Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #67 Tue 1/3/12 Vins totally loses his shit

[This episode was two hours long, but even less happened in it than in a normal one-hour version]

Candi is still sobbing in Chela's lap about her Vins predicament, and Chela reminds her that the man has publicly denied loving her on several occasions. This seems to make at least a bit of an impression.

Pancho is on Vins' case again, a prelude to the breakdown. He gives Vins his meanest squint and extracts a promise to never see the Bombon again.

Vins is already breaking up. He's with Enzo and his other friend, and they're dishing like it was Sex in the City. They warn him not to get too close to Candi, which obviously makes no impression whatsoever. They tell him that Pina will eat him alive if she finds out, and we learn that Pina actually owns the house and everything.

The next morning, we're treated to a hilarious breakfast with Pina and breakdown-Vince (let's call this neurotic side of him Wince). He's talking gibberish, pouring orange juice on his ham, and slathering his toast with butter, raw egg, and strawberry yogurt. As if he weren't enough of a wreck already, Candi shows up and Ado hollers like she always does when someone arrives. Pina says WHAT? Wince says oh, that's Nandy. He chokes on his delicious breakfast and both ladies start pounding on his back, ostensibly to clear the blockage. Pina leaves on some business or something, and Wince tries to tell Candi that he can't see her anymore. She freaks, and informs him that he's going to lose this "mujeron," this gypsy body (?), this caramel bonbon. Nice to see her with such a positive self-image.

Pancho is getting rock-bottom-nothing done at work, thanks to barfy-cute flirting with Beca, throwing kisses and such crap.

Ana lays the guilt on pretty thick with Pancho, blaming him for Chela's departure from the household.

Similarly, Candi is getting very little done at the radio station. She's distracted, and Pina chews her out. Then she decides to take the call from Vins, something sure to calm her down.

At his office, Wince has begun to hallucinate, seeing Candi posing on his monitor, in his address book, and even in the test patterns on the television. Predictably, the real bonbon shows up and he proclaims her to be a phantasm ("are you radioactive?").

We see what a terrible show Pina Opina really is, as the host steamrolls her poor guest into supporting some weird black-hen diet.

And that's just about it!


CME recappers, phone home.

CME is ending January 6.

I guess the next show up is El Talisman. Anybody know when it begins?

Also I don't know what order the shows will be running in, does anybody?

Cuando recappers - who is staying on? Please comment here.

Thanks everybody, and happy New Year!

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Una familia con suerte - time change and SOS

Hello friends,

Starting this coming Monday, for at least a week and a day (that's as far ahead as I can see in the tv schedule), our show is running two hours a day, this time from
7 pm to 9 pm!

There's no way Ez and I can keep up with three 2-hour recaps next week. Any volunteers? Anybody know what's happening after that?

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La Que No Podía Amar #1 Monday 1/2/12 Welcome to the Hacienda del Fuerte

Welcome to the Hacienda del Fuerte

[Posted for Alexandra by Jardinera654 for your reading pleasure]

A disoriented horse is caught in the middle of a herd of cows running crazy. And no, this isn’t Lion King: The Hacienda Version, but a terrible nightmare. Rogelio Montero wakes up all sweaty and shirtless (yummy!) in the middle of the night, screaming louder than Darth Vader: “Noooo! Noooo!”.

He has a look of despair, breathing heavily. Poor thing! Luckily, his sister Cinthia comes to the rescue. She tells him to calm down, giving him a glass of water and asking him if it’s the same nightmare that he always has. Rogelio answers her with another question: “Why do you ask me if you know it is?” Cinthia tries to hug him, but Rogelio tells her repeatedly to let him; he’s not in a mood for a free hug. Close-up on his anguished face.

Meanwhile, in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Ana Paula enters her house, calling her aunt. But surprise-surprise, Don Maximo was waiting for her, with the smile of a pervert upon his face. For the Corazon Salvaje fans out there (No, no, not that 2009 crap, but the 1993 version which I love with all my heart), Don Maximo was Don Guadalupe Cajiga. Back then, he had an interesting moustache. And hair.

Back to our house. Ana Paula asks him where his aunt is. “A neighbor called her”, he says. “But I’m happy to see you” – I bet you are! Perv. “You’re as beautiful as always, girl”. Perv. Too bad you sir don’t seem to have found the Fountain of Youth. Ana Paula strikes back: “Keep the compliments for yourself and tell me what you are doing in my house, when there’s nobody home?” Don Maximo reminds her that in fact, it’s his house and that she shouldn’t forget that she and her family owe him money, because of the many months of unpaid rent. But Ana Paula tells him that they will give him all his money back, since she’ll have a job soon and she’ll give him her entire salary. Uh-oh! It seems that this is an offer that Don Maximo will have to refuse. Horny Maximo wants to be paid in kind and by “kind” I mean “sexual favors”. Of course he grabs her like an animal and Ana Paula is struggling to get rid of him.

Back to La Hacienda del Fuerte, Rogelio pumps his arm with a dumbbell. Now this would make a good TV commercial! His foreman Efrain comes in and Rogelio asks him what is he doing in the house, since he should check on the pawns. Efrain knows his duties, but he wanted to let him know that there are some problems in San Gabriel with the payments, since los Gonzalez didn’t pay the forage. Uh-oh! Well, at least we can safely assume that he doesn’t want to be paid like Don Maximo. Rogelio tells him to go and charge them and if they refuse to pay, he should let him know, so that Rogelio can take matters in his own hands.

In Tuxtla, Ana Paula’s brother Miguel is at work in a carpentry and asks his colleague Pablo to lend him money, since he always has some. Well, he has “because he always takes risks” and that he’s doing this job just to keep his mother calm. But of course, “there is a much easier and faster way to get money, so join my business.” Miguel doesn’t want his business, he wants money! He only gets a: “Think about it!” in return. Miguel tries to work his charm with another employee, but he is told to take more care of his money. Captain Obvious strikes again! Miguel of course can’t save more money, since he is also paying for his sister’s studies. Third time's the charm, maybe? No, his boss isn’t impressed either and sends him back to his workstation.

At their house, Ana Paula still tries to get rid of Don Maximo, who tells her that he’ll forget about their debts if she succumbs. “No, viejo asqueroso!!” She manages to break the bear hug, but she just turns him on with her bravery. “Me encantas, maldita!” Too bad she’s immune to his charms. He asks her what she’ll do to him and she takes a bottle of glass and breaks half of it on the table and keeps the other half in her hand, to defend herself. I don’t know what Maximo was thinking, but he attacks her yet again and of course his hand has a rendezvous with Ana Paula’s weapon. “You cut me! You cut me!” “Let’s see if with this you understand that I’ll never pay attention to you!”. Run Ana Paula, run! He’s gonna kill you! She runs outside and in that moment, her aunt Rosaura arrives, asking her what’s going on. She tells her about Don Maximo who tried to take advantage of her, but Rosaura isn’t that convinced: “No, child, how can you say that?” “Because it’s the truth!”. Ana Paula tells her about the injury she provoked him in self-defense and that he’s like crazy, trying to kill her. Rosaura tries to calm her down, but she’s more concerned about the cut, asking how serious the injury is. Ana Paula doesn’t know, she saw blood, like we all did, but she doesn’t know. Of course the lovable and understandable aunt wants to get back in the house with Ana Paula, so that she can check on his injury, but Ana Paula doesn’t want to see that man again. Rosy insists, telling her that she might get them into serious trouble. Well, my sixth sense tells me that you get into more trouble for attempted rape than for acting in self-defense, but aunt Rosy knows best.

At the hacienda, Rogelio is in his office, holding his trusty companion in his hand. I know what you’re thinking, but please leave your kinky thoughts aside – I was talking of course about his whip. “Didn’t I tell you to speak to my veterinary?” says Rogelio to his two workers who are there with him. “I called him, patron, but he was at the San Javier ranch.” Rogelio is unimpressed; he needs the certificate which attests that his livestock is free of brucellosis, because he needs to transport them. “I’ll see what we can do”, replies the worker. Rogelio can’t believe what he’s hearing. He doesn’t care about what they have to do, but he wants that certificate no later than tomorrow on his desk, if they want to keep their houses. He puts his whip to work, hitting the desk and telling them to leave. His sister Cinthia brings him coffee. She asks him if he managed to continue sleeping after the nightmare. “Of course I didn’t get more sleep. And it’s better that way, since it seems that I’m the only one working here. I do everyone’s work.” Since he’s in a bad mood, Cinthia thinks she’d better go to the village. Rogelio angrily grabs her arm and asks her what she wants to do there. “Take some fresh air, because here, the air is contaminated”. Rogelio threatens her: “Be careful of who you hang out with! Don’t be too late! You know I don’t like being alone.” Uhmm…Rogelio, ever considered checking dating ads?

We are back again…not to the future, but to Tuxtla. Daniela (Dany), Ana Paula’s best friend and Miguel’s friend sees him walking on the street and asks him what’s wrong, because he looks sad. He explains that it’s because of his financial situation and tells her about Don Maximo who threatens them that he’ll throw them out of his house. She offers him some money, but he refuses. Eventually, she manages to convince him to take it, since this is what friends are for. It’s not much, but better than nothing. He thanks her, holds her hand and she leaves. He sees a pawn shop across the street and if you think he is going to pawn his mega-super-duper expensive necklace, well, you’re wrong. He wants to pawn his watch, which probably, by the looks of it, cost less than the 100 pesos Dany gave him.

Don Maximo, still inside the house, calls some Fidencio guy, asking him to hurry up, because he wants to leave the place, but his friend seems to be stuck in traffic. Rosy enters and sees his bloody hand, telling him that she feels embarrassed for what happened. “I brought Ana Paula with me to clear things up. I am sure that this was a misunderstanding.” “No no, there is no misunderstanding”, says Maximo. Rosy brings inside by force a reluctant Ana Paula and Don Maximo continues with his bragging: “This girl went crazy! Look what she did to me”. Rosy assures him that Ana Paula will take care of his wound, since she’s about to become a qualified nurse. But of course, she refuses; she doesn’t want to touch that man ever again. “Ay por favor”, says Rosy, even though Ana Paula tells her the guy was all over her. Rosy surely loves her niece! Throwing her in the mouth of the lion just like that…ugh. Miguel arrives in the nick of time, asking what’s going on and Ana Paula explains him the whole situation. Miguel tries to attack Don Maximo, but referee Rosy intervenes, telling him not to do it, because Ana Paula cut him deeply. “We don’t need more trouble”, she says. Don Maximo’s men arrive to the scene too and he orders them to evacuate the family. Rosy tries to reason with him, going outside to talk, while Miguel hugs her sister. It seems that Rosy had a deal with Maximo and she asks for more patience, assuring him that despite the fact that Ana Paula is a bit stubborn, she’ll eventually be more reasonable. He doesn’t let her fool him, so he gives them an ultimatum: if Ana Paula doesn’t apologize, he’ll become her enemy.

