Friday, March 18, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #37, 3/17/16: Matilde is a "G"

Sorry for the late and short recap, I spent all morning trying to score Radiohead tickets!

Here is your recap:

  • Diego is not happy that his wife is spending so much time at the hospital, Isabel reminds him that the work she is doing is not a hobby or something that was meant to keep her entertained while she waited for them to get married, Ayala over hears the conversation and is told by Diego that he simply wants his wife to go home and rest.
  • The good doctor lays into Isa as well and tells her to go home and assume her responsibilities as an adult- for every hour she spends at her her husband will allow her to spend 3 in the hospital- Isa objects and tells him he is asking her to sell herself, the doctor disagrees and tells her that she can't act like a child, always demanding more, more and more but never giving anything up.
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Un Camino Hacia El Destino - index

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Sueño de amor - index

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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Sueño de amor episode #8 March, Thursday 17, 2016- Joy never leaves the Alegría family

I'm posting this for Pablo, everybody welcome and thank him for joining the team!

Everybody loves Richard
While Esperanza and Ricardo argue over the unbelievable coincidence that is having him as a neighbor, and he saying that he did it on purpose, after the bitter incident of the bumper collision, we see a sinister walking figure with a lion like mane and tigress eyes, springing out of the mover's truck, and overhearing his love promises approaches them. It's Kracy!
-Hi, I am Kracy, am his wife (squeezing his arm) and we love each other! Right Richerd? You must be Esperanza, right? MY HUSBAND has told me soooo little about you!

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Pasión y Poder Jueves 3/17/16 #106

Chapter 106: Fallen Angels

So many people trust the wrong people in their lives. Betrayal is no respector of gender, relationship status, education, looks, or any other human quality. It can happen to the rich or the poor. It's not always about money, but when it is it's bigger than the owners of the money because it often has its roots in things beyond greed. It also has lingering effects into other areas of life. The next stop for some of these people will not be the Twilight Zone that Rod Serling wrote about, but it will be something equally unknown to them.  I won't feel any pity when that happens.  – D.D.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): ¿Quién es Quién?, Eva la Trailera, La Querida del Centauro, and Fatmagül: Week of March 14, 2016


Here's Page 2 for the week.  

The novelas currently being covered include the following (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

noon  - ¿Qué Culpa Tiene Fatmagül?
 8 PM  - ¿Quién es Quién?
 9 PM  -  Eva la Trailera
10 PM -  La Querida del Centauro**

**La Querida del Centauro gran final, Wednesday the 23rd—then a couple days of specials until El Señor de los Cielos #4 begins Monday the 28th.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation! 

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Pasion y Poder #105, Wednesday March 16, 2016

Lo Nuevo

Connie suffers alone, missing little Erick. Regina comes to visit her. Regina pours her heart out about seeing David and Dani together. Connie reminds her that she is now with Jorge. Regina wanted to get David away from her family, but now he's back in because of Dani. Connie says that because of one thing or another, neither of them can be with the one they love.
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El Hotel de los Secretos #36, 3/16/16: Life Lessons

Diego has a serious case of wedding night sexual frustration, but holds it together long enough to approve Isabel heading off with Doc Vic and Matilde to attend to the wounded men in the exploded mine. As soon as he’s back in the honeymoon suite, however, he starts swigging wine straight from the bottle, and tosses flower-filled vases across the room. He cuts himself on a vase shard, and goes looking for first aid in the bathroom medicine cabinet. Instead, he finds Isabel’s bottle of fake virgin’s blood, and seems to know exactly what it’s for. Uh oh!

