Monday, February 09, 2009

Cuidado: Friday 2/6/09 - "I Read the News Today, Oh Boy!!"

Onelia comments to Balbina how quiet it is in the house. Balbina tells her that Rocío & Juan Miguel are out and Mayita is upstairs, playing with Cuate. Onelia comments about how much time Mayita spends upstairs and then she says that Juan Miguel must be at the jail visiting the murdering governess. Balbina is quick to inform her that JM is actually at the theatre with a his friend (amigo). Onelia is surprised to hear this--- since when has he had any interest in the theatre?, he never would go with my daughter--- and then Balbina tells her that Marichuy is the principal actress. Onelia sputters in shock.

Juanmi and Marichuy stare at each other in the corridor of the theatre. JM says--other than the casual passing they had on the street, it has been so long since they’ve seen each other. It seems as if years have been centuries, when compared to the little time they were actually together. At least for me, he adds. MC asks him what he’s doing there and he says he came to see her. MC launches into how no one should be allowed to see her and after her performance, she needs to rest. She heads into the dressing room and JM touches her on the shoulders as she attempts to walk away and asks her to wait. She says you know at times I’m “pelada y corriente” (specific meaning anyone?); to which he answers yes and then he lets her pass him to go to the dressing room.

MC slips into the dressing room, and Olga is there. She’s excited about the amount of flowers that people have sent to Marichuy. She gushes over all the attention that MC’s getting---the flowers, the applause, the standing ovation. MC can’t seem to enjoy it all because JM’s just outside her dressing room door. She tells Olga he’s there and they talked. Olga decides to go check if he’s still there, but he’s gone. She informs MC of this and then questions why MC is so affected and MC says the shock of it all. Then MC wonders how he knew where to find her. Olga reminds her that he knows her stage name, so it is logical he found out that way. MC starts to look at the flowers—she’s gotten some from Amador and a small bunch from Olga. She gives her friend a hug in thanks. There is a beautiful bouquet and MC reads the card and is very affected. Olga asks if the flowers are from JM, but MC reads the card aloud to answer that question “I wish you luck, your mother”.

JM comes home and speaks to himself so that the viewers are let in on what he's thinking....he says that she looked beautiful, but she’s changed. She’s more of a woman, more steady and harder. He thinks how she warmed to the applause and shouts of the crowd, but she was short with him. She’s now someone else, someone he barely recognizes.

Isabel and Estefania read the paper, which is full of praise for Marichuy. They discuss what Amador’s motive is, working with MC. Isa comments that he treats MC like she’s an angel, but that she, herself, just can’t see it in MC. The conversation switches to Ceci and her recovery and that Stefi doesn’t know how she’s doing. Isa prays that Ceci will succumb to her injuries. Stefi hopes she’ll then be the heir to the Velarde fortune. Dollar signs dance in front of Isa's eyes (well not really, but you get the point).

JM reads the paper and sees pictures of MC. He notices a telegram on the table and Balbina tells him it is for Leopardo/Omar.

Isa and Stefi discuss how they sent a telegram to Omar with information on how to find Marichuy.

Omar opens the telegram and is happy to see the info on how to find Lirio(MC). JM questions who sent it to him. Omar doesn’t care. JM wonders if it could be some sort of practical joke. Omar is sure that’s not the case, at least his heart is telling him it isn’t so. He wants to leave right now to find Lirio. He asks JM to accompany him.

Ceci wakes to find Stefi hovering over her bed in the hospital. They discuss how today Ceci is feeling much better and how the doctors have been astonished at her improvement. Ceci questions Stefi about MC’s theatre debut. Stefi tells her that it appears that MC was quite the success. Ceci’s delighted to hear it. Stefi can’t seem to fake enthusiasm as well, but she does tell Ceci that all she cares about is Ceci getting well.

Cande and MC pour over the papers. Cande’s happy to see that MC was received favorably. She tells MC she’s getting as much press as the stars, like Shakira and then does some chest adulations for emphasis. MC laughs. Cande is happy to think how green with jealousy Casilda will be when she sees the papers (she’s assuming that Casilda reads) and how MC’s success will bother Isa and Stefi too. They have a good laugh thinking over what might be their reaction.

Casilda (curlers and all) are at the news stand and she sees the papers, but comments to her friend that she won’t waste the money on buying them. She’s obviously jealous.

MC and Cande discuss the flowers she got from her mother. MC says is her mother thinks a gift of flowers is going to make her offer up forgiveness, well her mother is mistaken.

Patricio goes to see Ceci in the hospital. Ceci tells him she’s feeling better, she heard the news about MC’s success. Pat is upset to think that Ceci is only getting well because of MC and not because of him (basically he's being a whiny baby, jealous of his own child).

Omar and Juanmi arrive at MC’s door. Cande opens up and Omar is delighted to see “La La”. JM is shocked to see it is Cande on the other side of the door. Omar sees MC and rushes to her, spouting out how he’s finally found Lirio. MC looks over Omar’s shoulder and sees JM standing there. After the commercial break, Omar shows MC the telegram and goes on about how he’s been going crazy looking for her everywhere because she left without talking to him, how he returned to the hacienda to find her gone. She left when they were supposed to get married. A pained look passes over JM’s face. Omar tells MC he needs an explanation, why did she leave that way, why did she run away. MC has tears running down her face and Omar continues to insist on finding out why she took off. He wants her to look him in the eyes and tell him the truth. She can’t get the words out, and Omar wants her to know his anguish. He pulls JM forward and says that his friend can attest to his looking everywhere in D.F. for her and how crazy he was to find her. MC can’t look him or JM in the eye. Cande offers physical comfort to MC and provides a barrier to the intense onslaught from Omar. Finally he slows down and questions if there is another man, is there someone between us? MC looks at JM.

Pat bemoans to Stefi about how he feels about Ceci wanting to live for MC. He tells Stefi how he’d prefer that she were his real daughter. He adds that MC has caused nothing but pain for Ceci since she’s entered their lives and as far as he’s concerned, he doesn’t want her back in their house ever again. He was happy to hear nothing of her and now she’s returned as some sort of actress. Stefi assures Pat that she has faith that MC will not return to interfere in their lives again.

MC can’t answer Omar’s demands and she leaves the room. Cande begs both men to leave, now is not the time for them to be there. They actually listen and leave, both with their heads hung in sadness.

Onelia reads the reviews in the paper, and throws out some insults about what passes as an actress today. She asks Balbina if JM read the paper yet. Balbina’s not sure, but she thinks he did. Onelia is upset to realize that JM now knows how to find MC.

Marichuy cries on Cande’s shoulder. She’s upset to realize that JM and Omar are friends, that Omar’s been saying in the castle.

Omar is mad at how Lirio received him. He wanted answers and things are worse than they were before he found her. He notices that JM is quiet and he questions his friend about it. JM says he had nothing to say.

Blanca wonders what’s going to happen in court today. She realizes that she’s got to have the charges dropped or they’ll go after Juanmi as well. She needs to save him. She feels the key to her success is finding someone from before who knew her as Ivette. She thinks of Omar and questions where he can be found. What meaning did he have for Ivette and why is he the only name she can remember. Her lawyer arrives and tells her that Balbina’s to be in court today to testify. He tells her that Juanmi hasn’t arrived for the hearing yet and every other day he’s been here. He wonders what’s going on and Blanca says he’ll probably arrive later.

Omar says that now he knows where to find Lirio, he’ll go back and talk to her. He speculates that Lirio might have been hesitant to talk because he’d brought a friend along. She was probably ashamed.

At the hair salon, Isa’s getting her hair colored. Stefi fills Isa in on Ceci’s improvement and the conversation she had with Patricio. Out the window she spots JM and Omar talking. She continues to spy on them and notices the anguished look on Juanmi’s face. They wonder what’s going on between them, did Omar get the telegram?

Marichuy laments that this is a terrible situation—that Omar and JM know each other. She wonders if Omar’s mentioned the baby to Juanmi and she questions what she should do. Juanmi can’t find out about the baby. Amador arrives with the wolf and ends up scaring Cande out of the room. MC comments on the dog (perro) and Amador says he’s no dog, he’s a wolf (lobo). MC picks up the baby protectively. Amador raves about how successful the performance was. He questions if she saw the papers and fails to notice that MC is upset. He reminds her that the actress is nothing without the director, so she’s nothing without him (he has the classic abusive personality).

Juanmi and Omar return to the castle. Omar questions who sent him the telegram. They had to know not only where to find Lirio, but that Omar was staying at Juanmi’s house. Omar asks JM what he thought of Lirio, isn’t she nice and pretty. JM thinks to himself that all that time MC was hiding out and she never mentioned his name to Omar. She hid, using another name. JM realizes that his friend is in love with the same woman he is and he vows to hid that information from Omar rather than let him find out. Just then a light bulb flashes, JM remembers Omar telling him that Lirio was pregnant (he conviently forgets the part about what Omar said about her husband and that relationship, if he did remember, he might be able to process things and discover that one and one do indeed equal two---but then we'd be at the end of our novela and I predict we've still got a bumpy road ahead).

MC tells Amador she’s got a problem and then fills Amador in on the visit she got from Omar and Juanmi. Amador assures her that those men aren’t the boss of her (subtext, I am), but hastily adds that her only boss is her art. He notices the pictures of himself that MC covered up and he questions what happened and that ends the discussion (because it is, after all, all about Amador).

Omar thinks that he’s got to go see Lirio now, without JM. He has to see her again. Juanmi asks Omar about his story with Lirio. Omar is only too happy to talk about it and he fills JM in on how they met and how at first she was timid and how soon they began to get along. He tells JM that she blossomed before his eyes. Omar remembers how scared she was the day he discovered she was pregnant. JM asks about this in more detail. Omar tells him that he was there when she gave birth, he delivered the baby. JM questions if the baby was alive and Omar says yes, a healthy baby boy. He goes on a bit about how MC/ Lirio took to motherhood.

Stefi and Isa are in the car and Stefi gets a call on her cell. It is Israel.

