Monday, September 24, 2012

Amorcito Corazón Discussion #114-118 Sept. 24-28

F5 starts the love note lie with bad results.  Zoe thinks the letter is a check and rips it up. She asks F5 to tell her what he wrote.  Ooops.  Zoe and Sarita piece the letter together; then F5 returns and kisses Zoe.  She throws him out.

Lala, Willy, and Juancho worry about Barf; poor things, when will they realize she’s a bad egg like rIcky.  Oh right, they still think he’s OK too.  Sigh.

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Amor Bravío #30 (Uni 25) Fri 9/21/12 In Which D’Andres Resent’s Rafael’s Romantic Intentions Towards “Cuzin Camila”; Camila Intuits Kimodo Dodo’s Money-Grubbing Marriage Motives; “The Investors” Deliver An Ultimatum To Dionisio; and Isadora Makes Her Final Play

Capítulo 30

When last we visited Hacienda La Malquerida, aka, The Undesirable, Alonso was propositioning Camila, so to speak: go to bed with him again or give him part of the ranch she’s going to inherit as a condition of their divorce settlement!  All of a sudden it hits Cami, who is eyes-a-blazing-impactada, the jerkwad’s only reason for marrying her was money she was sure to inherit once Don Daniel died. She accuses Loathsome ‘Lonso of being shamefully opportunistic.  No, he machine-guns back at her, he considers it only fair after being a faithful administrator of the ranch for the past five years.   If she wants him out of her life without a fight, then she knows what she has to do!  Cam races out of the bedroom and slams the door in his face.  (I’d say that’s a definitive not-in-this-lifetime N.O.!)
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Abismo de pasión #135 9/21/12: R.I.P. Little Gabby

Clinic:  Florencia gives Paloma a sob story about not being able to buy Prada anymore because her father died and left her penniless.  Paloma takes her new BFF to Dr. Tovar for a job.  Dr. Tovar, thinking that he might have a chance with his son’s hot ex-girlfriend agrees to grant her an interview.  Florencia starts out by saying that when she divorced Damien, she knew that she would have to make it on her own.  She just needs a horny old man, who happens to be a doctor, to believe in her and give her a chance.  She bats her eyelashes at him for emphasis.  Paloma pipes in and reminds the doctor that she also didn’t know how to type, turn on a computer, file, answer a telephone or read good when she first started working for him.  He took a chance and hired her as office eye-candy and look at her now!  She’s a unwed pregnant chick who still can’t file, type, answer a telephone or read good!  After hearing that rousing speech, Dr. Tovar agrees to hire Florencia on a two-week probation.  He wants Paloma to train Florencia to wear short dresses and with plunging necklines.  Everyone’s happy. 
Playa:  Damien and Elisa have officially stopped mating like their rabbits at the end of the world.  Their clothes are back on and Dam is still not happy about it.  Elisa is sitting at the shoreline daintily pointing her toes.  Damien tells her that he jealous and loves her to death.  He’s upset because Gall got to have sex with her first.  How could she have sex with someone that she was going to marry?  He only had sex with Florencia a lot before they got married.  Once he married Florencia, he was celibate and stayed faithful to Elisa.  Elisa doesn’t want to hear his “man logic” or “man speak”.  She tells him to shut up and get away from her.  Dam wants to solve their problems before they get to La Ermita; he doesn’t like to see her cry.  Dam Fine believes that Elisa might use this argument to get back together with Gall.  Elisa tells Dam Fine that she wants to be with the man that she gave herself to with all of her love, body and soul.  Dam Fine says, great!  He will return her to Gael ASAP!  Elisa looks disappointed that Dam Fine doesn’t believe that he was her first lover and sinks down into the sand.  She has conveniently forgotten that she told Dam Fine that she was the town tramp and that Gael was the best lover that she has ever had. 
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Friday, September 21, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #48 9/21/12: Go, Speed Racer! Go AWAY!

Eva just told everyone that Pluto is going to pay to educate of all the female employees' offspring. (But not the children of the male employees? And does this include children that haven't been conceived yet? What if someone's kid gets accepted at Harvard?) Helena now sees Pluto as a hero. Eva belatedly realizes her mistake.

Rebeca's main worry is that Pluto won't be able to buy her jewels. Pluto is now more desperate about those shares than ever. Rebeca accuses Pluto of holding out on her; she thinks maybe he's got more money than he's let on.
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Refugio Para el Amor #118 Fri 9/21/12 Luci gets a scary eye popping gift, and an eye opener from Ma'Paz. Witches enjoy the prank, Marcial raids NFERNO, leaves cold handed.

Lo refrito:
  • Connie congrats Pato. Tells him his name = outstanding achiever… Mati asks Pato what he needed from fridge. Nothing, just wanted to open it, haven’t in a long time.
  • Gala fakes strong stomach pains, ends up managing for Rod to stay the night next to her bed, she smiles satisfied. He looks away like not really wanting to be there.
  • Don Aq and Vio arrive to her place, Magda runs out to prevent DonAq from sliming Vio all over. DonAq starts yelling at Magda, calls her a jealous freak. Magda says Don’t be silly! She is your daughter!!

Lo Nuevo:
Vio begs Magda to say it isn’t true. DonAq tells Magda she is just lying to prevent him from marrying Vio. Magda says don’t be silly, just do your math. DonAq continues to deny deny…
He says Magda is coming up with all that crap to mortify him as always.
Vio kicks Don Aq out of her place. Don Aq still on deny he could have a child with Magda, or of it being Vio. Threats Magda they will meet back in town and he accuse her of slander.

Vio confronts Magda because Magda did reprimend Vio for not telling her where she worked and now she comes with this?? You lied to me, you told me my father was dead, then that he was lost, it was very easy to keep quiet. Why, mother? Imagine how far we could have gone…
They both dread even thinking about it. Magda would never have forgiven herself. Vio resentful of her, that would have been no good. Her life would be ruined. She had the right to know who her father was, the right to live better, she would have forced him to respond for her. She would never have worked at NFERNO. Magda says she feels what she gave Vio was enough, did not want Vio to have any relationship with that man. Vio says you had no right to hide the truth. Magda agrees. But she has nothing to be ashamed of, Did not want Vio to be like her father, did not want Vio near him. When she realized the kind of man he was, it was too late. He always humiliated her, she feared he would do same with Vio. We made it through together. Vio says now I can decide if I want to be like my father or not. Right? Yes. You can do as you want now. You don’t need me anymore. Magda walks away sad. Vio cries hard.

Luci is at hotel room with Paz… Paz can’t sleep, thinking of Magda and Vio. They both hope Magda and Vio are well, it is a really tough blow. Similar story to what Luci went through. Luci says at least my father is nice, generous. But Don Aq… Luci is preparing papers for her meeting tomorrow with Namurachi and Pato. Paz finds the chance to let Luci know that Pato does not see Luci as a sister, he loves her as a man. Luci confused but does not deny it.

