Saturday, December 13, 2008

Fuego en la Sangre, 12/12/08 Bad News Bared: It’s A Long Way Down To The Root Cellar, Isn’t It Dearie?

Capítulo 156

First, a little repetitious review:

Poor, sickly, uber-cheery Juliana has lost some of her fizz and pop since the last fainting spell. Juan has granted her a wish. It’s a lover’s serenade.

Meanwhile in Bungalow del Bruto, Darth Rico shows his snake belt to Gabi and is listening to her lay a load of horse puckey on him about the belt really being a duplicate of his own that she supposedly gave to Bernie at the same time back in the day. DV calls her on it and says she swore when she gave it to him that it was one of a kind. Gabi bates him by asking if he’s ticked because it wasn’t a custom job or because he’s jealous that she gave an identical belt to her late and not-so-great. He grabs Gabi around her neck and warns her not to provoke him. He killed Juanjo out of jealousy and it’s why he never went back with her. He killed in a blind, jealous rage when she confessed her love for Juanjo. So, she better not play with him like that again.

Gabi smiles that sadomasochistic smile of hers (yeah, she’s one sick bitch-puppy) and grabs him from the back for a sensual hug. “Feeling you near me again like this…it’s no game.” DV turns around, doubting but hopeful. “You are The Devil [incarnate]” He grabs her. They embrace and kisssss passionately (for a couple of old fogies) while the hot steam of Hell escapes from all visible orifices. (Yeah, I know what you’re thinking, but the muse is upon me.)

In the kitchen of the Double R (Hacienda de los Robles-Reyes) Juan is asking his brothers for help with the serenade. They are duly impactado when they learn it’s for Juliana. ¡Qué comprometido! (Pretty compromising!) They agree because, (as we in Viewerville all know) Juliana is dying and the novela gods and Juan cannot disappoint. (Ha! Wait till you hear him sing! When will hunky EY ever get it through his gorgeous head that for him the magic stops at mouthing do-re-mi?)

Back at sinister central, Gabi and Darth are devouring each other’s tongues and about to dissolve into devilish delights when Gabi suddenly pulls away. She tells DV she’s never forgotten him and nags the dude to tell her he feels the same. (Gabi, if you’ve got to ask at this point, you REALLY shouldn’t be there.) DV is like, WTF? and won’t answer. (I don’t think he can. Poor shlub. He’s in media res and panting too hard.) Just then Raqui comes back home and Rico must needs be left high without the dry. Gabi doesn’t miss a step, though, and quickly explains that she was just telling Rico that this snake belt in her hand (Wink, Wink, Raqui) happens to be the one that she gave Bernie years ago, the one found in Sofia’s room? Raqui goes along with the ruse. So does Rico, but for very different reasons…. Well, Gabi’s got errands to run and she has to leave. “C U later.” Raqui stares over at Darth. He stares back. “Wha—You got issues?” he growls.

In town a while later, Roman’s car is still on the fritz. Gabi walks past and he yells over to her. She turns around and he introduces himself and asks if he and Gonzalo might have permission to date her daughters. She says she remembers him so sure and then invites them over for the little welcoming party she has planned that evening for her house guests.

That night all three of the Reyes’ serenade Juliana and her buds, Elena and Pau. Actually, EY brays like Donkey while Oscar and Franco do the heavy lifting, melodically speaking. (Man, even Uni’s audio tech couldn’t keep EY from humiliating himself again.) Juliana and friends are apparently tone deaf and have a wonderful time with it all.

Back at the Double E (Hacienda de las Elizondo y aún del Escandon) guests are arriving and sitting around like wooden dummies. A boring evening is about to be had by all. Jimena, Sofia and Sarita finally show up and Mama forces them all to come in and greet the guests, especially the Posible Brothers, Roman and Gonzalo. (I don’t think they’ve ever given their last name/s.) She brings Jimena and Sarita in and has them sit down. “Such nice young men and with perfect pedigrees….” Sofia tries to beg off by saying she has had a long day and really has to attend to her little girls right now, but Mama and Augie persuade her to stick around for a bit. So, Gabi introduces and offers a toast to Ricardo and Root Uribe and purposely forgets (?) Raquel, till Augie reminds her of it. She adds Raqui to the list and toasts, “To old times.” Rico offers his own toast, “And to the new ones.” Neither Fer nor Raqui can miss Darth and Gabi locking eyes with each other.

Root gets bored and walks upstairs. She thinks about Fernando’s suggestion to ally themselves in order to bring down Sofia. She also remembers Eva telling Sofia anyone trying to get to the little girls in order to hurt them will have to kill her first. She walks into the little girls’ room and looks around. Just then Eva enters. ”I’m damned to see you everywhere I go,” Root hisses and leaves. Eva follows her and wants to know what she was doing in that room. Root says not her business. Root gets curious though, and asks Eva why she’s so willing to take crap off her and everybody else. Eva stutters out nervously that there is a very painful truth at the bottom of it all, but it’s not her place to discuss it.

Downstairs, meanwhile, Sofia brags to Augie and Santi over the way she’s made Fernando heel. Santi says they’re both delighted the way she’s handled the situation and mentions they plan to bring down Fer with something they’ve named “Evil’s Road/ Route of Evil” (Ruta del Mal). Augie’s attention turns to Raqui and the way her hair seems to cover up something that looks like a bruise around her eye. She lies about falling against the door in the bathroom. He warns her that “those ‘accidents’ can be very dangerous at times.” (HINT, HINT, Raqui.)

Eventually all good things must come to an end, and DV excuses himself. “Exhausting trip and such.” He drags Raqui off with him back to the bungalow. Then Fer bows out and then Sofia, but rather than be caught alone in the dark with him and all those people to hear the row, she doubles back into the living room and tells Augie it’s time she takes him back upstairs with her. The Posibles thank Gabi for a nice evening (liars/fools?) and she tells them there’s no need to leave so soon. They should stick around and chat a while longer with her daughters if they’d like.

Over at Don Clemente’s, before her daddy takes her upstairs and tucks her into bed, Juliana coaxes a promise from Juan to come back and visit with her the next morning.

Back over at Bungalow del Bruto, Darth Rico is denying to Raqui that there was anything going on between him and their hostess tonight. Raqui says it’s a bit odd the way Gabi was paying him so much attention during the party. He says that was because the party was in his honor, duh. Raqui wants to know though if in the past they might have had something doing. “Did you cheat on me with Gabi back when?” He walks off grumbling about her becoming more of a pain in the side every day.

Up in their bedroom Fer is griping to Gabi about being completely ignored all evening while she slobbered all over Ricardo Uribe. She laughs and asks if he’s jealous. He snorts. She sneers back, “Why should you be jealous if you had Raquel there with you?” He swears there’s nothing going on between her and him. Gabi doesn’t believe him as far as she can throw him. Root’s already told her about finding the belt in his old room, she tells him. It was always kept in her parents’ bedroom, so that can only mean one thing. She says she can’t prove it but if she finds evidence that he has gone to bed with Raquel she’ll make sure DV gets an earful immediately if not sooner.

Outside, down in the patio area, the Posibles are busy wooing (if not wowing) Jimena and Sarita. They each want to know if they have a chance at a meaningful relationship. Jimena tells Roman that she likes him and they get along well, but she can’t promise him anything because she doesn’t know if she’s ready for another relationship yet. Gonzalo tells Sarita that he’s an upfront kind of guy. He’s extremely interested in her. She admits to a bad relationship before with somebody else. He tells her that one bad experience doesn’t mean she’s got to give up on love altogether. The two couples seal their indecision with one puckerless, passionless, and pointless kiss. (Boys, take your losses and head for the hills; and consider yourselves lucky for getting out while the gettin’ was good.)

Darth is galloping over to the Double R in the dark, the essence of masked malevolent marauder. (Uh, let’s pretend that we’re from Mexiloon, too, so as not to destroy the illusion that it’s impossible for anyone to ever recognize him with half his face still visible like that). Feo sneaks into the bungalow. It scares Raqui because she knows what will happen if hubby Rico catches them like that. He tells her to pipe down because Rico’s going to be awhile getting back. He just saw him ride off for parts unknown. He threatens her then about telling DV about them if she doesn’t give him the cash he needs. She begs for more time because since Rico guards every centavo in his accounts it will be difficult to manage.

Over at the Double R (Hacienda de los Robles-Reyes) Rico sneaks into the darkened part of the main house while Juan is in the kitchen, kneading that special aphrodisiac bread dough of his. As the camera rolls in–someone, possibly Darth Rico--is surreptitiously approaching Juan from the back. Suddenly it's attack of the Octopussy. Root jumps him (Meowrrrr!) just as he turns around from the oven thinking it’s Sofia. Root, obviously wishing it was her being kneaded instead of the damned bread dough, puts her suction cups on him and fairly smothers him with her slut-kiss. (Damn, Juan! It just blows to be an Alpha male at times.) Papa Bear sneaks into a corner of the kitchen just a second or two after and realizes Root is the one sucking face and ready to sleep with the enemy. Freeze frame and cut to commercial.

When we return to Juan’s kitchen clutter, he is successfully pulling Root off him. (Too late for Papa Bear, though. He’s ridden off in a hell of a mood.) Juan yells at Root that if it weren’t for his respect for Eva he’d throw her out on her butt right then and there for attacking him like that. “Eva again! What the heck has she got to do with things, huh?” Juan catches himself before he lets the cat out of the proverbial bag. “It’s not my place to tell you. Now GET OUT. SCRAM!” She leaves and he wipes her spit off his mouth. “Damned stupid girl!”

Darth is galloping away like the wind, and he is not believing what he was just seeing. “It can’t be! My own daughter is falling in love with my worst enemy! It. can’t. be!”

Back at the Double E, Crabi runs into Eva on the landing. “I’m fed up seeing you in my house! Your presence is a living reminder of everything I hate!” Eva tells her tough nuts cuz she’s not leaving there anytime soon and certainly not before she’s gotten round to telling Root who she really is. Gabi tells her she has no idea what Ricardo Uribe is capable of and if Eva plays with fire here, she’ll definitely get burned. Eva reminds Gabi that she won’t be the only one to come out with 3rd degree burns. She says she knows that Gabi is Raqui’s accomplice in this whole mess and that Rico doesn’t know Root’s not really his daughter. “So what do you think might happen if he ever learns the truth? He would take it out on you, Gabriela, not me.” She walks off leaving Crabi to mull this disconcerting bit of truth over a while.

