Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dinero # 115 & 116 5/26/10: After the “Hazame” has worn off/ The road to Cuernavaca

We are now halfway through our story. We have managed to do this without a single fatality. (unless you want to count the dummy.) We have also managed to avoid all sudden falls down long staircases or other sinister accidents. (I am not counting tonight’s little Marco and Chavez blunder. Those two couldn‘t set a mouse trap correctly). We have not had a single case of amnesia, (you can’t count Jorge, that’s his memory thing). We have had no kidnappings and no switched babies. (although we do have Vicky who may or may not be faking a pregnancy, trying to do cositas with Rafita so she can switch the daddies.) (What?)

What we have had is plenty of fun. We have had Mariachis (Even Hindu Mariachis) animal rights activists (Rafa and Ale freeing the lobsters) . Great kisses and almost kisses (not Ramiro and the General). Lots of knife wielding (the Butchers crazy kids). Plenty of what the heck scenes (our idiot police men, and random salon visits). The funniest bungling villains ever to grace a TN (Marco and Chavez). The sexiest table dancing “nurse” who is soon to be happy in Iraq (Rubi), The craziest work environment since Mash (Auto Siglo). And my favorite, the best TN couple to root for in a very long time!!! (No, not Marino and Ramirez!!). Lets hope the next 115 or so chapters will bring us as much fun, smiles, sneers, frustration and cheers as the first one hundred and fifteen. So lets get to it. It was a busy two hours.

Chapter # 115 After the “Hazeme” has worn off
We have a little rehash from last night. Ramirez has an encounter with a chair and Rafa has promised Vicky a night of pleasure. He swears. (Famous last words.)

Ale enters her house and finds Marco fast a sleep and sawing logs on a rattan chair. He startles as she wakes him. (What’s up with the hair?) He tells her he decided to wait for her since she told him she would be home early. Ale tells him it still is early. She tells him she has to clean up her room and put some order to it. She asks him to join her. A sleepy Marco with hand bag in tow, follows Ale. She is ragging about how she has to put away all her things again after packing them to leave.

Marco snuggles up against her and tells her she can’t possibly stay there tonight. Why not stay with him at his place. Ale tells him to forget that. She has a very early morning. He asks her if she really is going to put everything away tonight. He has a better idea of what they could do. Ale does not seem enthused and suggests that he help her. Marco yawning, is pretending he didn’t hear her. She looks at him and sees him yawning, tells him Nothing my “cielo” (literally means heaven but is commonly used as a term of endearment like “my love” ) why not go and get some sleep. He goes in for a good night kiss and Ale has a difficult time trying to act pleased. He blows her a kiss and tells her he loves her, making a face as he leaves. Ale gives a sigh of relief.

It is morning and Ale is rudely awoken by a ringing phone. It is Rafa. He is up and raring to go. Ale not so much. He chides her a little for not being up already since she did leave early last night. He asks her if she is tired from dancing so much. She wants to know if he called her just to complain. He tells her no , he has a very important appointment today and would like her to review his proposal before the morning meeting, because afterwards he is going to Cuernavaca. She sarcastically asks him if he wasn‘t able to sleep just thinking about this. Then she literally blows him off and tells him he can leave with whatever proposal he cares to offer at what ever prices. Basically she tells him to do what he wants and stop bugging her. He says “whatever but I still want to see you early at the office.” Ale balks at this and Rafa doesn’t take any lip and hangs up on her.

Jorge and Tia Rosario are arguing. They have a huge mess downstairs with boxes still packed. They can’t find any of the kitchen utensils. Life has just been made easier for all, as who should show up but Azucena. Jorge’s prayers have been answered. It turns out Marco called her to inform her that Rubi has taken her love to Iraq.

Speaking of Rubi. We have a cute little von voyage at our local bar with Chavez and Marco giving a US flag adorned Rubi a proper send off. Rubi is a little worried that jobs might be a bit hard to come by. Marco tells her not to worry. She is all excited to leave and is practicing her new mantra once she lands in Iraq “I love United States.” They wish her well and Marco tells her if she needs anything not to hesitate to call. Big kisses by all are exchanged. As she leaves Chavez mutters “I hope this works.”

Quintana is walking down the street. We see a shady character trying not be noticed behind the wheel of a car. He is studying a picture of said Quintana. We switch back to Chavez and Marco discussing their other little problem. Chavez assures Marco they no longer have to worry about Quintana because he is about to have a little accident. You guys didn’t really think Marco and Chavez were going to be able to successfully pull this off did you? Our would be assassin aims his speeding car at Quintana. He is barely nudged and manages to land on the sidewalk a bit shaken up. He is terrified and walks away saying “ bread roll” (Carlos is that like “a duck”?) . Our assassin is detained by the police and Quintana continues to stagger away.

We have a lot of morning after talk by the Siglo crew. Seems like they all have poor memories of what went on the night before. Why not blame it all on Dandy’s “Hazeme brew” . It seems like everyone is having a rough morning. We see Dona Arcadia talking with Beltran. They both look like “the morning after” a not so memorable night. She wants to know how the fiesta went and Beltran has a Claudia flashback and tells her everything was fine.

Ramiro being Ramiro tries to get frisky with the general. She tries her hardest to tell him to leave her alone. He does not get this. Finally she leaves to go to the bathroom and he follows her. She tells him what happened last night was just what happened last night. Ramiro asks her if she didn’t really feel anything. She does think about this for a moment but says nothing. He salutes her and she silently leaves.

Ale enters Siglo and greets the crew. None of them are fairing very well after Dandy’s brew. She then asks Susana if Rafa has shown up yet. She tells Susana that he got jealous last night. Susana seems pleased to hear this. Ale reminds her there is nothing between them. Besides he has a girlfriend and she has Marco.

Rafa shows up and asks Ale if she needs to review the Groupo Celeste deal. Ale tells him no. Susana is puzzled by this. Ale tells her why would this matter to her.

Dandy shows up and wants to know how the night went and all about the “Hazeme”. Rosaura wants to know how long the effects last. Dandy tells her two months. She looks panicked. Pepito wants to know where he can buy some.

Marino shows up minus Ramirez. Everyone wants to know where his “carnal” (brother or best buddy) is. They all become concerned. Bebe blames Dandy for spiking everyone’s drinks causing them to all behave irrationally and if something happens to him it will be his fault. We see a worried look across Marino‘s face as he remembers the last time he saw Ramirez. Dandy assures everyone that all he put in their drinks was an natural essence oil from Susana. The most they could expect from that is strong nails and good skin.

Marino is calling around looking for Ramirez. He finds out he spent the night in the hospital and was just let out. At that moment we see Ramirez enter Siglo with a huge shiner. Marino asks him what happened. He tells him you left me alone at that bar and when I left I was assaulted. ( I was a little confused by Ramirez’s story. Is he lying? Didn’t that happen when he hit the chair after Marino shoved him? Or is he trying to make Marino feel guilty for leaving him alone at the bar? All good questions.)

Ramirez enters the conference room to inquiring minds. He lies and tells them he had just left Siglo by himself and was assaulted. Marino has entered now and has sat down. I swear he actually looks like he feels bad. They can’t understand what kind of person would do this. Ramirez tells them “a piece of garbage” the worse he has ever seen in his life, as he looks at Marino. They ask if they got anything and he says “My dignity”. . Bebe things they lack solidarity. If one of their friends was drinking why wouldn’t someone want to look after him and make sure he made it home safe. Claudia tells him not to blame them. After all he has a good friend, looking at Marino. Marino tells Ramirez he is sorry about what happened last night. Claudia smarts off and says “give a little kiss too.” This sets Marino off and he threatens Claudia and leaves.

Chavez and Marco are still at the bar. Chavez is talking on the phone to the dumb street thug (idiota potota) that they hired to take out Quintana. He warns him not to open his mouth to the police. He tells him he can’t go to the police station as he doesn’t want them to know he is involved in all of this. He tells him he will come up with something to help and hangs up. Marco wants to know if Quintana is out of the picture. Chavez says this jerk wasn’t able to hit him.

More problems for our dynamic duo. Chavez is on the phone with his contact from the hacienda embargo and he is informing him that the embargo has been formally lifted. Marco wants to know what is going on. Chavez says , what needs to happen. “Marry Ale now and then tell the family the embargo has ended.” Marco wants to know if the notification has been sent to the house. Chavez says more than likely, but with all the chaos going on with moving hopefully it got lost. Marco wants to know what happened to all of Chavez contacts. He wants to know who the people are in charge of sending out the information. Chavez does not know, but is going to find out. And hopefully it is someone they know. Other wise they are going to have to go join their friend Rubi in Iraq.

Our conference meeting has ended and Ale is congratulating Rafa for his strategy to give all the employees names of potential clients. They seem to be very motivated by this. Rafa brushes this off. He needs to leave he has a very important appointment. It is none other than our lovely Marian Celeste. Her arrival has caused quite a stir. Trapita informs Rafa that there is a mamacita here to see him. Rafa gets ready to leave. He asks Susana to take his calls and keep him informed. He tells Ale to wish him luck. She says why would you need it in her very wry Ale way. Rafa gives her an Ira ira ira and leaves.

As he walks out to greet her he is given pats on the back and looks of envy from all as they wish him luck.
Rafa is impressed with Marians punctuality. She tells him she is punctual when it is in her best interest to be punctual and gives Rafa a flirty little smile. (She is so sweet but she is not Ale).

He tells Trapito to get the car. Marian asks him if he wants to drive. He seems surprised by this. After all Ale never seemed to want him to drive. Rosaura has witnessed all of this and as she enters Siglo she remarks Rafa isn’t coming back today. Ale overhears this and we see a worried look cross her face.

Chapter # 116 The Road to Cuernavacca

Ramirez is about to confess something to the Siglo group when Marino chimes in and says he has nothing to confess. He tells them to leave him alone. Where is their compassion. They all disperse . Ramirez asks him if he is afraid that he might tell them that he left him alone at the bar and when he left he was assaulted? Marino tells him he won’t open his mouth. Ramirez asks him what he’s afraid off. That they will find out what class of person he really is. He tells him the reason he didn’t say anything at the meeting was because he respects the concept of friendship and walks away from Marino who calls him a bitter (amargado) idiot.

Random scene where Claudia enters Dona Arcadias office all sad and weepy and leaves happy and chirpy.

Chavez and Marco are still at the same bar and Chavez once again is on the phone trying to solve their problems. He has a name but doesn’t know who it is. Marco tells him he needs to get to know her and get her on their side no matter what the costs are. She has their future in her hands.