In San Gabriel, Efrain and Cinthia meet. “How is the patrona? Or can I call you Cinthia here?” “Stop fooling around”, Cinthia tells him. “When we’ll be alone and you will ask me to give you a kiss, I will repeat your words.” He grabs her waist, but she tells him to calm down or else they’ll be seen. We have a dangerous liaison here!

At the hacienda, Hugo, Rogelio’s helper, gets him in the car. Rogelio’s clothes are black. His hat is black. His whip is black. And of course, his car is black. Too bad he doesn’t have black glasses or else he would look like a mob. But you’d better get used to this color. Hugo tells him that this hacienda is every day bigger. “That’s right! And have no doubts, I will keep making her grow! Let’s go.”, says Rog. However, he sees his workers playing a game which involves tossing coins in the air and guessing whether it will be heads or tails and he screams at them, telling them to load the truck instead, or they’ll face the fury of his whip.

Back in Tuxtla, Miguel meets up with his friend Pablo and asks him again for money, telling him that they have just been thrown out of the house. Pablo tells him again that there is an easier way to get money and he shows him the store behind Miguel. “This is the job, are you in or not?” Miguel is in! Oh no! Pablo tells him to enter the store and wander around, playing dumb. Well, Miguel does that, but he doesn’t really excel at not looking suspicious. Luckily for him, the clerk wasn’t watching. His masked friend enters the store with a gun which he points at the clerk and he pushes Miguel forward to grab the money, but the store clerk bends to get his gun too and Pablo shoots Miguel in the arm instead.

In the meantime, Ana Paula is having a magnificent garden party. Well, not really, they took all their stuff outside. She speaks to her caged pigeons, telling them that she hopes that Miguel will find them a place where to sleep tonight and store their stuff. He did find one, Ana Paula. It’s called jail. Aunt Rosy blames Ana Paula for everything, because she treated Don Maximo so badly. Her niece can’t believe Rosy defends that guy after what he did to her. “How could I not defend him?”. Thinking twice, Rosy attempts to choose more…ehm, appropriate words and tells her niece that she’s just too beautiful and that’s why men are after her. “I realized that Don Maximo liked you, but from that to trying to force you to do something like this…no, I think it was a misunderstanding.” “No, it wasn’t and I am going to denounce that man.” The aunt tries to convince her that things can be solved differently, but Ana Paula can’t believe her ears. Rosy explains that Don Maximo has money and it’s not good to have him as an enemy. Dany rushes in, crying and she tells them she just found out from Doña Lupe that Miguel was taken to the police station. When it comes to newsflashes, no TV channel can beat a curious neighbor. Ana Paula is impactada. “What?? Why??” Dany doesn’t know, but the ma’am saw when they took Miguel away and he was a bloody mess.

Ana Paula & Co. rush to the police station and she asks what happened to his brother Miguel Carmona Flores and where he is, while a man called Bruno is spying on them from behind. An employee tells them that Miguel has been charged with armed robbery and that he has been shot. Ana Paula can’t believe it! “My brother isn’t a delinquent!”. Suddenly, she and Bruno aka Prince Charming make eye-contact. Romantic music starts playing. Gah, again one of those cheesy meet cute moments. Camera focuses on Ana Paula. Then on Bruno. Then back to Ana Paula. Back to Bruno. Back to Ana Paula. Back to Bruno, who comes closer. Back to Ana Paula. Come on, just kiss already and get a room, damn it! Back to Bruno. Is this ever going to end? Oh, thank God, Bruno has a tongue. “Don’t worry, *I will help you!”. Back to crying Ana Paula. Back to smiling Bruno. Back to smiling and crying Ana Paula. For the love of God, please stop!

Finally, after the excruciating stare-off, we return to the Hacienda. Cinthia is at the barn, talking to her horse Paloma and she wonders why she went to the village, since it’s as horrible as the Hacienda: there’s nothing new there. Efrain surprises her and tells her she’s right. “We could have taken advantage of that time here, together. It’s not late though.” They start kissing passionately.

At the Police Station, Bruno tells her that he’s a lawyer and that he’s at her orders. “Thank you, but I don’t have money to pay you”, says Ana Paula. Rosy agrees that he can’t help them, unless he is a public defender. And whoaaa! Ana Paula just found Wonka’s last Golden Ticket. He is in fact a public defender. And a handsome one, I might add. Everyone feels relieved. Rosy thanks him and he introduces himself as lawyer Bruno Rey, giving her his business card. Ana Paula is back to her speechless mode, so Rosy has to tell him her name. Miguel is brought handcuffed and Ana Paula is worried because of his injury, but the officer tells her they already took care of it. Just when you thought things couldn’t get worse, Don Maximo appears there too, wanting to denounce Ana Paula for assassination attempt.

At the Hacienda, things get steamy between Cinthia and Efrain, but she tells him that it’s enough. “What? We won’t see each other only when you’ll want to!”, Efrain tells her. “Don’t you understand that I’m with you only for fun?”, says Cinthia. “One of these days I’ll forget everything and put you in your place, chula (cutie).” “Well, but don’t forget that I’m the patron’s sister and you’re only an employee”. She gives him a smooch, but all of a sudden, Consuelo the servant calls her, telling her that the patron is looking for her. Consuelo leaves and Cinthia tells Efrain, who was hiding behind a wall, that they are not equals. “We aren’t, but you do like me!” He grabs her for another kiss.

At the Police Station, Miguel explains that he didn’t know that the other guy had a gun, otherwise he would have never accepted the job and he swears he won’t do it again. “Yes, but you are his accomplice and you have to pay for it!”, says the clerk. Where did he come from?? “I swear I won’t do it again!”. The officer tells him he’ll have to make a declaration and tell who the other one was. Maximo mocks them. Bruno has a talk with Rosy and Ana Paula, telling them that he’ll solve the issue with Miguel, but he first has to take care of Don Maximo. Ana Paula explains what happened and Bruno goes to speak with Don Maximo, asking him how much money they owe him. “Almost 7000 pesos! But it’s not only about the money. That girl tried to kill me and she has to pay for it.” Just like all the clever lawyers, he pulls out his ace, telling him that the fact that he tried to take advantage of a woman could cost him between 5 and 10 years of prison. Maximo chickens out and he agrees not to declare against her if they pay him the debt.

Ana Paula can’t believe that some random stranger wants to help them. “Don’t be so negative!”, says Rosy. Didn’t our mothers always advise us to never trust strangers? Hmm… “This lawyer is like an angel fallen from the sky”, she continues. “Enough! He’ll surely want something in exchange!” Miguel apologizes to Ana Paula, saying he didn’t want to cause her trouble. “But you did!”, says Rosy. “I only wanted to help!” “Help? This is no way of helping!”. For the first time in this episode, aunt Rosy is right.

Miguel is taken away and Bruno tells them that he solved the Maximo problem and that he gave them more time to pay the debt. Rosy is impressed with his kindness and Ana Paula thanks him, saying that she can’t pay him enough. He’ll see what he can do with Miguel, while Jesse and Joy’s song “Corre” starts in the background. Love the song, you’ll hear it often throughout the telenovela.

Still in Tuxtla, Rosy visits Miguel at the hospital and Bruno shows up, asking about him. She says he’s better and thanks him again for everything he has done for them, wondering how much they will have to pay for his services. “Nothing and don’t worry for the money you owe Maximo; I’ll take care of it!” “Just like that? And what do you want in exchange?” “I want to do a different kind of business with you!” Oh-uh, it was too good to be true!

At the University, Ana Paula and Dany are happy with their exam results and of course, Ana Paula got slightly better grades than her friend. Ana Paula says she feels better now, after yesterday’s madness and Dany says that they were lucky that Bruno showed up. Ana Paula agrees, wondering why she initially didn’t have a good feeling about him, but he eventually proved to be a kind man. Dany is happy that Miguel didn’t spend his night in prison, but recovering in hospital instead. She calls him ‘Luis’ – don’t ask me why, must have been a brainfart or maybe she just has too many boyfriends and mixes their names up. Ana Paula again is worried that this is too good to be true and that there must be some hidden intentions. She gets back home and speaks to her Romeo and Juliet – her two pigeons. Oh how romantic! On a second thought, from so much sugar I could end up suffering from diabetes. Rosy arrives with Bruno and Ana Paula asks if something happened to her brother. “No, don’t worry!”, Rosy tells her. And of course, she leaves to let them talk in private.

Bruno has an offer which she can’t refuse, telling Ana Paula that it’s a solution for most of her problems. We’ll see about that! She doesn’t understand, so he asks her what would she think of a trip far away from the city? “What??” “Don’t worry, don’t worry, listen to my whole offer. We would go together and…” “Oh yes, of course, I knew that you’re just like all the others! You can’t trust anyone! I knew you will come up with such a thing, but over my dead body!” “For God’s sake!” “You won’t take advantage of me like that miserable Don Maximo wanted to! You too tried to lie to me!” “No, no, no, it has nothing to do with it. Listen to me! I spoke to your aunt and she completely agrees!” Ana Paula is impactada and she leaves to talk to her, but puf!, the aunt is nowhere to be found.

At the hospital, Dany is in Miguel’s room. And that’s about it. What was that about?? Back to Bruno who was left in the house waiting. Thankfully, Rosy returns asking what Ana Paula said, but Bruno tells her she didn’t even let him finish. Back to the hospital, Miguel is happy to see Dany there. But in her opinion, being there is the normal thing to do. She tells him he scared them a lot, but he replies that his sole intention was to get more money. “Yes, but stealing?” “Don’t mention it anymore. I blew it, but you know that I’m not a thief.” Well, you didn’t become one just because your friend had a gun, Miguel. Dany apparently knows that and Miguel assures her that when he’ll get out, he’ll work more than ever; after all, he owes her 100 pesos. Bet he will get a good job, with his shiny record. Ana Paula enters the room, asking them if Rosy didn’t show up there. “No, what’s happening?”, asks Miguel. She tells him that he’ll need to get out of the hospital, because Bruno is paying for it and it seems that he’s just like Don Maximo. “What happened? Did that miserable do anything to you?” “No, no, but he said I should go on a trip with him and that aunt Rosy agrees”. “No, no, our aunt wouldn’t do such a thing!” She swears he won’t leave with that guy. “No, of course not! We’re leaving the hospital right now!”, says Miguel, ripping his perfusion off and trying to get out of bed. Rosy arrives with Bruno and Miguel threatens them. Rosy of course will allow it; after all, Bruno is such a good man. Ana Paula is still in disbelief, saying that he has other intentions, but Bruno tries to reason with her, telling her that his only intention is that she gets a job as a nurse, which will be magnificently paid. “What did you say? A job?” “Yes, that’s right! Paula please, at least I deserve that you listen to my offer.” Miguel still has his doubts. “Don’t listen to him, Ana Paula. He takes you on a trip – then what? Who will take care of you?” Rosy again tells Miguel not to be so distrustful and she gets very defensive of Bruno: “He took you out of prison, he solved the problem with the owner – he proved to be a good man!” Random thought: Rosy and Bruno would make a cute couple. Bruno just needs a minute to talk to Ana Paula and if she doesn’t like the offer, she can feel free to refuse it.