Cande comes in to talk to MC and she’s upset, too upset to get the words out. She finally tells MC that Juanmi is there to see her. MC says to tell him to go away and not come back. Cande goes out and tells him that Marichuy doesn’t want to see him. JM threatens to go look for her in the other rooms of the apartment, but then MC comes out and says she’ll give him a minute. Cande leaves them alone and JM questions who’s apartment this is? MC says it is Amador’s. This upsets JM and he wonders what significance Amador is to MC. She says he’s her director. JM laughs bitterly and says that she doesn’t need a director because she is a brilliant actress both on the stage and in real life. He says she’s always been a liar, but he didn’t come there to talk to her, he came there to see his son. END OF EPISODE (with no previews for Monday night).

asombrar- to amaze, astonish
consagrar- to establish (artista/profesional)
escabullierse- to slip away
escenario- stage


Sunday, February 08, 2009

Maña Es Para Siempre: a Third Synopsis To Wet Your Whistle

Ha! As if TMBMOE wasn't enough!
[The original, Spanish version of this Televisa/Univision link Univision 2/4/09 Synopsis for this announcement was posted courtesy of eeyore over at Telenovela World’s MEPS forum. It should give another bit of additional detail about the main characters' relationships for everybody. –ed.]

Colunga and Lucero confront each other, and Silvia Navarro is trapped between both of them in this, her (Navarro’s) debut at Televisa. Based on the Columbian novela, Pura Sangre, Mañana Es Para Siempre, is the story of a stealthily introduced instrument of vengeance in a family dairy conglomerate, with a single purpose: to destroy them.


The love of Fernanda Elizalde and Eduardo Juarez is born in childhood, but social classes separate them. Eduardo is the son of Soledad, the cook of the Elizalde’s, Fernanda’s family. Eduardo is sent off to study out of the country and Soledad intercepts the letters her son sent to Fernanda.

Fernanda grows up and turns into a beautiful woman. Disillusioned in light of Eduardo’s silence and absence, she gets engaged to Damian, a young man of her social station. Eduardo returns without notifying anyone in order to see his dying mother. She tells him the reason that he has been kept away. Inside the Elizalde family lives a viper named Barbara Greco whose end is to cause harm, and because of ambition, she hasn’t hesitated in committing the worst crimes. Soledad dies and Eduardo swears vengeance against Barbara. He appears before the Elizalde family the day of Fernanda’s wedding, under the identity of Franco Santoro. Everybody thinks he’s a millionaire ready to become a partner in Syndicated Dairy Products, the Elizalde’s company.

Fernando feels an immediate attraction for Franco, but she doesn’t suspect that she’s dealing with Eduardo, whom she believes to be dead. Eduardo begins his plan for revenge, but it will be difficult since Barbara is the puppet of Artemio Bravo, a mysterious individual determined to destroy the Elizalde’s.

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Doña Bárbara - Thurs., Feb., 5- Santos breaks it off with DB; Marisela decides to return to the Arauca

Santos translates for DB the part of Danger's diary about how she planned to kill Orestes Prieto because he was providing evidence to Santos and he was planning to initiate a lawsuit to get El Miedo. Santos says that now it all fits together: the poison dart and the wound that Dr. Arias found on Orestes. DB says that the whole thing is lies. Santos reads her another passage about Danger selling cattle stolen from Altamira. "What, you don't have anything to say to me?" says Santos to DB, "Thief, murderer," he calls her. Melquíades is listening outside the room. Santos reads to DB what the diary says about how DB fooled Santos when he came looking for the body of Orestes Prieto's father. DB gives a signal to Melquíades. Since she really doesn't have any other choice, DB continues to deny what is in the book. She takes the familiar position that Santos always accuses her of everything. She says that if Danger wrote those things, maybe was creating an alibi (coartada) for himself. DB asks if Santos is going to denounce her to the authorities. She says that she can prove that she is innocent.

Marisela asks how Cecilia knows about the last wishes of her father. Cecilia tells Marisela that her father wrote her a letter on the night of her birthday party and asked Cecilia to give it to Marisela when the time was right. We have some flashbacks. Marisela says that she misses her father so much. Cecilia says that she does, too.

Antonio says that he and Lucía should get married tomorrow or even today. Lucía asks why Antonio is in such a rush to marry her but she is happy.

DB tells Santos that she won't listen to another word. He is just looking for an excuse to get rid of her so that he can take up with Marisela. DB says that she will go to the authorities and tell what she knows and she won't be responsible for the effect that her confessions will have on "his adored Marisela." (Is she threatening to accuse Marisela of murdering Meléndez?)

Maurice comes home and has a happy reunion with Cecilia. Marisela runs off to read her letter.

Santos and DB:
What does Marisela have to do with all this?
DB: Everyone will find out when the time is right and then we will see if you have the courage to call me a murderer. (Then DB says, "No escupas para arriba, Santo Luzardo," does that mean something like, "don't spit in your eye?").
S: This time I'm not falling into your trap. So stop with the ridiculous threat against Marisela. As for you, I doubt that you have the courage to hand yourself over to the authorities for an investigation.
DB: I thought you knew me better, Santos.

Melquíades is digging up the place where Apolinar Prieto and the horse were buried. He says that if DB comes to harm because of Santos, the next poisoned dart will be for him. BP comes up and Melquíades asks him to help DB by digging.

Cecilia tells Maurice about the mysterious visit of DB to Marisela before her birthday party and Marisela's surprising rejection of the gift of DB's hacienda. Marisela comes in and says that she refused the hacienda because she killed a man.

BP asks Melquíades why they are digging and Melquíades says to just dig. DB doesn't like questions. BP laughs and Melquíades asks why. BP wont't say.

DB comes to the police station followed by Santos. DB wants Mujiquita to go with her and Santos and let her prove that Apolinar Prieto isn't buried where the horse skeleton was found. Santos says that if she is so willing to dig up that grave, he is certain that Prieto's remains are no longer there. He doesn't want to play her games. DB says that he has accused her so he has to go with them.

Marisela tells Maurice and Cecilia about Melendez' death (with flashbacks) and DB's threat to accuse her of murder if she accepted the property. (Recappers are happy when the characters rehash things we already know about.) After hearing all this, Cecilia says that DB is despicable. She tells Marisela that she has to return and claim what is hers. Marisela says that she can't do that.

Fausto pressures Don Encarnación to accept what he is offering for DE's hacienda.

DB, Santos and Mujiquita comes to the place where Apolinar Prieto was buried. Santos notices that the ground has been disturbed. He says that it isn't necessary to dig. They will only find the bones of a horse.

Marisela and Mauricio-
Mau: I don't like to see you in doubt like this. Marisela, since you came here, you have taught me to see a different Marisela, strong and energetic, who doesn't fear anything and doesn't say no to anyone, including Santos Luzardo, your great love. What are you thinking about?
Mar: The hacienda. I was born there. It was so pretty. I got to know the world there for the first time... At that time, it wasn't 'El Miedo,' it was 'La Barquereña.' How I would have liked for my father to return to that hacienda.
Mau: Have you thought that you have to return and get back what is yours?

DE tells Antonio and Lucía that he is being pressured to sell his hacienda. Lucía asks him not to. She wants to raise his grandchildren there. She tells him that she and Antonio plan to marry very soon. Antonio says that he will work to improve DE's hacienda.

Santos and DB-
DB: We can't leave this alone, Santos. I'm talking to you. Don't ignore me. If you are convinced that I ordered that ground dug up, I want you to tell me so, to my face.
S: Why, Bárbara? The more that I want to believe in you, I can't. In every step you take, I find proof that you lied, that you only act for your benefit.
DB: You always believe in others, never in me. Hasn't it occurred to you that there are others who want to destroy me, that they are capable of whatever to see me fall, even digging up the ground so that you don't believe me?
S: Look Bárbara, no more traps, please. I want to love and believe in you. I wanted this to be a relationship of two people who fight against one and all. But all that is important to you is your deceits and lies. You don't want a companion, you want an accomplice and that isn't me.
DB: What are you going to do with that book full of lies? What do you want it for?
S: To understand how much you deceived me with your lies. Now, I want to find out exactly how stupid I was.

Santos leaves Altamira with Danger's book. DB tells Melquíades that someone is out to get her. It isn't BP; he's not bright enough. She guesses that it's El Sapo.

Fausto tells El Sapo (and now we see him) that DE has refused so far to sell his hacienda but his economic situation may force him to do so. El Sapo tells Fausto to pressure DE and then raise the offer. DB will find out and will want to get in on the bidding (puja). He says that then he is going to bleed her white (desangrar). El Sapo tells Fausto that he doesn't need to tell DB about his interest in La Chaparral, news like that spreads like wildfire ('pólvora', literally 'gunpowder.'). Fausto asks when El Sapo is going to show his face to his enemy. He says he will wait a little while. He wants her to surprise her.

Santos has gone somewhere and reads Danger's book all night. He appears to be impactado by what he is reading.

DB tells Eustaquia that Santos can't prove what Danger's book accuses her of doing. She says that Santos is a man of the law. He only believes what he can prove. He only the has the word of a dead man against hers. DB says that Santos loves her and will believe her rather than what some idiot says. Eustaquia says there are things Santos won't be able to forgive. DB says that she can't lose Santos because it would be like losing her own life.

Santos is at Melesio's house. He sits staring into space when Antonio comes in asking why Santos was looking for him. Antonio says that Santos doesn't look well. Santos, in fact, looks like he is going to cry. "I've just discovered," he says, "that I am the world's biggest idiot." He hands Antonio Danger's book.

Marisela has a flashback to when he overheard DB tell Eustaquia that she can't love her daughter. She wonders if she should go back and confront DB. She flashes back to when Santos kissed her. She wonders if she has the strength to return and confront him.

Santos tells Antonio that he has wasted his life and worst of all, he has lost his love. He says that he has to make very hard decisions. He can't let things continue because of what is in the book. He says that he has to recover and move forward. He can't let DB destroy his life like she had done with the others. "She isn't going to destroy me," says Santos.

DB says that she has to find out where Santos is and see if he can live without her. Eustaquia tells her that Santos isn't in the house and he didn't sleep there. Cracking her whip, DB demands to know where Santos is. She says that since Santos went to the Capital, he doesn't want to sleep with her anymore. Eustaquia advises her to not to behave this way, it will just make things worse but we can see that DB isn't going to take her advice.

