Thursday, April 23, 2009

MEPS - Wed. 4/22 - Cap 47 - Holy Charisma, Neither EdFranco nor Barbara Can Control Their Minions

Damian, rages up the stairs and at his wits' end, packs a mighty sloppy suitcase. Gepetto is threatened by Jairo, aka badbarman again wanting to get his Mudmaiden back to work. Damian smirks at his wedding photo, slams it down, Barbara swoops into his bedroom without knocking and poses the important question, Are you packing for your honeymoon? You're missing beach clothes. He snarls, he doesn't want any of this now (no le pega la gana). He is sick of the whole family and the shower of insults (guiñapo) Not willing to lose control, Barbara asks ironically, Where are you going if not on a honeymoon. I haven't the least idea, But he has said this twice in as many minutes. Barbie is going to be an essay in facial expressions tonight.

Over at Manicomio Central, Fernanda tells Doc Obregon, I want to be alone with my sister, absolutely nothing bad will happen. please. You are sad because your good friend died. A good friend is a blessing in life do you know. yes, Lili comforts her little sister Fernanda who explains her sadness at losing someone she loved who was more than a friend.

Damian says he has had it with hysterical women like you and Fernanda and working in the service of this imbecile Gonzalo. Barbara asks, and your marriage? Does your little bride know about this? My marriage can go to hell.

EdFranco instructs Obregon, Martina will stay with Lilli night and day, As Obi resists, Ed asks, do you want to be in jail. Obi whimpers, but she is not a nurse. What really worries you. Obi caves, you will come when it pleases you.

Do you know what worries me, that Lili must not leave here unless I give the authorization. Where is Lili now? With her sister. Martina will stay with Lili and I will come every day, if there is any mishap(contratiempo) you can call me night or day, Ed assures Martina.

Barbara says, where can I call you at the house of your Mama? What about the company. What about this car, I am going to the plant for my car and I will leave this one parked there. what are you going to dedicate yourself to? Then he adds he will benefit from all her secrets (sacarle provecho de tus secretos).

You are in pain for the loss of your friend and what hurts you hurts me. Lili and Fernanda have the emotional closeness the rest of the family can only imagine. And someone died on me that was much more than a friend. Lili is really getting her consciousness back, We can escape to the house of Eduardo and my Nana Soledad. Eduardo is going go come for me. Do you want to see him. You love him more than a friend.

Barbara and Damian carry on as he tries to drive off, This sounds quite (bastante) hard. I want to hear something from you about these last damn 3 years. Before you go would you give me a few minutes. She wants to say good by as two old friends should. She drapes over the window provocatively and for a few minutes sizes him up for bite.

Margarita as one might expect is horrified that Fernanda is being hurt so much by the trick of Eduardo's pretended death. but more she saw the stone that the Eduardo and Nana are commemorated on and is outraged for the sacriligious insult to Soledad. Your good intentions are going to pave (empedrado) the way to hell. Fernanda saw those villainies (bichos) and the schemes (enjaugues) created by Eduardo. She is determined to visit the crypt, Will you come with me or I go alone. Jacinto complies.

Eduardo is driving down the road.

Barbara is driving home her point now having climbed into the car and almost into Damian's lap, You can have love only for Fernanda or Barbara. That's enough, (Suficiente) Barbara. Your desires can only can be awakened by a woman like me there is only one end, to complete all my projects then attend to our love.

* Lili selects clothes assuming she is leaving the asylum. Fernanda tells her she can't leave there but Lili insists that she want to go to the hacienda to visit her dad. Will he like this dress? Fernanda gets a more hopeful look on her face.

Barb applies hand to thigh on Damian while pressing home her point so to speak. Damian remarks, You are always so sure of yourself , then don't go too far from me. She offers him enough to be comfortable (tranquillo) the rest of his life far from the dominion of those Elizaldes. Remember in 3 days, just 3 days I will give you your liberty. and the kiss that I owe you.

On the phone, Gonzo hears that Fernanda wants to bring Lili home. She wants to see you Papa, she is really different. And she can get along very well. Dear old Dad gives in to the enthusiasm, what ever you want to make your sister happy. and they can bring her nurse. What do you think.
Papa feels a very big emotion to have your sister surrounded by her family. And Papa, you have to talk with the doctor to authorize the visit.

Vladimir talks with the nurse I am going to get married. She infers, do you want a sperm test (espermiograma) for HIV (VIH)? No, he grins, I want to see if I can have children. Then, we only need to test a bit of your sperm. Vladi smiles his consent.

Priscilla. tries to talk to Aniblah, insisting that he go with her to tell her brother Rolando and her parents of the pregnancy. but later you can complain (te quejes).

Padre Bosco do you know what happened asks Margarita. We will spare you (ahorrar), secrets here. I imagine you want to go to the crypt, Oh yes, Margarita is on a roll.

Dr. Obregon thinks Fernanda's proposal is very dangerous. Lili could have an attack or breakdown. But she can take her nurse with her, whats to worry about here? It depends on how LIliana feels at the hacienda, how long can she stay, we will see. Nurse says call me Martina, apparently Fernanda has no memory of just another poor girl from the village. I will go get Lili really pretty (retechula) to make the visit. Fernanda says to herself or the ceiling, after so many years Lili will go to the hacienda, It is a miracle!

Flor tries to enforce Aniblah's rules, for meetings in the salon Britannia, in the club: Anibal says that this room needs at least 5 days notice to reserve. She folds to Barbara's screeches, will Don Gonzalo be there? NO, only, Franco Santoro and Barbara Greco.

Barbara has such a charming phone manner, What are you saying you piece of sh.. errr stupidity (pedazo de estupidez) Dr. Obregon tells Babs that Gonzo wants to bring Lili home, he can't deny a family member permission to take her out. Damn! (maldición) curses Barbie.

* Gonzo, all cheerful, tells Barb that Fernanda is bringing Lili to the hacienda and it is all cleared with Doc. She thinks "idiot" , but says do you really know what you are doing. Pleased with himself, he beams, she will have a nurse with her so it won't be anything to worry about.

Fernanda does her girl giggle with LIli who is all excited too. Now they are really going.

Pad Bosco prays with chiming bells with Margarita and Jacinto. You were like her children. Marg starts to criticize Eduardo's villainy but Jacinto stops her, Don't say that Marg. Forgive us padre. they kiss his ring, Suddenly she takes him by the ear, hurry, (apurate) we have to get to some business.

Martina calls Franco to warn him about the going to the hacienda, As Dr. Obi interrupts, she asks did you here what the monkey (mono) said? Franco sighs. Damian shows up and sees Lili and Fernando. We can infer that the thigh squeezing worked its usual magic. Well I am going to take LIli home for the first time in 15 years. Well then let's get to the camioneta (SUV), As he goes out the door, Damian muses, Just wait until we see Babs face when she sees her step daughter with the loca one.

Erika does an awkward Ligera water product placement telling him she is reading a book and enjoying a drink. She doesn't want to pressure him about the little party with her parents, but it could be a few days later. I send you a kiss. Yeah, no pressure here...

Franco listens to his cell phone and types on his computer that he is anxious to talk to Steve but his phone has been turned off all day. Grupos Lactos, is calling in the form of Florecita, Gardenia answers and gets all giddy telling Flor, it's your cousin. Don Franco is my new boss (patron).

Aurora is nervous, Domingo is going to have a fit at her being so late. Santi pleads, we will wait for the nun 15 more minutes. The Mother Superior greets Aurora and for some odd reason, Santi goes into an accentuating his words act, Mother Superior, we want to marry and we want the. blessings, rings, all of it Mother Superior returns dryly, I am not deaf (sorda_, Aurora adds, we need to find my baptism records and do you know the name of my parents. MomSuper's expression isn't promising.

Gardenia enters Franco's office, saying I was told not to interrupt you but Flor called to make an appointment, Barbara Greco wants you to come tomorrow to have lunch with her. What do you want with this woman? the hyena. What did I tell you about questions, reprimands, Franco. She looks at the scrap of paper she wrote on, it is in the salon Britannia at 3:30pm with only elite guests invited. Please call your cousin Floracita and confirm the invitation with Barbara. Always needing the last word, Gardenia goes out saying, I have to cancel all your appointments for tomorrow so you can talk with your bigshots (sus anchas).

Only one character has so much gravel in his voice, we see the back of cigarman's head, His name is Franco Santoro. What do you want with this man? Everything, Manazanares, family friends, ambitions, weaknesses, everything. And when do you want this available (dispongo) . Yesterday it is late. And here is the address (señas) of the country estate (finca) called Las Animas. Guess Arch demon is doing his own investigation of Franco.

* The situation is getting complicated, Steve says Franco, Fernanda is bringing Lili to the hacienda. I am worried we will not be able to find out the secrets my mother left with Lili, and tomorrow I am going to have meeting with Barbara. Steve does Spanglish so perfectly, Oops this situation is grave, my friend, I would like you to have taken me to lunch.

Gardenia bursts in once again to Eduardo's office to announce that Jacinto and Margarita have arrived. They just arrived and they urgently need to talk to you. Margarita takes off mad.

MomSuperior said, Dominga said her name is Aurora because she was born on the 20th of October, Saint Aurora's day. She had had her about six years and had found her in the garbage of the market (basuras del mercado). so they put the last name (apellido) of her benefactor who rescued her.

Dominga is having a fit, the only person that gives orders (mando) is me.

Margarita is telling off Ed for telling all the horrors and lies and dirty tricks. And Pady Bosco how many lies did you tell him? And you have profaned the grave of Soledad. What tall stories (patrañas) have you told of her death. The hyena just finished with us. What did you do? This is a demonic act, to meddle (meterte) with the dead. Franco slows her down, NO, I am trying to meddle with the living like Lili.

