Thursday, June 23, 2016
Tres Veces Ana - Episode 25
Sneaky's recap added!
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Labels: ana
Sueño de amor, Ep. 72 (6.23.16) QVC Osorio's style (One hour of commercials and PSA's linked together with questionable ''plot'')
The one when Luca spent the whole sunday with baby Luquita
♪, ♫ When you are born ♪, ♫
Skipping sunday church services, Anastasia shows up with bambini Luquita in her arms to spend the day with daddy and block him from seeing Patricia. He, who doesn't have enough time during the week to take care of Patricia's needs, will have to spend time with his baby. Things are getting complicated for Luca, who in only one day will have to learn how to change diapers, feed, and burp the three month old italian baby.
Labels: sda
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4 & La Sombra de Helena: Week of June 20, 2016
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, helena, senor4, telemundo
Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 18 (June 20, 2016) 2d Half
Luis is still nursing a grudge.
From this he never will budge.
He argues in court
'Cause he's of that sort
But won't win 'less he pays off the judge.
Louy is such a jerk
Who other people he loves to hurt
Surely when his time comes
He will be eating Crumbs
For others he poisons their bread
Maybe he'll be the one to eat it and be dead.
Labels: camino
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Sueño de Amor (SdA) #71. Tuesday June 21, 2016. My Internet Keeps Cutting Off. It's Telling Me Not To Watch.
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How do you like them guns? I got mine by drinking copious amounts of Lala Milk and living at the gym! |
Labels: sda
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Yago #23. Monday June 20, 2016. Relationship Status: It’s Yagomplicated.
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #70. Monday June 20, 2016. When The Villano Is A More Reliable Galán Than The Galán
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Ernesto is insanely hot: Sweet as pie with his gal but a bad motha when need be. He deserves a happy ending. Yes, I have issues. |
Labels: sda
Tres Veces Ana - Episode 24 - Old tears and new(ish) intrigues
Labels: ana
Monday, June 20, 2016
Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 18 (June 20, 2016) 1st Half
Marissa - She's a prisoner of a debilitating disease and cloudy thinking
Don Fernando - He's also a prisoner of his mental deterioration and the manipulation by his elder daughter and her husband
Luis - He's a prisoner of greed, ambition and malevolence
Mariana and Hernan - They are in the same prison as Luis, with a little envy and jealousy thrown in the mix
Camila - She is a prisoner of her upbringing: unloved, unappreciated, a tool of her father
Isabela - She is a prisoner of her Hair and an uncontrolled obsession with Carlos
Amelia - She's been in a prison of her own making; bitter and longing for her former life, although she may get out on parole
Pedro - He's a prisoner of his own stubbornness and the inability to see how his goodness and protectiveness hurts the ones he loves
Carlos - He's a prisoner of telenovela plots, conventional set-ups, chicanery and skullduggery committed by others
Labels: camino
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4 ¿Quién es Quién? & La Sombra de Helena: Week of June 20, 2016
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, helena, quien, senor4, telemundo
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Who’ll be the first over the moon? Let us see…..
• Ana Laura says “Sí” but balks at being bedded before being wedded. Her leg of lead stops them dead. They head home instead, while most of the family are filled with dread that down the wrong road Ramiro has A Lloro led.
• Meanwhile, Ana Lucia and Santiago drive back to the place where it all began for them. They promise each other they’ll never love another. A mistaken Evaristo tells Mama Solidad that they’re more than likely saying their good-byes cuz he’s on his way to somewhere that ensures they’ll never see hide nor hair of each other again.
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Labels: ana
Friday, June 17, 2016
Yago Capitulo 22: The clock is ticking
Labels: yago
Tres Veces Ana - Episode 22 - Narrow encounter misses and an amusing twist at the end!
I also apologize that I haven't had a chance to read the two previous recaps and comments and will do so tomorrow. So excuse any comments that have been discussed already.
And so we tune in for a Thursday fix of TVA as Soledad continues to stress over potentially losing Ana Lu as Santiago will separate g them. Ana Lu is very confused and explains about the photo. Soledad continues to worry that Santiago will bring them doom and gloom and world as they know it will implode.
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Labels: ana
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Sueño de amor, Ep. 69 (6.16.16) Believe it or not: Everybody is sleepless in Sueñolandia
Midnight confessions
Is midnight in Sueñolandia and the sandman failed to show up, so everybody is awake...
Mario came looking for Leche Lala and found Salma, so they had a picnic inside the refrigerator while discussing the love life of the teenager. Hashtag Ladyconfundida2 or #Ladyembarazada. Her guilt is keeping her awake because she is expecting a baby from the boy she loves and he despises her while there's another boy who loves her but she dispises him. Well, it runs in the family, Mario himself was confundido once dating Pánfila, or whats her name? Felícitas, only to make her loose her job and disappear from the face of the earth. Now he loves Viviana but who knows? Silvana is coming back, and the writers are crazy, so I wouldn't bet much on it.
Labels: sda
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4 and ¿Quién es Quién?: Week of June 13, 2016
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, quien, senor4, telemundo
Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 17 (June 13, 2016) 2nd Half
Who holds the key to Fernanda’s freedom? Will it be Ignacio, Camila, Carlos, Don Fernando, Amelia, Pedro, Felipe or…wait for it, Javier? Yes, Javier will no doubt come back into the picture. He was only supposed to be gone a short time. Pedro is living in his house, for heaven’s sakes. It would be hard to believe Javier didn’t leave a way to contact him while he’s been away. Pedro can’t be so stupid or blind not to let him know what happened to Fer. Indeed, Pedro had the hopes that Fernanda would turn her eyes on Javier, a wholesome, successful and acceptable mate, even though Javier himself saw it was a hopeless situation.
Labels: camino
Yago, #21, Wednesday 6/15/16: Yago Strikes Again
Camilo meets his goons (including Tomas Vargas, the loan shark) on the roof of the building. He asks who let the kid get away. As the guilty party begs for his life, Camilo orders one of his other goons, a man called El Chino, shoot him in the head. Chino protests weakly, but complies. Then Camilo orders Chino to jump off the roof. Chino protests a little more strongly. Camilo holds up a photo of Chino's wife, Jesusa. Camilo says that if Chino doesn't fall off the roof, they'll rape and torture his wife to death. Chino jumps off the roof.
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Sueño de amor #68 Wed. 6/15/16
At the family court office, Ricardo hands over a psychological evaluation that was done on him about six months ago to the judge. She says she will look it over. She asks if he has the "proof" he has told her about. He does not have those videos yet. He will be sending them to her and they will prove he never touched Tracy. He thanks her for the time and consideration she has given him. His case is interesting to her because she wants to protect his children and she can see that his children do love him which is the opposite of Tracy's claims. She wants all of the information as clear as possible.
Margarita and Kristel go to visit Silvana at the jail. Surprise! Surprise! Silvana's demeanor is totally changed as part of the "true revenge" plan as suggested by La Tuerta (Ole One Eye). Silvana is crying and asking for their forgivenes. She even kisses their hands and lets them "pet" her head like a dog but nothing has changed. She has successfully deceived them with her "pity me" and "mea culpa" act. In reality, Silvana thinks they are just as stupid as ever.
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Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Tres Veces Ana - Episode 21
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Tres Veces Ana - Episode 20
Discussion page until Sneaky's recap is ready for us!
Sneaky's recap added below!
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Labels: ana
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