Saturday, July 02, 2011

La Pola - June 27-July 1, 2011 - A Revolution Without a Leader; Hell Burns in Sámano's Eyes; Will Love Conquor All?

Summary: The lines are drawn as the revolution begins. Trouble brews in the palace when the vireina is exposed as a cheat. Alejo realizes that he will always love Pola and finally reads the letter. Nariño must be released from jail as he is the choice of the junta to lead the revolution. The crowd gets out of control, and we see Hell in Sámano’s eyes.


A letter arrives for the viceroy from Popayan. This is just what I need, he says.

In Santa Fé Pola just misses seeing Alejo – she walks away from Arcos who flirts with her and calls him a saltimbuco (jerk) like you, turns away and Alejo catches up with Arcos.

At the manse Leandro will not let his father see the letter. After all that I did for you. What did you do for me, ask Leandro. You prevented me from getting married and having a family. You did all that for Alejo – you never thought about me. I wanted to solve family problems, says Francisco. Alejo has always been better than me. I am going to dedicate myself to living for pleasure.

Domingo tells Gertrudis that he is going to fix Juliano forever. The galeno has to look at Cata to find out why she doesn’t get pregnant. Look at her? When he realizes where, he says no. She doesn’t treat me like she loves me. Gertrudis suggests that he take a bath so that he doesn’t stink like a horse; buy some more elegant clothes, and get some of the tobacco stains off his teeth. So, if I do these things, will Cata love me. Yes, real soon.

Bernarda and Nicolasa help clean up Juliano. He got this for a look. Is that true, Juliano. You must act differently. Why would a woman like that look at me? So, can this woman have him beaten at will, says Nicolasa. Juliano tells her that this is the life we have. She is encaprichada (betwitched) with you, replies Nicolasa.

Santa Fé: The troops march into the city. Baraya goes to the front and calls a halt. He calls Alejo – we haven’t met. Accompany me, he says to Alejo. After hearing about what happened to you in Madrid, It is clear that you support the king to the death. It is more difficult now that France is involved. Can I confide in you, alférez?

Sámano arrives at the palace. What’s happening. Una sublevación (insurrection, revolt) in Quito. The people in jail are dead. Oidor Jurado says this is a very grave accusation. Do you susggest that we march against Popayan. We must find out if Tacón followed the law. The other governor says Jurado doesn’t have enough experience. Sámano sneers at the death of those men The creoles are cowards. Her majesty: we have confusing information that we cannot confirm. Vireina to the viceroy: they have a right to know. Napoleon threw Fernando VII off the throne. There is no government. Now they have a French king. Sámano – Spain has a French king. If the creoles find out about this they will take over here. Her majesty advises that it is very important that nobody find out about this.

Baraya – we want to be sure our country doesn’t fall into French hands. Some of the officials have shown sympathy for France, and Sámano is inciting the Viceroys – can we count on you, he asks Alejo. Sámano is as against France as we are, says Alejo. Alejo tells Baraya that he has his word. Iglesias takes note as he lurks in a corner.

Palace –What would happen if France takes over? What would we do asks governor Jurado. Vireina: America is condemned to the same fate at Spain. What do we do asks Jurado again. The viceroy will let them know as the solution will arrive when it should. Now, this info must not leave this room.

Prison – Báltasar is let out for some some air and sunshine, but Nariño is denied this privilege.

Magda teaches her daughter how to sew. A letter arrives for Magda. It is the governor’s reply to our pleas: …I am very sorry I cannot help you. I have orders .. I understand your pain .. .When are they going to let him out, mama, asks the little girl. Magda shakes her head.

In Popayan Ignacia is packing. Francisco enters – you don’t seem to be happy about your trip. I am not. Aren’t you going to Peru. No – to the convent. The only way to save this marriage is to do what Gaspar requires. Do you think so. Alejo will not go after the mestiza. I am going to pray for him every day so that he doesn’t end up with her. It would have to look like Alejo is crazy for you for your father to allow you two together, but, she doesn’t understand. Men like women they have to conquer. But for me he is life or death. No, says Francisco, for Alejo it is a question of life or death – not for you

As Sámano gets all dressed up in civilian clothes Iglesias passes on info to him that Sabaraín talked to Baraya. It appears that they know each other, reports Iglesias. Nobody must know about this. Where are you going. To Don Jorge’s. He packs a pistol. I am sure that the info that I carry with me will have the impact that I want the creoles to feel, and that the viceroys will put the fate of this country in my hands.

Arco walks down the street smiling. Was it a girl, Alejo asks. Yes. All you want to talk about is girls. And what about Pola? Alejo doesn’t want to talk about that subject.

Pola is helping Facundo arrange fruit. An official by the name of Llorentes approaches and asks him to pay taxes. She tries to find out what is happening and is told not to interfere. Carbonel listens. She keeps butting in and clearly annoys the man. She gets in an argument – you peninsulares think you have blue blood and that the rest of us have blood like tomatoes.

At Jorge’s, Sámana says the American land belongs to our king. France is sending emissaries to get this land. Fernando VII did not get the throne back. I am not disposed to betray Spain. Nor are we, says Jorge. The viceroys are prepared to defend it to death. You could end up like the people of Quito – in prison, ask Jorge? – no dead.

A young boy asks Arco and Alejo to break up a disturbance in the market.

Jorge tells his friends – well you heard it. And the viceroy is doing nothing. The French king is not legitimate. We will not permit it. Our moment of power has arrived.

The official – what you are saying is very serious. We are not going to stop annoying this chapetón (a European lately arrived in America). I am saying the truth – thief. We are not going to permit you to abuse us.

Alejo and Arco arrive. Both Alejo and Pola look shocked. Arco looks pleased.

The revolutionaries conclude that to take power, they have to have the support of the people. Why does Sámano have so much information. He doesn’t want to help the French. Maybe what he wants is for us to reveal ourselves so that he can take the power of the viceroys. If Sámano takes power there will be too much bloodshed. Baraya will do everything to avoid it.

Pola looks at Alejo like they are in a different world. Lloretes wants Alejo to take her prisoner.

Gaspar – what are you doing María Ignacia? These are my clothes. Gaspar – you are not going on vacation. She sends them back. Acacia is left to care for Francisco and María Teresa.

The ruckus continues in the market. Who called who a thief and chapatón? I don’t ask pardon of anyone. Alferez – do your duty, says Llorentes. I will jail you too, Alejo replies. What is your name – Alejo Sabaraín. He turns away from Pola. She says thanks for defending me. What are you doing in Santa Fe? He asks. Have you married? She wants to know. Why are you offending a peninsular? Didn’t you receive my letter, asks Pola? You wrote that I robbed your honor, says Alejo. You don’t understand, she says, but finally she sees how angry he is and how futile the conversation has gotten and replies, Yes I said it.. Arco asks her if she remembers him – your future husband.

Nariño says he may not have sun, but he will not die of hunger. Báltasar is feeding me. Tonito brings him food. They have left our mother nothing to sell, says Tonito. She needs help urgently.

Magda faints in the kitchen. Her nose is bleeding.

Tonito tells his father that he will not leave. Have you heard anything about what is happening in Cartagena. Yes, says Tonito, the commission looks on Cartagena favorably – the junta. It is because the situation in Spain is very serious, says Nariño.

The revolutionaries believe it is the moment for them to form a junta Americana. Carbonel is closest to the people in town. People will follow you. Carbonel is firm. He does not want to form a government with the viceroys. Jorge calls him bruto (course), and Carbonel agrees. When they agree to dispose of the viceroys, Carbonel agrees to work with them.

In preison Nariño asks if there will be a similar junta in Santa Fé. What bothers me says Tonito is that you are not there. You are the best fighter for human rights. Baraya, Carbonel, Petrona –people may not follow them.

Jorge – Get rid of the vr – yes, why not. The viceroy depends on Spain. And Spain must not continue deciding our destiny. Jorge – it would be wonderful to make our own decisions. We have to convince the people that a junta would act in their best interest without all these taxes. Carbonel – can we count on you. Yes, I know a lot of people like Jorge.

Pola runs after Alejo – please let me explain. There is nothing to explain. I don’t want to talk to you. She is deeply hurt – why are you crying, he asks. Ever Since the last time I saw you I imagined what it would be like to see you, but this is a nightmare. It doesn’t matter. Are you already married. He lies. Yes, I’m already married and I shouldn’t talk to a woman. I understand, says Pola. She wishes him happiness – that he wil be very happy. Thank you. Arcos is angry. Pola is devastated.

The little family gathering, including Acacia arrives at the convent. Your father made an agreement with the mother superior for a year – you have to understand. When the punishment is over I promise it will be as before. Gaspar tells Ignacia that this is for her own good. Ignacia still insists that the mestiza, the mestiza caused this. Gaspar – you are righr Eusebia says that a year will pass quickly.

Cata finishes praying. Nicolasa arrives and wants to know what she is doing. She will not take the drink from Nic. Nic – you are crazy because Juliano will not pay attention to you. Cata – you are ridiculous. Nicolasa tells her that Juliano will never love her. Cata says I am beautiful and distinguished I am a doña. You are a slave. But, Nicolasa end it with your husband promised that our child would be free.


Gertrudis wants t know what Nicolasa said to Cata, but Cata just says “nothing.”

Pola asks Alejo, can’t we be friends. Our destinies cross. You cannot find another unconditional friend, she pleads.

I will consider it, says Alejo, but the feelings between you and me have changed. He takes the medal and his fingers linger and touch hers.

In the convent Ignacia is dressed as a nun. She shouts out ‘’isn’t anybody going to speak to me while I am here?” She screams get me out of here.

Carbonel promises his band of brothers that he will go house to house and village to village to win support. They all agree that Sámano must not find out. Carbonel admits that he knows his limitations and that everyone should decide what type of government they should have. Jorge, the snob, says everybody, like artists and workmen? Finally, they all agree that the village should decide. Then they want Nariño to be the leader. They plan to free him from prison.

Domingo goes to see the mayor who is very busy, but not too busy to ask if Domingo knows anything about Pola. Nada, says Domingo. Domingo asks the mayor where he gets his clothes.

Anyway, the other three revolutionaries know that they need Carbonel. But, Jorge says that with Carbonel, we open the door for Nariño. They also have to insure that Baraya won’t let Sámano create a river of blood.

At the royal palace, the vireina and Sámano converse. He asks: Do you think the creoles merit a lesson? But, the dear lady still does not want to risk her fortune. She still warns him to be sure that they don’t find out what is going on in Spain (they already know it). He still wants to know the threat she is concerned about. Tell me, he demands, but she will not do that.

Meanwhile Sr. Portacarrero goes to the palace, and the town gossips note his presence.

Gaspar gives papers from Spain to Francisco and tells him how to manage the house and slaves. He also tells Francisco to be careful with the paintings (cuadros) while Eusebia tells María Teresa about the care and feeding of Ignacia’s piano.

You really don’t trust us, says Francisco. Rest assured, we will take care of everything. Gaspar tells him that it is very hard for him to accept that Francisco got his daughter to lie. Francisco just makes up another story. Yes, I know, says Gaspar – you did it just to spare Alejo from the mestiza. Francisco says that he has spent the better part of his life separating Alejo from the mestiza.

Arcos defends Pola. Alejo tells him that Pola is the woman who stole his heart. But, you told her you were married. She is very clever, says Alejo. She accused me of robbing her honor, and she took money from my father. My brother said he saw her living with slaves. But, you told me you didn’t trust your brother. Arcos says that she doesn’t look like a liar to him. Do you think she would have returned the medal to you? And then Iglesias arrives on the scene and tells Alejo that Sámano wants to see him.

Pola walks down the street crying. She stops at a corner and Carbonel arrives on the scene. He asks permission to speak to her. She, of course, wants to speak to him. He wants to know if she is still interested in their cause. They need the support of the people. She says she can pull them in and raise their spirits (enredar and animar). Llorente (tax collector) is userero (unscrupulous money lender). You can count on me. Petra lurks in the background.

Domingo arrives at the homestead dressed as a fop. Cata stifles a laugh. He wants to know if she likes what she sees. You’re very elegant. Did your title arrive? (Apparently Domingo has been trying to buy a title.) No, he says, it is very difficult for things to arrive from Spain.

As Gaspar and Eusebia leave the mansion, she asks that when María Ignacia completes her punishment, will you reconsider? Eusebia still thinks she can change his mind, and Gaspar ends the conversation with “…as long as it doesn’t cost me another dowry.”

Domingo tells Gertrudis that marrying Cata was a mistake and that she will never look at him.

Sámano asks Alejo about the incident in the market. We only believe the word of the noble, not the chuspa (peasants). Do you understand? Do you understand? Why didn’t you detain the girl?

Meanwhile Petra goes through Pola’s box, and she finds Matea’s earrings. Pola enters and asks what she is doing. You stole them from Matea. Enter Matea – I gave them to her. Why don’t you like Pola, asks Matea. The mestizos are not to be trusted, says Petra. From this day on Matea tells her that she has to get along with Pola. When Pola and Matea are alone, Pola asks Matea if she has eve given Petra a dress or earrings. No. Maybe that’s it. Then she tells Matea that Alejo is in Santa Fé.

None of your explanations suffice for not detaining the girl. That girl incited the people against peninsular Llorente. I am going to give you another chance. This land belongs to Spain, and the Spanish get preferences in everything. We will soon have you fight for this land against those who would take it. There will be rivers of blood (we’ve heard that before).

Pola tells Matea that she returned the medal. He married. I knew this was going to happen. He never trusted me. Matea tells her to forgive this society that judges on the color of skin. Now things have changed. They are going to form an American junta. They want me to help. If these plans happen, Nariño will return.

Magda talks about the possibility of a junta, also, and that if their father decides to do it, they will support him. Her nose bleeds again. The maid tells the children that happens when people don’t eat.