Ed says I had the only right to bury her where I wanted And do you think that I have lost my soul, do you think it is a dirty act to move the body of my mother? No all my love and caring and I could not be their until the end to grieve her. This is unjust on your part Margi. What I want is for Barbara's deeds to be known to the living in the plain light of day.

Lili arrives home with nurse and Dam and Fernanda. she is justifiably scared and excited. She sees her papa. His usually dull eyes light up, Daughter he gleams and hugs her, my daughter. How pretty she is he adds. Lili says, and Babara? Look here she comes. Barbara she tries to say how happy to see you, but Lili shirks the attempted hug, and papa says it is Barbara my wife. Don't you remember her? You were just asking for her. Looking confused, Papa says maybe she doesn't recognize you. Lili recognizes her all right. LA HIENA, are her only words of greeting. Even the Greek Chorus says Ohhhh ohhh ohhhh ohhh and not even one MEOW.

*Last scene. Lili insists, Ed told me that he would get you out of the hacienda.

Margarita says Eduardo you can argue so much better than I can, and Eduardo say I am still the same person as before. First he has to save Liliana.

Obregon calls Ed on the phone. They drink lemonade and talk about why Lili is obsessed with Eduardo. Does she know Ed is dead? asks Babs. Fernanda says, I tried to tell her, but she keeps insisting . Lili stands up and says it is true that Eduardo is going to throw out (echar) the Hyena.

Franco tells Dr. Obregon he wants a complete report on when she is going to be back and what is going to happen. the safest place to keep Lili is in the asylum for now. Obregon says he is waiting for Mister Fantasma.

Next scenes: Ed knows Lili was put in the asylum to hide something. Lili says Eduardo is going to kick Barbara out of the hacienda. Ed prepares to go to the meeting with Barbara. We are promised a decisive episode tomorrow night.


Tontas - Wed 4-22-09 -Could this show BE anymore PSA????

Alright, maybe for their original audience this stuff is all very apropo, but correct me if I'm wrong, these are fairly old social topics for us, no? Ah well, anyway, you get to learn about HIV, now bulimia and anorexia, real men DO cry, gays are people too, overeating is unhealthy, Fathers have rights too, and a little more about WHITE LIIINES....NEARLY BLOW MY MIIIND.....


Thank heavens for Mario!!!

So where do we start...well...with Mario calling Santi to let him know he's in town. We learn he, Lalo and Santi were like the 3 musketeers in the prepa, so they are happy to see each other again. Ma remembers too.

Then we go to Sole freaking out because she feel asleep on the couch with her feet next to a lesbian. Horror of horrors. Beto comes out, wonders why she's up already and she says she just came out and whatever, she doesn't let on to him, or to Ceci that she slept all night there next to her. At least she offered to make breakfast...

Chayo leaves for work and Lalo begs her not to tell anyone he was crying. She says men cry, machos, no, she'll only tell Barb and no, she won't tell a soul. Lalo calls in sick, then calls Zam to go and that he's afraid.

Tina and Don are chatting about her possible reconstruction if her lump is really big and that Santi is the best and see what good work he did for Isa....she comes in and wonders what they are talking about and it's her and he's off to the garden before she's off with his head (well sort of).

Santi takes anorexia chic to the institute and they meet up with Araceli Aizpuru and Marifer. These are folks who are a part of the real Ellen West foundation that Jaime is active with and they are actually not really acting. Lucia's friend swears she's not sick. These two ladies give us a run down of the illness and why the girl needs help. Sad story from Marifer, which is probably true. Anyway, at the end of course she cries for Mommy and says she wants help. Mission accomplished.

Next we see Zam and Lalo going to a witch doc for babymaking help. The witch doc in drag is also someone known but I can't place him...Hombre placed her. Barbara Torres from La Famila P Luche. Indeed it is her, but she actullay looks better with less makeup. Our Zamora is also a regular on that show, so of course this is the connection there. Anyway she tells them all kinds of fun stuff shaking an egg all over his Lever parts and gives them a scavenge hunt list. Feathers from a pregnant Hen is one of the fur of a cat which scratches the heck out of Lalo (go kitty go!!) and crocodile scales. Good luck with that last one. Oh, and all this cost 2000 pesos (around 200.00 dollars) yeow!

Chayo comes home smells everything looks at him and wonders who he was with. She freaks out when she hears they might have to wait 6 months for all this magic to work.

Sole tells Barb how much the sleeping thing bugged her, she likes men damnit.

Lulu wants help from her girlfriends.

Mario shows up and he's all serious, until finally he makes a joke. What's with the white and black. Santi mentions that Pau is there in the house with them and they all wonder what happened to Lalo.

Ceci goes over a diet with Lulu, it will be hard but they will help her.

More boy bonding. Mario admits he fell in love by singing Juanes and a jealous husband wanted to kill him. Pau shows up just as they leave the room and finds her cell that she threw out and wonders what she imagined.

Candy gives Lu a lesson in the food groups and tells us all the things that can happen from being overweight. Lulu pinky promises to be good.

Pau asks Don and Tina what up with the phone. They don't know and decide she's crazy after she leaves the room, just like in the telenovelas. At least the acknowledge it..

The boys reminisce and Mario tells his story, Santi wonders if he too was abandoned by his pregnant lover, and he says no. Lalo is bummed because he doesn't have that problem. Santi knows why he is here. Impactado look from Mario but Santi explains it's really because he missed his buddy.

More will follow along with pics. Thanks.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Doña Barbara, Mon., Apr. 13 - DB embodies more fables - now it's the Boy who cried wolf! - she can't get Santos to listen to her warnings.

[No DB tomorrow (Thursday). The Billboard awards will be on instead.]

Santos says that he didn't expect to see Marisela in Gonzalo's office. "Well here I am where you sent me," replies Marisela, "with Gonzalo. Aren't we two of a kind ('tal para cual')?" She asks how he has the nerve to ask her to go with him after he threw her out of his house.

DB sends Melquíades to keep watch on Sapo day and night so that the next time they confront him, he'll have a one-way ticket to hell.

Sapo tells Facundo that he has plans for fixing up his new digs. He says that once he gets rid of the old witch, his worries will be over. Soon they will pay her a visit.

Antonio tells Andrés that all Santos does is make accusations against Gonzalo and it's all because of jealousy over Marisela. Andrés says that Marisela doesn't have anything to do with the dairy processing plant. Antonio still doesn't believe that Gonzalo has done anything.

Antonio arrives in Gonzalo's office just in time to keep Santos from hitting Gonzalo again. He drags him out. Santos tells Antonio that it's ok not to believe him about Gonzalo but he urges Antonio to investigate what happened.

Genoveva comforts Marisela. Marisela tells her that it was hard to see how hurt Santos was when she told him that she was staying with Gonzalo. She says that she can't tell him the truth until she knows what Gonzalo is hiding.

DB comes into the Cattlemen's Association meeting while Don Encarnación is trying to convince the members that Santos is responsible for everything that has happened and that they should close the milk proecessing plant permanently. DB reminds the members of the Association of all the things Santos has done for them and asks if they want to cut off the hand that is feeding them.

Santos finds Marisela outside and tries to talk to her. He very matter-of-factly admits that he acted out of rage when he threw her out of Altamira and he says that he is sorry. It seems like Marisela would have accepted his apology if she weren't playing the spy.

The health department person tells Antonio that the Governor himself called her at night and demanded that the dairy plant be inspected first thing the next day. She also tells him that she was not aware of any complaints about milk from the plant before the Governor called.

Santos tells Marisela that he will do anything for her. She tells him to leave. She says that she needs him to go away knowing that she hates him. She says that if he knows how to understand, he'll realize what she is saying. Of course, Santos has no idea what she is talking about.

DE turns and attacks DB calling her a thief. She tries once again to convince the members of the Association that Santos has been working for their benefit but they don't believe her.

Marisela tells Geno about her plan to pretend to be friends with Gonzalo to find out his secrets. Geno says that she is afraid. Marisela replies that she has made up her mind and Geno can't tell anyone what she doing.

Santos tells Andrés that there was something very strange in his conversation with Marisela like she was trying to tell him something.

Gonzalo asks Marisela to have dinner and go dancing with him. She agrees.

Melesio tells Gervasia what a great husband she has and Gervasia agrees that Carmelito is wonderful.

DB tells Pernalete and Mujica that Sapo is living in a local hacienda and is involved in drug running. She says that Pernalete will make points with the government if he reports this. Pernalete says that he is concerned that government officials, namely Gonzalo, are involved in this scheme (enjuague, literally, 'rinsing'). DB agrees that she doesn't know if Gonzalo is her enemy or ally. They are interrupted by the news that the workers of the dairy processing plant have gone on strike.

Antonio comes to see Cecilia and brings a toy to his son [Is this the same kid as before? We don't get much of a look at his face but it seems like a much older child]. Antonio tells Cecilia that he is worried about Santos and Gonzalo. He thinks that it goes beyond their jealousy over Marisela. He says that up until now he has ignored Santos' warnings about Gonzalo but now he isn't sure. Cecilia says that she knows Santos and he wouldn't give Antonio a warning if there wasn't something wrong. Antonio tells Cecilia that he is worried about what could happen to him if Gonzalo is corrupt.

The workers from the now closed dairy processing plant demand their salaries from Santos.

Melquíades is lurking around what appears to be an airport, not a recently constructed airstrip. He sees Gonzalo arrive.

