Thursday, July 09, 2009

MEPS Wed. 7/8/2009 - Where it is hard to tell just who is hallucinating now

Review Pieces: Must be the season of the witch, (when I look out my window, many sights to see; when I look in my window, so many people to be...) Barbara is outed by the whiner Aurora who saw la maldita madrastra in compromising position (trance amoroso) with Fernanda's beloved husband Damian through the window. Gee, that was way back, Barbara has to think which tawdry love scene could have been seen through a window? Funny, we didn't frequently fondle on the first floor, hmmm.

Damian demands that the dimwit Vladimir come immediately, Vladi says he has a report he has to prepare for Anibal and when Damian yells more that if he could have told him over the phone he would have done it by now. Vladi says he will talk to his boss and hangs up on Damian who keeps talking for several minutes.

Franco and Fernanda still fight. Franco is in touch with an excellent psychiatrist who can cure Liliana so fast and so there is no more pretext for them to meet again. They scream have a good afternoon to each other while we hear the silent frustration of love unresolved.

Flor freaks freely with Erika telling with tears that Vladi asked her out to dinner, bought her flowers then rejected her but she saw outside his apartment that he was hiding Damian. Oh my so many confessions, such dangerous voyeurism by two such innocents. Not hesitating, Errika decides to call Fernanda, who is still at the country house. Erika has something urgent she must tell her but not in Fernanda's office where Erika is currently. Yes about Damian. They will meet at Erika's. Fernanda says she will come right away.

Back with the Primary Bruja (thanks to Carlos for this gem of an image) who tells Barbara that she told Aurora that she must be having a type of hallucination but she thinks that the way to control Aurora is with fear, fear. Barbara thinks blame will also work well. The Bruja is about to reveal the Rebeca Sanchez connection with the handkerchief, Aurora appears wanting to leave and a knock on the door suddenly ends the audience, a woman enters with a baby who is badly frightened/haunted (mal de espanto). The Bruja looks out as Barbara and Aurora disappear, saying, from now on nothing is going to be the same. This woman is a true visionary.

Franco meets with Dr. Sotomayor (wait isn't she busy preparing for Senate hearings? Ohhh Doctor not Judge, so sorry), discussing the case of Liliana. He tells her that she was interned (recluida) 15 years ago in the Miraflores. What was the cause? The most cruel infamy, It was the cruelsest her step-mother hatched (urdió) a terrible plan to blame her for the death of her own mother.

Liliana finally reappears staring out the window and Martina wants to ply her with popcorn (palomitas) and telenovelas. Or we could continue learning to play chess. Carlos (Dr. Cuteguy, not our dear colleague here on C2) calls. Who its it? asks the innocent Martina. Your boyfriend. How did you get this number? Your papa provide it (proporcionar) to me. (We all knew this was going to be a problem). I miss you so much. Martina is pleased but has to arrange Lili's care with Venus. He waxes poetic that he dreams of her and when he wakes she is totally on his mind. Martina gives the only smile of this of this section of the episode, maybe the whole episode.

As they flash a view of the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico, DF, Steve presents Lovely Norton with a cell phone explaining it as the central tool (herramienta) of her work. The point of the fiesta was to awaken Camilho's interest in her. They plan to make Camilho suffer waiting for her call. She rehearses that there will be nothing happening - Nada de nada.

Back at the hacienda, poor Aurora Bora is grateful for Barbara's attentions as Barb insinuates that it is as if she has known Aurora all of her life.

The Doc is almost as lovely as Doctor Erika in Destilando Amor who seduced her patient...(but I digress) She starts her diagnosis about hallucinations, delusions. A patient has called and cancels her appointment so Doc Sotomayor and Franco leave to go see Liliana

In the barn, Cam gets a happy call from LOVELYYYY. Is the number I see on the screen yours? Yes. And when can we see each other? he oozes pleasure. She counters with, Oh I think never, my uncle wants to send me to live in Switzerland. Oh no, pleads Cam. She is coached through the call by Steve playfully plans to meet Camilo tonight but just for one hour.

Pris' brother Rolando shows up to see Gonzo, turns down a drink and wants to get right to the subject at hand (entramos en materia). Rolando tells Gonzo that he thought the marriage and the professional relationship between Prolassa and Lactos would be good fortune for all. He reveals that the person selling confidential information about Lactos to his company is Flor Campillo. Gonzo gets right on the phone and calls Flor into the office. She is nervous.

Damian finally gives us the long awaited but ever so gentle toss to his cell phone but only for a moment, he retrieves it from the floor and calls Priscila. He wants to see her immediately in Vladi's apartment. She thinks he is going to intimidate her more, He threatens with two unpleasant choices: are you coming or not coming.
Errika warns Fernanda that before she reveals the information she has, Fernanda must first assure her that she will protect Flor.

Said Flor is being intimidated by Gonzo as he accuses her of trafficking information about Grupo Lactos.

Meanwhile Errika tells Fernanda that Flor discovered Damian had been living at Vladimir's while he was hiding out. How did Flor know this? Vladi was apparently courting Flor. Fernanda can't believe that he is the type to be interested in Flor.

Meanwhile, Rolando takes his turn at beating down Flor with towering height and tough words saying she was romancing his employee Jaime Correa who confessed all and implicated Flor. With profound disbelief, Flor sputters into tears and gasps for air which sounds the same in Spanish or in English.

Errika wants to be sure Fernanda isn't mad she knows more dirt about Damian but quickly wants to enthuse about the fiesta and Franco's declaration. Errika goes over the edge about how they are two halves of a whole (media naranja). Fernanda looks supremely irritated with this unsettling gush from her friend.

The bigwigs continue to browbeat the hapless Flor who continues to swear on the sacred memory of her parents that none of their accusations are true. Gonzo finally releases her to go home and wait until he has talked to Fernanda. She cries in the hall and who should appear but a miniature accountant and eight tiny ledgers (Vladimir himself looking totally puzzled).

Back at Vladi's den, Damian is browbeating Pris which isn't nearly as easy as the bigwigs berating Flor. She is not going to pay extortion her whole life. Damian points out that what she cares about is that her baby has the Elizalde name not Vladi Who. Damian has plans to collaborate with Pris, You will be at my side for what. We have to work this together and eliminate the danger: Franco Santoro. Huh...

EdFranco presents Doctor Sotomayor to Liliana. The good Doc says she would love to talk to Liliana.

Pris really is surprised, What are you talking about? Damian asks, Are you surprised that Santoro and Fernanda are lovers?

Fernanda Walks in her office and picks up Flor's tearful letter that Gonzo fired her so she is no longer her assistant.

Doc asks Lili if she would like to tell her about her life in Miraflores. You are very hurt (lastimado). But you had a good friend. Ciro! says Lili with lovely music and a sudden smile as she relives happy moments with Ciro She begins her mantra, The white queen is in danger and only the white king can save her and give her liberty. There are also black pieces says Doc. Those are dangerous says Lili pulling up into her main Miraflores protective body curl.
Camilho whistles a happy tune as he enters the hacienda, Barbara needs to talk with him urgently.Camilo looks surprised and only a little interested, while Santi paints and Aurora crochets in domestic bliss. Santi is still wary of Barbara's motives, Where did she take you to shop? Someplace very large, I can't remember the name, says Aurora with no shopping bags. He tells her of the talks they need to have with Padre Arcadia so they can marry in two monthsl. Can we start the course? She finally says something happy about him being the love of her life. But Barbara has a way to wipe that away, but for now they have a happy little cuddle.

Barbara tells the amazed Camilo that she and he are more alone than ever. What does that mean? Well his father and Fernanda are all happy about the liaison with Franco and there is news of Liliana's disappearance. She assures him that Obregon is behind it but with more money and patience they will take care of this little problem. But now she is worried about Santi and the type of person Aurora is. Santi needs to realize that she is not the saintly one (santurra) that he thinks she is. How can you prove that his girl is lady or a whore (fulana, note that with fulano for men it is just a so and so) and we need convincing proof (pruebas contundentes). Barbara's plan means Camilho is to inveigle Aurora this very night so he can save his brother. At first Camilo says he doesn't want to get involved in this, but soon forgetting his tryst with Loveleee so quickly he claps his hands in glee at the chance to seduce and derail. This is even more fun than the break in.

Gonzo is on the phone with police to delay further investigations for now when Fernanda bursts in with Flor's letter of goodbye. What is this? demands Fernanda. Gonzo solemnly reports that Flor is the person who gave the minutes of the board to Prolassa.

Damian is obsessed with what happened to Fernanda up in the mountains. Pris tries to soothe him; Fernanda was very worried. Damian reminds Pris that the family is responsible for the disappearance of his 3 million dollars. She doesn't know what to do. He plays up that they both hate the Elizaldes, especially Anibal. Do you have confidence in Anibal. They decide what to do. She wants Vladi as far from her as possible. But Damian says they need him and he is worried about his incipient paternity.
Second. if you continue the extortion with me, I will kill you. Damian.
Damian's phone rings it is Vladi, Damian tells him that Pris is here and wants to talk to him, doesn't he want to come talk to his love, his gordita his consentida. Pris sneers. (I almost sneer too, it is still hard to accept fatty and spoiled girl as terms of endearment).

Fernanda points out that Flor has worked for them for 16 years and he says that someone confessed? Rolando said his new employee confessed. You would believe an unknown nobody over Flor who is nearly part of our family. Gonzo contemplates the silliness of his firmly held idea with a totally confused expression.

The Doc and Liliana talk and Liiliana finally admits that she did not kill her mother but knows that the Hyena did. Who is the Hyena? My father's wife, Barbara Greco. Suddenly Liliana hallucinates Barbara's face on the doctor's and in another flurry of plaid we see the incensed Lili think Doc is Barbara who telling her that her accusation is useless because, they all believe she is crazy. She chokes the Doctor/Barbara person in unleashed fury. Whew! What a comeback, Liliana! Not what we were hoping for...
Next time: Fernanda dreams of Franco's kisses and Franco and Errika contemplate a loveless marriage to continue the farce. Lili isn't the only one totally out of control. this is my penultimate penning. I will deliver my last recap next week. Never fear, Jody will continue to recap and delight you all on Wednesday nights. buenas noches amigos mios.


Wednesday, July 08, 2009

En Nombre del Amor, July 8, 2009

Javier and Sagrario are arguing and get into an accident. Paloma wakes up and screams. Paramedics are tending to the injured couple who are being rushed to the hospital.

