Monday, February 02, 2009

Cuidado: Friday 1/30/09 "Padre Anselmo takes the stand and Vicente makes a stand"

Due to my unplanned attention to the SuperBowl game, here's a very rushed recap of Friday's episode. Please fill in anything I missed or correct anything that I got wrong. I'll try to add the vocabulary I gathered to the comments later.

Adrian is escorted into Marichuy and Cande’s apartment by Cande. She is very excited to point out that the building has an elevator. Once up in the apartment, Adrian is surprised to see a baby and Marichuy fills her friend in on the history of her marriage & annulment with Juan Miguel, all due to the return of Viviana from the dead. And now, she tells him, it is a year later and Viv’s been murdered (dead for real now) and JM apparently prefers the company of the murderess to me.

Nelson is reading in the garden and Ed shows up. They exchange comments about how they think the other doesn’t like them, all because of Elsa. Ed says that Elsa is her own person, she doesn’t belong to either Nelson or Ed (how very enlightened of him). Nelson believes he lost Elsa. What, questions Ed. Yes, I lost her when we couldn’t have a child.

Mercedes is at Vicente’s and learns he’s ready to paint again. She happily throws off the dust covers from his easel.

Padre Anselmo is still testifying on Blanca’s behalf. He tells the court that Blanca wasn’t responsible for the crime which was committed.

Marichuy and Adrian discuss Purita and Adrian lets her know that he blames his mother. I think MC was encouraging him to not be so hard on his mother, which makes me think she needs to practice what she preaches. I might have gotten that wrong, let me know if I’ve messed up on translation. MC asks Adrian to keep it a secret about the baby and he agrees.

Stefi and Isa arrive at the hacienda. They find Nacho hard at work and start to ask him about Leo. Since they haven’t read the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, they just end up insulting Nacho and he’s not willing to give them any news on Leo’s whereabouts. Mica shows up and tells Nacho she’ll take care of the “ladies”. She tells them that Leo’s not at the hacienda and they tell her they need to leave him a message. They tell her to tell Leo that the woman he’s looking for is not named Lirio, it is Marichuy. If these two were any good at reading people, they’d be able to tell this wasn’t brand new information for Mica, who pretends she’ll pass the message along to her employer (at least I think she’s pretending, since she’s known how MC can be found and hasn’t told Leo as of yet). They leave a note about where he can find MC. They head back to town and seem pretty confident that Mica will deliver it to Leo.

Humberto is at the castle and asking Rocío for news about Beatriz’s baby’s baptism. He finds out the date and is excited because he doesn’t have appointments that day. Pretty presumptuous to think he’s invited, but what do I know, maybe he is invited. He gets up to leave and tells Rocío to remember that he loves her. She doesn’t reply.

Becky visits Vicente and they talk about Israel a bit and then they start to talk of Marichuy. Becky tells Vic that she heard about MC from Rocío. Vic looks moved to hear Rocío's name and we see he’s been working on her painting. Becky says she thought he was trying to forget her. He doesn’t respond to that directly, but instead shows Becky that he’s got some slight movement in his legs.

Rocío flashes back to some of the happy times with Vicente and then hears Humberto say he loves her. She's conflicted.

Vicente works with some dude in hospital scrubs, named Sergio. Vicente gets Sergio to help him stand up from the wheelchair. Vicente waves his arms to keep his balance, but he succeeds in standing on his own.

Padre Anselmo says that Viviana did not live the purest life and perhaps what befell her was a form of punishment from the Lord. The Lawyer is shocked at what the priest is insinuating (as am I, I have to admit). The Lawyer asks about PA’s relationship with Juanmi. PA says he admires JM and knows him pretty well. The Lawyer questions JM’s involvement in Viv’s death and PA says that all JM tried to do was protect Blanca from unjust punishment, he had nothing to do with it otherwise. He adds that he knows Blanca, as two people—first he met her as Blanca, but soon after saw her as Ivette. They are two different people, the priest tells the court. The fact that the priest seems to think she's suffering under this disorder seems to rock the courtroom.

Ceci cries to Patricio about how PA was not at the church. Pat reminds his wife that PA is testifying for JM. They talk about Ceci’s conversation with JM and how JM thinks that MC might have been back in town to get papers for her wedding. Ceci is upset to think that their daughter might be getting married without them.

Marichuy talks to Olga about Purita and Adrian. Olga asks about Leo and MC tells her about how Leo got his nickname. Olga asks about MC leaving him, when they were to get married. MC says she hopes he’ll find someone new, who can really love him.

Stefi visits JM and he asks why she’s always coming around and why she failed to mention that MC was at the house. Stefi says she thought Rocío would have given him the 4-1-1. He says she didn’t, not until recently. He runs through what he knows and Stefi says she’s got nothing more to add other than MC telling her that she’s leaving D.F., to go some place Far, Far Away (perhaps to hang with Shrek and Fiona). To be with whom?, JM asks. Stefi says, “Come on, you know that we don’t have that kind of relationship, there’s no way MC would tell me.” He buys that answer. Then, Stefi asks about Blanca’s case and JM fills her in on the latest, and how the court isn’t accepting the idea of her having multiple personalities.

Padre Anselmo tells the court (with accompanying flashbacks) about meeting Blanca when Rocío brought her to the church for help. He says that she confessed to him that she killed Viviana. The Lawyer questions why the priest hadn’t come forward with this information and PA reminds him that confessional secrets are binding.

Leo goes to visit JM at the castle. The two men are happy to see each other and hug. They talk about how many years it has been since they've seen each other and JM asks Leo what he’s been doing. Leo talks about his travels, and how he’s there today because he’s looking for a woman.

Marichuy tells Cande how Amador has suggested he might have her wearing a wig. She goes on to tell Cande how her name will be on the marquee and Cande clarifies that it will be MC’s professional name, Alejandra Robles. MC says how her picture will be in magazines.

Meanwhile, Pat is reading and comes across an article about the play MC’s doing, along with her picture. He goes and shows it to Ceci. Stefi appears to be shocked that MC might be located with such ease. Ceci is happy to know that they’ll soon be with their daughter. Pat basically tells her, hey I’ve shown you how to find MC, which you want so badly, but don’t ask too much from me, I’m not the one bound and determined to be reunited with her. Pat leaves and Stefi asks her what she’s going to do. Find her, Ceci answers. What if she rejects you? Stefi questions.

MC adds her personal touch to the apartment. She takes photos of her, Cande, and the baby and puts them up over the photos Amador has of himself around. She thinks of Juanmi and how Padre Anselmo’s been wanting to tell her who her parents are.

Amador visits Nelson and gets some news about the upcoming baptism of his son. He learns that Beatriz named the baby Eduardo. He’s not too happy to hear that his son is being named after Ed. Nelson tells him that Ed is adored by everyone at that house, and that Nelson, himself, doesn’t think Ed’s such a bad guy. Just then Beatriz comes outside and sees Amador talking with Nelson.

Marichuy’s in the theatre, sitting in the audience during a rehearsal. Ceci walks in and spots her. Ceci comes up to Marichuy and says her name. Marichuy looks up and says “Usted?” END OF EPISODE


Sunday, February 01, 2009

Tontas no Van Friday 1/30 A little light comedy (Not!)

The entire town stands motionless, throughout the dark and stormy (but with a full moon) night, waiting to see if PadTad has “recovered”. Meanwhile, Eeyore, Mariachi and Capricho swear a blood oath that they will never ever work on a show like this again, and they pledge eternal brotherhood, para siempre. Sofia “leaves” the hacienda again, and Juan, Oscar and Franco try to figure out (again) where he left his doo rag (it’s on his pants, but he put them on “backwards”). On the other side of town…..wait a minute, wrong telenovela! Oh well, wouldn’t it be nice if ours was as fun as that, but Tontas is a “light comedy”, so let’s see what fun stuff happened.

Unfortunately, this was the leukemia episode. As we saw last time, Chava has leukemia, and in this episode, we see how all the people in his life find out, and how each one reacts. It tells us something about their character.

We begin with the Doctor telling Candy the results of the tests. Candy is shocked and distraught, staggers out of her office into the hall, and sinks to the floor. Santiago arrives, and when she tells him, he’s immediately supportive, telling Candy that leukemia is not considered a mortal or deadly disease any more, and Chava will be okay. The Doctor comes out and reaffirms this. He tells Candy that leukemia means “white blood” in Greek, and that’s where the name came from. It’s an excess of white blood cells. But there are treatments, such as chemotherapy, and bone marrow (médula ósea, in Spanish) transplants. Candy is still dazed and sobbing, and Santi says maybe we should go to the cafeteria and talk more calmly about this. Soledad and Meño come in, and Meño goes to comfort Candy, who is inconsolable.

Meanwhile, in our other theme for tonight, Alicia finds a bill for some womens’ clothes she didn’t order. She thought it was a present, but no, Patricio fesses up that they were for “the mother of his son”. Alicia is not too happy that Pat seems to be seeing more in Soledad than just “the mother of his son”, and warns him that if he continues with this, she’ll kill him. Pat’s too cool for this, and just throws out his better idea. Why don’t we get divorced? This was NOT what Alicia was hoping for.

Candy, Santi, Meño and the Doctor are talking in the cafeteria. The doctor discusses the treatment options, but Candy is still worried that Chava could die. Santi takes her hand and tells her Chava will be okay. Santi, Meño and the Doctor all pledge their support. Candy needs to go for a walk, and Santi goes with her. The first thing she’s worried about is how she’s going to tell Chava. She feels like dying, but Santi reassures her, telling her she’s a good mother, and will know how to tell Chava. He hugs her. The music plays a theme I’m going to call SIS (Santi is supportive).

Charly is arguing on the phone with his Mom, who had just told him Meño was gay. Charly doesn’t believe it, thinks Ma is making this up because she’s depressed or angry. She cautions him that he’s in for an unpleasant surprise, but he doesn’t buy it, and says he’ll prove Meño is straight.

Alicia is giving Pat a bit of a shoulder massage, while he continues to use the word pioja (louse) every two seconds, even calling her one in what he must consider a playful way. (As someone pointed out – I think it was Margarita – Pat’s two favorite words are “louse” and “sexy”). If he ever gets together with Candy, I hope she cures him of this, because these are not really too flattering for him). Alicia asks what Pat would do if she had a lover, and he responds that before killing him, he’d get divorced. Alicia notes that he has now mentioned divorce twice. Is he serious? Apparently so, as Pat coolly observes that they could still “just be friends”.

Candy and Santi are walking now, in a park or garden, with flower bushes and a high stone wall below them. Santi says it’s a magic place. He comes here when he has a wish. He shows Candy what to do. You take a flower petal, make a wish, and blow the petal off of your hand. No matter where it falls, an angel will come down, and take your wish to God. She wishes for Chava to be cured, and blows the flower from her hand, but she still is worried. (not to break the mood, but I sort of thought the actors were slightly laughing in this scene, because both flowers only flew about two feet and got stuck in some bushes, instead of floating down over the stone wall). Santiago says that he once heard that we’re all angels, but there’s just one wing, and the only way we can fly is to hug each other. SIS plays again. (Santi is sure ready with a bunch of magic places and treatments. There was a place on the beach, where there was something with two halves of the orange, last week he taught Candy the scream your name technique, and now blow the magic flower. There may have been more, but I can’t remember).

