Friday, July 27, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #8 and #9 7/26/12 and 7/27/12: The Lion (or Puma!) Roars.

I’m your substitute recapper tonight, and I’m going to start with a brief summary of what happened Thursday, for those who missed it.

Eduardo comes home early, and Lalo helps sneak Juan out of the house. Helena gives him her project. At the office, Fernando and Santiago (Mutt & Jeff) are eager to see it. But Helena calls, and then he can’t bring himself to show them. “No puedo. Es una canallada.” Mutt & Jeff still haven’t been paid, so they beg JC to turn in Helena’s project.

Lucía is upset because of her sweetheart Sebastian. After she slept with him the first time, he got out of bed, went out the door, and disappeared from her life.

Eduardo finds Juan’s shirt and interrogates Sylvia. She dodges so he pressures Lalo. “If your mama has a boyfriend, he'll separate you from your mother. He’ll seem nice but hurt you when she's not looking, and she won't believe you.” Later Sylvia tells Lalo that Juan is good, and if anyone tries to hurt him, his mother will protect him.

Juan brings a bus tour to Viajes Moreno. Helena agrees to take Juan on a private tour of the city.

Plutarco and Rebeca are half naked, lying on the desk, and Antonia is just about to enter the office.

Now, Friday's episode.

The Surprise Behind Door No. 1
Antonia walks in and is shocked to see sweaty bodies groping on the desk. Alas, it’s her brother and his bimbo, not her husband and his bimbo. In the other GI lust-nest, Rebeca and Plutarco are getting dressed. She promises she’ll never again be unfaithful, and by the way, she’d like to take a taxi to the tourism bureau instead of going with her driver (Plutarco’s spy). Fat chance!

Guess Who's Coming to Work?
Antonia tells Adriano and Plutarco her wonderful news: she’s decided to work full time at the office. Plutarco warns that she she’ll be bored (in contrast to sitting at home watching telenovelas?), but she can’t be dissuaded and she’s eager to spend more time with him. He does not share her enthusiasm.

True Confessions
Helena takes Juan to an old convent, her favorite spot to relax and contemplate. He magically produces a romantic picnic lunch. He asks about other boyfriends, and she says she’s been unattached because men think a single woman is desperate and will tolerate anything. She asks about his past. Who was his first love? He answers, “Would you believe me if I said you’re my first love? I’ve never felt like this with anyone before.” She confesses that when she met him, she thought he only wanted to take advantage of her, but now she knows he could never hurt anyone. Juan suggests that for their next picnic, they should bring Lalo. His suggestion activates her love button. Juan urges her to present him to her parents, so he can clear the air with her father, especially now that they’re novios. But she’s worried about her dad’s health, and she wants to wait until her project succeeds and she can move out.

The Best Moment of the Show
Juan takes Helena home and watches from behind a tree as Eduardo comes out and yells at her, calling her a cualquiera and saying she brought a man home to “revolcarse” (roll in the hay). But when he manhandles her and calls her a streetwalker, Juan can’t take it anymore. He tells Eduardo that he’s Helena’s novia, and being her father doesn’t give him the right to mistreat/abuse the woman Juan loves (querer). Juan is appalled that a man could humiliate his own daughter like that and not appreciate what a treasure she is. Ed says that when Juan gets what he wants from her, he’ll throw her in the trash. Juan swears that he’ll never hurt her. Ed replies that Helena is an adult and if she gets hurt, that’s her problem, but if Juan hurts Lalito he’d better watch out.

Two Styles of Exchanging Ideas
Once inside, Lalo asks his mom, “If you marry Juan, will you still love me?” She assures him that everyone, even Juan, knows that her son will always come first. He likes that. Silvia tells Ed that Helena has a right to find love. Ed tells Silvia she hasn’t got a brain in her head, and I think he smacks her.

Not Everybody Loves Juan
Plutarco tattles to Adriano that he thinks JC diverted GI bus tours to another travel agency. Then he calls the bank to set up an account for his “mother,” but it’s really in the name of JC’s mother.

Later Pluto asks Adriano to approve his project, but Adriano will wait until he sees the final version. He warns JC that unless he turns in his project ASAP, Adriano will have to accept Plutarco’s proposal for PlayaM. He asks about the diverted bus tours, and JC denies any knowledge of them.

Where's Hippy Ed When You Need Him?
JC looks for a way to use Helena’s project without hurting her. Mutt & Jeff accuse him of falling in love. Mutt reminds him that if he wants to keep Helena instead of stealing her project, he’ll also have to explain to her that he’s not Argentinean, and he’s really the Juan Carlos that fired her. So JC asks his father how to fix his problem and not hurt Helena. Dad says women don’t understand reason, and things will go better for him if he uses the project. He should use Helena until he’s tired of her, then pay her off and forget about her.

Time to Hitch Up Your Chones
In the morning, Mutt & Jeff give JC a pair of tacones (high heeled shoes) because he said, “The day I suffer for a woman is the day I wear a skirt and tacones.” In response, JC demonstrates that he has decided which side he’ll play for. He shreds the PlayaM project CD.


El Mundo de Telemundo - Week of July 30 - Discuss among yourselves

Greetings from Maine! While I eat lobsters and watch gorgeous sunsets, all hell is breaking loose on our novelas. Hombre is keeping us up to date on the increasingly violent world of Pablo Escobar while watchers of Corazón Valiente eagerly await the ramifications of the disclosure that Fernanda de Castillo, known to us as the Reptile, has murdered half the cast. Novelera and Deb are handling these developments while I am away. Finally, Shallowgal is providing some updates on Rosa Diamante. Take it away, commenters!

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Abismo de pasión, #96 7/26/12: Hey Alfie, Gweedo may be free but Gabino’s gonna cost you.


To: the writers of the Pit

From: Novelamaven

Cap’n Sylvia went to sea / In a beautiful pea green boat / She took her honey and plenty of money / And asked me to give you this note:*

“When I return in two weeks I expect to find these folks alive and kicking: Don Lucio, Dolores, Padre, Ramona, Maru, Braulio, Enrique, Doc Tovar, Paloma and Gael.

Feel free to smite and blight as you see fit any of the following: Gabino Mendoza, Paolo “the momzer” Landucci, Alfabitch, OmegaBitch (aka the Killer Orange) and Chente.

Use these characters however you wish to keep the story moving along: Elisa, Damián, Flor, Guido, Begoña, Toña, Sabrina and the old lady** who was whispering “Hush mah mouth – I bet I can squeeze that old Arango broad for enough pesos so I can ditch the asilo and retire in St. Tropez.”



*With apologies to The Owl and the Pussycat and **Goodnight Moon.


Dolores stares, incredulous, as Horacio is taken away in a squad car. A wanted criminal – this is the man she chose as her life partner? Gabino watches the show. From his expression, you’d think he was at a cockfight and he’d put his bet on the winner. (Are those bloody feathers on his chin? Nah.)

Outside the bank in Mérida, Don Lucio kvetches that Dam is forcing him to lie. He’ll have to go along with the story that before he died, Augusto set up an account for Elisa. Although both men suspect Gabino pocketed the Cielo Abierto money, proving that will take time. Right now, Elisa needs cash to pay off her loan to Alfie. Otherwise Alfie will seize the greenhouse and the harvest.

Doc Tovar’s office

Elisa stops by to ask Paloma to attend tonight’s mass for Augusto. Why does Paloma seem so distant? Elisa needs her more than ever right now. Paloma starts to say she has her own tsuris but then, remembering who the protagonista is, apologizes.

Paloma’s not buying Flor’s pregnancy story and thinks Dam has his doubts as well, official blood test or no.

The Killer Orange is seen deftly driving a pickup truck down the highway and thought-bubbling: “Gabino’s got the Horacio problem covered. Now I’ll dispose of that bastard Guadalupe.”

[Audible gasps from the Lupe table.]

Braulio comes upon the desolate Dolores, and offers a shoulder to cry on when he hears about Horacio.

[The Braulio and Lolita tables edge closer together on the patio.]

Hacienda Harango: AlfaBitch, her fan (I mean abanico, not fanático, and Flor.

Flor announces she is going to Mexico to pick up her wedding gown. Alone. AlfaBitch really wants to go along. She would handcuff herself to Flor if she could, but she is handicapped by the need to flick and fan at dramatic moments.