The next day: Macarena asks Paloma if she slept well and she looks at Carlota and says yes, I just miss my parents. Paloma wants to talk to her parents and says that her mother called her last night, but Carlota gives her the stink eye and she says that the call dropped. Carlota tells Paloma to call her cell phone. Macarena says I have the hotel number written down and leaves to get it. Carlota grabs Paloma and tells her to tell her parents that everything she said on the phone last night to them was all lies. Macarena comes in and says that her parents have already left. She comments how weird it is that they already left. Paloma says she asked her mother to come. Carlota makes a nasty comment to Paloma that her parents couldn't even enjoy the wedding of their friend. Macarena defends her.

At the hospital the doctor says that the patients are not doing too good.

Macarena, Carlota and Paloma go to church. Paloma sees Romina and they smile at each other. A young looking boy looks at Paloma.

Cristóbal wants to know what room number the Espinoza de los Monteros are staying at. The desk clerk advises him that they have already checked out. He asks for there number, but she says she cannot give it to him.

Natalia is crying and wonders why Cristobal has not called her yet. She doesn't understand what happened. They were opening gifts just yesterday morning all happy. Her friend (didn't catch her name) comments that Sagrario is not in her hotel room and wonders if something happened to make her leave suddenly. She should be here consoling you too.

Camila shows Diana in. She wants to know how Camila is doing and tells her that Samuel is moving out of Mexico. Camila is shocked and gets teary eyed. Diana feels bad. She thought Camila knew. Do you still love him asks Diana. Camila says it would be easier if I wasn't, but what makes me more upset is his lack of interest in Romina. Diana tells her to get out of the house and look for more options. Camila says no, I will find happiness again and make sure that my daughter will never miss the love of her father.

Paloma wonders why her parents are not there yet. Macarena says they are probably doing something in Mexico. She tells Paloma to help her make cookies for them so when they get there they can have it with coffee. Evil Carlota looks on.

Javier and Sagrario are in surgery.

Macarena receives a call from the hospital. She says they are on there way. Carlota wonders what is going on. Macarena tells her that Javier and Sagrario were involved in an accident. Paloma starts crying and Carlota grabs her and tells her that it is all her fault that they were in an accident. Carlota wants to leave right away, but when Paloma says "I want to go to" Carlota forbids it. She tells Macarena that the hospital is no place for children.

Diana comes home and tells her husband Rafael that she went to see Camila. She can't believe that Camila didn't know that Samuel was leaving Mexico. Rafael gets onto her and tells her that "I told you not to say anything that Pablo told me!" And yet the first thing you did was tell her. I think it's unbelievable that Samuel the womanizer is running around while Camila is at home crying. Rafael says you have no right to gossip. There son Emiliano says stop fighting and walks away. Rafael asks him where are you going? Emiliano says that he cannot stand gossip. Rafael gives Diana a dirty look.

Camila and Romina are sending out invitations for her birthday party.

Carlota, Macarena and Paloma walk into the hospital with Paloma crying loudly. Carlota wants to know how her brother is doing. No news says the nurse. Carlota walks away and Macarena wonders how her sister-in-law is. The nurse tells her that she is in ICU. Macarena wants to know if she can talk to the doctor.

Natalia's friend (I can't understand her name. My husband says Yvonne or Marivonne. He says we latin woman are hard to understand when we are emotional. I say whatever) Anyway her friend says there's a call for you from Cristobal. Natalia wants to know where he is at. They need to talk. Cristobal says he knows and that tomorrow he will come over to explain. Then he hangs up on her.

Paloma gets to see her mom and promises her to behave if she can just get better. Sagrario tells Paloma that the best thing that has ever happened to her was meeting her father and having her. Paloma tells her that she loves her. Sagrario tells Paloma that if anything happens to her that her father will always be with her. That her aunt Macarena loves her just like a mother would. Sagrario doesn't know if she will be able to watch Paloma grow up. Paloma begs her mother to promise her that she will not die. Sagrario tells her that if she does die to make sure that she helps her father finds someone to love him and make him happy. You and your father have both been my greatest loves. She tells Macarena to promise her that she will always take care of Paloma. Macarena promises her while Paloma cries out to her mother to promise her that she will not die. Sagrario dies.

Carlota asks the doctor how her brother is. He tells her that he did not make it. She loses it and starts hitting the doctor.

Macarena tries to pull Paloma away from her mother. She doesn't want to leave.

Carlotta walks down the hall to go see her dead brother. She cries over his dead body and says don't leave me alone. She asks god why all the men in her life leave her.

Macarena and Paloma finally leave Sagrario's room and tell Carlota that she died. Carlota coldly tells them that Javier died too. Paloma starts crying again. Carlota grabs Paloma and takes her to see her father and tells her that she killed her father. She stands there and cries. Carlota calls Paloma assasina. Macarena gets onto Carlota and tells her to never call Paloma that again. Carlota tells Macarena that if it wasn't for Paloma none of this would have happened. Ever since she has entered this world, she has brought nothing but problems. I will never forgive her for the death of my brother. Macarena says it was an accident and blaming Paloma will not change that. Carlota walks out of the room and Paloma says she wants to die too. She's sorry for killing them. Macarena tells her that it was not her fault. They will always be with her.

Carlota is in the chapel and asks god why he took her brother instead of Paloma?

Orlando tells Cristobal that he cannot believe that he would cancel the wedding. Why didn't you tell me that you had doubts asks Orlando. Cristobal tells him that he didn't have them until the day before the wedding. What happened asks Orlando. I just realized I didn't love her enough and couldn't forget my past answers Cristobal. Orlando asks him what happened in your past? Cristobal says he cannot talk about it. It's too difficult. Orlando says you will never be happy if you can not get over your past. Cristobal says this is my punishment for what I did.

Macarena is consoling Paloma. She tells her that when her father died she felt the same way.

Camila tells Romina that the girl across the street parents died. Romina tells Camila that she does not want her to die. She wants her with her forever. Not to even get married. Camila pinkie swears that she will never get married again.

At the funeral Paloma is crying loudly, Macarena lays flowers on the graves and Carlota just stands there like a cold fish.

Cristobal the drunk reads about the death of Javier and Sagrario.

Rufina is with Paloma tucking her in for the night. Paloma tells her that she does not want to live in the house with Carlota.

Cristobal is talking with Natalia, but I lost video for a second and the only thing I got back was Natalia asking him about his past. That she has the right to know. Cristobal says even if I wanted to I can't. Just forget about me. He leaves.

Javier's attorney, Mr. Rojas comes to visit Carlota. He wants to talk to her about the inheritance he left Paloma. Her parents left her the house, a life insurance policy and all the money in the bank account. Carlota wants to know when she will be able to inherit all this. Mr. Rojas says when she turns 18. In the meantime you are named as the benefactor until she reaches the legal age. Carlota asks Mr. Rojas to keep all this information between them only.

Macarena begs Paloma to eat something. Paloma doesn't want to do anything. She misses her parents very much. Macarena says time will make it better. Carlota comes in the bedroom and asks Paloma how she slept. Macarena asks what the lawyer wanted. Carlota says that Javier named her total legal guardian of Paloma and the estate. Paloma asks what does that mean. That I will now be in charge of your education and upbringing. But in reality my brother had alot of debt. Macarena asks how can that be? They were doing so well. Carlota lies and says that he just didn't want us to worry. But things were bad. So I will have to sell the house. Paloma yells out that she doesn't want her to sell her parents home. Carlota tells her that she has too. They don't have the money to pay the debts. And also that she will have to change schools since the one that she attends now is too expensive. Paloma doesn't want too. But Carlota tells her to shush and she will do as she's told. Paloma yells at Carlota that she doesn't want to live with her. Carlota tells her that she is not the only one suffering. So quit your blubbering.

Camila calls Samuel. She wants to make sure that if he leaves Mexico that they will have everything finalized regarding the divorce. She wants him to come to their daughter's birthday party and inform Romina of his plans. He says fine and hangs up on her.

Carlota goes into Paloma's room and plays with the dog.

Macarena cries to Rufina about Carlota and her plans for Paloma. Also for the loss of her brother. She wishes she had the guts to take Paloma and go far away. Rufina says why don't you do it. Because I don't have the money to educate her replies Macarena. Paloma comes in running asking Macarena if she has seen her dog. They all go searching for the dog. They find her drowned in the foundation with Evil Carlota looking on. Carlota tells Paloma what do you expect? Everything you love dies. Just like your parents. Macarena tells her to stop.

Drunk Cristobal answers the door to Natalia. He wants to know what she is doing here. She can't help herself. She loves him and throws herself at him. He pushes her off and tells her that he doesn't love her. He doesn't deserve love. When she tries again to hug him, he pushes her off and says that he is an assasino and slams the door.

Macarena takes a chocolate cake to Paloma and finds a note which says that she has run away.

Tomorrow: Macarena blames Carlota for Paloma running away in which she gets bitch slapped


En Nombre del Amor, Tuesday 7/7. An introduction to the dark side.

In the pretty, fog-enshrouded town of Real del Monte, in a big house, creepy horror-movie music plays as a woman (Carlota) takes a lace thingy out of a cabinet, wraps it around her shoulders, and admires herself in the mirror.

Down in the kitchen, Carlota’s sister Macarena finishes decorating a birthday cake and tells Rufi, the older servant woman, that Paloma will love it. Macarena says that Paloma is the most important thing to her, but Rufi says she should start thinking about herself more...maybe look for a man. It’s not too late to get married and have children. Macarena says that’s not in her plans. Carlota comes in and says they’ll be late, so Macarena goes off to change her clothes for the party, and Carlota criticizes her cake.

A bunch of kids play musical chairs in a balloon-filled backyard. The happy parents (Javier and Sagrario) call away their young daughter to give her a gift. It is a puppy and Paloma is thrilled. They also give her a Virgencita medallion bracelet, and the whole family is so glowing and happy you can just feel the anvil hanging over them. Paloma runs back to her party.

Macarena is dressed and comes back to the kitchen for the cake, but Carlota has already taken it and left for the party.

Over at the party, Carlota shows up and presents the cake as her own. She also gives Paloma a framed picture of the two of them together (Javier and Sagrario exchange disgusted looks), criticizes her attire as too casual for a party, and is in general trying really hard to suck all the joy out of everything. J&S thwart her attempts, send Paloma back to watch the magician with the other kids, and escape to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Sagrario and Javier have differing views on Javier’s sister Carlota. Javier agrees that she’s domineering but thinks it’s just because she cares about them. He says she has done a lot to help them. Sagrario doesn’t believe that gives her a right to mess with their daughter.

