Saturday, August 20, 2011
La Fuerza del Destino #13 Fri 08/19/11 Those Mysterious and Marvelous McGuires!!
Labels: Fuerza
El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of August 22-26: Discuss Amongst Yourselves
Let’s start by importing the terrific comment Hombre made last night on last week’s page:
I couldn't post earlier, because I spent the day at a bluegrass festival (it was fantastic!). But I just wanted to put out my suspicion (which is even more likely after tonight's show) that Gonzalo a) is the older brother to Ismael and Ivan, b) killed Rosa, because he's protecting Ismael, and felt Ismael was jeopardizing things by using Rosa, who was making lots of mistakes with Carola and Hilda. We definitely saw Gonzalo go out for a breath of fresh air and stay out for hours. And tonight Hilda said she thought Rosa was dead BEFORE Adolfo showed up. We also saw Adolfo be upset with Rosa's death. So Gonzalo as the third brother is more and more likely. Of course the Condes think the third brother is Javier. Hah!
As of Friday:
Emilio survives the beating but has “cortical blindness” which may or may not be reversible. Everyone assumes Adolfo/Ismael is responsible but the viewer knows it was one of the guys Emilio welched on in a card game.
Renato slips into the hospital to see Emilio. Emilio senses his presence and tells the family about it but they all think he’s imagining things.
This week Yolanda, fearing that Nibaldo has another woman, follows him to Renato’s secret apartment. Now three people -- Rebeca, Nibaldo and Yolanda -- know that Renato is alive; and Emilio suspects that he is.
Igor Mora has become a kind of oracle in the Conde house. Everyone goes to him for answers and his monosyllables speak volumes. The Conde kids now know the real names of the twins, that Adolfo/Ismael is malo, that Ivan/Leonardo was killed, and that the third sib is a brother. Ismael is desperate to get his father Igor out of there, dead or alive.
Ismael orders Hilda to kill Igor. If she refuses, Emilio will die. Hilda poisons Igor’s soup as instructed but doesn’t have the heart to feed it to him.
Hilda then witnesses a confrontation between Eva and Igor’s wife, Mabel, and hears Mabel say that Eva once tried to kill her.
Using the names Igor, Ivan and Ismael Mora, blind Emilio talks Ignacia through an internet search that reveals a 1976 photo of the Mora family: Igor and Mabel, an unnamed young boy, and twin baby boys, Ivan and Ismael. Hilda sees Mabel in the photo and recognizes her as the woman she just saw with Eva. She spills what she heard. Could the young boy in the photo be Javier?
Eva admits to Ignacia that she did try to kill Mabel but denies knowing anything about Mabel’s family.
Gonzalo’s speculative maneuver pays off and Conde stock rises dramatically.
Javier launches a smear campaign against Gonzalo denouncing him in the legal community for his personal and professional failings; as a result, several clients leave the firm. Javier tries to recruit Matías and Rebeca to a new firm he is starting.
Javier has also hired a detective (recommended by Matías) to follow Pilar and Gonzalo. The goal is to get rid of Gonzalo definitively. Meanwhile, Matías tells Rebeca about the detective. The two will approach him and try to neutralize him.
In the middle of all this Sturm und Drang, Matías declares his love for Rebeca and proposes marriage.
Pilar catches Ignacia in the process of trashing her office and realizes she was the one who destroyed it before. She stands tough in the face of Ignacia’s usual nasty threats. Then she tells Gonzalo – and he’s none too happy at the steely note in her voice -- that he’d better control Ignacia. She visits Javier and tells him what Ignacia has done.
Javier nearly chokes Ignacia to death and warns her to keep away from Pilar.
Pilar sees a picture of Rosa, now known to be Ismael’s accomplice, and realizes this is her patient “Cecilia”, the same one who claimed to be in love with Gonzalo.
Carola and Ignacia speculate that Javier could be the third Mora brother. Matías and Gonzalo agree it’s possible. Pilar is incensed at the suggestion: she’s been married to Javier for more than 15 years and it’s inconceivable that he could have a secret identity, unknown to her. Gonzalo is unhappy at her reaction. Does she still harbor feelings for Javier?
Later, the creepy Rosa Munita Yen is found murdered. (It’s actually Hilda, on her way to a meeting with Ismael, who finds her.) We know Ismael isn’t the killer – he’s actually distraught over her death. The viewer suspects that Gonzalo – looking more and more like the third brother -- is responsible.
Diego has a nightmare that someone is hurting him – Gonzalo!
Hilda asks Nibaldo to take her to see Rebeca. No, she doesn’t want to talk about divorce. She’s in deep doo doo and she needs a lawyer.
On Friday, there are some interesting developments:
1. Despite Javier’s dirty tricks, Conde stock prices hold and Gonzalo goes
into executive mode.
2. On the threshold of the Conde house, Javier overhears Matías referring to his role as the late Renato’s informant. Both enter the unlocked front door and argue heatedly, Matías denying and Javier accusing.
3. Meanwhile, Ismael has also entered the Conde house and gone upstairs where helpless Igor and blind Emilio are alone. He brandishes a hunting knife he seems to have borrowed from Julián in Alguien te mira. Igor Mora’s screams alert Emilio. (How does he know Ismael is there?) Then Emilio also begins screaming for help and Matías runs upstairs, Javier at his heels. Matías momentarily disarms Ismael and shouts for Javier to call the police; Javier stands frozen and does nothing. Ismael manages to break free, stopping briefly to thank Javier. As Ismael runs from the house, he bumps into Yolanda, just back with the groceries, and then is nearly run over by Gonzalo. Matías again catches up with him, wrestles him to the ground and shouts to Yolanda to call the police. Javier stands back and watches. Gonzalo gets out of the car...
In the next scene, the police arrive and arrest Ismael. Everyone but Javier gathers round while Gonzalo explains what happened and thanks Matías and Yolanda. Emilio credits Igor Mora with saving his life by alerting him to the unseen danger.
3. Matías again asks Rebeca to marry him and she accepts.
4. The Conde women are in a truth-telling mood:
Carola admits to the family that she’s in love with Ismael. And she knows he had nothing to do with the attack on Emilio because Ismael/Adolfo said so. (Of course he also told her he was responsible for Renato’s death so the viewer knows that Ismael is a liar, even if, in this particular case, he’s telling the truth.)
Ignacia admits to Igor Mora that her time with Ismael/Adolfo was the happiest period in her life.
Eva is cornered by Carola and Ignacia and says she’ll tell them the truth about Mabel. (We’ll see.)
Hilda admits to Nibaldo and Yolanda that she’s been meeting Leonardo/Adolfo/Ismael and doing things for him... that he asked her to poison Igor but she couldn’t go through with it.
5. Pilar gives Gonzalo an ultimatum: the Conde family or her. Meanwhile Diego, feeling guilty about deserting his sister Andrea, packs up his stuff and returns to the Ruiz house. When Pilar realizes he is gone, she follows him home. Smirking Javier walks in to find his picturebook family intact. He escorts the tearful Pilar up to the bedroom. He knew she’d come back to him, to his arms, her family, safety. He loves her and will take care of her for the rest of her life. He moves close and touches her face...
Pilar and Javier are naked in bed. He’s awake. She is ... unconscious? asleep? (dead???).
Gonzalo bursts in looking for Javier and comes upon this tableau... “Gonzalo ... por Dios” smirks Javier.
Okay. Your turn. Flor Salvaje? Mi Corazon Insiste?
Labels: casa-lado, flor-salvaje, insiste, telemundo
Teresa Fri 8/19/11 #120 Karmageddon continues for Teresa
REPRISE: Martin has set Aurora free. She’s impactada.
VECINDAD: Refugio is consoling some old lady, Chonita (never seen her before) who’s on the brink of eviction because she can’t pay the rent. Chonita leaves (are Artie and Teresa gonna take over her apartment in the near future? No puede ser!) Anyhoos, Teresa explains Esperanza invited them over to discuss the party plans to celebrate Rodriguito’s baptism. The talk turns to babies and momsie and popsicle ask when are the Barreras planning to have a baby, since they’re obviously so in lurve! Art and Teresa exchange nervous glances.
AURORA can’t believe Martin doesn’t want to marry her. She assures him she loves him very much. He doubts she does. She uses the term “querer” and he uses the term “amar”. Then he tells her he saw her with Mariano. There’s no use discussing it. No matter how much she tries, he doesn’t believe she’ll ever look at him the way she looked at Mariano nor kiss him the way she kissed Mariano.
CHEZ CHAVEZ: Art and Tere tell her parents they’re not quite ready to have babies now due to their financial situation. It’s going to have to wait. Espe, Hernan, and Juana arrive just then with Rodrigito. Teresa holds the baby as Arturo looks on, somewhat wistfully.
