Saturday, January 22, 2011

La Verdad Oculta 89: Mission Possible (?)

David and Abelardo stare in wonder at the unexpected present Satan’s Spawn (aka Carlos) has just left them. They know that the ring now in their possession must be one of the cufflinks. But if Adolfo has the other in his possession, he could easily get rid of it, and this one doesn’t prove a thing. When Fausto joins the two of them in the office, the theories continue to fly. It’s a trick! It’s a trap! It’s the ring Carlos has always had! It’s a fake! They finally decide to have an expert look at it and call Leo to get his assistance in making it happen, interrupting the class he is teaching at the police academy (where does this guy find time?). The three finally consider that Carlos has decided to help them (gasp)-- not a surprise given how badly he and his father get on and the fact that said father (aka Satan) treats him like a dog (I say that’s an insult to dogs). David’s still not so willing to let go all the bad things Carlos has done and trust him.

Fausto gets them back to the business at hand—the plan to fake Adolfo out with Gabi’s mad business management skills, while a supposedly paralyzed David recuperates at home. They can use the same tunnel Fausto uses for David to leave the house unnoticed in disguise. Who would have known Mario’s plan and tunnel would serve so many purposes. David remembers what a wonderful man his father was. (Let us also take a moment to remember the kind, generous, big hearted Mario. Que en paz descanse.)

Upstairs, a worried Ale decides to check in on her little sis by calling Adolfo’s. She finds out her sis has gone to the beach, but not with Adolfo. She also finds out that Carlos no longer lives in Casa Ávila. Once downstairs, she finds David and Gabi talking about Carlos and the ring. She tells them what she just learned about the not so prodigal son being cast out into the wilderness. David wonders again if Carlos and his father have had a disagreement, and for that reason he gave them the ring. “Because this is the proof that Adolfo killed Marta Sandivar!” Gabi is shocked to hear this news about her mother’s murder and the cufflink. David quickly explains about the cufflink Roberto stole from her apartment. Gabi is very confused. She wants to talk to the two mysterious old men, right now. She tells David to round up his dad, while she goes upstairs to call and demand the presence of hers. Uh oh looks on Ale's and David’s faces. David tells Ale he doesn’t know what he’s going to do. They change subject to the mysterious boxes from the States that Abelardo brought back. David doesn’t want the servants (servidumbre) or Gabi to hear, so they head to the office.

At Leo’s flat, he’s arrived just in time to say goodbye to Paula who is headed back to Durango. He’s too pressed for time to be able to go all the way to the airport with her, but Juli and Ramon will. Leo and Juli promise that she will be able to come back and spend her vacation with them. Paulita is sad, Leo is sad, Juli is sad, and so is Viewerville. Farewell Nancy Drew!

Carlos continues to make the rounds. This time he’s showed up at Ale’s office (Mina-take a good look at another hot man who is NOT into you). Mina shows him in to see Ale, who doesn’t bother with the pleasantries. “Where’s my sister?” He tells Ale that Bertha is getting herself into deep trouble by becoming more involved with Adolfo. Even though he’s lived his whole life with his father, he’s only just realized all the dangerous, shady business his father is involved in. That’s why he doesn’t live there anymore. He explains the “favors” Bertha has been doing for his dad. Ale is incredulous about the nature of these favors. Carlos isn’t sure if any of the type of favors Ale is imagining have happened, but he does know Bertha’s given false sworn statements for Adolfo. And she’s getting herself in deeper each day. Ale can’t listen to any more. Although Bertha is her sister and she loves her, she's an idiot (tonta), and ambitious. If she’s digging herself in deep with Adolfo, it’s because that’s where she wants to be. She loves luxury, but she doesn’t want to work for it. She was never good at school; she was super lazy (flojisima). And now she uses her good looks to get ahead. But now her life is her responsibility, she’s an adult, and Ale is tired of telling her this. Carlos agrees; he’s also tired of telling her the same thing. But, he’s in love with her, and he’s going to do all he can to get her out of this. Ale looks at him in disbelief. What does he mean he loves her? He simply does. He loves her, he likes her, they’ve had great times together. She may not be as brilliant as Ale, but she’s not as bad as his father either. Ale thinks it’s nice and all that he cares about her sister, but he hasn’t exactly been a saint. He admits to doing stupid things in his rivalry with David, including the Gabi mess…Ale stops him short. Oh no! The first unforgivable thing he did was sending an innocent man to jail for eleven years!! (Yes Carlos. Your little secret is out.) The only thing he can say is that he DIDN’T kill that woman! He then walks out without explaining further, leaving a very confused Ale.

Back in Mario’s home office, Leo is examining the ring and listening to the theories about it being a trap. Leo doesn’t think so. He told Carlos just the other day that the ring could be proof of a crime. He will have it examined by the jeweler who made Roberto’s ring. He’ll be able to tell them if it’s authentic.

In Michoacán, Don Jorge has decided he needs to give Dora a salary (sueldo), as well as a roof over her head and food. She doesn’t think it necessary but he insists. He’s also thinking about taking his savings and going travelling—to Vegas! (Looks like Dora will be minding the store in Michoacán for a while.)

At the tunnel house, Fausto tries out the makeup and silicone skin on David to create his disguise. David won’t have to speak to anyone or be forced to act. He’ll just have to enter and exit the office building. David thanks Fausto again for all he has done and is doing for them. Fausto is happy to do it. (Note the change from cranky, reluctant Fausto in the beginning.)

Ulises enters Zaida’s apartment, very obviously looking around for her bodyguard (guarda espaldas) Edgar. He’s gone to market, but Zaida does have some good news for him. She’s found work for Elsa with a very important man. He thanks her profusely, and she gives him Dante’s contact info to pass on to Elsa. Elsa should get there within the hour. In the hallway, Ulises runs into Edgar. Wow! Edgar is really dedicated to his job! Either that, or he swings both ways, because he is flirting up a storm with Ulises and making a date for them to chat over dinner at Ulises’ place soon. Ulises is having the best day ever! He gives Elsa Dante’s info, tells her to fix herself up and get going, and then runs off to write a poem, since he’s feeling so inspired!

The Guillen sisters catch up via phone. Gabi tells Juli about David’s miraculous recovery, but urges her to keep it secret. She’ll explain the crazy plans and schemes to Juli in person tomorrow. Tomorrow she also plans on speaking to their father (who is not currently home) and Don Mario, together! So pass the message on to their dad.

The best big brothers, ever, have decided to skip the delicious (I’m sure) dinner Lucha has prepared for them at home, and instead take the kiddies to the movies and arcade for fun, popcorn, sodas, fries, hamburgers, shuffleboard, Dance Dance Revolution, and video games. They even get to start a mini brawl, when Chicles wolf whistles at some mamacita wearing a mini. This is much to the displeasure of her boyfriend, who thinks JJ or Limon are the culprits. Even Caramelo gets into the mix- causing a distraction for the group to escape by tugging down the mini skirt that started the whole scandal! Chicles wolfs down his junk food, while stealing from Caramelo’s and JJ’s plates, and earns a queasy stomach for his efforts.

At the jeweler's, Leo finds out that the stones in the ring are indeed authentic and antique, but the setting (montadura) was not done there.