Macarena finally arrives at the party and happily meets the new puppy. Paloma is way more excited to see her than Carlota, and loves the gift she’s brought. I couldn’t quite tell what it was—something knitted and something like an album or some such. Mac says to hide it, because Carlota will be mad if she finds out about it. Carlota is eavesdropping and overhears all this, and rolls her eyes and looks annoyed. Paloma tells Mac that she knows she made the special dessert, and not Carlota.

Mom and Dad come out with the big cake for everyone and start off “Las Mañanitas.” Paloma blows out the candles, then tells her mother that she wished for a little brother or sister. The adults all look uncomfortable. Witchy Aunt Carlota says too bad, wishes don’t come true.

In another house, little girl Romina looks at a photo of her parents and cries. Her mother, Camila, walks in and asks why she’s crying. Romina wants to know why her daddy left. She thinks it’s her fault. Camila assures her that she’s not to blame, but tells her she needs to accept that her dad is not coming back and it’s just the two of them from now on. Romina doesn’t want them to be left all alone and sad, but Camila says that won’t happen. They are going to be very happy. In fact, right now they are going to start planning Romina’s birthday party.

Paloma’s party is over. Javier and Sagrario ask Carlota to let Paloma stay with her and Macarena for the weekend while they go to a wedding out of town.

Camila dials the phone and asks to speak to Licenciado Mondragón. She tells whoever is on the other end not to tell her he’s in a meeting or traveling, because she needs to speak to him about their daughter.

Samuel Mondragón sits in his serious business office, furiously signing papers, and looks totally put out about having to answer the phone. Camila tells him he needs to come see Romina on her birthday; it’s very important to her. He rudely says he’s too busy with work. He might try to stop by sometime, but he’s not making any promises. Camila yells at him to make some time for his daughter before it’s too late and slams down the phone. Romina has overheard all of Camila’s end of this and throws a fit, blaming her mother for everything and screaming that she hates her.

Paloma is crying because she doesn’t want to go stay with her aunts. Sagra tries to convince her that it’s only for a few days and that she likes Macarena and Rufi. Paloma displays a ridiculous amount of separation anxiety for someone her age and begs her mother not to go, or to take her with them…okay at the very least come home just as soon as the wedding is over. She must REALLY hate Carlota.

Carlota and Macarena return to their gloomy dark murder-mystery-ready mansion. Mac is delighted that Paloma is going to stay with them. Carlota thinks Paloma is a poorly-raised capricious brat who needs to be straightened out. Mac tells her that she won’t get anywhere with her rigid judgy attitudes; she’ll just drive Paloma away and make her hate her. Carlota tells Mac that she’s delusional if she thinks Paloma likes her any better; she just likes the gifts. As Carlota snits her way upstairs, Mac alludes to something in the past, and Carlota says they don’t need to talk about that, because fortunately HE isn’t around anymore. Ooh, mystery.

Romina is still wailing, and Camila is having a nervous breakdown on the other side of the door. Romina tears the picture of her parents in half.

Carlota sits on the bed in her fusty old-lady bedroom and sobs that she doesn’t know why Paloma prefers Macarena. Carlota thinks she is way better than her sister. She makes a Lucy face and cries dramatically.

Mac is in her bedroom, which is slightly less gloomy. She takes a dried flower and a letter out of a little wooden chest and sobs that, fortunately, “he” is not here.

In a fresher, more modern, only slightly gloomy home, Natalia is opening a wedding gift from Sagrario and telling Cristóbal that she’s excited for him to meet her old friend at the wedding. She says she’s still upset with that Javier for taking Sagra away to Real del Monte. Cris’s eyes get wide. “Real del Monte? Why there?” Nat says the Espinoza de los Monteros family has always lived there. Cris is even more stricken. “Is he related to Carlota and Macarena?” Nat doesn’t know. Cris looks faint.

Javier and Sagra drop Paloma off with Carlota and make sure she has their cell phone number so she can call anytime. They leave. Carlota and Paloma go inside, but Carlota says the puppy can’t be in the house. They struggle, and Carlota wrests the puppy away and breaks Paloma’s Virgen protection bracelet off in the process. She yells that Paloma will have to obey her.

Paloma cries and gathers up the pieces of her bracelet. Mac runs in to comfort her. Mac says she’ll talk to Carlota and try to get permission for Paloma to keep her puppy with her, but Paloma doesn’t seem to have much faith that she can overrule Carlota.

Camila cooks breakfast and Romina gives her the silent treatment. She breaks the silence to yell and blame her mom for dad’s departure. Camila tells her that her dad left because he had another woman. Romina thinks if her dad doesn’t love her mom, he doesn’t love Romina either. Camila says of course he does, and he’ll for sure come to her birthday party. Romina doesn’t believe it and cries some more.

They need a spunkier attitude toward deadbeat dads, such as Lorelai and Rory had on Gilmore Girls:
Lorelai: Your dad said he would definitely be there.
Rory: So…like, a fifty-fifty chance?
Lorelai: He sounded REALLY sure. I’d say sixty-forty.

But alas, this show is all about the crying.

Macarena yells at Carlota for abusing Paloma. Carlota says she’s just setting limits. Mac says she’d better shape up or Mac will call Javier and tell him what’s going on, and she thinks Carlota just hates Paloma because of who she is and what she represents. Ooh, cryptic.

Cristóbal is in a bar chain-swilling booze and cursing his misfortune in having his past catch up with him.

Carlota is on the phone arranging for a service to block cell phone reception in her house.

Mac sneaks the puppy into Paloma’s room. She takes off her own chain necklace and strings Paloma’s pearls and medallion onto it since Paloma’s chain is broken. Carlota passes by in the corridor and overhears Paloma telling Mac she loves her. Her face is a total Miss Hannigan “do I hear…happiness…in here?”

Javier and Sagra check into their hotel. Sagrario calls Carlota and asks to speak to Paloma, but Carlota says Mac took her out for ice cream.

Camila is still trying to push the happy birthday-party-planning agenda but Romina isn’t into it. Mac and Paloma walk by with their ice cream and say hello. Paloma and Romina smile at each other. New friends?

Sagrario and Javier are waiting outside the church with the other wedding guests. The clock on the front of the church says it’s midnight. What kind of wedding is this? Sagra is wearing a white dress, which seems like a faux pas. A friend introduces them to Cristóbal. He does not look pleased to meet them.

Paloma is using a cell phone to try to call her parents, but somehow can’t get through. Carlota tells her to give it up and come to dinner. She also says that the dog may NOT come in the dining room, although she has conceded his presence in the house.

Cristóbal sits alone on a bench reminiscing about a funeral, kissing the hand of some woman, putting a white rose on a grave…this is all making him tremble and sweat.

The priest says they’re ready to start. Cris looks sick. In the church, they’re saying their vows. Natalia agrees to accept him as her spouse, but Cris declines, says he can’t marry her, and runs out of the church as Nat and everyone else wonder what the heck happened.

At Casa Creepy, Carlota won’t let Paloma eat dessert, and gives her a lecture on diabetes instead. Carlota taunts Macarena some more about something that happened ten years ago.

Natalia is crying and confused. Javier and Sagrario try to comfort her and convince her that she should at least get Cristóbal to tell her why. She tries to call him, but he’s back in the bar drinking and reminiscing about some woman some more and doesn’t answer.

Paloma tries to call her parents again, with negative results. Carlota takes the puppy away before Paloma goes to bed. Then she corrects the way Paloma says her bedtime prayer.

Mac lies in bed and tells her father’s picture that she didn’t mean to hurt him.

Paloma sneaks her puppy back into her room. She goes to sleep, but is awakened when Carlota grabs her by the hair and snarls that she’s a child of the devil and she’d better not tell Mac or her parents anything, or she’ll find out what Carlota is capable of. Carlota throws the puppy outside. Paloma runs down the stairs, freaking out, and thus happens to be right by the phone when it rings. She answers and it’s her mother. Paloma begs her to come rescue her from that witch. Sagra is alarmed, and more so when Carlota grabs the phone and hangs up. She tells Javier they need to go home right away. He thinks Carlota would never hurt Paloma, but Sagra insists Paloma wouldn’t lie. They head home in the dark, and fight vigorously about how bad Carlota is and whether she hates Paloma. An anvil, er, that is, a big truck, hits them.

Avances: Paloma is told of her parents’ accident. Cristóbal is haunted by his past.


Tuesday, July 07, 2009

MEPS, July 7th: There's a Fine Line Between Love and Hate

Capitulo 101

Wow Melinama! I’m impressed – Yiddish in Paris. I only speak "Yiddglish” – I was raised on it. My grandmother used to recite “Little Red Riding Hood” to me in Yiddish and the only word I could understand was “voolf”. You’re actually going to learn correct grammar and everything? What, are you meshuga? J/K. Have fun!

From last night: Sherlock Santoro is at Gepetto’s pad trying to get the scoop on Ana Gregoria Brava. Silvestre doesn’t know who the father of Ana Gregoria’s baby was. Silvestre also doesn’t know anything about the “enemy” that his mother referred to in her letter.

Fernanda calls Fr/Ed and wants to see him immediately, he sounds hesitant, but says he’ll be right over.

Babs arrives back at the Hacienda to take Abora to the witch. Santi can’t believe she wants to go “shopping” with Babs. Babs enters and Santi offers to go with, but Babs weasels out of that one and off they go. Santi’s suspicious of Babs plans for Abora.

Silvestre makes Fr/Ed swear that he’s not searching for the truth just for vengeance. Silvestre lectures Fr/Ed in a fatherly way on how bad it is to hate and want revenge.

On the way to the SUV, Cadmilho tries to flirt with Abora. As she walks away, he looks at her lecherously – guess he forgot all about the woman of his dreams – Lo-vel-ee Nor-tone.

Babs cell phone rings, is Scumian (still wearing Melinama’s favorite pink tie!). Abora heads to the truck so Babs can speak in private. He says he’s been trying to call Fernanda but she doesn’t answer, he wonders if she knows where Nanda is, of course she says she does, and with whom!

Fr/Ed lovingly bids adieu to Silvestre – Martina tambien, but before she goes she tells him that she and Dr. Cuteguy are “novios”. Silvestre is thrilled. Martina gives him the phone number of the condo where the girls are staying.

