Wednesday, September 02, 2015
Lo Imperdonable #76 Tue 9/1/15 Lies, sex and videotape
Bullets cause it's been a long week!
- Ana Perla continues to cry over Pablo, Pablo's mom tells her that her son had broken up with Mariana but that Mariana won't listen and continues to stalk Pablo.
- Ana Perla and Pablo talk, he says they can still marry, hell, the hospital has a chapel and they can marry there but AP has a flash back to Manuel saying he would kill Pablo and tells him that she wants nothing more to do with him. Ummm, there's a simple solution to this: Send Manuel to prison!
- Salma finds out that Maggie is Veronica's mother, later she learns from Jorge everything that Maggie went through and she feels like a jerk for saying awful things to Maggie, she vows to apologize.
- Jorge asks Veronica to take the money he is offering, Vero says she's a partner in the goldmine, she still has the money he gave her when she married and she has an education, she can make a decent living and have a good life, but Jorge insists- she's his daughter and will get the portion she deserves, which leads to:
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Yo no Creo En Los Hombres #36 Tue 9/1/15
Watching the ep now, will post recap when finished. It also occurs to me that I never did get around to doing a recap for ep #26 either, so I'll do that over Labor Day weekend. Use this space to discuss in the meantime.Labels: no-creo
Tuesday, September 01, 2015
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #6 Tue 9/1/15 Dear Diary
Pedro hears the neighbors saying that Tania jumped and wondering if it was because of the soccer player. He remembers Tania saying that if he rejected her and the (fake) baby, she would die of sadness. Fiorella looks around and sees him. In a flash, Fidel has dragged Pedro back towards the car. Diana finally arrives and Adela tries to keep her from looking. Fiorella cries that Signorina Tania was so in love with Signore Pietro. Across the street, Fidel comforts Pedro, saying [
HISTORY ALERT!] he knows this reminds Pedro of his mother. Fidel says he'll find out what's going on, but it's not good for the family or Eloisa to find out. Diana finally approaches the body and says Tania's boyfriend must have rejected her again--she always wanted more and more from him. But he could never give her what she needed. Fidel gives Pedro the car keys and insists he get out of there. Fidel will stay in case someone needs help. Fiorella cries that Pedro has a heart of stone. "How could he be so cruel to the woman who loved him?"
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Lo Imperdonable #75 Mon 8/31/15 The Hero, the Reunion, and the Mouse That Roared
The optimists in Mina Escondida are betting that Manuel is a goner. Uspín, however, is sure the mutt is going to live. Mala hierba nunca muere, he says. (Weeds never die.)
And it looks like he's right. At the Hospital Ce_ter, Manny has regained consciousness. He's weak, he's pale and he's full of hate. He tells Ana Perla he'll only spare Pablo's life if she stays away from him forever.
Meanwhile Marty guides his motorcycle to the curb in front of the Disgusting Boys' hotel and pulls out his walkie-talkie. Inside the building, Aarón leads Verónica to the room where Clemente has been keeping watch over Magdalena. Vero rushes to her. And now mother and daughter are both prisoners of the Disgusting Brothers! Fortunately, Verónica's hair looks fabulous.
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Monday, August 31, 2015
Yo No Creo en los Hombres #35 Lunes 8/31/15
35: Seeds of Suspicion
had just finished telling Ari off about his “girlfriend” and
shoved him off just as Max arrived. He came to the neighborhood to
talk to Maria Dolores, but she put him off. He saw what looked like
a party. “It's very important, about a lifelong friend,” she
said. He backed off, telling her he would see her later because it
was very important. She turned back to Doris, who was crying.
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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #5 Mon 8/31/15 Tania takes a trip and Pedro takes the Guilt or I'll fly Away!
Hey, everyone!
going to try to be brief, but hopefully thorough.
scenes have been combined.