At Dante’s, Elsa gets her assignment. She will be selling fine jewelry to a list of clients preselected by Dante. Elsa is pleased and amazed that she doesn’t even have to find the clients to buy the jewelry she will be selling. It’s an offer too good to pass up. The Silver Tongued One pulls out the contract, encouraging Elsa to sell her soul…ah, agree to be contracted for a year. Despite her reservations, Dante assures her this will be such a great job, with wonderful earnings, where she will feel so comfortable (agusto), that a year will be no problem. In fact, today he’s getting a delivery of some fine jewelry he’s eager for her to get busy selling. She signs and gives a wide innocent smile. He returns a sinister one.

At MI6 headquarters (aka Casa Genoves), Q (aka David) is showing Agent 007 (aka Gabi) their newest toys. A tiny earpiece, and a transmitter attached to a garter that David helpfully slides up Gabi's shapely leg (earning him a few hand slaps). Abelardo tests to see that it’s all working. There is also a tiny camera and microphone in a silver brooch (prendedor) Gabi will have to wear. It will allow them to see what she’s seeing in real time, but she has to make sure it doesn’t get covered. Gabi is worried about what she’ll do if the equipment fails. David continues to build up her confidence. Just act normal like everyone else. It’s attitude that counts! Plus, “Mario” is going to give her a few acting tips, since he has some acting experience from college.

JJ and Limon bring the kids and their chalk/white erase board (pisaron) to Elsa’s. Everyone is in a good mood, even though they are late and Chicles had some stomach issues. (The word is estómago, but Caramelo keeps saying estógamo.) Chicles is ready to eat again, and asks Elsa what’s for dinner. Elsa is sure they’ve eaten plenty of junk (porquerias) already, and it’s time for Caramelo to get ready for bed. None of the four (yes four) kids like this, but mama Elsa puts her foot down. Time for the boys to go home. JJ shows his displeasure by mocking Elsa’s blown kiss behind her back, and mocking the very word “mama”. The boys leave. Big kisses from JJ. Sad kiss from Limon.

Across the hall, Zaida is eager for Edgar to leave, but he insists his job is to protect 24 hours of the day. She doesn’t like this, and she doesn’t like him helping himself to her liquor either. She resigns herself and has him serve her a drink as well, but she rues the day she got involved with the whole lot of them. Edgar’s advice- You’re in it now, so you better figure out the best way to survive. She told Adolfo, and she’s going to tell him, she can take care of herself. Edgar reminds her she wasn’t so good at that when he first met her, and Garnica had a gun pointed at her head. Fine. She’ll let him stay—on the couch. Edgar wonders if he doesn’t get a sheet, a pillow, etc. Sorry Edgar. He’s her bodyguard, not her boyfriend. She goes into her office, with Edgar’s words about survival echoing in her ears, and begins to write a confession/testimony(!?) letter to the relevant authorities (autoridades correspondientes).

Early the next morning, Gabi has arrived at the Guillen apartment to catch Fausto. She has Juli wake the sleeping Fausto, who comes shuffling out. Gabi wants him to get dressed, chop chop, and return with her to Genoves Manor to speak with Mario. Not possible, says Fausto—with the excuse that they can’t just disturb Mario in that way. Seeing that her sis is about to put the screws on their dad, Juli decides to leave the room. Gabi just wants him and Mario to explain a few things. Fausto thinks it’s too early. Ask him first, and then later they can talk to Mario. (He’s good.) Gabi wants to know how the two men know each other; also her mother and Adolfo. Fausto stalls uncomfortably, so Gabi lays out all the facts she knows. Fausto was an actor. Adolfo was the owner of the theater where he worked. Her mother was a dancer. And Don Mario???

Fausto skirts around the truth. Her mother was a beautiful woman who had lots of suitors (pretendientes). He (Fausto/Santiago) fell in love with her the moment he first saw her. But one of her suitors was Mario. Gabi wonders about this, since Mario was already married. Yes, but Mario still went to the theater every night to see her. Was she already married to Fausto? No, but he got really jealous of all her suitors, like Mario. (Truth bending alert! Find the untruths in the rest of Fausto’s statements.) According to Fausto, when Marta realized Mario was married, she cut ties with him, realized she loved Fausto and married him. Then came along Gabi and Juli. All was good until that fateful night when Marta was murdered, he was blamed by Adolfo, and he had to flee with his girls. Then he started this sad life, full of fear, hoping no one would recognize him. Gabi obviously feels her father’s pain and doesn't push any further.

In Michoacán, Don Jorge stands in for Viewerville and asks Dora all the things we want to ask her. Doesn’t she miss her son? Oh, yes. Then why doesn’t she at least call him? It will just cause more trouble. But, she can’t hide all her life. She should think about that poor boy who spent 11 years of his life in prison. What if he were her son? Wouldn’t she do something for him? Dora begs him not to remind her of it. She’s already been living with the guilt all these years. Don Jorge promises not to push, but he wants her to do some soul searching to find the answer within herself.

At Dante’s, Elsa is given the newly arrived from abroad jewelry that she is to sell. She’s blown away by how fine they are, and checks to make sure they have a bill of sale (factura). Dante assures her they do. He NEVER takes risks. He has a long and prestigious career to protect. Viewerville says a collective uh oh! Elsa breathes a sigh of relief. But she is still worried about carrying around such expensive items and possibly being robbed/assaulted. Since no one will know what she’s carrying around, Dante doesn’t think the robbery risk is great. And his chauffer will take her to see the clients she makes appointments with. Elsa thought she would be selling less expensive things. Dante assures her she will, but right now, these are the pieces he has. He gives her the list of clients and contacts, and informs her she already has an appointment that day at 4pm. Her mission: to sell him a particular necklace or bracelet. If she’s persuasive enough, she may be able to sell him both, and if she does, she gets a bonus. Elsa asks about those pesky bills of sale again, but Dante waves her concern away, saying he’ll send them to the client later.

At Ale’s office, Mina is in the mood for coffee and gossip. What did Carlos say? That he didn’t kill that girl. Ale figures it must have been Roberto, but she’s not sure if she should believe Carlos didn’t do it. He is Adolfo Avila’s son, capable of anything. Super intelligent Mina thinks he may not be as bad as they think. Ale should speak to him and get the whole truth. It might even mean Ale can help her galan. Ale’s eyes light up at the thought of helping JJ escape his 11 year nightmare.

Said galan has just arrived at his office, in time for a visit from our friendly neighborhood Streetwalker Barbie. He bobs and weaves away from Zaida’s hello kiss. (Good boy.) He then asks her not to be so, so…she finishes for him. Flirty (coqueta). (That’s the nice way of saying skanky.) It doesn’t bug him per se, but that last kiss in his office got him in hot water with his novia. He doesn’t mind being kissed by a beautiful woman, but he loves his girlfriend a lot and doesn’t want problems with her. “She doesn’t have to know.” JJ gets serious and finally decides to drop the flirtiness from his response. He is not interested in games and between them there is nothing! Got it! It’s loud and clear to Zaida. In fact, she’ll go see his girlfriend personally and tell her there isn't/wasn't/will never be anything between them. JJ writes Ale’s office info down. If Zaida doesn’t do what she promised, JJ will break the partnership with her. She is sufficiently motivated.