Charly’s upset, and Meño asks him about it. Charly was arguing with someone (his mother), but he really doesn’t want to tell Meño now, and wants to go see his novia. But he notices that Meño is upset, and Meño tells him about Chava. Charly is concerned, and offers to stay or help in any way needed, but Meño says it’s better for him to go see his novia now. As he leaves, Meño thought bubbles that Charly should never find out that Meño’s gay.

At the Institute, Bárbara, Lulu, Chayo, Ceci and Marissa are discussing the sad news about Candy’s son. Lulu’s uncle died of it, but Chayo’s more positive and hopeful because of modern medicine. Ceci thinks people can still die from it, but Chayo urges them all to try not to let Candy see them with such sad faces. Marissa says nothing, but walks out of the discussion, looking worried (but maybe not so much for Chava, but for herself and Santiago).

Chava himself is oblivious to the grown-ups’ preoccupations, and is playing happily with a toy plane while Gregoria fights back tears, and Meño urges her to try to laugh, so Chava won’t pick up on their worries. He tries to laugh himself, but it doesn’t come out too well.

Another depressing discussion is taking place, this time Chayo telling Ceci that if Ed gave her all those flowers, he feels guilty, and must be having an affair. Ceci wonders if she’ll stay quiet as usual, and Chayo doesn’t know what to do. She dreads (me da pavor) that he might leave, and the nights she spent at the Institute were terrible, she feels incomplete without Ed. The worst part – she thinks Ed’s lover is not just a little adventure, but something serious, that he’s been seeing the same amante for a while.

Raúl and Ed are talking about the same thing. Raúl thinks Ed’s time with his lover is taking him away from the guys. Ed upset about the situation, and says Santi’s been no help. And he’s upset that Chayo is still going along suffering in silence. For once, he wishes she’d kick, scream or claw! At this point, Ed’s cell rings, and it’s the amante. This time Ed tells her he cannot go out with her tonight, has she forgotten he's married? All this time he’s absentmindedly choking Raúl, who isn’t so happy to be on the receiving end of Ed’s confusion.

Marissa has called Santiago (still consoling Candy at the stone wall) to let him know that all the ladies at the Institute know the situation, and will be supportive. After hanging up, Santi promises Candy money, doctors, his friend the specialist or anything else Candy should need, and she is truly grateful.

Charly and Lucía are also talking about Chava. They’re worried, too, but each time they hug to reassure each other, Donato appears with a bullhorn saying “No hugging allowed”. Charly then tells Lucía the other thing on his mind. He wants to get Lulu together with his Dad (Lucía doesn’t realize this is for Charly to prove his mother wrong). Lucía has a great idea, how about a romantic dinner, in the form of a blind date! They scamper off to plan, as Donato’s bullhorn warns them against going into a “forbidden zone” (upstairs).

Continuing with our light entertainment for this evening, Alicia is now stalking Soledad. Soledad leaves her house, and Alicia (in another great outfit of sparkly black clingy dress and thigh-high grey suede boots) walks toward same house, holding something sinister in her hand.

At Santi’s house, Marissa tells Isabel about the leukemia, and right in front of Rocío’s half opened door, tells Isabel that Chava could die. Of course, Rocío heard.

By this time, Soledad’s back from the market with a few groceries. I guess what Alicia was holding really was sinister, because written in spray paint on the front of Soledad’s house are the words “You’re dead, bitch”, along with a smiley face. How nice of Alicia to add that little extra touch. Sole knows who did it, and calls Pat.

It’s getting dark, and Santiago has been with Candy all day. They’re outside her house. She’s more tranquil now. She knows she has to be strong for her son. Santi tells her not to try to do it alone. Accept the support from her uncle, her mother, and her friends. She thanks him again, and as she goes into the house to somehow tell Chava, she gives Santi a look of deep appreciation for the strength he’s provided to her this day, and Santi returns the strong, assured look. The music’s a little happier. But after Candy leaves, we see Santi looking the other way, very worried, almost crying, with his pupils sort of spinning (the way they did in LFMB when he lost Lety).

It’s time for Candy to tell Chava. Chava wonders why she’s crying. She asks him to get Merengue. He brings back the cat puppet, and the puppet says he has a tummy ache. Chava is surprised that Merengue is sick, but Candy says it’s okay, because Merengue will get well, just like you. Chava happily shows his muscles, saying he’s not sick. Candy quietly relates that Chava is a little sick, and is going to have to go to the doctor a lot, and won’t be able to play fútbol, or do a lot of other things. With Merengue’s help, she gets Chava to laugh, and they pretend to have a laugh war, but Candy’s laughs barely hide her concern.

Pat arrives at Soledad’s to see Alicia’s grafitti, He says it could have been a kid, but Soledad saw a red car out of the corner of her eye, and knows it was Alicia. She’s crazy. What is Pat going to say to her? Nothing, but he’ll take care of the situation.

Lulu is showing a mysterious note to Chayo. The note is composed of letters cut out of a magazine (the way people do with ransom notes) , and is unsigned. It’s very colorful and happy, tho. In it, the writer says he needs to see Lulu, he’s a timid fool, let’s meet in the park. We know Charly and Luc wrote it, but Lulu thinks it’s from Meño, who’s too timid to sign it. She gets all excited, asking Chayo what to wear, what makeup, how to do her hair, talking a mile a minute, so much that Chayo can’t even get a word in.

Santiago is now reassuring Isabel and Marissa about Chava, saying that Chava is going to be okay, but we don’t have to worry Rocío yet. Isa tells Santi that Rocío already knows, and Santi also takes this in, but says we’ll all work together. Marissa then touches her tummy and asks “what about my baby?”. Great timing. Santi doesn’t get into any discussion, just repeats that everything’s going to be okay.

Beto arrives home to see Pat painting the front of his house (the grafitti has been covered up). He wants to know what’s going on, and Pat just tells him it’s a work of art. Beto says his Dad used to paint the wall before he left, and Pat says maybe Beto should call his Dad and ask him to come visit, and they can all paint. Beto wants to try his hand, so Pat gives Beto the paint roller, and they have a nice father/son bonding moment, painting the wall.

Now Meño has also received a note (prepared by the juvenile matchmakers) inviting him on a date. He shows it to Candy, and he’s excited. Who’s it from? He has someone in mind (a guy, I believe), but Candy says it could be Lulu. Meño can’t believe Lulu is really that determined (lanzada), but Candy says Lulu sure is. However, it could be someone else. Meño’s heart is palpitating at the possibility, but feels guilty to be happy about this. Candy thinks it’s fine to have something to be happy about. Okay. Meño will go on the date, but if it is Lulu, he’ll get out of there pronto (salgo disparado como tapon de cidra – literally, get away like a cork from a bottle of cider, I think), without Lulu’s realizing. Candy agrees, it’s a deal.

Santi is comforting Rocío on the sofa. Rocío wonders if Chava’s sickness is like a cold. Santi explains that it’s more than that, Chava will probably have to go to the doctor a lot, and maybe even the hospital, but he’s going to be fine. Rocío then asks if God’s punishing Chava, since a girl at school said illnesses are punishments from God. Santi says the girl is completely wrong, God is good, and would never do something like that. Chava will be okay (SIS theme plays again).

Well, even the Abandonados are out of hijinks. They’re sitting around a table eating dinner, with long faces, drinking wine instead of beer. Some of them say we shouldn’t be too sad, so let’s at least have a toast to Chava’s health, which they do, in a restrained way.

Pat is fuming mad at Alicia, knows she painted Soledad’s wall, and says the next time you do anything like that, will be THE LAST. Alicia is not to be deterred, and asks if Pat’s in love with her. Pat reiterates, he was only in love one time (with Candy). Maybe Alicia shouldn’t have asked.

Raúl briefly gives his support to Candy, and leaves. Candy can’t sleep, so Gregoria will get her some tea while she works on her column, when the doorbell rings, and it’s Santi again.

Meanwhile, Raúl is now discussing the situation with Marissa, who really doesn’t care as much about poor Chava as she does about poor Marissa. She can’t believe Santi said he was in love with Candy’s “youth”. She’s no old hag. Raúl asks whether Santi might just be marrying Mari out of obligation, because of the baby, but Marissa says no way, he loves me, he’s just confused. Raúl wonders if Marissa’s fooling herself, maybe she should just break up with Santi. Mari insists Santi will change, as soon as they get married, just as he did with Paulina. Raúl doesn’t understand what Paulina has to do with this. Well, she left him alone with a kid, and he changed. No problem. But Raúl says Candy’s not Paulina, Santi might really love her. No way, says Marissa, maybe Candy just wants his money! Raúl gets mad about this part, and pleads with Marissa to get real. She’s acting like novias of alcoholics, who think as soon as they get married, the guy will stop drinking. Marissa doesn’t want to hear this either, tells Raúl all he does is yell, it’s like a drill on her ear, go yell somewhere else. Or maybe it’s like a right handed punch (derechazo, also a right handed pass with the cape in bullfighting). Well, go punch somewhere else. Raúl goes off maybe to do just that.

And now, we finally have a “Fuego” moment, as the half charm that guy left for Candy the other day magically glows as Candy lights a candle in front of Chava’s picture (only we can see the magic, tho). Santiago has stopped by just to give her one more moment of support (and play the SIS theme), but the real reason (as far as we’re concerned) he stopped by was so he could also see the magic amulet glowing. He picks up the amulet and asks Candy where she got it. Someone just gave it to her, saying that (and then he finishes for her) when she finds the other half, she’ll have true love. She is a little astonished he knows, but after he leaves, she squeezes the talisman, and prays to God for Chava to be cured.

In the morning, Candy visits the doctor. His brother is a specialist, and in the meantime, they can start treatment, and maybe at some point, do a bone marrow transplant.

Bárbara is “helping” Chayo, saying all men are the same, Ed must love Chayo because he hasn’t divorced her yet, Ed’s one of the worst womanizers, lots of other helpful things. Thanks, Barb.

Raúl, like a bull in heat, bursts into Santi’s office to give him the derechazo Marissa demanded. He grabs Santi’s throat and while shaking him, tells him he’s a traitor, and he better marry Mari or he’ll be very sorry. Santi pushes him off, saying what kind of idiocy is this, what right do you have to come into my office and shake me (zangolotearme) like that! He says Marissa told him he she couldn’t get pregnant, so he was taken by surprise. Then you don’t want the baby? roars Raúl. No, I want it, it was just unexpected. And if you don’t calm down, I’m just walking out of the office and leaving you here. No, I’ll leave, shoots back Raúl bitterly. But you know what you have to do, he adds on his way out.