Pedro makes it clear to Tania that he is NOT pleased that
she hired Fifi who is in the foreground busily mopping the floor. How could she trust a perfect stranger in her
home!? Their situation is “delicate” and
needs to be handled with absolute discretion!
Tania sends Fifi to tidy up her bedroom so she and Pedro can talk in
Fifi trots off happily enough but the privacy part is a fail
as she blatantly listens just inside Tania’s bedroom as the discussion between
Tania and Pedro ramps up. Pedro is
concerned that Tania has told Fifi too much about them and he doesn’t like it
one little bit. Tania thinks Fifi is
sweet and charming and she needs her. Noting
Tania’s demeanor Pedro checks the liquor cabinet and then her breath and goes
ballistic: she’s drunk again! Pedro lights into Tania for falling into the
same vices again! We’ve just met these
two but any of y’all can fill in the blanks:
she feels hurt by his rejection of her and refusal to introduce her to
the family. She knows his family is
conservative and she makes everything so hard by refusing to change! Right now the family is at a difficult and important crossroads; the reading of the
will! Oh, that’s just an excuse! It is not!
Tania thinks the reading of the will would be a perfect time for her to
meet his family!
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Amores con trampa #110 and #111 8/31 and 9/1 Monday and Tuesday
I'm super pooped tonight and I've managed to hurt my my sleep. Typing seems to be making it worse. This is going to be pretty short, combined and crappy.
Rocio is in new clothes (I like it!) and is packing to leave. Santi helps with the suitcase. They begin the tearful goodbye. Rocio promises to always stay in touch. She's ready to go.
The twins waste water filling water balloons. Jacinto reminds them that they said at home they would conserve water. They remind him they are at school. They give him a good dosing.
Fac and La Pantera (RAWR) finalize the sale of her rancho. She asks him out for drinks.
Beto is in mope mode. He erased all of Rocio's pictures from his phone, but her memory is crystal clear in in mind.
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How can it be the end of August already? Anyway, here is your post for this week. Bajo is hot, hot, hot, the other novelas not so much but who knows what will happen this week. Enjoy the first week of September.
Labels: bajo, perla, telemundo
La Vecina-Highlights and Discussion #50-54 Aug. 31-Sept. 4
Poll results!
Favorite Male:
Total votes: 6
Antonio: 2 votes (33%)
Padre V: 1 vote (17%)
Simon: 2 votes (33%)
Bruno: 1 vote (17%)
Female Character:
Total votes: 5
Sara: 1 vote (20%)
Magda: 1 vote (20%)
Natalia: 1 vote (20%)
Marina: 2 votes (40%)
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¿Qué nos cuenta, Caray, Caray!?
Hola Carayites!
Last week on Caray, Caray!...
Oh, we are soooo out of the shadows. Adios,
La Sombra del Pasado and "Benvenuti!"
Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse.
This week on Caray, Caray!...
Amores con Trampa is coming to a close in late September, to be followed by Antes Muerta Que Lichita on September 22 (see below for more details).
Coverage continues for
Lo Imperdonable, and the team is welcoming a new recapper,
AuntyAnn for Wednesdays.
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres and
La Vecina round out the slate for Univision. Talk about all things Telemundo (and more!) including Bajo El Mismo Cielo, El Señor de los Cielos 3, and Avenida Brasil
Here's the news we have about proximas...
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Sunday, August 30, 2015
To: Desperately Seeking a Recapper. Keep The Faith, Wednesday, 8pm, Lo Imperdonable, Univision, From: Your New Recapper....
Hello everyone! Starting this Wednesday, September 2, there will be a new recapper to the blog. I, also known as AuntyAnn, will be joining the
Lo Imperdonable team. Please be patient with me. This will be my first time recapping, but I promise to do my best. I do get off of work late, so I will most likely be posting the recap very late Wednesday, or overnight into Thursday.
Thanks everyone y Hasta Pronto!
Labels: imperdonable, recapper-intro
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Lo Imperdonable #74 Fri 8/28/15 A Family Reunion
No Mauricio for you tonight.
