Friday, November 27, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #68 Fri 11/27/15 (Mex 97) Italian Stallion 2.0 to the Rescue?

Ciao, Muchacha Peeps!  Here's your Friday night and weekend offering.  Some scenes have been combined, hopefully for better flow and clarity.

Fiorella offers to go with Pedro and Sergio to the columbarium where lie the remains of Pilar, Pedro's Mother and Sergio's Wife.  Fidel helps the still disoriented Sergio and all three exit the foyer, Freddie has listened and spied on them.  

Helloisa fires Benito after reminding him how he has violated the cardinal rule of class separation and forgetting his place in the Angeles household.  Roxi rushes out and throws herself between Benni and Helloisa and begs for clemency.  It's all her fault!

At the columbarium Fiorella tells Pedro that thinking of his Mother makes her think of Tania and that it must be hard for him to know they had the same problem.  Pedro says Tania had the problem when he met her and he had hoped he could save her from herself but it was foolish because he couldn't even save his own Mother.  Fiorella steers the conversation to something more positive.  She thinks Pedro's Mother would want him to be happy.  She tries unsuccessfully to get him to promise that he will be happy for both of them.  Sher thinks he can be happy with Aitana.  He suggests she go back to the car, he wants to spend time with Sergio who is weeping piteously.

Assvaldo confronts Gael who is on his way out to meet Gianna.  Assvaldo's tone is bullying and arrogant as usual.  Gale lies that he's going to an appointment with Alina.  Ass boy insists on going with him.

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Antes muerta que Lichita #48 Friday 11/27/15 Engagement party and Alicia tries to pull a 'i can do it all alone!' sprint... very successful with the Mi Can customers... but can she hold the pace?

Braulio tells Lichita (let me share something in your inbox… (LOL!)) that Sandra ordered everyone in the office to boycott her… so she is on her own with ALL the campaign work. Lichita tells us that she then realized that the engagement with Alex did not do anything for her, that she had to EARN her title with her work.

At the café, Nacho and Elsa comment it was good to leave LIchita out of the mess of the coffee cart at the office. Meanwhile Ximena’s dad (can’t remember his nick) is trying to make a tower of donuts and cinnamon rolls for display… too much touching and too little work if you ask me… Nacho and Elsa are glad the coffee shop is starting up… but Elsa wonders who she can get to handle the cart at Iconika… Ximena’s dad offers his services… Nacho says heck no! but Ximena’s dad says it is Elsa’s final word and puts his arm around her… LOL!

Valeria and Luciana are talking to her dad on the web… Luciana assures Rafael that her fiancée is a great guy… Rafael is more interested in showing them his new painting, which looks like a mix of Luciana and Valeria… Luciana is like ‘ah….. well….. hu….. ‘ ‘cute!’ Luciana leaves. Rafael tells Valeria that he feels he deserves that for treating Luciana like he has…

Elias is trying to encourage Lichita… but reminds her she has a LOT of work to do… and asks ‘why are you trying to show this front of ‘I can do it all, you will see!’? Luciana asks if he will watch her or help out… he responds ‘I’ll watch!’ LOL!!

Rafael continues with Valeria, says he feels abandoned over there in Buenos Aires alone… Valeria tells him she does miss a bit of BA, but here she has a much more fulfilling life… so forget it if you are sitting and waiting for her to return. Rafael tells her ‘don’t you feel like you are sitting as permanent guests there? Don’t you feel bad about it? ‘ Valeria says no way with this caseron! (huge mansion) they are staying at… Rafael then gets a bit hopeful ‘you think they are beginning to forgive me?’

Roberto asks Luciana if she does not think their engagement was a bit rushed and they should call it off. Luciana says no way Jose!

Fatima tells LIchita about the guy with the cart was selling pirate merchandise… Fatima also tells Lichita that she had caught Magos doing it when Magos was the one handling the cart… Lichita and her conclude it was Magos doing (or at least the one that started) the pirate selling, not the guy that got fired. Lichita is about to shoot fire out her mouth she is so mad with Magos...

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Antes Muerta que Lichita #47 Thursday 11/26/15: Nepotism, Lies & Backstabbing...Just Another Day in Iconika

Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving yesterday and are enjoying those Black Friday deals today! 
Lets get on to the show as the people of Iconika did not slow down with their shenanigans due to the holidays.