Sarita is having another moment of self-reflection and goes for a late night chit chat with Jimena. They both agree that the bitterness the Reyes’ hold in their hearts for dear, dead Daddy is making it impossible to continue holding out for a miracle that someday they could actually ever really find happiness together with them. Roman and Gonzalo, on the other hand, can have them as a consolation prize.

At the same time Fernando’s taking a smoke in the back-forty somewhere. He’s sweating in his leather jacket, and then the specter of Rosario floats nearby. Suddenly, he feels a chill and turns around. “It’s her! But it can’t be! She’s dead! She’s dead! --It can’t be!” He yells at her to leave him be a few times and finally squeezes his eyes shut. When he opens them Rosario’s ghost is gone. Feo runs back inside the hacienda, scared half out of his miserable skin.

Up in her bedroom, Root is thinking about how Juan rejected her again. What she really wants to know is why he brought up Eva. She decides that the next day she’ll go ask her mother for an explanation.

From the other side of the upstairs balcony Augie watches Fer racing up the stairs to his room. “Looks like you’ve seen a ghost. Must’ve been the ghoulish guardians of the graveyard who are after you. One of the ghoulies has been let out and it can only mean they’re singling you out as its murderer. It insists that you not only killed Bernardo, but Dr. Gomez, Armando, and Rosario as well!” This really freaks Fer out and he screams back that he doesn’t ever want to hear Rosario’s name mentioned again. Augie says tough because he’s going to hound him about it. “They must have held something pretty powerful over you and so you had to kill them. Isn’t that it?” Feo screams at Augie to shut up. “You’re going to pay dearly once and for all!” He grabs Augie’s chair and rolls him over to the top of the stairs. Augie yells back. “Killing me won’t get you anything! Very shortly you’re going to receive your punishment. I assure you all your crimes are going to be turned against you!”

Fernando dumps Augie out of his chair and tries to push him to his death, but Augie catches the rail and stops his fall just in time. (The house has got to be freaking huge for nobody to hear this commotion.) “Even the dead are going to return to take their vengeance on you!” Fernando’s had enough and races away. Augie takes a deep breath and says to himself, “You’re done for, Fernando. Your reaction proves your guilt. You are guilty!”

Morning comes to Cd. Serdán. In a three-hanky scene Juliana begs Clemente to tell her what’s really wrong with her, but he can’t. He tells her she’ll be fine with a few treatments. She tells him he’s a lousy liar and says she has a right to know what’s happening to her. “Am I going to die, Daddy? I don’t want to die!” Viewerville gets a real tug at the old heartstrings watching him struggle with this. The poor old guy simply can’t bring himself to do it.

Sarita is up bright and early and writing Franco another sad, “impossible” love letter. She remembers their happiest times together and begins to write: “You were always my impossible love. Life has persisted in keeping us apart. I must resign myself to never having you.” [Sob] Therefore, I will try to forget you. I’ve made the decision because of your feelings, because of what you think, because Fate wants it so, and because of the way you all feel about my father. I’ve made the decision to give myself a chance, even though my heart might not want to, with whoever it might be, [Sob. Sob. Sniff.] because you are going to continue to be my ‘impossible love’. [Sob. Sniff. Sob. Sob.] My ‘imposible love’ eternally. –I love you, Sarita.”

Jimena decides to handle things differently. She visits Oscar while he’s in the kitchen baking. “Oscar?” He turns around and smiles. (Swoon.) He starts to greet her with a welcoming hug but she stops him. “I’ve only come to tell you I’m going to give myself a chance to be happy…without you.” (Ok. Did Oscar think they could necessarily go on ad infinitum playing with other people’s lives because of Juan’s problem? It’s got to be fish or cut bait eventually. Jimena’s going to go find the other fish in the sea while you, Oscar, continue to cut bait for Juan. Fool!) Jimena walks away and out of his life.

In Juans’ office, meanwhile, Tio Vicente looks on as Juan complains to Eva about Root’s latest escapade. “She came in and got on my nerves. I had to run her off.” Eva tells him not to worry because she understands totally. She only hopes that Raquel tells her the truth and won’t lie about it; otherwise, she’ll have to tell her. Vicente says out of the blue that he can’t believe all the wicked things Gabi’s done. (Uh, like where did this come from? What did they edit?) He can’t believe that garbage about his old friend, Bernie, either. “I knew Bernardo and what I believe least is that Bernardo Elizondo would have killed your parents. I’m telling you, I knew him!”

Juan tells his Tio that he’s not buying it. Gabriela Elizondo described his parent’s murder just exactly as he saw it when he was a little boy. “How did she find out? The only way is that Bernardo told her. My parent’s murderer confessed his crime to Gabriela and that was Bernardo Elizondo! Nobody can convince me otherwise.” Vicente says, “OR, it was the real murderer. Haven’t you thought that there could have been another man who is the murderer and that HE told Gabriela? Have you thought about it?” (Vicente, that is asking a bit much from our Juan. You don’t know him the way we’ve come to.) Just then Don Clemente knocks and enters the room. He’s frantic for Juan to come help him with Juliana.

At Bungalow del Bruto Darth is sitting alone and sulking. Baby Root walks in all smiles. “Hi, Pop! Where’s Mom?” He gets up and wallops her one across the mouth. “Shameless slut!” Raqui watches in the dark through a crack in her bedroom door, terrified.

Back at the main house Eva walks in on a much happier family scene and watches Sofia playing with her little girls. She tells Sofia that it brings back memories of when she took care of her and her sisters. Sofia tells her she was always like a mother for them and much more so than her own mother. Sofia was her favorite and most devoted of the three and Eva always pretended they were really hers. Sofia says likewise. Eva says she feels there is a special bond the two of them share that seems to be missing between her and her own daughter; and Sofia agrees it’s bonded them like a real mother and daughter. Sofia has to leave then and makes sure that Eva checks on Maria Jose who has not been feeling well.

Back at the bungalow again, Root asks her dad why he hit her. “It’s the first time you’ve hit me. What did I do?” “—What did you do? I saw you kissing Reyes! You, who I raised to be just like me, crawling all over him like a whore! Offering yourself to my worst enemy!” He won’t let her try to explain. (Not much need.) “What the devil is there to explain? I saw clearly with my own eyes! Get this straight. My enemies are yours!“ “—Why? Just because you decide?” He wallops her again. “Because I’m your father, you brat!” She warns him never to hit her again and walks off.

At the main house, Eva tells the nuns that Maria Jose is burning up with fever and she’s going to go race out for the doctor.

Root tries to talk to her daddy again, but he says there’s no need. He knows she’ll lie because she’s her father’s daughter. She insists she’s always been straight with him. He’s the one who has changed and is now keeping secrets. She wants to know what took him back to their old hacienda that he ended up spying on her and Juan. “That’s my business!” “--Well, then, Juan’s my business. I’m not telling you anything till you tell me. It’s one secret after another around here –and what’s the deal with that old gal, Eva? I run into her everywhere I go! Nobody wants to tell me anything. I want answers and they’d better be quick in coming!” She leaves the room and Raqui thinks to herself that Rico would go crazy if he learned Root isn’t really his daughter.

On the way into the main house again, Root runs into Eva on her way for the doctor. She stops Eva and tries to wrangle the truth out of her but Eva says she’s got no time for this since one of the little ones is really sick and she’s got to go for the doctor. Root says let them die as far as she’s concerned; it doesn't matter to her. She wants her answer and now! Eva ignores her and races out.

Root goes looking to see if Gabi will explain things to her. “You’re the only one I trust. Why does Eva want to be around me?” Gabi tries to put her off and says Eva’s just nuts so not to pay any attention to her. Root says, no, there’s something more and she has to know what it is. No more lies between them. Gabi says fine, she’s mature and sensible, but she’s got to promise to keep this only between the two of them. Root says fine, and she’ll even promise to be her faithful ally and especially help to keep Juan away from Sofia. Sounds great to Gabi.

“Sit down….. Root, Raquel is not your mother.” The words ricochet around in Root’s head. “Say what?” “—Just what you heard. It’s the truth you’ve wanted so much to hear. Raquel is not your mother. The truth, Root, is that Eva’s your real mother. You’re Eva’s daughter.” Root chokes back a laugh because it’s obvious Gabi is deadly serious.


Tontas Friday Dec 12

Patricio tells Alicia he got a DNA test, then asks, “what if I had a son?” She looks impactada, so he says “heh heh just joking!”

Santiago’s maid and butler play word games, she acts rude to him, she still thinks he was getting busy with the boss’s girlfriend. He is apparently incapable of defending himself.

Santiago’s mom overhears Lucia making her plans to get some money, then get some boobies. Mom act like she didn’t hear, but she hear it all. She asks the butler what she should do – say something to Lucia, or to Santiago?

Charly asks Meno if he can stay here in Guadalajara with him. Meno says sure, great idea, but his face says “oh crap please no.”

Chava and Rocio talk about her missing mom, which makes her sad. Chava has an idea.

Charly has his radio up too loud and doesn’t hear the phone ringing, Meno answers, it’s
Charly’s mom, she wants to know if Meno told Charly yet that he is gay. Meno is impactado, so obviously not, but we already knew that.

Chava and Rocio are with Santiago and Candy now, Chava’s great idea is for them to all be a family! Santiago loves the idea of course, Candy not so much. They have witty repartee for a while about it. Santiago tells Chava to work on his mom for him. Rocio wants to know why Santiago is here, it’s mom’s day! Candy says again that she doesn’t want a family with Santiago, which Marissa arrives just in time to overhear. Isn’t it amazing how often that happens? Santiago immediately tries to act innocent, but his own daughter rats him out, she heard what he said before! They all run inside.

Meno tells Charly’s mom that she better not say anything to Charly about it, and furthermore, he’s not here, good bye! Charly FINALLY realizes the phone rang and asks who it was, Meno says ‘a ghost!’

Rocio keeps ratting Santiago out to Marissa, he did say he wanted a family with Candy! Santiago somehow manages to change the subject, what is she doing here? She came to be with Rocio on Mom’s day! She runs off with Rocio, leaving Santiago behind. Candy and Marissa start making 7th grade girl smarmy faces at each other. They start talking to some other hot moms, so Santiago runs in and passes out his business card.

Santiago’s mom talks to the butler some more in the kitchen, the maid keeps using noisy appliances, I guess this is supposed to be part of the comedy of the scene, but in reality it’s just annoying. Donato – that’s the butler’s name. The maid is rude to Donato some more. Does she like him? She keeps on about him and Marissa.