Chavez tells him he will do what he can but Marcos better get a move on and get Ale to marry him. Set a date today!!! After all they have Quintana on their heels. Marco assures him he will set a date today. Ale will have to accept this. Marco calls Ale and tells her he needs to talk to her tonight. He makes her promise that she won’t blow him off with any other commitments. Ale promises. After she hangs up Susana wants to know what’s up. Ale says he made her promise that they would talk tonight. Then she shoves a bunch of papers at Susana and tells her to not let the papers touch because they all reproduce (I think they are bills.) Susana tells her not to worry. Rafa will do well with his Celeste deal and she will get the commission. Ale tells her she doesn’t want anything to do with this deal. She won’t help him and she doesn’t have good vibes about Marian. She doesn’t want any thing from the deal. .

Rafa is driving to Cuernavaca with Marian. They are having idle chatter when they come across the same location where Rafa and Ale had their accident. Rafa suddenly has a flashback of Ale’s car flying through the air into the ravine. He looks quite stressed and Marian inquires if he is okay. Rafa tells her he just hasn’t been here in a while.

Now we see Ale sitting and remembering Rosaura’s gossip about Marian and “basic instincts in small houses.” She is interrupted by Susana who tells her Beltran needs to see her. She gets a call from an old friend from school and Ale tells Susana to tell Beltran she will see him later.

Vicky calls Susana. She chews her out for not calling her. There is the funniest visual while Vicky is talking to Susana and we see the huge mounted stuff bulls head behind her. They have things to talk about. Rules to be set. Then she tells her she wants to talk to Rafa. Susan tries to explain that he is not available and with a client. Susana assures her that Ale is with her and not Rafa. Vicky finally believes her.

Rafa and Marian have arrived at the “small house” that is quite grand and palatial. They are discussing flowers and the export business and other stuff. Rafa’s phone rings and he takes one look at it and decides it is best to just turn it off. He goes on singing Marians praise about what a wonderful woman she is with such passion and vision for the future. She tells Rafa that when she enjoys something she gets really involved with it as she throws him a very flirty smile. ( I think she might be referring to our Rafa here.)

We get Ale’s wonderful “Vicky Vicky Vicky” imitation as she and Susana continuing discussing what Vicky wanted. Ale says yea especially since he is out at Cuernavaca with Marian. Susana wants to know more about the call with Ale‘s fiend. Ale tells her he will be in Mexico and she will see him tomorrow. Ale always the business woman, tells Susan there is the possibility of maybe selling a few cars. She tells Susana she is off to see Beltran but casually inquires if Rafa has called. Susana tells her no and ale says “smooth“.

Vicky is pacing about fuming that Rafa turned off his cell phone. She turns and has a little chat nose to nose with our beastie stuffed bull’s head swearing she won‘t stand around with her arms crossed. And as she turns to leave she smacks into it. We hear mooing in the background. (was that symbolic?) .

Beltran is chewing Ale out for not having reviewed the proposals Rafa will be presenting to Marian. She tells Beltran he was the one that put Rafa in charge of the Celeste deal. Beltran reminds her that he put Rafa in charge of Marian. He still wants her to review the contracts before Marian signs them.

Ale tells Susana she needs to call Rafa. Rafa has turned his cell phone off. Ale is peeved now. Rafa can‘t have the contracts signed until Ale reviews them. (Okay raise your hands if you didn’t see this coming, guess who needs to go to Cuernavaca?) Susana informs Ale that she will have to go to Cuernavaca to review the contracts. Susana tells her at least she will be able to find out what they are up to . What good luck, hey?

Rosaura is remorsefully sharing last nights moments of weakness with the General. She can’t even look her husband in the eye. What was she thinking. She is a married women. That darn “wichiwhichi brew” is to blame. The general insightfully informs her that if something happened last night with Pepito it wasn’t the wichiwichi brew, it means something isn’t right with her marriage and she needs to confront that.

Vicky is still trying to hunt down her man. Ramiro happens to be the next unfortunate soul to answer the phone. She wants to know where Rafa is. That secretary of his is worthless. Ramiro isn’t able to give her any more useful information so she asks to talk with Pepito. We see Pepito throw him a don’t you dare look and says no way. Vicky continues on her rant and Ramiro tells her he has to get to work and hangs up on her. This does not bode well with Vicky. She is convinced he is with a woman. Now she has to figure out which one.

Ale is off to find Rafa. Susana has reminded Ale to drive carefully. That road isn’t lucky for her. Ale is now in her car is on her way to Cuernavaca. As she approaches the scene of the accident she stops and has her own flashbacks of the event. She talks out loud and tells herself to leave quickly.

Marco entering his favorite water hole alone, is asking Chavez where in devil is he. Chavez informs him he is on the hunt for Carmela. Marco wants to know if he found her. Chavez tells him yes but she looks pretty busy. Marco reminds him that he has to make sure that the announcement of the ending of the embargo does not get sent out. That will be the end of them. Carmela does not appear to be an easy hunt for Chavez as we see her screaming “forget it!!” into the phone and slams it down. Chavez rightfully looks worried as he hangs up with Marco and approaches her office.

Chavez politely greets her and she tells him to cut the crap, and tell her what he needs. He introduces himself and says he also works for the gremio (union, trade or corporation). She ponders this for a while She asks him he was the one that was fired for receiving money under the table? She tells him he is one extraordinary rat. Chavez seems quite uncomfortable with her blatant knowledge and attempts to close the door. This Carmela is wise to his ways and tells him to leave the door open. He tells her not to believe the gossip that was started by his enemies from the company.

She asks him what he needs. He goes to sit down and she stops him quickly, telling him she didn’t say he could sit down. Chavez Tells her he is the administrator of the Hacienda de Alejandra. She knows which one he is talking about. The one they are having trouble with sending out the notice that the embargo has been lifted. Then she asks him if he knows the embargo has been lifted. He answers yes. She says good than you have Senor Jorge come down and sign a few papers and we will give him back his hacienda. Not what Chavez wanted to hear. She starts screaming at him to get Jorge down here to sign the papers. Chavez has finally gotten his spine back and shuts the door and asks if they can “talk confidentially”

She stands up and tells him to do a little spin. Chavez looks very confused. He does a little spin and Carmela is not impressed. She then asks him what he wants. He tells her stop sending notification of the lifting of the embargo to Jorge. Carmela looks intrigued. She has Chavez figured out. She says oh you don’t want to loose your job? She wants to know what kind of money is behind all this little game. After all the hacienda is worth quite a bit of money. Well that’s what he came to talk to her about in confidence.

She doesn’t want anything to do with this. She isn’t going to get involved with anything that gets her into problems with the lawyer taking care of the Hacienda. What’s his name, oh yea Marco. She doesn’t want to have any problems with him. Chavez assures her she won’t have any problems with Marco. As a matter of fact he is the one who sent him to talk with her. Now she gets it. There’s more money here than she could have imagined. Then she tells him that it isn’t him she needs to talk too. She wants to talk to Marco.
Chavez says fine. I will tell him that. He tells her to have a good day and calls her colleague. She is offended by this and tells him to get!! She calls in her “assistant” and tells him to see if Jorge has received any notices about the lifting of the embargo

Rafa and Marian are getting down to business. Well that’s Rafa’s plan. Marian is more interested in relaxing. Have something to eat. Regular food. Maybe some tequilas. Rafa would rather have her review the contracts. But ever the gentleman agrees to have lunch. It seems to be getting a bit chilly as Rafa offers her his jacket. Maybe they should go inside. Sit by the fire. They can review the contracts and maybe seal the deal with a little brandy. Ale has finally found Rafa. Marian wants to know if Rafa invited her. She tells Marian she needs to talk to Rafa. He has his phone turned off. Rafa tells her it is because of the problems with reception. Yea Ale believes that one. She tells him she needs to review the papers.
Marian offers Ale a drink. Tequila perhaps. Rafa doesn’t think this is too good of an idea. Ale says she loves tequila but not during work hours as she shoots Rafa a look. She insist that Ale stay and eat with them. Rafa tells her that Ale doesn’t really like “comida tipica.” (traditional dishes). Marian assures her it is okay not everyone can eat that kind of food. She offers her lobster. Ale says no thank you she just needs to talk a bit with Rafa than she will be off.

Marian tells them she will let them be, but just for a little while and gives Rafa his jacket back, admiring his fine taste in clothes. These are the same clothes that Ale picked out for Rafa and loaned him money for when he first started at Siglo. She Mocks Marian and caresses Rafa’s jacket saying “you have great taste.” She remembers when they went shopping and Rafa wanted to pick out a blue sear sucker suit. She has a nostalgic moment and Rafa wants to know what’s going on. She snaps out of it and reminds him he still owes her money for the suits. He tells her she was the one who made him buy them. Then she reminds him he went over to Cloautos and wiped the floor with them. Rafa tells her he will pay for all the clothes the end of this month. (These are the cute little spats we all love so much.).

She tells him that’s not why she came, to interrupt his fine little time with Marian. She needs to review the contracts before they are signed. Rafa chews her out saying how many times did I ask you to review them, but oh no you said this was a done deal. She grabs the contracts from him and says enough. Beltran is really nervous about this. She looks at him and says “ this isn’t any fun for me to come down memory lane to Cuernavaca. She blames him saying she wouldn’t have had to come if he hadn’t turned off his cell phone. He tells her he didn’t want to be interrupted while Marian was discussing business. Ale says he just didn’t want to be interrupted by “la Pajarita”. “She doesn’t know where you are right?” We have great stares thrown back and forth.

Pepito has sold a car. This great moment is interrupted by a phone call from Vicky. She is looking for Rafa. She knows he is with a woman. She wants to know who. “Rafa is asking for big trouble“.

Ale is reviewing the contract. Rafa wants to know if they are okay. Ale says they are fine except there are a few concessions that they just can’t allow. Marian returns with a jacket on and thoughtfully hands a coat to Ale. (Marian really is sweet.) Rafa offers to help Ale put the coat on and meets resistance and decides to just let her be. Marian is taking this all in. She asks if they were able to review the contracts. Rafa says yes and Ale says no. Marian wants to know which it is. She suggests they eat first than Rafa and Ale can look them over together.

Ale tells Marian that they didn’t have time before to review the papers. Marian is a little confused. Can’t Rafa do this by himself. Why does someone have to review it. She wants to know if the contracts are any good. Ale says yes they are fine they just need a little tweaking. Ale tells her you’re a business woman, you should understand this. Marian tells her well can’t Rafa do that with me. Isn’t that why he is here? They finally decide to review them together. (this conversation had me a little lost so I might have messed it up a bit. Feel free to correct or add.)