The doctor has come to Candy’s house to set out the regimen for Chava’s treatment. He tells Candy, Meño and Gregoria the new realities. From now on, try to avoid any contagious things with Chava. Only one or two people should be with him at a time. Anyone near him has to have totally clean hands, and they have to wear facemasks (tapabocas). You have to be very careful with his food. And even after the operation, he’ll have to be cared for very delicately. Is the operation dangerous, asks Candy? Well, the real danger would be not to operate.

Santi is typing a letter to Raúl on his computer, since speaking directly was causing too much anger. Santi is calmer now, and in the letter, he admits that he is in love with Candy. The love took him by surprise, and for a while he didn’t realize it. But don’t worry, Santi will marry Marissa. Santi loves his two daughters, but he’ll love the new baby just as much. The baby is innocent, and deserves to live a happy life. But Raúl, he adds, don’t ask me to be happy when I’m giving up the woman I love, and you don’t know how much it hurts me. Un abrazo, Santiago.

Pat was driving when Meño almost walked into his car. He gets out and asks Meño what’s wrong. Meño says Chava’s name, then thinks better of it, and says, sorry, I can’t tell you. He leaves Pat wondering what is going on.

Candy, wearing the facemask, goes to Chava’s bed, explains to him that he can’t play with Beto for a while, he’ll have to go to the doctor a lot, but later everything will be back to normal. Chava’s still in an excellent mood, and asks if Mom can bring the television into his bedroom. She will.

Gregoria came to tell Alicia the news, too (at least just about everyone knows now, they got that part over with – on my recap night, thanks a lot). Gregoria thinks Alicia should tell Pat, but Alicia says no way, he’s not going to find out, he doesn’t have to find out. At this point, Pat walks in, asks what do I not have to find out?, and we’ll have to wait until Monday for Alicia’s response.

Not quite the happiest of episodes.

But next time – Chava’s going to need a donor (what a surprise!).


Médula ósea – bone marrow
Me da pavor – it gives me dread, or terror
Lanzada – determined
Salgo disparado como tapon de cidra – I’ll hurry away like a cork from cider (not sure of this one)
Derechazo – a right hand punch in boxing, a right hand pass in bullfighting
Zangolotear – to shake somebody
Tapabocas - facemasks


Saturday, January 31, 2009

Fuego en la Sangre, 01/30/09: Coyote Hits Pay-Dirt!

Capítulo 187

As we in Viewerville begin another of our nightly forays into the land of Mexiloon, we join-in-progress as two-thirds of the Reyes Brothers’ brain trust is at the Double E (Hacienda de las Elizondo y del asqueroso ese, Escandon) watching Fernando throwing papers from his safe into a satchel. Ah-hah! Fer has left the mysterious little wooden chest behind so Franco immediately hands it to Oscar, the crip on the crutches, to open. However, before The Disabled One can perform this nifty balancing act, Fernando suddenly grabs the mystery-box out of his hand and stashes it along with the rest of his stuff into the satchel then exits stage left. (“It’s a fine mess you’ve gotten us into, Stanley!” --Sorry, but the similarity to Laurel and Hardy here is just too overwhelming to ignore.) Now all the incriminating evidence is gone in a flash cuz Feo’s got his stash.

At the same time back at Comisario Central, Muttonchops is forced to let Darth Rico go for lack of evidence. However, DV cannot leave town because there’s still a homicide investigation. Darth says no way he’d dream of leaving this berg till he’s finished what he came for. He makes a show of ambidextrously checking his two pistols and struts out the door. Padre Tadeo, who’s come to get Fermin released, walks out from the cell area and is told that Raquel Uribe was found dead at the bottom of a ravine and that Juan has accused Darth of killing her. Pad Tad thinks to himself that he hopes now Gabi will wise up and kick out that murderous bunch from her hacienda. He then takes Fermin back to the rectory.

Back at the Double E, Juan goes upstairs to his room after seeing Fer walk out the door with his man-purse. HIs brainiac brothers tell him what just happened. We get two minutes of Larry, Curly and Mo arguing about how they just let Fer get one over on them. The only thing missing are the eye boinks and the head-slaps.

Meanwhile, Feo enters the rectory office and hides his m'urse of goodies in the base of a pedestal underneath a statue of St. Francis of Assisi. (¡Qué ironía!) Padre Tadeo enters immediately afterward and asks him why he’s there. Feo fudges and says he has been waiting to speak to him and the priest lights into him immediately about being in no mood to hear a confession about his murdering Raquel Uribe. For only the second time in his life Fernando is honest and denies any knowledge that Raqui was offed. Fermin is unlucky enough to walk in behind Tadeo. Feo warns him about opening his mouth. Pad Tad jumps in to tell him to save it because Fermin fears not, that Fer’s time to pay for his wicked ways is fast approaching and BTW, Gabriela has now confessed and repented whole-heartedly of all her sins so not to go counting on help from her end either. Feo knows she’d actually have to have a heart first so he just stands there and smirks.

Speaking of the aforementioned Heartless One, she is now sitting in her bed and devising another plan to keep Jimena and Sarita with her at the hacienda indefinitely (if not longer). She tells herself that if Sofia leaves then they’ll follow her and she’ll be left all alone there. So, whatever it takes, she’s got to keep Sofia there for her own protection.

Sofia, meanwhile, is downstairs telling her sisters she’s leaving the hacienda because she’s finally had enough of Mama’s guff. Jimena says she’s coming too and asks Sarita if she’s still determined to stay by Mama’s side and give up her chance at happiness with Franco. (Yeah, Sarita. So how’s it working out for you so far? --Will somebody head to the drugstore in town and get Dr. Phil on the phone, cuz this gal is in definite need of some serious intervention.)

Somehow Padre Tadeo has lost track of Fermin and comes back into the rectory office looking for him. He spies a note supposedly from Fermin saying he’s run away because he’s too freakin’ afraid of Fer. Pad Tad tells himself that he must understand that not just anyone can face Eeevil. Speaking of which, the Blood-Sucker, Fernando (note the hanging garlic framing his malevolent mug at the market stall) stops to look at a number of nasty-looking knives. He thinks back to Padre’s words of warning. He snickers to himself and says no, it’s more like time has come to get rid of his enemies and knowing Gabi the way he does, there’s no way she is ever going to truly repent for her sins. He chooses the dagger he wants.

Night falls, and time stands still, as the everlasting “luna llena” (full moon) of Mexidoom rises. Gabi goes downstairs and tearfully begs her daughters not to leave her. Sofia says she’s getting what she wants most, her hacienda, and they’re leaving her to it. Gabi pulls a tantrum and cries that her daughters are all that really matter to her. She even gets on her knees just to make it look good. She promises to change her ways, but Jimena and Sarita tell her she’ll never change. (Hey, is that a suitcase in Sarita’s hands? Hmmm. Maybe Jimena’s a better life coach than I gave her credit for.) Gabi then promises to give her consent to their relationships with the Reyes’s. Just then Juan and his brothers arrive to take the three of them back to the Double R (Hacienda de los Robles-Reyes) with them. She whines and snivels on Juan’s shoulder and tells him she’ll even consent to them with her daughters. Just don't please take them away just yet. Everybody thinks the old witch has gone ‘round the bend.

Pad Tad and his faithful donkey, Platero –yes, the donkey does have a name—are walking back through the woods to the rectory after a very successful day ministering to the faithful when the Grim Reaper suddenly appears from behind in the moonlight. Fernando, jumps out at the priest from the bushes to crescendos of Phantom of the Opera-style refrains. Disguised once more behind a scarf, a serape and a huge sombrero, he attacks Padre Tadeo and stabs him in the gut. (Feo took the tiniest dagger in the bunch. Granted a four-inch blade can kill, but I still find it hard to believe that he actually was able to penetrate through two or three layers of smock and undies or whatever and mortally wound Tadeo. That little thing doesn’t look like it could cut butter, let alone mortally wound somebody. Silly me.) Lightning flashes from the heavens and Padre Tadeo helplessly drops to the ground as Fernando sneers at his handiwork and thinks to himself, “Good riddance, little priest!”

Juan is disgusted with the whole Mama scene and tells Gabi that it’s come to this because nobody can stand her any longer, and both Franco and Oscar tell her they won’t permit her or anybody else to abuse the women they love any more. She promises never to insult them or to interfere with the three couples again. Juan gives up in frustration then and tells Sofia and her sisters it’s their choice. He says they’ll stay there to protect them but just until her mother is recovered, though as far as he’s concerned he doesn’t believe a word of it. Sofia gives in and they all agree to stay on till she’s better. Mother Hen pecks her way back upstairs and her three little chicks follow. (Ugh.)

Oscar tells Juan and Franco he thinks she’s faking too, and it’ll be forever till they get their women back. Juan swears he won’t fall for that again and it will only be until Gabi gets better. (Ha! Oscar is on to something here. A woman with a heart condition that calls for surgery might not ever get well again. They could be waiting till Hell freezes over.) Franco reminds them that the priest told them she’d confessed her sins and repented, but Juan figures she deceived the priest.

Speaking of which, the poor prelate is prostrate as the rain storm moves in. He asks for forgiveness and waits to die. Fernando takes off his disguise and looks over at him from a clearing in the bushes. “Poor Padre Tadeo. Well that’s life! Good things don’t last long.” Suddenly lightening flashes and causes two crossed branches to catch fire. (Holy symbolism, Batman!) Fer walks away in the opposite direction.

Back at the Double E, Oscar is still complaining to Juan about Gabriela’s faking. Juan says he’ll make sure the old lady doesn’t go back on her word and then he reminds them they still need to find their parents’ and Libia’s murderers and to see justice is done.

Upstairs, back in her bed, Gabi thinks to herself that she really hated all that begging and groveling she did in front of the Reyes’s to make sure that her daughters would stick around. She figures that at least Juan will be good protection against Fernando and if worse comes to worst she might even tell Juan about Fernando’s being the one responsible for killing his sister.

At the same time, Feo pulls up in front of the barn. Darth Rico just happens to be skulking in the bushes and sees him. He follows him into the barn and notices him hiding something but doesn’t know exactly what. Darth confronts him but Fernando says it’s nothing that concerns Rico, but he has heard that Raquel is dead and he’s sure that Rico murdered her. DV sniffs. “What can I tell you? She deserved it for fooling around with you!” He slugs Feo unexpectedly in the snout. Fer gets up and tells him he owes him for betraying his father and that it’s his fault he lost everything and committed suicide. DV tells him his daddy was a simple-minded fool the same as Fer and it’s “Wrestle-mania II” for a while till Rico falls to the ground and Feo pulls a nearby pitchfork on him. He’s got his foot on Rico’s neck and Rico is too winded to get out from under him. “You’re time has come!” He’s just about to spear him when Rosendo walks in on them and asks what’s going on. “Nothing. Ricardo was just learning about farming implements and I was demonstrating.” Fer thinks twice about things then and throws the pitchfork back into the hay.