He’s taking a well-deserved day off and I appreciate the opportunity he has given me to try my hand at recapping after a rather long layoff, so for tonight I’ll be your guide through this morass. Settle in, have a complimentary gin and tonic, and let’s spend an hour together as we enjoy watching other people suffer. I promise, no baby seals will be harmed.
What better way to begin than with Nanciyaga counseling and consoling Julio? Something for everyone. He’s fretting and regretting his strong feelings for Ana Perla. Nanci understands, she’s experiencing a similar situation with her patrón, Martín. He wants to forget her, but Nanci assures Julio that hope is like a weed growing by the river, it never dies, it thrives. Well whatever, Julio is pretty gloomy (agüítado) about the whole thing (how the heck does this bumpkin know a word like that?). Nevertheless, Nanciyaga ain’t giving up on her patrón. She’s gonna defy the stars (and presumably those pesky snails as well). “
Patron belongs to me… only me.”
"Bippity Boppity Boo" |
Ummm, OK, Nanci, as long as you have that machete, I’m not going to argue.
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Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #34 Fri 8/28/15
We start with where we left off yesterday, Isela making the moves on weak old man Claudio, Ivana making the biggest error of her life and Max and Jerry rushing to the Quernavaca house to save the day. At the same time, Alma is reassuring Maleny that she and Claudio will do whatever they can to get her and Max back together.
Now for the good stuff...
Ivana passes out at the pool’s edge and Ursela, Dan, and Arango just stand their staring at her while the doctor and the butler act as if they care. Dr Medina feels her pulse and says they need to get her to a hospital, Ursela dismisses the butler, and they all just stand there discussing what to do. Ursela is clearly in charge, she tells the doctor that they will do nothing to save her. In fact, Ursela rolls her over into the pool. Dr Medina shows us that he actually does have some ethics and jumps in to get her out. Right then, the butler comes running over to tell them that Jerry and Max have arrived. This puts Dan in a compromising situation, so in order to not look like the uncaring moneygrubbing husband that he is, he jumps into the pool too to help the doctor. Jerry and Max will save the day!!!
But wait, Arango runs out to the gate and tells Jerry and Max that they took Ivana to the hospital and quickly leaves with them.
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La Sombra del Pasado Vocabulary
These are all the vocabulary words, phrases, and dichos collected from all the Sombra recaps. A big thanks to the team: Eli, HellaShelle, Sara, and Lila!
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Friday, August 28, 2015
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #4 Fri 8/28/15 Muchacha Italiana viene a seguirme!
Greetings! Ciao, Muchacha Patio Peeps to my inaugural MIVAC recap! Yaaay! Let's hit it!
Giana has collapsed in the lobby of the hospital while
Fiorella screams for help!
Adela and
Ray, Benito’s parents and perhaps on the maintenance staff of the building
where they live, are at the hospital having tended to Ray’s sprained foot and
they witness this pitiable scene.
intervenes with the cold receptionist and demands a Dr. be found to attend to
Gianna right away!
They will pay the
A Dr. and Nurse rush out with a
stretcher and load Gianna on.
encourages Fiorella to accompany her sister!
We zip across town where Pedro is on the phone with Eloisa,
his Grandmother and long-suffering Matriarch.
She scolds Pedro about holding up the reading of the will. She is inpatient to get it underway because
she wants this pack of greedy hyenas out of her house. Pedro informs Eloisa that her beloved
grandson, Osvaldo, has complicated the negotiations with the Italians. Ah, she always said Osvaldo was a good for
nothing! Pedro will take care of
cleaning up Osvaldo’s mess and contact the law office to read the will the
following day. Good, because Eloisa doesn’t
want those vultures hanging around her another day!
The vultures yip and yap at each other at the table. Present are Federica, Osvaldo, Sonia, Gael
and Roxanne. Roxanne takes exception
with Gael referring to the maid attending the table as Simoncita and wonders if
he does this because he feels inferior.