Rodrigo is leaving for work. Gala nags him (what’s new?) that he should plan to eat breakfast and lunch with her instead of having meeting after meeting. HE says he will think about it. IF you feel bad call me. Ok? He heads out leaving her with the hunger to keep nagging. Gala calls Julie to be ready to accompany her somewhere.

Luci, Paz and Namurachi are having breakfast at hotel. I have to say I LOVE LOVE Luci’s outfit… sweet ivory lacy blouse, very ellegant and feminine, with royal blue skirt… breathtaking on her eyes!) Luci says good you had a good restful night because today will be a long work day. Paz wants them to drop her off at Vio’s to see how they spent the night.

Back at Vio’s, Magda made her breakfast, Vio walks slowly, looks very ashamed of how she barked at Magda last night. Magda is leaving today. Going home. Vio begs her not to go. Magda kisses her on forehead and heads out but Vio won’t let her. I love you very much and I need you! You said it well last night, we only have each other and have to be together.  Magda asks want us together because we are lonely? Vio says no, Want us to stay together because I love you! I respect you, I admire you. You are my example/model. I need you. Please forgive me.  I promise I will never barge at you ever again. I have no right. Don’t think I don’t feel proud of you. Please forgive me. (they cry hugging) My Chiquita, my nina!

Outside the hotel driveway, Gala calls a candy vendor on the curb and asks him if he wants to earn an easy 100 pesos. He gladly accepts.

At Vio’s, Paz arrives. Everything will be alright. Vio looks tired, sad. Paz asks her how she is. Vio says sad, have no choice but to go on. Paz goes on to see Magda. Vio tells Luci look the surprise I got. Luci worried, wants to know how she can help Vio. Vio says no one can help me. Thinking of DonAq as my father makes my stomach twist. Luci asks how did he take it? He denied it, accused my mom of making it up. Don’t even want to think of him anymore, but can’t stop it. I close my eyes and can feel him stuck here in my head and heart. Luci asks again how can she help. Vio says nothing, don’t worry. Will stay with mom here today. Luci says I have to go meet with Namurachi and Pato but will be back to check on you. Call me if you need me. I will come back in any case. Vio says don’t worry about me. Thanks.

The candy guy delivers a gift box for ‘Luciana Jacinto’ at the hotel reception.

At TL offices, Mushashon has Ariche in office, Ariche is enjoying it as if it were a new play room. The ball I gave you!! You better take care of it, because my abuelito gave it to me. Rod says it is his favorite. Ariche is confused, now doesn’t know what he wants to be when he grows up, a pilot or someone like you(businessman). Rod says what matters is that you study hard and put a good effort so you can be whatever you want. (funny how Ariche sticks out because his clothes are a very orange bright shot of color in gray background. Rod loves the visit though.) Gala spoils the moment with her entrance, immediately looks at Ariche as if he were an alien, calls him Escuincle asking Rod who he is. Ariche says his name and that he is friends with Mushashon Rod. Gala turns her back on him and ignores him. Wants Rod to go with her to eat and then buy things for the baby. Ariche asks if she is talking about Luci’s baby. Gala keeps with her annoying attitude and even gestures that Ariche’s voice is bothering her ears (as if too screechy). I love Ariche’s tone and attitude as if he were an adult responding to Gala. Ariche tells Gala Luci sent the plane for them to come visit her. Gala asks Ariche where Luci is. Rod has heard / seen enough, drags Gala out. And we see another play of the usual argument. ‘the simple mention of Luci’ mortifies her, her baby’s health is his responsibility… yada yada… (leaves in a huff, Rod again stands there mortified)

At TL offices, Namurachi (her official title is promotora de cultura [culture promoter]), Luci, Pato and Oscar are meeting. Namurachi tells Pato about the skill of the women of the towns up north. But due to lack of resources and the duties as housewives, they end up having to sell their craft cheap because they can’t spend the time to promote their work properly. Pato is excited/inspired in his interest to help. He introduces Oscar, a great aid to help set it up.

Magda tells Paz how VIo reacted, that she was resentful at first and barked at her, but then apologized. Paz says you both are very strong, not even this buckles the love you have for each other. That man, you don’t need him. Magda agrees and thanks her. I never had a sister, but if God had sent me one, wouldn’t have been as good as you. Paz blushes..

At police station, boss puts pressure on Marcial that he has 24 hrs left to show his results. Marcial grabs her bullet proof vest. But Aldo and Lastra are already cleaning up the operations room at NFerno.[ I am afraid Marcial will be left empty-handed due to his big mouth.] Lastra and Aldo are almost done cleaning up per instructions from Maximino.

Night falls…
Aldo is with Vicky at some other night club. Vicky finds it strange he did not take her to NFERNO. Aldo says he did not feel like going to NFERNO and he did not want to make her dad mad. Aldo says for now he and Max are associates. Once I get enough money from my uncle, then we will see. They toast.

At TL manor…
Max comes in bedroom and RE is again reading… (‘Las Virtudes de San Agustin’ (or stte)). Max wants to talk to find an end to their problems. All saintly, perfect RE says the problem is only on you, you have to put an end to your sin, to your adultery. I am giving you a chance to straighten up before it is too late. (with that she leaves him to meditate on her lecture).

Luci, Namurachi and Claudio are having dinner… it was a long day. They talk about Pato, and his motivation and energy. Claudio says Pato is different than Max, even than Rod. He likes Pato’s character and business ethics. Namurachi asks what chance does Pato have to walk again. Luci says not much, but Claudio seems to be more optimistic, Says Pato has enough drive to make it. Luci looks away, looks concerned about what Paz said about Pato.

At packed-house NFERNO, Marcial arrives with the police raid. Only Ivan is around and when asked by Marcial, denies even knowing Lastra. Polo is held too and says he has not seen Lastra. Ivan yells at him not to be SOPLON. Marcial enters the Operations room, but everything is gone, just wires on wall, desk turned over, a big mess of papers on floor.

At hotel, Luciana gets the gift at reception. She gets to her room and opens the box (card says a gift for the mom to be). It is a nasty looking doll head with empty eye sockets and it scares the air out of Luci. (phew! I thought it would be a snake or scorpion or stte).