AURORA explains she told Mariano she would never see him again and naturally he could no longer be in their wedding. Martin knows; he overheard them. He knows she’s such a wonderful woman and always wants to do for others even though it may come at a price. He cites several instances such as studying medicine at her father’s insistence, accepting her mother, evil as she is, just to be by her side, and now she was prepared to marry him. He realizes he’s a nice, handsome, millionaire, and above all, humble man. The only downside is that she doesn’t love him. He knows she doesn’t want to hurt him but marriage isn’t like a business venture where a risk can be taken. If there’s a risk, the marriage won’t work. There’s no use in pursuing it. Aurora’s tears are flowing now. Martin knows she feels obligated to marry him and that’s why it’s up to him to break the engagement. If it were up to her, he knows she’d marry him and live the rest of her life living up to her wedding vows. It would be great for him but she wouldn’t be happy and he can’t allow that to happen. She tells him he’s an extraordinary man and he agrees but he doesn’t want to see her suffer. He’s close to tears now and asks her to leave before he changes his mind. She asks for his forgiveness then kisses him tenderly on the forehead before she leaves. He stands to watch her leave and for a micro second I imagine him singing “Oh Mandy, you came and you gave without taking…..”
CHEZ CHAVEZ: Fiesta planning is in full swing now. Espe explains they want something simple and Hernan says he’ll pay for everything. Teresa insists that as padrinos, it’s their responsibility. The talk goes back and forth with Teresa insisting on a grand event while everyone else suggests a garden party at Arturo’s or Hector’s home. Juana breaks an uncomfortable pause by saying Pati/Johnny are waiting for them. As everyone leaves, Arturo pulls Teresa aside, asking her when she’s going to realize they no longer have any money. She realizes he no longer has millions but that doesn’t mean they have to lower their standard of living (nivel de vida). She realizes they can no longer travel and that they’ve had to sell the firm but that was done to maintain their standard of living. Arturo breaks it to her that he wants to get out of debt as quickly as possible and that means by whatever means necessary. Arturo goes on, “What, don’t you agree? As long we’re together, right? This will prove to me that you didn’t marry me for my money, right?” “Of course,“says Teresa, and she’ll prove it to him. He suggests she tell Espe they won’t be able to hand out silver coins at the fiesta as Teresa had suggested. She balks at this but finally agrees when he offers to tell her himself. As she leaves, old lady Chonita returns looking for Refugio. As the accordion plays a woeful tune, Chonita proceeds to tell Arturo her pitiful story about why she must leave the vecindad…..
FERNANDO’S APARTMENT: Orcaina tells Fernando Teresa has been deceiving Arturo all this time. As his friend, it’s up to Fernando to help Arturo open his eyes. Fernando tells her Arturo loves Teresa. That’s obvious to Horroriana since he’s taken her back as though he had not the slightest bit of dignity. She can’t believe it!
VECINDAD: Chonita has taken Arturo down to her shabby apartment and Viewerville has been spared her sorry story. Arturo’s very sorry about what’s happened to her. (I’m convinced he’s gonna make Teresa live there with him as part of his Plan of Vengeance!) The creditors (I’m guessing) came and took everything and left only a few shabby pieces of furniture. The place is a mess. She tells Arturo she doesn’t know what she’s going to do next. Arturo’s situation isn’t the best right now but maybe he can help her.
FERNANDO’S APARTMENT: Oriana wants to know if Arturo said anything to Fer. The code of Hunkasaurus doesn’t allow him to say anything but he does think that in Arturo’s present financial situation, Teresa’s love will be put to the test. Oriana scoffs at the thought of Teresa passing any such test. Fernando of course disagrees and tells her to please butt out of their marriage. Oriana tells him not to worry, she doubts very much Teresa will be sticking around; it’s only a matter of time.
HOSPITAL: Wow, Teresa has the nerve to visit Mariano in his office. He has nothing to say to her and doesn’t want anything to ruin this moment. She’s aware he’s won another award and she’s happy for him. She’s here to ask him something and her life depends on it. She wants to know why his father told Arturo everything that happened between them. He sets her straight. His dad didn’t know anything and Arturo was already well informed when he came to Ramon’s apartment. Teresa guesses maybe Johnny because someone from the vecindad who works as a chauffeur/messenger told Oriana. Mariano can’t think of who it can be but he does tell her he was so worried about what Arturo might do to her that he went looking for her. She’s surprised to hear this and confirms she asked Arturo for forgiveness and another chance. Mariano confesses his idiotic idea to confront Arturo and take Teresa away. Teresa is impactada.
CHEZ CACERES: Aurora visits with Aida and they talk about Teresa and Arturo attempting to patch things up. Aida can’t believe that even now Mariano can’t accept that Teresa will never be his. Aurora agrees he’ll never accept that and that really has nothing to do with Aida. Of course it does, reasons Aida. If that rrrrrrrata isn’t in the middle of things, she has a better chance of being with Mariano. She just can’t figure out how to win him back. She doesn’t want to seem like she’s begging him (too late, sister). Aurora suggests she give it a few days to see if Mariano misses her. Aida refuses, saying she can’t stand being without him. Aurora then tells her she broke up with Martin. Aida turns her screechiness on Aurora! She accuses her of wanting to be with Mariano.
MARIANO’S OFFICE: Teresa’s amazed he went looking for her. He admits he was ready and willing to do anything for her to be with him. Then he realized she’s fallen in love with her husband, or she wouldn’t have asked him for another chance. She claims she did so because she was afraid of what Arturo would do to her, he was that angry. Mariano tells her it’s no use lying, after she’d took the bullet for Arturo he realized, well it doesn’t matter. He’s been a tonto (you can say that again). Then he tells her he figures she’s learned her lesson now that Arturo is penniless and she still wants to be with him. He wishes she had done the same with him. How ironic--if had she stayed with him, they’d be enjoying all his success but as it turns out, she fell in love with Arturo right at the time he lost all his money. She tells him that what they have is so strong, it’ll last a lifetime. She’s wrong, he tells her. Now that their roles are reversed, he can only believe she’s after him for his money. She can’t believe he would say that to her. He tells her they know each other well enough to cut through the b.s. As much as he loves her, he knows she left him for Arturo because of his fortune. He asks, what is she prepared to do now? Demonstrate that she’s learned her lesson and stay by the man she loves, or abandon him for a richer man? Hopefully now she can fight for the man she loves and won’t betray him for money because as she knows now it’s something that comes and goes. BAM! Right between the eyes! Teresa is speechless.
CASA DE LA LOCA: Aida is demanding an answer! Does Aurora love Mariano? Does she want him for herself? Aurora explains she has no plans to go near Mariano and suggests that Aida do the same because Mariano will never stop loving Teresa. Aida tells her to do what she wants but as for herself, she will fight for Mariano.
MARIANO’S OFFICE: Teresa claims to have learned her lesson and will prove it to him. Mariano may think she’s coming around now because of his money but he is very wrong. Truthfully, she’s glad that he came looking for her and that he continues to love her. He repeats what he told her the other day, that sometimes love isn’t enough. They’re just not destined to be together. Her ambition will always be stronger than love. Now that she loves another, he will no longer come looking for her. (let’s remember that next time Arturo tries to kick her out.) He truly wants her to be happy. Adios! He leaves her crying in his office and she says to herself, “Ser ó no ser, yo soy.”
HECTOR’S OFFICE: Aurora comes to visit Daddy and he congratulates her for winning that award. She’s here to tell him of the breakup. He’s very concerned. She tells him Martin caught her kissing Mariano.
ELSEWHERE IN THE HOSPITAL, Teresa is looking for Aurora at the nurse’s station when Aida shows up asking if she’s looking for Mariano yet again. Uh-uh, Teresa explains she’s looking for Aurora and turns to leave. Not so fast, says our little Banshee – don’t play the saint. They both know her only interest in that hospital is Mariano. And everyone now knows the real reason behind Mariano’s scandal at the wedding. Teresa tries to say it was only because he loved her. Aida very loudly corrects her – no, no, it was because you slept with him the day before the wedding! Everyone is watching now. Aida continues her rant, saying she only married Arturo for the money and that she married him a few hours after sleeping with Mariano! Aida is proud of herself and Teresa nervously looks around.
HECTOR’S OFFICE: He’s scolding Aurora for making such a big mistake. He can’t believe she would do such a thing and he blames Mariano as well. Can she imagine what Martin must feel now? She tells him Martin understood what happen after he heard her tell Mariano she would never see him again. Hector feels that’s exactly what she should do: get as far away from Mariano as possible. He’s done enough damage. He reminds her he asked her if she was sure about her feelings for Martin precisely to avoid this situation.