At the Casa De La Witch, Abora follows the Witch lady into the private room, while Babs waits outside and calls Abora names.

Santiago has gone to visit the local Padre to discuss the “Platicas” or marital discussions prior to the wedding ceremony and to set the date. Too bad, the Padre is all booked up for the next 2 months. Santi is sad. Padre says too bad, so sad, guess you’ll have to wait unless there’s a cancellation.

The Witch tells Abora that her life will become more and more miserable until she relieves herself of her anguish – it’s for her own good. She needs to come clean about everything. She says the secret she has to reveal is horrible. (Yeesh, it’s not THAT bad to be an orphan! Abora has one hell of an inferiority complex.) Abora asks exactly what the Witch does with the secrets she learns. Witch says the secrets never leave the room. But whoa! Abora says the secret has to do with Babs! Even the Witch is surprised! Babs paces in the Witches’ waiting area and plays with hot wax from a candle.

Nanda is nervously awaiting Fr/Ed’s arrival at their “secret” place. He finally shows up. (Note: Has Nanda cut her bangs shorter? They look good.) Fr/Ed wants to know why they had to meet there, she says it’s the only safe place they can discuss Lili. She fills him in on the lie about Dr. Obregon kidnapping Lili.

Back at Witch Central, Abora confesses that she caught Babs doin’ the deed with Damian. The Witch can’t believe it.

Nanda and Fr/Ed agree that this kidnapping story is another one of Bab’s lies, but that Obregon is in on it and is trying to extort money out of Gonzo.

Damian arrives at The Love Shack and lurks around looking for his beloved wife and her lover.

Fr/Ed says he’s going to find Obregon and have a little chat with him. Dam sees Nanda chastely pouring coffee for Franco.

Back at Freddy Krueger’s Grandma’s House complete with an altar prominently displaying the Santa Muerte, the Witch asks if Babs or Dam knows that Abora saw them. Abora says no, and that she hasn’t said anything because she didn’t think she had any right to butt into other people’s lives. The Witch tells her that Babs is the only person in the family she can trust with these “things from the other side”, because she and Babs are the only ones with the “power”.

Nanda wants to how much longer they have to keep Lili locked up in the condo. Fr/Ed is pissed and asks if she thinks Lili was better off before. The annoyance between these two is so thick! They bicker about Lili – but it’s really the underlying situation between them.

Damian calls Babs from the vacation house and she says she’s busy and hangs up on him.

Fr/Ed asks Nanda what happened – she answers that it was just an accident that happened between them. He’s really mad. He asks if she was in a place at Las Animas the night before at the party where nobody else was, like maybe where he’s hidden Gonzo’s stolen car? She asks why he would ask her something like that and says now that you’ve brought up the subject, she asks him if he remembers that it was Babs who told the big lie about the car getting stolen in front of Grupo Lactos.

The Witch is performing a “limpia” or a cleaning of Abora’s spirit and lets out a scream. She asks the spirit that’s tormenting Abora to reveal itself – of course the spirit shows up right on time. The spirit is a beautiful woman in a white dress, she’s very sad and crying. She asks Abora to tell her who the woman is – Abora doesn’t have a clue. Feeding her more clues, the Witch says it’s a beautiful handkerchief with the letters R.S. on it – what does it mean Abora? Witch says Abora better spill it now because she’s losing the image and Abora screams that it’s her Mother! Abora admits to the Witch that Rebecca Sanchez is her mother!

Wow. I’m doing this from You Tube and they recorded the beginning of a commercial with the actress who plays Aurora doing a commercial for Kotex! LOL

Fr/Ed and Nanda are still arguing when her phone rings – she doesn’t answer it. It’s Erika the Pain in Butt who has come to the office looking for Nanda. Florecito says she has no idea where Fernanda is. Now Fr/Ed’s phone rings and he doesn’t answer it either. They look at each other angrily – Oops, its Erika calling Franco! Now the truth comes out about how jealous Fr/Ed is of Damian and Dam, listening in the background and he’s FURIOUS! Fr/Ed says the difference between he and Nanda is that for Nanda marriage is just a circumstance, and for him is something “transcendental”. Excuse me for a moment while I compose myself – how many guys ever say THAT! He says for Lili’s sake they shouldn’t speak of this anymore, but she persists and asks if he’s actually going to marry Erika.

Erika is about to leave but Florecita stops her, obviously dying to confess what she knows about Damian to somebody, and who better than Nanda’s best friend.

Nanda tells Fr/Ed that he can’t marry Erika because they kissed and Erika is her best friend. Dam’s still listening and calls Nanda’s cell phone and sees for himself that she doesn’t answer his call. Nanda screams that she’s going to stay married to Damian and after hearing this, Damian leaves.

Abora tells the Witch she always hoped to meet her mother, but now she’s dead. The Witch goes off to get Abora something to “protect” her. Abora cried and whispers sweet nothings to her dead mother.

Florecita has brought Erika into Nanda’s office. Florecita tells all about seeing Damian while he was still a fugitive.

Damian calls his boyfriend Vlad and tells him to come home right now. Vlad’s not Dam’s beck and call boy and says he’ll check with his boss and call him back.

After a bit more fighting they go back to talking about Lili, and Fr/Ed leaves abruptly – Nanda is frustrated and confused.

Babs pays off the witch and the witch tells Babs that Abora is very dangerous for her, and that Abora has seen things she should have never seen. She tells her about Abora seeing her with Dam and . . . wait till tomorrow for more!


Gancho Tuesday July 7, '09 Feudin', A-Fussin' And A-Fightin'

And that's just the women in this series. Not only is Moni throwing her usual series of punches but Gabriela jumps Jeronimo and darn near strangles him to death. And Constanza slaps Mauricio so thoroughly his head spins and his lovely hair gets mussed. Clearly the female is the deadlier of the species in this one. So far anyway.

Tonight we start right up with a little comeuppance for our faithless Estrella. Ricardo arrives to pick up, not our little star, but rather a new super-dolled up Paula. Instead of antler-rattling, the two women hoist their bosoms at each other in the face-off. Ricardo looks a little dazed. To make a long story short, he takes Paula to a lovely restaurant, not the little taco stand where he took Estrella. Paula implies that he knows a cheap date when he sees one. Low blow. Frankly I'm rooting for Estrella in this hookup. But we shall see.

Now back to the main romance. We ended last night's episode with "Are you in love with your novio/a?" They're both fudging. You answer. No you. I asked you first. You "quiere" your novia very much, right? Yes. And you...yes...both times they used the verb "querer" rather than "amar". But the discussion goes nowhere and Moni feigns an overwhelming need to go back to sleep. She wakes up all alone and thinks Mau has abandoned her but he soon arrives in a crisp, seemingly pressed blue shirt and she makes him turn around while she too gets dressed.

Now, how do they get back to the office? With a helicopter. Don't ask me how they found that means of conveyance without a phone but the whole point of the scene was that she finally agrees to get into that infernal machine, in spite of her fear....because actually, she doesn't feel afraid with him either. It's "magic".

I love the theme here even though it's pure BS. Find the right person, and life becomes magically easy and glorious. Fears fade away. Confidence increases. LIFE IS GOOD. What's more, lush romantic music plays every time you look at each other all goofy. Ojala! Fairy tales for adults. But ya know, sometimes you just need a good bedtime story.

Well, life isn't good at the office. Gabi arrives to find a sexy babe names Romine at her desk and Jeronimo in Mauricio's office, ready to take over the business and fire Gabi and our Silver Fox on the spot.

And life back in the barrio is a little rough as well. Nieves has seen Moni getting out of Mauricio's taxi. She knows something's up. And Beto's raising Cain about where she was last night. Our loyal Estrella rescues her, claiming Moni called her at 4 am from the police station where she'd gone to explain her part in the necklace caper. And since it was so late, poor Moni just bunked on one of the station benches, cold and harsh though it was, until she could come home later in the day.

Poor Moni. Suddenly Beto is all protective, offering to fix her something to eat (that goes by the by though), then telling her don Cesar has a fight lined up for her and it's time to start training. Chop chop! The good news is Beto won't be her trainer. Don Cesar will be in charge.

In the meantime, Gabi, with no training whatsoever, is taking down Jeronimo big-time, strangling him quite effectively in spite of Salvador's half-hearted attempts to restrain her. Great fun until Mauricio arrives and is outraged to see such unfriendly goings-on in the office. (Our Mau is quite handsome, overdevelopped pectorals aside, but such a dunce otherwise!) He wants everything to be sweetness and light although he himself gets a little strident, vowing to fire everybody if they don't straighten up and fly right. Jeri fakes reconciliation while Gabi and Salvador slink out, glaring at him.

So now our Moni's trying to get to the gym but not before Estrella tries to glean the juicy details of her night with Mau. But there are none. Not even a little "beso de lenguita" (French kiss)? probes Estrella. Nah. In the process of leaving, once more Monita forgets her cellphone. Of course this will lead to trouble. (Wonder what the writers did before cell phones were left lying around and the wrong people answered them?)

Right before we go to ads, Constanza arrives at the office and gives Mau a head-spinning, coiffure-rattling slap. And with our mouths hanging open, we're left to look at ads for a few minutes.

Moni's distracted at the gym. Don Cesar probes like an understanding grandad but she fibs and says she's just tired. And Mauricio ain't just fibbin', he's telling big whoppers. How he left Moni after he found her and er, went to look at the purchase of some land around there. Constanza reminds him her father owns those lands. Whoops. If only he'd asked her to go with him...oh but I spent the night in the car. Not romantic at all. The whole thing blows over (seemingly) and she sweetly asks if he's going to be home to eat with her and the kids. Uh huh...our Connie is definitely plotting something.

As soon as she leaves, Mau calls Moni. Beto answers the phone. I'm her boyfriend...who are you? Mau hangs up.

Alright, As much as I love romance, my favorite couple (or non couple) is Salvador and Gabi. She's draped over his desk, bosom at the ready, telling him how great he was in the confrontation with Jeri. No you were great. No you were. Closer and closer, eyes locking, chests heaving and then Salvador pulls the plug. Time for you to go back to your desk, Gabi. Got to give this guy props, he's doing his best to stay true to his cranky wife. Meanwhile, the perfidious Jeri is planning on cleaning out the "garbage" in the other words, my favorite couple! NOOOOOO.

