guy and gal who help with the wedding ceremony).

Connie and Honorio re-open old wounds as their arguing continues. They are both hurt and disillusioned. Now they have to put on happy faces for the sake of the party and save round two of their fight for later.

Augie and Berta commiserate in the fields. Their fling isn't over just because Nata found out about one of their lies.

Marina runs into Nata in town. They chat in clipped tones. Nata recalls having bumped into Marina at the airport. Small world, huh? The two of them head into the church.

Lazaro and Carlos arrive at the house where Laz and Mati were born but Mati is not there. But Carlos does find her earring on the floor! They take off to check the pueblo. Elsewhere, Mati's caregiver frets over her high fever. The lady leaves to buy medicine.

Padre gives Marina and Nata their traditional dresses for the fiesta. Jero unexpectedly shows up to have a word with Marina. In private, Padre oversteps his bounds by asking Nata if she still loves Jero. Yes, she does. But there is nothing she can do about it now.

Jero relates everything Selene told him to Marina. She can't give him any details about Berta's medical records. He asks her to think about it.

Honorio is received with hugs and well wishes by everyone at the party. He and Adriana have a sweet reunion. Connie sneaks away from the fiesta unnoticed by everyone except Ines.

Fina watches the fiesta from her steps. (Am I crazy for never having noticed that the Monterrubio Mansion and Hon/Con's place are so close together?) She has a hissy fit when she sees Regina at the party. Fina vows to get rid of Regina very soon.

Avances: Everyone comes face to face at the party in the pueblo. Jero and Augie exchange words and punches.


fregar - to wash/scrub. No clue what this meant in context of Sele's chat with Jero.
Tres pájaros de un tiro - Three birds with one stone. (Sele to Jero)


Alborada, 9/9/2011. Cap. 72.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #27, Friday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 72 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's picture. I suspect Carlos won't have too many more opportunities to post screenshots of Gasca.


La Pola September 8, 2011 - Discussion Page

Summary: The drama in this chapter focuses on the capture of the Almeida brothers. Pola is determined to organize another rebellion and to free them. Alejo perceives her patriotism and loyalty to the Almeida brothers as a person affront. The best I can say about Alejo is that he scowled throughout this episode.

He loves Pola with his whole being, but, he cannot escape from himself and the prevailing belief that a man’s woman should be available for home and hearth. She, however, is now a leading player in the American rebellion.

Sámano now holds plenary powers vested upon him by the king. Sámano not only believes he is God’s representative on earth but also that he is God. No one dares to contradict him. He will try the Almeida brothers in a quick military court martial. They will not receive justice from a king’s court.


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