Alicia decides to tell half truths to her mother and does a bad job of convincing Elsa she is not marrying Alex for purely business reasons. To Alicia's credit she admits that she is not in love with Alex but he is basically like a best friend. Elsa tries to reason with Alicia that marriage is hard enough as it is. You need to find someone that you can see as your husband...etc. Alicia eventually cuts her mom off saying that she knows what she is doing. She made her decision and Elsa cannot talk her out of it. Elsa walks away with tears.

Luciana is having one of her wash, rinse, repeat scenes with Don Augusto about getting back at Alicia. She wants her humiliation to happen like yesterday and for Beto to go far in the company. Even Don Augusto is tired of her antics and puts her on a timer.
Don't you want to just pinch my cheeks. I'm so cute!
Today, Alicia starts her first day as the general creative director which comes with moving to a brand new office....Roberto now old office. He does not mind that he is moving as he will soon be spending less time at Iconika and more time at API helping Alex with his presidency. As usual they get into an argument about about the usual. Roberto wants to know how far she will go to get where she wants. They commence into a fighting match, like kids, about which person is more horrible.

Sandra calls a meeting with the creative directors, minus Alicia, to make it clear that Alicia she not be given special treatment even though she is the fiance of Alex. She basically wants them to make her job harder...not to help her...etc.

Fatima asks Alicia why she is not at the meeting when all the other creative directors are there. Alicia joins everyone just as Sandra ends the meeting. Alicia holds Sandra back to try to clear things with her. However, Sandra is not ready to let the chip on shoulder thaw. Sandra tries to put Alicia in her place foreshadowing that she has her work cut out for her. Alicia does not cower.

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Pasión y Poder #17, November 26, 2015: Giving Thanks, or: Who's the real turkey around this table?

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I had a chance to ask some of our characters what they were most thankful for on this Día de Acción de Gracias.  You can read their answers below in the recap.

Both Miguel and David suspect that there's something personal underlying their fathers' feud.  And they both fear that the conflict will have terrible consequences.

Despite his misgivings, Miguel tells Arturo he will help him take down Eladio.  But in the end, Arturo comes to his senses.  Attacking Eladio like that would bring Arturo down to the level of his enemy.  He begs Miguel to forgive him – what they need to do is figure out how to make their company grow.  Miguel agrees.  Arturo kisses his son's brow and gives him a real hug.
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Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Thursday 11/26/15: What was in that turkey? aka Rerun?

Hey guys, I've checked several times last night and again now (after getting some sleep) and as far as I know, last night's episode was Wednesday's episode all over again. Let me know if that happened to you all too, or if I'm stuck in another dimension. Thanks!


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse #67 Thu 11/26/15 (Mex 96) Gobble, Gobble

As in: that's what my DVR did with this episode, so...gimme the goods!  What did I miss?


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Pasión y Poder #16, Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Lo Nuevo

Eladio's bodyguard seperates Art and Eladio and Eladio leaves with a smile on his face.

Connie continues her talk with Clarita about her doomed marriage. Gisela arrives and disapproves of their friendship and wonders why Connie doesn't at least help out her friend by giving her some money. Clarita tells Connie to not pay attention to her. Connie is willing to give Clarita money but CLarita doesn't want any. Their conversation returns to the doomed marriage and Clarita asks Connie what she will do if she finds Erick with his lover. Connie doesn't know what she would do. Clarita asks if Connie is willing to get a divorce. Connie just wishes that this was all a bad dream, or that Erick would wake up and leave his lover. Connie says she can not live without Erick.

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Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse #66 Wed 11/25/15 (Mex 95) Uomo Italiano viene a buscar a su hija

Fi instantly bonds with Santino over being Italian and he…has a moment.  Her face…have they met in Italy?  Well, he's in Florence and Fi's from Maratea the south.  Santino had no idea there was a party going on and Dante's furious he was allowed to enter the house without being on the guest list.  He insists he's there "with" Julieta.

Meanwhile, just to make it, like, super obvi…Diana reads the letter AGAIN up to the SAME point where she stopped last time and adds "Are her real parents still alive?!"

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Antes muerta que Lichita #46 Wednesday 11/25/15

First of all, a very happy Thanksgiving to everyone! On with the recap!

