Saturday, September 05, 2009

Gancho Friday Sepember 4th. Fresa is Naca, Naca is Fres, but What’s Under Anastasia’s Dress?

Alternate title: What really happened with the Octogenarians in Monterrey?

In tonight’s episode, we have a number of people pretending to be others. We get to see Moni in a new outfit. And Anastasia – well, our buxom babe has revealed quite a bit to the viewers already, but tonight we learn her deepest secret. No, it’s not the name of her plastic surgeon. Let’s take a look at what happened.

We recap with Mau and Moni’s discussion after Beto decided not to spill the beans. Mau asks Moni if she remembers that special day they had on the set of the telenovela, when he rescued her on that big horse. Of course, that was the best day of Moni’s life, it was like a dream. Well, when you lie, Moni, that dream becomes a nightmare, says Mau, and the woman from that day seems like another woman. That woman was honest. He dismisses her, saying go with your brother, and we see Connie smiling, having listened in on at least part of the conversation.

Back in the vecindad, Ximena has finished giving her “testimony” to Cristian the Cop, feeling better now that she’s turned in her “hermanolfo” (a contraction of hermano and golfo, or lowlife brother). Estrella and Paula want to know what Ximmy said, so they ask Cris. He says it’s confidential, there’s NO WAY he can tell them that there’s a sinister plot to kill Mauricio and take all his money. And it’s confidential, so he can’t tell them that the principal suspects are Jeronimo Sermeño and Oscar Cardenas Villavicencio! For now, he has to report to his bosses, who’ll choose what to do next. Paula wants to choose to go to dinner, but Cris says another time, and Paula gets a little miffed when Estrella gives Cris one of her sexy sendoffs.

Mau-contented is at home, sitting on his bed, crying like a baby. Conniver Connie comes in to cuddle and comfort. In Mau’s weakened state, he can’t resist her kisses, she gently pushes him back onto the bed, and……it’s morning. Uh-oh!

In the office, Paula is wondering why Moni was quiet all the way in to work. Moni relates how Mau sort of broke up with her because of the lies. Pau isn’t surprised, saying if Moni were Pinocchio, she’d have killed Mau with her nose (si fueras Pinocho lo hubieras matado de un narizaso). Why don’t you tell him the truth? Moni doesn’t know where to begin, she’s just a fool. No, you’re a coward, corrects Pau. Go find him. You musn’t give up (no debes rendirte). She then gives Moni a dicho: No hay mal que por bien jamás su rama endereza (there’s no bad that can’t be fixed by good, literally there’s no bad that with the good never has it’s branches straightened out). And here’s her chance, as Gabi comes in with some papers for Mau to sign. He’s at the racetrack, and Moni takes the papers and leaves with a determined look.

At the track, Mauricio is upset to find he can’t race, because Rolando has gotten him barred from official competition with some phony doctor reports, saying Mau isn’t healthy enough to compete. But Tano tells him he didn’t come to the track in vain (en balde), he’s tense, and some driving will relax him. However, he has a question? How come Constanza asked to wear a racing outfit? Won’t that hurt Moni’s feelings? Mau says Moni’s no longer part of his life, now butt out. And heeeeeeeeeerrre’s …..Connie! She strides up in a blue racing outfit, with lots of white velcro fasteners, helmet under arm, hair blowing in the breeze, fashionable shades completing the look. Hola, guapo, she greets him, planting a big kiss on her big boy.

In the lobby of Grupo Sermeño, Oscar and Jerry are discussing plans gone wrong, when they’re detained by the police! They briefly attempt to flee, but officer Cris puts a stop to that. They’re cuffed and led away for questioning.

A shapely rear protrudes from Mau’s racecar. Moni must not have my horndog instincts, as she arrives with the papers and thinks it’s her boss’s butt. She informs “Mau” about the documents, and is a little surprised when Connie removes helmet, whips off the fire protective cowl, and flips her auburn tresses in triumph. She then stuns Moni with the news that Mau and she spent last night together. Did you sleep together, asks Moni? Well, we didn’t exactly SLEEP, you understand, right? She then sees Mau walk up, and lays another big fat kiss on him right in front of Moni. She says to Mau how nice it is to be novios again, and Mau, just says “Constanza, please”, instead of denying it. Moni gives him the papers to sign, starts to walk away in tears. And guess who’s right there to dry those tears? Randy Rolando!

At first, Moni wants nothing to do with the bum, but when Mauricio asks if Rolu’s bothering her, she changes strategy, and cozies up to Rolu, driving Mau nuts. She says Rolu invited her to ride in the racecar, and since he’s champion, and soooo handsome, she just can’t say no. Steam is coming out of Mau’s ears, as apparently Moni’s going to ride with Rolu and Connie will ride with Mau at the same time.

Oscar and Jerry are defending themselves. What do you mean, they were going to kill Mau? Oscar knows the law, there has to be proof. Meanwhile, Salvador is yelling that they’re guilty. Cris says that Ximena said that Anastasia said they were guilty (yeah, that’ll hold up in court). But Oscar says Anastasia can’t be trusted (why not, she seems so sweet). Meanwhile, Jerry wants them to arrest Salvador.

Ximania’s tripping out on the stains on the ceiling of Estrella’s apartment. One of them looks like a car. Ximmy and Estre are both hoping Moni and Mau will get together. Ximmy pictures them kissing right on top of the office desk! Yeah, but you know what? says Estre. They’ve already kissed. Who already kissed? demands Beto, entering on cue. Today his shirt says “boy toy with batteries”.

Oscar again demands proof. An officer enters, hands Cris an envelope. Is this the proof? Jerry looks nervous. Cris says they’re free to go. Huh? Seems Anastasia’s real name is Pedro!! Oscar and Salvador both look as if they’re going to barf. Cris adds that the suspect was defrauding octogenarians in Monterrey!

Meanwhile, Anastasia/Pedro is combing her/his hair in the break room with Paula. Paula’s mad, because Ana makes substandard cappuccino. Cris bursts in, gun pointed at Ana, he’s discovered her secret! Cris must have Crisco on his hands, because Ana snatches the gun away with ease, and points it at poor Pau. Pau pleads with her not to shoot, adding that really, her cappuccinos were quite delicious.

In response to Beto’s question, “who already kissed?”, Estrella puts Beto’s fears to rest, they were talking about Moni and Beto kissing when they reconcile. Right, adds Ximmy, she pictures them kissing in the woods under the light of the moon. The kisses will be much better than Beto’s kisses with….With whom? (con quien) inquires Estrella. (Remember, the word for with is “con”). Ximmy says, con, con, Con….and almost lets it slip, but Beto says con La Monita, and Ximmy nervously confirms this. Estrella doesn’t believe this, but Beto isn’t talking, and when Estre tells Ximmy to come clean (desembuchar), Ximmy lies back on the sofa looking at the ceiling stains again. An airplane? A strawberry daiquiri? Ah, well, Estrella’s not getting any answers today.

Beto runs into Costeño in the street, who says Don Cesar has a fight for Moni tomorrow, and it pays a lot. The two go off to discuss it with Don Cesar.

Ana/Pedro has Pau’s arm behind her back, gun to the head, as she/he leads her out into the main office. Even as two other officers and Cris train guns on her/him (where did Cris get another gun?), Ana's not deterred. (She’s like a caged Ana-mal, if you ask me). She’s getting out of here, or Paula dies. Gabi pleads, kill me instead. Salvador approaches, tells Paula to stay calm. Cris suddenly yells out “Pedro”, and Salvador grabs the gun, and saves the day! Gabi’s impressed. Paula has to go the bathroom.

And we’re back. At the track. Moni’s about to go on the attack. She’s now sporting a black version of the girl racer outfit, zipping up, asking if Mau likes it. He says she’s never looked better. But she wants him to swear he didn’t sleep with Connie. Ever slow on the uptake, our galán tries to process the question through his limited brain cells.

Ana is screaming that Oscar and Jerónimo hired her to get Mau’s fortune, but Cris isn’t listening, and hustles our handcuffed hussy into the elevator. She gives the crowd a final air kiss.

So, did Mauricio tell Moni he didn’t sleep with Connie? (I actually think he didn’t). Nope, he just asks Moni, who told you, Constanza? Moni gets indignant, and Mau can barely get another word in. He resorts to ordering Moni back to work, as her boss. Bad move.

In the oficina, Gabi’s ribbing the guys. Tell me Oscar, tell me Sal, how WAS it kissing Pedro? After they leave, Gabi’s feeling pretty good about herself, as Ana’s gone, and she’s still standing.

It’s time for the race, as both Mau and Rolu help their respective ladies get their helmets and gloves on, and boost them into the cars through the windows. Connie tells Mau to leave ‘em in the dust (hazlos morder el polvo, which really means to make them bite the dust). Moni’s nervous, wants to get out of Rolu’s car, but he won’t hear of it. Tano waves the green flag, and they’re off. (But what is the point of this? I thought the girls just wanted to go for a ride. Does driving faster really prove someone’s more macho? Isn’t this a little juvenile?) As usual, the camera angles make it completely impossible to figure out what’s going on, but once again, Mau’s car spins out, and I guess he’s going to say Rolu caused it. At least he didn’t crash this time.

After the commercial, the guys jump out and start pushing each other, Mau accusing Rolu, Rolu smirking, as Moni gravitates to Mau, causing Connie to tell her to let go of her boyfriend. This enrages Moni, who starts to attack Connie. Mau restrains her.

Over at the private school, the three Heathers surprise Luisa by being nice to her. They even want to hang out with her in the coffee shop in the park later. We can’t tell if they’re sincere or not.

Rolu has walked Monita back to her neighborhood, and she’s grateful for that, but really wants nothing further to do with him. He wants more, of course, asks her out, after all, she’s his co-pilot, but she refuses, even gets in a boxing stance to make her point. He tells her she doesn’t know what she’s missing, blows her a kiss, as Ximena observes in the background.

In the office, Mauricio is a little short with Connie, but she calms him down, starts massaging his shoulders, tells him she doesn’t love him because he’s a handsome millionaire, but because he’s a sensitive guy, and beneath it all, still a little boy. He agrees, he’s a little boy that anyone can fool. She continues to be nice, won’t bother him at work, wants to check on the kids. She leaves with a smile, her strategy is finally working!

Moni’s feeling guilty, telling Estrella how she treated Mau horribly. She’s lost him forever, might as well return to work. In bursts Ximmy, still wearing the glasses, who do you think you lost forever, taradupidita! (Ximmy speak for stupid moron). She thinks Moni’s actually after Rolu. Moni says sure, him, the butcher and the mechanic around the corner, and leaves. Ximmy tells Estre she’s in favor of sexual freedom, and that corner mechanic is cute, but not her Rolu! Estre tells her to forget Rolu and let’s read some fashion mags. Ximmy’s cool with that.

But now Nieves was eavesdropping, mad as hell that Moni would go after so many men, Rolando, even the mechanic! This has to end.

Bad boy Beto picks up a coin, it’s his lucky day. No, actually two boys were playing rayuela (sort of like hopscotch, or pitch and toss), it’s their coin. He claims finders keepers, but after a bit of kicking, he grudgingly tosses it back to them (over their heads). His mom rushes out, what are you doing fighting with boys, when La Monita is putting the horns on you with Rolando? Beto gets mad, and our Raging Bull marches off to obtain justice. He’ll question Moni, and if it’s true, he’ll kill her! Nieves worries about her little darling, it’s more likely Moni would kill him.