After the intercepted phone call, Beto's on the rampage. Making a pest of himself in the gym (nothing new there) and interrupting the practice bout Moni's in to demand an explanation for the phone call. Our distracted Moni drops her guard and gets punched out by the other boxer, leaving her with a big shiner. This too will lead to trouble.

In the meantime, our Villain Lovers are each working their corner of the street. Constanza is making arrangements for the children to go to the school she attended. They'll learn English there in addition to the other courses. Mau wants to give the kids a choice but Connie insists that he's in charge and he gives the orders. Aldo resists, Luisa is up for it, and Dany looks sceptical.

Villain Lover II, Jeri, meets with Lorenza to plant the idea that Gabi and Salvador are lovers (well, if Gabi had her way, they would be...) He promises to catch them and provide proof so there'll be a scandal at the office and Lorenza can get a divorce if she likes.

Meanwhile, little Moni has decided she can't go to the office with a black eye. They might find out she's a boxer. Horrors! Let's make up a crazy I have a pulmonary embolism and need to miss work. Sure. That's reasonable. We watch the next set of ads in a daze.

Tano's in the office, trying to talk to Mauricio who's in even more of a daze than I am. Tano quickly figures out it's not Connie, it's not the kids, it's "la famosa Monita". Right on. When he hears the words "pulmonary embolism" Mauricio wants to send a doctor over. But hey, why not go himself? Good Lord, this guy can't even handle a steaming radiator, what's he going to do with an embolism?! At least he takes Tano with him. This guy clearly has SOME skills. The plan? See if the boyfriend's there. If he's not, Maury will go in and check on Monita. Just then, Moni heads out, shiner in full view and a cantankerous Beto right behind her. Maury's outraged. Clearly the beau has been beating on his darling. He's ready to storm in and punch him out himself. Another set of ads while we imagine just how this would go.

When we come back, Tano has stopped Maury from doing anything stupid. But trouble is still a-foot. A huge, rather obscene display of red flowers (passion? lust?) arrives at the office for Gabi. And tucked inside a gift box on her desk is a flimsy, semi-transparent red bikini and a matching red bra. And what about the note!? Meet me at the hotel, at 2 pm and let's bring our fantasies to life. Merciful heavens, I may have to go lie down after this. Jeri, of course, is watching gleefully from the sidelines, sure our middle-aged would be lovers will fall into his trap.

Constanza has dragged to the kids to look at the school and is bragging about how she was the captain of the volleyball team and blah blah blah. Luisa's entranced and Aldo is put off. This is a rich kids school and he wants no part of it.

And don Cesar wants no part of Beto. He's back in the gym, trying to horn in on Moni's coaching. Cesar packs him off. And the other fighters don't want him around either. Poor Beto.

And Salvador? Let's just say when Gabi waltzes into his office clutching the transparent bikini and bra to her chest and asking WHO SENT THEM?....well, he's looking muy impactado...and sure 'nough, we go to another ad.

When we come back, we see Beto trudging along with a six-pack (of beer, not abs, alas) and Mauricio goes after him. And then we're back at the gym. Cesar's telling Moni to take a break, but she spots Mauricio and goes into her typical crouch, hiding behind her coach so our galan won't realize she's a boxer.

Previews: More skullduggery. Our villain lovers are plotting to get rid of Moni. Does Jeri want monetary reward? Nope, He has something more intimate in mind for him and Connie.
Mauricio is fighting with Rolando at the racetrack.
Maury's also at Moni's house while Beto pounds at the door and Monita fibs and says Beto's her brother.
And later Mauricio and Moni appear to be having a magical night together (but not in bed, folks)

la condesa = the countess, (Estrella flinging gibes at Paula)
cara de fuchi = yucky face
no me chupo el dedo = lit. I'm not sucking my thumb. In other words, I wasn't born yesterday. (Beto confronting Moni)
te trae de un ala = you're in love (Tano to Mauricio)
cara tan trompuda = such a stormy face
depistado = distracted, head in the clouds
mandar a la goma = dump (as in dump a boyfriend)
matasanos = doctor
fresca come una lechuga = fresh as a daisy (lit. a lettuce)
yo no fui = it wasn't me, I'm not to blame...
mirar a alguien de reojo = look at someone out of the corner of one's eye (Aldo imagining the rich kids giving them the fisheye at school.
ni con chochos = no way! (not even with candy or not even drugged) Monita, initially refusing to get into helicopter
moquetazos = big punches

Dicho of the Day

Echando a perder se aprende = You learn by making mistakes. Experience is the best teacher.

Well, our folks are making plenty of mistakes in this one. Fibs, lies, hooking up with the wrong people. But in the cosy world of the telenovela universe, we know all will come right in the end. Don't you wish everyday reality were this orderly ? Ah, bedtime stories. So soothing.


Cuidado on Cristina 7/6/09

I'll post a spot for discussions. Did anyone watch?

The captions could not keep up with William Levy. I got as much as I could.

He talked about his early forays into nude modeling (Onelia kept needling him about that) and about how he had to overcome doubts in casting because of his Cuban accent.


Monday, July 06, 2009

Gancho Mon., July 6: Bring a cell phone or sleep naked with a hunk!

Buenas noches a todos mis queridos amigos y lectores:

Hey y'all, I'm sorry this is so late, but I forgot to tell you that I need a sub. for the next two Mondays (07/13, 07/20). I can switch with someone, or if you're feeling generous and bored, that'd be nice also. Gracias.

Moni is the presumed culprit in the Case of the Missing Necklace. Unlike Nancy Drew, our favorite office manager can’t discern a stair case from a closet and ends up loosing our spunky suspect. Meanwhile, Poor-But-Proud neighbor and janitor helps Moni escape using the elevator. Maury almost holds her up, but being in love means having to let go, and that’s exactly what he does.

Jerry and Connie are at the awkward stage in their covert relationship. That is, both are equally sexually-frustrated and unwilling to compromise their villainous goals by admitting their attractions. As for our half-collagen, half-water spoiled brat, she will do anything to get rid of Moni. Luck is on her side, however, because the police just happen to be going after Moni for robbery.

Just as our blindly-loyal and foolishly-trustworthy protagonist proposed, there is an explanation to this melodramatic mêlée. The thing is, Beto seemingly robbed the chain from the office, however, he won it fair and square from a “guy.” So, Moni goes to meet Ricky but ends up meeting Maury. He doesn’t believe she’s a hardened criminal, but instead the victim of people who use her for Maury. No, neither, the chain was a gift from her b-b-b-boyfriend! Naturally, he’s pissed because womenfolk aren’t allowed to have men on the side. So, why don’t you and your b-boyfriend come down to the station. Never! *Punch to the gut* She will never go to jail.

Just as Moni strolls into the barrio Granny comes warning her that the po-po are interrogating Beto. Well, in that case I’m headin’ for the hills, Abuela. No problema mi’ja I already packed your bags! Hot diggity, make sure to watch your blood pressure and give me my blessings.

Back at the office the gang’s trying to pin-point the suspect. If it were me, I would cut my losses and look for another gold chain in the next box of Cracker Jacks. Anyway, the police have a description of a man who curiously resembles Cousin Jerry. Silver Fox: “it would have to be someone who knows this office well, and knew what was here.” Not surprisingly, Jerry is not even a suspect, and to some, doesn’t even fit that description anyway. So pretty much, the head of this “company” has no critical thinking skills and can’t multi-task. Clearly this is Mexico, pre-bail out.

Moni finally makes it to her secret hideaway in Zacatlan (the apple place) only to meet the man from whom she was escaping in the first place. It would be ironic if it weren’t so damn predictable. Oh, and no worries, you’ve been completely cleared, so now I’m going to beg like a dog for your forgiveness. Cue the chain of novela clichés: “you don’t look at me with the same eyes, I thought you had given up on our love, being with you is magic, etc., etc.” Fortunately for our fledgling lovers, the radiator broke and the racing champion can’t fix it because he knows nothing about cars and isn’t a mechanic. Well, no one really carries his or her cell phone anymore because both of them don’t have it on their persons. Luckily, they’ll just have to rent a room for the night—it’s like a win-win; would it be a novela if this didn’t happen?

Suddenly the dreamy-eyed, love-hungry boxette turns into a respectable lady who wouldn’t sleep with Maury even if she were drunk. This respectable lady is going to find the highway and hitchhike her way home in the pouring down rain. Then Maury proposes to find some cabins, and Moni isn’t very good at keeping up appearances so she caves.

These aren’t the cabins you went to with the local Bible Camp and school girls, creaking floor boards, swarming ants, and exposed light bulbs. No, these are fully-furnished with cozy accents and of course, a comfy, yet purposeful, king-size bed. Did I mention they also included a naked, soaking wet stud? (Can anyone tell me what’s going on with his bellybutton?) Moni acts all ashamed to see Maury take-off his shirt. Oh, darn, looks like there aren’t any clothes so we’ll have to sleep naked in the same bed. Adam and Eve love to pretend that they are ashamed of each other’s nakedness, but they secretly crave each other with an intense passion, represented in Moni’s submissive smile. Maury pulls down his pants and Moni is shocked to see so much man…

Just like any other naked fireside chat, they talk about each other’s boyfriend/girlfriend. These two know how to have a raunchy time. At least they have the maturity to not place pillows between them... but who sleeps with no blankets? Well, one thing leads to another, and Moni ends up snuggled in Maury’s well-chiseled arms. He stirs and she acts like it never happened. Then there’s this really pesky mosquito and Moni decides to kill it, but she ends up smacking Maury downtown. Well, how’s he going to fall asleep now? Moni will hum a “pleasant” tune…

Meanwhile, team Villain Lovers go to Maury’s house to tell the adopted brats that Daddy may never come back, and in their best interest, they will move them to another house where they will be safe and not a threat to Daddy’s millions.

Well, instead of sleeping our love birds decide to snuggle by the fire. They ask each other if they love their significant others right before they close-in for a kiss.

Tomorrow: The significant others are mad that their significant others spent the night together.


MEPS 7/6: Damian gets a new assignment, Fr/Ed puts his hands in the fire.

Buenas noches a todos, I'm on tonight because I'm leaving Saturday for three weeks studying Yiddish in Paris (I know, I know) and Chris will take over for me, then he'll go on vacation and I'll take over for him, it all works out perfectly...
  • There's Damian's pixy smile as Anibal is forced to accept his return to the business.

