Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fuego en Sangre 1-12-09 Mon. -Revenge is brewing on many fronts

Hey there. I'm subbing for Julie tonight so I put together a sort of quickie.....

We open with the costume fest and Jime flashing back Juan's kiss with Root.

Juan hopes that this time it's really going to happen and Soph tells Juan that she is sure nothing can separate them now. Oh crap. That's a death sentence.

The sis' and Eva are fawning over Soph and messing with her wedding dress.

Tio gives Juan the suit his Dad married in. Juan remembers seeing a picture and that someday he'd wear a suit like this for his boda. He rushes off to Oscar's therapy. Tio then balls all over that same suit that he misses his brother.

Oscar is on his flannel blankie on the ground lifting his own leg with his hands, that's pretty impressive. His brothers join him for what turns into flash back alley. They recall all important turning points in the show from the day they found out about Libia's relationship to the day they showed up at the hacienda, and HURRAY!!! A reprise of the naked swimming scene!!!! Complete with blurs!!! Ugh!! ....anyway...they traverse their journey of love and hate to where they are now and end with a big multi man hug on the floor together.

Root is trying to get into the caja fuerte cursing Feo all the way. Feo shows up without knocking and he reminds her this was his room first. They do their usual rough playing and kissing with boots on the bed as she tries to get the document she signed back from him. He refuses saying that is his best proof that she too wished the death of Crabby so she'll never get it back. She kicks him out then tries again to change his mind with her feminine wiles. Problem is she's not all that feminine, really. Sure enough, it doesn't work and he leaves. She smacks the wall.

Gabi and Ricky are having a conversation. He can't believe she let Feo into her family. He thinks she's a fool. Shortly thereafter Feo happens upon the door. Gabi is begging Ricky to leave Feo alone. Ricky says look just because we have a kid together doesn't mean I'm going to let you use me again. Ruth is our daughter, and that will unite us, but don't expect anything else from me. Feo of course gets an earful of all of this, and that Soph isn't her daughter and he is muy impactado.

Soph is asking Juan about remembering the time they made bread together. All of a sudden they smell something burning. That darn Pablito, he left his coffre in the oven. At a bakery. That would surely use the oven everyday. Hmmm, I always thought Pablito had the most sense of all those buffoons. Pablo, I'm embarassed for you, the oven? Sigh. Anyway, of course this stupid manuever has a purpose, to allow Juan and Soph to fish it out of the burning oven. Of course they pull it apart and discover the magical papeles. These papers recite that Raquel Uribe is the owner of all Uribe property and nothing belongs to Ricky. Reading this starts the few neurons in Juan's cabeza spinning, and he deduced that must have been the man in the hacienda and he must have been trying to find them. Our heroes make their best evil smile at the thought that they have these over him.

They then make the giant leap to deduce that Raquel must be in danger for her life. Soph realizes Raq has been missing for a while. Juan decides he must look for her. Soph says no, she'll try instead.

Pab shows up just in time to get called decelebrado- brainless- for leaving his coffre in the oven. He laments the fringed state of his secretos including his photo of Rosita. Soph promises him it will be ok and that she'll help him get another picture. Oh, and if it was for his stupidess they never would have found these magical important papers!!

Gabi and Ricky continue their slimy conversation. She says she's there for him so he can't deny her what she asks. He'll stick by her as long as it's cool for both, but if he has to defend his own interests, he'll drop her like a lead balloon. Gabi says he knows what she's capable of. She wantsto know why he was shot. He says he doesn't know. She doesn't believe him and note that his past is catching up with him and that soon he will meet with hell; he says if that happens, they'll meet it together.

Feo's neurons are firing too. He has a lengthy conversation with himself about what it means for Ruth to be Crabby and Ricky's daughter and that's why she saved Crabby. He decides he has to dominate her now like it or not. If not, he'll have to eliminate her even if it means losing have the fortune. Because the dead can't interfere, they're dead. He repeats, they're dead.

He then wonders if Soph isn't Crab's daughter, then who is her Mom? This takes him all of about 2 and 3/4 seconds to determine it must be Eva, that this is the daughter she has been searching for for so long. He laughs like only he can do so well.

Soph is telling Eva that she is going to become Nancy Drew and investigate all this, maybe Raq knows about the papers already. Eva as usual warns her against taking such a risk and that it's dangerous.

Ruth is grooming herself with what looks like a mini-horse brush, but what do I know. Feo watches and then enters and admonishes her not to underestimate him. He makes alliances as he wishes and no one is irreplacable. She wonders if he is warning her and he responds that he keeps his enemies closer than his friends, that way it's easier to eliminate them. With that he is out of there, without having boinked her despite her sliding the horse brush inside of her pants. Ruth is perplexed.

Reyes bros with Tio discuss the papers and what this means and what they should do. Juan decides they should keep them for a while, give him lickings for a bit and then when it's appropriate, turn him over to the authorities. Chente Jr. in a rare moment of emoting screams that he'll kill him. The boys think no, he should be turned over to justice. Oscar looks positively frightened by Tio's reaction.

Soph encounters Ricky and wonders where the hell Raq got off to. He wants to know what her business is with his wife. She tells him it's none of his concern and what's he going to do, kill her like he did the Robles Reyes? He eventually tells her that Raq flew the coop. Soph can't believe it.

Raquel chats with blind mama about not wanting to get back with Ricky or Ruth. They both mistreat her. Coyote Mama mourns for her son as she doesn't want him to stain his hands either. She mentions this all has something to do with Rick Uribe and Crab Acevedo.

Soph tells Eva Raquel fled. Eva isn't surprised. Soph has for some reason taken this on as her little charity project and decides she must find Raquel and rightfully return her property to her. OK, I'm confused. Isn't this the same Soph who wanted to take away lands and stuff from Raquel a few novela months ago? Anyway, she decides to be her guardian angel now.

Crabby and Ricky discuss Soph's visit, he wants her to find out why Soph was snoopin'.

Oh for Gosh sakes give it up already. Root seeks out Feo, who snidely knew she would come because his words surely affected her and caused her to think. He offers his help to her separating Soph and Juan because surely she can't do it alone.

The Marias admire a beefsteak who hands them a flyer advertising a strip show.

The sisters go to visit Jime who has installed herself in the shop. They try to talk her out of it, or to let them stay too some time. She says she is in peace and wants to stay there. Sara stays behind so thankful they have such a chummy sister as Soph and Jime tells her about the kiss she saw. For once cynic Sara states that surely this was some trick by Ruth and she says no way should we tell Soph. Ugh again. This can only turn out badly.

Juan mudwashes the room he has decided Sophi and he will share once married. How romantic. My favorite color is mud too. I especially liked the ceramic boot he pulled out as some sort of decorative item. Equally romantic. Ah Juan...

Quintina teases the Marias they've never been in Amsterdam when they show. She tries to coerce them into going to the show and suggests that they go in a disguise so no one recognizes.

Pablito is humming piquito de oro and is actually a great singer, he's redeemed himself. Oscar rolls around the room making fun of everyone painting techiniques. Oscar barks orders about how they should fix the painting and they rave that he's back to his old obnoxious self.

Quinti is trying to get another recruit to go see the "Angels". In true macho form Horty's novio comes up and says they are going to marry right this very second so then she doesn't need to go to the singles club to see the show. Quinti tries to talk him out of it. She provokes the funeral march out of the musicians nearby.

Juan brings his woman home and grunts, me did this. Sophi of course looooves it. They are just delusioned over each other and say again that finally they will marry. And Vicente sings on.

Coyote Mama is trying to talk her son out of committing a nasty revenge crime like any good Ma would. He says he can't forgive and will get revenge if it's the last thing he does. Me thinks it will be.

Raq remarks she heard that Coyote wasn't convinced. She asks Mama if her grand plan is still in place for tonight and Mama replies yes more than ever.

We flash back to Crabby taking Eva's daughter. Soph comes up and wonders why she is crying. The gist of this conversation is that if Soph was her daughter instead of Ruth would she forgive her for giving her up? Of course Soph White says she'd never turn away Eva, and even if she doesn't have Ruth, she has Soph. Blah blah.

Padre shows up to the hacienda. Feo teases that he has nothing new to confess right now. Padre tells him he has a signed letter that Feo tried to kill Abuelo Acevedo. Feo laughs this off until Paddy Tad tells him he has a witness. Just then Ruth comes down the stairs asking what is it you wanted to see me about Padre? Impactado Feo is what we are left with until tomorrow.