Candy, Marissa, and three others have made the finals of the mom’s day games. They keep making snotty faces at each other that in real life would lead to a fistfight. A guest judge is introduced, Santiago! He runs a game where each kid has a donut on a string and the mom has to eat it with no hands, then the mom gets a donut and the situation is reversed. Basically everybody cheats, using their hands, including Santiago. He cheats in Candy’s favor, not his own daughter’s! The adults eat the donuts ok, the poor kids look like they’ll puke from stuffing that donut in their faces so fast. Candy wins and she and Santiago hug and jump up and down. They finally realize they are on stage and Marissa is RIGHT THERE so they break apart and Santiago goes right to hugging Marissa, who won second place. Marissa sure is dumb. He is flaunting his attraction to Candy right in her face and she just takes it. She even knows the truth, that Santiago wants to dump her. I guess there are women like this in real life, but I can’t think of a good reason why she hasn’t just disappeared from his life after that treatment. I guess then we’d have no show. Rocio is sad after only getting second place, Candy is the one who ends up comforting her. Chava is proud of his first place trophy. Santiago gives some good love to his daughter.

Patricio finds out from the doctor that his father will be able to go home from the hospital tomorrow. He remembers back to them playing when he was a kid, but also how at night dad would get drunk.

Rocio shows her grandma that she won the second place trophy. Grandma is surprised that Marissa showed up, Rocio has a mom already! Rocio says that today Marissa was her mom and she (Rocio) liked it! Santiago says after she leaves, “what a mess.”

Eduardo’s wife asks him to do something, he says he’s too busy reading the paper and watching TV. Great – we’ll begin the whole “men are so lazy” bit now. In Eduardo’s case, I agree, he is being very sexist in not allowing his wife to work. He acts like an ass. But – I’m sick of the whole “men are lazy pigs” crap. I work hard. Then I have to come home and work hard some more. I don’t get to go back to bed after the kids go to school for another hour, I don’t get a TV break in the middle of the day. Working a desk job is not as easy as it sounds, I am exhausted every day when I get home, but I still have to spend the next 4-5 hours helping around the house and with the kid(s). How is that lazy? I hate how men are portrayed on TV sometimes. Ugh.

Santiago talks to his mom, he doesn’t know what to do about Marissa and he’s disturbed by the Lucia/boobies thing. He asks his mom to find out who the other doctor is that would operate on a 15 year old!

Patricio looks through some old photos of Candy.

Lots of scenes back and forth between a group of men and a group of women. This was horrible to watch, the men all act like pigs and run down women, the women act like harpies and run down men. I’m going to skip forward to the next part of actual story. In the middle we see Meno failing to keep Charly, Beto, and Chava under control as he tries to babysit them.

Candy finally goes to Raul’s office to meet him, he has been desperately trying to meet the woman who writes that great column for him. He sees her as his dead wife first, to remind us of his pain, but then they talk. Candy starts off by saying “I say what I want, and I don’t just agree with everything you tell me.” Raul doesn’t mind.

Patricio in his hot sports car shows up at some store with a photo of Candy, he gives it to the guy at the store and asks him to do something with it.

Raul dumps out a huge bag of mail on his desk, it’s Candy’s fan mail. He is very happy with her and her column.

Lucia tries to reach the unscrupulous doctor by phone again, I guess he’s dodging her calls. She hides her diary, that has the doctor’s name in it, in her nightstand.

Alicia calls Patricio, he says he’ll be around later, he has business first. She remembers what he said about having a son. She calls her mom, who is suspicious about her calling him.

Santiago and Candy are walking in the park before the kids’ soccer game. They meet a guy named Bracamontes who is a famous soccer coach. Is he related to Jackie in real life? And while we’re at it – how come when Candy professes to not want Santiago in her life, they are constantly together and she isn’t complaining about it? Here they are hanging out in the park! Anyway, she asks him about his wife again, he says he won’t talk about it. I imagine at some point she will compare her abandoning her family with him being abandoned and see how it is for the other person. Maybe.

Alicia tells her mom that she needs to get pregnant, but she isn’t excited about it. Mom says she never wanted any kids either and look, she got three! Wow don’t forget to send her flowers on Mother’s Day after that kind sentiment!

Candy walks away from the kids on the soccer field, not noticing that Patricio is coming from the other direction. He is with Beto’s mom (I’m so sorry for forgetting so many names, I hope you know who I’m talking about) who wants to introduce him to the lady coach. He acts like a tool and says coaches HAVE to be men. Whatever. Candy is busy trying to find a place to hide, she jumps into a dumpster. This dumpster happens to be the only dumpster in the entire world that has a clean, dry bottom for her to sit down in, rather than the usual sludge of rotting whatever. Meanwhile Santiago is getting the game started, Candy calls him on his cell, from the dumpster. She directs him to come over to her right away! He goes over to some comically small garbage cans and kicks them, trying to find her. She yells at him until he sees her in the dumpster. He asks why she’s in there, she says it’s aromatherapy!

Patricio and Beto’s mom argue more about male/female coaches. Ok we get it men are pigs, thank you very much, let’s move on. Beto’s mom has had enough and she walks away.

Donato and Santiago’s mom search Lucia’s room and find the diary with the doctor’s card in it and are almost busted by Lucia coming in, but they manage to get out with some incredibly lame excuse about the room being humid.

Beto’s mom is back, she tells Patricio that HE should coach the team today since the coach is missing and he is such a bleeping expert.

Santiago says he won’t help Candy until she uses ‘tu’ with him instead of ‘usted.’ She finally agrees and says that Patricio is her husband. He doesn’t quite get it and is interrupted by Beto’s mom. He playes a good game of pretending to be on his cell phone, then makes a comment about America being a better team than Chivas, which makes Candy kick the dumpster. Funny scene. Santiago walks back to the game.

Donato and Santiago’s mom make good their escape from Lucia’s room.

The kids want Bracamontes to keep being their coach, when he says he can’t, they want Santiago to coach. I’m sure he’ll agree to be co-coach with Candy.

Alicia visits Patricio’s dad in the hospital, she has a proposal. She will smooth things over between father and son, and she will give him a grandson. He likes the idea enough to make his heart have a little pain again.

Patricio is at a book store looking for a book on coaching futbol. The lady clerk says ‘futbol?’ which he takes to mean she doesn’t know what it is, so he patronizingly explains to her “you know a ball, four corners, etc etc” and she says she knows what futbol is but since he’s so bleeping rude, he can look for the book himself. Ha good one. He manages to find the book he wants.

Santiago finally catches up with Candy and she tells him the rest of her story about Patricio. She is sure that he tracked her down and is going to take away her son, Santiago says it’s just coincidence and teases her about her plan to dye her hair and run away.

Meno talks to Lulu about something trivial, Candy runs in smelling like garbage to tell him that she saw Patricio!

Santiago’s mom asks Donato for investment advice, he says she should ask her son instead. Somehow from that she thinks he called her old. I have no idea where that came from.

Santiago is asking a fellow doctor about the guy who said he’d operate on Lucia, the other guy doesn’t know who he is. They also briefly discuss the medical opinions on the dangers of fake boobies, for public service I guess. Santiago vows to make this other doctor listen to him.

Alicia comes to Patricio’s office, he is making some soccer coaching plans. She thinks soccer is too common, why not something more unique, like golf? He says YOU play golf.

Candy tries to pack to run away, Meno keeps unpacking what she packed. He convinces her to calm down.

Tomorrow – Patricio and Alicia fight about his pictures of Candy that he keeps staring at.


Friday, December 12, 2008

Cuidado Thursday, December 11, 2008: Cupid pulls a couple of arrows from his quiver

Leftovers: Cande is noticing that Mari seems to be coming to like El L. Mari says she can love only one man, and that’s JM. Cande says yeah, but he’s not available.

Fresh from the oven: Onelia calls Stef at the judge’s house and says Viviana wants Stef to come by tomorrow. Stef says sure, what’s up? Onelia says she thinks Viv wants to ask about JM’s history with Mari.

Mari is in her room holding up the tiny pants she’s sewn. She talks to her future baby, telling it that it will be somebody, not a nobody like her, and she’ll take good care of it because it’s all she has in this world. Mari dances around a little and tells the baby that she hopes it has a lot of JM, he’s so handsome. Then she wonders why she can’t get JM out of her mind and why she’s thinking about him all the time.

At castle San Roman, Viv is in a hallway talking to JM. She wonders why he’s leaving so early and he says he has some stuff to do, then he’s going to go by and see Rocio – they’re taking her bandages off today. Viv pretends not to know who Rocio is. JM asks if she wants to come along, but she says her nerves are too delicate still to see a sick person.

They start down the stairs and JM says the reason I asked is because you say I don’t take you out enough. Viv says think of something better than going to visit the sick. JM says he understands.

Balbina has let Stef in and she greets JM and Viv. Stef says she just came by to keep Viv company a bit. Viv says you’re Stef, right? Stef picks right up and says She’s getting so much better! JM says she’s not completely fixed, but with time! He leaves and the ladies (!) repair to the living room. Viv says I’ve been waiting for you, and Stef says what’s up?

Scene of the hacienda. Why do they keep their cows in the courtyard? No wonder there are always peons out there sweeping. El L. is petting his horse while Cosme attends to its hooves. El L. asks about Pirana, and Cosme says he’s run away, since he knows what El L. would do to him. El L. says it’s a good thing for the out-of-towner.

Cosme says it’s weird that nobody knows her name, and that Cande is careful not to say it in front of anyone. Cosme says you saved her from Pirana, right? Was she grateful? El L. says very. Cosme says excuse my mentioning it, but you’re kind of interested in her, huh?

Mari is sitting in the chicken coop (yuck) and is remembering what Cande said about her showing interest in El L. She picks up a few eggs and thinks to herself that a person could fall in love with El L., but her heart is taken. She thoughtbubbles about her wedding night kisses with JM. The theme song plays and she looks real pretty with the blurry sheep in the next pen as a backdrop.

Viv and Stef again. Viv says they have an enemy in common. She says Mari is the only one of them JM really loves. Viv wants to know about Mayita saying that Mari is coming back, bringing a baby with her. True? True, says Stef, Mari’s expecting JM’s baby. Viv is impactada.