Gonzalo tells Sapo that the sabotage to the dairy processing plant worked perfectly. The plant has been shut down and the workers are protesting. Sapo suggests that they kill Santos now. Gonzalo replies that he just had a public argument with Santos. If Santos is found dead now, he will be a suspect. Sapo says that Santos is a pain in the neck ('como una piedra en el zapato' literally, 'like a stone in the shoe') and might mess up their business plans. Gonzalo tells him not to worry. He wants Santos dead more than Sapo does but there is a time for everything.

Cecilia is surprised that Marisela is going out with Gonzalo and can't help fix up Cecilia's new place.

Santos tells DE that it would be a mistake to let the plant close. He offers to front the money for the salaries of the plant workers. He announces this in the hotel bar in front of he workers and Tigre and Leon and says that he has to get the money from a bank in San Fernando. Then Santos asks Carmelito to go to San Fernando and get the money. [We can see where this is going.] DB tries to talk to Santos but he won't listen.

Melquíades reports to DB on Gonzalo's visit to Sapo. She says that she has to warn Santos.

Santos gives a check to Carmelito and tells him to have the bank manager give him the money in the vault so no one can see how much money he's carrying. Carmelito says that he will safeguard the money with his life [uh oh].

Pajarote offers to go with Carmelito to San Fernando but denies that he is going to ask Genoveva to forgive him. Pajarote says that he is like Santos. He doesn't beg. "We mess up ('metemos la pata,' literally, 'put a foot in')," he says, "but with our heads held high. We don't go back or ask for forgiveness like wusses ('gallinas'), right boss?" Santos replies that he doesn't think they should take pride in such behavior.

DB shows up at Altamira and says that she has to talk to Santos about a matter of life and death.

Leon and Tigre plan to steal the money for the payroll and get payback on Carmelito at the same time.

Geno advises Marisela to talk to Antonio before going out with Gonzalo but Marisela says that Antonio will just tell Santos. She says that she has to find out what Gonzalo's involvement with Sapo is.

Cecilia and Antonio have a romantic dinner and reiterate the love they have always had for each other in the good times and bad times.

DB tells Santos that she came to warn him as a friend. She says that Gonzalo is his worst enemy and when Santos says that he knows this, she says that Gonzalo has an ally and they are planning to destroy him. DB is very surprised to hear that Marisela went back to Gonzalo and is defending him.

Back at Cecilia's house, Antonio tells her that he is looking for a good reason not to go to her room. When Cecilia tells him that they won't wake Casilda up, he says that he can't find any reason. "That's good," says Cecilia, "Finally".

Gonzalo asks Marisela to get back with him. She says that she doesn't want to get married and doesn't want to deceive him. Gonzalo replies that is no problem. Why don't they just sleep together? She is experienced after being with Santos. He says that he will show her a better time.

Santos challenges DB to tell him the name of Gonzalo's ally. She says that he is the man who tried to kill her and who ruined her life with four others - El Sapo - and now he is after Santos.


MEPS Tue 04/21/09 – Cap 46 (youtube) - Palafox funeral – Grupo Lacto Getting Anxious

Dear MEPS Fans, Although this has my name as the person posting, this was graciously written by Silver Fox for our reading enjoyment. Thanks so much for the last minute bail out.

ED-FR/JACINTO AT ED’S HOUSE – Ed tells Jacinto he has found a paper inside the white king that Ciro Palafox gave to him. It says the Prince should become both a fox and a lion, because the fox needs to see the traps set for the lion and the lion needs to protect the fox from wolves. Then an obscure reference to Isaac Newton, which may or may not mean anything, we’ll just have to wait and see.

Then, Ed tells Jacinto that things are coming to a head as the time is getting near to when Group Lacto will be executing an agreement with Power Milk and will be expecting a good deal of money to save the company. He doesn’t yet know how he’ll handle that situation since there is NO money to give them and it is all a game to get closer to them. Ed says there is not enough time to resolve all the issues of what is going on yet. Lili still needs more time to recover. (ED - then the authorities will need more than her word – otherwise, it would just be her word vs Barbara’s.)

Jacinto asks how much money is Ed talking about and Ed tells him “millions of dollars”. Jacinto staggers and almost faints.

MARGARITA/FERNANDA AT MARGARITA’S HOUSE – Fernanda tells Margarita that Ed has committed suicide. Margarita is stunned. Fer asks Margarita if she or Jacinto had heard from Eduardo before he died. Margarita says no. Fernanda says she has seen his tombstone (lapida) at Padre Bosco’s parish, along with Soledad’s name on the tombstone. Margarita is stunned some more, and feels for Fernanda. (She will surely be giving Ed/Fr an earful when next they meet. – ED) Fernanda indicates she is more determined than ever now to build the community center and dedicate it to Soledad and Eduardo.

GONZO/BABS AT THE OFFICE – Babs comes strolling into the office mid-morning and Gonzo asks where she has been. She says she went to mass (we know she went to see Artemio Bravo). He responds “at this hour”?? She says that she needed to get away and find some peace and quiet – she is quite distraught. Gonzo is now all concerned about poor Babs and invites her to his office.

Instead of consoling Babs, Gonzo drops the bombshell on Babs that the problem at the plant is much bigger than they originally thought and they need the Power Milk money or the company will have to go into bankruptcy. Now a big revelation – as we are given a “thought bubble” that she is thinking – “What great news. My objective was to ruin the Elizalde’s and now I have done it!. And now I am free from the man I hate most in the world – Artemio Bravo.” So now we have a piece of info that we didn’t have before – she has been forced into this 15 year act. She was probably blackmailed by Bravo’s knowledge of her killing her parents.

SANTIAGO/AURORA AT AURORA’S CHURCH OFFICE – Santiago and Aurora are waiting for the priest to come so they can get access to Aurora’s baptismal records. He finally arrives – and it is Don Rickle’s twin brother!! (but much younger). Santiago tells the priest they are about to become married and must see him. He invites them to his office.

Then, Santiago goes through a cock-a-mamy story that comes down to their needing Aurora’s baptismal record. I guess the priest didn’t understand him any better than I, as he just rolls his eyes and asks for Aurora’s name, which she gives as Aurora Mendoza. The priest excuses himself to go find the records. Santiago and Aurora are now excited that they will now see who is listed as her parents.

The priest comes back and says he can’t find her baptismal record – “Is she sure she was baptized in this church/diocese?” Perhaps a different name was used?? Perhaps she was baptized in a neighboring church/diocese?” Then, the priest has a thought – “Why not check the records of where you went to school. Your baptism records had to be checked to be enrolled there.”

Aurora and Santiago break into big smiles and leave thinking they are on the road to her records.

FERNANDA/DAMIAN MEET UP AT THE HOUSE – Fernanda is immediately caught by the housekeeper as she walks in the door from the Santoro meeting and tells her that Lili’s good friend, Ciro Palafox, has died and his funeral is 3:00 today.

Damian just now enters the house (from where we do not know as it is mid-morning). Damian asks why she is at the house, as Pops and Anibal, etc are all waiting for her at the office. But, Fernanda tells him that first she needs to tell him that their honeymoon is off for awhile. There is simply too much going on and she can’t leave just now. Damian goes ballistic, ending with “Are we married or not?” with fire and brimstone in his eyes.

At that moment, Anibal calls Fernanda and goes ballistic about why she is at the house when he and Pops are anxiously awaiting word of the meeting with Santoro. He orders her to get to the office.

Poor Fernanda, she is catching it from all sides.

LILI AT THE CLINIC – Martina is consoling Lili. Adolfina comes in and tells Lili that she can go to the funeral if she behaves herself. Adolfina mysteriously gives Martina a pair of shoes. The camera follows to Martina putting these shoes on. I guess Martina has traded in her heels for running shoes?? I don’t know if this is a significant plot point or not???? They take off to see Ciro and to start with the funeral.

ELIZALDE FAMILY MEETING AT GRUPO LACTOS – Finally, the family is getting together for a warm and toasty meeting about when they are getting their money and all will be well again…. WRONG….

Everyone is there except Priscilla.

Fernanda tells everyone that Franco wanted to know details of her community center and that Franco wants that it should start as soon as possible. Gonzo asks Fer if that was all they talked about. She says yes. Babs says this is good news for her because she is getting the community center she has wanted, why is she so sad? Fer replies that Lily’s best friend just died, Ed just died, Soledad died – and she’s just not real happy right now. At the point that she mentions Ed’s name, Damian throws a pencil at the table and it bounces high (no cell phones yet) and he jumps up from the table. Camilo pipes up about talking about “these people” again, and “don’t we have anything better to do?” That remark sets Fernanda off and she rants about how it was the family’s fault that Soledad and Ed were so badly treated – and that Camilo would be more concerned if a horse or a European princess died. Everybody looks sheepishly at the floor or ceiling or whatever.

Fernanda then picks up her stuff to leave and starts to storm out of the meeting. Anibal asks “Where in the world do you think you are going?” Fer responds that she is off to the funeral of Ciro Palafox, Lili’s friend. Anibal responds “When are you coming back?” Fer responds that she hasn’t the slightest idea. Camilo makes some snide remark that seems to get a chuckle from the “boys” as she leaves the office. I didn’t understand exactly what he said. Babs walks over to Damian and asks, under her breath, why isn’t he following his wife. He responds that his last visit to the asylum was enough for him. She then gives him a stern order to follow his wife. He abruptly leaves the room and catches Fer in the parking lot. She is surprised he wants to come and says thank you. Off they go to the funeral.

THE FUNERAL OF CIRO PALAFOX. There is a long procession from the clinic to the church. Apparently the church and the clinic are on the same property. Martina and Lili are at the front of the procession.