Santos has a morning coffee at Melesio's house. He tells Melesio that he is going to have a hard day. Melesio tells him that if he knows what he is doing is right, it is will be ok. Santos replies that he is concerned about hurting other people. Melesio repeats that the important thing is that Santos is sure he doing the right thing. Santos says that sometimes one commits errors in thinking that they are doing right. Melesio says that everyone commits errors in their life and assures him that such errors can always be corrected.

Lorenzo's letter to Marisela-
My darling daughter. Only a few hours remain before your birthday party and here I am writing these lines that will wait until the moment that you are ready to accept my words. I have decided not to go on about La Barquereña. I know that it is useless because the more I would fight to find out what DB did to force you to to refuse your hacienda, the less you would tell me. Marisela, my beautiful daughter, I know that DB took advantage of your innocence and fragility to succeed in her objective. Don't you see that more clearly now, my love? She wants to look good in front of Santos and keep our hacienda at the same time. Surely, she threatened you with doing something as bad as hastening my death, isn't that so?
Marisela: Yes, papa. That's what happened.
Lorenzo: Fine then, I'm not among the living anymore, so she can't do me any harm. What is holding you back, now, daughter? The moment has come, then. Cecilia has the property transfer deed that DB signed. You only have to make it valid in order to have what should always have been yours. Tbe time has come, daughter. Fight! You be the guardian of my rights. Fight for the land of your elders, do it now, because if you don't do it, you will live like me, regretting that I never tried. This is the only inheritence I leave you, my love: to live life wisely and intensely and my thirst for justice, so go forward. You are everything and your enemy will tremble when she sees you standing in front of her, strong, beautiful and just. It's time for war, little daughter, and I says this not only about the hacienda but about everything. If you love and finally recieve love, don't turn and look back. Don't be afraid of what prejudiced, stupid people say. Don't let anyone tell you what is good and what is bad. You already know in your heart. Live each minute intensely because life is only an instant in the sun. Laugh and cry without fear and remember that you were, are and always will be my greatest pride. I adore you and I will be with you at every step.
Your father, Lorenzo.

Santos returns to Altamira and DB doesn't waste a second before laying into him for spending the night away from her. She says that Santos is the man who never makes mistakes - what is the next thing he is going to accuse her of?
S: It's over.
DB: What did you say?
S: You heard me perfectly well, Bárbara, but I'll repeat it: You and I are finished. (Lo nuestro se terminó).
DB: Really? We're done and that's it. Why so? Because you decided? What about me? This diary that certainly contains lies and filth that the gringo made up. You believe it because it turned up just at the moment that you saw her again.
S: That has nothing to do with it.
DB: It has everything to do with it. Do you think I am an imbecile, Santos? Since the moment she left, you haven't been the same with me, you haven't looked at me the same way, you haven't talked to me the same way. You've never talked to me the way you talked to her. You've never looked at me the way you looked at her. She.. she has been between us this whole year. Look, Bárbara, the only thing that has come between you and I this year and forever is this (he holds up the book). This disgusting history of crimes and thefts. The kind of barbarism that I have fought against my whole life. It's true that I wanted to forget to give myself permission to love you. Look, I turned my face so I wouldn't see. I covered my ears so I wouldn't hear... I began to drink to not think about the things that you were doing. Because I wanted to believe that you loved me enough to change. But you didn't do it, Bárbara. You didn't do it. You continued being this way and the fault isn't even yours. It's mine. Because I am gullible and conceited. Look, who am I to tell you how you have to live or what you have to do? Why did I get the idea that you were going to change just because you were with me? You are what you are and you can't change: always the wild animal and predatory tigress. Lorenzo Barquero was always right.
DB: You still believe that drunk?
S: Yes. I beleive him more than ever because he loved you. He always loved you in spite of himself.
DB: I never loved him. I never loved anyone. Only you. Do you doubt my love?
S: No, but that's the worst of it. Your love is killing me, Bárbara and for whatever reason, I still have a little sanity (cordura). I want to live, I want to be the person I was before. So, please, leave, go back to your place and let's continue with our lives.
DB: My life is you. Don't you understand? You can't leave me. You love me, Santos. What has happened is that stupid diary has confused you. The people who hate me have filled up your head with bad thoughts. But I know you still love me.
S: Bárbara, please, don't make this more difficult. Leave.
DB: I'm not leaving here. I'm the señora of Altamira. You promised me. I have your mother's ring. You gave it to me. You told me that you loved me. Where is our love? our engagement? The children that we will have. We will have children, my love. When they come, I will be good. A good mother like you want me to be.

Santos turns and walks away without a word. DB follows screaming that she won't leave. She is the señora of Altamira. Santos speaks to Carmelito, gets on his horse and rides away. DB grabs Carmelito and demands to know what Santos told him. Carmelito says that Santos told him that he would be in the hotel at Progresso until... "Until when!" demands DB. "Until you leave Altamira," replies Carmelito.

Eustaquia begs DB to leave Altamaira. DB says that she is sure that Santos will return when his rage has passed. Eustaquia says that her man has broken off their relationship. She shouldn't behave like a wretch. She should have some dignity and not beg for love from someone who doesn't want to give it.

Antonio asks Mujiquita to marry him and Lucía.

Watched by Melesio, the terneras and the vaqueros, DB loads up her truck and she, Eustaquia, Melquíades and Juan Primito leave Altamira.

Santos flashes back to various good and bad times with DB. Carmelito tells him that DB has left.

Back at El Miedo, DB says, "I've lost everything, old woman. Without him, I have nothing, nothing." Eustaquia tells her not to say that. She has this house, her hacienda, her life. "But my life was him," she says, "only him. Without him, there is only this: an empty, dark house. Nothing. I am nothing. I have nothing."

The next morning Marisela tells Maurice and Cecilia that she will go back with Cecilia to the Arauca and confront DB. She will fight for her land and will get La Barquereña back. Cecilia is ecstatic. Maurice is sorry to lose his roommate.


Saturday, February 07, 2009

Fuego en la Sangre, 02/06/09: Root Bungles It In The Bungalow and Feo’s A Rapist On The Run

Resumen del capítulo 192

First a bit of repetitious review:

At the Double E (Hacienda de las Elizondo y del escoria* ese, Escandón) Root gets the tables turned on her when she tries to goad Gabi into telling Sofia the truth about their relationship. Instead, Gabi outs Root for being the one who put the poisoned snake in her little girl’s bed.

Meanwhile, across the way at Ruh-Roh Central, the Double R (Hacienda de los Robles-Reyes), Juan’s in the kitchen telling his brothers he suspects they’re pretty near their sister’s murderer when dear, ditzy Eva runs in to tell them she’s leaving town with Root who has finally accepted her and turned over a new leaf. They can’t let Eva do something that bone-headed, especially since they now know Root is really Crabiela’s daughter. Juan takes pity on Eva and tells her the truth that Root is Crabi’s daughter and that Sofia is actually her daughter instead.

When the news about Sofia finally sinks in, Eva is all happy-happy, joy-joy because she realizes that she never really lost her baby daughter at all. It was Sofia and, by the grace of Dios, she was with her all along. Of course, the first thing she wants to do is run off to tell Sofia the Big News but Juan and the bro’s hold her back. Juan explains that the padre wants them to wait till after he’s fully recovered and can arrange it properly. Eva says since she’s waited this long she figures she can wait a little bit longer. (Viewerville thinks we’ve all waited way too long as it is). She says she’s going to the church to thank the diosito instead and promises to keep mum.

Back across the way at the Double E, Sofia is screaming at Root to tell her the truth about the business with the snakes in her daughter’s bed. Tearfully Root begs for forgiveness and says she was out of her mind with envy. She didn’t know what she was doing. Rather than slap the sh!t out of the deserving slut, our saint-in-waiting, Sofia, listens to Root’s sad story about having always been envious of Sofia’s lucky life, her doting daddy and her sappy sisters. (Hmm. Nary a mention of the malicious matriarch in this confession?) She says Sofia will soon learn something that will change her life forever and if Sofia will just forgive her she promises she’ll never interfere with her or her family or Juan again. Saintly Sofia replies that it’s up to God to forgive her and she truly hopes he’ll give her the peace that she’s missed all her life long. Root hugs Sofia, who can’t quite manage to hug back, and looks like she’s afraid of catching cooties from her childhood frenemy.

In town, Padre Tadeo comes into the chapel to find Eva tearfully praying to the diosito. She explains that she’s crying tears of joy because Juan just told her that Sofia was her daughter, and that it was to keep her from leaving town with Root otherwise. He says no problemo and that they did the sensible thing. She promises to keep quiet about it like he asked (and so we now can wait another two weeks while this crappy storyline drags on). Eva tells the padre that she believes Root is not really rotten to the core; Raqui and Rico just raised her in a home without love. She’s certain she can get Root back on the right track with a little TLC.

Back in her bungalow boudoir, though, Root is readying things for another nookie-night with ‘Nando. After knocking back a glass of tinto, she takes out the (curiously clean) dagger and sensually rubs it between her bazoombas and over her mouth before hiding it under the pillow. (Ok. Ok. We’ll adjust our beanies here in Viewerville and pretend that Uni’s crack continuity crew didn’t really screw things up. –So… how many times now has Root smeared Feo’s fingerprints with her own, not to mention wiped the supposedly bloody thing across her mouth? I mean, that blade was in somebody’s guts just a few days ago! Blech!) In the meantime, Feo is up at the main house adjusting his (blood-red) shirt and tie and wondering to himself about the surprise Root’s got planned for him later that evening.

In the kitchen of the Double R, the Reyes’s have decided to plan a party to celebrate the night that Eva finally tells Sofia the truth about their relationship. Quintina walks in and tells them she’s excited for Eva over the news that Sofia turns out to be her daughter. Juan says likewise, that he’s just itching (“me quema las habas” – “the beans are burning me”) for Sofia to get the news. Quintina mentions that everybody’s ready to get married these days, even the Gossip Sisters. Oscar and Franco wonder who’d be crazy enough to be reeled in by those two but Quintina assures them that for every woman there’s a man (“nunca falta un roto para un descosido”, literally, there’s a patch for every tear). Anyway, they’ve set their sights on Tío and Nabor she says, as the two old maids are home flipping a coin to see who goes after Vicente and who goes after Nabor. (Yeah, I should know. Gettin' old's a b!tch, but hey. This is pathetic. FF>> Puh-leese!)