Cuidado con el Angel - Monday, Jan. 12, 2009 - from a walk on the wild side to a walk in the woods

* MC holds little JM in her arms as she calls the castle. No one answers. She's worried and curious as to why?

* Elsa tries relentlessly to convince Nelson to fight for his life - he is depressed, thinks it doesn't matter, he is dying.

* In the bedroom, Rocio explains to JM, Nellie, Steffie and Pat about how mentally ill Blanca is. Nellie is furious that a murderous lunatic had been living in the castle. Pat is impactado.

* Balbina walks downstairs to the front entryway. MC tries calling the castle again. Again no one answers. She's worried.

* JM argues with Nellie that Blanca and Ivette are the same person and she needs serious psychiatric help, not a prison sentence.

* Elsa stops Nelson and explains calmly what they can do to treat his condition so he can live. Nelson is depressed and still thinks he is going to die so what's the point? She promises to stay with him - he says until I die - she says no, until you're cured.

* Mayita is visiting with Abuela in her bedroom. They talk about Mayita returning home to her dad -- and mom. Abuela looks worried.

* Nellie is on the warpath again. This time she wants Blanca to go to prison and pay heartily for killing Viviana. JM continues to argue the point; Nellie won't budge. JM gets frustrated and leaves to find Blanca.

* The pack follows JM downstairs. JM bluntly excuses himself to look for Blanca. Nellie then rants to Pat, Rocio and Steffie about notifying the police detectives with the new information. Pat calls the lead detective on the case and Nellie gets on the phone and shocks him with the news that the murder's real name wasn't Ivette, IT'S BLANCA SILVIA!

* Abuela and Mayita continue their conversation in the bedroom about her dad and mom. Mayita pretends that she has wings and stands on the bed - she pretends that she can fly. Granny asks her if she wants to fly. She says yes! Granny tells her to close her eyes. Then by the magic of the imagination, Granny and Mayita are flying through the clouds and over the city (nice green screen chromakey effect - they are really flying their standing in place with their arms spread out to the side then in front of them).

* At the hacienda, Leo is thinking as he sits on the hammock in the stables. Lala(Cande) brings him a cup of coffee and sits down on a bale of hay. They talk about Liria(MC). He asks her if Liria has any enemies. Cande is intrigued by the question. Leo then explains and describes seeing two individual sneaking around the property looking for Liria - one is a man and the other is a young lady). Cande is impactado.

* In the living room of the castle, Rocio argues with Nellie about JM trying to find Blanca - Nellie thinks he will just try to help hide her. Nellie whines and rants about how JM never really loved her daughter. Rocio defends Blanca as a nice, sweet person. Nellie continues to rant and rave. Pat tries and fails to calm Nellie down.

* Cande talks with Leo about the people he saw. She thinks she knows who the man is. He wonders about Liria's husband.

* Pat, Rocio, Steffie and Nellie meet with the police detective in the living room. They stun him with the news about Blanca Silvia being the real murderer.

* Cande discusses with Leo that for sure little JM's dad never knew Liria was pregnant.

* Nellie tells the detective Blanca's full name again. Detective assures the group that he will start a search for Blanca immediately. JM enters at that moment and assures the detective that won't be necessary, JM gives his word as a gentleman that he will search for Blanca himself and convince her to return.

* Cande explains about MC and JM, and tells him what she suspects happened between the two and then says again that JM has no idea about little JM.

* MC calls the castle for the third time. This time, JM walks by the phone and answers it. MC is startled and has to take a moment before responding to JM. JM is stunned and surprised to hear her voice. MC stutters and mumbles and rambles about calling two times before but no one, not even Balbina, answered. She asks him how Mayita and Cuatito are. JM says they are on vacation with Ed in Acapulco. She's happy and sad. Then she asks what's happening at the castle and tells him about her nightmare premonition. He says nothing wrong and that it was all a bad dream. He assures her there's nothing to worry about, he's fine. She asks about Viv. He lies and says she's fine also. MC is in tears as she continues the conversation. As JM Jr. starts to cry in her arms, JM becomes curious and asks her about the baby.

* Amador and Isabel discuss how their plan to kidnap little JM went bust because of Leopardo's vigilence. Amador explains about Pirana and his partner's work and money. Amador is frustrated with Leo always being on guard and watching everything.

* MC rambles and stutters on the phone to JM to cover up JM Jr's crying. JM tries desperately to keep her talking and asks her if she still cares for him. She says yes, but that's beside the point - he's married with his wife and family, she's long gone and will stay away forever. Before she hangs up, she leaves a message for Cuatito. As she hangs up, JM tries in a last ditch effort to find out where she is. She hangs up quickly. She hugs her son. He sits in his chair thinking about the conversation. She calms the crying JM Jr.

* Pat, Ceci and Steffie have breakfast together at the mansion. Pat and Steffie fill Ceci in on what happened at the castle last night - that Blanca and Ivette are the same person and Blanca is the murderer of Viviana. Steffie continues on with her commentary about last night at the castle. Pat excuses himself and goes to work. Steffie gets a call on her cell phone and leaves the room.

* Outside, Steffie and Amador discuss JM now being alone. Steffie thinks this is her opportunity to be with him. Amador needs to meet with her soon.

* Out in the woods, Leo and Liria(MC) talk as they walk along the trail. He asks her if she's thinking of reunited with the father of her son. Liria(MC) sits down.

* Amador and Steffie are still talking on the phone. They discuss her obsession with JM and he mentions how he's obsessed with getting MC back to being an actress that he will personally manage and direct. Steffie is frustrated.

* In the woods, Liria(MC) explains to Leo(Omar) that her son's future is her top priority now - more important that his father. Leo(Omar) listens as Liria(MC) explains her plans for the future - to raise her son to be kind, honest and responsible. She thanks him for all that he's done for them. He turns it around and thanks her.

* Cande and Micaela are doing their farm work in the small farmyard and talking. Cande mentions to Micaela what Leo(Omar) had told her about the threesome sneaking around the hacienda. Cande spouts off her negative thoughts of the threesome. Amador then magically appears and says hello, ladies!

* Leo(Omar) tells Liria(MC) about how he was always in a rotten mood when he first arrived at the hacienda, but that all changed when Liria and her son came into his life. Liria is uncomfortable and pulls him up to return to her son at the house.

* Amador makes himself at home on the hammock to wait for Cande to get MC/Liria for him. Cande informs him that Liria/MC isn't there - she left for a walk with Leo/Omar. Amador is stunned. Cande leaves him to talk to the cows.

* Leo/Omar and Liria/MC continue their conversation about the young lady and the baby that really affected him badly. He blames himself for what happened to them. Liria tries to assure him otherwise.

* Nellie confronts Ed and JM in the front entryway - where's Mayita? JM tells her not to say anything bluntly to Mayita about what happened when she returns home. He wants to tell her in a calm manner so she will understand. Nellie spouts off Blanca killed Viviana!

* Leo tells Liria about the lady - she asks if he loved her - he says he's not sure. Liria doesn't believe it. He explains that one moment she'd be all nice and sweet and loving and another moment she'd turn into a mean, ugly, evil monster. (yep, that's Blanca/Ivette alright!)

* Cande enjoys her coffee quickly in the hacienda living room. Amador bugs her to talk with him. She tries to leave to do her work. Amador continues to bother her to tell him what's up at the hacienda with MC/Liria? Cande tells him about some strange things that have occurred there. Amador is intrigued as Cande describes the three people that have been lurking about - two ladies and man. Amador is quietly listening (cogs are turning in his brain).

* Isa grumbles to Steffie outside on the sidewalk.

* Cande continues to tell Amador about the ladies - Amador asks who are they? Cande says Steffie and her evil auntie, of course.

* Isa grumbles some more about keeping MC away forever and how happy their lives will be when that happens. Steffie asks how? Isa explains about Amador's part in the new plan.

* Amador continues to discuss with Cande about Steffie and her aunt. Then Amador mentions his hunch that JM is the man and why. Cande is impactado.

* Leo tells Liria that they still have lots to discuss between them.

ADVANCE: Liria(MC) has all but renounced her love for JM. Will she find love and happiness with Leo?


Monday, January 12, 2009

Colunga on Cristina tonight....

on now in EST/CST but at 10:00 in the west....in case you didn't see....