On the corridor, Bruno tells her that a proof of his good intentions is that he lied to her and that in fact he isn’t a public defender, being the only thing which crossed his mind in order to help them, because he knew that otherwise, she wouldn’t have accepted it. “Then I owe you a fee?” Haha poor family, in this rhythm, they’ll end up owing money to the entire city. “No, I helped you because I wanted to and because I think you’re the ideal person to work with my boss.” “With your boss? You mean that the job isn’t for you? “No, you would work as a nurse for my boss. But believe me that it’s something formal and a great opportunity.” Problem is, Ana Paula only gets her title in a week. Not for Bruno, he tells her that he won’t ask for any certificate, since she already did some practice at the hospital and he is sure that she could handle it. She is unsure; first things first, she needs to find out more about the patient and to think about her family, since it’s hard to leave them, especially now. But Bruno tells her that precisely because of them, she should accept this opportunity. “The bad thing is that there is no time and you’ll have to make a decision today or else I will have to hire someone else.”

Rosy tells Miguel that it’s a great opportunity for her. “But she was never far away from us!”. Oh come on, Miguel, don’t be so selfish! After all, she is doing this to repair the damage YOU caused. “But it must be really nice to travel to other places and especially making money!”, says Dany. Miguel is disappointed, since Dany is Ana Paula’s friend and therefore, she should support HIM. Wait…what? If she is her friend, why should she support her brother’s ideas? Warning: Miguel’s neurons are malfunctioning. Rosy tries to convince him the Kleenex way: “Son, you know I’m old and sick; I don’t want to die without seeing that you and Ana Paula have your future assured. You two are the only ones who count for me.” Ana Paula enters the room. She didn’t accept the offer yet, still needing some time, because she is full of doubts. Rosy says that people seldom stumble across such a good opportunity, not having to spend money for a rent or food and Ana Paula agrees too that the payment is very generous. Selfish Miguel says they will have to pay food and rent anyway there. Yes, Miguel, but money doesn’t magically fall from the sky, you know. Dany is the brightest of the bunch, saying she’s got nothing to lose by trying. Ana Paula says that the contract is for a year. “And where would you have to go?” asks her brother. “To a Hacienda called ‘del Fuerte’. That’s where I would live”. Oh yeaaah, that’s more like it!

We are back at the Hacienda. Efrain tells Rogelio that he had to go to the San Javier ranch for the veterinary, but he eventually gave him the certificate. Rogelio is pleased to see that at least Efrain is doing things right there and he doesn’t want to see the other inept men again. Efrain wants to tell them to leave the Hacienda, but that’s not enough for Rogelio – he wants them completely out of San Gabriel and tells Efrain to forbid Pancho to rent them the houses. Efrain still has something to tell his patron; the Gonzalez didn’t pay the forage yet. Oh-uh! Rogelio is someone you don’t want to mess with and you know it’s bad when he has the whip in his hand. He wants to have them there and by the looks of it, things will stop being PG-13. “Condenados hijos de la fregada!”, says Rog.

Rosy still is trying to find the right words to convince Miguel, telling him that his sister’s contract will be very clear and such, but he believes Ana Paula should think more about it. However, Ana Paula is decided – she will take the job at the Hacienda.

Back to Rogelio at the Hacienda, where he’s talking to the two Gonzalez. “So just because I’m in a wheelchair, you thought you could fool me?” “No patron, but we didn’t have money.” “Oh don’t say! And how do you pretend to pay me then?” “Well, I don’t know. We really don’t have money, so you tell us.” Hm, another two who think that someday money will fall from the sky? “I should tell you? Well, if you don’t want to pay, it’s very easy. At least I’ll take it out.” Let the lashing begin! He might be in a wheelchair, but those two guys have nothing on Rogelio; with a few whips (‘fuetazos’), he puts them to the ground, telling them that they will pay him. The nanny/servant Maria shows up and screams frightened, asking him to stop. He tells her not to interfere or else he’ll forget who she is. One of the guys stands up and for a moment there, I thought he was going to hit Rogelio from behind. Please don’t touch my Rogelio! He’s not bad, he’s just bad-ass.

We are in Tuxtla. Seriously, no need to keep writing it on screen, we already recognize the view. The Carmona family (Ana Paula & Co.) + Bruno is home again and Ana Paula is happy that she’ll leave knowing that her brother was released from hospital. Miguel tells Bruno that even though he doesn’t like that her sister is leaving with him, he is very thankful for what he did. Bruno tells him to be careful, because even though he was released on bail, the trial is still in progress. Rosy invited Bruno to take a seat and since he doesn’t want to, she insists. Isn’t she lovely? Bruno wants to show to the entire family Ana Paula’s labor contract.

At the Hacienda, Cinthia and Efrain found a cozier place to get their freak on and to continue with the kissing – her room. She tells him that it’s risky for them to be in her room, but he proves he’s a gentleman, telling her that he would prefer to be in her bed instead. “You are really daring!” “That’s why you like me! Come on, let’s do it!” And they start doing it, but their moment of glory is cut short when her brother shouts her name. She tells Efrain to leave, pushing and showing him until he exits through the window, like a true Romeo, while Rogelio knocks on the door angrier than before. She asks what’s happening; he is angry that it took her so long to open and asks what she is doing. “Nothing, I just didn’t want to be bothered, that’s all.” “Why?” “I took a nap because I have a headache!” “What you need to do is to occupy your time with something. I want you to help me arrange some papers in my office. Let’s go.” “But can’t Maria help you??” “I want YOU to do it. Let’s go.”

At the Carmona’s, Dany is hurt that she and her best friend have to separate and Ana Paula tells her not to start with it or else she’ll cry. “Moreover, I’ll write to you!” “You’re right and you know what? It’s a great opportunity, but we’ll miss you anyway at the graduation party.” Ana Paula asks Dany to take good care of her pigeons, since her aunt doesn’t like them. Dany wishes her the best of luck; she hugs her, then leaves.

At the Hacienda, Cinthia and Rogelio are having dinner and she asks him when he is going to have a new nurse. “Is it so hard for you to help me?” “You know I don’t say it because of that. You need someone qualified who can assist you and take care of you just like you deserve.” “If you would have wanted to, you could have studied nursing.” “I am your sister, not another employee of yours!” Maria the nanny/servant gets in between, telling them to stop arguing. “You two have to get along, you only have each other.” “Yes, yes, that’s right!”, says Rog, taking Cinthia’s hand. Since they’ll always be together, it would be better for them to leave peacefully. “What are you trying to tell me? That the years will pass and I will grow old here in this hacienda?”, says Cinthia.

In Tuxtla, aunt Rosy tells Ana Paula that she was hurt because of her lack of confidence in her, since the only thing she always did was taking care of her and her brother. Ana Paula asks her for forgiveness and Rosy forgives her because he loves her, after all, she sees her like a daughter and Ana Paula replies that for her, she is also like a second mother. Hugs again, but Rosy rolls her eyes.

Back to our hacienda, where they still argue. “Even if you don’t believe me Rogelio, I will find a man to get married with and I will form my own family”. Rogelio laughs, he has no doubts that she will, but in that region there is no man worthy of becoming his brother in law. “Then let me go to some other place, let me know different people of my age, of our social status”. It’s a no-go with Rogelio. He won’t allow her to leave San Gabriel. “One of these days I will escape and you will never see me again.” “If you’ll dare to do it, I will drag you back.” Rogelio just ruined Cinthia’s dinner; she leaves, while Maria tries to stop her with no luck. “Rogelio, don’t be so hard on your sister!” “Don’t start!” “Think that Cinthia isn’t a girl anymore; she dreams of getting married, of having children. For her, it’s difficult to live in such a place, far away from everything.” “She should better get used to it, because neither I nor she will leave this hacienda, not even when we’ll be dead, because we’ll be buried right here.”

Another day in Tuxtla, as Ana Paula prepares to leave. Miguel tells Bruno to take care of her, since she is the person he loves the most. Bruno tells him he has got nothing to worry about. Ana Paula tells him she’ll miss him. Hugs 3.0

Ana Paula and Bruno arrive at the Hotel Km 64. Thank goodness it’s not called 69, or else Ana Paula would be in deep trouble. She asks why did he stop the car there, but since it’s raining from hell outside and it’s already dark, it’s too dangerous for him to keep driving. Of course, they’ll have to spend the night at the hotel. Oh-uh, Ana Paula is not too keen on the idea. Never mind, Bruno gets outside anyway and he goes to the reception with Ana Paula. Wondering how come they aren’t wet, since it was raining heavily, but oh well… The receptionist asks if they want a room and before Ana Paula can answer, Good Guy Bruno tells them that they want two rooms. Well, it’s not Ana Paula’s lucky day, because they’ve only got one room left. See, even the destiny wants to get these two in a room together. But Bruno is a caballero and tells him that the room is for the miss and that he’ll sleep in the car or if the receptionist will let him, he’ll sleep on the sofa. “I know that little by little, I will win your confidence!” “Yes and with everything you do, I am more convinced that you are trustful.” “I hope that soon enough you’ll call me by my name and consider me your friend. Friends?” “Friends!” And a hug….aaa, I mean handshake.

A new sunny day. Ana Paula and Bruno are walking and she asks him if there still is a long way to go. “No, not that much, only a few hours left.” But my gut tells me that they would arrive sooner if they would get in the car already. She tells him how much she would have loved to bring her two pigeons Romeo and Juliet. He didn’t think she was so romantic. Wonder why? Maybe because she injured Don Maximo in a way that would make The Bride from Kill Bill proud? But yes, she tells him she always liked that story and that it’s sad to see that the real love between two people can’t happen because of life. “I hope that won’t be your case. Nor mine. And that we’ll be very happy with the people we’ll fall in love with.” says Bruno. Ana Paula smiles and agrees. Bruno kinda leans there for a kiss, but not so fast, young man. Just because Don Maximo didn’t have your charm…or your hair, it doesn’t mean that for you she’ll fall that easily. Ana Paula tells him that they can get back on the road whenever he wants to, but Bruno still has something to tell her. “Paula, you are a very beautiful woman.” – oh wow, this is the first time someone tells it during this episode…NOT. “I would like you to be dressed differently when we’ll arrive at the hacienda.” “Differently in what way?”, she asks. The horrifying thought of being asked to wear a bikini in front of Señor Rogelio Montero was probably running through her head, but no, Bruno only wanted her to look more professional, wearing her uniform.