Upstairs in his room, Gabi watches Fer finish getting dressed and asks him where he’s going. He lies and says he’s got an appointment to talk over the sale of the harvest with Don Adolfo, but her antennae are up. She asks if he’s really going to see Don Adolfo. He tells her not to start with him again. He bluffs and offers to take her along. She declines and self-medicates with another gulp of her brandy. He tells her not to drink a lot and promises to come back early.

Across the hall Sofia tells her sisters about her latest run-in with Root. They all agree on how thankful they are that they had Daddy and Eva to rely on while they grew up. (Again, no mention of Mama.)

Feo arrives at the bungalow and Root has one last ride on the wild side. Feo finds the knife under his pillow while she is re-filling her glass of tinto. While he’s supposedly “lost in her charms” with her riding topside, she searches with her hand for the knife under his pillow but can’t find it. Just as they’re reaching the pinnacle of Passion Peak he stabs her in the gut. He pulls out the bloody blade and coldly shows it to her. “Is this what you were looking for?” She looks at him and it and then falls onto his chest, lifeless.

The next morning at breakfast Hortensia starts henpecking her hubby again. This time Saul has had enough and tells her he’s leaving and walks out on her. Hortensia begs Rigo to go after him but Rigo won’t and says he warned her. Quintina clucks and says this makes the fourth husband she’s run off now. Hortensia yells back that she wouldn’t know sh!t from Shinola, considering Quintina’s never even had a man. The two start punching away at each other till Hortensia bangs Quintina over the head with a frying pan and walks away in disgust. (Did I miss something funny here, or was this a bit too low-brow for a self-respecting high-brow?)

At the same time Eva is over at the bungalow looking for Root who is nowhere to be found, either inside or out. She has Root’s letter in her hand.

A while later back in town, Quintina is peddling more “pan”. It’s the beefcake special: buy the bread and she lets you make biscuits with the beef-cake. (Hubby says he’s more interested in where Quintina finds her fashionable eye-wear.)

Eva heads over to the main house. She runs into Crabi-Gabi outside and doesn’t lose the chance to rub her nose in the fact she now knows who her really, real daughter is and that it’s Sofia. C-G tries to put her off and still pushes the Big Lie that Root is her daughter, but Eva insists she knows Gabi is lying to her like always. Root is Gabi’s and Sofia is hers, period.

While Juan is baking the next batch of bread he just happens to notice Fer’s bottle of ether, and the dirty rag that came with it, that he has conveniently left sitting out on the counter next to his baking paraphernalia. He picks up the bottle and wonders what in the world Fernando would have it stored in his safe for since it’s not gold (i.e., jewelry?) or cash and since he’s not a doctor.

Back outside the main house at the Double E, Gabi is still trying to shovel sh!t at Eva but Eva just tells her to talk to the hand ‘cause the face ain’t listenin’. Gabi tries to run her off the property and not to think she can hide behind Sofia because Sofia just signed her over the hacienda again and it’s hers! Eva is like, who cares? Sofia certainly doesn’t because she’s not a material girl and, BTW, Eva is never going to forgive Gabi for the witchy way she treated Sofia all the while she was growing up. Gabi says well, have it her way. Sofia deserves Eva for a mother because she’s just as stupid as Eva is. So Eva hauls off and slaps the smirk off Gabi’s face. (Damn! Talk about a shot heard ‘round the world! Viewerville gets out of its chair to cheer.) Gabi actually sees stars for a second or three. Eva tells Gabi not to insult Sofia again. (Ok. Gotta admit a little hair-pulling here would have been nice, but who’s kvetching?) Unwittingly, Eva flaps the hand with Root’s letter in it at Gabi for emphasis. Gabi grabs the letter from her and asks what it is. Eva explains it was for Gabi in case anything bad happened to Root. Gabi says she’s keeping it since it was addressed to her anyway.

Upstairs, Feo has snuck back into the bedroom after apparently ditching Root’s body somewhere and he notices the file Gabi left on the bedside table. He noses through it and sees the document giving Gabi ownership of the hacienda again, so he decides he’s got to get Gabi to name him her heir as soon as possible now.

However, Root had another surprise for Fer in mind. Downstairs in her office, Gabi starts reading the letter she took from Eva:

“Dear Mama: If you’re reading this it’s because unfortunately my plans haven’t turned out as I’d hoped. So, as the sole act of my love for you, I want to confess to you that in fact you’re husband, Fernando, was my lover. Fernando and I were lovers and we enjoyed enormously having deceived you.
With all your daughter’s love….


Gabi is push-me-over-with-a-feather impactada. “Devils! Devils!” She takes her revolver out of the drawer and runs out into the back yard (past a gorgeous pool, I might add) screaming like a banshee for Fernando. (Of course, Fer can’t hear a thing because he’s inside the house with the sound-proof windows.)

Sofia, meanwhile, pays a visit to Juan while he’s baking. After a little smooching and “boda” banter, Juan shows Sofia the bottle that he found in Fernando’s safe and puts it under her nose for grins. Sofia suddenly has flashbacks to that nightmarish night of her deflowering….. She tells him that she remembers that smell from when she was raped, that the man that attacked her put something over her nose that smelled the same way. Juan is furious (cuz he can at least put two and two together and most times get four). Why, then, the man that raped her was Fernando Escandon! Slowfia is appropriately impactada. Juan picks up his shirt and as he races out of the kitchen he grumbles that Fernando is going to have to answer a whole slew of questions from him. She begs Juan to wait and races out after him.

Gabi has given up the search and returns to her office, exhausted, to cry her eyes out over Fernando’s infidelities. Juan races into the yard now and finds Fer there. He immediately accuses him of raping Sofia and of course, Fer denies it and calls him crazy. Sofia shows up. Fer says that’s nuts because he was the one who rescued her that night. Juan tells him to stop pretending. Feo pulls another Bart Simpson and says he can’t prove anything. Juan pulls out the bottle of ether from his pocket and says he took it out of Fer’s safe. Ruh-roh! Then Sofia says she’s never forgotten that smell. Fer asks if it’s a crime to have a bottle of ether. (No, but it’s a damned strange coinkydink, don'tcha think?) Juan tells him he knows he put her to sleep with it so she wouldn’t recognize his face. Suddenly he and Fernando go at it with fisticuffs. All Hell breaks loose till Gabi runs out with her revolver aimed at Juan and tells him to get away from Fernando.

Round two of Zoo-world starts. Sofia shrieks in fear and jumps in front of Juan. Gabi tells her to get out of the way or she’ll shoot Sofia, too. Juan pushes Sofia behind him and warns Gabi not to shoot Sofia. In the middle of all of this hubbub Fernando keeps yelling and hopping around like a proverbial Mexican jumping bean, pleading for Gabi to kill Juan. “Kill him! Kill him! Kill him right now!” Juan screams back that he’s not afraid to die. “Shoot me! Since I’m not going make this wretched swine pay for his crimes! Why not?” He yells over at Feo. “You-u-u cowardly beggar!” That’s another cue for Sofia to jump in front to try to protect him again. Fer starts screaming that it’s all lies. Juan screams back that Fer’s lying but he knows it’s the truth. Gabi’s as confused as the rest of us and yells for somebody to tell her what Fer’s done. Gabi takes another emotional body blow as Juan tells her Fer was the one who raped Sofia.

Fer starts screaming again for Gabi to shoot Juan while she has him in her sights, but she suddenly turns the gun on him instead. “You’ve been making a fool of me the entire time! You traitor! You’re like a dog that bites the hand of the master that loves and feeds him!” (Go for it, Gabi!) He insists she’s just upset. She knows he loves her and nobody else. Gabi throws Root’s letter in his face and says it is a hand-written confession of everything. “She was lying!” he yells at her in desperation. Gabi yells back. “You slept with Root and made a fool of me. That’s why I’m going to kill you!” She aims, shoots high, and bags him in the shoulder. He falls to the ground just as Uni breaks to pay its bills.

When we return to the scene of …numerous crimes, suddenly Feo is up and running for his truck. Juan calls for Capricho (who must have been off flirtin’ with the fillies ‘cause it takes him a minute or two to show). Juan jumps on his valiant steed a few seconds later and starts galloping after Fer and the truck. Viewerville tightens its beanie and rubbernecks as somehow Juan and Capricho try to cut him off with a rearing horse tactic after miraculously arriving up ahead on the road only a minute later. Fer takes his semi-automatic and tries to shoot at them, but the gun jams and he throws it aside. Capricho, the real brains of this operation, can read the handwriting on the wall even if Juan can’t. He takes the initiative and gallops out of Fer’s way.

Juan and Capricho now race back after the truck and pull up alongside it in another maneuver that even Trigger and Roy (Rogers) would have marveled at. Juan jumps onto the truck’s roof. He lays flat and reaches down into the conveniently opened driver’s side window and then lamely tries to poke at Fer’s wounded shoulder and harass him (I guess) into stopping. No go. Fer suddenly puts on the brakes and Juan tumbles down over the windshield, off the hood, and onto the ground. Fer revs the truck back up and rushes to run him over but Juan rolls out of the way at the last instant. Fer puts the pedal to the medal and makes like dust. “He got away from us, Capricho! We’ll grab him later.” They head back to the Double R.

Back at the Double E, Gabi frowns and tells Sofia that Fernando never loved her and so Sofia must have provoked him and that’s why he raped her. With a sick sneer she adds, half to Sofia and half to herself, that now every time Juan touches her he’ll remember that Fernando was Sofia’s first. Doh!-fia (who as we all know is on the fast track for sainthood and soon to be beatified) is dumbfounded. She simply can’t understand how Gabi could be so callous and uncaring and says she’s no longer going to let Mama Cruel Shoes take advantage of her affections.

Gabi grabs at her chest as Sofia heads out to the pool to find consolation in the arms of Eva. Sofia tells Eva how cruel and insensitive Gabi was when she found out Fernando had raped her. “It’s as if she weren’t really my mother.” Eva has to bite her tongue to keep from telling Sofia that the b!tch really isn’t her mother at all, that she is. (Forget Eva! For crying out loud! I'll do it! Let me tell her all ready! Let me, pleeeeese!)