Francisco asks the maid for the keys to wine cellar. He is all dressed up in Gaspar’s clothes and he tells María Teresa not to wait for him for dinner. She is appalled because they promised to take care of things, including Gaspar’s clothes.

Cata whips herself again. She is going for purification. What is wrong with me? She wants the thoughts to leave her head. Outside Juliano walks in the moonlight and flashes back to his conversation with Nicolasa – they are our owners … and then he remembers the incident with Cata.

Ignacia is hungry. Finally, an older nun opens the door and tells her she must be calm. I am in jail, and I am hungry. My father paid a lot of money for this. The nun tells Ignacia that she brought her food, but that in this place the most important food is spiritual. She also tells Ignacia that she will return in a week to see if her soul is ready for God. Ignacia only wants to pray to God to keep Alejo away from the mestiza so that she can marry him.

Alejo looks at the medal, and he remembers when he gave it to Pola. I gave it to her to have an excuse to return to her – and then he remembers The Kiss.

Pola cries in her bed.

Later at the cuartel Arcos remarks to Alejo that the situation is complicated? The rest of troops from Santa Fé have arrived from Popayan. Alejo sees Leandro. They are actually glad to see one another. Leandro asked for permission to join this troop. But, that is not the real reason he is here. He wanted to get away from their father.

Pola tells Matea that she is going to a meeting. Petra makes an excuse to Matea to get some time off, but, she is really following Pola.

Leandro tells about receiving a letter that will show him what a snake their father is. I have it. Take it. It is from the mestiza. Aren’t you going to read it? I can wait, says Alejo.

A lot of people are going to the meeting. Pola catches up with Facundo. Petra lurks.

Alejo introduces Leandro to Arcos. Sámano has callled all of us We are at the punto de reventar (breaking point).

At the royal palace Sámano asks the viceroy what is this. He is told it is a list of men who should be behind bars because they are accused of conspiracy against the viceroy of Nueva Granada. If it is true what the creoles are planning he doesn’t have to consult the vireina. Sámano is ready to do his duty.

Baraya and the revolutionaries: 30th of July – market day. Can we call on your support? Baraya says the troops don’t know our plans. He has to think about how to communicate with the troops. We have to get to the people.

Pola is doing a good job of getting to the people. Get anything she tells them – sticks, machetes. Then they all go inside a building.

Sámano is holding forth in front of the troops. We have to defend Spain from a group of traitors who are trying to take power. The moment to defend our country has arrived. They are using the excuse of defending the interests of Spain, but they are just trying to take power. They are trying to get the support of the people.


In front of the troops Sámano begins, we are in a state of high alert. Alejo wants to know if we are going to fire against the people. Sámano says if necessary. In times of war there are two sides – our side and the enemy. Don’t forget that when the moment arrives.

Baraya – the troops aren’t going to fire against the people. Here we are all Spaniards. Don Camilo Torres says that as of tomorrow there will be a big difference between the Spanish and the Spanish-Americans.

They are trying to avoid violence and still believe there is hope for a junta. Jorge says that the viceroy believes in him. They ask Jorge to lead a commission to meet with the viceroy, but he declines. Don Camilo steps up and volunteers.

At the meeting, Pola tells the people that we have to help in the formation of the junta.

The revolutionaries wonder if the king of Spain is going to continue being their king. They debate. The final answer is “never.” Carbonel agrees.

At the cuartel Leandro says that the situation is now complicated. Alejo asks Leandro if he thinks Sámano will order them to fire on the people. Leandro: remember the military – listen a lot, obey a little. Have you read the letter, he asks Alejo. She is not the woman for me, but I will never love another. Leandro tells him that he is ridiculous. Pola is in Santa Fé. She returned the medal to me. I never thought you would get it back remarks Leandro. You should not read the letter.

The revolutionaries decide not to include the viceroy in the junta. Do you know Nariño they ask of the comisionado. ….yes….I intervened for him. He was in a mazmorra and now that he is in a better prison he is getting better. The new governor of Cartagena is decent. Baraya says that he will be here just when we need him. The do not want to include Carbonel and coincidentally, neither did Nariño.

Meanwhile Pola asks the assemblage to support what Carbonel says. They have some secret signals, cabildo abierto – people in power. Carbonel says the people will make the decisions. There will be no more viceroys, and we will get rid of the soldiers, too. But, Carbonel tells them the soldiers will help.

Báltasar learns that the new governor of Cartagena is setting him free. Magda, whispers Nariño, I am going to see you, but the guard tells him that he has no notice for him.

A priest/doctor tends to Magda, and he tells her that she has to eat, If you don’t get better, when you husband returns you will not be found. As he leaves, the priest tells Magda’s sister that if her husband were here, she would get better.

As Pola walks down the street in Santa Fé, she remembers Alejo telling her that he had already married. Arcos shows up and says I know who you are thinking about. Remember me? I am your future husband. I wanted to talk to you and you practically hit me. He knows her name, and he tells her that Alejo spoke a lot about her.

Alejo has the letter in his hand. He opens it and begins to read it. “…I need you to believe me. I did not have anything to do with what my aunt and sister did…I will testify before any authority … you did not steal my honor … you stole my life …I am waiting for you … don’t look for me in Guaduas. I am in Santa Fé.” Pola

Did you tell our father about this, asks Alejo. What did he say? Believe me, says Leandro, you don’t want to know.

Petra knows where Pola goes. The revolt is being organized. Pola walks in. Petra accuses her of being a revuelta. Matea tells Petra that Pola is not hiding anything from her because she is aware of what Pola is doing.

Alejo – so, he never sent the money. He kept the dowry. Now you know why I am here, says Leandro. Yes, I saw her in a stable, but, it didn’t mean she lived in sin. I don’t like her, but ou father is a miserable. He begged me to do everything to stop you and Pola. Leandro tells Alejo to let his conscience be his guide. Alejo remarks that “…I know Pola. She will never forgive me.”

Petra tells Matea that she doesn’t understand. What we are trying to do is to have everybody represented. Matea is in agreement. Petra says that to go against the king is to go against God. Matea cautions her to be very careful in talking about this.

20 July 1810 – Many people begin showing up at the market in Santa Fé.

Sámano shaves and smiles to himself. His moment has arrived. (Ed: The actor in this part is wonderful. He gets across just enough intelligent evil to make Sámano very believable and real. He smiles, while he shaves and conveys the feeling that the razor scraping his face is a metaphor for what is yet to come. It is obvious he enjoys the danger.)

When Pola awakes, she notices that Petra is gone. She quickly dresses and goes after her and catches up to Petra as she reaches the cuartel.

Arcos tells Alejo that he hopes he has changed his opinion of Pola. But, says Arcos, she only has eyes for you. If not, I would be first on the list to conquer her heart.

The vireina gets down from her carriage to go shopping and notes that the lazy mestizos haven’t yet opened their shops. Her lover finds her. He wants to talk to her in private. It seems that he wants the house back. Do you think I will return a gift? You dream of sleeping with royalty has been fulfilled.

Tonito is trying to get his father’s freedom. Why isn’t he free. The governor tells him that he cannot free all the criminals. But, my father is not a criminal. The word of one man and his son. Further, the governor doesn’t know how long he will be in jail. There are rumors of a junta in Santa Fé. Tonito says that if the Spanish don’t succeed in killing him, now it is his friends who will do that.

Magda appears to be dying. She has lost the will to live. She thinks it will be better for everybody if she dies. Everybody hates me. Her sister tells her that the only important person is her husband and what he thinks.

When the vireina arrives at the palace, the viceroy asks her if she knows Portacarrero.

At the cuartel, Petra asks to speak to the owner – el mandamo. Iglesias lauphs in her face. Pola sees her. Petra tells Iglesias that she is going to tell him about a revolt. With that news, Iglesias tells her that he will tell the colonel. When he leaves, Pola grabs Petra. Petra is not convinced that anything will get better. It is even possible to free all of you, says Pola. Don’t you want to be a free woman?

The viceroy tells the vireina that Portacarrero didn’t come to see her. He came to see me. Please leave us alone. The vireina says that man is not welcome in our house. We have had bad business with him. What type of business asks the viceroy?

When Iglesias returns, he can’t find Petra. Sámano wants to know where she is. I assure you she was here to tell us about a revolt. Did she say when. No. Today is market day, true? Her warning is true, says Sámano.

The vireina says that man is her enemy and she wants him out and calls the guards. Wait, says the viceroy. The vireina says that he must not sully the name of the vireina. Portacarrero says this woman is the devil incarnate.

After all is said and done, Pola enlists Petra to the cause.

In Guaduas Domingo is all dressed up and pays a visit to the mayor. The mayor wants to know if he has news of Pola. Yes, she wrote me. She wrote to terminate the denuncia about Juliano. She asked about her brother. Cata is taking care of him. Is she thinking of returning, asks the mayor? No. Anyway, your wig arrived. Put it on. No, says Domingo. Where is my title. The mayor reminds him that the situation in Spain is getting worse, but the mayor has the solution.

Pola and Petra are in the market. Everything is planned. Facundo and Raimundo want to know if Petra is going to help. Then the rest of the revolutionaries arrive. Now we have to find out if the viceroy is disposed to help us get rid of Spain.

Juliano asks Nicolas if there is something to drink. Nicolasa doesn’t want him to be beaten for seeing her. If you haven’t been beaten it is because la ama is content. Juliano tells her that she has to change her behavior with him. If you don’t, our marriage will be over. Nicolasa tells him not to put all the blame on her.

Cata whips herself. When am I going to get the ideas of this negro out of my head?

The revolutionaries are before the viceroy. The seek his support for a new junta that will represent Spain and the viceroy.

The vireina enters. Don’t believe those satrapas. The viceroy tells her that they came to see him about an American junta. We will not permit such a government she shrieks. We cannot authorize such a junta. It is lack of fidelity to the viceroy. You are not the best person to talk about fidelity she is reminded.


What did you mean, Don Camilo Torres? You were saying something about the fidelity of my wife. Your excellency, it is a question of fidelity. All the people of Santa Fé know that your wife is unfaithful with Portacarrera and that she has been with different persons. The whole city knows Portacarero gave her a house – “Amor es un deliciosa”. The viceroy orders everybody out and wants to be alone with his wife. You are canallas says the viceroy. The vireina deserves respect.

Then the viceroy sends the revolutionaries out. As to your petition, he tells them, my reply is the same. The king put me in this position, and I owed him obedience. The day that he has a letter from the king with his seal is the day he will authorize them.

Nariño tells Tonito that the viceroy will not last long in Santa Fé. Tonito says that they know that you have a relationship with those men. Father, he asks, why have you lost faith in those men.

In the market Pola, Facundo, Raimundo, Petra and Carbonel are waiting to find out if the matter with the viceroy worked out.

In the palace, the vireina cries. She orders all the guards out. Antonio, she pleads, don’t believe the words of our enemies. I have always loved you.

In the cuartel, Arcos tells Iglesias to speak. What did that woman want? Iglesias says he only takes orders from his superiors. Alejo tells him that he is his superior. Iglesias says that you (Alejo) are my superior in rant only and that Alejo is not superior to him.

The other soldiers grab him and want to put him in the brig. The black woman came to warn us of a revolt, squeals Iglesias. Alejo warns that if there is a revolt, the troops will not go against the people.

The mayor hands Domingo a certificate. But, Domingo can’t read. This is a certificate that says you are of noble origin. Only the king can give titles. This is a title of Don Domingo. It is yours for a very low price – 400 pesos. And, the money will be sent to the king.

The revolutionaries tell Jorge that authorization would only come from the king. Who will contraol the multitude they ask. Baraya says he can do it. Then, Sámano will get the troops out.

Cata whips herself AGAIN, but this time Nicolasa watches. Cata begs God to help her, but her imagination runs wild. Juliano is so bad and good in her dreams. She talks to him, and Nicolasa hears. Cata thinks she is going crazy and prays for help.

In the market, Carbonel tells Morales that they depend on him. Pola waits with Carbonel. Morales goes into the building to cause trouble. He picks up a piece of porcelain. Llorente tells him to be careful. It costs 100 pesos. I do not think I am going to pay, says Morales. Let’s say it is a loan.

At the cuartel, Alejo and Leandro have a discussion. The troops are divided, and many are on the side of the Americans. Leandro thinks they are traitors. Leandro says the Spaniards here are obeying the orders of the king. But, Arco says the Spanish are just here to get rich. Leandro tells Alejo that his friends should be in jail, but Alejo insists that we are here to support the legitimate interests of his majesty and that we don’t want to fire against innocent people. Leandro tells him that is not a question for soldiers.

Llorentes ask Morales what do you mean a loan? Morales gets in an argument and Llorentes says the Americans are (expletive). Then the others run outside and say that they are insulting all Americans. Carbonel and a friend then go through the crowd agitating the people with Pola’s help. Then the crowd descends upon the building.

In Guaduas Domingo is home, and he gets a mirror out of a chest and tries on his wig. Then he looks at the paper he got from the mayor, but he can’t read it.

The vireina tries to get close to the viceroy. How can you be so unjust with men, Antonio. I have sacrificed everything for you. I followed you to this jungle, this dirty land, even the food is terrible. The viceroy retorts: you have had entertainment all these years by fornicating.

The oidores break in and tell the viceroy that the situation is grave.

Sámano finds out from Iglesias that there are a lot of people in the market. This is the revolt the woman spoke of. Sámano wants to stop them. Imagine what it would be to have the creoles in the royal audience, he sneers. Sámano tells Iglesias to order the troops out. To himself Sámano says that at last the day has arrived.

In the cuartel, Delgado tells Alejo that Sámano has ordered them out. Baraya wants to know if he could fire.

The viceroy doesn’t want a tragedy. Oidor Jurado gets locked up by the viceroy’s guards, and tells the guards to lock up the rest of the oidores. Then he calls for Sámano because he wants to insure that nothing bad happens.