At the tunnel house, David gets his new, middle aged face, paunch and name- Franco Valencia, Campo Real employee. Even David can’t recognize himself! At the main house, Gabi’s getting help from Ale with putting on her “costume”- sensible black business suit, complete with cool spy brooch. She’s nervous as heck. Ale keeps her focused on the mission- thwart Adolfo; save the family business and fortune. Gabi makes one last ditched effort to pass the baton on to someone else. “Mario” has been looking really healthy to her. Surely he can take the reins of the company. Ale assures her he is very, very sick. No can do. She gives her a hug for good luck and a final reminder to not let her hair block the camera and microphone.

At the Campo Real offices, FrancoDavid, Aberlardo and the technician ready the tv monitor and equipment, while FaustiMario and Gabi prepare to enter the board room on another floor. A final sign of the cross from Gabi, and a deep breath from FasutiMario- game on!


Friday, January 21, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #179-180 1/21/11 Party Night.

Capitulo 179.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. With the torture session finished, Marcia leaves. For Fernando, everything boils over. He screams, “LETY!” In Acapulco it reverberates in Lety’s core, and her world freezes.

2. Fernando tells the bartender that he’s the lowest kind of trash. He lost the woman he loves and he lost everything (remember what PG said?). It’s a cute, funny scene. Fern cries over Lety’s picture and gets sloppy drunk.

3. Caro tries to disappear and Lety is reluctant to be alone with Aldo. She tells him, “It seems that you want more than a friendship, and I can’t allow anyone to make a mockery of me.” He says he’d like nothing better than to be loved by a woman like her, but he can’t.

4. Aldo tells his story. He was happily married to Lenore for four years. She died in a wreck, holding hands with his best friend. Now Lety can see why Aldo can’t face falling in love again.

5. Lety encounters Tio Federico. She tells him Fern deceived her and made her feel like garbage. He says she deserves to be happy. He gives her a fatherly hug.

6. The taxista pours Fern into his cab, and he shows off Lety’s picture. That’s four people in one night! He says the board will thrash him because the woman he loves delivered his head. That’s exactly what Marcia told him, and it’s what prompted this binge.

7. Lety dreams that Aldo comes to her room late and starts kissing her hungrily. She wants to resist but her hunger wins out. The dream disturbs her.

8. In the morning Caro wants the chisme. Lety felt like Caro pushed her to have a fling with Aldo. Caro says Aldo obviously likes her, and she should enjoy herself.

Lety says that Fernando looks a lot like Tio Federico (played by Jaime Camil Sr.), even more than his own father. I'll let you decide for yourself.

Capitulo 180.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Aldo takes Lety diving. Afterwards she sits in wonder. Ariel pointedly reminds her that it was worthwhile to get over her fear. Aldo laughs with total abandon. He tells her she carries the immensity of the universe insider her, or something like that.

2. Caro opens the pageant for ordinary women and she emphasizes that what matters is attitude.

3. Irmita’s kids tell Luigi they want her to retire and come to the US with them. She calls a meeting of the cuartel for advice.

4. Fernando arrives at the meeting a mess and still a little drunk. Humberto shouts at Tom throughout. Ariel says Conceptos could be permanently transferred into FI’s hands any day now. Lety needs to sign the documents to stop the process. Marcia, Ariel, and Humberto are sure Lety wants to keep Conceptos.

5. Fern tells the board their accusations are ridiculous. Humberto tells him to shut up, he hasn’t learned anything from his error, and his stupidity has no end. Ariel says his new business venture failed for lack of new capital, and Fernando lost his patrimonio. Humberto calls his son useless. Fernando cries.

6. Lety realizes that it doesn’t matter if the cup is plastic or crystal. What matters it what’s inside. She says, “Ay, Aldo, como te quiero.” (Note she shifted from usted to tú.)


Triunfo del Amor #14 1/20/11 Discussion and Mini-Recap

Did we get a recapper for Thursdays? I'm posting this page for comments and discussion in case we didn't. :)

[Mini-recap below from NovelaMaven and Anon. --as edited by Jardinera]

Martincito’s operation is a success, in large part thanks to Max’s quiet donation of the magic box. Or whatever was inside it. María stays close to the boy. And Max stands back and enjoys the fruits of his generosity from a distance. And in silence.

JP rolls up in Burnie's crib and tells her about M-Cito's miraculous recovery. When Burnie says "Say I thought you said he was gonna die without the equipment" JP says "Somebody miraculously bought the equipment!"

That silence allows JP to conclude that St Bernarda was the anonymous donor – (And one wonders: Is there a minimum SAT score to get into the seminary? Or maybe it’s a maximum?) In any event, that holy mother has dug deep into the Ugly Closet to find the stand-up pleated white collar she wears for the occasion – is she supposed to be a Medici regent?

Burnie takes credit for it.

Against his better judgment, Osvaldo agrees that he and V will give bratty Fer not just a gold watch but also a new car for her Bday.

Fer’s party is an opportunity for all the Sandoval haters to come out and play. Of course Guillermo and Ofelia are there delighting in Osvaldo’s recent misfortunes and gossiping about V’s humble origins. Pestilential Padilla – the rapist from V’s tragic past -- has the agallas to show his face in the company of his spawn, Scuzzy Tattoo Boy. V and Toni nearly faint when they see him; he recognizes them too and seems to intuit that V’s pride and shame will keep her from speaking out against him.

Fer's party. Oscar disses Oz, Oz snipes at Oscar. Vicki/Ozzie introduced to Papa Rapist. Vicki looks funny, Toni looks funny, Oscar notices Vicki & Toni looking funny, Fer is drunk, Fer is dumb ass and leaves gold watch on sink, adults go to the game room.

Padilla Père takes the opportunity to steal Fer’s gold bd watch after she carelessly leaves it on the bathroom sink.

Padilla Fils takes the opportunity to steal Fer – and whatever virtue she may have possessed -- after V & O carelessly allow her access to booze and car keys.

Back at Yenta Center, LindaHo pushes out her bazooms in JuanJo’s direction after Milagros volunteers the information that JuanJo has some money saved up. It looks like LindaHo is calculating Plan B.

Max finally admits to Fabian that he’s got it bad for Maria Desamparada. He actually uses the “L” word. He tells Fabian and the other drunk dude they’re yukking it up with that he plans on marrying her.  

Fabian admits to Max he's in love with Fer and Max gives him a "good luck with that" look.
Vicki looks funny in the corner, Toni looks funny in the corner, Ofelia looks at them in the corner looking funny, Guillermo/Oz chat, Producer, Producer's wife and Guillermo gossip & scheme, Papa Rapist kisses Vicki's hand, Vicki asks Max to show Papa Rapist to the door, Vicki asks everyone at the party where Fer is, Fer/Fed getting busy in her car.

MD/MS have no face time that I can recall, just lots of dreamy flash-backs and sighs. And then of course we have …
Bare-chested William Levy in a kayak gliding across the screen.


Eva Luna #54 Thu 1/20/11 What’s Next? Sweet Revenge … But Danger Lurks in From Another Angle/Evil Damsel


First we see playbacks of scenes from wed’s ep…

Bimbutt keeps sweet talking Dano and he keeps biting ‘hook line and sinker’…

D: I don’t know how you keep being so nice to me after everything that’s happened…

B: So you see how I completely understand you were that woman’s victim…

GAGGGGGGGG… [hand on mouth]

Marce: Since he did not take care of himself, sooner of later death was going to come get him…

Doc G: Here are the papers that I have to hand over to authorities.