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Doña Bárbara - Mon., Jan. 12 - Lies and Iguana eggs

I could basically put tonight's episode in 2 sentences: DB and Marisela agree on the story that they will tell about what happened; Nobody believes them. But I won't leave it there.

DB comes to Altamira and Marisela runs to her and they embrace.

DB asks to speak to Marisela alone. Lorenzo says no and blames whatever happened on DB. However, Marisela says that she wants to talk to DB and they all leave.

It appears that Meléndez was not in the jeep that Melquíades and BP set on fire. Melquíades tells BP that DB has the Colonel on ice.

DB tells Marisela that they have to try and forget what happened. Marisela says that when she saw that Meléndez was about to kill DB, she realized that hating her didn't make sense. She doesn't want to hate DB anymore and she doesn't want DB to hate her. Marisela repeats that she killed a man, she's a killer. DB tells her that it was self defense.

Guererro is told that DB has appeared and is at Altamira. He tells his men that they will go to Altamira and interrogate the two women.

Eustaquia wants to know what DB is doing with the guy in the freezer. Melquíades won't say except that DB has a plan. That makes Eustaquia nervious.

DB tells Marisela that they have to agree on what happened. Sooner or later, Meléndez' body will be found and Marisela and DB will be questioned. Marisela asks if they can say that she killed Meléndez in self defense. DB says that she has thought about it but Meléndez was powerful and it won't keep them out of jail. DB reminds Marisela about the story they agreed on in the hut. That is what she will say.

DB and Marisela come downstairs and Marisela tells her version of what happened. Lorenzo immediately says that Marisela is lying and he blames DB. Santos is silent but thoughtful.

Ceclia goes to the kitchen to prepare medicine for Lorenzo. Antonio is there. He asks if Cecilia loves Lorenzo. She says that she cares very much about Lorenzo but she loves Antonio. He gets up and leaves the kitchen.

DB tells her story of what happend. She went with the soldier who brought the note and was left out in the sabana all night alone. Santos says that he thought both Marisela and DB were being held by Meléndez but from what they have told him that wasnt' the case. At this moment, Guererro comes in and wants to hear the answer to this question. Santos tells Guererro to leave the two women alone and to go find Meléndez.

Eustaquia tells the rebels that Marisela and DB are ok. The poet is so much better that he thinks they should try and escape this evening. All they need is Gonzalo to come back.

Guerrero tells Pernalete and Mujiquita about what happened. He says that he thinks Meléndez is dead and he wants to know who did it.

DB and Santos return to El Miedo. Santos says that he understands that there were things DB couldn't say in front of Lorenzo but now he wants the truth. DB sticks to the lie.

Marisela is thinking about how much she hates lying when Lorenzo comes in. Marisela tells him that everything is bad for her at Altamira. She just wants to go far away and start again. Gonzalo asks Marisela to go away with him. He says that he knows she doesn't care about him. He says that maybe by coming to the pozo, she cared about him a little. Marisela says that she doesn't know why she was going to the pozo but he is her first suitor and she thanks him. Lorenzo comes into Marisela's room all shocked that she is alone with Gonzalo. Lorenzo accuses Marisela of lying again.

Santos says that he knows that DB and Marisela were together the previous night. DB says that she is tired and wants to rest. DB tells Santos that is it is true that she and Marisela had some terrible moments but not a word about them will pass her lips. She and her daughter will take this secret to their graves.

Lorenzo tells Marisela that he knows she is lying but he loves her and knows that she has good reason for doing it. When is gone Marisela says to the empty room, "Papa, I killed a man. I killed him."

DB says that their secret is her means of getting closer to her daughter and he has to respect it.

Santos tries to get information out of Santos but naturally, he isn't successful.

We can see that Pernalete is feeling more like his old self again. He does not share Guerrero's concern about not being able to find Meléndez' body and those of the other two soldiers. Guerrero says that one of the last two people to see Meléndez alive (DB or Marisela) will tell him where Meléndez is.

Gonzalo tells the other two rebels that Marisela has agreed to go away with him. They says that traveling with a woman will just make things harder but he points out that the soldiers are looking for three men while campesino couples cross the border all the time. This seems like a good idea to the other rebels who have girlfriends.

Guerrero comes to Altamira to take Marisela to the station to make a statement under oath. She is nervious and doesn't want to go. Cecilia (who is showing for the first time)
agrees to go with her and Lorenzo says that he will find Santos.

Eustaquia serves DB breakfast and as always, is concerned that DB is lying to Santos. DB asks how she could tell Santos that Mariela pushed Meléndez onto a pitchfork and that then DB killed him.. the ways she did. She says that he would stop loving her if he knew the truth. A soldier comes to take DB to the station to make a statement under oath. Before she leaves, DB tells Eustaquia that is she isn't back in 2 hours, to tell Melquíades to send Juan Primito to the river to look for iguana eggs.

DB tries to prevent Guerrero from questioning Marisela alone. She doesn't suceed and then Santos arrives.

Melquíades tells Juan Primito to go to the river at the ravine and look for iguana eggs. JP tells Melquíades that iguana lay their eggs in trees but Melquíades sends him to the river anyway.

Santos tells Guerrero that he can't question Marisela alone. She is a minor. He says that Guerrero can't suspect that Marisela or DB had anything to do with Meléndez' disappearance. Guerrero says that he doesn't suspect the women, he suspects that Santos was involved and he is going to arrest him. Santos tells Guerrero that they can't arrest him because they don't have any proof. Guerroro replies that Santos threatened to kill Meléndez before witnesses and there is a signed statement to that effect. The soldiers arrest Santos.

JP sees vultures (Black Vultures with crow sounds added. Black Vultures don't make any sounds) circling and says that there must be a dead animal.

The terneras minus Gervasia are returning from doing the laundry by the river. They hear noises and prepare to defend themselves against soldiers but it is the rebels. There is a happy reunion of the separated lovers.

JP bursts into where Gervasia is and tells her to come with him to see something horrible (muy fea). Bad idea. She might go into premature labor.

If it was Guerrero's plan to get the women to talk by threatening to let Santos rot in jail , it works but not the way Guerrero thought.

"No, no," says Marisela, "Santos didn't do anything. It was me. I did it. I killed him."

Guerrero is impactado.


El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Mon., Jan 12 - PJ/S calls Rebeca's bluff; Isabel and Andrés go for a boat ride

Andrés accuses Isabel of knowing that PJ has returned from the dead and of wanting Andrés dead. He threatens her with a broken bottle and she defends herself with a gun. Fortunately, the drugs catch up with him and Andrés passes out.

After being blackmailed into dinner with Rebeca, PJ/S is really nasty to her. He slaps her hand when she reaches out to him. PJ/S tells Rebeca that he hasn't been nastier to her because he feels sorry for her. He says that he knows what it is like when an older person falls in love with someone much younger. He says that the same thing happened to him. He fell in love with someone who could have been his daughter. Confused by his apparent age, Rebeca says that she hopes he isn't attracted to little girls. He says that he was an old man like PJ. He tells Rebeca that he is tired of her abusing old people like calling PJ 'a decrepit old man.' He doesn't understand why she would do that when she is an old woman herself in love with a younger man.

He tells Rebeca that her game is over. She can tell everyone anything she wants. He does it himself and stand up in the restaurant and says that he is married with a son and, for the record, this woman is not his wife.

He walks out of the restaurant leaving Rebeca humiliated.

Valeria tells Isabel that it is crazy to stay in this place with Andrés in this condition. Isabel asks for one more day and promises to leave before nightfall the next day.

Isabel puts her gun in her purse and takes Andrés out for a boat ride. He guesses that she plans to kill him. She asks why he keeps saying that PJ has come back. "Because it's true!" yells Andrés.


Cuidado: Friday 1/9/09 "Juan Miguel starts to see the error of his ways and Yvette gets a little tied up"

Rocío and Blanca are at the church and Padre Anselmo has committed himself to helping Blanca. He leads her in prayer, asking for God’s mercy.

Lic. Joaquin Losada (?) is visiting Juan Miguel in his jail cell. He’s asked that JM admit his guilt or innocence in Viv’s death. Finally, JM has seen the light and he says that he’s innocent (could this be the start of a smarter, wiser JM? I think not, but at least he's realized that taking the blame serves no purpose). Joaquin asks if JM knows where Yvette can be found, because the cops haven’t had any luck. JM says he has no idea.