They are back on the road again…well, it’s more of a country road and she once again behaves like an impatient girl, asking him when they are going to arrive. It’s not because of impatience, but because of curiosity, she says. Yeah, right! Bruno stops the car and tells her that this is the only way to the hacienda and they can consider themselves lucky, because it’s a sunny day and when it rains, it’s hard to get through. He takes her on some cliffs to show her the vast land of the hacienda and it’s a lovely sight. Ana Paula agrees with me. Finally, they arrive at gates of the Hacienda del Fuerte. They get out of the car and Bruno tells her that they have phones there, but they don’t always work, especially when it’s raining, so it’s difficult to communicate; therefore, when she needs to make a call, she has to go to the store in San Gabriel to make it.

A worker opens the gate, Ana Paula gets back in the car with Bruno and she asks him the million dollar question: “Do they have Internet here?” Well, Bruno will have to disappoint her, because the hills surrounding the hacienda block the signal. A satellite dish would be needed, but the patron won’t allow it, thinking that his workers will stop focusing on their jobs, talking and sending messages instead. “Then he must be used to being isolated.”, says Ana Paula. “That’s right; his life is only here at the hacienda.”

They finally get out of the car and Ana Paula is all smiles. He asks Bruno what’s the name of el dueño de la hacienda (Landlord). “His name is Rogelio. Rogelio Montero.” Tell me you didn’t read that name channeling a James Bond voice!

A few meters away from them, Efrain tries to calm down a savage horse, while Rogelio tries to convince a boy called Margaro (Margarito) to get close to the animal and act like a man, even though he’s just a child. “In a hacienda, there are animals and you have to treat them well, so come on!” “But I am afraid, very afraid” replies the boy Margaro. “Nothing happens, nothing happens, hombre! Do what you’re being told to or else I’ll whip you”. Ana Paula can’t contain herself: “LEAVE HIM! LEAVE HIM! How can you do this to him? He’s just a boy!” “And who the hell are you?”, asks Rogelio. “My name is Ana Paula Carmona and I won’t allow you to scare a child!” “You have no idea who you’re talking to, right? I am Rogelio Montero, the owner of this hacienda!”

And so, the first episode ends with what seems to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


El Talismán-index

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Monday, January 02, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #66 Mon 1/2/12 Tranzas.

I am too too tired to blog this and my son bagged out entirely. Please add whatever you like.

Pancho got Chela to promise to help him win over Temo and Ana, Chela promised and actually shook hands with Rebe.

Pancho overheard Tomas and Pepe (while they caused a conflagration by pouring gas into the grill and blowing it up) and thought it was Pepe that messed up "El Champi" in the road race. Tomas later admitted it was him.

With Temo's help, Pancho (with Rebe hanging on his arm silently) catches his sis Candy (in a fabulous outfit) and his enemy Vince macking outside the planetarium. Giant shouting match. Candy says she's an adult and they aren't doing anything. Pancho says Vince should leave his wife if he really loves Candy. He reminds his sister of a narco who almost killed her. He tells Vince he won't rat him out to Pina - "things will fall of their own weight."

Adoracion almost tells Pina that Vince and Candy are, uh, whatever they're doing.

Candy falls apart, locking her self in her room and screaming about how much she loves Vince. The show closes with Vince coming to the door and asking for Pancho.


Cuando Me Enamoro #178 Monday 1/2/12 "Shrimp Boats Is a Comin', There's Dancin' Tonight"


I can’t help myself! I have had this old Jo Stafford tune from the 1950’s running through my head since Sylvia identified the boat as likely a shrimp boat. The song refers to a shrimp boat with sails but the photos confirm the questionable luxury where Augie has planned his delusional romantic conquest of Renata.

Review from Friday: Padre Sev worries about his modern family, Roberta plans her new independence in Europe with Mama Fina when they are able to cash her dandy check, Regina and Adriana arrive at the airport Anibal and Alison greet them under watchful eyes then Anibal goes for the truck. Jero worries about cleaning up before Renata sees him so Sabina goes for soap. In the car on the way Renata talks to Carlos and then Jero about meeting up at La Bonita or wherever she needs to go to see her husband this very day. They talk sweetly about their love, the coming baby and their plans for living happily ever after, when a flying black pickup truck changes everything. Anibal swerves off the road in response to the truck which turns into a special chauffeur job that Augie planned to get Renata to her honeymoon on the shrimpyloveboat. Augie’s henchmen drive off with Renata leaving a traumatized Alison and Adriana in the back seat and a wounded Anibal on the ground. Jero begins screaming that something happened with the connection so Carlos calls Renata’s number again. The traumatized youngsters decide to answer Renata’s cell phone. Adriana tells Carlos that Augie’s men hijacked the truck and escaped with Renata. An injured Jero is determined to ignore his ham sandwich face and broken ribs and pursue Augie to rescue his beloved.

At La Bonita Matilde and Alfonsina scream about the abduction and leave Manuela (with all the children I assume) to encounter the white truck victims before rushing off to the police station to tell them what they know.

Augie gets word on his shrimp boat that his special delivery is on her way. He smiles with satisfaction at his brilliant plans.

Adriana calls Gonzo and Regina on Renata ‘s phone to tell them what has happened.

Honorio hears from Gema that she will continue to invest HER money in Empresas Monterubbio even though German will be out of the picture. Hon and Mat determine that Roberta can’t be trusted to ever work at EM again. NO….S….. Sherlock.

Mat gets the call from Adriana about the abduction and just like that the whole family knows the latest when it used to take them months to communicate half as much.

Somehow, Alfonsina and Matilde have arrived at the scene jumped into to the ambulance in time to accompany an officer, with Adriana, Alison and the injured Anibal to the police station or hospital. (the editing is a bit choppy but we get it all done). Adriana tells what happened to Renata and Alfonsina assures the officer that she will tell all she knows to the police that Melecio told her about Augie’s cruise plans. The officer swears Augie will not be able to escape them. Which practically assures he is home free and they won’t be able to outrun his nuclear powered shrimpcruiser.

At the villa de bolas, Mat rushes in to collect Gonzo so they can go to the airport Regina cries but sees to go with them for the fastest tele-transported trip to the Baja ever.

Adriana talks with the investigator at warp speed bringing him up on the dastardly deeds of Augie. Alfonsina then declares that she has information from the foreman of La Cruz de Desamor that Augie has left his vineyard for the high seas.

Roberta arrives and screams for service from Panchita who tells her everyone left to rescue Renata. Roberta calls Augie who assures her that she won’t hear from Renata again. Thank god for that, now she is out of her way she responds then tells him the family already knows that Renata has been nabbed. We see Renata’s unconscious body brought onto the boat. Roberta screams more at poor Panchita. If Roberta has such a way with people, perhaps she should try human resources next? Well, maybe after she is miraculously redeemed? Any bets?

Marina shows up at Padre Sev’s and learns from Antonio about said Renata’s abduction. Finally she is thinking clearly and is worried that Augie will do Renata harm. They leave to go meet the injured Jero at La Bonita.

Anibal, in an examination gown seated on the exam table with Alison learns that even though he was just grazed and not really hurt or dead, the doctor assures him that he has to make a declaration with the police since all cases involving firearms the hospital must be reported to the police too. Anibal wants to rush out to rescue Renata while Matilde assures him that the declaration will help the police get to Renata sooner.

Gonzo, Regina, Adriana and Mat discuss events in the La Bonita Adri is updating Honorio on the phone when the guys bring in a limping Jeronimo. They all try to get him to bed while discussing the action plan to rescue Renata. It takes all of them to get him into his room.

Gonzo and Mat discuss that surely this animal won’t hurt Renata like he did Jeronimo. And they all liked him for so long. The masks have all dropped.

Pay attention, amigos, tonight we get one and only one sweet momentary reprieve. Kari gets to tell Lazaro that she has news, and not bad news but what they have been dreaming of. While he is nervous as a cat, she holds her belly and he guesses her news as she tells they will have a baby. He does his famous cry that we all knew he would and talks with cupped hand that he is greetings to this baby. He is his Papa calling through Kari’s stomach. He is talking to his son (hijo). She says maybe it’s a girl (nena). They laugh in delight. Okay, sweet moment is over, back to the salt mines! There is suffering to endure here!

Regina tenderly cleans his face while talking with Jero. Regina tells him she now knows Renata is her true daughter and how joyful it was to tell Renata and see her reaction. He wishes he could have seen the mother and child reunion. He reveals that he knew Roberta was a fake and he knew that Roberta was Augie’s lover. He adds that she needs to tell Gonzo because he is sure that Roberta knows what Augie has done with Renata.

The old sniffer is at work, preferring his women unconscious. It’s like old times. Renata jerks away from him as soon as she is comes to. He tells her that now she is his and they will go off together. He screams and they fight she has always found him kind and can’t believe the nice guy is gone. He swears he has never lost control and has demonstrated his undying love. She shirks off his advances

Gonzo hears from Jero that Roberta has to be questioned if they are to find out where Augie has gone with Renata. She surely knows. They plan to call her.

Augies continues to plant his rancid kisses on Renata and assure her that she will get used to his idea since there is no alternative. (Ick, this conversation was so disgusting.) But Renata realizes that Augie is talking about Jero being dead and her being an available widow (viuda) so she might as well begin to accept his icky advances. Her future is with him. She says you want my body? You can take my body but my heart and soul will always belong only to Jeronimo. Apparently Augie only transmits but doesn’t receive since he only recoils an inch from her slaps but continues trying to turn her on with his winning masculine ways. Renata hugs a picture of the Virgin de Guadalupe and prays to her for a solution out of this trap.

Roberta gets ready to get into bed when Honorio and Constanza enter her bedroom. She tries to kick them out using her nasty sense of righteous indignation. They reach Gonzo on the cell phone so he can ask Roberta to tell them where Renata is. She insists she doesn’t know. Gonzo reveals that they know that she is or was Augie‘s lover. She swears she didn’t tell Augie anything including that Renata was going back to the Baja, and she has no idea where Renata could be now. How could he believe that she could do such a thing. She plays indignation with such flair. He adds that Adriana says they ran into her with their suitcases so she must have guessed and told Augie. What does that have to do with anything and how could her Papa believe Adriana over her. Hon says his daughter is a lot more believable on all fronts that Roberta is. She isn’t giving in an inch and neither are Hon and Con. Gonzo back at La Bonita isn’t too satisfied with this standoff either.

Antonio and Marina arrive at La Bonita. Marina offers to take Jero’s blood pressure and assess whether he has a temperature perhaps needing an antibiotic. Regina is glad for the medical attention. They all leave Jero’s bedroom so Marina can examine him.

Augie has had time to bring great wine on board. So he dines on shrimp? thinking how clever he is and how Renata will cave to his demands.