NURSE STATION DRAMA: Teresa admits she slept with Mariano because she has a problem Aida will never have and that is choosing among the men who love her whereas Aida has to go begging for attention from Teresa’s castoffs. OUCH! Aida tells her she prefers being frank, and honest, and NOT A HYPOCRITE!!! She’s shouting now and Espe walks up to shush her, reminding her she’s in a hospital. Ok, we all know this will do no good. Aida starts in on her for coming to the rescue of her friend saying they’re one and the same, looking for someone who will take them out of the vecindad! Mariano comes running, “¡Basta Aida!” She defends herself saying she only speaks the truth, shouting that his friend here couldn’t get her father to marry her so she found someone else to bring her out of her poverty. And as for Teresa……..Mariano sternly reminds her she’s in his workplace and not to start an escándolo! Aida tells him he can stay with Teresa if he’s going to defend her. She finally leaves. Teresa thanks him for coming to her rescue. Mariano angrily says Aida has no right to come here and shout at anyone but she was right about what she said about them. Teresa starts to tell him she doesn’t regret what happened between them that day when Juana comes by wondering what all the fuss is about. Teresa tells her Mariano was defending her from Aida. Juana coldly tells Mariano that Teresa can take care of herself and considering the circumstances between her and her husband, Mariano should just stay away. She drags Teresa away. Espe suggests Mariano reconsider making up with Aida now that Teresa is back with her husband.
CASA BARRERA: Luisa has noticed a change in Arturo. Arturo ignores this and tells her he’s decided he and Teresa should live within their means and will be leaving this house. Ruh-roh! Luisa objects, telling him Fernando is willing to help. Arturo refuses to hear this and suggests maybe she and Fer should live there and if Fernando agrees, Arturo will pay rent to use the house as his office space.
MARIANO’S OFFICE: Hector’s waiting for Mariano and tells him he’s not there as Hector the Director. He’s there as Aurora’s father! He can’t believe Mariano kissed her knowing she was engaged! Basta! Hector blabs a little too much and tells him Aurora’s been pining for him for years now and even went to France in the hopes of forgetting him. This is all news to Mariano. Hector continues, saying she was going to marry another because he never noticed her. Hector doesn’t care why Mariano never noticed her. All he knows is that she was going to marry a good man who loved and adored her. Now, because of Mariano, he’s called off the wedding! As Aurora’s father, he warns him to stay away from his daughter. As Director of the hospital, nothing will change between them; however, in terms of their personal life, he can forget about him and his daughter. Mariano apologizes profusely and says he’ll talk to Aurora. “What for?” asks Hector. “To build up her hopes like you’ve done with Aida?” Ooohh! He sees now that Arturo was right about Mariano. He thinks Mariano’s love for Teresa will be his undoing (perdición). Mariano is muy impactado.
FERNANDO’S APARTMENT: Luisa’s upset about everything that’s happening because of the Arturo/Teresa scandal and knows how much Oriana hates scandals. She also feels everyone will be talking about them. Fernando doesn’t care and this won’t make him change his mind. His mother has no reason to butt in and change the wedding date. He wonders if Luisa wants to listen to Oriana. Luisa understands it’s still difficult for him to think of marriage and she doesn’t want him to feel pressured.
HECTOR’S OFFICE: Hector tells Juana that what Mariano did to Aurora isn’t right. They both agree she should have been honest with Martin about her doubts. Hector thinks aloud about how sad he is to learn that she may have never really loved Martin. It’s as though she had been deceiving him all along. He wonders if Juana has any idea what Martin must be going through. Juana can only stammer about how one can be confused about love. Hector disagrees saying one always knows who their true love is. Oh, Juana has a such a guilty look on her face.
ELSEWHERE IN THE HOSPITAL: Mariano approaches Aurora and tells her he’s aware she broke up with Martin because of him. Aurora explains they broke up because she didn’t love him enough to marry him. She admits he saw them smooching and regrets the pain this has caused him. Mariano tries to explain and she shoots him down, saying the world doesn’t revolve around him. The problems between her and Martin are theirs alone and have nothing to do with him! She reminds him she no longer wants anything to do with him. She’s just as good as erased him from her life. Dejame en paz! Wow! Mariano will have no one to talk to pretty soon.
BEDTIME AT THE BARRERAS: Arturo’s ready for bed and thank goodness only has on pajama bottoms. Arturo tells Teresa they’re leaving this house. They’ll only use the library as office space. Fernando didn’t ask for the house, but the maintenance is too expensive. They’d have to give it over to Fernando and Luisa sooner or later anyway. He gets into bed and she notices he still doubts her. She assures him again that she loves him. They start making love.
MARIANO seeks advice from Hernan, telling him when he thought of dating Aurora, she was already seeing Martin. Besides, there’s always the issue of Teresa. He just can’t forget her. Hernan suggests then that he not mess with Aurora. She’s a great woman and very sensitive. Mariano knows that and he cares for her very much. That’s not what Hernan is talking about. Aurora has loved him for a very long time. He now tells him it was Aurora, and not Hernan, who gave him his stethoscope and blood-pressure-taking-gizmo (sorry, can’t think of the correct name) all those years ago.
CASA BARRERAS: Teresa is now asleep as Arturo thoughtbubbles. He can’t resist her. He wants to hate her but he can’t. Why can’t he stop loving her even though he knows she only married him for his money. He’s so sad.
HOSPITAL: The award presentation is almost under way and Mariano is concerned that Aurora hasn’t arrived. Juana asks Mariano what is it that he wants. Does he want to talk to Aurora about her breakup, thanks to him? Es el colmo that one day he’s with Aida and the next he’s bothering Teresa. Doesn’t he realize Teresa and Aurora are besties and they’re both like daughters to her? Mariano asks her to butt out. She starts to respond when Ramon walks up to congratulate his son. He joyfully asks Juana what she thinks of his son, of whom he’s so proud. She agrees--as a doctor, he’s the best. She excuses herself and her comment is not lost on Ramon. Ramon notices Mariano seems nervous. Just then Aurora walks up and warmly greets Ramon but barely says hello to Mariano. Then Hector steps by to say hi and moves on. Mariano admits they’re both angry with him. Ramon tells his son all the prizes in the world mean nothing without someone to share them with. The awards presentation begins.
CASA BARRERAS: Arturo’s on his way out and Teresa asks him if he’s sure they can’t stay in this house. He reminds her what he said last night and that she needs to support him. He leaves and she rolls her eyes. As soon as he’s out the door she calls Fernando, urging him to meet with her.
BACK AT THE AWARDS PRESENTATION, Arturo and Aurora have been given their awards. Aurora takes the mic and says she’s very proud to be a recipient but announces that due to personal reasons, she will not participate in the project. Everyone is stunned, including Hector.
TERESA MEETS WITH FERNANDO, complaining about having to move and asks Fernando not to allow this to happen. She’s not worried for herself but for Arturo. Think of his reputation and the gossip! She also thinks it will be bad for Fernando and Luisa if people start to talk. She’s sure his mother won’t like it. Fernando tells her Oriana’s already talked to them about it and even wants them to push up the date for the wedding. They haven’t decided but it doesn’t matter to him if he marries within 15 days or 2 months. He just doesn’t like giving in to his mother cuz then she gets carried away. As for the house, Arturo has made up his mind but he does agree to talk to him again to see if he changes his mind. They hold hands and he looks into those little Sharky eyes of hers.
BACK AT THE AWARDS PRESENTATION: Mariano rushes after Aurora, telling her he knows she’s giving up the project because of him. He feels he should be the one to step back. She reminds him a Doctor should head up the project and she’s not a doctor yet. She doesn’t want him to step aside. She only wants him to understand she no longer wants any connection (nexo) to him, not even work related. He tells her again he never meant to hurt her. She doesn’t think it’s all his fault. She should have expressed her feelings a long time ago before he started seeing Aida and when he was first disappointed by Teresa. But now Aida will do anything to win him back and Teresa---she doesn’t really believe she’ll stick with Arturo now that he doesn’t have any money. It was probably for the best that she didn’t marry Martin, it wouldn’t have been fair to him. She’s not going to be like Aida, she is definitely going to stay away.
CASA BARRERA: Juana is visiting with Teresa as she works. She fills her in on the award Aurora and Mariano received along with prize money totaling 1.5 million pesos! Teresa is bugged eyed! Juana also tells her Aurora broke up with Martin. Arturo interrupts before Juana can give her the deets on the breakup. He tells her they’re moving tomorrow, the sooner the better. Fernando called him earlier to try and change his mind but he refused. He asks if Juana would like to move with them but she says she’ll just go back to her own apartment. Teresa excitedly asks him where they’re moving. He tells her she’ll find out tomorrow.
MOVING DAY! Teresa tells Juana she’s exited to find out where they’ll live. She expects they’ll move into a house. But if it’s an apartment, the least she’ll accept is a penthouse like Fernando’s. Juana’s sure Arturo picked out something she’s sure to like. Arturo comes in and reminds her that he wants to stop by her parents before they go to their new digs. Eeeek! He so smoooooth.