Well, if she would come to his bed he would show her there’s nothing
inferior about him! Osvaldo wonders if
Federica wants to tell them something about the inheritance. . .when Sergio
sweeps in and sweetly flatters the blushing Simona, asking her to please heat
his food. Now it’s time for Sonia to
complain about Sergio directing his seductive powers at a "mere" maid. Sergio turns it back on her: it’s not his fault that she chose the wrong
man as her spouse. Osvaldo thinks Sergio would
put his energies to better use in getting Pedro to the ranch already so the
will can be read. Sergio shuts them
up. If not for Pedro, they wouldn’t be
drinking fine French wine, but tap water, and thanks to Pedro, the family
business is not bankrupt! Salud! The vultures can’t help but drink to that!
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Amores con Trampa #109 Aug 28 2015: Dona Tomasita is back from WHEREVER... and Pantera meets Facu and starts her 'vengeance'... Rocio says her goodbyes
Beto tells Rocio he is discouraged of her, tells her to go
ahead and pack her bags and get outa Dodge.
San Bartolo: Porfirio
asks his former wife for explanations for her fleeing. Facu wants to know too. She claims it was because Porfirio was
unfaithful to her.
Lo Nuevo:
Facu is in disbelief… he knows Porfirio… She says Humilde
had told her all about the other woman in Porfirio’s life. THAT is why I left! Because
you betrayed me!!! (Facu is in full waterworks mode). … … So
apparently Facu’s mom had been tricked/deceived into thinking Porfirio had been
unfaithful to her. Yada yada…
Santee… he is reminiscing on Facu as a neighbor… who would have
known that a country farmer had more integrity than most… never passed invoice
on the 40 million pesos Santee owed him. How could he get those high profits
from the Japanese investors?? I will pay him… even if it’s the last thing I do
in my life I will pay him.
Back to San B… Facu has heard enough… he is really ansi so
he gets Porfirio’s blessing and his mom’s
too… and gets out of the room. Porfirio
assures his ex wife that his son and his grandchildren are the most sacred
thing he had in life… Swears that ‘that woman’ was not his lover. (Billy
Jean??) (I have a vision of Porfirio
doing the moon dance with white gloves and silver shoes)… Porfirio explains that he was visiting Lucia
often at that time because she was dying and he was helping her to get her
paperwork in order before she passed. HE
kept on visiting Lucia until she died.
(his former wife is finally getting a reality check)… Porfirio proudly
questions how could he even think of putting his family and the only woman he
ever loved and continues to l…. (cuts himself short) in jeopardy!! She apologizes. She claims she was made to
believe that the man she loved deeply had been unfaithful to her. Forgive me.
Forgive me. (he pulls her up to her
feet and kisses her)… Sweeeeet (and I never
thought I would see Don Ignacio kissing anyone in the mouth)…
At Carmona hall… Diego convinces Maria to let him in all the
way to Carmen’s room… Carmen whines to her mom that she should not have let Diego
in all the way before alerting Carmen of his visit. Maria tells Diego that Carmen has not been
eating… Diego tells her ‘I know you are stubborn….. well… persistent!’ but you also have to eat. Carmen insists that she has to study. An 8 is
not enough for her anymore. She will get a 10 in every subject! She wants them to leave her alone, she needs
to study. (she is taking selfies the
second they leave and she shuts the door behind them… )
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Desperately Seeking a Recapper
Patio peeps, sadly we lost a recapper on the Imperdonable team so we have an open spot for Wednesday nights, I would continue to write the recaps myself but I'm committed to MIVC on the same night and can't do two recaps in one night, plus I also have my regular spot on Tuesday night's, that's three recaps in two days!
This is where you come in! If you would like to recap you can have the Wednesday night spot! We can't offer much in the way of compensation, but we might be able to throw in some gold, because Novela Maven knows a guy that knows a guy, some good company on the patio and the opportunity to have first dibs when the new Salinas/Colunga novela rolls in later this fall.