Gertrudis doesn’t recognize Domingo. He hopes Cata will be happy. Cata enters behind Domingo, and when he turns around, she stifles a laugh and then runs out. Domingo is tired of doing useless things. Cata is not a good wife, she is barren. The people in this village are saying I am not man enough to control my own wife.

As the revolt begins in the market, the people express their hatred for the Spaniards, but Pola says that some Spaniards are good people. She doesn’t want anything bad to happen to Matea. But, Facundo says that now is a good time to get rid of all of them.

Then they call out the mayor to control the crowd because the people are going crazy.

Sámano says the threat is real. The enemies of Spain want to take power. I am asking you a question: Are you ready to give your lives? Are you ready to give your lives?

He then orders the troops to go to different places in the city – some to the market, some to the palace.

Capt. Baraya he shouts out. No answer. We know where he is and who is the traitor. You know very well what you have to do.

Sámano then calls out the name of Teniente Sabaraín. Are you ready to lead your troops, and has your brother learned some discipline?

One of the oidores tells the viceroy that these people hate us. The vireina asks to leave because she has been insulted. Did you also know about my wife’s behavior, asks the viceroy? He doesn’t answer. Yes, you did. Everybody knows.

Cata and Gertrudis discuss Domingo’s clothes and the fact that he is now a don. Cata like that. She will be a doña. Then Gertrudis sees the marks on Cata’s back.

The mayor of Santa Fé goes out to the crowd and demands silence. We are going to put Llorentes in jail and punish him. The crowd goes wild. They shout out – let’s get the rest of them. You are making everybody crazy, he says to Carbonel and Pola.

Cata asks Gertrudis why is she looking at her body like that. You are doing this because of guilt, says Gertrudis. It is the herbs, says Cata, the effect never goes away. Gertrudis wants to know why she is so obsessed with Juliano. Cata, in a state of denial, says she is a married woman. You have tried everything, says Gertrudis, it seem God approves. Be careful and Domingo won’t suspect anything. Gertrudis asks God for Cata to get pregnant – otherwise Domingo will throw them in the street.

In Santa Fé, the crowd heads for the home of one of the oidores. They are going to kill him. He hides in an armoire.

The vireina goes out to a garden with a servant. She orders him to dig a hole and swears him to secrecy.

The crowd enters the oidor’s home and trashes it. Facundo opens the armoire and pulls the oidor out. The man begs for his life, but the all begin hitting him with sticks.


Teresa Fri 7/1/11 #90 It’s Rehash Friday – The day everyone rehashes their stories.

Recap of Teresa arriving at her home crying hysterically that she’s just been assaulted! Da-da-dum! Her purse was stolen! She’s so scared! Oh, did I mention the Euros were stolen as well? Good, then on we go.

Vecindad: FF>> scene: Everyone painting. Payaso Johnny excited because with his work driving the taxi, delivering Gemma’s sandwiches, and managing the vecindad will surely bring in good money. Pati thinks she can help with managing the vecindad. Johnny and Cutberto tease her about this.

Back at Casa Barrera: Luisa asks Amadeo the accountant to leave seeing as Teresa is in no condition to talk about business. She’s so distraught, doncha know. Armando offers to stay with her. Arturo comes rushing in. He sure got there super-fast. She’s really turned on the water works, telling him they took everything, including all the money he gave her for their trip. Arturo’s only glad she’s ok and that she wasn’t hurt. The rest doesn’t matter. Luisa walks Armando to the door, telling him her brother will be sure to care for Teresa. Armando hopes Arturo won’t make the same mistake again. (I thought this was an awkward time to bring that up. Just saying.) Luisa assures him Arturo will never make that mistake again and would do anything for her.

At the hospital, TibOriana has arrived at Mariano’s office, saying she’s come for a physical. This woman is so rude and such a metiche (meddling)! Before she visits the cardiologist, she wants him to know she knows all about his relationship with Teresa and Arturo, and everything that happened at the boda! He assumes this means she’ll no longer want to support his clinics. Nothing of the kind, she intends to be true to her word and promises he’ll have the social level he needs so badly to help his clinics.

Mayra, Aida, and Genoveva are working into the evening at Ruben’s office. Aida tells mom that she’s working on getting Mariano away from the vecindad, forget about Esperanza and Teresa, and forget about everything in his past. Mayra feels that would be best for everyone. Geno complains he’s wary about opening a line of credit. Aida explains he already bought a car on credit and doesn’t want to take on more debt without knowing for certain he can make both payments. Mayra thinks this is great. Geno comes up with this gem: “Ay que tener lo que se deba aunque se deba lo que se tiene.” (play on words, translated: one needs to have what one is owed even though one owes what one has) Aida says Mariano’s not like that; es muy ahorrativo (thrifty) y muy previsor (prudent). (Two new words for me) He insists on staying within his budget (presupuesto) and that’s probably why Oriana liked him. Mayra reacts, wondering if she’s talking about Oriana, viuda (widow) de Gijarro! Aida explains they met at el Club and even offered her support for his clinics. Aida’s happy about this as she’s sure it will thoroughly enrage Teresa!

Casa Barrera: Teresa is still a bit weepy, thanking Arturo for being so considerate and thoughtful. She thought he’d surely be angry because of the money lost. Oh, pshaw, he says. This could’ve happened to anyone. What’s important is that she’s safe. She continues to cry over the possibilities, thinking they could’ve taken her rings or her car! Again, he’s happy she’s safe and when she’s feeling better, they’ll go file a police report. Wait, what? Um, she was so scared she can’t even remember what he looked like. Arturo insists, saying she knows they have to file a report.

Back at the hospital, Mariano is grateful for Oriana’s help but he wants to avoid any problems with Arturo. Oriana says she’ll take care of that and thinks they can help each other. She wants him to tell her about his relationship with Teresa. He tells her that’s in the past and doesn’t wish to speak about it. Oriana takes this to mean he must still feel something for Teresa. He did try to stop the wedding, after all. He’s a smart guy, he had to have a good reason to do something so stupid. That’s what she wants to know. What gave him the nerve (valor=courage) to do that? He reminds her that caballeros have no memory. That’s all in the past and he now has eyes only for Aida. She sees he is discreet and this pleases her so she’ll help him. He politely declines her support saying she’s doing so only to get info from him that he’s not willing to divulge. On the contrary, she says, precisely because he was so dignified in his response, she feels he is deserving of the support for his clinics.

Vecindad: Armando stops by Johnny’s and Pati’s future apt and comes face to face with Ramon. There’s an awkward moment and Juana suggests it’s time they let bygones be bygones. Everyone chimes in and they go into another room to talk. They both agree they will continue to stand by their respective offspring but also want to remain friends.

Casa Barrera: Arturo and Teresa arrive from their visit to the police . He asks that she allow him to spend the night, promising he’ll just sleep by her side. She refuses and he agrees to spend the night in the guest room. Nice try, bucko. She tells him he really is a good man then climbs the stairs, leaving our hero sighing. Poor dude.

In the morning, Teresa shares her tragic assault story with Amadeo, the accountant. She wants him to teach her father basic accounting skills while she’s on vacation with her hubbie. She explains she wants her father to be able to help her organize her paperwork and also be of some help to Amadeo at the office. Amadeo agrees and Teresa promises she’ll compensate him for his efforts. He hesitates, saying Arturo already pays his salary. Teresa says one always needs more money. There’s nothing wrong with earning more money, so long as it’s done honestly. Amadeo shifts uncomfortably in his seat. She quotes, “Ante el arca abierta, hasta el más justo peca.” (loosely= before an open coffer, even the most honest will sin).
He gulps.

Vecindad: Mariano’s glad Ramon and Armando had a chance to talk things over. Ramon shares there were over 25 years of friendship at risk. He feels now is the time when Mariano most needs to stay away from Teresa. Mariano says there’s no need to worry and besides, she’s going on a trip with her husband. Ramon feels this is best for everyone. Mariano tells him about meeting Oriana, who is a very wealthy woman. Unfortunately, she’s tight with Arturo and Luisa. She wants to support the clinics but doesn’t want them to know about it and he’s not sure he should accept. Ramon says nothing good comes of keeping things in the dark. Mariano knows, but the clinics desperately need funding. Dad advises him to remember the truth is always best. Siempre.

Casa Barrera: Teresa continues to torture poor Amadeo, telling him a story about a “friend” of hers who knew of an accountant who became aware of his employer’s embezzling of millions. The employer offered said accountant an embarrassing amount of money to keep quiet. Amadeo, still shifting in his seat asks if she thinks the accountant did wrong by remaining silent. She doesn’t want to judge anyone but she does know that the accountant was very clever (listo) and asked the employer for much more money in exchange for his silence. In the end, the accountant did good things with the money: paid university costs for his children, he and his wife live well, etc. It’s always possible to ask for more. It may not have been the best way to go about things but the end justifies the means. (El fín justifica los medios) Amadeo gulps again as Teresa spins her pen, metaphorically toying with him.

Genoveva’s house. Ruben has asked Amadeo to suggest to Mayra that she take an accounting class to keep her away from the office. Geno likes the idea, saying it will provide them more time with each other. Geno thinks he must be fed up with Mayra. He says somewhat. With Mayra gone, he’ll have more time to cover the embezzlement (desfalco). He’s in urgent need of cash and is impatient for the completion of the Luna Turqueza construction. As soon as they get the ok from Fernando, he wants Geno to be ready to advertise presales of the condos. She doesn’t want him to be so stressed about this then wonders if he can stay awhile. Smoochies. Ugh.

Casa Barrera: Madame Oriana Budinski tells Art&Tere she knows all about the scandal at the boda and therefore thinks she shouldn’t offer her support to Mariano. Art&Tere both agree. She addresses Arturo when she says she’d do anything for him. She leaves the room and Tere is in a huff. Arturo explains it’s just that she’s known him since he was a child. He’s sure she’ll come around once she gets to know her. He can’t wait until their trip so they can get away from all this. She pouts and says she’s not sure about being alone with him on that trip. She doesn’t know what will happen. He tells her he’ll dedicate himself to winning her back.

Ruben’s office: Ruben and Amadeo chat about Mayra’s accounting course. Ruben wants to make sure she’s occupied in something that will take months. He wants her away from the office. Amadeo is sure he can make that happen……but he wants more money. Ruben is furious, asking if Amadeo is loco. He’s already given him more than enough. Amadeo stands firm, saying he needs more or he’ll start squawking! Boo! Mayra walks in just then and insists he tell her everything right here and now!

Fernando’s apt: Mom has come for a visit and Fer thanks her for not helping Mariano. He proceeds listing all the reasons he hates Mariano. She takes a call and agrees to meet someone.

Back at Ruben’s office, Amadeo starts acting as though he’s gonna spill the ol’ frijoles but Ruben stops him. Ruben tells Mayra Amadeo wants more money for taking Aida and her under his wing. The subject changes to the accounting course and Mayra tells him she still hasn’t made up her mind. Ruben asks Amadeo to leave them alone to talk. He feels she will be able to see to her finances if she’s better prepared. He wonders if she doesn’t have enough confidence in him to leave him alone at the office. He doesn’t want her to have doubts. She tells him not to worry, she’ll take the class. But the rest of her time will be spent at the office. He acts as though he’s so happy to hear that, supposing this means she trusts him. Well, she says. It’s true she needs to start seeing to her own business and he to his but if she can’t, then they’ll have to determine what needs to be done. She promises to try and he promises he’ll come through for her.

Vecindad: Everyone’s at Refugio’s. They talk of the upcoming wedding and all the plans. They rush Johnny off so he won’t see the bride.

Back at Ruben’s office, he and Mayra are sucking face when Amadeo breaks them up. Ruben asks Amadeo to take care of his wife’s studies. She excuses herself, throwing air kisses to Ruben as she leaves. As soon as she’s out the door, Ruben begins yelling at Amadeo who apologizes but he needs more money. Ruben says he’s received more than enough. Amadeo says it doesn’t begin to compare with what Ruben embezzled. Ruben relents but tells him not to take it too far (no abuses). He can’t get his hands on any money until the completion of Luna Turqueza. He suddenly has a bright idea and asks if Amadeo would like a luxury condo in Cancún.

Casa Barrera: Arturo arrives with yet another floral arrangement. He wanted to deliver them personally to see the smile on her face. Hidden in the arrangement is a book of traveler’s checks. He feels stupid to have given her the Euros in cash, putting her at risk. He then tells her that since she’s going on the trip at his invitation, she won’t need the money anyway. He plans on granting her every whim.

Vecindad: Mariano is trying to calm down Johnny. He’s really nervous about the boda and making Pati happy after everything she sacrificed to be with him. Mariano tells him he doesn’t know how lucky he is to have such a girlfriend, he should appreciate her. Johnny assures him he does.

Cutberto arrives at Juana’s on the pretext of asking if she needs help with anything for the wedding. They look at each other longingly as they talk. Just as Cutberto is making his move by placing a flower in her hair, Pati rushes in showing off her wedding gown. FF>>

At the hospital Hernan (sigh) and Hector talk about the wedding. Hector will arrive late because he has an appt with Arturo regarding his divorce. Hernan assures him that if Juana cares for him, she’ll wait and also recommends that he continue his efforts even though Cutberto seems to be always present. Hernan is going to be there for Esperanza. He tells Hector he is going to continue to pursue her. Espe knows how he feels and it would be absurd for him to deny it. He can’t forget her and being away did nothing to help him forget. Therefore, he will continue to enjoy her company while she makes up her mind.