Gabi is informing Mau and Sal that they have to hire another person, and maybe this time, they could check the criminal record, no? She knows Sal’s hormones got the better of his judgment. After Gabi leaves, Sal admits to Mau that it was true. Mau says he understands, when one is in love, one disregards the consequences. Sal protests, he wasn’t in love, but Mau knows, he wasn’t talking about Sal.

Ivan rented a dvd, a love story, and wants to watch it with Luisa. But she can’t, she has to study. And later she’s meeting her new girlfriends from school for an ice cream. Ivan offers to go with her, but she thinks her new friends are somewhat “selective”, and he immediately knows it’s the class thing again, he’s the cook’s grandson. She denies it, but he’s not so sure.

At work, Moni’s spritzing the door with cleaning solution, as Beto bumbles in, only to be spritzed in the face. This temporary blinding doesn’t stop him from accusing Moni of cheating on him. She was seen kissing Rolando. Of course Mauricio just happens to be listening at the door at this exact moment, hears this, and of course, leaves before anything further is said. Paula’s there, too. Inside the coffee room, Moni tells Beto he’s nuts if he thinks she has anything to do with Rolando, the next time he accuses her, she’ll punch him out. Beto hears her, but hold the punches for tomorrow, he’s lined up a fight for her. Moni thinks one day isn’t time enough to train, but Beto says it’ll be pan comida since she already beat the gal once – one Ana María Torre – La Guerrera. Moni’s not sure, as Paula enters to inform Beto that Gabi wants him. Think about it, Moni, he says, as he leaves.

Paula tells Moni that Mau heard some of the bit about Rolando. Moni decides to bring Mau some coffee and be nice to calm him down. He’s furious, and when she comes in, sweet as sugar, he angrily grabs a magazine and starts reading, can’t even look at her. She asks what he’s reading. Just an article. She says he might get more out of it, if he weren’t holding the magazine upside down! Anyway, she wants to clear up what he may have heard through the door. He doesn’t want to listen, but she continues, Rolando just took her home, she’d never hurt Mau, especially with his worst enemy, he has to believe her, believe in her, she says, leaning closer. Please leave, is his response, and she sadly does.

Mau calls Connie. Let’s have dinner tonight in the Blue Danube Restaurant. She’s delighted. She hangs up, and we see she’s having lunch with Oscar and Jerry. Oscar has an idea. Moni should also be at the Blue Danube. Connie’s initially appalled, but Oscar whispers his plan, and there are smiles all around.

Paula and Beto want to clear up a few things in front of Gabi, Sal and Cris. Paula says she broke up with Beto, but he says he broke up with HER. Why, she was fooling around with this mequetrefe (good for nothing), pointing to Cris. Cris gets mad, and they push Paula back and forth between them a few times until it’s time for a fight! The two roll around on the floor, as Gabi leaves, she’s not into watching lovers’quarrels.

And now it’s time for our funniest scene. Connie’s going to try to sound as “naca” as possible. She dials Rolu on her cell, and says What’s shakin’, Rolando, it’s Monita” in an overdone, sing-songy voice. He thinks her voice sounds different over the phone, but she continues, using all the street expressions (while cringing with the effort). She wants to eat dinner at the Blue Danube, and later, go to his house for dessert, sprinkling in “neta” (the truth), “sale” (okay), “órale” (okay, or right?), to enhance the effect. Rolu buys the act, is looking forward to his dessert, he’ll see her at the restaurant. Connie’s disgusted at having to talk like that, treats the phone as if it had cooties. Good job, says Oscar, now for the second part of the plan.

And after the commercial, we have another voice transformation. Luisa is now trying to sound superfresa, telling her amiguita Mayra they’ll meet in the cóle (short for colegio or school). She doesn’t have a “celu” (short for cellular), maybe she’ll buy one. Aldo comes in, shocked to hear her Valley Girl voice, grabs the phone and hangs up. They start arguing, Mauricio comes in, she tells him she needs a cell phone, all her friends have them. Mauricio asks her to calm down, go to her room, they’ll talk in a minute, and she leaves, pushing Aldo, calling him “naco”. Aldo’s so mad he wants to kill Luisa, but Mau, as usual, says violence never solves anything, and he’ll talk to the kids, but for now, he has to get ready to go out. With Moni? asks Aldo. No, and he doesn’t want to hear that name again (yeah, right).

Said Moni is weeping on her cama, Estrella providing tissues from a roll of toilet paper, saying they could power the entire vecindad with all her waterworks. Mauricio doesn’t love me anymore! The phone rings, though, and Estrella says to answer it. And it is Mau, saying Monita, I need you. You need me? We switch to the other end of the conversation, and Oscar’s holding a little tape recorder! He taped Mau (earlier and apparently just now when he asked Connie out to dinner), and is using the tape to pretend to have Mau ask Moni out to the same restaurant. And it works! Oscar and Jerry have Cheshire Cat grins, and so do we, the audience, as another funny episode comes to a close.

Previews: Paula tells Gabi that Moni’s a boxer, with Jerry listening in, and Beto confronts Rolando, how come my future wife is going around with you? Mauricio’s standing right there. Your future WHAT?!


Un narizaso – hitting with your nose. You can add azo (or aso) to lots of words to mean a hit with the object. For example, a punch is a puñetazo (puño means fist)
Desembuchar – to come clean about something, let out the truth
Rayuela – Mexican street game, like pitch and toss, or hopscotch
Mequetrefe – a good for nothing

No hay mal que por bien jamás su rama endereza – the good drives out the bad, literally there’s nothing so bad that can’t have its branches straightened out by the good. I didn't realize it, but Paula actually combined the following two dichos:
No hay mal que por bien no venga - There's no bad from which good can't come, and
Árbol torcido, jamás su rama endereza - A twisted tree never straightens its branch


Friday, September 04, 2009

MEPS, Thursday, September 3, 2009. So Many Cliffs; So Many People Ready to Fall Off

Readers: I will not be able to do the recap next week. Will someone out there sub for me? Thanks.

Flor heads to Purification in a taxi and tells Fer that she’ll be there in about half an hour. She’ll get there and as soon as she does Fer wants her to call. The cab driver is flattered when Flor calls him “joven.” With that encouragement, he steps on the gas.

Steve talks with Camilo and Venus. Venus tells him that Barbara is making all the arrangements for the party. They are going to invite everyone Camilo knows in his personal and business life to the party announcing their engagement. Camilo takes his leave and says goodbye to “tio” Steve. Venus gives Cam a hot kiss and asks him to call her. Steve has a fit with Venus. He tells her Camilo is not only a parasite, but irresponsible and abusive to women and those who cannot fight back like Jacinto. She says she’ll keep that in mind. Editor: What is Venus plotting? Maybe she’ll do a strip dance at the big shindig and invite her friends from the cantina. Wouldn’t that be cute.

Barb gives little Rocio at the country house instructions to leave with the maid when the work is done. Barb flashes back to the day that she pushed Rosendo down the hill. The maid is finished and Barb gives her a tip.

Aurora is knitting at the convent. She talks to the nun who went on that little adventure with her. They are very remorseful for having told Mother Superior so many lies. The nun wants to know what she talked to the man about. Aurora tells her Barbara Elizalde. Aurora doesn’t understand why she was released. She now knows that Barbara is very interested in her and it worries her.

Damian gives an envelope to Barb with half the money in it. Barbara calls him an imbecile and he tells her that the only way to get Aurora is by force. He curses the nuns. If she wants, he’ll go back to get Aurora. Barb says no. Damian says let’s not let this trip be in vain. We’ll succeed. Editor: So, he is his old dastardly self working Barb like she’s worked him.

Aurora tells the nun about her relationship with Barb. They wonder what will happen if Aurora doesn’t go. The nun wants to pray. Aurora tells the nun that if he wanted to do her damage it would have happened. It’s all up to Barbara to get me out of here.

Barb threatens Damian some more and decides that she’ll go talk to Aurora herself. Damian smiles his sweet Cheshire cat smile.

Editor: OK, readers, do you think Damian has turned over a new leaf? Nah, this grifter sees that there is money to be made here, and he’s getting in line for his share.

Meanwhile Flor’s taxi has a flat tire and she is stranded on the highway. I did not see this coming

Vlad is following Pris in the garage. She tells him to get in the car. They roll the windows down so we can hear better. She tells him he doesn’t listen and is complicating the situation. He says he’s afraid for her and for the child. He’s afraid that Ani will not comply with his word. Once again he states his paternal rights. She says we can’t talk like this. Vlad is visibly disturbed. She tries to calm him down because it’s not good for the baby. Pris is disgusted with him. He says the only reason she came to him was to get pregnant. But, he’ll forgive her and not be bitter, but what he needs and loves most in this life is that his child is not taken from him. He wants her to swear. Pris cries.

Erika shows the invitations to Steve and Franco. Franco leaves the room. Erika asks a big favor of Steve and says her wedding with Franco depends upon it.

Steve asks Erika what she’s talking about. She tells Steve about Father Bosco’s failure to give them a copy of Franco’s Baptismal Certificate. She says that what she has in mind is simple.

Gardenia is manning the front counter again. Fer asks her about papa – gone; Anibal – gone; Barbara – gone. Fer shows Gardenia a sample of possible career paths. Gardenia of course doesn’t know how to answer. Fer tells her that she will acquire security and that she has to give reality to her dreams.

Pris assures Vlad that he has nothing to worry about. Ani will respect his paternity and that his pride and desire to punish her and humiliate her by making her infidelity public drives him onward. It doesn’t matter to her, but to Vlad it does. They are both crying. Vlad has the solution to make Anibal tow the line and humiliate her no more.

Speaking of the devil, Anibal drives up and sees Pris and Vlad talking in the car. Vlad is investigating and is going to try to prove that he’s the father of the child and that they can beat Anibal. Anibal looks like the devil himself because he knows these two are up to no good. Anibal drives away.

Pris says that Vlad is right but tests to prove paternity can be very dangerous. He wants to make sure that nothing happens to the baby and he wants Anibal to know that the two of them are ready to fight for the child. Editor: I’m getting sucked in by the tears welling up in the eyes of this pair. I wonder if is Pris being more sympathetic towards Vlad or is it my imagination.

Back at the taxi, Flor is on the road again. They finally arrive near the convent. None other than Barb is getting out of her gas guzzling SUV. Flor tells the driver to put on the breaks. She doesn’t want Barb to see her. The taxi backs up down the street.

Barb knocks and a nun answers. Barb says she wants to see Aurora. The nun runs to Aurora and tells her that the stepmother is there to visit her. Aurora tells her that they are going to see Mother Superior.

Flor has to offer the cab driver a good tip to continue.

Aurora asks Mother Superior for permission to see Barb. Mother Superior agrees and Aurora asks to see Barb in her room. Mother agrees.

Fer says she has to see somebody in person and will wait in her office.

Flor calls and tells Fer that she couldn’t do the job because Barbara arrived at the convent at the same time. Flor says don’t worry, Barb didn’t see me, but Flor is terrified. Fer tells Flor to return so that Barb won’t see her. Why does Barb go to see Aurora? Fer muses.