M: Where do I need to sign?


M [whispering in ‘dead’ Julio’s ear]: You can’t imagine how many times I dreamed of this moment, my love…

(family hug)

M: At least We have Daniel, who will soon be your husband…

Voiceover: And tonight… a burial where tears of hypocrisy are shed…

But life brings you surprises…

JollyO: The time has come for my revenge…

(we get a repeat of the forgettable scene where Fran and Marisol both think that the other will pay for their new house/’castle’…

We also see repeat of scene at the coffee shop where the wife plans turning Eva in, she won’t let her husband keep Eva in the front so he can keep looking at her…

also of the nasty scene with Adriancito and Tomas … skipping the details for humanity's sake… the police car come and they end up following Tomas, he ends up dropping his ‘merchandise’ and running like a coward…)

Laurita comes and finds Adriancito sitting in the curb by his house. She tries to get info on Eva from him but he doesn’t know much, he is truthful to her that he doesn’t know where Eva is and he doesn’t think Eva will be back. Adriancito tells Laurita that when you want someone to come back you should keep the faith, and tells her his dad is back. But Laurita can tell Adriancito is not as happy as she would expect. Adriancito tells her his dad does not want him to keep going to school. Laurita is very surprised at that since she believed every parent wants their kid to stay in school and study hard. She says his dad is not a good man, Adriancito gets mad at her for saying that and runs back in the house, leaving her midsentence… Tomas receives Adriancito very mad, tells him he will not have dinner because of the hard time he gave him and threatens Adriancito with a beating. Adriancito gets really upset and cries hard.

Back in the house an anxious Tomas asks Ricardo if he’s seen Adriancito… Tomas gets mad at Ricardo when he reprimands Tomas that the one who should know where Adriancito is is him.

Leo calls Tony to check on his new ‘job’. Tony says working on it. And asks for more moolah with excuse he has to pay out his sources. Leo says money is no object but find her!!

Eva finishes the bathroom… The ‘wife’ is checking her work. The guy tries to make a pass at Eva saying he would pay her anything as long as she… (here comes the wife and cuts him off)… The ‘wife’ tells Eva come back tomorrow to clean the other (bathroom). The wife tells him she does not like Eva that much (holding the paper with the ‘wanted’ announcement facing her so her husband does not see it.
Justa and Ricardo are wondering why neither Adriancito or Tomas came down for dinner. In comes Tomas alone to eat and Ricardo worries about Adriancito. He wants to go check on him. Tomas gets offended and they begin to argue hard. Ricardo says Tomas won’t stop him from looking out for the boy, first you will have to kill him. Tomas rebuts that that would be easy…

Marcela is celebrating alone in her bedroom… she looks at herself in the mirror and congratulates herself for becoming a widower who still looks decent at this age. She walks around and keeps saying the place looks much better without you, Julio!! You finally lost the battle, ‘my dear husband’(holding the bottle of medicine). She wants the room to be disinfected and fumigated.
The ‘wife’ is calling the detective who put out the ad to find out how big is the reward she will get if she turns Eva in.

At the cemetery, all the Arizmendis, Renata, Georgio and Daniel are standing very seriously around the coffin…
We see Eva waking up under a pier by the beach… she picks up her things and seems to head back toward the coffee shop… She has to hide her face since there are cops walking around the beach…

At the burial… the same priest who is Justa’s friend (is he the only priest around?) is giving the last prayer for Julio… Marcela is continuing her play… Vicky is really upset and Dano hugs her… Bruno also fakes giving Marcela his sympathy, while he thinks that now that she is a widow it will be easier to get her fortune. Marcela sits down and continues talking to Julio silently saying it was a pleasure finishing you off, Julio.

Eva is washing up in a public bathroom… When she comes out, she runs right into Tony.

More tears at the burrial… we see a car approach… Surprise!! Julio is in the passenger seat, alive and kicking!!! With shades (HE LOOKS SO COOL!!) and a smile on his face. He is with Dr Garcia, who looks on too, but is more serious.

JollyO: Look, Garcia. Look who I was married to. With a ton of cynicism and hypocrisy.

Doc: I still can’t believe that Marcela had been poisoning you. I always thought your marriage was solid.

J: That is the image she worked hard to sell to the outside world. That was her best advertising campaign. I doubt she ever had a more successful campaign in all her life.

Doc: Now what, Julio, … what are you going to do?

J: Ay, Marcos… the hour of my vengeance is come. Let all my enemies beware, because I am going to eliminate them…

Tony plays around with Eva threatening her with calling the police on her… keeps asking her for the $10K… he is rough with her repeating that he wants his money or he will turn her into the police…

The burial ceremony is over… Everyone leaves, except for Renata… who says behind in front of the coffin… very upset… being watched from the car by Julio and Dr Garcia.

Tony plays around faking he is calling the police so Eva has to change strategy and begins to follow his lead… she throws her hook and line and tells him she wants to tell him where she has the money… they walk away to a picnic table around....

Ren: Julio! My beloved Julio!... From the day I came to your house to care for your wife, I fell in love with you silently. And then I dreamt that you would marry me but you turned your attention to my sister and never noticed me. That is why I never told you she was pregnant with your child… or that I stole that baby girl and handed her over to Dona Marcela. So you died without ever finding out that Victoria is really your daughter and Justa’s… And now my conscience won’t let me live in peace… please forgive me Julio! Forgive me!

Ren: I leave you here the last letter Justa wrote for you and I never gave to you… I also want you to know that she never died, Julio. She did not die as you and we all had believed. Perhaps if you two did meet again, the love you both shared once would resurface. But now none of that is possible anymore. You are gone. And I am left alone with this guilt load for the rest of my life.

(she drops the letter by the coffin)

(from the car…)

JollyO: Look how’s life… look who is left there kneeling at my tomb. More devastated than ever. … The loyal Renata… or as Marcela used to call her… the best German Shepherd of the Arizmendi’s…

Doc: Is that how (Marcela) called her most trusted employee?

JollyO: Go figure! So you can realize the human quality of my ‘filthy’ widow.

Doc: Incredible… I truly thought (Renata) was in love with you.

JollyO: .. yes… There were moments I too thought so…

Doc: She is the sister of that old assistant you had… whom you were about to marry… right?

JollyO: Exactly. Her name was Justa… Justa was sooo beautiful. Yes… she was beautiful. Tiny, tiny but a great woman. I never should have left her for Marcela. The biggest mistake of my entire life was that… and look how I am paying for it… But it is time to look forward… and what is to come… jaja… is real interesting.. I guarantee it. (Both of them laugh)

Back at the beach, Eva begins to fake following Tony’s lead, tells him maybe they can go away together… Tony thinks she is being honest so he tells her he was always attracted to her… she says why don’t we go to Vegas or maybe a more exotic place like Monaco’s beaches and casinos… ‘I have heard that the sand here is very much like the one over there… you think so? / I don’t know because I’ve never been there, but… I would love to… discover it with you Eva…’ and when Tony is distracted, ‘… then discover it… WITH YOUR GRANDMA!!!’ … she throws sand in his eyes and runs away… he begins to spin around yelling curses at Eva, but he really can’t see at all… so Eva gets away…

At the coffin, Julio and Dr Garcia approach…

Doc: Did you ever imagine you would be at your own burial? That you would see your own coffin?