MARTIN is at his restaurant and Mariano comes by asking to speak to him.
VECINDAD!!!!!! The Barreras are visiting with her parents. Arturo is explaining he promised Teresa a good life but unfortunately his luck turned. Armando acknowledges it was because of those papers he lost during the mugging. Arturo sees no use in talking about that now. He hopes that within a few months his financial situation will improve. For now, he decided to pay off his debts in full instead of installments. Refugio thinks that’s a great idea. (She’s never been one to be in debt). Arturo tells them he was only able to pay off a portion of the debt due to his present economic state. Teresa tells them they’re moving to a “smaller” house. Refugio tells her that doesn’t matter. Arturo tells Refugio that’s the same thing Teresa said because she’s ready to follow him anywhere. They share a tender kiss. Refugio asks where they’ll live. Arturo stays mum and Teresa admits he’s keeping it a surprise. Then Arturo drops the bomb!!! He wanted to talk with Refugio and Armando because they will be their new vecinos!!!!!! DUN-DUN-DUHN!!!!! Teresa looks like a caged animal (or a shark in a small tank). Yes, Teresa, they’re going to live in Chonita’s old apartment! Teresa begins to hyperventilate and stands up, shouting at him, asking him if he’s asking her to live in this vecindad!?! Well, at least she didn’t say “mugrosa” vecindad. Teresa has improved. Tee-hee!
Labels: Teresa
Cuando Me Enamoro #88 Friday 8/19/11 Projected Memories, Dozens of Daisies, and Divorce Difficulties.
Roberta smugly tells her mother to mind her own business when it comes to men. Soto meets with Matias and drops the anvil on him; the pre-nup stipulated that Matias and Berta were meant to be married for 10 years, not one. Mat gets his angry face on.
Honorio and Nata help take Adriana home from the hospital. It's a day in rare form for the Monterrubios since everything seems to be working out for them. The only problem is that Blanca is still at large. Adriana really wants to see her caught.
Meanwhile, Her Battiness gets a phone call from her informant that their plan will proceed that very day. She's pleased which means misery for Honorio and Co.
Jero reads about Empresas Monterrubio in the paper. They have solved their credit problem and guarantee their clients the same great service as always. Luciana the Banker kept her word about not telling Gonzo the identity of the benefactor.
Nata finds her car in the parking garage and is flustered that Jero wrote a message in window chalk on her windshield. "Freckles, you are the most beautiful woman in the world / Pecas, eres la mujer mas hermosa del mundo" is what it says, accompanied by a little heart in the corner. Nata angrily cleans it off while giving the window-washer a tongue lashing for not getting rid of it sooner.
Padre tells Lazaro he has to respect Karina's decision. Laz has the utmost respect for Kari but he just can't get over her. Padre points out that he had no trouble flirting with Arely. Besides, there's no way Padre can convince Karina to get a divorce.
Matilde asks Karina to make her a wedding dress. Kari hesitates but Manuela assures her she can do it. Mati beams that her wedding day will be the best day of her life. Kari turns into a wet blanket and says that her wedding day wasn't so wonderful. Manuela tries to cheer her with the hope that she will find true amor one day but Kari thinks she has been left on the shelf for good.
Constanza and Honorio are all smiles now that Adriana is home. They both offer to help Adriana with anything she needs. Hon ruins the good vibrations by getting in a barb at Coni. A basket of candy arrives for Adriana and Honorio leaves in a huff when he sees they're from Chema.
Cata comes clean to Regi about having talked to Gonzo. She didn't want to keep it a secret from Regi. Additionally, Cata has decided to move into a nursing home. Regi refuses to let her mother go. Cata says she can't bear to live with Regi while she carries on with a married man. She doesn't want to ruin "what Regi thinks makes her happy". Nothing like good old fashioned emotional blackmail!
Antonio and Fina chat on the phone. They decide the gala is the best place to make it known to Regi and Gonzo that they will never be allowed to live happily ever after. Fina agrees to meet with him to iron out their plans.
Coni brings in lunch for Adri and wonders if it wouldn't be best if she told Chema not to visit while Adri is recuperating. With all that's happened recently, Coni does not want to contribute to the week-long headache Honorio has had. Adri tells Coni to ask Chema to visit while Hon is at work.
Alfonsina tracks Ezequiel down in the fields. She wanted to discuss what they plan to do about the baby if they separate. Zeke tells her he doesn't have time to talk about such stupid things. Alfi asks him to go with her to do a test on the baby. Zeke refuses to do it and could not care less if the baby is his or not.
Matias and Berta are in a shouting match about the pre-nup. He agreed to help Berta, not to be chained down for a decade! Berta is furious that Mat thinks the "mistake" in the contract was her fault. If not Berta, Mat is positive that it was Fina who did it. Speak of the diabla and she appears, Fina jumps into the fray to defend herself.
Agustin and Nata have drinks in a lovely restaurant. Jero glides into the room and makes himself comfortable at the table. Nata stares at him in disbelief while Augie looks like he just swallowed a fork.
Jero tells Augie that his place is next to Nata and that's where he wants to be. They haven't signed the divorce papers yet, so Jero isn't going anywhere. Augie blows his top and clearly wants to punch Jero on the nose. Nata convinces Augie to sit back down while Jero strides out of the room.
A projector kicks on and starts playing a home-movies from Nata and Jero's wedding. The images are projected onto the wall of the restaurant for everyone to see. Augie leaves in a snit but Nata watches the video with a wistful expression.
Fina and Berta screech their innocence. Matias vows to have the contract annulled because it was tampered with. He only agreed to the marriage for the sake of the baby but now it's over. Berta pleads with Matias not to do it; a divorce so soon would make her a laughingstock. Matias has no sympathy for her plight.
Things at the restaurant have calmed down. Somehow Augie and Nata haven't been thrown out yet. At any rate, Nata cries because the memories are so painful. When things were good between her and Jero, they were fantastic. It was the circumstances that made their relationship impossible. Augie promises that Nata's wounds will heal in time.
Gonzo assures Regi that they will find her daughter, despite the unfortunate demise of Det. Cantu. He also promises that she will earn her mother's respect again once they are married.
Jero drops by at Constanza's. He is hopeful that all the crazy things he keeps doing will eventually open Nata's heart to him. Coni is confidant that Nata will come around.
Carlos bounds into the hacienda like an over-eager puppy. He tells Matilde that his parents are coming that weekend to meet her. Mati is nervous but excited at the same time.
Padre vents to Dr. Tatas about the problems between Karina and Alvaro. There's only a few reasons the church will accept an annulment. He did accept it in Jero and Nata's case. (But not in the one where Kari's husband raped her and tied her up in a bedroom for weeks? Please re-evaluate the system, Padre.) Marina listens with peeled ears as Padre explains more of Nata and Jero's private lives. Too bad this isn't one of those novelas where the Padre is bound by a secret of confession. At least then, he'd have to shut up every once and while.
Jero visits Marina's office. He peers into an open drawer and sees the Monterrubio file. He resists the urge to snatch it just as the nurse comes back.
The living room at Coni's is positively bursting with beautiful bouquets of every kind. Nata is amazed at how many gorgeous flowers Adriana received. Actually, they weren't sent for Adri. They are *all* from Jero for Nata. "I did not know what your favorite flower is. I do not like to make mistakes, so I sent you every kind of flower the florist had. I hope you will tell me which you prefer so I can send you one every day for the rest of my life."
Nata rips up the card and Adri and Coni are exasperated with her. "He is driving me crazy!" Nata fumes. "Crazy *with love*?" Coni asks.
Matias gives Gonzo all the ugly details about the pre-nup. He asks for advice. Gonzo tells him to take his time making a decision.
Nata just can't accept Jero's peace offerings; She was so hurt and humiliated by him. Adriana and Coni (looking quite like a mother and daughter pair) warn Nata that Jero is stubborn and will never give up. Well, Nata is twice as stubborn as Jero is. The harder he tries, the more she is going to resist. Coni asks Nata if she could give in, forgive Jero, and start from scratch. Nata does not think she can but Coni assures her she could.
Regina visits Ines and she happily agrees to offer Cata a place to live for awhile. Ines will have a talk with Cata on Regi's behalf.
Gonzo glances around Misery Manor with new, jaded eyes. Fina is thrilled to see him but her smile turns into a scowl when he hands her the divorce papers. She refuses to read them. Gonzo tells her that he can move forward with an express divorce without her consent. Fina swears that nobody, not even the law, will separate her from Gonzo. He has the decency to not laugh in her face.
Augie unwinds in his room. He hates the way Nata seems to be falling for Jero's antics. Berta is sure Nata will never forgive Jero. While Nata might marry Augie, he will never measure up to the love that Jero gave her. Nata will never love him like she loved Jero. Berta knows how to push people's buttons, no?