Barb goes into Aurora’s room. With catlike maternal pride, she says “Aurora, daughter, how pretty you are.”

Erika and her co conspirator, Steve, plan to visit a museum tomorrow. Conveniently, Franco’s cell rings. It’s Fer. He says you aren’t interrupting anything. She would like to see him in her office and she knows exactly where Barb is. Franco takes his leave and says he has to go to Lactos. Dear Erika tells him not to get too distracted. Franco looks at the two of them quizzically. Steve and Erika are going to Villa Madera apparently to get the papers needed for the wedding.

Aurora flatters Barb and tells her how happy she is to see her. Barb eats it up and asks about the baby. Good, says Aurora. It’s not moving yet. Barb lies and says she’s never touched the belly of a pregnant woman. She reaches out to touch Aurora and a tear trickles down her cheek. She offers her help. Aurora asks why did you order my removal from here.

Pris says hello to Gardenia. Anibal is in and Pris goes to his office. Pris tells Anibal that they have to talk right away.

Editor: At this point Pris could tell Anibal the truth, or she could make up a lie. In either case, Anibal is holding the trump card.

Aurora wants to know why Barb sent those people. Barb says she was afraid that Aurora wouldn’t talk to her because she might think that all the Elizaldes were all the same. She asks if Aurora hates her. Aurora says no. Barb says that what she did was very bad. She didn’t give Aurora time to explain. Camilo told her what happened and that she knows that Aurora is innocent. Aurora wants to know what Camilo said.

Barb tells her about the drug, but says now there is an opportunity to repair all the damage. Aurora wants to know about Santiago. Barb says that Santiago will never forgive his brother and Aurora says that’s what she thought, too. Barb wants Aurora to know something else. Gonzo is very sick and Camilo is his favorite child (consentido). Barb wants her to give birth to the baby in secret with just Santiago and her. Barb wants her to go with her on a trip so that she can take care of her and the baby. What’s your answer? Break.

Pris tells Anibal that Vlad suspects that they will not comply with their word and that Vlad wants a paternity test. Anibal is not going to let that imbecile interfere with his plans and that he will do whatever it takes to stop Vlad.

Aurora tells Barb that she wants to wait a while. Barb tells her to take however much time she needs. Aurora says she’s a little confused. Barb understands perfectly and caresses Aurora. She says that she hopes that one day Aurora will forgive her. There is no hurry, you can give me a reply when you want. Barb wants to visit her daily but she understands she can’t. One last favor. says Barb, I beg you that when I come to look for you please receive me. Don’t refuse me. Aurora nods, yes. Barb thanks her.

Camilo is having a fit over the news Fer is giving him about the division of his father’s wealth. He says he’ll never change his mind. Fer says that this transfer will be convenient to them.

After all the drama between Barb and Aurora, we’re back at Lactos. Flor arrives and Gardenia starts to fill her in on the gossip. Before they can get going, Franco enters and tells Gardenia that he has an appointment with Fernando. Flor and Gardenia fight over who will give Fer the message. So, they both try to call. Flor tells Fer that she’s back and that Franco is there to see her. Camilo says so what about the rest of this conversation? Sorry, I have to talk to Franco. With Franco present, Fer repeats the story of Gonzo’s division of property. Franco says that it was he who suggested that his father make this division of wealth. Another break.

At Villa Madero, Erika talks to Chelsea and sets up a coffee date for tomorrow. Padre Arcadio enters and asks what he can do for them. Erika introduces Steve as her fiancées best friend. She tells the priest that Franco lost his Baptismal Certificate. She retells her conversation with Padre Bosco. Steve is willing to swear that his friend has been baptized. He calls the secretary and tells her to take the information (datos) to issue the copy. Erika begins giving her the information.

Aurora goes to see Mother Superior.

Barb drives onward with a big smile on her face.

Yes, says Franco, it sounds absurd that such a transfer will be beneficial to them. Gonzo is an old man, his company fears that if he dies his interests will pass to all the children, people that Power Milk doesn’t know. So, says, Camilo, give Lactos as a gift to make your guys happy. No says, Franco – it will establish stability. Power Milk will amend it’s contract with a stipulation that 100% will ultimately go to the heirs of Gonzola Elizalde – they’ll end up with double. Fer hopes he understands completely her father’s decision. Editor: It’s kind of hard to do the math here, and I don’t think Camilo is any better at multiplication than I am.

Avances: Aurora is a great point of interest. Steve tells Franco that he has to cancel his wedding with Erika.


En Nombre del Amor, September 3, 2009: The Angst-a-thon Continues

And I think we’ve only just passed the mile 1 marker. (Episode 42, according to the summaries.) An alternate title I considered was “This Episode Brought to You by PSAs ‘R Us”, because this episode seemed pretty heavy on the public service announcements, but maybe that’s just me.

Camila’s telling Romina that not supporting her in this (the crazy idea that Emiliano must marry her) is the best way for her to show her love.

In the hospital cafeteria Emiliano says he can’t marry Romina and his dad agrees. A marriage without love isn’t the solution. E thinks maybe Romina believes that if she doesn’t marry E, nobody will want her. Rafa says that when a man loves for realsies, nothing will get in the way of it (or something like that). Emiliano declares that he has to be honest with her, even if she ends up hating him.

Carlota and Rufi are in the kitchen discussing Romina. Carlota points out how she’s always said that Romina was very badly brought up and things would be different if Camila had been strict with her. Rufi comments that Camilia spoiled Romina and Carlota says that it was the same thing when Paloma lived with her parents. Rufi also mentions that Romina hired a detective to look for her father and that she found out he came back to Mexico; Carlota, who has approached Rufi while holding a big knife, which makes Rufi nervous, is surprised that a man who disappeared years ago could be found and seems to be very interested in the idea.

Back at the hospital Camila thanks Macarena for coming and Paloma asks Cami to tell Romina that she loves her. Rafael also takes his leave, offering to accompany Camila to the cafeteria, but she says no.

Emiliano tells Romina that getting married isn’t the answer, and he’s sure he didn’t make her do anything. Besides, she was the one who was pushing from the very beginning for them to have sex, and what for, so she could get him as a husband? She weeps that she LOVES him, forever, etc. Emiliano apologizes that he doesn’t feel the same way so he can’t marry her, then beats a hasty retreat.

Macarena and Paloma return home and Rufi insists that they have something to eat, adding that Carlota wants to see them.

Romina has a flashback of her night with Emiliano--he mumbles “Paloma, I’ve loved you since we met.” Romina says that he has to love Romina, she is the one who loves him, Paloma doesn’t love him. He just looks at her in disgust, “you’re not Paloma” and turns over--She swears that if he doesn’t marry her, he isn’t going to marry Paloma, not ever.

Emiliano confesses to Camila about how he doesn’t remember much from that night with Romina. Lucky for him, Camila doesn’t think marriage is the answer either. He admits that he tried to love Romi and cares for her, but that isn’t AMOR. Cami advises that if he can’t love Romi it’s better for him to stay away from her.

Paloma talks to Rufi how she feels very bad, she got mad at God and said he was unfair to her; she wants to go to church to confess, and Rufi offers to go with her.

Macarena tells Carlota about Camila’s offer of a gift/loan for Paloma to go to college. No way, declares Carlota, I’m not going to allow people to humiliate us by giving us charity. I won’t allow Paloma to be indebted to anyone. Mac counters that it’s the only way for Pal to study. Well, she doesn’t study then, says Carlota. Over my dead body will a single peso from that woman enter this house.

Camila calls Angelica to inform her about Romina’s suicide attempt, and Liliana overhears this little chat. Camila desperately begs Angelica to help her.

Diana goes to the beauty salon to get a new hairdo, she wants a radical change. The hairdresser says lots of women in her situation do the same thing. In my situation? Yes, they call it the divorcee syndrome, they change their look, they go to the gym, etc. Diana claims that’s not the case with her and rolls her eyes (as do we, at her).

Orlando is telling Padre Juan/Cris about running into Gudelia (Diana); Cris opines that maybe it’s his destiny, so he could finally know what happened with his son. Just then, what a coinky-dink, said son (we think) calls with the news about Romina. After hanging up he fills Cris in on the suicide attempt. They continue their conversation--Cris wonders if Orly is sure Gudelia doesn’t mean anything to him. Orlando admits he was affected by the encounter, but isn’t interested in her.

Liliana calls German to give him the news about Romina and that she knows that Emiliano is interested in Paloma (because Lili told Romina that she saw Emiliano kissing Paloma).

Paloma and Padre Cris are sitting in the pews, talking. He understands that sometimes we rebel against what God has in store for us--he did so himself once. Paloma likes how he explains things and comments that it’s so easy to talk to him. He mentions that they have a friend in common, Natalia. Pal asks how they know each other and he just replies that they go way back. Paloma likes that she and Cris have something in common (ha--she doesn’t know the half of it!), it makes her feel closer to him, and they hug, complete with a slo-mo effect and dramatic music so that we know that this is muy, pero MUY, importante.

Emiliano approaches Paloma as she leaves the church. She still thinks it’s her fault Romina tried to kill herself. Emil tells her no, and she asks if it’s because he broke up with Romina? Meanwhile, Rufi is waiting nearby and is rendered completely impactada when she sees Padre Cris, crying "It’s him, it’s him!” and “no puede ser!” (twice).

Emiliano tries to convince Paloma she doesn’t have any reason to feel bad. But she said I was going to regret what I did to her, I allowed us to kiss. Emil replies that he kissed her by force and is so in love with her he didn’t consider the consequences. Once again, Pal asks him not to say he loves her. Anyway, Emiliano says their kiss didn’t cause all this, it’s that he can’t marry Romina, he doesn’t love her even though they (supposedly) slept together. He mentions that he and Romina weren’t novios when it happened. Paloma thought they had gotten back together, she saw them kissing, but Emil says things aren’t how they seem. Paloma thinks he has to answer to Romi--Emil says he’s not going to marry without love.

Romina plots in her hospital room--this has to have served for something. Emiliano’s not going to leave my side whether he likes it or not. She suddenly thinks, Diana! She’ll help me out. She leaves a message for Diana to call her back.

Emiliano’s still talking, telling Paloma that he doesn’t care if she was with Inaki or not, he loves her as she is. She says they didn’t sleep together, and Emiliano replies that he wouldn’t have cared if they had, because she isn’t worth more or less than Romina because of that. He hopes that one day Romina finds someone who loves her as she is. Paloma points out that Romina wants him to be that man, and he asks “what I feel doesn’t matter?” He repeats that he can’t marry Romi, he only wants to marry Paloma. As Paloma leaves, she has a flashback to the time before she was about to get married, when Romi told her that she had slept with Emiliano. Then she runs into Rufi, who she notes looks like she saw a ghost.

Orlando is at the hospital with Camila--he says she should have called, we’re a couple. Camila looks like “HUH?” She doesn’t think they’re a couple--they're just friends, getting to know one another. Orlando is all annoyed, he wants them to have a formal relationship. Just then Angelica arrives so they go off to talk.