Oh yes, you heard that right. Salinas, and Colunga sharing the same space! You dear potential recapper have a shot of getting on that recapping team if you join us on the LI team.
Please let us know as we really, really,really need the help!
*Discalimer, we really can't offer gold but we do have Salinas and Colunga, which some would argue are better than gold, especially Colunga when he takes his shirt off!*Labels: imperdonable, recappers-needed
Yo no Creo En Los Hombres, Cap 33, Thu 08-27-15: In which Maleny is BSC and Ursula is colder than ice
Footsteps fall on the parquet floor, muffled only by
the Persian rug the mystery man skirts in approaching the door. He opens it to reveal his lover, posed seductively, reclining on the sofa and waiting for him. She
is not the mystery: he is. And he is…Ari. (Yes!) and he is clearly out of
sorts. Upset about Doris, he strips and prepares to seek oblivion in the skinny
arms of his lover…
But wait a minute, what about Max. He’s in his own
bedroom and someone has strewn rose petals all over the bed. Who? And why?
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Lo Imperdonable #73 (Tel #74) Thu 8/27/15 How many times do the bad guys have to win??
I glossed over some of the useless chit chat and some of the scenes will be out of order.
Emiliano is upset because Salma and Virginia
don’t want Veronica getting any of Jorge’s money. Virginia thinks that
Vero doesn’t need it, she already has a rich husband. Emi is upset to be
reminded of Martin, yet again and Virginia is bothered by his reaction – is he still in luuv
with Veronica, even if he proposed to her?
Emi insists that they should all accept
Jorge’s decision and he feels completely disappointed with Virginia’s reaction.
They go back and forth on this several
times, with Salma adding her piece of venom, too, until Emi decides to storm
off, tired by the women's negative yapping. Virginia runs after him, leaving Salma crying - boohooo - and here comes Nico to
comfort her. He’s sure everything will be OK, they are such a great family and both Emi and Jorge adore her.
Salma is worried because her fights with Jorge over Veronica have become
even more heated then before. Nico gives her an awfully big and warm hug
(Cougar alert), managing to relax her. She wants to go talk to Jorge but
Nico tells her that he is already in a plane back to Mexico.
At the hospital in the city, Daniel tells Crescencio
that Manuel will survive, but he still needs a long treatment and there is no
saying how long it will be before he can move. Crescencio is determined to help
his grandson no matter what.
Mariana overhears the prognosis on Manuel
and later tells Daniel that she needs his help to move Pablo to another
Because of course that Pablo is in the same place and he needs an expensive operation to fix his hand. Mariana is more than willing to pay for it, even after Pablo reminds
him that they’re not as close as they used to be. They see Crescencio and he
sees them, too. They don’t speak, but nobody is happy with the reunion.
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Thursday, August 27, 2015
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #3 Thu 8/27/15 Volare Woe Woe
Sorry. I just have to link to a video of
Domenico Modugno's performance of Volare on the Ed Sullivan show.
Heck, let's throw in
Dean Martin for good measure.
Fiorella has accepted Vittorio Dragone's e-mail marriage proposal. Vittorio is over the moon! His whoops of joy are heard across the restaurant (La Dolce Vita by name) and Benito comes running. Vito is so happy! He's always wanted to marry an nice Italian girl! Benito suggests that Vittorio ask Fiorella to come to the clinic to meet him. Vittorio is confused by this, but Benito kindly explains that Vittorio will need to check himself into a botox clinic in order to look like the foto he sent to Fiorella. Benito thinks he should slow down, but the old man has already taken care of everything. And Benito called Vito a
vetusto! HA! He's got a young bride winging her way to Mexico right now! Vito invites Benito to the wedding. He tells him to dress as a page and have expensive rings. Ok, I don't remember, did Benito say something in episodes 1 or 2 to the effect of "if this girl agrees to marry you I'll dress like an idiot at the wedding"?
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