Our final scene is a hoot. Vicky finally manages to climb her way up the telephone pole to reach Beltran. She tells him it is an emergency. Beltran gets a little worried and hopes Rafa is okay. Vicky starts screaming at him that he is with another women. He starts screaming back at her and tells her he is working. He tells her she can’t be calling his place of work like that. She says “Yes I can because I don’t trust any of you people there“. Beltran is outraged. Than clever little Vicky reminds him about his little massage and whiskey time with Claudia.

I am so sorry this is late. I killed another mouse. Don’t know what I am doing wrong but I killed my “magna mouse” at work the other day as well. Thank goodness this is my last monster recap, they are really hard on my mice.


Corazón Salvaje, Wednesday 2010/05/26: "Of Moms and Men"

Episode 69

Gabriel haunts his office at Raúl's in abject desolation after witnessing Branko kiss Jimena in the plaza gazebo. Presently Mariela enters (his potential mother-in-law), and when she asks how his romantic interlude went, he admits with heavy heart that he's lost Jimena forever.

Meanwhile at the gypsy camp, Jimena resignedly accepts what everyone's been telling her, since Gabriel didn't come to meet her: that a white man would never take a gypsy woman seriously. So she's going to marry Branko; and Servando and Griselda are elated to hear it. They anticipate a big, proper gypsy celebration; but Jimena is sad and pining for Gabriel.

Back at the office, Mariela smiles upon hearing Jimena's name: she explains that the name means "God listened to me." Gabriel's disappointed that God apparently didn't listen to him and suffers a renewed spell of agony, not wanting to live anymore. Mariela counsels him that he's young, and there's still hope he can get Jimena back.

It's not like some other blows life brings, where you never get over it, Mariela continues -- misfortunes that one never recovers from, like losing a child. Nothing in the world can cure that; but Gabriel compares it to having lost his parents.

When Mariela learns how destroyed he felt from that loss, she smiles sadly and recounts how from the first moment she met Gabriel, she liked and trusted him. So much so that she wants to tell Gabriel her story -- and Gabriel wants very much to hear it.

Marlene visits Rodrigo in his townhouse to make him a deal. Pulling the infamous gambling debts out of her reticule and fanning them under his nose, she gets him incensed at having a low personage such as herself dunning him. She offers to back off on turning him into the authorities on one condition: don't reveal to Rosenda that Marlene is her mother, Magda. Rodrigo balks indignantly several times, but Marlene holds the winning hand.

At Gabriel's office, Mariela proceeds to explain to Gabriel the tragedy in which she lost her daughter, Angela; that someone abducted the girl. We see the flashback where Servando and Griselda abduct Angela from the park. At this point, Mariela breaks down, weeping piteously; and Gabriel is very moved by her plight. It's been a living hell, and he understands this kind of suffering.

Gabriel's mother died when he was very young, he says; it devastated him, and he's weeping, too. He missed his mother so much! And then a little later on, he lost his father, as well; all that remained to him was his tutor after that. And thank goodness for him.

Mariela is so touched she wants to embrace Gabriel, and he gladly embraces her in return. They have a good cry on each other's shoulder and recognize how alike they are. Mariela points out how much her parents have also helped her. Meanwhile, in another part of Raúl's house, her parents discuss the state of the situation with him. Unlike Mariela, after all this time, they tearfully admit their granddaughter could be dead.

But back in the office, Mariela declares to Gabriel that her mother's intuition tells her Angela is alive! Gabriel completely agrees with her, trusting the great gift of a mother's intuition -- endearing him to all the mothers in the audience.

Mariela declares earnestly that's exactly why she doesn't give up and never will. Gabriel looks Mariela in the eyes and assures her that she can always count on him, whether in deed or simply to listen to her. Mariela grasps his hands in gratitude.

At Juan's "far away" beach shack, he tortures himself remembering an argument with Aimee at the cave, where she tries to convince him that deep down he really loves her. He is just telling her in his memory how she doesn't deserve a good sister like Regina and the sacrifices she made, when he returns to the present, thinking again how true that is. Oh, Saint Regina; you are nothing like your sister, Juan says aloud. He chuckles a little, dwelling on Regina and repeating -- nothing at all.

And on the patio at the farm, Clemencia notes Regina's doldrums, and Regina admits what's wrong -- that she's agreed to marry Federico. She's agreed to sacrifice herself for her father's financial sake. Meanwhile, across town Fulgencio tells Federico he has a dangerous, unknown enemy in the arms trade. When Fulgencio cautions them to be very careful, his usual sidekick goon pledges loyalty to the death; but Federico and Servando just turn and eye each other doubtfully.

Back at the finca patio, Clemencia is upset about Regina's marriage and now frets she counseled her wrong in making sacrifices for everyone else. But Regina insists she sacrificed for Aimee to be happy for their mother's sake. And Clemencia knows Aimee would be lost without Regina. Regina's happy that Juan has finally disappeared, although she is feeling more and more sympathetic about him.

They discuss his lifelong suffering, and Clemencia reminds her that he's a good person, despite it. Loyal and sincere, but his hard life sidetracks him from his good intentions. At that moment, Renato enters and Clemencia exits; when Regina explains they were discussing Juan, Renato wonders what about Juan could make her look so sad. Does she know something he doesn't?

Regina will only say she's concerned for Aimee and Renato's happiness, and Renato notes Juan has nothing to do with that. Regina urges Renato to take Aimee on a trip and get away, but he insists they just need to work on their typical newlywed problems.

When Regina asks if he thinks Aimee doesn't care about him, he denies that; but should she ever betray him, watch out. A bit overwrought, he backs off and hopes that never happens. When Renato thinks to ask what's new with Regina, she informs him she's marrying Federico.

Upstairs, Rosenda guards Leonarda's bed chamber door against Aimee and enjoys making her beg to enter. Once inside, Aimee girds her loins for something she definitely does not want to do -- grovel in apology to that sanctimonious godmother of hers. But grovel she does; and with a multitude of roll eyes and heavy sighs, Leonarda forgives Aimee -- but only because she's got bigger fish to fry.

When Aimee feigns gratitude and declares Leonarda is like a mother to her, Leonarda pulls back and objects. Well, she is not her mother! She's Renato's mother, and not to forget it! Never do anything to hurt Renato; she'll make Aimee's life impossible. She's been warned.

Next day at the regular beach shack, the boyz tease Remigio about his lady love. Later he meets "Malu" outside the casino and is surprised to find she adores being with him; Remigio's moved to admit time passes like an eternity when he's not with her. He'd do anything -- anything to be with her all day, every day.

Lulu flushes with pleasure, and Remigio rushes to propose that they make it official, to be novios. When Lulu worries that he doesn't know her at all, Remigio insists all he needs to know is that she's a pure, good woman, which gives Lulu a pause. But at the mention of love and marriage, she forges ahead; and they kiss tentatively and sweetly. Remigio looks surprised and elated and takes her hand.

In a short scene, Rodrigo makes a visit to the sheriff to try to implicate Juan once again in the pirate attacks that frightened the port; but the sheriff reminds him there was never any evidence against him. Meanwhile at Juan's "far away" beach shack, he mulls over his heritage as a Montes de Oca and also the revenge he intends for his parents' sakes. Rodrigo is going to find out just who Juan is -- that the long-awaited associate, Juan Aldama de la Cruz, is himself.

Upstairs at the dressmaker's hideaway, Eloísa is astounded Federico is marrying Regina right away; but he's firm about it. He explains his plans for escaping with Regina's money; and somewhat mollified, she includes her plans for ridding themselves of Fulgencio.

Federico is sure it won't be easy -- and is not as sure as Eloísa that Servando is the guy to kill him, since Servando knows both Fulgencio and Federico. No matter, let's have a few hot sex scenes, they decide; and so they do. Not positive, but it seemed like he actually had his hand and arm between her legs. It's worth a look.

Leonarda cheerily toasts Rodrigo at the townhouse for resolving his money problems, but Renato definitely does not toast them. Renato is furious that Rodrigo would sacrifice his daughter's entire lifelong happiness for something that was his own damned fault. Renato angrily declares he used to admire and respect Rodrigo, but selling his daughter out is going to be on Rodrigo's conscience -- if he still has one!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

El Clon 70 & 71, Wed., May 26 - Who's your Daddy?

I might have used that title before but what goes around comes around on this novela. And how lucky am I to get an unannounced two-hour episode! Disculpa, amigas, I am not going to be able to post pictures, be as detailed or put in as much Spanish as I would normally - it just takes too long.

Let me also say at the outset that it seemed like one of the two hours was comprised of Latifa whining and complaining about Amina. I'm giving that very short shrift.

Said and Rania are led to their hotel room. This the third wedding we've had in Morocco so we know the drill - foot washing; prayers to Allah for love and happiness; sex; bloody sheets for witnesses the next morning. Before going into his room, Said goes to Abdul and apparently wants to tell him that Jade wasn't a virgin when he married her. At least that is what he has a flashback to. But he doesn't say anything.

Zoraida asks Jade if she regrets what she has done. She replies that she has confidence in Lucas.
It's torture time at the Ferrar house. Marisa snatches Lucas' book out of his hand and says that now she has the opportunity to tell him everything she's been saving up for all these years. She wants to know why he won't oppose Nati's relationship with Alej and she taunts him for never having the guts to to leave his father's house. In desperation, Lucas calls for Rosa to get Marisa out of there. Marisa tells him that he is like an adolescent in a 40-year old's body but he will never be 18 again. [Lucas is more like an 80-year old in a 40-year old's body.]

Escobar and Julio are concerned about Albieri's obsession with Daniel.

In Cancun, Albieri is obsessed with Daniel. He wants to call Dora but doesn't have her number. He calls Cristina but gets Vicki. Pursuant to the plan agreed to long ago, Vicki won't give Albieri Dora's number but she says that she will give Dora a message. Cristina comes in and tells Vicki what she has learned about Amalia.
Primero me engordo 20 libras antes que me saque de su camino.
I will gain 20 pounds before I get out of his [Leo's] way, says Cristina.

Leo tells Amalia that he is a rational being and not passionate.

Vicki comes over to Dora's to tell her about the call from Albieri. Dora is sure that Albieri went to Cancun on purpose to meet Daniel. Estela is sure that Daniel and Albieri's obsession with one another is because Albieri is Daniel's father. Dora denies it.

Knowing full well what her reaction will be, Karla tells Gloria that Alej is going back to fighting.

Alej believes that he will be successful in the fight game because he has Nati as his motivation.