In another wing, another baby is having a fit, but this one’s actually a real baby. Belen’s Baby #1, or Alfredo Jr., is crying inconsolably, and Elisa’s nerves are frayed listening to him. She complains to Victoria. “It’s not normal for a baby to cry with that kind of desperation. When have you ever seen a woman take a siesta right after giving birth? What mother prefers to rest instead of taking their child in their arms… That baby is trying to tell us something. We just need to listen… I may lack many things, but I’m overflowing with maternal instinct.” She vows to find out what’s really going on, so she sends Victoria to Sofia’s room to snoop. Teresa catches her listening outside Sofia’s door and sends a message back to Elisa that one grandmother is more than enough, and they don’t need her to turn Jr. into another weak, mama’s boy Fredito. She goes inside, and yells at drugged and unconscious Sofia to wake up and attend to her son!
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Sueño de amor #7 3/16/16

Esperanza does her best to make Pedro comfy on the floor since he seems to be passing out and cannot see. She calls for help on her cell.

At Ricardo's house in L.A. the news is that wifey Tracy is not going to let the kids go to Mexico unless it is done her way since they are all in danger because of Ricardo's job and "that maniac" that is stalking them. She brings up Rodrigo's nightmares. Turns out Rodrigo has been having nightmares and Tracy has never ever really given them much importance until now. Ricardo thinks she is bringing up the nightmares now just to blackmail him. We get to see Rodrigo's nightmare where the La Sombra comes into his room through an open window, grabs Rodrigo, covers his mouth and threatens revenge. Finally, Rodrigo gets his mouth free and yells for his dad and mom. Ricardo And Tracy rush in to comfort Rodrigo who has awakened. All Rodrigo can do is mutter "La Sombra" and cry as Ricardo calms him down and Tracy looks like she has had it. Ricardo promises that they will be catching La Sombra real soon. (Makes me wonder what the backstory is on this plot line.)

At the De la Colina house, since Viviana got the news about Pato and Luca being novios, Viviana just sort of wheezes and cannot talk to say what she wants. She finally can write on a tablet that she disagrees with it and it will be over her dead body. Ernesto is more than happy to talk up the novio relationship and rub it in Viviana's face. He tells her "over her dead body" would be perfect and a big favor to everybody.
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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #35, 3/15/16 Tuesday: A Night For Fireworks Yes, But For Diego, No

 First part of who knows how many.....

As we JIP this episodio:

·        Trouble has joined his big bro’, Double, and Julio does the unexpected honors.  Julio has heeded Belen’s warning that Dona Teresa already tried killing her once tonight by locking her in to have her bleed to death; thus, he moved her into his and Andres’s room for safekeeping.  Belen has told mini-T that Andres is really the son of old, dead Romulo Alarcon and therefore they’ll be protected from harm.  No one will touch them once he’s awake and they’re married……(Well, as Viewerville knows, it won’t be for lack of somebody’s constantly tryin’!)  That’s assuming Andres does marry her in the end, ¡por supuesto!

·        The local boys who work the mines head down to do another day’s work for another day’s pay--unos cuentos centavos-- as Los Ricos enjoy Isabel Alarcon’s wedding reception and one of the major events of the year.

·        Julio is forced to endure Isa’s pointed snubs and that degenerate dog, Diego’s, slobbering over her during the reception.  (After his cruel torturing of the beleaguered, birthing Belen, I am certain he fathered not a few bastard Natzi SS officers somewhere along the line.)  Don Benjamin sees to it that Julio ministers to the recién casados whatever their need. Right now, it is serving Isabel and Diego the cake cutter.  (OMG!!!) 

·        Mr. Silver-tongued Snake implores his new bride to let them/him begin from scratch with their new lives.  They’ll forget the past mistakes.  All before this has been a rehearsal, alright?  She smiles innocently back at him.  And Julio observes as the band plays on….. Isa glances up towards the balcony and notices Julio fighting back his tears.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #6. Tuesday March 15, 2016. Esperanza Rejects Ricardo Again, PatoLuca Are Officially Novios And Pedro Goes Blind!

Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a discussion page until a valiant volunteer takes over this recapping spot.
The scene of Pato and Luca dining on the roof of a building in construction... Qué the hell was that? I watched it again tonight and I am rendered speechless. The only words going through my head in a maddening loop are: "What the fudge did I just watch?" And what does that SK plastered on Luca's Halloween costume stand for? Stupid Klutz? With the exception of this unfortunate-in-every-imaginable-sense scene, I found that this episode was pretty enjoyable. Esperanza and Ricardo have great chemistry. Kristel and Erasmo are lovely, in spite of the annoying banda song that starts blaring everytime they are together. Kristel and Pedro hanging out and talking made me hope we can see a real friendship blossom between them (telenovelas could use more platonic relationships). 
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El Hotel de los Secretos #34, 3/14/16 Monday: Two mothers, two babies, no waiting!

Rerun: The ribbon-cutting ceremony at the hospital. Diego gives a speech: blah blah blah, reinvesting in the community that does so much for the Alarcons and the hotel, yadda yadda, he cuts the ribbon, and there's an engagement ring on the ribbon. Isabel, will you marry me?

There's a long pause as Isabel's gaze meets Julio's. For the record, I never hear her say yes, but apparently she says it. Julio finishes his letter to his mother: "I'm happy, Mom."


It's the night before the wedding. Mati is trying to get Isabel to cancel. (Mati, do you call this a bachelorette party?) Isabel says she'd rather work in the hospital than continue chasing a lofty dream. And having Diego as a companion is better than nothing.

And now we're at the wedding. Dr. Vicario walks Isabel up the aisle. (The church looks to be half-empty. Where is everyone?) We're spared the long ceremony; people are already throwing rice. Elisa is there. Felipe is there in his robes, making me wonder how much Teresa has been paying to keep him at the monastery.

At the reception, Teresa is beaming, wearing an amazing silver gown. Sofia frets: she's afraid people are looking at her, and will know her secret. And Alfredo's coming home soon, she says. The doctor tells her to act happy. She'll be a mother soon. Teresa offers her some soothing wine with the doctor's blessing.

Elisa is still planning to take Alfredo home when he gets out of jail. (She notices that Victoria is wearing red lipstick.)

Felipe tells Mrs. Limantur he's trying to be like St. Augustine. He's not sure if he's ready to come back to the "world" yet. She teases him, saying he should test himself with a little temptation: drink, dancing... Felipe hopefully asks one of the brothers his opinion. The brother says NO.

It's time for the champagne toast. Benjamin tells Julio that he should act in Andres' place to serve the champagne to the novios. Julio complies with great reluctance.
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Pasion y Poder #104 20160314 Seriously! Everyone in the TN is Stupid!

We return to the nursery where Gina is shooting daggers at Dani.  Gina doesn't approve of how Erick gained custody of the EJ (Erick Jr.).  Erick assures his sister that Connie is fine with him ripping her heart out of her a$$ by taking her baby.  He's given Connie permission to enjoy her daily supervised visits with his mother. 

Gaby comes out of the bathroom.  No baby again.  Franco tells her that he is not in a hurry to knock her up until Eladio gives him the Gomez-Luna name.  Gaby wants to go to the gyno (geez, I got the willies just thinking about that!  I hate the gynecologist because it's just like going to the gynecologist!)  Franco says that Eladio won't give him the surname until he divorces Julia.  The thought of the divorce makes Franco frisky.  He pushes Gaby back down on the bed. 
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Monday, March 14, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #5. Monday March 14, 2016. Ricardo Is Moving to Mexico And The Guerreros Have New Battles to Wage.

At a glance

-- Esperanza tells Ricardo she no longer loves him.
-- Pato and Luca are so sickly sweet, my tummy hurts.
-- Ernesto can't find any information on Ricardo. 
-- Tracy offers to stay with the kids while Ricardo travels to Mexico for work. She refuses to grant Ricardo a divorce.
-- Silvana succeeds in getting Pato's scholarship revoked.
-- Ricardo applies for a job at Instituto Palacios. He needs to infiltrate the school to find La Sombra's kid.