Luci scrambles to close the box but is so nervous she just spreads the doll and everything around the floor. She is almost breathless of fear…

At Gala’s, Gala and Julie are enjoyin the small victory. Carola is there too, I think she is a friend of Julie’s we have seen before. Fernanda and Valentina think Gala went a bit too far, what if the baby was lost? Gala says that would solve our problems. Carola says ‘no wonder they say that ocio(boredom) is the mother of all vices’. Vale has a little advice for Gala (I wouldn’t bother, Vale) ‘don’t do onto others what you would not want them to do to you’. Gala nags that Luci too HER Rodrigo knowing he was HER fiancée. Vale smartly points that Gala already HAS Rod, he is HER husband. Again Julie comments Vale seems more friend of the ‘chacha’ than Gala’s. Gala mocks Vale’s IQ, or maybe she is sleepy (la ardilla no le esta caminando = the squirrel/hamster is no longer running in the hamster wheel). Vale gives up and starts her exit. Fernanda follows Vale out. Carola throws one more comment that Vale and Fer did not like Gala/Julie laughing on Luci’s expense. Gala says it is just the beginning.

Lastra calls Max, ‘mission accomplished, Boss!’. They are counting on Ivan not singing since they paid him a bundle. Max orders Lastra to stay hidden a few days until cops chill out. Aldo enters Max’s room tapping himself in the back that they did an impeccable job. Max sarcastically congratulates Aldo on showing the ‘casta’.

At cop offices, Marcial is getting chewed by boss. Marcial says someone must have leaked. They can’t even hold Ivan behind bars, there is no charge on him and he does not even know the owner’s name. Boss is sure Lastra is far away by now. Lastra at hotel room is telling himself he can’t go without having one last try with Ofelia. Recalls giving her flowers.

Namurachi tries to calm down Luci. Do you think it was that woman, Gala? Not sure, maybe her, or her mother or RE. Namurachi says they must be very ugly spirited abnoxious people. Luci questions why they are doing this to her, they have everything! Namu reminds her they have everything but love. She has to tell someone. Her dad or Pato or someone so they can help protect her. Those people could keep hurting you. Don’t worry, you are safe here.

At TL manor, Rod is visiting Pato and Janah. Pato tells them about the meeting with Luci and Namurachi. They talk about Luci being the same Luci even now that she has money. Most people change, but Luci is helping the women in her town. Rod says Luci is authentic, she will never change her essence. Pato admires her. Rod regrets not having valued her enough. He will have Luci in his mind and in his heart until the day he dies. Pato says Luci will find a man who will offer his life to her, who will accompany her, who will protect her, who will love her deeply. She will go on her way and you will with yours. Brother, you have to learn to live with that. Rod agrees, puts resigned face.

Luci is having nightmares of Gala and RE showing her to the newborn room, with the doll in it one of the cribs and telling her it is her baby and that it is dead, they laugh in her face. Luci awakes, holds her belly and tells her baby nothing will happen to you. I promise.

Previews: RE gets card for a Psychiatrist from Connie… says this way I will be able to get close to Luci.  Gala ready to give Luci a final blow, but Rod and Luci are at cafeteria at TL building and Rod is telling Luci he still loves her. Gala shows up…


El Mundo de Telemundo - week of September 24 - Discuss among yourselves

Another week of great recaps and comments. Go to it.

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Abismo de pasión #134 9/20/12: Swept Away by an Interminable Destiny in the Blue Sea of Dumbness

Redux in Marta’s words:
As a final scene, we get Dam caressing Elisa, stands up from the mat, but then remembers Elisa yelling mad at him, and…
1)      Swearing she now loves Gael more than she ever loved him
2)      He has been so naïve he never realized she is everything the town has been saying about her.  (with accompanying gestures that remind the audience of her Teresa character)
3)      She slept with Gael. So if you brought me here to prevent that, too late. Your friend already had me.
Way to torture yourself, stoopid boy.. didn’t you just have her swear love to you?

Lo Nuevo: Ooh la la, there’s Dam in his tighty whities and Elisa showing up in, well her whitie lacey butt floss to play Florence Nightingale.

Padre visits sis to pray over her and tell her desafordunadamente there is still no word about Dam. Sweet dreams sis.

Elisa makes shoving pills down Dam’s throat seem like foreplay. They swap spit, say Ramona was right as usual and promise to be with each other forever.

Gabino visits Carmina, hips through the door first, and promises her Paolo will never bother her again. She invites him upstairs, hopefully for a shower and to do each others’ hair because lord have mercy they both need it.

Mr. Rapey Snake on Two Wheels is traveling down a dark road and sees a luscious lovely with her head under her car’s hood and her shapely bootie acting as a bug light for perverts. He stops, introduces himself and is immediately beaten to a pulp and stabbed by Gabino’s pals. They toss him in the trunk and give Paolo’s bike to the chica as payment. I think Gabino would like this chick if he weren’t so obsessed by the Orange Ojitos.

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #47 9/20/12: Eva Turns the Tables on Plutarco... or Does She?

Samantha (who along with "Max Montero" framed JC for fraud) is in Plutarco's office, and he tells her she can't be showing up here [he says that a lot].  She wants a job at Grupo Imperio and threatens him with telling the truth to get it.  She leaves, telling him she'll be waiting for his call, and runs into Eva in the hallway.  She reminds Eva she owes her a favor, to which Eva replies she has a mind like an elephant's and promises to help her get hired at GI.

Helena is bringing Lucia a remedy for her hangover while she scolds her for her excess.  Helena asks if anything indecorous happened with Renato last night, and Lucia replies she behaved like the princess she is, not seeming so sure of this.  Helena tells Lucia she can be her assistant now that Eva is an owner in the business, but Lucia is reluctant because this will take her away from Renato's path in the office.

Santiago asks Fernando about Kevin's future career as a rock star, like Jimi Hendrix, and Fernando asserts that Kevin will be a heavy metal star... while he covers up the video of a harp player on his computer.

Now Rebeca is in Pluto's office, saying she would like a guarantee that he will marry her.  He asks, "Isn't my word enough for you?"  She tells her Cuchito that words fly out the window; she wants jewels.

The Evalettes are in Eva's new office (formerly that of her beloved Antonia's).  They are fussing over Eva and she tells them not to treat her differently now that she's an owner.  They are hesitant to talk about being Eva's assistant, and she drags out of them it's because of Juan Carlos, may he rest in peace.  JC had said that when women are promoted, that's when problems begin in the office.  Eva calls him an imbecile.  Here women can develop professionally, and Eva gives the examples of Helena and Marcela.  The Evalettes think this is temporary, that perhaps things would have been different with dona Antonia.  Eva asserts that she is going to change things around here.

Plutarco tells Helena he wants to redecorate his home to help get over his grief.  Helena understands about memories of a past great love.  Pluto offers to listen to her feelings about JC, but Helena declines. 

Now Pluto is in Adriano's office, saying he's worried now that Eva is part owner she will hire a bunch of women in positions of power and turn this into a women's business.  Adriano says that he is the major owner and that will never happen while he's alive      .