Fina blubbers over the divorce papers. Gonzo was only a thing that Fina owned and manipulated. He finally realizes that now. "I am free. Adios, Josefina." Gonzo walks out the door for good. Fina throws a few pillows in rage and bangs on the table. She can't give up the name Señora Monterrubio! No, no, no! Marsha, Marsha, Marsha! (Yeah, this honestly feels more like a temper tantrum than a grown woman upset about her divorce).
The next morning, Jero texts Nata to find out which flower was her favorite. She resists answering for a little while and talks back to her phone. Nata wonders if her Tia might have been right about giving Jero a chance. She agrees to meet Jero at his apartment that afternoon.
Carlos digs in to breakfast and loves Mati's cooking. Lazaro arrives with his grades from the university. He passed with flying colors! Everyone is so happy for him. Carlos is so impressed he offers to teach Laz everything he knows about the wine business.
Gonzo tells Soto to follow through with the divorce and give Fina whatever she wants. That way, she will have no reason to drag out the proceedings.
Berta arrives home to a spitting mad Fina. It really gets under her skin that Gonzo wanted a divorce because he wants to marry Regi. Fina will never let it happen. Gonzo will never be free of her.
Matias has breakfast with Coni, Adri, and Nata. Adri teases Nata about being so energetic. Her internal monologue hopes that it was a good idea to agree to visit Jero.
As if Honorio's life could not get any worse, he is suddenly handcuffed by two policemen. He is being arrested for fraud against "Monique de la Rivera". Blanca watches with glee from across the street.
Avances: Jero and Nata get ready for their date. Augie steps out of an airplane (?) and tells Gonzo that Nata will be safe with him. Hmm...
agarrar - to catch, to grab
pecas - freckles
casa de asistencia - nursing home
estropear - to spoil, to damage
tarugadas - stupid things
amarrar - to tie up
empiezas de cero - to start from scratch
titubeante - hesitant
Labels: Cuando
Friday, August 19, 2011
Alborada, 8/19/2011. Cap. 58.
On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 56 start at this link.
Carlos shows his artistic bent in today's screen shot. Thank you, Carlos.

Susanlynn's caption: Where did I park the coach?
Labels: Alborada
Teresa Thu 8/18/11 #119 Professor Hottie's Steely Side
Here is the completed recap, written as the episode ran! So I missed a few things, lo siento! And I'm sorry for the "from memory" summary I put up before, obviously watching two episodes back-to-back befuddled me because half my summary was from Wednesday's episode! LOL! Well, here is the actual recap. I might try to add screencaps, as I captured the episode on my computer (but it is now processing).
We start with a tearful Professor Hottie vowing to make Teresa pay. Fernando looks so confused and concerned.
We then go to Juana and Luisa talking with Teresa about what's going on between her and Professor Hottie.
Professor Hottie is telling Fernando about how poor Teresa started out, and how much he admired her for overcoming her humble beginnings—with a debt-ridden dad and sick mom. But all the time she just wanted his money.
Fernando tries to talk Professor Hottie out of his angry revenge talk. But Professor Hottie is still hot . . . hot with rage!
Juana and Luisa are talking with Teresa and they come to the conclusion that Mariano's dad (or Cutieberto?), the chofer, has been spreading gossip.
More with Professor Hottie's revenge talk as Fernando looks on concerned. If he isn't happy, neither will she be happy!
Cutieberto and Mariano talk about betraying women at a bar. (Or something)
In the bedroom, a scantily clad Teresa puts the moves on a shirtless Professor Hottie. He raises her in his arms and says she's the most adorable liar he's ever known. She looks uncertain at this.
Later on in bed. Professor Hottie and Teresa and laying side by side, looking kind of disappointed, and Professor Hottie is saying that things are hard because of all that has just happened.
He tells her that he wants the truth now. She crawls back in bed and gives all this bullcrap about how she always wanted him, blah blah, blah. When he was her teacher, blah blah blah. He doesn't seem convinced. He says he wants to forget it. She does the te amo te amo routine with him. He seems to be getting into the mood and turns off the lights, but then he flashes to her doing it with Mariano and the mood is killed. "No! No puedo!" he says and leaves the marriage bed as Teresa looks befuddled.
Fernando and Luisa have had better luck in their bed, and then start talking about, what else, the troubles between Professor Hottie and Teresa. They see the connection between Fernando's mom and Mariano's dad being mom's chofer. It's a pity that Fernando's mom doesn't accept Teresa, Luisa laments. Fernando makes some allusion to what's going on with Professor Hottie but I don't think he says much. (I miss stuff as I am typing!)
Teresa seeks out Professor Hottie downstairs, where he is drinking in solitude. She puts more moves on him about how she wants to show how much she loves him, blah blah blah. She says if she can forget about Paloma, he should forget about Mariano. He reminds her that Paloma is dead, and Mariano isn't.
Happy stuff with Esperanza's baby, Johnny, Pati, Refugio. Refugio is holding the baby and acting happy. Chatter between all the rest of them. I'm not really that gripped by this scene. Johnny talks about how Pati and he would like a kid some day or something.
Cutiberto barges in on Juana and starts talking about a job he has or something? (I've obviously missed something here.) He takes a call on his CELL PHONE (woo) and is being called to go to a hotel for some lady. Juana's eyes get as big as saucers and she is obviously jealous, which apparently was Cutieberto's whole purpose in coming over.
Fernando's mom has visited and you know she's expecting to hear news of a divorce, but Professor Hottie assures he that isn't going to happen as Teresa looks on with a supremely smug look on her face.
At the hospital, Mariano tells Aurora that (I think) Professor Hottie knows all about how he and Teresa were going to run away on the day of the boa. Aurora gives a disgusted look.
Professor Hottie kisses a triumphant-looking Teresa in front of Fernando's mom. There's a look of weird hatred that passes on Professor Hottie's face as he walks away and glances at Teresa.
Aurora starts chewing out Mariano for his blindness, like he can't be happy with any other woman. This is Mariano's cue to manfully grab Aurora and give her a kiss. She's all for it. As they are kissing properly, of course Martin walks by and is witness.
There's some weird sharky conversation between Teresa and Fernando's mom, and mom says she won't let Teresa hurt the people she knows.
A dramatic conversation between Aurora and Mariano. She tells him off. She's not giving up Martin for him. Martin is a great guy. Mariano and her can never be friends, however. Martin overhears this and has an ambivalent look on his face.
Esperanza has brought over bebe to be admired by Teresa and to talk about a party (?). There's some talk of not being able to afford the party? Teresa is holding the baby as if she likes babies or something. Who would have thought. More talk about economic problems.
Aurora says she's gonna be happy with Martin. Mariano says wait. No! I'm TIRED of waiting! She basically says she's tired of all of it, and she's going to make a go with Martin and be happy. Martin doesn't look all that thrilled with how she says this, I don't think.
Esperanza is telling Teresa about how happy she is with Hernan the galán, all after getting over Rubigote.
Teresa calls up Fernando and wants to see him, but not in his apartment(?)
Professor Hottie and Luisa are talking and Luisa is trying to convince Professor Hottie that the chofer is bad and not to believe the stuff he's heard. Professor Hottie says no biggie. He's acting weird and Luisa wonders what's going on. He's still acting weird and oddly quiet and weary.
Teresa meets Fernando at a diner or restaurant. Nice little hug there. She jokes that if they met in his apartment, his mom would think they were sleeping together! Oh HA HA HA! LOL. She puts forward this who BS story about how it's the chofer's fault, or maybe Cutberto's fault for spreading gossip, and she's hoping he'll help convince Professor Hottie .Then Fernando asks her—does she love Professor Hottie?
Aeeeeda wants Mariano back I guess, but he's saying no way. He doesn't want to go back to her. She reminds him that Teresa doesn't love him. No matter, he says, he's not returning to Aeeeeda.
Teresa is putting the moves on Fernando, asking for his help, and clasping his hands meaningfully on the table. She's telling him her version of how things are.
More Aeeeeda griping about Teresa. Mariano says maybe it's a good time for him to be alone for a while.
Hector the Director wants to see Mariano and I'm not sure what about? I think some good business news? Also Hector talks about Aurora's wedding to Martin.
Rubigote talking with Fito about baby snatching. Fito says he's got several ideas on how to get the kid. Rubigote wants his baby with him now.
Some short scene between Professor Hottie and Teresa. She cozies up to him and he looks ambivalent.
Martin invites Aurora to dinner and they drink wine. He has something important to tell her. He's freeing her from the wedding. Giving her her freedom! She looks impactado.