Vecindad – Espe and Refugio are busy with wedding preparations. Espe hopes they’ll be happy. Johnny arrives wearing a suit borrowed from Ramon (I think). Pati comes out and they happily greet each other. Cutberto and Juana are thrown together and she asks where his girlfriend is. He’s solo and notices she is too. She tells him Hector will be there later. Aurora arrives and everyone gets busy taking pictures. When Mariano arrives, he and Aurora comment on the happy couple. He tells her Aida won’t be coming because of Espe which Aurora thinks is understandable. He notices she’s still sad and suggests she go after Martin. He doesn’t know what else he can do to console her. Mariano suggests he can send Martin a message telling him to come here. Aurora doesn’t think that’s a good idea because he loves her but she’s still unsure. He wonders if it has to do with their conversation the other day. She tells him again that she doesn’t feel the same way about him anymore. She excuses herself and runs away from him. He doesn’t know what to do with himself and wanders back into the living room where everyone is taking pictures of the bride and groom. Juana finds Aurora crying in the bedroom. Aurora lies and says she’s a sentimental fool and is crying because she misses Martin. Juana knows there something she’s not saying. Aurora tells Juana she likes Martin very much but she can’t return his love because she’s been in love with someone else for some time. Juana guesses it’s Mariano and Aurora admits it. She loves him but he’s seeing Aida and she’d be incapable of getting between a couple.

Oh lordy, Oriana and Aida are at the club and Aida is dishing the dirt on Teresa, talking about her being an arribista, claiming she was rich in la prepa, etc. And now Arturo is blinded by her charms. Oriana observes that when men fall in love, they don’t think with their head. Wait, what? HA-HA! Aida tells her how she feels about Teresa - that she’s a RRRRRRRRata de Vecindad. She explains to Oriana how she came to be involved with Mariano, that she initially did it to get back at Teresa. She lists Mariano’s virtues, nothing like la Rata de Vecindad. Oriana repeats her story that Mariano is refusing her help for the clinics due to her relationship with Arturo. However, she wants to keep her word and will make some well placed calls that will open doors for him. However, she wants it to appear that it was Aida who made the calls.

Back at Juana’s, Aurora continues her tale of unrequited love, saying she’s loved Mariano since their University days; he loved Teresa; she stepped aside and ran away to France. Since Teresa’s marriage, she’s tried to tell him of her feelings but something always got in the way having to do with Teresa. She finally got fed up with his love for Teresa. Time passed and now he’s with Aida. Juana bristles at the mention of Aida’s name. Aurora tells her Aida has done nothing to her (Aurora) and they’re friends. Plus, Aida makes Mariano happy and is helping him forget Teresa. Juana sees this is true although he doesn’t seem to be as in love as he was with Teresa. Aurora feels there nothing left but to step aside again and continue to repress her feelings.

Hernan arrives bearing gifts and is confused when Johnny tells him they won’t be living together yet. (I’m also confused. QTH?) Mariano explains they’re following Refugio’s advice. Go figure.

Back at the club, Oriana sits back while Aida makes a call to a potential donor. Oriana says this is just the first of many. Aida tells her Mariano’s project is very worthy and he’s not the only one Oriana is helping. Oriana sees how determined Aida is. Now if she can only unmask Teresa, they’d also be able to help Arturo. She loves Arturo like a son. A woman like Teresa can not only ruin him, she can destroy him!

Back at the wedding, Ramon arrives and greets Johnny as his socio (partner). He explains to Refugio he is now partners in “El Huarache Veloz” and explains he can make deliveries as far as Acapulco. (Oh no!) The judge arrives and we are having a wedding but not before Juana and Aurora share a few more thoughts. Juana wishes Mariano would be with Aurora. She’s sure that if they’d hooked up, he would have surely forgotten Teresa. Aurora’s not so sure. Mariano comes in to tell them the judge is here. Juana explains Aurora’s crying because she misses Martin. She leaves to see about the wedding, leaving Mariano alone with Juana. He hates seeing her so sad and hugs her.

At Genoveva’s house, Ruben is complaining about Amadeo’s threats. And now he blames her for getting him involved in Luna Turqueza. It’s because of this investment that he’s now in the hole. Geno says they must think of a way to keep Amadeo at bay and Ruben agrees.

Back at the wedding: the judge begins the ceremony when buzzkiller Grumpy Granpa appears. Pati thinks he’s come to join them. He tells her she is sadly mistaken. He has come to give her one last opportunity to avoid making a terrible mistake. Pati tells him she intends to marry Johnny no matter what he says. Granpa assures her she will be very, very unhappy. He storms out with Espe and Hernan trailing him. Espe chases after him telling him he has no right to speak to his granddaughter that way. Hernan pipes in saying she’s getting married and all he’s doing is hurting her. Espe assures him her brother is a good, honest, hardworking man. Granpa is convinced she’ll come running to him in a few days begging him to give Johnny work. Hernan tells him Johnny already has a job, she’ll want for nothing. Granpa vehemently disagrees and claims Johnny stole his granddaughter, the one thing he loves most in life. Espe tries to calm him down and suggests he return with them to the wedding. Nothing doing. One day he’ll win her back. He lost his own daughter to another pelado (ne’er do well) but he will recover Pati. He runs off (which is no small feat for the old codger) and Hernan tries to console Espe. Upstairs, Johnny proclaims undying love for Pati and vows to make her happy. Espe and Hernan come back in and the judge says he needs to proceed with the wedding.

Casa Barrera: Oriana has come to see Arturo and is happy to find that Teresa is not there. She point blank asks if Teresa’s hesitation to reconcile has anything to do with Dr. Mariano Sanchez.

Vecindad: Teresa and Aida meet outside and trade insults. Teresa says Mariano will never forget her and Aida tells her not to be surprised if she hears Mariano wants to marry her (Aida). Teresa’s sure he’ll never marry her especially if Teresa remains unmarried after her trip. In fact, just to bug her, she may just decide to go through with the divorce. If that were to happen, how many more minutes does Aida suppose Mariano will stay with her?

Casa Barrera: Arturo tells Oriana she doesn’t yet know the whole story. It’s true he can’t abide that tipo and thinks he’s still in love with Teresa. However, Arturo’s to blame for Teresa filing for divorce. He admits he was unfaithful to Teresa with Paloma. While Oriana doesn’t agree with his infidelity he surely must have had his reasons. It’s possible getting back with Paloma could have been the best thing for him. Arturo is exasperated. Fine, she says, she won’t say anymore. She only asks that during their trip, he should continue to ask himself this question: Did Teresa put aside love in order to get out of poverty?

Vecindad: Aida is very happy Oriana discovered what a rata de vecindad Teresa is. Too bad she didn’t record their conversation so Arturo could finally realize she only married him for money. Thanks for the warning, says Teresa. She tells Aida to give up because she always surpasses her in everything: beauty, intelligence, and cunning (astucia). No! says Aida, more than cunning, Teresa’s a slut (zorra)and thanks to that, she’s going on that trip with Arturo, to see all those places she otherwise never would have been able to visit. It has nothing to do with love. What would Arturo say if he were to know what Teresa just told her? Teresa says she was serious. She’s going because Arturo begged her. She can still cancel the trip and tell Mariano she’s leaving it all for him. Then they’ll see who he’ll choose.

WHOA! Hold the phone! Armando comes out of nowhere demanding to know what she’s just said. He’s waiting for an answer as we leave them for the weekend.

Happy Fourth everyone and be safe in your celebrations!


Cuando Me Enamoro #52 Friday 7/1/11 Mission Imposible

We have two mission imposibles tonight: escaping a bullfight uninjured and pulling off one helluva poorly-planned kidnapping.

Jero carves a heart with his and Renata's name in the Tree of Love, tantalizingly close to the Rafa & Roberta heart. Arely interrupts Jero before he has a chance to see the second heart.

We return to the bullfight-in-progress as Tony's protege has taken the ring. The fight goes awry when the matador gets trampled. Antonio, eager to play the Big Damn Hero, runs into the ring to distract the bull. It works insomuch that Tony (or rather, his stunt double with an awful hairpiece) gets gored and falls unconscious in the dirt. Regina and the rest of the crowd look on in horror.

Selene whines to Chema on the tennis court about his refusal to go out with her. "You must have so much in common with Coni, right? She could be your mother! Don't you realize you are nothing but a worthless brat to her?!" Chema tells Sele to stop snarking about him and Coni. She would never understand the relationship he has with Coni and he would *never* be interested in Sele.

A doctor debriefs Regina and Isidro on Antonio's condition. He is critical and needs to be moved to a more advanced hospital immediately. If they don't find a helicopter to transport Tony soon, he could die of his injuries. The hospital has no contacts, so it's up to Regi to find the transportation. (Yikes, is this a common occurrence or just a novela thing?) Isidro suggests they contact Gonzo but Regi is reluctant. "Tony's life depends on it!" Isidro reasons.

Gonzo's cell phone vibrates on a table without anyone noticing. Fina answers the house phone, which causes a few synapses to fire in Isidro's brain. He is instantly reminded of Pepa's screeching and wailing so many years before. "It's her, Regi!" Isidro says, giving the audience momentary hope. "It's Gonzo's wife." And our hope crashes with an audible thud.

Honorio helps Adriana pack her things for the move. Hon liked the idea that a noviazgo could have existed between Adri and Matias but that ship has sailed now that Mat is tied to Roberta. Adri starts to have misgivings about moving for that very reason. She isn't sure she can handle living so close to Matias and Berta.

Isidro asks to speak to Gonzo and Fina has an epiphany of her own. She too remembers him from her baby-snatching days. Fina nervously hands over the phone to Gonzo. Regi explains the situation to him. She pleads for his help and Gonzo agrees, no strings attached. Fina's claws come out when she overhears Gonzo mention Regi. She hisses and spits that Gonzo having any contact with Regi makes her feel awful. "No one has ever done as much harm to me as that woman!" Gonzo is not put off from helping an amiga in need.

Fina worries about having heard Isidro's voice over the phone but convinces herself that she is being paranoid.

Isidro is similarly unsettled after the titular phone call but he shrugs off Regi's questions about it.

Honorio convinces Adri to continue with their plans. Adri starts to worry about Renata since nobody has heard from her in such a long time. Nata has no idea that Matias and Berta are expecting a baby and are about to get hitched. It's going to be a major blow for her.

Isidro and Ines pack their things while Isidro gives Doña Cata the low-down over the phone. Without fail, Cata gets her feathers ruffled by the news that Gonzo donated the helicopter. Isidro voices his concern about PepaFina to Ines. Ines suggests they tell the detective to start investigating Fina to prove their suspicion. They make a pact to not mention a word of it to Regi or Cata.

Regi stands by an unconscious Tony's bedside. In the same room, the young bullfighter that Tony saved laments the sacrifice that Tony made to save him. Regi tells the young man not to blame himself; Tony reacted instinctively. Regi herself can't help feeling responsible for the entire thing since Tony had dedicated the match to her. Tony's bullfighter friend is afraid Tony might die or fall into a depression again. Regi has faith that Tony will pull through.

The doctor rushes into the room to announce that Gonzo's helicopter has arrived. A conveniently awake Tony asks Regi why Gonzo is involved. She stares at him with her soulful, sympathetic eyes.

Agustin helps a worse-for-wear Renata to have a seat in his office. Augie guarantees that he will have Nata's cell phone replaced. Nata is dying to hear news from home. Though she does not want to contact her parents yet. Nata doesn't want Fina to know that her marriage failed so quickly. Augie suggests that Nata call Adri at work to catch up. He even wants Nata to invite Adri to come visit at the hacienda for a few days. Nata questions what Arely thinks of the whole affair but Augie dismissively shrugs.

Tony thanks Gonzo for helping him out. Tony is grateful that Regi would prove her love for him by calling in such a favor from a friend. Gonzo looks downcast at such a territorial statement.

Fina vents to Berta about Regi's phone call. Of course she wants revenge and puts Berta up to doing it for her. Berta calls Gonzo to sob that something terrible happened to Fina.
"Boo hoo! Boo hoo! Fina was acting strangely and not talking sense and then she just disappeared!" Gonzo sets out for the house so they can start a search party. Fina feels vindicated. "He should suffer for treating me this way!" Berta agrees to play along with Fina's disgusting game of simulate the sickness. Viewerville can only hope that by the end of all this, Fina does end up roaming the streets crazy and mumbling incoherently about brain tumors.

Alfonsina can barely hold back tears when Arely finds her in the field. Arely guesses that Alfi is crying over the Doc. Alfi feels awful for what she did and has now lost all respect for the Doc. Alfi can't bear to tell Karina and Zeke the truth; they don't deserve the pain of it. She is going to feel guilty for the rest of her life. Arely gives Alfi a hug.

Doc drops in on Karina to have a serious talk. He wants a second chance. "A second chance to what? Mistreat me? To abuse your rights?" You tell him, Kari. This drunken, slimy buffoon doesn't deserve a minute of consideration. Doc swears he has stopped drinking and things will go back to the way they were when they first got married. "Promise me you will think about it? Without you, I am nothing." Unfortunately, she promises to think about it.

Nata muses how life can change so quickly. She never imagined she would end up spending so much time at Augie's. He is glad Nata is sticking around since the hacienda is going to host a very important festival soon. What with Jero's financial trouble, Nata figured there would be no way to fund the festival at La Bonita. Augie flat-out tells Nata that Jero lied to her; Jero is very rich. Augie can prove it. After all, Rafa bought the hacienda with Jero's money to begin with. Jero only took possession of the hacienda after Rafa died.

Nata's eyes widen in confused shock. She read two different letters that both claimed that Jero was broke! Augie hypothesizes that Jero must have lied about his wealth to prove that Nata did not want to marry him for his money alone. He must have been playing some kind of elaborate game. Arely interrupts, which gives Nata the excuse to leave the office. Augie chuckles to Arely that Jero has been concealing his wealth from Nata. It does not amuse Augie, however. It upsets him to see Nata so distraught.

Matias stops for tea at Constanza's. They discuss his impending doom, that is to say, his impending nuptials to Berta. Mat had hoped to get married out of love, full of expectations and emotions. Mat wants to have a marriage like that of Coni and Honorio's that survives both good times and bad. Little do they know how that union is about to be tested.