The Evalettes have dragged Eva to a male strip club.  Oh the horrors.  They push Eva up onto the dance floor with one of the strippers, Eva struggling the whole time not to go.  While the dancer proceeds to remove various articles of his clothing, Eva continually tries to politely excuse herself from the joven's company.  Finally the stripper takes off his mask.  Cara de impacta de Eva!  It's Max Montero, the one who framed JC for fraud.  Max goes to his dressing room and Eva follows after extricating herself from the Evalettes.  But Max has gone, and another stripper (who suggestively offers to take Max's place while Eva hits him to ward him off) tells her the guy's name is Gino but doesn't know his last name.  Eva hits him some more.  "Does your mother know you work here?  Put on a shirt."

Lucia invites Renato to come to her house for dinner... for the night... no, for dinner because she means dinner is at night... well, maybe breakfast... no wait! ...dinner.  At dinner, Lucia lies about cooking it all afternoon (she bought it) and Renato says it reminds him of his mother's cooking.  After dinner, Renato says enough about me, what's up with that project Playa Majagua?  Lucia tells him what she knows and she moves in for the kill.  Speed Racer politely excuses himself, saying they have to get up early for work tomorrow.  Lucia checks her breath.

JC is telling Mimi about the evening's events, demonstrating how those strippers were grinding their bodies at the audience.  Mimi laughs at his discomfort and he tells her she's coming with him tomorrow to find this guy.  Mimi lights up at the idea and JC warns her she's not going to a party, she's going to work, to investigate.

Helena is at home fondling a ring, remembering when Eugenia gave it to her because JC had intended to do so himself.  She tells herself she has to forget him to be able to move on with her life.  She goes to put the ring away and finds the memory box he gave her, and she remembers making love with JC.  She says "I don't want to forget you."

Santiago calls Paty baby who is surprised because he never calls her from the office.  She looks pleased as she charges more to his credit card.  Santiago tells Fernando that he knows this sounds strange, but he is in love with his fiancée (and the anvil hovers a little closer).

Helena is talking to Eva about the project and is a little sad because her work had been stolen and GI will get the credit for the project that is hers.  Eva suggests Pluto did it, and Helena defends Pluto saying he is just as much a victim of JC's fraud.  Eva objects that JC is not here to defend himself.  Helena tells Eva about Pluto offering to pay for Lalo's education.  What a swell guy.  Eva compares him first to a viper, and then to Adolf Hitler!

Pluto is in his office behaving like Snidely Whiplash and setting fire to a picture of Antonia when Eva comes in to compliment him on his generous offer to Helena and Lalo.  Well, I love to help people, Pluto humbly answers in his shiny silver shark suit.  Eva applauds him and Pluto asks for her help, now that they are associates, in convincing Helena to accept his offer.  Eva agrees and squeezes Pluto's hands so hard he has to shake them out when Eva leaves.  In the hallway Eva gathers all the employees to tell them of her "associate's" generous nature.  Pluto is going to pay the educational expenses for the children of ALL the employees.  Heh heh.  Eva got him good.  Pluto smiles uncomfortably and Rebeca looks incensed.  But Helena comes up to Eva extolling Plutarco's heart of gold, and Eva curses this unforeseen turn of events.


Refugio Para el Amor #117 Thu 9/20/12 The Truth, It Has A Habit of Revealing Itself... M. Hercule Poirot


Torreslanda Bidness, Luci's Office:

Luci is telling Claudio about the plane Pato has reserved for Paz, Magda, Namaruchi and Ariche. Claudio will get Norma to reserve hotel rooms for them. Claudio calls Paz and hands the phone to Luci. Paz is with Namaruchi and Magda. Luci tells them she would love for all three and Ariche to come to the D.F. since she can't come home just yet. They are thrilled to come and Luci says no bus this time, reserved a corporate jet. They can't wait to come to the D.F., especially Magda, who is just wanting to see her Violetta.

In The Hood, Vio's Apartment:

Vio calls Luci and Luci may not have ratted Vio out to her Mama Magda, but Luci informs Vio that her Mama will be in the D.F. this evening and probably going to her apartment first thing. Vio asks Luci if she told her Mama Magda about Don A. Luci says of course not, but Vio has a scheduling conflict cause she will be seeing Don A this evening too. Ruh Roh! Luci is pithed that Vio hasn't said anything to her Mama Magda, and Mama will throw a fit when she finds out Vio is engaged to Don A. Vio doesn't want to be poor anymore and besides she is meeting Don A shortly and she gets off the phone with Luci.

Torreslanda Bidness, Rod's Office:

Rod is having a meeting with Marcos and Gabe, and who should come in interrrupting and strutting her stuff, anyone?? That's right, its wifey pooh Gagme. She has come to inform him she wants him to come to her gyno appointment with her. She complains he's always working, no time for wife or bebe, in other words, she is trying to embarass poor Rod in front of his friends. Gabe and Marcos are smart though and take their leave, but not before they wish her luck at the gyno, lol. After they go, our Rod tells Gagme, look I'm working, in other words, why did you come here when you know I can't stand you? She really wants him to go with her, and he finally caves.

Club Inferno:

Aldo and Lastra are having a meeting in Lastra's office and they are following Max's instructions, which we still don't know about. Ivan comes into the office to inform Lastra that Vio is here to see him. Lastra leaves the office and Aldo has grabbed Lastra's chair, forcing Ivan to take the one in front of the desk. He says now we are equals  in dress, Ivan.  Ivan is giving Aldo the stink eye to the side, cause he won't look at Aldo.

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AMOR BRAVÍO EXTRA – Alonso Lazcano or New Standards for a Mama’s Boy - 9/20/12

Alonso Lazcano González Sánchez
This is a compilation of  CarayCaray recappers’ and commenters’ impressions of Alonso covering Episodes #1 – 14 (August 13 -  23).  It didn’t take us long to figure him out.  Everyone, Enjoy!

If a word or phrase is in parens, it’s part of the original.
If a word or phrase is in brackets, I put them there for clarification or editorial comment.  As compiler, I also took the liberty to make small corrections in spelling and punctuation.
If there are .....,  unimportant words have been left out, or were there in the original.

We don’t meet Alonso until he comes up behind Camila and addresses her as “Princesa.”

This man is a predator in business wear and she should be able to recognize that. (We need to determine what species of reptile he is; I'm thinking Komodo Dragon.)

…did he really say "Are you grateful for this news of my proposal?"

Camila marries into a den of reptiles.

What a shame that the man Camila opens her heart to after the death of her first love is a creepy snake.  Love the big, fluffy dog.

I just hope that Camila doesn't stay married to Alonso for long. I can't stand looking at him.

He has that oily, smarmy smile.

Alonso as a Komodo Dragon= Perfecto!

Boy that creepy guy was the most creepy guy I have ever seen. It would give me the heeby jeebies to have to play a part with him. What a snake.

Waiting to see how come Camilla accepts what she don't want from Slimey. Please give us a smart heroine, please, please.

Alonso es un gran partido (great match), quapo, hard worker, and trustworthy. [This is only according to Gushing Gussie.]