The Reyes’s ride out to Libia’s grave to tell her even though they’ve given up on vengeance for the good of their women and their little daughters, they’re still gonna grab the guy what done her in. It starts to pour outside.

We beam back to the Double E where Gabi has sent for El Coyote. “Pardon the informality of my bedroom.” She hands him the bottle of pills Feo gave her and asks him to check to see if they’re really what’s written on the label because she’s afraid that Fernando is trying to kill her.

On the way back from the Bat Cave, the Reyes’s come across Pad Tad’s half-dead body lying in puddles of mud and they take him into town.

Alone, outside the hacienda, El Coyote takes the pills and crumples the snake trim he’s still carrying with him. “You’re time has come, Gabriela Aceveda, yours and Ricardo Uribe’s also. Forgive me, God, but this is much stronger than I.”

The Reyes’s arrive back in town. Juan carries Pad Tad in his arms and s-l-o-w-l-y walks toward the little clinic as the town folk suddenly appear in droves with torches. (Ok. Now, the guy is bleeding to death—not that we see even the first drop of blood on him—and the whole town, Juan included, gets hit with an attack of Tortoise-ites?) It’s raining cats and dogs outside. Juan suddenly stops in the middle of the town square to pray to the diosito to save the priest. (Now, is it just me, or, shouldn’t he do that AFTER he drops him off at the clinic????? I mean, normally these people run around like chickens with their heads cut off whenever there’s the slightest emergency, but now everybody suddenly gets the S-L-O-W-S????) “Don’t take him from us yet, Lord.” (Yeah, at least not till they get him into the freakin’ clinic!!)

Finally the good doctor races out into the rain and tells them Tadeo's still breathing (now that IS a miracle) and they take him inside and leave him there, knife wounds and all. The doc examines him. (No rush to get an ambulance or a truck to race him off to the ER at the hospital in Puebla City like they did for Gabi and for Sofia. Nope. Nothin’ doin’. I guess Pad Tad’s on his own with this one.)

While all this is going on in town, Darth starts to search the barn for whatever it was that Fer hid. Eventually he finds the bloody dagger (conveniently wrapped in plastic) and slides it under his jacket for safekeeping till the time is right to use it against Fer.

Back at the Double R, Hortensia, Quintina and Eva discuss the fact that Juan and his brothers have started looking into their sister’s death again.

Over at the Double E, Rigo comes to tell Sofia and the others what has happened to Padre Tadeo. He takes Sofia and Jimena to town with him and Sarita stays to look after Mama. Once they get to the little clinic Sofia gets the rundown on Pad Tad from Juan. Everyone is in the waiting room waiting for news. It doesn’t look good. He may not last. Nabor walks over and tells them that he can’t prove anything, but Fernando Escandon has been threatening the priest for a long while now. Caras impactadas all ‘round.

Back at the bungalow Root is looking for Papa Bear. Suddenly Fer (the busy beaver) jumps her and starts choking her because she won’t tell him what she said to get Juan to give her back that document she signed giving Fer half her inheritance. Out of nowhere Coyote appears and pulls him off her. Fer tells him to stick his nose out of it and he starts to go after Coyote, but the posse appear just as suddenly out of nowhere and cock their rifles. “You’re pretty brave as long as you’ve got your men aiming at me, but one of these days I’m going to get you when you’re all alone.” “—Anytime! And don’t mess with Root again or you’ll have to deal with me.” Feo threatens him again but Coyote just stares him down. Feo brushes off his hat and leaves.

Root wants to know why Coyote was there protecting her. He tells her they’ll get together the next morning and have a long chat, but he doesn’t have time right then for it. “You must learn (Grasshopper) that in order to survive one must be patient.” Root is mesmerized.

Back at the clinic, Eva rushes in to tell Juan and Sofia that the town is up in arms and looking to lynch whoever is responsible for attacking Padre Tadeo. (I say fine. It’s about time we get a little vigilante vengeance thing going where Feo is concerned.) Pad Tad regains consciousness just in time to make Juan promise he won’t allow the town to do something they’d regret later. Juan promises and then goes out to talk to the angry mob. Everyone mumbles. The Borg Sisters (resistance is futile) chant in unison, “Nothing that you might say will change our desire for revenge!” (Do-do-do-do. Do-do-do-do.) Juan wins out though, and he convinces everybody to pray.

Back at Hellhaven, Gabi tells Sarita that it’s too bad about Padre Tadeo, but after all, he was sort of looking for it by always meddling where he didn’t belong. Sarita can’t believe The New and Improved Mama would say such a thing, especially after getting right with God. Gabi is quick to correct her daughter’s errant thoughts. “I never separated myself from God, just from Tadeo’s parish. (Sorry, but I have always thought that huge cross on her wall should have been more appropriately turned upside down the way she practices religion.) They agree to visit him the next morning if he doesn’t croak first. Sarita drones on. Gabi nods as if she's listening but actually is lost in her own thoughts that it would be better for her if he dies now that he knows so many of her deep, dark secrets. The priest has just been a regular nuisance for her and she hopes to Hell that he does die.

The town prays for the priest outside the little clinic throughout the night and into the next morning. The good doctor checks Tadeo for vitals and tells Sofia and Juan that there has been a slight improvement. Juan and Sofia rush to his bedside and Juan whispers to him that he must make the effort to get better. He promises to never look for revenge again and to trust in the law. Sofia reminds the padre that the town needs him. He’s their hope and their faith, their word of God. (All right already. We get the picture.) Everything is sweetness and sunlight….

Meanwhile, Coyote is getting ready to drive back to Gabi with the pill bottle. He says to himself that the medicine has definitely been tampered with and if she continues to take it she will get worse day by day. (Woah there! What kind of new leather ghetto garb is our boy wearing now? Will you get a load of the fox collar on that leather jacket of his? Hey, far be it from me to say anything, but isn’t it like the middle of summer there?) Coyote tells himself that Fernando may want to kill her but he’s not going to succeed. Before he does, Coyote will do her in himself.

Coyote gets back to the hacienda and gives Gabi back her meds. He tells her they’re perfectly fine and to take one now to make sure she doesn’t mess up her schedule. She is all smiles and swallows a tablet. She fawns over how trustworthy a man he is. He says his respect for her is just as high, yada, yada. He asks her then why she feels Fer is trying to kill her. “He must owe on a few deaths, huh?” (Sorry, but that phrase threw me.) At first she balks, but he tells her that she needs to trust him and come out with it all so he’ll be forewarned should things come to that and he’s needed to protect her.

Gabi still is hesitant so Coyote says it’s obvious that she loves Fer much more than he loves her. She asks what he means. He explains that the night before he found Feo abusing Root and it seemed they had an odd sort of relationship. It seemed to him they had something going on between the two of them. (Anvil #2 has just dropped.) Gabi refuses to believe this. “It can’t be! He swore—“ “—Don’t get upset. I made a mistake.” He gets ready to leave her "in the hands of her husband whom she so greatly trusts.” Gabi calls him back and says he’s right, that she really does trust Coyote more than Fer. Coyote reels her in a little farther and says apparently not because she won’t open up to him like she used to.

Gabi finally gives in and says okay, to show Coyote how much she really trusts him she’ll tell him something only she knows. He’s all ears. “Speak to me in full confidence. I would never dare to betray you…..” “--I know. Okay. You’re right about Fernando. He’s guilty of a number of crimes.” Coyote knows he just hit pay-dirt. “Among them is the death of the Reyes’s sister.” Coyote realizes it’s not just pay-dirt. It's an all-out El Jefe sized gusher! “Yes," says Gabi conspiratorially. "Fernando murdered Libia Reyes.”


Friday, January 30, 2009

Cuidado 1-29-09. A Dearth of Gentlemen Callers.

Eduardo, where are you? I miss you!

This was a little weird. I guess Tontas ran long or something, because we jump right into the show without the usual previouslies and credits.

Padre Anselmo and Ceci drink tea in the garden at Casa Velarde. Ceci repeats her usual lines. Padre Anselmo tells her he is going to try to talk to Marichuy again and things will change. Let’s hope so. Ceci is a nice lady and she deserves some new dialogue.

Marichuy has fallen asleep at the table while studying her script at the new apartment. Amador lets himself in (should have changed the locks first thing, ladies!) and creeps over to her and sticks his lips right in her face, and it serves him right when she gives him a solid smack in the face as she is startled awake. She tells him she’s having a hard time learning the part because the character talks a LOT and it’s hard to focus because she keeps thinking about Blanca’s trial. Amador is disgusted that she’s still concerned about Juan Miguel’s life.

Purita mopes about chez mamá and stares at a picture and remembers Clemencia telling her to ditch Adrian because they’ll never be happy. Adrian walks in and they stare at each other, wordlessly and with much great significance, for sure.

Padre Anselmo is back at the church and receives a summons to appear at Blanca´s trial.

Purita is telling Adrian goodbye, and assuring him that she´s not leaving him because she doesn´t love him; just the opposite, in fact. Adrian is not happy with this and begs her to stay so they can be together and make their dreams reality. He kisses her, but she says he shouldn´t because she is a nun in spirit if not yet in actuality.

Padre Anselmo visits Marichuy and wants to talk to her about her parents. He´s going to tell her who they are, even if she doesn´t want to hear it.

Stefi wonders if she should have told Patricio where Marichuy is. Isabela says of course not.

Olga is seeing her little girl off at the summer camp convent bus stop. Purita says she´ll pray for her. Adrian runs up, still hopeful that she’ll be overcome by his awesomeness and persistence and reconsider, but is rebuffed. On the plus side, she says she’ll pray for him, too. A nun pushes her toward the convent van and they’re off.

Padre Anselmo goes on and on and on in classic telenovela major important news-sharing fashion about how he is really going to tell Marichuy, he didn’t before, but now he is, for sure, and she shouldn’t try to stop him or refuse to hear him, because it’s important, and he’s going to tell her, and before when he was going to tell her she was still upset about having been so badly treated, but that was then, and this is now, and so much time has passed, and so he’s going to tell her, and besides, now that she’s a mother herself she will understand better how much mothers care about their children, so he’s going to tell her who her parents are, and by now she should be ready to hear this important information, so he is going to tell her. Needless to say, the scene ends without PA telling Marichuy who her parents are.

At Castle San Roman, Juan Miguel asks Rocío why she didn´t tell him that Marichuy had been there. Rocío says she didn´t want to upset him, with everything else that was going on. (What could be more upsetting than having someone you really care about, who makes you happy even when she’s making you crazy, around in times of trouble?) He looks skeptical but she can’t think of any better reason than that because even though Rocío doesn´t know she’s a telenovela character, she recognizes when her actions are just lame and pointless plot devices. She tells him that Marichuy left after she told her JM was marrying Blanca, and that she asked about Mari’s wedding and learned that it hasn’t happened yet. Hmmm…JM´s little pea brain (90% of its functions are devoted to maintaining hotness, and most of the rest to self-destruction) works away and wonders how to make use of this good news that she is not married yet. Although, that news is like a week old, and in telenovela time that’s a full engagement plus a few days’ honeymoon.