Adriana and Honorio arrive with the last of Adri's things. Coni hugs Adri warmly while the greeting between Mat and Adri is full of awkward glances. They have little time to small talk because Berta comes flying into the house unannounced. "Fina disappeared!" (Oh, if only it were true!)

Fina breaks her way into...someplace...and uses lipstick to write a message on a car. No doubt it belongs to Regina. Let's hope she didn't write "Redrum" all over it.

Jero and Nata's break up song plays as she re-reads Jero's ever-romantic letter. She recalls the last time he rejected her on the beach. "Who did I get married to? Who?"

Carlos and Jero talk cryptically about their master plan to get Nata back.

Antonio is taken away for the helicopter; he promises to survive to marry her. Gonzo comforts Regi. She feels guilty because Antonio is living for the promise of their future together. Regi is on the verge of confessing something to Gonzo but a television crew interrupts them. (LOL what?) The reporter sticks a microphone in Regi's face to hear about Tony's accident. Gonzo quietly excuses himself.

The Monterrubios relocate to the living room of Gonzo's house. Nobody has seen hide nor hair of Fina. Berta pointedly wraps herself in Matias's arms for comfort.

Nata naps as Karina tip-toes into the room. She places a blanket over Nata, who stirs. Kari helps Nata sit up and Nata asks Kari if Jero is rich. "Of course he is rich!" says Kari. Did you not know? "Jero is one of the poorest men. Money does not make a man rich." Nata sighs.

Jero peruses his finances on the computer. From the amount indicated on the screen, Jero is a billionaire. "What is this money worth if it won't keep you with me?" Meh. Ya should have thought that through before you started playing mind games, Jerko. My give a damn's busted where you're concerned.

Arely and Augie convince Nata to take her medicine. She appreciates their kindness. Once Nata is taken care of, Arely drags Augie off for a surprise.

Jero and Carlos evade Matilde's questions when she asks them where they are going so late at night.

Nata slips into bed wearing her orange nighty. Jeez if I had banged up ribs and a neck brace you wouldn't be able to get me out of sweatpants for a month.

Arely sits Augie down by the pool, where some wine and fruit has already been set out for them. Arely has on a nightie of her own and plans to make very good use of it.

Someone unlocks the gate at Augie's hacienda and sneaks in. Big surprise that the trespasser is Jero. He slinks into Nata's room and wraps her in a blanket. Nata, being heavily drugged, can only mumble for Jero to put her down. He takes no notice and scoops her up in his arms. Why do the men in this telenovela insist on treating Renata like cattle? It's getting old fast.

Jero doesn't get far with his precious cargo. He exits the bedroom to the welcoming presence of Ezequiel holding a shotgun in his face. Maybe Jero should have taken kidnapping lessons from Fina; he is dreadful at it.

Avances: Jero and Zeke have a stand off.
* Also, we're told that the show will air at 6 PM on Monday. I don't know if it's being preempted or is getting edged out of the schedule by Univision.


desenlace fatal - fatal outcome (possibly Tony's fate)
empacar - to pack
comprobar - to check (Augie wants to do this to Jero's finances)
retraso - delay (Arely to Augie)
involucrar - to involve (Jero to Carlos)


Friday, July 01, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of 7/4/11: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

Have a wonderful and safe Fourth of July, everyone! Jean is off on a birding adventure in Iceland. And I’m not. Oh well. The page is yours!

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Alborada, 7/1/2011. Cap. 24.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #7 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 24 start at this link.

Great picture today, Carlos!

Elvis Has Left the Zocalo (and Priscilla too)


Triunfo del Amor #158 6/30/11 A triumph of that skank-ho producer.

So, Fer, Maria, and Vicky have their little magic hand-holding moment, which leads to…absolutely nothing. Vic leaves and Maria and Fer begin the sisterly bonding session.

The asshat director calls Os to summon him to film a scene. Since Fer is ok, what's the harm in filming the scene? Os really doesn't want to go, but his work ethic gets the better of him. Max and Cruz side with Os and besides, Os has his cell phone in case they need him.

The Padres confab about Fer's recovery and their hopes for the recovery of her marriage. And also, Burnie is determined to be evil, awww, isn't it sad. PJP thinks he's going to end up on a cross before this is all over.

Os looks good in a vest. Well, so does Gui, but whatever. And where is Leo? Better ask Gui about that since he's the one pulling her strings. The director takes exception and Os warns him that he's gonna make Gui's life hell.

Cruz tries to console Vic by saying that Maria's gotta be confused, what with finding out her daddy's a priest and her grandma's an evil bitch. Leo shows up drunk as a skunk. Vic tries to send her home, but Leo accuses her of stealing her husband. Oh, it's happy fun drunk time. *sigh*

"While I was in jail, you stole my husband and my son!" Leo says she wants back everything Vic took from her. Vic wants some alone time with Leo and Max and Cruz, ever the dumbasses, leave her to it. Vic tries to guilt Leo into sobriety. "Easy for you to talk! You have everything, including my husband and my son! And you've left me with nothing!" Vic tells Leo to quit embarrassing her son. Vic drags Leo to the caf for a coffee.

The director knocks on Os' trailer door and asks him to please let the stunt guys do the stunts. Os doesn't like it. They talk about it long enough that I'm sure either Os or Gui will be getting seriously hurt. Os says Gui doesn't know how to do action scenes and he's going to end up getting hurt. And the problem with this is what, exactly? And since when do actors dictate to a director how a scene is going to go? Hey, maybe I'm just not big-league enough for that. Or maybe that's how they roll at Televisa. Which would explain a few things.

Leo drinks her coffee while Vic lectures her. She tells Leo she's acting like a child and being a coward and ruining Max's life. Vic pays for the coffee and leaves her with her thoughts.

The stunt guy gripes about wanting to use doubles, but Os and Gui insist on doing it themselves. The stunt guy says fine, as long as they follow his instructions exactly. He refuses to take responsibility if something goes wrong.

Cruz and Max get ready to support Fer as Doc Heriberto gives her a pep talk that Mr. 5ft doesn't understand, but makes him crack up laughing. The music guys get in on the action, making everything seem overly dramatic. Lots of close-ups on faces as we go to commercial. Mr. 5ft griped about the stupidity of this scene. If you want to hear the whole rant, you'll have to move in with us. I don't type quite that fast. Yes, dear, we all know there's no question it's going to end up working and Fer will walk again and kick Cruz's producer's ass.

Leo's amazingly late, they can't wait any longer, so they need to rehearse and then film.

Heriberto keeps giving Fer a pep talk. He tells Max and Cruz to let go slowly.

The infamous dangerous scene is Gui chasing Os and throwing him to the ground. The director announces they're going to do the most dangerous part next.

Cruz's producer fed a line of bull to some magazine and they're going to be pissed when they find out it's not true. She assumes Fer will just believe it.

Fer falls over and gets upset. Vic has to walk out, as does Doc. Cruz tells her she just needs time.

Os is hanging off a cliff with Gui holding him. Gui releases the safety line, then he lets Os fall. Everyone bitches at the stunt guys. Gui assumes he's gotten rid of Os for good.

Vic cries and Heriberto consoles her. I'm not even listening. Why am I still watching this show? Mr. 5ft thinks the smoochies should be withheld since he didn't actually fix Fer. Some nurses walk by in slow-mo, grab some popcorn, and watch the action.

When Vic and Heriberto finally pry their lips apart, Heriberto tries to convince her they have feelings for each other. But Vic thinks maybe she's just feeling gratitude and is confused. She breaks away and Heriberto contemplates a cold shower. He flashes back to the kiss that happened about a millisecond ago.

Max and Cruz have a word with Heriberto in the waiting room. Max wants to know WTF the problem is. Heriberto says it's just muscular atrophy and it will take some time. At the same time, he thinks her inability to walk is psychosomatic. If Fer doesn't make up her mind to walk, she won't walk.

Os is fine. He's in good shape and he knows how to swim. The director claims Gui was really, really worried. What. Ever.

Cruz doesn't want to tell Fer about the psychothingy. He says they've just got to give her pep talks. Max says he's going to try out his technique on mom first. The nurses walk in and spread the gossip about Doc Heriberto macking on a patient's mom in the hallway. Max is pissed. The nurses are hungry and start talking about where to go for lunch.

Max goes to Heriberto's office and asks why Heriberto was kissing his mom. Dude, you kiss someone in the hallway where everyone can see you, what the hell do you think is gonna happen?

The medical professionals on set walk out of Os' trailer. The director wants the truth--was it really an accident? Os says it was. "Or what do you think happened?" "Maybe Gui took advantage of the situation and…." Os insists it was just an accident.

Max reads Heriberto the riot act for smooching on his mama in the hallway. Heriberto doesn't think it's any of Max's business, given that he and Vic are consenting adults. Max says that his mother's love life is a matter of discussion for the whole family. Heriberto says Os knows what's going on, not that he's happy about it. Oh, and also, Os gave him free rein to mack on Vicky as long as she's happy about it.

Geez, 10 more minutes of show left and it feels like NOTHING has happened! I'm dying of boredom! And wishing I hadn't started watching the show so close to when it started recording or I'd at least have been able to FF through the commercials!

Fer is upset she can't walk when Heriberto said the operation went well. Cruz and Maria try to pep her up. Fer sends Cruz out for a drink so she can have more sister alone time with Maria. Fer lays on the guilt trip about how Vic always seemed to be a workaholic, but she didn't know it was all to hide her feelings. Poor Vic, how she suffered for Maria. Maria says she'd really rather not talk about it. "But we have to! Think of your son and Jimena's son…if you keep raising them, they'll grow up like brothers. You and I are also sisters, daughters of the same mother. If you accept me, you have to accept our mother too." Maria sighs.

Vic sits in the cafeteria, thinking about holding hands with Maria and Fer. She sees the news of Os's accident on the TV and calls him to find out how he is. Then she changes her mind and decides to go see him.

A nurse comes in and starts Fer on some physical therapy exercises. The nurse moves Fer's legs around, which hurts her back. The nurse gets to cause the pain and Maria gets to soothe. That's enough torture for now, so the nurse leaves. Maria tells Fer she has to get better, so she can stop feeling insecure and stop fighting with Cruz. Um, no, how about she just stop feeling insecure regardless of whether or not she can walk and tell Cruz what his producer is up to? Fer says she can't keep herself from feeling jealous. Cruz has returned with juice and a magazine…that includes an article where that bitch claims to be in a relationship with Cruz. Fer says Cruz is cheating on her. He says it's all lies and he's going to fix it. Well, Fer doesn't want to see him ever again.

Gui gives an interview, saying the accident was only an accident. He says he does feel bad about not doing what the director wanted and using doubles. Oh, and also, he has nothing but respect for Os and this has nothing to do with the theater.

Vic runs home to see how Os is. He says it was just a fall, no big. He came home to change clothes and then go see Fer. He insists he's fine. Vic, despite the scare, is having trouble clarifying her feelings about Os and Heriberto. Os says he knows he made a mistake and he'll be sorry for the rest of his life. Vic says maybe it was a little tiny bit her fault too for ignoring him….

And then my DVR cuts off. Not even a Sweet William Levy in a Kayak. What have I done to deserve this?!!!


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #51 Thursday 6/30/11 Augie Tries But Kari Denies

Tonight we get to see a new side to our meek little Kari. Who knew she could be so relentlessly protective?

All right then, a lot happens tonight so let’s get to it...
We’re reminded that Marely from Juan Querendon is the new Adriana. How could I not recognize her yesterday?

I’m going to yack. Do we have to see Augie kissing Nata’s chest and bare shoulders again? She’s unconscious you weirdo! (Shudder) Kari watches from the doorway, her mouth agape as Augie kisses Nata on the mouth. Kari backs out and knocks on the door. When she comes in I hope she sees that Nata is out cold. Augie doesn’t really want her there, he says Alvaro will be there 24/7, but Kari says Nata might like a woman present for her more intimate needs. Nata wakes up, wants Kari to stay so Augie of course says whatever she wants. Kari and Nata look genuinely happy to see each other.

Over at La Bonita Jero gripes to Carlos that he’s got to figure out some way to get Renata to return. He can’t avoid being grateful to Augustin for saving her life but he wants to be by her side. (This, after doing everything in her power to avoid her! Carlos is surprised too.) Jero recalls when Renata was petting her beautiful horse and saying how much she’ll miss Gitana; his cogs and sprockets start turning. He must have been reading our comments.

Kari asks Nata why she doesn’t want to come home? Nata points out La Bonita was never her house. Kari tells her that Jero was desperately anguished when Nata went missing and he looked for her all night. Kari looks Nata in the eyes and swears that Jero loves her deeply. If he loves me then why won’t he touch me, asks Nata? Why doesn’t he desire me? She tells Kari that Jero deceived her. He told her he loved her and that she’d be happy at La Bonita, boo hoo.

The women have a bonding moment and then Kari gives Jero’s letter to Renata and leaves the room to prepare lunch. Renata cries, stares at the letter and listens to Manuel Carrasco sing his sad song.

Gonzo has a goodbye chat with Nata’s horse and tells Matias that Jero called to make arrangements to transport Gitana to La Bonita. Matias, however, is not impressed and insists Jero is garbage. Gonzo, not realizing that Matias believes Jero is Berta’s baby-daddy, is baffled.

Nata reads Jero’s letter, “I thank God that you are all right. Forgive me. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please return; I can’t conceive of life without you. -Jeronimo” Again I say this man needs romance lessons.

Augi knocks on the door and Nata hides the letter. She thanks him again for all he’s done. She admits she’s very sad and that marrying Jeronimo was a big mistake. Augi is trying REALLY hard not to smile right now. She says she fell in love like an idiot and now she doesn’t know what to do. She doesn’t want to return to her husband and she turned her back on her family for Jero’s love. Naturally this is just what Augi wants to hear and he offers her a place at Cruz de Amor while she convalesces and decides what to do.