Enter Dam. He -- and he alone -- will accompany Flor. ”¿Sabes qué?” he says brightly. “Creo que también podríamos aprovechar para ver a un ginocólogo. Quiero ver el primer ultrasonido de mi bebé.” (You know what? I think we could take advantage of the occasion to see a gynecologist. I want to see my baby’s first ultrasound!)

Alfie fans, smiles approvingly. Flor looks haunted. (Oh honey, this is just the opening salvo.)

Knock knock. Who’s there? Gweedo. Gweedo who? Gweedon’t think you’re innocent. Gwee just dropped the charges ‘cause gwee don’t want a scandal in the family.

Gweedo maintains he is innocent – it’s that rotten creep Gabino that Alfie should be accusing. Dam is in his corner. Alfie sighs and fans.

[Some at Gweedo’s table begin to take heart. Maybe, just maybe ...]

Hacienda Beltran -- where a deal is a deal

Smarmy Gabino is no more. This is rabid stick-waving, frothing at the mouth Gabino. And he has no intention of letting the señora cancel the sale of the hacienda just because Alfonsina Arango has outbid him.

“¡Ahora me viene con el domingo siete, ruca!” (I’m pretty sure she’s not pregnant so here our familiar idiom means: Now you’re springing this on me, old lady!) He orders her to vacate his property.

She tries to give him back his check. He tears it up and grabs her from behind, pressing his forearm up against her fragile throat. “Now you have no check, no hacienda, nothing!” She gasps and then goes limp. Is she ... ? Yes, she is dead. And Gabino – with no remorse, with no sign of panic -- digs her grave and buries her body. She won’t have to leave her hacienda after all.

At Casa Bien Castigado, Elisa assures Lucio that they can speak freely. The aunt is out, she took the truck somewhere ...

And the aunt has trucked right on into an audience with the Bishop – she has something very grave to tell him about Padre Guadalupe Mondragón!

[On the patio, there are murmurs of dismay: How much weight will the words of a Godless Orange carry?]

Elsewhere in the big city, Dolores visits Horacio in jail. She wants a divorce and an annulment. Horacio will not oppose her. Braulio (sort of the anti-Gabino, no?) waits outside. He hugs her reassuringly.

He loved me. He really loved me.

Back at Casa Castigado, Lucio tells Elisa about the account her father set up for her (¡sí, me querías!) and explains she can use the money to save the greenhouse. She may have to cede half of Cielo Abierto to Gabino though.

Honey, I’m home! Gabino strides into the Blue House, and thwapppp – he slams Irritating in the kisser. “That’s for telling that bastard Gael that I beat you – now you have something to complain about for real. Get out!”

But Ing’s not leaving without her money – and didn’t he say he loooved her?

Love? Hah! “¡Eres un premio de consolación!

“If I leave”, says Ing, “I go straight to Alfie and I tell all – how you defrauded the ProCe, how you covered for Carmina all these years.”

“Now” leers bandanahand, “I can’t let you out of this house – alone or ... alive.”

[Someone on the Patio hisses: “Do it, Gabino. You’re already going to hell ... JudyB looks sternly at her tablemate and silence is restored.]

Ing keeps braying, alternately taunting and wheedling, claiming she was just playing on Gael’s sympathies. Gael is the key to the Arango fortune. Their only obstacle is Alfonsina. (Dam would give Gael his share, she is sure.) Would Gabino have the guts (agallas) to kill that woman?

At Hacienda Arango, “that woman” affects surprise at Gweedo’s vigorous defense of his dignity and innocence. He’ll be living in the hotel in town, he says, not in the hacienda. And he, in turn is amazed at how vigorously Alfie defends a momzer like Gabino Mendoza. Nor is Gweedo any too happy about Flor and Dam getting married.

“But Gweedo” counters AlfaBitch, “Flor is knocked-up! We’re gonna be abuelos!”

In the Blue House of Shame, Ing presses on, calling Gab a coward, all bark and no bite (perro que ladra no muerde). He’s never bloodied his own hands with murder.

Has she? She doesn’t answer.

Then she asks what some on the Patio have wondered: If Ing is the runner-up, is Alfonsina herself the Grand Prize? Not at all, answers Gab. “Alfonsina Arango is the most despicable woman (la mujer más despreciable) in the world”.

Ingrid thinks he should take that thought and run with it ...

Carmina gets back home just as Lucio and Elisa are leaving for the special mass. Would the aunt like to join them? Nah. The rotten orange has no use for churches and souls or eternal life.

Elisa and Carmina agree to talk later about the check that Gabino supposedly gave Augusto as an anticipo for Cielo Abierto. It must be somewhere in the hacienda because it’s not in Augusto’s bank account.

At Hacienda Harango, Gweedo asks if Dam is marrying Flor only because she is pregnant. Or does he love her?

Dam does some awkward tap-dancing around the question. He truly cares for Flor, he says, and he promises to be a good husband and father.

Gweedo notices Dam is wearing black. “Why are you in mourning? Who died?” Dam explains that he is going to a funeral mass for Elisa’s father, Augusto.

Rural Health and Organ Transplant Center

Toña is feeling well enough to nag at Braulio for spending time with Dolores. “You never stopped loving her, did you?”

Braulio says he never regretted his marriage until he found out how Toña had deceived him.

[Some on the Patio whisper that Braulio is fibbing here, but no one seems to hold it against him.]

But now Toña hits him back with a big fat whopper of a lie: She never told him about Gabino because ... sniff sniff snivel ... Gabino abused her ... he took her by force! If Braulio doesn’t believe her, ask Alfonsina!

And right on cue – there is the black widow herself. “Tu mujer está diciendo la verdad” she lies.

In the vestry we see Dolores, Elisa and Lupe. Each is weighted by grief. All mourn Augusto. But Dolores has also lost her dream of marital happiness. And Padre? He looks more despairing than we have ever seen him. Of course he will help Lolita with the annulment. “But what crimes exactly was Horacio accused of? Anything here, in La Ermita? “No, padre” answers Lolita.

Avances: Alfonsina and Florencia put on their little black dresses and go crash a funeral mass. Elisa is not amused.


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #79 Thu 7/26/12 The Long Goodbye

Our dear Madelaine is caring for her post eye surgery hubby, so I’m filling in for her tonight.  I did a summary recap instead of my usual details. (I can’t help the detailed recaps. It’s just the way my mind works. I apologize in advance for all my future long-winded recaps.) Not all things are in order, but are arranged by theme. Enjoy!

Lovelorn and Sleepless in D.F.
-Luci falls asleep peacefully over her books, cradling her engagement ring; while Rod has a restless night and slams their wedding bands against his night stand.
-The next day, after Luci’s exam, Rod arrives at the vecinidad and he and Luci manage a civil and pleasant conversation. He gives her the box with the wedding bands, tells her not to open it till she’s alone, and says she’ll know what to do with it. His “adios” sounds sort of final this time, but I wouldn’t bet on it. He beats a downspout in frustration. Luci looks at the rings, then closes the box, looking more determined than before.
-After an exhausting first day back at the office, Rod puts Pato to bed for a nap. Before he goes to sleep, Pato wants to speak to Luci to hear how the exam went. He is majorly annoyed that Rod went to see her that morning after her exam, and that he dumped the rings on her.
-Pato asks Rod a deeply personal question. Did he make love to (pure, innocent) Luci? NimRod admits that he did. Pato is livid that after taking her virginity, Rod is tossing Luci aside, in addition to not protecting her. If he were healthy and strong, heck, even in his current state, he would have protected her and wouldn’t let her go!
-Pato continues to make Rod his b!tch by making him call up Luci for him, stand silently as he speaks to her happily, and take down the phone number of the Het Het funeral parlor so that HE can call her when she’s back in the pueblo.

El Inferno
-Aldo comes to El Inferno to keep an eye on things, on Max’s orders. This bugs the hell out of Ivan and Lastra, who don’t seem to know what the heck Aldo’s doing there.  Aldo mentions to Lastra how angry the jefe was about the Lorenzo-jail affair. Lastra says HE’s the boss at Inferno!
-Marcial el Estalker, shows up in Vio’s dressing room, and she has to yell for security to get him to leave.