    Fer says she wouldn't be defending Damian if she weren't convinced of his innocence. Gonzo apologizes to Damian on behalf of the corporation.

    Anibal makes a last protest: he likes Vladimir, who has replaced Damian. Damian sez, you don't have to fire him, and besides, over time you will learn that I'm honest. Anibal objects, Damian pretends to leave, Gonzo calls him back and they shake. Damian: "Oh, one thing - we need a month for our honeymoon."

    Fer is not pleased about that. Anibal squeaks: "You just came back and already a vacation?" Damian's about to dig in for a fight when Fer announces, loudly, that she doesn't want to go on a honeymoon with him. She stomps out slamming the door. Damian follows. Gonzo is confused.

    Anibal says that marriage is not their major problem, the business is - and he begs his father not to put Damian in charge of finances, "It would be insanity!"

  • When we last saw Fr/Ed he was at the end of his rope. "It doesn't matter that she was faithful so long - now, she's married... I can't face her!"

    Esteve says Fer is an important ally to "Franco" so "Eduardo" is just going to have to suck it up.

    Gardenia bounces in, all happy and cheery. "Last night I received these letters, Gardenia - did you leave them for me?" No, no, she says, in fact she swears on her word of honor and then, "Oh noes! I left milk on the stove" and she rushes out.

    For some reason they believe her and suspicion next settles on - Fernanda! Esteve postulates that she figured out Fr/Ed's real identity and left the letters to punish him. But how did she get them? Bla, bla, bla.

  • Let's get Aurora out of the way. She is still sulking and won't tell Santi what's going on. He has found them a nice little place to live, just as she asked!

    "But you said you'd stay for Fer!" "Fer won't mind, I can still help her without being under the same roof, and we won't be very far away. Let's go see it right now!"

    Aurora says she can't - she has a date with Barbara to go shopping. Boy, is she a lousy liar. Barbara calls the witch and says Aurora's coming back in and must be pressured into telling everything - specifically, how she ended up with Rebeca Sanchez' handkerchief. The witch sounds willing to help out.

  • Artemio Bravo thinks Babs is getting over-confident and the reappearance of Lili could spoil everything. Babs is confident she has them all in her fist and she'll prevail.

  • Damian says he deserves an explanation. Fer yells that after he was gone so long without a word he has a nerve, pressuring her.

    Gonzo comes in, Damian backs out, bowing subserviently, love his pink tie. Daddy asks, "Daughter o' mine, what's going on? Is it because of Lili? Well you don't have to worry, because Obregon has reappeared and, as 'we' expected, has demanded money, but the important thing is, Lili is ok."

    Fer, knowing that in fact Lili is installed in a luxurious condo with Martina, chokes and doesn't know what to say. As her dad continues like the moron he is ("Barbara and I will take care of everything") Fer becomes more tongue-tied and finally runs out to her car and wishes it was Fr/Ed calling her, but it's Erica, so she doesn't answer.

  • Yanking his mind from the Fernanda miseries, Fr/Ed remembers: Father Bosco told him only Silvestre the blacksmith, Martina's pappy, can solve the mystery of Ana Gregoria, mother to Artemio Bravo. Time to make a visit to the forge.

  • Oh dear, your slack blog mom hasn't been paying the slightest attention to the subplot involving Vlad and these anonymous suits at Prisila's family's company and so I didn't catch what they were going on about when Vlad visited over there - hope somebody who's been paying more attention will fill us in...

  • Damian tells Barbara they have to talk. She yanks him into her office. He asks why he should keep cooperating with her, she points out that if she changes her mind and denounces him again, he'll go down. He sees he's trapped. Her plan: he must catch his virgin bride making the beast with two backs with Franco Santoro so as to destroy her.

    Damian doesn't like hearing that his wife is in love with Franco, and he doesn't like this plan much either: "Well, Barby, you're just as putrid as they come!" "Yes, I am, and your knowing that will save us a lot of time! Anyway, I've put some money in your account, certainly not $3 mil, but a goodly sum."

  • Erica isn't pleased that Fer isn't answering the phone. Her mother comes in with DELICIOUS YOGURT IN TWO FLAVORS. "Oh, this yogurt is so delicious!"

    They laugh that Fer is probably sleeping late after a night of love with her recently resurfaced husband. "Oh, I hope so," Erica chirps, "I want her to be perfectly happy, as I am with Franco." Her mother enumerates Franco's virtues. "Yes, ma, he's perfect, and - he loves me!"

  • Fer goes to her old stamping grounds, looks at the tree where Eduardo watched her communion, remembers her kisses with Franco and his saying he wanted to marry her. "It was just words, lies."

  • Martina and Fr/Ed visit Silvestre at his forge. She fusses, "Dad, you aren't supposed to be using your hammer!" "I'm old but not useless." They kiss, she leaves, he greets Fr/Ed and asks him for a little help. The actually helpful help Fr/Ed absent-mindedly provides is a giveaway...

    "Don Silvestre, I'm investigating the history of a woman by the name of Ana Gregoria Bravo - Father Bosco said you'd know about her..."

    Fr/Ed is half-heartedly pretending all these people are strangers to him but Silvestre points out: "In this village, there's only one person who could ever put his hand to my work, take metal from the fire - Eduardo Juarez! He was a good kid, and his mother, what a woman, I loved them a lot, a mountain." He teases Fr/Ed some more and then Fr/Ed confesses and they embrace. "I'm sorry about the lies." "Don't apologize, just tell me why you're hiding!"

    They thrash through the various miseries, Fr/Ed sez: his mother dying and the sequestration of Lili and all, it's enough! It has to end!

    We get this much of the story: Ana Gregoria worked at the hacienda until she was thrown out at the age of 15. The reason became evident: she was pregnant. She left town, she came back with dry, haunted eyes, and then there was a curse on the town, the cows didn't give milk and didn't give birth, then she left, and nobody knows what happened to her and her child.

    "And who was the father of the child?" Fr/Ed naturally asks.

    Sorry, you'll have to wait for some future episode to find the answer.
Tomorrow - Fr/Ed meets Fer out at the stamping grounds with Damian (no really, don't you love his pink tie?) following behind and hiding in the bushes. Should be fun.


Saturday, July 04, 2009

MEPS 07/03/09: Oh, Noes! My Baby Wrote Me a Letter…♪♪

Capítulo 99

[A big “Thank You” goes to Gloria who devoted three of her Friday nights to subbing for me while I was out of the country. --ed.]

It’s like old times in the guest bedroom at the Elizalde’s as Scamian, aka Damian, gets an especially warm, late-night “welcome home” visit from the scantily clad and very hot-to-trot Barbie. Damn’s not a happy camper since he’s sensed while he was incognito that the apparent competition was on the march and may have gained the advantage with his matrimonial meal-ticket. After a little verbal foreplay with The Boss, he buries his bruised male ego in her willing …er… bosom while Fernanda laments her lost opportunities with Fr/Eduardo.

As for Eddie, the party’s over. Eddie is totally undone at the thought of having been discarded once more by the fickle Fernanda, his seemingly impossible lifelong love. When he enters his darkened bedroom and turns on the light, he is muy, but muy, impactado to find piles of Nanda’s unmailed letters to him now lying on his bed.

Down the hall, a grumpy Gardenia pouts in her bedroom, bellyaching in front of her mirror about Eduardo. She grumbles to herself that she hopes Eduardo has a rotten night reading all of those old letters. “Let him find out how for years Fer went around pining for him for real. It couldn’t be helped, Eduardo. You forced me, and in the end she went back to her mooch of a husband anyway, didn’t she? –ooohyy!! And that Errika! You’re too fine a catch to be picking up Camilo Elizalde’s left-overs!”

Somewhere in town our left-over leaver, Cadmilo, is sitting in a bar remembering back to earlier that evening. He can’t get that vision of loveliness, the loverly Lovely, out of his pea-sized brain. The jackass tells himself that she’s the real deal: a genuinely classy lady. (Viewerville enjoys a few naughty snickers and snorts.)

Venus returns home now and Martina is waiting up for her. She asks Venus if she got set up with a potbellied short guy or what. Venus says nope, the guy was tall, handsome, rich and really very pleasant. For once in her life she’s getting paid to entertain a guy that she’d gladly be with for free. Martina excitedly starts putting the cart before the horse and says if they should both fall in love and there’s a wedding, then the first of them to have a kid will have the other be the god-mother. Venus says not to get ahead of herself because she was hired to do a job “and the most important condition was not to fall in love with Camilo Elizalde.” Martina’s smile disappears the minute she hears Cad’s name. She tells Venus she’s known the guy all her life and he is Lili’s brother. Venus stops to consider the implications. (Methinks this lady’s got some brains along with all that brass.)

The next morning Damian surprises Nanda by bringing her breakfast in bed. She has no appetite. He asks her if she is unhappy that he came back. (Viewerville wants desperately for her to scream YES!) Fernanda, to her credit, successfully fights the urge to admit the truth and says nothing. Like any self-respecting woman, she pretends not to understand what he’s talking about. Damn tiptoes further into the marital mine-field to ask if during all this time that he’s been gone there perhaps was another man who entered the picture. (Now that’s rich, considering he and Bitch Barbie have been screwing like minks for the past three years and how he and BB were gettin’ busy making up for lost time last night.) “It’s pure foolishness, but last night I just got to thinking….” (Yeah, cry me a river.)

Speaking of “the other man,” Eduardo, thanks to Denia, has spent the entire night reading Nanda’s old letters and now realizes how badly he screwed the pooch the night before at his big bash. Tears stream down his cheeks. (Though the tug at the heartstrings at this point is undeniable, Viewerville struggles not to share the moment. Considering Eddie was the consummate jerkwad with Fer at the party, he deserves at least a brief period of torment and heartbreak. Let us pause to relish.) Estev walks in on Ed and kids his buddy about staying up all night to “continue the drink-fest [pachanga] alone,” but then he sees Ed’s in no mood for jokes. Estev asks what’s wrong. Eddie hands him a letter. Estev takes a look at the bed. “I don’t believe it! These are the letters from Fernanda that you’ve been looking for!”

Back in Nanda’s bedroom, Scamian, aka Damn, now takes a different tack with Fer and decides not to continue playing twenty questions. He tells her there’s no reason for dramatics right now and then continues the sickly sweet nice guy routine. Damn makes small talk and tells her he picked up his car “from the boarding house” and then got some clothes back at his mom’s. “Mama sends you her best.” He’s anxious to get back to the office and speak to her dad about getting his old job back, he says. He gives her his best sh!t-eating grin.