Doc Creep creeps the halls and intercepts Kari with her lunch tray. He pleads his case for them to reunite, promises things will change. (Don’t listen! Things never change!) She doesn’t believe him and walks away. Good girl!!

Regina and Tony, looking surprisingly dapper in his torero kit, are in a chapel where he’s thanking her for sharing her life with him. She tells him to be careful and makes the sign of the cross for him, kissy face bye-bye.

Let the bullfight begin! The ladies think he looks handsome but Ines is worried. Andresito asks dad whom he’s rooting for, the bull or the fighter? Tony dedicates his fight to Regina, throws her his hat (backwards over his head, anyone know the significance of this?) and the crowd cheers. He makes his moves and even though I don’t really appreciate this skill I have to admit he looks pretty good. But gross, the poor bull has a bunch of barbs hanging out of its bloody back! (Gore Tony, he deserves it the big bully!) Tony struts around with a sword and prepares for the final thrust while the crowd claps and yells “Ole!”. All right ladies, is there anyone among us who considers this a turn-on?

Kari feeds Renata the soup which is, I assume, the soup that Manuela made. (Because it really bothered me that Kari said she was going to make lunch after Manuela worked so hard to make Renata some chicken soup!) Kari says one of the maids told her that Arely was going to loan Nata some clothes and help clean her but Kari didn’t really like that idea. Nata totally agrees. Kari says she wants to help so as not to inconvenience Augi or his girlfriend. Nata says Augi told her she could stay as long as she likes and Kari gets a little creeped out when she recalls Augi kissing a sleeping Nata.

Meanwhile Arely pitches a fit because Nata is out of danger and still in the house. She should be at her own house working out her marital problems. What will people say, blah blah blah. Augie says Nata stays.

It’s night and we didn’t see Tony get gored so I assume he’s not a sieve yet.

Chema drops Cons off at home. Of course she had a great time. The poor kid, er I mean MAN, is smitten and inspired to make an admission. “I’m madly in love with you.”

Oh smack, bad timing, Honorio blasts through the door with his luggage and gushes that he’s so happy Constanza is home. Caras impactadas de Chema and Cons.

Ready for a big dose of bitterness? Roberta is sharing her ‘incriminating’ photos of Constanza and Chema with mommy dearest. They cackle that exposing Coni’s affair will be a great way to sandblast Hons and Cons’ happy marriage.

Oops, heheh, Cons tells Hons she didn’t expect him until tomorrow. Hons is super gracious to Chema who is now copping a tiny bit of a ‘tude. As soon as Chema leaves Hon lays a big fat kiss on Cons.

Over at La Bonita Lazaro reports to Jero that Nata is doing better and Kari will stay with her. He’s worried, however, because the doc is also there and Kari is the old-fashioned type, raised to believe marriage is forever. Her situation weighs heavily on her. If Jero and his señora divorce that’s one thing, but for the locals it’s something different altogether. This makes Jero, who has been industriously imbibing a bottle of scotch, pause for thought.

Hey, it’s Benny Hill music! OK not quite, but good news, Carlos has finally convinced Mati to go dancing with him. She’s trying hard to sulk and he asks her if she’s going to keep that face all night. He’s got his dancing moves going and drags her out on the floor. Fun split screen of their antics. Carlos may not be the smoothest dancer but man does he look like a fun date.

Compare this to the tame and dreary dinner hosted by Tony to celebrate his special bullfight. But wait, who’s the new cutie at the table? Tony says he’s happy to share with Regina this night and all of eternity. Nobody seems to notice Regina’s heart is not really in it. Cata asks her to say a few words. Gina says she’s thankful for his love, but...but today his triumph is the most important of all, kiss and claps. Who is that new guy? Ines whispers she thought Gina was going to spill the truth. New guy toasts his maestro (so he’s Tony’s protege) and hopes he has as much luck tomorrow as his maestro had today.

Hons is lying in bed watching American TV and wondering if Cons could forgive him for what he did. No, he doesn’t think so and he doesn’t want to lose Cons, especially for the stupid thing he pulled with Blanca. Speaking of the stupid thing, she is sitting in the dark (because the crazy chicks always sit in the dark) manically texting him, “Why don’t you answer me?!?!?!!! I want to hear from you. Dial me!!” So much for not invading his life. I'm bummed that I wasted my Play Misty For Me title on Selene who is so minor league nuts compared to Blanca.

In comparison Chema considers texting Cons but thinks better of it. She, on the other hand, wonders why his words moved her and why she had a ton of fun with him. Is it the novelty? Ay Dios mio, this isn’t good.

Cons joins Hons in bed and he compliments her profusely. She asks what’s up with him, he’s acting all sad and nostalgic. They both look at each other guiltily.

Arely visits Jero in a panic. Nata is fine but she doesn’t think it’s right that Nata is at Cruz de Amor. She solicits his help to get Nata out of Augi’s hacienda.

Nata moons over her wedding ring while waiting for Augi to invade her space yet again. He does. He’s glad to hear she’s feeling better because tomorrow he wants to take her to the hospital in Ensenada for some x-rays and an ECG. (Finally!!) Kari trots in with some hot tea and sweetly announces she’ll be sleeping in the room on a cot. Nata is glad and Augi purses his lips. Go Kari!!

Carlos and Mati get home and apparently she had fun in spite of herself. He tells her he was the envy of every man there because she was dancing with him. She starts to get weepy and admits that people say she’s cursed, bad luck for men. One of her past novios got sick, another drowned, and that’s why guys don’t like to get close to her. Carlos assures her they are just stupid. He looks thoughtful after she goes to bed.

The Sad Song plays and everyone takes turns being lonely and reflecting on hopeless love.

Next morning Augi and Doc help Nata to the car for her appointment. Arely volunteers to go with which Nata wants and Augi does not. Nata wins.

Ready for another dose of bitterness? Fina is having brekkies with Gonzo and gushes how awesome Berta’s wedding is going to be with her nice expensive dress, especially when compared with that loser Renata’s ceremony. She opens the paper and snickers, “Well well well, it looks like your dear ‘friend’ Regina already traded you in. Tony dedicated a bullfight to her. How does that women get men to do such crazy things for her?” Gonzo gets on her case and Fina stomps off in a self-pitying snit. It’s never a sunny morning in Casa Monterrubio.

Gonzo grabs the paper to read for himself.

Lazaro teases Carlos about going dancing with Mati but he’s glad to hear she had a good time. Carlos keeps recalling their fun night. Jero shows up and mumbles something unintelligible, I guess he needs Carlos’ help. Lazaro shakes his head and mutters that city folk are so weird.

Kari is at La Bonita with her suitcase and she asks Mati how was her date? Mati becomes shy and goofy and admits she had a fun time, Carlos makes her laugh. Kari says Carlos has a crush on Mati and she should give him a go instead of chasing after El Hermoso.

Over at the hospital things seem to be going well for Renata. Apparently Doctor Death does a good job when he’s not smashed. She still has to get her ECG however. Augi says that in no time she’ll be up and ready for the harvest festival. Uh, not so fast, says Nata and she tries to decline. But Augi won’t take no for an answer, he’s promised this to her from the moment they met, and besides she’s his guest of honor. Arely scowls.

Jero is up in arms and telling Carlos he has no alternative. We don’t know what he plans to do but Carlos thinks it’s crazy. He advises Jero to be patient and things will improve. However if Jero is determined and needs help then Carlos is on board. “Yes I need your help,” Jero insists.

Berta strolls into Casa Monterrubio blathering to Matias about their honeymoon. Correction, he says, we are not in love and there will be no honeymoon. Berta, officially a harpy on jet fuel, throws Nata’s happiness in his face. She (Berta) is a victim and if Matias doesn’t do what she wants she’ll tell the whole world that Jero is the father of her child. OK, he acquiesces, but only for a very few days. “And then we’re going to live together,” she presses. Dude, this is how it’s going to be for the rest of your life.

They are all back at Cruz de Amor and Kari is there too. Augi happily announces that staying at his hacienda will be good for Renata. Kari asks Nata if she can stay and serve her. Absolutely says Nata, as long as it’s not inconvenient. Not at all, pipes up Arely. Augi reluctantly says No problem, grrrrr.

Aww cripes! Cons answers her door and it’s Blaaaaanca the Staaaaaalker. Blanca hopes it’s not a bad time. (For what? Boiling bunnies? Slashing pictures? Knifing the help?) I guess Cons never heard that you’re not supposed to invite a vampire into the house. Cons calls Hons who is not happy that Blanca came to his house. Blanca says she has some important work stuff that has to be taken care of first thing in the a.m. “Well then we’ll take care of it first thing tomorrow,” says Hons, starting to panic, “but today is SUNDAY.” Cons cheerfully says “no problem go ahead and talk about work” and leaves the room.

Hons isn’t happy but Blanca is all “Mi amor I was worried about you. Yesterday you didn’t answer any of the little messages I sent to you.” He says it’s because he had nothing to say to her and she’d better leave. She agrees as long as he pays her a visit on his way home from Adriana’s. No way, he says, he’ll see her at the office tomorrow. She gazes at him seductively and blows him a little kiss. He recoils and starts sweating big time.

Camera close-up of the Roberta + Rafa heart. The camera pans down and Jero is doing his own carving, Nata + Jeronimo. Arely rides up and says everything is ready.

Avances: The plan to rescue Renata progresses (but we still don’t know what the plan is).

arenado = sandblasting, arenar = to blast (what Roberta is doing to her tios’ marriage)
deshidratado = dehydrated (Carlos and Mati after dancing all night)
estoy perdidamente enamorado de ti = I’m madly in love with you (Chema to Cons)
le pesa mucho = it weighs heavily on her (Kari’s desire to leave her marriage)
maldita = cursed (what Mati is)
marcar = to dial
marcame - dial me (What Blanca wants Hons to do)
No te expongas = be careful, don’t expose yourself [to danger] (Regina to Tony)


Teresa Thu 6/30/11 #89 It's a bad day for sharks in the DF

Teresa Thurs 6/30 Capitulo 89

We get a review of Teresa and Mariano outside the vecindad—he ain’t surprised that she has changed her mind about the divorce; she says it’s cuz he doesn’t want to seize the opportunity to be with her.

Now on to new stuff. Espe and Hernan at the hospital. She tells him that he is one of her best friends and she doesn’t want to lose him. As much as he tried, he just can’t get her out of his head (girl, your love is all he thinks about). He brought her back a present from his trip—another stupid maternity shirt; this one with potential names all over the belly. They are still gonna be friends, and Espe tells H that her baby missed him as much as she did. Aww. I hope these two get together already.

The FF gang is assembled chez Refugio. She is talking about how the godparents of the wedding (Juana and Cutberto) are there to help the newlyweds (Patti and Johnny) learn how to be good spouses. J and C use this as an opportunity to snipe at each other. The writers use this as an opportunity to remind us that Johnny is really slow.

Oh good, back to Hernan and Espe. Hernan thinks it’s great that Patti and Johnny are getting married. Espe doesn’t. H poignantly says that he wished they (E and H) would act impulsively as well, instead of thinking it over and getting scared and losing the opportunity.

Fito approaches Teresa outside casa de la barrera; he’s all dolled up in a suit for some reason. He says he can’t get out of town because the po-po are on his tail. He wants some cash from her, she tells him to beat it, and threatens to send him to jail. He doesn’t seem too bothered by that—that’s where all his pals (cuates) are anyway; just one of the hazards of his job (I think he says “biznee” for job here (no subtitles), possibly some slang?). He whips out the ring she gave him and says he’ll tell Arturo that she gave it to him as payment for “freeing” her of Paulo. He gives her one last chance to pay him off, which she refuses, so he rings to doorbell. Dun-dun!

Over at Fernando’s, Oriana and Luisa have some tea and discuss Teresa. Luisa hopes that O is coming around, and explains how she thought poorly of T at first, but T won her good opinion by being such a great amiga. O is sticking to her first impression and warns Luisa to be wary of T’s ambition (in O’s mind, being poor and pretty is proof enough). O correctly surmises that Luisa is totally naïve (apparently like her mom). Luisa explains that T is the one that helped her get with Fernando, whom she thought she couldn’t snag because he was such a….well, you know. “Mujeriego” says mom. She again says that she doesn’t like to beat around the bush and follows up that old dicho (andar con rodeos) with a new one “a mi me gusta llamarle al pan pan y al vino vino” (I like to call bread bread and wine wine). O acknowledges that T knows how to manage men well. She ends with another warning, since her son is indeed such a mujeriego; Luisa had better watch out.

Reina is ready to let Fito in, but Teresa runs her off. Fito sarcastically worries that T wants to fire her just because she might remember Fito from an earlier visit. I have to say, with this and his earlier ‘biznee’ and “you think you’re so smart, but I’m smarter”, our little drug dealer is kind of growing on me. I know he’s a baddie, but he’s got style, and he’s good at needling Tiburoncita. Now, where were we? Yes, T can’t ask Artie for moolah because they are separated. Funnily enough, Fito is not letting it go. He wants T to at least tell Paulo’s parents to stop harassing the police so they stop looking for him. Nothing doin, says T. Well, I guess it’s back to blackmail (chantajear) then, says Fito as he holds up Paulo’s schedule. After some back and forth, Teresa opens up the wallet and gives Fito some cash. He reaches in, though and helps himself to todo. He lets her know that this isn’t the last she’ll see of him, so she better get some more money, or Arturo will find out what kind of woman he married.

Genoveva tells Rubes that she wants to get the ball rolling on adopting Espe’s kid; it’s a long process, after all. Rubes doesn’t know if Espe is going to give up the kid so easily, but Geno is undaunted. She knows someone who is willing to do anything for money. Oh no! Run, Esperanza, run!!