[On the phone] Ximena reminds her [mother] that she’s said many times that happiness doesn’t exist, only happy moments.  So don’t come telling her that Camila has found happiness with that Don Nadie (Mr. Nobody).

[At the wedding] Alonso looks like the smarmy snake that he is and Isadora [his mother] looks, well, EVIL!!

[During the] (Luna de miel Amarga) Alonso finally returns [to the honeymoon suite, after a non-starter wedding night he blamed on Camila].  He climbs, no slithers, into bed next to her and asks for her forgiveness.  She pushes him away asking how he expects her to feel after the way he treated her.  He tries to explain how badly he felt about what happened (or didn’t happen). 

What a reptile. Did anyone else notice the evil eyes? Impotence is the perfect interim punishment for this predator.

He is one whack job. I agree, he has the most evil eyes. Like crazy X3.

I came in late after enjoying a wonderful prime rib dinner. Almost lost the meal, as I joined at the point of Alonssso in bed with Camila.

Well, it seems that AlonsNO has been doing some false advertising. The little weasel reminds me a little of Tony Randall ...if Tony had been a creepy reptile. I thought the shoulder biting at the end of this episode was especially creepy. Que the hell was that about?

What is up with Alonso. Is he gay, weird, wife beater, nuts, or is this all an act. Some kind of punishment for stuff that hasn't been revealed. And, Camila...are we to believe they have been hanging around for two years and she hasn't once glimpsed this nut bag, mommies boy let alone engaged in "canoodling." And, what are her reasons for marriage: it's time; it will make Mommie happy; it will make Tio happy. I know it is early on in this telenovela but this one should have come with a starter kit or instruction manual.

They haven't even been married a day, and already he's being a jealous abuser. Run Camila, RUN!!!

What reptile did Isadora sleep with to produce Alonsssso?

We have not heard much about the (presumably late) Senor Lazcano. [Isadora] had one line about him that suggests that he was much older than she.  But then again, komodo dragons are capable of parthenogenesis.

AlonsNO - perfect name for this reptilian leftover. He is really nuts. He is obsessed with Camila's money, takes orders from mommie (who obviously intimidates and emasculates him) and has absolutely no stones whatsoever.  Typical tn fashion to blame the victim (Camila) for his impotence! Couldn't happen to a better guy. He is creepy and hard to watch.

Like everyone has said, Alonso is a major creep. Scary, gross, dangerous. Mommy Dearest has definitely emasculated him. He can probably only "perform" with girls he considers un-marriable, or someone his mother hasn't forced on him. Although he is a bit thin, he did look a bit effeminate in that outfit at the hotel. It was only a light blue hoodie and white pants, but c'mon, look at the difference between him and Daniel, in yellow pants on his honeymoon - nothing effeminate about him at all.

Wow, I can't believe how creepy AlonsNo is. I give SN credit and acting kudos b/c the actor is so icky I wouldn't want to touch him.

Alonssssso...for some reason he reminds me of Francisco from Destilando Amor, only in a smaller package and with concentrated crazy (to save you money!). And damn if after one and a half episodes, I don't already want Eduardo Yañez to just run into a scene out of nowhere and punch him in the face.

I think Snakey Alonso is a psychopath. If Camila's mother says 'he aint so bad' I want Camila to reply: well you live with him anyplace else but here.

Alonso....Oh, I see. A female version of Cynthia in LQNPA [but without working equipment].

Personally, I'd have never looked twice at that smarmy-looking, cake-pop on a stick! Camila was one hard up broad to have ever dated the dude, let alone agreed to marry him! I just don't see it! I had to tighten my beanie and turn the dial up a couple notches on the antennae to even make it through the wedding…and that bed-scene??? OMG!

If Alonso doesn't realize that komodo dragons are capable of eating their own young he should do his homework on that as well.

Alonso starts to bite a claw, but [mama dragon] slaps his hand.

It is so unbelievable that Cam would have even fallen for this guy and he's such a whiny wuss.

No doubt! Isadora Dragon is definitely responsible for how her pup turned out.

He is so smarmy that it makes us despise him, which we are supposed to. Camila may have married him because she thought that she would never love someone again like she loved [Luis] and thought that at least Alonso cares about her and she was lonely.

AlonsNo is definitely a "whipped," weak man. I can't call him a puppy, it would be a slam to all puppies in viewerville.

[Camila] doesn't even want to share a meal with him much less sleep with him. Wondering how Alonso will get her to put up with him.

Alone-so definitely reminds me of a smarmy, nasty version of Tony Randall, who I still enjoy watching in those Doris Day/Rock Hudson movies.
Little lesson for you here, dumbass…when you have to explain to people that you're the one in charge…YOU'RE NOT!  Real men don't have to remind people every five minutes that they're men.  You are nothing but a boy with a Napoleon complex and a cheap suit.  He walks out and she looks sadly at the portrait of Tio Don "I Never Had To Remind Everybody My Balls Were The Biggest" Daniel.
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #46 9/19/12: A View From The Parallel Universe- Ed Gives Lalito To His Mother

Silvia is reading the letter that Eduardo left and is searching frantically for him, when she finds out the she is locked in her house.

Helena is happy to begin the second phase of the Mayagua Beach project and.  Pluto is still a little bitter over the inheritance and reminds Adriano that Eva has to bring in her documents  (passport, i.d., etc.) so that she can become an official shareholder.  A celebration is planned for the suppliers and the company and Rebeca will be the party planner. (Do I hear a leopard print party?)

Silvia realizes that she is locked in the house.

Pluto apologizes for making Helena uncomfortable when he said that he wanted a woman like Helena.  Pluto is a little down, because he and his wife didn’t have children. Oh, Helena is such a wonderful friend. Plleeeaaasssse!

Back to Dona Chivis as Eva calls her.  She calls GI and leaves a message for Helena.  (Seriously, I would have climbed out of a window or broke a window to get out, but this is telenovela land)  So she looks for the keys!! Yay, she found them.

Pluto and Rebeca are actually working briefly in this scene.  He is telling her about organizing the celebratory event and she is taking notes on her ipad. They kiss, but he is wishing that it was Helena. Rebeca is ready to get married and Pluto refuses-Antonia’s body isn’t even cold in her grave yet. They will have to wait.  Poor Rebeca she has waited for years. Estupida!

Eduardo goes to pick up Lalito at school, under the premise that there is an emergency. That old goat healed fast!

Helena was crying and thinking about JC and the last time that she saw him was at Lalito’s game.  Eva makes Helena laugh, with the song- Life is the color pink and they dance around the office as only Camil and Lucero can.