Now the sheep seem to be in the with the horse in a grassy courtyard. Manly El L. is toting hay bales. He tells Cosme there will be no more women for him. Cosme says methinks the Leopard doth protest too much. He suggests a nice, pure love to perk El L. up.

El L. tells Cosme that Mari’s expecting, that she hid that like she hides her name. Her pregnancy is sacred, he would never put the moves on a madonna … er … expectant mother. He looks tortured, runs his hands through his hair and stares at the sheep.

Stef tells Viv that Mari is hiding out in a hacienda in the countryside, but don’t tell JM. Viv can’t get over that she’s pregnant. Stef says of course we have an (evil) plan

Mari, still in the coop, is chatting affectionately with a hen and her chicks. She goes to pet one and the hen pecks her. Ow! she says and El L., who was nearby, is immediately on alert. He comes in and tries to pick up a chick, and the hen pecks at him too, but finally he gets a chick and hands it to Mari, who gives it some lovin. She plays with the chicks and El L. actually laughs.

Stef tells Viv their plan would help her too. That baby is a threat to Viv’s marriage, so will she help? Viv warily asks how? Money, says Viv. My aunt and I don’t have any, and neither does Amador. (But Amador is a big-deal TV director!) Viv says money I’ve got. What’s in it for you? Stef says I want revenge – Mari cost me everything and I’ve been left in the street.

El L. and Mari are still laughing over then hen. Mari understands her, and El L. says you have the maternal instinct. Did you get it from your mother? Mari turns serious and says no, I didn’t even know her.

At the judge’s house, he is trying to persuade Ceci not to go, but she says the padre must have some news and Ceci wants to know how Mari is. The judge says you’ll probably get bad news that’ll make you cry. Ceci wants to know if Mari is thinking of them. She wants her to know that she loves her and that she repents that when was there they treated her horribly, not to mention that she had abandoned Mari when she was a baby.

The judge hopes she gets good news from the padre. Martirio, who has been preparing tea and listening, smiles a fake-empathy smile as Ceci leaves.

Mari and El L. are leaving the coop and she explains that Cande is not her real mother, but that she got to know her when she was already grown up. She tells him that she was brought up in an orphanage but that she’s not a real orphan. Her mother gave her up, but her parents are alive.

Stef is at the end of telling Viv her recent story – that she is not the real lost child of the Velardes and that she can stay in the house just until Mari reappears. She doesn’t know what will become of her when that happens. Viv wants to know about her and JM, but Stef says ask JM. Viv says I did and he wouldn’t answer. Stef says he will if you press him. Are you going to donate to our plan?

Count on me, says Viv. Stef says poor Marichuy! She’s not even going to have the opportunity to know her child because we’re going to disappear her.

Mari tells El L. that supposedly her mother gave her up because she was sick and thought she was going to die, but Mari thinks she just didn’t love her. El L. says doesn’t the padre know who her parents are and Mari says yes, but I didn’t want to know. Where were they when I needed them? Now they don’t owe me anything, not a smile, not even love. It was painful and it’s made it so I don’t believe in anyone.

El L. says life has been hard for you. Mari says that’s why I’m going to give my child so much love and warmth. El L. says maybe you could use their help when the baby comes. Mari says I’ll take care of everything. Funny, huh? My mother abandoned me and it taught me how to be a mother.

Ceci has arrived at the church and is grilling the padre. He says Mari is doing great. She wants to know if Mari asked after her. The padre says he told her how Ceci is suffering but Mari still didn’t want to have anything to do with them. Ceci anguishes.

In the hacienda kitchen, Mari thinks of El L. and what Cande said about her liking him.

In the paddock, El L. thinks of Mari and what Cosme said about a good love. The horse thinks about grass. El L. smiles to himself.

Viv is asking Stef why Mari left JM the morning after their wedding, and why she isn’t using the baby to get him back. Stef says it was something in their past. Viv says JM won’t tell her and now Stef won’t either. Stef says well, JM…

He walks in and says so it’s you telling her all these stories! What are you saying about me? Stef thinks fast and then says Viv was asking me why Mari left you. She has the right to know. Come on, tell Viv what happened in the past between you and Mari.

Poor Mari is out on the lawn, scrubbing clothes on a washboard. Poor clothes that are going to wear out in no time. She is remembering a man telling her to think it over and to save her love if she can. I don’t know whose voice that was - the padre’s?

El L. walks up and says he was looking for her. He hands her some red tiger lilies and looks a bit awkward.

Stef says to JM aren’t you going to tell her? JM says do me the favor of shutting up. Stef fakes being kind and says please, she’s your wife. I can tell her unimportant things, but the important things – you have to tell her. Con permiso. (Stef really played her hand well!)

Viv says well? Why did you abandon her? What happened between you? What? WHAT? JM just looks at her.

Now we’re at Nelson and Elsa’s. He’s holding up a copy of his poetry book, My Naked Soul. He’s pretty pleased. Elsa says don’t you want to know where the money to publish it came from? Nelson says naw, you know I’m not into money stuff. Elsa says my mama gave it to me. Nelson says great. Elsa says that’s not important to you? Nelson says they have so much, it’s great that they are willing to share.

Elsa says we don’t live in this dream world that you’ve got going in your mind. Try to support yourself, make an effort to get what you want. Nelson says here’s this poetry book! Elsa is exasperated. Nelson says you wanted it published. Elsa says well I guess you’re happy. Yes, says Nelson, who starts reading aloud from it while Elsa shakes her head.

The padre and Ceci covering the same ground. She wants to know if there’s some way she can get closer to Mari and he says not right now, she’s too wounded by her past. But he tells her to give it time, and with her prayers and her love, God will help out. Give it a couple of months.

El L. says he found the lilies down by the river in a steep area. Mari says isn’t it dangerous to go there? He says a little. She says you went there just to get them for me? He says yes.

JM tells Viv it was something way in the past and besides Mari has disappeared from his life. Viv says I want to know when you’re going to be my full-service husband. JM says not until you’re cured. I want to try hypnosis. I want to know what happened in all that time you are missing. Viv says that’s in the past too. JM says I need to know.

Viv says I don’t need to remember. I love Mayita as my own daughter and you as my own husband. Everything can be like before. She goes to kiss him, but Nanny Blanca walks in just then. Viv goes ballistic and screams why do you always interrupt? What do you want? Blanca looks cowed and JM stares at Viv.

Elsa says to Nelson don’t you realize you’re destroying me too? He says don’t reproach me, don’t criticize me. Elsa says maybe I’m not cut out to be the wife of a poet. Nelson says you’re disappointed in me, aren’t you? Elsa says I don’t want to be disappointed – help me to love you like I did before.

Nelson says nothing is permanent, everything changes like the clouds do. Even love. He walks out and Elsa looks sad.

Mari says don’t go taking risks to get flowers again. El L. says do you like them and she says a lot, they’re beautiful. El L. says the most beautiful creation in the world is the human being. He touches her chin and says you for example, you’re lovely. She looks doubtful and he looks shy.

Blanca says Mayita wanted to show you a picture she drew. She really wants to see you. Viv asks impatiently where Mayita is and Blanca says in the garden. Viv says I’ll go see her, but don’t take advantage while I’m gone. She leaves.

Blanca apologizes to JM and he says no need, and that she actually saved him from a difficult situation. Viv is getting unbearable, and he feels he should apologize to Blanca. Blanca says no need – sometimes when a person is upset, it’s best to talk to someone who understands. JM says you understand me? Blanca says I just know sometimes how that feels.

JM’s psych-guy antennae shoot up. You have problems? he asks. Blanca says I’ll tell you one day when you’re not all stressed. I just have some things within me that I don’t understand. JM says best to get some help. Blanca says your help! JM says what’s the problem, your shyness? Blanca says that’s part of it, but there’s other things.

Wow, El L. is waxing poetic! He tells Mari that there is a light in her eyes, her skin, her breath. Mari looks doubtful. El L. says I don’t even know your name. Lala (that would be Cande) calls you my daughter, Micaela calls you Chamaca. Since you’ve been here I’ve never heard your name. What is it? Mari looks around nervously.

JM says he will help and Blanca says in the meantime, you can think of me as your confidant – I’ll help in any way I can. JM looks puzzled.

Mari fudges and says her name is the same as the flowers. El L. is thrilled that he picked just the right ones, lirios. He says that makes them mean all the more to him. He grasps the stems, but also her hand holding the stems. He realizes his mistake and steps back.

Weeping: Ceci tells the judge no dice with Mari. He says how can that damned girl make you suffer so much? He hugs her.

More weeping: Elsa is sitting alone in their apartment, sorrowful. A popsicle appears in front of her face, with Nelson attached to it. He says forgive me what needs forgiving. That thing about love dying, that was just a saying. I don’t think our love will die. Elsa sadly says I’m leaving you.

Dr Handsome shows up to take off Rocio’s bandages. JM walks in. (That’s a lot of male pulchritude to cram into one lens - I’m going blind here.) The doctor is charming and gallantly flirty. Time to take the bandages off! Rocio is excited.

Viv is lying on the bed with her head in Onelia’s lap. Onelia fiddles with Viv’s hair and asks why she wanted to see Stef so bad and Viv says to ask about JM. Onelia says why do you think she’d know more than I would? Viv says actually you’re wrong. Onelia says really? Viv tells her that Mari is going to have JM’s child.

The bandages are being unrolled. (I’m channeling a certain old Twilight Zone episode - anybody remember it?) The doctor studies Rocio’s face, which we can’t see. She says why are you looking at me like that? She reaches up to her face, but the doctor says don’t touch! Rocio says why won’t you let me see? Give me a mirror! JM is smiling. The doctor says first we have to clean you up a little.

General meeting of Baddies, Inc. Stef and Isa are listening while Amador tells them he’s found just the person to spy on Mari, a nobody from the area. He tells about going to the hacienda, how Cande gave him hell and how El L. threw him out, but he’s going back. He’s sure Mari didn’t know he was there.

Mari is in her room putting her flowers in a vase and Cande is really enjoying the story of where they came from. She dances Mari around. Mari says don’t read too much into it, I think he was just sorry to be so cranky with me before and he’s trying to make it up to me. Cande says yeah, right. Mari says there’s nobody for me but JM, father of my child.

Cut to JM in Rocio’s room. The doctor is satisfied and Rocio gets her mirror. We see her and there are just very faint scars on her cheeks. She’s thrilled and says she’s like she was before. JM congratulates the doctor. Rocio grasps his hands and thanks him he says you’re welcome, muñequita. Rocio admires herself some more. Amazingly, her hair is shiny and clean.