Labels: Teresa
La Fuerza del Destino #12 Thu 08/18/11 La Fuerza de Ivan's homecoming
Juan Jaime bitches about the crappy chilaquiles. Estela doesn't want to talk about that, though…"I was thinking…" Bad start, he mocks her for saying she was thinking. She wants to fix up David's room for when he comes home with his bride. JJ doesn't want to pay for it. And if Maripaz was stupid enough to marry David, well, she can just live in his little boy bedroom. At least he doesn't have a racecar bed. JJ is determined that David will prove he's a man by knocking Maripaz up and giving him a grandchild. But he doesn't discount the possibility that David is just trying to put one over on all of them. Anyway, he's not spending any money on "estupideces" (stupid shit). Estela needs to get it into her head, says JJ.
The next day, Maripaz flirts with guys at the pool on her way to meet David for breakfast. He let her sleep in and asks if she wants breakfast. Maripaz calls a waiter over and orders breakfast for herself. David says he'll have the same. This is the second time we've seen them have a meal together and both times, she orders something and he says he'll have the same. Seems like a red flag to me. Maripaz doesn't want to discuss the night before, or to go back early to cause gossip. She decrees that they'll stay for the days they planned , which will seem eternal. She refuses his offer to try again. As a matter of fact, she wants him to get his own room. She'll keep her mouth shut when they get home, but then she's asking for a divorce. And what does he respond? "Como tu digas" (whatever you say). Ouch.
Back in town, the ranchers are convening for a meeting to see what can be done to help them all with their tough agricultural times. JJ sends Lucrezia Borgia into the board room to wait with the others while he checks with his secretary to see if everyone has arrived yet. She tells him Saul is in his office dealing with an email that just arrived from…dun, dun, dun…McGuire Import/Export. JJ goes to check it out.
Saul doesn't really care about checking them out further, he's ready to dive right in. McGuire wants to come to the area and do business. They want to have the farmers form a co-op and export crops to the US! They have contracts with supermarkets! They're going to offer credit! And they're going to buy a packing plant! And Saul wants to sell them the Mondragon's old crappy falling apart one. "Yeah, and why would they want it?" Good point JJ.
In the meeting, everyone is excited about McGuire coming to town. They're all asking very good questions--why? What? One asks "What if they screw us over?" ("fregarnos," "screw us over") JJ sagely points out that they can't get more screwed than they already are. He informs the assemblage that it's the "mero meros" (big bosses) themselves who are coming to check things out--Anthony McGuire and Ivan McGuire. "Oh," says one of the guys, "that sounds good." 10 gallon hats nod all around and no one hears the anvil. They wonder what McGuire wants in exchange for their loans. Some kind of guarantees, perhaps, but what kind, wonders Lucrezia. JJ doesn't know, but he calls her "mi reina" (my queen) when he answers her.
Later, Lucrezia reminds him not to do that in public. She wants to know what he really thinks of a deal with McGuire. JJ is cautiously optimistic. He says he's been thinking, since there was no dowry for Maripaz, maybe she could rent him some land. When the gringos show up, he's sure to get preference as president of the association, and she'll be raking in the big bucks!
Carlota opines that it's JJ who will get the big bucks and he'll pass on as little as possible to Lucrezia. She thinks so too and knows she can't trust JJ. Carlota asks what the names of those guys were again…"Anthony and Ivan." Ivan's name catches Carlota's attention, but Lucrezia thinks it's just a coincidence. There are lots of Ivans in the world. Carlota thinks she should tell them her problems. "After all, being a woman on your own, with an ancient mother…." Carlota thinks she might get more help from them. And she can always offer the house as a guaranty. Lucrezia is shocked. "If it goes really badly, you can even give them the ranch house!" Lucrezia thinks the ranch house is a "pocilga" (crap shack), but Carlota thinks it's more of a fixer-upper. She and Teodoro used to live there quite happily. "If they're good people," says Carlota, "they'll help us out." But Lucrezia is doubtful. And worried. Maripaz hasn't called. Carlota thinks it's because she's having a great time. Pobre de Carlota when she finds out the truth!
Pobre de David, watching his wife hanging out and meeting people. She asks if he got the room yet. "Yeah, I told them I'm an insomniac." Maripaz whines about not having any money. David is happy to get her some, as long as she doesn't hang out with other people and make him look bad when everyone knows they're married. Maripaz doesn't care what the hotel staff think. David warns her not to provoke him. "Don't you provoke me either! Or do you want me to tell everyone I married a gay by mistake?"
In LA, at McGuire Mansion (does that make it a McMansion?) Ivan comes home to find Tony reading in the living room. Ivan's actually home early. "I got an answer from Alamos. They're interested. Saul Mondragon sent it to me, on behalf of his father. They're happy to meet us and talk to us. It was a very friendly email. They even offered to make our hotel reservations. If it's ok with you, we'll go this weekend." Tony agrees.
Lucrezia is getting her paperwork in order for the ranch, in case the McGuires want to see it. Lucia comes home from a long day of actual work. She ran into Saul outside the university and he's all excited about the Americans coming. Saul told her they're going to help the neediest farmers to improve their crops and export them. "Is that true?" Lucrezia says that's why she's reviewing the paperwork, just in case they ask for it. Carlota reminds Lucrezia that they still need to get a new administrator. Lucrezia says both theirs and JJ's turned out to be "rateros" (theives). Lucia suggests asking Gerry, but Lucrezia says he's no good at it and he's got his own job. "Yeah, but it's not going too well." Too bad, says Lucrezia. Carlota points out that Lucia teaches all morning, takes classes all afternoon, and maybe has a little bit of a lunch…"Aren't you starving?" Lucia says she could eat "una vaca entera!" (a whole cow). Carlota takes her to the kitchen to rustle up some grub.
Ivan is nervous about going home. He has so many expectations and has so many memories. He was mostly happy there, except the last few days. He wants to see how his godparents' family is doing. He remembers how Carmen cried when he left. Tony thinks he'll find them all just as he left them. Ivan hopes they're all alive and well. Camilo should have graduated, maybe he's even married. Ivan doesn't know why he never answered his letters. Well, Tony says, this weekend all Ivan's doubts will be cleared up.
JJ talks to Estela and Judith about the Americans (the Americans are coming, the Americans are coming!). Judith wonders if they're older or younger, but JJ doesn't care. Saul comes running in to announce that they're coming on Saturday. JJ orders Saul to reserve the rooms and hopes they don't expect JJ to pay for them. Saul gets verbally kicked for asking which rooms he should reserve. "Good ones! Do I have to think of everything myself?" JJ says he'll call David to come home, honeymoon be damned, it's business that's important! David puts up a token resistance, but JJ demands they be home tomorrow at the latest and hangs up before David can say another word. He goes back to the table while Estela looks worried.
David goes over to "Maripaz's room" because she wasn't answering her cell. He asks where she was all day. First off, she says, the battery in her old crappy phone, which he should have replaced, died. David tells her not to bother answering the question, "Just pack your bags because tomorrow we're going home." Maripaz has a brief moment of humanity, wondering if everyone in her family are ok. David says they're fine, but some Americans are coming to do business. "What's that got to do with me?" Well, honey, since you screwed one of them…. David says his dad wants him there and no, she can't stay and hang out, she's his wife! Maripaz asks if he's planning to drag her out of there through the lobby and shove her in a taxi. She gives him a shove and the music gets dramatic before we go to commercial.
David comes home. Alone. I predict no fewer than 3 bleepings when his father finds out. Estela is happy to see him. JJ accepts the excuse that since it's vacation season, he could only get one ticket home. He tells David to get his ass over to the association HQ cause they've got to plan for the arrival of the gringos. He leaves and Estela asks David how things went. We don't really hear his answer.
Ivan and Tony are back in Mexico. They get a taxi from the airport and stop at the scenic overlook (aka, Makeout Point) and Ivan points out all the landmarks to Tony. The square, the places he and Maripaz used to go together. He doesn't really want to drive around town, he wants to see Maripaz face to face. She's got a lot of 'splaining to do!
The taxi takes them to the hotel. Ivan never thought he'd be staying there. The clerk informs them they have 2 suites and she has Saul's card. He asked that they call when they arrive. Ivan looks at the card and notices it's Juan Jaime's card with Saul's handwritten numbers on the back.
JJ hopes they speak Spanish, because his English sucks. Saul supposes so, since the emails were in Spanish. "Yeah, well, a secretary could have written them." David offers to go with him, since his English is good. JJ turns him down and I am completely confused…what the fuck did he ask him to interrupt his honeymoon for if he thinks he's so useless?! JJ plans to bring the McGuire's home for dinner to make them feel welcome. He summons Estela and tells her the gringos are coming to dinner, so she'd better make some tasty food. The guys assume those gringos probably can't handle spicy food, so they tell Estela to make something, uh, elegant. What a classy pair JJ and Saul are. And uneducated. Everyone knows gringos LOVE spicy food! He tells her they don't want to look like a bunch of "indios" who eat nothing but beans. And yes, that's "indians," which has been synonymous with being low-class since Cortéz and his boys showed up. But hey, I'm not bitter. JJ tells David to get his wife back home, even if it's on a burro. That would be a sight! JJ gets a call from Ivan, who kisses his ass. He remembers the good old days, back when he'd first met his sperm donor. JJ sucks up some more and Ivan puts him on hold for a sec to ask Tony if he wants to have dinner at the Mondragon's. JJ also says he's going over to meet them personally at the hotel. JJ gets off the phone and tells them he now knows the McGuires are a father and son and the son sounds like he's about Saul's age. "Become his friend. Take him to parties, and that kind of thing." JJ orders his wife into the kitchen. He tells Saul to invite Ivan out tomorrow, not at dinner, so they can keep it among the young people.