Just as Lalito and Eduardo were leaving the school, Silvia arrives.  She tells Lalito to wait by the school’s gate, because grown folks are going to talk.  She FINALLY speaks up and tells Eduardo that he will take Lalito over her dead body!!!  Eduardo is not well enough to care for his grandson, how will he take care of him, where will they go, you will ruin the boy. She let him know that he is not his father; he is his grandfather (I know that viewer Ville was cheering!!) Stay in your place, you want Lalito to be the son that we never had!!! (Whoa!!!!, I was screaming as if I was watching the Super bowl)

Eva took Helena to her favorite garden.  It was beautiful.  Helena remembered coming there the last time with Juan.  Eva pointed out that twice today she thought about Juan, and Eva did a little happy dance. (Not for nothing, but Camil has the nicest male legs on a woman.)  When she was in college, it was there that she developed the Mayagua Beach project.  They were so relaxed that they agreed to turn off their cell phones and bask in the tranquility.

Eduardo did not want to speak about the past, but Silva said we are going to talk.  Lalito is Helena’s son, Helena is a good daughter and maybe one day she will marry and Lalito will have a family independent of Silvia and Eduardo.  Eduardo tried to put Helena down, but Silvia stood her ground.  Eduardo and his suitcase retreated back home.

Helena was happy because she was living her dream, her Mayagua Beach project is coming into fruition, she and Lalito will live together, but she is still thinking about Juan.  Eva told her that wherever he is he is thinking about you too!  Helena thanked Eva for being such a good friend!  (Camil has that female walk down pat!)

We see the new opening for the show.

Oneismo (my goodness, he is always eating, just like Tomas in LFMB) and Pluto are talking in his office.  Pluto is a little ticked off because he can’t reach Helena by cell.  He admits that she is driving him crazy.  Pluto tells Oneismo to get his paws off of the furniture. He corrects him; they are feet and proceeds to put them on the table.  He tries to call Helena again.

Mr. Manly Mustache Chauvinist  (MMMC) is telling Santiago that his son is an artist.  Santiago doesn’t see any problem with it.  Of course MMMC is complaining as usual, that he will be a starving artist, but Santiago says he could be a rock star.  While he is hallucinating, Marsela peeks in and MMMC shares that Kevin will be a rock star.  Everyone is chanting Kevin and no one is working as usual.

As soon as Helena steps off of the elevator Pluto calls her (like a lovesick puppy) and wants to know where she was and she explains that she had turned off her cell phone. Of course Pluto has a surprise for Helena and Eva chimes in but Pluto pulls rank and reminds Eva that she is still Helena’s assistant for the time being and she has to take orders and he can give Helena the afternoon off.  (Am I wrong or didn’t Helena just come back from a few hours off?)

Loose Lucia is having drinks with Renato and he wants to know how old she is? (Hmm, older than him??) Of course she lies and says that she is the same age as he is. (Really?)

OMG!! Lalito is trying on Eduardo’s uniform hat and Eduardo is giving it to him as a gift and he does not have his usual scowl face.  Pluto and Helena arrive. Pluto wants to make an announcement- since he can’t have kids, he will pay for Lalito’s education.

Thank goodness Helena has the good sense to not accept such a generous gift. (I am impactada!!)  Eduardo is agreeing with Helena!!  Uh Pluto gives Lalito the pervert hug even Eduardo looked at him sideways, while Eva is peeking from outside.

(I really wanted to FF, because I cringe when Santiago says bebe)  He wanted to show her his motorcycle.  Patti told him that she would rather have a car; they have to think that once they are married, they will have a family, blah, blah, blah.  (What a waste)

A drunken, Loose Lucia is brought home by Renato. They have a drunken conversation about her age and then she proceeds to let out by mouth all of the tequilas that she had consumed.

Marsela tries to encourage Kevin to do what he wants irrespective of what MMMC thinks.  He should still go to school, though.

JC is frustrated in being Eva because he wants to be able to caress Helena but can’t. Pluto has an advantage over him.  Mimi gives him his “official” papers.

MMMC agrees to Kevin taking music lessons.  Of course MMMC is still thinking about Kevin being a rock star.  He will be his manager.  Uh Kevin is studying the harp!! Do I hear, The Philharmonic??

Pluto offers to pay Eva off in order to acquire her 20% of the shares. Modesto arrives and Eva hands over her “papers” to Pluto’s disgust.  It’s official- Eva is a partner!  Everyone is kissing up to her except Pluto.

MMMC is not working in his office, looking at a harp being played on the computer. Once again complaining about Kevin playing the harp, it’s not macho.

Eva has a laugh at Pluto ‘s expense.  Lets’ call ourselves the Three Galaxies- 3 Fs, the formal, the two fisted and the ugly.  Adriano lets out a belly laugh.

Loose Lucia in sunglasses meets Renato in the hallway.  Renato asks how she is? He also had a good time.  (He is too good to be true- what is he up to?)

Eva will be in charge of JC old department.  Adriano enjoys talking to her and Eva reminds him that they will be partners, nothing else.

Due to a timing issue on Univision, I missed the last scene. If anyone was able to see it please do not hesitate to add.


Abismo de pasión #133 9/19/12: Dam/Elisa finally find their circle of love(Fantasy Island, anyone?) while the hen house is out of control back in La Ermita... does anyone there work at all anymore?