A closer look

Ricardo is on the phone to Esperanza, talking about how much he loves her and how seeing her revived his old feelings, yada yada yada. He hopes they can pick up right where they left off. He is certain that Esperanza feels the same about him; he can’t be imagining things. Esperanza can’t contain her tears but she stays firm: She tells Ricardo that she is no longer in love with him and asks him to stop contacting her. She hangs up without raising the question that puzzled viewers for days: "Where in poo-perfect hell were you for the last 20 years?". For two decades, Ricardo didn’t use any of the means of communications known to Man to contact Esperanza. What’s up with that? Not a single letter, phone call, telegram, carrier pigeon, smoke signal or three-eyed raven! Nada! Then Mr. Hot Stuff shows up at Esperanza’s door, tells her he’s married, drops the “I love you” bomb and expects her to fall into his arms. Sorry, Ric, but “Operation Get A Load Of Me” is a resounding failure. Oh, and you’re a creep!
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): ¿Quién es Quién?, Eva la Trailera, La Querida del Centauro, and Fatmagül: Week of March 14, 2016

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, now issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

The novelas currently being covered are the following (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

 noon  - ¿Qué Culpa Tiene Fatmagül?
 8 PM  - ¿Quién es Quién?
 9 PM  -  Eva la Trailera
10 PM -  La Querida del Centauro**

**La Querida del Centauro gran final, Wednesday the 23rd—then a couple days of specials until El Señor de los Cielos #4 begins Monday the 28th.
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since we all share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so readers can find their way around.

Telemundo is also re-broadcasting the hit telenovela La Reina del Sur on Saturdays and Sundays from 6-8 PM (EST & PST, 5-7 PM CST).  For the moment, all the capítulos are also available on Telemundo's web site.  Some discussion and occasional recaps from the original broadcast can be found here.

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Un Camino Hacia El Destino-Week 4 (Mar 14, 2016)

A plea from the editorial desk: could anyone step up to post a few short overviews this week? I will be unable to take up the reins again until Week 5.

Lots happened last week. Pedro lost control and started to assault Amelia sexually; Luis can't be sure who is being truthful about Old Fer's granddaughter's existence; Marissa is beginning to doubt her allure for her husband, but our "May-December" pairing is still heating up, despite Amelia, Camila, Felipe and Isabela's efforts to break up Luisa Fernanda and Dr. Carlos Gomez Ruiz. Is this a love that is going to last a lifetime? Tune in to see.

Did you know that Luisa Fernanda is the name of a famous Spanish zarzuela by F. Moreno Torroba? It debuted at Madrid's Teatro Calderon on March 26, 1932. In many ways it was the last great romantic zarzuela. To quote, "Torroba's music certainly offers colorful Spanish charm, as well as fair helpings of graceful Viennese musical comedy and Italian operatic verismo....[his] melodies are consistently memorable and his theatrical instinct never falters."

Here is Placido Domingo in an aria from Luisa Fernanda--"Ay Mi Morena"


Saturday, March 12, 2016

Pasion y Poder #103 20160311 The Iowans Have Taken Over Mexico

Eladio stresses to Caridad that Marintia had better stick to the agreement and keep her mouth shut.  If not, both of them will suffer the consequences. 

Once again, Julia is moaning to Gaby about how she can't trust Eladio and will never forgive him.  Gaby tells Julia to follow her heart and be happy.  Lessoned learned ladies:  if you don't have sex with your husband for over 20 years, he will eventually have sex with someone else.  Correction:  he will have sex with a lot of someone elses. 

Franco tells Eladio about some protest that he is orchestrating at the Montenegro Riviera Maya construction site.  Eladio isn't impressed until Franco explains that he has arranged for the press to be there.  Eladio changes the subject to Marintia.  Franco needs to tell her to keep her mouth shut.  Franco says that he's got her under control.  Eladio strongly disagrees.  He tells Franco that Julia had better not get mad at him because of this.  She doesn't like secrets.  Speaking of Julia, she calls and asks Eladio to come home immediately. 
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El Hotel de los Secretos #33, 3/11/16 Friday: Couplings, Uncouplings And Coma

At a glance

-- Isabel and Julio break up and become estranged.
-- Sofía's growing dependence on opiates is becoming problematic and is being fed (intentionally or unintentionally) by Mother Terror Teresa. Sofía's husband rots in jail to protect her lying manic-depressive behind.
-- Andrés is saved from marrying Belén (and from getting killed by the Werewolf Gold Knife Slasher) thanks to a freak accident involving a horse and a strategically positioned wagon wheel. He is now in a coma, blissfully unaware for an entire summer.
-- Time jump!
-- Diego helps Isabel set up a rural hospital and, on the day of its inauguration, he pops the question.