Speaking of Gonzo the Geezer, Babs has devised another scheme to skim the cream from this dopey dairy don she’s married to. She comes rushing into his office in a feigned fit of agitation. She supposedly just got off the phone with Obregon who told her he had Lili with him. Yep. Babs has all her bases covered. She says yes, she confirmed it by speaking to Lili, but of course the girl was drugged and just babbled as usual. Said call was brief because the police would be bugging the phones and Obregon was too smart to be caught that way. Gonzo wants to trace it but Babs says the call was from an unlisted number so it couldn’t be traced. Sniff, sniff, sob. Babs tells Gonzo that she told Obregon to set any amount he wants as a ransom since the girl’s health and life had no price too large for them to pay. Sob, sob, sniff. He would only agree to a deal if they agreed not to warn the police.

Gonzo picks up the phone to let Fernanda and the others know what’s happening, but Babs talks him into keeping it just between the two of them. Lili’s brothers could give a flip, she says, and it’s because of Fernanda’s asking to hold off transferring Lili to a clinic in Stockholm that Lili is now in the predicament she’s in. Gonzo heels on cue. He starts blaming himself for ever having paid attention to Fer about keeping Lili there instead of sending her someplace safe where she’d be getting help from a specialist by now. (Gonzo soooo deserves Babs. This guy makes my teeth hurt. I have to make sure there’s nothing breakable anywhere near me and that my cat is safely out of reach of my foot every time he’s in a scene.)

Across the hall, Damn makes a call to Vlad at home. Damn’s not sure what game she’s playing but he’s not about to let BB crap on him again. Now that he’s back at the company, he says, he’ll be able to do whatever’s necessary to eventually clear his name completely. The only loose end is Florecita. Vlad says he’s got that covered. A guy he knows over at Prolasa named Ubaldo owes him a few favors so he’s going to help him out with the guy who’s taking the fall over there.

Over at Prolasa, Ubaldo and Jaime The Goat are having a coffee break. Ubaldo has a way for Jaime to supposedly get out of the jam he’s in.

Babs continues the tearfest until Gonzo says they’ll do things her way. She says she’s going out for a while to get some air. The Barbinator is back and on the move again. Yes, indeedy!

Back at Las Animas, Estev finishes reading a letter. Eduardo recalls how he used to wait for a letter from Fer every time his mother wrote him. He hated it because every time he opened the envelope there was never anything from Fer in it. Now, he says, he realizes that she was writing to him the whole time. Estev says yeah, not only did she write, but it appears that she never stopped thinking about him, either. Ed says actually she did and, in a three hanky scene, reads Estev the last letter Nanda wrote to him:

“Fourteen years have passed and I know through my nana only that you are doing fine, because every time I ask about you she avoids answering. This is the last time I’m writing to you because your silence speaks volumes. Now that so much time has passed I can understand how perhaps you blame me for your exile. I would have asked you to forgive me because I lacked the character to defend you but I wanted to do it looking you in the eye.

“Our story hurts me so much, and even though we were children, the first kiss that we shared --and the only one I’ve had up till now--is still fresh in my mind. Never until today did I think our love would be impossible, but then I realized that I was mistaken; and as I am certain that you will not answer this letter either, I am taking the opportunity to say goodbye to you, telling you that only your silence and no other reason is what makes me shut the door on your memory. Goodbye forever.

Denia is walking through the hallway and overhears Eduardo’s story. She tip-toes to the bedroom door to eavesdrop. “Fernanda was right to do what she did. She got tired of waiting for an answer from me. Imagine it. She never knew that I was feeling and thinking the same thing. I wrote her so many times and used to tell her about everything that happened, every friend that I met, about how much I missed her, and also about my love: a love that was growing in the distance.” Estev says it must’ve been that his mother felt if the two of them never communicated then Ed would give up on Fernanda.

Denia now has tears running down her cheeks. (Ok. Enough with the payback. So do I. Come to mama!) “I never did…Geez…. Darn it! Do you remember the hope was to come here looking for her (like a starry-eyed dolt) and to ask her to marry me?” We flashback to the day he arrived back in town and got splashed walking along the road to his mother’s place (episodio #5). Eddie tearfully tells Estev how it went downhill from there. “My love was transformed into hate and rage.”

Estev says yeah, just like now and that he saw it all and knew the Hell his buddy was going through last night when the two of them watched Fer walk in on the arm of her husband and then dance with him. (Mercifully he avoids adding “and the way Damn slobbered kisses all over her neck and arms.”) Estev reminds him that it would be devastating for Eduardo Juarez that Fernanda might want to save her marriage; but he should remember that for Franco Santoro, her being married is a reality that Franco cannot and must not fight against.

Back again at Grupo Lactos, Vlad knocks into Flor by accident. She gives him a well-deserved snub. He tells himself she’s right to hate him.

Over at Prolasa, Jaime makes up a big story for Rolando that Flor (who he wouldn’t know if she stared him cross-eyed in the face) offered to sell him the documents; and that in the end he decided against it because he didn’t think Rolando would want them, being the straight arrow that he is. Jaime just gets deeper and deeper in the weeds with this fish tale and eventually feels pressured to tell Rolando that the reason Flor offered him the documents to begin with was that they were dating. (Good Lord!)

Flor, meanwhile, is in Fernanda’s office trying to tell Fer what she saw the other day outside Vlad’s apartment, but Damian comes in just then and she’s interrupted before she can put her thoughts into words. He comes in to tell Fernanda that Daddy wants the two of them in his office then turns to Flor and shamelessly tries to butter her up. Damn says he has to make a phone call before joining Fer and Gonzo, and then leaves.

Back at Prolasa, Rolando tells Jaime that Flor will go to jail for such a serious crime. After Jaime leaves, Rolando calls Gonzo to tell him he’s found out something about the industrial espionage situation and will come by in the afternoon to discuss it in person. All he’ll tell him now is his employee ‘fessed up and named his contact from Grupo.

Meanwhile, Babs’ has actually gone to speak with Artemio Bravo at his new digs, some old mansion in the city. The Barbot has some good news for him. Finally, she says, she has the entire Elizalde family in her hands. Bravo congratulates her. [“En buena hora.”]

Gonzo hangs up and tells Nanda about Rolando’s call. He’s bummed that it’s one more rotten thing to deal with in addition to everything else they’ve been going through. Fer sympathetically asks if he’s found out anything more about Lili. He lies and says no, not a thing. They wait for Damian while he supposedly makes that phone call.

Said call is really a cover for Scamian to speak to Vlad about their Prissy and Flor predicament. Vlad’s afraid he’ll lose his job and Damn says he’s the one on the skids with the family, not Vlad. Vlad worries about the problems Damn is getting them into and Damn says they’ve been in deep doodoo for a long time already, but not to worry. That’s what a friend is for. Then Damn asks what’s happening with their contact in Prolasa. Vlad says Ubaldo managed to convince Jaime to give Rolando some cock ‘n bull story that will keep Pris from being found out. Damn says great because now he’s got to talk to his daddy-in-law about a raise and leaves. (Ya just gotta love a guy like him, don’t ya?) Vlad has another epiphany and says to himself that it’s obvious Damn didn’t come back to Fernanda out of love, but for the filthy, petty self-interest. (Ding! Ding! Ding!)

The Barbinator informs Artemio that she brought Damian back onto the scene because he was more useful to him there than hidden away in his rat hole. Bravo asks about Fer and BB tells him that Fer’s finding it hard dealing with the loss of her budding romance with Franco Santoro, but that she is old-fashioned [chapada a la antigua] and understands that she is a married woman. Bravo asks what happens if Lili shows up and ruins her plan. BB says that’s the last piece of the puzzle and she’ll need his help to locate her then gives him a couple of recent photos of Lili.

BB thinks Obregon let Lili escape right before he took off and she doesn’t think Lili would come back to the hacienda. Bravo wants to know what happens once they find her. Barbot answers icily that nobody will miss her. Bravo wants to know about Aurora next and how she and Santiago Elizalde met and became romantically involved. Barbie lies and says she doesn’t know; is it important? He lies and says it’s just simple curiosity. BB stares him in the eyes and thinks to herself what a pervert he is: “How badly you lie, Artemio Bravo! Even though you think she’s dead, it still pains you that that wilted thing, Aurora, might have exchanged your ancient smell for Santiago Elizalde’s young blood.” (As I’ve said before, I don’t write this stuff; I simply try to translate it.)

At the same instant, Santi joins Rory for a bit of prayer in the chapel. It's anybody's guess what the goof-ball stare he’s giving her means.

Scam acknowledges to Gonzo how grateful he should be that, thanks to Babs who never gets the credit she deserves around there, he’s been brought back into the fold. Anibal walks in just then and stares daggers at Damn. Gonzo tells him they’re just about to discuss Damian’s official return to the company. Damn smiles impishly. Anibal just glares at him. Fer looks for the nearest crack in the floor to fall through.

Back at Las Animas, Eddie is packing up Fer’s letters while Estev commiserates. “What good is it that Fernanda was faithful to our promise for such a long time? As it is, she went back to her husband and all these are the sad, cruel facts.” Estev reminds Ed that he’s got to get a grip. “Grupo Lactos, the Elizalde family, discovering who Artemio Bravo is --those are your priorities, Eduardo. I’m not saying you should pretend that nothing has happened, that Fernanda might not be important to you, but don’t confuse your past with your present!” Ed gets upset and says to back off. “I know where you’re going but can’t you understand that right now I can’t bear to come face to face with Fernanda?”

Estev says “Ok, but don’t forget you’re now Franco Santoro and she is his ally! HIS ALLY. An ally that is there to help finish with the injustices that have continued to be committed, no matter how many times she breaks Eduardo Juarez’s heart.!” Eddie loses what little patience he has left. “— I know exactly what my objectives are!!” “--Then what are you going to do? What are you going to do with all that hate you’re feeling right now? Are you going to let it flow unrestrained and have the whole world find out about it?” “—No! Of course not!” “—Then what?” Ed has reached his emotional limits. “—But, well, right now… it’s… too much for me to handle! Denia has definitely gotten her pound of flesh.