Cande and Marichuy are fussing over the baby, now that Leo’s brought him back safely (on horseback, I might add). They discuss the new window in their room, it has smaller glass panes and will apparently be more protection—from flies and potential kidnappers. MC mentions that she’s named the baby after JM. Cande doesn’t like this, and even suggests some alternatives-- Candelario or Omar, both would be much preferred because the child doesn’t deserve to be named after JM. MC doesn’t understand and presses Cande for her reasons. Cande starts to push hard for the “Make Leo the Daddy” campaign. She tells MC that Leo’s proven that he’s worth his weight in gold (Cande has got to be the president of the Team Leo club).

Meanwhile, back at the castle, the Inspector is meeting with Onelia. Stefi happens to be hanging around (she really is a leech, isn't she? and really what purpose does she serve, just a waste of oxygen as far as I'm concerned). The Inspector tells the women that they haven’t been able to locate Yvette, in fact haven’t had any sightings of her and there is no paper trail. It’s almost as if she doesn’t exist. Rocío and Blanca have just returned home at the point they are discussing this last bit. Blanca panics at their words.

Marichuy defends Juanmi to Cande, he’s a good guy. Cande lets MC know that she knows something that would say the contrary to that, but won’t give any more details. MC demands to know what Cande’s hiding, but Cande (surprisingly) isn’t talking. MC begs, but Cande won’t budge. She does hint that it is pretty big info. This causes MC to worry that something’s happened to Juanmi.

Blanca gets upset and runs upstairs. Stefi questions what happened to her? and Rocío says she’s going to comfort her. Stefi speculates that Blanca's crush on JM has caused her to be uspet as Rocío leaves to go after Blanca. Then the Inspector tells Onelia and Stefi that the police are beginning to think that someone is impersonating Yvette.

During the commercial, Stefi went back home and is now filling Ceci in on what the Inspector said. Ceci questions if Yvette is 2, 2, 2-people-in-1, then who is the other person? That is the million dollar question, says Stefi.

Upstairs in the castle, Blanca is starting to lose her grip on being in control of the shared body. She starts to look for Yvette’s suitcase and is distressed to not find it. Rocío suggests Yvette’s things are at the apartment. Blanca can feel that she’s falling under Yvette’s influence and begs Rocío to quickly tie her up. Rocío isn’t that eager to oblige, but she runs out to find rope and comes back and does the job. Blanca gets tied up to the bed, just as the Yvette persona emerges.

Stefi takes a message for Patricio from JM’s attorney. She is happy to hear that the police will be freeing JM. Ceci’s happy to hear the news as well.

During the commercial, Stefi heads over to the castle to wait for JM’s return. She runs into Onelia in the foyer and tells her the good news. Onelia doesn’t see it that way, she'd rather JM rot in his jail cell.

Back upstairs, Yvette starts to freak out about being restrained. Rocío refuses to untie her and Yvette continues to demand to be let go. Stefi heads upstairs and walks into the very strange looking situation. Seeing Blanca with the glasses off writhing on the bed, Stefi is able to figure out that Blanca is Yvette (does this mean that she's much cleverer than the characters in Superma? -- no one at the Daily Planet was ever able to get past such a disguise, otherwise Clark Kent’s jig would have been up).

MC tries to call the castle to find out what’s going on with Juanmi. Unfortunately Onelia answers the phone. MC doesn’t talk and Onelia lets the crank caller know that they are disgraceful.

Pat goes to the jail to help JM. The Inspector arrives and asks JM if he knows where Yvette can be found. JM says that he doesn’t know. Don’t know or won’t tell?, the Inspector asks. Lic. Joaquin, in perfect lawyer speak, says that he’s advised JM not to answer that question.

Rocío tries to explain to Stefi that Blanca’s not well. Yvette is able to untie herself and launches herself off the bed. Rocío steps between Yvette and Stefi, and ends up in a scuffle with Yvette. Stefi doesn’t lift a figure to help. Rocío appeals to Blanca to come forward, to take control, but it is to no avail. Stefi heads downstairs (not wanting to enter into the fray of a girl fight). She gets down there just as JM is returning, accompanied by Pat. Onelia enters the foyer and makes it clear that she’s not happy to see JM there.

Elsa watches Nelson sleep and thinks to herself that he’s dying. Nelson wakes and asks for drink. Elsa refuses to get one for him. He becomes insistent and Elsa angrily tells him he’s dying. So what’s the point in denying him a little drop, he demands to know. Elsa tells him that she’s not allowing him to drink and speed up his death.

MC reflects back on some of the happier moments between her and Juanmi. Cande catches MC near the phone and MC fills her in on what just happened. Cande logically points out that Onelia couldn’t have any idea it was MC on the other line, so her rudeness wasn’t directed specifically at MC, Onelia’s just rude in general.

Onelia starts to let into JM, that this whole deal is a sham. JM’s not innocent, he’s just Yvette’s accomplice. Speaking of Yvette, Stefi jumps in and says that they need to get upstairs to the governess’s room because Rocío needs them. They all head upstairs.

Blanca knocks out Rocío and escapes out the window. A split second later the posse arrives. JM sends Balbina for the first-aid kit and he tends to Rocío. Onelia wants to know where that woman went.

Marichuy has a daydream/premonition(?) about JM hanging from the edge of a bridge. She tries to hold onto him but his grip slips. She begs him to not let go, but he can’t hold on and ends up falling over the side. This “vision” convinces MC some more that there is something going on with JM and she tries calling again, this time she calls his office number. The phone rings twice and she hangs up because no one’s answered.

Rocío fills JM in on what’s been going on with Blanca. Onelia says this is all a ruse to try and confuse people. JM says nope, Blanca’s sick. She suffers from multiple personalities.

MC tries to call the castle main line again. As the phone is ringing, we see Balbina walking in slow motion near the phone. END OF EPISODE

amarrarse- to tie up
apresurar- to hurry, to speed up, to quicken
botiquín- first-aid kit, medicine chest
dañar- to damage
desamarrarse- to untie
mosca- fly
soltar- to release, to let go (suéltame- let me go)
suplantar- to impersonate
vencer- to defeat
vicio- vice
viciarse con algo- to become addicted to something


Doña Bárbara - Fri., Dec. 19- Marisela is found and Meléndez ain't the man he used to be

"My God, What have I done? I killed him," says Marisela. She is in shock and DB has a lot of trouble getting her to untie her and unlock the handcuffs. When she is free, she tells Marisela that all she did was save DB's life.

DB tells Marisela not to look at Meléndez. They are alive. Marisela tells DB that Meléndez told her that he was one of the men who... DB confirms that he was one of the men who raped her. He wanted to harm them but he didn't. Marisela says that killing is wrong; it's a sin. DB says that sometimes it is necessary to kill vermin.

Now joined by Guerrero and his men, Santos and the vaqueros continue the search for Meléndez and the two missing women.

"Marisela," says DB, "I need you to be calm and to listen to me carefully. Are you listening? This bastard who died... please, don't cry... what you did was necessary. It was the only thing you could do to save me. Focus. Look at me. This man had a lot of power. Do you understand? It would be dangerous if the truth is known that you... what happened... that you pushed him. My love, I know that you feel guilty but you're not. You aren't. So you don't have to go to jail for this idiot. I won't let that happen but you have to help me. This has to be our big secret forever. You and I as mother... and daugther. Listen to what I am going to tell you: Some unknown men put a hood over your head and tied you up. You never saw their faces. They left you alone the whole time until Melquíades came and rescued you. He untied you. They fired their guns and you ran away. You never, never saw Meléndez."
"Never?" say Marisela.
"Never," says DB hugging Marisela, "I would have died if the same thing had happened to you as did me." She tells Marisela to leave. She will take care of everything.

DB ties up Melquíades' wound. She asks if it hurts. "Not as much as him," says Melquíades indicating Meléndez. Melquíades picks up his knife and asks DB to let him repay the bastard for everything he did to DB and to Marisela. DB says ok provided that he is conscious and looking her in the eyes.

DB wakes Meléndez up and asks him about Sapo, the one remaining rapist. Meléndez tells her that Sapo is an important guy in the government and Meléndez has already told him that DB is still around.

Juan Primito is at La Chusmita looking for Marisela. She comes in to the hut but she won't look at or speak to JP. She lies down on the bed. JP finally goes for help. (This means that the place where Meléndez held Marisela and DB is within walking distance of La Chusmita but none of the many searchers could find it.)