We are back at the awards presentation where Luciana is accepting Roberto's proposal.  He is staring right at Alicia with his big sad puppy dog eyes(don't do anything for me anymore). Alicia is not a happy camper. Her reaction is so apparent, Alex asks her if she is okay. Of course, she is. Beatriz is not happy that she did not know ahead of time about Alex's "surprise" engagement and tells Augusto as much. Augusto says they wanted it to be a surprise and that he himself was surprised by Roberto and Luciana's engagement. Alicia is getting the same reaction from her parents who did not appreciate being "surprised" at all. Beatriz comes over with Alex and Augusto to complain to Alicia and Alex that she is angry because they only left Augusto in on the secret. Augusto tries to smooth it all over and gets Nacho to reluctantly agree that the important thing is to celebrate their children's engagement.

Somewhere else in the room Valeria is congratulating Roberto and Luciana and talking about how they have to inform her father. Augusto appears with some champagne to make a toast and approaches Roberto who apologizes for not telling him about the engagement ahead of time. No problem, Augusto is there to make a toast with them all for Alex and Alicia.

Augusto notices a pensive Sandra leaving the room and follows her to a side hall. He wants to know what he can do for her. She understands the promotion for Alicia now that she knows she is going to be Augusto's daughter in law. Augusto asks her not to make a scene because Beatriz is there and she might figure things out. She is sick of being second. Augusto tells her he only loves her and roughly grabs her to kiss her. Surprise! Elías in his top hat catches them. He wonders out loud if Sandra and Augusto are all alone to deal with some work issue or  maybe something more intimate.

At the mansion, Dafne is having a good time blogging about her surviving her first day at school, explaining it all to Yesenia the maid, and eating French fries.
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Yo No Creo en los Hombres #96, Wed 11/25/15: Boda de Sangre

Caray! I need a stiff drink after watching this episode. I’m not going to go into a lot a detail and dwell on all the rotten things that happened. Pour a strong drink, and grab a turkey leg! Happy Thanksgiving!

Let’s start with the only good from this episode. All the ladies looked smashing in their different shades of red for the wedding. Jenny was almost unrecognizable when she arrived at the church on Adrian’s arm. MD also ended up wearing red, but that wasn’t intentional…Let’s get to it, shall we.

MD and Julian have their heart to heart about how they have been each other’s wind beneath their wings. MD made Julian fight to go further than anyone thought he would. Julian gave MD courage when she needed it. There’s a knock at the door, and MD and Julian assume it’s Orlando returned to bring them to the Church, and not her rapist/homicidal ex-boyfriend/fake husband. Unfortunately, it IS Dan!
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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #65 Tue 11/24/15 (Mex 94) The Italian Girl Who Came To Get Married...In Which the Men Stand Up For Themselves...Some of Them Anyway

Recap by sneaky two shoes:

Aitana want Pietro to come to her dress fitting, the dress will look just like his mom’s wedding dress. Pietro is touched, but when she asks if he misses her, meaning his mom, he thinks of Fiorella, and tells her he knows he is marrying the woman who can make him forget (blech)

Quina thinks Fidel doesn’t respect her after her confession, Fidel is cool with her but has lost respect for Max even though he already knew he cheated. Quina tells the whole story; she was young and impressionable, he was powerful and horny, and whoosh Roxi came along, at first he wanted to give her money to go away and he would keep the kid but she didn’t want to separate from her daughter so he handled things his way and she came to work on the day Roxi was adopted, look how well that turned out.

In true telenovela fashion Quina doesn’t want to tell Roxi what she should know because it would make her unhappy (show of hands, anybody who doesn’t think Roxi would be better off, and less annoying, knowing Joaquina is her real mommy --  yeah I thought not)

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Antes Muerta Que Lichita #45 Tuesday 11/24/15: The big fiesta

All react to the announcement of Lichita's promotion. Luciana says this is her nightmare.

Magos bumps into an oafish guy. Perhaps he's actually the father? Yes! He's the Dad, he never knew about the kid and didn't flee like Magos told everyone! Chaclas (the oafish dude) is as surprised as Magos' parents! But he rolls with it and seems delighted to be a new part of the family (despite Elsa and Nacho's obvious disapproval.
Elsa and Nacho, not particularly thrilled to meet the father of their granddaughter

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Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #95 Tue 11/24/15--Wedding Bells And Death Knells or, Like a Bad Penney, Daniel Always Turns Up

·       Alma hisses at arrogant Ari to get lost before she calls the police on him.  He leaves and Clara and Esperanza put her to bed.  Alma hints at Clara to keep mum same as before with Leo; that he’s old enough to realize there are times when discretion is the better part of valor—i.e., it’s more courageous than outrageous to keep quiet as opposed to blabbing the hurtful truth to all around you.  When Clara and Espy object, Alma hisses that she’ll handle things herself in this matter because these are people who’ve been loving and helpful and she doesn’t want to lose their continued support. Throughout the rest of the episodio she suffers in silence but doesn’t let on that she knows.