PA begs Marichuy to give her parents a chance and allow them to get close to her and explain things. BabyJM plays with the curtains and is adorable. Marichuy is still stubborn and says if her parents weren’t poor and starving like she was, then she wants nothing to do with them.

Rocío tells JM that Marichuy just fled, so she didn’t have a chance to talk with her more. JM tells her about running into Mari on the street. Rocío is wearing the most hideous hair bow. Also she appears to be wearing sweats with high heels. An excellent side plot would be to send her on one of those “What Not To Wear” shows. At the very least, there should be a group hair accessory intervention. The glare off that shiny hair bow is making it very hard for me to focus on JM’s hotness, which is the real crime here.

PA tries to remind Marichuy that her mother was alone and thought she was dying. Marichuy is pitiless and says she, too, didn’t have the father with her when her baby was born, and she nearly died also. PA says that was different, and Marichuy had lots of help, and her mother had no one. Mari curtly says she doesn’t want to hear any more about it and walks out of the room.

Adrian arrives back home (where he lives with his mama, in a much nicer place than the other neighborhoodlums live in, and I love the shade of blue their walls are painted) and tells Clemencia (with barely suppressed hostility) that Purita has gotten herself to the nunnery, so tomorrow he’s leaving too, and that’s that. Clemencia is stunned that her brilliant plan backfired. Ha, I hope next time Adrian comes back, he brings home a girl of the sort they say you would never take home to your mama; that would show her. Judgmental twit.

Estafa is still at Isa’s place and getting ready to go find Marichuy at the theater and ruin her life some more. She’s wearing her detective trench coat so we know she’s serious about tracking things down. Isa wishes her good luck with her evil plans. The two witches cackle.

JM visits Blanca at the jail. Surprisingly, he does not seem to have thought to bring her a file baked into a fruitcake so that she can break out and murder more people, even though she totally deserves that because she’s a good person and would be a great mother and all, except for those pesky little homicidal episodes. She says Licenciado Losada doesn’t think PA’s testimony will be enough, and that they need to find someone from her past who knew her as Ivette. JM begs her to try to remember someone.

Marichuy is onstage at the theater, repeatedly giving bad line readings of “I’ve never danced in my life!” to Amador, who is getting a little frustrated and trying to get her to wave her arms and emote more. They continue with the rehearsal as Stef sneaks in the back. Amador praises Mari’s progress and Stef claps loudly and rudely. She tells Marichuy that she saw Leopardo. Marichuy thought he had gone back to the hacienda. If I understand Stef’s threatiness correctly, she is saying she’ll tell Leo where to find Marichuy. Which is lame, because Mari told PA she was willing to see Leo. Stef should get her information straight before she formulates a plot. Marichuy asks how she knows so much about Leo. Estafa smirks smugly.

Patricio drops by Isa’s place and she invites him to make himself at home. He looks around skeptically like that would never be possible. He stiffly and stuffily tells her he wants to know where Marichuy is. She plays stupid. He tells her Stef offered to get the brat out of the way, but he reacted too soon, before he could get more details out of her. Isa insists she knows nothing of this whole messy affair. Pat isn’t buying it.

JM tells Blanca they need to try everything possible to help her, so she’s going to be placed under psychiatric observation so they can make a scientific study of her case. She says she is renuente (reluctant), which makes him sigh and rub his face. He’s so fortunate to not be acne-prone. Or unfortunate, because if he was he would learn to stop doing that. Blanca looks catatonic for a moment and JM thinks she’s switching to Ivette, but she snaps to and says that Ivette must not be coming out to play lately because she doesn’t want to be locked up in jail.

Marichuy tells Stef to stay out of her life. As Mari leaves the theater in a snit, Stef mutters to herself that she’s going to get that orphan out of town whether she wants to go or not. Then she poses grandiosely on the stage and fancies herself a great actress.

Isab!tch insists to Patricio that Stefi would never ever be capable of doing anything bad ever, and especially not to him because she loves him like a father, and they really have no idea where Marichuy is, for realsies, no way do they know anything about it. Patricio still doesn’t believe her because of the whole Stef-offering-an-offing thing, and says he’ll never forgive her. Oh, we can only hope. At the very least he should cut off her allowance for a week or two.

Beatriz is at Castle San Roman with Elsa and her parents to invite Rocío and JM to the baby’s baptism. Francisco and Luisa will be the godparents.

Marichuy rides her bike back to the apartment, where Cande is playing music and dancing. Cande is not happy to hear that Stef found and annoyed Marichuy. “You’re never going to be free of that monserga (gibberish)!,” she says. Cande is even more impactada to hear that Stef ran into Leopardo. Mari fills her in on Stef’s nasty meddling.

The coven holds a briefing to get each other up to speed on the progress of their various cursings, lies, and evil deeds. They go on and on discussing their whole nasty history in great detail, all of which we already know so I won’t repeat it, to the point where I really hope Patricio planted a bug while he was there because it would be really awesome if they were both caught, filleted, and served to Amador’s wolf. They decide they need to focus on using Leo to get Marichuy out of Dodge para siempre. Isa smacks Stef on the shoulder so hard that she nearly falls out the window, which is really funny.

Cande agrees with me, that they need to change the apartment’s locks, because it’s just too convenient that Amador has moved them here into this place for which he has a key. She knows what he’s like, and makes an impassioned political speech about who they are and why they need to protect themselves. Marichuy can’t really hear this argument all the way from her cruise on de Nile, and thinks it isn’t necessary. She thinks Amador is only interested in her as an actress, even though Cande reminds her of the previous times Amador tried to rape her and pretended to be blind to take advantage some more and all that. Thank you, writers, for remembering! Marichuy blithely says that was a long time ago, like rapist tendencies are something that passes like a 24-hour flu. She leaves to feed the baby so she doesn’t have to talk about it anymore. What’s the big deal? Just change the locks!

Stef and Isa discuss how to go about stalking their prey. Then they leave the apartment, and Isa rudely leaves her garbage by a neighbor’s planters rather than hauling it all the way to the dumpster.

Padre Anselmo visits Nueva Casa again and tells Mari and Cande about Beatriz and Amador’s baby’s baptism. “Amador’s?!?!!,” says Marichuy. Yeah, I can’t believe PA would be so rude as to associate that sweet baby with that jackass either. They invite him to stay for a finger-lickin’-good lunch, but he has to go to the tribunal. He tries to explain to them about the double-personality French woman, but they don’t really understand. PA invites Marichuy to drop by the church sometime to talk about baptizing BabyJM.

Ceci visits JM at the castle and is shocked to hear that Marichuy has been by the house. He tells her he didn’t talk to her, but he understands that she is in the D.F. for something to do with her wedding. Ceci is impactada. JM mentions that he ran into Marichuy in the street and she confirmed she is getting married, but he does not know which lucky gentleman is the winner. He suggests PA might know.

Beatriz and Elsa work on baptism-party planning. Elsa thinks hard booze isn’t appropriate, so they should have champagne. Beatriz worries that it’s inconsiderate to have a party when Nelson is so sick, but Elsa thinks it will entertain him; what he doesn’t need is more free time to think. I think Nelson will just be bummed that they’re having champagne instead of hard liquor.

PA defends Blanca at the tribunal.

Ceci goes to the church, but is told that PA is out and she should come back tomorrow. She is muy upset.

Marichuy laments that no matter how hard she tries, she can’t forget Juan Miguel. Flashback to the greatest hits of their courtship, and then my reception turns to psychotic black and green fuzz so I have no idea if there were avances or anything.

So, JM and Mari still didn’t talk, and no Leo, no Eduardo, no Vicente. Sigh, woe is me. On the plus side, Juan Miguel did not cry, not a once!


Tontas Thurs 1/29 - Never leave the door open

We left our adorable plastic doctor face-down in back of a truck getting arrested by Metro Police, "I'm not a thief, I'm a plastic surgeon!" he whimpers.

Over at the restaurant Sven and Ole are eating the romantic meal of birria that Lulu prepared for Meño. She cries on Charly's shoulder that she and Meño are in love and she prepared the meal to declare her feelings to him but there are difficulties.

Santi's lawyer has managed to get Santi out of jail and his only injuries are a sore shoulder and a broken ego. He performs a rapid-fire recreation of the crimes against him and tries to call Candy from the police phone.

Instead of answering Candy prefers to recall numerous scenes where Santi was very sweet and romantic to her. Kissing, crying, eating palomitas late at night, dancing romantically under the stars. She hangs out at the playground and weeps; she's got it bad folks.

Lalo visits the institute to argue with Chayo, he's been looking everywhere for her, where has she been staying? She whips out her pillow and blankie and plops herself on the couch in the waiting room. Lalo begs her to come home, "I've been a fool, I miss you so much" he cries, a lone tear running down his cheek as they embrace. Crocodiles cry too.

Santi finds Candy and tells her why he stood her up. Candy's got news too, she's in love with Patricio. He glares, she glares, he glares. Santi doesn't believe her, she's in love with him. "What do you care," she asks, "you're getting married and Santiago Junior's on the way, right?"

Lucia and her gal pal swap tales about their first time doing it, they had to shut their eyes. Whatever. The friend asks if Lucia used a condom and calls her a dummy for not using one. Next time a condom, OK? I fear it may be too late for our Lucia.

Charly finds Meño in the kitchen and scolds his dad for standing Lulu up. Meño was busy buying fruit. (The irony of it all.) Charly tells his dad he acts kind of gay but luckily he knows he's all man. Meño tries to act macho...dressed in his pink shirt and lime green apron, doesn't quite work.

Back at the institute Ceci pops in to tell Candy how glad she is she's finally broken it off with Santi. When queried Ceci admits to being in love with "someone". Chayo intrudes and excitedly reveals she's going back home. Candy is surprised to hear she's been bunking at work.

In a heated exchange Gregoria reveals to Alicia that Chava is Patricio's son. Alicia breaks down in tears as Greg tells her to stop being a child and try to forget Candy exists, it's the only way that they'll both be happy. Now she has to go pick up the kid from pediatrics. (Uh oh.)

The ladies of the institute gather to congratulate Marissa on the baby but first a big hand for the one who provided the seed. (heh) Candy hands Santi a bag and pulls out a baby's outfit for the mini America fanatic. She hands him a tiny skirt in case it's a girl. Santi flashes back to a similar scene with Paulina, ah he was so optimistic back then. Marissa thinks it's an adorable little outfit although she's a Yankee's fan. Que??? Candy's look says it all, Marissa is a Yankee's fan and therefore all wrong for the futbol loving Santiago.

Back at his office Santi catches Lalo reading Candy's recent article. How could he read such bull? (Even though he says Candy is muy simpatica for buying the little America outfit.) Candy's article has converted Lalo and he is now very sensitive to the pain he has caused Chayo. They discuss ways to win her back and suddenly Lalo jumps up, he has an idea!