Elsa tells Nelson that he’s not interested in their marriage, or even their love. What am I doing married to you? He says listen… She says Don’t touch me! Leave me alone! I don’t want to listen, I don’t want to even see you! It’s all over between us. She runs out.

JM is coming down the stairs of at castle San Roman. Viv confronts him about why he’s going out alone at night, can she come? He says she’d get bored. She probes some more and he says he’s going to a bar to unwind. She says hmmm.

Balbina comes down the stairs saying something is wrong with Blanca. She knocked at her room and nobody answered. Viv says go on in, she’s an employee. JM runs up to see. Viv rolls her eyes and follows.

Mari is in the hacienda living room sewing. El L. says I thought you’d gone to bed. She says she ate too much and needs to digest a bit. He tells her she should say “tu” to him, he’s not that old. She says but you’re the lord of the manor here, though you look young. She says she wants to tell him something.

JM is knocking at Blanca’s door. We see inside, and she’s not there. But they are outside the door and can’t see in like we did, and Balbina says maybe she’s dead! Viv says don’t be so dramatic, she’s not there. JM says go get the duplicate key.

Mari is all excited and stumbles over her words, but she finally spits out that she wants El L. to deliver her baby. He turns serious and so does the music. Forget it! he says. Get another doctor.

JM and the others go in Blanca’s room. She’s not there. Balbina says she’s searched the house. Viv says she’s probably out walking the streets – some woman you’ve brought into our house, JM!

Mari says I thought we were friends and you get all cranky with me again. Too bad, says El L. Mari says who could I get? Who could I trust more than you? You know what? A while ago Micaela told me you are a doctor and you could deliver the baby and I was scared – my hair practically stood on end. And now you’re scaring me again. El L. says you should be scared.

Mari says you’re not fierce. You can be sweet, tender. Don’t be a jerk.

Balbina says I think it’s very odd that Blanca would leave without telling me. Viv says maybe she went for some romantic encounter, though it’s hard to imagine that pathetic little thing having a romance.

Balbina says I’ll go tell Mayita that Blanca can’t come, and she leaves. JM says to Viv why don’t you go to Mayita? Viv says so you can leave? JM says it’s shameful that Mayita called for her nanny, not for her mama. Viv says is it my fault Mayita doesn’t love me, and that you don’t either? (Hint: yes.)

Mari says look, I want to put my life in your hands. El L. says don’t do it. Mari says and even more, the life of my child. El L. says don’t do that either. I’ll find you a good doctor who will guarantee that you both will be safe. Mari says but they say you’re a very good doctor. El L. says I can’t practice – I’ve forbidden myself. Mari says tell me why. He says I can’t tell you or anybody else.

Viv says to JM I don’t know why you brought me back into you life if you don’t love me - you’ve probably never loved me. JM gets snotty and says don’t throw a scene. Viv calls him cold, a man of ice. She asks if he was like that with Mari. JM says good night and leaves. She runs after him.

El L. says something I didn’t get, then says he can’t harm others, nor himself. Mari wants to know if that has to do with the two dead innocents. He says he quit medicine two years and fled back here and became an uncivilized man. Never will the life of others depend on these hands, he snarls. Closeup of his hands. This is a doctor who takes the “do no harm” thing very seriously.

Viv is lying on her bed and says to herself I never thought my own husband wouldn’t want to be with me. And it bugs me he’s so worried about the nanny. She sits up: could there be something between JM and the nanny? She’s so mousy… but there’s something mysterious happening with her. She must be hiding something, and I’m going to find out what it is.

El L. is alone in his room thinking to himself that he can’t help Mari, she’s pulling at his heart, that’s why. Too bad JM San Ramon took up psychiatry – he’d be the perfect doctor for her. (Wouldn’t an ob-gyn be a better choice?) Yes! I’ll go into the city and see him.

Avances: JM meets dolled-up Blanca in the bar. Stef and Viv shake on a pact. Looks like Amador is coming to the hacienda again or maybe that was the old shot. Mari says something to El L. that I didn’t understand.


Fuego 12-11-2008 "He Glamoured Me"

I apologize ahead of time for this recap, I think maybe the scenes aren’t in order, but I believe Tio Elf glamoured me right in the beginning. (I learned from HBO’s TrueBlood that Vampires can look you in the eye and glamour you, which means you will let them suck your blood, take your money & forget what happened). I think maybe Elves can do the same, cause all I really remember with great detail is that Tio Elf outfit.

We review Juan’s conversation with his Elf like uncle. Seriously WTF is up with that heavily embroidered? Well either he has a gig as Santa’s helper or it is vacation time at Keebler. Anyway Tio Elf tells Juan, that Ber was no killer. He says Gabi was lying and after all who profited by the death of the Reyes parents? Jeez not us the viewing audience. Ahhhh Ricardo Uribe.

Next we see spurs on the hardwood, Yadda Yadda Yadda, Juan knocks Ric down, draws back his fist..Ric pulls out a pistol with a very long barrel, ah compensate much? Anyway he shoots the gun, he blows Juan’s head off. As if!!!! That would have been so great, Pablito would have been set for life. He is the only one who knows how to make the 7,000 calorie Sofie Pan. Soon like any good dealer he would have had fat patrons Jonesing for carbs & fat. The kid would have had it made.
However, Ricardo only shot the rafter. Loser. So Juan threatens him some more. Says he doesn’t believe Ricardo was the owner of the hacienda, no papers. So on so forth… Ricardo says Ber was happy to take the money in exchange for the land.

As Juan leaves Raquel enters, tells Ricardo that all hell will break loose. I guess having the crap smacked outta of her for thirty or forty years has not dimmed Raquel’s desire to get the last word in…just once.
Ricardo threatens Raquel a bit more.

Sofie is all Scarlett rebuilding Tara, she is going to put in a pump to bring the river water up to the fields of non-growing a freeking thing. She tells Fer that he must work or go to jail. He gets handed a giant scythe thing that he promptly puts up against a tree as he watches the rest of the common folk labor. Fer jumps up just in time to avoid having his life end due to the falling scythe. The ghost or angel or figment of Fer sexually frustrated brain, Ros swoops down to tell him that he is a murderer and he will pay. Fer is sweating big time. No puede ser, X fifty. Dude is having a seriously bad day.

Juan rides up and tries to talk to snotty Sofie who is in her wicked Lil House, leather coat outfit. She is now officially a businesswoman. He tells her that Ricardo Uribe says he paid Ber the bucks for the land.
Sofie just dismisses Juan cause she is Woman & she had a really cool leather coat and equally cool leather hat.

Root is lying on her bed, in one of Sofies ninas, white shirts, it must belong to one of the kids cause it sure doesn’t fit Root, she is wearing lowrider jeans with leather chaps and leather gloves. I guess she doesn’t want to leave finger prints as she strokes herself. Mostly she thinks how much she hates Sofie. I think a lot about how much I hate Sofie, but I am much more versatile than Root, I can hate Sofie, while I am vertical and fully dressed.

Gabi is standing in her room looking in a wardrobe, Sofie comes in and she slams the wardrobe door really quick. Maybe that is where she keeps her blow up doll, Reggie, he is so buff and loves her so much and never, evah talks back.

Sofie comes in and says Ricardo Uribe says he paid Ber for the land. Gabi says yes indeed this is the truth. Sofie is left to lick her lips and wander off with her pink eyes. Gabi drags out a picture and starts in thinking how Sofie must suffer, cry and suffer. As if? Where the hell has Gabi been thru this crapfest? Sofie has done nothing but suffer and whine. Anyway, Sofie must do this cause Ber was not her father, Ber was not her father (we get the lovely echo)
--Cut to break—

Okay We get the taunting…yadda yadda yadda, finally Gabi spits out…
Another was your father…Another
I guess Gabi didn’t know Another’s last name. It was just Otra.
---Yeah big dramatic moment there…like we really thought it would be revealed---

Okay Tio Elf comes by to see, Gabi.
Once she realizes he doesn’t have that weeks shipment of Club Crackers, she tells him to get out. He is all shades of Elfen pissed, there goes any chance bitch had for the pot of gold. He tells Gabi she is a liar, his brother JJRobles never loved her, didn’t even like her and thought she was a tranny. JJRobles was true to his wife and Ber never killed the couple, cause Ber too thought Gabi was a tranny and was too busy nailing Eva and scopeing out young babes to ever get jealous over Gabi. With that in your face, Tio Elf whirls on his little magic heels, (elfin curled toed boots with cowboy heels) and sets off for his Santa’s helper stint in Puebla’s ToysRUs. Gabi gets no respect.

Gramps & Santa are up in his room, gluing faces of dead folks in a scapbook & trying to do their best Sherlock Holmes to solves the many murders of Mexidoom. Gabi comes in and like a thirteen year old with a playboy, the book is slammed shut. Gabi acts like she doesn’t care, but of course she does. Instead she tells Santa to stay away from Fer. Now that is so sad when you are like sixty and you have to tell your future eighty year old stepmom to keep her paws off your forty year old husband.

Now for some comic relief, Quitana picks up one of the towngossip sisters for a ride in Quitana’s motorcycle taxi. This leads to hijinks as they arrive at the church and the lady’s hair is all messed up and she accuses Quitana of trying to kill her. Oh the hilarity.

Sofie wanders in to visit her three kids, who are basically locked up in that small room with the three rent a nuns & Eva. Sofie comes in to greet them like any good plantation owning female would as the children bond to their Mammies. Sofie dumps more gloom and doom on Eva who is such a willing scrapegoat. I would totally love to have an Eva.

Meanwhile Root decides to hate Sofie even more and goes into Sofie’s room to dig up anything that could screw Sofie over. I think this is a lame ass idea as we know Princess would have nothing bad or evil in her room. Root finds the Evil Snake belt.

Root takes it to Pa Snake. This is my belt he exclaims what was Sofie doing with it in her room? Hmmmm
He comes up with the idea of kicking the crap outta Raquel to find the answer.
Meanwhile Raquel while still wearing her Judy Garland glasses is talking to Gabi, Gabi has had enough Drama for one day and orders Raquel to take off the glasses, Raquel has the black eye. Ewwwww Gabi gets the story that Ricardo smacked her and guess what it isn’t the first time.

Root runs into to Ma and Gabi, Root says that Pa is pissed deluxe over the belt being stolen.
Gabi gets all huffy and says she will take care of it.