JP finds Santos and takes him back to Marisela. Santos brings Marisela back to Altamira. She is still unresponsive. Dr. Arias comes and says that she is in shock but otherwise unharmed.

DB and Melquíades finish Meléndez off in a particularly grisly way.

DB goes back to El Miedo and takes a bath.

Melquíades and BP make it look like Meléndez and the guard crashed their jeep and it burned. (What are they going to do with the frozen Sargeant?)

DB comes to Altamira and Marisela runs to her arms.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

El Cuerpo del Deseo, Wed. - Friday, Jan. 7-9: PJ/S breaks it off with Isabel and asks Valeria to marry him

Wed., Jan. 7

Andrés returns to the Donoso house but he's catatonic more or less.

PJ/S (now in a black suit with a black shirt and tie) goes to see Isabel in the hospital. She says that she is glad to see him. She was afraid that Andrés was going to kill him.

PJ/S tells Gaetana that Andres is in such a bad way mentally that he doesn't think Andrés will ever return to the factory.

Indiria, or whatever her name is, comes to see Andrés wearing something that looks like a martian costume on some low budget movie. Obviously, most of the money on wardrobe in this novela was spent on Mario once he got out of his peasant outfit. Anyway, Isabel calls whatever her name is a traitor and Rebeca overhears Isabel say that she has a lover. (If she only knew.)

PJ/S meets Valeria in the woods and asks her to marry him. She doesn't want to commit herself unless she tells Isabel. Naturally, PJ/S doesn't want her to do that.

Thurs., Jan. 8

Andrés is obviously a complete nutcase but Isabel refuses to put him a psychiatric hospital.

PJ/S tells Isabel that it's over between them. He doesn't want to be a lover in hiding and she has to take care of her crazy husband.

Naturally, Isabel can't believe PJ/S would do this to her.

If PJ/S hadn't f**ked enough with Andrés' head already, he lets Andrés into the study when he is playing the piano as PJ.

Andrés tries to kill PJ/S but he can't and when the rest of the household comes in, PJ/S is gone.

PJ/S tries to convince Valeria to make a choice about her life and come with him. She says that this isn't the right moment to make such a decision. Valeria says that she doesn't want to make such a decision without Isabel's approval. PJ/S tells her that she won't have Isabel's support. Valeria says that she will give him an answer tomorrow at the same time.

Fri., Jan. 9

Isabel decides to take Andrés to a place where he can rest. She has borrowed a country house from a business associate. She wants Valeria to go with her.
Isabel decides to bring a gun with her to the house she is going with Andres and Valeria.

Valeria can't reach PJ/S to tells him that she can't make their appointment.

Gaetana has doubts about PJ/S's relationship with Valeria but he tells her that he wants to forget about being PJ and live with Valeria as Salvador Cerinza. He says that what he feels for Valeria is more pure and intense than the passion he has with Isabel.

Gaetana suggests to PJ/S that Isabel might have decided to take Andrés to this remote place so that she could kill him to be with PJ/S. Valeria could be in danger from her or from Andrés, the lunatic. PJ/S says that he has to find out where they are even if it means spending time with Rebeca.

Andrés tells Isabel that she loved the old man and now she is getting involved with him again. "You know that Cerinza is the old man...you know..." he tells her.

So we have two women and a crazy person in a remote house on a dangerous lagoon. What could possibly go wrong?


El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Mon.-Tues., Jan. 5 & 6: Andrés is made to realize the truth about PJ/S and it doesn't do good things for his menal health

Mon., Jan. 5

The killer that Andrés hired comes to get paid. Andrés isn't paying unless he can guarantee PJ/S is dead.

Walter decides to show Andrés the secret room and the safe. Andrés guesses that the mysterious pianist comes in and out through this room.

PJ/S is touched by Gaetana's and Lupe's concern about his safety.

Andrés is surprised to see PJ/S at the factory.

PJ/S takes off his jacket and grabs Andrés. He says that if Andrés wants to kill PJ/S, he should do it himself. Andrés says that he will wait for PJ/S tonight in the factory. I couldn't get a shot of them together but the light blue silk on the back if PJ/S's vest matches the lining of his jacket. PJ/S seems to dress a lot more formally (three piece suits) than the rest of the executives at the factory. I'm not complaining, mind you. I love those suits on Mario. It reminds me of what Hugo wore in LT.

Isabel confronts Andrés about trying to kill PJ/S and he confronts her about having PJ/S as her lover. He confesses that he has already tried to kill her three times. He tells Isabel that he will kill PJ/S tonight. Then he beats her unconscious. Her screams attract the rest of the household.

Tues., Jan. 6

PJ/S and Andrés are alone in the 'bodega' part of the factory. PJ/S tells Andrés that he is PJ, that he came back, that he is the man that he and Isabel murdered. PJ/S tells Andrés things about his earliest history that only PJ would know.

"I forgive you for having killed me," says PJ/S to Andrés, "but I will never forgive your for your immense ingratitude."

Andrés is face to face with PJ/S but he can't shoot him. PJ/S says that finally Andrés has recognized him.

Andrés lies down on the floor and cries like a child.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Tontas no Van #26 Friday 1/9. If I'm Abel, I'll be your Candy Cain

We begin at the Institute, where Meño wants to talk to Candy alone. He wants her to kick Gregoria out, saying that things in Meño and Suegrita’s past make it impossible for them to get along. But Candy tells him it’s his past, but now we’re in the present, and by keeping Gregoria in the house, it’s less likely she’ll let the secret out. Meño says shes rude, annoying and this morning she even said my sheets looked like lady tiger sheets! He vents some more, and Candy tells him he’s right, her Mom is all that, but she is still her Mom, so she loves her. But she loves Meño too, he took her in when no one else would. He thinks anyone with a heart would have. But, she says, not everyone has a heart that beats like yours. And you’re more than just an uncle, for me now, you’re my father, and I love you a lot. Meño tears up and they hug.

Remember how Pat got that note, to meet him in a hotel? He thought it had to be from Soledad, and as he arrives at the hotel, he calls Sole on the phone, saying he’s coming up to the room. But she didn’t leave the note, she’s not waiting in any hotel, and he’s 2 days late with this week’s dinero. And next time you come to pick up Beto, just wait outside the door. Oooooy. Well, Pat’s not upset, he thinks, okay, not Soledad, it must be…… Alicia.

Meño is giving Candy some advice. She should stop the lies. If she tells the truth to Pat, all the lying could stop. Besides, how can she help others in the Institute, when she’s not being open. He, Meño tries to tell the truth. For example, he hates her mother. But, replies Candy, it’s hard for her (Candy) to tell the truth sometimes. She just keeps her feelings to herself. However, starting today, she’ll say just what she thinks. Do you swear, asks Meño? Yes, I swear, and by the way, your green shirt looks horrible. (Yes, I think she’s on the right track).

Santi is perusing the sex-ed book for Lucía, and doesn’t like what he sees. They keep having pictures of naked men, and he’s been tearing them out, so Lucía won’t see them. And then the book tells you how to put on a cond…. It’s pure pornography, he thinks. Lucía is only about 5 or 6, she’s a child, she can’t be allowed to leave the house. He calls his Mom. “Don’t let Lucía out of the house. Tie her to the bed if you have to!” Hortensia comes in, sees all the pictures of naked men on the desk.. Hort can’t believe, after all the time she was ringing that bell, now he’s bored with women! He’s so handsome, and well, of course she won’t breathe a word to Marissa, now that Santi’s coming out of the closet!

Lulu wants Candy to tell her the truth (and remember, Candy has just sworn to do just that). Lulu stands up, sucks in her tummy a little, and asks if she’s attractive, despite her little bit of extra weight? Did her photo actually scare away Candy’s ex? She wants the truth. After Meño swoops by to remind Candy of her promise, she tells Lulu, that, well, yes you’re a little over in kilos, love doesn’t come in sizes, and beauty comes from the eyes and the heart. And it’s important how you feel about yourself. Still being sincere, Candy tells Lulu that Lulu also talks a little too much, and she keeps wanting any man, but she only needs one. Lulu isn’t thrilled with this honesty, and excuses herself to go be depressed for a bit. Meño comes back, and after Candy leaves, Lulu asks Meño if she could make the ham sweat (sudar el jamón, apparently it means to exercise to lose weight, although one reference said it was just a cooking term, like steaming the ham). Meño asks if she means pork ham or turkey ham, and Lulu says both. Meño says maybe instead of making the ham sweat, she should stop eating it.