Boring scene at the institute where the new client Gloomy Rita discusses her life, she got married young, her kids are grown, nobody needs her, yada yada yada. Babs pronounces this is the reason behind Rita's depression. They all decide Rita needs to find a project that is hers and hers alone so that she will feel important. Oh, were it that easy to cure depression.

Gregoria goes to pick Chava up at the doctor's. She tells doc she had three kids and she knows his chronic fever and nosebleeds aren't normal so what's up? Doc tells her not to panic, he wants to run some tests on Chava. He pointedly notes that he has known Candy since Chava was born and he knows Chava is her life. Oh dear.

Pato's studying up on high end jewelry when Alicia shows up in a superhot red dress. (Why did she want plastic surgery?) They have an incredibly weird conversation where she tells him she's jealous that he has a son and she's jealous at the thought of all the little Patos that might be running around out there. He assures her except for that one little time he always used protection. She plays her hand, she wants a kid with him. She chews on his ear which explains why one is pointier than the other. He's so excited at the thought of having another kid that he says let's start now. They boink on the chair. No wait, he sees the sign on his open door "Never leave the door open because you don't know who can enter", how true in more ways than one. He shuts the door and they boink on the desk.

Lalo interrupts Chayo at work to give her a huge bouquet of roses. After he leaves she starts ripping their little red flowery heads off and angrily mutters he brought the flowers because he's not going to come home. Hmmmph, recidivist.

Candy has a flashback to when she told a toddler Chava that he would grow up big and strong to be president of Las Chivas.

The kindly doctor examines Chava and decides they need to take a little blood. Alone with Gregoria he lists Chava's symptoms, sweating, fever, nosebleeds, fatique, not to mention nodes and a swollen spleen. He says he'll visit Candy tomorrow at work to discuss the results with her. Meanwhile granny needs to take the worry off her face so she doesn't scare the kid.

Back at home Candy thinks it's odd that the doctor wants to visit her at work instead of her going to his office as usual. Gregoria swears the doctor didn't tell her anything else but she turns away from Candy, stricken.

Santi watches TV with his daughters and upsets Lucia because he won't let her watch her favorite 9:00 p.m. novela, the one with the hairy, fit men. (I wonder which one that could be FELS fans?) Just when Santi and Lucia are having the conversation about why she should call him papa not tío Marissa inserts her selfish self and squeals she's pregnant! Lucia's incensed and tells her TIO goodnight. Rocio's happy and Santi is...not thrilled. (Hombres encuadrados - I'm not really sure what that means, I thought encuadrado meant framed so I figure it means they have nice physiques? Can anyone clue me in?)

Candy and creepy cat Merengue put Chava to bed, she feels his forehead and becomes very sad. Later she prays that nothing be wrong with Chava, he's her life and reason for living.

Jaime and Isabel have a romantic dinner in PV. He wants to show her the piano in the restaurant and as she plays the keys her hands run across a tiny exquisite box shaped like a piano. OMG, there's a ring inside! So soon? Yes, he proposes, will she make him the happiest man in the world? Well? Well? Isa smiles...

Naughty Chava sneaks up on mama and scares her to death! He thinks it's a fine joke because mom has to put him to bed again, meaning we get yet another loving scene between mom and son meaning the heavy anvils are lining up dammit. Candy goes downstairs and talks to Meño. Meño says since Chava was born nothing is more important to her. Again with the "Chava is her life". She feels anxious and sad and asks Meño to pray with her.

Next morning they all have a noisy and frenetic breakfast and Meño takes a chipper Chava to school.

Rocia is ecstatic to see her abuelita and Jaime roll up in a cab. She tells Isabel that she's going to have a little brother and daddy's not going to love her anymore. Isa and Jaime share a worried look.

Uh oh, Chava's test results come in and the doctor looks concerned and rubs his chin.

Candy notes Charly is pensive. He's concerned that his sensitive mama will be affected by what Meño does. Candy notes they've been divorced for a long time and it's doubtful she cares. He tells Candy he's got a "surprise" (he says it in English) and he has "good news" (also in english) but since it's a "surprise" he can't tell her.

Over at daddy's clinic Rocio works on her anatomy coloring book, she wants to be a doctor just like papa. Isa relates her good news to Santi, Jaime proposed marriage! His reaction prompts Rocio to tell him "stop acting like a clown", more importantly she doesn't want a little brother.

Candy and Meño talk about Charly, she wants to know what Charly's gossip is all about. Meño supposes it's because Charly thinks that Meño's in love, God forbid. Candy says Charly is preoccupied about how this might affect his mama.

Raul visits Santi and announces he wants to be the godfather. Santi tells him Lalo already put dibs on that position but Raul is firm, Lalo can wait for other kids because Raul is the brother-in-law. The rule is the mother decides on the godfather and the dad decides on the godmother, OK?

Marissa plays It's-all-about-me with Rocio and lets her feel her baby tummy. They go on and on while Isabel and Lucia observe from the balcony. Lucia thinks Marissa is a fake and that Santi is blind. Isa sighs in resigned agreement and tells Lucia they're going to have to take a class in patience.

Charly calls his mama to tell her his papa is in love. She's shocked Charly knows the truth. "With another man?" she asks. "Don't be crazy," Charly scoffs, but mama sets him straight by blurting out that Meño is gay. Charly is muy pero muy impactado.

Over at the institute Santi asks Candy to be the godmother, "Let's have a hug comadre!" Chava's doctor interrupts and wants to speak to Candy in private. Our sensitive galán senses something isn't right and he looks worried and helpless.

The doctor tells Candy Chava's prognosis, her son has, we guessed it, leukemia. Candy staggers out into the hall and sags to the floor. Of course Santiago is waiting and he rushes to her. "My son is going to die, he has leukemia and it's my fault! Why? Why?"

tomorrow: A decisive episode

hombres encuadrados = hunks, well-framed men (I think)
una monada = an adorable/cute/lovely thing
las patrañas = cock and bull, tales, bull****


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fuego - Capitulo #186 - Raquel Rolls Snake Eyes; or, Anyone Seen Huggy Bear Lately?

From last night: Juan goes off to help search for Raq. Paddy Tad tells the girls he’s absolved Crabs of her sins. Feo shows up to find the doctor just leaving and the attorney walks in. Juan has Capricho tied to one end of a rope while he lowers himself down into the Canyon of Death. He finds Raquel – she almost looks better dead than alive. The stench of Raq’s decomposing body overwhelms Juan.

We get treated to another cameo of Raq’s dead face, while the local representative of the Grim Reaper Franchise lurks behind a bush. Juan fires a gun to alert Coyote’s search party that he’s found Raq. As Coyote comes down the embankment (unlike Juan without a horse up above to hang on to!), Mr. G. Reaper continues to lurk. Juan says they have to let Officer Mutton Chops know and he’ll go, Coyote will stay, because the vultures will eat her (“se la comen los buitres”). I guess they haven’t been hungry for the last few days? Grim continues to look on. Juan calls to Capricho to pull him out.

Back at Crabi’s deathbed, the girls tell her they will be the only ones caring for her from now on. She agrees and says Sofia was right.

Coyote talks to Dead Raq, asking forgiveness for not being able to protect her from his Daddy Darth. While we get a close up shot of Señor Reaper’s sickle, Coyote notices something in Dead Raq’s hand. Holy Snake Jackets Batman! It’s a fake snake head complete with an extended snake tongue that she must have ripped off of Darth’s jacket before she fell! Coyote has no doubt that Darth killed Raq – he crumples the snake in his hand while the Reaper looks on, vowing to kill Darth. Coyote leaves the scene, even though Juan told him to wait there. Grim Reaper steps forward and casts his dark shadow over Raq’s body, reaches down and closes Raq’s eyes. (This whole Grim Reaper thing makes me crazy. I know they’ve shown him before as a prelude to a death, but what’s the purpose of all the airtime he’s getting after Raq’s death? Isn’t his work done there, and has he really been standing out there all this time holding the sickle?)

Feo and the lawyer are exiting the office when Sofia comes down the Staircase of Horror. She yells at Feo for not bringing the doctor. Feo and the lawyer explain to Sofia that the judge’s decision making Slowfia the owner of everything isn’t effective until Gaby signs the papers. Sofia pulls Feo aside and tells him he better get packin’, she’s throwing him out. Feo says the lawyer said he could sign on behalf of Gabi as Gabi’s power of attorney, and he would let him but only if he was going to sign in favor of Stupidfia, but he’s not signin’ nothin’, and that he and Sofia are now co-owners of the Elizondo fortune. The lawyer looks pissed. This whole thing about the signature makes no sense to me at all, but it’s probably because I can’t find my beanie.

Over to the Quintina Stripper Show, the Señoras of Ciudad Serdan are getting the opportunity to check out the beefcake before the show. Asexual Buzzkill Hortensia is horrified by the immorality of it all. I’m just horrified by, well . . . it all.

Sofia asks the lawyer if this signature nonsense is true. He’s says unfortunately it is true. The lawyer admits it was his own mistake, but he realized it too late. He trusted Feo, but Feo tricked him. The lawyer calls Feo a thief. Feo’s mad and throws him out, but before he goes, the lawyer tells Sofia that he will fix everything. Sofia tells Feo she’ll be having a word with Gabi about this whole thing, but Feo tells her not to waste her time, her mother doesn’t even want to see her. Sofia explains to Feo about the sudden turn of events and how she and her sisters are now “In” and Feo’s “Out”. Feo tells Sofia she has to tell him everything because he’s a 50% owner now. Feo thought bubbles that Gabi’s time has come. I doubt anything will happen to Gabi though, because Señor Reaper is otherwise occupied at the moment with Raq.

Back in the bedroom, Crabs is clingy with Sarita and Jimena, and doesn’t want to be left alone for a second. She thinks about how she almost died if it weren’t for the medicine the doctor gave her. She knows Feo tried to kill her by switching the prescription the doctor gave her, and that she has to protect herself and have only her daughters take care of her. She opens her nightstand and pulls out the bottle of pills that Fernando gave her. She’s going to save them and give them to Coyote to find out what they are. She thinks how strange it is that Coyote is the only person she trusts.

Soledad fills Coyote in on Darth’s visit. He wants them to leave the house ASAP. Soledad won’t leave until they know what happened to Raq. Coyote tells Mama Coyote that Raq’s dead, and shows her the snake head decoration he found in Raq’s dead hand. Soledad is impactada – she thinks it’s her fault Raq is dead. Soledad laments over how Darth always adored snakes, and wouldn’t you know, he even formed a Secret Society of Snakes (say that 5 times fast!), called “The Snakes” with Feo’s Daddy, Roberto Escandon. They even made the symbol of their society a snake. (How original! Those evil guys are so creative. They even had leather jackets like the Lords of Flatbush!) Apparently, Darth Rico betrayed Roberto, leaving him penniless, which is why Roberto killed himself. (Soledad knew all this back in the day and was still in love with the Grand Poobah of the The Snakes?) Soledad says Crabi had a lot to do with the tragedy of Feo’s Daddy’s death.