Augie comes into Renata’s tiny cabin with a tray of food which Renata throws to the floor. The gloves are off and Augie informs her she will have to get over her annoyance or it’s tough (jaringarse) sooner so later she will comply with his fantasy.

Roberta calls Fina to complain about her Papa’s unjust accusation. Fina thinks it is great that Augie has taken Renata off their hands so she won’t have to finish Renata off herself. Check one more annoyance off the list. Something tells me that Fina and we all know that Roberta isn’t ready to meet Mom on an adult to adult level…

Carlos, Mat and another helper arrive to grab Melecio at the cantina while he waits for Alfonsina who seems to be late for their dinner date. They guys take him into custody with a minimum of fuss. He just looks confused about why Alfonsina isn’t there.

Laz arrives in the living room and is brought up to date on Marina arrival and the examination in Jero’s room. Anibal swears to all present that he is totally with them and wants to help bring Augie to justice in any way he can aid them.

Marina tells Jero she feels responsible for his beating and for Renata’s disappearance when she found out that Augie used her via Saul. She tells Jero that she and Renata have found friendship when they were working together to rescue him. And she wants to assure him that she realizes now what her role is and that of her children. She tells him that she will never use her children against him again but wants them to know him and respect him. He call her not only a good woman but a great woman. (Maybe he is sketching plans for an episode of Modern Family here.)

Renata finds her cabin door unlocked so goes exploring first below deck then climbs up. Arriving on deck in the dark, she scans far out at sea while creepster Augie asks her if she got bored being in her cabin. He points out the obvious that she is far out to sea and there is no escape so she might as well go back to her bed for the night. He assures her that there is no option but him and there is no more manly man than him. She pushes past him with a disgusted gesture of rejection but he grins in the night as her turns to black and white.

I guess this is my last recap on this racing paced story. It sure has been a fun ride. I will watch with bated breath for the next 4 nights with all of you. Feliz año nuevo y buenas noches, amigos mios.


La Que No Podia Amar's 6 Recappers Phone Home ¡Por Favor! (Alexandra- this includes you)

Folks, I have learned this weekend that both Tequila and Aquavit/akvavit (?) are holiday hangover hell for me.  However, just like the mailman of old, nothing will keep us from our appointed rounds as LQNPA is our nightly purview and the fanáticos await our nightly per-view.  

So, the good news is we have our crew of 5 + 1 --if Alexandra will kindly sub for us, especially tonight, as Urban has been attacked by a costly computer virus and won't have her computer back before Wed.  Otherwise, all else should fall into place just fine.  

Sara, I assume you're still recapping Tuesdays per Melinama's original set-up?  

Will all of you kindly send me your quickie/emergency e-mail addresses for communicating in times of dire need?  It's jardinera654 [at] gmail.com --and so far nobody out there in spamland knows how to spell it correctly, so I'm not too worried about giving it out here.  Je-je.....  I believe Melinama/Chapel Hill Fiddler can get Alexandra a recapping posting invite if she quickly e-mails her at caray [at] mappamundi.com and thus we can avoid the shotgunning of finished recaps and any accompanying gnashing of teeth and/or fingernail-biting when the polvo de hadas is lacking and the recaps don't seem to magically appear as they otherwise might.  

Elvira, thanks for the heads up on that site for Sara and the rest of us to get the necessary jump and/or make-up viewing when broadcasting gets mucked up.  I don't know where you find these things, but I'm certainly glad you did! 

If there's anything I've forgotten to bring up, just let me know.  

Thanks again for your dedication and the lending of your many and varied talents.   


Saturday, December 31, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #64-65 Fri 12/30/11 Does Big Mix Own This Show????

Vice arrives at Pancho's, apparently at Pancho's request. "You didn't think I'd find out what you were up to!" He's not going to let Vice's business mess with the company any more. Pancho reviews the whole racket (chanchullo) with him, and I admit I don't get all of it, but basically Vice and Enzo are controlling the availability of ingredients that Avon really needs. (Kickbacks were mentioned the previous night.)

Vice says his Aunty Fernanda knows all about the imports and is okay with it. (Indeed, in the first few weeks, she did make some vague statements to Enzo about the way he and Vice had been taking advantage of their positions in the company for some kind of side business, but she probably thought it was limited to modest commissions on imports and and did not realize the scope of their manipulation.) Pancho's putting an end to that, just like their expense accounts. Their little goldmine is closed!

Rebeca arrives, unnoticed by Vice. Vice brags that his involvement was somehow good for the company. Pancho continues to lecture about how it would have hurt the families of 120 workers. After some trash talk and empty threats, Vice finally leaves.

Pepe tires to warn Fraud about the fraud before the race begins, but can't get to him on time. Fraud is entertaining delusions of grandeur when Champi's engine begins to cough and sputter and finally gives out. The other guy wins. Pepe doesn't feel good about it. From afar, Lupe notices his unhappy face and thinks it's odd. Fraud, the sore loser, flings Champi's keys at the winner and runs away. Pepe tells the winning driver about the cheat. The winner doesn't care, and cheers victory with Tomás.

Next morning, Pina looks at a magazine and comments that Prince William is okay, but he's not as fine as her Frauddie. Fraud whines to Pina about losing the race. She tells him that Daddy will buy him a new car. He admits that "that mechanic" made a great car, but something went wrong and he's going to find out what.

Tomás is worried that if Pepe tells the truth, he'll lose the plumbing job again. He thinks Pepe should at least get back the money Fraud owes him. Fraud's an idiot, but he'll know that something happened. Pepe's going to tell the truth because that's what his dad taught him.

Elena and Lupe speculate that Pepe must've done something to rig the race. They share their suspicions with Pancho. Pancho says Pepe wouldn't do that... or would he?

Pina says Daddy will buy Fraud 20 new cars 1000 times better than the one he lost, and thinks Fraud is just sore because his girlfriend preferred the greengrocer's son with the corn-colored locks (cornilocks, pelos de elote). She urges him to let it go, not stoop to Pepe's level, because there are thousands, millions, of girls who deserve him more.

Vince and Enzo bicker. Arnoldo points out that Pancho is using a divide-and-conquer strategy on them. (He isn't, really; it's just that they're stupid.) They gotta stick together. All for one and one for all.

Vince gripes again about Enzo's failed plan involving the imports. Arnold has another idea: "everyone has a past," he hints. Enzo slyly asks, what's your past? "If only you knew the truth," Arnold replies in a thought bubble. He thinks they can get Pancho in trouble with Fernanda for violating his contract, specifically the clause that forbids relationships, because he's having a thing with Rebeca. And luckily, there's a guy in the Legal department who likes him!

Pepe tries to give Champi's keys back to Fraud and tell him the truth about the race, but Fraud is too busy insulting Pepe to listen. He tells him to keep the car! (I have to say, Pepe didn't try very hard. But it was still Fraud's choice not to listen!)

Pancho and Rebeca are making out in his office. She warns him they should be more careful. She corrects his vocabulary (turbulencia vs. truculencia), and he says he loves it when she corrects him and asks her to do it again. Just when I think she's going to spank him, Chacho and Nico bust in. These conversations are seldom worth relating. This one is no exception.

Vince calls Candy. She continues to give him the cold shoulder and tells him to read his poems to Sandy. Enzo rolls his eyes and sympathetically pets Vince's head like a dog's. (Speaking of which, whatever happened to Unbeja?)

Arnold takes a deep breath and tells himself, "it's all for the cause." He flirts painfully with the guy in Legal and coquettishly asks for a copy of Pancho's contract. No one will know. The guy agrees to give Arnold the contract, but only if Arnold will ask him out on a date. ("You won't stand me up, will you?") Arnold silently asks God to forgive him and repeats to himself that he's doing it for Vince.

Outside, Pancho is greeted with signs and cheers by the workers whose jobs he saved. The media is there too. Pancho stands on top of La Burra and gives a gracious speech. He tells the assembly that Fernanda put him in charge, and he won't let her down. Enzo and Vince come out of the building, the crowd harasses them, and they fear for their lives. Pancho tells the crowd that those two aren't worth breaking the law for. Enzo tells Vince, "now we owe our lives to the greengrocer!" (Let's see how far that gratitude goes. My guess is that what happens on the third step of the Avon main entrance, stays on the third step.) Vince disagrees.

Pancho runs into Jess at the market. She scolds him for being snotty to his old friends and wearing fancy new clothes and not being in love with Chela. He says he's grateful to Chela for her sacrifices, but doesn't want to give her false hope. (Chacho keeps interrupting because he wants to buy a creepy Grim Reaper statue.) Then he takes off his fancy jacket to help someone who dropped a crate of vegetables. See! He's still the same old Pancho. Apparently that's all it takes for Jess to forgive him.

Evening. Vince and Candy flirt on the phone. He wants to see her. She says she'll check her agenda and get back to him. (He correctly interprets this as a yes.)

Lupita tells Pancho that she's happy for him and Rebeca, but she's sad for Chela. There's no worse pain than unrequited love, but she wishes him luck with Rebeca. She asks if she can go to the university party with Alex. Pancho says sure, but come home early. Oh boy!!

Enzo isn't as excited about Vice's date with Candy as Vice is. Anyway, heeeeeeere's Arnold, and he has the contract!

Vince picks up Candy for their date and then gets paranoid that Pina will catch them.

Ana asks to come along on Lupita's date with Alex. She's very lucky to have the only sister in the world who would agree to such a thing. Lupita knows it's just to get near Fraud and says they're going to need to talk about that, but meantime, sure, just get yourself fixed up... Ana says she already is.

Pancho and Rebe are at a nice club. He hints around for the 100th time about his "namesake." It turns out that this "namesake" is Famous Cuban Singer Francisco Céspedes, who sings a song for Pancho and Rebeca. (Trivia: I sometimes, rarely, use Dragon, the voice-recognition software, to read my handwritten notes to the computer instead of typing them. Dragon doesn't know Vince, Pancho, Chela, Ana, or a lot of other names; but apparently it does know Francisco Céspedes.)

Pepe runs into Mónica on her way to the big bash at the university. No, they didn't officially have a date, but now they will.

Lupita admits to Alex that she isn't comfortable around all these fresas (present company excluded, of course). The party is apparently being sponsored by the snack mix that's advertised on the back of La Burra, because it's EVERYWHERE. (Hilariously, each open bag is so full that the chips are poking out of the top. When's the last time you opened a junk food bag that was completely full all the way to the top?) Fraud gets two bags, gives one to Alex, and then rudely says he didn't notice Lupita and Ana. Lupe tells him to buy some eyeglasses.

Fraud and Alex both hold their snack bags awkwardly so we can see the brand name, LOL. Lupita pulls Ana aside and tells her her that Fraud is a slime and a liver. (I've never heard "hígado" used that way before, but I guess there are worse organs she could call him.) Ana says she can't help who she falls in love with and anyway, he's a handsome liver! Ana just wants Lupe to keep her crush a secret. Again, Lupe doesn't tell Ana what really happened in Brazil.