When Juan gets back to the Double R he tells Vicente and his brothers what just happened and that he’s got to find his gun and go looking for the brute. Sofia arrives just then and begs him not to go after Fernando. She’s afraid of what might happen and she doesn’t want him to risk it. Juan eventually gives in to her.
That night Feo sneaks into the clinic as the doctor is about to leave for the night. He forces the doctor at gunpoint, gansta’-style, to take out the bullet.

The next morning is Sunday and the Bishop is performing the mass. It was a rough Saturday night, apparently, for Gabi. She looks like Death warmed over (and just like one of those Santa Muerte statues from that Mexican-Gothic stall the other night, come to think of it). She comes up to partake of the Host but the Bishop recognizes her and stops cold. In front of the entire congregation of the faithful he calls her out. “Gabriela Aceveda, you are not worthy of receiving God, our Lord. You have played with the sacrament of confession, pretending to be repentant of your sins. Therefore, you are out of grace and in no way absolved. We’ve examined your case and from this moment on you are excommunicated, and as long as you do not repent and come back to the correct path you do not even have the right to enter God’s house!” Gabriela is shocked into silence and she’s furious.
*escoria = a person who’s the scum of the earth
“nunca falta un roto para un descosido” = there’s a patch for every tear
“me quema las habas” = the beans are burning me


El Cuerpo del Deseo, Wed.through Friday, Jan. 26-30

Sorry for getting so far behind on this one. I was out of town last weekend.

Salvador escapes from Gaetana's house and is wandering along the road when he is hit by a car.

Gaetana and Camilo find Salvador unconscious by the side of the road and put him in their car. He wakes up as PJ/S. Back at Gaetana's house, PJ/S says that now he understands the sensations that he had dreaming about that woman. "Salvador Cerinza is reclaiming his body," says PJ/S.

He tells Gaetana that he is afraid. He will concentrate on his mission, "I came back for Isabel," says PJ/S, "and I'll dedicate every moment of this second chance to her." He wonders how much time he has left.
Ángela and Antonio come to see PJ/S in his office to ask him about his relationship with Valeria and the fact that he was apparently going to walk away from the firm. PJ/S says that he realized that it wasn't going to work out with Valeria so now he is concentrating on his work. Ángela is clearly embarassed that she made a fuss about something that doesn't seem to concern PJ/S very much. She leaves and PJ/S tells Antonio that he should be prepared for PJ/S to do strange things.

Isabel tells the police that she and PJ/S only had a business relationship.

Thurs. 1/27

PJ/S tells himself that he has to forget Valeria.

PJ/S (in his spiffy purple shirt) tries to explain to Simón what happened with him and Valeria and tries to get Simón to like him again. He doesn't have much success on either front.

Isabel tells PJ/S about her interview with the police. PJ/S tells her to relax. He will handle everything.
PJ/S plays the piano for Valeria.

Fri. 1/28

Felipe questions Cantalicia about Salvador before and after his supposed death. He wonders if the energy of some other person took over Salvador's body.
PJ/S supports Isabel's version of his relationship with her and Andrés in his interview with the police.

Valeria tells Abigail that she feels better because she knows that PJ is giving his midnight concerts for her. Abigail asks why she fell in love with PJ/S and Valeria says that it was because he was so much like PJ.

Walter forces Isabel to make him adminsitrator of the house again. No one can understand why she just doesn't get rid of him.

PJ/S threatens to reveal that Iniridia tried to marry PJ. She goes to the police station and withdraws all her charges against Isabel.


Tontas no Van Friday 2/6 Icebergs are Melting, or The Shrink Stops to Think, and the Lad’s Okay that Dad’s Gay

Finally, I got an episode with warmth and happiness, and very little going wrong (although there are lots of hints of problems to come). In tonight’s show, we see a different side of some characters, who change, or become more forgiving, more human, more likeable. Some of the coldness has melted. And almost everyone is getting along.

First, we revisit Santi’s chat with Pat, in which Santi advises Pat to leave Candy, move far away, etc. I don’t think Pat’s convinced.

It’s group therapy at the Institute. Paco (the shy guy whose wife mistreats him) is sitting at the table with several of our “counselors” and the 3 other ladies who gave him a hard time last episode. One of them starts up with the idea that they’re uncomfortable with Paco’s being there, since their husbands are the enemy, and it’s war, right? But Candy wants to give Paco a chance to show his feelings.

In town, Jaime and Isabel are debating where to hold their wedding. Jaime votes for the church, but Isabel is much too much “peace and love” for that. She has visions of the wedding in the garden at her house, everyone dressed in white, she’ll have flowers in her hair, and guess what the music will be? Jaime’s thinking Ave Maria, but no way, it’ll be the Beatles! And the master of ceremonies? Well, here he is, as Isabel starts purring, makes her hand into a little claw, which knocks claws with an aging hippie guy, with long hair and beard, a flowing white shirt, whose name is El Gato (the cat, of course). He’ll be happy to do the honors, and he also shows her his new motorcycle, which Isabel is all excited to try out.

Paco, with head bowed, tells the group that his wife, Agatha, is a high powered executive, with a big salary, while he’s unemployed. Candy interjects that Paco has assumed the role of housewife while his wife works. Paco continues, relating that Agatha bosses him around (mangonear) and belittles him, and he can’t find a job. One of the new ladies says Agatha sounds like a witch. Bárbara asks whether only men are the enemy, and the woman responds that maybe aggressive, controlling people are the enemy, be they men or women. (first case of ice melting) The group agrees to help Paco.

Crazy Marissa has bought tons of little clothes for the bebé. Santi asks her why they weren’t taking precautions so that she wouldn’t get pregnant. She’s a little miffed, just responds that she always thought she could never get pregnant, but doesn’t he want the baby? Sure, sure, but these things are better if they’re planned, not abrupt or like a sudden blow (de sopetón), he illustrates while hitting one of the little baby outfits.

Raúl has invited Candy into his office. He tells her what a success her column is, they might even make a book out of it. But in reality, he wants to talk personally. He warns Candy to quit her little game of seducing Santiago. This enrages Candy, who tells him the man hasn’t been born who’s going to tell her how to live her life, and she writes something on a piece of paper. What is it? Her resignation. She quits, and marches out of the office.

Pat is at Soledad’s, telling her that he likes her a lot, doesn’t want to hurt her, but he never told her he loved her. He only loved one woman in his life, Candy. He leaves. She cries.

Candy and Meño are chatting over cornflakes. She tells him she quit her column because she didn’t want anyone telling her how to live her life, he thinks that was dumb, she claps her hands – new topic! Tomorrow she’s going to enroll in an image course. But she’s a little nervous, because it’s not easy to get in, and there’s a test. The Institute needs someone with training in image design. Meño reassures her that she’ll get in, and urges her to reconsider the column thing, because a lot of women are counting on her advice. She smiles and they have a playful game of who can eat the cereal faster.

Speaking of playful games, Santi has crunched up lots of pieces of paper, and is practicing his basketball skills with the wastebasket, while talking on speaker to Ed’s cell. He can’t stop thinking about Candy. Ed comes in the room, tells him he has a sickness, called Candyitis. Ed reminds him he’s getting married, going to have a baby. Ed adds that men should never allow women to affect them so much that they lose their sense of reason. Look at me, says Ed. I’ve had lots of women, but I never lose my sense of reason. Santi didn’t lose his, it was stolen – by Candy. He decides to put this torment to rest, once and for all, by talking to Candy (sure, that’ll work). Ed also has a plan, to surprise Chayo with something.

Pat puts a clown wig in a bag and exits his apartment.

Guess what Chayo is doing now? Internet chat! Her name is Morenita chiquita, and she’s chatting with a guy named Principe Azul. She types that she doesn’t want to meet, they don’t even know each other’s real names yet. He types that his name is Gonzalo. All of a sudden Ed comes home, and she quickly snaps shut the computadora. Course, she had no reason to be secretive, because he’s so into himself that he doesn’t even notice what she’s doing, and he walks into the other room.

Candy is mopping the floor, wearing orange rubber gloves to match her orange blouse (her apron also has an orange ribbon). Doorbell rings, and it’s Santi, who is going to “clear things up”. The door is left open, because she wants to keep her distance. Santi doesn’t mind. He tells Candy how he can’t get her out of his mind, he’s losing his reason over her, he knows he’s going to have a baby, and he’ll love the baby, but he doesn’t love the baby’s mamá. He loves Candy. He kisses her, and (surprise!) just at that moment, Patricio enters, dressed as a clown. This clown isn’t smiling, though. Why is he dressed as a clown? Well, he came to find the clown Chivi Chivi, but he see’s Chivi Chivi is busy. No, Chivi Chivi’s not busy, says Candy. Well then why was she kissing Santiago? Because Santiago took her by surprise, and she didn’t want the kiss at all. To prove her point she knees Santiago (something she’s pretty good at).

Back at Ed and Chayo’s, he tells her that he’s going to ask Santi for Thursday and Friday off, and they can go on a four day vacation. Chayo can’t believe what she’s hearing, and is just about to kiss Ed, when his phone rings, it’s Raúl, and Ed tells Raúl no, he’s not doing anything important, he’ll be there in 20 minutes. How romantic.

Candy finishes kicking Santi out so she can talk to Pat. Okay. Now, why is Pat dressed as a clown? Turns out that since he was a kid, Pat has had a big problem asking for forgiveness, and he thought maybe if he was in disguise, it would be easier. He then says “Candy, please forgive me”. She thinks she’s dreaming. He continues, apologizing for cheating on her with Soledad, he was drunk that night, and also for cheating on Candy with Alicia. Candy correctly supposes alcohol was involved in that too, stating that Pat always hides behind something. He then takes off the wig and the clown nose, and now without any disguise, asks her to forgive him for hurting her, for making her suffer so much. He asks for forgiveness from the bottom of his heart. He’s sorry. Candy, however, is sort of frozen. When Pat asks what’s up, she tells him she’s trying to feel better. She’s been waiting for this moment for years, but instead of feeling better, she feels nothing. He kisses her, and it’s hard to know if she feels that. Maybe. But Meño comes downstairs and breaks the mood. Pat leaves, happy as a clam. Meño points out to Candy that Pat could help her forget Doctor Plastico, but Candy’s not sure. She has to leave on some sort of mission, and asks Meño to wish her luck.