Gloria chews out Alej for going back to fighting but he tells her that he did it before as a hobby but now he is serious about this as a career.
Tú sabes, baby, que un solo golpe mal dado, ¡y te mandan para el otro mundo a encontrarte con el niño Jesús!
You realize, baby, that one bad punch and you will be sent to the other world to find yourself with the baby Jesus! says Gloria. Finally though, she capitulates and agrees to let Alej pursue his dreams but she won't go and watch him fight.

Daniel calls Alberi's house and gets Alicia. She tells him that Albieri has moved away. At the lab, Alicia asks if Daniel is Albieri's son. Julio says no. He has a thought bubble about his suspicions about what Albieri did with the embryos.

Ali tries to talk Abdul out of promoting Amina as a second wife for Mohamed.

Jade is counting her chickens before they are hatched. She tells Zoraida that she is free when she only has a plan to use Rania as an ally to get a divorce. Zoraida tells Jade that maybe the prophecy of the coffee grounds (the past and the present combined in one man before her) means that Lucas looks the same but isn't the same as he was 20 years ago. [You don't need coffee grounds to tell you that someone might have changed over 20 years.]

More blasts from the past. Rosa brings Lucas his guitar and they recall how talented he was before he gave it up to be Daddy's slave in the company. Meanwhile, Daniel is mesmerized by a guitar in a store window.

Leo is starting to put the moves on Amalia.

Said calls Enrique and says that he will give them his decision when he returns to Miami from his honeymoon.

Clara fights with Escobar about Alicia.

Vicki hires Pablo as her personal trainer. I see romance ahead for those two.

In a weird scene, Jade and Latifa reminisce with their daughters about how Jade used to put on a burqa and sneak out of the house. Latifa appears to remember this fondly when at the time, she was sure that Jade was going to destroy Latifa's marriage. Before Jade can tell the girls what she was doing in the ruins, Zoraida announces that the Naz has brought Amina to visit.

Latifa panics. Fortunately, Mohamed is not at home. The Naz invites Amina to visit her in the US. Zoraida counsels Latifa not show Nariza her feelings about Amina. Latifa wonders how a wonderful man like Mohamed could have such an awful sister. Latifa drags Zamira and Jadiya to the medina to delay Mohamed's return. She finds him and tells him that she has a terrible headache and is looking for a certain herb to cure it. They examine every herb in the market without success. Latifa says that her headache is better and they finally decide to go home hoping that Amina has left.

Meanwhile Jade and Zoraida are telling Amina that Mohamed is a bad husband. He beats his wife and won't give her enough food. Bad news when Latifa arrives back at Ali's house - Amina is still there. She pretends to faint and Mohamed carries her up to her room. She revives when told that Amina has left.

Daniel flashes back to Albieri giving him toys.

Enrique calls Lucas to tell him about their upcoming meeting with Said. Leo thinks Lucas must have some clue about what is going on from talking to Jade but, of course, he doesn't. Marisa comes in and smugly claims that she already knew that Said was coming to Miami. Lucas asks Marisa about her relationship with Said. He doesn't think that it is real because she wouldn't be happy about Said marrying again. Marisa replies that that she doesn't want to be Said's third or fourth wife. She has her place in his life and it is the same as Jade in Lucas' life. She says that she has to thank Lucas and Jade because if it weren't for them, she never would have met Said.

Nati tells Alej that she has just found out that her parents have never cared about each other and only stayed together because of her. She tells Alej that he is her happiness and without him, she would be lost like she was before. Then Nati wants to know when he is going to introduce her to his mother. Alej makes excuses.

Daniel finally returns home but Dora and Estela aren't at home. They are at the club. Estela tells Cristina that she doesn't look a day older.
Porque vivo luchando en contra de la gravedad! Y todo lo que se cae lo subo y lo que arruga lo plancho!
Because I live fighting gravity, she says. I lift everything that falls and iron what is wrinkled.

Luisa and Albieri return home. Alicia tells Albieri that he didn't get any calls from Daniel.

Everything is going swimmingly at the club until Osvaldo flirts with another woman. In spite of knowing Osvaldo's character, Dora leaves the club in a snit and tells Osvaldo that he can pick up his stuff. They come home and find Daniel on the doorstep. There is a happy reunion.

Daniel tells Dora and Estela that he has gone all over the world. He liked Cancun and worked at a hotel there to pay his passage home. He wants to find Albieri and angrily rejects his mother's desire to stay with her. He says that he blames her for taking him away from Albieri. He says that she has always been selfish, thinking about her wants and never about how he felt when she took him away from his father, Albieri. Dora says that Albieri isn't his father. Daniel demands to know who his father is. Dora tells him that Osvaldo is his father. She trots out the story that she and Osvaldo agreed on earlier about how Osvaldo left her and then she found out she was pregnant. She promises to bring Daniel to see his father the next day.

Clara chews Fernando out for staying out all night and drinking and driving.

Zoraida asks the Naz why she is making Latifa so unhappy by pushing a second wife on Mohamed. Nariza says that she blames Latifa for influencing Mohamed to chase away all her suitors. She thinks that a second wife for Mohamed might be an ally and help her get a man and be happy. [If Rania and Amina are supposed to be so religious, they would hardly support the Naz' activities in Miami - going to clubs, receiving men in the house, etc.]

Said and Rania return from what must have been the world's shortest honeymoon. Mohamed and his family leave to return to the US. Said thinks that Jade's smiling face is concealing her chagrin at having to accept Rania.

A new day, a new torture session for Lucas. Marisa takes a call from Said and reminds Lucas of all the times he called his lovers in her presence and she had to pretend not to understand. Lucas invites her to let out all the grievances and complaints she has accumulated over the years. Marisa replies that a few days in bed have made Lucas desperate and he should imagine what loneliness and powerlessness can do over many years. He asks why she doesn't leave if he makes her so unhappy. Marisa replies that Lucas didn't want her to leave when he thought he had lost his true love. Now she has gone from a burden to an obstacle. [Just offer the money, Lucas, and she's gone. Even someone as dim as you are should be able to realize that what is keeping Marisa in the marriage is the money.]

Rosa tells Lucas that his physical therapist has arrived. Lucas asks about Natalia. Rosa describes the chaos in the house and says that she is sure that Nati is about to go live with Alej. She blames everything on Jade - el peor pecado de tu vida (the worst sin of your life).

Said tells Jade and Rania that he is returning to Miami. If the house Marisa found for him is ok, he will send for his wives. They will each live in a separte wing of the house with the same number of servants, the same gifts and he will alternate spending the night with each of them. Jade is happy with this arrangement.

Osvaldo agrees to back up Dora's story that he is Daniel's father.

Daniel wakes up and Dora tells him that he is going to meet his father.

Marisa tells Lucia that Said is going to give a dinner in her honor and she is going to be the first guest in Said's new house. She is sure that however much Jade hates Said, no woman can tolerate such humiliation. She says that Said wants Jade to dance for her.

Cristina shows up at Leo's office.

Dora brings Daniel and introduces Osvaldo as his father.

The credit roll.


Corazon Salvaje May 25, 2010 Tem Discussion

Here's a place to post until Kat gets her recap up. 8(:-)


El Clon: Tuesday, May 25: At Long Last Clone: In which Said takes a second wife and Daniel shows his face

Albieri doesn’t have the guts to tell Luisa the truth – that Daniel is a clone of Lucas. [Jean, you called this one!] He and Luisa discuss changing their vacation plans.

Julio takes a phone call in the lab. We hear him say:
¿Qué dices? ¿Daniel?
What are you saying? Daniel?
…and it is clear that Luisa is telling him about Albieri’s alucinación

Escobar complains to Alicia that Clara is mad at him because of a lipstick stain on his labcoat.
Si tú fueras mi esposa, me creerías?
If you were my wife, would you believe me?
Well of course I would, she replies. What’s more, if Clara paid more attention to you (si Clara te prestara más atención) she’d see you weren’t lying.

Clara confides to Carolina that she suspects Alicia’s lips made the stain on Escobar’s robe. Caro wants to know if Escobar’s behavior has changed and Clara has to admit she doesn’t know because she’s not speaking to him.

Nati asks Alej what his mother thinks of her. He fibs a bit, saying he doesn’t know since his mother doesn’t interfere in his life, nor would he permit it. But she’s a very open, frank person who speaks her mind…
sin pelos en la lengua
(literally without hairs on the tongue: frankly, no holds barred)
Nati laments that the only simple person (sencilla) in her house is Rosa; the others are falsos y complicados (false and complicated). What’s your dream, your passion? asks Nati. Don’t laugh, answers Alej, but I want to be Champion of the USA, Alej the Snake! Nati promises to help him and support him in achieving his dream.

And as everyone gathers for the wedding in Fez…
Latifa can’t believe everyone is celebrating the fact that Said is taking a second wife. Ali says he remembers Jade as a bride.
Aquel día tenía lo más preciado que puede tener una mujer, el amor de su marido...
That day she had the most valuable thing a woman can have, the love of her husband...
… and she preferred to toss it to the winds and chase after a dream.
Jade has been listening and now Ali addresses her directly. He tells her that the Lucas of her dreams is just a ghost of the past and the adolescent love between them no longer exists.

In Miami, Marisa is telling her friend Lucia that today Said is taking a second wife:
Así que el infierno para esa infeliz está empezando hoy.
So the tortures of hell for that wretched woman are starting today.

Latifa and Zoraida make an eleventh hour plea to Jade to get her to try to stop the wedding, but Ali reminds them that Said has given his word to the family of his bride. Jade has no interest in impeding the wedding. Just remember, says Ali, that this wedding won’t free you from your destiny. Accept it and don’t shame our family.

Furthermore, says Ali, even if Said gives you a divorce, I won’t let you trample on our ways (pisotear – our old friend, to step on) by marrying Lucas. You are a Moslem, he says, and:
Quien tiene miedo al infierno, no va al infierno.
Who fears hell, doesn’t go to hell.

Latifa, as usual, laments that because of Jade’s behavior, her Mohamed is going to want a second wife. Jade loses her patience. You only worry about your own good but who worries about me? And when Latifa has gone, she says to Zoraida:
Yo me tengo que conformar con mi destino pero ya quiero ver si Mohamed tomara una segunda esposa, si ella se conformaría con el de ella.
I have to accept my destiny but I want to see -- if Mohamed took a second wife, if she’d accept her own destiny.

Mohamed is helping Amin prepare for the ceremony. A tearful Latifa approaches.
Me pone muy triste lo del segundo matrimonio.
This business of a second marriage is making me very sad.
Would you stay with me if someone in my family were cursed (maldecido) or if there were a disgrace in the family? she wants to know. Interestingly, he doesn’t give her a direct answer, just deflects the question.