Jul: NO.. honestly no. But during the last few months, I was buried alive. Paradoxically, I am standing in front of my tomb and I feel like I am born again… Dear friend… thank you with all my heart… Thank you for all your help. I don’t know what I would have done without your support.

Doc: Don’t thank me, Julio. Just ask God that all this we have done won’t have serious consequences. Because you know what we did was illegal.

Jul: Don’t worry about that Marcos. If there is any trouble, I take all the responsibility with the authorities.

Doc: Let’s hope that won’t be necessary.

Doc: Truly, if I decided to help you out as a doctor and as a friend, was to prevent Marcela from finishing you out.

Jul: Marcos… I am going to pass the HIGH invoice to Marcela for her murder attempt.

Doc: The good we have seen out of all this is that you have recovered your HUGE will to live.

Jul: (giggles) yes… That will to live I had almost completely lost after my accident… but the truth is it is thanks to Eva that I got it back.

Doc: Eva? … who is Eva?

Jul: Eva was my personal assistant the last few months. Her cheerfulness, her simplicity, her authentic character, her purity as a human being… all that brought me back the will to live…

Doc: And is she pretty?

Jul: Uh… very beautiful… but nooooo… I know you. I know what you are thinking, crazy old man… jajaja… no, Marcos… Eva… Eva is like a daughter to me…

Doc: Is she the same woman now Marcela is accusing of stealing?

Jul: Yes. She is. But none of that is true. IT is one more fraud by that darn woman.

Doc: You mean your widow… Because to the whole world you are dead… and burried.

Jul: Dead?... Dead but of laughter, my dear friend .. JAJAJA … Dead me?? LOOK!!! MARCELITA!!! FILTH OF A WOMAN!!! LOOK AT YOUR DEAD one!!! Your Julio Arizmendi!! … B_EA_T_C_H!! (doc is laughing too)

Doc: What is your next step now, Julio?

Jul: The next step is very good.. it is the beginning of the calvary for that ‘arpia’ woman, widow of Arizmendi…

At Misery manor, everyone has long faces and Marcela continues her oscar worthy (NOT!!) performance… she even fakes fainting and Leo and Dano catch her. Leo convinces her to go lay down in her room… they call Dr Rivera… Georgio looks on concerned..

At Villanueva manor, Jackie is cutting up onions and crying that Fran is about to get married… she keeps telling herself not to love this liar… Laurita comes over and tells her not to worry, she won’t tell anyone that she is in love with Fran… Jackie asks Laurita to promise that the day she falls in love she has to first make sure they love her too. Laurita says she thinks Fran loves Jackie too… Jackie says she convinced herself he did but she ended up realizing he only has eyes for his millionaire teacher girl. Besides, he would never notice me, I am not ‘good enough’… (another martyr around? Please don’t, Jackie!)

Back at misery manor, they all are around Marcela’s bed… Vicky and Dano say they still can’t believe Julio is dead. Marcela ends up convincing them to leave her alone. immediately she takes her shades off and stops her performance and continues to celebrate on her own.

Justa and Ricardo worry about Adriancito while Tomas keeps working the guilt trip on Adriancito so he will help him work instead of going to school. Adriancito wants to be an engineer, his dad says that is silly talk… Ricardo tells Justa he has not accused Tomas to the cops because he knows Adriancito would never forgive him for getting his dad arrested. Adriancito tells Tomas everyone says he is bad but he loves him a lot and he tells everyone his dad is good (hugs Tomas).

Marcela still alone is looking at some of her clothes and complaining she will have to dress like a crow for a few months… she does not feel like doing that for her ‘dear husband’. ‘No woman loves a man so much to watch all her fashionable wardrobe get outdated’… She will do the mourning for three months tops. She grabs the picture of her with Julio and talks to it...

‘Ay Julio, I loved you so much… so much I even fainted for you… my dear husband… I am suffering your loss so much, my dearest…’

She later congratulates him on the heavy turnout at his burial (sarcastically, of course). And since he did not want a funeral, everything went by so fast… not even the press found out… (in comes Bruno) … how comfortable is death… finally I am a widow… the ‘happy widow’… (Marcela gets mad and asks him shouting what he is doing there, he claims he came because he thought she needed company and I came to offer you mine)

Eva arrives at work and apologizes for getting there so late… The ‘wife’ is ready and tells her husband she wants her there… She thinks to herself she will wait until Eva cleans the bathroom real good and then she will call the police and get the reward.

The bathroom is really stinky and dirty, not been used for months after it got this filthy… (I don’t know what you are thinking but I think that would be a LOVELY place to lock up Bimbutt for a month… don’t you?)

At the board house, Alicia is congratulating Marisol on her wedding and Marisol congratulates Alicia on her job, Alicia says Marisol is the one who discovered she was good at makeup… Tony is listening behind the door… when Alicia gives more details that she got the job as makeup artist at a modeling agency, Tony makes his entry…

Tony wants to hear the details… then at their silence, he gives Alicia a guilt trip of all he has done for her but she won’t come to him with the good news. … Marisol excuses herself saying she is going to count the birthmarks in her back… but warns Alicia on her way out that this ‘being’ is nothing but a manipulating jerk…

Ricardo is knocking at Adriancito’s door… and is worried when he finds him crying… Adriancito says he did not go to school because he is feeling sick. Ricky asks Adriancito why he is crying… Ricardo finally gets Adriancito to say Tony threatened him not to tell anything to Justa or him. He says he is not physically sick but feels bad (emotionally) because Ricardo and his dad argue/fight so much…

Previews: Repeat Julio saying what is coming is very interesting…

Marcela is telling Bruno (I think) ‘I have about… about 10 minutes of grief left’ (laughs, Bruno laughs too)… (voice over says ‘perhaps less, Marcela! Because Don Julio is…)

Jul: Dead … of laughter, my dear friend!! JAJAJA (voice over: determined to get revenge and to save Eva)

Jul: I am the only one that can save her..

(Eva is at church asking the virgin to not leave her alone…)

OMG!!! Did we actually get a whole episode without Francisco?? And we got very little of Leo and Tony too!!! I feel like celebrating!!


Llena de Amor #112 (Mex. 117) Thu 1/20/11 Top model fight club

You know how in these shows people hide their feelings and never show what they feel? Well tonight sure was the exception. Almost everyone said or showed their true feelings, maybe not at the beginning, but by the end things started sorting themselves out. Will it last? I wonder…

Last night we left with Her Highness Fedra entering the boardroom and Vicky making mysterious implications about seeing her the previous night.

Meanwhile a few doors down El Lirio, a slightly more clumsy version who smacks himself in the huevos with the safe door (nice touch, that!) is burgling The Case of Money that’s in Lowrenzo’s office.

Forget what I said about implications. Vicky starts the meeting off by telling Don Emiliano that she ran into Fedra in a bordello last night! Caras impactadas all around the table. Fedra’s flimsy excuse is that she was looking for Gretel. Oh, and Vicky was just there with a couple of pals out of curiosity to see the worst of the city, but the star dancer, overaged, vulgar and flabby (fláccida), wasn’t much to her liking. Lowman wants to know the address.