Women on the Verge…
-Connie remembers Rosa’s harsh words about her decrepit body, then the witch herself arrives to drive the dagger in deeper. What’s a younger man like Oscar want with an old hag like Connie? Connie ignores her and goes to bed to dream of her upcoming dirty weekend with Oscar. Atta girl Connie!! 
-Rosa la Loca invites Padre Honesto to the dinner where Rod will be served up on a platter to Gala, so that he can witness how she’s kissed and made nice with Rod. Her family is better than ever! Padre very reluctantly agrees to attend.
-Gala looks for the perfect rubber band dress to help her trap Rod at the dinner. Valentina tells her she would have better luck if she wore a long skirt, peasant blouse and band around her waist. Atta girl Vale!!
-Rosa boasts to Julie that the ambush dinner for Rod is all planned. Rod will be clueless (as usual), Julie and Gala will just happen to drop by to say farewell on their way to the farewell dinner Vale and Fernie have planned, then Rosa will invite them to stay for dinner and invite V&F and their novios over as well.
-Rosa’s veneer begins to crack and her crazy shows through when she finds out that 1) Pato, Melissa, and Hannah have disappeared shortly before the ambush dinner; and 2) Boris dared to set foot in Hannah’s bedroom earlier, and was alone with her there. Mati is the lucky winner who gets the tongue lashing for all of this.

Big Day Jitters
-Paz gives Lorenzo and Fabian the blessing for the first day of their taco biz, and gives Luci the blessing for luck on her exam.
-Luci takes the exam with a lot of other young folks, and seems pretty confident in her answers.
-Lorenzo and Fabian find a perfect spot to park their bike and taco canasta (basket), in front of a convenience store. The store owner lets them stay since their tacos will drive people inside to buy drinks. They immediately draw a crowd of young neighborhood maids. Either the tacos are really good, or the maids are drawn to the cute boys selling them. I think it’s both.
-Melissa brings Claudio her final thesis chapter. He’ll review it right away so that she can schedule her final exam. She’s very nervous about the final exam, but he assures her she will do marvelously. This makes Melissa’s heart pitter patter, and a huge grin comes to her face. Claudio is clueless about his effect on this lovely young woman.

Boris Makes Strides, But Lorenzo is Still Pulling Ahead
-Boris organizes a romantic scavenger hunt for Hannah, which takes her around the city to pick up various gifts and notes, and ends right back in her bedroom with a sweet kiss and a rose.
-Unfortunately, for Boris, the scavenger hunt takes Hannah right by Lorenzo’s taco stand, and they make moon eyes at each other before she runs off to the next clue.

Het Het Happenings
-The old Padre has been feted and buried, and Procopio looks exhausted. But after this big funeral, he and Theo have enough to pay the phone bill. With all the sadness and crying, he’s not so sure the funeral biz is right for him. He’s thinking about going back to Don Aquiles, who was way more fun than a weepy funeral, even if he was always in a foul mood. Aquiles thinks Copio is a gossiping traitor when he overhears this. He also seems to think he’s betraying him with Luchita.
-Luchita and the Gossip Girls rub it in Aquiles’ face how successful and in demand Copio has been since he left Aquiles. Aquiles blusters that he doesn’t want Copio back, but we can tell he doesn’t mean it.

Empresas Torreslanda
-Pato comes back to work in the office, and gets applause. Max is pleased as punch to have his favorite child by his side.

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye!
-The Pueblo folk start to say their goodbyes to the big city. Vio takes Luci, Magda, Paz, and Ariche on a tour, which ends at one of the city’s beautiful old churches. They each pray to the Virgin. Ariche asks the Virgin to look out for the people he loves; Luci asks for protection and for help forgetting Rod; Magda asks for protection for Vio; Paz asks for strength to tell Claudio the truth, and the strength to handle it if Luci decides to leave her. Ariche gets a Virgencita statue to take home to his mama.
-Claudio tells Norma he has decided to surprise Luci and her crew by flying with them to Het Het for the weekend. But he’ll be back in time to continue working on his case. Things are looking good now that the judge who originally oversaw the case has agreed to reopen it. Norma is impressed by his love for Luci. He says she, and her family, have turned into the family he never had. Oh yeah, and he still has to talk to Paz about that urgent matter.
-Luci tells Estelita that she doesn’t think she’ll ever come back to D.F. Never say never Luci!
-Not yet knowing that Claudio is traveling with them, Paz hyperventilates and tries to figure out how she will take him aside to talk alone in the airport.
-Lorenzo and Vio have tearful farewells with their mamas at the airport. Vio promises not to lie to her mama anymore.
-Hannah, Pato, Melissa and Boris come running up to the airport security gate, surprising Luci. They wanted to say farewell. Hannah grabs Luci into a hug, and Pato gives her a huge, lovely smile. *Sigh!*

Avances: Paz confesses to Claudio that she’s not Luci’s mother. Will she get a chance to tell him everything? Gala tries to seduce Rod in the rubber band dress, and they get busy!


Refugio Para el Amor #78 Wed 7/25/12 Paz worries, and worries, and worries.....