Hortensia and Leti, the other assistant (looking quite nice in a low cut red dress) are looking at the naked men pictures Santi tore out of the sex-ed book. Interestingly, the pictures look like Chippendale’s dancers. I’m not sure why they were in the book. But the ladies like them, and Santi tells them they can’t keep them, they have to throw them out. Candy comes in and has fun looking at the photos. Santi says of course as this is a medical office, we have pictures of men as well as women for our studies. As you know we’re… he can’t think of the word, and says we’re bisexual. Hort corrects him, you mean unisex. Oh, right.

Anyway, Candy came to tell him “the truth”. They go to his office. She says she’s decided to tell everybody what she’s really thinking. Santi’s happy about this until she says he’s a coward. He has these beautiful words, but how can he say them to her, while going out with another woman? How can he breathe for Candy, but kiss Marissa? Santi says the truth is I want to make love to you. Candy says she’ll scream, but Santi corners her, and tells her that he loves her, she loves him, he wants to make love, right here, right now. Candy bites her lip, as we cut to….

The hotel, where Pat has come to meet the lady of the note, whom he has correctly guessed is Alicia. He enters the room, calls her name, and she sensuously shushes him from the other room.

Santi and Candi kiss, with beautiful music in the background. Just then, Mari comes in to the outer office. Hortensia has to keep her out of the inner office, so she starts praising Marissa, wondering how she keeps her body so firm, her hair (chinos – curls) is so cute, she looks like a lamb in the meadow (un borrego en pradera), her eyes are so blue, by the way does she want some tea? While Mari is distracted, we see Candy is glowing from the kiss, and Santiago is feeling proud, until Candy says she hopes he’ll pardon her, then kicks him in the (being a man, I can’t tell you where)! I guess this was good timing, because Mari walks in right at that point, and Candy tells her that the best man is a tired man, because if you tire them out, they can’t get tired with another woman. Santi is still in pain, trying to squeak out a few words in his now soprano voice, Candy strides out looking as if she has just done a good deed, hoping that Mari can “tire out” Santi with some loving, but Mari looks a bit confused, Candy rings the bell on the way out to help the lovers, and Isabel walks into the outer office, only to be immediately hustled right back out, Candy dragging her out to have a cup of coffee, as the doctor is “busy”.

In the hotel, Alicia enters the bedroom and is dressed in a white wedding dress and veil. Pat wants to know what’s going on, she looks like Candy. Alicia says she IS Candy. But isn’t that a little perverse, asks Pat? You like it, no? responds Alicia. She tells Pat to call her Candy, as they embrace and sink down into the covers.

Back in the consultorio, Mari isn’t exactly following the idea Candy had when she left. Mari’s a little sad and worried, and tells Santi she doesn’t want to be a prison sentence (condena) or like a prison cell (celda). She doesn’t want them to stay together just because they’re good in bed, business partners, his daughter likes her….. she loves him, and if he doesn’t really love her, and doesn't want to get married, he should leave her. She just wants him to be happy, and she would give him his freedom. He tells her not to cry and hugs her, but she’s not reassured.

Candy has brought Isabel to her office for coffee. Isabel doesn’t take any sugar in her coffee, she drinks it black, good coffee doesn’t need anything else (I agree), she learned it from her deceased husband. Oh, the Papá of Doctor Plastico, interjects Candy, then apologizes. Isabel doesn’t mind, it’s amusing. But Candy wants to ask a question. Anything except my age, says Isabel. Okay, was your husband a womanizer? Isabel says that all men are womanizers until they find the one woman for them, the woman of their life.
That’s what happened with Isabel’s husband. But what about Santiago? Isabel thinks he’s the same, a womanizer until he finds that one woman. Well, says Candy, he just has to find her. Isabel says she thinks Santi already has. Candy blushes, then changes the subject. Does Isabel really want to be a partner in the Institute? (I guess the other day, Isa said she did). After all, it is capitalism, would Isabel be okay with that? Sure, you can count on me, Isabel reassures her, but there are 2 conditions: First, Marissa, Candy and Isabel are going to buy furniture for the Institute, and second, Candy is invited to dinner at Isabel’s tomorrow night.

Post-fantasy-tryst Pat is lying in bed with the wedding veil on his head. That was weird, he thinks. Alicia comes back into the room, dressed in a few towels, and says wasn’t that exciting? Pat thinks it’s dangerous. But Alicia says that she’s not jealous of Candy, since Candy’s dead, so if she has to dress up like Candy to keep Pat’s love, she’ll continue doing it, why not? Oh, and by the way, we’re going to a special dinner tonight, with a special guest. Who’s the guest? Alicia tells Pat she wants him to invite Pat’s son (Beto), since she wants to be a part of that side of Pat’s life, too. (I have to give it to Alicia, she’s definitely putting up a good fight for her marriage). She hands confused Pat the cell phone, telling him three times to dial the number.

Ocotlan, Jalisco. Isabel, Marissa and Candi are furniture shopping in a picturesque shop filled with antiques. They see a cute little bed with an awning that looks like a sombrero, and joke about using it for therapy at the Institute. Isabel tells them that just because she’s contributing money, they don’t have to follow her rules, but she does feel the furniture at the Institute now lacks a little something. Candy and Marissa say that they have the desire, but maybe not the funds. Isabel says that here in Ocotlan you can find unique furniture for low prices (sounds like a little PSA from the Mexico travel bureau to me). They peruse the shop’s offerings.

Chayo is asking Hortensia when Santi will be finished with his patient. Chayo’s very nervous, and keeps grabbing pencils, papers, and other items from Hort’s desk. She can’t decide whether to ask for the operation or not, she’s just about to leave when Santiago comes out with an oversized woman, telling the woman to call for her preop results. When the woman leaves, Santi furtively wipes his hands off, apparently having been grossed out by her. He then quickly greets Chayo, and they go back to his office, as Hortensia implores him not to ring the bell, thinking Santi has absolutely no scruples.

Candy’s lying barefoot on her tummy on her bed at home, working on her column on the laptop computer with the big picture of apples on the cover. Her Mom comes in. Gregoria is concerned about Chava. Shouldn’t he know about his Papa? He shouldn’t live like an orphan. Candy says she’s trying to do the right thing, but she thinks if Pat found out, he’d take Chava from her. Gregoria says Pat’s no monster. Maybe not, replies Candy, but you and I are different. You pardon these things, I can’t. Mom replies that Pat won’t forget Candy. Well Candy won’t forget Pat, he was her first love, but now she’s met a man, who makes her feel things, and she’s confused. Is she in love? Of course not! Well, adds Gregoria, it turns out that Patricio and your sister are not happy. They suffer because of you. Pat can’t forget you. That monster you think Pat is, loves only you.

Chayo and Santi talk. After he puts down the Institute a bit, she returns to the topic at hand, the breast enhancement. Santi tells her of course he can do the operation, and he’ll talk to Ed about it. Chayo is relieved and happy, wants to hug him, but he thinks it’s better if they hug from afar.

Beto’s eating ice cream with sugar wafers in a restaurant with Ali and Pat. He doesn’t eat out much with his ma, because it’s expensive. Ali proposes that Pat and she can take him to a different restaurant each weekend, all right? Beto loves it, and the three have a mini sword fight with the ice-cream covered cookies.

Boys club. Zamora’s passing out the tequila, saying that next week he can’t come because he has to visit his cousin, Oxigeno. Your cousin is named Oxigeno? What was your uncle thinking? It wasn’t his uncle, rather the doctor. When the boy was born, he came out a little sick, and the doctor said your son is sick, we have to give him oxygen. And Oxigeno he remained. That’s why! (I think it was funnier in Spanish). Meanwhile, Santi’s trying to hook up the dvd player, and is repeatedly getting shocked. Hector tells the guys he just spent the night with a hot chick (we know it was Alicia) from years ago, and this time she didn’t charge him (I hope I didn’t mishear this, but it sounded as if Alicia might have been a call girl back then)! He knew her six years ago, but now she must be really bored with her husband. The guys are impressed, as Santiago remarks that connecting the dvd was harder than a cardiac monitor. While the rest of the boys go to watch something (sports, I think), Raúl and Santiago go off to have another chat/turf battle.