Remember how Ed said he’d meet Raúl in twenty minutes? Well, now Raúl is trying to use Ed to talk some sense into Santi. But Ed doesn’t want to get involved, and after all, isn’t Santi going to marry Marissa, because Marissa’s going to have a baby? Yes, but only for that, responds Raúl in a worried tone. Ed opines that all men marry for a reason, right? Maybe, but did Ed marry Chayo out of love? Ed says sure, but isn’t it great how she tolerates his infidelities? Raúl thinks Ed must not have a real commitment with Chayo, that’s how he does it. Ed denies that, he loves Chayo, but he’s weak, he’s addicted to women. Ed’s phone rings, it’s the amante, Ed first says he can’t meet her tonight, but then gives in. See, you’re addicted, confirms Raúl. It’s like a drug, like alcohol. Oh not alcohol, replies Ed. I have no problem with that. Hey, you want a drink?

What was Candy’s mission? – to visit Charly, in the bachelor pad. He’s playing video games, and she brings a bowl of popcorn. She advises him to go home, but he can’t face his Dad with the new knowledge. So Candy takes away the game controller, and tells Charly let’s go, you have to go with me somewhere.

Santi has brought Renata (the transsexual) to the Institute. He introduces her to Soledad and Marissa, relating that Renata would like to have a meeting with Bárbara, the psychologist.

Cute Rocío and Chava are talking on the balcony of the house. She’s worried that he’s still sick, since she heard he could die. He tells her he didn’t die, he’s fine. It hurt a little when they drew blood, but now he feels great. His new name is Mistico. Rocío wonders why, as a super hero, he doesn’t have a mask, but he tells her he doesn’t need one, raises his arms to show his super powers, and yells out “I am Mistico!”

In tonight’s PSA, Santi explains to Marissa how quack doctors inject oil into people’s muscles to increase the size. They use mineral oil, salad oil, even motor oil! It does increase the size, but the body can’t rid itself of the oil. The tissues become more fibrous, the skin darkens, it’s bad. And the government isn’t doing a thing to stop it. Marissa decides to get involved, and starts taking notes. She’ll ask Raúl to do a story about this in his magazine. Santi says the article should start out by warning people not to have anything injected into their bodies. It could be deadly. Patients should make sure their “doctors” are really licensed plastic surgeons, by asking to see their professional certificate (cédula profesional) and asking what association the surgeon belongs to. There are only 3 recognized associations. So the patient can take the certificate number and call the 3 associations to see if the doctor is real. Marissa takes this all down in her cute little notebook, which looks like those little books where you got everyone’s autograph or message the last day of school.

Back to Candy and Charly. She has taken him to the cemetery. She asks what he sees. Graves. Exactly. Why don’t you choose the one for your Papá, advises Candy. What? Well, by saying you can never look him in the face, you’ve essentially declared him dead. So come on, which tomb do you choose? Charly starts to cry. Candy adds that maybe Charly doesn’t care which tomb, because he wouldn’t want to put flowers on the tomb of a gay person, right? She walks away. Charly sinks to his knees, sobbing, as the camera rises up to show him from high above, a very small, sad figure, among the graves.

Santi is continuing his kindness with Marissa. He brings out a mini doctor’s bag for the baby. Mari’s happy to see it, and thinks she feels a kick. It sort of feels like worms, but Santi says it is the baby kicking. Santi tells her he doesn’t care if it’s a boy or a girl, as long as it’s healthy, and he’s going to be a good Dad. He has to go back to work now, and leaves a beaming Marissa, talking to her tummy, telling the baby to be, “look at your present. Did you hear what (Daddy) said? He really loves us”.

Renata is explaining her problem to Bárbara, the psychologist. Bárbara is being supportive, and says maybe the prognosis is not so bad, she should see a doctor for tests. Renata has no money, though, having spent it all on the injections. Just then Renata’s cell rings, and it’s a friend of hers, who apparently also has a problem, and unfortunately, Renata can’t help at this time. After she hangs up, she tells Bárbara that her amiga’s problem is that she’s pregnant, just about to give birth, but she can’t keep the baby, and doesn’t want to have the baby go to an orphanage. Might Bárbara know anyone who wants to adopt a baby? Bárbara says maybe she just might. And as for the expense of Renata’s tests, Bárbara also has some contacts that could help pay for this.

Santi is now in Candy’s office, and Candy thanks him sincerely (he first can’t figure out what kind of silly face she’s making) for sending another patient to the Institute. They have some playful banter about how he’s a professional, and knows that he couldn’t do anything more for Renata, and he thinks the Institute can help her. But that’s not to say he’ll send any patients who CAN benefit from plastic surgery. After all, this is business. Then I guess it’s war, jokes Candy. Yes, to the death, they both laugh good-naturedly.

Candy enters Bárbara’s office to see how it went with Renata. Notice that Bárbara is wearing a light dress instead of her normal stiff, pants-type outfits. She looks much more vulnerable (ice melting ahead). Candy is rattling off all the services the Institute can provide for Renata when she sees that Bárbara is preoccupied. What’s up? Well, Renata has a friend who is putting a baby up for adoption. This started Bárbara thinking. She was divorced twice, and doesn’t know if she’ll ever find another man. She may never have a baby, never have anyone to love. The whole world thinks she’s so professional, so self-assured, but it’s not true. She can picture herself growing old all alone, some pathetic cat-lady, tears are coming to her eyes, she’d die to have a baby! Then try for this one, says Candy. Bárbara doesn’t know, you have to have a stable family, she doesn’t have anything like that.

Continuing with our theme of new warmth, Charly arrives home, enters Meño’s room to see photos laid out on the bed. He sees himself as a baby, as a young boy in a tuxedo, a picture with Lucía, the picture of him and his Dad with the chef’s hat. Meño was on the other side of the room. They slowly walk together and hug. Charly begs forgiveness as Meño tells him he loves him.

Bárbara asks Candy what happened when Candy was pregnant and single. Candy never for one minute thought about not having the baby, even though she knew she’d have to raise it alone. But, says Bárbara, Candy has a family surrounding her, Chavita is surrounded by love, how could Bárbara do this, when she’s alone? Candy assures her that she’s a good woman, with a lot of love to give. Doesn’t she think the baby would be better off with her than in an orphanage? Think about it.

Pat and Santi both arrive at the Institute to talk to Candy, but Santi corrects himself, and says he guesses he came to see Marissa. So Candy takes Santi down the hall to Marissa’s office, but when they open the door, Marissa’s trying on her wedding gown! Oh no, bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, and they quickly shut the door. Candy stays in the room, letting Marissa know that the guys didn’t see anything, no bad luck, and Marissa, you look divine. Candy congratulates her, wishes her happiness, even gently strokes Mari’s belly, another happy scene.

Well, we can’t have all sweetness and light. Rocío is talking on the phone to her Mom Paulina. Rocío tells her about the coming baby and the wedding. Paulina is coming to Mexico for a visit, but makes Rocío promise not to tell anyone about this, as we get some sinister music to clue us in that maybe some more trouble’s a brewin’.

Back to happy. Pat had promised Chava a bike when he got well, and here it is, a nice yellow model. He goes out to ride, after Pat laughingly cautions him not to crash into any cars, trees or adults. Pat closes the door, and tells Candy he also brought something for her.

Before we find out what it is, we find out that Isabel must have been listening in to Rocío’s conversation with Paulina, because Isa tells Santi all about it, and when Santi hears that Paulina is coming, he gets a pained expression on his face.

Okay, what was the present Pat had for Candy? The original wedding dress! (somehow this seems like a pretty stupid gift to me, but who am I to judge?) Pat tells her the dress is hers, and so is he. He always will be. Candy can’t understand why he kept the dress. Well, to remind him of her. Really? Did you also marry Alicia to remind yourself of me? And did you also become Soledad’s lover to remind yourself of me? Pat isn’t deterred. He’s made a lot of mistakes, but he always loved Candy. And he even has another surprise. He takes out a deck of cards, and does a card trick with Candy, which he says will predict the person she’ll be with for the next 150 years. She ends up picking a card with the word Patricio on it, and asks how Pat did it. Well, it was destiny. For a second or two, she looks happy, but once again, she flashes back to Pat kissing Alicia at the wedding, and boom, she’s mad. She tells him she wants an immediate divorce. He says he’s got another trick, but she’s through with his tricks. She wants a divorce, and nothing further to do with him. He won’t do it, he’s not going to give her a divorce. Fine, she’ll get her own lawyer. As Pat exits, he gives her back the dress, saying that he’s sure Candy will use it again when they get married again.

Santi is upset about Paulina’s visit. He tells Isabel that Paulina has the right to see Rocío, but Santi has custody (la patria potestad). Santi is worried. Isabel says that there’s no love lost between her and Paulina, she has at least 4 cusswords in mind for Paulina, but don’t put Isabel in the middle. Santi will have to handle it.

Candy lies back on her bed, talking to her puppet Merengue. She tells the cat that she used to believe Pat, but no more. And she felt absolutely nothing from Pat’s kiss. And what’s more, she feels absolutely nothing, nothing at all, from the kisses of Santiago. This is said with less conviction, though, as she gets mad at Merengue for looking at her with those questioning eyes!

Laura has come to pick up Charly and take him back to the D.F. She’ll let him say goodbye to Meño, but they’re leaving immediately. No, says Charly. I’m staying. Right, you have a novia, says Mom. True, but Charly’s really staying to be with his Dad, they’re gonna live without lies, and get to know each other. As for his Mom, not to worry, he was with her for 17 years, and he’ll visit a lot. (Way to go, Charly!).

But once again, we may have storms ahead. Santi is reiterating his concerns about Paulina’s visit, saying someone will have to tell Paulina to leave. Isabel isn’t going to do it, Rocío has the right to see her Mamá. Santi thinks maybe Donato will help, and it had better be a short visit. Marissa hears this, and is told what is happening. Didn’t Paula abandon them all? Yes, says Isabel, but apparently her amnesia is cured, and she’s coming. Marissa muses that as soon as Paulina heard Santi was going to have a baby and get married, maybe that’s when she decided to come. And Mari’s not happy about it.


Next time: Catfight!