Back in Crab’s world, she’s busy giving Sarita a big guilt trip of making her chose between her mother and Franco. As usual, Wimpy Sarita caves.

Outside, and on his way to see Gabi, Darth curses Gabi for turning him into a killer, and for never being able to know his own son. He runs into Root, when all of a sudden the Officer M. Chops and Crew show up to take him away to be questioned about Raq’s disappearance. Officer Chops tells Darth the Reyes Bros. have formally accused him.

Upstairs, Jimena is reading Sarita the riot act for agreeing to leave Franco and stay with their mother. Sarita says she feels torn, “entre la espada y la pared” (between the sword and the wall).

Over at the Reyes Rancho they’re all talking about what’s happened and how it’s much better for the little girls and the mute nuns to live with them. They ask Eva to tell them once again exactly what happened at Hacienda San Agustin the night of Libia’s death, because they still have doubts that it was an accident. Eva retells her story saying that Libia left the house “afligida” (heartbroken), and that later on Gabi and Feo were alone in the office talking, but she doesn’t know about what. Oscar thinks they need to talk to Gabi about that night also.

Feo is in the office gushing about his victory over Sofia. He thinks he really needs to get rid of Gabi as quickly as possible, and then Snake Jefe Uribe.

At the police station, Darth Rico says that Raq abandoned him, and doesn’t know anything about her disappearance. Juan strolls in and starts yelling about finding the papers saying Raq owned everything, and that’s why Darth killed her. Officer Chops says to Juan, “Whoa, wait a minute, you accused him of the disappearance of Raq, not her murder.” Juan breaks the news that he just found Raq’s body. Darth fakes shock at this news. Root just looks down and shakes her head. Darth starts screaming that there’s no evidence that he killed Raq. (I guess he hadn’t noticed he was one snake short of a jacket?) Juan screams that the proof is in the pudding, I mean the papers that Darth is hiding in the cabaña. Ciudad Serdan’s finest, aka the Mexican Barney Fifes, are searching the cabaña and one of them finds the infamous snake belt and asks Root about it. (Why he even asked about the belt is beyond me – he knows he’s supposed to be looking for papers, not belts! Maybe he just liked it a lot and figured since Darth’s going to be locked up in La Casa Grande probably for life maybe he could have the really cool belt?) Root takes the belt away and says it’s not evidence of anything. Juan shows up just in time to miss seeing the snake belt from his nightmares. Nobody finds any papers.

The sisters are trying to figure out how they’re going to explain what’s happened with Feo and the Hacienda to Gabi, they don’t want to make her worse. Gabi pressures them for answers. Sofia explains that Feo is now half owner of the hacienda. Gabi’s not having any of this and gets out of bed. Uh oh, on the precipice of the Staircase of Doom, Gabi confronts Feo. He tries to explain that he used his rights as her husband to protect her from Sofia. (How long will it take these numbskulls to learn that you don’t have a fight on the stairs!) Feo doesn’t want to argue and tries to get Crabs to go back to the bedroom and take her medicine (the poison medicine, of course). Feo tells Sofia not to forget he has 50% ownership of the Hacienda, when Juan walks in and says he’s giving Sofia his part of the hacienda so she will have majority control. Feo wants to talk to Gabs alone in the bedroom and walks away. Juan breaks the news that Raq is dead, he thinks Darth killed her, explains about the papers and the Uribe fortune. He says Darth is in jail and now it won’t be long before he starts squealing on his accomplices. Gabi is impactada. Feo listens from afar. Gabi says she needs to go back to bed.

Franco and Oscar are interviewing Horty about Libia’s death. Horty remembers that a big, black truck, going very fast, passed her on the road that night on the way back to the pueblo after Bernie’s wake. She didn’t see who was driving, but it looked like they were chasing somebody. They’re thinking that all the trucks at Gabi’s house are black, but they have to figure out who left the wake that night, and for how long, but first they’ve got to tell Juan about all this. (Doesn’t Coyote drive a big, black truck too? I know he didn’t do it, but Gabi hasn’t cornered the market on big, black trucks!)

Back at the jail, Feo is taunting Darth in his cell about killing Raq, and about Raq cheating n Darth with him. Feo threatens to bring charges against Darth for Raq’s murder also, it won’t look good for Darth if that accusation comes from Raq’s amante. Root shows up and tells Feo he better be careful or she’ll spill the frijoles about Feo plotting to kill Gabi. Feo tries to use the fact that Root signed over ½ of her inheritance from Gabi over to him and he’s got the papers to prove it and will tell Gabi. Root says, “What papers, these papers?”, and hands them over to Daddy in his cell, who promptly tears them up. Feo = muy impactado. In the background we hear Root say, “Ooops”. Feo attacks Root and slams her up against a wall, but then let’s her go and walks out of the jail, knowing he’s been beaten this time. Root tells Daddy that the coppers found nothing in the house to prove he killed Raq – he’ll be a free man.

Sofia’s lines, Juan’s lines. More Sofia’s lines and some crying (Sorry, Union rules - have to meet the nightly tears quota).

Feo gets into his big, black, truck (hmmm . . who was just talking about a big, black truck?), and is thinking Root couldn’t have opened the safe, the Reyes’ Bros. must’ve broken into his safe and that’s how Root got the papers.

Franco Starsky and Oscar Crutch (Starsky & Crutch! LOL!! Sorry, I’m a dork, I’m crackin’ myself up!) are bringing Juan up to date on the investigation of Libia’s death. Juan says, “Malhaya” (a word I learned means “Sh*t” just two recaps ago!) Juan says they have to question every person that was at the wake that night about who left the house quickly.

Well, Mommy/Daughter Love Fest 2009 has now officially ended, and Crabs has left the building. Gabi blames Sofia for Feo being able to take advantage of her. Gabi says it’s all Sofia’s fault – everything that’s EVER happened is Sofia’s fault, Sofia doesn’t deserve a mother like Gabi. Stupidfia tells Gabi that nothing she ever does for her is enough, and says she’s giving Gabi everything back and will be packing up and leaving the house. (What about protecting her sisters’ interests????)

Back in the communal bedroom with the safe, Oscar (“The Fingers”) Reyes is giving Franco the combination to open the safe.

Eva runs to the jail to console Root. Eva’s lines, Root’s lines. Root rejects her again and Eva leaves.

The safe will not open. “Fingers” gets down on the floor to open it himself, while Franco is the lookout. (Why not just lock the door???) Oscar gets the combination correct, and they start unloading the goods. Juan pulls out a bunch of papers and the box that has Libia’s necklace in it. He seems fascinated by the box now, but hardly paid any attention to it the other day! Just as he’s about to open the box Franco tells him he hears Sofia crying and Juan puts the box back in the safe. Oscar stares at the box. Back on the Staircase of Doom, Sofia tells Juan about her mother rejecting her again. She agrees to move to the Doble R with Juan and the girls (the nuns too, I’m sure). Feo passes them on the stairs and walks in on Franco and Oscar, still in the bedroom in front of the closed safe. Feo wants to know what they’re doing. Oscar is on the floor and Franco is above him and they pretend they’re doing Oscar’s exercises. Feo accuses them of breaking into the safe. Feo takes a bag out of the closet, and starts emptying the contents of the safe into his bag. Duh! Feo forgets to take the box with him! Franco pulls it out of the safe and hands it to Oscar.

End of capitulo.


Las Tontas No Van 1-28 Wed. - A boo boo, a baby, bawling, and boffing

We open with Luci bribing Santi with his favorite Chai drink (Jaime's too) so that she can go stay overnight with her friends. The theme here is that Santi notices she's different for some reason. She denies it of course and gets what she wants.

Candy tells Meno she's going to live in the DF she decided.

Santi tries to convince Roci to take a bath but she wants him to do it instead of Abue so he flashes back to caring for her again as a little girl and her flinging many colored balls very skillfully for a one year old at his face. That's why he doesn't bathe her anymore She was happy with just hearing the story so goes for her bath.

Luci and Charles are at a club partying and professing their love. Charles is drinking a lot and Luc is not thrilled.

Donato and Sant are playing chess and Santi complains about Jaime. Doni tries to convince Santi to let it go.

Meno discusses with Candi her feeling that she might have feelings for Pato. Meno tells her to go away is one thing but to flee is completely another.

OK, Chuck is good and drunk right about now.

Issy and Jaime argue about her not coming out of the bathroom and if that’s all she wanted he could have saved money and just rented the bathroom.

Luc and Charly argue and he passes out on the club floor.

Santi is at Candi's trying to talk her out of leaving for the DF and convincing her they will tackle the matter of her son together. She says she's not going because of that but really going because she fears what she feels around Pato. Oh boy, I'm sick of her pity party….Santi too and tells her it’s a bad idea for her to run away.

Meno runs downstairs screaming he needs help to go and get Charly cause Lu called. Snati said impossible she is with her friend. Meno says he’ll introduce him to the teenage world of lies later but they have to go to the hospital now.

Now Jaime is worried about Issy, and he feels like a rapist. She is nervous about this whole thing like a teen, but he promises her nothing will happen if she doesn’t want. They hug.

Marissa shows up at the house and Donato tells her that doc isn’t there and doesn’t know when he’ll be back but she says she’ll watch a novella or something. He’s seems surprised she watches them and inquires further which one she likes. She says yes that one with Yanez and the scene at the lake where he shows his butt!! Shout out to Fuego fans…

Candy is putting Chava to bed and asks him if he wants to move to the DF. He says no way.

At Sole’s house Pat is saying goodnight to Beto, like any smart kid he asks if he’s not going to stay in the house with them sometime. Sole intervene’s and says he’s got his house and wife. Beto asks but doesn’t he like his Ma. Sole ushers him off to bed. I say good damn questions Beto. You are a sharp boy.

We go the hospital where Santi is yelling at Lucia for her lie and calculating her punishment. Meno ushers out Charly who is better but still looks like crap. He will talk to him and leave Santi to talk to Lu.

Poor Chava has a dream that Roci is going to stay here with Merengue but he has to go live far away. He wakes up of course having wet the bed. Ma makes it all better.

Sole apologizes to Pat for all the questions; that Beto just wants to spend more time with him. Pato wonders if Beto’s the only one. They start to kiss. Ali’s turn for a nightmare. She wakes up calls his cell which is apparently shut off as we flash to more heavy making out between Pat and Sole.

Santi and Luci arrive home where he gives her the "we’ll talk more tomorrow." Mari comes up to him and wonders what happened. She really doesn’t care though because even though he tells her he’s not in the mood for games, she walks little baby booties up his arm. He knows this trick because he pulled it on Pau many years ago. He is rightfully impactado as he learns they will become parents.