Samira tells her cousin Jadiya that she doesn’t want Uncle Ali to pick a husband for her. She’s not even sure she wants to get married. She does want to go to the university and be an independent woman. Jadiya is perfectly content to let Ali pick someone for her as long as he’s handsome, rich and showers her with gold. In the background, Jade listens with an affectionate and amused smile on her face.

Zoraida comes to get Jade. As she comes downstairs, Jadiya tells her how beautiful she is. You’ll be more beautiful than the bride, she says.

The Naz kvetches to Zoraida.

And here comes the groom!
¡Aquí está el novio!
Here are the wishes his family offers:
¡Que tengas felicidad y sepas darle felicidad a tu mujer!
May you have happiness and may you succeed in making your wife happy!
¡Que seas justo como manda el libro sagrado (…con ambas esposas)
May you be just, as the sacred book commands (... in your treatment of both wives)
¡Que tu nueva esposa te llene de hijos!
May your new spouse fill (your life) with sons!
The Naz:
¡Una mesa llena de hijos!
A table full of sons!
And Abdul gets a second wish because it seems to be his party:
¡Que sea virtuosa!
May she be virtuous!
[This is kind of a wish for Said and a dig at Jade, a wishdig, if you will]

Latifa turns to Mohamed and asks him if he wants more children. Oh no, he says, Samira and Amin are enough for me.

Abdul is explaining to Samira that only the men of the two families will be present at the marriage ceremony in which the contract is signed. Huh? says Samira, you mean the bride’s not going to be at her own wedding?

Said asks Jade what wish she would like to offer him. That you free yourself from me, she says and …
Que te encuentres a una mujer que te ame de verdad.
That you find a woman who truly loves you.
I asked your wishes for me, not for you, he replies sharply.

In Miami, Leo is complaining that Lucas didn’t tell him Said was getting married today. It would have been a chance to get on his good side by sending a gift or at least good wishes. That would be ironic, under the circumstances, says Lucas. Do you think he’s leaving the way open for you? Marisa challenges her husband. I think Said is going to surprise you, she says. [Oh Lucas, why didn’t you go to the rehab center and tell them to keep Marisa away?? Nati could visit you as often as she liked…]

In Fez, the men are conducting the business of matrimony, payments are specified, agreements are signed. When all is done, the bride comes down the stairs and the novios see one another for the first time. She is a pretty young woman who appears pleased by the sight of Said. Said is looking at Jade, trying to read her reaction, then remembers to look at his bride and smile.

As the bride is lifted up into her sedan chair, attended by a young woman in blue, Jade smiles very broadly and Said glares at Jade. [I think he glares. Actually this actor has a very narrow range: he either smolders or he smiles and mostly he smolders.]

The dancers appear.

The bride, Rania, steps down from her chair. Jade welcomes her warmly. Said takes Rania’s hand.

The Naz remarks that the next wedding will be her own.

Ali says to Zoraida that the taking of a second wife is a happy occasion. Happy for the man, not the first wife, says Zoraida. You sound like an occidental, says Ali.

Abdul tells Natifa that the woman in blue is the bride’s sister and he thinks she’d be a good second wife for Mohamed. Do they have a brother? asks our Naz plaintively. No. The Naz then approaches the sister – Amina – and tells her she should meet her brother Mohamed, who lives in the US. Oh, yes, Amina has always wanted to live in the US.

Latifa is getting more and more upset, well aware that the Naz is conspiring against her.

Jade’s daughter Jadiya tells Ali that she wants to be a first wife, not a second wife. And you will be, he assures her.

Rania tells her sister she liked her groom:
Me gustó tanto.
She was afraid he’d be old and ugly.
y me gusta el hermano
and I like the brother, says Amina.

Mohamed is assuring Latifa that one wife like her is worth the four permitted wives.

And in Miami…
Nati: You don’t like Alej, do you?
Lucas: You tell me, do you think he’s the right man for you? Because I can’t see that you two have anything in common. This isn’t prejudice or classism. You’re in love but you don’t have a future together.
Nati: I know about your past, how you were in love and you gave up your love for me.
Lucas: You were having problems. And I don’t regret anything because I love you:
No me arrepiento de nada porque te amo.

And in Cancun…
Albieri: No fue un delirio, era él, era Daniel en la figura de Diego: el tiempo volviendo atrás.
It wasn’t a delusion, it was him, it was Daniel looking just like Diego: time turning back.
But Albieri is a little late. Daniel is already on the road, knapsack on his back, thumbing a ride from a truck.
[So. We finally get to see the clone! And I think the actor does a great job of making him seem much younger than Lucas. I was quite ready to accept him as a separate person!]

Lucas continues his conversation with Nati. The most worrisome thing (Lo más preocupante) was when you said your imaginary friend had a mole just like mine, in exactly the same place. The psychologist said it was because you needed your father. You should have just put me in a loony bin (manicomio), says Nati, and gone away with your love. No, says Lucas, you were worth it. And now you are a wonderful, beautiful woman, healthy and happy! (eres una mujer divina, sana y feliz). Your happiness is everything to me.
If that’s so, don’t oppose my relationship with Alejandro.
I’m not against it, says Lucas:
No me ves brincando de la felicidad. Pero lo acepto.
You don’t see me jumping for joy. But I accept it.

You’re the only one who opposes our relationship, Nati says to Marisa. No, corrects Marisa, I’m the only one being sincere about her feelings. [And that’s probably true, but truth used to bludgeon your daughter is no virtue! You’re still the uberbitch, Marisa!]

At the gym, Alej says to Pablo:
En la casa de Nati, la única que no me puede ver ni en pintura es su mama.
In Nati's house, the only one who can’t stand me (literally, can’t even look at a picture of me) is her mother.
Replies Pablo:
Esa señora es un acido de batería.
That woman is battery acid!
Karla notices Alej is training hard, wonders why, and is told that he’s going to be fighting again.

Back at the Fez festivities…
The Naz is urging Mohamed to take a second wife.

Jade wonders aloud if Rania, the new bride, felt as she did in that bride chair:
ganas de morir, de huir, de gritar, de pedir auxilio…
...a desire to die, to flee, to scream, ask for help....

And Ali intones soberly:
Esta vez no fue tu destino. Lo alejaste tú.
This time it wasn’t your destiny. You pushed him away/distanced yourself from him.

Credits roll.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, May 25: Ep 68--With my regrets

Queridos, lo siento but I am far too tired to stay up any later tonight to get a recap done and I seriously doubt I will have any time tomorrow, either. Please fill each other in in the comments and I hope to be back next week. Perdoname.


Dinero Part II Tuesday May 25, 2010 Ramiro Almost Gets Lucky and Rosaura Definitely Gets Razor Burn

Nope, not recapping Part II. But I'll throw out a few paragraphs for you all to build on. I have Jorge's problem and for the life of me can't remember skanky lawyer's name. But he's trying to move in on Rosario and Jorge's giving him the stink eye. Marcos seconds that emotion.

Rafa's giving the stink eye that fellow Varona who's dancing with Ale at the party. Bebe finally convinces Ale and Rafa to dance together and oh my, it's "Amarte a la Antigua." They're stiff at first, trying to dance separately, but Ale's emotions get the better of her. She grabs him, they dance, she closes her eyes and...... nada. But I sure was hoping.

Alejandra leaves for home. Susana and Dandy do also. VickyVickyVicky crashes the party and scours the environs looking for her Licenciado Medina. Eventually she hunts him down and insists he take her around to meet all the folks. Marking her territory big-time.

Elsewhere, the General takes offense when Ramiro insinuates that she's emotionless. A colleague, a party member, but not a Female, he maintains. This discussion, along with copious drinking and dancing, continues until they end up kissing, grappling and rolling passionately on the floor of a deserted office. Were it not for VickyVickyVicky's unfortunate appearance at the party, who knows what would have happened? Vicky doesn't get lucky, and neither does Ramiro.

Marino, ever the heat-seeking missile, moves in on a number of females, hoping to find someone who'll give him a daughter. Seems he only has sons. Vicky, among others, strikes him as a likely prospect. Go Marino!.

Claudia, in a noble attempt to relax Beltran (yeah, right) takes off his tie, loosens his collar, promises a massage, all the while treating him to an up close and personal view of her bodacious assets. He appears on the verge of a stroke. This cozy get-together is also interrupted by Miss Vicky who wants to be introduced to absolutely everybody. And while she's at it, fire all the luscious females. Especially that Claudia.

Pepeto, another heat-seeking missile, is making time with Rosaura, even though he doesn't have an "apellido" like her high-falutin' husband and socialite friends. One small peck evolves into a number of lip-numbing kisses. And they weren't faking it. When she finally staggers back, the actress playing Rosaura has a bad case of razor burn on her chin. After her departure, Pepeto takes up with the next randy female in line, a very cooperative Claudia.

Vicky unveils her plan for the evening as she and Rafa take a taxi home. Not home. Nope, take us to the Bunny? Rabbit? Hotel. ( Caught the word "conejos". ) Trust her to pick a fertility symbol for their love fest. Alas, Rafa has to be home early. No can do. But he promises tomorrow night they'll go to a hotel and make love. Wanna bet his dinner with Marian Celeste nixes that plan? Sure hope so.

The evening ends with Ramirez trying to have a heart to heart with slimebuddy Marino. Ramirez has seen the sadness and the loneliness of all his women, and their children. It's not right. Marino is cruel to women. And he has way too many. This sermonette falls on deaf ears and Marino slams out, leaving Ramirez to the tender company of the skinny drunk guy who wants to tell him all about his past as a Lucha Libre fighter. Another likely story.

Well, for one thing, a great shot of our fave, Rubi. Wearing a USA shirt and jockey shorts printed with dollar bills. At least that's what it looked like. Take 'em by desert storm Rubi. You can do it, girl.

Here's Maria's recap of Part II. She did both hours in record time and hers is a lot more detailed than my rendition. Kudos to you, Maria, and mil gracias as well.

At the house Quintana asks Rosario if she was ever in love. Touching her cheek he tells her that his goal is to make her happy.

After Claudia saves Beltran from being talked to death by Ramiro he designates her to be his guardian angel and to keep him company in his office, so that people don't come to him asking for raises or bug him otherwise.

Rafa is loading on tequila looking jealous. When Ale comes back, Rafa wants to know, why she refused to dance with him, and danced with the other licenciado. She tells him that nobody thinks she had romance with him, but with Rafa quite the opposite. Bebe steps in an a negotiator and asks both what do they want: Rafa wants to dance with Ale, Ale will obey her boss. They start to dance to "Amarte a la Antiqua".