Raquel confronts sticky finger Fer over the belt. She says he swiped it while he was boinking her and now Ricardo was going to kill both of them. Jeez Fer is all sweaty and nasty and his day just keeps getting worse and worse.

Fer wanders into Gabi’s bedroom which I guess is his too. He calls out her name a couple of times, she is not there. Then he remembers that Root hates Sofie and Root is staying in his room.

Fer is now in his room, searching through the drawers. Root comes in she starts questioning Fer about taking a shower. I really don’t recall what was said, but he is shirtless and looks pretty good, after all he is glistening with the sweat of having the crap scared out of him by the ghost of Ros and doing labor with an extremely toxic hangover. For awhile it looks like Root and Fer are gonna play hide the salami, but Fer’s very, very bad day continues and yet another woman leaves him high and dry.

Meanwhile the three hornster females that live with Don Clemente are talking about hookin up with the Reyes boys. JuliAnna finds Sofie and tries to talk to her about Juan. Of course Sofie is all, oh he is free so don’t talk to me about it. JuliAnna keeps trying to talk to Sofie, Sofie continues with her holier than thou, act until JuliAnna finally faints. Yeah nice to know you just made a dying person spend twenty minutes of their remaining life trying to talk to you, while you refused. Yeah Sofie real nice, I guess it is fair to say Sofie didn’t know JuliAnna was dying, of course it is also fair to say JuliAnna didn’t know Sofie was such a Douche.

Next scene Sofie is doing her best concerned good person look to Don Clemente. He tells her JuliAnna is very ill. Gee, if Sofie would have known that she was probably would have trimmed five minutes off the torture time. Doc Worthless comes down to say JuliAnna is not long for this world and she wants to see Juan.
Juan is baking when Sofie comes into the kitchen, of course he lights up, thinking she has come to see him. She only relays the message that JuliAnna has one foot in the grave and the other is slipping.

Juan goes to see JuliAnna and she asks him if she is sick? Is this not just the worst story line? Jeez is she gonna be surprised when she dies, I hope she hasn’t made any long term plans. Juan skirts the issue and tries to put her in a better mood. She says she would like a Seranata, which I guess means she wants the boys to come over and sing. Although if Franco is not available perhaps Ava Maria at her funeral would suffice.

Gabi enters the Cabana & tells Ricardo that Ber had a snake belt. No way, mine was unique. Gabi laughs it off. They speak of the RoblesReyes murder and that makes Gabi think of other festive times past. Gabi goes on a snake hunt and next thing you know, she and Ric are bumping buckles and it is only a matter of moments before the snake is freed from his cage.

Okay I remember nothing about what is coming up…
I think a lot of this is out of order, but damn nothing ever happens, it is the same over and over and over…except that whole elf thing which really threw me. I must comment again, that was the most bizarre twinkle toed costume I have seen in a long while.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tontas Thursday Dec. 11, '08 Where Did All The Kisses Go?

Hmmm...I've started this recap three times. The first two times disappeared. Is the universe trying to tell me something? Okay, let's get right down to it. One. More. Time.

First the obligatory rehash: Patricio, while saying he's married, nevertheless is willing to give his "name" to Beto if DNA tests show he's actually his son. And when he meets Beto, he lights up like a Christmas tree. Clearly here's a man who wants to have a family of his own and hopes to do a better job than his alcoholic dad. A more likable side of last. And Candi is giving macho lessons to her uncle (why didn't he ask a guy for Pete's sake?) and says "Cuidadito con ese dedito" (Careful with that little finger) Tio Meño has a habit of sticking it out ever so delicately and stroking his eyebrow. Won't do....won't do at all. And finally, my favorite scene, Santiago snuggled up in bed (be still my heart) remembering tender times with Candi, especially those kisses,and thinking that he might be falling in love. Absolutely!

All onto the new stuff, which unfortunately is a lot like the old stuff, minus the sweet kisses. Santiago has made an early morning visit to Candi's place and waylaid Chava outside the house. He's delighted to see him practicing soccer. Atta boy. Gotta train day and night to get good. Sacrifice. Sacrifice. (My cat is now walking around the keyboard. It will be a miracle if this thing gets written and posted.) Santiago explains that he needed to go to the office but stopped by to see Chava first. Yes, Chava. Candi is hiding nearby trying to listen as big guy and little guy talk. Chava's okay about them being potential novios because he'd like a papa like Santiago. He listens to the doc's heart again, and yep, our Santi proves to be a good person. And hey, Santi would like to have a son like Chava. Sure he has two lovely daughters, but a guy needs someone to play soccer with. And who wants to worry about makeup and stuff like that? But this is our little secret. Don't tell mom, don't tell anybody. Chava promises. And Santiago leaves looking very satisfied and whoops....gets doused by some mysterious fountains that suddenly spring up. This is telenovela foreshadowing. Just when our galan thinks he's got it made, something happens to douse his dreams. Yeah, you know where this is going don't you?...down the tubes.

And another romance going down the tubes? Well , yes......Patricio and Alicia. He's asking her if she wants to have children...'cause he'd like a whole bunch. She hedges until he leaves and then mutters Children! What a horror!

Brief scenes of our respective households dealing with adolescents. Charley is plugged into his headphones, singing along so loudly that Candi is having trouble grilling Chava about his conversation with Santiago. She learns nothing. Little guy knows how to keep a secret. The mirror scene is at Santiago's mansion where the niece is trying to talk Granny and Uncle into a big monetary present for her 15th birthday to pay for those breast enhancements. (I'm sure there's some PSA associated with this storyline but it makes me totally queasy). Uncle's thinking cake and party and princess dress; niece is thinking money for silicone. She disguises it as a request for money to travel to Europe. Also quashed. Granny and Uncle decide to open an account and add to it very slowly so in a few years, when she's OLDER and more MATURE, she can go to Europe. Curses, foiled again!

And one more mirror scene, an older uncle, Tio Meño,is trying to talk some sense into his foolish niece as well. Candi is fretting about yesterday's kisses and whether or not it was wrong. And how many kisses have you had in the last seven years? asks Tio. Wouldn't you like to have a boyfriend who likes you, who loves you? Candi chews her lip, a typical gesture when she's thinking.

The monetary negotiations at Santiago's are interrupted by the majordomo telling him Marissa has called and wants him to come over for a surprise. Santiago pleads work but Mom steps in and says After what happened the other night, the least you could do is go! Doc checks in with secretary Hortensia, learns there's only one patient waiting, tells her to delay and he'll get there later.

Another queasy making scene. Eduardo and his devoted wife Chayo who wants to know what's up with the pink cigarette lighter she found in his pocket. Is he cheating on her? Eduardo panics, stammers, makes up wild stories about it being Rosita's, no, Santiago's, no, don't say anything, he's a secret smoker, doesn't want anyone to know, but how could you suspect me!!!??? aren't you sorry you doubted me!!!?? no good-bye kiss for you! and off he runs, leaving his poor bewildered wife feeling guilty and sad. As Ferro would say, what a tool!!!!

Marissa meanwhile is seducing Santiago. Never mind that he just decided he's in love with Candi. "La carne es debil" (the flesh is weak) especially when sexy black underwear is being tossed around.

I guess the writers love irony because the very next scene is a beautiful church with bells pealing melodiously and Patricio coming to talk to his old friend the priest (and yikes! it's Omar, the unfaithful husband from both Querida Enemiga and Guapos. He looks quite distinguished as a priest, I must say.) Patricio is clearly troubled and in a bad place but gets a talking to about moving on from the past and Candi. However, the priest adds that Love doesn't die. Only bodies. And yet, Patricio can't explain it...but he feels that somehow Candi is nearby. He can "feel" her. (If he only knew! And from the previews, it seems he's about to.)

Meanwhile, back at the office, Alicia is sucking up to her in-laws. She has invited them without Patricio's knowledge (which infuriates papa) and the mood darkens as dad, an "alcoholico regenerado" (recovered alcoholic) says he can now drink moderately with no problem (that ain't what the 12-step programs say, good buddy.)

We jump now to the offices that Candi and her uncle are painting and discussions over whether or not she'll start an "institute for the soul". Women's souls, of course. Not sure if Candi would even admit men have them! The phone rings and it's Raul, wanting to know when in the H...he's going to meet Meño niece, as promised. "Se me fue el avion" (I forgot) apologizes Tio and passes Candi the phone. Raul is being very peremptory and directive, telling her she HAS to come in tomorrow and meet him. After she hangs up, she mutters that he doesn't know who he's dealing with.

I'm going to compress some scenes now. Drives me crazy sometimes the way these episodes jump around. So first, the Candi/Santiago meeting. They run into each other in the office building, he offers "to take her to Paradise" but it just turns out to be his office. Then he tells her he's done nothing but think of her all day but whoops....there's that big hickey on his neck. He dismisses it as a "moretón (bruise) caused by tsi-tsi flies no less. There's the usual back and forth, he protests he never meant to hurt her, he would never "delatar" (betray) her but of course that hickey keeps telling a different story. She wants him to stay away from her, from her son and assures him that the Candi who'd believe men and fall in love died 7 years ago. He reminds her that her heart is still alive, but she isn't listening. Santiago's mom walks in at this point, wonders what Candi's doing there if she isn't a patient or a friend (Candi denies both those titles) and the scene ends. (Some of the editing in this baby seems a little choppy, don't you think?)

The family scene at Patricio's office is going from bad to worse. Patricio arrives all huffy, protesting that he's very busy. Too busy to give your father a hug??!!yells Dad. You never had time for me, retorts Patricio. A major paternal tantrum ensues with Dad sweeping everything off the desk, claiming everything is his, Patricio's "success" would never have come about without his financial backing (probably true, come to think of it) but then pow! he drops to the floor with a heart attack.

We have a complete 180. Patricio is desperate, yells at Alicia to call an ambulance, follows dad on stretcher pleading with him to be strong. Don't die on me Dad. I NEED you!

Meanwhile, Beto's mom is explaining to him that he needs to go to a lab tomorrow and have a blood test. Does it hurt? Only a little. Why do I have to have it? Because I say so. Tickle tickle tickle, end of discussion.

More brief interspersed scenes. Marissa's explaining to Santiago's mom how important he is to her. Chava's explaining to his mom about coming to school the next day for games and such. Rocio's crying to her granny because HER mom can't come to school. She's the only one without a mom, and Granny is no substitute for this one. Painful looks all around. I suppose the sexy but loathsome Marissa will try to insert herself into this scenario. Yuck.

