Friday, August 29, 2014
Mi corazon es tuyo, Capitulo 29*, Thursday – 08/28/2014 - Sushi and champagne make for a great expecting mother
Labels: mcet
La Malquerida #4: 8/28/14: So Shall It Be Written, So Shall It Be Done Says Acacia
Shall we begin?
Cris and Acacia were talking about Esteban and how Acacia really feels about him. Cheating her Mama. She tells Cris she will tolerate Esteban but nothing more. Rose comes out of the house with Luisa and they hug Acacia.
Danilo has come and is very pithed that Turquesa (Ana) has gotten away. He swears he will kill the henchie and beats him. Olga is terribly frightened and Danilo does see poor dead Carlitos. Olga now informs Danilo that Turquesa stole the briefcase in the lockbox and he isn't happy. He wants Turquesa found like yesterday.
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Labels: malquerida
Thursday, August 28, 2014
De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #166, 8/28/2014
Labels: te-quiero
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of August 25, 2014 - PAGE TWO
Labels: reina-corazones, telemundo
Hasta el Fin del Mundo Recap #8- R.I.P Maestro Coria
Labels: hasta
La Malquerida #3: 8/27/14: A Jump In Time!
Shall we begin?
We left off yesterday with Esteban declaring his love for Cris and he'd like to marry her. Cris wants to marry him, but wants Acacia to accept him. For now it is enough for him to be close to Cris and Cris doesn't have to promise him anything.
Esteban attempts to get Acacia to go to work with him. Of course, she doesn't want to go with him. Cris says she'll talk to her, but Esteban tells Cris to let her be, she's a child and he goes off to work.
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Labels: malquerida
De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #165 - Wed 8/27
In the lawyer's office, Diego explains to Nat that he's owed her the divorce for a while and hands her the papers. I believe cake is also customary…no?
Eleazar downs a glass of champagne in an effort to exorcise the ghosts of Carmen's past enamorados. Carmen declares she's alllll his and after some steamy smooches, retreats to the bathroom to get…ahem…more comfortable. Unfortunately, El is still having auditory hallucinations of the exes in question and starts checking the room for them. Carmen, in a gorgeous purple negligee set gets El back on track. They fall to the bed and I seriously hope the audible commentary from Los Ex playing in the background while the animated hearts float by was only for us and not playing in El's head.
The lawyer explains that since they were both in agreement to divorce in the first place, all they have to do is sign. Natalia refuses to sign and walks out. Hey, now, I'm SURE there's a mandatory declaration of "No te voy a dar el divorcio!" (I'm not going to give you a divorce) that's supposed to go with that.
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Labels: te-quiero
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Mi corazon es tuyo, #28, 27 Aug 2014... Diego is home!! and instantly gets smitten by Ana... Fanny and Leon have their heavenly hash and Leon gets a sour after taste...
“When you are really really in love, you have no control… and besides that, you give it all… all.”
Ana finds out tomorrow will be the engagement party.
Lo Nuevo…
Ana in the kids room with homework…
Ana sees the drawing of the witch at the kids room… Seba tells Ana Isa even shot (or pushed) darts at her own drawing. They found it funny, Ana not so much. Ana will help them all with homework but first we have to talk. Tomorrow your dad will ask for Isa’s hand… She explains that Fer has to ask permission to Isa’s mom to marry Isa. What about if she does not give permission? That won’t happen… Alicia says she will stay in her room… Ana says you all have to be there, be well dressed and be well behaved. The twins suggest painting Isa… Ana says no pranks allowed.
Isa and MIL at the store with the urge to shop and spend…
Isa and her mom have been shopping for their dresses for the party… first is first and second is second… Isa mocks her mother’s logic. MIL asks the saleslady if they don’t have something more revealing, more provocative. MIL wonders what the engagement ring will look like.
Fer in the library with the engagement ring…
Ana comes in Fer’s library, he is holding the engagement ring. He puts it away. He wanted to talk to her. Fer wanted to tell Ana about tomorrow… already know… it shows you can’t hold any secrets here. Fer asks Ana to talk to the kids about the engagement party… Ana says already did with the small ones. Ana asks permission for her to go out for a while, he asks where… she just responds its personal, I will leave the kids eaten and in bed… what if I had a problem with it? … I would still go… (she leaves, he repeats to himself… ‘something personal’.)
Two filthy jerks in the Chicago office with the debt
Teofilo is arguing with Johnny, its good but it could go better… Johnny wants his money back… Teo is ok but will talk to his accountant before giving his money back… But warns Johnny he will deduct what Johnny owes him.