Padre Cris warns Emiliano about the dangers of alcohol. Emil protests that he’s not an alcoholic, but just one night of getting drunk was enough to make a huge mistake. Cris says it’s as if we want to anesthetize ourselves, our feelings. That’s what I wanted, to not feel, says Emiliano, and look at the consequences. Unfortunately, laments Cris, we can’t change the past---what happened, happened. Emiliano vows not to drink like that again, he doesn’t want to hurt anyone.

Camila is telling Angelica how Emiliano’s and Romina’s versions of their night together differ, and she thinks Romi is the one who’s lying. Camila cries that she didn’t do something right, she made a mistake in Romi’s upbringing and doesn’t know how to fix it. Angelica says she can’t give her the answer, but they can start therapy to analyze all of this. Cami wants Romina to stop lying, but how does she get her to participate in therapy? The only way to influence her is with your attitude, Angelica replies. The change has to come from you first.

Romina is getting ready to leave the hospital when German comes by for a visit. He asks why is she clinging to something that can’t be and wants to know why she made Emiliano think she was a virgin when he (German) was her first. She laughs it off and kisses him just as Camila comes in. After Germy leaves, Cami says she doesn’t like their friendship. Romi boo-hoos that he’s one of only a few friends she has left since she lost Pal and Emil. And sometimes I even feel I’ve lost you--you’re never on my side. A flower delivery arrives--surely they’re from Emiliano, Romi declares. When she sees that they’re from Orlando, she throws them on the floor and stomps out. For sure that'll make Camila want to take your side now, Romina.

Paloma tells Macarena about Padre Juan (Cris) and how he knows Natalia, and Mac remarks on what a small world it is. She tries to get Rufi’s attention but the latter is still in a stupor over seeing Padre Juan earlier--she finally comes to and wants to talk with Mac later. Mac then mentions to Pal that Carlota flipped out about Camila giving her money for college, and Pal insists on talking to her alone.

German thanks Liliana for telling him about Romina. She scoffs, you dummy, I did it to make you see that Romi doesn’t love you, never will. Lili laments that she still loves him.

Diana thinks back to running into Orlando and vows, “you’re not going to find me. Emiliano can’t continue working with you, you can’t have any relationship with him.”

Rufi mops the patio while telling herself, it can’t be him, he’s dead, surely I made a mistake. No puede ser.

Paloma tries to explain to Carlota that’s she’ll be able to pay Camila back, but Carlota doesn’t think so. To become indebted to someone is like selling your soul to the devil (and she certainly would know about that, wouldn’t she?). Carlota claims that she’s really sorry Pal’s parents left her penniless, but that’s her reality.

Rafa and Camila on the phone--he wants her to know that she’s not alone. She thanks him, saying she felt his sympathy at the hospital. He reminds her he’s just a call away.

Carlota’s still yelling at Paloma, who insists that she’s not going to give up on what she wants. I think she says that the program she wants to study at the public university is full and she’ll have to wait over a year to get in, so in the meantime she can go to a private university using the loan from Camila. Carlota thinks she should just wait--she can dedicate herself to painting or the ladies’ church group. Paloma insists that she’s not going to stay in Real del Monte, she’s leaving as soon as she turns 18 and then she’ll just work while she waits to get into the university. Carlota accuses Pal of wanting to leave just so no one can control her. Paloma’s response is that she wants is to be free and independent.

Diana arrives at Camila’s and before going up to see Romina, asks if Rafa has said anything to Cami about the divorce. No, they only discuss business. Diana hopes Camila can talk to him--she’s been thru a divorce, she knows how it affects kids. And continues affecting them. If Samuel was still here, certainly Romina wouldn’t have done what she did. Camila tries to explain that it had nothing to do with Samuel, but Diana says, well I think it did…kids always need their parents together. Oh, and if Rafael says anything, don’t forget to call me and tell me. As my friend, you have the obligation to tell me everything that happens with him. Poor Camila is left impactada.

In the avances, Diana and Romina appear to be scheming up a storm, with Romina playing the victim, telling Paloma that she needs to know if she’s in love with Emiliano, because if she is....


Gancho - Thrus 9-3-09 - Love will keep us together... or not...

First off BIG SHOUT OUT to Cap'n Sharkbait for filling in for me in a pinch last night. That was a huge favor and I am eternally grateful.

Beto tells Monita that he wants to take some time before they get married. Mona wonders what got into his brain, who he has been talking to.

Xime in her librarian get up shows up with Coni and try to distract Pau so that Coni can sneak into Mona‘s. Xime talks best friends and the new guy with Pau. We see Coni go in, and she finds what she was looking for, her necklace. When she runs out, who sees her but Mau.

Beto says that he has been in therapy and has learned that he has fear of commitment. Mona is confused for sure. She tells Estre what happened and wonders if maybe she was involved somehow.

Anastasia has learned the fine art of workin it for more money and she thinks these guys are boobs and she deserves more money if they expect her to have anything to do with Sal. Jero leaves and Oski takes the opportunity to tell her he will only take 10 minutes of her time and well, that leaves her time for him. She is on his lap showing off about all she can nuzzling with him when Gabi walks in on them. Oski swears it ain’t what it seems. Heh!.

Coni turns the tables on Mau and instead of him wondering what she is doing there he thinks maybe she followed him and she sees her out with him. He doesn’t flinch to her complaints though, he brought Moni home after something bad happened at the office. Coni runs off saying he’s treating her so bad, and she’s not going to stick around for it.

Mau asks Mona to come to the school ot speak to the director with him. They kiss goodbye and Estr comes out of the woodwork to point out how wifey talking to the kids school is.

Aldo and Lu go to school remarking how they don’t fit in and everything sucks.

Mau and Mona show up at the school, Mona is in her librarian look, a little more sexy than Xime’s. She promises Mau she’ll take care of that Maestra, but he reminds her violence is not the way, check it at the door sister. Ok so now we see some whitebread chicas laughing and picking on Lu.

Christian tries to get Paula’s stats. He asks if she has a boyfirend, and deduces that she is marrying Beto because of some pressure. He tells her whenever she’s ready, he’ll be waiting for her. She says to herself after he’s gone that she always dreamed of a husband who has a bullet proof vest.

Eventually the silly girls address Lu and remind her that even though Mau has adopted her she’s still a measly orphan, and they throw on drink on her. Mona to the rescue, she grabs the blond chic and requires her to apologize or else she’ll get lickins. Blond chic resists, but get the fist in face.

We see Oski again trying to minimalize the hottie that was attached to his lap earlier. Gabi says fuggedaboutit and doesn’t play into him. Chris comes up to exert his securitized self and requires Oski to leave her a lone and go away. She doesn’t want him to grope her.

Back at school Moni still yanks on blondie until Mau comes up and asks her que the hell is she doing? He tells her to let go.

Gabi and Chris chat, and he asks more about Pau and learns Beto is the boyfriend. He looks him up and down as Beto sweeps.

Mau yells at Mona for her lack of propriety, that she just can’t go woman handle young girls, she thinks they shouldn’t be allowed to be so mean, but Mau counters she can’t follow Lu everywhere. Mona wants to though until those stuck ups respect Lu. Mona asks why he brought her, he knows how she is. Mau takes the kids home and tells Lu to ignore those girls, and anyway once they get to know her, they will be charmed. Lu just wants out.

Chris arrests Beto.

Nieves finds Mona upset and guesses she fought with the guapo. Essentially she tells Mona she loves her as a adaughter, and to watch out for those high falootin’ types, they may be too different and these things never turn out well. She doesn’t want Mona hurt.

Chris begins his interrogation of Beto, and spills that he’s after Pau and that she deserves better, Beto at the point of suffocation will agree she is great. Chris warns him he better make her happy.

Mau shows up at Mona’s she has apparently thought over Nieves admonishment and she tells Mau he’s up here and she is down here and so they have nothing in common and he’ll tire of her and go back to Mummy, and tells him to leave.

Jero wonders with Oski why they are such boobs. Oski is more confident. Sal interrupts the pity fest and comes to introduce Jero’s new personal assistant chosen by the president. Enter Xime, she offers a coffee, tea, etc. Oski gives her a letter to write. She wonders if “Querida” is with a large K, she says it is the first word.

Coni bonds with Lu over the abuse the chicas dished out. She decides she has to do something for her., treat he how to be the bad chic.

Mau is pissed off at Mona’s audacity. He says they are the same, and he’s mad that she never cared how much he loves her. She catches that word and asks him if he loves her. He screams it to the heavens, He loves Valentina!!!!!

After the break he yells at her for never realizing that he loves her so much and for playing so many games. He’s sick of them and walks out. She tells him she loves him too, but after he’s gone from the room.

Gabi is “chatting” with Ana about dumming down the slut strut while she’s here. Ana is happy Gabi is so mad and she gets an idea after Gabi tells her not to put anything in her cappuccino or she'll go straight to jail.

At the apartments Beto yells at Pau for ratting him out to Chris and wants her to call him off. She would like nothing better than to marry Christian Bermudez, but she made a PROMISE, you know one of those things he's never done. They argue about telling Chris the truth and Mona won't even find out, Pau won't but thinks Beto should instead. Estre overhears and tells them to stop arguing and reminds them Mona lied to keep them all employed, so they shouldn't undermine her. Beto gets mad and somehow decides maybe he should just tell Mau everything. Estre is unable to convince him otherwise as he marches off.

Coni gives Lu lessons on being a first class lying stuck up beatch snot. Aldo overhears and can't contain himself as he tells Coni to knock it off and that Lu should be proud of her roots. He doesn't get to far, the adolescent urge to belong is stronger on Lu and she knows being shallow is the way to go, so she walks off with Coni, ah another casualty for now. Aldo looks on in disgust.

Back at the office, Jero is milkshaking Xime again for who knows what when Ana burst in that she can't take anymore of this crazyness and not to even tell her it's worth it to inherit Mau's money. Xime over hears this and freaks out that they are going to murder Mau. She runs out of the office, and they all run after her.

We go over to the barrio where Estre passes up the chance to let Pau use her cell because of what she did to Mona. Mona appears hears and wonder what Pau said. Estre tells her Beto went off to the jefe to tell him everything. She goes off running.

Well I missed something here because of my reception, all I saw was Teresa's face, then we cut to Chris showing up and wanting smooches from Pau. Estre meets him. Just then Xime comes running up begging for protection.

At the slick house Beto tells Mau he has something to tell him and that he's betrayed him and needs to tell him the truth. Coni overhears this and thinks he's going to tell about them and tells him that Dani locked herself in the room and won't respond. He runs off and she warns Beto not a single word. He doesn't know what she's talking about.

In the room Dani says she did no such thing, she only said she was busy and she makes her famous stick tounge face. Coni can't believe she's calling her a liar but Mau says we're not going to argue about a misunderstanding.

Mona shows up while Beto is waiting and she does the same thing as Coni, warns Beto to keep his mouth closed. Mau comes out and wonders whay she is there. She of course lies, and Beto agrees that maybe instead they will talk tomorrow. Beto goes off and Mona stands there alone. She gets ready to leave when Mau all of a sudden grows a brain. He says not so fast, we have to chat. Does she play him for stupid? Well maybe not but we sure do...anyway he knows she convinced Beto not to say anything, and basically he doesn't know her, she's so full of lies. He said he would fight to be with her no matter what and she remembers that was a day she thought was a dream, he says well it's a nightmare because that was another women who would be honest with him. Funny how he has this radar with her but not with Coni....