It looks like Dandy's mixture is working al right, at least with Pepeto and Rosaura and Himenez and Generala. Himenez gets a promise from Generala to finally get to know a real women.

Vicky arrives at AutoSiglo telling the guard that she came for her boyfriend.

Ale and Rafa dance together. Rafa admits that he can't stand to see Ale with other men. Ale responds that since he has a novia and she has a novio that's the way it will be and the fact that they dance together at the party is contributing to further confusions. Ale leaves for her office. There is a round of applause at this moment. Rafa follows Ale short after to the office.

Vicky has managed to crash the party. Marino and Ramiro direct her to Rafa and Ale's office and drool about the damage they will do if Vicky finds Rafa and Ale in action. Plus VVV will be single then and will give Marino a girl.

Vicky walks into the office. It turns out the writers took us on a stress ride and happily Rafa is alone. Rafa decides they too should go home, but Vicky wants to make sure everyone in the company knows his novia.

Rosaura took a breather in the kitchen and is all worried about loosing her prestige dancing with the boys without names. Pepeto walks in wanting a farewell kiss. Even though it's ethically and socially wrong in Rosaurs'a value system they end up kissing passionately.

Elvira is ready to receive her husband home with a baseball bat. In the meantime she talks with her mom, who suggests that her husband could be cheating on her. Elvira does not think so, but just in case she will Ramirez and then die of sadness.

She might as well, since Himenez finally gets to know the true women in Generala and they kiss too.

Rafa takes happy Vicky around town to introduce her, but for Vicky the mission is not accomplished until she meets his boss, who at the same time is engaging in and massage and more with his guardian angel Claudia.

Vicky gets to meet Beltran wants to talk to him about many things, but Beltran leaves. She tells Rafa that she needs an appointment with him tomorrow.

Claudia walks in on Rosaura and Pepeto. Rosaura tells Pepe to forget about what just happened and goes home. Pepeto is now free to make up with Claudia in girls bathroom.

Rafa gets to see Ramirez making out with Generala. His wife calls right after they finish a long kiss.

Since Hazlo is working on everyone Ramiro decides to tell Marino a secret that is his opinion has been affecting their friendship for a long time. They go to a bar. He thinks that Marino is cruel with his women. They need love, care they are so lonely. He thinks they should have the freedom to look for other men. Marino tells him that nobody gets involved with his women. He pushes Ramiro off his chair and leaves.

Rafa and Vicky get into the taxi, and Vicky tells the driver to go to hotel, the same one where they always used to have cositas. Rafa needs to get up tomorrow. They go home. At home he promises her that tomorrow they will go to a luxurious hotel.


Dinero Tuesday May 25, 2010 Part I Why One Should Never Have Office Parties

part 1

In a bar the three vultures, Chavez, Marco and Quintana are cruising above the hacienda. Quintana offers silence for money.

Back at Auto Siglo the party is about to start. Ramirez gets a phone call from his wife. He is cheered up by his colleagues to go stand up to her. "I have the right to be at a party with my colleagues" he yells and hangs up. Rosaura decided not call her husband and go home whenever the party is over.

Dandy is back with the bottle of Whisky. The team wonders if this will be enough to bring enough spirit to the party. Dandy will take care of that. He goes to Susana and asks her for some good essential oil (?). From her wide selection he picks one for hair and skin. He tells his colleagues that the mixture is called Hazele. In Egypt they use it for Kamasutra and he and Susi take it all the time to spice up their sex life. The ladies look forward to effect of the essence.

Now the official part of the party is starting. Beltran thanks everyone; Arcadia, Ale, Rafa, the mechanics, salesman, maintenance people for keeping this company alive for 12 years. Now Ramiro decides he needs to hold a speech.

Quintana pays a visit to Rosario. Rosario looks happy and offers him coffee. Few minutes later Marco comes by as well. Jorge wants to talk to Marko in his office.
Once alone Quintana is thinking and grinning in a villainous way that he has the family’s fortune and all the idiots under control.

At the Siglo Ramiro keeps stealing the spotlight with his lengthy speech until Dandy and Marino remove him from the podium.

The fun part of the fiesta is officially beginning and Rafa being the "great" dancer he is starts some dance moves. He asks Ale to dance with him, but she refuses. Two women, one young and skinny and one older and corpulent ask him to dance. Ale sends him off to dance with the less attractive one while she stands around looking bored.

On the way upstairs Marco makes a call to Chavez. Marco decides they need to contract someone to get rid of Quintana. It has to look like an accident.

In the office Jorge tells Marco that he is very worried about his little sister. Given Quintana's history Rosario is in great danger. Marco should hire back Azusena to watch them.

Dandy and Susana decide to skip the party. Marino is charming Beltran's secretary and tells her that she is the one who is going to give him a baby girl. The whole party gets to eavesdrop since they are standing in front of the microphone.

Ramirez now quite drunk, collects his guts and goes to Beltran and asks him for a raise. Generala takes him away takes him away saying that this is not the time to talk about that.

Rafa stopped dancing to talk to Ale. Se doesn't look like she is enjoying the fiesta. Rafa offers her a drink, but she denies. A young executive asks Ale to dance and off they go. Rafa looks very jealous.

Julieta gets suspicious of Jamie's behavior. Not only he tells her that she needs to learn how to be independent, but also Vicky calls him in the middle of their conversation and says that she wants get married with her novio and have a lot of babies. Then when Jaime gets the phone back she tells him to start helping her on her encounter with Rafa since the maternity clothes are the nearest future.

After she is done with Jamie she decides to stop by at Siglo and introduce herself to Rafa's colleagues.


Corazon Salvaje - Monday, May 24 - Ren discovers Juan is his cuz; Aimee goes crazy; Rod wants money; Juan cries and hugs dad's portrait


* Juan and Koli are on the beach by the campfire. Juan explains the seaman symbols and traditions. Koli is upset; he thinks everyone (Remi and Juan) is abandoning him like his mom did. Juan assures his little friend that he will return; he will never abandon him. Juan looks up and points out his mom’s star and swears his vow.

* Arcadio, Leona and Rod are at Maria’s grave. Leona and Rod have their mouths covered and hide their faces as Arcadio cracks open the tomb. They are looking for family jewels, however when Arcadio opens the crypt up, there are no jewels inside. Leona is mortified and thinks someone broke into it and stole the jewels. Rod is disappointed and realizes the family is totally in financial ruins.

* Aimee is nervous looking out the window and pacing around the bedroom. Renato asks her what’s the matter. She claims that she’s worried about her dad and the loss of all their money. Renato hugs her and kisses her neck and tries to assure her. She is thought bubbling to herself if and when Juan will visit her tonight or tomorrow.

* Juan is still with Koli by the beach campfire.

* Renato seduces his wife and picks her up and takes her to bed. Aimee isn’t really in the mood - she’s still thought bubbling about Juan - but she concedes to her husband’s desires.

* Juan is alone watching the fire burn.

* Renato continues to kiss and make love to his wife. Aimee is still thought bubbling to herself how lucky she is because with Renato, she has wealth and a huge mansion, and with Juan she has passion.

* Juan throws something on the fire and watches it burn and says good-bye Aimee, good-bye heartbreak, forever.

* Gabe and Jimena say good night. He leaves. Tia G tells Jimena not to even dare see Gabe tomorrow or there will be grave consequences.

* Rod grumbles to Leona how humiliating it is to be broke. Leona loves him and wants to help. Rod doesn’t know how she can; she’s as broke as he is. Leona has hope. Rod tells her to ask Arcadio for assistance.

* Arcadio is in his little dungeon apartment grumbling to himself about Leona, Rod and where the missing jewels could have gone.

* Gabe waits in the office as Raul enters and starts talking. They discuss a missing daughter. Gabe accidentally mentions Sr. Aldama is his boss; Raul is surprised, he thought Sr. San Roman was his boss. Gabe quickly changes the subject back to business.

* Padres and daughter discuss having faith and hope that they will find little Angelita again.

* At the beach, fishermen and Gabe are in the main palapa hut discussing organizing themselves and choosing a leader. Gabe and Santos think Pedro should do it. Pedro accepts the appointment.

* Juan sits by himself, cooking a large fish. He thinks about first meeting Renato on horseback, then his talk with Renato about Aimee and Regina, then when Renato called Juan his friend. Juan mutters to himself about the friendship and how connected he and Renato really are - through the love of the same woman, the same passions, and the same hatred.

* Aimee joins Renato, Regina, Leona and Noel for breakfast. Noel and Renato start the conversation with talk about the ranch and rehiring Arcadio as head administrator. Leona is happy about Juan leaving. Aimee is visibly outraged that Juan left (she thought bubbles that he left without her again) and stands up. Aimee has to quickly explain to Renato and everyone that Juan was a diablo and an enemy of the family and she’s happy he’s gone. Leona agrees. During the discussion, Leona blurts out her suspicion that Juan is really Noel’s bastard son. Noel is upset and declares to everyone that what Leona said is a total and complete lie. He leaves the room. Aimee starts to rant about the suspicion of Leona and Rod losing the family’s money on a bad investment and everything that is happening. She can’t stand living there, she wants her daddy! She insults Auntie Leona. Renato tries to calm her down and get her to apologize to his mom. She won’t stop ranting. Clem and Regina gather around Aimee to help. Renato declares that if Aimee feels like she really can’t stand living on the ranch as his wife, he will give her a legal separation so she can go and live with her dad. Aimee continues her rant and is slapped.

* Regina and Clemencia pull Aimee into a bedroom. Aimee continues her rant about Juan leaving without her. She loves him so much. Regina and Clemencia try to reason with her about not tossing away everything she has with Renato. Aimee doesn’t care about Renato or the family; she only wants Juan.

* Leona and Renato stay in the dining hall. Leona tries to talk some sense into Renato and stay married to Aimee. Renato loves Aimee but if she doesn’t feel the same about him; what is the point of staying in a loveless marriage - he would rather just cut his losses now so he doesn’t end up with a marriage like his mom and dad have now. Leona refuses to permit the separation.

* While Gabe is still meeting with Raul, Rod stops by and interrupts. Rod needs Raul’s help with resolving his financial situation. Rod leaves. Raul and Gabe discuss Sr. Aldama’s interest in helping Rod financially. Gabe vaguely explains about the loan. Raul is intrigued.

* In the office, Renato demands that his dad (Noel) tell him the backstory about Juan. Noel and Renato sit down. Noel starts to tell his son the whole story. Noel tells Renato that Juan de Dios San Roman Montes de Oca is his cousin. Renato is muy impactado and can’t believe it. Noel explains how Maria fell in love with a local fisherman (Juan de Dios) and how Leona and Rod did everything they could to separate Juan and Maria and Juan Jr. They discuss what happened, why, and all the mysteries that still surround Juan’s life.