Pepe is hanging around with Mónica and Karina. He doesn't want to dance to the techno music. Moni spots his sisters. Pepe is really surprised to see Ana here.

Oh my stars, what a coincidence! Vince and Candy are at the same club as Pancho and Rebeca! What were the odds?? Vince for some reason hides his wristwatch. Candy visits the restroom and meets an obnoxious drunk on her way in.

Rebeca and Pancho chat with the Famous Singer for a while and then are interrupted in mid-smooch by Vince, who can hardly believe his luck. He says it's a violation of ethics for these champions of ethics to be having an affair. (Seriously, Vince? Do you really want to go there?) Rebeca and Pancho remind Vince of some of his ethical breaches. (Candy comes out of the restroom, sees what's going on, and retreats.) Vince threatens to tell his Aunty Fernanda. Rebeca tells him Fernanda already knows. They all hiss at one another. Pancho accuses him of being jealous and says it'd be more productive to argue with Popeye. He and Rebeca leave.

At the party, Ana and Pepe decide that the techno music needs to be replaced. Fortunately, Ana has her mp3 player. They commandeer the DJ booth. (Mónica asks Karina to give Pepe a little more space, or else.) Fraud, who I think has been drinking, annoys Mo. Pepe and Ana announce that they're going to make the party more fun. Pepe starts dancing with a random girl. Fraud makes faces.

At the club, Vice tries to pump Candy for info about Pancho's relationship with Rebeca. It doen't work. She wants to dance. Vince refuses, so she goes up to the dance floor by herself. The obnoxious drunk bothers her again. Vince knocks him down and then punches him out.

Lupita teaches Alex to dance. Pepe gives dancing lessons to more fresa girls. Fraud gripes to Moni and Kari that it's more naco than drinking out of a juice pouch. He is astonished that they want to dance. He asks if naco is in style or something. They walk away, leaving him forlorn. He remembers Pina saying there are plenty of other girls when Ana catches his eye.

Pancho and Rebeca are at home. He remembers a family getaway to Acapulco years ago, on the cheap. Then something about fishing and getting to know each others' worlds. Then they have a long makeout session.

Vice's knuckles (nudillos) hurt. Candy kisses them, grateful that he defended her (though to be fair, anybody could have knocked that guy out easily).

Pepe asks Karina to dance with him, much to Mo's annoyance. Alex notes that Pepe is the life of the party. Lupe thinks they'd better go home so as not to annoy her father. She goes to fetch Ana. Meanwhile, Fraud gripes to Alex for taking the Lopez kids' side.

FINALLY Pepe asks Mónica, who is looking really sour by now, to dance. She protests that she doesn't know how to dance to this kind of music, but he loosens her up with a few steps.

Rebeca asks Pancho if the kids know about them yet. He says he told Lupita, and hey, where the heck is she now?? He calls her. He tells R that L is okay with their relationship; but Temo and Ana, that's a different sack of flour/kettle of fish, but nothing that can't be solved with a sincere dialog. (Hmm... hasn't he already tried that? Maybe it'll go differently now that we're not just speaking hypothetically.)

Next morning at breakfast, Candy comments on how happy Pepe and Pancho look. They giggle like naughty little boys. But Pancho says he'll feel better when the rest of the family accepts Rebe. "Although I never thought the day would come, the truth is that I'm really in love."

At the office, Rebeca and Bárbara rehash last night, including Vice's confrontation and a declaration similar to Pancho's. Bar is envious.

Chela arrives at Pancho's with Temo and breakfast. Pepe teases Lupita that she's in love with Alex. Noting that Ana hasn't come down for breakfast (I guess she hasn't moved in with Chela yet? I must have missed something), Pancho goes up to see Ana in her room. She doesn't want to talk.

Vice blissfully enjoys Adoración's breakfast, much to Pina's annoyance. Pina still doesn't want to talk to Ado. But Vice's mood is ruined when the newspaper arrives, sporting a gigantic photo of Pancho on the front page.

The Lopez family likes it better. Chela drools over the picture of Pancho on top of La Burra. He tells the family all about it. They plan a big dinner to celebrate.

On page 3, there is a photo of Vice and Enzo surrounded by the angry crowd. Vice unhappily admits that Pancho saved his life.

Enzo goes to Vince's house to be assaulted with a newspaper and rehash the discussion of Pancho's contract. (Pina asks Enzo if he'd like a coffee. "Yes, please." She tells him the coffee's in the kitchen. Ha!) They say everyone's contract has a clause about personal relationships. They're looking for one in Pancho's. Vince says he saw Rebeca and Pancho kissing in a bar. "Who did you go to a bar with?" Pina asks, since Vice's can't use Enzo as his usual alibi.

Pancho officially tells Chela that he and Rebeca are novios. A tear rolls down her cheek.

¡Prospero año nuevo!

Next time:
Chela cries and confronts Rebeca. Pepe finds out about Candy and Vice, and Pancho catches them in a public smooch.


El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of January 1 2012: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

Dos mil doce is here! ¡Feliz año nuevo a todos!

There was no Flor Salvaje Friday night and I presume no Una Maid or La Casa either. We'll start up again on Monday. Over to you.

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Friday, December 30, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #177 Friday 12/30/11 The end is near but our villains refuse to give up without a fight.

They pulled a fast one on us, queridos! This seems like a sleepy little episode but then they pulled the rug right out from under us. Vámonos!

Reviewing from yesterday, Lazaro and Carlos find Jero at Sabina's home. They waste no time in getting on the phone with Nata. Jero rouses at the sound of her voice and he thinks of all the good times they've shared together. Nata cries that Jero has to survive for her sake and for the sake of their baby. "I love you and all I want is to be near you," Jero mutters.

Melesio the foreman/bearded hitman hides in the bushes as the police grill hacienda workers at Cruz de Desamor. The feds eventually question Mel and warn him about withholding information.

Augie sits on a boat and sharpens his swords. Overcompensating for something, Augie? He muses that no one can accuse him of any crime while in international waters. Then he slices a watermelon in half to prove how manly he is.

Jero stirs and opens his eyes. Nata is overcome with tears of joy as she promises to fly out immediately so she can stay by his side. Gonzo, Regina, and Adriana get a little teary-eyed themselves at the good news and there's hugs all around. Nata thanks the Virgin for sparing Jero's life.

Jero sits up in confusion. He has no memory of how he ended up bleedy in the bottom of a riverbank. Carlos prods Jero to try harder and suddenly the memories come flooding back. Jero met with Saul at a restaurant in the pueblo. Saul tricked Jero into going with him to the church, where Melesio and a gang of thugs jumped Jero. They chloroformed him, drove him out to the country, and beat him senseless.

Lazaro thinks that the workers at Augie's hacienda must believe that Jero is dead. He suggests they keep it a secret that Jero is still alive just in case they might try to finish the job.

Back in La Ciudad, Honorio and Matias have a conference call with Gonzo. Fina keeps slipping through their fingers but they still have hope of catching her. Gonzo and Regina are prepared to go to the bank so that they can finalize the inheritance but she is far too anxious to worry about that now. Jero is her priority. They work it out that Adriana and Nata will catch the first plane available and Regina and Gonzo will leave the next morning. "This nightmare is almost over and soon the sun will shine on all of us." Gonzo promises. ("Esta pesadilla está a punto de terminar, pronto el sol brillará para todos").

Matilde and Manuela are overjoyed to hear that Jero was found alive. It's a miracle! Karina rushes in to tell the ladies about another miracle: she's pregnant! Qué milagro! A baby in the hacienda that isn't Jero's!

Alfonsina pours the charm on for Melesio and wheedles information out of him. He admits to having dumped Jero's body down the riverbank.

Nata and Adriana pack their bags and Regina runs back upstairs to grab some paperwork Nata forgot. Berta strolls in and the ladies keep mum about where they're going. Nata and Berta exchange some tense words but Nata wins this round. "I believe in destiny and I believe everyone receives what they deserve." ("Creo en el destino y yo creo que cada quien recibe lo que se merece"). Adriana chimes in and calls Berta trashy (Esa basura apesta - That garbage stinks).

Regina runs into Berta and asks her to come to the bank with Gonzo so they can finalize the inheritance. Berta can't wait to sign on the dotted line so she can get outta there.

Gonzo, Honorio, and Matias plot how to bring about Fina's downfall. If their plan fails, Berta and Fina will have won the game. Hopefully the chips will fall in their favor. (La moneda está en el aire y ojalá caiga a nuestro favor).

Berta warns Augie about Nata suddenly leaving the house. Plus, Nata knows that she and he were lovers. Augie juts his jaw about it.

Nata calls Marina, who was assisting with a surgery despite her high-risk pregnancy. Nata passes along the news that Jero is alive. Marina cries tears of relief but she probably cries when they get her order right at Burger King.

Jero's looking a bit better now that he's sitting up and eating soup. He swears he will go to the police and describe the guys who jumped him. Unfortunately, his thoughts are all muddled. He keeps thinking that Nata is the one expecting twins and not Marina. Carlos explains that Marina is expecting twins but Nata is pregnant too. Jero gets teary eyed at the happy news.

Carlos says that Nata knew about her pregnancy on the day of the wedding but when Jero didn't show up, she thought he had run off with Marina. Jero is horrified. "No! She thought I abandoned her? Why would she think that?!" Carlos explains with flashbacks that Saul told everyone at the hacienda that Jero and Marina got on a flight together. Then they found Jero's car at the airport and the passenger list on the plane confirmed that Jero was on the flight.

Augie sits restlessly on his boat and creepily sighs about how much he desires Nata.

At the only bank in Mexico, Luciana officiates the paperwork that certifies that Berta is actually Regina Junior. Berta falls right into Gonzo and Regi's trap. She can barely hide her greed over the check. "Wow! I'm a millionaire!" Berta beams. She wants to buy an apartment and lots of other things. Too bad Berta can't touch the money until after her next birthday. "You weren't in a hurry to have it were you?" Regi asks. Berta squirms and gives an insincere "No".

Fina meets a guy in a darkly lit hallway and he gives her a gun. "Now is your time," Fina thinks. "Now is my final revenge."

Alfonsina tells the hacienda ladies what Melesio told her. She has to do what she has to do to find out the truth about Ezequiel's death.

Anibal and Allison chat as they drive to the airport. She doesn't want him to leave. Ani promises he will stay to be with her. D'aww, they're adorable.

Padre and Antonio get the good news about Jero. Padre isn't thrilled to hear that Nata's returning. She's pregnant by Jero too and this is all too "modern" for his sensibilities.