And that's it...thanks for waiting.

In Memoriam...
Pinecone...Summer 2000? - 9-3-09 ... Mama


Thursday, September 03, 2009

ENDA, September 2, 2009

I am so sorry for not having the recap. I went home early yesterday from work with a migraine. I promise when I get home tonight that I will recap it and have it posted so you can see it tomorrow morning. Please post your comments.


MEPS - Wednesday, Sept. 2 - Barbie joins Damian in the fry pan; Camilo is deep in quick sand

EPISODE #136 (#142 in Mexico):

* Don Silvestre and Martina are having a happy father-daughter moment talking about her future wedding to Dr. Carlos; he's overjoyed and will happily bless the day when he gives her away to Dr. Carlos.

* Jacomo, in his really bad italian accent, convinces Aurora and Sister to walk down the street with him to his car -- to retrieve the letter from Santi. Sister is suspicious but agrees to go. Jacomo slaps his forehead over Sister accompanying them.

* Fer grumbles to self about evil Barbinator. A knock on the office door. Fer shouts for Flor to enter. Barbie enters, much to Fer's displeasure. Barb wants to talk to her about convincing Daddy Gonzo to sign the will that gives her everything. Fer spouts off against Barbie. Barb wonders where the nice, respectful little girl went. Fer yells that little girl disappeared the day she learn how evil and hurtful Barbara Greco really is - to lead her father on as the dutiful wife all the while having an affair with her own stepdaughter's husband (Damian). Barb is stunned but not shaken. They have a civilized face-off. Barb congratulates Fer on her bravado. Fer tells Barb to leave her office now.

* The sister and Aurora follow Jacomo down the boulevard to the street corner. They round the corner to the alley where Jacomo's car is parked. Assistant crawls on ground along the opposite side of the car. Ladies climb into the backseat. Jacomo gets in the front and pretends to look for the letter. Man jumps into back and holds the ladies at gunpoint. Ladies are stunned and shaken. Jacomo tells them not to worry. He drives away.

* Barbie and Franco talk on the phone. She solidifies their pact.

* Fer and Flor meet in the office. Fer asks Flor to find the phone number for the convent where Aurora is staying. Fer tells her not to tell Barbie anything about this at all. Flor leaves. Fer works on her computer and makes a telephone call to her father's doctor. The doctor tells Fer something shocking about her dad's real health problem (one-side phone conversation - don't know what the doctor said, only Fer's reaction to it).

* Barb is desperate and calls Damian for an update. Damian briefly and bluntly tells her the plan is proceeding right now. Barb repeats that he is to take Aurora to the summer house. Damian knows that and hangs up. He hides in the trees as he spots Jacomo's car approach.

* Damian gets out and walks to Jacomo. He asks why the sister is there? Jacomo explains and says Aurora is in the car. Damian calls Barbie and tells her that a small situation has occurred and he will call her back. Barbie wants details but only gets a 'click' from Damian hanging up on her.

* Jacomo tells Damian that the plan was successful except for the sister tagging along. Damian orders his cousin to bring Aurora to him.

* Jacomo returns to his car and tries to get Aurora to go with him. Aurora, now really curious, asks why? Jacomo has to do his best song-and-dance routine to convince her to go with him. The sister blesses Aurora. Jacomo walks Aurora to Damian's car. Aurora is surprised to see Damian.

* Mother Superior returns to her office - it's empty. She wonders where is Aurora?

* Damian wants Aurora to come with him. She's upset and full of questions. Damian calmly asks her to get in the car. Aurora agrees. Damian tells Jacomo to wait with the sister while they are talking. In the car, Damian explains that he is there on behalf of someone who loves her. She thinks it's Santi. Damian is vague about who it really is.

* Flor returns to the office to tell Fer the phone number. Fer tells Flor about the family problems with Dad and his will, Barbie, and Camilo. Fer says right now she can only trust Franco. Fer asks Flor to do her a huge personal favor. Flor eagerly accepts.

* Silvestre is having a thorough battery of tests and exams on his eyes.

* Martina waits with Dr. Carlos in the doctor's office. She is worried about Lili, and Franco's plan to rescue her. He says he's right there for her. She's so happy and thankful to have him in her life. He feels the same way about her. They kiss. (AW!)

* Franco is working at his laptop in his office. Erika sneaks in and surprises him. She wants him to go with her to meet with Padre Bosco now.

* Damian continues to talk with Aurora in his car about why he did this scheme to get her out of the convent. Damian wonders why she's at the convent? what happened at the ranch? She says it's because she was found in bed with Camilo - that's why she thinks she's lost her one true love forever. Damian wonders if Camilo was the one who ran her off the ranch. She says no. He wonders about Santi? Does he know the truth? She shakes her head. He guesses, then it was Barbie.

* Barbie is desperate and mumbles in her office. She calls on the cell phone, "Damian, answer! answer!"

* As Aurora and Damian are talking, the cell phone rings. Damian thought bubbles when he sees who is calling, "Suffer, evil one! Suffer!" and doesn't answer the call.

* Barbie leaves a nasty threatening message on Damian's voice mail.

* Damian tells Aurora that this was all Barbie's plan - for him to get her from the convent and take her to the summer house at the ranch. Santi doesn't know anything about it. Aurora is confused and stunned. Damian is intrigued when Aurora starts to feel sick. Aurora demands to return to the convent immediately; Mother S is probably worried about her and the sister by now. She then blurts out to Damian that she's pregnant and her baby's what is most important to her right now.

* Erika walks with Franco from the car towards San Rafael parish church. Franco stops and convinces Erika to wait in the car - he wants to talk with Padre Bosco alone (the excuse is that he will be confessing his sins in private to the priest).

* Flor and Fer discuss Fer's plan for Flor to go by taxi to the convent school. Flor leaves to contact the taxi company. Fer sits at her desk and writes a letter to Aurora. She starts and stops; she doesn't want it to sound too much like Barbie.

* Aurora sits in the car. Damian is outside the car and talks on the cell phone with Barbie. Barbie is desperate for Damian to fulfill his part in the plan. Damian pauses and assures her he will complete his part. He hangs up and grumbles.

* Franco and Padre Bosco have their unwelcome reunion in the parish office. Franco has to explain why he returned against Padre's wishes. Padre asks about Soledad's vault and Eduardo. Franco assures him that Eduardo Juarez Cruz is dead forever. He wants to start a new life as Franco Santoro and is marrying Erika. Padre is totally opposed to the marriage - because he knows that Franco/Eduardo will always be in love with Fernanda Elizalde.

* Erika is sitting in the car, talking on her cell phone to her friend Chelsea. She explains that she and Franco are at San Rafael parish right now. Chelsea invites her over for coffee to plan for her wedding and gossip. Erika is really excited by the invitation and accepts. They hang up. Chelsea receives her iPhone photo of Fer and Franco from the photo store clerk and smiles about what she plans to do with it.

* Franco explains to Padre Bosco that he can't be with Fer now or ever; he wants to marry Erika. Padre still has his doubts. Erika knocks and enters. She interrupts and asks Padre if he approves of her handsome fiance. She then asks him about how to obtain Franco's baptism certificate. Padre explains the process is difficult and requires two witnesses. Erika is disappointed. Padre gives them some advice. He blesses them before they leave.

* Damian and Aurora get out of the car. Damian makes a proposal - he will take her and sister back to the convent if she does something for him. Aurora looks at him.

* At the car, Franco and Erika talk about the certificate. Franco wants to handle it himself. Erika asks that they go back to Las Animas - she wants to go over some more details for the wedding with him.

* At the restaurant, Camilo and Lovely discuss their engagement party. Lovely is so excited and wants to have a really long guest list - making him present her as his future wife to a really full house. Camilo is shaken and frustrated (he's definitely deep in quick sand and sinking fast.)

* At the convent, Mother Superior tries to use her phone and realizes the line is dead. She paces. Aurora and Sister enter. Mother S asks where have they been?

* Damian and Jacomo finish up their business outside at the cars.

* Aurora and Sister come up with a very good cover story to tell Mother S where they went, and about the letter from Santi. Mother S. accepts the story and tells them, from now on, they are to inform her before they leave the convent.

* Flor is in the taxi. She talks with Fer on the cell phone - she's en route right now to the convent. Flor hangs up and pressures the driver to drive faster.

* Camilo and Lovely are in Franco's office with Steve. Camilo says that Barbie has taken care of all the arrangements for the engagement party. They discuss how long the guest list will be. Camilo salutes Uncle Steve, kisses Lovely and leaves. Steve explodes and yells at Venus to remind her about what a horrible, awful monster Camilo Elizalde actually is!

ADVANCE: Aurora and Sister have a pow-wow about Barbie. Erika asks Steve to go with her to the parish to Franco's baptism certificate. Could Franco's real identity be in jeopardy of being discovered?


Un Gancho Wed. 9/2 - Hurricane Ximena is locked and reloaded, shooting Star falls and rearranges the DF

Ahoy all, Gancho de Dedos (aka Fuego) and I are swapping nights tonight. (And regarding the title, I don't wish to make light of the real hurricane Jimena but I couldn't resist.) Also, You will note that everyone and everything gets interrupted tonight.

Redux, thank you Judy:
Estre and Pau are trying to get Ximena to fill her empty brain with something besides romantic mush. Like maybe work? Heavens no! Well, anyway, think of yourself. Forget Rolu. They tell her not to be such an airhead (cerebro hueco = hollow brain).

Moni arrives in her robe. Xime is entranced with the new hotel "look" but then backtracks. Nope, gonna rise above mere fashion sense. Take a good look at me, she adds. This is the last time you'll see the old Xime. From now on I'm gonna change. She's slightly tipsy and asks if there was an earthquake, grabs the booze and besitos!

Beto sees Moni in her "hotel look" and asks why is she dressed like that in the streets? He looks really pissed.

Mau gets home, what's up? Nada sez Coni and she blames the gotta-come-home drama on Gabi. Besides, his cellular wasn't working and what's up with that? Dani interrupts this pleasant conversation by asking Mau why is he mad? Coni asks why is he wet? She wants to celebrate Aldo's success that's all, harrumph. Aldo is awesome; he tells Coni he doesn't want to celebrate because she's just using him to get his dad. Everybody glares and Coni looks the other way and pats Dani on the head.

Moni's first lie of the night is she was taking swimming lessons and someone stole her clothes. Beto is mollified and thinks she looks quite fetching in her bata (dressing gown). Enough bickering, he has a surprise for her it's his ID card (and no he's not wearing his luchador mask). "We can get married now!"

Mau scolds Aldo, what's wrong with him? Aldo sez nada wrong with him and I can't believe he didn't spill the beans about Coni's little therapy session with her cell phone. Maybe he wants more evidence.

Over at work Oscar is still working on Gabi's sympathies. Something tells me he's not used to female rejection. He asks is she jealous of what's her name the new employee? Gabi sez let's get back to work. He tries sweet ear kisses and romantic words and ick, she lets him kiss her. Sal watches them through the window and fumes.