·       Josefa lets Isela know in no uncertain terms that she knows Ise’s trying to steal something out of the box.  The picture?  Why?  Because the suicide note has handwriting that doesn’t appear to be her sister’s and Ise thinks it could be Hosie’s.  Hosie writes on the back of the picture so A the Little Lawyer Man (Arin?) can have it analyzed also.  Hosie wants an answer to the “who done it?” same as Ise does.  

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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Pasión y Poder #15 Martes 11/24/15

It's only been a few weeks in Mexico City but they've certainly been colorful. Far from the deliberate restraint of the Upper East Side and Newport, these people seem to wear their hearts on their sleeves. It will be interesting to see how that plays in the long term. At any rate, it's a refreshing change for now.

I'm going to need a few more moles to keep up with all this. There are 20 million stories in the Naked City and Aldo could write half of them without leaving his building. – D.D.

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La Vecina Highlights and Discussion, #110-113*, Nov. 23-27

*The Thursday episode will likely be preempted.

Happy Thanksgiving Week, Amigas  and (lurking) Amigos!

Sara is already off on her Thanksgiving vacation, so I am posting this week’s La Vecina page. I’m sure things will be a bit slow here on the La Vecina Patio this week, so let’s just play it by ear. Whoever wants to recap, feel free to claim a day. If not, we can just discuss.

We ended last week with a few cliffhangers…

Will Sara be able to fly solo, without Antonio in her ear(piece), and convince the local government leaders to support Conatrol’s plans?
Will Simon be able to overcome his stage fright and host a web chat about his rocket?
Will Sabastian escape the clutches of Titina’s muscle-bound brothers, in one piece, and will he have to marry her?
Will Tonio actually stay in bed long enough to recover from his Dengue fever?
Will Padre Vicente ever be able to finish eating a meal in peace?

And the biggest question of all, did Rosa survive the explosion in El Molcajete????

Let’s get on with this week’s discussion!


Antes muerta que Lichita #44 Monday 11/23/15: the worm continues to turn

Crazy Marta, in her campaign to steal Mateo from his father, discovered Roberto beat up a guy in jail, just when he was going to be released early for good behavior, and so he had to serve his full sentence. He won't tell his lawyer what happened, it would implicate third parties.

Gumaro, who literally ran into Luciana outside the restaurant where Roberto is meeting with his lawyer, flirts hard with her, partially to save Roberto's ass and partially because he is very attracted to her. She calls him an indio sin gracia (play on her usual idiosincracia) and complains about the hairy guys and human contamination in Nacolandia.

Marlene Garbo wants to be Cleopatra in her own ads, with a few hundred extras, and pyramids. Or, instead, she'll be a Roman emperess and kill Christians in a coliseum. Alicia and Elias point out that these ideas, while undoubtedly magnificent, would be expensive and would not sell her products. Here's what they think:

Elias and Marlene continue their flirtation and are soul-gazing with joined hands when Sandra comes in.

Later Elias tells Sandra: Marlene doesn't like any of our ideas, we are are "un cero a la izquierda," that is, zero, "as our marriage was" - but when Sandra evinces jealousy he lights up and says, maybe our marriage was better than I thought - maybe 0.5 from the left on the meter.

Magos' revolting pole dance wriggling in front of the Guero continues though he says, "I don't want any more coffee! And I love my fiancee and we're getting married soon!" By accident Magos, Guero, and the door collide and he has to go to the hospital with a broken nose. Magos follows and offers him coffee there, too. Just when she tells him Ximena is his daughter, his fiancee shows up (of course), hears all, and leaves in tears.

The Guero finally tells Magos that the night she woke up next to him, naked as Eve, they hadn't had sex. "You were drunk and sad because Chanclas was cheating on you. I was a gentleman, I didn't take advantage of you." She is astounded, has the grace to be embarrassed, and goes to his girlfriend's house to confess her idiot behavior and declare: Guero is completely innocent. He shows up, proposes to Vanessa, they embrace, and Magos has finally done something right.