Berta and Fina congregate in a public restroom. Berta shows off the check and cackles about rolling in the dough. They plan to go to Europe together but Berta warns Fina that their relationship is going to change. Berta will not allow her mother to run her life anymore. "That money has given you such security." Fina smirks. "I learned it from you." Oh, touche, Berta.

Anibal and Allison greet Nata and Adriana at the airport. A nearby car watches as Nata and Adri get in Ani's truck. Meanwhile, Jero asks Lazaro and Carlos to help him clean up before Nata arrives.

Augie gets his evil laugh on as he vows to make Jero insane from jealousy.

Carlos calls Nata while she's on the road and he hands the phone over to Jero. They have nothing but lovely, mushy things to say to each other. Jero gets choked up as he asks Nata if they're going to be parents together. Nata confirms that it's true just in time for a black pick-up truck to swerve in front of Anibal. Everyone screams as Anibal is forced to pull the truck off the road.

Chaos erupts. Thugs start shooting at Anibal's truck. They pull Nata out at gunpoint, chloroform her, and throw her in their truck. A thug drags Anibal out of the driver's seat and knocks him to the ground. Adriana and Allison cower in the backseat as the thug shoots toward where Anibal fell to the ground. The kidnappers take off in the truck with Nata, leaving Adri, Allison, and (hopefully) Anibal behind.

Jero desperately tries to call Nata back. He heard a woman screaming and then the call dropped. Oh, no. We have to wait until Monday to find out what happens next.

Avances for the Gran Final on Friday Jan 6th: "You are not my daughter," Regina says to Berta. "You have no idea how much I hate her!" Berta cries. Nata pleads with Augie to let her go. Nata cries by Marina's bedside in a hospital (uh oh), Fina wears a purple wig and points a gun at Nata. Get ready for this one, amigos!


Una Familia Con Suerte #62-63 Thu 12/29/11 In which the most interesting stories get the least screentime, aka Shut Up, Chela.

Rebe is sympathetic to Pancho because Temo wants to live with Chela, and offers help and affection.
Chela cries to Candy.
Reb doesn’t want to interfere in Chela’s relationship with Temo, understands why Pancho needs to stay close to her and feels bad for not loving a woman who is a mother to his kids, and apologizes for doubting him. They hug and continue using usted.
Chela says she and Candy carry on like hired funeral wailers. They do it some more. You aren’t getting paid, ladies. Clock out and give it a rest.
Ana is sad that the band seems to be breaking up. Manuel clues her in that Fernando is jealous because he’s in love with her, and offers to straighten things out with him. Ana awkwardly tells him she has the hots for someone else. Sadness de Manuel.
Elena boohoos and Lupita tells her to get over it. El says you can’t just delete your feelings. Ana invites them to hear her new song.
Vice agonizes over Candy and Sandra prances in informing him she’s reserved a suite for their fill-in-the-blank.
Pina is exhausted from the housework. She tells Candy this must be karma because she was Marie Antoinette’s assistant or something in a past life. Pina sends Candy to the station to do an interview; she can’t go herself looking like a Pinacienta.

Vins worms his way out of Sandra’s plans claiming anxiety issues.
Pancho practices futból with Temo. Temo whines that he doesn’t want to go to school. Pancho says everyone has to do things they don’t want to do. They’ll find Temo a new school, but meanwhile he can’t just play hooky. Temo is insufferable and just wants his old school and to live with Chela. He’s afraid Pancho will forget mama if he falls in love with a new lady.
In the sala, Ana sings her new romantic song for the other younguns. Freddy walks in. He looks lovestruck; Ana is dumbstruck. Freddy invites them to watch him win a race in Pepe’s former automobile. Pepe and Tomás are furious. Their plan was to sabotage Freddy’s car so he’d lose, but Pepe isn’t willing to mess with his own beloved auto. They all notice Ana is clutching her chest and gasping for air and wonder what’s wrong with her. She runs off to her room.
Alone in her room, Ana swoons to the mirror, but as soon as Lupita and Elena run in to check on her she grabs her packed bags and dashes off to join Chela in the vecindad.
At the studio, Candy gives an overly glowing introduction for her interviewee, telenovela producer José Alberto Castro (who produced “Teresa”). She asks the usual boring questions about his love life and family while flirting with him. She wants to kiss him like Arturo and Teresa did in the finale episode. Her own producer tries to rein her in.
Pancho takes Temo to stay with Chela. He’s excited to be there. Chela and Pancho are awkward. Pancho tries to be apologetic and understanding but Chela is distant and boohoo.
At home, Pina watches the interview while trying to iron and moaning to Arnoldo. He kicks back with a fruity umbrella drink and acts suitably histrionic over the firing of Adoración. Vins comes in demanding his whiskey but is swiftly distracted by Candy on the screen. Pina throws in the towel, er, shirt, and Vins stomps off upstairs. Pina snuggles up with Arnoldo and groans that she’s on the verge of hiring Ado back.
Ana joins Temo and Chela in the old homestead.
Pancho, not so much a gentleman, tells Chacho of the kisses with Rebe. How does Lollipop Boy still have teeth? They discuss Chela’s declaration of amor. Chacho feels bad that he has no hope with Chela and Pancho feels bad that he was an idiot and let Chela go on pining after him so long. I think Chacho asks him if he would have fallen for Chela if he’d realized her feelings sooner.
Chela confesses to Ana that she doesn’t have a novio. They laugh about Ana’s lecture to the poor bewildered stranger.
Pepe warns Tomás to stay away from his precious car. Tom asks if he doesn’t want revenge because Frauddie says he’s going to get Mónica back. Pepe uses one of my favorite phrases, “Del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho” (there’s a big gap between saying and doing). He’s confident Moni won’t marry Freddie. Well, what about revenge for what Fraud did to Elena, then? Pepe says that is unfortunate, but Elena did go of her own free will, and she was warned. Tomás won’t promise to leave things alone.
Rebe visits Pancho and they are all supportive and simpatico and smoochy. Tomás greets them on his way out and has a weird look on his face for some reason. Lupita sees them sucking face and smiles.
Next morning: Pina howls about her dishpan hands. Vins tells her they look vampiric and they bicker as usual. Vins spies on Candy and calls her. Candy refuses to forgive him and claims to be having a torrid affair with the telenovela producer. Vins runs over to the other house and sneaks around. Popeye growls at him. Narrow misses with both Lupita and Pepe.
Tomás shows up at Pina’s for his plumbing work and looks crafty. He’s got plans for Champi.
Pancho catches Vins in the hall of the big house. Vins claims to be looking for Abejita. Candy strolls out and is snippy to him and gets in a few more suggestions that she’s snogging Castro.
Tomás starts twiddling with Champi but Pina hollers at him that there is no hot water.
Candy chases after Vins and he tries to convince her he’s not involved with Sandra.
Beto calls Pancho all coming unglued and demanding a meeting because the situation is super gravísima.
Tomás is trying again to tweak the car but he has to hide when Candy and Vins stroll in for a private chat in the garage. Tom’s phone rings and he scrambles around to hide but fortunately they are not too quick on the draw.
Rebe comes to the house to give Pancho a ride to work and Chela gives her a hard time as usual. Rebe refuses to be provoked into a fight. She calmly says she doesn’t want to break up the family, she just wants to make Pancho happy because they are In. Love.
Vins and Candy get back to business, talking about the usual and getting a little gropy. Tom’s eyes bug out.
More Chela. Ugh. She gets physical and Pancho and Candy have to haul her off Rebe.
In the house, Pancho tries to comfort Rebe with Special Coffee which appears to be about 80% cream. Outside, Candy patiently listens to Chela whine that she is going to fight for Pancho’s love and for some reason doesn’t tell her that this is not only ridiculous, but that PHYSICALLY fighting is unlikely to win someone’s love and assault is illegal and immoral and childish besides.
Frauddie and Alex find Tómas working in the kitchen and Frauddie and Tom have a little spat (Fraud tries to order a frou-frou drink like Tom is the barista) and Alex seems to find the whole thing amusing. Tom excuses himself to answer Pepe’s phone call, then hangs up on him to assist Pina in lacing her boot and grin at her.
The Avon execs convene. Beto gives them the usual pessimistic prognostication regarding sales. Material prices are up, they’ll have to stop producing the excellent line of goops and people will be out of work. Vins doesn’t see what the problem is. No way, says Pancho. They are not firing anyone, understand?
In a private chat, Rebe admires Pancho for caring that people will starve without their minimum-wage earnings.
Adoración visits Vins at the office and tries to use her knowledge of his affair with Candy to blackmail him into giving her her job back. Candy joins them.
Rebe tries to impress upon Pancho the importance of the company making money. They decide to pay a visit to the supplier to find out why the prices are so high.
Pina joins the party in Vins’s office and the others all talk up how much Ado deserves her job and how much Pina needs her. Vins is even affectionate to Pina, which should clue her in that they’re hiding something. Pina caves and rehires Ado.
Pancho visits the plant. Meanwhile, we find out that raising the prices is Enzo’s scheme to force Avon to import goods so he and Vins can collect a commission on the imports. Pancho learns from the plant manager that Procrema is the only supplier in the country of the materials they need. They quickly figure out that Vins and Enzo must be behind Procrema. {I still don’t get how Vins and Enzo are going to make more money forcing Avon to import. Someone please explain.} Pancho promises the plant crew that no one will be left unemployed. They cheer.
Tom tells Pepe he wants to go watch Frauddie race. Ana says she wants to go, too, which confuses them.
Rebe tells Vins she knows he’s up to something underhanded. He’s offended. She tells him she won’t tolerate any funny business like with the Japanese again.
Pancho tells Rebe that Vins wants to force them to import materials because he’s the owner of the foreign/import company. {Okay, then how does he have control over prices of the domestic company? I am missing something here.} Pancho and Rebe make out.
And, we’re off to the races. Pepe and Tomás are playing mechanic for some other racer. Ana and Lupita say hi to Frauddie and Alex. Alex invites Lupita for a drink, leaving Ana to a case of the vapors when Freddie actually remembers her name. Pepe and Tom’s driver friend convinces Frauddie to bet their cars on the outcome of the race.
Chela wears a sexy dress and brings Pancho flowers. One might think she was going to apologize for the fight, but she childishly says Rebeca started it. Then she pathetically tells Pancho no one will ever love him the way she does (he can only hope!) and dejectedly lurches away. If this is supposed to make him fall in love, it seems way off the mark.
Lupita apologizes to Alex for her uncool behavior. He forgives her. Pepe asks Tomás if he messed with the car. Tom says Pepe is going to win the car back. Pepe runs off to stop the race. Ana is super excited watching Freddie and Lupita teases her and says she totally knows that Ana is into him, although she can’t fathom why. Ana swears her to silence.
Vins pays a social call to Pancho at the mansion, and my recording cuts off there.