Ana is on the stage and Jenny has another pain… Ana is done… Johnny comes out and tells Jenny he is the loser… (Univ cut out what Jenny told him…)
Ana in the driveway with the tree branch…
Ana arrives at the house in taxi… runs into Diego who just arrived in his motorcycle… She does not know who that is so she grabs a tree branch and tries to hit him on the head… he blocks her swing… They stare at each other… (until end of beginning credits after comm…. So they had to freeze for quite a while).
Ana mistakes Diego for a burglar… he says he has been called many things, usually handsome, charming… but never a burglar… she threatens she will put him in jail… been there, done that too. But never for burglary… She asks if he is mocking her. He says he is only avoiding getting his head busted open. After some more back and forth insulting and calling names, he is trying to introduce himself ‘my name is Diego… what’s yours?... is it perhaps Isabella?’ Ana takes even more offense in that. He wants a hint so she tells him three letters… beginning with A… he guesses Ana. … Well, glad to meet you, I am Diego Lascurain’. Ana is shocked, takes his helmet off to take a better look… sighs… then she reacts and changes attitude to ‘servant’… even tries to help him roll his bike in…
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Labels: mcet
Mi corazon es tuyo Tuesday 08/26/14 Time Warner blows
After arguing with customer service last night I finally gave up and have to call them again this morning. My apologies for all this, I had no way of watching the episode and am beyond angry that not only was I unable to get a recap up but that a company I've worked with for years basically called me a liar and said the conversation I had with their rep did not happen the way I represented it. This blows.
Labels: mcet
La Malquerida #2: 8/26/14: The Fight is On To Save the Hacienda. Love is in the Air
Shall we begin?
We left off last night with Esteban asking Cristina not to sell the Hacienda. He loves these lands and will do everything he can to help her save this Hacienda.
Juliana and her son her in his room, and I have to say this son has a talent. He's painted some beautiful Irises I think. Norberto storms in and isn't having it. He feels this is effeminate of this son, and takes a knife and destroys the picture. Juliana tries to stop him to no avail. He tells his son, be a man and go work the land. He goes.
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Labels: malquerida
Hasta El Fin del Mundo #7 20140826 Fashion Advice from a Guy Wearing a Mullet...Really?
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Labels: hasta
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #164- Tuesday 8/26/14
In the interest of full dislosure: I didn't take one stinkin' note and I didn't pay close attention. I've organized by "couples" (used loosely.)
Carmen and El
The get busy "reconciling", but a radio call from Cenudo breaks up their fun. Rod has robbed a drug store.
Karina and Alonso
Karina begs to help her get HOTscar back. They discuss how the baby daddy thing is going to work out with Oscar in the picture. Alonso wants it to be clear that HE is the father. Karina promises that the baby will know that Al is his dad and Oscar is her husband.
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Labels: te-quiero
Hasta el Fin del Mundo #6 8/25/14 The Unstoppable Force meets an Immovable Object
Let's get to it!
Armando gets fired from his new job and discovers that his old boss has bad-mouthed him to all the other auto mechanics. His employment prospects look bleak.
Chava escorts Sofia through the gauntlet of news photographers and reporters crowded around the Ripoll factory gate. The reporters shout questions at them as they plow through the crowd. Sofia agrees to talk to the reporters inside the gate.
Silvana hands Marisol a Ripoll uniform. Marisol thought she'd be working in the offices. Silvana nastily informs Marisol that since she hasn't finished high school, she isn't qualified for anything but working on the factory line. Silvana grabs the uniform back from Marisol, "That's the job you've got. Take it or leave it." Marisol puts her hands out to take the uniform.
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Labels: hasta
La Malquerida # 1: 8/25/14: The Game is Afoot
Shall we begin.
We begin with a loving family of Alonso, Cristina his wife and Acacia their daughter. It is clear they love this Hacienda. Cristina takes a picture of Alonso and Acacia who are about to go off riding. Cristina reminds them not to come back late because they are having guests for dinner, Juliana and Norberto. Acacia and Alonso ride all over the Hacienda and he tells her all about the land. It has been passed down to him from his great grandparents, his grandparents and then his parents. It has been in the family a very long time and one day it will be hers.
Meantime, Norberto and his sons attend a cockfight. One son isn't into it but the other is.
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Labels: malquerida
Monday, August 25, 2014
Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 8/25/14 #26
Labels: mcet
De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #163- Monday 8/25/14
- That stupid making puma sounds business.
- Nat “saves” Diego. Mouth to mouth.
Luz tell Lupita that El and Carmen are getting back together. Lupita asks if she can call her “abuela” instead of “madrina.”
Simona comes back and she’s looking for Diego. Carmen notes her splotchy appearance. Simona explains.