Reina and Teresa join Arturo in his study. Reina mentions Fito coming to see A, and T is all bug eyed as A asks who this guy is. Then she starts spinning—a law school acquaintance who wanted a job, but isn’t worth A’s time to even see him. Bien hecho, tiburoncita. But, it’s not over yet---Arturo wants to put the euros he gave her into his safe. She’s up to the challenge, though—she says that she left the cash at her parents house because she didn’t want to walk around town with so much cash in her purse. She’ll go get it manana. Whew.

El Bigote does not like the idea of Geno staging a babysnatching with his hijo. Geno would of course prefer it didn’t come to that, she’s just covering all her bases. She explains how they can whitewash the whole adoption through the orphanage of Paloma’s foundation. (Pretty convenient that Rubes is the acting director, no?) The whitewash part sounds good to Bigote, but he doesn’t want to run any risks with his kid to get it into the orphanage. And here Geno starts referring to the kid as “nuestro hijo” and Rubes starts to look queasy. Kind of like how I feel.

Luisa joins Teresa and Arturo, the latter promptly leaves. T is bothered that Luisa’s future suegra has taken so poorly to her. Luisa thinks O just needs to get to know her better, and has set it up that they will all lunch together tomorrow at the club. Fun times to be sure.

Next day at the club. Fernando, Oriana, Luisa, and Arturo are sitting incredibly awkwardly in some lounge chairs. Fern, Luisa, and Oriana are going to go to Cancun to keep tabs on Luna Turquesa. F and L head off to the tennis court and O takes the opportunity to stick her nose in Arturo’s business. She thinks he should not get back with T (shocker, eh?). Arturo begs to differ. As a substitute parent, she advises him to use the European vacation to pay attention and see if he made the right decision in marrying a Tiburoncita. Now, we know that O is right and all, but her nasty attitude and presumption just undercuts everything that she says. She saw T as a gold digger from one glance (based on her own prejudices) rather than from an actual acquaintance with her, as, say, Aida or Refugio has. And in this conversation, O ends by telling Arturo that she would hate to seem him hurt once again, a needless twisting of the Paloma knife into his wound.

Teresa approaches the vecindad and sees Johnny washing Ramon’s new car. He tells her what it is and Mariano’s head pops up from behind the bumper. What? Doctors don’t take the shirt off to wash the car? Booo! A little verbal sparring between our lovers and Johnny. Johnny explains to a dubious Tiburoncita that he and Pati will have everything they need to get by---especially love. T takes the opportunity to give us a favorite TN dicho “cuando hambre entra por la puerta, amor sale por la ventana” (when hunger comes in the door, love goes out the window). She and Mari make eyes at each other.

Arturo thanks Oriana for her concern/advice, but he is sure of Teresa. She just tells him to think about it---everyone a good side and a bad side. When we’re in love, we only see someone’s virtues, but has he seen T’s bad side? Has she ever lied to him? Just think about it, she says. They move on to how awesome Luisa is for Fernando, a topic on which they agree.

Aida joins the car washers. She knows he has to go to Johnny’s wedding, but doesn’t want to hear about it because of the Espe connection. She’s gonna be soooo bored all by herself on the wedding day, but M points out the she can do something or other for the clinic that day. They have a cute back and forth about her clinic work where Mariano imitates Aida and then they smooch.

Teresa, Juana, and Refugio sit around and chat. T disparages Cutberto, who Juana says she will only be nice to for Patti and Johnny’s sake. T gets the euros back from her dad and it appears that he is back to working at the dispacho. He says that they even paid him for the days that he wasn’t working, and Refugio gives the stink eye. T says it’s just a benefit of being the duena’s dad, and she and R have battling stink eyes at each other.

We go back to Arturo and Oriana seemingly only to give late viewers a recap of A’s history with Paloma (whom he does point out came from a ‘good’ family, and look how that turned out): she left him at the alter, he never knew that it was her parents that insisted on separating them, she was expecting a baby of his and he didn’t know it, the baby was stillborn. Interestingly, O seems to have already known about the stillborn baby, but I guess she’s such a buttinsky that shouldn’t be surprising.

Aida and Mariano walk up and greet Arturo and Oriana. O knew Aida’s gramps well; they chat and Aida introduces Mariano to O. I wonder if she can tell that he’s pobre as well, or if her special powers only apply to the ladies.

Rubes is at the hospital to talk to Hector about the foundation business. El bigote wants to deal with el bigotone instead of Mariano, whom he can’t stand dating his daughter. Hector sticks up for Mariano, and even says that he would be happy for Aurora to marry Mari.

Back at the club, Fernando, Luisa, and Arturo talk smack re: tennis, then head off to play. Aida returns and she and O catch up. A tells O about Mariano’s dispensario project.

Teresa joins the tennis gang, and they head off to the court. Fernando beats Arturo, and although Luisa runs up for a victory smooch, he gives Teresa the eyes. Arturo says he wishes he had won, so that he would get a victory smooch, but then he steals one anyway. Ter gives him a playful look.

Genoveva and Mayra are also having lunch at the club. Geno tells M about her plans to adopt a child to fill the void left by Paulo’s death.

We see Oriana having difficulty climbing some stairs and collapsing. And it’s SuperMariano to the rescue (we haven’t seen him in a while). He gives O some pills they talk about the rigors of the high altitude of the DF. O owes M one.

Aurora thinks back over her times with Mariano and Martin. Looks like she just can’t decide.

The club has now moved on to lunch—Teresa, Arturo and Oriana. O has taken the liberty of inviting her new friends—Aida and Mariano!! Hola todos! Mariano clarifies for O that he and Art are not amigos. And Art agrees. Oriana insists that the boys will become friends. Who does this woman think she is? Anyway, the boys beg to differ, and Aida points out that O does not know the whole story here. Teresa curtly says that she and Mari used to be engaged, and excuses herself from the table. Mariano insists that he and Aida be the ones to leave, and Art and T sit back down. O says that ese muchacho seems like such a good guy*, what could be the big deal. Art doesn’t want to talk about it. Fern and Luisa show up and notice the cloud over the table. Fernando starts to get worked up over Mariano’s nerve, but Luisa changes the subject to the tennis match. Lots of double entendre action with the competition between F and A, clearly implying the competition over Teresa. Oriana wants them to always remember that they are like brothers and work out their differences for her sake.

Cutberto stops by Juana’s and they make an agreement to be nice to each other in front of Patti and Johnny to set a good example. But only POR ELLOS!

Patti and Refugio blah, blah, blah. Gramps shows up and can’t believe how much his beloved granddaughter looks like Cinderella. He gets weepy talking about the horror of her looking like a servant and begs her not to get married. She says she’s happy and she wishes that he would help her—he assumes she means monetarily, but she only means by coming to their wedding. He hopes that she will change her mind, because he doesn’t know if he will receive her when she comes crying to him after she realizes her mistake. And with that, he leaves.

Luisa quietly asks Teresa about Mariano, and T says that he had attended to Oriana. Upon hearing her name, O tries to butt into their conversation**, but Arturo intercepts by asking if O still rides (horses). O loves to ride, and asks T if she does. A classic upperclass activity to distinguish the haute from the plebes. So of course, Teresa does not, but she’d love to learn. Lunch is over and Art and Ter get up to leave. He’s headed to the office and tries to get a goodbye kiss, but has to settle for the cheek. Teresa tries to say goodbye to Oriana and O incredibly rudely turns away to ask Luisa is she wants to go riding. T soldiers on with her goodbye and O imperiously waves her away. What a beeyotch. As soon as T is out of earshot, O demands to know what is up with her and Mariano.

Cutberto comes to get Juana to help the kids paint their soon-to-be apartment. She agrees, but only POR ELLOS! We later see Espe show up at the apartment and take up a brush herself. She offers to talk to abuelo, but Patti thinks it’s not a good idea. J and C arrive to help with the painting.

Teresa goes to a bank and deposits the euros she got back from her dad into her (presumably secret) bank account. We then see her coming home. She fakes some tears and starts banging on the gate yelling for Reina. Inside, her dad is there with Amadeo, and she cries to him that someone just stole her purse. Almost as an afterthought, she realizes that all her euros were in there. Oh no! I think we all saw that one coming.

Post scripts:

*maybe it’s just me, but it really bugs me that Oriana’s assumption that a poor person is a gold digger only applies to pobres of the female persuasion

** the first time we met Oriana, I was struck by her similarity to Lady Catherine de Bourgh from Pride and Prejudice—in that she disguised her own rudeness by calling it straight talk. Her domineeringness, buttinsky nature, and now rude intrusions on other people’s conversations have totally verified the similarity.


Alborada, 6/30/2011. Cap. 23.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #6 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 23 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's picture of Juana and Modesta. They're a sort of black-hat version of the Lone Ranger and Tonto.


Cuando Me Enamoro #50 Wednesday 6/29/11 June 29 papparazzi on the loose, some confused folks and Augie spreads his slime‏

Recap by Marta Ivette

summary of prev: everyone desperate at La Bonita, Augie finds Nata and gets on ER mode.. AntiHero tells Carlos he took her 'to the limit', he would not know what to do without her..

Rob tells friend she will marry in a month... Rob is very happy to marry the man she loves... (nose growing?) Gonzo wants the best for her child and her relationship. Sele congrats Matias...

Fina and the 'licenciado', she is mad about the prenup... she wants to annex a note/clause to the contract... without Matias realizing it... he is not willing to go that far... one thing is to spy on her husb and another one is to do something illegal... he can lose his job and even go to jail... Fina tells him as a lawyer he has been corrupt since he agreed to help her... if he knows what is best for him he will do as she says...

AntiHero in his bedroom (or Nata's?) gets down to the floor totally desperately devastated...
'I swear if you were not La Bonita I would never have made you shed a single tear!! Not one tear!! I would never have erased the smile that made me fall in love, my God!!! I love you, Nata!! I love you!! I love you as I NEVER!.... NEVER will be able to love another woman!! (and NOW you realize it??)

Cata and Ines's family are ready for the trip to go see Antonio's bullfight... Ines tells Gina that only Conny and her husband will go to the gala. Gina is happy of their decision... Ines tells her Gonzo is a respectful man, he will stay away from you. Gina agrees, but she is a bit nostalgic and knows she will miss him and Antonio at the gala. Ines asks if Gina is still thinking of talking to him after the bullfight... (Andresito briefly comes to interrupt).. Ines tries to cheer Gina saying 'no hay mal que dure cen anos' (there is no harm that lasts 100 years), Gina says 'it shows love was not for me.. Rob cheated on her, Gonzo is married, Tony loves her and she can't love him back... tells Ines she was lucky.. Isidro is a great man.

Gonzo and Matias at breakfast... Matias tells Gonzo that Rob suspects Fina is very ill... Gonzo says he will tell Rob after the wedding. Matias says he wants a small simple wedding, asks Gonzo for his guest list. Gonzo says we have to tell Nata. She will be very shocked, Matias asks what if we don't tell her at all, Gonzo says no way, have not told her because in some way she is still on honeymoon, but she has to know.

AntiHero calls Gonzo to see if she is there, but Gonzo asks for her so AH learns she is not so he doesn't tell him anything, tells Gonzo Nata went out riding. Gonzo is curious why AH called, but AH is able to wave that off... Gonzo tells Matias AH sounded odd... somehow this call is making him a bit uneasy.

Augie brings Nata home in his arms... Ezeq goes to Dr house, wakes him up and tells him Nata had an accident and Augie said he will answer with his own life if he can't save her.

Honor is totally confused about what Blanca said happened between them, he is not interested in Blanca, there is no woman for him but Connie. He gets voice mail from Connie telling him she is going somewhere with Chema... Meahwhile Blanca is paying the bartender and telling him to dissappear.

Augie's girlfriend goes to let AH know Nata is there... they feel very relieved and run out... Lazaro runs to kitchen to let Mati, Kari and Manuela know the good news.

Augie threatens Alvaro that if he lets Nata die he dies. Augie makes Dr Death breathe on him to ensure he is not drunk... Dr Death gets really nervous...

Nata wakes up, Augie runs to her, she says her chest is hurting, asks if she owes him her life... he says Dr Death is there to care for her. Augie tells her he called for AH to come see her, she tells him she doesn't want to see AH at all. Augie asks why, she won't give him any details and faints again. Augie gets really scared and calls for Dr Death. Dr Death realizes something might be wrong with her heartbeat... Augie suspects is there something wrong with her heart? Dr Death says don't know until get an EKG on her. He suggests to Augie to transfer her to a hospital... Augie says no!! Nata does not want to see AH and here is where I can control that. Dr Death is worried about her health, Augie is more worried about her emotional tranquility.

Chema arrives at Connie's house... he compliments her looks (tee shirt?)

At La Bonita, Kari has put the monogrammed sheets back on her bed... Manuela is making her a great chicken soup. Mati complains about all the details for RENATA and she does not deserve it. Manuela and Kari say Nata is the boss and they have to do everything to serve her. Kari says they have to do what they can to care for her. Mati says this is no hospital and not all of us are on a diet... You can accuse me with AH but I am not on a diet!

AH arrives at Augie's hacienda. Ezeq tells them Dr Death is caring for her. They found the SUV flipped over by the road... Augie saved her life, she was about to die, they got there right on time before her heart stopped. AH wants to see her right now. Augie comes out...
AH: Thanks for finding her. I want to see her.
Augie: I am sorry but you can't come in. Nata does not want to see you.
AH: Nata is my wife. What matters is what is best for her, over her wishes, and I want to take her to a hospital.
Girl asks AH why Nata doesn't want to see him.
Augie: What did you do to her?
AH: That is something we have to work out between the two of us. Let me through.
Augie: I have it clear that you two have things to work out, but it will happen some other time and not in my house.
AH: Nata is my wife and I decide for her, not you! Finding you does not give you any rights!
Augie: I am only fulfilling her wishes. Nata is very weak. So I will do as she asked. Areli, please take AH out.
AH: I am not leaving (grabbing him by lapel) until I see my wife.
Augie: Either you go or I'll have you taken out
Areli asks them to calm down, asks AH to leave please, she will keep him informed of what is going on with Nata.