Gab/Carm: with me you have a REAL man…
Paolo/Flo: I am leaving… ok, go. I am staying, my dad was buried here. Why? None of your bidness. Its cause of Kike? Bye.
Palo/Kike: I came up with one more stoopid decision made. I’m leaving town so I give you back your word of marriage. Go talk to Gael. No. cause no, your situation and mine are not the same. Flo is free, and I know she loves you and you love her...
Loopy/Alfie: I got a whole bucket list before I ‘go’. Have to talk to my boy and apologize. It was not my fault, I did not help Flo trick him. She deceived me too.  I am also afraid all my life I have been wrong. If I am no longer around, you have to find out the truth… what truth?... (she takes a breath and leans over, Loopy fears time is up on little botox sis)
At beach, Elisa gallops away on Damian. Poor Dam falls to sand devastated.
Lo Nuevo:
Carmina has debriefed Gabino and he is sitting on a rocking chair, hand bandana dirtier than ever… blue head band… Carmina at his feet like a door mat (weird to see her in this position when she has always called the shots on her relationships), they are enjoying the chat about all the folks who have had a streak of bad luck lately… Gabino swears to Carmina that he will get Alfie to ally with Carmina to destroy Elisa.
At hacienda, Tonia is worried talking to Loopy. Maybe Dona Alf is faking it… not this time.  Edmundo confirms that Alfie is seriously ill … have to get her to agree to let a cardiologist see her, try to get her sent to Merida hospital.
Elisa gets to a small pharmacy/store near beach, calls Lucio. Lucio is excited to hear from her finally. He asks her where she is… she seems to think about it on the spot, then does not tell. She just tells him that she is ok and not to worry. Hangs up. Lucio passes the news to Lolita. Lolita says it doesn’t add up. They need to let Gael know.
Back to Alfie’s bed and her bucket list… sorry Loopy, letting a cardiologist examine her is not on her bucket list, so no go. All items on her list have the name Damian on them. Loopy asks her to clarify what is it she was wrong about. But then Tonia interrupts them to tell her Gabino is there to see her urgently. Loopy wants to send him away but Alfie wonders if Gabino has news on Damian or wants to talk of something important. Loopy says ‘as always it will be done as you want’(como siempre, como tu quieras). Alfie wabbles her way to couch. Gabino comes and gives her some small talk and reminds her when she asked him to bring Dam/Elisa when they escaped as kids. Alfie not willing to deal with him again. He is not so sure, he could go find them again. Alfie wonders the price of that task. The stock? Gabino says I voluntarily offer you the plane tickets I have here with me. (Alfie is suddenly very interested) He claims the tickets are of no value for him, she says Ingrid has told me otherwise, she assured me the name on the ticket is another woman. Gab turns it around on Ingrid. What II sold you was her own pride. She knew that planting doubt in you would make you drool harder for the tickets. Gab suddenly has a painful twitch and twists his head in pain… voices a tantrum about II swearing he was the man of her life, only to turn on him and shoot him on the head. Alfie not quite feeling sorry for him. She knows II is B… but you are not that far behind… I don’t trust you either. Gab says he came in peace. Gives her the tickets. If you never had a proof that Rosie and Stefie were lovers, here it is. I hope you will find a good way to thank me for them and for realizing you were right. Alfie can’t hide the pride/satisfaction. Find my son and Elisa pronto, then we will sit to negotiate.
At beach, Elisa gets back and notices Dam has high fever. HE wakes up and wonders if he is dreaming or if she is really back. She gives him pain/fever meds she got at the store for him. (DZ is doing a good job with acting feverish, crossing his arms trying to keep himself warm)… she helps him take the pills with water. Then lets him lay down again. HE asks her ‘no me dejes’ (don’t leave me). She won’t. He needs to rest. She notices he has his amulet on his neck. After Dam is asleep again, Elisa takes the papers out of the leather bag. Reads the divorce document… then Flo’s letter. Elisa visibly impactada.
At hacienda, Loopy comes back to Alfie’s room. What did Gab come to? To remind me that Stefie, Carmina or Elisa.. the Bouvier Supremes, are guilty of my past and my present misery…
At cenote, Gael is upset/irate, grabbing a tree and is going beserk screaming and crying, taking his anger to another notch… Paloma watches him crying from the other side of cenote. I(somehow i can see Gael as the big bad wolf blowing the beach hut down...) Then Paloma goes home to Ramona. She understands Gael’s anger, but she can’t sit and wait for the day Dam and Elisa return to watch Gael take revenge on them. Ramona says there is a way to detour Gael’s anger/focus. Paloma says no, won’t tell him. Don’t want him to know.. ever!. Won’t marry Kike now. Pal admits Ramona was right in everything. ‘you don’t say!’ (no me digas!) Just add it to my tab list of mistakes. So what now? I am going far away. Will start over elsewhere.  Ramona ironically says then we will never see each other again. Paloma asks her to come with her. Ramona makes Paloma wait until next segment… Nah!, my place is here. Paloma is afraid they won’t see each other again. Ramona does not really want to see Paloma make it alone with a child. Think about it. Running away won’t make you get over your feelings for Gael. Paloma knows that but will avoid seeing him daily. Maybe will be able to start over and be happy elsewhere. Ramona says you are right, you will never be happy as long as Gael loves someone else, Elisa is tattooed in his gut…Only death would make Gael stop loving her.
At beach, Elisa is frantically looking for her amulet that she threw away… can’t find it. She comes back to hut. (have to note her dress is miraculously white still…) she brings a lamp over to Dam, it is nighttime now. Dam wakes up, seems his fever has let down some, she smiles. He is better, I think. He asks her why she came back. She felt remorse to leave him behind ill. HE is not getting it. Why did she worry if she was set on killing him. She never meant to kill him. But he questions that, she is not willing to argue so she gets up. HE will bring her back to LaErmita tomorrow. He has got it that she does not want to be with him, but with Gael.
Now they are sitting at a table. Not exactly a very lady-like posture on Elisa, so I hope Lolita will be around to teach Elisa’s kids a more proper behavior for young ladies… Elisa notes the owner of the hut has been really nice to them bringing them food. Elisa had to give her earrings to the pharmacy guy for the meds. Dam will get them back for her. Elisa plays nurse/mom on him, have to finish the meds. Thank you. NP. Dam stands up but gets dizzy. Elisa worries his fever is back, caresses his face. He gives her back her amulet, saying maybe she dropped it. He puts it on her, and is about to kiss her… close but no cigar. She turns away. He grabs his straw mat and is heading out. She says you can’t sleep outside feeling ill. She follows him out, she won’t allow him to sleep alone out there. HE asks if she really worries for him. She says more than I wish.  They kiss slow and passionately… BU-YA!!! (somehow I am let down by the scene… is it lack of chemistry? Is it that they are two stoopid youts who have no clue what they feel? Not sure) Her undies are very lacey… shorty shorts, what else?
At Lucio’s Gael is mad that Lucio did not get more info. He is not even sure Elisa is as ‘ok’ as she said she is. Easy for everyone to criticize him if they are not in his shoes. Lucio compares him to Augusto after Stefie’s accident. Gael himself criticized him for going on self-destruct mode. Gael says now he understands Augie. And even justify him. Just like him, my best friend stole the woman of my life!!
Back to lovebirds in the dark beach… tell me I am not dreaming. Tell me you are here with me and it is not a fever delirium. I am with you here. Loving you as I always dreamed to do. Need you to tell me you love me.. I love you. I love you as I have never loved before. I will always love you. My Elisa… tonight you are mine, only mine!...
At quinta, Lolita comes over to tell Carmina Elisa called to say she is ok. Carmina tries to mock Lolita that Elisa is only following her mom’s footsteps but Lolita won’t have any.  Sad that a woman like you, having had a chance to have it all, would finish … (asi) like this (making gesture with fingers of something small/insignificant). Carmina demands Lolita leave the keys, Lolita fakes handing them over to her but ends up walking away and dropping them on the foyer table (nice touch, Lolita!)
Paolo and Gabino meet at the Rincon café… Paolo mocks Gabino on being the new boy-toy for Carmina. Gabino says we were destined to be together and I have waited long to be with her in the conditions I wanted. But let me tell you Carmina is a darn plague with no cure. Gabino brags nothing can finish him off, not even a bullet in the head. Paolo says don’t worry about me I will be gone tomorrow. Gabino denies owing him anything, and if you appreciate your filthy life, just go away. On his way out Paolo leaves him a final comment a la Gerry Springer… that bullet in the head is playing you… Two guys sitting at next table follow Paolo out and since Gabino turned and watched it happen, we could 'infer' that Paolo's breaths left are numbered... (thank you Ann-NYC and EJ for noting that, totally missed it) (I have a question... does Gabino really believe he is ALL THAT that Carmina will stay true and loyal to him for good? poor Gabino, dream on! you are just one of her 'peons' she uses to make her moves.)
At hacienda, Edmundo is commenting with Loopy that Alfie needs further tests, the EKG showed some irregularities. What she has is a blockage in the heart (sounds mighty serious... ). He can’t force her to admit herself to hospital. The cardiologist set up a rigorous treatment plan for her, she has to follow it strictly. Loopy will do his best to convince her to go.
Gael stops by quinta to find out if Carmina has heard of Elisa… Carmina tries another swing at feeding his jealousy saying Elisa still oves Dam. Gael avoids the shot again … missed again Carmina! (actually, I bet Gael doesn’t even believe what he responded to Carmina, that Elisa now loves him, but that is another matter, he did not allow Carmina to get her hit).
As a final scene, we get Dam caressing Elisa, stands up from the mat, but then remembers Elisa yelling mad at him, and…
1)      Swearing she now loves Gael more than she ever loved him
2)      He has been so naïve he never realized she is everything the town has been saying about her.  (with accompanying gestures that remind the audience of her Teresa character)
3)      She slept with Gael. So if you brought me here to prevent that, too late. Your friend already had me.
Way to torture yourself, stoopid boy.. didn’t you just have her swear love to you?
Dam trying to make Elisa swear she will always be with him.
Dam and Elisa continue the honeymoon… Elisa saying they will have to go back and face the music.
Gael telling Flo Dam took his woman by force… (yeah right, not even you believe that Gael) … he will make Dam pay for that with his own life.
Gabino playing with a shotgun (ready to kill Elisa and/or Dam? or maybe ready to do what everyone else believes Augie did... put an end to his migraines)