The procession arrives at the church – hmmm.. missing the family of Ciro.. Where are they? Martina and Lili sit in the front pew where one might expect the family to sit, when all of a sudden, they see something/someone to their left, our right – then, in the next scene, they have disappeared from the pew.

And now, we see the wife and son of Ciro on the way to the funeral – mommy has given sonny a handkerchief blessed with Onion Juice to make him cry tears. Now they go to the funeral and appear just when Martina and Lili disappeared.

Adolfina wakes up Dr. Obregon (yes, he fell asleep during the service!) to tell him that Martina and Lili are gone and Ciro’s family has shown up. Dr. Obregon looks like he will have a heart attack.

Now Damian and Fernanda show up at the church.

One is reminded of the Keystone Cops scenes in the silent movies.

Adolfina tells Dr. Obregon that Fernanda is now at the funeral and he bends low behind Adolfina – Groucho Marx style – to try to exit the church and avoid Fernanda – since she will want to see Lily and he doesn’t know where she is.

On the way back to the clinic (apparently within walking distance), Dr. Obregon asks Adolfina what is he going to tell Fernanda about Lili – when, all of a sudden, Ed appears out of the shadows and asks Dr. Obregon if he has lost anything. Ha….

Meanwhile, back at the funeral, Damian asks Fernanda where her sister is. Fernanda doesn’t know, says probably with Dr. Obregon. Damian says he doesn’t see the doc either. Fernanda tells Damian to cool it – wait till the funeral is over. Damian blows a gasket, leaves the church, jumps in Fernanda’s car, and takes off to return to the Hacienda mad as a hornet – leaving Fernanda alone at the clinic/church without a ride.

Ed/Fr and Dr. Obregon see Damian leaving. Ed says he doesn’t look happy and asks if it could be because they couldn’t find Lili? Dr Obregon gulps. Ed is obviously enjoying putting the squeeze on Dr. Obregon. Ed suggests they go to the Dr’s office and talk. Once there, Ed/Fr asks what the cause of death was that the Dr listed on the death certificate. He says a heart attack. Ed/Fr responds with “a heart attack? After broken ribs and other…” Ed/Fr reminds Dr. Obregon that he can ruin him. Ed wants to Dr. Obregon to promise that Lili is safe if he leaves her there. He makes it clear that he can take Lili away anytime he wants and make the Dr look like an incompetent for losing her.

All of a sudden, there is a knock at the door and Adolfina announces Fernanda Elizalde is there. The next scene shows her in the office and Ed isn’t there – guess what – the office has a private bathroom for Ed to hide in!! I didn’t know that, did you?

Fernanda walks in and asks to see Lili. The Dr is sweating bullets because he doesn’t know what to tell her. He asks to excuse himself (so that he can go to the bathroom to ask Ed/Fr what to do). Ed keeps Dr Obregon on pins and needles by saying the last he saw of Lili, she was in a car, but he’s not sure where she is now. Dr. Obregon walks back into his office and is shocked to see Fernanda has left. He runs to Lili’s room – and there are Lili and Fernanda – calmly talking. Sigh, what a relief.


Jairo is still way over-the-top mad at Martina for taking his new girl and for hitting the customer (or is he a co-owner?). He confronts Venus about where she is, Venus doesn’t know, Jairo says she is lieing and that when he finds Martina, she will regret the day she was born.

Later, Jairo and, of all people, Julio (Bab’s driver) show up at Sylvestre’s house (Martina’s dad). They rough him up and tear-up the place. He demands to know where Martina is. If course, Sylvestre doesn’t know. I guess Julio is there because he has somehow found that Martina is in hot water and wants to get even with her for the time she beat him up.


Damian rushes into the house and up the stairs. Babs sees him (she sees just about everything, doesn’t she?) He pulls out his suitcase and throws it on the bed and starts throwing clothes into it.

Babs goes upstairs and asks what is he up to? He says he is leaving. He is fed up and mad with the whole situation. Babs asks where he is going. He responds that he hasn’t the slightest idea. This episode ends here. We can only surmise that Babs will talk him out of leaving in tomorrow’s chapter.

EDUARDO/FRANCO AND MARTINA TALK AT THE CLINIC – While Lili and Fernanda are talking, Ed/Fr and Martina have a conversation. Ed tells Martina that he believes the safest place for Lily to stay is the clinic. He is pretty sure he has Dr Obregon scared to death. Martina thinks about this for awhile and agrees. Ed/Fr tells Martina how much he appreciates what she is doing for Lili. Martina says she has surely lost her job at the cantina by now. Her dad has probably found out about her working at the cantina. She tells Ed how she has lied to her dad over the years, telling him that she was a nurse. Ed promises Martina that she will visit her dad that day and tell him what has been going on. He promises Martina that she and her dad are now under his protection (sounds like a Mafia don, huh.) Martina tells Eduardo that she has known since he was a little boy that he was good.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Tues., Apr. 21 - Sapo and Gonzalo sabotage the dairy plant; Marisela smells a rat in the Governor's office

Marisela tells Genoveva DB's history with the rapists. Geno says that DB is in danger and Marisela repsonds that they are all in danger because Sapo is a monster.

DB burns down Sapo's house.

Melesio tells Santos to try and control his temper. He says that when Santos as calmed down, he will realize all the people that he has hurt.

Gonzalo orders that the dairy processing plant be inspected first thing the next morning.

Marisela tells Geno that she doesn't understand why Gonzalo has the photos of the rapists.

DB is angry that Sapo escaped her. She tells Melquíades that she wants him alive.

Don Encarnación catches Antonio and Cecilia having a romantic dinner. He calls Antonio and Cecilia a pair of traitors.

Marisela tells Geno that she doesn't know what to do about the photos.

Antonio tries to talk sense into DE.

Santos is apologizing to Carmelito and hearing about his plans to establish a poultry business when Cósme and Mujica come to tell him about the dairy plant being closed down.

When Marisela runs into Gonzalo in the Governor's residence, she tells him that she and Santos are finished. Gonzalo offers to forget everything that happened and give her her job back. Marisela is starting to refuse when Antonio comes in and says that Sapo's house was set on fire.

Pernalete comes to see DB to tell her that a lot of strange things are going on in Progresso: haciendas are being sold overnight to unknown buyers, the dairy processing plant has been closed down due to rats and there was a newspaper article accusing Santos of embezzlement. "And you immediately concluded that it was me who had done it, right?"asks DB. Pernalete says that it is the kind of things DB does. DB tells him that he is wrong. She had nothing to do with what has happened but she knows who is behind it - Sapo. She tells Melquíades to sneak around the ranches that were sold and see what is going on.

Santos tries to defend his actions to the Cattleman's Association. DE shows up and accuses Santos of incompetence.

Marisela tells Geno that she might take her job back to find out why Gonzalo has the photos in his office. She transfers a call from Sapo to Gonzalo and listens to Sapo demanding that DB be killed and Gonzalo telling him not to do it yet.

When the call is over, Marisela goes into Gonzalo's office and sweetly asks for her job back. Her attitude would make me suspicious. It's hard to tell what Gonzalo is thinking.

Santos tells the Cattlemen's Association that he has demonstrated that there were no financial irregularities under his leadership but since the members no longer have confidence in him, he will resign as president. He suggests that they elect DE.

DB is sending the women and Juan Primito to La Chusmita to be out of the line of fire. Eustaquia doesn't want to go.

Melquíades is checking out the area where the haciendas were sold. He sees a plane coming in for a landing and thinks it is very strange.

Santos finds out that the Governor ordered the health inspection on the dairy processing plant. In typical Santos fashion, he wants to go confront Gonzalo immediately. Andrés tries to calm him down but without success.

Cecilia has just fed baby Lucía when Antonio comes in. Cecilia says that the baby is doing very well and will likely survive. Antonio thanks Cecilia for all she has done. Cecilia says that she is doing what Lucía asks. He kisses Cecilia and someone takes another picture.

Santos asks Andrés to wait outside the Government building in case Santos is arrested for what he is going to do to Gonzalo. Santos bursts into Gonzalo's office, hits him and accuses him of planting the rats in the factory and then having an inspection done. Santos accuses Gonzalo of using his authority as Governor to destroy him since he can't do it man to man. Santos says that he will do everything he can to destroy Gonzalo.

It's the married/engaged vaqueros versus Pajarote. Cósme, María Nieves and Carmelito discuss their plans to make something of themselves for their families. Pajarote feels left out. The other guys point out that he has said that he doesn't want any responsibilities. MN gives a little speech about how he and the other guys want to work hard and put their families first. Pajarote can continue to do what his father did- sleep around and leave fatherless children ('sigue montando a tus vaquillas y dejando terneros regados por ahí,' literally, 'continue mounting your heifers and leaving calves littered all around') but he shouldn't complain if he gets left behind in life. Pajarote says that with friends like them, he doesn't need enemies. Cósme says that MN went too far ('como que se te fue la mano') but Carmelito doesn't agree.

Sapo has a new hideout. He tells Facundo that no one must suspect that they are using the farms to bring in their merchandise. He is going to get his business organized first and then take care of DB.

DB is closer than he thinks, though. She and Melquíades have found the runway.

Santos is outraged that Marisela is back working for Gonzalo. She defends Gonzalo against Santos' accusations and says that she is staying with him.


Tontas Tuesday April 21, '09 I Love You...Forgive Me...I Wanted It To Be Better

Why that title?...why those words? "I love you...Forgive me...I wanted it to be better."