Hah, I knew it. Our spies Aldo and Ivan are stalking Coni with a camera, but who should sneak up behind them but Beto. Today his shirt says Simple and Charismatic. The boys admit they are spying on Coni because she's putting the horns on Mau and what's Beto doing there? He sez he came to inspect the plumbing (heh, good one horn dog), didn't they know el Fantasma Vengador is also a plumber? Meanwhile he sees Coni and makes eye and body contact telling her to beat it. She escapes by stealing some poor woman's taxi while Beto takes his pic with the boys. Ivan cleverly notes Beto didn't go to his plumbing job, could he be Coni's lover? Aldo can't fathom it, Beto is stupid and smells rotten.

Moni tels Mau not to ask her anything. He sez he doesn't need to ask anything, he knows what she's hiding. She's invented a novio to protect herself. He knows the promise she made to herself, that she'll remain a virgin until matrimony. He tells her he'll wait until the last day of his life if necessary. Moni wisely zips it up and gives him a kiss. Our handsome schmuck is entranced.

Moni and Pau giggle over Mau's innocence and Pau notes that Moni is an expert liar. Moni points out she didn't lie about the virginity, Mau is the one who said it. Pau warns Moni if she keeps up the lies she'll lose Mau forever.

Gabi answers the phone for Sal and is told that La Loca Lorenza has escaped from the manicomio. Cut to Anastasia caressing and kissing Sal with Localocks spying on them from behind a tree. Sal steps away and Loca sneaks up behind Ana and starts strangling her. And...cut to commercial.

Back in the barrio Beto calls Coni to remind her they have a dinner date. Coni snottily tells him she can't make it, she has therapy, click. She bites her lip at the thought of Beto's masculinity and Beto, well, I'm sure Beto is not discouraged.

Sal assists a sobbing Ana out of the Sermeño Group elevator while Gabi keeps trying to tell him something. Sal yells call the clinic to make sure Lorenza is still there and hasn't escaped. "Your wife has escaped," Gabi informs him. Sal is impactado and Ana whimpers. Gabi gets her digs in and Mau tells her to call the cops. Instead she gloats over Ana's bruised throat.

Ana busts in on the odd couple (Oscar and Jeri) and tells them she quits!

Well well well, remember the cute but tortured and homicidal Chalo from QE? He is reincarnated here as police officer Christian Bermudez and he seems to have the hots for Paula. He has invaded Pau's space to request a glass of water for Gabi. Pau gushes over his uniform, physique and bullet proof vest. She even gives him a hug under Gabi's approving gaze. That's our Pau, man hungry as always; and that's our Gabi, always titillated by amor.

Enter the new and improved Ximena looking a bit like Audrey Hepburn in glasses. She loves the office and plays at answering the phone. Sal is surprised to see her and even more surprised to hear that she has abandoned the old, superficial Xime and has become the new, "reloaded" version. She is ready to be an executive. Sal asks what can she do? Well, she can more or less count to a hundred, approximately. Sal escorts her to his office (to wait for Mau I guess) while our local Loca skulks around the hallway spying, twitching and looking extremely suspicious.

The full moon rises. Wake up all ye werewolves.

Coni complains to Dr. Meño about Aldo constantly persecuting her but he is more interested in exploring her deep feelings about getting that Aborigine out of her life. Let the writhing begin. Coni describes Beto, he is gross, awkward, rustic, he is a macho lout, and dirty (sigh). She doesn't care if he bathes or not she likes him. Enter the obsession that is Beto and poor Coni looks about to burst. Beto kisses her forehead and suggests couples therapy. The glass is always half full with this guy.

Moni goes to Mau's office to clarify things and ends up clarifying nothing. She needs two days to figure out how to tell him the truth. (Is that weird or what?) Anyway, yet another conversation is interrupted tonight as Gabi runs in to tell Mau that La Loca has entered the building. The lights go out and everyone screams.

Lots of scrambling, confusion and scared hugging ensues. Of course Moni accidentally punches someone out, turns out it's Sal. Christian shows up blinding himself with his flashlight and informs them the subject is trapped on their very floor.

Cut to the headshrinkers couch which is now fully occupied by a horizontal Beto and Coni. "See how he follows me and puts his hands all over me?" she, er, well not exactly complains and not exactly brags. Beto's had enough yackety yack and leaps onto Coni, "This is the only therapy she needs!" Dr. Meño pulls Beto off as Coni gasps and sighs, le pant le heave.

Back at the psycho horror film of Sermeño Group, Oscar and Jeri quiver and quake by the lights of their cell phones. The new and improved Ximena frightens them and giddily introduces her new self to them, she's looking for a job. Oscar, thinking she's too loud tells her to shut it. Jeri sugests Oscar strangle the old Xime and he'll strangle the new.

It looks like Coni has managed to break free from Beto's charms. He's following her out of the office and telling her if it's one thing he learned from the doc it's to extract the desires (sacar las ganas) that they are holding deep within. She feebly resists and he says fine, if she wants him to leave he'll go forever. He walks and Coni runs after him and sez OK. OK what? OK, let's extract our desires. That's all our odiferous caveman needs to hear and he drags Coni down the street.

Can you believe it? He's brought Coni to Moni's room! He throws her onto the bed and assumes the position. Before she takes her clothes off she has to remove her necklace which, naturally, falls to the floor becoming future evidence. They roll and pant, yes, no, yes, no, yes, call me Constancia!

"Basura!! And in Moni's own bed!" yells Estrella who has inconveniently arrived to interrupt the gymnastics. Coni hides behind a curtain while Beto makes excuses, he's doing his abdominals.

The unwilling participants of the Sermeño Witch Project don't seem too reassured by our hunky policeman's presence. For our, the viewer's benefit, Mau shines the flashlight in the face of whoever is talking. In real life somebody would tell him this is very rude. Suddenly his phone rings and the mystery caller is La Loca. She wants Mau to tell Sal he can rest in peace, but she's just calling to say goodbye. "You taking a trip?" Mau hopefully asks. Nope, they are all taking a one way trip to hell, one by one.

Mau is impactada as he reveals the content of the call to the others. He asks Christian to gather the others in the building. Affirmative! responds our man in uniform.

Estrella demands to know who Beto's friend is but Beto refuses to let Estrella "meet" the mujerzuela. While Estrella shouts at the top of her lungs Coni makes her escape unseen. Except by Nieves, that is, who urges her to run. Estrella consoles herself by taking a bite out of Beto's arm.

Estrella chases Beto outside and rips him a new one and Nieves too for protecting her son! Oooh, somebody's mama looks guilty.

Christian announces that reinforcements will arrive in a half hour. Mau tries to get the cavalry there sooner but no dice. Sal tries to reassure Gabi who scolds him because it's his amorous flings (deslices amorosos) that got them in this mess. While the others whine Paula gets to work. "Are you single?" she asks the cop. Affirmativo! She presses close and says she doesn't want La Loca to kill him or her either. "What would you like to do before going to the other world," he asks. Paula doesn't know but Chris certainly does and he lays a big kiss on her.

Jeri tells Mau he doesn't want to be an alarmist but the only person missing is Ximena. Everyone is in a panic as they wonder about la Loca's first victim. Wait a minute, what about Mau's office?!? They try the door and it's locked, surely Xime is a captive or worse. Sal yells for Loca to open the door and thankfully they hear Ximena respond: One, she mistook me for Anastasia and said horrible things to me while she tried to hang me. Two, I told her I was also crazy in love with Rolu. Three, I told her my sad story of love and she ended up crying. Now the poor dear is inconsolable. Whew! The crowd enters and sees that all is well, except for Lorenza who sits weeping on the floor. I just love how this show resolves its disasters in one night.

Wow, Estrella is still giving Beto and Nieves a major dressing down. Who is worse? Beto for putting the horns on Moni or Nieves for supporting him? Nieves tries to give that bull story about "it's OK for guys" crap but our Estre won't fall for it. What's good for the gander is good for the goose. Estre sez when Moni finds out she'll eat Beto alive. He begs her not to tell and she agrees. Thank God! She agrees only because it is Beto who will tell her the truth. His other choice is to abandon the wedding. Nieves scurries into Moni's room to straighten up.

Lorenza gets escorted back to the funny farm and all is well. Sal feels guilty and Mau consoles him with a man hug. Enough of the boring stuff.

Officer Bermudez and Paula are in a clinch in the darkened coffee closet thankful that they didn't die before experiencing true love, and he's still got that damn light on. Yet ANOTHER interruption and this time by Moni and Gabi. Moni scolds and Gabi jumps in saying that's no way for a woman to act who's going to get married. NOooooooo. Christian jumps back like he's been burned. This is too much for his proper and official ethics. He escapes and Gabi our incurable romantic sez she'll try to explain the inexplainable to him. Pau lets Moni have it, once again her lies her lies her lies have screwed things up! Mau overhears this last bit.

Coni runs home and Xime tells her she's acting weirder than Sal's wife. What's up? Xime sniffs the air and announces that Coni was with Robi. Don't lie, Coni's libido is in the air and her skin shines like a brilliant medal. Suddenly Coni remembers the incriminating necklace she left behind. Quelle surprise as they say in France.

Mau wants Moni to explain why Pau was calling her a liar. She evades his glance and reminds him she needs two days to arrange things before she tells him the truth. Puhleeeze! He agrees to this ridiculous arrangement and insists on driving her home. "OK but no questions," she commands. Meowwww...whip whip!

They are in her room safe and sound and now he can go home to his kids. Not so fast he sez. They get close and romantic and are guess what? INTERRUPTED by Beto and Estrella. Estre tells Mau to stay put while Beto tells Moni a little something in private. Mau looks confounded.

Beto tells Moni he's been thinking a lot. He's been thinking about their wedding. He wants to see if they can take a little time to think about it. In fact, maybe they need to wait a bit.

Tomorrow. Mau catches Coni leaving Moni's house after retrieving her necklace. Mau vehemently tells Moni that she is the love of his life, he loves her like he never thought he could love anyone.


Wednesday, September 02, 2009

En Nombre del Amor, Tuesday 9/1. The Case of the Clothes-Free Coquette.

Déjà vu : Padre JuanCris hems and haws around the front gate of Misery Manor until Paloma comes along. She introduces herself, and the editors have enough restraint to let the moment carry its own import rather than adding Music Of Meaning or twinkly sparkles. He notices she looks sad and asks if there’s something he can do. When she says no one can help, he gently suggests divine solace but doesn’t nose into her affairs. She goes into the house to find Carlota, oddly not inviting him even as far as the foyer to wait, which leaves him outside to notice the black mourning ribbon over the door.

Today’s news: Paloma queries Rufina as to Carlota’s dondeabouts. “How would I know?” asks Rufi. “She has to know every little thing the rest of us do, but she never says where she’s going.” They kibbutz a bit about what the new priest is like (Paloma has a favorable impression, and says he seems like someone you can talk to and it will make you feel calm) before Paloma heads back.

Padre JC is pacing and praying for fortitude at the front gate. Carlota comes walking up the sidewalk, but is detained by Inés.

Upstairs, Macarena finishes mooning over her memory box and curls up for a nap. Paloma comes in, assesses the situation, and quietly leaves. Downstairs, Rufi answers the phone and apparently someone named Rosa thinks something is urgent. Paloma goes back to Cris and asks whether he can come back another time, because Carlota is out. She starts to say her other aunt is sleeping, but of course he cuts her off and says just give them my apologies for missing the dinner. If people ever managed to finish their sentences telenovelas would be like two weeks long. Anyway, Paloma is totally gracious about the situation, a skill she surely didn’t learn from Fine Upstanding Perfect and Proper Carlota. Padre tells her he’s available to listen if she ever wants to talk about her sadness. They share a little moment that has a total daddy-and-little-girl vibe, and he leaves.