I apologize in advance for forgetting some of the minor characters names. My first blog for this novela and I hadn't paid attention to all the names. Here it goes! ======================================== We pick up where we left off yesterday, with Paz telling Licenciado Linares that she must see him in person to speak about Luciana. He agrees to come by later. She dramatically says to Magda, “The time has come to tell El Licenciado that Luciana is the daughter he thought was dead.” (gasp) Paz anxiously wrings her hands (as usual) as Magda and Estelita assure her it’s time Linares knew the truth. She’s held on to this secret long enough. (Duh, you think?) Paz repeats her real concern is how Luciana will react to the news. She speaks to Galdino, praying to give her the words to say to Linares and to help Luciana understand everything they did, they did out of love. The phone snaps her out of her trance. It’s Pato looking for Luciana. Now she worries over what he could possible want with her Luciana. Eeeesh. Pato has just called to see how Luciana is getting along with her studies and promises to help her with math. School Campus Jana assures Lula that everything is fine in CupidVille. It’s just that Boris is convinced she (Jana) has a thang for luscious Lorenzo. Lula senses something’s up. Jana agrees Lorenzo is luscious and everything but now that he’s a jailbird....well….. – WHAT!!!! Lula says no way she can possible feel anything for him and never mind that her loca mama would never agree to a relationship with him. Jana explains, not too convincingly, that they’re just friends. Lula doesn’t seem convinced and Boris comes back just then and they’re off. TOODLES!! Airport Ariche and Rodrigo arrive from their excursion. Rod once again promises he will always look after Luciana. They spit promise to be BFF’s. Toreslanda Home At the dinner table, it’s only Jana, Connie, and Roselena. Connie understands Rosie’s wish to have the family together but has to realize everyone has a busy schedule. Gala walks in just then to announce she’s on her way to Colombia for an interview and if all goes well, she won’t be back (if only). Roselena insists she join them for dinner tomorrow for a proper send off. Gala does her part to pretend she couldn’t possibly…..but, ok. Apartment house Rod brings Ariche home and he tells Luciana how exciting the plane ride was. Luciana tells Rod they’re leaving tomorrow. When Rod says he hopes to see Ariche again soon, she tells him that won’t be likely as they’re not planning to ever return. Rod: Nunca? Luciana: Nunca! Ariche: Nunca, sob, sob, sob. Dramatic music ensues as our hunkalicious hero walks away and runs smack into Pato who explains he’s there to help Luci with her math. Luci joins them and she and Pato leave our hero standing there, shaking his head. Pato takes to teaching like a pato takes to, well, you know. Luciana repeats about her struggles with math, he shares he struggled with grammar and we have a few lovely filler scenes of them surrounded with study paraphernalia. We later see Luciana wheeling Pato into the apartment courtyard. They’re pleased as punch with their progress and Pato wishes her luck. As she walks away, Pato asks Genaro what he would do if he could do anything. Genaro hadn’t put much thought into that. Pato says he knows what he would do: he’d stay her with Luciana – awwwwwww. Estelita’s Depa Everyone’s in the kitchen with Estelita: Vio, the kids, Magda, Paz. Vio takes the kids out for ice cream and Paz commences with her worrying about spilling her guts to Linares. Magda tells her to stop it already. She’ll soon see that everything will turn out ok. Paz explains she just wants to go back to her pueblo. She’s worried about Lorenzo, she’s worried about Luciana, she’s worried about Linares, she’s worried about global warming, she’s worried about the price of wheat. Ok, I lied about the last two, but you get the gist. This woman’s worried about every darned lil ol’ thing! Estelita points out the obvious that this confession will change all their lives but it’s best to get it over with once and for all. Magda chimes in as well, saying Linares deserves to know the truth. Uh, yeah! WAAAAH, Paz doesn’t want Luciana to end up hating her. Estelita says, “Nonsense, how can she hate you. You’re her mother. You provided her with love and a home. She’ll understand.” No, no, no….Paz isn’t done agonizing over this yet. She must speak with Linares alone, face to face. Magda doesn’t help. She thinks Linares may die of a heart attack to learn that his daughter is actually alive and well. Ay, Magda. That just serves to drive poor old Paz into a panting tizzy, saying Luciana will leave her fo’ sho’. Licenciados, squared Barrera stops Linares just as he’s leaving the office to give him the good news that he was able to convince the judge to hear him out about the fraud case. In fact, he’s ready to see him in a few hours. Darn and he was just on his way to Dona Paz’s cuz she had something urgent to tell him. Barrera convinces him they can’t blow this chance to clear his name. Torre Torreslanda: Rod’s friends (sorry, forgot their names) come into his office telling him the old man is looking for him, and he’s still pithed! Rod can imagine, there are a few missed calls on his cell. He tells them about his day with Ariche and how happy the flight made him. The guys can tell Rod’s not happy. Rod leaves after getting a call from Dad. The guys stay behind talking about how bad Rod must be feeling and how they must help him get over this. Nicole’s Shop Nicole asks if Vicky has straightened out the mess with her two bf’s. Vicky assures her everything is fine and she will no longer be seeing Aldo. This doesn’t make Nicole happy. She was hoping Vicky would dump el osito. His wife is a VIP and …… Vicky doesn’t let her finish and pleads for her job. Somewhere in a plaza somewhere in Mexico, D.F. Vio is with the kids enjoying paletas when ho! What have we here? Marcial is stalking her! We just see him in the distance, whispering her name. No contact is made…..yet. Maximeanie’s Office Max admonishes Rod for not answering his phone. They argue about the biofuel. They go back and forth a bit with Rod conceding this may not be the right time for biofuel. He takes this opportunity to ask for a transfer to Canada. Max agrees and says he can leave tomorrow. Momma breezes in on her Nimbus 2000 (any Potter fans out there?) Rod tries to escape but she stops him, saying she’d like to speak with him in front of his father. Rod gives her The Glare. Rosie tearfully asks for his forgiveness. She realizes that in his eyes, she must be the worst mother (got that right). That he must think she wanted to separate him from Luciana just to make him unhappy. But he must believe her that was not the case. He keeps her at arm’s length and tells her it’s no use discussing it any longer. He and Luciana are separated and will never, ever see each other again. She assures him that one day, when he’s a parent, he’ll realize that parents only want the best for their children. She thinks only of him. Rod shoots back that she only thinks of herself. If she had thought of him, none of this would have happened! Max nods an “atta boy”. Now the drama really gets thick. Rosie says people may accuse her for many things (yup, and there’s a growing list) but they could never misjudge her for the immense love she has for her children. She pleads with him to understand she’s had no peace since their falling out, she’s doing her best to save her family. Max interrupts to tell her he’s sending Rod to Canada. WHAT!?! How can he take her son from her before he’s forgiven her!!!??? Yet more drama -- she turns to Rod sobbing and drops to her knees, begging his forgiveness. Ok, that does it. No self respecting man can see his mother on her knees. He caves. He’s no one to judge her. She’s his mother and he loves her and now he asks her for her forgiveness. She clings to him, a-sobbing and a-crying. Just wait till he figures out what she’s got in store for him at din-din tomorrow. Gala’s office Gala updates her friends on the Gala-Does-Colombia-But-Not-Really-Plan. This is her only chance. She’s leaving everything in Roselena’s hands that Rod will be there at the appointed time. Torreslanda Home Jana is visiting with Connie and tells her about Pato’s tutoring session with Luciana and shares that Rosie of course knows nothing of this. Jana explains, as we see Frigida eavesdropping, that Luciana is outta there as soon as she takes her exam. Boris drops by to get Jana, leaving Connie with Frigida who wants to confirm whether or not Connie is leaving for the weekend, surreptitiously because the curtains need cleaning. Connie says no, she has no plans this weekend. Frigida leaves as Oscar walks in. Quick as a bunny, Frigida calls Julie to tell her the news that Luciana will be gone after her exam. Julie is excited to hear the news (well, I assume she’s happy -- hard to tell with all that botox) Oscar knows something’s up but not sure. Connie tells him she can’t make it this weekend and starts to make up all kinds of excuses. Oscar’s not fooled and asks her for a simple yes or no. Does she, or doesn’t she want to go with him this weekend? If she doesn’t, he’ll understand; but if she does, he guarantees she’ll have a mahvelous time! Ok, she can’t say no to him and agrees. Besitos. Yay, Connie! All us “girls” of a “certain age” applaud you! Meanwhile, Rosie arrives and asks Mattie after her cousin. Mattie explains she’s in the library with Oscar. Rosie just saw him leave. She says Connie is very stubborn and if she doesn’t listen to Rosie, she will regret it. Anyway, she asks Mattie to prepare a huge dinner for her entire family and all of Rod’s friends, including the girlfriends. They’re going to celebrate her reconciliation with her son. Mattie’s overjoyed because Pato’s been so worried about all the squabbles. All that’s over, says Rosie. From here on out, there will only be peace and harmony. Project Taco Luscious Lorenzo gets the bike for his taco business. San Francisco Al Alto (yawn) Procopio and co-worker cheer because they have a customer!! Sacerdote Serafin finally keeled over. They begin to make plans for the funeral and the flowers. The Chismozas show up with donations from around town. Procopino promises everything will be on the up and up. Even Lucha shows up with her donations. Procopio says even Aquiles will have to pony up his share. Judge’s Chambers Hizzoner tells Linares he’s ready to judge on the side of justice. If Linares is innocent, Justice will be on his side. Linares tells him he’s gathered evidence that he was victimized by Maximino Torreslanda. Linares wonders why the judge has agreed to hear his case after all this time. The judge explains he’s done his own investigation and has found Linares to be of impeccable character. Linares proceeds to show him what he’s gathered. Estelita’s Depa Norma calls from Linares’ office to tell them the tickets are ready for their trip back home, by plane. Luciana doesn’t feel that’s necessary – they can go by bus. She asks Paz her opinion, who of course starts wringing her hands and tells Luciana to do what she thinks is best. Luciana accepts the plans as they are. Ariche comes running in just then and is tickled pink to hear they’re traveling by plane. He goes on and on about the flight and how Rod promised to help him become a pilot someday and he also told him he would always take care of Luciana. This saddens her and she puts on her sourpuss face. Aquile’s Shop Aquile is quite put upon by all the racket made by the bells tolling for the defunct Sacerdote and is none too happy to hear he’s expected to make a donation. Procopio’s prepared and has bought a crowd with him who begins’ chanting they want Aquile to give up the cash. Pato’s room Rod and Pato talk about Luciana’s tutoring session. Pato’s confident she’ll pass with flying colors. Rosie pops in and asks Rod to please join them for dinner tomorrow. Rod still seems uncomfortable but agrees. She kisses him goodbye. She tells Pato she’s sooooo happy. At last her life and her family will be back to normal. Violeta’s Depa Vio tells mom how much she’s going to miss her after she’s gone. Magda tells her to call whenever she wants. She gives Vio a blessing before she leaves for work. Magda tells Paz she doesn’t know how she can leave knowing how Vio is working in that place. Now it’s Paz’s turn to do some comforting. She reminds Magda that Vio is a wonderful mushasha. She’s no longer a child and is now responsible for her actions. Magda gets up and serves herself some coffer then points out that Linares will most likely not show up until tomorrow. Paz agrees but wishes she could talk to him and get this over with. Rodrigo and Luciana in bed --- but in different buldings Rodrigo is in bed channel surfing and gives up. He sees the wedding rings on his night stand and has a flashback to when he proposed. Scene dissolves to Luciana’s hand holding her engagement ring as she sleeps.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Abismo de pasión #95 7/25/12: Dam is no Gene Kelly but i believe he can dance decent... and despite being dealt nothing but lemons lately, he smiled!!

 Recap by Super Marta...

(While watching this ep, i kept remembering the 'Singing in the rain' scene with the film audio/video timing mishap... NOO NOO NOO!!! YESS YESS YESS!!)
we don't have much repeat at all...
P: God forgive me but i could almost swear that YOU killed Augusto!
L: Why do you say that Padre?
P: Well, i just asked my 8-ball if Carmina killed him and it said 'DEFINITELY'...
(jk) I know Carmina was here at the time of the tragic happenings.
C: I was with Gossip queen at her house and they called me to tell me!.
L: Thats true, my husb took her there...and when Don Lucio called, he brought her here.
P: Then why did Gael see you when you left, precisely with Horacio? Porque?