David calls Maripaz, who whines that she doesn't want to go home, while some dude who she thinks she'll get tired of banging in about, hmmm, 3 days, strokes her arm with a flower. He tells her the room's only paid up through that evening, so if she doesn't come home she's on her own to pay the bill. He hangs up and wonders what he's going to do with her. Well, I only had the one suggestion and since that part of the equation doesn't seem to be working out…. Estela comes in to ask David what happened with the honeymoon. He tells her he wasn't up to his manly duty. "But you were so sure! You explained, right? Didn't you try it again?" (Moooooooom!) But David doesn't seem to mind having this conversation with her. He tells her she didn't want to. He really wants Maripaz, bitchy and insensitive as she is. His mom is furious and says a woman should make her husband feel good about himself, damnit! Well, I don't disagree, but I think she's expecting a lot, considering it's Maripaz. David is tired of having this "problem" and wants to consult anyone who can help. He doesn't care about what his dad says, he's going to get things taken care of! OK, maybe I'm oversimplifying, but, couldn't he just pop over a few towns and pick up some Viagra at the drugstore? Hell, couldn't he mail order it? Who's gonna know?
Tony wonders how Ivan is going to behave with the Mondragons. Ivan says like a normal person, with manners. Speaking of which, Tony would prefer that Ivan address him as "tu." Ivan refuses, out of respect, but not to put distance between them. JJ comes up to them and introduces himself. He doesn't recognize Ivan at all. The guys sit down and they all order tequila. Tony fills JJ in on his mother coming from Alamos and then asks about Ivan. "I'm Mexican. From Tampico." JJ looks surprised until Tony says that Ivan is his adopted son. "He handles all my business dealings. As you see, he's a very intelligent man." JJ says he's lucky, his sons are worthless. The tequilas arrive and JJ is rude to the waiter. "Ya era hora" (it's about time). They toast and drink their shots, though Ivan appears to abstain.
When JJ leaves, Ivan and Tony talk. Tony thought he was friendly. Ivan says he didn't feel anything towards him, just indifference. But he still holds him responsible for his mother's death. "Indifference can be more dangerous than hate." Ivan does know the sons. He remembers Saul always riding around in nice cars. Saul was a womanizer, he remembers. Tony is going to go rest. Ivan says he'll go for a walk, but they need to rent a car tomorrow.
Lucia whines to Saul. She doesn't want to go to dinner. Ivan spies on them talking and goes into some alternate universe where Lucia is crying and he kisses her.
Carlota looks at a photo album. Lucia comes home and looks at the pictures, noticing that her "grandpa" looks a lot like Ivan.
Ivan wanders through Alamos and eventually makes it to Camilo's house. He finds out from a woman passing by that Celia does still live there, but since no one's answering the door, she must be out.
Lucrezia comes home and finds Lucia and Carlota looking at the pictures. Lucia got out of class early because her prof didn't show up. She's annoyed that she's going to miss class tomorrow because she's going out with Saul and the younger McGuire. Lucrezia is pleased and wants Lucia to look pretty, be nice, and pretend to like him even if he's a jerk. Lucrezia gets offended by Lucia's attitude and storms out. Lucia comments to Carlota that the only thing the matters to her mother is money. Carlota advises her to ignore her mother. Plus, she thinks Lucia doesn't need to do anything special for anyone to like her. Of course not, she's a grandma! "You think affection blinds me?" Lucia laughs over a picture of someone in a bathing suit at a beach.
JJ invites the McGuires into his house and introduces Estela and his kids. Judith seems to recognize Ivan. JJ invites them to sit down while he serves tequilas. He reminds Saul to make friends with Ivan. Judith asks about their house in LA, which Tony calls "comfortable." Tony gives Ivan a significant look when everyone has their tequilas in hand. JJ, the consummate ass, says he hopes dinner is "decent" since his cook is lousy and his wife can't cook either. Estela says she did the best she could and Tony is gracious, saying he's sure dinner will be wonderful. Ivan agrees with David that it's a beautiful, historic city. He makes a face when Saul mentions the "anthros" (clubs). JJ rolls his eyes.
Camilo heads home just as Antolín is rolling up. He's been out looking for work. Antolín, on the other hand has been looking for a party. He gives Camilo the gossip that Maripaz got married. He invites Camilo out for a beer, but Camilo says he has to get up early. He gives in and gets in the car, asking who Maripaz married.
Antolín asks how Camilo is doing since "the divorce." Ooh, who did he marry? Camilo says he's been broke since they ran him off the ranch. Antolín asks what happened to his ex. "She went back home, but she wants alimony!" And he's got no income. Antolín is doing well, or so he says. They go back to talking about Maripaz marrying David. Antolín says everyone thought he was "medio rarito" (half strange; i.e. gay--I think we can safely assume at this point that anytime someone talks about David while smirking, sneering, or getting bleeped, they probably used some phrase that means "gay"). And then to marry Maripaz, who's a "reventada" (party-er; "reventon" is a "blowout"). Well, opines Antolin, "nunca falta un roto para un descosido" (there's someone for everyone; literally, there is never lacking a broken one for an unstitched one). They toast to David and Maripaz.
Ivan leaves the hotel, leaving a note for Tony at the front desk. He asks if they have a car rental agency and the desk clerk gives him a card.
Ivan goes to visit his mother's grave. He asks the attendant who brought the flowers and finds out it was a man, he visits regularly, and he tips the attendant to keep the grave looking nice. Ivan asks for the man's name, but doesn't get an answer before the show ends.
Labels: Fuerza
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Cuando Me Enamoro #87 Thursday 8/18/11 Jeronimo visits Kinkos and channels Banksy; Renata refuses to join the I Love Jero fan club.
Tonight: Over at Empresas MR Honorio never recalls hearing of such a person or name as Dominique de la Rivera. He mentions that last night Blanca called to spread ill will for Adri and to advise she (Banca) would return in another skin. They are QTH is that supposed to mean? Dudes, have you never heard of a snake shedding its skin? Lawyer Soto talks about settling out of court with Monique.
Gonzo asks Hons why does Hons feel like he’s giving in? Hons says it’s not that exactly, he just blames himself for his stupidities. Maybe it would be better for him to accept the punishment as his due, to go to jail to pay for Adri being in hospital and Coni being in the arms of another.
Speaking of his ladies, Adri asks Cons about Chema. I like the fact that Adri’s thinking like Mata Hari even though she’s in traction with scrapes and bruises on her face. The doc shows up, he adores Adri and says he’s going to release her tomorrow.
Gonzo gives Hons a pep talk, stay strong, he’s too smart to give up. Soto comes back in with some documents and Gonzo asks him about his divorce papers. “You’d divorce Fina while she’s ill?” Soto asks. Gonzo asks how did he know? Then he adds that Fina is perfectly well and he wants a divorce ASAP. Gonzo and Hons look quizzical, how did Soto know?
Nata, daydreaming at a sunny outdoor cafe, recalls her sincere joy at her specious marriage. Beth the receptionist arrives and stares upward, slack-jawed. She tells Nata to look up. Gasp! It’s a tag by Jero the urban artist! One of their wedding pictures, greatly enlarged, hangs from the side of a building.
Soto calls Fina and starts pressuring. She lied to him and his patience has limits! She grumbles to herself that now she’s going to have to sleep with him. Ah well, maybe there’ll be a little sweet with the sour.
Berta shows up and they natter at each other. Fina thinks Berta should act more like a woman suffering because of her husband. Berta guffaws and saunters out.
Isidro and Inez kvetch about Andresito. Isidro is bummed that Pepa and Fina didn’t turn out to be the same person. He says Tony’s men have searched everywhere and maybe they should all just accept that Regina’s daughter will never appear.
Jero scampers into the middle of Nata’s irritation and plants a big wet one on her that lasts through the entire commercial break.
Nata tries to slap Jero but he grabs and kisses her arm, “Don’t call me love!!!” she insists, “Tonto!”
He: Mi amor!
She: Tonto!
He: Mi amor!
She: Tonto!
You get the picture. She pouts and insults, he blows her a kiss and happily waves as she stalks off. “See you soon my love,” he laughs.