Rufi rushes out of the house and is bummed to have missed seeing the Padre. Turns out Rosa’s emergency was that she wanted to know how to make chiles en nogadas. Rosa, dear, the way to get chiles en nogadas is to invite Chef Hawt from Querida Enemiga over to make them for you. Duh. Paloma has to report to Rufi that the priest seems nice.

All this time, Carlota is griping and moaning to Inés about how rude the padre is, not to have called or anything, whine whine whine. Inés tells her this is a totally disproportionate response.

Romina wears a dress that looks like a figure skating costume and tears up pictures of Paloma, swearing she’ll never steal Emiliano.

Emiliano is still oversharing to Orlando, saying Romina was always hot to trot, but he doesn’t love her and didn’t want this to happen and he doesn’t remember a thing. Orly astutely says that whether or not he loves her, there could be consequences. Romina calls and wants to see Emiliano; they agree to meet.

Back over at Misery Manor, Carlota is putting Paloma and Macarena to sleep at the dinner table with her continued kvetching over being stood up by the priest, no belladonna necessary. Then she yells at them for not joining in the dinner conversation, then she yells at Mac for leaving the table without being excused. Then she gripes to Paloma that Mac’s not feeling well is no excuse for her bad attitude. What’s Carlota’s excuse? Carlota storms out as well, and Paloma starts crying. I bet they have antacids for dessert every night.

Emiliano is doing his dim best to piece together what happened the night before. He doesn’t get very far.

Paloma is miserable, thinking it must be horrible for Romina to be in love with a man who loves another girl. She doesn’t want them to end up like Mac and Carlota, so she thinks she has no other option than to renounce the grand love of Emiliano, even though when they kissed it was like she was in heaven (did she get to say hi to Iñaki?), because now she feels like she’s in hell. At some point in this conversation Paloma also told Rufi she knows the whole story of Carlota and Mac’s past, not suspecting that she doesn’t know the half of it.

Rafael drops by Camila’s shop. She’s busy with some customers, so he has a moment for Meche to tell us all yet again how wonderful Emiliano is. When Cami’s free, he asks her how things are going with Romina and holds her hands as their love tune plays, only to be drowned out by the sounds of menace and tension when Orlando walks in.

Rafael invites Camila to come over and see if the new ceramics line looks like she intended in her design, and leaves. Orlando pretends he came to confirm their dinner date, but finally asks whether something is going on between Rafa and Camila. The lady doth protest too much, and he looks suspicious.

Diana accosts Rafael outside the shop and tries to get him to join her for a spell, but he says he’s busy and he’ll see her later for dinner as they had arranged. She says she’s going to go to the salon and get fixed up all purdy for him, but he says don’t bother. She makes her usual cara de guácala.

Diana sticks her snout into Camila’s shop and is delighted and relieved to see Camila looking friendly with Orlando.

Liliana visits Paloma, spewing guilt and apologies over the tempest she’s stirred up. Then she says she doesn’t know what’s going on between Paloma and Emiliano, but she certainly knows that Romina is a tramp (golfa), and she’s going to tell Paloma everything she knows.

Diana meets Romina in the café and wants to know ALL the details of her son’s sex life, ugh, gross, pitooey.

Emiliano has now summoned Germán to his little personal tribunal. I hope there isn’t any pressing silver business today. He wants any details on how things may have gone down with Romina. “Did you sleep with her?!” Germy chokes out.

Romina is actually dishing, ick, and then Diana shares the hard-to-believe fact that Rafael wasn’t her first congressional term. Romina says Emiliano will be her first and last (!) and Diana agrees.

Germy is flabbergasted and asks how it could have happened; Emiliano was so drunk. Yet doesn’t seem at all hungover today, I notice. Emiliano says he doesn’t know, he just woke up and there she was, all nekkid and happy and saying it was her first time. Germy’s jaw drops, but he covers by saying he just doesn’t believe Emiliano could have made like a senator in his condition. Emiliano says he can’t doubt her word (why can’t you? Why? We know you’re no gentleman; you’ve already talked about it to like half the town). Emiliano flails and Germy fumes.

Padre Mateo is suggesting to Padre JuanCris that he should try again to find Carlota and apologize, but Cris thinks everyone is making way too big a deal out of the whole thing. “But Carlota is very important,” protests PadreM. “No more important than anyone else,” says Cris. He thinks they have much more important things to do, and PadreM finally agrees.

The phone rings, and Carlota picks it up at the same time as Mac, allowing her to eavesdrop as Mac and Dr. Rodolfo make plans to meet. Then she oh-so-casually walks into the room where Mac is and demands that she accompany her to the church to meet Padre Juan. Mac says no way, she has plans. Carlota throws another completely disproportionate fit and stomps back to her office, and Mac rolls her eyes at the mad cow act. Carlota snipes to herself that she will have to tame (domar) Mac again.

Paloma wonders whether Emiliano was only flirting with her to get even, since he knew about Romina kissing Germy. No, she decides, the kiss was for real. She looks out her window and sees Emiliano arrive at Romina’s house to a VERY warm and conniving greeting.

Paloma is very confused. She thinks back over Romina’s sneaking around with Germy and decides there must be some truth to what Liliana said, but could Romina be so bad? She doesn’t know what to think.

Emiliano is furious at Romina and says he doesn’t remember what happened, but she shouldn’t have let anything happen knowing he was blotto. She continues to spin her lies and says she doesn’t regret it at all. He says he does, then stands like a stone while she kisses him.

Rodolfo gives Mac some sugar-free chocolates. Mac is still all upset about her miserable life, but he piles on the compliments, saying she is beautiful, even when she cries. He hugs her, and Carlota sees and is Horrified.

Romina tells Emiliano she loves him. Not back at ya, toots; we’re through, he says. She yells at him for taking advantage of her.

Paloma calls Inés’s house to speak to Angélica. Aaron answers the phone and carpes diem by asking her out for coffee before looking for Ange.

Rodolfo asks Mac out for dinner but she is difficult as usual. After he leaves she yells at Carlota for acting like such a meddling brat when she had a visitor. Paloma runs through saying she has to go see Angélica and is not slowed down by Carlota’s attempts at imprisonment, but nearly tramples Camila when she opens the door. “Camila! Let’s go out!” says Mac, and they all flee, leaving Carlota looking furious.

Emiliano interrupts Orlando’s attempts at actual work and reports on the showdown with Romina. Orlando says she’s not a victim; it was her fault too, but don’t get back together with her if you don’t want to, and maybe be a little more careful what you do in the future.

Romina’s cell phone rings. She looks at the caller and flings the phone á la Sendel, but without the masterful style. The house phone starts to ring, and she completely wigs out. Germy is outside, leaving her yelly messages and giving his chest some fresh air.

Camila thinks Mac should accept Rodolfo’s invitation. She’s a little fed up with Mac’s wishy-washiness, so she pulls out her phone and insists that Mac call him immediately and arrange a double-date with Cami and Orlando.

Germán has gotten into the house, and is yelling at Romina for being a lying jerk. She tells him to stay out of it. He threatens to tell Emiliano a few choice stories. She says to go ahead, and she doesn’t know what she was thinking ever getting involved (enredarse = to get entangled) with him. That takes the wind out of his sails.

Paloma asks Angélica for advice about her latest drama. Ange feeds her some lines about doing what’s right for her, Romina is very confused, etc. Then Ange asks what it was like when Emiliano kissed her. Get your own love life, lady. Paloma indulges her, however, and says for a moment she forgot about everything. Angélica tells her she’s totally in love with Emiliano, no doubt.

Camila tells Macarena that Paloma saved Romina from expulsion at the cost of her own scholarship, so she wants to pay for Paloma to go to university. Macarena tries to protest that it’s too generous, and Camila remarks that Mac treats Paloma like she is her own daughter.

Orlando interrupts Emiliano’s personal call to try to give him some work. Orly asks why his parents are divorcing; is there a third party involved? No, just irreconcilable differences, says Emiliano. Why? Noooo reason, says Orlando, way casual-like.

Camila confides to Mac that she thinks there’s a bit of a spark between her and Rafael and she suspects that Orlando senses it; what does Mac think? Mac offers to pass a note in homeroom to ask Rodolfo whether Orly knows if Rafael likes Cami. Or, she says he probably knows because Camila definitely lights up when she talks about Rafael. Camila says she’s happy when she’s with him and that scares her.

Romina sees Aaron walking Paloma home. She storms down to the street to yell at Paloma for being a deceiving slut. Paloma and Aaron are impactados.

Avances: Emiliano wants to kiss Paloma again. Romina rages and plots.


Mañana es Para Siempre, Tuesday, September 1--Ep #135: Erika has friends?

Well, that's news to me.

We have a brief review of Jacobo and Damian hatching their nefarious plans and Fer and Franco drinking coffee and chatting about the Barbinator and her nefarious plans.

Fer thinks it's completely ridiculous to convince Daddy to hand everything over to Evil Barbie. Franco breaks it to her that her options are to keep the money away from Barbie and lose Lili or give Barbie everything and get Lili back. Franco thinks Evil Barbie has some unknown motives and he's going to try to figure them out. He wants to know what her Achilles heel is. "No hay otro salida"--literally, there is no other exit; i.e., we have no other options.

A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead walk into the restaurant…ba dum, pum.

Franco wants to know what to do--carry on or quit? "No hay otro solución"-there is no other solution.

The redhead notices Fernanda sitting with Franco. The brunette remembers he's marrying their "friend" Erika. The redhead thinks the worst, but the blonde thinks she's being mean. "A mí se me hace que aquí hay un romance oculto."--I say we've got a hidden romance here. "Chelsie" the redhead, takes out her cell phone, to the brunette's delight. Mr. 5ft can tell the redhead's being bitchy even without knowing what she's talking about.

Erika asks Ruthie for her opinion on some flowers that Erika is looking at online. "Yo lo veo medio simplosito"--I think it looks kinda simple (halfway a little simple). And we can't have that for our spoiled little rich girl, now can we? Erika corrects her that it's "simploncito". Her phone rings and it's Chelsie. Erika semi-complains about how tough it is to organize a wedding. Chelsie wants Erika to ask Franco if he'll talk to her about buying a vacation plan, but Erika doesn't know where he is. Chelsie suggests Erika call him and find out. What are we, in 7th grade? Next thing she'll suggest is that they get Franco on 3-way so Chelsie can ask him how he really feels about Erika without telling him Erika's on the line. So, now it's dinner theater as the trio wait to see where Franco tells Erika he is.

As Franco and Fer talk about whether Fer needs to go back to Lactos, Franco's phone rings. Erika goes along with Chelsie's plan, unwittingly, and Franco says he can't talk to Chelsie right now because he's "in a meeting." "With Fer, at Lactos?" Erika asks. Numbnuts tells her he's just arriving at "la embajada de estados unidos" to talk to the "agregado comercial"--the US Embassy to talk to the attaché of commerce. Erika says they'll leave it for another time, then. She sends him more magical kisses. He hangs up and Fer knows exactly who he was talking to.