Those were the last words a friend of ours said to his family before he died. Too cerebral, too distant...he never was able to relate to them as a warm and caring father. We heard them at his Memorial Service this Sunday and understood them far too well. Many of the other academics in the sanctuary squirmed in recognition of their own discomfort in relating to their families.

But those are words that all characters say in telenovelas and are part of the overall message. A message far more important perhaps than all the "after school special" lessons that this particular telenovela purports to teach. And those thoughts were all expressed in some way or another in tonight's episode. Let's take a look and see......

We have the brief rehash: Gregoria struggling with her attraction to Arturo. Arturo confidently continuing his seduction. And Paulina( with a little boost to Guadalajara again) predicting that it will become an important fashion center...before she tumbles down the steps in her stiletto heels.
When it comes to "product placement",let's face it, the principal product is Guadalajara itself. But fine by me. I'm enjoying the change from Mexico City.

Now onto the new stuff. They carry Paulina into the house and drape her over a sofa. She's unappreciative and rude, as usual, but when she overhears Tina worrying about amnesia (like in her telenovela she's watching) little Paulina gets the idea to fake memory loss. She goofs it up a little, recognizes Rocio but not Santiago or Isabella. Our doctor plastico isn't fooled for a minute but concedes that if Isabella wants Paulina to stay over a few days while they make sure she's alright, it's fine with him.

These scenes are alternating with Candy/Gregoria scenes where Mom is on the verge of telling her about the romance with Arturo, but can't quite make it over the hump.

And there's a third strand in this mixture...Santiago's plan to talk to Suintila's mom. He's also chaffed about her name....thinks it sounds "visigoda" (visigoth-like) and actually asks her mom why she would saddle her offspring with such a handle. Seems it's her grandmother's name and that's the tradition.

Interestingly, when Santiago tells mom her daughter is sick...bulimic,in fact.... mom accepts it instantly. This does not square with my experience at all. Most parents will deny deny deny for a while before finally seeing that their child has a problem....but hey, this is the show of instant cures, and here we have another one.

Santi hands mom a card, directing her to an institute where experts will show her how to intervene in her daughter's denial and persuade her to seek help. We'll see where this leads. Lucia is initially appalled that Dad took this action, but Isabella and Jaime support Santiago, and presto, Lucia is okay with it. Another instant resolution. Man, if the romantic problems could just get wrapped up this fast! Ojala!

Well, Tio Abuelo Meño is doing his best to wrap up those romantic problems but his ladies keep resisting the advice. He's still pushing Gregoria to return to Arturo's bed (a questionable decision) and when she nervously dithers he snaps "Deja esa cantaleta" (Just drop it). I say she's right to be nervous! but what do I know? And then there's Candy. He chastises her for being an intransigeant woman, who forgives nothing (ya got that right, Meño) and has been given a gazillion chances with Santiago and run him off a gazillion times (ya got that right too, compadre). Gregoria's had enough, she wants to head off to bed, pleading a Meño-induced headache. But Candy wants her to stay...she has a request. Mom's sure she knows what it is, starts talking, doesn't listen, until finally Candy gently asks her to hush. And what will the request be? We have a couple of ads before we find out.

Well, no biggie. Candy just wants mom to tuck her in. ( Candy, by the way, has already tucked in Chava and hears that he wants a little "hermanito". A little boy, preferably so he can play with him. We see her mull over this idea with a decided glint in her eye. Is a consummated romance in the offing?)

Okay, back to Mom. Not only is she tucking Candy in...she's telling a bedtime story which in fact is the story of her sad, romance-rejecting life. Gregoria, growing up in Guadalajara, fell in love at 16 but her father wouldn't let her date the boy. So she married someone else, had three daughters and.... But every year, on the 4th of December (Gregoria's birthday) she'd receive a bouquet of lilies from her lost love. Her husband never knew. But when she was widowed, and the bouquet came once again....she rejected it. Why? Because she was afraid of love. And yet she never stopped wondering what would have happened if..... Candy, she says, Accept the flowers. Accept what life gives you.

"I love you. Forgive me. I wanted it to be better". True for both these women. Will they be able to change their destinies?

Gregoria turns out the light, leaving Candy to her dreams. In another apartment though, we see Lalo, unable to sleep, one sad tear running down his cheek. He's condemning himself as "basura" (garbage) for being unable to give Chayo a child. Chayo tries to comfort him by saying If a woman can't conceive it's no big deal. But if a man seems infertile, he condemns himself as garbage. Toxic macho thinking. (Actually, women condemn themselves as well for being unable to conceive. And are often condemned by their husbands. So I don't know where this bromide is coming from. It doesn't hold up.) But yes, in a better world, no one would condemn anybody. Just get to work on the solution, if there is one. What fools we mortals be!

"I love you. Forgive me. I wanted it to be better. "

Maybe it will be for these two.

When we come back from the next set of ads, the romantic theme is playing in a minor key, and Patricio, pacing in his lonely new house, is crying as well. Arturo enters and is horrified. Men Don't Cry, he snaps. Machos Don't Cry, replies Patricio. And I'm not up for listening to stupidities....I miss Candy. I feel so alone.

I love her. I asked for her forgiveness. I wanted it to be better.

Yes, he did.

Alright, we've been wondering if Arturo's changed or if he's still a sleaze. And the answser is....Sleazebag! He gives Patricio advice on how to force Candy back. Given her lying about her death and keeping him from his son all those years, Patricio has legal grounds to get full custody of Chava. And if he has the child, the mother won't be far behind.

Patricio points out that Dad hasn't been able to force his own wife to come back. Sure, but that's because he doesn't want her. He likes new blood, new romantic adventures. That's what keeps him ticking. Ugh. Evidently Gregoria's just the latest Geritrol in Arturo's medicine cabinet. (Meño, your advice sucks!)

And speaking of poor advice, yep, we see Candy in front of the mirror, dolling herself up. Evidently she's decided now is the time to throw herself in Santiago's arms. The guy is frantic with worry over his missing infant son. Is now really the time? Well, evidently it is. Go figure.

Santi's talking to Barbara about the possibility of the Institute teaching mothers to recognize signs of eating disorders in their children, but Barbara is all 7th grade excited and giggly (along with Candy) at the thought of these two hooking up, and runs off to get her excited friend. Ostensibly to vet Santiago's proposal. In fact to make a proposal of her own. Let's be novios!!!!

If you saw this, you know she enters the room in full seduction mode, leading with her chest. After she and her bubis arrive, she announces "Te amo" (no need to translate, right?) Santiago babbles. Is he dreaming? She pinches him. He babbles some more and asks for another pinch. Of course she hedges a bit. They have to find out if they're really "meant for each other". And whether or not he's "cured". Is he sick? Well...if he's cured of being a "mujeriego" (womanizer). Sho' nuff, there's a fly in the ointment. You can see it coming can't you? But relax, enjoy their kisses. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

I love you. Forgive me. (For all the times I rejected you. For all the times I went back to Marissa.) I wanted it to be better.

Will it be? We'll see.

In cruel contrast we see Patricio, all alone in a dreamy aqua-blue nursery, holding gaily wrapped packages of baby gifts. The phone rings and it's Alicia, assuring him that the baby looks just like him (wha?). She's pleased he brought some gifts for the baby and he admits he's sentimental because he's never held a baby in his arms. His two sons were born 7 years ago. Alicia's phone call is followed by one from his mom. Evidently some of the gifts were from her. She's evidently operating on the thought that Alicia and Pato are going to get back together but he reminds her that nothing can ease the painful absence of Candy. (famous last words? we'll see....)

Alicia loves him. She wanted his forgiveness (for seducing him and ruining his romance with Candy. She wanted it to be better.

And perhaps it will be. Or not.

Alright, our meddling "metiche" Meño is continuing to give free romantic/marital advice....this time to Fafy Cuenca's (aka Ricardo's) unhappy wife. She wants out of the marriage. He counsels giving it another try. Take a chance. Try and make it better. Fall in love again. (This time, for once, I agree with Meño. Studies seem to show that couples who work hard to repair their marriages are happier long-term than those who decided to end them. Individual exceptions abound of course. Just sayin') What does amuse me is Meño seems to hand out a lot more advice than does our giggly shrink Barbara. And he probably has the same batting average.

But clearly this woman needs to say to cranky Ricardo.....

I love you. Forgive me. I wanted it to be better.

And maybe, just maybe.... he will listen with his heart.

Another painful scene. This time Santiago, head down on the desk, is having a nightmare about Marissa and his missing son. Guess Candy's romantic declaration wasn't a cure-all after all. And "té de tila" (linden tea) which his mother offers isn't doing the trick either. That stuff is like water, he snorts. I need someone to advise me. Someone who knows how to help fathers recover their children. (By the way, I have searched Columbus for "té de tila" and have come up empty. Hope I don't need calming down anytime soon.)

Another set of ads, and then an interesting scene indeed. Soledad comes home exhausted from, presumeably a tough day at the Institute, and Cece has already tucked an equally exhausted Beto into bed and prepared Soledad's favorite dinner...."filete con salsa de mango". Won't let Soledad do a thing. Sets the table, feeds her, and later we see her tenderly cover Soledad with a blanket after she has fallen asleep on the couch. Not sure where this is going but we'd all like a roomate like that, wouldn't we?

Okay, more palaver with Santiago and Mom. She's worried now about Tina (whose mother died of cancer) but Santiago brushes that aside. The cancer was found early, they'll operate and punto, problem solved. And if she wants reconstruction, hey, there's a plastic surgeon in the house. No problem. (I found this a rather simplistic treatment of cancer, especially since it can come back, regardless of when it's found. But enough qvetching.)