We break for an ad and when we come back, lo and behold! it's Sven and Ole (thanks Paula, now I will NEVER get their real names straight) sitting at the restaurant table like they're clients instead of paid (off-key) Mariachi singers cum waiters. Tio Meño pops his cork and yells at them big-time. Also tells Charley brusquely to start working. (Is this part of Tio's macho pose?). Charley notes to Sven and Ole that Dad seems rather strange. They roll their eyes at each other and say nothing.

Santiago is gamely trying to console Rocio for her lack of a mother. He pulls out the letter he wrote and says it's from mom....and here's how it goes. I know I haven't called but that's because I'm so busy with work. But I love you very much. Mom. Nice dad/daughter hug.

More family matters back at the restaurant kitchen. Candi is counseling Tio to be honest with Charley about his gayness. Tio can't face it. After the tragic rejection when he told his wife, his family!! No, he just can't do it. Your son needs to know that you love him, insists Candi, but also that you're "different". No no, protests Meño, it's crazy!

More father/son troubles. Patricio's mom coldly tells him that things went downhill after he married Candi. All right but now I'm married to Alicia. Just as bad. The medical news is good however. Papa had a stent inserted and will recover. Patricio is clearly moved...and relieved that his father is going to live.

Santiago shows up at the restaurant, undeterred by the brushoff at his office and sits down at a table, requesting a song from Candi, rather than the badly off-key waiters. Nope. She only sings in the shower. Great! Let's head for the bathroom. She tips a floral vase of water over his head...There's your shower! And we have another ad. Oh, these crazy kids.

Santiago's protesting the inflexibility of the school, insisting that only moms can show up for the fun and games day. Rocio's closed up in her room crying and Granny's meditating on how she'd like to kill Paulina for letting Rocio down like that. (I must say, I'd feel exactly the same way if my daughter-in-law had abandoned my son and granddaughter. Grrrrr!) Later, Santiago comforts Rocio again, saying how helpless he feels when she cries for her mother. I want her here with me, weeps Rocio. Yes, but she's working, explains Santi, adding that he has a couple of quick surgeries to do (don't think I'd want to be his patient today) but then he'll meet her at school.

Another scene with Meño and Charley is thrown in here. Evidently it hasn't taken long for adolescent behavior to get on dad's nerves. Meño protests the ear-splitting volume of the rock music Charley's playing. But I thought you liked music! They disagree on whether "el rock" is music and Meño gives serious thought to getting ear plugs. (For several years we had two adult children living at home and it was like a dorm. Music playing, lights on and toilets flushing 24 hours a day. I feel for poor Meño.)

Beto's at the clinic, waiting for his blood test and sees Patricio come out. Patricio assures him it doesn't hurt, but Beto's suspicious about why Mom's "friend" is showing up in his life again. And in another part of the city, Candi is getting ready for her appointment with Raul. Don't forget your column, cautions Tio. What's it about? Extremists. Politics, you?! No, no, it's about women who are extremists about falling in love...who reject the idea....and end up alone and very sad. So are you falling in love, asks Meño hopefully. "Dios me libre!" (God forbid!)

And that's where this episode ends, but there are some interesting previews. One has Santi showing up at Mom's Day at school. Candi calls Rocio a princess. Well, that makes me a king then, smirks our doc.

And Patricio comes home late, explaining to the ever suspicious Alicia that he had to get a DNA study done. And what would you say if I told you I had a son? Impactado look from Alicia.

And lastly, Patricio shows up at the soccer game and ohmigosh...does he see Candi? Tune in tomorrow to find out if our gal's past is about to catch up with her.

Vocabulary, such as it is, is embedded.


Las Tontas Wed. Dec 10 - Paula Pinch Hits!

Our recapper wrote: Pardon me folks but I fell ill yesterday afternoon and I'm leaving on a trip today and it was all I could do to finish up at work and go home and pack. I thought I'd watch thsi am but that didn't work out so I'll probably have to post gradually as time permits today from Youtube. I wanted to give you a place to comment, and anyone can feel free to post details as they wish. Thanks for your patience as always!!!

Then Paula sent us this, thanks Paula!

"The Wind Blows Them Off; The Wind Blows Them Away."

At Meño’s house, Candy admits that she feels very alone.

Pat arrives home late. Alicia implies that he’s cheating on her. He blows her off and goes to his room to be alone, like always. He can’t stop thinking about Candy.

Santiago tells Donato not to worry; he won’t get fired. But one question. (Puts the squeeze on him.) “When MY GIRLFRIEND undressed, did you look at her?” Donato asks, “Do you want me to lie?”

Santiago find’s Marissa’s note on his mirror, “Why are you with me?” That’s exactly what he’s wondering, himself.

In Santiago’s office, Ed repeats Marissa’s question while he plays with the pink lighter last night’s hottie gave him. Santi’s trying to decide whether to stay with Mar. She was fine until Candy came into my life. Marissa’s pretty, she’s good in bed, and I like watching movies with her. She’s part-owner of my business, she‘s his good friend‘s sister, and Rocío likes her. Ed asks how Santi can turn his back on all that. Because his heart is complaining.

And why, Santi asks, does Ed stay with Chayo? Because he loves her, he loves everything about her. He cheats on her because it‘s exciting and he’s weak. Pobrecito! Santi remembers when his life was happy, with Paulina. She was perfect, our marriage was happy, my life was happy, and now I’m abandoned.

Isabela charges in and chews out Santiago for putting his girlfriend into the butler’s bed - Pervert! Santiago tries to look contrite instead of laughing. Meanwhile Marissa is telling her brother how angry she is about Donato in Santiago’s bed.

In his office, Pat admits to his buddy that he never loved Alicia. Candy is the only one he ever loved, so he married a substitute.

Sven and Ole beg Candy to forgive them for making her undress. Remember, that was what revealed to Santiago that she was the bride who died. A food fight ensues.

Marissa comes home and finds Santiago’s note on her mirror. “I’m with you because ‘me hace bien’.” Does that mean, “it makes me good”?

Santiago goes to Candy’s house, ready to collect his blackmail. She tells him he can shove his picture, and she’s not going to bed with him. He laughs at her because she’s the one with the dirty mind, interpreting every word as sexual. All he wanted for blackmail was a chance to spend a special day with her, to go someplace and forget all their friction, and get to know each other without all the fighting. To give their interaction - knowing each other - a fresh start.

Sven is trying to pick up a waitress, so she bites him. (I guess Candy isn’t the only abusive woman in this show.) Charlie comes in looking for his dad. Meño is stunned and drops a pan of spaghetti on his jacket (who would put a pan of spaghetti on a high shelf in the dining room?). Yo soy tu padre.

Santiago’s car breaks down. Candy accuses him again of trying to take advantage of her. He accuses her again of having a sick mind.

Pat goes back to talk to Soledad. He has decided to order a paternity test. Beto joins them, and Patricio is touched, seeing him. You can see Pat’s change in attitude about Soledad’s claim.

Charly and Meño talk. Papa is moved to actually be talking to his son, but their conversation is bumpy. Charly’s first question: “Why did you abandon me? Did you want to erase me from your life?” Meño insists Charly is important to him, but he dodges Charly’s questions.

Soledad found the pink lighter in Ed’s pocket, and she has her suspicions. She tries to ask him about his salary, but he only listens to the soccer game.

THEME: Nobody loves anybody! Santiago stays with Mar because she’s convenient but he doesn‘t love her; Ed says he loves Chayo but he won’t give up his hotties, Patricio married Alicia but never loved her. Wait a minute! More specifically, the MEN don’t love their women, because all men are pigs and all women love sincerely, so they suffer because of the pig-men. Isn’t that the man-haters’ creed?

At Chapala, a lake outside Guadalajara, Santiago tells Candy to close her eyes and listen to what the wind says. “Santiago likes you a lot.” Santiago confirms - that wind is very wise. He’s quite pleased with himself, and for once Candy is charmed. So charmed that she’s asking for more. As Santiago teaches Candy about the sunset, she asks what the sun says.

Never one to disappoint a woman asking for more, Santiago says that when the sun speaks, we have to obey or it will stop moving and be the end of all mankind. With a responsibility like that on her shoulders, Candy agrees to cooperate. The wind says “beso.” She gives him a peck. He says, you call that a kiss?! Then he shows her what a kiss is supposed to be like, and don’t we all agree? As Judy described it, “he lays some world-class as only Jaime Camil can do it kisses on her, ending with the classic hands tenderly wrapped around her face. His hands are awesome...and he uses them well.”

He asks, “Did you like the kiss,” but she changes the subject. He says he’s not leaving until she answers, so she says, “El que calla otorga” - silence indicates consent. Don’t you just love the full-body smile? She admits that it has been a very special day, and he reminds her that she is addressing him as “tu” (tutear). He thanks her for enabling the sun to set and night to return, because every night he thinks about her.

Beto is angry at Soledad for having a male friend. Women can only have amigas.

Pat is angry at Ali because he found her birth control pills. They had agreed to try to have children as God sends them. She claims the doctor prescribed them because she has “female problems,” but he says she’s lying.

Meño asks Chava his opinion of Charly. Chava listens to Charly’s heart and proclaims him good, because Chava can tell who is good and bad from listening to their heartbeat. Santiago brings Candy home, and Chava listens to his heart too. Chava proclaims, “Tu novio tambien es bueno.” Candy doesn’t know what to say, and Santi wants to slip the kid a fiver.

In contrast, at Santiago’s house, Marissa is manipulating Rocío to be in favor of papa marrying her. Santiago hears it and pulls Roc out of her clutches. He and Marissa exchange discreet insults, and Mar suggests he put Rocío to bed so they can go out and have fun. Santi would rather spend the time with Roc, but if Marissa wants to wait until later.. Mar bluffs - if you’re not eager to be with me, I’ll just leave now. Santiago is as delighted as Rocío at that. Bye, bye, Magpie!

Meño asks Candy to give him macho lessons. First lesson - no mariposas - butterflies, or fluttery gestures.

Santiago is lying in bed, remembering the day, remembering his tender moments with Candy in recent weeks (and her countless rejections), and singing Nadie se va a marchar. He concludes, “I think I’m in love.” (Would anybody catch the reference if I said, “I’m sleeping. I’m right in the middle of a good dream. When all at once I wake up…”?) By the way, although I like Camil’s singing just fine, I really dislike most of his songs. This one I really like, and two others.