Mangonear: to boss around
De sopetón: Suddenly, or abruptly, as with a blow
Cédula profesional: Professional certificate, for a doctor or other professional
Patria potestad: Child custody (more precisely, parental authority)


Friday, February 06, 2009

FYI -- 30Rock does a telenovela

I loved this episode of 30Rock, in which Jack woos his girlfriend's grandmother by buying the Spanish language tv station to change her favorite telenovela (Los Amantes Clandestinos). Pretty cute! (Salma Hayek is the girlfriend.)


Cuidado Thursday, February 05, 2009: The Best New Face of 2009 award goes to…. the chalk outline!

Sorry, I couldn’t help it. That thing just cracked me up. Besides, Mari’s acting was so mannered. But I get ahead of the story, so let’s rewind to the beginning…

We start with Mari on the phone saying kinder things about Ceci to Dora, the nice maid at Casa Velarde, who gives Mari the number of the hospital. Mari tells Cande that Dora wouldn’t tell her what Ceci wanted to say to her when she came to the theater to find her.

JM asks Rocio if she wants to come see Mari’s opening night. Rocio is excited for Mari but has a date with Vicente. She tells JM to be extra handsome. He thinks to himself I already am, which they don’t actually show but we can read his mind.

People are lined up at the box office to get tickets. Maybe this is a community theater, as some are wearing jeans. Mari is going through her costumes and Amador comes in and tells her to have everything ready so no last-minute panics. He says good actresses usually have big nerve attacks, and she says don’t get me started up. They discuss last-minute details and then Mari asks if she can use his cell.

Amador wants to know who she wants to call and she tells him Ceci. He tells her he said to stay away from those people and Mari said but she’s had an accident. Amador says this is no time to get yourself upset. Just focus on your debut.

JM and Leo are walking down a street in a hurry, and Leo says give me the car keys, I’ll see if I can park closer. But it’s not the theater they’re heading to we discover because JM walks in and there’s Stef sitting in a lobby under a drawing of a police chalk outline of a body which was apparently human roadkill as the road stripe goes right through it, so we gotta be at the hearing. She says she has to testify and JM asks what are you going to say? Stef’s idea of how to dress for a summons is a flimsy low-cut top with sparkly spaghetti straps.

Mari is telling her dresser, namely Olga, that Amador wouldn’t let her call Ceci. Olga says he’s just trying to protect you – she doesn’t hear the cellos fire up in the background. Probably years of prostitution have given her hearing loss in the dastardly-men range.

Stef says she doesn’t know why she was summoned, so she doesn’t know what she’s going to say. She’s called in and here comes Omar who only sees her retreating behind, not her face. JM says that’s Velarde’s kinda sorta daughter and Omar says oo la la, you have good taste. JM says but she’s very bad. He wants to wait to hear how things came out, so Omar says he’ll go for a nice walk in the neighborhood, which means probably that he wants to wander wraith-like through the streets of the DF looking for Lirio. Oh, that restless heart!

The doctor tells the judge that if Ceci’s internal hemorrhaging needs to get under control tonight or else….

Stef tells the hearing people that she met Blanca and that she thinks it was a good idea for JM to hire a nanny as the mother-in-law is a real problem and the child was hearing things a child shouldn’t, and that it gave JM someone on his side. She says Blanca was devoted to JM. The lawyer asks if Stef thinks Blanca would have done anything that JM asked and Stef says I believe so. Even help him get rid of a wife? Stef says she doesn’t want to make that kind of statement, but then she ends up saying yes.

The lawyer asks if she ever saw Blanca go all Ivette and Stef tells about the time she walked in on Ivette tied to the bed (we see the flashbacks) with Rocio there and how evil Ivette looked, and how she attacked Rocio and could have killed them all. She looked like she wanted to, says Stef.

Mari finds a payphone in the theater. The nurse can only tell her Ceci’s critical. Amador comes up and tells Mari off for calling. He takes a fit, throws down a folder and says she disobeyed him. What am I, your slave? says Mari. Amador says you have to give up a lot of things in this line of work, you can be replaced, you know. Fine, says Mari, I’m off!

The lawyer asks if Stef thinks it’s a matter of mental illness and Stef says I think Blanca’s a great actress – it’s all faked. Afterwards, Stef comes out and tells JM she said what she saw and what she thought. JM says he’s waiting for a friend – Omar Contreras. Stef’s eyebrows go up.

The judge is telling the padre that tonight is the critical night, they’ll know whether she’ll live or die. (Not too smart to say those things bedside – who knows what she could hear?) The padre tells him to go home and get some rest, what if there’s a moment when she really needs you and you’re exhausted? Go home, I’ll stay here and call you if she wakes. The judge acquiesces and gives Ceci a kiss on the forehead. The captions say beep beep beep.

JM tells Stef Omar is staying in his house and that he’s almost like a family member. The lawyer comes out and thanks Stef for her testimony. She says she believes that it’s not ethical for a lawyer to thank a witness for their testimony, and that’s she’s impartial and just told the truth. JM says you testified against Blanca? The lawyer says to Stef that she said Blanca was a faker. JM is shocked. Stef says she can’t perjure herself and why should she defend a murderess? She leaves and Omar is back, having conveniently missed her, and he and JM head for home to get freshened up.

Amador has followed Mari into her dressing room and is still yelling about her disobedience. She says bite me. The veins are standing out on his neck while he bellows at her that she can’t get upset and wreck her performance. Olga melts into the costume rack.

The Padre is reading his Bible and Ceci awakes and recognizes him. She tells him to let the judge get his rest, and she remembers this is Mari’s opening night. She wants to ask him a favor.
Olga tries to steady Mari and reminds her that she can’t walk out on the production - it’s for her future, plus she needs to understand that Amador has a lot invested. Mari says Ceci is critical and Olga says there’s plenty of room for hope, then. She points out that people have already bought their tickets… do it for your son!

Granny tells Mayita a sweet story about a little boy who went up to the heaven where all the babies who are waiting to be born are. He picks out his own brother. Mayita loves the story. Granny says one day, that baby brother you’ve been wanting will appear.

Amador comes into Mari’s dressing room and asks her if the show is going to go on. Mari humbly asks his forgiveness for disobeying and says he knows more about these matters than she does. For his part, Amador apologizes for going all jack-boot Gestapo on her. They shake. Cande (who, we recall, saved her from the street, gave her a home, faithfully followed her all over and was by her side through thick and thin …. but doesn’t even get to see her on her big opening night) calls his cell to wish her good luck. She and Mari talk sweetly. Showtime!

Stef and Isa are eating in a nice restaurant. They think probably JM has been too taken up with the hearings to notice the announcements about Mari’s play in the paper. Stef tells her aunt that she made it very clear at the hearings that she doesn’t like Blanca. Isa hopes and prays that Blanca will go to jail and JM too. And what will he do when he finds out Mari had his child?

Stef is philosophical and says who knows what the future will bring? For instance, Ceci hasn’t croaked yet. Too bad, says Isa, who prays some more. Stef then tells her guess what! That handsome hunk Leo is JM’s friend and he’s staying at his house! Isa is impactada. No puede ser! Stef says Leo’s looking for Lirio and maybe I’ll just tell him where she can be found.

Last minute rushing in the dressing room. Mari goes into the shower and then in burst the press who want to scoop others with an interview. Olga politely shooes them out. Olga, who is very impressed, tells Mari, who is all smiles. Olga says this is the biggest night of your life and she dances around.

At castle San Ramon, JM and Leo are all spiffed up, ready to go. Balbina tells Leo that a woman called while they were out, but didn’t identify herself. Leo’s antennae shoot up. They head out for the theater.

Olga, who wears no makeup, is apparently Mari’s makeup artist. Mari has on a fluffy pink chiffon number that makes our tiny actress look a bit pudgy. Mari is all wound up about going on, but she remembers that Amador told her when the curtain goes up, she should just pretend no one is there.

We’re at the theater and people are going in, all dressed up. So the jeans people earlier must have been just buying their tickets in advance. Leo says it’s an exciting night, and with all these people, wouldn’t it be something if he saw Lirio? Naw, she wasn’t interested in theater, he says. Time to go in! They sit down and Omar looks around, saying he has a premonition that he’ll see her there.

Four minutes to curtain! Mari is pacing, nervous. Why doesn’t she have the blond wig on? Two minutes! Olga says she’ll be behind the curtain with a script, okay? And be her prompter, okay? Mari says yes! (Just now they’re thinking of this?) Amador comes in and gives Mari a little kick in the rear – for luck, he says – and gives Olga one too. Olga picks up the towering blonde wig and runs out after them.

The doctor is checking Ceci and the judge is there pleading save my wife! Don’t let her die! The doctor says we’re doing everything we can. Ceci starts to come to. She asks for the padre who just then walks in. The judge breaks down and says do something padre. Science has done all it can, now she’s in the hands of God. The judge leaves to cry in private and the padre tells Ceci he did what she asked.

The curtain goes up and there is Mari posing in profile with that ridiculous piled-high wig. The Master of Ceremonies or whatever the character is starts up while Mari is frozen in position, so it’s hard to make her out. Omar hasn’t caught on yet.

The padre takes the tough love approach and tells Ceci that when Mari gave birth, she was also very ill and she told herself that she couldn’t die and leave her child alone. And now I’m telling you the same thing. Don’t leave your daughter alone in the world again. (You know, this might be the workable alternative to a national health plan, the Heal Thyself plan. It sure worked for Vicente.)

The play is only about 2 minutes in and Omar is already bored, having already scoped the audience. He tells JM he’s not used to being stuck in one spot for two hours and he wants to leave. The lady behind them shushes them. He and JM scoot out. JM gives him the car keys, and Leo turns his back to leave just as Mari turns to face the audience. Up the aisle he goes in slo mo. JM stands there, smiling, but I feel totally ripped off.

Curtain call – Mari is the last one out and the crowd leaps to its feet. Amador is ecstatic. Backstage, the press mobs Mari and wants to know about her business relationship with Amador and he says we’re a team! Mari, wig in hand, turns a corner and there stands JM smiling at her bee-sting lipped beauty.

Avances: somebody (Stef, natch) sends Omar a note saying she knows where Lirio can be found. Omar comes into their apartment and says Lirio, at last I’ve found you! Oops – JM is in the background, puzzled.