Knock, knock. Chava answers the door, it’s Chayo. Candy scolds Chava for answering the door, but sends him to bed with a kiss. Chayo and Candy sit down to talk. Chayo’s a little embarrassed to tell Candy, but for a long time, she’s been considering the bubi thing. She knows all the beauty from the inside, the self esteem, but…..But, adds Candy, you want the quick and easy way you think will make you look better. Chayo wants to win back her husband Ed, and thinks this will do it. And why is Candy so against plastic surgery? Candy relates how her sister Veronica died in the operating room from a botched liposuction.

Back to the guys, as Raúl tells Santi that since his wife died, Candy is the first woman with whom he felt a true connection. In fact he’s totally in love with Candy. In the background, Zamora wants to know if Santi gives medical advice. Zamora’s hair is falling out. How can he save it? Santi tells him to ask Ed. Ed says all you need is this little box. That’ll save my hair? Yeah, save your hair in that box!

Candy is telling Chayo about Veronica. Veronica was a little overweight (pasada de peso), but she was cute, healthy, had lots of projects. She wanted to be a kindergarten teacher. But instead of dieting, she decided to have the lipo, to lose the weight. A quack doctor did the operation, and she died. Candy had tried to advise Veronica not to do it, but she wouldn’t listen. Candy’s sister Alicia had supported Veronica’s choice. Your sister, asks Chayo? Yes, she’s married to Patricio. He’s always sad, he married Alicia without really loving her, I think he actually loves me. Whoa, great gossip, says Chayo, forget about my little fuss, tell me more! No, forget it, I’m not telling you anything, you just need to know that operations have risks, really, they do.

As Santi gets home, Isabel is worried, and says someone should talk to Lucía. Isa heard Luci’s friends talking about “the first time”!. Of course, Santi has a fit, what’s he going to do, he told Hort to throw out that book, now what?

We see Candy talking on the phone to Raúl, asking him to do her a favor.

It’s the next morning. Candy asks Hort to see Santi. He’s busy, and every time you come in, says Hort, you make my poor boss’s hair stand on end (dejar los pelos de punta, can also mean to send shivers down his spine). Santi comes out with a male patient, and after the patient leaves, Candy wants to talk. Hort warns her that Santi’s busy, waving her finger. Santi says what kind of manners are those, waving your fingers like a flamenco dancer? As Candy walks to the office, Santi ogles her behind, and Hort begs him not to ring the bell. But he, feeling like a bullfighter, hopes to do just that. However, in the office, Candy is serious. She was talking to Chayo, thinking of her sister, and she wants to know if a patient could die in breast surgery. Santi sits her down, and says yes, there is a long list of complications, even including death, in any operation, but it’s very unlikely. He understands her worry about her sister, because he also lost a sister. But not to medical negligence, she adds. How do you know it was medical negligence, he asks? Her sister was left alone, with no post-op info, there were complications, and the doctor just disappeared, and was never heard from again. Santi says maybe she should pardon the doctor, because after all these years, it will bring her some peace. She agrees generally, but in this case, she can never pardon.

Gregoria is in Pat’s office. She asks him, Are you happy with Alicia? After a little dodging, he admits that he’s not happy, and neither is Alicia. She’s trying to save the marriage, but it’s not working. Well, Patito, says Suegrita, I can help you..

Isabel tells Tina the maid that Jaime wanted to talk to Santi (I guess to “ask for Isabel’s hand”), but she wasn’t ready for that, and now Jaime has disappeared, as if the earth swallowed him up. Well, did you make love to him, asks Tina? None of your business, how dare you ask that, I should fire you, but no, we didn’t, the last time I made love was with my husband. Tina just wanted to know because sometimes when you give the men dessert, they eat, then leave. And she can’t even remember all her men. But if she had one like Jaime, she’d never let him go, especially since he’s a pianist. Why does that matter? inquires Isabel. Well, they say that pianists have “magic hands”!

Soledad praises Beto’s reading, asks him about the dinner with his Papá. Beto liked the food, but he doesn’t want Pat as his father, because he has a father. And the man’s wife was there, and wants Beto to call her Mommy, but he doesn’t want to, he already has a Mommy.

Pat asks Gregoria how she could possibly help. She says she knows what it’s like to be in a loveless marriage, so maybe Pat and Alicia should get divorced. Pat says, I can’t. He takes out a note Alicia wrote a few months ago, saying she’d kill herself if they divorced. He doesn’t know if he can believe it, but he can’t take the chance of being responsible for another death. Another death? Yes, he says, I killed Candy. It was my fault. She died of sadness.. Gregoria says I don’t know about that, and I know divorce is a sin, but I keep thinking, if you and Alicia are unhappy, you should separate, maybe a miracle could happen, and you could be happy.

Santi and Candi hug. He’s comforting her about her sister. The soothing music plays. But then he just can’t help kissing her forehead, her eyes, her mouth….Hold it! Music stops comically, Candy jumps up, marches out, can’t believe Santi only thinks of one thing, all men are the same. With perfect timing, Raúl enters the office. Santi says what great timing to see you, amigo. Candy says, no, he came to see ME. She embraces Raúl, and says to him, Mi amor, didn’t you tell Santi that we’re novios!

Previews: Pat comes to the restaurant and sees Lulu. He asks her, who is Rojiblanca? Take me to her right now!


Fuego en la Sangre 1/9/09: Sweet Dreams Are Made of These?

Capítulo 172 (¡Las Últimas Semanas Comienzan!)
There’s gonna be a party (and nobody is gonna party hardier than me that Juan and Sofia are only 7 weeks away from gettin’ married and living happily ever after). Juan is dressed in his best charro get-up and in the kitchen of the Double R (Hacienda de los Robles-Reyes) giving a last bit of thanks to the virgencita before the big shin dig starts--but nothin’ ever goes without a hitch for this guy. Root pops up there like the gopher in Caddy-shack and surprises him at the last second. She oohs and ahhs over how fine he looks tonight. Root says she is there because she just had to come by to give him a big thank you for saving Gabi’s life earlier that day. Juan’s suspicious. What’s the big deal and what’s Gabi to her, anyway? He’ll find out later she says, and then she grabs onto him and plants a big one smack dab on the kisser just as Jimena enters the doorway. Juan is supposedly trying to fight Ruth off him (at least I think he is) but Jimena only sticks around for a couple of seconds. She of course assumes the worst: that Juan is two-timing Sofia with Root. (¡Qué horror!) Jimena runs off before Juan can get himself loose from Root’s clutches and kick her out of the house.

Jimena goes in to see Oscar. He’s lost in self pity. She tells him she’s had enough. She can’t take it anymore. He’s too bitter. He’s given up on himself. So, it’s adios.

Across the way at the Double E (Hacienda de las Elizondo y del Escandon) Sofia warns Darth Rico that he should probably consider re-accessorizing his wardrobe, cuz when Juan sees him with that belt buckle on, nobody knows what he might do to him then. Darth shrugs her off and starts up the stairs for Gabi’s room. All of a sudden he turns around and asks Sofia if she knows how his belt happened to end up in her house. Sofia says no. Darth says it was always in his bedroom and nobody else was allowed to enter that room without asking Raqui’s permission first. This is too much information for Sofia. She says then he might want to ask his wife. She could tell him who else was in his room. Suddenly Darth gets it and thinks to himself, “Of course! Fernando Escandon!”

Speaking of said illicit intruder, Feo is busy killing two birds with one stone by faking his concern for Gabi’s safety and adeptly as ever, throwing suspicion off himself. He asks aloud if the accident wasn’t caused on purpose. Gabi says DV thought someone was trying to kill her. Feo suggests it could have been Darth Rico himself who tried it. Gabi changes the subject and wants to know why he and Darth hate each other so much. He shrugs it off and says it’s a very old story. She wants him to tell it anyway. He tries to play it cool by pretending to read a book (which might be more believable if it weren’t a Bible). Gabi’s eyes sparkle at the thought of him possibly being jealous of Darth but Feo says he’s not in the least (and for once he's not lying. He better drop hold of that Bible and fast.) He says he’ll tell her the story some day, but for now he’s only worrying about her. (How worried can he look with his face stuck in that book?) He is still cool as a cuke and in an attempt to plant a seed of doubt over Root he asks if, by the by, she’s told anyone who she has made her heir. Could there be anybody who might benefit from her death? He slams the Bible shut.

In town, back at the church just then, Padre Tadeo can’t help thinking about Fernando’s multiple murder confessions: Bernie, Libia, Rosario, Armando, Dr. Gomez. Pad Tad says to himself that Juan is right, and that Juan must get Sofia and the little girls out of that house because Eeee-vil has taken it over.