Licenciado Pacheco is also at the table. He announces to that all that Mari just inherited Don Max’s entire estate. Fedra steams but Eman backs MV up, yep he gave it all to Mari.
Vicky snottily tells them with Felipe’s inheritance given to her by Emiliano, and Max’s estate, Mari is now the major shareholder of the agency.

Over at the happy, colorful house Netty is crying that Mari is back in town and hasn’t even called. Gladiola is mostly just curious about Mari’s vengeance and is pretty happy that the tortillas have turned in her favor. Netty frets about Mari hating Emanuel. She knows that they were separated by a diabolical plot. Her intuition tells her that Eman is innocent.

Not surprisingly Fedra is busy self-destructing in the board room while Eman tells Vicky to keep her hands off Mari’s money. This pleasant scene is interrupted by Mauricio entering and trying to look all professional with a portfolio. Vicky tells him to beat it, shareholders only. We get a second round of caras impactadas when he announces that Low sold him ten percent of the company and he throws his portfolio of contracts on the table.

Down at the police station Axel and Gretelman are fervently discussing Axman’s love for Delicia and standing about one inch from each other. Their inevitable sibling clinch is spied by Oliver who doesn’t even try to hide his jealousy and indignance. He throws Axel around a bit and there is some pretense at chest thumping until Gman pulls Oli off of Axel, clenches his feminine fist and tells Oli to lay off or he’ll be swallowing teeth. “And you defend him?!” cries our incredulous arm of the law.

Nearby, El Comisario and Brando review Gman’s excellent photos of El Lirio and comment the mysterious thief hasn’t been seen in a few days. Ilitia, looking for a 6-pack, er…I mean Brandon, peeks in and can’t hide the fact that she swoons for the suave stealer.

Her papi’s not faring too well in the boardroom. It looks like Mami Muñeca plans to revoke his power of attorney as punishment for his perfidy. She stomps out as Pacheco does a two-second scan of the docs and announces all is in order, Fonseca is a shareholder. Eman’s in a snit, first bitchy Vicky thinks she’s in charge and now a criminal is on the board!

Emiliano calmly announces if Mari trusts Vicky then they should too. Vicky can’t hide the fact that she’s thrilled she’s sticking it to Fedra and Eman and gleefully announces that nobody will get in the way of her taking the reins of the company.

This Faux Lirio isn’t nearly as quick as the original. He is STILL in the office stealing the money and Muñeca is outside the door wanting to get that case. Screw Lowrenzo and his money, she’s taking it back. She bursts in the office and sees she’s too late, the safe is empty. She turns and sees FauxLirio behind her and scoffs at him. “I’m El Lirio de Plata,” he announces. She calls bull and snickers “no you aren’t”. “Oh yes I am!” “Oh no you aren’t!” FauxLirio cocks his gun, points it at her head and settles the matter.

Brandon and El Comis find out Ililitia saw El Lirio at her house and they think Muñeca is just a bit too familiar with this mysterious thief.

Let’s go back to the bored room. Emiliano advises his disgruntled wife and irked son that this was inevitable and they have to trust Mari’s decisions. Blah blah, shriek shriek, whine whine, “my vote counts”, squeaks Mauricio as if they care. The door bangs open and in stumbles Muñeca followed by FauxLirio.

Looks like it’s time for Ilitia’s shooting lessons out on the range. Brandon demonstrates the proper technique for holding a gun, and he’s got quite a pair of them himself. When it’s her turn Ilitia frets and flinches until Brandon tells her to imagine it’s that disgrace Fonseca. She pumps seven rounds into the dummy’s heart. The girl’s a natural!

I’m not a fan of hostage situations but if that’s what it takes to mix things up in the bored room I’m all for it. FauxLirio croaks a word or two and Vicky pipes up he’s an imposter. FauxLirio actually points his gun at the silver pin on his own chest, “I’m El Lirio de Plata!” OK sure fine, they all nod. Eman’s in a snit because he knows this guy’s a fake, Pacheco hides behind Emiliano, Lowrenzo busily fiddles with something around his neck and the others throw their valuables onto the table while FauxLirio starts scooping up the goods. Gosh that heavy gun must weigh a lot because he sets it on the table to free up his hands for scooping. Eman calmly pick up the gun, uses it to push a couple of bracelets over to FauxLirio and then tells Fauxman it’s time to find out who he really is. Dang he looks hot in this scene.

Mauricio begs Eman not to shoot FL so I think we can safely assume the imposter is Dandy.

Brandon’s self defense class continues and now it’s time for boxing lessons so Ilitia can defend herself from a body to body attack. Body to body? She bats her eyes at him and starts her jumping jacks.

Stupid Fedra runs into FauxLirio giving him the opportunity to steal the gun back and take Vicky hostage. Eman postures, FauxLirio threatens to kill Vicky, Fedra urges him to do it, and finally Eman announces that FauxLirio will take him too.

The boxing lesson is just about the sexiest sparring I’ve ever seen. Ilitia left hooks Brandon in his tight little behind, sticks her cute little tongue out at him, and finally lands a hard punch on his kisser when Brandon tells her to imagine he’s Fonseca.

FauxLirio makes an anemic threat about calling the police and Lowman thought bubbles that he sent them a message from his cell and they’ll be there any minute. That must have been what he was doing with his neck earlier. Whatever. FauxLirio commands them to remove their clothes. Que??

Lesson #3 at Brandon’s academy is hand to hand combat which eventually turns into chest to chest then knee to nut contact. Oops! Did I say Ilitia is a quick study?

The Polis (and Gman with camera) arrive at the board room to find those left behind in their skivvies and tied together in a circle.
My, my let’s see what our friends wear underneath their clothing… Lowrenzo and Emiliano are doing the frumpy businessman thing in boxers and t-shirts, Muñeca is tastefully attired in a simple white slip, Fonseca actually looks mighty fine in his Calvin Klein boxer briefs, and Fedra sports a look we’ve seen before, the gartered dominatrix. I like it, bondage in bondage.

Ilitia tries to comfort Brandon, stopping short of petting his package. Things are heating up quickly for our duo in denial. Brandon leans in for a kiss…doh! Interrupted by the radio. Emergency situation at the Agency. El Lirio de Plata has taken Ilitia’s ‘baby’ hostage. They arrive to find the agency in pandemonium and Brandon promises Ilitia that he’ll find them safe and sound.

Netty is on a tear to find Mari. She calls the long-suffering Almudena in Spain who sticks to her story, not a word to anyone. But she does let slip that the RydTs are very dangerous, Fedra tried to poison Mari. QUE??? Almudena tells Netty to get the rest of the story from Victoria, her lips are sealed.

Eman’s drives while FauxLirio holds a gun to his head. He lisps to Vicky that she’s his little gift. “Ewwww, don’t be gross,” she sneers. Eman’s cogs and sprockets start turning. “You all right Victoria?” he asks. “Muy all right!” FauxLirio leers. Vicky sneers again.

And here comes the cavalry, except there are no horses and its Brandon and Ilitia in his jeep. I sure hope she paid attention in class earlier. Ilitia gets jealous that Brandon is worried for Vicky, but then they spot them up ahead.