Chelsie jokingly tells her phone "maquinita de la verdad, revélanos el chisme"--little machine of truth, reveal the gossip. Now the blonde's into it. Erika (who Chelsie refers to as Princess) reports Franco's BS location. Chelsie puts her on speaker so the other harpies can listen in.

Fer wonders what Franco loses if everything tanks. He says he'd lose her friendship, but Fer doesn't believe they're friends. He thinks they will be when they get Lili back. And why is he so interested in friendship? Because it's all he can ever have with her. Fer says she'll talk to Daddy and get him to go ahead with the transfer, but "lo demás queda en tus manos"-- the rest is in Franco's big sexy manly hands. Which she's holding as Chelsie takes a picture. I dunno, I think it's kind of far away and fuzzy. She doesn't have zoom on that iPhone? Fer and Franco unknowingly continue to stare intently at each other.

Evil Barbie reminds Camilo that she's doing everything for his own good. She called him to the office to tell him the party's all ready. Camiiiiiii looks like he's going to be sick.

Venus still won't tell Martina what she's planning so that Martina won't go running to Esteve. Martina's convinced it's nothing good. Venus promises her "nos vamos a divertir pues un montón"--we're going to have, like, a ton of fun! And Esteve will be left with his mouth open. Martina whines and tries to convince Venus not to screw with that sweet, sweet, gringo. Venus tries to distract her by saying they've got to pick out a hot little number for Martina to wear, too. I admit that if someone insisted on buying me a pretty frock it would definitely distract me from wondering what havoc they were planning.

The ladies who lunch giggle over the face they expect Erika to make when she sees the picture. The brunette goes to the loo, but she wants updates when she gets back. Chelsie confirms that she's absolutely planning to show that picture to Erika…"A ver, si entre nosotras no somos solidarias y nos cuidamos las espaldas, entonces para que somos las amigas?"--Let's see, if between ourselves we aren't supportive and we don't watch each other's backs, then what are we friends for? Bee. Yatch.

Franco gives Fer her grandpa Jeronimo's pen. Fer muses that it must be the most expensive gift Ana Gregoria ever received. She wants that diary so she can air all the family's dirty laundry. She says it's the only way that the Elizaldes can quit being so unfair and such liars and cheaters. She says she's indebted to someone--Soledad Cruz. She thinks she owes it to Soledad to reveal all the secrets, especially so they can see how unfair they were to her. She knows it won't be much of a comfort to her, but she wants the family to realize how ungrateful they were toward Soledad. Franco is moved and has to run off to the bathroom and fix his eye makeup. What? That's what chicks do. He goes over to a window near the bathroom and cries. The brunette notices on her way out, but walks back to her table. Franco struggles to get it together.

Evil Barbie tells Camilo they need to start prepping for his divorce now, before he's married. She tells him he'd better not get Lovely pregnant. Camilo laughs, "Estas frente a un profesional en la materia"--you're facing an expert on the subject. Way to remind her you raped her daughter, dumbass. Or is your secret that you never actually sleep with women, therefore there's no way to get any of them pregnant? Or perhaps you've already done your homework and found out Santi's the only male of your generation not shooting blanks? Cami says if he hadn't been careful with all his hos Barbie and Gonzo would have grandbabies coming out of their ears. Barbie casually asks if he was also "careful" with Aurora and he says he was "extra careful". He wonders where she and Santi are, that neither of them are around anymore. Barbie says Aurora ran away and Santi went to Florence. Camilo wants Santi back for the party to show him that he's the only one who knows how to get a woman. Yes, please do bring him back to witness Cami's humiliation at the hands of Venus!

Martina is trying on a hot pink and black tie-dyed maxi dress with a smocked bodice all in black. It looks good, but I'm thinking too casual for the big party. Venus loves it, though. Martina declares she won't go to the party if Venus doesn't tell her what she's planning and escapes back into the dressing room. Venus says she'll tell Martina if she swears not to tell. She whispers the plan in Martina's ear, but Martina seems horrified. Venus says that jerk "Me la paga porque me la paga"--He'll pay [me] because he'll pay; i.e., I'll have my revenge, he'll pay for what he's done just because I say so, etc. Venus says she'll disappear afterward, even from Esteve because she really wants to forget him, even if it hurts down to her "cachas" (core, marrow, or very slangily--sex organ…depending on who you ask). Esteve is just an illusion, like a TV galán, that's all.

The brunette reports that Franco was crying. Chelsie also notices that Fer doesn't look too happy. But those three are ecstatic, anticipating how upset Erika will be when she sees the picture. What a bunch of, how you say, harpies? Arpías!

Dam, Jacobo, and unnamed Accomplice drive down a dusty lane in Pueblo Purificación. They're just around the corner from the convent. Jacobo wants the rundown on security, but it's essentially nil. Damian reminds him to be really, really careful with the girl.

Out in the parking lot, Fer says she'll get to work right away. Franco wonders what her plans are when all this is over and Lili's back. She was originally thinking of running off with Lili, but she doesn't want to run from her responsibilities. She thinks she'll stick around, get Lili proper treatment, and make sure Evil Barbie pays for all her crimes. And she wants to get the oft-mentioned community center up and running to honor the memories of Eduardo and Soledad.

Nameless Nun tells Aurora that "Bruno Manfredi" with an Italian accent is there to speak to her on Santiago's behalf, with a letter from Santiago, but he has to give it to her personally. Jacobo tries to hurry the process up, but the Mother Superior is not a woman to be rushed. Jacobo is saying that Santi is a student of his and is currently working on some restoration work back in Italia.

Fer goes to Gonzo's office and begs forgiveness. He can't shove her into a chair fast enough. He kind of laughs that she was a little impulsive, but says he's not angry at her, just worried about her and worried that the trust they used to have has deteriorated lately. Fer says she doesn't want to be a worry for him and does everything thinking of his well being. Gonzo feels guilty for not giving her all the support she needs because he's so busy with his own worries. Fer says she wants to talk about his worries with regard to Barbie. She tells him he's right, she agrees he has every right to protect his wife in any way he sees fit. Gonzo is surprised, but too stupid to question it. So far, though, she's only saying she approves of giving Barbie the 60%. Fer says not to thank her, she's just doing what's best for the family. Gonzo is so proud of her. As we go to commercials, they show a clip of Gonzo as I imagine he'll look when he finally realizes what an idiot he's been for the last fifteen years.

Damian waits in his car for Jacobo, stressing out. "Por que el repentino interés de Barbara por Aurora si antes no la tragaba?"--Why is Barbie suddenly interested in Aurora when before she couldn't stand her (couldn't swallow, couldn't stomach). Vlad calls him, but Damian's not in the mood and ignores it. Damian says soon Vlad will cease to be a bother.

Anibal takes a call from Vlad. Vlad stresses that Damian's not answering his calls. Anibal says to forget Damian, he's not interested anymore. Unlike Gonzo, Vlad puzzles over this sudden change of attitude. He opens a folder and says "no puede ser!"--It can't be.

Aurora comes into the Mother Superior's office.

Gonzo gives Fer a glass of water. Fer says that Gonzo shouldn't wait to give Barbie all the goods, just do it now and get it over with. Fer says it's not fair to make Barbie wait until Anibal's kid is born. He looks slightly confused, now.

Jacobo talks in some bad, fake Spitalian. He says Santi sent him to talk to Aurora about some, er, kind of private things. The Mother Superior and the other nun leave so Aurora and Jacobo can talk privately. Jacobo says Santi talks about nothing but Aurora and is crazy in love with her, but he didn't say when he's coming back to Mexico. He did give a letter for her, though, which is mysteriously missing from every pocket in his jacket.

Fer says it seems humiliating to make Barbie wait for the birth of the grandchild before she gets what she deserves. Barbie comes in and tries to leave, but Gonzo makes her stay. He happily announces that Fer is back and has a brand new attitude. Gonzo wants Barbie to hear it from Fer's own lips.

Jacobo says he remembers that he left the letter in the car. He asks her to come with him to get it. You just know she's going to fall for it. Sucker.

After some prodding from Gonzo, Fer says she agrees with Gonzo wanting to put 60% in Barbie's name, but she asked him not to wait for the baby to be born. Barbie squeezes out a fake tear. Fer says it seems only fair to her. Barbie asks Fer how she can repay such generosity, but hugs Gonzo instead. I think it bought her time to have a reaction without looking Fer in the eye. And poor Fer. Talk about taking one for the team. Barbie cries and thanks them both, but says she's worried now about Camilo because he doesn't know what's going on and he might feel offended, now that he's getting married. Gonzo says all his kids have a home and college degrees, so they've got nothing to complain about. He calls his lawyer. Fer tries not to look hatefully at Barbie while Barbie tries not to look at Fer pityingly.

Jacobo is having a little trouble convincing Aurora and now throws in an embellishment about some photos as well. Now she's convinced, but luckily, the other nun whose name I can never remember was just about to knock on the door and ask if they wanted drinks. Aurora says not now, but would the Sister come with her to this nice man's car to collect the letter and photos? I sense a nunnapping on the way. Is that good for a go straight to hell card? Jacobo curses as he follows them out.

Silvestre, in the doctor's office, grouses about not wanting an operation. He thinks it's a waste and he's used to his glasses anyway. Come one, man, get the operation, lose the glasses, get a makeover and find yourself a nice viejita to spend the rest of your days with. They do a PSA about the procedure, which I don't listen to because "operation" and "eyes" in the same sentence kind of freaks me out. Speaking of "eyes," Martina and the Doc make some at each other as he leaves the office to get something I wasn't paying attention to. Martina talks to Silvestre about heading for the beach after the operation. Silvestre is so happy to have such a great daughter (and this without even seeing her kick ass at mud wrestling) "Nomas me pida vida para verte bien casada"--All I ask is enough life left to see you well married. Ditto to that. Martina say it's going to be cool walking into the church together with Carlos waiting at the altar. Silvestre promises her dead mommy will also be there sharing in their happiness on that day.

Jacobo, Aurora, and the nun walk out of the convent. Now Jacobo claims his car broke down, but it's just around the corner, just a few steps away. Aurora again asks the nun to go with her and the nun agrees. Jacobo takes Aurora's arm and starts leading her to the car.

Fer walks into her office and states a bunch of obvious things to herself about Barbie, the money, etc. Barbie comes in, but Fer isn't so nice to her now. Barbie wants Fer to explain the situation to Camilo. Both ladies have the gloves off now. Barbie doesn't care if Fer likes it or not, agrees with it or not, just is she going to do it or not. Fer snits that when they have Lili back, she expects Barbie to go far, far away, where they never hear anything from her again. Barbie notes the claws are out now and wonders where sweet little Fernandita has gone to. "Desapareció en el momento que descubrió a la verdadera Barbara Greco, una mujer perversa que ha abusado del amor ciego que le profesa un anciano mientras que ella le ha sido infiel con el marido de su hijastra!"--She disappeared in the moment that she discovered the true Barbara Greco, a perverse woman who has taken advantage of the blind love professed to her by an old man while she cheats on him with her stepdaughter's husband! Well, sure, when you put it that way….

Tomorrow: The incriminating photo gets blown up, including the date/time stamp, and presumably we get fallout from Fer calling Barbie on her shit.


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