And Santiago has other concerns. His concerns about his son. He knows he was born, but that's all. Is he being cared for? Is he loved? Mom has the answer. He should go to the Institute. They cure "heridas de alma" (wounds of the heart, wounds of the soul). Santiago's not sure he should go (neither am I). After all, he's a man. (Sure is.) But Mom thinks the Institute's the answer...and it's not just for men. (no it isn't.) Santiago replies that his heart and soul wounds will be healed when he holds his son in his arms. (And I totally agree.)

The episode ends with poignant memories of Marissa's pregnancy, the ultrasound (where they found out it was a boy), and Santiago tenderly listening to his baby moving around in Marissa's womb.

I swear I'll find you, son, Santiago whispers...and when I do, nothing will ever separate us again.

I love you. Forgive me. I wanted it to be better.

If he can't say the first phrase, Marissa definitely needs to hear the last two. And will that heal the wounds and end the vengeance? Who knows?

Previews: More troubles to come. Candy's declaration of love has unleashed all kinds of repercussions. Paulina is on the warpath (or lovepath, depending). Pato is going to fight for Candy after all. And Marissa is about to wrap up her final vengeance. Ay yi yi.....

alegado, alegada = alleged
visigodo, visigoda = Visigoth (adj.)
azucena = Madonna lily, Ascension lily....the flowers Gregoria's first love sent her on every birthday
dejar esa cantaleta= drop it, don't keep going over the same old stuff
pellizcar= pinch (not as in "steal" but simply to pinch someone)

Dicho of the day:
Las mentiras tienen patas cortas (lit. lies have short feet) Lies don't take you very far. Isabella, counseling Santiago to give Rocio the truth about the absence of her little brother.
Other "pata" dichos:
tener mala pata = have bad luck
tener buena pata= have good luck
meter la pata = to put one's foot in it


MEPS: Oops, Melissa has an emergency tonight.

So, just as I published my very-tardy recap just now, I got an email from tonight's recapper saying she has a family emergency and can somebody else do it? Any takers?


OK, so I was late, sue me. MEPS 4/20, the fox and the lion and the white king and why doesn't anybody ever give straightforward helpful information?

Sorry for the delay, folks. I got confused and forgot I was "on" for last night. It's because I can't count to two. Thanks for setting me straight, Judy!

  • Yesterday's uncomfortable tete a tete between Fr/Ed and Fern continues, see below.

  • Barb's equally uncomfortable meeting with Artemio continues as well. He has told her to whack Father Bosco so "... he'll take Fr/Ed's secrets to his grave! Do it like you did to Montserrat! [with a pillow?], I don't want to have wasted 15 years of my life to see my vengeance ruined!"

    Barb tells him about Fr/Ed and the Power Meelk deal, Artemio asks if she believes in Fr/Ed. "Seems he is a serious guy." "Seems? That's not the kind of answer I expect from you. Find out everything about his past. Is he gonna mess up my vengeance? Maybe you'll have to knock him off, too."

  • Gardenia and Jacinto walk and talk, she's afraid Fern is visiting Fr/Ed to make her, Gardenia, come back to work for the Elizaldes - back to that awful gross Camila and the Hyena! Jacinto reassures her: Fr/Ed is not afraid of any of them. "Oh, but maybe 'Mr. Santorito' will put me out on the street! You know how the rich are!" Later, she stops Fern on the way out to make sure she's not in trouble. All of this was expendable.

  • Santiago has managed to get inside Dominga's house. He butters her up and asks her for Aurora's hand in marriage. Dominga is butter-resistant, she yells rude things and tells him to leave. But Santi says to Aurora, in a cheerful loud stage whisper, "She's right not to trust me, she doesn't know me. But we must EXPLAIN I'm a FAMOUS PAINTER going to a FAMOUS ACADEMY and my FAMOUS PAINTINGS are selling for MILLIONS OF DOLLARS and you will NEVER BE SHORT OF MONEY and SHE WON'T EITHER."

    This works like a charm. Dominga gives them permission to leave the house, and Santi sez he and Aurora will bring back dinner. "And BOOZE," adds Dominga, and as the door closes she chuckles, "that little blondie's gonna be good business."

    Santi drags Aurora right off to the church. "But I told you, the priest is not interested in helping me find my baptismal certificate." "He'll be more interested when he realizes we're getting married, and you'll need it!"

    The secretary says the priest will be back "later, or maybe tomorrow." Santi plops down on a bench and tells the secretary they'll just sit there and wait till the priest comes back and can marry them! He plops a big fat kiss on Aurora, pointing out to the sec that it's a sin! Aurora is not really with this program.

  • Vlad is, yes, still stalking Prisila. To make a long story short, she wants him to go away forever, he loves her blah blah, he finally admits he knows she's pregnant and he read Anibal's doctor's reports and even took them to a doc friend to confirm that (a) Anibal is sterile and therefore (b) he, Vlad, is father of the future baby, "and you and I are going to have a lot to talk about till the end of our lives."

    Pris just keeps saying she never wants to see him again and throws him out of the car and drives away. Between her repulsive black scare wig and his rank greasy locks, they are the worst hair-couple of the show.

  • Anibal has just gotten the recent rotten-milk reports and tells his dad they're worse than expected - "we wouldn't have enough money to cover this even if we sold our souls to the devil. Only Fern can save us from total ruin." The wimpy dad cries. They just wait for Fern to come home from this trip and tell them they have found salvation with Power Meelk.

  • Fr/Ed just gets as close and cozy as can be and sorta whispers to Fern that the reason the whole Power Meelk deal depends on her is that his employers are philanthropists and that her plans for the community center are the only thing that makes them want to work with Lactos. No social investment, no deal. "So simple?" asks Fern suspiciously. "Yes, the founders think riches should be shared." "So simple?" "I like that you're so suspicious." "Well, a biz as big as Power Meelk doesn't give something for nothing. What do they want in return?" "You're the key. They need to know who they're dealing with - who are you?"

    He asks her to call him Franco, and to use "tu" with him (be less formal). She points out it's not she he's doing business with and says, "It's hard to believe you work with such angels, out to help the common man." "Are you so surprised there are still generous people on this earth? Generosity does exist - are you generous?"

    "You'd have to ask somebody else." "No, I'm asking - are you generous with yourself? Since we met, two things have drawn my attention. One is your great beauty. The other is your absence. You're like a beautiful, well-appointed house with nobody living in it. I expect you love your husband, but you seem to be longing for (missing) love in your soul." She starts to cry and goes to the bathroom.

    Boy, Ed is really asking for it. [There are a lot of songs about guys who leave their sweethearts and go off to war and are gone so long they are unrecognizable when they get back, and they lie to their girlfriends and say "your boyfriend is dead," just to see if their women would be faithful and properly grief-stricken, and then when they're satisfied with all the sobbing they happily say, "just fooling," and the girls fall into their arms, but if it was me, I'd sock a guy who did that to me. --Ed.] What a liar: "Oh, Fern, I am so sorry I hurt you. I could see those flowers at your wedding really put a damper on things." "It wasn't just that, it was the guy who sent them, my nana's son." "The one who died?" She cries. "Despite all that's happened, you are so affected by his death?" [GRRR!]

    She asks, did you really have to know all this to do biz with my family? "No, I ask for myself- because your sadness pains me."

    She pulls herself together and gives him the files she brought. "One more request," he asks, "don't go on your trip till this business is settled." 'The nerve!' is what her look says. He says he'll send the info to Steve Nor-Ton today and have a "verdict" in a few days.

  • There's a knock on the door! It's Erica! She and Fern are unpleasantly surprised to see each other. "I thought you were on your honeymoon. Did I come at a bad time?"

    Err tells Fern she's organizing a parrillado (is it another horsey thing?) because she wants Fr/Ed to officially meet the parents. "Oh, Demian and I prolly can't come cause we'll be on our trip." Err wheedles and wheedles, they can delay a few more days, it means sssooooo much to me! "I'm not in the mood for a party." "It's not just any party. Invite everybody even that swine Camilo."

    Fern's had enough. She says goodbye. She tells Fr/Ed not to see her out but he follows her to the door anyway.

    After she leaves, Err sheepishly reveals she invented the whole thing on the spot, and sort of apologizes, but then suggests that their farce of a relationship could be made real - she'd like that. And would he please come to this dinner with her parents? He asks, "Can I think about it?" "Think about which: our relationship, or the dinner?" Just the dinner, he'd prefer to let destiny take care of the other... She kisses his unresponsive face and tells him he's a total gentleman.

  • Fr/Ed sits holding the big white king from Cero's chess set. "The head of the king must be ready for battle," said Cero, and "The white king must lose his head so I can get my liberty back," said Lili. Suddenly, Fr/Ed pulls the head off that ol' white king! He fishes out a rolled up piece of paper and Jacinto comes in promptly to hear the important information: "When circumstances require that one behave like a beast, it's best for the prince to become a fox and a lion, because the lion doesn't know how to protect himself from tricks and the fox doesn't know how to protect himself from wolves." Jacinto is confused, I know he is because he says: "I don't understand."

    "At the very end it says to give it to Isaac Newton." Condescendingly Fr/Ed explains that Newton was Mr. Gravity but has been dead for centuries. "But this is the weapon." "Why don't you just ask Cero, then you wouldn't have to guess?" "Cero is dead."

  • Before going home, Fern stops at Margarita's to ask, again, if she and Jacinto really had no more dealings with Eduardo after the first phone call. She tells Margarita he's dead, he committed suicide. I thought maybe at first Margarita thought this was true news, but when she hears about Ed being buried next to his mother in the crypt, realizes it's just part of his whole racket.