Rob and Sele in car...
Sele congratulates Rob on the marriage proposal. You are my hero! Rob is thrilled in less than a month she will be married to Matias, but know what? the only great thing about this is that my child will have all the privileges of the MRs. Sele says just as you when Gonzo adopted you. What if you and Matt really fall for each other and then have other children with the real MR blood and not Rafa's or AH's. Rob insists no one should know that this child is Rafa's. And forget it about me falling for Matt. I will never give my heart away again as I did with Rafa. Sele asks if you tried with AH, why not with Matt? Rob says no,no!! one thing is I like them and another one is to fall in love. I will never give my heart away again. Sele insists Matt does have 'hls' (charm). Rob says all I want is for him to fall in love with me, that will give me many advantages... Sele wonders when Connie is going to come by with Chema... (they have been on side of road waiting for Connie and Chema to ride by to follow them?) there they come... Rob downtalks Chema's jeep... They follow Chema's car, Rob grabs the camera.

Connie tells Chema she was about to cancel on their trip... they are friends, but she is not used to having male friends or going out with them. Chema says get used to it, we have a good time together. Connie says her husb is ok with it. They are old enough and trust each other. Chema asks her a favor. Never say you are 'old' again. The age is in the attitude. Love your life. we will have a great time, you will see.

Honorio wanted to talk with Blanca... he tells her he feels bad, he had never cheated on his wife. He is a man completely committed. Connie is all I want on a woman. Blanca asks why did you sleep with me last night then? Honorio say that is what he does not understand... surely you could attract any man but I really love my wife. Blanca insists that he think about why he did it, because she did not force him. He gave himself to her completely and if he was sooo in love with his wife, he would not have done it... With that she stands up and leaves... She leaves him more confused than he was before...

Augie is watching Nata and thinking he wishes she wanted to stay there forever...
In living room, Carlos tries to calm AH down... Areli does same... AH insists it is something he has to deal with himself.

Nata wakes up again... says everything hurts... he says she is pretty banged up, maybe even a broken rib... Nata asks about AH... Augie says he came to see you, but since you asked, I did not let him come in. Nata thanks him. Dr Death asks Nata if she has any heart issue. Nata says no, but my sister does. Dr Death suggests she check out with a cardiologist... That was the worse problem of her accident. your heart was not responding adequately. Nata say she will. maybe that's why she feels so weak. Augie suggests she rest and try to sleep...

Augie asks Dr Death if she will be fine for good... Dr Death say did all i have to do... gave her anti-tetanus shot, anti-inflammatory... Augie says i want you here 24/7. Dr Death says that is not necessary... Augie says I WANT YOU HERE So ask Ezeq what you need to get from your house and your clinic... he won't let Dr Death even go home to shower. Dr Death asks Augie if he is in love with Nata. Augie says don't ask questions. Today you showed me you are a good doctor. Have you thought about if you were not drunk the night you cared for Rafa, how different things might have turned out?

AH and Carlos arrive at La Bonita, Mati asks about Nata, AH says she stayed at Augie's... AH goes away... Mati and Lazaro ask Carlos what happened... he says it seems the fact that Augie found her gave him some rights... Mati asks why, Carlos says Nata did not want to see AH, they ask why.. no idea., but that is not our issue, so don't ask questions.

AH gets to his study/office... remembers when Nata told him this is last time I ask you, will not humiliate myself again. you will never touch me again in your life...
AH: I had to stop you right there... I had to make love to you right then and there as you wanted, since I wanted it too. (life is sometimes about missed opportunities, right, Anti-Hero?)

Kari comes in to offer to go see Nata periodically to be with her... if he feels better if she is there, she can even take Nata's things to her. And be close. AH thanks her. She says she will never forget he let her stay there when she had nowhere to go... Will keep you informed... AH gives her a note for Nata and asks her to promise only Nata will read it. PLEASE Make sure only she reads it. Kari says she doesn't know what their problems are. But it shows you love her... AH asks about her. Kari says she has only interacted with Nata very little, but someone like Nata would only come live at the hacienda for love... SO don't worry. when there is love, things can get resolved. AH thanks her.

Honorio is pacing in his hotel room, still confused, doesn't remember from the moment they got a drink, the client was not there yet, Blanca went out to call him. Then I am totally blank... Could the drinks have been altered and that is why I can't remember anythign?... he gets a call from hotel admin that there are two spots available on the plane. Hono tells him to let Blanca know.

Augie with Areli...
She rants to him that Nata has not left the room, did not let AH see her... why does she not want to see her husband? Why are you dealing with her as if she was your wife?? Augie does not want her to ask questions... Don't give me jealousy acts... Nata is weak and will stay here until she gets well. Please loan her some clothes... you said she is your friend, no? ... Areli says yes that is my intention... and i will take care of 'my friend'.

At Cuernavaca, Rob is taking pictures of Connie and Chema. Rob mocks the 'old style' of Chema, proper, cursi, noone opens doors for women nowadays... Sele say that's exactly what she likes about him. Old style... Rob says when they go to make love he will say 'excuse me my lady, but i want to make you mine'.

Connie and Chema... Connie asks Chema if all his friends are his age. She is about to fall and he grabs her. Rob takes compromising pictures. Chema kisses her on cheek, another compromising picture... Connie thanks Chema for always making her feel good. Rob can't wait to see her uncle's face when he finds out his beloved wife is cheating on him.

Hono meets with Blanca, she plays it as if nothing really so wrong happened... she asks why he went to the restaurant. He went to question the staff on what happened, they altered his drink... he might not be able to prove anything, but he wants to know what happened last night... she says the vendor never came, had a personal issue and apologized... she gives him a whole story that they danced, he wanted to be with her... Honorio insists they altered his drink, he did things he never would have done... Blanca continues, they got to her room, says he even asked her if she minded that he was married... but she also desired him... Honorio insists he never could have done that... Blanca says that was your true self.. None of us can deny the great attraction that we have felt since we met... Won't ask him anything.. just will be the 'complement' he needs...

Kari and Lazaro arrive at Cruz de Amor... Ezeq has no problem in letting her see Nata... Dr Death comes out.. plays nice with her... did you come see me? ... Lazaro very dryly says she came to see Nata... Lazaro tells Kari he will be here if she needs him. Dr Death asks Kari if he can talk to her when she is done with Nata. Lazaro says she is not interested in talking to you. . ... Dr Death says don't interfere.. Kari says Lazaro is right, she does not want to talk to him. She walks in... Lazaro gives Dr Death the killer state. Dr Death follows Kari in.

Gonzo calls La Bonita... Mati is happy to spill the beans about Nata being at Augie's hacienda, did not go riding. She wants to stay there... Mati is about to say more when AH yanks the phone from her and tries to do damage control., giving her the killer stare at the same time. Gonzo tells AH he lied to him, why? AH says Nata went riding and then went to Augie's house to spend the day there. Gonzo remembers he knows Augie... Gonzo apologizes to AH, he needs to speak to Nata. AH says he will tell her to call him as soon as she can... When he hangs up, Gonzo looks very confused... AH reprimands Mati, not authorized to say what is going on at the hacienda and even less with his wife... Mati butts that she was only saying the truth... AH says EVEN LESS the truth!! is that clear?? (Mati runs away crying)..

Gina, Ines and family arrive to see ANtonio... Antonio wants to take Gina to meet his friends... the rest go ahead to the hotel. Andresito wants to get close to the bulls.. but Ines gets nervous and Isidro says he will go with him.

At MR, Fina gives Gonzo some brochures about potential places for Matias and Rob's honeymoon... Gonzo asks why do you want to force things? Fina says my daughters brought you and I close. And we lived many years in a true marriage. Why can't the same happen to them? At least I will die feeling good knowing that I tried.

At Cruz de Amor, Areli say Nata is ready (bathed) will throw her clothes out because they are unusable.

Carlos and Mati... he is trying to calm her down, but tells her she went over... AH was not in mood to stand her interventions... she blames La Bonita... Carlos asks her to stop blaming others and accept hers... then he suggests she fulfill her bet to him and go out dancing with him. That will help her forget everything... he wants to see her prettier..even though he thinks she can't be any more pretty... (really? she looks like a spoiled kid crying)..

Surprise!! they switched our actress for Adriana??
Daniel is helping her pack to move to Honorio's... he asks if she will rent out this apartment... she say no, what if i don't feel at ease at my dad's? he does not see her very excited about moving there... she wants to try...
Matias arrives... needs to talk to her.
Daniel greets Matias, not in very excited mode... he came to help Adriana pack, makes his exit...
Adri: Dan is only a friend, although i dont have to give you any explanations, right?
Matt drops the bomb on her... she is shocked...
Adri: I don't understand why are you going to marry Rob...To assume the paternity responsibility, you don't have to marry her!
Matt: I know that, but I am going to do it.
Adri: I don't understand you, but Know what? That is your problem! So I will ask you to please not invite me to your wedding. Spare me the hard moment of watching you throw away your life.. and now please leave me alone.

At Cruz de Amor, Augie is using the fact that Nata is sleeping to spread his slime all over her face... 'you are so devilishly beautiful'... through the door comes Kari and watches the scene...
(end of ep)



Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #157 6/29/11 More Bare Bones: Sure doesn't feel like últimas semanas

Hey everyone, due to some minor but time-consuming dental issues today I didn't get to do the full-on, take-my-time dailymotion recap. Had to go old-school, notes-while-watching. I may have missed a metric sh!t ton a little.

  • Max, Maria, choppy editing of luvin'
  • Os is about to tell Vic the latest Gui/theater news when Fer and Cruz enter and tell them about today's surgery.
  • Gui pitches a fit about the closure. It's Os's fault.
  • Cruz will always be with Fer.
  • Gui still trippin'. Os my have won the the battle, but the war continues. It's a battle to the death. He'll either win or die. Leo realizes Gui is nuts.
  • The family heads for the hospital.
  • Maria is still being stubborn about Vic. Max still defends mama. William Levy still a mush mouth. Same whiny dialogue. I had not mommy wah wah wah. Vic makes me mad blah blah blah. But Max reminds her they're gonna get married and be happy. Os calls and tells Max they about operation. Max head to hospital. Maria goes with him....for her sister.
  • Gui runs into Felipe (?) the director. Scandals help the ratings, but he needs to know all the crap won't affect taping.
  • Dr. Voice is off to operate. Vic's motherly love with guide his hands.
  • Max and Maria arrive at hospital. Vic seems pleased Maria is there. Maria looks dubious.
  • PJP has finally arrived at the vecindad. He, Millie and Naop re-hash the last two or three episodes. He's gonna to to the hospital to see Maria. As he leaves he meets up with the "new, hip and improved idiot Don Joel" (a Jarocha make-over) who now has a motorcycle. He offers to take PJP to hospital. FF>>
  • Pip and Toni work and hope the operation is a success FF>>
  • PJP and Don Joel on moto. FF>> 
  • Maria is praying in the chapel. She can't forgive Vic 'cause we still have 15 episodes to go. (And Univision is gonna make sure we're watching this basura until August.)
  • Vic comes and prays for a miracle.
  • Leonela monologues about her trouble with alcohol.
  • Os and and PJP talk miracles. Everyone hopes for miracles and that Maria forgives Vic and Leo leaves the liquor.
  • Leo continues to monologue. 
  • Vic joins the hopin' for a miracle crew and tells them she is going to be patient with Maria and just continue to shower her with motherly love. Os tells her she's a brave warrior and gives her a kiss on the forehead. Max thought bubbles something about them being in love.
  • Leo is still monologue-ing. At least she isn't in the tub or in her skivvies.
  • PJP goes to the chapel and tries to convince Maria to forgive. Open your heart, let the Lord work. All the usual priestly platitudes.
  • The operation: dramatic close-ups and cotton balls painted red.
  • Leo attends an AA meeting FF>>
  • Fer is back in her room, but still conked out.
  • Dr. Voice and Dr. Underling talk about the operation. He thinks it will be a success. For Dr. Voice, medicine is an act of love. He flashes back to his dying wife. She asks him to "abrázame muy fuerte" (wink wink) and dies in his arms. Then he flashes back to the accident that killed his kids.
  • The family gathers around Fer in her hospital room. The prognosis is good. Os tells Fer she's a warrior like her mom. Fer can't wait to run and dance; to enter the church on her own feet, kneel and pray to the Virgencita.
  • On her way home from the AA meeting Leo finds herself in front of the liquor store. She repeats what was said in the AA meeting: nos hundimos o nos levantamos (we sink or we get up. I'm thinking "we sink or we rise above" sounds a little better.) Viewerville does not get to find out this episode if she enters the store or not.
  • Vic catches Dr. Voice in the hall and thanks him. She is sure Fer will walk again and Dr. Voice thinks so too. He wants her to know there is nothing he wouldn't do for her. He says something romantic I'm sure but I didn't catch it. A nurse calls him away and Vic chastises herself for acting like a silly school girl with her heart beating out of her chest. No puede ser!
  • Max and Os yammer about the theater and the battle with Gui. 
  • Gui and the director yammer about the director in on the destroy Os plan? Did I hear that right? Damn the crappy CC's!!!
  • Max and Os still yammer about the theaer. 
  • Fausto preaches and teaches in jail. Burnie visits him and asks what happened to his vow to be loyal to her. He doesn't want to hear it. She gets snide about him being in jail. He says "feh. My soul is free which is more than I can say for your soul."
  • Fer is glad Maria is there at the hospital. Cruz and Maria say they will take care of Fer. The Sandovals can go about their business. As Vic leaves she says Adios hijas and touches their clasped hands. Dramatic pause
A partir de hoy and flashback of early days of love.

  • Leo wants her family back.
  • Os falls (looks like a period TN)
  • Fer....walks????


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