Dr T argue with Sabri re Paolo
You are making a mistake. He is not only much older, 'no tiene oficio ni beneficio' (he is a dumb bum), famed for being a young gal giggolo. (NOO NOO NOO!!)
Sabri won't listen. she believes in Paolo's intentions, and that he will come ask her mother for her hand. (YESS YESS YESS!!)
Dr T is doubtful, but in any case will never allow her to marry P. (NOO NOO NOO!!)
Sabri argues being grown up capable of making own decisios, even if i have to leave home to do it. (YESS YESS YESS!!)
Paolo and Flo. Paolo giggles about Dam crying when Flo told him about the baby. Sure, he cried because he can't 'take back time'. Paolo gives her a note with the amount his friend wants to facilitate what she needs to fake the 9 mos of the pregnancy. (YESS YESS YESS!!) Flo blown away about the amount. (NOO NOO NOO!!)

Lolita and Padre still arguing...
P: He came here to find ELisa, and he saw Horacio and Carm leaving in the truck. (YESS YESS YESS)
Car: I came back because i asked Horacio to come get my bags. (Lolita is very surprised, thinking about Carmina's words.) Lolita in disbelieve her husband would be involved in a fake plan. She would put hands on fire for him. (NOO NOO NOO!!)
Carm uses that to turn the spotlight around on Padre, you come to give false accusations, pushes and yells at Padre out the door. (NOO NOO NOO!!)
Lolita crying in disbelief. gives Carm a scared stare.
(and my grandson sang the credits song with me)
Dr T and Quique... came to talk to Sabri. but i am also worried about you. you were fired from procesa. you have to do something with your life. (YESS YESS YESS!!) Quique won't take a small salary. But can't do nothing either. I have a project and wanted to talk to you. (NOO NOO NOO!!) Dr T says go find something in Merida, and stay away from Flo. (and we the audience says YESS YESS YESS!!) Quique says don't worry about that anymore. All she wants Dam for is his money. Dr T says you are wrong, she loves him, so much she is expecting his child. (and we say to that NOO NOO NOO!!)

BegoneYa and Senora Beltran.. seems BegoneYa just learned Senora sold the hacienda and is poking for info on who is the buyer. Senora puts her down cold, never been interested in your gossip, and now that I am leaving town, i won't fall for your games. (in comes Alfie). BegoneYa wants to gossip to Alfie, but Alfie not interested in BegoneYa's latest gossip and gets sent packing harshly. Senora Eduviges Beltran is surprised by Alfie's visit. Alfie came to make an offer for her hacienda. Edu says too late, just sold it. (YESS YESS YESS!!)Alfie insists you can undo that transaction (NOO NOO NOO!!), I WANT that hacienda for my son Dam and will pay whatever.

Gael/Dam. Gael glad to see him, need a favor from Dam. Tells him about trying to get to a deal about the production of Cielo Abierto and green house. Dam says One more or one less problem with my mom is the least of my worries. But will Elisa be ok with it? Gael says Elisa needs the money. Gael will try to convince Elisa. Dam tells Gael he is marrying Flo. Gael thinks Dam does not know about not sibs, have to get his conscience clean.. you are not sibs. /I know that. / And even then want to marry Flo??? what is WRONG WITH YOU?? (that's what WE SAY!!) (Gael gets mad and barks back at Dam:) I WILL be with Elisa because I DO care for her! (no! don't lower yourself to be a pinch hitter, Gael!!) Dan does not want to engage in argument: I will go see my uncle at church.

Dam asks Loopy to cancel the 'amonestaciones'. Loopy happy misinterpreting as Dam cancels wedding as a whole, but Dam clarifies he only wants to cancel the church ceremony, will still get married by civil law. Loopy mad at that idea because Dam don't love Flo. YOU LOVE THE OTHER ONE (La otra?, Loopy, are you in wrong soap?). Dam shrugs shoulders, saying 'It doesn't matter anymore. Elisa and I will never be together. Now it is Elisa who wants us apart. Loopy understands Elisa's reasons. Dam thinks Loopy knows Flo is preggers. Loopy barks angry to Dam about getting Flo preggers.(NOO NOO NOO!!)
D: Elisa is right, my duty is to marry Flo. i cannot play games about a child. (YESS YESS YESS)
P: I told you not to play with that girl. But think about it. you won't be able to forget Elisa only because you marry that girl. And that child's future worries me. (NOO NOO NOO!)
D: Dont worry. i will make my marriage work and i will be the best father to that child. (YESS YESS YESS)
P: Marriages like that never work!! Remember your dad and your mother! think about it hard, son. you even bought amulets to try to get your parents to love each other. (NOO NOO NOO)
D: Yes, but that story does not need to repeat itself. (YESS YESS YESS)

Paolo and Alfie.. ALfie reprimend Paolo about Carmina coming to say he still harasses her. (YESS YESS YESS) Paolo denies, denies. he understands she is not woman for him. Denies denies more. Now going out with Sabrina Tovar. And that relationship is serious. (NOO NOO NOO)
Alfie denies her friendship with BegoneYa. she wants that relationship with Carmina over. Paolo says he and Sabrina are leaving.
Gabino runs in to join them, Alfie takes him to study. Alfie mocks Gabino about being seen with a woman. Whoever it is, she must be a saint to withstand you. Need you to find out who bought the hacienda from the Beltran widow. (YESS YESS YESS) Gab plays 'que pena Senora' face. (NOO NOO NOO) Alfie says you know me, you know i always get what i want, and i want to give that to Dam for wedding present. (YESS YESS YESS) Need you to find out who bought it. so i can improve the offer. One more thing, i want you to help me with something else. Find out how serious relationship Paolo/Sabrina. Even more because he wants to take her away from La Ermita. Loyal dog says 'sure thing'. Gab goes right back to Paolo, and tells him about Alfie's interest in his Sabrina fling. what games are you playing?.. Paolo says surely Alfie will get Guido out of jail and he will be trying to prove his innocence. So be careful from here on out.

At Tovar house. Flo looking for Sabrina. Sabrina ain't home yet. BegoneYa does not want Flo to come to see Sabrina, dont want Flo to keep tempting Enriquito. Flo surprised. tells BegoneYa she is behind in her gossip. 'Don't you know your son is going out with the granddaughter of the curandera? you know, I dont think she is the right girl for him.. but i will leave that for you to deal with'.

Elisa and Lucio... Elisa tells him she read the contract, and my dad's sig was there. Lucio says if Gab did pay that money, then your dad had it in his account, and we only need to get it out and return it to Gabino and 'san se acabo'. Elisa doubtful, her signature is not recorded on her dad's account. Lucio will speak to the bank manager.

Dam catches Alfie at hacienda, Dam serious. Dam tells her Procesadora will take the habanero product of Cielo Abierto and the green house. (YESS YESS YESS!!) Alfie says no way. (NOO NOO NOO!!) Don't you feel a bit of mercy? They have major problems. (YESS YESS YESS) Alfie not moved. She says Elisa is in no condition to sign contract because lands no longer belong to the Cast family. Gabino bought it before Aug died. (NOO NOO NOO!!) Dam surprised, does Elisa know? dont know, dont care. Dam not happy.

We come back from Commercial and Dam is even angrier. He can't believe what she is up to. 'Do you pretend to send lawyers to take the greenhouse away from her?? THat's not fair!! How much does Elisa owe you? I will sign a check off to you and settle that account!! (YESS YESS YESS!!) No you can't do that!! (NOO NOO NOO!!) Sure i can and i will!! In my world friends help other friends!! (YESS YESS YESS!!) Elisa was the one who got in debt with me and i won't accept your money even if she ends up ruined!! (NOO NOO NOO!!)How can you be so inhuman?? This is a business matter! YOu have to have a cold head!! Forgive me for what i will say now, but listening to you, i can't help but feel ashamed of being your son.

Lolita and Horacio... Lolita questions Horacio about Carmina and him leaving the quinta. Padre Loopy was here accusing Carmina of killing Augusto. That can't be, i was with her. Yes you said that, but then why did Gael see you and her leaving the quinta. Horacio tries to confuse her about the time and daylight/dark... 'Ok, will tell you the truth. I was outside waiting for Dona Carmina to pack her bags. I never saw Don Augie. I can't tell whether he was here or not. If he talked to her, that is something only SHE would know.'