* Juan walks his horse down a wooded path. He thinks how he can’t return - he has to run as far away from Aimee as possible.

* Remiglio and “Malu” meet on the street. Remi is sad; Malu was thinking about Remiglio. A man stops by and calls out to “Lulu”. Remi is confused. “Malu” says the man has mistaken her for someone else.

* Alone in the living room, Marlene meets with Rod. She comes forward and tells him that her real name is Magda and she used to work for him in the past. She reveals all the jewels that she took from him. He is outraged and angry and threatens to throw her in jail for stealing. She counters with her own threat against him. She tells him to pay her in full what he actually still owes her for her services and to leave her daughter alone. Rod calls Rosie a ‘dirt bag whore’ like her mother. Marlene slaps him and stomps out the door.

* Rosie is working in the kitchen when the maid walks in and places more gifts on the table. Maid smiles and leaves. Rosie thinks the gifts are from Rod - Clem tells her that Rod didn’t give them; he is in financial ruins. Rosie is stunned. Clem then tells her that all the gifts are from her mom, Marlene/Magda. Rosie is angry - gathers up the gifts - and storms out the door.

* At the casino, Marlene is smiling and happy to see her daughter. Rosie dumps all the gifts on the floor and slaps Marlene for trying to bribe her with gifts. She tells Marlene to leave her alone, she wants nothing to do with her. As the argument heats up, Felipe enters the room and tries to defend Marlene’s position as Rosie’s mother. Rosie goes ballistic and attacks him also. She shouts to Marlene to leave her alone and stomps out the door. Marlene faints and Felipe calls the girls to help Marlene.

* Jimena and Regina sit and discuss life and love. Regina advises Jimena to listen to her heart. Jimena thinks she should fight for her love with Gabriel. Jimena then reads Regina’s palm and tells her that she will soon be married. Regina blushes.

* In the lonely palapa hut, Juan unpacks his belongings. He takes out his dad’s portrait and starts to talk and pray. He tells his dad that he too has found himself with a prohibited love (Aimee). He wonders why life is so cruel to keep repeating in this way?


Monday, May 24, 2010

Dinero Monday May 24, 2010 Mission Impossible A La Mexicana

Let's skip the rehash. Beltran's got Medina and Alejandra in his office for a pep talk. Your mission, Medina, if you accept it, is to develop a close relationship with Marion Celeste. What a babe! Rafa agrees. Ale is annoyed and decides she's not needed for this "guy talk". Flounces out and the boys commiserate about how sensitive wimmin can be. Rafa admits that Vicky Vicky Vicky is definitely in that category.

Speaking of, she's busy working over Jaime. Moaning about the baby being born without a father. And musing about what her brothers could do to poor Jaime....unless he comes through and fixes up a carnal get-together with Rafa. Seems like they haven't done those "cositas" in a long while so she needs a get busy date pronto. Just to drive home the message, she gives Jaime three quick slaps in the face. This guy was born to be abused.

Back at the Big House, Big Rubi is incensed. Not happy about plans to move to the hacienda being cancelled. Even less happy with the decor in the current digs. Wants to throw the portrait of Jorge's adored Maria Consuelo out. And now she's gone too far. Hooray for Jorge. He quietly informs her that he's appreciated all she's done, but he's ready to take care of himself now. And the peace and harmony of the home is very important. His daughter, his sister, and the spirit of his wife are what counts. She zips up her uniform, packs those puppies in ,and adios Rubi.

And hello fiesta. Beltran has convened the sales staff to inform them today is the 12th anniversary of Auto Siglo and they're going to throw a cocktail party to celebrate. Big yawn. General jumps up and says the po' folks prefer a fiesta. Now there's interest. Okay, they'll be in charge and that's that.

We break for one of those weird random scenes. This time it's the beauty parlor and a shaggy old guy comes in wanting a haircut. Since he's hard of hearing, there are a lot of misunderstandings. clientes/dientes. muele, duele. He ends up coming on to the curvaceous lady and wants to party. Next! as Carlos would say.

Medina now gets up to talk and Marino stalks out. Too bad because Medina has parceled out his old list of clients and is sharing them with all the other sales people. Ramirez, ever the toady, is ready to give part of his list to Marino but our self-appointed stud is so sure of his superiority he tears it up. No need of your crumbs "migajas", thank you very much.

Rubi, on the other hand, wants a lot more than crumbs. Her silence is worth its weight in gold . Nope, how about dollars. Lots of green ones. Marcos is going to have to pay her to keep quiet about the financial hanky panky going on with the hacienda.

Chavez has the solution. Blackmailed for life by Rubi? No way. How about killing her? Marcos isn't up for that. As he points out" we're swindlers, not killers". Okay. Send her on a long trip then. Upshot? They talk her into heading to Iraq. And passing herself off as a North American. Yep. Perfect. Wave the flag, wear a badge. Speak English. They're gonna love you. Wait till all those rich, limousine driving sheiks get a hold of you. ( Thank God this is a comedy. I'm sure Rubi's excellent adventure in the Middle East will work out just fine. )

So back to Auto Siglo. It's another night of putting off Marcos and Vicky. Another night of Rafa and Alejandra thrown together, with the tequila flowing. Where will this go? We have the tedious phone calls, the bickering, the threats, the apologies. You've heard it all before. Let's move on.

Suddenly, a limousine pulls up and out steps Marian Celeste, with a couple of bodyguards. The Auto Siglo boys are entranced. So is Rosaura. She makes a game bid for Marian's in, your dad played golf with my husband's father. Same social circles yada yada. And if Medina can't help you, please come to me. Like that's gonna happen.

Marian sweeps in. Rafa quickly ends his phone call with Vicky. Alejandra smolders and the temperature in the office rises a good twenty degrees. First some gushing about the party. Too bad he left so early. The Mariachis arrived and it was so much fun dancing. Well hey, he loves to dance. Negotiates a few steps and she's entranced. They execute a rock an roll move (in my day it was called the jitterbug, I blush to admit) and then it's down to business.

Out in the sales foyer, Rosaura is filling in the staff on what Marian's really like. Seems she goes for the nacos. Chauffeurs, tennis pros, as bad as Princess Stefanie with her bodyguard romances. Takes 'em out to her country house (quinta) and has at it. (desfoga sus instintos sin limites) Wow. Sure 'nough, in the office, Marian is telling Medina they should seal the deal with a meal at her quinta the next day. And here's how it will go. Five trucks the first month, then five more the following month, until eventually they have replaced all their old fleet with new trucks from Auto Siglo. (anyone want to bet how this is going to go?)

Well, let's elevate our thoughts a little and join Jaime in church. He's praying fervently to Christ (Diosito) for help in managing the VickyVickyVicky problem. After all, God created her and now he has to help Jaime out. Because surely the Good Lord doesn't want Jaime dead. Or the baby orphaned. So HELP! Just to up the ante, he gets a cellphone call from Vicky warning him that time's running out. And now Rafa's got another party at Auto Siglo. Convince him to leave early and get busy with Vicky or there'll be hell to pay.

Mientras tanto, Alejandra has slipped out of work to check on Dad and Rosario. Pop is a little confused by the change in plans. What about the plumbing? Why don't we need to move to an apartment? Alejandra explains the fib, reluctantly admits the back taxes problem but assures him it's been worked out that they can pay off the debt in monthly installments. No more than what she would have been paying in rent anyway. Okay. One problem down, one to go. Rosario wants to invite Marco to dinner to thank him for all his help. No can do. Another party at Auto Siglo. With (head toss boink boink = Rafa?) asks Dad. Indeed. Thunderous look. More apologies. And it's back to work.

Beltran, meanwhile, has been summoned to the Queen. She's even got the requisite dogs, baroque furniture, fusty hat and suit worthy of an English monarch. And not impressed with Beltran's plans for a 12th anniversary fiesta. After all, the place isn't making much money. He blusters that it's just an "esparcimiento" (relaxation, recreation) for the troops. She suspects it's more like a "borrachera'" (drunken party) but whatever. And no, she can't come. Too many other things to do. Heads of state, doctor's appointments, you know. But expect a surprise visit from time to time. And she's pleased to hear that Medina will be handling the Celeste account and that it's promising. Beltran is dismissed. And dissed. Has that man ever been likable? she asks her assistant after he leaves. Nope. That's what I thought. Some love talk to the dogs and then they're dismissed as well. To do their business outside.

Business back at Auto Siglo is the usual. Alejandra's fuming because Rafa is clearly excited about the Celeste deal. Singing. Much she put up with that? It's toned down to whistling. Still fuming. And Rosauro is having trouble with her huffy husband. He doesn't want her to go to the party. He knows she'll drink. (and we know why) General gives her a good pep talk about not being a submissive wife and she hangs up on hubby. Then snivels. Pepeto, sensing a conquest possibility, grabs Dandy's handkerchief and moves in for the kill. He can't stand a woman's tears. She evidently can't stand a naco moving in on her. Pulls away but gives the hanky a good spritz with her French perfume so he has something to inhale while being rejected. He's optimistic though. And maybe he should be. Time will tell.

Now our two feuding lovers, Alejandra and Rafa ,have been called in to the Queen's presence. She scolds them like they were grade school kids. Because that's how they're acting. And she wants harmony, respect and cordiality in the workplace. And lots of sales. So straighten up and fly right. Or better yet--get together outside the office. For a coffee. Or some tequila. Anything, but work out your differences. After all, neither of you is married. Right? And they're dismissed. And discussed. Chato, love is so difficult. Those two adore each other....and hate each other. But Chato has nothing to say. Well, hell, that's what she likes about him. Now take the dogs out again to pee.

A good time to return to church. Jaime is camped there evidently. This time he's on the phone to Medina, trying to persuade him to skip the party and pay a little loving attention to Vicky. Rafa can't understand why he's meddling this way. Well, if you don't like my meddling, quit talking to me about your problems! I'm just trying to help. And you told me last night you had a commitment with Vicky. So honor it already!

Another random scene. This time Susana and Dandy are having lunch. He's masticating what looks like a bunch of alfalfa sprouts and swearing that the only "meat" he's interested in is Susana. Not poetic but she seems to like it. Sexy receptionist walks by and he attempts to show he's still hot stuff with the ladies, but with a sprout stuck in his teeth, he lacks charisma. Susana's amused. He's deflated. But looks perfectly happy anyway. Ah love.