FauxLirio has Eman stop the car so they can get out, not sure why, and Brandon pulls up behind them. The two men face each other and it’s a Mexican Standoff.

Ilitia, hiding behind the jeep, keeps waving at Eman, “hi baby!”. FauxLirio, confused as to exactly where to point the gun, loses focus and Eman pulls Vicky out of the line of fire. Ilitia runs to her and they hug. Huh?

They have the same reaction and push each other away. Eww, I forgot I hate you.

Vicky starts gasping and Eman instructs Ilitia to help her out, so Ilitia decides to slap Vicky across the face several times and yell “breathe, breathe, breathe!” Eman and Brandon shake their heads in disbelief.

Now we’ve got a rather long scene where Muneca swears to El Comisario that this guy was NOT El Lirio de Plata. The real ELdP is noble, a gentleman, he takes from the rich and gives to the poor. He doesn’t keep the money. She asks El Comis what would he do if he someone gave him a lot of money so that orphans could eat? He wavers momentarily before declaring she knows just a little too much about El Lirio and she’s under arrest.

This will likely be good news to Lowrenzo who has his hands full at the moment dealing with his sadistic and insatiable girlfriend Fedra. She’s not sympathetic that his money is gone or that his neck hurts and she’s still on the subject that he won’t kill Vicky to please her. He throws back what has she done for him? She wouldn’t loan money to him, remember? And he’s still mad about her lackey Bernardo beating him up. Fedra gets back to the case in point. Pretty soon Vicky will get rid of all of them and it would be very convenient if she were dead.

Ilitia runs behind Brandon for protection and Vicky gasps to Eman to help her. I guess she can’t reach into her own purse. Eman pushes FL aside and runs to Vicky. FL runs to Ilitia and grabs her from behind. Brandon coaches her, remember the kick! A bite on the arm and a kick in the nuts sends Ilitia into Brandon’s arms and FauxLirio driving away in a car that mysteriously showed up out of nowhere. But no matter about that now, the right people are finally hugging! Brandon is with Ilitia and Eman is with MariVicky.

Mañana: Netty confronts Fedra and tells Eman that his mom poisoned Mari.

Boo hoo, I couldn't get my screen shots to upload! I'll try again tomorrow.


La Verdad Oculta EP88 01/20/2011 – Hell hath no fury like foster parents fighting for custody

*Elsa tells Ulises she broke up with Mauricio and also quit her job, therefore she’ll have to find another flat. But don’t worry, mi reina, Mau paid the rent for 6 months in advance. As for the new job, Zaida has connections and Ulises will ask her to help. Anyway, he’s sure one day Elsa and Mauricio will get together again. No, says Elsa, she likes him very much but she isn’t in love with him, and she can’t play with his heart. But Ulises, who’s the founder of the Mau Fan Club, gives her a some love advices. Outside he meets Zaida and Édgar, who apologizes for his horrible behaviour. He thought he was harassing Zaida and his job is to defend her, that’s why he hit him. Sorry, sorry, sorry. All right, all right, Ulises forgives him because he likes Zaida so much.

* At JJ’s Elsa shows up to take Caramelo home. Asunción pulls a beaten dog again: but it’s too early, Señorita Elsa! However, now that she has no job she has more time to spend with the girl. Naturally Asunción may meet Cara anytime… at her flat. But he doesn’t want to bother her or the architect… No, don’t worry, she and Mauricio are over. In Michoacan Dora and her dearest old friend Jorge talk about her fears and hopes. She couldn’t put the members of the Stupendous Six and their families into lethal danger, that’s why she left. She thanks to Jorge for treating her so kindly.

* While David and Gaby are walking (!) in the sunny garden of the Genovés villa, they’re talking about their favourite villano, Adolfo. Although Dolphie tried to hurt them, all he’s achieved is to make David braver and more determined. Gaby is content because finally she realized David truly loved her and she’s already forgiven for the fake marriage. However, David’s very worried about his poor mother who is alone in the world without a penny; hopefully Leonardo will find her soon.

*At the bazaar Chicles falls in love with a cute party mask, a giant nose with glasses and a moustache, but it costs 30 pesos. Lucha doesn’t give him money and she doesn’t let Asunción buy the mask either. The kid has to learn he can’t get everything he wants. Bertha visits Carlos to say goodbye, she’s going to have vacation by the sea. With Adolfo? No, with Jimena. When Carlos learns his father gave an apartment to Bertha his brain explodes. Bertha objects to his tone: she never slept with Adolfo and he always treated her very well! Carlos tries to make his stupid lover realize Adolfo doesn’t give gifts out of charity and she’ll have serious problems with him later, but she’s a stubborn little mule.

* When Juan José arrives at home he finds a very depressed Limón *Viewerville: baby, seems like everywhere I go I see you…*, who tells him Elsa took the kid. JJ swears he won’t swallow that insult, Caramelo is theirs and he’s going to speak with Elsa right now! *Viewerville: baby, I swear it’s déjà vu* Twenty minutes later the hell breaks loose at Elsa’s. Why did she come for the kid so early? Because she had every right to do that and she wanted Caramelo to be with her. Oh really? He and Asunción also have every right to be with her and he will pick up Caramelo every day. No, she doesn’t want JJ to come to her flat. And why not? Because I don’t like it, says a voice behind JuanJo. Hi, Mauricio. The guys continue the peacock fight outside the flat, and in the meantime Elsa tries to calm upset Caramelo down.

Get the hell out of here! - You don’t tell me what I can’t do! - If you keep harassing Elsa you may get back to the prison! - I don’t care for Elsa, I want to see Caramelo! - I’m going to break the contract, because I’m fed up with you, JuanJo! - You can’t! And by the way, who was the one who introduced me to that blackmailer Garnica? - How dare you assume that of me! – Oh really?!
Ulises and Elsa join the Fight Club which leads to more insults and shouts. Finally Juan José and his loud voice leave but he’s determined to pick up the girl next day. Poor Ulises doesn’t understand what happened to people lately, this calm house is filled with violent men… Though they are very handsome… Back in the flat Mauricio says Elsa’s problem would be solved easily if she married him. Anyway, she’d better spend a few days in his condo; therefore JJ won’t be able to harass her and Caramelo anymore. But no, Elsa wants to stay. After Mauricio leaves the girl collapses and Ulises tries to comfort her. I smell a new friendship.

* Fausto is worried about David’s plan, it’d be a disaster if Adolfo found out he can walk again. Yes, but they have to do something. He only wants to confuse Adolfo and force him to commit an error. Fausto says at first he found David’s plan of playing Q frightening but lately a stunning idea has come to his mind… David should transform into another person! What? At first David finds the idea embarrassing, he isn’t FaustiMario, he can’t play someone else… But eventually Fausto’s enthusiasm convinces him.

*Valentín gives back the content of the safe to Sevilla. But where’s the letter? Oh no, it’s surely in the ocean with Garnica. Never mind. Sevilla thinks he can use the content of the letter anyway, it won’t be hard to scam that naïve Victoria, and if Valentín behaves well he’ll be given another opportunity.