Gael visits II. Came to see if she was indeed changing her ways, but can see she has no intention to. (NOO NOO NOO) What are you still doing here? you ask me for help and i gave it to you and i see it is for nothing, Just so it is clear, I dont appreciate being utilized!
II: IF i came close to you is because you are the only one in town i can count on. (YESS YESS YESS) When Gabino found out i was leaving, he threatened me and took my money and he hit me. Gael bites his lip mad/indignated. II hugs him faking being very upset. You can see II smiles hugging Gael, seems she wants to put Gael in harms way (and she calls herself a mother?? GMAB!!! that settles it for me. I don't want II to survive this FIN! Gael does not deserve to have to deal with this CRAP BAG!!! and that is all she is...).

Gab at procesa... Maru mocks Gab about having seen him with II after II had left procesa suddenly and quietly. Later on he was asking for II. And II came several times to ask for him.. and now they are waltzing around town together. Gab angry she is messing with his private life, Maru says dont care, noone does. Gab leaves, Maru makes a 'off with the pest!' gesture.

Gab goes to his office. calls the notary in charge of the house sale deal. reminds him to be discreet about who is in the deal and to rush the documents. Carmina comes in to talk.

Lucio at home, Dam comes in anxious. Dam needs to speak to him urgently, Lucio was just heading to Merida to do a transaction for Elisa. Dam will go with him, he also wants to help Elisa without her knowing. Have a plan. Dam will explain on the way to Merida.

Lolita/Elisa. Lolita worried about something Horacio said to her. Elisa says go settle things with your husband. Lolita says have to go see him in a bit anyway to close shop. Masoquist Elisa wants to talk to Carmina about something related to Cielo Abierto. Lolita questions Elisa letting Carmina stay in the house. Masoquist Elisa too generous to kick her out. She is all alone.. yada yada. we are each other's only family... yada yada. After all that happened, need to give her a chance to show she changed.. yada yada. (YESS YESS YESS) Lolita totally against it. Have to get this woman out of here and out of your life to be more at peace. (NOO NOO NOO!!) Elisa can't kick her out, my mom would never do that. (YESS YESS YESS)

Carmina/Gab at procesa... Gab offers himself to Carmina. Gab reminds her he gets 'paid' one way or another. (YESS YESS YESS) Carmina just walks away basically turning him down. (NOO NOO NOO) Carmina wonders of Horacio would betray Gab. Carm sells it saying if Horacio 'sings', both Gab and Carmina are finished. Carmina is trying to convince Gab to get rid of Horacio. Gab says will take care of that imbecile today. Gab makes an anonymous call to the police to tell on Horacio's whereabouts in La Ermita.

At Merida, Dam makes a huge withdrawal from his personal account. Bank guy says it is a huge amount. Dam and Lucio exchange smiles. Lucio says 'i told you they would have a stroke about the amount'. Dam tells the bank guy don't worry, just moving it from one account to another. Bank guy tells them about the steps and that Elisa will have to come get the money later. Lucio says no prob.

Gab yelling at workers at Procesadora... In comes Gael running and punches Gabino for hitting II (note no worker lifted a finger to stop him). 'You will learn to respect her, whether you want to or not!' Gael is taken away, and Gab walks away to shake off the blow (Gael got him good!).

Lolita and Horacio at shop... Horacio trying to make ammends their earlier argument. Lolita still does not understand why Loopy questions Carmina and Horacio. they hear sirens. Horacio gets visibly worried. Lolita goes on about Loopy's accusations to him. Horacio seems to be trying to get a promise of solidarity at last second: 'Promise you won't doubt me anymore?/ i promise./ i love you lolita. you are the biggest thing that ever happened to me. i dont want any more distrust and misunderstandings between us./ you are my husband and i swore to be by your side always. [Kiss]/ i love you. [More kissing] / Lolita wonders about the sirens... /Love you.

Cops come right into shop. 'Horacio Ramirez, you are under arrest for the Campeche felonies!.' They cuff him. Lolita impactada.

Alfie happily tells Guido that Flo and Dam are expecting.
Paloma suspicious, comments to Elisa that if it is a lie again, Dam will find out.
Dam telling Flo that he wants to go with her to the next checkup to hear the sound/heartbeat of their baby.


Por ella soy Eva #7 7/25/12: ULP!


That's the sound of Helena swallowing the Argentinian BS hook, line, and sinker! This is still funny, but it's getting a little hard to watch. However, JC does begin to wince - it's his gastritis - is his conscience attacking his stomach? Or maybe it's his pride as a womanizer, and he can't believe he's hanging with a single mom? Anyway, she brings him in her house to get her mom to give him some tea and call the Doc, who gives him some powerful meds and tells him to get sleep and less stress. Fat chance, right?

 Lalito walks on in! He pouts, but looks like's about to crack up. He runs to his room and thinks his mom won't love him anymore. Nonetheless, Juan comes up and wants a man-to-man!

Dude, Plutarco is a jerk - he claims he's too tired to give his wife a hug. WTF?? She cheers up, though, when she finds the stolen plan de playa majagua - she did her thesis on it, which Plutarco never read. Looks like like he's gonna steal that, too. She's pleased by the attention and tells him he's so moral. You're so generous, so kind, etc, and Plutarco looks pretty disgusted.

Man-to-man, Juan is great fighting it out with the kid. He threatens that Helena will be miserable without him.  The kid eventually relents, saying "my mom is really great, so I guess you must be all right if she likes you. "I'm glad," says Juan. Lalito says you better not hurt her, menso. Helena comes in, is happy to see the issue resolved, puts the kid to bed. As they say goodnight, Juan's eyes bug out when he sees a file named "playa majahua" on the computer in the kid's room.

In the morning he overhears about the mortgage and the lack of money to pay for Lalito's school. You can see his conscience rolling around behind his eyes, but it isn't really connecting with his brain. He's pissed that everyone will be leaving the house for Lalito's game (a perfect opportunity for snooping), but he has to go with them. He winds up getting excited, though, when Lalito scores a GOOOOLLL!

That night, Juan will cook dinner. Lalo says hey, that's for girls, but Juan begins to indoctrinate him with chauvinism - none of the best cooks are women!

And the result of their hard "manly" kitchen-work: a lasagna. "I didn't know it was so hard," Lalo says. Juan: "That's why it's a man's job!"

Lalo has fallen for Juan just as fast as his mom did! He now wants him to come to the father-son soccer game and to come meet all his friends at school. At dinner, Juan impresses the ladies with his story (possibly true) about his mother who still thinks he's 10 years old. (Juan's mother was a well-known actress before she married - now she has memory problems which may or may not be Alzheimers.)

Speaking of Juan's mom, Plutarco's mustached flunkie Onesimo pays her a visit on his boss's orders! He chats with her, realizes that she's kind of stuck in the past, and starts telling her what a fan he is (she was a famous actress or something)... He winds up leaving with an autographed photo from her glory days! Plutarco has a plan to use it against Juan...

Juan is back to snooping around on Lalito's computer... but the playa majagua file loads super slowly and he reaches under the desk to curse it and fiddle around with stuff to make it go faster (?) "This machine must be from the 1970s!" Just then, Helena's mom comes in with some tea for him, he jumps to attention to pretend he wasn't snooping, and slams his head on the underside of the desk! He stammers some nonsense about dropping his pills and looking for water, but fortunately Helena's mom is just as easily-fooled as her daughter and grandson, and launches into that familiar I love Helena, she's a great woman, and you mustn't hurt her again speech. She also mentions that they took out a mortgage on the house to support the Majagua project. All of this guilt-inducing stuff proves to be a bit much for our slime-ball antihero, and his gastric conscience acts up pretty severely.

Onesimo fills his boss (Plutarco) in on his chat with Juan's mom. He mentions that there are some money troubles and her husband is at work all the time (Onesimo says he's an "anotario," but I think he means "notario," notary, and this is just supposed to show us what a dunce Onesimo is).

Next week: see what happpens when Helena's dad comes home to meet his daughter's new man!


Por ella soy Eva #6 7/24/12

Por Ella Soy Eva July 24, 2012

The show began with a bit of the conversation between Juan Carlos and Helena.  Helena asks him not to play with her feelings and to be honest with her.  She poured out her heart to him, and you can tell that Juan Carlos is beginning to feel compunction for some of what he’s doing and how he’s treating Helena.  He’s falling.