Pato returns home to a waiting up Ali. He realizes it's super late. She wants to know where he was and with who. He says ok, fine she deserves to know if she wants but if she learns probably their relationship should end, so does she really want to know? If so he'll tell her. She runs to the sofa and cries without begging him any more.

Meno gives Charly hangover curing food and tells him it's stupid to over indulge. He makes him take his pain killers and Charly instantly feels better. Teen drunks, I tell ya. Takes me days to feel better now.... :)

Santi yells at Lu for lying. She apologizes so he'll reduce her punishment, but only by a day. He tells her he's sorry to have to do this, but he does it because he cares.

Issy calls Santi and let's him know she's doing well. Guess maybe they did it because they are hugging and laughing like kids.

Santi gets a patient who wants to cure her depression. He says surgery won't cure it, but one floor up maybe they can. He tells this to Candi. She thinks he's professional and is pleased he is taking their institute seriously. He introduces patient to Candi.

Jaime and Issy are having a blast in Puerta Vallarta at what looks like the same piano he was playing in Guadalajara, but what do I know. The real pianist comes over and begins playing Somos Novios.

Sole and Candi are talking about Candi really liking Santi after all and that she should just accept it and tell him how she feels.

Santi and Lalo are post- oping again and Lalo teases him about whether or not he'd marry Candi if she came walking in right now accepting marriage. He says that he will never be happy with her and that she is a fantasy.

At the institute Barbara saw Mari with an EPT in the bathroom and tells Ceci and Sole she's pregnant. Sole is impactada, and Ceci thinks good for Doc Plas being Pa as he only makes Candi suffer and she deserves better. Barb jokes "better like you?" Sole is adrift in thought and doesn't even hear this jab.

In Santi's office Candi was thanking him for the client, oh and one more thing. Very seriously she says she thinks, no, knows she's in love. Santi asks with who and as the bell tolls the Raven quoth nevermore, because Mari comes in and asks if she is excited about the news, that she is pregnant. Very pregnant actually, and that they have been trying for this for a long time. Candi very seriously congratulates them and then leaves calling herself a fool. Santi tells Mari she shouldn't have emphasized they were trying. She doesn't understand why not if they have never protected themselves. Anyway he says, yeah, he's happy. His eyes speak another truth.

Candi bawls behind her door. Duh, you waited too long.

The waiters sing with Lulu, Pero Te Vas A Repentir (You're going to regret - ha) and Lulu shows Chayo how she's set up dinner for her and Meno.

Santi and Pat are having some coffee or something and he gets congratulated but essentially confesses to Pato he's happy but Pat thinks maybe he's in love with someone else. Santi wonders what is love and he's doing the good Jaliscan thing, what's right.

Back at the restaurant Charly shows up to check on everything after we've just seen the guys counting the money and discovering they are short. Lulu finds out that Meno isn't coming and she bawls. Zamora says to break out the weapons because they are going to eat all the plates that Lulu prepared for Meno.

Candi and Sole discuss the whole "Santi is going to be Dad" so she is not getting involved and that's it. Sole still thinks she should tell him what she feels. He calls and wants to see her and she agrees.

On the way there Santi's very expensive Mercedes with the emblem blocked out breaks down- yeah not likely. For some reason he can't call Candi and she arrives at the park and waits. Instead he calls his mechanic, but I guess Candi doesn't have a phone suddenly and we go through a calamity of him eventually standing her up. A kid steals a bike in the same park, the girls flag the police and of course by the time they catch up to the "bike stealer" the kid has sold it to Santi for a fortune and he is the sucker that gets to go to jail. He tells them he's a plastic surgeon but they aren't interested. And here's where we are left for tomorrow.


Fuego: Where Are They Now?

Hello, Fuego fans -

It just occurred to me that over the course of this tediously extended novela many characters have been abandoned by the wayside, perhaps because the actors had better gigs to go to. Has anybody been keeping track of the departed? Since I stopped watching for months and months, I didn't see what happened to, for instance:
  • Rosario died, right? But what happened to her son? To her strange mother?
  • Don Augustin got "married" and moved away? Never to be seen again?
  • Tweedledum and Tweedledee - no interest in their poor sister Root? Where are they?
  • The Babe Doctor and her daddy doctor - nu?
  • I haven't seen Pablito for a long time - he didn't get offed, did he?
  • The donkey! Does Padre Bouffy have a car now? How is he getting around?
Are there any more? Where's Sylvia and her spreadsheet? Are they going to show up in a gigantic wad in the finale?

We could also use a death count. Anybody game to tally up the players?


Cuidado con el Angel, January 28, 2009

We start off with JM in traffic thinking of Marichuy. Marichuy pulls up beside him and at first they do not see each other. While I am yelling at the TV for JM to look to his left he finally hears me and sees her and mutters Marichuy?!

Rocio tells the judge the truth of Viv and how she pretended to be dead and then all of a sudden she’s alive. She made up a story of having amnesia so that she did not have to say where she was while she was away. I figured I have to tell you the truth since my brother would not tell you.

JM wants to talk to Marichuy, but says they have nothing to talk about. She peddles away and JM follows her. He yells out again that they need to talk. She tells him that all he’s going to say is that he thinks about her and has not forgotten her. You probably tell that to all the woman. You are engaged aren’t you? How do you know that replies JM.? I read about it in the paper. He asks her if she wants to know the truth and when she says no he laughs and says of course not.

Rocio goes on with her testimony defending Blanca.

JM asks Marichuy if she is really going to get married and with who. She tells him that it really doesn’t concern him. She points out that he will be getting married for the 3rd time. JM asks if it’s true what she said on the phone about not caring about him anymore. Marichuy replies that she does not care about him like he does not care for her. And that he is going to marry another like she will be. JM gets out the car and tells Marichuy to look him in the eye and tell him that she does not love him. Marichuy tells him that she does not have time to talk and a car is honking its horn at them. He turns around and tells the driver to stop and she takes her opportunity to ride away. He gets back in the car and pulls it to a side street, gets out and runs after her. But she has disappeared. She starts crying and worries what Amador will think when she sees her cry. JM is sitting on the steps thinking about Marichuy. He reaffirms his commitment to Blanca.

He goes to see her to find out how things went with Dr. Soto. He knows that she did not go to court pleading that she was sick. He goes on to say that he wanted Dr. Soto to psychoanalyze her. Why did you not let him asks JM.

Amador is going over the script with Marichuy. He yells out “Bravo” at her performance. He wants to go over it again, but she tells him that she has to go.

Rocio tells the judge that PA will back up her story about Blanca.

Blanca apologizes and JM says he doesn’t understand her. Blanca tells him that the Dr. was terrorizing her with questions. She finally could not take it anymore. JM asks her what happened to her sister?

Cande and Olga are talking about Marichuy. Olga tells her that Omar came after her and that PA said that he is waiting for Omar to come back to visit with him so that he can bring Omar to see Marichuy. Cande changes the subject when she hears Marichuy coming in. Marichuy sits down to read the paper and Olga asks her if there is anything good in there. Marichuy wants to read about the trial. Olga asks her if they find Blanca guilty and she goes to jail, that will leave JM alone. What will you do?

JM wants to know what part if any Blanca had with her sister’s death. Blanca begs him not to push. He tells her he just wants the truth. He presses on and she cries out that she can’t.
Onelia’s attorney asks her what she happened after she and JM ran into the room and found Viv dead.

Mayita is visiting Abuela and she finishes telling Mayita the story about The Little Mermaid or something like that.

JM comes home and Rocio tells him about the trial and how she told all the truth and defended JM and Blanca. Rocio asks him why with the face. JM tells her that he is concerned about Blanca and says that she had a sister that died. When Dr. Soto asked Blanca about it she became hysterical. He thinks that Viv was not Blanca’s first victim.

Marichuy tells Cande about her rehearsal and how great she did. Cande wonders if Marichuy will be nervous. Marichuy tells her that she does not because she gets in character. Marichuy admits to Cande that she saw JM.

Olga and Purita are walking down the road and she wonders if Purita has talked to Adrian about entering the convent. Purita tells her that he was sad just like her.

Adrian tells him mom about Purita’s decision to enter the convent. He wants her to retract everything she told her.

Patricio complains to Estephania that all Ceci thinks and talks about is Marichuy. He doesn’t want to think about how the house will be if Marichuy comes to live with them. Estephania asks him if it can be avoided for her to find her. Patricio doesn’t understand her. Estephania says what if I knew where Marichuy is and figured out a way to get rid of her forever….

Marichuy tells Cande what happened when she came face to face with JM.

Estephania admits that she does know where Marichuy is and Patricio asks her how she can keep it away from Ceci knowing how she is suffering.

Onelia confronts Rocio and says that her attorney told her how she defended Blanca and JM at the trial.

Patricio cannot believe Estephania’s behavior. She tells him that she thought that he did not want Marichuy around. Patricio does not care as long as Ceci is happy. Where is she asks Patricio.

JM tells Onelia to leave the house. She refuses until the trial is over. She says the double personality angle will not salvage Blanca. She then tells Rocio that she cannot believe that she talked bad about Viv at the trial. JM questions Rocio what she said. When she tells him he asks her why you did that. Sorry replies Rocio but they needed to know the truth about Viv.
Patricio demands Estephania tell him where to find Marichuy. Estephania tells him that she does not know that it was a joke. She wanted to know how he would react. He does not believe her. She reiterates that she really does not know where Marichuy is.

Balbina tells JM that she received a summons to testify against Blanca and JM.

Estephania confesses to Isa what happened when she told Patricio that she knew where Marichuy was. Isa yells at her.

Omar and Cosme are having lunch and Cosme wants to know what happened with Marichuy. Omar tells him that he has not found her yet. He hopes he will find her soon. In the same restaurant Amador, Estephania and Isa come in. Omar recognizes Amador and goes up to him and asks if Amador remembers him.

Olga and Marichuy are talking about Purita entering the convent. Marichuy offers to talk to Purita.

JM tells Balbina not to worry. The truth will not hurt him. Balbina prefers not to go, but JM tells her that she must. They are trying to find out everything that happened. Balbina asks is that why Marichuy came? (don’t know how that fits in all this) JM is impactado and asks if Marichuy was in the house.

Omar asks Amador if he knows where Marichuy is.

JM asks Balbina if she saw Marichuy. Yes, I thought someone told you. She was here for a short time and left. JM thinks to himself why she was there and didn’t tell him when he saw her in the street.

Omar wants to talk to Marichuy and asks if Amador knows where she is. Amador says he doesn’t know where she is. Omar then asks him for Marichuy’s husband’s name.

Marichuy wants to know why Purita wants to be a nun. Does she think that this is really what she wants?

Omar grabs Amador and demands to know where Marichuy is. Amador keeps insisting that he does not know where she is. Isa and Estephania comment how attractive Omar is.

JM pours himself a drink and angrily wonders why no one told him that Marichuy was at the house. Why did Marichuy not tell him that she came to see him? He wonders out loud where she could be.

Tomorrow: PA insists on telling Marichuy who her real parents are


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