Alf cries to the doctora, she doesn’t know how to handle what’s happening. Things are worse than ever and the tension is dense. Doc defines the problems which are related, 1. Ponchito wants them to live together, 2. Yet there is the problem of her infidelity and pregnancy. Doctora tells her little by little they will help solve the problems. Something they can do right away is determine who the father is. Alf is all over that idea, the not knowing is horrible.
Slackers Berta and Sele are hanging out as usual drinking, texting and sniping at each other. Sele says she’s waiting for a call from Augie and she refuses to call him because he's old-fashioned that way. (Hah!!). “And if he doesn’t call?” queries Berta. Sele says of course he’ll call, his love nest was an inferno the other night. Chema is a child compared to a man like Augie.
What a surprise, Augie walks in and kisses Sele, such a surprise! She re-introduces him to Berta. How could he forget such a beautiful woman? he says, prompting Berta to smirk and Sele to sneer.
Back inside EM Beth gushes at the romanticism of Jero. Nata insists they are far from being in love and she wants him out of her life. Beth swoons over the dreamboat Jero and Nata snaps at her to get back to work.
Sele invites Augie to join them but he says he’s busy. Maybe he’ll see her later, it depends on business. He’s up for a threesome later on but Berta declines. Augie teases surely it’s not because of her husband? Berta leaves and Sele jealously bitches at him. He tells her to cool her jets, there is no commitment between them. “Between you and I there is nothing more than sexual encounters. I’ll call you later, eh?” A smug Berta eavesdrops and grins widely.
Lazaro, playing the role of Simon Legree, madly hoes and yells at the workers to leave no stone unturned in their frantic hoeing. He yells at Carlos there is no time to eat! He stops and admits his anger is due to Karina. She made things very clear to him, she’s married and will stay married until death. Carlos advises him to give her time. Laz bellows it’s not a question of time but of decision! He’s lost all desire to study, go on with life, everything! Carlos says he needs to live for himself. Laz goes back to fulminating and hoeing.
Kari and Mati are in Kari’s house discussing redecorating and Kari’s future. Kari says she’s going to work for the church and bury her womanhood inside herself. Mati advises Kari to start living life again. Kari says something about not being free until she dies, or Alvaro dies first. See? Hope springs eternal.
Jero gives Regina the 411 regarding his art project. She says he’s very brave. He says he has to pay for his mistakes. Then win her love once again, she advises.
Soto faces Fina and whines that she used him. She tells him to spare her the melodrama and if he blabs to Gonzo he’ll be fired that very second. Soto thinks Gonzo would never fire him for telling the truth. Fina cackles that ultimately she’s the wife, ex-wife whatever, she’s going to receive a substantial pension while Gonzo will fire Soto immediately. He calls her perverse. She corrects him, she’s intelligent. He’d better shut his mouth so nobody knows his infidelity to the company. He departs, a beaten man.
The bank manager Luciana arrives and happily announces to the EM principals that the bank has decided to front EM the loan. Nata jumps up, kisses dad and they both exclaim “Guau” in unison. Very cute. Happy faces all around the table. Hons wonders about their change of attitude. Luciana says it must have been a change of mind, they’ve worked many years together.
Jero calls Carlos to tell him he’ll eventually get Renata back and to tell him to manage La Bonita and make himself at home at the hacienda.
Alf tells Padre about her upcoming amnio. He says whatever Marina recommends is OK by him because Marina would NEVER do anything to put Alf in any danger. (Anvil alert!) But what if Doc Alvaro is the dad? Alf thinks it’s better to know. Padre offers to help with the cost so she doesn’t have to wait. “Let’s get it over with!”
Marina, in white jacket and with black bag, visits La Bonita to inquire about Jero’s return. Mati loudly announces he’s very busy Trying To Convince His Wife To Return Home. Carlos tries to nudge her aside but she shakes him off. “God willing he’ll return home with her very soon. You understand, right?”
Nata’s over at Adri’s room describing Jero’s stunt. Adri and Coni think it’s romantic. Nata accuses them of having bad memories. She will never forgive him, never! Coni and Adri have a loving goodbye as Adri thanks Cons for her care in spite of her dad.
Gonzo, Hons and Matias think the bank’s change of position is odd but they are happy nevertheless. They start making plans to recuperate the business.
Berta knocks on Augie’s door. She’s come to satisfy her part of the bargain. He’s pleased when she pushes him onto the bed.
There is a knock on Adri’s door, “Room Service, dinner!” The orderlies, sporting black bow ties, wheel in a cart with wine and strawberries. Jero strikes again. He wants them all to celebrate Adri’s quick recovery. Nata glares as he mouths a quick kiss.
It’s dark, clothing is strewn about the floor, and the mating serpents are in a cold-blooded but somewhat passionate tangle. “Nuff said.
Nata protesteth too much. Jero informs her the Hospital Director himself approved this meal. She threatens to call security and locks herself in the bathroom. Adri laughs and Jero tries to enlist her as an accomplice. In the bathroom Nata scolds herself for her inability to resist Jero.
Oh for pete’s sake. Friggin’ Cata strides into Gonzo’s office with fire in her eyes. Gonzo gulps.
The slimy sex serpents are sprawled in satisfied disarray. Berta brags that she’s very discrete. Augie’s glad because it’s part of their bargain. She says Nata must never know that Rafa was the father of her baby. Augie moves in for round two. Ack.
Fina’s in a fit because Berta is missing. The maid says’ she’s not with Sele because Sele called looking for her.
Gonzo asks Cata to give him the opportunity to prove his intentions toward Regina are good. Cata says no, he’s married. Gonzo informs her he’s getting a divorce so Regina can take her rightful place by his side. Cata points out it could be years before he’s got the divorce papers in his hand. How would he feel if one of his daughters was going out with a married man? “What would you say? ‘Oh I’m so happy for you honey, he’s such a great guy, he’s still married but of course he has the best intentions for you.’” Gonzo insists if the guy was honest and up front he’d be OK with it. Cata says clearly Gonzo is the kind of guy who can justify anything. How sad that Regina dumped an upstanding unmarried freakazoid like Tony. Oh yeah, if he’s such a catch then why is he still single, huh? Huh? Sheesh.
Regina and Inez discuss perpetually angry Cata. Regina adds she hasn’t heard a thing from Tony. Regina is distressed when Inez tells her Cantu is dead. Regina says she can’t let Tony continue looking for her daughter. She wants Gonzo to take over the search; she will never stop looking for her daughter.
Tony sits in La Mentira drinking and obsessing about Regina in the arms of Gonzo. He wants to see Regina pay for despising him.
Jero regales Adri with tales of past ailments while she pretends to stuff her face with unripe berries. Nata finally emerges from the baño and Jero unveils the menu: filet mignon, Alaskan salmon, and Nata’s favorite...mushrooms. He tries to rub noses, says he loves her freckles, and slips out the door. Nata can’t stand it and finally tucks into the grub.
Oh yawn, Matias is dining with Hit-N-Run’s sister. There is an extremely cool mural on the wall behind them. She wonders about his relationship with Adri. Is she girlfriend or family? He says she’s like family and takes way to long to spit the words out. He says they have a special relationship but unfortunately he’s married. She never would have guessed. He says he wants a divorce but she, no. HNR’s Sis says she can understand why wifey wants to stay by his side. I repeat, Yawn.
It’s dark and a pair of shapely feet enter a house, slip out of their heels and tiptoe toward the stairs. “Where have you been?” snarls Malafina to her spawn. Berta lies she was out with Sele. Oops, busted in the lie. Berta shrugs and says she’s not going to live like a nun. Fina demands to know the details of Berta’s date. Berta pauses and smiles, nope, better that mom doesn’t know and better that mom should butt out of her life. She was with a man who took her too the stars. Berta informs Fina she’s not going to be all bitter because Fina’s plans for her didn’t turn out. She’s going to move on with her life and her bed.
Next morning Soto goes to Matias’s office to tell him there is a problem with his marriage contract. First, it doesn’t specify that the marriage is hijo-dependent, second and more worrisome, the date for divorce was not set at one year but at ten. “QUE?????”
Avances: Renata gripes to Coni and Adri that Jero is everywhere. Augie makes his move then becomes angry when Jero interrupts a private moment with the prized Renata.
antiquo/a = old-fashioned
compromiso = commitment
las ganas = the desire
pecas = freckles
rindiendo = giving up
Useful phrase of the day:
Entre tú y yo no hay nada más que encuentros sexuales. = Between you and I there is nothing more than sexual encounters.
Dicho of the day:
Al mal paso darle prisa = Let’s get it over and done with (lit. Take bad steps in a hurry)
Labels: Cuando
Alborada, 8/18/2011. Cap. 57.
On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 56 start at this link.
Carlos's cat fight pictures for today. Tan impresionante!

Labels: Alborada
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