*In Zaida’s apartment Ulises flirts and chats with Psycho Eddie, who’s suddenly very friendly and humble. Their bromance is interrupted by nervous Zaida, from whom Ulises asks a favor: that lovely girl from the next door has just broken up with Mauricio and needs a job. Zaida says she’ll try to help her, but hey, what happened between her and the architect? Ulises doesn’t know, but it may have something to do with the hunk with whom Mau had a fight a few hours ago.

* David and Gaby are woken up by the phone call from his upset secretary who has to bear Adolfo’s presence in his office. David tries to tell Gaby about his great plan and her future leadership of the hotel chain but she doesn’t want to listen to him. Oh, mi amor, you’re crazy, I don’t want to do that!

* Zaida shows up at Garnica’s office to ask him a favor. *Viewerville: Zaida, we beg you for a favor. Please buy a bra.* There’s a girl who needs a job. Is she a tigress like Zaida, jokes Sevilla. Zaida feigns ignorance, she doesn’t know what he’s talking about. But Elsa doesn’t seem to be a very intelligent girl, she’s rather naïve. Well, then she could serve Sevilla well. Ewww.

*At JJ’s Chicles tells Caramelo he has got a letter… the letter she wants so much, but it costs 30 pesos. Caramelo asks JJ for money who gives 30-30 pesos to both kid. Now Caramelo can buy her favourite letter that she puts it into her backpack. *Viewerville: scream and scratch the wall*

* After learning that David can walk again and the Genovés men have another mysterious plan, ruminating Alejandra confesses to Gaby she broke up with Juan José. Gaby feels very bad for telling David about the kiss but Ale assures her it wasn’t Gaby’s fault but JJ’s. Actually, she’s grateful for Gabriela. In the meantime the Mini Goon of the Victoria household buys the cool mask which makes poor Lucha very angry at him, but JJ convinces her to let the boy keep it. The family plans to go to the cinema.

* Guess who shows up at the Genovés villa? The Guy With Real Moustache who’d like to talk with David privately. Qué the hell? David sits back to his wheelchair and asks Carlos if he came to help his pig of a father to steal their company. Believe or not, Carlos came to give him something that may help him. He puts the ring on the table and leaves without a word. Cool.

Viewerville: Mau in a kayak.



Thursday, January 20, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #177-178 1/20/11 Everybody's interpretation of love.

Capitulo 177.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

Everybody's talking about love today.

  • Julieta realizes Lety loves Fernando.
  • Marcia tells Teresita that Fernando loves Lety.
  • Teresita gives her definition of love.
  • Omar thinks that the cure for a broken heart is a callgirl.
  • Fernando tells four people that he loves Lety (Bartender 1, Paulina, Bartender 2, Taxista).
  • Marcia asks Fernando what makes him fall in love with a woman.
  • Marcia shows her "love" by crushing Fernando into even finer powder. She implies that Lety's actions demonstrate that Lety doesn't love Fern, while her own actions demonstrate that she does.
  • Lety asks Aldo what love means to him, and he tells her.
  • Aldo tries to weaken Lety's love for Fernando by listing how terrible he is.

1. MamaJ wonders why Lety did dirty business. She realizes Lety fell in love with Fernando.

2. Marcia tells MamaT that Fern fell in love with Lety, and Marcia knows she’s lost. MamaT tells her not to give up. Lety is NOTHING compared to Marcia, Fern had temporary insanity, and if he sees Lety again he’ll come to his senses.

3. Omar tells Fern he should spend his energy recovering Conceptos. Fern says he can’t think of anything until he resolves the Lety matter. Omar warns she’s going to come back transformed.

4. Lety refuses to let the hairdresser do anything. She has a meltdown, remembering the green nightmare. She Aldo tells Caro Lety is too fragile right now, and Caro shouldn’t have pressured her.

5. Tom tells Lety the papers were inadequate. The board is furious and Fern begged Lety to call him. She’s refuses to jump for the board; they need to respect her. If Fern is distressed, that’s his problem.

6. Omar hires a honey to tempt Fern back into his old life. He says, “Ay, Fernando, tonight you’ll forget all about your gargolita, I assure you.”

7. Aldo gives Lety a broken shell. She feels like he understands her. He says Caro wants to help her, but he likes her just as she is with her hurts and pains. Aldo says she thinks she’s fea so that’s what she projects. It’s her identity and she’s afraid to change because she won’t know who she is.

8. Lety asks Aldo why the wreck upset him so much, and he refuses to answer. She says his pop philosophy is a lie because he’s not happy either. He likes that she stands up to him like that.

9. MamaJ asks Tom what Fern did to Lety. Tom can’t answer; it’s too personal.

10. Omar says he has a surprise for Fern. Something he lost some time ago and misses very much. Fern concludes it’s Lety and Omar doesn’t argue.



Capitulo 178.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando thinks it strange that Lety would agree to meet him at a hotel. But he’s thrilled and he forgives Omar for all the stupid things he’s done.

2. Marcia tells MamaT that if Lety comes back to sign the papers, Fern won’t let her go and Lety might try to win him back too. MamaT says Marcia should fight for her man.

3. Aldo tells Lety that he renounced his family because his father insisted that he become an engineer. His mother died when he was an adolescent. He’s unwilling to tell Lety what upset him today.

4. Fern looks for Lety in the hotel bar, and he describes her to the bartender. Paulina the working girl starts working him but all he wants to talk about is Lety. He says his friend located her and set up this date, then her realizes Omar duped him.

5. Lety and Caro mutually apologize for what happened at the hairdresser. Lety says the board ordered her to attend the meeting tomorrow, but she won’t go. Aldo invites everyone to his fiesta for Lety.

6. Fern lets Paulina kiss him while he looks at Lety’s photo, but it’s not working. She discovers the photo and leaves. Fern says her kisses don’t have the magic of Lety’s.


Pardon me, I’m going to take a little space to detail Marcia’s two usual rants, so in the future I can just refer to them by name and not repeat myself every time Marcia does (remember “Juan’s Lines” and “Sofia’s Lines”?).
7. Marcia asks Fern what he’ll do if Lety doesn’t come back or doesn’t want him. Fern’s unwilling to discuss it. She asks him what traits make him fall in love with a woman. She gives what I will hereafter call “The Marcia Taunt”: Lety delivered his head to the committee; she gave Marcia his cards and letter, the proof of his treachery (Marcia leaves out the part about calling Security); she sends a stand-in when he asks her to meet with the board; and she acts like she doesn’t feel anything for Fernando (that last one was a dagger to the heart). He’s in water up to his neck and Lety left him. Fern says he hurt Lety, but Marcia counters with what I will hereafter call “The Marcia Pitch”: even though he hurt her, she’ll always stand by her man (right beside Tammy Wynette). She could never abandon him like Lety did.

8. Aldo says love means being able to give up everything for love, and to love the other person’s defects and weaknesses. He says a man feels protected and supported with a woman like her.

9. Aldo must’ve taken lessons from Marcia. What shall we call this? “The Aldo Accusation”? He tells Lety, “I know how much you love Fernando, but he doesn’t deserve you. He deceived you and used you. You gave him all your love and he didn’t give any back. You know how to love and he doesn’t.” To change the subject, she asks him to dance.

Too bad the band doesn’t play Save the Last Dance for Me. (Laugh and sing, but while we’re apart, don’t give your heart to anyone.)


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