A closer look

Buckle up for this is a bumpy one. Here we go. 

Following Alfredo’s arrest, Sofía is having a nervous breakdown. She sits in her bed, crying and shaking uncontrollably. Her barely coherent mumbles of “I can’t! I can’t!” are punctuated by low-pitched wails. Dr. Lázaro Vicario tries to calm her down, to no avail. He asks Isabel to prepare him a dose of morphine but she protests that he can’t inject morphine to a pregnant woman. The Doc snaps at her: “This is an order! I am not asking advice from a student! And tell me once and for all whether you want to carry on learning by following the orders of your superiors!”. Isabel obliges. The Doc asks Matilde to pitch in and help. While all three look after Sofía, Teresa steals a bottle of laudanum from Lázaro’s medical bag and tucks it into the waistband of her skirt. Teresa maintained the most phlegmatic composure throughout this scene but her face betrayed the angst and impotence a mother feels when she can’t alleviate her child’s distress.

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Sueno de Amor, #4, Friday, 03/12/16 There is no alegria in the Alegria family

Hello, my patio peeps! I'll try to cover as much as possible from the episode, but fair warning: I blended some scenes together to give this a better flow. Sorry for the bad editing, I'm writing the first part on the run.

Part one (part two later in the afternoon)

We start with Ricardo and his operation to catch La Sombra. The guy that gets killed in the fight turns out not to be the feared Sombra, though. Ricardo is muy molesto.
Back at the operations center - imagine a Star Trek meets FBI quarters meets Total Recall - Ric gets proof that La Sombra, Maximilano Izzaguire, had been in the house at some time, they found his prints there. They also got a child's drawing and an ultrasound (?!). These are some serious clues that they need to look into.
Police work gets interrupted by a call from home - it's Ric's wife, Tracy, telling him he needs to get back ASAP. Ric is not happy about it, but he lets his assistant know that he has to catch the next flight back to LA.

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Friday, March 11, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #32, 3/10/16 Thursday: Sofia has a bad day

Hello patio peeps, my apologies for not being able to recap last week, I had the worst cold I've ever had, I thought my ear drums would burst. Below you'll find a short recap of last night's episode!

Jacinto y Violeta:

So Jacinto is talking to Violeta when they are rudely interrupted by Violeta's mom, who tries dragging her away, Violeta's pimp comes on the scene and sends the women away. Mr. Pimp asks what Jacinto wants with Vio and Jacinto replies that he has good intentions towards her, then he gets a word of advice from Mr. Pimp: "whores live like whores and die whores"- he cautions Jacinto against coming back to the brothel without paying, if he visits he is to pay, if he drinks he is to pay, so I guess Jacinto will need a part time job to be able to pay for the visits to his lady love.

Isa y Julio

 So these two should not be together because Julio compares her family to a rabid pack of wild dogs and Isa is doing her best to protect her puppies, family. She tells him Sofia is innocent and that she's a sick woman, in the end Julio says that he will do whatever it takes it bring his sisters murderer to justice. They each have to do what they have to do. Julio goes to Ayala and tells him he will bring him something of Sofia's that can be used to get her finger prints. Ayala tells him that doing so could be costly to Julio- he could lose Isa, but Julio pays him no mind- he will get justicia for his sister. And so Julio breaks into Sofia's room and steals a book that Ayala later gets prints from, it seems like lady Sofia is the number one suspect because her finger prints match those at the scene of the crime-dun,dun,dun!
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