Refugio Para el Amor #116 Wed 9/19/12 Oh, No, Vio, How Could You; Oh, Dear, the Cauldron is on the Back Burner, but Simmering; Ho Hum, Gagme is Steppin’ Out on Her Man; Oy Vey, El Nferno is going to El Infierno (a non-denominational location)

Recap by Anita

Las Oficinas de los Torreslanda
Lo de ayer – Rod confronts Max with the truth (according to Roselena) about his affair and hasn’t found the right time nor the right words to bring it up until now.  Rod knows who it is, the daughter of Don Jeronimo.  He isn’t going to judge, but he wants Max to think about what it will do to Janna once RE comes out with it and they both know that won’t be long in coming.  Janna is his adored daughter and Rodrigo can’t stand around and let her be harmed.  Max tries to protest that this matter is strictly personal, something between me and your mother, he says and asks Rod to stay out of it (but we can tell he’s preoccupied by the possible, nay probable scenario with RE and the fall out).

Lo de hoy – In Luciana’s office, Selena is teaching her some basic computer skills.  She’s commended on what a quick learner she is.  Papá Claudio comes in.  Selena leaves, telling her to practice, practice, practice.  CL wants to know how things are going.  OK, but she’d rather be making sketches.  CL wants to know about having lunch together.  She’s hungry and ready.  Where would you like to go?  Don’t know, you choose.  I know just the place, says papá.  Rod stops them in the hall—looks like a pretext to me, after the warning he got from Luci yesterday, to keep their meetings strictly about business.  Linares says they are going to lunch.  Rod has a report to show Linares—later, of course.  Have a good lunch—and wishing longingly it could be he sitting across the table from Luciana.

In the TL Master’s Bedroom
Conny is being begged by Roselena to forgive her atrocious behavior from earlier when she tried to shame Conny about her deepening relationship with Oscar and her two wild animals/children (by that she means they aren’t being properly controlled).  Surely she can understand that all this has been hard on her and then this betrayal by Max.  Somehow she manages to turn “all this” around on Conny—You don’t support me the way you should.  Conny says I don’t know what you want, I’m here, that’s a sign of support.  RE begs her to stay.  Conny agrees, but only until the medical tests are completed.  After that, she’s seriously considering Oscar’s proposition.  The look on RE’s face is clear—she doesn’t like the thought of Conny being happy with Oscar, while she’s not.

Lunching at the Oficina
Oscar and Max are eating lunch al fresco under the same umbrellas where Claudio and co. lunched yesterday; fresh flowers on the table and everything.  He tells Max about asking Conny to move in with him.  There’s not much for Max to say—except you’d better not hurt her, she is, after all, my SIL and I care for her very much.  Os assures him that he’s very serious.  He begins to list her attributes, agreeable, pretty, sexy, we get along well, wha, don’t you think I could make her happy?  It’s not that, Max just thinks that daily routines can put an end to love (I think he means the carnal kind).  Os asks is that’s what happened to your marriage—did you tire of it?  No, Roselena is still the most attractive and desireable woman for him, he adds kinda lamely.  Salud.  (And end of conversation.)

Lunching at the Tacos de Canasta on the Corner, Inc.
Claudio and Luci eat lunch al fresco, too.  Everyone is having a good time, easygoing banter, while Fabian explains that they would like to have a storefront, but the cost is excessive.  Then Aldo appears out of nowhere.  He tries to show off that he’s the head capitalista and (main) associate in this taco enterprise.  Fabian doesn’t look too happy with the interruption.  Aldo is anxious to get a storefront.  Lu doesn’t think it’s necessary to start off with a big splash, take things slowly.  CL suggests replacing the old bici with a new one before getting a storefront.  Luci thinks it’s a good idea and also they could sell on different corners.  Aldo is feeling a little left out.  CL says he’ll stake them to the new bici or two, or even three, but Lorenzo and Fabian don’t want a gift.  CL, recovering quickly says, who’s talking about a gift?  Call it a loan and you can pay me back as the business improves.  Aldo steps in to welcome Claudio as a new associate and pumps his hand while Lorenzo and Luci look on quizzically.

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Amor Bravío #29 (Uni 24) Tue 9/18/12 Junior Kimodo’s Claws Come Out!

Daniel’s Campfire
Daniel sits alone at his campfire as he ponders the workings of the evildoers.  How is it possible these scoundrels would stoop so low just for power and money?  He flashes back to the murder of his wife and child, his escape from jail, meeting Camila, and now the attempt on Padrecito’s life.  He prays and wonders what else is in store for him.  He’s already involved other people and has now agreed to work with Dionicio.  He is now very repentant for having doubted Camila.  He begins to sob openly as he swears he can’t allow rage and hate to overcome him again.  There are times he feels he can no longer go on.  He prays for the strength to see this through and asks God to show him the right path.  He doesn’t want to hurt any more people.  He continues to sob as he prays for God’s help.

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