In the salesroom, plans are still afoot for the party. The general thinks the drinking should start early. Why be held back by bourgeois morality? And who should go get the early booze supplies? Well, good old Dandy. He knows the way and he's elected.

And Chavez and Marcos are wrapping up their latest skullduggery. Chavez leaves the waiter a tip and Marcos quibbles about his generosity. Rubi has left to conquer Iraq. All is well but then the skanky lawyer friend arrives. Says he knows the hacienda is no longer embargoed and it could revert to Jorge immediately. Marcos little fraud is about to be discovered. Chavez and Marcos? Caras impactadas. And there we end. Lots of random scenes and not much headway in plot development, but promising problems to come with hot to trot, naco-loving Marian Celeste.

Ramiro is taking a hard line with his wife and staying for the party. Claudia is all over Beltran who's loving it. The dreaded Vicky arrives. Is the party over? Find out tomorrow.


meterse de cabeza en algo = to throw yourself into something (What Beltran wants Rafa to do with the Celeste account)
rindir el informe = to present a report
cuál es el cargo de ella = what is her position (Alejandra, wanting to know Marian's position in the business.)
el mando supremo = the supreme commander (Beltran)
incentivar al grupo = motivate the group
radio de acción = operational range, area of operation
desfogar sus instintos = vent, give free rein to her instincts
seguirle el juego a Vicky = go along with Vicky's game plan
la vas a pasar bomba = you're going to have a blast
algunas roces = some friction
recovecos = twists and turns, ins and outs ( these words came up in the Queen's scolding of Alejandra and Rafa)
quinta = estate, farm, country home
esparcimiento = recreation, relaxation

Dicho of the Day

Contra viento y marea = Come hell or high water (that's how determined Vicky is to get Rafa in the sack. Will she succeeed? Or will it be Mission Impossible)


El Clon 68, Mon., May 24 - A Teaser Clone and the coffee grounds are finally too cryptic even for Zoraida

Marisa torments Lucas. She says that the jewelry she is wearing is from a fascinating Moroccan guy named Said. She brings out her jewelry box and tells him every piece in it represents a shopping trip after she has found about one of his lovers. Lucas says that he doesn't care. Marisa says that the jewelry Said bought her is special. Lucas tells her that they should have finished getting divorced when they started all those years ago.
No me digas.
You don't say, says Marisa sarcastically.
Lucas says that they are both responsible for prolonging their non-functional marriage. Marisa replies that their marriage never existed. He married the ghost of Jade, not her [and she married the moneybags of Diego]. She says that what she can't forgive is that he led her on for so long thinking that it might work. Lucas replies that he hoped things would work out. Marisa doesn't believe this.
Yo solamente fui un obstáculo que pusiste en tu camino para no afrontar a tu padre y salir corriendo detrás de esa mujer.
I was only an obstacle that you put in your path to keep you from confronting your father and running after that woman, says Marisa. Lucas doesn't want to hear any more but of course he can't leave. Marisa tells him about how wonderful her evening with Said was. [Lucas needs a pair of headphones but she'd probably rip them off.] Lucas has to pretend to ignore her.

Jade tells Latifa that Said knows everything about her and Lucas. The only thing he lacks to wield the whip are the required witnesses. Jade says that she has to remain strong until after Said marries so that she can get her divorce. She hopes that Said will fall in love with the new wife. Then she will help Jade get a divorce so that she can be first wife. Latifa is sure that Said is doing all this to get Jade's attention. Jade doesn't doubt it but she isn't interested. The only thing she doesn't want is for Said and Marisa to get together. Marisa has trampled (our old friend pisoteó) on her too much already. [Why does it matter? If you don't want him, why do you care who has him?]
Marisa, likewise wants to punish Jade.
A ella la quiero ver sufrir, y sufrir mucho.
I want to see her suffer, and suffer a lot, says Marisa. Lucas tells her to take her vengeance on him but Marisa says that Jade owes her everything and she will pay. She stalks out.

Leo, Marisa and Amalia are having dinner and discussing Amalia's interview with Leo. Nati and Alej come in. Leo asks them to sit down and have dinner. Marisa ostentatiously gets up and leaves.

Rosa tells Lucas how much Leo likes Amalia. Rosa likes her too and says that she isn't anything like Cristina. She is decent, elegant, with good manners and educated. Lucas calls Cristina and invites her over. Rosa leaves in a huff.

Cristina is excited at Lucas' call and says that it means Lucas is on her side.

At the lab, Alicia plants a lipstick stain (mancha de labial) on Escobar's lab coat (bata).

Clara finds it and flips out. Escobar first suggests that it is Clara's lipstick. She says that she doesn't use that color. Then he claims that it is a chemical from the lab. When Clara accuses Alicia, Esbobar accuses her of dragging the poor girl into everything.
Además Alicia no utiliza ese color de la...
Anyway, Alicia doesn't use that color lip..., Escobar realizes too late that he has admitted that it is a lipstick stain and that he knows what color lipstick Alicia uses.

Marisa buys flowers. Lucia says that Marisa doesn't seem to care at all about her marriage.
Tú lo que no entiendes es a los hombres, porque si lo hicieras no andarías detrás de los pantalones de tu esposo como lo haces.
What you don't understand is men because if you did (preterite subjunctive), you wouldn't run (conditional) after your husband's pants the way you do, says Marisa.

Alej makes up with Rosa.

The flowers Marisa bought are delivered with a note that says, 'to Marisa from Said.'

Nati introduces Alej to Lucas. She tells Lucas that Alej practices Lucha vale todo and Lucas says, 'how interesting.' To Nati's assurance that he will like Alej when he gets to know him, Lucas can only say,
Depués hablamos.
We'll talk later.

Gloria tells Pablo that she is concerned about Nati's rich family trying to destroy Alej's relationship. Ramoncito pipes up and asks if Pablo is going to marry the Naz. Pablo says that it isn't a joke (broma).
y0 voy a casar con Nazirita, y voy a empezar a entrenar vestido de Aladino.
I will marry Nazirita and I will start to train dressed like Aladdin.

Of course, the Naz is sure that Pablo is crazy for her. She tells Zoraida that when she gets back to Miami, she will ask Pablo to marry her. When Zoraida warns her that the woman shouldn't ask a man to marry them, the Naz takes offense and leaves.

Cristina arrives at Leo's house. Rosa opens the door without any sign of welcome.
Una de dos, o no me recuerda, o no me quiere recordar.
It's one or the other, says Cristina, either you don't recognize me or you don't want to recognize me.

Selfish Lucas. He drags Cristina out to his place and all he wants is for her to call Jade for him. She does telling Jade that her Prince Charming (príncipe azul) is grabbing the phone. Then she leaves Lucas alone so that he can tell Jade that he meant everything he said the last time they were together. He swears that when he can get out of bed, he will come and resolve her situation. Then they just smile like idiots and don't say anything.

In the kitchen, Rosa tells Cristina about the qualities of Leo's new girlfriend and how happy she is that he has met someone at his social level
porque en la vida del Señor Leonardo siempre aparecen vividoras paracaidistas.
because in Señor's Leonardo's life freeloaders (female, we would say golddiggers) are always parachuting in.
Unlike Lucas, Cristina gives as good as she gets:
¡Qué casualidad! En mi vida resulta que también siempre aparecen viejos vividores. Millionarios que arrastran con culpas, en una casa enorme come esta. Ricachones que buscan cosas que ni todo su cochino dinero puede comprar - detallitos como felicidad, alegría, gozadera, amor del bueno. Cosas que buscan en mí, porque las tengo de sobra, y pa' regalar.
What a coincidence! In my life old freeloaders (males, we would say maybe, sugar daddies, but she uses the same word as Rosa did) also turn up all the time. Millionaires with a load of guilt in a huge house like this one. Rich guys who are looking for something that all their filthy money can't buy- little things like, happiness, a good time, true love. Things that they look for in me because I have them in spades and I'm willing to share.
She stalks out.

Amalia puts the moves on Leo. Observing them, Enrique tells Carolina that the way things are going, Leo will be married before they are. He tells her that Leo knew Amalia a long time ago, then she left town and that is when Leo met Cristina.

Clara can't share Carolina's happiness at her upcoming wedding because of the lipstick on Escobar's lab coat. She swears that she will catch him red-handed (con las manos en la masa, literally, with his hands in the dough).

Julio recommends to sending flowers to Clara but Escobar replies that would be admitting guilt and he has no idea how the lipstick stain got on his lab coat. Alicia comes in and asks if the guys need anything.
¿Te das cuenta, Julio, que lo que le sobra a esta mujer le hace falta a mi esposa?
Do you realize, Julio, that that woman has what my wife is lacking? says Escobar.

Zoraida warns Jade not to speak to Lucas on the phone anymore. Said is watching. She says that she feels a big storm (tempestad) brewing.

Finally, Cancun. Albieri is soused on martinis. Luisa goes for a massage.

Ali talks to Jade about destiny.

Albieri dozes off. He wakes up to see the clone get out of the pool, dry himself off and walk away. He knows that it is Daniel.

He says that he looks exactly like Lucas at that age.

He is so overcome that he falls into the pool. He tells Luisa that it was Daniel but she is sure that it is the martinis.

Jade asks Ali what it means when the past and the future cross in one man. Ali thinks it might refer to a time machine where you could go back and meet a younger version of yourself.

Zoraida can't decipher the coffee grounds for Jade. She says that this is the first time that she can't read someone's future. She says maybe Jade is going to experience something that no one else has.

Albieri (with more martinis) swears to Luisa that it was Daniel but she doesn't believe that he could recognize the Daniel after all these years. Albieri says that he would recognize Daniel at any distance, anywhere. He goes to his room and wonders what he will say to Luisa when she sees Daniel and realizes that he is clone of Lucas. He decides to tell her the truth.

Cristina swears to Vicki that she won't let Leo make a big mistake with Amalia.

Amalia and Leo decide not to dwell on their pasts. He asks why she came to Miami and she says it was destiny.

Marisa takes the TV remote from Lucas, turns off the soccer game he is watching, admires the flowers she pretended were from Said, leaves the remote where Lucas can't reach it and leaves for her club. A nice morning's work of torturing her husband who just lies there and takes it. What a wuss!!!

Albieri sits down with Luisa and says that he has to tell her something about Daniel.

The credits roll.


Ganchettes y Gancheros - Your virtual gathering awaits!

With tequila, some cochinita pibil and what were those corn on the cob thingy's?
Heh, that'll get 'cha thinkin'!

Hope all are well, I'm hanging in there, busy with work and other stuff, haven't watched a TV in ages...sigh, guess I've broken my addiction, but I haven't forgotten my buds. Hello to all!

More may come later!


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