Augusto asks Roberto to keep Luciana away from the house so the engagement dinner with Alex and Alicia can be peaceful. At a restaurant, Luciana tells Roberto Alicia will soon be fired, confesses her escapade escaping the Duke but keeping his ring, and that she's under a warrant for arrest back home in Argentina. She wants some confessions from him too but he resists. She pries: is Mateo really just your nephew?

At the mansion, during the glacial family dinner, Augusto and Beatriz laud appearances and united families. "It's one thing on the outside and another on the inside," Alex says. "If so, it's for a good cause," purrs Bea. "Lies are a sin," reminds Dafne, who goes off to have a cozy chat with Alicia about how hard school is and how she'll never have friends. Alicia tells her to be strong "and you always have me."

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Pasión y Poder #14 Mon 20151123 Less Talking, More Choking!

Montenegro Offices

Artie tells Augustin that he knows that he will see Julia again.  He can tell by the look in her eyes that she still pines for him. 

Later, Artie tells Erick that the company website is down and the guests can't make reservations.  Artie takes a swig of a stiff drink after he learns that Erick has known about the problem for a while and said nothing. Erick is obviously his dumb son so, Art says that he's going to have Miguel, his smart son, look into this immediately. Erick tells Art that Miguel is a hermit-nerd.  Art says that Miguel is a hermit-nerd that supports himself.  Erick gets all offended and leaves.   

Later during a meeting with Mike (Miguel), Artie enjoys a cup of soothing tea.  Artie believes that this is the job of Eladio.  Miguel says that he can't prove it.  Artie asks Mike if he can fix it because he losing a lot of money and clients.  He's also got a wife, two grown kids, a daughter-in-law, and his son's mistress to support. Mike says that he and his two imaginary friends will stay up all night and fix it. 
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Monday, November 23, 2015

Yo No Creo en los Hombres #94 Lunes 11/23/15

Chapter 94: Plans of Rats and Men

Arango pointed out to Úrsula that Danny-Boy was her only weakness. She had no understanding of drug addiction. He had taken something that was extremely addictive. She had to wait for him to shake off the effect of the drugs. The doorbell rang during his lecture. As he started another point, Isidro walked in behind Ari, who was dragging his suitcase.
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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #64 Mon 11/23/15 (Mex 93) Two Revelations and a Tease

Ciao a tutti! Hey, y'all! Here's the low down on tonight's show: down, dirty, and not necessarily in order of broadcast!

Diana finds a letter addressed to Fiorella from Fiorella's late Father, Mario, in Vitto's safe. She opens it and we only get a few tantalizing words: "My dearest Fiorella, in these, my dying moments, I must tell you a truth that I cannot take to my grave. You need to know that. . . ." Diana gasps and smiles and we don't get to hear the rest. She puts the letter back in its envelope.

Roxi and Benni have dinner. She thanks him for calling off Quina: she's always on Roxi's case. Well, Quina is her Nana, it's to be expected. Nanna, yes, Mama, no! We have a few interchanges in which Benni shows he's a poor, ignorant hick. Roxi thinks Benni is a diamond in the rough and hires a personal coach to remove all the crud and shine up all the facets of his sparkling personality.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Celia, Bajo el Mismo Cielo, Señora Acero and Preciosa Perla: Week of November 23, 2015

HELP WANTED!  We need your energy and creativity! 

Dear Friends:

After five years and many amazing conversations in this space, Jean and I have decided to give someone else a turn at hosting the discussion.  Lately, we've been more or less absentee landlords around here and we think you deserve better.

Is a separate Telemundo page still necessary?  We're not sure because:

- Telemundo novelas are now included in Diva's weekly update, ¿Qué nos cuenta, CarayCaray?  

- While daily recaps are still the mainstay of CarayCaray, now some Univisión novelas are covered by weekly posts with abbreviated (or not so abbreviated) recaps in the comment section.  See, for example, the page for discussions of La Vecina.   Why not separate pages for individual Telemundo novelas too?  

Is someone interested in posting a page for Bajo el mismo cielo?  

How about Celia?  Does she deserve a page of her own? 

Or would you rather continue with a single Telemundo y más page?

Important: If you'd like to be involved but you're not on Jane's roster of recappers, you'll have to ask her to add you. 

Please don't panic!  If we haven't figured it out by next week – and we might not, with Turkey Day and all – I'll put up a new page on November 30.

What do you think?  Who'd like to keep this thing going?  What format would you prefer?  Let's come up with a plan.

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