    Fern's sobs really tugged at my heartstrings though they did not dislodge her mascara. "I think Eduardo came back so he could be buried with his mother. Now, I think you knew about this already!" (denials) ..."then," muses Fern, "nobody knew but Father Bosco? I'd hoped Eduardo would forgive me - it was my fault that he suffered. I really want to build this community center so kids can study and don't have to leave..." sobs inconsolably.


Mañana, 4/20, #45, quickie recap

We haven't heard from Melinama. She probably had computer problems. So I have started an emergency recap. I have finished a quickie recap of the first clip from YouTube. I'll also do clip 2. But I won't be able to do anything past that. If anyone else wants to do clips 3 through 5, I can add them to the recap.

Clip 1
Barb & Artemio: Art says Barb has to kill the priest. Maybe Ed divulged Art’s secret. Can’t risk that. Barb: It will be done.

Jacinto & Gardenia. Gard: what if Franco fires me because I talked to Fernanda? Those rich folks don’t care who they kick around. Jac: Don’t worry. Franco’s not scared of the Elizalde’s.

Santiago/Aurora/Dominga. Dom: You weren’t looking for your mother. You were looking for a novio! Get this bum out of here! Santi to Aurora: Since she’s the closest thing to your mom, she needs to know about me, and how rich I can get from my paintings. And when I marry you, we’ll take care of her too. Dominga: What a nice young man. You two go have a nice day together. After they leave, Dom says, This looks like good business.

At Las Animas, Gardenia brings juice.
Fern: Why does it depend on me?
Ed: Power Milk only joins with companies who sponser community social programs. If your company has a social program, PM will partner with you.
Fern: Why is it so important to PM?
Ed: PM owners are true philanthropists. They need to know the quality of people with whom they join.
Fern: I have suspicions. What do they want in exchange?
Ed: You have something else to give.
Fern (suspicious): What do you mean?
Ed: You are the decisive factor, in a multi-million deal. PM can’t do business with GL without knowing who we are dealing with. We need to know. Who are you?

Clip 2
Barb & Artemio:
Art: What is PM doing here?
Barb: They want to invest in Latin America.
Art: You believe that story?
Barb: Franco seems serious.
Art: Seems? What do you know about him?
Barb: Nothing.
Art: Find out. I won’t let some unknown factor rob my vengence.

Ed: Call me Ed. And would you please call me “tu”?
Fern: It’s not me doing business with usted. Why are you asking me these questions? I can’t believe it’s just because PM is made of philanthropists. What are you, a company of angels?
Ed: You can’t believe there are still generous people in the world? They still exist. Do you consider yourself generous?
Fern (blushes): maybe you should ask those who know me, verdad?
Ed: No. I want to know, is Fernanda generous with herself? From the moment I saw you, I noticed two things. Your beauty and your emptiness (?).

Note: Breaking news. Melinama is on her way. So I will stop recapping here. I don’t know if she wants to overwrite my rough version, or add to it, or start a new page. We’ll find out when she gets here.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Doña Barbara, Mon. Apr. 20 - The hopes of peace and happiness returning to Altamira are dashed; the war starts with an empty house and some mice

Marisela tries to reason with Santos. She asks what reason she would have had for deceiving him about DB's pregnancy.

DB tells Facundo that she usually gets rid of filth like him but that his time will come. Right now, he can go back to El Sapo and tell him that DB is declaring war on him.

Gonzalo pretends that he gave Antonio an order to pay for the repair of a street twice by mistake. He tells Antonio that the Marisela situation has his head all mixed up.

Marisela tells Santos that he is being controlled by his anger. If he throws her out, she won't come back. She won't beg like DB does. When he doesn't respond, she leaves. Juan Primito tells Marisela that Santos will get over his anger but Marisela says that Santos doesn't love her and she has no reason to wait for his anger to pass.

With Pernalete and Mujica present, DB accuses Sapo of rape and murder. She tells Facundo to tell Sapo that this is her territory and these are her men. She is declaring a fight to the death between them.

Altagracia tells the other terneras about how Santos threw DB out of Altamira. They hope that happy times are coming back to Altamira with Santos and Marisela together.

In a lovely scene, JP tells truth to power. When Santos tells him that he threw Marisela out because she lied, he points out that everyone lies and when Santos lived at El Miedo, he didn't tell DB how much he missed Marisela. Santos says that was different and that JP doesn't understand. JP says that he does understand: it's ok for Santos to lie but not Marisela. He says that Santos thinks he knows everything but he doesn't know anything. He tells Santos that a good man doesn't make women cry but with Santos, they all cry: Marisela, DB and Luisana. He says that Santos is bad, bad, very bad (muy malo)!

Cecilia tells Genoveva and Casilda that she will rent the house that they saw. Antonio comes in and the other women leave. Antonio tells Cecilia that he got a restraining order against Don Encarnación. Cecilia thinks that was the wrong thing to do. When he kisses Cecilia, someone takes a photograph.

When DE comes to see his granddaughter, he is turned away. He is furious.

Pernalete and Mujica come back with long faces to the cafe where Federica and Josefa are waiting . They say that a war is coming and DB and Sapo will kill each other and no matter which side Pernalete and Mujica are on, they will get killed, too.

Facundo returns to Sapo and says that he has a message for him. He tells Sapo that DB wants to see him in hell before he dies. She wants him to suffer more than any of the other rapists. He says that DB is possessed (endemoniada). "And she's coming after me?" asks Sapo nervously.

DB returns to El Miedo to find Marisela there. Marisela says that DB has tricked her again. She was naive and stupid enough to believe that DB had gone crazy after she lost her baby. DB tells her that at first she was crazy but Marisela no longer believes anything she says. DB says that losing her baby was horrible; almost as bad as being raped. The only good thing was finding out that Marisela loved her in spite of all the horrible things she had done. "You still deceived me?" says Marisela, "You still used me to get close to Santos?" DB admits it and says that she would do it again. It's the way she is.

Santos is rude to the terneras.

Marisela tells DB that Santos has kicked her out of Altamira for lying to him about DB losing her baby. "That's what you wanted, right?" asks Marisela. DB admits that is exactly what she wanted.

Santos is rude to María Nieves when he tells Santos that Marisela's mare is pregnant.

Gonzalo tells Sapo to sabotage the dairy plant while he will destroy Santos' reputation and then finish him off.

Santos rides off and is assaulted by flashbacks.

Marisela tells DB that Santos is all hers now. She says that she will go far away forever. DB can stay at El Miedo with her hatred and lies and try to regain the love of someone who hates her. Marisela turns to leave and DB tries to stop her without success. As she walks away, DB asks Marisela to forgive her. Eustaquia says that she hopes DB doesn't regret for the rest of her life breaking her daughter's heart.

Santos, assaulted by flashbacks, is rude to Carmelito.

After hearing about Santos' behavior from the terneras, Carmelito and MN, Melesio decides to go and speak to him.

DB finds JP hiding under a table and crying because Marisela has gone and won't be coming back. DB tells him that Marisela will always be unhappy near her and that is why it is better for her to be far away.

Marisela tells Cecilia, Antonio and Genoveva that she has to get far away from DB.

DB lights up her cigarillo, loads her gun, kisses Eustaquia and JP goodbye and heads off to do battle with Sapo.

Genoveva is looking for the stapler (engrapadora) in Gonzalo's office when she finds the much-traveled picture of the DB's rapists. She says that she has to show it to Marisela.

Melesio tells Santos that he should be going after Marisela. Santos says that Marisela doesn't exist for him anymore.

DB and her gang shoot up Sapo's flat screen TV but there's no one at his house.

Sapo and Facundo are off releasing a bunch of white mice into the dairy processing plant. Sapo says that Santos' dairy plant is finished.

Melesio lets Santos get all the crazy things out of his head. Then he tells him that he has acted like an idiot and had better do something soon or he will lose the most valuable thing in the world - the love of a good woman.

Geno shows Marisela the picture of the rapists. She recognizes Sapo and realizes that the fifth rapist is Sapo and that he is very close.


Las tontas no van #95, Mon 4/20, Déjalo! (Leave it!)

The word "leave" has a multitude of definitions; see The Spanish "dejar" shares virtually all those definitions, and we see many of them employed tonight.
Meño tells Candy to dejar the obstacles she creates. (abandon)
Marissa deja the baby with Alicia. (drop off)
Alicia no deja Marissa push her around anymore. (allow)
Luc wants papa to dejar a sensitive subject but he won’t. (leave it alone)
Gregoria deja Art kiss her. (allow)
Paulina tells her stalker, “Dejame en paz!” but of course he won’t. (leave in a condition)

We start with Marissa in labor, still in the hotel, with contractions 40 seconds apart, and another contraction 20 seconds thereafter. In real life, birth would be imminent. Beanie adjustment necessary. Alicia is worried about the passport swap. Although the baby plot is revolting, watching these two in a panic is hilarious.

Chava is mad at Beto for saying that Pat would move to his house. Pat and Candy give a lesson on honesty and the value of brothers. The boys kiss and make up. Pat takes them for the night.

Men, was your wife the kind who got “greatly annoyed” with you when she was in labor? If your sweet, loving wife got that way as a result of labor, imagine what happens to our mother of all brujas! One orderly wheels her away while the other asks Alicia for the patient’s passport. Ali gives him her own passport, her picture still in tact, with three Ben Franklin’s folded inside. He goes to fill out the paperwork and assures her that the documents will be completely legal. Alicia calls someone back in Mexico to deliver a pre-arranged package; it needs to arrive today.