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #176 Thursday 12/29/11 A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green.*

*Francis Bacon

Big excitement last night as we were left with the huge revelation to Renata that she is the hija verdadera of Regina Soberon! Renata even has a mini memory of her first birthday with Mama Regina, Abuela Cata and Papa Roberto. How much can this little lady’s heart take? Well, quite a lot actually. You’ll see...

Tonight we get to relive one of telenoveladom’s sweetest scenes ever, culminating in the long-awaited hug between mother and daughter. OMG, this scene made me cry! Twice.

Adri is lunching with Sele for her fact-finding mission. Sele says heck all Adri had to do was ask, she is only too happy to spill the soup...Berta and Ughi are more than accomplices, they are lovers! They are birds of a feather, made for each other, two peas in a pod, whatever (son tal para cual). In fact there hasn’t been a man close to Renata whom Roberta has not taken to bed, the exception being Jeronimo (to Adri’s obvious relief). Sele says she already told this to Jeronimo which surprises Adri. Sele agrees to tell all of this to Renata to prove what an extreme cock...roach Augustin is.

Renata is still stunned as Regina explains how they proved her real identity. Nata loses it, gasping and crying while Gonzo soothes her. When she finally processes the truth we get to see our favorite heroine as happy as she deserves to be. “You are Mi Mama!” she cries, giving Regina one of her world-class hugs. They have a brief mutual love fest but it’s all good, they deserve it. Wow, what a scene, I can’t even describe it but let’s just say I totally believe these actors.

Renata is thrilled and jumps around happily smiling at her REAL mother and the only father she’s ever known. Gonzo thanks God that he has both these wonderful women in his life. Enjoy it now man, because anvils and evil are overhead and around every corner.

Speaking of evil, Malafina’s about to mack down a sandwich in Germy’s hideaway when who should arrive but the eponymous lothario himself. He’s all Who the heck are you and why are you here? Fina throws out “Uh, I’m Berta’s friend just staying at her apartment while she’s out of town.” Germy’s got news, it’s HIS apartment, not Berta’s. Germy says she’s cool for the moment but first thing manana she’s outta there. Fina forgets her glass of wine and goes for the hardstuff while spitting curses at Berta’s estupidez. Right, I always thinks whisky pairs well with a ham and queso sandwich.

Germy leaves but wonders where he’s seen Fina’s familiar face before. He calls Berta and rips her a new one. She’s snips “hey we were supposed to be boinking the weekend away elsewhere.” He announces they are over and she asks “Are you breaking up with me?” (No s**t Sherlock, what did the man just say?) He confirms it and guess what she calls him? “Viejo Estupido!” she hisses, rubbing her achy breaky heart.

Tony brings the handsome investigator over to La Bonita so Carlos can give him the 411 about everything they found on Augustin’s laptop. He says both Augustin and Saul are implicated in Jero’s disappearance and he’ll show them the proof.

Laz is over at Alfonsina’s instructing her to keep her boobies outta Melesio’s face. “He’s not a nice person,” understates Laz. He says he’s got a plan to out Mele and show that Augustin is behind all these pigster events (to use Marta’s perfect description).

The investigator reviews the documents and is surprised they have managed to get us much proof as they have. He’ll hold on to the copies and take care of next steps. At least I think that’s what went on in this scene. Frankly I barely understood a word he said. I wish these young actors would learn to enunciate like the old pros.

Berta, at Casa Monterrubio, calls Fina to tell her she’ll pick her up tomorrow at stupid Germy’s apartment. She’s at the top of the stairs and hears Nata come in talking to Carlos on the phone. They found Saul in Las Vegas who admitted that Augustin is behind Jero’s disappearance. She says that tomorrow they’ll file the complaint against both Augustin and Saul in Baja and she’ll see him then. And be sure to thank Anibal. Roberta scampers away from her hiding place, no doubt to call Ughi, so she doesn’t  hear Nata call Regina mama, heh heh. Gonzo reminds them not to tell Berta about their news so they can catch Berta in her lies. Ha, Nata teases him in her whispery chipmunk voice, agreeing to restrain herself.

We get another “I’m so glad you found me Mami” and “I love you SO MUCH daughter” and big ol’ hug. Those two are going to have to cut that crap out if they want to fool Berta. Aw heck, one more time can’t hurt.

Speaking of Miss SmileOfJaws (sorry Doctor Carlos) she’s on the phone ratting to the rat (not the cute kind) what she just heard. He goes jut-jaw and non-guapo, swearing that before they find him he and Renata will be far far away and nobody, but nobody, will ever find them. Yikes.

Sabina can’t find the phone number for La Bonita so she tells the young guy, I’ll call him Joven, that he’ll have to go to the hacienda personally right now to get Mati and Laz to identify Jero. Thank goodness she feels a sense of urgency. I could hug her.

Manuela is making tostadas for Ali and Ani and wants to know how her appointment went. Ani is chopping onions instead of squash; what happened to all the squash? Ali says she’ll be going to therapy twice a week and Anibal will take her. She’s admitted she has Anorexia which is a big step, but she doesn’t want to tell her parents yet. Apparently they work all day and they’re never home. I think this lack of parental presence is supposed to help explain her illness. She wants to stay at La B forever. Abue finally agrees.

Oh hey, it’s Luciana the only bank manager in MC. Gonzo and Isidro are coordinating with her and the police to set up the sting on Berta and Fina.

Regina calls Ines to tell her how happy she is to finally have her daughter and grandchild next to her.  Her soul is finally at peace but they still have to find Jero. She wants to give Nata all the happiness she deserves. Many words of hope and determination, blah blah blah.

Nata shares her news with Adri who is glad Nata has a true and loving mom after that nightmare of an evil stepmother...horrors! Sele arrives and surprise, she is there to see Renata not Roberta. Oh my, just then Roberta clacks down the stairs and thinks Sele is there to invite Berta to her wedding, LOL! “Actually, I’m here to tell Renata exactly what type of bitch you are,” smiles Sele. Berta commands her to shut up, like that would actually work. Sele tells Nata that after she was engaged to Ughie Berta lured him into her bed. “Shut up, stupid!” yells Berta. Hee, check out all their faces. That was good! Rewindx2.

Laz has told Carlos his plan but we didn’t get to hear it, darn. It involves Alfonsina and it’s risky. Come on, that’s all we get? In the midst of their man hug in walks Joven to tell them Sabina found a dying guy in a ravine and wonders if it’s the same guy they are seeking. He called for both Laz and Mati in his incoherent mutterings.

Berta admits that yes, she and Ughie were lovers and Sele pipes up that Berta tried the nasty with all Nata’s boyfriends and guys who liked her. Sele says she’s glad of the opportunity to tell the truth and unmask the Berta bitch. They tell her Jero also knew about this and Adri gets a little dig in that Jero tried to tell Renata what a creep Ughie is but Nata didn’t believe him. Berta tries to hit Sele but luckily Sele stops her hand, so Berta runs out and calls her guess what? Yep, Estupida!

Carlos shows Joven a foto of Jero and Joven says it could be but the guy’s face is pretty messed up. Sabina saw some guys beat him up and kick him into the ravine. Mati is going nuts right now and Carlos is right behind her. They decide they’d better check out the mystery guy first before calling Renata.

Marina calls Tio Padre to update him about Saul and Evil Ughie. He says he suspected as much based on someone’s confession. Mari has no idea what Ughie did with Jero but they’ve just got to find him.

Nata is driving herself crazy wondering what Ughie did with her husband when Regina comes in the room. Regi is shocked to hear that Berta was boinking Ughie.

Over at EM Germy apologizes to Hons and Matias and says he’ll clear out his office. One thing before he goes though, when he was over at the apartment he met a friend of Berta’s who looked familiar. He just remembered who she is, Fina the ex-mujer of Gonzo. Hons can’t believe it, the police thoroughly searched the apartment. “Even the servant’s room?” asks Germy. Hons asks is Germy completely sure? Yep, and now that he thinks of it he heard Berta on the phone talking to someone she called Mama but he knows it wasn’t Regina. The guys get ready to call the cops but Germy tells them not to bother, she left the apartment this morning. Darn!!! I must admit I’m surprised at Germy for manning up and sharing what he knows with the guys just fired his butt. Are you thinking of that reference letter Germy?

Berta and Fina are set up in a hotel that’s not quite up to Fina’s standards. Beggars can’t be choosers, they didn’t require a credit card deposit or ID. “It’s horrible!” gripes Fina. But enough about Fina, Berta wants to talk about herself, what’s horrible is what Sele did to her, blabbing to Nata that Berta was Ughie’s lover. Berta smugly smiles that at least Renata knows that while Ughie professed love for her he was actually in Berta’s arms. Fina points out Berta has only succeeded in alienating herself further. Nice job Estupida.

At Casa Monterrubio Gonzo, Regina, Nata and Adri talk about Roberta being a bad seed and making her own rotten choices. Gonzo tells them about the upcoming bank sting and he wants Nata to come with them and claim her inheritance. Nata kind of freaks out. She wants to spend 100% of her time and attention on finding Jero and she doesnt’ care about the money, it’s not important. Regina agrees, if it weren’t for the inheritance none of this would have happened. Gonzo calmly says it was her father Roberto’s desire. Renata relents and agrees to go with them that afternoon.

Down in Ensenada the investigator brings the proof against Saul and Ughie to the police station. The guy in charge says he will put an arrest warrant out on Augustin Dunant. Investigator gives him the name of the hotel where Ughie is staying in the DF.

The La B delegation arrives at Sabina’s. They are shocked at Jero’s hamburger face but thank God that Sabina saved him. She tells them some brutes tried to murder him and we get to see the kick-and-dump-the-body scene again. Ouch!

Carlos whispers to Jero, promising they’ll get to the bottom of this. Sabina says he’s still in bad shape because he doesn’t respond, however he occassionally calls for Renata in his delirium. Sabina says only a love as strong as what Jero feels for Renata can save his life. Super Laz has the great idea that maybe if Jero hears Renata’s voice he’ll respond. Ooooh oooh hoo..the theme song agrees that this is a brilliant plan.

A couple of plainclothes cops go to Ughi’s hotel in the DF only to find he’s flown the coop.

Carlos calls Renata and she thanks God and the woman who saved Jero as Carlos fills her in on Jero’s condition. He’s hoping if Jero hears her voice he’ll respond. Renata coos into the phone that she loves him and his child needs him very very much. She urges him to live and never give up. They are going to be parents, she’s expecting a child of their love. He has to fight for his life for her, for his child and all their future children. She reminds him how much they have overcome to be together. She sobs and begs him to wake up. Jero groans and says her name and asks where she is. His eyes are closed but he continues to tell her he loves her and only wants to be next to her. Hooray!!!


Avances: Renata gets kidnapped! Ughie has her trapped on a boat and he swears (again) that nobody will find them. Jero shows up in a wet suit. Looks like there is going to be a sword fight on the high seas. Cool!!! But probably not tomorrow.


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