Diego tells Nat she’s the love of his life. Nat says he’s the love of her life. She wants assurances that he’s not just being impulsive and she wonders about Simona. He assures her he loves her and that Simona has left the campsite and him. They smooch and hit the ground.
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Labels: te-quiero
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- El Señor de los Cielos II, En Otra Piel, et cetera, week of August 25, 2014
Enjoy the week, Telemundo fans!
Labels: cielos, piel, telemundo
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of August 25, 2014 - PAGE ONE
♪♪ Dingdong, the Putz is dead ♪♪ (thanks, Sara!). Any bets on the longevity of OBD or OBM (Odious Bitch Miriam)?
Navier knows that Big O is his father. Will Big O's stony old heart soften when he finds out who his son is?
Does Navier know that Esmeeth is his mother?
Will Rocky Balboa be saved?
Will the Queen of Clubs turn out to be someone we already know? (Because the writers are playing with a full deck, right? Kelly thinks they seem like good writers who thought up a completely insane story after a night of binge drinking.) Penny -- who pointed out how often we see love on short couches -- has a very interesting theory on the subject of the fourth queen...
For a refresher on last week's happenings, Jean (who can stop ANY time she wants to) has compiled the most recent recaps in a dropbox here.
Labels: reina-corazones, telemundo
Que Pobres Tan Ricos: #165 and #166: 8/24/14: El Grand Fin
With tears in her eyes Vilma makes her statement: Since he took over the presidency when Mati could not anymore, (because Alejo himself gave her medication that made her confused). He used the Editorial to launder money that came from his other felonies and criminal associations… (DA asks her if she has evidence, since she was the one suspected guilty of those felonies) She says but of course, there is a notebook full of numeric codes of all his overseas accounts… encoded codes from his criminal associates, information about his relationship with those criminals… which I can perfectly decipher/decode…
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Labels: pobres
Saturday, August 23, 2014
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of August 18, 2014 - PAGE TWO
© Caray, Caray! 2006-2022. Duplication of this material for use on any other site is strictly prohibited.
Reina wants to start a new life. Esmeeth will get everything ready for her. Navier interrupts the conversation, but Reina just says she's thanking Esmeeth. Navier notes with irony that Esmeeth is always there at the right moment and her boss must be very proud. He and Reina leave and Rocky comes in. He asks if she's going to say anything to Bolivar. She tells him no and that if he does it will cost him his job.
Laz arrives home. Miriam in the shower. A text from Putz arrives. Laz's cerebral hamsters begin treadmilling.
Estefy admits to being the one that hired the thugs to beat up Putz. No one is going to hurt Greata! Victor overhears and Estefy tells him that Putz was blackmailing Susana and threatening to tell Greata about her real mom. Estefy wanted Putz to understand that you don't mess with her. Victor approves and says he would have done the same...well, he would have done something a little different. He is unable to elaborate since his phone rings and interrupts. It’s Bolivar. We don’t know what he said, but Vic looks serious.
Miriam is out of the shower and she’s not happy with nosy Laz. She tells him Damian is a friend from rehb. Laz is no dummy. He begs her not to get involved with Putzy Trash like the Putz. Miriam concludes that Laz wants to leave her and go off with rich Greata. He can get rich and she can’t. Greata can’t even make love to him! Why Greata and not Miriam? For LOVE, Laz responds.
Izzy at the bridal shop. Connie tells him she’s a modern woman and willing to have a “free” relation with him. He agrees and asks her not to tell anyone about their “free” relationship.
Navier takes Reina to his apartment. Reina asks why they are there. He explains that he called Vic and told him they were giving their statements to Esmeeth. Reina doesn’t like when Navier reports things to Vic as if he were his trusted man. Navier clarifies that he is REINA’s hombre and she is his woman. Doesn’t she think they deserve to be away from all the crazy for just a moment. He’s not afraid of bullets. He’s only afraid of not being able to make love to her forever. Love on a short sofa. Shirtles Navier (drink.)
Laz looks for work. Miriam thinks Laz said he loved Greata just to annoy her. Laz is actually surprised by his feelings, too. Miriam makes the lame “she can’t make love to you” argument. Laz says a woman is more than just a body to him and Miriam doesn’t believe him. She knows he’s an ardent (fogoso) and passionate man. He pushes her away and tells her that thanks to her and the Putz’s shenanigans, he and Greata are kaput.
Greata cries alone. Susana comes in and asks what’s wrong. Greata says she can’t even dry her own tears. Susana asks if she’s crying for Laz. Susana explains that Laz had nothing to do with the beating of the Putz and that Laz is a good guy. Greata doesn’t believe it. No one who gets involved with her has honorable intentions. Who is going to love a paraplegic like her? Susana says everyone deserves a “gran amor”, even Greata.