We begin our actual show with Juan Carlos daydreaming about Helena.  The guy is falling fast.  Fernando interrupts Juan Carlos and informs him about how Plutarco is withholding his and Santiago’s salaries.  Juan Carlos confronts Plutarco and lies about the project being finished.  Plutarco demands to see it, and an argument begins.  Adriano walks in, puts an end to their argument, and reminds Juan Carlos of their deal.  Juan Carlos is in quite a bind.

At the same time that’s happening, Helena and Lalito are about to have lunch, but first, a mother/son talk takes place.  This was a good scene because it showed an honest talk between them.  She basically said that despite any jealousy, anger, or hurt feelings, Lalito can always talk to and confide in Helena, and that their bond of love and trust is very strong.

They eat lunch, and Lalito notices that his mom is somewhat distracted.  She TELLS HIM THAT SHE’S DISTRACTED BECAUSE OF WORK RELATED STUFF.  He, in turn, asks her if she’s told Juan that she won’t be his girlfriend.  Lalito’s grandfather’s influence is very obvious in how he talks to Helena, quite demanding and authoritative.  Why Helena hasn’t put her son in his place is still a question.

Back at Grupo Imperio, Plutarco and Rebeca are talking.  He wants more information on what she knows regarding the project.  She doesn’t give in so easily and lets him know that she doesn’t appreciate when he takes advantage of her.  He doesn’t even compensate her with any type of gift, jewel, trip, etc.  This gal knows how to manipulate things to her advantage.  She gets her way…so far.

Helena continues to think about Juan and is pretty bummed.  She asks her friend Lucia id he’s called yet, and she says no.  I love these two friends’ interaction.

Plutarco and Onesimo talk.  Plutarco’s just purchased two pieces of jewelry for Antonia and Rebeca.  He wants to get them off his back.  He asks Onesimo what he knows regarding Rebeca seeing other men.

Plutarco gives one of the pieces to Antonia.  They talk, and she says that rather than buying her expensive gifts or meals at fancy restaurants, he should just show her love.  She misses and wants Plutarco to be intimate with her.  He’s not happy with this but has no choice!

We then have some nice family scenes with Juan Carlos and his parents.  It seems to me that his mom might be beginning to have some kind of illness.  She talks to and thinks of Juan Carlos as a little boy.  She’s smart though and perceives that her son has trouble with a girl and flat out asks her son if he’s in love.  Juan Carlos’s dad is a different story.  He’s tougher and seems to be somewhat of a macho type of man.  He thinks it’s time for his son to find a woman who can take care of him properly.

At the Moreno home, the family is eating dinner.  Eduardo is mentioning a trip he’s going to take to reunite with some of his military buddies.  He lets Lalito know that he won’t be at his upcoming football game.  They talk about an upcoming father/son game that they will be in, and Lalito lets it slip that he played football with Juan on the beach in Acapulco.  Eduardo has a fit and grills Helena over who Juan was and why he was playing with Eduardo’s grandson.  Helena fibs, but Eduardo is not very happy with her answers.

Juan Carlos continues to try and be Don Juan and call one of his many girlfriends.  However, even though he makes plans with her, it’s obvious that he’s somewhat distracted.  He’s probably thinking about Helena.

Helena and her mom get to talk.  Her mom wisely advises that Helena take things slowly and to be careful with what she does.  Silvia asks Helena if she’s falling in love with Juan.  The answer is avoided.  That parallels what happened with Juan Carlos and his mom.

Plutarco gives Rebeca the same gift he gave Antonia.  Rebeca loves it and can’t really focus on much else.  Plutarco uses this to his advantage and threatens to take it away from her if she doesn’t spill the beans regarding the project.  She lets him know that the Canadian competition is going to sponsor a small travel agency called “Viages Moreno.”  Plutarco begins to remember his conversations with Felix and what happened with the cancelled tour and how it went to “Viages Moreno.”

At the office, Lucia tries to get a distracted Helena’s attention.  She succeeds, and they talk.  Helena can’t hide that she’s thinking about Juan.  She lets Lucia know that if she were to start a relationship with him, it would have to be very serious.  They’d share a lot and he’d incorporate himself into her work projects.  She’s fallen hard, and Lucia razzes her about it.

At work, there’s a scene between two best buds…Juan Carlos and Santiago.  Santiago is razzed about getting married and about the women he chooses.  Santiago then brings up the project and lets Juan Carlos know that he doesn’t see how things are going to work out if Helena isn’t saying a word to him.  Juan Carlos has a plan!  It is also noticed that Juan Carlos seems a bit conflicted or guilty about what he’s doing to Helena.

Plutarco asks Onesimo to be a sort of spy or informant regarding Helena’s travel agency and her relationship with Juan Carlos.  He goes to the agency and charms Lucia.  When Lucia goes to get him some coffee and cookies, Onesimo takes the opportunity to take the information directly involved with the project.  He will charge Plutarco double for this particular favor.

Things continue to get rough for Plutarco.  First, his wife goes to Grupo Imperio to kidnap him for the day.  He tries to say no, but Antonia knows the right things to do.  She asks her big brother permission to take her husband.  Adriano is glad to oblige.

Rebeca and Antonia see one another, and Rebeca notices Antonia’s bracelet.  Another strike for Plutarco, because Rebeca noticed that it was basically the same thing.  She’s NOT happy about that.

Finally, Adriano thanks Plutarco for being such a good husband to his sister and for making her happy.  He does threaten him that if he does anything to hurt her, he’ll kill him.

Just as Antonia is happily looking for her husband, she overhears Juan Carlos and his buddies make some pretty insensitive comments about her and her weight.  She goes into a depression and calls everything off with Plutarco and their date.

Plutarco doesn’t really care what might have upset Antonia, but Rebeca comes in, upset and ready to let him have it.  She tries to be a drama queen and get her way with him, but he’s smart and lets her know that he’s aware of her little fling with Juan Carlos.  That kind of puts Rebeca in her place, and she takes it easier on Plutarco.

At the travel agency, Helena notices that the information for her big project is missing.  She is puzzled, as is Lucia.  Right then, Juan calls but doesn’t ask Lucia for Helena.  She’s bummed but thankful for Juan’s indirect honesty.  Lucia knows that her friend is suffering and decides to take that opportunity to invite her for a girls’ night out.  They intend to celebrate the new agency.  Helena finally relents and goes with Lucia.  Lucia’s idea is to go to a play, and that puzzles Helena because she knows that Lucia is not really into theater.

While that happens, back at the Moreno house, Eduardo leaves for his trip but says he’ll call in a few hours.  Helena better be home.

Plutarco gets the information from Onesimo.  He’s happy with what Onesimo discovered and remarks that he’s going to use the information to harm Juan Carlos.

Lucia takes Helena to an empty theater.  Helena is very puzzled, and Lucia decides to check with the ticket people regarding time and such.  The lights go out, and Juan puts on a show of his own for Helena.  Oh man!  Nice plan, all in all.  Lucia did a nice job of going along with things.
During the song, he asks Helena to be his girlfriend, and she gladly accepts!


Abismo de pasión #94 7/24/12: Little Elisa Says "¡Adios, Damian!"

*And it will probably stick for quite a few capitulos

“Hola amigas, Hola amigos.  Estoy aqui en Camp Abismo…” The old, but familiar tune fades off. 

 “It’s Elna June here, checking in from rustic Camp Abismo in California’s Sonoma County…”

Well, here at Camp Abismo things are in full summer swing and we are overflowing with houseguest campers. We love our campers but they do cut into telenovela time, don’t they?

In reviewing our Tuesday plans for Cement Cenote summer fun I discovered that I was the only person signed up for tonight’s 9 PM ‘Abismo de Pasion’ Intermediate Spanish Class. I was shocked. Shocked , I tell you. I went ‘round to the campers. I recruited. I cajoled. I arm-twisted. I discovered that most campers had signed up for the “Sampling Russian River Pinot Noir (Since We are Not Driving)” course, a very popular offering here at Camp Abismo. 

Sadly, not one of the miserable little darlings, er campers, was willing to give up their Pinot tasting to enjoy a little Latin Culture with Auntie EJ.  Can you imagine that? Sometimes family members can be such a disappointment. Sadly, life is full of such missed opportunities.

Tonight’s recap is a bulleted offering.