Santiago’s family is just finishing dinner, along with Lucía’s friend, Suinty, who is spending the night. Luc tells Papa about the AIDS talk at the institute, and Roc asks, “What’s AIDS, Papa?” He confidently assures her, “We’ll talk tomorrow, alone. I’ll explain everything to you clearly.” He knows there is a time and a place for everything, and this is neither the time nor the place. Santi observes that Suinty didn’t eat anything (even the lettuce), and offers to get her something else. Luc explains that her friend is on a perpetual diet. Jaime mentions “suinturon,” a wordplay on “belt.”

Pat and the boys are having “guys’ night” complete with dinosaurs, soccer motif, thrown popcorn, and a discussion of urinals. Chava concludes that women pee sitting down because they are tired.

Eating popcorn at their own house, Meño asks Candy why he sees panic in her face.
C: I’m in love with Santiago.
M: All of Mexico knew that. Why are you afraid? Let me guess. You think he’s a womanizer like all the rest? And did you just now discover you’re in love?
C: No, but before, it was impossible. Now it’s possible, so it disturbs me more.
M: Why do you insist on putting obstacles in your life? Especially in love. And if there are no obstacles, you invent some.
C: Oh yeah? Oh yeah? Why didn’t he tell me Pau came back. And look at how much he deceived Marissa. So there!
M: Love is a wager. No one can know the outcome.

Meanwhile in a hospital in Quito, Mar se quita the baby with two pushes. (See the vocabulary lesson after the recap.) She pushes the oxygen mask away so she can look at her prize, but it’s hard to tell whether her face says regret or disgust. Back in her room, looking at the beautiful baby (who still has the face of a newborn, unlike most TV babies), she removes all doubt. She tells Ali, “You take care of him, since you like him so much.” Ali answers, “Ay, no, que horror! It would hurt my back.” Ali wonders, after carrying him for nine months and going through labor, doesn’t Mar feel some attachment? Mar says, “No! Yuck!”

Ali wants to name him “Patricio Guillermo.” Then she suggests “Patricio Arturo” and the baby starts crying.

Santiago takes Lucía aside and asks if her friend ever eats a really big meal. Luc recalls that she once ate everything in sight because she was nervous about a math test. Luc confirms Papa’s speculation that she also exercises a lot. When he asks whether she also uses laxatives, Luc tells him that’s too personal, and he drops the matter. But later that night he walks into the kitchen and discovers Suinty making a midnight raid on the fridge, her mouth stuffed with pudgy bunnies. He tries to talk to her but she runs off. Santi goes up to Lucía’s room to check on her, and he hears her in the bathroom, purging. He backs out of the room, choosing not to address the problem right now. He knows there is a time and a place for everything.

At the boys’ slumber party, Pat is awakened by Candy’s phone call. Chava fell asleep on top of Pat. Pat starts the day with a pillow fight.

Stalker sighting! Paulina’s stalker finally shows his face to us, but not to Paulina, as he spies on her at the beauty parlor. It’s Augustin Arana (Omar of LFMB), but unshaven, uncombed, un-necktied, and shoes unpolished (no, I didn’t see his shoes; I’m taking poetic license). With the whiskers you can’t even see his dimple! Que lástima! At the end of the episode we discover his name is Mario, but I prefer to call him OMario.

Santi tells Isabel he thinks Suinty is bulimic. In addition to last night’s clues, he also cites her loose clothing to disguise her skinniness, and her cold hands. He wants to call her parents rather than confronting her. The girls come down the stairs, and Luc says she’d like to visit her parents grave after they take Suinty home.

Ed’s test results are in, and he’s afraid to go to the appointment. Chayo tells him he’s acting childish. He stomps his feet and says, “Am not! Am not!”

Lucía and Isabel take flowers to the grave of Luc’s parents, Alfonso Lopez Carmona and Guadalupe Hernandez Lopez. She tells them that she’s healthy, free and clear, and that she misses them. Luc steps away, and Isabel tells her son’s headstone that she couldn’t bear it if Luc were infected. His death was almost too much to bear.

At the restaurant, Meño tells Ricardo he’ll help arrange a surprise birthday party for his wife. Ric says, “It sounds like a super-boring night.” Gee, I wonder why their marriage has problems?

The fertility doctor tells Ed and Chayo that she is perfectly fertile, and Ed has a good sperm count, but less than ten percent are doing their job. But don’t worry, there is treatment.

Paulina teaches Roc and Luc how to walk like models. Pau says she’ll let Lucía’s friends use items from her collection for a fashion show.

Marissa wants Ali to take a photo of the baby to send to Santiago. Ali flatly refuses. Mar is looking much worse for the wear. No bounce in her step; gone is the gleeful savoring of the revenge. And now that the baby is in her name, Alicia has suddenly stopped humoring Marissa. She tells her, “We could end up in jail. No photos, no calls. And quit calling my son the brat and the package. I’m the only one who can call him that.” On a side note, I’ve noticed that Santiago’s face has been unusually UN-expressive lately. At the moment, his son is being more expressive than Papa!

The package arrives at Santiago’s office while Candy is visiting. The card says, “Congratulations. You’re a father again.” It’s a boy-doll in a Club America uniform. Santi says, “Yeah, I am upset. She’s nuts. My son was born, I can’t be there for the birth, I can’t hug him, care for him. Instead, Mar uses him for revenge. And it’s partially my fault, because I hurt her.” Candy runs out and comes back with a gift. It’s a picture frame for his son’s picture when (not if) Santi finds him. Santi thanks her because her support makes such a difference right now.

At the big house, Paulina gets a phone call from her stalker. “Where’d you get my number? I won’t tell you where I am… Is that a threat?” Lucía overhears and asks her about it, but Pau claims it was a problem at work. Luc isn’t buying that. Luc doesn’t need to listen to hearts to recognize good ones and bad ones.

In her bedroom, Rocío entertains Chava by singing the Tontas theme song. She sings well! They go to play Mama and Papa in the casita. Isabel calls Santi and tells him that Rocío sings and dances so well, she should go on TV. Santi tells her that’s grandma’s dream, not Roc’s.

Raúl arrives. Santi tells him he has a nephew, and shows him Marissa’s “souvenir.” Santi asks once again if Raúl knows anything about Mar or where she could be. Raúl has no idea. (Why does he always look so bad in a suit?)

At the mall, some guy flirts with Lulu to mock her. Lulu drowns her troubles in ice cream. The institute staff supports her. The writers have given us yet another disgusting piece of crap. I think we all agree. ‘nuff said. I’d rather forget about it.

Coming out of the salon, Pau is on the phone with her assistant, Jennifer. She says that since OMario got her cell number, she bought a new phone. She hangs up and throws her old phone into a convenient trash can. I think she should’ve given it to Damian. With all those concrete buildings and sidewalks, he would’ve found a much more satisfying way to discard the phone. OMario comes out from behind the building and retrieves the phone from the trash can. He could work a lot of mischief with that.

Ali calls Pat to tell him the baby looks just like him, and he tells her to stop talking foolishness. She’s coming home, but Pat informs her he bought his own place. She wants to know, can she and the baby come visit?

Art follows Gregoria around the produce market as she scraps with the vendors. He chuckles at her feistiness. He brings her onions to show his love (I don’t write this stuff, I only report it). She tells him to leave her alone. He pushes her to tell him what it is she wants; she should let go of her fear. She thinks she’s too old for love. Actually it reminds me of the early days of Santiago pursuing Candy, when he was struggling to lift her out of her fear and anger. I might almost learn to like Arturo. But I’m not there yet.

Tina is afraid of her operation. Donato tells about his. They give you a pill. You fall asleep. You wake up. It’s done. Stop worrying! But Tina explains that her mother died of breast cancer.

Art shows up at Gregoria’s door, and she tries to kick him out. She ditched him at the market, she doesn’t answer his calls, when will he leave her alone. He says, “I only want you to know one thing.” And he gives her a kiss. Not a little abuelo kiss. No, great big galan kiss. He says, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself. If you want me to leave, say the word and I’ll disappear from your life. Do you want me to leave?” Getting no answer, he turns to go and says, “Hasta nunca.” But she stops him. “No. Stay.” Later, Art keeps working on breaking down Gregoria’s walls. He tells her, “I like your passion. I like your fears. You make me loco. I know this will come to pass.” He leaves and she remembers the kiss.

Ed is feeling insecure because of the test results. Chayo tries and tries to encourage him, but I suspect Ed doesn’t give much credence to anything Chayo says, if he even hears her at all.

Lucía doesn’t want anyone to talk to Suinty’s parents about bulimia. Isabel explains that it’s to protect her.

In the yard, Paulina is talking to Isabel and watching Rocío play. Roc trips. Pau runs to her, stumbles, falls 18 inches (counting the four-inch stilettos), lands on the grass, and is knocked out. Beanie adjustment time.

Paulina says she can't remember who she is, but Santiago has his doubts.
Candy, dressed to the nines, is ready to open the door to love.

Vocabulary Lesson
Note, most examples are from
Why did Mar have the baby in Quito, Ecuador? She could have used a variety of words to describe the event.

To give birth is parir or dar luz.
To get free of is librarse.
To leave something there, such as leave a tip, or leave the books in the car, is dejar.

Quitar can mean to remove, such as “le quitó los zapatos.” But it often has a harsh connotation, like “to get rid of,” such as:
  • Quita (de ahí)! Get out of the way!
  • Quítalo de aquí! Get it out of here!
  • Quítame las manos de encima! Take your hands off me!

In Quito, Ecuador, Marissa can say, "Quito el bebe." I am getting rid of the baby.


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