Friday, July 03, 2009

Gancho Friday July 3, '09 We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident...There'll Be Lots Of Roadblocks In This Romance

Yep, the incipient romance between Mauricio and Moni is in trouble again...and it's not Constanza's fault either. And while we're at it, Ximena's and Estrella's love life has taken a turn for the worse as well. Charming women, stupid choices tonight. Let's see how our three gals went astray.

Constanza has flopped down on Maricio's bed to whimper, after arriving at the house for the birthday party and finding Moni already there. The rest of the group is out in the other room singing "las Mañanitas" for Danny who's happy as a clam.

Beto suddenly emerges from the bathroom in full Fantasma Vengador regalia, scaring the bejesus out of Constanza. He's delighted to see her, of course, convinced she's ready to fall into his well-fed lap. She can't get through to him that she's an engaged woman ( wanted me for your daughter's party? NO!) and she's beginning to think she's in the naco version of a Fatal Attraction movie when Ximena bursts in the door. Our spacey Valley Girl thinks Connie's up to something with this lowlife but she seems more amused than shocked.

Scene switch to the party room and Beto's Fantasma act isn't going over well. Danny knows he's not the real thing. HER Fantasma Vengador smelled good and was slender. This Fantasma is paunchy and smells raunchy (huele feo). Moni, meanwhile, is hiding out in the kitchen.

While they're partying at Mauricio's, the hired thieves have shown up at the office, knocked out Salvador, in turn been knocked out by Paula, wielding a wicked broom and dustpan, have recovered and grabbed Gabriela (they're molesting me!) taking her gold chain (present from great great-grandmother) snatching the briefcase full of cash from a desperately cooperative Jeronimo and also taking him along as a "hostage". Fine, sneer Gabriela and Salvador...take him! (Clearly they're on to this scumbag but Mauricio, as usual, is clueless).

Meanwhile Danny has forgotten her disappointment in the Fantasma and has dived into the cake. Beto, still in costume, is wheedling some booze out of Teresa, who won't deign to give him anything but cooking sherry. Moni, of course, is still hiding.

And Constanza still hasn't come out of the bedroom. Ximena is threatening to tell Mauricio she's cheating on him (with Beto! hard to believe) but she's sidetracked by their umpteenth fight. "I'm your novia!" "Quit making scenes". ( We may have to start saying Mau's lines, Connie's lines if this goes on much longer.)

The spat is cut short by a breathless phone call from Gabriela telling about the robbery. Mauricio's on his way and Moni insists on coming with him. Meanwhile, Salvador's passed out and Gaby tenderly lays her head upon his chest to listen to him breathe. (Here's a romance I definitely want to see flourish.)

Jeronimo has paid off the thugs, taken a generous cut of the money for himself, and is now handing over an insufficient sum to Bonilla who's so outraged, he pulls out a pistol and shoots at Jerry's feet. A fight ensues. Bonilla rolls down the hill, hits his head on a rock and appears dead. Jerry pitches over the side as well, scraping and roughing up his face as he rolls, grabs the briefcase with the money and is ready to play the injured hero.

The police arrive to investigate and both Gabriela and Salvador are convinced SOMEONE tipped off the robbers about the presence of the large sum of cash. (dar el pitazo...give the whistle, tip-off). Maury, clueless but loyal, defends his cuz as having sacrificed himself for you all and how could you suspect him of anything!?

Just at that moment, the elevator door opens and a disheveled, limping Jeronimo staggers out, playing his superhero role to the max (no mention of the missing money, of course)

From the seemingly sublime to the ridiculous....Beto, back at the house, is still trying to score with Constanza, who seems half-repelled, half-attracted. Maybe she finds his self-confidence sexy. He's certainly got a ton of it. it gets interesting. Tano, Maury's mechanic shows up with a present for Danny as well as plans to talk Ximena into having a drink with him. These two evidently have a history, and clearly he's the man for her (not the scummy Rolando). And just as clearly, it's going to take many an episode for Xime to realize it. Right now she thinks they're from two different worlds. He's not with it, not "fashion", not VIP, not "in". Oh get a clue, Ximena!. But she's not ready yet.

Jerry's theatre continues back at the office. He's working it for all it's worth, reminiscing about his childhood with Maury, bemoaning the loss of the money while Mau laps it up and Salvador and Gaby glower in the background.

Moni is also there and still trying to hand in her cellphone and disappear from Maury's life but he's not having it. But "su novia no me traga" (your girlfriend can't stand me). Okay...fasten your seatbelts 'cause here comes the big romantic scene. She asks why he's so attached to her...after all, she's a goof, uneducated, has a temper . The romantic music swells. But he says nothing. And yet his tender look says it all.

Still, she wants more. Why so quiet?
-When I'm with you, I feel confident....I feel "magic".
-Yes, no matter how tough the day is, when I look into your eyes, everything around me disappears. It's magic. The beauty of your eyes, your gaze, your smile....I need you. How can I live without seeing that smile every day?

Their eyes lock, their lips are about to, my heart's racing..........and Dang! Gaby busts in the door and the moment is over. But after Maury leaves with her, our Moni leans against the wall, starry-eyed, and the romantic music swells again. Nice. She's got an after-glow and nothing really happened. Way to go, Moni.

Our lovestruck hero returns home where Danny is still bouncing off the walls (Nunca se te acaban las pilas ). A tired Teresa looks appalled at all the toys lying around and Mauricio offers to help her (another sign he's a good guy, no?)

Rolando, on the other hand, is NOT a good guy. He told Ximena he was in for an early night in order to try out a new race car in the morning. Turns out instead he's trying out two chicklets (fulanas) instead and she catches him at it. He defends himself saying she's cheating too...having a drink with her "ex", Tano and breaking his heart. She wails and begs his forgiveness while he waltzes off with the babes. Turning on Tano, she accuses him of wrecking her romance. Oh wise up, Ximena. You're cute, but you're clueless. (Must run in the family.)

Jeronimo, now fully recovered from his little spill down the hill, is sniffing around Estrella's door. He lays a line on her (I tripped looking for a star (estrella) and here she is!) and she falls for it, just like she fell for the line about his contacts in the theatre. He proposes getting to know each other a little better and she's enthused. Beto arrives, drags Jerry off for a moment and decides to let Jerry contribute Gaby's gold necklace to his booty. Jerry thinks it's worthless but Beto, biting on it, declares it to be 24 carats and Swiss to boot. We end this series of scenes with a montage of Moni training to the catchy theme song and Mauricio smiling his dopey lovestruck grin, as he remembers their earlier conversation.

When we come back from the ads, we're in the kitchen. Ivan has snuck back to raid the fridge and Luisa catches him. She doesn't want him sleeping in the street...she cares about him...he decides to collect a kiss and whoops...another interruption. This time it's Mauricio, who wants to know where he's been and what he's been up to. And by the way, we've all been worried about you. (Not me, snaps Aldo, who's arrived as well.) To condense, Mauricio asks Ivan to stay the night and work out his differences with his grandmother. And then he takes Luisa aside tells her to chill the romance. She's not even 15 yet and Ivan is 19. Way too old for her. And otherwise, he'll have to assign Aldo as her bodyguard (guardaespaldas).

Okay. Back to the barrio. Estrella is all dolled up for her rendezvous. There's a knock at the door. Must be Jerry. No, it's Ricardo, with a bouquet of flowers and an invitation. Take it, Estrella. Forget that upper-class bum. But of course, she runs Ricardo off with a lame story about a late-night casting call (casting couch is more like it) and he slinks off but is clearly not convinced because he lurks around and catches her sashaying off with Jerry in his convertible (descapotable)

Before they actually leave, our Estrella and her creep Jerry have a sexy little conversation where she asks him if he likes this chick (pollo) and offers him a wing (her arm) while he protests that he'd rather have a thigh. And she does flash a great set of gams as she plops her body into his car. We see no more of this hookup but we can just imagine. And so can poor Ricardo!

Well I guess it's betrayal season because Beto's on the phone, trying to arrange a date with Costanza and offering the gold necklace as bait. Monita shows up and he quickly ends the conversation but she's still suspicious. Why are you all dressed up? And why do you smell good? Me, ripostes Beto, sniffing his pits, I always smell this way! She knows he's hiding something in his hand, rips it away from him, assumes the necklace is for her (of course, you know how thoughtful I am!) and asks him to put it around her neck. Scary music plays so we know this will lead to trouble.

Another ad and when we come back Gaby and Salvador are sparring in the office. She's reading from a magazine that says 70 per cent of husbands are unfaithful and 30 per cent are impotent. What percentage is he in? The percentage of men dominated by their wives. Ouch!

And now comes the fatal moment. Moni arrives for work wearing the necklace. Gaby spots it, hustles her off to prepare coffee and then rushes to tell Salvador "we never should have hired "la changa esa" (that monkey) because she's in with the robbers...she's wearing Gaby's great great grandmother's necklace!" Paula overhears this conversation and rushes off to confront Moni while Gabi calls the police.

While this is going on, Constanza has dropped by the house looking for her gal pal Ximena and finds Jerry instead. Our tireless Don Juan starts putting the moves on her, reminding her that Maury will never marry her, he's smitten with his new secretary.... and besides he's adopted three snot-nosed kids.

But alright, he'll help her get rid of Moni, if that's what she wants...but what will she DO for him? Connie gives the impression she's ready to go along with this scheme, whatever it takes.

Back at the office, Moni (who's spent a lot of this episode hiding and creeping around on her knees) is trying to sneak into the elevator to escape the police. But when the doors open, there's Mauricio. And the episode ends.

Previews: Mauricio confronts Constanza , who's clearly delighted that Moni's been accused of a crime. Then he confronts Moni, just wanting to understand how she came by the necklace. Her boyfriend gave it to her. YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!!???


ñero = buddy, pal
baratija = cheap junk (what Jerry thought the necklace was)
dar el pitazo =give the tipoff
dando largas = stalling (Bonillo accusing Jerry)
nunca se te acaban las pilas = your batteries never run down, you never get tired
guardaespaldas = bodyguard
descapotable =convertible (car)
hasta en la sopa = everywhere. Constanza complaining that Moni is always around
pollo = chick, chicken
dos fulanas = two so and so's, two babes in this episode
su novia no me trago = (lit. your girlfriend doesn't swallow me...your girlfriend can't stand me)
huele feo = smells bad

Dicho of the Day

No todo es miel sobre hojuelas = (lit. it's not all honey over flakes)
"It's not all fun and games". and no, indeed, looks like things
are taking a dark turn for our Moni


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