Santiago calls Paulina to urge her to send even a short note to her daughter. She blows him off once again, so he forges a mommy-note, assuring Rocío that mama loves her.

In Santiago’s office, Marissa calls and he blows her off, but he doesn’t hang up the phone properly, so she hears him telling Ed that he wants to break up with her but doesn’t want to hurt her. She ponders, “I want to keep you forever. I could get pregnant. But what will I hold back, for your lie? Well, there’s the millions I’ve invested in your clinic..”

Thursday. Candy discovers that Santiago got bitten by a leech, and she’s done with him.
Pat’s dad throws a tantrum and catches a heart attack.
Permalink posted by Blogger Paula H : Thu Dec 11, 08:31:00 PM EST


El Cuerpo del Deseo, Wed. Dec. 10 - Ángela and Antonio get married

PJ/S checks out the recovering Moncho. Cantalicia continues to refuse to return to Las Cruces. Father Jacobo has come to Rio Claro to look for her though.

Ok, the big event is Antonio and Ángela's wedding. While the movers load up the Dominguez's stuff to leave the Donoso house and Walter is chomping at the bit for them to leave, Antonio disappears. PJ/S convinces Ángela to go out in the car with him. Miracle of miracles, she doesn't wear one of her tarty cowboy outfits but puts a on a nice dress! PJ/S takes her to a church where Antonio is waiting. Initially, she says that she doesn't want to have her situation force her into marriage.

However, PJ/S convinces her that he is an emissary of her father by giving her the "little shiny tear" (pequeña lagrima brillante), the diamond necklace that belonged to her mother and that PJ promised to give her on her wedding day. PJ/S tells her that he believes she loves Antonio and should marry him.

Thanks to the circumstances, PJ/S gets to give Ángela away.

PJ/S is overcome with emotion during the wedding.

PJ/S embraces Antonio and Ángela after the wedding.
Ángela and Antonio return to the house and Walter, who thought he had not only gotten rid of the former proteges of PJ but was going to be made the new administrator of the house and get to move into Abigail's room in the house, is crushed. Now the family he hated so much is staying around and has new privileges as relations of the co-owner of the house.

Enjoying the benefits of marriage, Antonio and Ángela get to have sex in a real bed instead of an old couch in the attic.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cuidado con el Angel, December 10, 2008

First off I would just like to tell you all that today was a wonderful day. My nephew Christopher came home from Iraq. He is a soldier in the Marines and our hero. His bravery and love for his country is much to be admired. My girls were so happy to see him and would not leave his side for a second. We get to have him until Sunday then he has to go back to California, but will come back home for Christmas. Okay on with the show...

We start off with PA pulling up and being greeted by Marichuy (who is holding that damn bird), Cande and Micaela. He brings tamales and candy from the neighbors back home. Marichuy questions PA if he has told anyone of there whereabouts.

Patricio gets onto Ceci about Marichuy. He tells Ceci that Marichuy will never accept her and Ceci tells him to desist. She accuses him of wanting Marichuy not to forgive her so that he does not have to accept her as his daughter.

PA again tries to talk to Marichuy about her mother and the real reason she gave her up. Marichuy does not want to hear about it.

Elsa is attempting to cook and gets burned. She lashes out on Nelson about how they have no money and he critizies her on her cooking (I guess the little bubble that she was living in has burst)

Ceci is sitting on the stairwell asking and waiting for Marichuy.

Marichuy yells to PA that she does not want to know the name of her parents. She does not care. PA finally relents but tells her that when she finally finds out who her parents are she will be very surprised.

Again Elsa is complaining and starts in about her hands and her hair to Nelson. They yell hurtful things to each other but sort of make-up afterwards.

PA, Cande, Marichuy and Micaela are having lunch when Nacho? comes in telling PA that El Leopard wants to speak with him. PA thanks El Leopard for letting the girls stay and wonders if the girls are behaving. He tells PA about the incident with Marichuy and Panera? at the river. He tells PA that she is in danger since Panera is still out loose.

Elsa mom visits and brings gifts. She informs Elsa that Beatrice is living with them since Eduardo brought her.

Eduardo asks JM if he is going out with Viv. JM tells him that he will meeting up with Ivette. Eduardo warns him that is how affairs start, but JM says that he has one great love and that is with Marichuy. He says that he would go crazy if she was with another.

PA is ready to leave and asks Marichuy if she still does not want to tell JM about the baby. Marichuy insists that is what she wants. He warns her about leaving the hacienda alone. Marichuy goes into the living room and runs into El Leopard. He asks her who put the flowers in the room and she confesses that she did for PA. He tells her that his mother use to put roses in the room. He thanks her and hands her a red rose.

Elsa's mom asks her if it bothers her that Beatrice is living with them. Elsa says that it doesn't and thought bubbles to Eduardo proposing to her. Her mom begs her to let her help financially. (that will so go well if Nelson finds out)

Marichuy asks why he (El Leopard) is the way he is. He tells her that it is regret. Something that keeps him up all night and makes him cry when no one is looking. "What is it?" asks Marichuy. He admits because of him 2 innocent people died. Marichuy is muy impactada.

Marichuy is sewing a doll in the stables and talking to herself about how El Leopard is really not so bad. In walks Cosme and she asks him about the woman that made El Leopard the way he is. He tells her that she was a sweet like sugar, crazy like a storm and cruel like the fires of hell. So he went crazy because he lost her asks Marichuy. No responds Cosme, because of the 2 innocents that died.

Isa walks into the living room with Estephania and are talking about the plans they have for Marichuy. Estephania says that Marichuy will not be able to use the baby to get JM back. (what the hell is the plan? have I missed it?) Isa says that it would help if they had an accompliance there in the house. Estephania tells Isa that Viv is faking her amnesia and that soon JM will figure it out. If not she will help him along. (what a witch)

JM is in the bar and Ivette walks up and says something which I cannot hear with all that crappy music playing in the background. He says that her beauty brought him there and something else which I cannot understand because again of that damn music.

Marichuy asks who's fault it was that the 2 innocents died. Hers or his? Cosme admits that he does not know although El Leopard has been punishing himself since. He asks if Marichuy is interested in saving him because the love of a good woman will get him away from the hell that he has put himself in.

Back at the bar Ivette smiles and says that JM sure wants to know alot about her. JM says he likes to know the terrain that he is stepping into. She side steps his questions about her and instead asks him to tell her about his life. Why is he so sad? He responds by saying that he is unlucky in love. Probably because you did not know me first says Ivette. JM says that she is very generous and knows how to occupy any man's time. She responds "And what if I also want his heart". JM tells her that his is too hard to fill. She says that she will make him love her. (help me out with this conversation. some of it i did not quite understand which is really sad since i am fluent. but this puerto rican is having problems tonight)

Rocio is on the phone with Vicente and asks why he is not painting. Vicente is depressed and says that he will not be getting better but she will. Rocio insists that both of them must do all that they can so that they can get better. Her surgeon interrupts and she lets Vicente go. The surgeon tells her that tomorrow the bandages will be coming off.

JM and Blanca are discussing Mayita and her process on her writing. Mayita goes to visit Abuela in fantasyland. Mayita complains to Abuela about Viv denying seeing her at school. JM asks Blanca to sit down and she asks him if he is unhappy. He says you are getting to know me well that I cannot deny it. It is my fault for wanting a wife and family and not putting enough emphasis on love. He hints about his past with Marichuy and that he can not forget her.

Marichuy is walking down the road by herself talking to the dam bird again about JM. She admits that she loves him with all of her heart. At the exact moment JM is thinking about her and wants to know why he cannot forget her. He swears that he would move heaven and earth to find her.

Rocio and the surgeon are talking and he cannot wait to take off the bandages. She asks why? He recovers and says because I am your doctor. (he totally has a crush on her)

Amador pulls up and Cande spots him. She is muy impactada.

Viv is walking down the stairs and asks Blanca if JM has left yet. Why are you asking me responds Blanca. Viv says since you are so involved with everything in this house who better to inform me. Blanca tells her that JM is in the library. Viv goes and asks him about Marichuy.

Amador tells Cande to get Marichuy so that he can talk to her. She tells him to go.

JM asks Viv how she heard about Marichuy. She ignores him and says that I know that she came to be your wife but most importantly what role did she have in your past?

Ceci goes to Patricio and asks him to forgive her rudeness the day before regarding Marichuy. She tells him that if Marichuy will not forgive her then she will respect that and leave her alone, but she first has to explain what happened.

Amador and Cande are arguing. He insists that he will not leave until he speaks with Marichuy. El Leopard comes up on them and asks him who he is. The father of her baby?

JM is upset thinking that Onelia told her about Marichuy and how this will slow the process for Viv's recovery. Viv says that her mother did not know that she was revealing this information. Why did you marry her? Did you love her? JM does not want to talk about it. Viv insists that he answer her since she is his wife and has a right to know. JM says well if you insist, yes I loved her. Viv asks him if he still loves her.

El Leopard again asks why he is looking for Marichuy. Are you the father?

Viv is waiting for JM's response. Yes he admits that he still loves her. Does she still love you asks Viv. No, I don't think she does anymore says JM. So she abandoned you and right after the wedding. Wow, responds JM, you know everything. No says Viv I still do not know why she left you. Tell me she insists.

Marichuy is in her room remembering what Cosme asked her about her feelings for El Leopard.

El Leopard again asks if Amador is the father. Amador says no, I just want to talk to her. El Leopard tells him to leave. He informs Cande that he will be back.

Back in the library Viv is still pressing JM about the past that he has with Marichuy. Eduardo walks in and greets Viv. She pretends that she does not know him. JM introduces her to him and when Viv leaves JM tells Eduardo that someone has been telling her about Marichuy.

Marichuy walks up to El Leopard and says that she has many things to thank him for and also asks him to forgive her. He asks her what she has to thank him for. Well first she says for letting me stay here. Second for having the patience to put up with me and third for saving me from Panana. You are a good man that suffers, that feels, and that cries. I owe so for saving my baby's life.

Amador is at the bar looking for an accompliance. Someone to spy for him.

Marichuy tells Cande about her conversation with El Leopard and his response to forget about thanking him. She tells Cande about El Leopard's attitude towards her when he found out she was pregnant. How kind he has been. Cande asks her if she is falling in love with El Leopard. Marichuy denies it and says that she only loves JM.

Tomorrow: Viv and Estephania are planning to get rid of Marichuy.


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