Las Tontas Thurs 2/5 - Tonight's lessons: don't inject oil into your body and don't have lunch with insane ladies who look like dogs

Well, there are more lessons than just those two but we'll figure the rest out for ourselves.

From last night courtesy of Paula:
Outside Candy’s house, Gregoria, Alicia, and Candy have a lovely mother-daughter chat.

Alicia: Leave my husband alone or we’ll take your son.
Candy: He has amante, 2 sons, now me.
Alicia: He belongs to me.
Candy: You’re stupid!
Alicia: Look who's talking!

Over at the big house basement Charlie lounges on his mattress while Lucia reads a romantic tale to him, "I'll love you and be with you forever." Santi sneaks downstairs and eavesdrops on the romantic narrative. No Puede Ser!! Whew, he's relieved to discover they are just reading and not getting it on. Nevertheless the kids get scolded and after tonight Charlie must return home to his worried papa.

Next morning Santi and Charlie have a man to man talk. Charlie thinks if he accepts his father is gay then something might happen to him. Santi makes boogie man noises and tells Charlie to grow up, he's educated and lives in modern times. Fine then, Charlie says, he'll accept his dad is gay but he won't live with him.

Candy visits Patricio's office with a long tube in her hands. She sneaks into Pat's office and when he gets to work he's surprised to see Candy and a big sign above his desk, "Ask my forgiveness". He's incredulous, why should he? "You destroyed my life!" he reasons. They argue about who committed the greater treachery against the other and Candy insists she'll persecute him until he begs her forgiveness.

Speaking of treachery, Pilar the blackmailing patient is awake and Santi inspects her bubis and proclaims the operation was a success. She's delighted, she doesn't even feel any pain! But wait, she checks out her bubis and cries there's been a mistake, she ordered grapefruits and she's looking at a couple of raisins! She then notices there was no liposuction or butt implants. In typical telenovela fashion she admits she didn't have any money so she blackmailed him into operating on her by lying that he molested her and now he tricked her, boo hoo. Santi's nurse pulls a recorder out of her pocket and Santi holds it up. Busted, her entire confession is on tape! I still don't know why this random story line was included in the show.

Barbara and Ceci give Chayo some professional advice regarding her marriage to Eduardo, "Men never change." Babs tells Ceci that Chayo is just trying to fight for her marriage. Ceci asks how, by polishing the horns that adorn his head? (Referring to the saying poner cuernos or putting the horns on someone, i.e. cuckolding them.)

Pat refuses to apologize and Candy follows him downstairs yammering he'd better apologize blah blah blah. He says "You first". The guard's boom box is playing 'their' song ("Vivir sin aire" by Maná) and Candy sings along "But I can't, I feel like I'm dying, I'm suffocating without your love." Pat tries to turn the song off, she jumps in his way, they glare at each other with barely restrained emotion.

Now we have a silly and rather long scene with Hortensia in Santi's office. In short she tries to talk him out of seeing his next patient. She made the appointment over the phone but now that she sees the patient she's creeped out. Santi scolds her for being prejudiced, he treats all people no matter their physical appearance.

Horti escorts the patient in, a Miss or Mrs. Renata Hidalgo Sanchez, and we se that Ms. Sanchez is a transsexual.

Rocio and Marissa are having lunch out. Rocio announces she's number one in class and Marissa says in that case she has a surprise for her. Ta da, it's Marissa's ultrasound! The baby will be a perfect little boy just like Santi wants. Poor Rocio gets thoughtful and sad and thinks dad won't love her anymore. Marissa comforts Rocio by letting Rocio kiss her heavily made up face and preggy belly. Lunch with Marissa sucks.

Ding dong, Meño's household is getting a surprise visit from none other than Charlie's mom Laura. She bitches at Candy that Charlie is missing and it's all Meño's fault. She admits to Candy that she told Charlie his dad is gay. Candy tells Laura that in fact Charlie's disappearance is Laura's fault, not Meño's. Meño comes downstairs and tells Laura thanks to her his relationship with Charlie is lost. Laura spits back that if something happens to Charlie Meño will regret it. Duh.

Santi confirms that Renata is a transsexual and assumes she's consulting with him about a botched surgery. Renata corrects him, she didn't have surgery, she had oil injections in her bubis, butt and hips. (Yikes!) She couldn't afford plastic surgery so she went the cheap route and it all went horribly wrong and now she has many lumps in her bubis and her butt is terrible. Can Santi help her? He looks concerned and calls Horty to prepare the examination room.

In our PSA of the night Santi shares the bad news with Renata, since the oil was injected in numerous places it has traveled throughout her body. If he tries to remove the oil from her body she won't have any muscles under her skin. It's a very serious situation because the oil can affect her internal organs and her immune system. Renata cries that she doesn't want to die. Santi recommends that she consult an internal doctor but also her problem transcends the physical. He has a friend on the next floor who runs an institute for women. They have a psychologist and he's sure they can help Renata. They are altruistic and he can talk to them so money won't be a problem.

Meño and Laura's bickering is interrupted by the doorbell. It's Santi come to talk to Candy about his patient who was ruined by a charletan. He meets the rude and insulting Laura and reveals to the group that Charlie is fine and at his house. They all argue about Charlie. Laura wants him with her, the others think he should reflect on being more accepting of Meño. Santi starts singing some little song about Señor Patiño that I totally did not get. Meño finally puts his foot down, they will leave the kid with Santi so the doctor can work on Charlie's prejudices.

Back at the big house an understanding Lucia tries to help Charlie deal with the anger inside him. Santi shows up and drags Charlie and his duffel bag off to some secret location that Lucia doesn't get to know about.

Later that night Jaime and Isabel sing songs to a delighted Rocio. Jaime promises to give Rocio piano lessons and she asks if she can call him grandpa. Why are the happy scenes so short?

Santi's secret location turns out to be the club de abandonados. Drinks are served (Charlie gets milk) and the discussion turns to homosexuality, what causes it, how the guys deal with it, etc. Raul has a lot of gay friends, one abandonado says gays give him hives, Santi says homosexuals are just like anyone else. Charlie jumps up and shouts he can't stand them and doesn't want them near him! So much for mature conversation.

Over at Meño's place Pat visits Chava and brings him an arsenal of toy guns. Chava announces he likes Patricio as his dad and he's looking forward to a lot of gifts just like Beto gets. He says he would also like Santiago as a dad. Pat teases him and declares war unless he's the number 1 dad. Chava reconsiders and says since he wants Rocio as his novia then it won't work for Santi to be his dad so Pat is definitely the number 1 and only dad. Chava listens to Pat's heart and pronounces it good, then he shoots Pat in the butt with a ping pong ball.

Tha abandonados leave and Santi tells Charlie he's really disappointed in him for being so discriminatory. Does Charlie like Freddie Mercury? Elton John? Andy Warhol? (Charlie's wearing a Warhol t-shirt.) Well guess what, all gay. He instructs Charlie to spend the night at the apartment and reflect on his attitude, but hands off the niece and the booze!

Pat brags to Candy that Chava says he has a good heart. His son is marvelous...and Candy kept Chava from him all this time. Candy responds "why did you cheat on me with Soledad?" Again with the argument about who screwed whom and mutual refusal to apologize. Pat yells "I hate you I hate you I hate you I love you with all my heart." Candy bares her teeth and cries. Again the argument. She wants a divorce. He demands an apology. She knows about all his betrayals, Soledad, Alicia at his bachelor party, everything! She saved herself for a man with no heart. "Because you stole it!" he yells at her as she retreats into the house.

Back inside Candy complains to Meño that she's got her own problems yet she hears about relationship problems all day at work and she's sick of it. Meño is the sweetest guy ever, he's dealing with his own problems and all he can think about is making Candy feel better which he does. "Fuera Dolor!" She's a pain but she loves her uncle that's for sure.

Next morning Santi and Candy regroup and he tells her Charlie is staying at the bachelor pad apartment.

Raul teases Marissa about her growing belly. She nastily comments she'll end up like Lulu, then when she loses weight she'll look like a Shar Pei. (She already looks like a Boxer with Poodle ears so a Shar Pei's not such a stretch.) She cries to Raul about Santi not loving her then changes the subject to her wedding, she and Santi will make a beautiful couple. Whatever crazy lady.

Santi gives Candy the address and says she seems sad. She admits she had it out with Pat last night and he told her he hates her and loves her. She's afraid that Alicia will put it in Pat's head to take Chava away from her. Suddenly Santi's cell phone rings and who could it be but Pat wanting to get together for coffee, they need to talk. Santi agrees without letting Candy know who's on the phone. As he leaves he tells Candy it shatters him that Pat has told her he loves her.

Candy bites her lip and Pat sits in his car and sniffles while listening to Maná.

The ladies of the institute are sitting around wondering where Candy is, Ceci says it's empty without her. A meek-looking bespectacled man comes in and the girls frighten him with their attentiveness. Babs convinces him to have a seat and wait for Candy who will arrive shortly. He wrings his hands.

Pat asks since Santi lied about his friendship with Candy is there anything else to their relationship? Nope, just friends, answers Santi unconvincingly. Pat asks are there any other lies? Santi admits that the clown Chivic Chivi was Candy. And there's more, the nurse in his office? That was Candy. The secretary with the low voice, that was Candy too. Santi says Candy did all the hiding because she was afraid that Patricio would try to take her kid away from her. Patricio looks thoughtful and scary music plays.

Back at the institute nervous man tries to leave but three beautiful customers come in talking about how great the institute is so he decides to stay a little longer. Then they make him feel uncomfortable by saying he's a spy for their husbands so he changes his mind and tries to leave but Candy comes in and asks him how things are going with his wife. OK I recognize him now, he's the wimp from the restaurant. His wife is that bitchy lady and her name is Agatha and things are very bad at home.

Pat tells Santi he's not proud of what he did but at least he didn't leave like Candy did. Santi says yes Pato did leave the moment he decided to sleep with Candy's sister Alicia. Santiago's advice to Pat is to forget her, to leave and go far from Guadalajara and start a new life, it would be best for both of them. Nice try Santi.

Tomorrow: Santi tells Candy he loves her then he kisses her. Pato, stupidly dressed like a clown, sees them and gets pissed off.


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