A bit later Darth runs into Feo leaving the hacienda. Darth immediately accuses him of sleeping with his wife. Fer denies it and says he’s got no proof, and so what. “What are you going to do? Ask your wife?” “—You know she ran off!” “—Ran off? From who or what? You? Perhaps she wasn’t quite so happy living with you?” “—That’s none of your affair.” Feo says he’s right about that and he could care less. What does concern him is that Darth Rico is the reason his family was ruined. Rico snickers and taunts back that it wasn’t his fault if Feo’s daddy was so naïve. Fer threatens to get even with him sooner or later. DV says he’ll be waiting for him, but it also might be good for Feo to know that he wasn’t in it alone. Fer is steamed impactado and grabs him by the collar. “You had an accomplice? Who was it?” Darth laughs in his face. “That’s right, Fernando! I didn’t act alone!” He saunters away and leaves Fer to fret.

At Casa Coyote, meanwhile, Soledad feels Raqui’s features and says she can tell Raqui has suffered a great deal. Raqui says it’s especially bad when you know you’ve caused harm to the innocent. Soledad tells her that Raqui’s pain and remorse will allow her to find peace eventually. Raqui wonders how Soledad can know so much about her. Soledad explains that over the years her blindness has given her sight beyond that of the physical world. She accepted her affliction and found peace once she realized that at times passion can overtake the soul and the heart and cause others to lose their heads over foolish things. Soledad turns the subject to her son and asks Raqui to help prevent him from carrying out his plans for vengeance. He trusts Raqui and would listen to her. Raqui promises to at least try, but first, she’d really like to know what his name is. Soledad says it’s Ricardo, Ricardo Uribe, like his father’s. Raqui is no longer a happy dimwit camper after this revelation. She is sour-puss impactada.

Juan brings Franco’s group of mariachis into the entry hall at the Double E and they begin to serenade Sofia. Crabi tries to run him off but he tells her to stuff it. He is part owner of the place and can do what he darn well pleases. ¿Qué no? ¡Qué sí! Juan proposes to Sofia and (let’s all give thanks to the virgencita) she accepts. Root pouts upstairs in her bedroom and swears she’s going to separate those two if it’s the last thing she ever does. Downstairs everybody races over to the Double R for the engagement fiesta where there’s plenty of traditional food and fun for everyone. Of course, once they’re gone the sad-sacks –Fer, Root and Crabi- stand around and kvetch about the vulgar low-lives Sofia and the rest of Gabi’s girls are lowering themselves to associate with.

At the same time, Jimena is about to leave the hacienda for good. Oscar rolls out of his room and begs her to stay. She tells him that she’s tired of his empty promises and of all the humiliation and insults she’s had to put up with since coming back to him. She wanted so badly to help him but he’s impossible to live with. Her love wasn’t enough --And no, she won’t be going back to Mama. She’ll stay atTrinkets R Us till she finds some place new to settle into. (The novela gods apparently waved their magic pens and wrote a cot into the storeroom at the last second I guess, and besides the place can always use another door mat. ¿Qué no? ) Oscar begs again and Jimena says there’s no reason to stay since he won’t do his part to overcome what’s happened to him. Until he has a change of attitude and proves to himself that he’s willing and ready to do what it takes she’s not interested. If he can get over whatever it is that’s caused him to give up then maybe she’ll come back but not until then. It’s too painful. She walks out and shuts the door in his face.

Meanwhile, Nabor visits Fermin in jail and takes him a few goodies. Nabor convinces him that he shouldn’t be wasting his life away paying for somebody else’s crimes and so Fermin admits finally that it was Fernando Escandon who actually killed Mapache.

The partying starts at the Double R and it’s going full throttle. Rigo and Eugenia do a little hat dance. The Gossip Sisters are drunk and chasing Nabor around the room. Franco steals kisses with Sarita and takes her for a twirl. Sofia and Juan are in permanent lip-lock mode. Even Pablito is groovin' and movin'. Oscar though, stays in his room and mopes. Pablito brings him in a tray of food from the party but he just growls at the kid. As Pablito turns to leave Oscar calls him back and tells him he’s sorry. They share a sorrowful hug. A while later Oscar comes out and is dressed in his best charro get-up too and joins the party. They all cheer to see him there and Sofia asks where Jimena is. Oscar has to tell everyone that she’s left him.

Back at Trinkets R Us, Jimena pulls out her red heart-shaped pillow and hugs it close while thinking about how much she loves Oscar. (Ok, ok. I give. So how did she fit that big fat pillow into that tiny little suitcase? And how did she get an entire wardrobe in there to boot?) She tells herself that she loves him, but if he doesn’t change she’s resigned to losing him and walking away for good.

Over at the Double E, Root is in bed, restless as all get out. She can’t sleep because she keeps thinking about making mad passionate love to Juan. Finally she sits up, frustrated with herself, and swears she’ll get him away from Sofia somehow. She turns on the light and is surprised to see Feo standing there. The ghoul was watching her in the dark and now he razzes her about being so upset over Juan and Sofia getting married that she can’t get to sleep. Root tries to kick him out and threatens to scream so that Gabi will find out. He calls her bluff. Go ahead and yell, he says. They can both try playing with fire and see which of them actually gets burned first. Maybe she really wants him for the night, he asks. (Well, we all know he's a sick sadistic squirrely egomaniac, so now maybe a masochist too?) Root teases Fer with sexy slobbers then says there won’t be any fooling around between the two of them anymore, out of respect for Gabi. He wonders where this is coming from and says it’s like she owes Gabi something -- as if she was her mother or something, but Root doesn’t take the bait. She tells him to get the heck out of her room instead. “Just scram! Beat it already!” Fer sees she’s serious and stomps off in disgust.

Juan and Sofia eventually take Oscar over to the shop to try to talk Jimena into returning to the hacienda. He begs her to forgive him and to come back. At least tell him she still loves him. He knows he really does need her there to help him. She says she loves him and she forgives him but, for the good of their relationship, she won’t be coming back. She doesn’t believe in him or his promises any longer.

Root, meanwhile, is back to dreaming about Juan and this time she dreams that Juan was proposing to her instead of Sofia. Then it’s back to dreaming about his making mad passionate love to her again. (Yes, the youtube version of "makin' biscuits” is uncut and much racier, not to mention it’s all on the bread-table in the kitchen!) She can’t take it anymore and starts pacing the room. She screams at herself and wonders why she can’t get him out of her head. “He’s become my obsession, my torture, my torment! Arggghhh! Juan has to be mine! --Ayyyy! I’m going to go crazy!” (Good! We all know it couldn’t happen to a nicer person.)

At the same time across the hall, poor ol’ Fer is having his own sadistic wet dreams about Root. He calls out her name in his sleep and unfortunately Gabi is awake to hear it. She shakes him awake and asks him why he’s dreaming about Root. He says she probably heard wrong, but Crabi thinks different. “What, you’re going to tell me she’s harassing you the same way Rosario is?” Rosario is different, he says, because he’s seen her ghost and it’s for real. But, anyway, he wasn’t dreaming about anyone just then. She warns him that if he gives her any reason to doubt him she’ll destroy him and that he knows she can do it, too. (Yes, Gabriela. What better way to win friends and influence lovers?)

The party is now over back at the Double R and people are leaving. Eva and Padre Tadeo talk about how thrilled they are that Juan and Sofia are finally going to get married. (Hey, I’ll be doing the Mexican hat dance right along with Rigo!) She tells the padre that she’s been dreaming of Rosario again, and this last time that she came to her in her dreams she seemed finally to be at peace.

In the kitchen, Sarita and Franco are hugging. They’re worried about Jimena and Oscar breaking up but agree there’s nothing they can do for either of them. Franco asks Sarita to marry him again. She agrees, but says she is still a bit scared and doesn’t want to jump into things right away. He agrees to back off it for a while provided she lets him know when she’s ready and that she really does want to marry him. She’s fine with that.

Jimena can’t go back to sleep either. She’s remembering seeing Root and Juan kissing each other and wonders if she should tell Sofia about it or not. (No! Not now, Jimena! We’re oh-h-h so close!) Sofia and Juan, meanwhile, are back at the hacienda assuring each other that the third time is the charm. Sofia repeats the mantra that nothing and nobody can ever separate the two of them again. (Viewerville definitely has all their fingers and toes crossed for this one.) They seal it with a kiss.


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