·      The Camp Abismo herbal crafts classes have sent a healthy supply of herbal throat drops to poor Elisa, who, by now, what with the screaming, crying and huge emotional upheaval of the last week must be just about on her last vocal bleatings.
·      Oh, yes and Uncle EJ sent a few of his SPECIAL formula herbal throat drops along for anyone in the cast or crew of AbD who is feeling especially stressed. (They are also available for free to ANY reader or recapper who so requests). As a recovering lawyer, Uncle EJ is really enjoying his new hobby. He thinks Lolita will need his concoction when she finds out that Horacio is a murderer.
·      Little Elisa, Not-So-Happy-At-Last
o   As you will recall from yesterday, Little Elisa rallied briefly, when DamiaM came around la Quinta. The two lovebirds reconciled when he found out that he wasn’t really her brother after all, they hugged and made up, Elisa reprimanded him for some of his mistakes including sleeping with his fiancee Florencia and Elisa reminded him in the VOICE OF DOOM (thanks Cynderella and Sylvia and your respective and respected aunts) that mistakes have CONSEQUENCES.
o   But she forgave Damian. Then Little Elisa not-yet-happy-at-last packed her maletas with Lolita's assistance and she and Damiam made ready to run away together, but dastardly Carmina, who had listened at the door and heard their plans to run away, brought Alfonsina (Damiam’s Momsie) over to the house JUST as they were leaving. Alfie had a serious deal-breaker—TA DAH!
o   She has a letter from a clinica that says Damiam is about have a baby with his fiancée, and, oh, yes, her name is not Little Elisa, it is Florencia. (Large shoe drops offstage).
o   Little Elisa and Damiam go into another room to have a talk, but honestly, Little E. has pretty much had it, what with the MISTAKES of the parents being visited on the children, all of the obstacles, Damian’s behavior, his Spider Woman of a mother, and the whole Florencia thing. (These writers are one brick short of a load in the creativity department, aren’t they?)
o   After all, said same fiancee has already pulled a fake pregnancy on Little E. once before, can you blame the Little E. for being annoyed? SOOOO, she says, “Goodbye Damian!” and even though Elisa has said this before we think that she probably means it right now, if only for the moment.
o   Talk about the Perils of Pauline! Little E. is still in her funeral clothes from burying her dad and her scheming eeevil murderous Agent Orange the Toxic Tia grins like a poisoned Jack-O-Lantern as Alfonsina and Damian take their leave. Is there no end to the woes of Little Elisa?
o   And that was only six minutes into the show. Oopsie, I promised to write shorter recaps
o   Later on Little E. went to Father Lupe to ask him to say a Mass for Daddy Augusto Catfood.
·      Braulio/Antonia/Vincente in the local Clinic
o   Antonia and Vicente both survived Dr. Tovar’s surgical ministrations in the renal transplant surgery—Dr. Tovar can do it ALL—and are resting up in the same room, so that they can film nauseating scenes together. Chente is still a snot, and he refers to Braulio, the man who lovingly raised him, as Antonia’s “husband”. The dreadful adolescent keeps asking for his daddy Gabino. I devoutly hope Chente gets to have Gabino as his papa.
o   Antonia’s marriage is pretty much toast. Braulio says he won’t be home when she gets there. She wants to explain about those 17 years of passing off Gabino’s devil child as Braulio’s, but Big Braulio isn’t listening.
·      Gabino  Mendoza
o   Gabino has BIG plans to be the BIG man, bigger that Rosendo Arango. He shows up with his tattered face at Casa Arango and Alfie treats him with her usual disdain, barking orders and changing his plans. Gabino does not look best pleased but he is still planning on concluding the deal with his “Reina”, tomorrow, with cheque in hand.
o   Gabino comes home to Ingrid and gives Ingrid the news the Augusto killed himself. Ingrid is very pleased.
o   Gabino and Ingrid head into town to celebrate, and run into, first, Don Lucio and Maru, then later, Begonia and Dr. Tovar. Begonia offers her sympathies again to Ingrid while Gabino scowls. He is most unhappy that Begonia of the Big Mouth, Alfonsina’s former BFF has just spotted him with Ingrid. Bad timing, Gabino. Your little deal is not QUITE done yet, is it?
o   But the next morning, Gabino signs the deal with his “Reina” at a Notary. It looks to me like the deal is signed, sealed and delivered.
o   Gabino now appears at Casa Castañon where he slimes all over Little Elisa ...
·      Familia Tovar
o   Sabrina the dumb Teenage Witch is all set up to be a tool of the evil forces of Paolo and Flo.
o   She and Mommy Begonia natter on about how Enrique doesn’t trust Paolo and how Paolo really respects Sabrina (in a pigs eye!) and how Enrique just is worried about Sabrina getting PREGNANT…
·      Landucci
o   Florencia hugs Damian when he gets back to Casa Arango. She is ripe with the news that she is secretly going to kidnap Sabrina’s baby and call it their own. Damian cries as she drapes her blond scheminess all over him and allows Flo to think that these are tears of sentiment at the joy of their having a baby. Of course we know he has just been ripped from Little Elisa’s arms by the news that he is about to be a papa. Can you imagine the fate of this as-yet-unborn innocent were Damian to raise the child to find out that it was Paolo and Sabrina’s??? Sins of the Fathers, all over again. And the wheels turn round and round…
o   Too bad about Damian and Little Elisa’s elopus interruptus. Damian’s face was so sweet when he looked at Little Elisa. I really like when they let Zepeda loose with a little sweet emotion. Oh well, we have a long wait for another one of THOSE scenes, methinks.
o   So a little later, Flo walks in on Uncle Paolo, and he is all dressed up and looking good. Whew, pretty little Flo doesn’t think Unkie Hunkie Paolo got out the custom duds for Sabrina, just who is he going to see?
o   Guido, the lonely Landucci, moldering away in a Mexican prison for a crime he did not commit, has just gotten his release. Alfonsina Arango has just paid for him to get out of jail, his Licenciado says. Now, there is some good news.
·      Carmina, Carmina, Carmina
o   Well, you guessed it. Paolo, the would-be rapist, the wanna-be child stealer and former lover of Carmina Carmina Carmina figures that with Don Augusto done and buried these 8 hours or so, Carmina Carmina Carmina, hereafter known as CCC, should be hot for his program.
o   He appears unasked in Carmina’s bed (he says it is because she left the back door open—duh) and startles our Agent Orange. (I am serious, he DID startle her). She makes a noise and in a most satisfying manner, Little Elisa-most-unhappy-and-and-now–indignant-as-hell hears this and walks in on the former lovers. When the lights go on she assumes the worst and reads CCC the riot act. Little E. lays a mighty slap on the orange one, knocking her to the bed. She curses her Tia for disgracing her father’s memory and says many other things that I am sure didn’t make it onto the screen.
o   What an utterly satisfying scene. I replayed it again and again. So, even though Carmina got away with murdering Augusto Catfood yesterday, she got caught today with her pants up in a compromising position with her former lover. She was wrongly accused, for once. How delicious. How delectable. How delightful.
o   Carmina heads out the next morning to complain to Alfonsina that Paolo is an infeliz. Alfonsina looks at her  like she has an heirloom pumpklin for a head. Really, Carmina? You just now noticed? The guy is a complete a$$burger. What am I supposed to do about it? This is a loose translation of Alfie’s response.
·      Gael, Paloma and Ramona
o   Gael and Paloma bore us with some more talk about their RELATIONSHIP. Yawn. Either I am about to get a migraine or these two make me want to take a nap.
o   Paloma comes home to the Yerberia and Ramona is still angry with her. She compares Gael to her father.
o   Ramona flashes back on a young Gabino Mendoza visiting baby Paloma at the Herb Shack "out of curiosity" and Ramona threatening him and cursing him. Gabino calls her a witch and leaves. Ramona still shakes when she has this memory.
·      Don Lucio and Maru
o   Don Lucio and Maru discuss his feelings of paternal responsibility toward Little Elisa. Walking through the Plaza, they run into Ingrid and Gabino. Don Lucio is still troubled by the idea that he has met Ingrid before, and not at the Procesadora recently.
o   Padre Lupe Ends the Evening With The Voice of DOOM
So when Carmina gets back to la quinta after harassing Alfonsina for having an annoying houseguest, Padre Lupe is waiting for her. He has got the VOICE turned on. He has been thinking and he thinks she killed Augusto. 


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